#I feel like this is the corniest post ever
lilyacorn · 1 year
Yandere delinquent x gn! Tutor reader x new! Yandere popular student
Yandere delinquent part 2!
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(Since u guys liked part 1! With 30+ plus likes ty.)
What should i name yandere delinquent? Send the names in the comments :))
Possessive guy with puppy energy who gets jealous of another popular student you’re tutoring… >:( also new yandere character
Tw. Curse words. :))
Yandere delinquent- who was ecstatic when you told him to go to a local library for the session instead of his house! “…my first date! Heheh!”
Yandere delinquent- who dreamt multiple scenarios the night before the “date”
“…Then our hands bump against each other when they explain!” He kicked his feet in the air like a school girl while imagining those sweet lewd scenarios at the library… “hehehe! Soooo excited to see them again…”
Yandere delinquent- who wears a much nicer shirt than the last session at his house. “Hopefully they praise me… hehhe” with a goofy smile.
Yandere delinquent- who feels his heart dropping when he sees a popular student sitting beside you at the library- “who- …who’s that?”
Yandere delinquent- who feels like snapping the pen in his hand as he stares at the popular student rubbing their shoulder against yours as a way to “see the answer closer!” While deviously smirking at him. Stop going close to them you asshole
Yandere delinquent- who feels himself ready to stab the popular student when you smile at them when they get the answer right. why the fuck are they praising them… not me!
Yandere delinquent- who keeps asking questions to get your attention on him instead of that mf- “i don’t get this… help please?” With a pout to make you feel bad about not paying attention to him.
Yandere delinquent- who smirks at the popular student as you explain the question to him. I win you mf-
Yandere delinquent- who blushes when you flick his forehead to gain his attention on the questions! “…right sorry haha…” they’re so cute when theyre mad-
Yandere delinquent- who answers the math problems faster so that he could ask you questions about the next one. Fuck it i’ll answer randomly-
Yandere delinquent- who feels his heart fall to the ground when you laugh at the popular student’s joke. …they look good together with the saddest pout.
Yandere delinquent- who quickly says the corniest joke ever just so that you’d laugh at him instead “what do you call a pig that does karate? Pork-chop! Get it? Haha…” gosh that was the worst joke ever- why did you- UGHHHH
Yandere delinquent- who has a slight smile when you chuckle at his corny joke. At least they laughed… right?
Yandere delinquent- who doesn’t notice the time and its the end of the session. He offers to walk you home but the popular student asks at the same time “can i walk you home-“ “mind if i walk you home-“
Yandere delinquent- who stares deeply at the popular student who also stares deeply at him. Go away!
Yandere delinquent and the popular student both look at you.
Who will you choose?
An: btw the yandere popular student is out now!!
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oneshlut · 11 months
SORRY! i originally asked on the wrong post! My bad!
Hello!!!! I have no idea if this is the right post for requests, but i reqd your overjoyed headcanon and absolutely adored it! I love your writing style already! I originally had two requests, but for now ill go with one, with the Amazing Didgital cricus blowing up, i found favoritizim in the mean purple rabbit, i was wondering for some Jax crush headcanons? I loved your other one, and if its no trouble, id love to read it! Have a lovely day/night!!
A/N: omgomg!! it warms my heart hearing that people are enjoying my writing! thank you so much for the request, i hope you don't mind that i sprinkled in some confessing headcanons in there.. enjoyenjoy!!
Input Feelings (Jax x Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: General Jax crushing and confessing headcanons
Nothing irritates Jax more than someone new. Sure, a new fella to add to the prank list, and yet, another re-do of the theme song. So seeing you spawn into existence, scrambling around fearfully, made him feel both amused and annoyed. Let's just say he started out with mixed feelings for you. Mind you, these are just judgements. He hasn't even met you yet. Rude, I know, but it's Jax.
Meeting you went way better than he thought! You actually didn't find him annoying? That was a change of pace for him. Of course, not like he minded. Not at all! Looks like he'll have a new sucker to prank after all.
Although Jax was amused by you, you sure weren't. Not on the second day, at least. You had been talking with him earlier that day, and he wouldn't shut up about insects. Weird, you'd think of all people to be ranting about insects, it would be Kinger. Until later that night, or at least you thought it was night, you opened your door to find spiders in your bed.
And thus, you became Jax's main target for pranking! Hooray..! Yes, you liked his company--he was actually pretty fun to be around! But, uh, you prefer your outfit to not be soaked from a water bucket by the end of the day.
You two became frenemies. Sometimes, days went by where he wouldn't prank you. Shocking, I know. Jax just didn't wanna be too harsh on you, y'know? Which is weird, because Jax doesn't go easy on folks very often.
On days where he wouldn't prank you, you would sometimes receive notes from him. It was a good spirit lifter to go to your room at the end of a long adventure and see the corniest dad joke ever written on a piece of notepaper with crayon writing, sitting there on your bedside table. And on good days, you'd even write notes back for him!
One day, Jax gets either asked or teased about how he's so fond with you, and so rude to everyone else. He either makes some dumb excuse or tries to raise suspicion on the person asking, like the asshole he is, but it gets him thinking. He doesn't like to think. He's a man of action. But you were a.. different scenario.
Before, he was this complete asshole. And that's it, really. But you did something to him, something that he had no idea what to do with. Caine's gotta be messing with his coding, right? Maybe he input feeings in his code just to be mean. But being mean was his thing! God, what have you done to him..?
You, at the time, had no idea you were stripping away all of his confidence. As far as you knew, he has just been a bit nicer recently. Which was good! Right? Right. The notes would've been obvious proof he was getting better. Well, first, he was sending more notes rather than.. bugs.. but second, the notes started getting nicer and nicer. Some were just straight up compliments. That's when you noticed something was off. Jax never complimented anyone. Though, you didn't mind some of the compliments...
It's not like Jax has never been in love. He knows he had some sort of love life when he was in the real world, but he was left with just wisps of what it actually felt like to love someone. To care for someone. Though, now, he's finally able to remember.
You noticed how his teasing significantly decreased the more you spent time with him. You kinda missed it, but you're not one to complain.
Jax, on the other hand, was on edge all the time around you. He hated that you washed away his confidence facade, he hated how soft he was around you, how vulnerable. But that smug smirk wasn't gone just yet. He had one more "prank" to pull.
Ha, he wishes it was a prank. It really wasn't. This was actually the most serious he's ever been. He stared at the crudely drawn purple heart on a piece of scratch paper, only now doubting everything he's ever done as butterflies arose in his digital stomach. Standing outside your door, he suddenly felt all the nerves coming back to him he never thought he'd have to feel again. Jax swallowed down his nerves, but still couldn't hide the flush look on his face--or the fact that his pretend-guts were being tied into a bow.
Inside the small homemade card was an admittance to something he never thought he had to admit. Something he'd rather admit in person. Instead, since every inch of his confidence was gone at this point, he confessed in horrible handwriting, written with crayola twistables.
Jax took one final breath before sliding the heart under your door.
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quigonswife8 · 2 months
My love: Leon Kennedy x reader
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gif creds: @asukadattebayo
You and Leon are each other's rock in a world that can be cruel.
im so sorry for not posting for AGES but i'll try and post more often. ALSO thank you for nearly 400 followers, ILY!!
The first thing you feel when you wake, is the soft hands grasping your waist. It's almost like you're in heaven- though, it often feels that way with him. Following this touch is a soft grunt, a loving kiss placed oh so delicately on your temple.
"Morning honey."
The man's hands, usually so rough, a stark contrast with you. They move through your hair so delicately almost as if the man is scared to hurt you- you mean too much to him. Mr Kennedy presses another kiss to your temple, a following one on your head, and then finally your lips.
Your own eyes finally open, his soft blue eyes the first things you see as you do. Leon, who's usually tidy hair, sticks out in different places; his eyes contain a lack of sleep, it's a surprise that he was even asleep in the first place. With nights as long as they are, Leon will usually depend on coffee or cough cough alcohol, to keep his body awake.
"You're here?"
"Of course honey." he pulls you close to his chest. "...I thought for once I spend my morning with you, especially since I know you miss me when I'm not with you."
When Leon is home, you're his priority. Granted you're his priority in general but he gives you extra special love and attention when he's home. The two of you love sharing stories, Leon loves telling you what he's been up to at work; although if it's "too much of a risk" to you, he'll keep it confidential.
