#I am slightly late with this eek but I hope people enjoy!
irishseeeker · 3 years
this is for day 2 of @katexanthonyweek ! prompt: lovey dovey
                                          p.s I love you
Kate and Anthony spend their first week apart. They cope as well as expected.
“I must go.”
“Five more minutes,” Kate murmured, burrowing closer to her husband’s chest. “Then you can go.”
“We said that ten minutes ago.”
“I am failing to see your point.”
She felt Anthony’s laughter vibrating through his chest. They had been lying in bed all morning, Anthony’s departure creeping closer and closer. They had made love twice before Anthony left her to bathe and get dressed for his departure to Aubrey Hall.
Kate rested her chin on his collarbone, sighing softly as she looked at him. She wanted to remember every inch of his face. She knew she was being terribly dramatic, it was not as if he was leaving for weeks-it was merely a week he would be gone.
Anthony’s nose bumped hers, pressing his lips softly against hers. Her wretched splint had finally been removed, so their legs were tangled freely together on the bed.
Kate brushed some of his dark hair out of his eyes. “I have packed all of Newton’s things for you.”
“Must I bring the dog?” Anthony sighed, brushing his lips against hers. She could spend her entire life kissing him and it would never be enough.
Kate nodded, it was not up for debate. “You promised. I cannot bare the thought of you being alone down there.”
She felt him soften, pressing another kiss to her cheeks before ending with one on her lips. “You are lovely.”
“When are you going to admit that you love Newton? Do you think I do not notice the treats you bring home for him when you think I am not looking?”
“I have no idea what you are talking about, wife.”
“You, Anthony Bridgerton, are far more soft than you would ever admit.”
“Kate. I am a dangerous, intimidating man. I told you to stop calling me that-“
She interrupted him with a kiss. It was quite effective whenever she wanted Anthony to stop talking. “I will miss you.”
It worked, his lips moved against hers but they broke apart. “Not as much as I will miss you.” I hate leaving you. Are you sure you will be alright?”
Kate carefully considered her response. Anthony had not been to Aubrey Hall to attend to his duties physically since before her accident. He dealt with any issues through penmanship and had sent his brothers on his behalf for any pressing matters. He had refused to leave her side for weeks. However, Kate was nearly fully healed and it was time for Anthony to visit his tenants and attend to his duties. Kate’s leg was too weak to join him moving from house to house each day, so she was staying behind.
The last thing Kate wanted was for Anthony to worry about her while he was away. He had only begun to relax about her leg and it had been two weeks since her splint had been removed. “I will be absolutely fine. My leg is nearly healed. Mary and Edwina are coming to stay and your family will call everyday.”
Anthony nodded at her response, although the creases on his forehead showed his distress at their current situation. “I have instructed the entire staff, including your lady’s maid, to keep an eye on you. If anything happens during the night or you need anything, they will be waiting.”
“I nearly forgot I had a lady’s maid,” Kate teased, dragging her fingertips delicately down his cheek. “You were such a good one.”
Anthony had been an angel since her accident. Of course, they had argued plenty and she had cursed him to oblivion when his overprotective and controlling nature got too much. The ridiculous man had believed her incapable of feeding herself at times, claiming it was too strenuous of an act. He had taken care of her in every way he could, much to her disdain at times. He would bathe her, dress her, feed her and take her to relieve herself during the day and night, much to her mortification and severe objection.
He kept her company throughout most of the day, working while she lay in their bed reading, sleeping or complaining. She had felt awfully sorry for herself at times and Anthony had always made her feel better.
Despite her occasional annoyance, Kate absolutely adored him for everything he did and she still struggled to comprehend what she had done to deserve such an incredible husband.
She was going to miss him so much she wouldn’t know what to do with herself.
Her leg had healed, she just needed to learn to walk on it again. Her muscle was quite weak and could not handle too much pressure, but there was no longer any pain when her leg moved or was touched. She was slowly improving.
Anthony’s expression turned serious. “I want no funny business, Kate. If I hear a word of you putting unnecessary pressure on your leg or attempting to walk recklessly-I will come straight back here and tie you to that bed myself.”
In the six months they had been married, Kate had come to learn a few things about marriage.
This was a deciding moment, where she could either start an argument with her husband about treating her like a child or choose to understand this was how her emotionally stunted husband struggled to express his emotions and feelings.
Kate wanted to make him feel better, to let him know she understood him and to reassure him nothing was going to happen while they were separated.
“Is that a promise?” Kate’s smile was devious, she couldn’t resist flirting with him. She had become much more daring with her newfound experience as a married woman.
“You will be the death of me, woman,” He said, groaning softly as his hands moved down her nightdress to squeeze her derriere. They both knew they did not have time to finish what they were about to start.
“I promise I will be on my best behaviour,” She said, pressing a reassuring kiss to his lips. “I will have someone with me at all times. I will not get into any carriages but your mothers. I will not be up to much, I will need to save my energy for the ball this coming Sunday. Where I will be waiting for you.”
It would be her second public engagement since her injury. She had not seen anyone but her family and Penelope since the accident. Anthony had escorted her to a ball the previous week. She did not do much but sit in the short time they were there, but it was better than lounging about in her home as she had been for weeks.
She felt Anthony reach for her hand, which he brought up to his lips to kiss. She felt him slip something cool inside of her palm, which she quickly opened.
“I want you to keep this until I return.”
It was his pocket watch.
“Anthony, I cannot. You bring this everywhere-“
“Here she is, again, arguing with her husband.”
“It is a favourite pastime of mine.”
“I will keep it safe, counting down until your return.”
“I packed my blanket with your things. For when you to go to sleep.” Aubrey Hall was a home to Anthony, but it was also full of painful memories of his father. She hated the idea of him being completely alone, but her leg was too weak for her to join him. He would be too busy with his duties to see her until nighttime.
“The blue one?”
It had been a gift from her father a few years before he had died. She had never slept without it, and often wrapped it around herself when they were alone. “Yes.”
“I like that one. It smells like you,” He said, his thumb brushing the top of her cheekbone. “Lillies and soap.”
Anthony carefully sat up, pulling Kate along with him. “I must go.”
As she watched her husband stand up and straighten out his clothes, Kate fought off the embarrassing urge to cry.
They had spent a single night apart since their marriage, which was the night of his emotional breakdown that led to him running away to Bridgerton House. They had never been apart since.
Anthony knelt between her legs where she was sitting on the edge of the bed. He held her face in his hands, resting his forehead against hers.
“It is only a week.”
She nodded reassuringly, more for herself than Anthony. “It will fly by.”
“Please don’t cry, darling,” He said soothingly, wiping the tears that were freely flowing down her cheek.
“I am not,” She said stubbornly, the sob breaking free from her throat removing any plausibility from her statement. “T-there is something in my eye.”
Anthony snorted as he wrapped his arms around her, hugging her to his chest. He kissed her hair as she let out a few more sobs, ungracefully wiping her nose with the back of her hand. “I am being ridiculous.”
“Never,” He teased and they simuntenaouestly burst out laughing. ”I love you so much, Kate.”
“I love you so much,” She replied, pulling him towards her for a passionate kiss. She slips her tongue between his lips, glued to hers and never wants the moment to end. It does, a few moments later. “Please be safe.”
He pecked her lips softly. “Of course. I will write to you this evening.”
She watched him walk towards the door, putting on a brave face to smile at him. “I will see you on Sunday.”
She nodded, biting on her bottom lip hard. She was trying not to blink, to force the tears to stay at bay behind her eyelids. “Sunday,” She said, nodding at him. “Goodbye, Bridgerton.”
He laughed, staring at her with an intense expression that made her feel self conscious and alive at the same time. “Goodbye, Bridgerton. I love you.”
Kate waited until she heard the rumbling of his carriage leaving the front of Bridgerton House before she burst into tears. Anthony had left before sunrise, so she allowed herself to go back to sleep after her tears had subsidized before rising for the day.
That evening, Kate sat in the drawing room with Edwina. Mary had retired to bed and the sisters were relaxing, it was still too early for them. Usually around this time, Kate would be sitting on Anthony’s lap in his chair. They would tell each other about their days and just converse for hours.
They never ran out of words to speak to each other.
Kate knew she was being dramatic, but she missed her husband. It had not been a day and she was feeling quite sorry for herself. She was already writing to him, wanting to send it on the overnight postal carriage to Kent. It would be with him by morning.
“What are you doing?” said Edwina, putting down the novel in her hands to glance at her sister’s scrawling on
“I am writing to Anthony.”
“Kate.” Edwina laughed softly. “It has been a day.”
“Thank you for pointing out the obvious.” Kate huffed, letting her head fall back onto the cushion. “If I send it soon, it should get to him by morning.”
“I hate not knowing what he is doing,” She said, letting out a frustrated sigh. “Is he eating? When he is really busy, he sometimes forgets to eat. Maybe I should write to Aubrey Hall and make sure the servants bring him regular meals when he arrives home-”
“Kate,” Edwina said, interrupting her sister’s tangent. “Anthony is a grown man. He will be fine.”
“I suppose so,” Kate said grumpily, still debating whether she would write to the butler.
“It is rather lovely to see you like this, you know.”
“How so?”
“Completely in love,” Edwina replied, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Kate felt herself blush. “It suits you.”
“I can only hope I will have it someday.” Edwina bit her lip, fidgeting with the skirt of her dress.
Kate reached towards her sister, squeezing her hand. “I believe you have, sister. Mr. Bagwell is a lovely man. Once the appropriate time has passed for your courtship, you will be married. If that is what you desire.”
Kate dipped her pen in her ink pot and began to write.
Dear Anthony,
How are you? How was your day? I miss you terribly. How is Newton? I hope he is not terrorizing the cattle, he does love to play with them. I am imagining him running through the fields surrounding Aubrey Hall and the cross look on your face as you chase after him. I wish I was there with you both.
My day was very exciting. I ventured all the way to the drawing room and the kitchen. Colin called on me earlier and ate the chocolate cake meant for dinner, Cook was quite cross.
I am now playing games with Edwina after dinner. Please remember to eat and to get some rest. Brandy and biscuits are not a sufficient meal, Anthony Bridgerton.
I do not want to hear a word about my penmanship in your reply.
Please say hello and give Newton a kiss from me.
I love you.
Your Kate
The following evening, their butler walked into the dining room during dinner. “My lady, a letter has arrived for you.”
“Thank you.” Kate hastily grabbed the letter, squealing with excitement as she tore the letter open. Mary and Edwina watched her with amused expressions.
“Oh be quiet,” Kate said, scrunching her nose at her mother and sister before focusing on the letter.
Dear Kate,
Apologies for the delay in my response, it took me quite some time to make out what you had written.
Kate could practically see her husband’s grin as he wrote this letter. What an ass. Oh, she loved him. She continued to read on.
I began visiting tenants yesterday. There is a roof to be repaired and crops that extra help is needed to harvest. I met two newborn babies, I had forgotten how small they usually were.
I have eaten eggs for breakfast, beef for lunch and chicken for dinner. Are you satisfied?
Dessert was strawberries and cream, which I would have much preferred to have eaten off you. Remember?
Kate bit her lip, feeling her cheeks warm. This was not a letter she should be reading at a dinner table with her mother and sister. Of course she remembered what her husband was referring to. It had happened during their short honeymoon in Aubrey Hall. It involved a picnic blanket, strawberries, little clothes and a lot of cream.
She took a deep breath before continuing to read.
Please do not worry about me. I am fine. More importantly, how are you? How is your leg? I hope you are resting it. Please do not overexert yourself or I will make good on my promise to tie you to our bed.
How was Colin? Did he mention anything regarding his future travels? I worry about him. He seems to be keen to travel for the next few years without much purpose.
Newton is loving the attention most of the tenants are giving him, particularly the children. He had taken Hyacinth’s old doll hostage and has now beheaded her.
He noticed your absence after a while and began to whine but I managed to bribe him to keep quiet with some leftover butcher meat.
I love and miss you,
Your Anthony
Kate had sent her reply late the following afternoon, sending it out with one of the servants.
Dear Anthony,
I received your letter at the dining table, with my mother and sister present. Do you enjoy teasing me so?
Colin spoke of visiting Spain next. I know you worry, as an older brother should, but I believe he is still finding his purpose. He is still young and he has an adventurous spirit.
Benedict taught me how to paint with watercolours today. I had a splendid time, although it did make quite the mess. He is very talented. We should ask him to do one of our portraits. I have always wanted a portrait of Newton for our bedchamber.
Are you well? How are the tenants? I very much look forward to meeting the new arrivals when I come down. Please do send them my well wishes. I am looking forward to seeing them again once we move to Aubrey Hall after the season.
I hate sleeping without you. I love you, darling.
Your Kate
Anthony’s reply arrived the following afternoon, when Kate was having tea with the Bridgerton women. Kate had to excuse herself briefly to read the letter, she was too impatient to wait.
Dear Kate,
A portrait of Newton is not going in our bedchamber. It is not going anywhere in Bridgerton House. As pleased as I am to hear of my brother’s talents and your enjoyment, there will be no portraits of ill behaved dogs.
Your, not our, delightful dog decided to take a swim in the lake this afternoon. However, your dog had failed to take into account the depth and temperature of said lake and got frightened. He swam to a rock and refused to move until I had to swim to him, grab him and bring him inside.
I am still debating his murder.
This is the second time Newton has led me into a lake.
Newton is now attempting to follow me to bed. This is why we do not allow animals to sleep in our beds, Kate. They get needy.
I miss you desperately. I love you.
Your husband,
Dear Anthony,
You would do well to remember Newton was sleeping in my bed before you were, Lord Bridgerton.
I do not believe for one second that you did not let Newton into your bed. I cannot lie to you, I am laughing as I read your letter. Newton is very naughty. He does get excited and he cannot help it. The world is a cruel place to not let me witness such an event.
I suppose I will always have the Serpentine.
When are you going to admit that you love him? It is rather sweet he wanted you to get him out of the lake. You are his papa.
Regarding the portrait of Newton, perhaps your office would be a suitable place for it?
It was very enjoyable to tease her husband and she even managed to do it through a letter. A letter arrived each day throughout the week, and she sent her reply shortly afterwards.
Dear Kate,
I am not going to have this argument again. Newton is not our child. He is an animal.
I will concede that he is good company. When he is not dragging me into freezing lakes or terrorizing the tenants chickens.
How is your leg? Have you been resting it?
The nights are so dull without you, I miss you. I would pay ten pounds to listen to you play the flute right now if I could. Instead, I am listening to Newton's snores.
Dear Husband,
Newton is most definitely our child. If he is not our child, why did you have the tailor prepare him coats for the winter to keep him warm? His coats were made out of very similar fabrics to yours, I might add.
A coincidence? I think not.
My leg is doing well. I have not moved much. Eloise and Francesca joined Edwina and I for tea today, which was quite pleasant. Francesca played the piano, it was so lovely. However, when I offered to play the flute, they suddenly had to return home. Edwina then declared she needed a nap.
Mr. Bagwell joined Edwina and I for lunch this afternoon. I do think he will propose soon. They are so sweet together.
