#I could not stop giggling it was actually so embarassing to be in public
pizzabookbuying · 5 months
was like deliriously happy for the past few days and I had no idea why but now I’m pretty sure it was because it was warm-ish for the first time in like a month
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headcanonenthusiast · 6 months
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Alex Keller NSFW headcanons 
This was made with both masc and fem readers in mind. This man really has absolutely no content out there, so I'm here to provide for y'all 😎 Enjoy! (Also, sorry if this is a little dry. It's my first time posting headcanons 😔)
(I completely understand that this type of content is not everyone's cup of tea, and that's ok! But, please scroll and ignore if this type of content isn't your thing as opposed to leaving any sort of negative comments.) 
NSFW under the cut
-An absolute GOD at oral sex. He'll eat the pussy/suck dick as if he were famished
-Please smother him with your thighs when he eats you out/sucks you off. He'll be absolutely devastated if you don't. Doesn't care what your body type is, do it and he'll be happy for the rest of the week
"Fuckin smother me with those thighs, baby. What? No, no, don't you worry about me suffocating. If I do, then at least I'll die a happy man." 
-And if you look at him with any hint of unamusement, he'll chuckle and kiss your inner thigh. 
-Pays special attention to your clit/tip. He'll kiss at and slowly run his fingertips over it while complimenting your body. 
-"Look at this pretty little pussy/cock, baby. So adorable." 
-HEAVY on praise. Everything that falls from his mouth is either a moan or praise for you. 
-"Aw, fuck, dolly. You're taking me so well. Such a good girl/boy." 
-Prefers handjobs as opposed to head. Doesn't think you're bad at it or anything, just wants you to be able to respond to him when he talks.
-May not be big on head, but kiss his cock while your hands are wrapped around it and he might just cum right then and there. 
-Not very kinky at all, but he may have a bit of a breeding kink ngl..
-Mostly because he actually wants kids. Whether you can have them or not, he'll beg to fill you up. 
-Absolutely not a degrader. He'd feel way too bad. 
-If you really begged him, he might try degrading you, but that'll all melt away in five seconds as he gently kisses your face in apology, even if you're getting into it. 
"Oh, sunshine, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it. Just don't think I could degrade someone so gorgeous/handsome." 
-Very vocal, but mostly with talking. He 100% talks you through it 
"Lift your leg up a little bit for me, baby. There we go, good girl/boy." 
-If you're insecure about your body in any way, he'll carefully run his fingertips over whatever's making you insecure while fingering/jerking you off in front of a mirror. 
-"Look at that amazing body, sweetheart. Takes me so well, makes me cum everytime..so beautiful/handsome. How could you hate a body like that, hm?" 
-"Hell you mean you're too chubby/skinny? You're the perfect size for me, darling." 
-Kisses and caresses any scars, stretchmarks, birthmarks or anything else on your body you may feel self-conscious about.
-If you space out at any point, or if he just wants your eyes on him, he'll click his tongue to snap you out of your thoughts. 
-Constantly asking if you're alright. If you ever start crying during the act, he'll stop in his tracks and fuss over you. 
"Oh God, are you okay? Did I hurt you, sunshine? Too rough?" 
-Then when you convince him that you were just crying because of how good he's fucking you, he sighs in relief and chuckles a little. 
"Silly girl/boy. Had me all scared for a sec." 
-Will leave hickeys on you and will let you do it to him, but always somewhere noone else will see. You're his precious dolly, afterall. Why would Alex ever embarass you over making those marks visible? 
-Besides, with the way he's got his arm snaked around your waist in public, everyone knows you're his 
-Leaves hickeys on your chest, thighs and stomach (will definitely leave more on your thighs/belly if you're chubbier.) 
-Tickles your neck with his facial hair on purpose and smirks when it makes you giggle. 
-Has a lighthearted mindset about sex. Not opposed to making jokes and giggling during, before or after the act. As long as you're both feeling good, he's happy.  
-Tells you that your pussy/dick/ass is the best in the world. Genuinely can't get enough of it. 
"Shit, baby. This fuckin' pussy/ass is gonna make me cum..you wanna make me cum, baby? Yeah? Keep riding me then..just like that." 
-Favorite positions are ones where you're on his lap. It feels so intimate and loving, the way he can feel your grip tighten on his shoulders and see every reaction you make as his cock smoothly fucks you. 
-Mostly quite gentle. Will go harder if you want, but he's very cautious not to hurt you at all. 
-Can easily be top or bottom. Just depends on his partner wants. If you're a top? He'll gladly let you do whatever you want. Bottom? He'll take care of all your needs and desires. Switch? He's happy to flip-flop around until you're happy. 
-Makes you use your words. Rarely does things without you begging for it beforehand. 
-"Come on, darling. You know you have to beg for what you want." 
-Honestly a bit of a teaser. He'll get a big smirk on his face when you just whine to get fucked instead of asking properly. Clicks his tongue and gives a super dramatic shake of his head 
-"Oh, baby doll. That's not how we ask for things. Speak up, love. Loud and clear." 
- Can't deny you for long, though. The moment you beg he's all over you. 
-Big on eye contact. Will turn your face towards him and give you his best puppy dog eyes until your eyes stay on him
-Your pleasure always comes first 
-4 inches soft, 6 inches hard and fat asf (lord have mercy 🙏🙏) 
-Aftercare is just as good as the sex. He'll run a warm bath/shower either you alone or the both of you and carefully wash whatever he can reach while sitting behind you. 
-"You did great, baby. You alright? Not sore, are ya?" "Good, good. My perfect princess/prince." 
-Then when you're both done washing up, you'd better drag your ass back to bed for one (or more) of the following: 
-#1: Cuddles
-#2: Movie/show marathon 
-#3: Round 2 >:) 
My first headcanons done! I'm sure y'all can tell that I'm an Alex girlie but honestly this man is so FINE 😫 how can I not be? I'll def make some SFW and Alex x chubby reader headcanons later, dw.
Let me know who I should do next! 
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Hey, I just found your blog through your adorable A Smaller Predicament headcanons. You’re an amazing writer and I was wondering if you could please do a version of that for Venti?
A Small(er) Predicament [Venti x Reader]
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Synopsis: When you have to deal with each other's quirkiness as either him as a child or you as a pocket-sized human being
(Two seperate scenarios of Smol Series 1 and 2)
(A/n): Awww you're too kind anon and Venti is such a good addition to this. He's already babie (just look at the art #protecc)
Venti as a smol baby
The price for the Anemo Archon taking the form of a 12-year old boy had errupted some unique reprocussions after the potion effect: Rather than a young child with the capacity of walking at best, he reduced to something much much younger...a baby.
This meant that Venti will articulate the exact traits of an average one year old except he's more chaotic given his godly powers. It's because he's yet to learn his powers, if Klee could blow up the entirety of DragonSpine, then Barbatos would spin a tornado enough to flatten the mountains and plains altogether. You pray to god when he happens to sneeze (until you realize he is the god). Time to duck under the table, every item would fly off their tables and snot would be coming down his nose...which you have to wipe now (yuck!)
No matter what form he takes, Venti is still the same troublemaking, free-spirited to a fault and mischevious bard. The type to cry at least three times during sleeping hours and you wake up the next day completely deprived of energy. He's a messy eater as well as a picky eater. Food would constantly be stained around his face to the point you feel uncomfortable looking at him. Oh and if you ever try feeding him meals that he dislikes, Venti will either dodge your spoon or blow it away that it splashes all over your shirt.
Does. not. drink. milk. You fight to shove the bottle into his mouth which ends up with him crying a ear-splitting scream. It's almost embarassing trying to feed him in public. Because what Venti wants is not milk, he wants wine. WINE. You knew because "wine" was his first word. The amount of stress he gives you almost wants to make you cry too. So you often had to bring him to the Cathedral and ask the sisters to help instead. Turns out singing songs helps him calm down alot.
However when there are times where Venti is behaving, he's an absolute cutie. He laughs alot, a bubbly and gurgly giggle where you can almost hear his signature "Ehe" except now its an "Eehee". For some reason, Venti loves to bite. He will take a strand of your hair and put it in his mouth. If you bring him close to your face, he'll lean in and chomp your cheek. You're not sure why but that's just his way of showing affection. Most of the time he may stink as a baby, but after a good shower he smells like the fresh minty wind that had blown through the whispering woods.
Once he turns back to his normal self, Venti acts like nothing much happened. Doesn't even apologize for all the trouble he committed. He just says "That was fun!"
When you turn pocket-sized
Boy oh boy you two are going to have lots of fun together ehe ^_^ But don't worry. Venti has no malicious intent. Just his mischeivious tricks like usual. It's like having his own verison of Paimon! Oh, you can't fly? That can be fixed. He crafts you a mini wind-glider when actually it's a cheap folded paper airplane he made in just ten seconds, sticks you on it using tape before using his powers to generate a wind current. You were screaming for your life.
But it doesn't stop there. With you brand new powers, you guys can now be partners in crime! Big and small. As he distracts the staff at the Dawn Winery, you can sneak into the cart and push the apples down into his bag. Or what about sneaking underneath the door to unlock the cathedrals cell where all of the wine stash is hidden?
"No? *sigh* such a shame. We could have been really great partners. A fantastic duo hehe! But you know, now that I'm looking at how small you are, this kinda reminds me of...nevermind. Where shall we be off to next?"
He lets you slip underneath his beret hat. Despite being the wind god, it never falls off. Whenever you shift and push out from the edges of his hat to take a peek outside, Venti can feel your knees digging into his head. Although the feeling can be a bit nagging sometimes and that he has to get used to, at least he has someone to scratch for him whenever he feels itchy!
Whenever you need help climbing on top of furniture, sometimes you'll feel a gentle boost ghosting in the air. Even when Venti isn't around, he keeps in mind to help you navigate your surroundings whenever you need to. Also considering that he's so short himself, sometimes he'll lift you to the top shelves to get something for him.
When you turn back, he says he's going to miss the times where you're flying around in a tiny form. It brings him a sense of deja-vu. Regardless, Venti makes sure to implement this into his songs and stories, a tale of two figures of different sizes ready for adventure!
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mazuwii · 3 years
Getting caught on kisscam with the AOT characters
Scenario: You end up on the smooch cam with your AOT girlfriend/boyfriend
-he has no idea what it is at first -he didn't even wanna come as well😭😭 it was your idea -you explain awkwardly and he turns back to the camera and flashes his middle finger at it💀💀 -obviously the crowd boo LMAO
-he's so oblivious, he didn't even notice and got up, telling you he was going to take a shit -until you pull on his shirt and point to the kiss cam and he's like*surprised Pikachu* -doesn't get the memo and only kisses your cheek LMAO
-man he has no idea what to do, his face is going beet red and everyone can see it -I feel like he gets teary when he blushes so he looks like he's about to sob -you don't wanna embarrass him so you pretend your siblings and wrote it down on a piece of paper before flashing it at the camera
-Rei is one of my faves but tbh it feels like he was ANTICIPATING this moment since he was born -Like come on, the man is a huge simp -I guess you'd have to same energy when he grabs your face and smooches you🌚 if you're shy you're just sitting there like☺ awkwardly smiling
-He's so smug that when he goes for a kiss he hits your chin on his head somehow 🌚 -people never awww at you guys, it's more laughter 😭 -it ends up being just a peck before you take him home because his forehead got assaulted by your chin
-he refuses to believe it's actually happening like you're both sat there with red faces -man he is so embarassed but wants to get it over with. He turns to you with a bashful giggle and you return it. This isn't going anywhere -you end up stroking each other's hair and the crowd just goes🤔🤨*thinking face*
-you have to explain what a kiss cam is, he's so confused and ends up asking people with his loud ass commander voice. -"why would you like to see me and my significant other slobber each other up?" -won't stop asking it's getting so tiring that the cam MOVES on 😭😭😭
-the camera lands on you both right, and he just waves casually and goes back on his phone. -you nudge him and explain quietly. -"are you sure those are the rules or do you just want a kiss?" Like you're no detective Mr monke😭 -"you could have just asked." He does it but you have no emotion on your face now, he genuinely assumed you just wanted a kiss
-He scowls at the camera and looks back at you who's just smirking -like holy shit you're terrifying him, you really want these strangers to see what we do in private???? -instead of turning it down, the guy uses a piece of paper or something to cover the kiss up💀💀💀 -probably got booed at too for covering it up😭
-oh she's more than happy to shove her tongue down your throat in public and on a television?! Hell yeah! -like hold onnnn, why won't she stop? The moment her lips land on yours the camera moves after a while and she's still going -it's okay girl the camera moved on😭
-Asks if you're okay with it and you shyly say yeah. -Nothing as graphic as Hange it's just a short peck and a ruffle of your hair before she turns back with her arm around your waist
-She's awaiting for you to lay one on her💀 -she will turn to you with stars in her eyes, waiting for you to lean in and show your- 😭 your love to the "world" -you do smooch her but again, not Hange level smooch it's kinda short
-He has no idea what the fudge a kiss cam is and even when you explain he's still like "huh?" -so when it does happen as you predicted he has no idea and is probably just sleeping in his chair with his arms crossed. -man don't try to wake him up. You just shake your head and try to get out of there with him by waking him up.
-man can you even kiss? She's either drinking, eating or screaming at everything -say that she was silently watching and the camera ends up on you, she mostly just widens her eyes and waves mindlessly at it😭 -you tell her it's a kiss cam and she goes 'oh' before blowing a kiss at the camera. -she can somehow make the entire audience facepalm
-when it gets onto you both she doesn't realise since she's too busy telling a kid behind her to shut up before a monster comes and eats them -like you're scared for her to see it because you won't know how she'd react -surprisingly she does peck your lip but then briefly goes back on her phone
-You told him about it beforehand and he didn't say anything about it, lost in thought -When it happened, he just cocked a brow at it, telling you that you predicted it correctly -I know this old geezer is too embarassed to show everyone else the *private stuff* so he flips them off with a classic ✨middle finger✨
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themanip · 3 years
late nights
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SUMMARY — you and bang chan are both equally as stressed out. your solution?  sleep with each other. boom, problem solved.
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PAIRING — bang chan  x  reader  WARNINGS — mentions of stress and mental health problems, unprotected sex, soft!dom chan, mentions of kinks, really soft, really cute smut basically, crying (not sexually), sad thoughts, angry and frustrated emotions, angsty GENRE — heavy angst, fwb, coming-of-age kind of, smut, romance, porn with a hint of plot WORD COUNT — 4.9k, i got carried away my bad
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“How do you deal with stress?”
Chan’s question wasn’t ill intentioned by any means, and as you both sat in his studio, you pondered on whether or not to actually answer truthfully. “I mean, you’re the leader of two more trainees than I was, and navigating as a girlgroup is much more difficult than boygroups,”
“Do you want the honest answer, or the more appropriate answer?” you crossed your legs, Chan’s couch feeling quite comfortable. He stared down at you for a moment, the height of his chair offering him that leverage.
The room was quiet, the lights were dim, and the entire environment was soothing. “Well, honest, of course. No point in me asking if it’s a fib, no?”
You nodded, blowing a puff of air out of your nose thoughtfully. “Truthfully, I use sex. It allows me to physically and mentally drain myself, and I sleep really well after getting fucked. It allows me to refresh the next morning, and my stress, at least physically, is diminished.”
You didn’t look at him until you finished talking, and his face was blank. Once you two locked eyes, he sputtered out, “Oh, I—”
“This is why I offered two options, Chan,” you laughed, and at the lighten of atmosphere he giggled a bit too. “I didn’t mean to, y’know,” he stopped, and you nodded lightly. “I get it, but as of now I don’t do it much anymore. I usually just let out my anger or stress during dance routines or working out but it doesn’t work the same, and sometimes I deliver moves too harshly while dancing.”
“Why not?”
You were unsure what he was referring to, and you crinkled your eyebrows. “How come you don’t do it anymore if nothing else helps the same way?” he asked softly, his eyes swimming with genuine concern. 
“I’m a lot more conservative with my body, I just have to trust someone. It’s hard to get to know a guy without them immediately wanting to jump into a relationship. You can’t really do that in what we do, and the second I start to trust a guy things go haywire. I just really have to have a good friendship to have sex, I guess.”
The entirety of the conversation, Chan’s cheeks were turning peach. Even in the dark, dim light, you could see it. “I understand, it’s a very tangible thing. Just giving yourself to someone like that without a basic relationship, platonic or not, is important depending on how you view relationships,”
You nodded in response, and a silence fell over you two. There wasn’t much to be said, but for some reason you decided to blurt out. “If you don’t know how to deplete stress, I suggest it. Just the no strings attached part, because otherwise things get messy and stress becomes inevitable. Just try it sometime, Chan. If you don’t like it, then consider it a learning experience,” you shrugged, and Chan pursed his lips.