Leon loves telling you new jokes he's come up with, or just HEARD in general. Especially when or if you're feeling down Leon will do his best to cheer you up, so corny jokes it what he'll choose.
There was this one time, you were on the verge of a breakdown. Leon had felt his heart sink, blamed himself for your low mode even though it wasn't his fault. He put on the goofiest smile and told you the corniest joke you have ever heard, which, in turn, caused you to break down into laughter.
Leon couldn't help but smile triumphantly, his heart simply warming to see you laugh. He proceeded to hold you in his arms for the rest of the night since this happened around 11pm. The both of you were exhausted by that point, and fell asleep pretty easily.
It was extra special with him holding you.
There was another time, when you were extremely sick. Whenever you're sick Leon will know easily, even if you try and hide it from him. If he's at work and he'll hear you on the phone he'll leave work to be with you, or if you're already together he changes your plans for the day to rather look after you.
Leon will have everything. Soup, a warm blanket, he'll get your favorite show or movie set up, and he'll have an endless supply of medicine for you. The man just cares about you so dearly that it hurts his heart to see you sick or in pain.
You're so happy to have him in your life, and Leon feels the same about you. You're both each other's rocks, you love eachother more than anything, and if the world was ending you would be with one-another until the end, as corny as that sounds.
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heretoobsessstuff · 1 month
Hellooo sooo 👀 the fic i posted a snippet for a few days ago is finally here haha. Behold the sappiest corniest hurt/comfort fic you’ve ever read. It’s also posted on ao3 here if you prefer to read it there!
Title: What else can I be? All apologies
Summary: Gale’s repressed guilt of leaving John behind manifests as a nightmare. John comforts him
“Go on, I’m right behind you,” John said quietly. Gale nodded once and turned to walk towards the wall, eyes fixed ahead. John was right behind him. Gale’s heart was pounding, and his hands shook as he held them tightly in fists by his side. The distance between him and the wall seemed to drag on forever. Why wasn’t he reaching the wall?
Panic set in and took over his whole body. His chest, throat, and legs felt numb. Something bad was about to happen; he could feel it in his gut. His body knew it. Something was about to happen.
“Don’t shoot—don’t shoot!” John yelled. His voice shook Gale’s entire body. Gale turned around and saw John wrestling with the German guard, holding his gun on both sides, pushing him back with impressive strength.
“Go, Buck, get out of there!” John yelled again, his voice rough from exertion. Buck felt like his body was no longer in his control. He took one last look at John and jumped over the wall, leaving him behind.
The moment he was over the wall, he heard it—the gunshot. Loud and sharp. His ears rang with the sound. He slid down the wall, his body hitting the ground with a thud. He held his breath, feeling like hours had passed before he finally mustered the courage to get up on his knees. His hands gripped the edge of the wall for support as he pulled himself up to look back, and once he did, he couldn’t look away.
There, on the wet, muddy ground, lay John. Lifeless.
Gale didn’t know how it happened, but before he knew it, he was hovering over John. It felt like he was watching himself from a distance as he dropped to his knees and grabbed John’s shoulders, running his hands frantically over his arms and chest, trying to find where he had been hit. Trying to fix this somehow.
“John, John, can you hear me? Open your eyes for me, please!” he begged, desperate when he finally saw it—a hole the size of a penny right in John’s chest, in his heart. Blood oozed steadily. He took off his scarf and pressed it against the wound, pushing hard. John’s eyes flew open at the pressure with a loud yelp. The scarf was immediately soaked.
“It’s alright, John. It’s alright, just—just hold on for me. Just hold on,” Gale begged again, his voice shaking and wobbling with each word. He looked up from John and looked around frantically. He couldn’t see anyone. No German guard, no American prisoner. Bile rose in his throat as he yelled, “Crank? Brady? Somebody help me, please!”
Tears leaked from his eyes, falling onto John’s face. John looked at him dazedly, his breath coming out in little whimpers. His hand came up to bat at Gale’s weakly.
“Hurts,” he grunted.
Gale gripped the scarf tighter. There was blood everywhere—John’s blood, painting Gale’s hands, arms, and clothes red, smelling sharp and coppery.
“I know, I know. I just need to—just need to press. It’s going to be alright,” Gale said, his voice hitching on a sob. His hands shook so hard he couldn’t grip the scarf properly anymore. He looked around frantically again, hoping, praying for someone—anyone—to come, to fix this. He couldn’t lose John like this.
But there was no one coming. Deep down, Gale knew it. There was no sign of Crank or Murph or Brady or Demarco. They were all gone, leaving him alone to watch John die.
“You left me behind,” John gasped out, his voice barely audible. Gale felt his heart drop to his stomach, cold settling deep in his bones. He could say nothing as he watched John grip the hand that was holding the scarf against his chest. His blue eyes looked dark with pain and betrayal. Gale remained silent, his tongue feeling heavy and numb in his mouth.
“You left me to die,” John croaked, breathing harshly as his hand gave Gale’s one last squeeze before it fell limp, his head falling back onto the dirt. Gale watched in horror as John’s last breath left his lungs in a choked exhale. He was gone.
John was gone. Lost somewhere Gale could never reach. He was gone and he hated Gale for it. Gale had betrayed him. Had let him get shot. Had left him alone to die. His grip on the wound wasn’t strong enough. He hadn’t held onto John tightly enough and now he was dead. Look at what you’ve done. His brain screamed at him. You were a coward. You have lost him forever. The light in his eyes is gone forever and he died with nothing but hatred for you. Nothing you could ever do will bring him back.
Gale woke up with a gasp. The sheets had woven around him like a cocoon. He gripped them tightly and thrashed around to fling them off of himself. He reached to his right blindly. Expecting to find a warm body fast asleep. To find John there. It was empty. Sheets long abandoned and cold.
The feeling of all consuming grief was immediate. It gripped him by the throat and closed his airway. Gale felt outside of himself. The room was floating around him and the edges of his vision threatened to turn black the more he gasped for air. His brain was struggling to pinpoint where exactly he was. A hotel room or behind the wall?
He couldn't remember anything. He couldn’t remember where he was anymore. His heart was too fast, pounding against his ribcage. He clawed at his chest, willing to control his breathing. The cold devastation of being left alone, abandoned by their men was wrapped around his lungs like a vice. You left John behind and he died in your arms.
He couldn’t get enough air into his lungs. He grasped his shirt as he breathed in short strangled exhales. His heart was too fast, almost like it was jumping out of his chest. Maybe he was the one who was shot in the chest. Maybe he was dying. The thought was chilling. He was dying. Drowning in John’s blood. This was it. That’s how he would die. Cold and alone and hated by the only person he had ever loved-
“Gale? Can you hear me?”
The strong voice cut through the haze. A hand reached towards him and pulled him out of the abyss he was drowning in. Distantly he could feel something or someone grip his shoulders. Shaking him. He could hear himself gasping for air but his body refused to cooperate.
“Gale? I need you to breathe darling. Can you do that for me?”
He was trying. He wanted to tell the voice that. But it was difficult and his lungs felt like they were on fire. The voice was familiar and warm and soothing. It sounded like John.
You idiot! His brain screamed. John is dead. Maybe I’m dying too. He thought again. That’s why I can hear him.
“You’re not dying. You’re alright. We’re home. We’re safe. Just breathe.” John’s voice said. Gale felt a hand on the back of his neck. Felt it running over the little hairs at the base of his neck that were damp with sweat. He choked on an inhale. The other hand grabbed Gale’s where it was clutching his chest. Thumb running over his hand in slow strokes. The touch was grounding. Home safe he repeated to himself. He felt air enter his lungs as he struggled to slow his breathing.
“That’s it. Good job, darling. Just breathe”
Somehow against all odds, John was here. Calling him “darling”, holding him and comforting him even after Gale left him behind. Even after he went to hide behind the wall like a coward and left John to wrestle with the armed kraut. John was the one who was itching to escape, instead Gale stole his opportunity to run ahead of him, leaving him there. Gale was overcome with a guilt so strong and sudden he felt bile raising in his throat. His face twisting as he was hit with a strong wave of nausea.
“You gonna be sick?”
John asked, reading Gale’s expressions like an open book. He nodded miserably as John moved him around so his legs hung over the bed, hand still gripping Gale’s.
“Okay. It's alright. You’re okay. Just hold on to me”
Gale could barely make out the words being said to him over the ringing of his ears. He tried to swallow down the nausea as he felt hands under his knees and around his back. Lifting him off the bed with ease. Carrying him towards the bathroom.
