#I feel like there’s something to be said abt the case being abt a young couple in love
im sorry but why is House so obsessed with Wilson Maybe being in a relationship with a new nurse. also why was their relationship brought up specifically. House possibly feeling abandoned by Wilson being in a new relationship.
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xfindingtrouble · 1 year
sighs bcs i did the math wrong & domeric would be closer to 20-25 if he had survived to the beginning of agot
#ooc.#tbd.#which is closer to what i imagined for him in the very beginning of writing him ( in 2017 or so )#but it just means i need to find a new fc for him#there is nothing like figuring out a timeline for a character mentioned in 2 paragraphs ever#but he's my special little meow meow#my weird fucking guy#this being said i love the thought of him as someone who grew up in the shadow of that war#that domeric would have been too young to be involved at all#like he was alive during the time of targaryens without ever being able to recall what that meant ( bcs he would have been 2-5 yrs old )#but i feel like growing up post-war would have also encouraged his less violent pursuits like the harp & horse riding#which i feel like is a Fun Parallel bcs i love the idea of domeric being defined by the sins of his father & roose's influence over him#when that was not always the case & something he acts against for a lot of his life but by the time of the enxt war he's Reshaped entirely#& his distance between he & his father when he was a squire definitely cemented his position outside of roose's instinct#like growing up he definitely took after bethany more & tried to preserve that memory / influence but learns that Doesn't Work in survival#like i like to think domeric has always been kind of a Weird Guy but the coldness didn't really set into his personality until he was older#& started to realize that empathy wasn't going to get him very far#i'll make a post on it sometime I'm not sure how much sense this is making#but a lot of what draws me towards domeric is the instinct to be one way & the influence towards another#like he can sever himself from his heart to be who he thinks he needs to be which i love abt him but can be Scary#but then almost being killed when he doesn't listen to roose abt ramsay makes him reassess EVERYTHING#thinking abt domeric as ' its not a phase dad ' person until he's on his Fucking Deathbed like ok dad maybe u were right
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sansaorgana · 2 months
I’m not quite sure if your requests are open or not so if they aren’t just ignore this!♥️ but if they are, hi!!! I was wondering if you could do an Austin Butler/Buck Cleven x Reader who plays hard to get with him. She is like head nurse or something, a badass who was trained by her daddy in the arts of war, like I’m talking knowing how to throw hand grenades, shooting rifles or knowing how to work a plane despite her role in modern day 1940s society. I don’t like reading abt Y/N being naive yk?
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hello! 💕 this story takes place when the boys are still in the USA and training. I believe I've read somewhere they actually spent two years in Texas so... the Reader is a girl from Texas and a daughter of one of the badass Colonels at the base who is training Buck and others. she is also a head nurse at that base (I assume they also had sickbays even though those were training bases...? I literally know nothing about the military lmao). I hope she will be strong enough for you 😌 I personally don't find every sweet and more period-accurate female character to be weak or naive but it was still nice to write a different type of character for once 😅
I might post less frequently in the upcoming days because I am catching up with my uni work finally after a few weeks of abandoning it to write fics lol
my inbox is open for blurb/short fic requests for major cleven 🤗
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Bucky laughed at the sight of his friend going inside the sickbay after a training flight. He was going there for the fifth time this week and it was all because his friend had a crush on the head nurse, young (Y/N) (Y/L/N).
Miss (Y/L/N) was a daughter of Colonel (Y/L/N) – the Colonel (Y/L/N) – the scariest and the roughest man around. He had a scar right across his face and he was known for being so strong he could rip the tree out of the ground with his bare hands… or so the legend said.
His daughter was just like her father. She was feminine of course in her nurse’s apron and her hair done up neatly so it wouldn’t interrupt her work. Her hands were soft and her lips covered with red lipstick. But she was a tough girl who didn’t mind swearing a little and scolding all the boys at the base for their irresponsible behaviour. She probably didn’t know that they all acted this way just so they could get to the sickbay and be treated by her.
At least that was the case for Buck.
She sighed at the sight of him and rolled her eyes as she approached him when he entered the room.
“Major Cleven… Again?” She raised her eyebrows at him and he blushed. “What is it this time?”
“I am… I am dizzy,” he made up a pathetic lie and she huffed at that as she pointed at the chair for him to sit down on.
“I will give you something for that but if you keep having troubles of this sort, I’m gonna tell my daddy to not send you to Europe, you know?” She teased and he swallowed thickly at that comment.
“Please, don’t, Miss (Y/L/N),” he pleaded, his eyes carefully following her every movement as she looked at him with a smirk.
“Well, we don’t want weak pilots like you to defend our country, do we?” She teased.
“It’s not because of flying… It’s… I don’t know, it’s something else,” Buck hated himself for the way he acted around her. She was so intimidating but so tempting at the same time. The fragile part of his masculinity was simply scared of her but his other, brave side wanted to be around her all the time. And he was very well aware how many other men wanted her, too. But his feelings were real. It had very little to do with desire. He was serious about her.
She approached him and handed him a pill and a glass of water. He swallowed it and she squinted her eyes at him.
“I swear to God, you boys are the worst bunch I’ve ever dealt with,” she shook her head. “I hope in Europe I will handle real men,” she rolled her eyes.
“You’re going to Europe, too?” Buck asked as he widened his eyes.
“Of course, Major. It brings me no pleasure to be here and help buffoons like you,” she chuckled. “I signed up already and my daddy wants me to be assigned to the 100th.”
“That’s where I will go, too,” Buck’s eyes sparkled as he realised that she wouldn’t get rid of him so easily.
“Oh God…” (Y/N) sighed. “I hope you’ll be long gone by the time I get there.”
“I hope not,” he blurted out and she froze for a second before laughing.
“Oh, you’re cute, Major,” she admitted before walking away to deal with the next man entering the sickbay, coming up with some fake injury just to feel her hands examining him and hear her mocking tone scolding him for his irresponsibility.
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You liked Bucky Egan because he was funny and he didn’t care about you. He could have any woman he wanted so he wasn’t showing off when you were around – or playing a victim like so many “injured” Majors, Captains and Lieutenants. You were growing sick of all of them, coming to you with every single papercut and making puppy eyes at you.
You were having a beer with Bucky behind one of the buildings in the evening. Consuming alcohol was forbidden but who would fire you? You were a daughter of the roughest Colonel in that base. And Bucky was under your protection – and one of the best pilots around.
“Alright, but if you had to go out with any of them, who would that be?” Bucky asked, teasingly.
“For fuck’s sake, John,” you rolled your eyes and leaned your head back to rest it on the wall. “It would be you.”
“But I don’t want you,” he laughed.
“You…,” you hissed at him and you both giggled. “That’s why I would go out with you.”
“Oh, you like the ones who don’t want you?”
“No, I like real men,” you told him. “Like my daddy is.”
“You know that my best friend is madly in love with you, right?” Bucky pushed your arm playfully.
“Curt Biddick?” You asked. God, that one was insufferable.
“Yeah, him too. But I mean the other one.”
“Buck Cleven?” You asked as you felt your cheeks heating up for some mysterious reason.
“Yeah, that one,” Bucky nodded. “He’s a good guy and a hell of a pilot. He’s tough, too, just in a different way.”
“Yeah, he’s cute, bless his heart,” you admitted.
“So, you’d go out with him?” Bucky raised his eyebrow at you.
“Stop playing matchmaker, it’s not gonna happen. I ain’t dating any man from this base,” you took a sip of your beer as you shook your head.
“Why not, though? You don’t want to marry a man like your daddy? I thought you wanted to,” Bucky asked.
“Y’all would be scared of a gal like me, let me tell you,” you giggled. “I can shoot a rifle and throw a grenade. My daddy wanted a son, you see. But my momma gave him only girls so he raised us like boys,” you told him. “All that discipline, I ain’t joking, Bucky,” you pushed him because he was laughing. “We had to get up at 5am, make our bed, do morning gymnastics,” you teased.
“Really?” His face became more serious.
“Nah,” you shook your head. “Only sometimes. But he took the whole business of teaching us self-defence very seriously. I remember asking him, where the hell would I even get a grenade from in case some boy was following me home, daddy? And he said: easy, sugar, they’re in my drawer next to the gun,” you laughed and so did Bucky.
“You know what I think?” Bucky put his bottle of beer down and shot you an odd glance you did not like at all.
“What, Egan?”
“You’re gonna get angry when I tell you.”
“Just tell me,” you rolled your eyes.
