gojoed · 11 months
What's the reason. Fess up
would u believe if i said it's because of this
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chiquititaosita · 4 months
girl dad! geto x mom! reader
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-literally cannot I MEAN CANNOT!!! Mimiko and Nanako LOVE THE BABY! Like not even joking they think of her as a baby doll.
- geto puts his little princess in braids and cute hairstyles because of post partum depression. He takes charge sometimes
-“what do I do? Why is it crying?” He asked a little worried. While baby girl yuikiko is throwing herself back and closing her fists as a newborn. She’s so hungry. The nurse explains everything to him. He takes it with a grain of salt.
-takes care of you during pregnancy and your postpartum journey
-the first diaper change is hilarious. “Oh my god!-“ hello covers his mouth gagging looking away as the baby laughs. Because she has a full poopy diaper.
-the twins just laugh, when geto struggles changing yukikos diaper. “Ah little flower is going to give me a hard time.” He mumbles.
-he doesn’t understand what breast milk is until you were legit breastfeeding. “Wait can I try some?” Mother fucker inhaled that shit because it was pleasing to the tongue. puts it in his protein shake 😭
-if you feel insecure about your new mom body he’s not going to be the type of husband that says “fuck get over it.”
-he keeps on admiring your body, like when y’all had y’all’s first time together. “I have so much more respect for you now [y/n]..” he’ll whisper
-one time you came home from work watching the twins, the baby and Suguru all fall asleep, luckily the baby was alive and breathing well. Even sleeping in the portable bassinet around the house.
-is so proud that yukikos first word is mama but when he hears dada he goes feral crying. It’s giving “I’m not crying you are!”
- he is willing to teach his girls his techniques in order to defend themselves when geto is not present.
- now he calls y’all’s daughter a monkey “y/n! this damn monkey baby is putting things it’s in mouth!”
-(when the baby learns to pull hair he regrets it) “okay okay I’m sorry it’s a her my bad!!” 💀
- like fr though he loves your daughter even when she eats her food in nothing but a diaper and strapped in a high chair because she’s exploring taste and texture
-“I’m gonna protect you from everything that’ll potentially and will put you in danger on your mama.”
- one time he let gojo babysit it did not end well (he lost her by almost sealing her with another curse because he wasn’t watching her while she was crawling around) 😭😭
- the baby is very much a daddy’s girl so whatever baby girl wants baby girl gets
-also he holds your hand while holding the baby when she gets her ears pierced. (He shedded more tears than the baby) then the baby was fine after she was given a bottle of milk.
-“she’s fine?”
-the baby tries to hit Suguru for no damn reason ON PURPOSE (when she’s a bit older and can move her arms during that development)
-“OW SHE BIT ME!” the twins will laugh
-the twins will try to feed the baby baby food but wanna watch the baby feed herself.
-“ why is yukiko eating her foot?”
-“ask y/n”
-“why is yukiko eating her foot?”
-“I think she discovered it”
-he’s there for every milestone and trying to record it.
-lots of pictures and videos of the baby with the girls and you.
-when the baby is tired and screaming crying, and you’re not there singing to her. Suguru discovered his singing soothes the baby (regardless if it sounds bad on purpose or not) or if he sings bad lmao
-and geto would never want anything to change because he loves his little family
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stories-and-chaos · 7 months
Shrike: Angel Learns a Lesson
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[Hazbin Hotel reader insert as Alastor’s “darling life and death partner” I did my best for an ace x ace relationship, based on personal experience. Both parties are moderately sex favorable. Silly one shot inspired by my brain saying ‘what if a Stolas-esque bleep fest was extremely clinical’]
[One shot, 1106 words, no warnings needed]
“Okay toots, you an’ me gotta talk,” Angel Dust found you reading in the hotel parlor. The lanky spider demon had been itching to talk to you one on one since you moved into the hotel. You’d moved into Alastor’s suite, happy to finally have your husband back after his seven year ‘sabbatical.’ That meant you were mostly in the Radio Demon’s company. Angel had learned not to ask him about sex the hard way.
You looked much more approachable. You had the air of a delicate bird. A little shorter than Vaggie, you had the perfect amount of curves for an hourglass figure. The shimmering flapper dress you wore showed that off nicely. Even though your arms and legs were vividly red for ⅔ of their length, they weren’t too alarming. Even your talons looked delicate. The black mask across your eyes was striking but offset by the fluffy silver hair framing your face. Your wings didn’t have a sharpness like a bird of prey and were proportioned more like a songbird.
All in all, you looked sweet, cheerful, and non-threatening.
So on a day that Alastor was out while you remained at the hotel, Angel Dust got the perfect opportunity to get some of the goods about tall, dark, and spooky. “Oh! Angel! What can I help you with?”
“I gotta know sweet cheeks, what do you an’ Al get up to?” You made an inquiring noise as you tilted your head to one side. Even that motion was bird-like. The porn star stared at you, unsure if you were pranking him. But the silence stretched on and he realized you actually didn’t understand. “Wha…how…you…” he didn’t know how to talk about sex with someone who didn’t understand innuendo. “How do you and Smiles have sex?”
That just confused you more. “Angel, ma petite araignée, I thought you worked in the sex industry. Surely you know the mechanics.” You paused. “Though I suppose I wouldn’t put it past that lousy moth to keep you in the dark.”
“I know how banging works! Jeez, I can’t do this sober.” He ordered drinks from a Husk that was trying not to laugh. He drank one, got a refill and brought one back for you as well. “A’right. You and Alastor are both as thick as two short planks about anything sexy, so I wanna know how you guys ever do anything in bed. Besides sleeping,” he hastened to add.
“Ooooooooh, okay! Sure, I don’t mind talking. But you gotta explain all those innuendos we don’t understand, got it cher?”
“You got it toots. Now spill, start with how often you do the deed.”
You sipped your whiskey as you thought back over the last century. “Mm, anywhere from one to four times a year? It varies, but infrequently is a good way to put it.”
“You only have sex once a year?!”
“I didn’t say that. It’s usually just for the night but intercourse occurs more than once when we feel up to it. Multiple times usually,” you clarified with a chuckle.
“Okay, makes sense, ya got me there. So it’s just when you’re both in the mood then?”
“I suppose you could put it that way. It’s an enjoyable activity, just not something we need to do. Or want to do as much as most.”
“A’right, we got the scheduling figured out. I gotta know technique. Positions, toys, he into kinky shit? You into kinky shit?” He leaned on the couch back, thrilled that he got you talking.
“Well [redacted] is our usual position. We’ve tried [beep], [bleep], [what], [why]. Oh and [really?] but that was uncomfortable for Alastor. [redacted] and [redacted] were fun but we were so worn out the next day. I like [beeeeeeeeeeep] to mix things up. I don’t know if they count as kinky but [oh god], [nope], [beepbeep], [thats a thing?], [redacted], [please stop], [srsly], and [wow] are all things we’ve attempted over the years. I like some [bleeping all this] and [this too] personally while he enjoys [hide your eyes], [nope], [double nope]. Oh, I almost forgot [holy shit], we gave that a try before his sabbatical.” Angel and Husk both looked at you in disbelief as your list grew. Then you continued.
“As for toys…[don’t wanna know], [redacted], [dang girl], and [bleepbleepBLEEP] all see some use. I guess [redacted] also counts. We tried [no thanks] but I hated it. We’ve both agreed we never want to try [ew] or [gross]. [How even?] has been fun. Alastor has indulged me with [no more please] a few times. Of course I reciprocate with some [BEEPBLEEP] if he asks. But really it’s mostly [redacted] for us. I’m sure we’re terribly boring compared to what you’ve been up to, ma petite araignée.”
Angel blinked at you in a daze. He held his drink loosely in his hand before downing it in a desperate gulp. Husk was once again pulling his ears down in extreme embarrassment. “I wouldn’t say that toots.”
You brushed his mop of hair from his face. The poor thing looked dazed. “Angel, cher, I think you’ve had enough to drink for tonight. Husk, do you have any water for him?”
