#I actually don’t know which blog the bots are following
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mojoflower · 1 year
So You Want to Tumbl?
There are lots of newcomers here these days, and I thought I'd spell out how to begin and what it means to ‘curate your own dash’ for folks who haven't grown along with Tumblr for the past decade.
If you're coming from a platform where content is fed to you, Tumblr can seem barren and intimidating in the beginning.  But that's actually a good thing!  What it means is that you will see what you want to.  If you're in a fighting mood, go find political discourse.  If you're feeling fragile, make your dash nothing but art and nature.
How to begin?
You’ve made your blog and picked out your icon (seriously, choose an icon:  otherwise you’re indistinguishable from bots).  Feel free to be anonymous.  Most of us are, and it’s wonderful to have a place that’s not tied to your Real Life.  Here you can be a fandom freak (like me!) and no one judges you and your boss will never find out.
Now seek out tags that interest you.  For example, I was just looking through #moss because I like peace and green things and old-growth forests.  (And, apparently, beautifully naked fae-men, heh.)
Now you follow that tag (if it's a popular tag, it'll say how many followers the tag has, which is beneficial to know if you're making a post that you want to reach all its interested audience) and posts with that tag automatically fill your dash. Voila, you have begun to curate your experience!
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Do Follow:  tags; blogs in that tag that you like; people who comment on posts in the blog/tag you follow that seem like they’re up your alley.  The more people you follow, the more varied and nuanced your dash is.
Don’t Follow:  people who make comments or posts that raise your blood pressure.  Topics that upset you.  Discourse that has you arguing in your head for the rest of the day.  PLEASE avoid toxicity.  Real Life is hard enough.
How to be Social and Interact
If you want to find your tribe and interact, it’s best to start following individual blogs.  (If you follow a blog, they have an opportunity to follow you back.  Simply following a tag is a passive, one-way street.)  To Tumbl is to be in a vast cocktail party, and you need to mingle and eavesdrop to find the things that galvanize you.
How to be seen and heard
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💬Comment on posts (please always stay positive and enthusiastic:  we really try to avoid toxicity).  You can read other comments (and reblogged comments) by clicking on the notes:
🔁Reblog posts you like, both to show your support and to show other people what kind of things get you excited.  Reblogging is essential to the tumblr ecosystem, because it’s the only way posts move around and get seen.  You can also “like” posts, but that's a much more passive way to interact. Also, reblogs and your own original posts show up on your blog and prove that you're not a bot.
Create your own posts and remember that the first 20 tags you use are essential, because that’s what gets you seen (and followed) by strangers.  Tags 21-30 are good for searching and archiving on your own blog, but they don’t count on the dash.  Instructions on how to Make A Post.
Participate!  Once you find your crowd, you’ll discover that there are always things going on.  For example, in fandoms, we’ve got writing events, art events, crafting and cons.  The more you try to be involved, the more new friends you’ll discover.  Tumblr allows for such an organic community.  One person has a thought, and many others build on that thought, creating something far greater than the sum of its parts.
There is no real algorithm beyond using those first 20 tags.  This may be discouraging to folks who are used to working an algorithm, but we like it fine here, because it keeps everyone real and keeps obnoxious social climbers/capitalists out of your face.
Be patient!  Just like in real life, when you find yourself in a crowd of people you don’t know, it takes a while to form connections.  Watch and listen, and learn to read the room.  Honestly, the thing that will win you the most friends/followers is honest enthusiasm about your space.
Don’t aim for the big names to become your new buddies.  You’re more likely to find a thriving coterie among other fresh faces.  Don’t assume that because they’re small or new they have nothing to offer you.  Often, this is the fire that keeps any given corner of Tumblr going.
Tumblr Etiquette
NEVER REPOST (without explicit permission).  Reposting is when you cut and paste from someone else’s content and then make it into a brand new post under your own blog name.  That is stealing and is very condemned.  Reblogging is when you use 🔁and the OP (original poster) remains attached to their post and continues to see and be in charge of interactions.  
Reblog in addition to Liking. A post that you 'like' is static. You are not helping it to get to a broader audience. If the post or poster is something/someone you support, then REBLOG that sucker: it deserves to fly!
Reblog and add your own content.  One of the best parts of Tumblr is that you can comment on a post, or even add to it in your reblog (as long as you’re not being a dick, okay?  Or changing the topic, which is known as ‘hijacking a post’).  Here is a wonderful example of the Tumblr ecosystem at work, where someone had a thought, other people had thoughts about that thought, and then a bunch of artists jumped in.  Tumblr posts BUILD COMMUNITY, and you can be a part of that conversation.  (Do try to refrain from reblogging with vacuous comments just because you want people to notice you rather than because you actually have something to add, though.  That’s just clutter.)
The most important part of “curating your experience” is learning to Block.
You can block individual blogs, Anons, people in the comments that you find upsetting.  Here's a post on How to Block.
Block entire tags or keywords if they are triggers for you.  (Here is a post on how to do that.) 
Blocking is self-care.  It is not a platform to demonstrate to the community how much you hate someone and how they should, too.  Usually the blocked person never even knows you’ve blocked them.  If they do something egregious (like tell you or someone else to kill themselves), then ‘Report’ them.
You can block something (like #US Politics) if you can’t handle it at the moment, and then unblock it later.  Block a friend if they’re spamming something you don’t like and then unblock them later.  It’s all good!  You are in control of what shows up on your dash.
But doesn’t this mean my dash will be single-topic and boring?
The simultaneous joy and pitfall in following individuals is that MANY blogs are not single-topic.  You will be exposed to all kinds of reblogs/ideas/other people from the folks you chose to follow, and can decide for yourself if you (a) want to be involved in that topic, (b) are indifferent to that topic, or (c) want to run from it screaming.
Also, the blogs you follow will move from hobby/theme/passion over time, and you can move with them, appreciate their new topic without vibing with it, or drop them altogether.
And THIS is how you curate your dash, my friends.
***Install New XKit extension.  It’ll make your life easier!
***Here's the Tumblr Help Center, where you can learn more details.
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midnightsilver · 1 month
Tips for Spn Artists posting on Tumblr 😄👍🏻
I see a lot of new artists posting Spn art and it can be a struggle to get your art out there. Or you might be new to Tumblr and not sure how best to put yourself forward.
I post Spn art and do a lot of bangs when my health permits. And I have picked up some tips that I have found helpful for posting art tumblr 😄 so I thought I would share.
Please feel free to take any of these points or leave them as suits you!
✨Personalise your header and icon. Bots will often make posts with popular tags and stolen art, to try and gain followers before throwing out the spam links, but some clues the account is a bot is not having personalised headers and icons, not having a long history of posts (more than a few days), and not talking about their art or fandom. So make sure you don’t look like a bot 😄
✨Interact with accounts you enjoy. Like, comment and reblog your favourite accounts and they will likely return the favour and you will get more followers. The first way your post gets noticed is by your followers. Interacting isn’t always easy if one is an introvert or doesn’t have much time for social media, but do what you can where you can.
✨If don’t have many followers then the next best thing is to use tags more. People follow key tags to find new posts from blogs they are not aware of. I recommend using the ‘Spn fanart’ tag on all your art posts. Also be sure to include: common ship names, the character names, and key words like: cute, funny, angst, angel, wings, etc 👍🏻 😄 this will help people find your posts, so be sure to tag consistently!
✨Make a personal art tag, it could be ‘your name art’ or something as wacky as you like. But tag all your art with it! If someone sees your art post out in the Spn fanart tags and they like it, they can click your art tag to see the rest of your art posts.
✨Don’t include links to outside webpages unless absolutely necessary. If you are posting for a bang, reblog the bang master post for the story which has the links to ao3, but then make your own art post and only link to the tumblr master post. Tumblr often hides posts with links to outside webpages (so that the porn bots sending you to spam websites get minimised, but unfortunately this also minimises links to ao3 or shops 😔). Links to another post inside of tumblr are ok tho! So to keep your art post from being hidden from searches, only link back to the master tumblr post with the story info. If people want to read the story they can follow the ao3 link from there. But it’s better that they actually get to see your art (the ‘advert’ for the story) in the first place so that they know it exists!
