#I demolished that while I was sick lol
phoenixiancrystallist · 4 months
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Month 5, day 9
Tea scene is done!
Do you know what's unfortunate? I made tea in a 3D modeling and animation software, and in doing so, I drank the last of the tea in the house )':
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digitalcockroach · 5 months
"b-b-but Trump would still be worse than Biden! harm reduction!" how do you fucking figure? what possible metric are you using to measure how much "worse" one is that the other? bc like ignoring that that is neither how electoral politics nor harm reduction actually work, just looking at the facts and figures here, if you compare their terms as president you're gonna be hard pressed to see any difference in the scope of violence and misinformation and human rights losses. do i need to invoke tumblr memes to get this through? you are not immune to propaganda! what just because Biden doesn't tweet slurs while he does it it's "less evil" when he murders children overseas? he can watch as congress rolls back reproductive rights, queer rights, covid protections, as he demolishes schools, builds oil pipelines through reservations, revives the fucking War on Terror and furthers the militarization of the police and increases ICE budgets to keep those kids in cages you used to give a shit about. I see y'all saying that "oh good luck when Trump locks you up in camps lol" and it makes me fucking sick how you wanna cosplay being the victims of actual literal genocide so bad. both of theme steered the USAmerican machine exactly as it was fucking intended to go, they just stroke their egos and dicks to different beats while they do it. materially, in policy and in action and in the actions of their devoted followers they are THE SAME. the imaginary persecution you fantasize about under a second Trump presidency is happening to your literal fucking neighbors right now under Biden. what you like Biden bc he gave you some stimmy checks between authorizing wholesale slaughter? he is rolling bombs over children right fucking now. how brainwashed do you have to BE to tell others that actually the way forward is to acquiesce to fascism, to vote for and support and thereby participate in genocide to keep the peace at home. it's not harm reduction to demand someone choose who shoots them and condemn them if they'd rather fucking shoot first
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thespacesandsilences · 8 months
i gained 5lbs these last two days from an indulgence that snow balled into an aggressive binge
i havent binged like this before which was scary lol. two days ago i hosted a lunch with friends were i made alfredo and after everyone left and my gf was asleep i immediately felt the urge to try this vegan mexican cheese i got. while i was making a grilled cheese i decided since i had already eaten more than i wanted today “why not” just binge on the rest of bread i have so theres no more bread to worry about🙃 so i binged on like 5 slices of bread, then added pepperoni onto my grilled cheese (still excusing it as wanting to get rid of food in my fridge by eating it instead of it going bad) THEN even though i felt how full i was i ate a packet of instant ramen to also “get rid of” all the while i was drinking multiple glasses of alcohol since i already said fuck it to my calories🥲
the next day i told myself i would fast to cancel it out, but i decided breakfast (at noon) couldnt hurt. i ate one black bean burger (160) and one bun (160) with red cabbage (10) and i felt satisfied. after a few hours i felt myself get hungry so i decided id make some miso soup to get rid of my week old tofu and i thought itd be an okay idea to just add half a ramen packet (again, like an idiot, to get rid of the immense food i have since i HATE WASTE). all was well after that until i experienced the worst case of binge urges ive ever had. it genuinely felt like i was high or drunk ive never felt disassociation so strongly. i got up multiple times to eat out of my fridge and each time i made something, sat down, ate it, and as i was chewing the last bite i was already up and looking through my food for something else to gorge on. i could feel just how full i was but it’s like nothing mattered in that moment except for shoveling down anything i could in those 24 hours.
later i needed something from target and i couldnt help but get a pack of two-bite sweets. my stomach was in pain at this point yet i wolfed down 5 in the car alone. then i went to fucking cane’s and thought, just a sandwich that’s all (like i hadnt been eating all day like a pig anyways). the sandwich was GIGANTIC like i dont know why i was surprised in the slightest. and STILL i demolished all of it, in my car of course because of the shame and i knew i had to throw out the trash as soon as possible. that wasnt enough.
i went home and ate another third of the two-bites and genuinely felt sick and uncomfortable for hours.
so yeah, it’s no surprise i gained 5 lbs since i definitely ate well over 8,000 calories those two days alone, so im flipping the switch as best as i can.
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ryanparrish · 9 months
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❛❛ 𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐄 𝐀𝐍𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐍𝐃 𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐍 𝐀 𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐀𝐍𝐃 , armies could ever bear . he's been betrayed, deceived, hurt . believe me , when i say , he has already crossed hell . and the only time peace could be found in his eyes was when he was looking at her . –––––––––––––
FULL NAME. Ryan Jacob Parrish
BIRTHDAY. November 3, 1988 ( 36 )
OCCUPATION. Retired Marine and Owner of Ajax Boxing Gym
RESIDENCE. Sterling Lakes
GENDER / PRONOUNS.  Cismale ∘  He/Him
HOMETOWN. Covington, Georgia
personality .
zodiac chart: scorpio sun, taurus moon, libra rising
mbti personality: enfj
moral alignment: neutral good
ennegram: type 5 (x6 occasionally)
hobbies / interests: running, boxing, motorbike riding, camping
positive traits: adventurous, protective, sentimental, loyal, empathetic
negative traits: reckless, resentful, stubborn, compulsive, uncommunicative
family .
parents: abigail parrish ( mom ), jacob parrish ( dad )
siblings: younger brother
children: none that he knows of lol
pets: brown lab named katara
breakdown .
tw: cancer, death, injury
born in covington, georgia to two high school sweethearts, ryan has always lived a relatively simple life alongside his brother. sundays were reserved for church, with family dinners following around the table. everything was peachy, or as peachy as it could be.
that was until ryan's mom got sick. she was diagnosed with invasive lobular carcinoma, a type of breast cancer that could be treated if spotted early enough. the parrishes were hopeful. jacob (ryan's father) drove his wife to treatment nearly every day. he was by her side and took care of the boys on the days she couldn't. things seemed to be looking up. however, ryan's mom unfortunately lost her battle with cancer.
doctors did everything they could to salvage her life but there was no hope of reviving her. ryan, and his family had to tell her goodbye. they buried her with a heartfelt ceremony just shy of ryan's 17th birthday.
in the years following, ryan struggled to cope with her loss. he was always very close to his mom and in her absence the whole family mourned her differently. ryan spun out. he drank and smoked a lot to cope and in his moments of grief, got arrested a few times. this greatly disappointed his father and only made the two grow more and more estranged.
when enough became enough, ryan was given an ultimatum - either get his shit together or get out. he chose option B. he left home not bearing to look back and spiraled even more.
it was only when he reached rock bottom that he realized he wasn't making his mom proud. in a last ditch effort to turn things around, he enlisted into the marines in san diego. as a third generation veteran, he thought going into the corps might mend the bridges of his family that he broke.
it sort of worked. during his time away, ryan discovered himself. he worked on becoming the man he always knew his mom wanted him to be.
then while in battle, an accident led to ryan's leg being demolished. he was severely wounded and transported home to recover. afterwards, he was given a purple heart for his service and had to undergo almost a year's worth of physical therapy, followed by a prosthetic to make him appear "normal".
nowadays, he's back in his hometown and trying to rebuild his life while researching for a new purpose. all the while, he's trying to mend things with his family.
headcanons .
after being wounded in combat, he underwent surgery to have his left leg amputated from the knee down. he now wears a prosthetic to appear "normal". but, he's incredibly insecure about it. therefore, he never wears shorts out in public or outside of his own home. and he definitely doesn't like people touching him near that leg.
he has "pelle sub agnina latitat mens saepe lupina" tattooed on his ribcage. it means "beneath the lamb's skin, often lurks a wolf's mind."
while he's not always consistent with it, he does keep a journal to write down his thoughts. it was a healing technique he learned in therapy and he enjoys when he can find the time to do it.
he was a lot softer as a kid and is often called on or known around town as the "handy neighbor". if you need help fixing a broken sink, changing a flat tire, or doing little projects around the house... he's your guy.
although he's saved up a lot of money from his time in the military and inherited quite a bit from his mother's life insurance, ryan is a man of modest means. that's why he lives in a small trailer by the lake. he loves the peacefulness of the outdoors and doesn't really value material things. but he will spoil the people he loves.
he owns a boxing gym called "ajax" named after the greek god, ajax, who was known for being fearless, strong, powerful and who had a high level of combat intelligence.
as much as ryan harbors tireless influxes of self-loathing, he also holds a dear desire to live his life for the people he cares about. and he cares for a lot of people. there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for the ones he cares about, even if he grumbles through it once or twice. ryan's a man who understands the colossal weight of loss, and therefore, he tries much harder than others to hold on to love as loudly as possible, even with all his imperfections.
character inspirations. oliver queen (arrow), david axelrod (endless love), billy russo (the punisher), noah calhoun (the notebook)
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acommonloon · 2 years
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Chaos and cheeto
We said goodbye in the parking lot of Wild Eggs a few hours ago. It was raining lightly but we stood there smiling as her mom buckled her into the blue car. She wanted Pop's car! D just texted me they're home now. Safe
Life seems so quiet after a few days in the company of our three year old granddaughter. She is constant motion and noise. Even though the weather was perfect, I took few pics, usually I was packing her around. At 35 wriggling pounds she packs above her weight. I love it.