“Getting to know the guests my dear?” Alastor manifested from the shadows, making Angel jump and you smile.
“More the other way around darling.”
“So long as everyone is behaving themselves. I wanted to know if you’d like to go out to dinner tonight? I’ve come across a little place that claims to have authentic Cajun cuisine.”
“Mais oui! Although I’m surprised you’re willing to try after what happened to the last restaurant.”
“You cannot dump black pepper into sausage and rice and call it jambalaya. It’s a sin and a disgrace and the place deserved to burn for it.”
“Right you are, Alastor. Am I dressed well enough or shall I go change?” You stood up and twirled for his inspection.
“Hmm, lovely as always my dear.” He held out his arm for you. “Until later chums!”
“We’ll be back! Make sure you get some rest Angel,” you called as Alastor led you out.
Once the two of you were gone, Angel slumped over Husk’s bar. “I didn’t imagine that right? You heard her too, right?”
“Oooh yeah. I kept saying not to ask, but you just had to know.”
“Yeah well I learned my lesson. I’m gonna need another drink after that.”
“Nah, I think Y/N was right about you having enough for now.” Husk pushed a glass of water over to him, garnished with a lemon slice.
“Asshole.” Angel did drink the water though.
A/N: This is absolutely drawn from my being married for 10+ years and still not understanding innuendos. Doesn’t matter how many times we’ve done it, that’s not how I’m wired. I’m going with “you can’t be embarrassed if you don’t care” as to why Shrike is so frank with Angel btw. It’s as embarrassing as picking out her shoes for the day. Also when you’re approaching triple digits in how long you’ve been with a partner, I figure you’ve tried everything under the sun and beyond, purely out of curiosity. My count has roughly 600 instances from 150 evenings over their life- and death-time. Feel free to mad libs her bleeped portions, I honestly only filled in a third of them in my brain, and the canonicity is dubious anyway.
@edgyboi10000 @clearly-awkward @badatpunz @deafsignifcantother @whitewolfsoldat @ch3sire-blu3
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randoimago · 6 months
Hello is it okay if I could please have headcanons for yusuke and akechi and joker and futaba from persona 5 with a animator s/o like the reader does anime or cartoon animation and probably still watches cartoons and old animated movies as someone who wants to study animation I just wanna share my passion with these guys
Fandom: Persona 5
Character(s): Akechi, Joker, Futaba, Yusuke
Note(s): Sure thing!!
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He's tried watching you animate before and he had to walk away after he watched you draw the same shape for what felt like a hundred times. He knows animation takes a lot of time and patience but he doesn't have either of those to watch.
Akechi will pull you away from the TV or whatever you're doing with your animation to spend time with him. And to make sure you've eaten or taken care of yourself. He's definitely a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to that.
Doesn't really watch cartoons with you, but he does listen as you talk about some specific effect or frame of animation. Akechi doesn't completely understand what you're talking about but you look happy so it's good enough for him.
Oh she thinks it's really cool that you do animation. Might ask if you could show her a bit of the software you use. She's not artistic, but she loves technology and learning new things that you can do with it.
She's more than happy to watch whatever anime or cartoon with you. Probably asks you a bunch of questions about the animation too. She knows you pause and rewind quite a bit to watch the details of something multiple times so she tries her best to see whatever you saw.
Futaba would jokingly suggest doing stop motion animation with Phantom Thief dolls or something. If you decide to go with it then she'll gladly come up with a script and get to work while you get your own stuff set up.
There's many times when he'll go to spend time with you only for you to be involved in your animation. He doesn't mind it since you've visited him when he was making lockpicks or tending to Le Blanc. He doesn't know everything about animation, but he enjoys listening to you talk about it.
He likes whenever you go on tangents or talk to him a mile a minute about some new technique you learned or some new feature you figured out to help you animate more smoothly.
He is always happy to sit with you and watch some anime or something and see how you react to the animation in it. He doesn't quite know why he feels more kind after watching Studio Ghibli with you, but he's not going to object with how you seem to be very enraptured with the animation.
The idea of making a picture or image move is fascinating to him. He's a fan of most art mediums so if you'd like to practice animation by having him sketch a couple things out then he'd be glad too.
Yusuke is the most fascinated with 3D animation. Watching you rotating the character or object and changing details is something he enjoys doing. Although he does throw in his own input of what needs more shadows or changing the texture of something.
He'd try his hand at traditional animation if you explain it to him. Yes, it's very time consuming, but it's a new art medium and he is determined to make an attempt. The issue is he's a perfectionist so you probably won't speak to him for a few weeks while he's working on this. At least he's supportive of your career?
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@reo-the-leo @abellaheart-blog
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mazeinthemiroh · 2 years
Hi! i hope your having a good day. i love your work and was wondering if you could maybe do skz headcannons with an idol s/o who’s the main dancer in their group?
stray kids with their main dancer idol! s/o
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genre: headcanons; fluff, general, idol! s/o
word count: 0.8k
warnings: none
pls like and reblog if you enjoyed! feel free to request anything <3
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chan is always keen on self-improvement and finds that you help a lot
if he feels he's lacking in the dance department, the likelihood is he'll seek you out
not that he'll ever directly ask for help lmao
but sometimes you can just sense it and take the hint
he appreciates how much of a perfectionist you can be with your art. he's the same, of course
he feels like your brains are more similar than he thought to begin with, and through understanding how you work he recognises how much you focus and try hard to be the best, which is so attractive to him
lee know
is intrigued by your technique
that's how you piqued his interest before you even started dating him
being a professional dancer, he can pick out the superior dancers from each group with ease
you were easy for him to pin-point as the main dancer of your group because of your raw talent
so, he wanted to work and even perform with you
and since then, he has never once looked back
currently, you're his dancer partner, and dare i say the best fan-favourite couple ever. your chemistry when you work together is seriously unmatched
people are always waiting for your next collab
he literally thinks you're the best dancer in the industry and stands behind that statement
anytime his friends wanna tease him he's like "okay but are you dating the best dancer in the business? that's what i thought"
gets a good rise outta wooyoung tbh and he gets super competitive but we move
he loves bragging about your achievements bruh
he doesn't have time to talk about himself when he's wayyy too busy hyping you up
he's so proud of you like?? he can't help himself as embarrassed as it sounds. you just gotta go with it
he just wuvs you and wants to tell literally everyone he meets about your awesomeness ;-;
similar to lee know, hyunjin would want to work with you
he can't help but be enthralled by your beauty when you're performing
encourages you to do solo performances just so you get the time to showcase what you can do
wants to learn more classical ballroom dances with you because he's a hopeless romantic and is cheesy like that
he's just so in love
will probably write poetry about you and draw a dynamic, abstract painting of you dancing just cos you inspire him so much
idk you get him so mushy it's so cute
probably cries buckets when you do a super emotional contemporary dance, because... you know... its hyunjin
i mean it doesn't matter what position you are in as an idol, han jisung is a supportive bf no matter what and is literally your biggest fan
if you're the main rapper? he'll learn all your rap verses off by heart
if you're the lead singer? he'll dramatically sing your own group's songs until you hate it
and you being the main dancer? well, you best believe he's learning all the choreography
especially if you do solo work, my gosh
from the minute your new music video drops he's like "baby, where do you get those hips from??"
he's down bad, basically
mr. heart eyes
he literally... oh my gosh
i can't even-
he literally is obsessed with the way you move like oh my goshhhh i cannot stress this enough
you got him feeling things he's never felt before, ouch
his eyes are always fixed on you during your performances, and yes the cameraman has both caught and exposed him for having his jaw dropped to the floor and his eyes sparkly and wide as he watches you dance
the fans and i other idols get a good chuckle out of his reactions
he takes such an interest in how your work is doing
and he loves it when you do the same
he finds you have the same love and passion for dancing as he does with regard to singing
and that common ground is beautiful
it allows the conversation to flow so easily as you bond with your similar interests
the fact that you're both idols helps too, of course
gets so blushy thinking about how stunning you are when you dance. he's like a little boy when he sees you in action
he doesn't know how to react to his soulmate being so effortlessly talented
amazed by you
but doesn't easily show it
lowkey wants to learn more from you but is too shy to ask directly, at first
so he'll get you in a dance studio and teach you how to do the iconic 'maknae on top' hips move, just for funsies
and then he'll casually ask you what your fave move is
and from there, he will learn how to improve from you
he admires you so much, sometimes he just has a hard time articulating that to you
so spending time with you and working on dance - something you both love - is how he expresses that
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soapyghostie · 1 year
Hi! I’ve never sent a request so I’m not fully sure how it works, but I love your account! I was wondering if you could do some headcanons on how Jason Voorhees and Micheal Myres would react to an autistic reader who vocal stims a lot? (ie, screeching out of the blue, making stupid noises, repeating phrases stuck in their head etc), if not that’s completely fine :) thank you!