Also keep this info in mind if you are linking to your shop or your other socials. Your direct followers will see your shop posts but because of the external links the post might be hidden from searches. Consider doing a mix of posts with direct shop links and ones that get the info out there but link back to a pinned tumblr post or bio post with the outside link.
✨Don’t crowd your art. Many people view tumblr on mobile so your pictures will look small. People can’t really see the details if you put 2 images side by side. Put one image on each line and consider making some cropped images to show close up details of your favourite bits. You need to catch people as they are quickly scrolling past, so be sure that you make it easy for them to see what you are offering.
✨And finally don’t be afraid to do reblogs. It isn’t rude to reblog your own work, it’s helpful. Dashboards can get very busy and even if people follow you, your post might be burried a long way down if they don’t get back online multiple times a day. Reblogs will give them a chance to see what they missed. As long as you are not posting on the hour every hour, most people appreciate 2 or 3 reblogs at different times to save them having to scrolled back for days! 😄 and don’t forget that tumblr is multinational. Time zone reblogs can be helpful.
✨oh I forgot one more thing! Don’t put yourself down! No piece of art is perfect! Ever! But Michelangelo doesn’t start off by apologising that the statue of David is out of proportion. And neither should you! Let your work shine where it shines and don’t bury it in put-downs before you even give others the chance to enjoy its triumphs! You deserve better and so do they!
Those are the main points my friends. If you have any other helpful tips that you want to share, feel free to reblog this and add on points. We were all new to this hellsite (affectionate) at some point. And life is already hard for us struggling artists so whatever we can do to help each other is a good thing 💛
Stay awesome my friends, and happy Arting 🙌🏼😄
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annalandin · 8 months
what is your concern with the bots exactly? like i don’t understand what is actually wrong with them.
If they were just passively following, they'd just be a minor annoyance - inflating my follower-number and making it much harder for me to know for certain how big of an audience reach I have here (which is relevant for me to know bc I am a professional working artist - social media, even Tumblr, matters for my work life). But bots following you is usually only the first step. Once they've followed, the pattern is to start replying/messaging people who interact with my post, spreading whatever garbage it is they're spreading. Meaning, my blog becomes a node in the spread of their bot-nonsense. Suspect off-site links, spam messages, etc. So it's not just in my interest to report+block bots and potential bots - it's in everyone else's interests, too. Idk about you, but I don't super enjoy having my DM inbox filled with dozens of porn bot messages.
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the-asexuality-blog · 2 years
Hello, everyone!
ETA: if you hate the changes to Tumblr as much as I do, please go here, select “Feedback” from the dropdown menu, and tell @support how you feel and why. Be as detailed as you can. Staff have rolled back unpopular features before when we complained enough. In the meantime, you can get the old dash back by following the instructions on this post.
Now, back to business:
You can call me Moira (She/He/They, whatever). I used to follow @theasexualityblog back in the day, but the Disk Horse drove so many of us away. I want to revive the community. I’m old and tough; the exclusionists can’t do anything that I can’t handle. I don’t have much experience managing a community blog, so anyone’s input is welcome.
For those who want more information on asexuality as an orientation, particularly in the capacity of an educator, visit What Is Asexuality?
For those who are over eighteen years old, please consider also joining Acebook, which is ostensibly a dating site, but I don’t think any of us actually uses it that way.
For those under eighteen, or anyone seeking further categorized information on asexuality, visit the Asexual Visibility and Awareness Network, or their Tumblr page @avenpt
I’ll answer questions to the best of my ability, of course, but those three resources predate me, so make sure to check them out.
This part is probably going to lose me some followers, but I want to make my position clear.
I recently saw an infographic that had an addendum that “acehet” and “arohet” people don’t count as part of the community.
Now, listen: if a trans woman were exclusively attracted to men, would we say she wasn’t part of the community because she’s “basically straight”? Of course not. Not unless she chose to identify that way. Her shared experience of being trans would be, by itself, enough to make her part of the trans community if she wanted to be.
Why should we make different rules for other identities? We are not defined by who our partners are—if we were, every person in the world who is not currently in a relationship would be “basically aroace.”
So-called “acehet” and “arohet” people share our experiences of being aspec, and that by itself is intersection enough to include them in our community if they want to be part of it.
I’m not going to tolerate any form of exclusionism on this blog. We need all the solidarity we can get, especially at times like these, when queer rights are under attack. Labels are for us to adopt for ourselves, not to force upon others. If you disagree with me, well, you’re entitled to have your own opinion, but if you actively try to exclude anyone on claims of their being “basically het,” I don’t care if we’ve known each other for years; I will block you without hesitation.
I block and report all bots, so if you���re new and want to follow this blog, please make a post that says something like “Hi, I’m not a bot, just a lurker” or something to that effect so I’ll know you’re a real person. I assume all empty blogs with no user pic and no posts to be bots.
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unpretty · 1 year
Based on a convenience sample, my side blogs with like zero human followers are getting the most porn bots following them; my main still gets a ton, but slightly fewer; and my side blog with the most followers hardly gets any. If this trend holds, it seems like the porn bots are targeting less known blogs, or blogs that have gotten fewer interactions with other blogs, possibly hoping they are too desperate to increase follower count to block bots. Maybe they don’t target you cuz you’re too big.
i feel like i've seen some popular blogs dealing with a ton of spambots, and others like me that barely seem to get any, so i'd be fascinated to see some kind of stats. like... is there a pattern at all? is it random? are they deliberately targeting less active blogs as being less likely to notice new followers? mysteries!
a while back after the porn ban i noticed that a lot of posts originally made years ago with a high number of notes were getting porn infestations. i don't mean bots, i mean that people running porn blogs full of stolen gifs would find an old+popular post and reblog to stick a gif under it of hardcore porn. because the OP had deactivated about half the time, and even if they hadn't they wouldn't see the gif addition in their activity, it could fly under the radar. because old posts get random surges of notes all the time, it could avoid being noticed by the OP right up until a porn blogger who didn't get the memo added some kind of weird comment that only makes sense under a porn gif. so the blogger who added the porn gif could accumulate followers without any regular tumblr users noticing that they were a porn blog and reporting them. also, reporting a specific image and requesting it be deleted instead of reporting an entire post (that you made!!) was a fucking ordeal. i don't know if that's improved at all tbqh.
as far as i know the porn blogs doing that at the time were actually people being shitty, which made them much better at being strategic and pulling that sort of shit. i don't know if the current spambots have any actual thought put into who they follow. for all i know they're just following as many people as possible with as many bots as possible trying to get lucky with at least one able to blend into the ecosystem with enough regular interactions to hide the bot interactions or something. who knows. it's weird as hell.
i just checked and i only had a couple spambots in my last hundred followers so i still seem mysteriously safe from the plague.
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intrepidacious · 1 year
hi! ok I just wanted to ask someone who knows how tumblr works haha
so I found someone who writes amazing content so I decided to follow them. I binged lots of their fics earlier today and when I checked their profile again later, their profile doesn’t show. It seems they might have blocked me and I don’t know why :( I commented that I loved their fics and the comments are removed. my profile has my age and I am decently active on reposting & commenting on fics. This happened to me one other time too so I just am confused I guess :( I tried to message them but it said it wouldn’t go through so that makes me think I’m blocked? I guess I don’t know why a couple people blocked me? Just kinda made me sad bc I really enjoy their work but now I won’t be able to see anymore ☹️😢
happy to!! 💛
first thing you gotta remember that in all likelihood, your getting blocked is nothing personal. reasons for blocking someone on tumblr include but aren't limited to:
you don't have your age (range) listed in your bio/clearly visible on your blog
the age you have listed doesn't adhere to boundaries a blog has set (f.e. you're a minor, or it only says "18+" which i know many writers don't accept)
your blog is completely empty i.e. you don't post/reblog stuff
you don't reblog other people's writing
you spam like posts
you've never changed the default icon/header to something else
people don't vibe with the things you reblog
your theme is a colour they don't like
a lot of the time, it comes down to everyone's preferences. god knows i've been blocked by people and didn't understand why, but frankly it's none of my business. most likely, you won't ever find out, either. everyone is creating their own online space, and sometimes that means having a quick blocking finger. i'm sorry that you won't be able to read those stories anymore but you have to accept creators' boundaries.
however, there are some things you can do and try to prevent getting blocked in the future. these are only a couple of suggestions around tumblr etiquette i've picked up on over the years; if anyone else wants to chip in here, please do!!