“There. It’s alright. I got you.”
Gale’s knees buckled immediately as he was gently lowered to the ground. John pressed against his back firmly to steady him as Gale reached out to grasp the toilet bowl. He fell forward as he heaved. Tears were pricked his eyes as he coughed harshly and heaved again.
“You’re alright. Just need to breathe. Slowly. Just breathe. In and out. You’re alright.”
You’re alright John’s voice kept telling him. It was comforting. Gale let out a shuddering breath as he felt a hand rubbing his back soothingly. In and out. Gale tried to focus on the voice. On the gentle touch on his face and hair. He felt a weight pressed against his spine, holding him in place. In and out. More air filled his lungs. He reached out blindly towards the voice and felt his hand being grabbed in a warm grip.
That’s when he felt it. His hand pressed against warm skin. He could feel it against his palm. Thump thump. Strong, quick, John’s heart beat against him.
He let out a small gasp, hand shaking where it rested against John's chest, feeling his heartbeat. He kept his eyes closed, willing himself to breathe. It felt like hours had passed when his nausea finally receded and he started to calm down.His brain worked slowly through the haze, becoming aware of his surroundings little by little. He moved slowly to let himself sit on the floor, back resting against the toilet seat with John’s grip steadying him. Pieces of the past few days started to come back to him in slow bursts of memory. He remembered now. He had gone to sleep that night and John had slept next to him. He had been okay. Alive. Just hours ago. He was here, talking to him now.
He whispered, wanting to make sure he was there. That he was real.
“I’m right here, Gale. Can you look at me?”
Gale shook his head petulantly. He didn’t want to look at John and see the disappointment, the hurt, the betrayal in his eyes again. He felt John huff out a nervous breath as he rubbed up and down Gale’s arm.
“Alright darling. Take your time okay? I’m right here when you’re ready”
John tried to sound reassuring but Gale knew him better than that. John sounded scared. Worried. Gale didn’t want John to feel scared ever again. He opened his eyes slowly, squinting against the harsh bathroom light as the room swam into view. He blinked bearily as his gaze fell onto the man in front of him. John was crouching on the floor, eyes looking sad and glassy with unshed tears. His curls looked wild and messy, sticking up on the top of his head as if he had been tugging on them. He was sporting a deep frown as he looked on with a concern Gale didn’t think he deserved. He still managed to school his features into a small smile as he locked eyes with Gale.
“There you are. You back with me?”
John asked softly. Pushing Gale messy hair out of his face and forehead. Gale couldn’t look away from him as he lifted Gale’s hand from his chest to press a chaste kiss against his knuckles.
Gale nodded. Biting his lip when he felt the beginning of a lump already forming in his throat.
“Okay. You’re okay. Let's just sit for a minute.”
John said, reaching behind Gale to grab a tissue and wipe Gale’s mouth gently. Before Gale knew it a cold glass of water was being pressed against his lips and he took a sip instinctively. The cool water felt nice against his dry mouth so he took another sip. His hands shook too much as he attempted to take the glass from John but he just batted his hand away. Murmuring a slow “I got it” as he held the glass against his lips.
You don’t deserve this Gale’s brain supplied harshly. The lump in his throat threatened to choke him as he reached out to press his hands against John’s chest again. He needed to feel him. Needed to feel the steady rise and fall of his breaths and the thumping of his heart again. Needed him alive and breathing.
Gale felt like John’s name was the only thing he could say right now. His voice sounded rough and faraway to his own ears. John gave him a worried look as he covered his hand with his own.
“I’m right here”
He assured him. Gale just looked on. Palm still firmly pressed against John’s chest. He almost died and I let him. He felt like he was going to lose it any second.
He had been Gale tonight. Not Buck. Not John’s Buck. He couldn’t remember the last time John had called him Buck. The realisation hit him like a freight train. Maybe John did hate him. Maybe he wanted his name back.
“I’m sorry”
Gale choked out. His voice sounded rough and hoarse. His eyes finally spilling over as he lost the last remainder of self control he was desperately trying to keep. Tears were streaming down his face and into his cheeks and neck before he could do anything to stop it. He knew he had opened the gates now and once he started he couldn’t stop. John’s gaze softened in sadness, his hands coming up to wipe Gale’s tears away gently. Gale was talking before he could say anything.
“I let the kraut shoot you. Right here. Right in the chest. I ran and hid behind the wall like a fucking coward”
It was as if a dam had broken inside of Gale. It was like months of repressed guilt and fear that John secretly hated him finally caught up to him. A loud sob erupted from deep within his chest, more following immediately as his face crumpled. Maybe later he would feel embarrassed about all of it. Waking up from a nightmare and asking John to carry him to the bathroom just to dry heave and end up weeping like a child on the bathroom floor. But right then he couldn’t find it in him to feel anything other than desperation. Desperate for John to forgive him.
“I was all alone and I watched you bleed to death and I didn’t do a fucking thing. You hated me for it ”
He felt pathetic. You were the one who left him there, the snarky voice in his head said. Now he’s the one who has to comfort you for it.
“Hey, listen to me, Gale. None of that is real. None of that happened. You remember that. I’m here and I’m alright. It was all a bad dream”
John gripped Gale’s shaking shoulders, thumbs rubbing on his skin in small soothing patterns but the words couldn’t make it through the thick fog in his brain. He grabbed John’s face in his hands. Shaking terribly as he cried.
“I’m sorry. God, I’m so sorry John.”
He needed to tell John. Needed him to hear it. To see how sorry he was. John’s mouth was turned downward with sadness. He opened his mouth but Gale was speaking before he could say anything.
“I still left you behind. That part was fucking real.I will never forgive myself for it”
Gale could see the moment understanding washed across John’s face. They had been over this before. Gale had woken up from this same nightmare so many times and had told John he was sorry every single time. John had always comforted him. Told him there was nothing to be sorry for. Assured him that they were both here and they had made it. It had always numbed Gale’s pain temporarily. But Gale knew, it was like putting bandaid on a puncture wound. The relief never stayed. It always ate him alive. Lived in the dark corners of his mind constantly, waiting for the right time to strike but this time was different. Gale felt inconsolable. He felt like he needed to beg for John’s forgiveness. John held Gale’s hands on his face tightly. Tears clinging to the corners of his own eyes.
“Gale, listen to me. You didn’t leave me behind. It was my choice to stay behind and I would do that a hundred times over. I swear to God Gale there’s nothing you have ever done in your life that you need to apologise to me for.”
Gale squeezed his eyes shut but it did little to stop the tears. He pulled his hands out of John’s grip to press the heels to his eyes. Guilt and panic was making it hard for him to breathe. To think. He needed to do something. Needed to say something before he lost his mind.
“No, no I need to- I need”
Language was escaping him and Gale couldn’t stop crying. His breathing was coming out ragged and forced. He felt like the abyss was back to swallow him whole. John took hold of his wrists. Pulling them away from his eyes and holding him firmly.
“What do you need?”
John asked. Sounding desperate. Gale bit his lip hard enough to draw blood. Tasting the saltiness of his own tears.
“I need you to forgive me. Tell me you forgive me. Please”
“I can’t live with this anymore, John. It’s killing me.”
It felt like a relief to say it. To admit it to John that this was eating him alive. For a second John looked like he wanted to argue and keep telling him there was nothing to forgive like he had all those times ago. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped. Gale felt more and more desperate by the second. He was looking at Gale as if he could see right through him. As if he could flip through his brain and read his thoughts like a book. Gale had never loved him more for it.
“Please. I need you to-.”
John let out a shaky breath at the plea. Leaning forward to grip Gale’s shoulders tightly and pulling him close. Forcing him to listen.
“Okay Gale. Fuck I forgive you okay? Look at me.”
Gale did.
“Do you hear me? I forgive you. I forgive you”
Gale saw a lone tear travel down John’s cheek and fall into his hands. He closed his eyes against the sheer sense of relief at hearing those words. John forgave him. He felt the pressure and the grief and the feeling of impending doom weighing his shoulders down suddenly gone and lifted. He felt himself go limp as he fell forward with exhaustion. John didn’t waste time pulling him into his arms and wrapping around his body tightly.
“Thank you” Gale murmured into his skin. Over and over again. His body felt shaky and spent. He buried his face in John’s neck. It smelled like John. It smelled like home. John rubbed up and down his back and his arms. He kissed his jaw and his hair and forehead and neck and everywhere he could reach.