I carried her through most of the zoo Friday evening, putting her down so she could walk up timidly and hold out her plastic bucket for candy at dozens of booths. We'd far more candy at home but it's about the ritual you know.
Young people in costumes handed out the candy while the most popular characters (Disney princesses) were staged throughout the grounds for photo ops accompanied by music that everyone (else) recognized. Snacks including adult beverages were sold at near airport prices and in all, I thought it a nice event for kids and parents.
Saturday we went to a fav burger and malted joint then spent most of the day at two kids parks. The first (Tyler Park) was sat in the old Highlands neighborhood with a playground at the end of a large grassy field surrounded by trees and hills. Her favorite parts were the large stone bridge with a precarious rock path under it and an uneven trail made of logs with the tops sawn flat for better footing. She "petted" a small terrier called Toby and a sheep dog called Cara. Throughout, a beautiful rain of leaves was punctuated by kids rushing, climbing, and sliding and dogs grinning and chasing.
After we sat on the rooftop of a nearby brewery for a drink, watching traffic, before detouring slightly through the Hillcrest neighborhood famous for Halloween decorations. So much plastic. Scary!
Our second park was an entirely different affair. A small area fenced with warning signs prominent, a latched gate, and no dogs allowed. It was ultra modern safe, the ground spongy and rubbery. There were 4 kinds of swings, three with safety harness, and lots of smooth plastic platforms perfect to climb on with buttons to push, wheels to spin, colored disks to look through and bell's to ring. After an hour of that regimented chaos we took her for a final trick or treat.
This one was at D's niece's church. It sucked.
Lol, D seemed surprised at the aggressive proselytizing. If we'd followed programming, we would have taken a tour of the church culminating with a family photo on the church steps and only then could we be registered for the drawing. Lol scary!
When you have to highjack Halloween and bribe people to sample your soul saving methodology you might question if what you offer is any more than trick or treat.
On the way home today, I noticed the building being demolished in downtown New Albany. It looked like war, images of Syria or Ukraine. It rained all the way home. It's quiet now and I can hear the rain. It sounds peaceful and life-giving. What a grand weekend for us.
How sad so many experienced the same two days we did but instead of joy, they've had fear, pain, hunger, death. Every day I'm glad and I'm also reminded many others will end their life rather than endure another, many will suffer at the hands of others, many will succumb to sickness or hunger. Every day trick or treat.
Sure, let's worship the being responsible for all this. Don't question his plan, it gave you joy today and another family got the tragedy of a child's death by car wreck, by illness, by parent, by stranger, by war. Be thankful because if you don't submit and love him, you will be cast into an eternity worse than even life can bring to bear. Lol scary!
A guy I'd known through work for years called me Friday. We'd lost touch when he began to go through a traumatic event. His wife of 25 years decided to divorce him and he hadn't seen it coming. It's a common story really. In any case he said he was happy now, he loved writing music, he was remarried these last four years, and he had his ministry thing. He said it was obvious The Lord had planned this for him because he and his new wife both joined EHarmony on the same day.
He said he didn't know about my beliefs but wondered if I'd like to talk to him because he enjoyed telling his story and people seemed to enjoy it as well.
I said sure.
Friday they identified the body of the boy found in a suitcase in the woods nearby. The mother said he was possesed by a Demon.
Also Friday someone posted about his son who jumped off the front of a shopping cart and ran into a post impaling his eye on a metal strut causing brain trauma.
Saturday the headline read, Toddler killed in crash on I-71 North
Today a headline read 150 killed in Halloween crowd crush in South Korea.
Some may wish to attribute the vagaries of the world to the Lord's plan. If I thought some being was responsible for the every day death of an innocent child, I'd sign up for the resistance.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
Trump is starting to feel it his are getting killed by marlocks too they won't give up the ships too and they're going after those and taking them. Trumpsters are going to be on the extinct list in moments they deployed to 30 ship sights, each 100x100 MI mostly uninhabited we were there evacuated a while ago. Years okay. Now we have machines and monsters and other powerful beings it is a huge mess. The trumpsters went in first they're going in from all over the world now and they can't get the idea they're going to all the ship areas every single one of them is about 2,000 of them and they're leaving now all the trumpsters they're going immediately it's a huge Force it's about time right behind them in the warlock and the morlock are going to eat them out very quickly today in moments meanwhile the police are picking up every single one of them morlock here. And the pile in Mexico is Big again about 10 million octane truthfully number is around 300 octillion and it each side it's approaching 1,000 octillion and the number did reach up to about 2,000 octane in Mexico which does fill up the whole area it's getting huge again it's getting huge run feeling soon they're going to be done. What's going on now. We're doing a lot of stuff for the automobiles shortly going to take over the production fully and produce cars at work and Tommy boy hasn't even started yet it kind of goes down they kind of go out there and clean up and finish up the mess trying to use specialists now son says that's what they're trying now I said no they're all special these are special specialists...lol Trump and Dan are laughing a little bit mostly giggling. Thinking they'll use it somehow that's what their special specialists are thinking but how... Now Dan is bellowing a laugh is it just as dumb as the other ones you're just more aggressive yay. So Trump's going to live out his dream and have Lily disguise herself as Paris Hilton really Bo Derek she looks just like her cuz she was going to drop dead in any minute.
That sounds like she must have been wicked because she survived it and she was wicked very deadly people are dying like crazy around her we're worse but really she doesn't have power like he does he just hold it up with all of you here doing it practically I'm having enough of this so wiping you out is dying cuz you're sick it's going on now though but everybody's doing it we have had enough of you you're vulgar and rude and crass and all the ship areas are demolishing your people pretty soon Trump and his clans will be all gone for real and that's what has to happen for him to be excommunicated
Thor Freya
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sysig · 3 years
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shrimpchip123 · 2 years
imagine grian's out one day bc he got sick. what would scar do (rich guy scar au)
waiiiittttt I JUST REALIZED THIS COULD BE WHAT GETS GRIAN AND SCAR TO EXCHANGE NUMBERS grian's out one day and asks his friend (I don't know who that'll be specifically let's just say mumbo.) to cover for him and when scar comes in seeing a face that Isn't Grian hes like HUH? WHERE'D HE GO and then he goes back to his car all frantic and asks his butler He's not here what do i do is it because of me Oh my god what if he gotkidnapped and the guy over there is the perpetrator and his butler is like Sir maybe he was just busy and took another shift. or maybe hes sick and scar calms down a lil and he's like oh. that makes sense. heheh! and does the anime scratches back of head pose
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he buys a cup of ramen and decides to eat it while waiting for grian and he eats that shit up crazy fast and hes like oh my gosh... that was so freaking good... and when he goes up to buy another one he asks mumbo at the cash register when grian will be back and hes like ummmm im not really sure hold on a minute and he goes on his phone and texts grian "hey there's this dude looking for you is it that rich guy you keep talking about" and grian's like "yeah if he came in a fancy black car with an old guy in it thats him" n when mumbo tells him scar was asking abt him grian's just like. Oh ya just tell him im sick
mumbo tells scar that grian's sick and hes like oh :( that sucks i hope he feels better! when i feel sick i usually lay down on my recliner bed at a 200 degree angle and put my cat jellie on my face so the blood rushes to my head and i pass out quickly and mumbo's like ??????
mumbo finds the whole situation kinda funny though so he texts grian "I'm gonna give him your number." and grian's like DO NOT GIVE HIM MY NUMBER and then mumbo gives him his number. scar texts him "Hi!!!! ☆:.。.o(≧▽≦)o.。.:☆" and grian's just like oh my god n he responds "is this scar" and scar's like "Yeah!!!!!! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧"
scar asks him if he's ok and grian's like yup i'm good n scar sends him a picture of the cup ramen he bought and he's like "I got the cup noodles you were eating last time ( ´ ω ` )" n grian's like "oh nice you should try eating it with some cheese on top" and scar's like how do i do that...? (」° 0 °)」" and grian's like "just put it on top after the noodles are done" and scar is like "okay! i'll do that!" and after 5 minutes he messages grian "i think i messed it up(;へ:)" n grian's like "oh it can't be that bad send a pic" and scar sends him a picture of something akin to an abomination and grian's like WHY IS IT BLACK? and scar's like ummmmm well the cheese wasn't melting so i bought a blowtorch thinking it would do the trick but i think i went a little overboard ╥﹏╥ and grian is sitting up in bed staring at his phone flabbergasted and he's like A LITTLE?
he texts mumbo later "you were there the whole time watching him fucking demolish a perfectly normal cup of ramen and you didn't do ANYTHING?" and mumbo's like "lol i thought it was funny"
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allofthismatters · 3 years
Not fully a headcanon request but I would love to know your thoughts on avalance’s proposal/what was going through their heads, the immediate before/after it fades to black
Oooo I have FEELINGS about all this.
The proposal was the most in-character, perfect proposal I could have asked for, and Sara telling Ava "this is when you say" "-say yes?" while both of them cry-laugh lives in my head rent. free. Just the absolute joy from them both was beautiful.