“I think you need a man who’s gonna see a woman in you. Like yeah, we all know you’re tough and shit. And all these boys want to be around you because you’re like a mother that they have left back home in the way you scold them and take care of them. But I think you just need someone to see a woman in you. Has anyone ever…?”
“You asshole,” you indeed got angry. You didn’t want him to be right and react in such a predictable way but you did.
You stood up and went back to the building to go to sleep, leaving Bucky Egan without a word.
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You didn’t know what Bucky had said to Buck but Major Cleven hadn’t visited the sickbay in a week now and you hated to admit but you missed it. In fact, you were the most excited when it was him coming inside with some adorable injury or illness. There was something about him that was making you swoon even though you would never ever admit that. 
On that weekend most boys had a night out and you stayed inside the sickbay to deal with the paperwork. One of the head nurse’s duties sadly required filling some papers, too.
After a while, you heard a light knocking upon the front door and you sighed before standing up and opening them, shocked to see Major Cleven.
“Major?” You asked. “What is it again? The mysterious dizziness has had its comeback?”
“N-no,” he shook his head.
“Why aren’t you out with all the boys?”
“I didn’t want to go,” he admitted and you squinted your eyes at him.
“So you decided to catch me in an empty room instead? I have a gun here and I know how to use it,” you threatened although it was hard to believe that a man like Major Cleven would ever hurt any woman.
“I wanted to ask you if you’d go out on a walk with me, Miss (Y/L/N),” he widened his eyes at your threats. “It’s a warm and nice night.”
“Ugh, fine,” you shrugged your arms and grabbed a cardigan to put over your nurse’s outfit. He waited for you outside nervously with his hands in his pockets.
“I don’t want to be a bother, we don’t have to…” Buck told you as you were locking the door behind you.
“You’re lucky, Major, I needed a distraction from the papers,” you told him and joined him.
“Yeah, the paperwork. I don’t like it either,” he looked down and you two began to walk slowly towards the gates leading out of the base.
“And who does?” You chuckled and looked at him as you bit on your lip. He was adorable; something about him was making you feel protective. But on the other hand you knew from your father he was one of the best pilots and he was a man of honour. Your father was usually rolling his eyes at the mention of most men at the base. But never about Major Cleven. Your father rarely respected the young and new ones but something about that Major was making your daddy go easy on him.
“I wanted to apologise, actually,” Buck told you when you two finally left the base and began to walk alongside its fence.
“Hm? About what?” You asked.
“Bothering you five times a week with made up dizziness or papercuts,” he laughed nervously.
“And what made you apologise? You’re not the only one who’s been doing that, Major, but you’re surely the first actually saying he’s sorry,” you raised an eyebrow.
“Bucky told me it’s annoying you and that it’s not really a way to get to you,” he admitted as he looked up at your face.
“Why the hell would you want to get to me? You’re a sweet man,” you snorted at him. In the dim light of the moon and the base’s lights from afar you could see him blushing.
“What does it have to do with it, Miss (Y/L/N)?” Buck asked.
“I’m not sweet, Major Cleven. A guy like you… You should be out there in town with them boys and look for a sweet little naive doll for yourself,” you teased him. But deep down it hurt you that it was true – you were raised for a tough girl but sometimes… Sometimes you wished you were softer.
“You think so low of me, Miss?” He only shook his head with a nervous chuckle. “That type of woman you’ve mentioned… They’re nice and kind, I don’t mind them, they’re sweet, yeah. And they make good wives to lots of men but you… You’re the first one who actually impressed me,” he confessed.
You went silent for a moment. You liked that he wasn’t complimenting you while saying mean things about others.
“You’re a real gentleman, Cleven,” you pointed out. “And so smooth. You’d be a sensation if you stayed here in Texas.”
“Would I?” He stopped his walk and so did you as he turned around to face you better.
“Yeah. But if you stayed here, you’d soon realise there are more gals like me ‘round here. And I’d lose all the charm,” you teased.
“Then maybe I’d finally leave you alone, which I assume is your wish.”
“Oh, far from that,” you risked as you raised your eyebrows, waiting for his next move.
He hesitated for a while and then he smiled smugly and joined his lips with yours in a sweet but passionate kiss that took your breath away.
Bucky had been right – it was nice to be treated like a woman.
“Will your daddy shoot me for that?” Major Cleven asked with a chuckle after finally breaking the kiss.
“It’s not him you should be worried about. I can shoot, too, Major, and my daddy wouldn’t get rid of the best pilot,” you teased.
“But you would?” He grabbed your chin gently.
“The best pilot? Surely. But would I get rid of Major Cleven? Never,” you chuckled. “God, I’ve missed your made up migraines,” you confessed.
“I can fake more of them,” he smirked.
“Yes, please,” you chuckled and leaned in to kiss him again. “But let’s keep it a secret for now.”
“Because if my daddy finds out about us, he’ll make sure we won’t be sent to the same base in Europe and we don’t want that, do we…?” You looked up at him, your heart pounding so fast in your chest as it had never done before for any man.
“Oh, no, no, we don’t want that at all,” Major Cleven bopped you on the nose. “Who will deal with my headaches there otherwise?”
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yellowymellon · 2 months
not mine actually it's from tieba, ppl are theorizing that sunday is possibly going to get recruited by elio. fascinating yet crazy right? LEMME LAY EVERYTHING DOWN
okay so sunday's design is very much inspired of ena, both his old one and the new one. it has many eyes, the halo, the golden accents. not to mention his personality that resonates with her path.
this will not make sense if u dont pay attention to elio's concept art (most likely will change by the time he appears but) here it is :
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notice the amount of eyes, the sun and the similar patterns, a picture of ena for reference :
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they also said that ena seems to be holding a puppet string and it could be related to "destiny's slave", i dont completely agree but it's A COOL THEORY!!
i've always assumed elio to be an omen vanguard of terminus the aeon of finality. since he has blessing/curse of seeing the future unlike finality followers i believed he might be our first finality emenator BUT! emenators could follow a different path, it's so interesting to think he could be a finality emenator but an order follower, and it makes sense! who would greatly seek to stop nanook and restore balance? well hooh too but ena would very much dedicate themselves in stopping nanook. now ena is debatably dead but paths don't disappear. but keep in mind we actually don't know which aeon gives the stellaron hunters powers.
so far we don't know what the stellaron in penacony does, it doesnt seem to be the threat itself but the one who obtains it might be dangerous. that's why elio wants the nameless to go after the stellaron. but that doesnt make THAT much sense either, why wouldn't the stellaron hunters themsleves do the job? they're already capable. if u ask me penacony feels the best place for kafka/SW instead, it might be easier for us to obtain it if we help the family but anyways- we can go on forever abt why it's not right so lets force this theory to make sense tehee~
i talked abt how sunday might learn a truth after his "death", gallagher's voice line abt him is "He reminds me of the "Odes of Harmony," but I caught a whiff of something behind the facade he puts on... something real." the odes of harmony is basically a song praising xipe, he means sunday being a reserved religious saint like person, is a facade and gallagher saw something real. based on my post where i discovered that i'm a follower of nous after all (i'm not-) https://www.tumblr.com/yellowymellon/746431759854551040/you-know-it-would-be-funny-if-the-actual-villain?source=share
gallagher might've caught on it earlier and targeted sunday from all the family heads, if he was going to kill in any case he needed the best victims that could give him the break through he needed, robin might've been just the stepping stone to kill the oak family head (important) who conveniently might be the one to side with him (YALL IM COOKING AND IT'S BURNING)
sunday is described as perfect on the outside but secretly a freak, he shows no mercy to what he thinks is wrong and doesn't compromise. but i don't trust him with what he thinks is wrong. he might be shrewd and manipulative fitting for a head, but still young and emotional to make absolutes (judgements). see, the family is a perpetrator to many MANY evil stuff that shouldn't be in his book (literally lol)
u see where i'm going? me neither elio could potentially need to ally with sunday if his stance changes after learning the whole, purest truth
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fourstarsoutofnine · 10 months
May I request some Hyrule fluff where he accidentally confessed to someone in the chain about his raging crush on the reader and then that someone told the reader? Hyrule's all sad abt it and wants to disappear bc he thinks "what business would they want with a loser like me?" so reader has to reassure him that's not the case at all
A/n:if there’s one thing I’m an advocate for, it’s making Rulie feel better about himself. Y’all know my favs are Rulie, four and legend🩷I wrote this in one go while taking breaks to slap box my cat, he kept biting me.