Gale wanted to continue. He wanted to tell John he’ll never get over that wall. That he’ll never feel not guilty about it. But he didn’t find it in himself to speak. John said he forgave him and Gale believed him. Always had and always would. He rested his cheek against John’s shoulder. Feeling himself calming slowly the longer John held him. He sighed out a deep exhale and let John hold up his weight. His body feeling drained but coming back to himself. John was still holding him tightly. Almost like Gale would fall apart if he let him go. Gale’s hazy brain registered that he had probably really scared John pulling a stunt like that. It had been a while since he had a nightmare that bad. He needed to say something. Let John know he was okay now.
“I’m okay”
He croaked. He sounded unconvincing even to himself. He felt John nod against his head and started rocking them both from side to side. The motion was surprisingly soothing. Gale closed his eyes.
“Gonna take you back to bed. Is that okay?”
John asked. Barely waiting for a response. Gale felt too shaky to even attempt to stand on his own. Not trusting his legs to carry him. He sighed out a quiet “okay” and he was lifted off of the floor swiftly, hands under his arms like he weighed nothing. John wrapped a comforting arm around his shoulders, walking him to bed. He felt weak, emotionally and physically drained but filled with a profound sense of relief.
“You should sleep, you’re exhausted ” John said softly, helping Gale settle back onto the bed. He pulled the covers up around him and sat down beside him. Gale felt shivers running through his body as he reached out a trembling hand to grasp John’s wrist. He could feel his fingers shaking against the warm skin.
“You okay? What do you need?”
John asked. Reaching out to run his fingers through his hair. Gale managed a small smile
“Just you”
John’s lips turned upwards into a fond smile Gale always loved. He immediately felt relieved to see it.
“You have me” John replied, wasting no time to get into the bed himself and pull Gale to his chest. One hand cradling his head and another wrapped around his back. He reached to wrap his arms around John’s waist. Fingers snaking up under his shirt to rub against his skin. John felt tense. Gale wanted the tension gone and the worried frown to disappear from his face forever. He leaned up to leave a soft kiss on his throat and felt John let out a quiet breath, face buried into his hair as he breathed in.
“God, you scared me. Took me a while to get you out of it this time ”
Gale wanted to apologise but was speaking again before he could say anything.
“You’re shaking. Are you cold?”
He didn’t wait for a reply before he reached out to grab the blanket Gale had kicked off the bed and draped it over both of them. Gale sighed in content as the warmth of it embraced him.
“‘M good now”
Gale said. His face fit perfectly under the column of John’s throat. The sheets felt damp from Gale’s sweat and tears. He swallowed thickly. He wants to tell John he’s sorry again. I’m Sorry for being so broken. For needing your comfort constantly, even though what you went through was worse than me. I’m sorry you had to wake up to me screaming and throwing up so many times this week. I’m sorry you got shot down thinking I was dead. I’m sorry I wasn’t there when you were captured. I’m sorry-
”I'm sorry I worried you” he said instead.
He felt John huff in annoyance.
“Stop saying sorry”
Gale huffed a small laugh. Feeling lighter than he had all night. He felt John smile into his hair and then, as if he could read Gale’s mind, he said
“I love you, you know that right? Love you more than anything. You’re what kept me alive. Through everything. You were the only thing I wanted to make it back home for.”
Gale felt his eyes burning with tears again so he closed them and just held John tighter. He didn’t need to say anything. He knew John understood him.
“We’re alright. We’re safe. Everything’s okay, Buck. I’m here. Try to get some sleep now, darling”
Gale hummed. John had called him Buck. He sighed in relief, letting sleep take him as he dozed to the sound of John’s heart beating. Alive.
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strawhatkia · 1 year
luvr boy.
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INCLUDES ! izuku midoriya x black!fem!reader
GENRE ! fluff
SYNOPSIS ! general relationship headcanons with izuku !
WARNINGS ! cursing, fem!black! reader, we still in high school y’all, a little uraraka slander (read to understand), edited
A/N ! another repost, i had to break it up bc it was a lot of text - izuku motherfucking midoriya. the blasian himself. isaiah niggadoriya. him with a black female? him with a melanated goddess? i think it god’s greatest gift to give izuku ‘deku’ midoriya a beautiful, melanated, healing black woman and for me to write about it.❤️🥰 also, i hate the way uraraka is written and i will not hold back
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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— ☾⋆⁺₊ 👊🏻 📗✧
pretty boy- the prettiest 
alright!! let’s start with wash day!!
…nigga did not know shit-
 poor baby grew up with inko, bless her straight headed soul, so he had no clue how to probably take care of his hair
all he had was h e a t  d a m a g e
“zuku, how do you do your hair?” “huh?” “like what do you do?” “uh well, nothing really, i just wash it, that’s it.” “…” “what? why are you making that face- IS SOMETHING WRONG WITH MY HAIR?!?”
everything…everything is wrong…
aight sis, grab yo detangler, rat-tail comb, hard brush, sulfate-free shampoo, co-wash, conditioner, deep conditioner, protein treatment, all your oils, patience, and strength
and for the love of everything that is great- throw away his 3-in-1 before he give me a fucking heart attack
chile- you couldn’t even see his fucking scalp. his hair was so matted and curled up tightly together that it hurt to look at it 
don’t let him go out this house like this no mo, hear me?
but it’s nothing you can’t fix, give the lil boy head some TLC and watch them curls pop!
first wrap that towel around his shoulders, put a pillow on the floor and sit him down in between ya legs and start the marathon of old all might and black people movies you gon’ be there for a while
lil boy would not sit still and he was tender-headed pick a struggle; at this point it was either get popped by you or suffer the pain from his scalp…he chose the latter
mans almost fell asleep while you was shampooing his hair and when you put the hot oil treatment on his scalp- slumber  
after everything, you twisted his hair and gave him a bonnet
“uhm...why are you giving me a hat?” you almost slapped the taste outta his damn mouth
after explaining, he put it on; little did he know it was an expect copy to yours, just a different size
“baby, we’re matching!” ”yes, izu, we are. do you wanna take pictures?” you have just made his night. 
the pictures were posted all over insta and has them pinned on his account you betta bet mina was all in the damn comment section ; later, he would print them out and put them on his desk so he can look at when he sat down or went to bed
when you took his hair down the next day, he went to the mirror and baby had stars in his eyes
“it looks so cool!” “i’m glad you like it, izu”
he talks about you to all might all the fucking time to the point they both know you better than ya damn self
which is really annoying because all might be wanting them "one on one" talks and it will irk you to talk to him because everything will be "but young midoriya said..."
to be honest, he went to all might for love advice....don’t ever let him do that again. mans was using the most corniest lines but since it was izuku, he got away with- tell me you not cheesing thinking about him saying the "roses are red, violets are blue line" with the cutest blush...im waiting
golden hour, his favorite time of the day
this man will drop everything just to see you at golden hour like when the sun is just starting to set, he will rush into ya dorm room just to watch you
it's like therapy for him to see you relaxing under the setting sun and see your brown skin shining, i just feel like this time would be the time he reminds himself that he is incredibly lucky to have you and will literally do anything to keep you relaxed like this
"zuku babes, what are you looking at?" "nothing~" "whew boy you are so far gone" "hm?" "oh! uh...love you !" "hm, love you too~"
side note: ...if you hear a camera click, don't be surprised
izuku loves affection, giving and receiving
his giving love languages is acts of service and a lil bit of quality time; his receiving love language is physical touch and words of affirmation
so it’s important that you meet in the middle and give him praise, shit works like a charm
go up to him, pat and rub his curls and tell him that he did a good job and one of two things will happen
one: he'll tear up a lot and ask if you're sure or two: he'll blush really fucking hard
as for his giving love, he'll just kinda follow you now until he is told to leave. don’t do that. just don’t.
let him leave on his own, you'll make him feel like he's bothering you otherwise 
ask him for cuddles, he’ll drop almost anything he is doing to do so
even if you just drop hints about it, he’ll just smile and just take you somewhere quiet before sitting down or laying down to take a nap with you (nap dates with zuku !)
i think my heart just busted outta my chest i love him so fucking much
if you wanna match his acts of service, when he’s sick or just really busy at hero work studies, take notes for him in class. he will love you forever i promise. 
