#I cant wait for her to be mean and then become an important side character
evil-swedenish · 1 year
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Lower decks is my favorite gay person show
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australet789 · 2 years
Listen here you little shits, and im going to say this once, and im going to be all the condescending I want because i dont own anything you all
I hate Joel. I despise him, i hate he is seen as a hero by the whole fanbase
I never said i hated his relationship with Ellie, not that he saved her. It was clear from the beggining (in the game, because if you watch the show you already know lmao) what was going to happen. And because we all care about Ellie we all wanted for her to be saved too.
What it made me hate Joel, was the how.
In the game, he is more brutal. He goes in a murder spree and doesn’t spare anybody. NO ONE. That’s the core of his character: how much Sarah’s death impacted him to the point it made him a monster.
“but he gets softer in the second game, austra!”
yes, because he grew up from that after Ellie rejected him when he told the truth. 2 years he had to lose another daughter for him to realise that needed to be better and not get into his violent instincts.
Joel is an asshole. That’s the point
And the relevance of making Abby a parallel of him
Because once we get on the climax of the second game, when Abby was ready to kill Dina out of justice, Lev stops her and she becomes better. Abby’s character is supposed to be like Joel in his good side because she has MERCY, something Joel lacked until the second game. Which is why is so important that he is not seen as a hero by the end of the first game.
He is not supposed to be “softer” now in the show. The moral grey area of the first game was that, and they changed that to appease the audience.
And i cant just reiterate how much they changed Marlene’s character.
Because hear this: just because Ellie gained a dad, doesn’t mean she deserved to lose a mom. And Marlene was supposed to be that for Ellie. That’s why Marlene’s death is important in the game: Ellie already had a parent figure. Making Joel the only one in the show was, again, made it for us to bond and root for him and Ellie rather what Ellie already had.
The first game never had a happy ending because of this. It was bitter and it was nice to see, because we knew what the conflict was going to be handled in the second game.
The show and how they changed Marlene? It was to make Joel’s stans happy. Because yeah, of course they will, it’s money. They could have made Marlene more sympathetic and truth to her game counterpart but they didnt because of the blacklash and how butthurt gamebros couldnt stan that their hero was smashed to bits by a woman and they wanted a “heroic” end for him.
So yeah. I still hate Joel. Moreso now because of how they massacred Marlene for him.
And i can’t wait and hope that they stay truth to the second game this time and make Joel’s death worse.
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tarobytez · 3 years
disability in the Six Of Crows Duology; an analysis of Kaz Brekker, Wylan Van Eck, and the fandom’s treatment of them.
****Note: I originally wrote this for a tiktok series, which im still going to do, but i wanted to post here as well bc tumblr is major contributor to what im going to talk about
CW: ableism, filicide, abuse
In the Six of Crows duology, Leigh Bardugo delicately subverts and melds harmful disability tropes into her narrative, unpacking them in a way that I, as a disabled person, found immensely refreshing and…. just brilliant. 
But what did you all do with that? Well, you fucked it up. Instead of critically looking at the characters, y’all just chose to be ableist. 
For the next few videos paragraphs im going to unpack disability theory (largely the stuff surrounding media, for obvious reasons) and how it relates to Six Of Crows and the characterization of Kaz Brekker and Wylan Van Eck, then how, despite their brilliant writing, y’all completely overlooked the actual text and continuously revert them to ableist cariactures.
Disclaimer: 1. Shocker - i am disabled. I have also extensively researched disability theory and am very active in the disabled community. Basically, I know my shit. 2. im going to be mad in these videos this analysis. Because the way y’all have been acting has been going on for a long ass time and im fuckin sick of it. I don’t give a shit about non-disabled feelings, die mad
Firstly, I’m going to discuss Kaz, his play on the stereotypical “mean cripple” trope and how Bardugo subverts it, his cane, and disabled rage. Then, I am going to discuss Wylan, the “inspiration porn” stereotype, caregivers / parents, and the social model of disability. Finally, I will then explain the problems in the fandom from my perspective as a disabled person, largely when it comes to wylan, bc yall cant leave that boy tf alone.
Kaz Brekker
Think of a character who uses a cane (obviously not Kaz). Now, are they evil, dubiously moral, or just an asshole in general? Because nearly example I can think of is: whether it be Lots’O from Toy Story, Lucius Malfoy, or even Scrooge and Mr.Gold from Once Upon A Time all have canes (the last two even having their canes appear less and less as they become better people)
The mean/evil cripple trope is far more common than you would think. Villains with different bodies are confined to the role of “evil”. To quote TV Tropes, who I think did a brilliant job on explaining it “The first is rooted in eugenics-based ideas linking disability or other physical deformities with a "natural" predisposition towards madness, criminality, vice, etc. The Rule of Symbolism is often at work here, since a "crippled" body can be used to represent a "crippled" soul — and indeed, a disabled villain is usually put in contrast to a morally upright and physically "perfect" hero. Whether consciously on the part of the writer or not, this can reinforce cultural ideas of disability making a person inherently inferior or negative, much in the same way the Sissy Villain or Depraved Homosexual trope associate sexual and gender nonconformity with evil. ”
Our introduction to Kaz affirms this notion of him being bad or morally bankrupt, with “Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason”, etc. This mythologized version of himself, the “bastard of the barrel” actively fed into this misconception. But, as we the audience are privy to his inner thoughts, know that he is just a teenager like every other Crow. He is complex, his disability isn’t this tragic backstory, he just fell off a roof. It’s not his main motivation, nor does he curse revenge for making him a cripple - it is just another part of who he is. 
His cane (though the shows version fills me with rage but-) is an extension of Kaz - he fights with it, but it has a purpose. Another common thing in media is for canes to be simply accessories, but while Kaz’ cane is fashionable, it has purpose.
The quote “There was no part of him that was not broken, that had not healed wrong and there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken.” is so fucking powerful. Kaz does not want nor need a cure - its said in Crooked Kingdom that his leg could most likely be healed, but he chooses not to. Abled-bodied people tend to dismiss this thought as Kaz being stubborn but it shows a reality of acceptance of his disability that is just, so refreshing.
In chapter 22 of SOC, we see disabled rage done right - when he is called a cripple by the Fjerdan inmate, Kaz is pissed - the important detail being that he is pissed at the Fjerdan, at society for ableism, not blaming it on being disabled or wishing he could be normal. He takes action, dislocating the asshole’s shoulder and proving to him, and to a lesser extent, himself, that he is just as capable as anyone else, not in spite of, but because he is disabled. And that is the point of Kaz, harking back to the line that “there was no part of him that was not stronger for having been broken”. 
I cried on numerous occasions while reading the SOC duology, but the parts I highlighted in this section especially so. I, as many other disabled people do, have had a long and tumultuous relationship with our disability/es, and for many still struggle. But Kaz Brekker gave me an empowered disabled character who accepts themselves, and that means the world to me. 
Keeping that in mind, I hope you can understand why it hurts so much to disabled people when you either erase Kaz’s disability (whether through cosplay or fanfiction), or portray him as a “broken boy uwu”, especially implying that he would want a cure. That flies in the face of canon and is inherently fucking ableist. (if u think im mad wait until the next section)
Next, we have Wylan.  
Oh fucking boy. 
I love Wylan so fucking much, and y’all just do not seem to understand his character? Like at all? Since this is disability-centric, I’m not going to discuss how the intersection of his queerness also contributes to these issues, but trust me when I say it’s a contributing factor to what i'm going to say.
Wylan, motherfucking Van Eck. If you ableist pricks don’t take ur fucking hands off him right now im going to fight you. I see Wylan as a subversion another, and in my opinion more insidious stereotype pf disabled people - inspiration porn.
Cara Liebowitz in a 2015 article on the blog The Body Is Not An Apology explains in greater detail how inspiration porn is impactful in real life, but media is a major contributing factor to this reality. The technical definition is “the portrayal of people with disabilities as inspirational solely or in part on the basis of their disability” - but that does not cover it fully. 
Inspiration porn does lasting damage on the disabled community as it implies that disability is a negative that you need to “overcome” or “triumph” instead of something one can feel proud of. It exploits disabled people for the development of non-disabled people, and in media often the white male protagonist. Framing disability as inherently negative perpetuates ideals of eugenics and cures - see Autism $peaks’ “I Am Autism” ad. Inspiration porn is also incredibly patronizing as it implies that we cannot take care of ourselves, or do things like non-disabled people do. Because i stg some of you tend to think that we just sit around all day wishing we weren’t disabled. 
Another important theory ideal that is necessary when thinking about Wylan is the experience of feeling like a burden simply for needing help or accommodations. This is especially true when it comes to familial relationships, and internalized ableism.
The rhetoric that Wylan’s father drilled into his head, that he is “defective”, “a mistake”, and “needs to be corrected”, that he (Jan) was “cursed with a moron for a child” is a long held belief that disabled people hear relentlessly. And while many see Van Eck’s attempted murder of Wylan as “preposturous” and overall something that you would never think happens today - filicide (a parent murdering their child) is more common than you would like to believe. Without even mentioning the countless and often unreported deaths of disabled people due to lack of / insufficient / neglectful medical care, in a study on children who died from the result of household abuse, 40 of 42 of them (95%) were diagnosed with disabilities. Van Eck is not some caricature of ableist ideals - he is a real reflection on how many people and family members view disability. 
Circling back to how Wylan unpacks the inspiration porn trope - he is 3 dimensional, he is not only used to develop the other characters, he is just *chefs kiss* Leigh, imo, put so much love and care into the creation of Wylan and his story and character growth that is representative of a larger feeling in the disabled community. 
That being said, what you non-disabled motherfuckers have done to him.
The “haha Wylan can’t read” jokes aren’t and were not funny. Y’all literally boiled down everything Wylan is to him being dyslexic. And it’s like,,,, the only thing you can say about him. You ignore every other part of him other than his disability, and then mock him for it. There’s so much you can say about Wylan - simping for Jesper, being band kid and playing the fuckin flute, literally anything else. But no, you just chose to mock his disability, excellent fucking job!
Next up on “ableds stfu” - infantilization! y’all are so fucking condescending to Wylan, and treat him like a fucking toddler. And while partly it is due to his sexuality i think a larger portion is him being disabled. Its in the same vein of people who think that Wylan and Jesper are romantically one sided, and that Jesper only kind of liked Wylan, despite the canon evidence of him loving Wylan just as much. You all view him as a “smol bean”, who needs protecting, and care, when Wylan is the opposite of that. He is a fucking demolitions expert who suggested waking up sleeping men to kill them - what about that says “uwu”. You are treating Wylan as a burden to Jesper and the other Crows when he is an immensely valuable, fully autonomous disabled person - you all just view him as damaged. 
And before I get a comment saying that “uhhh Wylan isn’t real why do you care” while Wylan may not be real, how you all view him and treat him has real fucking impacts and informs how you treat people like me. If someone called me an “uwu baby boy” they’d get a fist square in the fucking jaw. Fiction informs how we perceive the world and y’all are making it super fucking clear how you see disabled people. 
Finally, I wanted to talk about how the social model of disability is portrayed through Wylan. For those who are unaware, the social model of disability contrasts the medical model, that views the disability itself as the problem, that needs to be cured, whereas the social model essentially boils down to creating an accommodating society, where disability acceptance and pride is the goal. And we see this with Wylan - he is able to manage his father’s estate, with Jesper’s assistance to help him read documents. And this is not out of pity or charity, but an act of love. It is not portrayed as this almighty act for Jesper to play saviour, just a given, which is incredibly important to show, especially for someone who has been abused by family for his disability like Wylan, that he is accepted. 
Yet, I still see people hold up Jesper on a pedestal for “putting up with” Wylan, as if loving a disabled person deserves a fucking pat on the back. It’s genuinely exhausting trying to engage with a work I love so much with a fandom that thinks so little of me and my community. It fucking shows. 
Overall, Leigh Bardugo as a disabled person wrote two incredibly meticulous and empowered disabled characters, and due to either lack of reading comprehension, ableism, or a quirky mix of both, the fandom has ignored canon and the experiences of disabled people for…. shits and giggles i guess. And yes, there are issues with the Grishaverse and disability representation - while I haven’t finished them yet so I do not have an opinion on it, people have been discussing issues in the KOS duology with ableist ideals. This mini series was no way indicative of the entire disabled experience, nor does it represent my entire view on the representation as a whole. These things need to be met critically in our community, and talked about with disabled voices at the forefront. For example, the limited perspective we get of Wylan and Kaz being both white men, does not account for a large portion of the disabled community and the intersection of multiple identities.
All-in-all, Critique media, but do not forget to also critique fandom spaces. Alternatively, just shut the fuck up :)
happy fucking disability pride month, ig
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actualbird · 3 years
Oh god!
I really love the poly headcanons they are so sweet.... (or don't but that's part of it and i think the tot boys+MC deserve all the love the world has to give).
But, liking it or not, our 4 beloved boys are kinda complicated (that's what makes them perfect). Plus I never thought about how people get in poly relationships. So i was thinking, how do you think they all get into a polyrelationship together?
