#I TRUST MY INSTINCTS    *    (   psa   )
olderthannetfic · 11 months
It's odd that some people are saying that we need to immediately accept ex-antis into fandoms with open arms lest they relapse into their harassing ways. No, we don't! Trust is earned over time, and you certainly don't need to placate the formerly abusive so they don't abuse again or fall in with the wrong crowd. Come on. There's a bit of Geek Social Fallacy #1 mixed in here too.
Eh. A lot of what people actually say is that we need to make the bar to changing one's mind lower. And that goes for many kinds of views.
If someone is a dangerous harasser, that's one thing. If they merely had a stupid DNI and thought rape fantasies were unhealthy, they're a lot more likely to stop being an idiot if given space to gracefully back down instead of being raked over the coals.
I do block many of the clowns I see in various posts' comments howling about "fictional CP" and the like. A perma-ban from my discussion space is more than justified.
But I wouldn't characterize them all as active harassers. Many of them are, by their own admission, young and still dealing with abuse trauma that they aren't getting adequate mental health support for. They're highly reactive in those comments and will fight with people who show up to fight with them. They post toxic PSAs to their own tumblrs. It doesn't mean they necessarily also post callouts of specific people, stalk, follow people around bothering them, etc.
It all really hinges on whether "open arms" means "Be personally their friend and be vulnerable with them" or "Do the actual work of deprogramming them yourself in your limited free time" or "Don't ask them to grovel before they're allowed to exist in the main fandom spaces".
I'm not friends with ex-antis for the most part. I laugh in people's faces for their dumb "But isn't X fantasy unhealthy though, on some level???" naivete way too often for that.
But I'm also not worried about taking a personal history of someone's dumber fandom exploits to judge whether they're ~safe~ to have a casual interaction with. There is no litmus test that actually proves someone is safe. It's a matter of instinct and faith.
And anyway, being someone's close friend requires a slightly higher bar than just "They're not a bad person".
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blazefirefox · 2 months
yeah long post but read through it trust me
Something I've kinda wanted to talk about for the last month is my thoughts on the general doai timeline. I was rewatching volume 0 and realized that I kinda had the events in my head out of order, and then overthought stuff, etc. ect. But I just want to put my thoughts somewhere and hopefully discuss it with other people. The first thing I want to talk about is the Haunted Halloween PSA. When looking at the chapters of the vol 0 video, it said that the PSA took place in 1993, which was a lot later than I thought. This means that Mortimer couldn't have been veldigunified until after 1993, or at least not fully transformed, the process could've started before that. The important thing to note is that Mortimer was stable enough to make a whole PSA, but maybe his veldigunification is what causes the PSA to fall apart in vol 0 (unless Clyde causes that itself idk). So I suppose something to keep in mind from now on, but whatever happens, Alex would most likely be turned into a veldigun before Mortimer, in the sense of AUs, unless they survive much much longer than they would've in vol 1. The next thing I want to talk about is what's keeping me up at night the most lol. We know that the Lankmann Foundation was established in 1990, which is when we can assume volume 1 also takes place. In the video introducing this, toon lankmann specifies that the event of the children disappearing was 4 years ago, solidifying what we already know, Clyde first became active in 1986. However, we learn that patient 66 calls the police in April of 1990, and this most likely happens after the introduction video to the foundation was released because she's probably using their phone number. This would mean the rest of volume 1 would take place mid 1990, possibly early 1991 if we're being generous. The thing that gets me though is that if patient 66 was taken in April of 1990, why would they say that the halloween incident happened 4 years ago if the foundation's opening was nowhere near halloween of 1990? The absolute earliest the Lankmann foundation would've been founded was January of 1990, if they want to say 4 years strictly because of the year numbers, but they'd still be closer to halloween 1989 anyways. This is probably just an oversight and im looking too much into it, but eh. still something to think about. Another thing is Winfrey. When I watched volume 1, I kinda just assumed they captured winfrey between 1986 and 1990 because Clyde was starting to become more active bc im stupid ig. But I guess the option that makes more sense is that clyde started hunting because winfrey was kidnapped, so before 1986. idk if that was confirmed or widely accepted, so I just want to check. Last thing is just a weird semi-headcannon, but the lankmann foundation was probably doing stuff before they officially became known to the public in 1990, so yeah. also I don't really know where to put this, but I'm gonna say that the Caretakers are robots/animatronics of some kind, mostly bc that was my first instinct when I saw them, and the sounds they produce make me raise an eyebrow. I have heard some people say that they were veldigun victims, which would be cool too.
Yeah, I just wanted to make some observations known, and maybe someone in the doai sitcom/pastra discord server could look over stuff and share this there, in case anyone had anyting to say about it. alright questions are appreciated bye
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liminalweirdo · 8 months
I just found a pretty good resource for people that takes wastewater estimates in your city and compares it to population to tell you your covid risk based on your activity (going to a grocery store, a protest, etc.) The calculator takes into account
how many other people are masking
whether you're masking
whether people are shouting or not speaking, altering the amount of aerosol in the air
It may help you develop a better idea of your risk when you have to do something like take a taxi etc. and you're not sure of the risk in your area, since report covid infection rates and reported covid death rates are still grossly underreported
PSA: "Very low risk" when you're around strangers is not a green light to not wear a mask.
Common human decency and preventing abled supremacy and covid eugenics requires masking in all public places, and wearing a mask in any situation that someone else is wearing a mask, public or private.
Here's a video with more information
Also, this is a tool, not a completely accurate calculator of your risk, so use your best judgment and trust your instincts.
It is also only a US resource, but I've been able to look up wastewater data in my area in Canada with relative accuracy and plug it into this calculator, so if you have access to wastewater data, it may help you too, even if you're not in the US.
stay safe out there <3
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
Ronancetober Day 15: Pirates AU
psa: i don't know a thing about pirates and names and whatever. so this is either really good or extremely silly, hopefully both... enjoy!! <3
“He said no?”
“He said no,” Mike shrugged nonchalantly, unmoved by the Captain’s deadly glare.
“The Red Robin says he won’t negotiate,” Eleven stepped in, holding her head high, always eager to impress the Captain that already favored her over most of the crew, sometimes even over Mike, the Captain’s own younger brother. “But he says he wants to talk, Captain.”
The Captain scoffed. “Oh, the Red Robin can go fuck himself then.”
“Captain,” Jonathan said quietly beside her. The Captain’s right-hand man, aggressive when she least expected it and reasonable when she least wanted it, was actually great at keeping things balanced, so the Captain usually appreciated his opinion. “It’s not… advisable to start a fight with the Red Robin.”
“Byers, I have the best crew and worst reputation around here. I’m not afraid of the Red Robin,” the Captain replied, but she knew that the Red Robin’s reputation matched her own. She finally yielded under the respectful but insistent eyes of her old friend. Plus, she had to admit a spark of curiosity in her chest, and her instinct screaming at her something temporarily unintelligible that sent her in the Red Robin’s path. “But I’ll talk, I guess,” the Captain added, and started delivering instructions. “I’ll take El and Byers First with me. Mike and Byers Second, you keep my ship afloat while I’m done or you’re dead, understood?” 
Done with that conversation, Nancy retreated to her quarters, adjusting her hat and the neck of her coat. She walked with practiced confidence and authority at every step. After all, the rest of her crew except for the four closest to her still believed she was a man. She had a lie to keep, and she had to figure out how to make the infamous Red Robin believe that lie during their conversation.
“He agreed?!”
“That’s what I just said,” MadMax replied, crossing her arms over her chest.
“Don’t be a little shit,” the Red Robin said and slapped the brim of the hat on the young woman’s head, successfully annoying her. “How did you get the Wicked Wheeler to agree to talk to me?!”
“I’m just too charming!” King Steve shrugged, and immediately got his hat slapped right off his head.
Beside him, a different girl snorted and laughed at him, “You’re dead.”
“Hey, I’m the one talking,” the Red Robin interrupted her. “But Little Sinclair is right, I should kill you for this.”
It was, of course, an obvious lie. In the same way that the Red Robin had adopted MadMax and Little Sinclair as if they were her younger sisters, King Steve had earned the role of best friend and right-hand man. It helped that King Steve was friends with a brilliant young genius boy that hatched this plan but failed to guarantee it would succeed.
“I can’t meet the Wicked Wheeler! You were supposed to scare him off!” Robin hissed. As terrifying as this entire plan sounded, she was immensely curious about finding out the identity of the famous Wicked Wheeler. Something in her chest told her this was a risk she had to take. Still, she had to be careful. She took off her hat and further lowered the thin scarf that she usually wrapped over half of her face to conceal her identity. She waved at her face and exclaimed, ”If he finds out I’m a woman we’re all dead.”
“Don’t get caught then,” Little Sinclair said, matter-of-factly.
“You got this,” MadMax shrugged, even if Robin caught the smile that she was trying to hide.
“And thank me later,” King Steve winked at her. He had just fixed his hat on his head again, just for Robin to flip it off of him again while the two girls laughed and he groaned. 
Dammit, Robin thought. She really had to pull this off, she couldn’t let down her crew, and she really, really didn’t want to die. Especially not in the hands of the Wicked Wheeler.
Finally, the day arrived. The two ships side by side, Nancy and the most trusted members of her crew boarded the Red Robin’s ship. She left Eleven and Byers First with a man and two young women, and she made her way to the quarters of the Captain of the ship. She was comforted by the fact that the Red Robin allowed women in his crew, not everyone was like that, but she still kept her guard up. She arrived at the Red Robin’s quarters and slowly pushed open the door. The room was big and probably filled with the best of every treasure the Red Robin ever captured, but Nancy couldn’t see most of it. The room was kept in the dark save for a few candles far away from the great dest where the other pirate expected her. She would’ve complained about the darkness, but it was convenient for her. The least the Red Robin saw of her face, the least suspicions there would be.
“Well, well, well,” the Red Robin said, “I would say it’s a pleasure to meet you, Wheels. But not even I’m that good of a liar. I did expect you to be taller in person, though. I guess people were lying when they said you were a great pirate, huh? Not that you ever were close to being one of the greatest but-”
“Oh fuck off,” Nancy interrupted him, “Do you ever shut up?” She’d had to say something, and she had to stand her ground. Most importantly, she had to hide the fact that the Red Robin’s raspy voice sent chills down her spine. Besides, her voice seemed to make the other Captain make a double take. The Red Robin stood up from his chair and walked around to lean back against the front of the heavy desk. Nancy was immediately drawn to that tall and slender body covered in as many layers as she was.
“You’re feisty, Wheels,” the Red Robin said, and stopped to take a hearty sip of the drink she’d had on the corner of her desk. Nancy would’ve been a fool to ignore the obvious fact that the Red Robin was regarding her as curiously and as thoroughly as she was studying him. The air between them was oddly electrifying, a turbulent sea, a rush of adrenaline. “Why did you agree to meet me?” the Red Robin finally asked her. “Your reputation says that you always send your little brother and some sad-looking guy to do your deals for you.”
“Isn’t that exactly what everyone says about you?” Nancy replied, taking one bold step closer to the other pirate.
“No,” the Red Robin smiled, such a bright and mischievous grin that it was noticeable even under the dim light of the room. “My crew is more impressive, and I always encourage them not to leave survivors.” The Red Robin didn’t imitate Nancy’s movements, but there was something about the way that she leaned into her desk that gave her the same effect. A dare. An invitation. A warning. All at once.
“Is that why I’m here?” Nancy asked, taking another step forward, and then another. “Are you stupid enough to think that you can kill me?”
All at once, Nancy felt extremely aware of the weight of her sword hanging by her hip. And her eyes were drawn to the Red Robin’s own sword right there inches away from the pirate’s fingertips.
“Why are you here?” the Red Robin asked, tilting her head and staring with amusement at Nancy. “I said I just wanted to talk. But what do you want, Wheels?”
“I want to know what you’re hiding behind all these shadows,” Nancy answered, taking one more step forward. She was close enough to see the clear blue color of the Red Robin’s eyes, more wild and beautiful than any sea either of them had ever conquered.
Surprisingly, the Red Robin swiftly pulled out her sword. Nancy reacted on instinct, pulling out hers as well, but the surprises only continued. The Red Robin was faster, but all he did was hold the very edge of his sword over the buttons of Nancy’s closed coat.
