#I don't want you reblogging my stuff; I'd say delete whatever you reblogged from me to BUT I doubt you will
siixkiing · 2 years
I know I’ve complained about this in the past, I know I can simply turn beta on and have my posts unrebloggable BUT it seems its not just my HC posts anymore either...so that solution would only solve half the problem.
BUT, I am once again saying this to whomever keeps reblogging my stuff for Sun Wukong to FUCKING STOP. It should be a written rule and just common sense that less stated otherwise, any post made by an RP Account is not FREE to reblog by anyone - Mun Post, Headcanons, IC Post (less you are a fellow RPer), Threads, and such are OFF-LIMITS.
I am getting sick of seeing notes on my posts and noticing the reblog is private, which means I can’t actively find the user to block them. It’s making me want to post less and less for my muse too. 
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muffinrecord · 4 months
Current Plans + Musings
I don't plan on playing Exedra to the degree I did for Magia Record, or playing it at all. Because of that, I won't be taking an active role in the community and archiving anything for it. Of course, if Exedra has like amazing gameplay and stories then this is all subject to change, but for now I think I'm done with phone games.
The two youtube channels will stay up and I'll check em periodically to make sure there aren't copyright strikes against the content. I've saved all my raw files, especially for the battle animations, so I can remake them in the future if the music ever becomes a problem for some reason.
Google Drive will stay up until Google rots away. I haven't recorded footage in a long time (as in stories, I do for the character doppels and such), but I'll upload things if they're sent to me.
Magia Union Translations still plans on translating things and making videos, especially leading up to the end, but also for after the game is over for whatever wasn't made in time. I'm not sure what form this will take in the future-- if it'll be manual captions added to the videos or not, but I know it WILL happen.
As for this blog, I'm not going to delete it or anything. However I'm going to be taking a step back. I'd like to say that I'll do liveblogs but I mean... *gestures at blog* I've been saying that for years and the only one I really did successfully was the Oriko one lmao. Ahhh oh well.
I'll have more words later, but it was really fun to be part of a fandom experience like this. I'm excited to work on my own original story projects though and quiet down a bit.
When I started this blog, I never expected it to have people actually read it. Or look at it. I just wanted a place to gush about how much fun I was having. I didn't even want to tag the posts with "Magia Record" at first because I was terrified people would be mean at me, haha.
But I'm glad I did. I made so many good friends through this game. I'm glad it existed. And it made me happy to have a place where people cared about what I had to say. Some folks actually got their news from here, can you imagine that? They had notifications turned on for this blog. My god.
Anyways, I'm going to be here for the next two months, and tomorrow I'll start reblogging fan projects and initiatives, plus general news. Maybe this blog will turn into a dumping site for art and fanfic reblogs, who knows. I might watch the remaining stuff and add various thoughts here and there.
Otherwise, you can find me on my main blog @malignmuffin, which only reblogs stuff (I don't talk much if at all there). I have another tumblr blog for my comic, but I think I'll reshare the name once I actually have content you can look at on it. It's pretty bare bones for the moment.
Actually it'll be funny if the end of this game is what makes me finally work on it again. I was in the process of working on it when NA came out, and it totally derailed me. Stopped writing, drawing, just focused on this silly little phone game. Now it's like those five years have gone by and I'm going back to where I started, except I think my lil comic is going to be a bit better than it was before. If I actually make it, that is.
If I ever do actually make my comic and start posting it, I'll be sure to update y'all here. hah
Anyways, thanks for being on this wild ride with me. The memories have been great, and I'm glad I had this experience, even if it had to end.
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msallurea · 8 months
It's Okay to Feel Okay
Ok so recently, specifically a few days ago I had deleted tumblr for a bit to get my mind together. I had wanted to manifest my dream life because I'll be taking senior pics on the 31st and honestly I was fed up with myself with not genuinely applying knowing that I wanted to live a certain way. There was a post that I had seen I can't remember the name right now but I did reblog it, it was "how to make everything sugar spice and everything nice" or something like that. One particular post caught my attention and it the "what if I don't persist" post and it DEFINITELY gave me a reality check, I feel like those who know pretty much everything there is to know about manifestation but aren't genuinely applying it should for sure read that because it definitely knocked sense into me. I had also been reading a lot of posts from @etherealkissed88 also i highly recommended reading her stuff if you ever want a rundown of the law that's quick and straight to the point. Something I noticed I continuously did which is what caused me to always have anxiety when manifesting was focusing on the 3d/my desire being in the 3d on time. So I decided to actually change my perspective and just tell myself since it's done in the 4d I don't have to worry about it not being in the 3d because itll reflect anyway..I've also been adopting the mindset of simply knowing it's finished IN IMAGINATION ONLY!! ...Now, since doing this, for maybe the past few days I haven't felt the need to affirm or visualize or anything, I mean I'd daydream here and there but it's kinda just like "eh I have it anyway so whatever" and let me tell you..as someone who constantly stressed on whether or not I was doing something right and worrying about when it will come and everything else this is the CALMEST and most NONCHALANT I've ever been about manifestation before. Like even now, when I would've tried sabatoging myself saying I HAVE to affirm especially because I do know I am a bit anxious about manifesting my dream life because I definitely want it before my big day which btw I feel like is perfectly fine to acknowledge. But honestly I just don't want to. I don't want to affirm. I don't want to visualize constantly. Because the entire point is that if I say it's already done in imagination and I see that I'm living my dream life in imagination truly there's nothing else for me to do but continuously choose that I'm living my dream life already. Something else that's had me feeling this way is when @etherealkissed88 mentioned that we aren't trying to convince ourselves we have it in the 3d..to be that way is being delusional, we're only accepting that it's already done in IMAGINATION aka the 4d. Since taking this into consideration I've been scarily calm,normally I would've been stressed and spiraling and even now when I "waver" when I see myself in the mirror it's just like a "eh whatever..nothing I do in the 3d affects my manifestation anyway so it doesn't matter" kind of feeling. And I just want anyone who is also experiencing this feeling where you feel as though you just don't want to do anything for your desire and it's just like a "eh whatever I have it in imagination anyway" kind of feeling IT. IS. OK and you are doing just fine. The whole point is the first place is making your desire feel NATURAL to you and if you feeling natural is you not really feeling anything and it's just a "oh it's done" then you are doing just fine if you have the feeling as if you "don't want your desire anymore" that's also fine, I can guarantee if your desire was fulfilled would you still feel like you wanted it or be stressed? I doubt it..just as the example is, I have a phone, I know I have a phone. Even if my phone wasn't in my hand right now I still know I have a phone. That is the feeling, that is the acceptance. Even if it isn't right there in front of you, you already have it because you accepted that you do.
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anantaru · 9 months
You think rape is funny? Maybe once you fucking experience it you won’t. Fucking cunt.
hello. so I'll just jump right into this. tw. discourse tw. mentioning r*pe.
@saetoru made this claim about me:
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saetoru, could you add proof at least? i can not remember a time where i would repost a joke like that so i'd love for you to show me proof please, this is all I'm asking.
also how was it on your dash, on your own dash and @dottores dash, when you have never followed me? + but maybe it was the for you feature that was the same for the both of you.
accusing someone without proof is not okay, again, i can not remember doing this so if you have a screenshot add it so i can remember and apologize, but i can't do anything because i don't remember saying a joke with SA in mind.
before that i just want to mention: i don't think r*pe is funny, i'm not a dark content blog either so i do not really reblog dark content things because i'm sure most of my readers don't want that + I'm just not into that as well. the only joke i was "called out" for once is when i used a "i want xyz character to smack their laptop on my face or tits" which i got from an andrew garfield interview where he read his thirst tweets out loud, at that time i just deleted it because it's alright.
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dottores, your mutuals, two of them to be exact, have sent me multiple of your personal blog hate posts about me and not once, have you made one where you talked about me saying an SA joke. you have only claimed that i am a cunt and that i am a gatekeeping bitch hence why i believed this must be the reason why you would suddenly hate me despite the fact we never interacted.
now, I want to address this next, this is from @dottores post which when i got it sent to me, i would've wished she just tagged me right away and said it with her chest, more so not let saetoru talk about her experience but just handle this with me.
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^ this is cat @dottores saying i got it wrong.
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^ this is why i believed she meant it just like i said it, why do you go through blogs that grow really fast's notes in the first place? where do you take the right to police other blogs like that when i'm sure your blogs aren't empty of blank blogs either. it is hard to get rid of all of them but i'm sure we all try at least, we don't need you to make us feel bad or come off as belittling, if you have found out a way to get rid of every blank blog, do enlighten us please.
+ at that time of this reblog icks?? post that saetoru added, my blog was blowing up so when a moot of mine (which was also theirs at a time) saw this, they had sent it to me.
