#I am gonna try to relax how realistic this all is
foreverlittlesoshi · 18 hours
All Of Our Foolish Notions
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noah sebastian x reader
content warnings: angst and cheating
word count - 1.7k
an ~ the beginning is heavily based off my personal life and something i've gone through recently so this was my way of letting go
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The world felt like it was collapsing on you. A dream couldn’t have possibly led to this. no way. You couldn’t believe it. 
Maybe it was a little strange to go through someone’s phone over a dream but you couldn’t help it. The dream was too realistic and caused you to worry for a couple days before getting the bravery to check. It shouldn’t have come as a surprise because you had certain doubts about Sam and reading the messages just confirmed them.
I miss you, Kali
I miss you too, Sam.
How could he say that to her? Why would he say that to her? He always said she treated him so badly yet he’s putting in the effort to talk to her? Anger and betrayal ran hot through your veins but you couldn’t help but look further and sadly found more. Just what you wanted to see. An intimate video that was definitely not of you two and the date/timestamp was a couple months ago and just a day before your one year anniversary.
You quietly put his phone back down, carefully not to wake him up and just stared at him. It felt like a bigger slap in the face that he was sleeping so peacefully while you felt like your heart was being ripped apart. Choking back the sobs felt like pure hell but you didn’t want him to see you like this because it’s not like he would even care.
The energy to even stand up couldn’t process in your head so you crawled back to your side of the room and grabbed your phone, quietly crawling to the bathroom and locking the door. You only knew one person who could help you out in this situation and maybe it wasn’t the best to call another man but he was your best friend.
“Hey, are you okay? it’s 1 am.” His voice was too relaxing to hear though you felt bad because he sounded groggy.
“He’s been cheating on me. with his ex of all fuckin people, Noah.” Saying it felt like a bigger punch in the gut. 
“Hold on, what?” He said more clearly and wiping the tiredness from him.
“I-I had a dream the other night, i guess my subconscious trying to tell me something so i started to overthink but i didn’t ask because i didn’t want to start an argument and tonight i finally broke. I know i shouldn’t have but i went through his phone and saw-“ a painful sob left you, “he literally filmed them having sex just a day before our one year anniversary.” 
“I’m gonna fuckin kill -“ “No, please just help me get out of here. He’s not even awake. I just want to leave.” Begging him made you feel so small but you couldn’t help it. 
“I’ll be there soon.” 
“Thank you.”
When Noah arrived, it made you feel a little better though it still all felt like a big blur packing your things quickly, quietly and carefully to not wake up Sam. Maybe it was the power he had over you but you felt guilty, just leaving and not even leaving a message, note or anything. Just the key to his apartment on the coffee table and walking away from someone you spent a year of your life with. 
“This is stupid to ask but are you okay?” Noah asked as you tossed your bags into his car and you couldn’t help but chuckle weakly.
“I just feel really fuckin stupid. It doesn’t help this situation but i had already caught him in two lies about her before i found this out and i just made excuses for him. I thought the last time was the final straw but clearly not. The worst part is somehow i feel like i deserve this.” You confessed and could feel the anger rise again. 
“No, you fuckin don’t. Don’t ever say some stupid shit like that again. He’s an insecure stupid little prick who doesn’t even know that he just lost the best person ever.” Maybe he let his feelings out a bit but he couldn’t help it. He couldn’t stand the fact that you genuinely believed you deserved to get cheated on and treated like garbage.
“Let’s just go back to yours before i go back in there and punch him.” Saying as you headed to the passenger side.
Even while having your heart broken, you let your anger get the best of you and Noah couldn’t stop his heart from beating faster. He always thought it was cute.
The amount of crying you did exhausted you to the point you didn’t even feel Noah carrying you to his bed and tucking you in.
“Don’t leave me.” you mumbled to him.
“Just wanted to make sure you’re comfortable first.” He tells you as he crawls into the bed, you automatically cling onto him and let out a sigh of calmness. 
“I love you so much and thank you.” He shouldn’t have taken it too seriously but he couldn’t help it. It was killing him that you were going through this pain but he didn’t want to make it worse by confessing to you and messing with your mind/feelings more. 
“If only you knew.” You swore you heard him say but decided to not say anything and just fall asleep.
Getting back on your feet again wasn’t the hard part of getting over your last relationship, the hard part was realizing your feelings for Noah. You didn’t want to admit it though because you don’t want to make him feel like a rebound or taking advantage of him. You wouldn’t be able to live with yourself if he thought about himself that way.
Drinking wasn’t the right choice but you were so overwhelmed that you didn’t know what else to do and honestly, you didn’t mean to get too drunk either. You just wanted to stop thinking about everything so you could calm down though maybe going out with the whole group wasn’t helpful. 
“Are you ever going to confess to him?” Folio’s voice broke your thought process.
You didn’t want to answer him at first, instead downing another shot of tequila. 
“I’m just scared.”
He scoffed at your response, “Of what? It’s clear that he loves you.”
Noah’s words replayed in your head from that night, “If only you knew.” and the memory made the alcohol hit ten times harder. 
“I don’t want him to think of himself as a rebound. He’s too special to me. I love him but i don’t want to hurt him.” You could tell you were slurring your words but he still acknowledged what you were trying to say.
With the alcohol hitting hard, you couldn’t even tell if Folio said anything else. All you could think about was Noah and everything you two had been through. Seeing his hardships from a young age, letting him stay with you when you two were teenagers and your family treating him like their own, going to his local shows with his old band, the fallout, seeing him mature and grow while forming bad omens, his past flings, his breakdowns, his decision to cut his hair short after so many years and seeing bad omens blow up with just pretend and all the success they received. 
It hit you hard. You were in love with him. Maybe you always had been but just refused to accept it. You were there for him through everything and he was always there for you. Why didn’t he ever confess?  was the main question in your mind.
“Where is he?” you asked Folio.
“Outside with Jolly.” Once he told you, you tried to quickly stand up but stumbled. “Let me help you out.”
Folio helped you through the crowd, guiding you out the door and the cool air sobering you up just a tiny bit. 
“NOAH!” yelling his name immediately got his attention and he rushed over. 
“Are you okay? Did some-“ “She’s fine. Just drunk.” Folio warned him and Noah sighed with relief. You tried to hug him but you just fell into his chest bursting out into a giggling fit as he held onto you so you wouldn’t bust your ass on the ground. 
“I’ll take her home and I’ll text you guys later.” He said guiding you to his car, buckling you in and making sure you’re comfortable. The ride was quiet until you finally spoke up.
“Why haven’t you confessed to me yet?” 
He felt like his heart genuinely stopped for a moment. His throat dried up, his face became red and his stomach started hurting.
“I don’t want to have this conversation when you’re drunk.” his voice was stern which caused you to whine.
“I was just-“”I will not have this conversation when you’re drunk.” To be honest, he shocked you with how stern he was again and decided to drop it until you woke up the next morning.
The raging hungover headache woke you up though the blinding sun wasn’t helping it and trying to remember the night hurt your head more. 
“Here.” Noah said startling you while holding some ibuprofen and a glass of water. Quickly downing both and thanking him.
“Why didn’t you ever confess to me?” You ask him finally sober. Seeing him squirm from the question surprised you. Did Folio lie to you? 
“I was just scared of you rejecting me and leaving.” he confessed avoiding your eyes.
“Noah,” your heart was feeling like it was going to explode, “It may have taken me a lot longer than you to realize my feelings but i do love you and i always have.”
“Really?” His timid voice made your heart hurt. 
“Absolutely.” you reached for his hand, it felt so clammy yet still so soft and kissed his hand softly, “I love you Noah.”
“I’ve always loved you and i always will. I love you, more than you will ever know.” He felt relief after so many years of hiding this secret from you. “Can i kiss you?”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “Of course.”
Soft lips met yours, the kiss just felt right and like it was meant to be. You couldn’t help but feel bad for not realizing your feelings sooner than later and putting him through hell. 
When he pulled away, he rested his forehead against yours and cupped your cheeks as he asked, “Will you finally be mine?”
“Absolutely Noah.” 
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title comes from Lucky Ones by LIGHTS
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squibblefall · 2 years
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A polehorse kneels down to the lakebed to begin digging for plants and small animals. Unaware it is, of the eyes watching it from the nearby brush
Plantlife on this planet is kinda rare I'm thinking? most of it resides around lakebeds like this with the occasional large trees 'walking' their way onto land
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 8 months
on the phone with 👑
(cw: mentions of ego-shooter video games; age gap 25/41, nsfw, masturbation, dirty talk, praise, MDNI)
part before: painting his nails
I'm tossing and turning.
In my own bed.
Cursing the notion I had, that I couldn't possibly stay for longer at his place.
On Monday morning, I packed up my stuff and hurried to work, after he made me another latte.
Being a good girl, not getting him to fuck me again, even though I would have rather taken him to bed than myself to work.
Texting König about every single minute thing that came to my mind. And him doing the same.
I sent him a pic while I was out getting lunch with a colleague. And he sent me a pic while he was working out. I almost died right there and then.
Firstly, I never would have thought he would do a mirror selfie.
His hair put up in a haphazard way. Damp strands of it hanging down.
The tank top was a tight fit especially for him, showing off his arms. Sweat staining the front of it, the sheen of wetness on his skin...
The shorts. The sight of his burly thighs had me gripping my desk, trying to get a grip.
Thirdly, that goddamned smile. Oh, he knew exactly what he was doing.
When I had calmed down, my fingers typed out a message in response.
Me: excuse me??? sir??? 🫠 👑: you are excused
He's gonna pay for that one.
When I came home from work, I thought it was eerily quiet in my apartment. Nobody else being here. I mean, I live alone and Mimi greeted me as always. But it seemed like was something off. Missing.
I thought back to when we got my stuff and König just waited patiently for me while I packed some clothes and other necessities. Petting Mimi, his whole attention on the little cat. His tall stature dwarfed my living room, and I was actually surprised he didn’t hit his head on the ceiling. The Morbid Angel logo on his shirt was hidden by the black furball purring against him. Mimi sitting on his chest, not a care in the world, meowing when she saw me.
But there was no 6'10'' giant waiting for me in the living room then.
I willed myself - even though my fingers itched - to not send him message about asking for him to pick me up or stay over at my place. I wanted to give him some space after I had his place under siege for what feel like an eternity, but realistically was just three days. And I managed fine yesterday, his goodbye kisses still lingering. Today, even with all of the messages we sent back and forth...
Can you miss somebody like that after knowing them for such a short time?
I knew that he most likely spent the whole evening at home. Alone. Because he likes being alone. Probably reading or listening to the new Trivium vinyl he bought that came in the mail yesterday. Or both.
I stayed home as well, playing games on my computer – I actually started up Counterstrike and tried to play some matches –, but my mind always wandered back to him. Mimi came running, pushing her head against my legs, demanding attention. I lifted her off the floor to set her onto my lap and didn't see the enemy which got me eliminated. The irony was not lost on me, as I thought back to our conversation. How worried he seemed with how I would perceive him when he talked about his work. And now I was sitting here, playing a shooter game to try and relax after work.
I shook my head, at the absurdity of it, and snapped a quick pic in between matches to send to him.
My phone ding-ed while I was in a match, and I tried to ignore it.
As soon as I got the chance though, I opened the message and he sent a picture back. From the waist down, a book on his lap, a beer on the table beside him. The wall of books in the background. The whole room dimly lit except for the opened pages.
God damn it, I just want to sit right next to him on that couch.
me: looking comfy, old man 👑: thank you, i am indeed very comfy 👑: brat
I chuckled to myself and played a few more rounds before I went to bed.
And now I'm here, tossing and turning in my bed, without the big guy right beside me.
I pull the chat up again. Looking at the pictures he sent me today.
me: u still awake? 👑: yes, everything okay? me: can't sleep 👑: me neither
While I'm still contemplating my next message, the crown lights up my phone as a caller ID. Surprise spreads through me for just a moment before I pick up.
Hi. Uh, I hope it's okay that I just called.
Sure, I can't sleep anyways.
I ignore the little flutter in my stomach.
What is it? Something on your mind?
‘Yeah, you.’ is what I want to say.
No, just restless.
He sighs.
I feel that.
A little silence falls over us, just for a moment.
What was that game you played before?
Oh, uh- Counterstrike. I'm no good at it though.
He laughs.
Why do you play it then?
It's still fun, I guess. Even if I curse at the monitor like a goddamn sailor.
