#I am screaming with a bunch of friends about this oh my god oh my god oh my GOD
snarky-wallflower · 4 months
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wildestdreamsblog · 4 months
Might as well be drunk in love: 2 of 2 (sneakpeak)
Pairing: OT7 x Reader (CEO AU)
Summary: In which your friend thought it would be funny to give you a love potion, and in which seven CEOs accidentally drank it.
Warnings: Love Potion, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: This is only a sneakpeak of day 2. I'm not yet done writing the second chapter but I feel bad bcos of how long it's taking me...so here it is! Sneakpeak of day 1. Also, the entire chapter will be posted here when I'm done and satisfied with it :> Enjoy po
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Part 1, Full day 1
“No one told me that we have an adorable new housemate.”
The six sleepy men sitting around the dining table looked up as soon as Park Jimin walked entered the room, in his arms was a fluffy cat that was actively hissing at him. He cooed down at it, softly stroking the thick fur with his hand that was now sporting claw marks.
“We’re already so close!” he announced with softness in his voice despite the repetitive kicks brought by the furry creature in his arm.
“I don’t think you are liked very much…” Jungkook quietly commented, his doe eyes went even larger at the bleeding scratches on his skin. As if sensing an opportunity to escape, the cat suddenly wriggled free from Jimin's arms and darted across the room, landing squarely in Hoseok's lap.
“Hi, my son! Did you have a good night’s sleep?” he asked affectionately, reaching down to stroke the cat's fur.
“Hyung has a secret son!” Jungkook whispered to Taehyung in a scandalous manner, clutching his nonexistent pearls. Taehyung, who looked like he lived and fought through three wars from his exhausted form and his sluggish movement only nodded at Jungkook.
“Whose cat is that? Is that yours, J-hope?” Jin asked, pointing at the cat with his mug. He didn’t know that they now had a furry housemate. Additionally, he didn’t know that he was a cat person.
Namjoon just smirked at his brothers, “That’s not his.”
“My God, I am so tired,” Jimin sat next to Taehyung, his muscles aching with exhaustion. With a heavy sigh, he leaned his whole weight on his friend, seeking some semblance of comfort in their shared weariness.
"Everything hurts," Taehyung moaned, mirroring Jimin's sentiment. He glanced over at Namjoon, pleading silently for a solution. "We need her. Hyung, please. Do something," he implored, his voice tinged with desperation.
Jungkook finally put down his spoon with a loud thud, standing up to look at them one by one. “Okay, I cannot be the only one curious about whose cat that is!” he pointed at the cat who only meowed back at him before shifting his finger to his hyung who was silently eating with a smile on his face. “And you, why do you look so good this morning, hyung, while the four of us look like we are 3 hours away from passing away?” he asked Yoongi, his doe eyes demanding answers from the chaotic bunch that only turned more chaotic as the morning wore on.
Yoongi, taking a leisurely sip of his coffee, raised an eyebrow at Jungkook's question. His lips curled into a smirk, revealing a hint of amusement. "Well, Kookie, some of us are just naturally blessed with good genes," he quipped, his tone teasing.
“Excuse me?! Are you saying that I am not blessed with good genes?! Me?! The world wide handsome?! Now, you’re just outright lying!”
“Hyuuuuung, do something! I think I’m dying!” Taehyung shouted amidst the noise.
“Stop screaming you’re scaring my son!” Hoseok shot back all while covering the cat’s little ears.
“Whose cat is that even?!” Jungkook asked again in disbelief, the vein in his throat protruding from annoyance and curiosity.
“Oh my God, Taehyung! I already did something, okay?!” Namjoon finally raised his voice for him to hear.
“Ahhhhhhh, my head hurts and she’s the only cure! I have to go to her!” Jimin whined sadly, attempting to leave his chair slowly.
“In that state?!” Jin shouted at Jimin and Taehyung, already feeling the stress causing havoc on his otherwise beautiful face.
But Taehyung and Jimin were already halfway out of their chair, clutching their heads dramatically. "I can't take this anymore! I need her!" he wailed, his eyes darting around the room with desperation only to find you by some miracle.
“Little one…” he called, his voice small as though he couldn’t believe that you were truly there. It was like their pain manifested you, and heavens, it was worth it. He’d willingly go through this pain if it meant seeing you and having you here where you belonged.
With them.
“Good morning, has anyone seen my cat?”
Your voice, despite it being low, was sufficient to stop the bickering among the CEOs. How they heard you amidst their own noise, you didn’t know. One thing was for certain, though. They were attuned to you like lovesick men did. Their eyes were on you with varying emotions. Jungkook was surprised, to say the least. Taehyung and Jimin, on the other hand, were relieved. Yoongi's smirk widened into a grin, his eyes sparkling with delight at the sight of you. Seokjin stared at you in disbelief, as if trying to comprehend how you managed to appear amidst the chaos. Namjoon and Hoseok exchanged a knowing glance, their expressions reflecting a sense of contentment and joy. The pair looked like they secured an extremely important deal and even won the lottery at the same day.
You didn’t see Taehyung moved but you certainly felt how his heavy body fell against yours. You certainly heard his sigh of relief even as he swayed on his feet.
And when you touched his hand to support him, that was when he fell.
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adverbally · 1 month
Whenever This World Is Cruel to Me
Written for the @steddieangstyaugust prompt “Missing Scene” | wc: 1,609 | rated: T | cw: mildly graphic description of injuries | tags: set during 4x08, platonic Stobin, surprisingly calm and competent Eddie, it takes a village to take care of Steve | title from “You’re My Best Friend” by Queen
When they arrive at Weathertop, Steve is dangerously close to running out of steam. Robin can see it in the way he slumps back in the driver’s seat after putting the RV in park. Everyone else starts filing out of the vehicle, hauling weapons and supplies with them, but Steve doesn’t move.
Robin quietly hangs back until everyone else is outside, then she creeps forward to slip into the copilot seat. She sits sideways so she can see him better, with her knees tucked to her chest and her shoes staining the seat.
He looks worse up close, she thinks. Where he would normally look tanned and healthy, his face is shiny and scabbed and dirty. At least he finally got a shirt when they stopped at the War Zone so Robin doesn’t have to keep seeing the bloody fabric around his waist, reliving the fear that he wasn’t going to make it out with them. The feeling still hasn’t left her.
Steve’s eyes don’t open, but he must sense her. “Hey,” he croaks. His voice is still strained from being strangled by the demobat, though his head is leaned back so far that the added pressure on his throat probably isn’t helping.
“Hey,” she says back, leaning forward to rest her arms on top of her knees. “You look like shit.”
He coughs out a humorless laugh. “I feel like it.” When he opens his eyes and lolls his head sideways to look at her, his gaze is bleary. “How are you holding up?”
“I’m fine, I wasn’t the one who got road rash over half their body and got used as a chew toy by a bunch of demobats,” she gestures at him vaguely. “Have you even gotten cleaned up?”
“Not really. Splashed some water on my face at Max’s but probably shoulda used some soap.”
Alarm bells start screaming in Robin’s head. “What about your wounds, did you wash and rebandage those?”
His guilty face tells her everything she needs to hear.
“C’mon, get up, right now,” she tells him, clambering out of her seat and dragging him upright. “Oh my god, I can’t believe you didn’t– I should’ve checked when we were at Max’s, she probably had more stuff there–”
Steve stumbles along behind her down the center aisle. “Rob, I’m okay–”
“No, actually, you probably have some crazy Upside Down infection on top of the demobat rabies, so we can see what kills you first. Sit down.”
Obediently, he collapses on the seat across from the kitchenette. Robin digs through the bags that were left on board until she pulls out bandages and rubbing alcohol. Thankfully they also stocked up on gallons of water, not knowing how much water was in the RV’s freshwater tank or how to use it.
When she turns around, Steve is gingerly pulling off his jacket and shirt, already anticipating her next orders. Jesus, he’s still wearing the scrap of Nancy’s blouse across his body, and it looks like there’s more blood seeping through than there was earlier. He could really be in danger here.
“Don’t freak out,” he tells her as he unknots the makeshift bandage and pulls it away. She immediately understands why when she sees how the fabric pulls at the wounds where drying blood stuck it to his skin. The disturbance makes it start to ooze again.
“Steve, oh my god,” she breathes, hands over her mouth in horror even as she leans down for a closer look. Is that pus? Holy shit.
“Nope, don’t start that.” Steve’s head is tilted back again, staring determinedly at the ceiling so he doesn’t have to see his own injuries. “If you freak out, then I’m gonna freak out.”
Robin’s voice is shrill when she says, “I guess we’re both freaking out then! How am I supposed to not freak out over this?!” She links her fingers and rests her connected hands on top of her head like she’s trying to hold herself together, elbows sticking out as she does a panicked little spin. “I can’t fix you if you’re already septic!”
“Well, calling me names isn’t helping!” Steve shrieks back nonsensically.
They both startle when the door opens. Eddie’s head peeks in cautiously. “Hey, everything okay in here?”
Robin whirls to face him, hands still locked on her head. After a long moment of deciding whether to lie, she settles on, “Not really.”
Steve chimes in, “Been better,” still not looking away from the ceiling.
“Okay.” Eddie gently shuts the door behind him and comes to join them in the middle of the aisle. He keeps his voice low and soft, like he’s approaching a frightened animal. “That’s kind of what we figured, with all the yelling we could hear from outside.”
Robin drops her arms. “Just a little disagreement over whether I was allowed to freak out about this.” She points accusingly at Steve’s belly. “I think yes, obviously,” she declares, volume already rising again.
“Look, Buckley, I’m not sure you’re the one we want doing first aid right now. Nothing personal,” Eddie rushes to reassure her, “just, I think your weird mind link with Harrington is making it hard for you to be objective.”
Steve snorts.
“No, we don’t need any commentary from the patient, okay?” Eddie raises his eyebrows, daring Steve to argue. When he doesn’t, Eddie guides Robin to sit beside Steve with a hand on her shoulder. “Okay. You’re on moral support duty now.”
“Only if you stop yelling at me,” Steve warns with a sidelong glance.
Robin watches Eddie dampen a towel to begin wiping away the grime and blood, then looks back up at Steve. “Sorry I yelled. And freaked out,” she mutters, finding Steve’s hand with hers.
He squeezes back, then hisses when Eddie makes contact with his wound.
“Sorry,” Eddie says absently, not looking away from where he’s daubing determinedly at Steve’s skin.
They’re quiet for several minutes while Eddie works, Robin wincing whenever Steve’s grip gets too tight but never complaining. It’s when Eddie switches to the rubbing alcohol that they have a problem.
“Shit!” Steve swears with feeling, twisting his torso away from Eddie’s hands.
“You gotta stay still, man,” Eddie sighs from where he’s kneeling between Steve’s legs.
“It hurts!” he snaps.
Robin’s other hand rubs at Steve’s nearest shoulder. “We have to clean it, Steve.” Even to her own ear, it sounds melodramatic, like they might as well be amputating a limb and giving him a belt to bite down on.
“I’m gonna do this as quick as I can, but I have to be thorough.”
Robin marvels at Eddie’s bedside manner, the mix of efficiency and apology, but mostly she’s stunned by the soft expression on Eddie’s face as he looks up at Steve. Something about it goes beyond concern for an acquaintance, maybe the way his eyes are so big and wet and earnest.
Oh my god. Does Eddie have a crush on Steve?
It makes sense, the way he had ogled Steve’s shirtless chest and gave him his clothes and stood so close to him and don’tcha, big boy?…
She comes back to reality as Steve crushes her hand again. “Hey, you’re doing great,” she tells him, resting her head against his shoulder. “You’ll be done in no time.”