“I mean it doesn’t sound like a bad idea, per se. I just don’t know how I’ll casually ask someone to have sex. Most women just run off the moment I mention it, and who knows if they’re even into the same things I am? There’s just so many things to be unsure of.” His chin was now laying on his thumb, and his pointer finger was laying above his top lip. He was deep in thought. 
You stood up, which cause Chan to unexpectedly flinch, and he watched you with careful eyes. “Chris, if you ever feel like you need a de-stresser, you know where to find me. Nothing will be weird unless you make it weird. Or we can always just talk, either way, I’m here. I have to go before Sumna comes and drags me out of here, but seriously. Whatever you need, no strings attached. Nothing leaves this room,” you mentioned softly, and his eyes widened at his English name. It’s rather rare you used it, so he pondered the specific use of it in this scenario.
“Thank you,” he muttered simply, and he watched you as you walked out. Was she being serious?
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Chan and you had not talked in a few days. Whether it was a crazy schedule, you embarassing yourself, or him not knowing how to approach the situation, you didn’t know. All you did know was that you missed your friend. 
You and your bandmates had a hectic schedule today, and as the leader, you’d had to sit in on a meeting with your manager and JYP’s public relations manager. Apparently, Dispatch had caught one of your members, Lanzi, out doing something with another k-pop idol. Dispatch had only obtained two pictures of it, but it was clearly legible on who they were, and what they were doing.
The cost to get those pictures thrown out was much more than JYP would have liked, so she had to sit and get chewed out. Instead of being angry at Lanzi, she became more angry at herself. She had talked to them about things of this sort, but clearly not well enough. It was her job as leader, and she failed doing so. 
After a three hour long meeting, you were absolutely exhausted, mentally at least. And now, just after that, was choreography practice. You’d just learned the choreo a few days before, so for the most part you had it down. As lead dancer, you also had to make sure everyone else in your group understood that too. 
So, thirty minutes into practice, when none of your members seemed to be latching on, you sighed. Your entire job was to simply lead, and do well. Somehow, you couldn’t manage to do that. Once more, you started the choreography, and told your girls to simply stand back and watch.
You had a slight tone, but you needed them to understand that rhythm is just as important as the real dance moves. Your entire body was covered in sweat, and you were growing more frustrated by the minute. 
The way your body moved was no longer elegant, just harsh, angry strokes of somewhat rhythmic actions. You did your best to do it just as you were shown, but the overwhelming anger and emotion in your body was just more than you could handle. 
Little did you know, next to your bandmates, stood Hyunjin and Chan. They had come to ask something, but instead found you dancing your angered heart out. All stopped and stared, and Chan could only focus on the way your hips contorted, the patterns your hips followed.
As the music stopped, you turned around, and your eyes widened at the visitors. 
“We can leave if you’re busy, Hyunjin-ah just wanted to ask if he could borrow the studio tomorrow, and I wanted a word with you, if that’s okay,” Chan asked, and all of your bandmates went silent, expecting you to take the lead of the conversation.
“Hyunjin-sunbaenim, the studio is yours whenever you need it. Let me know what time, and Chan-oppa, would you like to talk now?”
Hyunjin bowed, and gave a quick thank you before heading out of the room. “Yes, please. If you’re too busy, no worries,” and you looked at your girls and told them to head back to the dorm. You were done for today, no reason to beat a dead horse when clearly today was not a good one to get skills in. 
“Can we talk in my studio?” Chan came closer to you, almost a whisper, and you knew this was going to go one of two ways: he was going to fuck your brains out, or he was going to let you know that he did not think of you in that way, and to please never discuss things like that with him again. You don’t think you could handle either, at least not today. 
“Yeah, let me grab some other clothes,” you said softly, rubbing your forehead in anxiety. Chan quickly started to mention something, and you shut him up quick. “I don’t—”
“Chan, I’m getting new clothes because I am sweaty and tired, nothing else. I will meet you in your studio after I am changed,” you sighed, your hot knees feeling good against the cool floor of the choreography studio. Your duffle bag now wide open, you grabbed an oversized long sleeve shirt and a pair of loose jeans. 
You also reapplied deodorant and some perfume so you didn’t smell like you lived in a sewer, the amount
As your girls were long gone, you felt free to change in the studio. Your clothes quickly fell to the floor, and you were now in more comfortable apparel that is not drenched in sweat. Dreading this conversation with Chan, you swiftly collected your things and moved them to the corner to come collect after you spoke to Chan and was ready to go home. 
Guiding your way to Chan’s studio was a walk in the park. The amount of times you’d go in there to talk to him, or for him to let you hear what he’d been working on, was countless. You two had budded a beautiful friendship, and he had been somewhat of a rock. He had always been so sweet, so loving. And you’ve possibly ruined it because you couldn’t think of anything other than sex when trying to guide him through dealing with stress.
Your eyes almost welled at the thought. You couldn’t cry though, not now. So, as you stood outside of Chan’s recording studio, you held your breath for a moment and looked up, letting the tears vanish.
A soft knock sounded, your knuckles rasping at the door. The hallways were silent, and you couldn’t hear a single thing from inside Chan’s studio. Your own heartbeat pounded in your ears, and you tensed as you heard footsteps leading up to his door.
He opened the door, his face showing no clear emotions. He didn’t seem angry, but he wasn’t too happy to see you, either. His hair was clearly ran through by his hand, blonde tufts falling back towards his ears. His makeup was done to perfection, light brown tones covering his lids. 
He wore a simple outfit, a loose black hoodie and dark blue sweatpants. He’d changed from earlier, his black ripped jeans now nowhere to be seen. “Come in, you can sit anywhere,” his voice was always soft, even though he could be fuming, his tone would never soar. 
“Chan, I just want to say I’m sorry,” you muffled out, plopping down unconventionally on his couch. “I just, I don’t know why I said those things or did that,” at this point, you just didn’t want him to think differently of you. He was the closest thing you had to a mentor, and he was an amazing friend. 
If you lost him, or ruined your relationship, you don’t think you could ever forgive yourself. 
You pulled your knees up to your chest as he took a seat in his chair, staring expectedly at you. Silence followed, so you continued, unsure of what he was expecting to hear. “I just don’t like you being stressed, and the only way I know how to cope with things is kind of like that, so I figured maybe you could too, and then I offered, and I feel like I just fucked things up between us. I.. just I’m so sorry.”
At this point your eyes had clouded up, and your voice had cracked multiple times. The day you’d had just piled up, and your exhaustion was visible. Chan’s eyes immediately softened, and he felt bad. He wasn’t mad, he just didn’t know how to approach the situation. 
“Hey, hey,” he soothed, and he stood up from his chair and joined you on the couch. At this point, you’d started full on crying. “I ruined our friendship, and now I’m sitting here crying so you’re gonna feel too bad to be honest with me about what I did wrong,” you were now sniffling hard, and your chest was dense you were surprised you could breathe. 
“No, love, that’s not it, I promise,” your heart pumped blood a bit harder at his nickname for you, and he placed a warm hand on your back. “I came here to ask if you were okay,” his tone was now nothing but soft and supportive, and he continuously rubbed your back. Warmth spread throughout your entire body. 
“I heard about the meeting, and everyone kept discussing how stressed out you were today,” in the dim light once more, his eyes glowed. They were so soft, so sweet. His entire aura was just warm, loving, and nothing was more assuring. 
“No matter what happens between us, you’re my friend, and I care about you,” he smiled softly, “Nothing would change that, unless you like, stabbed me or something,” he laughed soulfully, and you laughed with him. He pulled you closer to him, your head now leaning on his shoulder.
“Thank you, Chan. I just didn’t know what to do, and today has been really shitty,” you smiled, and let your head fall even closer to his chest. His thumbs ran circles around your back, and he held you close. “It’s okay, I understand. Trust me,” a warm silence encased the entire room, and as Chan now cuddled you warmly, your face was now red at the reality of the situation.
“Do you feel a bit better?”
“Yeah, I just needed someone to remind me of how things are and to keep me grounded,” you sighed, and Chan’s thumb was now no longer rubbing your back. His hand had stilled, and all you could hear was the heartbeat from inside Chan’s chest. He was so broad, and the expanse of his torso provided a very comfortable pillow.
“I wasn’t offended, or taken back or anything when you offered, you know that, right?” Chan spoke out of nowhere, the rumbling of his chest vibrating intensely. “I wouldn’t have known, I tried my best to ignore you in case you never wanted to speak to me again,”
A small laugh came out of Chan, and his chest pushed your head a bit. “No, in fact, I think I’ve thought about it a little too much.”
You pushed your head off of him at this point, and resuming your position before he sat on the couch. You pulled your knees back up to your chest, and looked at him. “Really?”
“You said you wanted to have sex with someone you trust, and I feel the same way. It’s really hard to come by good people with good intentions, and you also happen to be beyond gorgeous. Why would I not want to?”
With cheeks now flushed red, you giggled. School-girl giggled, specifically. You had no idea how to take this compliment, but then the realization hit you. Christopher Bang just said he wants to fuck you.
His face also turned a deep scarlet, and he looked down, waiting for a reaction. “Mr. Bang, the things you say. So scandalous,” you both laughed lightly, and you hummed in response to the silence. “If we decide to ever do something, it’s important we talk about it first,” you mentioned, and now the conversation went from light-hearted to a bit more serious.
 “Of course, but in what way?”
“I don’t know, what kinds of things do you like? I can’t promise I can pertain to everything, but there’s no harm in trying. Especially if it happens more than once,” you clutched your legs, and Chan leaned forward a bit, his elbows on his knees as he stared ahead.
“Uh, well,” he laughed, and covered his hands with his face. This was the Chan you liked, who could make any situation, no matter how dark, seem light and easy-going. “It’s not really,” he started, beginning to look at you, then stopping himself, “I don’t know. I never usually talk about it like this,”
“Well, how about this: I tell you what I like, and you tell me what you’re willing to do. Just because I like it does not mean you have to do it, but if you enjoy it too, its mutual pleasure, yeah?”
Chan simply nodded, now mesmerized by you. His face completely tracked yours, and you sighed. “I have always loved your hands. I really, really like if you’d put them around my neck, if you would ever feel so kind. I really love being praised, I love being called a good girl, things like that. My favorite foreplay is just making out, I’m just a big softie, but I can take rough if that’s what you like. I’m a big pleaser, and I want to make sure you’re taken care of and get some pleasure out of this,”
Chan nodded once more, and his fingers instinctively wrapped themselves around his rings, twisting and turning. “Your turn, Channie,” you smirked, and he leaned back, a smile crowning his face. 
“Well, I really like being soft and intimate, I like any position, bonus points if I see your face,” he smiled, his cheeks burning scarlet. He clearly did not talk about these things often, moreso just played them out in the midst of a high and never spoke of it again. But he and you both knew how important communication was, so he continued.
“I have played around with being called Daddy, but I’m not sure, and if you’re not comfortable with it—”
“If I am that uncomfortable with something, I promise I’ll tell you. Besides, that’s really cute. Rolls right off the tongue, right Daddy?”
He visibily shivered, and you smiled. “I—uh, I like if you’d run your fingers through my hair, not too hard, but like soothingly, kind of? If that makes sense. I also like it if you’d verbalise when you’re, uh—”
You knew where he was going, so you leaned close to his ear and finished his sentence for him. “Gonna cum? Oh, it would be rude not to,” you laughed gently, and you saw the last of Chan’s patience snap like a rubber band. 
His hands grabbed your face sternly, yet somehow gently. “Do you want this?” he asked, the lust obvious on his face. Despite any previous conversation, he needed verbal consent to continue, and it would make him feel most okay with doing this. 
The room was now silent, anticipation filling your entire body. You’d come in here crying, and you couldn’t help but hope you’d leave the same way; just a different type of crying. 
He pushed you so your back was now flush against the couch, the headrest leaning your upper torso closer to him. “Tell me to stop, and I promise I will, alright? The second you tell me to,” he was now looking you dead in the eyes, above you. Your legs were spread open, and his entire body was in the valley of your abdomen. Both of his arms were on either side of you, perching himself up. 
“Chris, just kiss me already,” you whined, and he laughed wholeheartedly, before dipping in. The first kiss was hesitant, exploring new territory. His lips tasted like vanilla chapstick, and the first few were light pecks. It took only a second before he took the initiative and added his tongue to the mixture. 
You rarely ever used tongue, most of your hookups barely even kissed, which is why none of them compared. Kissing was your weak point, it was a vulnerability. And Chan did not abuse that power once.
“Is this okay?” he mumbled against your mouth, your exchanging saliva now making more than your mouth lubricated. “Fuck, yes,” you moaned out, the amount of times he would kiss you now making you weak.
His hands dragged softly, and held themselves at your jaw, a classic sweetheart. His thumb was against your cheek so softly, the pads gracefully rubbing across the expanse of your cheekbone.
Everything about this was so domestic, so warm. His kisses were so soft, and full of love. There was no rush, no push to go any farther had you or him decided not to. His warm hands on your face made you purr on the inside, and when he pulled away, he had looked more beautiful than ever. 
You had no intention of mentioning the wetness that had gathered between your legs, until Chan was staring at you, and momentarily his eyes widened. “Shit,” he cursed, looking around rapidly. “We don’t have a condom. I’m clean and everything, but we don’t have to continue if you don’t feel comfortable,”
“I have an implant, and I’m clean too. I just want you, if you want me too.”
Chan had no other qualms about it, and he attacked your face in sloppy kisses. “Here, can we switch positions, my arm is hurting?” he asked awkwardly, and you laughed with your entire chest. It was a normal question, but the way he asked so ashamedly, as if it was something terrible. 
“Sit up straight, let me get on your lap,” you said softly, and he did as he was told. It was only then that you saw the bulge in his sweatpants, and you forgot that he actually had a male appendage, and from the looks of it, he was either girthy or long. Or both. 
As long as he knew how to use it, you’d be fine. 
He grabbed you by your hand to help maneuver you, and now your entire weight was on top of Chan. As you finally sat your hips down, he groaned. “Oh god,”
You took his face in your hands, and started kissing him again. At this point, you didn’t want him to be respectful anymore. His hands did not waver from your face, and so you took it into your own hands. Grabbing them both, so soft and calloused, and placed them as discreetly as you could, onto your hips. Moreso your ass, but Chan didn’t know your intentions. 
His hands pushed your hips forward, now rutting against his hard on. His lips and yours were now in a frenzy, drenching each other. It was still pretty slow, nothing fast paced, just more intense.
He broke the kiss, and his hands now edged at the bottom of your shirt. “Can I take this off?” he asked, breathless. His lips were now swollen and puffy, and his pupils were blown wide. 
You nodded softly, no words needed to be said. He quickly hauled the oversize shirt above your head, and groaned harshly when he realized you had no bra on. His first instinct was to latch his mouth onto your nipples, sucking softly. A moan left your mouth, and with nothing to hold onto anymore, your hands found his hair. 
Still rocking back and forth, your panties were probably soaked at that point. So much foreplay had you almost throbbing, and you couldn’t wait much longer to have him inside you. 
“Chan, please,” you moaned out, and he bit down on your nipple gently. “Only since you asked so nicely,” he added, and he told you to stand up. You did so, easily willingly, yet you loved the way he spoke to you.
It was almost a request, a plea. There was no power imbalance here, simply one trying to find another. He was so gentle, in everything he did. You wanted to drown in that feeling. 
He pulled your jeans off without a hitch, and eyed your lace panties hungrily, slightly thankful you’d changed earlier this evening. His fingers grasped the sides, pulling them down your legs. You were now completely bare, and he was fully dressed. This was a problem. 
“Not fair, your turn,” you pouted, and his eyes were fixated on your naked body. It felt odd, having him see you like this, but you couldn’t complain. Your arousal was now tainting your inner thighs, and Chan could probably see it too. 
He rid himself of his hoodie and his shirt at the same time, and you finally got a full view of him shirtless. This man was absolutely ripped, and you had to hold in a gasp. His arms were lined in protruding veins, and his abs were impeccable. You worked out, but not in your wildest dreams would you ever be able to maintain that nice of a physique. 
It wasn’t until he pulled off his pants, and painstakingly after, he patiently pulled his boxers off. God, did he have a pretty cock. A bit longer than average, slightly girthy, and it made your mouth water just thinking about it. 
