#bucky x ava
sixwaystosundayao3 · 10 months
Oh man, here goes nothing.
Here's a teaser from my FIRST STORY EVER (please be nice to me lmao) It's totally gonna be a slow process, but I've had parts of this story in my head for months so I figured might as well write it down. Still untitled, Bucky-centric Thunderbolts (MCU) with slow(ish) burn Bucky/Ava (because I need them to end up together. Like I NEED IT.)
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As Ava enters the facility’s gym, she takes stock of the…interesting cast of characters before her. All of them seemed familiar in some way, she guessed she had either researched or run into each of them during her time with SHIELD.
A muscular looking blond man sits on a weight bench to her left, lifting some of the biggest dumbbells she’s ever seen. He flashes her a dazzling smile, and she recognizes him as the former Captain America. Walker, she thinks his name is. She heard he had been stripped of his title after murdering a man with the shield. Yikes, best to avoid him for now. 
Judging from the accents, the two bickering on the mats in the center of the room, a younger-looking woman and a middle-aged man, must have been former Russian special forces. She couldn’t exactly make out what they were saying, but they seemed close - in her line of work usually an interaction like the one she was witnessing would end in bloodshed, so she guesses they’re trading empty barbs. 
A woman sporting some horrific looking scars sits off to the side of the mats, observing those around her. Sensing a kindred spirit, Ava approaches her. She lowers herself to the ground next to the scarred woman - other than a brief glance of acknowledgement, the woman makes no move to start a conversation. They sit in silence for a few minutes, taking in their surroundings. It isn’t until then that Ava notices a lone figure propped up against the far wall, almost hidden in the shadows. The dark-haired man is dressed in black tac pants and boots, with a black leather jacket, as if he was intentionally trying to remain unseen. He stands arms crossed, a bored looking scowl on his face, as though he doesn’t want to be here. His eyes are locked on the two in the center of the room - occasionally one of them shouts something to him in Russian. So that must make him the third Russian on the team. When she signed on she was told the team was a “cooperative endeavor” between former Russian and American special forces. She finally turns to the woman next to her and extends her hand. “Hi there, I’m Ava. Former SHIELD.” The woman makes no move to shake her hand, but nods in acknowledgement instead. She responds in a thick Russian accent, “Antonia. Red Room.”
“Oh, you’re Russian? I assumed the three over there were the Russians,” she says as she gestures towards the two on the mat and the man in the corner. Antonia follows Ava’s hand with her gaze, then looks back at Ava. 
“Alexei and Yelena, yes. Barnes has a more…complicated history.” 
Hmm, that means the guy in the corner, Barnes, is an American. And from what she remembers from Valentina’s debrief, apparently he’s their commanding officer. As Ava and Antonia chat on the side of the mat, Walker finishes his reps and approaches Barnes, clapping him on the left shoulder playfully. As Barnes twists away, his neutral mask cracks for a moment to betray his discomfort with the gesture. So those two don’t get along. They exchange a few words, Walker lets out a boisterous laugh, and then he disappears into the locker room. Barnes seems to shrink further into his corner. 
Sensing she’ll get no further information from Antonia, Ava approaches the handsome man in the corner that everyone except her seems to know. The man flashes her a charming grin. “Hey, I’m Bucky” he drawls in a thick Brooklyn accent, holding out his hand. 
“Ava Starr” she shakes his hand with a smile. 
“You’re the only one here I haven’t worked with before, where you from?”
“I was SHIELD, until it collapsed a while back at least.” The man’s eyes widen and the color seems to drain from his face.
As if on cue, the burly Russian, Alexei, bellows as he approaches from the other side of the mat. “Come on Soldat, Yelena is tired of me. I want a rematch!”
“Alexei, I told you to stop calling him that!” Yelena snaps, now standing off to the side next to Antonia. Bucky appears even more uncomfortable, if that was even possible, as he looks nervously toward Ava. 
“I’m not…that isn’t…” he stutters, his confident swagger from a few moments ago disappearing as he suddenly becomes very interested in his boots. 
Ava senses his odd behavior has something to do with his background and why they’re all here. “Hey, I don’t judge,” she interjects. “You’re among friends here…” she spares a glance toward Alexei, “Or at least among peers. All of us have been forced to do awful things to survive. The world judges us enough, we shouldn’t judge each other as well.” When she says that, he flinches as though her words cause him physical pain. He finally looks up and makes eye contact, takes a deep breath, and gives her a shy smile. “Thank you, Ava. I really needed to hear that.”
In the short time Ava had been speaking to Bucky, Walker had returned from the locker room and seemed to be absolutely on board with Alexei’s need to battle for dominance or what-have-you. “Come on Buck, show him why you’re in charge.” Bucky grits his teeth and glances over at Yelena. “I’m not getting out of this, am I?” She smiles and shakes her head, shrugging. 
Bucky removes his leather jacket, folds it, and places it neatly on the ground, revealing a black and gold prosthetic arm. He begrudgingly makes his way to the center of the mat, where Alexei is making a show out of stretching. “Come on, comrade,” he quips as he approaches Alexei’s position, “let’s get this over with.” With that, Alexei barrels toward Bucky like a freight train. Bucky easily dodges out of the way and playfully boxes Alexei on the side of the head as he passes by. The man is surprisingly light on his feet for someone his size - he moves like water, gracefully setting himself into position for Alexei’s next move. Alexei turns, surprised, and resumes his advance. Again, Bucky dodges and parries. The routine goes on for several minutes, Bucky going from annoyed at the inconvenience, to amused, to grinning like the Cheshire Cat as Alexei tries and fails to strike him. Ava laughs. Bucky is toying with him. He may not have wanted to fight in the first place, but if he can’t avoid it he’s sure as hell going to enjoy it.
“Dzheyms, please just kick his ass so we can all move on with our day,” Yelena calls from the sidelines. Bucky turns and winks at her.
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blondie20000 · 7 months
Challenge - Bucky Barnes x Yelena Belova
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"Well..." Bucky clears his throat. "This is awkward."
"It's not awkward."
"Really? Well for starters there's not much leg room?"
"Not my fault you are so fucking tall."
"Me? I thought your ego was taking up the space."
Yelena glares at him. Bucky faced her with a smirk on his lips.
The mission was simple go in, gather intel and later regroup with the others and plan their next steps. Yelena wanted to ride this mission solo but Barnes decided to tag along insisting she needs back up. The White Widow protested tried everything she could to get out of this but unfortunately the others all thought it was a good idea. Yelena even turned to Alexei silently pleading for him to step in but instead he nodded and agreed that it is a good idea.
This happened to be the one time where Yelena hoped Alexei would develop some sort of fatherly instincts and go into a crazy fit at the thought of his baby girl being alone with a guy and not just any guy but the fucking Winter Soldier but no Alexei was all for it.
Well screw him.
As soon as they stepped off the helicopter Yelena told Barnes to stay out of her away she wasn't in the mood for social chit out and she most certainly wasn't in the mood to deal with him. Yelena didn't hate Bucky he was more of a pain in the ass than anything they always argued, always competed against each other, and that smirk that damm smirk he kept giving her irritated the Hell out of her.
He is giving her that annoying smirk now as they are pressed against each other in a closet. His back is up against the wall with her leaning into his chest. She tried to wriggle and find other positions but everywhere she went she found herself face first into his chest.
He had the nerve to say this is awkward?
It's worse for her!
Yelena wasn't going to blush or be embarrassed no way not in front of him. She would happily give him a good kick if there wasn't people outside.
Yelena couldn't understand how this happened. Valentina said Helge and his men would be out at a meeting and they won't suppose to be back until the evening so why the Hell have they come back early? She knew needed to contact the others but she feared she would raise suspicion and increase their chances of getting caught.
Yelena shifts and tries to lower herself to the ground but she ends up smacking into his crotch.
Just what she needed.
"You can't get enough of me." Bucky smirked down at her.
"Shut up." She whispered. "If those assholes won't outside you would have no dick by now."
"Thinking about how you will handle my dick is kind of a turn on."
Yelena goes back up. She is back against his chest again but at least that's better than his crotch.
"I suggest you sleep with your eye open tonight." She warned.
"Is that your way of a invitation Belova?"
"In your dreams Barnes."
"Would be the most pleasant dream I ever had."
Yelena grits her teeth. This guy does not know when to shut up.
"I knew I should have gone in alone."
"And get yourself killed in the process?" His voice turned serious.
"I can handle myself I don't need a knight in shining armor to save me."
"You got to let us help you Yelena."
She looks up at him and let's out a scoff.
"You mean you want to help me?"
"We're a team yes?"
He sighs.
"Look I get that you hate me..."
"Never said that."
"So you don't hate me?"
"Never said that either."
"You never give me a straight answer."
"Thought you loved riddles."
"Depends on the type." He is looking down at her again. "I do like a challenge the ones where you have to remove it layer by layer."
She raises an eyebrow at that.
"That so?"
"They are fascinating, fun to explore."
"You are a patient one I prefer to go straight for the kill." She nodded.
"Why the rush?"
"Saves the time."
"True but it also kills the enjoyment. The build up, the suspense as you drawing close towards the answer." His eyes skim her up and down. "When you finally get what you want, it is a achievement, all that effort has truly paid off."
Yelena taps his chest and shakes her head.
"Sometimes the big reveal can be disappointing all that build up for nothing."
"I only search when I know it will be worth it."
"How do you know it will be worth it?"
"I just...I just know." He exhaled. His hot breath hits her face.
Yelena did her best to keep her face blank. Judging by the small tug of his lips she knew she is blushing. Damm it she is blushing.
Yelena turns away and looks through the gap. Helge's second in command Boris dismisses the meeting and orders everyone to leave. Moments later Boris grabs his coat and leaves with the others.
Yelena knew they could leave but for some reason she found herself still in the closet with him. He hasn't attempted to move either.
"Well?" She asked with a huff.
He motions with his hand.
"Ladies first."
She laughs at that causing him to frown.
"Manners will not get you far White Wolf." She slaps him on the arm and steps out of the closet.
"I disagree." Barnes tilts his head. "Got a good view out of it."
The scowl is back on her face again. He chuckles and steps out.
"So where shall we start?" He asked changing the subject.
Yelena ignores him and begins looking through the drawers.
"Quit looking at my ass." She warned him as she shoved the papers out of the way.
He responds with another chuckle.
Minutes later Yelena finds a booklet and picks it up.
"Hey check this out." She turns and finds herself back against his chest.
Yelena growled under her breath.
"Do you mind?"
"You just can't help yourself." He grinned. She glares at him. "What am I looking at?"
She shrugs it off and shoves the booklet in his hands.
"Here might be a lead."
Bucky takes the booklet. He leans against the desk and starts to read it. Yelena's eyes linger on his arms. His prosthetic hand trails along his chin as he studies the writing. His eyes are deep in thought. The White Widow snapped out of her trance when his eyes shift on to hers.
"Looks legit." He then nods. "Good job."
"And I didn't even need you." She waves him off. "I was fine like I said I would."
"You look hot to me."
She gulped at that.
"You look like you need some air?" He added.
"Right? Yeah course. It is quite warm in here."
"Really?" He frowns. "Thought the opposite."
He places his prosthetic hand on her arm to make a point. Yelena shivered at the contact but she didn't pull away instead she looks up at him. His eyes meet hers. Yelena swallows and her mind is screaming at her to back off.
Yelena takes several steps forward.
He waits for her.
She cranes her neck up to look at him. He looks down at her.
Her mind continued to scream no.
He gives her a knowing look.
She presses herself against him.
Still screaming no.
He raises an eyebrow.
She tilts her head.
"Don't make me fucking regret this."
"You won't." He said with such confidence Yelena actually believed him.
That did it.
She shuts her mind down and let's the natural instincts kick in.
Then she locks her lips with his.
He kisses her back.
Yelena wraps her arms around him and pulls him in. Bucky growls and holds on to her tight. The pent up emotions all came flooding out, their desire for each other overrode everything else.
Seconds later they both pull away and gasp for air. Bucky scoops her up by the waist and lies her down on her back on the desk.
No going back now. She thought as he climbs on top of her.
Yelena removes her zip and allows him to pull her suit down. Once that is done Bucky removes his belt and lowers his trousers.
Yelena wanted all of him. She grabs on to his jacket and tugs at it wanting it off. Bucky smirks at that.
"Eager I see?"
"I can easily change my mind Barnes."
"And resist me?" Bucky places his hand on his heart. "That's not happening."
"I'm not like other girls." She presses her boot against his boxers. "You could still walk out of here without your manhood."
"Like to see you try." He challenged her.
She smirks. Her heel digs into him.
"Shouldn't challenge me White Wolf."
"Whatever you say White Widow."
It wasn't long before he started kissing her again. Hot and fierce. She responded with a moan. He pushes his tongue in and rolls it along with hers. Suddenly he pulls away and flips the White Widow on her stomach. Yelena gasps in surprise.
"Assh..." She is cut off as he kisses her neck.
"Hmm." He hummed. His hands move to her ass. He gives her a cheeky slap on the ass causing another gasp to come from her.
"You were saying?" He grinned in her ear.
"You are enjoying this." She replied.
"I did say the wait will be worth it."
"Sorry to disappoint but there's no prize."
His hand goes to her breast.
"Sure about that?"
He squeezed her nipple causing her to moan. She now understood about those rumors of Sergeant Barnes being a womaniser back in the day. He continued to tease her and smothered her with kisses. Yelena tried to stop herself from smiling but she couldn't help it.
"She smiles." He pretends to gasp.
She tried to hide it but he shakes his head.
"It suits you. Its a lovely smile."
There was no teasing he is serious she can tell. That compliment caused her smile to widen.
Yelena then felt the tip of cock pressed against her. He leans forward and brushes the hair away from her face.
"You okay with this?" He asked.
Womaniser but respectful? Hmm?
"I am." She nods to him. She turns her head and smirks at him. "But are you?"
A sharp intake of breath comes from him when her fingers brush against his cock.
"Hard already?" Yelena scoffed. "Has your previous affairs ever got a reaction this quick out of you? Should I feel honored?"
Bucky said nothing.
Yelena then feels his hand circling her entrance.
