#I don't like to put ppl on pedestals
myjunkisyuzuruhanyu · 2 years
Hiii! First of all I want you to know that I love your blog. I have a question about something I saw on twitter about Stephane not being a good coach because of the Rika situation and something that happened with Dennis, but like, i really don't understand and i really dont know what they mean i haven't hear anything bad about Stephane before and now i am curious. Do you know anything about that?
Thank you
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I think to put Stephane Lambiel on a pedestal is wrong because no human - skater or coach - is perfect and without flaws.
One thing is for sure there is no skater who ever has come forward with any allegations against Stephane, but tbf that doesn't say much. I think though that we actually don't know that much about how he is in training behind closed doors. We know a lot about abusive methods when skaters or coaches are open about it like Team Tutberidze and don't even find fault in that, but with Stephane we know his approach which I find no fault in and the outside view he gives off at events
That being said first I don't know what situation exactly the "Deniss situation" is referring to, but Deniss has been coached by Stephane Lambiel for the most of his senior career and I know perspectives that say that Stephane is maybe too invested into his skaters to not have the best coach-student professional distance and I can understand this perspective from an educator point of view. For example to let a skater live at your home even if it is shorttime. I have no direct example with Deniss Vasiljews I could name that was problematic, so I can't help much with that.
Rika Kihira is a different case in my opinion. The criticism is that Stephane contributed to aggravating Rika's injury by letting her train and compete when she was under Stephane's supervision. Some also said his methods were wrong like practicing with weights. I think there was no explicit discription of her training though, so it's hard to judge whether those weight lifting methods harmed her or not. Rika fans give Stephane fault for her poor outcome at Worlds 2021 and competing at WTT 2021 with an injury.
Rika came to Champery for a training camp, it was never meant to be a long time solution, it happened because of the pandemic and Stephane was just an interim coach for Rika. Mie Hamada was still her coach and imo still the one with the most say in decisions and until this day she is still listed as her coach. Rika was already injured when she went to Stephane for that camp. And injuries don't just disappear. Did Mie Hamada let her rest and recover from her injuries before she went to Stephane? No she didn't. Rika has been dealing with injuries for all of her senior career. So at this point I don't how much you can blame her injuries aggravating on Stephane. Still training with this much load certainly didn't help but show me any skater who isn't dealing with some kind of injury, it's a side effect of elite sports. It doesn't make it better though or excuses that the injury couldn't heal.
But I think we have to consider some things. Here comes the part with unpopular stuff that lots of ppl don't mention, that I do think have played a big part as well and makes putting blame not that easy: Rika is not a child who can't decide for herself. Rika has always emphasized how much she decides on her own about her training, a thing many Rika fans are proud of btw. It was her decision this season also to return to competition despite doctors telling her she would need 6 months off ice to heal. Now she is with Brian Orser and I don't see those complaints ppl had with Stephane with Brian. It's the same situation. I don't say that because I want ppl to blame Brian as well, but because she is making her own decision despite knowing the doctors advise. So it's on you to decide whether Stephane would have had to keep her off ice and if he would have been able to do that. 2nd and this is something that a lot of ppl don't even ever adress, she didn't spend much time in Champery between Japanese Nationals which she won with the first quad by a Japanese women (and she didn't seem to be badly prepared or more injured than before) and Worlds 2021. After JNats she stayed in Japan to do ice shows, she went to a training camp in the US with Mie Hamada, she just returned to Champery one week before Worlds. So who was in charge of her well being at this point and for her preparation, Stephane? Well...partly... We know the outcome at Worlds and it was pure heartbreak. She really didn't seem to be herself at all in the free skate. Rika, just like the other Japanese competitors, had to go to Japan right after Worlds because of the covid protocols. Stephane didn't accompany them, but came later with the rest of the teams. She should have withdrawn from that competition, but I am not sure if she was able to because she would have had to make that decision directly after Worlds to let someone else take her place. Already at the event it was impossible due to the covid protocols to just bring someone else in. So I am almost sure she wouldn't have wanted for Japan to place last because they would get 0 points for one women. It's a team competition you cannot just think about yourself. There's also a lot of money at stake for everyone competing there. We also don't know if she got pressure by sponsors etc. So again the question remains how much influence Stephane really had on those decisions about withdrawals.
I think we should consider those things for a final judgment. Btw it's not about blaming Rika at all, even if it may sound like it, I am aware that Rika is influenced by her surroundings and upbringing and this sport expects you to perform even if you're unwell. The sport career is too short to wait for injuries to heal. So I do understand why Rika competed and practiced. I just think the plan for her 2020-2021 season - no matter who had the final say in that - was not a good one and mismanaged on all sides.
Was there mismanagement in Rika's case? For sure. On Stephane's part? I won't say it's got nothing to do with him. But I actually blame mostly Mie Hamada. She is the reason Rika never healed from injuries, she is the one who had most influence on Rika's mindset about competing while injured. Rika was in Stephane's care for a while, so he is not free of any faults, maybe he should have not agreed to be her coach or insisting on her rest. It's always easy to blame without all information on our part. I just think it's not as black and white and easy like "Stephane destroyed Rika" or "he's a bad coach"
Is Stephane a good coach? I think there is no entirely good coach anywhere. And not every coach no matter how good they are for one skater may do the same good coaching on another skater. I think certain styles and methods work for different ppl for some they are right and for some they are wrong. So I don't even have an opinion about if Stephane is a good coach. I just know that he is a good match and coach for Shoma,but that doesn't necessarily mean he is a good coach for everyone and it doesn't mean he couldn't have been a better coach for Rika. (Rika herself never said any bad word about Stephane and praised training in Champery, but I am not sure of the value of such statements as no one knows what is really going on between a skater and their coach behind closed doors unless your name is Eteri Tutberidze and your not even ashamed of your methods to even let camera film them
Not sure if this was the answer you were hoping for, but this at least is as far as I know about the situation with Rika and shows my not knowledge about a Deniss situation.
