#I cant tell if I find this humorous or sad
nosleep83 · 1 year
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0809sysblings · 1 year
i think the most trivial, stupid thing i get irked (and i use this word in the LIGHTEST way possible, please understand) by when i see it is the "Mikoto calls himself a fashion designer when he tucks his shirt into his sweatpants" joke.
and i dont care when it comes to the making fun of him aspect. please by all means make fun of this man! i support bullying (affectionate) him.
the thing that "irks" me is... they arent even sweatpants!!!! theyre not sweatpants, you must believe me. i have a pair of pants Very similar to his (only differences being it has an extra set of pockets and its greener in color), and they are not sweatpants. i know, they look like them (sorta...). its mostly the drawstring part. but, and i do not know Why, it has become a bit of a trend in the recent years to give more pants that drawstring style of waist. so if anything the fact that he's wearing pants like that just gives him being a fashion designer more merit.
thank you for watching this episode of Jokebusters. proudly sponsored by Autism Spectrum Disorder
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cringefaildiaz · 1 year
Rank the actors of 911 characters from your fave
i dont have opinions on the actors as people, they are simply the vessels of my blorbos to me, but i can tell you my faves in terms of their performances. i think kenny is a goddamn master. from comedy to absolute emotional devastation, man always hits the nail on the head. i think Aisha and jlh are up there for me too
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e-m-ma-lmfao · 11 months
Hiiii! I was wondering if you could write an Astarion x reader where Astarion cant go under sunlight yet he misses it so much. And maybe he comes across the reader who’s soaking in the sun and he admires them and then later he tells them that he misses the warmness of the sunlight and the reader cups his cheeks with their hands, letting Astarion feel the warmness that was left by the sun on the readers skin. Idk if this makes any sense but it’s a cute concept in my head 😭🫶🏻💕 thank you!!
You Are the Sun to Me
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pairing : astarion x (female) reader
summary : astarion watches as you do the thing he longs to do the most, bask in the suns warmth. you allow him to feel it through your skin.
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When you arrived in Baldur's Gate you figured your life would be different. And when you killed Cazador with Astarion by your side, you were sure that nothing would ever negatively affect the two of you again. So when the time came to defeat the elder brain, you were happy and excited. 
But when you found out that Astarion’s tadpole was no longer protecting him from the sun, your heart broke. Aching for the young man, the two of you fled from the city. He liked life on the road more anyways and you were willing to sacrifice the city for the wellbeing of your only love. 
Besides, camping around had its perks. Astarion was usually in charge of picking a spot for the night, and thankfully his taste was unmatched in everything he did. He always managed to find the most beautiful scenery. 
“I could never allow my lover to sleep on some shabby deer path, or in a smelly bog. What kind of man would I be? I know you’d enjoy a spot with a beach so much more,” He would say the most convincing words, kissing your hands, when you tried to convince him the spot you had first found was going to be fine. He would have no such thing, wouldn’t even humor your idea.
And of course, he was right, as he always was. When he finally picked a spot, a large open space for your tent and fire, and the defining feature, a river cut off from the world by a line of trees. It was like the world had put it there for the two of you alone, and he knew exactly where to find it. 
Throughout the day, when Astarion would spend his time reading inside of the tent to hide from the light, you would sneak off to the nearby river bank. 
With your clothes thrown haphazardly along the shore, you would lay in the sand and bask in the heat of the sun's light. It was your time to yourself, to relax, a time when you could let your guard down.
But Astarion had always been one to take advantage of an unsuspecting eye. So while you lay, with your eyes closed, relaxed in the sun's light. He would watch from the tree line, pupils wide with adoration.
A part of him was filled with envy of your ability to lay so freely in the sunlight. Another part was saddened to think that he would never be able to feel its warmth against his skin any longer. As bad as it was to have his mind violated by the tadpole, he missed the sun more than he had the first time. With the tadpole he had gotten another taste, but he never would again. 
Within all of his anguish, Astarion still found himself able to look at your figure taking in the sunlight, and still find your beauty of far more importance. It was hard to be envious of such a beautiful creature. 
Startled by your voice, he snaps out of his trance, and finds your eyes. 
“Sorry my love. I didn’t mean to sneak up on you. Just wanted to appreciate the scenery.” He settles his arm against the tree beside him to hold him up as he converses with you from afar. 
Slowly, you stand up to walk over to him with wobbly legs, tingly from not walking. 
“I can come back to camp if you want. I just need a moment.” 
“No no. Enjoy the sun.” Your heart aches once more as you see a sudden sadness glaze over his eyes, his lips purse as he holds back the emotions he truly feels. 
“Are you okay?” You approach his body now, standing under the darkness of the trees, hands reaching up to hold his face in the warmth of your hands. His face lifts, cheek pushing against your hand as he tries to get closer to the heat.
“You're so warm, my dear.” His cold fingers land atop your hand, a heavy contrast against the heat you had collected from the sun, “I miss this feeling.”
He feels his eyes begin to collect water but he swallows back any sadness, choosing to indulge in your warmth. You pull him into your body, his hands reaching around to feel at your back. Even though you had been laying on your back it was still warm, far warmer then his hands which sent a shiver up your spine. 
“I’m sorry.” You place your face into his neck, gently kissing his collarbone and neck.
“For what, darling?” 
“You’ll never get to walk in the sun again.” Your own eyes start to brim with tears, empathetic for his inability to feel the sun. He pulls away just enough to look down at you, slender fingers playing with the flesh on your waist.
Slowly he lifts his hands to wipe away stray tears sliding down your cheeks with the pads of his thumbs, “As far as I’m concerned I never need to walk in the sun again while I have you on my side, my dear. You are the sun to me. You give me all the warmth I need, and your smile, gosh, I don’t think the sun could match how it brightens my day.”
His words send heat to your cheeks, which he takes advantage of by placing his hands on either side of your face, pulling you in to kiss your lips gently. 
“We could come back out when the moon is over us. Moonbathe, no sun needed.” He chuckles at your attempt to reconcile the fact that he can’t join you as you sunbathe.
“I would love nothing more.” 
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cinnabunwanda · 5 months
content warning — Angst, Jealousy, Unwanted kiss
pairing — Fem reader x Wanda Maximoff
summary — Maria and Natasha argue over past relationships, while Natasha shares her feelings for Maria and advises Nat, a spy, to give it a chance. Natasha admits she needs Maria, while Bucky shares his first love experience.
word count — 1k
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Maria and I are lounging on the plush couch in the main room, bathed in the soft glow of Netflix playing on the television. But our peaceful afternoon is quickly interrupted as Maria begins angrily chiding me for purposely trying to annoy her. It's not like I have anything better to do with my day since Wanda is out on a date with the robot.
"Y/n, can't you just go bother someone else?" Maria groans into the cushions of the couch.
"Why would I do that when I can just annoy you?" I giggle mischievously.
She retaliates by throwing a pillow at my head, causing me to dramatically fall off the couch and onto the floor. Maria bursts into a fit of laughter, finding humor in my clumsy theatrics.
"Ria, seriously!" I groan in mock pain.
"I wish I got that on video!" Maria continues to cackle.
I dust myself off and stand up, rolling my eyes at her. I plop down on the opposite couch from her, huffing in annoyance.