I think that after the initial proposal, while they're hugging and crying and kissing and crying some more, they both think of the scene from 6x01 where Ava promised that Yes, as soon as Sara came home, she'd marry her, and it makes the moment even more profound; to Sara, that moment is what kept her from letting herself freeze to death. To Ava, it was the last time she saw Sara, weak and dying and too far away to help her, and it's haunted her.
But they finally just made good on their promises.
After that, they go back to the ship and the whole team throws together an impromptu little celebration--just some music, snacks, drinks. There's just warmth and love all around, their family feels right again.
Ava doesn't drift far from Sara at any point, and they finally, finally eat--Sara doesn't remember the last time she ate, and Ava's been sick with grief and no appetite, so now they're finally getting some food in their system, which is like the best feeling in the world, right?
After about an hour, everyone can tell that Sara's totally drained, and Ava is a little agitated, like she's only just holding herself together and needs to be alone with Sara so she can fall apart.
So they go back to their room. Sara's exhausted, weak and shaky now that all her adrenaline from the past weeks has worn off, just totally mentally and physically demolished, and she just needs to feel clean- she wordlessly tugs Ava toward the shower, lets her help get her clothes off. She rests her forehead against Ava's chest while Ava washes her hair, scrubbing out all the grime from everything she's been through and scratching at her scalp until Sara's practically asleep standing up.
She leaves Sara to finish showering. Sara comes out a while later, wearing Ava's t-shirt which is just a little too big on her and makes her feel secure, and when she sees Ava sitting on the bed, everything catches up to her, hits her like a tidal wave--
All the fear, worry, lack of sleep, lack of anything warm and gentle, the trauma of everything, has melted into the past and now it's just her almost-wife unfolding an extra blanket for her in their soft, familiar bed and it makes her crumble.
Despite the shower, she's freezing; space was cold and it's stuck in her bones. She gets under the covers, lets out a relieved sob as Ava takes her into her arms, their bodies fitting together as easily as breathing, she shivers against her for long minutes before she gradually warms.
Once she's stopped shaking, she feels the tears forcing their way out--Sara's wanted to cry so many times the last few weeks but couldn't--now she can, she's safe, she's with the safest person in the world. She finally loses it and Ava is clutching her as tight as she can as soon as the first couple of sobs escape her.
Usually if one of them is falling apart, the other one gets strong enough for the both of them. But there's no reason for that now--they're home and safe. Ava cries with her, silent tears while she presses kisses to Sara's hair and her temple. She knows that if Sara breaks down, it's usually gut-wrenching but brief, so she just holds her in one piece while her entire body shudders with each sob, digging her fingers into Ava where she's holding her back.
Ava's still and quiet, just mutters her love and relief and endearments against Sara's skin barely at a whisper.
Holy shit, this got long. I'm stopping now lol
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dracowars · 4 years
I was wondering if you can write one with harry for me? Where harry and reader are dating around when sirius died in order of the phoenix and harry is very depressed about the stiuation and slowly disassociates from the reader and when he/she wanted to talk about it and lighten the weight on his shoulders harry says sth to reader along the lines "you are not my family and you are not my home" and a big fight eventually harry realises what he has done and gets very upset bc he loves her/him so much. They eventually make up but i want drama and tears you know lol i will be very happy if you can write this!!
don't shut me out | harry potter
pairing: harry x gryffindor!reader
word count: 2,5k
summary: where harry shuts y/n out after sirius' death
a/n: my first harry one shot, yayy! thank you for sending in this request <3
warnings: angst, cursing, mentions of death
universe: harry potter
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"Please write an essay about the effects of the Anti-Paralysis Potion until next week", Professor Snape grimly finishes his lesson and immediately chaotic murmur breaks out in the classroom when all the other students pack up their things and leave for their well deserved break.
You on the other hand calmly close your book and slowly slide it into your bag before getting up from your seat with a sigh, but not without taking another look at the empty seat in front of you first.
Harry did not show up for class again today. This is the third time this week and even when he is in one of his courses, his mind is not there with him.
A week ago he returned to the common room, devastated, and Ron and Hermione even had to support him so he would not fall over. The only thing you knew at that time was that they were on a secret mission at the Ministry of Magic, but you did not know what a terrible disaster happened.
Harry did not exchange a word with you and went straight to bed that evening, leaving you behind confused and ignorantly until Hermione told you about the recent events. Sirius Black, Harry's godfather and last living relative, was killed right in front of his eyes through his own cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange. While Hermione told you what happened, tears were already uncontrollaby streaming down your face.
You knew exactly how much he meant to Harry.
Now that Harry has also lost the last remaining member of his family, he has shut himself off completely, hiding from the world, from his friend and also from you. Any attempts to talk to him have failed, but you keep a close eye on him everyday.
If he does not shown up at dinner again, you bring him a plate full of his favorite food to his room, even if it is without his consent, just to find it barely touched in the morning. If he misses another of his lessons again, you always take even more detailed notes than usual that you later give him so he is able to catch up on what he has missed so far, just to watch the pile grow bigger and bigger.
Every time you enter his room, it breaks your heart when you have to see how your boyfriend, whose face has lost all color by now, looks at you with such sad eyes and cannot even utter a different word at you than a simple 'thank you'. It pains you to see him like this, but he won't let you get to him anymore, he won't let you or his best friends help him.
He shuts himself off the world completely.
"Ms. Y/L/N", Snape suddenly approaches you as you are about to make your way out of the classroom. You look up at your grouchy professor, full of expectation and also a little scared.
"Tell Potter if he does not show up for my class one more time, he will fail", he explains seriously and you can only nod while his cold stare is fixed on you. "Very good."
Turning around, you quickly run out of the door and meet Ron and Hermione in the hallway in front of it, waiting for you.
"What took you so long? I am starving", Ron asks you oblivious as you make your way through the crowd of students in the direction of the Great Hall.
"Snape held me from going. If Harry does not show up for class soon, he will fail in all of his courses", you mutter and your thoughts immediately wander back to him and how he is doing right now.
"Snape can't do that! Dumbledore will not allow it anyway. Everyone knows what happened and no one is this cruel", Hermione breathes out in shock.
"We are still talking about Snape, you know that, right?", Ron replies, only catching an annoyed look from her at his words.
"I will talk to Harry again. Well, at least I will try", you sigh exhaustedly and just before reaching the Great Hall, you leave your friends alone and run up the stairs to the Gryffindor common room, entering it after saying the correct password.
Waisting no time, you walk up the stairs to the boys' dormitories and timidly knock on the door. Nothing, not a single sound comes from the inside when you knock a second time.
"Harry? It's me, Y/N. May I come in-"
"Get out!", his voice angrily shouts at you through the door and you back away in shock. There is so much sorrow in his voice, so much pain, so much fear.
So much hate.
"I am not going anywhere", you answer firmly and stand your ground before carelessly opening the door.
The sight that greets you when you enter lets your eyes widen to the maximum. The entire room has been demolished, your carefully written notes scattered in snippets on the floor, his books torn apart next to it and the whole furniture turned over.
And in the middle of it all there is Harry, breathing heavily, as emaciated as you have never seen him before, his hands clenched into fists, his fingernails already painfully digging into his palms. The expression on his face blank when his gaze meets yours.
Without saying a word, you slowly and carefully walk towards him, trying not to stumble over anything on the floor until you stand in front of him. And then you wait.
Wait for him to finally open up to you, wait for him to finally let everything out.
But he turns away.
"Harry", you breathe out barely audible and reach for his hand, which he pulls away in the last second, his eyes on the ground and his back to you.
"Go", he orders, now without any emotion in his voice.
Refusing to listen to his words and let him push you away another time, you circle him to stand right in front of him again.
"I said go!", he aggressively yells at you, but you are quick to catch his face between your hands and lift it up so he has to look at you, taking a good look at him while softly pressing your palms to his cheeks.
His cheeks are still damped from the numerous tears that have flowed over them, and his eyes are glassy, almost fragile.
"I am here for you", you claim in a low voice to not scare him away while you look deep into his eyes, in which you discover nothing but emptiness. "I can help you if you would just let me, Harry. Please don't shut me out."
For a brief moment there is silence, somehow pleasant and safe as it has always been between the two of you. In the next moment, however, your hopes are destroyed.
"I don't need your damn help!", he yells at you again and pulls away from you, running his hands through his hair desperately while you stay frozen in place.
You almost had him.
"You do need me! You can't just lock yourself up here for weeks, Harry!", you raise your voice as well, desperation evident in it.
"You can't tell me what to do!", he loudly shouts and the look he throws at you is again full of nothing but hatred.
"What happened to Sirius is horrible, but you have to move on some day and you can't do that if you do not talk to someone about it. I am your girlfriend and-"
"Exactly. You are just my girlfriend and not my family!", Harry angrily spits out all of a sudden, his words catching you off guard and you could swear how your heart has split into half right at this second. "You are not and never will be my home, get that into your head! I am sick of you, Y/N! How you pamper me like I am a fucking child and never know when to stop!"