Warnings:only the abuse of italics used for emphasis. When you’re reading, read the italicized words like you’re stressing it. Y’all know that tho ofc. Also, this ain’t proofread
Hyrule x Reader
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The traveler is an incredible person all around. Kind, fun, adventurous, thoughtful—and don’t even get me started on what an incredible hero he is… but he doesn’t see it that way. Imposter syndrome is one heck of a mindset, and boy is it something he’s got.. imposter syndrome is something that makes you downplay your abilities and accomplishments, and if you ever asked the traveler if he lived up to the hero name, or his friends’ heroic abilities—or even the spirit of courage he’d tell you he didn’t. He’d negate the idea and change the subject before you even had the chance to refute him on it. Such was the exact reason he hadn’t confessed to a soul his feelings for you—especially not to you. You were incredible in his eyes, a sight to behold and an even bigger honor to be friends with. Although, he figured next to someone like the captain, the champion or even the smith he figured he couldn’t compete. In his mind he wasn’t even in the competition, let alone a contender in this race. He was just a traveler, someone who’s heroics were that of a happenstance. Right place right time kind of thing. Though, this longing and hearing for you was making him sick, keeping it to himself, he felt like a grocery bag with too many heavy items in it—ready to break and spill out all the contents. The contents, of course, being the way he thought of you, the dreams he had at night of laying by you watching the stars and making up your own constellations, whispering and giggling at what one another said. He’d kill and die for you, if only for a fraction of your time in return. He had to tell someone.
And oh, poor unsuspecting Sky. Sweet thing, he only wanted to help.
“Sky can i talk to you?” The traveler asked as he walked up to the hero, who was whittling down some wood to make into a little figurine for the ever bored sailor, who’d spent far too long at camp without something to do(the vet was going to strangle him had someone not suggested the boy go out and find a lake to play in while sky made a toy for him).
Sky looked up with a soft smile and baby blues the traveler was sure you’d prefer to his own dark brown eyes; they didn’t shine like sky’s did. “Sure! What’s up?” He sat down his project(which would be much to the vet’s dismay when the sailor returned and it wasn’t finished) to give the traveler his full attention.
“I have a confession to make. It’s nothing bad but-…..actually yes it is.” He started, already feeling defeated as his shoulders slumped, not wanting to admit it but also wanting to get it off his chest at the very same time. “I’m afraid I’ve caught feelings for y/n—which normally wouldn’t be a problem—only, they’re y/n, and I’m unfortunately nobody they’d like..”
“Are you kidding??? Of course they like you!!! They’d be thrilled to know!!!” Sky got up and the traveler panicked.
“Sky, where are you going—“
“To tell y/n! It’s nonsense you think they won’t like you! Like I said they’ll be thrilled!”
“Sky, no, please that—please don’t…” he stopped following the young man, looking like a sad wet cat with how defeated he felt. He was sure this was the end of your friendship. Farore, strike him down now. It’s over for him. He could’ve swore he saw the events of his life flash before his eyes as he watched Sky make his way over to you. He said something the traveler couldn’t hear, but he assumed it was the song of his death March. His eulogy. ‘There lies Link, our dear sweet traveler, who despite everything he went through, who saved his Hyrule from true doom and despair, despite the efforts of everything that tried to stop him from doing so, died of a broken heart—‘
In his lamenting, you had made your way over to him with soft eyes and the saddest smile. “—Link.” Your voice broke through his thoughts and you were glad it had finally not fallen on deaf ears. His eyes widened when he noticed you standing in front of him and he suddenly felt his breakfast pushing at the top of his throat, wanting to escape the twisting and turning of the nervous butterflies the rushed the home it had made in his stomach.
“Hi.” You said exasperatedly in a laugh. “What’s this about you saying you’re ‘nobody I’d like’? Of course I like you?”
“But why?” He finally broke. “Why would you? I’m not—I’m not a real hero—and I’m not strong like the rancher or skilled and talented like the smith or suave like the captain and Hylia knows I can’t cook like the champion, and—“
You put a hand on his cheek and kissed him. His words died in his throat and he melted, every bit of tension, every single thought—it all melted away the moment your lips touched his. You pulled away with a smile, wiping away the tear caught on the edge of his eyelashes.
“You don’t have to be. Link I don’t care if you’re not strong or skilled and talented or suave or can cook—I wouldn’t care if you were. I wouldn’t even care if you weren’t a hero—because that’s not why I like you. Din—I love you, Link. I love you because you’re sweet, and thoughtful, and caring and you put yourself before others—granted it’s sometimes—heck, oftentimes to your own detriment but regardless! You’re amazing, and I love you…”
The traveler couldn’t speak. He was at a total loss for words.
“…thank you…” he pulled you into a tight hug and you smiled sadly, hugging him back.
“Of course…” you said and let him take his time and break away on his own. Once he did, you smiled sadly again as you watched him wipe his tears.
“So-…are-… are we…”
“Yes. We are.” You said definitively and smiled when he lit up. He pulled you in again and gave you a kiss that was broken shortly after when the veteran yelled at the sailor for following him around and asking him questions about his magical items. You then looked over to see sky, frantically whittling down the toy that was meant to be finished by the time the boy returned to camp.
“..whoops.” The traveler laughed nervously. “..we’re gonna not tell the vet I pulled sky away from his work… he’s not the best to be around when he’s mad…” he said and you covered your mouth to keep you from laughing. Though, even if the vet did come to drag your boyfriend away and tell him off, the both of you were sure it wouldn’t ruin your day. Not after the moment you two shared.
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creative-heart · 2 months
"My thoughts will echo your name"| Esteban Kukuriczka
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Chapter six: “There was something bout that kiss”
Lucia’s Notes:  I can’t believe we’re already almost at the end of this series! this has been so fun to write so far!. On another note, this chapter’s gonna be juicy! So buckle up! SORRY ABT THE TIME THIS IS DROPPING FOR SOME OF YOU, BUT I JUST FINISHED AND I COULDN'T GATEKEEP IT 🤭😉
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+18 ONLY: MINORS DNI: If you DO NOT want to read the smut part, please stop reading at the first cut, there will be a brief summary at the foot notes of the chapter. You can go back to reading after the second cut.
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Those eyes- New West
In case you didn’t know- Brett Young.
Lose control- Teddy Swims.
Green tea & honey- Dane Amar, Jereena Montemayor.
Home- Edith Whiskers.
You’re enough- Sleeping at last
I hear a simphony- Cody Fry.
Content warning: Smut, light praising, some jealousy from the ex and light violence.
Word Count: 2.8k
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As the days went by, Y/N and kuku hung out more and more, things were so easy between them, there was a familiarity that couldn’t be explained as if they had known eachother since forever. That night was one of those nights, they had decided when she moved into his place that they would make it a habit to have dinner together at least once a week. She had now moved into a studio apartment, it wasn’t much, but it was enough, this was the first time she would have him over for their dinners and was feeling strangely nervous, they had done this countless times now, why was she feeling this way?
She was wearing an apron over her outfit as to not stain it while she made her stelar carbonara pasta recipe, she was famous for it within her group. When the street doorbell rang she bit her lip as she answered “Yeah?, come on up” she said after hearing Kuku’s voice on the other end. When she hung up she hastily took the apron off fixing her off the shoulder camel kneaded sweater looking at herself in the mirror, her light washed jeans hugging her figure in all the right places well paired with the ankle height camel boots; her hair up in a perfectly messy high ponytail, all which left her collarbones and neck perfectly exposed. When she heard the knock on the door she walked over opening it and smiled seeing the chocolate eyed man standing on the other side holding a wine bottle in one hand and a bag of strawberries and chocolate in the other. Y/N stepped aside and motioned for him to come in “come on in, welcome to my humble abode”.
As the older guy walked past her he kissed her cheek in what tried to be an innocent gesture but landing way too close to the corner of her mouth and Y/N couldn’t help but go back to that night at the club; sure enough, there was that sparkle she had started getting used to when being around Esteban, that fiery spark in the lowest part of her gut that never failed to make her blush. “Brought wine and desert, hope you like strawberries and chocolate” she nodded snapping out of her train of thought as she took in his ever messy locks of light brown-blondish hair that she loved so much. “Oh I looovee that” she smiled sweetly walking back towards the kitchen “I hope you’re hungry Kukuriczka, I made my worldly famous tagliatelle carbonara, and you better eat” she stepped on her tiptoes to get the wine glasses from the cupboard.