(I really have no idea of how that would happen)
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hi, two anons!! im glad you guys liked my nxx team polycule stuff!! i'll answer these in one go, my "headcanon" (in quotes because i think this kinda turned into a character analysis/minific of sorts HAHA) being what first anon asked, How They Get Together.
heads up, wc of this is 1.9k words long so buckle up for a bit of a read jfsjdfkjbf
because first anon, youre right!!! the boys are stupendously complicated which i love so so much but canon has also shown us clearly that each of the boys' quirks and habits and tendencies causes a lot of (mostly played for laughs) friction. the bickering, the backhanded insults, the "im the best one here" preening contests. theyre all SOOOO RIDICULOUS and it is hilarious but yep! the boys r complex!! and that means this beautiful ship, imo, has a lot of phases to get to the actual romantic relationship bit.
how they get together, in my opinion, starts because of mc.
not in the sense that she matchmakes them all, but like.
phase 1 of the nxx team polycule is this:
through being in love with her (which we all know the boys 100% are), each of the boys come to terms with their own flaws and weaknesses. it's very apparent to me in all the story thus far that these boys are flawed as hell, it's very compelling but even more compelling to me is how all of them also do intense mental gymnastics to Not Confront Those Flaws. like, marius is a dickbag always teasing and toeing the line of insincerity, vyn is a controlling mf who always tries to sway situations to his benefit, artem is so repressed to the point that he has genuine trouble with emotions, luke is a self sacrificial bastard and also a huge hypocrite about how no, actually, hes the only one that should be hiding his pain and being dishonest, no dishonesty from other people!! in the beginning of the story, all the boys have their flaws and seem to have just kinda...not addressed how those flaws are harming them and the people around them.
and then mc rolls around and they all fall in love with her. and she sees those flaws and she doesnt let them slide. she challenges the boys in her own ways to see another side of the situation, to acknowledge what theyre doing. she doesnt want to get rid of flaws, thats impossible and also not cool. she just has this beautiful hope for like, all of humanity, that goodness can prevail with the right work. so when she sees her beloved nxx boys, she believes that for them as well.
which leads to phase 2 of the nxx team polycule:
the boys, more aware of themselves, become more aware of each other.
they werent Unaware of the others of course. it's just that they didnt like...truly connect on a personal level just yet. they saw the other teammembers with their emotional armor and flaws and saw a wall that wasnt worth looking past.
but after mc makes them realize that hey, flaws arent the end of the world actually, it's alright and the person behind them may just be worth it, the boys like. end up understanding the others. A LOT OF THIS BIT IS UNINTENTIONAL, ON THEIR PARTS KJDSBFS. like they stumble into understanding each other by accident, they didnt plan it, but over the course of nxx investigations, it's inevitable that they end up seeing the depths of the others. i delve into this a little bit in my fanfic "filler eps of the lost gold" where the boys are just going thru their actions and then trip over another boy's fears or desires and through that, gain a deeper understanding mutually.
and with understanding, sometimes, comes trust.
phase 3 of the nxx team polycule goes like this:
everybody in this team, whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not, has a heart that wants to give love so desperately.
marius lives in a world full of snakes so he cant have his heart on his sleeve for his own protection. vyn wants to be seen as perfect and the heart is inherently messy so he holds it back. artem for a very very long time was focused on work and success and achievement that he neglected his heart. and luke has been giving love all his life in a sense but in a way thats hidden.
all these tendencies that are brought upon their life circumstances results in this: they want to love honestly but they havent been able to do this
until mc. and all of them want to push back whatever fears or patterns their life has instilled in them because they see her and see somebody so unwaveringly good that all their hearts begin giving love to her to make her happy and to make themselves happy as well.
but heres the thing. the boys dont just see mc. by this point, they have connected and understood and come to trust each other as well, and the consequence of that is that They Can See Each Other Now Too, Truly.
and heres the thing. all of the boys are unwaveringly good as well.
one by one, each of the boys realize that what they feel for the other boys in the team starts to...change. yeah theyre all friends, they pick on each other a lot of the time, but the bedrock of the relationship is solid and strong now. but when marius is with luke, marius sees a light inside of luke so bright that he seems unaware that he gives off. when artem is with vyn, artem sees a goodness inside of vyn that hesitates to make itself obvious and known because vyn is scared of getting hurt thanks to it. all of them see the other and their goodness and, unbidden, their hearts want to give love to each other as well.
and because theyre all a bit stupid in their own way theyre like, huh, weird! wonder why this feeling is so familiar! and yet i cant seem to name it...and then they all independently compare these feeling with the feelings they have for mc, a feeling they do know the name of, and theyre like.
which only means one thing: theyve fallen in love with everybody else
marius: //goes to his studio to Think and sees that a bunch of his recent art actually had little crumbs of these feelings already, etched into the brushstrokes and scenes. has an emotional crisis about it
vyn: //records a 1 hour long entry in his audio diary to examine and gain control of his feelings but by the end of the hour all he knows is that he wants to hold these people and be held by them
artem: //quite literally just bluescreens, artem.exe has stopped working, sits at his study and slowly, slowly, thunks his head down onto his desk, valiantly trying to ignore the fast pulse of his heart
luke: //manically vents about it to peanut who, by virtue of being a bird, doesnt get it. just keeps talking at peanut to get a grasp of it all and then lies down on the floor, overwhelmed
mc, sitting in her apartment watching some netflix: ...why do i inexplicably feel as if something very, very important has just happened?
phase 4 of the nxx team polycule is basically:
pining: extreme difficulty level
because pining is already hard when ur pining for one person. what more for an additional 3 more people. and those additional 3 more people are pining back.
and all these boys are SOOOO OBVIOUS with their romantic feelings, in their own special way. the way they show their affection to mc starts to bleed into their interactions with the others and everybody can CLEARLY SEE WHAT IS GOING ON, LOL, but also all the boys are too chickenshit to confront it, because if they confront it, what will even happen??? being in love with each other, all of them, thats going to be such a complicated fucking relationship, holy shit. it's 2030, yeah, being a polyamorous group relationship isnt completely unheard of, but sue them, theyre scared.
but mc (who i forgot to mention already knows of the boys' romantic feelings for her, shes just hasnt made a move yet on any of them because SHES IN LOVE WITH ALL OF THEM AS WELL and shes been trying to figure out how the hell to make that work, she cant bear to choose just one of them, she'd be heartbroken over leaving the rest of them behind) sees that the nxx investigation team is now all pining for each other FULLY and she kinda wants to laugh when she realizes whats going on because like, what are the chances? that this would happen? that they all found each other and their feelings fell into just the right place for nobody to be left behind?
theyre all scared, she can tell. and she is as well, she wont lie.
but shes always had a belief that goodness can prevail with the right work.
and love is one of the greatest goods out there.
phase 5 of the nxx team polycule:
It's Time For Communication, Baby!!!!!
the exact scenes of how this happens is a bit vague to me. it could go two ways: mc going to each of the boys independently to talk about feelings, hers about everybodys and his about everybodys as well. OR they have a fucking meeting about it all together and artem literally schedules it in his google calendar, or something.
either way, they like, actually talk about this. starts casual, maybe over a chill date, maybe over dinner at a nice restaurant, maybe over a walk in the park as the sun is starting to set. but where ever it happens, the end result is the same: a heart is laid out bare and it is taken in gentle, grateful hands.
vyn, laughing fondly: has anybody ever told you patience is a virtue? we quite literally just talked it all out.
marius: //needy whining noises
artem, embarrassed: ive...never kissed anybody before
luke, embarrassed but trying to play it Cool: ....same here
mc: kissing is great, you two will love it!
marius: awesome, awesome, so is ANYBODY going to give me a go ahead or WHAT????
phase 6 of the nxx team polycule:
i dont want to say it's happily ever after, once they all get together. thats not really realistic.
they all have their quirks and tendencies and habits. and those will inevitable clash against each other. theyll have their arguments, theyll get upset, theyll sulk and be angry, sometimes. but also...
theyll see each other smile and feel like their love shining so brightly. theyll reach out for another's hand and be held in such a way that makes them think that their heart is in a safe place. theyll love each other and theyll put in the work to continue loving each other. because goodness will prevail.
and they all see each other as the most good people in the world.
so whatever happens, theyll get through it together.
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duckugou · 3 years
pretty girl
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Bokuto x fem reader
cw: big fat fluff, very cute i love it here
animal shelter moment!
i love this big lug of a man
come to my asks to be a part of my taglist! just let me know what kinds of fics/ what fandom/ what characters/ etc you want to be tagged in! Requests are open!!
You had been working at the pet shelter for a few months now, and you positively loved it. The animals were all so precious and you just wanted to help all of them- so you did. Every day. You accepted overtime frequently, and covered plenty of shifts. It was worth it.
You also helped set up volunteering schedules and go through people wanting the volunteer- the owner of the shelter saw how dedicated you were and how much you truly cared for the animals, so naturally you were in charge of deciding who would be best to take care of them when you couldn't.
There was one guy who came in all the time to volunteer. His name was Bokuto and he came in frequently. At first, you weren't sure about him. He was pretty clumsy. But he quickly got used to everything in the shelter and became an asset to you and the animals. He understood how to read animals emotions, which can be hard. You became thankful for him more and more each day, as on Saturday mornings, which were your earliest shifts at 7 am, he would make it a mission to volunteer and bring you coffee. 7:05 on the dot every Saturday. Once he found out how you take your coffee after coming on early one day, he made a note in his phone so he wouldn't forget.
There was one dog you had grown attached to, Honey, and you would adopt her if you could, but your apartment complex wouldn't allow pets. You heart ached for the 3 year old girl every day people came in and adopted other pets, but not her. She was "too timid" as some people stated, standing at her cage as she cowered to the bed in the back. But she was different with you and Bokuto. She would trot to the door of the cage when either of you would walk in, wagging her tail rather than sticking it between her legs. The love was always reciprocated ten fold.
One Saturday morning, you walked up to the shelter door, unlocked it, flipped the sign to "Open", and went towards the desk. You signed in, sorted through mail, and soon enough, Bokuto walked in, a coffee in his hand.
"Iced peppermint mocha for the lady of the hour!" Bokuto exclaimed, setting it down on the desk, signing in.
"You seriously have GOT to stop buying me coffee-" you started, trying to hand Bokuto money, hoping that he would accept it.
"Y/n! You know its my treat!" Bokuto said, smiling and shoving the money back to you.
"God damn it," You giggled, rubbing your forehead as if he had given you a headache.
You couldn't lie, you had the biggest crush on Bokuto, and spending every Saturday morning with him while doing what you loved was pretty damn nice. He knew how to put a smile on your face no matter what.
You walked back to the dog cages, starting the process of giving them all food and of course giving them extra love.  Once you got back to Honey's cage, the both of you got excited, and you entered her kennel. (Side note- the cages I'm talking about are but like gated areas in a building so they go all the way to the ceiling- you aren't like CRAWLING into a tiny cage-)
"Hey pretty girl!" You exclaimed as she licked your face all over, giving you kisses as if saying 'I never thought you were coming back I missed you all night' as she did every day.
"Y/n, I told you to stop talking to yourself!" Bokuto yelled, walking back to Honey's cage to join you. She had become family to the two of you.
You giggled, "Oh enough you flirt," you slapped his shoulder lightly as he walked into the cage with you.
"I have news about this little lady actually!" Bokuto said, beaming.
"What? What do you know before me?" You asked, genuinely confused.
"Honey is being adopted today!"
Your heart sank, but you were happy as well. Happy she would have a home, but sad that you wouldn't see her anymore. Bokuto saw the way your face dropped, and you looked to Honey, giving her a hug.
"Oh pretty girl, I'm gonna miss you..." You told her, fighting tears.
You and Bokuto walked back to the front of the shelter, giving food to all the cats and other little animals that had been dropped there, like bunnies and such. But the whole time, you couldn't stop thinking about Honey leaving. It tore a hole in your heart. You waited all day for someone to come in with a leash, ready to take Honey to their home.
Once it was time for Bokuto to leave for the day, he grabbed a leash off the wall, making a wave of confusion run through you.
"Whatcha doin with that?" You inquired.
"You'll see! Patience is key, Y/n" Bokuto snickered, walking to the back.
You didn't think anymore of it, staring at the door, waiting for a loving family to walk in. Or would they be horrible? Would they hurt Honey? You hadn't seen any applications for adoption, meaning the owner of the shelter had approved it, so it could be anyone.
Bokuto snapped you out of your overthinking session, walking to the front with Honey on the pink leash he had grabbed from the wall. All of your thoughts about the awful person that could be adopting Honey were wiped away, and you were just confused.
"What are you doing with my pretty girl?" You asked, walking to give her what you thought were the last pets you'd every give her.
"Well. I was gonna ask you if you wanted to hang out today. Like, come shopping with me and come to my place for a bit? You're pretty knowledgeable about this stuff-"
You cut him off, "What are you on about Bo?"
"Oh! Right. Well, I'm adopting a dog today..." He trialed off, motioning to Honey, waiting for you to put the pieces together.
Slowly but surely, you did just that, jumping up from the floor where you were next to Honey.
"NO YOURE NOT. YOURE KIDDING." You said, beaming.
"Yeah! I couldn't stand the thought of someone awful or weird adopting your pretty girl and I know you cant have pets, but I can. So, I took it into my own hands. AND you can come see her any time, as long as you help me shop for her stuff when you get out of work." Bokuto explained.
You jumped into his arms, giving him a huge hug. This was better than any coffee he had ever brought you.
"Holy SHIT I CANNOT BELIEVE- THANK YOU- I JUST-" Your eyes began welling with happy tears, and Bokuto giggled. You then realized how much you really like him. He was so amazing.
"I mean, we could even count this shopping spree a date?" He half told, half asked, scratching the back of his neck in a nervous manner.
"I'd love that, Bo. I really would." You beamed.
"Awesome. Well, I'm gonna go show this pretty girl off to my friends, and then later, I can show another pretty girl off to my friends, hopefully." He said, motioning to you, laughing at his own horrible excuse of a pickup line.
"Maybe you can, you doofus." You laughed with him, waving good bye to the 2 most important beings to you in that moment.
You had never been happier.
