#I feel like it'd be weird to put this under the cut
yandere-yearnings · 2 days
Weird thought rant ‼️
I always see in smuts that the MC gets a belly bulge and all that but okay, hear me out, how about MALE belly bulge? I have no idea if that’s possible due to male anatomy but I just thought that would be something
Join the cause and support Male belly bulge 😸
dw nonnie, i'm alr w/ you😌✨ (+ for reference it is possible!!)
anyway, this, for vio bc i feel like it'd be more prominent on him than my other ocs. also as a little smth for all the vio fuckers who continue to dominate the inbox🥰
NSFW under the cut!
“Shit.” Gasping breaths. Intakes hitched harder and harder. “Fuck, please. Please, I’m sorr-”
Vio's words never quite made it out of his mouth, not when your fingers quickly found their place within the wetness oozing from the space between spongey tongue and roof. Teary greens straining to meet your gaze, pleading mercy like what you were doing to him was torture, even though Vio was the one who slammed his ass back to meet your hips each time, without fail. 
“Aren’t you a fucking mess?” The amusement in your voice was palpable, and you knew it got him off, what with the way he keened, forehead pressing to the sheets and hands fisting the fabric as though it could save his life. “Don’t think I’ve ever heard an apology from these pretty lips,” your point was driven home when he gagged, and your spit-slicked digits slipped out just for you to smear it to a shine on them, “best not start now, hm? It might make me wanna take pity on you and then-”
He cried your name, and you watched the muscles in his back ripple as he convulsed. Sweat glistening, mesmerising in the way rain droplets were when they ran races against glass windows, dripping into the divots of sacral dimples you were aching to dig your thumbs into.
“And then who’s gonna fuck you like this, huh?” Your cleaner hand reached out, wrapped around his throat tight enough to choke him, and pulled him up. It drove you deeper into him — had Vio's eyes rolling to the back of his skull, had him clawing at you with almost the same intensity as he moaned. “Fuck you this good,” your hand trailed to his abdomen, where skin stretched thin, “fill you up, make you scream. You know I’m the only one who can do it for you. Only I know who you are, what you deserve. Right, Vio?”
“O-Only you,” Vio rasped, “only you, Y/N. Please.”
“You keep saying that,” you hummed, pressing a kiss to his jugular absent-mindedly. His pulse was fluttering, light and so fast in a way you thought suited the image of delicacy he’d crafted for the world. The way his body molded to your shape said otherwise, unbreaking, despite your efforts to do just that. “What are you begging for? What have I not given you?”
“Everything.” Wisps of blue flurried in your vision, and they were all you could see for seconds after Vio tilted his head back on your shoulder. The ocean, in the colour of his eyes. Lapping waves that undulated and moved towards you. “This much isn’t enough.” Seasalt at his nape, on your tastebuds, becoming addictive. “Give it all to me.” Threatening to drown you. “Y/N.”
For a second you were gone, and then his voice, weighted only momentarily, had you snapping back into reality, into motion, into him. “Greedy,” you tittered, index up his Adam’s apple to tap on his chin and push it down, “can’t you see that I already am?”
“Fuck.” Vio's eyes widened, the slightest bit — you wouldn’t have caught it if you weren’t looking. Your palm smoothed over where his belly bulged, applied a little pressure and watched his pupils blow. It was funny to you that he hadn’t noticed before. “Fuck. Y/N, wait.” Between his legs, Vio's dick twitched, clearly not as spent as either of you had first assumed, not with how it was leaking now. “Wait!”
There are things you’d never know about him; what type of pleasure coursed through his veins on seeing the strain you put on him, if it was a physical fulfillment, if it was solely the feeling, or the thought, being claimed, stretched, ruined. You never wandered about it long — after all, it didn’t matter. In seconds, the ocean overflowed for you. He spilt for you.
Vio lost his mind for you.
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kooki914 · 13 days
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Nobody asked and yet you're getting it anyway, my Dess interpretation! Tbf I love a lot of other people's Dess designs maybe more than my own based on complexity/symbology alone, but this is what my original take for her was so I'm sticking to it. Extremely long list of factoids for her under the cut!
Dess hasn't seen a hairbrush in 8 years.
Opening her first fountain was an accident, and so was entering the dark world, but it was something she desperately needed at that point. She was knighted by Spade King, before being dubbed the Roaring Knight by the general public after she opened the second fountain and people started (correctly) assuming she was trying to cause the apocalypse.
Dess is mtf trans! She was out since she was 9, and took puberty blockers for a while, but stopped after she disappeared because she, y'know, didn't have access to them anymore. Strangely, even though she's been off of them for so long, there's very few side effects. You can just see her Adam's apple sometimes and muscle mass started building for her easily, but that's it. She's silently grateful that her dad didn't pass down any beard-making genes.
The reason why it's been so mild is due in part because of the effect of being in the "void" for too long, aka the space so dark and isolated you can't even feel your own limbs. She was stuck in the code of the game, basically, and it's had adverse effects on her mentally and physically, the only positive effect being less testosterone production in her body.
The physical effects are odd. Though she's grown and her body's age is what it would've been if she never disappeared, she's still in the same clothes she was when she ran away, but they sized up with her. The black nail polish she had on is still there too, not even chipped. As previously mentioned, her hormones are out of whack but, somehow, she's still clearly a grown adult, as if she just went through a very, very mild puberty.
The mental effects of being stranded in the literal nothingness are as expected as they are odd. The standard effects of not having contact with another person for so long have, somehow, never taken hold. It's like the social part of her brain was just put on pause. However, part of the madness she DID get was her very much considering her memories might just be made up. As if she was always here and managed to, somehow, delude herself into thinking she had a life outside of this place, when she never did. Essentially, she stopped existing, but retained some level of consciousness.
The whole "not existing for a while" thing as well as the fact that she's pre-hrt trans means she absolutely hates mirrors. Give her a mirror and she'll give back about a hundred shards of it. When she was younger she usually just had dysphoria over looking too boyish (hence why she never cut her hair) but nowadays she has weird feelings about something as simple as Having Knees (the existential horror of having a body after being formless in the nothingness during your formative years).
Her journey as the Knight was mostly about rediscovering herself, trying to find purpose and trying to help the people around her. She spent her whole life feeling helpless, and wanted to destroy that feeling, for everyone. Her violent behavior was rewarded by the equally maladjusted Spade King, and they teamed up under the pretense of helping all of darkner kind.
Dess set out to cause the Roaring, per his instruction, without knowing what it even was. All she knew is that, apparently, she was the only one who could, and that gave her a sense of purpose. Once she learned it'd bring about the end of the world, she was so detached from the world that she carried on anyway, not concerned with the life that could be lost because, god, she spent so long outside it, how COULD she know what life was worth now?
Dess went by neutral pronouns (they/it) as the Knight because it was another mask she used to distance what she Knew of herself and what she Had to be (kind of like Asriel calling himself "Flowey" in Undertale, actually). Being called "her" was too familiarising and humanising, being called "he" made her break out into hives and start killing, so she stuck with the alternatives for utilitarian reasons. Somewhere along the way she got sick of it and started missing her feminine pronouns, but decided to just stick to the bit anyway. The world was gonna end soon anyhow, who cares?
Once she's out of the role of Knight and back in the light world, you bet your ass she's switching back to exclusively she/her. Fuck neutrality, this girl needs gender affirmative language.
Rediscovering music, and specifically playing and making music, was one of the things that helped Dess get back in touch with being a person again after the whole Knight debacle. She plays piano and harmonica of her own volition, and the violin because of her mom's insistence, but her true favourite will always be the guitar. She was a little small as a kid so playing it used to be difficult, but now that she's an adult having it in her lap is easy, and honestly it just makes her feel alive. One of those dreams she had as a kid that she forgot about along the way, y'know?
Her and Asriel were just family friends at first, but when they ended up going to the same class together too, they quickly became best friends. They were there for each other through everything, Dess got Asriel into games, he was there when she came out, and they were practically inseparable. Asriel was a hard worker and Dess was a super active sports kid, they balanced each other out well and were known as the highest achievers in their class, the golden kids.
Kris and Noelle got dragged into their adventures basically on accident, Noelle because Dess was the one babysitting her all the time, and Kris because they wanted to spend time with their brother. They often spent time outside together because Dess loved being anywhere but at home. She didn't mind Azzy's house, though. Kris was a lot to deal with sometimes and Dess scolded them in a lot of the same ways adults scolded her (minus the hitting them over the head with stuff, what was all her). She has no idea the impact she's had on their behavior.
She was always kind of violent, but when she was younger it wasn't really an issue, more like an excuse to get her into sports. She learned to act out because causing problems was the only context in which she'd get attention from her very busy parents. With Noelle specifically, Dess took on a semi-parental role and quickly developed a habit of taking on way more burdens than she could handle. Even with Asriel as a best friend and the Dreemurrs as a surrogate family, the control her mother Clarice commanded over her life was just too limiting. It all boiled over.
Dess started lashing out at other kids around when puberty hit, starting fights and genuinely hurting people. She never got expelled because her mother was the mayor, but Dess started getting grounded more and more often, which meant less and less time with her only real friend, and more with her very dysfunctional family. She loved Noelle, but her little sister became another responsibility, another liability that could get Dess in trouble, it was way too much for her to handle maturely when she was only 13.
Dess "disappeared" because she ran away from home. She hated living there, but neither of her parents could admit that, hence her disappearance being so "mysterious" to the other townsfolk, they genuinely thought she vanished from inside the house. It was only after Kris admitted they saw her in the woods near the bunker that night that the case got more complicated, and the legend only grew more terrifying.
Her original plan was to just catch a bus to out of town and hope for the best, but when she ran into the woods in pitch blackness, she couldn't find her way around. She was too reliant on light, and couldn't manage in darkness. She found the bunker in her aimless wandering and, hoping to sleep off the night and make up excuses in the morning, she went inside. She couldn't have known that nothing was in there.