You would be so lucky to listen to my flute playing, Lord Bridgerton.
I love you. I am counting down the minutes until your return.
Yours always,
Dear Wife,
That is beside the point. I ordered those coats because it was the practical thing to do. I was not going to spend my time picking out additional fabric for Newton’s coats. A Viscount has much more important things to attend to.
Besides, I only wear the best fabric. There could not have been a better choice.
Newton is very fond of his coats, so I win. He wore one during our walk this morning.
I will listen to you play the flute anyday, darling. I might require a glass of brandy beforehand.
That is good news about Edwina and Mr. Bagwell. Perhaps for their wedding gift, I could pay for some carriage handling lessons?
The tenants appreciated the baskets you had put together for them, I had a few of the servants' assistance distributing them today. They asked me to pass on their thanks and appreciation to the wonderful Viscountess.
I cannot wait to see you, I love you.
Your husband,
Anthony Bridgerton was on a mission to see his wife.
It was the longest they had been apart since they married, and Anthony had hated every second of it. He had arrived in London and headed straight for Hastings House, where the ball of the evening was taking place.
The Duke and Duchess of Hastings, his sister and brother in law, were celebrating Simon’s birthday.
The ball was well underway when Anthony walked into the ballroom. He was nearly two hours late, much to his delight. He planned on taking Kate home straight anyway, he just had to find her first. He scanned the ballroom but to his dismay, she was not in sight.
Anthony sighed as disappointment flooded his veins when he turned around to see Daphne, and not Kate.
“Have you seen Kate?” He stepped forward to kiss her cheek. “Hi Daph.”
“Please do not look so ecstatic to see me,” Daphne teased, smirking as she looked around the room. “It is only my husband’s birthday ball. The last I saw of her, she was sitting with Penelope. How was Aubrey Hall?”
Penelope would not be hard to spot, the poor girl was usually forced into an unfortunate frock that blinded the eye.
“It was busy but an enjoyable week.” That was a lie, Anthony had been miserable without his wife. He had spent the first month of their marriage trying to avoid falling in love with her and keeping his distance from her. “If you will excuse me, I have to find Kate.”
“Brother! How was Aubrey Hall?”
Anthony practically hissed before turning around to look at his younger brother, Colin. He wasted no time with pleasantries. “Have you seen Kate?”
“Hello, Colin,” Colin said, enjoying his brother’s irritated expression. “How are you, brother? I have not seen you in a week. No, no. I insist. Are you enjoying the ball? I am, our dear sister chose quite fine food- ”
“Did we not spend eighteen years of our lives together? Was that not enough?” Anthony replied, rolling his eyes at his brothers. “I would speak more kindly to the person who handles your allowance, brother.”
“As if you would refuse any of it to me, brother,” Colin retorted, grinning at his brother and Anthony huffed, he knew his stupid little brother was right. “You should try the pastries, they are divine.”
Anthony shook his head. “I am not hungry, Colin. I want my wife. Have you seen Kate or not?”
He knew he would get grief from his brothers later, for acting like a lovesick fool. However, he could not find it in him to care. He was one. He was completely infatuated with his wife, who he had not seen in a week and that was a downright crime.
“Lord Bridgerton. Kate is in the drawing room, resting her leg.”
A small voice piped up from behind them, and Anthony turned around to see Penelope Fetherington, smiling pleasantly at the two Bridgerton brothers.
Panic initially filled his chest as Penelope spoke. Had Kate hurt her leg? It was unusual for his wife to rest without some sort of bribery. His family would not be so calm if she had injured her leg, he rationaled, so he took a deep breath.
“Miss Fetherington, I did not see you there. Forgive me, how are you?” Anthony pressed a kiss to Penelope’s glove before nodding his head. It was rude but he did not plan to stick around for his reply. There was one thing on his mind: Kate. “Thank you, Penelope. If you’ll excuse me.”
He did not waste the opportunity to subtle whack the back of Colin’s head as he left the pair.
Anthony practically sprinted through the ballroom, the drawing room was onto two doors down from the large ballroom. He opened the door and there she was, breathtakingly beautiful, sitting on one of the chairs.
Kate’s head turned swiftly at the interruption, her eyes widening at the intrusion before a large smile settled on her face when she saw who it was.
“Did you miss me, Lord Bridgerton?”
His wife’s voice flooded his body with a lightness one would think only drugs could achieve. He felt almost giddy, striding towards her. If he did not kiss her in a few seconds, he would go insane.
“Not as much as you missed me, Lady Bridgerton.” Anthony could not even convince himself on that note.
He swiftly pulled her onto his lap, carefully lifting her leg, before he took his face in hers and kissed her with every fibre of his being. The scent of lilies and soaps flooded his nostrils as her lips moved against his.
He was never leaving her again.
“Hi,” She whispered as they broke apart, panting heavily as they caught their breath.
“Hi,” He replied, laughing at her as he pulled her closer, pressing his lips against hers softly before burying his face in her hair.
“I was told you were making quite the ruckus in the ballroom in your attempts to find me. It is quite rude to shove people out of your way, you know.”
Anthony rolled his eyes. “People need to learn to get out of my way to simply avoid being shoved. Where were you?”
He twirled a few strands of her hair around his fingers, watching her intently as she spoke. “Cressida Cowper purposely spilled wine on Penelope’s gown. I was helping her get the stain out.”
Anthony scowled, “What an abomination of a person. Penelope was the one who told me you were here. She seemed alright. Was she?”
Kate brushed some of his hair behind his ear, her fingertips lightly trailing his cheek. “She was upset, but tried to hide it. We did not have much luck removing the stain, though. She is dancing with Colin now, so her mood has improved significantly.”
“Cressida had to depart quickly afterwards. A few cream tarts found themselves smeared on the back of her dress.”
Anthony raised an eyebrow. “How they got there, one could only imagine.”
“I suppose we will never know.” Kate’s deviant smile said it all. He really had married the greatest, slightly terrifying, woman to ever exist.
Anthony grinned at her, his incredible wife, their noses touching now as his hands completely wrapped around her. “How are you?”
“Splendid. I did miss you terribly, though. It was quite the nuisance.”
He stole another kiss. “Oh, Kate. You do wonders for my ego.”
She laughed, that sweet, beautiful laugh that rang in his ears and made him feel alive. “It will eventually burst if we are not careful. Was everything well at Aubrey Hall?”
Anthony nodded. “Everything is splendid. I fixed every problem, collected rents and solved disputes. I am glad to be home.”
Kate kissed him, running her fingers over his cheeks. “You work so hard. Next time, at least, you will not be alone. That is the last time you will ever leave me.”
Anthony nodded in agreement. “I have no idea how I lived so many years without you. A week without you felt like a lifetime.”
“I suppose we should make up for lost time, my lord.”
“How so?” Anthony’s gaze darkened.
“Take me home and I will show you,” She whispered, blinking up at him in a way that made Anthony catch his breath.
He did not have to be asked twice.
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rainydayhues · 3 years
I read your season 4 thoughts and do agree about Lucy’s character. I think she’s still a smart cop and all the sunshine! But when it comes to Tim calling off the bet or asking out Ashley, what do you think? Because it makes me nervous and I’m so not looking forward to that story at all!
Eek my first ask! Thank you Anon! And thank you for reading that rambling analysis, it was long but I had some thoughts!
Yes! I think she's still been shown to be a smart and capable cop, she told Nolan what to do with that explosive, works with Nyla to solve the scavenger hunt per Grey because he sees her smarts, took on the ghost/stalker in her building and solved a multi-tiered real housewives plot all while directing Tim in UC work. I do think she's played a lighter side this season and I know it doesn't jive for everyone but personally I've enjoyed it. I've liked seeing her banter with Tim and play that familiar side. So much of their relationship has been grounded in heavy moments (Isabel, Lucy's kidnapping) and those were fabulous and I look forward to more but I do like that their conversations lately have been just chill. I think for whatever reason the show doesn't want to get too deep into the Jackson of it all, which yes, it is disappointing but if that's the path, I am embracing the banter which honestly reads to me as them being more carefree with each other and on equal footing, unafraid to joke and tease and roll eyes at each other. But I do hope for a big Lucy story/episode in 4B - something with her parents or UC, maybe?
Now, I will say I wrote about Tim's character extensively as well and that was before 4x07. I will agree that calling off the bet was ooc and it does confuse me (seems like one writer gone rogue!) but outside of that, I've also enjoyed Tim this season. I like that he thinks about what people will perceive of him and Lucy working together and that he played hard to get when it came to being his aide (bc you know what? Lucy played harder to get and won!). He opened up about what he imagined for himself with kids and his willingness to be open with her is growth in their relationship to me.
Now the Ashley of it all, why I not only am not bothered by it but also am maybe a little intrigued by it, I kept under the cut just because I know it's not everyone's fave topic...
Apologies if you've read my other post on this but I'm just paraphrasing myself:
- it's the first relationship/date post Chenford being TO/rookie so I think it's somewhat different from the Emmet/Rachel era
- there's potential here for others around Chenford to call something out bc no one has explicitly yet in the show (outside of some looks, looking at you Grey!). Imagine Angela (or in an ideal world his sister Genny) mentioning how he is with Lucy or how he's different with Ashley
- I think/hope it's this thought about Lucy that pushes him towards Ashley but I hope that same thought is what ultimately pulls him away from her. A realization he eventually comes to about this not being the long term relationship for him, something always being just slightly off, just a bit amiss.
- Lucy's jealousy could be fun! - I stand by the fact that her jealousy over Webb was more professional than personal and I don't think she was ever jealous of Rachel because they were truly friends and she respected the boundaries there. And if this gets Lucy to even acknowledge something she's feeling within herself that maybe she hasn't touched on since the hug in 4x01, great!
- Tim's jealousy could be (more) fun! - Lots of folks have discussed this but Lucy can have a love interest for all of the above reasons as well! There's a potential rumor an actor was cast and is following Melissa and crew, if he ends up being a (temporary) love interest, I'm down with it! It could be fun if he's someone she has to work UC with and then he flips the script after the op and asks her out, bonus if it's in front of Tim!
Which is all to say, I think there's potential in the storyline and it may not be everyone's cup of tea but I've usually seen some great angsty, pining, "that just shook my world" moments come out of "new love interest" storylines in my other ships/shows so I'm not down about this one.
Again, TY for the ask, anon! Feel free to pop into my asks anytime, I always want to talk Chenford!
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c-rose2081 · 3 years
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Storybook Days
(Chapter 1)
It’s Summer in Auradon, and Audrey is tasked with babysitting the VK kids while the others are busy. Not sure what to do with them, Audrey agrees to read from a book of stories Dizzy found in the royal library. Except the book is actually enchanted; and now Audrey, Celia, Dizzy and the twins are stuck inside its pages, having to go through each story until they find a way out.
“Ben, you can’t be serious,”
It wasn’t very Princess-like to whine, but Audrey Rose didn’t care much for being proper at the moment. It was a bright and clear Summer day in Auradon, and the young King had just dropped a last minute bombshell on the heir of Auroria, “what do you mean I have to babysit?”
“I wouldn’t do this unless I had to, Auds.” Ben said, only half-apologetic as he quickly signed off on some papers while trying to kick on his left shoe, “but Evie’s presence at the Royal Picnic has been requested,”
“So what!” Audrey insisted, following Ben across the study as he gathered up his leather jacket and motorcycle helmet, “why not take the little heathens with you to the stupid picnic?”
Ben shot Audrey a warning look as she lifted her hands and scoffed, “sorry. I just mean they are troublesome and annoying, and I don’t want to babysit,”
“Audrey, you know I’d love for them to come, and for us not to be having this conversation. But four VKids running around with a bunch of stuffy dignitaries is a disaster waiting to happen. This Picnic is really important,”
“But why can’t Uma do it? Or your parents?”
“Because Uma, Harry and Gil are on the isle this weekend doing outreach, and mom and dad will be at the picnic,”
“Ugh, but Ben...”
“Audrey,” placing both hands firmly on the girls shoulders, the boy shot her a dazzling, Kingly grin, “remember what you said to me after Barrier Day? About wanting to make amends?”
“Yes,” Audrey grumbled, “I’m the one who said it,”
“This is a perfect opportunity. It’s just one afternoon, till tomorrow, and Mal and Evie would certainly appreciate it,”
“But the VKids hate me, Ben,” Audrey insisted again as the King walked from the office with a pink Princess in tow, “Celia put chili powder on the rim of my teacup the other day. I could’ve died,”
“It was a harmless little prank, Audrey,” Ben chuckled, swiveling around on a heel to cup Audrey’s cheek in his hand, “you’ll be fine. I have full faith that you can watch them for a night.” He reassured her, “please Audrey? For me?”
Giving the girl his best beastly pout, Audrey folded her arms tightly against her chest.
“Fine. But you’ll bring something back for me, right?” Audrey asked, admitting defeat with a deep sigh and an eye roll, “a piece of cake or...”
“Something sweet for my favorite Princess.” Ben agreed, hurriedly kissing the back of Audrey’s knuckles with a smile, “you’ll do great, I just know it. Evie left some instructions on the fridge, and you have us all on speed dial. Now I have to go or I’ll be late,”
Leaving the Princess at the top of the steps, she watched Ben mount up his motorbike and speed off with an army of staff behind him. This left the castle unusually quiet, and Audrey placed both hands on her hips as she exhaled deeply.
“Babysitting duty,” She scoffed under her breath, tipping her head to rub the place between her eyes, “what a world this is.”
Once upon a time, Audrey would’ve been invited to the Royal Picnic. Naturally though, after her little stint with Maleficent’s Scepter, things had been a bit rocky with the other royal families in Auradon. She was shielded from the gossip by spending the Summer in Beast’s Castle, while her Mum, Dad and Grammy patched things up in Auroria with broad, fantastic strokes. But she still caught wind of the whispers going around. None of them pleasant.
Turning and walking back into the castle, Audrey closed the door with a shallow BANG, and rattling echo. She walked towards the kitchen, still trying to soothe the headache she already felt coming on. Of all the people in the Castle, Audrey was the favorite target for devilish pranks. The VKids were little brats, running around like they owned the place and being spoiled rotten by Evie. And though Dizzy could be sweet on her own, she was Celia’s right hand minion when push came to shove.
Grumbling nonsense under her breath, Audrey swept by the island towards the fridge. Here, a scrawled note in Evie’s hand lay stuck under a magnet. It wasn’t just instructions; it was an entire schedule of things to do.
“These kids live better then I do,” Audrey mumbled, raising an eyebrow at some of the items Evie had listed.
Bake Cookies
Croquet on the Lawn
Movie Marathon
Run Baths
Bedtime Story
“Bedtime story?” Audrey mumbled with a scoff, “you’ve got to be kiddi-EEK!”
Audrey leapt up with a shriek as something cold was dropped down the back of her dress. Shaking herself hard to dislodge the ice cube from lace and satin, Audrey groaned in frustration as she whipped around. Celia and Dizzy were on the floor, holding their tummies as they laughed. The Twins were peeking in through the doorway, not laughing but staring at her like she’d take their heads off.