1. make sure your blog is, by all appearances, that of a human being
this might sound stupid because of course, you are a human, but with the recent bot wars it's all the more important to double check for red flags.
check your url. does it include a random string of numbers, lots of dashes, just a name and an adjective? all of these have been indicative of porn bots and people might block you on sight.
change your icon and your header. yes, both of them. there are lots of creators on here who make wonderful fandom related headers and icons, or you can create your own with canva. just be sure to follow creators' rules and preferably reblog their creation
change your blog title. if your account is new, it will just say "untitled", which is another indication you might not be a human. use quotes, song lyrics, anything you enjoy
add a bio. this is where you put your name or nickname (you can make one up) age, age range, links to second blogs (if applicable), more quotes, whatever. i prefer my bio short and to the point, but that doesn't have to be you.
important: do this for all blogs and side blogs you use regularly. if you have a second blog for reblogging fics, you need to put up your age there as well, or at least visibly link to your main blog so creators can see you're not a minor. the harder it is to verify that you're an adult, the more likely it is that you will get blocked
2. know the different kinds of interactions on tumblr and navigate them well
there's a difference between liking, commenting, reblogging, and reposting, and it's important. lots of people use reblogging and reposting interchangeably, but that's actually incorrect and can lead to serious mishaps. let's dissect them one by one.
you're familiar with the like from other social media platforms. you tap a post twice or hit the little heart at the bottom of the post and it's added to your likes. wonderful, right? well. tumblr is a little different.
tumblr doesn't have an algorithm. let me say that again. there is no algorithm on tumblr. i guess there is, on the for you page, but that doesn't count because it's really shit. the only important thing on tumblr is your dashboard, and your dashboard only shows original posts and the reblogs of those posts from people you follow.
no one cares about your likes. your likes don't do shit. that's why creatives on here keep talking about reblogs. you need to reblog things on tumblr in order for them to get seen. it's a snowballing effect. likes are nice and all, but they're private. they're not contributing to a story or an artwork being seen by more people. they're essentially empty interaction. what's more, should a post get deleted for whatever reason, that post is gone for you forever.
i know some people use their likes as bookmarks for things they want to look at later, but i would strongly urge you not to do that. people block serial likers, because most of the time it is, sadly, very unlikely that they will come back and actually interact with the post again. that's just the way it is. we can thank tiktok and instagram for that. again, tumblr doesn't have an algorithm. if you want to genuinely support and encourage people on here, you need to do more than liking.
this is a step up from liking, because you're actually interacting now. a comment will show up in the activity of the person whose post you left it on and of the original poster (op)—more on that distinction in a minute. comments are encouraged especially on ask/answer type posts, or as a reply to an earlier reblog.
when it comes to fanfic, there are, again, pros and cons. you can only leave a comment from your main blog, which means that even if you have a second account where you reblog fics, there's not necessarily a link between the two. this can lead to your getting blocked if you've never reblogged a fic to your main blog. on the other hand, if people comment on your fic without reblogging it, but they do reblog other people's fics, that can also rub creators the wrong way because it creates a strange sort of hierarchy: why those fics? why not mine?
important thing to note: i am not saying that to make anyone feel bad about "just" commenting, i just want you to be aware that this might go on in a creator's head. it has in mine. i'm very aware that this is a me problem, but it's also a reason why people might get blocked out of the blue, which is why i wanted to bring it up.
ah yes, reblogging. reblogging is the thing that makes tumblr tumblr, and it's so easy to do. you just hit the little 🔁 symbol at the bottom of the post, and boom, it's reblogged to your own blog. everyone who follows you can now see it on their dashboard, and if they reblog it, their followers can see it, and so on and so forth. every time someone reblogs a post from you, you will get a notification in your activity, and so will the op.
reblogs are the heart and soul of tumblr. yes, original posts are (usually) individual creations, but the community aspect of this site is born through the reblog. there are different variations on how to reblog. all are valid, because all help spreading posts around.
the empty reblog is the quickest option. there's literally a quick reblog option on mobile: if you hold your finger on the reblog button for a second or so, you will see your icon appear. if you swipe in that direction, the post gets immediately reblogged to your blog. something similar can be done on desktop with the xkit browser extension. it's fast, it's easy, it gets the job done. it's perfect for when you like a post but don't have anything specific to say/reply.
the reblog with tags is the second fastest option. tags, on tumblr, are sort of the sotto voce version of comments. yes, you can use tagging to organise your blog and make your posts easily findable (is that a word?) but the real fun begins when little asides are added. you can keysmash in the tags. you can put your thoughts in the tags. you can go full caps without it looking overwhelming in the actual post. if you're just starting to comment on things, the tags are a great place to start, because the actual post will keep looking the same; the tags are just a little additional bonus for both you and the creator. this is what you would use for the majority of posts that aren't works of art in any way, too, like text posts you want to find again, polls, photographs etc.
the reblog with additions though? oh boy. that's the real stuff. imagine it as clipping on your thoughts to the post, right there for everyone to see. you can add gifs, and memes, and change the font, and change the colour, and scream, and keysmash, and ramble without limitations. it's like catnip for the op. if you reblog a fic, a moodboard, a piece of art, a gifset, whatever it is, and you put your thoughts underneath? man, it's amazing.
side note: if you're new to commenting on people's fics and you don't know what to say, i highly recommend referring to this post. (btw i linked my reblog so it can act as an example of the different forms of adding to a post: there were other reblogs before mine, and i've added tags. useful in its content and as an example!!)
this is where we need to be careful. reblogs are great. reposts are theft. where's the difference? reposting refers to you copying another creator's work, whatever it may be, and creating a new post without any indication to the original person's efforts. even if you do include their url, you will most likely get reported and blocked. because now, you've become the op of this copied post, and the actual creator will get absolutely nothing.
you will most likely have seen banners in fic communities that state something along the lines of "don't copy or translate any of my work to this or any other site". that's what this refers to. this would also include the following:
posting another writer's story to ao3/wattpad/another fic site of your choice without their permission. you can absolutely never do this. "but what if"—NO. never. fullstop.
some creators allow translations of their work, but you can only ever share those with their explicit permission and proper credit.
saving a gif to use without linking back to the artist. this is maybe my biggest gripe. yes, i know this site sucks at making gifs searchable, but still, you can't do this. and no, "credit goes to the original artist" doesn't count, where did that bullshit even come from? it makes me so mad. that's not giving credit, that's being lazy.
3. be nice, and have fun
this is fandom, and it's supposed to be a hobby. this is supposed to be a good time. none of us are getting paid for any of this. yes, we're all passionate about what we do, whether we're looking at other people's creations or we make them ourselves. we're fans of that common thing, and isn't that great?
just a little more internet etiquette that's not really tumblr specific but could be a good reminder for everyone:
not everything is for you, and that's okay
if something's not for you, scroll away
if you don't like what someone is posting, ignore them. mute them. block them.
do not ever, and i mean ever, send anyone hate. you don't know who's on the other side of the screen. block them and move on. life's too fucking short.
don't correct people's grammar/spelling. only assholes do that. if you can't help yourself and they're a person you've interacted with before, shoot them a private message and be nice about it.
don't offer unsolicited advice. i don't care if you want to give constructive criticism to help the other person. unless they've explicitly asked you to do that, don't. you'll get blocked so quick, and you'll ruin someone's day.
if you're reading a fic that's not finished yet, don't ask for an update. yes, you're excited for the story to continue. but "part 2", "when's the next chapter out", "more please" and so on are all things that put pressure on creators whether that's your intention or not. it gives us the impression that what we've already put out is never enough. and that sucks. by all means, be excited about what comes next, but not like this.
read!! old!! fics!!!! the beauty of tumblr being the way it is is that there's zero shame in interacting with older posts. it's not like you're liking a seven year old post on instagram. in fact, if you're commenting on a seven year old fic/gifset/moodboard/artwork on tumblr, i can guarantee you're gonna make that creator's day.
i'm absolutely positive that i've forgotten something in this post even though it's longer than several of my wips, so if any of my moots want to add something that'd be great!! in fact i'm gonna tag some of you because you know what? if you've read all of this you deserve a kiss. have a wonderful day 💛
@marvelettesassemblenow @barnesafterglow @imaginearyparties @aphrogeneias @brandycranby @writing-for-marvel @foreverindreamlandd @sanguineterrain @demxters @wildlivelychild
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turquoisesea01 · 7 months
~ Welcome to TurquoiseSea ~
This is an 18+ Art Account.