and best believe, that he wants your attention on him at all times
remember them head pats? let’s say you give them to todoroki or tsu for doing some reason
poor thing is definitely sitting in a corner somewhere sulking
he doesn’t want to get upset because that’s his friends and he's glad that you are getting along but he would be lying if he didn't feel a little salty about it
later on, he will ask for some and if you refuse for any reason, he’ll look at you like you just tore out his heart…cause ya did
and GOD FORBID if you give more attention to bakugo instead of him…it is now in God’s hands
he’s throwing you over his shoulder and walking away from bakugo, not before throwing him a glare which later on ensues another fight between them
he only did it because he doesn’t like you getting too close to bakugo, no matter how much he cares about him being his childhood friend
i would like to think there's always that underlying fact that yes, you can handle yourself, but he also knows just how capable bakugou is and lowkey does not want to risk it
please remind him that you do love him and that he is a good boyfriend with all the hugs, cuddles, and all that other good shit
he loves to write about you in his notes, he has AT LEAST 4 notebooks about everything about you as well as somethings he wish to say to you and a little souvenirs from moments between you two that he found special
he has a special item from the time he figured out that he loved you and wrote down in detail what happened and how he felt about it 
when you find these notebooks, do not, i repeat, DO NOT tell him that you found. just take the damn notebook while you can and run
give it back and you'll never see it again.
but most definitely tell him about all the things you read and watch him turn bright red
“so, you did get jealous when I gave Sero that hug the other day?” “HUH?!?!? H- H- HOW DID YOU FIND OUT!!?” “*holds up notebook marked ‘Y/n L/n’* Maybe because wrote about it…in detail” *cue the screams of embarrassment and horror*
nah but the amount of times the boy has gone off on a tangent about the little things he loves about you in there will get you flustered-
for drama sake, let’s talk about uraraka
short story: you almost knocked that bitch teeth in
long story: yes, deku used to like her and yes, she almost got him but that did not work out and guess who got him first ! tbh, you started out good friends with uraraka apart from the dekusquad but she never told you about her lil crush until it was too damn late !  
and little miss thing was not happy about it; “after all this time…he gets with her!!”
i think you noticed at first her lil sly ass actions and remarks but don’t give in, let her make a fool of herself and watch her run around in circles
be calm and stay two steps ahead, it will work out in your favor ! and it did !
the next person that noticed was tsu, however, she was on your side about this because she hates petty shit and people so what uraraka was doing was not to her liking at all ! 
the other two, iida and shoto, caught on to it (iida wanting uraraka to at least remain civil and shoto just watching from afar) but deku remained oblivious for a while
he just wanted to be friends with everyone so he kinda just...didn't notice or thought she was mad about something else
i feel like uraraka would get beside herself and start saying reckless ass shit to express her frustration but it would only end up with her getting her ass beat and shunned from the group until she got her act together
you can guess what she said but all imma say is….she really lost her god damn mind and paid the price
what's worse is she really did try to make it seem like you stole from her...but dum dum was the one who didn't speak up? until the very last minute? which...sounds like a personal problem? sssoooooo, stay mad?
everyone in class did figure it out and it was just lowkey sad to see her get so messy but in the end !
izuku loves you very much and would do anything for you 
you are his happiness and he’s thinking about spending forever with you
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©STRAWHATKIA ━ all rights reserved. all content published on this blog belongs to starsoir. please refrain from copying, stealing, profiting off my works, or using my works for asmr related work. i don’t allow my works to be used or adapted in any way without my permission.
reblogs and comments are welcomed and loved, so leave some please ! i will respond ! 🤍
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lip gloss, lil mama. | f. | multiple characters
boyfriend. | f. | katsuki bakugo
love you more when the day is new. | f. | multiple characters
taglist : @mypimpademia @sevvnt @cosmiles @megurulvr @miirene
izuku taglist: @cosmiles
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k-martins · 23 days
i so want to write a post canon angsty breakup fanfic where megumi leaves the jujutsu society to heal from his trauma, but yuji still stays because he wants to protect people from curses and make up for sukuna's damage.
they both feel like they're getting in each other's way from achieving their goals. and then they meet again ten years later (oh yeah, stsg parallels, i love them) and live out the cheesiest, corniest cliche ever.
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rainba · 5 months
Ok hear me out…
Luka and kairos with INSANE baby fever B)
Luka and Kairos both definitely experience baby fever, to some degree… It hits Luka harder than Kairos, but I like to think that Kairos’ side of things is much funnier. 
I… Thiiiink I answered this ask right? 。゚(。ノωヽ。)゚。I hope I did!
This ended up being a lot fluffier than I thought it would be...
(Darling’s gender isn’t mentioned! Only mentions whether or not they can bear children. (つω`。)
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Kairos knows that he’s broke and definitely can’t afford to raise a kid– not yet, anyway! But once he continues building up his portfolio and raises his prices, he will eventually make a decent wage!
If darling is capable of having children, Kairos’ mind would basically become mushy as he imagines your all’s children together. Like… Whose eye color would they inherit? Would they be a boy or a girl? Ooh, would they take after him and also be an artist–!? There are so many possibilities to consider! 
Kairos would absent-mindedly start drawing out what your all’s future children might look like. ^^;;;;
But also, most importantly: what would you all name your children? 
Kairos would definitely come up with the edgiest, kind of corniest names ever. They sound more like OC names than anything, names like, “Twilight!” Or “Lucifer!” So, unless you also want to name your kids that, you’ll have to tell him that you don’t really like those. ^^;;;;;
If you’re a darling that can’t have kids, then Kairos would also be happy to adopt!! When he has baby fever, he’d get all excited about the idea of going out and going through the process of adoption with you. It’d be a long journey, but a journey he’s willing to take if it’s with you!
The most kids he would want/be able to handle is two, but he’ll ultimately let you decide how many kids you'll both have. (o^ ^o) Kairos would feel so nervous taking in someone of any age, but he’d still try his best!!
He’d absolutely be the pushover dad who just does whatever his partner wants him to.
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As for Luka, the insane baby fever really does hit him hard sometimes. Like– throughout his entire life, the idea of being a father has sounded nice to him. And the idea of raising a child with you makes his heart and mind feel all fuzzy.
As shown in a few posts of him before… He mostly gets that baby fever when he’s in heat. ^^;;;;;; The thought of having a family with you just sends him over the edge, and all he can think about is fucking you until his dream becomes a reality.
Honestly, I think that Luka would be a decent father. Overprotective? Absolutely. Overbearing? Sometimes, for sure. Cruel and abusive? Not a chance in hell. (ノ_ヽ)
If darling can get pregnant, and they do end up pregnant, there would be a few nights where Luka is unable to sleep at night, tossing and turning in bed as he constantly glances over at you. You’re lying there so peacefully, carrying his child… He’d lovingly place his soft ears against your stomach while caressing you gently. He can’t help but feel that he’s incredibly lucky to have you– the love of his life– his obsession- his everything. The first and only person to ever make him feel alive. ⸜( *ˊᵕˋ* )⸝ The two of you are truly bound together, forever. ღ
Luka would honestly end up falling asleep with his head on (or beside) your stomach, all curled up with his pink tail wrapped around you. (o´∀`o)
He knows that he can be, um… An asshole, to say the least. And that he’s not very good at understanding complex emotions. But when you have his child, he’ll do everything in his power to get better at being empathetic and patient, for the sake of you and your all's family. (。╯︵╰。)
(Luka wouldn't stop his games with you entirely, though. It's always gonna be in his nature to tease and mess with you (´-ω-`). )
When it comes to adoption, Luka would have absolutely no problems with adopting multiple kids. For him, his ideal family size is four children!! He would definitely be able to provide for all of them– although, he might end up stuck at work doing overtime more frequently. But doing more work doesn’t matter to him, so long as everyone is happy. (=`ω´=)
Also, side note, Luka would definitely want you to be a stay-at-home, full-time parent. ^^;;;;;; It’s a small fantasy of his to always come home from work and see you all happy and cozy, smiling warmly as you welcome him back. Maybe you’ll have a meal prepared for him, the house will be all tidied up and your all’s kids will be excited that he’s home from work.~
The holidays, the vacations, the good and bad days… (っ˘ω˘ς ) Luka would like to live that kind of life with you, one day, if you let him.
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Late Bloomer Boyfriend: Bang Chan
Disclaimer: This post is for entertainment purposes only. Think about it. Have hard thoughts. Don't take it too seriously.
18+ only.
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Also, this pic...omg, it makes me want to write a 10 day Daddy!Chan series because I am drooling violently.
I am going to tentatively say that out all of my late bloomer boyfriend analysis THUS FAR.