"A-Are you serious r-right now?", you let out a trembling sob, the strength to scream at him gone when a tear rolls down your cheek. You look at him with complete disappointment, at the boy whom you love so much, who just hurt you so deep as you would have never imagined him to.
"Get the hell out of here!"
"Do you even hear what you are saying? You do not really mean that. Tell me that you do not mean that, Harry!"
"It is the only thing that I want", he grinds his teeth and you nod understandingly while wiping away your tears.
"Fine. If I can never be your home anyway, then I guess this is where it ends", you sniff and walk past him, your gaze lowered as you go out of the room and let the door slam shut behind you.
And he does not even follow you.
Deeply hurt and with a broke heart, you barely make it to your dorm room, where you slide down the closed door with your back and pull your knees close to your shaking body, weeping bitterly.
You do not know how long you sat there and just cried your eyes out, but when you hear Hermione's worried voice behind you, it is already dark outside and you missed all of your classes.
Exhausted, you let yourself fall into your soft mattress, hiding your tear stained face from your roommates, but of course Hermione immediately senses that something is wrong.
She approaches you carefully as to not frighten you and sits down next to you on your bed, stroking your back up and down soothingly, which in return only makes you cry harder into your pillow. After several minutes you finally manage to calm down and sit up.
Hermione looks at you speechless, does not urge you to tell her about what happened at all, but you do it anyway as it almost gushes out of you. And so you spend the whole night in your bed talking.
The next morning you are sitting in the Great Hall at breakfast, completely exhausted. While Ron allows himself another joke with Hermione, you stare down at your empty plate, your stomach not wanting to be filled.
"Did you finally got Harry back to his senses, Y/N?", Ron asks you out of nowhere, pulling you out of your deep thoughts, and you interpret a teasing tone in his voice.
Your eyes filling with tears in a matter of seconds, you abruptly get up and leave the hall, leaving a confused Ron and an angry Hermione behind as you run back into the common room and into your own room.
Again you let yourself fall to the floor behind the closed door, your arms crossed over your drawn up knees, your forehead resting on top. Without meaning to, your sobs get stronger by every second, shaking through your body while your breath speeds up to an unhealthy pace.
Your head and your heart just do not want to understand that what you and Harry once had is over, once and for all. That you will never wake up in his cozy, warm arms again. That you will never feel his tender touch again. And above all, that you can never look at him the same way you did before.
You lost him for good this time.
The sudden knock on the wooden door behind you causes your head to jerk up in surprise. Not sure if you just imagined it, you stay silent for a moment and hold back your crying.
Another gentle knock.
"Please leave me alone, Hermione", you sniff and lower your head again.
"Y/N", his voice sounds muffled from the other side unexpectedly and your heart leaps painfully.
You always loved the way he pronounced your name, how easily it slides off his tongue. Since your first meeting, back then on platform 9¾ where you immediately fell in love with him head over heels.
Speechless, you are unable to move or say anything, just blinking away your tears.
"I know that you are in there. I can hear you crying", he softly speaks to you through the door and finally causes you to get up from the ground and open the door with a swing.
"What do you want?", you calmly ask him, trying not to show the emotions going through your head right now, and avoid eye contact while playing with the hem of your sweater. It takes a moment for Harry to contain himself, the sight of your fragile figure like pure horror in his eyes.
A sight for which he is guilty. He alone did this to you.
After clearing his throat, he searchs for the right words to make everything alright again, to fix everything he said, anything just so he does not have to see you this devastated. However, there is not a single sound coming out of his mouth.
"If you have nothing to say, get out", you order with all your might and try to sound as serious and emotionless as possible, trying to hold back your rising tears.
At least until you suddenly end up in his warm, safe arms after he pulls you into a bone crushing hug before you could close the door on him. A hug you both needed more than necessary.
"I am such a stupid idiot", Harry whispers in your ear, also having trouble to hide his sadness. "You just wanted to be there for me and I pushed you away even though you could have given me exactly what I needed."
His words only make you more emotional and turn you into a crying mess, your face hiding in his chest. His hand slowly rubs over your back to calm you down. Your legs begin to tremble harder and Harry has to hold you upright with all his strength to not let you fall.
"I-I just could not accept that I was alone", Harry sighs as he listens to your sobs until you finally push yourself weakly away and stand in front of him, an arm's length apart.
"You are not alone", you choke out and Harry gives you a small, tender smile before closing the gap between you and gently placing his hand on your cheek. With his fingers he strokes the strands of hair out of your face that are already stuck to your skin due to the tears.
"I realized that too, sweetheart", he confirms and tilts your head towards him to leave a soft kiss on your forehead. "I can't erase what terrible things I said to and threw at you, but please believe me when I tell you that that I did not mean a single word. I just did not know how to move on and you were there to receive all of my anger.. Do you forgive me?"
"Only if you never shut me out like that again. I will always be here for you and take care of you, Harry. No matter what, I will stay", you answer, also with a tiny smile on your lips and when he returns it before connecting your lips you, the world around you suddenly becomes more colorful and bright again.
"I promise."
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anunvalidcritic · 3 years
It’s the last episode.... Let’s dive in boys, girls, and non-binary folks!!!
                          WHERE I REALLY COME FROM
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Is it just me or did this week go by really fast??? (went by to fuckin’ fast bcuz I fuckin’ forgot!)
alright so we’re starting off by staring at the grass... that’s a pretty calm start..
nvm it’s raining blood
INVINCIBLE looks sick asf
well, I’m glad that was his first reaction
“It’s me Mark, It’s just me.” - OMNI-MAN 
DEBBIE has always been a baddie
Bro OMNI-MAN’s storyline is fuckin’ amazing
“You love me, you love Mom! I know you do.” - INVINCIBLE MARK
go ahead and that shit out now my dude
“Do you have any idea how long we live? The older we get, the slower we age. Viltrumite DNA is so pure you’re nearly full-blooded. You’ll live for thousands of years. Do you understand what that means? Everyone you know and love will be gone before you even look thirty.” - OMNI-MAN 
well damn thanks for dropping this knowledge on us, sir.
OMNI-MAN - “I do love your mother. But she’s more like a... a pet to me.”
MARK - “A pet?”
OMNI-MAN - “This is the only way, Mark.” *as he reaches for MARK’s shoulder*
MARK - “Don’t touch me!”
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go off MARK, talk yo shit!
“I don’t give a shit about Viltrum. And I don’t care if I live a fuckin’ million years. This is my home and I won’t let you destroy it!” - INVINCIBLE
Bro, don’t let your daddy beat yo' ass! You are a grown man now.
dude, this title for the last episode is fucking exceptional!
those dudes in the jets are gonna lose their fuckin’ lives
You know, it’s unfortunate that they know that shit is just a distraction for him and not life threating. 
He didn’t have to demolish that man like that...
this man is ruthless
“Did seeing that man lose his life distrube you? Did it hurt you?! Well, let’s see how you handle this.” - OMNI-MAN
👁 👄 👁
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Don’t you just love it when motherfuckers just stop and stare when they see a disaster happening??
Now I understand that the building is more than likely collapsing on it’s own, but I wouldn’t be surprised if his dad is pushng it from the other side. 
They’re really fuckin’ up Chi-Town right...
I could’ve told you that woman wasn’t gonna make it...
as evil as this man is... his character is amazing 
I love seeing MARK rage this dude just goes in!
“For the first time in your life, I’m telling you the truth.” - OMNI-MAN
what is he aboour.
... their suits need more than a deep dry cleaning
He didn’t have to swerve MARK like taht!
the clouds look nice...
okay, that’s enough OMNI-MAN!!
I wish they would’ve at least kept ZACHARY QUINTO’s voice because I miss the guy
See, this episode is a prime (pun intended) and I mean a PRIME example of how raising your kids with a good upbringing is important. If MARK was raised the way OMNI-MAN had intended to raise him, then he would’ve been a complete asshole... an extremely strong asshole, but an asshole. 
you know this is very triggering... RIP GLENN
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“You wanna die for this planet? Fine. What’s seventeen more years? I can always start again... make another kid.” - OMNI-MAN
“Look at Mark. You and I made him. He’s ours. When he feels joy, we feel joy. See that look on his face. How can you see this and not feel the same way. As we get older it’s harder to feel that.” - DEBBIE
GOD! Can Sandra Oh be my fuckin’ mom!?!?!
NOLAN still ain’t shit....
I like how he had that flashback while he was beating his son to a pulp
homeboy has to get dentures now...
only a narcissist would say some shit like this
“You dad, I’d still have you.” - MARK
that’s fuckin’ heartbreaking....
ik it’s not funny but MARK looks horrible..
looks like OMNI-MAN went back home cryin’
AMBER feelin’ like a complete dick as she should!! (I was rooting for y’all)
how long was he out??
DEBBIE you married an evil motherfucker, but it’s not your fault
Who tf cursed MONSTER GIRL?? She must’ve said or done some foul shit... And who tf fucked up CECIL’s face??
let it out DEBS let it out..
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ik tf AMBER just didn’t!! deadass thought it was EVE...
lol the way WILLIAM saved that was hilarious!!