Hey! I had to do a little research on this so I hope I got it right. Hope you enjoy!
Jason Voorhees
Are you okay? Are you having a seizure? Are you gonna die?! Jason is very concerned; he thinks you're gonna croak. He doesn’t know what autism is. His mother never explained what disorders are or the many different types of disorders: she never needed to. You’re probably gonna have to explain it to him, when you calm down, because his mother has no clue that you have autism and probably thinks you’re on drugs. If in any case she knew, she’d have probably explained it to him already. 
Jason doesn’t know how to help you. All he really knows is to sit with you and listen to you squawk like a pterodactyl for 5 hours straight. However, his mother teaches him some techniques to help you cope with your autism and sharpen your communication skills. 
One thing for sure is that you never have to worry about bright lights and noise; Jason only lights his cabin by candle, which isn’t too bright, and you guys live out in the woods so, over all, it’s pretty quiet. Also, from what his mom told him, Jason knows you don’t understand sign language so he writes simple sentences on pieces of paper as a way of communication.  
Jason is pretty patient. If you don’t understand something right away, he’ll just wait until you do. He’ll give you a thumbs up as a source of encouragement. You got this! Jason believes in you! 😊 
As for your random outbursts, it scares Jason. You guys will just be sitting there in peace and then all of a sudden you start yelling random shit: it startles him. Again, he’ll just sit there and let you yell rant because what’s his business to shut you up. Just don’t get up and yell all in his face though: it hurts his ears.
Michael Myers
Let’s start with that you absolutely annoy the crap out of him. Sometimes it gets to the point Michael is questioning his own sanity and wishing he’d of killed you a long time ago. Yeah, that’s how bad it is. 😂 He’s always wondering how the hell he got stuck with you. If he could kill himself, he would, but you know… he’s immortal. 🤷‍♀️
Michael doesn’t know what autism is so he thinks you're on drugs. You can’t change his mind, even if you try to explain it to him: he’s not convinced. He’ll literally trash your room to see if you're hiding anything and stalk you a lot to make sure you aren’t buying anything that you shouldn’t be inhaling. Well, I guess you aren’t taking drugs, but you definitely are a weirdo. 
Your random outbursts and screaming make him wanna sock you in the face. Michael really likes his peace and quiet; you making all those loud noises just pisses him off. He almost has himself convinced that you do it on purpose. There was this one time when you randomly started screeching; you were screeching for almost 30 minutes and Michael had enough of it. He grabbed the closest small object he could find and jammed that sucker in your mouth. Though, he wished it went down your throat so you would choke and die. 🫤 
Even though Michael is pretty mean to you, he still loves you in his own way. When he found out that you’ve had a disorder this whole time, that he probably found out when he was stalking you while you were at a therapy session, he decides he’s going to learn tactics to help you cope with your autism. Finally… 😑 Even if it is so you stop screaming at the top of your lungs all the time.
Michael will steal crafts, coloring books, paper, and anything you may want from the store to keep your mind busy. If you're focusing on a craft, you won’t randomly screech right? He’ll also steal a whole bunch of prescribed medication from the pharmacy in hopes that one of them will cure your autism. I don't think ibuprofen helps with autism Michael. 🤦🏼‍♀️ He just really wants you to stop being so annoying all the time.
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rainofthetwilight · 6 months
Would this scenario happen? Probably not but thats the beauty of fiction✨️
You wanna know who else will pull punches? You wanna know who understands what it feels like to want to feel important, powerful, useful just because he has been possessed by someone like that?
You wanna know who, despite everything. Would most likely not want to hurt his first student? You wanna know who probably understands what Arin is going through?
Who understands that resentment (he resented his father once)? That hatred (someone he knows hated him like that once)? Who time and time again have had people he cares about be villains?
If he could give all those people a chance. Why not you?
The situation was out of control; wolf warriors were everywhere, the gong was ringing in my ear louder than ever, we just got Kai back but at the same time 2 of the forbidden five was released, commands and orders were thrown and shouted in every direction.
But a midst it all.. there was you
You never felt you were good enough
You were hurt and misguided
You who were confused and felt small
You who i won't be able to understand but yet i understand fully at the same time
You who switched on us, but i forgive you
Because your a student and i'm the teacher. Your a child and i'm the adult (yet i was your age for the worst parts of my life)
You fought with our teachings (my teachings), you used all your knowledge that you know about us. I'm proud
You avoided me, despite everything you didn't want to hurt me. You fought with everyone else tho (even sora)
I could never hurt you, but i can tell the gong makes you want to hurt me. Its chipping away your kindness, your resentment is growing.
Before i knew it we were fighting, you knew my every move, but i'm more experienced
But i could never hurt you
Dodge. Parry. Dodge
Your technique is great and i could see you using the teachings we've shown you.. i've shown you
But i could never hurt you
Dodge. Parry. Swing. Dodge. Parry. Jump. Dodge. Parry
You were screaming; yelling. I was quiet
I asked why? Because i could never understand yet i understand so much it hurts.
I've seen this before and it hurts everytime
(I could never really learn could I?)
But i could never hurt you
You knew all about us, i've listened to your rambles about us, did you know about pythor? The quiet one? My dad?
Deep down i knew you just wanted to be useful, to be seen, power was just a disguise wasn't it?
Dodge. Parry. Dodge
You screamed about how i didn't understand, couldn't understand.. because i was the green ninja, i was always important, powerful, chartered in every prophecy and history books. How right and wrong you are
But i could never hurt you. So i kept quiet
Dodge. Dodge.
You started crying, you were hurt. Despite me trying not to hurt you i still hurt you. You were getting sloppy, your emotions getting the better of you. You were as much the child you truly are (yet you are older than i was)
I didn't wanna fight you anymore
I heard yelling in the distance, but your tears stopped me from listening
I let you hit me, the gong was ringing in the distance but i knew it won't effect you anymore
I held you, you were hitting me. But i could never hurt you
I told you how much i cared, how much i love you, how much i see myself and others in you. How important you are to ME and others, how you were always good enough; your mind was just being cruel to you. How amazing you are, how despite not being written a prophecy you managed to be something incredible. How much your parents would've still loved you, how proud they are. How proud I AM
You stopped hitting me (thats good because i stopped feeling and thats bad)
You started crying again, but not of hurt. Because of guilt
But thats okay, i've felt this before and i forgive you
You were apologizing, you held me as if you were scared. I could hear someone screaming (Kai seems distressed.. we should check up on him)
I held you
I could never hurt you
I could never hur-
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epickiya722 · 6 months
Okay, in my Star's Rebirth AU, Kenjaku is technically still alive, but Yuji keeps their brain in a jar (just like the Death Paintings) and for whatever reason, the thought that popped in my head is Yuji telling Shoko about it but it goes like this.
Yuji: I have my mom's brain.
Shoko: What?
Yuji: Kenjaku. Have their brain. *shows a jar he's keep said brain in*
Shoko: ... can I ask why?
Yuji: They kept my brothers in jars, right? As long as they have no body, they can't do anything.