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noritoshiikamo · 4 years
game over
pairing: noritoshi kamo + fem!oc genre: angst tags//warning: established relationship, wild gojo appeared // blood, character death, emotion distress, mention of shibuya  note: the obligatory trio of mine: not well edited, lowercase intended, english isnt my first language im sorry if i murder it. note that i put descriptions of the characters i write so it would be easier for me, you’re free to imagine the character the way you seem fits! okay listen imma be honest i dont like this part that much dhhdbdjksncjddiem and im sorry if it sucks bcs istg i cant compete to part 1 and 2 of it so IM SORRY tagging @unabashednightmarepizza @sassyeahhhh @dok-ja @sukirichi [bold means i cant tag u idky :( lemme know if wanna be tagged in the next part] read the first part | second part | third part | bonus
few years ago;
“you’re fucking ridiculous!”
“you’re injured, how the fuck is it me that’s being unreasonable?”
she contemplated stabbing him straight to his chest. “i’m fine, leave me alone,” she hissed, holding on to her arm as she tried to limp away. second year jujutsu student noritoshi kamo wondered how the hell one could be this stubborn. with blood caked up on the side of her face, lips busted and bruising in the corner, not to mention the broken arm and probably twisted ankle, he could not understand how one could be this reckless and stupid, it’s almost ridiculous.
but here she is standing in front of him.
“you could’ve let me handle it,” he said, coldly.
she never turned that fast in her life; her limping leg suddenly worked fine as she hauled her ass, throwing both fists to his chest. the force put was enough to threw him back a few steps, he caught her wrists holding her from falling down. “stop acting like i’m so fragile. i can exorcist the curse just fine. you make me hate you so much,” she spitted, pure rage etched on her face, “just because i’m a girl, because i’m your girl, i’m weak. please, i am as good as you are, kamo.”
their faces were so close, he could count the freckles spread on her nose and cheeks. he loves her eyes the very first time he caught glimpse of it; one is a dull brown while the other looks like it carries the secret of the bright blue sea. this time, the eyes he loves looked hopeless, lack of the burning spirit she carried with tears threatening to spill. letting go of a wrist, his trembling hand brushed the hair coated with the blood back, carefully not to hurt her. “i never said you are bad,” he clarified, fingers busy brushing the hair back. his sudden reaction surprised her, and her body betrayed her thoughts as she eased in his arms.
he tilted her chin, his head was panicking as he realised that his brain was no longer controlling his movement as he leaned down and kissed her.
she tasted like blood.
she winced, pain aching on the swollen part and he apologized so quietly as he deepened the kiss. “nori-” her voice croaked as she swallowed his moans. he hummed, satisfied by the kiss. their foreheads rest against each other, the tip of their noses touched as they struggled to catch breath.
“stop being stupid. let me help you okay?”
slipping his arm under hers, he helped her walk, leading them out of the abandoned building they managed to exorcist. nothing major, a couple of pestering level three and four curses that them both handled well but their supervisor missed to tell them about the hiding level two curse that took them by surprise. she had become the curse’s main target.
if she would’ve just listened to him and stay close. he sighed.
“ouch, ouch,” she cried, clutching on her left leg, forcing him to stop. impatient, he slipped his hand under her knees, lifting her up in his arms. she apologized profusely, embarrassed to be such a burden to him. he brushed it off immediately.
“did you call them? told them that we are done?”
she gasped, “wait, i thought they’ll wait for us.”
he huffed, “you’re not that important, y/n. give them a call, please. i want to go home.”
kicking the door open, the moonlight shone on them as he carried her down to the bottom stairs. settling her down on the steps, he sat beside her, letting a long sigh. he watched as she took the call, letting them know that she was slightly injured, and they need to go back asap. she was visibly tired, and he was the same too.
he couldn’t help but to sigh at the way the moonlight enveloped her. he had loved her from the very first moment he caught his eyes on her; she caught him staring, called him out publicly and ignored all his advances. it took him a lot to court her. she’s a gojo, she can have anything and everything with the sky is the limit.
but one thing money could never buy is affection.
it started with little stuffs; noritoshi waiting for her with her lunch readied every day. it annoyed her but momo (who was secretly rooting for him) forced her to just do it. “it’s just a lunch,” momo said sheepishly. noritoshi would have them paired all the time for the missions. she’d accepted it with open heart. noritoshi would also teach her how to weld a bow and shoot arrows. she promised that she would go out on date with him if he taught her.
by the end of their first year, they became inseparable.
the idea of being apart from her hurts him physically and mentally. she took a sharp breath when he laced his fingers between her own, quickly telling the other person on the phone that she was okay. “it was just noritoshi,” she replied with a small laugh. their hands fit each other; his skin contrasted her slightly tanned skin. while his hands were rough from welding the bow and he kept his nail short and clean, hers were slightly softer with her nails painted prettily. this month she had her nails painted in pastel. all the girls’ day out with momo and mai had proven its importance. he was happy to provide her with his black card despite her discontent.
“analysing my hands now?”
he smiled slightly, “it looks very pretty. i guess i got my money worth. are they coming?”
she leaned on his shoulder, his own wrapped around her as she closed her eyes, “they are around the corner. i would definitely need another round this week,” she teased. kissing her forehead gently, he didn’t mind that his uniform was stained with her blood; he was glad that she’s safe.
“i’ll happily take you there.”
few years later;
noritoshi kamo almost lost his mind. the stadium was half destroyed, huge craters on the pitch with the sight of his wife nowhere to be found. he looked up to the black pitch curtain encasing the stadium area from the sky, a curse escaped his lips.
“where the fuck are you?” he grunted, scanning the area.
she is gone, his stubborn little wife. she could’ve just wait but annoyed that their dinner date was interrupted and eager because this was their first mission together as a married couple; she escaped his supervision. as they were dealing with minor curses outside, she decided to head on forward, leaving him to deal with whatever is left. he beat himself inside for letting her come, he could easily do this himself and send her home safely, but she blinked her eyes and he was weak. she always has her way with him.
his step stopped when he realised there was a shadow ahead.
“she’s pretty,” the thing said.
his blood ran cold, “what did you do to my wife?”
the curse let out a laugh. it was sinister enough to send chills down his spine. especially when he realised the head it was stepping on was his wife. her eyes were fluttering back and forth, struggling to stay awake. a howl shocked him, shivers down his spine at the painful whimpers her shikigami making. cursed spirits were devouring it alive, overwhelming it and chewing every part of its body. his wife was too weak to dispel the shikigami; it’s dangerous as the devoured wolf shikigami will drain her cursed energy by a second.
all shikigami linked directly to the owner; everything inflected to the wolf, she could feel it too.
he needed a plan.
hidden in his wedding ring was a retractable knife. he rarely carries blood bags anymore as his power solidified itself. the older he got, the better he was at using and controlling a small steady flow of his own blood straight from the tap. with a clap of his hands, the knife cut his hand enough to send blood shooting like bullets. the blood hit the curses straight to its cores, died out instantly on impact, but the shikigami was beyond salvageable. it let out one last howl, one last goodbye before dropping to the ground, half of his snout gone. she will be devastated, it’s her only shikigami she managed to tame at such a young age, but at least it has stopped the shikigami from stripping his wife’s cursed energy to its core.
the fire burning in his eyes only made the curse laughed. he kicked her body away, spurting blood out of her mouth. she was halfway close to death’s doorstep.
“i will fucking murder you,” he hissed.
“my blood is my power. it’s supposed to rot human, stripping its meat from the bone like acid. however,” the curse nudged her body, “your wife didn’t. humour me, did your blood tainted hers? tell me, i’m curious how.”
“are you going to chit chat because i don’t have whole day.” his blood dripped on the pitch.
the curse grinned, shrugging his shoulder. he kneeled, running his bloody fingers on her cheeks leaving trails of flowers pattern that dissipated immediately, “i’m not here to fight. i’m here to serve a warning,” he looked up to the tensed sorcerer, “for gojo satoru. tell him, we’ll be waiting for him in shibuya.” noritoshi’s face scrunched in confusion.
“we have no business with the gojos.”
“but she is. she could change her name, married you, but it doesn’t erase the fact that she carried gojo’s blood in her vein. she’s the bridge to your two clans. i’m just killing two birds with one stone. ruin the kamo clan’s relationship with gojos and hurt gojo satoru. all thanks to her,” the curse turned his back on him, his laugh echoed as he walked away. the dark curtain disappeared slowly as the ground rumbled. a perfect chance for noritoshi to strike if it wasn’t because of the cursed spirit’s words gluing him to his spot, “oh, kamo, i believe a congratulation is overdue. let me know when’s the baby is due, i would love to drop by personally.”
the pillar holding on to the roof collapsed sending wave of dust all over the place. noritoshi covered his face, coughing as he sucked some in, removing his coat as a shield. the cursed spirit was no where to be found.
“the place is going to collapse! i’ll get the curse, you go get her!”
a voice echoed and he caught a glimpse of blond hair running past him and noritoshi didn’t think twice as he sprinted around the cracks and holes. who was that voice or who was the curse, he couldn’t give a single fuck, he just wants his wife back. he was shaking when he got to her, arms immediately scooped her up in his arms. her chest was raising slowly, blood dripping on the side of her lips as she struggled to exhale.
“you’re going to be okay,”
he told her, but he wasn’t sure if he will ever be.
“can you turn down the stupid light, it’s hurting my eyes.”
the voice laughed melodiously, the light moved to the other eye repeating the same thing.
“as you can see, she’s awake, slightly weak, but she should be okay.”
another voice interrupted, “are you sure?” she gasped, excited to hear a familiar voice. “nori?” she called out, unable to open her eyes, relying strictly to her hearing as she reached her shaky hands out for him. “her senses might be slightly off, just let her do it herself,” the woman’s voice noted, and she felt annoyed. how dare you underestimate me, her mind scoffed.
“my senses are fine. see?” she claimed as she held noritoshi’s hand up. he smiled, gently rubbing her hand with encouragement. “thanks, shoko, we are fine.”
“i’ll leave you be then. call me if you need anything.”
she listened to the clacking of shoko’s heels, followed by the door opening and slamming shut. she jumped, but he held her hand tighter, reassuring her that it’s alright. “so why can’t i see?” she asked, confident that they are alone now. she felt the bed sunk a little on the left side, “you were high on anesthesia, i’m surprise you could even move your jaw to speak.” she felt a finger brushed her hair aside, breath loomed on her face and she could feel her own face reddening up.
“are you going to kiss me or are you just going to tease me?” his heart swell up, despite her shaky voice almost made him laugh.
“do you trust me?” his hand cupped her cheek gently.
she nodded eagerly, “always.”
his kiss hit her like a waft of fresh air. every kiss felt like a first kiss to her that she couldn’t help to react so eagerly to it. his tongue slipped through her defense, overwhelming her taste buds with such strong taste of iron. it didn’t stop her. she knew what he was doing from start. he peeked a little, didn’t stop a second from kissing her as he watched his blood marking appeared on her face. her hands went up around her neck pulling him closer and he obeyed, deepening the kiss.
heal; his mind commanded.
after a while, she pulled back, being the one to break apart from the kiss first, her chest raising up and down as she struggled to catch her breath. her eyes were wide open now, fluttering lazily as she leaned back on the propped-up pillow. he wiped the corner of his lips, eyes on her as he watched the open wound on her face and arms slowly closed leaving the fresh healed red marks behind. he relaxed when he heard a thank you coming from her, as she checked her healed arms.
“i’m disappointed with you,” he finally broke the silence.
“really?” she frowned. he always does this thing where he will immediately go into lecture mood every time she does something that pisses him off. it’s almost like a game to her as she waited for him to explode, “right now? not even going to wait until i’m discharged. this is a new record, toshi. like shoko said, i’m fine.” he shook his head, “it doesn’t make it right. you always disobeyed me. ignored my orders, going about with your goddamn big head, you could’ve been killed.”
she rolled her eyes, noritoshi is being noritoshi, what a drama queen, she mentally rolled her eyes, “but i’m not,” she pushed her hair back, twisting it easily into a simple loose knot, “i told you, i am not weak.”
“your shikigami was destroyed, your blood was poisoned, 70 percent was already circulating to every part of your vein, i had to beg for the higher up to help purify your blood,” her smile died down. this game no longer feels fun for her. noritoshi was really mad this time. “you think it’s fun and all game but game over, y/n. you need to stop doing this. if you can’t do it for me, do it for yourself.”
“leave me alone, nori, if you just going to nag, please i don’t want to hear it. i’m tired.”
it made him angry that she was taking his word lightly. running his hand in his messy hair, he felt like hauling his head to the wall.
“you don’t understand-”
she slammed her hand on the bed, interrupting his words, “no YOU don’t understand me, i’m tired of you babying me. i’m an adult, i am your wife, stop treating me like a fucking child! we have been married for months, but god you’re suffocating me.”
“i will when you stop endangering yourself. i will stop treating your like a child when you stop acting like one. you’re pregnant, for the love of god!” he threw his hand on the wall. the wall cracked from the force. “i’m what?” she felt the world stopped spinning. she was hundred percent sure that her ears and head were deceiving her. he removed his hand from the hole he made on the wall, his body shaking from the amount of anger building up.
“noritoshi, answer me! what do you mean- i’m not pregnant, i had my period this month.”
“you are,” he shrugged. he felt something hit him in the back; looking down he saw the fluffy white pillow sitting by his feet.
he pointed to the bedside table where a sonogram perched up against a tissue box. she was about to lose her mind. “this is not funny, if this is your mean way of fucking me up because i won’t listen to you then this is just fucking cruel.”
he marched towards him, his hand went down on his chin, forcing her eyes on him, “until you stop playing your stupid games, until you stop treating your life like it’s nothing, until you consider my feelings and my worries, as your husband is valid, i do not exist in your life,” tears fell down her cheeks, “like you, i’m tired too.