"What are you two up to?" Natasha saunters into the room, her signature smirk playing on her lips.
"Maria is abusing me, that's what!" I tattle on Maria.
Natasha's smile widens as she playfully leans over towards Maria. I can tell Maria is getting flustered by Natasha's flirtatious demeanor, and I find it absolutely adorable.
"Is this true, Hill?" Natasha asks with a tilt of her head.
"No- I mean yes, it is true, Romanoff," Maria stumbles over her words, trying to play it cool under Natasha's gaze.
As tensions rise between them, I nonchalantly interrupt their exchange with a question out of the blue.
"Have you two ever hooked up?"
Both women snap their heads towards me as if I had just shot them. Maria's eyes bulge out of her head while Natasha sports a cheeky grin.
"NO, GOD NO! Y/N, WE ARE JUST COLLEAGUES!" Maria blurts out in a panic.
Natasha's smile fades and she removes herself from the couch, adjusting her posture.
"Yeah, um, we haven't, no. As Maria said, we are just... colleagues," Natasha responds with a hint of sadness in her voice.
She turns and walks away, leaving me and Maria alone once again. This time, it's me tossing the pillow at Maria's head.
"Ow! What was that for?" She whines.
"What was that for? Are you kidding me? You just completely offended Nat! Colleagues, Ria? Not even friends? She had a huge smile on her face and then you say that!" I scold her.
Maria falls silent and looks towards the hallway where Natasha exited. She covers her face with her hands and groans before quickly getting up from the couch and running down the hallway, presumably to find Natasha.
"I am the Goddess of Love, I swear!" I mutter to myself as I rise from the couch and make my way over to the kitchen island.
"Well, I can't argue with that," Sam chuckles as he enters with Thor and Bucky trailing behind him.
"Lady Y/n isn't the Goddess of Love? Are you Lady Y/n?" Thor asks me as he takes a seat on one of the chairs in front of the counter.
"No, Thor, of course she is. She set up Tony and Pepper, Peter and MJ. Oh, and my personal favorite - she found her own soulmate with a robot!" Bucky adds sarcastically.
My eyes widen at the mention of Wanda. I hit Bucky's arm but end up hitting his metal one instead.
"Oops...wrong arm," I mutter, my thoughts drifting towards Wanda and the happiness she has found with Vision.
The word "Fuck" slipped out of my mouth, escaping on a groan under my breath.
"You know what you and Wanda should be doing? But instead, you blew that up. Just like the hard drive, just like the robot you set Wanda up with," Sam's voice cut in, filled with frustration and annoyance.
I winced as I held my hand in pain from where I had slammed it against the wall. "Can you guys please keep it down? I don't need Wanda overhearing this," I groaned.
But Thor's booming voice couldn't be contained. "Wait, so Lady Y/n likes Miss Witchy?" he asked incredulously.
I rolled my eyes, feeling exasperated. These guys are practically begging for Wanda to hear our conversation. Bucky simply nodded in agreement.
"What are you going to do about it, Lady Y/n?" Thor prodded as he casually picked up an apple.
"There's nothing I can do, Thor. She loves Vision and not me," I sighed dejectedly.
Suddenly, Natasha walked into the room, breaking the tension. I gave everyone a look that clearly said "don't say anything." Natasha scanned the room with her sharp eyes, but no one spoke. She was a spy after all - she could probably figure out we were hiding something. She opened her mouth to speak but I quickly interjected.
"Oh hey Nat, did you know Maria was looking for you?" I said with a forced smile.
Natasha didn't miss a beat. "Oh really? That's nice," she replied with a hint of sadness in her voice.
I knew she wanted to say something more, but before she could speak again I stopped her. "Hey listen, Nat. I'm going to give you some advice and you can take it or leave it. But trust me, it's coming from someone who knows what it's like to have a crush on someone who ends up with someone else. Don't make the same mistake I did and keep denying your feelings for Maria. She loves you, more than she loves me even. And I know I have feelings for you too, but not in the same way. Just give it a chance, what's the worst that can happen? You fall in love? You build a relationship together? Just go for it, or at least admit how you feel because I'm tired of watching you both deny your true feelings," I said firmly, my hand making a small bang as it hit the table.
Natasha was silent for a moment before she walked over to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and she whispered into my ear, "Thank you Y/n/n. I love you too."
I squeezed her a little tighter before letting go. Sam and Thor left to help Natasha find Maria while Bucky stayed with me in the main room.
"You're a good person, Y/n. If Wanda can't see that, then it's her loss. You don't need her," Bucky tried to comfort me.
"But that's where you're wrong, Buck. I do need her. I'm addicted to her like a drug. She just doesn't love me back in the same way. But that's okay, I can love her from a distance," I explained, my voice filled with sadness.
"It's hard to get over your first love, always is," Bucky placed his hand on my shoulder in understanding.
I let out a heavy sigh and leaned into him, allowing myself to release some of the weight off my shoulders. He wrapped his arm around me in a comforting side hug.
"How did you get over yours?" I asked him curiously, hoping he could give me some advice.
Bucky hesitated before responding softly, "I don't think I ever really did."
Bucky's warm breath tickled my ear as he spoke, his deep voice fading into the night air. I could feel his heartache and understanding in his embrace. "I only got over mine recently and I am very old Y/n, you just have to move on and live your life the way you want to without them," he sighed, sending shivers down my spine.
"It was Steve right? Your first?" I looked up at him with a knowing gaze.
"Yes, it was. Actually, how did you know?" He asked, his blue eyes searching mine.
"Then you didn't get over him. I know you're trying to comfort me, but no need to lie to me Bucky. You love him and you and I both know that," I explained gently.
He unwrapped himself from our embrace and gave me a look that begged for understanding. But instead of showing sympathy, I sent him my famous smirk.
"I am not in love with Steve anymore, Y/n," Bucky insisted, standing his ground.
"Mmmhh hmmm, like I believe that," I giggled, looking up at him with a teasing glint in my eye.
"I'm serious! I can prove it," he replied quickly, determination set in his features.
"There's no point, Bucky. I know you-" Before I could finish my sentence, Bucky cut me off with a kiss.
For a moment, I was in shock and didn't respond. When realization hit me, I pulled away and wiped my lips in shock.
"I told you I didn't love Steve anymore," Bucky whispered, breathless from our brief kiss.
"Bucky, why would you kiss me? You know I love someone else. I'm sorry if I gave you the wrong impression," I said in shock.
"Come on Y/n, we would be great together! We make each other laugh, we understand each other, we both went through Hydra. Wanda has someone else, let me be your someone else," Bucky pleaded, grabbing both of my hands in his.
"I can't, Bucky. I'm sorry-" I started to walk away, but Bucky grabbed my wrist.
"Y/n, I CAN'T HELP BUT LOVE YOU OKAY?" He screamed in my face, his frustration and desperation evident in his voice.
I stood there frozen in fear for a moment, never having seen Bucky so angry before. I pulled myself away from his grip and he immediately began apologizing.
"I am so, so sorry. I-I didn't mean to yell," he stammered, trying to apologize and follow me.
"No, stop Bucky. Leave me alone," I pushed him away, tears welling up in my eyes. "HEY, BACK OFF!" Wanda's voice echoed through the room.
