#I feel terrible and Xavier is close
kykyonthemoon · 5 months
The spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly
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When comparing hands, you realize how tiny you are to him.
ಇ. Character x Female Reader/MC
(Included parts in order: Caleb, Xavier, Rafayel, Zayne)
ಇ. Tags: fluff, domestic fluff, established relationship, comforting and healing, size gap, long-distance relationship (for Caleb's part)
ಇ. Word count: 3k2
ಇ. Requested anonymously
ಇ. The title of this fic is a lyric from Owl City's song - Vanilla Twilight.
ಇ. Masterlist
ಇ. Request
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Since childhood, you had always loved holding Caleb's hand.
You adored putting your small hand in his palm. To feel such warmth. His hands were usually larger than yours. At first, there was not much difference between the hands of two children. But as you got older, the gap widened. You began to notice this and frequently inclined him to compare hands.
“Hey Caleb, give me your hand.”
"What for?"
“Just do what I said, and give me your hand.”
Caleb was thrilled, waiting for you to place a piece of candy or anything intriguing in his hand, which had just expanded to its full size. Then he got upset when he felt the touch of your hand instead.
"What are you doing?"
"Hmmph." You pouted. "Still not as big."
You put your hand on Caleb's, measuring front, back, left and right. He eventually lost patience and said:
“Why are you measuring my hand?”
“Because I want my hands to be as big as yours. Only with such big hands can you hold so many gifts and pies from Grandma..."
Your face was extremely serious as you spoke, but it made Caleb roll around in the grass, laughing until his stomach hurt.
“Why are you laughing at me?!” You felt a little offended. You struck Caleb hard on the arm. It was painful.
"Ouch!" He yelled, then got up to face you. His hair still had grass in it. "Listen up, pipsqueak. Your hand will never be bigger than mine."
“Because I will always be taller than you, bigger than you. I must be taller to protect you and Grandma! My hands must be bigger to always hold yours!”
Having said that, Caleb curled his fingers around your palm. You grinned naively, believing that such large hands were ideal for doing all of the chores or lifting heavy objects for you.
One time, while learning to cook with Grandma, Caleb burned his hand. He tolerated pain very well and did not whine. On the contrary, it was you who frantically ran to find ointment to apply to him. You were crying:
“Caleb, you have to be careful! You have to take care of these hands... If something happens to them, who will do the housework for me?..."
Caleb laughed. He used his other hand to pat your head. “What are you worried about, pipsqueak? I will always protect you. Who did I start learning how to cook for?"
You sobbed. Honestly, you felt so terrible every time Caleb got hurt.
Time seemed to fly by. You both were growing up. The space between the two hands also extended. At one point, suddenly, just comparing hands with him turned your cheeks red.
But these days, you did not get to do that often anymore. Caleb went to the academy so far away, and then his long missions left him with few opportunities to visit home. In his free time, you could only chat with him online. You really missed the feeling of his large hands shielding yours. You said:
“Caleb. Give me your hand.”
On the laptop screen, he burst out laughing. “What now? Even though I'm so far away, you still want to measure my hand?"
“Just do what I said.”
Caleb shook his head in defeat. He brought his hand close to the camera and spread out five slim fingers. His hands were thin and smooth, but after being accepted into the academy, you could feel the roughness or new calluses there. You smiled, raised your hand to the screen and pressed it against his.
“Looking from this angle, my hand is bigger than yours!”
“Wow, pipsqueak has grown bigger and stronger than me!”
Oh, how much you missed him! You were about to burst into tears and tell him to come home to you right that moment. It had been a long time since his last return. You longed to hold his hand.
But you wouldn't make Caleb worry if he had to embark on a mission away from home. You tried to show him your brightest smile. And you whispered:
“Yeah. You've always taken care of me since I was little. Now it's my turn to be stronger to take care of you."
Caleb knew you so well, because you were always the thing in the palm of his hand he cherished most in the world. He was silent for a long moment, then gently said:
“Pipsqueak, don't be sad. I'll come home to you next weekend, okay? Make sure you eat plenty. If I return home and notice that your hands have thinned even just a little bit, I will be very displeased!"
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The first time you met him, he left an impression on you with his large and steady hand.
You found Xavier on a mission. Since he did not move, you came closer and gently shook him. Then his large hand gripped your wrist securely. You were astonished by the sudden vigor with which you were seized. To be honest, you were afraid at the moment.
The second time you met him, his big hand protected you once more and took you out of danger. That hand placed around your waist, not squeezing hard to the point you became uneasy, but it was a gentle touch, as if he was frightened you might vanish if he held you too closely. Perhaps from that moment on, you felt the warmth and safety of being in his arms. And all your walls eventually collapsed, embracing the way he entwined his soul with your own.
Then you became used to holding his hand as you walked together. When you had to maneuver through a congested area, he would gently squeeze your fingers, as if to remind you to pay more attention to him. And as you two went along a quiet street or sat on the subway with his head resting on your shoulder, he tenderly rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb. A gentle gesture, just enough to let everyone know that this girl was his.
His knuckles were hardened from sword practice. His skin was also consistently dry. He was clueless about how to take care of himself. So you began to learn about lotions for nourishing hands.You always carried a tube with you. On one occasion, you took it out and applied it to Xavier's hand.
"What's this?" He inquired.
“Hand cream.” You murmured this as you massaged the soft white cream into Xavier's obediently outstretched hands. “Your skin is so dry. I bought this for you to use.”
He did not answer, just stared intently at you taking care of him. When the thin layer of cream was absorbed, he turned his hands over and observed with a blank expression.
You giggled, then held out a hand in front of his face and said:
“Put your hand here.”
Xavier displayed confusion before placing his hand on yours and softly hitting the palm.
"High-five?" He inquired, continuing to appear perplexed.
"No." You answered, grasping Xavier's wrist to keep his hand close to yours. "I want to see how large your hands are. Hmmm…"
Xavier's hand was a little bigger than yours. You loved these hands. They constantly offered you a sense of security. On any endeavor, you could put your life in his hands without any hesitation. In daily life, you would always reach for his hand whenever you went out, or when your free hand wanted to feel his warmth. The only thing you never dared trust in these hands was, perhaps, cooking.
Xavier smiled. His hands felt significantly smoother after applying the cream, and they retained a very subtle flowery aroma. He laced his fingers with yours, then leaned down and placed a kiss on your hand.
“My hands smell like yours now.”
"Of course." You replied while blushing. “It's the same type of hand cream.”
Xavier did not respond. You caught him pondering for a long time. The next day, you found him applying the entire tube of cream on his hands.
"Oh dear! What are you doing? There's no need to apply that much!”
You quickly went to get a towel to help him clean up. He sat on the sofa, looking rather bewildered while you asked him:
“Are you going to use up the entire tube like that?”
Xavier responded: “Yeah… Since… This morning when I woke up, I couldn't smell your cream anymore. I want to use it all so the fragrance lasts longer.”
You rolled my eyes at Xavier, and a few seconds later you fell down laughing on the sofa. "Oh my! You did it in vain. These things don't last long."
“Is that so…” Disappointment was evident on Xavier's face. Seeing that, you sat close and tangled your hand with his. You said:
“If you like this scent, I will buy more for you.”
“What I like is your scent.” Xavier replied. His thumb caressed your hand. “I like the scent of your hair, your clothes, your hands… Everything that belongs to you…”
You were surprised, and delighted. Your face was more radiant than the sun outside the window. His hand felt so large and warm. If you could, you would never want to let  go.
You squeezed his hand once. Fingers pressed closely together. You progressed from being terrified of this foreign hand to when it became familiar, and now inseparable. It was weird, since despite only knowing him for a short time, it felt like you had loved him your whole life.
Leaning your head on his shoulder, you whispered:
“Xavier, don't ever let go of my hand, okay?”
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You preferred to visit Rafayel's studio more frequently these days. Of course, compared to staying in a small apartment alone, coming here to work with him, drenched in sunlight and sea breeze, surrounded by flowers and grass, was definitely a much more sensible choice.
But the main reason remained Rafayel. You enjoyed watching him in silence, as he concentrated on painting. His long fingers wrapped around the brush, perfect as if he was the work of art. You had undoubtedly noticed Rafayel's hands since the first time you met, when he demonstrated his incredible fishing talents. He was adept at wielding a racket and far more skilled at holding a brush. The hues of the mythical world depicted in the painting gradually revealed itself under his magical hands. He did not always use a brush, instead dipping his hands in the paint, and as his fingers started dancing on the white canvas, you believed you saw a rainbow even though it was not sunny that day.
You loved how Rafayel rotated the brush in his palm while contemplating before getting started with painting. You loved the way his fingers held the chopsticks and  transformed the food into a culinary movie. You liked the way he wrapped his long finger in your hair to play with it. It seemed that everything he did with his hands was perfect, and unreal.
“Rafayel. Can you raise your hand?” You asked him that out of nowhere one afternoon at the studio. He was focused on an art book, so he did not respond and simply executed what you asked.
You extended your hand, intending to press it against his. Yet he raised his hand a bit higher. You grimaced and lifted your palm high. He did that again, and again, until his arm was stretched to its full length, and so was yours. The only thing was, since yours was shorter, you could not reach his palm.
“Rafayel!” You shouted fiercely. He closed the book he was reading and flung it on the sofa. On his face was a triumphant smile.
"What? Can't reach it?"
With an irritated expression, you rose up and seized his hand. Fingers intertwined, perfect as if he and you were made for each other. You used a great force to push Rafayel down into the sofa, while your other hand maintained your body weight by positioning it near his neck.
The smile on Rafayel's face disappeared. The scarlet hue of a ripe tomato gradually crept across his statue-like face and reached his ears. Rafayel seemed displeased.
“Are you bullying me?”
“Who bullied who first?” You argued back.
Noticing that Rafayel had begun to move beneath you, his hand entwined with yours now yearning to escape, you held him even tighter. His hands were slender and cool, velvety like a baby's skin. The veins were barely visible underneath the thin skin. The fingers were extremely lengthy; they belonged to an artist rather than a warrior like you. Even his nails were tidy, pink, and well-filed. Looking back at your hand in his, it was dry and small, with short fingers and nails that were neglected due to a lack of time, you were unable to avoid feeling envious.
“Hey, if you want to hold my hand, just say it.” Rafayel gazed at you furiously. “Is it necessary to pin me down like this?”
“I don't want to hold your hand. I just want to compare it with mine.”
Rafayel scoffed. He replied: “Comparing hands, why? We all know for a fact that I have the most gorgeous hands in the world.”
Seeing how he started praising himself, I sat up bored, intending not to joke with him again. But Rafayel refused to let go of your hand. The other curled around your waist, clutching you hard.
"Where are you going? We haven't finished talking yet, have we? If you like my hands so much, how about I give them to you?”
"Huh?" You were a bit startled. In your mind a scenario of receiving a huge gift box. When you opened it, you discovered Rafayel's severed and bloody hands inside...
Rafayel squeezed your face, as if he knew you were thinking nonsense.
“Whatever you're thinking, with that expression, I'm sure it's not what I want. Follow me.”
Rafayel led you into the warehouse, he pulled out some plaster powder and a few necessary tools. Later that day, there was a new piece in Rafayel's studio, yet not a painting. It was a statue of a small hand tangled with a larger one. A precise duplicate of yours and Rafayel's.
“Come to think of it,” he said as he looked at the final work with you. “My hands are most beautiful when intertwined with yours.”
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Doctor Zayne's hands were often cold.
You still remembered learning to knit with Grandma and making gloves for Zayne when you lived close. Unfortunately, you did not get a chance to present them to him yet. You kept them in your old box at home till this day.
At the time, his hands were already significantly larger than yours. They were chilly since his Evol was occasionally unrestrained. In situations like that, he would put his hands in his pockets, look down, and leave fast. Even though you chased him down to ask him questions, he declined to speak, much alone show you his hands.
At the time, there was no scar on his hands.
Presently, when you put on his large gloves, you noticed how enormous his hands were. Your hand was buried beneath a thick layer of wool, only taking up about half of the glove's space. You rolled your eyes.
“Doctor Zayne, look!” You raised your gloved hand for him to see. The wool glove's fingertips had extra room and swung to the rhythm as you waved them. Obviously, the glove was excessively big for you.
“Stop playing around.” Doctor Zayne replied. He took the other glove and put it on your other hand. “Put this on.”
“It's too big. I feel like I'm a monster with gigantic hands!”
You laughed. Zayne grabbed your hands and hoisted them up. He inhaled to keep them warm and responded: "Because someone has lost her gloves on the way here, she must accept her fate of becoming a monster."
Zayne chuckled, but his serious expression made you question if he was fooling or condemning you for being irresponsible. He and you were on holiday in the snow-covered mountains. How silly of you to have misplaced your gloves and not remembered where you had put them. Hence he had to let you temporarily borrow his.
Even after you bought a new pair, you preferred the feeling of putting your hands in Zayne's gloves. Especially when they still felt his warmth lingering inside.
Zayne's hands were always so big, they were twice the size of yours. Your body shape was average, but when you stood next to him, you appeared strangely tiny. He could easily lift you up. He could hold both of your hands together with only one of his. And he could hold all five snow seals lined up side by side in one hand at your request.
His hands were covered with scars. When you inquired about their history, he just made up an explanation that he washed his hands too thoroughly. He saw you as a three-year-old child. Of course you did not believe it at all, but would not ask more until he was comfortable enough to share his story with you. You adored tracing the scars and veins that bulged beneath his skin. Sometimes, he felt ticklish. Other times, he would tell you to stop messing around while he was working. But he never truly pushed your tiny hand aside.
There were times when his hands became very cold. Extremely cold. As his habit, he buried them in his layers of garments without letting you know. He would not dare touch you since he was frightened you would catch that cold. Yet in moments like that, all you ever wanted was to hold him close.
You removed his hands from his coat pockets. They felt as frigid as ice when you touched them. Doctor Zayne frowned. He wanted to withdraw his hands but you clutched them hard. Your little, trembling fingers curled around and cherished those cold hands. You offered them your warm breath.
“Let go of them. You will be cold.” Zayne expressed worry. But you shook your head.
“Just wait a little longer and we'll both warm up.”
“I will… hurt you…”
That was what terrified Zayne. What if he lost control and accidentally hurt you? He would never be able to forgive himself if that happened. There had been many times he had avoided or hidden from you, but in the end, you were always the one who ran to his side when he needed you the most.
Eventually, he gave in. He relaxed his hands in your palms. He rested his head on your forehead, his eyes softly closing. In you there was always the warmth that he yearned.
After a while, Zayne warmed up. You were not cold anymore. Between the hands was an immeasurable warmth that both he and you desired to cherish forever.
That winter, you gave him a pair of new gloves with snowmen on that you had knitted. They clasped securely around Zayne's fingers, a reminder that no matter what, you would never let go of his hands.
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mcuamerica · 18 days
Waiting For You | Eris x Reader
For Eris Week 2024 - Day 1: Bonds | Bargains @erisweekofficial
Summary: Lucien and Tamlin bring Rhys's sister to Eris after Tamlin's brothers almost kill her. Eris finds out who his mate is.
Warnings: mentions of SA (nothing happens), canon level violence, torture, parental death (let me know if I missed anything!)
Dividers by @tsunami-of-tears for Eris Week.
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Your mother and you were in a small cabin just outside the Illyrian war camp territory, waiting for your brother to show up after his training for the day. You’d spend a week as a family, minus your father, in the cabin. As you admired the river streaming below the small porch, you took in the fresh air. Out in the middle of Illyria, no males to bother you. It was wonderful. 
You let your wings spread out, admiring the way they felt as you took in the cool wind. Only, something was off about it. You furrowed your eyebrows as you looked around, knowing Rhys liked to play tricks on you all the time. While you were a fully grown Fae, you were still young and he was still teaching you a lot about being alert. This time, you were too late when your mother started screaming. Not in terror but for you to run.
Instead, you walked right back into the cabin only to see Tamlin’s brother, Xavier, with a dagger to your mother’s throat. Before you knew what was happening, another one, Neo, had one to your throat. “Hmm.. you smell devine… I should like ravishing you before I destroy these.. Precious wings.” He sneered. A cold chill went down your spine at his words. Your wings. Mother, please don’t let them take your wings. 
“You let her go.” Your mother said. A fierce female that wouldn’t let either of her children get hurt if she could help it. You let out a sob as Xavier pressed deeper into her throat. You scented the blood before you saw it draw from her neck. “Do what you want to me, but leave her alone. She’s innocent.” She said. 
“She won’t be for long,” Neo said, a shudder running down your spine as he nipped at your neck. Your magic was still new to you and certainly not as strong as Neo’s. Not to mention, his strength alone could hold you in his restraint for hours. 
“Do. Not. Touch. Her.” Your mother growled. A female protecting her young, that was all in your mother’s eyes. Suddenly, you had a terrible feeling neither of you would get out of this alive. 
“Oh, we won’t make you watch.” Xavier let out a low laugh. “But you…” His gaze turned towards you just as Neo shoved you into a chair. “You get to watch us gut your oh so loving mother to shreds…” 
“Why?” You asked, doing your best to keep your voice from shaking. “Why are you doing this? Rhys- Rhys is helping you!” You yelled. Too young. You were too young to understand any of this. 
“Rhysand is growing too powerful and close to our dear brother… so we need to show him just how powerless he is. Let’s start with you.” He said, running the dagger along your mother’s arm in a deep cut. 
Once they were tired of your screams, they put a gag in your mouth. And as your mother laid on the floor, blood flowing out of her, you couldn’t bear to watch anymore. But they made you, kept you awake just so you could watch them take her wings. 
The things they did to you next were unspeakable. Carving scars and words into your back, around your wings. Running their rough hands along your wings… your body. The only thing they didn’t do was rape you… but their hands on your body… it was terrible. 
And then they took their swords to your wings, shredding them and eventually peeling them from your back. Slowly. Their magic woke you long enough to view yourself in the mirror. Bruises covered in bright red blood along your once clean skin. Just hours before, your wings were intact and stretched out in the sun.. but now they were in the hands of your tormentors as they sneered. 
“I hope Rhysand sees this message… not that you’ll live long enough to know.” Xavier said, his laugh echoing in your head before delivering the final blow. And then everything was dark. 
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Something wasn’t right. Eris could feel it in his gut, something was very very wrong. Someone was hurt… he just didn’t know who. Or why he felt this way. Still, he felt a tug on his heart, and he tugged back. Whatever that tug was needed an answering one. 
He didn’t know what it was until his brother… the one who had vowed to never step foot in the Autumn again, came stumbling in with Tamlin. And a bloody, broken body between them. 