“nori i-“
he left her before she could say a word. she broke into sob; her chest was pounding so hard that the blood pressure monitor was beeping. the door burst opened but it was not the face she wanted to see. she was immediately hysterical. satoru managed to hold her wrist down before she ripped the tubes and needles off her arms. “no, no, i want nori. where is he!” she screamed as satoru held her down. “you need to calm down, it’s not good for the baby,” satoru cooed, but she was not having it. he turned to shoko, “her cursed energy is skyrocketing, she’s going hysterical, do something!”
“let me go!”
shoko held out a syringe, “hold her down.”
she screamed, thrashing so rough that she almost slipped out of the strongest sorcerer’s hands. she managed to get a needle out before she felt another sharp pain on her back. shoko pulled the empty needle out and they retreated away as she fell on her butt backward. she was reduced to a babbling mess, her eyes drooped as she struggled to fight the waves of sleepiness hitting her one after another.
“tell him i’m sorry,” she croaked out, before everything turned completely dark.
the blood pressure monitor returned back to normal.
three days later;
“are you still going to ignore her? it’s been 3 days.”
“she needs to learn her place.”
gojo satoru disagreed. he eyed the head of the clan, shaking his head before standing up. he thought he could convince noritoshi kamo to visit his wife, but the man was as stubborn as- huh, her.
“i think she have learned enough, she’s miserable. you’re miserable.”
the man glared at the blonde man child, raising the cup of tea up for a sip. the tea doesn’t taste as good as the way she made it. he left her for 3 days and he found himself struggling to do everything alone. 
he, noritoshi kamo, 23 years old and the head of the kamo family, could not make a cup of fucking tea.
she always said that the best way to make tea depends on how long you let it steep. “too early and you won’t get the right amount of flavour,” she explained, her back facing him as he watched from the counter as she loomed over the stove, “but if you steep it way too long you going to burn the tea leaves and it will make everything taste bitter.” she turned around, a huge smile on her face that made his heart skipped a beat.
he frowned; the tea tasted bitter.
“she’s pregnant, she’s supposed to be crazy. you are supposed to be the wise one. she is going to carry your child for 9 long months, i can’t explain to you how long that’s going to be but she is allowed to be crazy.”
he dropped the cup on the floor when gojo’s hand grabbed him by his collar, pulling him up from his chair.
“now please, see your goddamn wife before i deck you in the mouth.”
“i will.”
satisfied with his answer, gojo’s demeanor changed and he was again the man child they all know of him. noritoshi could no longer focus on the report in front of him; not when his mind is full of her and only her.
would she forgive him? he wasn’t sure.
but he would spend his lifetime making up to her and the baby if that’s necessary.
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ssa-steverogers · 3 years
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grailfinders · 4 years
Fate and Phantasms #124: Hassan of the Serenity
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Today on Fate and Phantasms, we’re making the most adorable of the Hassans, Hassan of the Serenity! Lookit her! I just wanna pinch her little cheeks!
But I won’t.
For this build we need poison skin, poison daggers, and the ability to shapeshift into other people which literally never gets brought up. Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: Rice is nice, but twice the rice is thrice as nice.
Race and Background
Like a couple characters, you’re really a human, but those idiots don’t get poison skin. Fortunately, WotC came up with a solution! It skirts the edge of officialness, but the Grung do exist in a Wizards of the Coast rulebook, so you can play as them! (Just not in Adventurer’s League games.) Being a grung increases your Dexterity by 2 and Constitution by 1. You gain proficiency in Perception, get a walking and climbing speed of 25 feet, are Amphibious, and get Poisonous Skin. Any creature that directly touches you must make a DC 12 Constitution save or be poisoned for a minute, with additional saves each turn they aren’t touching you. You can also poison your piercing weapons as you attack, forcing another constitution save that deals poison damage on a failure. Finally, your Standing Leap lets you jump 25′ across and 15′ straight up, even without a running start, for those anime-style rooftop battles. All this does come with a drawback, though. Your Water Dependency means if you don’t submerge yourself in water for an hour each day, you suffer exhaustion that can’t be taken away without either magic or another long bath. Good luck dealing with that in the desert!
Like the other Hassans, you’re an Acolyte, giving you proficiency in Insight and Religion. Why rock the boat?
Ability Scores
Like many assassins, you’ll want to focus on Dexterity for this build. Your schtick is more about social manipulation, but being able to duck out when you need to is pretty important too. After that is Charisma, so you can sucker your mark into bed with you. After that is Wisdom- being able to charm a person is good, but you have to be perceptive enough to figure out how to do it in the first place. Your Constitution isn’t that great, but people should be giving you a wide berth anyway. We don’t need Intelligence, but you’re not dumb, so we’re dumping Strength. Straight-up brawls are not your thing.
Class Levels
1. Monk 1: We’ll get into your assassin skills in a bit, but I think your poison needs a bit of buffing first. That’ll take a while, but right now you get proficiency in Strength and Dexterity saves, as well as two monk skills- Stealth and Acrobatics will serve you well.
You also get Unarmored Defense, making your AC based on your dexterity and wisdom instead of just the former. That’s good, because you can’t use your Martial Arts in armor. This lets you use dexterity instead of strength for your monk attacks, and you do a minimum of 1d4 damage with unarmed attacks and monk weapons that’ll increase as you level. Finally, you can make an unarmed attack as a bonus action if you make the attack action with monk weapons.
2. Monk 2: Second level monks can use Ki Points to make two attacks, dodge, disengage, or dash as a bonus action. It should be mentioned that doing either of the latter two doubles your already considerable jump distance, in case your DM thinks a 50 foot chasm is enough to stop you. To help with that, your Unarmored Movement helps make up for your reduced speed, adding 10 to your movement speed.
3. Monk 3: As a Way of Mercy monk, your paws get just a bit more poisonous thanks to your Hands of Harm. You can spend a ki point once per turn when you hit a creature with an unarmed attack to deal extra necrotic damage to them. You also get some Hands of Healing that use ki once per turn to heal a creature, but that’s less in character. And also a really bad idea, what with that poisonous skin and all.
You can also deflect missiles, reducing damage from ranged weapons and possibly even spending ki to throw it back as part of the reaction.
4. Monk 4: Use your first Ability Score Improvement to grab some Squat Nimbleness. This feat increases your movement speed by 5′ to negate being small, gives you +1 Dexterity, proficiency in Athletics, and advantage on your checks to break free from grapples. I feel like that last bit probably won’t be much of an issue for you, but you never know.
You can also Slow Fall as a reaction, to help with the inevitable side effect of all that jumping you can do.
5. Monk 5: Fifth level monks get an Extra Attack, and can spend ki to make a Stunning Strike, forcing a constitution save (DC 8 plus your proficiency plus your wisdom modifier) or they become stunned for a round. You can also use Focused Aim to turn ki points into extra points on your attack roll, to avoid wasting all that poison.
6. Monk 6: Your Ki-Empowered Strikes make your unarmed attacks magical to overcome resistance, and your Physician’s Touch empowers your hands of healing and harming. The former can end one instance of blinding, deafening, paralyzing, poisoning, or being stunned (or I guess replace those with another instance of being poisoned), and the latter makes the target poisoned with no save for a round. Hey, you get what you pay for.
7. Rogue 1: Now that your poison is up to snuff, we can focus on your assassin skills. Multiclassing into rogue nets you a Deception proficiency and the ability to speak Thieves’ Cant. Grungs don’t get common as a racial language, so this might actually help when you try to communicate with the rest of the party. You also get a Sneak Attack for extra damage with finesse weapons. You also get Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency with those skills. Your Deception and Insight game are on point now.
8. Rogue 2: Second level rogues can make a Cunning Action on their bonus action. They can use this to dash, disengage, or hide. Hey, that’s most of what monks have to spend stuff to do!
9. Rogue 3: Third level rogues get their subclass, and as your class name would suggest you’re an Assassin! As an assassin, you can Assassinate targets, giving you free advantage on creatures who haven’t taken a turn yet and giving you free critical hits on surprised creatures. Your poisonous skin doesn’t actually kill people in this universe, but a knife to the back can be pretty good too.
10. Bard 1: We need spellcasting for a feat we’re grabbing later, so sorry for the third class. I promise we were trying to make something simple this time. As far as justification goes, you’re the embodiment of a fictional story, the “Poison Damsel”.
You can cast Spells using your Charisma, and you can hand out Bardic Inspiration to your allies (thankfully not by touch), giving them an extra d6 to use on one attack roll, ability check, or saving throw. You can inspire people a number of times per long rest equal to your charisma modifier. You also get another skill proficiency. Sleight of Hand is pretty useful, especially when your hands kill people.
For spells, grab Friends and Charm Person to string your enemies along, Longstrider and Feather Fall to make up for all the monk levels we’re missing out on, and Minor Illusion and Disguise Self to perfect your disguises. Not that being a frog isn’t still and issue for you- your size will seriously limit how many people you can pretend to be.
11. Rogue 4: Use this ASI to become a Poisoner, allowing you to ignore resistance to poison damage, apply non-grung poisons to weapons as a bonus action, and create powerful poisons with a poisoner’s kit. More powerful than your skin, at least.
12. Rogue 5: Fifth level rogues can use their Uncanny Dodge as a reaction, halving damage from an incoming attack. Smart enemies will be using reach weapons, which tend to hurt a bit. Try not to touch the pointy bits.
13. Rogue 6: You get another round of Expertise, doubling your proficiency for Stealth and Sleight of Hand for the perfect getaway.
14. Rogue 7: Seventh level rogues get the powerful Evasion technique, turning your failed dexterity saves into successes for avoiding damage, and successes negate all damage entirely! Also, your sneak attack grows to 4d6. We’re not going to bring it up every time, just know it grows on odd levels.
15. Rogue 8: Having to rely on spell slots for shapeshifting is for nerds! Use this ASI to become an Eldritch Adept, allowing you to get the invocation Mask of Many Faces, which lets you cast Disguise Self at will! Now you can save all those spell slots for more useful things.
16. Rogue 9: Ninth level Assassins get Infiltration Expertise, allowing you to spend a week making a new identity that lasts until others are given obvious reasons to call you sus. Looking the part can only get you so far- nobody mistrusts paperwork.
17. Rogue 10: Now that we have your feats down, we can finally start boosting your abilities! Use this ASI to round up your Constitution and Wisdom scores for more survivability. 
18. Rogue 11: Eleventh level rogues have Reliable Talent, meaning all your d20s will always roll at least a 10 when making checks you’re proficient in. You’re not bad at the things you’re good at, surprising I know.
19. Rogue 12: Use your last ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger disguises. Wait, we’re done already?
20. Rogue 13: Our capstone level nets you the Imposter ability, allowing you to copy another creature perfectly if you spend three hours studying their speech, handwriting, and mannerisms. You also get advantage on deception checks to maintain the charade. Then it’s just a matter of time before you sink a poisoned sneak attack in their neck and vent out of electric.
Rogues with sneak attacks are scary. Rogues with guaranteed crits on their sneak attacks are even scarier. Rogues that can reliably poison their guaranteed critical hit sneak attacks are seriously bad news. You can do some serious damage if you get the drop on someone, is what I’m trying to say here.
Like all Hassans, this build is pretty mobile, with 45 feet of running and climbing speed, ridiculous hops, and a smaller size to squeeze into places other races can’t follow.
When you’re not dealing absurd damage, you can deal plenty of status effects too. Poison, stun, charm, it’s all yours to deal out as you wish!
Poisoning things isn’t good. Even ignoring the fact that you’re eating up a bonus action to add some damage to one attack (even rangers get a better deal than that) plenty of creatures in the monster manual are immune to poison anyway. Thankfully you’re not completely defenseless, since your sneak attack doesn’t care what kind of damage it deals. All the coolest poisons are hidden in the dungeon master’s guide anyway.
Grung are a lot of things, but masters of disguise is not one of them. Your size means your ability to use Disguise Self is severely limited, and any nonmagical disguises will have their work cut out for them. Disguising yourself as a different grung won’t help much, they’ll still track you down because you’re probably the only other grung they’ve seen in town.
Just going to come out and say it- your magic isn’t nearly as powerful as it needs to be to be reliably used for disguises. Fortunately very few people bother investing in Investigation, but it can still be a serious issue when your spell save dc is around 14 for most of the game.
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felismiscellaneous · 3 years
Casonverse Expo
ok so after you see this you Cannot save it. the whole thing about the casonverse is that its solely “oral” and memory based. i cannot write down “rules” to it or anything. this post Will be lost to time and youll just have to deal with that
ok so. we begin. our story. w/ an explanation on how ectobiology has been going on earth c. basically, every once in a while to increase genetic diversity, a babeh between two of the original founders is created randomly, and said founders get to decide if they want to adopt that babeh or not.
now its been a very very long time on earth c and all of these bitches are immortal. yep. every single one. even the non godtiers, they get an immortality boon for winning the game. you know whats also a boon? all of the players getting revived. yep. every single one. because this is my au and i can do what i want.
anyways as i was saying basically at some point a babeh between john and karkat is made and this time theyre like “yeah ok well adopt this one” SO. they be goin there. and the ONE TIME they decide this is the right time the baby is fuckin BROKE. the internal organs of trolls and humans dont mesh very well when the genes are combined in the ectomachine, and this baby is basically just dying very slowly. this baby isssss Casey! well, shes not named that by her parents, but well just call her Casey for now.
john and karkat do their fuckin best to keep this thing alive but her tiny baby body is completely dysfunctional. and doesnt last very long. This is Traumatizing for Everyone Involved. anyways!! a pretty long time after that we have Cason and Jones. they were spawned at the same time. Jones is rose and kanayas horrible ectospawn, and Cason happens to be another equally horrible spawn between john and karkat! they decide to adopt this one, and fortunately it lives. This was Their First Mistake.
but before we get into Cason, lets get into Jones. Jones is,,,, very socially awkward. in fact, she often comes off as creepy to everyone else. this makes her very clingy towards her mothers, who arent That terrible at parenting. theyve got quirks, but theyre good for her. Jones doesnt really have any friends, except this Totally Cool and Not at All Dangerous cult she gets dragged into! this is the second secret shes ever kept from her mothers. the first is that shes the one who keeps bringing snails into the house. Jones likes snails, but shes not good at taking care of them. she just keeps bringing them into the house and feeding them her snack. her snack is rat poison. snails like and digest rat poison safely. snails! she likes them.
