#I didn’t read over my rant so sorry if some of it doesn’t make mistakes or I typed things wrong
laura1633 · 11 months
I have to start this by saying that I am primarily a Max fan but I really like and respect Charles as a racer. Also, these are random thoughts and I don’t have all the stats and stuff to back it up so if you are just going to angry and shout at me don’t bother, just block me or something - these are literally just my thoughts
But….. despite all that I’m still going to randomly shout into the internet because I have nowhere else to get these thoughts out of my head….. I'll put most of it below the cut.
I’ve not studied Charles’ race strategies etc but Ferrari really do seem to love to put him on some random tyre strategy. It’s like they are trying to make up for all the awful strategy calls of the past by trying to outsmart the other teams but just end up making more and more bizarre calls. I get that you can’t always get decisions right and when you don’t have the fastest car you have to take a chance but they seem to do it so often with Charles. Why can’t they just let him race?!!! He’s quick and talented but I feel like we don’t get to see his full potential in races because he’s always on some weird strategy that puts him wildly out of position 
Yes he has had lots of pole positions and often they don’t convert to wins. A lot of people see this as a negative rather than focusing on the fact that he is just able to get a lot out of the car in qualifying and often puts that car higher up than it should rightfully be. Would they just prefer him to qualify further down?! The car is not always capable of winning and there are a whole host of reasons why he hasn’t converted all those poles into wins and no its not because he isn’t good enough!
Maybe this is controversial and don’t come at me if you are a Carlos fan because this isn’t a rant against Carlos but I read so many comments from people saying Ferrari favour Charles. They didn’t even favour him when he was in the running for the championship so why on earth would they be favouring him now!! Even if they had have been favouring him (which I don’t think they have been) then I would understand it - he has shown that when the car is capable he can be in the running for the championship, he can drive a fast car really fast and Ferrari should be developing a car that can compete for the championship not fighting for runner up spots. I feel like Charles is the driver that could deliver them a WDC!
If I see one more person use pathetic nicknames like Charles Lecry I am going to scream!! If anyone should be crying about their team it is him but he doesn’t! From what I have seen he takes responsibility when he makes mistakes and is surprisingly calm given the amount of times Ferrari seem to screw him over. 
I don’t know what the point of this post was. I don’t know where else he could go at the moment and I know he is loyal to Ferrari so won’t want to move anyway but I feel like they aren’t showing him the same loyalty back. Ferrari have a young, super talented driver and they should be building a team around him for the future but instead they seem all over the place. I guess I just want him to be able to show his true potential, I am fed up of people saying he is overrated when we have seen what he is capable of with the right car. I just hate the idea of talent going to waste!!
I honestly doubt anyone has read this far but if you have thank you for listening! Like I said, I have no facts just feelings
Sorry for the rant
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kirkirk · 1 year
Charade Maniacs Tokuten Translation - Free spirits' lunch conditions [自由人のお昼事情]
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Before you read: This is my first time doing translations like this, so, if you see any mistake/typo/incorrect part, please tell me and I’ll change it as soon as possible! I had a hard time figuring out some lines, so do take everything with a grain of salt. I really fell in love with Charade Maniacs, so I think it would be awesome to gather a little community of translators. The game doesn’t have that many tokuten, we could be done in a heartbeat. Also, English isn’t my first language either and that means some lines may sound unnatural. Rant over, this CD features Gyoubu, Futami, and Haiji. It’s pretty lighthearted and that means post-game therapy ^^
FUTAMI: Oh! You’re here. I would like to thank you for coming, but…
GYOUBU: This CD is a Charade Maniacs store tokuten, that means there could be spoilers from the game’s main story, but… you’ve already played it, right?
HAIJI: We want the people that still haven’t played the main story to come here afterwards.
FUTAMI: If it doesn’t bother you, you’re good to go. This warning is just in case.
HAIJI: I bet you’ll get hungry too, prepare some snacks and come, okay?
GYOUBU: I heard that we will be in the kitchen for a while…
FUTAMI: You two, weren’t we in the middle of a spoiler warning? Well, whatever. If you don’t have a problem, please wait a second-
FUTAMI: Charade Maniacs store tokuten drama CD – Lunch conditions for free spirits. Let’s begin.
(Music starts)
GYOUBU: Gaaagh, I’m so hungry!! Kei-chan, give me some food!
FUTAMI: Hey, Gyoubu. If you are searching for Ebana, he’s not here.
GYOUBU: Oh? Ryoichi? Why isn’t he here?
FUTAMI: You know he doesn’t live in the kitchen, right? Lunch was a long time ago.
GYOUBU: I played games the whole night, so I was sleeping in my room until just now. If I don’t eat something quick, I will starve to death.
FUTAMI: You were up all night again? …hey, why are you rummaging around?
GYOUBU: Agh… I was thinking there could still be some leftovers in the fridge, but…
FUTAMI: Since you didn’t wait for permission to start hunting for food, Ebana will get mad when he comes back, you know that, right?
GYOUBU: That’s alright, alright! I won’t be afraid even if he gets angry at me. I mean, I find it funny how he’s always acting so cold (1), doesn’t that make you want to tease him more?
FUTAMI: Hahaha…
GYOUBU: So… There was nothing left. What.
FUTAMI: Yeah, we had gratin today. Someone must have eaten what was left.
GYOUBU: Gratin?! Uwaaaagh, I bet Kei-chan’s gratin is delicious.
FUTAMI: Actually, it was pretty great. You were the only one that wasn’t here for it.
GYOUBU: Eeeh… Then I wonder why you didn’t leave me my plate…
HAIJI: Oh! …just you two?
FUTAMI: Haiji! As you can see, Gyoubu and I are the only ones here.
GYOUBU: Yes, yes. Also, there is a possibility I starve and die right here and now.
HAIJI: Is that so…? I was hungry too, is there nothing left?
GYOUBU: Hmm, I’ve been inspecting the fridge for a while, but there doesn’t seem to be anything edible there...
HAIJI: Ok… Then, should we do it ourselves?
GYOUBU: It’s a pain, but I guess we don’t have any other choice, huh. Aww, if only Kei-chan were here, I would have come out of bed and eaten right away.
HAIJI: So, what should we do?
GYOUBU: Me, me! I think I crave sakuramochi!
FUTAMI: Sakuramochi? Isn’t that too specific?
GYOUBU: I like it, weren’t the ones we had the other day great? So that’s why I want them again, I guess.
HAIJI: Mhmm, those were really good.
FUTAMI: I understand, but isn’t that a little bit too difficult for amateurs like us?
HAIJI: Does anyone know the recipe?
FUTAMI: Obviously, I don’t.
GYOUBU: Me neither!
HAIJI: I don’t either.
FUTAMI: I’m sorry, but let’s not go with sakuramochi. Even if we managed to make them, I doubt we would get the same flavor.
GYOUBU: Eeeeeeeeeeeh…
FUTAMI: You are about to say that you will eat them even if we failed? You can try to pull that one if you want to, but...
GYOUBU: Okay, let’s do something else!
FUTAMI: Ahahaha…
GYOUBU: Haiji, what do you want to eat?
HAIJI: I…, ice cream would be good.
GYOUBU: Just as I thought, I knew you would say that. Still, if we are talking about ice cream, the freezer if full of them, why bother making it ourselves? It’s not necessary.
HAIJI: I get it…, then how about cream puffs or apple pies?
GYOUBU: Those are the ones she's made before...
HAIJI: Yes! They taste good!
GYOUBU: From her repertoire, I’d want to have strawberry daifukus…
FUTAMI: You're only bringing up difficult dishes.
GYOUBU: And I wonder, wouldn’t Ryoichi Mr. Adult be able to help out...? (2)
FUTAMI: Hey, hey, don’t be ridiculous…! Anyways, why only desserts? Since we are talking about lunch, we should do something more normal.
HAIJI: Normal?
FUTAMI: Yes, like oyakodon or soborodon. Usually, I’m able to cook those.
GYOUBU: Meeeh? Aren’t those TOO normal?
FUTAMI: Too normal? What do you even want for lunch?!
GYOUBU: Since we are the ones cooking, I want something fun. That means the process will be entertaining too, right?
FUTAMI: You say ‘something fun’, but…!
GYOUBU: What do you think about those, the crepes that Kei-chan did the other day!
FUTAMI: I guess we are returning to deserts.
GYOUBU: Those guys… You could fill the crepes with anything you liked, just like a makizushi party, wasn’t it good? (3)
FUTAMI: Okay, that was quite fun.
GYOUBU: To think that I still haven’t forgotten about the one filled with matcha cream and red bean paste that I had!
HAIJI: I filled mine with lots of cream, chocolate and ice cream! It was so fun, I’d like to try it again.
FUTAMI: But that’s such a huge dish, Ebana will get mad for sure if he sees we’ve used that many ingredients without permission.
GYOUBU: Heeey, come on, let’s go with crepes! Haiji, you want to do so too, right?
HAIJI: Actually, I’m okay with it just being edible. I’m starving…
GYOUBU: A treason in broad daylight?!
FUTAMI: Hey, Gyoubu, we’re making it together, right? Today you’ll have to settle yourself with oyakodon.
GYOUBU: If there is no choice… I’ll accept your food today,
FUTAMI: Haha, thanks… Okay, I’ll have it done in a minute.
HAIJI: Hey, what goes into oyakodon?
FUTAMI: Eggs, chicken, and onions… There are still rice leftovers in the cooker, so I can season it afterwards.
HAIJI: Ooooh…
FUTAMI: I’ll prepare the pan and utensils. Haiji, would you mind bringing the ingredients I’ve just said?
HAIJI: Yes! Understood.
(Moving cookware SFX)
HAIJI: Huff… I put there all those things you mentioned. Is this okay?
FUTAMI: It’s true. You’re great, aren’t you? Compared with Gyoubu…, what are you even doing in that corner?
GYOUBU: It’s a game!
FUTAMI: How can you say it with such confidence.
GYOUBU: I’m not that good at cooking, so I thought I’d just play while you were at it. My role here would be eating.
FUTAMI: You were the one that requested this, how about you help a little bit? Even if you are bad at it, it’d be better if you could at least do something.
GYOUBU: Oh, that’s not a problem. One day, I will get a cute wife from whom I will ask for all of my meals.
FUTAMI: I think that wife would be happier with a man that knew how to cook.
GYOUBU: Aww, so that’s how it is… By the way, what are you making Haiji do?
FUTAMI: Ummm, could you peel the onions? Only the brown part.
HAIJI: Got it!
FUTAMI: Now, Gyoubu, you too. You can do as far as cracking and scrambling the eggs, right?
GYOUBU: Well, I guess I’m able to do that…
(More cooking SFX)
GYOUBU: Ryoichi, you are surprisingly good at this, aren’t you?
FUTAMI: Is that so? Since I live alone, I always cook for myself.
GYOUBU: Living alone, huh… That much freedom sure would be good.
FUTAMI: I might be free, yes, but, in exchange, there is a lot of stuff to do! Laundry, cleaning…, there is no other option but to do it yourself.
HAIJI: You do everything alone? That’s amazing…
FUTAMI: That’s just how it is.
(Frying SFX)
GYOUBU: Oh! That smells goooood…
FUTAMI: Riiight? Wait, Gyoubu, what are you putting in there?
GYOUBU: What? Tsubuan?
FUTAMI: You said it like it isn’t a big deal, why tsubuan?
GYOUBU: I guess I’m really in the mood for traditional sweets today. The crepe talk a while ago didn’t help either.
FUTAMI: Now that you say that…, strawberry daifuku and sakuramochi, those were both traditional Japanese sweets!!! That was your plan all along!
HAIJI: I like red bean paste too, if we use it, it could taste very good maybe…
FUTAMI: It doesn’t matter how many times you say it, I’m not putting that in the oyakodon.
GYOUBU: Ryoichi, look, life is a challenge.
FUTAMI: I get it, I’ll do something like that for dessert, but, please, let me cook the oyakodon normally!
GYOUBU: Oh, really…?
FUTAMI: Yes, it won’t be as good as Ebana’s would be though.
(Cooking SFX)
FUTAMI: Now all that’s left is serving the rice, then place some chopped green onions and… Alright! It’s done.
GYOUBU: You actually did it…
HAIJI: Looks tasty…!
FUTAMI: Come on, you two, eat it before it gets cold.
GYOUBU: Okaaaaaaay!
HAIJI: Mhmmh, this is really delicious.
GYOUBU: Mhmhm! Even better than the ones you buy frozen. You left me wanting seconds. Ryoichi, aren’t you able to be a great bride?
FUTAMI: What am I supposed to do with that skill? Well…, as requested, I made you red bean soup with mochi, so make sure you finish it too.
GYOUBU: Did you really…?
FUTAMI: That’s because you wouldn’t stop asking for red bean paste!
HAIJI: Hey, about the discussion you were having… Can you become a bride even if you are a man?
FUTAMI: That is indeed impossible. I would be a groom, but still…
HAIJI: Oh…, okay.
GYOUBU: Nevertheless, we are trapped. I sure hope we don't have to spend the rest of our lives here...
FUTAMI: I wonder… When we gather enough points, we might be able to escape. But we still don’t know how much time it will take.
GYOUBU: Well, if it gets to that, I might ask her to marry me.
HAIJI: Then I want her to marry me too.
GYOUBU: Obviously, sharing her is out of the picture so we have to decide who’s going to marry her, right?
HAIJI: I assume we can’t decide it with rock-paper-scissors…?
GYOUBU: Then we would have the answer too soon…! I think there should be better ways to settle this.
FUTAMI: Hey, hey, don’t be so reckless. You must take her feelings into consideration too!
GYOUBU: Either way, I think the fastest we choose, the better. Taking into consideration our circumstances, that’s it.
FUTAMI: You should be worrying about her answer!
GYOUBU: Wait, then you don’t want her to be your wife?
FUTAMI: That’s not what I meant. I just feel you need to become closer to her before jumping into those questions.
GYOUBU: Isn’t that too tedious?
HAIJI: I think we already are close enough though…
FUTAMI: Is this really how the youth thinks nowadays? Well, you are free to think that you want to marry her, but…, for now, just don’t mention it in front of Banjo.
GYOUBU: If this conversation reached Tomo's ears we would really be in trouble, right…
HAIJI: Does that mean we can talk to her about it? Then, I’m going…
GYOUBU: Talk to her about what?
HAIJI: That I would like her as my wife, yes…
FUTAMI: Hey!!!!
GYOUBU: Doesn’t that sound entertaining?! Can I go watch you?
HAIJI: Yeah, no biggie…
FUTAMI: Gyoubu, wait! You’ve just called it ‘entertaining’, didn’t you?!
GYOUBU: What are you talking about? I genuinely just want to watch over the ripening of Haiji’s love…!
FUTAMI: You just want to have fun after all.
GYOUBU: Aaaaaagh!
HAIJI: Then, I’ll be going now….
GYOUBU: Wait, wait, I’m coming too!
FUTAMI: Hey! You two! Wait a-! Aaaaagh… There is nothing one can do with them… I mean, I made it because they said they wanted to eat it…, what do I do with the red bean soup?!
Translator Notes: (1) He literally calls him tsuntsun (2) He says ‘Ryoichi the adult’, but I felt Ryoichi Mr Adult helped convey his teasing tone 😊 (3) A ‘makizushi party’ is an event where a host teaches the guests how to roll and fill their own sushi rolls (if they don’t know) and everyone comes up with their own versions. I only translated the honorifics when Gyoubu used -chan.
Personal comment: This was a very fun one to do, I especially loved Futami’s dynamics with those two. We didn’t see him interacting that much with Haiji in-game, so I was quite surprised when I heard how softly he spoke to him compared with when he addressed Gyoubu. Again, if you see any errors, don't hesitate to reach out!!! alsothefoodnameswereanightmareohmygod
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kirbyprompts · 2 years
while you’re here, consider reading the legendborn cycle. feel free to change the prompts as you see fit! extends under the cut because it got very long and i don’t have the heart to delete any of these, because they’re all so good. seriously click on the read more. warnings: mentions of grief and death.