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lycanr0t · 6 months
the thing about aplatonicism is that just like aromanticism and asexualism, it doesn't inherently mean you don't want friendships, every individual apl person has different needs and wants in regards to friendship and each person will go about it differently.
I for example am aplatonic and don't specifically feel platonic attraction as in, i don't feel a drive to befriend people. I don't get "friend crushes" or ever get the desire to befriend specific people. I am personally, very open to the possibility of friendship if someone else approaches me and we vibe. I am not platonically attracted to them, but I also do get enjoyment from socializing with others in that way and can become attached to them, etc. Platonic attraction does not equal caring about someone/being good to them. Attraction is not moral in that way. it just is.
Just like how some ace people still enjoy sex, even without sexual attraction. Some aplatonic people still enjoy friendship, and some don't. And that's okay! There are so many types of relationships out there that people can form and explore what makes them happiest and it looks different for every person and that's such a wonderful thing.
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I wish to love and appreciate idw optimus more too. But I also don’t want to read through the entirety of IDW 1.0. Can you please recommend me any specific issues/parts?
My best friend and fellow IDW Optimus lover made a post compiling all the comics with major story beats involving Optimus. Her list has a lot of the same things mine does, but also a lot more specific issues because she actually knows which specific issues of which series you can read specifically for ones focused on IDW Optimus. We don't agree on everything (I love some comics she dislikes and vice versa), but I would recommend her list simply because it's the most well-documented and thorough. Link I also have a lot of far less coherent but still genuine posts about IDW OP on my #idw op love tag.
As for specific parts I would recommend... since you don't want to read through all of IDW1, I'll go ahead and recommend you things based on in-universe chronological order rather than story release order, but if anything here interests you then I would recommend reading IDW1 in release order so that you get a better grasp of the story's context and how new lore was given out over time:
Chaos Theory and Police Action by James Roberts (The Transformers 2009 issues 22-23): I love love LOVE the way JRO writes Optimus talking to Megatron during the present day, it's very IDW-Optimus flavored because of how blunt, abrasive, and snappy Optimus is. There's a part in the comic where Megatron claims that he "knows [Optimus] better than anyone else," and he's right, but it's also true that Optimus knows Megatron well enough to see that he's bullshitting and it's very entertaining watching Optimus slowly lose his patience with him. I love the dialogue especially, no one (canon or fandom) has ever quite written the same IDW OP who's in this set of comics. It's also the most MegOP comic of all time because the sexual tension and the subliminal imagery of them doing BDSM together is unreal, plus it really captures their dynamic of two old soldiers who snap together with chemistry despite (or perhaps because of) being such long-time enemies. They just UNDERSTAND each other so well. Also, as a bonus point, Chaos Theory is where the pre-war lore for IDW1 began being published, so if you read Chaos Theory then the context for future pre-war lore makes a little more sense.
Shadowplay by James Roberts (More Than Meets the Eye issues 10-11): More pre-war lore that picks up where Chaos Theory/Police action left off. Important because it establishes a lot of IDW OP's character relationships, especially with "the Senator," Roller, and to a degree Ratchet and some minor side characters. I don't really know what to say about this besides it's just really fucking fun to read and features IDW OP getting to do cool shit like fight bad guys, investigate conspiracies, and do heists while also establishing one of his key character traits: being disastrously gay for suspicious men that he places entirely too much trust in to tell him what the right thing to do is.
Spotlight: Orion Pax by James Roberts: Okay, I'm really sorry for recommending JRO's stuff because it feels like favoritism and I don't even think JRO does the best version of IDW OP, it's just going in in-universe chronological order means that a lot of JRO stuff ends up first on the list. This one doesn't really have much of consequence in it and is honestly one of the weaker Spotlight issues, but like Shadowplay, it involves Orion Pax doing fun action shit and having way too much trust in a suspicious man (a new one from the suspicious man in Shadowplay).
The Autocracy Trilogy (Autocracy, Monstrosity, Primacy) by Chris Metzen: Oh my fucking god this is THE IDW Optimus to me, this trilogy is literally what made my ears perk up to even start liking IDW OP because it's what took me from "Optimus Prime, that's the guy who's the super awesome leader that everyone likes and is a paragron to everyone, yeah I know him" to "Oh.... holy shit this is such a good plot/worldbuilding, Optimus has so much CONFLICT and DRAMA with other people." It covers one of my favorite periods of the general Transformers formula, namely pre-war and early war plot events as conflicts come to a boiling point, there's political conflicts and personal conflicts, the planet is falling to shit and everyone is trying to escape and things are as depressing and scary as you would expect for a war that's literally about to consume a whole planet. I found the general plotlines to be gripping and intense (Autocracy is the weakest in this regard, but the writing gets better with each book) and I really like seeing how Optimus grapples with leadership. Especially the negative parts where people hate/fear him because of his association with Zeta's regime (the previous Prime, who Orion worked for), call his judgment into question, refuse his calls to action or waver in their faith in him, and so forth. I found it to be a really nuanced yet sympathetic view of IDW Optimus that made me fall in love with him. Because really, the thing that humanizes a character the most is making them flawed, and Autocracy trilogy Optimus is so incredibly flawed and conflicted. And also it shows him being shit on by other characters in a way that's well written in a plot that makes sense and doesn't feel like the entire plot is conspiring to shit all over him.