She ran over and placed herself between me and Bucky, her powers already at work as red wisps formed around her fingers. Her eyes glowed with anger as she faced off against Bucky.
"Please stop, Wanda. I'm fine, just go cool off," I told Bucky firmly as Wanda guarded me from him.
"I'm sorry," Bucky muttered before walking out of the compound to cool down.
I wrapped my arms around Wanda and hugged her tightly, grateful for her protection. She was a little surprised by the sudden embrace but hugged me back without hesitation.
"Thank you, thank you," I whispered gratefully into her shoulder.
"Honey, are you okay?" Wanda asked, ignoring my thanks and wanting to make sure I was okay.
"I am now, Wands," I sighed into her touch, feeling calmer with every passing moment. We stayed like that for a few minutes until I began to relax under her comforting presence. Her hands played with my hair as I rested my head on her shoulder, taking in her familiar scent.
"Wanda, I have been called to do some lab duty, so I'm going to have to cancel our date," Vision's voice broke through the moment as he walked through the wall.
I started to pull away from Wanda, not wanting to cause any trouble for her and her boyfriend, but Wanda's grip on me tightened.
"Of course you do. You know what, Vision? Don't even bother trying to make up the last four cancelled dates at this point," Wanda said without even looking at him.
"Fine, I won't bother doing anything nice for us again," Vision stormed off back into the wall, leaving Wanda and I alone once more.
Wanda let out a weary sigh as I pulled away from her embrace. Looking into her eyes, I could see the sadness and disappointment etched in her features. She had always adored the robotic man who seemed to have no time for her anymore.
"Hey, what were you two supposed to do?" I asked the witch, trying to distract her from her thoughts.
"We were supposed to go to a restaurant, but it's fine," Wanda replied with a forced smile.
I stood there for a moment, unsure of how to comfort her. Then an idea struck me - why not take her out for the night? As I looked at Wanda, I couldn't help but notice how gorgeous she looked. She had clearly dressed up for this date that never happened.
"Stay here, I'll be back with a plan," I smiled at her before quickly running down the hallway to my room.
In a matter of minutes, I changed into an outfit and fixed my hair. Knowing Wanda's love for sitcoms, I decided to take her to an old American 50's diner. It might cheer her up and I've been wanting to take her there on a date for a while now.
As I walked out of my room with paper flowers in hand, I couldn't contain my excitement. Making my way down the hallway, I found Wanda waiting for me in the kitchen. She turned around and our eyes met.
"Hey, are you ready to go?" I asked with a big smile on my face.
"I-um yes, I am," she stumbled over her words, making me laugh.
"You okay, witchy?" I asked affectionately. "You look really pretty."
"Thank you. I was going to say the same earlier before the whole Bucky thing," she replied with a warm smile.
Her words made my heart skip a beat. And then I remembered the paper flowers in my hand.
"I know you've had a rough couple of weeks, so I made these for you a while ago. And I think now is the perfect time to give them to you," I nervously handed her the paper flowers.
Her smile widened as she took the flowers from my hands. I could see tears welling up in her eyes, and she looked like she had just been given a million dollars.
"You made these? For me?" She asked, looking up at me with adoration.
"Of course. Who else would I make them for, Wands?" I gazed into her beautiful eyes.
"For someone who deserves them, like Natasha or Bruce," she explained.
"Or you, Maximoff. You deserve them too. You deserve to be happy, just like everyone else," I placed a reassuring arm on her shoulder.
She took the flowers and carefully examined them before setting them down on the table. Then, she wrapped her arms around me in a tight hug.
"Thank you. Nobody has ever said that to me," she mumbled against my neck.
I could feel myself blushing and couldn't help but smile uncontrollably.
"Well, they should, Wands," I pulled away from our embrace with a grin.
We walked side by side out of the compound, talking the entire way to my car. Wanda's laughter filled the garage as we playfully debated over our favorite team members.
As we drove to the diner, Wanda's mood seemed to have lifted, and for once, there was no trace of sadness or disappointment in her eyes. It felt good to bring a smile to her face and make her feel appreciated and loved. And that's exactly what she deserved - happiness and love from those around her.
With a sarcastic smirk, I unlocked my car with my keys and gestured for her to enter. "That's a secret that I shall forever know and you shall not," I teased as she climbed into the passenger seat. "Oh honey, you forgot I can read minds," she fake pouted, her powers already at work.
I laughed, knowing full well that I could block her powers whenever I wanted to. "Awww, and you forgot I can block your powers," I replied with a fake pout of my own.
She rolled her eyes playfully, causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Stop it, Y/n, just stop. She's taken and this is just a friendly outing to cheer her up. It's not a date.
"After you, madam," I opened her car door and bowed playfully, earning a smile from her sokovian-accented lips.
"Why thank you," she said with a slight slip into her accent.
I couldn't help but smile at the sound of it as she looked down at the car floor. Closing her door, I made my way over to the driver's side and got behind the wheel. Starting the engine, we exited the garage and headed towards the city.
"So where are we going?" She glanced over at me with curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
"That's a secret," I kept my eyes on the road ahead.
"Come onnnn, give me one hint," she whined playfully.
"Nope, I'm not telling you. Just enjoy the drive and let the road take us," I chuckled.
"You sound like... what do you guys call it... Oh yes, a hippie," she teased cheekily.
Using autopilot for the car, I turned to look at her, trying to suppress my own smirk as she struggled to hide hers.
"I am not a hippie," I defended myself with a smile.
"Mmmhhh, okay, whatever helps you sleep at night," she shrugged with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Wanda Maximoff, I am not a hippie," I huffed, crossing my arms slightly.
"Okay, okay, you're not a hippie... You're a... hopeless romantic," she giggled.
I went to say something but paused for a moment. She was right. I am a hopeless romantic. But everyone knows that.
"Shut up, witchy," I playfully retorted, trying not to let her see how much her words affected me.
She burst out laughing, and it was contagious. I couldn't help but join in. God, I love her laugh and how her smile can light up an entire room without even trying.
"You will arrive at your destination in 5 minutes," the car's computerized voice announced.
Wanda had a huge smile on her face, and I could tell just how excited she was by the way her eyes sparkled with anticipation. Suddenly, she rested her head on my shoulder and entwined our hands together.
"What's this for?" I whispered to her, feeling my heart swell with affection.
"For you making a shitty day into a good one like you always do," she replied softly, causing my heart to flutter even more.
I smiled at her words and lightly kissed her forehead before turning back to the road ahead. We stayed like that for the rest of the car ride until we finally reached our destination: a huge diner with bright neon lights flashing "50s Diner!"
"Oh my god, is this- no, it can't be- is this really a 50s diner?!" Wanda practically jumped in her seat with excitement.
"Yes, it is! I found it awhile ago and have been wanting to take you here for some time now," I smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Oh, Y/n, I can't even believe you remembered how much I love sitcoms and would think to bring me here! Thank you! Thank you!" She hugged me tightly, her excitement bubbling over.
I hadn't seen her this happy since Vision asked her out on a date (or rather, when I convinced him to ask her out and planned the whole thing). "It's nothing. Now come on, we don't want to miss out on all the fun!" I laughed as she pulled away, her eyes shining with pure joy.