❝no more running.❞
❝what the hell are you doing?❞
❝he’s going to catch you one of these nights, you know.❞
❝you here to stop me?❞
❝you can’t blame me, can you?❞
❝your life is currently in far more danger than mine is.❞
❝i should kill you for touching her.❞
❝be specific when you apologize, [name]. it makes the act far more effective.❞
❝i said i was sorry about that!❞
❝‘sorry’ didn’t cut it then, and it doesn’t cut it now.❞
❝i have you, don’t i? tonight was my mistake, not yours. you’ve kept me safe.❞
❝nothing to say about our previous discussion? or had you forgotten that detail in your current, immature display of defiance?❞
❝you are being such a jerk right now.❞
❝actually, i come bearing some news you’re not really gonna like….❞
❝what are you wearing?❞
❝what are you doing here?❞
❝your safety should not be debatable to anyone.❞
❝when you’ve got a ticking clock over your head, there’s no reason to hold back.❞
❝head and chin up, shoulders back. don’t fidget.❞
❝my grief may tear at my insides still, but the wounds and memories are mine. mine.❞
❝how dare you!❞
❝do not apologize for doing what needed to be done.❞
❝i wasn’t going to blow my cover.❞
❝take a walk, [name]. you’re causing a scene at a funeral.❞
❝her behavior was not your fault.❞
❝this is on me too.❞
❝there’s nothing anyone can say that will make things better.❞
❝i hope the pain lets up a little soon. gives you a…a break.❞
❝we need to talk.❞
❝i know what you’re doing. you’re letting me rant, then calming me down.❞
❝right now, we all need to keep level heads and play the game.❞
❝chess, not checkers.❞
❝don’t be scared. don’t be scared, fight.❞
❝i’m sorry i broke your hand. i didn’t mean to, but i still did it and that’s not okay.❞
❝are you nervous about tonight?❞
❝i just want it to be over.❞
❝you don’t believe people can lie? hide their true nature?❞
❝can you listen to directions? for once in your life?❞
❝secrets don’t stay buried forever.❞
❝is that a threat, [name]?❞
❝do not think you know enough to judge my fate.❞
❝when the time comes, don’t be scared.❞
❝just as a flower turns toward the sun, my anger seeks a source to feed it.❞
❝we are not alike.❞
❝you invoke grief now so that death will never surprise you again. you imagine how it could happen, so that you can imagine how it cannot. you wish to destroy it before it destroys you.❞
❝half a heart is not enough to live a whole life, is it?❞
❝i can help you know strength, power, and control.❞
❝i don’t understand.❞
❝before you learn to fight, you must first protect yourself.❞
❝can you walk?❞
❝will you sit?❞
❝you planned all of this?❞
❝how the hell did you get here?❞
❝not every move is about winning. not in a war like this one.❞
❝i’m not a coward.❞
❝how many more have to die? how many, [name]? do you even know who we lost tonight, or are you already dreaming of the next strategy?❞
❝i don’t care!❞
❝i’m getting better at my powers.❞
❝you don’t think i can handle myself.❞
❝you are smart to be cautious.❞
❝shut up. you’re trying to make me angry. it won’t work.❞
❝i am not trying to make you angry. i am trying to make you understand.❞
❝what does it matter? i saved you. then i got caught. now i’m here.❞
❝what i dislike is that you’re keeping things from me.❞
❝no one has ever called me innocent before. you sure you want to be the first?❞
❝you wanted to kill me, but you didn’t.❞
❝saving you is not a choice; it is an obligation.❞
❝can we reminisce another time?❞
❝i’ll take the couch.❞
❝tell me something happy.❞
❝i know how to throw a punch now.❞
❝you have to admit this sucks. if not a lot, a little. small amounts of suckage, scattered generously.❞
❝you are vicious right now, you know that?❞
❝i like excelling at new things.❞
❝genius levels: maximum.❞
❝it’s been really, really hard.❞
❝we had a deal, [name].❞
❝i’m okay!❞
❝that was too much. you’ll overextend yourself.❞
❝i am still a healer.❞
❝shut up!❞
❝i won’t talk.❞
❝i can make you talk.❞
❝it’s just water.❞
❝you lost someone, didn’t you? what was their name?❞
❝you can’t be sorry about pain you’ve never felt or seen.❞
❝that’s why you can’t understand. it was my fault. i could have saved her. should have. instead, i watched her die, felt her anger, her fear.❞
❝you find an opening, you take it. aim for the head.❞
❝i don’t forgive him, or respect his decisions. i’m glad he can’t hurt anyone else.❞
❝nice nap?❞
❝get your shit together, [name].❞
❝i have a name. three, actually. first, middle, and last. you’re welcome to use any of them.❞
❝i’m honestly still deciding if i want to refer to you at all.❞
❝we should leave in the afternoon if not earlier.❞
❝were you listening to me cry in the bathroom?❞
❝thank you for saving me tonight.❞
❝why are you thanking me for that?❞
❝what did you find in the cabin?❞
❝is this you being coy, [name]? i don’t think i care for it.❞
❝why are you laughing?❞
❝let me do it.❞
❝see something you like?❞
❝your teeth look different today.❞
❝do not ask questions you do not truly wish me to answer.❞
❝want to tell me about it over two a.m. pasta?❞
❝haven’t heard from you in a week and all i get is a ‘hey, [name].'❞
❝got one of your all-purpose pep talks handy?❞
❝you don’t have that kind of time.❞
❝you have to run, or you’ll die.❞
❝you’re still talking about this like it’s a game and i told you not to play it.❞
❝we know when it’s time to retreat.❞
❝say that again.❞
❝i’m not okay with this.❞
❝this is james bond-levels of cool.❞
❝come back from wherever you go to hide. look at me.❞
❝do you want me to go?❞
❝you were furious with me earlier. why?❞
❝i am a classics major, you know. i understand how to make a proclamation.❞
❝first things first, find a bathroom.❞
❝dragons aren’t real. are dragons real?❞
❝you need to go back to the car.❞
❝let’s find a place to sit.❞
❝does your vocabulary only include basic adjectives?❞
❝the service here is lacking. if i had my phone, i’d leave this establishment a horrible review for their horrible service.❞
❝god, i am so embarrassed for you right now.❞
❝protecting others from harm is one of the most human things someone can do.❞
❝wanna get put in magical-bar jail? cuz stealing drinks is how you get put into magical-bar jail!❞
❝you have really gone and fucked things up, haven’t you?❞
❝i’ve lived long enough to learn to live as the willow, not the oak.❞
❝i will tear your limbs from your body.❞
❝you look like you need a drink.❞
❝well, never say i wasn’t hospitable at first.❞
❝you’ve been crying.❞
❝this isn’t over.❞
❝i can afford to be arrogant. i’ve earned it.❞
❝looks worse than it is.❞
❝you look like you have a question.❞
❝eat breakfast and meet me on the porch.❞
❝there are many reasons to hide the truth from those you do not know. but when there is care between two people, and trust built, there is only one reason that lies continue: not fear of safety, but fear of judgment. shame and guilt are powerful motivators. not easily overcome.❞
❝i believed i was right, all in the name of duty.❞
❝why would you lie to me about this, every time i asked you if you were okay? did you think that i wasn’t strong enough to deal with it?❞
❝you are the strongest person i have ever met, [name].❞
❝i deserve better than lies. you were lying to me, lying to yourself. how can i know what was real?❞
❝are you saying you’re going to kill me?❞
❝i won’t ask you for forgiveness.❞
❝we are all that is left.❞
❝i dream about us, [name]. fighting side by side. together. but lately, i dream that one day, we won’t have to fight at all.❞
❝let’s put our issues aside for the moment.❞
❝i don’t have to explain myself to you.❞
❝we’re too late.❞
❝[name], drop the weapon.❞
❝put me down.❞
❝stay behind me.❞
❝i can fight. we can fight.❞
❝i like how present-minded and witty you are.❞
❝i feel… like i’m tired of almost dying.❞
❝if i didn’t adore you, i’d shake you half to death for scaring me like that.❞
❝i…i don’t know what to say.❞
❝[name], you’re incredible. the strongest person i know, but you have got to stop almost dying. it’s not cool.❞
❝i’m sorry for worrying you.❞
❝i want you to live, because i want you to be happy.❞
❝not running for our lives is the new vacation.❞
❝we need an actual vacation.❞
❝i need time. i’ve never had time to myself, [name].❞
❝i really think you should explain yourself!❞
❝even a petty, evil broken clock is right twice a day.❞
❝heard from a little birdie that it was your birthday.❞
❝i honestly don’t know what i’d do if you weren’t here for all of this.❞
❝is this my present?❞
❝i have to be honest, at this point, i have no trust in your ability to follow instructions.❞
❝you don’t listen. you’re the most stubborn creature i have ever met.❞
❝you’re the most wondrous being i have ever encountered, will ever encounter. and i believe there is nothing in this world that you cannot do.❞
❝are you jealous?❞
❝maybe i’ll start buying into my own hype just to prove you wrong.❞
❝are we there yet?❞
❝even though you trust me with your life, you don’t trust me with your heart.❞
❝don’t say you didn’t mean to kiss me. i couldn’t stand it if that were true. instead, tell me you meant it.❞
❝do you trust me?❞
❝i take it back. don’t trust you.❞
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livelaughghoul · 18 days
Thank you for the saturn answer.. wow so interesting. Hamilton has saturn tattooed on his hand as well I think lol but I’d be too scared of the restricting energy of it. Sure it teaches you lessons but sometimes you don’t want to face challenges and learn all the time, you just want things to go your way… so I respect yalls courage and bravery 😭
I personally have a love-hate relationship with saturn. It’s in gemini in my 11th house and even though I didn’t have my return yet, I had to go through some stuff in regards to communities and friendships. Yes I learned a lot, I am able to observe and read people pretty fast but I always have my guards towards others and keep my distance (my aquarius moon in the 7th house doesn’t help either, also saturn rules over my capricorn 7th house). Never fitting in friend groups or being an outcast and stuff have been big themes. I still don’t really have lots of friends since I’m very selective abt it. I also had to survive a sade sati already and saturn also always makes sure to make me know what house it’s transiting rn 😂 ( its currently transiting my 9th house and uni has been hard, however whenever I put in actual effort I did get a reward in the end).
Sorry for the looonggg message I didn’t mean to rant so much :(
Please, never apologize for sending me long messages about astrology, tarot, or literally anything. I love to yap about anything that is not my job (please do not make me talk about the legal field, this was a mistake). I love messages and getting to discuss people's charts.
I had to look it up, and you're right! On one of his fingers, he has a little itty bitty baby Saturn! I love that, like damn, this man really is going the most to make sure he is my favorite on the grid.
To me, Saturn is a lot like the tower in tarot. It's inevitable, and it's going to likely hurt, but it's necessary for growth and finding purpose. If you aren't willing to put the effort in and make sure the lessons are being learned, it's going to be more difficult in the long run. It sounds like you have a pretty good hold on what may come up during the return, and I think that Gemini-self-awareness is going to help a lot to make it a smoother transition.
0 notes
runnning-outof-time · 2 years
K! Congratulations on your 2k followers, for your celebration can I ask for “ i didn’t mean that. ” with Tommy?
Thank you so much for sending this in! I’m sorry it took a bit to get to. I hope you enjoy! 🥰 Also I’ve decided to use the family from my Girl Dad series because I miss them…I had a little bit too much fun with this one.
Thank you for helping me celebrate hitting 2K followers! Want to read more blurbs from this celebration? Check out this post!
Something You Should Never Say
Tommy Shelby
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Warnings: smoking
(Y/N) walks in on an argument between her daughters and immediately sees that Tommy needs some help moderating it.
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She heard them the second she entered the house. The two, unmistakeable voices speaking in rapid succession of each other at a shrill volume. She immediately wondered where Tommy was while this was happening. Her wonders were answered the second she got to the archway of the front room.
“You can’t take things from her without asking, Thea,” he tried to reason with their eldest child, who had one of the meanest looks on her face at the moment.
“Yes I can, dad. I’m the oldest,” she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest as she held her glare.
“But you’ve hurt Evie’s feelings,” he pointed out, motioning to the two year old that was still clinging onto him as she cried.
“So what?” Thea showed no remorse, “she always takes my toys and doesn’t ask and then she sticks her tongue out at me when I want them back, and I don’t tell on her, but when I do it to her she goes crying to you and…and…I don’t like my sister!” she then went into a heated rant about how she felt things were unfair, ending it with clenching her fists together and stomping the ground out of anger.
“Woah!” (Y/N) finally jumped into the conversation. She had no doubt that Tommy would handle it, because he looked like he was fixing to, but she couldn’t stand idle anymore and just listen. “What have you just said about your sister?”
Thea’s eyes widened at the sound of her mother’s voice. In her anger, she hadn’t noticed (Y/N) enter the room. “I…I didn’t mean that, mummy,” she stammered out, all of the momentum from her argument now gone.
“I sure hope you didn’t,” (Y/N) kept the appalled look on her face, hoping to keep stacking the guilt onto the five year old. Sure she was young and would make these mistakes, but it was up to her parents to let her know that they wouldn’t be tolerated.
“Young ladies shouldn’t speak like that,” Tommy jumped in after quickly glancing in (Y/N)’s direction. He was happy that he didn’t have to go at this situation solo anymore…they’d been wearing him down the entire afternoon. “Especially to their baby sisters. Do you understand me?”
“Yes, daddy,” Thea nodded fervently, jutting her bottom lip out as she started sniffling back her tears.
“Evie taking a toy from you and not giving it back does not justify you saying that you don’t like her as a sister. That is something you should never say about any of your siblings because their feelings might get really hurt by it,” (Y/N) explained, her voice calm as she tried to get her eldest child to understand the reason why she should not say such hurtful things.
“I know, mummy…I’m sorry,” the child sniffled, as she pressed her chin into her collarbone, one of the tell-tale signs that she was trying not to cry.
“Say you’re sorry to Evie,” (Y/N) told her, nodding her head to the toddler, who was still tucked into her daddy’s embrace. At least she’d stopped crying now.
Thea nodded before moving over to her sister. “I’m sorry, Evie,” she said in a soft voice as she gently patted the other little girl on her back.
“Thank you,” Tommy whispered to Thea, knowing that Evie wouldn’t say much in response. Her crying had stopped completely though, so that was a good sign.
“Why don’t you find Ms. Frances and ask her to get you ready for bed?” (Y/N) suggested then.
“Ok,” Thea nodded, moving over to her mother then so that she could hug her.
(Y/N) accepted the hug, kneeling down so that she’d be able to wrap her arms around her daughter properly. “Go,” she whispered into the child’s hair, and Thea nodded as they pulled away. (Y/N) smiled as the child then exited the room to find Frances. (Y/N) sent a smile in Tommy’s direction as she moved over and sat on the empty cushion of the couch. “Long day?” she questioned with raised eyebrows.
“Something like that,” Tommy answered with a bit of a sigh.
“Mumma!” Evie exclaimed, finally unwinding herself from Tommy’s arms so that she could go into her mother’s. (Y/N) happily took the toddler in, hugging her close to her body as the little girl sat on her lap.
Tommy smiled at the interaction before he stood from the couch and moved over to the chair in the corner of the room. There, he opened his tin of cigarettes and took one out, rolling it across his bottom lip before he lit it with his lighter. He sunk down into the chair as he took a drag, and let the smoke billow slowly past his lips with a long sigh. (Y/N) smiled as he looked over at her with tired eyes.
“Are you ready to go to bed, my love?” (Y/N) asked softly as she glanced down at Evie, who was still hugging onto her mother with her head tucked under her arm.
“Yes,” Tommy responded before the little girl could, a groan laced into his voice.
“I wasn’t talking to you, Tommy,” (Y/N) said while trying, and ultimately failing, to stiffle her giggles. Tommy chuckled and glanced over at her before he shook his head and took another drag of his cigarette.
“Bedtime?” Evie asked then, finally emerging to look at her mom.
“Yes,” (Y/N) nodded, a soft smile on her face.
“Take me!” the little girl exclaimed, and that was all (Y/N) needed to stand up from the couch with the toddler in her arms to that she could take her to her nursery.
It didn’t take long for her to get Evie to sleep and then check on Thea - who was also sleeping. She hoped that Tommy would still be in the front room as she walked back down the steps. She exhaled a breath of relief when she saw him, still slumped in the chair like she’d left him.
“They did a number on you today, didn’t they?” she commented as she moved over to the chair so that she could sit on his lap. He happily allowed her, his one hand dropping onto her thigh as she hooked her arms around his neck and rested against his chest. “You’ve not even moved to go to your office.”
“I’ve got nothing left in me for my work tonight,” he commented, his eyes focused on the fire.
“Who knew that girls could be so brutal to each other,” (Y/N) pondered aloud after a few quiet moments had passed.
“Yeah,” Tommy snorted in agreement, “and something tells me this won’t be the worst of it.” (Y/N) laughed softly at his statement and silently hoped that it wouldn’t come true.
“Would you wanna have another?” she then asked softly, breaking the silence again.
“Girl?” Tommy looked at her with raised eyebrows.
“Yeah,” (Y/N) nodded.
“After tonight? No…” he shook his head before tipping it back to rest against the chair. He stared at the ceiling for a few moments then, looking as if he was contemplating how to word the next part of his answer. He let a few more moments pass before continuing, “check back with me tomorrow though…the answer may change,” he said, looking over at her then as a grin spread across his lips.
(Y/N) only laughed at his statement before resting her head in the crook of his neck. She kissed the skin she found there, smiling as she felt him squeeze her thigh in response. Something told her that they’d be having that next girl sooner rather than later.
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Tagged: @mgcllovdrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @golden-hoax @elenavampire21 @peaky-cillian @mrsalwayswrite @julkaamazing @evita-shelby @lilyrachelcassidy @notyour-valentine @shelbydelrey @december16-1991 @onlydeadcells @peakyswritings @just-a-blackhole @watercolorskyy @strayrockette @peakyduchesss @alexxavicry @captivatedbycillianmurphy @yummycastiel @dark-academia-slut @tommystargirl @stevie75 @lyarr24 @signorellisantichrist @zablife @anotherblinder @midnightmagpiemama @cillmequick @rangerelik @lovemissyhoneybee @dandelionprints @letal-y-poetica
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brightwoods · 4 years
Chain of Thorns Theories:
Sona dies during childbirth. Sucks but all the Carstairs seem to end up orphans so it seems likely.
So what happens to baby Carstairs? The natural thing might be for Alastair to take him (yes I think it is a him and is Emma's ancestor) but I actually think that Sophie and Gideon will! That seems really random I know, but I cant get it out of my head. If Alastair was going to allow anyone to raise his brother it would have to be someone he knows and trusts, hence the Lightwoods. Maybe the baby is early and Sophie and Gideon help him because the remember what it was like with Thomas? Maybe they just want to be good in laws?
Also i have had this theory since the very beginning that the "Herondales owe the Carstairs" thing doesnt come from Cordelia, James, Will or Jem. But from Alastair and Lucie. I really think that we were told about Alastair loving true crime for a reason, and I think he will play a role in finding/saving Lucie somehow!
