#I changed it to that when I took a 4 year hiatus and didn’t post at all
daryldamnson · 2 years
oh my god, your bio — that’s a mood. i am a writer, non-practicing 😌💅✨
let’s start a union
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WIP Wednesday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Important update regarding 'Chapter 29'
FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
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Currently 28 chapters completed: 1.77M Words; Rated: Mature
#1 {Previous snippet} #2 {Previous snippet} #3 {Previous snippet}
#4 {Previous snippet} #5 {Previous snippet}
The good news is the chapter is huge because there’s a lot happening with the Diaz family. 🎆🥂
The even better news is Chapter 29 was getting so big, I had to divide it into two chapters, i.e., chapters 29 and 30. 🥳😁🤗
Here’s the 4-1-1: On Sunday, June 23rd, I posted a Several Sentences Sunday and I indicated it would be the final snippet from Chapter 29. Even though that was my original plan and I was adamant about sticking to it, my plans changed as I continued to write the chapter.  On Monday, I realized in order to do the chapter justice, there was no way I could reasonably fit everything into 80K words or less.  Therefore, I took yesterday to reevaluate and I decided to divide it into two separate chapters.  It was a great decision but it wasn’t the first time I’ve done it within this multi-chapter fic.  I did it with Chapter 22 because it was huge and I didn’t know until I got ready to post it in AO3 that the site wouldn’t let me upload that many words in one chapter.  So, Buck and Eddie’s marriage ceremony and the time the Diazes spent in Italy was divided into two chapters, 22 and 23.  Since Chapter 29 is larger than Chapter 22 was before I divided it, I knew I couldn’t continue writing it until I made that crucial decision.
Please understand I love writing and I love all the fics I’ve written but for many reasons, this one is special to me.  Mainly because Buck, Eddie and Chris as well as the other main characters are growing and I can see how far they’ve come when I go back and review previous chapters.  I’m allowing the writing and the narrative to go where they’re organically going to go and for me, it’s the best way to write.  Two of my biggest pet peeves with CANON is lots of things happen off-screen and there’s not enough time in each episode for everything to be included.  I know they have 43 to 45 minutes but I like to see things happen and it’s the same way when I’m reading.  I’m still pissed we didn’t get to see Buck and Eddie sing karaoke but I digress because if I go there, we’ll be here all day.  I like to see and read everything so I won’t have to do mental gymnastics in order to figure out where or what the show or a writer wants me to know but that’s just me. 😜
I’ve posted about the way I worry over the size of the chapters in several of the notes sections and this time was no different because I literally had to stop stressing over how large Chapter 29 had become. I fully understand multi-chapter fics aren’t every reader’s cup of tea but I love long fics and not only do I write them; I read them too.  One shots are great and I’ve written some but I usually end up turning them into a series because I believe there’s even more story to be told.  When I started writing this fic more than a year ago, my initial plan was for it to be 12 chapters but by the time I got to Chapter 6, I changed it to undecided then after I posted Chapter 11, I decided the final number would be 30.  After I wrote Chapter 25, I took a few days to reevaluate where I wanted Buck’s, Eddie’s and Chris’ storylines to go and I knew I wouldn’t be able to fit it all into the remaining five chapters, therefore I increased it to 40.  The good thing about that is I incorporated 2 additional chapters in the count so my plan is to still complete this fic within 40 chapters.
I want to take this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who’s read and commented on this fic on AO3 (I read and respond to every comment) and to those who’ve reblogged posts about it on Tumblr.  I really appreciate all of you and I know writing more than 1 million words for a fic is a lot but I love this fic, I’m going to see it through to the end and I’m going to continue to let the writing do what it does.
Since I’m planning to post both Chapters 29 and 30 no later than this weekend, I’ve included one more snippet below and I hope everyone enjoys reading it.
Here’s a snippet from one of Buck and Eddie’s conversations they’re having while they’re lying in bed and it’s emotionally angsty.
“Babe, you know how much I care about Bobby and my relationship with him, right?”
“Of course I do.  He’s been there for all of us but for you it’s different because he’s not just your captain, he’s also a father to you and you’re his son.  It’s been like that for years.”
“Exactly and him being my captain, mentor, friend and father figure has been great but the truth is… I don’t think he believes I can lead.  I didn’t tell you this but when I was trying to get him to notice me so he could see how good I am at being a firefighter…”  He trails off because he’s not sure if he should even mention it.
Eddie raises his eyebrows but he doesn’t interrupt, he just patiently waits for him to continue.
Since Buck’s not sure where his career will end up whenever Frank releases him to return to work and he’ll have to discuss what he’s thinking tomorrow when he meets with Captain Mehta, he decides to just say it.  “He told me I didn’t have enough life experience but I think my personal life shouldn’t matter.”
“I agree, it shouldn’t but did he say anything else?”
“No… well yeah but it was all about taking inventory of my life so I—I can be at ease but I still don’t know what that has to do with me being fire captain.”
Eddie gently squeezes his hand because he can tell his husband is getting upset.  He inhales then says, “Amore mio… a lot about your life has changed since then and it’s unclear why Bobby said those things without elaborating but I do have some ideas about why he didn’t… which we’ll discuss in a minute but let me ask you a question.  Last April, during your performance review, did you ask him about it?”
“No… I didn’t because he listed my PT scores as outstanding when they weren’t.  Then he um… reminded me that I died and I told him I needed to be held to the same standard as everyone else.  I wanted to talk to him then but it didn’t seem like the right time and I still want to talk to him but I don’t think he’ll be objective and it’s the reason why I believe it’s time for me to consider transferring out of the 118… again but it’s different this time and it’s the reason why I want to talk to Captain Mehta since I’m thinking about applying to work at another firehouse.”
Eddie’s eyes widen because he’s in shock but he recovers quickly.  “Let’s talk this through because you told me you want to be captain one day and not just any captain, you said you want to be captain of the 118.  I know you’re not ready to go back to work and you know I’ll fully support your decision if you decide not to but amore mio… how do you feel about being fire captain now that it’s possible Frank could be releasing you from therapy soon?  I’m asking because being captain is your dream.”
“I—I’m not sure but I have been thinking it might be time to give up on my dream since things have changed and if I decide to return um… it’s likely everyone on A-shift will be moving on to other things but where’s that going to leave me?”  He admits with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders.
“My love… you know I’ll support you no matter what you decide but I have to be honest, I’m worried”.
“Because being captain of the 118 is your dream and you’ve always been Bobby’s protégé.”
“Yeah, I thought so too but it’s different now because Bobby has already picked the person he wants to take his place but he’s never even considered me.”  He pauses for a few seconds then continues.  “It’s not important anyway because I can work out of any firehouse in Los Angeles”.
He frowns and replies, “Buck?!  Your dream is important and it matters.  In September, you told me being captain of the 118 is something you’ve been wanting for a long time so… talk to me.  If you don’t want it anymore I’ll understand but if you do… you know I’ll be here with you every step of the way.”
“Babe, I know you will but the fact is I’ve been on medical leave for more than five months and I—I was on paid administrative restrictions and paid administrative leave several weeks before that.  A lot’s happened over the years and I don’t know if Bobby will ever be able to see past the stuff I did.”
“But Buck…”
He whispers, “It’s ok.  I’ve made a lot of mistakes as a firefighter and I don’t know if I can come back from them.  I’ve disobeyed orders more times than I can count, I filed a lawsuit against the city and a lot of other things that I can’t change.  It’s where I am now so maybe it’s time for me to consider other options.”
What is Eddie going to say next?🤷🏽‍♀️
What is Captain Mehta going to say to Buck when they talk? 👀
Is Buck going to leave the 118 if Frank releases him to return to work? 🙃
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - Will be posted soon.
Chapter 30 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-28 are available on AO3.
Continue reading on AO3
21 notes · View notes
goboymusic · 2 years
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I wish I could be #schizophrenic for a day just to know what it’s like to believe Taylor Swift is stalking me, or the government put dozens of hidden cameras in my apartment, or something equally awesome.
“#Juliet” was drunk recording session 7.
Being heavily inspired by @blink182 and the #poppunk genre, the lyrics in “Juliet” are about young love and dating the coolest girl in school. Girlfriend pride, I guess.
The production of “Juliet” went smoothly, other than trying to figure out how to start the song. Starting with the 1st verse didn’t work, nor the pre-chorus, nor the chorus, nor the instrumental post-chorus, nor any intros that I was coming up with. Nothing worked, but starting with the chorus sounded the least bad, so that’s what you hear.
Like the rest of the song, the chorus originally had vocal harmonies and mid-ranged instruments. Unfortunately those elements only seemed to detract from the chorus, so they were removed, and the chorus became a minimalistic segment consisting of drums, distorted bass and lofi vocals.
Lofi vocal effects are popular in pop rock music. @TheKillers use it for many of their songs (example: “Mr. Brightside”). @GreenDay uses it once in a while (example: “American Idiot”). Lofi plugins usually cut out lower frequencies and add some distortion to the vocals, making it sound like someone’s singing through an old radio transmission. When used in the right places, it sounds cool (excerpt from post 78).
A synthesizer was developed specifically for this song, which can be heard at 0:22. That same synthesizer was subsequently used in “Maximum Sex (Song 115)” and “Guess How Much I Care (Song 116).”
Starting with “Granola (Song 108),” the complexity of the 3-part harmonies was difficult for my brain to handle. To do so, I started utilizing a technique of changing the pitch on the master track (essentially increasing or decreasing the pitch of the entire song) and listening to the song at those different pitches. When you listen to your own song at a different pitch, it’s as if you’re hearing it from a fresh perspective. You catch mistakes that weren’t noticeable before. It’s really interesting. This technique has been used for all subsequent songs (this paragraph contains excerpts from post 108).
Like all songs on GoBoy 6, the instrument tracks were developed through experimentation with software instruments. It was like playing darts, only the darts were an assortment of kitchen utensils and art supplies, and the efficiency of those items were discovered through trial and error. After about 3-5 days of experimentation, the final instrument tracks were complete (excerpt from post 101).
Throughout GoBoy 3, 4 and 5, a lesson was relearned after a seven-year hiatus: confidence is important in a recording booth, as listeners can sense any hesitancy in your voice. This rediscovery would lead me to experiment with drinking while recording GoBoy 6. What results would liquid courage bring (excerpt from post 102)?
Songs 102 - 116 (total of 15 songs) were produced simultaneously, resulting in an eight-month gap in releases. Melodies, chord structures and lyrics were written for all 16 songs over the course of four days before recording any of them. During the recording phase, one-week intervals took place between recording sessions to let vocal cords recover (the raspy, punk style sounds cool, but it destroys your voice after a few hours). During those intervals, all free time was spent splicing and aligning the vocal tracks to the tempo, pitch correction (everyone uses pitch correction in the studio, even Beyoncé, shut up), then selecting and splicing together the best vocal takes (excerpt from post 102).
0 notes
yoonia · 3 years
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.。.✰ 𝕪𝕠𝕠𝕟𝕚𝕒'𝕤 𝕗𝕚𝕔 𝕒𝕣𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕧𝕖 𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟞-𝟚𝟘𝟙𝟡 °✵,¸.•✵´
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© Yoonia, 2016-2022. All rights reserved. — Unauthorized use and/or duplication of these works, including reposting, translating and modification in any form, is strictly prohibited | if you are under 18, please refrain from entering the restricted sections
Note: this post contains the list of works that I’ve released under different names between the years 2016-2019. I have decided to compile them all here as to archive them together while my writing style and fic themes have changed over the years. Please be warned that some of these stories have been discontinued. 
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key: angst ✵ | fluff ✿ | smut ♡ series: hiatus ☽ | discontinued ✗ | completed ✓
⇝— yoonia’s main masterlist .。.✰
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𝐛𝐭𝐬 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 ✩·.¸
Nocturne (Assassin!au, Spy!au) | Jungkook x OC (original character) | ✵ ♡ ✗ ➛ Summary | It took only one night, one event, for the fate of two children to change. And it took another night, and another event, for Jungkook to finally met her     ↪ Chapters | Prologue | 01 | Character Profiles | Music Playlist
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𝐛𝐭𝐬 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢-𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 ✩·.¸
Petals (min yoongi) | ✿ ☽ parenthood!au, dad!yoongi | Baby Min mini drabble series ↪ Chapters masterlist
Ghostown (ot7) | ✵ ✗ Mystery, Horror, Angst | drabble series ↪ Chapters masterlist
Smut Muse Drabbles (ot7) | ♡ ✵ ✓  smut drabble series, muse talk ↪ Chapters masterlist
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𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤𝐣𝐢𝐧 ☽.·✩·.¸
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Voix | ✵ ✿ one-shot; college!au; 2k words ⇢ He misses you, and all he needs is to hear your voice to keep moving on
Chrysanthemum | ✿ one-shot; ceo!au; secretary!reader; 2k words ⇢ When you have a special way to fix his mess
Missed Call | ✿ one-shot; roommate!au, friends to lovers; 2k words ⇢ When he keeps a secret from you and everyone else
Fume (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; college!au; established relationship; 2k words ⇢ When he tries to make you feel better after your fight with him
Hazy (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; pub!au; bartender!Jin; established relationship; 2k words ⇢ When you give your bartender boyfriend a surprise visit
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𝐦𝐢𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐢 ☽.·✩·.¸
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Wild Strawberries (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; lucid dream!au; 2k words ⇢ He only sees you in his sleep, will he ever find you when he wakes up?
Morning Blues | ✿ one-shot; lucid dream!au; 1k words; Epilogue for Wild Strawberries ⇢ Now that he has found you, will he still see you?
Fatigue (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; established relationship; 3k words ⇢ He has a special way to help you wipe away your fatigue after a long day. And tonight, it is all about you.
Between Chocolates & Candy Canes (M) - feat. Jimin | ✿ ♡ crack one-shot; oompa loompa!au!; 3k words ⇢ You find a distraction from the boring tour
Kisses | ✿ mini drabble; established relationship ⇢ He has a special way of waking you up
Wake | ✿ mini drabble; established relationship ⇢ He's not going to let you go
Weary Night | ✿ drabble; wedding night!au; established relationship ⇢ Tonight wasn’t supposed to be this way
Tease (M) | ✿ ♡ mini drabble; established relationship ⇢ You’re being his bad girl
Untitled #2 | ✿ mini drabble; established relationship; idol!au ⇢ When you take care of him
Morning Mess | ✿ mini drabble; established relationship ⇢ When things would not go as planned
Untitled #3 | ✵ ✿ mini drabble; past lovers!au ⇢ When he comes to visit you
Baby, It’s Cold Outside | ✿ one-shot; boyfriend!au, established relationship; 1k words; Part of the Secret Santa Project ⇢ Yoongi has a way to calm your mind like a white Christmas does
Undo (M) | ✵ ✿ ♡ ✓ one-shot and drabble series; slice of life!au, past lovers!au, infidelity; 12k words ⇢ You were his soulmate, that part he knew well. Until one day he didn’t want you anymore     ↪ Fic Index
Reflections | ✵ ✿ ✓ drabble series; slice of life!au, past lovers!au, single parents!au ⇢ When the chance encounter with your last lover opens up one of your deep and most painful secret of all    ↪ chapters: Part 1: Reflections | Part 2: Flashlights | Part 3: Pathways | Part 4: Shadows    ↪ music playlist: Reflections
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𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤 ☽.·✩·.¸
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Malice (M) | ✵ ♡ one-shot; infidelity; established relationship; 2k words ⇢ When he knows your dirty little secret
Coffee | ✿ mini drabble; coffee shop!au ⇢ The cute barista has a way to make your day feels a bit better
Lick (M) | ✿ ♡ drabble; pwp; established relationship ⇢ When he has a way to make your dreams come true
Dangerous Dance (M) | ✿ ♡ drabble; pwp; established relationship ⇢ When he has a new game to play with you
Take Me (M) | ✿ ♡ drabble; best friends!au; friends to lovers!au ⇢ Movie night turning into something else
War Game (M) | ✿ ♡ drabble; friends with benefits!au; office!au; enemies to lovers!au ⇢ When you and your rival shares a secret
Sweatshirt & Coffee | ✿ drabble; coffee shop!au ⇢ When you’re giving your cute barista boyfriend a surprise at work
Haunting | ✵ drabble; past lovers!au; unrequited love!au ⇢ When he knows you’re not staying
Lights | ✿ drabble; road trip!au ⇢ You and Hoseok under the lights
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𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐧𝐚𝐦𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧 ☽.·✩·.¸
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La Sanction (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; idol!au; established relationship; 7k words ⇢ You're going to show Namjoon who he belongs to
Library Card | ✿ drabble; library!au, studio Ghibli based drabble ⇢ You finally find out who the mysterious boy is
The Poet | ✿ one-shot; bookstore!au; 2k words ⇢ When you open up to a nice stranger sitting next to you
Illusions (Namjoon pov) | ✵ drabble; pub!au ⇢ When he decides to accept the truth about her 
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𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐣𝐢𝐦𝐢𝐧 ☽.·✩·.¸
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Saturday Morning | ✿ mini drabble; established relationship ⇢ When he is making you change the plan for today
Blush (M) | ✿ ♡ drabble; established relationship ⇢ When he nearly ruins your morning
Warmth (M) | ✿ ♡ drabble; established relationship ⇢ His special way of giving and receiving warmth
Strangeness & Charm | ✿ one-shot; magic!au; witch!au; 2k words ⇢ When he is the only one who knows how to fix your mess
The Call (M) | ✿ ♡ mini drabble; established relationship; ceo!au ⇢ Teasing your CEO boyfriend to cure your loneliness
Falter | ✵ drabble; college!au; unrequited love!au ⇢ When he lets his chances slip by
Untitled | ✿ mini drabble; established relationship ⇢ When he tucks you in bed
Between Chocolates & Candy Canes (M) - feat. Jimin | ✿ ♡ crack one-shot; oompa loompa!au!; 3k words ⇢ You find a distraction from the boring tour
Over Again (M) | ✵ ✿ ♡ ✓ trilogy/mini-series; slice of life!au; pianist!jimin, artist!reader ⇢ Sometimes all we need is closure from the past to be able to move on      ↪ chapters: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 (End)     ↪ music playlist: Over Again
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𝐤𝐢𝐦 𝐭𝐚𝐞𝐡𝐲𝐮𝐧𝐠 ☽.·✩·.¸
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Exam Week | ✿ mini drabble; college!au; coffee shop!au ⇢ When he flirts with you after his little mishap
The Morning After (M) | ✿ ♡ mini drabble; first night!au; implied smut ⇢ When you wake up after your first time with him
Interlude | ✿ drabble; secret admirer!au ⇢ When he has a special way to cheer you up
Pieces (M) | ✿ ♡ drabble; friends with benefits!au ⇢ When he wants to make a new deal
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𝐣𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐣𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 ☽.·✩·.¸
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Mirrors (M) | ✵ ♡ ✓ duology; mini-series; friends with benefits!au ⇢ When he finds a way to remind you how good you are together     ↪ 01 | 02 (End)
Heat (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; boyfriend!jungkook; established relationship; 3k words ⇢ He needed to clear his mind. And you are his only cure.
Night Swim (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; boyfriend!jungkook; established relationship; skinny dipping!au; 5k words ⇢ A little surprise detour that leads to a heated (and incredibly wet) adventure
Lunchtime | ✿ mini drabble; boyfriend!jungkook; established relationship ⇢ He can’t take his hands off of you
Unwind (M) | ✿ ♡ one-shot; boyfriend!jungkook; established relationship; college!au; 1k words ⇢ When he helps you unwind from your study night
Gold | ✿ crack; mini drabble; boyfriend!jungkook ⇢ Coming home to his wits
Haste | ✿ drabble; roommate!au, college!au ⇢ When his slip up turns into something sweet
The Unfinished Painting | ✵ ✿ drabble; unrequited love!au; college!au; art student!jungkook ⇢ He has the desire to keep the memory of you
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¸¸.·¯⍣✩ 𝔤𝔬 𝔱𝔬 𝖓𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖌𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖕𝖆𝖌𝖊 .·✩·.¸
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lvnatiq · 3 years
Random Relationship Headcanons | Felix Escellun x gn!reader
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a/n: Hey ! On todays menu I am serving you modern au relationship headcanons. I know for a fact that I can’t write headcanons AT ALL yet here we are, out of spite I will keep trying until I can manage to write good shit. I’m going through a chaotic time in my life so please be patient with me 😭
I’m currently working on tattoo artist! reader x Felix headcanons and college!enemies to lovers one-shot. Knowing that Felix’s fav trope is enemies to lovers, I will post it hopefully before his new chapter drops. I used most of the hcs that were sent to me but if you couldn’t see yours, then it will probably be used on the other works.
No beta we die like men.
warnings: curse words, nsfw under the cut, random sage moments, felix being a ‘the neighborhood’ song basically.
You persuade him to start an Instagram account, and because of his family's popularity, he quickly gains followers. His account is practically empty because he would rather spend his time stalking your account on Instagram. You noticed the emptiness and wanted to take him out and take some photos for his account, which turned out amazingly. He is a little camera shy, so be patient with him.
You like to watch him apply his eyeliner but he finds it so stressing to do under your gaze.  He used to be able to do it easily, but it has now become one of his most difficult tasks. You wanted to ask for his assistance in applying eyeliner to you in the hopes of making it simpler for him; he agreed but quickly regretted it when he realized how near your faces would be. You with your eyes closed, waiting for him to drag the line as he was only thinking about how bad he wanted to kiss you. 