Gently, I assisted Wanda out of the car, opening her door and taking her hand in mine. The warmth of her skin against mine sent shivers down my spine. Together, we walked into the quaint diner, where a friendly waitress promptly seated us at a cozy table. As we perused the menus, we chatted about our day.
"What are you going to order?" The waitress asked Wanda, breaking my gaze from the menu.
"I think I'll have the cheeseburger combo with a strawberry milkshake. How about you?" Wanda looked up at me with a smile.
"I'm thinking I'll get the chicken tender combo and a vanilla shake." I smiled back, setting my menu down.
The waitress took our orders and menus before walking away with a smile directed solely at me. I couldn't help but feel confused by the attention, but quickly refocused on Wanda.
"Looks like someone was checking you out," Wanda teased playfully.
"Well, that's too bad for her because I have my eyes set on somebody else," I replied with a smirk.
Wanda's expression faltered for a moment before she readjusted herself and continued smiling. "And who might this lucky person be?" She leaned in closer.
"Who said it was a person? Can't it be a lady?" I raised an eyebrow teasingly.
"Of course it can... So you must really like her if you won't even flirt with the pretty blonde waitress," she prodded curiously.
"Oh trust me, she's not my type at all. My girl would always win," I said confidently.
"Your girl? Huh," Wanda's tone held a hint of disappointment, though she tried to hide it with a smile.
"Yeah, my girl. She wins every time. Best laugh, best personality, prettiest girl, most trustworthy, kind-hearted, and most importantly, the best listener," I explained, caught in a trance as I thought of her.
"She sounds amazing. When do I get to meet this girl?" Wanda asked, genuinely curious.
"Well, you won't. She's in love with someone else, but that's okay because I can love her from afar. She's worth it," I said sadly.
"Well, this girl must be blind not to see what an incredible person you are," Wanda placed her hand over mine briefly.
I couldn't help but think to myself, 'Yeah, she's bloody blind. I clearly love you, idiot.'
Wanda's POV
As Y/n spoke, my mind raced trying to figure out who she was talking about so I could give them a piece of my mind. Anyone would be lucky to have Y/n as their girlfriend. Then it hit me - why was I even thinking about another person? My heart belonged to Y/n, and it had for the past month. I needed to break things off with Vision as soon as we got back to the compound.
I couldn't contain my excitement as I discreetly read Y/n's thoughts. 'Yeah, she's bloody blind. I clearly love you, idiot.' My heart felt like it was going to burst with joy. Y/n loved me? It was almost too good to be true.
I made a decision right then and there - I would end things with Vision and tell Y/n how I truly felt about her. Our love deserved a chance, even if it wasn't meant to be with me.
Your POV
The room seemed to spin for a moment, making me feel fuzzy and unsteady. I could see Wanda's concerned expression as she caught me before I stumbled. A few seconds later, our food and drinks were brought out by a friendly waitress. I smiled at her and thanked her, but I could already sense the premonition of trouble brewing between Wanda and the waitress.
"What's with the death glares?" I nudged Wanda, trying to diffuse the tension.
"Well, you said you didn't like her so I'm just making it clear," Wanda replied with a scowl still fixed on the woman.
I couldn't help but laugh at their little staring contest. Wanda was not one to hold back her feelings, especially when it came to someone she saw as a threat to me. But I knew this wasn't going to make for a relaxing dinner.
"Please, Wanda, can we just try to have a good time? I promise not to even look in her direction if that's what it takes," I pleaded, sipping my creamy vanilla milkshake.
Wanda's scowl softened at my request and she finally turned away from the waitress. "Fine, fine. But don't think I won't be keeping an eye on her."
I couldn't help but smile at how fiercely protective Wanda was of me. She may have been flirty and carefree most of the time, but when it came down to it, she was always looking out for me.
As we chatted and laughed over our meal, I couldn't imagine having a better time with anyone else. We reminisced about old missions and shared stories about our favorite things to do. And despite my initial doubts about revisiting this restaurant where Wanda had confessed her feelings for me years ago, I was now grateful for the memories we were creating together.
Suddenly, the waitress interrupted our conversation with a smile. "Sorry to break it up, ladies, but we're closing for the night."
I couldn't believe it. "What? It can't be that late..." I trailed off as I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 1 am.
Wanda let out a gasp of surprise as she peeked out the window to see the darkness outside. "Wow, time really flew by when I was with you."
As we left the restaurant and walked back to our cars, I couldn't help but feel grateful for Wanda's presence in my life. She had a way of making even the most mundane moments into memorable ones, and I was lucky to have her by my side.
After our meal, I paid the bill and left a generous tip for our waitress. As Wanda sat lost in her thoughts, I admired her from across the table. Her dark hair cascaded down her back like a waterfall and her brown eyes sparkled in the dim light of the restaurant.
"Did your mother ever tell you it's rude to stare?" Wanda teased me, breaking me out of my reverie.
"I think your mother never told you that either after the glare you gave the waitress earlier," I teased back with a smirk.
We both got up from our booth, stretching our tired limbs. I waited for Wanda to get up before walking out with her.
"Where are you going?" she asked me as we made our way towards the exit.
"Wanda, they're closing. We have to go home now. I'm sure Vis is worried about you not being home yet," I reminded her gently.
"Oh, right...yeah, we should get going," she shook her head slightly to clear it.
I helped her out of the booth and we walked side by side to her car. She rested her head on my shoulder as we walked, and I couldn't help but feel content in this moment.
"Here we go," I said as I opened her car door for her.
"Thank you," she yawned sleepily as she climbed into the car.
I smiled at her before closing her door and making my way around to the driver's seat. Deciding to use autopilot, I leaned back in my seat and let out a tired sigh.
"Thanks for accompanying me tonight. I would love to do it again sometime if you'd like?" I asked, glancing over at Wanda.
But she didn't respond. When I turned to look at her, I saw that she had fallen asleep, letting out soft breaths as she slumped against the window. I couldn't help but admire her peaceful expression and the way her hair fell gently across her face.
As we arrived back at the compound, the AI's voice woke Wanda up. She looked too peaceful to wake, so I decided to carry her up to her room instead of waking her.
"Hey, where have you been? We were about to send out a missing person report as you both have been gone for so long!" Natasha exclaimed as she ran towards us with open arms. But then she stopped when she saw Wanda sleeping in my arms.
"Oh my god, it was perfect. She is perfect...I'll tell you all about it later, but for now, I just need to put her to bed," I smiled down at Wanda before turning to walk towards the stairs.
"Wait, what?!" Nat and Maria said simultaneously, their voices filled with excitement.
"Shhh, Lady Y/n is asleep. Miss Maximoff, let me take her to bed," Thor offered in a hushed tone.
"Are you sure? I don't mind taking her," I whispered to him.
"I'm sure," he reassured me before taking Wanda from my arms and carrying her upstairs.
I kissed her forehead and whispered a goodnight before watching them disappear down the hallway. Nat and Maria dragged me into their room and sat me on their bed, eager to hear about our night together.