Shoko: Okay. I see your point. Where are you keeping that thing?
Yuji: In my chambers. (Note: just read the AU)
Shoko: Ah. Anyways, why are you telling me this?
Yuji: Wanna study it?
Shoko: ...
Yuji: ...
Shoko: You are a weird kid, but you speak my language.
I can see Yuji slowly getting into that area of science, more so because... well, for one... someone had to be like Kenjaku (they would be proud... probably)!
And two, I think that Yuji is "dumb" (by what he believes) because he doesn't learn due to the people who teaches him and how he is being taught. Think about how quickly he learns to use cursed energy. It's a hands on experience for him and the methods use do hold his attention (example, the movie watching and that stuck with him).
Shoko, I think she could hold Yuji's attention because she comes off as someone who uses visuals to teach. I mean, someone had to teach Yuji RCT and honestly? I say it's Shoko.
I think of how Satoru tried to teach Yuji how to use cursed energy the first time. Satoru just went straight into saying "This is cursed energy, this is a cursed technique". And Yuji didn't get it until he used the example of electricity, creating that visual.
It reminds me of how Shoko tried to teach Satoru and Suguru the opposite way about RCT. Moving her hands and making sound effects to recreate a visual for them to understand how RCT works.
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bratzforchris · 1 year
Loving Luke
a list of headcanons about luke being autistic and loving him for him in honor of disability pride month<3
some of these headcanons came from my wonderful friend @cthheaven :) go follow them for cool stuff!
DISCLAIMER: i am in no way saying or assuming luke is autistic/neurodivergent. as an auDHDer, i find it comforting to relate things in my everyday life to my favorite people. if you'd prefer to not see this content, please keeping scrolling. and with that, onward!
❊ loves tight or "squeeze" hugs
❊ has multiple weighted blankets. some of them have built in heating pads or massage settings
❊ wears lots of jewelry to interviews so he has a built-in stim toy when he starts feeling overwhelmed
❊ likes to do vocal stims. he often uses the techniques he uses in vocal warm ups to stim.
❊has an oral fixation, so fun chewlry is a must
❊is quite sentimental. he has a large box of all the birthday cards and little trinkets people have given him over the years
❊sometimes needs reminders to eat/drink water/use the bathroom if he's entranced by his special interests
❊has petunia as his service animal. when he gets overstimulated, she'll lay her head in his lap for some deep pressure therapy or rub against his legs for some comfort
❊sometimes he struggles to understand your tone. he'll look at his feet and blush and ask you what mean
❊asks you to learn ASL with him because he often goes nonverbal after shows/interviews because of the pressure and overstimulation
❊rocking stims. luke rocks forwards and backwards when he's stressed, when he's watching his favorite show, and even when he's riding in the car
❊loves the beach but despises the sand. once he reaches the ocean and is able to splash around, he's very happy, but walking through the sand to get there is hell
❊uses noise canceling ear buds/plugs because he's still slightly insecure about using headphones since he's in the public eye so much
❊some of his special interests include dogs, all types of music, surfing, and coffee (yes, a drink can be a special interest :))
❊needs to hold something to make his body feel balanced when he sleeps, which means all the comfort stuffies. when you first come over, he tries to hide them from you because he's embarrassed, but you gently reassure him that it's okay
❊has fidget toys everywhere. even in the bathroom
❊very shy around new people. he was always the "weird kid" at school, so it takes some getting used to to make sure people are nice
❊adores when you send him pictures/articles/tiktoks related to his special interests
❊struggles with regulating his emotions, so there's lots of teary and meltdown moments
❊gets tummy aches a lot. between often being anxious and the fact that lots of autistic people are comorbid with gastrointestinal issues, luke spends a lot of time curled up on the couch with you rubbing his belly and a heating pad
❊loves the visual stims that come from doing his makeup. using the fun colors and the way the glitter catches the light fills his heart with autistic joy
❊uses laundry sheets with a soft scent so his clothes don't bother him
❊is an adventurous eater, but still has his safe foods. these include dairy free mac n cheese, graham crackers, and strawberries
that's all for now! if you wanna see a part 2, let me know! happy disability pride month loves 🩵
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babyjakes · 2 years
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angel's aid. [blurb.]
〈 disclaimer: this blog posts content not suitable for individuals under the age of 18. minors are strictly prohibited from viewing, sharing, or interacting with this blog. for more information on this blog's commitment to protecting minors, read our full statement here. 〉
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event | feb '23 blurb night
summary | when the tail-end's chaos gets to you, curtis knows just what you need.
pairing | friend!curtis everett x reader
warnings | me not (ever) really knowing how to write snowpiercer, curtis and reader don't have any established relationship (i imagine they're just friends in this), mentions/depictions of sensory overload and being overstimulated, soft sweet comforting understanding curtis, this seems to be some sort of routine for the two of them- curtis helps whenever she needs it
word count | 474
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requested by @brandycranby | for the hc blurb night, maybe curtis + reader being sensory overloaded? 🥺
an | ooooh yes yes yes yes yes thankyou for this request friend!! i was hoping to write soft!curtis for this event and i love this idea so much, i imagine being on that god-awful train would just feel like a literal prison at times so i love the concept of curtis trying to help you through that- i hope you enjoy!! (also thanks so much to my bestie @starksbabie for helping me focus on writing this lol you are such an angel and a blessing i could not do this life without you)
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"Come on, y/n- I got you. Almost there."
All you can do is keep putting one foot in front of the other as you trail along behind Curtis, your hand wrapped firmly in his as he guides you through the mayhem of the train car. It's nice to have his hand; it always is- it's something to focus in on, a singular sensation to hold your attention amidst the whirlwind of chaos surrounding you. Warm and steady, his support is tangible.
When the two of you reach your destination: the tiny closet tucked away at the back of the cabin, Curtis ushers you in gently before securing the door behind you. "Alright petal, we made it. You're okay, you're safe."
Your body knows where to go- over to the small makeshift bench in the corner where you can finally collapse into a mess of shaky, uneven breaths. Curtis is down beside you before you can even blink. Not too close, careful not to crowd you in, "Easy, angel," he soothes, "let's get that coat off of you." It's amazing how he knows, he just knows. This is certainly not the first time he's been through this with you. "Can I help?" he asks, not wanting to bring his hands near you without your permission. Trembling, you nod.
His movements are heedful as he eases off your outer layer. Noticing just the slightest improvement in your state after the simple modification, Curtis smiles mildly at you. "There you go, sweet girl. You countin' your breaths for me?" You offer him another nod. It had been surprising the first time he guided you through the breathing techniques; you never would have guessed the cold, rough man would be so adept at aiding in a situation like yours. But if there's one thing you've learned about Curtis over the course of your friendship, it's that he's so much deeper than he might seem. Beneath his grumpy, distant, quiet-and-damaged front, so much empathy and care exist within him.
"You wanna talk, honey? Or not yet? It's okay, there's no rush, y/n." You raise your hand slightly, signaling the need for more time. The man nods understandingly.
"Curtis?" As he glances up at you, a hint of warmth shines in his eyes, his brow softening at the sound of your voice. Swallowing down your hesitation, you ask, "h-hand?"
There isn't a word that could describe the tenderness that graces his face as he stares back at you, there in that dark, lonely closet. "Of course, angel," he coos, taking both of your smaller hands in his. "Just focus on me, sweetheart. Hands and breaths, that's all you gotta think about."
"Hands, breaths," you repeat.
Curtis smiles kindly at you, giving one of your hands a gentle squeeze. "That's right, petal. Doing so good, you're sounding better already."
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blackhakumen · 4 months
Mini Fanfic #1207: Trained to (Try and) Impress (King of Fighters X Art of Fighting)
3:21 p.m. Southtown's Fitness Gym..........
Yuri: (Sat Herself Down on a Bench While Panting) Okay!......That's......enough sparring.....for one day.....