Oh, I couldn't imagine your sweet mouth doing something as filthy as that.
Yeah, yeah. We both know what kind of filthy things you're imagining with my mouth.
I can hear the grin on his face which makes me grin in return.
Have you ever played?
I never played, no. Don't want to spend my free time with...
He pauses.
Oh right, I understand, sorry. This must be weird then.
No, don't worry. I know that people play those games for fun.
Yeah, I know, still.
You gotta show me some time.
Yeah, why not.
Okay, then, I'll show you my shitty gameplay with pleasure.
Which makes us both laugh.
I gotta confess something.
What do you have to confess?
I already had my car keys in my hand.
You did?
Mhm. But then I remembered what you said yesterday morning, about needing to go home and you couldn't possibly stay any longer… and I understand if you need some space. So, I wasn't sure if you'd even open the door for me, if I knocked.
A moment of silence.
Can I confess something as well?
I have been thinking all evening how fucking stupid that was of me. And I would've opened the door for you in an instant.
Another silence, this one a little heavier.
But a little smile stalks on my face, an idea of what to say next.
What would you do if you were here?
He chuckles.
Kiss that filthy mouth of yours. And then the top of your head because that's closest to your dirty mind.
What dirty mind?
Yeah, yeah, I see right through you, Fräulein.
I don't know what you're talking about.
No? So, you aren't thinking about me fucking you from behind right now? Or maybe about you spreading your legs and me eating you out, your delicious pussy right in my face? Or about my dick pushing into your mouth until you gag around it, hm?
I clear my throat.
Well, now I am for sure.
Good. Because I'm thinking about it as well.
Yes, Liebes?
I- There's something that always helps me sleep better.
His voice deepens.
And what's that?
Oh, you already know.
I need to hear you say it. What do you want?
I hesitate, feeling a little shy now.
I want to come.
He groans.
Fuck, can't deny you if you ask so prettily.
The tone of his voice sends a little shiver down my spine, but I'm unsure what to say now, the words on the tip of my tongue.
What- what should I do?
I can tell you what I would do if I was there, and you can tell me how it feels, okay?
Put the phone next to you and put me on speaker. You're gonna need both of those hands.
I do exactly as he tells me, lying back into my sheets.
You're on speaker.
Good. What are you wearing, sweetcheeks?
I giggle a little.
A shirt and panties.
Hmm, my favorite. I would get rid of your underwear in an instant though.
I laugh and follow his suggestion. I already noticed his disdain for underwear, on himself as well.
Then I would slowly push my hand up your shirt, feeling your soft skin.
Until I reach your breasts, squeezing them.
I do as he says, but it doesn't quite feel the same with my hands, compared to his bigger ones.
I would graze my thumb over your nipples, feeling them harden from my touch.
I'd like to lick them, bite them just lightly, until you squirm under me.
I pinch them, his words mixing with the sensations of my touch, until I softly sigh.
Feeling good?
The sound is more a moan than anything else.
My hand would slowly wander down, until I'm there, just were you want me.
I whimper when my fingers reach my clit, swollen and sensitive.
That bad, huh?
Well, somebody sent a picture of them all sweaty and hot after working out. And I still can't think straight, just thinking about that.
He laughs.
You say such nice things, Liebes.
What would you do next?
I know that I sound desperate. But I need more.
I’d move my hand just a little further down. Not pushing into you just yet. Just teasing. Softly stroking over your wet pussy.
I whine, needy, but I don't dare to stray from his order, getting myself worked up with the teasing touches.
Just feeling how fucking wet you are for me, before pushing my finger into you.
I push one of my fingers inside me, the one digit not nearly being enough.
Miss your fingers, they're bigger.
He hums. A soft erotic sound.
I suppose they are.
I’d add a second one, slowly moving inside you, just how you like it. Hitting that spot inside you that makes you moan and roll your eyes back. Just how I like it.
His voice is getting deeper, his breaths a little more labored, as he keeps talking which sends a shiver down my spine. Knowing that guiding me through it like that, hearing me sigh in response, does it for him as well lets a little smile form on my face.
I do as he says, but I also get a little frustrated, because my fingers can't quite reach like his, my hips squirming, desperate for more friction.
Need more.
I whine.
Okay, then. Brat.
I would flip you on your front, so I could look at your ass.
I can't help the little eyeroll, while a grin stalks onto my face.
But you aren't here, and you can't actually see my butt.
Pssscht, I'm imagining it just fine. Come on, turn around, do as I tell you.
And I do, the rustling of my sheets telling him as far.
Just this word alone, from his lips, does things to me.
Now, lift up your hips just a little and push your fingers in from behind.
I follow his instructions, lifting my ass, so I can reach a little better, two of my fingers slipping into my pussy. I groan a little bit.
How's that? A little deeper?
I sigh.
Good. Now, put your other fingers on your clit.
I push my arm under my body, placing the hand, right between my legs. My fingertips are digging into the sensitive nub and I rub against them needily. I know now why he wanted me to reposition myself.
Oh fuck.
The sounds I’m making are telling him what he wants to know.
Just like that.
Move your hips, fuck yourself on your fingers.
And I do as he tells me, the touches getting me worked up fast, the pressure on my clit changing with every pass, while my fingers are pushing into my pussy.
Hmm, feeling good?
Yeah, just wish it was you inside me.
That little confession dropped out of me before I could think too hard about it.
Fuck, me too. I would bury my dick deep inside you. Fuck you from behind. Hard, just how you like it.
Remember how I fucked you into that bar counter?
How could I forget?
We need to do that again sometime... You took me so fucking perfectly.
I bite my lip, stifling the moans that get louder and louder, the images of us fucking spurring me on, while I finger-fuck myself.
I wanna hear you. Please.
My head turns in the direction of the phone again, making sure he gets to hear all the sounds that are dropping from my lips.
Good girl.
His praise washes over me and I almost choke up when the pull inside gets too much.
Close, so clo-
Fuck, yes. Come. That's what you wanted, isn't it?
The growl in his voice tips me over the edge, moving my hips frantically in search for more friction, when my orgasm crashes down over me.
My moans fill my bedroom, and surely find their way into the phone.
I can hear him groan as well, the sounds from the speaker sounding a lot like a slick hand moving up and down quickly.
Fuck, he’s jerking off too. That thought registers in my brain, before my fingers hit that spot inside me again. The zap of pleasure makes me shake, the waves of arousal washing over me, while my fingers strum over my clit.
A low breathy curse that escapes his lips as he comes as well.
Panting, mine and his from the speaker, is all I hear for the next moments.
I untangle myself, my fingers slipping out of me, turning onto my back again. Feeling my own wetness on my hands. I clean myself haphazardly before I grab the phone again.
That was… something else.
Yeah… you drive me crazy, you know that?
I’m still just breathing, trying to calm myself down. My god, I don’t think I ever came that hard with just my fingers inside me. The images he put in my mind… his deep soft voice alone. It does stuff to me. Hearing him say that... how I drive him crazy as well, it makes me all giddy inside.
I feel the familiar fuzzy feeling sweep over me, and I wish I could snuggle into him right now, after he made me come, and my hazy mind is still looking for the right thing to say now.
Feeling better now?
Yes, much better.
Sleepy, too?
Yes, that too. I always get a little sleepy afterwards.
I've noticed.
Like on cue, I yawn.
Thank you.
He chuckles again. And I don't think I'll ever get enough of that sound.
No need to thank me. I'll make you come any day of the week.
I- meant for calling, but that works too.
The grin on my face probably mirrors his, staring off into the distance with our phones pressed to the ear. And he's still not here next to me.
Gotta get myself under the shower, because I made a mess of myself again and I got nobody here to clean me up.
That makes me laugh, the joke and the filthy thought cutting through the sleepiness, when I'm yawning again.
You do that, can't have you all messy like that.
No, we can't.
I can hear the little filthy grin in his voice, and I can imagine how he must look like right now. Sitting on the couch or his bed. His dick still out, all messy and sticky with his cum. His hair hanging over the side of his face, as he relaxes into the cushions. And that god damn smirk of his.
Silence, just two little moments, before I ask what I wanted to ask.
Can you come over tomorrow?
Sure, Kleine, whatever you want.
Okay, good. Good night, König.
Good night, sleep well.
That's the last thing I hear before I drift off to sleep, still gripping my phone tight with my fingers.
next part: gaming with him or more stuff in the Masterlist ~
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simply-hyacinth · 2 years
You write L so wonderfully and so in character. I had a request if they’re still open: Could I request Reader (any gender) giving L his first kiss, teaching him how to kiss in the process, and L discovering that he really enjoys the sensation of kissing? I headcanon L as so mentally devoted to his work that his physical form has kind of taken a backseat, and so something like a kiss or touch from the right person can ignite in him a new understanding of himself. Thanks for reading! 💖
So, I was gonna answer this later because I have a truly astounding amount of homework to get done, but how could I keep you waiting? Anyways, I tried my best to adhere to your request, and I'm so sorry if it's disappointing, I've never really done this before. Please let me know if you want anything else written or rewritten, or literally anything. Your wish is my command. Also, thank you so much for your kind words! I am trying to write him as realistically as possible because I saw too much ooc L, and so I'm doing my best.
“Cake?” You asked, setting it down in front of him gently so as to not disturb his setup. 
“Thank you.” He responded. His eyes never left the screen as he picked up the fork and began to eat. 
He had arrived at your apartment last night and in typical L fashion, had given you little notice before knocking on your door with a briefcase of files and papers. He had turned your living room into a crime scene, and as far as you knew, hadn’t slept a wink since he had gotten here. 
You didn’t want to ask him any questions or bother him, despite how incredibly curious you were, but you did want to be sure he wasn’t wasting away under your watch. If that meant feeding him desserts every hour to ensure that something was being consumed, then so be it.
“Cake for dinner,” You said softly to the air, shaking your head as you served yourself a slice. “I’m living my childhood dreams.”
Taking a seat next to L, you very carefully pulled a blanket up to your lap. You watched him cautiously, worried that your movements might distract him.
“You are not bothering me.” He said abruptly. 
You froze “Are you sure? I can just go to my room if - “
“No, I quite enjoy your presence.” He turned to you. “And if anything, I should be the one worried about bothering you. I have completely taken over your living room with my research.”
In furious denial, you responded, “No not at all! I love having papers about - “ You pick up a paper and skim the first sentence. “ - mass murders…on my couch…”
L let out a soft chuckle, to which you gave him a smile in return. “I should be thankful that you have not yet tired of my existence.”
“How could I ever? You’re my best customer.” You gestured to the state of your messy kitchen - a result of all the baking and cooking you had done for him since he had arrived. 
He responded with a little laugh, and turned back to his screen. You admired how much he devoted himself to his work, however it worried you nonstop to see how it ate away at him, both mentally and physically. 
You didn’t pretend to understand what he did. As far as you could tell, he was a spy or detective of sorts. He never confirmed or denied your guesses, but there were certain aspects of his routine that allowed you to infer what you could.
What you were sure of, however, was that the only time he was ever able to properly relax was when he was around you. Which only made it that much more saddening that he was so immersed in his research at this moment in time.
But you said nothing. It was never your place to interfere or say anything. That was how the two of you worked.
You picked up your book from the table in front of you and began to read. It was nice, being near him and the two of you being allowed to do your respective things. In fact, the book you were reading was one he had suggested for you after you told him it had been a while since you found a good book.
So far, you were quite happy with the recommendation.
After a couple of hours of just being next to each other and occasionally exchanging words, you began to doze off. The book slipped out of your hands and your head dropped onto L’s shoulder.
For the first time in hours, he was completely taken out of his work mindset. The weight of your body slumped against his was so warm. He knew it probably would be best to let you sleep, but how was he meant to get any work done if you were right against him?
Lucky for him, you started to stir, yawning as you awoke from your brief nap. “You’re here?”
“I’ve been here since yesterday.” He replied quietly.
You quickly noticed how much of his personal space you had accidentally invaded and shot straight up. “Shit, I didn’t mean to - “
L reached over and took your hand. It was a bit of an awkward grab, but you understood he meant it to be comforting. “You do not bother me.” His words were firm. 
“Right,” You breathed out, unknowingly lacing your fingers with his. “I forgot.”
“You also seemed to forget that I was here,” He noted. “You were surprised.”
Your cheeks heated up at his observation. “I think…I’m not used to you being so present next to me. It was a bit shocking to wake up practically sleeping on you.”
He was silent for a moment, and then, “Elaborate. On the part about me being present.”