Felix has a Polaroid of you and stella in his wallet I said what I said.
When it comes to himself, he can be a pessimist, but when it comes to you, he is the most loving and positive boyfriend you could ever ask for. You have a dream ? He is ready to help you achieve it. Do you want to change in your life ? Go for it, He’s more excited than you are.
He can be quite insecure at times when it comes to your relationship because he feels like you deserve the world but the world is too big for his tiny hands. Will his cuddles be enough ? God he hopes so.
He almost cried when you told him you loved him for the first time. He's also baffled as to how you might feel the same way about him.
Drunk Felix is really clingy and honest. Whatever he can’t say sober drunk felix can and definitely will.
“May the stars let my death be between your glorious thighs amen-“ “Felix-”
Felix is weird but it add to his charm. It’s not unusual for you to wake up in the middle of the night and find the pillow besides yours empty. In the dead of night, you will find Felix munching on some weird ass food combinations.
He also has a habit of doing things that are extremely adorable without even noticing it. Like walking around the house in his oversized shirts, his hand clutching at the cuffs whilst the other one sheepishly rubs his eye.
“Can I lay on your lap ? I promise I won’t fall asleep. I just need to rest for a little.” His voice is so soft and hushed. “Of course, come here.” He throws himself onto you as he comes hopping on his tip toes.
He falls asleep on his desk too often, so you have to carry him back to his room, where he snuggles against you while you lead him there. Once he's in his room, he insists that you stay with him, so you wait until he falls asleep as you play with his hair, and he wakes up thinking it was all a dream.
I firmly believe that Felix’s love language is acts of service. Like making you coffee and bringing you random snacks as you work or wrapping you up in fluffy blankets whenever he catches you slacking on the couch.
He's been romanticizing anything and everything since he met you. When he sees beautiful flowers, he wants to bring them to you, but he also believes that their beauty stems from the fact that they are alive, so he argues and stresses a lot when deciding what to do in simple situations like these.
His edginess belongs to his impulsiveness and his style only at any other situation he's a complete softboy.
And I'm certain he knows a variety of card tricks. He enjoys showing off, and he enjoys it even more when you become fascinated and beg him to share the trick.
If you're a morning person, you'll probably spend your mornings alone in solitude, finishing work before the day begins, but if you're a night owl, you and Felix will go out for night walks and Felix would go out for night walks, sharing headphones to play some music, enjoy each others presence and develop a habit of watching the sunrise together.
Felix makes you playlists at the most random times and with the most random names. Until one day he sent you a playlist at around 4 a.m called “you”, filled with his favorite music. He usually sees music as a safe space for himself and now that you are his safe place too it’s only appropriate for him to do so. This only further proves how he spends his time thinking about you.
I feel like Felix would have what most would call "attachment issues" but it’s mainly because of his protective tendencies. This is not to say that he’s this "overly jealous toxic" character; rather, he has never had anyone to truly call his own in his entire life so he would do anything to protect it.
Felix is also big on astrology, so if you want the perfect birth chart, he'll give it to you. Also he owns a lovely deck of tarot cards, and if you ask him for a love reading, he can't manage to keep his words and feelings to himself so he modifies your reading according to him and his desires. Let the boy abuse his powers for the sake of love.
His style could be described as dark academia, his wardrobe mainly consists of dark colors, lots and lots of blazers and a lot of oversized shirts. He also loves jewelry so he owns a lot of rings and chains. Just so you know, if you're wearing any of his rings, his heart is doing cartwheels.
Is it obvious that he loves it when you place your hand in his and play with his rings with your fingertips.
Spoil him. Buy him that baby blue hoodie with cat ears.
“Ah, you look adorable.” “Isn’t it a bit too b-big ?” “You could say that. Do you mind ?” “No, I like it that way.” “I would know.” You smirk followed by felix’s gasp. “If you so desperately wanted a cat boy you know you have me right ?” Nudging your shoulder, Sage leapt into the conversation. “What is he talking about ?”  Felix grumbled, only to notice two fuzzy triangular fabrics on top of his head as he brushed his fingertips over it.
He’s obsessed with your hands, kissing your knuckles, drawing circles in your palm. At a certain point it became an involuntary gesture he does it quite often without realizing.
He’s also canonically extremely blushy but he would never admit it. You’re convinced he uses some sort of make up because it is not possible for the pink dusting his cheeks to look this good.
He insists that you’re cold even in the warmest weathers because he wants to see you in his coat.
Sage forces Felix to take his thirst trap Tiktoks.
He really appreciates it when you add to his herbal tea collection without him noticing and he considers it a sign of affection because he takes his tea very seriously.
He loses it when you call him baby he gets flustered and frustrated but it’s all because it rolls off of your tongue so nicely that he can’t get enough of it.
Felix owns a broad collection of scented lip balms some of them are tinted. You didn’t hear this from me.
He never once took anything the Sage says seriously until he saw how well you two got along. He never thought that he would be standing there taking relationship and flirting advice from the frat boy.
Felix is a complete asshole when he wants to. He’s very verbal about it too. Consistent sarcastic remarks and eye rolls. I mean it runs in his blood, look at Escell.
You love it when he suddenly whips out the confident Felix, it’s not a daily occurrence you know.
When Felix is concentrated, he’s lost and there’s almost no way you or anything else can distract him. So it’s time to grab some colorful hair clips and ties to fuck around with his hair.
Felix is not the best at verbally expressing his gratitude towards you. He doesn’t know what he would do if you weren’t there for him at the lowest points of his life where normally he would close himself and bare the weight of his family problems and personal life issues that he can’t seem to get out of. Now he has you, someone who’s willing to listen to him and offer him a warm embrace when he needs the most. 
While you to play games together, when he wins he wears that iconic shit eating grin of his with pride looking at you through the corner of his eye. “Shit, what do you want me to say to that felix ? Perhaps I should call you master now that you won ‘one’ fucking round.” He is praying that the screen light is covering the fact that he is a blushy mess after hearing you say that.
I cannot stress this enough but he is extremely vocal in bed. Whining, trying to restrict himself from making too much noise but failing miserably.
Muffled pants, choked sobs and lots of pleasure infused tears.
He loves getting praised during sex but what he loves more is to get praised after it’s all over. Like you telling him how great he was, how well he behaved, how good he made you feel. He experiences sub drops a lot so please assure him that he did well :(
He’s into power-play but not in a submissive or dominant kind of relationship, it’s more of a psychological thing where the fact that he can see how good he makes you feel gives him a rush of confidence and adrenaline.
I believe that this motherfucker is a masochist, pain makes him more excited than getting an update on his favorite author who went on a year long hiatus and that is saying a lot.
Bite him. Scratch him. It is so stimulating for him he can reach his high just from those actions.
Fuck do anything to his ears bite, lick, pull, blow on it. He is extremely sensitive so anything you do will basically drive him out of his mind. It will most definitely lead to him trembling beneath your fingertips.
You must think that you are the only one who is such a tease but you’re wrong. Felix teases you quite often mostly to direct your attention towards him or to keep your attention on him. He’s quite greedy when it comes to you and your hands on his body. Unbuttoning unnecessary amount of buttons on his shirt to show a little skin that he knows you’ll notice. Playing with his necklace placing the chain between his lips dragging it towards the inside of his bottom lip teasing the metallic charm with the tip of his tongue. He definitely ain’t oblivious he knows exactly what he’s doing and he makes sure that you know exactly what he’s doing.
When he’s in the mood he will tug the hem of your top meanwhile his eyes are glued to the floor or graze the temples of his glasses between his lips, his teeth lightly nibbling the pointy edge. He loves to play dumb too. When you question him, he acts like he doesn’t intend anything and that you need to get your head out of the gutter.
At the end of the session Felix looks divine. Drool leaking down from his bottom lip to his jaw line towards his neck, his bangs sticking on his sweat coated forehead, his chest rising up and down quickly. His eyes rolled at the back of his head, his hands still clutching tightly to the sheets. Faint whimpers and deep breaths filling the air.
Leading up to the after care, his shy self returns. He buries his face to your chest hiding his blushy cheeks beneath the palms of his hands.
He likes to experiment a lot and you are his favorite subject.
It shouldn’t be surprising to find random kink definitions or role-play ideas on the search history of your laptop. After all Felix just asked for it to write an email, that’s all there is to it. That’s until you offer to try them out.
He doesn’t act upon his jealousy, what he does instead is that leaving marks on you especially around your neck and your chest where he knows it will show. Don’t cover them up if you don’t wanna deal with him.
“People just don’t appreciate art anymore.” “Felix these are, hickeys.” “Oh so now you are judging my art medium ?” “Since when proving Sage that I got railed by you is a form of art ?”
I didn’t see anyone point this out but whenever he is in the sub space he tends to be more on the bratty side. He starts of shy but his confidence builds up as the tension rises. Meaning that you should be ready to get your patience tested.
When you two are in separate places your suggestive words and tone leads up to phone sex, which Felix secretly fantasized about a lot. What made everything even more dirty was the fact that you didn’t know that he was laying on your bed surrounded by your scent and humping your pillow. Once you come back home you are greeted with a fresh pair of sheets on your bed. Apparently Felix decided to do you a favor and clean your room as well as the the whole house. He’s crossing fingers that you don’t notice because he knows that he’ll never hear the end of it.
Felix knows a lot about sex but his knowledge is based upon fiction rather than experience. So, naturally, he is more interested about learning specifically how your body responds to certain actions, what you enjoy and what you’re interested in so teach him. He’s a good student and oh well he’s a quick learner.
Pull his hair pull his hair put his hair pull his hair pull his hair pull his hair pull his hair pull his hair.
When he settles between your legs as he ties his hair, he places the hairband between his lips and looks up at you with half lidded eyes. It’s his definition of torture.
Even though he doesn’t give off that vibe, he is very freaky if you would’ve known what his AO3 tags consisted of you would agree.
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cyndavilachase · 4 years
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I’m Looking Forward Now 💖Thank you and good bye
So, it’s been a little over a week since Steven Universe Future ended… 
I’ve been hesitant to write this, honestly, but I’m tired of holding myself back from properly expressing myself in fear of appearing overly invested in the media I consume, even in private. Writing helps me organize my thoughts and feelings, and I feel like these thoughts in particular may resonate with many, so I want to share them. I want to talk about what Steven Universe has done for me personally, both as an artist, and as a person.
I’ve been around since the day the first episode of the original series aired. I actually remember when Steven Universe was just a logo on Wikipedia’s “List of Upcoming Cartoon Network Shows” list, back when I was a freshman in high school. It piqued my interest, but when commercials finally dropped for it, I thought it was going to be bad because of the way marketing handled introducing Steven as a likeable character. There was still something about it that made me want to give it a chance though, so I went online and watched the pilot before the first episode's release. I was hooked immediately. I knew I was going to love it, and I did. I fell so absolutely in love with Steven as a character, and the world that he and the gems lived in. I became obsessed. I was always so excited for new episodes to come out. Little did I know what else it would do for me as I went through my adolescence alongside it.
As the show progressed, it was evident that what I wanted out of a western animated childrens’ cartoon was finally coming into fruition: this show was becoming serialized. There was continuity, there was plot, there was character development-- it was getting deep. It was pushing the groundwork that Adventure Time laid out even further (thank you, Adventure Time).  
I will give credit where credit is due: earlier western childrens’ cartoons I grew up with like Hey Arnold, and Rugrats, among others, also touched on heavy topics, but Steven Universe was able to take similar ideas (and even more complex ones, concerning mental health and relationships) and expand on them outside of contained episodes and/or short arcs. These themes, which were a part of the show’s overarching story, spanned across its entirety. Continuity was rampant. 
What did this mean? It meant kids cartoons didn’t have to be silly and fun all the time and characters weren’t just actors playing a part in 11-minute skits. Steven and the gems would remember things that happened to them, and it affected them and how they would function and play a part in their story. This was a huge deal to me as a teenager. I always wanted the cartoons I grew up with featuring kid characters to feel more. In my own work, I often felt discouraged when combining a fun, cutesy western art style with themes as dark or layered as anime would cover. I always thought it had to be one or the other because an audience wouldn’t take a combination of the two seriously enough, based on discussions I had with classmates, friends, and online analysis I read at the time. Steven Universe proved to me otherwise. This show was opening the door for future cartoons exploring in-depth, adult concepts. I felt so seen as a kid, and was inspired to stick with what I love doing.
I was actually very worried about the show’s survival. It was in fact immensely underrated and the fandom was miniscule. Then in 2014, JailBreak dropped, and it’s popularity exploded. Part of it was because of the complex plot and the themes it was covering like I mentioned, but also because of its representation. 
I remember when fandom theorized that Garnet was a fusion due to grand, tragic reasons. Turns out, she’s simply a metaphor for a very loving w|w relationship. This was huge. I cannot stress how important it is that we continue to normalize healthy canon queer relationships in childens’ media, and Steven Universe finally was the first to do that proper. Introducing these themes offers the chance for a kid to sit there and ask themselves, “Why is this demonized by so many people?” I asked myself exactly that. Ruby and Sapphire were my cartoon LGBT rep. They were the first LGBT couple I ever ecstatically drew fanart of. I was dealing with a lot of internalized homophobia at the time, and they showed me that I was allowed to love women and feel normal about it. The process of overcoming this was a long one, but they played a part in my very first steps into becoming comfortable with my sexuality. I could go on and on about it’s representation in general-- how it breaks the mold when it comes to showcasing a diverse set of characters in design, in casting, and in breaking gender roles. It’s focus on love and empathy. Steven himself is a big boy, but he's the protagonist, and the show never once makes fun of his weight, or any other bigger characters for that matter. It wasn’t hard to see why the fandom had grown so large.
Fandom was always a joy for me. It was a hobby I picked up when I was in middle school, like many of us here did. I would always cater my experience to fun, and fun only. I only started getting more deeply involved in SU’s fandom when I had just turned into an adult. During the summer of 2016, between my first and second year of college, I drew for the show almost every day non-stop when the Summer of Steven event was going on and posted them online. This was a form of practice for me in order to become not just more comfortable with experimenting with my art, but also to meet new artists, make new friends, and learn to interact with strangers without fear. I dealt with a ton of anxiety when I was in high school. When I was a senior applying to art school for animation, I decided I was going to overcome that anxiety. I made plans to take baby steps to improve myself over the course of my 4 years of college. Joining the fandom, while unforeseen, was definitely a part of that process. I started feeling more confident in sharing my ideas, even if they were fan-made. I fell in love with storyboarding after that summer, when I took my first storyboarding class, and genuinely felt like I was actually getting somewhere with all of this. I remember finally coming to a point in my classes where I could pitch and not feel hopelessly insecure about it. I was opening up more to my friends and peers. 
But this process, unfortunately, came to a screeching halt. 
My life completely, utterly crumbled under me in the Fall of 2017 due to a series of blows in my personal life that happened in the span of just a couple weeks. My mental health and sense of identity were completely destroyed. All of that confidence I had worked for-- completely ruined. I was alone. I nearly died. My stay at college was extended to 4 and half years, instead of the 4 I had intended. I lost my love for animation-- making it, and watching it. I could no longer watch Steven Universe with the same love I had for it beforehand. It’s a terrible thing, trying to give your attention to something you don’t love anymore, and wanting so desperately to love again. I dropped so many things I loved in my life, including the fandom.
Healing was a long and complicated road. I continued to watch the show all the way up until Change Your Mind aired in the beginning of 2019, and while I still felt empty, that was definitely a turning point for me with it’s encapsulation of self-love. I was hoping James Baxter would get to work on Steven Universe since he guest-animated on Adventure Time, and it was incredible seeing that wish actually come true. The movie came out and while I enjoyed it and thought highly of it, I was still having issues letting myself genuinely love things again, old and new. It was especially difficult because cartoons were my solace as a kid, when things got rough at home. I remember feeling sad because the show ended, and not getting the chance to love it again like I used to while it was still going.
By the time Steven Universe Future was announced, I was finally coming around. I was genuinely starting to feel excitement for art and animation again. I wasn’t expecting there to be a whole new epilogue series, but happily ever after, there we were! Prickly Pear aired, and the implications it left in terms of where the story was going did it. I was finally ready to let myself take the dive back into fandom in January of this year. My art blew up, something I wasn’t expecting considering my 2-year hiatus. Following this, I was invited into a discord server containing some of the biggest writers, artists, editors, and analysts in the fandom. I had no idea there were so many talented people in the fandom, some already with degrees, some getting their degrees-- creating stuff for it on the side just for fun. The amount of passion and productivity level here is insane, and so is the amount of discussion that has come out of it.
I didn’t realize it at first, but it was actually helping me gain back the courage to share ideas. I lost my confidence in pitching while I was taking the time to heal, and graduating meant there would no longer be a classroom setting I could practice in. This group helped immensely. 
I have made so many friends through this wonderful series, and I have so many fond memories talking to like-minded creatives, getting feedback and a myriad of sources for inspiration, as well as all of the memes and jokes and weekly theorizations that came about as we all waited on the edges of our seats for episodes to air. I needed this so badly, I needed to get back in touch with my roots, when I would go absolutely hog-wild over a cartoon I loved with people who loved it as much I did. Future has been a blessing for me in this way. I graduated feeling like I was back at square-one, but now I feel like I’m on my way again.
It’s 2020 and while I’m doing great right now, I am honestly still recovering from the total exhaustion that followed after graduating a few months ago, and finally leaving the campus where my life fell apart behind. Needless to say, watching Future was like looking into a mirror. Watching one of my favorite characters of all time-- one that grew up with me-- go through so many of the same things I went through not too long ago was absolutely insane to watch unfold. It’s such an important thing too, to show a character go through the process of breaking down over trauma and all the nasty things that come with it, and to have them go on the road to healing. Steven got that therapy. He wasn’t blamed. The gems were called out. The finale was everything I could have ever hoped for. The catharsis I experienced watching it was out of this world.
As I continue my own healing journey, I will always look up to the storyboard artists, revisionists, and designers that I have been following over these past 7 years, as well as the new ones introduced in Future. It's been such a joy watching these artists release their promo art for episodes, talk about their experiences working on the show, and post the work they've done for it alongside episodes airing.
Thank you Rebecca Sugar, the Crewniverse, and the fans, for making this such a truly wonderful and unique experience. Thank you for reminding me that I am, and always will be, an artist, a cartoonist, and a fan. Thank you, my followers, for the overwhelmingly positive response to my artwork. I have had so much fun interacting and discussing the show with you all again over these past few months. Steven Universe and it’s fandom will always have a special place in my heart, and it will always be a classic that I will return to for comfort and inspiration for decades to come. I am sad that the cartoon renaissance is over, but so many doors have been opened thanks to this show. I am so, so excited to see what this show will inspire in the future, and I hope one day I get the opportunity to be a part of that. 
Goodbye Steven, thank you for everything. I wish you healing, and I wish Rebecca and the team a well-deserved rest. ♥️
-Cynthia D.
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remnant-roses · 3 years
Rosegarden Week Day 4: After the War
A fic idea I had during the mid-season hiatus, but didn’t have time to write, but now it fits the prompt so...
I meant this to be a one-shot but it’s past 1 am and I need to sleeeep so now it’s a two-shot and I’ll post the second half Friday.
“I think I’m... done.”
He’d expected them to argue, to try and convince him to stay. But standing before them, his small frame battered, bloody, and broken, they averted their eyes. Even Ozpin remained quiet.
He’d kept their secrets, prevented Salem from using the relic, endured torment for their sakes. He’d suffered for them. He’d had to take lives for them. And it had shattered him. He felt hollow.
He just wanted to go home.
And they let him.
He allowed Ozpin to take over, to tell them the last things they’d need to know about the vaults, the relics, the war to save humanity.
And when the dust settled in Atlas, when the refugees poured out into the other kingdoms, he went with them, just one more body, lost among the masses.
He didn’t even tell them goodbye. But even through the numbness that gripped his soul, he felt a sting of regret when he thought of her face, silver eyes brimming with tears.
Just don’t... ever talk to me again. Just let me be normal. Please, he told Ozpin as he boarded the train that would take him back home.
There was no reply, but the guilt and sorrow that radiated off of that other inside of him was answer enough.
Ozpin would let him abdicate, even in the height of this conflict. Even when it looked like humanity was balanced on a knife’s edge.
Let this war pass him by. They could fight it without him. And if they couldn’t win, in time, the burden would roll on to his next incarnation. But Oscar... he’d given all he could. He didn’t have anything left.
He knocked on the farmhouse door, and felt like a stranger even on his own doorstep.
His aunt cried, off and on, for days after his return. First tears of relief, of joy, and then tears of worry and grief, and then of frustration and anger.
He understood. He wasn’t her son, but she had raised him, loved him, and he’d left her all alone here.
He told her what he could. Not everything, not even much. But enough to make her understand why he’d left - the voice in his head, the war for humanity. She’d seen the broadcast in that brief moment that global communications had been reestablished. She could grasp the basics - that he’d been caught up in a conflict for the fate of the world, and that it had chewed him up and spit him out. Left him broken.