Kuku let his sight roam the girl’s body while she had her back turned to him biting his lip softly as he admired the way those jeans hugged her legs and her ass, as he let his eyes roam freely, he landed on the exposed skin on her shoulders and neck,  what would I give to kiss those gorgeous shoulders, run my hands down her waist again. He was snapped out of that fantasy by Y/N turning around with the glasses in hand and a bottle opener “will you do the honors?” she smiled sweetly handing them over to the guy  before going back to the cooking at hand. She knew, she knew in her heart that Kuku had been staring at her, and she wasn’t gonna lie, she quite enjoyed it to be honest, knowing the effect she had on him was rather alluring.
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After dinner was done, and almost the whole wine bottle gone Y/N looked at Kuku as they waited for the chocolate to melt for the strawberries “so…did you like the food?” she smirked softly as the wine had already started going to her head. The elder one nodded softly making his way over to the girl, alcohol giving him a bravery he hadn’t been able to muster just yet on his own, as he rested a hand on her side, half trapping the girl against the counter ”I enjoyed it quite a bit, yeah” his voice coming out surprisingly lower than they both expected it to be. Y/N looked up at him through her lashes biting her lower lip softly “That’s good, I hope you enjoy dessert too….and that the strawberries taste nice as well” she whispered and that was all the invitation Esteban needed, he bent over joining his lips to hers; his hands immediately falling to her hips as she held onto the freckle faced guy’s t-shirt holding him close to her granting his tongue entrance to her mouth, the dance of them perfectly synchronized together as if they had done this a million times.
Esteban deepend the kiss holding the back of her neck as his other hand traveled to Y/N’s ass giving it a gentle squeeze; he was so hungry for her, he had been ever since that night at the club and it felt so good to finally have her in his arms again. He didn’t even notice when the younger turned the stove off so that the chocolate wouldn’t burn, before her hand flew to his hair running through it tugging gently at the roots; when Y/N heard the soft groan emerge from the taller’s throat she smirked against his lips before pulling away just enough to whisper “Chocolate’s ready mr.” and without missing a beat she turned around to get the things ready giggling when she heard Kuku groaning before going to get the fruit and some bowls “Can we watch a movie while we eat?” and after hearing the affirming hum from the  guy’s lips she walked over.
“You’re just evil…you know that?” he chuckled his voice still deep with lust, as he could feel his erection half growing in his pants. “Me!? oh I could never…I just didn’t want to waste this perfectly fine chocolate you brought over” Y/N smiled, mastering her best all innocent smile as she walked past him to sit down brushing her ass accidentally against his crotch before sitting on the couch “so, what we watching kukuriczka?” the blonde grabbed a strawberry dipping it in the chocolate and biting into it looking straight at him, knowing exactly what she was doing and enjoying it way too much. Esteban didn’t even pretend not to be staring at her anymore, he was way past that stage, he wanted her too badly, needed her too much and what she was doing, he knew that was absolutely in purpose to make him go crazy, and it was working. His brown eyes fixed on her lips. When Kuku saw some chocolate staining the corner of her mouth he leaned in grabbing her chin strong enough to keep her in place but still with a softness to it and without breaking eye contact with the girl as he moved in, he licked the chocolate off. She didn’t expect that, her eyes following him as he moved, a soft moan escaping her throat when Y/N felt his tongue on her skin. 
Screw desert, she thought as she straddled the older guy’s lap, their lips meeting in a fervent kiss much needier and hungrier than the last, his fingertips traced the curve of her jaw, his touch igniting a fire within her pulling her closer, the warmth of his body enveloping her as their tongues intertwined in a passionate dance. Y/N felt herself melting against him on the spot, her hands frantically roaming over his shoulders and chest, feeling the rhythm of his heartbeat underneath her touch.
With gentle urgency he picked her up with their lips never parting making his way to the bed, hands on her ass while she wrapped her legs around his waist, and all he could think when she did that, was how he wanted them to be wrapped around his head. As soon as he placed her down her hands were swift to take his t-shirt off taking a second to admire his body, it was even better than she had ever dreamt about, and dreaming she had done on this topic. While Y/N was still taking in his chest, Esteban took the opportunity to take her sweater top off as well and while it was still going over her head he let his brown eyes graze over her wonderful chest “fuck” he muttered under his breath leaning in as soon as he took the top off connecting his lips to the girl’s neck taking his time to savor every inch of her skin looking for those especially sensitive spots that made her breath hitch on the back of her throat. 
Without any more time to loose, Y/N worked at kuku’s jeans to get them off, her hands trembling slightly as she moaned softly eyes fluttering closed as he grazed his lips over the spot right below her ear that always made her knees go weak. Once he had stepped out of his pants she took hers off and before she could react, her feet were off the ground, she giggled with a small squeak as the older man literally swept her off her feet and tossed her playfully yet commanding onto the bed. She looked at his eyes, the darkest shade of brown she had ever seen them. “God, you’re so fucking gorgeous babygirl” he praised her quitely taking in the image before him. Y/N looked up at him biting her lip suddenly feeling a bit selfconcious under his eyes.
Esteban smirked getting on the bed and crawling over to her kissing down her jaw and to her neck, leaving soft nibbles here and there while he made his way down, hooking his index fingers into her underwear all but ripping it off her, he had waited way too long to have her this way and he wanted her now, kuku wanted to taste her, he needed to taste her. As he spread her legs and looked up at her he smirked biting his lip “but baby, so ready for me, haven’t even touched you properly yet” as he placed a kiss on the inside of Y/N’s knee he looked up at her through hooded eyes hearing her breath getting heavier and a bit more erratic already. Y/N looked at him moaning softly “I just haven’t stopped thinking about the club” she whispered cheekly, the need in her making all the filters fade in her mind. Esteban raised an eyebrow quizzically as he softly ran a finger along her slick folds, a hum of approval leaving his mouth as he brought his digit up to his lips tasting her off it before leaning down placing a chaste kiss on the tiny throbbing bundle of nerves.
“Fuck” Y/N’s high pitched moan plus her hands flying to his hair tangling into his unruly strands cheered him on as he kept lapping and sucking at her folds and clit, a single finger slowly sliding in her a low groan leaving his lips without parting with her body sending an electric jolt erupting from the deepest center of her body up her spine and Y/N was gone, she coudln’t even think straight anymore, the lust clouded her brain and her senses and all she could think about was how good it felt to have kuku’s face buried deep against her center, she could die right there and then and wouldn’t even mind. She tugged at his hair pushing him closer “God sake baby, you feel so good” she muttered through moans as she could feel the tension building inside her body. Just as the string was about to snap, Esteban pulled away depriving her of all the much needed touch and friction and she whined. “Oh, easy babygirl” he smirked “I love how eager you are, but not yet” he winked before reaching over to his jeans grabbing a condom from his pocket rolling it on “I bet you’re gonna take my cock so well” he mumbled as he rolled the rubber out on his shaft before he held himself up over her their lips joining again, the kiss now sloppy and frantic. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, their bodies moving in perfect harmony. With trembling hands, Esteban guided himself inside her, their gasps mingling in the air, she felt so tight around his cock, so kuku gave her a little to adjust to it before starting to build the perfect pace. Their bodies seemed to know exactly how to move with one another, Y/N’s hands roamed freely down his back and up his sides wanting to explore every inch of his body. When his thrusts changed angles hitting that perfect spot on her insides, Y/N threw her head back letting a loud moan escape as she dug her nails on kuku’s shoulders. 
Not long after, the brunette could feel the girls walls tightening around his cock and her heavy erratic breath and he knew, sure enough, Y/N looked at him and whispered “I’m….babe…. I’m gonna” she muttered through moans; he kissed her and whispered against her lips “cum sweetie, cum” and his low raspy voice was all it took to take the blonde girl over the edge, she let herself go, feeling wave after wave of pleasure run through her, shortly after joined by his own orgasm erupting and washing over him, with a long trembling groan kuku let himself fall on the bed next to her. Lazy fingers tracing senseless patterns over his chest as they both laid in bed. He placed a soft kiss on top of her head eyes closed as he tried to bring his breathing back down.
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And that’s exactly how the next few months went by, sneaky rende-vouz at either apartments, silly little movie date nights and sweet escapades for the weekend just the two of them. Without even trying, they had kind of kept their relationship underwraps, not that they needed to hide, it had mostly began after Y/N and Lucas had broken up, but there was something inside them that unconsciously made them keep it a secret. 
That little unplanned plan would have worked if hadn’t been for social media posts of them at the same places at the same times, slowly the rumour of them being together ran like wildfire until it got back to Amelia’s ears, who one night, without thinking much of it brought it up in front of Lucas, the girl had never seen her brother so enraged, she could even say she was a little scared when he grabbed his keys making his way to Kuku’s place. Just as Esteban and Y/N were settling in for the night there was a knock on the door “that’s weird, it’s really late” the tall guy said heading over to the door and as soon as he opened, without even a word, Lucas swung at him hitting him square in the nose “Why the fuck would you go for my girlfriend Esteban!? weren’t there enough single women out there that you had to go for mine!?” he yelled at him. 