Your first instinct was to pop down onto your knees, but as you were on your way down, Chan grabbed you by the arm. “Not this time, please, I need you,” he whined out, almost painfully. 
As you were on top of his lap, you were careful not to let him inside you yet. You figured he could decide when to do it, and you squealed when he let one hand slide from your face, down to your throat. His fingers, covered in rings, squeezed gently. He coaxed another moan from you as he let his fingers glide down the valley of your body, and found itself on your clit.
His movements were slow, but intense. His fingers glided over your folds, picking up some of your arousal, and placed all of his attention onto your little nub. Small pinprick moans escaped your mouth, and you began to tilt your hips in an attempt to get more friction. “Fuck, you’re so wet,”
Some noise semblant to a mew tried to leave your mouth, but his fingers tangled themselves around your neck further, leaving the sound trapped in your throat. “Are you ready? Or do we need to get you a bit more warmed up?” he asked softly, his mouth now next to you ear. His voice was dark, and husky.
“God, I just need you inside me,” you whined, and his hand let up on your neck, and he grabbed his cock harshly. He pumped it a few times, and spread your lips, and lined you up.
“Beg,” he said simply, and even if you tried to sink down, he now placed a hand on top of your hips harshly. You couldn’t move even if you wanted to. “W—what?” you asked, breathless. 
“Beg, I want to hear you beg for me to fuck you,” he repeated himself, and looked down at you mischeviously. You two were face to face, and his cock was still in his hands, and your lips spread wide open for him to see. “Fuck, please,” you whined, and to no avail, he didn’t budge, “please, daddy, I just wanna feel good,”
As soon as the name sounded from your mouth, he pushed inside of you. The stretch was amazing, it was slightly painful, but it felt like nothing on this earth could amount. His entire cock filled you out nicely, and the lewd sound of him smacking against you was filling the room.
His hands laid at your hips now, piling into you like his life depended on it. His balls were smacking against your ass, and the harsh thrusts stimulated your clit. Everything was so intense, the way he filled you so deeply, you could feel him in places you didn’t know he could reach, and you felt like you’d burst apart the seams. 
Shameless moans spilled from your mouth, and Chan was in your ear, grunting like a man starved. “Such a good girl, fuck, for me,” his groans were so animalistic, and the way his hands would hold you steady.
His fingers traveled down to toy with your clit, and he never stopped fucking you. Your fingers started to tangle within his hair, and his lips attached themselves to your neck, sucking, finding anything to latch onto. 
The second his fingers started rubbing your clit numbly, you knew that you were going to cum soon. Everything he did just felt so good, you were just a hole the second he started fucking you.
“I—I’m gonna, I’m gonna cum,” you breathed out heavily, and your legs started shaking. “Please, can I—please cum?”
“Yes, cum for me,” he breathed out in a husky tone, and it wasn’t long until you felt your thighs start to involuntarily shake, and the feeling inside your abdomen welling up. “I’m so—” you were cut off by your orgasm rushing over you, Chan’s fingers never stopped stimulating your clit.
You moaned out harshly, slumping towards him, unable to control yourself as one of the most harsh orgasms you’ve ever had washed over you. Your entire body started to seize, and you clenched around him harshly. He continued to fuck into you, sucking into your neck, and he starting fucking into you faster. He was definitely close, “Where-”
You cut him off, still under the shock of your orgasm, “inside me, please,” you begged, and he fucked into you once more, even harder. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum,”
He lived up to his promise, as less than a few seconds later, his warm cum spurted inside of you, and he still rutted his hips, begging for more friction. He stroked into you a few more times, now drained of energy. He placed a soft kiss onto your neck, and whispered, “Thank you.”
You got up, and put your shirt back on over yourself, and Chan pulled his boxers and sweatpants on once more. A thought rose over you on whether to leave or not, but you knew Chan would be a skinship type of guy. He would probably have a drop, and not be used to just casual hookups like this.
“Do you want me to stay?” you asked softly, and a large part of you hoped he would say yes.
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beewritings · 3 years
bought a dress n fishnets & they came in! so now it’s time for a little eren smut oneshot thing :’) 18+
cw: little bit of angst, public sex (bathroom)
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thinkin of meeting up outside of a restaurant for dinner with your friends & eren, the guy you’ve been talking to for a while, is a part of the friend group! he thinks you look sososo cute! you’re wearing a black dress with white plaid, fishnet tights and white platform sneakers (that was my outfit hehe). he wraps one arm around your waist and kisses your cheek and whispers in your ear “you look so pretty, baby” and you give a little giggle and whisper back “there’s more”. you then do a little spin while your friends are talking amongst themselves and you stop spinning, back facing eren, and bend over just a little bit for him to see it and right back up, facing him again with a little jump and a giggle.
you’re not wearing anything besides the fishnets.
his face heats up and turns around to see if any of their friends saw, and turns back around it face you and leans down to whisper yell at you.
“are you out of your mind? what if someone else saw?? not only that, are you dressed like this to tease me or something?”
you giggle and with confidence nod your head, “yup!!”
“eren, y/n, we’re going in! let’s go!” you both hear jean say. eren scoffs and grabs your wrist, dragging you in with the rest of them.
as dinner goes on, everyone is catching up with each other and sharing stories about work, class, overall just their lives. but eren can’t really seem to focus since your hand keeps roaming his thighs, down to his knee and right up to his hips, and even sinking inside his thighs towards the seat he sat on. he tries to keep up with conversation, but majority of the time he keeps eating or drinking his red wine to try and not speak because if he speaks... well they’ll know what’s going on. you’re calm though, you can eat with one hand and tease him with the other. he even tries to put a hand on your thigh, and even to where your core is since there is no underwear or anything with the fishnets. but you somehow quietly yet harshly swat his hand away.
it was clear to say who was in charge. and it wasn’t eren.
“y/n, what about you? are you talking to anyone or dating someone? got a boyfriend, or a girl?”
you look at sasha when she calls your name and answer her question.
“hm? oh.. uh, yeah, i’ve been talking to someone for a bit. he’s nice, cute, likes small personal dates rather than going all out in public and stuff. but lately it kinda seems like it’s been a friends with benefits kind of thing? we were talking and flirting but then it got sexual and now it seems like that’s all it is.. not that it’s an issue, i’m a sexual person and i tend to start the sexual tension first. but i feel like we could be a bit more... romantic? even if it’s romantic sexually. i don’t know.. sorry it’s weird, haha.” you pull your hand away from eren’s lap onto yours, and continue to eat your food avoiding eren’s look.
and he looked shocked. he didn’t know you felt that way. you both communicated about a lot of things, you’ve talked about traumas and past relationships or past fucks, but you have this anxiety in your body that gets scared to talk to him about a relationship WITH him. and you’re shaking as you eat, and he sees that. and you’re nervous to continue on, so you excuse yourself from the table to use the restroom.
you half expected him to follow him, but you didn’t ACTUALLY think he was. he excused himself about a few minutes after.
(“it’s obvious they’re talking about each other. did they think we didn’t know they were into each other? the tensions been high since high school,” mikasa points out.
“to be fair, i didn’t really realize they were into each other until we graduated. they way they hugged was not a friendly hug. it was a FRIENDLY hug,” connie joins in.)
the restrooms were placed towards the entrance, women’s, men’s and the gender neutral one that for some reason only has two stalls unlike the other two. you used the gender neutral restroom, so when you left, you see eren standing there. you give a smile to try and steady your anxiety, but it’s clear your smile holds nerves
“were you being honest back there?”
“... i don’t lie, eren. especially to you.”
“y/n,” he holds your face so gently, “you know we don’t have to be so sexually active, i just. thought that’s what you wanted. and of course i don’t mind whether we are or aren’t. and if you want to pursue a relationship, i like you a LOT and i would love that. but i’d rather ask you when it’s just me and you, not surrounded by icky people and our friends. i’m not a public guy, and you’re not a public person. did you want to continue this conversation at my place after dinner?”
“... yeah, i’d like that.”
eren smiles and kisses your cheek. “was there anyone in the bathroom when you went out?”
“no, why?”
eren smirks and looks around before pushing you back in there, guiding you to the bigger stall. “i’ve been holding out in you this whole night, you not wearing underwear? come on, you’re teasing me. bend over against the wall baby, you’re not getting away from this.”
he unzips his pants and reaches in to grip his dick out. you bend over a little on the stall door, shaking your booty a little, your privates on display for him. he bites his lip and smacks your ass. he mumbles a fuck before going right in. he rips a piece of the fishnets off so he could shove his dick in without the fabric rubbing against it. he doesn’t wait for you to get used to his size, he just aligns his dick to your hole, grabs your waist and starts thrusting. you cry out, but bite your finger to try and silence yourself. he’s goin in FAST, all you hear is the slapping of skin echoing throughout the room, your struggling moans, and eren breathing heavily.
he’s been hard since he saw you bend over before entering the restaurant, so he’s already close to coming. you as well, considering since you’ve been horny since leaving the house with no underwear on was such a turn on for you. so all it takes is for eren to lean forward and mumble i’m going to treat you so perfect, i’m going to show you off to the whole world and they’re going to be so jealous that i’m with the prettiest person ever. fuck, we’re gonna be the baddest and hottest couple out there, and i’m gonna love you so much and his name is echoing in the restroom from you, clenching around his cock. you’re squeezing him so tight while breathing heavily that he knows he’s about to release. he pulls out, jerking it a bit and lifts your dress a little higher and comes on your fishnet tights, on your lower back. your twitching a bit still, so he gets toilet paper to wipe it off but you stop him. this has been one of your fantasies for so long, and you refuse to let him stop it. you stand up, dropping your dress down and rub your legs together, feeling your cum rubbing together.
you giggle, turn around to face eren and grab the toilet paper from his hands, toss it aside and go on your tippy toes to kiss his cheek. he smiles, leaning down to kiss your lips instead. you wrap your arms around his neck, to kiss him further. you really fell for him hard, and you’re glad that you know you guys might actually end up in a relationship. you will be telling him everything from there on, because you trust him. you both pull apart and give off big sighs.
“y’all done? we trying to get dessert, but we don’t now what you guys want.”
you both jump slightly in shock, and slowly open the stall door to see mikasa and sasha both there, sasha giggling.
“um... i’ll take a lava cake,” you quietly say.
“i’m good, i have desserts at home,” erens voice booms in confidence.
“okay, please hurry. it’s been over ten minutes and i’m sure every customer knows what y’all were doing so we wanna eat dessert and leave asap.”
you both nod and exit the stall, fixing yourselves in the mirror. you’re embarassed, but eren’s happy, especially since if anything then everyone knows you’re his.
after dinner and after dessert, you get told off by the host and get told that if you get do that again then you both and your friends will be banned from the restaurant. on a good note, you and eren talked about everything when you got to his place and even had slow yet sexy passionate sex.
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thatslikely · 3 years
under the gym lights - s.s.
under the gym lights - stiles stilinski x fem!reader
warnings: none! pure stiles fluff <3
word count: 984
requested?: yes!
a/n: prom with Stiles prom with Stiles prom with Stiles :) might have to make a longer fic based off of prom with Stiles because this concept tickles my fancy
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A nimble, nervous tap on your shoulder was all it took to transform your prom night from lackluster to possibly one of the best days of your high school career.
It was no secret that for as long as you could remember, Stiles Stilinski, the previously buzz-cut donning boy who always had a flannel on his back, had been head over heels for you.
Things between the both of you were long due for a change, and Stiles was set on being the catalyst.
“Hey, uh, I know you’re like, probably flooded with dates right now but… do you wanna dance?” His eyebrows were wrinkled with worry; his voice lacked the confidence that usually exuded from the sarcastic comments he often remarked in class. 
Both giddiness and curiousity sparked like fireworks in your eyes as they glazed Stiles suit-clad figure: the inky black button-up that stretched across the expanse of his chest flawlessly, the lopsided, silver bow tie clipped around his neck, his hazelnut head of hair that was tinged with streaks of pomade, all of it. 
You almost felt as if you had been submerged under a pool of crystalline water and lifted to the surface again with reborn vision, for Stiles looked unexplainably different than he had before. It wasn’t just his exuberantly handsome ensemble, no, for reminiscing back to all the times he waved to you in the locker-lined hallways with a wide, almost boyish grin retained the new filter that shone over him.
With a now rapidly thrumming heart, and the cavity of your chest swarming with butterflies, you, at long last, realized. Shielded to you from years prior until just a few moments ago, you had a crush on the witty and equally adorable Stiles Stilinski.
Eagerly you took his shaking, outstretched hand, and he stumbled you clumsily, in a perfectly Stiles fashion, to the central dance floor of the gymnasium. 
Your hands found their way instinctively to the nape of his neck, where you let your arms rest on the fabric of his shirt, your fingers fiddling with the collar. After a few awkward moments, his palms situated on your waist, following the curve of your hips that swayed with the music.
The languid, amourous song that echoed through the rafters curtained with streamers flooded your ears from a distance, and soon you found that the rhythm of your heart had synced with the steady beat. 
A million thoughts sped through the flustered brunette’s head, but they were all put on pause when you cut the comfortable silence, saying with a soft tone of genuineness, “I really like you, Stiles.” 
If Stiles had known any better, known that the feelings you expressed weren’t as fantastical as his doubts had convinced him, he would’ve reciprocated the statement in a heartbeat. But the question that lingered in his mind before he drifted off the sleep each night, the worries that simmered on the back burner of his mind wouldn’t allow him to believe you. 
Why would the most devastatingly gorgeous girl at school like, of all people, me?
“Very funny, Y/N, but I’m not really into the whole public humiliation thing.” An almost reflexive comment that dripped with familiar sarcasm emitted from his mouth with the slightest quirk of his lips and a disbelieving shake of his head.
“I’m serious!” Your throat bubbled with giggles, but your sentiment was wholeheartedly authentic. 
“April fools’ was a month ago, you’re not fooling anyone, especially not me.”
“Why are you having such a hard time believing that I’d like you?”
“Maybe just the fact that you’re amazing, popular, breathtaking, the smartest girl I know, flawless, et cetera. Everything I’m not?”
“Oh come on, Stiles, you seriously can’t believe that, can you? Even if I have a sub-par day, you always manage to make me crack a smile in Econ. And you always know what to say when someone’s down; Lydia’s told me about all the times you’ve helped her when she really needed it. And your streak of intelligence doesn’t go unnoticed by me, either. I’ve seen you cooped up in the library reading until you can’t keep your eyes open any longer. You don’t realise all the things that make you as wonderful as you are, Stiles.”
His captivating chocolate eyes widened with surprise. He must’ve been dreaming, right? How many fingers does he have? Is there something around him that he could read?
“What’s wrong?” you queried concernedly, as Stiles’ mind finally absorbed the reality sitting patiently in front of him.  
“Nothing, nothing. I-I, I’m just still letting the fact that you could actually like me sink in.”
A smile crooked your lips upwards, an expression that Stiles could get addicted to; a look he’d do absolutely anything to grace your features again. 
“You look really beautiful under the gym lights.”
Small, lighthearted giggles escaped your fluttering chest ever so slightly; you retracted your hands from their hanging position around Stiles’ neck to cover your mouth as increasingly deeper laughs hiccuped from your throat.
“Sorry -uh, that sounded a lot more romantic in my head.”
Beads of perspiration formed on his palm as he combed through his soft hair flusteredly. 
Before his embarassed words could fill the magic-dusted air, or continue to sway to the steady rhythm of the music while panicking internally, you swiftly pressed your lips to his’.
Electric currents of passion swept over every inch of you skin, leaving prickles of addiction in their wake. What you'd give to stop time, savor this moment- this enrapturing state of emotions- until the end of time.
But eventually, the wide, goofy grins on both of your faces grew too wide to meld into each other any longer. You laid your buzzing head on his chest, listening to his rhythmic heartbeat, which was perfectly in sync with the song rattling through the gym as well.
"You look really beautiful anywhere, though."
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teen wolf/stiles stilinski taglist:
@loulouloueh @when-you-wish-upon-a-starrynight @ronbrokemyheart @dylobilysmomg @ayleehweasleyobrien @thatweirdkid​ 
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tokimihyachi · 3 years
Love Is War [ AU ]
Pairing: Nacht Faust X Reader 
Warning/s: None
Includes: Kaguya-sama references </333
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The prestigious school of Clover Academy with its ancient and noble origin, was founded to educate its students born in the crusts of upper society. Despite its nobility class system being abolished due to the efforts of a certain man, distinguished families from all over the land, who will one day take lead continue to enroll in the said academy.
But of course, they would not let anyone rule the school in its grounds of education.