Bang Chan.
Daddy Chan.
Would be THE BEST late bloomer boyfriend and here is WHY...
Firstly, the man has a very obvious caregiver complex (at least, I think it's very obvious) and so he naturally attracts/is attracted to people who don't feel understood or 'seen' in life because his Libra stellium naturally makes him very empathetic and a naturally caring person.
People who tend to be a 'late bloomer' in life usually do have some insecurities about themselves because it's just almost impossible not too??
And Bang Chan's Mars in the 7th House means he is attracted to transformative relationships and people that help him 'grow' and discover traits and flaws about himself.
Being someone's first ever partner would encourage Bang Chan to hone different skills like patience, communication and emotional intimacy whilst also encouraging him to discover different parts of himself.
You would be his own personal project in a way, which can be seen as positive or negative depending on Chan's maturity level.
At Chan's worst, he could see you as a project to 'fix' or a vision to work on because it helps him build his self-esteem, that he's helping someone 'heal' and he could unconsciously put you into 'victim' mode and cause you to unnecessarily restrict yourself, just show he can come back and 'fix' you again.
Bang Chan would be a great 'first ever' boyfriend those little 'milestones' in relationships that experienced people might take for granted, he would celebrate them with you.
He's the first man you bring home to your family? You'll best believe he'll dress up and maybe even bring some flowers.
It's your first Valentines Day ever with a partner? He'll go all out and make it the most cliche and corniest of experiences ever.
Okay, let's talk about the seggsy stuff.
Look, the whole 'Daddy' persona is not as far-fetched as we believe.
I'm not going to say that Chan 100% has a thing for being called 'Daddy'.
But the chances of him enjoying it are pretty high.
And I also have to point out that I'm not saying that Chan would be into age-play or ddlg, I'm saying that Chan would probably enjoy being called 'Daddy' as a term of endearment.
Because I have to continuously say this but age-play/age regression is a form of lifestyle whereas calling someone 'Daddy' only in intimate situations is just a term of authority.
Chan would enjoy knowing that he's being the first to explore this area with you, to show you things you haven't discovered for yourself, to see you react to him and only him.
'How does that feel babygirl? Does that feel good? You look so beautiful under me right now, doing so well'.
And with Chan, it would seem like he's cool right? That he has everything under control.
But his cool persona hides a lot of emotional temperament and a constant desire to feel NEEDED.
And you best believe this side of him would show when you're under the sheets with him.
'Babygirl, you need Daddy to make you feel good don't you? You need me to take care of you and I will, whenever you need because you're MY babygirl'.
Now, on a worst level.
Chan could weaponise your inexperience and use it against you, manipulate and victimise you into how much you need him in your life.
'You couldn't even make yourself cum if it weren't for my help. You could never take care of yourself like how I can take care of you'
But on a positive level,
You would feel SAFE, protected, nurtured and appreciated, Chan's love for you would be so powerful, you would never ever doubt his affection for you.
'You make me so happy, I just want to care for you, protect you, love you. Are you going to let me babygirl?'
I also LOATHE the term 'babygirl'.
But it's just such a Chan thing to say, he is the only one that can make the term sound so sweet and sexy.
Taglist: @destiny-fics @umbralhelwolf @starsareseen @hipster-shiz @creativechaoticloner @cherry-0420 @lino-jagiyaa @mischiefsmind @scuzmunkie @mrcarrots @reighlee-greaves @junieshohoho @partywithgyu @kodzukein @whatsk-poppinhomies @yeosdarling @hologramhoneymoon @dilucpegg3r @marievllr-abg @craxy-person @itbtoblikethatsometimes @gyuhanniescarat @staytinyinmybpack @thirstybchanstan @necessiteez @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @hijeongguk @berryberrytan @notastraykid @sensitiveandhungry @laylasbunbunny @muselin @bluelove24 @sometimesiwritethings
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sparklingsjy · 2 years
sunghoon as your boyfriend
note: my second request and it's for @taegicarus !
contains: fluff fluff fluff and mentions of drinking :>
hoon is very shy and awkward once you guys made things official
he isn't the type to initiate affection but he does have his moments ><
hoon has a habit of buying your favorite flowers every time you guys hang out
he will randomly hold your hand or kiss your cheek and get all shy after even though he started it :D
i feel like hoonie prefers staying in than going out
shopping dates with him are the best since you guys get couple outfits and post about it everywhere dhejjs
this man WILL drag you to the gym with him as his motivation
even if you say no he will use his cuteness to change your mind </3
you don't even have to do anything, your presence with him at the gym is enough for him to be cocky and show off LOL
despite him not initiating affection that much, he WILL tease the heck out of you if you initiate it
imagine linking arms with him and he'll say the most cockiest thing ever like "oh? guess you can't keep your hands off of me love"
if you peck him on the lips he will immediately turn around and get all blushy <33+&($(2
hoon is such a shy guy it's so cute :((
he's the type to say the corniest jokes ever but you still laugh at them bc you know he's trying to not make things awkward <33
enha members do tease the heck out of you two but hoon is always sly with how he responds
late night walks during the winter > anything else omfg
if it's early in the morning and you have to get up for something . . . this man will not let you go
he gets so clingy and continuously tells you to stay for an extra 5 minutes which then turns into 20 minutes because he's a big baby
nights where you guys drink and freestyle are SO funny bc the two of you just spit nonsense at each other
just like jake, you guys also have matching holiday outfits with gaeul :')
ending note: hope this made you smile !
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ivy312002-blog · 13 days
I ended up deciding to write this fanfic about Dean and Robby so now anyone who wants to read will have to stand my annoying butt being insufferable because I LOVE THEM and I’m obsessed 😭 so you can have some fun facts (let me pretend I’m famous here i’m just a dean girl) and then I will post some mini teasers about this one.
1. You don’t need to watch Cobra Kai to understand the story, but I highly recommend to know about supernatural (8 first seasons, at least). I will explain Robby’s character with what I know from the show and some personal insights, because if you have seen cobra kai then you will know how poorly they have treated Robby’s character 😭
2. Dean will be the best freaking dad EVER.
3. I feel like some things may look really out of character for Dean (him being fully affectionate, for example) but on the other hand I feel like that’s the point of it all. I want to show you all how a son could have changed Dean’s life and, mini spoiler, that’s the point of it all. I swear it will be explained and 100% justified.
4. This will be a what if kinda situation based on season 7-8 of supernatural.
5. The story’s name is “soulmates”.
6. I could make Robby straight, but my baby always gave me bi vibes.
7. THERE WILL BE DESTIEL OC they are canon to me and if they are not canon to you, respectfully, you are wrong 🥰
8. BUT they will have a very very very slow burn and I won’t promise to give the fluffiest corniest destiel you may be expecting. I will keep Dean very much in character in that topic and Castiel as well, I always imagined them…taking it step by step. Slow kisses, not constant physical affection, a comfortable silence between them and the prominent emotional comfort they gave each other. I always imagined them keeping it more to them selves, if I’m being honest. I promise not to disappoint.
9. My mother language is not English so I apologise beforehand for the stupid mistakes.
10. Dean will be the most over protective and dramatic dad ever, promise.
11. Sam is going to be the BEST uncle.
12. I still don’t know which characters I will chose to keep, because HELLO BOBBY AS A GRAND DAD? I want to make it realistic but I also want to be happy for once in this fandom.
13. Robby just loves Dean so much 😭
14. Dean is not fond of girls flirting with Robby, and he goes straight to grab his gun when a boy tries.
15. They will be the best duo ever (with Cas as dad 2 and uncle Sam oc)
16. There will be romantic relationships but Dean’s and Robby’s bond will be the main focus.
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sofoulandfairaday · 1 year
Headcanons about James Potter? Thanks!
Hi! This is quite hard since I'm a recent James Potter stan. I was originally (and still am) a Severus Snape connoisseur. I don't know if you've noticed, but the nastier a character is, the more I like them. Of course, I personally believe Snape to be ultimately good, but that's a whole other post. Back to James!
The mom friend of the group.
Refused to use his dad's hair products. He loved his messy hair.
Jokes: either the best, sassiest, hard-hitting ones or the corniest, absolute worst ones ever.
Infectious laughter.
Also, the Marauders were very much James' friend group, as I've said before. Someone reblogged my Sirius HCs post saying that The marauders are essentially about three boys trying to become james bf and only one succeeding. I tend to agree.
