#I doubt anyone could guess what the series is or WHO I'm starting to like for some ungodly reason
starlitships-moved · 1 year
OK..... This HAS to be the most embarrassing thing I've ever hyperfixated on... to the point where when I realized I was starting to fixate on it, (which started yesterday) I literally went, "oh no........"
And THEN I started to develop a little crush(?)/fixation (honestly idk anymore) on a specific character in the series, and got even MORE embarrassed.... >///>
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
Mean Eddie series. Part one part two
Minors shoo. More angst I'm afraid, jealous Eddie but our boy won't admit it.
How you've managed to avoid Eddie for a full week is anyone's guess but between cheer practice, sleepovers with Chrissy and hanging out with Steve and Robin, it's like a soothing balm for your heartache.
Except at the dead of night when the ache from missing Eddie threatens to overwhelm you. The thing is you're stubborn and you highly doubt Eddie is missing you. Why would he?
Billy Hargrove has also been trying to catch your attention, he's been flirting for the entire week and he's not shy about doing it in front of others either.
It's not like Billy isn't handsome, he is. However you've heard far too many things about him dating multiple girls, being a player. You weren't interested in being another notch on his bedpost.
As your at your locker and attempting not to look Eddie's way, his locker is right across from yours and he's busy chatting to Gareth, discussing the new Hellfire campaign he's planning.
You'd been with Eddie once while he was knee deep in campaign planning, watched as his tongue poked out while he was writing and weaving a new story for the next Hellfire night. He looked so cute and it made you giggle, Eddie smirks amused at your giggles.
"Princess, I said no interruptions if you stayed, I may need to punish you for that" he kissed you then proceeded to tickle you until you were breathless and laughing, Eddie watching you with a soft smile on his face.
It was one of the moments with him where you thought the two of you could be more. Obviously you were wrong.
Billy brings you out of your reverie and you realise he's been standing talking to you for a full minute. Shit. What did he say?
"We could go to the party then somewhere more private babe?" He winks at you and you jump as you hear a locker slam. Eddie's.
Gareth is watching him confused as he gathers up his notes. "Dude, what's up with you?" you tear your eyes away from Eddie and back to an expectancy Billy.
"Sorry, I have other plans with Chrissy" Billy frowns but spots Eddie before he can say anything else.
"Hey man, you got any weed for me? Need some tonight" Eddie's gaze briefly drifts over to you and your heart skips a beat, then he looks away and disappointment curdles in your stomach.
"No, I don't have any for you and your girlfriend" he spits out the word and you freeze. What was up with him? Evidently Billy must be thinking the same thing.
"What's crawled up your ass Munson?" Billy snaps and Eddie's brown eyes meet his, they flash dangerously. He's never been intimidated by Billy and he isn't going to start now.
"Next time you two want to flirt can you do it out of the way of us peasants. You're bringing my lunch up dude" you freeze at Eddie's tone. Seriously what the fuck was up with him?
Before Billy can reply you do. "You're insufferable Eddie. Billy's not my boyfriend. Not that is any of your business" you can feel the anger clawing inside of you and just dare Eddie to say something stupid.
He shrugs and avoids your gaze. "Your love life isn't my concern" he murmurs and you swear you're this close to losing it. You take a deep breath and shake your head.
"Whatever Munson" you're tired of crying about someone who just doesn't care. You walk away but Eddie calls out to you.
"Wait" you wait with baited breath for him to say something, anything. Come on Eddie. But he doesn't, he just stays quiet and you feel another crack in your heart.
"Never mind" whatever he was about to say it's gone now and you curse yourself for daring to hope.
Fuck you Eddie.
Stop, you're losin' me
I can't find a pulse
Stop, you're losin' me
Stop, you're losin' me
My heart won't start anymore
For you
'Cause you're losin' me
Taylor swift- You're losing me.
I don't want you to lose me, you think through your anger but nothing will ever change so what was the point of hoping.
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scribblesofagoonerr · 8 months
For what it's worth, I'm sorry and I don't really hate you | Inner Demons
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⟫ Alphabet Challenge, F - For what it's worth, I'm sorry and I don't really hate you
Pairings: leah williamson x teen reader, arsenal wfc x teen reader
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Hello, I'm back with part 6. Sorry it's been a bit of a wait, life gets in the way and makes it hard to write, but here's the next part. I honestly don't know how many chapters this will have because I'm really enjoying writing it, so hey ho, I might even just make this one small fic series of many ideas' I currently have in my head :)
I don't know if this chapter does make much sense at all and non of it's been proof read again, so it could be a bit all over the place but please let me know what you think!
Thank you for all the ongoing support so far, it's overwhelming to see how much that you all love this, and it gives me motivation to continue to write!
My asks are open for anyone to drop me an any ideas' on this fic or anything else that people would like to see be written, however, I am only comfortable writing anything platonic though :)
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You're progressing well to get better and you're slowly returning to usual happy, self chaotic self.
TW: angst and mentions of SH, MH, suicide and death.
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"So, what's the food in this place like then?" Kyra broke the silence in the room, where all the girls were all crowded in as they came to visit you in the pysch ward of the hospital during the visiting hours.
It had been 46 hours since you had been detained, 46 hours since you all but shouted at Leah that you hated her.
You really did regret it.
You didn't actually mean that though, and you had been feeling terrible about it ever since the words escaped your mouth.
"Seriously, Kyra?" Steph stares at the younger Australian in disbelief.
"What? I'm just trying to make conversation here" Kyra replies, shrugging her shoulders.
Caitlin can't help but snort. "And you decide to start with asking what the foods' like?" she teases the twenty-one-year-old.
"Yeah, cos' I've heard that hopsital food is disgusting and all" Kyra remarks to the older girl, sticking her tongue out at her.
"Very mature" Steph rolls her eyes at the two of them.
"So, what is the food like then?" Vic asks, peeking interest to know the answer.
"Terrible, I think that even Leahs' cooking might be better than what they're serving on the menu here" You can't help but grin cheekily.
"Ouch it must be bad then" Beth joins in with the joke.
"You'd better not let her hear you say outloud or I think she'd been offended" Viv tells you as she can't help but smile slightly, just happy to see you slowly returning to your old self.
"So, she didn't come with you guys then?" You ask as you pull at the sleeves of the hoodie you currently had on.
You don't miss the look that all the girls share with one another. You weren't an idiot to know something was going on.
"Just tell me what's going on" You stare at them all, trying to get an answer out of them.
"She's outside in the waiting room with Lia" Jen admits, exhaling a sigh.
"Oh" Your smile falters at the disappointing news.
"She wanted to come in with us Y/N but it was hard for her" Beth explains on behlf of the blonde, who you miss terribley. "I'm sure when she's ready, she'll come and see you" she adds, trying to keep the hope alive.
You really had messed up with what you said, you doubt that she would want to visit you, nor would she want you to come back to the flat where you lived with her.
"Oh uh, well then that's okay I guess, I mean I don't blame her for not coming cos' what I said was horrible and stuff" You make up an excuse as you find sudden interest with the floor beneath you.
"It's not your fault for being angry, Y/N" Katie pats you on the shoulder.
"How're you feeling now?" Alessia asks, concerned as a way to try and change the subject.
"Is this your way of subtly asking me if I'm going to try and attempt to kill myself again?" You glance around at all of the girls' faces in the room.
"Y/N" Kim shoots you a disapproving look.
"The answers no by the way" You mumble quietly.
"Y/N" Kim repeats again, a bit louder.
"What? You know I like to make dark humour jokes in this type of situation. It's just a coping mechanism" You tell your captain as you hold your hands up in mock-surrender, who continues to look at you with a certain look that makes you back down straightaway. "Alright, okay, I'll tone it down with the death jokes" You mumble, slouching further down in your seat.
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"How's she been doing?" Leah stands in the reception area of the hospital and fumbles with her hands, as she speaks to one of the doctors.
"Y/N has making good progress. I think another day or so and she'll be ready to come home" The doctor explains with a kind smile.
"That's great news" Lia says, smiling as she glances at the blonde for her reaction.
Leahs' eyes widen in surprise and smiles slightly. "Yeah, that's good to hear. I'm proud of her making so much progress in such a short space of time" she tells the doctor.
"It is, Y/N/N has really thrown herself into trying to get better, the therapy sessions seem to be going well too" The doctor tells them honestly. "Are you going to go and see her? I'm sure that she'd love to see you" she adds.
The blondes feels apprehensive, her eyes dart over in the direction of where the doors led to the psych ward, where you would be with the rest of the girls that had all visited.
Leah had wanted to as well, she just couldn't find the courage to actually take the steps and dipped out at the last minute.
"I hate you, Leah" The words that you shouted at her, played in her head on a constant loop.
"Uh, I don't know about that. I'm not sure if she's going to want to see me" Leah confesses, shoving her hands in her pockets.
"Le, you don't know that" Lia squeezes the blondes' shoulder gently as she tries to reassure her.
"I know that she hates me, Wally. You heard what she said before" Leah replies quietly, shaking her head as she takes another glance towards the doors.
"You know that she didn't mean that, Le. You know she is just a kid with a lot of feelings sometimes" Lia tells the blonde, smiling at her.
Leah looks a bit more apprehensive as she shakes her head. "There was so much hatred in her voice when she said, it felt like she did mean it" she disagrees with her.
"She was angry the other day though, Le and you even said that yourself" Lia reminds the younger girl.
Leah hums as she bites her bottom lip "But what if she doesn't want to see me? I know she's going to be angry with me for leaving her here in this place" she admits to the older girl.
"She's been asking for you every day since she has been here" The doctor pipes in, gently smiling at the two girls.
"Really?" Leah asks, blinking in slight surprise.
"Yes, Y/N has told me about the visits from all of the girls but the only person she mentioned that she actually wants to see is you, Leah" The doctor tells the blonde.
"See?" Lia smiles at Leah and sqeeuzes her shoulder. "I told you that I don't think Y/N could ever hate you or be angry, you know that, Le" she insists.
"I know" Leah bites her bottom lip anxiously, taking another glance at the door ahead. "I just can't help but feel horrible for making the decision and I'm weary incase she resents me for it" she admits, quietly.
The doctor frowns at them both. "I know it must have been hard to be the one to make that call but it was for the right one to give her the best possible chance to get better" They explain.
"You shouldn't be blaming yourself for this, Le. It's what was needed" Lia repeats the doctors words, so to speak.
"Yeah, yeah I know" Leah admits, pulling at the sleeves of her hoodie that she had on.
"You're nervous to see her?" The doctor asks, making the brief observation.
Leah can't help but snort slightly. "That obvious?" she jokes.
"I've been in this job for a while now, it's easy enough to pick up on things like this" The doctor chuckles amusedly. "Regardless of what may have been said, I have a feeling that Y/N will be happy enough to see you" They add in.
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"SNAP" You scream loudly as you slam your hand down on the deck of cards that are on the table. "HA! I win!" You cheer in glee.
Kyra let's out a irritated huff while she glares at you. "Why are you so vicious with this game?" she asks.
"I want to win" You smirk and stick your tongue out at her, pulling the deck of cards towards you.
"Kyra, you're literally losing a child" Vic chips in, watching the game amusedly.
"Said child is a menace" Kyra mumbles as she pouts.
"Sucks to be a loser" You can't help but quip as you reshuffle the deck of cards in your hand.
"Room for a couple more visitors?" Leah pokes her head round the door and braces herself for your initial reaction to seeing her.
"LE!" You dart up from your seat and run to the blonde, abandoning the game of cards completely.
All feelings of anger had been swept aside as you were just happy to see her in the room. You thought you'd blown it when you told her that you hated her.
"Hi bubs" Leah instantly embraces you in her arms and kisses the top of your hair. "I've missed you, Y/N/N. I'm so sorry I haven't been to visit you" she apologises.
"S' okay, you're here now" You mumble, burying her head in her chest as you refuse to let go off her.
"Oi I'm here too, you know" Lia jokes playfully, knowing that you would want that moment with just the blonde.
"Yeah, yeah. Hi Wally" You grin cheekily at the older girl before you turn back towards the older blonde girl. "I'm sorry for what I said cos' I didn't mean what I said about hating you, I was angry and upset and I really don't hate you I promise!" You tell her honestly.
"It's okay bubs, I know you were upset and didn't mean it" Leah smiles as she squeezes you a bit more tighter than before, being careful in case she caught any of your bandages on your arms.
Moving to sit down on the now vacant chair, Leah plonks you down on her lap as she keeps her arms wrapped around you tightly since it was apparent you weren't going to let go any time soon but she was okay with how clingy you was after she hadn't seen you in a few days.
"Whats' been going on here then?" Lia looks towards the game that was previously being played.
"We were playing cards, but Kyras' being proper salty because she's loosing now" You grin, sticking your tongue out at the Australian girl.
"How do you even loose at that game?" Steph wonders.