Which means this account does not want minors interact with this blog. Any ageless blogs will be blocked immediately. If you’re an adult who hasn’t put their age in their bio yet, I advised you to do that immediately, especially to the people who are new to tumblr. People will think your are just a bot and will block you immediately if they don’t see anything written on your bio.
Anyways, once again, NO MINORS ARE ALLOWED TO INTERACT NOR FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. THIS IS AN ADULT SPACE. YOU ARE NOT WELCOME HERE. And no. I do not care if you’re turning 18 this month or 3 days or a week early, you’ll have to wait to interact this blog until you’re actually 18.
Another thing, I don’t want any, pedos, zoophiles, homophobic/transphobic content interact with me, keep that shit away from me.
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Who Am I?
Hello! I am TurquoiseSea! But that’s just my username for art. My actual name is Jocelyne, but I usually go as Yoshi!
Why Yoshi? It’s just a nickname I had since childhood and I prefer that more than my actual name ^v^!
This is my sona Yoshi! ^v^
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I am 21 years old, I am a pansexual cis girl and my pronouns are she/her! I am Salvadoran and Peruvian! However my Spanish isnt my best language to
Im an artist that loves to draw Yan characters, drawing fanart of anime and video game characters I like! I usually draw self inserts and my ocs, especially Virgil Evans!
Just a heads up, in this account I’ll also be venting through text posts and vent arts and will let you know that I’m okay. I just only want to get something off of my chest.
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Who is Vigil?
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Virgil Evans is an oc I had since childhood. At first he was roleplay character I use for, well, roleplay! Until when I stop roleplaying, I ended up making him his own character and eventually grew up with me throughout the years! He played a huge role throughout my life so expect to see much Virgil content in this blog.
To those who have gotten to this blog through my VN blog of Yan Virgil, Would You Stay, I’m not posting any Yan Virgil content in this blog. So please do not ask me any Yan Virgil or my VN related questions in my inbox. Those questions goes to my VN blog.
Yan Virgil in WYS is just an alternate version of my Og Virgil if things gone wrong in his world. Think of it as an alternative timeline.
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Which fandom I’m currently in?
Yandere Visual Novels (more like a community than a fandom lol) : Such as See Thru Need A Friend? , Restart Heart, YOU and HIM, MINE VN, You Guardian Angel, My Ange, Camp WillowPeak, Drop In The Ocean, Favor, etc. ^v^ Im practically everywhere lmao (although I try my best to make fanart ;v; )
Degrees Of Lewdity : You can expect artwork of Kylar. I am a Kylar girlie lmao, I love that stinky icky lil skrunkly <3 My disgusting lil meow meow.
Obey Me! One Master to Rule Them All/ Obey Me! Nightbringer : Oof currently I’m burning out of the two games but I still lurks around in the fandom and sometimes draw fanart with my Mc :3, however! I have an AU about Lilith, if she were alive! So feel free to check out my side blog if you’re interested! Also I am a Barbatos simp! <3
Genshin Impact : The only time I draw fanart is Wanderer and a sketch of Nahida. And my ocs if they were Genshin playable characters lmao. But either way, RAAAAA I WANT TO PULL FOR NEUVILLETTE BUT I GOTTA WAIT A LITTLE MORE TILL I GET AT LEAST 50 PULLs PLEASE COME HIME NEVU—
Twisted Wonderland : I’m currently hyperfixated on the game for like since the English release came out lmao, I already have like two ocs! And two are basically based on the live action of Alice in Wonderland characters! Fior Rosehearts (based off of the White Queen) and Jasper Woods (based off of the Jabberwocky!) but eeee I’m so excited for the Glorious Masquerade event!
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What Are My Boundaries?
Please don’t sexualize or be weird about my ocs who are minors. Such as Kota, Miski, Irvin, etc. Or even when I drew my adult ocs as their young version, do not be weird about it.
I do not mind playful flirting, virtual smooches, cuddles, hugs are okay with me! I don’t mind nicknames as well! Sexual flirting is ok as well, usually as jokes lol. But please keep in mind that I am also a human behind the screen, I have feelings and thoughts. I will feel uncomfortable if you go out of your way to my inbox to threaten me for sexual purposes, you will be blocked
I absolutely don’t mind if you shipped yourself or ocs with my ocs! As long it’s not problematic! I also don’t mind if my sona is also being shipped lol.
Feel free to ask me any questions! However do keep in mind that I might respond late due to me thinking carefully of what to answer or I get distracted lmao or if the question has gone too personal for me to answer, I’d rather not answer.
Once again if you came from my VN blog, do not ask me questions related about Yan Virgil. That’s for my WYS VN blog.
Please don’t ask me to draw for you unless I am taking art requests. I usually draw for the people I’m close to or my moots!
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Sooo that’s pretty much it! I’ll add more if I remembered something! ^v^ I’ll have to add tags later but that requires me to organize my tags! So it will take awhile!
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kyluxtrashpit · 21 days
Sooo, I’m not sure if this will make you feel any better about the whole poll drama disappointment, but I thought I’d let you know where I think some of this may have originated from and why I think the bots rumor started rather than there actually being bots (though I will get to that too).
(as a disclaimer: I’m speaking only from what I’ve seen from my neck of the (kylux) fandom woods; there could absolutely be other people involved that I’ve simply seen nothing from)
A person, who happens to ship kylux but has promoted to all fandoms with that character, has been having fun with the ‘hottest SW man poll’. They’ve been reblogging links to it along with entertaining little edits to promote their favorite character with the hope of getting people to take part in the vote. Now obviously they’re voting for that character themself, but anyone who happens to see the post are no more obligated than anyone else who reblogs/sees the poll to vote for that person’s preference. (I’m a kyluxer too, and I love both of them, but despite the promotions I still didn’t vote for him because that’s not my opinion for ‘hottest SW man’) And I don’t know about you, but I’m sure there have been many people, myself included, who have voted in a poll someone they follow reblogged for something that person liked and, despite not having a stake in it personally, cast said vote in deference to them. I’m sure that happened in some cases with this situation, however I’m also sure part of what happened is that fans who’d have otherwise never seen the poll were able to cast their vote (I’m in this category as I don’t follow these sorts of blogs at all), as well as – because it was put out in a fun, silly way – led them to vote when they might not have cared to bother otherwise.
Now, I do agree it’s kinda stretching the general spirit of these polls, however what they’ve been doing is only really different in that they’ve been adding character edits along with multiple reblogs in an attempt to make it a silly little attention-grabbing promotion thing rather than merely a reblog or two of the poll. Again, I do think it’s been a bit much, but I will say I can appreciate the enthusiasm of someone who thought they were having fun in their fandom with a simple ‘for fun’ fandom related poll. Another consideration to make is that this person might be new to these things (and/or tumblr in general), which could be a reason for it as well. Plus, different people are going to react to and participate in things in different ways, and sometimes those ways differ from the norm enough to cause a stir despite no ill will or actual ‘rule breaking’ meant.
Nevertheless, that isn’t botting. I can see why people might feel it’s a little unfair even if it’s only exaggerating behavior people already naturally have with polls. I can also certainly understand why it could lead to some people getting rubbed the wrong way and then feeling upset, thus further leading to a sense of drama and subsequent botting rumors (and the origin person being a kylux shipper leading to the kylux fandom as a whole being scapegoated). But still, that’s not the same as botting. In the end, neither you nor anyone else are obligated to no longer be upset simply because of this explanation. That’s your right and you don’t have to like this any more than genuine botting, I just wanted to clarify a potential source.