Maria's eyes lit up with excitement as she eagerly encouraged me to share my story. I couldn't stop grinning as I started, "It was just AMAZING! Y/n took me to this 50s themed diner and said she knew how much I loved sitcoms and had to take me there. It was like she could read my mind." Natasha joined us, closing the bedroom door behind her and jumping onto the bed with a loud thud. "Don't start without me!!!!" she exclaimed, joining in on our conversation.
"We just talked for hours. But it wasn't boring at all, it was like we were in perfect sync. You know that 'perfect night' everyone talks about? Where you can talk for hours and never run out of things to say? That's what it was like," I gushed, reliving the memory.
Natasha's eyes narrowed playfully as she asked, "So do you like her Wanda? Because this is the first time you've talked about Y/n this way."
Blushing, I replied, "I've thought about her like this for a while now, but it feels good to finally say it out loud to someone else. She's practically my best friend but I think I want her to be more than that. I just realized that I don't want to sleep in the same bed as Vision anymore. Our relationship has become more like coworkers than lovers. We haven't gone out on a date in over two months and I can't even remember the last time we talked as boyfriend and girlfriend instead of colleagues. But with Y/n, everything just feels balanced and easy. And I know she'll always listen and help me with anything."
Maria chimed in, "Wanda, I really think you should go for it with Y/n. What's holding you back?"
I hesitated before admitting, "Well...I may have read her mind. I know, I shouldn't have, but she was talking about this mysterious girl she likes who apparently doesn't like her back because they're with someone else. And it all started because I told Y/n to ask the waitress out, but then she just gushed about her crush and how they would always win no matter what."
Natasha squealed with excitement, "Stop it! She said that?"
"If you break her heart, I will break you," Natasha warned me protectively.
"I love you Wanda, but if you hurt Y/n, I will ruin you," Maria chimed in sternly.
I held out my pinky and promised, "I promise I would never dream of hurting her. Ever."
Natasha interlocked her pinky with mine and pulled me in for a hug. Maria joined in as well before we finally parted ways to get some rest. As I lay in bed, thoughts of breaking up with Vision and asking Y/n out filled my mind. It couldn't be that hard...right?
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© CINABUNWANDA ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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aachria · 1 month
I am so unbelievably nervous for this chapter pooks you dont even know it andthe title sure doesn't sound very promising at all
Writing as im reading once again but I noticed how long my chapter commentary has been gwtting so I'll tryyyy to Tone It Down but i make no promises. The length of my commentary is only dictated by how absolutely crazy you decide to make this chapter.
Ace and Sabo giving ed a shovel talk is everything ive wanted since the marriage i beg you to let ace live long enough to get mad at ed for not telling him pretty please 😭🙏
Oooh the gift for Sabo i was gonna send an ask abt it since ive been rereading the fic this weekend but i figured you wouldn't forget it
LUFFY AND SABO INTERACT8ONS 😤🦅😭😤🦅😭😤😭🦅😤😭🦅😭😤😭🦅😭🦅😭🦅🙏🙏🗣🗣🗣‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️
Im very much unready to read the strawhats be separated i have cried too many times reading this fic and im certain this will be the worst to date
STOP 😭 ed's jst going on abt keeping the crew safe and i can feel the tears coming
HOLD ON if ed is in fact staying with luffy, thing i should've guessed from last chapter, does that m3an they're meeting boa? Omg. I am suddenly so much more excited for the next set of chapters, thing that i did not think was possible.
Once again i ask myself when the fuck ed learned gymnastics 😭
Not the "i definitely did that on purpose" after they slam into a fucking building like sure you did 🤨 and i definitely believe you 🤨
"Its as straight as you can get" made me crack up
I will be so completely honest with you i have no idea what the fuck is going on like a good 40% of fights but thats jst because i have trouble translating the moves into a movie in my head
"Adam Sandler? What are you doing here? And in a bright yellow pinstripe suit sounding stoned out of his damn mind, too." I had not expected to laugh this much in this chapter i was fr bracing myself to cry. 🧍‍♀️. Now that i think abt it you might just be lowering our guard so that it hits harder 🤨
so. Luffy and Ed separation. I cant bring myself to be sad this shit was written so well 😭 just "wait for me" and "ill always find you" ugh just throw an "unquestionably" in there and id cry there could be one every chapter and id still cry every single time
Im so fucking excited for ed to meet coin hopefully next chapter 🤭
Amazing chapter as always!! Surprisingly didnt cry!! Thank you!! I cannot fucking wait for the Wednesday chapter
I pulled out the Rio Romeo you KNOW it was gonna be a rough one.
Tfw you're tying to give your baby brother's S/O the shovel talk but you're also stuck in the scaffolding at your own execution and your baby brother's S/O is also your friend who you have cried about your self worth and daddy issues to.
That fucking black book plot bunny has been hopping around FAR TOO LONG, so I had to take it out back and shoot it and by that I mean finally deliver it to it's intended recipient.
Mmmmmmm Boa
Look Ed had gymnastics beamed directly into their head by GOD does that make sense?
When I write combat I do it 70% for the vibes 20% for the quips and humor and 10% for the actual fighting. If you have no idea what is happening you and I are on the same page.
Ed got them self worth issues in them where the dog should be 💪💪💪
God I cannot wait for Coin & Ed content. Love those two.
I am so proud of you for not crying. I cried writing it. That baby was cooked with TEARS.