"I didn't know you could even loose at snap" Beth chuckles, amusedly.
"Apparently so" Jen jokes, joining in with the two of them.
Leah can't help but laugh amusedly as she runs her fingers through your hair. "The doctor said that you're making good progress" she tells you.
"Mhm" You mumble, resting your head on her shoulder.
"That's good news!" Vic overhears the conversation as she smiles at you.
"Yeah, that means you'll be able to come home soon enough" Alessia pipes in.
Katie can't help but scoff. "She should've never been here in the first place" she sneers in the direction where Leah is sat.
"Katie" Kim glares at the Irish girl.
"What? It's true!" Katie exclaims in outrage, not backing down from glaring at the blonde. "You and I both know it, we all do! She should've never been here, she should have been at home with people that care about her" she insists.
"It's what was best for her" Leah fires back just as quick.
"Was it?" Katie scowls at her.
"Can you guys please not talk about me like I'm not in the room?" You huff and glance between the two older girls.
"Sorry kid" Katie apologises.
"Sorry bubs" Leah apologises.
"Hey, Y/N/N, it'll be good that you're getting out of hospital soon enough now" Kyra slyly grins at you, looking forward to the pair of you being able to cause mischief in no time.
"Yeah, partners in crime reunited again" You grin at the Aussie girl.
"No, no! Absolutely not!" Steph protests, shaking her head. "It took me at least a week to get the ketchup of the ceiling after the last stunt that you two idiots pulled" She adds.
"I don't know what you're talking about" You try to act innocent as you slyly smirk at Kyra.
"Oh, really? So the baking soda just happened to find it's way inside the ketchup bottle, did it?" Steph narrows her eyes' in the direction of the two of you.
"Maybe" Kyra can't help the shit eating grin on her face.
"I know that look, the pair of you are definitely going to be up to no good" Viv shakes her head.
Jen chuckles in amusement. "You two willl definitely be under a careful watch now incase the next prank gets out of hand" She notes.
"Sure, cos' I'm not going to already be watched like a hawk now anyways, right?" You remark sarcastically, peering up at the older blonde.
"What do you think?" Leah replies back, raising one of her eyebrows.
"You can relax, Le. I'm not going to attempt to kill myself again any time soon" You joke, not realising that now probably isn't the best time to make any type of comment like that.
"Y/N" Kim and Leah both scold you at the same time.
You huff when you realise the pair of them are already ganging up on you and remember that being the baby of the team definitely sucks sometimes.
"What? I'm just saying, I'm not gonna, well unless Leah attempts to try and cook dinner again then it's an easy way out-- Ow! What the fuck?" You continue to make jokes about the situation at hand, jolting in shock when you feel a light pinch on your thigh from said blonde you are sat on.
"Language" Leah states sternly, giving you one of her famous glares.
"That was mean of you to do that! Too soon to make jokes about it then?" You pout and rub your thigh to try and relieve some of the pain. "Yep got it" You add, smiling innocently at the blonde.
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"So, I thought you weren't going to come in because it was hard for you?" Katie scoffs at the blonde, deciding to bring the subject up now that you were out of the room, having gone to grab a drink with Jen, Steph and Beth.
"Katie" Viv glances at Katie and exhales a sigh.
"It has been hard Katie" Leah admits, biting her bottom lip.
Katie scoffs again. "Oh? I'm sorry, I'm sure it must have been so hard for you, Leah" she deadpans.
"You don't know how hard it has been, Katie!" Leah shouts loud around the room, attracting a few looks in her direction.
"Wonderful" Steph speaks up first, exhaling a sigh.
"Not again" Beth mumbles, shaking her head.
"They're fighting again, aren't they?" You huff as you walk back towards the room with Jen as you can hear the raised voices from the two girls, who weren't seeing eye to eye now
"I think so" Jen agrees.
"Fantastic" You mumble, slowly walking back into the room.
"Oh? And how do you think it's been for Y/N/N? You made the decision to keep her in here!" Katie continues to argue with the blonde, not afraid to be open about her feelings. "You haven't even visited her once while she's been here" she adds.
The Irish girl really hadn't been happy with the whole decision that had been made but there was nothing that she could do herself to stop it from happening.
It had left a tense atmosphere between the two girls and they'd shared a few cross words ever since.
"It wasn't my choice Katie!" Leah insists, continuing to argue with the fiesty Irish girl.
Katie couldn't help but scoff and roll her eyes. "Sure, but you could have said something to stop it!" she fires back at the blonde, not willing to back down from the argument just yet.
"Girls lets' not do this here" Kim looks between the two of them as she notices you walk back into the room with the older girls.
"Katie, come on, just leave it" Caitlin takes a hold of the girls' hand to try and calm her down.
However, neither of the girls were willing to back down just yet.
They were both just as stubborn as one another sometimes.
"The doctors thought it was best since Y/N/N--" Leahs' words were cut off by you, walking in right at that moment.
"Tried to kill myself, I tried to end my life, and it would have worked if Leah hadn't ran in and stopped me, so everyone thinks keeping me locked up in here it will help to keep me safe"
The room is suddenly so silent that you could hear a pin drop.
"Hey, at least the therapy is somehow helping to help me express my feelings now. Yay" You deadpan, plonking yourself back down on Leahs' lap as you rip open the packet of Haribo Tangfastics you had brought from the hospital shop. "So, does anyone want a sweet?" You offer, like you hadn't just said what you did.
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thebearer · 1 year
part one of the best friend au blurb series with lip gallagher. i figured the meeting would be a good place to start :)
"Hey, can you hear me?" You pressed your phone to your ear, your free hand plugging your ear so you could hear your friend on the other line.
The dorm was packed, people spilling out into the hallway, booze spilling over cups. Costumes of all kinds passing by you, the bass rattling the walls as the Halloween party was in full swing. It was your first, and your only- you'd decided. You wanted the true college experience as any eager freshman would. You just didn't know you'd be doing it alone.
Your friends had bailed, ditching you for a frat party instead. One all the way across campus. You supposed you could go, fight the frigid cold alone in your tiny angel costume, but you decided against it. Sitting on the couch in some room instead, where a guy was gaming at his computer.
"Yo," You looked up, a mess of curls and blue eyes standing above you, red solo cup in his hand. "You, uh, you with Ron?"
"Who?" You asked, brow raised over the music.
The boy jerked his head over to the guy gaming. You shook your head. "You a friend of Amanda's? She's... I don't know where she is, honestly."
"No, I, uh," You stood, cheeks tinging with embarrassed heat. "'m sorry. I just... I needed a second, and this was... Well, no one was having sex in here, so I just... This is your room, isn't it? I-I'm sorry. I'll leave, I just-" You rambled.
"Hey, no, it's-it's fine. I get it." The guy said, smiling at you softly. "It's a fuckin' zoo out there."
"Yeah." You nodded, eyes cutting to the open door, where people stumbled by.
"I'm, uh, I'm Lip by the way." The boy said, blue eyes blinking up at you. You mumbled your own name back, eyes cutting around the room.
"I can... I can shut the door if you want me to? If it's too much." Lip offered, eyes scanning your frame. Your tiny, white dress that hugged you in the right place. The tiny, feather halo that was tilted in your hair.
"No, you don't have to. It's your room. I don't-" You muttered, nervously toying with the strap to your wings.
Lip shrugged, nonchalant, so effortlessly cool. "Nah, no problem, really. I'll leave it unlocked. I, uh, I have to finish my Quantum Computing paper anyways."
"Quantum? What's your major?" You gawked lightly.
Lip grinned, pressing the door shut, the noise dulled. Your ears rang lightly. "Uh, robotic engineering? I think." Lip shrugged. "I haven't decided yet. Figure I got a coupla years."
"You're a sophomore?" You guessed, watching him sit at his desk across from you.
"Freshman." Lip smiled. "What about you, angel?"
You rolled your eyes, hoping it hid your blush. "I'm a freshman, too. First semester."
"Yeah? What're you majoring in?" Lip leaned back in his chair.
"Elementary ed." You mumbled. "Not as great as what you're doin', but I'm not good with math."
"Yeah, but it's important." Lip shrugged. "Lot more important than my shit."
"Doubt that." You muttered, taking a seat back on the couch. Your phone buzzed, a half-ass apology from your roommate about ditching.
"Boyfriend?" Lip asked, nodding at your phone.
"Roommate." You scoffed. "She ditched me. When to the Kappa Sig party instead. Didn't tell me until I was here."
"Ah, that's shitty."
"Tell me about it." You rolled your eyes. "That's why I was in here, by the way. I'm not just like some freak who sneaks in people's rooms during parties. I just... I didn't know anyone out there."
"It's cool." Lip shrugged. "I'm usually here at these things if you ever are. Kinda... have to be, I guess." He pointed to the closed door. You grinned. "If you ever need someone to hang with."
"Thanks." You mutter. "I can leave, though, so you can do your homework. It was cool to meet you. I just... I don't wanna bother you. Sounds like important stuff."
"Nah, I'll finish it later." Lip shrugged. "So, you, uh, from here?"
It was the start, born in the small dorm room, chatting over loud music that eventually fizzled out a little after three am. You and Lip swapping stories, laughing over shitty roommate tales, and mutual complaints about the school. A friendship blossomed, sprung from an unexpected meeting between the two of you. The start of something neither one of you were prepared for.
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lazyfandombean · 7 days
Psst, you!
Hey, hey you! Yeah, you! I've got a question for ya. Do you feel normal about SCC (Sweet Cap'n Cakes)?
-> Yes -> No
[❤️Yes] [Ohhhh, I see. You're in denial, aren't you? ;)]
[❤️No] [Aha! Just as I projected- I mean suspected! Suspected. Yeah.]
Well, I've got some GREAT news for you! Have you ever felt saddened by the lack of SCC-centric fanfiction? Specifically the kind that depicts them as brothers instead of bandmates or partners (no shade to those depictions btw)?
No? Shut up yes you have /j
Yes? Fantastic! Well, no, sorry that you're sad :/ BUT! Be sad no longer! For I've come to save the day!
In the form of my newfound SCC hyperfixation!!!
That's right!! I've been going crazy about The Guys™️ for the past week or so, but to my absolute SHOCK, there are hardly ANY fanfics for them!!! And almost all them revolve around them as a SHIP! And no offense, but I just don't like reading about ships all that much, sorry!!! :(
SO!!! How am I going to fix this dilemma, I wondered? But THEN! I remembered something!! Something very, VERY important:
'Oh yeah I'm a fanfic author.'
Is this me implying that I'm now writing a bunch of SCC fanfiction in a very roundabout way? YES YES IT IS! :D
In fact, I've already posted one on Ao3 and have turned it into a 'series'! By that I just mean that the 'series' is really just a place for me to dump all of my SCC-centric fics. I'll link the series here, BUT I'll also be cross-posting most, if not all, of those fics from Ao3 to here on Tumblr!
Oh also link btw:
But why am I talking about it like this on Tumblr, you ask? Introducing it in such a way when I could have just started posting SCC content? For two reasons!
One: Idk I just felt like it
Two: Because!! It has come to my attention that hardly anybody on Ao3 even reads SCC fanfiction.
And no, this isn't me begging for like... kudos or subscriptions (or followers, I guess it is on Tumblr? Idk I don't use it much) or anything like that. What I AM asking for is for people to read it. Not because I want to get popular, but because...
I am very self-conscious about the way I write SCC.
Well, to be honest I'm just self-conscious about the way I write any fictional character. It's actually the thing I worry about the most when it comes to fanfiction; whether or not I'm getting the personalities right. And I'm aware that it's more about how you perceive the characters, and that headcanons are a thing (I have plenty of them myself), but in my opinion, there's a line between having a headcanon and writing something ooc. Headcanons are fine, yes, and I use them a lot (especially when it comes to Undertale and Deltarune characters), but I feel like it can get to the point where it's so ooc that it doesn't even feel like the same character. And that's something I definitely don't want to happen when I write about my three favorite guys EVER. So basically, I'm asking people to read my fics specifically so I can get feedback on how to write the characters.
Why didn't I ask my friends? Bold of you to assume I have any /hj
But no fr, none of my friends play Deltarune, and I'm not even sure if any of them have heard of it. My sister has played before, but she never really got into it, and it's been so long that I doubt she would even remember who SCC are if I asked.
So, I've taken it to random strangers on Tumblr!
There's only one work in the series right now, but I'm currently working on another and have many more ideas sitting in a doc, waiting to be written! I'll also take requests if anyone has any (which I doubt will happen but anything's possible I guess), but before I post any more, I'd really like to get some feedback from... someone, I guess. I dunno I just really want to do them justice 😭
Anyways, that's all! Sorry that this was so long and probably annoying to read, I just thought it'd be funny but now I don't even know aldkdsfljk- but I'm leaving it like this because why not I guess
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mysticalmallard · 2 months
Description: a few days later Opie thinks he's spotted her walking around Charming and he has to speak to her immediately.