“We can try but it’s literally all anyone is tlking about in the world” - WILLIAM 
come on now dude
😆 I could’ve sworn DUPLI-KATE looked asian and not white like EVE. WILLIAM is trifflin’
I was gonna say during the montage clip I knew one of those species looked familiar.
Mars is gettin’ fucked up from the ground up.
ALLEN THE ALIEN - “What’s the plan in the meantime?”
INVINCIBLE - “Finish high school, I guess.”
ALLEN THE ALIEN - “Oh, alright good. Sounds good. What is high school?”
I liked the way it ended! It’s unfortunate that we must bid ado to this lovely grotesque show of INVINICBLE, but alas we must in order to move onto greater things and the world beyond. Hopefully, they’ll get confirmed for a second season because I really don’t want them to end on such an extraordinarily high point...
List of Episodes with link :) ~
EP1 - EP2 - EP3 - EP4 - EP5 - EP6 - EP7 - EP8
EDIT: Thank god Amazon has decided to renew the series for not just the second season but a third as well!!!! FUCK YEAH!!
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zv5x · 3 years
Random Yan!Spirit fic that absolutely nobody asked for, because I'm a degenerate simp lol
Yandere!Spirit, here we gooo (thorns plays faintly in background)
Also this fic is centered around an escape attempt after multiple other escape attempts, i might make a fic of the very first Yan!Spirit escape attempt if in the mood for some good old yandere angst hahah ^^
Also this might be really bad and if so I'm so sorry, my next Yan!Spirit will be so much better, I promise I didn't rush this ahh,
( :̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅:♡:]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
Today would be the day you escaped this literal hell. You finally had your opportunity to escape, and you were going to snatch it without hesitation. Your heart beat fast as you made your way across the floor, being as careful as you possibly can as to not make any noise. However, you were just about to reach for the doorknob as you heard the sounds of a cutesy yawn and a sound of the floor being stepped on from the bed. You froze, and listened helplessly as you were probably being stared down in disbelief and rage.
"Dear, what are you doing?"
The voice sounded tired, especially considering it was the voice of someone who had just woken up from tonight's rest, but not too tired to where you had as much as a sliver of a chance of continuing what you were planning on doing. You couldn't bare turn around and look the source of the voice in the eyes, your current captor and current "partner". In a last ditch effort, your hand rushed towards the room's doorknob, only for you to quickly feel your wrist being quickly grabbed with an almost painful tightness. Your head whipped around, and tears stung your eyes.
"Spirit, I...I..." Your voice was hoarse and weak, and it almost hurt to speak. You could tell by the look in his eyes that he was far from pleased, and you were able to rationalize that trying and defending such a betrayal of his trust was far from what he wanted from you.
Spirit clicked the roof of his mouth, shaking his head in disappointment. "Trying to escape again? Whatever am I going to do with you (Y/N), hm?" He asked, his voice calm and smooth, so calm it was like he wasn't holding your wrist in a death grip at the moment. You whimpered, trembling under his touch. He was far more powerful than you, considering you were just a mere human, and you wondered what even made you want to try something like this in the first place, especially without planning. He was a demon, and he didn't need to sleep, he was only sleeping since he finally gave you the privilege of sleeping upstairs. He could wake up anytime he pleased, he didn't need rest. You internally swore to yourself as Spirit kept a firm hold on you, keeping you from moving too much. "You just never learn, do you?"
"Let me go, Spirit."
You said under your breath, almost as if you were warning him. Staring him down, you watched as he stood shocked and silent before he burst out laughing, letting go of your wrist in favor of covering his mouth as he giggled. It took him a few seconds to pull himself together, and in those few seconds your pride was completely demolished.
Well, on the bright side (Y/N), at least he let go of your wrist.
Spirit wiped a tear from his eye before placing his hands on your shoulders and looking you dead in the eyes. "(Y/N), love, do you remember what happened the last time you went against me?" He hummed, stroking your cheek after releasing one of your shoulders. "Do you remember what I did?" Spirit asked, and you shivered as you recalled the exact "punishment" he was referring to. Your legs had *just* healed from Spirit using his abilities to snap them within a second, and you had *just* regained your ability to walk.
Spirit wiped a tear from his eye before placing his hands on your shoulders and looking you dead in the eyes. "(Y/N), love, do you remember what happened the last time you went against me?" He hummed, stroking your cheek after releasing one of your shoulders. "Do you remember what I did?" Spirit asked, and you shivered as you recalled the exact "punishment" he was referring to. Your legs had *just* healed from Spirit using his abilities to snap them within a second, and you had *just* regained your ability to walk.
"Maybe I should just get that leash I promised. You'd probably be much better behaved with it." Spirit traced a finger on your bottom lip, ignoring your protestant whining. "It'd keep you in your place, you know? You're just a human after all, it's about time you realize that."
Spirit stayed silent for a second, before shaking his head. "No matter, we have more important things to be worrying about now, don't we? We'll discuss your punishment tomorrow." He hummed happily and took your hand in his, using his free one to point to the bed. You didn't need him to say anything, and couldn't help but sigh as you did exactly what you knew he wanted you to do.
After getting you in the bed again, Spirit made it a point to hold you in place. His arms and legs were wrapped around you, and his tail curled around your thigh, rendering you absolutely unable to escape from him for a second time tonight. Not that you had any fight left in you for now, considering being laughed at was most definitely a harsh hit to the pride.
You almost couldn't hold back a sniffle as Spirit gently nuzzled you, that sickeningly sweet sound of cat-like purring becoming audible to your ears as he continued rubbing his head against your chest and neck.
Spirit took a few second break from his purring, to whisper out a reminder of how much he loved you, before returning right back to his sick little cuddle fest. Of course, you said it back, and almost fell ill as you heard him giggle happily and felt him peck you on the cheek.
He was sick, this entire situation was sick, but perhaps in a way, you were too. His body was warm, and the air felt heavy, but still, even with his total lack of care for your individually or privacy and his complete disregard for your personal space, you felt comfortable with him snuggling against you like some kind of cat.
Maybe it was the despair and the Stockholm Syndrome finally settling in, or maybe you'd have that fighting spirit back in you by the morning. But now, all you could think about was how peaceful and happy he looked being so close to you. How cute he looked while he purred and drifted off to sleep with his head against your chest.
You were taught from a young age that demons couldn't love. They were cold, calculating and evil. You held those beliefs to heart, and held Spirit to those biblical standards as well. But, perhaps, you misunderstood him. Maybe he was different. Maybe in a way, the violence and the murder, was just how he showed his love. Maybe you could fix him. Show him the error in his ways and persue a genuine and healthy relationship with him.
You hummed and kissed the top of his head, earning a sleepy squeak in response.
You'd worry about all that in the morning. You were too tired to let yourself trail off any longer.
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caandlelit · 5 years
HATE to that person but do you wanna give up some league in quarantine hcs, maybe with hawks depending on if you hate him rn
oh my fucking god ur asking me for quarantine hcs,,,,,,,, lets take a moment to acknowledge that thats a thing that you just did,,,,
like ill dO IT but like,,, after im done laughing my ass off 2020 is off the shits 
okay so this is like assuming that the league are all chill and vibing and alive at the time of corona alright
no one is in a glass jar pulling a mewtwo yet, no one is in jail with their past being revealed yet, no one is TRYING TO KILL TWICE
its corona time
so there would be absolutely no change in shigaraki’s behavior he already just sits around inside gaming and slash or planning a revolution and both of these are strictly indoor activities 
theyre not even allowed to take mariokart out of his room 
kurogiri forbid it after toga made an attempt on dabi’s life 
so shigaraki finds out theyre in quarantine when he realizes
dabi hasnt disappeared mysteriously and come back looking like someone mauled his neck for a whole week !
naturally he walks blearily out of his room at an ungodly hour bc he got thirsty and sees spinner, twice and toga playing monopoly while dabi sulks on the couch and hes like
‘what the fuck is going on’
kurogiri takes precautions !!!
not in a rich white person way 
more like
hes sanitizing the bar more often
he makes sure the gang has masks for if they feel the need to yolo and venture outside
he makes a dramatic speech 
‘so im sure ur all wondering why ive asked you here’
‘we cant leave kurogiri just get on with it’ - bitchy and tired and emo
hes embarrassed about it but he goes on 
‘please,,,, im begging you all,,,,,,, wash your hands i know some of you think of yourselves as above it but tomura i am begging-’
look im not calling him out or anything, no tomura hate i think hes very sexy (now... he wasnt at the start)
but does he LOOK like the kind of guy whos always washed his hands after pissing ? nO he looks like the guy who was recently cornered by his friends to under no uncertain terms, ‘wash your hair you can scheme later’
hes had a lot of character growth 
toga is really incredibly disappointed nothing is happening this sucks
sticks up a one of those small whiteboards up on the wall in the bar 
it says in bright red marker ‘⬜ days since quarantine’ 
shes also one of those ‘fearless’ kids,,,, 
shes like ‘no illness can hurt me im not afraid !!!’ 
sneezes once and she sits wondering if she should panic
starts wearing the mask,,,,
jin is kinda like 
just walking around as cool as you please
and compress, whos been freaking and panicking since day one, corners him and hes like ‘why ! arent ! you ! affected !’