“Xavier and Neo went crazy.” Lucien said. “They- they killed the High Lord of Night’s wife… and this… his daughter.. Rhys’s sister..” His words stumbled. “Eris, she’s barely alive.” 
Lucien looked at his brother, the one who wouldn’t take part in killing his lover. The one who he knew had a compassionate side of him. Begged him to help her. If she died… It was bad enough that the Lady of Night was killed.. But a future heir? The High Lord of Night might start a terrible war. Tamlin and Lucien set you on Eris’s table, both peering at him like deer in faelight. 
“Bring her in… and go find Renae. Quietly. Tamlin.. I suggest you go home and see to your brothers. The High Lord of Night will hear of this soon enough.” Eris ordered. Tamlin, the young prince he was, stumbled out of Eris’s private cabin and winnowed away just as Lucien went to find Eris’s trusted healer. 
“(Y/N)...” He whispered, his magic flowing to heal any wounds. Just as it did… the bond snapped. His eyes widened and he stumbled back, the pain that eddied down the bond was unbearable. How… how were you still alive? 
Eris let out a low growl at the thought of those males touching you. Hurting you. Like this. You were so young… just over 30 years old. And yet… they did this to you. 
He shook his head, stepping up to you again to heal whatever he could with his magic. His wards rang the bell that Renae and Lucien returned, and he sat aside as he waited for Renea to work. 
He told Lucien to go back to the Spring Court, check on Tamlin and not come back. Eris would be in deep shit when Rhys found out where his sister… his wingless sister was taken but he’d be damned if his little brother was caught in the middle of it. 
So, he had a messenger deliver the news to the Court of Nightmares, that the Princess of the Night Court was healing in Autumn, too fragile to travel, and to send an emissary of Night to watch over her. 
Azriel is the one who showed up, almost knocking down the door in the process. Eris growled as Azriel walked up to the table. 
“Step back, boy,” Renae said, looking up from her gaze on you. “If you want her to be healed properly, you will give me space.” She said. 
“We will have our own healers assess her.” He replied. 
“She can’t leave. Moving her here was a mistake enough. Another trip might be fatal.” She stated before getting back to work. 
“Why, Mother above, was she brought here?” Azriel asked, finally moving his gaze towards Eris. 
Eris’s lips were a thin line, hiding the swirling emotions… The pain you were feeling… “The heir of the Spring Court found out about his brothers’ plans. Arrived too late to save the Lady of Night, but found the Princess unconscious. My brother, in aiding his friend, brought her here. Because if either of them stepped foot in the Night Court, they would have died instantly.” Eris explained. 
Azriel let out a low growl, but paused when he heard a whimper come from your lips. 
“I have healed all I can for tonight. She needs rest. Do you have a bed?” She turned to Eris. 
“I will take her,” Azriel said, glaring at Eris as he gently took your broken, bruised, and bloodied body in his arms. Eris focused on restraining himself at the sight of another male touching you when you were hurt. 
“Second door on the right.” Eris ground out. He was shaking by the time he heard the door shut. “Will she survive?” He asked Renae. 
“She will… it will be a long healing process… but she will survive. When she wakes, she will be disorientated. I suggest that Illyrian stay with her, if she knows him well. A familiar, safe face will ease the pain of what she went through.” Before she left, she said she would be back in the morning to check on her, but to get her if anything else happened. 
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You woke up screaming from the pain. Of course, it was the one time Azriel stepped away to relieve himself and Eris was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room. His room. You were in his bed. Azriel, thank the Mother, had cleaned you of the blood. You had bandages in almost every spot on your body, the brace on your arm and leg a temporary solution until Renae could come to fully set them. 
Your screams… They were terrible. Full of pain, misery, and terror. Relentless horror. 
Eris knelt next to the bed, not daring to touch you in fear he might hurt you more. “(Y/N), you are safe.” He whispered, resisting the urge to cup your cheek. Gods… Your face was still bruised, your nose now slightly crooked from how terribly it was broken. 
Then your sobs started as you tried to move, but the pain must have been too much as your body slackened. Azriel burst through the door, shoving Eris aside as he took his place beside the bed. 
At Azriel’s voice shushing you, you quieted. Your sobs were soft whimpers as your swollen eyes searched for Azriel’s. Or so he thought… until your gaze landed on Eris. 
You couldn’t speak, but the way your eyes slightly widened… The slight tug on the bond he felt… He knew you felt it snap. You knew Eris was your mate. And you couldn’t do a gods damned thing about it. 
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It took two weeks for you to be well enough to travel. In those two weeks, Azriel didn’t leave your side. And neither did Eris, no matter how many times Azriel said he wasn’t wanted. 
Azriel didn’t say that again when you corrected him. “I want him here.” You muttered, your voice still hoarse. No matter how much water you drank, the injury to your throat was a burden. “He’s helping me. I want him here.” 
When it was time for you to go back to Velaris, you told Azriel to go outside. Shadows included. You wanted a word with the heir of Autumn alone. So, Az did as he was told and went outside, but kept an eye on you through the window. 
“What can I do to thank you?” You asked, leaning against the cain Renae gave you, since your leg was still healing. 
“Nothing… You don’t have to do anything. I don’t want anything.” He said and shook his head. 
“You’re my mate.” You whispered, searching his eyes. “You have every right to claim me and keep me here.” 
“Do you want that?” He asked, a soft look on his face. 
You bit your lip, eyes glancing to the floor before you looked back at his face. “I will come back to you, Eris.” You said, reaching up your free hand to cup his cheek. “I promise.” You said. “I need… need to heal first.” 
“I’ll be waiting for you.” He said, a gentle hand wrapping around your wrist. “I promise.” 
With that, a tattoo formed around your forearm, and one on his. It was one of flame and shadow, but perfect for the bargain made for mates of Autumn and Night. “Thank you.” You whispered, then gave his cheek a gentle kiss. 
You made your way to Azriel, taking his hand and telling him to not ask about the bargain you just made. You would get enough questions about it from your brother. And all you wanted to do right now was go home… where the new High Lord of the Night Court awaited you… and you needed to say goodbye to your father and mother at their burial sites, since you missed their funerals. 
As you appeared in the Town House in front of your now smaller family, you couldn’t help but wonder how long you would have to wait to see your mate again. Or how long that bargain would last before it pulled you towards him again. What you did know, however, was that you didn’t care how long it would take. You would go back to him again. You would be with your mate. The male who healed you and helped you through the terrors of pain and loss in those initial days, even if they were now a blur in your mind. You would return to him. And he would be waiting.
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Eris Masterlist
A/N: This is my first official Eris Week participation! I'm so excited! More to come throughout the week. I think you all will like it!
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lif3lessb0dy · 2 months
If it's okay with you, could I request a scenario with the LADS boys reacting to the reader saying "I'm admiring my future husband" after the boys ask why the reader is staring at them? Ty ty 🥹
OMG THATS SO CUTE I LOVE THIS!!! thanks for your request honey ;33
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₊˚⊹ ೀ lads boys
╰┈➤ reacting to your honest and lovely words after they asked why are you staring at them
cw; shy xavier, this man is such a cutie, xavier being a nerd about constellations, fluff, kinda angsty in zayne's part because I live for angst, rafayel is such a brat but I love him, some swearing in rafayels part
+ sylus isn't here now cuz I don't know much about him and kinda didn't know how to write his part, but stay tuned! he will appear as soon as I learn more about his character
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your favorite dates have always been outside. after a bad day Xavier asked if you would like to go with him for a walk. you were tired after training with some new recruits and he was, well, just mad cuz he got a new partner for today's mission. he wanted to spent some time with you, look at you, admire you...
„how was your day, my star?” xavier asked while walking towards a hill.
„Aiden and I trained new recruits. Terribly tiring but also satisfying” you smiled and sat under a big tree.
after a while of small talk you rested your head on the trunk and watched how passionately xavier started speaking about constellations. you just zoned out and thought about how much you love this man. you could stare into his eyes forever and never get tired of its divine color. his hair looked so good that you just wanted to play with it. but mostly you wanted to hug him and never let him go.
„everything's okay?” the concerned look on his face made your heart beat faster. this man was a miracle. „why are you looking at me like that?” he quickly turned his head to avoid your gaze due to the warm feeling on his cheeks.
„I'm simply admiring my future husband” you said without thinking.
you were speechless. you also lowered your head, afraid of his reaction. suddenly xavier's soft hands were on your face, making you look at him again.
„you really want it?” he asked quietly, almost as if he didn't believe that you could love him that much.
„i want to spend my whole life with you, silly” you smiled warmly, he was melting. you made the mysterious xavier's heart beat faster, you made him feel so much emotions that he couldn't say a word. Instead of speaking he hugged you tightly with his hand in your hair. that was the first time you said something which would confirm that you really want to be his wife. no... that you want him to be your husband.
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╰┈➤ ZAYNE!
you haven't seen Zayne for almost a week because of your work. he took care of everything when you were absent and prepared a little date for you two. he still thinks that he isn't good enough, no... safe enough for you. he's worried that he could do something hurtful to you or just make you feel like you're a burden to him. often he thinks about this relationship and sometimes he finds that you never really talked about your future. he was nervous, afraid...
when you entered his apartment you saw a small package in the middle of the table. surprised, you took it in your hands and opened it. there was a beautiful bracelet that you had admired for months. oh zayne...
doctor appeared out of nowhere and approached you with a gentle smile. „do you like it?” he asked while looking at your face, he wanted to see all your emotions, how you're reacting to his presence.
„like it? I absolutely adore it! but you shouldn't buy it, I feel like some wangler” you giggled and placed your hand on his chest, losing interest in the gift and focusing only on your partner. „i missed you so much” you hugged him, pulled him as close to you as possible.
„don't even think like that. I bought this because of my own choice” he whispered caressing your back after a while he also wanted to admit that he yearned having you back but he just couldn't make a sentence so simply answered with: „I missed you too, my love” smile appeared on his lips, he stroked your hair and chuckled softly: „i prepared something for us to celebrate this day”
you spent the evening having dinner at your favorite restaurant, Zayne enjoyed every second he could spend with you uninterrupted. after that you headed straight to your house, you offered him to stay there for a night. he agreed, how he could not...
he changed his clothes into something more comfy and came back to your bedroom. when you finished your shower you found him asleep, well, you thought so. slowly you crawled into your bed, watched Zayne's chest rise and fall with his calm breaths.
„why are you looking at me like this, hm?” suddenly the silence was broken by a whisper.
„im admiring my future husband” you smiled kinda embarrassed that he caught you staring at him so passionately.
zayne's breath stopped. you did it. you said something about your future. with him. he couldn't be more happy, he wanted to kiss you but at the same time he just couldn't move single muscle. you saw how his expression changed and started to worry that he maybe he didn't want the same ending as you.
„zayne, did I say something that upset you? or you just don't want to think about it for now... or...” he didn't let you finish, he intertwined your fingers, pulling you onto his chest and kissed you slowly.
„I thought about this for some time” he sighed. „I love you, (y/n), I hope you know that. I would do anything for you”
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you saw how messy his studio was. you looked at your boyfriend, he was sleeping with a brush in his hand while laying next to the new painting. you could bet that he pulled a few all-nighters before. you brought him some pillow and blanket, you didn't want any pain for him caused by this uncomfortable position. you thought about leaving and let him rest in peace but you knew that he probably forgot to eat too. with a small sigh you headed straight to the kitchen to prepare some food, you wanted him to be healthy but without eating properly it was kinda hard.
after making dinner you picked one of the books you left there earlier and started reading. well, tried to start reading. light of setting sun made him look even more beautiful, to say he was divine wasn't enough. he is everything to you. due to him, you were paying double attention on every mission, looking around before crossing the street to make sure nothing was coming, just... taking proper care of yourself cause you wanted to be with him til you both got old.
„someone's staring, huh?” he gently lifted his eyelid, giving you a mischievous smile. „I thought reading a book was about looking at it, not at me”
„I'm just admiring my future husband” you said with sly grin.
okay he must admit that he didn't expect that. he tried to say something but couldn't. you left him speechless. he quickly sat and looked at you with surprise. he didn't want it to be seen how red he was, but after a while he came up with a wonderful answer: „you might as well come here and admire me up closer” he spat with disappointment.
„like you wish” after a second, you were sitting next to him, still adoring his face.
he was breathless again. fuck. fuck. fuck. the warm feeling spread inside of him. was he head over heels in love with you? absolutely.
„and I must admit that you're even more beautiful when you blush” you said, placing your hand on his cheek and caressing it with your thumb.
„does it please you when I'm so vulnerable with you?” he mumbled. „well, maybe I kinda like it, you're perfect for me, you know that?” he whispered and wrapped his arms around you
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bookuce · 4 months
Change My Mind
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SUMMARY: Josh and Alina are great friends most days. Other days, they want to tear each other apart. Some days, they’re in love with each other, but neither of them will admit it. 
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OC. The book also uses the actual names of the wrestlers. Gionna is Liv Morgan, Austin, is Xavier Woods, Josh is Jey Uso, Jon is Jimmy Uso, Trinity is Naomi, Alina is just Alina. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events could pop up in the story eventually. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO REPOST OR TRANSLATE MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE.*
PAIRING: Jey Uso x Black OC
TROPE: Friends to Lovers
WARNINGS: Language
“Say, I have a question for you,” Austin says, giving Alina a bright smile. She smiles back at him, a sign of friendliness. 
“What’s up?” She asks.
“How does one manage to be as beautiful as you? I mean, you are stunning, whew!” He exclaims. Alina giggles softly at the compliment. She places her arm on the back of the couch, propping herself up on it. 
“That’s really sweet to say, Austin, thank you.” She grins.
“No, thank you for blessing me with your presence. I can end the night now knowing I got to talk to you.” She rolls her eyes at his words. She wasn’t sure what he was trying to do and why he suddenly took interest in her, but who was she to be rude? They’ve talked a few times in passing, but it was never for long. “We should get you on UpUpDownDown.” He says. She immediately begins to shake her head.
“I don’t really play video games. I’ve never been good at them.” She answers honestly. To let her come on the show would be a waste of time. She also wasn’t comfortable embarrassing herself like that in front of several people. She has watched a few episodes and knew it was a fun show, but her participating? Not happening. 
“I doubt you’re as bad as you say you are.” He assures her. 
“I wouldn’t lie to you,” She promises. “I am terrible at games.”
Jon still had an amused grin on his face while he watched the two talk. This man is stupid, he thought. Either Austin was crazy, or he didn’t care. Shit, probably both. “That man is going to kill his ass,” Jon mutters to Trinity.
“That’s on him.” She says, not looking up from her phone. “He warned him.” Jon looks up, catching the moment Josh pauses in his tracks at seeing Austin and Alina talking. 
The eldest twin taps his wife’s thigh. “Look, look, look…” He points in Josh’s direction. This was going to be good.
Josh was happily on his way with Alina’s drink until he saw Austin had done the opposite of what he told him. They were sitting close, too close for his liking, and they seemed deep in conversation. Alina would smile at him, and Austin would smile back.
Nothing he says could be worth smiling over like that, he thought. Josh glances down at the drinks in his hand. Just go over there and give her her drink. He’ll move. Don’t cause a scene. It’s nothing, he tells himself.
If jealousy could kill, Josh would be dead ten times over. He craved the attention that everyone else got from Alina. The way she smiles at them, the way she talks to them. He wanted her to do the same to him. Instead, she’s awkward and quiet at times. That was frustrating to him. She never really hints at what goes on in her head. It made him question whether or not he should even feel how he felt. Then he’d see her trying with guys and failing, and it would make him feel some way. He just wanted to make her happy. 
Josh sniffles, quickly regaining composure. He resumes his stride over to the group. When he approaches, he holds Alina’s drink out between the chatting pair. He was purposely blocking Austin’s view of her face. Alina turns to look up at him. “Ay, I got your drink.” He says, his eyes fixated on the guy next to her. Alina slowly takes the drink from him.
“Thank you, Josh…” She says. 
“No problem.” He says quickly, now slowly swaying from left to right, a sign of impatience.
Alina continued to stare at him, but he would never meet her gaze. No, he was watching Austin, who was smirking at him. “You gonna sit down, Uce?” Jon asks, leaning forward. The elder twin was ready to jump up to stop his brother from doing anything stupid. 
“Nah, I’m good.” He says, not breaking his glare. “You good, Uce?” He asks Austin. That was him telling Austin to move. Here he goes, Alina thought. She finally looks away from him, her lips touching the brim of her cup. She slowly tilts the cup back, drinking the cup full with no breaks.  It’s going to be a long night. Austin scoffs slightly, his smile still intact. 
“You got it.” He says finally, putting his hands up in defeat. He moves back into his previous spot. Josh moves to sit down in his seat. 
“Was that necessary?” Alina asks.
He reaches down, grabbing her legs and pulling them between his own. “Yep.” Alina probably shouldn’t have giggled, but the two mixed drinks she shotgunned and tequila shots were beginning to creep up on her. He shouldn’t grab her like that.
“And who are you supposed to be?” She asks. Josh doesn’t answer her. Instead, he takes a swig of the beer in his hand. She places two fingers on his left cheek, forcing him to look at her. She lifts her eyebrows, waiting for a response. One never came. “That’s what I thought.” She drops her hand from his face. They would exchange stares until Josh would glance down at her lips. Lina would suck in a deep breath before inevitably looking away. He shouldn’t look at her like that. “Well, I want another drink.” She mutters to herself. “Who wants drinks?” She asks. 
“I do,” Austin chimes in. 
Alina moves to stand but is pulled back down to Josh. She plops into his lap, a gasp leaving her lips as she does so. He really shouldn’t grab her like that. “Nah, get someone else to do it.” He says. Alina’s brows furrow at him before she reaches down to remove his hand from her thigh. 
“Please, go to hell.” She says, prying his hand off of her. 
“Or I can go with you to the bar. How about that?” When she stands, so does he. She doesn’t argue with him, but she does roll her eyes. Alina turned her attention to the group again, only to find them staring at the pair. They weren’t sure what they were seeing. Was it fighting, flirting, or some sick combination of both? “Drinks?” She asks, gesturing to everyone.
“Get me another beer, Uce,” Jon says.
“Vodka Cran for me.” Orders Trinity.
“Two more shots of tequila.” Gionna requests.
“I’ll have a beer too.” Austin adds. 
Alina steps around the couch, marching over to the bar. Josh follows behind her, leaving the group once more. Everyone exchanged glances at each other after the exchange. “They get like this every time they drink together,” Jon says, shaking his head. “How long before they fight and get us kicked out?” He asks, looking at Trinity.
“Depends. How many fruity drinks have Alina had?” She asks. It was always the fruity drinks that got poor Alina. 