"Wet already?" He said with amusement. "Has your previous affairs ever got a reaction this quick out of you? Should I feel honored?" He repeated his words back at her.
She inwardly groaned.
"I have never met someone like you." Bucky then said. "So feisty so challenging. Did I say I like a challenge?"
"You did. I like challenges too I'm also a gamer."
"Hmm and if you don't get inside me right now I'll set the alarm and ensure Helge's guys find you butt-naked in their office. What a sight that would be."
"Someone doesn't play nice."
"Who said anything about the game being fair." She gives him a devilish smirk. "Now come on soldier boy buckle up."
She pushed her ass against him. He might be on top but she is damm well giving out the orders here.
"As you wish Miss Belova."
Yelena suddenly gasps as she feels him go inside her. Before she could process what is going on Barnes then starts to pound into her.
He went straight into it fast and aggressive releasing all that energy on to her. Yelena cursed in Russian. Barnes pushes into her with full force his cock slides deep inside her. Yelena grips the edge of the desk as he continued to rock her.
"Usually I like to take my time." Bucky leans forward. "But we are on a time limit so..." He kisses her cheek and pulls at her earlobe. Yelena moans with pleasure. She nudges her head and brushes against his growth. "Hmm." Bucky smiled.
Yelena turns and bites his lip. He groans. Yelena raises her leg and strokes his thigh. She pushes her tongue in his mouth and kisses him until it makes them both dazed.
"Yelena." He mumbled into the kiss. "Yelena." He repeated her name sounding more urgent. His need for her consumed him.
Bucky eventually pulls away and this earned another hard thrust from him. Yelena's legs drop and she is back flat on her stomach again completely at his mercy.
He laughs and grasps her ass. He slowly pulls himself out of her then quickly slams back into her again.
"Eбать!" (Fuck) She again cursed in Russian. "James!"
Another thrust.
"Oh my God!" She squealed.
He chuckles.
She covers her mouth with her hand not wanting to give him any more satisfaction but Bucky removes her hand and shakes his head.
"Don't stop." He said his voice becoming breathless. "I like it. The sounds you are making it is...It is so fucking hot and so..." His voice lowers. "Cексуальный." (Sexy)
She held her breath as the words travel into her ear. Hearing Barnes complimenting her in Russian made her suddenly weak to her knees.
Damm him for making her like this.
He is next to her grinning again.
"Bastard." She said but it came out weak and needy. This only made her groan.
His grin widens.
Eventually Yelena started to feel the fire forming at the bottom of her belly. She is close but she wasn't going to beg no way not to him so she squeezes her eyes shut and tries to hold on as much as she can.
"Yel." Yelena can feel Bucky trembling as he spoke. "I need to..."
Oh yes finally! She thought.
If she is being honest she couldn't hold on much longer.
"Fire away White Wolf." She tried to joke but with the burning feeling inside her the joke ended up coming out quite desperate and oh God did that sound like a beg?
Bucky increases his hold on her. His strong arms wraps around her. Yelena feels the heat from the flesh and the cold from the metal. She found it disorienting and it ended up driving her over the edge.
Yelena bites down on her lip and stops the scream that threatened to form in case anyone heard. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she let it all out.
Barnes buried himself in the crook of her neck and grits his teeth as he too rode his orgasm out. Minutes later Bucky loosens his hold on her and they both lay on top of the desk panting and trying to catch their breath.
"Damm." Bucky managed to spit out. He takes another deep breath and shakes his head. "That was something."
Yelena does a small nod.
Something they can both agree on for once.
As Yelena gets dressed she turns to the White Wolf and says.
"We never speak of this again what we did does not leave this room understand?"
Bucky nods his face serious.
"I understand."
She throws her backpack on.
"Your dick has survived for now."
"For now?" He raises an eyebrow at her. "Are you saying there will be a next time Miss Belova?"
"I never said that."
He smiles and looks down as he puts his boots on.
"Whatever you say doll."
She glares at him.
"Don't call me that."
He gives her an innocent look.
Yelena rolls her eyes and sighs heavily.
"Come on let's get out of here." She said moments later.
"Oh my God am I seeing things or is Barnes actually smiling?"
John Walker greeted the duo with a big grin on his face.
"Walker." Bucky said formally.
"Hey!" Yelena nods to the other Super Soldier. "We bring gifts."
"Great." Walker nods. "The others are next door."
Yelena again nods. She gives Bucky a small smile then goes and joins the others. Walker's attention turns back to Barnes again. He raises an amused eyebrow.
"What's got you in a good mood Barnes?"
"It's certainly not you." Bucky responded sarcastically. He then turns away and follows the White Widow
Walker places his hand on his chest and pretends to look offended.
"I knew you would make it." Alexei greeted Yelena with a hug. "Well done soldier." He slaps Barnes on the back.
Bucky forced a smile followed by a nod.
"What did you find out?" Ava asked.
Antonia raises her head and waits patiently for the meeting to begin.
"Yes." Walker enters the room with his hands clasped. That shit-eating grin remained on his face. "What did you two love birds find out?"
Bucky coughs at that.
"Sorry did I say something wrong?" Walker gives a knowing look followed by a smirk.
Yelena felt the blush creeping back again.
Walker folds his arms and let out a "Oooh."
"Let's stick to the plan U.S Agent." Ghost glares at him.
"Yes let's do that." Yelena slams the papers down and begins explaining what her and Barnes have found.
Walker kept his eyes on Barnes.
Bucky is trying everything he can not to look at her ass.
It is very hard not to when her suit is so freaking tight.
Bucky grits his teeth and tucks his head into his folded arms.
Walker grins.
Alexei is oblivious.
When Yelena is done Walker is the first to speak up.
He wasn't referring to their discovery.
Bucky wanted to punch him.
"You guys should do more missions together." Walker nods. "You make a good team...Quite a pair."
Another blush went across Yelena's face. Ava seemed to caught on what is going on. She lowers her head and smiles to herself.
Taskmaster continued staring blankly.
Alexei nods along agreeing with the U.S Agent.
The bastard is still oblivious.
"I swear to God." Yelena groaned out loud.
"Shut up Walker." Bucky growled.
"I could always be third wheel." Walker offered.
"You prefer privacy got it." Walker winked.
"I would prefer to throw you out of the window." Bucky glared.
"I would happily help you do that." Yelena chimed in.
"Okay." Walker raises his arms in surrender. "Look I'm happy for you both I'm serious I'm glad the mission went well." He smiles. "Congratulations I say."
Both respond with an eye roll.
"Anyone want some food? I'm starving." Walker changed the subject. The mischief glint remained in his eyes.
"Count me in." Alexei nods. "Hey Barnes." He puts his arm around the White Wolf. "Did I ever tell you the time when I..."
Bucky tuned the Red Guardian out as the big man led him out of the room. Barnes looks helplessly at Yelena. Yelena gives him a stern look followed by a subtle gesture to his balls.
Right manhood at risk here.
Or was it an invitation?
That woman never gives a straight answer.
Bucky smiles to himself. He is okay with that.
He loves a challenge after all.
The End
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ramen-flavored · 2 years
We got the Thunderbolts!
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falcqns · 11 months
do you still write for bucky?
hi!! yes i do!! i am still writing i just haven’t had a ton of time because i’m pregnant w my second and working full time but if you request something i will get to it eventually!!
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navybrat817 · 1 year
Adventures in Babysitting
Pairing: Florist!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader Summary: You learn something sweet about Bucky when you have to babysit at the last minute. Word Count: Almost 2k Warnings: Fluff, self-doubt, crying baby (is that a warning), slight feels (it's me), Bucky Barnes (he’s a warning, okay?). A/N: @christywantspizza , thank you for the wonderful request for our florist and just being awesome. Hope you like it! ❤️ Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Banner and moodboard by yours truly. Divider by the lovely @firefly-graphics. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You consider yourself to be a smart and capable woman. You handled most issues with grace and a level head when they came your way. Ruth leaned on you more than once when problems came up during her wedding planning. It meant a lot that she and others could count on you.
Which is likely why your neighbor, Ava, came to you for help.
"I'm so sorry to bother you. I know you don't know me very well."
The poor woman tried to compose herself as she rocked her five month old baby, Harper, in her arms. They hadn't lived in the area for very long, but Ava was polite when you saw her. You always stopped to chat with her for a minute and made silly faces at the baby. It was sweet.
Seeing her in your doorway in tears almost made you tear up.
"Are you okay? Is Harper okay?" you asked, rushing to get her a tissue. Just because they looked fine physically didn't mean they weren't hurt. "And you aren't bothering me."
"We're fine, but it's a family emergency," she told you as fresh tears fell, wiping her eyes as she balanced Harper with one arm. "I'm sorry to ask, but would you be able to watch her? Hopefully no more than a couple of hours? I've tried calling everyone else and I can pay-"
"I can watch her," you said, holding out your arms. You didn't have anything else going on and you wanted to help her. "You just take care of what you need to do."
"Oh, thank you. Thank you," Ava said, smiling through her tears. She handed you the diaper bag before you carefully took Harper. "I owe you one."
"No, you don't. Just take your time and be safe," you urged, smiling down at the baby. You were glad she was at least somewhat familiar with you. "Does she need a bottle?"
Ava quickly explained that you would need to feed Harper within the next twenty minutes. She left instructions in the bag with how much to feed her, along with diapers, wipes, burp cloth, extra onesies, a blanket, and her teething ring. She also had your number to keep you updated if she would be longer than a couple of hours.
"Thank you again," Ava said, giving her baby a kiss on the top of her head. "Mama loves you. I'll be back as soon as I can."
You gently shut the door with your foot once Ava left, smiling wider when the baby cooed. "We're going to have a lot of fun, aren't we?"
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Harper wouldn't stop crying.
"Do you want me to put you down?" you asked, carefully placed her on her back. You winced when she let out a louder cry. "Okay, okay. Bad idea. Sorry," you said, picking her back up.
You gave her the bottle exactly as instructed. You burped her afterward. She had a fresh diaper. She wanted nothing to do with her teething ring. Soft music didn't calm her down and she wouldn't sleep.
What am I doing wrong?
"You miss your mama, don't you?" you asked as you tried to rock her.
More tears rolled down her cheeks as she cried louder, making you wince again as the sound echoed in your ears. You began to walk around the room, doing your best to soothe her. Admittedly, it had been years since you babysat, but you were usually able to keep most babies happy. Why couldn't you do the same with Harper?
"What can I do?" you asked yourself, taking a deep breath when your phone rang. "Shh, shh, it's okay," you said softly, keeping Harper against your chest as you answered.
You didn't even bother to see who called when you put it on speaker.
"Hey, Petal," Bucky's voice happily rang out. "I'm leaving the shop and I was-"
Harper wailed before he could finish his statement.
"Is that a baby?" he asked after a beat, clearly confused. You didn't blame him. You hadn't had a chance to message him that you were babysitting. "Is everything okay?"
"It's my neighbor Ava's baby. She had a family emergency and she asked if I could watch Harper. Bucky, I can't get her to stop crying," you explained, almost in tears yourself. "I-I don't know what to do."
Something had to be wrong with you if you couldn't calm a normally happy baby.
"I'm on my way, okay? You got this," he promised, his tone gentle, but not condescending.
"Okay. I'll see you soon," you smiled for his sake before you hung up. "I got this."
Harper sobbed as you began to walk again.
I don't got this.
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Bucky took the crying baby from your arms the moment he walked through the door. There was no fear in his eyes when he looked her over, only concern. He gave you a once-over, too. You probably looked terrible.
Can't call me perfect anymore.
"I fed her, burped her, changed her, tried to put her down for a nap, walked around with her," you told him, watching as he slowly put his hand on Harper's tummy. "Maybe she just doesn't like me?"
"I don't think it has anything to do with you," he said, cooing as he walked over to the couch. "You love Petal, don't you?"
You knew deep down there could be many reasons why Harper was upset, but you wished you knew how to help.
Bucky took a seat and furrowed his brows when he felt her tummy again. "How long ago did you feed her? Did she drink her whole bottle?"
You checked the time. "Over thirty minutes ago. And she drank the entire bottle pretty fast."
"Should be plenty of time to put you on your tummy, right? Poor baby. You're probably still a little gassy, aren't you?" he asked, smiling tenderly as placed her across his legs on her stomach.
You watched in fascination as Bucky began to slowly rub her back. Harper's cries began to decrease after a minute and you finally felt the tension leave your shoulders. Seeing your beefy florist calm an upset baby was a sight to behold. The ease at which he handled her made your fall in love with him a bit more. Especially since you knew how far he had come with his metal arm.
I think my ovaries clenched. How is that possible? No, focus.
You swallowed the lump in your throat as Bucky began to hum. The sound seemed to soothe Harper even more. The cries stopped completely when she let out a loud burp.
"There. That's better, isn't it? No wonder you were upset. That was a big burp," Bucky said in a quiet voice, still making small circles on her back. "Let's see if there's anymore, okay?"
You sat down in the chair, wringing your fingers in your lap as Harper burped again. You should have known to try that. Why didn't you?
"Um, thanks."
You tried to smile at Bucky, but it fell flat.
He shook his head when he caught your frown. "Hey. Don't beat yourself up. You did everything right, okay? I don't know how gassy she normally is, but it could've been because she drank her bottle so fast."
Of course, he knew I'd mentally chastise myself.
You did smile this time. "How do you know so much about this?"
"Um," he shifted so he could readjust Harper and lay her against his chest. She looked so small in his arms, but perfectly content. "Becca was a colicky baby?"
"Was that a question?" you teased.
He blushed as he held Harper a bit closer when she yawned. "I'm kind of embarrassed because we haven't really talked about it," he began as you raised an eyebrow. "I've, uh, read a couple of parenting books and done research on babies because. Well, I might want to be a dad one day."
"You want to be a dad?" you asked, moving from the chair so you could sit beside him. You were careful not to jolt him or disturb Harper. She needed her rest. "And you took it upon yourself to research this kind of stuff?"
"Yeah, I did," he said, avoiding your gaze momentarily. Did he think this topic scared you or that you'd judge him? "I know some things about parenting can't come from books, but a bit of knowledge wouldn't hurt. I just want to be a hands-on dad if it ever happens, you know?"