"creators that grow really fast" and nowhere has she mentioned she only went through only her own moots notes, aside from that apologies but i still find this weird, i don't think you should invest so much time in other people's blog but this is my opinion.
this is the next thing she said:
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i don't know if dottores meant me there but i have never once harassed you nor sent you hate anywhere, again you cannot just accuse me of stuff like that when you have also never reached out to me. The things i claimed about you guys in your callout, i have text messages of the person (your moot) who sent it to me.
but back again, the only thing i did do was block dottores on tumblr and then later ao3 when i saw you in tags, which you made fun of me for later:
also i got this ask that time:
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"who blocks on ao3?" i do, ao3 is the platform i use the most so why is it funny when i use the block button? + i just like to point something out here, "they must've clicked to read and realize it was me" you can think that if you want i don't mind, but let me ask you this: i have seen you in tags hence why i was able to block you, but how did you notice i did? you can't see me in tags so surely you didnt click on my work, so you must've searched up my user for whatever reason?
and i know this is about me because she added the "this person called me chronically online" i couldn't find the post but what she was talking about is me calling other writers who reblogged that one "ick post" with not needed things such as "when writers cant characterize a character" or "when they only write headcanons", i have plenty of screenshots of that post but since i don't want to use up all my space here, i don't see why i should show their reblogs from this.
there were plenty of people like that, which reblogged horrible things there so i called everyone under that post chronically online, not just you dottores.
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yeah :) like people making fun of someone for blocking them for their own comfort. i just don't want to see you, that's all, but i have never send you hate asks nor harassed you, the only thing i did was block the blogs your own mutuals exposed to me.
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^ this is after i felt bad for you after the callout.
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this is coming from your own mutuals, i have never alone claimed you guys are jealous of me nor is there anything to be jealous about. i am just a blog, this here is not being popular, no one knows who i am and i do not need to pride myself in having a big blog on tumblr.com, and my readers know that. we are all the same here.
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i didn't mean you here saetoru but i understand that it sounded that way, the phrasing was a little off, for that i apologise that i made you upset with this, english is not my first language, i'm french, and when it comes to this callout post i was so fed up with it that i just posted it without looking for grammar mistakes etc. + this is about one of your friends who deleted their personal the second i announced i got their user, that was something with kaeya, when they sent me a hate ask. i won't expose it here but that person was also the one who blacklisted a friend of mine for liking itto.
i think there is a lot more but i will stop it there, this could've ended differently and i'm sad that it ended this way. I wish you all the best and i mean it, i hope we all can learn from this and move on, write on tumblr for our favorite characters because it's fun and stay away from drama. If you made it this far thank you 💓 — yoru
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nerdylilpeebee · 1 month
Not gonna lie, a little disappointed in @tracingpapier. Turning off reblogs so I couldn't even respond to her is a bit of a petty move. This is a long ass response, so I'm gonna use bullets to respond to each point.
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If you have me blocked, tracinpapier must be a side-blog or something cuz I can see your blog just fine, reblog your posts, and mention you.
I actually am worried about someone being scammed. GoFundMe's on Tumblr have nearly all been scams since they first started appearing. GoFundMe's based around Gaza are all phrased the same way, often have the same images and are usually vetted by one single person. But all of them completely lack evidence they're legit in any capacity. I don't want scammers taking advantage of people's compassion to get a little richer. If this wasn't my motivation, I'd just leave y'all to keep donating. XD
(The next screenshot requires reading the one above and the below as it involves that screenshotted post)
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How is that deligitimizing what they experienced? If it's not a genocide, it's not a fucking genocide. Correctly labeling something is only "deligimizing" if you think it needs to be wrongly labeled as a worse thing to be legitimate. A very Oppression Olympics way of thinking.
The UN has Iran on it's human rights council, has uncritically backed Hamas' lies to the point they've had to roll back their estimations on how many have died in the conflict due to Hamas doing so themselves, the ICJ, a UN court, fell asleep listening to Israel's defense in the South Africa case, and an UN judge stated he was going to go to Israel to gather evidence and instead didn't go to Israel and called for arrest warrants against israeli leaders. This is all to say, I really don't give a fuck if a random UN Reporter (or "Rapporteur") said something. This is an appeal to authority fallacy using a very biased authority. And for that matter, it was was so cut an dry, and the UN had evidence of genocide, why didn't the ICJ convict Israel of genocide? Sounds to me like this is more an opinion piece than an actual piece of evidence.
The next screenshot and half of the following is the rest of the excerpt she provided. Feel free to read if you want.
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If you can't verify the GoFundMe's are legitimate, and I know for a fact you've 100% been on Tumblr long enough to know that most GoFundMe's on here are scams, sharing them uncritically is irresponsible.
Your best option is 100% to ignore it. GoFundMe themselves say that they cannot send money to Gaza, as it is not listed among their supported countries. And quite frankly, it is far FAR more likely to be a scam than a legit cry for help from a group you think is facing genocide and, given you hold pro-pal beliefs, famine. This means you also likely buy into the idea they have no electricity, water or shelter. Tell me, how does that equal "is capable of live-blogging to social media"? Hell, if this is legit, why would they ask for tens of thousands of dollars instead of the actual amount they'd need to evacuate (which is a LOT smaller than that)?
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Hey, you can post what you want. I wasn't telling you to delete it. If you want to spread a likely scam because there's tiniest fraction of a chance a Gazan is actually asking for help, and being greedy as fuck while they do so, them by all means, spread it. As you say, it's your blog. I was just giving the info that GoFundMe does not operate in the middle east, so that way anyone who uses their brain and looks through the notes of your post can realize they're most likely looking at a scam. Just as you have the right to post whatever you want, I have the right to give information proving something you posted is unlikely to be legit.
My tag isn't a general discourse tag, it's a general filter tag. One I've used for years and see no reason to stop using for potentially triggering content simply because it's a bit more serious than the usual stuff I use it for. And I disagree about this being a genocide. That should already be obvious since you called me a "Zionist" and you people think basically means "Nazi who gets off to the idea of dead kids."
Yes you are, and I never said you were the person to argue with about this. I wasn't trying to argue, I was giving information to anyone who sees the post. Unlike you, apparently, I care about avoiding giving money to monsters who take advantage of people's compassion.
As I said before, I can see your blog, mention you and reblog from you. I had no way of knowing I had been blocked by you, especially since I've followed you for years and you've not once even TRIED telling me you weren't comfortable with that despite all the times I've faced and reblogged your art. So don't pretend I'm doing something wrong here. I had no way of knowing you did not want me interacting with your blog.
Let me make this last part clear so you can't complain about it later:
I will only respond to you. I will not seek your blog to send you asks or to stalk any posts you might be making behind my back. This conversation ends when you stop responding.
If you don't want to have this conversation, then go ahead and ignore this post. :P
I love your art, and your choice of ship. I have nothing against you personally, even if you might have something against me for not agreeing with your point of view. Have a good day/night, or whatever time it is for you if you choose to ignore this.
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scopostims · 9 months
stim gifs in photopea
[PT: Stim gifs in photopea /End PT]
Hello! This is my (lengthy) tutorial for how I make GIFs for stimblr using Photopea. It's not going to be as extensive as how I make for shows, celebrities, etc, because I have different processes for both, however I'm still aiming to cover everything I think necessary!
It'll be split into multiple sections with headers, so feel free to skip whatever you want if you don't find it necessary :•] Reblogs appreciated if you found it useful, but no pressure obviously!
Getting your video
Importing into Photopea
Making the GIF
Sharpening the GIF
Exporting & Optimization (in EZGIF)
End results, and misc tips and comments
1. Getting your video
[PT: 1. Getting your video /End PT]
Short section! These are the ways I download and source videos for use
Youtube - yt-dlp (installation instructions)
Tiktok (Allows without watermark)
For yt-dlp, check out this basic list of commands I made solely for downloading material to GIF! If you have further questions, either send me an ask or refer to the github page.
2. Importing into Photopea
[PT: 2. Importing into Photopea /End PT]
There are two ways to import into Photopea, the first is importing footage directly, and the second is screencapping (which I won't cover in detail, but this tutorial is for installing the program I use on mac & how to use it, and this is for installing on windows)
Option 1: Importing footage directly (see end for comments)
On the home page of Photopea, you'll want to click "Open from computer", and select your clip, upon selecting you'll be presented with a popup like below
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All that really matters here is where you see "30 FPS", that's the videos native frame rate. I always put whatever that number is as my frame rate because I find it to be the best, but you can use different presets (Like ezgif, which gives you 12, 20, etc). The less frames you have, the chopper it will be. If you plan to slow it down later, I'd also recommend having more frames so it looks smoother after slowing.
Now you just have to wait for it to load all the frames, then you're set!
Option 2: Importing screencaps
This is my personal way of doing things, so this is assuming you've installed a screencapping program and already have your frames ready.
For this, when you click "open from computer", select the first frame and open it by itself. Once that's loaded, look in the top left at the "File" tab, select "Open & Place", then ctrl + shift to select the rest of your frames. Once they've all loaded in, you can either rasterize them now, or wait until after cropping and resizing (goes faster then).
What's important though, is ctrl + shift to select all your layers, in the top left open the "Layer" tab, hover over "Animation" at the bottom to expand it, and select "Make frames". With your frames still selected, hit the folder button in the bottom left.
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Without this, Photopea won't recognize this as an animation, therefore you'll be unable to export it as a GIF.