This is part 5 of my Opie and the waitress series.
Word Count: 2,062
Warnings: none I think
SoA Taglist: @arkytiorlecter @aimkatsz @ravennaortiz @darqchilddaydreamz @mischiefnevermanaged89-blog @hatersaremymotivators @theshynerdsworld @thefrogytimes @youngadult9016
♥︎ If you wish to be added or removed from this taglist comment or message me ♥︎
1 • 2 • 3 • 4 • 5 • 6 •
SoA Masterlist ♥︎ Main Masterlist ♥︎ Series Masterlist
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Opie and Jax ride their Harleys through the streets of Charming, the wind whipping through their hair. Opie's mind is filled with thoughts of the waitress, as it has been for days now. He keeps replaying their meetings in his head, wondering if she ever thought about him.
Suddenly, Opie thinks he sees a glimpse of her walking down the sidewalk but he was riding too fast to be sure.
He immediately hits the brakes, skidding to a halt turning to the side of the road swerving infront of Jax.
Jax nearly crashes into him, braking hard and looking at Opie with confusion. "What the hell, Ope?" he yells.
Opie ignores him, his eyes fixed on something across the street. "I think I saw her." he says bluntly, a mix of hope and anxiety in his voice.
Jax follows his gaze. "Who?" he asks, scanning the area, but not seeing anyone.
"The waitress," Opie says urgently, whipping hes head around still looking for her. "I swear I just saw her." he mumbles.
HONK "GET OUT OF THE ROAD MORONS" an angry driver yells as Opie and Jax are still partially blocking the road.
Opie ignores the driver, too focused on trying to spot the waitress. "Come on, she was right here. I know it." he says, still scanning the sidewalk, his heart racing.
"She probably went into a store or something let's park up and wait a beat and see if you spot her again" Jax suggests.
Opie nods, realizing he can't keep sitting in the road like an idiot. He takes a few deep breaths, trying to slow his heart rate as he parks his bike, Jax following suit. They both get off their bikes, leaning against them, waiting and watching for any sign of her.
They keep their eyes on the sidewalk, watching as people pass by. Some look at the bikers with mild curiosity, others avoid their gazes altogether. Opie's heart pounds in his chest, his eyes darting everywhere, searching every face. He can feel Jax's eyes on him, but he doesn't care. He's desperate to find her, to see her beautiful face again.
Several minutes pass, and there's still no sign of the waitress. Opie's starting to feel frustrated. Could he really have been hallucinating? "Maybe I was just seeing things, man" he mutters, more to himself than to Jax. He runs a hand through his hair, feeling foolish now. He was so sure he saw her, but now he doubts himself.
Jax lights a cigarette and passes it to Opie. "You know, if you just got her number, you wouldn't be acting so crazy right now" he says grinning.
Opie shoots him a glare. "Yeah, yeah, you've made that clear enough." he huffs, taking a drag from the cigarette.
He glances down the street one more time, the disappointment starting to set in. Maybe she was just some girl who looked like her, and he had gotten his hopes up for nothing.
He sighs, shaking his head. "What am I doing, man? Why am I so obsessed with this girl? I barely know her." he murmurs, taking another drag from the cigarette.
Jax shrugs, taking the cigarette back. "You've got a damn crush, Ope. It happens to the best of us."
"Yeah, I guess I do" he sighs "you should head back I'm just gonna wait here a little longer" she says not wanting to be teased anymore.
"Hell no, you think I'm gonna miss an opportunity to see who has got you twisted up like this" Jax replies gesturing vaguely at Opie.
Opie grunts, knowing there's no point in arguing. Jax is too damn stubborn.
The two of them sit in silence for a few more minutes, still watching the sidewalk intently. Opie can feel Jax's eyes on him occasionally, and it's irritating him.
Opie's eyes widen as he sees her walking out of the pawn shop across the street.
"There she is" he mutters, straightening up, his heart racing again.
Jax follows his gaze, spotting the waitress as well. He grins, looking back at Opie. "Well, well, well. Looks like you weren't hallucinating after all, Ope." he teases.
Opie doesn't even think as he runs across the street, dodging cars and nearly getting hit. He's tunnel visioned on the waitress, determined to catch up to her. He doesn't notice the angry drivers honking at him, or Jax calling his name.
He catches up to her quickly, his long legs closing the distance between them in no time at all. He reaches out, grabbing her arm, causing her to scream, whirling around swinging her purse at him hitting him in the face the contents spilling on the ground.
Opie stumbles back, more surprised than hurt. He holds up his hands, trying to placate her. "Hey, hey, hey, relax, it's me!" he says urgently.
"Opie? Oh my god, I'm so sorry I didn't know it was you. Are you okay?" She rambles her hand on her chest in shock.
Opie rubs his jaw where the purse hit him, wincing a little. "Yeah, I'm fine. I should have thought better than to grab you like that, sorry." he mutters, still a bit dazed from the impact.
Jax jogs up to them, laughing loudly. "Damn, Ope, she got you real good with that purse" he says, practically wheezing with laughter.
Opie glares at him, still holding his jaw. "Shut up, Jax" he mutters, his face reddening in embarrassment.
He looks back at Jessica she is on the ground trying to gather her things.
He crouches down to help her, scooping up a few of the spilled contents that lie on the ground, he sees a pawn slip among the items and sighs inwardly. He hands the items back to her, his heart still thumping after the unexpected confrontation.
"Thanks," she says quietly, smiling slightly as she takes the items.
"No problem," he replies softly, their eyes meeting for a moment. He's still dazed from the unexpected encounter, and the close proximity to her. He can feel Jax watching the two of them intently.
"Ain't you gonna introduce me Ope?" Jax says a shit eating grin on his face.
Opie rolls his eyes, half annoyed and half amused by Jax's antics. "This is Jessica," he says, gesturing at her. "Jessica, this is Jax, my best friend and pain in my ass."
Opie shoots Jax a warning glare, but the damage is already done. He knows Jax is going to tease him relentlessly about this later.
Jax chuckles, sticking out his hand for her to shake. "Pleased to meet you, darlin'. I've heard a lot about you." He grins at Opie as he says this, unable to resist teasing him.
"Good things, I hope," Jessica replies politely, shaking Jax's hand with a small smile.
"Oh yeah, only good things" Jax replies, still grinning.
Opie shoots him another dark look, silently begging him not to say anything else.
Jax ignores his look, clearly enjoying himself. "Opie here hasn't stopped talking about you since the first day he met you," he adds, clearly loving the way Opie's cheeks are turning redder.
"Jax, shut the hell up," Opie mutters through gritted teeth, silently willing a hole to open up in the ground he can disappear into.
Jax laughs again, throwing his arm around Opie's shoulder. "Now, now, Ope, no need to be embarrassed. I think it's cute that you have a little crush on the pretty lady here."
Opie mutters something unintelligible under his breath, his face burning red. He tries to shake off Jax's arm to no avail. Jax's hold on him is firm and he knows he's not going to be able to get out of this without making a scene.
Jessica looks between the two, a mixture of confusion and amusement on her face.
Jax grins, enjoying himself far too much. "Looks like Ope's all tongue-tied," he says, ruffling Opie's hair. "Can't say I blame him though. You're quite the looker."
Opie grits his teeth, resisting the urge to punch Jax. He tries to ignore him, turning his attention to Jessica instead. "Uh, sorry about him. He's a little..." he mumbles, feeling mortified.
Jax grins. "Charismatic, charming, suave...?" he offers.
Opie shoots him a glare. "I was going to say he's a jackass," he mutters.
She giggles "Don't worry about it..." she stands a little awkwardly unsure what to say or do now.
Opie smiles a little at her giggle, the sound going straight to his heart. He can feel Jax's gaze on him, silently telling him to say something already. He stumbles over his words, suddenly at a loss for what to say. "Uh, I, uh..." he stutters, feeling like an idiot.
Jax snickers beside him, finding this whole thing highly entertaining. He gives Opie a not-so-subtle nudge in the ribs.
"I think Ope here wants to invite you to a party we're having at the clubhouse tonight, it just a regular Friday night bash nothing fancy"
Opie shoots Jax a look, silently cursing him. 'Real smooth, Jax' he thinks.
He swallows, turning back to Jessica, trying to look a little less like a nervous fool. "Yeah, um, we're having a party tonight. You should come," he says, trying to sound casual. The invitation comes out a little rushed.
"A party huh?...can I bring my roommate?" She asks, she likes Opie but doesn't know him or the club that well enough to feel comfortable going alone.
Opie feels a twinge of disappointment, but he understands her hesitancy. He doesn't blame her for wanting to bring someone she knows, especially around the club.
"Uh, yeah, sure," he responds trying to hide how he feels. "Bring as many people as you want. The more the merrier, right?" he adds, giving a small, forced smile.
"Great! Here" she grabs his hand and a pen from her bag. She writes her number on him being carful to write it clearly. "Text me when and where to show up and I'll be there"
Opie watches as she writes her number on him, feeling her soft hand on his skin. It's a simple act, but it sends a jolt through him. He stares at the numbers on his hand, feeling both excited and panicked.
"Uh, yeah, cool," he manages to say, his voice betraying his emotions. "I'll text you, for sure."
Jax is watching the exchange with a knowing smirk, clearly amused by how flustered Opie is. He knows this is all new ground for his best friend, and he's enjoying every minute of it.
"I've got to go I have a job interview in like 15 minutes, but I'll see you later" She mumbles looking at her watch.
"Oh, right. Yeah, good luck with that," he says, trying to hide his disappointment. A part of him wants her to stay, to keep talking, but he knows she has to go.
He watches as she turns to leave, a mixture of excitement and nerves swirling in his stomach. He manages a small smile. "I'll text you later, about the party," he reassures her.
The moment she is far enough away he punches Jax in the shoulder, hard.
"Ow!" Jax exclaims, rubbing his shoulder. "What was that for? I helped you out, didn't I? you got her number and you're gonna see her again tonight" he grins.
"Oh yeah, great job, inviting her to a party full of naked women and drunk bikers, what a wonderful first date, you've helped me out so much," Opie says sarcastically, pissed off, stalking back to his bike.
Jax follows after him, still grinning. "Come on, it'll be fun. It's a SAMCRO party. She'll have a great time. Besides everyone will love her, she's hot"
Opie glares at him, climbing on his bike. "Right, because a girl like her dreams about being around drunk, lewd bikers....oh god please tell me Tig is out of town tonight" he says cringing at the thought of Tig meeting her.
"Sorry Ope, I saw Tig earlier today. He's definitely gonna be there tonight." he grins. "You'll just have to keep him away from your gal."
Opie groans, running a hand over his face. Just what he needs, Tig hitting on Jessica. He didn't think his night could get any more complicated.
"Great, just great," he mutters. "This party is gonna be a total disaster"
Jax laughs, hopping onto his bike as well.
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acourtofthought · 7 months
I just wanted to ask whether you think there is even a slight possibility that SJM might go for a Gwynriel book next?
I know you're adamant that it will be Elucien (I'm kind of hoping it is them too), but is Gwynriel completely out of the picture in your mind?
I'll be happy with whatever ship happens because it would finally end this shipwar, but I've just seen a discourse between Eluciens and Gwynriels about whose book is next, and I think SJM's set it up so it could go either way.
I definitely think there is a real possibility for Gwynriel to be next!
There are a lot of reasons, both plot related ones and ones that make the most sense to me in relation to the characters individual journey's that lead me to think it will be Elucien's however these aren't my characters and this isn't my story to tell. I have no authority over what SJM does and even with my best guesses based off what's she's said or done in the past, I don't know if the way I think is the way she thinks.
I'm not even confident enough to say that I know without a doubt that E/riel is not happening though I think that is much less likely.
There has been discourse between Elucien's and Gwynriels as of late, you're right. For some Gwynriels, I think they are just so ready to have confirmation that Az will not end up with Elain because of the battles with E/riels over the years and are excited to see him end up with one of their favorites instead. But as a result I do think some are at times forgetting to be a little more considerate of who they proclaim to be their allies in the fandom (Eluciens) and why the force feeding of the"Gwynriels book is 100% next!" rhetoric (because of Az's recent buildup) sort of stomps all over Elucien's who know Lucien had buildup from book 1 and has been a prominent character from the start yet that still didn't guarantee him a book yet. Who is being undermined by Az's character.
I think if the roles were reversed and Lucien was mistreating Az in the series and Az had been waiting for the resolution to his mating bond since 2016 they would probably be feeling a lot like Elucien's right now. And if Elucien's book is next and they then acknowledge they'll be waiting another 4 years for an Az book, they'll probably be feeling a bit of the intense disappointment Elucien's have lived with.