Esteban held his hand up to his face groaning from the pain “first of, fuck off man!, second, Y/N’s not an object for you to talk about her like that, and maybe if you hadn’t treated her like absolut shit when she’s a remarakable young woman, she wouldn’t have dumped you. You’re one to talk tho, when you and me both know what you did with Alma all through out your relationship with Y/N/N. Not that this fucking matters anyway, but I didn’t even try anything with her until she dumped your ass, not my fault I’m a bigger man than you, in all senses it seems”. The brunette smirked smugly and just as Lucas was about to swing at him again Y/N stepped in between them.
“That’s enough….you never were or will be half the man kuku is, you should be embarrassed to even show up here Lucas, you treated me like shit for years, and this man treated me the way I deserved well before we even looked at eachother in a romantic way, I’m gonna count to three and you’re gonna leave this place and never come near me or him in this way again or I’m gonna file a restraining order against you. You think I don’t know you went about fucking that whore while we were together? or that you were with me for my trustfund? well…. guess what, I love myself too much now to ever look at you like that again” She slammed the door shut in his face shaking and took a deep breath trying to steady herself before turning on her heels to look at Esteban “I’m so sorry love, let’s take a look at what that animal did” she walked in to the bathroom to get the freckled guy cleaned up.
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Lucia’s notes: Summary for the smut, basically lots of steamy making out, and sex. Thinking back almost half the chapter is smut 🤭🤭 Also, if you wanna be tagged in upcoming works, please leave a comment down below. 💗
Tag List: @madame-fear @cyliarys-starlight @castawaycherry @luceracastro @espinasrubi @lastflowrr @koiibiito @candycanes19 @nperoconelcositoarriba @lxdyred @deepinsideyourbeing
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starrynightzie · 10 months
I mostly wanted this acc to be specifically for art, not rly for anything else but i need to get this off my chest. Obviously if you’ve been on twitter, you’ve probably seen a lot (and i mean a LOT) of hate towards gay ships/shippers recently, (first w togachako, then w stsg) i wanna address all the weird shit thats been happening w jjk dudebros lately. Idk what it is but they’re rly upsetti spaghetti abt even the mere thought of stsg being more than platonic besties, going so far as to shoot down any hint of them being romantically inclined in the slightest - so i thought that i’d take it upon myself to provide poof that stsg has queer, romantic subtext since ppl are being extremely obtuse abt them, all for the sake of protecting their friendship from us evil gays. (other shippers do this too but im mostly focusing on dudebros bc they’re the ones primarily acting like assholes to us for no reason, like yeah, sure, some stsgs are extremely cringey & weird but that can be said for ANY shipper in ANY fandom. When you’re in a fandom as big as this, of course there’s gonna be some bad eggs, it’s inevitable.
ok so. !!DISCLAIMER!! i do not speak japanese, so if i say something incorrect then please correct me. i’ve done enough research to be sure that what im saying is right, but im only human, and sometimes, i might be wrong. so, take what im abt to say with a grain of salt. (just in case).
first off, it should be stated that gege akutami, the creator himself, is an avid bl fan (and ik what ur thinking, ‘oh, that doesn’t mean anything! just bc u read bl, it doesn’t mean you’re likely to write gay relationships into ur own manga!’ which is true, gege HAS said that he doesn’t want to write romance in jjk. HOWEVER, as much as i love stsg & see them in a romantic light, i do definitely think that the reason why their relationship feels so ambiguous is bc gege intentionally made it that way. i think he made their relationship up to the individual’s interpretation. And for ppl who’re thinking ‘why would he do that?’ well, he doesn’t like writing romance, right? so this is the next best thing he could do. and also i have to point out (in case ppl get defensive), gege literally does not and will never care if ppl ship stsg or not, again, he’s a bl fan and if anything - all of the evidence that im going to talk abt proves that he most likely ships stsg himself, so… 🤷‍♂️
2. i’d like to talk about s2’s op & ed which are HEAVILY romantically coded. If you don’t know, the op was written to be from gojo’s pov & vice versa with geto for the ed, the op in particular is a very special case. The song is explicitly abt reminiscing the past , wishing gojo had noticed geto’s sorrow sooner and it also mentions a ‘silent love’. the word ‘love’ being used here is ‘koi’ which EXCLUSIVELY means romantic love… now, since this song was specifically written with gojos pov in mind, doesnt it seem kind of weird to have the word for ‘romantic love’ in there?? (koi can be referred to as ‘young love’ or having a ‘crush’ on someone…. hm… ThAts WeIrD.) instead of using ‘ai’??? which would make more sense if stsg were just besties bc ai is more general and can be used towards friends & family.
and then ofc there’s the whole theme of ‘blue spring’. director park (who directed s1 & jjk 0) has stated in an interview that geto was gojo’s last warm spring of youth. now if you dont know, spring of youth/blue spring means a time in a young person’s life where they have hope and happiness… in animanga, it often means falling in love too… so judging by this, it seems very likely that gojo perhaps developed feelings for geto during their teen years together. Director park has also mentioned in an interview that gojo & geto’s relationship goes beyond ‘friendship’ & being ‘familial’. 👀
3. another clear indicator of gojo being in love w geto is the whole ‘love is the most twisted curse of all’ spiel he said to yuta. ‘but he could mean platonic love!!’ idk, considering yuta had romantic feelings for rika and hes discussing them with gojo & gojo knows this, dont u think it’d be a bit weird for him to mention geto here too? if they were just best friends?? (that’s not even mentioning the fact that gojo & geto’s relationship is supposed to parallel yuta & rika’s in jjk 0…)
4. and then ofc we have gojo saying his last words to geto, which were censored. now, correct me if im wrong but the ONLY times ive ever seen inaudible dialogue being mouthed to another character is when its a love confession mostly seen in romance anime. and like, there’s also no need at all for gojo’s last words to be censored in the first place. (although, i do suspect that his last words may play a major role in the future when he faces kenjaku.) what solidifies it for me being a love confession is that, 1. geto blushed after gojo said whatever it is that he said to him, (only in the manga tho, idk why they didnt make him blush in the movie but its whatever.) and geto replies with, depending on the translation, ‘at least curse me a little at the very end’ or ‘you should at least curse me at the end’. which heavily implies that gojo said something extremely sweet & heartfelt to him as his final words. and if thats not enough to convince u that gojo’s last words were indeed a love confession.. gojo’s eng VA HIMSELF, said that his last words when translated into english means three words… im not saying that gojo’s last words were specifically ‘i love you’ or anything like that, but i am definitely sure that whatever he said was a love confession/something very romantic in nature. bc why else would gege choose to draw geto blushing?? that wouldnt make any sense.
gojo also killed geto on the 24th of december, which in japan, is the most romantic day of the year & couples in japan treat christmas eve as kinda like a separate valentines day. even in the jjk manga recently, gojo offered to fight on dec 24th & kenjaku mocks him by saying how romantic it is… even gege himself acknowledges how romantic christmas eve is in japan, this enforces the idea that gege must’ve chosen dec 24th for a reason, bc why else would he have picked an extremely romantic date as not only the day where he fights kenjaku who is inhabiting geto’s body, but also making it the day geto died?? yall have to remember that all of this has been planned out by gege, none of it is a coincidence… he didn’t just come up with all of this on the spot, he’s been planning this stuff & thinking about it for literal years.
5. and finally, probably the BIGGEST piece of evidence there is, geto & gojo’s character songs. gege chose romantic break up songs for BOTH of them.. like im sorry but if stsg were rly truly only best friends, he would not have chosen those songs for them, it just doesnt make any sense.
conclusion: obviously, this probably isn’t every subtextually romantic thing about stsg’s relationship but these are all the things that i’ve noticed. again, if you see their relationship as purely platonic then that’s fine but don’t be assholes to people for seeing romantic subtext that’s quite clearly there. if i have missed anything out then please let me know and i’ll edit them into the post.
