#I finished writing this and went they really went and had sex the whole chapter huh
storiesofsvu · 4 months
Decadent Desires Ch 6
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Emily Prentiss x reader warnings: language, mentions of alcohol, sexually charged conversations, teasing/banter. Smut, sex toys, minor bondage, spanking. A guest star of Anthony DiNozzo! I didn't really want to bring in a whole THIRD fandom into this but it ended up working out really nicely and I can play around with it in future chapters too! It feels like it's been ages since I've updated this so clearly the last week was a long one lol. Remember how I said I wanted to be a chapter ahead from now on with my series? Yeah that quickly did not happen. LOL. I'm gonna try to keep up with it, and I promise y'all won't wait longer than a week between chapters, I just need to hunker down and write!
Working for Heather meant that you worked insane hours that could change at the drop of a hat, but it also meant that you could essentially make your own schedule whenever you wanted. You could do most of your job from home or a hotel, as long as you had Wi-Fi you were in the clear, you spent a lot of your time gallivanting around D.C to finish whatever tasks you needed to. Shuffling your schedule around constantly meant that you were more than given the liberty to a Thursday afternoon off and that is exactly why you were meandering down Wisconsin Avenue with Tony in tow. Some of your friends questioned why you always went shopping with him, but the truth was he knew style, understood expensive taste, always told the truth if something looked bad and the entire experience was more efficient. If you went out with your girlfriends on a shopping spree you got dragged into twelve stores you needed nothing from and had to wait while they tried on countless amounts of outfits. With Tony the most that would happen would you’d have some extra browsing time at L. Priori because he got distracted by the watches.
“You got some big White House party coming up or something?” He asked, taking a sip of the coffee you’d bought him earlier.
“Huh?” You glanced over your shoulder as you picked up the small bag, “no.”
“We’ve done jewels, we’ve done shoes,” he pushed the door open for you, holding it while you crossed through the entry way and back out onto the street, “you dropped off three dresses for alterations and looked through the catalogue of what’s coming in…”
“I just want to revamp my closet a little bit, make sure I’m prepared for summer, you know how many extra garden parties I end up at.”
“And your boss is okay with that amount of cleavage?” He asked with a smirk and you rolled your eyes, “I think you’re bullshitting me.”
“I got a little carried away doing spring cleaning and tossed half my closet.” You bluffed, “I work so much I forgot I actually wore the other shit and now need to replace it.” Veering off to the side your hand tugged open the door to Jaryam and Tony followed you inside.
“When’s your next date?” He asked with a grin.
“I never said anything about a date.”
“Then why did you just drag me into a lingerie store?”
“Oh please,” you scoffed, “I didn’t drag you anywhere, you love this shit. I just want some new pieces; you’ve got the right eye for colour and the masculine fetishistic imagination to tell me which ones I’ll look the best in.”
He chuckled darkly, not bothering to disagree with you as you made your way further into the shop, he was a pace behind you, fiddling with a price tag when he scoffed and you turned back to him with a raised brow, “I’ve heard you complain about the prices in Victoria’s Secret and that’s got nothing on this, a thong for a hundred and fifty dollars?”
“It’s… about the quality.” You shrugged, “thirty dollars for a scrap of fabric that falls apart in a month made in a sweatshop isn’t a good investment.” You picked up the pair that he was looking at, reading through the tag, “something hand stitched made with quality fabric that’s going to last? Worth it.”
“Hmm.” He replied, surveying you for a minute as you put the thong back on the rack, “you know, I noticed when you picked up the coffee that you used a black card…”
“You’re really working those sleuthing skills today, aren’t ya?” You teased back with a grin, moving onto a wall of lace bras.
“It’s not exactly a difficult mystery.” He smirked, following you, “fancy shoes, nice jewels, new clothes, expensive lingerie,” you turned back to face him, an unimpressed look on your face and he practically caged you into the wall, “who’s your daddy?”
“Ew, Tony, fuck off.” You groaned, shoving at his chest as he laughed, “coffee and meals can be turned into a write off. I used Heather’s card.”
“Bah! Fine, keep your secrets. I’ll just run your financials when I get back to the office.”
Now it was your turn to laugh, “they call you a very Special Agent DiNozzo?”
“Why yes, yes they do.” He smiled, getting a little smug about it and you shook your head at him.
“Then explain to me how running my financials would let you in on whose card I’m using.” You asked, watching as he opened his mouth to give you some witty response but he couldn’t find one, gaping for a minute before he let out a defeated huff and you tugged him in the other direction, “now c’mon, I know you have a good eye for lingerie.”
“Now that, I will not deny.” He replied with a smile and you did roll your eyes as he followed you deeper into the shop.
You combed through practically every shelf in the place, trying to figure out what kind of styles you were going to settle on before Tony started to share his opinions. He reminded you how good blue looked on you when you picked up a soft pink set and suggested the lace florals over lace butterflies. You were narrowing it down between a handful of choices and he was quick to intervene when he noticed you were eliminating all the variation.
“Wait,” he cut in, swiping the one you were trying to put back on the shelf, “keep that one. Get rid of this one.” He plucked the peach set from your collection, tossing it into the return pile.
“It’s cute!” You protested.
“Exactly. Everything you’re keeping is ‘cute’, you’re playing it too safe and I know that’s not you. The lilac one is the nicest, little hint of lace for a bonus, so get it.” He started flicking through the rack you had your favourites on, “keep the teal one for the crystals, plus it matches that pair of heels you bought. The rest of this batch can go but add these to your buying list.” He picked up a lacy black and red set that was mostly see through and included a garter belt, handing it off to you, and a gorgeous deep green set. “That’ll look great with your skin,” his brow furrowed for a second as he examined it, “wait it’s not your size, you’re what?” His eyes were suddenly on you and you groaned,
“Stop staring at my tits.” You stated dryly as he turned around, grabbing another one of the green set from the shelf.
“Thirty four C, right?”
“I don’t know whether I should be impressed or grossed out that you were able to figure that out.”
“They don’t call me Very Special Agent DiNozzo for nothing.” He grinned and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m going to go try these on.” You scooped up the remaining sets, “not for your viewing pleasure! Occupy yourself.”
You weren’t surprised in the least when all of Tony’s recommendations were right and you were happy to be leaving with a variety of options. Returning from the dressing room you found him near the till looking through accessories and he shot you a cocky grin as you placed all of his choices down on the counter. You shuffled the shopping bags in your hand over to the other one,
“Can you hold this?” You asked, handing him your purse as you pulled Emily’s card from within it, passing it off to the cashier. Once the purchase was completed and the cashier was wrapping up the lingerie, she placed the card down on the counter and out of the corner of your eye you saw Tony making a move for it, managing to swipe it up before he could get to it.
“Hey!” You swatted the back of his head and he grimaced.
“Ow. That was worse than Gibbs.” He muttered.
“You fuck around and you’ll find out.” You returned but he was too busy on his phone to really pay attention.
You took your purse back from him, tossing it over your shoulder as you thanked the clerk and added the bag of lingerie to the others with your shopping and the two of you made your way back onto the street. You jumped when Tony’s fingers prodded at your side, digging into your ribs.
“C’mon… let me know something, please.” He batted his eyes at you, “I just helped you pick lingerie; I deserve to know something. Doctor? Artist? App developer? Congressman?”
“Nope, nope, nope and hard nope.” You replied with a huff and he groaned so you finally turned back to him, stalling in your steps, “what I will tell you, is that she most definitely outranks NCIS, so you can officially drop it.”
“Ohoho… a new lady friend…” It was his turn to slow in his tracks, eyes lingering in the window of the next shop, “you need any special accessories for that?”