One of those extremely charismatic people, those magnets that attract. He was tall, and “cute” but he wasn't as devastatingly handsome as Sirius was. He was extremely good at Quidditch and in school. He was an all-rounder, as you might say. Transfiguration prodigy, heart of a lion, funny prankster, approachable, jock. He was the kind of person you wouldn't resent when they teased you (as a Gryffindor), because he was just like that, our boy James.
People tripped over themselves to be his friend, which is why Remus and Peter especially were so grateful that he had picked them. Why did he hang out with them when the rest of Hogwarts wanted him? It made them feel like the élite.
Everything written in this meta is exactly his dynamic with Sirius.
Also had very dark sides. He could be very cruel, and very self-centred, he and Sirius actively made each other worse on more than one occasion.
He was a bully, and quite classist too. He came from a wealthy background, even though he wasn't “noble” in the way Sirius was, and therefore had some of those biases. Albeit kind people, I can see his parents as being a bit old-fashioned, and more than a bit classist. Those beliefs are intrinsic in him when he meets Snape. He sees a boy who is rough around the edges, ugly, and dirt poor and picks on him immediately. The dislike is automatic.
He's a person with a very black-and-white way of seeing the world. His personal cruelty is just boys being boys, even though taking someone's underwear off forcibly in public is very traumatizing sexual assault, and asking a girl out repeatedly after she's already told you no a million times is a major dick move. But you can bet your ass that someone using a Darker curse in a duel would have had his whole-hearted contempt. James hated Dark Magic.
He was loyal to a fault to his friends. The literal definition of ride or die and I imagine he might have taken more than a detention off of Peter's or Remus' shoulders - the former because his grades were already low, and the latter because of his health reasons.
For some reason, I headcanon him as eating a lot.
Growth spurt at the end of fifth year, like Harry. Lily very clearly did a double-take when he saw him back at school.
In constant search of a personal style. He always has brand new robes, but when he tries to dress more like a Muggle to impress Lily, it's a mix of Sirius' grunge aesthetic and Remus' smartest preppy clothes. I like James with a preppy-but-cool style, very different from Remus' worn-in, comfortable sweaters and vests (vests, Moony, who the fuck wears vests in 1976?)
Very personal headcanon: Voldemort tried to recruit him through other people first and then personally, at a social event one of the summers before he had even finished school, and he said no both times. The same happened with Lily (but I won't tell ya where ihihi)
He didn't hesitate when asked by Dumbledore to join the Order of the Phoenix.
If he hadn't gone into hiding, I could see him becoming an Auror. He had the grades and the bravery. Not my boy Sirius, though. Babygirl didn't work a day in his life (I have no dream job, I do not dream of labour).
Was more distrusting than Lily. It's funny because I see him as an idealist and her as a pragmatist, but I do think of her as someone who wanted to see the good in people, while James as someone who categorized you pretty quickly, and once he formed an idea, he wouldn't easily change his mind.
He had tunnel vision when it concerned the people he loved (see: Wormtail).
Was the only Marauder Peter couldn't turn against the others during the First War. I think Peter successfully played Sirius and Remus against each other, but James would have regarded it the height of dishonour to mistrust his friends.
I think he might have had a girlfriend or two, and definitely snogged girls before Lily, but I can't imagine how hard it must have been for them to be with someone that was a) drooling over another girl and b) very much his best friend's boyfriend.
Kendall Roy/Stewy Hosseini dynamic BUT HEALTHY
this post. (just kidding, just kidding)
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sk3tch404 · 7 months
YALL okay so the first fic I posted on here was a Meruem x Singer! Reader. I was abt 13 and I've only kept it up bc ppl have kept liking it over the years
Even if it was the most corniest, Wattpad-esque thing I've ever put on here, I'm so glad y'all took the time to read and support it. :)
But I feel like it's time to move on and private it 😭 I'm sorry but I get war flashbacks and violently embarrassed when i see a notif relating to it 💀
If you want the fic or you'd like to revisit it, just DM me! But plz dont expect anything good 🙏😭 I ain't rewriting allat either.
It had a long run ✊😔
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bleachbleachbleach · 2 months
7/8 - 7/14/2024
Not in the time-space for writing this week (though luckily I am also outside of any desire for it; it’s nice when those things line up!), but I did have airplane time.
Part 1 is pretty firmed up; I went through Chapters 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7, because they were most related to Chapters 10 and 11, and I still agreed with/made all the revisions I proposed when I read them seven months ago. Anything new I wanted to change or trim was largely sentential. My plan was to post Part 1 after I finished writing Part 2, because I didn’t think finishing Part 3 was going to make me want to change anything, and I think that still feels true.
I still don’t know how I feel about Chapters 1 and 2. Part of me is like, I feel like things are just happening, or the action is being strung along by some outside force rather than the way a scene plays out playing a primary role in what happens next. But at the same time, that casual logic is also literally, in-narrative true. Like, it feels that way because it is that way for those opening chapters. The outside force is the Noble Council and things are just happening because X Order begets Y and Z sets of tasks to be done or places to get to and Rukia doesn’t really have a choice about it at this point in the narrative. I do think the POVs narrativize that feeling/understand this to be the case, so I’m like, maybe I just need to come to terms with the shape of the story and understand the length of the narrative as a whole and the way that length is going to accommodate different narrative zipcodes, as it were. I have never written anything with this many zipcodes before.
I keep going back to that one Eco quote I reblogged however many months ago, about accepting the abbey’s own pace, and thinking maybe that’s where I am right now. The other option, of course, is that there’s some deep, deep radical structural revision I need to do to Fix Them, but I don’t know what it is or how to do it. Hahaha!
I finished the ending for Chapter 2, which right now I really like, rhythm-wise, and helps me feel more secure about this first 20k and all this business. It does also contain what is probably the corniest line I’ve ever written in my entire life, but I kind of feel like Renji thought it very earnestly, without realizing how corny it was, and without thinking it was as dramatic as it reads on paper, so he will probably just have to live with that.
Additional spoils:
I’ve been thinking about Kuukaku in the context of what is apparently my new “Ganju Art Camp” WIP, so some of that will now end up here. She has a new architecture project! She will suffer Byakuya attempting to describe it!
Further clarity about a dumb thread across Chapters 2/4/8 that primarily exists because 2020 me Just Wrote Things without thinking that Sequel me would have to contend with the consequences of these actions. I now feel like said thread may actually work and not just be a source of my holding my head in my hands for the next hundred years
Next on the docket:
Finish the (tragically) description-heavy scene at the end of Chapter 7 that I skipped because I wanted to write Chapter 9 first
Finish the skipped Chapter 10 scenes—I thought the reread/revisions would make the game plan here more clear; I do think it helped; I just wish it helped MORE, lol
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piecesofeden11 · 1 year
Hyperfixation post!
Questions 1, 6, and 12 please!
Thank you so much for the ask (gosh these are just so much fun!) 1. Do you prefer a single or double sink in your kitchen? Why? - I don't think double sinks in the kitchen are very common where I'm from. I've only ever known the single one with the drip-area (or whatever it's called) next to it :D that being said, I do look forward to having two! sinks in my new kitchen (a tiny one for rinsing stuff when cooking and a large one for the dishes) :D
6. What’s your favorite item of clothing you own? - Without contest my Critical Role merch Molly-shirt! It's just so comfy and cozy, it goes with *every single one* of my tanktops, regardless of color and it's very ... gender :D It never fails to make me feel amazing.
12. What’s the corniest romantic gesture/trope that will still get you every single time? - Italics "Oh" moments. Like, that second when the penny drops and one or both parties realize that "Oh ... oh so this is what that fluttering in my stomach was all the time". I'm such a sucker for oblivious lovers :D
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purelyapocryphal · 2 years
10, 7, 77 💖
(Writing ask game— under a cut because long)
7) Post a snippet from a WIP
This is from a sequel of sorts to Ghost Stories-- it's been in the works forever. Maybe now with Series 4 out I can resurrect it...
It had all started when Pat and the Captain had been unloading the car just as the sun was beginning to set.
They’d come back from a holiday involving a great deal of camping and seeing all sorts of historical sights all over Cornwall. They had also, judging by the way the Captain was limping, either had a lot of sex or done a lot of falling off cliffs. Or both. That very day they’d gone to see the White Horse at Uffington en route home, which filled them both with a rhapsody that seemed to quite defy possibility.