On the flip side to all that, a few Elucien's (not many, I know I'm one of the main ones) have been more vocal in arguing against all that which does contribute to the overall negativity in the fandom. But I do think that sometimes it's too much for anyone to look the other way and be the bigger person. We're all human but I have noticed that Elucien's are often expected to be the bigger people in this fandom, that they're expected to be the ones who sit quietly by and allow everyone to say whatever they want about Elain or Lucien, to just accept that "they're delusional for thinking Elucien could be next when it's so obvious" and the second you begin to argue back you're called out for the exact same behavior the other groups have participated in.
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Just Let Me Adore You Pt. 7
Pairing: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: nothing here really
Genre: minor angst a lil comedy, sort of fluff
Summary: You’ve been dating your boyfriend, Bruce, for 3 absolutely blissful years. He’s a scientist and professor who is as smart as he is kind and if anyone asked, you were sure you’d spend the rest of your life with him. That is until two mysteriously charming men that Bruce swears are dangerous take an interest in you that threatens to turn your entire life upside down. I mean… what exactly are you supposed to do with two gorgeous men telling you something that suggests that basically everything you think you know is a lie? And why does part of you have enough doubt to wonder if they might be telling the truth?
Series Masterlist
"Okay, I didn't make you talk about it when you showed up last night, and you completely avoided me before we went to work this morning, but it's been at least 24 hours now and I think we should talk about whatever happened with Bruce." Wanda says sitting beside you on the couch.
"I confronted him like you told me to." You shrug.
"I started by telling him I called my mom and that she confirmed I was a werewolf. It spiraled from there. He wouldn't look at me and that should've told me everything I needed to know but I still asked him. I even explained why my suspicions made sense and that I wasn't just blindly trusting Steve and Bucky. You know the entire time he couldn't even say he didn't know." You scoff. "He said a bunch of stuff about how it was ridiculous and it didn't make sense and he would never hurt me but not once did he say 'I didn't know you were a werewolf.' I even asked him to ya know. I said look me in the eye and tell me you didn't know or I'm leaving."
"And he couldn't do it?"
"Not only could he not do it he was busy asking me where I would fucking go. Tried to tell me Steve and Bucky would hurt me because I guess he thought I'd be going to them."
"Did he forget I also live in this city? Why the fuck would you go to them?"
"That's so not the point." You chuckle.
"I mean I know but like- he's an idiot." She crosses her arms.
"For more reasons than one." You nod. Wanda wraps her arms around you and places her head on your shoulder.
"How are you feeling y/n?" She asks.
"I'm fine actually. I think deep down I've been suspecting him since Steve suggested it so- I'm pretty sure I subconsciously accepted this long before I confirmed it." You shrug and you mean that. Your relationship pretty much ended weeks ago you think.
"I'm sorry honey." She says.
"It is what it is Wanda. Maybe I should've paid more attention to you not liking him." You hum.
"Nonsense you liked him and he was good to you, besides I'm not usually the voice of reason in this friendship so it's not like my opinion is a litmus test. Do not beat yourself up because he was a liar, even I didn't think he was gonna hurt you." Wanda says.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." You sigh.
A knock on Wanda's front door makes the two of you look at each other in shock.
"You expecting someone?" You ask her.
"No. I'd have told you. I'll go check it though." She says getting up and going to the door. You don't hear the door open but after a moment Wanda runs back to you in the living room. "Um- you wanna tell me why your werewolf buddies are at my door?"
"My- werewolf buddies? I don't-" You trail off with a frown. "You mean Steve and Bucky?" You ask.
"Yes! The Greek gods! Why are they here?"
"I don't know! I haven't seen them in over a month! They're here?! How did they even know where to find me?" You blink.
"Yes, they're here. Should I open the door? Do I invite them in? Should we just go talk to them at the door?"
"We should not invite them in until we know what they want. Let's go." You get up and open the door to see Steve and Bucky at the door.
"Y/n, hi." Steve smiles.
"Um... What are you two doing here?"
"We wanted to check on you." He says.
"You wanted to check on me? And how did you find me? This isn't even my apartment." You cross your arms. The two of them look at each other and you can tell they're trying to decide what to say. "I asked the question, look at me and give me an answer. The truth, if you want any chance of this going well." You say, demanding their attention which makes them look at you.
"We've had people... looking out for you." Steve says carefully.
"Oh so you are full blown stalkers. Running into you has never been a coincidence? You're just- watching me all the time?" You ask.
"No it- it sounds worse than it is and it didn't start like this." Bucky says.
"I don't think anything you say is going to make this better but I'll humor you, if it didn't start like that how'd it get there?"
"The team looking out for you started after we realized who Bruce was. We knew he wasn't safe for you to be around so we put together a security detail."
"A security detail?! Who do you think I am? The president's daughter?!"
"I'm sorry, you never noticed people following you y/n?" Wanda looks at you.
"They were instructed to keep their distance unless absolutely necessary." Bucky says.
"Plus the- main member of your security detail has a special suit that lets him get real small so you wouldn't have noticed him unless he made himself known anyway." Steve shrugs.
"We were informed two weeks ago that you left your apartment one night and didn't return." Bucky says.
"We thought you could use some time before you saw us again so we've kept our distance, but we wanted to see that you were okay." Steve says.
"You gotta stop. This stalker shit is not cute. You're just being weird. Showing up at my job was one thing but my friend's apartment? Enough. You don't know me. And I don't know you either. This is insane." You cross your arms.
"I'm Steve Rogers and he's James Barnes. We're werewolves like you are." Steve says.
"You're James now? Before it was Bucky." You turn your attention to Bucky.
"Bucky's a nickname from my middle name Buchanan."
"Okay, I have a quick question. Are you two mafia crime lords or what?" Wanda asks.
"Wanda." You look at her.
"What?! I'm trying to figure out how much danger this conversation is putting us in! We need to know who these guys are!" She defends herself and you roll your eyes.
"We would never hurt you, especially because of how important you are to y/n. We'd never do anything to harm her." Steve says.
"What part of 'stop' are you not understanding?! Quit trying to be my protectors I don't know you people! It is extremely unsettling." You throw your arms up in exasperation.
"We can't exactly help it." Bucky mutters.
"You absolutely can help it. You aren't preprogrammed robots."
"It's a long story but no we can't." Steve sighs.
"Right, well, before you get into that, can I get an answer to my question? Mafia crime lords? Yes or no, it is very simple." Wanda presses.
"Wanda!" You say.
"We are." Steve says.
"How did you know that?" Bucky narrows his eyes at her.
"Bruce suspected you for months." You tell them.
"And you didn't?" Steve asks.
"Well I had no idea there was a werewolf mob until he brought up his suspicions but I had no reason to think he would make some shit like that up but he also didn't have a reason for assuming that it was you except that you were werewolves." You shrug.
"Okay, so now that we've covered the crime lord thing; thank you by the way, we can go back to that oh so long story about why you can't help being overly involved in y/n's life." Wanda says.
"Wanda, why are you trying to mediate a discussion here?" You sigh.
"I'm just asking the hard hitting questions that the people, me, wanna know." She shrugs.
"It doesn't really matter why they're stalking me Wanda just that they stop!" You say.
"Actually you might want to know because it's a werewolf thing." Bucky says.
"It's a werewolf thing?" You blink at him.
"The way werewolves pick partners is a bit different from the way humans do things y/n. I'm sure it seems a bit odd to you since you probably didn't learn about it growing up but our behavior is standard when your wolf has chosen a mate." Bucky says.
"Mates!? You don't know me! I don't know you!"
"It's strange to try and explain. Sometimes your wolf will take a long time to accept a mate, other times something will draw you to someone immediately." Steve says.
"What? Like love at first sight?"
"Actually I didn't see you initially, I heard your voice and for me, for my wolf that was it." Bucky says.
"For mine it was... your scent." Steve says awkwardly.
"So you heard and smelled me in a busy sub shop and that sold you?" You frown.
"What? No this was at the mall." Bucky says.
"We- never saw each other at the mall. The first time we met was at that sub shop. The whole radiance thing." You frown.
"The mystery gifts!" Wanda gasps.
"What?" You look at her.
"When we went shopping for my first date with Wes months ago and that lady gave you things that someone bought for you!"
"Holy shit was that you guys?! Did you seriously hear me talking in a mall and decided to impulse buy me things?!" You blink at them.
"Guilty." Bucky mumbles.
"Oh my god, this just gets weirder and weirder." You say.
"We're sorry y/n. Honestly, we should've considered that things we think are normal would be offputting to someone who is only just learning about lycanthropy, but we didn't know you didn't know at the time and we're just- so used to doing things our way, to us it's basically the default." Steve sighs.
"Steve, Bucky, here's the problem I have; you know so little about me. You don't know my favorite foods, my interests or hobbies, my goals in life, my passions, my quirks or irritations, none of it. You heard my voice or smelled me and some primal part of you decided to cling to that and I find it hard to be flattered that your infatuation with me is based on arbitrary superficial things I can't control. They say next to nothing about me as a person and even if this is normal to you I can't bring myself to be endeared by this near obsession with me when you didn't even choose it really. Like you don't know me so you don't actually like me."
"You're right." Steve nods.
"I know you're skeptical about us but, would it be too much to ask that you let us try this the human way? Go on a date with us, just one, we'll get to know each other the way you're used to and- if after that you never want to see us again, we'll understand." Bucky suggests.
"Hold that thought! Boys I'm just gonna talk to her real quick. You guys can just- hang out here for the time being." Wanda interrupts you and shuts her front door.
"Wanda I promise they can still hear us through the door." You tell her. She shushes you and drags you into your room, waving her hand after you both enter. "What did you just do? Wolfproof this room?" You ask.
"Temporarily. Listen, two adonis-like men are basically begging for your attention. Why are you so against this?"
"Newsflash Wanda they've pretty much been stalking me for multiple months. Just because they're six feet tall and sound... the way that they sound does not mean that behavior isn't creepy."
"Would it make you feel better if I, picked their brains a bit?" Wanda suggests.
"You can do that?" You frown.
"Of course I can. If it would ease your anxieties."
"Isn't that kind of invasive?"
"Well, they've been watching you for some time now so I think this would just be leveling the playing field." Wanda shrugs.
"Fine. Do it." You nod. Wanda closes her eyes for a few minutes and you watch little red lines dance around her fingers until she eventually speaks again.
"Okay results are in, they are pure of heart. At least in regards to you."
"What does that mean?"
"It means they are still crime lords and I didn't dig into other things they may or may not be thinking. But they do genuinely seem to care about you- even if it did stem from some weird instinctual thing." She shrugs. "You're safe with them. So go on the date."
"I mean I did just throw away 3 years of my life does going on a date really seem like a good idea right now?"
"Oh come on these guys have been in and out of your mind for months now. It's one date, they're not asking you to marry them."
"Is the fact that they're both coming on to me kinda weird? Like I can't handle them turning it into a competition." You mutter.
"They don't seem to be competing with each other. But it's definitely something to bring up. On your date." Wanda says.
"It's amazing how lucky they are that your insane ass is my best friend." You roll your eyes as she pulls you down the hall back to the front door. When she opens it again Bucky and Steve look up immediately. You can tell they'd been having some sort of hushed conversation in the hall while they waited.
"One date. Next Friday. If either of you does any more weird shit you will never hear from me again, I will move if I have to. You guys can choose the place. Pick me up at 7 and don't be late." You say and shut the door but not before seeing their faces light up.
"We'll see you Friday!" Steve calls through the door and you listen to their eager chatter fade as they leave the apartment.
"I cannot believe you just gave straight up orders to two mob bosses. And they listened!" Wanda laughs.
"I can't believe you convinced me to go through with this date." You scoff.
"I think it's a good chance to forget about Bruce. You get to learn about them, and maybe the whole being a werewolf thing in general." She shrugs.
"I should call my mom. I'm going on a date with werewolves, she'll probably have some advice." You say rushing into your room. Every week it seems like your life changes so drastically. If you think about it too much your head starts to spin. But you know Wanda and your mom are with you every step and that makes all the changes a little easier to navigate.
Part 7/???
Tagged Users: @cjand10 @vicmc624 @mandijo17
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soulc-hilde · 4 months
Ikkara has Returned
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Series: The Lost Waterbender / Ch. 02
Pairing: Sokka x OC! Ikkara
Divider By: @khaer
Synopsis: Sent off from her homeland in order to fulfill her duty, a young waterbender takes on the responsibility to teach the Avatar. Forced to abandon her people just like Aang was force to abandon his childhood, the two bond over their desire to be freed. Rushing off into the night, the duo are swept off in the midst of a rain storm. Waking in her homeland, Ikkara is left confused and 100 years behind the present.
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Arriving to Katara and Sokka's tribe, Ikkara's eyes lightened with realization. "I'm home," she whispers. Sokka looks at her with a raised eyebrow, "what was that?"