3. Making the GIF
[PT: 3. Making the GIF /End PT]
3A. Cropping
To begin with cropping, select the crop tool, which is the fifth one down on the left bar (if you hover over, it will say the name), or the "C" key on the keyboard.
Along the top now, you should have some new options. The dropdown menu that says "Free" is going to be how you select an aspect ratio or fixed size, and I always set to 1:1 since most people on stimblr use square GIFs, but you can do whatever works for you! Make sure to leave "Delete uncropped pixels" unchecked, because that lets you move stuff around later without having to recrop.
Crop your animation down as you see fit, then either hit the enter key, or the check button along the top bar. If you're unhappy with the placement, you can undo it OR, select all your layers, then use the move tool (First icon on the left, or the "V" key) and drag it around as you see fit.
3B. Resizing
With all your layers selected still, open the "Image" tab in the top left, towards the bottom select "Image Size", then select what you want to resize to.
Tumblr's exact GIF sizing
1 per row: 540px
2 per row: 268px
3 per row: 177px
HOWEVER. For stim GIFs, I find the quality difference so negligible, you can resize to what you want. It's also better for it to be bigger and scale down, then smaller and scale up. For this reason, I typically do 268px no matter what, or 300px.
As far as resampling goes, leave it turned on, and I personally leave it on bilinear, but the different options vary slightly, so experiment and see what works for you!
If you're happy at this step, go ahead and skip down to exporting! But when doing this way, I do recommend sharpening for better quality at smaller size.
4. Sharpening the GIF
[PT: 4. Sharpening the GIF /End PT]
The fun thing about this section is you get to experiment and find what works for you! I'll give you my personal method, but you can play around, add and remove bits, etc until you get something you're happy with!
4A. High pass
High pass is my personal favorite way to sharpen GIFs, and for stim GIFs I'll often use only this.
(Steps 1-3 in image) To do, start by right clicking the *Folder* all your frames are in, and select "Duplicate Layer". Select all the frames in Only the folder on top, then go to the "Filter" tab along the top left, hover over "Other", and select "High Pass". The grey look is entirely normal! I normally set my high pass at 2-4, but play around with this step and find something you like!
Select the *Folder* all your high pass frames are in, and change the blending mode (fourth step in image) to "Soft Light", it should be on "Pass Through" initially. With that done, you've used high pass on your GIFs! If you're content here, skip the next section about smart sharpening, and see about merging animation folders under it.
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4B. Smart Sharpen
Note: I recommend testing your sharpening settings on one layer BEFORE applying them to all layers, as it will be easier on your computer.
I utilize this in addition to high pass usually, but you can do it all by itself as well! To begin, select all the frames in your folder (if you used high pass, select the frames in the *Bottom* folder). Open the "Filter" tab on the top left, hover over "Sharpen", and select "Smart Sharpen". Now find what you like!
For stim GIFs, if I used high pass, I'll go for 75-110% amount, and a .1 radius. I personally don't like the look of an over sharpened GIF, so I only use smart sharpen if I want to enhance some small details high pass didn't touch enough, which is why I use so little. If you don't like high pass, you might use more here!
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4C. Combining animation folders
If you used high pass, you'll notice you have two animation folders. To fix this, select both folders using ctrl + shift, open the "Layer" tab, hover over "Animation", and select "Merge". It will give you a popup to confirm, and you can go ahead and accept!
If you don't merge these, Photopea will think they're two GIFs in one document, rather than only one, which is why this step is so important.
As a note, once you merge these folders, you can no longer shift the frames around to change where they are in the crop like you could earlier.
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5. Coloring (Image Heavy)
[PT: 5. Coloring (Image Heavy) /End PT]
This section is going to be less of a tutorial and more a basic rundown of the adjustment layers and what they do. Coloring will change from GIF to GIF, and you can do light or intense coloring, so this is just a guide to begin with, but really just play around and find what you like!
To access the adjustment layer menu, in the bottom right where "New Folder" was, the one directly next to it that looks like a circle made of two half-circles, will bring up your adjustment layers.
As a note, I always group my adjustment layers in a folder above my animation, for ease of hiding to compare with and without.
5A. Levels
Levels is one I almost *Always* use on a GIF because it makes it look cleaner to me. In the first box, sliding the black square on the left *increases* the blacks, sliding the white square on the right *increases* the whites, and the one in the center changes the general brightness up or down.
Sliding the black box on the bottom bar *decreases* the blacks, sliding the white box *decreases* the whites.
If you change the channel from RGB to another option, you can change the balance of reds/cyans, greens/magentas, or blue/yellows, I personally don't touch this for stim GIFs. In the RGB channel, I set the top black box at ~10, and the top white box at ~245 usually.
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5B. Curves
This is another way of adjusting brightness, blacks and whites, or color balance. By adjusting the dot in the bottom corner you adjust blacks, the top corner adjusts whites, and if you make a dot in the center, it adjusts general brightness! You can also make multiple dots to separately adjust some values. By changing the channels, you adjust color channels rather than white/black.
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5C. Exposure
This is another way of adjusting the lights and darks of the GIF. Sliding the exposure up and down will add/take away light from the lighter parts of your images. Adjusting the gamma correction up and down will add/take away shadow from the darker parts of your image. Offset increases/decreases the brightness of the whole thing but I almost never use it.
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5D. Vibrance
Vibrance is what I like to think of as a "softer" way to increase intensity of colors, instead of using a Hue/Saturation layer. It affects warmer colours more intensely than cooler colours, whether you use the vibrance or saturation slider. The saturation slider here is more intense than the vibrance one, but less intense than saturation in a Hue/Saturation layer.
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5E. Hue/Saturation
This one is simple! Sliding the hue slider changes the colour, sliding the saturation slider increases/decreases saturation, and sliding the lightness is basically like directly adding black/white to a color. I use lightness only sparingly.
What's cool here, is you can adjust the range to target a specific batch of colours! If you find your reds are too bright compared to everything else, you can target the saturation of them specifically.
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5F. Color balance
This is a simple way to adjust the base colors of an image, by changing it to be more cyan or red, magenta or green, or yellow and blue. This can be useful for making a GIF appear warmer or cooler!
I almost only touch the shadows & midtones, and highlights sparingly. "Preserve Luminosity" preserves the highlights and shadows of the image, so by unchecking it, you can achieve some more intense results.
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5G. Black & White
The black and white layer is useful because you can change exactly how light or dark a color appears after making it black and white. For that reason, I prefer it over a gradient map if I need to make something black and white.
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5H. Photo filter
Photo filter is a simple way to add a color filter over the entire image, and adjust how strong or weak it is. "Preserve luminosity" once again just keeps the darks and whites of the original GIF.
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5I. Channel mixer
I couldn’t even begin to cover channel mixer here, but this is for very intense color edits (I typically use it when I'm trying to make a GIF fit a board). However, here's another tutorial solely about channel mixer if you're interested in taking a crack at it!
5J. Selective color
Finally, selective color allows you to adjust the amounts of color or lightness/darkness of a specific batch of color.
By changing the color channel, you can affect different batches of color. The cyan slider controls cyan/red, the magenta slider controls magenta/green, the yellow slider controls yellow/blue, and the black slider controls black/white.
Checking the "absolute" is essentially like "Preserve Luminosity" in the other layers. With absolute, it's like shifting the color one way or the other, and without absolute, it's like adding to the pre-existing color.
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6. Exporting and Optimization
[PT: Exporting and Optimization /End PT]
6A. Exporting
With all that done, we're ready to finish it up! To finish your GIF, open the "File" tab in the top left, go to "Export As", and select GIF!
Here you can rename, adjust the size (WILL ruin the sharpening you did), the quality (I leave at 100%), and the speed.
Another important thing to note is the "Dither". If you leave dither off, you can potentially encounter color banding, which is where (typically gradients) with look like strips of color, rather than smooth. This is because GIFs only have 256 colors they can render, so if something has too many, it bands.
By checking dither, it can get rid of color banding, at the cost of dots on the image (around where the worst color banding is usually). Sometimes the dots aren't noticeable and this is the better option, however it will Also increase your file size. It's up to you if you want to use it!
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6B. Optimization
This is technically an optional step, as tumblr's GIF size limit is 10mb, so as long as you're under that, you can post, however, smaller GIFs load faster and I personally find are better for use in stimboards where you're loading a lot of GIFs! So to help this, let's head on over to the optimize section of ezgif. My personal goal is UNDER 4.5MB, ideally under 4MB.
The two main things I recommend are Lossy GIF, or removing frames, and I always start with Lossy GIF. I do anywhere from 5-15, and usually this will bring down GIFs a lot if you made them in Photopea! My example GIF was 6.7 MB to begin with, and afterwards it was 4.2MB.
However if you find that to be not enough, you can remove frames. When you remove frames, it speeds the GIF up, so I also recommend slowing it down (this is why I set my frames high in the beginning as well). I typically do "Remove every 4th frame" and slow it down to 75%-85%.
7. End results, and misc tips and comments
[PT: 7. End results, and misc tips and comments /End PT]
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(source) The first GIF is without sharpening/colouring, the second is with sharpening but no colouring, and the third is with sharpening and colouring. I didn't color it much besides making it slightly warmer, but I hardly ever do much anyways!