“Just one so far.” Gionna answers. 
“It’s that bad?” Austin asks.
“Yes, fool!” Jon exclaims. “That’s why I said leave her alone! Them folks are crazy!” Alina and Josh, with alcohol in their systems, are a match made in Hell. Josh had been drinking since before Alina got to the club. The beer in his hand was his seventh. He had about three more in him before he was at the point of no return. Alina was on her third mixed drink, two of which were fruity. The tequila shots would bring her up to five drinks in total. She swears she has a high tolerance for alcohol, much like Josh does, but doesn’t. Neither of them do.
Separately, they were fine, but together? It’s a whole other story. 
Josh follows behind Alina, his pace slower than hers. To him, it seemed she was trying to put space between them. She would tell him he was correct if he had to assume out loud. She shouldn't be turned on by the way he was acting tonight, but here she was, practically foaming at the mouth. Alina makes it to the bar, eyes fixated on the alcohol on the wall before her. The bartender would immediately come to her, ready to take her order. “One tequila sunrise, three beers, and a Vodka Cran.” Alina orders. She turns to Josh, who’s watching her. “I’m forgetting something.”
“Gigi’s shots.” He answers.
“Oh, right! And two tequila shots!” She says, turning to the bartender. The bartender walks away, leaving the couple alone. Josh placed his beer on the bar top and leaned in towards Alina.
“You look good.” He tells her. 
She glances at him out of the corner of her eye. “Okay.” 
 “Here you go.” He huffs, shaking his head at her. 
“What do you want me to say? Thank you?”
“Uh, yes? That’s the normal thing to say to compliments, Alina.”
She wasn’t much of a compliments person. It makes her feel like someone wants something from her when she hears them. The people pleaser in her would forever deliver even when she didn’t want to. “Thank you, Joshua.” She says finally.
“You’re trying to be funny.”
“I said thank you!” She says, laughing. Josh places his hand on the barstool behind Alina, blocking her in. After a bit of silence, she turns to him. “You look good too.” She says, leaning into him. The bartender put out her tequila sunrise, and she immediately grabbed it. 
Josh glances down at his appearance. “Do I?” She nods. “I put this on for you.” He jokes. Alina would take a sip of her drink, humming softly at it. “Is it good?” Josh asks, leaning into her again. 
“Yeah, taste it.” She brings her glass to his lips, all while still holding his gaze. Her stare always made him weak in the knees. All she had to do was look at him, and Josh was under her command. He’d part his lips slightly, allowing the rim of the glass to touch his lips. She’d tilt it back, letting the orange liquid touch his tongue. The taste of Orange Juice came and went quickly. All that was left behind was the strong taste of tequila. Josh pulls his head back. “Yeah?” She asks, lowering her drink.
“Nah,” He says quickly, shaking his head. “That drink is strong as hell.” They both start to laugh. God, they were drunk. Alina leans into his arms, burying her face in his chest. His hand would move from the chair and touch her back. That touch was the catalyst for what was to come. His fingertips would trace her spine, sending shivers along her body. She’d arch towards him, lifting her head to look at him. They were very close, their noses almost touching.
“You shouldn’t touch me like that.” She whispers.
“My bad.” He whispers back. His hand would curl against the small of her back, now closing and opening in a scratching manner. She shakily breathes, her head tilting down to break his gaze. “Lina.” He calls to her.
Ah, fuck it, Alina thought as she pulled his face to hers in a bruising kiss. 
A/N: So y'all blew the first and second parts of this up...that's cool lol.
Thank you to everyone who is reading this so far! I really do appreciate all the kindness and support I am receiving! It means a lot to me!
Stay tuned for part four!
🏷️list: @paigereeder @wrestlingprincess80 @thesamoanqueen @whatdoeseverybodywant @alichesmi @reci1996 @cyberdejos2 @empressdede @trashbin-nie @meannaim @siriuslycee
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shewrites444 · 6 months
unexpected - part 1 & 2 [ xavier thorpe x reader]
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[ i’m alive! i haven’t posted in ages and i’m terribly sorry. i’ve had this in my drafts for awhile and finally finished it up. it's a part 1 and 2 that just made sense to put in the same post. ]
word count - 5.5k
[ summary - the reader and xavier have despised each other for years, but when she discovers his unexpected attraction to her after being a bit too nosy, their dynamic takes a complete turn. ]
[ warnings - enemies to lovers, angst/jealousy, swearing, dirty talk, oral (f), unprotected sex, bit of degrading. ]
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁part 1 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
i was never a big fan of school dances, especially the kind where wednesday addams stole the show for wearing all black, despite that being typical of her, so i didn't really understand what the surprise was for. i had always been fairly close to enid, but when wednesday transfered to nevermore, our friendship diminished in some ways, but i wasn't drastically devastated or anything - i needed to focus on my education anyway. despite my new and improved academic achievements, enid managed to convince me to come to the r'aven, which i did solo, contrary to the norms at nevermore to never attend such a large event alone.
"she looks gorgeous, don't you think?" enid said next to me, a bit of excitement and pride in her voice as she clutched tighter on her glass of punch, watching the black haired girl walk in with tyler, a blank expression on her face.
i shrugged lightly, taking a sip of my drink as i leaned against the empty chair in front of me. "i mean, she's okay." i said plainly. i didn't even mean it out of jealousy or spite, i really didn't view wednesday to be as unique as she was painted to be by people like.. him, yeah, xavier thorpe.
i thought of xavier because as enid spoke in return to my dry comment, i saw the boy staring at wednesday with a bit of disgust, probably at her date, and also with himself. i would hope that was for being so obsessed with someone who never even returned his way-too-obvious feelings, but who was i to mindread?
i laughed lightly, nudging enid to look in xavier's direction, bianca's expression dropping to clear aggravation and jealousy as she watched her date's face. "why do you think she came with him when she probably knew he was going to react like this?"
enid shook her head, frowning a bit. "i don't think she thought about it like that at all. maybe she thought they would get back together."
"yeah, right." i set my glass down on the white table. "xavier has been mentally dick-riding wednesday since she got here. he wants what he can't have like most guys."
"then why doesn't he want you?" enid asked, giggling as she nudged me. i rolled my eyes and pushed her with my own shoulder.
i grin, looking over to her. "because he hates me so much he can't physically imagine fucking me. remember, he said that during our game of truth or dare last semester."
"oh, believe me, i'll never forget that." she takes a large sip from her cup, laughing through it. "i can't believe he said that in front of half the grade."
"i can." i smirk, taking her empty cup and grabbing my own off the table. "i'll be back with some more punch."
she nods and mouths a small "thank you" as i walk off, lightly pushing myself through the crowd of students and round tables, until i reach the trash can and the punch table that was next to it. i began to fill enid and i's new cups before i feel a tall, lanky, and, oh, deathly aggravating, presence next to mine.
i sigh, turning my body towards his as i look up at xavier thorpe. "upset about your public rejection?"
he rolls his eyes, grabbing a cup and beginning to fill his own after i step away from the bowl. "at least i have a date. i think you're the only person here who doesn't."
"maybe i'm untouchable." i tease, sipping from my cup and looking down at him while he shoots me a grossed out look as he leaned down to grab bianca a glass. "perhaps i stand out more than wednesday, but you'd probably say that was impossible. delusion does something to a person, i suppose."
he scoffed, leaning up straight and looking down at me, as if i appeared to be lesser than him. "you're a real asshole, [y/n]. you know that, right?"
i shrug, clearly unbothered by his comment. "it's my best trait."
walking back to enid, i can hear xavier's annoyed groan as he heads to the opposite side of the room to meet a very pissed off bianca. i pitied her, but at the same time, she agreed to go with xavier thorpe, so there wasn't much i could validate from that decision.
i noticed enid flirting with her date, so i set her drink down on the table and walked back towards the entry door, slipping through it silently and down the dark hallway that led to the dorms. everyone was occupied, and i didn't mind being left alone for a few minutes anyway. i was never a big fan of loud music, or parties, so it didn't suit me much there - i was mainly more of an emotional support for enid than anything. i didn't mind it much at all, but she was with her date, and i would never complain about some alone time on campus.
i slowly creaked open an empty classroom door, walking into the room full of desks and lab equipment. i quietly turned on the lamp aside the teacher's desk before sitting down. i reached into my pocket to grab a small bottle of vodka before pouring it into my drink. as i lifted it up to my lips, i hear a loud knock on the open door, making my eyes widen and avert to the glass bottle in my hands, which i quickly tossed into the trashcan before looking to who was at the door.
i rolled my eyes as i saw xavier, taking a gulp of the drink, which i quickly realized i needed for this interaction that was about to occur.
"what brings you here? did you think of any insults that pertained to something relevant?" i asked, turning the rolling chair towards him as i cross my ankles. "if so, i'm happy to hear what you've come up with this time."
"shockingly, i've come to ask if you wanted to drink with me, but i see you've already started by yourself." he says, leaning against the door frame, putting his hands in his pockets as he references the trashcan.
i gasp with heavy sarcasm. "me? drink with xavier thorpe?" i grin, standing up. "did bianca say no since you publicly humilated her by drooling over wednesday addams?"
he pursed his lips together as a red tint collected onto his pale cheeks. "no, i didn't ask. she's been ignoring me anyway tonight."
"can't blame her, i must have rubbed off on her." i say, handing him my drink as he very quickly took a sip. i blink a bit in surprise. "are you trying to get fucked up?"
"why would i not?" he said with a bit of a frustrated tone. "i'm not going to act like i don't feel bad for screwing over bianca like this. she fucked me over by using her powers when we were together, but i didn't really plan on being a dick to her tonight, it just happened."
"it just happened." i say in a low voice. "you really need to think things through before you say or do them, xavier thorpe. can't ask someone to go to a dance with you just because your first date ditched you. especially your ex."
he shook his head, handing me back the half-full cup. "what am i even doing talking to you about this shit? whatever." he said, turning to face the door. he seemed embarrassed. "see you."
i stare blankly at his confusing but unsurprising response. it seemed him opening up to me and me not giving him a sympathetic reaction pissed him off, but i don't really know what he was expecting from me in the first place. we hadn’t gotten along for years. truthfully, i couldn’t even pinpoint when our mutual disliking started, but it had always been around.
“you know, i may not be quite fond of you, xavier, but i’m here if you need brutal honesty.” i raise my tone as he walks off, leaving me with no response. i sigh, now a bit embarrassed with myself for displaying a small portion of kindness to him.
i turn around, finishing my drink off and tossing it in the trash before i walk down the hallway, opposite of the dance, back to my dorm room.
as i approach my room, i glance down to see a dorm key on the floor. my brows raise and i lean down, grabbing the metal and reading the side of it. my eyes widen when i see who’s it is. obviously, no other than xavier thorpe's.
“oh, shit.” i mutter.
i wouldn’t act like i wasn’t a nosy person, especially towards my nemesis - of course i’d be going to snoop in his room.
his dorm was a few down from my own. i quietly unlocked the wooden door, sliding myself through the cracked frame and gently shutting it behind me. flipping the dim lights on, i scanned the messy, yet also oddly organized bedroom. given that xavier thorpe was a strange person, at least to me, i very quickly found something interesting. his sketchbook.
i walk towards his desk, picking up the red journal and flipping through it, seeing well drawn pictures of different animals, instruments, nothing interesting.. until, the last few pages, which were not photos, but writing.
as much as she made my blood boil, her fierce personality grew on me, far more than i expected it to as the years went on. the hate i once possessed so deeply was altered into a deep, truly intolerable lust, one that i could never showcase to her, only myself, surrounded by my own walls and left to think of her alone, touching myself to-
my eyes widened and i shut the book, setting it slowly and quietly on the desk, exactly into its original place. good god, who the fuck was xavier writing a-list fanfiction about?
i bit my bottom lip, shaking my head as i glanced back down at the sketchbook. no, i couldn’t keep reading it. as much as i loathed him, this was personal. i would be drastically upset if someone read information of mine so private. it was like my hand was unconsciously gravitating towards the book anyway.
“i’m such an asshole.” i muttered to myself, opening the pages again, and back to where i left off.
her dominant words, her demands for me to fuck her in such an intimate, yet so dirty way that it was almost unimaginable. my body on top of her own, her arms wrapped around my drenched skin as i pushed myself inside of her warm, tight walls, walls that held me inside and possessed me as her own. [y/n]-
“oh, fucking hell..” i whispered with shock, now slamming the book shut and setting it back in place immediately after reading my name in the following sentence.
it was partially horrifying, but also oddly compelling that xavier thorpe, the same person who would probably stomp on my grave, was writing detailed scenarios of us fucking in his spare time. genuinely, i couldn’t wrap my head around it, but i didn’t have much time to regardless, as i noticed on his alarm clock that it was reaching close to midnight, and the r’aven would be over soon.
i turn the lamp off, the room shading itself into darkness immediately, as i walk to the door. my hand reaches to open it, and it instead comes towards me as xavier walks in. my eyes widen in fear, and i freeze up, the key in my hand as xavier flips the lights on, and stares at me, shocked and more confused than anything.
“you.. you took my spare key?” he asked, shutting the door and leaning against it, crossing his arms.
i shake my head, handing it back to him. “no, i found it on the floor.”
“so, you came to my room, rather than give it to me when you found it.” he said, following my explanation. “trying to rob me of everything i’ve got?” he gestures to his closet. “about the most expensive thing i’ve got is a pair of nikes, so have at it.”
i roll my eyes, my face a heated pink, so much so that i could feel it burning on my cheeks. “no, that wasn’t the plan. more curiosity than anything. truthfully, i just wanted to snoop around.”
it seemed the idea of his sketchbook didn’t even cross his mind. “oh? to find what?”
“well, i found some written porn.” i say quite boldly, looking up at him. “on someone very unexpected, actually.”
i watched his expression drop, and he shook his head in what seemed to be more disbelief than anything. it quickly shaped itself into anger, and some embarrassment. “you read my fucking journal?”
“i didn’t mean to.” i cut him off before he could speak any further. “it’s not like i wanted to voluntarily read that.”
“f-fuck..!” he yells, covering his face in embarrassment, the key slipping out of his palm and onto the wooden floor. “oh, god, you’ve got to leave, [y/n]. please leave.”
“will do.” i sigh, awkwardly nodding, and noticing his shaken up stance. “but you are sort of blocking my exit.”
he moves out of the way as i speak, probably the fastest i’ve seen him move in his life. i walk towards the door, reaching to open it, before i stop. i glance up at him.
“can i ask you what provoked such writing about myself before i go? does my hateful nature turn you on? i didn’t mean it to be that way.”
he shook his head, sighing. he looked up, unable to meet our eyes. he bit the inside of his cheek as he thought. “no, i.. i..” he sighed heavily. “you’re unattainable. someone i can’t ever imagine doing such things with for so many different reasons.”
“well, you clearly can’t get with wednesday either but i didn’t see pages of sexual encounters written about her.”
he steps back, shaking his head once again at my comment. “you’re completely different people, [y/n]. it’s not the same.”
“what’s so different?” i ask, now a bit intrigued by the conversation. i lean against the doorframe. “i’m genuinely curious.”
he finally looked at me, his mouth hung open as he stared at me for a moment. “the difference is you’re the only person i’ve ever wanted to fuck but deeply despise at the same time. it confuses me, and i.. i know it’s so weird, but writing about it was the only way i could… uh, process it, i guess.”
oh, god. his words pierced my core. not in the violent, gorish way i’d prefer them to, but rather a more sexual fashion that created a massive disruption in me. the forming wetness between my legs unsettled me.
“you’re right, it’s time for me to go.” i nod, opening the door as i spoke. “goodnight.”
i walk down the hallway, staring at the floor the entire time until i get to my dorm. i could hear him hesitate before shutting his door after he registered the conversation was over.
i shut the door behind me, quickly taking off my dress and setting it on my desk before getting into my bed, bare aside from my underwear, which i was starting to slide off hastily and dropped to the floor. he wouldn’t know of this. he wouldn’t know i wanted it, too, as strange as that seemed to me. it was something i needed to now keep to myself, just as he did previously. this was it, no more than this. one time touching myself to that asshole. one time.
the sensation was so fresh, so hard to grasp that i felt a sense of euphoria wash over my heated body as i closed my eyes, running my fingers down my stomach and to the slit between my legs, sinking myself into the imaginative state i was in as i ran scenarios through my head, consisting of the most unexpected person they could withhold.
one time. i thought again. one time.
. ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁ part 2 . ݁₊ ⊹ . ݁˖ . ݁
as expected, xavier and i's feud was drastically dialed down after that night. the classes we did have together that we used to bicker in were now silent, which was a weird feeling, but not as weird as what happened last weekend. i tried to black it all out of my head, and i was correct about touching myself to xavier thorpe being a one time affair. at least i held myself accountable for my singular mistake, and didn't make it some sort of off-putting habit.
xavier, on the other hand, seems clearly disturbed by our now lessening exchange of words, even if it was a simple insult shot across biology being absent. i could visibly see it on his face when i walked into the room, his eyes darting down to his textbook, and his lips pursed together in what i would assume to still be fresh embarrassment. i felt bad for him in more ways than one, i would admit. it was his personal thoughts, and i did invade them, but also cut off any further explanation he was going to give me that night.
cutting me out of those overbearing thoughts was the bell for last period, the students at my table scrambling their books into their hands as they rushed out of english. i sighed, slowly standing up and beginning to pack my bookbag. i didn't have any classes for the rest of the day, so it was time for me to head back to my dorm and start working on the paper we just discussed for the past hour and a half that i blacked out of.
"can we talk?" i hear faintly from the side of my desk. i look up to lock eyes with xavier, and my face immediately reddens. i press my lips together and breath lightly out of my nose as i think of how to even respond to his sudden question and frankly, startling presence.
"i don't think you're a creep, if that's what you're wanting to talk to me about." i say honestly, slinging my backpack across my shoulder. "i do think this obviously has created much tension between the two of us that will probably never fade out because of how substantial the situation is, but i think it's for the best, regardless. the semester is almost over an-"
xavier sighs and shakes his head. "no, not that - i mean, i, i agree with that, but i just wanted to explain myself. i don't want the last conversation we ever have to be what we had last weekend."