“You little brats!” Audrey hissed, “get off the floor. Front and center,”
“We don’t take orders from you, old hag.” Celia cackled, rolling over onto her stomach, “why aren’t you at the Picnic? Didn’t get invited?”
“As a matter a fact I didn’t,” Audrey seethed through her teeth, “so now, I’m stuck here watching you four,”
“Awe what!” Celia complained, finally getting back to her feet and brushing off her skirt, “but Evie had a big day planned.”
“Yeah well, Evie’s not here,” Audrey hissed, holding up the list in her hand and waving it around, “and I’m not interested in catering to your every desire. So you can just forget about that,”
“You’re kinda mean,” Dizzy complained.
“You just put an ice cube down my dress, scared me out of my skin, and now you expect me to play nice? I don’t think so,” Audrey hissed, tearing up the list in her hands and tossing it on the counter. Turning to the twins, she pointed at them, “you two, in here with me. We’re gonna have a chat,”
Hesitantly, the blondes scuttled in. Four VKids now faced off with a very peevish Princess, the girl placing both hands on her hips with an animalistic huff, “alright, twerps. Here’s how this is gonna go. I don’t really care what you do. Go hide in your rooms, watch TV all day, play with swords in the armory, whatever. Just leave me out of it unless someone’s dying,”
“What will you be doing?” Celia asked, “plotting to curse Ben and Mal’s first child?”
Both Ceila and Dizzy sniggered behind their hands as Audrey clenched a fist tightly.
“I really hate children,” she managed under her breath, folding her hands together as though in prayer, “listen, I don’t like you, and you don’t like me. I get that, and I’m really quite reasonable. So just stay away from me, and you can do whatever you want. Kapeesh?”
Four pairs of eyes blinked up at her in confusion as Audrey rolled her eyes and translated, “do you understand?”
“Yeah, we understand,” Celia nodded, glancing at her companions before pinning Audrey with a hard stare, “but we want waffles for dinner.”
“And we want to watch an R rated movie!” Dizzy added as Audrey lifted a brow but shrugged. If it kept the little monsters away from her, it was worth the risk.
“Fine. Anything else? You two?”
Glancing at the twins, the blondes shook their heads quickly as Audrey clapped her hands together and sighed in relief.
“Great. I’ll be out by the pool enjoying what’s left of today. You stay in here and do whatever, and we’ll be peachy. Kay?”
Nodding in agreement, Audrey turned and walked from the kitchen. Changing into her favorite bikini and hat, the Princess found her way to the pool a little while later. Not trusting the water — lest Celia put dye in it that would make her skin turn blue — Audrey found a comfortable spot on a lawn chair and dropped the sunglasses down over her eyes. For a while, the world was peaceful. But Audrey should’ve known better then to trust the VKids word on anything.
While she slept, Celia managed to drop a scorpion on her from the upper balcony. Where she had even gotten such a thing, Audrey wasn’t sure. But it pinched her fair skin a few times before she was able to knock it away, causing horrible red welts to form. Upon running inside, she slipped and fell on oil that had been lift on the marble and slammed back first into a suit of armor. There was laughter above her on the stairway, but Audrey was to busy rubbing the long cut which she now had on her forehead from the fall to notice.
It was an afternoon of one vicious prank after another. From simply stealing her clothes while she was showering, to locking her in a broom closet which they had somehow tricked her into, it was constant pain and torment. Her own little hell on earth. By the time dusk was falling, Audrey was exhausted and in pain. Her head ached from a possible concussion, and her stomach burned with the scorpion stings. Her mouth tasted a bit like ash from the Alo-Vera gel Dizzy managed to spread on her sandwich while she wasn’t looking. And she just wanted to close her eyes and sleep.
Thankfully, after putting the movie on and shoving plates piled with waffles into the kids hands, the terrible two had shut up. The film was long over now, and Audrey assumed the four had made their way to bed. She herself was trying and failing to sleep when the slow open of her door made her heart still. Not another prank. She couldn’t handle any more today.
“...Audrey?” Dizzy whispered. Ignoring the girl in hopes she’d simply go away, Audrey winced as her shoulder was gently tapped, “Audrey, are you awake?”
“...I am now,” the Princess groaned, rolling over to face the VKid. Dizzy was haloed in the hall light, but Audrey could see the tears streaming down her face and what appeared to be a book in her arms. Sitting up slightly, Audrey’s brows furrowed, “hey, what’s wrong?”
“I can’t sleep,” Dizzy croaked, “I had a nightmare,”
“A nightm-” pausing, Audrey sighed and nodded, “from the movie I bet.”
“It was really scary,” Dizzy whimpered.
“Ok. And what would you like me to do?” Audrey asked, not entirely sure how to proceed. After all, when she was young and couldn’t sleep, she never went to mum or Grammy. They just sent her back to her room with a sleepy grunt and a ‘go back to sleep, Audrey’, and that was it. Comforting a scared child wasn’t something she did, let alone something she ever had experience with.
“Can you read me a story?” Dizzy asked, “I found a book in the library.”
Glancing at the clock, it was only about midnight as Audrey rubbed her face tiredly and nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, fine. Go turn on the light,”
“Is it ok if the twins listen, to?” Dizzy asked, crossing the room to the light as Audrey sat up.
“You aren’t planning on waking them just to hear a story, are you?”
“No, they’re already here.”
At being mentioned, two blonde heads in night caps glanced around the doorway.
“Ah, I see,” Audrey rasped, “well come on then. Might as well read to everyone,”
At the invitation, two short bullets zipped like mice across the carpet and landed on the mattress with a PHOOPH. Dizzy followed after, climbing to sit next to Audrey on her right side as she handed over the book.
“Where did you even find this thing,” Audrey asked, blowing dust from the beautiful embossed cover, “it’s ancient,”
“I dunno. It was on one of the bottom shelves,” Dizzy shrugged, “so what’s it about?”
“A book of fairytales,” Audrey told her, reading the inscription on the first page, “this book, bequeathed to Beast and Belle on their wedding day. May it find you well.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
Glancing up at the new voice, Celia leaned in the doorway. Though she appeared casual and unbothered, Audrey could see the dark circles under her eyes, meaning the movie probably got to her as well, despite her facade of bravado.
“It was a wedding gift,” Audrey told her, “come to hear the story?”
“I thought you weren’t interested in that kind of thing,” Celia grumbled, though she made her way towards the bed anyway and crawled up to sit on Audrey’s other side. The twins laid across her legs, blinking up at her with sapphire colored irises.
“Well, one small story won’t hurt. Despite all the torture you put me through today.”
Celia said nothing to this as Audrey turned back to the book, flipping the page to the first story: Little Red Riding Hood.
“Once upon a time,” Audrey began, “in a wood not unlike this one, a little girl in a red cloak was making her way to her grandmothers house...”
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drawlfoy · 5 years
Mirror, Mirror P.4
request guidelines
requests are open! 
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pairing: draco x reader
requested: nope it’s my idea laddies
summary: reader has had a crush on draco for a long time from afar, which would be fine if they hadn’t been paired up to do rounds as prefects together and ran into a certain mirror.
a/n: yeah so i’m kinda cooling down on this blog just bc im about to start up school again. but i’m still here and i still love writing stuff up! i also just got a typewriter that i’m obsessing over (and it’s in slytherin colors!!!! eek!!). i’m writing this on a ferry right now. i hope you all enjoy.
music recs: tungs from the frights
word count: 1,082 (i know it’s so short i’m so sorry but there’s gonna be way more parts and i just wanted to get this out there!!)
The air surrounding her was thick with anticipation, but Y/N was most deliciously alone.
She hadn’t seen Draco since the night in the dungeons with Rena, when she’d ran away like a child. The memory still made her cringe—who does that sort of stuff anyways?
But when she had returned to her dorm and retold the story to Rena,things took an interesting turn. Her friend’s words still echoed around in her head--No, Y/N, you have to stop playing games....all you’re doing is embarrassing yourself now...he already knows, and he’s still seeking you out...it’ll feel better after it’s over, you won’t need to hide from him anymore...
Something snapped Y/N out of her inner conflict: footsteps, sounding down the corridor just a few seconds away. She swallowed, shut her eyes, and leaned back against the wall, secretly praying that he couldn’t see her.
“Sorry I’m late, I got a little caught up,” Malfoy greeted, stopping in front of her. “What’s gotten into you? Stop leaning on the wall, there’s probably a whole colony of spiders behind the plaster.”
Y/N squeaked at that statement, throwing herself off of it and glaring at him once she regained her composure. “Spiders don’t live in plaster.”
“You seemed mighty convinced otherwise a moment ago. I thought Ravenclaws were supposed to be smart.”
“I am!”
Malfoy looked amused at that, his glowing eyes twinkling and the sides of his mouth turning up. “Well, then...if you’re so smart, did you finally figure out what the mirror was?”
She was supposed to be the one to bring that up, not him! Y/N turned bright red before she could help herself, her mouth agape and eyes wide. 
“You heard me,” he said, cocking his head to the side. Another smirk passed over his features as well of a realization. “Oh, you did, didn’t you! That’s why you’re being so painfully awkward and making this worse for both of us.”
“Wha--no!” Worse for both of us? Us? What did that mean?
Y/N gulped again, dropping eye contact with him to look at the floor. 
“Y’know, you can come clean,” he mused. “I’m not going to tell anyone.”
“What have I to tell you?” 
Draco rolled his eyes. “And people tell me I’m the most difficult person in our year.”
“I’m not difficult!”
“Sure you aren’t.”
They began walking without another word, casually and akin to their other round shifts, but Y/N’s mind was racing. Did he mean it when he said he wouldn’t tell anyone? Of course he didn’t, he was the worst person in the history of Hogwarts. Well, that was hyperbolic. 
She stole a glimpse at him when they turned a corner and she was sure he wasn’t going to catch her, drinking in the sight of him wearing a white dress shirt with rolled up sleeves with his Slytherin tie looped haphazardly around his neck, his collar slightly undone. He must’ve washed his hair because there was no longer any gel in it. Some of his uniquely light strands had dared to stretch out over his brow, just barely catching the torchlight of the corridor.
“Is there something on my face?” Draco drawled, giving her a lazy flash of the corner of his eyes. 
“Er..” She pondered for a millisecond, coming up with a rather idiotic plan. “Yes. An eyelash.”
Draco took a swipe at his cheekbones, his eyebrows knit together in suspicion. He glanced down at his fingers curiously. 
“You know, it’s funny, because I didn’t happen to feel anything there.”
“I don’t think that eyelashes are the most noticeable things, I’m not shocked.”
He let out a small laugh at that. “So you had to look closely to notice it, I take it?”
Y/N blushed again but hid it by brushing her hair out of her face. “Stop projecting,” she dared, looking anywhere but his eyes.
“I--what? Projecting?”
Draco’s sputtering would’ve been comical if his tone wasn’t so taken aback and surprised...something that poked Y/N harder than she would’ve liked it to.
“Kidding,” she quickly said, turning away from him to focus on walking straight. 
“Mhm,” he mumbled rather discontentedly, but when she stole another glance at him, she could see a light filter of amusement settled over his face. 
“You’re being awfully bold, you know,” he mused.
“Accusing me of projecting,” he said, “when you were the one who saw me in the Mirror of Erised.”
While nothing he said was new information, the very fact that he dared to utter the name of the mirror startled her. 
“I don’t know what you’re gett--”
“Can you just be  civil for once and admit it?” Draco drawled, turning around to lock his eyes on hers. “You can stop playing games now. I know you know. Rena told me.”
“Rena...she...what?” Y/N choked out, the connection between her mind and her mouth failing. “What did she tell you?”
His painfully calm composure painfully contradicted her flustered one as he smoothly shifted his weight to lean on the wall next to her. “Oh, nothing important, really. Just everything.”
“And what’s that?”
“Ooh, why the fuss?” he prodded. “She told me everything. Is there something that you’re afraid of me knowing?” 
The torchlight above them caught the slightest glint of amusement in his eyes, something that infuriated Y/N to the point where her embarrassment melted away.
“Well,” she snarled, “If you’re trying to make me fancy you less, you’re certainly putting forth quite the effort.”
All movement from the Slytherin ceased as he gaped at her, the amusement in his eyes now completely gone. “You....wait...”
“So she didn’t tell you everything,” Y/N responding dryly, allowed herself to lean back up against the wall. 
“I thought she did. I thought you were being honest, though.”
“Honest when?”
“When you said you hadn’t seen me the last time you went to go see it.”
Y/N allowed her eyes, which were previously glued shut, to crack open just the slightest. The sight of Draco Malfoy awkwardly wringing his hands just a foot or so away greeted her. 
“Hm. Whatever. It doesn’t matter anyways.”
She saw his throat bob as he swallowed hard before regaining his regal composure.
“Er, yeah. That’s true. Can we get on to our rounds? My feet hurt and I want to go to bed.”
“Whatever you say,” she muttered, pushing herself off the wall rather unceremoniously. It’s not like it mattered, anyways. He knew, and he didn’t seem like he had any plans with her included. 
final a/n: whoooooaaaa boy. so i wrote the first few paragraphs in the beginning of the month, and finished the rest of it over a span of time. i have not edited, i have not tagged because i’m tired and just want to get this out there. there WILL be a part 5 and maybe even a part 6. i kinda want to use the fact that they are allowed to be unsupervised in the wee hours of the night to my advantage (no smut, but you know, fluff). i’m sorry that this one wasn’t nearly as good as the one’s i’ve done before. i have another fic i’m thinking of writing soon as well that i’ll most likely be doing over the weekends. once 2019 is over and all my college apps are in, chances are that i’ll have a lot more time to be writing on here :)
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haikyuulovercompany · 4 years
Eek! I’m so excited for request to be open!! Can make a request for Iwaizumi? In which, the reader and Iwaizumi have a kid together, but they’re not together anymore. And so, they don’t get along very well. But in secrecy, the reader actually still harbors feelings for Iwaizumi, and their child snitches on her to their dad. When the topic comes up at the dinner table, the reader is forced to admit the truth. Iwaizumi’s kinda shocked and weirded out, but also kinda wants to date her again.
This took me longer than expected to write, but I hope you enjoy it!! I kind of changed the idea of the narrative BUT here it is (: ENJOYY !!! 
One of the biggest reasons people avoided to dive into marriage, was the possibility of divorce. However, the vast majority of society bet it wouldn’t be their case. Iwaizumi had been one of those foolish enough to believe his relationship would never suffer such demise. He loved _____ so intensely it sometimes seemed to be endless. He could stare at the horizon their relationship was, as it extended as the sea did. He couldn’t tell where it stopped. But he was young and lacked experienced. Love would be enough, he had thought back then, and he had been very wrong. Love was the first stone for a solid marriage. The rest was a convoluted series of virtues and vices both had to work out and simultaneously make the decision to pull through.
They had failed at the task. They had fallen into the jaws of the routine until their relationship grew up stagnant. It hadn’t been an easy decision. After almost a decade together—from college where they met all the way to their early thirties—and a five-year-old boy they both loved beyond their physicality. Iwaizumi would sometimes spend hours staring at his son. He wondered what he could be dreaming about, he wondered about his own abilities as a father, especially when his marriage had failed.