ALSO APPARENTLY SHE CAN SEE GHOSTS???? yeah lets get into that. see, Casey becomes a Regular Ghost after she dies. not a dream ghost, just a plain ol ghost. and anyways, shes around the same age as everyone else if not a year older due to Ghost Rules now, and Cason is the only one that seems to be able to see her. and then theres Jones. Jones is absolutely stunning to Casey and yes she falls so hard in dokis. but Jones is trying to ignore the fact that she can see ghosts. it makes her feel like even more of an outcast. ooooo drama! anyways those two have their own background plot going on about fighting eldritch gods or something idk.
LETS GET BACK TO CASON. see. Cason. is The Worst. like, genuinely. ever since he was a kiddo, he was a completely spoiled brat from day one, and spent his childhood Looking Down on People for multiple reasons. for one, hes the son of TWO FUCKING FOUNDERS AND RAISED BY THEM, two he got away with EVERYTHING, and three i think its just in his nature. Cason prides himself in being knowledgeable and better than everyone else, but he is not like Other Egomaniacs((tm.))
Cason doesnt necessarily care about being liked, even if he WAS a great manipulator, or being the best at Everything. he couldnt care less about sports or popularity. all he wants, is Control. just like hes had since day one. This is Terrible for Everyone Involved.
but most terrible for anyone, is Tippie Piyjon. Tippie is terezi and nepetas ectospawn, which, really started it all. now, terezi and nepeta are not horrible people, or even necessarily horrible parents, but theyre just not suited for it. Tippie raised herself on romance novels and the like, especially after being sortve taken in as a goddaughter by karkat almost immediately after she was born. and, because of this, she got to meet Cason very early on. there was hardly ever a day where the two werent around eachother, whether they liked it or not. in school, at their own house, wherever. now, being around Cason of all people all the time, meant you knew exactly how he operated.
and well, Tippie figured that, maybe, if she was just good enough, she could change him. and Cason used that to his full advantage. the two became moirails, which was Fucked Up for Everyone Involved, and grew ever closer. now Cason, being Cason, was Extremely Emotionally Abusive to Tippie. she had to do what he asked, whatever it was, even if it wasnt morally right, she had to stay by his side, she couldnt cry in front of his parents, she had to get good grades so he wouldnt look bad, so many damn things she had to do. even if he never once laid a finger on her, her mental health was, slowly but surely, chiseled down.
every attempt at defying him was met with such coldness, or hed act more warm towards her, so surely she was doing something right and had to keep going. just had to be good enough. hell get better eventually. Cason earns the title of #1 Gaslighter Extraordinare. the only place she found any solace away from him was grubscouts, which she joined on her own terms when she was very young, and at the time was a camp counselor even! this lasted. for so many years.
Cason is nineteen whenever i depict him, and Tippie is seventeen, but very nearly eighteen. eventually, she cant take it anymore, and snaps at him. usually this doesnt last, and he would manage to calm her down eventually, but shes fucking Tired of it. he hasnt changed. not even a bit. well. Cason cant have that, now can he? the first time he lays a hand on her, he slaps her across the face. Big Mistake. though terrified, Tippie lashes out, and claws Casons left eye out, making a terribly deep gash that would leave him permanently blind in that eye whether or not he got treatment.
this scares the SHIT out of her, and Tippie runs off, for the first time, to her mothers. as she cries, she recounts how terrible everythings been and how she didnt mean it and shes sorry and- theres nothing to apologize for. its very clear, that they shouldve stepped in sooner, shouldve noticed something was wrong. meanwhile, Cason crawls home to his own dads, who are rightfully spooked seeing their son with a horrifically bloody face and a gouged eyeball. they only had a second to try and comfort him, before he snapped at them, showing a bit of his true nature to them for the first time, and also, terezi showing up behind him. after a thorough explanation which was mostly just a few stern, if a little tearful words, Casons parents are completely mortified. karkat quickly kicks him out in an act of raw emotion. no chance to grab clothes, or for john to interject, Cason is left outside, alone, and with absolutely no power left. what will he do?
theres also other characters but theyre like babies so they dont have much characterization and also arent very important to the story. but here they are ig:
owen, jade and daves child. hes like, 3. he likes sticks and playing in mud. hes 3 what more do you want from him
siyren, aradia and feferis kiddo. shes like, 6. she likes ballet, arts and crafts, and being snooty
damien, eridan and solluxs kid. hes 10, likes calling people slurs over xbox, and overcompensating since his parents waited so damn long to adopt him after his slimebirth
killer, who named himself, aradia and sollux kid. hes like 11 or something. he likes being edgy and has the same issue as damien. in fact, all but siyren have this issue
toga bitch, who i have currently yet to name, aradia and eridans kid. shes 12. she likes earth rome and chilling in public fountains. a burgundy whose violetkin
wemon wemon, who is also currently unnamed, feferi and eridans kid. hes 13, the oldest. he likes earth lemon demon and horror special effects
carrie, feferi and solluxs kid. shes like 11, likes dance dance revolution and earth 9s
rosie, calliope and roxys bab, whos a baby. jane is also her mom
ben, tippies far future carapacian bf, who likes boring shit like birdwatching and scrapbooking. malewife supreme. a very soft dude, and just wants to help his gf w/ her trauma and join her grubscout troop on earning badges. just a great, if boring guy
notkonyyl, just as unnamed, a notcanadian oliveblood who enjoys going to the gym, frequenting bars, being cool, flirty, and defending her moirail to the death
notkuprum, haha unnamed, is a human, and the moirail to notkonyyl. he likes things like being annoying, flirting with everyone taller than him ((most people)), the nintendo switch, and defending his moirail to the death
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sammysnaughtygirl · 3 years
the way you treat me
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Fandom: Walker (TV 2021)Rating"R Warnings:adult content Characters: Cordell Walker (Walker TV 2021), Grace& Emily Tags: Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Walker Bingo, Angst, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Shameless Smut, Crossover Pairings, - Fantasy Summary: cordwell walker uses blackmail against rival Grace
Square Filled"blackmail,Angst cordell walker ,had had a bad day at work ,his face was smeared with redness as he had just bumped into an old friend and found out that she too was now a texas ranger and he couldnt understand what she was up to why she had joined the force why she had come back to town without informing him if made him fume with anger ,G race was cordy,s longtime friend but before she had left town without letting him know she was leaving they had become more than friends so he thought now he just didnt want to see her at all.his mind wondering what had sent her packing had also wanted to know what had brought her home cordell was so upset he just starting throwing things around the room shattering glass and smashing holes into the walls with his fist he was now in a new relationship with emily but if knew if he spent even just one moment with Grace he wouldnt be able to control himself because he knew deep down in his heart he wasnt over her so he made up his mind he just had to prepare himself for their reunion ,Emily had to be first he had to make himself keep her the focus of his agenda but he felt he knew it was gonna take all the power he had to do this. he snatched open the fridge and grabbed a beer before plopping into the chair in front of the tv he drank serval before heading off to bed his dreams were covered with images of Grace dancing thru out the night when he awoke he dressed in a hurry and dashed out for the office praying he was early enough that he wouldnt run into her as cordell was reaching for his assignment the door flung open and in a instant Grace came gliding thru it as if she hadnt a care in the world not even taking notice of cordell standing there glaring at her Grace stumbled into the bosses office and drapped herself in the seat asking what she needed to do for the day,she was handed an assignment the boss making it clear that she need to take charge and get to work immeditaly so she ripped the paper in half and stuck in her pocket ,out the door she went with no hesitation not looking to see her new partner might be as she reached the patrol car cordy stood beside the passenger side door with anger in his eyes omg Grace plurred out not you ,well im not happy about this either cordell shouted back to her its not my cup of tea to have to see you again. me, Grace was stung with his words why are you so mad at me ,cordell couldnt believe she would even ask him such a thing you left not explaining to me why or if you,d come back how was i to know you couldnt handle things what Grace asked she started to laugh at his gesture which made him grow angerier ,Grace could see hurt in him im sorry for not talking to you before i just took off but i didnt know how to deal with what was happening not just between us i had alot going on,so why didnt you come & tell me this did it make it better to shut me out to take the high road and just leave me in the dark? no it wasnt fair for me to leave without explaining to you why i had to im listening cordell said ,we cant do this now she told him we have work to do,oh i get it the old dodge the question routine, no it will just have to wait Grace said work has to come first sure cordell agreed as they both jumped into the patrol car this isnt uncormfortable at all Grace said cordell sneered at her without saying a word back the day grew long but they stayed silent after all they both were just not ready for real talk soon the day had come to end and they parted ways waiting for the right time to open the wounds she had left behind Grace didnt know exactly how much hurt she had caused. the next day she hoped things would look clearer but cordell wasnt going to make it easy for her he wanted answers he pulled her aside after arriving at work the next day ,we have to have to talk about it he said fine Grace followed him into
breakroom i need to know why you left he asked she looked at him her eyes were filled with tears i had to she told him but why ,why i dont understand he looked confused Grace nodded her head i know you dont ,Emily found out and she threatened you what,no way not possible cordell said she threatened me how ? she threatened to have your job she knew how much you meant to me still do actually ,stop it cordell pleaded i dont trust you anymore fine Grace told him ask her yourself she was afraid of the time we were spending togather she knew you had fallen for me too thats why she did it,she wanted to tear us apart and it looks like it worked your the one who walked away not me i would have never left you .i need to talk to Emily still dont believe me huH? cordell turned his back and walked out of the room,he stormed out of the building pulled his phone from his pocket and dialed Emilys she picked up after just two rings hello ,Emily i need to see you now can you meet me at the square in an hour sure babe she told him what,s up nothing i just need to see you its important ok ill be there see ya soon bye she said,cordell got into his pickup truck and drove to the square where he waited for Emily to show up he sat in the middle of the square at a table directly facing the road so he could see her before she seen him ,the minutes went by quickly and before he knew it she was pulling into a parking spot he watched her as got out and started to walk over to his table he stood up as she approached him and he kissed the side of her check whats up anything wrong she asked him ,cordell shook his head you tell me he said why did you threaten Grace & me it was blackmail you know that right wait stop she nodded i can explain ,explain what how you took her away from me how this was all your fault?thats not what i meant Emily spoke i need to let you know why i did it i love you,no you just wanted what you couldnt have isnt that right you knew i loved her ,you knew how i felt about her and you didnt say a thing ,you probally knew she loved me as well is that why you did it ? i didnt mean to you didnt mean to what hurt me how did you think i was gonna react did you think i was gonna just fall into bed with you was that it ,Emily grabbed his hand i love you not her,cordell slowly removed her hand from his im sorry i dont feel the same yes you do i know you do she started to become violent and adutanted no i dont cordell tried to be calm with her as she was going off on him he decided it was time to just walk away as she tried holding on to him .you cant just walk away she cried as cordell fled,Grace was alone back at her moms old place and cordell knew he would find her there so he wasted no time after his meeting with Emily he knew now what had happened so he was headed to comfront her once again ,when he reached the porch of her house he started to feel those old feelings surface as he knocked on the door Grace peaked out to see who it was can i come in he asked sure she lead him inside i talked to Emily really Grace said howd that go i know what you told me was true i was just mad and hurt im sorry for the things i said to you apology accepted ,she told him he stood there learing at her what whats wrong she asked how could do that to me ,cordell i told you no i mean really how could you just walk away knowing how i felt about you i didnt want to cause trouble for you i wasnt sure if you felt the way i did ,so i just gave in to her demands it was easier than being rejected by you ,how can you say that you know id never reject you,he took a step foward and placed his hands around to cradle her face im in love with you how could you not see that he leaned down and softly kissed her pink lips she could feel her body clinging to his every word i want to be with you not Emily .Grace was so excited she threw her arms around him and squezed him so tight as if she never wanted to let go the tension was mounting the heat from his touch made her dizzy,maybe we should move this to your bedroom cordell implied catching her breath yes maybe we
should he scoped Grace up his his arms and carried her to the bedroom bringing the door shut with his foot he dropped her on the bed gently and drapped himself over the top of her and leaned in glancing her over before brushing a kiss against her lips ,standing to his feet he lifted Grace and slowly undressed her his hands once again found her mouth tracing the outline of her lips with his fingertips ,moving back on the bed cordell slide his hands down her body tracing her outline it made Grace tingle with every touch the two conitnued on to make sweet love and ended the night falling asleep moments later being at peace with one another embracing their newfound love .Grace dreamed that night the most beautiful dream ever .the way you treat me its the most beautiful thing i could ever imagine she had found what she was searching for cordell .