‘i wear a mask !!!!!!!!!!! daily!!!!!!!!!! what the fuck could HAPPEN im basically in a hazmat suit im FINE’
compress is like ‘huh. reasonable’
spinner is unafraid he is a lizardman he will be okay
love him
boi got ,,, opinions,,,,,,,,
his take is that the government is either exaggerating because rich people are afraid
or that theyre hiding the full extent of the disease from news media
he doesnt know that its both
dabi is a walking talking freakshow
like okay hes horny and mad and sick and tired of being stuck at league hq 
he walks around with his eyes wide and unseeing and shigaraki is staring to get worried because he’s scaring the newbies
‘dabi what the fuck is wrong with you’
dabi, numbly: if endeavor dies because of coronavirus i’m going to hunt down the root of this virus and kill everyone starting with them
shigaraki exhales and purses his lips
slaps him on the back a few times in vague comfort and moves on
dabi’s also like
‘really horny’
thats his excuse for why hes moping around 
when hes not bitching about endeavor to everyone who’ll listen
but he misses hawks
and he wishes he couldve been at hawks’ place when the quarantine was announced
hes complaining on the sofa to spinner on the first weekend as the rest of the league play risk, which shigaraki is dominating and absolutely demolishing everyone in
!!!!!!!! hawks appears !!!!!!!!
hawks at home on the fourth day of self isolation: *texting twice* sos please send teleportation guy ujiko whatshisname i miss u guys lol
twice, not knowing hes gonna kill him: aw okay fuck yeah ! bitch !
hawks at home ‘ahhh twice. what a nice guy. what a good dude. what a real homie’
hawks shows up at the league hq 6 days late with starbucks and tells himself hes using the quarantine as an excuse to get closer to the league but he misses dabi’s face 
appears and falls onto the risk board as dabi is mid sentence going 
‘god what id give to have him appear in my lap’
then everyone is shouting hysterically, shigaraki is pissed bc he was winning, toga is excited bc this is the coolest thing to happen in a week, twice is triumphant bc he organized this, dabi is stILL somehow complaining because ‘i said LAP was that TOO MUCH for the universe’ and hawks beams at the mayhem because he missed them
can u ??? tell im bitter ???? about something?????? 
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oneunexpected · 4 years
I love Free Day because it means I can do Whatever I Want and I get to rb it to tucweek along with the incredible art pieces and insightful analysis other people have made and mine’s just, like, TUC as vines.
Anyway. Here’s the definitive power ranking of all minor characters* in the Underland Chronicles. It's quite long, because I tried to use every character.
Icarus -this DUUUUDE. This GUYYYYY. SUCKS! -“uh-oh looks like I’m infected with the plague better fly directly into a social gathering” -would be an anti-masker probably  0/10
Reekwell and Gushgore -Fangor and Shed part two, but unfunny this time. 1/10 y’all suck give me Fangor and Shed back
Purvox -Purvox is apparently a beautiful red spider who teaches Hazard how to “speak” Spinner. That’s cool. -that’s it. Why did Suzanne even feel the need to name her? I’m grateful for the extra details but 2/10
Ajax -mean. -nobody likes him -this is probably why he gets on so well with Solovet -some sort of flier general, it seems, which is pretty cool 2/10
Hero & Kent -twins, I guess that’s fun -they’re only like eight but they still Smirk Evilly. Good for them 2/10 just because there’s 2 of them
Anchel & Daphne -some randos Keeda mentions as dead. They probably had some sort of significance to be mentioned by name but We’ll Never Know. 2/10 RIP though. I’m sure you’re worth higher than this but I don’t even know who you are
Horatio -crony #1 -has a crush on Dulcet. Didn’t we all 3.5/10. Boosted solely by association with Dulcet
Marcus -crony #2 3/10
Wevox -thought her name was Weavox until I began writing this post -sort of “Was Margaret Thatcher a Girlboss?” vibes -“As it is, Vikus, we will not drink. Web them” is a RAW line and it bounces around my head sometimes -the spiders are clearly very crafty about their political relations but she was not going to hesitate for a MOMENT to consider the ramifications of killing the monarch of Regalia and we gotta respect that -docking points for the girlboss thing, though. 4/10
Stellovet -queen of insults you gotta be honest -had an INCREDIBLE amount of impact for only having like three lines. I remember being like 11 and reading so many fics on Fan Fiction Dot Net where she was a scheming villain -funny how Luxa thinks her endgame is just becoming a princess. She doesn’t care beyond that she just wants to be royalty 4/10
Chim -baby -ok she’s 5 -doesn’t do anything but look confused and help provide a gateway for Howard to look like a good person 5/10, for years of life. What’s even your name? Chimney?
Andromeda -she’s good. She is an Absolute Beast when she crosses the Waterway with Howard and Mareth, definitely saved Mareth’s life -loves Mareth very much :) -shuns Ares at first but comes around, we still gotta knock her for this though 5/10
Clawsin & Bloodlet & Ratriff -Some folks who go to Ripred’s side, Clawsin gets blinded from the Bane, Ratriff gets his arm ripped off by the Bane, it is what it is 5/10 collectively
Reflex -man’s got jokes -very helpful with the code -shoots streamers of silk around the room when they break it -came to Regalia secretly... secretly to whom? The spinners? The gnawers? Whatever, he’s a rebel either way -I had to look up his name though, so apparently not a lot of impact. Sorry Reflex 5/10
Treflex -announced he was joining the quest, then IMMEDIATELY died. Yes king give us nothing -made a good snack? Gross. 5/10
Cevian -the scene where they find her body is beautifully written and so heartbreaking. She’s the catalyst for the entire fourth book -gives Aurora the opportunity to make her first ever big impassioned speech. It’s what Aurora deserved -still, she doesn’t get any dialogue so I can’t vote her super high 5/10
Euripides -seems nice -always described as “Vikus’ big grey bat,” never just big bat, never just grey bat -tells Luxa to teach Gregor how to ride a bat because his neck is getting bruised lol -nice of him not to embarrass Gregor though 6/10 speak up for yourself, king
Pend -takes Boots back to Regalia after the moth brings her to the crawlers’ land -Vikus recognizes him by name which is really impressive since crawlers look pretty homogenous, although we are told Vikus is better than most at picking them out. Still, Pend is probably a high rolling crawler. 6/10
The scorpions -I know I’m supposed to be doing named characters but they’re pretty cool. The passage they’re in is a really fun read. Mad respect 6/10 I’ll see y’all in Scorpio szn, baby
Razor -showed SHAME and GUILT in the first book when he got called out by Ripred -raised Pearlpelt as if he was his own. In payment, Pearlpelt knocked him off a cliff and then tried to eat him to hide the evidence 6/10
Fangor and Shed -funny dudes. -apparently constantly drunk 6/10
Gox -Gox got shit DONE, okay? Gox got shit DONE. -would eat your carcass without a moment of hesitation. It’s fine. 6/10
Hermes -this guy is great! -brings Luxa her crown -gets seriously injured while protecting Lizzie on their way to Regalia -might be dead tbh no one ever says 7/10
Keeda -okay listen. Keeda’s great. Keeda is that warrior at the Battle of Marathon who ran all the way back to Athens to report their victory and immediately die, except Keeda was reporting that the gnawers were about to invade -listen I know she was dealing with some other stuff, but Vikus asks, “how many rats?” And she says “many. Many rats” ??? No estimate? “An army?” Whatever. We give her a pass. 7/10 RIP
Pandora -FUCK -her death was possibly the MOST disturbing passage I’ve ever read. I could see it so, so vividly in my head. Man I remember the horror -she just wanted to explore 7/10 but also 2/10 for emotional trauma
Queen Athena -ICONIC one-liner in Curse of the Warmbloods, absolutely demolishes the gnawers over their treatment of the nibblers -I’m really biased towards her because Athena is my favorite goddess -probably could’ve done more for Ares, especially as seeing she’s supposed to be perceptive and a really good judge of character and whatnot 7/10
Daedalus -flinches in fear when Boots says she’s gonna sing a for him, specifically -basically pledges his life to Lizzie in the event the Code Room is attacked so that’s very nice 7/10
Heronian -she’s in a full body cast, but that will not stop her. 8/10
Susannah -can we talk about how she lost both of her siblings and she just keeps trucking along? -REALLY wish we knew more about her -clearly Very Kind. Can you please ask your daughter to be nicer -takes really good care of everyone she comes across :) 8/10
Min -creaky old cockroach dance 9/10
Frill -was cool -taught everyone the marks of secret -taught Hamnet about pacifism and stuff too -I get the feeling she was wayyyyy more important to Hazard and Hamnet and their survival than Gregor’s narrative really dives into 9/10
Mr. Cormaci -nice man. Gave Gregor quarters. 10/10
Gregor’s grandma -cool lady, you can’t deny! -tells Gregor he can’t outrun his issues -has a super cool quilt -who IS Simon??? 10/10
Scalene, Euclidian, Root, Cube, and Newton -felt obligated to include all these kiddos because they are, in fact, named, even though none of them get any dialogue or anything else for that matter, really -Scalene was a little nibbler pup that found her mom in the Arena, Euclidian and Root are two more that the mom was looking for, Newton was one that no one claimed but some other guy was like “any of us will take him” which is :’) but also, so, so sad. -Cube was the pup Luxa named that ended up in the pit in the Firelands -Scalene and Newton survived a genocide and Euclidian which is baller any way you swing it 10/10
Tick -:( :( :( -the selflessness. -I shipped her with Temp when I was 8? I can’t answer for that 10/10
York -LMAOOOO this guy’s a LEGEND -7 ft tall. -fights with a zweihander. -says fuck, canonically. -hosts hundreds of nibbler refugees -very loving uncle to Luxa, helps her learn how to rule - his exasperated affection towards Howard when he finds out Howard stayed in the Firelands even after he got sick was very cute 10/10
Honorable mentions: Perdita and Dulcet Their roles are too big in the last book to be included in this list, but these ladies both get a 10/10.