“Tony you’re insane if you think I’m taking you into a sex toy store.”
“Meh, doesn’t really matter since you’ve already covered that step.” He grinned and your brow furrowed.
“Swiped your phone and went through your emails.” With a laugh he tossed the device back to you as you let out a gasp, “peach flavoured lube, nice. Nipple clamps? Kinky, didn’t realize you were into that kinda pain.” That earned him a hard punch on the arm, “but that double sided dildo with vibration? Now that sounds like a real party.”
“Anothony DiNozzo!” You scolded and he let out a small whine of a scoff, gesturing toward the sex store.
“I’m the perfect person to give sex toy recommendations, c’mon.” He protested and you sighed.
“Tony. You are a straight man. What could you possibly known about sex toys for me to use with another woman?”
“One of those wand things, Hibachi?”
“That’s Japanese barbecue, but nice try.”
“The wands!”
“You’re going for Hitachi.”
“Close enough!” He exclaimed, gesturing with his hands, “the big one’s better but I think they sell smaller ones too, more portable.” He waggled his eyebrows at you and you sighed.
“Think? Tony, pull your head outta your ass. Any self respecting person with a clit already owns one of those.”
“Really?” He smirked at you and you did your best not to groan.
“I’ve got three, a mini pink, a mini green and the big one, which yes, is far superior. Can we go now?”
“Fine.” He groaned, feigning annoyance, “you dragging me to a nail appointment next?”
“No, I was gonna buy you a late lunch.”
“You were? Or is your mommy dearest gonna buy lunch.” He exaggerated the word, nearly moaning as he said it and you immediately grimaced.
“Please don’t ever do that again.”
“Yup, that one felt wrong coming out. My bad, that’s on me.”
Emily turned down dessert service, asking for the cheque instead as she gave the server a soft smile, picking up her cocktail once again as she turned back to you. In turn, you finished your drink, placing the glass down on the table as you stood, your hand coming to squeeze at Emily’s thigh softly as your lips brushed against her cheek.
“Give me a five minute head start, I’ve got a surprise for you.” You scooped up your phone, shooting Emily a wink as you sauntered away from the table in the direction of the elevator.
Her eyes followed you through the entrance of the lounge, narrowing in on your ass as you pushed the elevator button and the sparks began to fly through her body. It hadn’t been a particularly long week, but it was very safe to say that you had been on her mind more often than not. Images of your naked body strewn across the bed floating into her brain, making her cheeks flush while she was torturously bored with paperwork. A too long tedious conference call lead to her zoning out, daydreaming all the things she wanted to do to you, the noises you made echoing through her mind. It was almost a given that night that she had a rather self soothing shower when she got home, pulling her laptop out when she finally crawled into bed to take a look at what fun things she could buy to occupy your time with in the future weekends.
Emily settled the bill, slowly draining the rest of her cocktail until she was certain she’d given you enough time to do whatever it was you had planned before she finally left the restaurant. The key card beeped against the lock and she stepped inside the suite, letting the door swing shut behind her before she made sure it was locked. She stepped out of her heels, dropping her purse on the side table in the entry way before rounding the bed into the suite, catching a glimpse of you laid out on the bed and her lips twitched up into a grin.
“Well that certainly is a welcome sight.”
“Yeah?” You asked, sitting up and shifting onto your knees, “you see something you like?”
“I see plenty I like.” She walked up to the foot of the bed as you crawled on your knees to greet her, your hands settling on her hips as one of hers curled around the back of your neck, pulling your lips to hers for a kiss.
Her tongue easily slipped into your mouth when you let out a satisfied groan, both of you relaxing into the kiss, lips dancing with grace against each other. Her hand slipped into your hair, pulling out the pins to let it fall loose around your shoulders, pulling at it lightly. When her teeth scraped against your lip you couldn’t help but moan, your hands drifting up her body as you slowly began to unbutton her shirt. She broke the kiss to help you untuck the fabric from her pants, letting it drop to the floor behind her before her fingers began to trace the lines of the teal lingerie set, floating over the gems decorating your chest.
“You like the crystals?” You asked, small grin on your lips and she nodded.
“They’re gorgeous.”
“They’re Swarovski.” You replied with a near smirk and she let out a huff of a laugh.
“You really went all in, hey?”
“Just wanted to make sure I looked nice and pretty for you.” You shrugged coyly and she chuckled, giving you a once over.
“Well you do.” She leant down, kissing you gently before her hands nudged at your shoulders, “you’re not the only one who brought something fun, lie back princess.”
“I noticed.” You replied, a gleam in your eye as you dropped into the pillows, an arm extending to the nightstand where you picked up a silk tie, “multifaceted, curious as to what your intentions are.”
“First…” Emily rounded the side of the bed, “I want to see what’s under that gorgeous bra.” She nodded at you and you sat up, hands flying behind you to unclip it, gently tossing it to the side, “good girl.” She plucked the fabric from your hands, picking up a longer one from the nightstand before kneeling on the bed. “Give me your hands.” She instructed and you held your hands out for her, wrists gently pressed together as she began to wind the fabric around them, “is this okay?”
“Absolutely.” You replied, looking up at her with darkening eyes as she tightened the silk.
“Do you have a word?”
“I’m fond of peach.”
“Perfect.” With a wicked grin she placed a gentle kiss on your wrist before guiding you to lie back with your arms over your head and she looped the shorter piece through your bonds, securing the other end to the golden bar of the headboard. “No surprises there.” She purred as she slid off the bed, letting out a satisfied hum as her eyes dragged over your body.
“Hm?” You raised a brow, watching as she moved back to a spare chair.
“Just how pretty you look tied up like that.” Emily tossed a grin over her shoulder, “but you are going to need to roll over for the second part of your treat.”
You nearly let out a whine when her hands came to her belt buckle, eager to be able to see both what was coming next and what she had under her clothes. Instead of risking it you decided to behave, rolling onto your stomach, your arms stretching over your head as you twisted it to the side, just barely able to see Emily under your arm. She had busied herself with getting rid of her clothing, a neat pile forming on the small bench next to her bag as she pulled out the strap, swiftly stepping into it and securing it around her hips. Your mouth was practically watering already and then she reached into her bag again, pulling out a crop with a cute little heart on the end and you had to hold back a moan.
Emily could see the way your body tensed, how your hips ground down into the bed as she reapproached it and a dark chuckle escaped her lips. Kneeling on the bed behind you her hand grasped your ankle, spreading your legs further apart and you did your best to arch your back, presenting yourself to her.
“Such obedience.” She murmured, letting the crop lightly trace up your inseam as you let out an airy breath.
Emily slowly trailed the crop up and down your legs, just the slightest hint of touch that she knew you were absolutely begging for in your head. She could see the way your body twitched whenever it got close to the heat between your legs and a wicked grin took over her lips. The crop finally came up over the swell of your ass, softly circling and tracing patterns on your skin and you finally let out a whine. Since this was the first time you’d actually made a louder noise, Emily figured this was the time to both give in and start to really tantalize you now. She raised the crop, swatting it down onto your ass and you let out a low moan.
“You like that?”
“Mmhmm.” You eagerly nodded into the pillows and the crop trailed across to the other cheek, repeating the circles before coming down harder on that side and your breath caught in your throat.
“Ohh…” Your fingers interlaced, squeezing tightly, “harder, please.”
“My little princess likes it rough.” Emily husked from behind you, “somehow I’m not that surprised.”
The crop came down on the same spot harder than the first before she flicked it over your other cheek, swatting just as hard, watching the way your body reacted, jolting at the touch before grinding your cunt down onto the bed. She brought the head of the crop between your legs, pushing the fabric of your panties into your pussy, rubbing the leather up and down your folds as you moaned, arching into the touch.