However, if there IS real botting, that’s indeed an absurd thing for someone to be doing for a simple poll. Perhaps someone got out of hand because of the above person’s promoting; perhaps it’s just a rumor started because some people simply weren’t expecting the character to receive enough votes to persist in the poll – and hey, everyone’s got their own preferences and opinions on ‘hotness’, but the fact a character some don’t think should be lingering over others has endured so long doesn’t necessarily mean there’s a conspiracy. Of course, I’m sure there are people who also have their own opinions on what might constitute ‘botting’ and have considered what I described to be in that category. Which is totally fine too. I personally disagree, but that’s merely my opinion and no one else has to accept it. For the most part, I merely believe this was a situation that got a little out of hand and led to a bit of drama that’s now negatively painting people who meant no harm – because it IS just a fun little fandom poll.
As for the numbers bumping in seemingly large chunks upon refreshing (I don’t even know how you could see individual numbers for an individual character???), I can only guess at how these polls bring in the numbers in order to calculate percentages, both continuous and final. Is it in delayed chunks? Is it really one by one by one exactness??? Perhaps a combination of both, somehow??? While on your end it might appear to be an immediate change after your vote (so a one by one idea), upon a refresh it might ACTUALLY be registering assorted votes in collected chunks, altering the newly refreshed percentage in a way that might seem huge based on what it was before/after your vote, but actually isn’t due to a collected recalculation of ALL new votes. And by individual character numbers, I’m not talking about that character's percentage, which is a percentage of a whole being recalculated upon that refresh. A whole which shifts percentages up and down throughout as the vote total increases regardless of minutes or hours. For a long-term example: he could be at a 13% high at one point because a number of that character’s voters voted around that time, heightening his numbers amongst the pool of votes, then a few hours later is at a 5% low because even more overall votes have come in since and his were few to none, and then later up to 9% as another batch of his voter’s participated. These ‘batches’ ostensibly have more to do with time zones/people online seeing the poll post and not botting. And in the short term you can apply this concept but with the ‘batches’ being overall votes that happen to have some chunks for that character mixed in.
Honestly, I don’t know if any of that is fully true or not; I’m just going off general observation of the polls and vaguely educated(?) guesswork. I could be totally wrong and that stupidly long paragraph is nonsense. Really this whole seemingly suspicious numbers thing is something I’d not seen or heard about at all until your post, so...I’ve no idea there. If botting is happening, and someone did get out of hand with this, I think it’s likely piggybacking off this above person’s attempt at fun engagement, thus tainting and casting blame on said person and, in particular, their ship fandom (which is quite unfair as not all his fans come from kylux, or even from pairings to begin with). And if there isn’t botting and it’s all a misunderstanding, then it’s still doing that to this person and the kylux fandom because of people’s upset and blame shifting onto the biggest pairing he’s in. Either way, it’s just a really unfortunate turn of events. (of course, I’m still merely speaking from my neck of the woods, there could be other stuff going on outside it that I don’t know anything about.)
In short, I suppose I just wanted to say: hey, it’s sad to see you (and others) feeling upset or disheartened by potential botting in a simple SW fandom poll with the potential origin being a kyluxer, and maybe this could help at least give you a different viewpoint and understanding of what might be going on behind the scenes. Still, yet again, neither you nor anyone else has to care about or agree with anything I’ve said, I simply felt a desire to do so as a follower of you, awareness of this poll, and a kyluxer myself.
So first off, I do appreciate your thoughtful response! And I'll clarify a bit on what I was talking about and why I made the statement. Now I will admit that I do not have 100% concrete proof of anything, what I have is my own observations, those observations confirmed by others, plus some information that is admittedly rumour, but is from people I trust who aren't the type to start shit and wouldn't say anything unless it was something they'd personally seen or had no reason to doubt
And I don't think recruiting friends outside the fandom to vote is botting or any other kind of cheating - it's not, everyone does that, I don't think that's an issue at all and is within fairness. What I'm talking about is actual botting, using fake accounts to vote. Which, if you have either the programming know how or a bit of money to pay for a bot that's pre-made, is a lot easier than people think it is. I know how one could do it manually, but I do not know enough about programming to automate it (and I won't explain how, because then it might give more people ideas lmao). I don't think this is widespread either, like one single person with the know how can 100% make hundreds accounts and have them vote within a few minutes. And, if they've ever botted a poll before, it's even faster because the accounts may have already been made
So it started with me watching the poll near the end (I voted within the first couple hours of it being posted, but I was curious how it would turn out). I refreshed with 45-60 minutes left and saw 'oh Hux is gonna lose, okay, too bad but it is what it is' because he was at ~8% and the next lowest was Anakin, who was just under 12%. As the time ticked down, I refreshed again and saw a sudden shift, which surprised me. At that point, I started refreshing every minute or so because it kept going, every refresh was a big jump even at that frequency. Within less than 10 minutes (I don't recall the exact timeframe, but it was very fast, too fast), the total vote count had increased by about 300 or so and I watched it surge with every refresh. The vast majority of these votes, if not all of them, were for Hux as his percentage was the only one that increased significantly (the rest increased by less than a full percentage point, if they didn't decrease)
So while you can't see how many votes went for each person, polls do have the total vote count at the bottom and you can see the percentages, so you can tell if there's a sudden increase in overall votes and if those affect on particular vote choice more than any other. Which is why I found this suspicious because that many votes, that quickly, overwhelmingly for one option, it's highly unlikely it was done by real humans. Plus, we've all seen what happens with big polls both here and on twitter - people have literally paid like $200 to bot polls before and it seems sadly to just be becoming something people do
After I saw that jump, I went and talked to some friends in a private discord we use for chatting and some of them, too, had been watching the poll and having similar suspicions to myself. A more tech-savvy one said this is the kind of increases that are consistent with the use of bots. A couple of people also mentioned they had heard people talking about botting, but weren't sure if that was a joke or not (and it may have been, even if there was botting, it may not have been these people). I can't reveal much more without compromising the identities of my friends, who didn't want to speak out about their suspicions because they don't want to get targeted or anything. I am far beyond caring about that lmao, so I chose to say something about it because idk this kind of thing just really irritates me and as a kyluxer for a very long time, I feel like it's the duty of people in a fandom to call out bad behaviour of our fellows in a rational, non-harassing way
Now, again, I admit none of this is concrete proof. And if I'm wrong and everything was above board and someone did manage to conjure a few hundred people all at the same time at the last minute, well, that's genuinely miraculous like unbelievably so lmao, so good for them. If so, I'll rescind the post, apologize, and go back to having fun. But from the pov of statistics, what I saw myself, what my friends saw, and the added rumours, like. I have to say that actual botting seems far more likely to me. You're welcome to disagree, or think this isn't enough evidence to say it for sure happened, but I wanted to say something regardless because if someone is botting, or even just thinking about it, maybe pointing it out will shame them into stopping so we can go back to having fun
I hope you're right and it wasn't happening, and hell, it may not have even been a kyluxer if it was (there are non-kylux Hux fans out there), but I just find it hard to believe it wasn't happening at this point between what I saw, what others saw, and what I heard. And I think it's better to point out fandom bad behaviour than let it continue unchecked. I refuse to let that kinda shit happen if I can do something about it
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hashtagloveloses · 8 months
hi hashtagloveloses,
I'm a new user and saw your post about reblogs. Is there anything else I should pay attention to? Could you tell me if there is a post or guide or something I can consult on how tumblr works? I'm still getting really lost here and have trouble finding anything.
there’s actually an official staff blog with a bunch of good tips called @tips everybody should know about! but off the top of my head also:
1) make sure you have a profile photo. you don’t need a cover photo you can even just turn that off in your blog settings. this is to make sure people don’t think you’re a bot
2) have a different username here than you have other places and don’t share personal information of any kind here (huge mistake i made….). despite what some people say you do not need to share anything about ur sexuality, pronouns, diagnoses, opinions, etc. frankly if i could advise my younger self, i’d say just don’t make original posts or comments at all (if u wanna make commentary in reblog tags maybe?). use a diary or a journal instead of original posts about yourself or your opinions or comments on others’ posts. even if you delete your blog or change your username, the reblogs of things you say live on here forever.
4) reblog instead of like, and tag posts with what they’re about when you post and reblog (this is something i don’t do as much as i should bc im often on mobile and don’t feel like it and only do it for original posts). at least make sure you’re tagging for common content warnings and spoilers. don’t censor words in posts or tags if you’re trying to tag, bc that breaks people’s mute/blocklists. DO censor words/tags if you’re talking about something you don’t want to clog the tag for or attract attention to or something.