"This is the Southern Water Tribe, yes?" She asks, waiting for confirmation. The siblings nod as Katara sits up, her nerves jutting with anticipation. "Are you from our tribe?" Katara bites her lip. 
Ikkara smiles, "yes! It's been so long since I've been home." Her eyes return to the sight of the village, her smile waning, "I will say though... it's a lot smaller than when I left. A lot smaller."
"The village has suffered in numbers due to the Fire Nation raids," Katara explains, her moment of excitement was replaced with disdain. "They forcefully took captive of every waterbender in the South Pole until there were no more."
Ikkara's jaw drops, "what?" Sokka nods, "that lead to a lot of the men in our tribe to sail off and fight their part in the war." The older girl's jaw opens and closes in disbelief.
"What war? When did this happen?" She rapidly fires questions one after another. "There wasn't a war when Aang and I crashed in the water, all the nations were at peace." 
Katara tilts her head, "the war has been going on for a hundred years, now. It's been so bad that before I met you, I was the only waterbender in our tribe and airbenders were to be extinct."
"What?!" The teen nearly belts, shooting her gaze at Aang. Despite their lives being forced to cross at such early times, the boy has laughed his way into the waterbender's heart as a piece of family. 
She couldn't imagine losing him, much less him being labeled as extinct. She still can't wrap her mind around the fact that her family is dead.
She mutters to herself, "a hundred years." She shakes her head, "that's-- That has to be impossible, right? No one can live for a hundred years and still look like they did then."
"I don't know," Sokka shrugs, "after releasing a giant light beam, witnessing Aang airbend, and seeing this snot monster -- I feel like your bound to make life weirder."
Katara snarls, slamming her elbow into his ribs, "shut up, Sokka." The boy groans, rubbing at the sore spot. Ikkara looks at her reflection in the water, "I'd rather not talk about this anymore, please."
The siblings nod, sharing an empathetic glance between one another. If the two mystery kids were locked away in that iceberg when the war started, was it really possible for them to have missed a hundred years and live normally?
Arriving the edge of the village's perimeter, Aang and Ikkara were asleep which amazed the siblings. Who would thought that being in a comatose state for 100 years could leave room for more sleeping. Katara happily carried the airbender into the tent that their Gran-Gran had set up for the visitors. 
Sokka, on the other hand, was a bit more hesitant to carry his patient. Sokka and girls were a rarity as the only one around his age was his little sister, anyone else of the gender were either ten years his junior or twice his age. And there's no doubt in his mind that Ikkara was a beautiful girl.
She gave off a sense of home and mystery, it was as if she was a challenge that needed to be mastered. A riddle that needed solving. Sokka likes challenges, he likes solving things even more. 
Katara watches with a small smile as he attentively lays her on a cot beside Aang. "I guess congratulations are in order," she breaks the silence. 
"What?" Sokka raises an eyebrow her way. Stepping closer to the open flap, she shrugs, "I mean, it looks like you've finally found a girlfriend... that is, if she likes you enough."
Sokka growls, grinding his teeth against one another, "Katara!" He leaps after her, the two dashing into the night before being separated by their grandmother. 
In the morning, Ikkara was the first to rise. Her head ached as her thoughts were haunted by the night the duo had ran away. She couldn't help, but to blame herself. If she'd been mature and taken her role as the Avatar's Waterbending teacher seriously, they would've been home and safe.
Granted, they would've also been talked to death by the Elder Council, but that's besides the point. She waited for Aang to wake up, watching him take volant breaths. Her brows scrunch with concern as a whimper escapes from the young boy's lips. 
Quickly, she jumps to her feet and wakes him with a firm shake. "Aang," she calls, "Aang, wake up. Come on, kiddo." 
The bald one shoots up, huffing as his grey eyes seemed wider than usual. Carefully placing a hand on his shoulder, she catches his focus. "It's okay, Aang, we're no longer in the ice," she coos. 
Katara walks in with a smile, greeting the two. "We're in the village now," she grins, "get ready, everyone's waiting to meet you two."
Aang smiles back, sliding his shirt on while Ikkara slid her parka back on. Once they were ready, she pulls both kids outside with excitement. Without a word, she drags them past a waiting Sokka who sat beside the tent's entrance. 
"Ikkara, Aang, this is the entire village," she gestures between the two parties. "Entire village, Aang and Ikkara." The two politely bend in greeting only to elicit a response from fear. 
The group of women and children lean back, vigilant blue eyes watching their every move. The two kids gaze at one another with uncertainty. Aang leans over, whispering in Ikkara's ear, "why are they all looking at us like that?"
"Did Appa sneeze on us?" She shrugs, asking her own question before diligently studying both her and Aang's clothes. An elder woman who resembled Katara steps forward. 
"No one has seen an Airbender in a hundred years," she explains before her wise eyes study Ikkara. "Neither have we seen a waterbender for some time. We believed them to be extinct until my granddaughter and grandson found you two."
Aang raises an eyebrow, "extinct?" Protectively, Ikkara grips onto his shoulders. Katara stands beside the woman with a loving gaze, "guys, this is my grandmother." The woman insists, "call me Gran-Gran." 
While Aang familiarized himself with the woman, Ikkara's attention was taken by the appearance of her home. First she's told that she might've missed a hundred years of her life in the ice, then that waterbenders were practically extinct, and now Airbenders actually are extinct. 
She couldn't fight the twist in her stomach that insisted something wasn't right, that what she was being told was a truth that she couldn't face. Looking at the village, she assessed the massive changes that've been. 
Specifically, the downsizing of the land and the decrease in villagers. There were no men, the walls that surround the village were poorly shaped rather than precisely created by the work of waterbenders, and the tents appeared old and tattered. 
What happened to my home? This isn't the tribe that I hail from. 
Snapping out of her daze, Ikkara watches as Sokka starts to interrogate herself and Aang once again. This time, his inquiries circle around the boy and his glider. The teen's gloved hand grasps tightly onto the staff, examining it. 
"What is this? A weapon?" He easily accuses, "you can't stab anything with this." Shouldn't that be a good thing? Ikkara thinks to herself. 
Aang smiles, "it's not for stabbing." He uses his bending to grab back his staff. He opens the wings, "it's for airbending." Sokka reels back while the children watch in awe.
"Magic trick! Do it again," a little girl cheers, thrilled like her peers at the entertainment. Aang shakes his head, "not magic. Airbending. It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly."
The boy explains, moving the staff around his figure. Quickly, Sokka counters, skeptic, "you know, last time I checked, humans can't fly!" 
"Check again," Aang shrugs with confidence before launching into the air, leaving a dust cloud that made the group protect their faces. 
Ikkara shakes her head, yelling up at him, "don't overwork yourself!" He twirls and spins over the tribe's heads, his eyes immediately looking down at Katara's awed gaze.
Smiling, he goes to show off only to collide head first with a watchtower sloppily created from snow. The kid groans, fidgeting with all his might to remove his head. Succeeding, he pops out and slides to his feet as his audience runs over. 
"That was amazing!" Katara cheers, the group of children echoes the sentiment. Sokka rushes over to the watchtower, trying to save it but a mass of snow collapses on him instead. 
Grumbling as his head rises from beneath the snow, "great. You're an airbender and you two are waterbenders. Together, you can just waste time all day long."
"You're a waterbender?!" Aang asks the girl, cheesing with excitement. Katara shrugs with a blush, "well, sort of. Not yet." Before she could explain any further, her grandmother calls her over to do her chores. 
As the group breaks out, going about their day, Aang found himself in search for fun while Ikkara was trying to get herself well adapted to the new and deteriorated version of her home. 
Resting on a harden puff of snow, she watches as Sokka holds his 'warrior meeting' which was really a moment for him to rally the youngest boys of the tribe and give him a chance to yell at them. 
"Now, men, it's important that you show no fear when you face a Firebender," Sokka paces. "In the Water Tribe, we fight to the last man standing. For without courage, how can we call ourselves men?"
A moment of silence stews before one of the boys raises his hand. "I gotta pee," he states, innocently. 
"Listen, until your fathers return from the war, they're counting on you to be the men of this tribe! And that means, no potty breaks," he belts, glaring down at the even younger boy. 
The child pouts, "but, I really gotta go." Sighing in defeat, he looks at the group, asking who all needed to go. In response, all of them raise their hands.
Smacking his forehead, he points towards the manmade toilets with agitation. Katara walks up to him, eyes looking around for someone. "Have you seen Aang?" She asks, "Gran-Gran said that he disappeared."
"Wow! Everything freezes in there," Aang declares, waddling out of the restrooms, fiddling with his pants. The boys and Katara laugh with him, but Sokka grows even more annoyed. 
"Katara, get him out of here! This lesson is for warriors only," he shouts, nearly whining. Ikkara steps toward them with a raised brow, "warriors? All I see are children."
Before he could argue back, the sound of more laughter catches his attention. Turning, he watches as the rest of the boys take turns sliding down Appa's tail. They even went as far as using the teen's spear to hold the end of the bison's tail up.
"Stop!" He rushes over, raging, "stop it right now!" The boys run away, laughing. He glares at the foreigners, "what's wrong with you? We don't have time for fun and games with the war going on?"
Immediately, Ikkara's face appears crestfallen as she remembers what the siblings told her on their way to the village. Aang looks down at him with confusion, "what war? What are you talking about?"
"You're kidding, right?" Sokka glares at them with disbelief. Aang goes to respond until his gaze filters behind the taller boy's shoulders. Catching sight of an otter penguin, he grins. 
"Penguin!" He shouts, taking off towards the animal. Dumbfounded, Sokka looks back at the eldest of the duo, "he's kidding right?" Ikkara gives him a look of uncertainty. 
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chirpsythismorning · 1 year
You can't expect people to take you seriously if you're not providing any proof? If Will and El are twins and Joyce and Hopper are their bio parents, why don't any of them know about it and why haven't there been any hints about it? I'm not even trying to be rude here I just haven't seen any evidence. Let alone strong evidence
I've gotten a few confused asks about this theory and how it just doesn't make any sense..?
I'm not saying that I completely understand the ins and outs of how it works, in fact I'm still completely immersed in theorizing and not being certain of anything! Quite frankly, I don't understand it (how time works/the rules of the game), though I think that's necessary because otherwise everyone and their mother would have guessed this surprise by now if it was any more obvious than it already is.
I also just feel kind of bad about spoiling what could possibly be going down, especially bc this would clearly be a series long surprise.
I've been theorizing for months now with @shippingfangirl013 about this. It started with us sharing thoughts about Twelvegate and just sort of piecing together s4 lab scenes and then eventually going back to the beginning to see what we might have missed from this new lens, that being the possibility that Will is Twelve. And that's when we realized A LOT of stuff has been overlooked from the very beginning, which provides not only answers to certain questions we had, but also brings forth even more questions that we wouldn't have come up with, had we not looked back further into the details in the first place.
She has a bunch of posts that are severely underrated in regards to this whole theory, so I urge you all to check those out:
Twelvegate Theory: Drowning in the Quarry and Will & El (Part 1)
Twelve Actor Resemblance to Young Will Byers
Stranger Things S5 Conglomerate Twelvegate Theory (Part 1)
Conglomerate ST S5 Theory Parallels
Also be sure to keep an eye out because she has some really big brain analysis in the works that you dont want to miss. I can honestly say she plays a big role in why I feel fairly confident about this theory, because I myself didn't really believe it at first. But now, after everything I've seen, it's kind of hard not to.
Even if you don't like this the idea of this theory or just simply don't believe the evidence presented that you've seen thus far, at the very least looking at this could expand your ability to look further at other details on the show and even pick up on evidence of your own. I find that more often than not, knowing about the existence of certain overlooked details allows you to find even more overlooked details that others missed.
For the sake of your doubtful ask, and for anyone else who isn't even considering this theory because it seems too far fetched, I'm going to share some of my favorite unhinged evidence for whatever the hell gate we're calling this...
But first, here is some basic context for the chaos that follows.
Something important to note, is that we don't meet Hopper, El or the Byers the night that Will went missing. We only met Will and the party. Instead they saved the rest of the main character's introductions (his family, mind you) for the following day, after Will had gone missing. This also means they saved their introductions for AFTER the big power outage that happened that night right before he disappeared.
I find this interesting because this choice allowed them to make those introductions feel arguably 'starting point'/reset-like (like in a video game).
You'll also note there is a 'Pizza One' box in that first scene when the party is in Mike's basement playing their campaign, moments before that power outage. This could have been a hint that the very start of the pilot episode at the Wheelers may very well be the OG timeline, that we've been straying from ever since. And so let's say hypothetically, if we had met Hopper, El and the Byers BEFORE that power outage, whose to say their lives wouldn't have looked slightly different...?