As for misc comments:
In firefox, when you import footage directly, sometimes it glitches and tries to load 4000 blank frames, which is extremely resource intensive on a computer. The solution is import the footage in chrome, save as PSD, then open the PSD in firefox. (Or work in chrome but why do that /half silly). The other solution is screencap which I do since I do this often, but both work fine.
In firefox, sometimes you're unable to slow the GIF down upon export and it will export faster than it actually is. Slowing the video down to 50% restores it to native speed I've found, and you can do this in ezgif before other optimization.
When colouring, my number one tip is slide something all the way up first, then adjust down! By seeing it at max, you have a better idea of what's getting adjusted.
If you have any questions, drop me an ask :•]
And that concludes our tutorial! My apologies for the length, but I wanted to cover every possible thing here. It definitely seems like a lot, much more than working in ezgif, but when you get used to what you're doing, it goes extremely fast (even if you spend extra time screencapping). I personally find it worth it for the ability to sharpen GIFs alone, but as well as more detailed coloring opportunities.
Thank you for reading, I hope this has been useful!
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genericdragon · 7 months
Hello! Since my art and designs seem to be getting more attention recently(??????) and stuff like this has come up a few times, I thought I'd lay down some ground rules about my art and characters.
Art Rules:
Generally if you want to use my art anywhere PLEASE ASK ME FIRST!!! I'll most likely say yes I just want to know about it. If you're reposting it on a different platform or sharing it on Discord or whatever I'd also appreciate if you could tell me what other people are saying about it or send me a link to the post. Also free to use as pfps or whatever as long as you ask first. and unless I say otherwise (there are some things I don't want my name attached to yknow) ALWAYS MAKE SURE TO CREDIT ME!!! ("genericdragon on Tumblr" will suffice). If it's art that I made specifically for you you're free to use it anywhere without asking just remember to credit me.
Please don't edit my art in any way, shape, or form, aside from maybe cutting out the background or whatever. (including drawing on top of it, changing colors, etc)
You're allowed to trace/heavily reference my art for practice (don't know why you'd want to tho) but DO NOT POST IT ANYWHERE OR USE IT FOR ANYTHING ELSE PLEASE.
Unless we're very close friends/mutuals do not expect free art from me. You can commission me on artistree or follow me on artfight (<- you are VERY likely to get free art this way.) I might do requests but only if it's something that I'd want to draw even if no one requested it. (no fetish baiting. I know it when I see it.)
Character rules:
If you want to use my exact humanization as your headcanon for that character or use them in your AU then be my guest! Again, just make sure to credit me for the design, and please tag me in anything you do with them :)
That being said, there are a few story related things that I'm not comfortable sharing with other AUs, but it's usually stuff that I don't post on Tumblr so you probably don't know abt it anyway. Just ask me if you're unsure. However I will also ask that you don't create an entirely new backstory for them if you're putting them in your own AU.
I can't stop you from taking inspiration from my designs but please don't just change a few things from my design and call it your own. They're not technically my original characters but I am still very attached to my humanizations and I'm not comfortable with them being modified like that. I'm glad that ppl like my designs but I don't want them to run too far away from me until they're not mine anymore yknow?
You are always always ALWAYS welcome to draw my character designs, especially when interacting with your own or other people's :) Tag me in any art you make of them!! I want to see it!!!
I made another post about it but self-shipping is allowed (as long as it's not a teenager who's way younger than you) just make sure to abide by the rest of these rules.
Also drawing nsfw of my 18+ characters is fine. (Unless I explicitly say they're a teenager or they are known to be a teenager in canon you can assume they're an adult) You can show me or not idc. Just don't send it to me without warning I don't wanna be jumpscared
Other Stuff:
I do not control the hyperfixation. If you followed me for one specific fandom/character that I don't post about often I can't guarantee that you'll see any more of it. Portal is the one thing you can ALWAYS expect me to come back to but the other stuff just comes and goes. Not saying that I'll NEVER come back to it again just don't hold your breath. Feel free to unfollow or block any tags you're not interested in, I don't take any offense to it.
Please do not reblog any art older than like... 3 or 4 years. I'll leave it up for now but if you reblog it I WILL delete it, sorry.
Continuing from that point, this is my blog and I will delete things as I see fit. Please do not download and repost my art if I delete it. If it's gone then I don't want it to be public anymore, please respect my wishes.
I won't throw a hissy fit if you like art but don't reblog it, I totally get that some things just aren't for everyone, but reblogging really does help a lot and I appreciate it :)
Please don't feel intimidated by me! Apparently some people think of me as a Big Scary Popular Artist and I have no idea where that impression came from but I'm not. I'm just a weirdo girl making my silly little drawings. Also PLEASE don't say anything to the effect of "your art is so good it makes me feel bad" or using my art to put yourself down. I have Kind Of Complicated feelings about my art so when people do this it really messes me up. Just don't, it makes both of us feel so much worse.
Asks are always welcome, although I do try to draw art in response to asks but sometimes I just don't get around to it, or it's for a fandom I'm not currently interested in. (Sorry to that one person who sent me an INSIDE related ask that's just been sitting in my inbox for several months)
I do have an nsfw blog, you can dm me for the url, although I may choose to withhold it from you for any reason. (I'm shy 👉👈)
Other than that just uhhhhh be reasonable treat me like a person respect my boundaries etc. I'll update this if needed but this is the most important stuff for now I think
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sarahowritesostucky · 8 months
Hi! don't know if you answer asks like this but just curious as a fic writer do you feel different fandoms have cliques where some writers only comment or promote writers they're friends with and not all? and in relation to this, do you think stats are the most important thing to a writers success in a fandom? I know this might seem random but just admire your writing and wanted to hear your thoughts
Interesting ask. Okay well, first off, I squee whenever somebody says they ADMIRE my writing *fans self with nearest flat object, in a flattered, flustered, and ego-inflated emotional state*
second off, I'm fairly new to Tumblr, so I am not the most knowledgeable about this
that said, I think that people on Tumblr do a pretty pitiful job overall of promoting content with reblogs, and comments are even rarer!
I have a core group of people whom I've noticed will always reblog my fics, and I absolutely have friendship-y feelings for them even though they're internet strangers, lol. (I love you guys! 💗)
I think that if you're creating quality content and you aren't an asshat, people will eventually catch on and wind up flocking to you. It's the quality of the content you're putting out there that matters most.
But also be smart and try to post regularly, try to write things you know people love (certain tropes, pairings, kinks, etc). Post at peak times of day, make sure your queue is full and set to post at least several times per day. Stuff like that.
If your OTP/fandom is less popular, commit to writing some micro fics about more popular pairings/fandoms/tropes, just to draw more readers in--They will then be more likely to give your niche stuff a try!
As your followers # grows, you'll get more promotion, just because of sheer numbers. So yes, I think having more followers is important if you want to see more engagement with your content overall. (but again, that follows smart posting and quality content)
However, it only takes a handful of awesome supporters to make for a great fandom experience on Tumblr!
As to cliques, I have experienced some pretty hateful bullying and exclusion on the platform, related to an incident where I was abrasive and made a point about free speech, censorship, being willing to discuss vs cancel, and people who are reactive instead of rational (antis).
long story short, my old account was sent death threats, constant harassing, and vile anons, before being vindictively deleted by a rogue staff member (yes, I've gotten confirmation that this is abuse from other Tumblr representatives)
Antis and trolls definitely flock together in cliques, so exclusion can happen there. Cliques can be helpful in that they weed out the nasties fast.
For example: on my new account, I have noticed that perhaps 20 or so accounts have me blocked--most of them are smalltime/not so great bloggers, but about five of them are very popular Chris Evans or Sebastian Stan authors whose content I would probably otherwise be reading and commenting/re-blogging.
I don't think I interacted with most of them directly on my old account, but they are in the cliques that the antis were in, so they hopped on the block-Sarah train based off of whatever their mutuals said.
I don't read other people's fics on Tumblr so much as I do on Ao3, and I'm more about posting my own stuff on Tumblr, so the blocking isn't really an issue with me (mostly they're the ones losing out on the content promotion I would be doing for them, lol).
I think if people are going to be nasty, negative, reactive-not-rational, not willing to discuss, and just generally mean spirited, do you really want them promoting you anyway? Probably not.
As to the people who are not that way, I'd say: PEOPLE NOTICE WHEN YOU REBLOG AND COMMENT on their stuff.
so the more YOU promote other content creators whose stuff you like, the more they will feel affinity for you and promote your stuff!!
I suggest following TONs of people who are in your fandom--many of them will notice and follow you back. That's the best way to get started if you want to grow your account. But also like I said: put out quality content--honey draws bees; and promote other people's content to create good relationships with mutuals.
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twoidiotwriters1 · 1 year
Daughter of Olympus (Leo Valdez xFem!Oc)
A/N: LIKE, COMMENT, OR REBLOG IF YOU WANT TO STAY IN THE TAGLIST otherwise I'll delete you from it! Not to be rude I just kinda feel like I'm spamming accounts without meaning to jsdjsd -Danny Words: 2,706 Series' Masterlist Previous Chapter / Next Chapter Listen to: 'As A Child' -by Madeline The Person
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II. Thanks for Checking In! I'm Still a Piece of Garbage
Ara's doing her best, but Leo's not listening, he's just trying to remember where he's seen Ara before.