“This great country of ours,” Patrick had said, happily brandishing a heavily-annotated paper map. It had both his and the Captain’s handwriting on it, which was very sweet. Perhaps except for the bits where they had vigorously crossed out each other’s annotations and written no underneath. 
“All right, Kitty?” asked Pat when she came crunching over the gravel to see them. 
“All right,” she said.
“Found you something!” Pat said eagerly, and dove into a carrier bag that said No Sugar, I’m Sweet Enough! (Kitty had once seen the Captain trying to burn it in one of Robin’s brushpiles and had been sworn to absolutely secrecy).
She could hear the two of them through the walls, sometimes, Pat’s voice followed by the rumble of the Captain’s answer. 
A soft, helpless whimper followed by Pat’s gentle, “it’s okay, it’s okay. Breathe for me, love.”
It was a prurient interest, of course, but sometimes she caught the edge of something else in her feelings about it. A yearning, perhaps. 
“Here we are!” Pat said eagerly, emerging with a small parcel wrapped in an old Cornish & Devon Post. 
“Gosh,” she said when she ripped it open. “Where ever did you find these?”
“Little charity shop in Barnstaple. You wouldn’t believe the confusion in the old dear’s eyes when we came up to the till with them.” Pat clasped his hands together, eyes sparkling. 
The Captain grunted noncommittally and heaved a cooler out of the boot. 
They were 80s bodice-rippers. Gloriously, gloriously 80s; the bodice-rippiest of bodice-rippers. The cover art was magnificent in the corniest, most sensational sort of way.
10) Do you work on multiple wips or stick to one fic at a time?
Historically, it's been one (especially with the big stuff), but I've got a few going at the moment-- I find that it does help my thinking to be switching back and forth between multiple things... it shakes stuff in my brain loose, or something like that. Unfortunately, it also means that I have a sense of having a greater volume of unfinished business ...
77) Why do you enjoy writing fanfiction?
A great deal of it is just playing in the sandbox— especially with other people, or writing things with other people in mind. I do first and foremost write for myself, but I do write in little gifts for others. Writing is fun! (Except when it’s agony. I never do learn to trust the process).
It also, interestingly enough, generally helps me organize my brain/figure out what I’m working through in life, thematically-speaking--- that stuff tends to show up in my writing. Plus there's something really nifty about making the same canon into all sorts of different things, looking at it from different angles.
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makeste · 6 years
these are not kings, but princes
Or, “In this post, makeste essays about KHR, and the ephemeral nature of youth.”
So as previously mentioned, I have been rereading Katekyo Hitman Reborn, a series which came out fourteen years ago (a.k.a. long enough that there are people who are now Tsuna’s age that weren’t even born yet when the manga first debuted). This series ended in November 2012 (a.k.a. the last time the U.S. elected a President that wasn’t evil). Five and a half years later, I still haven’t gotten over it.
And here is the thing—KHR, while certainly a successful series and one that I love, was never anything particularly special. By which I mean it wasn’t one of the all-time greats. It had a lot of flaws, and even the things it was good at had by and large been done before in other series, and in many cases, done better. It’s not one of the series I mention when people ask me for anime and manga recs. I would not put it on a top ten list of must-sees or must-reads. (The one exception is the Varia Arc; this absolutely is in my top ten shounen battle arcs, and eleven years later it still kicks ass.) 
The humor (although I love it! so much!) is not everyone’s cup of tea. The art style starts out kinda rough, then gets really good for a while, but then starts to deteriorate toward the end of the Future Arc (although the characters are still as pretty as a Marvel Chris at sunrise). The plot has brief moments of brilliance, but tends to fall flat on its face at critical moments. It’s got issues with its representation of female characters. And so on and so on. The point is, it’s far from perfect.
The question that I periodically ask myself, then, is: Why is this series my favorite ever? What the hell is it about KHR that captures my mind’s attention so insistently? What is it about this series that I just haven’t seemed to be able to find anywhere else?
The characters? That’s one potentially obvious answer. I definitely love these characters. I’ve essayed before about how unusual Tsuna is as a shounen protagonist in that he does not want to be the GREATEST! SOMETHING! OF ALL TIME!, but instead just wants to be plain and ordinary and normal. In a genre filled with Type A leads, having a Type B hero is a pretty bold move. Rather than a Naruto or a Luffy, Tsuna is a Frodo; someone who’s reluctant to take part in this adventure and would rather be anywhere else, but chooses to stick it out anyway for the sake of protecting his friends.
I’ve also fangirled at length about Yamamoto, who somehow walks a perfect balance between being cheerfully oblivious and extraordinarily perceptive, and is pretty much the definition of TVTropes’s Beware the Nice Ones. And then, of course, we have Gokudera, my forever favorite, who is a flawless bundle of angst and idiocy and tsundere and badassness, and whom we must always keep safe and protected because he is precious.
The characters are definitely a big part of it. But not all of it. For me, at least, I realized that there is something else that draws me to this series time and again. And what it is, is this:
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To me, this series is about potential.
What I mean is this. Tsuna and the other main characters are all children, not yet even out of middle school.
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They screw up. They make mistakes.
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They learn from them.
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They grow; they improve. They get better. And better, and better.
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They’re young, all of them. They face challenges they aren’t and shouldn’t be prepared for yet, and somehow they manage to overcome them, at times almost purely on accident. They’re constantly in over their heads, because they’ve been tossed into this chaotic world with little to no experience, dealing with things like mafia succession politics, rival families, and the end of the fucking world. They struggle, and they flounder.
And in the end, part of the reason they succeed is because of that same youth and inexperience. They do things they shouldn’t be able to, because they don’t understand that they shouldn’t be able to do them.
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They’re hopeful, because they can’t comprehend the full weight of the odds that are stacked against them. They’re young and invincible. They’re naive. They insist on seeing the best in others. They’re ignorant of the harsher realities of the world, and in that ignorance they help make it a better one. They can’t conceive of failure, because they haven’t lived long enough to come face to face with an obstacle they couldn’t defeat.
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And the series ends with them still like this. In the end, Reborn never successfully makes Tsuna into a mafia boss. He’s changed, yes—night and day from the way his character was at the very start of the series—but he hasn’t fully matured yet. None of them have. They are frozen in time at age fourteen, smack dab in the middle of their adolescence. Forever caught on the bridge between childhood and adulthood. And for as long as I can remember, I’ve always been drawn to and captivated by that particular idea.
I’m not sure why that is, exactly. It’s like nostalgia, I guess, except more powerful somehow? Something about the transience of it. If childhood is spring, then adolescence would be the summer; bright, restless, and filled with long days that make you thirst for adventure. And sometimes, also, just so damned fucking hot that you wish it would just end already. And eventually it does, and you become an adult, and by and large things are usually a lot more comfortable and settled down. 
And don’t get me wrong—I wouldn’t want to trade that, and I definitely don’t ever want to actually go back to my own awkward teenage years. But there’s still some part of me that loves to romanticize that period of discovering so many things for the first time. Of being free from true responsibilities, and of having the potential to become absolutely anything at all.
To me, this is the most seductive part of KHR. Yes, ostensibly it’s a shounen battle manga about mafiosos with superpowers. But it’s also a slice of life series about middle schoolers who just happen to go to a really weird middle school filled with really weird other middle schoolers. And who themselves are also really weird. And have superpowers. And sometimes they have the aforementioned mafioso battles.
But also they watch fireworks.
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And do homework, and play baseball, and invent secret languages. They are children, and we’re watching them grow up. But because of the magic of fiction, they never quite will. They are permanently caught in this impermanent stage between who they were and who they one day could be. And because of this, their potential is unlimited.
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And this, ladies and gentlemen: this is my motherfucking emotions trigger.
I will now proceed to quote “Future Looks Good” by OneRepublic.
You see, I had this crazy dream last night
This man, he talked to me
He told me everything that’s good and bad
About my history
And he said that you are, you are the future
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You are, you are the future
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And the future looks good
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Does that make sense? I hope it makes sense. 
To me, it could not be more perfect. They’re young enough to still be vulnerable, but old enough to stand their ground. There are so many what-ifs about who they’ll grow up to become, but the series only ever teases at it. We’ll never actually see it happen. But we get to partake in the journey, and because that journey never reaches its end, the ending can be whatever we want it to be.
But personally, I think it’s best if it always remains a mystery. Because this, here, this snapshot of this all-too-brief, transitional period of their lives: this is what I live for and breathe for and crave in fiction. These are not kings, but princes.
And one day, they’ll inherit the earth.
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But not yet.
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