The blush almost spread to his neck as he kissed the top of Harper's head. Somehow your boyfriend continued to find ways to surprise you and melt your heart. He deserved a family and all the happiness in the world.
"I think that's sweet."
"You do?" he asked, uncertainty in his blue eyes as he looked at you.
That look doesn't belong there.
"Yeah. You're always good with the kids in the shop and I don't know many guys who would take that kind of initiative. You really are one of a kind," you said, smiling when his gaze returned to normal.
He leaned his head over to brush his lips against yours. There was relief in his kiss and you returned it with your own. He saved the day and you were thankful he could be honest with you.
"I didn't want to freak you out," he said
You glanced at Harper, who had her eyes closed. She must have fallen asleep moments ago, either exhausted from her cries or soothed by the florist's warm presence. It could have been both.
She feels safe with you, Bucky. As any lucky baby would.
"I don't think you could ever freak me out, but we can discuss it more over dinner if you want," you said as you put your head on his shoulder.
"I'd like that," he whispered.
The soft tone had your heart skipping a beat. "Besides, you have the paternal instinct down pact. Bet that's why your hair is pulled back."
"It's from work, but I'll take the compliment. And you have a maternal instinct," he told you, making you snort in disagreement. "Hey, none of that. Ava trusted you enough to leave Harper with you and that says a lot."
"But I couldn't soothe her," you whispered.
"Was she happy before she was gassy?"
You thought about it. Harper was fine in the beginning and snuggled against you. She must have felt safe and happy enough in your home.
"She was," you said truthfully.
And I'd be upset if I was gassy, too.
"So you're fine," he smiled. "And you know what else is a good motherly instinct? Asking for help when you need it, like you did today."
He soothed both of us, Harper.
"But we don't need to talk about that now," he added. "I think you deserve a break."
You knew he was giving you an out in case the topic made you uncomfortable.
"We can discuss it over dinner," you offered, seeing the corner of his lip tug in a smile. "Thank you for taking care of her and being my hero," you said, closing your eyes and resting your hand on his chest beside Harper's head.
You pictured Bucky in his shop with a baby in his arms, wearing a blue shirt to match the onesie as he showed him or her all of the beautiful flowers with a loving smile. He even had his hair down in your daydream so your baby could play with it. He'd be so caring and proud. Everything you wanted and more.
"You'll make the best daddy one day."
After a moment, Harper's little hand wrapped around your pinky finger.
"And you'll be the best mommy, Petal," Bucky whispered.
If he was sure of it, so were you.
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I love them! ❤️ Love and thanks for reading. ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Bucky Barnes Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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annathesillyfriend · 1 year
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I'm almost on time this month! Congratulations to me 😅Hope you're all having a great time. May your June be warm, sunny and just so happy 😌
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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tastes like stawberries and watermelon sugar by @callsign-joyride
↳ two-shot, 18+, is it hot in here or is it just these fics 🥵
worry, my love by @uselsshuman
↳ one-shot, wife!reader, i'd kill him if he scared me like that but maybe that's just me 😅
bad liar by @inklore
↳ one-shot, 18+, seresin!reader, i am unwell just thinking about this fic, rereading it now made me want to choke myself <3
chatterbox by @waklman
↳ one-shot, 18+, don't know what's hotter - the gif at the beginning or the fic itself
lovesick by @sebsxphia
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am so normal about this :))))))))))))))))
foggy by @sushiwriterhere
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am so gone for this man it's not even funny anymore
hands by @foreverrandomwritings
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am a simple woman, i see man's hands, i go a little silly
clover club by @ohtobeleah
↳ one-shot, my heart 😭😭😭
happy birthday, mr. president by @rhettabbotts
↳ one-shot, 18+, president!bob x wife!reader, no better way to celebrate a birthday than defiling government property 😌
this fic by @tropes-and-tales
↳ one-shot, 18+, i've read this so many time i almost know every word by heart
team prime by @//tropes-and-tales
↳ series, we love idiots in love <3
the best day of your life by @startrekfangirl2233-writes
↳ one-shot, the only thing more perfect than robert floyd is robert floyd as a dad
killing me softly by @wkndwlff
↳ one-shot, hangman who??? i only know bob <33
given the circumstances (part 1) by @greenorangevioletgrass
↳ one-shot, 18+, i think we all how what a simp i am for Ava's work by now
feels like by @lovableapocalypse
↳ one-shot, pilot!reader, i love this 🥺🥺
worth my while by @pasukiyo
↳ one-shot, 18+, this fic is so gonna make it worth your while
doctor doctor, gimme the news by @tongue-like-a-razor
↳ one-shot, rooster can be a pain in the ass but at least he's cute
vampires by @siempre-bucky
↳ one-shot, vampire!bradley according to his kid 🦇
rescue me by @beccaanne814
↳ one-shot, 18+, excuse me for a second, i just need to yell into a void real quick
something to talk about by @roosterforme
↳ one-shot, am i a slut for Emily's work? yes and proud of it 😎
remember you even when i don't by @beyondthesefourwalls
↳ series, wife!reader, what an amazing story, i could not stop reading!
the little moments in life by @seresinsweetie
↳ one-shot, 18+, husnad!jake, if you need some angst, this one's for you
a morning work out by @tip-top-cloud-surfer
↳ one-shot, dad!jake, i want this to be my life so bad
commander by @thewulf
↳ one-shot, some good old fluff, we love to see it 🙌
roughing it up by @//ohtobeleah
↳ one-shot, 18+, jake x reader x bradley, this is so hot i don't have the words
into you by @starlightstories
↳ one-shot, nothing better than a little angst and idiots in love 😌
come back to me by @roostette
↳ one-shot, i want jake seresin to wreck my life
fruits of my labor by @roosterbruiser
↳ one-shot, 18+, beautiful story 💕
tipsy revelations by @bradshawed
↳ one-shot, i'm just SHSHHSHSHSHSHSH
1pink light by @sushiwriterhere
↳ one-shot, buckle up and get your tissues out
flight suit aphrodisiac by @//beyoundthesefourwalls
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am salivating thinking about that bloody suit 🤤🤤
continental breakfast by @ohtobeleah
↳ one-shot, 18+, wife!reader, this is just sick honestly
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dress by @underoossss
↳ one-shot, i will read every fic inspired by tswift's song, this is my life mission
hits different (cause it's you) by @munsonsreputation
↳ one-shot, idiots in love is the superior trope!
this fic by @sunshinesteviee
↳ one-shot, dad!steve is just so 😫
question on my lips by @stevebabey
↳ one-shot, PERFECTION 👏
constellations by @loveshotzz
↳ one-shot, 18+, just the sweetest thing 😌
this fic by @lovebugism
↳ one-shot, 😫😫 <- me after reading this
happy mother's day, steve harrington by @roanniom
↳ one-shot, 18+, that man makes me so feral 😫
i couldn't be more in love by @ch3rrytales
↳ one-shot, 18+, i love angsty stories a little to much for my own good and sanity
we got love by @superblysubpar
↳ one-shot, modern!au, man, i just love love
pretty eyes by @myfictionaldreams
↳ one-shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, loved this so very much!!!
the kids are alright by @two-red-lungs
↳ one-shot, SO CUTE!!!
unbelievable by @whoahoney
↳ one-shot, friends to lovers, great fic 🥰
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angle unaware by @silkscream
↳ one-shot, 18+ silk!reader, friends to lovers, angst, slowburn, idiots in love, all my favourite thing basically
be(tter) in reality with me by @t-lostinworlds
↳ one-shot, husband!bucky x pregnant!reader, T's fics are always god tier so 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️
new year, new steve by @real-jane
↳ one-shot, 18+, Kate is a legend forever and always 👏👏
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all the love (under the mistletoe) by @seasonsbloom
↳ one-shot, modern!au, friends to lovers, a lovely christmas story at the brink of summer was just what i needed
cherry flavoured by @lunestella
↳ one-shot, friends to lovers, you don't understand how much i love this fic!!
bitches can’t even measure up to my boots by @peachystenbrough
↳ one-shot, 18+, caution: hot content 🥵
204 notes · View notes
shoshiwrites · 1 month
Hi! I’m the anon that requested the handholding prompt, and I just wanted to say thank you. It was everything I could have hoped for and more!! It made me smile!!
If you are still taking requests, I would request Jo/Egan with the prompt touching foreheads or bandaging/stitching an injury. As you can see, I couldn’t decide between one prompt, once again. I look forward to whatever you write and of course, never feel pressured to write anything. I hope you are doing well 🫶🏼
Hello anon! Thank you so much for your lovely message. I'm so glad you liked that prompt, and I appreciate your understanding very much. I've kept "bandaging/stitching an injury" on my list, and filled this one for "touching foreheads." This is my first try at Bucky POV, and we kind of ended up on the depression-nap side of things (see my terrible header below). Thank you to @mercurygray for helping me work the end. Bucky Egan x War correspondent OC.
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Six months. 
And he’s felt every minute of every one, or at least it seems that way on days like this. Gray as all hell, like a storm gathering over the lake. Every minute if you didn’t count the gaps, the headaches, the days he sleeps away, the things he couldn’t remember those first few weeks. His jaw still wakes him in the night, dull if he’s lucky, a screaming pain if he’s not. He can never forget the things he’d actually want to forget, can he? Now that would be too easy.
Never coughed up an explanation for Buck either, even when Buck looked at him sideways about something or the other. Even if he wanted to, his throat goes dry at the thought, like the dust and dirt along the floorboards.
Holding onto it gives him something to hold onto, at least. The anger. 
Six months of this damn nightmare, the bloodshot bone-chilled day and night. Different nightmare than the sky. He has those too. This is the kind of dream where you’re stuck in it, you can’t move, there’s footsteps outside the door. He’d had those as a kid. Terrified him. 
It’s sure not the the kind they nail up pictures for, paper edges catching on the unfinished timber, hoping to summon some kind of vision. He’s so tired he’s practically drooling into the pillow, letting his eyes wander far enough along the wall that it hurts, over Rita and Ginger and Ava’s shining faces. 
There are pictures kept in books too, pouches and the occasional wallet, those all but sewn into jacket pockets. Girls back home.
Not even a letter. Not one goddamn letter, he thinks, the sigh of it harder than seems fair to his mother or his sisters, trying to get around the mail delays and sending cards for every holiday they could think of. What the hell even was Arbor Day, anyway?
(“Trees,” Brady had said, not looking up from the keys of his saxophone.
He thinks about Texas, and Florida, and Idaho, and Nebraska. Girls and dresses and perfume, manicured hands, no dirt around them. Marge’s friend, he can’t remember her name, pretty, dark hair, disinterested in a kiss but amenable to dancing. They’d all wanted to forget, right? Not when you’re flying out the next day. 
He thinks of Lil, the cupid’s bow of her lip and the goosebumps under her sweater. She’d wanted to forget too. A brother somewhere in…he can’t remember now. Burma? Her grandfather hadn’t had too many nice words for him, John. Not that he could blame the man.
He thinks of Jo. Crouched over that little green typewriter the way Brady fiddles with his sax, the sound of the bell, the sound of the keys. Like Buck over the radio. The way she looked up at him, like she’d just realized something important. The way she smelled when she let him get close enough, like flowers after a spring rain. 
The air’s sour in here, and cold. Showering helps, besides freezing your damn balls off. 
He lets himself think it, about his head in her lap in the grass, or on a sofa, or anywhere, really, where she’s leaning down and she’s touching him, the little calluses on her hands, and her forehead close to his.
It hurts too much, and maybe he can admit it, here in this damn coffin of a bunk, mattress about as comfortable as one, that maybe she’d wanted to forget too.
You don’t kiss like that, he thinks, with acid in his throat, when you care what comes next.
She writes like she cares, though. She writes like she believes in all of them, like it’s real and not just what her paper wants or somebody wants to hear. 
Maybe he can admit that now, if he doesn’t think about the note she’d left.
He’d rather think about anything else, hell, he’d rather walk outside with no shoes on, listen to the Yankees lose by a single run.
He’d rather wish this damn pillow was a different kind, her thigh or her body or her forehead, even, pressed against his. Not that he’d admit it out loud. 
And her mouth right there, he thinks, like he can just make that half-second trip to kiss her, and kiss her again.
37 notes · View notes
andydrysdalerogers · 4 months
Yours Submissively - Yours (Finale)
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Steve Rogers X OFC Isabella Davis
Summary: Five Years after the events of Civil War, Steve Rogers has moved on from avenging and has started his own business, Grant Inc. He has a secret that would turn his world upside down. And he's good at keep that secret. Until he meets the woman with violet eyes that could bring him to his knees. Now his mission is to make her, his. But she is the key that could bring the world into balance... or chaos.
And she has no idea.
Series Warnings: slow burn at the beginning, smut, angst, sexual themes of BDSM, dom/sub dynamics, kidnapping, loss of virginity, (and a bunch of others that will come up)
When I orginally started this story in November 2022, I never thought I would get here, 101,100 words, 45 chapters and a story that has been a joy to write.  To those who have been with me from the beginning, thank you so much for your support. To those who climbed on board my crazy train, thank you for not jumping off.  
I now present to you the final chapter of “Yours, Submissively.” 
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Banners by me!
I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS. Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated
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Previous: Dreams
Series Masterlist ~ Main Masterlist
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Three Years Later… 
“James! Lucy! Get back here!” 
Belle chased after her children as they ran around the bridal suite. The giggles and shouts filled the room as the ring bearer and flower girl chased each other in their own game of tag.  Morgan itched to join but her mother was trying to fix her hair piece that had fallen out.  
“Whoa! What is going on here?” Steve stood in the doorway as his children froze.  
“Only took you five minutes after my text,” Belle complained with her hands on her hips.  
“Sorry, sweet pea, we were having a toast to Bucky.  How’s the bride?” 
“She needs a drink herself,” Ava piped in. Steve sucked in a breath.   
“Ava, you look beautiful. Bucky is a lucky man.” 
“Thanks Steve.” She blushed at her former boss’s compliment.   
Belle elbowed Steve and he grunted.  “You look gorgeous as always, sweet pea.”  He grinned, looking like a young man again.  
Belle giggled. Her children started up again, but Steve swooped and picked them up. “Jamie, Lucy, are you supposed to be running in your nice clothes?”  