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anonzentimes · 12 days
LONG ASS ASK INKOMING ZEN so its super cold in brazil today so typing is a little hard and there might be weird typos fkshdkjd but
when i was like 14 i had online friends that were also 14 and were into danganronpa but all they talked abt was the flaws of the series and how much they hated the more problematic aspects of it, it was a constant wave of gender discourse and sexuality discourse and nagito is a bad portrayal of mental illnesses and miu iruma is too sexual and this character is bad cause of xyz and that character is bad because of this and that and honestly whatever the fuck else you can argue about this series about, whenever i mentioned that danganronpa seemed fun and id like to get into it my friends would tell me that its not worth it, that the series is fucking horrid that i should run the other way and be glad i never entered the hellhole that is being a danganronpa fan
so thanks to this and like constant fucking weird shit coming out of the hell hole that is the fucking dr fandom on Twitter for like, four whole years I straight up didn't touch the series. a series that I was so fully aware that I would love btw, because i was always into gorey art and i found the art of dr so pretty and the characters had such intresting designs and the pink blood was so cool and i love the killing game genre and the mystery solving aspect, of danganronpa seemed so cool, i did not go near this series with a fucking 10-ft Pole
until literally maybe some months ago at 18 years old a streamer I like said on stream something like "oh yeah danganronpa is fucking awesome im so glad i played it" and I was like fuck it, this guy has high standards, if he likes it it cant be that bad. and so I downloaded trigger happy havoc and i was so pleasantly surprised by it, sure case 2 is a case that exists but like other than that i immediately fell in love with this franchise, i loved almost everything about the game, then i started sdr2 and nagito took over every single part of my brain within 0.2 seconds of gameplay AND DR2 IS SO PEAK JUST IN GENERAL udg was super fucking fun i love touko and komarus relationship and the warriors of hope so much, dr3 was awsome even if i didnt really care for future arc despair hope and 2.5 were awasome the end of drv3 hit me like a truck and it genuenly took me a couple hours to understand that my beloved class 77b wasnt just retconned out of existence and currently im trying to kill executive dysfunction and procrastination and read dr0 and again want to replay dr2 cause my hyperfixated ass would rather play the game when she should be alseep to know what happens next than play it when she isn't too tired to understand whats happening lmao
and after i was done with the series i sat down and thought about how i let 14 year olds on the internet who im not even friends with anymore keep me away from something that now i hold so dear and close to my heart, and i wonder how many people who would love danganronpa will never give the series a chance because not only does the wider interner find it cringe but the fandom constantly tell potential new fans to stay away and act like its the worst midea ever written, the way some people are unable to enjoy what they love without guilt is so sad because not only does it affect them but also others
and this is super personal but i wonder how danganronpa would have impacted me if i got into it back when i found out about it at 14, how much different having danganronpa to hang on to would have made my life when i was burning out at school because i was trying to survive neurodivergency hell with undiagnosed autism and possible adhd
dangabronpa is awsome i love it so so much
YOU JUST MADE ME FEEL SO UNBELIEVABLY YOUNG OH MY GOD. I HEARD ABOUT DANGANRONPA WHEN I WAS 11 I'M PRETTY SURE AHHHH HAHA!!! Overall I think this raises a good lesson that we should trust our guts and from our own opinions on media. Look into things you're curious about, learn if it's worth it yourself, and come to your own conclusions! I feel bad for those who never get to understand Nagito Komaeda, let alone know he exists. This franchise has some negatives but the positives outweigh the issues entirely to me and I wish people gave it more of a chance. dangabronpa is awsome INDEED lmfao.
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quillpokebiology · 1 year
hey for. no reason in particular. can i get some facts abt phantump and/or gastly
Phantump because I only do one pokemon at a time, and I like them better
Phantump Facts
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(Art by JamesTurner_42 on Twitter)
-Did you know Phantump is one of my favorite ghost types? Anyways, real facts now
-The scientific name for Phantump is "Pueri Lignor" which roughly translates to "Child of wood"
-Phantumps are able to posses all kinds of tree stumps, like oak, birch, redwood, etc. The ones that posses deciduous trees are said to be the most deadly
-I'm sure everyone is aware of the legend saying that they're the souls of children that have died in the woods. What do I, as a researcher think of this? I don't know. There's a lot of evidence to support that theory, and it wouldn't be the first time something like that happened. But all of that could just be a coincidence
-Even if this theory is true, Trevenant are still able to breed (Phantump too, but that's creepy and gross as hell when you think about it, so I'm saying Trevenant). So that doesn't mean that all Phantump would be born from a stump
-They're known to be very hesitant to leave the woods, but can be lured out using candy, stuffed animals, or games
-While not proven, one research says they found a ghost/poison Phantump variant, with the Phantump having mushrooms all over its stump (//idea from Tofrug's Swamp. You can look them up to find other cool fakemon!)
-Including cries, Phantump are also good at mimicking other forms of human speech
-There have been multiple cases of children going missing, and then a Phantump appearing at the houses those kids lived in days later. A lot of the families end up catching the Phantump or letting them stay with them since they believe this is their kid
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-There have been multiple instances around the world where Phantump would go out of their way to play with young children they found. However, if it's a wild Phantump, this isn't a good idea as they're known to get children lost in the forest
-Phantump will usually gather around a Trevenant for protection. If you see a Phantump, there might be a Trevenant nearby as well
-While a lot of people assume thaat you can take off Phantump's stump, the stump is actually attached to their body, and attempting to take it off can really hurt them
-Their organs are incredibly light to hold and also feel a bit weird. It's hard to describe. They look almost transparent, and they don't have the same bodily functions that we have. For example, they don't poop or pee their food out. All kf it seems to just turn into energy (no I didn't kill a Phantump, it was a surgery, and he's doing fine right now)
-Unlike a lot of other grass types, they can't and don't photosynthesis. For one, the stump they inhabit is already dead, so it can't. Two, they dont like the light anyway, and they prefer to stay the shadowy dark lasts of the forest
-Phantump are shown to really like Shuppet and Bannette. In many instances where they were being studied together, or put in close proximity, Phantump would always run over and try and play with the Shuppet or Bannette. For some reason, Phantump hatched from eggs don't always react like this
-Phantump become a lot less shy during Halloween and sometimes even go trick or treating with the young children. People in Kalos always saw this as a good sign since Phantump are said to protect the forest
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(Art by rosevolii on Twitter)
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solradguy · 10 months
Towards the anon talking abt the sin shipteasy stuff,, Yeaghh... Though it might be a translation error? for sin's line against elphelt's instakill. I heard that the original japanese version is something along the lines of "Goodbye childhood"? But I'm not sure, I don't know japanese...
To be honest... Xrd's English translations aren't generally wrong, per se, but the translation team added an "edginess" to a lot of the lines that isn't always there in the original Japanese. Sol's dialog got it really bad, as a quick example. I've complained about his dialog translations before, but the gist is that in Japanese he's usually just annoyed/grumpy, but in English he's often just straight up mean. Compare his official English translations in Strive to Xrd and you'll see what I'm on about. The Strive translations are more faithful.
Anyway, Sin's Magnum Wedding line is another example of this. I found transcriptions of all three possible lines he can say for it so I'll break them all down since I've got them, and I'll translate them more literally than the localization team did. This isn't always the way I translate lines because literal translations can be very clunky in English, I just want to try to get across the feel of the original JP lines.
Off.= Official Translation | SRG=SolRadGuy translation
グッバイ、オレの童心… Off.: "Farewell... virginity..." SRG: "Goodbye, my child-like innocence"
The first part here is just "goodbye" written out in katakana. Changing it to "farewell" was a good idea, it flows better. Then Sin uses the rough/casual masculine first person pronoun, "ore," for himself. This last word, 童心 ("doushin"), is where it gets weird. Doushin is like "naivete through being too young to know better." I wasn't able to find anything on JPDB, Jisho, or Weblio that suggested it is/can be used to mean "virginity" like how "innocence" in English can refer to knowledge of sexual things, but that doesn't necessarily mean no one ever uses it that way. That said, I think translating it as "virginity" bends the original meaning a little too far. The Japanese word for "virginity" is VERY close to doushin though, 童貞 ("doutei"). Note the first kanji being the same.
I think a better translation for this line could have been, "Farewell... naiveté..."
These next two lines are completely different in Japanese vs English and I'm too lazy to try to find a video with them to match them up so I'm making an educated guess.
外はサクサク、中はふんわり… Off.: "I feel like I'm floating on a cloud..." SRG: "Crispy on the outside, soft and fluffy inside..."
I understand why they completely changed this line in English because directly translated it's... Actually, even in Japanese I'm not sure what Sin is getting at haha. My translation above is really very literal; there isn't a whole lot to break down. "ふんわり" ("funwari") means like gently/airily/fluffily. It's one of those onomatopoeic Japanese words that is difficult to cram into English.