He couldn’t bear to tell her any more, dreaded the inevitable probing questions, but then she surprised him.
She understood. She gave him space to think, to heal, in his own time.
And he loved her for it.
It was seven weeks before his wounds closed fully.
The scar tissue pulled at his skin as he threw himself into the work of maintaining a farm, like a waking manifestation of the pain that still haunted his dreams and left him gasping for air when he woke.
He ignored it with a resolute determination, letting himself get lost in the monotony of tilling and plowing and tending livestock. It was backbreaking work, but he welcomed even the pain. It filled the empty hollows of his mind and left no room for reflection... or memories too painful to bear.
To think, he’d once resented the repetitive nature of work on the farm. He’d dreamed of adventure, of new and exciting vistas, of being important.
If only he’d known.
But at nights, he’d climb onto the roof of the barn and stare at the sky and think of a girl with eyes like moonlight, and wonder.
Was she still fighting? Was she even still alive?
Did I make the right choice?
The seasons came and went, and war did not come to the fields of Mistral. Nothing of interest had ever happened here.
It was 11 months since his return, when the CCT system came back online.
He hadn’t noticed right away. He’d been working in the fields, and there was no point in taking a Scroll out there when it had no signal.
But as he walked in the house that evening, he was greeted by the sound of tinny, faraway voices pouring out of his aunt’s living room, and then...
There she was, on the screen, her red cape and pale skin washed with blue in the light of the projection. Her hair was a little longer, her eyes a little sadder, but it was her.
She was saying something about the CCT, how exactly they’d managed to restore it, but the words wouldn’t process, they swam in his head until it was just noise. There was only one thought that mattered.
She’s alive.
“Isn’t it wonderful, Oscar,” his aunt was saying, “the world can talk to each other again...”
It was then she noticed the white-knuckled grip he had on the back of the sofa, and the tears streaming silently down his face.
He told her that night, told her everything. About RWBY and JNR, about the attack at Haven, about a drunk old crow, about crashed trains and snowstorms, about the fall of Atlas.
About the belly of a great black beast, and the torture he’d suffered at the hands of humanity’s greatest enemy. About the hollowness he’d felt when he left, and the crushing guilt that had slowly come to replace it.
She cried, and he cried, and she held him, and in the background, news reports played clips of familiar faces on repeat. Still out there, doing their best, without him.
There was one thing he left out - no need to tell his aunt about silver eyes and a kind smile, about how much it hurt to know that he’d left her behind, specifically.
That much, at least, was still his own.
He still watched the night sky, but now the questions he asked himself had changed.
Do they hate me for leaving?
He only heard from Ozpin twice in his time at the farm.
Once, about a month after the CCT was restored, when a Grimm had nearly gotten the drop on him.
Behind you, Oscar.
The voice was gone as quickly as it had come, without even an apology for breaking his pact of silence. But it had given him just enough time to see the Beowulf coming, to get his pitchfork up to block the jagged teeth as it lunged.
It took him an embarrassingly long time to dispatch it, even though it was merely a single beast, even though just 10 months before, he, or any one of his companions, could have killed it in mere seconds.
He was rusty.
And he was letting himself wallow, something every Remnant child was cautioned against. Hell, he’d probably drawn the Grimm in with his own guilt and self-pity.
He took up training again after that, practicing against hay bales and scarecrows in the early mornings before his daily duties began.
He wasn’t going to let himself be a beacon of despair. He wasn’t going to endanger his aunt, or himself, like that.
It was a year and nine months after his return, the second time Ozpin spoke to him.
He was at the feed store, loading bags of dried corn into his aunt’s beat-up truck for the chickens, when Ozpin uttered a single word:
And then he was gone.
Not gone in the way he’d been for the past two years, where Oscar had always been aware of a silent presence in the deepest corners of his mind. But fully, completely gone.
Oscar expected the sky to rip open, for people to scream, to cry, for something, anything, to look different. He pulled out his Scroll, checked the news. Nothing.
Something had happened. But life continued around him, unchanged. The clerk at the feed store gave him a funny look. He was blocking the loading bay.
He drove home in a daze, tears blurring his vision, and told his aunt to turn on the TV.
It took three hours for the news reports to start rolling in. Humanity’s greatest enemy, defeated. Faunus and human together, standing united. A mysterious silver light seen in a ruined continent to the west.
He and his aunt watched the footage in silence for hours, and he found himself searching for a red cape, for a mop of long blonde hair, any hint of what might have truly transpired.
When he climbed on the barn roof to watch the night sky that evening, his questions had changed once again.
They’d done it.
But what had become of them?
Of her?
 (to be continued)
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whenyouknowyouknow · 4 years
Harry the Womanizer
 This thing started because I find the whole womanizer image of Harry absolutely disgusting and wanted people to see how utterly bad and wrong it was.
Please be aware that the following does not reflect Harry’s personality but it shows us the image their label wanted him to be seen as.
Some disclaimer about where the data comes from
written, digital coverage (no print,  1-2 videos, no radio)
google search “Harry Styles”, I looked through the first 20 hits each month but didn’t read all of them ( headlines usually are a dead giveaway if an article contains a new “conquest”)
I did not list every woman that was mentioned in the same article as Harry. Also not those that showed interest in him. But most of those that were said he showed interest in (I might have skipped a few in the worst years just bc it was so freaking disgusting)
Often articles contained offhand comments about his pulling power or unrelatedly recounting his latest conquests in any given article to enforce the womanizer image. These did not make it into the list.
Deleted articles are of course not included (as of Aug 2020)
Some of the women turn up again for a round 2 (or 3 or 4), I only mention them once a year tho
I put the women into the list on the date the news coverage happened/started because many articles date back things by saying  “pics have circulated since…” “They have been reportedly seen together since…” or simply tell a story that supposedly happened a few years prior
Some dates overlap. Thats either bc they pushed several woman at once (very effective to drive the whole womanizer image home) or its bc one woman was seeded in while the other was happening.
Because this is a freaking long post, I’ll put it under the “read more”
About the list
split by years
each year has Harrys age for that given year in brackets
each data set has in brackets the age, occupation and date of news coverage for the woman (if available)
winter gf get their own category as they sometimes overlap with other woman
Some of the woman get brought back up (not just mentioned in passing), those are listed at the end of each year with the dates when they where brought back up
“again” is for those who dated him again
Women linked to Harry
2010 (16)
5(?) girls from bootcamp
Cher Loyd (17, txf fellow contestant, Oct)
unnamed girl fan (13.11.)
2011 (17)
Adele (23, singer, 27.09.)
Sarita Borge (record executive, 29.11.)
Caroline Flack (31, txf, 23.10.-27.01.)
2012 (18)
Pixie Geldoff (21, 09.02.)
Alexa Chung (28, model, 16.02)
Alexandra Burke (23, txf, 20.02.)
Jo Wood (56, ex of Ronny Wood 21.02.)
Denise Welch (54, actress, 21.02.)
Georgia May Jagger (20, Mick Jagger daughter, 21.02.)
Sarah-Louise Colivet (24, photographer, 11.04.)
Lily Halpern (19, singer, 11.04.)
Jillian Harris (32, reality TV star, 13.04.)
Emma Ostilly (18, actor for Gotta be You MV -  22.04.) 
Ellis Calcutt (18(?), friend, deniedm, 30.04.)
Emily Atack (22, TV star, 20.05.)
unnamed girl (Article about her one night stand with H, 06.06.)
Lucy Horobin (32, radio presenter, 24.06., dated back to Aug-Oct 2011)
Caggie Dunlop (23, TV star, 12.07.)
Allyssa Reid (19, singer, 23.07.)
Blond girl with pink bag (from a night out, 26.07.)
Cara Delevingne (19, Model, 05.08.)
Natalie Imbruglia (37, singer actress 28.09.)
Taylor Swift (22 singer 19.10.-07.01. (fling dated back to April 2012 then getting back together)
2013 (19)
Hermione Way (27, reality star, 08.01.)
Millie Brady (18, actress, 24.02.)
Shaniece Nesbitt (fan, 11.03.)
Yvette Fielding (44, TV presenter, 11.03.)
Fia Litton (niece of Preston Mahon (security), 14.03)
Chelsea Ferguson (25, stripper, 14.04)
Kimberly Stewart (33, confirmed by Rod, 27.04.)
Camilla Foss (18, fan in oslo, 09.05.)
Kara Rose Marshall (22, model, 03.07.)
Alexis Allen (19, fan, 21.07.)
Cara Delevingne (20, model, 11.09.)
Paige Reifler (17, model, 30.09.)
Sjana Earp (18, model, 25.10.)
Samantha Armytage (36, TV presenter, 27.10.)
Daisy Lowe (24, model, 01.12.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 01.02./11.09.)
Kendall Jenner (17, model, 21.10. - 23.02)
2014 (20)
mystery brunette (20.01.)
Alison Mosshart (35, singer, 07.03.)
Daisy Lowe (25, model, 11.04.)
Larissa de Macedo Machado (21, brazilian popstar, 08.05.)
Lou Teasdale (30, hairdresser, 26.05.)
Sinitta (45, Smons ex, 22.07.)
Paige Reifler (18, again, model, 25.07.)
Meghan Trainor (20, singer, 27.08.)
blond woman (at Coldplay concert, 18.09.)
Katy Perry (29, singer, 01.10.)
Erin Foster (31, 08.10.)
Kate Moss (40, model, 03.11.)
two blond woman (leaving a club in LA with H, 30.11.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 12.02./02.03./20.08./14.10./04.12.)
Emily Atack (brought back up, 23.03.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 26.03.)
Nadine Leopold (20, model, 20.12.- 12.03.)
2015 (21)
Emma Watson (24, actress, 14.01. dated back to 26.12.14)
Suki Waterhouse (23, actress, 05.04.)
Joy Muggli (23, talent agent, 12.05.)
Sara Sampaio (23, model, 15.06.)
Georgia Fowler (22, model, inspiration for Kiwi, 15.10.)
Nicole Scherzinger (34, singer, 17.10., dated back to 2013)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 15.01./13.02./10.03./08.05./13.10./28.10.)
Caroline Flack (brought back up, 24.05./11.10.)
Kendall Jenner (again, 30.12.- 31.01.)
2016 (22)
Pandora Lennard (28, model 31.01.)
Lindsay Lohan (30, actress, 10.03., dated back unspecified)
Kendall Jenner (again, 05.09.)
Kara Rose Marshall (brought back up, 07.10.)
Suki Waterhouse (again + dated back to 2013, 11.11.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 01.02.)
2017 (23)
Tess Ward (26, food blogger, 09.05.)
Townes Adair Jones (20s, 17.05., dated back to 2014)
Camille Rowe (31, model, 31.07.)
Sjana Earp (22, again, 05.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 18.04./12.05./03.09./09.11.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 31.01.)
2018 (24)
Delta Goodrem (33, voice coach, 27.04.) 
Camille Rowe (ends 31.07.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 15.07./12.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 21.03./)
2019 (25)
Kiko Mizuhara (28, denied by K, 12.01.)
Camille Rowe (brought back up, 22.11.)
Kendall Jenner (brought back up, 11.12.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 23.08./04.11./13.12.)
2020 (26)
Daisy Lowe (brought back up, 20.06.)
Taylor Swift (brought back up, 02.03./24.07.)
data from here on is not included in the graphs, I will keep adding when things happen
Tracee Ellis Ross (48, actress, 28.10.)
The age differences
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The graph shows clearly how
the age gaps are very big in the beginning, likely to attract an older audience in addition to the usual target audience of teenage girls
the amount of woman linked to Harry gets smaller each year because in later years, articles could just reference his history with woman
the amount of woman linked and mentioned in regards to Harry gets significantly lower after hiatus started
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A rough timeline of women that where connected to Harry over the years
Why give Harry the womanizer image?
Would the image of a womanizer not damage the image of 1D?
If they’d portrait him as a sleeze it would have surely damaged the overal image of 1D. But Harrys image portrait him as charming, a bit quirky and overall an airhead that likes people and doesn’t want to be tied down. Thus giving the illusion of being potentially available to every woman and showing them a good, no strings attached, time. Which is a massive selling point for boybands to increase the age range of their fans.
In addition, all his conquests would be used to stir up drama or simply generate attention at crucial times to get 1D in the press without mentioning their current promo focus in every headline.
The winter girlfriends had a special role as they were the only ones actively worked as continuous dating. To build some attachment, have a continuous storyline that could be tied to the just released album and bridge the holiday pause, and when the relationship ended generate more drama to be used for promo.
Harry did keep on using his womanizer image to promote both his solo albums but in a very controlled manner. The numbers of new woman linked to him declined to 1 in 2019, for now we are at 0 (1) in 2020
HS promo used 3 woman as inspirations for songs (Towns, Fowler, Swift) and a tour gf (Rowe)
FL promo only uses the previous tour gf as now ex to push the storyline of a breakup album
He is very visibly changing his image while still maintaining a level of connection to his old image. Whether that's due to contractual restrictions or a strategy to not alienate to many fans is unclear
Jeff Azoff
For what I’ve seen Jeff and Harry seem close (the Azoff family having him on family pictures, posted by Jeff’s brother)
Looking at the timeline of Jeff and Harry
2014-03-25 first mention of Harry at Azoff family home in an article about Irvin
2014-04-23 first pics of Harry and Jeff at a sports event (Jeff named as a friend, no name or position yet)
2014-12-22 Jeff not named yet but identified as his agent
2015-01-10 first time Jeff being named and being the link between Harry and a woman
2016-03-07 Jeff leaves CAA as a music agent and launches his own company Full Stop Management
2016-03-11 Harry confirmed to have joined Full Stop Management
Jeff likely took over as Harry’s agent in early 2014. In 2015 Harry’s image change starts to become aparent and changed drastically after hiatus.
Harry choosing Jeffs management firm as soon as he left Modest is a clear indication that he feels Jeff will represent him how he wants
The Timeline - Women connected to Harry and Promo
I started the visual timeline in end 2011 when his womanizer image started to take off
The instances before where likely used as seeding for this image (first instance was a segment in txf where he was linked to 5 of the girl contestants and funny enough one older guy)
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purple - women from the entertainment industry
pink - fans/no-names
lilac - winter gf
dark burgundy - thos who date him again
dusky pink - brought back up
light blue - single release
royal blue - album release
mid blue - other releases
dark turquoise - tour legs
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Adendum: a few numbers analyzed,
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Alright alright alright
You’ve all been asking for it, so here it is! 
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This will be (edit: HELLA) long and obviously spoiler-y, so everything is under a cut. 
Are you ready?
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Before we get to it, I want to mention that for the sake of keeping things organized, I will NOT be talking about my AU (@ask-whitepearl-and-steven​) in this post. I want to just analyze the show as a viewer and a fan first. I’ll make a seperate post for AU-thoughts a bit later.
Without further ado:
This is a great way to open up the episode and show the changes through the lens of someone who has been a bit out of it for a while (we are all Cherry Quartz, fresh from the hiatus, aren’t we?) but I’m sorry, this post still takes the cake:
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Okay, okay, back to the program.
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“That used to be a loaded question...“
Right off the bat, Steven is SO much more confident about saying that he’s... HIMSELF! What a good feeling. I’m very proud of our boy. 
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I love the name “Gemglyph” for the gem language! I’ll need to know who wrote these, though. And who the heck drew the diamonds? Hopefully it was BP. 
And I’m not the first one to point this out, but MORE ANIME REFERENCES!
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Which can be seen as either a reference to the Chill Low-Fi Hiphop Beats to Study To OR Whisper of the Heart. 
And absolutely no one cares but something that caught my eye is the fact that they have an EARTH FLAG at Little Homeschool! How cool is that!
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Earth 4ever!!! 
Off-note - I love how INVESTED they are in this conversation Pearl is having with Holo-Pearl.
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Peak entertainment. 
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I love Professor Amethyst and I love the random human who snuck in to apparently take lessons on Not Giving A Single Shit About Anything, Ever. 
And here we FINALLY are in the FUTURE
Where we FINALLY get Jasper as a functioning character
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This is literally SO funny like she... she was just... laying on top of her house... under a blanket..... FOr WHAT? To stand up dramatically and throw it off when Steven inevitably paid a visit? 
Is that just what she dOES? 
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“It’s FINE I don’t need any HELP, I’m FUNCTIONING, I’m just having a SELF CARE DAY OK”
Also I’m sorry but
Jasper: “It took forever to yank those puny green earthlings out of the ground.”
Steven: “You mean grass...?“
THIS. RIGHT HERE. is peak Jasper. 
It’s also curious how INVESTED Steven is in this:
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“I’m TRYING to give you [a purpose]!“
Why are you... trying to do that, though? Isn’t the whole idea for gems to surpass their ‘purpose’ and just kinda... do whatever? Isn’t Jasper just kinda... doing whatever? 
I mean, sure, it’s not useful to anyone, but she seems relatively happy. Aside from. You know. The whole laying on rocks under blankets until she’s disturbed thing and-- okay, you’re right, maybe an intervention would be healthy. 
I’m not gonna talk at length about the rest of the episode - although I think it’s really good, I don’t know what I can say about it that hasn’t already been said. Jasper is definitely poking Steven’s buttons and rephrasing a LOT of what WHITE has said to Pink: “You surround yourself with inferior gems because it makes you feel better.”
And Steven REACTS to this. The taunt WORKS.
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And yes, he gains some extra powers for it, but something tells me this AIN’T the only thing he will get. It feels like a two-edged sword. Like it’ll be his own downfall somehow....... maybe at the end of the series. 
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Ashes to ashes.... hole to hole.
And oh wow I thought they were gonna bond but LMAO
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“Consider your fight back there your first and ONLY lesson.“
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I love you Jasper.
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sHE’S doing SO much and she’s SO good at it!! Look at her!! Organizing stuff!!!! 
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I need 20. 
And I also need 20 of Larimar because holy shit that’s hilarious. 
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Larimar: “I want to hear the human screams forever.”
Steven: “Okay that’s kinda troubling.”
I love the reference to Monsters Inc here and I love the callback at the end of the episode when Larimar switches to Human Laughter to get her fill of that particular erm... need. 
And honestly the ensuing chaos is equally predictable and entertaining. 
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I’m SO glad to know that Rubies are just... Like That and that actually Navy is not a deviation from the norm but rather a different flavor of the chaotic energy all Rubies naturally seem to possess. 
Amethyst is also super relatable:
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“Ah yes, the fool comes crawling back. Come to beg for forgiveness, have you?”
In fact, the episode’s WHOLe HUMOUR is just very much My Brand
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“Sometimes you save all the people but the rollercoaster still crashes into the ocean...... and that’s okay.”
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Including the Running Gag that is Onion. Who... does not appear to have aged. At all. And that’s okay.
Okay where do I even begin with this one. Um.
I have to openly admit that I spent the majority of this episode wheezing with laughter. Let’s start with the Zoomans:
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And also this paradise is fascinating in and of itself. 
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But the next scene is basically where I started losing my shit.
Okay, okay, alright so. Uh. I have... a few questions.
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Like Why. WHY. Does she look. SO MUCH like Rose? 
Clearly Rose Quartz differ in coloring and etc. But She literally looks. Like THE Rose. VERY explicitly. 
So here’s several options here:
1) Pink made Rose Quartz way before any of the Rebellion happened and Pearl just basically pigeonholed her into THIS specific Rose Quartz appearance because she (???) had a crush? Or somehow saw this specific Rose, thought ‘hot, i can make my sympathetic Diamond wear this exact costume and that would be EXCELLENT fanservice for ME’
2) Pink didn’t have any Rose Quartz until the Rebellion, and thereafter quickly decided ‘I need these gems as an alibi, so we’re just gonna make them” and she and Pearl basically inclubated Rose Quartz like a pokemon trainer hatching for a Shiny until they got one that looked Exactly Like That. 
3) There was no Thinking involved because this is Pink we’re talking about, and it was all just a huge coincidence for the sake of this Very Hilariously Uncomfortable Episode. 
While we ruminate on that, let’s look at some Relatable Reactions.
And here we have the holy trinity of “I have just seen the clone of my deceased parent/parental figure/lover.”
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Featuring: Bonus ‘I’m Almost Over It’ Pearl
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Also, I need y’all to make this into a meme:
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For example:
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Anyway, alright, alright. 
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That relatable feel when your (hot) dead lesbian lover’s clone asks you if you’re okay after another one of the (less hot?) clones offers you a whole ass stick of butter to eat. 
And then you and your friends all hide in the bathroom to talk about your feelings:
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Okay, the rest of the episode gives me FEELINGS and I love how hard Steven is trying, so I’ll just close it off with:
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I LOVE THEM. Unironically, they are EVERYTHING I had hoped Rose Quartz would be. They’re SO MUCH like Rose herself - did she model her personality after them? Or are they just like her because she WAS like that, and they’re made from her essence? WHO KNOWS?! They’re adorable!
And the conflict between them and Steven is honestly so gooD! I don’t know if it’s completely relatable but I’m glad they ended up talking it out.
I wonder if we’ll ever see Her again... you know who I’m talkin’ about. 
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I’m madly in love with Rose, ok, I don’t need a callout post. Just leave me be.
Alright, alright, alright.
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OKAy,.... It’s fine. It’s FINE. I’m fINE. 