“We want to get married already Papa!” Lucy wiggled in his arms.  
“And who do you think you are marrying Princess?” 
“Jamie, duh.”  Her three-year-old attitude shining through as Steve laughed. “Uncle Bucky gets to marry Auntie Ava. Morgan said that she gets to marry Uncle Peter when she’s bigger but I always want to be with Jamie, so I’ll marry him.”  
The beauty of logic for three-year-olds.  Steve sighed, put his children down and kneeled in front of his daughter.  “Princess, you don’t have to marry Jamie for him to be with you forever.  He’s your brother, he’ll always be there for you.”  
“Just like you Papa?” 
“Just like me.  Now, no more running around until after church, ok? If your Mama has to call me, there will be timeout and no cake.”  
She nodded with big eyes. Lucy was truly daddy’s princess, and she would always obey her father.  Her older brother, however, was his rebel and only really listened to his idol, Uncle Bucky. “Young man, Uncle Bucky told me to tell you that you better behave or no launch pad.” Steve was curious what the hell "launch pad" was but it was something that his son looked horrified to lose so he didn’t question it.  
‘No! Daddy, tell him I’m good.’ 
“Ok, you have to listen to Mama or else, James.”  His son grimaces but nods, understanding that losing his favorite game is worse.  Steve stand and finally takes in his wife, in a dusty rose ball gown, the tiny swell of her belly holding their third child showing. He walked over and grasped her face, tilting it towards him. “You do look amazing today, my love.”  He placed a gentle kiss on her lips.  
Belle could hear her son gagging over his father’s affection for his mother, a learned trait from his uncle no doubt.  “You look just as handsome amore.”  
Steve’s hand drifted down. “How’s my boy?” 
“Sleeping, I think. Still only flutters.”  She smiled.  They had just found out that they were having another boy, much to Lucy’s delight.  She wanted to be the only princess.  
“Good.  Ready to walk down the aisle again Mrs. Rogers?”  
“Only with you.”  
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Watching his best friend marry his perfect girl was wonderful.  Belle continuously wiped at her eyes during the ceremony as matron of honor.  Steve watched his girl, knowing that her hormones definitely amplified her reaction, but it wasn’t out of character.  Once the minister declared Bucky and Ava husband and wife, he clapped hard, happy that his best friend found a home just like he did. As the newly married couple exited, Steve extended his arm to his wife.  “Mrs. Rogers.”  
“Mr. Rogers,” Belle smiled up at her husband as she took his arm.  They had a hand on each of their children and headed out for photos. Steve couldn’t take his eyes off of his wife.  Belle moved effortlessly while five months pregnant.  Of course, only carrying one was easier than the twins.  
“Stop staring, punk.  It’s my wedding day.”  Bucky stands next to Steve as he watches the girls take photos.  
“Like you don’t stare at Ava, jerk.”  
“That’s fair.  Who would have thought, 100 years later, that we would be here, married to the loves of our lives?”  
“After everything we have seen, we are just a couple of lucky bastards.” Steve slaps Bucky’s back.  “I’m proud of you Buck.”  
“Thanks pal. Never saw myself a married man but Ava, she’s my Angel.”  
“Just like Belle was mine.”  
The reception is beautiful, very light and sparkly, just like Ava.  Steve stood up to make his speech about Bucky.  
“As most of you know, I grew up with this jerk all those years ago.  He was bigger than me, always getting me out of scraps. He tried to save my ass during the war, telling me not to do anything stupid until he came back. Of course, I had to follow up because he took all of the stupid with him.” 
The crowd laughed and Steve cleared his throat. “Ava, I want you to know that I think you are completely nuts marrying this jerk.  But I also think you couldn’t find anyone who is more loyal, loving, amazing and just generally a good guy.  He has loved my family since before I knew I loved my wife and I know he will make you very happy.  With that said, Bucky, you break this amazing woman’s heart, and they will never find you.”  A roar of laughter and Steve raised his glass.  “To James and Ava, may your new life be as happy as mine.  To the bride and groom.”  
After Ava’s father spoke, Belle got up to the piano and sat, smiling at the couple.  “Bucky and Ava are so special to me and my family.  And when they asked me to sing for them, only one song came to mind. I love you guys.”  She started to play as Bucky and Ava stood up for their first dance.  
Heart beats fast  Colors and promises  How to be brave?  How can I love when I'm afraid to fall?  But watching you stand alone  All of my doubt suddenly goes away somehow 
One step closer 
I have died every day waiting for you  Darling, don't be afraid  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
Time stands still  Beauty in all she is  I will be brave  I will not let anything take away  What's standing in front of me  Every breath, every hour has come to this 
One step closer 
I have died every day waiting for you  Darling, don't be afraid  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
And all along I believed I would find you  Time has brought your heart to me  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
One step closer 
One step closer 
I have died every day waiting for you  Darling, don't be afraid  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
And all along I believed I would find you  Time has brought your heart to me  I have loved you for a thousand years  I'll love you for a thousand more 
  Bucky and Ava finished their dance with a kiss and the crowd applauded as Steve helped Belle down to hug her brother and sister-in-law. “Love you guys.”  
As the wedding came to a close, Tony and Pepper walked over to take the twins with them to their cabin for the weekend.  Belle became teary for the idea of her babies leaving but Steve looped his arms around her.  “They will be ok.  Uncle Tony and Auntie Pep have it.”  
“I know. I’m sorry.” She wiped her eyes as the twins came over to give her a hug.  “Promise you will behave for your Uncle and Aunt.”  
“Yes mama,” Jamie answered.  
Steve kneeled in front of his son.  “You take care of your sister. ok?” 
Jamie nodded.  “Yes daddy.”  
“Good.”  He kissed his head and then hugged his princess. They watched them leave and Steve took his wife’s hand.  “All to myself, sweet pea.”  
“Yes sir.” Belle smirked as she watched Steve’s eyes darken slightly.  He pulled her to the elevator to get back to their room in the hotel.  As soon as the doors closed, Steve lifted Belle to his hips with a squeak, wrapping her legs around him, her back pressed against the wall.  
“You are a vixen, my love.”  He placed gentle kisses around her neck and collarbone.  Belle whines when he gently nipped at her skin.  “Hush, baby.”  
“Stevie,” she whispered.  
“I love it when you call me that.” The elevator pinged and the doors opened to their floor.  Steve carries his pregnant wife to their suite. He never lost stride, never lost his grip on his precious cargo. He opened their door and moved to their king sized bed.  He laid her down and began kissing every part of her body he could reach, eventually reaching up and pulling the zipper of her dress. He yanked the fabric away and moaned at the sight of his girl in just panties. “Jesus doll.”  
“Something you like Captain?” she purred and at that point Steve went feral. He tore his suit away, literally and was down to his boxers when he began to kiss Belle’s legs starting at her ankle. His kisses were feather light and driving Belle wild.  “Steve, please.”  
“You know what you have to say, princess.” Steve got closer to where she needed him, her hormones now in overdrive.  
“Wreck me sir. Take me to heaven.”  
In an instant, Steve ripped her panties away and drove his tongue into her warm heat.  She arched her back and cried out, his ministrations sending her head spinning.  He worked her body like he had known for the last five years. He could feel her building but holding back.  “Let go princess.  Let me drink you in.”  
She shook her head, wanting it to last.  Steve chuckled at her stubbornness.  “Ok then.”  He slipped his large digit in and hit her spot inside. Belle moaned and then screamed at Steve latched onto her clit, gently nibbling it.  She couldn’t stop the rush as she climaxed all over him, losing sight of her surroundings as the blood pumped behind her eyes.  
Steve slowed to let her come down before he pulled away to remove his boxers and he laid next to her, pulling her on top.  This was his favorite, where he could watch Belle lose herself on him. He placed her right over his rock-hard cock and guided himself in. They both moaned at the fullness, and Belle began to move her hips, her small bump sliding across Steve’s abs.  
“Oh, princess. So good, sweet pea, so fucking good.”  
“Stevie, I can’t,” as she began to slow.  
“Yes, you can because you’re my good girl, my baby mama.” He put his hands on her hips to help her. He could feel her being to grip him. “Always so warm and ready for me. Fuck Belle.”  
“Steve,” she moaned, “fuck Captain, please.”  She felt him grow harder and she knew he was almost there.  
“C’mon baby, one more time, let go for me. Cum all over me Isabella, make me yours.”  
“Mine, all mine!” He was thrusting his hips to hit her spot over and over and she was lost again as she clamped down on him.  
“Mine,” Steve grunted as he let go in her, filling her up again. Belle slumped forward and he caught her before she crushed her stomach and turned them, so she was on her side and he was still inside her. “So beautiful my Isabella.”  
“I love you,” she mumbled as exhaustion took over.  
“I love you more, my beautiful, sweet pea.”  
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The next morning, Belle woke with Steve still sleeping next to her.  Five years later and she never got tired of seeing him asleep, looking younger and more at peace.  She quietly got up and went to the ensuite coffee maker, checking her phone.  She saw an email from her publicist.  She opened it and squealed loudly.  
Steve ran in a moment later in just his boxers.  “Baby, you ok?” 
“I’m sorry, I’m so sorry baby, but the New York Times has reviewed the restaurant!”  
A year after the twins were born, Belle wanted to pursue her dream of opening a restaurant. Steve and Tony wanted to invest and helped find the perfect spot for her.  But what was a hidden blessing was Ava wanting to be her partner.  Ava has restaurant management experience and was invested in Belle’s concept.  American fusion.  She took the recipes she knew and elevated.  After extensive testing (with Bucky being her taste tester, of course,) they had the final menu set and opened “Home Kitchen” just six months ago.  
“What did they say, sweet pea?” 
“Three stars, Stevie, he gave me three stars. Oh my god!” Steve picked her up and swung her around.  
“I knew it baby.  I knew you would be great!” 
“I can’t believe it.” She read the review, raving about the simplicity of her menu but the sophistication of it made it other-worldly. He labeled it the “must eat” restaurant in Manhattan. “Steve, he’s raving about it. I gotta tell Ava.”  
“Ava is probably a bit busy at the moment love.” He sat them on the couch, with his girl on his lap and caressed her bump. “How’s my son?” 
“He’s moving around. Excited for his momma.  He’s...” she went still.  
“Belle?” She grabbed his hand and moved it to one side.  And he felt it, a movement against his hand.  He smiled. “Hello son.” He tracked his movements until he calmed.  
She watched the wonder on his face. “Do you regret it?” 
“Regret what love?” 
“Giving up the shield. Just being Steve Rogers and not Captain America?” 
After Belle’s near death from the birth of the twins, she had told him about her dream with her father.  And while Steve didn’t believe in ghosts, he did believe that family would visit when they needed to tell their loved ones a message.  He had seen his Ma a couple of times, so he had no doubt Phil had visited her. Phil’s instructions were clear; Steve needed to be with his family but holding onto the shield would stop him from that.  
Sam was surprised when Steve handed the shield to him.  He assumed that Bucky would be the next, but Steve knew, his best friend was done with the fight, especially when he had proposed to Ava.  Sam and Nat were still ok with going on missions when needed.  Sam was the obvious choice.  And Steve felt at peace, knowing the world was in safe hands.  
“My only regret is not kissing you more often and I would regret not watching our family grow.  You and the kids are my whole world.” He kissed her softly. “I am devoted to you Isabella Maria Rogers.”  
“And I am submissively yours Steven Grant Rogers.”  
He looked into her beautiful violet eyes.  
She looked back into his ocean blues. 
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22 notes · View notes
Love Across the Galaxy 🌌 | Helmut Zemo Imagine
Contains spoilers for GOTG Vol.3
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Link to my Marvel masterlist
Characters & Pairings: Baron Helmut Zemo x Roman Goddess/Guardians!reader (romantic), The Thunderbolts—Baron Zemo, Bucky Barnes, Thaddeus Ross, Valentina Alegra De Fontaine, John Walker, Ghost, Justin Hammer, Taskmaster, Yelena, & Red Hulk (platonic), The Guardians of the Galaxy—Quill, Mantis, Nebula, Drax, Rocket, Groot, Kraglin, & Cosmo (platonic)
Content Warnings: profanity, light angst, fluff, mentions of death, fighting & violence, spoilers for GOTG Vol.3 (don’t read if you haven’t seen it!) | female!reader (she/her) | wc: 4.9k
Requested 📨 yes/no (rules for requests)
Premise: In which Baron Helmut Zemo, hater of the Avengers and desire to rid the planet of enhanced beings, becomes a member of the antihero team led by General Thaddeus Ross & CIA Director Valentina Fontaine where he meets the legendary group of misfits turned Guardians of the freakin Galaxy and loses his heart to a Goddess with a love for 80s music and talent for cutting of limbs.
Note: GOTG Vol 3 has permanently altered my brain chemistry and I cannot stop thinking about it. Truly the best film since Endgame & it’s inspired me cause I’m also back to loving Zemo again. I refuse to believe Marvel would give us a Thunderbolts film w/o Zemo so I will make sure he’s in this team.
After learning about all the Gods in Thor: Love & Thunder, picture you are Minerva, the Roman Goddess of Wisdom & War (Roman equivalent to the Greek’s Athena) and has cosmic powers similar to the Eternal’s Thena and has been with the Guardians since the events of the first GOTG film.
Fall 2023
“I don’t see why we need these people to help us,” Zemo rolled his eyes, strolling beside General Ross with the rest of the team around them. Once outside the cool breeze hit him, ruffling the lapels of his coat as his eyes squinted from the bright light.
Ross lets out a tired sigh, “Because, Zemo, as much as it galls me to admit it this threat is far beyond what we can deal with. It’s not terrestrial and chances are these…” he had trouble coming up with the word, “let’s just say they’re more experienced for this situation.”
They all stop before the flight line. It’s clear all around them with no sign of an approaching vessel.
“Who are these guys again?” Justin Hammer popped some jelly beans in his mouth. John looks down at the file in his hands, making a face as he does.
“They call themselves…The Guardians of the Galaxy.”
“Oh God,” Bucky moans, immediately making mental notes to protect his mental arm knowing a certain talking animal was on the hunt for it. He was gonna have to sleep with one eye open.
Zemo raises his brow, “Friends of yours, James?” Bucky is not pleased by the assumption.