“It’s not a matter of you being physically absent, but I mean you’re always so absorbed in your work that it’s like you forget I’m here or even where and who you are. Mentally, you are on another planet almost ninety percent of the time.” You explain, embarrassed. 
This seemed to bother him. You noticed the way his grip on your hand loosened and his shoulders deflated even more. 
“I never meant to make you feel that way.”
Your heart broke at how defeated he sounded. “Not at all! I just want you to be aware that you’re allowed to relax around me. You’re under no obligations here.”
He nodded. “Then you should also know that I don’t mind you being close to me.” He looked down at where your hands were still intertwined. “I’ve come to enjoy being in contact with you.”
You laughed lightly, relieved. “Thank goodness. I could kiss you right now, you know?”
“You could.” He confirmed quickly. “It would certainly be an experience I’ve never had before.”
To that, your laughter stops. “Never? You’ve never been kissed before?”
“I think I, of all people, would know if I had been.” He said dryly. 
“Would you want me to kiss you?” You asked him, your words hushed and curious. 
He pondered it for a moment. “I would want you to, of course. I have no expectations on whether or not I will enjoy it, as I have no previous experience to form them from. However, based off of what the vast majority of the population would - “
You decided you had enough of his talking and leaned forward, pressing your lips against his and using your free hand to hold his face gently as you did. 
By kissing standards, it was not perfect. It was soft and awkward, but to you it was pure bliss. And as you pulled away and saw the gratified look in his eyes, it was fairly evident he felt similarly.
“How was that?” You asked teasingly.
“I’m not sure,” He replied. “I think you should do it again, for me to provide you with a satisfactory answer.”
You let out a laugh and leaned against him. “To be entirely honest with you, I haven’t kissed many people before.”
“In comparison to them, how did I do?” 
“Well, that was just a basic kiss.” You explained. “If you really want to be memorable, you should try a little harder.”
He raised an eyebrow at you. “And how should I do that?”
You gave him a sly smile and moved until his back was pressed against the couch cushions and you were positioned slightly above him, your legs on either side of his lap. 
“Just open your mouth…” And like the obedient boyfriend he was, he did. “...lean forward…” Your lips met his again and you pulled him in closer; so close that you could feel his heart pounding against your chest.
The two of you quickly fell into a rhythm, and for someone who claimed to have never been kissed before, he was oddly passionate.
Breathless, you pulled away and beamed at him. “I would say that was pretty good. You?”
“If I wished to rank it, I would have to kiss other people to properly make a comparison.” You met his eyes, a teasing spark illuminated within them.
You scrunched up your nose. “Don’t joke. You are horribly unfunny.”
“Your lies do not concern me.” He placed a small kiss on the tip of your nose, much to your surprise. 
“It appears you like being kissed then?” 
“If it’s by you, then yes.” He sighed, a mixture of content and sadness. “I apologize for making you feel so unwanted around me while I work. I truly appreciate your presence and your efforts to distract me.”
You nodded acceptingly. “Well, do they at least work?”
L smiled. “They do.”
With a little exhale of relief, you rested your body against his and closed your eyes. “Anyways, you’re pretty good at that whole kissing thing. Maybe we can make it a habit.”
He squeezed your hand lightly. “I would like that.”
Because there was something so satisfying about kissing you, or even touching you, that made him only crave it more. L, whose mind was forever restless, had come to a complete halt the moment your lips had touched his. 
It appeared that the only tried and true thing that could ever relax him and bring him out of an overworked state of mind, was being with you. 
It was selfish. So incredibly selfish of him. To be with you, knowing the dangers, knowing the consequences, all because it made him feel good.
But he couldn’t help it. Not if it meant the possibility of kissing you again. And so he solidified this resolve in his mind that he wanted you, and only ever you. He knew there could be nothing good to come of this in the long run, but for now, you were both content in each other’s company.
L never stopped thinking about this moment. It might have been one of the only ones where he could truly say he was happy. 
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redr0sewrites · 2 months
🥀2K Follower Event🥀
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🥀A/n: hi everyone!!! i've finally made it to 2K followers and i am so soo soooo happy + excited!!! i never thought id make it this far and i am very excited to celebrate with all of you. in honor of me finally reaching this goal, ive created a prompt list below that u can all use to send in requests. thank u all again for helping me on this journey, ily all!!!
🥀How it Works:
send in a request with the prompt number you would like, along with the character(s) you would like me to write it for and whether or not you want the fic to be nsfw/sfw
if you want any additional information on the reader to be included (gender, race, fashion, or any other descriptors) please include those w the request as well
up to 3 characters per request, as i want to realistically be able to finish them all without burning out
prompts may be used twice, but not for the same character. multiple characters may be used for the same prompt but a singular character can not be reused for that prompt.
i will be accepting requests until the event closes, and i will update this post once that happens
if a request goes against my rules and guidelines on my pinned masterpost, the request will simply not be written
i will work on requests chronologically, so please be patient.
🥀Request Format Examples:
hi! can i request prompt #28 with rengoku and a mtf!reader? i'd like the fic to be sfw! tysm and have a great day!
heyy can u write prompt #7 with aaravos and make it nsfw? thx!
can i request prompt #33 (sfw) with jayroy (jason todd and roy harper) x masc!reader? thankss!
"you can't just show up like this! are you hurt?"
"where are you?"
"somebody is in loooveee!!"
"of course they don't like me, that's ridiculous!... did they say anything to you about me?"
"i don't like you- i love you."
"its so cold without you."
"i guess im just disappointed."
"did you hurt them?"
"i can't stand them, their stupid smile and their stupid laugh and their stupid crooked teeth- oh."
"why are your hands so cold?!"
"ive never felt like this before.."
"because i love you! i've loved you since the moment i saw you, i just can't take it anymore. i want you to be with me!"
"i wasted so much time chasing after them, and for what?"
"do you even like me?" "i love you-" "thats not what i asked. sure, you love me, but do you even like me as a person?"
"it feels- it feels good.."
"don't be shy, darling"
"i wish you saw yourself the way that i see you."
"i never hated you!"
"are you mad at me?"
"i'm just so sick of trying to be something im not. i hope you can forgive me."
"please don't cry, shh, your okay."
"i want you, no one else."
"do you trust me?"
"ive never been touched there.."
"i want you inside me/i want to be inside you"
"you taste so sweet.."
"why can't you see that i love you?"
"is that my shirt your wearing?"
"aww, are you stuck baby?"
"i thought i lost you again"
"our baby would be so cute..."
"you're so pretty like this.."
"i love you." "you're drunk, you dont- you don't mean that.."
"i hate how easy it is for me to love you again."
"are you.. scared of me?"
"aw, don't cry prince/ss"
"i need to stay awake, but i'm just so tired... can you stay? please?"
"i'm just going to end up hurting you-" "i know you'd never hurt me"
"would it be embarrassing if i said i missed you?"
"fuck- feel me all up in your guts, baby?"
"stay still, this will only hurt for a second, jus' relax for me, kay?"
"i know you can take it, just breathe"
"i need you so bad.. it hurts-"
"do you wanna join, or are you just gonna keep watching?"
"no one else will get to see me like this, i can promise you that"
"come closer, i need you"
"you look absolutely stunning like this"
"i'm sorry i wasn't there before, but i'm here now, and i always will be"
"i can't get up with you laying on top of me!"
"shit." "what?" "so, uh, theres only one bed.."
most of these i made up myself by just imagining random fanfic scenarios, but a few were ideas from friends, so credit to them! again, thank you all so much for supporting me and for helping me get this far ♥️♥️♥️
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Whattup people who read my Batman posts! Brainrot's still rotting, I just had junk to do, so I didn't draw for a while! Anyhoodle, time for another character, Duke Thomas, a.k.a The Signal (and also Robin depending on how you're counting it!)
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You know the drill by now, initial trace with my lazy backdrop! I liked drawing Duke, but BOY HOWDY HEY, he was hard. Like, I'm just gonna come out and say it, I am BAD at drawing armor and buildings and machines and anything non-organic. Which means Signal is probably one of the hardest costumes to get right. This was just the trace, so it wasn't too bad, but trying to understand how his costume worked was quite the game for this whole process. I will say, he's got one of my favorite color schemes out of any of the Batfamily. The light dark contrast works really well in a way that is only seen elsewhere on the Robin cape, and the fact that this is actually the Signal's whole costume makes it feel more cohesive and effective than that. And, you know, it's also really cool thematically, considering light is kinda Duke's whole thing.
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Freehanded drawing with referenced trace! This was a ROUGH time. I had to redraw Duke three separate times before I got a result I was satisfied with.
So, remember how I said that I struggled to understand how his costume actually works? Yeah, that's because I have a decent grasp how armor is actually supposed to work, and this ain't it fellas. Like, not knocking the design, it looks cool and is certainly easier to draw once you get the hang of it, but it makes less intuitive sense to me. What is happening on his neck? Is that like pure metal molded to his skin or something? That's not how physics work. Why are his pauldrons not actually covering his shoulders, and also where and how exactly are the attached to anything? It was confusing, but definitely a good exercise for me.
Again, the stuff they did was actually pretty smart, since it's comic books and they don't have to move realistically, and this makes it easier to pose his head, chest, and shoulders. It was just difficult for me to wrap my head around. Ignoring all the physics defying stuff,
Signal probably has one of the smartest/most practical costumes of the Batfam too. For one, he actually has a helmet and protects his head. Two, he has armored all of his vital organs like his lungs and heart and stuff. Three, he doesn't have a cape, which means he can't be grabbed or snagged as easily, and doesn't have to fight working around that. This is sad for me though, because I love drawing capes : (
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Pose for characterization. I'mma be straight with ya'll, I don't know much about Duke. Like, I've read all of the We Are Robin/Robin Wars comics, but that doesn't actually give me much of a handle on Duke as a person, or how he behaves because it has to split the focus between so many protagonists, and also because there's a bunch of other stuff happening, so Duke doesn't get as much focus as you'd suspect. I haven't read anything else where he appears (except for Wayne Family Adventures, but I don't think that counts).
The general vibe I got from We Are Robin and from other comic readers is that Duke is probably the most approachable member of the Batfamily. He wasn't raised as an assassin from birth, he hasn't been Robin since he was like 9, he didn't die and come back to life---his life experience, while far from normal, is still much closer to the average human being, so he can relate and react better. (The only other member who really gets close is Steph, but she's been around longer and has had time to get into more whacky life or death scenarios, so she's a bit nuttier. Duke'll get there in time, I'm sure).
I tried to convey this approachability by giving him an open expression and more relaxed body language, even though he is a pretty mistrusting and high strung person. Comes with the territory of being a vigilante I guess.
As always, the text for his hero name is traced off a comics cover. To indicate the duality of Duke being both a pretty chill kid and also absolutely insane, I felt the need to put his civilian name in two fonts. I also tried to make his civvies call back to his We Are Robin uniform without being an exact one to one. I'm positive that Duke'll take any excuse to wear Robin colors, even after the ban was lifted, just because it pisses off the cops.
Can you guys guess who comes next based off the order so far? (You won't, it only makes sense to me).
Other Batfamily Members:
Nightwing Edition
Red Hood Edition
Robin (Carrie Kelley) Edition
Red Robin Edition
Spoiler Edition
Robin (Damian Wayne) Edition
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munson-blurbs · 2 years
Just the Way You Are (Eddie x Fem!Reader)
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Eddie’s girlfriend struggles with body image issues, but he can’t understand why.
Warnings: insecurities, mentions of weight, skipping meals, very brief allusion to sex, a lil angst but mostly fluff, Eddie, Reader, and the gang are in their 20s
WC: 1.1k
A/N: This is heavily based on my own experiences with body image issues and EDs. I never liked the trope of “partner fixes your insecurities,” so this isn’t wrapped up with a bow, but I think it’s pretty realistic.
“Hi, baby,” Eddie comes up behind you, snaking his arms around your waist. He places small, soft kisses to the back of your neck. “Work was so stressful. Wanna help me relax?”
You put down the pitcher of water you were midway through refilling and gently pull away from his touch. “Maybe later, Eds,” you say, hoping he doesn’t notice your discomfort.
“Dinner first?” he asks, reaching for one of the pamphlets on the fridge. “What are we feeling for Takeout Friday? I’m thinking...Chinese.”
“’M not hungry.” You try to sound casual, though you’ve never been good at lying to Eddie. There’s something about his beautiful brown eyes and sweet smile that makes you feel comfortable enough to bare your soul.