The Death of Optimus Prime by James Roberts and John Barber: This comic is basically the transition from phase 1 to phase 2, it establishes the branching plotlines of MTMTE and exRID, so this is another one of those comics that will help you understand IDW1 better if you want to read for more than just Optimus. Anyways, DoOP is great because it has a similar vibe to the Autocracy trilogy in that society is chaos and full of people who fucking hate Optimus' guts for the role he played in the war. You can also compare/contrast the way OP was before the war and early in the war versus the way he is after the war and see how much the war changed him (Chaos Theory also kind of is like this but it more shows bitchy Optimus specifically in his dynamic with Megatron). It also features a fair amount of Optimus Heroic Moments, Optimus Brooding, and Optimus being so fucking depressed he's literally sad when he wakes up and realizes he's not dead dude get some fucking therapy please I'm begging you--
Punishment by John Barber: This skips ahead quite a bit in the story but I think stands decently well on its own without having to understand the wider context. It's one of Barber's best-written stories and one of the only ones I've come back to reread for its own sake. It features Optimus trying to solve the murder-mystery of a bunch of Decepticons, featuring really cool plot conflicts like Optimus trying to navigate post-war society and the tensions that still linger from the Autobot-Decepticon war. I really like this one because it has that whole "not everyone loves OP and a lot of people hate him for justified reasons" thing that makes IDW OP a much more 3D character, PLUS it has some politics with the way Decepticons are treated post war. And I think it does really interesting things with Optimus in terms of showing how he DOES have this idealistic, merciful side that wants people to choose peace and letting go of vengeance, but of course it's not so easy to expect that of people after a 4 million year war. So when people inevitably choose violence, Optimus gets frustrated and angry and lashes out in a way that feels very real and understandable. It's a really good example of a comic that shows IDW OP in a nuanced way, showcasing both his virtues and flaws in a complicated situation that shows that there's no easy solution to these problems and no way for Optimus to escape without getting his hands dirty. Unlike future comics which involve OP being in complicated situations but instead the plot is super contrived and seems to overwhelmingly shit on OP without ever mentioning the very obvious ways that he could be defended, creating a story that's conceptually fascinating but incredibly mediocre in execution.
If I had to recommend any single one of these to read, I would recommend the Autocracy trilogy the most because it's literally the story that made me love IDW Optimus and made me realize "whoa, this guy is super nuanced and not what I expected of him." That's not to say that no other Optimi have depth and nuance, but I think the Autocracy trilogy was great for me personally as one of the first IDW1 comics I read. It struck a really good balance between "uh Optimus was part of some bad things that warrant being shit on" and "Optimus is struggling to overcome those bad associations he did, succeeding with some people and failing with others" and "Optimus is an optimist who has faith in others even when they don't have faith in themselves." Also, as a bonus, the Autocracy trilogy also features cunty murder-husband Megatron, an interesting character arc for Hot Rod, and the Dinobots as really interesting supporting characters (including their leader, Grimlock, having a cute veteran-rookie dynamic with Hot Rod that I wish we got more of).
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isekyaaa · 2 months
I do wonder why mxm ships are more popular than fxf ships, and what I think it boils down to is that specifically afab people tend to prefer men over women to the point of getting addicted to fetishizing them.
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cigarette-room · 8 months
if you find sex repulsive why do you go to a sex book shelf, pick out a sex book, read it, go to a sex website, read more of sex book-related sex stuff, then go loudly angrily complain that there's sex in it
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buckleydiazmp4 · 3 months
do you mind if i ramble in the tags about my weird relationship with making art in fandom for a second
#as someone who is studying art as a career one thing i have realized and also been explicitly told by various teachers#is the fact that having a 'consistent' art style is so overvalued sometimes that it ends up limiting you as an artist#literally i'd say 99 percent of the stuff we do in uni doesn't require consistency. it's actually valued when there isn't one#after all it is about learning and honing skills isn't it#so it has kind of put my personal conflicts in a different perspective#because before i started this degree i used to struggle so much with creation in non-academic spaces (which is pretty ironic. i know)#because the ppl and art i admired was mostly composed of art in fandom spaces#and the most appreciated artists in these spaces tend to be the ones who have a nice defined unique style#which isn't bad. i actually do still wish i could reach something like that#but it made me not want to create as much as i desired because i felt 'inconsistent' and i took that as a negative quality in my art#and it was so frustrating because nothing i tried seemed to 'stick'#which was also due to the fact that none of the varyingly different styles of drawings i posted seemed to reach many people#and yes i have heard time and again the whole schpiel of 'creating for yourself is better and quantity of likes/notes shouldn't mean as muc#to you as long as you're satisfied with your art blah blah blah'– c'mon. we all want our creations to be admired i'm tired of pretending#like i don't. i put it out there for a reason and it is for people to at least acknowledge it. it's the point of fandom. it's community#it's interaction. or at least it should be. that's another conversation though#so anyways since i started uni some time ago this frustration has been receding but it's very much still present#even more so when i get excited about doing/drawing something and then halfway through i get that pull in my chest of like. i'm actually#starting to hate it bc i can't reach what i want to#and so there's this disconnect that happens because i have many ideas and desires to create but i feel (even if it might not be true)#that i don't have the skillset to meet those ideas#which literally happens to almost if not everyone i know i'm not alone in this. it still sucks though#so i end up with about a dozen unfinished works monthly bc i start it/i reach halfway and hate it/i look at art and get inspired bc artists#in fandom are SO talented/i go back to it/i still can't reach the skill level i desperately want/i abandon it indefinitely#it's a horrible cycle that i really haven't been able to escape lately#it's also worse when you're at a time in your life when you don't actually have the opportunity or the time to try to achieve consistency#because you really just physically don't have the time to practice. which is the number one advice every good artist will give you#i am running out of tags but the point is. i hope we stop subconsciously putting consistent art styles in a higher pedestal bc it can be#very stressful for artists who struggle to find that in their creation#art related
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Alright. I came across someone saying that Rick "put Jason in a pedestal" and "overhyped" him by emphasizing how good looking he is and that Jason shouldn't have been so attractive looking. (Tbf tho that person made it sound like they seemed more mad bc their least favourite character was considered good looking lol) but I'll yap about the significance here anyways. Beware of a very long yapping session below.