“I wouldn’t call them that.”
“Aren’t they part of the Avengers?” Ava’s tone is slightly disapproving. While Scott Lang and the Pym/Van Dyne’s helped her, she still got bad rep despite doing what she did to survive.
Zemo, not happy with the idea of working with Avengers, snatches the file from Walker.
“Not technically,” Ross replies while Zemo reads over the page. “They arrived with Thor in 2018 against the first battle with Thanos, remained an associate to the team while continuing whatever the hell it is they do in space, and returned in 2023 to defeat the purple bastard once and for all.”
“Did you fight with them, Bucky?” Yelena asks from beside the soldier.
“Yeah,” the memory appears in his mind. Specifically where he grabbed Rocket by the scruff and spun them in circles to cover more area as they fired off their guns. “Our interactions were brief…but memorable.”
The Baron had seen many things over the years, like the rest of humanity with the formation of the Avengers and reveal of intergalactic and enhanced beings, but to stay he wasn’t thinking, ‘what the fuck?’ by the picture in front of him would be a lie.
An earthling turned ravager, a blue mercenary, a woman with antennas, a genetically engineered raccoon, a living tree, a gray alien that could take down Thor, a man with a metal Mohawk, a telekinetic dog, and an exiled sword wielding Goddess. All misfits and outcasts, mostly space criminals turned superhero guardians of the cosmos.
Well….they were quite the bunch.
“They are not still with the Avengers, I take it?” Zemo wanders around, eyes lingering on the Goddess. White streaks adorned her natural hair color, eyes gold and lips painted with what appeared to be a permanent smirk. She wore a gold and white headpiece that had an owl extending its wings.
Name/Alias: Minerva, Goddess of War; Race: Deity; Planet of Origin: Caelum; Age: approx. 2500 yrs (39 Earth yrs); Occupation: Warrior/Mercenary/Defender of the Andromeda Galaxy; Allegiance: The High Council of Caelum (formerly), Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor, God of Thunder, The Avengers (formerly); Abilities: Cosmic manipulation, enhanced strength, agility, speed, & durability, thermal detection & mental teleportation; Specialization: artillery and battle strategy.
Ross let out a sigh, “only when the planet is about to go to shit due to an intergalactic threat. Which we’ve now got on our hands, but considering the Avengers are all on sabbatical I’m sending you in,” he checks his watch, “but I need all the extra hands and like I said, they’re experienced.”
Zemo stares at the blank sky, “How will we know they've arrived?”
“Believe me,” Ross mutters under his breath. “You’ll know.”
A loud rumbling noise caught everyone’s attention, gazes turning upward as a hexagon shaped breech in the sky revealed a very large spaceship in its wake, followed by the distinct lyrics of AC/DC’s ‘Back to Black.’
“Back in black. I hit the sack. I’ve been too long, I’m glad to be back. Yes, I’m let loose. From the noose. That’s kept me hanging about.”
“Oh my,” Yelena breathed out, hair flying back from the gust of wind. Zemo lifted a hand to cover his face from the leaves, as did the others, many wide eyed.
“I’ve been looking at the sky. ‘Cause it’s gettin’ me high. Forget the hearse ‘cause I never die. I got nine lives. Cat’s eyes. Abusin’ every one of them running wild.”
“Great song,” Justin voiced, grinning from ear to ear. The ship made its descent, music getting louder.
“‘Cause I’m back. Yes, I’m back. Well, I’m back,” it approached the tarmac, “Yes, I’m back. Well, I’m back, back.” wheels hit the tarmac, engine powering down but music still blasting, “Well, I’m back in black,” the ship doors opened, revealing steps extending to the ground, “Yes, I’m back in black.”
It was almost like a scene from a movie. Slow-motion if one will by how the Guardians exited their ship and stepped foot on the tarmac with AC/DC on full volume. All dressed in their new suits of red and blue leather with the Ravager flames on the chest.
Arriving in style.
Quill led with the rest flanking his sides. Drax munching on snacks while Nebula looked menacing and Groot towered over everyone. Cosmo had her tongue out in excitement, Rocket carrying his gun strapped to his back. Mantis’s chin held high, like she was on top of the world and Kraglin trying not to appear lost. Lastly Minerva was drinking a caprisun, Ray Bans covering her gold eyes.
Zemo tilts his head in amusement at the sight. He expected the Goddess, of war nonetheless, to have a more menacing approach like Nebula considering her reputation. But she was just as relaxed and laid back as Drax.
The Guardians walked several paces until they were directly in front of the Thunderbolts. It was then the music stopped, Ross being the first to address them. “You sure know how to make an entrance.”
Quill gave a smug grin, “We know.” Hands go to his hips, “You’re wearing a suit so you must be the boss man. Although I believe there’s also a boss lady we’re here to do business with.”
“Director Fontaine is currently occupied. She’ll be arriving in the morning.”
“I assume we won’t be knowing a damn thing until that happens, huh?”
Ross tightens his lips, “You assume correctly.”
“I told you we should’ve handled it on our own,” Minerva’s glances to Quill annoyed. Surprised by her voice, Zemo's eyebrows raised at her sudden input. Her accent was slightly Italian given her mythological origin is Roman.
Quill clicked his tongue, “We don’t have authority here, Minnie.”
“Midgard is part of the Andromeda Galaxy. Technically we should.”
Now the man was giving her a pointed look after Ross’s body language turned defensive, “I’d rather not get our asses thrown in Earth’s prison system. We go by the rules—the ones we established.”
Minerva grumbles under her breath, finishing the last remnants of her juice pouch, “Would’ve finished the job faster. They wouldn’t even know we were here.”
“Okay well, we’re doing things this way. We’re here as a team to work with a team. Right, Mr. Secretary?”
Ross’ disapproving eyes linger on Minerva, who in return rolls her own, before turning his attention back to Quill, “Yes. Now let’s move on shall we?”
He lets out a breath of relief, “Agreed.” Bidding a warning look to each of his teammates, they all wait for what the man in the suit has to say. Ross extends a hand to the people on either side of him.
“This is my team. All with different levels of skill and experience. Justin Hammer is our tech and weapons specialist,” Justin gives a wave, “Yelena Belova,” Ross points to the blonde in a white tactical suit, “former Black Widow and master assassin.” At the mention of Black Widow Rocket, Nebula, and Minerva all tense, faces becoming solemn at the memory of Natasha. They were the three remaining Guardians during the blip, becoming close with the Avenger.
“Ava Starr, she can phase through anything,” they all look impressed, finding the talent cool. “Antonia Dreykov, who we like to call Taskmaster.”
“Why’s that?” Kraglin asked intrigued.
“She has photographic reflexes and can mimic your fighting powers. Basically use your own moves against you.”
“Niceeee,” all the Guardians echo. Ross points to the two individuals in between Zemo and Yelena.
“Our super soldiers, Captain John Walker and I believe you all know Sergeant Barnes.” Bucky tightens his mouth with a curt nod.
“You still got that arm on ya?” Rocket muses, earning a nudge—well more like a kick—from Minerva. The rest of the Thunderbolts besides Bucky all become wide-eyed at the talking Raccoon…even though it said on the file he could.
But how the fuck else were they suppose to react to a talking raccoon?
All Bucky does is glare, “Don’t even think about it.” Rocket shrugs, “Worth a shot.”
“Why is that one carrying a giant frisbee?” Drax’s mouth is filled with Zargnuts. Walker, the man in question, becomes visibly offended.
“It’s a shield not a frisbee.” Zemo bites back a smirk at the soldier's tone. Not to mention the Guardians' reactions were priceless.
“A shield?” Mantis repeats confused.
“It’s a frisbee,” Drax mumbles.
“Like that circular object Minerva conjures to deflect attacks,” Nebula tiredly explains. Mantis’s mouth forms the shape of an ‘o’.
“And lastly,” Ross sounds just as exhausted as the cyborg, “Baron Helmut Zemo, former intelligence operative.”
“I am Groot,” Zemo’s attention goes to the tree alien, confused by his words. Minerva, seeing his expression, addresses it, “He says he likes your fancy cape.”
‘Cape?’ He thinks, but doesn’t comment on it and his perplexed reaction makes Minerva smirk. Instead Zemo says, “Well, I appreciate the compliment. Thank you.” Groot’s pleased, grinning wide like a child.
It’s then Quill’s turn to formally introduce the Guardians. The Thunderbolts bite back their own amusement at the nicknames and surprise of hearing the dog, Cosmo, speak through her suit with a distinct Russian accent. Afterwards Ross leads them all into the hangar, Minerva removing her sunglasses now that she was inside, allowing her gold eyes to be visible.
From there they all interact, awkwardly for the most part as they have no idea what the hell to do as they wait for further instruction. It soon becomes bickering and even challenging someone in hand-to-hand combat.
Well, what can you expect when a team of heroes meet a team of villains/anti heroes? Rivalry at its finest.
“Any day now, Quill,” Minerva groans, relaxing her stance. Across from her several feet away was Walker, confused by why she was taking so long to attack. They were standing in the middle of the squared off area with the teams surrounding them, but giving enough space to avoid being in the crossfire. Quill was scrolling through his Walkmen.
“What’s he doing?” Zemo whispers to Kraglin, eyes flicking back and forth from the human Guardian and the Goddess.
“Trying to find a good fight song. You know, get the vibes going.” Out on the square Minerva lets out a loud huff signaling her annoyance was increasing.
“Just give me another second—.”
“I almost got it.”
“Pick a goddamn song!”
“Fine!” Quill shouts, randomly selecting the first one his finger hits. A second later Duran Duran’s ‘Hungry Like the Wolf,’ blasts through all the speakers attached to the Guardians arms. The antiheroes become perplexed, while also noting the song choice. Justin and Yelena started to bop their heads.
“Darken the city, night is a wire. Steam in the subway, earth is afire. (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do)”
Minerva smirked, retaking her stance. As she lifts her hands, cosmic energy around her consorts to physical matter, taking the shape of a spear and shield in either hand. Wide eyes take over the Thunderbolts.
“Woman, you want me, give me a sign. And catch my breathing even closer behind. (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do)”
“Wow,” Justin exhales. “In touch with the ground. I’m on the hunt, I’m after you.”
“That’s so cool,” Yelena muses, others muttering in agreement. “Smell like the sound, I'm lost in the crowd. And I’m hungry like the wolf.” Keeping his admirations to himself, Zemo watches the scene unfold in silence.
“First one to step or get thrown out of the square loses,” Bucky shouts over the music, “Ready….” Walker clutches the strap of his shield, Minerva twirling her spear once, “Fight!”
“Stalked in the forest, too close to hide,” Walker lets out a cry, charging at the Goddess. “I’ll be upon you by the moonlight side (Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do,” Minerva blocks his attack, pushing back slightly only to crouch to swipe at his legs, “High blood drumming on your skin, it’s so tight,” Walker dodges her spear, but fails to avoid her kick to his chest, sending him backward. “You feel my heat, I’m just a moment behind.” He brings his shield up in time as her spear barrels down at him. “Do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do-do.”
They continue their one-on-one for several minutes, both coming close to getting the other out of the square and the song changing to ‘Cherry Bomb’ by The Runaways—a favorite amongst the Guardians. The entire time Zemo was mesmerized to say the least. Every move she made was effortless, showcasing strengths and ability to predict Walker's moves.
He hadn’t felt such attraction to a woman in so long. And here he was experiencing a feeling that was almost unfamiliar.
Ultimately Minerva wins the battle in what one would call a divine move. At the peak of the song, Minerva’s golden eyes glow bright resulting in the eyes of the owl headpiece to also glow and become animated. It takes form, coming to life and soars straight at Walker, throwing him off by covering his face.
“What the—uuugh!!” He’s flying through the air, back meeting the harsh ground with an audible groan. The owl leaves him, returning to Minerva and consorting back into a headpiece. When it does her eyes dim back to their normal hue. Her team broke out into whistles and hollars, meanwhile Walker’s were unimpressed.
“Guardians for the win!” Rocket cheered.
“I am Groot!”
“Never underestimate the power of Duran Duran!”
Minerva helps Walker up, “Not bad, soldier.” As she turns to head off the pad, her eyes lock with Zemo’s and a wink is sent his way. Heat rises in the Baron, glancing away to hide his smirk.
Oh boy, trouble was on the horizon.
Next Yelena went against Nebula. Their fight was even more intense and nearly ended in a draw. Eventually Yelena overpowered the cyborg and got her to step out of the square. It was a tie. Groot and Rocket teamed up against Ross in the form of the Red Hulk—which took a lot of convincing—the two claiming the win after fooling the General. Taskmaster beat out Quill, handing his ass to him which had the Guardians in a heap of laughter.
“I enjoyed that more than I should have,” Minerva teases, crossing her arms as she takes a spot beside Zemo. He glances at her, mirroring her expression.
“Not a common occurrence for your friend to lose a fight?”
She scoffs, “You’d be surprised by his record.”
Lastly Bucky went toe-to-toe with Drax, and of course Rocket had to yell, “Take his arm and give it to me!” And well….it ended with them tackling each other out of the square.They didn’t know who won at that point, so the teams were tied 2-2 initiating a debate on who should be crowned the best.
“Okay, let’s call it a day,” Ross announces, ending the squabbling between the groups. “Night’s upon us and frankly I could use a drink. We’ll return here first thing in the morning—7am sharp to discuss the threat and where to go,” he turns to Quill, “we’ve got sleeping quarters arranged for you all if you please. Otherwise my guess is you’ll remain in your ship?”
About an hour later, after both teams settled for the night, Zemo decided to take a walk around the flight line. It became a habit of his since joining the Thunderbolts. A way to clear his mind after a long day of briefings and training. He basked in the peace that came with being alone, but there were times he felt lonely and longing for company to share the peace with.
Ten years since losing his family and the pain never strayed. Yet, he managed to live with it. He accomplished his goal in 2016 when he tore apart the Avengers. Likely is to blame for the loss against Thanos resulting in half of the universe’s population turning into dust for five years.
Did he feel remorse for the consequences of his actions? Possibly. Did he regret it? No. At this rate he’s accepted the reputation he painted himself to be.