Thoughts? I literally feel like that one meme of the dude with all the red wool 🙈🙊🌻🌻🌻
These are interesting theories! I don’t think that the baby will go to the Lightwoods but that would be interesting and I think they would take it if offered the baby, but I don’t think that Alastair would give the baby away. Also, I have a strong theory that the baby will be a boy to take a bit of the pressure to carry on the Carstairs name and bloodline that Alastair felt singlehandedly in Chain of Gold
Also, fun fact: I have a whole fic idea from pre-Chain of Iron and pre-the 10 Things I Hate about You idea that was set after Chain of Gold where Sona dies in childbirth but Elias is still alive but drinking even worse after Sona’s death and Alastair doesn’t trust him with the baby and Elias doesn’t like Alastair implying he’s incapable of looking after his own baby and keeping it away from him and hovering over little baby Carstairs all the time and he has the whole this is my house you don’t get to make the decisions in it you listen to me or leave thing and then Alastair takes both of his siblings and shows up at the Institute hating having to ask for help but willing to swallow his pride for his siblings and knowing that the Herondales have to let any Shadowhunters stay there so he shows up chin jutted out and features and tone hard as he insists you have to let us stay here and Will would absolutely house any shadowhunter who showed up needing shelter but also he’s even moreso down to help for a Carstairs but Alastair thinks Will still thinks of Elias as the hero that can do no wrong because Elias is the one that saved his precious Jem so Alastair isn’t inclined to trust Will and he’s dreading Will trying to defend Elias and his paternal claim and not believing he’s really a danger to the baby but really Will and Tessa have a whole what’s going on conversation with him and Alastair tells them what he needs to to try to get help from them about the fact that Elias is going to claim he’s kidnapping baby Carstairs and Alastair can’t let him have him back and he is just waiting for them to insist no, Elias is a hero and that’s his kid you can’t just take him away but instead Will and Tessa are ready to back that Alastair should be able to get custody and mortal sword gets involved and there’s a Thomastair aspect to it too eventually and there were a lot more plans too but I’ll stop rambling here 😂
And basically Alastair loses his mom, gets thrown out of his house, and ends up an accidental sort of brother sort of parent he wasn’t planning to be all in one foul swoop but he also gets adult help from anyone but Sona (who he was basically partners in dealing things with things more than he was getting help) and there are interesting reluctant dynamics there (also this was all happening with Thomas still mad and refusing to talk to him after Matthew dropped the rumour so going to the Herondales for help was extra hard for Alastair because of that)
Also, sorry for totally derailling this response with a ramble about that idea but I was excited that it was related and I still might write that fic even though it wouldn’t work with how things are now but hey I could alter it to Sona still dies and now he has the baby because Elias isn’t there but that would get rid of a lot of juicy aspects so I still may write it that way and dive off of canon from pre-Chain of Iron
Anyway, back to your theories!
I really hope we find out more about the Herondales owing the Carstairs thing and ooh 👀 Alastair helping find Lucie would be interesting. I doubt CC would ever give that to us but I would definitely enjoy him using how knowledge to help
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mrsbrekkers · 3 years
Hi! How are you?
Could I get a Kaz Brekker imagine where he opens up to the reader after a job about his past and the next day he tells her it was a mistake and a lapse of judgement, quite harshly. And then the reader gets hurt after a heist and he realises how much he actually needs her.
Thank you <3
i’m doing pretty good! first kaz fic tehe, i’ve been waiting to do kaz brekker one-shots since i read the books. he is v much a comfort character. i understand his aversion to physical touch ( i have panic attacks at times because of so ), his humor, and inner dialogue so he is v dear and near to my heart yeeee
i switched up the next day bit and did it as the same time since it made more sense to me?? i’m not sure how to explain it haha
pairings! kaz x reader / jesper x wylan + nina x matthias ( with inej third wheeling because she’d so do so. ) 
reader is female in this, but i can make it non-gender specific if one would like me too! just let me know i’m very flexible in my writing!
warnings! talking about jordie, ptsd, trauma, talk of death, loss of a brother + mother, swear words, kaz being sad, panic attacks, blood, near death experience, pekka a-hole rollins,
word count; 2610 ( proud again haha )
one-shot under cut!
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The Slat had become uncharacteristically quiet. A successful heist on part of the Crows made for easy celebration amongst the Dregs. Most sat gambling at the Crow Club, drinking the night away. Jesper had been having a weirdly lucky night, the money in front of him displaying such. Wylan had been on Jesper’s leg the entire night, and the occasional ‘This is my lucky charm’ could be heard from Jesper. Inej and Nina sat drinking together, Matthias looking like an unwilling bystander to the girls' fun. And yet, Y/N found herself back at the Slat after the long day. Her back screamed at her to call it a night, but instead, she found herself in front of Kaz’s door.
It was a routine the two had when they were the only ones at the Slat. Y/N would sit on the bed, head in a book, and Kaz would sit quietly at his desk planning whatever it was Kaz Brekker decided to plan. It seemed the same tonight, with Y/N quietly reading, until her head lifted to see Kaz rubbing his eyes.
“You need to get more sleep. The amount you manage is minimal. I’m surprised you’re not dead yet,” Y/N commented, her book falling into her lap, the page she’d left off on now folded at the corner. It surprised her how Kaz managed to live off of his, if lucky, two hours of sleep. She’d never understand it. Granted, she slept less than the suggested as well, but she always made up for it with at least a nap during the day.
“I’ll sleep when I’m dead.” 
That might be sooner than you think at this rate. But Y/N wouldn’t take that for an answer. She wasn’t usually a pushy person, especially with Kaz Brekker. She’d learned being pushy with him was never a good idea, considering the amount of people who did were left with a ruined reputation and nothing to live with.
“Sleeping when you’re dead isn’t an option in Ketterdam. Even when you’re dead here, you’re really not. Especially when people know of you. And last time I checked, the entire city knows you, and half of it wants your head on a silver platter. I’m actually sure people outside of the city know you, and may want the same,” Y/N said, standing and moving over to the wooden desk, sitting across from Kaz. Her eyes landed on the work Kaz worked on, seeing another heist plan he was drawing out.
Kaz wasn’t going to give in easily, anyone who knew him knew he was stubborn. One of the most stubborn people who lived in Ketterdam, but he knew what Y/N was saying held some truth in it. One was never truly dead in Ketterdam. He suspected people would dig up his body to hand over to Pekka Rollins - no, he wouldn’t die before Pekka Rollins did, that was a promise he’d made himself after Jordie. Brick by Brick. He couldn’t pull Rollins apart if he was dead. Maybe that’s why he wasn’t dead yet: his vigor to destroy the man who’d killed his brother. But he did suspect that when he, Kaz Brekker, was dead, he’d never truly be dead.
“Even so, I have things to do, plans to make-”
“At 1 in the morning? I’m sure such plans aren’t going to disappear overnight.” Being cut off, Kaz casted Y/N a glare, eyes narrowing. Why she had such influence over him, he’d never know. Or, maybe he did know and wasn’t going to express why. Because why would he? Kaz Brekker didn’t need a reason after all. He always had reasons though.
Finally, Y/N sighed. “I don’t expect you to listen to me, but I’m not going to let you rot away from the lack of sleep you get, Kaz. I am just as stubborn as you, and if I must? I will sit here and bug you about your lack of sleep until sunrise. Or until I inevitably fall asleep.” The smallest glimpse of a smile reached Kaz’s lips, an instinct to roll his eyes almost playfully too. Stubborn about the well-being of her friends was a Y/N special. Kaz had simply thought he’d have time before she got on his ass about his own health.
She’d already gotten on Wylan about his self-destructive habits. His tendency to blame himself for not being good enough. Y/N had practically choked him out once when he’d gone on a rant about how he was a problem for the Crows. A burden. Kaz himself had been somewhat frightened. She’d found ways to help Jesper and his gambling addiction, which usually included them gambling, but in ways that didn’t involve money. She’d gotten on Matthias for his excuses to not kiss Nina.
If Kaz remembered correctly, she’d called it ‘redirecting the issue’.
“You’re avoiding something,” Y/N then spoke, crossing her arms. Weren’t they all avoiding something? Kaz thought, huffing as he sat back into his seat. This was Ketterdam after all. If you weren’t running from some rich merchant, then you were running from their son. Wylan had simply been a lucky break in that usual streak.
“You say that as if we all aren’t running from something,” Kaz finally said out loud, his eyes casted downwards.
“Avoiding, Kaz. Not running, and something tells me the thing you’re avoiding isn’t something, but someone.” Y/N knew the look Kaz had on. She’d worn it herself dozens of times.
“I had a brother.” Kaz couldn’t bring himself to look directly at Y/N. It would make talking about this all too real. Too much. Was this a lapse in his judgement? Why was he telling her this? Had she managed to get so under his skin? 
“We moved to Ketterdam after my father died. My brother . . . Jordie-'' the name came out with a small crack in his voice. He hadn’t said that name out loud since he’d laid on his sick brother’s chest. “Was hopeful about what the city would bring, and it brought peace for some time. We worked with a man for some time, and my brother was in on a deal. One that seemed too good to be true,” Kaz scowled now, his anger seeming to rise as he spoke.
Y/N sighed, knowing where this was going now. “When an offer is too good to be true-”
“It usually is. That man went by a different name then. One to scam people for their money to rise through the ranks of the Barrel.” Kaz finally lifted his eyes, seeing the realization rush over Y/N’s face.
“Pekka Rollins.”
“Pekka Rollins is the reason my brother is dead.”
The room fell silent for a few moments, Y/N contemplating what to say. She had a feeling she was among the few who knew Kaz’s story. She was tempted to ask how Joride died, but she could infer. She’d been around Ketterdam during the time firepox had plagued the city. Her mother had been taken from the disease. She’d been the same age as Kaz. It began clicking in her head too.
“I’m sorry,” Y/N murmured. “I know you probably don’t want my pity, but really, I’m sorry.” It made sense why Kaz felt like he needed to best Pekka Rollins. He wanted revenge. He wanted Rollins to be just as down as him and his brother had been.
Kaz sucked in a deep breath, standing and running a hand through his hair. His regret for telling the woman before him began to consume him. This was a mistake. Why had he told her? A harsh look fell over his face, looking down at the plans he had laid out. “I need to finish these plans, and I’m sure you need some sleep,” his tone was harsh, but it was clear there was hurt underlying it. He wasn’t going to be an outright asshole, but he needed his space now.
“You need sleep too, and I doubt you’re in the right headspace to try and make plans-”
“Y/N, leave.” He internally was begging. And Kaz Brekker never begged . . . but Kaz Rietveld would, and that’s who was begging. 
“Leave.” Anger washed over his features, his eyes directing Y/N to the door.
Y/N sighed, walking towards the door. Before she turned the knob, she stopped. “You know being open about your past doesn’t make you weak, right?” But Kaz said nothing, afraid his voice would fail him. With no words spoken for a beat, Y/N opened the door, shutting it as she paced down the steps.
Her book still lied on the bed, the folded paper to the chapter she was on prominent. Kaz took one look at it before sighing and sitting in the chair, one tear making its way down his face.
It was supposed to be in and out. Another job. Another however much Kruge. Where is she? Kaz thought. Y/N was never one for being late. Sure she was working with Jesper, who was notoriously late, but she should’ve been out before Jesper was, and she wasn’t.
It’d been a week of no speaking. Kaz couldn’t speak to her after revealing so much. He feared it would become all too real. A common fear he had. Stealing, picking locks, it was all real to him, yes, but he never experienced reality when he was on a job. It was his way of ‘avoiding’ as Y/N would put it. But now, he couldn’t avoid the reality of this job.
The reality was: He’d ignored Y/N for a week in fear, and now she wasn’t at the rondevu point.
She’s Y/N, she isn’t dead. But that may not be true. She could indeed be dead. She could be, She could be, She could be.... Dozens of potential outcomes came to mind.
The world seemed to spin as he paced. Nina and Matthias had already tried to calm him. Nina had even tried to calm his heart rate down. Wylan seemed to be just as worried as Kaz as well, Jesper still out there alongside Y/N and all. Inej was calm, but it was clear she was worried too. They all were, but Kaz was being unusually emotional. 
“At this rate, you’re going to have a heart attack Kaz,” Nina had said.
And if he did, then that’d be a first for the Bastard of The Barrel. 
“And you’re not close to having one?” Wylan asked, shooting a glare over at Nina.
Kaz mentally thanked Wylan. At least he wasn’t the only one close to breaking down. Get in and out. In and out. What had gone wrong?
But then he heard the sound of boots running across the muddy ground, his eyes shooting up to see Jesper carrying a bleeding Y/N.
She’s bleeding. Who had hurt her? Kaz wasn’t sure, but anger filled him. That was until he fully internalized that Y/N was bleeding.
“Jesper, what happened?”
Jesper helped Y/N into the safe house, his breathing heavy as he helped her onto the bed of one of the rooms. “Rollins. He got word of the job. We became overwhelmed and Y/N here took a bullet to the shoulder.” Then Wylan was practically engulfing Jesper in a hug.
How? Was Kaz’s initial thought, but with a huff, he closed his eyes. Moving over to follow Jesper, he took off his coat. Upon entering the room Y/N was sitting in, he nodded towards her good arm, silently asking for her to take off the sleeve of the arm that was hit.
“I thought we weren’t speaking?” Y/N asked, groaning as she pulled the sleeve of her bad shoulder off with some help from Inej who pushed everyone else out of the room. Inej left as well, but gave Kaz a nod to let her know when he would need help.
Kaz didn’t lift his eyes to look at Y/N, his eyes steady on the bullet lodged in her shoulder. He pulled out the medical kit under the bed. Always prepared, Y/N thought.
“How did Rollins find out?” Y/N asked, watching Kaz pick up tweezers from the small medical kit.
“I’m not sure, but I plan on figuring it out. Stay still.” And Y/N did, knowing this was hard enough as it was for Kaz, she didn’t want to make it any harder. Squeezing her eyes shut as she prepared for the pain. She gripped onto the bed, seething as Kaz took the bullet out with the tweezers.
“I hope you know, I didn’t mean any harm last week.” Kaz knew what Y/N was referring too, and he simply nodded for the moment. Picking up the bandages from the kit, Y/N shook her head.
“Get Inej to do it, you’ve already pushed yourself enough.”
“It’s fine,” Kaz spoke, his voice firm.
“Kaz, don’t-”
“I want too.” His eyes lifted to finally look up at Y/N. She looked down as well, silently nodding. She understood Kaz enough to know this was his apology for ignoring her the past week.
“My mother, she died from firepox,” Y/N spoke quietly. She didn’t know how Kaz would take her bringing it up, but she felt that if she didn’t, they’d build up all this anger again. They’d ignore one another again. Kaz stalled. Flashes of Jordie and Reapers Barge consumed him for a few moments. Y/N’s skin turned cold, icy and raw. He flinched away from the feeling.
Then he heard it - Y/N’s heartbeat. She was living. She wasn’t a corpse. The heartbeat and blood were testament to that. She isn’t dead. 
“I never told you how he died,” Kaz spoke quietly. He wasn’t used to talking about such subjects with anyone. It was the reason he’d taken on a different surname. That way he could cut ties with his past.
But for some reason, Y/N was able to make him feel . . . though begrudgingly, open with his past.
“I can infer, Kaz,” Y/N said with a small hiss as Kaz finished with the bandage, his hands shaky. “Now, you can continue ignoring me if you wish, I imagine you enjoy avoiding me.”
“I don’t enjoy it.” Kaz now had someone he connected with on a level he wasn’t used to. He wasn’t going to enjoy being apart from that.
“I know, I was simply making sure,” Y/N teased, her lips quirking in a small smile.
Kaz gave a small shake of his head, his lips pulling into a smile as well for just a moment. Then he picked up his coat he’d taken off. “I imagine you’re cold, here,” he spoke then, watching as Y/N took it and wrapped it around herself.
Then the door swung open, Nina rushing over to give Y/N a hug. “Kaz here almost had a heart attack. Wylan almost did. Jeez, never do that again,” she said, laughing a bit.
“Ouch, ouch, Nina,” Y/N spoke, referencing the still open wound on her shoulder.
“Sorry, sorry. We made food for you,” Nina said, smiling before handing Y/N a tray of food.
Kaz exited the room, allowing the others some time to talk to Y/N. Inej followed him, her arms crossed as she leaned against one of the walls.
“What information do you want me to get on Rollins?”
“Whatever you can find.” You’re not taking her from me Rollins, and you’d better be ready when I do come for you. Brick by Brick.
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ashintheairlikesnow · 3 years
Time Apart
CW: Trauma survivor, referenced noncon and assault, heavy internalized victim-blaming and self-loathing/anti-asexuality (Chris has serious issues from his conditioning around this)
(references events from this small series)
I think you should spend time apart, not with me.
When Chris picks up his phone, it's not at all the message from Laken he expected to see. Not the kind of thing they've ever sent before.
He has to read it two times, then three. The letters swim and shake along with a dull pounding inside his head, but no matter how he tries to make them into other words - tell himself he must have misunderstood, must be missing something - they come back together the same in the end.
I think you should spend time apart, not with me.
Each letter is as crisp and clean as a sterilized blade between each rib, one by one by one by one.
The words are a body blow. They're a hundred blows, beating him into a barely recognizable shattered shell of himself. It wasn't supposed to happen this way - it's been a bad few days, yeah, a bad week really, but until yesterday's fight it had never occurred to him that Laken might give up on him.
The fight was his fault, anyway.
He meant to apologize last night, but then Nova had come into his room, and he'd lost the rest of the night to lying next to Jake, trying to remember how to stop living inside his head again, how to stop being still.
He'd woke up this morning with his stomach doing butterfly flips inside him, nervous, but he'd really wanted to say he was sorry, for the fight, for all the weirdness lately. He'd wanted to apologize for being difficult.
Instead... he'd woken up to find a missed text from the night before, sent after he'd shoved Nova away but before he could stand to look at anything again.
I think you should spend time apart, not with me.
There it sits.
He hasn't unlocked his phone yet. Instead, he keeps tapping the button to light up the screen, looking at the message preview that has all he needs to see. Lets it go dark again. As if one of these times he'll click and it'll say something else.
But it doesn't,
It just says the same damn thing.
I think you should spend time apart.
Not with me.
He's still staring at it when another one comes in. He feels the soft pulse of his phone in his hand, and the screen lights on its own.
LAKEN - NOW Did you see my message? 
He thinks maybe Kauri had it easier when he was the age Chris is now. Back when Kauri carried on entire conversations in emoji form, letting the nuance and ambiguity take over, the recipient working through the meaning on their own. With this, each letter is merciless, each word is unmistakable. He can’t misunderstand it. 
Can he?
He opens the phone with shaking fingers, types back yes, presses send, and turns his phone off.