I do understand their frustration though, because jason getting told that he looks good all the time makes it seem very shallow and unfair to the others.
And let me tell you, Jason is SUPPOSED to be gorgeous looking in everyone's eyes. He is supposed to be conventionally handsome, Rick didn't intend for his looks to be "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder " or something like Percy's (like how Piper didn't find him as impressive) Percy's is supposed to be more authentic. Percy's character isnt centred in people idolizing him, everyone can acknowledge that he's handsome looking, but it isn't in a "perfect" type of way, he's a carefree spirit and that reflects on his looks. While Jason is hardwired as this ethereal looking hero in people's eyes that not even ONE can deny that he looks good, bc ppl in Rome had set him as the "standard". Jason said this before in the lost hero, that him being a son of Jupiter, makes him feel like the support he gets is only because his dad is a very regal and intimidating figure.
That's kind of the whole point, he's supposed to look like this perfect man who can do no wrong. His "Golden noble boy" arc is literally the whole concept of his character. Why else do you think rick wrote Aphrodite approving of Jason's looks saying that he needed no improvement (which she rarely does) ?
Because Jason is supposed to be put like a statue to admire and idolize, that's ALSO why rick made sure to add that Jason looks like a Roman sculpture, bc that's like a metaphor for his inner conflicts. The guy was put like an artifact for people to ogle at in camp Jupiter ever since he was a kid of 4. That's part of the tragedy.
Annabeth said it perfectly “Annabeth tried to hide it, but she still didn’t completely trust the guy. He acted too perfect - always following the rules, always doing the honorable thing. He even looked too perfect. In the back of her mind, she had a nagging thought. What if this is a trick and he betrayed us?” Mark of Athena, page 6.
His mother, whom he's supposed to look like, is also a literal world wide tv actress. So you can't expect anything less either.
Also, Jason is supposed to mirror Percy. And let's be real. Rick put Percy in a VERY high pedestal looks wise, aswell, Not just Jason. And that's okay.
Rick made Hazel mistake Percy for a literal god because he was just that good looking (tbf, in a way, when I was younger, I found this to be a little bit of an exaggeration, bro was covered in mud and seaweed and was compared to a god, it was rlly funny to a 10 year old me 😭 yeah but don't mind this though, this was just a younger me jealous that I couldn't be as pretty as Percy was in mud lol) If Percy can be "hyped" up so "unrealistically" in that particular situation then so can Jason. They are both literal half gods, so unrealistic praise is very normal) and rick also made sure to emphasize that almost all the teen characters had a crush on Percy. So apparently that isn't called putting a character in a pedestal but Jason's is? They are BOTH put in pedestals, because they're both heroes.
Jason and Percy are supposed to be equals, so both of them being in the top two when it comes to looks makes SENSE. Because people are supposed to argue about who is better looking, since they're written as foils.
You cannot expect rick to make Percy look like a god and Jason look like a rat 😭 then there's no point of having them as parallels if one has the upper hand in something. Rick did a good job by conveying that they are BOTH attractive, but in different ways. That's why the Percy/Jason looks debate always have mixed answers.
Jason getting complimented by Aphrodite, the GODDESS of beauty, for his looks and her saying that he didn't have anything to "fix" in his face BC it already looks gorgeous = Percy getting compared to a gorgeous Roman god by hazel. They are both equal comparisons in slightly different tones.
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beesfairlyland · 8 months
How to get you Desires instantly?...jk...just wanna talk about my take on 'void state'!!
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First of all i hate the word void (not kinda hate hate...but the way ppl are obsessed over it... even i was once lol). After studying the concept of Non-Duality the way i used to see the void ...the way i used to put it on pedestal (i cringed😭) it all changed. I realised we are putting something on the pedestal to which we give the existence.
Void is nothing more than a state that exists because YOU give your awareness to it. Void is a state just like Bee(me) is a state that SELF created! There's nowhere to reach/enter.
Void is nothing but just to be aware of being unconscious. To be aware while this body sleeps.
Okayy I'll ask you to simply meditate....not to reach anywhere...not to enter void....not to get your desires.
Soo first get in comfortable position to meditate.
Now just focus on your breathing, let the thoughts pass by don't engage with them. Just watch them and keep your focus on breathing.
Slowly your mind will start to quieten. As your are observing all this happening. You'll know that you are just the observer of thoughts...you are not the thought....these thoughts ain't yours but of this unreal mind's.
This meditation is to just make you realise that you are the awareness behind these thoughts not the thought itself.
Continue focusing on the breathing. There will be a moment where the mind will become silent and that's when you are one with the awareness. That's the NON-DUAL STATE aka the void state.
This meditation is not to reach the non dual state.... it's to know that you are the observer doesn't matter if the mind goes silent or not. Just to experience who you are try this meditation with zero expectations. If mind got silent great!! But if it didn't then also greatt!!
Now the main problem/mistake that ppl do while meditating for the non-dual state(void state). They don't let the mind think itself....they think with the mind themselves. Didn't understand? Wait lemme explain....you don't let the mind wander or think on it's own instead you yourself start thinking....if i am doing it right, how much more time, it'll be happening soon bla bla.