The effects of her sudden disappearance rippled throughout the whole town. Most obviously, Asgore got fired for not being able to find her and Rudy quit his job to be a stay at home dad for Noelle's sake. Less tangibly, Asriel and Clarice both started burying themselves in work to avoid grief. Kris and Noelle socially shut down for a few years, it's why neither of them have any real friends other than the strained relationship they have with each other. Asriel took on Dess' habit of "be anywhere but home" when his parents started having marital problems, and Kris latched onto him even harder to avoid losing any more people in their life. Through all this, Dess was nowhere, silently wondering if anyone even noticed she's gone, if her life was even real to begin with.
One of the strange things that happened to her while stranded in nothingness was almost being able to hear someone mumbling to themselves. When she called out, the voice vanished, only to re-emerge an uncertain amount of time later and excuse himself for getting startled. He just doesn't get guests often, you see. And guests get him even more rarely. It was refreshing to hear a consciousness separate from her own, but his mind was even more broken than hers, unable to answer her questions about what was real and what was imagined as he seemed to think he himself was a product of unreality. Plus, he never really stayed for too long and he never wanted to talk about himself either, as if mentioning his own name could shatter him to pieces.
The reason Dess didn't lose her mind from to his influence like Jevil and Spamton did was because she's just fundamentally pragmatic. You can throw philosophy and existential questions at her all you want but as long as she talks and thinks, she exists, which means reality is Something, even if it's completely eluding her grasp. It might also have something to do with her being a (homestuck warning) Void player, meaning the idea of the innate meaninglessness of life and unanswerable questions about reality itself don't really sound earth-shattering to her.
She used her knife to open fountains at first, the one she brought with her from the light world, but along the way she picked up a rapier and decided it was way cooler than a knife so it's her go-to now. She's not actually that good with swords, though. She uses them like baseball bats. Despite this, Spade King still praises her as if she's the best warrior they've seen in generations. It might've gone to her head.
Her relationship with King is fundamentally a mentor and a student. He gave her flawed information, but taught her a lot about herself, the world she found herself in, and the role she could choose. And, that's the most important part, he let her CHOOSE, because he was genuinely under the impression that she was just a really powerful darkner and not a lightner. His strictness and high standards reminded her of her parents, mostly her mom, but his willingness to give HER control over her own destiny is what made her favour him over every other adult in her life. Discipline that treated her like a valued person rather than an asset was basically unheard of for her until then. Plus, reminding her of her parents gave Spade the bonus of every time he encouraged her on anything it'd activate the "parental approval" neurons in her brain that were terribly starved up to that point.
From Spade's point of view, the Knight (as a darkner) is everything he wants to be, but can't be. At first he mentored her mostly as an excuse to live vicariously through her, but in getting to know her better he discovered they have a lot more in common than he first thought. Unregulated emotions, unresolved pasts, the constant feeling that you need to do More and Louder in order to make any kind of impact... he started to genuinely care about her. If/when he's redeemed, finding out the Knight has been a lightner this whole time might not even be that much of a betrayal. Seeing her face and learning her name as she apologies for lying is like reconnecting with his own wounded, younger self. Letting it be water under the bridge means he doesn't lose connection to himself again, doesn't lose connection with his best student. Plus, December IS a nice name.
She met Lancer, but didn't pay him much mind. She was busy with overthrowing the other Kings and was too tired to be a babysitter again. Due to her rancid vibes as the Knight (and the fact that she quickly became the favoured child even though it wasn't her intention) Lancer doesn't like her that much. She left Card Kingdom pretty quickly, anyway (Spade's advice to seek another worthy kingdom to grant a fountain to), so she never got much of a chance to get to know him, even if she wanted to.
Her relationship with Queen is even more fraught. Due to Queen's tendency to mimic the "mother" personality for every lightner she meets individually, as well as her more Explicitly Controlling tendencies, Dess quickly became rebellious and then antagonistic towards her. Queen tried to choose FOR her, to get her to open fountains on HER terms, and Dess wasn't having it. Yes, following Queen's instructions would've caused the Roaring much, MUCH sooner, but, like. Not at ALL in a satisfying way.
She has no idea who Gaster is. When asked, she'll assume he's a Darkner. If asked about the man in the nothingness, she'll shrug it off. Now that she's out, she doesn't know if he's actually real or something she just made up in her head, though she laughs that off as well. "I sound a lot like him when saying that, huh?"
Learning Asriel goes to college is complete whiplash for her. Her sense of time is WRECKED. Like, yeah, she can wrap her head around Noelle and Kris being teens now, but ASRIEL??? What do you MEAN he's not still stressing over chemistry exams and cramming for spanish class, and is, like, actually studying something he's interested in???? Unheard of.
She makes fun of him SO much for his little beard stubble, dude. It's all in good fun, but like, you can only be called "mini Asgore" so many times by your childhood best friend before it starts to cut deeper. On the flipside he has literally nothing bad to say to her. She nearly caused the apocalypse, but like, he gets it. He would've done the same in her shoes (hooves??). He thinks her Dark World armour is so kickass and he could never pull it off like she can.
Unsurprisingly Asriel has a crush on Dess. He always kinda had one, even when they were kids, but reconnecting as adults just Fully bashed him over the head with the fact that he's had repressed feelings for her and he has NO idea what to do about it. He's anxiety incarnate and thinks Dess already KNOWS he has a crush on her and just isn't saying anything because she's playing it cool, or doesn't wanna hurt his feelings, or thinks he's too lame to date or something. He thinks she's the coolest person who ever lived and has no idea how to cope.
Meanwhile in reality, Dess is a clueless aro/ace. She doesn't really know what having a crush even means. She thinks being a couple is, like, flirting and fighting behind closed doors (you can tell the only couples she knew personally were her parents and Asriel's parents), so she thinks it's just exhausting and doesn't know why anyone bothers. When Noelle tells her she has a crush on Susie Dess is like "Hell yeah, love is love........ wait do you mean you like her or you want her to crush you with a boulder" and Noelle sweats for a while before replying with "b-both?"
Dess has never been to Castletown. Most likely will never go.
Her and Kris reconnecting is a bit awkward at first, mostly on account of the fact that Kris and their posse are the ones that had her bash her over the head as the Knight to get her to behave in the first place, but Dess doesn't really focus on that. Kris thinks they hurt her, she just thinks of them as a little hero. Susie kinda helps facilitate them talking like people again, at least at first, because she has no baggage with Dess other than hitting her with an ax over dark fountains and getting stabbed in return, but like... Out of all the people they fought Dess is the only one who actually said sorry for being a jackass, so it's all good in Susie's book. Kris is just happy to have Dess back, man, that bunker and their memory of it has been haunting them for entirely too long, now.
Like Kris and Asriel, Dess learned how to play piano in church. Unlike them, and unlike Noelle, Dess has actually become fully agnostic after her time in the void. If there IS an angel looking out for her, it certainly isn't one that could've helped her, so what's the point of worship? Plus, Asriel and Noelle are two angels looking out for her as is! Why add divinity to that? (I am extremely subtle, I know.)
To this day, she's still apologising to Asgore for getting him fired. He is still apologising for not being able to find her. It's a pity party.
No-one tell her parents but she smokes weed. Once she reformed from being the Knight, she had a lot on her mind, man, weed is the most harmless thing she could've taken to cope. Seam is a good dealer, they have the good stuff.
She's absolutely called King "dad" by accident before. He doesn't really mind. No-one tell Rudy though, he's gonna be pissed.
On that note, I feel the need to add that she was never as close to him as Noelle was, because he only really started being an active parent after Dess went missing. It's kinda tragic, and he feels REALLY guilty about it, but if he ever verbalises that guilt he's gonna actually crumble into dust. His confidence is all a mask as is, actually admitting that he was kind of garbage at being a dad with his first kid is just gonna make it so much worse. But, until Dess hears an apology, she's not really gonna be able to actually mend their relationship, so they're at an impasse.
Inversely, her time away from the light world kinda made Dess forget the way her mother acts. She sorta got a bit of "once away from the abuser you forget the abuse", especially knowing she herself was a kid when it all happened so she kinda started justifying her mother's actions to herself when away from her. After like 2 weeks of living with her again Dess fully remembers why she ran away and packs her bags to live literally anywhere else. Preferably with King if that's an option, though that might just make Lancer move out as well.
She doesn't know what minecraft is.
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crackedhrglass · 6 days
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i got this ask on my strawpage and was gonna type it up in my notes app and post it to twitter, but i really couldn't figure out a way to say it concisely, so i'm answering it here bc it's prob gonna be long lol.
do i think stancest is actually canon? simply put, no. despite how often i'm like "STANCEST IS CANON!!" i truly don't think that AH and the writers intended stan & ford's relationship to be seen through an incestuous lens.
their relationship is def the heart of the show, second only to dipper & mabel's own bond. they are the center of each other's worlds, their story & character arcs revolve almost entirely around each other, and their happy ending is literally the two of them sailing off into the sunset to spend "the rest of their days" together (ford says this almost word-for-word in journal 3).
but i still don't think all of that was meant to be taken romantically.
in my opinion, where things start to get a little weird is, surprisingly enough, ford's relationship with bill.
the rest is under a cut bc HOLY SHIT this got longer than i expected.
there's no denying that bill was written to deliberately parallel stan in a number of ways, from his mannerisms, to his conman status, to the fact that he calls ford the same name stan did when they were kids.
he's written in a very intentional way that makes him serve as both stan's parallel and his foil, especially in their respective relationships to ford (bill feeds into ford's ego and encourages him to aspire for greatness alone, stan has always been a direct obstacle & challenge to ford's ego, accidentally ruining his chances at WCT & encouraging him to live out their childhood dream together; bill valued infinite power over his own family and destroyed his dimension as a result, stan valued his family over everything, and saved ford and his dimension as a result).