Then he throws it at the wall.
He’s grateful for the heavy plastic case that makes it bounce off and drop to the floor without breaking. There's a strip on the back, textured and a soft purple, gray, white, and black. He rubs his fingers over it sometimes in class to keep himself from rocking and being distracting.
Now he just... stares at it.
Laken bought that for him. They bought the shirt he's wearing right now-
He yanks it off his head before he can think, balls up the soft fabric and throws it as well. It just sort of drifts pointlessly to the floor, a single eyeball from the print of a band he likes staring back at him.
Laken has ranted before about people who break up by text message, and Chris has to breathe through a physical ache in his chest that tightens every muscle at how awful he must be that they're not doing this face to face. How awful, how used-up, how shredded apart, how fucking pretty he is.
After all, he and Laken have been together for more than a year, and he still held perfectly still for Nova to touch him before he remembered how to move. After all, he’s a grown man who still cried and fell apart when Jake was hurt. After all, after all, after all...
He scrambles across the floor for his phone again, turns it back on. Part of him hopes he’ll see a new text saying they take it back, they didn’t mean it. Or just asking him to apologize for what he’d said that night before, for how he’d thrown their confusion over his reaction to something back at them, echoing out the way Kauri fights sometimes, talking about himself the way he thinks everyone else might be thinking about him, so he says the insult first and no one else gets to surprise him with it.
But there’s nothing new.
He manages to open the texts again, barely, and breathes in gasps, nearly pants, as he types out, you don’t want me at your place?
Not right now.
Is it because of what I can’t do?
It takes them a minute to answer. Every single second ticks by with a slowness Chris hasn’t felt since his days in the cold white room, tied down to stillness, forced to endure every minute that passed in perfect silence or to the soundtrack of his own tears and pleading for it to stop.
When they do respond, it’s just, it’s because of what you won’t do.
His breath catches in his throat. The ache in his head starts to pound harder, and he has to close his eyes against a sharp stab behind them. 
What he won’t do.
They’ve never cared before. How-... how could they suddenly care now? The fight had only a little bit been about that, it’d really been about something else. About his nightmares, how he’s not sleeping, not seeing his friends, skipping therapy. It hadn’t even been about... that. About what Chris can do and what he can’t, in bed. 
But that was the thing - the fight had started when Chris had flinched back from Laken’s touch to his back, and snapped at them, and accused them of wanting too much, and...
And now this.
It’s like they knew about Nova. Knew that he could be good just fine - better than fine, Handler Petrus said he was one of the best he’d ever worked with once - he just... wouldn’t. Won’t. Doesn’t want to. Never wanted to. 
Can’t do it without tearing himself to pieces all over again. 
It was always a scream inside his mind, but should he have pushed it down and tried harder to be more like everyone else? Is he losing Laken because of it? Did Nova pick up on something Chris himself doesn’t know?
Should he have... tried?
Even if it hurt?
He drops the phone again, then kicks it viciously under his bed, listening to the scrape of it sliding across the floor, the thump as it hits the wall. He hears it vibrate again, but this time he doesn’t care what Laken has to say.
They’ve said enough.
He understands.
Part of him expected this eventually.
He leaves the room, doesn’t bother to pull on his compression shirt, even. He lets his skin prickle bare and exposed to the air. He accepts the discomfort, the uneasy feeling of being too seen, too felt. 
The house is quiet, this early. 
He makes himself toast with butter, wincing at the scrape of the knife against the crisp bread, the sound boring into his ears. But eventually it’s done, and he slumps into a chair at the kitchen table, willing himself to cry. Somehow, the tears just... don’t happen.
He can hear Jake snoring softly from the living room. He’d been up with Chris until nearly 4 am, then Chris was awake again at 6:30, looking at that text, looking over and over and over again. Two hours of sleep leave him weirdly euphoric alongside his despair. Like he’s floating in some nightmare place that isn’t awake and isn’t sleeping, either.
He’s probably slept nine hours in three days at this point. He keeps seeing Jake with a knife sticking out of him every time he closes his eyes. Jake, screaming as Antoni pushed cloth into his wound to stop up the bleeding. Jake with a bullet wound, sitting up against the wall, staring at him with wide eyes whispering, It’s okay, Tristan, I love you, it’s okay as he dies. 
He can’t sleep. He can’t leave for long. He can’t breathe. He can’t think.
Him being what he is, it’s the reason Jake is hurt. If he hadn’t been his brother, he wouldn’t have decided to run a house for Romantics, and he wouldn’t have ended up dealing with all the dangerous bits about them.
Jake said it himself, didn’t he? It’s a mistake, running a house for Romantics. Not his best idea. A mistake.
Chris is a mistake.
Him being weak, and cowardly... it’s hurting Jake, making his life harder.
He makes everyone’s life harder.
There’s a soft sound of footsteps behind him, and he turns to find Nova in the doorway, staring back. She’s in a sleeveless gray dress and has her long dark hair pulled back from her temples, spilling in a waterfall down her back. Her eyes are dark and fathomless, and she gives him a faint, slight smile.
She had smiled like that with one hand down his pants.
Chris turns around, too fast, his head spinning a little, and hunches over his toast. “Good... good, um, good morning,” He mumbles. 
She clears her throat. “Morning. Chris, about-... about last night...”
“Don’t, um, don’t-... don’t don’t don’t worry about it.” He takes a breath. He doesn’t want his toast any longer. 
“I’m sorry,” She says, simply. “I spoke to Sarita about it, and... and she said this happens with us, and I should apologize, but, um. So I am. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-... I thought I was helping.”
“I... know you did.” His words are slowing down. Chris can’t hold on to his thoughts, they want to drift away somewhere else, somewhere safer. Somewhere darker. 
“When I was with-... with my Miss, she would always say, if you are sad the best way to fix it is to make your body forget that feeling, replace it with something else. And that was what we replaced my sadness with. So, you were sad and upset, and I thought I could fix it that way.” She pauses, flushing a little, looking down and to the side as she moves with effortless grace to get a glass and fill it with water, take a small sip. 
“Kauri used to... to do that,” Chris says after a pause, thinking about it. Kauri, who would show up in the small hours of the morning reeking of liquor and someone else’s cologne, or just didn’t show up at all. Kauri, who would laugh instead of crying, and laugh with someone’s arms around him, a guy whose name he didn’t know. 
Kauri, who ran and ran and ran and can do things and be things that Chris can’t.
Or... won’t.
What if he’s been hurting Laken this whole time and didn’t know it, because he was already hurt himself?
His foot starts to tap tap tap on the floor until he stops it. 
“Did he? Did it-... work for him?” Nova asks it with genuine curiosity, and her eyes are so pretty. He looks up at her, and then down again, pushing the plate of toast away from himself. 
“I don’t know,” Chris whispers. “I, I don’t know. He’s happy now, but...”
“Was he happy then?”
“No. But, but, but... maybe we aren’t supposed to be. At least... not with, with anyone... who isn’t like us.”
“Jake isn’t like us,” Nova points out. Her presence in the room feels heavy, like a weight pushing down on him. But what does it matter? He’s not with Laken anymore, anyway. If he wanted to, he could stand right up and kiss Nova right now, press her back into the counter, and learn what it’s like to be the one doing things and not just having them done to him.
But his body doesn’t stir at the thought. It never has.
“He is,” Chris answers. “A, a little bit. I’m, I’m, I’m sorry, too, Nova. Sorry that I-I can’t.”
“No, I know. You have a partner, and I shouldn’t have-”
“I don’t have... I, I, I I don’t have a partner anymore.” Chris stands up, leaving her there with his plate of untouched toast. The sky outside is bright as the sun rises, as if mocking the way he feels like a stormcloud inside. 
Nova watches him leave, and whispers to herself, “No partner?”
Chris goes outside, pulling a sweatshirt that hangs on the coatrack on over his head to protect his skin, curling up on the porch swing and watching cars pulling out of driveways as the neighborhood starts to head to work in ones and twos. 
He doesn’t cry.
He sits very, very still, and he is silent. 
Upstairs, under the bed, his phone vibrates, again and again, unnoticed.
Just go talk to Nat, Chris. That’s all I said. Just go see Nat and get a night or three away from the house. Being there all the time is overwhelming you. Are you even looking at these? Chris you can’t just ignore me every time I say something you don’t like Chris answer me ... ... Oh shit, Chris, my phone autocorrected earlier and I didn’t notice I meant “some time at Nat’s”, not apart Chris? Are you seeing my messages? Baby? Chris, please check your phone and answer me. Please.
@burtlederp @finder-of-rings @endless-whump @whumpfigure @astrobly @newandfiguringitout @doveotions @pretty-face-breaker @gonna-feel-that-tomorrow @boxboysandotherwhump @oops-its-whump @cubeswhump @whump-tr0pes @downriver914 @whumptywhumpdump @whumpiary @orchidscript @nonsensical-whump @outofangband @eatyourdamnpears
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zodiyack · 4 years
Being Married To Henry’s Characters Would Include...
Requested by @cuisinequeen​: Hi, I love your work. I was just wondering if you could do a headcanon for being married to Clark Kent/Geralt/Sherlock Holmes/Napoleon Solo
Pairing: Clark Kent x Reader, Geralt of Rivia x Reader, Sherlock Holmes x Reader, Napoleon Solo x Reader
Warnings: Swearing, some references, trashy writing lol
Note: This doesn’t include all of his characters, so my apologies if I misled you with the title. Not all that confident in the HCs so sorry about that too
Taglist: @matth1w​, @redspaceace-writes​, @simonsbluee​, @darling-i-read-it​, @fandom-puff​, @thewarriorprincessxo​, @sebastianstanslefteyebrow​, @maan24​, @beckster07890​, @missihart23​
Masterlist | Henry Cavill Masterlist
Clark Kent
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You know he’s superman, therefore, you gotta expect the unexpected
Kiss: Level 100
helping him keep his identity secret isn’t always easy-
you wanna kiss him even when he’s superman but fuck you need him to remain undetected
but you manage
Little hc of the first few months after getting married:
Clark comes home late after a fight you see on tv
you turned it off before anything else happened, too worried already
he’s beat up
your eyes are red and puffy with tear stained cheeks as you stand and cross your arms.
you bet your ass there were cuddles that night.
Later into the marriage, he still scares you like that, but you’ve grown somewhat used to it and wipe the tears away
He’s protective of you too though
Aight sorry, but the gif is making me addicted to Henry kisses so Imma say it again,
best fucking make out sessions ever
yes, I’m gonna say that for all four.
fuck it, Clark!Kisses HCs
they’re soft half the time, needy the other half
if he comes home from superman duties or you have a run-in with a villain, so on so on, his kisses are rougher, needier, more possessive
bitch, he just needs you to know he’s still alive 🥺😢
Henry in glasses really do be hittin tho.
Stealing his glasses
Calling him a nerd because of the glasses
Probably making it a small joke about superman
Especially with oblivious friends
“I think superman’s a nerd.” “why??” “I just do.”
Having to stifle your laughs every time someone gushes about superman in front of him
Clark has to hold you back so you don’t unleash your wrath of fucking doom upon some oblivious woman who wrote about superman in a news article
She wrote things that would make you jealous, like talking about how she’s curious to his personal life *wink wink* and stuff- you don’t just have a raging fury because someone writes about him
Superman this hoe
You’ve made jokes about how he has to take his ring off when he’s superman, but he’s got a feeling that you’re actually not kidding at all
Exercising with Clark
Cursing him out in breathy pants for being more athletic and cheating with his “alien powers”
he just laughs at you
Ah, the difficulty have having a husband with two identities
When you rant about your husband, it’s so hard not to fuck up and say something about being married to Superman
Forgetting that you’re one of the few who knows his identity
Basking in pride because you’re one of the few who knows his identity
One time, Clark forgot to take his ring off and the person he rescued had known him personally.
He asks where he got the ring-
“What ring?”
“The one on your finger. The wedding ring.”
It felt like his stomach dropped...if that makes sense-
Clark ended up making some random story about finding it on the same plane the guy he rescued was on and that he put it on so he wouldn’t lose it.
The guy still thought he was pretty sus, “why was it on your wedding ring finger then?” but let him off after some time
The guy gave it back to Clark in person, but you had no idea what happened,
so when he gave him the ring, you were watching with the most confused look Clark had ever seen
thankfully, he played it off well and informed you later
He forgot to take off his wedding ring? You “secretly” fist bumped the air- ...he totally saw you though
Geralt Of Rivia
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I don’t think Geralt really expected to get married
Jaskier didn’t either-
He’s the only one who stands when the priest asks if anyone doesn’t accept... only to ask how the fuck Geralt got lucky enough to get you
Everyone laughed but Geralt, he just grunted and looked away with a lil’ bit o pink tinting his cheeks
You demand he lets you go on adventures with him
You also wash him after adventures
wink wonk ;)))
Geralt is a stubborn thing
You’re a stubborn thing
Y’all love each other
When I say that Geralt is a confusing husband-
I mean that he confuses the fuck out of you
“don’t do that”
few minutes later
“I thought you were doing that-”
“You told me not too...?”
“I don’t recall. Do whatever.”
Minutes later.
“What the fuck!?! Don’t do that!”
He’s hard to read and it bugs you
However, it makes a good game out of it
If he ever introduces you as anything but his spouse, you hold a bitter glare while internally plotting
Before you marry, Jaskier hits on you without realizing that Geralt is interested in you
He gulps nervously as soon as it hits him
You might just use that mistake as a way to get back at Geralt for not saying you’re his spouse
Jaskier pleads you not to
like for real
He’s in tears
Congrats, you have a stubborn manbaby for the rest of however long y’all shall live
Geralt is a little distant when it comes to admitting his feelings for you at first
When you’re dating, you’re all over each other
Marriage is that but amplified lmao
Braiding his hair
Teasing him not the wink wonk and getting away with it because you’re his spouse
If Jaskier said anything remotely close to the shit you’ve said, Geralt would probably choke him out
But then resuscitate him cause they’re bros
Seeing the softer side of Geralt
Sure, sex, but getting to know each others bodies? Yes.
His deep n husky morning voice telling you to “get your ass back in bed”
Having the excuse of “because I’m his spouse” anytime you do stuff people are too afraid to do
Jealous bb 1 and jealous bb 2 aka Geralt and Y/n
I think Geralt’s the kind of guy to just pick you up, ignore your flailing limbs, and move you out of the way
He takes shit from no one...well, from you SOMETIMES
Gives in to your requests with a sigh and roll of his eyes most of the time
He was protective of you at first
now he’s PrOtEcTiVe so uh
Basically, number one husband, number two bodyguard
you put yourself first for the bodyguard part, but Geralt doesn’t know that
Sherlock Holmes
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He asks your family for their blessing, then asks you-
I can imagine Mycroft just ranting away and Sherlock drops to his knee
“What are you doing?”
He ignores his brother and proposes to you
Mycroft is confused and upset because he wanted to rant about meaningless things and Sherlock decided to change the topic
Being married means constant visits from Enola
Probably being the “second parents” to Enola
Gossip with Enola and Eudoria about Sherlock and him as a kiddo
Kicking Sherlock out of the house for sleepovers with his sister
Helping Sherlock with cases
Dealing with Sherlock telling you it isn’t safe
still being upset when he’s right you know it
Finding Enola and Eudoria with him
Snapping at Mycroft for how he treats the girl and everyone else
Threatening Mycroft by just being a badass bitch and telling him to fuck off every now and then
Long story short, you make Enola laugh and Mycroft scoff as he walks away
He’s a stubborn bean, which now that I think about it- aren’t all Henry’s characters?
While he doesn’t say it much, he loves you
You get paranoid with this character too, as he does work that can be very dangerous as well
When he returns, he doesn’t say much aside from that he’s there now and that he loves you
cuddles with him whispering softly,
“I’m here now.” “I’m safe.” “I’m okay.” “I love you.”
Kisses in public either be quick pecks or minute long for goodbyes, but greetings-
especially after being apart for a while?
He comes home on the train and you’re at the station with his siblings
As soon as he spots you, he sets his stuff down because you’re already running at him
You jump into his arms and kiss him hard, not caring in the slightest about the other people at the station
It makes you smile every time he introduces you as his spouse
You’ve heard it so many times yet it still makes your heart flutter every single time
Napoleon Solo
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The amount of times you’ve just dropped everything and walked away because he was being ‘too serious”-
You say something, he takes it seriously, you groan and stomp away
But then you know you can do the same back to him
Napoleon is an all around awesome husband but he’s not going to just pretend to agree with stuff
Will correct you no matter how embarrassed you get 
Makes up with kisses or stuff idk
Let me be honest, I don’t know much about writing for Napoleon but he is an icon...sometimes
He’s protective
by that I mean he’s stubborn but really it’s his way of keeping you safe
Would probably lock you in your room even though you’re a, a grown ass adult, and b, his spouse for fuck’s sake?!??!
Doesn’t tell you when something’s bothering him unless he feels the need to
“I’m not a fucking mind-reader, Solo!”
“Neither am I but I still manage-”
He doesn’t mean to make you feel bad, he just- emotions and him aren’t the best of friends
Emotions aren’t exactly friends with most of his characters
He’d much rather just speak with actions than admit anything
Sometimes you worry that he’s just fucking with you
When he proposed, it scared the shit out of you ‘cause you thought it was a joke
Never admits to anything willingly...?
Yeah sorry...Idk, that’s all I got :\
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Lucifer Ending: Tragedy and Contradiction
Okay, so I tried really hard to resist the urge to post anything about it, and I even held out for over a week trying to process/calm my feelings about the ending to Lucifer. I’ve tried, I really have, but the more I try, the more I CANNOT rationalize that ending. As you may have guessed, I absolutely hated the ending, and I just really, really, have to get my feelings out about it. If you liked the ending (I really wish I could be you!!), you may want to skip reading any further (I recommend you do, in fact). 
Ultimately, regardless of the details, that ending for Chloe/Lucifer is just way too heartbreakingly tragic and sad, however, this is made all the more unbearable because none of it makes ANY damn sense.  