Marco: (Takes Out a White Towel From his Bag and Wraps ir Around the Back of His Neck Before Using It to Wipe Off the Sweat Falling Down on his Cheeks) You sure you wanna call it quits? You seemed a lot more fired up than ever before, especially in the last few rounds we had.
Yuri: ('Sighs Heavily') Yeah, I'm sure......That was like....what? Best 6 out of 7 so far? (Looks Up at the Ceiling) A girl can handle so much before she throws in the towel........(Takes Her Bottle of Water Right Next to Her and Drinks Out of It Before She Sees Marco Handing Over her Pink Towel) Thanks. (Uses her Towel to Wipe all the Sweat Off her Forehead and Face)
Marco: (Sits Down Next to Yuri) You know, I'm impressed with the amount of progress we've made so far today, more so yours in particular.
Yuri: (Turns to Marco) You think so? I feel like I need more work in my more newer techniques if anything.
Marco: There's always room for improvement to be sure. (Smiles Softly at Yuri) But I think you did pretty good out there so far if you ask me.
Yuri: (Smiles Back at her Friend) Thanks, Marco. (Places her Hands onto Both her Cheeks While Pouting a Bit) It's about time someone recognized my efforts in this dumb Karate Team......
Marco: I take it you had another squabble with that "dumb" brother of yours recently?
Yuri: (Sighs While Rolling her Eyes) Nah. I had more of a one-sided arguement with my dumb dad involving that said dumb brother of mines if anything. After me and Ryo spent all mornong helping him out with getting the restaurant ready for today, he kept going on and on about how proud of him he is of him restoring the Kyoukgen Arts' name to it's original glory and that I should either be more like those two or quit learning how to fight all together.
Marco: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) Wait, he seriously told you that?
Yuri: Yeah. I mean, it's not the first time he ever told me to call it quits, but it's doesn't make it any less annoying and frustrating considering I had to constantly prove myself just how strong and capable of a fighter I really am to those two on every ring I stepped into. And even all of THAT still doesn't convinced them otherwise!
Marco: Maybe they wanted to keep you safe. You are the youngest the Sakazaki family after all.
Yuri: I am, yeah. But I've also participated in the KOF tournament with Mai and King since day number one! We never won a single entry since then, but neither did their team! And the only reason I started taking up karate in the first place was so I could protect myself from getting kidnapped again.
Macro: (Eyes Widened Again) You were kidnapped once!? By who!?
Yuri: This chrome dome of a crimelord named Mr. Big. Him and Geese used to work together years ago. (Places her Finger onto her Chin) Or did he worked Geese?.....('Sigh') Doesn't matter. The bottom line is that he was slimey creep and I hate him! He even blackmailed our dad into leaving us alone in our home when we were younger to go work for them as Mr Karate until Ryo managed beat the snot out of him years later! Which.....(Brings her Ponytail In Front of Her Before Combong it Down with her Hands While Frowning) that in it of itself is another can of worms I don't really feel like opening up right now.......
Marco: (Nodded in Understanding) And you have every right to not do so if you wish. (Frowns a Bit) I'm sorry you had to go through all of that.
Yuri: (Smiles a Bit) Thanks. I'm not over the whole thing completely, but I'm still getting hmthere at least. (Starts Rubbing The Back of her Head Back and Forth in a More Shyly Manner) Really, if anyone should be sorry here is me for bumming you out with my problems and trauma.....
Marco: (Simply Shrugs) You needed it to get it all out if your chest, there's nothing inherently wrong with that. In fact, I think I can relate to that problem of yours.
Yuri: Really? You have siblings of your own this whole time, Marco?
Marco: Nope. But you see, when I was a lot young, let's say around: 8 or 9, my father, bless his soul, used to be famous martial artist back in my hometown. He has a good amount star students older than me who were practically sons to him. Me, being the naive, bratty kid that I was, got jealous of all the attention he was giving to them overtime, so I signed up for their classes shortly after.
Marco shows Yuri a picture of younger, kid self, standing in the middle of a group photo with the other more older students of his father's dojo, on his phone.
Yuri: ('GASPS') Oh my gosh!~ (Happily Points at Kid Marco on Screen) Is that really you over there?
Macro: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Yeah, yeah, I was a cute kid back then.
Yuri: More than that!~ (Starts Up Sizing the Pucture and Starts Twisting Onto Little Marco's Cheeks on Screen) You were the most adorable, squishly looking little guy ever, yes you were~
Marco: (Groans While Facepalming Himself) I swear to heaven and earth, you're starting to become as bad as my mother right now. Always going around bragging about how cute and handsome I was to every old and new faces she meets.....
Yuri: (Giggles Softly) Well, she's not wrong, you know? You're still quite the looker these days. Which reminds me~
Marco: Oh no.
Yuri: How come you still don't got yourself girl and/or boyfriend yet?
Marco: (Groans Again) Again with this?
Yuri: (Starts Pouting Again) Yes, again with this! You're sweet, handsome like your momma says you are, and very hardworking, to the extreme sometimes. The fact that no one has thrown their arms around you yet is a travesty in it of itself!
Marco: Look, we can PLEASE go back to the Topic at hand? I'm trying to help you out here!
Yuri: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fiiiiiine. But we're setting you up for a date the next time we go out clubbing with Robert one of these nights! (Crosses her Arms) No ifs, ands, or buts about it, mister.
Marco: (Rolls his Eyes Again) I'm filled to the brim with excitement already. (Shows Off Pictures of his Upbringings as a Fighter With Each Swipe From his Finger Tip) And so was kid me when I was first enrolled to the class. It was an challenging experience and my drive to prove my worth towards my father and everyone else would end up getting me in trouble in a few areas.
Marco's phone then shows a picture him in his preteens, smiling at the camera with his late father while carrying a medium size trophy.
Marco: But it was only until I won my very first Junior's Martial Arts Champion League that I stopped worrying about what others think of me and start focusing more on myself, the improvements, and accomplishments I've made so far, that I'll continue to make going forward. Hell, that win even got me more invested in the excitement and rich history of this magnificent sport!- (Quickly Stops Himself From Geeking Out Before Clearing his Throat) But I digress.
Yuri: (Snickers a Bit) Nerd~
Marco: Hush up. ('Sigh') Look, the point I'm trying to make here is that I've seen the way you fought your opponents in the past through present. And now thanks to the sparring matches we had today, I, for one think, you're already doing a great enough job holding your own out there, putting your only unique spin to Kyoukgen Style the best you could. Like that time you created a electrified Haoh Shokou Ken. That was the most ingenious take on the move yet!
Yuri: (Giggles Softly While Blushing a Bit) Awww~ You really think so? I was only able to perform it cause my gloves were generating static from my old gi I was wearing at the time. But I figured it was doing more harm to my body the more I keep charging my ki up like that, so I just ended up no doing it anymore, you know?
Marco: (Simply Nodded) Make sense. The human body is fragile. But my point still stands. (Place his Hand Onto Yuri's Shoulder) You're a great fighter, Yuri, and I know that you have what it takes continue to strive in becoming more stronger than you ever were beforehand, not for the approval from your father, your brother, not even from Robert abd myself, but for yourself.
Yuri: (Stares at Marco For a Brief Second Before Nodding in Agreement Before a Determined Smile Starts Creeping Up on her Face) Yeah.....You're right. So what if my style of fighting isn't as traditional or completely by the books as everyone else in our Dojo? It worked out for me a lot in the past and I'll be damned if I sit here and it lot all go to waste now- (Gets Up From her Seat and Points Fowards) For my name isn't Yuri Sa-FREAKING-Kazaki! (Felt a Btt of Cramp in the Vack of her Knee) Ow.
Marco: (Let's Out a Light Chuckle) Atta girl. Keep doing your thing. I'll root for ya all the way.
Yuri: (Winces a Bit While Sitting Back Down and Smiling Back at her Fellow Kyoukgen Karate Fighter) Thanks, Marco. I'll root for you getting a date one days~
Marco: (Gives Yuri Deadpinned Look Again) You're not gonna get off my back with that, are you?