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The first time we are introduced to Hopper is in the scene directly after the opening credits, which was right after the scene of Will disappearing in the shed. Hopper is sleeping on the couch in his trailer, wearing both his daughter's blue bracelet and his watch. We also get 3 references to keys in this scene (a 2 ft long key decal in the literal opening shot). And if that's not enough, what follows is Hopper getting ready for work, putting a yellow pen in his pocket near a painting of an owl, before grabbing his keys and walking out the door.
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The first time we are introduced to Joyce (the Byers), follows directly after the scene with Hopper, where Joyce just so happens to be looking everywhere for her keys, Where the hell are they?, followed by finding them on the couch, despite already looking there previously with no luck (interesting Hopper was sleeping on the couch with Willel symbols on his wrists only moments before this hmm). We then get a shot of Joyce showing concern over Will not eating breakfast, followed by scolding Jonathan for forgetting to wake Will up, adding I've told you this a thousand times, before she walks past an owl on the wall in the hallway and opens the door to another owl on the wall in Will's (unoccupied) room...
Let me just say, for the sake of this fictional family, I hope to god they haven't been through this thousands of times. Though I fear they might have. At least more than once...
There are a lot, A LOT of scenes that go down like this. As the show progresses, we get a lot of references to time passing and confusion and impatience and it almost feels like they themselves know deep down this isn't their first rodeo, and yet they're still playing along bc how exactly can one question their reality?.
The problem right now for me, is that I don't understand the rules of the game. How does time work? What even is the goal of the game (to win, I presume?)? Maybe Vecna's having to keep reseting the time loop, to get the results he wants, and over time he's getting closer and closer to the results he wants, but it will ultimately (predictably) lead to him failing once and for all in the final season, when all is inevitably revealed?
Hypothetically, if this is all some game/pocket universe Vecna has thrown our core characters into, essentially surrounding them with 'fakers', then how do we know what is/isn't real? Or I guess whether or not we're in a timeline/loop either closest to, or furthest away from the original timeline? That's why it's hard for me to go further in terms of definitively piecing everything together time wise. Not only that, but we also don't even know for sure what Vecna wants from Will and El, truly.
But I do think that a lot of the answers to the truth are hidden in plain sight.
If you're genuinely curious, I encourage you to rewatch the show for yourself to see if you can pick up on things! Be sure to keep an eye out for keys and owls in particular. Also, El's flashbacks of Mama/the rainbow room might prove to be important... like, literally slowing down and pausing and screenshooting every single frame level important...
Who knows, you might even stumble upon a completely different undiscovered theory in the process!
On that note, here is just a slice of my favorite evidence in regards to this theory, that will hopefully open your mind to the possibility:
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When Hopper asks about Lonnie's whereabouts, Joyce insists TRUST ME HE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS. They made sure to keep the keys on the wall OUT of the frame in those shots referencing Lonnie by name specifically. However, when the conversation circles back to Will, and then follows after with Joyce telling Hopper to find her son, the keys are once again visible in both of their shots.
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This scene right here is pretty epic. We all interpret Hopper's investigative skills throughout the series as him just being good at his job. But I would argue this scene in particular gives off very intense deja vu. It's as if Hopper knows where to look, because he's done this before. It's as if he's getting a gut feeling in certain areas that actually could be close to the truth, because this is his thousandth time doing this (Jesus, for their sake, I hope that's not the case).
Still, Hopper showcases a lot of unbelievable detective work throughout the show, and I think it could very well be hinting at him drifting in and out of awareness over the fact that he has done this before, which allows him to make such incredible guesses that lead him to the answer sooner than he would have in any normal situation (and yet, never too close...)
Has this always been here? That's what Hopper asks about a dent in the wall. We interpret it as maybe Hopper trying to figure out if this could be connected to Will's disappearance. But what if it's more than that? What if it hasn't always been there? What if this is a glitch in the matrix of sorts, and he noticed that glitch, bc this isn't his first time doing this? (Also peep the owl that shows up at the very last second in the shot directly below, with Joyce and Hopper in the frame, just as he gets the urge to check the backyard...)
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This scene... This fucking scene ya'll. It just doesn't make any sense. This is one of several scenes throughout the show that have so many unanswered questions. I think it's because something else is going on that weren't not supposed to understand yet. That shot with Hopper encased in a rainbow is cool and probably means something... Hopper intensely walking into the frame as he steps towards the shed, with the upside down horseshoe above the door also probably means something...
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Hopper literally walks up straight to where Will was in the shed the night previous, bc he's just that good of a detective. Yeah, okay... Suddenly the light overhead is blinking dramatically, only to switch off completely, which leads Hopper's eyes to catch this makeshift fort in the corner of the shed. Before he even gets a good look at what he's seeing, he's interrupted by Callahan, pulling him out of his deja vu state, followed by the light switching back on instantly, as if the occurrence was all in his head.
This also happens a lot, where our main characters are being interrupted by other characters, only seconds before they were close to solving something. And I just find that interesting...
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This one is kind of peak comedy because, all it's doing on the surface is implying that Joyce and Hopper have a romantic history, but it also sneakily involves Will in the joke, as evidence that they have been intimate... The Chief and her, they've screwed before huh? ...WILL! That a 'yeah' or did they...
To be honest, I was really doubtful about Joyce and Hopper being El and Will's biological parents at first, even despite believing twelvegate and the possibility of them being twins. And this doubt mostly came from the scenes we get with Terry aka El's 'Mama'.
Initially, I had convinced myself it would be too sad, considering how much backstory we got about Terry. But @shippingfangirl013 made me realize that there is something very off about these scenes with Terry, that I think kind of went over all of our heads.
First of all, Mama is essentially the equivalent to the name Papa, and so we should start by unpacking that. Why didn't the writers have El distance herself from that exact association she links to Brenner, by just having her call Terry 'mom' like most kids call their mother? It doesn't seem that serious on the surface, but again this is a choice the writers made... Maybe it's because they wanted the audience to subconsciously associate those two with each other (Papa/Mama)? Also peep Jim giving Will Byers vibes, all lit up by the sun like Jesus (or I guess... God?) below!
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The main thing I want to talk about though, is that despite Terry's vegetative state, she's still managing to give us hints about how she feels and what she thinks, with very subtle micro-expressions.
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When she meets Hopper and Joyce in s1, Terry looks completely unsurprised. You could say she looks the same all of the time, because of her vegetative state, and while I mostly agree, there are some outliers in the mix.
When Joyce mentions El being her daughter, what we get is a reaction shot of Terry dramatically closing her eyes for an extended period of time, almost like she's experiencing frustration over them woefully misunderstanding the truth behind what's going on.
And I think that's kind of the whole point of the vegetative state here, that perhaps if Terry could say what she wanted to say, it would give away the truth that has been hidden all along, AKA Joyce and Hopper are El and Will's true parents. When Joyce then mentions her missing son, showing Terry a picture of him, this woman LITERALLY turns her head to the right, looking straight up annoyed... Why? Why would she do that unless this is her ?/? time meeting them, hearing this same old silly charade?..
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But then here... THIS moment when Hopper asks about Brenner and Terry's relationship with him, that's when it gets interesting. Terry doesn't look exhausted over their ignorance anymore like she seemed to be in the moments previous. Now, she's back to her stare of nothing, and yet seeing this in contrast to her micro-expressions, almost adds a new layer to what this could possibly mean... Perhaps this could be hinting that Hopper is a lot closer to the truth than he realizes, warranting a knowing look from Terry, with her almost impressed, thinking Damn Jim, maybe you'll figure it out this time and I can finally be released from this hell...
This might seem like a reach to assume Brenner and Terry had any sort of relation beyond her being a lab volunteer, but something I think you might be interested in knowing, is that Terry has a little collection of Bonsai tree books beside her chair... Bonsai... does that remind you of anyone...? (If you check out those posts by @shippingfangirl013, you might know what i'm referring to...)
The fact that Hopper even mentions Brenner and Terry's presumed connection to him is just one other example of Hopper subconsciously picking up on things he discovered in previous loops that are close to the TRUE truth, allowing him to narrow things down quicker this time around, without needing to take all the steps to get to that point.
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An owl behind both Joyce and Hopper here, while they talk about what allegedly happened to Terry and her daughter Jane.
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And there you have it folks, the acknowledgment that the truth could have been covered up, the moment Hopper stands in front of the owl artwork (literally covering it up). Owls, which have been tied more than anyone else to Hopper, Joyce, Will and El (tying them together?).? Also the crib between them... Nothing to see here.
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This one is pretty self explanatory. We even get a parallel to this in s4 with El AND Will, though next time they'll confirm Hopper's role in the equation. So, be ready for that...
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These scenes are so important to this theory because despite them all being separated (who knows how many times now), they have this epic finale of coming together. We get these really heartfelt scenes with El and Joyce and Hopper, Will and El, and then Will and Joyce and Hopper, and it's all very emotional and just so much deeper knowing that the truth could be that they're all tied to each other more than we (or even them) realize.
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11 & 12 between the two hands on the clock, in a moment that parallels X-Men and also the lab massacre (which presumably had both 11 and 12 in attendance...). Mike calling out to El emotionally the moment that Joyce and Hopper are reunited with Will. My heart can't take it!!!
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Someone actually noticed this shot of Hopper recently, I can't remember who! But it made me want to go back to see what shot is right before it. And low and behold, it follows directly after a shot of the Byers family reuniting. Kind of interesting they made the choice to have this shot right afterwards, of Hopper sitting next to Ted (aka a dad), while looking lost in thought as he stressfully bites his nails, with his arm sporting his daughter's blue bracelet...
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Not suspicious at all. That creepy shadow behind Owens as he makes an almost knowing comment about Joyce and Hopper being 'Mom and Pop', followed by Hopper looking like he's missing something...
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And for this scene to follow shortly after? Hopper literally acknowledging Owens whose waving at him politely, and yet choosing to not wave back at him?... He KNOWS something is off, but he just can't quite put his finger on it...
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As you probably know, most of the scenes with the birthday mug in Mike's basement involve either El (in s1) or Will (in s2-3), which is interesting considering the other few notable birthday references we get in the show, including this really cryptic sequence above, involve Joyce and Hopper...
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Now, if you still didn't believe me about Terry's behavior being off, I think this piece of evidence might help support our claims a little bit more for you to consider. Because, why, WHY when El approaches Terry in the void and says I'm home, is Terry's response No..? Why would that even make any sense? Why would El's biological mom say No to her missing daughter implying that she is her family? Unless, she's not of course...?
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Something interesting about the flashbacks that Terry shows El, is that they're very sporadic and hard to understand. Not only that, but we STILL get callbacks to these memories heavily even in s4, which tells me there is still something there that has yet to be picked up on, by both the audience and El herself, which is why they keep resurfacing in different forms. My favorite moment out of the s2 flashbacks though is probably this moment where it looks like a baby is born, only for Brenner to look back, like there's more to come (another baby?? TWINS?). But this type of twin imagery, only gets stronger in s3-4...
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After 2 seasons of building up this meeting of these two characters who have been mirroring each other since the very beginning, here we are... Also, why even hold back for so long in introducing them? Maybe because them finally interacting properly is going to cause some things to resurface... And you definitely don't want to overlook these shots of Hopper and Joyce in Melvald's with two baby's in between them, followed by a shot of keys... Hmmmm.
Remember when I said to pay attention to the Terry/Lab flashbacks El experiences over the seasons?
Well this particular flashback below comes from 3x06: E Plurbius Unum aka the episode that was originally titled The Birthday, might prove to be important...
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Jonathan and Will in a scene prior to El's flashback, has them situated interestingly between this Lucky Charms box and this Spill & Spell game, which is then followed by this scene with El experiencing flashbacks... And...
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Rainbow? Lucky (Upside down horse shoe...) Enter flashback
I'm not going to be able to show each frame of this flashback, because in total there are over 30 different quick images shown and repeated...
And so, If you want to find out why this is the strongest piece of evidence for Willel twins in my opinion (brought to you by @shippingfangirl013's big brain), go back and rewatch to see how many times they show the image of baby El and young El in the rainbow room... Also take note of how shots of Kali (008) are interspersed consistently within this flashback, aka a character that is known for having powers to make people invisible, and to also make people see things that aren't actually happening...
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Here's that parallel I mentioned earlier making a return, but instead tying El (and arguably Will) to Hopper being their biological father. Also peep El's bracelet and Will's watch being prominent in a lot of their shots together throughout s4, now that they share the screen a lot more.
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The Wright Bros...
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No, but seriously, Willel's bracelet and watch mirroring each other often in their scenes together, and by association also paralleling Hopper wearing one of each, dramatically showcased in his introduction to the series, can be something so personal to me...
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This one really goes off. A car passes by a couple times during this flashback El has (IN S4), causing a shadow to cast behind Will, almost creating this duplicate-like effect... This is literally happening while El is having a flashback to her 'birth mother', while staring at a family (with their faces warn out/blurred) on a billboard, with an arrow pointing towards where Will, aka her twin, is standing to the right of her...