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clementineesotsm · 4 years
THE KING: ETERNAL MONARCH EP 4, My Appreciation and How It Made Me Feel
Gon now realize his destiny. You know when people have insecurities here and there he will be someone who is overthinking and think of the worst future first. He finally have the courage to come to Cheonjongo after a long time and takes the swords, however the swords has much more deeper meaning, as said by his father “The sky betows the heart upon us, and the ground helps the spirit. The sun and the moon are formed. As the mountains and streams form, lighting strikes. A sage is moved to defeat the evil of the mountains and streams, wield it with deep thoughts and make things right” Only the King can become the owner of it as its his destiny to use it right and fight evil as is supposed to. It is a very meaningful scene, Gon’s taking the swords, his memories with his father, and him actually keeping the swords near him and he is now understand his destiny. 1 more thing, i love how they made past scene screen was smaller than the present. Makes us realize that this is past. Not important, but i just loved the detail
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Time stopped. What.a.great.cinematography.
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Many people said they confused because they cant find clues or clear description whether now we are in Corea or Korea now. That is weird. They are obvious. Gon is back to Corea everyone can see it. we saw Lee Rim in book store means he is in Corea, then he realize that the time stopped indicates the nephew going back and forth the portal, now Lee Rim is in Korea because time stopped in Gon’s place and he gave his sidekick doppelgänger a book about the rare mineral, which is not exist in Korea. I actually really appreciate this subtle clues, make this show fun to watch. AND NOT CONFUSING AT ALL! Damn you haters.
Here we also get sight of Gon’s mom doppelgänger, i seriuosly thinking the reason why Lee Rim kept his mother not only to use her againts Gon but because Lee Rim actually love her in Corea. Which is the wife of his brother. Then he comes to his photo station, as all the evil which is creepy here we also see it creepiness. I love how they show us this scene and Prince Buyeong face, its kind of makes me think Prince Buyeong will somehow go againts Gon and lied. Im scared ! I love him a lot
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Back to JTE who doesnt understand what was something beautiful that Gon’s saw before at the park. I love how they make the transition of JTE step back to see wider on what he might saw that time and Gon feet that move forward to take closer look to JTE. Beautiful.
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The the scars shows up again on Gon’s shoulder, which is still a mystery for us. But he use it to run away 😅 the mystery continues with the result of Lee Sang Do’s 2G phone. Inside it there is only news, a strange one.
And its finally November 11, the date in JTE new id match the id that Gon keep for 25 years. What is it means? There are a lot of questions but the fact that finally they see each other again was so satisfying yet sad. There are still some distance between them eventough they are facing each other. I kind of feels that they are holding back. Because Gon’s insecurity of she might not waiting for him, and JTE trust issues. Seriuosly i want to shake both actors by the hands, they are seriously good at acting it. It doesn’t felt awkward, its very natural. This part of the series was pretty intense because of the ID and Gon’s actually asking JTE to come to his world to see the ID he is keeping by herself. And for her to follow this stranger to somewhere, nowhere, actually told us she actually kind of take him seriously now. And she definitely developed feelings for him during his absence. So im not buying it when people calling her gold digger. She is not.
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The last part remains masterpiece, JTE leap of faith to follow Gon, and finally arriving Corea. Which i already waiting this to happen since the very beginning. And this exact line and him whisper on her ear “See? I am right, wasnt i?” And her looking back to see him “I am the King of the Kingdom of Corea, my name, which you cannot say is, Lee Gon” excuse me, this scene was everything, the words, the music, the circumstances, everything was great. The best episodes so far. And it keeps me frustrated waiting for next week to come quickly
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How it made me feel:
Damn, what an episode! What a gloomy one i might said. Thanks to Jangmi and Jo Yeong for at least makes a bit of light to this. I loved this episodes. Many revelation but also many new homework for us viewers. I fell in love deeper with each character especially the leads. I love how it was a solid episode, and a very important one for the story development. What i really love here was they let us to see Gon’s and JTE daily activity (although i prefer they use the Lee Sang Do case than just to catch a thief). Because there we can realize how fond they are to each other. And i love we also could see Gon’s interaction with his family, how Lady Noh scolded him like a mom, how he have a chit chat with the uncle who like a father (eventhough it ended a bit serious), how he felt convenient around Jo Yeong who is like a brother, and also secretary Mo. I appreciate his inner circle, they are what made him a well grown orphan. And i can see why. I also love how we were shown in this episode a burden carried by both close people in Gon and JTE side, Prince Buyeong and KSJ. Which i appreciate because it made me think of the potential of them being in the opposite side. Which add tense to my curiosity. Kudos!
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Poor Little Anxious Crybaby (Pt.13)
Virgil seemed to be spending more and more time with Remus and Roman, not that anyone involved minded this change. But it wasnt the only thing that seemed to be changing.
This was the third week in a row in which Virgil seemed to be kept up for most of the night by dreams he couldnt understand. Sometimes he could make out the shapes of rabbits cats or mice, but rarely could he understand them.
"Maybe you just wanna be a mountain lion, I mean mountain lions could literally get away with ripping someone limb from limb, I'd wanna be a mountain lion," Remus said, running his fingers through Virgil's hair as Virgil lay across the couch.
"What I don't understand is why it would be waking you up, I mean, it's not like being a mountain lion is generally upsetting, right?" Roman said, pulling the hem of his sweater over his knees.
"Yeah. . . ." Virgil said, burying his face in Remus' stomach.
"Careful there bud, I gotta use that to digest stuff," Remus said, letting out a cackle as Virgil blew a raspberry against the skin.
"Well we dont need to focus on dreams now, anyone up for a game?" Roman said, shaking a controller.
"Ooohhh! I'll order pizza!" Remus said, bolting up off the couch. Virgil let out a whine at the loss of contact as his head landed on the couch pillows.
"Aaaawwweee, sorry Vivi, I'll come back in a little, but can you give me your order, Ro? You're usual?" Remus said, looking at both boys in turn.
"Cheese,,," Virgil mumbled.
"I'm not hungry," Roman said, bringing his legs closer to his chest. Remus seemed slightly upset by the response, but simply nodded and went to call the pizza place. Virgil moved closer to Roman, who draped an arm around him.
"Roro?. . ." Virgil said quietly.
"Hm?" Roman leaned his head on Virgil's.
"When we get back to school are you still gonna have to be friends with 'You-know-who' are you?" Virgil said, he hadnt thought about the kids at school for most of the summer, but it was nearly September, so the memory was slowly creeping back in.
Roman sat there for a few seconds, rubbing circle's into Virgil's back.
"I dont know Vivi. . . He's not exactly easy to get away from y'know?" Roman said sadly, Virgil buried his head in Roman's shoulder.
Virgil had known Inigo since they were kids, and they had never been friendly. But since becoming friends with Roman, Virgil had learned of even more reasons to despise the boy.
"I hope he and Brennan get together," Virgil muttered, casting a distinct glance at the sewing kit on the coffee table. Roman let out a soft chuckle, burying his head in Virgil's hair.
"That can be arranged," Remus said, sitting down next to the pair and draping himself across Virgil's back.
"Guuuyyyssss- you're crushing meeeeee," Virgil said, pouting.
"Not my fault you're so tiny," Remus said, resting his head in the crook of Virgil's neck.
"I'm only 4'8!" Virgil whined.
"Tinyyyyyy~" the twins chimed in unison.
Virgil had to admit that the feeling was nice, he was warm and happy, and for once in his life, he felt safe.
He and the twins spent a good portion of the day beating the crap out of fictional characters in a video game and stuffing their faces with pizza, Remus had taught Virgil how to make a volcano out of melted metal and an ant hill, much to Roman's distress.
"I'll see you guys tomorrow ok?" Virgil said as he stepped out the door to go home.
"Did you have fun kiddo?" Patton said as Virgil walked into the kitchen.
"Mhm," Virgil smiled as he rested his head on the kitchen counter.
"Dont forget to take your medication before dinner Virgil, I'm hoping the doctor will be right about it helping you sleep easier," Emile said, setting the bottle down next to Virgil.
"I wish they made this stuff in liquid form more often- how do you take all your stuff so easily?" Virgil said, raising an eyebrow at Emile.
"Its hard for me to, but usually if I take the water first and slip the medicine in after it's easier because it's already floating," Emile said, shrugging.
Virgil thought on this for a moment before nodding slightly. Virgil liked Emile a lot more than he'd first expected, of course sometimes he was a little different, but usually he and Virgil could just sit on the couch and talk about cartoons, and Virgil could even tell him about his nightmares without getting scared.
Of course there were some things he still didnt know about Emile, but if Patton or Emile didnt want to tell him things, he wasnt about to ask for information he shouldnt need.
Settling down for bed that night still felt bad, but Virgil didnt mention it, he didnt want to bother anyone.
Virgil awoke in a patch of soft grass, which upon closer inspection, seemed to be more of a dull teal color than the green it ought to have been.
"There you are! We've been looking everywhere for you!" Said a voice, Virgil looked up to see what looked to be a girl with white rabbit ears, wearing a waist coat and khaki shorts, a boy with a hat, a tux, and hair that varied from shades of brown and blonde on one side, and various other colors on the other, between the two was a girl with brown bunny ears, her outfit seemed to be an attempt at formality which only ended in the tattered remains of what could have once been a met gala dress.
"Who are you?-" Virgil said, sitting up and shaking his head slightly in confusion.
"Aaawww, you dont recognize us?" Said the brown bunny.
"Well of course he doesnt! When's the last time you saw him at the tea party! I mean look at his clothes! Hardly appropriate for such a special event." Said the man with the hat. Virgil looked down at his clothes, he was still in his pajamas.
"Come on- we have to get you dressed first, I cant imagine what would happen if we brought you to the king dressed like that!" Said the white rabbit, dragging Virgil off the ground and marching toward a small house on a hill.
It seemed like hours before the mission the three people seemed so set on completing was finished, and by the end of it Virgil found himself in a dusty purple dress with white sleeves, a black bow and buttons on the chest, white lace on the skirt hem, white stockings, and black boots. If he was being honest with himself, he'd never been happier to look at his reflection.
"Well come on then! The king is waiting for you!" Said the boy with the hate.
"Now hold on a second- I dont even know your names, how am I supposed to trust that you'll take me to the right place?" Virgil said.
The three figures in front of him exchanged glances.
"Hes right you know, I'd never trust someone without a name,"
"I made friends with a nameless person once, they stole my cat,"
"But if we give him our names outright then it's no fun!"
Virgil looked between the three of them in confusion, waiting for the conversation to end.
"Ok, we wont tell you our names, but you can guess them," said the boy with the hat.
The white rabbit stepped up first, she mimicked placing a crown on her head, and then mimicked a sword being pulled from something and swinging it around.
"Well- it cant be Arthur, you dont strike me as an Arthur- so is it. . . Gwenivere?" Virgil said, the girl shook her head but made a motion of begging him on.
"Gwendolyn?" Virgil said.
"You got it!" Gwendolyn said excitedly, clasping her hands together and bouncing from foot to foot. She stepped back and allowed the second rabbit to take her place.
This one held out two fingers first, dropped one, and began to imitate what seemed to be waves.
"Waverly?" Virgil said, the girl nodded and held up two fingers again, proceeding to drop them and hold up a full hand, pointing to calendar that had floated down from the ceiling.
"Waverly-Mae?" Virgil said, the girl nodded and spun on her heel to walk back next to Gwendolyn.
"And that leaves me for last I suppose," said the boy with the hat, making a sort of disappointed face to the girls as he walked up to Virgil. He mimicked both a face that Virgil would describe as angry, and one he would describe as having a few screws out of place.
"Mad?" Virgil said, the boy nodded and kept going, placing one finger on either side of his head and digging his foot into the ground.
"Maddox?" Virgil said, tilting his head. Maddox smiled and nodded.
"Well now that you know our names, you'll have to meet our king!" Gwendolyn said, grabbing Virgil by the arm and rushing off.
It took ages for them to reach what Virgil believed to be the palace. It was large and black with red and green accents along the sides, this left a sinking feeling in Virgil's chest.
"I present to you, his most gracious majesty, King Rhea!" Gwendolyn said, backing into a line with several guards dressed in red and white. Maddox and Waverly-Mae fell in line with the knights in black and green.
Virgil looked forward, in front of him and sitting on a throne was a man who shared much to many similarities with the twins to be comforting.
Though one eye was green and one eye was red, and rather than red or dark brown hair, his was black and white, but he still had the same smirk, the same demeanor Remus and Roman had when out on the town.
"So glad you could finally make it, your excellency," said Rhea, now turning his head to look at Virgil.
"I-" Rhea held his hand up, Virgil's mouth closed almost immediately.
"I know what you're going to say, and you are absolutely correct, you are not royalty, you are something much more important,"
Virgil woke up in a cold sweat, and it wasnt until he looked at himself in the mirror that he realized, he was still wearing the very same dress as before.
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mousehole5000 · 4 years
 this is it... the final post.... 226 through THE END!!!!!
this shit with mu qing and the river of lava is SOOOO dramatic im loving it
oh my god theyre on a FUCKING bridge of course they are okay let’s go boys
“You’re right. We’re alike. You think me odd, I think you to be rather weird too.” - so what im getting from this is that xie lian and mu qing are the only characters in this book with working gaydar okay yup got it this checks out
god... the fact that xie lian is ready to be like “look mu qing we can just forget about the past it doesnt matter we dont have to be friends i know you dont like me but im not gonna let you die over it” and then mu qing is like “.... god i really do admire you huh”
“You...certainly...are rather amazing. You’re...also...a better person...than me. Long story short, I...very much wanted...to become your f-f-friend.”  - going to think about this for the rest of all time im about to become utterly unintelligible im overcome with emotions
“And, at the end of the white silk band, Feng Xin was gripping Ruoye with one hand while the other was holding on to a steel-faced Mu Qing, and he shouted towards him.” - the fucking IMAGE of this im gonna cry this is everything i could have asked for im so happy also mu qing dangling there like “ welp. guess ill live“
“Feng Xin was almost burnt by that pillar of fire, and he shouted in outrage. “WHAT’S WITH THIS BAND OF DOG SHITS, ATTACKING PEOPLE WHILE THEY’RE DOWN, SO VILE! FUCK YOUR ENTIRE FAMILY!” Xie Lian responded, “IF THEIR ENTIRE FAMILIES ALL LOOK LIKE THAT, YOU SURE YOU WANT TO FUCK THEM??” - theyre so funny!!! and theyre best friends!!! theyre joking together now in the middle of all this i could cry theyre back!!!