normally, this wouldn't be that big of a deal to a stancest shipper like myself. but as the book of bill & the accompanying website all but confirmed in big, flashing neon lights, ford & bill have a romantic history and are exes.
having the two people closest to ford be compared to one another is one thing. having ford be drawn to bill because of how similar he is to the brother he secretly misses is one thing.
having ford be romantically involved with said character is what makes me raise an eyebrow lol.
again, do i think ford is literally a brocon who's got repressed sexual/romantic feelings for stan?
i do, however, think he has unresolved Brother Issues that led him to subconsciously find comfort in a romantic partner that reminded him of stan (right down to bill calling him stan's nickname for him) in much the same way a person with "daddy issues" may seek out affection & intimacy from someone who reminds them of their father (or is just "fatherly" in general).
that much, i believe, was actually intentional. it's just too blatant to not be lol. it'd be a completely different story if either
bill & stan were nothing alike (untrue) or
ford & bill's relationship was strictly platonic and didn't have any romantic implications (also untrue)
i've said this before, but this isn't just a case of "oh, ford fell in love with someone who just coincidentally reminds him of his brother." bill's use of the nickname "sixer" during their first encounter was a deliberate attempt at appealing to a part of ford that was repressed, vulnerable, and aching, in order to get ford's guard down and make it easier for ford to trust him, and it worked.
billford is a ship that, to put it bluntly, would not exist without ford's buried feelings for stan, even disregarding shipping/incest/etc. ford's desire to be close to stan even platonically is what allowed bill to needle his way into ford's heart in the first place.
and all of this wouldn't be that weird if, again, bill hadn't continued to feed into ford's longing for stan even after they'd established a romantic relationship, by still calling him "sixer" and trying to permanently sever the relationship he had with stan specifically, once he and ford broke up (the phone call he tried to make while in ford's body that was described in tbob).
to put it another way, imagine if wendy was basically an older, taller mabel, or if any of mabel's crushes were eerily similar to dipper. people in the fandom would def take notice and view it as a little strange. so i don't get how people can look at ford dating someone so blatantly and intentionally similar to stan and think to themselves "ah yes, this is normal. ford is completely Normal and definitely doesn't have any underlying issues whatsoever" lmao
to conclude: no, i don't think ford & stan's relationship is actually canonically romantic, nor do i think ford falling in love with bill was incestuous, necessarily.
but i do think that he had a desperate longing to reconcile with stan buried DEEEEEEP down, and it manifested itself in the form of being attracted to bill, which is probably why he never bothered correcting bill's use of the nickname "sixer" since their very first meeting, or ever expressed that it made him uncomfortable.
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azurem · 3 months
inkmare but petnames...?? yapping under the cut
I feel that at the start of their relationship they had a phase where they used the worst petnames ever because they both wanted to see each other cringe (Nightmare enjoyed knowing he could make Ink uncomfortable with little to no repercussions while Ink sorta wanted him to snap so hed have a "legit reason" to end their truce thing)
SO first stage relationship (no feelings) had them calling each other pookie, bunny and other stuff like that in the most obnoxious/condescending tune possible because they seeked for each other's suffering
2nd phase, where Night got the feelings™, had him shifting to the intentionally corny petnames to more... wordy/unintentionally corny petnames? He switched from honey to my sweetheart, or from pookie to my love. He still likes to see Ink uncomfortable/cringing because it's still very funny but by then he kind of... Paid more attention to Ink's reactions?? Now more than actively seeking for Ink getting kind of upset/weirded out he tried to make him flustered because he finds it funny but also because the rainbow blush doesn't look that bad on him (he can be a bit shameless... he has already accepted his feelings so he may as well. Right?.... Right??????)
3rd phase, (where Ink finally reciprocated) had the petnames very much lessened (Ink wasn't in denial of how he felt towards Nightmare, though he very much tried to lessen/eliminate the feeling by taking out the pink vial out of his normal dosage. That didn't work for very long because he got even worse at AU protecting when he didn't love them enough to truly care for them) because he very much got... Legit upset? Kind of... sad? Every time he heard them? Nightmare kind of caught onto that and so he stopped (the reactions weren't as attractive when Ink just stopped to stare at him instead of making an exaggerated face of disgust)
4th stage, the honeymoon...!!! phase!!! (Which was triggered by Nightmare and Ink making a new deal to accommodate their... uh... New emotional necessities) has Nightmare finally embracing his evil novel reader side™ and using petnames that sound... kind of unnatural in speech?? Very long petnames. My peerless paramour and My heart's gleam kind of deal. Meanwhile Ink very much dropped most of the petnames (referring to Nightmare as Night and/or Nighty usually) unless he's feeling silly and whimsical, where he just uses kind of... weird petnames? (Blorbo, Silly, weirdo)
Special mentions to the main petnames™:
Paramour: Nightmare calls Ink this constantly ever since phase 1. It's funny, it's fitting, sounds fancy, and can be romantic. An ace of all cards, as he'd say
Freak: Ink called Nightmare this once and it stuck (phase 2 onwards). "Huh. You're kind of a freak," and turns around as a flirt. Kind of. Nightmare can't and WILL NOT explain how it keeps working every time.
My favourite character: Ink calls Nightmare this sometimes (phase 3 onwards). Very quietly. It'd be kind of... Off-putting? If not because of the tone he uses when he says it. Reserved for the cuddles™
Treacherous creature: Nightmare calls Ink this sometimes when he wants affection (phase 4). "Come here, you treacherous creature" and a kissy. Ink finds it so funny every time so Nightmare keeps doing it. No one knows where that came from.
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hatkuu · 1 year
m!kylar with a superr virgin f!pc? 😵‍💫
eheheh kylar probably drools over you when you tell him you're a sweet lil virgin. you want him to have your virginity? he's a virgin too! you can have eachothers- it'd be so romantic and wow he's getting so hard just thinking about it and-
discussions of virginity, virgin kink(? you're both virgins so ...), classic kylar obsessive behaviour... nsfw utc!!
"Y-You haven't d-done that sort of thing...?"
You avoid his gaze - it's lecherous, like he thinks you're a liar - your cheeks are too hot and your heart is beating far too fast to even glance at Kylar right now. You still respond to him, stuttering all the while. You find a lot of interest in your beat-up shoes while you ramble out an excuse.
"I, um... I never got around to doing it... A-And I'm just... too nervous to really ask anyone to do it with, so..."
Your words trail off, you overcome your embarrassment, glancing at Kylar's face. His mouth is agape, his eyes are wide, lips slightly chapped as he shakily breathes in and out. His hands are clutching onto his hoodie for dear life, nails digging into the fabric like a feral animal. You avert your eyes awkwardly. You cough.
nsfw under the cut!
"...Have you lost yours?"
Kylar's breath hitches in a flurry of panic. His eyes are wide at your question, offended that you think that he'd let anyone but you touch him!
He pauses, fiddling with his hands as the air turns even more awkward between the two of you.
"I-I'm waiting for someone special,"
You watch him twiddle his thumbs together. Kylar's face is just as hot and heavy as your own, maybe even more so. His hair, slightly greasy, cascades over his eyes as he bows his head in embarrassment. His eyes, though you can't see them right now, are cute, - constantly wide and always staring at you - very cute.
"O-Oh, yeah I get that..."
You're dating Kylar.
He's a very sweet boyfriend but... you can't help but notice how weird he is when you're around other people.
But you promised him this and you can't take it back.
His cock, fat and heavy, bobs against your abdomen, throbbing with excitement as Kylar pants. He's leering down at you, watching pearls of pre-cum rivulet off of the tip onto your soft, delicious skin. He's looking at you like he wants to devour you - you can't help but flush under his gaze - no one's ever seen you like this and you itch to cover your naked chest.
"I'll make it feel good, I-I promise,"
Kylar groans loud when his fingers press against your entrance, the feeling of your heartbeat against him proving too much to bear as a thick droplet of pre-cum leaks out onto your stomach. He pulls his fingers to his mouth, licking and tasting your essence from them. Drool coats his fingers, thick and viscous like honey.
"This'll make it easier to put them in..."
You're grateful Kylar's hands are small, but from your position laying underneath him, they look long. You whimper, your hips shifting against his hand as his drool-coated fingers catch on your wet and waiting hole.
His middle finger slides in, eased by your wetness and Kylar's saliva. Twitching inside of you, Kylar finger wiggles, touching and feeling the hot, gummy flesh of your walls. Kylar breathes in shakily, probing at your untouched hymen.
"I'll put another one in, okay my love?"
You weakly nod, too overwhelmed by the sensation of different fingers that are not your own exploring your insides. The other finger slips in and you whimper, feeling your weak hole stretch to accommodate it. Kylar bites his lip, reopening an old wound in the process. He shuffles downward, hovering over your pussy as you look back at him wide-eyed.
"Kylar w-wait-"
"I-I'll make it feel better, I promise,"
His lips catch on your clit, kissing it reverently before you can squeal at him to stop. He laves at your folds, tasting you, devouring you. His tongue feels strange and you gasp at the feeling of it, thighs twitching at the hot sparks of pleasure that ensue. Your fingers tangle in his hair, grappling yourself onto the dark greasy locks to stabilise your shaky, pleasure-addled body. You moan loud, legs kicking out to wrap around Kylar's shoulders as he happily pumps his fingers in and out of you, licking at your pussy like a man starved.
"Was that, was that good?"
Kylar pants, pulling away from your pussy, ignoring your cries and demanding grip on his scalp. He smiles up at you, kissing the inside of your thigh before sitting up on his knees, positioning himself against your entrance. "My cock will feel better than just fingers - I-I'll go slow - you'll love it." Kylar promises it, rubbing himself against your folds as you writhe and moan.
The head of his cock catches on your entrance and your eyes bulge outward at the sheer size of it. It's bigger than Kylar's fingers. Much bigger.