Emily chuckled darkly, bringing the crop up before hitting your ass with more force, smirking at the louder moans leaving your lips, the way you were pulling against your bonds, wishing your hands were free. The sounds of the spanks echoed through the room, bouncing off the walls as your moans grew louder and longer, every time the crop was brought down onto your body it grew from a tingle to a pleasurable burn. Emily continued to trail the leather across your skin, occasionally her hand gently rubbing across the spot to sooth the burn, little praises and coos leaving her lips. The tingles each time she spanked you began to build, growing together with each hit of the crop until there was a fire building right under your skin, whimpers and whines leaving your lips as you buried your face into the pillows. Every swat of the crop made your entire body shiver and you were nearly about to start begging for more when she moved it back between your legs.
“You really like this, hmm?” She asked, pressing it against your cunt again, “making such a big wet spot on these nice panties.” She rubbed it harder against you, watching the way your wetness continued to soak the fabric, “you know, I’d take them off and stuff them in your mouth if you didn’t make such pretty noises…”
You groaned softly, your hips rocking back toward the touch, a little whimper leaving your throat when the crop nearly rubbed against your clit. Emily hummed softly, lifting the crop up before bringing it back down, this time onto your pussy and you couldn’t help the noise that escaped you.
“Oh fuucck…” Your head buried deeper into the pillows, your eyes scrunching shut as you felt your pussy fluttering around nothing, your clit nearly pulsing already, juices smearing across your underwear.
Emily’s hands grasped at your hips, flipping you onto your back watching as your legs instinctively fell open for her to see the growing wet spot on your panties. She brought the crop back to your cunt, rubbing it harder against you as you started to whine, resulting in another swat that brought a gasp from your lips.
“You like this even more, don’t you princess?” She asked with a grin and you nodded, “you want your pussy spanked too?” Spank. “Think you can come from just this?” Spank.
“Fuck.” You groaned, “more, please.”
“Always such nice manners.” She praised, her fingers slipping into the waistband of your thong, tugging the fabric down your legs and tossing it behind her. Her hands soothed up your legs, spreading them even further apart from each other as her thumbs dared to brush the edges of your cunt. “Such a pretty pussy. God you’re just fucking drenched already.”
Emily picked the crop back up, rubbing it through your slick folds, pressing harder as she brought it to your clit.
“Please.” You whimpered and she chuckled softly.
The first hit was on the gentle side, her eyes tracing up your naked body, watching your face for any sign of discomfort but all she found was a look of sheer pleasure. Your eyes fluttering shut, mouth falling open as breathy moans escaped them, it was all she needed to bring the crop down even harder the next time.
“Fuck.” Your body twitched off the bed, cunt pulsing as more juices dribbled out of it.
“That’s it princess.” Spank. “You’re doing so good for me.” Spank.
“Oh god…” Your hands clutched at the silk ties as your body shivered, pleasure building higher and higher with each time the crop hit your cunt.
“I know you’re close.” Spank. “Just a few more.” Spank. “Pussy’s so wet.” Spank. “Let go for me.” Spank.
“Fuck!” You cried out, your back arching off the bed, pulling against the restraints as your orgasm shot through you, pussy pulsating around nothing as your juices dripped onto the bedspread.
“That’s it.” Emily cooed, the crop gently rubbing against your cunt, smearing your wetness all around it and your thighs. “So pretty when you come for me.”
“Please…” you whimpered, “need you.”
“You want more?” She asked, gently spanking your pussy again and you whined.
“No, please! Need your cock.” You were absolutely begging, pussy fluttering, feeling so entirely empty. Despite the powerful orgasm you needed to be filled, stretched around Emily to finally feel completely satisfied.
“So needy tonight.” Emily teased, dropping the crop to the side as she climbed over you, running the tip of the toy through your folds, “this what you want?”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded furiously, “please.”
Emily didn’t hesitate, knowing you were absolutely drenched she sunk her cock fully into you until her hips met yours and you let out a very satisfied moan. She pulled back just enough to sneak her hand between your bodies, turning on the vibration on the base of the toy, just against her clit and a breathy sigh escaped her lips. She rolled her hips, pulling out until just the tip was left inside you and set a steady pace, fucking you thoroughly. Each thrust of her hips had your body twitching up off the bed, pulling against your restraints as you ached to touch her, pleasure shooting through your limbs.
“Fuck.” You groaned, “feels so good.”
Each thrust of her cock the head brushed right over your g-spot, pulling louder moans from you each time as your pussy began to clench down around her. You could feel your juices smearing across both of your bodies as she fucked deeper into you, picking up the pace as she knew you were getting close again.
“Are you going to come again for me angel?” She cooed, her hands gliding up your body to toy with your nipples, pinching them and rolling them in time with her thrusts.
“S-s’close.” You moaned, your hips rocking up off the bed to meet hers with each thrust.
Your hands tugged against the silk ties again, gasping when Emily’s lips wrapped around one of your nipples, sucking it into her mouth for her tongue to flick patterns across it. The double, nearly triple sensation if you counted the vibrations hitting your clit each time your bodies met was nearly too much, your pussy making almost more noise than the ones coming from your mouth. All you could do was whimper and whine, your head too fuzzy to get actual words to come out, the coil inside you got tighter and tighter until Emily’s teeth sunk into your chest and it burst through you.
Your body trembled, the tingles shooting all the way from the tips of your fingers to the tips of your toes as Emily continued to fuck you. Her eyes fluttering shut as she let out a low swear, now focused on chasing her own release. She sunk fully into you, pressing the vibrating part of the toy directly against her clit and it gave you the opportunity to roll your hips against hers, grinding the base harder onto her. Your teeth sunk into your lower lip as your eyes scrunched shut, another orgasm bursting through you from the sensation and Emily let out a soft cry.
“Oh god.” Her hand slipped between your bodies, switching the vibrations off before she sat up.
Emily panted slightly, attempting to catch her breath as she reached out, swiftly undoing the ties and your arms were finally free to drop to the bed. You let out a soft groan, flexing your hands before Emily caught them in hers, examining your wrists to make sure you hadn’t pulled too hard and hurt yourself. Once satisfied that you hadn’t she let them drop and shifted on her knees, slipping out of you and watching your juices dribble onto the bed.
“Mmm…” you sighed, your lips curving up into a grin.
“What?” She asked with a raised brow.
“That was hot.” You replied, “kinda wish you could come inside me though.”
“Well…” she leant over you, kissing you before nipping at your lower lip, “I’m sure that can be arranged for next time.”
@mickey-gomez @momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @hopedoesntknow @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak @soverign @v3nusxsky @blackbird-brewster @mccdreamys-writes @l4yne @obsessedwjill @supercorpstan97 @asolitaryrose3 @honeyycatt @trauma-factory @lisqueen @mrs-prentiss @whitewinewithice @d33pd3sires-blog
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First Time With Billy Loomis
Pairing: Billy Loomis x female!reader
Word count: 5.3K
Warnings/contents: Smut: Fingering, blow job, rougher sex, various sex positions, orgasms, light dirty talk, light daddy kink. Strong language. Fluff.
Notes: I wrote this… really fast. I proofread it because I finished this around 5 am last night. I enjoyed writing this one a lot and I really hope that you guys enjoy this. The chapter advances fast, but I feel like that is what sex with Billy would be like: fast, rough, hard— then having a few moments of rest before going again.
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The weather was awful: the man on the news had previously in the day said that it was supposed to storm all night long, and so far, he was right.