'It's the members of the Student Council!'
Proud, conserved, and prudent. These where the characteritics of [Y/N] that allured all the rest of their dignified school's students, staff, and even members of the council.  
She was viewed as the powerful Vice-President who's connections are far more vast than the ocean's wideness itself, her intelligence beyond comprehension, and above all else, her beauty exulding nothing but that worthy of a regal woman who's shares  with their own company is far superior than anyone else that attended the school. (yes we ain't broke here)
And the man who she supports dedicatedly; Nacht Faust. Unlike  [Y/N] [L/N] , the student council president is well respected as he is first in every academic-related contest, event and affairs, earning the high and fear of his peers. And of course, would could not let slide how charming this man is.
'They're like gods walking around!'
'Do you think they're dating?'
'Why don't you ask them?'
'No! That would be too embarassing!'
Joining the power duo is Mimosa Vermillion, the student council secretary, Asta, the treasurer and Noelle Silva, their trusted auditor and also the public morale committee head.
These five students make the strongest foundation an institute could ever ask for, but even the strongest of pillars have its weaknesses...
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Pouring in a sum of coffee, deliciously brewed by the Vice-President herself, [Y/N] smiles gently, holding the kettle with its contents streaming into the porcelain cup of the President, who looks over the book he held with his right arm to thank the girl for her unwavering kindness.
"So it seems that the students have been gossiping about us lately, President." Nacht hums at her statement, delicately raising the cup to his lips and drinking the pleasant morning coffee, "They're wondering if we're a couple or not." the girl giggle softly, trailing back to the cabinet of ceramic plates and dishes.
Nacht closed both of his eyes, and responded with a furtive grin, "They're probably at that age of curiousity. It is best to ignore them, if it bothers you." the last sentence he uttered was hesitant in his perspective, but to her, it was filled with much confidence.
Despite the thick tension in the air, [Y/N] maintained her composure, "Oh? But it does not mind me at all." the President was surprised at her boldness, was this perhaps... a sign that he should take initiative?
Feeling a surge of new found bravery, he opens his mouth to commend them and undobtedly push the woman to her limits when the door opens, and Noelle, Asta and Mimosa walk through the doors.
'Curse them/!' the two thought simultaneously
Asta, the energetic boy that he is, loudly entered the room and jumped onto the sofa next to Nacht, while the two girls were giggling to themselves and went to the direction of the Vice-President. Mimosa shyly tugs [Y/N]'s uniform and hands her a letter.
"Is this next month's budget for the activites?" she inquired, slowly opening the letter.
"NOPE! I THINK IT'S A LOVE LETTER!" Asta yelled from the sofa, causing Nacht's eyes to open. His calm and serene eyes looking at their course with an amused complexion painting his face.
[Y/N] opened it, and was surprised with the contents of the letter: It was a confession, a very passionate one from a boy named bokuto, "It is." the girl thoroughly read every bit of it, as it clearly stated that he wanted to meet up with her at the cafeteria during lunch.
Noelle, clearly irritated that it wasn't who she was shipping with her senpai, flipped her hair and scoffed, "It's not like you're going. Am I right, [Y/N]-chan?" the silence that followed such question, echoed in Nacht's mind.
The President always knew that [Y/N] was, and is a woman of class and dignity. He felt that whoever confessed to him, must've been an over-achiever, or a big ball of pure dumbness, as they confessed to a woman who spent most of her time staring at him lovingly.
"Of course I am." her simple reply shook them to the bones. Miss [L/N] who's standards were well-known all over the school for being completely high and too out of reach for anyone to even qualify for, decided that she wanted to hear the boy confess? She has never done that, as far as any student can remember.
The silver-haired girl shakes her head as if she's heard the most absurd thing in her life— No, this is by far, the most ridiculous thing she's heard her say. Who was it that confessed to her that even made her change her strong belief!?
The Vermillion beside her, squealed in delight and clinged herself to [Y/N] who uncomfortably felt her 'mountainous' chest pressed against her arm, as the girl's throughts suddenly drift to how flat-chested she actually is.
[Y/N] gulped before kindly detaching Mimosa to herself, "They clearly poured all of their own to the letter, it would be rather unfair of me to not even show myself up." Nact sighed in relief, as his mind sat on the edge, thinking of every possible way to stop her.
"OHHHHH! Finally! [Y/N]-chan is going to have a boyfriend—"
Asta's enthusiasm however, was cut off by the President, "I will not allow it." the black-haired boy tensed at his own words feeling how resolute he seemed, "As the student council president, I will not allow such illicit sexual affair in this academe." the smile dancing on [Y/N]'s lips widen, as she tried to surpress her mirth.
"Illicit? sexual? affair? Whoever said it would come to that?" she grinned at her reposte, biting her inner lip to prevent herself from laughing at how hilarious and discomposed the President looked like.
"Then I'm not sorry to inform you that I will tell of the teachers about this then. You may be suspended over this." Nacht's demeanor slowly returned as he believed his statement should be enough to silence her.
But she was not willing to back down so easily, unless the President would beg obediently for her to not meet him.
"And I, am not sorry to inform you as well that if it comes to such love as this, then I am prepared for suspension. I don't even mind if I am faced with expulsion." other members of the student council held their gasp from her choice of words. 'E-E-Expulsion!? What kind of man would confess to [Y/N]-chan that would even make her go as far as that!?' Noelle thought as she looked at the letter the girl pressed against her chest with a look of love emitted from her presence.
'What? Huh, I wonder which weed I have to pluck out...' Nacht's intelligence was put to test.
The satisfaction flowing vividly inside of [Y/N] with her imagination running wildly at how the President may actually bow down to his knees for her was enough of a thought to make her blush in place, which the others misinterpreted. 'She's serious!'
The school bell rang, signifying that it was lunch time. The moment of judgement has finally presented itself, and [Y/N], despite knowing that no lowly normal person was worthy of her except Nacht, is fully commited in pushing through with her plans.
"WELL! I HAVE TO GO SEE YUNO NOW AND ASK WHAT'S HIS SCORE ON THE SCIENCE EXAM! SEE YOU AT AT THE CAFETERIA [Y/N]-CHAN! I'LL SAVE A SEAT FOR YOU TWO— MIMOSA! NOELLE!" the ash-blonde boy yelled, passing through the corridors to run off to his rival.
The darkening presence of Nacht as though being surrounded by a scad of shadows, frigthening both Noelle and Mimosa who, from the look on their President's face, knew that he wanted to be alone with her, "H-Hey [Y/N]-senpai! Mimosa and I will be going now!"
"What? We will? But I thought—"
"See you laterrr~!"
[Y/N] merely chuckled at the two who, presumably, went to look for Asta. But as the door of the room clicked, it dawned to her that she is to face whoever this 'bokuto' of a simpleton he may be if the President does not act in a few minutes. This was a risk she was willing to do and make, but it may as well be a chance of meeting and casting her eyes away from the President who has shown very little interest in her.
The girl has taken into account all of the words which their President spoke to other people; on normal conversations, a lengthy half an hour, but with her, Nacht seems to have upset his stomach and would only converse for a few minutes. When it came to eye contact, he would not, and one would even say, he dared not to look at her for more than a minute as well. And yet did not break it with any others.
With all these thoughts in mind, [Y/N] realized she may have been fooled by the appeal of the President, falling into their trap like a mindless stray dog, "Well," she sighed, "Lunch time. I-I, I should go." the lump in her throat was unbearable, and to make matters worst, Nacht seemed like he didn't care at all.
She smiled wistfully to herself, taking her things that were next to the President himself and prepared to leave, but was stopped when asked a question, "If I confessed, would you still go?" [Y/N] looked at him, shock evident on her face, "Hypothetically speaking, If I did, would you." he added, further saddening the girl.
"Well, it's only a hypothetical question...So, I would not have an answer. See you this afternoon then, President." with a heavy heart, [Y/N] slowly marched towards the doors, her hold on the door knob trembled, as if waiting for him to stop her, but how delusional she was as he did nothing but stare at her back.
And so she went outside, and carefully closed the door. Every step she took was like a burden since the farther she went, their distance would be forever tainted in her heart.
After a couple of steps, a hand made its way to her wrist, and was surprisingly, unexpectedly faced with the President himself, "[Y/N]" he breathed out, his hand cold and shaking lightly.
"Don't go."
The girl sighed, removing her hand from his grasp, "I will, if there is no reason to stay. You should go and eat lunch, President. There may nothing be—
"I like you."
The girl chuckled, "Of course you do— wait, what?" 'Does he really? Did he just...? Or was that a fraction of my imagination yet again? Can, can you repeat it, just to be sure?'
"If it means that I get to be with you, then I will gladly concede,[Y/N]. To hell with this little competition. As long as you tell me you'd like the same..." Nacht's voice was almost pleading, wailing for her to stay, to say that she felt the same as he did, despite such being unnecessary.
"I thought you'd never ask. Of course, I like you—" Nacht closed the distance between them, and claimed her lips which he always dreamt of placing his against, "Are you not ashamed o-others are watching!" she yelled at him, a deep blushing forming on her cheeks as Nacht held her face with such gentleness and love. His eyes piercing her soul as its coldness was no longer traceable with his features softening while looking at her.
As if not listening to the girl, he placed his hand behind her neck and connected their lips again for another kiss, not willing to give a care for the students who were happily eyeing them with much anticipation as they've always wanted to see such scene happen, "Then let them watch so they know what is mine."
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stuckonscenarios · 4 years
what would the girls of homestuck (both beta and alpha including the trolls[beta and alpha]) do/act if they found out a girl had a crush on em
for a short answer: i personally hc all the human girls as being attracted to the same gender on some level and it’s canon that trolls don’t really have sexualities the way we do. so! assuming they like the girl back, i think all the girls would be receptive and happy with a girl liking them. for a more specific headcanons, see under the cut. 
(i would have put this in the tags but i dont want it to get buried: for future reference can we keep the character count to like... four per request)
💜 rose tries so hard to play it cool, she really does. she has all these really cool one liners and suave pick up lines saved, but the minute you begin talking to her all bets are off. emotions and sincerity are really not rose’s forte, but she does make an effort for you. she’s very flustered whenever you broach the subject, but tries her damndest not to show it. this may result in rose coming off as colder and more verbose than usual, but don’t be put off! she’s just nervous, ha ha. 
💚 jade is really surprised when she finds out you like her. she’d been trying to subtly flirt with you for a while, but that had mostly turned into her getting heart eyes whenever you talk and looking like--well, a lovesick puppy. as soon as she catches wind that you like her, she’s ready to confront you and hopefully move from there. despite her previous unlucky relationships, jade tends to tread on the side of optimism and has high hopes for your future together. 
💙 jane is completely beside herself. we see how flustered she gets when the subject is brought up with jake, but when she’s being confessed to?? her brain short circuits. after the conversation, jane might avoid you for a little bit due to embarassment, but with a little reassurance she’ll come around. at the end of the day, she’s just so overwhelmed and happy that you like her back. 
💗 roxy is immediately stoked. she’s got so much love to give, and cannot wait to share it with you! prepare for lots of affection from roxy; cuddles and wonks are frequent. you can’t really blame her though. she’s smitten and thrilled you like her back. don’t expect her to be very public about your blossoming relationship, though. while roxy may gush and be lovey-dovey when the two of you are alone, she prefers to keep matters of the heart more private. 
❤️ aradia’s all smiles. she’s visibly happy, probably taking your hands tightly between her own. she’s not shy in verbally confirming her excitement either. aradia starts opening up a little more; she’s showing off one the more impressive bones in her collection when you realize this. it wasn’t bragging. it was an invitation into aradia’s world, so to speak. at any rate, your interest makes aradia feel warm inside. 
💚 nepeta is beyond thrilled. she immediately updates her shipping wall to display her newly canonized otp. deep down, nepeta is very lonely; that’s the entire reason she’s so invested in relationships. knowing you like her is like a dream come true! if you haven’t already confessed, rps will probably start getting suspiciously flirty, lol. subtlety doesn’t come easy for nepeta, and it’s even harder when she likes you so much! 
💚 kanaya has to do a double take. she hadn’t really thought that her attempts at flirting had… worked?? but here you are. liking her. blood rushes to kanaya’s cheeks at the very thought. anyway, kanaya’s all in at the thought of being with you; dates are planned quickly. assuming you’re on a planet with non-lethal sunlight, happy sunshine picnic dates with your vampire girlfriend are frequent.
💙 terezi likes to play around before getting to the heart of the matter, so she’ll probably flirt with you for a little bit before officiating any relationship with you. terezi just loves the scent of your chagrin when she teases you! it might take a while for her to actually open up to you though. terezi’s had a difficult past where romance is concerned, so be patient with her. 
💙 vriska will probably try cajoling you into making the first move. except she’s not exactly subtle, so it’s super obvious that your crush on her is reciprocated. there are probably a lot of shenanigans leading up to the actual confession: that just comes with the vriska package. kinda random but later on in your guys’ relationship i could see vriska bouncing her various plots and schemes off of you. intentionally or not, you’ll become the person who makes sure all her irons in the fire aren’t getting too hot. 
💗 feferi is SO GLUBBING -EXIT-ED!!! 38D it may take a few moments of giggling before feferi’s calmed enough to really talk. but when she does, it’s all about you. she wants to know what you’re thinking, what’s going through your head. feferi’s just a bit concerned is all. her history of dating cagey, grumpy boys has forced feferi into a habit of being pushy about feelings. bare with her, though, she means well. also probably a big hugger.
❤️ damara is suspicious, at first. she’s been severely jilted in the past, and this has negatively affected her outlook on future relationships. damara will come on super strong to scare you off make sure you’re serious about her and not in it for the wrong reasons. once she’s decided that you’re trustworthy, damara will take things very slow. she’ll want to spend a lot of time with you, being soft and getting to know each other. 
💚 meulin is excited, but inside she’s a little nervous. similar to damara, meulin has been unlucky in love in the past. for as much as she loves love, she had made her peace with it not being in the cards for her future. your confession definitely makes her happy, don’t get me wrong! but she’s also worried and waiting for some tragedy to befall the two of you. be patient with meulin; she just doesn’t want to lose somebody she cares about as much as you. <3
💚 porrim is much happier than she lets on. secretly, she’d worried that her.. salacious reputation had scared you off. she won’t need much reassurance, though. just your presence is enough to comfort porrim and remind her that others’ opinions don’t matter. you ground her, in that way. i could see porrim being a little protective of you too; she might fuss over your scarf when it’s cold out or be really into helping you time manage or something like that. 
💙 latula’s knee jerk reaction is to throw up a palm for the r4dd3st high five, but thought better of it when she remembered her steel palm. if she trusts you with her heart, then latula will likely trust you enough to at least partially drop the cool girl facade. latula’s ultra supportive, too. whether it’s verbal encouragement, a hand on the small of your back while walking, or even just a smile, latula never lets you forget that she’s got you, through thick and thin. 
💙 aranea is a bit smug. she was sure this day would come sooner or later, it was only a matter of when. that doesn’t stop her from being elated, though! which she immediately begins to wax poetic about, haha. aranea probably keeps a diary or two, in which you are a recurring theme. this is a little random, but in private i could see aranea being a fan of giving & receiving surprise kisses.
💗 if aranea is a little smug, then meenah is smug as fuck. of course you like her back; what’s not to like? homegull’s got it going on! the two of you will quickly become partners in crime (if you weren’t already), with you as meenah’s right hand gal. despite the bad bitch/take charge attitude meenah has, yours would be pretty much the only opinion she values higher than her own. though she may have a reputation to uphold, meenah thinks of you as her strongest ally.
-mod lux
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bakubabes-tatakae · 4 years
The Regalia and the God
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Author’s Note: If anyone wants to be added to the taglist let me know ! I’m happy to do it for anyone.
(Yato X Reader)
Summary: The delivery god Yato has never been that popular with the public, but when it comes to fighting phantoms he’s one of the ones you want by your side. Every god needs a trusty Regalia by his side... that’s where Y/N and Yukine come in.
AO3 Link
Part One:
Word Count: 1,346
As little work as the delivery god Yato got the phantoms were always on our list. Yato stood atop a tower overlooking a school building. I stood next to him, the wind around us blowing our raven hair with it, Tomone, Yato’s other regalia, stood behind us, slowly waiting to be called forth. Of the two of us Nora was the more useful. Nora was a dagger, I was more of a guiding piece. I helped Yato and Tomone perfectly time their attacks, seeing more than their eyes would let them. When in regalia form I was a stainless steel ring that he wore on his middle finger of his left hand. 