Steve doesn’t respond but leans his head against Robin’s. With multiple points of contact between them, she can feel how hard he’s trying to keep still, every muscle tense like he could break any minute. By the time Eddie finishes, Robin's eyes are welling up with sympathetic tears.
“There you go.” Eddie claps his hands on his thighs as he stands up. “Buckley, help me with the bandages?”
It goes fast as they pass the roll between them, wrapping around Steve’s torso like a garland on a Christmas tree. They build up several layers, hoping the cushion and added stability will help prevent further injury. Robin watches Eddie’s hands just barely grazing Steve’s skin with his rings, his throat bobbing every time his touch lingers.
“All done. You can get a sticker and a lollipop from the nurse on your way out,” Eddie announces cheerfully.
As he turns to head back outside, Steve stops him with a hand on his wrist. “Thank you,” he says with such gravity that it almost sounds like I love you.
Eddie’s gaze jumps from Steve to Robin and then back to Steve…’s lips, holy shit. “Yeah, no problem.”
And is Robin hallucinating?? She could’ve sworn Steve had his eyes glued to Eddie’s tongue as it darts out to lick his lips. And then watching his scrawny ass walk away? They are so talking about this if they get out of this fight alive.
For now, Robin gives Steve a jug of water. “Drink lots, you’re probably dehydrated as hell. And I want you to stay in here and rest for at least an hour, okay? I’ll come wake you up if we need you.”
“Robin,” Steve sighs, but she’s already bulldozing over his protests.
“Sorry, doctor’s orders!” she tells him cheerfully before stooping down to press a kiss to his forehead. It’s killing two birds with one stone: showing Steve the physical affection he craves while also gauging if he has a fever. He’s a little warm and clammy, but not alarmingly so. She takes the deepest breath she’s been able to since Steve first got dragged through the gate at Lover’s Lake.
“Fine,” Steve huffs, already getting comfortable on the bench seat. “Love you.”
Robin smiles at the fond annoyance in his tone. “Love you, too, dingus. Try not to die in your sleep.”
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rachetmath · 2 months
Ruby: F*** you!
Raven: F*** you!
Yang: F*** you!!
Raven: F*** you!!
Qrow: F*** you!!!
Jaune: Why are they screaming at each other?
Nora: I don’t know. Probably, because Raven abandoned them and is the worst mother ever.
Jaune: Isn’t that your mom then?
Nora: F*** you.
Jaune: Yep. Anyways… Yo!
Jaune: Can’t you all talk about this? You know like a family.
RYBB: f-
Jaune: Try me. Try me and see what happens. Understand, you all can be or are on my shit list. I already have my issues with my family. I already talked to Winter about hers. I will humble all of you. 
Raven: Look kid this has-
Jaune: It’s crazy how you know about family but abandoned your kin for a bunch of strangers.
Raven: … 
Jaune: It’s crazy how you’re your daughter's biggest stalker but just like one you can barely have a conversation with her.  And attempt to take her life the moment your views differ from one another.
Raven: … 
Jaune: It’s crazy how you risked your tribe, only to give the relic to your daughter, probably the only present you’ll ever give her out the years of her life. And what’s insane is you did all that because you didn’t want to deal with Salem even though she held your tribe hostage. Speaking of your tribe where are they now?
Raven: *silent*
Jaune: Sit you no leadership, die-hard shogun ass down.
Raven: *sit down*
Qrow: Well damn kid-
Jaune: Bitch I’m older than you now but even before that I was more man than you.
Qrow: Now hold-
Jaune: I will admit you showed up when Tyrian came. However, you want to know why I was pissed and made those assumptions?
Qrow: I mean I saved Ruby and your lives.
Jaune: Yeah. You were watching us from a distance. Good. But you were late. Which means when you were late we encountered Grimm. Now what could cause that?
Qrow: Um…
Jaune: You were drunk.
Qrow: Well-
Jaune: Back to the journey to Mistral and after you could have been more useful in almost every event.
Qrow: Woah kid I was-
Jaune: Dude when you couldn’t find any hunters, you didn’t even bother trying to help any of us improve. When we were trapped in a room with Salem's allies and your sister, your first thought was to stand around, do nothing, and find out.
Qrow: Okay b-
Jaune: Raven kicked your ass. Hazel punched your back out. And the only one you were protecting was Oscar. What happened to Ruby and Yang being your nieces? Speaking of Oscar didn’t you punch him in the face and never apologize for it?
Qrow: That was for Ozpin.
Jaune: In Oscar’s body, don't try to defend this. Suppose a huntsman saw that, would you not be arrested?
Qrow: Okay now that I think about it-
Jaune: Oh, and when Oscar went missing what the f*** were you doing? Getting drunk, again.
Qrow: I was having a hard time.
Jaune: Screw you.
Qrow: Well at least I didn’t endanger my friends.
Jaune: At least I didn’t get one of my friends killed. Like with Clover. Which I will say, great job in letting Tyrian escape. It’s crazy how even sober you are still an idiot. Also, you’re a fraud. Qrow: Well I-
Jaune: Like now there is no comparing us, I’ve been through more shit than you will ever imagine. And I wasn’t given a choice. You were. And that’s misfortunate. Your nieces almost died a couple of times and you weren’t there to help them. I was. God I’m starting to realize why your team is a mess and why, Tai, hates you. You are both a downer and a deadbeat. Pick a struggle.
Qrow: *silent and sits with Raven*
Jaune: *stares at Ruby and Yang*
Yang and Ruby: *sat down immediately*
Jaune: So what are you all going to do?
RYBB: Talk like a family.
Jaune: Good. Now you excuse me I need to write a letter to my mother who I am not on the best of terms, right now. Bye.
Nora: Jaune? Jaune, is there something you want to talk about? I’m openly available.
Jaune: F*** you too, Nora.
Qrow: How long was he on that island?
Ruby: Uncle Qrow, we had our first argument on that island.
Qrow: Oh… s***.
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depresssant · 4 months
hades!reader x persephone!geto
also, geto has purple eyes in this bc he originally has purple eyes in the manga.
i love my glorious wife sm 😫
you liked to think that you had some semblance of control over some aspects of your life.
you were a goddess⏤ruler of the underworld, at that, but sometimes, frustration crept up into your mind and heart like a constricting snake. it made you want to scream, and tear, and blow everything to bits because this wasn't the life you picked for yourself. what? to be overworked to the bone and taken for granted? shit, you felt like the corporate lawyer for olympus, always cleaning up their messes and doing all the dirty work that they didn't want to do.
so, it was frustrating.
you were tired, and done with everything, and just always angry, but this?
this topped it all.
you didn't even bother to glance at the man standing before you. your hand held your pen so tightly it snapped in half. you wanted to yell. you wanted to scream. you wanted to run away. however, that wasn't you.
tossing the shattered pen pieces to the side and making it vanish into thin air, you gave your husband your signature shit-eating grin and leaned back in your office chair. "so what is this? an audience or a little preview of your next play?"
geto suguru titled his head with an expression on his face that you really couldn't decipher. "i assumed you would be a little more eager to see me after being taken from you. i was gone for six straight months."
the mere sight of him pissed you off.
"what can i say, princess? i'm a busy woman. my entire schedule is packed to the brim for ruling over a bunch of⏤you know, dead people⏤so i'm sorry if i cant drop by to say hi. i don't have time for such silly matters."
"it's strange, really." he took a step forward, and there was some strange tone in his voice. you never were good with emotions. "i was gone for six months. kidnapped. my mother took me back so easily it was almost as if... you orchestrated it all."
"tell me the truth, [name]. it was you who ordered my kidnapping, right?"
"you're... RIGHT! tada! congratulations!" using your magic, you made little bursts of fire combust into ember-like sparkles that imitated confetti. seriously, it took him that long? all this waiting for him to get the hint was finally kicking in! "i hate it break it to you, but you're not bonnie, and i'm not clyde. honestly, i was waiting for you to get the hint. i mean, come on! a god like you doesn't belong in a place like this. all booring and draaab, am i right?"
geto only gazed at you blankly as you rambled off and paced all about the office. there was a vase full of fresh gardenias right on your desk, but it was strange. you weren't the type of person to have flowers in your office. the strong smell of sweet cologne filled the air, and that jacket draped on your chair wasn't yours. no, geto had gone through your plain closet before, and he had never seen a beige jacket like that. 
"who did you have in here?"
you paused mid-word and chuckled. "you sound a little on edge. a friend of mines came over. why? oh, wait! are you jealous, princess? don't worry⏤"
"no. no, i am not."
the man walked over to the flower vase and grabbed one of the gardenias, just to crush it with his hand. a tight-lipped smile painted his lips, but his eyes darkened. the temperature seemed to have dropped, and the air just changed.
"you can have as many lovers as you want. i'll just kill each and every one of them." his tone was low. threatening. "you can torment me as much as you want, i'll still be here."
"i'm sorry? i'm not following?"
"nanami. that's his name, right?"'
okay. why was he was acting strangely. you expected the kidnapping to piss him off, but it wasn't to this extent. and why was he bringing up your friend? he thought you were having an affair. well, he wasn't wrong.
your grin dropped, and you moved to light a new cigarette.
"you'll kill my lovers?"
"so you are having an affair!"
"what about it?"
geto's eyes narrowed, and he tossed the vase across the room. "we're married!"
"you think i want to be married to you? if i could, i would've divorced you straight to tartarus by now! yes! i orchestrated your kidnapping to make zeus realize i don't give a shit about you! i would give up my immortality before even starting to think of you as my real husband!"
catching the vase, you placed it back on your desk. damn it, you had enough of this. he was wasting all of your free time by throwing this little tantrum! why did he care about your business? this marriage was nothing but a business arrangement from zeus himself! his mother didn't want him married to you as much as you didn't want to be married to him. it was her idea to kidnap him, anyways. all your life, you had no control over the decisions made regarding you, so you didn't want to let geto suguru become another example.
and why was he bothered about all of this?
he hated you.
... right?
you turned back to look at geto with a sigh, but he cut you off the second you opened your mouth to speak.
"do you want to know what future the fates offered me?"
"geto, look⏤"
before you could react, he shoved you down to the floor and caged you in between his hands. there was wild look in his lavender-colored eyes, but you didn't push him away. you couldn't.
"the fates offered me the perfect future... with you!" your husband whispered in your ear. "all i have to do is get rid of anybody that will threaten it."
"suguru, i love you. you know that. please, this is⏤"
the man chuckled and shook his head. his hand moved to caress your cheek and, well, your lower lip. "don't try to sell me your smoke and mirrors. i know you're bound by divine contract."
his voice felt like iron bars caging you on the spot.
"you can't use your powers on me without the intention of good, and you have to stay with me forever. what's with the look on your face? you thought i was just some dumb himbo that was unaware of everything?"
"but that future the fates showed me? it's perfect. you and i will never be apart. all i have to do is just take care of a few things. starting with that nanami of yours."
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houseofripley · 6 months
Could you write a rhea x fem!reader where they are at a scare house with a bunch of friends and reader is a big scaredy-cat and clings onto rhea the whole time and all of them end up in a maze but rhea and reader get lost and separated from the group and reader is terrified so rhea tried to cheer her up with some make-out time and hugging and reassurance(maybe some smut there or when they get back home🤷‍♀️)
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
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WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, Publix Sex, Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, Mommy Kink
A/N: I AM ALIVE SORRY FOR DISAPPEARING!!!! im on spring back so hopefully i'll actually have some freetime now
“No wait, I don’t think I can do it,” you jittered, your anxieties shaking through your body as you stood next in line to enter a dingy barn that was quite literally in the middle of nowhere.