The rain started at 9 PM and it hadn’t even lightened up by now at almost 11 PM. You didn’t mind much, listening happily to the loud thunder and the rain hitting hard against the windows by your front door. You yawned lightly, watching a boring movie and yet being unable to find anything interesting so you’d simply settled. It had been about five minutes since your last text from Billy. You wondered if he might’ve fallen asleep since he’d woken up early this morning.
Letting the movie continue playing, you stood and walked towards your small kitchen and raided the fridge. You really needed to go shopping, the only thing edible it seemed was the take out box of Chinese leftovers you had from two nights ago when Billy and Stu were over for movie night.
You settled when your stomach growled, grabbing the container full of orange chicken as well as the fried rice container and shut the fridge. The microwave was convenient for things such as this; late night snacking when you knew that you shouldn’t eat, but being unable to sleep and being hungry was never a good mix.
Reaching for the microwave and opening the door, you smiled at the sound of thunder booming across the sky overhead. This was the perfect weather to read. If only it wasn’t so late and your eyes were tired you might be interested in picking up the book you were currently reading.
A rapid knock on the door made you jump. Quickly checking your phone that sat face up on the counter and seeing no message from Billy, you cautiously walked towards the door and peeked out of the peephole. Billy stood there, nearly soaked. You opened the door quickly and moved aside.
“What are you doing here?” You asked, shutting and locking the door behind the man as he pushed his wet hair back from his face. “I figured you fell asleep.”
“I couldn’t sleep.” He said simply, stripping his coat off and hanging it over the stool beneath your counter. “Smells like leftovers.” He leaned in, pressing a quick kiss to your lips that you easily returned. His lips were cold, worrying you.
“You’re soaked,” you said, gesturing to the man to stay while you went to get a towel from the bathroom. It was a good thing that you had just done laundry and all of your towels were clean and smelt fresh. You walked back towards your front door, watching Billy strip his shirt off. “Here, dry off so you can get warm.” You took the shirt for him, trading him the towel. He wrapped the towel around his shoulders and kicked off his shoes with a sigh.
“Thanks. I hope I’m not bothering you.” With a smile, you reached forward and wiped a drop of water that was sliding down his cheek away from his handsome face.
“You’re never a bother. I’m sorry you got so wet.” He gave a quick shrug and unbutton his jeans, nearly making you flush as you looked away and walked back around the counter towards the microwave.
“I had to park far away. I figured it would be fine. I have clothes here.”
“They’re in the top drawer of my dresser,” you said with your back turned to the man as you watched your bowl turn slowly in the microwave, stomach grumbling again at the smell. Without a word, Billy walked towards your bedroom, knowing your apartment like the back of his hand. He’d spent many days and nights here with you. Even whole weekends when neither of you were busy.
You stopped the timer at 30 seconds and pulled the hot bowl out, using your fork to stir the food up. You gave a soft sound in content, excited to taste the food that had been calling your name the previous night. You were happy now that you saved it instead of eating it.
With a soft gasp, you jumped slightly before giving a soft chuckle when Billy wrapped his cold arms around you and leaned in to kiss your neck. You shivered at his touch.
“Your nose is freezing. Go get under the blanket, silly.” You were willing to give him the blanket on the sofa that you were using throughout the night to warm him up. He gave a soft hum, pressing another kiss to your shoulder before he let you go and went to sit on the sofa, wrapping the blanket around himself. “You can put whatever you want on.” You called to the man. “I couldn’t find anything to watch and just stuck with this movie.”
Bringing your bowl to the sofa and sitting snug beside the man, you watched him scroll through the channels that you had as he wrapped an arm around your warm body. You kissed his forearm before you leaned up and took a bite of the hot food; you nearly burned your tongue, but it was too delicious for you to hold out on. With a soft huff after you swallowed, you took another bite and hummed in content.
Billy put on a movie, a comedy that he had always liked, and turned his attention to you. You felt the mans heavy stare and sent him a small smile— something he returned before leaning in and pressing a kiss to your lips. You gave in, leaning gently into the man and returning his slow kiss. The bowl was warm on your lap, slowly starting to cool down but you decided to risk eating cold leftovers for the taste of Billy’s soft lips.
He raised his hand, gently gripping your chin and teasing your lip with his tongue. You gave a soft giggle and returned the gesture with your tongue against his mouth. Before Billy shoved his tongue past your lips, you pulled back and sent him a smile.
“Let me eat in peace,” you teased, earning a soft chuckle from the man as you turned back to your bowl.
“You leaned into it.”
“I know.” Billy’s fingers gently caressed your shoulder as he turned his gaze back to the television while you finished up your food. If he was going to get what he wanted tonight, he knew he’d have to be patient either way.
As soon as your bowl of food was gone, you snuggled into Billy’s side, engulfed in his warmth from being dry and in your snuggly apartment. The weather was still bad— thunder booming loudly, hard enough that you swore you felt the building shake. The rain was falling hard and you were glad that Billy was here with you, holding you comfortingly and occasionally pressing a kiss to your head.
The two of you were going on 5 months of being together and you were nearly inseparable. Billy had been the best boyfriend that you’d had in the past— something you were incredibly relieved about. Having nothing but bad experiences thus far, you finally felt safe in Billy’s arms when the two of you napped together. Having him around just felt right.
With a yawn, you pulled away from Billy for a moment to stretch your body out. He quickly looked at you and raised an eyebrow.
“No— I napped at like 6 o’clock. The weather is just making me think about how many naps I take when it storms.” He gave a soft hum in response, watching you as you shifted on the sofa in order to stay close to the man and let your sleeping foot stretch out onto the coffee table. You looked at Billy and smiled softly. “Are you tired?”
“Not at all.” You hummed, leaning closer to the man.
“Good.” Giving the man a soft kiss was your intention, but instead he leaned closer to you and extended your original plan. You didn’t fight it, pressing a hand to his thigh and kissing him back. The kiss was sweet— much like your previous— it was slow. Like before, you felt engulfed in the man and didn’t want it to end. You felt this way nearly every time that the two of you had made out.
He was an excellent kisser; his taste was simple and his smell was immaculate. Everything about him being so close to you made you desperate for more. He reached down, placing his hand on your leg and giving it a soft squeeze as he leaned closer into you. Shifting along with the man, you leaned gently back on the sofa with him on top of you. Your arms circled around his shoulders, keeping him close as he pushed his tongue into your mouth.
You gave a soft sound in content and shifted beneath the man, seemingly only making him press closer. One of your legs dangled off the sofa, your other between his legs. Billy pressed fully against you, an obvious hardness between his legs that made your cheeks flush. It was far from the first time Billy had gotten hard when the two of you were making out. It was also far from the first time that you had helped him out and let him touch you as well.
However, the two of you have never had sex.
After being in relationships where you were used purely for your body, you wanted to wait; to let the man prove that he was with you for you, not for your waistline and breasts.
But that didn’t mean you didn’t miss sex. That didn’t mean that you weren’t excited to feel him inside of you. In fact, it was far from it. You tingled at the thought of his fingers pushing inside of you again while he sucked on your neck. You gave a quick exhale when your lips parted for Billy to turn his head, but you were as quick as he was to connect your lips again. You grabbed tight onto the mans shoulders, giving a soft hum when he shifted his hips against you.
You were easily convinced by the man to give into his sexual desires. You shared them, thinking purely of the way his cock looked and how it felt in your mouth. You didn’t want to wait any longer, and you knew that Billy didn’t want to either. It seemed unspoken at the moment while you pulled on his dark blue shirt by the collar and ached to keep him closer. Your opposite hand buried in his hair, giving it a light tug that earned a soft grunt from the man over you.