"Do I get a sword?" He interrupts her as soon as they walk past the arena.
"Your cabin makes its own weapons."
"My cabin? You mean Vulcan's?" He smirks. 
"Hephaestus," Ara replies plainly, Leo wonders if she's capable of smiling.
"Festus?" He tries again. "Sounds like the god of cowboys."
"Hephaestus. God of blacksmiths and fire and all that stuff Annabeth said," Ara repeats absently.
Leo makes a face, he's thinking of the term "God of fire", but Ara doesn't know that. "So the flaming hammer over my head—Good thing or bad thing?"
"Normal thing," she shrugs. "Everyone gets claimed as soon as they get here..." She glances in the direction of the forest.
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Percy doesn't look at me like I'm a hindrance, he needs a friend, and I want one, so there is understanding between us. Also, I'm very low maintenance so he appreciates the simple company. I'm weaving with the naiads while Percy and Grover talk beside me.
"How was your conversation with Mr. D?"
"Fine," Grover pouts. "Just great."
"So your career's still on track?"
The satyr yelps. "Chiron t-told you I want a searcher's licence?"
"Well... no. He just said you had big plans, you know... and that you needed credit for completing a keeper's assignment. So did you get it?"
"Mr. D suspended judgement. He said I hadn't failed or succeeded with you yet, so our fates were still tied together. If you got a quest and I went along to protect you, and we both came back alive, then maybe he'd consider the job complete."
"Well, that's not so bad, right?"
"Blaa-ha-ha! He might as well have transferred me to stable-cleaning duty. The chances of you getting a quest... and even if you did, why would you want me along?"
"Of course I'd want you along!"
"What about me?" I ask distractedly.
"I don't see why not," Percy grins. 
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She gives a start. "Whatcha say?"
"That dude from a while ago... he mentioned a curse."
Ara dismisses it with annoyance. "Cabin nine's fine, their old counselor passed away and—"
"What? Like, painfully?" Leo asks in worry.
"There was a war," she answers briefly. "Don't ask."
"Why are you giving me the tour?" He proceeds quickly, too curious to think about one thing for more than just a few seconds. "Are we siblings?"
"No, that would've made things easier in the past..." She makes a face.
"Which one's your cabin, then? That thing Annabeth called you... What was it? Daughter of—"
"Olympus," Ara sighs tiredly. "It's a long story."
Leo's getting tired of her ambiguity. "Alright. Whatever. But you have divine blood, right?"
"Yeah," Ara admits. "But don't dwell on it too much, it's nothing special."
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"Chiron said you thought I might be something special."
I open my mouth to speak, but Grover shuts me up. I look at him in annoyance, being the guardian of a demigod as powerful as Percy is a great opportunity for a satyr like him! Why doesn't he want Percy to know? 
"Listen, don't think like that," he replies. "If you were—you know—you'd never ever be allowed a quest, and I'd never get my licence. You're probably a child of Hermes. Or maybe even one of the minor gods, like Nemesis, the god of revenge. Don't worry, okay?"
Percy nudges my leg once Grover leaves. "You were about to say something."
I don't want him to get angry... but also, children of the big three never get happy endings. Percy's destined to fight for his life until he yields. That sucks. I won't be the one to break it to him.
"I had a satyr," I say quietly. "And I'm nothing special. Don't worry."
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"That old lady..." the boy tenses. "What's she doing here?"
Ara freezes, her voice comes out frightened. "You see her too?"
Leo notices her reaction and gets even more nervous. "She's not supposed to be here... right?"
"Listen... you see something like that, you walk away. Nothing good comes from old ladies," Ara pushes him forward by the shoulder.
Leo pulls out pipe cleaners from the pocket of his army jacket and starts playing with them. "Do you know who that was, though?"
"No," she wraps Nico's jacket tighter around herself, the camp doesn't let winter in, but she's feeling a chill. "Let's go to your cabin."
"Alright," he tries to keep up the lively tone in his voice. "I'm in the mood for a good curse." 
The last time she saw weird things at camp, was during Percy's first arrival. Ara keeps throwing nervous glances at Leo, she can't shake the feeling that he's got something to do with it.
He whistles lowly as cabin nine comes into view. "They got a steampunk theme going on, huh?"
Ara looks at her old cabin wistfully. "Yours is one of my favorites, but you didn't hear it from me."
Leo's eyes brighten a little as he continues to look, then he shakes his head, and his expression hardens for a moment. Ara considers checking on him, but if a person doesn't want to talk about their feelings, she should respect that.
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The rest of the campers avoid Percy after he gets claimed, I approach him and greet him like always, but he glares at me. "You're still talking to me?"
I stop halfway, and my smile falters. "I'll stop if you want."
Percy stops. "I didn't mean... everyone's acting like a jerk."
"Yes. It's not good..." My eyes widen a little as I reply. "Annabeth thinks her quest has to do with you."
"Yeah, I heard," he sizes me up. "Hey... wanna train with me?"
"Aren't you training with Luke?"
"I could use a five-minute break in between. Only if you want though, I know you don't like swords."
"I like them plenty," I frown. "But I'm too small for the ones we have here, or that's what everyone says when I pick one up..."
"How will you get better if you don't train?" Percy offers the handle of his sword to me. "Try it."
My fingers brush his knuckles as I reach for the weapon, and my heart shrinks with an unpleasant feeling. Most of the time, I have to focus to feel stuff, but Percy's grief is lethal if I can sense it by merely grazing his skin.
"I'll train with you," I swallow the lump in my throat.
He doesn't like my reaction. "If it scares you—"
I hug him, the grief suffocating me even more. "I want to help."
Silena has grown protective of me since I told her I had this power. She says is "Empath's touch". I can feel other people's feelings and I can take parts of them to lessen the intensity. That's okay with me, no one should go through stuff alone.
"Can I ask you something? Promise to keep it a secret?" Percy inquires as I step away. "Is it normal for a demigod... to have weird dreams?"
"They're not dreams," I reply. "They're messages someone's sending you."
"Does everyone have them?"
I shrug. "Lots of campers have them, it's normal."
"You had any?"
I tilt my head. "They don't mean anything."
Percy frowns. "Fine..."
"I mean," I continue, "my dreams... it doesn't make sense to anyone, but I know I'm right. My dreams are memories. From my past lives."
"Wait, so..." he blinks. "You have reborn?"
"I shouldn't be able to remember," I admit. "Don't tell anybody, please."
He offers his pinky and I link it with my own. "You remember who you were and everything?"
I shake my head. "Not really. I just see bits of stuff..."
"That's interesting," Percy says as we reach the arena. "If you discover what that's about, do tell me."
"If you have funny dreams you'd like to share I'm here, and I like gossip."
He pats my shoulder and then spots Luke, he hesitates. "You sure you wanna stay?"
I pat his hand. "I won't leave you."
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"A weed whacker?" Leo approaches the nearest wall. "What's the god of fire want with a weed whacker?"
"You'd be surprised," a boy in a full-body cast appears on a bunk bed. "I'm Jake Mason. I'd shake your hand, but..."
"Yeah, don't get up."
"Hi, Jack-Jack," the girl gives him half a smile. "You look great."
"Shut up, Ara," Jake groans, then looks at Leo. "Welcome to Cabin Nine, been almost a year since we had any new kids. I'm head counselor for now."
"For now?"
Jake ignores his question and speaks to Ara. "I hope this isn't taking too much of your time..."
"You know I'm here to help," she shrugs it off. "Where's everybody?"
"Forges. They're working on... you know, our problem."
Ara's smile goes away instantly. She clears her throat. "Right. I'll check on them in a moment. You got a bed for Leo?"
Jake eyes the boy carefully. "You believe in curses, Leo? Or ghosts?"
"Ghosts? Pfft. Nah. I'm cool. A storm spirit chucked me down the Grand Canyon this morning, but you know, all in a day's work, right?"
Jake nods, missing Leo's joke entirely. Hephaestus kids don't have the quickest wits when it comes to humor. "That's good. Because I'll give you the best bed in the cabin: Beckendorf's."
Ara's breath catches in her throat, and her voice comes out slightly squeaky. "Are you sure?"
"Bunk 1-A, please."
The bed rises up from under the floor, and Leo jumps onto it happily. Ara feels a little insulted, but she bites her tongue. "I can handle this."
 "It retracts into a private room below," Jake adds.
"Oh, heck, yes," he grins. "See y'all. I'll be down in the Leo Cave. Which button do I press?"  He gives her a playful look. "Wanna join me?"
Her face twists in disgust, but Leo is used to girls looking at him that way, so he's not bothered in the least, if anything, it only makes him want to annoy her further. Jake clears his throat, wanting to save his new brother from Ara. "Well, Leo, if you don't mind sleeping in a dead man's bed, it's yours."
The boy sits up abruptly. "The counselor who died... this was his bed?" 
"Yeah, Charles Beckendorf."