Luckily, he can’t see the guilty look on your face as he peruses the menu. “Are you feeling okay?”
“Yeah,” you lie again. Well, half-lie; you technically don’t feel sick, but your skin hurts from where you’ve been pinching your stomach, upper arms, and thighs. You wish you could blame the magazine articles that flaunted headlines about losing 10 pounds in 3 days or the stick-thin models that graced the covers. Those didn’t help, but the real problem is inside your head.
You worked out consistently, mostly ate a healthy diet, but you hated your body. Even when people said you looked fit, or in-shape, or even thin, you still felt it wasn’t enough. You’d never look like a supermodel or the girls on TV.
Eddie catches on to the defeat in your voice and sets the paper down. “Talk to me.” He take your chin in his hand, tilting your head so you’re looking at him. You avert your eyes as quickly as you can.
“Nope,” he shakes his head, “you’re not getting out of this.” He scoops you up bridal style and sits on the couch with you in his lap. His fingers toy with your hair and you rest your cheek on his shoulder.
“‘S nothing,” you reply quietly. “Just don’t want dinner tonight.”
“Please be honest with me,” he murmurs, lips on your temple. “I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.”
The floodgates open, tears wetting your cheeks as your façade cracks and your vulnerability pours through. “I hate how I look,” you admit between sobs.
Eddie’s brows furrow in genuine confusion. “Wha...how?” he sputters. “Baby, you’re so beautiful...”
“I want to lose weight, I don’t like my stomach, my arms look huge, and my hips are too wide.” You could go on, spend hours listing your various imperfections, but you end there.
“Am I missing something?” he asks, thumb caressing your bicep. “Your body is perfect. Wasn’t Robin just asking you if she could go to the gym with you so you can show her your workout routine?”
“But I could be thinner,” you tell him. “I still have some fat that I could get rid of.” You fidget slightly, grabbing your stomach between two fingers and pulling at it. “Like right here.”
Eddie yanks your hand away and laces his fingers between yours, preventing you from pinching yourself again. “Don’t do that.”
“It’s gonna be there whether I do that or not,” you protest, trying to wriggle your hand out of his grip, but he’s too strong.
He sighs, and it looks like he’s blinking back tears of his own. “I don’t understand,” he starts. “When I look at you, I see the most stunning, sexy, gorgeous woman. I’d keep you in my bed all damn day if I could.” He gives you a small smirk. “How can I make you feel the same way?”
You brush a hand against his cheeks. “You could support me losing weight.” Your voice is barely audible.
“You’re going to hurt yourself if you lose weight,” he argues firmly. “You’d have to, like, starve yourself.” His face falls when you don’t even flinch, and he realizes that you’re not opposed to the idea. “Oh, no. No, that is not happening.”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore,” you stand up and head into the bedroom. You swear you can feel every fat cell in your body.
Eddie knows that this is beyond him; he’s way out of his element. So he goes to the experts. Nancy Wheeler and Robin Buckley sit in front of him, sipping on steaming cups of coffee. He relays the whole story to them as they consider their responses carefully.
“This is more than just some insecurities,” Nancy says finally. “I think she needs to talk to a professional about this.” Robin nods her head in agreement. 
“Like therapy?” Eddie wrinkles his nose. “Isn’t that for...?”
“Crazy people?” Robin fills in with a laugh. “No, therapy is for anyone who’s struggling with anything.” She lowers her voice slightly. “I went to a therapist after I came out to my family, and she really helped me accept myself, even without my parents’ approval.”
“Do you, uh, still have her number?” Eddie asks her. He feels some pressure lifted from his chest.
“I have her business card at home,” Robin tells him, reaching over the table to grab his hand. “You’re a great boyfriend, Munson.”
“I just wish I could fix it,” he mutters, “take away all the hate she has for herself, y’know?”
Nancy gives a small smile. “I know,” she says, “but being there for her, supporting her while she works through things...that means more than you realize.”
He’s nervous about presenting the idea of therapy to you, worried that you’ll be offended. But you don’t get upset; in fact, it feels like something clicks. Like there might possibly be a day when you aren’t repulsed by your appearance.
“And I’ll still be here to listen,” he rambles, parroting what he went over with his friends, “but I think it’ll be really good for you to have someone who can help you get to the root of this.” He reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small beige card. “Robin recommended her; said she’s excellent.”
You cautiously take the business card, the ten digits daunting. You swallow your pride, your fear, and look into his doe eyes. “I’ll call right now,” you say, heading for the phone.
But before you can, Eddie takes your wrist and pulls you close, pressing a long, soft kiss to your lips. “I’m so proud of you, baby,” he murmurs. “I got you, every step of the way.”
And then he hugs you tight, intent on never letting go.
@waitalice @your-mom18-05
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satoruvt · 2 years
think you should leave with me
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pairing → wen junhui x reader
word count → 588
genre → suggestive, roommates au ↳ tags: um jun is in a band..., Stressing Over Finals, tacos!, making out, jun just wants you to feel better <3 but make it kinda sexy, like one pet name, uh. is that it i think thats it
song inspo → use me by pvrs feat. 070 shake !!
warnings → suggestive <3 pg-13!!
a/n → i wrote this when i was stressed abt finals like 3 weeks ago but i kind of hated it so i just kept it in my drafts until now ... very mindless. like why am i not in a car with jun whos my roommate but also a bass player in a band? the world is cruel and i am but one of gods puppets
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Realistically, you should be in bed.
It’s late, and you’re supposed to be doing homework, and you have work in the morning. If you really wanted to be good about the whole thing, you should’ve been asleep about two hours ago. But Jun’s a good roommate, and tacos sounded amazing.
(Plus, he said it so gently when he knocked on your door – “I’m gonna grab something to eat, d’you want anything? Need a break, maybe?” It’s almost impossible to say no.)
And the tacos were amazing. And Jun is an amazing roommate. You’re starting to think he’s also an amazing kisser.
Out of all the things you were expecting from a late night taco run/break from homework/whatever this was, making out with Jun in the back of his car was not one of them. You don’t think he expected this either, but his hands feel so warm on your hips, contrast to the cold weather outside. He breathes into you and the radio plays an ad you swear you’ve heard a million times before.
He smells so good. You wonder what cologne he uses, and why you’ve never bothered to ask. Wonder how it’s taken you this long to smell it so close. His tongue parts your lips and you sigh, melt into his chest. The thumb resting on one hip slips under your shirt, skin against skin. It makes you burn in his backseat.
“Jun,” you breathe when you manage to pull yourself away from him. He nuzzles into your neck, presses a few mind-numbing kisses against your jaw. “Junnie.”
“Hmm,” he responds. You bring your hand from his shoulder to his chest.
“We should get back home,” you tell him. He pulls away to look at you, eyes hooded in the dark. “‘S late. Got work tomorrow.”
You hope he doesn’t question your succinct sentences. Truth be told, you could sit here in his lap all day, and the few minutes you have been have left your brain lagging behind a little bit. But he smiles, tucks some hair out of your face, and you swoon.
“Get your shift covered,” he says. You shake your head, and his hand cups your cheek. “Seriously.”
“Not that easy,” you breathe, but you let him pull you in for another kiss anyways. It feels like heaven, and you’d be lying if you said you never thought about this before – you live with him. He cooks with you most nights, indulges you in your throw-pillow buying, tries to coerce you into getting a cat. Sometimes you see the sliver of a blue bass guitar through the crack in his door and tease him about playing for you, introducing you to his bandmates. He never does, but you often hear the low run of a bassline through the thin walls connecting your rooms.
Jun hums against your lips. “You’ve been working so much,” he notes, barely breaking away from you. “Just wanna help you relax, honey. ‘Cause you deserve it.”
His voice is so smooth, how could you ever say no? The windows are starting to fog. You feel hazy, blinking uselessly in the dark, trying to cope with the weight of Jun’s words, the implications they hold.
“Home,” you decide. Jun frowns, but you take his wrist and guide his hand further up your shirt until it’s completely hidden. “Home first, and then…”
“Then?” He asks, gentle smirk on his lips.
“Then…” you breathe, shoving all of your thoughts and doubts out the window. “Then whatever you want.”
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How you ship Crisnyra and reblog bullshit saying Rhaenyra coerced/assaulted Cole?Actors and showrunners all said its consensual and amde to be beautiful and pleasurable in contrast to Alicents rape scene with Viserys multiple times.Cole had all the time in the world to decide and the way the scene was framed with the waiting periods away from Rhaenyra, him taking off his own clothes, the armour etc him picking her up and initiating the actual sex on top while smiling...He wanted it. This was meant to show him choosing desire over his vows
I've had an exhausting day of work so I'm going to let the ass-ignorant problematic dumb shit you're displaying as regards the consent of that scene speak for itself and just focus on my answer to the actual question.
At the risk of sounding like Homelander of all people (ew), I can like whatever the fuck I want. I am under no obligation to explain these enjoyments to a stranger on the internet, so you're welcome.
Now onto the answer:
First, you can make your own judgements separate from what writers and actors tell you and still be valid. I don't give a fuck what showrunners say if it's dumb shit. They can say Balerion farted rainbows after Maegor made him eat the High Septon, or, even more ridiculous, that Viserys was a good person, that doesn't mean I'm gonna take them seriously.
Second, I am a staunch anti-colonialist and anti-imperialist, and thus by proxy an anti-Targaryan fan. I reblog posts analysing the Criston/Rhaenyra scene as a sexual assault scene because as an adult human being who doesn't rely on others to tell him how to feel or think about things, I believe that the most mature, genuine, and honest way of internalizing that scene is as, foremost, a sexual assault scene. This reading of that scene is the most realistic one within a sociopolitical context, removed from the fantasy the showrunners and actors are trying to illustrate, because colonizers and imperialists are, by merit of their very existence as a ruling class over natives, rapists. They rape people of rights, cultures, and identity. This is my dead-serious, historical analysis, pretend-it's-real-life view. That said, I can also view media in a more light-hearted and less serious manner, bringing me to my third point:
I ship Crisnyra because, again as an adult human being, I like escapism, and TV shows can be that. A way to switch off that part of my brain that is constantly critical and suspicious and serious and mature, because it can seriously get exhausting. Thankfully, I do this easily with Crisnyra because my first viewing of that scene was extremely romanticized, and I can still look back on it (and prefer to look back on it) as romantic. I blame the scene's direction that you mentioned and Fabs and Milly's chemistry. So when I reblog Crisnyra stuff or write for them in my fanfics as being a genuinely loving couple, that's what I'm doing, I'm choosing to be relaxed and have fun. That simple. I don't have to explain it or justify it to myself. I'm enjoying life at no harm to any fellow human beings.
I'm heartbroken this upsets you, but I don't have to view anything in life in only one way if I don't want to. I like looking at media through a sociological and historical lens, and also through a more personal, intimate, and romantically hopeful one. Sorry you don't have that skill.
You're welcome again for my precious time. Now block my @
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mycatishandsome · 6 months
@zdffsgun answering: I don’t shift, but I am still excited to know how did you shift? What kind of mindset did you have? Maybe you used some tricks? Also how did you master lucid dreaming? I had one lucid dream and a few ones where I feel like I am aware but not aware?
Note:I didn’t read through this to see if I made any grammar mistakes forgive me I’m in class
So lots here so I’m gonna number!
1.) how did I shift
I could probably write a book on the many ways I’ve shifted. There’s not one way I’ve found to be the “best or worst” honestly. Towards the end, what I did was: meditate before bed/before a shift (this sometimes was a 10 minute, sometimes more, nothing particular, really just found small guided meditations on YouTube), laid in a comfortable position in bed, used my “third eye” to visualize my dr room, used my senses to kind of feel around (what did my dr smell like? Note: don’t ‘imagine’, use your gut to ‘know’. What did my room look like? What did I hear? So on). And it generally would just kind of happen. Sometimes I feel alsleep and it would happen, and sometimes it would happen right there and then.
2.) what kind of mindset did I have.
So for the longest time I would over think shifting, like read into EVERYTHING. But I found that being really nonchalant is the best way to go about it. Think about all the things you overthink in your life and how it never helps you to do that especially when trying to achieve your goals. It very much still applies to shifting. The less you stress, the more progress you’ll see. Just relax.
3.) did I use any tricks?
I kind of answered that above, but I don’t really have any crazy tricks. Just apply to shifting as you would anything else in life.
4.) how did I master lucid dreaming?