"I-It's okay," Kylar cooes, pressing forward with just enough pressure that barely half the tip slips inside you. "I'll take care of you-"
It's a tight, tight fit that Kylar can't handle. His hips ache to thrust forward and fuck but he can't because that'd hurt you and he loves you and-
"K-Kylar-" You gasp out his name, reaching out to hold his hands and Kylar can't refuse you, not when you look at him with such pretty tearful eyes. Not when you're so tight and gorgeous and perfect for him. His hands grab your own, entertwining your fingers together in a loving caress.
He pants above you, face flushed red. His eyes are twitching all over your body, you can see the hesitance within them, and you realise that he's waiting for you.
"Y-You can move-" You whisper, squeezing his hands reassuringly, hips shifting against the head of his cock to encourage him. Kylar whimpers, his hips push forward, slow and gentle, just for you.
His cock breaches past your hymen, obliterating it, ruining it beyond repair. Kylar cries out, your walls squeezing against him, halting his movements entirely. His head buries itself into the crux of your neck, kissing and biting at you as his cock works you open. Soon you'll only know the feeling of him inside of you - you'll crave it - and you'll beg him for more. Kylar smiles against you just thinking about it, you're his now! His little slutty girlfriend that fits his cock so well, his future wife.
Kylar's hips snap hard against your own at the thought of it.
You've given him apart of yourself you can never take back - he wants all of your virginities - just one won't suffice now. You have other holes. Don't you want him to make love to those as well?
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jamorbital · 4 days
Mailbag III ✉️
Wow, there were a bunch this time. Thanks everyone!
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Me! 😷
If that doesn't count… Hmm. Cynthia from Pokémon? Or maybe Tifa?
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I've been interested in it for as long as I can remember. Even when I was really little, I liked to tie up dolls with string and put pieces of tape on their mouths. A bit more on that in an earlier ask here.
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Uhhh... I'm gonna say... Golden Toad. I like Dodos too, but I'm guessing that's the "everything but country and rap" of this question.
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Aw thanks!
Lately I've been slowly making my way through The Great Ace Attorney Chronicles! I play it in bed each night to settle in before I go to sleep. It's like a good book. The fickleness of the jurors always makes me laugh.
Another recent one I liked: Thank Goodness You're Here! It's basically a little interactive animated movie. Matt Berry is in it. I once saw it described as "Untitled Twat Game"
Deadly Premonition is the worst game I've ever played by conventional standards, but I'd still recommend it because it's bad in really fun ways. Bring some friends and a case of beer.
I like games that provoke a strong reaction. I'd rather play something like DP than a "good" big-budget game that's smooth and pleasing but not all that memorable.
Also on the topic of weird games: This is the secret best channel on YouTube. The more you watch, the better it gets. I mean idk, maybe other people don't see it and I'm just deranged. Still though. I've cried laughing at some of these.
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Summer! Lots of happy memories from childhood. I like to swim.
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I don't often try to go for a specific texture, but when I do it can be tricky. In real life I love soft jersey knit fabric. Despite my best efforts, I haven't been able to nail it in 2D in a way that really scratches that kinky itch.
In general, my drawings rarely come out the way I pictured them in my head. (I think that's how it is for most artists?) If it's looking really off then I might redraw a character or body part from scratch, but for the most part I just go with the flow.
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To eat, crab; to not eat, turtle.
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I'm not really into furries, but I like furries as people. They seem like fun and I admire how welcoming and liberated their community is.
For a while I've had "draw an anthro character" on my bucket list. I think it'd be a fun challenge and drawing a gag for an anthro snout could be hot tbh.
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What was that thing from Jurassic Park with the big neck thing and the venom? Dilophosaurus?
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Aw man...
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Thank you!
For proudest: Maybe animation loops?
They're not as elaborate as some other stuff I've done, but seeing an animation come together just feels so satisfying.
For hottest: I gravitate toward a certain weirder type of piece where I draw myself (or "myself") with super-exaggerated proportions and/or humiliating captions:
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It feels exciting to just go totally off the wall. I get turned on not just by drawing these, but also posting them. I guess it's kind of a public humiliation/exhibitionism thing. (Actually, that's exactly what it is.)
I used to put them up on Twitter, but it got a little too weird and embarrassing. Now I keep them behind the safety of the paywall.
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Smash if that counts! I used to attend locals weekly and was decently competitive at my peak. I stopped going in 2020 due to covid and never got back into it after that. I still play with friends here and there though. I'm a Wolf main. 🐺
I've also done a little SF6, but I'm still in The Cursed Zone on that one.
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(old pic!)
Thanks again to everyone who sent in questions! I'm feeling better now than I was this morning. If I didn't respond to you, it just means I couldn't think of anything interesting to say. I appreciate it all the same.
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yurinaa-world · 10 months
Hi! Could I please request Twst Housewardens with a reader who bites their nails due to anxiety (I sometimes do it unconsciously and sometimes it hurts) Thank you. And i understand if you can't do it.
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Characters: Housewardens x Gender Neutral Reader
Synopsis: with reader who bites their nails
Warnings: fluff, spelling mistakes
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𝑅𝒾𝒹𝒹𝓁𝑒 𝑅𝑜𝓈𝑒𝒽𝑒𝒶𝓇𝓉𝓈
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He worries about your nails; he doesn’t know what to do! Your nails are all messed up, and you're always in pain—unable to hold things, the stinging feeling, and reddened skin under the bitten nails. He’ll put bandages or bandaids on your nails. Just don’t touch or bite them, or it will get worse, but he’ll help you deal with your nail biting by looking up something on the internet.
𝐿𝑒𝑜𝓃𝒶 𝒦𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓈𝒸𝒽𝑜𝓁𝒶𝓇
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He doesn’t like it at all; he can hear your hisses or whine touching your nails in stinging pain. Whenever you get together and start unconsciously biting your nails, he just grabs your hands and holds on to them. There is no reason, and you just look at him, confused by his action. “Why did you?" “I’m trying to sleep,” he cuts you off, pretending as if he wasn’t holding your hand.
𝒜𝓏𝓊𝓁 𝒜𝓈𝒽𝑒𝓃𝑔𝓇𝑜𝓉𝓉𝑜
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Floyd pointed it out (since Floyd just has to air everything out there for the world to know), and as the dad Azul is, he tells him to knock it off. He puts like 50 bandages on your hands, since he’s probably never first-hand taken care of someone who bites their nails. It makes potions for you so you don’t hurt yourself by biting on your nails too much.
𝒦𝒶𝓁𝒾𝓂 𝒜𝓁-𝒜𝓈𝒾𝓂
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AH! Are you okay? Your nails look like they hurt so much! Is there anything he could do for you, and when he does anything, he means anything, since he doesn’t mind helping you out and he especially doesn’t think it’s embarrassing or weird. Back home, his brothers and sister would sometimes also do that! So don’t be embarrassed; he gets it!
𝒱𝒾𝓁 𝒮𝒸𝒽𝑜𝑒𝓃𝒽𝑒𝒾𝓉
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He looked at your nails, once glance, and put fake nails on you. Three days later, it was all bitten off, and he knew what to do. Forget the nail salon or those fake nails, and the pain from your nails you get from biting at them. He is Vil, and he has every product from his cosmic brand, but 10x better. You're going to have to soak your nails in his new oil that gets rid of your pain.
𝐼𝒹𝒾𝒶 𝒮𝒽𝓇𝑜𝓊𝒹
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Twins!!! I feel Idia is the type to bite on his nail whenever he loses his game, and one day his nails broke, so he just kept it short. Doesn’t know what to do?! Like, your nails hurt, right? Because you keep on biting them? Well… Ortho can help; he’s not really good at this, but he’ll cheer for you to get better!!!
𝑀𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓊𝓈 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑜𝓃𝒾𝒶
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He doesn’t understand? He's old and all, but sometimes he can’t understand how some people have a habit of doing something that could hurt them. He notices everything about you; he stares so much (in a loving way) that even the littlest changes he notices, even your nails. Don’t be surprised when your nails are completely healed as if noting happen to them
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if you liked this, consider tipping me on ko-fi! it'd mean a lot!
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ouiouimochi · 1 month
I've been having so many ideas for a kaiju no 8 reader insert — and this is just one of em.. feel free to read ig? spoilers would be put under the cut
so imagine an f!mc who's endlessly curious about kaiju and everything else. she's made quite a reputation for herself in the defense force for being a person that kills kaiju unconventionally— like she doesn't straight up neutralize them, she just continuously dissects them live in order to satiate her curiosity.
everyone would've thought that she'd do better in a lab with her intellect — but nah she wanted to be on field doing hands on kaiju dissection basically. some people may call her weird, but they cannot deny her feats and contributions by far— another case of the director wanting to keep her in the force like narumi despite... certain characteristics.
so as hard stuck on her combat power as she may be, she was still irreplaceable. then another normal day of dissecting neutralizing kaiju, she separates from her unit. she stumbles upon a new unreported kaiju and just... well does her business with it.
it would be a fairly weak kaiju... what interested her was how it adapts characteristics from things it consumes— additionally, it didn't seem to attack her back, only continuously running away from her as she chased it down to experiment. so she indulges in these experiments— unknowingly goin on for days... the area she got herself in having no signal so nobody knew what she was up to. she even feeds it a kaiju core or corpse at some point and gets even more immersed.
so she thought, "why don't I try feeding it my blood?". and waits for a reaction.
the kaiju— kind of shaped like a slime or blob— violently reacts, before trying to quickly flee again. so she catches it again, ready to dissect it for the nth time but is caught off guard when it actually gains sentience(?) and talks— telling her to stop whatever she's doing to it since it's actually not even harming her.
she'd be even more interested, asking what its goal was for even existing— quite funny to ask a kaiju that. it'd respond with survival. she would think for a bit before getting the amazing idea of asking it to join her— she guarantees its survival, while it satiates her curiosity.
the deal wasn't that bad— since mc would learn that the kaiju was cannibalistic to its own species. the kaiju would also tell her how it hated the taste of her blood.
so marches back to the defense force as if she wasn't just MIA for the past few days— but to be fair, she does it on occasion and ends up reporting something worthy every time. the higher ups would be pissed but immediately tells her to get on with her report.
she'd request to have a certain weapon made with the kaiju she brought. everyone expectantly waits for her to explain— only for her to casually bring out the live kaiju inside the meeting room. panic would ensue but a report from operations would say the kaiju had a very weak and negligible magnitude— it was barely even detected by the base's radar.
everyone demands her to explain her reasoning of bringing a kaiju of that magnitude to be turned into a weapon— that it'd be a waste of materials and resources. so she explains its unique adaptive characteristic— she also briefly said that it doesn't seem to like humans in its diet. forgetting to mention that it seems to be meant for eating kaiju as she'd continue yapping. the superiors would get another headache but begrudgingly authorizes it since mc has never once been wrong with her ideas— no matter how crazy it sounded.