"understandable." i return. "so, uhm, you can come to my dorm if you'd prefer? this doesn't seem like something appropriate to discuss in the commons. but try to walk a few feet behind me so no one sees us together. bad for our image of hate towards one another."
he sounded relieved that i agreed to talk to him, and let out a small chuckle at my demand. he follows me to my room, with distance as directed, and comes in shortly after i do. i set my room key on my desk before gesturing for him to sit on my bed, and i sit against the headboard, facing him while he awkwardly positioned himself at the end of the mattress.
he cleared his throat, resting his nervous hands on his thighs as he looked at the ground. "i just wanted to apologize. i know that made you uncomfortable, and believe me, it made me pretty uncomfortable writing what i did, but at the same time, it's just how i get my words out. i.. i am really sorry if i violated you in a way. i didn't mean for you to ever see that, and i obviously didn't show it to anyone else. i burned it all last weekend so that it's gone and no one will ever see it but me and you."
i blink in surprise at how adamant he was about getting rid of the evidence he probably spent a lot of time writing. i nod, leaning down as i sink into my propped up pillows. "it's okay, i don't feel that you did that to make me feel weird. you obviously never expected me to see it, and i'm sorry for violating your privacy in the first place. i appreciate you getting rid of it."
he gave me a soft, but still uncomfortable smile. "so.. so we're good?"
"sure." i shrug, sitting up as i felt the conversation beginning to wrap up. "back to mortal enemies? or would you prefer strangers?"
he looked caught off guard by my question, his eyebrow raising at my words. "is there an option that combines the two of them in some way?"
"eh." i cross my legs and lean forward as i speak. "perhaps."
i hear the rain begin to beat against my bedroom window, the sky diming to accompany the sudden thunderstorm, then look to xavier in response. "you better go if you want to make it back to your dorm without getting drenched."
"yeah, you're right." he nods, clearing his throat uncomfortably before standing up. he looks to me, watching as i stand up in return. "well, i'm glad everything is okay."
i nod silently, the two of us staring at each other, unable to process a proper way to say goodbye. i mean, how could we with the conversation we just had?
"uh, me too." i cross my arms and shake my head out of the eye contact, looking up to him. "i'll see you tomorrow in biology?"
"yeah." he nods, turning towards the door to walk himself out.
"oh, here." i walk in front of him to grab my key. "i need to unlock the-"
"can i kiss you [y/n]?"
my cheeks redden and i set the key down, turning to face him. i blink in disbelief. "kiss me?"
"i'm sorry, that was a heat of the moment thing, i didn't mean to make this weird ag-"
"no, it's fine." i walk towards him as i cut his stammering words off, leaning up to take his head into my hands and pull him down to my height, pressing his warm lips against my own. he hastily wrapped his arms around my waist, our bodies gravitating to my bed as i push my weight onto his thin, light build, climbing on top of him and moaning lightly into his mouth as i ran my fingers through his long strands of straight hair.
while there was no rush to this sudden circumstance, we were kissing like we were on a time crunch, hands running down each other's clothed bodies and very quickly taking them off. xavier begins to unbutton my school shirt, the nude colored bra that laid behind it exposed to his eyes, which were visibly glued to my chest as he undressed me. i unbuckled his belt in the process, looking down at him while he moved his head closer to my chest, trailing kisses down my heated flesh and lightly brushing my bra out of the way for a moment as his lips kissed my nipple, tongue circling the stimulated bud which only earned a moan from my lips, xavier's body twitching against my own while my pleasure transferred into his own.
i reach down between us to slide my hand into his pants, a bit slowly to make sure he was okay with it, which he very quickly signaled by lightly bucking his hips towards me in return. my hand was met with his erection, straining in his khakis as i jerked it off, moans escaping from his pink lips and vibrating onto my chest which was starting to cover in light hickies and salvia.
he breaks himself away, forcing my body onto the mattress and my hand out of his pants, his own build getting off of me and onto the floor, his knees against the hardwood while he pulled down my skirt, and my underwear, my face dark red as i was nearly naked before him, nothing but my lopsided bra and half buttoned shirt.
"you don't understand how long i've wanted to taste you." he says through a low, seductive yet needy tone of voice. "i've wanted you in my mouth for what feels like ages." he leans down, taking both my thighs into his hands and pulling my bottom up and towards the end of the bed to reach him.
i was speechless, sitting up and staring down at xavier while he began to trail wet kisses into my inner thighs, his mouth soon reaching my pussy and beginning to lick the outside with great tease. i gasped at just his most gentle touch, one hand holding my body propped up as the other reached down to cup the side of his left cheek. he looked up at me, watching as i gave him a small nod to go further.
his tongue attacked my clit, sucking on the bud and my wet skin while one of his hands snaked between my thighs, gently pushing two fingers into my slit, stimulating my body through more ways than i imagined he would so soon. i moaned, closing my eyes and immersing myself into the moment, finding it still hard to believe that his head was between my thighs now when i would've laughed at the thought of this a few days ago.
watching xavier eat me out was so attractive, i almost couldn't comprehend what him fucking me would feel like. he knew what he was doing, holding our eyes as he pushed his fingers inside me, his touch sucking against my clit and twirling around in circles to tease me further, sparks sending themselves to my hot core. it felt never-ending, in a good way, of course, the way he was able to make me feel. the way he made me want him after all this time hating each other was insane. it was rather impressive more than anything.
i leaned forward, watching him pull his lips away from my middle and to my lips, the taste of my own pleasure now against my mouth, his tongue pushing forward and clashing against my own. with his fingers still in me, he adjusted our position, now on his knees in the bed and hovering a bit above me, watching as my mouth hung open at his touch, the feeling of another finger slipping into my tight walls. i could feel myself wrapping around him, which he visibly took note of, as the expression on his face shaped into a smirk, almost like he was proud of himself for the way i reacted to his strengthening touch.
"i've got to stretch you out if you want me to be inside you." he remarks, leaning down to kiss me between the sinful noises that left my lips. "you want me to fuck you like i hate you?"
"shouldn't be a hard thing to do." i grin, pecking his lips, gasping as he curls his fingers inside me at my response.
xavier pulled his wet fingers out, slapping them against pussy as i arch my body in response to the intense touch, my eyes widening as i look at him in surprise. he could only chuckle, standing up and taking his pants and boxers off, his hard length pointing itself towards me as he steps closer again, knees on the mattress and cock aligned with me. he wasn't lying - he was quite long, as i could have imagined by his height and lanky build, but he was thick, too. he was much more than i imagined he was, but i wasn't complaining.
he leaned closer, helping adjust my body to where my feet were now resting on his bare shoulders, spread wide as he pushed inside me, my eyes shutting and mouth opening at the feeling of him slowly pushing inside my body. good god, he hurt, but at the same time, he felt so fucking good.
he held me by my ankles, his hair moving with his rhythm as he kept a slow, intimate pace, watching as my breasts moved with his thrusts, briefly, until he pulled out. i blinked, confused. "is everything okay?"
"you want me to fuck you like i hate you, right, [y/n]?" he asks flatly, his hand running down his cock, before nudging me to flip over.
my cheeks redden and i shake my head. "i would think you'd want to see my expression when doing so."
"who said i wasn't?" he grinned, grabbing me by the hips and tossing me over, pressing his hand on my stomach to arch back before pushing himself back inside.
i gasped, unable to react as he grabbed my face, guiding it towards him and leaning down to where we were able to meet eyes, my hair fallen in front of my face, which he adjusted to fit behind my ears. i could see it in his eyes that he wanted to watch my expression in every way while he pumped his cock inside me, stroke after stroke causing me to moan, my vision clouding with the harder he held my face, the harder he fucked me and made my legs nearly melt at his rough touch.
"you're so fucking beautiful," he coos, placing a rough, wet kiss against my lips. "so fucking beautiful when you take me inside you, i can feel you tightening against me, [y/n]. i didn't think you'd want me around you much longer, but look at you."
"shut the fuck up." i say through pitiful moans, my hands holding the bedsheets as he talked. "you're not always going to have the upper hand."
he scoffed, picking up his pace, pecking my cheek before leaning up, his hand moving to hold the back of my neck while his thrusts only grew strong from his new position.
"says the girl who's letting me fuck her from behind with her ass propped up for my bare cock." he smirked as he heard me groan in annoyance. "you can tell me you like it, no shame in it."
i roll my eyes, now trying to hold my tongue. i figured this wasn't the time or place to cuss out the same person who was actively pounding me with his cock. "just shut up, xavier."
he leaned down to kiss my cheek quickly, his lips leveling to my ear. "i think you know me well enough to know i'm not going to."
he lifted himself back up, holding my ass as he guided me back and forth, the sounds of our wet skin slapping together while i enveloped his cock inside me, the stimulation far too great to not earn us both a very quickly approaching orgasm.
i felt him moan lightly from behind me, our voices, and bodies, and noises, sync together while the room seemed to grow hotter and far too much for either of us to handle, until we both finished, xavier staying in me for a moment before slowly pulling out, his cum leaking lightly between my shaking, red legs as i laid down on my back.
he laid down aside me, reaching over to undo my top completely and help guide my bra off, leaving the two of us now completely naked, lathered in our own, and each other's, sweat. i felt him wrap his arms around me and i rolled my eyes, lightly trying to nudge him off me.
"you're sweaty." i say, watching him laugh at my remark. "what's so funny?"
he stopped me from my squirming, taking my hand into his own and wrapping his arm around my waist. "you'll never be quiet, will you, [y/n]?"
i shake my head, my expression lightening as i look up to him. "i'm not the one who was begging to taste the other. remind me who was on their knees earlier?"
"i hate you." he playfully nudges me, pulling me closer. he sighed, and look up at the wood ceiling, his tone dialing down as he pursed his lips together.
"you know, you physically feel good, but this felt good, too." he gestures to the two of us, which i only blushed in response at.
"xavier thorpe, are you admitting you've peaked an interest in me?" i tease, squeezing his hand in response.
he rolled his eyes, shrugging softly. "maybe so, but no worries, i'll still follow a few feet behind you in the hallway."
"look at you, already listening. guess i really do have the upper hand in this, don't i?" i sit up, watching as he followed my actions. i reach over to hold him by his face, kissing him once again.
he chuckled, holding me by the back of my head as he returned the kiss. he raised his eyebrow, a bit of reflection on his face from what just happened. “why the sudden change of heart towards me?”
“i don’t know.” i shrug, looking from his lips to his eyes. “i guess we’ll have to see how this unfolds over time.”
“i guess so.” he grinned, kissing me once again. “no worries, ill still make sure to embarrass you in some way on monday in biology.”
“you wouldn’t dare.” i smirk, lightly nudging him onto his back as i climb on top of him. “good luck, xavier thorpe.” i begin to trail kisses down his neck, his arms once again wrapping around my waist.
“words of good luck from the enemy? today’s full of surprises.” he teases before sliding his hand between us.
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kermitkrqb · 2 years
A Glimpse of Us pt. 2 || Xavier Thorpe x reader
A/n: Here is part 2!!! You guys are just too adorable for me to deprive you of this any longer!
What to expect: Gender neutral, enemies to lover vibes, hidden feelings, Xavier making the reader hella flustered, confessions!, make out, no spoilers here babes
The two of you shared fencing class yet again and Xavier’s plan set in motion. Usually, when the coach announced for the class to pair up for practice, the two of you just assumed you’d be up against each other as it was the only class your rivalry was welcomed. However, as you were about to walk up to Xavier he had already started a match with Wednesday who was clad in black as usual. She was beating him terribly, having already scored 2 points before he had the chance to even score 1. In any other situation you would have laughed at his predicament, although you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of hurt as he chose her opposed to you. Sensing your loneliness, Enid made her way over to you. She gave you a bright smile as she asked to partner up, an offer you didn’t refuse. The bubbly girl wasn’t half bad at fencing but that didn’t mean you’d let her win. Dodging her blade you lunged forward striking her square in the chest as you scored the final point. The two of you took your fencing masks off and each fixed your hair before she gave you a nod of respect to which you returned.
You looked over at Xavier who was seemingly immersed in his conversation with Wednesday, this of course didn’t go unnoticed by Enid. She gestured towards the tall boy, “So…what’s going on between you and Xavier? The two of you are always together.” You huffed, “Nothing Enid, nothing.” Although, deep down you wished there was more. She reluctantly dropped the subject raising her brow, “If you say so Y/n.” Xavier continued to ignore you the rest of the fencing session much to your dismay. However, you simply brushed it off as you were sure it was only for this session. As rare as it was, you were wrong. He continued on like this the rest of the day, no sarcastic remarks, no challenging you in class, and no teasing. You were extremely confused by his sudden absence in your life, and you genuinely started to miss him. Watching you from afar, Xavier noticed this. He’d look away just before you’d seek him out, hiding his grin as he’d let you stare at him. It got to the point where he’d go out of his way to find different ways to class, he would always walk with you to class.
You were practically devastated when you noticed this, but nobody could waterboard this information out of you even if they tried. It was the end of the day, and all of your shared classes were finally over. You caught a glimpse of his long hair in the hall way ahead of you, your legs speeding up without realising. Xavier realised you were behind him when he finally looked down and gave you a curt nod before continuing on his way. You frowned at the quick interaction, tilting your head in confusion, “Thorpe!” The tall boy paused, quickly hiding his grin before facing you, “You called?” Your brows furrowed, “That’s all you’re going to say?” He tilted his head looking down at you, “What do you mean?” You scoffed, “What do I mean? What do you mean by ‘What do you mean?’” Xavier shrugged biting back a laugh at your flustered state. You huffed, your ears red from frustration, “You- You’ve been ignoring me. Did I do something wrong? Xavier?” He was so close to giving into you, your doe eyes peering up at him were enough to make him weak in the knees. But, you still hadn’t cracked.
Indifferent, he raised his brows at you, “What’s it to you?” You paused at a sudden loss for words. Xavier turned and began to slowly walk away before you blurted out, “I missed you!” He immediately went still, his back still towards you. You were absolutely mortified at what you had just confessed. You had said so little but so much at the same time. The long haired boy turned around to face you, his smirk growing even wider as you refused to look at his face, instead becoming oddly fixated on the loose thread on your blazer. Slowly looking up due to the silence you finally looked at Xavier. Noticing his wide grin, a deep crimson flooded your cheeks, “Are you- Are you laughing at me?!” Much to your dismay, the tall boy cupped your face, stroking your flaming cheeks, “Huh. I think this might be my new favourite colour.” You had finally cracked, unable to form a coherent sentence as the boy held your face in his large hands.
Xavier cut off your rambling, “I really like you Y/n.” Your rambling came to a halt as you gasped slightly, whispering, “You like me?” The brunette chuckled at your reaction confirming, “Yes, Y/n. I like you if it weren’t obvious enough.” You paused unsure how to respond without being a blabbering mess. He sensed your troubles speaking for you, “You don’t need to say anything. I know you feel the same.” Your face was still slightly pink as a playful grin made its way through. You decided to get him back for flustering you so much, “And if I don’t?” Now it was his turn to start stammering, a pink hue overcoming his pale face as he hadn’t anticipated the possibility of you rejecting him. You took his hand in yours, your thumb brushing over his, “Relax dummy, I like you too.” Xavier let out a sigh of relief at your statement before a cocky smirk spread across his face, “Oh really now?”
You rolled your eyes at the boy’s antics, “Really.” A pause of silence fell over the two of you before his lanky arms pulled you closer as he leaned in planning on kissing you. You lightly smacked his arm, speaking in a harsh whisper, “Not in the hallway!” The brunette chuckled at your worries before dragging you to his dorm which was thankfully nearby. Your eyes twinkled with amazement as you looked at the many drawings littering his walls before Xavier pinned you against his door. You gulped at the intimate gesture, Xavier’s eyes staring at your plump lips, “Now…where were we?” Pulling him closer by the collar of his blazer you whispered leaning closer, your breath fanning over his face, “I believe you were about to kiss me.” Eager, the Thorpe boy obliged to your requests, leaning down to press his lips against yours.
You let out a whine at the way he pulled you flush against his body, your hands finding refuge in his long hair. You find yourself tugging lightly on his hair to which he would groan in response. He gripped on to your waist tighter than before, leaving you to gasp slightly. He takes this opportunity to slip his tongue in your mouth, mingling with yours. Xavier pulls away, and you pout whilst chasing his lips but he refuses your kiss. Your brows begin to furrow in confusion which quickly dissolves when he decides to start kissing your neck. He studies your reaction as he trails across different parts of your neck until he has you panting in need when he reaches the spot below your ear. Sucking harshly on the chosen spot you involuntarily let out a moan. You tense realising what you just did. “Sorry.” You whisper. His signature smirk appears on his face, his green eyes staring into yours, “Don’t be. Hopefully I’ll be hearing more of those.” He doesn’t give any time for your response, capturing your lips in another searing kiss.
The two of you finally pull away catching your breath. You tilted your head as you remembered today’s earlier events, your brows furrowing in confusion, “Wait so, why were you ignoring me the entire day then?” Xavier could only smile at you, “I had to get you to crack somehow.” You gasped at the boy, “Oh my god, so does that mean you knew I like you?” Xavier chuckled at your realisation, poking his tongue in his cheek as he smiled, “Let’s just say it was a lucky guess.”
Me when people comment and reblog after liking:
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Seriously though, it means the world. 😌
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faellain · 3 months
The Accidental Baby Trap Incident
Summary: About four years after the events of First Class, Erik arrives at Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters with two little twins who he didn't know existed. Thinking he doesn't know what to do, he runs to Charles, not knowing the state his old friend is in.
Snippet 2
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they head to the study in stark silence. the mansion is eerie covered in cobwebs and without noise. sean's laughter wasn't echoing in the halls. there was no thudding of alex with a punching bag. no raven to whisper the secrets of this old house. no surprised yelps from hank as he dealt with some miscalculation or another in his lab. no moira fussing nearby. just creaks and the whistling wind keeps them company. he doubts even the kitchen feels the same.
the study is in even more disarray than the rest of the house. charles' precious books, always stacked precariously high ("i will get to them at some point, erik."), have been shoved off, laying in a heap on the floor. other books from the shelves have been left in messy piles around the room. little statuettes lay covered in dust.
charles goes straight to the cabinet he kept, taking out two wide glasses. he pours one for himself and downs it like a shot. it is nothing erik hasn't seen before. charles was always an impressive drinker— one night he and alex had gone toe to toe on tequila shots. yet now he only gets a terrible sinking feeling, like when he had tried to hold on to shaw's submarine the night they met.
after he smacks down the glass, he pours them both a drink. from the bottle, erik can tell it is a decadent bourbon. he sets the glass down for erik and plops himself down on the couch.
"you could have told me you were coming."
"and have you leave?" asks erik, picking up the glass, "in truth, i panicked. when i realized i had two twins with mutant abilities. i didn't know where else to go."
"you? panic?" charles asks with no small amount of skepticism.
erik sighs heavily, taking a sip from his glass, "believe it or not it can happen. i don't have the helmet. look into my mind. you'll see nothing but the truth."