I’m just going to start by pasting a bunch of quotes first:
Lucifer: I refuse to believe that. There is always another way.
Mum: If anyone can find it, it's you.
2x02 Chloe: “Doing what's best for your child, it doesn't always make them happy.”
Cain: But you're the Devil, you always keep your word.
Lucifer: I do. So I hope you understand how difficult a decision this was. And yet, oddly, the easiest I've ever made.
Lucifer: I love you, Chloe Decker. I'd do anything for you. Except give you up. Give us up.
Lucifer: I need you to know that if there is any choice to be had at all, I will always... choose us.
Rory: You make choices, Mom. If I told you what they are, you wouldn't really be making them any more.
Yeah. Not going to comment further on these right now. 
Nor am I going to even get into the whole fate vs free will. Regardless of your views on that debate, why on earth a show about free will spends its final season spotlighting the widespread, controversial debate of fate vs free will by introducing a time loop plot, I’ll never understand. 
But even if we forget the numerous issues/contradictions with that (and the ridiculous irony of Rory’s quote shown above), and accept that Lucifer and Chloe chose this, I honestly feel like screaming because WHY??? Why on earth would they EVER want to chose this? 
I know the 2 reasons given, the reasons everyone is speaking up with, the reasons expanded on at length in fanfiction, and I’ve tried really, REALLY hard to rationalize them in my head, tried to enjoy the sweet moments fanfic writers are trying to make of it, but I cannot. Because it doesn’t make any damn sense whatsoever to me.
Reason # 1: Lucifer never would’ve realized his ‘calling’ to help tortured souls in Hell.  
Right. First of all, if it really is his ‘calling’ he would figure it out eventually because that’s what a bloody calling is. I mean really. Not to mention there was plenty of evidence that he was figuring it out already, and him figuring it out after actually helping people in hell (Jimmy, Dan, Mr. Said out bitch), makes way more sense than stopping someone from making the mistake of killing someone else.
And second, even if we accept the argument that he wouldn’t find his calling, we are then saying that he chose his ‘calling’ over his own family, the people he loves most of all? That’s beyond awful to me. And pretty much destroys all of the growth and beauty and love and development across the series. A complete contradiction to even earlier in series 6. See above quotes. Lucifer tells Chloe he’d do anything for her, except give her up, give them up. He tells her if there’s ever any choice to be had he would chose them (his family). So, what the heck? Which leads me to reason 2, and beware with continuing because this is UNBEARABLY frustrating to me so I may get a bit heated. I just can’t. I can’t understand this.  Reason #2: They did it for their daughter, because she asked them to, because she didn’t want them to change her, because she’s happy with who she is, etc, etc..
This is the most widely accepted reason, the most referenced in fanfic, that it’s so beautiful because Lucifer and Chloe sacrificed everything for their daughter because they loved her so much.
I’m sorry, I really am, I tried so hard to make sense of this but it makes the least sense to me of all. 
Why on EARTH is Rory growing up without her father better for her? Why on earth would Lucifer, of all people, knowing the pain it causes, ever chose that for his daughter?
This is not sacrificing for their daughter, this is sacrificing for NOTHING at all. This is doing the ABSOLUTE worst for their daughter, all because she asked them to?
And her asking them to in the first place makes no sense either. Why on earth would Rory ASK for it after all the pain it caused her? Earlier she told Lucifer and Chloe that him leaving ‘ruined her life’, and now all of a sudden she’s happy with it? After seeing and reading how much Lucifer and Chloe loved each other she wants to separate them? After saying she now loves Lucifer too she wants to do that to him? And you can’t tell me it’s her being selfless because she thinks he won’t find his ‘calling’ otherwise, because even if he doesn’t (which he would for reasons above), then again we are saying they are choosing a ‘calling’ over family, over those they love most. Or, even worse, Rory, is choosing FOR HIM and ROBBING him of his choice to chose his family over his ‘calling’. 
No matter what way you spin it, it is just all kinds of wrong and messed up, and does not showcase the love the characters have for each other, nor the freedom of choice.
There’s nothing beautiful about any of this to me. It’s just plain awful and cruel for NO REASON. 
Yes, I know I’m missing one popular theme with all of this, and I might just hate this one most of all: That even though Rory suffered it made her stronger, she’s proud of who she is, and they don’t want to change her, don’t want to ‘kill’ this version of Rory who grew up without her dad. 
No. Just no. This pains me immensely. So we’re saying that she’s a better person having grown up without a Dad than she would’ve been growing up with a complete, loving family? That people who grow up with loving families can’t be as strong and proud of who they are? WTF? 
Sure, we as people are only strong in life when we need to be but that doesn’t mean that someone who grew up more fortunate doesn’t still have the capacity for that strength (or that they don’t suffer in other ways).
Yeah, it’s beautiful when you grew up abandoned and were able to eventually overcome it, but in reality you’ll always be scarred to some degree, and you certainly would have been less messed up, happier if you hadn’t.
Changing the time loop so that Rory could grow up with her father in her life wouldn’t ‘kill’ her. Fundamentally she’d still be the same, still would have grown up with her ‘kickass’ mom. All the good parts would still be there. There would just be even more good and much less of the bad.
How on earth would Chloe and Lucifer not want to chose that?
There is no way anyone can ever convince me that you come out better growing up abandoned by your father than you would have if he hadn’t. Just no.
We are strong and proud to overcome something only when WE HAVE NO CHOICE. CHOOSING to suffer just to show how great you are afterward for overcoming it when you could have chosen NOT to suffer at all, is just the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. 
It reminds me of a quote from one of my childhood movies, the original “Lion King.’ Little Simba tells his dad he went looking for danger to show that he’s brave, and his dad answers, “I’m only brave when I have to be.” 
So.  Circling back. Ignoring the debate on whether or not there was even a choice given (fate vs free will and ridiculous time loops). Ignoring that Lucifer likely (and should have) been able to find his ‘calling’ anyway. 
Then, in summary, we are left with Lucifer (and Chloe) ‘choosing’ for Lucifer to leave them for Hell, abandoning them both (and Trixie) because either
1) Lucifer’s calling is more important than being with his family
2) Rory wants to suffer, to let her parents suffer an unimaginable amount of pain, just to show that she comes out better for it, even when she can choose not to suffer at all. And Chloe and Lucifer are both in agreement that this is best for them and their daughter. 
What. The. Hell???!!
I’m sorry, but there’s no rationale for this. None. At. All. 
I’ll be the first to admit that I would never be happy with such a devastatingly heartbreaking ending no matter what the reasons, but, HOLY HELL, can they at least have had it make even the smallest amount of SENSE?! 
It’s just angst for the sake of angst, and I especially did not expect this from this show. It was always a show not to be taken too seriously, not to overthink and just have fun with, and that’s what made it work for me. But then they decide it’s a good idea to 1) throw in a time loop plot when time loops in fiction is pretty much the definition of serious complexity and making viewers overthink. And 2) have it end with such a tragic and sad ending that makes no sense. I am so sick and tired of the trend now days that shows can’t have happy endings.
(Edit: Now look what happened. I’ve gone and made another rant: https://thehiddenmemoryuniverse.tumblr.com/post/663357629901438976/lucifer-morningstars-broken-journey)
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wank127 · 3 years
sorry in advance if i’m spamming your notifications /gen!
i just remembered that denki existed and i’m craving [neurodivergent] headcanons and your blog kinda has a lot of good reblogs n posts of that so-
you’re not spamming at all, in fact i didn’t even see this till now since i don’t normally get any asks ! (thanks for the ask btw <3) i hope you enjoy !!
neurodivergent denki headcannons !
disclaimer: i, myself, am currently in the process of getting diagnosed with adhd/autism/whatever it is (i’m not self diagnosing but i did get 8/10 on an autism assessment given to me by a doctor so that must say something) so this is a wee bit of me projecting. my intentions for this post are not to offend anyone in the nd community nor spread any miss information. please correct me if i make any mistakes ! and apologies for it being so long i’m still trying to figure out the ‘read more’ thing !! now ! onto the head cannons !!
he has MAJOR sensory issues and issues with bad textures
his main ones are foods that are a mix between solid or liquid, like a soup that’s meant to be smooth but isn’t or like very wet bread, anything sticky and that one inside of a hoodie feel, like the one wear it’s like fleece but it feels like plastic and somehow creamy and just BLUGNXJSK y’know?
he has that not right kind of thing(iykyk) where he has to say a word/phrase again till it feels right, or touch the desk again, or hit the back of foot again to make it right
it gets really frustrating sometimes
he surprisingly likes velvet, fun to play with, cool to drag your finger around on
he has very bad memory problems
like really bad
they cause him to breakdown every time he has a test cause everything he tried to study was just,, gone,, no where to be found
he opens up to present mic about it and he’s a big help, gives him extra time for testing, helps him with study techniques, gives him more reminders, etc etc
mic and him are like that student-english teacher duo
(no bc they’re the same person just different sizes please)
he struggles with reading a lot too, he knows there’s words but his brain just won’t recognize what they are
word soup
his main special interests/hyperfixations are old english literature, true crime/psychology/criminal stuff, literally anything to do with art and physics(electricity stuff)
he has other ones like cars and how to annoy bakugo to the brink of tears
his most common stims are happy flappy hands, putting his hand into a thumbs up and squeezing, rocking back and forth and swinging his legs about
his like calm down stim is humming, having some form of pressure(weighted blanket !!) and rocking a little bit
he gets overwhelmed by questions a lot
like if he’s not prepared to answer one and he gets asked TWO he’ll just go ‘nope’
he’s nonverbal sometimes, especially when he gets overwhelmed
he zones out and daydreams for like,,, 70% of the day
his favorite texture for food is something like mash potatoes, like a doughy texture, one that just sits right in the mouth
(potato waffles are his go to food (british thing but they’re so good))
just enough chew but not too much, not too wet not too dry
speaking of dry food,, he hates it. dry biscuits(cookies) are a no go if he doesn’t have a bunch of water/juice with him, he also just doesn’t like hot drinks
he’s god fuckinh amazing at art, like painting, drawing, sketching, everything
he’s so good at it
he ‘doodles’ in all of his school work and books, most of the time it’s of aizawa or present mic (or,, *cough*his crush*cough*) and they’re super accurate
when he goes to sleep he has to have a small tea light candle lit, his over the ear headphones on and playing asmr and a hoodie (comfort hoodie, gifted to him by kiri) with the hood up and pressure on his feet(like just his blanket covering them is fine)
no other set up is allowed
he uses fidget (simple dimple pop) and sensory toys
they got taken away from him in class one time, he almost cried it was so sad
so much rage
when he was younger he used to scream bloody murder when he had to put on sunscreen (same boo)
refused to wear it until his parents got him a spray on sunscreen (it was just like an oil/water based sunscreen that just,, wasn’t sticky, it was perfect) he still uses it to this day
he loves music, so much
it’s so cool
so many playlists
has like ten different ones that he made just for long car drives
like all the sounds and noises just make his brain so happy
he likes bo burnham cause he has very good lyrics and sounds that make him wanna share them with everyone so they can be happy too (especially ‘sexting’ , ‘oh bo’,’ words words words’, ’rant’, the kanye one, ‘we think we know you’, ‘channel 5 news: the musical’ and ‘bezos’ 1&2)
(omg channel 5 news is so good)
his number is 5
he’s kinda scared to do good in school bc his rank in class will go up and what if it lands on an ugly number??
he’s quite unintentionally restrictive with his food
he just forgets to eat or that he’s hungry
he’s working on it tho dw !
his accents are like typical british/english, australian and southern american
pop out at random times
like he’ll ask present mic to repeat the page number as a southern bell little lady
had a vocal stim that was opra singing “milly rock pick it up”
lil jon vocal stim
his room is very messy and cluttered from all the failed hobbies and things he just forgot about
expect him to cook but DO NOT expect him to clean up afterwards
like iida will walk into the dorm kitchen in the morning and find this huge mess thinking someone broke in
and kiri is like: oh ig denki was hungry i wonder if he has leftovers
okay i think i’m gonna end this one here lol it’s getting kinda long ! i hope you liked it ! <3
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beewritings · 3 years
our final night alive
Eren Jaeger x Reader one shot.
Afab reader, gender neutral pronouns used!
Content Warning: angst & nsfw. Slight violence, first time blowjobs, first time vaginal sex. Not spoiler free, manga is preferred to have been read.
Posted on my ao3.
Summary: You and Eren become lovers, but he disappears years later and it causes conflict on your relationship. I’m bad at summaries I’m so sorry
5.9k words. This is posted on my phone I’m so sorry if the layout is ugly lol. First story posted on here!! :) Feedback is welcomed!
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you and eren got together not long after annie was caught being the female titan. you, eren, armin and mikasa became close friends during your cadet days.
you shared a bunk with mikasa, and seeing as she was always focused on eren and armin, you were scared to become her friend because you were unsure if she even wanted friends. you and her became sparring partners during training one day and she, obviously, kept beating you. at some point, eren walks over and tells her to give you a break and so she apologizes to you. from that point on, you always saw eren as a life saver. yes, she kept dropping you to the ground so much to the point where you were in pain so eren saved you. you accepted her apology, of course, and you even got to ask her if you could be friends. mikasa shrugged, but eren answered for her: he said he’d like that. he introduced himself and he called for armin and you introduced yourselves. the four of you never thought you’d actually join their friend group. these were the first friends you made and you never felt happier in your life.
“y/n, what made you want to join the cadet corps? you never told us,” you remember armin asking you one day.
“oh… um… it’s a stupid reason. it’s not worth mentioning… it’ll make it seem like i’m a joke..”
“no reason is stupid. except for that horse face’s reason, that bastard is a coward!” eren said, screeching.
“um.. well as a kid, i was neglected by both my parents. they were so focused on my older brother joining the military police and so happy for him that they basically forgot about me a lot. they always called me a disappointment and such and it always made me feel like shit..”
“so you joined to prove to them you’re worthy?” 
“what? hell no, i joined so i could get away from them. i was tired of being treated like i was a mistake child so my choices were either join the military to slowly kill myself or join the military to get away from my terrible parents. i honestly haven’t felt happy probably my whole life. but then i met you guys and now i feel like i have a purpose to be here? i want to protect you guys. all three of you…”
eren gives a slight smile and then it turns into a bright one. he leans to his left and wraps an arm around your shoulder and his other arm around armin and pulls them in. you and armin wrap one arm around mikasa and you all hug each other. you knew you were there to protect them all. even though mikasa is always there to try and protect eren, you know she needed someone to protect her, and you know for a fact someone had to be there for armin.
when discussing what branch of the military you guys were going to join, you four chose to join the scout regiment. then so much happened between when you talked about what you were going to join and graduating as cadets. there were days where you and eren would work together practicing and even though you were her friend, mikasa would keep watching you to make sure you wouldn’t get too close to him. she never told you that she would watch, but she was. when you and eren would spar, there’d be times where he’d pin you on the ground and straddle you with the wooden knife pointing to your neck. you started gaining a crush on eren, not knowing he was too, and you’d blush instead of defending yourself. at some point, you did push him right off of you and pin him instead, which resulted in him with a red face instead. 
when switching partners, you sparred with armin next while eren went to reiner. instead of sparring armin, you tried teaching him moves since you knew he was fragile and it wouldn’t have been a fair fight. armin brought up the topic of you and eren.
“so, you and eren? i saw you guys being flustered while sparring.”
“w-w-what??? nooooo, i wasn't flustered???? no one was flustered, armin. haha..” way to be obvious, y/n.
armin giggles and immediately drops the conversation.
eventually, time passes and the colossal titan decides to return, bringing titans with it. cadets are to help kill titans. you ended up on another squad, but you remind yourself to keep in contact with eren and armin. you couldn't keep sight of mikasa being she was with the higher ups, but you tried. you remember crashing into armin with ymir and connie. that's when you find out that… eren got eaten by a titan. it broke your heart, you felt the pieces inside of you tearing apart. you tried being strong but.. tears started to fall. mikasa made her way and she found out too, armin screaming in tears of all the members in his squad who'd died. mikasa was silently angry, calling everyone cowards. she soars off with little gas, and you immediately chase after her. she flew away so quickly, you couldn’t catch up with her. you had to protect her, you promised to protect your friends. one is already gone, you couldn’t have another one disappear. if she disappears, how can you trust yourself to protect armin? after you all made it to the building, killed the titans inside and got to refilling your gases, you find out that the titan who was killing other titans was none other than eren, the kid you started to gain feelings for.
time skip to capturing annie, the female titan, you and eren had finally gotten alone time. a time to talk your feelings out as eren heals from his fight with her. you went to visit him when you know everyone already has, but when you know he was still awake. it’s been a few years since you’ve met and started gaining feelings, being as you met when you were 12 and are now 15.
“hey, eren. how’re you feelin’, titan boy?”
“ugh, don’t call me that, y/n. that’s the least thing i wanna hear from you.”
“.... y/n?”
“eren?” you both say at the same time.
“oh, you can-”
“no no, you go.”
you both give off small laughs.
“you go first, y/n.”
“um. well, i’m pretty sure this is the wrong time to bring this up considering you’re tired from fighting that female titan. plus this war isn’t near over and i shouldn’t be focused on feelings because we are soldiers but, uh. i have-”
“me too,” eren cuts in.
“feelings, i- what? i didn’t even finish-”
“it’s been obvious. well, not really. i didn’t think it was obvious, but i figured by the way we’ve been acting towards each other. we always get flustered when we’re close to each other. y/n, did you even realize that you’re holding my hand?”
you both look down and see that you’re holding his hand. you snatch it back with a flushed face and start stuttering.
“i-i-i always h-hold my friends' hands!!! i k-know you’ve seen me hold armin’s!! please, y-you’re not special, eren jaeger!”
eren giggles and blushes as well, leaning to grab your hand once more, this time interlocking the fingers.