Manga Spoilers below the cut
I just thought it'd be an interesting concept since this kaiju would be similar to no. 9 in terms of its devouring and adapting— like how MC's curiosity parallels no.9's. This kaiju mc has also gets stronger every time it eats— but it only likes devouring other kaijus. A slight inspiration also came from God Eater with how aragami weapons devour live aragami monsters.
I'm also thinking that since this kaiju isn't violent towards humans, the force would accept it— similar to Mina's tiger, Bakko, that's like a... kaiju but not fully monsterized...? (no. 9's words not mine)
The base concept here is eccentric and endlessly curious mc manages to acquire a kaiju that's literally the natural predator of other kaijus.
brain is tired now— I'm pretty sure I wrote this idea somewhere with some funny scenes with the kaiju but not fully fleshed it out
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fog-and-the-frost · 10 months
(ooc) tumblr often doesn't let me read the alt text of a post all the way if it's too long bc it disappears when the post it's attached to is no longer shown on screen; would it be possible to get the alt text for this latest post + the one where frost and fog argue pasted somewhere so one could read it fully? (i don't use a screenreader or anything just like reading through there to make sure i didn't miss anything and also just to better understand things in general no pressure to do that !! sorry if that's a weird request/smth that can easily be fixed ^^"" feel free 2 ignore/Not prioritize)
what the freak... grrrr stupid webbed site... yes here but i'll put it under the cut so it'd not 90 years long
[Text] Moon 33.
Panel one shows Fallenclan’s camp. Fogscreech, a black and white cat, lays behind a stone pillar. There is a pool of blood around them and their paw is covered in blood.
Panel two shows a close up on the scene. It highlights Fogscreech’s bloody paw. Fogscreech seems to be injured, or dead.
Panel three shows Fogscreech, altered. Their black and white pelt is slightly different in hue, their eyes are a murky yellow and they have a rose behind their left ear. They also have two scars across their throat. They sit with a surprised expression. A mysterious grey and white cat sits next to them, leaning on their shoulder. The cat is sleeping.
Panel four shows Fogscreech tilt their head towards the cat. The cat’s eyes open slightly, and he slinks off of Fogscreech’s shoulder.
Panel five shows Fogscreech and the cat facing eachother. The cat is awake now, and smiling. Fogscreech is surprised. [Dialogue] “Oh! You’re here!”
Panel six shows the cat’s face. He has a wistful smile [Dialogue] “There’s something I want to show you two. I think it’s going to help you. Come on.”
Panel seven shows the cat leading Fogscreech’s paws as they walk into a room, straight through the wall. Outside of the wall there is grass.
Panel eight shows the cat and Fogscreech standing next to eachother. Fogscreech is looking at the cat, while the cat is looking ahead at something and pointing at it. Fogscreech has tears in their eyes. [Dialogue] “Look, over there.”
Panel nine shows Fogscreech’s eyes. They are crying and have a slightly surprised expression.
Panel ten shows the grey and white cat, sitting on a pink blanket and yellow-grey pillow. His tail is wrapped around two black kits that lay at his belly. He has a slight smile and is looking at the kits.
Panel eleven shows the grey and white cat smiling with joy, though his eyes are sad.
Panel twelve shows the two kits, one black and white– Fogscreech, and the other, black white and grey. Fogscreech has a slight smile, while the other kit has her mouth agape in joy. The black, white and grey kit's eyes have swirls in them and red pupils.
Panel thirteen shows adult Fogscreech turning to look at the grey and white cat. They have a very surprised expression. The grey and white cat has a smile, though his eyes are sad and he is crying.
Panel fourteen shows Fogscreech crying, still with a surprised expression. [Dialogue] “I don’t– I— What? Why– why do we need to see this?”
Panel fifteen shows the grey and white cat. He is crying, though smiling bright with an agape mouth. [Dialogue] “Because I love you! I’ve been watching you, and I saw how sad you’ve been so I wanted to help you.”
Panel sixteen shows the grey and white cat hugging Fogscreech. Fogscreech is crying but the grey and white cat is not anymore. The grey and white cat holds Fogscreech, laying his head on Fogscreech’s back. Fogscreech’s spine fur is spiky. [Dialogue] “I love you so much, my babies. I can’t stand to see you two cry and I can’t stand to see you two be cruel to each other. You two need to take care of each other. And you’re going to have to take care of him, too. Your body, that husk, she’s going to try to hurt him. But I know that you’ll be able to protect him. Okay, you need to go back now. You need to keep going. I love you.”
Panel seventeen shows a stone pillar. Fogscreech’s tail and back can just barely be seen.
Panel eighteen shows the same scene, though Fogscreech has raised their head. They have a surprised expression and their eyes are bleeding and have swirl patterns in them. The scars on their throat are still there.
[Text] Fogscreech loses their first life.
There is a secret below that line of text. Three more lines, just barely visible, which read “She is crying. She wants her body back. She doesn’t want to hurt him.” fog + frost arguement: [Text] Moon 31. Panel one shows Fogscreech, a black and white cat, looking upset. [Dialogue] “Fogscreech.” Panel two shows Frostflash, a silver smoke molly, appearing behind Fogscreech. She has an angry expression and is crying. Fogscreech has a slightly surprised expression, and has turned to look at Frostflash. Panel three shows Frostflash, still very angry, yelling at Fogscreech. [Dialogue] “I wish you never brought me here. I wish we waited for a little white and then we could’ve went to Fallowclan. Everything that’s happened has only been bad. If we never came here Currentpaw would be alive, too. Currentpaw’s death was all your fault.” Panel four shows Frostflash’s eyes. She is angry. Panel five shows Fogscreech’s eyes. They are afraid. Tears are welling in their eyes. Panel six shows Frostflash’s mouth as she yells at Fogscreech. Panel seven shows Fogscreech’s mouth as they stammer at Frostflash. [Dialogue] “W-what?” “I want to go home!” “We can’t!” Panel eight again shows Frostflash’s mouth, and she is yelling louder. She has begun to snarl. Panel nine again shows Fogscreech’s mouth, as she has begun to yell back at Frostflash. [Dialogue] “Why not?! What aren’t you telling me!? Why are you keeping secrets!?” “I-I have to!” “So you are lying!” “No– just– you wouldn’t understand!” Panel ten shows Frostflash. She has become even more upset, as tears run down her snarling, angered face. Her ears are pinned back. [Dialogue] “Wouldn’t understand what, Fogscreech? Wouldn’t understand your freak out at Stork? Or why Currentpaw’s death didn’t look like an accident? Or why you keep talking to yourself!?” Panel eleven shows Frostflash’s eyes. Tears are streaming down her face. Panel twelve shows Fogscreech’s eyes. They have a slightly scared expression. Their eyes have swirling patterns and red pupils. Panel thirteen shows Frostflash’s mouth. Her lip is curled upwards and she is stammering. [Dialogue] “I can’t take this anymore, Fogscreech! I-I-” Panel fourteen shows Frostflash on the right screaming at Fogscreech. Tears fall from her face. [Dialogue] “I HATE YOU! I HATE THIS STUPID BEACH!” Panel fifteen shows Fogscreech on the left, with a blank expression. Their eyes are still swirled. [Dialogue] “AND I HATE MY STUPID MANGLED TAIL! AND I HATE HOW SAD I AM ALL THE TIME! WHY COULDN’T YOU JUST LET US BE HAPPY!” Panel sixteen shows Fogscreech’s face, though their eyes are obscured by a shadow. They have a blank expression. Panel seventeen shows Fogscreech’s face, their eyes are still hidden. They now have an angry expression and are snarling. [Dialogue] “WHY DID ANY OF THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN? I DON’T KNOW!” Panel eighteen shows Fogscreech’s paw reaching upwards, their claws unsheathed. [Dialogue] “SO I GUESS I DON’T UNDERSTAND, FOGSCREECH. I DON’T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING ABOUT YOU! I BARELY EVEN UNDERSTAND WHO I AM AT THIS POINT! I CAN’T—” Panel nineteen shows, in silhouettes, Fogscreech slash across Frostflash’s throat. Frostflash is screaming and Fogscreech’s eyes are still swirling. There are two sets of eyes watching them, one pair yellow and one pair dark blue. They both have a saddened look. Outside of any panel, Frostflash lays with her hind legs stretched out and front legs covering her mouth. She is crying and her ears are pinned back. There are bandages around her next. Fogscreech sits next to her, though their upper half is out of frame. Their tail sits around Frostflash’s torso. [Dialogue] “Those are all the bandages I have. They’ll probably fall off.” “I’ll be fine.” “...Are you mad at me?” “No. I’m sorry.” “Don’t apologize. It’s not your fault.” “Can we sleep under the stars tonight?” “Yeah, yeah we can.”
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thetokentrans · 4 months
so I have thoughts about this week's episode of 911. My partner and I ranted at one another when we watched it yesterday, and I need to put my thoughts out into the world. Spoilers under the cut. Also tagged though, just to be safe.