Yuri: (Places her Arm Around Marco's Shoulder) Not as your now appointed Wingwoman I'm not!~
Marco: Pretty sure that isn't a thing.
Yuri: Oh it is. I've been in the love-matching game for some time and now while my previous attempts with King and Ryo has long been a complete bust, I'm more than certain that my guidance this time around will help you reach to greater heights in the romance game.
Marco: What about Robert's guidance?
Yuri: (Shrugs) Pretty sure his would more in line how good you should look if anything. Either way, we got your back 100%, big guy. Trust us!~
Marco: I will once you stop giving me the puppy dog eyes.
Yuri: Carry me back home and I will~ (Rapidly Blinks her Eyes at Marco with a Cutesy Looking Smile on her Face)
Marco: ('Sigh') Deal.
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jewwyfeesh · 1 year
Dessert Crisis 5
Writer: Mitsuki
Character(s): Sakuma Ritsu, Suou Tsukasa
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Tsukasa: When it comes to kyūdō technique, there are 8 steps to undertake when shooting an arrow. Namely: ashibumi, dōzukuri, yugamae, uchiokoshi, hikiwake, kai, hanare, and zanshin.[1]
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Season: Spring Location: Yumenosaki Academy Archery Ground
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Tsukasa: Hold your breath. Concentrate…
It’s still a little slanted. Looks like I’ll still need to work on that.
Let’s try one more time. After all, the saying goes, “Skill comes from practice, and diligence cures clumsiness.”
Uwah, Ritsu-senpai! Please don’t stand there all of a sudden, it’s very Dangerous!
Ritsu: Turns out Suu~chan’s at the Archery Club~
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Tsukasa: There’s still some time before Knights’ work, so I decided to come here to do some independent practice.
Ritsu: Oh? Is shooting arrows really that interesting? I wanna try.
Suu~chan, teach me ♪
Tsukasa: You’re holding me in too high of an esteem, Ritsu-senpai. I still have much to learn and improve on. However, I can tell you about the basics.
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When it comes to kyūdō technique, there are 8 steps to undertake when shooting an arrow. Namely: ashibumi, dōzukuri, yugamae, uchiokoshi, hikiwake, kai, hanare, and zanshin.[1]
Ritsu: Ah, it sounds super troublesome~ Could you explain them in simpler terms?
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Tsukasa: Mm, if we use popular terms to explain it, it would be posture, nocking an arrow, and shooting an arrow.
Please allow me to demonstrate it for you.
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One’s posture needs to be like this. And when you’re nocking the arrow, it’s like that. After, you’ll raise the bow, draw the arrow, and concentrate, aiming at the centre of your target. You need to stabilize your body and your breathing, and calm your mind. Only then, release the bow string, maintaining this position for a few seconds after.
This is one whole process.
Frankly speaking, kyūdō actually places a lot of emphasis on moral and spiritual cultivation, but for beginners… How about learning the ‘forms’ first?
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Ritsu: Seems like Suu~chan really knows his stuff. Although it sounds very tedious, I still want to give it a go.
Tsukasa: Please wait a moment, I’ll help you put on the protective equipment.
Alright, this should do.
Ritsu: I remember Suu~chan’s posture was something like that… Nock the arrow, and raise the bow like so…
Tsukasa: Wait, kindly allow me to adjust your position.
Your foot should be a little further back, but your upper body’s posture is pretty good.
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Ritsu: Suu~chan looks rather pleased. Do you feel a sense of satisfaction when you teach your seniors things?
Tsukasa: Ah, no no no… The most important thing is to let others experience the things that I like – that’s what makes me very happy.
Although… There’s also the factors you mentioned.
Okay, Ritsu-senpai, now you can raise your hand and draw the bow; but please don’t release it just yet. I would like to have a look at your posture when you shoot the arrow.
Ritsu: Mmkay. I’ll draw~
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Tsukasa: Good, this is the feeling. Following this, you need to concentrate, aim for the target, then release.
Ritsu: Aim… and shoot!
Tsukasa: Ah, that’s a shame, you’re only a little off. Try again – it should be better.
Ritsu: It’s okay, I’ll pass. I’ll come and play with you another time. I’m a little tired now, and the sleepiness interfered with my shot earlier on.
So I might as well get on with what I came here to do.
Tsukasa: Business? That’s right… Ritsu-senpai, why did you come down to the Archery Grounds for?
Ritsu: It’s like this – I made some new snacks, but ended up making too many. So I’ve come over to deliver these to you, Suu~chan, and also to hear what you think of them.
After all, you have eaten the stuff I’ve baked previously.
Tsukasa: B-but… Um…
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Ritsu: Your senior specifically came over to request for your assistance, but you’re unwilling to help?
Tsukasa: N-n-no, it’s not that…
Ritsu: Oh, I understand… How could the warm-hearted Suu~chan not help me?
Come, have a bite~
Tsukasa: (To be honest, I ate a few too many of Ritsu-senpai’s desserts earlier on… So now I’m too full to eat any more…)
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(But if it’s just a nibble, I may very well be able to force it down.)
Ah, then… Ritsu-senpai, please don’t mind if I do.
There is a significant improvement in this round of desserts as compared to previous rounds.
It doesn’t matter if it’s the taste, the softness or the duration it’s been baked – they are all just right.
Ritsu: Oh? Is that so? That’s good to hear.
Yaaawn~ Though I’m really sleepy now, so I won’t hang around here.
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Seeing how much you like these, guess you can have the whole bunch~
Tsukasa: B-but…
And… he’s gone, just like that. What am I going to do with all of these desserts? Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.
Ritsu: There’s still some left to give away, but I’m also very tired… Lemme think… What are some places suitable for sleeping?
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Oh! I know. Time to go look for Mikarin~ Not to mention, it is quieter in the Handicrafts Club Room[2] ♪
Translator's notes: [1] He's talking about the hassetsu, or "Eight Stages of Shooting" associated with kyūdō. They are as follows:
1. ashibumi, the placing of the foot;
2. dōzukuri, straightening of the body;
3. yugamae, the readying of the bow and adjustment of grip;
4. uchiokoshi, the raising of the bow until the arrow is above one’s head;
5. hikiwake, the initial draw of the bow till about halfway;
6. kai, the full draw of the bow and aiming;
7. hanare, the release of the bowstring and arrow;
8. zanshin, where one stands in release position and meditate on the shot, then assume a bowing position towards the target.
(Adapted from Wikipedia)
[2] Potentially a reference to Sakura & Rose Chapter 2, where Ritsu crashes the Handicrafts Club Room in search of Mika.
← Chapter 4 | Story Masterlist
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SION : Ahahahaha!
EST : …Emma's got her hands full with Navi and the Black Fairies… It can't be helped.
EST : I'll hold Sion back. Kai and Gui, I need your help.
KAI : R-Right…!
GUI : Okay, I-I'll take care of it!
SION : Hold me back!? Me!? As if you could hold me!! Hahaha, don't make me laugh!!
KAI : Ngh!? This fucker…!
GUI : Please stop that…! I don't want to fight Sion…
GUI : Whoa!?
EST : Kai, Gui! Don't get any closer!
GUI : But… But! This can't be happening…!
GUI : Sion is really…
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GUI : …Ahh… It's not working…
SION : Gui? What are you doing up so late?
GUI : Oh, Sion. Umm… I made a new magical tool, but I can't get it to work…
SION : Oh, I see. You're magic…
GUI : Y-Yes… So, um… If you don't mind…
SION : What?
GUI : Oh, uh, nevermind. It's nothing…
SION : Give it to me.
GUI : Wha-?
SION : I see… So you're using pyroxene as a catalyst for the light magic…
GUI : Yes! With it you can change the brightness at will! I thought it might be useful for expeditions and things like that…
SION : I suppose you'll also be needing a report on how it feels to use, and how much magic it consumes?
GUI : Y-Yes, would that be okay!? I know you've been busy lately…
SION : Yeah, it's a learning opportunity for me, as well. I'll rope in that single-celled idiot, too.