"He didn't, like, die in this bed, did he?"
"No. In the Titan War, last summer."
Ara feels exhausted every time someone mentions the war. Lately, her life's been plagued with losses, and remembering takes so much energy from her... she recalls every little detail, all the moments that led to this moment, and studies them in her head one by one. She can't stop.
"The Titan War," Leo's eyes are on her, "which has nothing to do with this very fine bed?" 
"You'll be safe and comfy there," Ara replies numbly. "Kronos killed half of our campers during the battle, but we didn't fight him here—"
"I'm guessing this wasn't on the news?"
Ara frowns, intrigued by his ignorance. "Were you, Jason, and Piper together this whole time?"
"Er... no," he answers. "No, I was er... on the run, I guess. I met Jason and Piper like, a few months ago. Last August."
"When the war ended," Ara's brows furrow even more.
"You were lucky to miss it," Jake says. "The thing is, Beckendorf was one of the first casualties, and ever since then—"
"Your cabin's been cursed," Leo guesses.
"That's what they think," Ara intervenes. "But I've been working this whole time—"
"Jackson, you're the only one getting things done," Jake snorts and looks back at Leo. "She's the gods' favored one. Ara doesn't know how it is for us, regular campers."
She's never liked being pushed aside, it used to happen because she was good for nothing, but now it's happening because she's too much of everything. She doesn't know how to change that.
Ara looks around the cabin while the boys talk, and after the counselor closes his bed curtains, Leo is ready to pick up their conversation. "What did Jake mean when he said 'regular campers' as if you're not one of them?"
"'Cause I'm the Strategus, remember? But I don't feel different, I'm the same girl I was five months ago..." She leaves the cabin with Leo following close. "You want to know what happened?"
The boy smirks, happy to finally get some answers. "I'm listening."
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"I knew almost as soon as I saw you," I nudge Percy's arm. "Who your dad was."
He keeps his eyes ahead, he's wet and grumpy. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"I didn't want to scare you. But I could tell 'cause you smell like the sea," he sniffs his armpit, but the rain makes it impossible to distinguish. "Anyway, this is nice."
"How is any of this nice?" He scowls.
"Well, I don't do much at camp, and it's been years since I was out..."
"That thing you did on the bus," he replies, referring to what I did to the furies. "What was that?"
"Charmspeak. I convince people to do things."
"Do all Aphrodite kids have it?"
"A few," I answer. "Some can change their appearance at will, some are good at pairing up people—but Silena doesn't like doing that, the real matchmakers are rare—others can sense people's feelings. I have that too."
"Like a satyr?"
"Yeah, but I have to touch you in order to feel anything, Grover can do it without contact."
"So you have charmspeak, and you feel other people's feelings," Percy recounts. "Anything else I should be careful with around you?"
I grin. "Nah, I'm not dangerous."
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"So Beckendorf was popular around here?"
"He was a veteran, so we all sorta looked up to him. Jake became a counselor after we lost him, and he doesn't like it. Lots of kids had to take leadership positions without warning during the war, it was hard on all of us."
"So that's what happened to you?"
"No, I got my title after the war ended. I don't have a cabin. I chose..."
"You chose what?"
"To be of use."
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"Percy's being reckless, you don't want to be like that."
"He's allowed to be angry!" I whisper in annoyance.
Annabeth scowls. "Don't be like Percy. He's dumb and impulsive."
"So am I. Impulsive I mean, not—"
"But you're..." my friend stops before completing her sentence, but I know what she was about to say. Not strong.
I sigh and shake my head. "I won't do anything stupid, don't worry."
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"What's the problem Jake mentioned?" Leo continues, he's alright when he's not trying to be funny.
Ara makes a face. "After the war, their creations started to malfunction. A year ago I convinced Beck to rescue your cabin's most impressive—Oh, here we are! The forges."
Her old friends salute her, then all eyes land on Leo. "Hey," she greets them. "Got you a new brother. This is Leo... er..."
"Valdez," he scans the group, new campers are always surprised to find out they're not the only children of their godly parent.
Everyone approaches to say hi, Ara looks at them proudly, most of them are kept to themselves, but they're all sweet. She notices their injuries and her guilt increases.
"Well, all right!" Leo raises his voice. "I hear this is the party cabin!"
There is no reaction to his comment. Ara has to bite her lip to not chuckle out of pity. "Right," she clears her throat. "You think you can take care of him, Nyssa?"
"I got it," the girl steps forward.
"Cool," Leo eyes her reluctantly. "I always wanted a sister who could beat me up."  Ara snorts, and he perks up at the sound. "There we go!"
"Thank the gods!" A boy cheers sarcastically. "I was starting to think she got switched with a robot..."
"Hey, show respect to your General!" They hear a loud thud.
"Ouch! She was our friend first, wasn't she? We can tease her a little!" The boy complains.
"And at heart, she's still little Ara from cabin ten," Nyssa teases her.
"The difference is that now I can kick your ass now if you're not careful," the girl warns her, half-serious.
Nyssa smirks and crosses her arms. "Aphrodites! Always so feisty."
"Aphrodite?" Leo asks in shock. "You're from the Barbie Malibu Cabin?"
Everyone goes back to work and Nyssa whistles lowly, looking away. 
"So what if I am?" Ara's expression hardens.
The boy messed up, but he doesn't understand why. "I mean... everyone saying you're... you don't really... oh man, can someone shut me up?"
"Good idea," Ara glances at him coldly before turning away. "Oh, and watch your hands, Leo, it'll suck if you lose a finger on your first week, and most amateurs do. See you, Nyssa."
Leo scowls at her insult. Alright, he messed up, but she's acting like she's this mighty being above human error since they met, and that's getting on his nerves too.
Nyssa looks at them with a smirk. "See you, Birdy! C'mon, joker boy, I'll show you around..."
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Next Chapter ->
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deathdetermineslife · 18 days
hi! i know this probably makes you uncomfortable so i'll keep it short but basically im a proshipper and i do my best to not interact w/ ppl who say "proship dni"
however, you don't have that tag on your posts and i just wanted to say that you might want to consider tagging proship dni on your posts just to avoid us seeing your posts at all. i have that tag filtered specifically so i wont interact where i am unwanted. you obviously don't want to interact w proshippers and i'd rather not make you uncomfortable so it feels like a good solution. just a tip for the future, have a hood rest of your day/night/etc.
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in my experience in the past, proshippers interact either way. so I don't bother. it also puts a big target on my account for proshippers to steal my posts, in every instance I've seen, posts that are stolen are typically by people that have the banner at the bottom of their posts, and with being a semi-known account like I am (averaging currently like 300-400 notes a day minimum), id rather not. I've found I've also been harassed more when I did. i had an older selfship account I deleted from forever ago, I only had it for like a month or two and the hate I received just for the little banner was far greater than anything I've gotten on my time on this account. the lesser people know I dislike individuals that arent bothered by the enjoyment of fictional incest and pedophilia, the less hate I get.
also i only try checking the people that follow me. like I said, its too much for me to go through and check every little reblog or like, people will violate it anyways, I'm sure I've accidentally violated dnis because I like peoples posts without knowing. i more so care about people following and sending in asks. i also check frequent likers/rebloggers, I try reading all of my reblogs and if I see someone reblog my stuff a lot, I take a glance. i have a job and a life outside of tumblr so I cant be bothered with being obsessive over it.
i sincerely hope you get whatever help you need.
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annabellelupin · 1 year
I know I like just said a few days ago I was going to step back from controversial posts for a bit but something has kind of came to my attention I'd like to address
I'm going to start of with the fact that this is not a hate post so don't get all pissed off at me for this. I'm fine with people expressing there opinions maturely but if you're just going to argue like a child I will delete the replies/reblogs and block you if needed, I don't want to deal with the drama and arguing.
Sometimes I really think people forget Barty Crouch Jr played a very big role in Goblet of Fire.
He locked a man in a trunk for weeks, turned a 14 year old into a ferret (yes he totally deserved it but the man still didn't deserve to get traumatized), is one of the main reasons Cedric died (he created the portkey-), he showed kids unforgivable curses which definitely was a bit traumatic for some of them (and seemed to trigger some ptsd for Neville), helped torture Alice and Frank Longbottom (two very wonderful people) to insanity and caused Neville so much pain by doing so.
Apparently people are defending him because his dad kind of sucked. I'd like to politely point out his mother loved him so much that she traded places with him so he could get out of Azkaban. And what does he do? Oh right, he goes right back to his old ways. I mean you'd figure most reasonable people would take that as a second chance and a reason to change, but nope not him.