5) if you personally want to keep track of original posts, asks, and queued posts, create tags you use for each of those and on mobile manually tag with them every time you do one of those posts, and on desktop you can have an extension do it. in your blog settings you can make like your original post tag one of your “featured tags” if you want easy access, or other people to be able to see, which just means when they hit the search bar on your blog it’s suggested.
6) make sure you go to your dashboard settings and turn OFF “best things first”. i keep on the other algorithmic stuff like showing stuff based on likes as well, and i flip between the various feeds, but most of what you should be doing is following blogs that post or reblog what you like, following the TAGS of things you like, and those will appear chronologically in your regular dash “following” feed.
7) freely block, unfollow, and filter/mute people and topics. do not feel like you have any obligation to anyone. curate your experience on here.
8) turn off submissions on your blog, and turn off anon asks or even asks all together if you don’t want them. you are not obligated to answer every ask or even have an open ask box. you should also take a look at your settings for private messages and replies to set them to what you’re comfortable with.
9) how i use notifications is different than a lot of ppl bc i get a LOT of them but explore how the Activity and notifications page works to your favor, but turn off push notifs and as much as you can. followers, likes, etc, do not matter that much here if you’re not trying to build a following for art or something and you shouldn’t pay attention to it other than just for fun.
10) learn what T*RF, SW*RF, and white supremacist dogwhistles are and how to spot them bc they can still be prevalent on here and you may not realize. a lot of seemingly normal posts about feminism on here can be crypto t*rf shit so you need to learn how to spot it. (those kinds of posts spread to a lot of platforms and people don’t realize….)
11) do not get into discourse on here. of any kind. even if you’re right. some idiot will drain the life out of you arguing with you and people get weird. you’re not gonna convince people online of anything in a discourse fight most of the time and you will only come out of it drained or harassed yourself (frankly this is good advice for anywhere and sometimes even i slip up). in general even on here where engagement is not encouraged as much, every platform has engagement bait and discourse either purposely seeded to piss you off, or if it’s not on purpose it’s still pushed by algorithms.
12) for things like news, etc, this is general online advice but make sure you’re practicing basic media literacy to check how real a headline or a video or something is. what’s the source? how old is it? did they provide sources? etc
13) DO NOT REPOST ART. EITHER FROM HERE OR FROM OTHER WEBSITES. unless the artist says you can repost it (and you need to do so with credit, and look and see if they need to give permission). do not REBLOG reposted art either. you may find it in tags sometimes. do not encourage that behavior.
14) to that same end, do not post AI bullshit here. chatGPT, character AI, voiceover deepfakes, AI videos, etc. don’t do or support those in general but don’t post that shit here
15) in general, and this is something i try to tell people on EVERY platform, remember that what you see people discussing online is often a small minority of what most people think or feel. it may FEEL like everyone is talking about a certain thing, or fighting about a certain thing, but it does not represent the whole. there’s so many discourses where people are like “why do x always say y” and i’m like well they don’t. the very online segment of x often say y bc it gets engagement or bc they are very loud. (this isn’t the case for everything but it happens often for very stupid topics). this isn’t to dismiss important conversations had online by a minority of people that aren’t being discussed wider enough either - bc that also does happen. but that is often for things that are more important than like, the same movie sex scene discourse i see on twitter every 2 weeks.
16) don’t feel any obligation to your “followers”. you are not an influencer you are just here having fun, and your followers follow for the things you reblog, not for you. be FREE.
17) on desktop browser, get the XKit Rewritten extension and go wild with the settings. its a really nice tool and has a lot of good features, like the quick reblog and queue features that give you those auto tags and stuff. (also if you aren’t already using Ublock Origin extension as your adblocker on desktop, get that too).
18) if you have an iphone, apple store limits what they can show you within the app, so if you want to look at more NSFW, the mobile browser version of tumblr is quite decent. but also go to your blog settings on desktop and make sure your settings of what it is showing you on your dash include sensitive content (even if you set it to have a filter over it at first), bc it sometimes autoflags random shit as “sensitive”. also play with your dashboard filters with tags for nsfw content to your comfort - it wont remove it it’ll just put a thing over it so it doesn’t pop up in public accidentally before you click to look at it.
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canyouhearthelight · 1 year
The Miys, Ch. 222
Sorting out actual new followers from bots has become.... very time consuming. You can’t see me, but I am pinching my nose right now.  I love giving readers shout-outs, and the nasty little buggers are making it a challenge.
(That said, please be on the lookout for a post from @ areasontobreathe, my main blog, regarding fighting back against the bots. I’ll be sharing it here, but want to make sure the interactions don’t get mixed up.)
So, after much digging, reader shout outs this week go to: @asters-veil, @wings-of-indigo, @nao-eragon, @ann-aha, @lil-dabbler, and a special shout out to @dierotenixe, who is by no means a new follower but who I appreciate very much!
Also, as always, thank you to @baelpenrose for your beta-readership and help with the day to days. Huge huge help!
“This is frustrating,” Hannah sighed, gesturing towards the image projected above the table. “When is Parvati coming back?”
“When she’s ready,” I repeated for the sixth time that shift.
“And not a moment before, I should hope,” Alistair sniffed. “And if I feel that she’s been pressured to come back earlier than that, I will send her home and box each of you upside the heads. None of you take care of yourselves.”
My eyes nearly rolled out of my head. “I’ve been this way longer than you’ve known me,” I retorted.
“But there was no need to teach it to them!” he mock-cried, gesturing at Hannah.
She tried to hide a smile behind her hand. “Not to be the bearer of bad news, but I’m fairly sure I accepted the mentorship because I care for others.  I certainly didn’t just learn it on the job.” Turning back to the projected map, she groaned again, dropping her hand. “This I did, though, and it’s still eluding me.”
Stepping around my desk, I moved to sit beside her. “Let’s take a look. What’s up?”
“I’m trying to balance currently-large families with soon-to-be-large families. Some of these spaces are fine for several adults, but not once children are added to the mix.  Add storage areas, workspaces, and classrooms, and it just - “ she slowly stretched her hands apart and made a whoosh noise. “It just blows up.”
“Got it,”I nodded. “You’re forgetting one key factor.”
“There’s more!?”
“Less, Hannah,” I emphasized. “Less.”
“No, I accounted for everything,” she insisted.
“Hannah.” I set my hand on hers and gently shook it. “There won’t be any children for five years. People can move quarters as needed once that starts happening.”
Alistair sat across from us and pivoted the map. “Huynh will need to confirm, but it’s likely that we can expand some spaces.  Will need to, more likely.” He glanced at me, questioning.
��He and Xio have been making noises about needing to at least smooth some walls out,” I confessed. Reaching with both hands, I zoomed and adjusted until I found one of the caves they had evaluated. “Look here. The cave is stable if these scans are accurate - which we believe they are since this one doesn’t vary between any of the scans. But the surfaces are very jagged. They think they can smooth it out, make some more space, and use the debris for construction material in other areas. There’s hundreds of spaces like these. Once the engineers have eyes on, we’ll know for sure.”
Hannah stood and leaned in, squinting. “Nosy thing. How do you find all this out?”
“Conor’s lead on the project,” I murmured. “He and Maverick go on for hours about it every night, like it’s a competitive sport or something.”
She slapped my shoulder. “And you didn’t think to get any prospective maps?”
“Ow!” I laughed, rubbing the spot. “They don’t have any yet! How dare you think I didn’t ask!”
“I’m not apologizing,” she insisted primly. “You still could have told me something sooner. I’ve been struggling with this for over a week.”
“You needed distraction,” I insisted. “We’ve all been worried about Parvati, and now we know she’s fine and coming back eventually. She even told me to tell all of you for her, to get it out of the way. So… not as much distraction needed. Instead, you need to focus.”
“I hate it when you’re devious,” she muttered, calling up her datapad to make notes.
“Devious, but right.”
“That’s even worse.”
I smirked and looked back at the map. Something looked wrong. After adjusting and turning it, then confirming it was oriented correctly, I pointed to it and turned to Hannah, darting eyes between her and Alistair. “Are we certain this is oriented correctly?”
Alistair nodded. “Crust, core, To, From, all oriented correctly.”
“There is no thermal mapping?”