SION : Kai's been breaking his brain over Est's homework. It'll be a nice change of pace.
GUI : Sion is… A little naive, but he's really kind and looks out for us!
GUI : That's not Sion!
SION : Hahaha... I'm feeling the magic flowing through me! This is what I've been lookng for!
KAI : Hey, Sion, did you even hear what Gui said!?
KAI : You've been talking so much about power, you're like a kid with a toy!
SION : You're the kids! You think you can make your dreams come true by taking it easy in a place as uninspiring as this!?
SION : I don't need Magia Seminar anymore… And I don't need you!!
EST : …Sion… This power of yours… It's not just because you're possessed by a Black Fairy, is it?
EST : You've dabbled in the forbidden arts, too, haven't you?
KAI / GUI : Forbidden Arts…!
SION : ………
KAI : You've gotta be fucking kidding me…
SION : Hahaha… What about it? You've seen what it can do right? Lemme show you!
EST : …Nh… Indeed. That's a lot of power. However…
SION : Ahaha… Hahahaha!!
SION : Gh… Ugh… AHHHH!!!
KAI : Hey, Sion!?
EST : In addition to the use of forbidden techniques, the Black Fairy has spiralled out of control…
EST : He is now in a state where his strength and magic are being rapidly squeezed out of him. At this rate, he could lose his life.
KAI / EST : What!?
EST : I know it won't be easy, but I'll stop Sion. He's dangerous, so Kai and Gui, I need you to stay back.
KAI : I've had enough of this shit, Sion!
GUI : Sion…!
EST : No, I said get back!
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SION : Nh… Don't come any closer… Ugh…
KAI : You're a pain in the ass! A complete jerkoff with a fractured personality complex!
KAI : Am I gonna have to kick your ass to make you understand!? Cuz that's how it seems to me!
SION : …What did you just fucking say? There's nothing you can teach me!
KAI : Don't be a fool! You're fucking dying! And we don't wanna live without you!
KAI : So can't you just rely on us for once in your fucking life… What is Magia Seminar for!?
SION : Kai…
GUI : Sion… I have a lot of respect for you…
GUI : You helped me study and hepled me perfect my magic tools. I… I'm so happy.
GUI : Actually, I might be a little angry with you… But I'm also amazed you have the guts to talk to our teacher like that.
GUI : I admire you. So, please… Please come back to us!
SION : Ugh… Shut up!!
SION : So annoying! That's what you guys always say, always do…
SION : Always tryna get involved in my business without knowing the first thing I'm thinking!
SION : You don't know the weight I'm carrying! You have no idea!!
Look, it's that kid… Oh, it's the sinful one… I can't believe the Dark Clan has been tainted with Light Magic…
KAI : How are we supposed to know when you don't tell us?!
KAI : But I do know one thing. I know you've secretly been working to make your dream come true…
KAI : You want our help… I know you do!
SION : You pain in the ass! I hate your stupid, annoying, troublesome, meddling!!
SION : Always…
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Tainted light… Sinful magic…
KAI : Hey Sion, your light magic is amazing! No way you'll fail with magic like this!
GUI : Sion's magic is… …Warm and beautiful.
SION : Always…
GUI : …Sion?
SION : I thought you'd be happy, you meddling single cell!
KAI : …Ah-Haha! Oh yeah?
GUI : Ehehehe~…
EST : Sion… Stopped moving…?
SION : Ggghh… Aghh…!?
KAI / GUI : Sion!
EST : …No… I don't know how much more his body can take…
EST : Heaven brings the drop of life. Earth brings the breath of life. Know the compassion of a merciful world…
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SION : …Nhh!?
EST : Kai, Gui! I'll try to neutralize the forbidden arts….
EST : While I'm doing that, do you think you can find a way to suppress his magic!?
KAI : But… How do we…
KAI : Oh! Sion, that's it!
SION : …Nh…?
KAI : We did it in the lecture. It's magic control!
KAI : A quick flick, then a swoosh. And then a swoosh at the end… Like that!
SION : Wait… I don't understand that at all! How can you do that with just onomatopoeia?
KAI : We don't have time for this! We're here to help you!
GUI : Sion can surely do this…
SION : Nh! Ha… Haha… You're telling me…
SION : Of course I can…
KAI : Oho, there's the Sion I remember. Let's do this!
KAI / GUI : Ready!
SION : Gghhaaaaaaa!!
MATEO : Gghh… Gwaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!?
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hanedasama · 9 months
Hi hello! Sorry to bother but can you tell me what watercolor technique when you're a beginner? I wanna learn but I have no clue where to start 👀😅
I suggest you start by understanding the materials of watercolor, because it's hard to get started with watercolor, and it's hard to get a handle on the material.
Go to a video site (YouTube?)
and find some beginner tutorials to look at related introductions.
Then find some basic technique tutorial videos to watch and try doodling in watercolor on your own to familiarize yourself with it.The most important thing to do in the early stages is to familiarize yourself with the nature of watercolor.
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airenyah · 2 years
i completely understand the ohm obsession and i cannot thank you enough for all your insights on acting (his and also in general) too! i LOVE reading what you have to say and learning from you at the same time! watching series (i also just watched the latest 10yt ep) feels like an even more involved experience now because i can actively analyse the acting (i keep coming back to your post to see how ohm does such and such) too! thank you x1000000 and please know that i am consensually kissing your ginormous brain <3
anon, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you so much for your lovely message, it delights me greatly!!!!!!!!!! I read your ask earlier and I was sitting in my bed at the time and once I’d finished reading I kind of just fell forward, burying my head into my blanket and squealing like a little child for like a minute, that’s how happy your words made me 💕
I’m so glad to hear that I managed to explain things clearly enough that others (in this case you specifically) can get something out of it!! honestly, I’ve been so shy when it comes to talking about acting here on tumblr because I feel like I can’t express what I mean very well. And the problem is what I’ve mentioned so far really is just a quick overview, there are many concepts I definitely forgot about (obviously I don’t have a list in my head, I just notice things as I’m watching) and those that I did talk about, well, I really didn’t go into a lot of detail there, it was more of a quick summary (there is SO. MUCH. You really can’t sum up 3 years of drama school into one single tumblr post hahaha)
and also, unfortunately I can’t just go and analyze a clip second by second while you listen. I mean okay yeah, in some cases and for some specific concepts gifs will do the trick (like in my bbs ep 3 sniffing scene analysis) but with a lot of things it’s just easier when you have the entire clip with sound and all, where you can also jump back and forth and then maybe go find another example for comparison to make things a little clearer
because often a performing concept or performing technique will be easier to understand when you’ve seen someone do it “wrong”. I’m saying “wrong” here in quotation marks because I’m only putting it that way for the sake of simplicity. There isn’t really a right or wrong here, it’s usually much more about “if you perform it this way then you’ll likely have this effect on the audience, if you perform it that way then you’ll likely have that effect on the audience. Which one do you wanna achieve as an actor?” Though, one can definitely say that performing a certain way will touch the audience more or they will have an easier time following the story and the emotions compared to performing it a different way. Again, it’s a lot like food: put sugar in one recipe and it’ll taste amazing and people can’t stop eating, put sugar in another and people will refuse to eat it because it tastes so bad to them, put sugar in yet another recipe and it might be perfectly edible but would probably be a whole lot more enjoyable without the sugar
what I mean by that is: it might come to situations where I’ll be like “this actor has this aggressive undertone 90% of the time and we’re half-way through the drama and it’s starting to annoy me and make me dislike the character and the relationship” or “this actor has no thoughts behind their actions and so watching them just bores me” (yes these are real-life opinions that I’ve recently had. No I will not be revealing said dramas publicly, but if anyone reading this is curious then feel free to come into my dms and I might spill the tea)
comparing various scenes of an actors using a technique well with actors using that technique not so well really helps with learning how to analyze acting because you’ll see the different effects it’ll have on you as a viewer when someone uses a technique well vs someone who’s bad at it
I do have some “bad” examples that I could tell you about and fun fact: that even includes แค่เพื่อนครับเพื่อน BAD BUDDY SERIES (my most beloved <3). but as I’ve said before, I just don’t feel comfortable sharing the negativity publicly, because I don’t wanna hurt anyone’s feelings. And I don’t like getting into arguments, especially public ones, so I don’t want to get any stupid comments on my posts or in my ask box. However, if you’re curious my dearest anon, you’re very welcome to come right into my dms for some deeper discussion on that. And you don’t have to be nervous about revealing your identity, because sharing my observations with you in even more detail would definitely bring me great joy💕 (this goes for anyone reading this, btw, feel free to slide into my dms fsjksd)
in fact, I wish I could do this one acting analysis project with you that I did with my friend!! quick backstory: back in november 2021 I watched this old korean drama and I ended up getting super obsessed with it because I realized there were remakes from other countries which I then also ended up watching and comparing all these version was a suuuuper eye opening experience for me when it comes to “well used technique” vs “badly used technique” (I learned A LOT from this when in regard to acting) And then half-way through the semester something came up in the uni course my friend and I attend together and I ended up mentioning some acting concept and realized that said kdrama & remakes were a perfect example of that and I wanted to show her
And this turned into this month long project throughout november 2022, in which I selected a sequence that had the exact same plot and context in both versions and I showed them to her in several rounds and let her do the analyzing first without me telling her a thing. So the first time around she got absolutely zero info from me, she knew absolutely nothing about the plot, or the characters or anything. I turned off the subtitles as well as the sound and let take a look at ONLY the visuals. For the 2nd round the only thing she got in addition was the sound but I still didn’t tell her anything about the plot or the characters. In the 3rd round I finally told her about the plot and had her watch everything with the context in mind. And only in the final round did I turn on the subtitles. After every round we spent at least an hour discussing everything that she saw or noticed or how she felt watching it but I didn’t tell her any of my own thoughts. I wanted her to make up her own mind first and discover things for herself. It was a quite interesting project, both for me and for her! And yeah, I wish I could do this with you because I’m sure it would be eye-opening for you! (you don’t happen to live in austria, do you? 😂 well, maybe we could figure out a remote solution with screensharing or something...)