センチメンタル、バイオレンス…! Off.: "I feel so... at peace..." SRG: "Sentimental, violence..!"
Sin's speaking English through Japanese in this line. It straight up just says "sentimental" and "violence" in katakana. Not sure why they changed this one in the official translation when it was already technically in English though. Maybe changing it to an idiom like "All's fair in love and war" or something could've worked? I dunno, I'm sure the team probably had their reasons for changing this one so much. Overworked, understaffed, deadlines looming... I get it.
As an additional note: Getting Japanese into English can be a royal pain in the ass. Sometimes it's straight up impossible to get a faithful translation in English and in that case the translator might as well just come up with something different that fits the "vibe" of the Japanese line instead. I don't want this post to come across as a dig towards the translation team. Despite the odd edgy embellishments here and there, the Xrd translation is pretty good. I'm also not a professional translator and have never gone to school for Japanese, so the translation team knows more than me anyway.
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graysexualcreature · 2 days
a comment you made about sexual dimorphism has been screenshot red and discussed in another post and I seriously doubt anybody else is going to mention anything about it to you personally although if you do get terfs on your page that's probably why.
I just wanted to ask you - why do you think humans aren't sexually dimorphic? we very demonstrably are. male and female anatomy is different, and I feel like the idea that it isn't leads to ingrained medical misogyny. I don't know what you've been taught, but it wasn't taking into account the full range of human diversity. I know it's easy to say "eh, we all kinda look the same" but it's not really the case. idk I'm really not trying to be rude but I wanted to say that you don't have to say in on discourse. it's okay to stay neutral, it's okay to stay out, it's okay not to make comments when you're not sure you have all the facts. idk I'm rambling now. you're also very young. you don't have to weigh in to every discourse on Tumblr, and making comments when you're uninformed can end up spreading misinformation
Hello! Thank you for the warning abt the fact that terfs might start going for me, I appreciate it!
I will admit that I did not get everything right when I made the comment- at the time, my phone was glitching out and I kept losing the comments I was trying to make so the comments ended up being a shortened, summarized version of what I actually wanted to say. And you are right, humans do have sexual dimorphism! I probably should have specified that my intention was to say that human sexual dimorphism does not work in the same way the terfs were trying to say it was. That is no excuse for the misinformation I unintentionally allowed to spread and I apologize for that.
Rather, let me be more specific now- human sexual dimorphism does, on a level, exist, but not to the kind of degree that the terfs were making it out to be. The way they were saying it, they were making the "we can always tell" implication, which is not true! A lot of features considered "masculine" or "feminine" overlap in a way that makes our sexual dimorphism hard to see.
So, what kind of sexual dimorphism do we have?
The basic stuff- afab people tend to more frequently grow larger chests and amab people tend to frequently grow facial hair. We do also have some structural differences- afab people tend to have wider hips, for example, to make way for the organs that live down there. I really, really should have specified this and I apologize for that, but I was very much referring to the more major examples of sexual dimorphism present in many animals when I said that sexual dimorphism doesn't really apply to humans.
And you are also absolutely right about the medical misogyny- heart conditions and the like very much effect afab and amab people very differently, and that is a good example of our dimorphism! Afab people tend not to be taken as seriously when they are having something like a heart attack because the symptoms are different due to our differences.
Afab people also tend to have more natural strength in the legs and hips due to the birthing process, and the opposite applies to amab people who have more strength in the upper body. There are many other differences, but they are all small enough that they do not effect the human appearance as drastically as, say, the difference between a male and female cardinal or a male and female pine grosbeak. Humans present their sexual dimorphism in a way that is more similar to something like a cat- you're going to have to look a little closer, even if you think you can tell from a glance if somebody is amab or afab.
Of course, this doesn't even mention intersex people and how this would apply differently, but there is unfortunately not that much information out there on how this kind of stuff applies to intersex people.
Thank you for the ask! And again, apologies for the careless nature of my comments. I really should have just cut my losses and not made the comments if it meant the exclusion of particular important information but hindsight is 20/20 and since the screenshots are being shared there is not much I can do to remedy it since it is too late to delete them.
I also appreciate the message on just staying out of online discourse, too! You are also absolutely right about making commented when you're uninformed, I really should have thought more.
I can only hope that people who see the comments might come to my blog and at least see this post that gives more specification. And, hey, if I made a mistake at all in this post let me know! I'm open to learning new information and revising stuff I think I already now. I'll be pinning this post and if I ever change out my pinned post in the future I will leave a link to it on the new pinned post.
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pinkmoondoll9shihtzu · 2 months
a while ago you answered and ask of mine with something that really resonated with me, abt your real self feeling like it was trapped in a glass cage. anyway im taking your ask box name literally. I used to live in a world full of magic and wonder, I think we all do when were young, and then alot of awful stuff happened, it took alot, a new traumatic tragedy every month. and now the magic is gone and it feels like it was never there and wont ever be there again. (1/2)
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thankyou for returning to my askbox im glad what i said helped befofre, sorry it took a while to respond i been ~in a haze--- my glass case got fogged up so to speak🩶gosh i been thinking lately i need to do mushrooms for the first time ina few years. the past month was such a trauma overload its thrown a wrench in all my plans & the world feels completely different to me now, i can barely even be online anymore it all feels so hostile to my sense of whimsy.
basically the only thing thats been getting me thru this past 5 weeks is just, going outside. not necessarily walking just sitting, breathing in the fresh air, and looking closely at the trees. when i sit outside without any distraction its impossible for me to deny that the magic is alive, objectively it is always there it extends far beyond me or any personal problem i have, it is going to outlive me. it comforts me so much to inhale the outdoors its the coping mechanism i've returned to again & again since childhood. i love feeliing like im so small im just nothing. yea i feel like shrooms cld b really nice rn..
grief is hell but its necessary because it taught me how to enjoy whats good.... the cycle will always keep spinning & the warm feelings will always return. from being an old person who been thru it so many times i trust that now. have u ever met a greedy rich person before? they have everything handed to them so they've never learned what it means to appreciate life. they're never satisfied because they don't know true despair or loss. this is not all rich ppl some still have perspective but its a thing w some, we all kno its a thing. for me it really has served my soul to go through so much pain & lose all control. Now i see every peaceful silent "boring" moment as true bliss. i dont rly need anything anymore , imo that is how death transforms & elevates
ofc it dont happen over night and u really do have to let yourself cry it out. let yourself wallow , feel pity for yourself like you would feel pity for a child who came crying into your arms. comfort yourself, get it all out dont try to hide from it. slowly the tides will turn. things will begin to stand out to you, little beauties you never noticed before. the simple things..they mean so much more once u have experienced true terror. i pray very much for your heart to heal anon ❤️‍🩹 the whimsy will return to u i can tell by the way u want it for yourself & others. U can be a guide to them thru your actions. ilu im here for u just dont give up 🌷 pmd9
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traumatizeddfox · 1 year
hey i had a question relating to csa if thats alright? basically theres a man and his wife who used to watch me when i was young like 4 or 5 that ive always had a weird feeling abt. i wont go into too much detail but i remember a lot of inappropriate behavior but i cant remember if anything happened to me if at all. but as ive gotten older and looked back on these memories i realize how fucking weird it all was and i get a strange strange feeling esp when i remember the man. the way he looked down at me. i also developed some vaginal itching around that time that my parents took me to the drs for. the thing is though i cant remember being touched by him or anything the memory just cuts off. how do i find the answer or settle this within myself/ cope? i dont want to misremember and fabricate a memory but smth always never felt right w them. my therapist isnt super helpful too she basically told me i may never know and memory can be inaccurate. but i know what was real and what wasnt. idk if thats the case then thats the case but i was hoping u or someone else here would have some insight. thank u ❤️
sometimes its really hard to find the answers, our body will remember but we don't. I suggest a new therapist, but sometimes its hard for us to find the true answers, but from what youve said I honestly believe something happened.