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thealmightyemprex · 3 months
Top 10 Favorite Classic actors
So I was thinking of doing a top 10 actors list....But the list was dominated by classic actors ,so doing that list .Might do more modern actors too.Also this is both actors AND actresses
Rule to clasify for classic actor ,I went exclusively with actors who have passed on
10.Christopher Lee-Guy with a long and very varied career,Lee brings a dangerous villanous yet sophisticated and even seductive vibe to most roles
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9.Peter Lorre:Arlene Francis once described Lorre as "Our favorite sad eyed villain" and that sums him up well .He brings both a creepines and yet a sense of sadness to many roles while also being an underrated comic talent .Even though type cast as villains he could play diffrent types of villains ,as shown by his three breakthrough performances in M ,Man Who Knew Too Much and Mad Love,where he plays a tormented pathetic childkiller ,a cool levelheaded kidnapper and a obsessed mad stalkerish surgeon with equal pinache
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8.Roddy McDowall-Theres a sad cliche that child actors often have bad careers ,Roddy McDowall is a big exception,transitioning from child star to one of the most praised character actors of the 20th century with a six decade career .Be it film,television ,theater or voiceover,McDowall conquered it ,and be it a historical epic , a horror film,a cartoon or a certain franchise about talking apes .....McDowall NEVER phones in ,he brings the sauce
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7.Vincent Price : Vincent is one of my favorite personalities of the 20th century ,known for his sophistication and wicked sense of humor .He started out as a matinee idol before finding his niche playing villains ,usually in horror.What I find interesting about Vincent is he is really good at playing the "Man drivent to villainy ",he can play a right evil bastard but his villains tend to be either sympathetic to an extent or they are clearly having a ball so you cant help but like them .Whether villain ,protagonist or even a side role hes just a hoot to watch
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6.Boris Karloff -Karloff for YEARS was my go to answer for favorite actor .Of the classic horror stars Karloff is so understated,like he could go big if he wanted to but the little inflections and movements he does are effective enough.PArt of my love for him is his voice,like watch the GRinch or him telling the story of Death and the Servent in Target and you are just pulled in .He can do sinister very well,(I will always remember his slimey grin in The Body Snatcher) but of course his greatest legacy is being the FRankensteinMonster which if you ask me is one of the greatest performances in cinema ,he is brutal and vacant but at the same time sad,frightened and child like
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5.Ingrid Bergman -So while I adore Casblanca and she is great in it....It is her performances in Gaslight ,Murder on the ORient Express and especially Anastasia that put her so high.I have never seen a performer just ....."Go there" as well as she does ,so consistantly and I kind of forget Im watching a movie .Shes not higher cause I just havent seen enough of her
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4.Humphrey Bogart-Bogart is cool,and while Ive always thought he was cool,i wasnt initially impressed by ol Boagey .......The more stuff Ive seen with him the more I realize beneath that coolness is a really good actor who can do comedy,romance,be a tough guy and even be the second most paranoid nervous wreck of a villain I have ever seen (Behind Tony Goldwyn in Ghost ),theres more to him then just being cool
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3.Katherine Hepburn;.....DO I have to explain placing one of the greatest performers of the 20th century so high? .....Just watch Philidelphia Story,African Queen and Lion and Winter,youll get it
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2.Eli Wallach-I pretty much love this guy anytime he appears in something .Hes another guys who can play vilains but add a layer .Hes always entertaining and he played one of my favorite film characters ever Tuco in The Good the Bad and the Ugly
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1.Claude Rains.....I think Claude Rains should be called the greatest actor of the 20th century over the likes of Charles Laughton,LAurance Olivier and John Gielgud.....Cause this guy TRAINED Charles Laughton,Laurance Olivier and John Gielgud !!!!!He is one of the greatest character actors of the 20th century .He has possibly the greatest voice of any actor (The competition is James Earl Jones and James Mason ) which was so striking,his big break was the Invisible Man ,a movie where you dont even SEE HIM .Man did horror,adventure ,sci fi ,musical ,dramas and was in both Casablanca (As my favorite film character ever Louis Renault ) AND Lawrance of Arabia ,AKA two movies considered pretty darn good .And if you want more proof ,watch his death scene in Deception where he is shot by Bette Davis ....And just smirks and says "You fool ".I stand by Rains being my absolute favorite actor
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So thats my list,share your favorits if you want ,or just share your thoughts on mine
@piterelizabethdevries @the-blue-fairie @ariel-seagull-wings @themousefromfantasyland @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @princesssarisa @countesspetofi @amalthea9 @barbossas-wench
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scaly-freaks · 3 months
eversince that au where you used billy idol as reference for aegon... i cant unsee it lol.. was listening to eyes without a face earlier today and it truly does remind me of aegon & amara 🥹 most specifically when aegon is sad and depressed over her pppfff i especially love and find the lyrics 'got no human grace' entertaining because i can imagine aegon saying that to amara casually in jest because it fits his humor, but also because the way he thinks of her has always been something that transcends humanity 🤧 i probably dont make much sense, but it's fun to think of the lyrics and how they relate to his feelings for amara or can be interpreted... 'got no human grace' just has a few aegon esq trademarks to it idk 😅
Billy's just gorgeous, isn't he? And he's so true to himself, I love hearing him talk (he's like TGC in that sense, they're both very open about who they are and what they want, so I guess my type may be blonde men but a very specific format).
Urgh I love that song btw!! Him telling her she's got no human grace when he thinks she isn't returning the true depth of his wretched love is so *chef's kiss* Half the time, he considers it a crime against himself if she isn't dribbling and crying over him the way he is over her (get a grip, Aegon).
Also no, you make perfect sense, I love this little parallel. Have you heard White Wedding? The hey little sister refrain could be seen in many different ways, but with Targs, it's very on the nose I suppose. Any other man telling Amara that would be like brother euggghhhh but with Aegon, it's romantic because Targaryens are meant to consider their siblings the ultimate devotion/attachment. When he names her little sister (she is four years younger in the TGOWARL fic) it's his desire to be bonded to her so close their DNA could never be separated.
Also these gifs from the music video, especially with the marriage coming up are just so fitting:
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Talking about random ass shit cause I have NOTHING TO DO.
Poptropica. Let me tell you, I grew up on poptropica, it was like my LIFE FORCE, I injected that shit into MY BLOOD. So naturally, I have some strong feelings about the... recent developments.
It all started BEFORE FLASH EVEN SHUT DOWN SO I CANT EVEN BLAME FLASH FOR THIS ONE SADLY. Anyway, it all started when suddenly a bunch of islands mysteriously disappeared off poptropica. When asked, they said it was to make way for some new ones!
But you'll never find this no matter how hard you search, cause the death of flash forced poptropica to kill off more islands so everything you try to find about any of it will only tell you it's flash's fault. But it isn't! I was there! I saw the islands disappear! WHEN FLASH WAS STILL INTACT!
Anyway, these islands disappeared, and though I was sad not to be able to play them anymore, I was excited to see the BRAND NEW ISLANDS, like everyone else. I mean, poptropica hasn't had a new island in years, and now we have NEW ISLANDS.
So in came Reality TV: Wild Safari. This game... didn't suck. It really didn't. But it did mark the start of a NEW style of Poptropica games. The style I like to call... "Baby Games"
Compared to the original islands, these "baby games" are a lot more dumbed down. Now, easy islands aren't uncommon. You have islands like time tangled, early poptropica, and of course you can't forget 24 carrot, but, dear reader, by "dumbed down" I do not mean easy, I mean I feel myself physically losing braincells just looking at it.
Poptropica islands generally rely on you using your own big, smart brain thoughts to figure out what to do next. The entire reason I liked poptropica in the first place is because it requires you to think, use your big brain muscles, and understand what's happening. It required problem solving skills. It believed kids had the capacity to think for themselves and be smart. They don't need instructions or being told what to do to figure something out.
The "baby games", however, work on the principle "kids dumb," and so they tell you what to do. You have little to no capacity to think for yourself and figure out "oh that's what I need"
They're so babied down that you can barely do anything for yourself. Poptropica has turned itself into just another dumb kids' game when it used to be so much more than that. The adventures, the slightly questionable lore that you probably shouldn't think too much on, and the humor. Also, the fact that it didn't hesitate to tackle dark topics. But now, it just feels so... baby. I feel like I'm being treated like an idiot. When you're treated like you're dumb it just makes you feel dumb. Kids aren't idiots. Don't treat them like idiots.
Also, the extent of the humor of these games is either unfunny play on words or "haha, old poptropica dumb haha"
Don't get me wrong, I love when things don't take themselves seriously, but it's not funny when it's something that doesn't really make sense to be making fun of. Like in Jade Scarab, we're asked why we walk everywhere when we have a giant golden blimp to get around... uh, maybe because everywhere is within walking distance, you fucking imbecile. Oh, and we don't even walk everywhere. There have been multiple times when we use vehicles in the islands. Shrink Ray, Cryptids, Game Show, I mean, bffr.
Tell me you're dumb without telling me you're dumb. Tell me you don't understand the original poptropica without telling me you don't understand the original poptropica.
Sure, poptropica was always far from perfect, but at least it wasn't whatever the fuck goofball island is. They took my childhood and ripped it apart and called it "improved."