We each had different names when he called forth his regalia. Tomone was known as Hanki and I was Norikki when called. 
Yato held a five yen piece in his hand, flipping it in the air. “Payment received. You have made a wish and it has been heard loud and clear.”
Tomone looked down at the giant phantom before us. It held the body of a snake and its tail stretched all over the building. “Does this phantom seem especially large to you?”
I looked behind us at Tomone. “It’s exam season, there’s a lot of stressed out kids.”
Yato looked behind us as well and smiled. “Everyone’s on edge, but with you guys I can take this thing down easily. Ready to go you two?”
Tomone and I spoke together. “I’m ready when you are.”
Yato jumped off the edge of the tower and flew down toward the phantom. He called out names. “Hanki, Norikki, come forth.” Yato hit the top of the phantom and stomped him some before jumping back into the air for his regalia. Yato caught Tomone as a dagger with one hand and grabbed me in his other hand, putting me on his finger. 
My guidance kicked in. “Yato, aim to slice his tail with Hanki, fly down at him straight and don’t make any type of moves until you hit the tail, that will get you the path with the least likely hood of him hitting you.”
“I hear you. Great job Norikki.” He grabbed onto Hanki tighter and positioned himself, soaring down toward the phantom again, reciting the rend to deliver the fatal blow on him. “This is the land of the rising sun. Your desecration shall not be allowed. I now lay thee waste with the Hanki and expel thy vast defilement! Rend!” Yato stayed the course that I had laid out for him. Slice after slice we made our way back to the ground. Yato landed with grace and looked back at the phantom that was disappearing. “Bye now.”
The phantom turned into black smoke and evaporated. Yato was clearly happy with himself. “Is that all it had? I didn’t even break a sweat.”
As Yato sat on the ground, happy with himself Tomone and I were growing impatient. It wasn’t necessarily fun to be in regalia form when there was no action going on. She spoke before I did. “Hey Yato, are you forgetting something?”
He snapped into the realization. “Oh, crap. Revert Tomone. Revert Y/N.” 
We both reverted to our human forms again and stood before Yato. Tomone sniffed her clothes and looked back at Yato. “Didn’t break a sweat, huh?”
Yato grabbed his chest and hung forward in embarassment. “Show some respect, huh?” He turned to her. “I’m your master.”
“Actually, we need to talk about that.” Yato looked up at her with a confused glance and she continued. “I’m quitting. I won’t be your Regalia anymore.”
My jaw dropped. “You’re kidding right? It’s only been like three months since you joined us.”
“It’s felt like three years! I can’t take it anymore! Living like a vagrant with a minor god who doesn’t even have his own shrine! I can’t do it!” Tomone started sobbing. 
Yato looked at her. “Hey, shouldn’t I be the one who’s crying here?”
She looked over at me. “I don’t know how you can even do this. You’re probably only able to do it because you’re dating him. I can’t see how anyone who could do it otherwise.”
Yato began flailing his arm. “Find. Stop wailing already. I can take a hint.” He began to draw Tomone’s name. “It’s over. I hereby release you.” Her symbol on her hand floated and the disappeared, letting her free. 
She giggled. “That’s so much better.”
Yato was beginning to get annoyed. “Just so you know the usual practice is to give at least a full month’s notice before you quit. It’s common courtesy.”
“As if you deserve any courtesy.” She began to walk away. “Later, loser!”
I began to walk forward, ready to go after Tomone, when Yato grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me backwards. 
She was still taunting as she walked away. “You’re just an aimless drifter in a tracksuit who likes to play at being a god.”
I fought against him. “Come back here and say that to our faces you coward!”
Yato freed one of his hands and threw it in the air. “Damn you!” He was mad now. “Don’t you dare come crawling back once I hit it big! Just you wait and see!” He let me going, knowing I was calmed down enough. I wrapped my arm around his back as he spoke. “Soon enough I’ll have one hundred and twenty million worshippers and all the other gods will envy me!”
I raised a fist. “You ungrateful wretch!”
When she was out of our line of side I turned my head to look up at Yato who now had his arm wrapped around my waist. “Don’t listen to her Yato, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about. She’s insane. You’re going to be the world’s biggest god some day, I just know it.” I smiled at he smiled back. 
He put his hand on the side of my cheek and slowly ran it down my face. “How did I get so lucky?” He put his lips to mine before letting go and taking a spray can out of his pocket. “Let’s get tagging! We need to find some new jobs.”
* * * * * *
Any surface we could find that was big enough we were tagging. His name and phone number littered most walls in the city already. As we tagged, Yato was still steaming. “Stupid wretch. I can’t believe a regalia actually quit on me.” He walked over to the bench and patted the place next to him when he sat. He reached into his track suit and pulled a bottle filled with five yen coins. “Pretty meager savings for us.” He put his arm behind me and leaned his head back. “I’ll never have a shrine, will I?”
“We’ll make it through Yato, we always do. Just give it time. Like I said earlier, you’re going to be an amazing god, just give it time.”
He sighed. “Right now, finding a new regalia comes first. As much as I love you, I need some type of weapon. You’re an amazing regalia, but not for dealing the fatal blow.” He kissed the side of my head. “God or not, without a regalia I’m unarmed.” He paused. “No, worse than that. I’m essentially naked! I can’t go out on any jobs like this.”
He jumped up, nearly knocking me off the bench. He was starting to doubt himself again. I tried to reassure him. “Yato, don’t bea-”
He cut me off. “Of course, it’s not like I’ve got a ton of work anyway.” His cellphone rang and I had never seen him take it out of his pocket so quickly. “Hello there and thank you for calling! Fast and affordable, delivery god Yato at your service!” I couldn’t believe the faces he was making. “Milord’s gone missing, that’s awful. We’ll be right there to gather more information and then be on the move.”
Yato turned to me and I smiled. “Do we have a job?”
His smile spread across his face. “We have a job.”
*Author’s Note: This is one of the smallest first parts that I’ve done, but I’m going to get deeper into the other stuff in the next part. I promise part two will be longer! I didn’t want to introduce too much at once! Hope you like it! 🥰*
Taglist 💕 @izzythefanfreak​
Part Two
Updated: 5/13/2020
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karasuno-writings · 4 years
karasuno first years with an s/o whos real confident all the time (especially with affection) but the moment any of that affection is returned s/o goes Error 404 Page Not Found and gets really shy and embarassed
This was really cute to write, I really do love these first years way too much! Thank you for the request! I hope this are fine!!
He is defenetely not used to affection so the first times he will go stiff as a rock and his cheeks are instantly red. What is this? Might even call you out at first and then immediately apologize, you just took him by surprise. 
Eventually warms up to the affection, it is not that he does not like it, he just kinda does not know how to answer. So little by little his hugs will become a lot warmer and his kisses a lot softer. However it is a good thing you know how he is because he will not connect his face to his emotions, most of the time is an adoring frown as an answer to your affection, all while blushing. 
At first if you kissed him he would just kinda stay? But he actually takes in what you do, trying to mimic all the things you do that make him feel loved so he just kinda likes setting his hands on your hips and pulling you close. He soon learnt that his favorite kisses are quick and soft pecks or more rough kisses, he gets into them a lot. I might warn you that he might crash his teeth to yours a lot at first. 
He is just getting used to affection, and it will take time for him to properly learn, but if you kinda guide him he will really appreciate it. Specially on hugs, like this baby did not know how to respond to high five from Tanaka so expect him to be quiet a stiff hugger, the thing is that he tries and honestly it is adorable. He kinda just tries to hug you like you do and sometimes it ends up being awkward but he feels so nice?? Just let him know you love him and appreciate it. 
However he learns at his pace, and now that you showed him how good it just feels to be loved he just wants to know that he does appreciate it and loves you too. 
One day he is just staring at you like unblinking, he is looking at your lips and just thinking of how much he really loves you and he just gets this blush.
You giggled bc honestly he looks weird and cute and you’d be lying if you said you were not used to this. However what really surprised you was that his hands shot up to your cheeks, pressing them together and he leaned in for a kiss, it was quick and a little harsh, but his lips were soft and warm.
You stared for a few seconds, while you processed what had just happened. Blood quickly shot up to your cheeks and squealing you covered your face. You were not used to this and it made you quiet bashful 
Kageyama panicked thinking that he must have done something wrong so me immediately bowed to apologize, then he placed his hands on top of yours.
You have to explain that it just makes you shy, he will be a little confused but once he gets it he will calm again. 
He will stop if it bothers you but if it does not he will randomly and without a word show his affection, just when he feels like it, it is never on purpose that he embarrasses you and most of the time he only cares that you like it.
Please keep on showing him how to love
This baby loves affection, but it is true that he will be too shy to initiate it at first. The first times you kiss him he will be all blushy but his smile will be priceless, he is one of those who inevitably smile into the kiss. Hugs are his weak spot, he will wrap his arms around you. He just loves you.
So if you are really affectionate he will always be open to affection, even in public, even if it makes him incredibly bashful. He is just really proud of having someone like you.
He will be insecure of his kisses at first, he will take it slow and never go bold because he is afraid he might not be the best. However if you reassure him, and he is feeling good, his kisses will be adorable, he is always so soft and he likes those sweet lingering kisses.
If you hold his hand he will trace his thumb over your palm, he actually likes the contact, it is especially relaxing and reassuring for him.
The more you date the more trust it built, that is where you can see him come out of his shell, he will be louder, and he is good at bantering but never mocking you. So while you saw it coming you never expected what went on. 
So you were waiting for him outside practice, it was evident he was happy, he had been improving and you could tell that he was proud. however when you greeted him he wrapped his arms around you, and staring at you he just said “I love you Y/N, you know that right?”
You just, stared at him dumbfounded, as your felt his arms warm around you and his smile bright so you just buried your head in his chest, not knowing what to do or how to act, the blush in your cheeks was more prominent than ever. 
He chuckled at your adorable reaction, clearly bashful at his actions, so he pressed a soft kiss on top of your head, that only made you freak more. He there enjoyed such an adorable reaction, it just really meant that you loved him and just thinking that it was his actions that made you all shy??? 
He will only fb affectionate on public if you are comfortable with it, but in private he really likes to just say sweet nothings and hug you. He will sometimes do it to mock you and he will adorably giggle if you do bush in public, he will then apologise but he is not sorry and you know it damned well.
He just loves you and knowing that you do too? That it is him that makes you feel that way? Perfect. 
At first he seems like he does not care about affection, like you can hug him all you want but he will answer lazily. However if you give him time he grew to love it, he would never admit it, but he does love you and how you show that you love him back. 
The more time you date the more he returns the affection, he likes when you hug him and will hug you back too, he will actually melt more into the hug each time, he loves it when you reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, he wraps his around your waist and hides his face on the crook of your neck, even if it means he has to crouch, or even better if you kinda jump or have to reach out, he always mocks you for it. 
He does not initiate kisses at first but boy is he a good kisser, like he does everything right. He does like pecks but he loves long kisses, where all he does not say can really be felt, he is also surprisingly tender. 
He likes to be close to you when sitting too, maybe it is not intentional from either of you but you are always touching, maybe your leg is draped over his, or his arm is touching yours or you are even holding hands; he likes that subtle closeness.
He actually likes how affectionate you are, and that you don’t hide how you feel about him, he feels cared for and honestly trusts you so much, he is proud to call himself yours don’t be fooled.
One day you were just sitting on the park, listening to music, when he turned to look at you, quietly. He then mocked you, over anything he could think of, he just smirked at your reaction but even more so when you retaliated. He appreciated that he could banter with you, his had was on top of yours. As he looked around only to be sure no one was paying attention he pressed a soft kiss on your cheeks. “Chibi you are pretty annoying....but it may be because I love you” 
You just died on the spot honestly, you blushed hard and beggan tripping over your words, this was new and had taken you by surprise. You were at loss and all you could do was hide your face on his arm. 
He actually chuckled out loud, he was more than contempt with your reaction, he really enjoyed embarrassing you but this was next level. “Now now chibi, no need to get all worked up”, he placed a hand on your back.
He uses this against you, he only displays affection in public because this little shit knows you get more worked up than how much it could bother him so he likes seeing you blush, he is happy to know he gets you like that. If you however get him back, he will mock you with words.
In private he however likes it because it is you, he does enjoy mocking you but he likes what the two of you have even more, he just enjoys wordless moments.
This baby is so excited for affection! The moment you kiss him he will have this adorable grin like he will be all blushy and will most likely make the happy sounds he does when he is excited.So no he won’t be kissing back but it is because he is just so ecstatic he forgets what he has to do.
He loves it when you hug him, specially from behind, he especially loves how you wrap him up and he can catch up your smell, he loves feeling yours. 
His kisses are eager but he does not know how to start them!!! So first he leaves it up to you, he loves pecks and soft kisses that leave him wanting more, those that you follow up with smaller kisses.
He is so eager but sometimes due to this he will not stay still, you could hug him and a second later he will turn to face you and hug you back and then he will try to kiss your cheek and then just hold your hand, this baby wants it all.
He actually loves holding your hand, and will drag you around if possible while swinging it, he just loves that everyone can know you are his. 
The first time he shows affection on his own tho it was so sincere, the two of you were headed home and he just grabbed both of your hands and smiled, then he pressed this really meaningful kiss to your lips, it was soft and filled with love. 
When he pulled back he saw you blushing and you just stopped, not reacting at all and having a hard time just taking it all in. Hinata just tilted his head in confusion, had you not liked it? 
But then he saw your smile and he just gushed all over your embarrassment, he was so happy he made you feel that way.
He is really affectionate after that, he takes it as a reaction of how much you really love it and he just finds it adorable.
This baby is proud to tell everyone that you are his and literally shout how much he loves you so maybe you should brace yourself
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parkersharthook · 4 years
Avengers React
Peter Stark-Rogers & Stark-Rogers!reader (twins)
warnings: alcohol consumption, idiot 21 year olds, slight embarassment and humiliation, but in the loving family way ya know?
2.3k+ words
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@tcnyparker​ commented: you should do a sequel with how the avengers react to the video 😂 so yeah I took that comment and ran with it lol
sequel to this (x) << I recommend reading it first
“I am so excited to watch this video of you guys making a fool of yourself.” Clint said with a smile as he jumped over the back of the couch, landing not so gracefully with a bowl of popcorn in his lap.
Natasha snickered as she grabbed a handful of the popcorn, “it’ll definitely be good.”
Peter looked up from his textbook confused, “what video?”
“The truth or drink thing you did a few weeks ago, it aired earlier today.”
Peter perked up instantly, shutting his textbook and moving from the kitchen table to the living room where they were sitting. “it did?”
“yep and we’re gonna watch it. We’re waiting for the others of course and your sister but we’re definitely gonna watch it and make fun of you.”
“oh wow thanks Clint.”
He leaned his head against the back of the couch and smiled cheekily. As if on cue, Wanda, Sam and Bucky came into the common room. They all sat in various spots around the room and looked expectantly at the TV and then at Natasha when she made no move to turn it on.
“are we watching the video or not?”
“chill bucket we’ll get to it. You think I wanna miss the reaction the Superdads™️ have?”
Sam leaned back in his chair, kicking his feet up. “can we hurry them up then?”
“You know when I made you captain America, I assumed it meant you were a patient man.” Steve said with a smirk as he settled onto the already crowded couch, Tony quickly taking his spot on Steve’s lap.
“A, you knew what I was before you made me anything. B, get a room.”
“Well we did but then you summoned us to watch the video.” Tony quipped easily.
Peter blanched and instantly shivered in disgust, “ew I don’t need to hear this. Just- ew- bleh no.”
Tony turned to him, “I wanna say something like without that you wouldn’t be here but you’re adopted.”
Peter pointed a finger at him, “then shut your trap about it. You don’t have an excuse.”
Clint took a quick scan of the room, “where’s y/n? and banner?”
Bucky lazily gestured, snuggling further into the plush couch. “Banner is at a science conference and y/n is in her room.”
“FRIDAY, tell y/n to meet us in the common room will you?” Natasha supplied for them.
A moment later you walked into the room, still reading something off your phone as you bit into an apple casually. “what did you guys need?”
You glanced up to see everyone staring at you expectantly. “what?”
Peter sighed deeply, “they want to watch our truth or drink video and then make fun of us.”
“oh.” And then you shrugged and joined them on the couch.
Peter’s brow shot up, “you’re okay with this?”
“They’re going to do it anyways, plus they’re also making fun of you which I can’t miss.” You paused for a quick second, “and I have no shame.”