"i can't."
erik pauses, looking up at the telepath from where he is tiredly leaning, "you can't?"
charles frowns, downs his drink, gets up and grabs the entire bottle of bourbon. he pours himself another glass before setting it down between them, the liquor sloshing around like liquid bronze. erik finds his heart pounding in his chest. charles made no move to explain himself.
"…did you lose your powers somehow?"
charles downs another half of his drink and erik wants to slap it from his hand.
"hank uses a serum to control his transformation. i use it to numb the pain in my spine, but it costs me most of my power," charles explains, "but in this state i have the ability solely to use telepathy on my own body."
"you gave up your powers so you could walk?"
charles chokes on a broken laugh, "i gave up my power so i could sleep." he tries to cut himself off on the last word, it becoming nothing more than a whisper.
downs the drink. pours another.
"the school is closed. i can't help your twins."
"charles. i don't know how to take care of children," erik insists.
"so you want me to take care of them for you?" he snaps, "i'm in no state to care for children."
"clearly," erik finally acknowledges it, "you aren't caring for yourself. why?"
as soon as he says it, he regrets it. betrayal and anger streak across charles' face. he tosses the drink at erik, soaking him in the thick bourbon until he smells as as bad as charles' breath.
"fuck off," charles hisses, "get out of my house."
he gets up fiercely, letting the glass roll along the carpet, forgotten. charles throws open the door to the study. erik only has moments to grab charles by the wrist to drag him back.
"let go of me!"
erik pulls him close, staring at the death of those crystalline eyes. they are drained of their life. he is staring at a phantom of his closest friend.
"what has happened to you?"
charles actually laughs, loud and broken, "you."
"i regret what happened to you. i would do anything to undo it," erik said, not trying to plead, just trying to be honest.
"this has nothing to do with that."
"i don't understand!" snaps erik, growing frustrated, "if you don't forgive me, fine, but—"
"you abandoned me!" charles practically roars, "you took her and you abandoned me!"
"and where have you been?!" erik grabs him by both shoulders, metal knick knacks flying, the house's metal shaking, "our people are being hunted and you abandoned us! to what? give up everything?"
how can he describe that riptide is missing? he is not someone that charles knew beyond a name. all he had been to charles was an enemy. erik had sent him on a mission to investigate any hidden mutants in the government when he'd disappeared overnight.
while he was the only member of erik's brotherhood that had gone missing, emma had found that he was hardly the only one that had gone MIA since their reveal on the beach.
and through it all charles was not at his side. a hole was left next to erik, one mystique could not fill in the way it needed to be. they both knew it. they were not the merging labyrinth he and charles made. mystique was an excellent right hand, but she was not charles.
"we were supposed to do this together," charles replies.
"you gave that up. you chose to side with them."
charles' nose wrinkles as he glares, cruel, mirthless smile breaking through his face, "you didn't leave me a choice."
"there is always a choice," erik huffs.
"not with you," charles replies, "you accept your way or nothing. which means i'll be strong armed into caring for your children while you run off elsewhere."
"i'm worried about my children's safety with me but i don't want to abandon them."
charles shoves him away, "but you will won't you?" his voice is tired and cruel, "just like everyone else who loves you."
erik stands stunned while charles storms off. never in his life had he heard such cruelty from charles. it was as bad as a knife to his heart. there was something broken in his charles. the brilliant man he knew was fading into a monster.
he goes to the kitchen where the kids are enjoying a feast of milk and chocolate chip cookies. briefly, erik wonders if magda had them eating kosher, realizing he doesn't know. they're old enough to tell him or hank. he can question them on it later.
hank looks up at erik, "didn't go well?"
"an understatement."
hank sighs as he pulls over a washrag and hands it to pietro who's fingers are a chocolate mess, "i'll set you guys up in some rooms."
"charles made it pretty clear i'm unwanted," erik replies ruefully.
"but your kids need this place," hank says and picks up a cookie, "these were snickerdoodle when i bought them."
"wanda," erik sighs. does his daughter have one power or many?
"i wanted chocolate chip!"
pietro and wanda are borderline conjoined at the hip so erik and hank set them up in the room next to the one erik plans to take. the one charles had given to him before. variously through the sleepless night, he hears shuffling around the house. part of him is tempted to get up and stop whatever charles is doing, but he can't bring himself to.
does he abandon all the people who ever loved him?
erik rolls over, hand clutching the pillow. part of him can't help but think of charles' study, trashed to high heaven. he knows he should sleep, but instead he gets up and traipses to the study.
the rest of his night is spent putting the books and knick knacks back into some semblance of order. he cleans the used glasses and puts the liquor away. part of him is tempted to crunch the handles to destroy any access to it, but he's already made himself unwelcome. the last thing he wants is to jeopardize his children's ability to stay here.
eventually, he crawls back into bed only for pietro to join him a few minutes later. he puts an arm around the boy, who is trying not to sniffle.
"you weren't here earlier. i thought you left us," pietro admits bitterly.
erik feels part of his heart break, "i will never leave you. i promise."
"don't make promises you can't keep."
"i don't."
pietro burrows his head into erik's chest, "the drunk guy said you left him."
erik sighs, "so you were running to eavesdrop every time hank's back was turned?"
"maybe," the little speedster mutters.
erik presses a kiss to his head. he is only guessing at what he's supposed to be doing. he is all these two darling children have in the world now. the only thing he can hope is to show them the same love his own parents had given to him. whether that love remained inside his jaded heart or just in the confines of his feeble memories remains to be seen.
"i'll let it slide this once, but it's impolite."
"you sound like mom."
"good," erik replies with no amount of amusement.
"…you left her too."
erik runs a hand over his son's head, letting the soft white hair muss beneath his fingers, "your mother and i parted…" amicably would be the wrong word, "understanding each other. charles and i— that was different. and you and wanda? you are my children. had i known you existed nothing would have kept me from you."
pietro snorts dismissively, "yeah, right."
erik sighs, "believe me or not, it's your choice." this boy is smart mouthed and too witty for his own good, but he is far more jaded than he lets on as well. life has already hurt him so he has clearly decided to hurt life back. such a young fighter… erik's heart aches.
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softtdaisy · 2 years
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DESCRIPTION I you have a crush on Xavier but sure he likes Wednesday, so you take the opportunity to taste him on someone else's lips
PAIRING I Xavier Thorpe × fem!reader
A/N I in case it wasn't obvious already, I have a crush on this man and after listening to girl crush, I decided to try and write for him. I hope it's worth it 💛
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You felt stupid. Stupid. The stupidest person in the world.
It already wasn’t easy living in Jericho. It was worse to not have any power when you were living so close to Nevermore. And the worst part was that most of your friends came from the school, meaning you had to deal with all their abilities. While your only ability was to make good coffee. Ugh.
But all of this wasn’t enough for you. Of course not. You had to fall for one of these outcasts, as they call them. You wanted to scream at that thought. How could you been so stupid to let your heart guide yourself there?
Deep down, you knew it wasn’t entirely your fault. Like, you couldn’t blame yourself for Xavier Thorpe being this nice, right? 
It all started when Xavier started coming at the coffee. He was the one taking command for all his friends. You noticed how he was always drawing some stuff on the recipe you gave him. Some were darker than the others. The situation was the same every single time: Xavier was too lost on his drawing and his mind that he only looked up when you came back with all the drinks. Then, he managed to grab them all and let the paper on the counter, forgetting about it immediately. 
But you didn’t.
You kept all his drawing. It was art and you would feel terrible throwing them away. You always put the one in your apron and, most of time, forgot to take them with you when you were leaving. 
After a few meetings, you started to talk and discovered some things about each other. He learnt where you were going at school and which majors you wanted to do after that, and you learnt how he was putting his hair behind his ear when he was getting nervous and how he had the most precious smile you ever seen. Among others important things, of course.
“Shit, [y/n] can you give me a pen and some papers please?” You were talking when Xavier’s phone starting rigging. You had no idea who was calling him and for what, but it seemed important enough for him to need to write it down. 
Of course, you looked in your apron to give him what he needed. And, of course, what you took out was all the drawing you kept with you. To say you were red would be a euphemism. Xavier looked at you with an amused expression before taking one of the already used paper to write the information he needed. You were this close to run away before he finished his called. “So…you kept them?” he asked you.
You looked innocently, like you didn’t understand what he was asking. When he started to laugh, you immediately looked down again. You felt stupid. But when Xavier slowly put his hand on your check and encouraged you to lift your face up, you didn’t feel anything anymore. “I’m glad you liked them.” He said softly. He then brought his face closer to yours, which almost made you faint, to whisper in your ear. “And they come with a little surprise.”
That was how you discovered Xavier’s power.
Not long after that day, you started to hang out with his friends. They were all…pretty amazing, you had to admit. You hated the fact they were all magic and everything and you were just… you. But they all made sure that you never felt inferior, or not that much at least. And they did a really great job for that. Being with them was entertaining and interesting and you got to spend more time with Xavier, so yeah, no complaining.
Except for one thing. You really thought there could be something with Xavier after that day at the coffee. Especially when he started to offer you his drawings directly and to imply that he was thinking about you when he was doing them. You could tell it was less dark than before.  And you thought it meant something.
But then you saw how he was around Wednesday. He looked at her like he would protect her against everything. You quickly noticed how he was always by her sides. When he wasn’t beside her, he was always making sure he could see her. 
You liked Wednesday. She was a great friend. You liked how she was never pretending to be someone else and was always honest with you like she was with the others. You really, really, appreciated her.
But you were still jealous.
And there you were. At a party surrounding by everyone. And watching Xavier talking to Wednesday like he always did. You were almost leaving when Enid stopped you. “We’re going to play some game, come here!” and it wasn’t an invitation. It was mostly to tell you where she was taking you since she grabbed your hand and made you follow her through the room. 
And they were all here, sitting on the floor in circling. You had a bad feeling about this. “Is this…some kind of truth or dare?” you asked. 
“Exactly!” Ajax answered. “Except we can know if you lied.” You sighed at that thought and sat at the only empty space free: right in front of Wednesday and Xavier. She kept looking at you and you offered her a gentle and sincere smile. You couldn’t not like that girl. You simply wished she wasn’t stealing your crush.
The game started and it was pretty entertaining watching magic people play that. But of course, as a human, your dare ended up being pretty…ordinary, you had to say. “Kiss the person you find the prettiest in the room.” Bianca dared you.
You knew why she did that. But you couldn’t do what she was excepting. You couldn’t risk revealing your feelings to Xavier and being rejected in front of everybody. And losing him.
So got up. And walked. To Wednesday. You grabbed her face and kissed her without overthinking it. You heard some gasps but only focused on her lips and the way it took her a few seconds before she put a hand on your neck. It didn’t last long but it did mark the night for sure.
“That was…unexcepted. But interesting.” She said, thinking about your kiss while looking at you. Like they were doing right now. Including, Xavier who seemed more confused than ever.
You couldn’t handle all these eyes on you and run away from the party for good this time. You could already feel the tears growing in your eyes from the stupidity on your action. You had to stop for a second, just to check where you were going. And it was enough for Xavier to catch you. “Hey, where are you going?” 
You could hear the amusement in his voice which made you pushed him away. “Leave me alone.” You mumbled, already walking back. But it wasn’t like Xavier was going to let you leave like that. Not after he saw how upset you were. So he took your hand slowly this time, but with enough strength to make you stop. 
“Talk to me. What happened there? Why did you…why?” he couldn’t contain the little laugh at the end because it still seemed unreal to him that you kissed Wednesday. Not that she wasn’t attractive or anything, he would be lying if he said anything like that. But he was 90% sure to know who you were going to kiss. And it wasn’t the girl with the black hair. 
“I don’t know, ok! I mean. I do. But…I don’t want to tell.” You tried to cross your arms on your chest but since Xavier was still holding you, you just brought him closer to you. You loved how he was caressing your wrist slowly, making you feel protected. You almost gave in. Until you remembered why you were in that state. “I’m sorry for kissing your girlfriend, ok?”
“My…what? No!” Xavier was confused and amused at the same time and damn you hated him for having such a beautiful smile. “Wednesday is not my girlfriend. She’s just my friend.” At the same time, he wondered what could have made you think that he was dating her. Was he that bad with girls that you imagined things like that?
You sighed. “Then why are you always with her? You’re always next to her like you’re scared for her, like you need to protect her like she’s your girl! You always have an eye on her and…I don’t know, I think like I don’t exist when she’s there.” You hated opening your heart like that, specially because you were sure you sounded pathetic. Xavier was going to laugh at you and said you were miserable and leave you alone, right?
Instead, Xavier put his other hand on your check like he loved to do and started to caress your skin with so much tenderness you almost melted. “I like her, she’s one of my closest friends here. So yeah, I want to protect her, and I always will. But if you had paid more attention, you would have known that I was always looking at you.” 
“No, you don’t.” you replied, frowning. You were looking at Xavier way too much to know that. You would have notice, right? Or were you too concentrate on your jealousy to see it?
“Yes, I do.” He laughed, pinching your wrist which made you groan before laughing too. And just when you thought everything was back to normal and you could get away with your stupid idea for that kiss, something seemed to light up in Xavier’s mind. 
“Wait…did you kissed Wednesday because you were jealous and thought that I was with her?”
You knew it was pointless, but you tried to run away, again. But again Xavier just pulled on your arm to bring you to him. This time, you ended up against his chest and as comfortable as it was, you had to look up to spill the truth. It was almost like the words didn’t want to stay in your mind. 
“It sounded better in my head, ok? But I thought that I couldn’t kiss you because it would have been too obvious that I like you too much so I decided to kiss her so I could taste your lips on hers and…” you didn’t get to finish that sentence. 
Because Xavier gave you exactly what you were looking for during your kiss with Wednesday: a taste of his lips. He was just like you imagined him to be, soft and dominating at the same time. Like he was controlling every little second of that kiss, from the way his lips were moving on yours to how his tongue made in his way into your mouth and his hand was holding your neck to keep you close. But he was soft too with the way his hand was still brushing your wrist or how you could feel a smile growing on his lips like he just realized what he was doing.
Once he was done, he gently put his forehead against yours and brought his hand from your neck to your check. “You could have asked; I would have given you a taste earlier.” He had this sweet, charming voice. And behind that flirty smile, you could tell he was sincere. You should have asked or be confident enough to kiss him. You wouldn’t have lost any time overthinking his interactions with Wednesday. You could have used that time being in his arms earlier.
You put a kiss on his nose which made him laugh softly. “I know for next time now.” 
“When is next time?” He asked, frowning. Because if your first was quite chaotic, but memorable, what you didn’t imagine was that Xavier was dying to kiss you for weeks now. He had tones of drawings reminding him of you in his room until you started talking to each other. He dreamt about you so many nights that he guessed some people from school you knew about it. And, well, Wednesday was the perfect annoying friend reminding him that he still hadn’t try to get you and that he might lose you if he never does. 
If it was up to him, he would be kissing you all the time. But he guessed now he had all the pleasure to make up for the lost time. 
“What about now?” You offered.
You stayed like that for a few more minutes, just flirting together and kissing each other a lot. You couldn’t resist Xavier’s perfect lips. When a moan escaped his lips the one time you hold his hair, you knew you had so many things to try with that boy. Just like you felt his hands exploring your body with fineness, like he wanted to remember your curve to draw them. 
In the end, you decided to go back to your place. You didn’t want to ruin the party more, even though Xavier kept telling you that you weren’t ruining anything. “Just tell Wednesday that she’s a good kisser and it’s not her fault I didn’t chose her.” You laughed, but still wanting to make sure you didn’t lose a friend in the process. And then you started to walk home, your head full of thoughts about a guy with long hair, a beautiful smile and magic hands.
“Oh, and by the way.” You turned around to look at Xavier. He was standing against a tree, his arms crossed against his chest. You wanted to run and hug him one last time, but you stayed there, appreciating the picture. With his messy hair and the genuine smile on his face. “I like you too much too.” This time you couldn’t resist and went to steal one last kiss from him.
Maybe you were stupid. But at least you were stupidly in love with the most wonderful guy you knew and that was worth it.
follow @softtdaisywords​ to know when new stories are released 🤍
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ravenn-darkholme · 7 months
Permanent Price chapter 3
Alex Summers x Mutant!OC
Summary: Isabella Darkholme, sister of raven Darkholme and Charles Xavier. Also a mutant. Her mutation allows her to blend in with the light rays, turning herself and whatever she's touching invisible.
word count: 3149
warnings: none that I know of
series masterlist
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They pulled up to Agent Koenigs's facility with a new addition to their little mutant group. Charles introduced him to raven, his name was Erik Lehnsherr. His mutation was that he could control metal. It was an amazing mutation. Bella was astonished. Mutants really are amazing.
"Welcome to my facility. My mission has been to investigate the application of paranormal powers in military defense." Koenig said.
"Or offense." Erik cut in. Isabella didn't need to be like Charles to know Erik was only here to kill Shaw, he really wanted to get this over with.
"This guy Shaw, Schmidt, whatever you want to call him, he's working with the Russians. We might need your help to stop him."
Bella tuned them out grabbing her sister's hand securely. They may have been adults but bella had terrible anxiety. Ever since she was a child, she could barely go out in public. She missed that motherly figure in her life to tell her it would be okay. Raven and Charles were there for her of course, but she dreamed of having a mother, or even just a parent. So whenever she was near lots of people or just in public, she would stick close to her sister. Raven sometimes acted as a mother, even though they were the same age, she was just very maternal and loving.
"So we're to be the CIA's new mutant division, yes?" Charles asked keeping his sisters in his eye line making sure Belle was okay. He knew how bad it could get, sometimes he would calm her with his mutation, but thankfully he didn't need to do that today.
"Something like that," Koenig said. It made bella feel uneasy. What else would they be doing? Are they keeping them, prisoners? The thoughts getting to her head made her breathing shaky. Raven could tell her sister was feeling anxious and put her arm around her and kissed the side of her head whilst muttering "It's okay. I'm here, you don't need to feel like this." Surprisingly it made her feel better, just knowing her sister was there gave her a feeling of warmth.
The mutants followed the agents further into the building until they were beneath a huge jet, attached to the ceiling by thin wires. that didn't look safe.
"It's uh supersonic." A man said who seemed to be working nearby. Everyone looked up at the jet in awe.
"Hank, these are the special new recruits I was telling you about." - He nodded towards the group. - "This is Hank McCoy, one of our most talented young researchers."
"How wonderful. Another mutant, already here." Charles said stepping closer to the man and shaking his hand. This made Isabella happy. There really were mutants in plain sight, hopefully, one day it would be normal for mutants to be around and not having to hide - as raven does.
"Why didn't you say?" Charles asked Koenig.
"Say what?" He replied with a confused tone.