“I’ll show you,” the Red Robin whispered, no longer trying to make his voice deeper, but the hoarse result was even more attractive to Nancy’s ears. “If you’ll show me what you’re hiding under all these layers.”
“Why?” Nancy asked, holding her head high, gripping her sword tightly, and fearless taking a very small step forward so the tip of the Red Robin’s sword successfully cut through the first button on its path. “I’m sure you’re well acquainted with my secret, seeing as you’re hiding the same thing, Red Robin.”
The Red Robin laughed, and it was a warm and delicious sound. She lowered her sword and dropped it behind her on the desk. Then she took off her hat. She briefly shook her head to push back the wild strands of strawberry blond hair off her strikingly beautiful and freckled face, and then she made a playful bow with her hat pressed to her chest. “Just Robin is fine,” Robin said with a smile.
Nancy followed her example and took off her hat. She put back her sword, and then ran a hand over her hair, and gave Robin a matching smile of her own. “Nancy,” she said simply.
“What do you say, Nancy,” Robin said softly and held out her hand for Nancy to take, “Do you want to negotiate with me now?”
Nancy accepted Robin’s hand, knowing full well that neither of them was particularly thinking about their business at sea at the moment.
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demarogue · 2 years
Hi, I’m Dema
Hello Friend! Welcome to this virtual rubbermaid bin full of random shit I like. Sorry for the mess. 
I’m a writer and artist mostly on Tumblr for fandom reasons. You might think: you should probably side blog! And I do, but in a way that isn’t particularly useful. You can find my art-focused account at @demadraws​, writing at @demawrites​ and a random aesthetic thing at @demaesthetic​ but otherwise all of the fandom stuff is right here, jumbled together with cats and memes and PSAs. You might know me from this stupid meme:
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Which I made for my buddy Niri, but remains true of my OCs, my fics, this blog, me, etc etc.
I follow and read a lot of fandom work but currently am creating for these ones (edit: reduced to just one because I’m trying to exit the other):
Dragon Age
Currently writing Cullen and Cassandra ship fics, but I’m a Solasmancer in my heart and am kicking around a few things for future.
Letters to the Dead – [M, multi-chapter] In the wake of their sudden breakup and Solas' disappearance, Niva Lavellan copes by writing letters she know she cannot send, and by taking the path untraveled. Is it still a rebound, if he's the one? (Cullavellan)
You’re Bad but You’re Mine – [M, multi-chapter] The Inquisitor is not a good man. Cassandra knows the Inquisitor is not a good man. He is dangerous, and deceitful, and self-interested. He is cunning, and promiscuous, and if he has a moral compass at all, Maker only knows which direction it points. He is worse than terrible at his job; he is a liability. He was an assassin. Is. He is an assassin. But for all that, Cassandra cannot help herself. She's as drawn to him as a moth to flame.
Lethologica – (currently on Hiatus) [M, longfic] Before the Mage Rebellion and the Inquisition, Alethea Trevelyan knew nothing of war...or much of anything, in the world beyond her circle. Young, noble-born and pampered, she faces a reckoning after a protracted stay in the worst-case scenario future, realizing she must transform into something else – and find ways to connect with those who she instinctively trusts the least – if any of them are to survive. (Cullevelyan)
I tag stuff here with #dragon age and #da:i 
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god-whispers · 1 year
jul 14
familiar friday - under the shadow of the almighty
don't we all love psalm 91 and how it speaks of the protection that can be found in our Lord.  "a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you." psa 91:7  there's that and so much more available to those who trust their God and believe He is able to deliver.
there's daniel in the lion's den, in the midst of ravenous beasts who dare not feast.  there's the three faithful hebrew children who would not bow to an idol.  they were not delivered from the fiery furnace, but there was a fourth who walked with them so they were not consumed.  then there's joseph, betrayed into slavery, who remained true to our Lord and was elevated to the second command in all of egypt.
you know me and my stories.  well, i have another one for you.  are you ready?
there was an article in the national geographic several years ago.  it provided a penetrating picture of God's protection.  after a forest fire in yellowstone national park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage.  one ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree.
somewhat sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick.  when he gently struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under their dead mother's wings.  the loving mother, keenly aware of impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the toxic smoke would rise.
she could have flown to safety but refused to abandon her babies.  when the blaze had arrived and the heat had scorched her small body, the mother had remained steadfast.  because she had been willing to die, those under the cover of her wings would live.
what was it Jesus spoke over jerusalem and in so speaking, speaks to us all now?  "how often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!"  matt 23:37
our Lord wants to be our protector, our rescuer.  He wants to rescue us not only from eternal separation (meaning damnation), but also from this world.  Jesus, like the mother hen, gave His life that we might live.  just as the mother took her statuesquely stand in the face of imminent death, our savior uttered not a word of defense for Himself.  He took our offenses upon Him.
i don't know if hens have a language or not but i can just hear that mother chirping in anguish now, beckoning her little ones to gather under her wings for protection.  and i can hear our Jesus beckoning us all now.  "come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." matt 11:28  I will give you protection from the wrath to come.
there are those who will while others run about excitedly, even venturing into the flames that would consume them.  but the offer still stands.  it is a whole heartened open invitation to "whosoever will".
because of Him we have lives changed, testimonies given and God glorified.
"i was delivered out of the mouth of the lion." tim 4:17
"when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you."  isa 43:2
"He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives."  luke 4:18
He will not only save and deliver us, He will elevate us to kingdoms and authorities even joseph never dared to dream of.
the invitation is for now, but the age of this "amazing grace" is quickly closing.  i don't know what determines the close of this age.  the word says simply says: "the fullness of the gentiles".  but is it time?  is it a number of souls to be saved?  or is it a measure of sin that must be met?  "the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever."  deut 29:29
let us grasp the things revealed to us.  "you know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times." matt 16:3  we know how to discern the seasons, and it is the winter of this age, deep into winter.  
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge." - psa 91:4
where do you want to be found - when the storm is raging, when all your other supports have failed, when judgment is coming and you stand before the judge?  when all your life and deeds are under review and nothing can be hidden.
i know where i want to be - under His wings - under the blood.  if you are hearing that chirping call now, come running.  danger is imminent!
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shiinigamism · 2 years
【 tags 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 paint the pavement crimson red 〢 in character 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i know that i failed you woke up in a sweat 〢 closed rp 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm beating at the water here so desperately 〢 main verse 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 the moon is hanging low 〢 dash commentary 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i've got a scar across my forehead turning purple in the cold 〢 psa 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 everywhere at once 〢 crack 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 the redwoods feel lonely and lunar and distant 〢 text post 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 aju nice !! 〢 kassim speaks 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm taking everyone down with me 〢 visage 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'd rather be kentucky fried than alive and kicking in jersey any day !! 〢 selcas 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm growing into someone you could trust 〢 speakers 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm not the person that i was then i'm tearing him away 〢 musings 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 sun drenched pavement in my blood 〢 likes 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i watch the bluish glow of my shadow paint the far wall 〢 aesthetic 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i feel weightless in the valley like i'm everywhere at once 〢 queue 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 they soften your absence but they don't let me dream 〢 quotes 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 lost in the gray with two broken legs trying to swim 〢 asks 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i can't seem to find out where my footing is 〢 hiatus notice 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 for a moment you feel weightless then the panic comes 〢 semi hiatus notice 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 you try to will yourself to stand but you can't find the strength 〢 wishlist 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i convinced myself that i'm brave enough for all of this 〢 connections drop 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 you’re just doing what you’re told 〢 images 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 all the time realized you weren't on the other side 〢 meta 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 you reach out your hand and i'm weak i can't save you 〢 drabbles 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i should be glad that i was still in the fight 〢 starter call 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm guarded like i'm wounded my first instinct's always "run" 〢 head canons 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i want those years back 〢 ask memes 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i wanna swallow the sun before it can swallow us 〢 shitposts 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 and you're brave so i'm brave or i'm trying anyway 〢 meta 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 this goddamn machine hungry and heartless 〢 promo 】
【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'll be coughing out embers for decades to come 〢 self promo 】
#【 tags 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 paint the pavement crimson red 〢 in character 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i know that i failed you woke up in a sweat 〢 closed rp 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm beating at the water here so desperately 〢 main verse 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 the moon is hanging low 〢 dash commentary 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i've got a scar across my forehead turning purple in the cold 〢 psa 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 everywhere at once 〢 crack 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 the redwoods feel lonely and lunar and distant 〢 text post 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 aju nice !! 〢 kassim speaks 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm taking everyone down with me 〢 visage 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'd rather be kentucky fried than alive and kicking in jersey any day !! 〢 selcas 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm growing into someone you could trust 〢 speakers 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm not the person that i was then i'm tearing him away 〢 musings 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 sun drenched pavement in my blood 〢 likes 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i watch the bluish glow of my shadow paint the far wall 〢 aesthetic 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i feel weightless in the valley like i'm everywhere at once 〢 queue 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 they soften your absence but they don't let me dream 〢 quotes 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 lost in the gray with two broken legs trying to swim 〢 asks 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i can't seem to find out where my footing is 〢 hiatus notice 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 for a moment you feel weightless then the panic comes 〢 semi hiatus notice 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 you try to will yourself to stand but you can't find the strength 〢 wishlist 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i convinced myself that i'm brave enough for all of this 〢 connections drop 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 all the time realized you weren't on the other side 〢 meta 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 you reach out your hand and i'm weak i can't save you 〢 drabbles 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i should be glad that i was still in the fight 〢 starter call 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i'm guarded like i'm wounded my first instinct's always 〢 head canons 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i wanna swallow the sun before it can swallow us 〢 shitposts 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 and you're brave so i'm brave or i'm trying anyway 〢 meta 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 this goddamn machine hungry and heartless 〢 promo 】#【 .。*゚+.*.。 i want those years back 〢 ask memes 】
0 notes
4-0l5 · 6 years
hey guys so i’ve decided to move olivia to my multi-muse over here @hellhaths primarily because i think i’ll be more motivated to write her there than here. i’ll be keeping this blog as an archive, i won’t be changing the url, because i might move her back here if my muse for her comes back full force. if you don’t already, follow me there. all of her threads will be dropped.
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asmo-ds · 2 years
Hello! I really like your writing and I wanted to make a request. Could you write about the brothers visiting MC’s friend who’s a low level demon but hid it from MC and once they’re left alone they’re just like “I know you’re one of the most powerful demons in the Devildom and I’ll never be half as powerful as you but do anything to hurt MC and I’ll be the first person to know and the last you’ll ever see” How would the bros react to someone like that? Sorry if that’s a weird request.
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Reaction MC's Friend Secretly Being a Low Level Demon
Warnings: Threats of Violence
Description: When visiting the human world MC introduces their best friend, which the demon brothers immediately realize is a lower level demon who clearly hasn't told MC.
PSA: I was half asleep and totally forgot to make the demon threaten the brothers 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭i’m SO sorry
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- Was shocked and was about to ask MC some questions, but the lower demon held a finger to their lips, silently warning Lucifer that MC had not realized their friend's truth
- He was ashamed of himself for not telling MC regardless, but he couldn't help his curiosity of wanting to see this play out and he knew if MC trusted this person then he should at least hear them out
- When MC was close to the demon he instinctively became protective and almost dragged them away, but stopped himself
- When MC leaves the room Lucifer immediately drops his friendly persona and gives a stern look to the demon, who looked away shamefully
- The lower demon admitted that demons were cruel to them and they had a hard time fitting in down there so they had escaped to the human world and created a new identity as a human
- As soon as he confirmed the lower demon had no ill intentions he let down his guard slightly but warned the friend that he’d have to come clean to MC as it was wrong to lie to them
- Gave the demon the opportunity to do so themselves and watched the interaction as they revealed their truth to MC shamefully
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- Gasped as soon as he felt the demonic aura from MC’s friend
- Before anybody could stop him he blurted out, “MC I THOUGHT I WAS YER FIRST DEMON FRIEND?!” and MC just stood there stunned and confused for a moment
- He watched as MC looked between the two demons before pointing at their friend
- “That is my human friend... Mammon what are you talking about?”
- The friend made puppy dog eyes at Mammon, a silent plea for him to keep his mouth shut for a little longer
- Mammon wasn’t gonna fall for it though and yanked MC behind him protectively
- “That’s no human, MC! Yer friend has been lying to ya!”