“Using sticks as arrows, he held the bow with one hand and used his teeth to bite back the bowstring.” - no clue how practical this is but okay archer boy. hot
i actually have so many little quips between the three of them highlighted but we’d be here all night if i included them all. im literally so delighted by this omg worth the wait
“Each sabre strike slashed to the bone. It wasn’t like Xie Lian had never seen Hua Cheng use the sabre before in the past, but his style had always been easy and leisurely, nonchalant and casual. Rather than say he was handling a weapon, it was more like he was toying with a small knife. Yet those blade marks were filled with killing intent. It was easy to imagine just how skilled the one exchanging blows with him was, and how perilous this battle.” you have no idea how mad i was when i read this and thought we missed witnessing the fight between hc and jw omg
“Behind him, Feng Xin muttered, “Dear fucking god, may all the gods and buddhas grant their blessings, that better absolutely be Crimson Rain Sought Flower, otherwise he’s gonna go mad!” “Stop your rubbish,” Mu Qing berated. “We’re all the gods and buddhas ourselves and we can’t grant shit, just keep up with him! Look at the stumbling way he’s running, he’s gonna trip and fall to his bloody death before he even sees the man!” - okay i know i said no more quips but this is literally too funny i just wanted to read it again
“ However, for whatever reason, that vicious ghost, in its muddled state, took that large group of live mortals under its wing and fled for many days. In the end, they were still surrounded by millions of ghosts, trapped in a dead end, and it was going to be eaten along with those humans.” [...] “That vicious ghost almost made a move against those humans, but for some reason, in the end, it didn’t. It instead used one of its own eyes as the price to forge a blood weapon. That vicious ghost was already forcibly hanging on with its last breath; after digging out its eye it should’ve broken apart completely. Yet somehow something had shocked it, and it instead woke to its senses completely. “ - THIS IS AMAZING ARE YOU KIDDING ME???? IS THIS ALL WE GET ABOUT HIS GHOSTLY LORE?????? HUA CHENGGGGGGGG
“What a terrible offence, his old habit had come out, and he quickly apologized. “I’m sorry! You don’t have to listen to me!” Hua Cheng, however, only smiled happily. “Everything gege tells me is the best advice, so why wouldn’t I listen?” - this isnt the fucking time afjdkfjsdkl they really never stop
“So you can hold the illusion of a perfect Crown Prince of Wuyong to face and dismiss the Jun Wu now. Isn’t that your objective? Did you think I don’t know what you’re thinking?” “THAT’S NOT IT!” Guoshi cried. “Stop getting tied up in right and wrong, victories and defeat, I’VE NEVER THOUGHT THAT WAY BEFORE!” - jun wu only being able to see xie lian as his successor and believing that thats all anyone else sees too... okay
honestly this whole final showdown was a blast i cant put everything in but it was so much fun to read. the DRAMA the LAVA the SHOUTING t
“Hua Cheng had poured too much spiritual power into him. There really was too much, so much that it was completely outside the amount the cursed shackle could withstand.” - okay.... okay... the love you give will set you free... okay....
“With Jun Wu in his grip, he carried both their bodies and forcefully slammed into the incomparably-solid rock wall! He used all of his power in this smash, and in the rumbling and crashing of rocks, he also heard the sound of something breaking.” [...] “A moment later, Jun Wu suddenly asked, “That move. What is it called?” “...” Xie Lian raised his sleeve and wiped away the blood on the side of his face. “Shattering boulders on the chest.” YES!!!!! YES!!!!! xie lian actually lived that life!!!!!! i loved this detail so much
“After a moment of silence, Xie Lian took off the bamboo hat carried on his back, took it in his hand, and covered it over Jun Wu’s face.” - xie lian... good... another detail i love. a hat that protects from the rain, given in a moment of need, even to someone who has caused you hardship... we do not forget the kindness granted to us
“There was gratefulness, there was shame, there was heartache, there was wild joy, but above all else, there was incurable love.” - :pleading: i wish it was just that easy tbh. “i have to tell you about the worst parts of myself” “ive already seen them and i dont care i still love you“ truly the dream
“ It’s been so long since anyone listened to me talk, won’t you stay? Don’t...actually do this. I won’t be able to take it. Twice, it’s been twice already! I really don’t want there to be a third time!!!” - the bit about just wanting someone to listen to him talk... xie lian... :(
emily corpse bride moment.... i knew it had to happen.... butterflies.... death and rebirth.... inevitable
xianle trio bickering about ruoye..... mu qing complaining but not letting anyone else fix it... im so happy
“The Rain Master sat down on the spot, looking like she was going to perform a passing service for her. After all, Xuan Ji was the only one left of the Kingdom of Yushi besides herself.”  - xuan ji you sure the hell were... a character. this little moment tho..... yushi huang... many thoughts
“ Who hasn’t made promises, or swore to the mountains and the seas when they were young? Talking of affection, of love, of forevers. But, the longer I hang around in the world, the more I understand, something like ‘forever’ is impossible. It’s never going to be possible. Having it once was already good enough. No one can truly achieve it. I don’t believe in it anymore.” - jian lan im happy for you bummer it didnt work out with feng xin but yeah that was looooong ago. also this quote me same mood kin but its chill. having it once was already good enough
although yeah tbh if theres anyone who can have a forever like that... it would be a ghost and a god
fasdfjadklfj GOD... pour one out for ling wen.. but is that not the truth of this world? the one can be pardoned for being good at paperwork that no one else wants to do? isnt that the plot of the shawshank redemption?
okay but the fact that all xie lian’s friends come to visit him while he waits for hua cheng is making me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.... fengqing coming together to try to get him out of the house but get scared off by his cooking... amazing
“Last time, they spent eight hundred years running towards each other. This time, it only took an instant to fall into each other’s embrace.” - im completely unaffected by this. im not lying i swear (i am lying im very emotionally affected)
okay i love this final wrap up chapter party its so fun. mu qing moving on from the broom thing!!! good for him!! the beggars get their reward!!! the fun ghost city chefs!! SQX!!!! and he xuan is?? here too??? he’s hungry??? fjadlkfjsdl
“The grounds that Feng Xin and Mu Qing had just swept were once again filthy from that giant crowd of muddy feet. Mu Qing gripped his broom, looking like he felt someone had infected him with fleas, and his eyes were wide.” - me when my dad comes into the kitchen when ive just finished washing dishes i get it king
the little folklore bit... fun!!! oh my god its over..... :(
that was really fun i had a blast reading it and on the whole really liked it i WISH soo badly that hua cheng had gotten more outside of being cunty and devoted even tho those are both important i just wish there was more about like how he got by during those 800 years and like did he ever have doubts? what shaped his worldview was it all xie lian or was it his experience as a mortal as well? why is he so mean to e’ming? theres bits and pieces here and there and i know it was already SO long but that really would have been great if there was more about hc cuz tbh by the end, at least for me, the hualian relationship didnt actually feel as fleshed out as the xianle trio relationship like i still liked hualian’s dynamic and it was really sweet how much they clearly really liked each other and  everything but i kind of wish some of the other subplots had been dropped or diminished in favor of more hc development i think that would have been cool
but anyway thats some of my thoughts and i really did enjoy the hell out of book 5 that was a riot and uhhh thanks to everyone who read these or commented *lends you spiritual energy through a high five*
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drangues · 4 years
You can’t see it but I’m pointing and saying that you’re the one who gets me because I also love cheesy stuff. Also I’ve been a nerd over Many things in the past- Mythology, geology, psychology, computers, characters in a franchise I don’t like but I love This One Person, etc. Have I stuck with any of these things long enough to be Smart and Cool and Know A Lot? Absolutely not. But my anxiety dictates that I’ll annoy anyways. (Nyanon, 1/6)
Putting my annoyingness aside, the ones that are your favorites aren’t basic!!! They had an impact on you that makes you cherish them, and that’s important! My Neighbor Totoro is probably one of the most well known (and therefore “basic”) films they’ve released, but it’s super important to me anyways. But yes, the two of them would look adorable in the Ghibli style,,, I can even imagine them just. Dressing up as Howl and Sophie for like, a convention or something, it’d be great. (Nyanon, 2/6)
And listen he has to be doing Something with books!!! He loves them, and I feel like he’d love being able to restore or take care of them in someway, even if they are inanimate objects and it makes him feel a bit silly for being so attached. If he isn’t doing restorations or bindings, then he’s definitely a librarian. Also!!! Imagine that Kyouka’s little familiar was a gift from Atsushi,, Maybe it’s Byakko??? Like, tiny striped kitty Byakko. (Nyanon, 3/6)
I think that’d be cute, but it’s been a while since I’ve been able to watch Kiki’s Delivery Service, so I might be a bit off on how that works. And! I like to imagine that, when he’s turned into a wolf, his ability doesn’t work? Because Reasons, so he and an equally fluffy Atsushi often curl around and on top of each other, it’s adorable. Also imagine Dazai’s frustrations with his new instincts. He keeps wanting to immediately run after anything that moves. (Nyanon, 4/6)
He can’t stop chasing his own tail when it pops up, in and out of wolf form? And he doesn’t know HOW Atsushi avoids growling and making noises at Every Little Thing that bothers him. It’s exhausting and Atsushi is just vining with all of it. Anyways, onto another Scenario Concept: Atsushi getting to try out new hobbies! Because at the orphanage, all he could really do was read, but now that he’s out, he can try all sorts of things, even if he doesn’t end up staying with it. (Nyanon, 5/6)
Cooking and baking? I think we’ve already discussed that he’d Love it. Creating artwork? Not really up his alley, but he really admires people who stick with it! Singing and playing music? He’s a bit too shy to do it in front of others, but he likes listening. Just. Atsushi being able to figure what he does and doesn’t like with the help of the people around him. (Nyanon, 6/6)
ill tell you as many times as you want that youre N O T annoying im having Beef with your anxiety m8 pull UP and thank you uwu, ive been told that theyre Basic so oftentimes ill say “i know it’s basic-” to save the person from having to remark something negative about the movies SMH and im glad you find comfort in Totoro uwuwu (godammit now i definitely wanna draw atsushi and dazai cosplayers in a convention dressed as sophie and howl AAAAAAA)
atsushi very much loves books!!! kyouka would probably be chilling on the rooftop of the book store, old radio that atsushi found beside her playing some music (yes atsushi also likes to collect Old stuff and vintage stuff as well) and then she just thinks “HMMM I WANNA GO ON MY WITCH ADVENTURE NEXT FULL MOON” (which is in tWO days) and as she goes to tell atsushi that atsushi almost messes up the book hes trying fix because hes in SHOCK “kyouka? what do you mean? what should i do about the movie tickets then?” “Cancel them! im going!” *cue staring in cluelessness before snapping back into reality and scrambling after an already packing kyouka*
(i imagine that kyouka is an orphan like atsushi but she knows that her family is a lineage of witches cus she became an orphan when she was like. seven or six so she KNOWS and when she started living with atsushi he just supported her and her traditions)
and then atsushi calls the small circle of friends they have and tells them that “hey!! kyouka is going in two days!!” and theyre like oH SHIT NO WAY REALLY (i imagine its koyo, yosano, fukuzawa and lucy are the people that are in their circle of friends that see kyouka off)
while byakko is atsushi and kyoukas Cat he definitely gives byakko to her as hes crying and saying that she needs to have a friend from home before she makes new ones and kyoukas like “ill be Back dont worRY-”
and then later on that night when kyouka is gone and everyone went home atsushi closes the book shop but then Somebody walks in and its the WITCH and they C U  R S E him and he becomes OLD and hes like “i cant let everybody else see me like this” and FLEES to try and find whoever cursed him or however he can Lift this dumb curse cause he does not want kyouka to come home to change, he just wants her to comfortably come back and fall into her usual routines without much of a shock
and so he meets Dazais Moving Castle and i imagine chuuya being the angry calcifer and akutagawa being dazais quiet but Cant Say No underling (which is so CUTEEE) and they. its just. Yes. (chuuya is smitten but doesnt which is why he gives in to atsushi so fast that it surprises dazai) either way all that drama happens and now atsushi is back with a new boyfriend (read: husband), a same aged friend, and an angry former Flame which is Not what atsushi accepted but hey, kyouka is back with a heart filled with romance so she cant be too shocked at atsushi also being in love
sorry i went on a whole tangent there
anyways, werewolf dazai!!
dazai: how do you deal with this?