“i agree. this isn’t the time for romance considering we are soldiers in the middle of a battle. but that doesn’t make me not want to further this relationship between us.. i-if you want that, that is…”
you bite your lip, looking away from him. you squeeze his hand and he caresses your skin with his thumb. you both kind of just ended the conversation there, but everything was mutual between the two of you. you knew what you wanted. a relationship, but never really having the title due to the war you all were going through. time flies and the battle with reiner and bertholdt to capture eren back from them happens. all you could feel about this battle was anger; you were going to get eren back. and you did. during the time where everyone was healing from it, that’s when you and eren both told both mikasa and armin about the little thing you guys had.
armin was supportive, he was easy. but mikasa took it a little hard, not showing it though. you pulled mikasa away and had a long talk with her about it, tell her you didn’t mean to catch feelings for the man she’d grown to protect with her life, it kind of just happened. but she couldn’t stay upset forever. she wishes for eren to be happy, and as she can see: you made him happy. the happiest he’s been. and she wants you, one of her best friends to be happy too, and clearly it was with eren. since then, you and eren have been open with your relationship. everyone knew, and no one tried to end it. when you guys told the crew, most of them basically said “we figured”. jean actually laughed and didn’t believe it at first, “really? in a relationship with that suicidal blockhead? yeah, alright .” so you did what any couple would do to prove their relationship, you kissed eren in front of them all, in plain sight. that was your first kiss. his, also. jean’s face turned red in embarrassment and he turned away. “alright, whatever. you’re both crazy.”
you miss him.
you miss eren. you all found out about what was truly outside the walls, and you helped eren cope the most. you know he really wanted to kill the enemy, they caused so much pain to his home inside the walls. he wanted revenge. you understood and supported his anger, you were there with him through every moment. his rants, his tears, his fears. you backed him up; you were on his side. so why did he still leave you alone? why did he disappear from you and your friends? why were you all in marley, watching his attack titan destroy it from above? you weren’t completely mad, you all were gonna infiltrate marley eventually, you just did it quicker and earlier than planned. when you saw him with your own eyes, his titan, your heart sunk. he looked so different.. has it really been that long? no way. and… he grew such long hair.. god. it was actually kind of hot, but you were too angry to admit it.
you sigh. you stood in the blimp, you didn’t do any fighting. you explicitly told commander hange and captain levi that when you arrive at marley, you refuse to fight. you were in gear, in case you had to, but you mainly stood in the ship with them. when everyone retreated after mikasa recaptured eren, captain levi kicked him to the wall. mikasa tries to run to them, but armin’ stops her. you were in a distance, out of eren’s eyesight but you could see him. you really hated his damn face right now.
two soldiers with guns run to him, pointing towards him. levi starts to speak to him once more.
“this brings back memories, eren. you have such a kickable face.” that earns a small chuckle from you. “after you’re tied up, let’s have a chat.”
“that’s fine, i explained everything in the letters though. did you not understand it?”
“tch. that face reminds me of the rotten shits who lived underground. never thought i would see it on you. but cheer up, everything happened like you wanted it to, right?”
eren just stares off into space, but then looks levi straight in the eyes and he mumbles out, “... where are they?”
“you know who… where is y/n.”
“tch. oi, l/n. talk to your shithead boyfriend before anything else happens. i’m tired of looking at his disgusting face.”
levi walks away, tells the soldiers to chain him up and they walk away, leaving you finally in his eyesight. internally, his heart sinks. the look on your face was pure disgust, and anger. you walk towards him, and he looks up at you with his dead souled eyes. you clench your fists.
you let out a huge breath. “eren.”
“... y/n, i’ve mis-”
you already know what he was going to say, and it just pisses you off. you growl and punch the wall behind his head. you lean your leg back and kick it right into his stomach. you grab a fistful of his hair, gripping it and bringing his face to yours. mikasa tries to push through armin, but armin manages to hold her back still.
“y/n, stop !” mikasa screams.
“do you have any FUCKING clue how worried i’ve been, eren?! HUH?! DO YOU??” you ignore mikasa, “besides mikasa, i probably was even more worried than her! YOU LEFT ME, EREN. are you stupid, eh? HUH? are you fucking stupid? you like knowing your partner is just worried sick about you? fuck the plan, if i wanted to i would throw you off this air ship myself. i don’t even like looking at how disgusting you look, you’re hideous. that dead look in your eyes. you’re not even eren! you’re some man who’s a fucking joke, you don’t care about us do you?! that time on the train? when you said we were all important to you? was that a lie? do you even think we are?” you bang his head into the wall and knee him in the face, bruising his nose and bleeding from it. tears start to well up in your eyes, “i missed you, eren… why’d you just leave us like that? i’m your partner… whatever, you’re not worth my time right now. i’m going to check on the others.”
you let go of eren’s hair, look at him a second more and make a disgusted face once more. “you’re not worth my tears.” you start to walk towards the back of the airship.
“you never left my mind the whole time i was there, y/n. i promise you. ”
you clench your fists and ignore him, continuing to walk to the others to see who made it on the airship.
“... y/n?”
you went to visit the prison before commander hange did. you needed to talk to him.
“we need to talk.”
“i’m all ears, my love.”
you hate that he’s seriously using pet names on you right now. it’s always been a weakness. my love, baby, lovebird. you loved them all.
“cute, we using pet names after i beat this shit out of you? okay, sweetie. i’ll call you titan man, yeah?”
“come on, don’t start that again. what are you here for, hm?”
“to talk.”
“okay.. so talk. come on, you know you want to start with how i look.”
“how you look? haha, okay. you want me to say that you look hot? that i want you to ravage me? bend me over and do nasty things to me?”
eren smirks, “actually, yeah. if that’s how you feel, i’d love to hear you say that.”
you chuckle, hating that he isn’t wrong. you do feel that way about him right now. him being really attractive right now, a man bun AND he’s shirtless? this is so unfair.
“well, too bad then. you won’t hear me say those words with confidence. but it would be nice…” you grin and lick your lips.
“oh? unlock these prison bars, and i’ll show you a good time then, baby.”
“no. let’s be serious now-”
“i am serious.”
“no, eren. we need to seriously have a talk,” you give out an exhale, “why’d you do it? do you have a plan in mind?” eren sighs, about to cut you off but you continue, “i’m being serious, eren. i’m not planning on telling the others. this is between us… why’d you leave me?” you start to tear up, “why, eren… you have a good reason for this, right?”
eren looks away from you, not wanting to make eye contact. “i have a plan, y/n. it’s going to work, i know it is.”
“what is it, baby? please, just between us two… i need to know why you left me for so long. i’ve been hurting so much. i love you eren, so fucking much. i literally can’t see myself without you, i see a future with you. please, eren. i want to be with you through it all, thick and thin. we are going to defeat marley together, right?”
“y/n. you are the light in my life, the reason i’m doing everything i am. i want you to live such a perfect life, whether it’s with me or not. i know what i’m doing. i’m doing it for you.”
“no.. no no no! you’re supposed to be doing it WITH me, not FOR me! we’re a pair, we do it together!” you bang on the prison bars, “please eren… i can help you.. yes, i’m upset with you, and i love armin and mikasa, even jean and connie! hell, i love sasha too, god rest her soul. i’m here to protect them all, just as i was in the cadets to protect you, armin and mika. but i love you the most, and if i had to choose… it’s always going to be you. i’d betray my comrades for you, eren-”
“no. no you wouldn’t. I wouldn’t let you. i love you, y/n. with my life, my heart, my soul. i’m willing to die for you if i could, but i will not let you betray the others. they need you more than you need me.”
“eren…” you’re full blown crying now, tears running down your face and overall a crying mess. you reach your hands between the bars holding his face in them and he places his arms through the bars to your waist, “please, eren. let me be by your side. i know floch released information about you, us imprisoning you. it was a tough decision, but someone leaked information to me about how you’re going to escape and meet some of your, uh, followers? they didn’t know if they were supposed to tell me considering the fact i was so angry with you on the airship, but someone slipped up. i know that’s not your real plan, you have something else planned for this… there’s no way you want to be on zeke’s side.. right?”
eren laughs, “hell no. i fucking hate that guy.”
“then what are your true intentions, eren…” you run your thumb across his lips, glancing back and forth between his eyes and lips.
“... i can’t tell you. to protect you, armin, mikasa… the others. i can’t tell you. you’re not joining floch and my followers. you’re staying with the scouts.”
“eren, i’m not-”
“l/n? are you down there?”
you and eren pull away from your intimate hold, and put some distance between yourselves. you cough.
“yes, captain. sorry. i had to give eren another beating and more yelling.”
“well, get out. you’re not allowed to be alone with eren.”
eren looks at you and looks away. you lean back in the prison bars, grab his shoulders and bring it between the bars. you give him a kiss, a light yet deep kiss. one that just screams, please eren. he kisses you back, putting one hand on your waist. you pull away from his lips.
“.... i love you, eren. please, reconsider,” you whisper.
“i love you, y/n. more than you ever will know, i promise to spend my last 4 years with you,” his words make you tilt your head in confusion, “you’ll understand later. i promise you .”
you start to walk back, but then you hear eren’s last words to you, “you gonna let me ravage you soon, right? don’t act like i know you don’t think i’m so hot now.”
you giggle and walk backwards to look back at him, “i’ll think about. maybe if you’re a good boy, you can bend me over and do nasty things to me. maybe more, yeah?”
“oh? is this a promise or are you a tease?’
“take your pick.”
you walk up the stairs, leaving the man of your dreams locked in the prison.
eren escaped the prison. he met with his followers, the jaegerists, just as you had known was going to happen. you and the squad went to a restaurant to talk with niccolo. you didn’t expect what happened to happen. sasha’s family were there to eat, niccolo found out that the girl who killed sasha, gabi, was upon them and he threatened to kill both her and falco, the young eldian boy with her. after a dramatic episode with sasha’s adopted little sister, the little girl she saved from a titan, you, armin and mikasa take gabi to a separate room. you have a small talk, only to see your beloved walk in, with a threat. but to see eren again made your stomach flutter with butterflies. god you can’t get over how hot he looks.
he tells you to leave, he needs to talk to armin and mikasa by themselves. as he sends you out, there's a soldier who leads you into another room. you assume eren told him to lead you into another room. you take off your green military jacket, leaving you in your normal day outfit. after a bit, eren walks in. you blush, because god damn he’s so hot.
“... why are you so quiet?” eren asks.
“i-i don’t.. i don’t know. everything that’s happening, it’s just. so confusing…”
“thought you wanted me to bend you over? is that not what you said?”
you look up immediately in shock, “eh?”
eren smirks, “ eh? ” he mocks you, “i said, i thought you wanted me to-”
“i heard you the first time.. seriously, eren? right now? i don’t think this is the right time to-”
“baby, i’m joking. well, not really. i kind of was hoping we would do something here, but you obviously don’t and i am not going to force you,” he sighs, “can we just… hold hands and sit in silence? everything is stressing me out and i don’t know what to do with you.”
“what to do with me..?”
“shh, just hold my hands and shut up.”
“eren jaeger, i know you did not just tell me to-”
“y/n l/n.” 
you immediately shut up, knowing you hate when he uses your first and last name. you look away and he reaches forward and places his hands out in front of him, on the table.
you hold his hands, fingers interlocked, and look into his eyes. those teal eyes… you could stare into them forever. you sit in silence for about five minutes.
you hum in response.
“do you love me?”
“more than life itself.”
“... okay.”
they sit in silence once again.
“yes, my love?”
“.... can we… um…”
“hm? use your words, baby.”
ugh, you hate it when his pet names make you melt. and the way he uses them? UGH he just makes you want to just sit there and obey him forever if it meant him calling you baby. you started to blush and squirm in the chair. eren smirks and chuckles.
“is something wrong, baby? do you… need some release? you look like a pathetic whore in heat.”
you look at him with widened eyes. you’ve never heard eren speak like this to you before, but you.. kinda like it. like, you and eren haven’t even done sexual things so for you both to say dirty things, let alone imply sexual activities towards each other, was new. and well, it seems like that's going to change. eren leans forward with his body, taking back his hands and putting one on the table and one to grip your chin towards him.
“ are you going to fucking answer me? ”
“i-i.. i, um-”
“god, you can’t even speak. you’re so awestruck by the way i’m treating you? it was bound to happen sometime, all you do is cry about how much you love me. it’s annoying. i’m surprised you aren’t a jaegerist, on your knees kissing my shoes. begging for me to fuck the shit out of you. huh? is that what you want? for me to fuck the shit out of you? HUH? answer me, you fucking whore! ” eren slaps your face with the hand that gripped your chin, and he grips it again. he force opens your mouth and he spits in it, “ swallow it. ”
“y-yes sir,” are the only words that could come out, and it boosted his ego and the tent in his pants you didn’t notice until now started to show more. you swallowed the liquid he spit into your mouth and stared into his beautiful teal eyes. you know this is just foreplay, he’s not genuinely angry with you. because his eyes never changed. this is the love of your life… he wouldn’t hurt you. you know he wouldn’t hurt you. you open your mouth to show him you swallowed it and he chuckles.
“ good. ” he lets go of your jaw and pats your head. he looks you in the eye and smiles. a genuine loving smile. he speaks again, “are you okay with this? with what i'm doing?”
you nod, giving a smile back. “i feel amazing, eren. are we… are we gonna, y’know…”
“hm? what did i say about using your words?”
you groan and look away from his eyes. “are we, no, are you actually going to bend me over and do nasty things to me?”
“do you want me to?”
eren smirks and chuckles. “your wish will be my command.”
on an instant, eren grabs your arm and yanks you over the table. he walks to where you were just standing, and then he drags you by your hair to get off the table. he forces you on the floor, on your two knees to face towards him and his bulge that was being held in his dark pants, screaming to come out. he leans against the table.
“well? what are you waiting for? i’m not helping you. you’re on your own.”
you roll your eyes and you feel like you just know what you’re supposed to do. your hands make way to his pants, unbuttoning it immediately. you pull his pants down to his ankles, and start to rub his bulge. eren sucks in a breath, leaning his head back. he’s getting impatient, he actually can’t wait. he pulls his underwear down, his girthy member slapping against his stomach. he backs up to sit on a chair and spreads his legs apart for you. you stare at him with a flushed face and widened eyes. because it’s your guy’s first time doing anything like this, he smirks and starts pumping his member. pre-cum leaking out. he bites his lip, tilts his head back and lets out a low moan.
“y/n. start. i’m not doing everything for you from here on. suck it.”
you stare at his member, not in fear because your beloved’s cock is big, but in shock. will i… will i be able to fit this in my mouth? let alone.. inSIDE of me?? you lean forward, trying not to let him wait any longer. you lick a long stripe from his balls to his tip, earning a strangled moan from eren. he doesn’t want to pull your hair yet, so he just keeps caressing his thighs. you lick it some more, and then you finally stick him inside your mouth, and he instantly thrusts into your mouth. you let out a choke and pull off to cough. he opens his eyes and puts his hand on your cheek, stroking it.
“i’m sorry baby, i-it was an instant reaction. i’ll try not to do that until you’re ready. j-just.. keep going…”
you nod your head after coughing, letting your mouth right back onto his cock. you slowly start to bob your head, letting your tongue glide against the veins. trying not to bite, you start to bob your head quicker. you use your hand for whatever you can't reach and you just do this for a few minutes. eren’s legs start to shake. you lick his tip a few times, and eren’s hands go to your hair, pushing your head down a little further. he’s close. you can’t tell, but he knows he is. he thrusts up into your mouth, making you gag but you also moan, because fuck it feels so good. the vibrations from your noises trigger him, and he thrusts up more.
“f-fuck, y/n… i’m… i-i’m coming-!”
he pushes your head down all the way, your nose touching his skin. you’re gagging as thick liquid spurts up into your throat, making you gag just a bit more. your eyes tear up from the pain in your mouth, but your body feels tingly, on the verge of an orgasm. eren pulls out of your mouth while breathing heavy. you pull back with lust-filled eyes and you know you’re dying to have him inside you now. you open your mouth to show him his cum on your tongue, then you swallow that and show him your tongue once more. he blushes and giggles, looking away from your face. if he looks again, he might cum again, he doesn’t want to. not yet.
“e-eren… i need you… please, eren.”
eren looks at you and chuckles, “fuck… get on the table. i can’t hold back any longer.”
eren helps you up and sets you on the table in front of you both. he pulls off every piece of clothing you had on, your shirt your undershirt, your pants and your underwear, all at once. he refuses to wait. he needs to be in you now. he looks at your wet folds, he knows you were on the verge of cumming. he gives one long lick against you, and you bite your lip, twitching your legs and holding in your moans. he gets up and puts both arms on either side of your head. his member sliding against your folds.
“oh no no no, you are not going to hold back. i want everyone to know who is getting fucked and by who. i want everyone to know my partner of four years is a whore, a slut for my dick. that they’d do anything just to have eren jaeger’s cock in their mouth, in their beautiful pussy. yeah? are you my little cockwhore?”
“yes sir! i’m your little cockwhore, your little slut. please ‘ren, i want you.. no, i need you!!”
“god, baby. say it again, one more time baby..”
“oh my god, babe. JUST DO IT!”
you both giggle as if there aren’t soldiers threatening your friends and comrades outside that door. eren looks at you with a genuine smile, and he mumbles “please, baby.”
“... i’m your little cockwhore, ‘ren. your little slutty cockwhore.”
“yeah? who’s pussy is this? huh? who’s pussy am i about to fuck?”
“... mine?”
eren lifts an arm and smacks your face, gripping your chin tightly. “try again.”
“what was that?”
“it’s yours…”
“what’s mine? didn’t your mother teach you how to speak? what. is. mine?” he uses that hand that gripped your chin to slap his cock against your throbbing area, sliding his cock between your folds.
“this pussy is yours, eren! this virgin pussy is all yours, eren, now can you PLEASE - o-oh!”
eren laughs as he just slides his member inside of you, slowly. it’s both of your first times, but it feels like it’s not. your cunt is so tight, but it feels as though it’s been used so many times. he gets in all the way, and you reach over to grip his man bun. you pull it out of its hair tie because you didn’t want to bother working with it later. he stays in, waiting for you to give him the go. you clench yourself around him, and considering the fact you were on the brink of orgasm when you were sucking him off, you actually orgasm right then and there. you clench around him tightly, moaning and gripping his long hair. he puts his hand back down next to your head.