“Zemo, correct?” The sudden intrusion spooked the Baron, jumping slightly by the glowing eyes in the darkness. A moment later Minerva stepped into the lighting, eyes dimming to normal. She was still in her suit, though her hair was pulled back, white streaks seeping through the natural color.
“Yes, but you may call me Helmut,” he replied, nodding in greeting to the Goddess.
“Helmut,” she tests the name, “like the headwear people use when they ride bikes or spacesuits?”
“That’s one way to look at it, but yes I suppose so.”
“Interesting. What brings you out this late in the evening?”
He shrugs, “wanted to get away from the constant complaining of my comrades,” eyes go to the sky, “and I like to admire the stars.” Minerva moves to his right, glancing up as well.
“They’re much more incredible up close.” He peers down at her, not bothering to question her judgment. She lives in space after all.
“I bet so. I’m sure the view from here is nothing compared to what you’ve witnessed.”
She shrugs, “These stars you don’t even know if they’re still alive. It took years—possibly millions—for the light to reach Earth.” Zemo looks back up, focusing on the North Star.
“For all we know they burnt out ages ago.”
Their eyes connect, Zemo feeling a weight on his chest by the intensity of her gaze. It’s followed by unease when she says, “Natasha told me about you.”
Instantly he looks away, feeling an unfamiliar wave of dread. “Ah.” Here was a discussion he was not expecting, nor willing, to have.
But Minerva didn’t show criticism. In fact, her gaze and tone resembled understanding. “How do you do it?” The question took him aback.
“Do what, exactly?”
“Align yourself with people who go against what you stand for?” Minerva’s tone wasn’t condescending at all, only curious. “Most of your team are enhanced individuals—two are super soldiers to be exact. You went to many lengths to disband the Avengers and put an end to superheroes,” there’s a slight tilt of her head, eyeing the Baron with intrigue, “but you join a group consisting of people who fall between the spectrum of hero and villain where most are the exact thing you wished to eradicate. Not to mention led by two people you wouldn’t say you share similar moral values with. Why join them?”
For the first time in his life, Zemo was at a loss for words. Not a single word uttered as he tried to comprehend what Minerva had just confronted him with. How could he explain? Hell, he didn’t even know the real truth other than wanting to stay out of his cell. A big price to pay in exchange for freedom.
Minerva spoke again before he could respond, “I once committed an act similar to you,” the surprise is evident on Zemo, “Vengeance against those who were responsible for the death of my loved ones. It’s why I was exiled,” a frown appears, her attention returning to the stars. “So I understand you, probably better than anyone here. Understand why you committed those acts to destroy the Avengers. I don’t fault you for what you did—if I did it would make me a hypocrite. You’re not the villain Ross and the Avengers made you out to be.”
“How so?” His voice is strained, “what have you lost?” He didn’t mean to come off as defensive, but the conversation was bringing up emotions Zemo didn’t want to face.
“As Goddess of War all I knew was bloodshed. How to prevent it and how to fight it. Battle strategy was my domain, and the High Council knew better than to question my judgment,” she releases an exhale, “but Mars, the God of War and my brother, was my ultimate rival. He hated how much our father doted on me and agreed with plans I coordinated. It made him feel inferior. He’d do anything to prove himself.” Her tone remains neutral despite the painful memory surfacing.
Zemo remained quiet, picturing the scene as Minerva relayed it. Though stoic the Baron could see the pain and sadness lurking behind her eyes. Managing it as best she could for the sake of her friends. Who knows how many years it’d been since she lost whoever it was close to her. But the hole would always remain.
“To put it short,” she started again, bidding a glance, “Our home was under attack and his rash decision to slow down the enemy led to the death of my family—my husband and children.” Sympathy arose in the Baron, understanding her anguish, “An intentional move on Mars’ part because he believed I wouldn’t be fit to remain on the High Council after stuffing such a loss, therefore he would take my place as Head Commander of our armies and my father’s second Command.”
“He wasn’t exiled?” The question left Zemo before he could stop it. Confused by how the God avoided persecution for his crime, Minvera was shunned. “Your family was targeted.”
Minerva’s smile was bitter, “because their deaths were a result of war, the High Council viewed it as collateral. They failed to see Mars’ responsibility, believing he didn’t intend to kill them. So, I took it upon myself to bring justice. Not only to Mars but also the High Council.” Her smile fell once more, “I made sure they would pay. And they did, but it was far from over after finishing the job. Those who survived didn’t hesitate to throw me out to the wolves once I was contained.”
Zemo nods his head, “where did you go afterward if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I was imprisoned on Xandar for some time,” well they certainly had some things in common, “Once I escaped I became what your people would call a bounty hunter. Where it led me to meeting those clowns I now call my family,” she pauses before adding, “and escaping prison for a second time. Only it was to save the Galaxy.”
The laugh that escapes Zemo surprises him, “I guess it all worked out then.” Once more they lock eyes, twinkling against the stars shining down above.
“I suppose it did.”
Three Years Later
Zemo raced out the door the moment he awoke to rumbling that shook the foundation of his home. After three years he’d recognize the sound in an instant, only this time it was without warning.
An action that rarely occurred.
Throwing on his coat and house slippers, the clock read 2:30 am, flooding the Baron with worry. ‘What is she doing here at this hour?”
Usually when Minerva drops in she gives Zemo a heads up. A day or two’s notice, but recently he couldn’t get a hold of her and passed it off as the Guardians on a job. With the unexpected visit, so late at night, Zemo instantly knew something was wrong.
Hurrying out to the front lawn right as her ship landed, Zemo jogged to where the stairs extended. When they did, the doors revealed his Goddess, still wearing her suit, standing before him. Zemo noted the exhaustion painting her demeanor. Dark circles beneath her eyes, which appeared dimmer than usual, and scars indicating recently healed wounds.
His arms are around her the moment she’s within distance, her own around his neck, “This is a surprise.”
“Sorry I didn’t call,” the exhaustion was evident in her voice. Barely above a whisper causing Zemo to tighten his hold.
“It’s alright, darling. I’m just glad to see you are okay,” his hand runs along her hair, “wanna tell me what happened?” He hears her sniff, increasing his dread, “Close call?”
“Too many,” her voice cracks and there’s a pause. “We almost lost Rocket. We saved him thankfully, but then we nearly lost Peter. And I almost—,” she stops short, not wanting to relive her near death experience. “This was…it was too much for all of us, Helmut.” A kiss is pressed to her head, offering comfort.
“Let’s get you inside, mein schatz.” Zemo leads Minerva into the home, sitting her in the living room while he goes to put a kettle on the stove. Filling two cups of cherry blossom tea, Minerva’s favorite, he joins her in the living room.
After taking her first sip of the brew, Minerva removes the headpiece from her hair and makes herself comfortable before giving Zemo a play-by-play of the past three days. He stays quiet, listening intently but visibly reacts with each awful detail Minvera relays to him. From the unexpected attack from Adam Warlock, to the disgusting abuse Rocket endured at the hands of the High Evolutionary, to Quill nearly imploading in space had it not been for Adam’s change of heart.
Zemo’s knuckles turned white when Minerva spoke of what happened to her. Anger consumed him and he wished he had been there to protect her. Seeing his distress Minerva placed her hand on his, gently squeezing, “I’m okay, Helmut. I’m here now and we all made it out. There were many close calls, but we’re all alive and that’s what matters.”
Taking her hand, Zemo brought it up to brush his lips against her fingers, softly kissing her knuckles. “I don’t know what I would've done if I lost you, Minnie. I—-,” he stops himself to exhale, squeezing his eyes shut, “I would’ve found a way to fly across the galaxy to avenge you.”
“I know you would,” she murmurs, removing her hand but positioning herself in his lap. Arms snake around his neck, pulling him so they were inches apart. “I’d expect nothing less. Also I’d be a hypocrite considering I would do the same for you.” A playful smirk formed, “I was already plotting when Ross let you get captured by those bastards last year. Had it ended any other way, Ross would cease to exist.”
Zemo snickered, “I see we haven’t really changed completely despite our friends believing the opposite. Neither of us hesitating to return to old ways if it comes down to such circumstances.”
She smirks, “No, I don’t suppose we haven’t.”
“What a pair we are,” leaning in, his lips meet hers in a soft caress. Warmth seeping through his veins. That effortless high he believed he’d never have again after the loss of his family.
But he found it with a Goddess in the stars. Where love swept across the galaxy.
When they pull away after a moment, Zemo keeps his forehead against hers. Gold meeting brown. “I’m not sure I can let you go now, liebling. At least not for a while.”
“You never have to anymore,” her words have him startled, the man pulling away slightly to get a better look at her.
“What are you saying?”
Minerva’s gaze turns soft, though there’s slight nervousness, “After everything we all realized something. We found the family we were searching for, but some of us needed to find ourselves. Peter’s here on Earth to find his grandfather. Mantis is off on her own adventure. Drax and Nebula are on Knowhere to help raise the children we saved from the High Evolutionary. Rocket and Groot are leading a new era of the Guardians. And me,” she stops, emitting a gaze full of love that takes Zemo’s breath away. “I’d like to be here. With you, Helmut. If you’ll have me.”
If his heart could explode from the happiness Zemo was feeling it would. Tears were threatening to prick his eyes, the Baron willing himself to remain composed. “Oh, Schatz,” he croaked, cupping the side of her jaw. “I should be the one asking you that. Of course I’ll have you. I love you more than every star in the galaxy.” With that he kisses her, putting all his love and passion it causes her own eyes to water.
“I love you too,” she kisses him again. They remain on the couch, falling asleep eventually curled up in each other’s embrace. Their last thoughts filled with joy as they awaited the new adventure on the horizon.
An adventure just between them. A reinstated Goddess and a fully pardoned Baron opening the next chapter of their lives. Together.
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mthofferings · 8 months
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See aimmyarrowshigh’s existing works here and here.
Preferred contact methods: Tumblr: aimmyarrowshigh Email: [email protected]
Preferred organizations: - Anything from the list of approved organizations
Will create works that contain: I only write canon-compliant and canon-adjacent fic, so I'm not the person to request for totally AU AUs! That said, I'll write AUs that exist within the canon-adjacent space (Shrunkyclunks and Shrinkyclinks, X Character Lives, Everyone Lives In Avengers Tower, Omegaverse, fix-it, etc.) I love writing about food as a metaphor for love, and that will probably show up in anything I'm writing in some way. I love writing about the recovery of the Red Room characters (Natasha, Yelena, Bucky, Nadia, Ying). I love writing Jewish characters. I love a lot of rarepairs -- please check here for more information and to check if your preferred ship is one that I will write.
Will not create works that contain: I will not write breathplay, impact play, hard BDSM, scat, watersports, vore, "good" or "redeemed" Nazis, "sexy" rape including rape fantasy or role play, werewolves, mermaids, catboys, bestiality, furries, or cheating. I also will not write wild AUs that are not connected to the canon world in some way -- I'm just not the best writer for those requests! And I'm not the person to ask for Peggy Carter-centric fic. I pretty much only know how to write flangst -- don't ask for anything with a super dark ending, because I can't do it.
  -- Fic or Other Writing --
Auction ID: 1057
Will create works for the following relationships: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers - MCU Natasha Romanov-centric - MCU Bucky Barnes & Yelena Belova & Ava Starr - MCU Yelena Belova/Kate Bishop - MCU Xu Xialing-centric - MCU Scott Lang/Steve Rogers - MCU Wanda Maximoff-centric - MCU Darcy Lewis-centric - MCU Steve Rogers-centric - MCU Nadia van Dyne-centric - 616
Work Description: I will create a fanwork of 5,000 words for the starting bid of $15, with each additional $5 increase equaling an additional 1,000 words (up to a total of 15,000 words). I will also most likely make a little picspam/graphic for the story. :)
Ratings: Gen, Teen, Mature, Explicit
Can pods bid on this auction? Yes - Podbids welcome!
The auction runs from October 22 (12 AM ET) to October 28 (11:59:59 PM ET). Visit marveltrumpshate.com during Auction Week to view all of our auctions and to place your bids!
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finnofamerica · 1 year
The Week Of - Bucky Barnes x Reader || Part 3 || Smut
Summary: As a bridesmaid in your best friend’s wedding, you are invited to stay with her during the week of the wedding as everything gets prepared for the big day. Things don’t quite go as planned when you discover that you will be bunking with one of the groomsmen.
Word Count: 1,939
Date Posted: 05.31.23
TW: strong language, AFAB language used, masturbation,
Note: Sorry if paragraphs are wonky. Tumblr is being dumb.
|| Masterlist || Request Here || Ask Me Stuff || Part 4 || Requested
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You were woken up against your will the next morning. Apparently, Bucky was a shower every day kind of man. At least he had good hygiene. And good taste in music, you mused as Caravel by Greta Van Fleet resonated through the bathroom door. You had no idea how long he’d been awake and in the shower, but now that you were up, there was no point in wasting the day in bed.  You hummed along to Bucky’s music as you got ready for the day, stripping out of your pajamas. You were so focused on your music and lost in thought that you didn’t hear the shower shut off or the bathroom door open as you were bent over, pulling on a fresh pair of underwear.  “Fuck,” Bucky hissed, immediately turning his back to you. The few seconds that it took him to realize what he was staring at seemed to drag on for hours. Your shapely ass conjured thoughts that he wasn’t ready to confront, but that didn’t stop the blood from rushing to his member. “I’m sorry, I didn’t think you were awake yet.”  “I thought you were still in the shower!” You yelped, pulling the blanket off the bed and wrapping it around you. “Can you go back to the bathroom so I can finish dressing?” 