Alright so, I wanna say first that while I've mostly enjoyed this season, some of the arcs and basically all of the pacing has me really frustrated? And not frustrated because of cliffhangers and not frustrated because the writing wants me to be. Frustrated because the pacing has been far too quick - though, I expect the super truncated season is to be blamed for that - but also some of the writing and character arcs just..... Do not fit the vibe of the show up until this season? Plus, the lack of calls/focus on characters personal lives has also got me sad. Like, I love the characters and love seeing the peeks into their loves, but I really hope the show doesn't maintain the equation of one big emergency, a few calls sprinkled through out the season, and then mostly focused on the characters lives because *I* preferred the balance it was before. Or would have been happy with a tiny bit more focus on their personal lives, but not to the extent it is now, know?
Eddie and Kim are a great example. Especially what it culminated to in 7x09. It just makes no God damned sense and does not fit Eddie's characterization in my opinion? It came out of left field. It's a really, really weird god damned story line. I *am* glad that Buck approached Eddie about it AS SOON as he learned about the situation though. Like if it wasn't anything, Eddie... You wouldn't have hid her from Buck OR Marisol. If it wasn't anything, you wouldn't have lied and said you didn't have a gf. And it frustrates me that before this episode, he had been looking back on his relationship with Shannon with such rose colored glasses and forgetting the very large, sort of insurmountable issues that they had. Though that isn't out of character for him, I just hated it. Lol
And the stuff with the councilwoman in this episode also made me insanely angry. And went way too quick. Politicians can grease a lot of wheels but that entire situation - Maria's adoption getting stopped, AND her getting ripped out of their house because their foster license got revoked - really felt like it happened way too quick and should have raised some red flags/encountered some road blocks in the system???
Also I hate that NO ONE outside of Athena seemed to question Bobby's definitely very weird behavior. Like I feel like super anxious to every change in someone's demeanor Buck, and INSANELY perceptive Hen would have picked up that something was wrong????
Also idk man, Athena going to Amir, AND BRINGING HIM INTO HER HOUSE THAT HAS ALL OF THIS EVIDENCE OF HOW GOOD BOBBY HAS IT NOW - even if Bobby doesn't think he deserves it, even if Bobby has been stewing in his self loathing basically since childhood and his dad dying - to help with Bobby's spiralings/self destruction cycle felt a little out of characterly naive of her?
Like.. I don't think he's the one who set the house on fire at the end of the episode - I did at first, but my partner pointed out that it'd be the too obvious choice - but I just don't think either Bobby OR Amir are ready for that. And I feel like history shows, and her characterization shows, that she'd be more perceptive and realize that.
That being said, some things I *liked* about the episode:
Chim getting to clapback at racist homophobic Gerrard (spelling?) at the award ceremony
Bobby telling Buck that he knows Tommy is good for him because Buck hasn't spiraled about their relationship/ranted about it to him.
Buck telling Eddie that he's worried about him. That interaction, Buck calling Eddie out, it felt good and like the 911 I'm used to.
Athena calling Bobby out on his self destruction cycle. I do wish she would have pointed out how often she has leaned on him (as much as a chronically independent woman like her, can anyway) especially when it came to finally solving her fiancé's murder for instance.
Idk man, the show just doesn't feel the same as it has in the past and I'm really hoping it's because of the change in network and is just an adjustment period.
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not a hc but can you rank lucy's stardresses?
A fit rank huh? Sure I can do that. Just gonna preface n say that obviously this is my opinion and whatevs and that I won't be includin any of the ones introduced in 100yr because I don't care about the sequel :]
Alrightie lets get into it! This gonna get long tho, so imma put it under read more so I don't murder ppl who are scrolling.
Aquarius Stardress
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This one honestly might be on the lower tiers for me. Like for the first stardress shown its rather, boring. The colour choice of green and yellow is weird, and visually disconnects it from Aquarius (like seriously? No blue anywhere?). The wrap skirt is cute and I do love how she has Aquarius' collarbone tattoo. That's fire. But the basic bikini top is meh. Overall its serviceable, 6/10 on the Phoenix scale.
Leo Stardress
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Honestly can't go wrong with a nice black dress. I really would've preferred a pants suit for this one but the dress regardless is fun. I has a nice shape with the asymmetrical skirt and I like the ruffles all over. I also like how the anime gave her stockings
If I had nitpicks i'd say to get rid of the center line down the middle of the chest, the two under the bust are enough and get rid of the purple hair clip, it feels tacked on and just tosses in a random colour to the palette. I'd also maybe change the yellow to something more orange so it pops more (maybe even make the interior of the dress something eyecatching to add some extra oomph visually when she's kicking.)
But good fit, 8/10
Virgo Stardress
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Well, it's about what you'd expect tbh. It's a maid outfit lol. There ain't much here to say cept that its cute. 6/10
Tauros Stardress
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Oh hell fuckin yea. HELL YEAH
Unabashedly this one is one of my favourites solely because of the uneven pants. It's so fun and stupid. I also like how she and Tauros have matching belt buckles.
The basic ass bikini top does bring it down though (sorry i'm a bikini top hater. If you're gonna put a character in a bikini top at least make it a different style! There's different types of tops that can be both sexy and interesting!!!!). It also looks wack at certain angles.
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My chest hurts lookin at this.
Apart from that I don't think the double buns works best with this dress, I think it'd work better if swapped with the double braids of the capricorn dress. Also I just think it'd be cool if this dress gave her an axe, like how the cancer dress gave her weapons.
but because of how much joy the stupid pants give me, 9/10.
Sagittarius Stardress
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Another banger stardress despite a glaringly obvious issue.
This shit's great to me. Good colours, fun patterns, i fuckin love that its backless and the high ponytail is great here. The issue?
That deep ass coochie cut.
On god it just looks so uncomfortable. The anime tried to even it out by giving her tights but that just tossed in another colour to the palette and just unbalances it. A simple fix would've been just to make it white leggings under there. Skin tight, sexy and still practical. Apart from the coochie cut the only nitpick I have is that I think the boob window should've been star shaped and i wish her sleeves also doubled as archery gloves.
Apart from that and how much the coochie cut haunts me, its a 9/10
Aires Stardress
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Now I have no idea why, but I was never exactly big on this one. Like it's not awful, all the stardresses have a baseline cuteness to them. The alternating pink and white tiers on the dress is nice, but the cut under the bust kinda kills the uniform pattern it had goin on. Likewise the leggings don't feel coherent to the rest of the fit. Like still cute, but the stripes and the introduction of black makes the whole thing feel busy and plain all at once. Though ironically when it's in the manga and purely black and white i think it looks better.
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But I dunno, i think this one actually might be my least favourite. 4/10
Gemini Stardress
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Ok. I like the alternating blue and white all over. That's cool. But, that headdress on top of the already busy outfit feels like its a lil too much on top. Also the random gold baubles on the outfit itself feels sorta thrown on. The belt can stay I suppose but nix the tassels near the collar and trade in the boob window for a deeper neckline.
We can just get rid of the headdress altogether and change her hairstyle to like, crown braid with a hanging blue and white ribbon on either side to keep with the alternating colours and we golden. 5/10
Scorpio Stardress
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Gonna start this off to say, not a big fan of the bottom (the leather panty thing with the chain on it? Dawg idk i don't like it lol). and the chain on it looks so silly and not in a fun way. If anything I think she should have a bigger tail, not as big as scorpio's but defs something bigger that what she has currently. And as much as I like backless fits I don't think it works here, the deep cut boob window can stay though. I do like the headband and how her hair frames her face but overall its another 5/10.
Also here's a scorpio stardress redesign that I like. Doesn't fix all my issues with the og but it's still pretty dope.
Cancer Stardress
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I like this because it looks cool and gives Lucy weapons. I don't like it because it doesn't connect well with Cancer the spirit visually. But Cancer's design sucks and I like this better than Cancer himself. Truly a design with conundrums for me. 6/10
Capricorn Stardress
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I don't like this dress! Not one bit! Why is it a bdsm tit dress! The hair is cute and I like the shades and the horn clips with the bows but the dress!!!!!!!! Why is it so visually disconnected from Capricorn the spirit! Why isn't it a skirt suit with sexy fishnet leggings like in the concept art!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Why isn't this the canon design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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new-greens-primeau · 6 months
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im going to be doing these in pairs now! because i like how it looks
more info under the cut
nine still isn't doing so great after he helped sonic get back home. he is trying everything to recreate prism technology in hopes that he can find sonic and reconnect. he's having a hard time letting go and an even harder time keeping friends around. the rebels check up on him every now and then but he only asks to be left alone. he still needs adjusting time
chaos sonic was put back together in hopes that it'd help the council back on their feet but it seems to have changed. it refuses to help them and is a lot friendlier with the rebels and others. their goal of replacing sonic was achieved but was that really what they wanted? it seems they're having trouble with that. they know they're not sonic and certainly don't feel like sonic (get metal sonic cursed loser)
nine and chaos have a weird strained relationship that only serves to be mutually beneficial. chaos gets repairs, upgrades and such while nine gets to study and poke at them. a robot that feels? that's something worth looking at
though each visit is an akward exchange. chaos resembles sonic a bit too much. chaos doesn't like the look they get from nine
(chaos goes by it/they here and will eventually drop "sonic" from their name)
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bettertwin1 · 5 months
Hi, old follower here from before you had 100 followers. I've got a semi serious question for you.
When I first followed you, I got the impression that you were a RP blog, in the case where you would RP with your "brother" (bettertwin9000), so I followed the rules as such. But later on it seems that this blog is your persona? In terms of everything said to this blog is a personal question to you? It's a weird situation where people asking those intrusive questions make sense for a RP blog, but in a normal blog situation it makes it intrusive.
Tldr, I think many are confused if this is an RP blog or you having Leo as your persona, so can you confirm what this blog actually is?