- Stood by as the friend shamefully admitted to MC that they had been a demon the whole time
- felt kinda bad after hearing the friend’s sob story about why they didn’t want to be known as a demon, but he knew it was for the best that the truth came out
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- Was already nervous about meeting a new person
- So nervous, in fact, that he didn’t notice the demonic aura at first
- After a few hours of chatting with MC and their friend, who was nervously staring at Levi the whole time because they assumed he had noticed they were a demon by now, he suddenly came to the realization
- Wait a second! He thought to himself I’m supposed to be meeting their human friends so why does it smell like a demon in here?
- After sniffing a bit more he located the source of the demonic scent; MC’s friend
- He stood up abruptly and excused himself to the bathroom
- He paced around in front of the mirror questioning his next move
- Do I tell MC? Why would their friend lie? Will MC get hurt if I tell them? What do I do?
- He exited the bathroom with a mission to confidently expose the liar in front of MC and appear cool, but instead when he returned to the room he was shaking and pointing a trembling figure at MC’s friend
- “M-MC! You need t-to know,” He sputtered out, “Th-that's no human you’re sitting with! I-i-it’s a Demon!”
- MC was shocked but turned to their sad-looking friend who told them the truth.
- Levi was embarrassed that he hadn’t noticed earlier and that he had such a poor delivery of his call-out, but was glad things were settled.
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- As soon as their friend opened the door to greet MC and the demon he could sense their dark aura
- He made eye contact with the friend (who was shaking in their boots due to the unexpected presence of a demon lord) and glared at them menacingly
- He didn’t tell MC right away because he was too amused by the shaking demon who was obviously terrified of being exposed
- Satan kept making sly comments to startle the demon further, “Wow I didn’t know humans could do that!” “Your scent is so strange, almost unlike a human scent!”
- and this went on for HOURS until the demon couldn’t take it anymore
- They burst out in tears and confessed their lie to MC, who was taken aback
- Satan watched smugly as a liar was put in their place and humiliated in front of a dear friend (even though MC was totally cool with it)
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- Asmodeus is a bit of an airhead so since he’s used to being around demons the scent of a demon didn’t alarm him very much, aka he had no idea they were a demon until later in the night
- The night out with MC’s friend had gone smoothly, everything was all good and well until they walked past an ambulance
- The ambulance held a bloodied man and Asmo felt a sudden spike in blood lust come from MC’s friend
- He whipped his head around to look at them, their eyes now glowing, teeth looking a but sharper, licking their lips hungrily at the sight of a vulnerable and injured human, not unlike the look of a predator seeing their injured prey
- He flinched and quickly guided both MC and their friend past the ambulance and far enough away that blood wouldn’t be able to be smelled by the demon
- “Sooo..” He started awkwardly, looking between MC and their friend, “Got something you want to admit?”
- MC tilted their head, confused as to what the avatar of lust was talking about, but listened to their friend let out a deep sigh
- Their friend admitted everything and MC was shocked, they accepted their friend but called an end to the night out so they could process everything they’d just heard.
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- Beelzebub assumed MC knew about their friend
- He forgot MC couldn’t smell the difference between a human and a demon and their friend’s scent was so strong and so all over everything in their house that he assumed, hey MC has a demon friend and knows!
- He had noticed how nervously MC’s friend kept glancing at him though, but he assumed that just because he is a big scary demon lord
- MC left to go to the bathroom though and as soon as they were out of earshot the friend clasped their hands together and bowed their head in a pleading manner
- “Please don’t tell MC I’m a demon! I’m begging you if anybody finds out I have to go back to the Devildom and I’ve built a whole life here!” Beelzebub nearly choked on his own spit at the confession
- He understood where the demon was coming from though and decided it would be best for him to not interfere in MC and their friend’s business
- and so he agreed to stay quiet, but warned the demon that if they were to ever harm MC they would face a greater punishment than they could ever even imagine
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- Belphie was still half asleep as they walked up to the front doorstep of MC’s friend’s house
- He was startled awake by the strong scent of demon hitting him like a truck as the door swung open
- As soon as Belphie made eye contact with the lower demon, they knew they were done for
- They knew exactly who Belphegor is and how straightforward he can be
- But instead, he stayed quiet, simply enjoying MC’s company and opting to ignore the friend completely
- Things continued like that for a while before MC noticed and told him to be nicer to their friend
- “Oh you mean the demon over there,” He gave a deadly side-eye to their friend, causing both MC and the friend to flinch
- MC asked what he meant and he said to ask their “friend” before getting up and going to the bathroom
- When he returned he saw that both of them had seemingly talked things out already and was relieved, because if he had to join an argument that would require way too much energy
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ynscrazylife · 3 years
hi!! may i request hermione granger taking care of reader after reader gets injured from quidditch practice or a magic lesson gone wrong? thank you!!
The Warrior and the Knight  | h.g fluff fic
Summary: After getting hurt during Quidditch Practice, Hermione becomes a doctor for her girlfriend.
Authors Note: Thanks for requesting! I’m so excited to write for Harry Potter again.
Request to be on a taglist (or multiple) here! (Taglists are at the end of the fic)
Harry Potter Masterlist |  Main Masterlist
PSA: Do NOT copy, steal, translate, plagiarize, republish, etc any of my works on Tumblr or any other platform. Also, do NOT claim any of my works as your own. All of these works are either requests I’ve gotten that people have wanted me to write or original ideas I’ve had for works. If you happen to take inspiration from anything I’ve written and want to write something inspired by that, please a) ask me first and b) IF I say yes, credit me as inspo in your post by tagging me and link whatever work of mine that inspired you. Thanks.
header c @/byblackswan
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Hermione Granger usually wasn’t a big fan of Quidditch. The crammed crowds, loud cheering, and especially the competitiveness stirring inside her and how disappointed she got when the opposite team scored against Gryffindor. She had been to far too many games of Harry’s for her liking and she did like seeing her friend play, but couldn’t deny the longing to be curled up in her dorm, reading.
That all changed when her girlfriend came along.
Hermione had met Y/N when she was coming to get Harry from practice so they could go to Hogsmeade one day. Y/N was their age but new to the team, playing as a chaser. She was immediately enchanted by the girl and found herself a blushing, blubbering mess. It didn’t take Harry too long to connect the dots and soon, he set them up to date, and they did.
Being with Y/N made Hermione incredibly happy. She quickly fell in love and wasn’t afraid, because Y/N had a tendency to calm her nerves and fill her with some courage instead.
Hermione found herself getting more and more eager at games, doing her best to keep her eyes on her girlfriend and how she zoomed every which way. Her cheers got louder. Her signs for Y/N and Harry (but mostly for Y/N) got bigger. And she truly enjoyed being a fan of Quidditch.
Which was why it wasn’t surprising to see Hermione climbing up the stands to sit at the Gryffindor’s team practice to watch. They had planned to go on a date afterwards, but Hermione finished her book and wanted to just see her girlfriend in all her glory and awe.
Her gaze immediately zeroed in on the fifth year in the Gryffindor jersey that was too big for her and watched as she zipped around. One second she had the Quaffle and the next it was soaring through the air to her teammate. Hermione smiled when her teammate caught it and scored. 
The game continued on with Y/N having little mistakes. She was dominating the field and Hermione was so captivated that she didn’t notice the Ravenclaw in the stands, wand out and muttering under his breath, focussing on the game, definitely for a different reason and not to watch the players, well, play.
After the Quaffle soared through the hoop again, the team’s keeper flew down, got it, and threw it back. Y/N, being the closest, went to get it but her broom decided to disobey her. When she tried to go down to catch the underhanded through, the broom jerked her upwards. She tried again but this time she was jerked to the side. Hermione began to notice and she frowned in concern while Harry, who was on the field, tried to fly over to her. 
In the amount of time that it took him, though, the broom was going even more wild. Y/N could tell that this wasn’t going to lighten up anytime soon and at this rate, it’d be near impossible for her to safely get onto another teammate’s broom. Making a quick decision, she decided to take matters into her own hands and, in an attempt to gain some control, directed her broom downwards. 
The jerking all about was starting to make Y/N dizzy, but she didn’t give up. It took longer than it normally would but finally, when Y/N was closer to the ground (and when she was trying to block out all her teammates’ words because she had to concentrate), the broom went even more wild. She wasn’t at the height she wanted to be and when she tried to go down even further, the broom sped up, causing her to crash into the ground. Y/N rolled forward and the broom’s end managed to stab her in her stomach, but the momentum she had caused her to roll to the side, breaking off from the broom, onto the grass. 
In a matter of seconds, the Gryffindor players had landed and Hermione was making her way onto the field as fast as she could. Harry was scanning the crowd, trying to figure out the source of this, but the other players all went to Y/N, trying to help her. Once Hermione got there, her protective instincts kicked in and she pushed them out of the way, not trusting them with healing spells. 
“Hey, hey,” Hermione tried to comfort Y/N, whose face was scrunched up in pain, in a soft voice which she usually didn’t have. “You’re gonna be okay, yeah? I’m gonna take you to Madam Pomfrey.” She pressed her hand against Y/N’s stomach. Thankfully, the wound wasn’t too deep, but it still hurt. 
“Madam Pomfrey can’t help. At least, not right now. I passed the Hospital Wing on my way over to practice - it’s filled with students with that nasty cold,” one of the Gryffindor chasers told the brunette. 
Hermione cursed under her breath but gave Y/N a smile, wanting to be strong for her. “Harry!” She called her friend over. “Help me get Y/N to my dorm. I’m at least competent in the practice of healing spells. I’ll help her out.” 
Harry nodded and they both helped Y/N walk to the dorm since she had also hurt her ankle. When they got there, Hermione stepped into the leader role. She got Y/N comfy on her bed and ordered Harry to get all the healing books he could from the library. After he left, she grabbed her wand and went to jump into action, but Y/N grabbed her hand softly, making Hermione pause, at first worried that something was wrong, and went to go ask all the questions until-
“Hey,” Y/N said, her voice gentle, gaze full of adoration. “Take a deep breath.”
Hermione shook her head. “You’re hurt - there’s no time.” 
Y/N just shrugged. “I’ll be okay . . . I just wanted to say, I’m glad you were at the practice today, and not just because I’m hurt,” she said. 
Hermione smiled, allowing herself to relax for a couple moments. “I’ll always be here for you, I hope you know that,” she replied, kissing Y/N’s forehead before taking a deep breath like her girlfriend told her to. She then straightened up and brought her wand out, healing her ankle (though it took a few tries) first.
Afterwards, she dealt with Y/N’s stomach wound. It wasn’t that bad, but she didn’t want it to get worse, which is why, after she used a spell to stop and clean the blood, she washed out the wound the Muggle way. Then, she conjured some bandages and bandaged her up tightly. 
“My warrior,” Hermione said as she got into the bed also, slipping under the covers. 
Y/N chuckled and leaned her head against Hermione’s shoulder. “My knight in shining armor,” she replied.
Permanent Taglist: @natasharomanoffismywife @hehehehannahthings @paulawand @blackbat2020 @cerberus-spectre @marrymemcgrath @celestialbarnes @kathryndimitrescu @snipyloulou @cc13723things
Harry Potter Taglist: @stephanieromanoff @okkulta @marauderenergy @thewidowsghost @basiclesbianbitch @mycosmicparadise @kidswhofightmonsters @mads-weasley @afraid-to-be-me @lilymurphy03
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shanastoryteller · 3 years
Questions about outlines: How detailed are they? Are they the same level of detail or do they vary? How do you make your outlines? Chronologically scene by scene? Or do you come up with the scenes that call you and then come up with smaller filler scenes to fill in the gaps? Do you have outlines for each chapter? Or just for the larger general plot points? Do you try to complete the outlying before starting the fic? Or do you add to the outline as you go? Sorry if this is to many at once
lmao okay i got several asks about outlines but i’m just going to answer this one because it’s ~comprehensive~
every writing teacher i’ve ever had has hated my outlines. my friends find them incomprehensible.
if people are going to look at my answers as ways to do their own outlines, i have to say: that’s probably not a good idea
i don’t write outlines a majority of the time
i don’t write outlines to plan a story i’ve already decided to write
i write outlines primarily as a way to exorcise story ideas that i want to write but don’t want to actually commit to writing (answer prompts are another way i do this lol)
now, some things do get outlines as a way to plan and organize. survival is a talent has an outline because it’s 400k and spans six years. child king had an outline. needy’s body had an outline. 
b u t
i’m currently writing rotten work without an outline
lynchpin didn’t have an outline
hope is the thing with feathers didn’t have an outline
never grow a wishbone only had an outline for the first couple of chapters 
an invincible summer didn’t get an outline until like. chapter 4 of 6. 
i just. uh. think about what i want to happen and then hope i remember to write it down. even when i do an outline, i’ll deviate from it wildly, and not update it to reflect that, because i know what i’m doing (ha!)
so! with that in mind, let’s go! 