Using your grip on his head to your advantage, you leaned your own back and gently guided his head down. He didn’t hesitate, his lips moving to your neck while your pulse beat rapidly beneath him with every kiss. You closed your eyes, the sound of the movie long drawn out by the sound of the rain and your racing thoughts. Billy was quick to give you a love bite that made you yelp before he kissed your skin again.
Slowly, he licked a trail along your warm skin and up to your chin. You looked back at the man, getting a few seconds to gaze into his eyes before he pressed his lips back to yours. The sight you saw was different than other times the two of you were in this position; he was aching for you like you were aching for him. You could tell by the lustful gaze in his dark eyes that you loved so much.
Billy wasn’t always the most expressive man, but his eyes told you everything that you needed to know. His love for you, his desperation for you, and right now his lust for you.
You were certain that your eyes matched his gaze. Your actions certainly did. Your lips were feverish against his, arms grabbing him tightly as you wrapped your leg around his waist and pushed his hips down against yours. Billy gave into his urge, grinding his hips against you and earned a sweet sound in return. His teeth caught your bottom lip, gently nibbling on it and giving it a soft suck before he let you go and pulled back with heavy breaths.
“Wanna go to your room?”
“I really do.” Both of you were out of breath, but he was quick to stand and grab your hand to help you as well. He pressed another kiss to your lips, one you leaned into quickly.
The two of you stumbled towards your bedroom, nearly tripping over several things on the way. Something fell and hit the floor with a ‘thud’ but your mind was occupied on Billy’s tongue. When his back hit a wall, the one right beside your bedroom door, he turned the two of you around and pushed you back against it, earning a grunt from you in return as he shoved his knee between your legs and yanked your hips towards him.
He shoved your head up, sucking on your neck with every quick kiss to your skin. You gave a quiet moan as you shifted against Billy’s thigh that pressed between your legs. You ached deeply inside for the man, this rush of sexual tension between you two only made each kiss and every touch that much better.
You reached down to grab at him, but he caught your hand and pressed it against the wall, biting your neck and making you yelp. His fingers easily pressed to your clit over the pajama pants that you wore. You let out a soft moan just as he went to shove his lips back against yours in a teeth-clattering kiss.
Before you could even think, Billy picked you up, slamming you back against the wall with your legs around his waist. You bit his lip by accident in return to his quick movements, but he didn’t even falter as he shoved his erection against your aching clit. You couldn’t wait for the clothing to come off and feel him inside of you for the first time.
“Mmm, Billy—“ You mumbled against his lips between hot, wet kisses. Neither of you cared about the drool on your chins, instead you were too focused on each other— the way Billy’s hips grinded against you in the front of your mind. Billy moved back a bit, sliding your shirt up to your waist. You quickly leaned closer so that he could strip the clothing off before pressing you back against the wall and tossing it somewhere. You hissed at the cold wall against your warm back, but it didn’t last long.
Billy finally pulled you away from the wall, walking to your bedroom and tossing you onto your bed, he got on top of you again, reaching over to turn the bedside lamp on while you ran your fingers up his shirt and felt along his light abs and to his chest.
Before he leaned back in to kiss you, Billy stripped his shirt and let it fall off the bed, grabbing your hands and sliding them up his chest, smirking at you when you bit your lip and smiled.
“You like what you see?” He asked in a teasing tone.
“I always like what I see.”
This wasn’t the first time the two of you had ended up in this position. But you both knew tonight was going to be different. There was a certain feeling in Billy’s gut that you wanted him this time. Your kisses were more desperate than the last.
“Then let’s get this off and let me admire your body, too.” He said, sliding his hand around your back and unclipping your bra. You shifted, making it easier on the man as he slid it off and tossed it aside, eyes falling to your breasts and giving a soft sigh. He reached down, fingers giving your left nipple a soft pinch and watching your other perk up quickly as you whined at the touch. “Do you want me?” He asked quietly. He knew the answer, but something told him to ask. When you confided in Billy about your past relationships, he took it to heart. He’d fallen in love with you over the years that you’d known each other. He didn’t want you to feel like you were just a sex toy to him— no matter how horny he was.
“I want you so bad,” you said back in a low tone. “I don’t want to wait anymore. I want to feel you inside of me. I want you to fuck me until I’m screaming.” He gave a soft chuckle and leaned down to kiss you.
“I’ll fuck you until your legs are shaking and you’re a blubbering mess.” Your fingers tingled at his words. Nobody had ever made your body react the way that Billy did.
He reached down, his fingers sliding into your pajama pants through the loose hem and pressing to your clit over the underwear that you wore; they were nothing special, plain black that didn’t match your pink bra.
You shifted your hips against his fingers as he started rubbing an antagonizingly slow circle against you. You gave a whine that made him laugh against your lips.
“You’re desperate, aren’t you?” He teased, gently biting your bottom lip before kissing it. “Patience, baby.”
“We’ve both been patient long enough,” you spoke, but Billy gave a hum in thought.
“I think I’ll make you wait a little bit longer.” You gave a disappointed groan and let your head fall back onto the comfortable bed. “Don’t worry— I won’t give you nothing. I’ll make sure you’re just barely brimming over the edge when I shove my cock inside of you.” He moved back, his fingers pulling your pajama pants down off your hips with your help. His fingers caught your underwear at the last second, tugging them down and moving so that he could slide them off of your legs.
He lifted your legs up, grabbing them with one hand while he tossed the clothing away, leaving you bare beneath him. Billy put your ankles on his shoulders and took his time gazing across your body.
“Every time I see it, it gets better.” He spoke quietly, his fingers sliding along your inner thighs and pressing to your clit. You gave a soft whimper at the touch before Billy moved his fingers down and teased your entrance. At the feeling, he immediately laughed. “Someone sure is wet tonight.”
“I told you— I’m ready for you.” He gave a thoughtful hum and abruptly shoved two of his fingers knuckle deep inside of you, earning a moan in return as he started to pump them inside of you. “Oh, Billy—“ You whined out, wiggling your hips against his hand. He placed his other hand on your hips and pressed you into the bed. “Mmm— Billy, please… move them faster.” He did as you asked, moving his fingers quicker inside of you and giving a soft kiss to your ankle before he shoved a third inside of you and earned a glorious moan from you just as the thunder boomed overhead.
Billy moved, letting your feet lay on the bed and resting down on his stomach. He didn’t waste any time before he put his tongue on your pussy, sliding it from the wetness against his fingers all the way to your clit that he gently sucked on and earned another sweet sound in return from. The sound of you moaning his name made him throb in the sweatpants that he was wearing. He could never hear it enough.
He swirled his tongue around your clit, fingers curling deep inside of you and making you moan out his name again. Your toes curled at the sensation of his warm tongue licking quickly at your clit and his fingers teasing your g-spot. He gave a suck to your clit before he started kissing along your hips towards your leg. Billy left a bite mark on your inner thigh that made you yell out. He kissed the spot, knowing that it was going to bruise— just what he wanted. A wordless way to say that he was here between your legs like nobody else could be ever again.
Your hips struggled against his mouth when he went back to your clit. He could feel the intensity building up; he knew for sure that you were going to have an orgasm soon, so with one final suck, he pulled his mouth and fingers away.
You looked at the man with a betrayed look, one that earned a teasing laugh.
“I told you that I was going to leave you brimming to the edge.” He spoke teasingly, leaning down to press a kiss to your lips that you quickly returned. “Now get on your knees and suck my cock.” Flustered, you were quick to get up and watch the man strip his pants and boxers , letting his aching erection finally be free from the clothing. You got on your knees on the floor at the end of the bed and leaned in to take the head into your mouth.