And, for the sake of things making a little bit of sense, as much as sense as we can manage, keep in mind that we have OSDD, we're a system-
At the start of the blog <- in which we were advertising it as a roleplay blog, it was being run by our host and partially by me though I had no clue what I was doing at the time and bettertwin9000 was being run by our partner <- (which btw, made for some strange asks)
We continued advertising it as a roleplay even when we began suspecting and having full breakdowns over the idea of being a system due to some little things and some big things and lots of research and therapy and blah blah BUT we kept going back on it cause tbh DID is a hard thing to accept and we didn't want it <- still don't
SO now I was trying to run the blog more all the while trying to keep us grounded, IGNORING the possibility of DID and thinking, nah, this is just a really bad cause of delusions and we NEED to get reality checked NOW.
But I ALREADY KNEW i'm not REALLY Leo from rottmnt, but I am him, I was formed from that guy, created? Idk. He made me in his own image type reference audio. WOW IM NOT EXPLAINING ANYTHING 😭😭 did I mention we have a tendency to overexplain <- but specifically for me in the case of explaining things that are hard to explain, ANYWHIZZLE.
We kept going back and forth, confirming and denying the conclusion "we have osdd" cause that's terrifying and while this was happening I was still trying to force us to post and interact and involve ourself in arcs for the sake of distraction from EVERYTHING happening irl and the blog kind of made it worse but in a light hearted way cause suddenly the asks became really gross, and I felt really gross.
Sure, maybe someone who was roleplaying Leonardo would have no trouble answering asks about dead relatives or near death experiences or villains that have physically harmed you and your 'siblings' or about my crippling inability to speak about feelings and whatever else people diagnosed me with on here but I was having trouble answering it, I was getting uncomfortable and I was feeling genuinely overwhelmed because everything that definitely would be great material for a roleplay account was making me just feel, bad. <- which wasn't great considering at the time, feeling bad was not something i could have been affording to do
SO at some point, I started putting boundaries, didn't explain why, just continued under the guise of hey, roleplay guy here, the intruvsive invasive asks about my family and my mental health and my anatomy is making me want to die so please stop andbonly ask fun stuff like idk, if i put salt in donnie's coffee sometimes and everyone was like, yes leonardo in unison.
Then I slowly started getting more adamant on pushing the narrative that I am LITERALLY Leo from the show cause pushing that seemed to really help with the questions, and then the roleplay blog became more like. A personal blog for some dude who happened to be a ninja turtle alter and it'd unfortunately gotten so out of hand that explaining this now kind of made us even more exhausted cause oh man, we might get fake claimed huh <- we had worse things to deal with, internet drama didn't need to be added to this.
Anyway, if you read through all that junk, i'm sorry 😭, but i think it helps explain why the impression of the blog is so confusing cause it was being run by two ppl, a host and an alter who were constantly trying NOT to be those things until pretty recently when we started accepting the fact that we have Osdd
The blog starts off as an rp blog by our host and I unbeknownst to us both
The blog is fun and we start gaining traction
We also start gaining more mental health problems and have a full breakdown multiple times on many different social medias
We push through to cope
We talk to the other blog runners who are systems <- (Mikey, Raph and at the time when their account was apart of this, April) and they kindly answer and guide us through some things
We start adding boundaries for my sake
We talk to other systems on other social media and they help us with more stuff
We talk to our therapist
We do a ton of research on top of old research we'd apparently already done before <- suddenly we have a long document with so much information
We tell no one about the discovery when we start accepting the possibility
More funny stuff ensue and personal life things happen <- #ONLYTHEREALONESKNOW!
The only announcement I ever make that i'm an alter are one off comments in tags or answers that I never address again until I make an intro post that says I'm an alter in a system
The blog is what now?
The blog is still a roleplay account. Sometimes, canceled arcs that we would have done would have been considered roleplay <- a canceled christmas arc. But usually, this is just a blog. Like, this is just a blog I use to entertain people and to get some of my thoughts out like a singlet would. It's both i guess, it's whatever I want it to be and whatever you guys consider it to be.
The blog is just, my blog, I don't know how else to explain it 😅😅
Also, Bettertwin9000 was pretty much going through the same thing at the time and fun fact, he is actually my "brother" cause he's a Donnie alter <- (yay!)
Shoutout to the host who has their own blogs that they never really post on! couldn't have done it without you! <- and the many kind individuals who gave us their research material and links and answered our questions and stuck w/ us through the most confusing part of OUR LIFE
Srry again if this didn't answer your question like at all by the way, i THINK it at least explained some things but you know 😭 SORRY IDK
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Ikemen Villains - Part 1
These translations are not intended as a replacement for the game. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories. Spoilers under the cut. Expect mistakes.
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What is happiness?
It’s like the twilight sky that changes color as soon as it’s imprinted in your eyes.
It holds your heart forever, yet you can never have the same thing again.
(Yeah, I really don’t know what I’m doing. I need to get my shit together.)
Today, Victor invited me for some tea.
I thought he was going to end the day peacefully with a chat and laughter, but he eventually dropped one heck of a bomb.
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Victor: Oh, right. Regarding your first job as a fairy tale writer.
Kate: Yes, what is it?
Victor: I want you to choose one of the crown members and spend time with him as your lover.
Kate: Pardon?
Kate: H-Hold on, even if you ask me to choose, I still don’t know anything about一
Victor: That’s right, Miss Kate!
Victor: I’ve been up all night trying to figure out how to get you to know them better, and I finally came up with this idea.
Victor: Well, what can I say? I’m a genius! It’s already late, so you better start tomorrow. I’m so excited.
---------Flashback Ends---------
(I ended up agreeing, though, thinking that if I didn’t get their trust in my first job, they would kill me.)
(But getting to know each other deeply as lovers? How can I even handle such a ridiculous job?)
(I almost got run over by a carriage just thinking about it.)
I looked down at my sprained ankle, trying to avoid the speeding carriage, and sighed.
(There’s no point in dwelling on it.)
(First, l need to talk to Roger and get him to lend me some bandages.)
As I was dragging my feet to the stairs leading to the entrance...
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Ellis: What happened to your foot?
Kate: Whoa! Huh? Ellis?
Ellis: Does it hurt?
My heart skipped a beat when Ellis popped up, probably on his way home from somewhere.
Ellis: Did you hurt yourself?
That fateful night, Ellis was the very person who asked if he could kill me, but I managed to survive by becoming a fairy tale writer.
(Shortly after that, he proposed to make me happy.)
I couldn’t help but feel an unspeakable unease.
Ellis: Let me patch you up. Put your arm around my shoulder and hold on.
Kate: Kyaah!?
When he saw my swollen foot, he lightly lifted me into his arms without hesitation.
Kate: I-I’m fine! I can walk!
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Ellis: We need to check it properly. Roger’s not at the castle tonight, so I’ll take a look at it.
He ran to the basement, ignoring my resistance.
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(He’s used to it.)
He deftly bandaged my sprained ankle.
I was a little embarrassed when he exposed my bare feet, but he was very serious and did only what was necessary to patch me up.
Ellis: How did you get hurt?
Kate: I was spacing out, thinking, when I accidentally twisted myself avoiding the carriage.
Ellis: Carriage, huh? What are you thinking about?
(I don't know if I should tell him, but maybe he can give me some advice.)
Kate: Victor told me that my first job is to spend a day tomorrow with someone from the Crown as a lover.
Kate: With my foot like this, I think it'd be best if I don't move around too much so that I don't cause any trouble.
Kate: Ellis, do you know someone who might agree?
He finished fastening the end of the bandage and stared at me, then spoke up.
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Ellis: I'd like to do that.
Kate: Huh?
Ellis: I'd like to act as your lover.
(He would?)
Kate: W-Why?
Ellis: Because I want to make you happy while you're here.
He repeated the same words he had said to me that night we met.
(Why would he even want to do that to someone he'd never met before? Someone he was willing to kill?)
Ellis: I don't want you to look sad after tomorrow. No?
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(I have to admit it feels kinda weird, but...)
I couldn't just ignore the carefully wrapped bandage and the worried look in his eyes.
Kate: O-Okay.
Ellis: Yay.
He laughed happily and lifted me again.
Kate: I’m fine now that you patched me up!
Ellis: Nope. I already know that you’re the kind of person who cares about other people’s problems even when you’re hurt.
Ellis: I don’t believe you’re okay, so let me walk you to your room.
Kate: That’s too much.
I tried to protest, but Ellis had no intention of letting me down, so I was forced to stay in his arms.
Ellis: For tomorrow’s plans, can you tell me what makes you happy?
Kate: Um, eating good food?
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Ellis: Hmm. So, let’s buy some good food and have a picnic.
Ellis: I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning. I look forward to having you as my lover.
Kate: Sure. Likewise.
(I feel like my crazy first job just went by so fast.)
(It’s going too well. I should be more careful with him, but...)
I stared at the carefully wrapped bandages and knew that he treated them with care.
(I have a feeling I’ll be fine with him.)
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Ellis: Morning, Kate.
Kate: Good morning. What’s that?
The next morning, he picked me up in my room as promised, carrying what looked like a wheelchair.
Ellis: It’s a wheelchair. It’s not easy to get it, so I made one.
Kate: You made it...? Wait, why?
Ellis: I don’t want to strain my lover’s body.
Kate: Don’t tell me it’s for my sake!?
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Ellis: Yeah. Hey, try sitting down.
I sat down fearfully as he urged me and found the chair was so comfortable.
When he pushed from behind, the wheels turned smoothly, and the chair moved forward.
Kate: This is so cool. You know all this useful stuff, and you can make it.
Ellis: I used to look it up and just remembered it.
Kate: Thank you. I’m happy, but you’re exaggerating. I didn’t break any bones. I can walk.
I lifted my hips to get off, but一
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Ellis: I don’t want you to get worse and not be able to walk, so no.
Kate: !?
He suddenly hugged me tightly from behind the chair.
Ellis: I’ll take you wherever you want and lift you by the chair if there are stairs.
Ellis: So all you have to do today is sit here.