Just only coz y'all 'try' the void to get your 'desires' that feeling makes you anxious. Getting everything all at once sounds too good to be true to the ego (tho you ALREADY have everything) soo it starts getting anxious and that's totally opposite of meditating.
When bloggers say 'void' is easy....IT ISSS. But this ego don't wanna believe it.
And no you really don't need to affirm, or do methods, listen to subliminals, need a void concept (lol wtf is even that), LITERALLY NOTHING. IT'S JUST A STATE THAT YOU BECOME AWARE OF!!
It's just you are aware of getting your 'desires' instantly... that's why you get your 'desires' instantly. Void ain't your purest form or something. It's just a state from which you can experience you being the awareness from the closest (or may be not).
Literally ppl have hyped it soo much that now it's toxic. I am not against the 'void state'. But the way ppl ruin their mental health by putting something like this on the pedestal....it shrinks my heart. Coz I've been thru that and i don't want y'all go thru the same phase of exhaustion.
Just know that it's just a made up state just like this ego is made up by the SELF. Nothing special at all!!
Hope i could convey what i wanted too!🫶🏻✨
-Love, bee💗🧚🏻‍♀️
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
Curious about MCYT with a partner that's usually calm and collected, suddenly being super angry at someone bothering them, maybe almost fighting the person brothering them? (Btw i really love your writing, it's super fun to read!!)
ooooo okay !! I see the vision, hopefully I pulled it off LMAO ; also thank you so much!! that means so much to me, I feel like my writings really corny and dumb sometimes and too boring so thank you, it means a lot to me 🫶🫶🫶
MCYT ; fire in the twilight
includes ; tommyinnit, ranboo, badlinu, nihachu, & quackity
warnings ; language, talk about SA/perverts/men being weird
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you're a very calm person
but when you get mad you get maddddd
he's surprised you haven't beaten the shit out of him yet
someone was being kinda weird at a meet and greet at vidcon and you were already stressed and overstimulated from taking pictures with everyone and signing merch and youtooz (guys should I try buying the slimecicle plushie? I don't wanna support a bad company but he's so cute :()
someone took a picture of you stretching where your shirt lifted a bit and showed off your midsection
Tommy saw and immediately called them out while you were taking a solo pic w a fan
when you heard him you just froze and nearly yelled
"Hey, please delete that. out of your trash too, seriously"
"Dude, fucking delete that shit. that's not okay, actually."
you end up nearly beating the shit out of the person....
then comes the Twitch apology 😭😭
you nearly went into a spiral explaining that it's never okay to take photos of ppl without them knowing, no matter when or where
he feels really bad for you but you're able to sit down and calm down to your usual self 🫶🫶🫶
you were getting fed up with how people were treating you and them online and just kinda lost it on stream
your chat was filled with assholes wondering where people were and why you hadn't publicly talked to them in over 12 hours and what your plans with everything were etc etc
"Dude, please stop. all of you. for weeks this has been going on, stop putting me and ranboo on these pedestals and expecting shit from us. seriously, it's horrible for both of us and our health. if you wanna see Tubbo or Tommy, go watch them! they're both live right now. Seriously, it's not funny and it's not gonna make us pump out more content and do what you want. we're people too, we get sad and burned out and tired. eventually content creation gets unfun and you won't get what you want. behave yourselves and do better. we don't owe you anything"
ranboo literally tears up a bit because he was watching the stream in the other room and could hear you, and you were visibly tearing up
you could feel your hands shaking and you just kind of ended the stream because you were so worked up and didn't wanna do it anymore
he immediately wrapped you in a hug because you were just so angry
gave you a pillow to punch and left you be for a while
you're usually very calm but your emotions exploded when you were bottling it up too much
they understood that but their heart bled for you after that, especially w all the hate that came from it :/
people were throwing things at you on stage during Tommy's live show
you played it off as jokes and were fine with jt because they were doing it sneakily in a fun way, roses, kandi bracelets, plushies etc, until someone threw their bra at you
"Okay, can we not?" You scrunch your eyebrows, looking into the crowd as you throw the bra back into the crowd. "That's fucked, don't ever do that again, learn event etiquette. never throw your bras on a fucking stage, it's weird and disgusting"
Freddie looks over at you, standing next to Tommy, giving you a "Holy shit are you okay?" look while also looking for the culprit trying to get their bra back
Tommy instantly stopped the show to reprimand the person
meanwhile Freddie was whispering to you to make sure you were okay
you were pissed but put your big kid pants on and continued the show
you apologized on Twitter after the show because you were really loud and kind of humiliated the people but you were justified with the situation
the people (and the girl who owned the bra) apologized and the situation was over
Freddie feels so bad bc you're so calm and laid back but ppl always have to test your limits :(
people were filming you two out in public and taking pictures and you kinda lost it that they weren't listening to niki, telling them to kindly stop
"can you stop taking pictures? she's uncomfortable, please stop." you speak in a stern voice
the fans just like stare at you in shock because you're usually very calm and chill and you basically yelled at them (you reprimanded them because one it's the law two you both didn't want to be disturbed on your walk)
you're in a miserable mood the whole way home because yk how twitters gonna act when they see that
you quickly make a statement before any video leaks or anything, addressing the situation and apologizing to the strangers
ppl got ur back tho and showed support considering they were filming you on a nice walk without consent
she feels so bad seeing you get upset about it and feels like it's her fault
lots of reassuring her that it's never her fault and you're always happy to defend her and you don't mind getting a little loud to defend her
you got really upset with someone harassing a bunch of creators during the qsmp Brazil meetup
"Dude, leave them alone. they don't want to take a picture with you and they don't owe you anything! you're being creepy to all those women right now, do you not realize that or something?"
you were furious seeing that many on your friends, even while on a trip, couldn't just not be harassed by men
the weirdo scurried off but you were literally this close to fighting the fucker
you were seething dude, like, shaking because you were so astonished someone could actually be that pushy and that much of a dick over a picture
Alex wrapped you in a tight hug and just squeezed you until you calmed down while the poor people who were harassed had reassured you that they were okay and that they appreciated and thanked you for standing up for them
Alex genuinley apologizes because the way you reacted just proved to him that you definitely are calm and laid back but when you got angry, you got angry
he feels so bad because you had to stand up for your friends and watch them be harassed and shit
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magz · 7 months
What do you mean by "trend" posts, I don't understand?