After weeks of begging your partner Rhea to be the hugh hefner to your playboy bunny she agreed under one condition; that you’d go to the scare attraction she had been talking about non-stop. At first you were ready to scrap your matching costume idea altogether but after some reassurance from Rhea that your friends would be there you reluctantly agreed. 
“You are not backing out on us now!” Your friends started throwing playful teases at you.
“Don’t be a wimp, it won’t even be that bad,” 
Rhea wrapped her arm around your waist as she added to the taunts, “My little scaredy-cat,”
“I am not a scaredy-cat! I just don’t like having clowns chase me with machetes,” you attempted to defend yourself.
“That’s totally something a scaredy-cat would say,”
The attendant at the entrance signaled for your group to enter the building. You let a few of your friends enter before hesitantly entering, making sure you were in the middle of the group. Stepping inside a thick layer of faux fog clouded your vision while strobe lights beamed through the hazed air. “I wanna go home,” you raised your voice so your group could hear you over the loud ambiance and scream of others further down the path. 
You braced your hands in front of you in self-defense as you made your way through a flashing corridor. Rounding the corner you were immediately jumpscared by a bloodied woman hopping through a curtain, making you back up into Rhea as you let out a scream. 
Rhea let out a laugh as one of her hands took grip of your waist, giving the skin a light squeeze. “I got you,” Rhea chuckled as she spoke just loud enough for you to hear her. 
Your group of friends continued through the scenes of the attraction with plenty of jumpscares and many more screams before eventually being chased out of the building into the second half of the attraction, a haunted corn maze. 
You hesitantly followed your bunch of friends on the paths, your hand clinging to Rhea’s. It wasn’t long until your crowd was deep into the maze. By the time your eyes had hardly adjusted to the darkness you were soon caught off guard by a group of actors emerging from the corn stalks, causing you to dart further into the field.
“Oh my god I can’t see anything,” you yelled, too focused on running away from the bloodied men, you and Rhea wound up split from your group getting lost along the trail.
It had been fifteen minutes since the two of you last saw your friends and ten minutes since a scare actor popped up, your nerves were growing by the second knowing it was only a matter of time before another actor would find you. The grip you had on Rhea’s hand had to have been cutting off her circulation at that point. 
“Look at me, pretty girl,” Rhea spoke, her tone of voice was soft, “you’ll always be safe with me, you know that I’d never let anyone touch you,” she assured. You couldn’t help but look up at her with a soft smile, her reassurance sending ease to your foggy mind.
Rhea’s arms wrapped around you, pulling you into a hug before she dropped her lips against yours. You melted into her embrace as you squeezed your hands around her stiffened biceps. 
“As much as I’d love to kiss you forever, I’d love to get out of this damn maze as soon as possible,” you giggled, pulling back from her lips after a moment before continuing your way through the trails.
“We’re never making it out of here alive,” you pouted, throwing your head back realizing you were caught in yet another dead end. You were caught off guard by the feeling of a set of hands grabbing you from behind and pulling you back against their body, causing a shriek to leave your mouth..
“You’re so sexy when you’re scared, all tensed up,” Rhea quietly chuckled into your ear. “plus that little outfit making you all vulnerable isn’t helping your case,” she added, her teeth nipping at your earlobe while her arms pulling your back further against her chest.
“Not funny Rhe’,” you whined. Although your body relaxed knowing you were in the safety of Rhea’s arms, your heartbeat was still stuck in your throat, the thrill of Rhea’s sudden instigating had already begun forming a puddle in between your legs.
Rhea let out a breathy chuckle as she placed a kiss below your ear, “did you really think I’d be able to control myself when you look like that?” she murmured, her hands trailed to the bust of your strapless bodysuit.
“Mm- no but I assumed you’d have enough self control to wait till we got home,” your giggle soon turned into a quiet gasp as Rhea quickly flipped the bust of your outfit down, revealing your chest to the brisk air. Her hands glided to cup your breasts as her lips connected to the crook of your neck. Her fingers took hold of your nipple, rolling the flesh between her digits causing a hitched curse to leave your mouth. 
Rhea soon guided your body face hers, a satisfied smirk painted across her lips as she bent down and took your nipple into her mouth. Her knee found itself separating your legs causing a whimper to escape your mouth as her knee pushed up against your needy heat.
“Rhe’, we might get caught,” you whispered, your hands reaching to grab Rhea’s face, a grin creeping onto her lips as you pulled her face up to yours.
“Oh baby,” Rhea murmured, trailing her hand down the length of your bodysuit, “that’s the fun part,” she added before quickly yanking the fabric covering your core to the side. You sucked in a harsh breath, a shiver running through your body as the bitter autumn air hit your slicked heat.
“No panties? Naughty girl,” Rhea clicked her tongue as her finger slipped across your wetness, gathering your juices on her finger, “look at you, all soaked for Mami,” she hummed before taking her finger into her mouth, sucking your juices from her skin.
Rhea brought herself to her knees before you, her cobalt eyes twinkling in the moonlight as they trailed up your body, silently asking for permission. Although a quickie in a corn maze was definitely not in your Halloween plans, Rhea's mouth was nearly always impossible to resist. Once you nodded your head in approval she began peppering soft kisses to your inner thighs, leaving you whining at the sensation of her warm lips against your chilled flesh.
“Such a brave girl for me,” Rhea quietly praised, tossing one of your legs onto her shoulder, “I think you deserve a treat,” locking eyes with you she flattened her tongue against your cunt. She licked a wide stripe up your wetness, humming at the taste of your arousal. Your hand found itself tangled in her hair, pulling at the jet-black strands as her pierced tongue began rounding your clit. 
You chewed at the insides of your cheeks, hoping to stifle your whines when Rhea’s tongue sank into your heat. Quiet hums of approval escaped from Rhea as her tongue prodded with your entrance, her nose pressed against your clit. 
Rhea’s mouth returned to lapping circles around your bundle of nerves while her pointer finger snuck into your hole. Your abdomen tensed in reaction to her finger rhythmically pumping into your tightness. Faint whines echoed from the back of your throat as Rhea’s tongue worked alongside her finger that toyed with your aching core.
It wasn’t long until a second finger dipped inside of you, resulting in a whined “Fuck,” to escape your throat. Rhea’s tongue stayed focused on tracing shapes over your clit, her eyes still gazing up at you, clearly enjoying the sight of you losing control over her touch.
The adrenaline of knowing there was a possibility of someone rounding the corner and catching the two of you only fueled Rhea’s gestures. Your eyelids squeezed shut at the sensation of her fastened pace, 
“Mami,” you threw your free hand over your mouth in an attempt to muffle your moans, “oh- fuck Mami,” you whimpered, bucking your hips against Rhea’s face, your climax rapidly approaching.
The curling of Rhea’s digits as they pumped into you initiated your orgasm. Muffled moans left your mouth as your climax washed over you, releasing all the tension that sat inside your stomach onto Rhea’s fingers. 
Rhea assisted you in riding out your peak before retracing her fingers from your insides. She brought herself back to her feet, licking her fingers clean, the remnants of your slick coating her chin. “Better than any Halloween candy I’ve had,” she praised under her breath.
“How sweet, but please get me out of here,” you giggled out of breath, playfully rolling your eyes as you adjusted your costume.
You hopped onto Rhea’s back after gladly accepting a piggyback ride from her. Rhea successfully guided the both of you through the rest of the maze, thankfully making it out with minimal scares.
“Jesus, what took you guys so long?” a friend questioned as Rhea carried you to your group of friends who were sat at a bench waiting for the pair of you to show up.
“It's a maze! We got lost!” you threw your hands up in self defense.
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harrystylesfan2686 · 9 months
Pieces Part 4
Pairing: Azriel x Reader
Summary: Meeting new people
A/N: hehehe. (Unedited again sorry!)
Pieces Masterlist
"Boo! Next!" Mor boos on my yellow dress and Feyre's face screams 'not good'. I groan out and go back to my stall, closing the certain and taking off the dress.
My friends forcefully brought me to a boutique to buy something new, stating that at the occasion on me surviving a whole month alone and not getting fired from the library is an occasion to be celebrated. They're taking me out to Rita's tonight and want me to wear something 'nice'. Despite my whines of not needing a new outfit, they picked out a bunch of dresses for me to try and show them for they're approval.
I wear the pink princess cut dress next and get out to show them. They make a face and Feyre comments,"too formal." I sigh and get back in.
"You know I feel like Rhys has been too tired lately." Mor says, probably to Feyre from outside the stall as I try to tie the threads on the back of my next dress. "Yes, he has been. He also stays in his office so much lately because he's trying to do all the work alone." Feyre responds.
"Oh why is that?" Mor again asks. "You know because he's given Azriel a leave." My ears perk up at the name. "Oh yes! I met with Az earlier this week actually, to coax him into coming to eat with us but he only opened the door for one minute and slamed it again after saying no to my face. Gods he looked so thin." I freeze. "And the bags under his eyes! I am so worried about him. I fear he'll rot himself in that very room."
They probably didn't wanted me to hear but I did. I imagine him with dark circles around his eyes, sucked in body and covered in shadows. With his head, stting on the floor, silently as his shadows hide him from the world. I can imagine the scene perfectly, having found him like that in our house many times. I frown at the though of my husband being depressed.
I shake the thought out of my mind and focus on properly wearing my dress.
I smooth out the creases of my dress and stand still in the mirror. Looking at myself, trying out a burgundy flowy dress, a heart neckline with line stapes, that's tighten around my middle and then let lose until the end. I look beautiful. I smile to myself and turn a bit to see the back, it's perfect.
I yank the certain aside and show my outfit to my apparent judges. They're conversation abrutly stops as they look at me and smile. "Perfect." Mor's grin widens and Feyre nods while giving a thumbs up.
"I think so too." I giggle and look down at myself swaying a little to see my dress move with me. I get into the stall and close the certain again to get out of the dress and buy it.
But I can't stop thinking about what Feyre said though. My imagine of him stays in my mind the whole day, making a sad, knowing how much he's suffering. It's not that he doesn't deserve it but, I mean, he's still my mate. I still love him. How can I not be sad for him?
Maybe it's time I give azriel a chance.
"Y/N!" I startle hearing a sudden yell of my name, droping the books I was holding from my hands. I curse under my breath and crouch down to pick it up, someone kneels down in front of me, helping me by collecting the rest of the books.
We both stand up together and as I look up to thank the person, my words die in my mouth seeing a gorgeous male in front of me with emerald green eyes. His chocolate brown hair, wavy shoulder cut length seem a little greasy which juat adds to the handsome look.
"Here you go." My eyes widen listening to his deep voice and focusing on his dashing smile. My hands blinding taking the books from his and our fingers graze each other. My eyes snap to his hands, taking in the large fingers, following up to the veiny arms and big muscles.
I breath out.
"Thank you." I finally manage to say. His smile widens. He nods and steps back, turning around and disappearing behind the aisle. I find myself hoping to see him again when a tap to my shoulder brings me back to earth.
I turn around and let out a small shriek, stepping back when seeing Layla's face too close to mine. "What are you doing?!" I manage not to let the books fall again.
"What are you doing? We have to get back to work, there are a lot of customers today and I do not want to mess up when Hilda left me in charge. Now get back to work!" She turns around and goes back to the counter. I pout at her yelling, I can't blame her though, there truly are a lot of customers today. I should probably listen to her and try not to add on her stress.
I sigh and get back to work.