I couldn’t stand up or even move as he held me in his arms and whispered, confused by his gentleness.
(But maybe this is how he treats his “lover.”)
(Is it weird to ask him to stop when he’s helping me to spend time as a lover?)
Kate: Okay, thanks.
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Ellis: Yeah. Since this is my first date with you, I’ll do my best to make it the happiest day of our lives.
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Part 1╏Part 2╏Premium End╏Epilogue
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lacrimosathedark · 2 months
Hellaverse Aces Headcanons
We have THREE whole confirmed asexuals in the Hellaverse and one more kind of implied, so as an ace-spec person myself, I thought it'd be fun to do headcanons on where they stand.
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100% asexual, sex averse but not repulsed. Or rather, he isn't super bothered being exposed to it (especially if it's making him money) but he DOES NOT want to be involved. Like, he has those two Fizzie Bots to give off the appearance that he has bitches, but he has no bitches and I don't think he wants them.
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Probably aromantic. He doesn't seem to understand love and certainly doesn't care for it. His first love is money and nothing will come between him and that bag. Also, man dresses like an aro flag on the daily.
The other three are much longer so under the cut we go!
Octavia Goetia
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Mildly sex-repulsed asexual. She might be demi, but it's hard to say without her having many peers in the show thus far. But on the whole, she gives off totally ace vibes. I don't think she was just embarrassed by her dad's public flirting, but genuinely uncomfy with the subject matter. Blitzø's openness on the subject might be part of why she dislikes him so much.
It's hard to stay with her limited screen time, but I also think she's greyromantic. She doesn't seem to understand love. That is probably partly from how she was raised; her parents are far from a good model for a loving relationship. But she also just has disinterested vibes to me. It feels like she doesn't even really think about it.
She's made a connection with Loona, and it feels so solidly sisterly. I mean, it would be a little bit weird if it skewed romantic with the potential for being future step-siblings, but weirder things happen in HB. Via just seems to have a quick solid sisterly bond with her and it's adorable.
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She puts a lot of value in platonic relationships. She is so deeply heartbroken by her parents divorce even if they hate each other because they're both good to her (or at least I presume Stella is usually good to Via or else she'd probably be less upset or upset about different things in the divorce). Her biggest fear is that Stolas will leave her behind.
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We know Stolas loves her more than anything (heehee) and is just a bit too self-centered and wrapped in his own head to be as attentive to her as they'd like. And as upset as she gets with him, Via always forgives Stolas for being stupid. He means the world to her and vice versa.
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If she were to ever get married, it would literally be her best friend and she would say that no one should expect an heir from her. I feel like she would be happiest with a queerplatonic partner who would cuddle her and maybe kiss her cheek and forehead, but nothing "more" than that so to speak.
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Honestly will admit that my perspective here may be tainted by my adoration of Radioapple.
Demi or greysexual, but basically 99% asexual. By which I mean it's more literally a one in a million chance that he'd find any interest in someone. His attraction is very particular. Like, never being attracted to anyone until meeting The One. (For clarity, I don't believe in fate and finding someone he's miraculously attracted to doesn't "fix" him so let's shut that shit down. You can be attracted to literally one person and if you feel no attraction for anyone else, that's still ace. It doesn't disqualify you from asexuality.)
Sex averse in general, and generally repulsed at the idea of self-involvement. Outside of That One Person, sex disgusts him, and even then it's still hit or miss whether he's into it or not. He's alright enough with it that he can casually walk the streets of Pentagram City unbothered, but he otherwise wouldn't willingly expose himself to it ex. being very notably absent on Show and Tell day.
It involves far too much physical contact for his liking, and being friends with someone like Mimzy in life, he likely has seen much of the darker side of it. I wouldn't be surprised if so-called predators were his prey in life.
Some people think of him as repulsed by the body fluid stuff (I certainly am) but I don't think that's a factor for him. Man eats demons whole. He gets everything that is inside them. Including their digestive systems. I don't think other body fluids are gonna be an issue lol
He knows sexual attraction could be used to manipulate someone, but he is disgusted by the concept, maybe because he saw that happen too much when he was alive, or he considers it pathetic, debasing yourself for someone else. Man also covers up from the neck down, he could have an issue being bare around someone else.
Homo-greyromantic. I can't imagine this man romantically attracted to a woman, if only because I feel like if he were, he would be married to Rosie by now because they seem like a perfect fit. If they were alive, they would be the type to be married for tax benefits (or the benefit of not having to testify against each other in court HA).
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LOOK AT THEM. He's so comfy and genuinely happy with her it's so cute! He do a little squeak aaaaaa If Alastor understood the concept of asexuality he and Rosie would be qpps and you can never convince me otherwise. It is a hill I would die on.
And him only being attracted to men would make a lot of sense why he'd never found someone, because he has a general disdain for men that is actually pretty common in people attracted to men, women especially. Men are trash is his baseline, why would he give them a chance, especially in Hell where they're almost guaranteed to be awful? No thanks. Not worth it. He has better things to do. Like murder!
Plus, he's so fucking fruity sometimes lol
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I mean, come on.
(also, sidenote, bitch GET YOUR SHOES OFF THE BED)
It also would make Radiostatic/silence more tragic imo. Like, maybe Alastor felt some kind of romantic about him, but Vox wanted something sexual too and Alastor just wasn't interested. Vox is a pretty sexual guy. If "dating" a pimp running a porn studio isn't enough, this is.
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I'm so Velvette in this scene lol stfu Vox calm down
But if Vox wanted sex and Alastor flat-out rejected it, Vox might not have understood the complexities of Alastor's attraction and assumed he was lacking something, that Alastor didn't actually like him, and took it personally and lashed out.
We know Vox is obsessed with Alastor, and there's certainly mutual disdain, but isn't it more tragic if Alastor felt betrayed too? He lost a friend, or maybe something more intimate, all because said friend wanted to fuck him. That's so relatable tbh.
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Yes I'm including him.
I'm gonna guess he's actually autosexual and otherwise sex-repulsed. Every time sex is brought up, he's visibly uncomfortable and even angry. That could be for any number of reasons, but I'm going with this lol. The only reason I'm not "sure" he's sex-repulsed ace is that fucking statue of his.
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I mean, Stolas does comment about him wanting to suck his own dick sooooooo
But he does also use Blitzø's attraction against him, so not repulsed enough to not use others' attraction against them as a means to an end.
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He doesn't give off aro vibes to me, but he could be maybe? To me he just feels like whatever drives him comes first. Whatever happened that made him hate royalty with such a passion supersedes anything else he might feel, and who needs attachments if he's just gonna lose them again?
Aces are shockingly well-fed in the Hellaverse huh? Especially considering our general absence anywhere else, and the crumbs we get are hugely stereotyped and wrong. Like, look at that, only one of them is heartless and none of them are passionless robots! And their sexuality isn't their defining personality trait, just some more color! Wow!
Mainstream media take fuckin notes.
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inawickedlittletown · 2 months
Random thought that popped into my head for a fic idea that would be super angsty and awful for all parties involved and that also I just would never write. So if anyone does want to write it feel free...but this is me just getting out the whole idea so it doesn't sit in my head collecting dust.
Under the cut for length.
This is inspired by Izzie and George on Grey's Anatomy and how Izzie was always anti-Callie and in the end broke their marriage up by cheating with George and then their relationship failed spectacularly because they didn't fit together at all.
Now I'm not going to write this, but I thought it'd be kinda hilarious if Eddie kinda looked at his relationship with Buck and then also saw the way that Buck and Tommy were thriving and just kinda decided that actually he's also into guys and he's into Buck. Like fully convinces himself that he and Buck would make more sense together...reads everything Tommy does for Buck in all the wrong ways like his belief that he knows Buck better and stuff like that and he is just purely jealous and maybe it doesn't hurt that others from the 118 mention thinking that Buck and Eddie would get together. Maybe this is all happening right after Chris goes to Texas so Eddie is kinda just grasping at straws and instead of going to therapy he hyperfocuses on this.
Meanwhile Buck and Tommy are still thriving, but Eddie is constantly interrupting them or needing Buck and Buck is a good friend and kinda worried about him so he goes to Eddie every time which does put a little bit of a strain on his relationship with Tommy. Maybe Tommy noticed the Buck and Eddie friendship and comments from others make him start questioning things and although he trusts Buck he starts to wonder if Buck had feelings for Eddie despite Eddie being straight. Tommy is adult enough to sort of mention it and Buck laughs it off.
But then maybe Tommy walks in on Eddie kissing Buck...and on his end it looks a certain way (like full on cheating) when in reality Eddie and Buck were drunk and Eddie impulsively kissed him and Buck didn't react fast enough to stop it from happening.
Tommy and Buck break up...and then Buck goes to talk to Eddie about the kiss and also his own confusion because maybe he did like kissing Eddie. But beer goggles. So Eddie kinda confesses his love for Buck and Buck starts looking at all the things like his involvement with Chris and how close he and Eddie are and all other things and since he's feeling sad about Tommy maybe he decides that it might be worth trying things with Eddie. Mind this happens in the space of a week and he's just very confused and definitely still has feelings for Tommy. Buck mostly feels like he should explore things with Eddie for peace of mind and maybe because everyone is telling him that that is how things should be. He's also sure Tommy is done with him...maybe he has reason to suspect that Tommy hooked up with someone else already idk.
So Buck and Eddie kiss again and maybe they try to go for more and they both lie to each other about enjoying it when neither of them does. Eddie maybe realizing that he's not actually into men or just Buck...and Buck comparing everything back to Tommy and feeling weird about it.
Eventually they both call each other out on lying and Eddie goes to talk to Tommy to apologize and explain and then Buck runs into Tommy and they have coffee together and Tommy lets Buck explain his side of things and they cry and talk it all out and then they get back together.
At their wedding Eddie makes a whole speech about it and they all laugh about it because they're way past it and Buck and Tommy just look back on it and think it's funny.
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