It had been for the better. They were becoming strangers who could only snap at the other if they weren’t ignoring each other. How could the perfect relationship that had drove him into ecstasy so easily had become deadweight on his shoulders?
At first, he didn’t know. He was both relieved and saddened when he arrived at his flat. It was only him. No kiss from his wife or shouts of hoy from his son. He treated his divorce with the same fashion he would treat a regular break up. That’s how little he actually knew. You couldn’t simply get over the mother of your child, over the woman you surely swore was your companion for your short eternity on earth. That was his first lesson.
The second was the loss of communication with ______. He had thought the feelings they had felt for each other had died through their day to day life, and there wasn’t anything left to do. The reality was that love didn’t simply die. They had neglected each other. They had forgotten to talk, to have small and big details to help the other get through their issues—work it together. The had become two independent beings instead of working like a team. He had many regrets—many things he would do different.
It didn’t matter much anyway. It was too late. He was entering his second year as a divorced man and his five-year-old was now seven and the three of them had fallen into their new dynamic. They had adapted. Iwaizumi got out of his car and walked to the entrance of the building. He rang two times. “Hi, who’s there?” a very childish voice spoke. Iwaizumi smiled.
“A monster.”
Tiny giggled were heard. “Hi, dad! I’ll let you in!”
The buzzer went off and Iwaizumi entered the building. _____ had moved after their divorce. She had rented a different apartment not too far from their original home, or at least what have been their first home as a family. He had stayed a little longer in their old flat. He had due to their contract and it had been a slow torture. Two months later he was free and he rented his own flat. He had liked somewhere closer his son but that year wasn’t his year by any means.
He knocked on the now familiar door 401.
The door was thrown open abruptly, making a big slamming noise against the wall. “Eiichi!” ______ screamed, her quick steps coming fast from down the hall. She came to a halt and the air left her mouth when she was met with Iwaizumi laid back postured with his eyes planted in her. She seemed to stunned Iwaizumi couldn’t help arching an eyebrow. “Are you okay, _____?” He was always careful when saying her name, as if it was forbidden to him to say it. This was another heartbreaking sign of how radically everything could change between two persons.
“I am. Sorry. I forgot today was your day,” she admitted. “Let me go get Eiichi’s bag ready. Come in, if you want.”
She was gone before Iwaizumi could say anything else. He nodded to himself and closed the door. Eiichi was soon all over him, telling him about his latest adventure. He was barely five years old. He was discovering the world. Everything was whimsical and mysterious to him, and as a father, it was an endearing process to watch. He wished he could be there on a daily basis to see every step of the way. He would be surprised of the strong nostalgia he was undergoing, but with the second anniversary of his divorce so closed, he was bound to feel like that.
______ came back with a red backpack and handed it to Iwaizumi, offering a fleeting smile. “There’s everything he will need for tonight.”
“Okay. I’ll bring him back tomorrow afternoon.”
“Sure.” Silence invaded the room and Iwaizumi knew it was his queue to leave. He got up with the red backpack hanging from his shoulder and gave ______ one last glance before walking out the apartment together with Eiichi, who continued rambling with his clumsy words and ill-formed sentences.
Iwaizumi carried his son and securing him into the backseat and after checking it twice, he went to the front seat and left. The nostalgia eventually dissipated. His son took over his attention and he had no time to travel down memory lane about the life he used to have. The days he spent with Eiichi were the ones he cherished the most, but they were also the most exhausting. He had been warned about the shot of energy children got around the age Eiichi was, and they had not been wrong. After a whole day at the park, running and climbing around, he had finally given Eiichi a bath, put on his pajamas and settled him in the small dinner table adjacent to his living room. The television was playing from across the room. The cartoon was hypnotizing the little boy, who sometimes forgot to chew and left his mouth hung open watching it. Iwaizumi had to give small nudges to Eiichi for him to continue eating.
A divorce could be vicious and Iwaizumi had heard horror stories about it. Not to say his had gone smoothly, but it had been more about the grudges he and _____held against each other, the issues they had kept unspoken and had led to the failure of their marriage. There hadn’t been cheating or someone new in the picture. It was just them and poor communication. They had put those differences aside and concurred to share custody because at least both agreed Eiichi didn’t have to pay for mistakes that weren’t his. Therefore, Iwaizumi had rented a flat with an extra room for Eiichi. It wasn’t a simple guest room, it was decorated accordingly to his age. It was for him and no one else.
Iwaizumi pulled out the bedsheet and signaled Eiichi with his head. “Come on. Get in.”
He did as told and climbed the bed until he was sitting down, his legs hanging from the edge. Iwaizumi knelt, taking off the pair of slippers ______ had included for Eiichi to use. “Are you and mom getting back together?” he suddenly asked, taking his father aback.
“Why do you ask?”
“I checked mom’s drawer and she has a picture of the two of you.”Iwaizumi’s curiosity sparked up. “What drawer?”
“In her room. She sometimes takes it out but then it’s inside the drawer again. That’s why I checked. She doesn’t know I checked.”
He smiled apologetically to him. “Well, there’s no plan for that happening. I’m sorry, bud.”
Eiichi looked down, swinging his legs a couple times before getting inside the covers. “It’s okay.”
Iwaizumi kissed his forehead. The hint of sadness in Eiichi’s face broke him to the core. The more he grew, the more he discovered and rationalized the circumstances around him, and life didn’t go easy on anybody and it pained Iwaizumi to know there were going to be many situations where he wouldn’t be able to protect Eiichi. He tugged the covers a little bit higher and turned the lights off. He left the door slightly ajar and stood still on the spot. He had never seen a picture of _____ and him in her apartment. He had been there a lot, he would’ve noticed his face. He pondered on the piece of information Eiichi had thrown out of pure curiosity. Could it be that ______ wasn’t entirely over them? Could she still think about him? Perhaps and she wondered as much as him what could’ve happened if they had tried a little bit more, a little bit harder.
Iwaizumi tried to go to sleep, too, but it was around two in the morning, after endless runarounds in his head he was able to fall asleep. The last thing in his mind was his wife, and even after, she appeared in his dreams.
He woke up to his son opening the door and climbing into his bed. Eiichi poked him on the cheek a couple times. “Dad, I’m hungry.”
Iwaizumi groaned and then yawned. “I’m coming.” Eiichi jumped two times and then off of the bed. “Careful,” he oredered, his voice still raspy, but Eiichi was already running down the hallway.
Thankfully, he had remembered to get frozen waffles. He warmed up a pair in the toaster for Eiichi and another pair for him. He cut a slice of butter for each waffle and took both plates to the living room. Breakfast was quiet with Eiichi again hypnotized by some cartoon. This gave time Iwaizumi to spend more time with his thoughts. He couldn’t stop going over as of why ______ still had a picture of them in her nightstand, and why was she hiding it? She didn’t have it for Eiichi, if that was the case she would let him have it. She wasn’t even showing the picture to him.
Maybe… just Maybe…
He decided to take Eiichi earlier back to his mother. He wouldn’t be able to shake off his doubts and he had never been a man to shy away. If their relationship had spiraled down, they could pick it back up. They had been fantastic together once, and if he was honest with himself, he missed his life with them. He missed seeing Eiichi daily, not missing a bit of his life. And he missed ______. He missed her as his wife, as his partner.
He pulled on her street half past six—a couple hours before he had to. Eiichi didn’t question. He had no idea at what time he was supposed to arrive, either way. However, ______ was surprised to see him there so early. Eiichi ran past her and disappeared inside the flat. “You’re early. Is something wrong?” she asked bewildered.
“No, I just wanted to see if we can chat.”
“Uhm, okay.” She stepped aside, letting him come inside and walking to the living room. Iwaizumi sat on a different couch than _____. He wasn’t going to push his luck. He went over his question. It was easy and straightforward. However, he couldn’t help feeling like he was twenty again, walking across the room and making some small talk to her and see if he had a chance. He was nervous and unsure if it was the right thing to do.
“So, what is it?” she asked when faced with his silence.
Iwaizumi liked his upper lip as his fingers intertwined on his lip. “Why do you have a picture of us in your drawer?” She sat straight, blinking fast. Her mouth opened and closed, hesitating on emitting any sound. He had taken her aback entirely. “Eiichi told me about,” he clarified, making it impossible for her to lie or avoid the answer.
She looked around huffing. “Well, we were married, Hajime. We were together for too long. Not all of us get over things that easily,” she explained, avoiding looking directly at him.  
Iwaizumi felt it like a direct shot at him. “Who said I got over it easy? I think about my life here with you and Eiichi all the time. I missed my life in here.”
“I’m being honest. Sometimes I just wish I could still be here.”
“If you want to see Eiichi more, you know you can.”
“I’m not only talking about him. I miss us. I think we could have fixed it if we had really tried.”
“We were tired of each other,” she said in a whisper, which told Iwaizumi she wasn’t rock solid on that position. It was the reason why their relationship had ended. That had been the catch phrase of their divorce.
“Maybe we could have used a break but I think divorcing was too extreme.”
“What are you trying to get to?”
“If you aren’t over us, I would actually like to try it again. We could make it work.”
“We can’t just jump right where we left things.”
“No, of course not. We’ll take it slow. I think it’s worth it.”
She held his gaze with hers. She wasn’t agreeing with him, but she wasn’t rejecting him either. He didn’t dare to blink. He wanted to seem confident with his proposal so she could give in.
“What if it doesn’t work again?” she asked.
“Then we go back to… this,” he declared rather calmly. He couldn’t ignore that option existed. Still, he wanted to believe the time they spent apart and the maturity they had gained in those two years was enough to make it right.
She nodded and stood up. “Are you staying for dinner, then?”
Iwaizumi smiled wide, standing up as well. “If there isn’t a problem, I am.”
She grinned shyly and turned away before he could see her. “Let me set another place on the table.”
“I’ll help you,” he offered, and then followed her into the kitchen Needless to say, he was thrilled. The door for a second chance had been opened to him.
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omgrachwrites · 4 years
Schooled (Bucky Barnes)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes/OC
Summary: After the passing of Ava’s father she starts acting out which drives her right into the arms of one gorgeous Professor Barnes.
Warnings: fluff, lil bit of angst, mentions of sex
Words: 2140
A/N: Hope you guys enjoy this part and please let me know what you think and if you would like to be tagged! I love you all! xxx
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Part Three -  The Lecture
All morning the girls were trying to get the scoop on what had happened between Ava and Bucky because MJ and Wanda had woke up in the early hours of the morning and there had been no sign of Ava. All three of them had snuck out of the boy’s room before they got up and got a taxi back to their own hotel so they could actually start packing for their flight home that afternoon – they even left the hotel room without breakfast.
Ava thought that she’d feel bad for leaving without even writing Bucky a note or something like that, she had never been a love them and leave them kind of girl. She didn’t feel bad though, soon Bucky would be a distant memory and there would be no lasting reminder of the night of passion that she’d shared with a beautiful stranger.
“So, what did happen between you and Bucky?” Wanda asked as Ava was struggling to gather all of her makeup collection together. Ava giggled and raised an eyebrow at MJ who was standing behind Wanda, fiddling with her fingers.
“Guys,” Ava laughed as she found her lipstick in the shower, not knowing how it ended up there, “is this an interrogation or something?”
“It’s just that we woke up around 5am and you weren’t asleep on the sofa bed with us, we were worried,” MJ added.
Ava sighed as she threw her cosmetic bag into her suitcase and turned back around to face her friends, her arms folded over her chest, “look, we watched TV and cuddled,” she couldn’t really explain why she wasn’t telling her two best friends the truth about what went down.
“You cuddled?” MJ repeated as she and Wanda looked at each other uncertainly and Ava threw up her arms in frustration.
“Yes, we cuddled, you know it’s when two people vertically hug or snuggle whilst they’re in bed together,” she smiled as Wanda rolled her eyes.
“Okay, okay smartass. Let’s go and get some lunch,” Wanda laughed and they left their hotel and walked into town.
They found a tavern in the old part of the village, right by the bay which looked beautiful in the early afternoon; New York seemed so grey in comparison. Ava didn’t eat anything too heavy as she was feeling very hungover and she didn’t want to be sick on the plane. Ava felt a little paranoid, she was constantly looking around in case Bucky turned up, and she would rather avoid an awkward conversation.
MJ however, noticed that Ava kept on looking around and clearly she got the wrong end of the stick, “look we know what hotel and room that the boys are staying in if you want to go back and give Bucky your number. We’re right behind you,” Wanda hesitated before nodding in agreement.
Ava smiled as she twirled her face in her Greek salad, extremely happy that her friends were always looking out for her, “it’s not about that, really I’m fine. Thank you though.”
As the girls boarded the plane it truly felt that their holiday was over, summer was almost over and Ava thought that she’d better start her work for her literature class. She had to choose a novel or a play from the syllabus and write an essay on it, choosing her own question; she had chosen Jekyll and Hyde which happened to be one of her favourite books. Shakespeare was on the list unfortunately, she liked Shakespeare but she just couldn’t understand the language that was used which would make it hard to write a decent piece on it. In high school she was able to bullshit an essay on Shakespeare but she had a feeling that it wouldn’t cut it in university, she supposed that she’d have to find somebody that would help her.
Chewing her lip, she looked at her friends and she felt bad, she figured that they deserved to know what really went down between her and Bucky. She thought that there was just no point in keeping it a secret anymore considering that she’d never see Bucky ever again.
“Hey guys,” she started and the girls looked up at her, MJ looked slightly annoyed as she took the headphones out of her ears, “I’ve got a confession to make. Bucky and I had sex,” she sighed, waiting for their reaction which was slightly delayed as they took in Ava’s words. They both gasped, MJ looked excited while Wanda narrowed her eyes.
“You had sex with someone that you don’t even know?” she had a mixture of emotions on her face but she mostly looked worried, she was definitely the mom friend, “why didn’t you tell us?”
“Well, for one I knew that you’d react like that,” Ava grinned as she nudged her shoulder against Wanda’s, “and two. I don’t really know why I didn’t say anything, I felt like I had to keep it a secret for some reason,” she shrugged, “but that’s stupid I guess.”
“No, it’s not,” MJ spoke softly, her eyes soft and sympathetic, “are you going to miss him?”
Ava thought about it for a second, “I’ll miss his face that’s for sure, and he was pretty good in bed,” she smirked, “but I didn’t know enough about him to miss him as a person.”
“That’s probably a good thing then,” Wanda shook her head and went back to her book.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
Ava sighed as she looked at the apartment building that NYU had to offer, to be fair from the outside it looked nicer than the ones in California. The same couldn’t be said for the weather, it had been raining pretty much since Ava had arrived back from Greece. She wanted nothing more than to be back beneath that warm sun. She looked at Pepper who was chewing her lip and blinking rapidly while Morgan was sniffling in the backseat.
“Thanks for giving me a ride Pepper,” she smiled and leaned over to give Pepper a hug and reached behind her to give Morgan one too, “I’ll see you guys real soon, okay?”
Pepper nodded, “we need a tradition while you’re here. How about you come over for dinner on Sunday?”