“wait! Don’t start without me!” Harley screeched from down the hall before sliding into the room on his socks and hurling himself onto the couch, ignoring the groans of protest. They really needed to get a bigger couch. He wiggled slightly and then relaxed, “okay start the video.”
[To get started, who is the favorite child?]
You laughed slightly, “between just us two or also Harley and Morgan?”
“Well if we include them, it’s definitely Morgan.” Peter laughed
“Oh hands down it’s Morgan, no questions asked.” You sipped at the rum and coke they provided you with, “but between the two of us it’s you Peter.”
Steve paused the video and looked over at the two with an unimpressed look, “we do not have favorites.”
You just wanted to snicker because that may have been a record. 7 seconds in and you had already disappointed Pops.
Tony’s brow furrowed, “I’m more concerned that you two are just casually sipping at some drinks. No wincing, nothing.”
“moving on…” Peter quickly evaded, starting the video up again.
You were now shouting at him, “I’m literally taking over dad’s company when I’m older!”
Peter pointed at you harshly, “We’re both doing that and you know that. You’re just gonna be the Pepper Potts in the situation.”
You smirked at him “And you’re trying to tell me that Pepper is less successful than dad?”
Natasha cackled, “she makes a good point peter.”
“yes I know that and if you let the video play all the way through, you would have seen that I conceded that point.”
Nat shot him an unimpressed look causing Peter to wither slightly. Play.
[Have you ever stolen from either of your dads?]
Peter snorted, “well I’m assuming the answer is yes if you stole from me.”
Tony looked over with a serious expression, “y/n you better come clean right now and not let me find out from a video if you stole something from us.”
You rolled your eyes with a huff, “you guys have no faith in me I swear! Just play the damn video.”
You rolled your eyes, “Well I value dad and pop’s stuff more than yours so me stealing from you means nothing.” Peter rolled his eyes as you thought about the question. “I actually don’t think I have, I’ve never needed to.”
“I’ll take an apology now thanks.”
“you’ll take not being grounded.”
“yeah that works too.” You promptly shut your mouth and let the video continue
[Who's the sluttier sibling?]
You laughed, “Oh me by like 10000 percent.”
Peter shook his head and took a generous sip, “I didn’t want to say it but….”
You smiled and nodded at him, “No, I wear that badge with pride, it’s definitely me.”
Clint outright cackled at this. Like hands on his stomach, keening forward, laughter bouncing off the walls, tears in his eyes cackled.
Steve just rubbed his temple, “Y/n we’ve talked about having a good public image.”
You squinted at him, “your own husband, my father and roll model, has a rep ten thousand times worse at 21 and yet I’m being scolded?”
Wanda surprised herself with a laugh before quickly covering her mouth with a small ‘sorry’. Tony squeezed Steve’s bicep, “don’t worry she’s already doing much better than me. It’s fine if she owns her sexuality, doesn’t mean we want to hear about it.”
“then shut your ears off.” Clint supplied casually. A beat of silence, “wait that’s just a me thing. Right, sorry.”
[which parent do you like better?]
“do we even want to know?” Steve asked, already so over this video.
Bucky laughed, “just watch the video.”
You giggled slightly as you finished off your second glass, “I think I might be a little drunk.”
“off two glasses?” peter knocked back the rest of his, “lightweight.”
“that first drink was more rum than coke and this one was probably 4 shots of tequila over ice.”
Peter raised a single brow at you and poured himself a shot of vodka, “lightweight. Shot?”
You rolled your eyes, “yeah sure.” The two of you knocked back the shots easily, only a slight grimace present on your faces.
Peter shook his head like a dog and smacked his own check lightly a few times, “focus. Back to the question.”
You looked off camera with a lazy smile, “which was?’
You grimaced slightly, “okay now I’m getting slightly embarrassed. Nat just laid a hand on your shoulder and gave it a quick squeeze.
[which parent do you like better?]
Peter shook his head, “I’m not answering that…”
You also shook your head, “I’m not answering that either… I mean, I have an answer but I’m not gonna say it.”
Peter widened his eyes at you, “you have an answer? I honestly don’t think I could choose.”
You winked obnoxiously, “I can and I did.”
Tony paused the video and looked over to you. You were giggling quietly, chewing on your thumbnail in faux casualness. “you have a favorite dad?”
“is it me?”
Steve scoffed, “no it’s obviously me.”
“You know y/n I’ve been meaning to get you something, let me just go get it from the lab.” Tony scurried off of Steve’s lap and ran out of the room.
Steve was quick to follow his actions, “I have something for you to just wait!”
Sam began laughing the minute they were out of the room and then looked to you, “that’s just cold.”
You let out a laugh of your own, “watch the rest.”
“are you kidding? They’re gonna shower me with shit to become the favorite or to woo it out of me.”
Peter laughed again and you could see his cheeks get a little pink. Oh yeah… he was getting drunk. “now they’re not because you said that.”
“oh they definitely paused the video right after I said that. The rest of this is moot to them.”
The room filled with loud laughter. Damn, your parents were predictable.
[Have you ever disliked one of your sibling’s partners?]
You snapped your fingers, “Oh wait! there was one I didn’t like.”
Peter frowned in confusion, “what? Who?”
“oh.” A pause, “Ooohhhhh.” Peter chuckled loudly, “You just didn’t like us together because you wanted him for yourself.”
“Not true.”
“so true.”
“it’s true.” Wanda supplied causing you to blush and groan slightly.
[who of your sibling’s friends is the hottest?]
You clicked your tongue, “Oh Johnny by farrrrr.”
“You like Johnny?” Harley questioned.
You rolled your eyes, “no I don’t like him, I just recognize that he’s hot.” You patted Harley’s hand, “I’m not gonna steal your best friend.”
Harley rolled his eyes, “I was just gonna ask if you wanted me to set it up for you.”
[If your sibling killed someone, would you help them hide the body?]
Peter shook his head and sighed, “no.”
You looked at peter with contempt, “Wow, I bet Harley would help me.”
“Then ask him.”
You looked to him expectantly with a brow raised. He scoffed, “of course I would help you.”
You reached out a hand to give him a fist bump before staring daggers at Peter, “see? Harley knows what it means to be a good brother.”
Peter just rolled his eyes, “still not helping you.”
[Who’s your favorite aunt/uncle?]
“alright!” Peter yelled quickly stopping the video, obviously remembering what he said. “that’s enough of this.”
“no!” Clint whined as he made grabby hands for the master remote. “c’mon we wanna see who you like best.”
Wanda sniggered, “just let them see it. Worse that happens is one of them kicks your ass during sparring.”
Peter just grumbled and unpaused the video.
You shrugged and rolled your head slightly, “I don’t think I have a favorite… I’m closest to Sam but that doesn’t necessarily make him my favorite.”
“hey! I take offense to that!” Sam whined
You shrugged slightly, “if it’s any consolation, you’re my favorite captain America.”
Sam smiled and turned back to the TV, “yeah I’ll take that. That’s good.”
Peter nodded and answered quickly, “Thor.”
You laughed, “Nat’s gonna kill you”
Peter’s eyes widened in shock, “fuck! I take it back, it’s definitely Nat.”
You shook your head, “Can’t take it back now…”
Peter shrugged and casually said, “I’m dead.”
Peter blushed and cautiously looked over to Natasha who sat with a deadly smirk on her face. Peter stuttered, “I mean- yes- no – I obviously- Of course it’s you!” He waved his arms around frantically, “ya know… spiders!”
Natasha just narrowed her eyes and cocked her head, “it’s okay Peter. I don’t care.” You fought back your laughter, “do you mind getting me a beer from the fridge? Since your standing…”
Peter jumped into action immediately, “of course!”
Bucky huffed out in laughter, “don’t be mean to the kid.”
You laughed as Nat rolled her eyes, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
[What’s the most embarrassing story you can think of about one of our family members? [if you can’t answer take 2 shots]
“One time Clint was trying to pull a prank on our dads and he was executing said plan through the air vents and one of the vent opening grate things was loose and when he put his weight on it, he fell through and onto Bucky’s lap in the common area so everyone saw it.” You waggled a finger in the air, “Very funny.”
Clint frowned, “you’re the worst.”
[Are there any secret relationships going on in the tower? If you can’t answer take 2 shots.]
“Can’t say.”
“Can’t say.”
Bucky eyed Clint with a knowing expression. Clint sighed dramatically, “okay fine I take it back. You’re the best. Thanks for keeping me and buckaroo a secret.”
You grinned at him, “anytime.”
[Is the black widow a maternal figure?]
Peter smiled, “actually yeah…”
“She babysat us all the time when our dads were unavailable or had date night or whatever.” You smiled as you recalled the fond memory.
“Best aunt we could ask for.”
Natasha smiled at the of you before hugging you each, “you guys are ruining my rep.”
You shrugged, “sure but in the best way possible.”
Natasha’s eyes softened slightly, “yeah I suppose.”
The video finally ended with Peter and you slightly more drunk than you had hoped to get. You sunk deeper into the couch, a permanent pink ting on your cheeks. “I feel like that was way more embarrassing for me than Peter.”
Wanda laughed, “you did say you have no shame.”
Sam was next, “and obviously no filter.”
You rolled your eyes, “oh har har.”
Nat wrapped an arm over your shoulders and pulled you close, “you did great. It was fine.”
“thanks.” You smiled at her then glanced at the arm comforting you. “see? This is the reason your rep is ruined.”
Nat just scoffed and before playfully shoving you. You smiled at her before glancing around the room. Best family ever.
edited 5/18/20 (I took out the slight harley/johnny)
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kirishwima · 4 years
drunk RFA+ Jihyun and ge Saeran with not drunk female MC😆
ohhh durnk RFA! i like this hehe
However, since we know Seven doesn’t drink alcohol or smoke, I’ll switch his section into eating edibles with him; so be warned there’s mentions of both alcohol and weed in this!!
* Baby boy is a lightweight like...don’t even give him a single beer can, not even a sip of wine...MC why did you let him drink, this one’s on you
* Knowing how Yoosung gets when drunk, MC decided not to drink at all that night-they were out for dinner with the rest of the RFA, and one glass of wine turned into ordering beer after beer per Zen’s insistence lol
* By his second glass, Yoosung was a M E S S 
* MC actually had to excuse him and herself to take him home, the boy so tipsy he was leaning onto Zen, twirling his white locks of hair flirting with him, thinking it’s MC!!!
* It took a lot of strength to drag him to the car, and Seven actually had to come out and carry Yoosung as he drunkedly giggled while being princess-carried; something Seven will never ever let him live down lmao
* At home she managed to get him into bed, albeit in his day clothes, unable to get him to put on his pyjamas, simply curling up besides him as MC waited for Yoosung to fall asleep.
* He turned to her in his drunken haze, clasping her cheeks in his hands as he looked to her with a grin.
* “Youu...you are so cute! How can you be so cute and be mine? There’s-*hic*, you met pretty boy Zen and-and rich dude Jumin-but you want me! Me!”
* MC rolled her eyes, leaning close to kiss Yoosung’s cheek. “I did choose you. I love you” she whispered, making Yoosung fall into another feat of giggles. 
* “Yess-me! And I-I choose you! Like Pikachu! Chu, chu” he laughed at himself, the sound endearing and adorable all at once.
* He settled himself down after a moment, sighing as he let his eyes flutter shut.
* MC thought he was asleep, when she heard him mumble;
* “Marry her-I’m gonna marry MC...mm, then everyone will know she mine...ha”
* She smiled, curling up on his chest. She’d never admit she heard him say that, but she’d never forget it, and well, if she’s a little extra sweet and cuddly with him the next day, she’ll blame it on his cuteness.
* She doesn’t like to admit it, but she too, is a lightweight.
* She’s usually careful about how much she drinks, knowing how..well, how she tends to get when drunk, but this one night-
* MC had brought home a bottle of her favorite wine, saying they should make it a stay-at-home date night, and Jaehee couldn’t resist-between the two of them, they ended up emptying the bottle, Jaehee having just a tad more alcohol in her than she could handle.
* What MC was soon to find out, is that Jaehee is not only a very bubbly, talkative drunk, she’s also very, very handsy, a little cuddle fiend;
* Before MC knew it she was laying on the couch, Jaehee laying over her with her limbs locked on MC’s sides like a koala, talking about anything and everything, context gone in her hazy mind; from her love of Zen’s musical, to her distaste for cats, to Jumin, and how much she’d like to take that silver spoon of his and shove it-um. Anyway.
* MC giggled, letting Jaehee ramble on and on until she tired herself out, her head leaning down to fall onto MC’s chest, her hands clasped on MC’s shirt.
* “Are you sleepy?” MC teased, running her hands on Jaehee’s back.
* “Mmm” Jaehee mumbled, nuzzling her head on MC’s chest, “you-comfy. So comfy. Love you so much” she kept mumbling, the words muffled on the fabric of MC’s shirt.
* Jaehee was never this bold, and in the morning, when she woke up on the couch with MC beneath her, both of them sore from the awkward sleeping position-Jaehee would be a flustered mess, her cheeks a fiery red as she tried to recollect the scattered memories she had of the night before.
* She’d apologise profusely to MC, who’d insist there was nothing to be sorry for. 
* Just a cute sweet funny drunk really lol
* It takes a LOT to get this guy drunk-he’s so used to going out to bars back in his motorcycle-riding days and getting shit-faced that nowdays there’s only few kinds of alcohol that can really give him that tipsy kick.
* Well, one night he and MC were out at a bar with colleagues celebrating the end of a theatre production, when their producer brought a few bottles of some fancy smoked whiskey-Zen’s vice. 
* He loved whiskey, but rarely indulged in it, not only because there’s few situations in which whiskey would be suited, but also because honestly, it was the only type of alcohol left strong enough to get him drunk.
* He was careful at first, wanting to stay sober so he could be a proper escort to MC, but people kept pouring in his cup again once it was empty and he was too polite to say no and he kept drinking and well...this is a long-winded way to say Zen did get drunk lol
* As it turns out, drunk Zen is not too different from sober Zen-were it not for his slurred speech MC might’ve not even noticed he’s drunk.
* She only realized it when he started leaning his head on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her waist as he looked to her with a big exaggerated pout, his bottom lip jutting out as he blinked up at her.
* She laughed, flicking his nose. “What? What’s with this grumpy face, hm?” she asked him.
* “You are...so beautiful. I love you so much!” he started, and MC rolled her eyes at him.
* “And is that a reason for you to pout like that?” she asked him. Zen shook his head, looking around the bar as if to make sure he can lean up and whisper in her ear without anyone else noticing.
* “I don’t want all these other people to be looking at you-and I want you to only look at me” he whispered, before leaning back to look her in the eye. “You love me the most right? Right??” he grumbled.
* MC realized just how drunk Zen must’ve gotten by that point-and not wanting him to feel embarassed the next day, she slowly managed to get him home, collapsing with him on the couch in a giggling heap.
* By the next morning he was as good as new, minus the horrible horrible hangover he’d been experiencing-but thankfully his own personal Advil was right there to make him all better ;)
* Honestly, it’s quite impossible to get this man drunk.
* Or rather, it’s that he’s so subtly drunk that it’s almost impossible to realise when he is. He simply...becomes chattier. Bolder. That’s the only difference between drunk Jumin and sober Jumin lol
* MC only realized when one night at a dinner party, after having copious amounts of wine, Jumin leaned onto her, quietly nodding towards other guests and sharing his honest, undiluted opinion of them in MC’s ear.
* “Mrs Portokalou, the lady with the red hair; she’s a stuck up butt” he started, making poor MC nearly choke on her drink as she took in the bold words Jumin whispered. “Mr Khan, he’s a know-it-all, don’t ever get into a debate with him. So annoying. That guy over there, with the blue suit-I don’t...I actually don’t know who he is but I don’t like him. His tie doesn’t suit his suit. Disgusting” Jumin scoffed.
* It was so entretaining that MC didn’t have the heart to tell him to stop, biting her cheek to stop from laughing her heart out at Jumin’s commentary.
* “That man there; Mr Mel. What a douche-douchebag? Is that what Zen usually calls me? Well, that’s what this man is too. Douchebag...I should go tell him that.”
* Woah woah woah! Before Jumin could make his way up to Mr. Douchebag, MC gripped his wrist, tugging him back.
* With some effort and promises of kisses in the car, she managed to get him to go home without voicing his opinion of everyone there publically lol
* By the next morning not only was he completely fine, no hangover to complain about, he also had a full recollection of the night before-and he didn’t seem apologetic, not one bit.