How detailed are they? Are they the same level of detail or do they vary?
they vary! but honestly - not very. sometimes i’ll write out a paragraph or bits of dialogue that are important to me, but most of the time it’s just broad strokes of what i want to happen, or a mechanism of how something complicated happens. like i have several paragraphs in my siat outline dealing with necromancy books, but like. two sentences on how they actually occur in the story because that’s just something i’m trusting myself to figure out when i sit down to write it.  
 How do you make your outlines? Chronologically scene by scene? Or do you come up with the scenes that call you and then come up with smaller filler scenes to fill in the gaps? 
I try to put them chronologically, although sometimes that’s a little hard (in siat i have several scenes that i know will happen, i just don’t know when). that is something i will go back and edit on my outlines, is if i’ve changed the order the something happens i’ll go back and copy and paste until my outlines is in the right order. but only if the outlines is something i’m actually using to write and the story is longer than a couple of chapters. 
because my outlines are so very not detailed, i just write down what it is that i want to write, like the reason i’m going to write this or want to write this, and figure out the rest later. i’ll fill it in later - or i won’t! because most of the time i don’t use my outline to actually write the story, and i use it more as an idea list, so if i don’t know what happens between scenes or i find it boring i just won’t write it down
like, for example, here is my “outline” for won’t even plant a garden in it’s entirety 
weep as a woman
“you weep as a woman weeps.” “and how is that?” “as if the future rests on your hips, and you must walk it forward.”
crowley and eve were friends. cain killed abel with the flaming sword, and crowley begged them to say it was with a rock instead
crowley was raphael the painter and fucked michelangelo
crowley was there the night yeshua was born, was friends with mary, helped raise yeshua?
crowley and anathema and joan of arc
i ended up dropping most of this and crowley ended up sleeping with both eve and yeshua as the major plot points. i don’t explain stuff, really. i know what i mean so i just don’t bother to get very detailed most of the time. 
Do you have outlines for each chapter? Or just for the larger general plot points?
siat i divide up by year, and i think i did it by chapter for the last two chapters of build your wings on the way down, but otherwise it’s just one long list. i do my chapters based on words counts rather than content, so outlining by chapter doesn’t really make sense for me (siat is always around 15k a chapter, and everything else  i do these days thats multi chapter is around 8k because that’s the best, but ngawb was 5k a chapter and i think for child king it was around 11k a chapter)
Do you try to complete the outlying before starting the fic? Or do you add to the outline as you go?
I’m constantly adding as a i go! my outlines are never really “complete” they’re just abandoned. i write down what i think will help me and tend to ignore the rest. sometimes i just. talking to myself in my outlines when i’m trying to think something through. 
my outline for child king is under the cut because that’s one that’s a good mix of stuff i kept and stuff i threw out. DON’T JUDGE ME!! bad ideas don’t get written because they’re bad!! it’s part of the ~process~ 
child king
Summary: “A child king is still a king,” Deaton says softly. “A child king is still a child,” he snaps, but he knows this is an argument he’s already lost.  – Stiles is a born alpha, and after the Hale fire, things get real complicated, real fast.
Stiles’s mom is the last remaining human from a pack that was destroyed by hunters. John is the one that helps her after, so he knows everything. When they move to beacon hills she doesn’t feel the need to say anything to the hale pack, because as far as they’re concerned she’s just a human, and she doesn’t want to get involved in pack business. But then stiles is born with red eyes. The doctor is quiet and scared john and Claudia freak out, but it’s because he’s a werewolf, which is a relief to parents because they thought something was wrong with their kid. Maybe they don’t know he’s an alpha, only that he’s a wolf? Or they know and they keep it a secret on purpose
Claudia is the one to approach mrs. Hale. She tells her that her son is a born werewolf, but that she’s not interested in joining their pack. Her husband is a new deputy and they just bought a house but they’ll move if they have to. “he’ll need a pack one day. It’s safer,” she says. “if he wants to join you one day, I won’t stop him. But that’s not a choice I’m willing to make for him.” Mrs hale agrees that they can say separate as in exchange for the sheriff smoothing over some ruffled feathers no and again. They agree. Claudia to sheriff “we’re going to have to move one day. Our son is an alpha, and he’ll need to make his own pack.”
Stiles is seven the first time he snarls at his mom, eyes flashing red, and she freezes. She’s got the pack instinct, it doesn’t matter that hes her kid, hes still her alpha, so its hella awkward. John can see how this will quickly spiral out of control if they can discipline their own kid. But stiles is the one to back down first, apologizing and doing as he’s told. There are careful power structures here, and this is the beginning of differentiating between stiles the human and stiles the wolf.
When his mom gets sick, stiles offers to turn her. Hale offers to turn her. She refused for Reasons that I have to figure out. Maybe the politics of it? Wanting to protect stiles and not wanting to become part of the hale pack
The fire happens. John ships stiles the hell out of dodge, because there are hunters about. He snoops around enough to figure out it was kate argent, but theres not really anything he can do about it
Scott knows about everything, and tries to tell his mom in a really akward way that they should trust stiles if they’re ever in danger, but she just laughs it off. Except when someone breaks in and threatens her with a gun, and she manages to make a phone call, it’s not 911, not john, but stiles, and she doesn’t even know why, regrets it as soon as it happens. But then stiles shows up and breaks both of the guys, eyes glowing red, and then calls his dad and scott to take care of it, because they’re humans, so they get human punishments. Melissa is told everything.
Scott has a bad asthma attack and, and Melissa asks about the bite. Scott is itching for it. He wants it so badly. Stiles has already promised to turn them when they turn 18, and Melissa knows that. She asks if theres a reason to wait, and the answer is nah, not really. So he gets the bite. Stiles being like uh psa punishments cant include scott staying away
After hale fire and stiles gets back, he’s shocked that hey just left, and that they left peter behind. He starts visiting peter several times a week. He tells his dad that they should pay for his medical care. They have a fuckton of money because his mom inherited all the pack wealth, and john doesn’t touch it because that’s stiles’s money, that’s werewolf money. But this is a werewolf thing, so he agrees. “his pack left him dad.”
Stiles bites Erica when they’re 14. Some point in middle school stiles wises up to the Isaac thing and tells his dad he needs to arrest his dad, or stiles is going to kill him, and he’s not even a little bit joking. Stiles hears Isaac crying while going by the house? In johns squad car. Makes them pull over, then bursts into the house. John goes with it because his son’s eyes are red.
Some point after the hales leave, things start trying to move into hale territory. Some wolves? Stiles smells them, and ends up at 10 years old telling them to fuck off. This how scott finds out? He’s with scott and his dad. Deaton is facing off against something? Panics when stiles intervenes, but stiles goes wolfy and red eyes and is like. This is mine now fuck off. Looks at the hale house, and finally says, we have to take care of this. We have to. But they don’t own the house or the land or any of it. They do … something
Stiles ends up having to deal with a lot of crap real young
Stiles has scott and Isaac when peter wakes up. Stiles is there, and peter isn’t crazy because he wasn’t abandoned to die alone. Stiles says he can stay, or he can go, not trying to pressure anything. Peter chooses to become part of stiles’s pack, because his family is either dead or abandoned him. Peter ends up moving in with them as he finishes healing and to get used to being in a pack and with stiles. It’s very strange for john, but it’s a werewolf thing and he’s trying to be supportive. After a couple months, stiles tells his dad that having peter is a relief, that there’s finally someone who knows things, someone older who can support him as a werewolf. Peter acts as his second, and he finally has some degree of authority that age has lost him. Stiles has peter take care of the hale house. Peter and stiles have the conversation, where peter is like the hale land is your land now. You’re the alpha of beacon hills. He does what stiles directs him to.
Isaac is living with scott under stiles’s direction ish. But lots of Melissa. Isaac like I don’t wantto be afraid anymore, I don’t want to hurt anymore, and stiles is like. Okay. We’ll fix this. But he doesn’t bite Isaac until he goes to a shitton of therapy and has mostly sorted himself out. For isaac’s fifteenth birthday, he bites him.
Erica is spur of the moment, it’s something that all instinct and very little thought. OR they’re dating and it happesn? Erica’s parents suck. Stiles doesn’t want the balancing act of being boyfriend and alpha.
Jackson is so fucking desperate to belong to something. He nags and nags and nags and finally stiles bites him at least half to shut him up.
“dad can I talk to you about something weird and uncomfortable and a little creepy” talks about crush on Lydia, and how he’s not sure if its because he has a crush on her or if it’s bc he thinks she’ll be good for the pack. Lydia joins before Jackson, and she’s the one that pushes stiles into it. Lydia and stiles are not dating, but she’s clearly high in the hiarchey.
Boyd? Just like. Shows up. Idk.
So by the time laura and derek show up, stiles’s pack is: john, Melissa, peter, Lydia, Jackson, danny, Isaac, boyd, Erica, deaton (who’s acting as emissary but is training danny). Maybe bring in some later characters, like malia and kira and cora. Ooooh maybe the twins show up before they became alphas, still run aways and looking for something else? Stiles takes them on. Stiles finds malia early on after the fire
Peter is willing to forgive derek but he has a lot of shit with laura. Stiles agrees to let laura and derek stay and not be part of his pack, although laura insists she doesn’t need his permission. She snaps at peter to come home with them, and he looks at her like she’s insane. He says there’s no hale pack, and if there was, he’s not interested. He’s a stillinkski wolf now. Cora too maybe? Double blow. Peter owns the hale land, and he makes it clear the day stiles turns 18 he’ll be signing it over to him. Stiles is known by the surrounding packs.
Stiles has to somehow defend the surrounding area, has to make it clear he’s his and that he’s not willing to give it up. It’s valuable land. People are going to come looking for it once people figure out it’s abandoned. When deaton finds out stiles is an alpha, he goes around as an emissary to the surrounding packs. Saying that its under stiles now. He’s known to them so it goes mostly uncontested. This is when he and the sheriff have the child king conversation.
Stiles tries really, really hard to be a good alpha. That means controlling the territory, and working with other packs when members go rouge or something goes wrong. He’s thirteen the first time he goes to lend a hand in a fight, and it’s young, it’s too young, but he’s an alpha. He has to do this, to maintain the peace. And the thing is – stiles is good at this, good at not pushing, at not using his status as a crutch or an excuse, instead as a tool.
Maybe this is why no one cares for laura’s excuses. As much as laura wasn’t ready to take on the responsibility, she was an adult, if only barely. Stiles is a literal child, and in her absence shouldered it all. So even if she does technically have a claim, none of them are willing to honor it. “if you kill alpha stiles, you won’t have allies, you’ll have enemies.”
Allison and argents. Stiles brings his pack to kill kate. Gives peter the chance to do it himself, and is so very proud when he says no. but instead of letting her go free, stiles crushes her throat. “revenge would have been trapping you all in here and setting the whole thing on fire. Justice would have been making you watch as she burned alive. This was mercy, and don’t you forget it.” Scott is hella in love with Allison, but he knows this comes first. Her mom is full of hatred, but stiles more than makes it clear that he has no problem with killing her too.
Stiles sees derek soon after. They’ve already gone back and forth a lot. But he and laura weren’t there. Stiles tells him what he did. They have a ~moment~
Derek wants so very much to join stiles’s pack, but he doesn’t want to lose laura.
Something finally convinces laura to take the plunge and the stillinksi pack is one happy family
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10 Lessons I’ve Learned From My Houseplants: a PSA to anyone who thinks they can’t keep plants alive
Mix hydrogen peroxide into the water you give them! I mix it into the watering can and typically use approximatly 2tsps hydrogen peroxide per 36oz of water. It kills off pests in the soil and will help prevent root rot if you accidentally over water. It also adds more oxygen to the water, and plants really need that! And use room temperature water unless you know for sure a plant likes cold water. For most plants, water that is too hot or too cold will send it into shock and can kill it.