Again, I could write a whole post on this. Honestly I did it exactly as you’d expect. I read up on how to master it, and legit followed all the articles. That means I did all the lil tricks like asking yourself if you’re dreaming during the day, checking yours hands constantly, checking clocks , etc. after awhile(like a few months to a year) it just becomes second nature. I’m out of practice but probably could slip back into if I wanted. I would lucid dream any of the nights I wasn’t shifting, and especially without trying. Realistically it’s not difficult so I def recommend trying it!
5.) I’ve def had lucid dreams where I’m aware but don’t feel awake. I don’t really have an explanation for this, I think it’s just a weird limbo that happens sometimes.
I hope this answers some questions!! If you want more def let me know!!
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter Three: Ten steps ahead
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Otp with Trin
"Lorenzo called bae talking about y'all really not gon go back out I think that's crazy asf seeing how I saw you two and it was a spark YN stop self sabotaging!!!  you think you need to be single but you don't you can handle a man and do everything you're trying to do. I've never thrown no man at you but Lorenzo could really be your future stop chasing a unicorn man and try Lorenzo he's everything that you ever said you wanted I'm getting tired of this shit" Trinity rarely got her friend together and from Trinity point of view YN could totally understand why tf one of her best friends just snapped on her.
"Trin you don't understand everything that's going on I didn't say anything was wrong with Lorenzo I just said I can't date him now" "tell me what's going on then" "I'm not ready to tell anybody what's going on" "YN just go out with him again damn!" YN laughed finally giving in "only cause you feel so strongly about this .... I'll call him" "thank you hang up and do it right now" "damn bye trin" "bye YN"
YN took a deep breath calling Lorenzo could piss Lamelo off and she didn't wanna do that the last thing she wanted was him to leave her alone again. She contemplated everything Trin said was settling in because at the end of the day YN didn't think she would end up with Lamelo and yeah it hurt to think about but she needed to be realistic.
"Fuck it!!!" YN screamed and FaceTime Lorenzo. She only FaceTimed cause she looked really good right now after shooting some pictures for Instagram and she needed him to remember her face. He answered pretty fast. "Ohhhhhh shittttt I thought this was a butt dial" YN laughed "nooo its not... you alone?" "Yeah I'm alone wussup" "so when you called the other day it gave me really warm feelings and I um was completely telling you the truth I am in something but .... I really would like to go out with you I don't know it's something about you and if I'm gonna continue to be honest Trin is pissed at me" Lorenzo laughed "don't feel forced to go out with me cause ov your friend"
"no not forced she's just never set me up with a man because she always felt like nobody deserved me .... And then you came along and well" "you think ima say no to your pretty ass? Of course not" YN laughed he continued to talk "I actually have tickets to the Hornets game on Tuesday I'll love to take you" YN started to panic "um you sure you don't wanna take a friend ... to the game?" "Nah I definitely wanna take you I know you like basketball soo.... And then we can go to dinner or whatever you want after" YN wanted to correct him nooo I like basketball .... Players.She smiled at her thoughts but continued thinking what's the luckily hood that Lamelo would see her in the stands like 3%?
"Okay yes that's sounds fun" "alright the game start at seven but I like to get there a little earlier" "okay I'll be ready" "I'll come and get you I'll probably try to get to the game at the latest ... 6:45 so if you can be ready before then" " okay Ummm yeah I'll send you my address and I can be ready by like 6:20 so ...." He laughed "okay perfect thanks for calling" "thanks for answering byeeee" "bye YN" She hangs up the nervousness that ran through her body was on a thousand.
*game night*
Lorenzo was already outside waiting YN sprayed her perfume and looked at herself one last time before relaxing at least she looked good.
She walked out of the house he was waiting beside the car. "Wowwwwww" he claps as she walked out "nahhh stop" "you look amazing" "thank you" he open the car door for her. Allowing her to get in and then he shut it. Getting back in the drivers seat "I can't get over how good you look" " Lorenzoooo" she laughed "okay YN I'll chill out"
* at the game*
The game was at halftime and so far so good Melo hadn't looked in the stands not one time. YN did see Lamelos girlfriend a couple of rows down she tried to stay clear of her. But all those good vibes went away when the Jumbotron started to pan around the crowd doing something newly introduced "fit check" they were looking at some of the best and worst dressed people  YN was scrolling through her phone while they were doing this and then the camera stopped on her Lorenzo tapped her pointing at the screen making her look up. She smiled out of nervousness as the man asked her to stand up.
YN of course put on for the camera it was a really cute outfit. Soon enough the camera moved on and she saw Lamelos girlfriend staring her down. Waiting for YN to make eye contact but YN wouldn't and then the bold bitch walked up to her. "Fuck play it cool Lorenz" "what's going on?" "Lamelos girlfriend is coming up here to talk to me" and then she was in her face "heyyyy YN why you didn't tell me you were coming I would've got you better seats" Lorenzo looked at her like shady bitch which made YN laughed. "I came with Lorenzo it was a last minute thing" "oooou so is this date number two?"  The game was about to start back so YN tried to doge the question "oh looks like their about to start back up.... I'm sorry what were you saying" Lorenzo laughed he realized what she was doing "oh I was coming up here to ask if you two wanted to hang out with me And Melo after the game we have dinner plans for four but the other two people canceled ... wanna come" before YN could say anything Lorenzo "hell yeah we'll be there" "yay okay Um I'll send the address" "okayyy see you later" YN says "see yaaaa"
Both of her man in the same room.... At the same table......, and she was just supposed to be normal wtf? "Oh shit I get to meet Lamelo Ball that'll be fun" "yeah Um he's super chill not stuck up at all" "good I guess I won't ask for pictures and embarrass you" YN laughed she wondered how Melo was gonna react when his girl tells him..... oh well too late to back down now. Plus when she saw Lorenzo face get so excited she couldn't take this opportunity away from him.
   *time skip*
"Are you ready?" YN asked Lorenzo before they got out of the car "yeah you good? You got a little quiet on me" "yeah Um I'm just a little tired ... the game was so good all that screaming got me ... tired" YN sighed he laughs "oh okay well if you get too tired let me know and we'll go" "okay sounds like a plan" she reached for the door he stops her by placing his hand gently on her arm "can I ask you something?" "Yeah" "do you not like his girlfriend or something?" YN laughed "um I don't have a problem with her I just don't know her that well" "I get a vibe from her" YN lifted a eyebrow
"oh really? Do tell" Lorenzo laughed "you want me to be blunt?" "1000%" "okay I think she wanna fuck you" "whatttt!" "Yeah who gets up and goes like six rows back just to talk to one person she could've got your number faster or even dm you and then the way she looks at you and she's trying to see if we together together or just a few dates and you always dodge those questions"
YN sat there shocked that would explain a lot "oh my gosh she wanna fuck me" YN started coming to the conclusion "probably a threesome" "ew" he laughed "you don't like threesomes" YN eyes got wide "I haven't been in a threesome that would imply that I was eating the box and I'm not especially not hers" "wym?she fly Why you say it like that" "if I was gonna date a bitch she wouldn't look like everybody else .... I can pick out four people who look just like her without even trying no shade though " "you wild but you right" "I know I like when celebrities date women who just look like women they still be beautiful asf without all the extra whatever or those black men you never seen with a brown or dark skin girl .... Likeeee you ain't never seen a bad dark skin girl? I know you fuckin lying or the dudes who just straight up don't date black women or if she black you can't tell she black that shit annoys me" "I can tell" he smiled a little bit she tried to relax "tell me that makes sense.... Like yes they're some bad bitches who are light skin but they're some bad bitches who are darker too like I don't get black men who straight up don't date black women it's wild asf"
"nah I definitely agree with you especially men of certain status only date the type of women you name it gives off a certain vibe and I don't like the message that put out there .... Shit I'll probably have a dark skin daughter and I don't want her thinking she less beautiful because the media that shit wild" "wow .... You actually know about colorism and pay attention to it" "yeah I'm educated about black issues of course" YN smiled..... a deep conversation.... Something she's never had with Lamelo ".... Um you wanna go in ? Before I change my mind?" YN smiled "yeah let's go" they walk into the building it was a pretty small restaurant so Lorenzo was looking around "oh they back there" he pointed grabbing YN's hand pulling her along "slow down please" "my bad I was trying to move out of people way" Nobody was around he was rushing to Lamelo she rolled her eyes and then they were at the table.
She knew Melo long enough to know he was pissed and trying to hide it. His girlfriend jumped up when she saw YN. "Babe you remember YN and this is her boyfriend.... I didn't catch your name" YN bit her lip this bitch did not just say boyfriend Lorenzo quickly spoke up "um Lorenzo and I'm not her boyfriend.... Yet" YN laughed out of nervousness "heyyy did you get drinks yet?" "Nice to see you again YN nice to meet you Lorenzo" Melo shook his hand and Lorenzo sat down beside him
"no we were gonna wait on you to get drinks" "aww thank you" YN smiled Melo watched YN intently he didn't even realize he was doing it " uh good game bro" Lorenzo tried to make conversation with Melo "thank you ... it's to be expected" YN laugh Melo licked his lips sitting up "what's so funny?" "...bae" his girlfriend warned him YN smiled "y'all don't always win nobody always wins .... Soooo how is it expected" "I was on fire my teammates were on fire and the team we played was cold so by the second quarter you already know that shit was going our way" "oh okay well I don't pretend to be a sports head so what would I know" "you love basketball though at least I thought you did" Lorenzo chimes in "uh I watched a lot of sports yeah but I'm not a expert ask me some dance questions and then I can tell you the ins and out" "oooou so you were a dancer?" LBG says trying to change the tense conversation
"yeah from like 10 to 18 when I got to college I just wanted to focus on being in school so I stopped" "wowww you went to college pretty and smart" "thank you...I try" "so you didn't play any sports growing up?" Lamelo asked "I just said I danced" YN squinted her eyes "dance is a sport?" "You think it's not?!" "You do turns and shit anybody can do that you don't need to warm up for that" YN laughed "wowww anything you do conditioning for and you sweat for is a sport shit if people think bowling is a sport dance is for sure a sport" "oh okay nice logic" YN couldn't roll her eyes hard enough "do a split and then you can talk to me" " a split makes somebody an athlete?" Melo
Laughed loudly "Nah but you claim that anybody can do what dancers do so do a split" "my dick too big" "Lamelo!!" His girlfriend kicked him under the table YN laughed "I doubt it" YN laughed and then continued talking "anywayyyyyy hi Baeee" she said talking to Lorenzo waving at him sipping some water
"hey beautiful" "awww you two are so cute... right bae? .....Aren't they cute?...... y'all are cute!!"  His girl kept talking because Melo never chimed in "yeah" he says quietly to shut her up "your watch is nice" Lorenzo said to LBG  "thanks I got it on my birthday.... Maybe two years ago" and it was then YN noticed her bracelet.... The very same two tone Cuban link Melo had given her just last week. Melos phone started to ring "ima go outside and take this" "okay Bae"
"Nice bracelet where did you get it?" "Cute story actually Melo just brought it home from Chicago said as soon he saw it he knew I would love it .... He was clearly right" "ohhh I have one like that and a necklace too" "oh really? where'd you get it?" "A friend gave it to me a little while ago" "oh great minds think a like I guess"
YN phone vibrated she looked down to see Melos message
GO TO THE BATHROOM NOW!!! And don't even think about playing with me
"it's great when they just know right?" "Right!?! I guess we've been together so long he should know these things .... Lorenzo what type of things do you think YN likes" "we still getting to know eachother it's really the first date ... we always end up with another couple right YN?" "Right it's crazy how that happens no telling who it'll be next time" they shared a laugh "hmmm next time?" Lorenzo licked his lips YN smiled "and on that note I have to go to the bathroom really quick ... do you know where it is?" "Yeah it's right by the entrance" "okay I'll be right back" she winked at Lorenzo and picked her phone and purse up heading to the bathroom and it was just a two stall bathroom and Melo was in there waiting for her.