“Of course,” He scratched the back of his neck, realizing that that was probably what he should’ve done in the first place. “I don’t know why I’m still standing here.”  Bucky closed the bathroom door, leaning against the other side, precum creating a small wet spot on his boxers. He sighed, rubbing his hands down his face, remembering the way you’d gently traced his fabricated appendage. He would roll over in his grave before he admitted how sexy he thought you were. That’s why he tried sparking a conversation with you on the jet in the first place. “Just this one time,” He whispered to himself as he pulled his cock out of his boxers, smearing precum over its head to lubricate it. He stroked it slowly, keeping his voice down to barely audible gasps. The music from his phone easily drowned him out. Your long bare legs filled his imagination. He wanted to kiss every inch of them as he made his way up to your perfect pussy that he’d gotten a sneak peek of when he walked in on you changing. The thought of leaving hickies down your thighs made him stutter, holding back a groan that would’ve been heard through the door.  He imagined easing himself in your tight cunt as he squeezed his fist around his cock, making it a tight fit as he pleasured himself. Mentally he cursed himself for being an ass man as he thought about the way that your cheeks would jiggle as he fuck you. Bucky fucked his fist faster, desperate for release.  “Fuck, Y/n,” Bucky hissed, eyes shut tightly, “you feel -”  His cock twitched, spurting cum over his fingers onto the floor. Fear settled in his chest as he reached that post-nut clarity. He cleaned up his mess, letting out a long breath before he stepped out of the restroom for the second time that morning. You did not acknowledge Bucky as he pulled a fresh shirt out of his luggage, but that did not stop the way your face heated up. Ava sat with you on the bed as you laid out your outfit options for that night’s activities, looking back and forth between you and Bucky as he left the room to find Ava’s soon-to-be husband.  “What was that?” Ava whispered excitedly as soon as the door closed, “Are you blushing?”  “Maybe,” You muttered reluctantly, “You know I can’t help it.”  “Did something happen? I thought you apologized last night.”  “I did. Bucky walked in on me changing this morning, hence why I’m still in my pajamas.”  She squealed, practically jumping on the bed. “Did he get a piece of that cake?!”  “No, he did not! I hardly know the guy, I’m not gonna fuck him on a whim.”  “But you think he’s hot.”  “I mean, yeah, he’s a very attractive man. But looks alone don’t do it for me, Ava.”  “He’s a good man, Y/n, I assure you.”  “I’ll be the judge of that,” You teased.   “Either way, we are making you look fine as fuck tonight. I need my home girl to get laid.”  “Isn’t it supposed to be your night?”  “Girl, I will get laid every day for the rest of my life. You haven’t been laid since you and that twat waffle broke up four years ago.”  You sputtered, feeling called out. “Fine.”  Ava’s bridesmaids were definitely interesting. You hadn’t met any of them before, so you weren’t as talkative as you might have been otherwise. The maid of honor, Mikayla, had reserved a private room at a nice restaurant for the bridal party to hang out and basically pre-game before meeting up with the groomsmen at Ava and Greyson’s home for drinks and games. You shifted uncomfortably in the flattering, tight, black dress that Ava had picked out for you. It hugged all your best features and made your ass look truly otherworldly. It wasn’t your usual style, but you must admit you felt pretty damn sexy. Music was already playing when you arrived back at the house. The groomsmen were drinking after a long day at the trampoline park. An unconventional bachelor party, sure, but it’s what Greyson wanted. You hated to admit it, but Bucky was the only other person you knew in this group. So when Ava B-lined for her fiance, you gravitated toward him. 
“Sorry,” You said as you sat down next to him at the kitchen island. “You’re the only person here besides the bride and groom I know. Is it alright that I sit with you?” 
He gave you a long once over, the alcohol in his system bringing a rosy hue to his cheeks. 
“Of course. I should be so lucky,” He teased. The polo shirt that he must’ve changed into when he’d arrived back here was slightly unbuttoned, showing off his collarbones. Sitting so close to him, you could tell Bucky smelt inexplicably like leather and irises. You wanted to lean in and smell him, but you resisted. 
“Here, try this,” Greyson handed you a shot of god knows what. It smelt lemony. You downed it, cringing at the sharp burn of the alcohol. 
“What was that?” You coughed out. 
“Limoncello. It’s basically Italian lemon vodka.” Bucky enlightened you, having seen Greyson pour the shot just moments before. Oh no, you thought, already feeling the alcohol start to affect you. You weren’t a loud drunk or a sad drunk. You were a horny drunk, and from the moment that alcohol crossed your lips, your panties became a slip-in-slide.  In other words, you were a lightweight; Greyson and Ava planned on getting you plastered. Handing you drink after drink.
“That dress looks really fucking good on you,” Bucky whispered in your ear, having been served just as many drinks as the conspiring couple had served you between rounds of Super Smash Brothers. The party was beginning to wind down now. Most of the bridesmaids had already headed home. Just a few of the groomsmen were left. 
“Thank you. You look really good, too, ” You whispered back, leaning fully against him at this point. The more you drank, the more touchy-feely you were getting. Ava’s words echoed in your head, reminding you how long it had been since the last time you’d had sex. May as well jump off the deep end. “Do you wanna head upstairs?” 
He nodded and swallowed thickly, watching the way your hand traced down his thigh.  You stood, wobbling slightly on your feet as you made your way over to Ava.  “I’m going to bed, Love,” You pecked her cheek, “I’ll see you in the morning.”  “Awee bye,” She whined, giving you a quick hug, “Sleep well.”  You managed to make it up the stairs, thanks to the invention of handrails. You weren’t sure how far you would have made it if it wasn't for them. Bucky was shortly behind you, waiting just long enough not to seem suspicious. Your heart was thundering in your chest when you saw him, and he wasted no time with you.  Bucky’s lips connected with yours roughly, pressing you against the door he’d just shut behind him. He tasted like Fireball, but you couldn’t care less. You wanted him. You were tired of pushing away your attraction to him, and maybe if you fucked it out, it would be over.  You matched his desire, hands cupping his face. He pressed his knee between your thighs, making you whimper as you ground lightly against it. He began to work his way across your cheek, up your jawline to your ear, kissing and nibbling the sensitive lobe.  “I’ve been thinking about this all day,” He breathed, hands fervently exploring your curves and reaching your zipper. The dress dropped to your feet, leaving you in nothing but a pair of thin lace panties and strappy black heels. “Fuck you’re beautiful.”  You pressed your lips to him again as he guided you back to the bed, undoing his belt. You vaguely registered the sound of his jeans hitting the floor as you dipped your hands under his shirt, trailing them up his abs, following the thin line of hair all the way up to his chest. The contrast between his hot skin and the cool metal of his arms was intoxicating, and you let your hands explore as he pulled his shirt the rest of the way off. He was truly a beautiful man, and you just wanted to kiss his scars.  Bucky shoved you onto the bed, making you yelp as you bounced on the soft surface. He climbed on the bed, supporting himself above you as he brought his lips to yours. His metal arm gently explored your soft skin, teasing your nipples slightly as he grazed his thumb across their surface.  You reached down, pushing at his tented boxers, desperate to feel him inside you. You just knew this man would have you stretched out and aching in the morning.  “Stop. Not like this.” He whispered, pushing your hand away. He tucked his head in the crook of your neck, knowing that you both were too drunk to truly enjoy this. “I don’t want the first time I fuck you to be a drunken impulse.”  Just like that, your heart sank in your chest as you recoiled away from him, tears welling in your eyes. You couldn’t even start to process. Why would he make out with you like this if he didn’t want to fuck you?  “Oh,” You whimpered, crawling away from him. You needed an excuse not to be in the same room with him. “I’m gonna go take a bath.”  You couldn’t reach the bathroom quickly enough, shutting the door behind you. You held back the tears long enough to put the water on before you collapsed to the floor next to the tub. You sobbed quietly, mad at yourself for putting yourself out there like that. You hope that the sound of the water running was enough to keep Bucky from hearing you cry. Eventually, your tears stopped flowing, and you just felt numb, but you couldn’t bear to step into the room that you shared. Instead, you turned off the now-cold, water and sat against the tub until the bubbly fuzzy haze of alcohol lulled you to sleep.
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Tags: @1deadpool26 @fortisfilia @vicmc624
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sixwaystosundayao3 · 9 months
Detective Yelena
Thanks to my ADHD, ideas just get blasted onto pages with no context. I'm working on compiling it all into a coherent story, but for now here's another snippet.
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Ava was content for the first time in a very long time. She cherished the down time between missions, using every precious moment to discover who she was outside of being a super-powered assassin. SHIELD had never given her the time to be a child, so exploring her interests was a new and exciting opportunity. This particular day found her relaxing on her bed in her pjs, reading - a fairly recently discovered joy. 
She glanced up from The Hobbit, watching her partner, completely captivated by his own book across from her. Bucky lounged shirtless on the other end of her bed, dog tags clacking together softly as he shifted his weight and burrowed further into the pillows. She smiled. No one else got to see him this way, and she treasured these moments where she got to see the real Bucky, unashamed of his scars and experiencing the life he never got a chance to live. His phone buzzed on the bed between them. He marked his page, then set down The Silmarillion next to him, picking up the device. He barked out a laugh. “Look at what Sam just sent,” he turned the phone toward her, revealing a Buzzfeed quiz titled “Which Tolkien Elf Are You?” 
“Wow, he really knows you so well,” Ava giggled, “Who did he get?”
Bucky tapped out the question quickly, then rolled his eyes and chuckled as he read Sam’s response, “He said it’s for nerds only. He didn’t take it.” 
Suddenly Bucky’s head snapped to attention, eyes locking-on to the closed door. He could hear someone coming. Without missing a beat, he dove into her closet, sliding the door shut behind him as they both heard a knock. 
“Hey Avs,” Yelena called through the door, “Got a second?” Ava padded to the door, opening it only a crack. “Yeah, what’s going on Lena?” 
“I’m looking for Roboboss,” she said, using her goofy nickname for Bucky. “Have you seen him anywhere?”
“Hmm, not recently. Have you tried the kitchen? Gym maybe? I think he said he was going to be sparring with Walker or something today.” Yelena glanced over Ava’s shoulder, eyes locking-on to the two books sitting on the bed. 
“Huh, reading two books at once?” her eyes narrowed, “Quite the overachiever. Have I told you about the book club Dzheyms and I started? You should join. We’re actually reading that one now,” she said, as she pointed to The Silmarillion. Using every bit of her skill as an assassin, Ava tried to play completely aloof. 
“Oh...uh, yeah. I heard there’s a new season of that Rings of Power show coming out soon, so I wanted to catch up.”
“Cool. What part are you on?” Yelena asked, trying to catch Ava in a lie. Luckily Ava loved listening to Bucky wax poetic about Tolkien’s universe, even when she didn’t quite understand what he was saying. The way he lit up with excitement was contagious, and had been the reason she picked up The Hobbit in the first place.
“Well I just got to the part where Thingol sends Beren to steal a Silmaril from Morgoth.” 
Yelena smiled tightly, knowing in her gut when she was being lied to, but not having the evidence to prove it. “Oh yeah. Beren and Luthien. I ship them so hard, you know? So cute.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Ava lets out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding. “Well if I see Buck I’ll definitely let him know you’re looking for him.”
With that, Yelena turned to leave and Ava retreated back into her room, closing the door. Seconds later a rhythmic tapping began. Tap…taptap…tap Taptap…taptap Tap Taptap… Taptap…tap. Ava smiled and turned towards the closet. “Yeah, coast is clear. She’s gone.”
The closet door slid open and out tumbled Bucky, hair sticking up and looking disheveled from his abrupt escape. He held out his phone and scowled. Apparently he had used his closet time to take the quiz from Sam. “I got Maedhros.” 
Ava was familiar with the name from Bucky’s many synopses. She laughed at the irony. “Send it to me.” She had to fight to contain her smile when she ended up with Luthien. 
0 notes
brooklynislandgirl · 7 months
10 Fandoms / 10 Characters / 10 Tags
Tagged By: my loves @kylo-wrecked and @tangleweave Tagging: Anyone who feels like they need one more Sunday this weekend.
I. Marvel: Beta-Ray Bill, Eddie Brock/Venom, Doctor Strange, Phil Coulson, Vision, Groot, Spider-Man {Peter Parker}, Gambit, Doctor Morbius, Bucky Barnes. M'Baku {Hate the moniker of 'Man-Ape'}. Magneto. Loki. Night Crawler. Frank "Punisher" Castle. Colossus. Danny "Iron Fist" Rand. Foggy Nelson. Ghost Rider {Both Johnny Blaze and Robbie Reyes, "Caretaker" Carter Slade}. I know that's more than 10. Whatever, I do what I want. >.> II. DC: Lex Luthor, Nanaue {King Shark}, Martian Man Hunter, John Constantine, The Joker, Jonathan Crane, Morpheus {Dream of the Endless}, Death of the Endless, Harley Quinn, Poison Ivy, Bane, Swamp Thing, Green Lantern. Cisco Ramon. Hunter Zoloman.
I absolutely blame @nightmarefuele for at least two of these.
III. Star Wars: Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader. Admiral Piett. Kylo Ren. Wedge Antilles. Kit Fisto. Han Solo. Chewbacca. Jocasta Nu. Darth Rivan {not to be confused with Darth Revan}. Jos Vondar. Jango and Boba Fett, and of course, all my 10,000,000,000 Clone children. No I will not be taking questions.
IV. Star Trek: Worf, Martok, Gowron, Chancellor Gorkon, Kurn, Dr McCoy, Uhura, Sulu, Chekhov, Chris Pike, Ortegas, Nurse Chapel, Geordie La Forge, Riker, Data, Lore, Chief O'Brien, Q, Benjamin Cisco, Garak, Gul Dukat, Quark. V. Firefly: Mal Reynolds, Jayne Cobb, Hobun Washburne, Zoe Washburne, Shepherd Book, Kaylee Frye, YoSafBridge, Adalai Niska, Badger, Jubal Early Take my life, take my land, take me where I cannot stand. I don't care 'cause I'm still free, you can't take the sky from me. {{My coat has always been a little...brownish.}
VI. The Walking Dead: Shane Walsh, Daryl and Merle Dixon, Michonne Hawthorne, Abraham Ford, Glenn Rhee, The Governor, Bob Stookey, Ezekiel, Dwight, Aaron, Morgan Jones. VII. Justified: Raylan, Boyd, Ava, Art, Rachel, Tim, Dewey Crowe, Johnny Crowder, Loretta McCready, Robert Quarles, Ellstin Limehouse, Mags Bennett, Devil, Jean Baptiste, Boon, Willa, Carolyn, Sweety... oh so many. VIII. Yellowstone: John, Jamie, Beth, Kayce Dutton, Rip Wheeler, Jimmy Hurdstrom, Thomas Rainwater, Mo Brings Plenty, Lloyd, Colby, Teeter, Jake, Ethan, Angela Blue Thunder, Malcolm Beck. IX. Law & Order- Alphabet Soup: Captain Cragen, Lenny Briscoe, Mike Logan, Anita Van Buren, Jack McCoy. Rey Curtis, Ed Green, Arthur Branch, Cyrus Lupo, Kevin Bernard, Frank Cosgrove, Jalen Shaw. Elliot Stabler, Olivia Benson, Odafin Tutuola, John Munch, Chester Lake, Melinda Warner, Amanda Rollins, Rafael Barba, Dominick Carisi, Peter Stone, Bobby Goran. I have seen literally every episode of the American Law & Order franchise Original, SVU, CI, OC, etc...with the first three watched multiple times. While I often wouldn't call it my most favourite show...it's probably my most favourite shows.