Bottom water bottom water bottom water. Place the plant in a bowl or tray and then pour water into the bowl. The plant will only soak up what it needs, and when the top of the soil barely damp it’s got enough! It also helps keep the soil from compacting which allows air to get to the roots, which helps prevent root rot and gives the plant the oxygen it needs.
If you think it’s thirsty, feel the leaves. The best way to tell if a plant needs water is by checking its leaves. Get to know what the leaves feel like when you first buy it, as it is probably well watered. When you feel it’s been long enough between waterings check the leaves. Does it feel normal? Good, it doesn’t need water for now! Does it feel easily bendable, thinner, softer, or squishier than normal? Give it some water! Remember that it is easier for a plant to come back from being UNDER watered than over watered. If you feel unsure, give it another day or two.
If you still think it’s thirsty after feeling its leaves, feel the soil. Stick your finger down into the soil about 1-2 inches. If the dirt feels wet or damp don’t water it! Wait until the soil is dry 2-3 inches down. (This does not apply to succulents and cacti. Typically wait for the soil to be dry all the way through and leave it dry until the plant shows signs of thirst.
Baby plants are WAY harder to care for than larger plants because they do not have much of an established root system. Its best if you try bigger plants when first starting out (4-6in pots) because they will be more forgiving of mistakes.
Light! Light is one of the most important things to a plant, that’s how they get their energy! Look up the light conditions for a plant BEFORE you buy it, (even if its just a quick google in the store) so you know if you have the right lighting for it. You can do everything right with watering and caring for a plant but if its in the wrong light it will die.
Higher humidity is more important in the winter than in the summer (unless it is a plant that needs a lot of humidity like a fern). While you may not have to worry about humidity in the summer, using a heater in the winter dries out the air in your home very fast. If possible get a small humidifier for your plants. You don’t need anything fancy, I have a $10 one from Target and it does the job fine.
Don’t worry if your plants stop growing in the winter, just like trees loose their leaves, plants go into hibernation too and do not produce as much new growth. During these cold winter months (and spring… and fall….) don’t water as often. Since they don’t grow as much, they don’t need near as much water. Do not use fertilizer during this period either, the plant does not need it and more than likely the fertilizer will just burn the plant’s roots since it won’t absorb it.
Try to give them individual love and attention. Pet their leaves! Give them lil kissies! Play nice music for them! The best way to care for a plant is to learn what it wants individually. Name them if this helps and don’t treat them all the same! Learning what each plant wants is the most rewarding part of horticulture. You can have two of the exact same plant and they will have different needs, its incredible! Let their little personalities shine through.
Don’t give up if you follow all these and still kill a plant! Plants are hard and sometimes their instinct is to just,,,, die. Don’t trust someone who says they’ve never killed a plant, they’re lying, plants die. Try again and be patient with yourself and your plant friends.
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New York High Rise {2}
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Chapter summary; The time of the parley is finally here. You arrive at the club you and Steve decided the conference would be held. During your time there you don’t only get a face for the new mob boss, you also get a taste of his personality. 
Pairing: Steve x reader (mafia!au)
Rating: Mature
Word; 8k
Warnings; mentions of drugs, alcohol and nicotine use, mentions of canon-type violence
Author; @the-goddess-of-mischief-writing
A/N: So, like... this chapter wasn’t meant to become so long but it did anyways. hehe, sorry for that one. And also, I decided that this, now after starting to write it, that it will be (at least) five chapters rather than the four I planned it to be. PSA: If you want to be tagged in the series, jus send me an ask!
"We're here, Miss", you looked up at your chauffeur, who already was looking back at you in the rearview mirror.
You'd been so in your own headspace the whole drive here, to where you and Steven would meet, that you hadn't noticed you arrived. There was definitely a reason, which was that you'd done everything from flicking through the complete portfolio, now including the newest document as well, that T'Challa and Shuri had put together for you about the latest Canine boss. Even your contract you'd looked over once more. Perhaps you could call it a compulsive habit of yours rather than simple caution, seeing how it always was something you felt you needed to do, even though neither of the current documents would reveal any new fact or fault.
Seemingly it was something Mr Davon, which your chauffeur's name was, had noticed regarding how he hadn't engaged in the usual conversation the two of you commonly partook in. And by how he now looked knowingly at you, confirmed it.
"Thank you, Davon", you nodded to the grey-haired man in the front seat for notifying you that you'd arrived at the club. The man in question simply smiled before opening his door and stepped out.
Despite that you insisted on doing it yourself, you knew the usual custom of him walking around the car to open the door for you would follow his exit from the vehicle. And the moment you finished gathering the files you'd read and put them into your handbag, the sound of someone unlocking your door came.
As the door swung open, you instantly heard the sound and low thumping of music, and as soon as your eyes pulled from the car's interior to instead look outside, you were met by the lazy radiance of neon. Unconsciously, you felt your nose scrunch at the scene.
Just because this property laid in one of the few neutral territories in New York didn't mean you hadn't already scouted the site. It may be no dingy and low life hood club, the pay to enter price that was quite expensive taking care of that problem. Thus, most of those coming here weren't ordinary people. It was those for which money wasn't a problem or had enough connections to be let inside. Consequently, there was no line of people outside the entrance. Still, you loathed the idea of meeting Brooklyn's Golden boy here.
Nevertheless, you needed to admit it was better than the place Steven originally had suggested, which for a fact had been in the heart of Brooklyn. It had been a hard no to enter his grounds for a conference. The same the opposite way. That was you now found yourself in the Northern part of Queens.
"Everything alright, Miss?" Your eyes snapped to Davon, who expectantly looked over the top of the door. Patiently waiting for you to get out of the car.
"Always", you flaunted a lighthearted smile, able to do so because of the adrenaline that slowly started to settle in. It always happened before each crucial business meeting. Nothing new. Hence, you did nothing but take a deep breath to contain yourself slightly as you stepped out of the car.
There hadn't been a need for a jacket when you left your office. And though the evening air was slightly colder and served a gentle breeze, the late June wheater could still be deemed warm. Therefore, your skin didn't prickle, nor did you feel chilly, while watching one of your trusted guards, which just now had talked with the bouncer, walk towards you.
"What did he say?" You asked the big man stopping in front of you. Joshua, your most entrusted bodyguard since day one, looked dapper in the darker clothes he wore. Most of the time, he wore opaque colours. Goes with the job, the brunette always says. But, the attire itself was usually laid-back, now though he didn't wear a t-shirt or jeans. Instead, the suit you'd gifted him.
"Said that the Canines been here for the last hour", your eyebrows raised at that. You may regard punctuality as one of the keys to success. As well as to get people to view you as prepared rather than tardy. But one hour ahead of the scheduled time? That wasn't punctuality. It was impatience. Steven thought this, or rather his, deal would be done and over with swiftly, it seemed.
"Very well", you opted to say, hearing the car door close behind you when you took a few steps forward.
"I wish you good luck, Miss", you looked over your shoulder, finding Mr Davon having retaken his position by the driver's door, a kind smile on his lips. The man always was polite and wished you a favourable outcome for each meeting you went to.
"I assure you when we see each other next time, that good luck will certainly have been what ensured me my deal", you responded, earning an amused chuckle from Davon.
"I sure hope so. I'll be waiting with bated breath until you come back and tell me the good news", your smile turned a little more genuine towards the man as you nodded at him a final time before following Joshua towards the club's entrance.
Your heels clicked as you moved forwards over the pavement. Even when you stepped into the marbled and luxuriously decorated foyer, did the sound echo.
There was no question that this club wasn't for everyone. If not noticeable from the entrance hall you walked through - the personnel working there simply throwing glances your way before quickly looking away - it was apparent by the nature of the club. The clean, near shining from how polished it was, environment, along with the absence of the pungent and soured smell of alcohol, served as a constant reminder.
And though the marbled floor didn't turn into a sticky carpet when Joshua lead you further in, preferably a dark tiled floor, it became clear you closed in on the actual club part of the building. The sound of your heels faded as the music increased. Quite promptly, you started to feel the bass vibrate through the floor. Likewise, could you make out the lyrics of the songs.
Past your bodyguard, you saw how the dimmed lighting you walked through were replaced by those of neons. They reflected off the floor, the polished metal features on counters and the leatherlike seatings you spotted further ahead.
Your eyes, however, were pulled from trying to observe the area ahead to Joshua when he glanced over his shoulder. It was his silent way, regarding how the music neared the louder decibel, of asking you if everything still felt fine. Regardless that you often went with his gut-feeling if a situation was safe or not, Joshua always checked with you. Chiefly, because he knew your instinct was as good as his. You'd kept yourself alive as much as he had, to be honest.
And regarding how you didn't felt anything was off at the moment, you curtly nodded to ensure him to continue. This was a parley, after all. And, on top of that, it was pure commons sense to not draw weapons on neutral grounds. Hence, no need to worry. Yet.
When once more walking forwards, you now entered the main space.
Immidetly you regarded the multiple bar counters, the dancefloor and the tables, including the people located at those places. Albeit the light was dim and the pink, blue and purple neons contorted the colours of clothes, you spotted no dress under the price tag of a couple of thousand dollars nor any suit. You even guessed the multiple glasses filled with drinks scored as ridiculously high.
Although, it wasn't to discern those things you surveyed the room. It was to find allies and foes. The former was easier. Regarding how you not only knew who your own women along the panthers were, but also because they were the sole ones meeting your gaze as your eyes roamed the space. The latter, though, was trickier. Not only because men, already surrounded by one or multiple women, lingered their eyes over you. Even a few ladies did the same thing. More so due to the fact foes were meant to blend in.
"One in the right corner, standing with the blonde. Another two, respectively sitting with the pal in a white shirt and lounging at the bar".
You'd noticed Joshua had fallen into your step, so he preferably walked alongside you then a step ahead. Although, you hadn't felt how he dipped his head, for others rather insignificantly, but which for you enabled to hear his voice as he spoke. It was an efficient way to let him communicate with you without others noticing. And though he hadn't explained what he informed you about, it was enough for you to know.
One more time, you dragged your eyes across the room, albeit not stopping significantly longer on the people the man beside you'd pointed out. Merely to hide the fact you knew, notwithstanding the conversations they were having with their company, most of their attention was on you.
"The rest?" You looked away from the scene you'd lingered by to instead look to your side. The brunette beside you had still his head tipped slightly towards you to hear if you said anything, even if his gaze was set straight forward.
"I believe they're ahead, somewhat of an equal amount watching the corridor and him", the swift action of indicating forwards made your eyes trail from Joshua's profile to look forth.
The two of you had almost wandered half the length of the circular room and up a couple of stairs, but it seemed you wouldn't need to do a whole lap to reach the end, only climb up the last fleet of steps to the uppermost part of the room. Thus now, not more than ten or so feet before you, there was an opening in the wall.
It looked like the beginning of a corridor, one which had two men stationed by it. Even though you instantly saw they must belong to Steven's troupe, the way they lounged at the hallway entrance made them look more like fellows wanting to distance themselves from the main room of the party than bodyguards. However, the way their conversation died and eyes instantly snapped to watch you when you came closer gave them away for anyone who may have looked.
Joshua now stepped in front of you, seemingly holding a brief and tense dialogue with the two men. The three of them were all the same build, tall and sturdy. Although, you didn't feel small among them. Nor did you when Joshua motioned for you to follow him in between the two chaps.
You held your head high, knowing how much these guys ever stared at you with a burning rivalry that you never would fight them. You would fight their boss.
When you headed down the corridor, with no doors adorning the walls, you could hear multiple voices, possibly one which belonged to Steven, resound lowly from the open entrance at the end.
You supposed something adorned the walls, or they'd simply been built in such a way that the further you progressed, the more they blocked the sound of music. Otherwise, you wouldn't have heard the merry laughs or chatter, nor the return of the click of your heels, when you neared the door standing ajar.
You began to smell a sweet scent as Joshua stopped in the doorway to the room. Thus, you nearly concentrated more on the smell than the way the room fell quiet. Lucky for you, you'd already encountered the aroma. Otherwise, you would've been bothered by not being able to place it.
It wasn't the aroma of a women's perfume nor food. You knew what it was. The godfathers always offered you one of the rolled tobacco's when visiting. And, the moment your dark-haired bodyguard stepped to the side to let you step over the threshold of the room, you immediately found a golden casket, opened and displaying the finest of cigars, standing on the edge of the table inside. However, your eyes didn't linger there for long. Instead, they trailed to the man you were about to meet, who was one of many already watching you, yet the sole one sitting down and smoking a cigar.