At least we'll always have the old islands as they're slowly but surely re-released. It's fine. Just ignore the new islands, they don't exist.
I have so much to say on this topic. You don't know the half of it. That was just unorganized word vomit cause I had nothing better to do. If you really want an argument that isn't just me being angry, I'll give you an argument. Just not right now. I've tired myself out.
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weirderscience · 11 months
telling people about the fucked up scenarios i make in rimworld will never be funny to me. you say you like dark humor but you cant find the absurdity in a group of guys who are perfectly fine butchering and eating a human body though get mildly upset if they eat it without a table? sad
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stone-walls · 5 months
I am going to write the words I would tell my best friend if she was feeling the way I do.
You need to remember who you are. Your worth does not rely on how safe you keep the secrets of those who have hurt you. Your sadness isn't contagious, but the pure light you bring to a room is. I know you are hurting. I hate that you isolate from me, I'm your best friend. We have been through so much together and I absolutely adore you.
You are not less valuable because men have touched you with their dirty hands. You are worthy of love. I would do anything to be loved by someone the way you love, and some people cant appreciate it because they don't realize what they have staring them in the face.
You aren't the kind of girl that happens twice. You have turned your pain into a charming personality, hilarious sense of humor, and you wake up every day in awe of what is around you. Of course you're burnt out.
You are not defined by the failures of the ones who have failed to love you the way you deserve. Your body is remembering everything it has been through. You are stuck because being stuck feels safe.
I love you, but you must put yourself back out into the world so they can experience Katie in the fullest. Everyone always tell you how magnetic you are, why can't you believe them?
Please start writing again. Please start humming melodies from your heart out loud. Please find romance and beauty in things again.
You are here to teach people how to be vulnerable and authentic. Your existence demands it. Quit shrinking yourself. Do what Justin said, exist louder. Reach out to friends. Meet new ones. Please, you deserve to smile so big and laugh with your whole body and make new memories with your friends.
I am so incredibly proud of you. Your story isn't over yet, it's just getting started. Please please don't give up now. I can't wait to see what you do.
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urmomw4ntsme · 7 months
why is andrew the best peter but tom the most interesting peter 🤔
im slwepy as fuck rn but i was waiting to answere. this till i was free from the disgusting inhumane clutches of egg and jams ok so see we i may be biased byt look at tjis guy.
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yea this is rea footage of me being a simp i dont care he's cutie patootoe baby waby shona janu also like decades older tham me 😀 but anyway now that thats out of the way. we ALL love peter 3. thats a colective thing eveyome agrees on if u don't um ya boring bye
but he issss the best lke?? the way he plays peter the way he literally becomes him im not saying tobey or tom r bad im js saying andrew isbbetter. like . i havent watched tobeys movies so i cant sau that abotu him actually but i hve watched homecoming ffh and nwh amd i promise that andrews peteer is the best the funniest the prettiest peter because in toms peter we get to see a lot df action right?nd we get ro see him interacting with other superheroes and hes got ppl who r superpowered like him who have his back but peter 3 has no one hes alone !!!! he js has his aunt and his gf (she died) <3 but still we see hes so funny like that knife scene? wjen hes like omg noooo knives my only weaknes s :( and stuff he IS SO FUNNY !!!! NO KNE TALKS ABOUT IT. HIS HUMOR IS THE KINDA PATHETIC THAT WILLL MAKE U LAUGH SM CUS ITS PATHETIC and . peter 1 has 3 movies lots of screentime and as i said lots of interaction with other superheroes lots of plot lots of stuff happening to him lots of trauma lots of character development. but still for me at leastz petee 3 js. overshadows him? cus hes got js 2 fucking movies but hes so perfectly funny and traumatised and happy and sad and angry in that limited amount of thing without it feeling extra or obnoxious and like how do u not see jes the best????? like theres a guy who has an assignment of 20 pages and 7 days to do it and thwres another guy with the same assignment with only 2 days to do it but the seconf guys assignment turns out to be better and ppl r shocked when i cal him the best?? im not saying tom isn't thafs why i said hes the most interestign cus as i said He has sm sm sm sm sm character development i love it so mucj like we get to see him with this girl whos lowk weird and he has. crush on another girl but girls fsther tries to kill him send s him to jail and then he starts falling for first girl and he alao haa bsf who is guy . chair and hes in love witb the girl bit its awkward cus suddenly they apparently died for 5 yrs and came back to life then his real dad died and he goes to trip to be happy but thees jealousy jeaosy and random guy with fishbowl helmet and super storong element villains and nick furu is not rea ans hes scared and his love finds out hes spidey and they save the world tgt aND THEY KISS !!!!!!!! also he becomes thor/captain in middle but then later fickingg bald ass jj tells everyone who he is and now hes gotta do smth about it and eveyone almost dies and then there's ppl form diff unieerse and theres Him from diff univers????? and aunty may dies :( and hes sad and angry bit his bros got his back and MJ ALMOST DIES WHAT THEFUCK WAS THAT MARVEL WHY WUD U DO THAT TO MG POOR BABY PETEE 3 and amyway hes murderous but doesnt kill and them self sacrifice and love ob hisblife and bsf forget who he is !!! do u see how much is happening this is all so interesting its sooooo aweome i love him thats why i said whag i said i must stop now thsnk u meow bueyeey
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freebooter4ever · 7 months
Hey thanks I thought I was the only one who didn’t like the joke. Everyone laughed yuck
Ahhhhh yeah :/ i thought the joke was definitely funny, but with that harsh twinge of sadness at just how normalized and accepted this sort of sexism STILL is.
' i was never good at telling jokes but the punchline goes, i get older but your lovers stay my age '
And its not necessarily a damnation of the man himself - obviously rami is a favorite of mine but i dont think hes ever dated anyone over 30 and is veering towards jake and leo disease too, and i still think rami is one of the most brilliant character narrative builders in the business currently - but its a damnation of a culture that treats romantic partners not as equals but as disposable play things with an expiration date. Look, i got flirted with by much older guys in pittsburgh all the time - usually it was cute, they were friendly, very complimentary and flattering about it, and they never treated it seriously or asked me out. Then i came to LA and the difference was night and day. Older (rich) men here feel entitled to younger women in a way that is frankly scary - at one point in a bar when a guy in his 60s was hitting on me my muscular male friend had to physically step between us and scare the guy off to get him to go away.
And it doesn't help that im sort of in the 'one of the guys' category, so i've heard the way these super rich dudes talk about the models they date behind their back while hanging with 'the guys', and, ugh, its not nice. I will say one thing for sports dudes - i imagine guys like ja*gr have way more respect for young women who are passionate about health and fitness than computer science executives.
But there's negatives in the sports world too - yall know how much i adore taylor. But even i recognize that she's not 'sports bro hot' - she doesn't have silicone, her make up is understated, she doesn't have that social media defined 'hotness' that sports fan dudes expect their sports heroes to date. So while i was naively scrolling insta looking for cute snapshots of taylor and travis being all lovey dovey at the end of the game, a good half the comments were men complaining about her. Saying they cant understand why travis is dating someone so old, that she will never be able to give him kids, that she's already showing her age (both of them are 34 btw). So far travis seems to ignore these types of comments but it would be hard to judge him for giving into peer pressure because this stuff is just so prevelant and exhausting.