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Confirmed: 8000 years. That’s. UH. A LOT? That puts our timelines quite a ways back. We kind of estimated as much, but still, it’s so jarring to think about. And PP is VERY casual about it. 
She’s also VERY casual about the injury.
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“This is all Pink Diamond!”
It doesn’t seem like it bothers her to talk about it at all. She’s not even trying to keep it a secret. So I’m almost wondering - was there a connection to her being taken by White and the injury at all or not? 
She came to Steven to get healed - she clearly wants it gone. At the time she was injured, did Pink not even attempt to heal the injury? 
Follow up question: If she DID care, why didn’t she try to heal it?
Follow up to the follow up: Was it because she didn’t know she could? Or did she simply not have the time to (White removed her before she could)? 
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When Steven goes pink, she gasps - but makes no further comment. It’s presumably because she’s seen this happen before. She doesn’t try to move away, weirdly enough - she asks him if everything is alright. Perhaps the context is too different for it to be triggering for her. Perhaps there’s more layers to it? HMMM. 
What follows is, perhaps, the SALTIEST we’ve seen Pearl since Greg rolled around.
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“Did you come to compete?”
This is doubly curious to me because Crewniverse has previously explicitly stated that Pearl was NOT in love with Pink Diamond. She was in love with Rose. So if this is true, why would Pearl care about her place as Pink’s Pearl? She is supposed to be past all that, isn’t she? 
And yet as time goes on, the salinity grows exponentially. Alright, you two, I know you’re Pearls but tone it down with the sass. 
(Also, I’m sorry but I will NEVER call her Volleyball. That’s all. Bye.)
Also it’s worth noting that... PP is clearly VERY much in love with Pink.
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This is, perhaps, where the lack of a grudge plays into it. She’s completely enamoured.
Moreover, she’s VERY casual about how she talks here. This isn’t exactly how one talks of their Diamond. This is how people talk about their romantic partners. She calls Pink silly, calls her ‘funny’. That’s not exactly a term of respect - it’s way more intimate than that. 
Also, did anyone else notice how, although CG Pearl’s gem is usually shaded in teal, it’s in Pink in this episode? VEEEERY subtle, Crew.
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Also, we can’t quite see Pink Pearl’s expression fully here because her working eye isn’t visible, which makes it hard to get a read on things like
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“I’m older than you.“ Is she just saying it casually? Or is she fully aware that she’s poking fun at CG Pearl? 
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Meanwhile, Pearl continues to be in character.
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“No need to be overly... attached.”
And this has nothing to do with anything but
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she cute
Aaaand now it’s creepy again.
The rest of this is super important so let’s get to it:
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“Oh, no. Pink did this.”
“What did you say?”
“It’s a funny story, really. Once, Pink got tired of asking Yellow and Blue for her own colony, so she went straight to White. Of course, White told her she wasn’t fit to run one... and well! That set her off.”
“Set her off? What are you talking about?”
“You remember how she was! With her destructive powers, throwing tantrums left and right! She had a scream that could crack the walls. She didn’t mean to hurt me! (giggle) I just happened to be standing too close to her that time and--”
And then Steven interrupts. 
We get more CG Pearl arguing for how wrong this image of Pink is to her. What CG Pearl knew was a totally different (or, well, same, but VERY changed) Pink. 
But what we have to prove our point is Steven himself. He rolls into the EXACT same state as Pink presumably did - and begins to over-use his powers. 
(This isn’t the first time we have seen him use this attack.)
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The reactions from the Pearls are telling - this is clearly not Pink Pearl’s first rodeo with this type of Mood. 
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And it’s important to note that Steven clearly didn’t direct any attack AT them. He simply yelled - and the whole dang place literally started to crack. There’s weight to the argument that possibly, Pink really DIDN’T mean to hurt her Pearl - that she was just collateral damage. 
Which doesn’t make it any better, obviously. Even if Pink had no direct intention of hurting her Pearl (and there are theories that Pink purposefully hit or threw Pink Pearl or somehow physically acted directly to damage her, which I was skeptical of) the result of it is still the same.
If you raise your voice and yell, even if you’re just yelling because YOU are hurt/have feelings, you might still hurt the people around you. If you throw a tantrum, even if your direct goal was just to let off some steam without aiming to harm anyone, whoever gets in your way is still the victim. 
And this is all very much On Brand for Pink’s timeline as we know it. We already knew this about her - we KNEW she tended to throw tantrums (like in the flashback on Jungle Moon) and that she was childish. The fact that she accidentally hurt her Pearl in the process because she had no self-control at that period in her life comes as no surprise. 
(Although it’s important to mention that perhaps hurting her own Pearl WAS the breaking point during which she finally realized how her emotional outbursts could have negative consequences on those around her.)
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And this is a very beautiful message - even if Pink Pearl still doesn’t want to blame Pink for what was done to her (”But... she didn’t mean to!”) Pearl brings the point of it back around to her (”But you were still hurt!”) The point isn’t the person who did the hurting - the focus is on the victim and how they were affected. 
And the rest, I daresay, is history. 
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I like the fact that they managed to still bring it back around to the main message: 
It isn’t about just “Pink was bad”. It’s about how she did bad things. And there were multiple sides to her - multiple stages. And the Pearls who knew her knew different sides of her - the side that didn’t know how to be a good person, who was selfish and childish and unrestrained... and  the side that was, arguable, too restrained. Who hated her own past, her own character and her own mistakes so much that she would rather bury them and keep secrets from everyone. 
And neither of those things were good, and neither were healthy, but they are a GREAT contrast to a GREAT character arc that is, arguably, still being unearthed. And we have so much more context for it all now. 
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I, for one, can’t wait to see and discover more of Pink through Pink Pearl - no matter how ugly that side of her might be. I think it gives great perspective to her later growth. 
And if you ship the Pearls.. .well, I get why. 
Personally I’m not interested in it that way. Call me unromantic - I don’t think their relationship NEEDS to be shippy in order to be satisfyingly deep. I love the idea of them having a deep bond over this - a shared past, a shared experience, and gaining confidence through one another. 
Cheers and thanks for listening!
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asexy-phoenix · 4 years
Gravity Falls fandom history
So I’m 21 and I remember when Gravity Falls first came out...I was in middle school and there were a few of us at my school that were really into the show and would gather in the library to discuss our theories like the baby nerds we were. Now, we’re eight years into the fandom or thereabouts and I was musing about where we came from and thought I’d write down a few of my musings here under the cut.
Feel free to add onto this post if there’s something else you guys remember btw! I love learning about fandom history!!
1. Stanley’s Twin. This was one of the major theories and was around since the beginning. The license plate that read “Stanley” was one of the first major indicators, and by the time episode 9 came around (The Time Traveler’s Pig) people were pretty evenly split on whether or not the person we saw was Stanley or Stanford.
1a. That being said, there was a pretty popular idea going around that the Stan who ran the Mystery Shack was Stanford and the missing twin was Stanley. There’s still some old fics out there with the mixed up names.
2. Shipping wasn’t really a thing in the early fandom? There was Wendy/Dipper, obviously, and Mabel/Dipper (ew ew ew) but besides that not a whole lot that I remember? Once season 2 aired, Pacifica/Dipper really took off.
3. Back to theorizing, um, I remember most of it was focused on the author of the journals. McGucket was a major contender. There’s a reason Alex Hirsch came up with that hoax and it’s because the fandom was super ready to believe it. I remember people suggesting that the cast on his arm was left over from an injury where he lost the sixth finger that would mark him as the author.
3a. Speaking of author theories, Vailskibum94 released a hilarious April Fools video that claimed Grenda was the author, it was great.
4. Now, all of this changed when Dreamscaperers came out. As soon as that episode dropped, the Stanley’s Twin theory was seen as basically confirmed. The names were still a little up in the air (that wouldn’t be confirmed until season 2) but everyone invested in the theory knew they were basically right.
4a. Although I do remember at least one analysis that said the flashback in the Columbian prison wasn’t our Stan because of the facial structure? There was some kind of theory that Ford had taken Stan’s spot or that they had swapped at one point? I honestly don’t remember all of the details...it was a long time ago.
5. Bill’s introduction was kind of a gamechanger. The shipping didn’t start right away and he was seeing as a lot more of a comedy character, but people started theorizing about him immediately. Of course, the Cipher Wheel had been spotted right from the beginning so people knew he was important.
6. Oh, god, the Cipher Wheel. So much theorizing. Mabel, Dipper, and Soos were placed from the beginning. Stan was also confirmed because of the symbol on his fez. Wendy was theorized but there was a lot more contention over her...ultimately, those who said she symbolized the ice were right. Robbie was placed but no one took much notice of him. The Author was the six-fingered hand, but people were arguing over whether Fiddleford was the glasses or the hand. Long story short, the Cipher Wheel was a big source of discussion.
7. Besides the Cipher Wheel, Wendy and Robbie were up for a lot of discussion. I remember theories about Robbie being a zombie and Wendy being a mermaid. (the evidence for that one was that her boots looked like they were wet??? idk)
8. On to AUs...Reverse Falls was the first one and I have no idea where it came from. Monster Falls got very popular for a while...that one’s kind of fun. Transcendence AU is still very popular in some circles - i have no idea where it came from, but it really took off in Season 2.
9. The hiatus between seasons was awful. Such a cliffhanger and so many questions...it was full of fan content. The main theory I remember was that there was a secret society in Gravity Falls (correct), Stan was part of it (incorrect), and they had helped him collect the journals and were working to restart the portal (incorrect). The main thing that made people think he was working with this secret society was that they weren’t sure whether he had said “Finally. I’ve got them all,” or “Finally. We’ve got them all,” in the final scene. Turns out it was I’ve and Stan had nothing to do with the secret society.
9a. I think a lot of that theory came from Vailskibum94 - he was a major influencer for theories in the early days of the Gravity Falls fandom.
10. You know who we haven’t talked about yet? Gideon. Man, everyone and their mother had a theory about him! That he was a vampire, or a demon, that him having five fingers instead of four was meant to symbolize something, that the name Carla in his commercial had something to do with the Carla in Stan’s memories...you name it, it was talked about.
10a. The vampire thing happened because of similarities between Gideon and an advertisement for one of Gravity Falls’ terrible movies.
10b. The demon thing really picked up steam around the release of Blendin’s Game when a billboard was graffitied to give Gideon devil horns. Also there was noise about the timeline not matching up because Gideon was only supposed to be 9 instead of the 11 that episode implied.
10c. The “five fingers instead of four” thing got brought up at a Q&A panel at a con when a girl supposedly asked about Gideon’s hands but there was apparently no clear answer? i never saw that interview so I’m really not sure
10d. Carla McCorkle from Stan’s memories is probably a totally different person than the Carla in Gideon’s commercial. Either that or it’s a fun Easter egg.
11. No one ever found out what was up with Gideon’s mom either, as far as I know.
12. As far as season 2, I’ll confess I don’t know as much about these theories. I do know Bill really blew up, especially after Sock Opera, where Bill/Dipper became a huge thing. Alex Hirsch “leaked” the photo to throw people off the trail and then Society of the Blind Eye told us the full story which was really fun to see. The author was finally revealed and both Stan twins backstory was told.
13. After A Tale of Two Stans came out, there were a lot of people theorizing that it wasn’t Stan who had caused the perpetual motion machine to break but that it was Blendin or some kind of other time/supernatural shenanigans that broke it.
14. Shermie! No one knew what to think of Shermie and they still don’t. There are two main camps: either he’s the baby Ma Pines is holding when Stan’s kicked out, or he’s the father of that baby. Honestly, I lean more towards option 2, but it’s very up in the air. There was also one fanfic I read where Shermie is the youngest daughter...that was cool.
15. Mystery Trio was also very big...don’t know when it started but it was early enough that people weren’t sure which Stan twin had which name.
16. Around Season 2 is also when crossovers with Rick and Morty were at their peak. Both Alex Hirsch and Justin Roiland had shown up for cameos in the others shows and there were quite a few Gravity Falls Easter eggs in Rick and Morty.
16a. Crossovers with Steven Universe existed but never at the same level of popularity.
16b. Also, when Journal 3 was released, there were Rick and Morty Easter eggs in it, so the nods went both ways.
17. After the show ended, the Same Coin theory started gaining traction. Basically, from what I understand, it’s the idea that Bill, after being defeated by the Pines, didn’t die completely and instead took up residence in Stan’s head somehow. I personally never looked it up because I like the canon ending with all its warm fuzziness. I do know MatPat of Film Theory made a video about this theory a couple years after the show ended and a lot of fans were like “um...yeah...we’ve already said all of this...”
17a. I also saw a thing where Filbrick was Bill, but I don’t remember many of the details and also don’t like it because it kind of absolves Filbrick of being a terrible person if it’s all the fault of an interdimensional dream demon.
OKAY, that was a lot! Thank you for sitting through all of that and please do add on to this! I know I can’t be the only one who was around for the beginnings of this show, so I’d love to hear what other people remember from the early days of the Gravity Falls fandom
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I saw in your tags that there’s some old destiel fic you like on ffn. Do you have any recs ? :)
omg I haven’t been on there in years! like last time I read anything on there was like in 2014 lmao xD
32 fics total - I just checked and all of them are still up...there’s like 30+ more that I bookmarked that isn’t on the list cuz I’m not sure if they’re destiel fics or not so I gotta re-read them
all the ones below are fics that I’ve recced before in the past
1. All Angels Need Their Wings - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,784 (2012)
Dean never thought that Castiel would ever return. And when he did, he came in a very unexpected way, a very horrifying way. SLASH Castiel/Dean. Wing-Kink. Takes place in season 7. AU.
2. Heart Trouble - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 74,320 (2011)
Dean's having a harder and harder time of denying what he feels for a certain blue-eyed friend of his. And it's making him a little ornery, and a lot confused.
3. It Hurts - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 29,963 (2013)
Inspired by the S9 Trailer Cas had watched the angels fall and with them, his self worth. Now human facing the challenges of navigating mortality he also tries to find a place for himself in this new world. It is a hope he has to find without the Winchesters, without Dean. So now he runs, from both Heaven, Hell and from Dean. 
4. Small Problem - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 13,310 (2011)
A cursed artifact has made Castiel miniature, it's amusing for the Winchesters at first until they realize he might stay that way forever. Slash Dean/Castiel Please R&R
5 My Broken Angel - RATING: M | LENGTH: 24,999 (2010)
When Castiel disappears from his vessel, Dean is concerned. But when Castiel reappears and seems to avoid him, Dean is heartbroken. Set mid-season 5. 
6. A Hand - RATING: M | LENGTH: 23,474 (2010)
Dean/Cas, multichapter, slight AU. Dean's busy trying to re-soulify his brother, but Cas needs help. Maybe it's time Dean gave it to him. Ch. 15: Dean glared indignantly. "I find the term 'lovebirds' to be offensive. We prefer to be called 'sex-falcons.'" 
7. Saving Grace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 38,602 (2010)
With everything that was going wrong in Dean's life, it took him a while to realize that the person close to him that really needed the most help was Castiel. 
8. Candy - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 98,068 (2013)
The Fall from Heaven changed everything. The supernatural no longer hidden. Angels roaming the planet. Sam and Dean's immediate concerns were on a smaller scale. What do you do with the former King of Hell? Where is Castiel?... Destiel/Mute!Human!Cas/Angst!Dean
9. Dude, Dean Looks Like a Lady - RATING: M | LENGTH: 20,774 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
Sam's good, Cas has been found, and demons everywhere seem to be on hiatus. Seems like things are looking up for Team Free Will that is until Dean wakes up with his very own vagina anyway. Warnings: Fem!Dean, Destiel, female masturbation and S8 spoilers.
10. Evil Intent, Trials of Love, & Finding My Angel - RATING: NC-17 | LENGTH: 36,729, 70,453, & 59,941 *rape, graphic torture, violence* (2009)
Anna rapes Castiel and uses a method that torments him more than anything imaginable. WARNING: Rape and Castiel/Dean makes sense when you read it . If you don't like then don't read!
11. Cascade - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 (2013)
"And if you fall as Lucifer fell, you fall in flames!" An 8x23 coda. 
12. Count The Cracks, Hear The Shatters, Feel The Insanities - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 44,626 *gen/pre-slash* (2013)
They've walked miles on gravel roads that led to hell and back but the journey never quite ends. This is the story of Castiel and the Winchesters after the angels fell from heaven. Post Season 8. 
13. Damn Straight & Wait Wait Wait - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: about 21,000 (2010)
Humorous Cas/Dean, with multiple POVs. Slight AU. Fluffy. Ch. 5: Sam sat in the Impala in the motel parking lot, praying that three and a half hours at the library had been long enough.
14. Entertaining Angels - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 43,659 *gen/pre-slash* (2008)
A strange boy shows up at Dean and Sam’s motel room. Maybe he needs help, or maybe he’s there to help them—they can’t quite tell. Spoilers through 4.10. Not an OC. 
15. Happy Friggin’ Valentine’s Day - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 22,771 (2010)
SLASH. It all started with Dean's perfectly healthy hatred of frivilous holidays and a much-coveted sack of dust. Poor Castiel doesn't fully understand 'romance' to begin with, and this crash course is most unwelcome. 
16. I’m Just a Love Machine - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 29,200 (2011)
The Impala finally gets the chance to love Dean back. The problem is, Castiel seems to be in its way. 
17. It’s The Great Destiel Shipper, Sam Winchester - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 49,641 (2012)
What's Sam really doing all that time on the computer? Fangirling. Over Chuck's Supernatural books. Now Wincest might be a bit too much to deal with, but Destiel he might be able to get on board with... Especially after being around the two people involved for three days straight. 
18. Pain in the Head - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 78,771 *character death* (2011)
It started out slow. "Since when do angels have headaches?" "Since they become human." Established Dean/Cas. Sort of AU. PG-13. Complete. 
19. Sleep in Heavenly Peace - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 45,517 *christmas fic* (2013)
Dean wants to have a nice, peaceful Christmas for once, but it seems like the universe won't let him. Dean/Castiel. Post-8.08 (Hunteri Heroici) AU. First in "Holidays With the Winchesters are Always Fun." 
20. The Shattered One - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 94,021 *grace mpreg* (2012)
When it struck Castiel, it dropped him out of the sky. He set down the first place he could find. He stood in a field in Switzerland, swaying on his feet and staring down at his body, dazed by what it had just done.
21. This Cupid Isn’t Stupid - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 41,572 (2012)
Dean receives a shock when he wakes up to discover Castiel has returned. Why is the angel suddenly back? Why have his powers dimmed? And.. Why are he and Dean joined together by an invisible rope!
22. Wild Horses, Cas - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 23,505 (2013)
(S8 Spoilers (story is set in S9), Sickfic! Destiel, Minor Sabriel). When Cas comes down with a bad case of Pneumonia it leaves Dean feeling more protective over his friend than ever, but will it also lead to Dean's admittance of his feelings towards his friend? 
23. Wrong - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 51,384 (2010)
Angels are not supposed to drop out of the sky into motel rooms, broken and beaten. They're not supposed to bleed like that. It was all wrong. 
24. The Reluctant Contestant - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 50,502 (2012)
AU When Gabriel is hired as a new host for a dating show, Cas has no choice but to follow his brother along as part of the camera crew. Forced at the last minute to be a contestant, he is shocked when Dean Winchester continually refuses to eliminate him. 
25. The Ugly Duckling - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 81,676 (2012)
Castiel: a nerdy, skinny thing with a crush on the the most popular guy in class. Being unpopular isn't easy and it's worse when the homophobic school figures him out. A small struggle to be noticed by his crush is turned into a huge struggle for himself and his dignity. But bullying can get the better of anyone. Slash. Destiel rated M for later chapters. 
26. Nameless - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 77,882 (2013)
AU. Everyone has the name of their soulmate written on their wrist at birth. Well, everyone except Dean Winchester. Complete. 
27. Cufflinks - RATING: M | LENGTH: 61,845 (2012)
The world is full of creatures that prey on humans. It is up to 'Hunters' to fight against the dark. Lucky Hunters rely on the help of angels they have bound to their service. Sam and Dean may be good Hunters, but they have yet to capture an angel. One day, Sam finds an angel and seizes the opportunity to bind the angel to himself. Little did they know what they were getting into. 
28. Angel Training - RATING: M | LENGTH: 95,700, Angel Training 2: Save Us - RATING: M | LENGTH: 76,888, & Angel Training 3: Uprising - RATING: M | LENGTH: 89,512 (2011)
In a world where angels are common and the most privileged or skilled people are able to own one; the world's angelic hierarchy is about to change when Dean Winchester receives a wild and recently caught angel.
29. Chasing Your Shadow - RATING: M | LENGTH: 92,077 (2012)
The prophecy says that when Castiel turns twenty-three winters old, a stranger will come into his life and bring a lot of suffering. But do prophecies always come true? Demon Dean/human Castiel AU 
30. The Holiday - RATING: M | LENGTH: 32,088 (2011)
Castiel and Sam are unlucky in both life and love, so they swap houses for the holidays. Both find the experience highly...interesting. Dean/Castiel Sam/Gabriel
31. And In Your Arms I Shall Find Shelter- RATING: M | LENGTH: 33,824 (2012)
Dean Winchester is a long forgotten painter who suddenly receives an order for a painting from a rich man - Crowley. He is about to start painting when Castiel - his personal reaper visits him. The main question is: Will Castiel give Dean enough time to finish the painting? 