Tag list: @cleverzonkwombatsludge @crazylokonugget @going-through-shit @kalulakunundrum @wallacewillow0773638 @cat-or-kitten @pricklepearbloom @peachcontour-blog @bxm-1012 @fxckmiup @ohthemisssery
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whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
At least I got you in my head (prologue)
Summary: Abby is straight. And then you move in with her.
Tags: modern au, fem!reader, straight!abby (she is doing some comphet bullshit), pining, idiot in love and it's abby, reader is gay and tired.
A/N: The title is from Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko, because my motto is if I had to suffer Abby has to suffer too. I also have literally no idea where this is going, but the idea got stuck and I needed to write something. 🙃
Jessica here is Jessica from Jessica Jones. (actually all characters here are fictional women I have a crush on, no name is random)
"Listen, I have a friend, she is looking for a roommate right now." Nora said as she drank her sweet coffee you really wanted to steal after she listened to your complaining. "It's super close to the campus."
"I've seen a porn starting exactly like this."
"I wouldn't call Sherlock Holmes porn." Nora shot back and you rolled your eyes. "Do you want her number or not?"
"Is she, you know?.."
"Painfully straight. Don't worry, you won't end up looking for a place because you decided to date your roommate."
"Okay, yeah, give me her number." 
Okay, Jessica wasn't.. that bad. It was cute in the beginning, you two hit it off immediately, her sarcasm bounced off your wittiness perfectly. You liked how cool and un-fucking-bothered she was, she liked you because you were a little shit. You two had so much tension it was bound to explode one day, and it did: you got drunk at home, played some have i never and then fucked for two days straight. Jess was cool, and Jess really didn't like to give any kind of clarity on where you stood even when you asked her to her face. She'd just say she liked you and that was it, and even though it really pissed you off, you didn't press further - Jess was cool, but she wasn't sweet enough to fall in love with. It was getting annoying as she grew more territorial about you, always putting her arms around you in public, which was cute until she started asking about Nora and getting angry when you were with her. 
That was when you decided to tap out and move out - the red flag was fucking screaming in your face. You quickly informed Jessica about it, to which she just flipped you, and you left, not dealing with her shit. And now you were homeless, and the term was starting and you really didn't want any drama. 
So a painfully straight girl would be fucking perfect for a roommate.
to: potential roommate
Hi! I'm (y/n), Nora gave me your number
She said you're looking for a roommate?
from: potential roommate
Hi! I am
Do you smoke?
to: potential roommate
from: potential roommate
That's the address
If you can, come tomorrow after six
to: potential roommate
The place was actually close to the campus and not "beautiful place to have peaceful study sessions. 20 minutes by public transport". You weren't sure if you'd be able to afford it, but it was worth a try anyway, you were tired of sleeping on your friends' couches. The apartment building was on a quiet street, but you knew that this street had a bunch of bars where students spent their time.
It was another win, and it made you want to afford this place even more. You reread the message and got up to apartment 42. 
You rang the bell and waited for the girl to open the door. 
And then she did.
And then you died. 
Tall, muscular, shoulders and arms so defined you felt your mouth going slack. She had freckles on her face, pretty blue eyes with long lashes, stubborn mouth and a long braid. 
Oh no fucking way this absolute lesbian wet dream was straight. Nora set you the fuck up here, you were sure of it. 
"Hi, I'm Abby. You're (y/n)?" She said in a nice melodic voice that had just an edge of something dark and warm, and you woke up.
"Yeah." You squealed, still so shocked and so attracted to her it was getting painful. 
She was painfully straight? Well, you were painfully gay for her right now. 
"Cool, come in."
Oh god. 
Oh god.
She had the ass. Oh what a good day to be a lesbian, you thought, but you politely looked away, feeling like a creep for staring at her. 
It gave you time to look around: the place wasn't too big, but it was cosy and clean, clearly looked after. That was a good sign - Jess was tidy, but she smoked and the whole place just stank of it, her cigarette buds were everywhere. Abby seemed sporty, probably obsessed with her food, but you didn't mind. 
"Do you play sports?"
Oh for fuck's sake, you groaned inside. How could she be so stereotypically gay and be straight? Well, of course she could, looks and hobbies weren't indicators of someone's sexuality, but it was pretty fucking ironic to you. 
The kitchen was small and tidy, everything in its place and a cute towel hanging from the oven handle. It gave you a 1950s housewife vibe, but it was cute. The living room was more chaotic, pillows and blankets everywhere: on the couch, on the floor, behind the couch (???), big tv and playstation next to the wall with a bunch of games next to them. Likes games, you noted, really feeling like a Sherlock Holmes and laughing at yourself for comparing your basic observation to the fictional genius. 
"Sorry, I didn't have time to figure out this mess." Abby said and rubbed her neck and you had to clench your fists to stop feeling so attracted to her. 
"It's cosy, not a mess." You chuckled. "My previous roommate left bottles instead of pillows."
"God." Abby scrunched her nose in disgust. "Okay, so there's two bedrooms, one is mine and the other one can be yours and if you promise to pay rent on time and not leave your laundry in the washing machine."
"Yeah, that won't be a problem.” You hesitated before speaking up, but you needed her to know you weren’t straight. “I'm a lesbian, by the way. Just in case you have a problem with it."  
"Oh, I don't, it's totally cool." Abby smiled and you smiled back, relieved. Sometimes straight girls got wrong ideas and you wanted to get it out of the way now. You could deal with how attractive Abby was, but could she deal with you finding her attractive - that was a different question. 
You talked about the price for the place, which wasn't too high, but you might want to find more students to tutor if you wanted to not worry about splitting your budget too much. 
You left Abby’s place feeling relieved - you got a place to live in a good location and a roommate who, yeah, was super attractive, but she was straight, and that meant no relationship drama. 
Fuck you, Jess - you thought as you made your way to Cait’s place - I won’t fall for the girl this time.
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dead boy detectives but i've never watched it (read: 0% plot 100% gay summary)
There is dead gay repressed Edwardian twink named Edwin.
He has that autism rizz.
A cat king god (a cat who is a god? a god who is sometimes a cat? a god of cats? a god of kings? a king of cats? the cat of a king? the king of cat gods? the god of cat kings? WHAT IS HE IDK BUT HE'S A GAY LIL SLUT) wants to do the ol' hanky panky with him.
A lot of people want to do the ol' hanky panky with him. He be pullin' bitches.
Except for the bitch he's in love with, his best friend and soul partner, Charles.
Charles is full of Charm and Whimsy and Making Friends.
He has trauma.
(The previous point was obvious to me after learning point 6 but then I realised maybe I should be clear)
There's a... some kind of creature named Niko and she reads a lot of explicit gay manga.
She tries to use it to help Edwin out of his repression I think. I don't know if it works. Edwardian bitches do be repressed like that.
She has... a deadly parasite? That's a lesbian relationship?
Are lesbians deadly parasites? I do not know. I am too much in awe of lesbians to ask them.
The Cat King gives Edwin white lilies. Like I said, Edwin got that 'tism rizzm.
Niko and Edwin are weird besties.
THIS IS PART OF THE SANDMAN UNIVERSE!! So @neil-gaiman is not the show's creator, but it is his universe and a bunch of his characters and he wrote a few scenes I think?? IDK SANDMAN FANS COME HELP ME.
Edwin goes to hell and Charles saves him? I think?
Death is very lovely.
Okay so so so this show needs a second season but apparently Netflix's thinking of cancelling it because not enough people are streaming it (IT'S BARELY BEEN OUT A WEEK OR SOMETHING WTF??) so PLEASE GO WATCH IT EVERYONE WHO'S SEEN IT LOVES IT AND I CAN'T WAIT TO WATCH IT RAGH ANYWAY I LOVE YOU EITHER WAY HAVE THE LOVELIEST OF DAYS <3
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lonelychicago · 1 year
a bunch of prompts i like and want to write/read
pining after your best friend and refusing to admit your feelings but making up ridiculous excuses to spend time together. like seriously, at least come up with a decent excuse, this is just pathetic at this point.
going as each other’s “platonic” date to a mutual friend’s wedding (who are you kidding?)
i just found out i have magic and shit keeps going so wrong and oh god what did i just do to my crush/lover/whatever HOW DO I FIX IT
we work in the same office and you have a goddamn squeaky chair and you wONT FUCKING STOP SQUEAKING IT BECAUSE YOU KNOW IT ANNOYS ME
I don't think you understand how much your good morning texts legitimately keep me from rotting in bed all day 
my love is your arm stuck in the claw machine. you were going to steal that prize for me?? oh my gosh. let me rescue you and also show you how to actually do this
i just told you i'm a vampire and you're surprisingly okay with this. in fact you're turned out and do you seriously want me to suck your blood while i fuck you? what the fuck is wrong with u?!?!
you just helped me rob a bank and that was so hot, we should make out in the getaway car once the police stops chasing us.
turns out you're my soulmate but you're kind of an asshole and i want to have a serious talk with the universe or the gods or whoever is in charge but then you actually do something nice and sweet for me and fuck, maybe you're not so bad after all. i guess i could spend forever with you or whatever 🙄
i was thinking about how in love with you i am and i texted my best friend to scream about your eyes/arms/thighs/all of the above and WAIT IH FUCK I ACCIDENTALLY TEXTED YOU PLS DON'T READ THIS OH GOD
you just liked a three year old photo of mine on instagram and i didn’t even know you had an account
i thought you hated me but i just accidentally sent you a booty text and you accepted and i am seriously considering it
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stargazing15 · 2 years
Now that we meet again
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Bradley Bradshaw x you
Summary: For five summers you were Bradley’s summer love (aka each others first love), until he joined the Navy. What would happen when you two stumble unto each other at the Hard Deck 15 years later?
Warning: no use of y/n, mention of alcohol consumption, teasing, smut, oral (f receiving), p in v, protected sex, adult banter. Minors DNI 18+
A/N: saw this post from @roostersforevergirl and got the idea. This is long, whoops, I am not sorry at all
Enjoy! ❤️
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You had to blink twice, after your initial thoughts got confirmed by hearing the name.
“Bradshaw, you gonna take the shot or what?” Bradley had noticed you too and started to make his way over, after shoving the pool cue in the blond haired man’s hands.
“It is really you. Wow, long has it been? You look good, no, you look fucking great Bubbles.”
“About 15 years I guess. B, you aged well too. Where did that cute babyface go?” The hug was more than welcome. “God I missed you.” As you were about to tickle him, you weren’t feeling the soft belly under your fingers that you were used to feel, but rock hard yummy abs.
“Liking what you feel?” Oh Jesus that smirk combined with those puppy eyes, he still knew how to get to you. Definitely no alcohol tonight as you wanted to make sure to remember every single second clearly.
“Hell yeah, the scruff too. These muscles and the fact you didn't coming back during the next summers, does that mean you did it?” 
“Yup, Lieutenant Bradshaw at your service.” He said after taking a sip of his beer, of course letting a droplet beer escape and drip down his lip, to his chin, down his neck, okay, you were a goner already.
“Hmm, you know I like men in a uniform, care to introduce me to those hunks over there? Seems my colleagues already ditched me.” He smirked at your first remark.
“One sec Bubbles, just so I know I wouldn’t cross a line. Since I don’t see a ring, any boyfriend I need to watch out for?” He actually was right to ask that as you were about to flirt shamelessly with each other for the rest of the evening.
“Nope, still waiting for you B,” you teased. “And on your side? So my eyes wouldn’t get scratched out.”
“Same, I was searching for you. Let me introduce to that bunch of idiots I call friends.”
“Bradshaw, since you brought the lovely lady over, apology accepted. Hangman is the name, but you can call me Jake.” The blonde one winked.