... And yet people defend him and push aside the fact he's done some pretty bad things. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for redemption arcs and such, but what redeemable qualities has this man ever showed? and yes I get that he wasn't always a wizard nazi, but it's mentioned in the seventh books that a group of people who become such were doing really terrible things around Hogwarts, and one harmed Mary pretty badly. Just imagine what he did to people during his time at Hogwarts. People don't become evil over night. And unlike a lot of the des out there, he didn't have an entire family supporting Voldemorts actions that drove him to do it, he did it on his own accord.
now, before anyone goes "Oh that never happened!" or "He'd never do that!" he's some proof:
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I'm not even going to bother finding the parts where he scars kids for life just because he can. I think this speaks for itself.
and someone pointed out that yes, his dad was a fucking bastard but most characterss had terrible families. I can name so many other characters that went through a lot and didn't do things like this over it. the man even had the audacity to lie about doing a lot of it. yes he was young then, but even years upon years later he made no effort to change for the better. I can almost guarantee that if he would've genuinely changed, Crouch sr would not have done half of this stuff. Like do you really think most parents would willingly do that to their children? he knew if he didn't then they'd both end up getting in trouble (not saying he should've done it, just that he didn't do it for nothing, his own reputation aside he was probably worried his son would end up hurting people again).
I really don't understand how people can defend and love this character...
but whatever. idc. i dont like him but if you do then it's whatever. I'm not going to be directly rude to you if I don't like the same characters or ships as you so don't go thinking this is me being rude to people who do like him, that's not the case. I'm just explaining my thoughts on the subject.
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sailingmakai · 7 months
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PRONOUNS :  She/They!
PREFERENCE  OF  COMMUNICATION  : Mostly Discord, but I can do tumblr too if needed/preferred
NAME  OF  MUSE(s)  : Akira Kurusu! (For this blog anyway; if you wanted Discord we'd be here a while lmao)
EXPERIENCE  /  HOW  LONG  (  MONTHS  /  YEARS? )  : RP, since 2013-ish. My first-ever blog was made around there, and I've been RPing ever since, but I've been writing for a good few years before that. I'd saaaay maybe four or five? I can't check since I deleted all my oldest stuff, but it's around there.
BEST  EXPERIENCE :  In general, I'd say an RP I did with a pair of friends from another fandom with another muse from years ago - where my muse was being chased down by a worried friend after having run away (after either hurting them or BEING hurt, can't recall), and was offered a deal with the demon sin of Gluttony, which he took and has since forever regretted - that one took until 4am and was one of my favorites~ I don't think I've had something that's made me stay up that late just to get more of it, since.
RP  PET  PEEVES  /  DEALBREAKERS : I definitely hate when people control my character - taking them and making them act or move more than just briefly describing them taking a thing in a plot/thread where we both know they're gonna take the thing.
One dealbreaker I have though - Guilt trips. I've had people do this to me before where for whatever reason, I didn't really wanna thread something - either the thread itself wasn't something I wanted to do or I just plain didn't vibe with their muse and made an effort to tell them as politely as possible that I didn't think my muse would be able to interact well, if at all, with theirs. And always, ALWAYS the response would be them going to their blog, and vague-posting about me and how I should be writing with THEM if I wanted to rp so bad, as well as people guilting me into refollowing them after deciding I didn't want to follow them after all, usually for the above reasons of 'my muses won't gel with theirs after all, whoops'. Basically - if you knowingly, intentionally, try to leverage my anxiety as a means to keep me interacting with you, you can consider me gone. For good.
MUSE  PREFERENCES  FLUFF,    ANGST  OR  SMUT  : Fluff and angst are both amazing. Smut... Technically I'm okay with smut as a concept, but given the characters here are early-20's at best, and canonically in the range of 17, I do not want it on my blog in any capacity. I will block you if you try. Romance is fine, don't get me wrong! I love doing soft fluffy romance~! But I ain't doing no sideways tango shit with anyone but my old Layton buddies, because all our muses there are grown men and women in their 30's and 40's at LEAST.
PLOTS  OR  MEMES  : Plots. I am... extraordinarily bad at writing non-serious stuff. Even when I TRY to do sillies, they always come out serious. Sigh.
LONG  OR  SHORT  REPLIES  : I can do both! Buuuut if we thread a thread long enough my replies WILL steadily grow stupid long. I don't know why. It just... happens... ;w;
BEST TIME TO WRITE :  Any time! All time! As long as I'm awake! I have endless free time due to being pretty damn unhireable due to a perfect storm of people-based social anxiety, poor memory, and inability to develop marketable skills!
But yes - I'm awake and online pretty regularly any time between 9am and 12am Newfoundland time.
ARE  YOU  LIKE  YOUR  MUSE(S) : God I wish. I do channel a little bit of myself into them, and I wouldn't be surprised if that shows, but I'm nothing like Akira, nor any of his au's I've got in here. Don't have enough spine for that, lmao.
TAGGED  BY  :  Stolen from @soulsbetrayed!
TAGGING : Go ham, my darlings
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dragonnyy · 2 years
Introduction Post
Hey, you can call me Echo. I use he/him pronouns. I'm trans. This is a primarily masc/male reader blog, though I allow fems to interact with my blog.
This blog has gone through plenty of renovations. 99% of my previous posts were deleted. This post is from 2022 because I've edited it multiple times. I'm not a dead account, take my word for that lol
@gayynightmare is my space for reblogs now (as to not clog the fics posted here). Also technically my 'main' account. Here's my AO3. I post most of my stuff on both Tumblr and the Archive, yet feel more comfortable posting things there, so you might find hidden stuff. Pronoun page thingy if you are nosy
If you want to chat through asks or messages, that's cool, I don't bite. Just be respectful. While sending in a request, please remember I'm quite slow with them, especially fics. They take a while depending on a lot of things — and I write pretty slow in general, just because I take it seriously. (And feel free to check up on a request if you're afraid it got eaten up by tumblr)
Requests: Closed
Masterlist/WIPs list
^ (check here if you sent in a request and want to see if i'm working on it or not)
Stuff I Will Write:
Sebastian Solace
Monster x Mediator
List will expand in the future, but for now this all I got.
Request Rules
Normally I'd make a list, but what I will and won't write is really complicated and flexible, so you can really just go crazy with requests and I'll let you know if I'm down to write it or not. Nonetheless, here are basic things I will just say no to, and what I will always write.
I will write any genre of fanfiction. Smut, fluff, angst, whatever. I only write male/gender ambiguous readers, keep that in mind. I will write for platonic/familial relationships. In any smut, I'll only depict the reader as the top.
I won't write character x character or oc, this blog is strictly character x reader. I don’t write AFAB or trans reader, as a trans man. I won’t write bottom reader in any smut. It’s an uncomfortable prospect for me.
These will be added onto in the future. Be sure to double check every time you request.
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waffleston · 13 days
A ramble: online presence, dissociation, and hobbies.
First, an analysis of my personal online presence.
I have 18 online presences spread throughout nine social media platforms. Eight are "archival"; I don't use them but occasionally log in to see the time capsule of who I once was. Three I am too afraid to post on; mostly because I psyched myself out by setting a high bar my current artistic ability can't reach or establishing a mask that's too high effort to maintain. Five are associated with my irl name, which I have become increasingly wary about; And there's the pressure to "professionalize" them. The remaining two are this tumblr and my cohost (rip cohost).
(Addendum: This tally omits socials which I deleted along the way. Looking at you, twitter.)
Usernames are hard for me to settle on. My handles span 11 unique combinations. Three are based on my irl name, and three are based on previous names I used. Two are associated with reddit accounts I'd rather leave behind in the past, one is cringe and weirdly activates my dysphoria, and one is a potential trademark violation if you look at it close enough. The last is the username used on this site.
I understand why this has happened to an extent. I have a dissociative disorder, so having a consistent sense of self is impossible for me. I also don't experience the crisply defined self-states thing anymore. (At some point my brain revoked names and it's been harder to tell ever since.)
A way to avoid some of the aforementioned concerns which prevent me from using certain accounts is to simply rename them. I learned today that neocities permits renaming, which is pretty neat. This does introduce the issue of breaking permalinks, potentially losing a following, etc. but for the accounts I feel comfortable reforging in the fire of name changes that's not really an issue.
A major lesson learned here is that using your irl name is /not/ recommended. I just want to play around with experimental artwork and not have to worry if I'm affecting my irl reputation or job prospects. I know that the reason why I employed my name en masse was out of the euphoria of using the name I legally changed to. It does feel nice to be called the name you choose when irl it's complicated - but you don't have to set your username to it! Have whatever name you feel like going by at the moment in the bio, and let the username remain a constant.
A fascinating thing cohost taught me is that I am more likely to feel free and comfortable interacting with people if they aren't people I know irl. Eight of my social presences are known by people I know irl, which affects the sort of stuff I post to them. It feels weird to admit that, but I know it's true. I experience a massive amount of anxiety whenever I "act out of character" - which happens when: my therapist notices my collection of active me's has shifted, I fail to mask in front of friends, or I do something and then later ask myself why the heck I would have done that. Trying to hide from the anxiety leads to posting less - simply liking rather than reblogging where applicable. It doesn't help that I constantly malfunction in social situations.
All of this is to say that I need to start using throwaway names - or names that don't mean anything at all. Don't list the hobby in the username, or you'll be unable to post when your interests shift; don't use your name, or you'll be unable to post when your name changes; keep it isolated, or don't reuse names on multiple sites unless you're committed to maintaining the same mask on both.
(Addendum: The name thing is what's led to me having an uncountable number of email addresses. A nightmare to manage, but at least I don't have a single point of failure in the event of a hack?)