Theres a trend where
Whenever an "event" happens that brings up the subject of transmisogyny (in this case avewy being permabanned by the tumblr ceo, and the transmisogyny of the situation)
In spaces where the event is talked about a lot -
There will be an uptick of popular posts by fellow TMEs of color about black/brown transfems being ignored, as a way to "react" to the topic
But worded in ways that imply not understand the underlying issue nor why/how transmisogynoir happens, n how they too are responsible for that (magz too, but am try actively minimize it)
N sounds like ppl are talking about specimens n not like. Actual people. Or putting them on pedestals ala the surface-level cliché phrase of "but like, Marsha P. Johnson threw the first brick at stonewall"* but reinvented
And then black/brown transfems get ignored or erased or chased out again until the next event where they can be brought up as a topic. Tools of subject.
Or as specific people that they have to gain the approval of to not be seen as a bigot, but silence the ones that don't.
A thing you will often hear black n brown transfems that have been around that for too long - bemoan n groan about as a pattern. Whether in private or publicly.
A trend, a pattern. Its a form of transmisogynynoir. and a TME (magz) criticizing oneself and other TMEs abt it will have less backlash and obsession garnered towards him.
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sexydreamgirl · 2 years
I found myself being at my best self concept area when I admitted that I can't manifest.
People have a misconception of manifestation, that it's abt things showing up in ur reality that u want, when it not.
Many fail to manifest bc they look for proof in their 3d, but why do they do that?
Because they are looking for an answer.
Your 3d is kept alive by you bc u believe that it's your job for it to show up physically, when it's not.
You, as the outer man, need to admit that u can't do anything, u can only imagine and feel in ur imagination. You're carrying the responsibility of the 3d changing on your shoulders that leads u to spiral, bc you're not meant to do that.
If u want to start feeling safe in ur imagination to imagine, start admitting that this is ur reality, there is no one else but you. Just do this throughout your day as gentle reminders, and this will help ir desires get off the pedestal. That's what helped me.
I was always frustrated when I would imagine, I'd go in hungry and I'd leave the inner world even starving, I just didn't understand what ppl meant imagining is fun.
But when I admitted to myself that I, the outer man can do nothing, I felt a huge relief. I the outer man can't make things physically, i can't put things in place and fly anywhere I want, i'm limited.
However your inner man can do above and beyond. When u stop imaginingfor the 3d to change and u realize you can't do anything but reflect and feel, you will have a safe sense of freedom overcome you.
Yes it might take a bit to master but once u grasp what I'm saying, your mind will automatically help you and stop looking at the outer for proof.
But u might be asking me rn " Well what abt ppl that say they'll manifest physical results in 5sec and they do?"
That's bc they are also doing the same thing, they're assuming in their inner world, not eh outer. U want results in 5sec? Stop thinking abt getting results in 5sec then.
They assume fast results with their INNER MAN, they don't look at the outer man.
Realize this, u are doing yourself a disservice the moment u imagine for physical results and be the outer man, have fun within and admit that there's nothing u, as the outer one can do nothing.
Everything has to reflect, and it will. When u look at the 3d u are assuming sth is missing, and if u say sth is lacking than it is. There is only u in ur world, the only responsibility u have, and can have, is you.
This is coming from sb who's been trying to manifest since like 2018 up until now I only discovered loa a year ago. That's why I'm giving this advice bc if it's helping me than it will help u.
Thank u for coming to my Ted Talk.
Thank YOU for this wow!
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yellowymellon · 3 months
I can see why some people don't want Sunday to join the SH because it might hurt him more or they simply don't like already established factions to have new characters, but some of the other arguments like joining the SH will destroy the character Sunday built in the main story just sounds like ppl putting him on a pedestal (some even start to hate HIM for this theory??) so I think this should be repeated :
Sunday didn’t build any character and that's the tragedy of his story. He tried to convince us of his side but didn’t hear much of ours, the AE was even impressed by his plan but instead of counter arguing with some solid arguments they went on the defense and most of all tried to honor the watchmaker's wish and will. The first time we debated with Sunday was a complete failure, he didn’t see our point and wasn’t convinced. The second time was when we fought, he told us that to prove that our ideal is better and that his is wrong we must defeat him. Notice how he isnt even trying to listen to our side? Sunday has been caged and brainwashed by the dreammaster to believe the order is right for a really long time that he doesn’t believe in any other salvation. He's hopeless, for him this is the only way out and cannot see anything else. When TB answers his question at the very end, he is taken aback, when he falls down he is motionless, in the new LC he despairs, only once he remembers Elio's deal that hope returns to him. Sunday didn’t learn anything, the confrontation was a failure, he didn’t stand up on his own nor did he come to any realization. Therefore joining the SH isnt going to 'destroy' his character. It might save him, depending on what Elio is truly like.
Secondly, I think we're all aware of the family's hypocrisy. We've seen it in like all the penacony quests, a lot of messed up underhanded things, heinous crimes that caused a lot of suffering, and who else sits at the top as the coordinator of all the families?  it's evident that he was aware of everything and chose to be a bystander, or simply didn’t have control over any situation despite being the oak's head.