“Hangman, stuck in kindergarten?” He had never expected that answer from you while displaying your cutest face.
“Callsign darling. Please don’t tell me you’re his sister or something?”
“Ew no.”
“Bagman shut it.” Bradley introduced you to the group and vice versa.
“B, you have a callsign too?” Everyone told you theirs, but Bradley stayed awfully quiet next to you.
“He hasn’t told you yet? It’s one close to his father’s, to honor him and he's always the first one up, Rooster.” You choked on the water you were trying to drink. They all knew now with certainty, that was not the complete story behind his callsign.
“You’ve got to be shitting me B.”
“Darlin, you know the real story?” The blonde one asked you. You looked with a little mischievous smile at Bradley. Trying to warn you, Bradley signalled you with his eyes.
“Oh come on B, don’t give me that look, don’t they deserve to know?”
“Bubbles, pretty please?” And like that puppy eyes appeared again, but you were enjoying this way too much knowing his mind and dick were about take a little trip down memory lane.
“Wait, you’re THE Bubbles?” Natasha, the only girl in the group you learned, asked you/ screamed for the whole group. “Tell me ALL the juice. But you can start with his callsign.”
“I’m gonna get a drink before I die from embarrassment.” Bradley excused himself from the group. Just to stand at the bar a couple of feet further, still able to hear everything.
“Okay, one evening, we had a couple of drinks, he was telling me about his father’s job and about callsigns. I knew about his desire to become an aviator. So we were trying to find one fitting for him. And Bradley with his big dick energy, do I need to tell more?”
“Oh my god, you two fucked?” Mickey as you remembered right, shouted.
“Bubbles, it was your favourite hobby during the summers as I remember right?” If he wasn’t shameless anymore, you were definitely not going to hold back anymore.
“Oh B, you know I love your massive dick.” The group was in awe on your reaction.
“S-so, how did you get your nickname, Bubbles?” The most innocent one of the group asked you, trying to chance the subject. He did not know, you were about to corrupt him further.
“Lost a bet and got Bubbles tatted on my butt, I always liked her.” You immediately noticed Jake eying your butt, as if he could see through your jeans. “Wanna see cowboy?”
“Hell yeah darlin.”
“Oh hell no, over my dead dick, uh body.” Bradley took a sip of his glass from embarrassment. You went closer to Bradley and stood in front of him, blocking the view from the others.
“Don’t tell me you already jerked off in the bathroom?” You whispered in Bradley’s ear while slowly letting your fingers trace down from his abs to your favourite merchandise in his pants and of course giving it a soft squeeze, making Bradley grunt.
“Well, your fault for looking this good.” After your little stunt he placed one leg between yours, letting his thigh touch with your clothed core, making you wanted to grind on him already. The moment your pelvis shifted a little to feel some friction, he removed his leg and joined Bob and Micky on the other side of the pool table, leaving you behind already hot and bothered. "Dickhead." You growled
“So, tell me more about younger Bradley, sorry, but we are in desperate need of blackmail material.” You were joined by Natasha and Rueben, after Bradley ditched you.
“Ooooh, I still have pictures on my phone, I think they’re somewhere in my cloud. One sec.” You kept your pictures together always close, let’s be honest, because he was and still is the love of your life. Only for five summers you got to call him yours.
Your face lit up the moment you found the pictures you were looking for. “Here, this was I think 16 years ago. And here, this one, from our last summer. This babyface is the same Bradley as the one standing over there.”
“I never imagined him being a little, chubby? But good chubby. You know he talked about you when we were deployed? When we are deployed, we all get sappy.”
“He was the cutest, too sad we lived so far away from each other during the rest of the year back then. What did he say about me?”
“It was always, back then Bubbles this and Bubbles that. And I don’t know if I should say this, but he referred to you as the one who got away. You were not just his first love, also the love of his life.”
“Nat is right. He was never able to keep a girlfriend, there was clearly always someone else on his mind.”
“Guys, I just met you and you two seriously trying to make me cry?”
“Rooster, man, you two are too obvious.” Mickey patted on his back.
“She’s ... really hot, I knoooow.” Bradley slurred.
“How many did you have already? You’re drunk and dumb. You two are so in love with each other. You realize that right?”
“Yeah.” He sighed.
“Come on, Rooster, this was your chance, why did you fuck it up by getting drunk?” Bob tried to make him aware of his mistake. Bob signalled you to come over with a sad expression.
“I’m so sorry your reunion night has to end like this, but he’s too drunk to keep him here, it’s been years since he’s been this drunk. I'm so sorry he's like that."
“You don’t have to apologize for his actions Bob, you are too kind. Can you help me with his address, I’ll drive his car, I came by cab.”
“I don’t think that’s possible, no one else but him can drive his Bronco.”
“He still has that thing? Don’t worry, I’ve driven it before. Ain’t that right B? I helped a bit with fixing it back in the days.”
“What? My Bronco gets to touch you first, I’m mad at her.” Bradley drunkenly grumbled.
“Jesus B, shut up before you’re about to embarrass yourself further.”
“Can you handle him on your own darlin?”Jake asked, coming out of nowhere.
“Not my first ride with drunken Bradley. It was nice meeting you all. Probably till a next time!”
After they helped you with loading Bradley in his Bronco and typing in the address, you were finally alone with him. Alone, with drunk Bradley, or so you thought.
“This was not how I imagined our reunion would end B.” You mumbled quietly. Not wanting a quiet ride, you put on one of cassettes you found on the dashboard. “Still the same music? Not much has changed apart from your appearance B.” Bradley hummed in response.
“Almost there, just don’t get sick and puke in your own car.”
“Never.” He sat up, stretched himself and suddenly did not look and sounded drunk at all.
“What the fucking hell! Dipshit, we left your friends because of you, they were all so nice.” You smacked the back of his head, making Bradley hiss in return.
“Eyes on the road Bubbles.”
“But what the fuck B, why this stunt? What were you drinking all night? You’re an idiot!” You were done raging by now.
“Feeling better?” You nodded as you parked his Bronco. “Penny, the nice bartender, she’s a good friend of us, she asked about you. And then noticed that you were having a nice time with the group. I might have said something about how always took care of me when I had a little too much to drink and she might have helped me with giving me apple juice.”
“Oh my god, you want me all for yourself. You didn't hear this but I love selfish Bradley. Come on, lead the way.”
Bradley’s house was unexpectedly … cute and cosy. “B, I love this place.” Oh god, he sneaked up behind you, just like the old days. His scent has changed, this was better, more manly, even more intoxicating than it ever was. His hands now on you waist, re-exploring the form of your body, his lips already planting kisses on your neck. The outline of his hardened dick already noticeable on your back. 
Bradley hurriedly turned you around and pressed your back against the wall, taking your face in his big hands. His nose was touching yours as he was staring in your eyes.
“I missed you so much.” Before you got the chance to say anything back, his lips were on yours, his tongue immediately demanding entrance. Your arms sneaked around his head, occasionally gripping on his locks. You both got flashback to those hot summer nights, making out in one of your bedrooms. Those memories and your bodies being pressed together made you moan, loud.
Bradley heard you and let go of the kiss, only to start attacking your jaw and neck with needy, wet kisses while hurriedly trying to discard your blouse, but he was stuck somewhere. You placed your small hands on his big ones to make him stop destroying your clothes.
“B, stop, take a breath.” He looked so lost at your words, eyes still blown with lust. He was doubting himself on the inside. Was he wrong to think you wanted this too? You two were flirting non stop with each other the whole evening. And when he kissed you, you definitely kissed back, he was sure you were enjoying it a lot.
You placed your finger on his lips and let your other hand that was still on top of his, slide in his hand. Slowly you guided him to his sofa while walking backwards, not breaking eye contact. Once Bradley was seated, your finger let go of his lips. “You really look cute confused B.”
“But I am Bubbles, I thought that you l-”
“Stop thinking and start feeling.” You seated yourself on his lap facing him and placed his hand on your heart and so did you with your hand on his heart. “Let’s do this again.” This kiss was not hurried, it was slow and tender. You and Bradley had kissed a lot in the past, and was passionate many times, but never like this. Every kiss, every touch, every time you and Bradley fucked were burned in your memory. Your heart had never be able to let go of him and tonight you were going to let him know. When you broke off the kiss to catch your breath, you noticed how wet you got from just kissing him. Yes, you wanted him to take you here and now, but you had waited so many years for this, so this moment had to be the most memorable one.
“But I don’t want you to leave after tonight Bubbles, I’ve been so dumb for not coming back or searching harder for you after not coming back-“
“You really only think with that big dick of yours? Have you not listened tonight?” Bradley shot you the same confused look as earlier, but with a slight smirk at the mention of his dick. “I” kiss “was” kiss “at” kiss “the” kiss “bar” kiss “with” kiss “colleagues” kiss, you tried to deepen the kiss, but Bradley backed his head and kept looking at you confused.
“Colleagues? Work?” You hoped those words would start to make sense.
“I really am not getting it Bubbles.”
“Jesus B, you are stationed here right?”
“Yes, permanently.”
“I work in the city. I live here too B, since 10 months and I am staying here, permanenly.”
“I’m not going anywhere B.”
“Never going to let go of you again.” He lifted you up with him and walked with you clinging onto him to his bedroom. “You are not allowed to leave this house for the next two days.”
“Uh, underwear?”
“If I remember right, you look good in mine, but I doubt you will wear anything during those two days. Because we,” he threw you on his bed, “are going to make up for all the time we lost.”
Bradley still being the big tease he is, slowly got out of his shirt and tossed it somewhere on the ground. Your mouth fell open at the sight in front of you, you had already felt it, but seeing him being this ripped, looking at you with his sinful eyes and sweet jesus that massive stick visible in his jeans, you were officially done for any other man.
Bradley crawled on top of you, opening your blouse button by button and kissing the newly exposed skin before opening the next button. When the last one was opened you helped him get rid of your blouse. Next he opened the button and zipper of your pants, letting it slowly lower on your legs. “Have you got any idea how beautiful you are? You’re so fucking perfect.”
Bradley returned to pepper kisses all over your body while his hands roamed over the rest of your body. He made this moment feel so intimate and perfect. When he was satisfied with his kisses on you, he turned his attention to your boobs, letting his fingers trace over the lace covering them. “As much as I like it, I think I might like more what’s underneath it, can I?”
“Please B, your lips feel so good on me.” He didn’t need to be told twice to remove your bra and toss on the other side of the room. He started to kiss each boob first before turning his attention to your nipples. He skilfully took one bud in his mouth and let his tongue make love to it, the sensation going straight to your already dripping core. He had only just begun and you were already a moaning mess under him.
Bradley sat up after taking care of your other nipple too, admiring your needy look under him. You never used to like this quiet moments, but with Bradley, he made you feel like a goddess.
After contemplating for a minute what to do first, Bradley decided something was missing on you and he went back to kissing your neck and collarbone again. His kisses weren’t going to give him the result he wanted so he started sucking your skin in between kisses right under your collarbone to leave a mark he will be able to admire the rest of the weekend.
“B, please … something.” you moaned under his touch and kisses.
“Enlighten me Bubbles.”
“Your mouth, on me, lower, ooh.” He yanked your panties off, your sweet moans were now making it impossible for him to keep up the slower pace he was trying to maintain.