Ava smiled and nodded, “sounds good, I’ll see you guys then,” she grinned and got out of the car, she was feeling nervous now, especially about meeting her roommate. Taking a deep breath Ava pushed open the door to the administration office so she could get the key to her room.
“Hey girl! I’ve been so excited for you to get here!” Rebecca, Ava’s friend grinned from where she was sitting behind the desk, she took a sip of coffee and Ava vaguely wondered if there was any alcohol in it. She had always been bringing a flask to school with her when they were both in their senior year.
“Your roommate is here and oh my god! He is so gorgeous; his accent is to die for!”
“Well, I can’t wait to meet him,” Ava beamed as Rebecca passed her the room key over.
“Do your classes start today?” Rebecca asked and Ava nodded, checking the time on her watch.
“Yeah, in about thirty minutes, I left the whole moving in thing till the last minute. I didn’t want to leave Pepper and Morgan till the very last second.”
“Oh sweetie, I’m so sorry about your dad,” Rebecca sighed.
“Thanks,” she smiled, fiddling with her room key, “I best go and meet my roommate.”
Rebecca squealed excitedly, “eek! Okay! I am so excited for you to meet him, like I’ve already said it a million times,” she giggled, “if you ever need a wing woman then I’m available,” she winked and Ava rolled her eyes at her playfully.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” she smiled and walked up the three flights of stairs to her mini apartment.
On her way up to her room she saw that she wasn’t the only one who was moving in at the last minute, she walked past a lot of open doors as people tried to shift a ridiculous amount of stuff into their room. From being nosey she noticed that the rooms looked pretty okay it had a tiny living room area, a shared bathroom, a little kitchen area and then of course it had the bedrooms in the back. It was incredibly basic but Ava figured that it didn’t matter; she was only here for one year.
As she walked into her mini apartment she saw that there was no one to be seen.
“Hello?” she called out and someone walked out of a bedroom and it almost felt like time stopped moving.
Rebecca had been right; this guy had the face of an angel. He had eyes that were such a light blue that they should have looked cold but somehow they were very warm and soft. To top it all off, he had the curliest blonde hair, it was just to die for – he was to die for.
“Hi, I’m Loki, it’s a pleasure to meet you,” he beamed as he held out his hand, he was so soft spoken that Ava wished that every boy talked like that.
“I’m Ava, it’s great to meet you too,” she giggled as she shook his hand, if she believed in love at first sight then this would be it.
Bucky was about ten minutes into his first lecture at NYU-  he had been really nervous at first but he soon got into it and he knew that this was exactly what he wanted to do. He was very happy that everyone seemed to be listening to him; one of his biggest fears was that if no one listened to him. In fact, there was a group of girls sitting right on the front row and they seemed to be hanging onto his every word. Though, there was one student that was half listening, he kept on glancing at the door every couple of minutes and it was really starting to throw Bucky off.
“Mr Odinson,” he started and Loki looked at him, looking a little guilty, “can you tell me why you’re not giving me all of your attention right now?”
“Err,” he stuttered, “well you see sir, my roo-“he was cut off as the door slammed open, making everybody jump.
“Oh my god! I’m so sorry that I’m late, I completely lost track of-“she trailed off as she looked at Bucky with wide eyes and she was looking very confused.
Bucky felt pretty much the same, considering that it was Ava – the girl that he’d had sex with in Greece. Somebody cleared their throat which brought Bucky back down to earth, remembering that he was in a full lecture hall.
“You must be Ava Stark?” he asked, pretending he didn’t know, dumbfounded she nodded.
“Please find a seat and take out your book list,” Ava chewed her lip and managed to find an empty seat next to Loki.
Bucky carried on with his lecture, kind of distracted as he looked at the pretty girl, he couldn’t believe how unlucky he was to have her as a student. He kept on getting flashbacks to their night together and he remembered just how beautiful she had looked and sounded. Bucky ended up getting so distracted that he ended the lecture about five minutes early.
“Ava, I need a word with you about what you missed in the first ten minutes,” he called to her as she was about to leave the hall. She sighed and turned back around, walking to his desk, he was already writing what she’d missed on a sheet of paper refusing to look at her, “here you go,” he said as he pushed the paper at her.
“Bucky,” she sighed sadly, “are we just going to pretend that we don’t know each other? No one else is here,” she cupped his stubbled jaw.
“You told me that you were an English graduate, I can’t believe you lied to me. Why didn’t you just tell me that you were in your last year of college?” if truth be told he didn’t really care that much but he was still feeling salty about how she left without leaving a note or even her number.
“I don’t know but I’m sorry.”
Bucky sighed and took her hand off of his jaw, “what happened between us in Greece is never going to happen again. I can’t be your lover, or your friend, I can only be your Professor, nothing more.”
“Fine, I understand. One time thing, it won’t happen again,” she rolled her eyes as she turned to leave.
“Ava?” he asked and she didn’t turn around or answer but she did stop, “do make sure that you’re on time tomorrow.”
< previous part                                                       next part >
@void-imaginations @theonelittleone @mikariell95 @leclerc-stan @thejemersoninferno @allthingswildareshy @charles11700 @writingkeepsmewhole @lovely-geek @white-wolf-buckaroo @goodolbucky
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emeraldbiscuit · 4 years
Bnha Spring Time Event 
Word Count: 1.8k
for at @quintessential-kaminari​ -  🌸 
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Note: I’m so sorry for this being late, tumblr has never deleted one of my fics before so that was a surprise. I really enjoyed talking to you and stuff, I hope we can be friends :), anywayyyy, I hope you enjoy ^-^
I was awoken by the warm spring hues that beamed through the gap of my curtains. I groaned at the disruption of my tranquil sleeping state. I rolled over on my soft bed away from the window to avoid the blinding lights, while I reached over and grabbed the nearest stuffed animal - which so happened to be my favourite, my grey and white bunny squishmallow with an adorable pink button nose named Princess Sparkle - and promptly placed it over my face to prevent the light from disturbing me more.
My new-found peace didn't last long though. The offensive beeping from my alarm quickly brought me to the realm on the awake and living. I lazily reached over to my nightstand and picked up my phone to dismiss the alarm and check the time, 08:32. I grumbled knowing I had to get up or I would be late. 
You see, I had my first date with my forever long crush, Denki Kaminari, but I am regretting agreeing to a date for so early in the day. Who in their right mind agrees to go on a date at 9 in the morning, who?? I sluggishly removed my blanket off of my frame before I sat up and swung my legs over the edge of my bed, hissing slightly as my feet made contact with the chilly flooring. 
I tried my best to ignore the aching cold attacking my feet while I walked over to my window and dramatically opened my curtains. My eyes forcefully went into a squint due to the overly colourful skylights that reached my window.
I should probably stop spending so much time inside, then maybe I could adjust to the sun easier, I thought to myself as I made way to my closet to find a cute outfit to wear. I look through my closet for a good few minutes before making a choice. I ended up deciding on a black skater skirt along with a light pink off the shoulder top, as well as a pair of super fluffy baby pink socks with lilac hightops converse.
I moved to stand in front of my mirror. "I look cute as hell" I muttered to myself as I grabbed my brush to brush out my bedhead then put on my favourite stary hair clip to help keep my hair out of my face.
Satisfied with how I looked, I grabbed my phone, keys and a small black purse to hold my items before leaving. I quickly checked the time 08:56 as I left my house. He said he'd pick me up so I guess I'll just wait. I wonder what he has planned since he refused to tell me cause "It's a surprise but wear something cute yet comfortable"
I was pulled out of my thoughts when I caught a glance of warm blonde hair out of the corner of my eye. I smiled brightly knowing who it was, I quickly waved to Denki and walked over to him. He was wearing a pair of denim jeans along with a plain white t-shirt with a light blue dress shirt on top left unbutton along with blue converse. He also had a black bag on his back.
"Hiya Denki!" I said with a cheerful tone, honestly, I was super excited for today and what he had planned - but also super nervous. Eek.
“Hey y/n!!” He said with a large amount of excitement dripping from his voice, my smile only brightened at his excitement. Denki leaned in for a hug which I happily accepted, the scent of his cologne engulfing my airways.
"So, what do you have planned for today?" I asked after I felt his slightly chapped but moistened lips press softly against my cheek before he pulled away from the warm embrace we shared.
He brought a finger to my lips and pressed against them gently as a way to shush me "You will know all in good time, my little buttercup" He held out his arm and gestured for me to hold it.
I rolled my eyes at the nickname as I felt the blood rush to my cheeks "Alright, my prince charming" I intertwined my arm with his as I allowed him to lead the way.
"I know I should have said this earlier but you look really pretty today" He stopped walking and started frantically shaking his arms like a mad man "N-not that you don't look pretty every day but today you just look extra pretty!!" He added but didn't seem to stop his weird actions. "Ahh!! I'm not tryna say you look less pretty on other days" He took a deep breath to help calm himself down "You just look ultra nice today" He paused before continuing "I mean every day, you also look nice every day"
I giggled at his dramatic acts "Thanks, Denki. You look good too"
For the rest of our walk to an undisclosed location, we shared a small conversation full of laughs and giggles and some very awkward unprotected handholding.
We eventually reached a huge gate, decorated with gorgeous flowers and dense greenery. I looked over at Denki confused on what he had plans, all I knew about this place was that it was a botanical garden. I think I was having a conversation about them with someone one day, is that where he got the idea from? Who knows
He linked his arm with him and lead us through the beautiful gate, the garden itself was stunning. Full to the brim with all sorts of artistic flowers with such vibrant but soft colours contrasting with all the earthy greens of the stems. It was honestly a sight to behold, it was beautiful in every single way, there was not one single fault in the place.
"It's so beautiful," I thought aloud, my eyes sparkled with enthusiasm to see the rest of the captivating blooms.
"Nowhere near as beautiful as you, sweetcheeks," Denki said without a hint of hesitation. "Now, may I have this walk M'lady"
I nodded "You may," I said with a small giggle. Truth be told, he could have brought to hang out at the back of a dumpster and I would still be happy as long as I got to spend time with him. He seriously does just brighten up a room.
We walked around the garden, admiring all the scenery. There was quite a lot of people, some couples, some just families with their children. Some of the parents were being careless and letting their kids jump all over the flowers ruining the lovely flowers, kinda heartbreaking to see the growth of the flowers just scattered on the ground in the form of petals.
I was brought back into the world when I heard Denki's voice but I didn't quite hear what he said. But whatever it was, it certainly made him flustered.
"Denki? Are you alright?" I looked up at him with concern filling my eyes. His face was bright red and he was consciously avoiding eye contact.
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. Just, um...you wanna eat? I brought picnic food" He asked while looking at the ground.
“Sure,” I said with a smile.
He nodded and looked up to look for somewhere to sit. He spotted a bench and wasted no time leading me to it. We sat down on the bench with our knees touching slightly.
Denki opened his bag and brought out a collection of sandwiches and snacks. “I had to ask Mina what you liked,” He said with a chuckle.
I smiled knowing he cared enough to ask what I liked. Maybe this could actually go somewhere. 
We dug into the food he brought and started talking about the most random of things. I really do enjoy spending time with him, he’s so much fun and he brought my favourite foods with him. Like how sweet is that?
I was listening to him talking about a new game he got but I lowkey zoned out cause his voice was just so calming to listen to. Though the peace didn’t last since I heard a large scream come from Denki. I looked around for could have possibly scared him - to which there didn’t appear to be anything.
I looked over at him confused, as he is now sitting on the top of the bench shaking and staring at the ground. I looked down to see a small ball fluff, also known as a bunny-rabbit. 
“Denki, are you scared of a bunny?” I asked, trying to hold back a laugh. How could someone be scared of something so cute?
“Yes, they’re evil carrot munchers!” He shouted while pointing at the bunny.
I rolled my eyes and reached down to pick up the bunny (don’t pick up wild animals) and started to pet the creature. “Denki, they’re not going to hurt you, they’re just fluff balls and they can’t actually eat carrots. They’re bad for them” I said while cradling the fluff ball “Aren’t you just the cutest, yes you are, oh yes you are”
Denki didn't appear to become any less frightened from the bunny. I looked at him sympathetically before putting the bunny down and letting it hop away into some bushed. I joined Denki sitting on the back of the bench and wrapped an arm around him, pulling him in close.
"I'm sorry, you must probably think I'm pathetic now..." He said while looking down, he was still shaking with fear.
I placed a soft kiss against his cheek before whispering in his ear "That's the last thing I think, Denki, everyone has their own fears. I'm sorry, is there any way I can make it up to you?"
"I suppose there might be a way" He sniffled and wiped away some tears I didn't notice existed.
I held his hand and rubbed circles on the back of his hand in a comforting manner as I waited for him to continue talking. I didn't realise someone could be so scared of a bunny but the more you know.
"I think a kiss would help," He said while looking up at me with hopeful eyes.
I looked at him shocked for a second, I guess his flirtatiousness doesn't stop even when he's scared. I giggled before leaning in, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Is that better?"  
He pouted "No, I wasn't ready," He said with a whiney tone.
"You should have been paying attention then," I said before standing up and holding out my hand "Wanna continue? I'll protect you from any evil fluffy creatures"
Denki took hold of my hand and we continued our date. We finished the walk around the garden and he walked me home.
I leaned against my front door and looked at Denki. I nervously fiddled with my fingers as I struggled to keep eye contact "I really enjoyed today and I wouldn't mind doing it again sometime" 
Denki looked shocked "Really!? Oh hell yeah, I'd love to"
I smiled softly at him "Cool. I'll, uh, text you at some point"
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chonkychornes · 5 years
Open Arms Part 3
Synopsis: You come back broken from a mission, and the one person who could barely put himself back together is the one who is trying to help you.
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Language? Angst. Smut…eventually.  UST. 3 of ? parts. How’s this as a warning: this is my first reader insert fic and it was a challenge, y’all. So, as long as it isn’t the worst thing anyone has ever read, I’m still doing okay! I hope you enjoy it!
Also, this is really for @quant-um-fizzx​ I couldn’t have/wouldn’t have done any of this without her help and guidance.
Part 1
Part 2
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Two weeks after the great switcheroo, you have your biggest setback thus far. 
Sleep had not come easily the last few nights and you knew a nightmare of epic proportions was brewing just under the surface. You had worn yourself out as much as possible by doing several circuits in the gym. Your nightly routine included drinking some herbal nighttime tea and taking a healthy dose of melatonin … and yet you still found yourself keyed up and anxious. 
You started thinking of, well, everything while you waited for the eventuality of the night to overtake you.
That’s when the idea of the nice warm bed, with the nice warm man down the hall springs to mind. There’s something to be said about being completely physically satisfied to make you sleepy and Steve was always good at turning your brain to mush. 
You weigh the pros and cons quickly before you realize that it would be just like it was before; a moment in time where you used each other for what you needed. Surely, your best friend wouldn’t deny you that, right?
Slipping out of bed and creeping down the hall in an oversized T-shirt, courtesy of the man himself, and socks that you can’t seem to sleep without now, you wonder how stupid this is going be. 