“eren! o-oh fuck… -i-i’m sorry… i was on t-the brink of coming, i’m sorry-! EREN!”
he starts to thrust in, using your juices as lubricant and he just goes for it. fuck waiting, you already came. and he was going to make sure you get another orgasm. he wants his baby to be spoiled with his cum. he thrusts in and out, seeing his cock become visible and invisible. you moan, scream, every verb in the dictionary. you move your hands from his hair to his back and chest, leaving marks all over. eren grunts, feelings so good from your nails scratching him. oh god, his baby is making him feel so good. and he know he’s making his baby feel so good too, it’s very well shown on your face. he keep thrusting until he hits the spot to make you wild.
“EREN! oh my god, please eren, i’m so close, please please! please treat me like your little whore! you’re hitting the spot i never knew existed, please don’t stop!”
“you want it? you want me to fuck a baby into you? hm? want your sadistic boyfriend to breed you?”
god, you were losing it. eren grabs your body, he keeps his dick inside and he pulls you down to the chair with him. he wants you to ride him. and god, it’s a new sensation. you feel like you’re seeing god when you ride him. you hop on his lap, and he holds on to your waist while fucking up into you. you stare into his beautiful blueish green eyes. you wrap one arm around his neck and the other to his cheek and you kiss him. he, of course, kisses back. he helps you hop on him while holding your waist. everything feels so good.
“eren… i’m close again..” you mumble to the boy.
“i know , baby, i am too. i am too.”
he leaves marks all over your chest, just as you left nail marks on his back. you guys just sit like this, you keep riding him until you both are on the verge of another orgasm. he holds you against him, fucking into you so quick and fast and it just keeps hitting your walls. you’re both about to orgasm.
“eren! i’m gonna come, i-i’m-”
“let it out baby, i wanna hear you. i want everyone to hear you! please baby, i love you!”
“eren! i’m- f-fuck.. i love you, eren!”
after you both orgasm for a second time, you both sit there. enjoying each other's hot air, finishing off the post orgasm and intimate moment together. you both stare into each other's eyes, sharing the bonding moment. you both smile at each other, and you nuzzle into his neck. you love eren, you loved him so much. you can’t picture your future without him. he helps you up and he sets you back on the table. he looks around the entire room searching for wipes or paper towels. fortunately, he finds paper towels and cleans your private areas off. he’s beyond happy to have shared such a moment with you, finally. he gives you a deep kiss. he loves you so much. he would love to picture himself in your future.
he wasn’t in it.
2 years have passed since the rumbling.
you miss him.
you miss eren so much.
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jinkicake · 4 years
You Call Him Daddy?!
You accidentally call them daddy in front of the team.
Kageyama Tobio x Reader
Sugawara Koushi x Reader
Tsukishima Kei x Reader
For the anons who requested these characters!! Here you go~~ I combined them and put them on one page, the Karasuno boys. (*・∀-)☆ Pls omg Kageyama and Tsukki are aged up to 18, they’re third years in this. Don’t be gross and think they’re tiny first years, I wouldn’t be able to handle it TT
This is complete and utter filth, I have no idea what possessed me to write this. Please..... read this at your own caution TT SMUT
WC- 2,208
Kageyama Tobio
Kageyama would pass away on the spot, he would stop functioning
Honestly though, it was his fault he got caught, he was too distracted to even catch his mistake
It was tournament season and you were going to watch some of his games
Sadly though you had to babysit your neighbor’s daughter, who happened to be the child of Aoba’s assistant coach, and with her parent’s permission you brought her to the arena
It was so crowded as you held her to your chest, you frantically looked around for any members of your boyfriend’s team
You couldn’t see where you were going and bumped into a familiar player, their large hands bracing your shoulders and your eyes widen at the turquoise in your vision
“Oh, Kindaichi I’m sorry, are you okay?” You smile politely at your boyfriend’s old teammate, much to Kageyama’s dismay, you actually liked the onion head and Kunimi
“I’m fine, it’s good to see you. Hi Natsumi.” He pats the little girls head and she squeals in delight at the familiar boy
“Where’s daddy, huh?” You coo and lift her up so she can find her father
“Daddy! Daddy!” The little girl calls out to her father and you hand her over to the assistant coach before waving at Kunimi
“(Y/N).” Kageyama calls from behind you, you can’t keep the wide smile off of your face when you see him “What’s wrong?” His concern sends your heart into a frenzy
“Oh, nothing! I’m just letting Natsumi see her dad before we head up to the bleachers, I was looking for you!” You tell him and he flicks your forehead, disappointment heavy in his features
“So you weren’t calling for me?” His flirty tone causes your face to heat up and you thought no one had heard due to the mass amount of people in the hallway
You were wrong…
“Gross.” Kunimi rolls his eyes as he passes his old teammate “That’s nasty, even for you Kageyama.” He tosses his nose high into the air and a bright red Kindaichi follows behind him
You can only gape and blink before clutching your boyfriend’s shoulders and laughing loudly into his chest
Kageyama seriously stopped working, his face turned bright red and he was trying to hide his face behind his thick hair
“Ah you’re so cute Kageyama!” You cup his cheek and smile sweetly, in an effort trying to bring his spirits up after the humiliation he brought on
“You look so cute with kids.” Kageyama praises, his face resting in the crook of your neck as he slowly thrusts into you. You tilt your head back against the pillow at the intensity of each stroke, your back arches into the air and Kageyama smirks before wrapping his lips around your nipple. 
“F-fuck,” You sigh loudly, your voice breaking off into a moan when his teeth bite down on the small nub. Your hands quickly find his hair and roughly pull on the strands, you’re really being worked with each of his thrusts.
“I should fuck a baby into you, shouldn’t I? You would look so nice with my cum spilling out of you, don’t you think?” When Kageyama asks questions he always expects an answer, but right now it’s so hard to give him one. It’s so hard to focus between his pelvis rubbing against your clit and the overall feeling of being so full.
“Yes,” Your word stretches with a whine and you press your lips together to hold back another. “I would like it so much daddy.” Your begs make Kageyama want to pick up the pace but he continues to thrust into you slowly while one of his hands gently slaps your other breast.
“Is that any way to ask, petal?” His eyes are so commanding as he looks at you, almost as if he is testing you to reject his motives. The natural dominance, the need to be in charge, radiating off of him makes you feel so small under him. So protected in his care that you want to give your all to him. 
“Please ruin me, I won’t waste a single drop daddy.” You promise and Kageyama breaks into a wide grin, his hips pick up the pace to fuck you into the sheets.
“That’s it sweet girl, you better keep your words.”
Sugawara Koushi
Listen nobody thinks Sugawara is nasty
But let’s be real, we have all seen him angry! That bitch is crazy!
We call Daichi the ‘dad’ but honestly,,,, Sugawara could make everyone his bitch without lifting a finger
Daddy!Sugawara periodt, that’s all I want to say
After practice one day you agreed to help some of the first years with their Japanese literature class, it went by slow and you mainly just proofread their writing to make sure it was all correct
As you continue to read through Hinata’s paper, your brows furrow together when you try to piece together the word he had written
It doesn’t look like it belongs there and you can’t figure out what it could possibly be
“Umm Hinata what is this word? It looks like you wrote ‘daddy’ but that doesn’t fit there?” You lightly point at the smudged pencil and the small boy squeaks before trying to piece it together himself
“Daddy? Hinata you’re an idiot!” Kageyama insults as he continues to write his own paper
“Daddy? I love that word!” Sugawara pops up from behind you and squats down to kiss your cheek before running back to the court
The two first years look at each other before looking at you, confusion painted on their faces before going back to their work
“Is no one going to say anything about that?” Tsukishima looks around with a mild disgust before shrugging his shoulders and serving to Yamaguchi
“You didn’t mean it like that right Sugawara?” Daichi smiles at his friend, his smile faltering when his friend doesn’t confirm his statement
“No I like being called daddy.” The refreshing setter sends an innocent smile back before grabbing a ball, ignoring the stunned look on his captain's face
“S-Sugawara-“ Asahi starts but can’t find the words to figure out what the hell to say
Kiyoko looks up from her clipboard and sends you an approving nod, hiding her face behind the object just as quickly as she looked up
“Hey! Let’s not be so surprised! We’ve all seen him angry before!” Nishinoya defends, standing tall next to his setter “Good for you Sugawara, daddys for life!” He gives him a slap on the back as praise and you simply watch the entire thing with a deep embarrassment
“Am I really that innocent to them? Do I not look like I would be into freaky shit, should I be offended?” Sugawara continues to ask you, knowing damn well you won’t be able to answer him back with the makeshift gag in your mouth. “Your panties work so well, don’t they angel? You look so utterly delectable.” He pushes the material deeper into your mouth with two fingers before going back to check each of the soft silk ties holding your arms and legs apart. “As if none of them want to be called daddy, and they look at me like I’m the weird one?” He continues to rant, gently running his finger up and down your naked body. “What do you think, sweetheart?”
You try to talk around the soaked material but it only comes out like complete nonsense, Sugawara nods as if he understands it anyway.
“What can I do to show them I’m not the vanilla player they think I am? I’ve already ruined you beyond repair, haven’t I?” He cups your cheek lovingly, his words are added with extra fluff that hold nothing but lies. “Maybe I just need to push your beautiful body further. Would you like that angel?” He continues to ask and you nod frantically. “Ah, of course you would.” Sugawara dips his fingers between your thighs, spreading your folds apart to tap at your clit. Even the small action makes you release a muffled cry.
“Daddy is going to take such good care of you tonight.”
Tsukishima Kei
I don’t know who Tsukishima would throw off a building first, you or himself
It would be just his luck that the first time you call him daddy, someone overhears it and can’t keep their mouth shut
Spoiler alert : said person is Hinata
It’s after school before practice and Tsukishima has you cornered against the wall in an abandoned hallway
One of his long legs rest between your own and his hands are pressed flat on either side of your head
Yes you had been teasing him in class, sending him filthy text messages to the point that you could see the familiar tent rising in his slacks but, did you stop there?
Seeing him so turned on in such a public setting only made you hotter and the sticky summer humidity wasn’t helping you either
But your boyfriend knows discipline and was able to control himself…. well until the bell rang
Now you’re his for a short time before he has to get to the gym
Two of Tsukishima’s fingers pinch your chin and force you to look up at him, his narrowed eyes glare down at you and it should make you feel nervous
… it doesn’t
The irritation radiating off of him in waves only makes you pout larger, purposely you push your lip out just to spite him
“What was that in there?” Tsukishima spits out in a hushed whisper, heavily referring to the last period when you sent him text after text of all the things you want him to do to you
“It was just a little teasing.” Your words fuel him to grab your wrist and place your hand flush against his crotch, the contact causes your thighs to clench around his leg 
“Little? What about this is little?” He sneered and you could feel yourself going light headed
“I-I’m sorry” Your apology is still not enough for him
“You’re sorry? Who are you apologizing to?”
“You, daddy” The words slip out of your mouth, fumble out so smoothly that you don’t even realize what you said until he stopped moving
At this Tsukishima’s glasses fog over, it’s like he stopped functioning and you fear that you may have broken him
Fuck, you can’t think it had gotten any worse….
It had
“T-Tsukishima practice started five minutes ago…” Hinata calls from around the corner and from where you are, you could have sworn you saw blood trickle out of his nose
“Come on daddy” Kageyama tries to tease but ends up gagging on the last word, covering his mouth to shield his laughter
The two third years walk off while they try to hold back their amusement, unable to look their teammate in the eye
By the looks of it…. You can’t handle looking your boyfriend in the face either
“Fucking brat.” Tsukishima rolls his eyes as you lay on your stomach, your hands tied to the bedpost with your ass high in the air. He continues to glare down at you and as much as you want to look back at him, you know better not to. You feel the bed dip and you nearly moan when his large hands grip at your inner thighs, spreading your legs apart so that he can touch your delicate slit. He flicks your clit and you bite the pillow beneath you. “Good girl.” Tsukishima praises, moving to rub three of his fingers along your soaked entrance, occasionally dipping his fingers to rub along your walls. You nearly whine when he removes his fingers and you can’t stop the moan that slips from your lips when he finally lays a brutal slap against your ass.
“Oh?” You can’t see his face but you know exactly what he looks like. In your head you can see the mild irritation covering his face as he stares down at you amusedly, you know how badly his cock is aching in his shorts at the redness covering your ass. “You like that, don’t you?” He sneers, smacking your behind a few times before going back down to rub your slit. He toys with your clit too much, giving you too much attention that you can’t hold any noises back. “What can I expect from such a dirty girl? Are you going to call me daddy again?”
You can hear him laughing and his words do nothing but make you clench around nothing, you push your ass higher into the air and moan loudly.
“Yes daddy, please.” You beg and nearly faint at how quiet the room gets. You’re almost afraid that you went too far, that he wasn’t ready for this just yet, but all your fears disappear when you feel his nimble length between your lower lips. Tsukishima preps himself in your natural lubricant as he tries not to cum from your words alone.
“Scream for daddy.” He chuckles darkly before entering you in one swift movement, his chest presses against your back and you see his hands on either side of your head. “So fucking tight.” Tsukishima grunts and pauses, trying to ignore how tightly you’re clenching around him. 
“Stop, if I fucking cum you’re cleaning it up.”  
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sleepdeprivedsloth · 3 years
Cold Foot
[MHA - Midoriya, Todoroki]
summary: Todoroki is caught walking around with a sock covering only one of his feet. Midoriya is determined to figure out the reasoning behind his unusual clothing choices. (platonic TodoDeku tickle fic)
potential warnings: tickling
words: 1.4 k
a/n: haha finally branching out into the dekusquad characters bc they are so sweet and i love them!! but yeah i hope you all enjoy reading this, much love <<33
The first time Todoroki walked out of his dorm room with a sock on only one of his feet, everyone thought it was just a silly oversight. It was still pretty early in the morning; maybe his brain just needed a bit more time to fully wake up and realize that he hadn’t exactly finished getting dressed.
The second time he was caught walking around half-barefoot, Todoroki received a few confused glances, but the majority of his peers chose to cut him some slack and let him be. It was a Saturday after all; maybe he was just too lazy to be bothered.
However, when his classmates passed through the common area and saw Todoroki lounging on the couch, both feet outstretched but only one wearing a plain white sock for the third time, they started to suspect that these occurrences weren’t accidental. Most had paused for a moment to take in Todoroki’s abnormal clothing choices, looking upon the scene with complete and utter confusion, but ultimately decided that it was best to just let the fire and ice hero-in-training do his own thing.
Not Midoriya though. Much like his peers, the green-haired boy had stopped and stared for a few seconds to internally ponder on the different possibilities as to why Todoroki chose to only cover up one foot, but it didn’t take long for his curiosity to inevitably get the better of him.
Midoriya casually made his way towards Todoroki and settled himself on the couch, sitting beside the intriguingly half-socked feet. Feeling the cushions shift from the added weight, Todoroki looked up from his phone and peered at Midoriya expectantly. “Can I help you with something, Midoriya?”
“Why are you wearing a sock on only one of your feet?” Midoriya promptly asked, as if he was anxiously waiting for his friend to acknowledge his presence. His green eyes subconsciously moved their curious gaze to the feet in question. “At first, I thought that the need to put on the other sock just slipped your mind, but you’re more attentive than that. You wouldn’t have missed something as simple as a missing sock. But then again-” Midoriya looked back up sheepishly as he stopped himself from going on a full-on rant, having to mentally refocus himself on the matter at hand. “A-anyways, I was just wondering why you only wear one sock, that’s all.”
Todoroki’s lips curled up slightly when Midoriya pulled himself out of his rambling. “Since the right side of my body can manipulate ice, my right foot doesn’t get cold like my left one does. There just simply is no need for me to wear a sock on that foot.”
And with that, Midoriya’s brain switched into research mode. He reached out and grabbed onto Todoroki’s right, unsocked foot, turning it around in his hands as he started inspecting it. “Huh, I never thought of it like that. But it does make sense, more so than the far-fetched theories that I had come up with..” 
In his peripheral vision, Midoriya saw Todoroki tense up, his nervous eyes trained on the foot that was trapped in Midoriya’s grasp. The green-haired boy could just barely make out the slightest hint of a giddy smile on his friend’s lips.
It didn’t take long for Midoriya to piece the subtle signs together. A mischievous glint flashed across his playful eyes as he set his new plan into motion. “Hey Todoroki, you wouldn’t mind if I were to experiment a bit with this new found information, right? It would be a great addition to my notes on your unique half and half quirk.”
Todoroki looked a bit uneasy at the thought of Midoriya performing hands-on research on him, but inevitably agreed. “Sure, I don’t mind.” He tried to relax himself and picked up his phone, resuming his mindless scrolling from before. Midoriya just wanted more accurate and detailed notes, that’s all. What was the worst that could happen?
“Great~” Midoriya laid a hand across Todoroki’s ankles, effectively pinning them down against the couch cushions. 
Todoroki’s head shot up to look at his trapped feet, eyes widening in surprise. “W-wait, Midoriya, what are you-”
“We already know that your fire side is more sensitive to the cold, but I wonder if it’s also more sensitive to touch…” Midoriya slowly dragged a finger down the length of Todoroki’s socked foot, starting just underneath his toes and traveling down to the heel. Up and down, over and over, again and again.
Todoroki choked on the laughter that was trying to force its way out of his throat as he instinctively tried to pull his feet away from the soft touches. Unfortunately for him, both feet were kept firmly in place by Midoriya’s strong hold. A small string of giggles escaped his lips when the torturous finger swiped against a particularly sensitive spot in the middle of his arch. “Nohohohoho! Midohohoriyahahaha!!”
Midoriya smiled at the sweet sound of his friend’s rare laughter, but he couldn’t break character just yet. “How does this feel? What would you rate the sensations on a scale from one to ten?”