Steven Grant Rogers.
You almost slipped and showed how taken aback you were, not because of the dominating aura exuding from the man in the leather armchair, such things you were plenty used to. But no, it was as of a fact his looks.
He was young, much younger than you'd thought. If to decide by his appearance, Steven must've been born close after his father's death. You would never have guessed when knowing of the age his father passed and concerning how he operated his empire and the rivalry against you. From this, the man definitely fitted the older generation. But no, it seemed he apparently didn't belong there.
"Nice to finally have a face for the man that's been testing my patience lately", you broke the silence that had covered the room like a lid. Though you awaited the same reaction you would've had to such a comment - which would've been nothing more than a smile regarding how you couldn't bother to display any prominent reply - Steven did the complete opposite.
He chuckled, the sound a deep rumble of amusement. You almost wondered if his voice would be equally as low or if it all was a consequence of smoking the cigar he for the moment held limply between his finger. Apparently, you would get an answer to that quicker than you imagined. And the answer was his voice was like that of molasses, deep and rich.
"I took the liberty to prepare a drink for you", the Canine boss motioned, with a nod, towards the identical leather armchair on the opposite side of the table and the small stand beside it. You spotted the same crystal glass you had at home resting upon it, with a deep amber liquid in it. Whiskey. "Would you have preferred on the rocks?"
Your eyes tracked back to Steven, who currently reached for his own glass. Which similar to yours stood on the small table beside his seat. He made the small move without averting his gaze from you.
"I actually prefer it neat", he cocked his head as you said this.
His hair was not cut short or trimmed neatly like all those men before him. Instead, it reached the nape of his neck. No pomade or other product kept it out of his face. It simply looked like he'd ran his hands through it once and for some magical reason, it had stayed like that without looking greasy. But it was because he seemingly hadn't put any product in that one of the strands, shifting from brown to dark blonde, had fallen slightly out of order when he'd moved his head. Nevertheless, seeing as it had done nothing but come to rest against his cheekbone, Steven paid it no attention.
"What suggests it's neat?" This time, you cocked your head.
"I simply presumed you didn't take yours any other way", as you stated this, a smile began to ghost the man's lip.
"Be my guest, then", Steven replied, raising a hand to gesture towards the empty armchair opposite him.
You simply smiled at the invitation, walking forwards with back straight and head held high, no matter you were the sole one making a sound in the room and all the eyes were on you. Even as you sat down in the leather chair, you didn't wince at how the material groaned when finally being forced to change its state of unoccupied.
To be sitting opposite the man that you for days had prepared to meet was totally different than what you'd expected. Not only because you awaited an older, a much older heir of the Canine Empire, also because the man now watching you with blue eyes that pierced your stare back evoked a challenge.
You understood why Shuri thought this would be interesting now, even though you still found this whole matter nothing but bothersome. Steven could possibly be the sole person to actually put up a hurdle for you.
"What do you say, should we let our fellow companions leave so we can start?" Even though the man had stated it as a question, he waved his fingers directly afterwards, dismissing his guards as if it had been a command for you to follow. And therefore, you simply leaned further into the back of the leather seat, one leg hooking over the other. Making your heeled shoe relaxed in the air.
You would not follow his command that easy.
"Not that clever to send out your guards before the opposing part agrees", you regarded how your words made one of Steven's bodyguards stop on the threshold out of the room. The brunette with shoulder-length hair didn't stay there for long, though, concerning how his boss's minimal nod served as enough of command to continue out.
"Concerning this is a parley, I doubt you would dare kill me", there was a mockery in his voice that you disliked, despite your reasoning earlier had been the same.
"Doubt it", his eyes narrowed when you said this. Moreover, he also deposited both his glass of whiskey and his cigar in its hold. The smoke from the rolled tobacco whirled up in a thin line from the table. Instead, then a cloud from his lips as previously.
"I know you don't like to get your hands dirty", Steven said, the hand which had rested on the armrest coming to stroke his bearded jaw. Despite the facial hair, you knew there laid a sharp edge underneath it, separating his throat and face. Hence, his beard followed that line with an undeceiving definition. "So why do I own the pleasure?"
"I never said I would be the one pulling the trigger", even if I dreamt to, you thought to yourself as you looked back at Joshua. Ever the guard he was, his eyes only momentarily shifted from the mob boss facing you to meet your glance before he vigilantly went back to observing Steven. You looked back at the Canine whose eyes seemingly had trailed to watch your bodyguard the same instance you had but by now snapped back to you. "And not even you, as the parasite that you are, deserves a bullet coming from my gun".
Instantly you saw the tick enter Steven's jaw when he clenched it. You very well knew that your choice of word for him would push his buttons. Like every last godfather, he was a prideful man. And like you'd played them like strings ever since reaching the top, so you would do to the man in front of you. That was why you raised your hand from tapping on the armrest of your seat.
You heard the move Joshua did at your action, even hinted at it in your peripheral. Although, instead of concentrating on the gun that he'd unholstered and pointed Steven's way, your eyes stayed on the later mentioned man.
Presumably, the mob boss was staring down the barrel of the gun. But there was no frown etched upon his forehead, displaying a worry. Nor were there any tenseness in his body as he languidly sank further back in the armchair, legs splayed wide and arms resting on top of the armrest.
Steven slowly turned then, from watching the gun aimed at him, to meet your gaze.
"Do it. You'll just get all my allies over you".
"Let them come. I'll win. After all, you requested this meeting when you knew you were about to lose", another jab at Steven's pride, one he took personally this time, you saw it by the glint entering his eyes. But, rather than putting him out of his misery and ridding yourself of a thorn in your side. You dropped your hand completely rather than flick your index and long finger down, which was the signal to shoot.
"But, seeing as I'm already humble enough to give you the chance to meet me rather than grinding you to dust, I'll continue on that track for the moment", you hummed while you heard Joshua sheath his gun again.
"How grateful I am", the stinge of terseness was evident in Steven's voice as he spoke, but you paid it no mind, just gave him the slight raise of your eyebrows as if to convey a silent 'as you should'. "And now the guard, so we can start".
You'd gotten your point across to him. Therefore, you didn't hesitate to order Joshua to wait outside during the negotiation this time.
"Are you...", you didn't let the brunette finish his sentence before you shot him a look, which was enough for Joshua to understand you were indeed sure. You followed the back of your trusted guard, who trailed the same path as Steven's had a few minutes prior. And not until he disappeared and instead gave the view of a now-closed door did you redirect your eyes back to the Canine boss.
For some reason, it felt like it got lighter in the room, not simply as in the heavy silence of multiple added presences. More so that the lamps, not the same as the neon ones outside, shone brighter. Perhaps, it was because only you and Steven were left, giving it a vaster opportunity to spread.
It made you remark and notice even further details about the mob boss. Not only did it lighten his eyes, but it also made the shifting of brown and dark blonde locks contrast considerably with what he wore.
You didn't talk about a slightly too large suit, which you often refrained from remarking how ill-fitted they were to the godfathers, seeing as they were the sole ones wearing them. No, Steven... you knew he'd chosen to wear what he did to make an impression. Why else was there any need for a three-piece suit, all in black on top of that? Maybe the same reason as you'd chosen your attire, power. He wanted to show he was the top dog. Only, he was forgetting that if he were no bear, the felines were amongst the apex predators, no canine in sight.
For the passing moments, neither of you said anything, simply sat there watching each other. Observing each other.
He was a man fit for the role of a mob boss. Thus Steven had that aura one simply possessed or not. He evokes the need to be respected, to be feared. Therefore, you guessed leading came naturally for him. And that his physics -which you discerned to be great, by the how he almost dwarfed the armchair he sat in- only was a measurement to further establish his status as alpha.
In other words, he was the one who your eyes would draw to first when stepping into a room and also the last when bidding goodbye.
"Are you impatient?" Your jaws clenched when the canine boss broke the silence saying this. As well did your nails, which had been rapping against the leathered armrest, stop when he tipped his head in such way he told you he noticed the movement.
"I am not you, Steven", you retorted, which simply made the corner of his mouth quirk upwards. You raised a brow at his reaction. The amount of amusement and overall cockiness he returned your comments with steadily made you, despite what you said, rather impatient to get this over with. Yet, it seemed Steven had no hurry whatsoever now when you were waiting for him to begin.
He looked away from you, the smirk tugging in the corner of his lips remaining there as he reached for the whiskey glass he previously had put down. Your gaze, however, didn't stray from the man opposite you. Consequently, making your eyes trail his profile while he took a sip of the alcohol, savouring the taste by the looks of it.
When he lowered the glass, swirling its contents gently, his gaze found yours. He didn't remark how your eyes never ventured from him and around the room to inspect it further, not really that it was much to see.
"Call me Steve", he said, which made your eyebrows lift. Either he offered you a nickname, or it was just what most called him. Still, both were unusual seeing the setting the two of you were in. "And to sate your wonder why I ain't starting this meeting, we'll begin as soon as one last member joins us", you felt a tenseness stiffen your body when Steven, Steve, so nonchalantly had told you this. You may have underestimated the canine boss somewhat. Because seemingly, he was blatantly good at reading people. Perhaps that was why you compelled your voice to sound even more indifferent than before when responding.
"Thought you said this was a private affair".
"Oh, it is, our entertainment won't hear a thing", not even before you could think that you feared the worst from his statement did the sound of a door opening catch your attention.
You noticed in your peripheral how this time it was your turn to be the single one averting your eyes, concerning how you felt Steve continued observing you when you looked away from him. Though you despised the equal amount of curiosity and caution that had made you look towards the entrance at the moment, it was done and you couldn't more than proceed to look at the person now entering the room.
It was not any sort of guard, concerning how the man entering wasn't of the same build as either Joshua, or any of Steve's men. On top of that, he seemed incredibly timid, not only by how silently he tried closing the door behind him but also by the hurried steps he approached the end of your table with.
"Mr Rogers", the man nodded at the mob boss when close enough. "Miss Y/L/N", he quickly repeated the greeting your way while completely stopping at the end of the table. "I'll just prepare the set-up for you and..."
"Good", Steve answered before the man finished, effectively cutting him off. You felt the side of your nose twitch by the dark blonde man's blunt way of stopping the club worker from talking. Steve certainly lived up to his reputation of doing as he pleased with no regard for others.
You probably would've huffed if you didn't already know the Canine boss would understand why. And, to be honest, you tried reducing the number of remarks leaving him, concerning how the meeting hadn't even started and you were fed up with his persona already.
So, instead of commenting on Steve's attitude, you watched the man who had entered the room put up a metal case on the table.
You hadn't noticed it earlier, even though the crate, made of aluminium, was quite eye-catching. But now, when you had, you knew before it was opened and revealed rows and rows of tokens as well as a set of cards that it had been a poker set.
This time, you couldn't help but cock an eyebrow, unimpressed by Steve's attempt of entertainment. Maybe you were more old school than you thought, seeing how the Canine boss kept surprising you with his way of handling a conference.
"Poker?" You questioned out loud when swiftly glancing up at Steve, who, while you looked away, had reached for his cigar, puffing on it slightly.
"Hope you know how to play", he said amusedly, blowing out the lungful of smoke he inhaled right before answering you. It travelled across the table but evaporated before reaching you, albeit the sweet scent still did.
You refrained from answering him. Simply settled on switching which leg crossed which, while grasping the whiskey glass.
The russet liquid was almost soothing in its taste, despite the burning sensation in the back of your throat after swallowing it. It was sweet at the same time that it was spicy, giving your tastebuds the imagination that caramel and cinnamon dwelled on them. You relished in the taste while following the man setting up the oncoming poker game.
He'd placed the dealer chip before himself and was currently shuffling the cards. It was clear it was his profession by how smoothly he did it.
Hence, not until he seemed satisfied did he put them down beside the box and redirected his eyes to flicker between you and Steve.
"How many chips do you desire?" The dealers gaze had locked with yours as he asked the question, yet before you could answer him, you were cut off short.
"We'll take ten thousand worth of chips each", you glanced at Steve as he said this.
"Deciding to become a gentleman all of a sudden?" You remarked while the dealer started to stack the number of tokens the man opposite you had requested. A tug tilted the dark-blonde mob boss mouth upwards into a smirk.