"Because you don't know. I am so, so terribly sorry." Shit Charles. Isabella looked at him with a sorrowful look. He seemed like a nice guy, yet here he was being outed by Charles.
"Hank?" Koenig asked with what seemed to be an amazed expression - let's hope it was that anyway.
"You didn't ask, so I didn't tell," Hank said looking down.
"So, your mutation is what?" Raven asked stepping forwards, still holding onto her sister's hand. "you're super-smart?" she teased.
"I'll say. Hank here graduated Harvard at the age of 15." Charles spoke up.
"I wish that's all it was." Hank shyly told.
"You're in the company of friends now, Hank," Isabella said to the newly announced mutant. She wanted him to feel safe around them. She knew how it was to be shy and how it can take a toll on your social status.
"You can show off," Charles added. Hank stepped back and started to take his shoes and socks off. Bella wondered what his mutation was.
"Splendid," Charles said after seeing his feet. He had hands for feet. Truly amazing how a mutation can change something.
"I'm sorry," Hank muttered as he moved around the group taking a big leap and jumping upside down, and holding onto the jet with his feet.
"Amazing," Isabella said with a smile to the man who shyly smiled at her sister.
Isabella couldn't help the smile that came over her face as she sat across from her sister. After they met hank they all went their separate ways. Isabella just strolled around the building invisibly so she didn't get stares or didn't have to smile and talk to people. It did make her sound like a resentful bitch, but she couldn't care less. Currently, the two were sitting in their shared bedroom that was in the facility. At first, Bella wanted a room by herself so she didn't make raven feel like her carer, but raven loved being with her sister. Nothing could break them apart.  Bella reading a book, and Raven flipping through a magazine, while music played softly in the background.
"What?" Raven asked once she saw that her sister was smiling at her.
"Nothing." Isabella shrugged before she went back to her book.
"Belle." Raven pushed as she knew she was lying. She just wanted to know what  Bella was smiling at her for.
"You and beast-boy huh?" belle teased as a smirk replaced her smile,
"Beast-boy?" Raven questioned with a whine.
"Yeah cuz' his feet are what you'd imagine a beast to have like in the story Mom told us." Raven smiled at the mention of their late mother. She had died when they were roughly eight years old. All they had to remember her by was the necklace Isabella wore. Bella went on and on for raven to keep it, but raven knew how belle needed things like that to keep her close to family when things got too much for her. Sometimes when she was young and her mother kissed her goodbye to school she swore not to wash that cheek until she saw her mother again. That's how bad it was.
"Do you miss her?"
"Yeah, but I know she would be proud of us. For sticking to what's right." Isabella said fiddling with her necklace. The only time she took it off was when she showered so it didn't get rusty. Raven had their mom's ring on her right-hand ring finger.
"If mom didn't die, do you think things would have been different?" Raven questioned quietly.
"Like what?"
"Like maybe we wouldn't have been as close, we wouldn't have met Charles. Maybe our mutations got out of control and we expose ourselves and make everything worse-" Raven rambled on.
"Let's not think about what could have happened yeah? Let's be glad we're here now, safe doing things we didn't know we could. I miss Mom, but I'm glad she's at peace now." Isabella said before smiling at her sister.
"So. back to you and beast-boy" Bella laughed as she saw her sister face plant the pillow.
Isabella was in astonishment as she followed after Raven and Erik into what Hank presented to them as Cerebro.
"Okay, so, uh, the electrodes connect Charles to the transmitter on the roof. When he picks up a mutant, his brain sends a signal through a relay, and then the coordinates of their location are printed out here." Hank explained his invention. Isabella stood with her brother as they looked over the piece that he would have to place on his head, while Raven and Erik stood with Hank beside the controls. She couldn't help but feel a little anxiety about what they were to be doing but she pushed it aside as she watched Charles place the helmet on.
"What an adorable lab rat you make, Charles." Erik teased as the woman switched places with Erik and stood next to her sister. Bella felt glad Erik was warming up to them and agreed to stay with them. When they first found Erik he was incredibly closed off. It had only been a day but he was opening up more and more. Bella and Erik both had the same goal at the end of the day. Kill and find Shaw. Something they bonded over. It may have been out of character for Bella to be so violent, but if Shaw was actively hurting and threatening people, including her family, she wanted him gone.
"Don't spoil this for me, Erik." Charles shot back as he got relaxed in the chair.       
"Oh. I've been a lab rat.
I know one when I see one." Erik admitted.
"Are you sure we can't shave your head?" Hank asked Charles as he made sure the helmet was on accurately.
"Don't touch my hair," Charles said instantly, displeased with hanks offer. Hank just nodded before he went back to the control panel. Turning on the machine and flipping all the needed switches. Isabella waited in suspense as the room seemed to get darker and the lights of the machine seemed to be the only things illuminating the room. Charles grunted in pain as he grasped the railing that seemed to surround him. Bella grabbed her sister's hand as they waited in anticipation.
"It's working." Hank declared to the other mutants as they observed Charles. Bella couldn't help but smile as she watched her brother chuckle in amazement at what he was seeing.
Isabella sat on Charles's bed as she watched him pack a small bag. He and Erik would be traveling to recruit some of the mutants that Charles had found while in Cerebro. Her plan would be to beg Charles to let her go with them. She was bored of staying in the facility, which was not like her. Normally she would stay in her room listening to music, reading, and wouldn't come out. But something was drawing her away. Like a magnet in her stomach pulling her somewhere and she needed to follow it.  
"Are you sure I can't join the two of you?" She asked.
"The new recruits will need friendly faces to greet them - preferably other mutants - when they arrive," Charles explained to his younger sister. He wouldn't have minded if  Bella just joined the two of them. Making sure she was ok and safe. Of course, she would be fine at the facility, especially with Raven, but he worried for her and knew how she got.
"And you, my dear sister, have one of the friendliest faces I have ever seen," Charles added as she stopped next to the woman and put his arm around her shoulder. She missed moments like this, they hadn't had one in a while.      
"He isn't wrong. bella" A new voice joined them from the doorway. Isabella turned her head and saw that it was Raven, walking through the door.     
"This won't work you know.." Bella rolled her eyes as she pulled Charles' arm away from her.
"What won't work?" Raven smiled as she walked closer to her siblings.
"She is right. Isabella is way too stubborn to let this go." Her brother laughed.
"I was just hoping to get out of this stupid government building," Bella said, shocking her siblings.
"Really? Normally you would stay and curl up in your room. Your not the type to go out specifically to see people."  Her sister really did know her all too well.
"I don't know. I think I wanna just get out. All the government agents creep me out and I think I need to learn to be around people more, this might help." It wasn't a complete lie, but if she said the real reason Charles would immediately shut her down and probably laugh and tell her she needed rest. She saw her brother have a look of contemplation on his face before he opened his mouth and agreed for her to tag along. She squealed with excitement. Maybe Charles wasn't so protective anymore, maybe he was finally letting her have her own life.
"Okay well have fun for me. Good luck meeting new people bella." Raven said hugging her sister. It might've seemed childish, but Isabella really did have a hard time near people. She'd gotten better recently though, and raven was proud of her sister.
Isabella was delighted that Charles had agreed for her to come search for the mutants
As Bella sat in the car waiting for Charles, she found herself wondering what the real reason was for her desire to go with Charles and Erik. The pretend magnet in her stomach got more and more intense the more they searched for other mutants. With no answer from the universe she was hoping for, Isabella decided to get out of the car and find Charles, erik, and the mutant they were there for. When they pulled up to the strip club, Charles forced Isabella to stay in the car. His protective side revealing which was really starting to irritate Bella.
The invisible mutant phased through the doors of the club. She then phased through a few private areas, before finally coming upon the one Charles and erik were in. She saw the beautiful girl before her eyes and smiled once she saw the captivating wing that protruded through her back.
"Badass." Bella said, making herself visible. Clearly captivated by the girl and her wings. Charles sighed at his little sister whilst Erik and the girl-Angel- smirked at Isabella.
"How would you like a job where you get to keep your clothes on?" He said to the mutant as she wafted in the air, her wings fluttering around her.
Once they sent Angel to the CIA facility, the next mutant they were to recruit, was a taxi driver named Darwin.
"Where to?" Darwin asked the three, sending a charming smile to Isabella. 
"Richmond, Virginia, please." She told the man before Charles could interrupt her.
"Right, so, you want the airport? The station? What?" Darwin chuckled.
"No, we were rather hoping you would take us all the way." She smiled.
"That's a six-hour drive."
"That will give us plenty of time to talk," Erik smirked before shutting the fare meter, making Darwin look back in surprise.
Now they were in a prison to see another mutant - of course. Isabella wasn't sure about this one, since he was in prison. As they made their way through the prison, following the warden, Isabella felt the fictional magnet in her stomach start fluttering around, tugging her harder and closer than it had before.
what is weird belle? She heard Charles in her head.
"Stop invading my mind, Charles." She grumbled, before stopping in front of the cell holding the mutant - Alex Summers.
"What does the government want with a guy like Alex Summers? I hope you're not planning on putting him with others. First guy, I've ever met who actually prefers solitary confinement." The warden said to them in a judgy tone. People like him were some of the reasons Isabella was anxious to go out, I mean come on no need to be so judgy.
He opened the door and there they saw Alex who so say caused havoc, Bella was guessing with his mutation. The warden cautioned them earlier, about putting him with others in a group, as Alex was the only prisoner he'd known to actually prefer solitary confinement like the warden said before. He looked up with a scowl on his face. Apparently, he wasn't actually bad, just worried about unleashing his mutation and hurting others around him.
We can fix him up. Bella thought feeling the need to help him understand his power, and make him feel more secure using it if he wants to of course.
Once they left the prison, Isabella decided to go back to the CIA facility with Alex. Obviously to see Raven no other reason. She also wanted to assure Alex he won't cause any destruction or hurt others. Charles was reluctant to leave Bella to go back on her own and thought it was odd that she would happily leave the safety of her brother, knowing she preferred to stay with her siblings. Maybe she was coming out of her shell though, which would be amazing for her.
Currently, Bella was sitting next to the newly recruited mutant. She could tell how tense and nervous he was to be out of solitary confinement. They hadn't said much to him about what they were planning, so Isabella felt the need to explain everything, not even just what he was here to do. She wanted to explain mutations to him too. Now she may not have been as smart as Charles, but she knew more than the average person on mutations. After forcing Charles to read about it all to her, she felt pretty confident she could explain it to him and help him understand.
"You don't have to be so nervous you know. I don't bite" She told him softly with a smile.
He didn't say anything, continuing to stare at the airport around him. Isabella sighed not knowing what to say to him. She knew all too well about being quiet. All bella wanted to do was help him.
"I'm not going to ridicule you for whatever you did, or your mutation." She sighed, needing to let him understand she was here to help. Alex looked toward Isabella scoffing before saying.
"I can take the insults, I just don't want to hurt anyone. I don't think you understand how destructive I am."
"You know if you were to get out of control, ill be here to help. I can create forcefields that are sealed tight and impenetrable, nothing would get in or out of my forcefields. I can do other stuff too, but ill only show you if you tell me about you." She smiled.
For the whole plane journey, they both shared storied about their life. Alex even opening up to Isabella about his abilities. He shared the story of how he ended up in prison. She felt for him, no one deserved to feel that way about themselves or their powers. She even ended up making him laugh, which made Belle feel warm inside at the sight.
authors note
hey, lil detail of belle and ravs moms necklace and ring</3 now ik in the movies we know literally nothing bout her parents but in this ff they're mother was a mutant and she was killed because someone in their hometown found out bla bla, with my personal anxiety experiences ik I liked to cling to family or things of my families ik everyone's different but some people will relate :) thnx for reading pls vote !!! ALSO, OUR OTP HAS FINALLY MET YYAAYAYAYA okay ship name ----BALEX ---- CUTE OKAY IM SO EXCITED FOR THEIR JOURNEY HJAHSIHAHDAUKH
I'm so excited for balex wedding au you do not understand
btw I will be doing all movies plus an AU once dark phoenix is done (spoiler Alex wont die... or will he;)
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towriteloveontheirarms · 11 months
I want to request Xavier Thorpe teaching fem reader how to paint like him being patient with her and guiding her hands and stuff in his shed just pure fluff
Thank you for the request nonnie. This was so much fun to write!<3
This is why we are here
pairing: Xavier Thorpe x reader
synopsis: Your boyfirend decides it is time to take you on a date to his shed, where he teaches you how to paint.
warnings: pure self-indulgent fluff
word count: 0.6k
“Oh my god this looks terrible. Please, don´t look at it.” You declare with a laugh. Trying to shield your painting from Xavier´s view.
“Oh, come on. It can´t possibly be that bad. Let me see.” He had invited you to his shed with the offer of giving you art lessons. Something you desperately needed as it turned out.
“No! I swear, it will insult every artist and painting that has or will ever exist.” You try to hold your ground against him, but Xavier is much taller than you and even though he doesn´t look like it he is very strong.
“Oh…” He murmurs as he sees what you have created. “I mean it´s not all that bad…”
It is almost tangible how hard he tries to find anything good to say about the painting.
“We both know it is.” You muse and smile at him. “Painting just isn´t my strongest choice of art.”
“That´s why we are here. Let me show you.” He puts a new canvas on the easel and stands behind you. Taking your hand that holds the brush inside his own gentle grip and guides your motions.
You let him guide you, breath catching in your throat from the close proximity the two of you are in.
“There, you see? You´re almost a natural already.” He murmurs, but feeling his hot breath tickle the side of your neck distracts you.
“Only because the most talented artist I know is helping me.” You look back at him, the corners of your lips tug upwards, despite the rest of your face still sporting a concentrated expression.
“I thought I was the only artist you know.” The brush moves over the canvas with so much ease.
“Hm, you are, but still. Then again, you are my favorite person so I might be biased.” Your head turns back towards the canvas, when you feel Xaviers hand lets go of yours to pull you a step back by the shoulders.
“Now look at that.” He whispers in your ear.
What the two of you, or rather he, have painted  is one of the most beautiful paintings you have ever seen of yourself.
“Oh, Xavi…” You  marvel at the canvas for a moment longer, before you turn fully towards him.
Giving him the softest kiss the two of you have ever shared. The touch of his lips on yours barely felt and yet the moment was so intense and intimate. You rest your forehead against his chest and sigh after the two of you part again.
One of his hand finds its way under your chin to make you look back up at him. Not wanting the eye contact to break yet. But as your eyes wander up his chest you see that you still held the brush in your hand, which now rested on his shirt. Great.
“Um, Xavier…” You say slowly.
“Hm?” He sounds like he still is in his own little world with you until his eyes land on the splash of paint. “Oh.”
“Do you have wet wipes or something around here?” You look around to find something to clean him up with.
“Nope, but I know how to fix this.” A mischievous smile splits his mouth and before you can react Xavier  grabs his own brush and swipes it across the length of the front of your shirt.
You yelp sharply and stumble backwards. “What… Oh, alright. Now you are asking for it.”
What breaks out between the two of you is a full on paint war that lasts until you are barely able to breath from laughter and the original color of your shirts is only discernible in a few small spots.
This was definitely one of the most fun dates the two of you had.
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kaiandels · 1 year
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Two Hearts: Ellie Williams x Reader
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5 - part 6
warnings: use of 🌿, flirty tension, use of y/n and l/n, the in denial-kept feelings of the reader and Ellie, mild swearing, And that’s it! Not that much intimacy displayed yet!
p.s: Hey! So i’m planning to make this in to a series. ‘Cause i’m very indulged in these types of tropes so.. yeah! I am very fond of writing now, idk why.. 🥹
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It was a Thursday afternoon, you had just gone off to hang out in a cute café with Dina and Jesse for the mean time as your best friend, Ellie. Was out on a date.
Ellie Williams. Ellie Williams was your bestfriend ever since kindergarten. You met her by coincidentally matching her outfit in a get-together party in the school you both used to attend to. As kids, you and Ellie weren’t really considered as the “girly” type. So they say. But eventually, the one who grew out of that style was… well? You.
Ellie on the other hand, was much more comfortable in baggy hoodies and skin-tight jeans. Or in whatever she had in her closet. You? You grew up to love dresses and short skirts or those tight dresses that Ellie seemed to love on you for some reason. Everytime that you would wear one, for instance, a date. She would always say nonchalantly “You should wear that again when we go out soon.” Which have always seemed to leave you in a confused manner.
“Hey Babe, where’s Ellie?” Dina asked giving you a bright smile as you sat down across from her and Jesse, gripping the strap of your white shoulder bag. “Oh, she’s out on a date. She told me she’ll be home by 7.” You said shooting her a bright smile back. It stayed silent for a moment as you noticed that Jesse shot Dina a glare and then looked back at you. “Anddd.. you okay with that?” Jesse asked raising his eyebrows. He seemed to grow of suspicion. “Why wouldn’t I be?” Dina smirked at your remark as she shot Jesse a glance. “Right… Jesse, why wouldn’t she be?” Dina gave Jesse a nudge expecting him to speak for her.
“Oh, I don’t know. Probably because you both are always all over eachother. Every single time we hang out it looks like you are both literally about to make out.”
“Why would you think that?”
✧*̥˚ Why they think that *̥˚✧
“Ellie!” You laughed as Ellie nuzzles her head in to your chest, tickling you to the core. “Say it again. I DARE YOU L/N!” Giggles fill the room as you both start nuzzling on eachother while Dina and Jesse sat right next to the both of you. “Babe! Stop!” You screamed as she starts kissing your cheeks and then pausing to breathe.
Dina and Jesse looked at eachother and then looked back to the both of you, seeing that you both were looking at eachother’s eyes…rather…intensely. “You look so pretty” you said gazing in to Ellie’s eyes while cupping her cheeks.
“You’re prettier than any girl i’ve ever met, Y/N”
✧*̥˚ *̥˚✧
“Right, our bad. Why would we think that.” Jesse said in more of a ‘what the fuck is wrong with these lesbians’ manner. “Uh huh” you said raising your eyebrows rather snapping out of the conversation as you hear your phone ring. “It’s Ellie” you said giving more opportunities to make Dina and Jesse shoot glares at eachother. You were really clueless. But then again, so was Ellie.
“Hey babe.” Ellie said in more of a faded tone as you can tell that she’s outside because of the cars passing by and also by the noisy chatters from each and every individual crossing the street. “Hey, how was the date?” You asked smiling while looking at Dina and Jesse. “It was terrible. God. i’ll tell you allll about it when I get home, yeah?” She said with a huff clearly getting exhausted from walking around. “Okay, please be careful. Keep your phone close. Bye!” You both ended the call and continued to enjoy the company of your two lovely friends. “Anyway, enough about Ellie. How are you and Xavier?” Dina asked raising her hand at the same time to start ordering coffees as she mentioned to you that she was feeling out of the blue and needed something to snap her back in to reality.