This one below has gotta be my favorite though. And it's because I literally remember watching this scene the first time and being confused?
Tbh, that's when you know something is more complex than it appears. Whenever something feels off within the context provided in the moment, it's probably because there's something deeper going on and there are multiple meanings at play. This means they're using this small moment as an opportunity to provide dual meaning in plain sight, that we wont understand the dual meaning of until later on down the line.
Are you ready..
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Hmmm. I wonder what this could possibly be alluding to? Could it perhaps be the writers hinting at Hopper unintentionally projecting his own situation onto Dmitri? Is it possible who Hopper believes to be his child (daughter... son(s?)?) and his (ex)wife, are not actually who he and everyone thinks they are...?
Well. There you have it! These are just some of the many, many hints hiding in the details that point to the possibility of the Byers actually all being, Hoppers...?
For now, this is just a theory! So even though it's cool and there is a serious amount of evidence pointing to it, it will most definitely continue to transform and look different over time, the more we look deeper and discover more. Nothing is set in stone, for now it's all just theories and speculation.
Again, if you're curious about what else there is out there in regards to this theory and other possibilities surrounding it, please follow and check out @shippingfangirl013 posts! She was way more on board with this theory than me in the beginning and arguably still is, because I do still experience occasional doubt about it, for sure.! And so without her I would not have come to half of these conclusions! I look forward to you guys seeing other stuff she's discovered bc seriously... Her poor storage ya'll.
And also, if you're interested in the time-loop aspect specifically in regards to this, I encourage you to check out two recent posts I did about this. Part I actually starts with those first scenes introducing Hopper and the Byers and how other scenes later in the show parallel it. VERY VERY cool stuff, and tbh if you've made it this far, I think you'll be intrigued...
Time Loop Fuckery in Stranger Things Part I
Time Loop Fuckery in Stranger Things Part II
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snorkling-in-sodasea · 4 months
Moments of Stupidity 16
Well, since Full Moon came out, it was probably only a matter of time before this, huh? I guess I wanna say first is, I'm feeling rather different than when I first started.
At the beginning, I just wanted to vent. Let anger out. I mean, as much as I have people on the lookout for my posts - which I'm flattered by - I'm still just one of many posting stuff on this site. I'm definitely not the first one to share their dislike over what goes on in Helluva Boss and I doubt I'll be the last.
Over time, I watch the shows more and more and now pretty pictures and some good songs are the standard I have now because, irrational and angry or sane and calm, I still can't get behind the writing at times. Still, I continued this series of posts about stupidity in the shows because I was being fueled by people liking these posts.
Now I'm wondering if I'll just be disappointing one of my parents if I make these posts. Because I talked with them about something and they were right. No matter how much people don't like Vivienne, she managed to be successful and do something right, if she's managed to get A24 interested in airing her show and get that show on Amazon Prime. No matter who doesn't like that, that's still what happened.
Like Stephan King and J.K. Rowling, for example. Those two got their haters but they still got their fans because they're still doing something right, especially writing wise. You might not think that's a good comparison considering the examples I'm using but it's true in the sense that they and Vivienne still are successful due to their works because they all got their fans who helped them get that successful.
So yeah, I know that I can seem disappointing to my parent that I've been angrily posting about a successful show despite how it's not going to change that success and there's a very real chance that I will, should I tell them about it. Especially since I'm still doing at least this post. I guess I can still do this for fun or because I know people will still look forward to these moments of stupidity. I'll have to think on it
In any case, I started this post to still talk about how actions in the screenplay are dumb so I might as well deliver on what I promised. Thanks to anyone and everyone who bothered reading all of this, as well as those who don't get upset over the above.
Full Moon -
So there's D.H.O.R.K.S. first. They not only didn't get any better at interrogation since they got no real way of knowing that Keenie and Cletus were really telling the truth - and they weren't, especially about the exorcists - but there's also the suits. The suits obviously fit the cherubs but Agent One and Agent Two reasonably would never expect to meet them to give the suits to so that the battle suits could be used. I can't even think of kids being sent because they decided not to after last time. So who the fuck would Agent One and Agent Two put in those battle suits?
I guess there's the cherubs, too, for having been stealthy enough with the 'worried mother' bit but then be obvious as fuck when following Blitzo. I mean, the disguise as the mother was kind of strange but like Moxxie said, they weren't exactly covert. How could the cherubs think they would never be spotted when their upper halves were sticking out of the damn bushes?
Other than that, then the biggest moment of stupidity goes to none other than Stolas. Starting up the conversation the way he did is one thing (yes, really, it could be chalked up to Stolas being severely sheltered and alone growing up) but it's another thing entirely to make it sound like Blitzo is the one who makes it all about sex and getting upset about it. Seriously. Stolas is the one who made the deal that centers around sex. He's the one who always spewed sexual shit out of his mouth in most of season 1 and a couple episodes in season 2. He's the one Blitzo was talking about when he said 'don't make it anything more than you (Stolas) wanting me (Blitzo) to fuck you'. Even at the very first meeting that Stolas and Blitzo ever had, Stolas was the one who thought of taking Blitzo to his room and say that he's there to ravish him. How was it Blitzo's fault that that was on Stolas's mind? Yeah, Blitzo may have been the one to initiate sex but it sure seems like to me that he only did that because Stolas gave him the idea of sex being a possibility. Even if Stolas just said the 'ravish me' line as a joke, it still gave Blitzo the idea to have sex. (By the way, that's a very weird joke to make with a friend, especially one you had literally only one playdate with over twenty years ago). Naturally, by this episode, Stolas has practically conditioned Blitzo to make everything about sex when Stolas is in the picture yet this damn owl is upset that his confession wasn't being taken seriously
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fans4wga · 1 year
Hi, thanks for all the information you've already provided :)
I don't know if that was said before, but is it possible for a writer or actor to be in more than one union, from different countries like UK and US for example, if they work for both industries?
If that's the case, how would that work for them? Would they be able to only work for and promote UK based movies/TV series? Or not at all? Or would it depend on which streaming service (or other) is involved? For example, working for BBC is fine, but not Amazon.uk? Or is it fine too?
And if that's not the case, what about UK actors/writers who became well known in the US and started working there. If they're in neither WGA or SAG AFTRA, I'm guessing they're under no obligation to respect the picket lines, aren't they? (Even if they probably will do out of respect and solidarity.)
This is a confusing issue so thank you for bringing it up! Just to clear up the names and terms, SAG-AFTRA is the American film/TV actors' union and British Actors' Equity is the UK actors' union.
(Note: I'm aware Deadline, Variety, and The Hollywood Reporter are often biased towards the studios. However, I don't have better sources on these things yet. Hopefully SAG-AFTRA or Equity says more about it to clear things up in the future.)
To make things a tad more confusing, American stageplay/theater is under the Actors' Equity Association. SAG-AFTRA people, who often hold dual membership with the Actors' Equity Union, can still do American theater since that's under the Actors' Equity Association jurisdiction and not SAG-AFTRA's. There's an article about it here.
Think of the system like this: SAG-AFTRA has jurisdiction over American productions (Hollywood) and the British Actors' Equity has jurisdiction in the UK (like productions from the BBC). Some SAG-AFTRA people are working on British shows, but they will be under an Equity contract and likely have Equity membership too. Similarly some Equity people are working on SAG-AFTRA shows under a SAG-AFTRA contract and will then gain SAG-AFTRA membership.
That's led to some loopholes during the strike. American SAG-AFTRA members under Equity contracts, like the casts of House of the Dragon and Industry, are continuing to work during the strike because their contracts are with Equity, not SAG-AFTRA. (Link) It's not a SAG-AFTRA contract so the arguments could be made that it doesn't violate strike rules. It's unfortunate, of course, but it's not the actors' fault, it's the local laws. Hopefully SAG-AFTRA clears up in the future if they view this as strikebreaking or not.
Anyone who provides acting or promotion services to a struck company right now will be blacklisted from joining SAG-AFTRA or the WGA in the future. Because Hollywood productions by definition are under the SAG-AFTRA and the WGA's jurisdiction, that means never working in Hollywood. So people looking to join the industry in the future should definitely take it seriously, and if there's any doubt about whether or not something constitutes strikebreaking, contact SAG-AFTRA or the WGA through their websites!
It's still early days for the SAG-AFTRA strike so we could see more information and guidelines published in the future for further clarification. But hopefully this starts to answer your question!
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the-missann · 6 months
I don't think I've shared this with anyone besides a friend I don't really talk to anymore; and while I feel extremely nervous sharing them, I'll think I'll ease that by expressing the fact that I'm not an artist. I have been self teaching myself how to draw for years, so if this looks kind of bad, that's why.
Anyways, I obviously like it enough to share, so I am very proud of my work regardless.
That aside, I wanted to detail this story before sharing everything I did for it (I guess this'll be a short series about everything I drew for it).
A Fourth Dimension Reality is a series of books I'm writing about two inter-dimensional kids trying to find out what dimension they're actually apart of. Along the way, they meet other people who are integral to their goal. Each of these characters will be introduced as I go along.
Now, as for the real world logic, I wrote this story after me and that friend were talking about how some shows that are suppose to be comedy/satire lost that along the way.
So, I was determined to make a story where that stays intact even in the finale. Essentially, this is a long shit post that needs to be stopped, but it's still going well into five books with a unfinished total of 100k and seven books officially planned.
Each book ranges from 23k-30k and no book is any longer... yet
So, anyways, here's the actual cover of the first book (I have two more made).
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Later on though I ended up drawing something goofy where all the characters find a dimension that does space tours. That was my excuse as to why they don't have shoes (because you don't want to get the dimension dirty do you?)
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But this is everyone and presents their personalities pretty well. I'll showcase them separately over the next few days.
For now, this is perfect showcase of this story:
“So this means no one can hear me scream!” Cassie used all of her breath in that howl. Larson groaned and went to hit her, but she moved out of the way and spun slowly in the air. “I can dodge you better out here.” She mocked.
With a growl, Larson said, “this isn’t some kind of joke. We need to do what Jax said.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever.” She dismissed his comment. “We’ll get there eventually, let’s just have a little fun!”
Larson just stared at Cassie as she continued to spin around happily.
He was brought back to reality when he felt his phone vibrate. “Oh, I forgot,” he answered it swiftly, “you can hear me right?”
Back on Earth, Jax could clearly hear them through the phone. “I’m surprised that it even works! I really didn't think it would.” He said with amazement present in his voice.
“Yeah, doubt me, why don’t you.” Jax laughed at Larson’s remark. “But I’ll try a video call now.”
Larson was about to press the button when he saw Cassie still spinning around in front of him; he sighed and turned on the video call. Once it came up, he saw a smile grow to Jax’s face.
“So it does work, great.” Jax paused. “Cassie!” He called out.
“Yeah?” She said while turning to look in their direction.
“The video call works.” Jax announced.
“Okay!” She began to slow her spinning down.
Cassie took out her own phone and called Jax once more. She put it on the video call and stuffed the phone inside of her bag. She zipped it closed and turned to Larson.
“Okay, I can see him, so that means we’re good! I’m screen recording so you guys can do whatever you have to.”
“You don’t have to tell me that,” Larson said.
Cassie huffed. “Stop being so mean. Anyways, we will Jax!” Cassie confirmed.
“Good luck you two!”
With their method of documentation set, they started putting their plan into action. Larson slowly moved over to Cassie.
“Stop acting like a kid and let’s get to work.” He snapped at her.
“You’re so boring. We’re in space dude! We can breathe without astronaut helmets, why not live a little, Lars?”
“Maybe on our next trip.” Larson went ahead and turned back once he was a small distance away from her.
From his jacket pocket, he pulled out the rope he brought. Needing to be as air resistant as possible, he couldn’t carry a bag with him, instead he just already tied the rope around himself and stuffed the other end into his jacket pocket. He pulled out the other end and threw it to Cassie for her to grab. Cassie caught it and was now being pulled by Larson.
Once she was in front of him, Cassie pulled him. Their motions created a way for them to move about in space with the most amount of ease. After a few minutes of their maneuvering, Cassie let out a sigh.
“See, this is all business,” Cassie said with a pout.
“Yeah, yeah. Looking like a bitch doesn’t help you.”
“At least you used the right word, but I wasn’t trying to give you puppy dog eyes.”
They remained pulling each other in a still silence. This was maintained until they could finally see Pluto. Cassie giggled as she stared at it.
“Oh it’s so cute!” She paused. “Do you really think anyone will be there?”
“I don’t know, but if we do find someone it would be better to stick together.”
“I wonder if it’s like a superman thing.” Cassie started to talk about something else. “Like we’re stronger because we were on Earth for so long.”
Larson scoffed. “If anything, being on earth made us weaker.”
“See, I don’t think like that,” Cassie began, “I really feel like we’re stronger because we’ve been exposed to different mindsets and then we’re going to learn this one. So by default, we’ll be smarter!”