“Hey, Steve? Remember how I said I didn’t want us to fuck around anymore? Well, I can’t sleep. Can you just nail me real good so I pass out?” You snort to yourself and try not to laugh out loud. You figure by the time you wake him up the two of you will just talk until you feel tired enough to pass out, or the moment subsides. 
When you get to the door that leads to Steve’s personal quarters, you key in the code quickly and turn the handle, but the door remains locked. Confused, you try it again several times until FRIDAY’s voice comes over quietly due to the late hour. 
“Miss, Captain Rogers changed the code two weeks ago. Would you like me to wake him up?” 
You stand up rod straight and realize that this is the dumbest thing you could possibly do. 
“No, please don’t wake him. I’m sorry I bothered you, Friday.” 
“Not at all, Miss. Is there any way I can be of assistance?” 
FRIDAY was a fully functional, self-aware AI; you could have a full conversation with her if you wanted. 
“Is anyone else up? Where are they?”
“Mr. Stark is in the R&D lab, of course. He’s asked to not be disturbed unless there is an emergency. Mr. Barnes is in the pool.”
“Thanks.” You slide down the hall and enter your quarters to run into your room and strip down, only to pull your swimsuit on. Laps sound good right about now. Being around another person sounds good. 
The moment has passed and now that you think about it as you throw the nightshirt back over you, it wasn’t even about sex. You just need to be around someone. 
When you reach the pool, you’re automatically mesmerized by the body slicing through the water. It’s all muscles, pale skin, and one gleaming arm. 
James “Jesus sweetheart, even in Wakanda they didn’t call me that” Barnes pops up at the opposite end of the pool from where you are and wipes the water from his eyes. When he sees you, he offers a sly smile. 
“A little late for you to be making your rounds,” he pulls himself up on the edge to sit and kicks his legs in the water. “What’re you doin’?”
You pull off the shirt and toss it aside before sitting on the edge of the pool and plunking your legs in the warm water. A shrug eeks out of you and suddenly, that desire to be around someone dissipates and you feel like you don’t know what to say or how to say it. 
“I just … I was feeling a little lonely, I guess.”
 He nods and stares at you, “It’s weird, right? You think you want to be around people but then when you are, you don’t want to be.”
“Yes! And when I know for a fact that I want so desperately to be alone, that’s when I go looking for everyone,” you trail off as you see him nod. 
“Your mind is always going to feel al little twisted now.”
“Does it get easier?” You can feel the tears pricking at your eyes, but you refuse to let them fall. 
“Sure, but you know that you’re never the same, right? There’s a part of you that’s broken and it can be mended, but it will always be weak,” he slides back into the water and in what seems like a flash, is up on the ledge next to you and you can feel droplets of water falling off of the ends of his hair onto your skin. 
“It doesn’t mean that you are weak,” he staring at you and you wish you didn’t feel like you were being scrutinized. “Just those parts of you. The parts make up the whole, darlin’. You just gotta remember that.” 
You smile and lean your head on his shoulder and let those tears finally fall. He wraps an arm around you as you tell him about the last couple of nights and the nightmare you know is just under the surface.
He offers you some meditation techniques and promises to work with you on them in the next few days. 
“Wanna race?” He’s breaking the tension and you’re grateful for it. 
You laugh and poke him in the shoulder, “Sure, but you have got to ditch the ace in the hole.” You reach around and touch his metal arm and his ensuing laugh echoes off the tiled walls. 
A week after your night swimming session, Steve selects Sam and Nat to join him on what should be a week-long mission. He comes to your quarters to tell you about his departure and when you ask why James isn’t going his answer is a shock to you. 
“He’s staying for you,” Steve sits on your sofa and stares up at you as you gape at him. 
“‘I don’t need a babysitter,” your voice is taking on a shrill tone, but you don’t care. “ Besides, there’s plenty of people here if I need anyone.” 
He rubs the back of his neck and sighs, “There is no way to say this that doesn’t make this sound bad, so just take a seat and deal with it.” He pats the cushion next to him and you sit with your arms crossed. 
You already don’t like what he has to say. 
“Bucky sees you as a pet project … of sorts. He just wants to make sure that either he or I is here with you at all times until you’re feeling more secure in yourself.”
You sink back into the cushions and let that sink in; it feels incredibly insulting and somehow very sweet at the same time. You don’t like it at all, but you can appreciate it. 
“Both of you are dicks,” you say with a smile and Steve barks out a laugh. “The whole point is that I’m trying to do this on my own.”
“Bucky says that asking for help is the hardest and bravest thing you can do,” Steve wraps an around your shoulders as he waxes poetic. “That sounds like something they say in some kind of anonymous meeting, but what do I know?”
“So, what you’re saying is that I should be nicer to the cyborg and ask for help more often?” You can feel Steve’s body shake as he chuckles and you laugh too. 
“Sure, but maybe don’t call him a cyborg, huh?”
“Never to his face, I swear,” pulling away you look up to his face and feel all the seriousness you used to feel before you went on your own missions. “You’ll be safe, right? Come back in one piece, more or less?”
“You got it, kid.” He presses a kiss to the top of your head before telling you that he’s got to get the mission briefing together and leaves. 
You wander the halls of the compound before you find James outside under that dam tree again, reading. When you open the door and give a low whistle, he looks up and over at you. 
“You coming out?” 
You nod and he sets the book aside and locks eyes with you. You steel yourself and walk out. You used to love to be outdoors and the fact that it is such a challenge now is so disappointing. Halfway to the tree, a breeze catches your hair that isn’t tied up and you stop in your tracks. 
He doesn’t say anything, just watches you as you raise your arms and take a deep breath. You close your eyes and just let the air flow around you. This is what you’ve missed, being out in nature, feeling the breeze, listening to leaves rustle. 
When you open your eyes you find James standing a few feet away from you with a concerned look on his face. You smile and that’s when you realize that you’re crying; you hadn’t realized. 
“You good, darlin’?” He steps towards you and you fling your arms around his neck and laugh as he grabs onto you. When you don’t let go, he hugs you harder and lifts you off the ground to spin you around. 
When he lets you go, you pull away an offer him a genuine smile. 
“You look like a fairy queen with your hair all mussed from the breeze,” he gazes down at you. “You look happy right now.” 
“I am happy right now.” 
A moment passes between the two of you. You wonder what he would taste like and if his kiss would fill you to the bottom of the soles of your feet. His tongue slips out to moisten his lips and you sigh slightly. That seems to break the spell between you both. When you pull away from each other, there’s awkwardness but you don’t avoid each other’s gaze. 
“So, Steve’s leaving for a mission,” you walk past him to sit under the tree. “Wanna have dinner in his place?” 
James walks over and resumes his spot next to you and picks up the book. 
“That depends, what are you making, doll?” 
And just like that, you’re planning dinner outside like you used to; and grateful for it. 
The golden trio has been gone for two months. 
Emotions are running high at the compound and you’re currently locked in a battle of wills with one James “So help me if you don’t just call me Bucky” Barnes. 
“I’m not cooking for you, Barnes.” You are perched on the island in the communal kitchen, arms crossed over your chest, defiance all over you face. 
“Fine, doll. You don’t have to cook for me,” he’s pacing the room and stalking you like prey. “I’m saying we should go out for dinner. Somewhere out in the city. We could even get all gussied up. I bet Stark could get us in someplace real nice.”
You swing your head around to him and stare, “The city? This city? As in New York?” Beads of sweat form on your brow and you can feel your stomach roll at the just thought of stepping off the property. 
“What other city do ya think I’m talkin’ about? You wanna go to Paris or London? I’m sure we could go there,” he runs a hand through his hair and pulls it up into a hasty bun. “You just have to get over yourself and walk out of that damned gate!” He points vaguely in the direction of the main gate and your spine stiffens. 
He spins around to look at you, and his eyes soften. You’re sure he can see the whites of your knuckles and he can hear the quickened pace of your heart. James is in front of you in a flash and giving you his most reassuring smile. 
“Hey, I’m sorry, doll,” he moves his hands to your shoulders in a move you’ve come to crave. He begins massaging the knots in your muscles and every time his thumbs pass over the sides of your neck, you lean into the warmth of his touch. 
You’ve been so touch starved that these small moments he offers you are like a balm for your soul. You keep to yourself as much as possible, even when the other three are around, but to go so long without touching another person has been excruciating for you. 
“I know you’re worried about them, but we know they’re fine,” he’s crooning at you and you relax so much that you uncross your arms and sag under his hands. “We got their message.”
“It’s not even that, James.” You roll your eyes as he does at his name and stare right into his eyes. “I’m just not the same and I can’t imagine leaving this place. It’s a safety net … I need to be here.”
His hands pause for the merest of seconds before he scoops you off the counter and carries you out to the common room and sits down with you on the couch. 
“So, where would you like to start first?” He pulls your legs over his laps and begins rubbing your feet, “And don’t even bother giving me a sarcastic answer. All massages go away if you do.” 
The look he gives you not only tells you he’s serious about taking his hands away from your socked feet but also that he understands and picked up on your need for human contact. 
“Um, how about the safety net thing?” You slide down a little on the couch and grab a pillow to prop up behind your head. 
“You know if you want to be considered mission-ready, all you have to do is leave,” one eyebrow is cocked as he looks at you and you chew on your lip and shrug your shoulders. 
“Deep down I understand that,” you sit up on your elbows when he pulls on your pinky toe. “Ow! When you were in Wakanda and T’Challa came to you … were you ready to leave that behind? To just leave the safety of that little lakeside home you had and go back off to fight?”
He’d told you about his time in the foreign land; of his struggles to regain himself with Shuri’s help and T’Challa’s friendship and guidance. How the little lake had offered him solace and tending to the goats had given him peace. 
“I fight; we fight,” he emphasizes the phrase and grabs the other foot. “It’s not just that it’s the only thing I know how to do, because it isn’t.”
“Obviously, you could make a killing as a masseuse.” You offer him a cheeky grin and then a yelp as he tickles the sole of said foot.
“It’s not just that, but that now I do it because it needs to be done and I’m pretty sure I’m doing it for the right reasons.”
Staring up at the ceiling you ponder his words and it strikes you as odd, “You’re pretty sure?”
“Can we ever really be right about any of this when people die?”
The two of you are quiet for some time after that before you finally say, “Okay, so let’s go somewhere.”
“Yeah?” There’s a hopeful, childlike giddiness in his voice and it’s spread all over his face.
“Yeah, I mean, I’m not super thrilled about the idea and I might back out as soon as we reach the gate, but yes,” you pull yourself up into a sitting position and look at him. “But I want the works, Barnes.”
“Jesus, I’ll have to talk to Stark, won’t I?”
“Nope. You’ll need Pepper for this,” you grin and poke him in the chest. “Dinner and a show. Preferably a musical.” 
“Wait, what?” He looks absolutely horrified. “I never said anything about going to a show.” He stands and begins pacing, “I’ll need to make sure my suit is clean and I gotta find my gloves.”
You’re smirking at him when he stops dead in his tracks and glares at you.
“Do I need to shave or,” he gulps and you swear you can see how difficult this is by the way his Adam’s apple bobs up and down, “Cut my hair?”
After assuring him that hair grooming would only consist of washing and brushing it, Pepper is brought in and up to speed. 
The look of confusion is remarkable for someone so clever and you stifle a laugh as she asks James to explain to her one more time “just so she understands fully”.
You’re doing your best to look nonchalant on the couch when she cocks an eyebrow over his shoulder at you. 
“How obnoxious should this musical be?” She already has her phone out and is tapping away. 
“I think we need the full impact,” you shoot her a grin and she shakes her head and smiles. 
“You’re torturing him, aren’t you?” You say nothing as James turns to look at you. 
“Do I need to be here for the details?” When both you and Pepper shake your head he walks out muttering about getting his suit ready and resistance techniques. 
Tickets are at Will Call and you have a reservation for 10 pm at Joe Allen’s,” Pepper sits down gracefully next you on the couch. “What are you wearing?”
The two of you had never been exceptionally close, but she had always been kind and friendly. When you shrugged she sighed and dragged you up off the couch with her as she stood. 
“I don’t know why you two were discussing dinner plans at three in the afternoon, but the show starts at seven, so we don’t have time to go shopping.” She guides you into the hall, “FRIDAY? If Wanda is home, please let her know that she will have a visitor shortly who needs evening wear.”
Pepper walks with you to the elevator and smiles gently, “I’d offer you something, but you’re a bit broader in the shoulders than I am. You and Wanda are closer in size.” 
“Thank you, for everything,” you squeeze her hand as the elevator dings, alerting its arrival. 
“Are you ready for this?” Pepper knows about what you’ve been dealing with. Tony dealt with it too, and he’s been an invaluable source of help and guidance. 
“I don’t think I’ll ever be ready to leave here,” you step into the lift and hold open the door. “That’s why I have to do it. Plus, James is being really nice and supportive about it.” 
“I’m sure that’s not the only reason he’s being so nice to you, but whatever you need to tell yourself,” she smiles as the door begins to close. “Enjoy your date!”
Wanda is a fashion diva with a dark side and she just saved your skin. You told her about Pepper’s joke and she only smiled. 
Since Wanda towered a good six inches over you, most of her skirts and dresses hit you at a weird length. She was getting frustrated and you were getting discouraged when she pulled an elegant black pantsuit from the depths of her closet and held it out to you. 
“The legs are too short for me, but it should work for you.” She holds it out for you and you fall in love with how soft the silk is and how daring the neckline is. It’s nothing you would have ever bought for yourself, but you immediately pull it on and step in front of the mirror. 
Wanda steps behind you with her hands on her hips and lips pursed. 
“It’s too much, huh?” You look down at the pencil leg that hits right at the bottom of your ankle and the deep v neck that reaches a point at your navel. You keep rolling your shoulders because the halter neck is too large, but Wanda quickly adjusts it and suddenly pert breasts are sitting pretty and the ebony color offsets your skin. 
It’s slightly formfitting but you’re slender, so it looks like you’re pulling it off. 
“You need heels,” Wanda says this so matter of factly that you don’t worry for one second … until she pulls out a towering pair of stilettos. 
“Not on my life or yours,” your arms cross and you stare her down. She sighs and pulls out a pair of ballet flats instead. “I think I have something that will work.” 
She riffles through the discarded clothes in a heap on her bed and pulls out a tuxedo jacket with a shiny silver lapel that you had been hoping you could wear. 
“Leave your hair down, smoky eyes, and either a nude lip or red,” she whips her hands around and her clothes have all moved back into the closet as you stand there and stare at her. 
“I didn’t know you could do that,” you smile as she laughs. “Thank you, Wanda.”
“Have fun and if you need anything, I’ll be home.” Her meaning is more than clear. She has your back and she’ll have it tonight if you need her to. You lean down and kiss her cheek before scooting out of her room and making your way down to your own. 
It’s five pm and you’ve managed to shower and get yourself together without too much incident. You attribute that to being mission ready for the last several years. You’re sure you could still pack a bag in under five minutes and that makes you happy. 
The show starts at seven and the plan is to have drinks at the theater beforehand. You see Happy pull up out front and stand by the car. Pepper really did think of everything. 