Chris Xavier. Your “beloved” boyfriend. You two started going out in the 2nd year of highschool, you both were considered as the couple who gets everyone practically jealous because they do not know if they wanna be you, or be Xavier. Which always made you feel as if the situation was “cliché”. It was almost as if you were written in to a book or written in to a script of a movie. Although, you always shook that feeling off because whether you liked it or not… you loved your boyfriend. But unfortunately, Ellie does not. She has always described him as a “fuckin’ himbo” and with a hint of “Pretty-boy-dumbass. Why does he have to part his hair that way anyway? What’s the logic?” Yeah, basically she hated him. She has always told you that he was “toxic” and “not good enough for you” but you can’t seem to get your head wrapped around the fact that he indeed was.
“It’s… not going well. Unfortunately.” You laughed nervously while scratching the back of your head. You were honestly embarassed because of how much you had to tell them stories of how insensitive he was at times and how he always invites random girls at your apartment claiming that “it’s fine!” “They are just his close friends!”
“What? He still brings those bimbos over?” Dina asked sarcastically as Jesse slapped her arm. “What? It’s true! Haven’t you been listening to her stories?” Jesse folded his lips in to a thin line and took a deep breath. “I know babe, he’s an asshole. But let’s listen first, okay?”
After a few sips of coffee and quite the chitchat, you have gotten home. You slipped off your shoes giving a big pleasant sigh as the shoes were basically chopping your foot off. You walked in to the living room, seeing Ellie in her usual position. Hand behind her head, manspreading, and smoking weed. “Come on babe, you know I don’t like the smell.” You sighed plopping yourself down next to her. “I’m sorry, I need it. Anyway, how was your day Babe?” Ellie asked leaning her head on to the couch then facing you as she takes a drag of that rolled crap. “Jesse and Dina were fun to hang out with as always. Anyway, the elephant in the room…. the date- how was it?” You asked mimicking her actions, looking back at her. “She was… really weird? She told me that I kept talking about you? And she was like ‘if you’re inlove with your bestfriend please don’t bother me blabla’ and shit? Like? Why would she even say that… huh.” Ellie smirked laughing as she took a long drag of again… the garbage-smelled-rolled-crap.
“Huh? The similar situation kind of happened with Jesse and Dina. They told me that if I was okay with you dating other girls, like why wouldn’t I be? Right?”
“Totally. Man, I don’t know what’s wrong with them. But hey, how are you and Christian?”
You laughed as you shook your head. “Okay, first of all, it’s just Chris. And why is everyone asking that question a lot recently?” You sighed and eventually answered Ellie’s question. “We’re doing horrible. As usual. Nothing’s new… i’m basically immune.” You laughed bitterly as Ellie passed the weed to you. “Smoke. I swear you’ll feel better.” You nod and took the weed away from her fingertips and taking a long drag yourself. “He’s still bringing random girls over and probably getting intimate with them as we speak.” Ellie scoffed and looked over to you. “Leave him.” you looked up at her and smiled. “Soon. i’m just waiting for someone.” Ellie raised her eyebrows and laughed. “You know, if I was a man and ESPECIALLY your boyfriend? I would never do that to you.” your eyes widened at the comment and Ellie seemed taken aback by her own remark. “Oh shit- I’m sorry if that made you-“
“I know you would never do that to me.” You interrupted, placing a hand on her cheek followed by soft caressing. “And who says you have to be a man to do that?” you both stay put. Not saying a word to eachother. The only thing that could be possibly heard from the both of you is the blinking of you and Ellie’s eyes, staring right in to eachother’s souls. No one muttering a word. Ellie placed her hands on your cheek mimicking you as she started to slowly caress them aswell. Your breath hitched as your eyes followed down to her eyes, to her nose, and then finally to her lips. And then finally, you were able to form a sentence. A fucking dumb one, in fact.
“You’re such a good friend.”
“Yea- yeah… totally.”
fucking dumbass.
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qierxing · 13 days
Tipsy Spells
A/N: Drabbles based on drinking prompts for a warm up.  Yan! LaDs x Reader TW/CW: Implied confinement/captivity, obsessive behavior, drinking problems(so many drinking problems), unhealthy coping mechanisms, emotional manipulation, dub//con, unhealthy relationships, co-dependent behavior, unbalanced power dynamics
Xavier/Shen Xinghui
Xavier doesn’t have many rules in his apartment.
He lets you eat whatever. Books, TV, games, and even more are open for your entertainment. There’s no limit to what you do, so long as you’re not endangering yourself. It’s almost…normal. As normal as you can get when you’re under a sociopathic captor. 
So when you open up the shopping bags Xavier went out to get, you’re rather disappointed.
“Really? Beer?” Holding up the bottle from the bag, you glare at Xavier balefully. “When you said you were going to get something ‘special’, I hoped you would, you know, get something stronger?”
Xavier gives you his signature innocent look while putting away some ingredients from the other bag. “I thought you liked beer though.”
You did. But living with Xavier has been terribly dull and grating. If it meant some reprieve, you’d rather not be sober.
“Can’t you get some huangjiu at least?” you plead.
Xavier looks at the digital clock above the stove. Nearly one in the morning. “I think the supermarket nearby is closed now.”
You groan. Giving up, you open a drawer and retrieve a bottle opener and crack the beer open. At this point, you’ll take what you can. Anything to not feel like clawing your eyes out from hysteria or boredom, whichever the two strikes your mood first.
Xavier follows you out the kitchen into his living room as you slump into the cushions of the couch, chugging the bottle. You protest as he takes the bottle from your hands.
“Don’t drink too fast. You’ll end up feeling sick,” he softly says. You roll your eyes and huff. After a moment, he gives you back the bottle.
“It’s not like there’s much anyway,” you mutter reproachfully. 
And it’s true. The second time you lift the bottle up to your lips, there only remains several spoons of liquid that goes down your throat. By the time it trickles to several drops, you start to feel the whoozy effect of the alcohol in your system. Not strong enough to really do anything, but just enough to make your tight shoulders relax.
You barely register Xavier taking the bottle again and setting it on the coffee table. When he winds a warm arm around you, you don’t protest. You’re too tired to fight. And it would only result in being banned from going outside again.
“Want to watch a movie?”
Maybe you could get yourself to fall asleep midway.
Zayne/Li Shen
When he came home late that night, he expected you to be sleeping. This, however, was not entirely surprising. 
You’ve been behaving so well, he’s forgotten about how you were prone to being susceptible to easy and unhealthy escapes. 
You’re on the floor leaning against the slanting open doors, nursing a bottle of vintage port wine. Several other empty bottles litter the floor; sauvignon blancs, rosés, and various other kinds of wine he never bothered to open. He’s never been one to drink, but gifts were gifts, and it felt like a waste to throw them away.
He wants to scold you for breaking into the wine cabinet again, but he supposes it won’t register in your foggy mind right now.
“My love,” he says softly, kneeling down and wrapping a solid arm around your shoulders. “Let’s get you some water.”
Your glazed eyes slide over and it takes a minute for them to process Zayne in his doctor’s coat. 
“Shaddup…” your face pinches into a sour expression, and his heart freezes at the sight. Your head lolls to the side unsteadily over his supporting arm and you click your tongue. 
“You–you’re sucha, ahh, ah party pooper, ya–y’know?” Your words slur together in a loopy insult. He hasn’t seen you this drunk in a while.
“Let’s get you some water,” Zayne repeats, more firmly this time. He works to release your death grip on the glass bottle, but you fight him every step of the way.
“S-stop, stop that, Li Shen,” you garble in distress. He pauses in surprise at the once affectionate name in your voice. “I don’t wanna feel…if I can’t drink, then I-I, it, ah, it starts to hurt so much...” you giggle, as your cloudy eyes look up at him brimming with wetness. “It hurts so much…I just, just–don’t wanna hurt anymore.”
He swipes a gentle finger under your eyes, catching the tears and flicking them away. Zayne knew everyone had their lapses, but this time in particular made his heart ache.
Of course, you didn’t take to being resigned from your job and brought under his care. Even if he devoted every bit of his body and love, it seemed it wouldn’t be enough to bring back the love you used to hold in your heart.
Zayne decides to leave the bottle and bring your slumped body up into a chair instead. By the time he brings you a glass of water, you’ve already finished the bottle and planted face down onto the kitchen table. 
Puffing out a worried sigh, Zayne rakes his fingers through the messy tangle of his dark hair before setting down the glass and reaching for some painkillers. 
Come tomorrow morning, you’ll awake with a pounding headache and queasy nausea, and he’ll be by your side, even if you’re reluctant to rely on him. But no matter how much you cry and struggle, Zayne couldn’t give you up anymore. Not when he couldn’t go on without you. 
“I’m sorry, my love,” as he presses a kiss to your limp hand. “I can’t let you go.”
Rafayel/Qi Yu
Rafayel is an interesting kind of drunk.
You suppose it’s a combination of the Lemurian blood and his passionate, artistic soul. For anyone else, it would either induce sleepiness or giddiness. For Rafayel? The end result is a highly unstable, ludicrously stupid merman who thinks that nothing else matters but you.
Granted, he already had this mentality while sober, but while imbibed with alcohol, the effect was more pronounced and obvious.
“I looove youuuu, like,” Rafayel hiccups, pausing his proclamation. “-like, thiiiiiiis much~” He opens his arms wide in a flourish as if he was in front of an applauding audience. 
You only hum in acknowledgement as you swipe his glass of baijiu out of his hand. Rafayel whines, but ultimately gives up retrieving his glass back when you finish the rest of the liquor inside. Setting down the crystal glass as gently as you can, you sway unsteadily as you land back on the couch cushions. 
“I love you when you’re drunk,” you admit shamelessly. “At least you’re less annoying that way.”
If Rafayel had been sober, that statement might have ended another few nights being forbidden from stepping outside the studio, more bite marks littering your skin, or forced to beg for your clothes back. But he isn’t sober. Instead, he giggles loudly, as if you just told him the funniest joke in the world.
“You’re sooooo mean,” he gasps. He giggles again. “But it’s okay! You’re still cute as ever~”
You briefly wonder if you could get away with strangling him to death. The thought is dismissed when he starts to cling to you. You forgot that unfortunately, while his senses may be clouded, his innate strength was most certainly not.
Despite your best(while drunk) efforts, Rafayel’s arms remain tight around your waist, his face buried into your stomach. You click your tongue in annoyance.
“Qi Yu.”
No response.
“Qi Yu, get off me.”
For a moment, it was quiet. Then a loud snore echoes and air is blown directly onto your stomach. 
Maybe you can try seeing if you could get him by suffocation.
Sylus/Qin Che
Formal dinners don’t make you nervous.
What did make you nervous is the very man who invited you to his grand dining room.
The head honcho of Onychinus. And N109’s ticking time bomb.
You don’t like the man. Call it paranoia, intimidation, or anxiety, you simply do not like him. He’s a towering sort of brute with appropriately broad shoulders and height that makes heads either turn or bow instinctively. His eyes, you shudder, makes you think of hellfire, brimstone, and all sorts of terrifying things. People have whispered of those who have been buried under his hand. 
You don’t want to be next.
But, business is business, and information is information.
“Does the bourbon suit your taste?” Sylus asks with an amused arch of his eyebrow.
You smile uneasily as you take a sip, bittersweet tones of chocolate burning your throat and all the way down to your stomach. “Surely you’re not bribing me with liquor to figure out what I know?” 
“I take offense at that, sweetie.” You stiffen at the affectionate pet name. The fondness dripping from his tone leaks disgustingly over your skin. “I’m sure you know I have my own ways of getting what I want.”
You hide an annoyed grimace with the glass as you take another sip. “Then, how may I help you, sir? I only broker info and nothing else.”
“By being mine.” 
The response is so ridiculous that you can only stare. It takes too long for you to come back to your senses. Your smile strains your taut cheeks.
“Very funny joke, sir.”
“Oh, but it’s not.”
Your smile fades as you feel two presences behind you. You grip the glass tightly. Before you can even move, Sylus clicks his tongue in a patronizing way.
“Don’t even try it, sweet thing.” He smirks. “I don’t want to use force if you don’t cooperate.”
You loosen your grip.
“Why are you doing this?” you whisper. You’re only one among thousands of other info brokers in N109 zone. And even more so, you’ve been on the outer edges like an outcast compared to other highly sought people. 
Instead of answering, he simply holds out the bourbon bottle with a genuine smile that sends shivers down your neck.
“I simply have a taste for fine things, and you, my dear, are one of them.”
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all-pacas · 2 months
ok i read a house fanfic where they had superpowers and it wasn't that good, but now i'm imagining a world of Thematically Appropriate Powers, but they're all still Terrible Doctors
house - human lie detector. taken to an extreme and meticulous depth; he's developed and practiced. he can tell when someone is lying. easy. he can tell shades of truth: when something is being hidden, when something is partially true. if he knows someone, he can even read them, uncannily, based on the lies and truths and secrets they keep. his ability doesn't tell him what the truth is, but by process of elimination and figuring out what they don't lie about, he can get close ("i am left handed" pings if it's false and not if it's true. ergo…). he can't turn it off entirely but he can avoid "listening" too closely.
wilson - the power to be believed. super persuasion. he can turn it on and off at will, he pretends to prefer to never use it. he can't compel people, he just exudes an aura of such honesty that people trust him, open up to him, end up doing what he says because he's their best friend. naturally, he is as close to immune to house's power as he can get; in turn, house can usually still tell when he's lying, even when he's being Super Sincere
chase - emotion manipulation. he can't generally do anything too extreme - no riling people up into murderous frenzies, or making them fall in love - but he absolutely uses and abuses it. sometimes just to make patients calm, usually to make people like him. it's not a charm power, he can't use it like wilson does, it only works on one person at a time: wilson is making himself believable, and chase is manipulating the feelings of others. he can just… always make himself seem likeable. always make a great impression. he uses it shamelessly and no one trusts him. it doesn't really work on house (house is too aware of the 'lie' of it), but it's why house hired him regardless.
cameron - the actual telepath of the group. she's no charles xavier, but she can read surface level thoughts and memories, as well as show her own - it's easier to show her memories than read others, and it's better if she can have physical contact. she insists she doesn't and won't use her powers on patients/people without their consent (to house's great annoyance). all the same, she uses them more often than she'd want to admit, since it's just so convenient. and then she feels bad about it, and then she does it again… house is not immune to her power, although he's stubborn enough to keep her from being able to pry too deeply, although she very much wants to at times.
foreman - mental acuity. he is immune to all mental powers and emotional control and psychic abilities. he is supernaturally aware of himself, his body/mind, and his surroundings. he knows when he's getting a cold from the moment it starts. he has a bit of a "spidey-sense" as well, and keen observational skills, both of which he uses to absolutely kick ass at his job. the "mental shield" thing is more of a minor side effect, in his opinion… or it was until he started working for house, at which point it became his most valuable ability by far.
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mntalbrakdown · 2 years
k. - X. Thorpe
mentions of: slight cussing, jealousy?, love confessions
synopsis: Xavier likes you, and always has, now its just time to tell you
inspired by: Mac Demarco- K
a/n: i take requests!
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the snow was falling down from the sky. It seemed that December has rolled by fast. It was almost your birthday, Xavier has been buying you gifts and painting you all year long. Every month he would draw you in his sketchbook or whenever he felt like it. He thought it was better than taking pictures of you because it took him more than one second meaning it was more "romantic". He drew you pretty often because you felt like home, you felt like someone he will never stop loving in more than one way.
"Hey pretty boy, what's going on in that brain?" you ask coming up to him from behind
"Just thinking to myself"
"You only are that silent and don't want company when you are stressed" you point out.
How do you do that? How do you know what is going on with him, that isn't your "power", so how do you do it? He can't do that to you. The more and more you point things out about him the more scared he is that you will find out what he truly feels about you. The more that you point things out about him the more he comes to know himself.
"Hello? Xavier?" you wave your hands in front of him
"Sorry, I need to go" he starts to walk the opposite way, but you both have next period together.
You decide to let him go because he lets you go when you're not in it, mentally. You secretly love it but hate it because you like being around him, it's one of your favorite things to pass the time. To be in his shack and just sit there while he draws whatever he draws and you just talk and talk about who you are as a person, and who you wish to be. Xavier was a great listener but hated talking. You had to pry him open every time something was wrong.
You step into your class, and you see Xavier and Wednesday sitting next to each other, you let out a sigh and just walk to the closest seat available, Ajax. You and Ajax weren't close, you let him do his thing with Enid, but left when it was just the two of you, so this would be fun.
"Hey, may I please sit here?" you ask as your already pulling out the chair he nods like he has much of a choice.
You could feel eyes on you multiple times throughout the period, you couldn't tell if it was Enid's or Xavier's or both. You let them be, not your problem, for now.
The days seemed to roll by quickly, it was the weekend before your birthday. You decided to sit at your tree. Maybe it was freezing for everyone and decided to stay in, but you liked the ice hitting your cheeks, the only thing that is not bundled up. You were warm, listening to the music blasting through your earbuds. Looking how the snow hits the ground and how it accumulates.
He looks at you from across the quad. He sees how red your nose is, yet you refuse to move from "your tree". The more he picks at who you are, the more he seems to grow to love you. He loves how you decide that you have trees to meet up at instead of actual locations. He loves how you carry around three different types of headphones just to be positive that you can actually listen to music at any time.
He is so greatful that he got to meet you before he even dared to seek someone else. He would not have enjoyed life as he does now. He wouldn't live life. He would just walk through it. He is sold to you. You are his without even knowing it and you can't return him.
"What are you doing here bug?" he sits next to you on the snow and he is shivering
"That seat is taken" you don't even turn to look at him, you don't offer him a blanket, and you feel terrible because he is freezing.
"Here I'll sit somewhere else" he gets up smooths everything out and goes to sit next to you on the other side
"So is that one" you turn to look at him, you don't dare take off your headphones you just want to see the snow fall with the music in the background
"What is going on with you?" was it something he did? he ponders to himself.
"Nothing" you can see the fog coming up as you speak and you smile, it is cold and you love it.
"Than why are you being a bitch?"
"Thorpe, you can be a bitch all the time and I don't call you that, but the moment I am to you, you can't handle it? Sometimes I wonder what I see in you" you whispered the other half, he could hear it, he could have fucked up hands, from always drawing you, but never hearing.