"I'm always a gentleman".
"A gentleman would've offered a higher amount", his smile dropped. "This was a forced act of charity".
"This is nothing more than entertainment to pass our time during our meeting", he got defensive. You heard it by how sharply he worded the sentence.
"Who said passing time should be done cheaply?" It was clear you didn't want Steve to answer, by how you neglected him of any further attention by looking elsewhere.
While your and Steve's short conversation had taken place, you'd missed how efficiently the dark-haired man had dealt out not only each of your chips but also your individual pair of cars. Even the aluminium case was off the table.
"Are you ready to begin?" You only met the dealer's eyes momentarily before looking at Steve.
"If the gentleman is, so am I".
"You heard the lady", as much mockery that you'd accentuated the title aimed at him, as much did he put on the one he returned to you. You didn't take ill, simply peeked at your cards, a two and eight, both spades, before starting the first round of betting by chucking two hundred worth of chips into the pot.
The dealer nodded, understanding the first game had begun. Thus, looking expectantly at the Canine boss for his move. Steve looked at his cards before calling as well. Meaning the dealer could show the first three cards you would play after.
The flop was turned up quickly despite the awkward placing the man had at the end of the table. Seven of hearts, two of clubs and eight of spades was the first batch of cards. So far, you only sat on a pair of eights. Not great.
"So, Steve, tell me now when our entertainment has started, why have I bothered to come here?" You shortly diverted your eyes from the game to grab your glass of whiskey. Once you looked upon the table again, the fourth street card was presented, queen of diamonds. You called.
"I'm here to offer you a deal", as expected, you thought to yourself and withstood the urge to roll your eyes, not solely because of what he'd said but also that he raised the bet. He was sure he would win.
"Speak up then", you spoke after sipping your drink.
You knew the slight twitch in the corner of his mouth wasn't from what one could read as impatience from you -which it wasn't, just a command- but rather that the last card turned for this round much have matched what he desired. And the card had been the queen of spades. Thus, instead of following his raised bet with a call or even a further raise, you checked. Steve called.
When the dealer confirmed the round was over and it was time for showdown, you and the mob boss opposite you both flipped your cards visible for the other. As you guessed, he'd won and it was on queens, three of a kind.
While the dealer pushed the pot of this game towards Steve and quickly went on with collecting the cards and reshuffling them, the Canine finally looked at you.
"Concerning how you ventured into my territory the last few months, I want you to pull back all your dealings with everyone on my side of New York, no matter how big or small", you cocked a brow at Steve's demand.
"You were the one overstepping the border to my area first. I only answered", you reminded the mob boss while the next poker-round began. You had better cards this time, a jack and a nine.
"And that's my deal, sweetheart", he began once he'd followed your call and once more, the flop was turned. You didn't even pay attention to the cards, as your eyes snapped up to him and nose scrunched at the nickname he used for you. "If you don't pull back your advances in Brooklyn, I'll continue painting your streets red".
It was how brazenly he stated that he wouldn't stop the killing that made your jaws clench. If this hadn't been a conversation eye to eye, preferably over the phone where you could mute yourself if needed, you would've put down your whiskey glass a lot less gently. But now, only the awaited echo of crystalline glass settling on the marble side-table sounded.
"So you want me to pull back my offence? Solely for you to stop the killing? Not pull back your forces from Manhattan, just stop picking off my allies?" You questioned him, instinctively checking to not bother with the game.
"You heard it", was all Steve said as he followed your act of checking, consequently making the last card become turned without any further bet placed than the initial one.
You continued observing the dark-blonde man. His eyes, albeit the light blue could trick you, conveyed no humour. So he was serious.
You didn't know if that made things better or simply made you lose all and any hope in a man that tried running an empire this way. You'd expected a poor deal to come from him. But this, this wasn't just bad. It was ridiculous.
You definitely hadn't been playing to win this round. Which, when you absentmindedly called before the showdown, became apparent. You got two pair on your jack and nine. Commonly, you would've bet a little more on that. Although seeing how Steve got four of a kind with his ten's, whatever you didn't do wouldn't have mattered. Your hand wasn't enough to win.
"Do you think that's how you run an empire?" You broke the silence quite harshly. At least it was enough for the man distributing the pot and collecting the cards to jerk slightly. But you didn't care about him. Closer to the truth was that you all but ignored his shuffling in your peripheral. What you concentrated on was the rise of Steve's eyebrow at your remark.
"It works, doesn't it. Or do you have any pointers on how you think I should run it, sweetheart?" The dog had really crawled under your skin, as Shuri had said.
"You shouldn't run it as your father", you wanted to snap at him. Instead, you levelled your voice, forced it to not turn shrill with agitation. And it struck a nerve, not his pride but a nerve. It was clear by how Steve remained leaned forward after having inspected his new set of cards. "Your visionary is old-school. To remain in control and run an empire, you need to be able to read the future. At the moment, all you have is just a dirty business".
"Dirty? You ain't really the cleanest angel in this world when picking of my men", you definitely had struck a nerve, seeing how his voice had become thicker but more powerful.
However, despite Steve's try to show his authority, you waved of his clap-back dismissively while leaning forwards and not more than tipping the edge of your own cards to see the suit and symbol. A queen and an Ace, both decorated with the sigil of a spade. You withheld showing the amusement towards both the Canine boss and his outburst and the feeling of finally having a game that would be yours to win.
"I've never said I was. But, even those killing on my order is smooth and precise. No tracks. Which is quite contrasting to your manslaughter", thanks to Steve already resting his forearms on his knees, the mob boss swift move of following your raised bet even before the first three cards was presented went fast.
You couldn't help but glance up at him for a short second before looking down again to the new card the dealer turned. A smirk now threateningly close to spreading. Because what you'd seen was a pair of blue eyes growing darker than any brown eyes ever been. And those eyes were set on you rather than the first poker game you had any genuine interest in.
"You've got your point across. You ain't ready to put a bullet between someone's eyes to clear a hurdle..."
"Clearly, I haven't gotten my point across if you misunderstood it", you cut Steve off halfway through his sentence, one you knew would've ended in a demand for a yes or no answer on the deal he oh so kindly offered.
Before looking up at him, you made your move in the poker game, a call. Steve, who still had his eyes trained on you, chucked a random amount of chips into the pot, resulting in not only a three doubled raise than what the original call had been but also for the round to continue to the last card.
"What I meant, Steve, is that I'm ready to fight for what I've created. Though, compared to you, I know people are resources, not constant hurdles", you said, eyes tracking down to the last card now resting upon the table. "Together with this, the cogs upholding your empire are getting rusty and soon won't be able to be changed at all because the model is too old. You invest in nightclubs and any other category of clubs where one can drink themselves stupid, along with other businesses that even I, who run a syndicate, frown upon. It ain't sustainable, so why would I ever seal a deal with you, knowing your empire will crumble in a few years? Give me one good reason".
You didn't need to look up and away from the table to see how the Canine boss fisted his hands, that you saw anyways.
"You've just pointed out why you should seal the deal while you can", this, however, made your gaze turn upwards to meet his. "You may be ready to fight, but how dirty? I invest in things that make money. I pave my own way instead of hesitantly following an already existing one. I'll be the one surviving because if something ever malfunctions in my empire, I won't be put in a situation unfamiliar to me, unlike you. If your perfectly built skyscraper suddenly gets hits by an earthquake, it ain't built to withstand it".
"As I said, give me one good reason and I'll even entertain the thought of considering your deal", you let yourself remain unfazed by Steve's previous threat. Because even though he hit his head on some points, what he'd said wasn't reason, just intimidation.
"It's the best decision for your little empire, sweetheart". The condescending manner he said it this in made you, even though your blood steadily began to boil by the audacity of yet another wealthy and power-hungry mob boss to speak down to you, simply glance down at the two cards laying face down before you.
There was no need to look at them once more. You wouldn't forget a queen of spades and ace of spades existed there. You would especially not forget it when ten of spades, jack of spades and the king of spades rested among the five upturned community cards.
"If you're brave enough to call me sweetheart, are you brave enough to go all-in?" You pushed all your chips into the pot as you said this. When looking up at Steve after that, the first thing you were met by was the cocky look on his face. It was all created by that quirk of his brow, the proud look in his eyes telling you how wrong your decision had been. And that he, without hesitation, mimicked your move.
However, you knew the Canine boss lost all the money he'd put into the game the moment he did. When he put his hand down, showing the straight flush of hearts, numbered from king to nine, it was simply a fact.
"Show me your cards, sweetheart", you only tipped your head, flipping your cards to lay flat on the table, open for the man opposite you to see.
There was no need for you to watch your royal flush. Thus, you simply watched the change on Steve's face. His smirk shifted into a thin line. His arrogant appearance trickled away in a ripple, initiated from the twitch by the side of his nose. Your victory didn't only irk him. He loathed it.
"You're rash and impatient and forgets to think when your temper takes over. You see, Steve, that's why you may win the first few matches, but not the league. So, should I really listen to you speaking about what's best for me when you can't even win a little game of poker?" You caught how his eyes snapped up to glare at you but paid it no mind as you turned towards the dealer.
"Could you collect the chips and transfer them to cash?" You asked the dark-haired men, who, with a swift nod, answered your question.
"What's your name?" The man glanced at Steve, obviously noting that the one who'd hired him for the evening wasn't in the best mood.
You had heard the rumour of Steve being a charmer, which settled deals easy most of the time. However, you also heard that the Canine boss was quick, if not quicker, to take out the gun if his charm didn't do the job. Regarding how cautious this man was, whatever the dark-blonde man still glaring daggers at you had done to rent either his service or this whole club hadn't contained faith, simply fear.
That was why you didn't push any further for a name.
"Very well, keep the money as a tip", the dealer swiftly snapped his head to look at you, eyes wide.
"I have no use for it and seeing as you did a good job, you earned it", your voice, albeit softer and not as foul as when directed at Steve, didn't leave any room for discussion. This the dark-haired man also understood, as he gave you a small smile as thanks and hastily collected the tokens.
Within a minute, the former dealer had arranged all the chips that he would trade for the hefty amount they were worth, along with the rest of the poker material he'd had with him. And once done, he only left with an appreciative nod towards you, rather than both you and Steve as he'd done when first entering.
It was in the echo of the door shutting that you finally looked at Steve again. His eyes were heated, but you couldn't but smile at him instead of answering with a similar scowl.
"Steven, like this poker game shown, not only was my hand valued higher than yours but so is my empire. I do not hear any bargain coming from you about how you should've won this game or how we should meet in a middle that favoured you more than me, despite that your hand was a straight flush while mine was a royal flush. So, why are you doing it with my empire?" You uncrossed your legs, leaning forward similarly as he had done for the past minutes. "Rules are rules, are they not? And if we follow the rules of poker, that means the highest rank of hands is set to win. Therefore, I'm the one who should go winning out of this deal you try to settle with me too", he was grinding his jaws and you guessed his mind was grinding equally as hard.
"You seem to forget that luck is a big part of the game". Steve's voice was more a gruff sound than anything else.
"Oh, but I haven't", you hummed, leaning backwards until your back leaned into the spine of your leathered stool.
Reaching for your whiskey glass, you simply held it for a minute, an index finger tapping against the side, while letting your eyes glide over the Canine boss.
"You see, your success is all about luck. You're an only child, your father's golden boy. Of course, you get to inherit the empire he established before you because he believes you'll be able to rule it with the same grace as he. Why you took so long to step into the role, though, is a mystery. But I didn't mind, seeing as you left room for more suitable individuals to take The Canines former position", he leaned backwards again when you said this and you knew it was a reaction connected solely to your words. Once again, you'd struck a weak spot because he remained silent as his features became pinched and hands gripped the armrests.
"Compared to you, though, my route has been tough, self-learnt and mastered. Upon that, I have a cover, I got money from working and through business choices those sums only raised. You may be the luck of the game, but I am the one with the skill".
"Only because the rest of the world thinks your fortune is a lucky investment, everyone in this world knows the truth, no matter how much you try to hide it. Your money is as dirty as mine", the octave Steve's voice had dropped into to display whatever threat or resentment he held for you at the moment, made you chuckle rather than shy away from him.
"But I try to wipe the dirt off of them at least".
"What? With your charity galas to raise money for those who need it? It's the biggest joke I ever heard".