The elevator dings and you turn around to find James “Jesus, that man looks too good to be called Bucky” Barnes step out into the hall. 
He’s not at all traditional and that surprises you, but he pulls it off so well that you almost swoon. The royal blue velvet dinner jacket is pulled over a stark white shirt and long skinny tie to match the jacket. His slacks are charcoal and tight in all the right places. 
His hair is up in his usual half bun and he’s trimmed down his beard to a slight five o’clock shadow. As he walks forward you notice that the man is not wearing anything between his feet and his dress shoes.
“Where the hell are your socks?” You ask as he grins and offers his arm. You take it and grin back him as he leads you outside.
“Hiya Happy,” you both greet the driver who gives you both a wide smile but says nothing as you enter the car. 
“I wearing socks, doll.” James is showing you his foot as you buckle in and the car pulls away from the curb. “They’re the hip thing these days.”
The little slipper socks he’s wearing are not the hip thing, but you indulge him because you’re certain he’s about to be bored to death for the next two to three hours. 
“Well, you look very handsome James,” you look up through the front windshield and let out a small gasp. 
The front gate is opening and you meet Happy’s eyes in the rearview mirror as he waits to drive forward. You blindly reach out and find your hand firmly clasped in James’ metal one. 
“Where are your gloves?” the murmur is quiet as it escapes your lips and you wonder if he heard you until you feel him tug your hand to get your attention. 
“In my pocket,” his flick back and forth into yours. “It’s just a line, that’s all it is.” You gulp and squeeze your eyes shut and nod. 
Happy pulls forward and you don’t open your eyes until you hear James ask you, “So, you sure you know how to walk in those shoes, sugar?” 
Your eyes pop open and you know what he’s doing; you can’t ignore a challenge. “Natasha trained me. I can kick your ass in these heels.” You cross your legs and point one foot to show off the black strappy sandal with the stacked heel. 
“Yeah, I believe that.” His eyes linger on your lips and you lick them subconsciously, “What show are we going to see anyway?”
Three hours later, you’ve watched as James cracked up as King Arthur’s servant banged coconut shells together as they ran around the stage, you both cheered on The Lady of the Lake and her Laker Girls as they turned Dennis into Sir Gallahad, and he had wrapped his arm around you at the end when you shed a few laughing tears as King Arthur married The Lady of Lake, who turned out to be Guinevere. 
You get seated at a quiet table, in the back at Joe Allens and James orders a bottle of champagne. 
“That was more fun than I thought it would be,” he says as the waiter leaves to retrieve the bottle and give you time to look over the menu. 
After sampling the champagne and placing an order for crab cakes to start and a bacon cheeseburger for Sir, and for the lady, the lobster roll. 
“So, how are you feeling?” James leans back in his chair and lifts his flute to his lips. 
“I feel … fine.” You shrug your shoulders but when you lock eyes with him you only see open encouragement, so you continue. “I’ve had so much fun that I haven’t been paying attention.”
You lean across the table and look directly at him, “I mean, I’ve been paying attention. As soon as Happy dropped us off, it was like I was operation ready again.”
He leans across the table to meet you in the middle, “That’s because you were ready.”
You linger over the food and he gripes when you swipe the kosher pickle spear off his plate and take a bite. “You don’t even like pickles, Barnes!” 
You stick your tongue out at him when he criticizes how you eat the lobster roll, “You aren’t supposed to pick out the meat with a fork! Eat it like a hot dog, for chrissakes!”
After you split a huge slice of apple crumb pie ala mode James moves his chair around next to yours and you both finish off the champagne as the other patrons pay their checks and slip out into the night. 
“You clean up real good, doll face,” James whispers as another couple walks by and towards the door. “Maybe we can do this again sometime.”
The waiter appears with another bottle of champagne and when you both protest he says simply, “Mr. Stark sends his congratulations and has taken care of things here this evening.”
You can feel your heart constrict a little in your chest but choose instead to focus on the positive. You managed to have a lovely evening, outside of the compound, on the arm of a handsome and funny man who was currently looking at you like you were the only woman in the world. 
And Tony Stark was footing the bill. 
Maybe it was all the champagne and delicious food. Maybe it was how good, even after several hours, James looked in his suit. Maybe being all done up and wearing makeup did make you feel more confident like the magazines tried to tell women all over the world. 
When you leaned into his side and looked up at him and he gazed down at you, you saw longing; deep and real. You reach across his chest and tug on his lapel to bring him closer and when you moisten your lips he copies your action. 
Just before impact, just before what could make or break any of this; just before you have to decide later on if it was all the champagne and the atmosphere or something more, both of your phones start buzzing and blaring. 
The spell is broken as you both reach for your devices. 
The golden trio has returned and you each received a message from Steve. 
“Thanks for the warm welcome, assholes.”
Tagged onto a picture of a pitch-black compound.
“I guess the night is over for us,” James removes his arm from around your shoulders and stand up to call Happy. 
Not only is the night over, but you’re pretty sure the moment is too. 
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oneemofungirl · 4 years
Haunted Past 06 | Thomas Hunt x Kate Anderson
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Pairings: Thomas Hunt x MC(Kate Anderson) , Ethan Blake x Addison Sinclair
Word count: 900+
Summary: Something has Kate on edge, and Thomas finds out after class.
A/N: Happy New Year!!!!! and I have school today TT Let the angst commence! hahaha I’m feeling evil and productive lol. Hope y’all can handle the angst that’s boutta come and don’t worry because it’s gonna be short! Alas enjoy luvs ^^
School break was up and they had to wake up earlier than usual. Kate as usual had her grumpy fit when Thomas had tried to wake her up. Why was it so awfully hard to wake this little brat? he thought to himself, maybe that’s why she’s so peppy for the rest of the day he concluded.
“Five more minutes~” she pleaded with him.
“That’s what you said ten minutes ago.” He spanked her and she yelped “Eek!” and buried her head deeper in her pillow.
“Wake up before I deduct your marks when you eventually arrive late in class.” She was squirming even more before stopping to finally sit up and look at him.
“Fine~ Daddd~” she made a whiny sound and rubbed her eyes, he patted her hair and kissed her forehead
“Good girl. Now join me for a bath.” she smirked
“Okayy Daddy~~” she wiggled her eyebrows and got up before something strong pulled her back to bed with him
“Keep that up and we’ll both miss school.” he scolded her
“But you’d like that wouldn’t you.” She teased further and bit her lip provocatively
“That’s it, get in the shower now!” he growled and practically dragged a squealing but very wet Kate into the bathroom.
Addison, Kate and Ethan went to the café to get their usual coffee and breakfast.
“Oh my gosh, you will not believe what I saw the other day!” Addi started her morning rambles as we went in the café.
As soon as they stepped in, everyone was whispering under their breaths, “Oh-em-gee isn’t that Kate?” “I heard she’s dating Professor Hunt.”  “Oh my god, did you know that she slept with the Professor to get privileges?” “Really??? wow what a slut.”
Blushing under everyone’s gaze and biting back tears, Kate hurried to the counter to make her order.
“Kate, are you okay?” Ethan looked concerned as everyone was still speaking in hushed whispers about her.
“I’m fine, this will go away soon enough.” Her voice cracked slightly, Ethan nodded and Addi smiled sadly at her.
Kate arrived late to Thomas’s class like he had predicted.
“Miss Anderson, so nice of you to finally join us.” he made a remark as she went to her seat.
But she didn’t talk back this time, nor did she even flash him her usual glare. She just nodded sullenly and sat down quietly. 
He, of course immediately knew something was wrong, and he made a mental note to make sure she was okay after class.
After the class, Thomas had asked to see her.
“Won’t people get suspicious and stuff?” Kate stated worriedly, she wasn’t going to let herself be bothered with people’s gossip, but she didn’t want to give people a reason to have something to gossip about them anyways.
“They already know about our relationship and besides, I don’t care about what they say.” He lifted his hand to stroke her cheek. She bit her lip and nodded.
“But you look bothered, come to my office, let me help.” He offered as he put the last of his things into his briefcase.
“It’s fine, I don’t want to worry you or anything.” She tried to not make a big deal about it. Although, she found it really sweet that he cared.
“Nonsense. You are clearly on edge about something and I want to help.” he held her hand in his.
“Come.” they both walked to their office which was not that far from class.
“Have a seat.” He offered a chair for her and sat on his own large plush office chair.
“Thank you Thomas.”
“What wrong Kate? You’ve been distracted throughout my class and I want to help.” He asked, voice soft and with genuine concern.
“I just… worry about what other people keep saying you know, that I-“ she shuddered before continuing, “-slept with you to get my grades bumped.”
She was shocked as he suddenly slammed his fists on the table.
“Who said that.” His face was turning red, how fucking dare they he thought.
“I mean… kids on campus have been throwing it around an-and-.” Her voice suddenly cracking, lower and more timid than before.
“Kate, do not listen to them. We both know that it isn’t true and the people who spout this nonsense are ignorant fools that have nothing to do with their lives.”
She couldn’t control herself now, tears were spilling before she had a chance to wipe them away.
“No no no I’m sorry… don’t cry…” Thomas made his way over to her and pulled her into his embrace.
“No…*sniff* I’m sorry… I’m just so…insecure...” His heart broke as he held her in his arms and brought his hands up to cup her face.
“You shouldn’t be my dear.” He kissed her softly, good god, he would steal a million stars for her if it were to make her happy.
“But I am… I shouldn’t let these things get to me but they always do.” She was now crying louder and hugging him tightly as if her life had depended on it.
“It’s not your fault love.” He wiped a tear from her cheek and kissed her tenderly again.
“Tell me, what can I do to make you feel better?” His eyes were searching hers.
“Show me you love me Thomas.” Her eyes met his, his name falling out of her lips like a desperate plea and they both knew what was to come as their lips came crashing to each other.
Taglist: @hopelessromantic1352 , @lilyofchoices
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deleted-blog-29583 · 5 years
hello, hope you're well 💕 could you write an imagine for Peter Parker with a non-binary reader who's in a distant relationship and lives in London, using the prompts 17, 23, 40 & 41, please? they could be dating only for a few months now and the reader knows he's Spider-man because they saw him in the middle of all the wreckage in London with his mask off and they unexpectedly started talking and became friends, and Peter could be packing his bags to meet them again in London? thank you!! ❤️❤️
Hi! Thanks for requesting :) i haven't seen FFH yet so i apologise if anything is inaccurate. Eek sorry this took so long! Enjoy!
Missing in action | Peter Parker x Reader (Spiderman: Hormcoming/FFH)
prompts: 17 "your smile is all i need." 23 "don't look at me like that." 40 "if you get hurt i'll kill you." 41 "i'll always be here for you, ok?"
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You stared at the stranger from across the restaurant with curiosity and fondness in your eyes. He was cute, and you couldn't help but admire him. He looked over at you a few times and you made eye contact, both looking away awkwardly and smiling to yourself as both your friends teased you quietly.
"Ooo looks like y/n's found the love of their life." You friend teased, poking your side playfully. You smacked her away and went a soft pink.
"Shut up before he realises we're talking about him. Besides, he's on a school trip, right? From America? He'll be gone soon anyways." You replied, slight disappointment in your eyes. Just then, they stood up to leave. Coincidentally, so did your friend group.
The Americans walked towards the shops, and you and your group of friends decided to slowly follow behind them. It was sort of for a laugh, but you were also hoping they'd notice so you could introduce yourself to the cute stranger.
Then, it happened.
In a flash of chaos and screams, disaster struck down on the city from seemingly nowhere. You and your friends were instantly separated by a swarm of panicked people, and all you could think of doing was run. So you did. You cut through all the chaos and down an alley to catch your breath. You panted shakily, trying to regain some energy, unsure of what to do. You were scared, alone, confused.
Out of nowhere, something (or rather someone), lept down beside you. It was a guy in a red suit and it startled you so you began to run, but a friendly voice came from the stranger.
"Hey! Hey! It's ok; i'm one of the good guys, see?" He spoke, revealing himself. It was the cute guy from the cafe, which took you but surprise. "I'm Peter. Peter Parker." He held out a hand, which you shook cautiously.
"Y/n. Y/n Y/l/n." You replied. "A-are you spiderman?" You asked. You'd heard about him, but had no idea what he was doing in the UK.
"Yeah, i am." He said with a hint of pride, to which you chuckled in disbelief. "I probably should't have revealed that but, you look trustworthy." He shrugged.
"Thanks." You smirk. "So what's happening? Some attack or something? I've lost my friends and i'm a bit scared..." you admit, running a hand through your hair.
"I'm...not really sure either. But i'm trying to contain it." He smirked haphazardly. "Come on, i'll take you somewhere safe." He held out a hand and you took it, and without warning, he grabbed your waist and sprung into the air via spiderweb. You screamed, but it wasn’t fear. It was amazing, flying in the arms of a hero.
He dropped you off at the city hall, a place you’d been to a few times, where people were hiding. 
“So, i guess i’ll see you around before you head back to America?” you asked as he went to leave. 
“Y-yeah, i guess so.” he smiled, stuttering slightly. He went to leave, but turned back suddenly. “Can i get your number?” he asked rather quickly. 
“O' Course.” you beamed, taking his phone. You quickly added your number, and gave it back. “Also, uh, just in case it matters to you, i’m...not a girl. Or a guy for that matter, i’m non-binary, so i use they/them pronouns. J-just thought you should know.” You explained. 
“Oh, okay! It doesn't matter to me at all, you're cute, that's all that matters.” He beamed casually. "I'll call you."
You were glad he understood, some people didn’t. 
“You better.” you smirked. And with that, he dashed off. 
* five months later *
“So, how’s school going?” Peter asked over skype, looking as cute as ever. 
“Gooood, what about you? Any Avenging lately?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“School’s going well, and i had the craziest mission the other day! Some robbers were robbing the...” he began to ramble about the mission, and it was adorable. “Crap, i gotta go. It’s one AM, I have a mission tomorrow, so i may be MIA for a while.” 
“Ok, sweetheart. But if you get hurt, i’ll kill you.” you pouted. “Mmm, i’m gonna miss you.” 
“I won’t get hurt. And don’t give me that face.” He cooed. “I’ll see you later. Love you.”
“Love you too.” You replied.
"And remember, i'll always be here for you. Just call me if you need me, i'll set aside any mission for you. Bye!!" he waved like a dork before hanging up. You sighed, and closed your computer. You loved Peter, but long distance wasn't easy.
Peter giggled after he hung up. You had no idea! He began packing manically, stuffing things into a bag. He had a plane to catch in a couple of hours, a plane to London.
He boarded the plane and checked his phone, lots of messages from you wishing him luck and safety. A warm feeling swarmed him as he thought of you, and he settled down for the long flight.
Meanwhile, you were at home (having not left since yesterday) making breakfast. Yesterdays skype had left you feeling lovely but also worried, worried for Peters safety. You supported his job and his avenging, but it didn't stop you worrying. Just as you sat down the doorbell rung, and you let out a small groan.
'Seriously? Just as i sit down?'
You swing open the door and your annoyance instantly disappeared. In your doorway stood a very jetlagged looking Peter, smiling softly.