So slowly that I swear I could hear her neck creaking, Hannah turned to face me, wide-eyed. “Thermal… mapping?”
“Yes? Where the heat from the surface and the hydrothermal vents are? Don’t want to assign someone to live in the bath.”
When she stared at me in panic and confusion, I glanced at Alistair. No recognition at all. “You have got to be shitting me,” I groaned. “You’ve been doing this with the thermal mapping off?”
The information seemed to have finally hooked into their minds, as Hannah dropped her head and growled in frustration. “You mean I have to start over completely?”
“I doubt it?” I offered gently. I pulled up my datapad, made sure the most recent scans were being used, then started adjusting the projection. Blues, greens, oranges, and reds filled the network of caves. After a couple more adjustments, springs and aquifers were overlaid. “There.”
Peeking up at the map, Hannah steeled herself and started cross checking caverns.  Only a dozen or so caverns needed to be entirely vacated, while a few needed to be adjusted so that currently-larger families were in more appropriate quarters.
“There,” she said firmly after several minutes. “That’s much easier.” Dismissing it all, she leaned back and shoved her hair out of her face. “Probably best if I put it down for the rest of the day and come back fresh tomorrow.  Trying to do this while frustrated isn’t going to get me anywhere.”
“Accurate,” I agreed. “What’s next on the agenda?”
It was Alistair’s turn to check his notes. “Updating work assignments has already been assigned to Tyche. Suggested locations of public works is part of the housing assignments… somehow. I assume that makes sense to Sophia.” Scrolling and mumbling to himself, he eventually stopped the list abruptly. “Decommissioning of the quiet rooms?”
Puffing out my cheeks, I blew an overwhelmed breath. “As close to last as we can manage,” I advised. “And I would like to keep the materials, take them with us. So we should do a full inventory of each one, to start, and see what can come with and what can’t.”
“We’ll need new lights in most,” Alistair observed offhand. “Only a handful have been converted over to Miss Harper’s bio-bulbs.”
“We have them,” Hannah clarified for him. “They were placed in storage as soon as we came out of relativistic space, since we would just have to take them down and relocate them six months after installation, anyway.”
“Good to know.”
“I want Sam and Conor consulted on who should help with relocating the plants in those rooms,” I continued. “Apparently they are very delicate, and I’ve been forbidden to do anything but pet them gently.”
“Duly noted,” Hannah let me know. “And you’d rather we consult with Conor and Sam than with, say, Grey? Technically, botany falls under their purview.”
“And they will refer us to Samuel, who will consult Mister MacMaoilir,” Alistair pointed out. “Unorthodox as it seems, it’s much shorter. Councilor Hodenson’s suggestion, actually.”
“Grey got very huffy and asked if we were idiots,” I whispered loudly to Hannah. “I know you are on good terms with them, please ask them going forward rather than perpetually stealing ten minutes of my time at a go. I am sure it occurred to you.”
“Ooo, very snippy,” she giggled. “Pillows and the rest, I think Sophia and I can pack.”
“And Alice, and Maverick,” I confirmed. “Lazybones that they are.”
Alistair rapped firmly on the table. “Neither of you are fooling anyone, calling those two lazy.”
I arched an eyebrow. “Arthur is my brother, not you. You don’t have to defend my partners from me.”
“I don’t have any brothers,” Hannah snorted. “Unless you count Derek as a brother-in-law.”
“I do.” Turning back to Alistair, I pushed down my habitual need to tease him. “That’s twice today that you’ve been very defensive of the people who work in this office.  What is going on?” He opened his mouth, clearly about to bluster and object, so I held my hand up and turned my face away. “Don’t deny it.  First you were salty about the fact that none of us take care of ourselves in the way you wish we would, and now you are making sure we know our partners pass muster. What is going on?”
Consternation clouded his face for a moment before he stood and started tapping his jawline with one hand. “I never had a family,” he blurted out. “And when I started reporting to this office, the sheer abandon with which Sophia bandied about the term was appalling. Just… Inconsiderate, uncouth. As though family were trinkets to be collected.”
“That explains why you hated Arthur so much,” I murmured.
“No, that was simply because the man is insufferable,” Alistair corrected, deadpan. “Nonetheless, over the years… Very simply, if they weren’t so open about the fact that their shared history goes back a full lifetime, I would never know that Tyche was the only biological family Sophia had on this Ark. And I am still unconvinced that Miss Harper is not playing a prank on me to hide the fact that she is the third Reid.”
“You yourself pointed out that I’m not a good liar,” I reminded him. “So did Miys.”
“Hence why I consider the fact it could be true,” he admitted. “But now, finding myself… enveloped in this appalling but genuine bastardization of family…”
“You want to be part of it,” Hannah finished. “Not just watch.”
He sighed. “Unfortunately. It’s… tenacious. Insidious, even.”
Several deep breaths enabled me to keep from laughing at his very genuine show of vulnerability. “So, you’re saying that you like us. You really do like us.”
Another scowl, though this one included a hint of a smile, and he shook his finger at us. “I will deny it until my dying breath.”
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hopeymchope · 1 year
Just your standard tumblr blog manifesto
Hi! Whether you’re new to my dumb corner of Tumblr or a longer-term follower who just hasn’t particularly noticed (or cared) how I’m doing my thing here, I thought I should sum up my basic principles for this blog in a (somewhat?) useful fashion.  1) I try to always post spoiler tags for EVERY piece of official Danganronpa fiction before discussing any spoilery info OR sharing spoilery artwork. Why? Because it only takes a second to tag posts for people, and you never know who is new to the fandom/hasn’t gotten around to everything yet/is trying to still remain pure on certain subjects. For your spoiler-blocking needs, the tags for each are as follows:
Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc (game/anime/manga) — #dr1 spoilers
Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair (game) — #dr2 spoilers
Danganronpa Another Episode: Ultra Despair Girls (game/manga) — #drae spoilers
Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope’s Peak Academy/High School (anime) — #dr3 spoilers
Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony (game) — #drv3 spoilers
Ultimate Talent Development Plan (AU mode/sub-game within V3) — #utdp spoilers
Danganronpa Zero (light novels) — #dr0 spoilers
Danganronpa IF light novel — #drif spoilers
Ultra Despair Hagakure light novel  — #udh spoilers
Danganronpa Kirigiri light novels — #drk spoilers
Danganronpa Togami light novels  — #drt spoilers
Danganronpa S: Ultimate Summer Camp (game) — #drs spoilers
2) I reblog (and occasionally even do original posts of) A LOOOOT of fan art here, but I make it a point to only share things either posted by the original artist OR which are shared with the permission of the artist. I had it impressed upon me earlier in my Tumblr career that some artists legitimately don’t want their stuff shared on other sites without permission, and I try to always respect that. (And yes, I realize that just saying “permission obtained from the artist” or something is HARDLY a foolproof system. We’re on the honor system here; we can only assume such disclaimers are honest.) If you catch me sharing art that is copied or posted by someone other than the artist without any expressed permission, please let me know — I’ll take it down! 
3) I’ll almost always respond to asks submitted to me, but I’m sorry if it takes a while. I’m typically WAAAAY behind on such things. Sometimes it takes me a few days or even, rarely, weeks. Sometimes I just don’t know what to say at first. But sometimes I’ll respond ASAP because the ask is easy to answer or just ignites a bunch of thoughts within me. Or on rare occasions I’ll, uh, never answer because I couldn’t think of anything to really say (sorry?) or because the ask is basically just a troll. 
4) I sometimes post asks/commentary that are very critical of certain characters as people (as in, not criticizing them as fictional characters or how they were written; criticizing their behavior as good/bad people). If you don’t like seeing your faves harshed on, I tag those criticism/negativity-centric posts for easy blocking, too! So feel free to block tags like #anti-kokichi ouma or #anti-hiyoko saionji or whomever. (But let’s be honest; Those are the two most common ones.) 
5) This Tumblr originated as a Naegiri-focused one, actually. That’s not something that comes up too terribly often these days, but.. you can definitely still expect me to heap extra attention on any Naegiri-centric content I come across (or, in rare instances, create myself). :) So... that’s just a heads-up.  6) If you came across this user handle elsewhere and are wondering if this blog is run by the same person, I can only confirm that the Hopey McHope on AO3 and the HopeyMcHope on FF.net are, in fact, me. Anyone else you see by this name might be the same person as me, or it might not. I guess you should just ask me here.