You could taste the pre-cum that was sliding down his shaft. With a hard suck, you pulled back and let him pop free from your mouth. He gave a soft sigh, hands reaching for your head while you leaned down and licked his balls. Billy watched you quietly, knowing that you knew what you were doing with him. Your tongue slid up his shaft before you engulfed the tip of his cock back into your warm mouth and started to bob your head along him, taking as much of him as you could into your mouth and reaching down with your free hand to hold his balls, occasionally gripping at them with your fingers.
You gave a quiet hum around him, shifting on your knees and pressing your legs together; you were aching for the man, sucking on his cock only made it worse. You were imagining how it would feel inside of you when Billy suddenly thrusted his hips up a couple of times and gagged you with his cock. Following suit, you took more of him into your mouth with every bob of your head, sucking on him and earning a quiet sound from the man as he held tighter onto your hair.
He twitched in your mouth as you sucked hard and slowly worked your way towards teasing his cockhead.
“Fuck,” he mumbled quietly, tugging gently on your hair while you started to deep-throat him again. Your fingers gripped tight at his thighs as he would thrust his hips up occasionally to gag you around him. Billy gave out another sigh before he pulled your head back and his cock slipped from your mouth. Drool slid down your chin as you met his gaze. He guided you up and pressed a kiss to your lips before he pulled you up with him as he stood and turned to shove you onto the bed.
“Scoot back.” You did as he said, moving to where your head would rest on the pillows you had. He sat between your legs, cock throbbing in his hand as he pressed a kiss to your lower stomach. “Ready?” You bit your lip and nodded, eyes following his every movement as he often did with you. Billy moved closer, lifting your legs to rest loosely around his waist.
You shivered as the tip of his cock pressed against your aching entrance. Without a second to spare, Billy started to push himself inside of you, his grip on your legs tight as he watched you lay your head back and moan. He closed his eyes, letting out a quiet moan of his own as he pushed all of himself inside of you.
Billy didn’t wait long, almost immediately starting to thrust his hips and pulling almost all of the way out before shoving it all back inside of you. Your eyes seemed to roll back into your head at the feeling of him bottoming out inside of you.
“Oh, f-fuck, Billy—!“ You moaned weakly, hands reaching down to hold his own against your thighs. “God, please go faster,” you finally met his gaze, eyes desperate as you squeezed his hands. “Please, daddy— please.” He sent you a small, teasing smile at the nickname you had given him long ago. It was an accident at first, but he had said that he wanted you to call him it and it had stuck quickly.
Billy started to thrust his hips faster, earning a pleasured moan from you; it was clear that you’d been aching for this as much as he had, so he decided to give you what you wanted and started to rock his hips even faster against you.
Each thrust seemed to earn him another, sometimes different, sound in pleasure. Billy lifted your legs, letting your ankles rest on his shoulder and leaning up slightly, burying himself further inside of you and earning a loud squeal in return.
He gave a soft chuckle and panted lightly, the feeling of you clenching around him was better than he thought it would be. You were so ready for him, but you were so tight. Squeezing around him with every rough thrust inside of you. Suddenly, he pulled out of you.
“Put your ass up in the air. I’m gonna fuck you in doggy.” You quickly nodded and moved onto your knees, resting down on your elbows. He pressed a soft kiss to your butt before he shoved himself inside of you without warning and nearly made you scream. Billy didn’t start slow and teasing this time. Instead he was fucking you as if he’d done this to you a thousand times, simply knowing your body by heart.
His fingers grabbed at your waist, but he pulled a hand back to give your ass a slap that made you moan as you wiggled back against him. Billy leaned over you, pressing down against your body and wrapping his arm around your neck, letting your chin rest against his forearm while he fucked you as fast as he could in the new position. You shifted beneath the man, being as close as humanly possible while moaning almost pathetically.
He pressed a kiss to the side of your head and moved to grab the headboard with one hand, grabbing your ass with the other and occasionally giving it a rough slap that left it red. Billy moved you, lifting your upper body up with his arm and pressing you flush back against his chest. Your head laid back on his shoulder, your hair tickling his nose before he leaned down and kissed your shoulder where he could.
You were quickly becoming a moaning, blubbering mess against the man as he shoved deep inside of you. This time, he reached around and started to rub your clit, his lips kissing your shoulder as you moaned loudly. You could barely move back against the man as you reached your first orgasm, digging the back of your head into his shoulder.
Billy pushed you forward, pressing your hands to the headboard as he pulled back to watch himself fuck you from behind. He gave a soft moan, glancing at you as your shoulders leaned against the bed frame. You moaned again for the man, returning a few of his lagged thrusts by pushing your hips back against him. He leaned forward and bit your shoulder this time.
“Ah! Billy!” You yelled out, squeezing the mans cock tighter than before as he grabbed rough at your waist. You knew that you would be bruised tomorrow, but you didn’t care. The only thing on your mind was Billy’s cock slamming inside of you and the headboard starting to hit the wall along with the creaking of the bed.
Once again, Billy pulled back and let himself slide out of you, this time turning you and setting you on his legs. He pressed a kiss to your lips, slowly bringing you down with him as he laid on the bed. You shifted on the man, trying not to break the heated kiss as you pushed his cock inside of you. Billy’s hands groped at your ass, lips hot against your own as you started to rock against him.
Finally, you pulled back, leaning back onto his legs and rolling your hips on him. He met your gaze with a dark look in his eyes, fingers holding onto you as if you might disappear. You were flushed, sweaty— but he could only think about you rocking your hips against him. Billy stilled you, starting to thrust up inside of you and giving a soft moan as your breasts bounced with every movement.
You went along, starting to bounce along on his cock until he stopped and let you do the work. Your thighs started to burn quick, but watching Billy lay his head back and gulp was enough to keep you going all night if he asked you to.
A quiet moan left Billy, something you’d heard several times and were shocked by every time. Billy didn’t seem like the kind of guy to moan during sex.
The sound was like heaven to your ears.
When you started to slow your pace, Billy stopped you and leaned himself up onto his elbows, meeting your gaze as he panted along with you.
“Lay down.” Billy moved with you, pulling your hips against him and shoving himself inside of you, making you moan out loudly. He leaned in this time, down on his elbows, his nose pressed to your shoulder as he started to thrust inside of you.
Your toes curled s you wrapped your legs around his waist and clenched at his shoulders. You could feel another orgasm coming quick with every steady thrust from the man.
“Fuck, daddy I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum! Please, daddy— don’t stop! Don’t stop!” He didn’t say anything, but he pressed a kiss to your shoulder and continued at his pace, giving a soft grunt as you clenched around him and pressed up against him as you reached another orgasm. “Will you cum in me?” You asked the man after a few desperate pants. He gave a soft hum and pulled back to meet your gaze.
“I sure as hell will.” He pressed his hands flat on either side of your head, watching your face as you moaned out; Billy thrusted his hips quick against you, knowing that he wasn’t going to last much longer.
For this round at least.
He leaned his head back, closing his eyes and biting his lip.
“Fuck,” he mumbled. “You feel so fuckin’ good.” He met your eyes again and panted. “I’m gonna cum.” You reached up, fingers sliding through his hair.
“Cum as deep inside of me as you can so I can feel you dripping out of me.” He bit the inside of his cheek, not letting the higher moans he could give slip from his mouth; instead, he grunted with every thrust, though only giving a few before he quickly shoved all of himself inside of you and moaned quietly as he came. He gave a few slow thrusts afterwards before he let himself rest and licked his lips.
“Goddamn,” he moved away from you, laying on the bed beside you and wrapping an arm around you as you moved closer. You were both still panting, coming down from the high of sex together. “You feel even better than I thought you would.”