“Fuck you’re so wet for me babe. So, so perfect, all for me.” He settled himself comfortably between your thighs, letting his hot breath ghost over your wetness. After a needy whine escaped over your lips, he stopped admiring you and kitten licked your slit first and your clit a couple of times. He let his tongue explore what you liked and found a good rhythm softly circling your clit, making the heat inside your body rise more and more, getting you closer to your pending orgasm. Deciding not to let wait any longer for your high, Bradley gently inserted two fingers in your needy core. He moaned when your walls already started to clench around his fingers. You were so lost in the trance Bradley had put you in, that you couldn’t hold anything back anymore. You started to buck your hips a little to make his fingers hit the spot that made you see stars immediately. The little movement of your hips added more pressure from Bradley’s tongue on your clit, what made you scream out his name. As soon as he increased the speed of his fingers in combination with the circling motion of his tongue on your clit, you felt the heat building up in your belly reach its high and the muscles in your butt and abdomen tense. And then, it all exploded, your insides squeezed the hell out of Bradley’s fingers, a firework went off in your belly and your mind was on the fluffiest cloud possible.
Bradley pricked your wonderful bubble open by starting to kiss the Bubbles tattoo on your butt. "Missed you beautiful girl. Only you." Good thing his obnoxious smirk betrayed his intentions.
“You dick.”
“Hear that buddy, she loves you.” He said to his proudly erected dick.
You put up your biggest eyes and a pouty face "You want me to lick your lollipop B?" You licked your lips in the process.
"Oh yes please."
Your expression changed to an apologetic one "Too bad I'm not in the mood for a lollipop, I think you only look good between my thighs." You took his dick in your hands and teased him by pumping in an extreme slow motion. He threw his head back when he felt your hands on him and groaning at your slow speed. "You only get to enjoy when you're inside me" you winked, "punishment for not searching for me harder."
"Fuck Bubbles, come here." He closed the gap between you with a sloppy kiss. His hands back on your boobs as soon as you laid on your back. Maybe your heads hitting each other for a second when you landed on the bed. You couldn't hold back a little laugh as Bradley was still clumsy when he wanted to hurry something.
"Remember we have time B, no hurry or one of us might get injured." You joked with a little mischievous smile. "But I've got to admit can't wait to have you inside me."
"Fuck Bubbles. Got mouthy over the years. I like that." He moaned in between kisses. He started to lower his kisses to your neck, to your boobs and eventually to your stomach while gripping your thighs with his wonderful hand throughout his kissing-spree.
"God, B. The scruff feels wonderful, thought the Navy wouldn't allow that." It did tickle your stomach lightly.
"Unfortunately not, thought to try it on my time off. Will keep my stache. That will never disappear. Do you want me to grab a-" He said while signalling to his top drawer of his night stand.
"Maybe, yeah, I think I'm clean, I always have been careful, but I don't want to risk, you know for the Navy. Sorry for being a little party pooper. Going to make an appointment first thing in the morning." During your sudden rambling Bradley had already taken a condom and torn the package open with his teeth. He rolled it over his very erected dick and started to position himself in front of your entrance, until he noticed you suddenly changing attitude.
"Don't go all shy on me now Bubbles."
"It's not that, might sound weird, but I just got this nostalgic feeling. I wanted to cherish it for a moment."
"Good, but we're going to make it better." He positioned himself in front of your entrance and slowly pushed his cock inside you.
"F-fuck B, so big, easy p-please." You panted, trying to adjust to his size, a small tear appeared on the brim of the eyes.
"Had any decent dick after me?" He started to play with your boobs again to make the adjustment somewhat easier.
"Fuck no, your lovestick is the best." One thing your learned during the years you and Bradley fucked: praise his big dick, the more you fuel his ego, the lovelier it gets for you.
Your remark unleashed his ego and he accidentally bucked his hips, making you moan loud in the process. "Shit sorry Bubbles."
"Keep going, fuck it feels so wonderful. Oh." You didn't mean to, but the sounds escaping your mouth sounded like a needy little bitch. That was the effect Bradley had on you, make you loose complete control.
Bradley started to thrust, deep and slow thrusts. Only grunts and moans were escaping your mouths, even Bradley managed to keep his dirty mouth shut. All because you were both enjoying this way too much. For the first time in your history with Bradley, he was making love to you. If he had done it like this the last time 15 years ago, he would have probably snuck you into his bag when joining the Navy.
His thrusts were still slow and deep, but he managed to go a little harder the second he managed to hit your spot. You were getting close again, very close. You moaning his name over and over again as you were meeting his thrusts while bucking your hips slightly.
"Close too Bubbles, fuck, you're so, ah, so good. Let go." And you did exactly as he asked, he sped up lightly and made your orgasm hit you like a truck. Just like that, your body fell limp due to to intense contraction of all of your muscles. It felt weird this intense, yet so wonderful. Seconds after you Bradley came too, screaming your name, not Bubbles. Hearing your name roll over his lips like that, damn. You were still in a haze from your own orgasm, but hearing was as icing on the cake. Life was perfect now.
Two minutes had passed and you were both still laying knocked fucked out on the bed, your hands had found each other and intertwined. "Wow, I always thought they exaggerated in movies after the mind blowing sex that we never get to see. But now I understand. I'll be right back." Bradley took the condom he had removed after collapsing on the bed and came back a bit later with a warm washcloth to take care of you.
"Thanks B, I don't think I am able to walk for a bit." You smiled shyly.
"That good huh?" He joined you again on the bed, giving you your panties and one of his his large shirts after getting in his boxers. He kissed you softly before laying down in front of you, so you could stare at another.
"Hmm, let me think, did I have better? Oh maybe that one ... nah, oh bit a couple years ago, he was good .. but nah. Oooh fifteen years ago, that guy was something. Oh wait. Just kidding B, you have always been the best for me and this was the best yet. No one has made me cum with his dick only."
"I love you." Bradley blurted out, he was shocked at his own words. He was planning on telling them, just not yet. He wanted to bring up some good memories first, talk a bit, cuddle, spoil you, maybe make you confess first. But the words were out before he knew it.
You moved closer to Bradley and laid one hand on his cheek while planting your lips on his. "I love you too B, always have."
A little tear appeared in his the corner of his eyes. "B, are you crying? Is something wrong?"
He quickly wiped away the tear and smiled. "Fuck no, everything is alright, even more than alright. Hearing those words, I can get used to hearing them .
"Bradley, I love you too. I love you. I love you. I love you." And you ended your mantra with a peck on his lips.
"Hmm, in for a treat sweetheart? Spoiling me like that." Bradley already disappeared under the sheets, holding your hips down, ready to go down on you again. This was going to be the most memorable weekend of your life and finally the start of Bradley and you.
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Taglist: @mrsjaderogers @mavrellover91 @cycbaby @bradleybeachbabe @iamdannyday @rhirhikingston @luckyladycreator2 @xoxabs88xox @mak-32
Let me know what you think!
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destinygoldenstar · 1 year
Worst ways to describe Ninjago to people
(Let me know if I should turn this into a series, or if you come up with any)
(These are all jokes)
"This is a show about how plastic makes tornadoes"
"That's Jay, the blue guy. His special power is screaming at the very top of is lungs"
"That's Kai. He's an anime protagonist. His special power is getting sidelined in everything he's ever been involved with"
"That's Cole. Best hair. No criticism" (Quote my GF)
"Society hates and torments a ten year old because he's a brat"
“See, his father is a tired old man who wants to be a better father, it’s hard when you’re an evil terrorist trying to turn the world into your personal zombie land”
"And then the child slipped on ice and fell into a snake pit, and then he was a KING"
"So there's this purple snake. He eats purple snakes. That's how you know he's a good friend"
"Also there's a pink ninja. Yeah. We don't talk about pinkie no no no no no-"
"He's always wondered who he was on the inside... turns out he's a bunch of wires"
"If he could get someone to fall in love with him, the curse would be broken. But who could ever learn to love a snake?"
"His dad didn't say NO MUSIC, he said YES MUSIC, ONLY MUSIC"
"So they have the devil himself living in their boat, and they all think he's a really good neighbor who wouldn't try to kill them while they're sleeping. Except for this one guy who is suspicious. What a hypocrite he is, am I right?"
"Do I save the entire world or do I have this one child? I'm gonna save the child, c'mere child"
"'No destiny, I AM the Green Ninja' 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO-'"
"And then the emo child became god"
"So he died. Then he died. And then he died again."
"A machine told her that cheating was okay"
"To save her life, he gave her a piece of his heart. Literally"
"And then they were yeeted into space"
"The Flash is in this show"
"You know how they say the cake is a lie? Wrong. It's the noodles"
"The best way to make things right with your friend is to try to strike them with lightning"
"I must fulfill my daddy's wishes to start up the evil empire-but wait, why is this fire boy so pretty? I think I'll side with him"
"Dude was drunk on power holding a stick, don’t worry he’s fine, they just had to slap him with a jet”
"He was born a devil in a human's body. Then he became a devil. Then he became human again. Then he became a snake. Then he became a dead person. Then the devil again."
"Dead people are deadly allergic to water"
"What do you do when you don't know what to do with a character? MURDER THEM... and then bring them back as a ghost. Problem solved"
"A thousand year old genie wants to marry a teenage girl"
"You ever heard of Romeo and Juliet? Well Jay just said NOPE"
"A young boy became the father of an elderly man"
"Oh Lloyd, if only there was someone out there who loved you"
"And then his dad was brought back from hell to drag him along"
"They didn't die, they were transported to the middle of nowhere"
"A child grew up with his four dads, and then became thousands of years older than said four dads and tried to become a counselor to their rocky marriage"
"Cole fell into the void"
(Come up with your own when reblogging)
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goldnhourwrites · 8 months
Not enough people talked about these so I'm gonna do it myself because oh my god (commentary and headcanons below, it's just long)
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Sett has a little travel-sized sewing kit in his bag... it's so tidy... sett stitching things back together when his bandmates rip them...
Sett just casually carries around like 20+ pounds of dumbbells. Mans is literally always working out. The grind never stops.
"yo Ezreal can you grab my bag for me?" "Yeah sure--what the FUCK do you have in here? This thing weighs a hundred pounds."
His little exercise headband... and is that a hair tie behind it? Sett with his hair tied back??
Sett's energy bar collection. Sett's the type of person to pack an entire backpack full of snacks for a road trip.
Ezreal has a plushie OF HIMSELF on his bag.
this guy practically collects aesthetic glasses. 3 pairs in the bag plus the circle ones he had in PARANOIA.
Sharpie (for signing autographs???) His signature on the polaroids of himself???
The photo under the lip balm looks like it might be Ezreal and Aphelios. Ezreal's the type of person to make sure he has photos with all of his friends. Ezreal hanging up his favorite polaroids in his room.
can we talk about the all-white fit in the very bottom photo omg
Aphelios has back-up headphones for his headphones.
The writing on the note looks like Korean but unfortunately I don't know any Korean :(
his sticky noted book... is it a journal? is it full of lyrics? who put the little smiley face sticker on the front!! does he write in it!!
I love the idea of Aphelios just pulling out a little keyboard whenever he wants to write down a tune. How well can he play the piano? Only enough to write music, or does he have songs memorized? Does he ever play for anyone?
he's not just in charge of putting together their fashion, he designs it himself. i'm going to scream
I am in love with those glasses. I need art of k'sante in those glasses ASAP. i will do it myself if i have to.
What is his book!! What does the W stand for!!
The way the button on his gloves matches the one on his jacket in his LoL splash art. This tiny detail is driving me insane.
Also, the cologne? The top is the same as his necklace? Does he have a specific personal cologne? So elegant...