And it does effect us older women - while i was dating Pilot Boy i was absolutely hyper aware of the fact that here is this rich, handsome, successful, and extremely smart guy dating beneath him. Like we bonded over being literally the same age - we had mutual friends in college without even knowing it. But i was always questioning like what does this guy see in me - why isn't he dating a gorgeous 25 year old whose only goal in life is to live on the beach with him??? Like he was honestly more the type of dude i would be friends with while he dates hotter women, lol. So i really was not surprised when he ended things (i was mostly sad that we couldnt stay friends and continue geeking out on airplanes and history together LOL), it just felt like it made sense, of course he wouldn't be serious about me, a guy like him should be dating a fresh, youthful, less bitter and cynical 25 yr old blonde. Six years in LA and this is just the pattern i see repeating itself over and over.
And im the romantic - when i fall in love its ALL in. Usually it's personality, usually its intellectual - that comfort in finding someone who just understands how you think. I love being so close to someone that you know them better than yourself, that you can communicate wordlessly. Shared humor, shared experience. As i age im learning that i actually dont pay much attention to the signs of aging when it comes to attraction - who notices wrinkles when what you're in love with is that look in their eye when they smile at you? The mental connection between romantic partners is the most important for me in my book. For me this typically means someone within the ten year range plus or minus - though i prefer it even within a five year age gap.
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bvshboy · 1 year
is anyone else bothered by the weird humorizing of serious songs? at this point if Closer comes up on my spotify, people literally laugh
and just to be clear I'm not trying to be the joke police here, it's totally chill to joke about songs (even serious and sad songs!), but there's a difference between joking about a subject and turning that subject into a joke
it might sound like a Nothing Problem but it seems to be part of a bigger trend of anti media literacy
every day I see people denouncing classic movies as if the association between Fight Club and annoying film bros at parties somehow means the movie itself isn't important or good
I see people mocking classic literature and translated literature for being boring and pretentious
I've been made fun of before for liking unpopular music because apparently it makes me a "hipster" who's "not like other kids"
and it seems to me like a lot of people who find themselves genuinely enjoying music made by artists who want you to take their art seriously feel the need to make their love of this art into a joke
genuine expression of emotion is out right now, it's too edgy and pretentious
being candid and poetic about how you feel is cringe, you're supposed to make a video of you doing something silly or telling a joke, then follow it up with an out of pocket trauma dump like "I wish my dad hadn't left" or "everyday is worse than the last" (I'm not saying there's anything wrong with the style of comedy but if I have to hear another song that's written like a tweet I'm going to run away and live in the woods)
this has happened to a lot of songs, but since I like NIN and it's a good example, we'll keep using Closer
Trent Reznor is a very talented writer, and if you listen to Closer, it is very clearly about feeling like everything in your life feels so bad that you need sex so that you can feel good
when it became The House Party/Toppless Club Song, Reznor was very upset about it
I AM NOT SAYING YOU CANT BE TURNED ON BY THE SONG I am also not saying you can't joke about it
but you don't have to strip everything emotional of it's meaning to make it less cringe! just let yourself feel cringy emotions it's fine!
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day-time-dream · 2 years
i know we mostly talk about goncharov as a drama, which is fair. its very heavy and has deep themes, and after the end its hard to find any humor in it.
but the few jokes it does have are actually really fucking funny, like, andrey telling the governor that he’ll have to repaint the family portrait in the hall? fucking zinger of a your mom joke.
and i will admit that ice pick joe accidentally walking into traffic made me laugh so hard the first time i saw it that i had to rewind the movie cause i missed the scene after.
idk if scorsese intended there to be a lot of humor, but you cant have a movie be entirely sad scenes without becoming a drag. and i think the jokes he put in really lightened the mood at times and helped the heavy stuff hit harder
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cult-of-dollbabies · 2 years
Alright here's some thoughts on s2 ep5, spoiler warning
I had to rewatch/skim through it this morning bc the fight scene gave me such secondhand embarrassment that it literally fucked up my processing and the whole time I was like 😀 is this real.
Watching it again was fine but dear god the puppetry.. Anywho, the moments with Lexi and Nadine were my favorite by far, Nadine drawing a relation to assure Lexi she's safe to come to,, "you know how moms are, they do their best to make you happy, right?" And this is what made Lexi come out, she knows some things about neglectful mothers, and losing a parent, I think that in a way she wanted to be there for Nadine, too. They're there for each other despite hardly knowing one another, and yes Lexi seems to still have bully tendencies but I think Nadine will influence her development in being better, and especially her recovery. Nadine lightening the mood, helping her collect the pills and flush them was so tender and a huge step, if I'm being honest I shed a few tears, I love them sm (also Nadine autism real)
Love how hard it is to tell if Scout (or good chucky.. since thats rlly the name theyre settled on) is faking or not. Hes raised some red flags, he still has impeccable aim w/ blades, saying sum creepy shit in a suspiciously childlike manner, (i know this is the same as the last ep but this time it almost feels emphatic) Chucky is known for his manipulation and hiding in plain sight tactics, if it turns out it was all an act, can't say I'd be too surprised, "like I finally figured out what I'm for" was actually quite eery.
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...that being said I am NOT immune to chucky manipulation this was fucking CUTE
Cant wait for Father Bryce to die, sister Catherine's the only one with sense clearly, that's all I have to say about that
I'm on Devon and lexis side but on the other hand I don't think Chucky could even pretend to be nice, let alone admit to finding god or something behind a closed door ( I fuckin lost it when he held the Bible up, ain't no way, and where'd he pull that from??) and also be willing to get baptized , personally i don't think hes faking but more like the brainwashing is wearing off.. like a ticking time bomb. I thought Jake baptizing him was strange at first but watching again it feels like he was only trying to help Scout feel better, like with a child, and we all know by now Jake is attached and using him to cope with losing his foster brother, (another scout-might-be-faking-and-manipulating-jake bit, the joker line) it's understandable, but dammit Jake please stop disregarding your boyfriends very real concerns! And Nadine definitely doesn't know what Chuckys capable of, yet, but I feel like she'll find out very soon.
the series feels more shocking than scary, and some of the humor between serious parts just feels too silly for me, I want to take it seriously but I can't
...now. About the end, boy oh boy, this is where I'm sour
Seen and had a couple ideas for who the hell Cornell was and its.. bald.. Russian chucky? Tf is that? I think they were trying to do a twist but it's .. so underwhelming. And as if he hasn't been through enough we come to find Andy's been.. getting tortured, for what we can assume to be a year, hes gotta be so broken, he doesn't know Kyle's alive, either. That is.. it's such a letdown, I'm so tired of seeing Andy be tormented, I'm not watching this to get sad, I prefer the theory that he was maiming those chuckys, at least that way he'd have some kind of payback and not another year worth of trauma. Im assuming Kyle, Glenda and Nica will try to find him and it cant happen soon enough. I actually lost sleep over this.. I'm serious, not in a fear or disturbed way either in a for the love of god just let him be happy for more than five seconds please kinda way :(
Hopefully it gets better, now I just want to see Andy be saved, not very ready to see the state he's in though..
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