“Mmm, ditto.” He chuckled at your sleepy tone and pressed a kiss to your head.
“Is that all you got in you? Just one round?” He teased, but you were quick to fire back.
“Give me five minutes and I could ride your dick for hours.”
“Maybe I should hold you to that.”
“Hold me against whatever you want, baby. If it’s you, I’d certainly not mind.”
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madamechrissy · 1 month
♡ Time after Time ♡
♡ ♡ Pairings ♡ ♡ CEO! Satoru Gojo x Fem Reader
♡ ♡ Warnings ♡ ♡ MDNI- Cunnilingus, explicit sex, choking, smacking, breeding kink, fr a huge breeding kink, dirty talk, edging, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, forced orgasms, biting
♡ ♡ Word Count ♡ ♡
♡ ♡ Summary ♡ ♡ Gojo Satoru is your boss And you've been his head assistant for over two years now. You do everything for him, including and not limited to cleaning his messes, picking out his clothes, and writing his speeches. Sixteen hour days... night calls... You are tired of being overworked and at his beck and call. You decide you are going to put in your two weeks notice. He is shocked, and wants to try to keep you, because you're the best. But you know better. Right? . You really wanna fucking quit. You also wanna fuck him. Also, fuck him.
A/N (Kinda has 'two weeks notice' vibes a bit! No use of y/n.) Fully finished on Ao3 but I'm going to slowly get it all up here! (Gojo's POV in itallics)
Chapter 7 - Masterlist
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Chapter 8
Your pussy was aching from Gojo Satoru, your neck sensitive from his bites, ass sore from his rough grip, bruises on your thighs making you shiver as you stood, your body was still reeling. Gojo had left yesterday afternoon, pushing your date off a day so that you could ‘recover’. Shit, you needed to. You had slept damn near the whole day once he’d gone.
The date was something he would not tell you about. He had simply smirked and said it was a mystery.
A surprise is a surprise.
It’ll get that stick out of your ass. Relax and trust me.
A knock shook you out of your reverie, then, and you went to open your door to see a package dropped off, another pretty box like Gojo had sent last week for the charity ball. You flushed, nervous at what this all meant, falling so bad for such a silly man child, and falling harder with each breath. You shiver a bit with excitement and anticipation as you bring the box in.
Sitting it on the bed, your mind whirls with how much has changed in such a small time, feelings uncovered you’d always had so deep. There was no hiding from it anymore, not when you damn near dropped the L bomb mid fuck. You try to explain it away as some orgasm brain, but deep down you know it’s something else.
You take the pretty ribbon off, putting it with the last one you’d saved in your top drawer, they were far too pretty to just toss away. You peek at your little selfie with him, flushing like some damn school girl, just like little Miwa, but you were grown. Right? Why did he have such an effect…
You go back to the job of opening the package, with its pretty blue and white tissue paper, you wonder errantly if it’s Kiyotaka who has to do this because you can’t imagine it from Gojo. You see lingerie, and you feel your entire body heat up, black and lacy bralette with a high waisted lacy bottom, attached were little straps for stockings, which you saw were right under it.
You take out the little fishnets, and then there is a gorgeous body chain laid out on velvet, one that would go up around your neck, draping down between your breasts, and would wrap down the middle of your waist. It was a glittering silver chain, looking so delicate and pretty, something you would honestly have never thought to get yourself, but something you craved to wear now.
For him.
There was a little note, and that made you more nervous, biting your lip apprehensively, taking the little card out. Gojo had messy, wide, scrawling handwriting, usually making you write most things for him, and it made you want to chuckle as you tried to read it.
‘Put this on for me, pretty please! I am using puppy dog eyes, so you can’t deny me. Kiyotaka will be there at 8.’
You rolled your eyes, but then grew confused. What were you going to wear over it? Where were you going and how should you dress? Puppy dog eyes huh…Then you got another knock.
“Shit, Gojo… how much…” There was another knock, and another package. Again no one was there, like Gojo did this to fuck with you. You took the large red bag, and sat it also on your bed, and it was a red overcoat. A long one, looking like something some detective would wear.
You peer for some dress, but no. Another note.
‘I have this fantasy of you in lingerie under a big ass trenchcoat, nothing else. Humour me would you? *Puppy eyes*’
You snorted in laughter, and felt heat between your thighs. Where were you all going that it would be acceptable to wear such a thing, the thought of it drove you crazy, mind wild. Some raunchy sex club? Some crazy rich people party? You had no clue what to expect. You went to go touch up your hair and do your makeup, and your eyes sparkled at you.
You had rosy cheeks, and a smile… a smile, huh? You peer back at the photo, and realize maybe the happiness wasn’t gone, maybe it had been buried. Maybe it was not even full happiness before this, but you tried not to think too much of it, overthink and ruin things before they started. Overthinking fucking brain.
You turn to slide on the wicked lingerie, making your breasts sit high, lace cupping them like a gentle hug. Then you slid on the crotchless panties that hit mid waist, musing over the last time you’d worn them just the other night, in that bar, snapping it against your…
It was like your thoughts were consumed now.
You fiddle with the garters, unused to such things, sliding the wide fishnets over your smooth thighs. You’d shaved every inch of them and… your intimate area… just a little bit ago, something you’d been doing since Gojo’s affinity for just diving down there. You would never admit that was why, of course.
The chain you pulled out gently, guiding it over your body, it draped around your throat and between your pretty breasts, making them more enticing. You clasp the little back around your waist, securing it, the cold metal against your overheated flesh making you tremble at the sensation.
You peeked and found thigh high boots you’d never had the guts to wear, but had bought because they were sexy. You slid them over your legs, zipping them up, peering in your dresser mirror. The lingerie flatters and enhances your every curve, as you turn you notice even your backside looks amazing, as if Gojo had it in mind to enhance his favorite parts.
Your pussy was left open, bare, giving a thrill as you slid on the long red overcoat, sort of baggy on you, which you had a feeling was his intent since he knew your size so well. You button it up but leave a couple at the top open, loose, knowing it would drive him crazy, and playing into it. You peek at your neck, seeing the bruise he’d left, and pop a thick black choker on to complete the look.
The choker reminded you of hands you’d had on your neck.
You spritz on your new favorite spray, the one Gojo just lost his mind over, touching up your mascara and lip gloss. You hear the phone start to ring, and it’s Kiyotaka. You smile.
“Hello, Sir.”
“My lady.” He was the cutest. “Mr. Gojo has asked me to take you to him, I’ll be waiting right here when you’re ready.”
“Thanks I’ll be right down!” You turn off your lights and lock up, and as you end up riding in the back of the car, your mind runs wild.
“We’re here, my Lady.” Kiyotaka opens your door, and you realize where you are quickly. You’d been there a lot to help Gojo out of his messes. His house.
“What’s he up to, Kiyotaka?” You asked, he actually smiled a tired little smile then, shaking his head.
“I am sworn to secrecy, also the details were… too much.” He was flushing even in the dim evening. You giggled, touching his shoulder fondly.
“Gojo’s a lot. Okay, have a good night and don’t worry I’ll just crash here so you can get some sleep.”
“Mr. Gojo has a destination in mind, this is the first stop.”
“I'll be back presently, miss.” He said and drove away, leaving you staring at the house in front of you.
The air was crisp and cool, a light breeze rustling through the trees around you, as if Gojo had his own little area of peace, in between the lush trees was his large house, opulent, ceiling to floor windows illuminated with a soft glow. As you stood on the steps of his house now, tapping your fingers against the smooth wood of the railing, wondering if Gojo would meet you out front or not.
Little shit he was, he didn’t.