With his mind being preoccupied with the soft, tickly feelings on his left foot, Todoroki genuinely couldn’t tell if Midoriya was purposefully teasing him or was just honestly curious about how much he could feel the sensations. Either way, the green-haired boy’s words caused a light blush to spread across his grinning face. “I dohohon’t knohow?”
Midoriya stopped the light tracing in favor of gently scribbling his five fingers against the socked sole. “How about now?”
Todoroki’s laughter raised an octave as his squirming became more desperate. “Ohokahahay okahahahay! Mahahahaybe a seheheven?”
“Hmm, interesting…” Midoriya momentarily stilled his fingers, allowing his friend a quick breather. “Let’s check your other foot now, shall we?”
A fresh wave of giddy panic flowed through Todoroki’s body. “Noho need! Haven’t yohou done enohough experimenting?” He started to lean forward and reach towards Midoriya, trying to grab ahold of his troublesome hands, but immediately fell back down the moment he felt fingers fluttering against his bare foot. “NOHOHOHOHO!!”
“Sorry, but we must compare the ratings of both feet to get the most accurate results,” Midoriya explained sympathetically, but both boys knew that he wasn’t really sorry. “Now, how would you rate the sensations on this foot?”
Todoroki tugged desperately at his feet, but Midoriya’s hold seemed unbreakable, especially since his own strength had been weakened from all of the squirming and laughing. He wrapped his arms tightly around his torso, as if to hold in the uncontrollable flow of laughter that left his face-splitting smile. “MIDOHOHOHORIYAHAHA PLEHEHEHEASE, IHIHIHIHIT TIHIHIHICKLES! LEHEHEHEHET GOHOHOHOHO!!”
“My research isn’t complete yet, Todoroki!” Midoriya wiggled his fingers in between Todoroki’s scrunched toes. The fire and ice student threw his head back, his roars of laughter becoming even more hysterical. Midoriya beamed fondly at the sight of his friend finally letting loose from his much-too-serious persona. “If you would just rate how this feels, it would all be over~”
“AHAHAHAHA TEHEHEHEN! IHIHIHIHIT’S AHAHAHA TEHEHEN! PLEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAP!!” Todoroki called out, eyes squeezed shut to prevent his mirthful tears from spilling onto his flushed cheeks.
Midoriya stopped his tickling and brought both arms back down into his lap, giving his friend’s feet the freedom to move. Todoroki instantly brought his legs against his heaving chest and wrapped his arms around them protectively, resting his head on top of his knees.
With a victorious smile, Midoriya exclaimed, “Based on all of the research you have so generously helped me gather, I can now confidently conclude that your ice foot is definitely more sensitive to touch than your fire foot!”
“That’s nohot exactly accurate,” Todoroki argued, mindlessly tracing along the veins in the top of his right foot with an index finger. “My ‘ice foot,’ as you like to call it, was unsocked during the whole experiment. So of course it was going to be more sensitive than my-” Todoroki caught his mistake too late as he cautiously brought his gaze back up to look at Midoriya’s reaction. To his dismay, he was immediately met with the same mischievous green eyes from before.
“You’re absolutely right, Todoroki!” Midoriya agreed, slowly inching himself closer to his classmate. “We just simply need more data and then-”
Todoroki didn’t waste another precious second. He instantly leaped off of the couch and bolted out of the common area towards the elevator, already giggling uncontrollably as he heard Midoriya’s teasing words not too far behind him.
a/n: thanks for reading everyone! ler midoriya is just *chef’s kiss* i love him okay? omg and when characters who don’t really smile much (cough cough todo and baku) genuinely laugh it is so cute i can’t!! lol anyways good night/day yall :)
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raeynbowboi · 4 years
How Kipo Makes Great Villains
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I stayed up all night binging the second season of Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts, and I’ll admit. Going into it, my expectations were a bit low. Season One had such a self-contained objective, I didn’t know what the show was going to do with itself with a second season. But the second season of Kipo blew me out of the water. So, now I’m going to rant about why Scarlemagne and Jamack are fantastic villains for Kipo to confront, and what Kipo teaches us about writing antagonists. Obviously, spoilers ahead, but if you’re caught up, prepare to gush over great villains. If you’re not, do yourself a favor and go away, experience the second season for yourself, and then come back and fangasm over how great it was.
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Kipo’s first antagonist is a perfect character foil. That is to say, Jamack is the exact opposite of Kipo. When Jamack meets Kipo, they are in exact opposite situations. He’s in a group while she’s alone. Later, when Kipo finds friends and is no longer alone, Jamack is kicked out of his group, forcing him to survive on his own. Jamack is very focused on self-interest and self-preservation, belittling his underlings for minor mistakes. His outlook is cold, cynical, and jaded. On top of that, Jamack grew up in this crazy world where only the strong survive. He’s also a part of the Mob Frogs, which seem to be the only mute culture with internal hierarchy. Other groups have a leader, but only the Mob Frogs seem to have levels of rank within the organization, causing the Mob Frogs to be competitive, even among themselves. So it makes perfect sense why Jamack will stoop to pretty much anything to get what he wants. Because that’s the mentality that allows for upward mobility in Las Vista. Thus, when Kipo arrives and upends the status quo and proves Jamack’s way of living wrong, he lashes out. Initially seeing it as her stealing his life from him, Jamack begins to gradually change. Jamack is on a similar and reflected hero’s journey to Kipo, and as she grows, so too will he. It’s no surprise that Jamack will eventually become a genuine ally of Kipo, even if he’s still hiding behind a Tsundere mask.
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My god is this a fantastic villain. In the first season, he was genuinely creepy and intimidating, but in season 2, Hugo became incredibly sympathetic. As season 2 went on, I kept debating to myself who is more of the Zuko of this show: Jamack or Hugo. Scarlemagne serves the same narrative purpose as the Diamonds in Steven Universe, about how words and kindness can work through problems. But I think it’s done a little better here, since Hugo isn’t a world-destroying dictator. He’s done some damage, but nothing that was really lasting. His pheremones can wear off. The humans he’s enslaved can regain their freedom. So, Hugo’s actual damage as a villain is much smaller and thus much more forgivable than immortal galactic conquerors. Hugo shows this deeply in that he genuinely seems like he wants to make Kipo happy, but he’s been hurt for so long that he doesn’t understand how to. And this genuine care seems to come a lot more from his core personality, and not just Kipo making friendship speeches. Even Steven didn’t really change the minds of the Diamonds. He just kind of proved he was their sister/nephew, and they suddenly cared about what he had to say. With Hugo, it’s much easier to see that he’s not a monster, just a scared and confused man lashing out to maintain control in a barbaric world. It makes him a character who you don’t want to see succeed in his evil plans, but you don’t want to watch him fail and lose everything he's worked for. You simultaneously want to hug him, and also punch him. It’s that perfect balance that makes Scarlemagne so well-written. He’s officially on my list of top 10 tv cartoon villains. Also, it’s hysterical that Hugo is voiced by the live action Beast, and the second half of this season was honestly a better Beauty and the Beast story than the live action movie. Am I the only one who hears Dr. Animo from Ben 10 when Scarlemagne speaks though?
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Talk about bait and switch. I don’t know if it was their intention, but I assumed the woman in the bird mask was Song, Kipo’s mother. It was clear that she and her goons were wearing burrow jumpsuits, and as it seemed more and more like her mother wasn’t dead, so I assumed this had to be her. This was such a great misdirection. Assuming she’s the hero because of our opinions of Scarlemagne, it’s what gives this show such amazing rewatch potential as now you can go back and pay attention to her words and actions and realize what she’s genuinely like. But even on a character level, she’s a fantastic villain. Kipo is a master of Talk no Jutsu, a fan term from the Naruto fandom, as he had a knack for talking literally anyone into becoming his friend, even the ones actively trying to kill him. Steven Universe and Kipo seem to be the other two masters of this technique. But Dr. Emilia will likely be immune to this. She doesn’t strike me as the sit and talk things out type. Because there are times when words won’t stop people, but action will. Dr. Emilia is a villain Kipo can’t reason with, someone she can’t befriend with a good speech. But even on a philosophical level, Dr. Emilia is fantastic because while she’s clearly a villain, her goal isn’t inherently evil. She sees mutation as a bad thing and wants to restore mute DNA to their normal animal forms. Which is a large part of why humans need to live in burrows. She wants humans to not live in fear, and to restore animals to their genetic origins. At least in theory, it’s a benign enough goal. The problem comes when you consider that animal mutes have sentience. they can speak and express desires. Robbing them of that is akin to purposefully mentally disabling a group in order to be dominant over them, which adds to the great themes here because there’s a loose veil of animals as an enslaved species. Kept in cages or as pets, ruled over or hunted by man who views itself as the superior race, the same sort of thinking that white slave-owners used to rationalize their prejudice. Thus it’s also a loose allegory for Dr. Emilia wanting to return emancipated slaves back to their chains. This is why she’s such a good villain. At face value, her goal sounds sort of reasonable, but when you examine what she’s really doing, it’s incredibly dark and cruel. That level of detail and writing is amazing. Talk about a well-written villain. I’m sorry, I can’t stop gushing.
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Kipo demonstrates three equally compelling types of villains, and handles all of them amazingly. Jamack is the hero’s villainous foil, on his own mirrored hero’s journey as hers. His situation is always an exact opposite of hers, as was his life experiences, which led to such a stark difference of ideas. Thus, why it takes her utterly alien character traits to kick start his character arc. Hugo is a beautifully flawed and tragic villain whose goal of bringing the mutes together under a single ruler is genuinely compelling, but you still don’t want him to succeed the wrong way. Yet, if he could achieve his goal in a less hostile and evil way, I doubt fans would be upset with him achieving this goal otherwise. It’s just his approach that’s problematic. Dr. Emilia seems reasonable enough on paper, but once you unpack what she’s really doing, you can read a really deep allegory for slavery and racial superiority into her character that really complicates the otherwise black-and-white opinion of her character. Each of these villains shows ways you can make a compelling antagonist, and if you read this without watching Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeats despite my spoiler warnings, do yourself a favor and watch it. You will not be disappointed.
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fezcosbitch · 4 years
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After a few requests, here’s the second part to passion and wild regret
you can read part 1 here
if the link doesn't work please tell me! x
I hope you enjoy ❤️
You can request if you want x
Warnings: Angst, hella angst. Also the pogues (kie) are rude in this one like...RUDE. Reader is confrontational and not gonna lie, i’m here for it, like I wish I could do this. also if you like Kie... you about to not like Kie, shes a bit off the rails, mega jealous ex here.
All feedback’s welcome, as long as its not mean or rude 💙
So yeah, hopefully you enjoy❤️
It was 2:57 when i woke up the following morning, or evening, and i had absolutely no clue what to  do with myself. I had an immense headache, and a deep pain in my heart. How could they do that? say that? You had been there for them all, through everything. Yet somehow they decide to say all that about you. You were there for Kie when she was at her lowest point, you found her in the bathrooms with Sarah, yet when Sarah left, you stayed, and she never saw it. When John B felt like he would never fit in, and you were the only one (apart from JJ) who stuck by him. Or pope, who, for preparation for his college interview wanted someone to revise with so he wouldn’t be lonely for hours on end, and when everyone opted to surf and sun tan instead of help him, you were the one to stay behind and assist him in his studies, while you could’ve been outside in the summer, tanning and surfing. And  then JJ, the person who undoubtedly hurt you the most. You were there for him all the time. Throughout all the beatings his dad gave him. And all the angry times he almost threw his life away by getting arrested. You saved him from so much, and yet he repays you by saying you’re too much for him, and not worth him.
You couldn’t stand having these thoughts festering around in your mind, so decided that the best thing would be to confront the pogues, and ask why they thought what they did. You hopped in your car and drove over to the chateau, ready to either make or break all your supposed friendships.
Pulling up to the chateau, You saw all the pogues sitting around the porch, talking about something you couldn’t hear. After you’ve stepped out your car, you slam the door shut and lock it, as all the pogues heads turn to look at you. JJ immediately gets up and heads towards you, while the rest of the pogues stand up behind him.
“oh baby I-” JJ started, tears brimming in his eyes already just wanting to apologize over and over again. “don’t even JJ, don’t even start” you said , shaking your head at him “I-” he tried again desperate for you to hear what he wanted to say. “NO JJ, NO. You don’t get to speak over me ok? none of you do. I cant believe you guys i mean, how dare you. I’ve done nothing but stick by you! all of you! yet you repay me like this? wow, Thanks guys I really appreciate that yeah. Just, I can’t believe all of you.” You quickly let out, looking at all of them
“I DIDN’T AGREE WITH THEM BABY I SWEAR” JJ bursts out, desperate for you to forgive him. “what?” you question, immediately wanting to know if this is true. “ I-I-I don’t know what you heard but I never agreed to what they said,I would never, please baby believe me, I know you’ve done so much for me, you’re the best thing to ever happen to me, I argued fully with them all night, I never once agreed, please take me back.” JJ begged, now directly in front of you grasping onto your hands. “is this true?” you asked the rest of the pogues behind him, desperate to find out if it was true or not, desperately wanting someone on your side. All the pogues solemnly nodded, proving to you that JJ did in fact argue against his friends. You looked him dead in the eye “of course i’ll take you back idiot, i kind of stormed of halfway through, didn’t get to hear what you said” you told him smiling through your tears of joy due to knowing that JJ did in fact fight for you. you quickly take him in your arms and hold him tight, “I’m so sorry” you whispered, knowing it must of been hard for him to read the letter you left him. “It’s ok” he whispered back, lightly kissing your shoulder. In that moment you both knew you were never going to let go of each other again, and that if needed, you’d swim entire oceans to be together. 
In all of that chaos you had forgotten the pogues behind you, who you initially came here for. Breaking out of the hug between you and JJ, you turn to face them with all your pent up anger ready to be unleashed, and knowing JJ was safely with you, and prepared to go to the end of the earth with you, you felt ready to take on whatever your ‘friends’ say to you. 
“What about you guys then?” you started off. “What was that all about? all the ‘Y/ns not good enough for you’, and the ‘she’ll only bring you down’ what was all that?” you questioned looking around at all three of them “Its our honest thoughts” Kie spoke up, making you turn to look at her. “really?” you questioned, cocking one eyebrow. “yeah” she responded, crossing her arms. “boys?” you asked, wanting to see if they agreed. John B was the first to nod his head, almost instantly, and pope slowly after, agreeing with his statement. “wow... All my friends hate me.” you whistled, slowly coming to the full realization. JJ grasped your hand, to remind you that he was there for you. “We don’t hate you y/n... we just hate you and JJ being together” John B backed Kiara up, acting as if it was the most obvious thing ever. “why bro? why can’t you just be happy for us?” JJ questioned from behind you, genuinely curious “ because bro, Shes a bad influence. She doesn’t care bro, not about you, us, anyone man why can’t you see that? sure shes cool and stuff and shes a fun friend but that’s all she should ever be” John B ranted. “ What the fuck bro? All of you think that? wow. So everything I’ve ever done for you guys is washed away by some dumb mistakes right? I do some drugs and SHIT I’m the worst person in the world right? everything I’ve ever done forgotten because of some things I do when I’m drunk right?” you questioned all at once, trying to show them how stupid they were being. “Yes” Kiara responds. “Yes because we don’t know what else you’ll do. First it’s molly, next its what? METH?” Kiara stressed. “You’re unreliable, and God knows what you could get JJ into.” she finished. “wha- Kie why are you SO scared about what JJ could get into man? Like what?  I’d never hurt him, or do anything like that, I love him man, so what are you so worried about?” you ranted, confused by Kies emotions. Of course you understood her worry for her friends. but she didn’t say that about John B, or Pope, so why JJ? “BECAUSE YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM! YOU NEVER DID” Kie fully lets out. Ah, you understood now. “You jealous Kiara?” you questioned? “you want JJ yeah? want him to be with you, so now everything I do apparently is more of a reason for him to be with you yeah?” you finally said, having worked out why she was so angry. Kie and the rest of the pogues were silent at your discovery. “wait, what about you guys?” you questioned the two boys. “well uhh, Kie kinda told us you may have cheated on J”
your jaw dropped. 
“THE FUCK KIE? WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?” you were shocked at the lies she was spilling. “ WELL YOU DON’T DESERVE HIM ANYWAY, THE MORE PEOPLE THAT SEE THAT MAYBE THE MORE HE’LL REALIZE IT, WHO CARES IF THERE’S A COUPLE OF LIES” all of you stood there shocked at what Kie just said. “ the fuck-” JJ started, shocked out of his mind that Kie would say something like that. “ I can’t even. Don’t talk to me Kiara, don’t even approach me until i say so, oh and sort out your major jealousy problem, it’s not cute honey” you said while getting in your car, waiting for JJ to enter in the passenger side. After J got in, you started the car and rolled down your window, “oh and I forgive you boys, i understand why you did it, so like don’t worry. Sort it out Kie, love” you sarcastically grinned and waved to her as you drove away.
“Jesus Christ” you said to JJ “you know I’d never cheat on you don’t you?” you questioned just to make sure. “no of course i know you wouldn’t, its just, the fuck was that with Kie like, what even?” JJ responded. “Honestly, I don’t even know. I forgive John B and Pope cause like, obviously, they were lied to and lead to believe all that but like. How can she be so jealous man?” you questioned, genuinely curious about how one person could be so jealous of another. “I don’t know baby, I don’t know” J responded while kissing your hand.
even though you were away from it all, one question played on your mind...why would she do that?
So yeah... Kie did that.
What were your thoughts? Please tell me ! 💙
Part 3 anyone? If so please tell me x
Sorry for the long wait x
And also sorry if it’s bad ❤️
But yeah that was that how do you feel about it?
All feedbacks welcome as long as it’s not rude or mean💙
But yeah, cya
People who wanted to be tagged :
@mrsmaybank18 (Wouldn’t let me tag you :( )
@captainwinterwriter @ifilwtmfc @hurricane-abigail
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