7) If I blocked you... I probably assumed you’re a bot. If you don’t have ANY posts or ANY reblogs or ANY profile pic or ANY heading wallpaper? I have to assume you’re a bot; it’s a problem around here. If you’re not a bot, please do something, anything to make your account look like a real person’s. Say two words on your blog, change your blog title to be ANYTHING else, give yourself a profile pic or even a header image that ISN’T the default... just, anything. 
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reneezsq · 2 months
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this is a genshin impact, honkai:star rail and onmyoji writing blog. sfw + yandere. not spoiler free.
once again, do not feed my work into ai. do not repost on tiktok, wattpad, or any other plateforme without my consent.
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. my posting schedule is very inconsistent, so do not expect me to post every day / week.
. although this blog is sfw, do note that some of my work may contain suggestive undertones. please read the warnings and notes before reading any of my works.
. english is not my first language, so most of my writing may have grammar mistakes. feel free to correct me if necessary.
. please do not trauma dump just like that, i need to at least know you as a person.
. reblogs and comments are appreciated. please i love reading those.
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. basic dni criteria (racism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, etc. or anyone that wants drama and a fight).
. blank blogs and bot–looking blogs will be blocked.
. if you feel that i mistakenly blocked you, or if you changed something (your blog is not blank anymore for example) then feel free to send an ask with your username and i will check (i will not post the ask).
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. i don’t take requests. i have realized that i cannot deliver them in time and it makes me feel anxious and more stressed, which then alters my writing and make it difficult for me to get the words on paper (or in this case on my phone).
. however, you are allowed to send any ramble or thought you may have, and depending on if i feel inspired or not i will give you a piece of my own mind. of course make sure it is a fandom i am in, if you are not sure just send a request to be sure.
. make sure to not send anything gore, minor characters in suggestive situations, generally anything that goes against the moral code.
. use tone indicators if we are not close.
. my reader is always a gender neutral adult, or at least close to the character in age (unless specified otherwise).
. i do not write specified features for the reader (tattoos, piercings, scars, body type, etc.) to make sure everyone can read it without feeling excluded.
. i can also do moodboards sometimes.
. please do not spam likes without a reblog or even just a comment, it’s irritating and feels like you are liking for the sake of liking (however if i see enough space between the likes i’ll let it pass, as it shows you are actually reading).
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maxladcomics · 2 years
Deviantart || Twitter || Ko-fi || Overpriced Commissions 
I am a Papyrus-focused artist, don't ask me about his brother.
I draw Papyrus-focused comics, and make Papyrus-focused lore/theories, if you ask or comment about an AU version of his brother there is a very good chance I'll kill him. 
- All my content will be free forever
- You can turn it into memes*
- You can make comic dubs*
- You can make a translation*
- You can reference it for your own art*
- You can make content based off of mine*
* Please @ me or msg me because I want to see it or link to it, unless it makes Papyrus stupid, then I don't. But I won't stop you from making it.
Story comics - Comics that follow the lore/worlds/multiverse I have, foreshadowing heavy, generally. Watch out for the foreshadowing tag and see if you can find it. 
Shenanigans and Shitposts - Generally short comics about dumb things that SHOULD be funny, shouldn’t be any surprise angst, and rare foreshadowing.
Random comics and MTT Legs - Mostly short pages, extras to the story comics, creepy/horror type comics and angst, some foreshadowing, probably.
Maxart || Fanart || Friend art ||
Maxask || Maxramble || Maxstop - Asks with varying degrees of length, Maxask is my normal ask tag, Maxramble has at least 2 paragraphs and Maxstop is probably an essay if I knew anything about writing.
Reference - Undertale AU infodumps, designs, etc, the tag is Character reference because the reference tag has bots stalking it
Tutorial - Self explanatory
Undertale Theory - Generally essay level theory posts that gives the maxstop tag shame
I made my own versions of Underfell, Underswap and Outertale but there’s others I have blogs, or actual character references for: SwapfellMax - My version of Swapfell
Fellswap Purple - My version of Fellswap, some roles are swapped, mostly chaotic AU I threw all my ideas I couldn’t use, into. Undercurrent - AU where the monsters are pirates but not really GraveMistake - Horror themed AU, neglected to death [I lied, here’s a reference sheet] Gravel - Murder AU where the monsters eat dust for some reason..
Papyrus is a liar || Papyrus is a liar full version
Papyrus has vaguely implied (with diversion tactics/LYING) that he has been inside the lab
Papyrus is the only one to change your entire GUI during the hangout/date
Papyrus repeating sentences intentionally -super vague implying he knows he’s in a game, which wouldn’t mean anything if he didn’t also imply knowledge of how events and characters also work in a game
Papyrus seems aware of the cameras around snowdin
Papyrus and Riverperson
Papyrus tells heaps of puns in the game
Papyrus’s battle body?
The number Three
Most important Papyrus meme
Fellswap comics/profiles That Child Swapfell Sans
Previous contest - Papyrus likes puns
Next contest - Unknown when, but it’ll be about Undertale Papyrus as usual
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exnihilo0 · 3 months
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General guidelines to navigate my blog and interact with me
this is a space for non-straight women, anyone who identifies as a woman and nonbinary/genderfluid people. I own another blog for which i used to write straight fanfics, and after finally coming out as a lesbian i decided to just carve a bit of space for me on this platform, in which i could feel 100% myself, and safe. Don’t follow me if you’re not part of these categories of people;
you HAVE to be 18 or older to follow this blog. I might post/talk about stuff related to sex or anything of the sort, and i generally don’t feel comfortable having minors following me. Make sure i can see the age on your blog if you follow me, or i will block you thinking you might be a minor or a bot;
don’t message me unless we’re mutuals AND we have interacted in different ways before. I don’t easily feel comfortable talking to people privately;
i don’t accept any form of discrimination. Homophobia, transphobia, sexism, racism, white supremacy, you name it. Not here, thanks;
don’t bring discourse on this page. I deal with politics in my actual everyday life and would like to keep it out of here. It’s your responsibility to educate yourself, i’m not an influencer or a life coach. However, anyone with discriminatory views or anyone who stands with occupation of any kind is not accepted here;
BE RESPECTFUL. I can’t stress this enough. Don’t be mean, don’t be a bully. If you follow me, you automatically have space to exist on my page by interacting with me. I value it. Be kind;
don’t ask personal information about me. You are allowed to be curious, but if you ask me anything that for some reason i see as too intimate i won’t answer, so just don’t be surprised if it happens. I can assure you it’s nothing personal towards you;
don’t make request, unless i specifically tell you to;
don’t give me any pet names, please. It makes me uncomfortable. Call me Nat and i’ll be the happiest :)
i don’t accept fights over people that don’t exist. That’s it. I hope it’s clear;
if the intention of your message might be ambiguous or confusing, please use tone indicators. I don’t know you and i may interpret something in the wrong way. You can find them here.
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In general, just treat me the way you would want to be treated. Be kind, we’re all here to have a good time and forget about heavy stuff. Don’t be shy and interact with me if you feel like it, i appreciate it. Thank you for reading all of this <3
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Mod, kindly delete this if you do not want to answer. I’m just curious what’s behind the curtain of my lunch break entertainment.
Why do you run this blog? I know I would enjoy it, but it’s definitely a lot to keep up with and not for everyone! if you don’t mind me asking, what made you step up to make this blog when the original went silent? And finally, pineapple on pizza or nah?
Mod: I actually just love reading all your dolly thoughts, obviously there are some toxic and serious ones in there which can be difficult, but generally I enjoy reading everyone's dolly opinions. I ran (was deleted by tumblr in p0rngate due to doll photos(!) since basically anything with flesh-tones was getting flagged by their bot, and remade here, they restored it a whole year later) truebjdconfessionz (now @bjd-confessions) since the middle of 2017, I found the original truebjdconfessions in 2015? And just was addicted, when they stopped posting I'd keep checking and after a few months, eventually decided to make my own. I just posted about it in the comments of the latest post on tbc at the time, and since everyone else was still checking the blog, it gained followers quickly.
I've never knowingly eaten pineapple on pizza :p
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