"Yes?" She said sweetly "don't fuckin play with me! You bring that nigga right in here in front of me be glad I didn't slap that nigga" "For what?" "YN you deadass  right now?" "Daddy don't be mad he had tickets and I really wanted to see you" she rubbed his chest down to his pants "stop touching me" he calmed down considerably "move away and I will" he didn't move at all "why did you come here then?" "Your girl went out of her way to invite us" "she said you invited her" "what?!?! No she legit got out of her seat and came back there just to talk to me and then she invited me" "why she lie then" "why tf would I know" "damn"
"does she lie about a lot of things cause she told me an interesting story about the bracelet she got on" was YN jealous? Yes cause why tf would he get them matching jewelry like they sharing dick already can he get original gifts "she sent me a picture of it and said she wanted it so I got it for her" "before or after mine?" "After yours my jeweler posted the necklace and bracelet I got you so she said she wanted it so I had him make her one too"  " that's not the story I got" "what story you get" "basically you saw it and said she had to have it and brought it back for her" he smacked his lips "bae I promise she lying"
"bae!?!?!?!?l" "shhhhh calm down" "you calling me bae while talking about your bitch? That's wild" YN laughed he shook his head smiling he didn't know what came over him "let me leave but know I'll be at your place soon and you better be alone" "yeah yeah yeah whatever " Melo grabbed her neck kissing her deeply "you wanna play with me? I can't wait to fuck yo ass" and then He left "I can't wait for you to fuck me" YN laughed while actually using the bathroom and then washing her hands walking out.
Melo and Lorenzo were deep in conversation about something "glad your back they're having boy talk" "ooooh about what?" "Mortal Kombat something you don't know nothing about" Lorenzo said YN gasp as she sat down "nigga I'll beat everybody at this table in Mortal Kombat don't play with me" "who you play with then?" "The bad bitches Jade  Mileena or Kitana if I'm trying to switch it up Fr I might play with Raiden or Scorpion" "I play with Scorpion" Lorenzo said "oh I'll love to beat yo ass with a Character you play with" "so much for boy talk" LBG said YN laughed
"my bad girl" Lamelo laughed he couldn't believe the situation he was in was he pissed at YN hell yeah but at least she made it fun.And he appreciated YN especially tonight cause he knew one thing for sure ..... his girl be lying on him.
*time skip*
The dinner was done and now Lorenzo was walking YN back up to her door. "Thanks for the call.... I hope you had fun" "I definitely did we have a lot in common" it was at this very moment Melo pops in her head screaming about niggas don't date without fucking "uh so I think we can be friends or something because I have a sick feeling that my competition is way out of my league so ima bow out gracefully" Lorenzo said softly almost like he didn't wanna say it
"I get it I respect it... gimmie hug" YN laughed and they hugged eachother he smelled so damn good he kissed the top of her head making her pull a way "well YN I had a great night I'll probably see you a game night with Trinity?" "Yeah she mentioned it to me no details though" "oh well hopefully I'll see you then if not I'll see you around"
"okay Lorenz.... Drive home safe" "I will" he started to walk off "byeee" "bye!!" YN unlocked her door walking in....
"Boy why are you sleep on my couchhhhhh" YN whined "hey to you too" "heyyy why you in my house Lamelo" she takes her shoes off after locking the door and hanging her keys and purse "you took too long to get home where y'all go after dinner" "where you go" "depends on who asking I might be out with my teammates and then the gym the real answer is straight here .... Now answer me" "we drove around and talked and got some desert .... Wait a second how you get in here?" "YN everybody know where you keep the key you need a better hiding spot" "clearly!!!! for it not be you next time I thought that fake rock was like so smart " she laughed
"I heard what happened at the door" "and?" "You would've still be dating him he broke up with you" "ain't no break up we wasn't together" "whatever you know what I'm saying" "nah tell me ... what are you saying?" "Why you let that nigga touch you?" She bit her lip "I'm waiting for a answer YN" "nahhh you called me bae earlier .... I like that" he sat up on her couch waving her over "come closer" she walked over to him "he kissed you?" "I only got one kissed tonight and that was from you" "good I still gotta wash you off though..." "wash me off?" "Yeah for me to fuck you like I wanna fuck you I don't need no trace of him on you" he stood up playing her to her bedroom.
"Get out of those clothes while I get the shower started" "you really gon wash me?" "Yeah is that a problem? You don't want no dick?" "It's no problem at all" he smirked walking into her bathroom the shower turned on. In some fucked up way she liked this. 
After he washed her slowly he took her to her bathroom counter bending her over and pulling her hair. She didn't even have anytime to register what had happened. "Fuckkkkk meeeee" "I don't even know why I'm giving you no dick .... You don't deserve It" "why not daddy" "shutup you had that Nigga in my face be glad I didn't beat his ass" he slaps her ass and then pulls her leg up so it can rest of her counter . Making her bend over even more
"blame your bitch" her eyes rolled in the back of her head Melo groaned "pussy so fuckin tight ..... you better not have no other nigga in my shit ever" she let out an airy moan she no longer could argue  "you hear me?" "Yessss" "I think this is what you wanted ... to get me all upset just to see how I would fuck you" "I—" "well now you know shut your mouth" she tried to listen she really did but this angle was doing something to her it's like he was hitting all her spots deep inside of her she felt so full.
She places her hand on her her mirror. "Look how sex you look while you getting fucked" he pulls her hair so she had no choice but to look in the mirror. "I'm gonna cum" "for who? Me or that Nigga?" "Youuuuu and only you" "tell me who this pussy belong too?" She started to bounce her ass meeting his strokes making it more intense for him. "This your Pussy" he lets go of her hair grabbing her hips with both hands and going in over drive making her cum hard screaming and shaking she leaked all over her bathroom floor. He pulls out. "Go to your bed" YN pouts " I like it right here Melo" "I didn't ask that though"
*the next day*
She woke up to Melos arms wrapped around her while he was still sleeping. It felt good until reality set in. She jumped up "get up get up now" "what?" He groaned slowly waking up "you slept over here!!! It's 12 pm go home" "oh fuck!!" He jumps up and checks his phone
He had miss calls from everybody "damn I fucked up" "get yo shit and gooo please" YN laughed "it's not funny you always getting me in some shit" Melo smiled making YN playfully roll her eyes he started walking closer "see you don't know how to keep your hands off me that's the problem" "I know how to I just don't want too" "you never went home last night that's gonna be a problem" he picks her up taking her back to the bed "I'm already not home I might as well get what I want" he slides inside her deeply making her lose her breath she taps the bed "ughhhh I knew you were Trouble" "my girl at home probably worried and I keep fuckin round wit you" she moaned loudly "well stop fuckin me then" "I don't want too" "then shut up" she smiled he put two fingers in her mouth and then shoved them in the back of her throat making sure she choked and gagged. "
You gettin bold again" "fuckkkkkkkkkkk Damn shit" " you gon cum for me baby" "yes yes yesssss" "you look so pretty when you cum for me.... When your legs shake and you moan my name" her eyes rolled in the back of her head as she struggled to do something with her hands
"aaaahhhhhhh don't you stop fuckin me don't you stop" and that's when she lost it all over his dick the liquid came squirting out of her catching them both off guard but he loved it. Especially fucking her through it as she moan and her pussy became even louder. "Daddy daddyyyyyyyy" her hand comes in between them where his thigh is slightly pushing him "don't make me stop let me hit this motherfucka you playing... squirt for me again" as her body shook again he smiled she gripped the sheets and the mattress"you'll cum for me?" YN nodded her head "nah say it" "I wanna cum for you again" "you wanna squirt?" "I just wanna cummmm"
"fuckkkkkkkk you got me about to cum with you gripping me like that" "cum for me daddy cum for meeeeeeeeee cum with me cum with Meeeeeee" and hearing her say those words along with how she was looking he  pulled out cumming right on her tummy while rubbing her clit so she could cum too.
He leaned down and kissed her as they struggled to calm down. "Let me go home before I never go home" he says on her lips she laughed "you ain't gotta go home.... But you gotta get tf out of here" "you drain all my nut and then say that?" "That's not all of it..... do me a favor don't wash that so she can taste me" "everybody should be able to taste you" he kisses her again "everybody don't get that privilege" "mmmm she'll like it" YN laughed "okay okay get out of here please I gotta shower.... Tell me how it goes when you get a chance ...." "I will I definitely think it's about to be a while.... That's why it's taking me so long to go" "it'll be okay" he kisses her check getting up he fixes his self.
"Alright I'll text you later or call you" "okay I'll be getting some work done cause I can't ever do that with you in here" YN joked some more making him laugh "my bad um bye" "byeeeee" Melo walks out of her room door she hurries and gets up "wait Melo!" "yeah?" "Did you put my key back?" "Yes it's back in your fake ass rock" she smiled "okay okay lock my door please and then put it back byeee" she really didn't want him to leave and she hated she felt that way. " I will Bye YN" he walks out of the front door. She sighs walking back into her bedroom it's a mess. Why was she throwing things during sex.... It felt that good last night? She doubts it.
*later that day*
....Take a ride into the danger zone You know my nigga be buggin' me I just be wonderin' if you can fuck on me better Itchin' for me like an ugly sweater Need it in me like a Chuck E. need cheddar I need to know
YN rapped the Doja cat Verse as she finished cleaning her house from top to bottom. After her shower earlier she noticed he had left hickeys all over her body ....which sucked because she was going to the jacuzzi today in Mayas complex trin was coming Asia was coming a few of Mayas other friends that YN didn't know that well.
As soon as she thought about him he texted her
PJ said I was with him the whole night so we good .... I wanna come back over there you tell me how you feel about that
I'm going out soon I have a little pool party to go to
What your swimsuit look like?👀 let me see
😂 no you won't be seeing and idk what ima wear cause somebody left hickies all over my thighs and tummy
Damn I was in beast mode
Boy .... Bye
Wasn't saying bye when you was screaming it's my pussy ...
Go treat your girl to a bag it's the least you can do
You might be right I'll hit you later tell me when you get home
She had about two hours before her party so she sat down and got some work done. Mostly organizing and paperwork that she had failed to do because she was running around the country with Melo. If it didn't happen between 8 and 3 while she was in the office it probably wasn't going to happen. Luckily she did a lot in those hours so that once she got home she could just relax ..... but like I said the paper work was behind. Thirty minutes later Asia was knocking on her door.
"Heyyyy!!!!!" "Hey you mind if I get ready over here and we ride over together? I don't know them other bitches I don't wanna show up alone " "No it's not a problem come on in" "what you in Here doing blasting music" Asia laughed "my work so I can enjoy my time later" "alright I'll let you get back to it you won't even know I'm here" "okay boo" Asia always came to YN house before events so it was no surprise to YN that was part of the reason she didn't let Melo come back. One thing Asia can do is keep a secret but she doesn't need her friend to know cause once she knows that's all their gonna talk about. About an hour later YN closes her laptop going to find Asia. "Sooooo what you wearing?" Asia asks while she was putting her braids into the perfect high bun.
"I have options but idk come chose for me" Asia finishes her hair and then they go up to YN's room looking at her swim suits on her bed
"I was leaning toward the white one or the black one with more coverage because I got some things I need to cover up" "ooou like what?" "Hickies" "I knew you been fucking!!! You too happy" YN laughed "yeah he definitely marked his territory on me though" "I think the white is so white that'll it'll bring attention to your hickies.... Where they at let me see" YN lifted her shirt showing her friend her stomach and thighs. Asia backs away slowly trying to see if she can see them from far away.
"The white one will actually be cute I think that's the way to go" "okay that's what I'll be wearing ... you need sandals? Or a towel?" "No I brought some and I brought a bottle for us and strictly us" YN laughed "okay I was gonna bring some champagne... you know how I am" "so we need to Uber" "definitely" "let's call Maya" YN FaceTimes Maya " do you have food and everything" "yeah can y'all go to the abc store....." "for what?" " I feel like we need more alcohol" "girl if you drink too much it's easier to drown" YN said seriously in the camera "it's a jacuzzi YN" "it's still a body of water" "just say you don't wanna go" YN laugh "I don't wanna go me and Asia ubering to your place anyway" "ooooh you should've been said that well okay let me see if trin will do it" "hoe if you don't just instacart some alcohol and get the simply spiked" "I don't have instacart on my phone" "just send me what you trying to get I'll send it to you damn" "thank you best friend" "uh huh whatever" YN laughs hanging up
***time skip**
The party was fun the night ended with no injuries and nothing but great vibes. YN and Asia had just got back to her place and Asia asked to sleep over which YN said yes of course. YN had a second bedroom specifically for this reason.