32. Jar of Hearts - RATING: PG-13 | LENGTH: 127,192 (2013)
February being the supposed 'month of love' people seem to forget that it's also one of the coldest times of the year. Valentine's Day themed events in a cafe turned bar is how Dean managed the courage to speak to the locally famous singer and somehow score a date, a relationship, and a man he didn't deserve out of the deal. Destiel college/uniAU some Sabriel 
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gamergirl929 · 4 years
Hiatus... I know that word sometimes means something along the lines of, I’m taking a break, but then in reality the writer doesn’t come back, BUT let me explain...
I’ve been bouncing this idea around in my head for a couple months now, and I think it’s time to finally announce my plans for the future. 
It took me a while to come to this decision, because in all honesty, I didn’t want to, BUT I know it’s not about want, it’s about need, this needs to be done for the sake of my work.
Over the past year, I’ve made so many friends, from writing for not only the USWNT, but the WWE as well. 
Writing has been a MAJOR factor in the improvement of my mental health, and the kindness of my readers has helped me in more ways than they even realize.
Lately I’ve been finding it harder to focus on requests, I just can’t seem to formulate the idea I want from the request, even when I start the fic, I’m not entirely happy with what’s been written. 
NOW, this is not a HIATUS in the sense of a HIATUS, it is one in the sense that I’ll be taking time to sort of write my own ideas, instead of focusing on requests. 
I KNOW many of you have been waiting on requests for a while, and I truly apologize, it’s just harder to formulate some ideas from requests where it’s easier with others....
It means that until the first Friday of February 2021, I’ll no longer be posting on Friday’s, the scheduling will be gone until I come back in February, so Friday will still be my day to post. 
I will continue posting fics, just more sporadically, and not just USWNT, or WWE exclusive. 
For Example, I’m currently working on a Hermione Granger x Reader fic, and have an Assasin’s Creed 4: James Kidd (Mary Read) x Reader fic already done. 
Now, this doesn’t mean I won’t be posting for the USWNT or WWE, I have some ideas I’m working on and have written that I’d like to post during this little request hiatus. 
I just want to make content that I’m happy with releasing, and currently, I’m not all that happy with the works I’ve produced, works I have yet to post.
I know many people don’t come back from hiatus’s but this bitch is coming back. in reality I’m not going anywhere, I just would like to write some of my own things for a while. 
I hope everyone understands, and I really really hope you guys keep reading. 
Don’t forget, Friday at 12:30 is STILL my spot, so you other writers keep it warm for me, and I’ll be back soon. 😉😉😉😉😉
I love you guys, so very much, more than you realize, you’ve all changed my life, and I just want to create work that you guys can appreciate and that you guys love. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
This USWNT x Reader OG isn’t going anywhere anytime soon, so just like the Terminantor...
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Well, I’ll be back to writing requests I mean, other than that, I’m not going anywhere.
I’m really REALLY sorry if this upsets any of you who have made requests, but I can’t give you the best content I’m capable of if my head isn’t in the right place. 
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TGF Thoughts: 5x01- Previously on...
Welcome back!! I’m so excited to be writing one of these again. I think this hiatus has been the longest I’ve gone without new Diane Lockhart content in ten years, and it sure feels like it. A lot of important stuff has happened in the time since TGF season four ended (not concluded—ended). Most notably, CBS All Access became Paramount+ and suddenly started offering a lot of content I care about! I kid. 2020 was quite an eventful year, so I was curious how television’s most topical show was going to take it on. TGF is always forward-looking, but too much happened in 2020 to be ignored. And while I didn’t think TGF would have much to say about the pandemic, it seemed impossible to imagine a season five that pretended it never happened. Going into this premiere, I was expecting that they’d either skip COVID entirely or include very few references, but after seeing this episode, I feel like the writers took the only approach that made sense. And that is why they are the writers, and I'm just some girl on the internet who writes recaps.  
Anyway, before I dive into the episode, I should also note that my pandemic boredom spurred me to actually pay $30 to watch this episode early as part of the virtual ATX Festival. Yes, I paid $30 on top of the money I spend every month on Paramount+ for this show. But I write tens of thousands of words about each TGF episode—are my priorities really that surprising? I note this not to brag or even to poke fun at myself, but because watching the episode before I knew a single thing about it (not even the title!) completely changed my viewing experience. I’ve never had an experience like this with TGW or TGF. I’m one to search for critics tweeting cryptically about screeners and refresh sites looking for background extras (haven’t done this in the TGF era, though) and read every single piece of press I can find. For any big episode, I usually know the outline of what to expect going in (I even knew about Will before the episode aired in the US!). Not this one! So, I got to be surprised, and I had to—gasp—formulate my own opinions before I knew what anyone else thought! It was really pleasant, actually. I think the structure of the episode worked extremely well for me because it caught me by surprise... and also because I’m the kind of person who somehow managed to write a college paper about Previously On sequences.
I see Tumblr has made it so that “keep reading” expands the post in your dash instead of opening a new tab. I absolutely hate this. Here is a link to the post you can click instead of the keep reading button! 
The ATX stream started mid-sentence, meaning I missed the “Previously On... 2020...” title card and skipped right to Adrian saying “I’m retiring.” It was pretty easy to pick up on the device (the directness of the scenes at the start, their cadence, and their placement in the episode made it clear this was meant to mimic a Previously) but the second title card hit way harder because... well, I had no idea if this was meant to be 2020 or some moment outside of real time until a bit later in the episode.  
Man, before I get any farther into this, two things that I don’t know where else to put. First, this episode had to cover so much ground. They had to write out both Adrian and Lucca—more on that later--, figure out how to deal with all of 2020, figure out how to either wrap up or continue all the truncated season 4 plotlines, and set the stage for a new season... in 50 minutes.  
Second, just wanna shout out the Kings’ other Paramout+ show, Evil, which you should absolutely be watching even if you hate horror. Evil is a Kings show, so it is unsurprisingly topical (sometimes evil takes the form of racism or misogyny or Scott Rudin) and at times very, very funny. I would be recapping it if Paramount+ weren’t attacking me personally by airing it at the same time as TGF. Ever hear of too much of a good thing, people?! (On that note, I am VERY upset with myself for not having made a Good vs Evil joke about the Good shows and Evil. I didn’t even think about it until Robert King made the joke on Twitter, and it was right fucking there. How did I fail so miserably?!)  
So STR Laurie, who wants a 20% downsizing, is still a thing. Noted.
This scene with Landau is the only one in this previously that is actually old footage, right?  
Unexpected Margo Martindale! Yay! (Ruth Eastman is a character who is so much more effective on Fight than she was on Wife and I’m quite glad they’ve had her appear on Fight several times. It kind of redeems season seven. Kind of.)
I don’t think the writers intentionally chose for Adrian’s book deal to be with Simon & Schuster because it is the most politically fraught publisher (the number of stories about controversial memoirs they’ve picked up in 2021 alone...) but I kind of like that Adrian’s Road Not Taken involves S&S. My guess is they chose S&S because it is owned by ViacomCBS.  
“Years ago, I wanted to create a law firm run entirely by women, but it never worked out. So, why not now?” Diane says to Liz. One of the advantages of having twelve (!!!) seasons of Diane Lockhart is that we’ve seen what she’s talking about. And we’ve seen her put this idea forward multiple times, too. I have my reservations about Diane’s brand of feminism, and I’ll say more about how fraught a Diane/Liz firm would be as the show explores the potential issues there, but on the surface I’m kind of excited about the prospect of a Diane/Liz led firm. Diane has wanted this for ages, Liz is a good partner, and this actually makes sense (unlike the nonsensical Diane/Alicia alliance of late season seven, where the only rationale was “well, Alicia needs to betray Diane in the finale, but they’re not on good terms. So maybe we make them business partners so then the betrayal stings more?”). Plus I fully love that Diane would end up running a firm with Alicia’s law school rival.
(Has TGF mentioned that Liz and Alicia were law school rivals? No. Am I still clinging on to that as a large part of Liz’s character? ABSOLUTELY.)
Julius is on trial for Memo 618 reasons; Diane is defending him. So this is still happening. (There’s more old footage here.)  
Do they put these references to one/two party consent in these episodes as a wink at the fans? It has to be intentional. (Please do not ask me what the actual law is on this, this show has thoroughly confused me.)  
I knew Cush was filming stuff for TGF, but I didn’t know it was for the premiere. She was just posting about it a few weeks ago, so either they shot a lot of it right before air or she posted a while after filming. Anyway, yay Lucca!  
Bianca’s still around. And, TGF gets to shoot New York for New York, since Bianca is there. I do wish TGF could do more location shoots; there’s something about seeing an actual skyline that feels more real.  
Bianca wants Lucca, who has never been outside of the country (except to St. Lucia, as Bianca reminds her) to go to London and buy her a resort. It’s supposed to be a three week stay and Bianca’s already arranged childcare. Speaking of children, because of COVID and filming constraints, that’s Cush’s real kid in this scene! You can’t really see him, but I recognized his curly hair from Cush’s Instagram, and the Kings confirmed in an interview.  
Adrian wants to write a book about police brutality cases he’s worked on. Ruth very much does not want him to write that book. She wants him to write a book without substance about how white people and black people can work together. He, understandably, has no interest in writing this book. (Also, you can see in the background that Ruth doesn’t think Biden’s odds of winning the Democratic primary are good—there is a big down arrow next to his picture, which definitely dates this scene.)
Oh, David Lee is in this episode. He acts like an asshole towards Marissa when she’s trying to help him.  
Marissa, not happy with the lack of respect, calls Lucca for advice “for a friend.” Lucca mentions she’s in London and Marissa does not believe her and keeps going on and on about her frustrations and her new desire to become a lawyer—quickly.  
Marissa wanting to become a lawyer because she “hates being talked down to” is not a plot I would’ve expected but it’s also one that makes a lot of sense. I think Marissa’s used to being respected and praised even when she’s doing things that aren’t glamorous, so I see how she’d get very restless when she’s no longer outperforming expectations and is instead taken for granted.  
Bells toll in the background on Lucca’s side and Marissa asks where she is. Lucca again notes she’s in London and Marissa still doesn’t believe her.
I’m going to miss Lucca so much, especially since we’ll also be losing a lot of the Millennial Friendship scenes with her. Cush is fantastic (even if she never really got enough to do here) and she plays so well off of the rest of the cast. I even sometimes liked the writing for Maia (who?) when she had scenes with Lucca, Lucca is that good.  
Jay wakes up sweating and unable to breathe, so he deliriously calls his father-figure Adrian. This whole scene is shot like something out of Evil and (I’m getting ahead of myself here) this plot is the only thing about this episode I felt was a misstep.  
“I think you’re my father,” Jay says to Adrian. Heh, I didn’t catch this line the first time around (maybe subliminally I did, since I just called Adrian his father figure lol) but I love that it is included here. Adrian and Jay’s relationship definitely deserves a goodbye.
Adrian calls an ambulance and also gets to Jay before the ambulance somehow. Adrian notes that Jay might have “this thing from China” and... we’re doing the pandemic, y’all. (Minor nitpick: on March 13th, 2020, when this scene is dated, COVID was not “this thing from China”-- we were all aware of it. March 11th was the day Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson announced they’d tested positive and the NBA shut down and travel was restricted and every single brand that had my email sent me a message about their plans and measures. March 12th was the last time I was in my office, and we’d been getting emails telling us to wash our hands and prepare to work remotely for weeks. I went to San Francisco in mid-late February and distinctly remember deciding to leave a burrito unattended on a table while I washed my hands because I was paranoid about COVID... and then I remember making a specific trip to Walgreens to buy hand sanitizer so that didn’t happen again. My point is, Adrian lives in the same world I do. On March 13th 2020, he would not be treating COVID like it was some new thing he’d vaguely heard of.)  
(I am going to nitpick this timeline, but please know that I’m only doing it because I can, not because I think it’s necessarily a bad choice. Lines like this do feel a little forced, but I see the reason for introducing COVID as something new rather than going for the line that’s exactly historically accurate. I also am pretty sure there are references to dates in March/April in s4 of TGF that are now going to be contradicted by this episode, but I truly do not care. The writers get a pass on this one.)  
We skip slightly back in time to the beginning of March after the MARCH 13TH title card, or maybe this is supposed to be after March 13th and my own memories are preventing me from believing these face-to-face interactions were happening. Who knows.
Michael Bloomberg is... here, again, I guess? He asks Diane to assist with a Supreme Court case about gun control. I guess it does add some weight to the plot and make the stakes feel higher.  
Oh hey, this case is the 7x17 case!!!! Love that continuity.  
Diane and Adrian are both at the office late, working, and there is an unnecessary split screen that feels even more unnecessary when you consider that the editing alone was enough to create the parallel.  
Diane and Adrian have a nice convo (which I’ll really miss, their dynamic is great and this really feels like a successful partnership) as they wait for the elevator. When the elevator dings, they nearly tumble down into nothingness because... the elevator never came. Apparently this is a reference to an law old show I’ve never seen that killed off a character this way, and it’s meant to be a wink at how they are not going to kill off Adrian.
I do not know why I remember this, but I do: after they killed off Will, a critic (Noel Murray; I just googled to confirm my memory) who didn’t want to spoil things tweeted, “Exactly 23 years and 2 days ago, Rosalind Shays fell down an elevator shaft.” Please tell me why I remember this reference that I didn’t even understand well enough to have tracked down the original tweet in under a minute. (https://twitter.com/NoelMu/status/447942456827326464)  
Back on this show, Diane and Adrian share a drink and talk about their wishes. Diane wants to argue in front of the Supreme Court, and Adrian encourages her to speak up. His own near-death experience motivates him to trash the book Ruth has him writing, and Diane trashes the (bad) legal strategy someone else prepared for the Supreme Court.
DIANE IS WEARING JEANS!!!!!! Tbh, I think my favorite part of this episode is how many slice-of-life scenes and settings we get. These are always my favorite moments. I love the satirical and political stuff too, but the character moments are what get me invested enough to write these. (Yes, Diane in jeans constitutes a character moment.)  
Diane tells Bloomberg she wants to be involved and advocates for herself. Kurt gets a call on their landline (hahaha) from Adrian.
God, I love Diane and Kurt. Not only is their banter fun, you can just see a different, more relaxed side of Diane in these scenes. Diane tells Kurt she has good news for herself, but bad news for him since she’s arguing for gun control. She asks him to help her prep for court, too.  
So this is before Jay is rushed to the hospital, because now we are back at the hospital with Julius, Diane, and Marissa. I do not believe any of these people would be setting foot in a hospital like it’s any other day on March 13th, 2020. But I'm trying not to nitpick.
I get why they chose to give Jay a rather severe case of COVID. I just don’t get literally anything else that follows from the initial shock of Jay having COVID.  
I see why the writers chose March 20th (the actual Illinois stay at home order) as the next date for this timeline. I still do not believe that people were in this particular office on that date.  
You know what else I don’t believe? That RBL just shut down for two weeks and was like, no work is being done. Did law firms really do this? I can believe it if it’s an excuse to cost-cut, and I know there were massive layoffs, but this seems... really weird???  
Why are they setting up a teleconferencing infrastructure (didn’t they have one at LG? In season five?) if they are not planning to do work?  
Lol Diane explains what Zoom is, very slowly. She asks everyone to “download a program called Zoom.com” which is one of the first Zoom jokes I’ve chuckled at in a while.  
Marissa is not happy to hear that there’s no work for her in a work-remote world (this I believe 100%), so she calls Lucca again with more questions about law school.
Love these NYC and London location shots. Wish they could do that for Chicago.
Lucca asks Bianca to help get Marissa into a law school, fast, and Bianca tells Lucca to use her name... then offers her a job.
Marissa is at the office, alone, boxing up her things, when one of the office phones rings with some dude offering her a spot in a law school class. I guess we are really all-in on this! (Why would Lucca have given a firm phone number not specific to Marissa, though?)
Adrian and his corrupt girlfriend decide to shelter in place together. I still do not understand why he is okay with her being corrupt. I also don’t really understand why they’re going from talking about sheltering-in-place to George Floyd. How did we just skip from late March to late May? Are Adrian and corrupt gf having a conversation about sheltering-in-place two months into sheltering in place?  
Okay, I am not doing so good at this no-nitpicking thing. Again, I understand why they need to merge several scenes into one to keep things moving. And I guess they could just be getting around to this conversation.
I’m going to nitpick again, I can’t help myself. How did we just go from a scene of Adrian specifically talking about sheltering in place to a scene of Adrian bursting into a bustling and maskless DNC headquarters room? How!? The only masks in this scene are on TV!! There are like ten people in this scene!  
Anyway, more importantly, Adrian tells Ruth off and screams at her that she needs to listen to him instead of acting like she knows the way forward. He is completely right.  
Why is travel from London closing down in May 2020? Is it because this scene is supposed to be at a different place in the episode? Liz is asking Lucca to come back home from her three week stay in London (which has now lasted three months but travel is just now closing down), and Lucca’s hesitant to come home.
This is all happening via Zoom, btw. Lucca’s in her hotel, Diane and Adrian are at their respective homes, and Liz is in the office. All of this feels right. There is a chat off to the side of the screen where you can see Adrian and the others discussing how to unmute on Zoom. Very real. Though probably not very real in late May 2020. Feels more like April. I am convinced this scene got spliced in later to help the episode flow because everything in this scene (except the TV footage that definitely was added later) feels like it should be happening in the March section.  
Lucca mentions that Bianca offered her a job, and at this point we as viewers know how things are going to go—Lucca's going to end up taking it. Liz types in the Zoom chat that they don’t want to lose Lucca. When Lucca tells them how much Bianca’s offering ($500k/year, go Lucca!), Diane types “Shit.” into the chat. “Shit’s right,” Liz replies. “Yes... What should our counter be?” Diane replies. Lucca is kind enough to point out the messages are not private (again, this feels like March not May) but I think knowing that their reaction to topping $500k is “shit” tells her all she needs to know.  
Diane’s background still says that RBL is a division of STR Laurie. Weird how little we are hearing about the overlords except the 20% staff cut.  
Liz and Adrian chat and decide the only way to keep Lucca is to make her a partner. Which, yeah, if you’d just made her a partner years ago when you told her she was in the running for partner and then offered it to fucking MAIA, maybe she wouldn’t be considering Bianca’s offer. Lucca is definitely one of RBL’s stars, and I don’t think she’s wrong to feel like they don’t value her enough. They treat her well enough to be upset about losing her, but not well enough to have already made her partner and not well enough to actually give her authority (even though she runs a whole department). I’d be pretty unhappy too. It kind of feels sometimes like they take her for granted, and I don’t know that Lucca is one to feel like she owes a company anything. She’s more of an “I’m out for myself” type.  
Madeline and the other partner we’ve seen a few times who isn’t Liz/Diane/Adrian, walk into the office (wearing masks! Which they take off as soon as they enter a room with Liz! Without asking her if she is okay with this! TV logic!) and ask who is replacing Adrian. They think this is a good time to reevaluate having a white name partner of an African American firm, and they are spot on. Liz tries to deflect, noting that Diane is already a name partner and was before Liz even joined, but Madeline and other partner (whose name I really wish they would say so I can stop calling him “other partner”) won’t let up. Their position is that Diane shouldn’t have been made a name partner then—all she did was bring in ChumHum, an account that quickly left the firm. Good point.  
“What is this firm if it’s not African American? It’s just another midsized all-service Midwestern law firm, one of 50,” Madeline argues. The other partner says Liz needs to remove Diane and promote two African Americans to name partner. Liz laughs and asks if they mean themselves. Madeline does not—she's concerned about the number of black associates they’re letting go. Liz heads out, but this conversation is very much ongoing.
And I think it’s a very interesting dilemma! There’s a lot of mileage the writers can get out of this, because I don’t think there’s a right answer or a wrong one. It’s all about what Liz decides she wants the future of the firm to be. If Liz chooses Diane, she might be choosing something that works for her personally or that she thinks is a safer financial bet—but she’ll be choosing to work at a firm that can no longer be thought of as a black firm, and she’ll be choosing to move away from her father’s vision for the firm. And since the plot hinges on what Liz will decide rather than what’s objectively the right path forward, there’s a lot of interesting tension there I can’t wait to see.  
(My favorite thing about Adrian leaving is that Liz will likely get more to do, especially when it comes to managing the firm. Adrian tends to speak up first, but Liz is more than capable of managing without him and I’m so excited to see what she does when her ex-husband isn’t constantly talking over her.)  
Marissa and Lucca video chat with Jay. He’s still in the hospital. One thing that bugs me about how this episode handles COVID is that I never really get the sense that any of the characters are particularly afraid of the virus. Maybe none of them were. But you’d think you’d see a little of that fear, the weird dance of trying to assess others’ comfort levels with masking, etc., in an ep specifically about living through this time. ESPECIALLY since someone they all know and are close to has been hospitalized for MONTHS with this thing! It’s just so weird to go from a scene where people wear masks until they come in contact with other people (when masks matter the most) to a scene of someone in the hospital with COVID.  
And now Jay’s weird hallucinations start as his battery dies on the video chat. I really, truly, hated these hallucinations. I was ready to be done with these from the second they started. They’re weirdly shot, they go on for too long, and they feel like the clunkiest parts of Mind’s Eye when Alicia starts having a debate in her mind about atheism mixed with the (far superior) hospital episode of Evil.  