Kayn's Pentakill guitar pick. Let me see him play the guitar I beg
The crumpled up receipts. This man goes Shopping (also see: cash, various coins). And he just has a bunch of random shit in his bag because he never bothers cleaning it out.
the open leaking bottle of hair dye. please. do you NEED that
The random jewelry... I love the idea of him either a) taking it off, shoving it in his bag, and forgetting where he put it or b) bringing backup drip with him everywhere in case he needs more
While Sett, Aphelios, and Yone all opted for headphones, Kayn's gone with good old-fashioned corded earbuds. Does he not like headphones? Is it because they mess up his hair?
Big ass box of matches and For Why? Does he smoke? Is he too cool to carry around a lighter? Does he just like setting shit on fire?
Yone keeps a little emergency travel kit. Band mom energy. He's got band-aids and a toothbrush and toothpaste At The Ready.
Bottle of lotion? Yone with a skincare routine? Yone who stays moisturized? Everybody in Heartsteel asking Yone for lotion?
Earplugs (for sleeping on long bus rides, maybe?) I want to see Yone going "I'm sick of this shit" and tuning the fuck out.
Yone is the only one with a real headphone case. Aphelios has his around his neck 24/7, but his wireless earbuds have a case. Sett's just shoving his in there with twenty pounds of dumbbells and hoping for the best.
Yone's got so many little gadgets and I don't even know what they all are. He has his laptop and (probably) his phone, plus a smartwatch, and maybe a portable charger? He's that prepared.
I can't tell what the object beside his smartwatch is (looks wooden?) If anyone knows, let me know? I'm so curious
This man's got even more stuff inside his bag. Yone doesn't leave the house without like fifteen things in case of an emergency.
good news everyone. i'm still losing my mind over them
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greenerteacups · 8 months
Hi! Just wanted to say the latest chapter is lovely & amazing & sweet & had me smiling the whole time! I absolutely love your characterisation of everyone, especially Draco, so it was so so lovely to return to this world & to his thoughts!! with his best friend and crush at malfoy manor no less! All the yearning is already off to a great start hehe I am so excited for the rest of book 5!
Wanted to ask you how has it been for you to write this new book and volume? Has your writing process changed since when you’d first begun taking on a long form project like this?
& also are there any moments or surprises in this book that you’re especially excited about?
sending so much love & gratitude for you and your incredible works 💓
Thank you so much! This is really encouraging, I so appreciate it.
Inasmuch as I can use this metaphor without having kids myself, I sort of see each of the books as a different child. The first one flew out in basically a few weeks of very intensive writing, and it was a total dream — plot, pacing, symbolism, major beats, all fell into place basically without effort. The character stuff was the hardest, as I've written about before, but even then, the glorious part of writing beginnings is it's the most energy you'll ever have for a project, so the lows were pretty soft lows. Book 2, in contrast, I had to drag kicking and screaming by its ankle from under the bottommost mattress of my brain. It's one of my least favorite books (tone problem; COS has killer plot/setting/ingredients for a YA novel, but it's stuck in the doldrums of Harry Potter's well-documented Early-Installment Weirdness, before Cedric Diggory slams the gas and upshifts the whole series into its correct age bracket). More specifically, once I'd gone through and picked out everything in the book that happened because of Lucius, I didn't have a plot — hey alexa how do you rewrite Chamber of Secrets when We Got No Fucking Chamber Of Secrets — and oh by the way, even if you want to do a moody tone/political setup book, remember that your protagonists are still twelve, so if you go too dark or too intense, you'll risk torpedoing your readers' suspension of disbelief. Good luck, Charlie.
Book 3 felt the most like its own novel, if that makes sense? It's the last truly feel-good book of the series; it's a great stand-alone mystery novel with relatively low stakes. Plus you get a bunch of the big series icons: patronuses, dementors, werewolves, Hogsmeade, the Marauders' Map, and time turners arithmancy. It just felt like a good old-fashioned motherfucking romp of a mystery/adventure story, before any of the complex character work and major stakes of the late books come in.
Book 4 was the most fun I've had writing anything maybe ever. I don't even know what it was. Maybe the tournament arc, honestly? Love me a tournament arc. But in any case, I opened every new chapter feeling a tingle of excitement for what I was gonna get to do. Oh, and the romance started, finally, Jesus God (if it feels like a slow burn reading, just imagine what it felt like writing it, when everything takes ten times as long, and you have to figure out how to word the fucker.)
Book 5, in contrast, has felt much less like that tingle of "here we go!" and more like "oh, man, this is gonna be cool." Because this is the arc of the story that composed the original idea for Lionheart, literally years ago, and to be honest, I didn't think I'd get this far! If you'd asked me "do you know that it's going to take you 500,000 words of backstory before you can start writing that concept you're thinking about, and you're going to do it anyway?" I would have said: "absolutely not, strange mind-reader!" But like... I'm here! Finally! And it's... real now? Like, this isn't just a bunch of clips of scenes in my head anymore! That's rad!
That being said, it's definitely been slower than Book 4, because I kept switching back to my outline document to make sure that certain things were set up properly, and that I hadn't lost any of the plot threads or forgotten a minor beat that was vitally important for the story three chapters later. And I had a minor crisis about three months ago when I ripped out about 8 chapters in the first third of the book — basically everything from September to December — because I'd done a readthrough to check pacing (big mistake! never edit while drafting, that's satan talking) and realized I had a missing storyline. Like, there was a whole layer of the story that was just. Missing. Not there. And the existing text really couldn't fit another thread, so instead of taking weeks to pore through and try to sift out what I could save, I needed to factory reset and start over. And I didn't want to! I vividly remember sitting there with my head in my hands, trying not to weep, because I'd decimated 90,000 words of work in a single edit. But it had to be done. Because the story wasn't going to work. And now (hopefully) it will.
And of course, there's still that sense of excitement and exhilaration from before. Always. But whereas Book 4 felt like a delicious chocolate pudding, Book 5 is a medium-rare steak.
(Book 6, so far, is four shots of espresso and a whiskey chaser. FWIW.)
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mitsuristoleme · 7 months
The Odds Is Gone
Written for @kentopedia ‘s collab event- Love Through The Ages
I present to you my take on the tragic love story of Mark Antony and Cleopatra VII! Except picture Sanemi as Antony and Reader as Cleopatra!
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cw: 2.4k words, historical au, fem!Cleopatra!Reader, Mark Antony!Sanemi, angst, smut, praise kink if you squint, they banter just a little bit, mention of Sanemi cheating on his wife, suicide, this one is beta read yall!!!, 18+ minors dni (i swear if i see a minor/ ageless blog interact i will block you)
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a/n: The amount of rewriting and research i put into this fic is so fucking unreal i kid you not. I switched between 4 POVs and so MANY plot points to cover or leave out, it made me lose my mind. Also I feel like I need to mention that I hit 2k words right when Sanemi says “I love you” for the first time. So. Do with that what you will. Also this is my first time writing smut, and also angst, please go easy on me.
A hugeeeeee thank you to @forest-hashira for helping me out. Without them, this fic would probably not be what it is. Go show them some love (threat)
This fic switches between the narrative and a bunch of flashback scenes. The flashback scenes are all in italics and I've put in dividers between each one, just so there's no confusion in what's going on.
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Caesar intended to keep you as a trophy.
You let out a prideful scoff, sandals clacking loudly as you strode towards the medical wing of your palace. 
Did the man truly think he could bring you, Cleopatra VII of Egypt, as a fucking war trophy, to show off to all of Rome? 
You paused in front of the ornate door, your heart urging you forward, yet your feet frozen in place. 
The door swung open, interrupting your silent debate with your own body. As if the Gods themselves would not force a decision this cruel on you. 
The chief doctor’s eyes widened slightly as she took in your presence. She recovered her composure quick enough, bowing low in respect. 
“My Lady,” she greeted, “I was just about to send a message to you. I suppose the Gods would rather I tell you in person.”
“Kocho,” you dipped your head in acknowledgement.
“Lord Shinazugawa’s body has been embalmed and it is ready for whenever you decide to hold the ritual for his entombment.”
You nodded.
You suspected she would have to do this exact charade with someone else if you carried through with what you were planning. 
“You’re dismissed for the day, Kocho.”
“But My Lady-“ 
Your gaze softened as you met your friend’s worried eyes. 
She seemed to hesitate as she asked, “Are you alright, My Lady?”
“I am, Shinobu,” you nodded reassuringly, “Truly. Thank you for everything. I will come find you later. I would like to see him. In solitude, please.” 
She bowed and left, but not before throwing a worried glance over her shoulder. 
You waited until she had vanished down the corridor to throw open the gold embossed doors to the medical wing. 
As you shut the doors behind you, your gaze landed on him. Sanemi Shinazugawa. Roman Consul. Triumvir of the Second Triumvirate. Mighty warrior. Your lover. Your ‘Nemi.
As you stepped closer, the wound on his chest, where he had stabbed himself with his sword, was glaringly obvious on his alabaster skin. 
You had seen him with scars, memorised every inch of the ones on his chest, his face and his arms. You never thought there would be one that would lead to him, lying lifeless in front of you. 
He did not seem dead. Only as though he was sleeping, as he did every night beside you. He seemed as though any moment, he would wake from his seemingly peaceful slumber and land his adoring lilac gaze on you, his lips curving into that beautiful smile.
Oh, what wouldn’t you sacrifice to have his eyes on you again. You would take every bit of disdain he may have towards you for your betrayals during battle, for faking your death. You would give everything just to have him back.
Every nerve in your body screamed to rudely interrupt his sleep and demand his affection, his hands over your body and his lips on yours. 
But you couldn’t. 
Your lover had taken his life two days ago. He had impaled himself on his own blade because he thought you were dead. 
He had bled out in your arms, on the floor of your chambers as you had wept in regret and heartache. 
Sanemi was dead. And it was all your fault.
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“He has vowed to kill you himself, My Lady,” your messenger said.
You couldn’t blame him. Not really. If you’re being truthful, you understand the impetus.
So why did hearing your lover’s declaration (could you even call him that anymore?) coming from your messenger’s mouth feel like a knife being driven into your heart?
The thought that the very man who would spend hours whispering sweet nothings into your ear, making silly jokes that made you double over laughing, the man who made you feel like just a normal woman instead of an Empress equated to a Goddess, had now taken it upon himself to bring about your demise, was agony to your heart.
You took a deep breath, steeling yourself, ever the picture of grace and composure to your subjects.
“Tell him I have committed suicide.” 
“My- My Lady?”
“You heard me.
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You had sent the damned message to protect your life.
But what of your heart?
Your heart that he’d held in his hands. 
The same hands that had held his sword as he fell upon it. The same hands that had held yours, bloodied and broken, but still warm. The same hands that had wiped away your tears as they fell, smearing blood over your face as he whispered his final confession of love towards you, smiling the way he always did.
“We shall meet in another life, my love,” he’d rasped before his hand went limp against your cheek and his body lifeless in your arms.
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You lunged forward to grab him from your guards with a piercing cry.
His mouth quivered into a wobbly smile as you clutched onto his broken form with a fierce protectiveness. Or was it a grimace? You sank to the floor, unable to support his weight any longer, resting his back against your raised thigh, holding him by his waist and supporting his head.
You shot a look towards your chamber doors, your guards taking the unspoken order to leave you alone.
“Well hello, dearest,” your lover’s weak voice said, drawing your attention back to him, “It would appear that you’ve lied to me once more.”
How this man found the gall to tease you, even on his deathbed, was admirable.
“Gods, I love you,” you whispered, running your hand along his stubble. It must have grown out during the time you’d been apart. 
He coughed, blood making its way out his mouth, as he clutched at his chest with an agonised groan. As his coughing fit subsided, he grinned at you, showing off his now blood stained teeth, “I love you too.”