"Yooo you good? Im probably gonna head to bed soon.... You know where everything is so make yourself at home" "okay I'm probably about to go to sleep too I think I had too much to drink" "Asia don't throw up in my house" YN laughs "I'm not gon throw up .... I promise but goodnight" "goodnight" YN shuts the door heading back to her room
Im outside
Of course he is
I have a friend over
Im at the door I don't care
YN laughs and goes back to her front door letting Melo in. "Hello sir what do you need?" "I left my chain over here" "mmm that's the Only reason you came over?" YN had put it in a specific place so it didn't get damaged she grabbed it while talking and then walked it back over to him. "You said your friend here not much you can do..." "why not?" "You loud and im sure y'all drunk" "I'm not drunk" he laughed "it's hard to believe" "well you got your ch—" "YN do you have makeup wi—— oh wow hello" Asia walks from behind the wall "uh Hey" Melo smiled
"do I have what?" "Makeup wipessss... YN come here" Asia says suspiciously YN laughs and walks closer to her friend "yes?" "Why does that man look just like that basketball player and you know the one I'm talking about" "because that is him" "YN stop playing im drunk not crazy" "go introduce yourself again " "you know what I will" Asia and YN walk back over to Lamelo "I'm Asia and you are?" "Melo" Asia glanced at YN "we were all at that birthday dinner" Melo remind her
"oh yeah oh yeah that sounds right I'm out of it" YN shook her head "where are the wipes?" Asia says "In my room right beside my bathroom door on the little table" "okay nice to meet you Melo" "you too!" "Soooo that's Asia... she won't say anything to anybody so don't worry" "I get the vibe she minds her own business but yeah I'll see you after the next game we going to New York" "okay I'll be ready" he kisses her lips and then her forehead and then her lips again "you got me tempted" "always.... But go home be safe" she smiles "I will see you in three days YN" he says seriously "I'll be there Melo .... Byeeee" she laughs as he starts to walk out "bye"
Asia walks out of YN's room "sooooo you been taking trips with him... it hasn't been work?" "Pop some popcorn if you wanna know this full story but it stays between us nobody knows anything Asia" "deadass?" "Fr you wouldn't know either if you wasn't here but I really been wanting to talk about it 😭😭" "okay let's go" YN and Asia sit down and YN explains the whole story from beginning to end "so are you in love with him?" "No not at all" "and he still with that girl?" "Yeah .... Which is why I've been secretive" "he the one that gave you the hickies?" "Yupp" "damn bitch this is a lot to process" YN laughs "yeah like I never really thought to be in this position but honestly it's ideal for me he usually doesn't take up too much of my time and I leave after work and the next day do everything virtual so its not effecting anything negatively. I try not to focus on him having a girl mostly cause it makes me feel bad and selfish but also she knows about him creeping and never really cares so..." "oh wait hold tf up was y'all creeping when we were all at dinner?" "Yupp" "that's why that bitch was so mad at sidechicks you the side chick" "Chileeee I know but I don't think she's put two and two together like she be going out of her way to speak to me out in public so... idk"
"damn so okay okay I'm understanding that but word on the street is she not a good person anyway so whatever usually I would tell you you're wrong but that bitch annoying" YN laughed "wym what she been doing?" "I'm surprised you ain't see it she be low key starting shit with his fans cause they be going at her so she'll post stuff specifically to get them bothered and the people said she was trying to act like she was pregnant like posted a announcement and then deleted it" "what!!!?" "Yeah and other Instagram models be like she weird and be watching people pages and stuff and trying to befriend people just to fuck them over" "she be being real nice to me too like going out of her way when she sees me always speaking" "you better watch out you have your own buzz on Instagram too ain't no telling what she trying to do" "shit I'll be watching out definitely"
One things for sure LBG wasn't slow she was strategic and if she was coming for YN YN would be ten steps ahead of her.
9 notes · View notes
nomouthedscream · 2 months
Watched jaidenanimation's new video earlier today, and Im torn. Cause on one hand I feel really happy for her for having made it to 10 years, and I understand the desire to do something else after having done a job for a while, to just relax and be yourself and possibly even rediscover yourself. But also the life she described after youtube is just not a realistic one, even for normal people. Part of the reason the job market is so utterly dogshit is because they work really hard to try and pidgeonhole you into certain positions and actively punish you for going against it. An increasing number of companies are requiring 2-3 years work experience for entry level positions (I wish I was kidding). They don't like it when your most recent job was in a different industry, even if it was for college. And any sort of gap in employment is blamed upon your laziness and lack of work ethic.
And colleges get increasingly pickier about your qualifications and if you should get money the older you are because they want that space youre taking up for some 18 year olds who don't know how to bargain or finacially plan well. My college has a secondary college specifically for "adults" (people over 22). Ive only met about 10 people over 22 in classes, and all of them were seeking masters, doctorates, or work certifications. I have only ever met 2 people over 30 who I took classes with, one seeking a masters while the other was working towards getting a work certification. There are people out there who get bachelors late or second ones after their first set, but they are a rare breed, and often times they either have to have a lot of money on hand or have to be willing to go into debt.
And if you go the self owned buisness route, you have the exact same problem that jaiden complained about with youtube, which is that it never actually leaves your mind, it is always there, a shadow at the edge of your vision.
I just, I dunno, I love Jaiden's content and I'm really happy for her, and I think its kinda sweet she idolizes the simple life. But I also think this video sort of epitomizes the fact that the people who got to make youtube a full time job sort of believe they live in a different world totally separate from ours, and they don't really know what normal is, at least not at the point jaiden's at. It felt like when cottagecore was really popular and people talked about the ideal of "the simple life" or when people were obsessed with van life and a bunch of people then had to come out and say "NO, ITS NOT ALL SUNSHINE AND ROSES". Youtube is a job that changes your lifestyle, but so is... any job. My friend whos gonna start student teaching next semester feels like they can't swear anymore or else theyre gonna slip up. My friend who works as an auctioneer basically has no time for his social life anymore. I constantly have work and college looming in my mind, and I've been repeatedly told to be prepared to dedicate all my time to my work since Im going into a stem field. Its all just sort of a part of growing up and taking on adult life. It's just all work in one form or another. It's incredibly difficult to genuinely retire at a young age now adays so if you want to no longer do a job you're going to have to switch instead. And there is no shame in wanting a job change, but it is always important to recognize what such a change will entail and if you're willing to undergo the hardship you will have to endure to get any sort of reward from it. So... yeah.
Tldr: Jaiden's new 10 year anniversary video reminded me that people really do think the grass is greener on the other side.
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rpmemes-galore · 2 years
Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe ... sentence starters
“Try and take him, then.“
“Can you make me taller?“
“You dare not to refuse me.“
“I’m just trying to be realistic!“
“I can make anything you like.“
“I'm not who you all think I am.“
“Who said anything about safe?“
“Why are they all staring at us?“
“I’m a little disappointed in you.“
“Are you alright? You look awful.“
“You have a traitor in your midst.”
“I’m not as young as I once was.“
“Relax. I’m one of the good guys.“
“Maybe they think you look funny.“
“Enough. I shall talk with you alone.“
“Yes, but, you are in fact… human?”
“You’re not saying you believe her?“
“Oh, don’t waste my time with flattery.”
“But, we’re already having so much fun.“
“You can’t have done anything that bad.“
“How do I know your promise will be kept?“
“What do they teach in schools these days?“
“I have no interest in prisoners. Kill them all.“
“All the same… best to keep your eyes open.“
“You are giving me your life and saving no one.“
“Your reward is your life. It’s not much. But still…”
“I mean, it’s freezing! How do we get out of here?“
“I think you’ve made a mistake. We’re not heroes.”
“When are you going to learn to do as you’re told?“
“But, of course not. I mean, logically it’s impossible.“
“You feel as if nothing is ever going to happen, again.“
“Not to seem rude, but I wasn’t actually talking to you.“
“You’ve been sneaking second helpings, haven’t you?“
“All shall be done, but it may be harder than you think.“
“There’s an army out there, and it’s ready to follow you.”
“Yeah? Well, you look an awful lot like one of the bad guys.“
“Be still, stranger, or you’ll never move, again. Who are you?“
“He also mentioned that you planned on turning him into a hat.”
“You may think you’re a king, but you’re going to die like a dog!”
“I don’t think you’ll get back in that way. You see… I’ve already tried.”
“May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens.“
“We’ve been through this before. We both know you haven’t got it in you.“
“Well, you never know which meal’s gonna be your last. Especially with your cooking.“
“Why can’t you think about anyone but yourself? You’re so selfish! You could have got us killed!“
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play-rough · 1 month
(I read the new fic at 5am and wrote this a little past half 6 and the only reason this ask has any structure is because I took notes like an absolute lunatic- so please don’t grade me on my ask writing quality, I am a very tired strawb)
Playrough, I am currently recovering from a sickness of my own (a cold 😐) so the climactic release of this new fic feels like a wonderful gift from the universe. But it’s just convenient timing, and it’s from you, and by god was it worth the wait. I don’t know if you’ve got an update schedule in mind, but I’m am so stoked for more of this.
God Dazai was so pathetic- and I mean that in the best way; the wet cat energy dial was turned up to the absolute max. Christ if he wasn’t entitled to a bit of patheticness though, the baby was having a rough time.
Chuuya was also wonderful here- I like it when his thoughts to Dazai become so simplified to the point of primitivity. The “hurt baby, sad baby, must protect baby” bits always sound like it’s purely his alpha side thinking, and I LIKE that. I think the fact that he’s an alpha in this instead of a caregiver is really cool and I’m interested in how his alpha instincts and his relationship with Dazai could intersect. I was kinda picturing him going a bit feral when he was frantically trying to comfort Dazai, as he regressed in the bathroom.
Tsu and Ane-san’s gf are S tier ocs btw. No proper paragraph for that one, just that I was excited they got a cameo, Tsu’s utterly adorable, and I hope we see them again in the future.
Wait, no I did actually have a paragraph for that. But this is already way too long so I’m gonna let that be it’s own independent ask.
I loved all of the new fic, but my favourite bit was undoubtedly Chuuya’s daydream over giving Dazai a bath. It was such an earnest and innocent thing to fantasise about, yet it made so much sense why he’d crave giving the touch starved baby that type of love and care (I just love this Chuuya so much, man 🥲) but unfortunately, I ruined the entire scene for myself. Because while Chuuya was picturing the most idealistic, gentle, relaxing outcome of giving Dazai a bath, I was picturing an unspecific amount of years in the future, with a very different bath time scenario. Because realistically, Kunikida would not be living out Chuuya’s soothing daydream. Dazai’s bathtimes would be an exhausting, stressful and extremely wet occasion for him. He has two other littles to account for, both of which have zero boundaries when small and were amped up on their last bursts of energy before they crashed for bedtime. They did not care that they should be putting their pyjamas on- they wanted to play with their baby brother and nothing was keeping them out of the bathroom, dammit! And baby otter, the little traitor he is, was no help- squirming and splashing around, totally distracted by them as Kida’s desperately trying to scrub him down as quickly as possible. He can’t let them bathe together though, even if it shortens bath time down by a mile. Not after last time. Stressing out Kunikida has become an unfortunate pastime of mine and pairing it with Chuuya’s more relaxing potential experience makes me laugh more than it should.
In conclusion; the wet cat food was delicious and I’ll make sure to bring back many lizards as a show of gratitude.
Another ask that I am going to print out and put under my pillow before i sleep in hopes i dream of this 🥺😭 the lizard….. i cherish it so……..
I live to torment kunikida via childish whimsy 😭 the Weekend at Kunikida’s House fic is brewing 😭😭😭😭😭 this whole thing was so precious omg of course baby otter is a traitor, he loves tormenting Kunikida as much as i do hehe
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thousand-winters · 3 months
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @ygodmyy20 thank youuu 💕
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?
Nope. And as much as I joke about getting a partner for couple's cosplay, I honestly don't care that much ahaha. Arospec and all
02) What was your dream growing up?
Mmmm, in general? I think most often I dreamed about being a writer professionally, but I had so many dreams. Kind of an overachiever little kid, I thought knowing fractions at 5yo was gonna get me far ahaha (it did not 💔)
03) What talent do you wish you had?
At this point I'm consider being able to identify your own emotions and where they come from a talent because oh, boy, am I bad at that. It would sure help me.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be?
I'm not sure if I'm missing context here but... a juice box? That's what my friends always say they would get me ahaha
05) Favorite vegetable?
Oh, I adore broccoli. Texture and flavor wise it's just so nice
06) What was the last book you read?
Clockwork Prince around the beginning of the year, if I'm not mistaken. I haven't followed through with actually finishing my reread of that trilogy, oof, too many things to do
07) What zodiac sign are you?