I don’t have much to say about these hallucinations except that I hated them a lot. When there’s the reveal that Jay is hallucinating a commerical, I almost came around on the hallucinations because that’s kind of funny and inspired. And then several more hallucinations popped up and they had a round table and Jesus got added to the mix and I was like, nope, this is bad in a very uninteresting way. I reject this.  
I feel like the Kings didn’t have much to say about COVID, the actual virus. This episode is definitely more about what the characters’ lives were like during COVID and not the pandemic itself. I think they likely got a lot of their COVID commentary out of their system with their zombie COVID show The Bite (I have not seen The Bite due to it airing on Spectrum On Demand, which I have no way of accessing. Like, I would have to move and then decide to pay for cable in order to watch it.) I also suspect a lot of their commentary on COVID isn’t going to be specific to the virus and is instead going to be about things like mask-wearing and vaccinations becoming political. And, really, that’s just a new variation on talking about polarization... and they’ve been talking about polarization for years.
In fact, they even wrote a whole series about an outbreak of a (space-bug-spread) virus that caused political polarization before Trump was even elected. BrainDead is basically commentary on the pandemic before the pandemic even happened. Soooooo I get why they are more interested in recapping 2020 than in doing a Very Special Episode about themes they’ve been talking about for years. (I still think they would’ve benefitted from at least one character being afraid of getting sick or getting their family sick.)  
There is likely some interesting content in these Jay hallucinations. I hate them so much I cannot find it. You know when you’re just on a completely different wavelength than the writers? This is an example of that.  
Also I’m not a fan of the shadowy directing. I think this is meant to look cooler than it does.  
Have I mentioned yet that I absolutely love the “Previously On” device for this episode? It’s such a fun, propulsive way to get through the slog of 2020. Scenes can be short and to the point, and each scene has to do a lot of lifting to fill in the gaps. I think that leads to scenes that are better constructed and telling on lots of levels—where are people when they’re quarantined? Who’s wearing casual clothes and when? What about this scene defines this character’s life at that moment in time?  
Bizarrely, even though this episode is pretty much all plot (this happens! Then that!), I actually found this to be one of the most character-driven episodes TGF has ever done. There’s a lot of story, but most of that story is about how the characters reacted to 2020 rather than overarching plots that will weigh on the rest of the season. This episode covers a lot of ground, but it does it with character moments that resonate.  
Now it’s July and Diane’s prepping to argue in front of the Supreme Court. Kurt’s helping her witness prep and it gets a little personal... and that ends up turning Diane on. Good to see McHart hasn’t lost its spark. (Remember how Kurt cheated on Diane in season 7 of Wife? No, me neither, because that never happened.)  
Corrupt judge is back. Adrian playfully tries to distract her from work. Then he takes a video call from Liz, who updates him on the conversation she had with John (so that’s his name) and Madeline. I guess that part of May was close to July? Anyway, Adrian isn’t surprised to hear that people are upset at the prospect of Diane being one of two name partners.  
Liz is at the office in workout clothes and I love it!
They’re losing 15 black associates (and Adrian and Lucca) and 4 white ones, Liz says. This sounds like a very big problem. (I’d be curious to know what that is as a percentage of the firm and how the racial composition shifts.)
Liz knows it’s not exactly up to her if Diane stays on as name partner (the other partners get a vote, but I think Liz knows she has a lot of sway here). She’s also wondering if Biden could win, and if so, would it be to the firm’s advantage to be black-owned? Interesting.  
“Well. If you’re thinking it, then Diane’s thinking it, too,” Adrian says. He’s right. “White guilt. It runs verrrrry deep on that one, huh?” Ha. He is right about that, too. I actually can’t decide which of these interpretations is correct, because it could be either even though they seem contradictory. (1) Is Adrian saying it with a hint of mockery because he knows Diane will fight for her partnership even as she would say she’s a huge supporter of black businesses? (2) Is he saying it because he knows Diane would have enough white guilt to realize what her presence as a partner means and think through the implications? I think it is, somehow, a combination. I’m interested in this line because this whole dilemma (from Diane’s POV) is something that’s very familiar. Diane’s always been an idealist who will betray her ideals for personal gain. That sounds like an attack, but I mean that as neutrally as I possibly can. There are so many examples of this that this is kind of just a character trait of hers at this point. Usually those ideals are about feminism, but this situation seems closely related.  
Adrian overhears Corrupt GF talking about Julius, Diane, and Memo 618. You would think she would wait to have this conversation until there is no chance of Adrian overhearing, because if Adrian overhears, he might...
... do exactly what he proceeds to do and hop into a car with Diane to give her a heads up. (I think I’m just going to have to accept that the mask usage rule on this episode is “we use masks to show that the characters would wear them, but we don’t want to have scenes where characters are fully masked because that’s annoying.” If that’s not the rule, then why else would Adrian be masked outside... and then take off his mask as soon as he gets into a confined indoor space with Diane?  
Baranski looks ESPECIALLY like Taylor Swift in this scene.  
Adrian tells Diane what he knows. He dug deeper after overhearing Charlotte, so he has even more info. “If you tell me, I will use it,” Diane warns. Adrian knows that, so he takes a moment to decide. And he decides that he cares more about Diane and Julius than about his relationship with a corrupt judge.  
Diane and Julius are masked in court. Visitor and the judge are not. They use masking in a clever way in this scene: Diane uses being masked to her advantage because it means no one can possibly read her lips, so she can use the info Adrian fed her against Charlotte without any fear of spies. Charlotte, who is unmasked, guards her lips with a folder, as the Visitor watches interestedly.  
Diane convinces Charlotte to recuse herself. Charlotte says she’s making a mistake; Diane does not care.  
The new judge is, unfortunately, the idiot who doesn’t know anything about the law. Uh oh.
Charlotte decides she’s done sheltering in place with Adrian. He tries to talk through the conflict, but Charlotte says “You made your choice, Adrian. Julius Cain over me.”
“The choice was about right and wrong, Charlotte,” Adrian tries to explain. I mean, yeah, but if you’re dating a judge who has admitted she’s totally corrupt, didn’t right and wrong go out the window a while ago?
Adrian seems to think the other people involved in the events are bad and Charlotte is good. I am not convinced. I don’t think she’s the big bad, but I don’t think she’s good.  
Charlotte points out that he invaded her privacy. She is right about that. “You said the choice was between right and wrong. Turning over my emails was the choice,” she said. I get her POV. But also, she is corrupt.  
I do not like the way the part of the scene where Adrian physically restrains Charlotte to keep her from leaving is shot. I don’t think this is an abusive scene but I think it should’ve been shot from a little farther back so we could see it’s more like Adrian reaching out in desperation than trying to choke Charlotte. Because it very much looks like he is trying to choke Charlotte.  
He tells Charlotte he loves her. She says it’s too late and leaves. “Maybe you won’t be with me. But you keep down this path... you’ll be done, I’m telling you, you’ll be done.”
I think something that I’ve been missing in these interactions is that I didn’t quite realize until this scene that the Adrian/Charlotte dynamic is more interesting than Adrian liking a corrupt judge. I think he truly believes Charlotte is a good person who got caught up in some bad stuff, and that she can bounce back from it. I’ve always seen Charlotte as someone who is corrupt for herself and then ended up going along with the corruption of others, too, so I’ve dismissed her and the relationship. This is the first scene that has felt real to me, and the first scene where she’s felt like more than a caricature. Kind of sad it’s the last she’ll get with Adrian—now I’m actually starting to find her interesting. Notice how in these last few sentences I’ve used her name instead of “Corrupt GF”!  
Charlotte says she loved Adrian too, but that’s not enough. Awww.
He can’t really be surprised though, can he?  
Now it is August and we get to see Diane and Liz react to the announcement of Kamala Harris as Biden’s VP pick, and I would like to thank the writers for giving me the opportunity to see Diane and Liz react to this. It’s kind of fan-service, but it’s also a nice tie-in to the girl-power theme of the Diane/Liz alliance.
Diane and Liz realize that Adrian’s probably not a good candidate for 2024 if the DNC only wants one black candidate and Harris is the clear front-runner. Liz suggests keeping him on as partner instead, in a way that very much implies this would be her ideal solution. Diane, being Diane, says she was liking the idea of an all-female firm. Liz hesitantly says she was too, and Diane senses the hesitation.
“Let’s look again at which associates to fire. I’m worried we’re losing too many African Americans,” Diane switches the subject. How have they still not made this decision? If any employees know downsizing is coming, and they’ve had months to act on it, assuming there are jobs elsewhere, people would’ve been jumping ship by now.  
But that’s not the point of this scene. The point of this scene is that Liz corrects Diane: “Black. You can just say Black people.” Very nice moment underlining the tension. Diane means well, but she’s still acting like a white lady who doesn’t know how to act around black people... and she wants to (and, I guess, already does) run a black firm. Major yikes.  
Marissa and Lucca are talking again. Marissa does not want to be in law school—she just wants to be a lawyer. Lucca won’t accept Marissa’s refusal to memorize meaningless rules: “Marissa. I know that you know how to play the game, but you have to pass the bar to get into a position to play the game.” Why does this line make me love Lucca? This line isn’t even anything amazing. It’s just a line that cuts through the bullshit and makes a good point.  
Marissa keeps going, insulting all of her peers and teachers, and Lucca figures out how to cut through that, too: she tells Marissa that she’d hire her as a lawyer if she killed someone, but only if Marissa passes the bar. Marissa is instantly intrigued.  
“Why are you leaving here? I’ll miss you,” Marissa says.  
“Because they won’t pay me what I deserve,” Lucca says in a matter-of-fact tone. “Anyway, I thought they fired you.”  
“But they didn’t mean it. It’s like the smoothie place—they kept trying to fire me and I just kept showing up,” Marissa replies. That checks out. (Love the callback!)  
Lucca tries to get Marissa to come over to England. Marissa shuts that down as Lucca gets a news alert—and it’s not good news.  
Our next date is September 18th, 2020 and I will get my nitpicks out of the way up front! I don’t really know why it is daytime for Lucca when she reads the news, considering it was already the evening in the States when the RBG news broke. And, also, it was Rosh Hashanah, so Marissa probably would not have been sitting in her bedroom studying... she most likely would’ve been with family or friends. OK I’M DONE. FOR NOW.  
Diane is getting ready for her arguments in front of the Supreme Court. It’s almost time! She’s in casual clothes but has on a wonderful mask. She’s standing in front of Kurt’s guns to make a point (love that she’s using her video call background to her advantage) and there are several people in her bedroom getting the tech all set up. I have noted before that they only built one set for Diane’s apartment, and it’s just a massive bedroom. Diane choosing to be in front of the guns does a nice job of cutting off my question about why she’d be arguing in front of the Supreme Court from her bedroom rather than the home office she absolutely would have.  
Kurt walks in and tries to shake hands... he’s clearly not very COVID paranoid, and Diane seems to be, and... that’s something I might have wanted to see? How was Diane okay with Kurt taking risks that also affected her?
Diane confirms she intentionally chose to stand in front of the guns. That’s when Kurt gets the push notification. He pulls Diane into the bathroom to show her the news. He hands her his phone and Diane’s face falls. She starts tearing up. “2020 just won’t let go,” she says, speaking for us all.
Normally I hate things that are like, we’re going to contrive this so the news hits at the worst possible moment! This works for me, because the Supreme Court plot for Diane feels more like something that exists to be a through line for the episode. It would also be a little hard to work in RBG’s death as a main plot point—and it is definitely important enough to be a main plotpoint—if it didn’t also affect something in the world of the show.  
Also, another reason I like this contrivance is that it makes it all the more powerful when Diane says, “It’s over. He gets to nominate someone. Another Kavanaugh! We’ll have a conservative court for the next 20 years. My whole fucking life!” She’s not thinking about how this affects her case (and that case is basically a life-long dream for her). She is thinking about way bigger things, and knowing that her mind goes to the bigger things before the personal with news like this really underlines how big of a deal RBG’s death was.  
Diane tells Kurt, “I don’t deserve you. You don’t agree with me.” “I can still feel bad for you,” he responds. He holds her while she cries.
Jay’s hallucination thing is back. Now Karl Marx is here. So is Jesus. I’m so done with this. It’s nice to get a break from writing.
Malcolm X is also on the roundtable and now they’re talking over each other in that way that everyone on this show always does. (RK gave an interview about Evil where he said he likes having the children on that show talk over each other because he grew up in a household like that. I did not need to read that interview to understand that RK likes scenes where people talk over each other.)  
If anything happened in those hallucinations, I missed it, because I didn’t pause the episode. Because I do not care about the hallucinations. Because I hate them.
Now it’s November 2020... Diane’s watching election results and rocking back and forth. She tells Kurt he can go watch Fox News in the other room (so they do have more than one room!). He says he’s fine—he thinks Diane needs it more.  
“Yes, but Kurt, if you stay, I know this isn’t sensible, but... Trump seems to get more votes whenever you’re sitting on this couch,” Diane tells him. Ha, I relate to this kind of superstition so hard. “Are you serious?” Kurt says. “I am so deathly serious,” Diane responds. “Whenever you’re sitting here, Arizona goes for Trump. Humor me, please. Just go in the other room.”  
When Kurt tries to kiss her, she pulls away: “No, no, no. No kiss. If you kiss me, we’ll lose Georgia.” This scene feels so, so real and perfectly captures what it was like (at least for me, though I don’t have a Republican husband or anything) watching election results come in.  
“Uh, if you lose, we’ll be fine, right?” Kurt asks. “Kurt, let me just say this. I’m only saying that we won’t be fine so that the universe will grant me a win,” Diane responds. This scene is so fun and so good! It simultaneously captures a relatable mood, adds some levity, gives us a window into Diane’s life, and shows some of the tensions in her marriage?! I want this all the time!  
Kurt leaves the room. Diane pours more wine.
Later, with Diane still rocking back and forth with anxiety (just you wait for the several more days this will drag on!), Kurt brings in the champagne. “That was for when Hillary won. I can only drink it if Biden wins,” Diane protests. Did I also refuse to drink any celebratory alcohol until things were absolutely certain? No comment.  
“It’s odd you progressives resisted religion. You seem to have a hundred religions to take its place,” Kurt says, speaking on behalf of the writers’ room. (This joke doesn’t get written if the writers don’t believe this and probably even see it in themselves.)  
“Go away, Trump. I mean Kurt,” she shoos him away. Have I mentioned yet I love this scene?  
“Love me even if you lose?” he jokes (though I do wonder if this isn’t that joking? I think it is, but he keeps saying it!) as Diane gestures at him to get out.  
I could do without the joke about Diane’s heart on the TV for a couple reasons. One, it goes on too long. Two, I was very worried something would actually happen to Diane. You’d think that would make the scene feel more tense, but it does not, because it takes me out of the moment.
“Ok, God. You know I don’t believe in you. But I will believe in you if Joe Biden wins. I’m sorry. I know that that’s not what Jesus taught. There’s nothing in the New Testament that says, ‘Believe in me, and I’ll make sure your candidate wins,’ but I need Joe Biden to win. I’m sorry, God, but I just do. I need some faith.” This is a little much but... yeah. Also, is this the first time Diane’s flat out said she’s an atheist? I think it is, though I’ve assumed as much for quite a while.  
The next day in court, masks are no longer required if you’re a series regular and votes are still being counted. I remember those days. Marissa thought Diane was checking in on Jay... Diane was not. She was checking on vote counts.  
Apparently Jay’s finally being released from the hospital!
Bad news for Julius—the idiot judge finds him guilty of some nonsense charge and sentences him to seven years in prison.  
Diane says not to worry, and Julius asks “Why not?” Good point.
Then we have election results! We skip, specifically, to December 14th and the electoral college vote. I’m a little sad we skipped over the huge party that was November 7th, but I get why they’d rather keep things moving along. I think showing November 7th in an uncomplicated way would’ve just been too close to fanservice. But, man, what a day.  
Diane, in a red hoodie with leopard print that she somehow manages to still look classy in, is ready to pop champagne. Then she hears that on January 6th, a joint session of Congress will count the electoral votes and there might be a debate. “Nope. If I open it now, something bad will happen,” she reasons. “I’ve waited four years. I can wait another few weeks.”
It’s been almost a year and they’re still somehow negotiating with Lucca, but I understand why they’d space this out across the episode. Otherwise we’d have to say goodbye to Lucca in the first like, 15 mins of the episode and all those scenes would be in a row. I can forgive (and still nitpick) choices like this when the reasoning behind them seems sound.  
Adrian says they don’t want to lose Lucca. He, Liz, and Diane are all in the conference room, and they ask Lucca for a yes or no on their latest offer by the end of the call. Diane offers Lucca partner—she'll be the youngest partner in the firm’s history—and she’ll get a $500,000/year salary. Adrian tries to sell her on being part of American history by being part of the firm.
“We are a black firm, Lucca, and we need you,” Liz says with a lot of passion for someone who knows she might very well partner with Diane. Diane looks at Liz with a bit of suspicion at this, wondering if Liz is showing her cards.  
Lucca manages to make the wifi malfunction (or she gets very lucky) and uses the disconnection to call Bianca for a counteroffer, even though they said they needed a yes or no on the spot.  
“They used George Floyd because they want you for less. They have never appreciated you as much as I do. All those scars, all that time being taken for granted and undervalued has made you a fighter. It’s made you someone I now want,” Bianca tells Lucca. She gives Lucca a counter offer of $1.3 million and the title of CFO. Lucca takes it. Is there really another choice? (If she were concerned about loyalty to the firm and the partnership was what she wanted, she probably would've just taken it.)  
(Also, the partners can’t really act like Lucca is making history by being the youngest partner ever when they passed her over for partner two years earlier and offered it to Maia! To MAIA! Who had like three years of work experience! And yes I was fine with Alicia and Cary getting partnership offers with four years but, one, that was a scam, and two, Alicia and Cary actually worked. Oh, I see I still hate Maia with a passion. Back to THIS season...)
Lucca apologetically informs Marissa she’s leaving and the offer was just too good to turn down. I believe it. I also believe Lucca wants that job more. What has loyalty to RBL gotten her? She's someone so talented and good at her job that she just gets job offers from acquaintances all the time (starting with Alicia!). RBL appreciates her, but just enough to appease her while still undervaluing her. I don’t know that I would’ve believed a plot where Lucca actively job hunts, but I definitely believe this.
“Marissa, we don’t have to work together to be friends,” Lucca tells Marissa. I’m going to miss this so much. Why is this the best material Lucca’s gotten in ages?! I think one of the things that makes Lucca such a great character is that you can see why everyone instantly wants her on their team. She’s a fantastic friend (without giving too much of herself), she’s not a pushover, and she is incredibly sharp and able to get to the heart of any situation. I love her and I’m sad we won’t get to see more of her.  
(On that bit about friendship—I can’t write about Lucca’s departure without writing about the moment I realized just how great of a character Lucca was. It was in 7x13, when Alicia has her breakdown that’s seven seasons in the making... and Lucca supports her. But the writing, and Cush’s performance, never make it feel like Lucca exists to be a part of Alicia’s story. Lucca seems like her own fully formed person who happens to be supporting Alicia at this moment. I don’t think I can overstate how tough of a task it is to get me to care about the other person in a pivotal Alicia scene, especially when that other person was added to the cast in the final season and many suspected she’d just be a replacement for a different beloved character! Anyway, Lucca’s been great for years, and I’ll miss her.)  
Just when I thought I couldn’t hate the hallucinations more, we get a hint that they are going to continue: Jay sees one right after he learns that Marissa’s used her quarantine to start law school and he’s done nothing.  
Jay says he carries a gun now and it’s “performative.” I have no idea what that means and Marissa and Lucca don’t seem to, either.  
Another thing I like about Lucca’s final scene is that it isn’t rushed. We have time for all that, and also for Lucca to tell Marissa about the time she stole her breakfast sandwich, and for Marissa to react to it, and for Marissa to find Lucca’s Birkin bag, and for Lucca to tell Marissa to keep it, and for Marissa to react to that, and for Lucca to sappily say “think of me when you use it,” and for Marissa to nonsensically reply, “you think of me when I use it,” and there’s still a little bit more of the scene after that!  
Marissa’s silly line makes Lucca tear up. “God, I’m gonna miss you guys,” she says. “I’m gonna miss this. You make me smile. I didn’t smile much before you guys.” Awwwwwww. This is also so true to character! Her friendship with Alicia aside, Lucca’s definitely said before she’s not one to have friends (which is hilarious because she is, as I've said like 100 times, a fantastic friend and also just like, the coolest person??? Who wouldn’t want to be HER friend?!).  
She says she has to go because she’s getting too emotional and says goodbye. She’s also super sappy and when Marissa says, “you were the best,” she responds that they were the best TOGETHER! Awwwwwww.  
What a nice, fitting goodbye for Lucca. There’s no bad blood or fireworks—she just makes a change like a lot of people do. I’d like to think she’ll still be friends with Marissa and Jay after this. I don’t want too many Lucca references in future episodes, but I would really like it if we see Marissa and Jay update each other on the latest from Lucca, or if a scene begins with Marissa closing out an Instagram post from Lucca of her kid, or something. I wouldn’t want clues about what Lucca’s up to, but I’d love to see that she’s still a part of Marissa and Jay’s lives.