It was always amusing to hear someone resent your charity galas because you believed anyone could and would hold them if they simply wanted to. But to take up a gun, shoot someone and then hide was more manageable than to execute a double-sided play.
"It may be a joke to you, Rogers, but I keep my facade up to ensure my and my empires survival. You have already crumbled by not caring how much blood that drips in the wake of your name", you stated. When continuing, you cocked your head to the side as if you spoke to a child. "So you know what, the best thing you can do for your empire is to sign my deal", while you'd talked, you also reached for the folder containing the contract. And, it was with a blasé edge you threw it before him on the table.
"If you don't sign it and have it delivered to me, I know you've declined my offer and this war will be ended in another way", you took a last sip of th whiskey before putting it down on the table separating you rather then the side table it was meant to stand on. "Great doing business with you, Steven".
You didn't wait for a reply nor refusal before you rose from the leather armchair with your handbag in your grasp. Walking towards the door and the impending sound of the clubs blaring music, you left the mob boss that had dared to challenge you behind.
Series taglist:
@fanfic-love-show @gabycamargo22​ @fckdeusername​
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god-whispers · 1 year
may 21
Father God and mother hen (a repeat daily)
don't we all love psalm 91 and how it speaks of the protection that can be found in our Lord.  "a thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you." psa 91:7  there's that and so much more available to those who trust their God and believe He is able to deliver.
there's daniel in the lion's den, in the midst of ravenous beasts who dare not feast.  there's the three faithful hebrew children who would not bow to an idol.  they were not delivered from the fiery furnace, but there was a fourth who walked with them so they were not consumed.  then there's joseph, betrayed into slavery, who remained true to our Lord and was elevated to the second command in all of egypt.
you know me and my stories.  well, i have another one for you.  are you ready?
there was an article in the National Geographic several years ago.  it provided a penetrating picture of God's protection.  after a forest fire in yellowstone national park, forest rangers began their trek up a mountain to assess the inferno's damage.  one ranger found a bird literally petrified in ashes, perched statuesquely on the ground at the base of a tree.
somewhat sickened by the eerie sight, he knocked over the bird with a stick.  when he gently struck it, three tiny chicks scurried from under their dead mother's wings.  the loving mother, keenly aware of impending disaster, had carried her offspring to the base of the tree and had gathered them under her wings, instinctively knowing that the toxic smoke would rise.
she could have flown to safety but refused to abandon her babies.  when the blaze had arrived and the heat had scorched her small body, the mother had remained steadfast.  because she had been willing to die, those under the cover of her wings would live.
what was it Jesus spoke over jerusalem and in so speaking, speaks to us all now?  "how often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!"  matt 23:37
our Lord wants to be our protector, our rescuer.  He wants to rescue us not only from eternal separation (meaning damnation), but also from this world.  Jesus, like the mother hen, gave His life that we might live.  just as the mother took her statuesquely stand in the face of imminent death, our savior uttered not a word of defense for Himself.  He took our offenses upon Him.
i don't know if hens have a language or not but i can just hear that mother chirping in anguish now, beckoning her little ones to gather under her wings for protection.  and i can hear our Jesus beckoning us all now.  "come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." matt 11:28  I will give you protection from the wrath to come.
there are those who will while others run about excitedly, even venturing into the flames that would consume them.  but the offer still stands.  it is a whole heartened open invitation to "whosoever will".
because of Him we have lives changed, testimonies given and God glorified.
"i was delivered out of the mouth of the lion." tim 4:17
"when you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you."  isa 43:2
"He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives."  luke 4:18
He will not only save and deliver us, He will elevate us to kingdoms and authorities even joseph never dared to dream of.
the invitation is for now, but the age of this "amazing grace" is quickly closing.  i don't know what determines the close of this age.  the word says simply says: "the fullness of the gentiles".  but is it time?  is it a number of souls to be saved?  or is it a measure of sin that must be met?  "the secret things belong to the Lord our God, but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children forever."  deut 29:29
let us grasp the things revealed to us.  "you know how to discern the face of the sky, but you cannot discern the signs of the times." matt 16:3  we know how to discern the seasons, and it is the winter of this age, deep into winter.  
"He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings you will find refuge." - psa 91:4
where do you want to be found - when the storm is raging, when all your other supports have failed, when judgment is coming and you stand before the judge?  when all your life and deeds are under review and nothing can be hidden.
i know where i want to be - under His wings - under the blood.  if you are hearing that chirping call now, come running.  danger is imminent!
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taliaquinn · 4 years
Why Me!? Chapter 18
You guys really are mini-dectives so I am just going to put this warning out. I might mix up my times, due to the fact that in the story, the setting is in both Gotham and Paris, both of which are in completely different timezones. So yeah just a PSA :)
Both Parties were staring at each other, one in shock the other in fear.
“Hey guys, uh t-that was an illusion for uh a magic trick I was practicing since I am a secret magician wellnotsecretsecretsinceuhsinceobviously I have to perform but uh yeah that was uh an illusion…..” Marinette trailed off at the deadpan faces that Jason and Dick had. They were not buying it. 
“Nice try pixie pop explain now” Jason demanded. One normal sibling that was all he asked for. He quickly walked over to help Dick sit up from where he was laying on his couch.
“Marinette it's okay you can trust us, we’ll help with whatever it is,” Dick said, looping his arm over Jason's shoulder.
Glancing between the two she was having an internal debate. Should she just tell the truth? It would be nice to no longer have to hide her alter ego and get a little bit more of support. But Jason is a civilian, Dick at Least is a cop. She couldn’t put them at risk like that. Hmm, Tell the truth or lie? Decisions decisions.
“I’m ladybugs helper” Lying won today. 
“Hold up what?” Jason was confused but a little regardless he had a little bit of hope reignite. “Who is ladybug?”
Marinette let out a sigh of relief and out of exhaustion, both emotional and physical. “Ladybug is a superhero in my city, she sometimes needs help when the villain Hawkmoth is a bit too strong.”
“Wait so you are a superhero?” Dick asked cautiously. What was it with these Wayne kids? Is it genetic?
“WHAT!? No, it's just uh a lot of akumas come from my class so I would give Ladybug a heads up” Marinette couldn’t help the shiver that ran up her spine when she said this “somehow lead to me becoming the unofficial helper” Marinette paused before coming up with the next part of her lie “Chat, her partner was uh decommissioned, she gave me his ring and Kwami to take care of” She quickly went into her purse and pulled out a protesting Plagg out by his tail to show them. 
“See” she showed them the now grumpy upside down Plagg to the dumbfounded pair.
“Hold up, what you're telling me is that you aren't a superhero, just an assistant, a gal in the chair?” Jason said elatedly. His dreams and hopes alight once again.
No. “Yes,” Guilt was crashing down on her now. How did Lila manage to lie constantly? She felt so dirty with each lie that she spewed.
“That's nice, you know your sister's secret,” Plagg piped up “Hello I'm Plagg god of darkness, one quick thing to add QUIT HOLDING ME UPSIDE DOWN WOMAN” he yelled. Marinette immediately released him. Whoops. 
Plagg quickly swooped over to Dick who was still processing the newly revealed secrets. “I can't believe I was manhandled like that. I wanna switch babysitters, Hey got any camembert?” Plagg immediately asked, swooping in Dicks face before noticing the bruises “Hey what's up with the bandages, DID MARINETTE ABUSE YOU TOO!!” he gasped. 
“Plagg” Marinette scolded before quickly sidestepping Jason to make her way to Dick to check up on him. Looks like she found Bludhaven Dingwatt?
“How did this even happen?”
“Uh Motorcycle accident, I called Jason to help me tow it with his…. truck”
“Jason owns a truck?” Crap. Note to self get Bruce to pay for a new truck for Jason. 
“Yep I most totally do, it's really nice and really expensive with custom wheels and leather seats” Jason replied. Doing a mental happy dance. He was getting a new truck!!! He was going to milk this lie for all it's worth and best of all Bruce is going to be forced to pay for it! Santa came early this year.
Dick shot Jason a glare while Marinette was busy poking his torso. 
“So…..you're Ladybugs assistant? Do you have like your own hideout or lair or something?”
“Are you joking? Nope I help her and this other girl run a website called BugOut and I make sure to take note of Akuma attacks and try to somehow find a pattern, unfortunately, I recently became a babysitter to two mini gods” She said glaring at Plagg who was busy rummaging through Marinette's desk. 
It has been 30 minutes since he has been fed. He was starving for some cheesy goodness. The audacity.
“Who's the second one?” Jason asked, trying to pull the cat god out of his little sister's desk. “Hands off Gramps” Plagg spit out zooming to avoid getting caught.
“Kaalki come on out,” Marinette asked, Kaalki zoomed out to offer her paw to Dick who was now sitting on Marinette's bed. Which was comfier than the sofa.
“Greetings, May I ask what family do you descend from?” 
“Oh my gosh she’s a mini Alfred,” Dick squealed.
“So Like basically you work as Ladybugs, Paris’s Heroine, girl in the chair?” Jason asked, biting into the pastry while holding a struggling Plagg who he finally caught.
“Yep,” Marinette answered, checking Dicks Bandages wrapped around his torso and making sure he was made comfortable. Motorcycle accident my as-
“Now explain how you got trapped babysitting this mangy cat, the other one seems nice enough”
“Jason let Plagg go before he bites you, trust me he will, and like I said Chat Noir was decommissioned, now it’s my job to babysit him until a new wielder is found”
“But no superheroing right?” Dick asked giving Kaalki a small bit of pastry
‘No superheroing at alllll” Marinette replied. She needed to switch the conversation, she was feeling too much like Lila now.
“Anyways would you guys mind keeping this a secret?” The last thing she wanted was for Mr.Wayne to start nosing around.
“Maribug this seems dangerous, we’ve seen how the attacks have destroyed buildings, killed Chat Noir, It’s only because of Ladybugs cure thingy majig that everything is restored” Jason explained. What if she was used as leverage against Ladybug?
“Plus how are you planning on hiding this from everyone else for long?” Dick was already making a mental plan on how to help her regardless “It didn’t take long for us to figure it out”
“Uh lemme figure that part out” Marinette was gonna have to start planning “Speaking of which, how did you guys figure out it was a fake me on the bed?”
“Beats me, it was dick wad over here who figured it out”
“Let's chalk it up to older brother instincts and leave it at that” Dick teased. He was the original Robin. He practically wrote the handbook on “Sneaking out of Wayne Manor 101”.
“He’s also a mother hen”
“Yeah that too”
Agreste Manor                                                                                                    Paris, France                                                                                                    6:00 a.m
Adrien walked up the stairs to his home heartbroken. He has just lost his very best friend. He has lost his job. His only escape from the pressures of being an Agreste. He needed it back. He will get it back no matter what. Right now all Adrien needed was someone to talk to. His father was very obviously a no. Nino was a definite negative. He had broken up with Alya, his other good friend. 
The last thing he wanted to do was be dragged into another conflict. He was already dealing with the whole Lila and Marinette conflict. Wait a minute. Marinette. Marinette can be trusted. He can talk to her!!!
Immediately whipping out his phone he clicked on Marinette's contact and held it up to his ear. Ready to confess his secret and talk with her.
Line Disconnected
What!? Nononono this had to be a mistake. He retried again quickly. After being met with the same message he called Chloe. 
After a dial tone, Chloe picked up “Adrien? Do you know what time it is?” she asked in a sleepy voice.
“Sorry Chlo, it's just....do you know what happened to Marinette, I know she's in the States with family, but why isn't she answering? Her phone is disconnected” Adrien asked apologetically. The other end was completely silent before Chloe started shuffling around before releasing a sigh
“Not that it's any of your business, but Marinette doesn't really wanna talk to any of her old classmates” 
“What about me?”
“Especially you” 
Authors Note: This blog stands for diversity and being inclusive. I will not tolerate hate towards others, least of all between my readers. I know that a few of us might be upset over recent occurrences over in the Harry Potter Fandom. Just know that I am a writer that loves all my readers 
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summerdazed · 3 years
“We’re… friends after all” famous last words. And on a serious note. Don’t give in to peer pressure and do something stupid kids, trust your gut instincts and common sense and if something feels wrong, it is. Okey and that’s all, folks. Thank you for listening to my PSA (that I piggybacked on Summer’s account) - embarrassed anon
Exactly and if you think you’re being played or being taken advantage of then you probably want to look at who your “friends” are
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