You pressed down on his wound the way Shinobu had taught you, looking at him worriedly.
“I shall call for Kocho. You require medical att-”
Sanemi pressed a bloodied hand against your mouth, stopping you from continuing.
“No,” he whispered, “I’m afraid this is where it ends for me. I have decided it does. I fell on my sword because I couldn’t bear to live in a world without you in it. I shall not go back on my decision now.”
You shook your head, eyes pooling with tears, “Yes, but I am here, you fool. I am alive and you must stay with me. How am I to live without you?”
He took a shuddering breath, raising his hand to gently wipe your tears off your face. The metallic sting of iron hit your nose as his hand smeared his blood across your cheeks. His actions did nothing to soothe you, only making you sob more, hugging him tighter to your chest.
You cupped his face and watched as his own tears fell, rivulets of salty water, carving their way through the crusted red near the corner of his mouth. 
“I love you,” he said, his voice shaky, his hand never having left its task of wiping your tears away. “I love you so much, it hurts more than stabbing myself in my chest.”
Another pained exhale. 
“We shall meet in another life, my love,” he rasped, his hand slipping off your cheek and his head lolling back against your leg.
You hugged his body close to you, sobbing against his shoulder, knowing that his fingers would never comfortingly run through your hair again, that he’d wiped your tears off your face for the last time.
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“I miss you ‘Nemi,” you murmured, ghosting your fingers across his now clean face. The memory of his features crusted over with blood had made your mind its home, Sanemi’s final moments coming back to you in your nightmares. 
The night of his death, you had refused to part with his body, laying in bed with his cold corpse, desperately praying to Isis to bring him back. To Ra to give you back the man you loved. 
But such is fate. 
The next morning you woke, feeling horrible, still in your royal robes, your eyes puffy from crying, Sanemi still dead, and Caesar’s declaration to take you as prisoner looming over your head.
An idea formed in your head, a way to escape the loss of your dignity and to be reunited with your lover.
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“More,” you near sobbed between kisses, “Sanemi, please, I need more.”
His hands were running over your body, trailing over your sides, grabbing at the fat of your thighs, tweaking your nipple, leaving a trail of blazing need behind his touch. He was everywhere. Except where you needed him and it was driving you crazy.
You could feel his achingly hard dick pressing into your stomach. Just above where you wanted it.
Gods, this man was going to make you go insane.
You let out an almost embarrassingly loud moan into his mouth when his finger brushed against your clit, bucking your hips up, seeking more of his touch. 
“Desperate are we, Your Majesty?” he teased, relenting his attack on your lips to trail hot open mouthed kisses down the column of your throat, stopping to suck at your breast, and continuing further down, before suddenly pulling away.
A light smirk played at his lips at your despondent whine. He leaned down, grabbing your wrists and pinning them above your head, hovering his lips above yours.
His lilac gaze darted between your eyes and your lips, “If only Egypt could see the little whore their almighty queen becomes for a filthy Roman, hmm?” 
“If only your wife could see you fucking the Queen of Egypt, hmm?” you bit back, relishing in the way his eyes widened, the scar on his nose crinkling as he grinned at you.
His hand wandered down to rest between your thighs, parting your folds to rub slow circles around your clit, cocky grin never leaving his face. “Don’t you worry, My Queen. I know just what you want.” He brushed his lips along the shell of your ear, before whispering, “And I am going to give it to you.”
With that, he lined himself up with your dripping cunt and gently pushed in, inch- by- inch, drawing it out, making your eyes roll back into your head from the delicious stretch. 
“Alright there?” Sanemi’s voice forced you to open your eyes to meet his concerned gaze. 
Always one to take consent before he obliterated you. 
Letting out a pleased hum, you reach up to thread your fingers through his hair, pulling him closer to kiss him, your tongue moving languidly against his. “Move, ‘Nemi. Please. I can’t take it anymore.”
“Shh I got you, pretty,” he soothes, pulling his hips back, thrusting back into your pulsing heat, eliciting a wanton moan from your lips. 
He set the pace almost torturously slow, his cock moving in and out of your wet heat with sharp calculated thrusts, kissing your cervix every time he sank into you. 
He shifted slightly, pulling your torso up before settling a pillow he’d taken from the currently unused side of the bed under your lower back, gently setting you back. The change in position had your hips propped up, giving Sanemi a lot more leverage over the speed and depth of his thrusts. 
He gave his hips an experimental roll, his lips curling into a self satisfied smirk when you moaned, your fingers digging into his forearm. 
“So- so deep-“ you gasped.
“Am I now?” he groans as he picks up the pace. “C-can’t help it, darling. This sweet cunt is just sucking me in. Gods, you’re so warm- So wet for me. All f’me, huh?”
“Mh-Mhmm- Only for you, Sanemi, only you,” you whined, your walls clamping around him. Your hands found their way to his back, fingernails digging into the battle hardened skin as you clutched onto him, as he feverishly pounded into you.
“I love you,” Sanemi whispered reverently. “Dear Gods, I love you so much.”
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Tears rolling down your cheek snapped you out of your reverie. 
The night he’d said 'I love you' for the first time. 
You’d spent the rest of the night tenderly making love, whispering hushed confessions of love to each other. 
He would never say the words to you again. 
Gods, how you missed him. 
You moved aside your robes to reveal the wicker basket hanging next to your leg. Your hands were shaky as you freed it from the rope tying it to the  inside of your robes.
Setting the sealed basket down on the floor, you turned to your dead lover, running a gentle hand along his jaw, leaning in to press a gentle kiss to his forehead. 
“We shall meet once more, my dearest. In another life, you shall be mine for longer. And I shall cherish your smile with the fire of a thousand suns. Thank you. Our time was short, but precious all the same. I love you.”
You opened the basket, revealing the hissing asp. Smiling, you held your hand out towards the poisonous reptile, allowing it to slither onto your arm. 
You shivered at the coldness of the snake’s skin against the warmth of yours, a pained exhale forcing its way out of you when you felt the fangs pierce through the skin of your forearm. 
By no means were the effects to be immediate, you had done enough research to know that. 
You sat on the floor, next to where Sanemi’s embalmed body lay, for the longest hour of your life, watching the flesh of your forearm begin to bruise and swell up, stinging painfully. All the while you pondered if you should get up and find Shinobu. Make up some excuse about the bite. 
Would your people not consider you a coward should you go through with this?
But was it not a bigger disgrace to be paraded around as a trophy of war? 
No. You would not turn back on your decision. Just as Sanemi had not.
Consumed by the urge to see the face of your lover one last time, you pulled yourself off the floor with great effort, only for a wave of intense nausea to hit you, causing you to double over as you vomited your guts out.
Your legs trembled before giving in under your weight. You vaguely registered your ankle twisting, surely causing a sprain, as your senses dulled. Black spots danced around your vision and your mouth started dribbling foam.
The last thing you heard was a panicked shout of “MY LADY!” before giving in to the warm embrace of death.
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tagging: @forest-hashira and @wifeyana
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cherlv · 11 months
*+ ENHYPEN IMAGINE # 2˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ crush!jay x reader
GENRE ♥︎ angst, unrequited love romance, jay and reader is in 11th grade.
ABOUT ♥︎ you decide to stop liking jay.
💌 > hi! This is my second enhypen imagine. I'm planning to do this from oldest to youngest. And please don't judge my writing... im not good :c so i hope you like this story !
WARNING ◆ this is for entertainment purposes only. Anything portrayed By enhypen does not reflect them in real life.
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You remember it ever so briefly. The way he caught your eye the moment you saw him. He was tall, he has glasses and he was soft-spoken. You eventually knew his name.
Park Jay.
Gosh, even his name is handsome.
You would always ask your friend, "do you think I have a chance with him?" Or "Am I pretty enough for him?"
They would all reply with yes. They reassured you all the time.
But you knew it wasn't true.
How could a guy like him every be with me? I'm not even half as pretty as the girls in my section and on his section.
Even with all those painful words, it didn't stop you from hoping. Maybe he was going to like you.
Well, given that all your previous crushes had girlfriends, Jay didn't. This is perfect.
You desperately asked your friends to help you get closer to him, but you have made no progress. The only interaction you both would have was just exchanging 'hi's' or 'good morning's'.
It's okay. As long he doesn't grow a crush on anyone, it's okay.
You were painfully obvious that you liked him. Maybe that's why Jay doesn't approach you like he does to other people. He was always more... composed when it comes to you.
Maybe he's weirded out by me? I mean, he's seen me grow red every time I see him.
But no, that would mean he would try to avoid me. But he doesn't. He greets me. There's no way he could hate me right?
Maybe it's how I look. I know I'm ugly but—
"(name!)" Your friend screams. "What are you thinking about again?"
"There's 5 minutes left 'till the next period, let's go." Your friend grabs and pulls your arm, but you resist.
"Wait! I have to wait until Jay leaves too," you say to her, your neck stretched out to view him.
"God, you and your infatuation with Jay...." your friend lets out a long sigh. "You're seriously choosing him over getting to class in time?"
"Oh! They're leaving!" You hurriedly fixed your things. You stacked your notebooks and pocketed your ballpens. "Let's go!"
"Oh my gosh." Your friend lets out, annoyed.
You both gathered your things and headed to class. In the hallway though, you heard a bunch of girls from Jay's section talking about something.
Something that you feared might happen.
"Bummer, Jay likes a girl from the 12th grade."
"Omg, Really? He's into older girls? Wow."
"I know right. Can't blame him though, the girls pretty as hell!!"
"Did you hear who was it?"
"Kim Ye-jin? I think? I'm not really sure what her name was haha."
"But don't you think they would look cute? I mean Jay is an incredibly handsome guy. I think it's possible they could end up together."
Your heart dropped at their conversation. Your friend heard it too and placed her arms around in attempt to somehow comfort you.
You turned pale and was silent all the way to class.
"Hey. (Name), don't think about it that much, okay?" Your friend tells you, rubbing your back gently.
You nod slowly, staring at your table.
What if it's true? What if...
"Good morning class!"
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Classes are over, and your section was the first one to be dismissed. You're currently waiting for your other friend who are in the other section before you commute and go home.
Not long after, a bunch of students emerge from the school entrance, making their way to the waiting area.
"(Name)!!" Your friend greets you.
"Soo-ya!" You hug her, and she does the same.
"Are you going to go home now?" You ask her. She shakes her head.
"I'm waiting for my sister. She's letting me join her friend's party. Apparently her 'friend' is popular." Soo-ya sighs.
"Wow~ Who's her friend?" You ask curiously.
"I think it's Ye-jin?" She shrugs, "My sister never told me."
Oh? Oh.
"Oh her." You huff. Your face suddenly frowning.
"Yeah, her. What's up with Ye-jin?" Soo-ya asks cautiously. "Wait, did she do something to you?"
"Oh- Uh- no she didn't do anything... I didn't it mean it that way." You sigh, "don't pay mind to what I said." You shake your head. You didn't expect that to come out of your mouth.
"Ooooookkkk...." she says suspiciously.
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After walking home with a heavy feeling, you decided to immediately flop down on your bed. You mother questions your new behavior and you brushed her off, telling her you 'weren't feeling it' today.
You opened your phone to do what-not, then suddenly a 'ping' sound was made. You opened it, and your friend, jake posted a story in instagram.
'THAT WAS AWESOME @pjs_jay' with a blushing jay in the picture.
Curiosity gets the better of you, so.. you asked jake what the story meant.
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Okay. So its true then. You thought it may just be rumors. Your heart shattered at the message.
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You're lucky this is by text. Otherwise you wouldn't be able to hide your sadness.
Maybe... it's time to let him go.
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