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bunnywrites · 3 years
AHHH OMG WHAT A CUTE ASK MEME I'M ALREADY SCREAMING💍 - adrian x dove 💍 sophie x milo 💍 liam x grace 💍 madison x wyatt
don't feel like you have to answer everything for all of them but ah!!! ILY
ILYSM ur the real mvp for always sending these <3
💍 adrian x dove
where they get married: 
they’re totally having a beach wedding, for sure!!
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ):
Ok, hear me out. A summer wedding on the beach at sunset. Maybe in June/July 
what their wedding cake looks like:
they def wouldn’t have like a hug wedding cake, i feel like they would keep it pretty simply tbh!! maybe they even decorate it themselves (with the help of baby annie too!!)
….who smashes cake into whose face:
adrian totally would and dove would smash her piece of cake into his smug face right after and they would probably let annie smash cake in both of their faces too
who proposed to who first:
i think adrian !!!
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar
baby annie walks down as a flower girl and then waits next to her dad who’s at the altar and then comes dove look like a rl angel 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like
since it’s a beach wedding, i imagine them in v casual clothing?? like nothing super fancy at all.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. )
i’m crying just thinking about them sharing their vows wow. i imagine since dove kinda write out her feelings in her journals that she maybe wrote a poem about him in there somewhere and she would share with him during their ceremony. and then probably just go into more depth over how much she adores him and AAAH my heart 
who cries first during the ceremony
oof, this one is a hard one!! but i think maybe adrian?? when he sees dove walking down the aisle?? and then she sees him crying and it causes her to start tearing up lmao 
where they go for their honeymoon
IF i remember correctly i think adrian asked her where she wanted to go once and she said italy and so i feel like he would totally make that happen for their honeymoon !!
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle
since her mom will have passed away already dove would probably be given away by her aunt !
💍 sophie x milo
where they get married:
i totally see these two lovebird randomly deciding to get married right in the moment. they would totally be the kind to go to vegas and get married!
what their wedding cake looks like:
honestly since it’s all last minute they would probably have ice cream cake that they bought from a local grocery store or something LOL 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
since it’s ice cream cake i don’t think they would smash it into each other’s face, but they would probably slide it down each other’s backs or something lmao 
who proposed to who first:
oof man ok i think tbh at one point milo will be the one to say “fuck our family who cares what they think lets get married rn” cause he would probably be so sick of trying to continuously prove to them that he’s right for their daughter when he knows he is!! 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
milo totally waits at the alter with his new best bro liam by his side and grace walks down the aisle too before getting on the bride’s side of the alter and then GORGEOUS BABY SOPHIE COMES DOWN 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
so painfully casual it hurts. honestly i could see milo getting married in an mf tuxedo shirt LOLOL 
what their vows are:
super improvised for sure but completely from the heart!! 
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other:
their new besties!! grace is soph’s maid of honor probs and liam would totally be milo’s best man 
who gives speeches at the reception:
i feel like liam would def give a speech if he was drunk enough lmao and it would be very sweet and funny tbh. milo would def give a speech about how much he loves soph and he would probably try to make it super funny but then he becomes a total sap at the end!
what their wedding photos are like:
the silliest ever! a bunch of selfies on their phones and polaroids. i imagine grace filming all of it too on a camera and editing the footage to make milo and soph their very own wedding video! 
what sort of food they have at the reception:
they would literally all just go out for burgers probably lmao
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. ):
they would probably go out to some club to celebrate afterwards! milo is def dancing all kinds of weird from how wasted he is, but he’s having the time of his life. sophie is living for it, of course, and is even getting pretty rowdy herself, which we love to see. i feel like liam would be the one to keep buying drinks and making everybody take shots with him, especially milo lmao. grace would probably be sitting at the bar with her drink and smoking a joint before liam pulls her to the dance floor and forces her to dance with him
what their rings are like:
they would probably get the cheapest rings they could for the moment, but milo would def surprise with a diamond ring after he saves up enough money. 
where they go for their honeymoon:
i feel like since they got married in vegas they would just honeymoon there too!! 
who officiates the ceremony:
an elvis impersonator DUH 
💍 liam x grace
where they get married:
ok so!! i totally see liam wanting to make this one of the most special days ever for grace cause that’s just the kinda guy he is. and so maybe one of her favorite movie theaters is going out of business or something. so, before they demolish it, he rents the entire thing out and decorates it with twinkle lights and makes it all beautiful to have their ceremony there. 
when they get married:
CHRISTMAS TIME since their first interaction was at a christmas party
what their wedding cake looks like:
i see them having just a bunch of cupcakes made to look like a cake as a wedding cake, that way anyone can just grab one as a snack before they go watch their movie 
….who smashes cake into whose face:
grace would totally smash her cupcake in liam’s face and laugh so hard while doing it and i totally see liam just stuff his in her mouth to shut her up lmfaoo 
who proposed to who first: 
oh god i totally see liam proposing one day!! and just v casually too!! no big gesture or anything just like “i think i wanna marry you” lmao idk he seems like the type
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
liam totally waits for her and grace walks down to her favorite romantic film score 
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
i think they def would dress up! but still nothing majorly fancy!! i can see liam in a casual suit and tie while grace wears a really simple white dress and maybe a flower crown to accessorize!
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have:
i feel like they would have a black and white color scheme tbh!! 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
grace would probably have a movie already set up that she would play on the big screen and it would be all about their relationship and new life that they started together and basically it’s just a collection of moments that made her fall in love with him !!
what sort of food they have at the reception:
all the movie snacks you can choose from, plus some take out that they would probably order in lmaooo 
who officiates the ceremony:
i feel like milo would totally offer to officiate their wedding and be so excited over it too lmao 
what song their first dance is to:
def the first song that liam ever wrote about grace !! maybe he starts off by performing it and then someone takes over so they can dance together i crY
💍 madison x wyatt
where they get married:
i def see their wedding to be more classic/traditional. i dont think they would get married in a church, but they would probably go to a beautiful garden or something. after everything wyatt put this girl thru he is going to make sure she has the wedding of her dreams lmao 
when they get married:
probably during the spring!! it’s a metaphor!! it’s a fresh start !! a new beginning!! 
what their wedding cake looks like:
probs v big and fancy with a cute little wedding topper on the top ofc 
who proposed to who first:
dude i feel like maddie would be too scared to even consider proposing LOLOL after all the pain he caused her!!! so i def think wyatt would be the one 
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar:
wyatt waits at the alter with madison’s brother by his side and maddie walks down the aisle arm-in-arm with her father and it is the most beautiful thing EVER
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like:
we FANCY!!!!! this is probably the best wyatt is ever going to dress tbh 
what flowers are in the bouquet:
probably some white roses to match her pretty white dress 
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ):
i think v traditional. wyatt would def have to write them down because he would not be able to formulate words since he will be dumbfounded by madison’s beauty!! 
if anyone’s late to the wedding:
maybe wyatt’s running late because of SOMETHING (we can plan later heheheh) and that causes madison to start freaking out and thinking that he’s leaving her at the alter but in reality he’s doing all he can to get there on time! 
who gives speeches at the reception:
maddie’s brother most def! and maybe her dad!! his will probably be nice, short and wholesome tho 
what their wedding photos are like:
i feel like they would have a mix of everything! they’d have an actual photographer taking pictures and then a photobooth set up to take random/silly pictures with props and ofc they will probably be taking all kinds of pictures on their phones 
who cries first during the ceremony:
tbh wyatt would have to look away from madison at first when she’s walking down the aisle cause he starts getting teary-eyed 
where they go for their honeymoon:
wyatt would probably take her to the place she find most romantic, a part of me wants to say paris but i also dont know if thats just because of emily in paris lmaooo 
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle:
madison’s dad gives her away and he probably looks so happy and full of nothing but love for his daughter !
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technoskittles · 4 years
Adora 2 6 2
Adora, hogwarts!au, fake dating, “fuck. fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit. fuck.”