You grab your stuff that is ice cold and start to get up. You wipe off all the snow that is on you and walk to your dorm. Or so you thought. you could hear the pitter-patter of the shoes following you
"Just because you walked away doesn't mean the conversation is over"
"You sound like my mother Xavier" you turn around and see the man in all his glory...again
"I know your birthday is tomorrow, but I wanted to give you something right now because I feel as though this is the only way I can get you to see how I see you" he starts to get into his backpack and pull out the sketchbook. The cover isn't a boring ordinary photo, it is the very first drawing of you he has ever made. It was you under your favorite tree. Listening to music and in love with the white cold flakes falling from the sky.
"does it move?" it was a stupid question at the time, of course it moves, its his power
"Anytime it feels as though my love has gone away, settle down turn around take this picture and let it play" he says making the picture move. It was the flakes falling and you bopping your head to the music.
You flipped through the pages. He made them all move. You took each and everyone of them in. Observing how they moved and liked the way they he did them so intricatly. You liked how each month he made a portrait of all those time you rantting about your day, now you know why he would stare and than look away at the same time.
"How and why?" You look up to Xavier
"I spend 12 hours of the day staring at you and the other 12 dreaming of you and imagining you." He says as if it was nothing
"No in between?"
"No, never, I even got report cards of my teachers saying that I stare at you too much" he says with his shit eating grin
"I must look very interesting"
"You are interesting, in the best way possible, or I would be bored by now" It was true, he must love finding new things on you, and he especially loved the occasional different hairdo, to draw.
"I would like to get to know you better than just being friends"
"Thorpe are you implying we should date?"
"I got to know your heart, I still have so much for me to learn"
"You are so annoying" you slap his chest as he brings you in to kiss
"C'mon I know you like me sweets" he brings his big grin again
"Ok, I'll go out with you" you say tip-toeing to kiss him
"Thank god for Ms. Weems for giving you a tour" he says wrapping his arm around your waist
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shadowphoenixrider · 1 month
Locker Room Debriefing
(After Shadow finishes a Danger Room training session, she finds Gambit is waiting for her. And when Gambit gets an idea into his head, what starts as a simple discussion turns into something more...intimate. Enjoy some more smut!)
"Dat was some performance, chère!" Gambit greeted me as I entered the locker room, grinning widely and spreading his hands. "You gettin' better all de time!"
"Thank you." I smiled back at him, moving over to my own locker, aware of his gaze following me like a hawk. "You were right about getting a weapon to use; I'm really liking this sword." I unbuckled the scabbard of the short bastard sword from my brown leather belt around my waist, placing it inside. "I still can't discount the bow, though." The unstrung fibreglass bowstave leant on the other side of cabinet, a row of metal training arrows arranged alongside. "I've always liked archery, and it feels better if I stay outta the fray, you know?"
"Sure, can see that." Gambit nodded. "Jus' a coupla problems though: one, 'side from stabbin' people wit ya arrows, ya not got many options if someone gets close. Not like ya can hit dem with it without it breakin'." He shifted his position, pointing at my hands. "Two, de archer gloves you'll need remove ya ability to use ya powers. Least 'til you learn to heal us through fabric."
"And that doesn't seem like something I'm gonna be able to do for a while yet." I muttered, frowning down at my current black gloves. Beast had designed them specifically to grant protection whilst allowing me to lay my hands on those I needed to help - they covered my wrist and most of the back of my hand, with a loop to attach around my middle finger, but left the rest of my hand, especially my palm, exposed.
"'Sides." His voice made me glance back up. "Ya can't deny de thrill of jus' wailin' on somethin', non?" His midnight eyes twinkled knowingly. "You were goin' at dem drones like ya were when we be sparrin' in de forest, an' havin' a good time of it too!"
I chuckled, unbuckling my belt and dropping it into the locker.
"Okay, that's fair. It was very fun to just let loose and go to town." My gaze drifted to him, smile playing on my lips. "You still think of that night?"
"O' course." Gambit's warm smile made heat rise up into my face like steam, as he pushed off the wall and stepped towards me. "Gambit'd never forget."
"Neither can I." I admitted, giggling weakly. "Especially my terrible attempt at a first kiss..."
His deep chuckle was as genial as his smile.
"Found it very sweet, actually." He replied, my blush darkening.
"I'm glad."
It was a sweet moment...up until a devious glint entered Gambit's dark eyes, and they began to rove hungrily over me.
"Oh no, I know that look." I folded my arms. "What are you up to?"
"Gambit jus' thinkin'," he said casually, stepping closer with an intent that was anything but.
"Uh huh." I quirked an eyebrow up at him. "And what, dare I ask, is the Raging Cajun thinking?"
His red black eyes flicked away to the closed door for a moment, before returning to me.
"No-one's scheduled to be in de Danger Room for another hour or so, chère," he said, taking yet another step forwards. I stepped back and to the side, away from the lockers he was trying to trap me against. "And here ya be, in dat suit of yours." His grin stretched from ear to ear. "Gambit always wondered what ya look like under it."
I rolled my eyes, continuing to back up from his approach. Ever since I agreed with Professor Xavier that I would be training for missions proper, I had graduated from the spare black and yellow body-suits to something more personalised.
Although I'd stuck with the body-suit, mine had a broad blood red stripe running down the torso and inner thighs instead of the yellow, with the small black 'X' logo remaining against the red, just above my left breast. The look was partnered with shin high black leather combat boots and the custom designed gloves, along with a thick brown leather belt and two thigh pouches to make up for a lack of pockets. I'd left the thigh ones in the locker for this straight combat training session.
And ever since I'd first started wearing a suit for the training simulations, Gambit had seemingly never known peace.
"You've seen me naked, Cajun." I retorted. "It's not going to be any different!"
"Gambit gonna be de the judge of dat, mon amie..." He purred, just as my back hit a wall, and he caged me in with his tall frame. I sighed, giving him a Look as he smirked triumphantly down at me.
"You've been fantasising about this for a while, haven't you?" I raised an eyebrow at him. Gambit barked out a laugh.
"Guilty as charged, chère." His grin became playful. "Can ya blame Gambit, though?" He ran his hands down my sides. "You fill it out in all de right ways..."
"That explains why Rogue keeps turning heads." Was my comment, making him chuckle.
"Dat be one of de reasons, yeah. But we not talkin' 'bout her." Gambit's hands curled around the top of my hips, moving close enough that his heat and masculine scent washed over me from the inside of his coat. "Gambit only have eyes for one beautiful woman." He murmured, lowering his head to gently brush our foreheads together.
His black and red eyes (the same colours as my suit, I suddenly noted with amusement) gazed lovingly at me, despite the desire simmering behind them, and they searched mine for permission to enact whatever crazy plan was cooking in his head.
I smiled up at him, wrapping my arms around his neck and pressing our lips together in what started out as a chaste, gentle kiss. That rapidly changed as soon as Gambit's hands moved from my hips to my backside, cupping and squeezing, his tongue in my mouth as soon as I moaned. I melted against him as we reacquainted ourselves with one another, the hard lines of his cuirass be damned.
Not that Gambit lingered for long - soon he pulled back, leaving sloppy kisses to the corner of my mouth, then jaw, slowly working his way down. I rolled my head back, exposing my neck to the Cajun's eager mouth, kissing, nipping and occasionally dragging his tongue over my fluttering pulse.
That was until he reached the boundary of my suit, where he paused, fiddling with my collar for a moment.
"Ah, dere it is." He muttered, and when I looked down, I caught sight of a particularly wicked grin on his face.
"Gambit?" I asked, not quite sure if I was ready for whatever the answer would be.
"S'all good, chère." He replied, sliding a hand around to my back. "Jus' keep ya eyes on me, okay?"
He flashed me another grin, before leaning in close to my collar, his tongue darting out to find and unearth the zip from its hiding place. It was only when Gambit clamped his teeth around it and our eyes met did I realize what he was about to do. He grinned widely, and winked.
Then he began to pull it down.
Gambit took his time, his eyes locked to mine, slowly but surely revealing the expanses of my pale, freckled skin to the cooler locker room air. The Cajun slid down my body with an almost serene grace, hands gliding down my sides even as the spandex parted. The zipper stopped mercifully just above my pubic bone - Gambit was already crouching before me, God help me if his face had gone any lower.
Although, from the utterly lascivious way he was gazing up at me, his hands curling around my ass and thighs, I was already in for a lot of trouble.
"Magnifique..." Gambit purred, nuzzling into the black shorts I wore specifically under the suit.
"Enjoying yourself down there?"
"Always, chère." Came his reply, his gaze homing in my underwear to the point I could almost see the gears turning behind his eyes, absently pulling his gloves off and dropping them to the floor. "Though maybe we could see 'bout gettin' you outta these too..."
"Ah, how about we don't do that." My hand came down on his head, gripping a tuft of his brunette hair warningly. "At least not here. Maybe in the showers a little later."
"Gonna hold ya to dat, mon amie." He grinned cheekily up at me.
"Of course you are, Cajun." I giggled, ruffling his hair affectionately.
"Now, let's see here..." He murmured, attention shifting back to his scheme.
Gambit began pressing feather-light kisses up my body as he worked up to my breasts, now bare calloused hands slipping under my suit to caress me. When he reached my sports bra, he carefully took the bottom between his teeth and tugged it up and over, exposing my breasts to his eager mouth and hands.
"Really taking the 'taking my clothes off with your teeth' to heart, I see." I teased, helping pull the bra up a little further to make sure it would stay in place.
"You say dat like it not gettin' ya hot under de collar too, chère." Gambit rumbled, tucking his head in the valley between them, pausing to enjoy my heart beating fast under his ear.
He pressed a kiss there, before wasting no more time, shifting his attentions to my breasts in earnest. I groaned, rolling my head back against the metal wall, letting my eyes flutter closed. With his mouth on one and a hand on the other, I let bliss wash over me, the world outside this room fluttering away.
Gambit crooned sweet nothings against my skin between his ministrations, swirling his tongue around my nipple before switching sides. I moaned softly, enjoying this soft yet sensual moment, heat pooling between my legs.
"Ohh, chérie..." He purred, very gently nipping at the soft skin, his other hand beginning to wander along my ribs and under my suit.
"Gambit..." I said softly, almost absent-mindedly. "Where's that hand going?"
"Patience, chère." He hummed. "You'll find out soon enough."
That hand slid down my back whilst he continued to play with my breasts, sneaking beneath my shorts to cup my ass. He squeezed it appreciatively, and revelled in my contented grunt. Much to my surprise, Gambit didn't linger there - his hand moved on, around my hip and-
Ah. I see.
I felt Gambit's devilish grin just as his fingers slid down and under me, a gasp escaping me as they brushed over that sensitive bundle of nerves there.
"Well well well," he crooned wickedly, "looks like you been enjoying dis every bit as much as Gambit." He leered up at me from between my breasts, lazily circling my clit with his fingertip, dipping occasionally towards my entrance.
I opened my mouth to retort, to justify myself...but nothing came out, only the rising hot realization that yes, I was just as much into this as he clearly was. His knowing grin only widened.
"Twat." I said instead.
"Hmm?" Gambit hummed. "Didn't quite hear dat, chère. Gonna have to speak up."
I narrowed my eyes, and opened my mouth to clearly enunciate what I thought of his shenanigans, but no sooner had the first syllable started to shape itself in my mouth, his finger connected firmly with my clit. I'm not quite sure what noise I exactly made, but it was definitely a moan of some description, quickly submerged by more as he rolled that bud under his fingertip. Pure bolts of pleasure shot through me, and curled tightly deep in my pelvis, lifting my hips.
"Ah, Gambit...!" I groaned, twisting my fingers more into his hair, tugging some free out of his headpiece. His laugh was pure, delicious evil as he rose up to standing, lips brushing against my ear.
"Dat's more like it, chérie." He purred, his deep voice like hot liquid gold that oozed down my spine. "Sing for Gambit..."
A part of me wanted to bite back, parry and riposte. But it was so hard to do that when Gambit started kissing my neck, still palming my petite breasts with one hand whilst the other continued teasing moans and other pleasured cries from me, coaxing my hips to rock with the motions.
"Really puttin' on a show for Gambit now, aren'tcha?" He murmured, fingers dancing close to my entrance, suggesting. Teasing. "Gambit can't wait to get ya in de showers, chère." He ground his own hips against me - despite his armour, I could feel his hard length straining for freedom. I shuddered with delight.
"Why not...now?" I managed breathlessly, through my pleasure-fogged mind.
"And leave mon ombre adrift?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "Non. Gambit gonna give her what she deserves first."
And with that, his fingers sunk into me - a groan of relief and euphoria rolled off my tongue, my back arching. As careful as always, Gambit paused to let me adapt, gently scissoring his fingers to stretch my walls.
Only when I tenderly rubbed his head did he begin his ministrations in earnest, stroking and pumping in and out of me, his other hand still playing with my breasts. I arched my back again, moaning luxuriously into his ear, making Gambit shiver with delight.
"Ohh, chérie...!" He breathed, grinding his hips against my own. I rolled mine to meet his, pressing against his arousal, and his groan was music to my ears.
Gambit rewarded me with a quick bite of my neck, revelling in my gasp and running his tongue over the now tender area.
That familiar hot coil was winding tight at the base of my spine again, the sheer onslaught of sensations and pleasure making my head spin. Only Gambit pressed against me kept me tethered to reality, to what he was doing to me. Where anyone could just walk in and see us...Or at least, the fact something was happening behind Gambit's large frame and trench-coat.
Tension began to build within me, starting from my pelvis and spreading through me, down my legs and up my chest.
"Remy," I gasped in his ear, "I'm nearly there! Please!"
"Bien sûr, chérie." He murmured in my ear. "Gambit's got you. Jus' relax. Let it take you." His voice became a whisper, a seductive temptation. "Come for Gambit, mon ombre."
The coil constricted, almost too much to bear. And then his thumb pressed hard into my clit, snapping the coil completely. Gambit kissed me quickly to catch my loud cry of ecstasy as pure pleasure roared through my body, lighting me up like a beacon as my powers flared, multiplying every sensation thrumming through me. A hard squeeze of my breast kept me from accidentally passing into Gambit's body, and his motions slowed, helping me ride through the aftershocks.
My knees started trembling with the effort of holding me up, and Gambit wrapped an arm around my waist, taking my weight against him whilst he whispered sweet praises in my ear.
"So gorgeous, ma chère. Always so beautiful when you come. Gambit so lucky to have you."
My eyes flickered open, offering him a dopey smile. His smile back was so fond and adoring I swore my heart did a somersault in my chest.
"So...everything you dreamed of?" I asked when words returned to me, stroking his hair. Gambit chuckled.
"Perfection, chère." He grinned as he slowly withdrew his fingers from me, holding them up to the light. "Looks like ya made a bit of a mess, mon amie..." He purred lowly. "Gonna have to clean you up."
I slapped a hand on his shoulder, pushing him back.
"You can do that in the showers." I said sternly, trying to straighten my back to my full height.
"Oui, madame!" Gambit replied cheerily, sweeping an arm under my legs to pick me up nigh effortlessly. "Let's continue dis dere."
I leant into his body and under his coat to hide my state of undress as he set off, uttering a long-suffering but affectionate sigh.
"What I am going to do with you, Cajun?"
He laughed, a beautiful throaty sound.
"Keep me close, chère?"
I smiled, tucking my head under his chin.
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First off, I absolutely adore your in-depth analysis and fantastic understanding of the Hazbin characters!! not sure how much you've touched on this topic particularly, but I'd love to hear your take on it! (esp w/ its relevance in szn 2)
How do you interpret the past dynamic between Vox and Alastor? Do you think Vox was genuine, close friends with Alastor, or were there hidden agendas of any kind? Given just how much their ideals and *everything* clash in present day, im curious yet struggling to pinpoint what exactly what MADE them acquaintances (and as close as they are implied to have been), besides solely their connection to technology and entertainment media, before their inevitable fallout. did Vox reallyyy change that much during his time in Hell? (or was there always an underlying tension between them?) (also, just, what the hell happened between these two)
Awww thank you ❤️
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So, when it comes to Vox and Alastor, I think what brought them together was their ambition. Both of them crave power, though they define it differently. In my headcanon, at the beginning, Vox was more like Alastor because he didn't have enough influence to be his perfect self. Starting from nothing was hard for him because, like most capitalism lovers, he had never experienced building from scratch. Even though Alastor was simply useful to him, whatever they had was real. But it wasn’t genuine, because Vox is a narcissist, and we often attune to others perfectly. He liked Alastor, so he portrayed himself as someone Alastor would also like. In Vox's mind, this was just a way of caring for their friendship.
Additionally, Alastor is a very guarded person, so he wasn't fully genuine either. He hid things from Vox and often manipulated him because he knew how much Vox cared. Alastor cared too—he saw Vox as a perfect addition to his friend group, someone he could see as an equal. Knowing how driven and ambitious Vox is, Alastor seriously hoped they could rearrange Hell together, get rid of all the Overlords, and make the game more interesting.
The first issue that arose was Vox's greed. He wanted to expand (I wrote more about him here), but not in a way that Alastor liked. This was the first time Alastor realized that Vox might want to overthrow the ruling class just to take their place. Vox tried to explain that it was completely different—overthrowing old money would give power back to the people, creating a perfect anarcho-capitalist utopia, the ultimate survival of the fittest—something he and Alastor both wanted.
They were just two friends who started with a common goal but eventually realized they had very different ideas about making it real. Think Charles Xavier and Magneto or Dumbledore and Grindelwald. They began to notice flaws in their plan. On paper, a society where anyone can achieve high social status through determination and hard work sounds very free, very much up Alastor's alley. But upon deeper inspection, they realized that capitalism cannot exist without oppression and surveillance. It’s just a matter of whether it’s the government or corporations doing it.
Tension grew, and at some point, they couldn't stand each other. Especially when feelings came into the equation. Alastor hated that Vox loved the idea of him. He knew they were completely incompatible, and Vox would never truly love him, so it felt objectifying to know that, in Vox's mind, he wasn't even a real person, just something Vox wanted him to be. On the other hand, Vox was terribly frustrated with Alastor not playing along with his fantasy. They could have become the most powerful couple in Hell, but Alastor rejected both his advances and his ideas. However, the toxicity worked both ways—Alastor felt betrayed by Vox, so he became unnecessarily cruel and neglectful, trying to punish Vox for being who he was.
Okay, I know this take is filled with my personal headcanons, but I think that canonically their relationship followed this pattern of alliance based on common goals and mutual (mis)understanding, eventually falling apart after realizing they actually wanted very different things.
Regarding its relevance in season two, I expect that we will learn their exact backstory. I hope that after years of feeding into hate and bitterness, they will escalate this conflict until there's nothing but scorched earth. Also, I think we will learn that Alastor does, in fact, care deeply—he hates Vox fiercely but hides it better.
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