 He never hesitated against aventurine once he deemed him evil, He was also implied to convey the order from the dreammaster to the executor of dewlight pavilion to eliminate his traitor family. That is to say, not only does he have a vague idea about what he's doing, not only is he disconnected from ppl but he has no control whatsoever to change anything. Im not saying he is evil, his beliefs were impacted so much that now he has a distorted sense of - most importantly - justice. He truly believes he's righteous, he's stubborn and narrow minded and it's hard keeping his emotions in control, thus can be perfectly manipulated by someone better at mind games, Elio. That is if he wants to.
Sunday is deeply compassionate and far too selfless but he won't hesitate against what he deems wrong, evil or unjust. Because he has to be the strong.
I mean SW is in the same morally ambiguous state as Sunday, both do not harm directly (supposedly) but are bystanders, firefly only kills the irredeemable evil and Sunday didn’t have any prejudice against her. Kafka is the most cruel and blade does what he's told. But if Sunday is made to believe what he's doing is right and shares the same position as firefly I think it works. It also depends on Elio, yes he can manipulate him and it's just the same fate as before but there's an off chance that Elio will genuinely help Sunday find his path. I mean even if he doesn't Elio doesn’t seem like he tricked anyone without fulfilling his end of the deal.
I trust that hoyo aren't screwing around. Sunday still has his harmony powers, not sure how elio will use the brain melt and the truth serum but maybe Sunday's near ascension grants him extra powers? Elio is aware that Sunday failed to turn to an aeon. Some say that Sunday might work as a diplomat but im not sure how it works.
Anyway we shall see more of this in 2.3 and hopefully 2.7! Tbh excited for the dynamics. I wish for Sunday to find his path as a person but as a character....Im a fan of tragedy Soo....yeh
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2hot444this · 11 months
How to change (for real this time)
The problem w/ most people is they read all those self-help books, advice but never end up applying them irl. They think "oh maybe it helped her but situation is completely diff from hers, more complicated. . . " stop. You can change literally anything by changing your mindset.
#1 90% of life is confidence, said a wise person. If you don't believe you can change, who will? I know this one girl who was desperate to change, she used to pester me for advice all the time and initially I did try to help her. But she always ended up back at square one. I'm not her therapist to hear her complain about her pathetic life 24x7 and remind her everyday that she decided to change and to live up to it. I slowly retracted back from her. People like that drain your energy. And she still hasn't changed. Why? She kept going back to things she said she never would associate herself with again. The same people, situations, scenarios that screwed her up over and over again. She's the human representation of "victim mindset." Don't be like her. Seriously, don't try to hate the game, learn to play it.
#2 Stop w/ the self deprecating humor. It ain't hot at all. It makes you look like you lack basic self-respect. If someone's making a joke on you, you should stand up for yourself not you bullying yourself. Build a really deep relationship w/ yourself. No matter what anyone says you should never stop loving yourself. Someone says you're ugly, you shouldn't go ab your day musing upon that and letting it mess w/ you. You need to be cold to be queen. So don't let your emotions get in your way of self development.
#3 Nothing is impossible. Don't constantly affirm that it's so hard, you could never do it cuz it is gonna manifest. Even if it looks impossible to you, be delulu. Act like you have it or at least do the bare minimum of believing that you'll get there. Do your shadow work. It's where you shamelessly admit things to yourself and work on identifying the problem, how to cope w/ it and how to put it in practice. Be 100% honest w/ yourself.
#4 Dissociate yourself from all the things that remind you of the old you (if possible). It will be a wee bit difficult in the beginning but don't beat yourself up over it. You'll slowly get there don't worry, you learn from experience. Never blame yourself or beat yourself up if you do mess up. Course you should be accountable but don't self sabotage yourself. You need yourself in situations like that.
#5 Don't centre yourself around guys, or anyone else. This is your life. It should be around you. When you start having crushes or "sp" you put them on the pedestal. You seek their validation. So why would you do smth so heinous as such?
#6 Take inspo from characters you like. Embody them. Give a name to your alter ego. Act like her. Go on Pinterest and write down some self obsessed quotes and preach them everyday (not 2 much tho!)
#7 Protect your energy. You ain't anyone's therapist. You have no time for ppl's stupid drama. It's your life and it's on you to live upto it's fullest. Be extra, do what you love, what makes you happy. Celebrate your existence.
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erial-c · 2 months
hello redactednation, here are reasons why you should vote me for #1 guy fan ever
REDACTED AWARDS 2024 (hosted by @plaqying :3 )
1. i have loved this idiot loser ever since his first audio dropped (the preview , btw) and i thought i hallucinated that audio when i came back to the fandom in 2023
2. my favorite characters always shift around but guy will ALWAYS be in the top 5 no matter what
3. i have had his playlist on loop for months now + i've got most of the audios memorized at this point
4. i've cleared the entire ao3 guy/honey tag . ive read and bookmarked almost all of them i fear
5. even though it wasn't his audio, i was so locked in when i heard fool!guy's voice he was all i thought about for a solid week or two
6. i post about guy the most on here . wow that wasn't obvious
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7. i spent a CONCERNING number of time making cassette thumbnails for him to make them look as real as possible . i have accidentally fooled a few ppl into thinking they were real
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8. i have so much guy fanart saved in my gallery . if anyone saw it they would be worried
9. the only reason why i don't draw him that much is because i have put him up on a pedestal and if i can't get my hc appearance of him right ill burn my sketchbook
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(only drawing i have of him that i rlly like🤞🤞🤞)
10. honey is my favorite listener ‼️‼️‼️ i relate to them so much i love them
11. even though 70% of guy's references go over my head , i would gladly listen to that man yap no questions asked
12. i have made merch designs of guy . ones that we don't deserve i fear
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13. i have this loser idiot (affectionate) on the back of my phone ALWAYS🤞🤞🔥🔥🔥
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14. i have had a guy/honey fic in the works for months . if i win ill continue writing it (maybe🤞)
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Not an ask but n just wanted to say I hate that 95% of this fandom is so cool and amazing. Unhinged, but energetic and we're all strange in our own beautiful way.