(oh boy you probably picked the worst person to do a hogwarts au lol. I read the books when I was 10 and I’ve only seen the first movie around that same time and have not since interacted with anything HP. but I’ll do my best)
context: while I personally believe Adora is a Slytherin I believe I remember something about how you can still choose your house? Like, Harry was more suited to Slytherin but he wanted so badly to be Gryffindor so the sorting hat was like “lmao if you say so” and put him in Gryffindor. So I feel like the same thing happened with Adora which is why she’s in Gryffindor, not Slytherin.
cw: dubcon? ish? no sex, just some making out though.
On all accounts, it didn’t make much sense. Catra hated her. Both on a personal level and well, because of the pre-existing feud between their two houses. 
She was a Gryffindor. Catra was a Slytherin. What else was there to say?
A lot, apparently.
The proposal had, seemingly, come out of nowhere. It was both their fifth years and Adora was lined up to be the Gryffindor prefect. Of course, she had some competition, albeit minimal, but practically everyone and their mother knew that Adora had it in the bag. She had excellent grades and a pristine, crystal clear record that made her the perfect candidate.
Well...almost crystal clear.
And, she shouldn’t be surprised, Catra was not above blackmail.
“That happened in first year!” she’d argued. “It doesn’t even matter anymore!”
Catra, the epitome of nonchalance, had been picking at her nails. “Well, if that’s the case, Princess, then you shouldn’t be worried if anyone finds out.”
And Adora had been backed into silence, fuming and steaming, because despite how much she wanted to believe otherwise, she knew that something like that getting out would demolish her chances at becoming a prefect. Something that everyone, Catra in particular, knew that she’d spent most of her time at Hogwarts working towards.
So...yeah. Here she was. Walking the halls with her prefect badge pinned to her robes, keeping a watchful eye for any of the younger students causing havoc where they shouldn’t be.
And following closely behind her were the whispers of how she and Catra, the Slytherin fifth-year prefect, were....dating.
“I don’t know why you want to spread around something like that. Slytherins hate Gryffindors. If you’re trying to boost your reputation, something like this will have the exact opposite effect.”
“Bold of you to assume those were my intentions.”
Catra never divulged exactly what those were either though. Her lips were sealed, locked so tightly that not even the worst of coercion or spells could unlock it. She was planning something, that Adora could be sure of, but unfortunately for all her wits she couldn’t crack the code that was the mechanisms of Catra’s mind. 
So the year ran its course with the two of them pretending to date. Lower years gossiped in the halls in-between classes and Adora even caught her own quidditch teammates tossing about theories and conspiracies when they thought she couldn’t hear.
The only ones that knew the truth were her and Catra. And Bow and Glimmer, of course.
“I don’t understand why you’re letting her push you around like this,” Glimmer lamented each time the topic was brought up. “You deserve being a prefect, no matter what kind of dirt she has on you. Especially when she isn’t that squeaky clean herself.” She was always somehow more annoyed with the situation that Adora was, voicing the frustrations that Adora never could and then some.
Her defense was the same every time, too. “I can’t risk it, Glimmer. If there’s one thing that could get me stripped of my badge, it’s this.” What was the saying about regretting your youthful decisions? Because if there wasn’t one, she could probably easily come up with something. “I’ll just play along for now until she gets bored.”
“Or,” Glimmer rebutted, “You let her drag this on long enough until she achieves whatever it is she’s actually planning. You’re playing with venom here, babe. It’s up to you when you decide to suck it out.”
And she had a point. Without knowing what Catra’s intentions were with this whole thing or anyway of finding out, Adora was essentially a mouse in a mousetrap, waiting for her predator to either free her out of mercy or devour her whole. The longer she played this game, the more she risked losing. She used to assure herself that she’d play the waiting game until Catra either grew bored or until they were graduated, but who was to say that Catra would let her go after that? Who was to say she’d even last that long?
Bow, who was usually quiet during these conversations, only left her with a simple warning, “Be careful around her, Adora. We don’t want you getting hurt.”
So that’s what she was doing. Treading lightly, being mindful not to say anything too combative or instigate something that she can’t maintain a strong hold on.
They had rules, thankfully, from both of them. Rules from Catra to make the whole thing believable, and rules from Adora to make sure they didn’t step too far that she didn’t have any semblance of control. Their affection was public, a demand from Catra, but at Adora’s insistence, it was always chaste and simple. When asked about their relationship, Adora found herself reciting a spiel she’d rehearsed at Catra’s behest, but she was allowed to shut down questions that get too personal or intimate. 
For all the trouble it caused her, Adora had to admit that it could’ve been worse.
Until the night came where Catra broke her number one rule: Absolutely nothing was to happen between them in private. 
It had all started out during one of her nightly patrols. Her back was to a wall - literally - with Catra caging her in, too close for comfort. 
“Wha....what are you doing, Catra? This isn’t even your hall.”
Catra pouted and on the surface it looked almost genuinely hurt. But Adora could see the conniving little gears cranking behind the facade and steeled herself to disallow any notions of sympathy to break down her defenses. “Can’t one girlfriend say hi to the other?”
Adora quickly scanned the hallway they were in - dark and empty. “No one’s here. We don’t have to pretend.”
“Well,” and then Catra leaned in closer, her smirk fatally sweet and oozing venom and Adora could feel the toxins paralyzing her and making her overheat. “You never know who’s watching.”
They both knew very well that no one was. 
“Just what kind of game are you playing at here, huh? Because I didn’t agree to any of this.” Her anger was getting the better of her, pent up from being stuck in a trap she’d slid herself into. But she was tired of being the victim here. “You have no business being here unless it’s for some ulterior motive.”
Catra hummed and tapped the wall beside her head, mulling over her words with a halfhearted consideration. “Yeah, I suppose you might be right about that.” She leaned back, giving enough space between the two again that Adora takes in a gulp of air that she’d been desperately craving. “The game’s gotta change, Princess. Doubts are starting to creep into people’s heads and cheek pecks and hand holding ain’t gonna cut it anymore.”
Dread weighs in Adora’s stomach like lead. “So what are you proposing?” As soon as the words were out of her mouth she cursed inwardly, angry with herself for indulging Catra in her sick little fantasy. She wanted out of this, not to let herself be reeled in further. 
She could feel Catra coiling around her, tighter and tighter, cracking her ribs and compressing her lungs as she struggled to breathe.
Adora watched as Catra dragged her tongue along her bottom lip, eyes dropping down from her face. “I was thinking something along the lines of something to show that you’re mine.” Adora shivered at the way that sounded, chalking it up to the ice-laced fear and uncertainty coursing through her veins. 
Catra smirked and met her eyes once more, mirth and secrecy dancing in the piercing colors that kept Adora pinned where she stood. “A necklace, maybe?”
Adora frowned and her shoulders relaxed. That was it? Gift giving? Well, that was manageable, she supposed. “What? To wear around for everyone to see?”
Something flashed in Catra’s eyes and suddenly things weren’t so simple. “Exactly like that.”
Still... “Okay. Fine. Do you have one now?”
Then Catra cackled and a warning ping went off in Adora’s head, something telling her to get out of there. Now. “Oh, sweet, sweet Adora. Not that kind of necklace.” Before Adora could say anything else, Catra’s hand was at the back of her head, gripping her ponytail and yanking it down. At the same time, one of Catra’s hands was yanking at the top of her robes, pulling it away from her neck, just before she descended.
Teeth clamped around supple skin and Adora yelped. Luckily, she still had enough wits about her to quickly bring a hand up to her mouth to muffle her sounds when Catra moved onto the next spot, trailing her tongue across the skin of Adora’s neck and collar before biting down again and sucking.
Her legs were trembling beneath her, breath coming in short spurts as her other hand grabbed at Catra’s robes. She was surprised to realize that instead of trying to pull her off, however, she was instead pulling her closer, body arching to brush against Catra’s. 
It last only a couple minutes. Soon enough, Catra was pulling away from Adora’s neck, admiring her handiwork in the form of a plethora of hickeys and a panting, flushed Adora. Clearly contented, she began to pull back, only to be halted by Adora’s hand still wrapped in the billowing fabric of her robes, pulling her back in. 
Their lips met, rough and Catra’s hot lips searing. Adora could feel the venom pooling in her mouth, coating her tongue with each swipe of Catra’s and trickling down her throat, poisoning her mind, body, and soul with each drop.
When they pull away, Adora no longer knew what to make of anything - up, down; left, right; friend, foe; Slytherin, Gryffindor. 
Catra let out a rush of air that she supposed was supposed to be a laugh, an amused light to her eyes that hinted at something else. Whatever it was, Adora wondered if it reflected the spark that she felt igniting in her own chest, spreading its heat to the bottom of her stomach.
“I think that’ll do for now,” Catra whispered, giving her one last peck on the lips before backing off. Adora watched her saunter off from whence she had come, robes fanning out around her, lips tingling with the phantom sensation of Catra’s pressed against them. 
Her fingers brushed against the sore spots on her neck, feeling the tenderness in a few select spots, as reality began to sink in and she realized just what this meant for tomorrow.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck this shit.
Adora pushed herself away from the wall, standing still a second or two to make sure her legs were steady enough to walk, before drifting down the hall in the opposite direction to finish her rounds. 
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