X. The Lord of the Rings: Boromir and Faramir, Éomer and Éowyn, Theoden King, Theodred, Gimli, Pippin, Sam, Meriadoc, Fangorn {Treebeard}, Beorn, Celebrimbor, Bard the Bowman, Dwalin, Celeborn, Denethor, Gil-Galad king, Fingolfin, The Watcher in the Water, Maedhros, Finwe, Manwe...and I could go on for years. My first true fandom as we know it {probably Arthurian Legend was my first and truest fictional love}, and one I have been faithful to for over 25 years. Honestly never please talk to me about it, because I have rabid opinions about literally everything. And lastly, I only included tv/movies here because books and rpgs would require an entire three or four Long Ass Posts all of their own. Much Love.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
To Update/ Coming soon- June 14th- August 31st
** means smut
Admiral's Daughter- part 1, 2 and 3- Top Gun Maverick ff, Chasing Angels series. 2 Hangman/ Bianca/ Rooster, 3 Dagger Squad, 1. Bianca, Hangman, Coyote, and Phoniex.
Baby I Do,- Part 2* ,3*, 4,5- Elvis- Burnin' Love series- Elvis/ Sylvie
Little White Church- One Shot- Elvis- Stand alone- Elvis/Sylvie
Cowboy Take Me Away- Parts *2 and 3- Top Gun Maverick FF- Chasing Angels series- Hangman/Bianca
Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy*- One shot- Yellowstone- Angel of Mercy Series- Lee Dutton/ Spencer Abbott
Just Dance- Part 1, 2*,3*,4* - Top Gun Maverick FF- Chasing Angels series- Hangman/Bianca
Wouldn't It Be Nice- One shot- Supernatural- Darkest Before the Dawn Series- Dean/Ellie
Secrets That Are Meant- one shot* Supernatural- Secrets That Are Meant To Kept Series- Sam/ Dean- Wincest
To Be Kept- One Shot*- Supernatural- Secrets That Are Meant To Kept Series- Ellie/Dean/Sam
Need You To Know- One shot*- Supernatural- Secrets That Are Meant To Kept- Ellie/Dean
Be My Baby Tonight- Part 1, Part 2*, Part 3, Part 4*- Avengers, Only Fools Rush Series- Steve/ Lennon, Bucky/ Lennon
Saturday's Alright For Fighting- One Shot- Fast Saga- Life in The Fastlane Saga- Vince/Sophie
On The Outside- Parts 3, 4,5,6 The Outsiders- On The Outside- implied Soda/Mattie
Game Changers- Part 2, 3,4,5.6- The Mighty Ducks- Game Changers series- Adam Banks/ Ava Bombay
I Kissed A Girl- One Shot*- Fast Saga- Life In The Fastlane Saga- Letty/ Sophie
California Girls- One Shot*- Top Gun Maverick- Chasing Angels- Phoniex/ Bianca
Courage Under Fire- Band of Brothers- Courage Under Fire Series- Bill/Olivia, Olivia/ Joseph Liebgott, Bill/ May Jenkins Parts 1, 2, 3*,4,5
Burnin' Love- Elvis- Burnin' Love Series- Elvis/Sylvie- Parts 5,6,7,8,9,10
Chasing Angels- Top Gun Maverick- Chasing Angels Series- Rooster/ Bianca, IceMav, Hangman/ Bianca, Hangman/ Phoniex, Phoneix/ Bianca. Parts 2, 3*, 4*,5,6,7
Should Be Me- Band of Brothers- Courage Under Fire series- what if- part 2- Bill/ Olivia
Charming Town- Sons of Anarchy- Charming Town Series- Jax/Ryder- Parts 7,8, 9*,10*,11*,12
I Don't Dance But For You- Top Gun Maverick- Chasing Angels one shot- Rooster Bianca-
Only Fools Rush In- Captain America- Only Fools Rush in Series- Parts 2,3,4,5*,6*,7*,8,9,10- Bucky/Hannah. Steve/Peggy
Under False Pretenses- Band of Brothers Mafia AU- Under False Pretense series- Liebgott/ Olivia, Dick/Olivia/Nixon part 2*,3*,4*,5*,6,7,8*,9*,10*
Are You Going My Way- Band of Brothers College AU- Are You Going My Way Series- Lewis/ Olivia, Buck/Olivia, Liebgott/Oliva, Bill/Olivia etc Part 2*, Part 3, Part 4*,5,6*
Please, I Need You- Chicago PD- Thin Blue Line series- Jay Libby one shot
Got You- Chicago PD x Blue Blood crossover- Jayx Libby- parts 4*, 5*, 6, 7
Don't Stop Believing- Chicago Fire x Blue Crossover- Kelly Severide. Libby Reagan- Parts 2,3,4,5,6
Through The Heart- S.W.A.T- Luca x Josie Kay- parts 4,5,6,7,8
Star Crossed Lovers- Twilight- Star Crossed Lovers series- Rosalie/Emmett/ Lily parts 1,2,3,4,5
Hearts Made of Glass- Twilight All Human- Lily/Edward- Parts 2,3,4,5
Life In The Fastlane- Fast Saga- Vince/Sophie, Dom/Sophie, Letty/Sophie, Dom/Letty, Mia/Brian- Parts 7*,8*,9,10,11
Girl from Barstow- Fast Saga- Life In The Fastlane series- One shot-
Thin Blue Line- One Chicago/Law and Order SVU/Blue Bloods crossover- Parts 2,3,4
Winter's Gate- Game of Thrones- Winter's Gate series- Robb Stark/Jonlynn- Parts 4, 5*, 6
Homeward Bound- Game of Thrones- Winter Gate series- Robb Stark/ Jonlynn- Part 2,3, 4
Second Chances- Lord of The Rings/The Hobbbit- Second Chances series- Legolas/Ilianna/ either Fili or Kili- Part 2, 3,4
Royals- Harry Potter- Royals Series- Fred/Celeste. George- part 1,2,3,4,5
Puzzle Pieces- Triple Frontier- Miller Brothers/OFC parts 1,2,3, 4
Mine now. Sons of anarchy- Jax/Ryder one shot
Night Terrors - Winter Solider and the Falcon- Bucky/Lennon one shot
Sweet as Georgia Peach- Band of Brothers- prequel story to Courage Under Fire. Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Oh My, My Love- Elvis- Two Shot- part 1, part 2
London Blue- Band of Brothers- one shot- Liebgott/ Liv- set after D-Day
London Grey- Band of Brothers- one shot- Nixon/Liv
Undercover- One Chicago- parts 2,3,4
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falcqns · 2 years
possibly about to go to the hospital so send me some asks and let’s talk about some characters to get my mind of it 🤪
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rebeltombraider · 7 months
Sorry for the Wall of Text but hey! List of Future Fics in the works? :D 
Okay so... I've been working on SO MANY stories for a while now (plot bunnies drag me around from one to the next, through new stories, while I still work slowly on my current Ao3 fics), but decided to post a little here about everything (story wise) that's been going on with the fics being mainly worked on! 
Plot Bunnies Currently Making Me Their Bitch: 
MCU - No Title yet, but is going to be an absolute TITAN of a story and series spanning from around 2007 pre-Iron Man 1 to Secret Invasion, with a lot of changes and a lot of additions (including Timeline event changes, Infinity War being an actual 3 to 4 month long war instead of 24hrs, PIETRO SURVIVES without Clint and the kid dying, Ultron is gonna be a far more badass boss fight with a moment of Avengers going "...Why do I hear boss music?", a handful of characters are going to be added to spice things up) and so much more! OC is gonna be Nat's kid via Red Room science (made in a lab) which will go over more in the fic (also other DNA is Yelena's, however there will be ZERO Nat x Yelena here. it will be Platonic "this is my child so i will cut a bitch if anyone hurts them" sort of parental situation. Yelena tends to be Aro/Ace in my fics being written, majority of the time, though there is an idea for an Ace!Yelena and Kate fic i have in mind, but that's for another story) - (OC -intersex afab- x Wanda Maximoff, and a lot of background pairings) - Inspired by "Smells Like Teen Spirit" version by Malia J, "Set It All Free" sang by Scarlett Johansson, and "Can't Help Falling in Love" version by Haley Reinhart 
MCU - No Title Yet, a possible series of oneshots jumping around of Venom!NonBinary!Reader, Yelena Belova, and Kate Bishop platonic besties spreading some chaos and even possibly accidentally helping couples get together - (Background Wanda x Natasha, Pietro x Steve, Sam x Bucky, Tony x Pepper, Carol x Maria Rambeau, Peter Parker x MJ, Maria Hill x Sif, Thor x Jane) - Inspired by "Oath" by Cher Lloyd ft Becky G, "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga, and "Raise Your Glass" by P!nk 
MCU - Waking Wanda - a Dark started story intro that leads to OC being reborn as Wanda Maximoff (though doesn't get flashes of memories until a young child of around 5ish and it's only enough to sort of let me give a reason for character changes Wanda will have, also no "MCU knowledge"). Story will toe the line with Dark status every so often (Wanda has very little problem being an Antihero right off the bat when around Teenage and that carries on as she ages, and has no problem literally killing to protect, more so when it comes to protecting Pietro). Sort of a test story for Darker writings, but ultimately will have a happy ending because i'm a sucker for happy endings. Technically the OC is just a placebo spark for me to change Wanda up a little for a story idea, and the OC stuff itself means very little beyond those "sparks" to induce change which will butterfly effect over time. (Wanda Maximoff x Natasha Romanoff, with background Pietro x Sam, Steve x Bucky, etc, etc) - Story was inspired by "Vicious" by Halestorm, and "Sweet but Psycho" by Ava Max 
MCU - No Title Yet, and a smaller fic (and closer to the MCU timeline of stuff, though still plenty of changes and yes, Pietro lives along with Clint and the kid here, too). Will also toe the line with Darker stuff like Waking Wanda will (i'm very fond of writing antiheroes lately...), and OC will have Animal Shapeshifting powers. OC is also a brother to Wanda and Pietro via triplets instead of twins. - (TransMale!OC x Natasha Romanoff, with background Wanda x Darcy and Pietro x Monica) - Story was inspired by "Insane" by Black Gryph0n and Baasik, and "Wrong Side of Heaven" by Five Finger Death Punch 
MCU - No Title Yet, this story will be a fic that doesn't heavily dip into fighting battles at first like the other stories, and instead will be set where Reader will end up in the MCU and steps in where possible (healing ability and also has wings, though you can hide them into a scar on your back) to try to encourage change to bring a bit less pain and suffering to our Avengers. Wanda and Natasha end up dating Reader (triad poly) during Civil War era (bigger changes here, and yes, Reader saves Pietro, there is deff a pattern here for me, i think) after Reader sort of gets pulled in via sticking around after Lagos to heal any wounded (Wanda yeets Rumlow a little more viciously so it clears it just enough to only cause a little bit of roof damage) - Wanda x Natasha x Female Reader - Inspired by "If Today Was Your Last Day" by Nickelback, and "Soldier" by Gavin DeGraw 
MCU - No Title Yet, possibly a small series of oneshots about Wanda and Reader being a Soft!Couple, but also has Wanda and Vision being besties, and Reader and Natasha being besties. Literally just a "feel good" series - Wanda x Female Reader (Reader and Nat being Platonic besties, while Wanda and Vision being Platonic besties) - Inspired by "You and Me" by Plain White T's, and "Walking on Sunshine" by Katrina and the Waves
MCU - No Title Yet, set after Endgame. Natasha comes back via Steve's stone exchange, but she's not really healed from it. Scars, recovering from broken bones, and honestly feels lost. While Clint is dealing with Kate stuff (Yelena goes to help him at Natasha's request, and because she's become fond of him like an older brother as well), Natasha meets Southern!Reader who is a friend of Laura's, visiting from Texas (was also a Marine). Reader and Natasha are a bit awkward at first (Natasha because she's still recovering and unsteady from retiring, thus not really sure what she wants to do now, and Reader due to just being a shy awkward person who still doesn't really understand how people "people"). The two end up helping each other. Natasha helping Reader with moments of night terrors spawned from PTSD of war/battles against other humans and other skirmishes with Thanos' army during the blip era. Reader helps Natasha stop pushing herself so hard during her recovery (physical and mental), and start to stop and just breathe, along with the fear of a truly unknown future. - Natasha x Autistic!Female Reader - Inspired by "Stuck In a Moment You Can't Get Out Of" sang by Scarlet Johansson, "Rise Up" by Andra Day, "Shatter Me" by Lindsey Stirling ft Lzzy Hale, and "All I Know So Far" by P!nk 
MCU - No Title Yet. IM SO WEAK for Vera Farminga that it's unreal (dare i say Wanda Maximoff levels)?! That held my existence hostage and spawned this one here, of Eleanor Bishop x Reader. Reader is gonna be Wanda and Pietro's slightly older sibling (Marvel can pry Pietro's survival from my cold, dead hands) and has powers much like Magneto of the X-Men movies, but also cannot be harmed by metal objects, and has a resistance (read: resistance, not immunity) to more extreme cold and hot temperatures, as well as the abilities extending to Vibranium.
Conjuring Universe - No Title Yet. read above about weakness, RIP. Anyway, Reader will be Ed's sister who portrays a masculine build/clothing (and yes, binder! inc history research of binders and what was common and uncommon in that time era). Will happen around the main 3 Conjuring movies, as well as dabbling in The Nun 2 post credits scene (and extended), and the Curse of La Llorona getting a lil bit of a rewrite. 
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