Now it is January 6th. Liz, Adrian, and Diane sit on the floor of the mostly empty office, watching TV coverage and drinking. It’s so relaxed it’s almost surreal, and it, like many other moments in this episode, feels like a slice of life. Everyone’s dressed casually and no one is worried about appearances or looking like the boss.  
“God, have you ever seen anything like it. It’s so fucked,” Diane says. Adrian’s more optimistic—the courts rejected most of the challenges to election results! “System worked,” he says. “Yay.” Liz says in response. She’s not as optimistic as he is.  
“Liz. Liz. Sometimes when things work out, there is no parade. There’s no congratulations, but I’ll tell you this: We live to fight another day,” he explains to her even though she makes a good point that a system just barely hanging on doesn’t bode well for the future. (She doesn’t say all this, but that’s a very loaded, “Yay.”)  
“Yeah? Then why are you leaving the law?” Liz asks. Diane seconds to the question.
Adrian announces he’s still retiring—and he’s moving to Atlanta. He wants to go to the south to help “create and consolidate political power.” He’s excited to start over and inspired by Georgia going blue. This is a very nice exit for Adrian. I fully believe that he’s interested in political organizing, that he’d be good at it, and that he’s ready for a change. I don’t think he’s always the most progressive person (of the three in this scene, Liz is absolutely the most progressive one, though Diane probably thinks she is!), but I absolutely think he thinks of himself as an activist and I believe that if he’s going to step away from the law, he’d do so to make a move like this.  
Adrian—and Lucca, but especially Adrian—probably both got better exits thanks to the events of 2020. If Adrian had just left to be groomed by the DNC, that would’ve been a predictable and boring ending for him. His candidacy would, obviously, go nowhere, and the whole thing felt weird from the minute it was introduced. But this? Adrian being energized—like so many others were—by the ways the world changed in 2020 and using his already announced departure from the firm and recent breakup as a chance to start over and make change? This is great!  
Adrian asks Liz and Diane what’s next for them. Liz says that she thinks the Biden admin will be better for black businesses. Adrian asks if they’re replacing him, and Diane says, “I think the big question is, are you replacing me?” She’s smart. I like how this scene goes from friendly to tense very fast, with everyone kind of testing the waters. Adrian tries to force the conversation, Liz opens with something vague yet pointed, and Diane speaks what’s previously been unspoken.
Liz says it’s not her intention to push Diane out. “I can’t change the color of my skin,” Diane replies. “I know,” Liz laughs. Audra’s delivery is fantastic on that line.  
“Hey, I’m gonna fight for my partnership,” Diane says. “I know,” Liz says. The tone of this scene is so different from previous partnership drama on these shows and I’m excited about it. This is just a bunch of adults talking about business decisions with each other and treating each other as equals?? It's not backstabbing?? Or drama?? No one is hiding things?? It’s refreshing and I hope this plot stays like this. We’ve done so much partnership drama that I think drama that stems from a real, pressing question that has no easy answers and isn’t anyone’s fault is going to be much more fruitful for the show.  
Adrian heads out—ah, I see now this scene is set in his empty office and this is why they are on the floor—and gets a nice last moment with Diane. And then they give him a last moment with Liz, which I knew they would but was still glad to see.  
Liz asks if he knows what he’s doing—he says he’s not sure.
Adrian asks if Liz knows where she stands regarding Diane. “It’s going to be interesting,” Liz says. I don’t think she’s decided what she’s going to do yet.
It wouldn’t be an Adrian and Liz scene if Adrian didn’t have some unsolicited advice. “Diane’s a terrific lawyer, but this firm belongs to you.  Your dad built it. He did, Liz. Despite all his faults. You got to run this place the way you want. This is a black firm. And after today, the world needs black firms. You got me?” He tells Liz. He makes it seem like Liz gets the choice and then tells her what to do. She says, “I got it,” signaling she understood him but not that she necessarily agrees.  
I cannot wait to see what Liz does next!!!!!!! About this but just in general!!!!! Without Adrian there giving her constant advice I feel like she can grow so much and the show will have to give her more to do!!! I think Adrian, for all his many wonderful qualities and all he brought to the show, can suck all the air out of a room with his charisma, and Liz usually ends up suffering as a result. She’s such a capable lawyer in her own right, but Adrian has a way of making it always seem like he’s right—even in arguments she wins. I’m excited to see Liz lead (or stumble at leadership; she is fairly new to management) without Adrian’s direct influence.  
Liz walks Adrian out and it’s cute. They run into Marissa and Jay. “Everybody fun is leaving,” Marissa notes. Liz is minorly offended, but playfully. Heh.
Adrian asks Jay how he’s doing; Jay says he’s a long-hauler but he’s doing okay. I like that they included that moment in Adrian’s goodbye sequence. It’s a very little thing, but it underlines that Adrian cares about Jay.  
Then Liz interrupts to note that Trump pardoned a lot of convicted and corrupt Republican officials....... including Julius.  
Everyone celebrates, but especially Diane and Marissa. Diane lets out her wonderful laugh and then we, finally, get to the credits. Because now that the previouslies are over, it’s time for the real show.
The credits are absolutely delightful, btw. I was a little worried some of the kittens would blow up, though! Once I relaxed and realized what they were up to—literal puppies and kittens because Biden won—I couldn’t get enough of these credits. They work so well because they accurately capture the way I (and all of these characters, except maybe Julius and Kurt) feel about the election results, but it’s so exaggerated that you know the kittens and puppies aren’t a realistic representation of our new reality. They’re just too good to be true, but you may as well enjoy them for a minute. I’m sure we’ll be back to exploding vases next week.
What a great episode! My timeline nitpicks and whatever they’re trying to do with Jay aside, I was blown away by how well the writers managed to move on from season 4, tie up loose ends, and write out two main characters. And they did it all while making me revisit the events of 2020, a year I don’t think many of us want to spend much time thinking about! This episode was enjoyable, fun, emotional, and clever. I don’t know what to expect from the rest of the season, but I’m definitely excited about the show in a way I haven’t really been in quite some time.  
This season’s naming convention seems to be titles that end with ... and only have the first word capitalized. I want to see more. 
Season FIVE? There have already been as many TGF seasons as there were TGW seasons prior to Hitting the Fan?! Time flies. 
Please writers: No topical episodes this year-- no pee tape, no Melania divorce, no Epstein. None of that business. 
Sorry if I repeated myself here. I never proofread these things, and I wrote half of this on Saturday and half of it today (Wednesday) and the days in between were an absolute blur so I cannot remember if I said the same things about this episode twice. 
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goboymusic · 2 years
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I think one of the keys to stress reduction is giving less of a shit.
Working on a song about #WayneHenley from the #HoustonMassMurders, a person who was interviewed in #Mindhunter on #Netflix. Should be uploaded next week.
The chorus for “#Seattle” was heard in a dream. I can’t remember the details of the dream, only that a popular song within the fictional dream world was playing in the background. After waking up and realizing the song didn’t exist in reality, I grabbed my phone and recorded the melody, lyrics and chord progression before they were forgotten. “Hannah bandana, riding Savannah, Seattle” - whatever the fuck that means.
When a melody comes to mind, I immediately stop what I’m doing, whip out my phone and record myself humming or whistling it. If it isn’t immediately captured, it’s likely to be forgotten. On rare occasions, a forgotten melody can be recollected hours or days later, but most of the time it isn’t (excerpt from post 80).
In the dream, the gimmick of the chorus was that the word “Seattle” didn’t rhyme with “Hannah bandana, riding Savannah,” thus the word stuck out like a sore thumb and caught the listeners ear. I don’t know if this idea works in reality, but it worked in the dream.
The rest of the song was not heard in a dream, but was written a few months later when it came time for production.
Like the rest of the songs on GoBoy 6, “Seattle” was supposed to have a beat. After five or so days of trying to develop a beat that meshed with the vocals, I threw in the towel and decided to leave it beat-less. Another producer could have figured it out, but I wasn’t able to create a beat that improved the song.
The vocoder was added because who doesn’t love vocoder blended with natural vocals? Been a huge fan of the idea since hearing “Hide and Seek” by Imogen Heap for the first time around 2005.
Fireworks are legal in Michigan, and with it being July 4th, fireworks were blowing up outside of my apartment while mixing “Seattle.”
Watched #TheBoys season 3 while mixing “My Life” and “Seattle.” Whatever godlike humans were hired to write season 3, let’s hope they stay for season 4. SO good (excerpt from post 112).
Regarding the sound effects, I worked as a sound designer for the film industry for a few years during the seven-year hiatus (more about the hiatus in posts 23 and 36) where I learned the utterly worthless skill of creating / manipulating sound effects. That skill was utilized in this song, along with songs like “Mermaids,” “Coffee Song,” “Basement Song” and “Rebecca” (excerpts from post 75).
Starting with “Granola (Song 108),” the complexity of the 3-part harmonies was difficult for my brain to handle. To do so, I started utilizing a technique of changing the pitch on the master track (essentially increasing or decreasing the pitch of the entire song) and listening to the song at those different pitches. When you listen to your own song at a different pitch, it’s as if you’re hearing it from a fresh perspective. You catch mistakes that weren’t noticeable before. It’s really interesting. This technique has been used for all subsequent songs (this paragraph contains excerpts from post 108).
Songs 102 - 116 (total of 15 songs) were produced simultaneously, resulting in an eight-month gap in releases. Melodies, chord structures and lyrics were written for all 16 songs over the course of four days before recording any of them. During the recording phase, one-week intervals took place between recording sessions to let vocal cords recover (the raspy, punk style sounds cool, but it destroys your voice after a few hours). During those intervals, all free time was spent splicing and aligning the vocal tracks to the tempo, pitch correction (everyone uses pitch correction in the studio, even Beyoncé, shut up), then selecting and splicing together the best vocal takes (excerpt from post 102).
0 notes
l8rhader · 4 years
I've gotten 4 messages in the last 3 days telling me to stop self promoting because I suck at writing. Problem is, I'm spiteful.
If you guys could go read anything by NotAlone91 on Ao3, I'd super appreciate it!
But Amanda! You write like you're running out of time! Where should we start? What are your favorites?
So glad you asked, Amanda!  My new one Not Invited is a little angsty, a lot sweet, just a sprinkle of smut. Wedding Objections are a fave trope for me.. Favorite line? Glad you asked!  "I'm not going anywhere this time, Richie. I swear. Not if you don't want me to." He pulled back a little and looked Richie in the eyes. "Just tell me you don't want me to."  Exactly. There's also a really tender, non-sexual shower scene that I'm v proud of.
I'll also always plug my Everything Has Changed universe. Yes, it's a chapter 2 fix it where everyone lives, basically, because I said so. Also, yes, it's one massive fic plus five one shots. But it's my baby.
Hilights? Their vows/Stan's speech in You'll Be Mine And I'll Be Yours. The chapter in Feeling Like I Missed You titled 'the dark days when the fear crept into my mind' is SUPER important to me and I'm always worried that it doesn't play like I want it to. Also, a little earlier, Stan's Pennywise torture (same time as the doors, the girls bathroom, the clubhouse, and Bill's basement).
Exit Light, Enter Night is a Nightmare on Elm Street inspired bloodbath in which Richie and Eddie are the only Losers that survive. and it only has like 90 hits and it hurts me a little, tbh. I think that's largely because I didn't get it up before Halloween but I'm a spooky bitch and it's a horror movie Fandom so I thought maybe.
To Me That's What You're Worth is a soft spot for me- Gilmore Girls x Reddie au? It's based around the plot where Luke and Lorelai get together so it's v fuzzy and warm.
Also, both of my SansaxTyrion fics are very dear to my heart. As I lay beside the fire is sort of a post s8 fic. It was only a word is a soulmate au fic and those are (strangely) lacking in the GOT world but like... I'm just really proud of those, especially because I had taken a hiatus from writing and watching dumb and dumber fuck this show into the ground in 6 short episodes made me realize that nothing I write could be that bad.
The stuff before that is fairly sporadic because I wasn’t writing as much, but the last 2 years or so, I’ve been pretty active. Everything below is going to be considerably older than any of the Sanrion or Reddie.
121 was written the day I finished Stranger Things s1 because I had been seeing an influx of ST posts but still getting doctor who and was having a hard time discerning my elevens and it still took me a hot minute to post it because I was embarrassed.
So I Learned from you and Reading The Signs are Everlark and, honestly, those two fics were where I really started to feel comfortable as a writer. So I learned from you is still one that I'm massively proud of because it wasn’t an adaptation of any sort. It was completely from my brain.
You Disgust Me Werewolf Baby is pure drarry Christmas fluff. It is a marshmallow with pastel sprinkles.
Warm to the bones is the first smut that I remember feeling good about after writing. It's Rumplestiltskin & Belle and basically she's put under a spell that can only be broken by an orgasm. (Aka my first ever ships were drarry and wolfstar so sex spells are in my brain forever. One of my favorite fics of all time was an accidental marriage enemies to husbands between Draco and Harry and OOF my 14 or 15 year old world was R O C K E D. Like, I still look for it occasionally but I'm like 99% sure it's lost to the internet b/c I'm fairly certain it was on LiveJournal).
Alas, a little something in there for everyone! I would love to get some comments & kudos, but even just some hits would be greatly appreciated!
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jay-and-dean · 4 years
Firefly  Chapter 5 : Eighteen years old
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By Roonyxx and Jay-and-dean
Pairings : future Dean x reader ?
Summary :  40 years in Hell, but he didn’t spend all this time all alone, he had her.
Prepare to know what happened during those years Dean never talks about. To immerge yourself in Hell, only lit by the mysterious kid growing here…
And to see some of your favorite villains again : Crowley, Lilith, Lucifer… And also Sammy and Jack…
Serie Warnings : Hurt!Dean, Hell (torture, even if we tried to not give it graphic descriptions, creepy demons, blood, violence), swearing, angst, future fluff and smut.
This story is in both Reader’s POV and Dean’s POV
Wordcount : 6300 (big chapter)
Note : This is our second collaboration. We can’t both edit the same post, so we decided we would post 1 chapter/2 each, like we did for Same.
We both worked as much on this story and it’s the result of both our brains but also both our hearts.
Please, if you want to show love for this story, don’t forget we were together in this.
This story will be around 10 chapters and we intend to edit it every Saturday if nothing delays it. The story will be on a little hiatus because both @jay-and-dean​ and I are on holidays. Once we come back the story will continue it’s regular weekly edit.
Firefly Chapter 1
Firefly Chapter 2
Firefly Chapter 3
Firefly Chapter 4
Jay’s Masterlist
Roonyxx Masterlist
5. Eighteen years old.
When she turned sixteen, Crowley had told her the time of being childish was over, not that she ever had time to be a child. And for once, she didn’t fight him or argue. She had understood that she would never win by being an enemy. 
They had to trust her, to give her freedom and access to the secrets of Hell… 
So she became his apprentice and after two long years of following his rules and pretending to care, she was getting closer and closer everyday to her goal.
Getting out of Hell.
She grew colder with age, serious, harsh, anything they wanted her to be. Some days, she barely remembered it was an act, she was getting used to give orders and look at her surroundings with always the same dark threatening eyes. She was becoming the Queen Crowley wanted her to be. 
But when she visited him, the man she fell in love with years ago, she remembered who she was.
And the demons were falling right into her trap, she had to get close to them, especially her father. Crowley knew the way out, he knew everything about Hell, everything she needed to know. So she played him.
She was sitting on a chair as Crowley explained to her the importance of crossroad deals, she wasn’t really listening as she let her pencil float in circles in front of her.
She could feel the shivers on her back as the door opened, the pencil dropped to the table.
“Crowley, we need to talk,” her head snapped towards Y/n. “Alone.”
Crowley sighed deep.
“Y/n go finish up your work in your room” he snapped his fingers and mentioned to a demon to escort her back to her room.
She held her chin high as she walked out of the door towards her room, the demon hot on her heels.
When, she walked right past her door, the demon grasped her arm.
“Where do you think you’re going, missy.” 
With the flick of her wrist she had the demon pinned against the wall, she stepped closer to him and tilted her head to the side as she could hear the creature whine under her powers.
“That’s none of your business and when you get back you’ll tell them nothing, understand ?”
She clenched her fist, making the creature crack on the inside.
“Y-yes…” it whined.
“Yes who ?” she clenched her fist harder. 
“Yes… y-your majesty.” 
She released the demon and watched him scramble off. She turned around and made her way to Dean’s cell.
She no longer had to sneak around, the story of her taking on Alistair had spread like fire, and her growing attitude was convincing enough, all the demons were afraid of her now. They knew she was strong, that she became stronger every day. She could feel it : the power coursing through her veins. It made her more confident, and merciless.
She reached his door and carefully pushed it  open, a smile gracing her face when she saw him.
She was just in time, he was healed and conscious.
He lifted his head, as she came near. 
“Hey Firefly.” 
“Hi Dean.”
Every time she was near him she could feel it, the tickling in her stomach, her cheeks heated up. As fierce as she was, she got a little nervous around him, not much but seeing him always gave her a thrill. Over the years she had noticed how handsome he was, and her thoughts wandered more and more towards him when she was alone, what if they weren’t in Hell, what if she was more his age, what if…  
He sat up against the wall, letting out a deep breath.
“I could swear I heard the demons talk about you the other day.” he said. 
She tilted her head in question.
“The Queen of fire they called you, they seem scared of you. Maybe I dreamed it… I get confused, and...”
She sat down in front of him, she looked down at her hands.
“And you ?” she asked him softly, she was scared of his answer.
“What ?” he frowned. 
“Scared of me ?” she looked up at him, she could feel the tears threatening to spill out.
“No, I’m not.” He shook his head.
She nodded in silence, that was good, she was working hard to be scary, but couldn't bear the thought of Dean being afraid of her.
“You’re growing so fast, Firefly. How old are you ?” his voice contained some kind of disbelieve, like he didn’t realize it had already been around 18 years since he first saw her.
“18.” She said, giving him a small smile. 
“Time down here, it goes so slow and so fast at the same time” he scoffed.
A silence fell among them, he seemed to be better today, he was more alert and could muster up a little smile now and then. He seemed to think hard, she noticed a frown etched upon his forehead every time he tried to focus on something, the moment he was totally there were rare, maybe even more lately.
“Your powers… what are they ?” he asked. 
“I don’t know” she shrugged, she couldn’t tell him she was half demon… then he would be scared of her, hate her at least.
“You seem to be getting stronger.” he said matter of factly.
She nodded, they had to change her chains monthly now, she could break them with a snap of her fingers. Her powers were like a child going through a growth spurt where the parents couldn't keep up with buying new clothes.
Her powers weren’t the only thing changing, her body was too. She grew taller, the childish features were disappearing from her face, and her old dresses no longer fit her more curved body. She was becoming a women. A beautiful one, Crowley said, hopefully beautiful enough for their Lord. 
It was evening, at least, she had decided it was. In Hell no sunrise and no dawn, but she had found a little watch, it had belonged to her teacher’s vessel she snatched it off him, along with his arm. It was an old watch, with metal gears and little carved hands. On her desk, the ancient watch was in the center, and Y/n used it to rhythm her days. 
Nine p.m. it said, so she lit up a candle and turned off the other lights. She liked to feel the time, and darkness didn’t prevent her from reading.
She turned the old pages of the huge book she was reading, a incredible boring work about Hell’s places, how many bones were in the columns of the throne room, how the corridors were never exactly the same, how only demons, reapers or angels could find their way in this maze…
She already knew all that.
But at 9:28, as she lazily turned another page, her breath got stuck in her chest. On the yellowed paper, was a painting of the Sky Room, and a title : The Exit. 
She got up, with the book in her hands, reading fast in the dark, walking circle in her room, her purple lace dress flying behind her like the wind had risen.
The Sky Room had been an exit all this time. She had taken Dean so close to the goal this time ! If only she had knew. The book said no demon could use it -that’s why they didn’t really care about the key before Alastair took it from her-, as it worked only for souls that didn’t belong here, or that weren’t perverted yet ? It wasn’t easy to say, because enochian wasn’t easy to understand precisely. 
Dean didn’t belong here, and he for sure wasn’t perverted. Her ? That would be a good way to find out…
With the proper spell, and the key, she could at least make sure he will escape.
She sighed. Two years, two years acting like the perfect little princess to win their trust, two years of hiding the consuming hate and smile, to have access to this kind of knowledge that was hidden from her before.
All her previous researches and tries had always lead nowhere, but that sky… It was her way out, in her excitement, she attracted the little flame of the candle that came gravitate round her like a satellite.
 Alastair had taken back the key, and there was only two choices : Either he had kept it or given it to Lilith. Her heart ached a little at the idea that she walked with the key in her Teddy bear for years.
But she would find it, even if it was the last thing she did, even if she had to burn Hell down.
She took time to memorize every details of the pages about the Sky Room by heart, in case one of them remembered this one was dangerous and took it back.
Then she calmly closed it and put it on her desk, she adjusted the many muslin layers of her long and heavy dress, and started to walk out of her room, with her tiny fire star still rotating around her.
The door was locked and warded, but it opened when she came near. Outside, a huge demon in his true hideous form was guarding her door. 