also thank you for calling my brain ginormous 🥰 i'll accept the compliment, but let me tell you, it really isn't that big yet!! i wish you could hear what my fave monologue teacher and my camera acting teacher always had to say in class!!! and also, you should really hear what my mom has to say on performing, i feel like such a baby next to her. seriously, the THINGS she SEES?????
story time (sorry i know this is super long already): we were watching the eclipse together, right, and at some point after weeks, towards the end of the series when akkayan start dating, we were just watching this episode, right? and suddenly my mom goes: *pointing at khaotung* "he seems tense, his inner balance seems off"
and i'm just sitting there like "???????? what are you talking about???? they're literally just lying down in bed, HOW can you tell???????"
she tried to explain it to me but i was just left super confused. i think it was an episode later (or maybe the same episode but some scenes later?? i don't remember) there was another scene where they were standing upright and my mom hit pause and went "here, do you see how [insert explanation]" and i was like "oh. okay yeah. yeah that makes sense. i think i know what you mean". and then during the finale (i think?) there was another moment where i even noticed something before my mom said it and then she pointed it out and i was like "yeah i caught that too!!!!"
i also showed her the only friends trailer and there's this one shot where khaotung is sitting on the bed with book, right? and my mom paused the video and went "huh? that's funny. half of his body looks tense while the other half looks completely relaxed" (half meaning left/right, not upper half and lower half). again i was just sitting there like "HOW?????? HOW DO YOU EVEN SEE THIS?????"
(admittedly, my mother works in the medical field and she's close to finishing a 2(?) year training program as a massage therapist, so i guess she'd know about tense bodies from having first hand experience hahaha)
well, i'll stop it here bc i'm sure this is already over 1000 words long again oops. if you've made it all the way down here, then i really appreciated that and give you forehead kiss (if you like that, of course. if not then i'll give you a hug or a highfive or a wave or whatever else you're comfortable with). then again, you've also read my 3.7k analysis on ohm's acting so…
#adrm#asks#anon#honestly my mother and i have thought about making a reaction youtube channel where we analyze acting#and other kind of performances bc we've realized it always comes down to the same principles no matter what it is#i'm not even joking... i'm majoring in translation studies and my education in acting has been unexpectedly useful even for that!!#bc reaching your target audience is a big deal in translation/interpretation and i literally learned how to do that at drama school#anyway back to my mom and i's youtube channel idea...#the problem with that is i don't quite get how youtube works when it comes to being an actual youtuber#and how things work with copyright and stuff#and also i study two federal states away so i'm not actually home all that much#plus when my mom and i analyze it just gets very specific and very technical and as you've seen it's just really difficult in english#if it's already difficult for me you can just imagine how difficult it would be for my mom who can't speak english with that much ease yet#(she understands it without a problem but she doesn't have a lot of speaking practice so she struggles to express herself)#(and it would be even harder for her when trying to go into detail about what performers do)#but yeah it's an idea we've been toying with bc we think some people out there would absolutely be into it#ahhh in two weeks i get to go home for semester break and i finally get to get nerdy about acting with my mom again!!!!#truly it's like we speak our own language when it comes to performing
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I guess it's time to get to work!
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I don't know anything about inventions, so you do it Athena!
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Yeah, alright... I saw that coming from like a mile away.
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Hmm, it looks and feels like a normal bracelet... and it weighs exactly how you'd expect it to weigh.
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I wonder how the bracelet-making technique that you guys have changed over the years, or if this is a thing that's been made once by Miss Iris and passed down through the generations.
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Because while they look the same, Miss Iris's prototype feels heavier - a sign that it's probably not all bracelet. Your bracelet though, Truce, is pretty standard for its build.
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I dunno! Well, I guess mommy would know, so I'll just ask her when we get back.
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How's that been going for you by the way? Reconnecting with your mom and all.
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...It's going!
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I wanna say that I like her now, but that would be a huge lie. Surprisingly, I think Polly is getting along with her better than I am. It's... a lot.
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I think I get it. I'm not sure how I'd feel if my mom suddenly came back from the dead. I'd have to face all those weird issues I had with her before she died, ones I don't really like to think about.
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Mommy issues, huh, Athena? Hi-five!
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Hell yeah, mommy issues!
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Oh! By the way, Miss Iris, I think Trucy's bracelet has one area where it doesn't feel the same from the rest. I'm not sure what to do with that info though, you're the inventor and all!
((athena sprites!))
((mod, it's really good to see you again! i hope you're doing well and i hope you're having a well-deserved break! it's been busy on my end as well, but i finally have some time to relax and have fun with the blorbos.))
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...I understand what you mean, Cici. Learning you have family you thought were gone, and turned out to be completely different than you expected...
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But the most important part is that you don't force yourself to feel something you don't feel. I try to stay positive, but it's really hard!
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I hope things get better between you and your mummy. But if they don't, I hope you know that's okay too. She really hurt you. Even if she didn't mean to, in some ways.
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...! I- I think I put my communication device in your bracelets! The one that lets us talk to the future! Or something like it, at least.
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The metal itself isn't very heavy, you know. So I must have put something else in there. Which would explain how you were transported here! We know it can transport items, so why couldn't it transport people?
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...time is so strange. I'm only going to make the bracelets like that now because I already know I did in the future.
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But anyway! The prototype is made of slightly different material, so I had to add more sensors on the inside. I perfected the alloy a little while ago, but I didn't get around to rebuilding it.
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I think... well, Cici, you've been really upset about university. Because of the way the metal responds to heat, the device inside might have overloaded, and caused... this.
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But I think I can open it up to fix or replace it without damaging it! It'll be tricky, but I've never made an invention that can't be taken apart again!
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Of course, only with your permission. It's a family heirloom, after all.
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