* ‘Mr. Douchebag’ became an inside joke for the two of them, must to Zen’s dismay lmao
* He doesn’t drink alcohol nor smoke, but he does really like edibles; he makes his own butter out of weed, and then with the help of MC, will make hash brownies and cookies, and his favorite, honey-buddha chip buttery dipping sauce to dunk his chips into.
* One day the couple made a batch a little stronger than usual, which left Seven into a laughing high mess on the living room couch, an unopened bag of Honey Butter chips laying on his stomach. 
* MC had only had a little chunk of a brownie, so the effect hadn’t hit her nearly as much as Seven-he was giggling at nothing, turning his head this way and that before leaning back on the couch to look at MC who was sitting in the corner typing away on her phone.
* Seven smiled incredulously, poking at her thigh until she put her phone down and looked to him with a raised brow.
* “Hey-heyy, hey-hey did you knoww-” he wiggled his brows, making MC roll her eyes with a smile, “that I really really really love you?”
* MC ruffled his hair, relishing in his giggles. “And I love you Sae” she grinned.
* “No-I love you more! To inifnity and beyond and uh-to space....all the way into the galaxy...a galaxy far far away...” he zoned out, stretching his hands in front of his face as if to examine if they’re really there, wiggling each of his fingers like he’s testing them.
* It took a while for him to get down form his high, but he never seemed particularly embarassed about it-when MC reminded him of how he told her he loves her to infinity and beyond he simply laughed and kissed her.
* “Heck yeah I do” he admitted, and welll, that was that lol
* Like Jumin, he rarely ever gets drunk-but that’s only because he always, always drinks in moderation.
* He’s went through his rebel years as a teen, drinking himself into oblivion simply to spite his father, and he got that urge out of his system. Nowdays he drinks simply to enjoy the taste, winding down after a long day with a nice glass of wine.
* One night though...hoo boy. MC’s friends had invited her and Jihyun out to a bar, insisting they wanted to get to know her boyfriend better. Not one to disappoint, Jihyun agreed to come along, sticking out a little like a sore thumb in the group of giggling girls surrounding him.
* He’d tried ordering a glass of wine, but MC’s friends insisted he should try this bar’s specialty cocktail, a fruity drink that actually tasted really really good. Jihyun ended up drinking a couple of those cocktails, dissolving into a happy giggly mess, which only made him even more endearing.
* MC’s friends had already taken a liking to him, but seeing him joke around and even get up to try and be a wingman for one of the girls, they all decided he’d now be an official member of their friend group, lol
* MC ended up going home with Jihyun leaning on her shoulder, laughing beside her ear all the time. She couldn’t help but laugh along with him, his sweetness doubling now that the boldness of liquor coursed in his body.
* When she helped him lay down in bed, she moved away to get changed into a pair of pyjamas, she heard Jihyun whine behind her, shuffling on the bed.
* She turned to find Jihyun kneeling up, a frown on his face. “Where-where are you going?” he asked.
* MC laughed. “Baby I’m just going to get changed, I’ll be right back-!” She didn’t get to continue her sentence as Jihyun got up from the bed, fumbling about until he reached MC, sneaking his hands across her waist, hiding his face atop her head.
* “No-you can’t leave, please-”
* MC couldn’t do anything-he was so worried, his brain probably bringing up painful memories, that even having her gone from his side for a moment worried him. She simply hugged him back, reassuring him she was right there.
* They ended up falling asleep in their clothes, MC still with makeup on her face as she awoke to Jihyun shuffling in bed, pushing his palm onto his eyes.
* “never again...I’m never drinking with you girls ever again” he grumbled, pouting when MC laughed.
* He’d absolotuely be drinking with them again lmao
* Like his brother, he doesn’t drink, doesn’t want to, but once-just once he got drunk.
* There was a bottle of a strong clear liquor in the cupboard, so strong that MC had stored it there to use as an antiseptic.
* Yet...Saeran didn’t think much of the label on it, didn’t even try and catch a whiff of its strong smell. He simply poured the clear liquid in a glass and drank it all in one gulp, assuming it’s just water and someone stored it there by accident.
* Well..he soon found out it’s not. Gagging he smacked the glass back down on the counter, running to the faucet to drink some actual, honest water to wash down the taste.
* MC heard him gagging and gasping and run to the kitchen-one look at the bottle and the empty glass alerted her to what’s going on and she couldn’t help but laugh, even as Saeran turned to throw a glare her way.
* She explained why she’d kept that bottle there in the first place, and helped Saeran sit back down on a chair as she poured a glass of water for him.
* She couldn’t have expected him to start getting tipsy from just a glass-sure it was strong as heck but-it was merely a few sips!
* And yet soon enough she got her hands full of a giggling, cuddly Saeran, so unlike his usual shy demeanor that she couldn’t help but stare at him, wondering how someone could change this much with just a single glass of alcohol.
* Saeran had crawled his way onto her lap on the couch, his arms around her neck as he rested his face on her shoulder.
* “So sweet-You’re so sweet. Wonderful, and great and-and-”
* He wouldn’t stop complimenting her until MC was a blushing mess, hiding herself on his shirt with a squeal.
* That very same night after a nap and a raging hangover, MC couldn’t help but tease him about his previous boldness.
* He was blushing redder than his brother’s hair at the memories, and vehemently refused to acknowledge them-but MC knew. She k n e w .
-send me a mysme headcanon for character reactions-
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bubblieywubbliey · 4 years
Evan x Reader - Stage Fright (SMUT)
Hey! Sorry for the lack of updates but here is my most recent fic!! It's a request for Evan x reader to help with evan's pre-performance anxiety :) sorry if there are mistakes I was pretty sleepy writing this towards the end but I wanted to get it out! I have made some edits since publishing to make it longer and more coherent (there were some perspective issues because I was so sleepy when I finished it off - pun intended) :)
Mumbles floated around you as you all sat on the stage, curtains drawn, chatting before the evening showing of chicago. You turned to feel Evan tapping on your shoulder. You looked up to see Evan in his costume, a white shirt unbuttoned so his chest hair was visible with black trousers and you were a little turned on when your eyes reached his face and you saw the beard he had grown out for the role, in order to look older.
“Sup babe?” You asked, noting the worried expression on his face. 
“Oh, uh, just stressed, can we go sit in the hall?” He looked at you pleadingly.
“So what’s the stress?” You asked, turning so that you were sat leaning against the wall.
“God I’m just, I’m worried that- no it’s stupid, it’s not your job to manage my anxiety...” he stopped himself, sighing, he really had matured since you guys started dating.
“Of course it isn’t, but that doesn’t mean I’m not gonna support you!” You take his hand and beam up at him.
"I'm just stressed that I'm gonna, I'll screw up being Billy Flynn? I'm not like that and I'm scared that I'll be awful when it's in fron of the crowd."
"Evan, you'll be perfect and if you aren't no one will care, okay?" Evan nodded and you took his hands. "Now, did that help with your stress about this?"
"A little?" You smiled and he smiled back, a boyish grin covering his face. “What?” You ask, a light questioning tone in your voice as he grins. He pulled you to your feet before responding.
“Well there's 20 minutes before I need to be in hair and makeup... You know what would help me stop being so anxious?” Your eyes widen and you giggle a little, already slightly turned on by his confidence.
“Oh? What would that be, Mr. Hansen?” Smiling you traced your finger up and down his chest, the two of you giggling, you were so close you could feel his breathe on your lips. Your finger trailed down past his bellybutton and to the waistband of his black trousers. He looked down and then back up at you, shyness overcoming him, you pressed your lips to his and he sighed into the kiss as his anxiety faded away, his hands coming to rest on your waist. You pushed your hand into his waistband and he gasped into the kiss as you wrapped your hands around the base of him. You pushed him up against the wall and broke the kiss to begin gently biting his neck.
"W-wait here?? We-we're in the hallway, Y/N! There are dressing rooms you kno-" Evan stuttered and groaned as you began to slowly pump him inside his trousers, cutting him off. "No one's gonna come though here..." You mumble into his neck as you kiss up from him collar bone, his white shirt was already unbuttoned to show some of his chest for his outfit. "For at least 20 minutes, right?" You stroked the side of his face, feeling the roughness of his beard.
"Y-Yes probably- ah!" He gasped as you increased your pace, sucking harshly on his neck."Y/N I can't have any... god, fuck... I can't have any hickies..." He was breathing heavily, his fingers clenching and unclenching the fabric of the vest you're wearing. "Sounds like hair and makeup's problem." You whispered and and yanked his trousers and boxers down roughly in one go and licking a stripe up his length.
"A-ah! Y/N!" Evan nearly yelled, looking around the hallway to see if anyone was coming. He covered his mouth with his hand in an attempt to subdue his own noises, he was not used to having to be quiet when you guys had sex and whenever you did anything in public it was usually him teasing you. You sucked on the tip of his dick, tracing patterns on it with your fingers as you sucked. He let out small muffled sounds and you looked up at him, excited at the fact that you could make him feel like this. You released him with a pop and he almost sighed in relief before you took him into your mouth again, but this time all the way.
"Ah!" he yelled, unable to contain himself and you deep throated him, your hand wrapping around the parts you couldn't reach. Evan glanced around to check no one was coming before tangling a hand in your hai r.
"Y-Y/N I'm so close..." He panted and you looked up at him through your eyelashes. He let out another groan at the image below him, your mouth wrapped around his dick, eyes closed as you focused on making him feel good, but he didn't fail to notice that one hand was inbetween your thighs, rubbing gently. "I'm so fucking lucky holy shit!" He gasped as he approached his orgasm. He pulled you up and kissed you, kissing down your neck as you continued to jerk him off eith your hands. His hips shake as he nears his end and you gasps as he bites down lightly on your neck, sucking it
Suddenly there was a clattering at the end of the hall and voices echoed around the corner from the direction of the dressing rooms.
"S-Shit!" Evan gasped and pulled his shorts up. You attempted to make yourself look a little presentable after Ev had messed up your hair by flattening it down and running your fingers through it. "U-uh Y/N oh my god I-I still have a... A you know, what do we do? It's really visible these pants are too fuckin tight." Evan cursed and you turned to see a rather noticeable bulge in his pants. 5 minutes ago the concept of this was very exciting but now it was a clear sign as to what you'd been up to.
"Uh, behind the stage?" You posed the hiding spot and Evan, starting to panic a little, nodded and you dragged him back towards the stage. Everyone was out on the actual stage and you pulled Evan into the broom closet behind the curtains instead of going out to join everyone else. Evan breathed a heavy sigh of relief as you both leaned against the wall of the closet.
"T-That was way too close! You almost got us in some serious trouble Y/N." He said and you laughed, his face was bright red."That was really irresponsible, why can't you behave?"
"Now, shall we solve this problem?" you ignored his reprenmand, assuming he couldn't actually be annoyed with you. "I think we've ended up making you more stressed, haha!" You sniggered and reached over to pull his face into yours, just as you did you noticed Evan's facial expression was nearer to a frown than the embarassed laugh you had expected. He didn't say a word, just pressed his lips harshly against yours and you let out a muffled squeak of surprise as he immediately forced his tongue into your mouth, pulling your mini skirt up a little so one hand was on your waist and the other was pushing roughly against your clothed clit. His beard brushed against your skin and your breath hitched at the sensation. You couldn't help but let out more yelps, leading Evan to grunt out a quick "you better stay fucking quiet." as he groped you roughly, pulling your panties aside and dropping to his knees. He didn't say anything like he did when he was drunk and rough, this was different, he was quiet and dominant, which was somehow hotter. He licked up your slit and you yelped before covering your mouth.
"Stay quiet." He said, clearly. You nodded and he turned you around to have you holding on to the shelves, ass in his face. "We have 12 minutes." He added as he checked his watch before pushing a finger into you, pumping in and out you could barely breathe due to all the whimpers that you were holding in. You grunted and gasped as he pounded you with just one finger, curling it so it touched the spongy flesh at the top of your vagina, hitting your g spot hard. He added another finger then another, pushing in and out with his tongue still on your clit until you came, gasping as questly as you could in order to evade detection. You were soaking and recovering from your orgasm, leaning into the shelves with your ass still on the air. Before you'd even figured out what was going on Evan was sucking hard on your neck, his trousers were on the floor and he was grinding against you. You gasped as your body spasmed a little from the over stimulation and having something inside you so suddenly after orgasming. Reached around and grabbed your arms, holding them behind your back while guiding the tip of his dick into you, you inhlaed sharply. Had he gotten bigger? God it felt like it. He wrapped his hands around your neck, applying gentle pressure to your throat.
Shocks of pleasure fly up your spine as you gasped with every thrust, pushing back against him, revelling in his grunts of pleasure and the feel of his fingers on your throat, applying the perfect amount of pressure. He released your hands and let you lean back and tangled his fingers in his hair, roughly increasing his tempo, his hips rutting against your and the sound of your skin slapping together along with the accompanying sting that was perfectly the border of pain and pleasure made it clear that you would have bruises tomorrow. He reached around with the hand that wasn't around your neck and rubbed your clit roughly, just a couple of times, but enough to send you over the edge, the feeling of you spasming around him was heavenly and he gasped and groaned as you tightened unconciously. He pulled out for a second to let you recover before easing the tip in as your entrance continued to spasm uncontrollably, his hand still rubbing your clit, stimulating you beyond your orgasm. It took everything in you not to scream out his name, instead opting to silently gasp his name over and over.
"Ev..." You groaned as he pushed all the way in. He pulled back and then pushed in again as you leaned back to kiss him roughly, hardly able to breathe due to the barrage of pleasure being caused combined with his hand around your throat. Evan faltered slightly in his pounding and whispered sweet nothings and and grunting, gasping out your name, how beautiful how tight you are for him. He let out a whimper and you knew he was cumming soon. You gasped into his mouth as he pumped in and out at increasing speeds, your fingers tugging his hair causing him to groan, his head dropping to rest in the crook of your neck as he was overwhelmed with pleasure.
He was pounding so hard that you knew you'd have bruises, reaching around your hips to rub your clit hard to bring you there again and it worked, you were teetering on the edge of your orgasm as he licked up your neck, then kissing your collar bone and leaving lovebites along your neck. He hit a few final thrusts as your orgasms hit both of you and your body shook uncontrollably and it took everything you had not to scream his name. Evan grunted softly as he came into you, thank god for birth control. He was still balls deep inside you and you held him there for just a second, unable to handle anymore movement in that moment.
"Jesus Christ Evan." You whispered, still gasping from your third orgasm in the span of 20 minutes.
"Sorry, was that too much?" Evan asked worriedly.
"That was fucking great Evan, if anything is too much you know I'd say so." Evan nodded and pressed a quick kiss to your lips. He pulled out roughly and you spasmed again because of the overstim. You grinned as you got dressed, adjusting your shirt and hair, fixing his too, you found some wipes on the shelf and cleaned yourself up, it wouldn't exactly look great if you started leaking cum everywhere would it? Now you were both dressed and you both stepped out of the closet and peeked around the edge of the curtain where people were finishing their dinner.
"Where were you guys?" Brooke turned around to see you walking in on slightly shaky legs.
"Oh us? Evan was just a little anxious so I took him for some fresh air to calm down.
Brooke looked at your shaky legs but you sat down before she could comment on it. Zoe was also sitting next to Brooke as she made a final adjustment to her costume. "Mmh. Okay well Evan you need to be in hair and makeup, your hair is a mess. And you look kinda sweaty. Also you have red splotches all up your neck that we'll need to cover." Evan blushed a bright red, glancing at you and you looked away, trying not to laugh out loud. He glared at the back of your head before answering. Zoe made eye contact with you and you grinned at her, blushing and she spluttered a laugh before muting it with her hand. "Ah yeah... I um, I..? I had an... allergic reaction!" he almost shouted as he figured out a reasonable lie, he was never very good at it. "I had an allergic reaction to something earlier, didn't realise that um... That cheese crackers had actual cheese in them?" He fumbled through the lie and Brooke raised her eyebrows, looking at you both. "Right..." She sighed and dragged Evan off to the dressing rooms.
"Y/N! You guys couldn't wait??" Zoe blurted out as soon as they were gone. "Hey! anything to help Evan's stress..." You mumbled before getting out your script to practice your lines.