atsushi, dead serious: i ignore it like i ignore my hunger
(wait side note do you think atsushi would unconsciously do stuff he doesnt realise that he just,,,,Doesnt need to do anymore?? like for example he’ll be like “ah i cant i gotta do all of this torturous work before actually letting myself relax” and then he’ll realise wait,,,,i Can relax now,,,why wouldnt i be able to .What Do U Think Nyanon)
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desolationlovers · 4 years
waiting for sleep meds to kick in so heres some basic stuff abt my ocs my brain is currently stuck on
so keep in mind when i say i have no idea for a plot ever i mean it. anyways
so obviously im obsessed with euphemia rn. basic idea is shes a tiefling who has had a fairly hard life; abandoned by her parents and mostly mistreated by the orphange she was raised in. because of that she uses story books and fairy tales to escape. which is where her perception of what is good and of what a “hero” is comes from. that being the overly dramatic and perfect knights in shining armor that can do no wrong. and her severe romantization of self sacrifice and martyrdom as well. she wants to become the hero that she needed. not very original but she turns it up to 11. shes generally Very high strung and anxious but also very impulsive and often just says and does shit without thinking.
im mega fuzzy on actual events but i want her arc to be about how justice and goodness are not the same thing, how laws can be harmful and even evil, that just because something hurts it doesnt mean its a good thing. and all about compassion because thats the bitch i am.
i do think that really early on she should be manipulated by an authority figure into becoming a guard or smth by preying on her naivety and desperate need for good and evil to be black and white. but obvs when she cant bring herself to enforce the brutal laws she goes awol and the character arc really starts rollin
im SUPER unsure about this part buti have Very Vague ideas for euphie and another oc being on opposite sides of the same coin so to speak? the other oc is someone with divine blood, basically a demigod or aasimar. theyre believed to be a hero prophesized to save their kingdom from a devil meant to destroy it. so theyve been taught their whole life that theyre Important and been put on a pedestal. but the way its affected them is that theyre constantly unsure of everything that they arent commanded explictly to do if that makes sense? extremely confused and feeling completely disconnected from their “”purpose”” because its SO vauge but its SO important and the pressure is SO much. and they just. dont know what to do. you know? they just kind of shut down almost. theyre lost. also theyre very neurodivergent and have chronic pain. fuck u. their name isnt set in stone but ive been calling them solielle
and they end up finding each other somehow idk and Things happen and such. :^) but the eventually join a bit of a revolution to tear down the monarchy. wanting to create a fair and compassionate world. and also spiting in the face of the prophecy forging ur own path etc etc
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detroitbydark · 5 years
Title: A Collector
Characters: Mob!Haz/Reader
Word Count: 2400+
Summary: Sometimes love means being blind. Sometimes it means having your eyes wide open.
Warnings: Smut
A/N: I blame this completely on @hazshauntedbelle​  (also the moodboard is all hers because she's a genius.) Never intended for this to be as long as it is but it kind of wrote itself. I suppose it could be a precursor to my other Mob!Haz piece.  
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You walked into love with Harrison Osterfield with eyes wide open, never under an illusion he was anything other than what he was, a killer and a mobster. For his part he didn’t try to force rose colored glasses over your eyes or blinders to hide the shit he did.
The day you’d met him you’d been sent along with one of the galleries appraisers to look at a piece he was thinking of auctioning at an upcoming charity event. You were young, barely out of school with an art history degree and a ton of student debt. You’d been hired on as a junior appraiser, an understudy of sorts to the paunchy old man with the droopy face who’d held the position since the days of methuselah. Your heart ticked up a notch as the towncar passed through the iron gates with armed guards on either side. In your line of work confidentiality was of the utmost importance but the guards and the wrought iron O on the gate had been an easy giveaway. Osterfield. The name was synonymous with the London mob and decadence. Even before the heir to the throne, Harrison, had taken over the family business it was a known fact that you didn’t cross an Osterfield or turn down one of their invitations. An invite to an Osterfield party or even was worth its weight in gold. Everything they did was exclusive. Everything they were was high end. 
You’d followed dutifully behind the appraiser as he was welcomed in, keeping your head down and taking notes as you’d been instructed. A baby faced brunette with a gentle smile had shown you into the study where a handful of paintings had been set up on stands to be assessed. You’d nearly had a heart attack at the names that surrounded you. Matisse. Picasso. Pollock. Klimt. It was almost too much for you to bear, so much beauty in such a small space. You missed Harrison when he’d entered but he hadn’t missed you as you stepped softly from one painting to the next, your fingers ghosting over strokes and absorbing the colors and textures.
“Beautiful, yeah?” His voice had startled you and you nearly dropped your notebook. It had brought an easy smile to his face. You shot the appraiser a look but he was already moving about looking at the different works.
“It’s a wonderful collection.” You’d said softly.  Harrison had moved closer to you, nearly shoulder to shoulder as he turned and looked at the painting you’d stopped in front of. It was one of Pollock’s. 
  “Why this one?” He’d asked and  he expected an answer. Men like him always did. 
“I like the abstract expressionists.” you answered softly and felt rewarded but his hum of agreeance. “I like beautiful things.” you added as an afterthought. 
“So do I.” He turned his head, blue eyes boring into yours. ”But why this one?” 
You were never sure what made you answer so honestly, what made you answer the way you did.
“The red reminds me of blood spatter.”
When an Osterfield liked something they didn’t let anything get in the way. Harrison moved quickly securing you as his own. From the moment he laid eyes on you he knew you were meant to him, hand delivered by the Gods. You were a delicious package both gorgeous and wickedly intelligent. You kept him on his toes. You made him want to take over the world if only to offer it to you on a silver platter. 
 He liked that you weren’t a society girl. You didn’t come from money. You’d  worked to get where you were. He liked that you appreciated everything he did for you. He enjoyed lavishing you with gifts and taking you to nice dinners and parties and the way your eyes would light up when he surprised you with box seats to the theatre. He enjoyed your wonder at the finer things in life, you never seemed to grow accustomed or jaded. You never questioned his life style, never tried to talk him out of his life of crime. You stood by his side regardless of what wicked things he’d done and would do in the future. You had a zest for life and the beauty in even the darkest parts of it. Harrison liked to collect beautiful things, surround himself with them, and you were his pride and joy. 
You knocked lightly at the office door and heard a muffled call for you to come in. The morning sun was just beginning to spill in through the window at Harrison’s back and it bathed him in light more becoming of an angel than the devil you knew him to be. He was your devil though, your fallen angel, and your heart sang as he beckoned you in. you press the solid wood door shut before padding over to his desk. He pats his knee, never glancing away from his open laptop on the desk. Obediently you sit down and his arm comes to wrap around your waist, his fingers brush against the soft sild of the robe you’d worn. He holds the phone away from his mouth just long enough to place a pair of soft kissed against your collar bone where your robe had fallen open. You lean against his chest, fingers toying with the fine hair at the back of his neck as he continued to talk on the phone. 
“Two things William.” he growls out, the sound reverberating through his chest. You hear the talking on the other end cease. “First, you don’t ever interrupt me when I’m talking to you. You got me?”
You hear a muffled response on the other end of the line. You loved seeing Harrison like this. When he was alone with you he was soft and doting but outside of your little bubble he could show no weakness. He was the boss and anyone who didn’t listen was likely to find themselves wishing they had. He demanded respect and obedience or else there was a price to pay. 
“Second” He continues, “Figure out how to unfuck this situation…” Something about the control in his voice, the threat in his tone did something to you. You squirmed lightly in his lap, feeling the beginnings of your own arousal start to dampen your panties. Harrison’s hand squeezes your hip, stilling you. You bite your lip lightly. 
“William, I don’t want to hear your fucking bullshit, yeah? This is your fault…” Harrison sighs loudly, it’s a bored sound but you know it’s really the sound he made before he was done with whomever he was dealing with. 
“Interrupt me again and I will come down there and put a bullet between your fucking eyes” he promises with a sudden burst of anger that has  goose flesh breaking out across your arms, you clamp your thighs together. It was sick to be so turned on by your boyfriend threatening someone but you didn’t care.  He glances over at you and raises an eyebrow. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips. A knowing smirk grows across his smug face. “Good that’s more like it.” he says into the phone after a moment of watching you. His attention goes back to his computer as you try to wait patiently. 
The conversation continues for another few minutes, your nipples are hard and peaked, pressing against your robe and you are unbearably wet as he wraps it up. When he sets the phone down he turns to you. 
“Good morning, Angel.” He says lightly, a hand trails from your knee up your inner thigh, nudging you open. 
“Good morning, Darling.” You respond with a soft inhale as his fingers reach the damp fabric of your panties and stroke lightly over them. You’ve always thought his hands were a magical experience. Dexterous fingers with a knowledge of what it took to drive you wild, fingers that would just as soon wrap around his enemies throat as he choked the life out of them. 
“Angel, you're absolutely soaked.” He notes,  teasing your sex through the fabric. He plays like he’s shocked. “The thought of me putting poor William out of his misery get you all hot and bothered, love?” You sigh out his name softly.
 “Love seeing you take charge. It gets me every time.” You admit as a finger slips under the hem of your panties and dips into your folds. You cant your hips trying to get him to touch your clit or slip a finger inside of you but he doesn’t and you pout prettily.  “Haz…. I want you baby.” His warm breath tickles against the column of your throat as he chuckles. 
“Such a needy little girl for me, aren’t you?” You feel his fingers slip away from your body and you whine at the loss, than they’re pressing against your lips demanding access. You suck his fingers, slick with your own arousal as he watches. Your eyes flutter shut as you think of something else you’d like in your mouth, imagine the tang of your juices is actually the bitter bite of his release. 
Harrison removes the digits from your mouth, lets them trail down over your chin. Moving lower, they slide between your breasts and stroke softly before he’s pushing open your robe. He tuts quietly. 
“Naughty girl. Just your panties and robe? Did you have something on your mind when you came in here?” The smug grin on his face lets you know he’s pleased with you and it makes you that much more desperate for him. You loved making Harrison happy, loved giving him what he needed. You nod silently. 
“Why don’t you slide off my lap and put your hands flat on the desk. Can’t leave my girl such a needy mess can I?” His strong hand strokes against your cheek as you smile brightly at him. He always knew what you needed. He always made sure you were taken care of.
You let the robe slip from your shoulders as you stand, your hands going flat on the mahogany desk in front of you. Harrison’s hand smooths along your bare back and you can’t help but arch back at the feeling. He chuckles darkly as you hear the familiar ‘shink’ of the switchblade he always carried on him. The cool metal against your skin makes you whimper as he slices your panties at each hip. They fall away and you’re left bare and open to him. 
He takes his time admiring you. His hands squeeze the round globes of your ass and he quietly hushes you as your whining gets louder.
“Almost time, Darling.” he soothes as you hear the rustle of his belt buckles and the zipper of his pants. The solid length of him presses against the cleft of your ass and your ready to beg for it, wherever he wants to put it just so long as it’s inside you. A strong hand pushes your upper body against the desk as he guides the tip of his erection up and down your sopping folds. The wood of the desk is cool against your breasts in stark contrast to the heat radiating from his cock as It bumps against your clit.  You nearly cry out as he strokes his head over the tiny bundle of nerves.  Finally after he’s brought you to the edge of sanity he slowly readjusts and slips inside you. It's a stretch to accommodate him. He’s thicker than any man you’ve ever been with. He doesn’t give you time to adjust as he begins rocking into you, hands dropping to your hips as you press back to meet his thrusts. 
“That’s right. You needed this didn’t you?” 
You cry out “yes” and how much you’d wanted him inside you. 
Harrison liked keeping a running commentary. When you made love he was full of soft encouragement, whispered affection, words of adoration. When you fucked he praised you, told you what a good girl you were for taking his cock so pretty or how good you were going to look with his seed dripping out of you.  It had come to the point where you were sure his voice and the words alone were enough in themselves to get you off. 
“My sweet girl.” He breathes out as a hand moves from your hip, tangling in your hair. He pulls back. Your chest comes off the desk. You feel the buttons of his shirt press along your spine as his body melds to yours and he mouths at you neck. 
“Mine.” he growls, “Say it, Angel.”
“I’m yours! Only yours!” Your cries are broken as his other hand leaves your hip and moves to your breast. His fingers twist and pluck at you nipple. You feel your body clamp around him, hear his ragged groan in your ear. 
“I would kill for you, Darling” He rumbles in your ear, nipping at the lobe as he fucks up into your willing body. “It makes you hot knowing I’d fucking end someone for messing with you, doesn’t it?”
“Haz...God...yes…” You manage to choke out as your own hand slips between your thighs and begins circling your clit in quick, light strokes. 
“I’d fucking die for you love, before I ever let another man lay his hands on you.” 
He is all but snarling as each snap of his hips presses yours against the desk. You feel a ball of pleasure growing low in your belly, wrapping around your spine, your muscles tightening with each thrust. 
“Tell me what I need to hear, love.” 
“I love you Harrison….fuck…. I love…” the words are cut off as the building tension suddenly snaps and your falling apart. Only Harrison’s strong arms banding around you keeps you upright as his own rhythm falters. You're panting and shaking in his grasp. “Please, love, fill me…”
You hear a choked sound escape from him as he buries himself deep inside you. Your body squeezes him as he pumps every drop of his load against your cervix. 
You both pant heavily as he begins to soften inside you. His hands run adoringly over your naked body, his touch like that of a ghosts. It reminds you of the way you’d been with the paintings the first time you met. 
He slips out of you and quickly fixes his pants. When you finally have the strength to stand up you see he’s sat back down and is watching his cum slide down your thigh with rapt attention. His eyes follow your index finger as it scoops some up and you lick it off.  A groan escapes his lips as his eyes flutter shut. You smile innocently at him as he scoops your robe of the floor and holds it open for you to slip into it. When your back turns to him he wraps his arms around your waist and kisses your head softly. 
“You know I was serious about what I said. I’ll fucking end anyone that ever tries to take you from me.” he murmurs against the crown of your head. You snuggle back into his protective embrace. A smile plays at yours lips as you turn in his arms.
“I know.”
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