I'm sure some of this is more tightly tethered to my dissociation. I pick up and drop hobbies rapidly. At one point I tried to make a wheel listing all of my hobbies, but depression comes in and makes me unable to engage with any of them. Sensory issues (?) make it hard to interact with my music hobbies, and my inability to focus for long periods of time sends fiber arts and software development into the state of "it's not finished and I don't think I'm ever going to finish it". (I'll refrain from listing the number of private repositories on my github.)
I think I also burn out of hobbies. Like, I'm still the me that started it, but I've given up. Depression. I think it's hitting especially hard right now because I don't have classes to throw myself into. But even then, there's still something wrong with my brain; I, embarrassingly, never completed a paper in grad school. I was able to charisma-saving-throw my way around failing courses in those situations, but gosh. It just tanks my self-esteem to know that I sometimes feel like I don't deserve my degree.
Building on that, hobby-specific social accounts are subsequently abandoned. To an extent my brain rationalizes that "I need to save the account in its current state so that when the me that used it returns they can pick it back up", kind of turning social media into a hobby in that same sense of picking up and dropping. It's kind of a miracle that this tumblr account survived from 2015 to today. I think the key to its survival has been the lack of affiliation with specific hobbies, lack of affiliation with any name, and the persistence of it all. It's been able to change alongside me.
In a weird way, I still reflect on the metaphor I came up with before I got diagnosed, in the midst of some particularly challenging times. I felt like I kept regenerating, like The Doctor, forever different and unable to return to who I once was.
So maybe that's the key. Pick some usernames that are personal, yet ambiguous enough that whoever you become can still inherit it, and not feel like a fraud, or not feel like it isn't theirs to take.
Pick some sort of title. Find something that represents all of you.
[It's way harder than it sounds. If you need me, I'll be spending the next week/month/year/decade trying to figure it out.]
0 notes
nightzskii · 4 months
I'm not deleting every post uugh
★ EDIT: Finally making a new pinned post ❜
SHORT INTRO; Hello! I'm panda/nightskii who alsp goes by maxwell (max for short.) My age will always be in my bio but my birthday is April 6th. I go by he/him and also they/it but I really don't mind just he/him!!! This blog is centered around art or just me reblogging important or self indulging posts! Yoyo ^_^
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AN INTRODUCTION — @nightzskii
Hello, and welcome to my blog!! ^_^ I'm nightzskii [otherwise known as max/maxwell or panda].
— I use other names like Rock, Nini, Len, Craig, and many others that I'll say you can use! I'm a name hoarder, I love names.
☆; My activity on tumblr isn't much, I don't post and when I do it's not really for this blog.. I gotta get used to posting again..??! I might make a blog for all my ocs and characters and their reference sheets. I'll try to respond to mutuals/friends when I can faster than I would with strangers, but sometimes my ability to do such a thing is nonexistent. It's not on any of you!
☆; I'm Black and Puerto Rican! This is what I know because my mom told me. I CANNOT SPEAK OR UNDERSTAND SPANISH!!!?? I can say a few words [only like. two.] and understand SOME phrases, but I lost my ability to understand Spanish since I'm always around people who speak ENGLISH. I do want to relearn however, but I also want to learn Japanese!
☆; I do have disorders that effect(affect??!?) my daily life and how I perceive and understand things. I struggle with some social clues, but I'm not going to force anyone to use tone-tags, I'll just guess and respond!
☆; YOU MAY BE WONDERING WHY PAST POSTS HAVE SYSTEM STUFF IN IT!!! It's because I AM a systsm. I don't use this blog for system stuff anymore however, and I'll be @'ing most blogs I have that's NOT private! Including my altermate's blogs. I am the main host and have been here for the longest!
☆; YOU CAN USE THEY/IT OR ANY OTHER PRONOUNS BESIDE [SHE/HER] ON ME!! I may be seen using he/him for myself, but I'm not that picky on pronouns. I'm agender, and I do NOT care what term is being used for me, including feminine ones! You can call me any word with fems in mind. I don't care.
☆; Any carrds, rentrys, etc I have will be linked/put inna masterlist that I gotta fix. Thank you for your time on this part!
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MY BOUNDARIES — @nightzskii
★; DNI [pro] proshippers/anti anti/compshipper/darkshipper/etc, [pro] Zoos/[No]Maps, Anti Mogai/lgbtqa+phobic, Racist/Colorist, Sexist/Misogynistic, Ableist/Discrimatory, Kink/Nsfw blogs, * Violent Syscourse/[Pro] endos/non traumagenic, [Pro] Ddlg+varients, HARMFUL TransID/Radqueers + anything in that corner, Pro harassment/Pro Misinformation, Villainization + Romanticizing Disorders, Violently religious, GENUINELY WEIRD stans & Fans, Anti age/pet regression. PLEASE DO NOT INTERACT.
* VIOLENT syscourse/[pro] endos/non traumagenic ((Let's not harass or be rude to each other. help.))
★; If you make jokes you can't make [examples being making a joke about being; a black slave when you're white, r//ped (a) when you weren't, m//lest//d (o, e) when you weren't, anything historical when it's not YOUR history] then please DON'T INTERACT EITHER! I can appreciate a "dark joke" when it's something you can actually joke about.
★; If you use AI to steal/generate/etc peoples actual hard working designs, then don't interact. Stay in your cage
★; IF YOU FEEL UNCOMFORTABLE WITH ME OR FEEL UPSET ABOUT WHATEVER I DID/DO/HAVE DONE/ETC, TELL ME! I don't mind talking about it and I'd rather to not strain any friendships if its something that can be talked about!
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FINAL NOTES — @nightzskii
☆; I do have old blogs STILL flying about that was WAY BEFORE I FOUND OUT I WAS A SYSTEM! Some of those blogs were made by myself before i "molded" [fused, but I don't know I should use that word???] with the old OLD host at the time who ALSO ran those blogs. OUR VIEWS FROM IT HAVE CHANGED BY NOW! If you find it and link it back to us, feel free to @ the blogs its so funny looking back.
☆; I will NOT talk much about being a system with other disorders on this blog. that's for a different one!!
@dazyskiie-luv [writing] & @nightzskiiauz [my aus/stories]
@bluestoneau & @horrorrversee [au]
@twisteddescendants & @kufflesdiamond & @huntersscythe [twst]
@stars4-max & @hoardzskii [personal]
@moon-loves-genders [have to fix it!!] & @wat-da-hell-iz [inactive currently] & @dabackroms [inactive currently]
@vampbitesfr & @howlin4uu [monster rp accounts, inactive currently! refixing.]
@snowdinne [MAIN SYS SIDE BLOG.]
@haruutalks & @cinooscatcafe
@ventifool & @scarafool
@ecplises-mailman & @devildomduzt (all blogs for now!)
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roxtron · 7 months
(Updated my pinned post but I was too lazy to just edit this so I just made a new one lol. so. old pinned, it's outdated now, I tried to organize the new one so it's a bit easier on the eyes and looks less like a block of text.)
Hello! Figured I should make a pinned post instead of just pinning the art I'm currently most proud of, you can probably find it by checking top posts on my account anyway lol.
I don't mind what people call me, my username is a bit of a nickname so whatever variation of it is alright. I go by he/they and I'm autistic so if you see me posting about hyperfixations and shit, yeah don't worry I know what the term means lol.
I mostly post art but sometimes I'll do analysis stuff or just say random thoughts, I tend to reblog stuff I find cool but also sometimes political stuff that needs awareness ofc. I try to check blogs before I reblog in case it's a terf or whatever but sometimes you never know, so if i do reblog from someone who's done something shitty don't hesitate to let me know because chances are i probably don't know. also I have a hard time with compliments so sorry if I reblog your work and don't seem enthusiastic about it, if I reblog something it's because I adore it lol, I just don't always know how to put thoughts into words. <3
If you wanna use my art for pfps or anything that's really cool actually!! Ofc I'd ask for credit but if anyone did want a pfp of something I've drawn you can always send me an ask and I'll post a zoomed in version or something or make whatever edit you wanted so you don't need to worry about it lol
I know DNI lists are annoying and pointless but whatever, if there's a chance it'll get people to leave me alone it's worth it. I shouldn't need to list obvious ones like terfs, transphobes, homophobes, all those assholes. But also, if you don't like one of my posts, I'd rather you block me and move on than hate reblog it. It's immature and annoying, and I won't hesitate to block people that do it.
Obviously I don't just mean "if you criticize something I post you're bad," I'm alright with criticism as long as it's respectful, but if you're gonna reblog just to say "look at this idiot" then fuck off.
Sorry about how aggressive that may have been but I don't wanna deal with stuff like that. I wanna try to tag things more properly in the future, even if I'm not really big enough to warrant it, I still wanna be able to find my own stuff easier at least through the sea of reblogs, so if you're curious about any of my posts, here's a list of tags you can look through! I'm currently trying to update some of my old posts with tags so they can be added to the list.
(Small note, keep in mind some of my analysis posts are older and my thoughts may have changed since I wrote them, I don't want to delete them, but if you're curious what I think now you're always welcome to reply on the post or send an ask :) )
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