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
No, but I want to get the Flapjack tattoo one day, and a close friend and I are planning to get matching parabatai rune tattoos eventually. They're kinda waiting on me for that one
09) Worst Habit?
Not stopping to breathe and relax when I'm having trouble regulating my emotions, sometimes I just explode and get stressed and feel like the world is out to get me and I really need to work on that
10) What is your favorite sport?
I did not have one but dressage looks so very cool ahahaha
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude?
I used to be a pessimistic and most of the time I say I'm a realistic, but honestly? I'm sick and tired of my own mind tripping me up so lately I've been trying to be optimistic no matter what, I think it's helped me a little
12) Tell me one weird fact about you.
I feel like I'm pretty standard for a person ahaha. Mmmm, opinion has it I can imitate a cat meowing perfectly? If that counts?
13) Do you have any pets?
Oh, absolutely, I have 13 cats. Yes, it is a little messy as you can expect, but because I spend so much time at home, they're pretty comfortable and happy, honestly
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
... Annoying. I actually spent some time reflecting on why and I realize clowns always took it personally when I wouldn't find them funny and double down to try and make me laugh and I just couldn't pretend and it stressed me out 😭 Having my LOL arc moments at children parties...
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
It took me SO long to be okay with how I look because I used to have some pretty bad internalized racism and as my ex put it, I look, well, Mexican ahaha. They knew just looking at my face. But anyway now I'm pretty happy with my looks mostly, though I've had eyebags since I was a child and they never go away, so... honestly I would like not to have them
16) What color eyes do you have?
Dark brown/black? Obviously not pitch black but you gotta look really close to notice the separation between iris and pupil so I thiiink that counts as black?
17) Ever been arrested?
18) Bottle or can soda?
Can soda, they are nice
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it?
I would save it, honestly
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at?
I don't think I have one? I like anywhere that has somewhere I can sit and where it can be quiet in case I run out of energy
21) Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah, it comes free with the culture /j. No, yeah, I kinda do? Maybe not so passionately but I think spirits are such a soothing thought
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
Writing, talking to people, playing videogames and reading
23) Do you swear a lot?
Depends. In English I do, a lot. In Spanish I can't do it, I use the baby version of swears, which is fun tbh, there are studies on this
24) Biggest pet peeve?
People who make everything about themselves to the detriment of others. We're all a little obsessed with ourselves, alright?Iit's healthy to be so you don't fall in the self-deprecation trap. But when you start to not leave space for others and just think about yourself, it gets annoying really fast, and it can manifest in so many ways and all of them drive me crazy ahaha. We're social creatures! Community creatures! You gotta remember your wishes and feelings don't matter more than others' so you don't start stomping all over them
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself?
Emotional as well
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance?
Yeah, sure. I think it can be a sweet thing, if it is for me varies in my head every time, but at the very least I think it can be such a beautiful thing in general
27) Favourite and least favourite food?
Favorite is a hard one... I don't have a set favorite food but I like the typical food here so much, honestly, reasons why I can't never move countries, it just makes me so happy. As for least favorite, well... I'm really picky with food due to sensory issues so... there's a lot there but I would say meat? I like meat but it can be cooked in so many ways that I can't eat that it's always safer for me to not have any if I'm not sure about what it is or how it's prepared
28) Do you believe in God?
Not really, at least not an specific one. I sort of believe in higher forces, something not understood yet, which is why I tend to default to saying "gods" in plural whenever I use expletives. I'm not thinking about specific deities but if we're talking divinity I guess I find it more sensical if it's like the forces of nature like in some cultures, instead of one thing that decides everything about life and the universe
29) What makes you happy:
Seeing my cats being silly, sharing interests with friends and being able to create in the way I want
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to:
The Crane Wives
31) Favorite place to spend time:
I don't think I have one
32) Favorite lyric:
"And in my worst of days, I want to keep wanting to be kind" (Exotic Monsters - Penfriend)
33) Recommend a film:
I don't watch many movies, honestly. Nimona?
34) Recommend a book:
Hope for the Flowers, by Trina Paulus. I read it as a child and it stuck to me ever since, I reread it many times.
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album:
Recommending Penfriend so hard. Or Eliza Rickman. I just love the kind of melodies and lyrics they both come up with. Penfriend particularly is a very small artist so she definitely could use the support!
36) Recommend a TV show:
Andor! It's Star Wars, but other than some general context, you don't really need to watch the entire SW catalogue of movies and shows or anything, if you have a vague notion of the Original Trilogy and watch Rogue One, you're golden. The show itself is beautifully written, and it has some very well developed themes of fascism, colonialism and racism. There's an undergoing theme of those who have the privilege to choose to fight against these awful systems in place and those for whom the option was never there because no matter how much they try to resist, they get brought back into this struggle they didn't decide. Very relevant to current events in the world, unfortunately.
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived?
I'm from Mexico and yeah, I have never lived anywhere but where I am right now. I was born like 15 minutes from my house ahaha, everytime I go out I pass through the clinic where I was born.
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them?
Oh, boy. I've had cats, a chicken (I was too little to remember that one tho), three dogs and then more cats. All the cats have been strays that sometimes bring their babies with them, Idk about the chicken, and one of the dogs was bought, but of the other two, one was about to be put down and the other was kept in awful conditions and rescued. Generally I prefer to adopt animals in need because duh
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten?
Due to the aforementioned pickiness with food, I don't think I have ever eaten anything super unusual, actually? My parents used to eat crickets but I never dared.
40) How did you 'find' fandom?
I was always in fandom ✨ Sort of. I wrote fic, drew comics and roleplayed with my siblings about the fandoms we liked, since I was very very little. Officially though I got into an anime forum when I was around 10? Which was around the time I found out the concept of fanfic and how my siblings and I weren't unique and super smart for making them ahaha
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up.
One of my cats. My hairbrush. My phone. My little Kuromi mirror. Hair cream.
My desk doubles as the place I put my care products.
42) How do you style your hair?
Now that I know how to care for my waves/curls more properly, it's either loose or I pin it with a hair clip so it doesn't get damaged. I sometimes do braids or ponytails if it has gotten dirty but it's not often
I get so rambly, I'm so sorry, ahaha. No pressure tagging if you want to do it!!! @oh-cramity-its-amity @justmagicalgirl @neoncherryblossom
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 185 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: cutting the jasmine in my garden.
"So when she turned and saw them standing there, so official in their vests and helmets, what else was she to think? Ah, thank goodness, it flitted through her mind as Tina felt herself relax, whatever it is, someone is taking care of it. Because that’s what they were for, to take care of these problems, to shuffle people away for their own protection, and keep the world working as it should be." There is an episode of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air, when Will and Carlton drive the car of a friend of the Banks' family somewhere to meet up, and being two black young men in a nice car, they of course get pulled over. Will already knows what this means, but Carlton (while being black has still lived a rather privileged life because of his dad's wealth, private school, country club, a butler etc.) was super oblivious about the officer's suspicions and intentions. I always have to think of this episode when I think about MAG 185.
"This did not happen to people like her." I mean, I do think MAG 185 isn't about the typical racial profiling per se, more about it happening to people who think of themselves to be so privileged and safe from police brutality, that they never would have guessed it could also happen to them?
"It had all been there, all of it. Her life, her loves, her choices, her mistakes. No details spared, no nasty inference ignored." That's one of the domains, that can't be sorted that easily. This is clearly Eye, and even before Tina was arrested she felt like being watched. Then the identical looking police men who arrested her sound like the Stranger. That thing with the world just carrying on without her and even if there are people noticing, they antagonize her like the girl hurling a stone at her and the father quickly shooing her away in terror could be Lonely?
"'None of these things are illegal,' she had said." And Spiral?
Hmm, I mean yeah, that statement had rather few fantastical things happening which makes it seem more realistic and not like a supernatural, impossible twisting of reality.
MARTIN: "No it’s just… Is that how these creatures see us now? As one of them?" JON: [Amused] "I forgot that’s a new experience for you." MARTIN: "Excuse me?" JON: "You have to remember I’ve had this for years. Right from the start, it’s always been ‘Archivist’ this and ‘Archivist’ that. All these weird, awful creatures assuming I’m ‘in’ on all the secrets. Even when they were trying to kill me, they treated me like I was a… a peer." Hm yeah, we know it because we're seen primarily Jon's story, but there are big chunks of information missing for Martin (especially S3 and 4). Even though he was there when he was been addressed as "Archivist" for the first time. Or for the first two times? Elias singing "dear Archivist" at Jon's birthday, and then when Prentiss texted him (lol, that sounds funny...)
JON: "Not all of them. And now? Sure the power’s shifted, it’s all politeness and respect, but it still feels just like more of the same. I guess I just stopped caring at some point. Besides they are technically right, I am one of them. To a degree." Yeah, in the beginning they were like "Ohhhh, did I hurt the poor young Archivist? What'cha gonna do? You're gonna cry? Gonna run to Elias?". Then after the coma it's suddenly "What are you doing... Stop it!" and now they're full on Schrödinger's douchbag with "Pls don't kill me, I didn't mean it! It was just a joke!"
MARTIN: "It’s not the same. I’m still just your ‘plus one’." JON: [Amusedly] "Don’t put yourself down. It’s not your fault you’re a bit overshadowed. I am such a very big deal after all." MARTIN: "Oh, very big arse, more like it." Lol
JON: "Either way, even if I wasn’t here, I don’t think you’d be in any danger. Not anymore. I wasn’t sure when we first started out, I hadn’t properly, er… looked into it, as it were. But now I’m certain." Still, I think Jon actually did mean the "I won't let it [harm you]" in MAG 161. He would have fought tooth and nail if he had to in order to protect Martin.
MARTIN: "I’m one of them." JON: "One of… us." MARTIN: "That’s not as comforting as you think it is." JON: "Doesn’t mean it’s not true though." Still a bit in denial^^
MARTIN: "Even though I didn’t ask for it? Did nothing to deserve it?" JON: "‘Deserve’. Huh. Now there’s a word that always causes trouble." MARTIN: "Don’t be patronising." JON: "I just mean that nobody here deserves the position they’ve found themselves in, not really. I suppose a few may have asked for it, sought it out even, but far more didn’t. They just made the wrong choices for the right reasons. Or even the right choices. But ones that still led them here in the end." NOT REALLY! Also, yes, more philosophizing about morals, I love that shit!
INSPECTOR: "Argh! Look, you can’t know if they’re all guilty, alright? It’s just about evidence…" Right, so if that one's here in this domain, then was Tina in the statement really that innocent? "None of these things are illegal" can mean a lot of things.
INSPECTOR: "Hey, fuck you, you scrawny little tit! What the hell do you know?" Luckily, there are a lot of awful people out there who, sooner or later, will show their true face in public (And then this becomes a whole new problem when the majority of society can’t understand why that was wrong...). Also, we got a bit of physical description of Jon there! I never really gave anything to Nikola's "little Archivist" in MAG 97, I thought she meant it in a belittling way. But Jon get's called "little" again, so I guess there's something to it xD Also, we knew he's not the fittest since he gets tired from carrying a metal pipe around, but another confirmation here, boy's scrawny!
MARTIN: "No, you were right to. That’s… that’s a lot of power to have to deal with. Lot of responsibility." JON: "Yes, thank you, Uncle Ben." MARTIN: [Chuckle] "Pop culture? Really?" JON: "I’m allowed to know what Spiderman is." Even if Jon embodies this old fashioned dark academia look, I don't think that's him at all and people just misjudge him. He's been a bookworm in his childhood after all!
MARTIN: "Not helping people is still a decision, isn’t it?" JON: "Well, you saw Jordan, I’m not sure ‘helping’ is –" MARTIN: "I know, I know, not the right word. Ignoring them then." JON: "Yes. It’s a choice I’ve been making a lot recently." MARTIN: "I guess we should get used to it. Knowing that all these awful things are happening for our benefit." JON: "Maybe it’s better if it never gets comfortable." MARTIN: "Maybe." Huh, that's a thought you can convert to rl. The luxury we live in first world countries is sustained at poorer country's cost. And it's so hard to fight this, to try and get resources, which were traded fairly or get them locally. And if you can find something like that, then you need to be able to afford it because these things are of course a lot more expensive than the exploited thing.
Heh, how that familiar Lonely squealing already starts and Martin immediately noticing^^
That is a really cool cliffhanger. Not only teasing Martin's domain, but Martin and Jon being separated in a Lonely domain, again!  
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