“You can’t go out” he grunted, drool falling at his feet.
She didn’t answer, but when he lifted his arm to stop her, the little satellite of fire grew instantly, and became a huge and threatening ring circling her, and the demon hissed and growled, watching her sink in the corridors like a raging comet, blood puddles boiling on her tracts.
Dean’s cell was quiet, she stopped before it for a second, at this time of the artificial day, she knew he would be in a bad shape. She took a breath and plunged her hand in the big ring of fire around her, and found the tiny candle flame, she put it out between her thumb and index and the ring died. Darkness falling on her again.
She pushed the door and her bare feet under the dress met blood. Dean was laying on his side in a pool of blood, even bigger than usual, but he seemed to be in one piece... His back was on her, his head limp on the cold floor.
“Dean” she said softly, like she always did, to not frighten him.
She walked to him and kneeled, soaking her majestic dress in blood, and gently took his head in her hand, to put it on her lap.
“Hey…” she said, stroking his hair, but only his eyes moved and his lips were trembling a little. “You’re cold.”
A soft light started irradiating from her and his pupils dilated, heat started filling the room.
“F-firef…” he tried to say, stealing the saddest smile from her.
“Dean” she whispered. “I found it. I found our way out. Do you remember the Sky Room ?”
She felt him tense and hushed him softly, pushing a sticky bloody strand out of his face.
“No Dean, I figured it out” she reassured him. “It’s a way out, that’s why they got that mad when they found out I had the key. There is a spell… I’m so sorry I didn’t know back then.”
He looked up at her, his green eyes highlighted by the red surrounding them, his breathing fastened a little and she gave him a teary smile.
“It will be over in a few days, Dean” she bent to talk close to his ear. “That’s it, we’re going out. I will find the key or burn the door, you will see Sammy soon. In three days, they all leave to Earth, I will take you there and it will be over. Can you hold on three more days ?”
He nodded weakly, and a big tear cleaned a line in the middle of the blood on his temple.
She was watching him, his lips white, his lashes on his cheek since she had closed his eyes to pretend he was sleeping.
The blood had almost disappeared from his face and body, but she was still bathing in it, her dress was two-colored and she was wearing long gloves of his blood. It had been a few hours and her legs were sore, but no place was better. 
He would wake up soon now. 
She smiled down at him, thinking of him running out of Hell under the stars, of his brother’s face when he would meet him again. Would Sam be old ? Time was weird here… He would walk the streets and bathe in sun, he would eat and dance. And maybe, just maybe, she could be by his side, chose a song in one of those jukebox and turn on herself when alcohol would make her dizzy… 
His grunt made the bubble of her dream pop.
“Dean” she smiled softly.
“Firefly” he hummed, grabbing her hand on his chest to give it a squeeze. 
He tried to move but she shook her head slightly.
“Give yourself a minute, Dean” she whispered, seeing him struggle.
He closed his eyes again, still holding her hand. 
She could see the colors fill his beautiful plumb soft lips again and wondered how it would feel to touch them. To touch them with her own… A kiss was a weird gesture, why put your lips on someone else’s ? Why not hand on hand ? Or nose on nose ?... Yet, she would have given her shitty life to know what it felt like to have his lips on hers. 
When she was a little girl, she had started to dream about Life thanks to him, about nature, seeing the ocean, tasting ice cream, wandering in a city, dancing under a storm… But lately, all she could dream of was experimenting this life with him. Seeing the ocean blue reflect in those green eyes, it would make the most perfect color, eating ice cream in a theater with him, walking the streets holding his hand, kissing him under a storm…
“Did I hear correctly ?” he asked, sitting up in a grunt of effort.
“Yes, I found the way out” she nodded, remembering it might not work for her, she felt like she didn’t belong here, but she was also half demon...
“So why do you look sad ?” he frowned.
“I just don’t want them to torture you more for three days” she lied.
She just couldn’t tell him that she might be stuck. If she did, he would hesitate, and she would rather have to be Lucifer’s toy, than know Dean was being tortured forever. 
“Three days…” he gave her the most  tender smile. “I am damned for eternity, and you’re telling me I could go out in three days. That’s... “
He didn’t finish his sentence, his eyes fell on an invisible point on her dress, he seemed different, even more beautiful, his irises bright, his featured softer, lighter… Hope.
Hope suited him so well that she felt her heart flutter. How handsome would he be in happiness ? A wide smile appeared on her face, catching his attention.
“What will be the first thing you will do ?” she spoke, searching his face. 
“I…” he frowned. “I think I will find Sammy and drink a beer.” 
She didn’t answer, just looking at him in awe, imagining meeting Sam herself, tasting beer.
“Do you know where the key is ?” he asked. 
“I have a few ideas, and I can open any locks lately, I got this.”
His lips turned into a smile, a thousand of expressions in his eyes and on the corner of his lips. 
Dean had this way of holding her without reaching out at all, with the warm kindness in the wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, with the moves of his mouth and the worried lines on his forehead. And right now, she was feeling his aura holding her. The learned coldness of her heart melt and the little girl she once was started crying in the pit of her soul.
“And you ?” he whispered. “What do you want to do more than anything ?”
Her eyes dived in the black of his pupils. What she wanted didn’t really depend on her freedom, and there was a big chance she would never be free anyway.
Pushed by an invisible force, or a new courage, she came closer to his face, her thumb coming up to graze the freckles on his cheeks, enjoying the sight of him clean of blood and terror. Very slowly, she bent a little on his face, her lips shyly met his cheek and she barely let them graze his soft skin.
He didn’t say a word, let her move on her knees to gently rub the side of her face on his. For a second, she could hear the nostalgic yet comforting music coming from the jukebox and feel his arms around her. She wondered if that pleasurable dizziness she felt was like the one caused by alcohol that Dean had described ; if it was, she sure understood why people drank all the time.
She felt like she was dancing, at least what she had imagined of dancing, without moving. And the air wasn’t sulfur and blood anymore, it smelled like what she thought a summer night would… She didn’t need more than Dean to feel all of that.
Her face turned slightly, her nose grazing his, and she hesitantly put her lips on the corner of his. She closed her eyes to enjoy the feeling of that feathery touch, imagining all that setting around, with humans and warm lights, music, whiskey, wood, windows and wind, and laughs…
But the scenery shattered when Dean cupped her face with two big confident hands -like no one had ever held her- turned her just enough to line his lips with hers, and put a kiss on her lips.
A real kiss.
His lips were pressed against hers and it felt like their bodies were connected. She started shaking a little, moved by the most intense pleasure she had ever felt and waves of emotions.
He moved an inch back, his lips making a little noise on hers when leaving. So that was the famous sound of a kiss... It tickled a little, but before she could open her eyes, his lips met hers again, this time parting just a little, like he wanted, needed, to capture her own for himself. She parted her lips just enough for him to be able to cage her upper lip between his. Then again, and her bottom lip.
Her arms fell limp on his lap, and shivers roamed her entire body. 
He bent his head slightly to the side and she gasped a little when she felt something wet graze her mouth. It was his tongue.
She parted her lips more, and when he opened his mouth to hungrily slipped his tongue between them to caress hers, something exploded inside her.
“Deeeaaan” the dreadful voice of Alastair threatened from the corridor with an amused tone, making him break the kiss the gasp in terror.
She wrapped her arms around him, tears immediately falling on her cheeks. 
She couldn’t fight the demon, or they would find something to punish her, and he couldn’t find her with Dean, or they would watch them more… All that mattered now was the plan.
To save him, she had to abandon him now. And it was like ripping her own heart…
“Three days” she whispered and got up.
When she felt his hand slightly clinging to her in panic, she let out a silent sob.
“Dean I swear to you, look at me. I swear.”  
She wiped her face and walked behind the door at the exact second the demon entered, a brush hook in his hand... 
“Hello Dean, I prepared surprises for you, I’m pretty sure today will be the day you accept my offer.”
“Fuck you” Dean muttered through tears, making the demon laugh.
And she left in silence in his back, crushed by the idea that she could stop him now, but that it would ruin the plan.
 Dean’s Pov
The chains made it hard to breathe, impossible even, and the pain was screaming in his ears, it was one of those days, when the demon didn’t finish Dean and he was so angry at his body for resisting like that.
Had he really kissed her ?
Snake embrace, Alastair said, and tightened the chains until they broke Dean’s ribs and his back. He just wish he could faint or die.
But tomorrow… Tomorrow his Firefly would take him away. So in his misery, through the panic of suffocation, Dean clung to the only thing he had : the little light in the middle of Hell, his hope, her.
Hope made the dam break and he choked on tears, quickly silenced by the chains magically tightening more. He was going to die finally and when he will exist again… It would be tomorrow.
The door opened and she entered. 
She was like a dream in the middle of a nightmare, nothing about her fitted here. Not her kind eyes, not her beauty, her innocence. And neither her wealthy look. Her long blue silky dress had a train that left a trail of the blood it wiped off the floor, the long tight sleeves were lace covered with occasional pearl…
She looked like a mirage. Her elegant silhouette entered the room, she had pomp dress and hair but her face still showed that artless expression, and for a second in his daze, he wondered how she would look in pajamas… 
Did they really kiss ?
“Dean… Damn !” She came close but he couldn’t see her anymore, his eyes closing, rolling in his skull.
He felt her hands tug desperately at the chains and her soft voice groaning. 
And suddenly, he could breathe. He gasped and coughed and the pain of his broken ribs hit him violently, but under them, nothing. He couldn’t feel his legs or his hips…
He blinked a few times and his eyes widened : the chains were gravitating around him like flying snakes, not touching any part of his body which rested in the air.
“Dean…” her voice came through.
The chains fell and she held him, when he slowly fell on the floor, like he was in water. 
“Tomorrow” she whispered.
And he wanted to tell her how beautiful she was, how incredible. He wanted to ask her what she thought of her first kiss. She could defeat them all, and all the evil in the world… But his injuries were bad and he could feel his heart weaken.
“I know where the key is” she murmured, bending on him, her warm lips grazing on his temple. 
“Y-you’re a miracle” he managed to state.
“I’m just a girl” she answered. “But you, Dean… You are everything. You are the sunshine and the starry nights, the music and the ocean. You are snow dancing in the air, and my fireplace, you are christmas and... “ he listened, his struggling heart growing even in his last beats. “You’re the moon in a summer night.” 
A tear fell on his jaw and her lips pressed to his temple more, her voice broke a little. 
“You are love” she almost whined.
He shakily found her hand, and grazed it with his last strength. He could feel what she was saying, her love was irradiating of her and he wondered how that kid could have grown that kind of feelings in here, and for such a wreck…
“I love you” she whispered. “I love you so much…”
His eyes stilled as his last thought, thanks to her, was a hope again : She will get out of here, and see real snow, and she will learn to love…
 Reader’s POV 
To see his ever so vibrant green turn cold and still, was a sight she would never get used to, no matter the fact she knew he was gonna come back. She carefully closed his eyes, and waited for him to open them again.
She held him for hours, felt how his body turned cold and stiff. She couldn’t imagine the feeling when death is permanent, because that was the only good thing in Hell, death wasn’t the end.
She had hoped to see his eyes open before she had to go back, but they didn’t. She took out her watch and she knew she had to go back to Crowley for her next lesson, she had to leave him again, or the plan would be ruined.
She placed her lips on his forehead and squeezed her eyes tightly as she felt his ice cold skin beneath them. 
“I’ll be back, I promise Dean, I won’t leave you. You’ll get to see Sammy again.” She carefully wrapped her arms around his back, her hand holding the back of his head. 
“I love you” she told him once more as she laid him carefully back down.
She would give everything not to have to leave now, but she couldn’t. But things would get better, tomorrow, he would feel the sun on his skin again.
Standing up, she looked back one last time from the doorframe, just to see if she could catch her favorite green one last time, but he was still inert. With a sigh she pulled the door closed behind her and went back to her room.
She stopped behind the corner of her room at the sound of Crowley’s voice.
“Why isn’t she in her room !” he snapped. 
She was late…
“I swear she was here a second ago, sir” the coward demon answered him, even she could hear he was lying.
“Find her now !” Crowley yelled, she could hear the nails of the demon scraping against the floor as it hurried off.
“You know just as much as me where she is, Crowley” Lilith sighed, surprising Y/n.  
She had the key.
“Why is she so interested in that Winchester, he’s no different from the rest. He’s messing her up” Crowley grunted.
They knew ! Since when ? She always had been careful about it, this was bad, but, her plan was still going, they didn’t know about that. They couldn’t.
“Maybe he is, but he also made her go after Alistair, without him she would never have grown so strong so fast” Lilith stated. “She’s becoming too strong and you know it, Crowley. Every one of my demons is scared of her, calling her the ‘Queen of fire’. I’m the Queen Crowley, she’s Lucifer’s WHORE !”
The walls trembled with her voice. 
“And yet, what can we do ? I lock her, I punish her…” Crowley snapped at her. 
“We’re running out of options here, we need Lucifer and we need him fast” the Queen said.
“I think we can deal with a child without our Lord” her father chuckled darkly. “Unless you too fear the Queen of Fire ?”
She heard a muffled thud followed by Crowley’s grunting. 
“You might not be able to hold her back” Lilith groaned. “But she is still a long way from taking me down. So watch your tone with me, you slug.”
Maybe it was the distance or the way Lilith’s voice bounced against the walls of the corridor, but Y/n wasn't mistaking, she could hear fear.
Lilith was afraid, afraid of her.
Y/n couldn’t help the grin that formed on her face. She would get the key, Dean would be free.
She hurried around the corner to the small library to grab some books, she turned back to go to her room.
With the books grasped in her arms she passed the door. Lilith turned to her as she let Crowley drop down from where she had him pinned against the wall.
“Y/n! Where have you been ?” Crowley gasped.
She held her chin high, and looked Lilith in the eyes. The years of being terrified of the Queen of Hell were over.
“In the library.” she said as she mentioned to the books in her hands.
“You stay in your room until I tell you you can leave, that’s the rule Y/n.” Crowley took the books from her to see what she was reading.
“More crossroads lore ?” he questioned. 
Y/n shrugged, crossing her arms.
“It’s interesting” she lied, hoping he would buy it. 
“Whatever, you will eat dinner with me tonight” he sighed.
She frowned, that rarely happens. The only times Crowley asked her to join him, it was to introduce her to yet another monster. 
“Why ?” she asked. 
“Because I say so” Lilith told her coldly. 
Lilith would eat with them ? Something was up, she could see it in the Queen’s horrible glare, and feel it in the shivers along her spine, but Y/n ignored it. Just a few hours from now, she would be out of here, or at least Dean would be. If anything, this gave her another opportunity to get the key.
“I look forward to it, your majesty” Y/n gave the mother of demons a sinister smile. 
They all sat down at the big table which was covered in food; a big pig with an apple in its mouth, grapes, red wine, bread and a dozen cakes, about everything you could think of was on this table.
Which was a shame, demons didn’t need to eat. Only she ate but, still, she could survive without it for longer than a normal human, and could never eat more than a fragment of this ridiculous display.
“So Y/n you’re probably wondering what all this is about ?” Lilith said as she watched her for the corner of her eye.
Y/n took her fork in her hand, making sure to keep up her pinky finger up, she had gotten enough beatings for forgetting it.
“Yes, I can’t help but do” she said, her mind was reeling with a way to get the key from Lilith.
The demons she had threatened had told her Lilith had the key, getting it from her would not be easy...
But not impossible.
“Lucifer is coming and you need to be prepared... ready” Crowley piped up.
“Prepared ? For what ?” she knew she was meant to be his slave, his wife in her father’s mind, like it could happen… but she didn’t understand why they said she wasn’t ready, prepared how ?
“Well, first, you’re not ready to talk to him, not with that tone for instance” Lilith sneered. 
“Lucifer will need you, your powers to be more precise” Crowley told her.
“For what purpose does he need them ?” she frowned. “He is far more powerful than me, unless...” she looked at both of them “he is not ?” 
Lilith laughed out loud, an ominous and mocking laugh that made Y/n want to drag Lilith through the halls of Hell and cast her in the deepest pit she could find. 
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, girl, no one is stronger than Lucifer. He will use your powers as a weapon… Or your belly” she grinned sardonically.
“A weapon” she repeated, putting her fork in her plate. “What do you mean my belly ?” she  dared asking, the idea of the answer making her nauseous.
“To bring Hell upon the Earth” Lilith smiled.
No… not Earth ! That meant when she would get Dean out, it would all be for nothing ! Anger rose in her core, she could suddenly feel her ears burn with that rage she knew so well. When will they stop ? When will he be allowed to be happy ? Why soil everything ! She couldn’t let that happen. 
“No” she stated, trying to hold her fury hidden deep inside of her.
Crowley’s had snapped towards Y/n.
“No ? Darling, you don’t really have a say in it” he laughed.
“I control my powers. I won’t do it !” she said, trying to weight her words.
“And why not ? You never even saw Earth, what do you care for it” Lilith got up from her chair.
It was the home of the man she loved.
“There are innocent people there. I just… I won’t do it.”
Lilith stood next to her, her hand grasped the back of her head, her fingers tangled in Y/n’s hair, pushing her down to the table, her face now in her plate. Y/n gasped, the rage inside her once again drowned by humiliation, like it had been so often in her life.
“Like daddy said,” she bent down to whisper in Y/n’s ear. “You don’t have a say in it.”
A necklace slipped out of the demon’s dress and dangled in front of her face. 
The key ! 
Y/n was so close to grasp it… So close to freedom. Her heart started pounding in her chest and flashes of Dean in pieces came in her mind, making her more determined than she had ever been.
She started to vibrate underneath Lilith’s hand, she could almost taste her rage on her own tongue. Her body curled inwards, her breath slow and focused, her hair started to flow, she opened her eyes and could see herself light up in the reflection of the silver gravy boat that was placed on the table.
With a powerful blast of fire everything around her vaporized to dust as Crowley and Lilith flew pinned against the walls. 
“I WON’T DO IT” her voice was unrecognizable, it sounded like she was speaking with a thousand voices at the once. 
She was floating high in the middle of the room, she spread her arms and could feel two fiery wings erupt from her back, so big they touched each side of the room.
She would get out. She wouldn’t take any of their punches, any of their humiliations. And Dean wouldn’t spend another night in that cell. She was getting out. Now.
Her eyes focussed on the key around Lilith’s neck, with a nod of her head the chain snapped and the key flew into her hand like she was the magnet.
“YOU WON’T STOP ME” she clenched both her fist, the flames around her growing with the rage inside her as she forced the demons out of their vessels.
A force that wasn’t hers made the room colder. Her head snapped towards Lilith who seemed to be whispering something. 
“L-Lilith” Crowley yelled.
Y/n felt an invisible cord wrap around her feet, it tugged her down violently to the floor with one hard pull. Her wings disappeared, Lilith ran towards Y/n and threw a small vile in front of her, it caught fire and followed a line all around her.
She felt herself growing weaker and weaker, the more she fought the heavier everything got.
“Stop trying Y/n, you’re trapped, no way you can cross that.” Crowley said as he wiped the dirt of his dress pants.
“You really thought you were gonna get out ?” Lilith sneered at her, a wicked grin on her face.“Oh and you wanted to take the Winchester boy with you ?” she was now laughing out loud.
Y/n crawled to the edge of the fire ring around her, heavy and beaten, but met an invisible wall, icy and crackling, she couldn’t pass. She used all her strength, all her rage, but the anger was just a stomachache now, and her body was a prison. She was trapped. 
“Told you the spell would work.” Crowley told Lilith, with that fear hidden in his voice, the voice he had when he felt like he had to protect himself. He wouldn’t help her. 
Lilith leaned closer to her, victory on her face.
“I got you now, don’t ever think you are stronger than me. It’s over.” 
No… it couldn’t be, she had to get Dean out of here, she promised him… She swore. Dean was waiting for her, she couldn’t let him down…
Her ribs became too tight and a sob of supplication escaped her mouth. She lifted an arm, in a last attempt to resist, but despair was even heavier on her back, than the spell was.
“Bring her to my cage” Lilith said, opening the door to the demons on the other side, intrigued by the noise.
“No no, please no.” Y/n started, she knew by now that Lilith intended to lock her up for good this time. 
The thought of Dean waiting for her was unbearable… He would be waiting… forever. In a strangled sob, she clutched the key in her hand so hard it snapped. She looked down at her hand, it was broken…
“It’s a fake” Lilith clenched her fist and Y/n rose up, gasping for air. “You think I would walk around it with around my neck ? I’m not stupid.” 
Some demons grasped Y/n by her foot to tug down to the ground so  they could put new chains around her. She couldn’t move, crying like she had never cried, not even as a child. She wasn’t crying for herself, she wouldn’t mind dying. 
She was crying for Dean. Every single one of his cuts would be on her from now, every one of his lonely nights, of his fears and burns… For eternity. 
On her.
Once the chains were secured the demons started dragging her to her new ‘room’.
“Oh and” Lilith started, the demons stopping at the sound of her voice, she looked down at Y/n laying chained on the floor, silent tears rolling down her face.
“I’ll take care of Mr. Winchester.”
Next Chapter in @roonyxx​‘s blog
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Firefly Tags: @waywardsistersandpie​​​ @jessica-marsh09​​ @teller258316​
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