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talbottwingit · 4 years
Reassurance and Hand-Holding
A/N: This is the first time writing a fic, and about Talbott too hehe. It’s a bit plain but I hope you enjoy it. Tell me if you liked it and if there are any mistakes :-)
Words: 2,349
(Talbott Winger x Reader)
All of your friends have noticed the way you would 'secretly' sneak glances towards your crush, Talbott Winger at the Great Hall while you ate. They've noticed how your face would turn red whenever you'd make eye contact with Talbott then would turn away immediately. You thought you were being secretive enough. But everyone of course knew you fancied Talbott. You didn't like that your confession became the talk of the whole school. Rumors also has it that you and Talbott celebrated Valentines Day together. In which, you did. But your relationship with him had little to no progress. You and Talbott just remained friends, with mutual feelings towards each other. You two were hopelessly stuck in an awkward loop. Sure, you two have had study dates and midnight walks in the courtyard. But they were all in silence with barely any talking. Both of you enjoyed each other's company, you just didn't really know what to talk about and you doubt he does as well. Not that the both of you minded the comfortable silence you shared.
But Talbott just somehow looked so, so attractive today. He's sat in his usual place, at the end of the Great Hall alone. He's never stayed long since it was noisy, he was just there to eat. Although today, you noticed that he wasn't wearing his Ravenclaw robe like he usually does, only the off-white long sleeved shirt and house tie. The boy had rolled up his sleeves, displaying his fine forearms. It was a first seeing him like this. You couldn't take your eyes off of him. He was simply a gorgeous creation that you lucked out on a few dates with.
“Hello? Earth to (Y/N)!” Tonks mused, waving her hand in front of your face. You were too preoccupied with the thoughts of your crush that you flinched when noticing Tonks's moving hand.
“Hmm, what's got our little curse-breaker so distracted?” Bill teased, elbowing your side playfully with a smirk. You loved Bill to pieces, he was like a brother to you. But you especially hated it when he teased you like this.
“Uh, I was uh- Nothing!” You panicked, trying to cover up your mindlessness. Your face turned red with embarassment, but were confused on why your friends were laughing at you all of a sudden.
“Let's see now,” Charlie started, before faking a gasp, “Could it be that our (Y/N) is staring at her boyfriend?”
“No!” You lied quickly, getting fidgety in your seat. You were getting flustered, and that alone was amusing to your friends.
“Isn’t Talbott dressed a little bit like me today? Doesn’t he look especially brilliant just because of that reason, (Y/N)?” Bill teased, wiggling his eyebrows to tick you off further.
“Quit it, Bill! I was not looking at him. Also, he looks ten times better than how you would normally dress.” You retorted, earning a loud, dramatic gasp from Bill. His hand was placed over his heart as if he was hurt, calling you a ‘bully’.
“So you actually were looking at Winger!” Tonks excitedly exclaimed. You furiously denied, but you knew too well that they could see right through you.
“C'mon (Y/N), you're such a bad liar.” Huffed Charlie, playfully headlocking you with his arms then ruffling your hair. “Why don't you... go sit with your boyfriend today. You’re done with dinner anyways.”
“No no no no, stop!” You got out of Charlie's hold before pouting. You looked down at the table as you fixed your hair, wanting to look presentable in case Talbott was looking. “He's... not my boyfriend...” You trailed off. "... Yet.”
“Wotchers, (Y/N)! Well maybe he will be if you sit with him right now!” Tonks encouraged, urging you to stand up. The Weasley brothers agreed, stifling a laugh at your nervousness. They thought that you had no reason to be nervous, their feelings were obviously mutual after all.
You knew Talbott enjoyed being alone though, that's what's stopped you. You often felt like you were already suffocating him with your presence enough. You’d even sometimes feel guilty for ruining his ‘flying solo’ experience. You knew he liked you back, but maybe not as much as you liked him. Space is good? Right?
“I don't know what you’re thinking (Y/N), but you're probably just overthinking it. You know that he likes you too. Just go!” Bill urged, getting you up on your feet then pushing you towards Talbott's direction.
You didn't even have time to think. You were shocked that your friends just kicked you out of their table like that. You glanced back at your friends who gave you a thumbs up with a teasing smirk, mouthing you to ‘go get some’. You pouted, making the ‘hmph’ sound before you shakily made your way to Talbott's table. Talbott, as if knowing what was going on turned his head towards you and locked eyes with you. A genuine smile slowly made its way across his face and into his eyes. The smile only he gave you and no one else. Your stomach suddenly filled with butterflies, you felt as if you could physically melt under his gaze at any moment.
“(Y/N).” Talbott said sweetly, confused but happy that you came to see him at the same time. He gently tugged you to sit next to him. You’ve noticed that he only uses a particular soft tone of voice on you, the one that sounded like the sweetest honey to your ears. He wouldn't use it on anyone else, just you. And it made you really happy. He just knows how to make you a pile of goo. Talbott, however never really noticed the change in his tone. It was a subconscious change, something that happened normally when you were around him.
“Hi.” You greeted shyly, looking away for a second from his sharp, curious eyes. “My friends kicked me out of their table.” You explained, answering his questioning gaze. The two of you looked over to your friend's table. Your friends who were staring waved rather enthusiastically and made kissing gestures.
Embarrassed, you reached up to your crush’s face and gently turned his head so that his gaze was once more fixated to you. The bird boy reddened at the gesture though looked a bit disappointed when you pulled your hand away. You've noticed that your crush had a habit of rubbing the back of his neck whenever he felt nervous or embarrassed. You two never really did show public displays of affection with Talbott being a private person and you just being too nervous to make a move. Although Talbott on the other hand really didn't mind when you touched him. It didn't bother him as much as he'd thought the first time you touched him. He'd always flinch away when other people tried to touch him but it was different when you did. He wouldn't tell you, but he enjoyed your touches very much and they often reminded him of his mother's but a little bit different, of course. “Where did your robe go?” You questioned curiously, your softly fingertips grazing his arm which left goosebumps on his skin. You stifled a giggle, enjoying watching him become flustered.
“Uh- I didn't notice I left it in my dormitory until I was in front of the Great Hall. I figured I'd just have dinner without it since I was too lazy to fetch it.” Talbott explained, his voice a little shaky from your touch. You don't touch him often, it still shocked him a bit when you do. But he was always adjusting to something new when he was with you. He enjoyed it. He enjoyed being with you.
You raised an eyebrow, “And what's gotten you so distracted that you forgot about something so important?” The bird boy hummed at your teasing, a shy smile creeping up his face. You, he was thinking of you. He realized that you've been on his mind a lot for quite some time now. He was always wondering how to escalate the relationship further like he’d read in those muggle romance novels he found in the library. In his defense, he'd only read it for literaturary purposes before he'd even met you and found it to be a load of bullcrap. But he's been looking at it with a different perspective now that you were seeing each other.
“You.” Talbott finally admitted after a few minutes of silence. He looked the other way to cover up his embarrassed face. You blushed, of course Talbott had always been the straightforward type of guy but seeing him being hesitant like this was weird, in a cute way that is. But it still caught you off guard, he was thinking of you? “What about me?” You inquired in a teasing tone, testing his limits. It was adorable seeing him like this.
“You- you're so beautiful. And you like me back? Wow, I must have drank Liquid Luck or something.” Talbott mumbled quietly, mostly to himself. You almost didn't catch that with how quiet he was being. You blushed, Talbott was a straightforward type of guy and seeing him all hesitant was weirdly cute. You could really get used to this. “Hm, I’d like to think that I'm the lucky one. You're quite the eye candy.” You replied cheekily, earning a small sound of denial from Talbott.
“No, that’s you. Stop reversing the compliments that I give you on me.” He complained rather cutely, nervously fidgeting and avoiding your eyes. You giggled, and after awhile silence fell upon the both of you. It was always like this. Not that you minded.
“Talbott, I have a question.” You spoke up hesitantly, breaking the comfortable silence that went on for a few minutes.
“Anything.” The boy answered simply, his sharp but shy gaze on you again. You heart fluttered. Talbott really made it seem like you were the only person in the room and you loved that.
“Do I um, bother you? Would you prefer if I left you alone to do your own thing?” You asked nervously. You've been thinking about this matter for a while now and you were prepared for whatever answer but Talbott looked shocked at your question. He scanned your face to see if you were serious and unfortunately for him, you were.
“No. Of course you don't. No.” Talbott frowned, sighing. It honestly hurt your heart seeing him frown like this. It made you sad that you were that caused him to look so disappointed. "Don't you remember what I told you after you helped me look for my mother's necklace?" Talbott's much bigger hands slowly found yours, startling you quite a bit, hesitantly lacing them together under the table. It didn't feel like that time after your failed first date, when the two of you were stargazing or when you went on your Valentines day date. You've never held hands like this before. It felt more intimate. It felt more secure. "I said that I enjoyed things more with you than I would've been alone. Remember that."
Indeed he did say that, you do recall it although it never really crossed your mind until now. “I know I don't say much.” Talbott paused, “It's because I'm nervous that I'll say something wrong that'll make you leave me.” He admitted, his thumb softly stroking yours as you held hands
“Talbott, I'd never leave you.” You pouted, squeezing his hand. “I felt the exact same way too though.”
“I don't know if I can ever get myself to leave you, (Y/N). You're my favorite person.” Talbott in a low voice, enjoying the feeling of your hands entertwined.
“And you are mine.” You shyly said, leaning a bit more to his side. Talbott hummed quietly in contentment, smiling to himself. “I know this may sound selfish but... will you spend a little more time with me, please?” Talbott nervously asked, after thinking about it for a few minutes.
The question honestly caught you off guard, even though he had already reassured you that he enjoyed being with you. But you didn't know that he enjoyed your presence that much to ask. A fond smile made its way to your face, “Talbott, of course I will. I enjoy doing things with you too, you know?”
The two of you took a moment to process what was going on together before laughing. You pressed a kiss on his cheek. “Now we're even.” You whispered, shyly looking away. You flushed at the memory of Talbott kissing your cheek on your Valentines day date with him.
Your daze was cut off when you heard loud cheering on the other side of the dining hall. You and Talbott shared a look when you saw your friends clapping and whistling for you. The both of you had forgotten that you were still in the Great Hall. You two were just so entranced with each other that you didn't notice your surroundings. Your friends somehow managed to catch the attention of everyone in the Great Hall because now everyone's attention on you and Talbott. You didn't know if you could blush any harder, mostly from frustration. Your friends saw you kiss Talbott and who knows who else? Will there be more rumors? Merlin, you know your friend would never let you forget this.
Talbott, as he could read your thoughts, stood up and gently pulled you up with him, “I don't like it here, too noisy.” You nodded, your worries melting away when he reassuringly squeezed your hand. All the attention was uncomfortable for the two of you, but you figured it was worse on Talbott since he was a private person and preferred not being seen. With your hands still entertwined, Talbott led you out of the Dining Hall and to one of his hiding spots where no one else could further disturb your time together. It didn’t matter anymore how slow your relationship with Talbott was progressing, you just enjoyed being with him.
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inairzaki · 4 years
Heeyyy! First thanks for the follow, I love me some inarizaki Can I request the team meeting Suna Rintarou, Kita Shinsuke, and Miya Astumu girlfriends? How that would go for them?
note: hello!! you're welcome, thank you for the request and followback!! ^^
request: the team meeting suna rintarou, kita shinsuke and miya atsumu's girlfriends? how would that go for them?
requests are open!
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the team could tell if suna's already dating someone
rather than his usual lazy and dead-in-the-inside look during training, his eyes appeared to be sparkly these past few weeks
so they decided to bust suna's lovelife by fake gossiping in the locker room
"hm? could you guys tell if one of us is already dating somebody through his eyes?"
ginjima would ask and the others would nod as a reply
yup that's scripted
suna flinched a little as he changed his clothes
ya he knows he's guilty
"why would you ask, gin?"
"it's because i could tell somebody in this team is already in love!!"
suna would try to act busy so he won't look suspicious
"ugh!! enough with ya guessing game! spill the member's name!"
atsumu's whining is still scripted x)
suna would heave a deep sigh and "am i really that obvious?"
the whole team would burst into laughters after suna's confession
afterwards, before they leave the clubroom, they would bug suna to bring you to one of their matches
and that day came—they also won!!
"looks like suna's lucky charm worked" aran would tease suna in front of you
"y/n-chan! thank you for bringing our middle blocker back to life! you definitely made him happy!"
"suna definitely has a type!"
you would blush after hearing those from his teammates
they would invite you to the mini celebration of victory afterwards
and while eating, they would make fun of suna, spilling some of his embarassing moments during training and how the coach would scold him
"ooh!! imagine if he gets jealous someday! would his blocker instincts tell him to block those guys away from you?"
you would all laugh after hearing what atsumu just said and he would earn a head smack from suna
the day ended well and being nervous was pointless, you really felt anxious after hearing suna say that he'd bring you to their upcoming match and introduce you to his teammates
but i guess you just met the other family of your boyfriend
suna would take you home and thank you for supporting him in the earlier match
and before you could even enter your apartment, he would randomly tell you
"if any guys would try to take you away from me, i wouldn't mind considering atsumu's suggestion of blocking them away from you."
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the team is not expecting their captain to actually date somebody these days
i mean, they all look up to kita shinsuke, their captain, the one who doesn't fail his grades, always on time & basically a guy with lots of goal in mind
he's someone who's very much an ideal type!
but they all seem to think that kita isn't considering on dating someone in highschool yet (although his grandma is already expecting a wedding aha)
kita accidentally left his extra lunch and shirt at home so
his grandma asked for your help if you could come to their house to get it and deliver the things that shinsuke left
on your way to the gym, you can already hear the loud thud coming from the balls hitting the floor
and at the exact time you entered the gym, atsumu gave his best shot for his last round of service
bc you had been smacked by a power serve!!
they'd be clueless at first bc why are you in the gym?? during training??
but they had an idea that you may be kita's friend since they saw their captain's jersey shirt and labeled bento box fell onto the floor
atsumu's about to approach you but then kita swooshed him away
he kneeled infront of you and cupped your cheeks
your face were a blushing mess but since you had been slapped by a ball, they thought the otherwise
the team threw suspicious looks at each other
judging by their captain's actions, you didn't seem to only be a friend of kita
kita's not the type to be a show off nor he does not publicize everything, but he's not the type to deny either
so yes, he would say yes, you're his girlfriend
they'd bring you to the clinic to let the nurse check if you had been bruised by the impact
and turns out you do have one (1) bruise
atsumu would bow countless times to you and kita
"ah, that's not a good first impression of the team"
aran would ask forgiveness for the sudden injury she got from the team
but you would tell them that's it's fine since it was your fault for intruding the gym unexpectedly
they'd still ask countless of apologies for atsumu
and at the same time they'd ask you if you could tell kita to not scold them
they're scared of kita lol
you'd get alot of compliments too!
and yes after that, you and kita would be alone, he'd ask you why you suddenly appeared inside the gym
you'll explain everything that happened and he'd gladly take the jersey and the (fortunately safe) bento box
"next time, call or text me before you come and see me in the gym hm? i don't want you to get hurt again."
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the team knows the miya twins are popular to girls
that's why even though some of them have seen atsumu walking home with a girl, they'd assume that she's just one of his fans, probably asking for a picture or a photograph
or maybe just a groupmate for a schoolwork
but they started to doubt their assumptions the moment they realized that atsumu's often texting someone on his phone during their break time in training
"osamu, is your twin already dating someone?"
"i don't have an idea, i doubt his crusty ass got one"
and another scenario of after-training-stalking-atsumu agenda happened
they happened to saw someone pretty walking along with atsumu on the other side of the street
the same girl they saw walking with atsumu these past few weeks
you and atsumu were actually clueless that you both have been followed by the inarizaki team (except for kita who has a sleeping routine and already needs to go home)
atsumu would definitely kick all their asses
"get yar filthy hands off my girlfriend!"
gin blinks, osamu blinks, aran blinks, oomimi blinks, akagi blinks, suna blinks, riseki blinks, yuto blinks
inarizaki team bLINKS
osamu would yell the f out
"i bet your stinky face can't get one!! stop yelling" - atsumu to osamu
"we look the same!!"
"i'm the better version!! besides! i have someone who loves me!!"
the entire walk home would be loud as hell,
instead of promoting atsumu, they'd actually tell you stories on how stinky atsumu would get after practice and how he was actually not good at talking with girls despite his large fanbase
you'd just giggle and atsumu would be frowning beside you
the long walk came to an end after the others used a different route home
that leaves you walking home with your boyfriend and his twin brother
"tsumu may be an ass sometimes but i think he really likes you"
osamu would tell you as atsumu buys you an ice cream for a second
and when he came back, he'd pout once more
"he told you something bad about me again, right?"
osamu would chuckle and nod "yeah, i told her that you'd shit your pants after watching a horror movie"
before atsumu could even strangle him, he had already ran away, leaving you both alone again
he'd give you the dessert
"even if they told you unpleasant things, don't dislike me, hm?"
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