"Hey." He breathed, before you engulfed him in a hug. He hugged back tightly, taking you in.
"Peter! I haven't seen you since...well...since we met! God, i've waited so long to see you again i-" he cut you off by pressing his lips to yours passionately, arms wrapping around your waist. He pulled away, smirking.
"Oh, Peter, you look so tired." You smiled sadly, ruffling his already messy hair.
"Who cares. Your smile is all i need to keep me going." He spoke lovingly, you still in his arms. "That being said, can we take a nap? I'm barely alive here."
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Cuddle Storm
Fandom: Love Live! Sunshine!!
Summary: Kanan wasn’t a fan of thunderstorms, but Ruby was quite afraid of them.
Genre: Friendship, Romance
Rating: G/K
Featured Characters: Kanan, Ruby
Pairing(s): KanaRuby
Chapters: 1
Word Count: 1652
Publication Date: 22 July, 2017
Warnings: none
Extra Notes: none
Alt Links: AO3, fanfic.net
Kanan wasn’t afraid of storms, but she didn’t particularly enjoy them either. They made it harder to do the things she loved; while running or swimming in rain by itself was refreshing, it was too dangerous to do so when it was accompanied by lightning. There was no fishing, no stargazing, no outdoor activities period during a bad storm. Hail and wind made it even worse. If there was anything that Kanan didn’t like, it was being forced to be cooped up inside. It was frustrating.
Frustration was the last thing she felt, however, when she watched Ruby vibrating ever so slightly, struggling to keep her composure as a rumble sounded in the distance.
“I hope sis is okay…” said Ruby, hands pressed against the rain soaked window.
Taking a seat on the couch, Kanan nodded. “Hopefully she made it to the store before it started raining.”
They were silent. Kanan listened to the gentle patter of rain as it hit the roof. The sound of rain, though it was a reminder of her inability to do the activities she wanted to do, was rather relaxing when it was slower like this. It was as if there wasn’t a storm afoot.
Seconds later, the rain began to come down in a torrent. Ruby recoiled with a squeak as it pounded against the window.
A buzzing sound came from Kanan’s pocket.
“Oh, I wonder if that’s her?” Kanan checked her phone:
--[4:29 PM] Dia: Sorry, Kanan-san, I’m going to stay in the convenience store until this storm lets up. It’s too heavy. You’ll just have to wait a little longer for the food. How bad is it there? Take care of Ruby for me, please.
She sent an reply to Dia, explaining that the rain was just as bad and that she would comfort Ruby if she needed it. Which, as each minute went by, seemed quite likely.
Ruby turned to Kanan. “Was it sis?”
“Yeah. Sounds like she’s buying the snacks,” said Kanan. “She’s stuck at the store until the rain stops, though.”
“Oh…” Ruby’s crestfallen expression made Kanan’s heart lurch. “A-At least she’s okay if she messaged you, right?”
“I’m sure she’s doing fine,” said Kanan. Poor Ruby. Lately, Kanan had found herself feeling blue whenever Ruby was upset. While certainly she had experienced sadness at Ruby’s discomfort in the past, it seemed like she experienced it every time now. She wasn’t entirely sure how it had become more frequent. All she knew was that one day she had seen Ruby crying at the pier, desperate for comfort. In that moment, Kanan wanted to hug her harder than she had ever hugged anyone before.
Ruby looked outside once more. “Maybe the storm will end soon?”
Lightning flashed brightly; its thunder crackled so loudly that the house shook.
“Eek!” Ruby bolted to the couch. She shivered as she nestled up to Kanan.
“Wow, that was a close one,” said Kanan. Looking down at the girl shaking against her, she felt her heart warm. Not because of Ruby’s fear –that still hurt her-- but from the idea that Ruby genuinely wanted Kanan to comfort her. That had been happening far more often, too. Ruby had recently begun to run to her for comfort nearly every time, even if she were standing closer to someone else. Kanan always seemed to be Ruby’s choice, unless Dia or Hanamaru were in the same room. She found herself a little envious that if Dia were here, Ruby would surely run into her arms instead. It made sense, seeing as they were siblings, but…
Why did she want to be Ruby’s number one choice?
Ruby cuddled closer when another clap of thunder sounded.
“It’s alright, Ruby-chan. I’m sure it’ll blow over soon enough,” said Kanan, rubbing Ruby’s back.
Ruby’s lower lip trembled. “B-But…”
“We’ll be okay. Don’t worry.” Kanan took Ruby’s hand. “How about a hug?”
“S-Sorry Kanan-chan, R-Ruby’s trying to get better at not being a scaredy-cat, so not this time—”
The entire house suddenly lit up, then went completely dark. The lights went out as thunder burst through the air with a deafening crash.
Delivering a similarly ear-shattering noise, Ruby’s arms gripped Kanan as tight as they could. Which, as it turned out, was tight enough to take Kanan’s breath away. But was it from Ruby’s strength, or…?
“Aww, Ruby. It’s just a power outage. There’s nothing to be afraid of.”
“W-What if there’s a tornado?”
“Then we’ll run down to the basement.” Kanan hugged Ruby back. “Just relax. I’ve got you, and I won’t let go until you want me to. I’ll protect you from the storm, okay?”
Once again, there were no words between them. There was one sound, however, that stood out above all the rest. Despite the rain pounding against the window, mixed with the occasional sound of thunder, Kanan heard Ruby’s ragged breaths. She tightened her hold on her.
Ruby snuggled against Kanan’s chest. The scent of lavender in Ruby’s hair – was it shampoo? -- made Kanan breathe deeply. Her heart began to beat faster; she wondered if Ruby felt it. Kanan had always loved the sensation of having another body pressed against her own in a hug. The warmth of the other person, especially if it was during powerful hug filled with love, was the world’s greatest feeling. Ruby’s hug was so real, so sweet…Kanan wasn’t sure if she wanted this moment to end.
Maybe the storm was a blessing in disguise.
“I-I’m so happy you’re here with me,” suddenly said Ruby. She stared up at Kanan, tears in her eyes. “I don’t want to be with anyone else right now.”
Kanan felt heat rising in her cheeks as she gazed back at Ruby’s face. She wasn’t sure how to respond, so she said the first thing that came to her mind: “Not even Dia?”
Ruby smiled. Her face practically glowed with redness. “It’d be nice if she were here, but…I like you, Kanan. I like you a lot, so Ruby doesn’t really mind right now.”
Kanan was momentarily unable to speak. She was so precious, so cute…“Oh, Ruby-chan…I don’t think I want to be with anyone else right now, either.”
“D-Do you mean that?” Ruby brought her face closer to Kanan’s.
Goodness, Ruby’s eyes were downright adorable. Before Kanan knew what she was doing, she leaned forward and planted a kiss on Ruby’s forehead. Her heart stopped; she had never done that to Ruby. She stammered an apology—
Ruby stopped her with a kiss on the cheek. She giggled as she buried her head back into Kanan’s chest. Truly, it was music to Kanan’s ears. “That means yes, right?”
This was it. Kanan was going to die from heart palpitations today. “Of course.”
They were quiet in their embrace. Kanan brought her hand up and stroked Ruby’s hair. It was surprisingly soft, and very easy for her to run her fingers through. How she wished she could do this more often. Even more so, she wanted to hold Ruby’s hand whenever they next went out. She wanted to show her off, to tell everyone how incredible she actually was. Ruby was fashionable, friendly, and above all a kind girl. Kanan was going to make everyone realise how wonderful her girlfriend was, whether people liked it or not.
…Girlfriend? Was that what she wanted Ruby to be? Kanan’s cheeks were hot at the thought. It would explain more than a couple things, at least. She grinned as she noticed Ruby’s breathing slow somewhat.
The rain gradually slowed. After some time, the sunlight poked its way out through a small gap between the clouds. A rainbow sprawled in a perfect arc across the sky, illuminating the blue that started to emerge. Nature sure had a way of matching the mood sometimes.
Checking to ensure Ruby hadn’t fallen asleep, Kanan pointed out the window. “Ruby-chan, look outside!”
Turning her head, Ruby glanced at the rainbow. She gasped. “It’s so beautiful…”
“It’s just like you,” said Kanan. “Not only is it pretty, it also brings smiles to people’s faces, like you’ve done for me this afternoon.”
“K-Kanan-chan…” Ruby yawned as she turned back to Kanan. Her face lit up with a massive smile. It was even more beautiful than the rainbow, Kanan thought.
“You look like you’re feeling much better now.”
“I am, thanks to you!” said Ruby. A moment later, her smile faltered. “But…if it’s stopped raining, doesn’t that mean sis will be back soon?”
Kanan’s heart sank. She had been so caught up in the moment that she completely forgot that Dia was coming back at some point. “Oh. Yeah, that’s right.”
“We won’t be alone anymore…” said Ruby.
Her sad face prompted Kanan to rub her cheek. “Why don’t we run away, just the two of us? We can go to wherever the end of the rainbow takes us.”
Ruby giggled before yawning once again. “Okay. Ruby wants to take a nap first, though.”
Kanan chuckled as she lied down, pulling Ruby along with her. “Let’s nap together, then.”
“Good idea,” said Ruby, grabbing a pillow from the end of the couch and putting it under their heads.
It didn’t take long for both to fall asleep. Kanan never let Ruby go, not for a moment.
“Ruby! Kanan-san! I’m back!” said Dia, entering the room. Upon seeing their position, she dropped the bag she held.
The two were sprawled on the couch, Ruby wrapped in Kanan’s arms. One of Ruby’s arms dangled off, just short of touching the floor.
No, this wasn’t right. How could either of them do this to her?
Sneaking over, Dia took Ruby’s dangling arm and moved it so that that it was around Kanan’s waist. She reached under the couch and brought a blanket out, throwing it over the couch’s occupants and tucking them in.
There. That was better.
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papillonrecordhouse · 7 years
Papillion x Dori Support C-B
In collaboration with: @doriderpdoodles
Papillion: *walks into the training grounds* Oh, where is she? *looks excited* The records say she should be here past noon.
Dori: *practicing sword swings on a dummy* Hyah! Hah!
Papillion: ! That must be her! *runs over without thinking* Hello! Are you Dori?!
Dori: *turns around, surprised, nearly hitting Papillion* Eek!!
Papillion: Aaah! *dodges* I'm sorry! I shouldn't have surprised you like that. *thinking: Oh gods, I must have freaked her out. Stay calm! Calm! You don't want to scare her off dummy!*
Dori: *takes a few deep breaths to calm herself* Uh...I-it's okay..! I didn't mean to nearly hit you! You're um...Papillion, right?
Papillion: ! Ah, yes I am, and you're Dori correct? It's a pleasure to meet you! Twilight children like us are rare after all~ *chuckles*
Dori: *blinks* Twilight children..? Uh, I think you're mistaken... I'm not a twilight child..
Papillion: Wah? *sad* But your paperwork says your mother is Nohrian, and that your birth place is Hoshido... Was there a mistake?
Dori: *thinking: Ah, I think I disappointed her...* Well...yes my mother is Nohrian, and I'm Hoshidan by birth...But that's because I'm adopted.
Papillion: oh! *embarrassed* That explains it, Nohrian records don't keep track of adoption status. My apologies. I'm sorry for interrupting your training, I'll go. *thinking: Quick! Leave while you have some dignity. Gods, she must think I'm a fool...*
Dori: Ah..! No, um, you can stay...I don't mind...Uh...If anything, I'm the one who’s sorry for disappointing you... *scratches back of head sheepishly*
Papillion: Oh please don't be! You seem like a lovely young lady! *smiles* I just got ahead of myself and didn't even think of the possibility that you were adopted. *thinks* hmm, but you know since I'm here and already introduce myself... Why don't we get to know each other anyways?
Dori: I-I'd love to do that... *smiles*
Papillion: Perfect! Though actually, I must get back to the record's office. How about I take you to a nice lunch later this week? That way it'll only be the two of us!
Dori: Oh, that sounds fun! We can learn all about each other... I'll see you later then Papillion..!
Papillion: See you later lovely~ *leaves* [End of C Support]
Dori: Th-thank you for taking me out to lunch today Papillion, it was really kind of you! *smiles*
Papillion: It is my pleasure! You are great company to have~ *sits back* So tell me about how you and your mother were like? Or the place you lived?
Dori: Well, my mom and I get along really well...She used to be a really great paladin, and she'd tell me all kinds of stories about her trips..! She was also very nice and friendly... We were kind of like best friends more than parent and child, heehee!
Papillion: Oh wow! Though what do you mean by used to? Did... Did something happen?  *worried*
Dori: *frowns a bit* ...When I was still a kid, she had an accident involving her horse and... Well... She sustained an injury that debilitated her... She would never be able to ride a horse again... Ever since, I've... been wary of horses...
Papillion: Oh... I see, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories. And it doesn't help that they have so many horses on hand here I imagine. But at the very least she's alive, right?
Dori: *nods* Yeah, I'm grateful for that...If she were to die I... I wouldn't know what to do...
Dori: But, let's not think about sad stuff, how about you? What's your relationship with your family?
Papillion: Oh, my life with my parents was quite nice~ I didn't get to see my father much, but when I did, he loved to take me out on Pegasus rides! My mother and I were closest. She taught me everything I know about magic and staves. *smiling at the memories*
Dori: That sounds lovely... Do you visit them often?
Papillion: Sadly no. Since the war began, I haven't been given any leave, and my father's gra-. *stops herself* I haven't seen my mother for a year now. But I do get letters. Those are always lovely to get~ *trying to keep the mood up*
Dori: *frowns a bit slightly, noticing the subtle change in mood* Your father... Is... He... Did something happen to him..?
Papillion: ! Oh, no need to worry about it~ You know this cafe has some great pasta dishes, we should try some! *smiles*
Dori: Papillion... I... I know when people... aren't as happy as they say... Or when they're hiding something... So... please tell me. I... I mean... It's better than keeping quiet about it...
Papillion: *sighs* I'm sorry I just didn't want to ruin our date. I mean, this was supposed to be fun and here I am making things all depressing. I'm sorry.
Dori: *blushes lightly* D-date? I-I mean... *lightly slaps her own cheeks* N-no it's fine... I wouldn't want you to keep things bottled up... I would know...
Papillion: Alright. Well, you see my father was the retainer of the late King, and... *takes a deep breath* And when the King went to make the treaty with King Garon my father died protecting Prince Ryoma. Since he was a retainer he was buried at the palace graveyard, so I only ever got to visit him once after his funeral.
Dori: Oh... I... I'm so sorry for your loss Papillion... I can't imagine how that must feel... *gently hugs her*
Papillion: *holds her back* It's okay. I've had my time to grieve, but thank you. Again, I'm sorry to talk about such sad things. I hope I can make it up to you. *holds her hands*
Dori: Well, we can always go out for lunch again, I enjoy... spending time with you. *smiles*
Papillion: *playful gasp* So you will allow me a second date? You're so generous~! *teasingly kisses her hand* I promise to keep the spirits up next time~
Dori: *blushes brightly* I uh... Um... Th-that... Yes..? *hides her face in embarrassment*
Papillion: *chuckles* Precious~
[End of Support B]
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