“Always on the bright side huh?”
Cassie giggled.
Also, fun fact: I'm so bad at spelling I kept writing Dimension as Dimention and I still don't really know if I'm spelling it right😃
They kept pulling each other until they were caught into the gravitational pull of Pluto and were able to land...
Next post
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leofiat-bunny · 1 year
Random notes from rewatching
Creating a cut means rewatching some scenes a lot (I suffer for my "art" 😇). So this is kind-of-sort-of liveblogs for the series, but not really?
Vaguely in order
2023 - the year we all forgot (or pretended to) 😅
(well, the "forgetting" starts in 2019 but the show's released in 2023 so 🤫)
Cayenne Auto Shop
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10/10 naming, no notes ♥
I adore sleepy classmate with puppy plushie
Ai Di's never looked so fragile as after that kiss 😭
Xiao Jie: poor packhorse 😂. Sorry, but Ai Di is too pretty a princess to help out 👑 (I've decided Xiao Jie is aroace. Because someone always has to be)
I want to see the other costumes he got. I think we deserve a fashion show epilogue. Petition anyone? 📝
And he chose Red Riding Hood a few months(?) after Zhang Teng mocks him with the name 👑😎💅
"It's rare for me to dress up so cutely"
I can't emphasise enough how I adore that the feral kitten has 0 issues being cute when that tends to be the purview of the ostensibly tamed
"You are not like him"
I don't think Chen Yi would appreciate us calling Ai Di a feral murder kitten/feral murder bunny (feral murder fluffball?) 😅
"Bai Zonygi, let him go"
Anybody else not keen on the script and direction in this scene? The actors are doing great but what's happening doesn't make sense?
Why does Bai Zongyi need to let go right now? You haven't tried to address FJR's injuries from the other side, and I doubt you're worring about spinal injuries being exaccerbated here.
If you just want to pick him up, there's MORE room on the other side of A'Ruei and that would be easier…
Maybe I'm missing something but this doesn't seem sensible, it just kind of leaves me confused rather than emotional
Keeping Bai Zongyi in the shop
The sympathetic pain my babies must be feeling for Bai Zongyi - knowing your soulmate is hurt and you're being KEPT FROM HIS SIDE on top of their own pain for their friend. My babies 😭
(And poor Bai Zongyi I guess 😝)
Interesting that Ai Di explains to Chen Yi
Obviously it's exposition for the viewers but Chen Yi's reaction is decidely "this is news to me" not "Ai Di is muttering complaints at me"
I can well believe that in general Chen Yi is the paper person and Ai Di is the people person.
That's why they agreed that the bar would be Ai Di's to manage.
Ai Di is eye catching, wild, loud, and brings the party and is unashamedly himself. Chen Yi is dependable, restrained, organised.
Petty was on the money that Ai Di colours Chen Yi's world, and Chen Yi supports Ai Di (matches his colours).
The extra : Leave before Chen Yi comes
When I first saw this on my dash I was - predictably enough - focused on the implications of possessive Chen Yi seeing Zhang Teng with Ai Di backed against a wall.
Now I've watched the full scene!!!
From the moment FJR shows up, Ai Di doesn't provoke at all.
He doesn't back down of course, but on rewatching I saw: he's not saying or doing anything that could escalate things.
His next words are when Zhang Teng is lingering "What are you looking at? Get out." and almost before he does:
"Where's Chen Yi? I sent someone to call Chen Yi. Why did you come?"
Because if Chen Yi heard that the guy who had killed one of his people was now selling at his bar and Ai Di was confronting him...
He'd be there.
Except he's been told and he's not there.
Something happened to him.
(Except no, FJR was arrogant enough to just not tell him, so that suppressed panic attack was for nothing.)
Not ep focused
My loyal feral murder kitten
A'Ruei told you to run quickly, and you really ran
If my words can kill him, I will die with him, okay?
Why do you want him to take the fall? We should let our people take the fall. It has nothing to do with him
Imagine a newbie trying to manhandle Ai Di the way Chen Yi does
Post prison someone who joined after Ai Di left tries to pull Ai Di off someone he's beating up… ends up on the floor suffering until Chen Yi arrives (called to the scene by one of the others) and has to watch as Chen Yi does what he did to the complete opposite reaction (yeah, he's complaining but he's not doing anything about it)
Has to have it explained to it that Chen Yi is the Keeper of the feral murder fluffball.
Everyone else is to respect the wild beast for their own good
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realmermaid333 · 11 months
AO3 Fic Tag Game :)
I was tagged by: @burntblueberrywaffles @suchaladyy @cosmic-lullaby and @nonamemanga
20 questions beneath the cut 😛
How many works do you have on ao3?
What is your ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I write for Wednesday, The Hunger Games, and I'm thinking of maybe writing some Walking Dead fics, we will see! Right now I am focusing on my Wednesday fics though till I finish them.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
His Little Bedbug
Tipsy Truth Telling
I'll See You Around
Take You Like A Drug
Can't Keep Quiet
Do you respond to comments?
Always! I love responding to comments
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is hard to say, so I guess I will list three LOL. Well, I think first place is definitely A Hyde Only Knows One Thing: Pain. But the runner-ups are Don't Let Go of Me, and Nowhere to Go.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings because I love happy endings! I love peace and love and joy! But I guess the happiest ending would be Smoke Signals as it is a growing-back-together/reconciliation fics that carries over to Say Yes to Heaven. And I also wanna throw in This Would Have Happened Anyway, which is an old Hunger Games fic I wrote that I plan to go in and re-edit soon haha.
Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely, but yes. I think the only fic I got hate on has been A Burning Hill. Luckily most people are wonderful!
Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, LOL. Idk what the different kinds of smut are? but I tend to write established relationship smut, it is my fav. I write it pretty graphically, but I like to make it really sweet and comforting. I love romance!
Do you write crossovers?
No, but I think they are neat
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! Smoke Signals was translated into Thai by the amazing @adogfrmhell :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I co-wrote Take You Like A Drug with my bestie @suchaladyy, and also Wash Away Your Woes with @nonamemanga @suchaladyy and @averyaddamsromance ! it is so fun to cowrite with friends : D
What WIP would you like to finish but doubt you ever will?
I know I will finish it, but A Burning Hill! it is just on the backburner for a while longer.
What's your all time favorite ship?
I guess I'd say everlark because they were my first ever ship! they are just so cozy and forever in my heart.
What are your writing strengths?
I'd say showing emotion and imagery! I have been told I am able to make eyes water and hearts swoon hehe
What are your writing weaknesses?
I just wont shut up sometimes LOL, i tend to give almost too many details and too much imagery. Which I know is not inherently a bad thing, but it makes all my writing pieces so goddamn long lol! I start to feel like Bram Stoker writing Dracula XD. And sometimes I feel like my dialogue can be awkward, which I suppose makes it more realistic, so once again not always bad! i am just best at writing neurodivergent characters maybe hahah
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done this very briefly before, but it was just two words in Spanish for a ritual scene! I would not write tons of dialogue in another language unless I had a beta who spoke that language fluently and who could translate and make sure the translation made sense.
First fandom you ever wrote for?
The Walking Dead! when i was like 12 I wrote TWD fanfic on wattpad LOL.
Favorite fanfic you've ever written?
How could you ask me this? What is wrong with you?
What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
I will be rewriting my Hunger Games one-shots series and reposting each one-shot as its own fic!
tagging: @therulerofallpotatos @wincestation @katwitchwriting @lovepoison9 @thesweetnessofspring and anyone who wants to join in!
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mx-piggy · 9 months
just got around to watching the Ghosts Christmas special/finale. yesterday i saw previews to posts i assumed were negative, so i went into it with the thought i might not enjoy it. i have yet to find out what the negativity was in reference to- i'll go looking through some posts in a sec to look at the reaction to the ep, though i've already skimmed an angry post about it from someone i follow. but maybe the issues i have with the episode are different to others people's. i don't know yet.
anyway, here are my fresh from the oven thoughts about the episode. my opinion may be altered by reading some other thoughts on the ep but everything i put here is my uninfluenced thoughts.
first off, i cried. very bittersweet way to end the show, but honestly i didn't think it was a bad ending. it strikes a good balance for me, where Alison still sees the ghosts without having to take care of them like she used to. but i guess it's weird considering the previous episode where they try to get Mike and Alison to stay.
i don't want to be negative about this show that i adore and will no doubt rewatch and at some point write some fanfics for. technically speaking, though, i didn't really enjoy this episode as much as other episodes. i didn't like the choice to focus so heavily, for the first two thirds of the episode, on Mike's mum and the exorcism fake-out that i doubt worked on anyone watching. the build up was so unconvincing it seemed intentional, but regardless it felt kind of like a waste of time and an idea that should have been done in a different episode, not the series finale. it felt like the ghosts were sidelined in an episode of a show named after them. this bad pacing and focus on a weak story wasn't entertaining.
i also didn't laugh much at this episode, which is surprising, because normally Ghosts is good at balancing humour with emotionally resonant moments. it's frustrating because not a lot of this episode felt particularly emotionally resonant either because Betty takes up so much of the episode, and i wish that the weight of the ending didn't feel like it had just been tacked on to the end of an episode that only felt like it functioned as a finale in the closing few minutes. it barely even felt like a Christmas episode.
i would have preferred if S5 E6 had been the finale and this had just been an epilogue that could have been a fun, sweet Christmas episode rather than a Christmas episode and a finale, neither of which it feels like for most of its runtime.
again, i'm not unhappy with the choice to move Alison, Mike and Mia out of Button House, but i wish it hadn't felt so underdeveloped because of what else the episode chose to do. like i wish the rest of the episode didn't feel so tenuously connected to the Mike's mum story that took up so much time. i get that the thing with Mike's mum was there to make the ghosts realise that Alison might need some space away from them, but surely there was a better way to do that that didn't involve centring so much of the episode on a supporting character?
if it were me- an amateur writer- who was tasked with writing a Christmas finale and special, i have a (possibly worse) idea about what i would have maybe done. so here's my pitch: an episode that takes place when Mia is a little girl. there's a cold open where Alison or Mike make the typical parent mistake of dropping Mia on her head at some point during her first Christmas. everything's fine. cut to next Christmas, she takes her first steps. a ghost makes a comment that she should stop seeing them now. a couple/few Christmases after that, she starts talking about the ghosts. it's clear she can still see them. alternatively, Mia ends up having some kind of accident when she's long since outgrown seeing ghosts, and then she ends up seeing the ghosts (bonus points if Julian sees it happen and alerts Alison, and the ghosts are forced to question if Julian would harm a child). i just want this kid to see ghosts.
now there's ample opportunity for the ghosts to have the screentime and focus they were robbed of in this episode via having some sweet interactions with her. the Captain can still have his little arc of learning how to talk to a child in a way that isn't so stiff. Kitty learns to overcome her jealousy of a literal child, and she's the most enthusiastic auntie ever. Julian tries to be a good role model for his niece (this would also be related to another thing that i would have wanted in the episode, which is the idea that Rachel comes to visit or gets in touch with Alison or something). that said i don't know if it'd be appropriate for Julian to be around a kid for so long given the trouser situation he has going on. with Fanny, it'd be sweet if she was happy to see a girl grow up so free of the restrictions she grew up with. Robin could tell Mia all about the ghosts who've been sucked off. honestly that episode sounds like it'd be messy, but with an extra half an hour i think it'd be doable.
you can still find a way to kind of justify Mike and Alison leaving if you want to, by them wanting Mia to have a more 'normal' upbringing, or them wanting to put away some money for Mia, possibly? but honestly i kind of just like the idea of Mia having an interest in the ghosts' and the house's history from a young age and doing something with that, like writing a book about the ghosts or something. maybe that's all a load of crap, but i might write a fic based on that idea if anyone would like to see it. if i wrote a fic it wouldn't be constrained by festive obligation either. so let me know if you'd be interested in that (i might start outlining it even if someone tells me it's shit and i should never write professionally).
i can honestly say that this is the first episode of Ghosts that i haven't really enjoyed. it's saying something about how great this show is that it takes 34 episodes for it to get to a point where i think it's a letdown. it's just unfortunate that the dud had to be the last ever episode.
going into writing this review i didn't think i disliked this episode and its choices as much as i did. and honestly i don't hate this episode as much as i do other bad finales (looking at you, How I Met Your Mother). i still love this show and i think that everyone involved in it is so great at what they do. i'm not passionate in my dislike of the episode. i just think it was kind of disappointing that the episode focused so heavily on a supporting character and neglected most of the main cast in a way that a good final episode shouldn't. so many other episodes of the show would have been far more satisfying send-offs. i might just ignore this episode on rewatches to be honest.
feel free to chat with me about the ep and your thoughts on it, or your thoughts on my thoughts. comment, reblog, send me asks. i'd just love to discuss it with you guys!
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