And then there's the other 5% that are really creepy and weird about will wood... Not just his songs but him too... Like that story of the Facebook pfp and constantly putting him on a pedestal! He's awesome! And he makes music that is absolutely breathtaking!!! But I think ppl forget that he's human like the rest of us, and I think some ppl forget that and don't treat him with any humane respect.
Ig u have to expect that in every fandom but the bad side of this fandom genuinely disgusts me the most, oml so so sorry for the rant haha just wanted to share my experience. Most of the fans are awesome tho ^^
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happyk44 · 5 months
I was thinking about BPD Percy and splitting in BPD and I think w/ Sally, Grover, and Carter his splits are very internalized at himself - which, as I've looked into it, is pretty common in quiet BPD. With other close friends, splitting will still be internalized but focused on other ppl rather than himself
In the fic I wanna write, he has split on Annabeth after the events of HoH because her reaction to the Misery thing distresses him, but he's not fully aware that he's split on her so he just feels like something has changed about her and is aware that he's become pulled back from her but struggling with the idea of trying to stop because there's smth there stopping him (the split, Annabeth is no longer Good) that he can feel but can't tell what it is (distrust of her in general, anxiety about being himself/vulnerable around her, anger because he (subconsciously) thinks she reacted the wrong way during the Misery event, etc).
The fic takes place a year or so after the events of BoO but he still hasn't fully switched back with her and it's confusing to him because he's aware that she's not different, but smth has v clearly changed in her and he can't figure it out (it's not her, it's his perception of her)
Sally, Grover, and Carter are part of the flawless group so any splits relating to them become internal attacks on Percy - rather than viewing them as Bad in the black and white thinking, he views himself as Bad and Unworthy, like if Grover blows him off or has to ditch him because of whatever, rather than get irrationally angry at Grover, he gets irrationally angry at himself.
I think this fits canon pretty well because we know Percy's perception of Sally is basically holy worship, and I don't recall him ever getting angry at Grover, maybe frustrated at his timidness but still wildly protective of him. As for Carter, I just think that Percy has put Carter on a pedestal (unrelated to his crush on him) because he sees Carter as a much more capable and better version of himself (both forced into leadership positions, both handled a godly war, etc), so he can't get mad at Carter bc Carter, like the other two, is perfect, even with the flaws that Percy might notice. If anything those flaws make them even more perfect.
I think w/ Nico, it's a combination of getting irrationally angry at himself (because he's meant to protect Nico) and getting irrationally angry at Nico (because Nico's a little shit), although personally I don't know if Nico is someone Percy would split on. I think Nico is someone he is able to consistently view in the gray area, so even when his brain splits to black and white thinking, he still sees Nico in shades of gray.
In my daughters of Neptune AU, I think he splits on Coral both outwardly and inwardly, even tho she's within the middle circle ring. Like I kind of see it as:
Inner ring of friendship, people he would sacrifice himself for with zero hesitation: Flawless group of Sally, Grover, and Carter - splits into himself when perceiving something negative occurring because of them, incapable of seeing them as Bad in the black and white; Nico - no/minimal splitting, permanent gray area resident; Annabeth - splits inwardly at her, when he does she may slip into the middle ring until he gets back into the Good/gray area w/ her, attempts to retreat from her, gets easily frustrated with her and will express it, esp when she refuses to let him isolate away from her, but generally holds his tongue on everything else he feels and doesn't display his anger as strongly as he feels it on the inside, will vent w/ Grover if frustrated enough (cue Percy going from "Annabeth is the most annoying person in the world and if she talks about architecture one more time I'm gonna lose it" to "Annabeth is so great! I love listening to her talk about buildings and the historical influences behind their construction design" and Grover sitting there like "Percy yesterday you hated her" "okay, so? That was yesterday's Percy, he was in a bad mood, don't worry about it")
(also in this fic I'm tryna write, the split has lasted longer than normal, which is one of the reasons he's confused bc usually it's like "yeah I get annoyed w/ Annabeth sometimes, but usually its fine after a while, so I don't get why being around her now makes me wanna move somewhere she can't find me")
Middle ring of friends, people he likes and regularly interacts/seeks out interactions with: Estelle, Hazel, and Frank - splits inwardly at them, outwardly presenting a calm persona but inwardly holding back negative emotions, usually chooses to minimize/pull back on interactions until things shift back to the Good/gray
Outer ring of friendship, people he's on good terms w/ and will happily socialize with usually: Thalia, Jason, Leo, Piper, and other friends - typically splits outwardly, becomes obviously agitated and angry, may attempt to pick or goad them into a fight; Paul - usually splits inwardly at Paul, because of Paul's connection to Sally and his hatred of ever upsetting his mom, may split outwardly at him under specific circumstances, like if Paul accidentally burnt Sally when pouring her tea or smth
Anyway thoughts? Also, side note, I'm trying to write a thing about the whole collection of PDs, analyzing them from a "how does childhood trauma lead to these developing" because I think that will help in understanding them and also in writing characters w/ them. PPD, SZPD, and HPD are the most obvious to me, lol, so the other ones are either difficult for me to word in a way that makes sense or are a little like pulling teeth in understanding, but hopefully I'll be able to get them all down, because I'd like to verbalize my thoughts and also if I get them down maybe my brain will shut up 😂
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