Im currently in the same boat, I think my cousin hurt me as a child, and its hard to know the truth :/
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I miss Harvey so uh
*sits down in your inbox* tell me about Compton's family other than Dogen and Sam? I want to know your headcanons. Any of them.
context for harvey
eeeeyyyyy its been a while since i talked abt him or the boole family let's go
Like I said in the P7 family post I was typing up, Compton's parents were the wealthiest of all the 7's parents. I don't know if they run/own a fancy resturaunt brand or something to do with animals or what but they're like fanciful edwardian non-psychics who care a lot about their Image and how other people See Them. this certainly had no adverse affects on their child whatsoever
I mused a bit about Compton having a sibling or two, but still not sure about exactly how that manifests in the broader scope of things. it just ""sounds right"" whatever that really means
Harvey, my friend Harvey, met Compton in their young adult years because Harvey's family runs some kind of rustic ranch that the Booles held a fancy little charity event at and Compton was like "wow... you like horses....... this must be Romantic Love"
whether it actually was Romantic or just Compton and Harvey being very close i don't know. i like aroace compton and also gay compton. both can hold hands bc orientation is silly like that
the important part is they liked each other enough to get married. or like domestic partners at least. they move in. oh my god they were roommates.
their daughter, dont worry about how they had a kid, i never have a name for her. I'll call her Suzy just to have a name.
but i think Suzy's not psychic and takes after harvey a little more than compton, which was ok for a long while. compton actually raised her with harvey at least up into her teens, because I think she was 16-19 years old when the Incident Happened.
i think this bc i feel like Suzy and Truman have to be around the same age? it makes sense in my head for that to be the case at least. Don't worry about it.
Sam's prison/mom line in the diner gives me a couple options. either Suzy went to prison, works at a prison, or Sam's just being a little sillay.
I tend to gravitate toward "works at a prison" or "sam is being sillay". I saw a headcanon once that the noodle bowl chef lady is Sam & Dogen's mom, which is cute, I think about it sometimes, but i also dont rly think she feels like their mom. to me at least. but it was interesting to bring up.
what headcanons I actually have abt Suzy amount to thinking she's... well meaning but maybe the worst parent out of the Truman/Augustus&Donatella "second gen" of psychonauts folks.
to say the subtext as text, Dogen being cut to when Raz says "your mother is afriad of you", it always gives me autism mommy vibes. like Suzy goes oh my poor little dogen and sam are so Strange, just like my Father. I don't want them to become Criminals, Also Just Like My Father. and she maybe makes some poor decisions because of it. Not as awful as say Loboto's parents. but not great.
Their Dad I think is the most guy ever. just a real nobody kinda dude. he carries a briefcase. works a nine to five. loves to talk about the Big Game. has kind of a minnasota accent when I try to imagine him talking. car grill mustache.
Compton has a weird, awkward relationship with Suzy & her husband bc of all this. He had kind of lost contact with her and Harvey after moving to GNG, and didn't hear from them again until well after the Psychonauts became a government agency because that's when he learned 1) he's a grandparent and 2) little baby Sam is burning the curtains oh god what do i do . I imagine Suzy made a panicked call to the Psychonauts one day and it got redirected to Compton once the family name came up and it was the most awkward phone call in the history of man kind.
Compton does love his grandkids though. And he's tried a lot of times to let his own kid and his ex-husband that they are welcome at the Psychonauts. he might not be available but yknow the other agents here are more capable anyways have you met Truman he's also a dad.
I think that's all I got for now cheif, though if you have more specific questions abt Boole or the other families I'm sure my brain will mix something together once prompted ✌️ it's always fun to answer these kinds of questions
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papermonkeyism · 2 years
That wasn't meant to be rude!! DD: You said yourself your changed a lot since your early days on the internet and you said you wanted to write a story featuring queer themes since that is something closer to you now that you're an adult and you also at one point said you treated Arcanth as almost a fictional boyfriend of sorts (unless i misunderstand!!!!) which is why you stopped identifying with him and which is why i thought he was meant to be what your thought was the """"default'"" at that age of a het cisgender male character and just wanted to suggest that now that you're revisiting his character you can do with him what young you couldn't bc of your preconceived notions abt gender&romance!!!
Okay. I'm still annoyed, so apologies if I sound clippy with this answer. It's residual, not aimed at you.
I thank you for clarifying.
Yeah, I've changed a lot since my teenage years, but I'm 35 years old, so I did a lot of the changing looooong time ago, and I swear I haven't spent all these years just fiddling my thumbs the whole time. My characters have changed with me.
My views on personal romance have always been between "nope" and zero interest, I've been very aware of myself being ace for practically my entire life. My gay awakening was also eight years ago by now, so this isn't a new developement. I just suck at making up stories to put all the feels in.
Okay? Okay.
(I had queer themes and characters before the great Gay Awakening, but since that point it's been personal and out loud.)
(okay so Arcanth is "any pronouns good" kinda character, this whole avoiding pronouns alltogether is annoying, and my antipathies towards English language are great and numerous. Now with that out of the way-)
I don't know why people keep getting this backwards. No, Arcanth never was my imaginary boyfriend. Arcanth was created as a character for myself to have fun playing as. Technically their gender is "my default", which for the teenage me having grown up in the 90s-00s meant male because of the old days cartoon logic of "well, I'm not interested in dating boys or make up or girly stuff, so it can't be a girl. Boys are allowed to be anything". Those were the options I knew.
My views on gender now, as an adult are way too complex to sort through here (and frankly not your business), but to put it simply binary it ain't. I'm most comfortable as undefined default, so that's what Arcanth gets to be these days. Basically I just found better ways and words to describe what they already were.
Now, the imaginary boyfriend thing was a popular thing at the time in certain circles. I had several peers who had such characters, and once I figured out there was a possibility people could mistakenly think that's what Arcanth was meant to be, I kinda immediately noped out of it and stopped drawing him, because the whole idea squicked me out.
So it was never a case of seeing them as a some sort of default heterosexuality, and more like "holy shit people could accidentally think I'm into this!" Absolute horror.
It's extra flavour of sadly hilarious how people STILL TO THIS DAY keep assuming that's what was going on. Congrats on hitting that exact same button. I hate it.
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unusual-raccoon · 11 months
For that violence ask game! :)
2, 12, 16, 23
Thank you, anon 🤍
2. A compelling argument for why your fave would never top or bottom
Jacaerys Velaryon (my baby boy 🤍) has too many issues with authority (particularly male authority) and control to simply hand it over to a sexual partner. He's learned to be his own father figure and not rely on others to see results (ex., appointing Corlys as hand, smuggling his brothers to safety). He's been vulnerable in so many aspects of his life and wouldn't readily welcome that into his bed. He's on top.
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them?
I wouldn't describe him as unpopular, but I have a feeling season 2 will vastly underplay his value with Laenor Velaryon being alive: I'm talking about Addam Velaryon ( a lot of my faves are underrated in my opinion 😭). Addam Velaryon is such a standout character to me because of all he does in such a short time. He defies the odds during the Red Sowing and tames a dragon that previous killed Ser Steffon Darklyn, a distinguished member of the Queensguard. Addam is also one of the few reported cases of a bastard child (he's abt 14-15 in the books, HBO please stop aging my sons up) being named legitimate. He is a momma's boy (affectionate) and fiercely protective of his family. Even after being slandered with crimes he didn't commit by his unstable queen, Addam goes on to rally thousands in the name of the very same woman who ordered his arrest. Why? Because he's loyal. It's written on his grave. In the end, it's his loyalty to his queen and the men that rallied under him that leads to his death. Also, p.p.s he gets bonus points for actually partaking in a literal dance of dragons (Blowing kisses at Seasmoke & Tessarion 🤍🩵). I feel as though most people forget about Addam and in part, I believe that's because he dies so young. The actual best dragonseed and I will not be taking any criticism on that.
Honorable Mention for hated fave: Viserys Targaryen - Paddy elevated the character in such a tremendous way that can be adored despite his flaws. I LOVE HIM.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
Rhaenicent being in love... SO many fics include a nod to them being in love (pretty sure the actresses have said something about it as well), or having shared something in the past and I- I don't get it. I can get down with unrequited love, I absolutely can, but like...
Their relationship was not like that in the books. Anybody who has talked to me for any extended period of time knows that I am not into rhaenicent, but written in a convincing way I can appreciate aspects of them. But authors lazily telling me they've always loved one another...sorry, babe, I'm not buying it. It is just not a headcanon that I don't enjoy, and if beaten over the head in a fic, I will actively nope-out.
Honorable Mention: Poor MeowMeow Aemond. Do I feel sympathetic towards his character? Absolutely (and I love him). Do I think any of these kids were morally right growing up? Not really (except for luke? Boy started swinging just because he saw his older brother get hurt - i'm coming back with the loyalty) I hate team green fans who develop such vitriol towards JaceLuke on Aemond's behalf.
23. Ship you've unwillingly come around to
Alysmond...in rare instances. Book!Alysmond is just...not it. But certain fics recontextualize the relationship in a way that makes them engaging. (Also, Aemond, just admit you wann fuck ur mom and ur nephew, so you found some middle ground between the two).
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