You ring the bell, and stand and wait outside that opulent manor of his. A few long moments later, the sound of footsteps could be heard approaching from within the house, growing louder and faster until the door swung open, revealing Gojo Satoru himself. His bright blue eyes lit up in the dark, the background light casting a glow around him like he was some god.
Maybe he was.
When those eyes fell upon you, his gaze traveled up and down your body slowly, taking in every detail of the outfit he'd so carefully chosen for you. "You look beautiful. Part one of my fantasy is perfect." He breathed, his voice thick with desire.
You felt your familiar blush, the one that never went away long around him, as he bent down and you tiptoed, kissing each other. “Thank you for the… ahem… for the outfit. It’s so pretty.”
“I can’t wait to see it fully.” He stood, hand caressing your throat, fingering the little choker you wore. “Ooh, that’s hot on you.”
“Thank you. You gonna invite me in?” Your hands fall on his chest, covered by a soft white dress shirt.
“Oh I don’t know, what if you are a vampire? Shit I’m scared!” He asked, feigning fear then, a cross on his fingers. You snorted, shoving at him.
“You’re the vampire. Look.” You ease your choker up, showing him the giant red and purple bruise. He sucked in his breath, and suddenly you were in the house, shoved against his wall.
“Does it hurt?” He asked, and you were unsure of how he meant his words, a taunt? Concern?
“No, it’s just tender.” He kissed you softer, yanking on the choker just a bit, putting the slightest pull to your neck. “Mnh.”
Did that come out of your mouth? From just that?
“Oh sweetheart, you already are becoming a fucking freak.” He crooned the words, one hand on the wall next to you, the other rubbing across the exposed mark, causing you to tense in a mix of pain and desire. “I barely touch you and you fall apart, bet you’re wet aren’t you?”
“N-no. It's just… shit. Fine, maybe a little.” He slid the choker up and licked the bite mark, sending sparks of pain down you, making your tummy clench with desire so quickly it was ridiculous.
Gojo was so close, your air intermingling, hot sighs against your soft skin, you inhaled him, enveloped against his hard embrace. “Hmm. You sure are learning not to lie to me, that’s my good girl.” He slipped a hand down under the coat at the top, moaning softly when he grabbed a soft breast, pleased look on his gorgeous features. “You wore it.”
“Y-yeah. Because it’s pretty.” He chuckled, finally easing back. “Was there no date, just you fucking me on a wall and making Kiyotaka drive me home?”
He chuckled. “Would you complain?”
“No… yeah no. As long as I get food.” He grinned down at you, hair soft and falling, making you brush it back tenderly.
“No silly. I have plans. But I wanted you to show up like this for… reasons.”
You smirked. “Reasons huh.”
“Oh yeah. Also I wanted to do something first. Come on." He finally eased off you, making you miss his cool hard body, but the house was nice and warm.
The interior of Gojo’s house was elegant and tasteful, with large light gray couches in the living room, a sleek bar with stools, and his kitchen was one that had always made you envy. Double oven and an island in the middle. You walk along the plush carpeting, soft light filtering through fancy crystal chandeliers, casting a warm glow over everything.
The fireplace was lit, something that made you instantly ease, crackling a soothing sound against the soft jazz music he had playing. Everything about Gojo and his home were elegant, ridiculously clean, but he had cleaners for that. But Gojo still kept things tidy, even at his office.
“Come here, pretty.” You walked to him, and he swept you in his arms, starting to dance with you, alone in the living room, and you struggled not to hide your face from emotions. “I wanted a little dancy dance.”
“I kinda love it.” You peeked into his gaze. “You're so much more romantic than I thought.” He spun you around, a little pink on his high cheekbones.
“I'm giving it a shot.” You smile tremulously, pressing closer to him, falling into each step.
“Aww, I feel special.”
“That pussy is.” He purred the words with a wink.
“Gojo!” You smack at him, but he yanks you hard, dipping you low over his arm, your hair touching the carpet below, before swinging you back up.
“You want me full on sappy already, fucking brat?”
You shook your head, moving against him, finding your rhythm. “No… just be you.”
He paused, then kissed you, softly, one of your hands entwined, the other on your waist. You sighed into his lips, falling deeper and deeper. “Mmm we'll never get there if I keep kissing you.”
“Get where?”
“You'll see.”
You and Gojo were hand in hand as you went up the elevator to the restaurant Gojo had surprised you with, and you had only heard of it before, unlike any other in Japan. It was nestled in the heart of Tokyo, amidst the bustling cityscape of neon lights and endless high-rises, and it was up on the top of a high rise itself, one of the tallest, with rooftop seating.
As you approached, you could already smell the tantalizing aroma of fresh sushi wafting through the air, mingling with warm sake and incense. The moment you all stepped upstairs to the top, you were enveloped in an atmosphere of serenity as the evening sky and all of the lights of the city were just below you, gentle breeze blowing your hair around.
“What ya think?” Gojo asked, so casually, as you all were led by a hostess to a pretty little table by the balcony, with the perfect view of the lit up city under twinkling stars. You sigh happily, smiling up at him.
“It’s breathtaking. Really.” The chatter amongst the people also there intermingled with the light pop music playing as you were seated. The table itself was gorgeous, a single red rose rested delicately in a crystal vase, and a crisp white linen cloth draped over the table.
“Good I’m glad. It’s my favorite place.” He pulled out your seat, which was cushioned by a plump, red pillow. “My lady.” He purred, you giggled, scooching in, and he yanked the chair from across from you, sitting it next to you. The hostess watched on with envy, clear and stark on her face, as Gojo casually wrapped an arm around you over the back of your chair.
“Mr. Gojo, it’s always good to see you.��� She said softly, leaning forward and handing him a little folded paper. You smirked, as did he, grinning and popping it down next to one of the ringed napkins.
“You as well, Kinako. Can we get a bottle of white to start?” He smoothly commanded, and her cheeks heated. “That good with you baby girl?”
You could feel her glare, and Gojo seemed to enjoy the reaction, as if he’d said it to prove something. You grow flustered, and feel his blue gaze on you, eyes twinkling with mischief. “That sounds perfect, Satoru. Thank you.”
“Ahem. Of course, right away Mr. Gojo.” She rushed off, leaving you two snuggling against the breeze, a strong hand cupping your jaw.
“Aww you jealous?”
“I figure this is everywhere you go.” He wiggles his brows.
“The ladies do love me.” He kicks his feet up and you scowl, shoving them down off the table. “What?”
“That’s so rude! You can’t just put your feet on it!”
“I pay enough.” He scoffed with a shrug, then peeked at you. “You don’t have shit to worry about.”
You felt a tightness in your chest as he spoke those words. “I wasn’t worried, it just would be nice if women weren’t so mean when I’m with you is all. So are you gonna keep her number?”
He snorted at you, shaking his head. “No. Why, when you’re right here?”
You kiss him then, uncaring of anyone around you both. “I don’t expect that you know.”
“Yeah well.” He crumbled up the number and winked at you. “I mean that pussy is elite, so.”
“Stop it. You’re actually being really sweet tonight. Thank you.”
“Mmm, I have my moments.” He nipped your lower lip as the waitress came back with a bottle and two glasses, a chilled fancy dark green bottle you couldn’t pronounce. “Ah, thank you.”
“Of course, Mr. Gojo. Here’s the menu!” She handed him it, and didn’t bother to hand you one, which at this point just made you burst out laughing. The waitress glared, and soon Gojo was laughing too, attracting the attention around you both. The girl grew pink with embarrassment.
“Is it okay if I eat too?” You ask her, and she looked properly ashamed, as Gojo nudged you with his shoulder.
“She’s such a angry bitch when she doesn’t eat. So abusive! Ow!” You smacked his shoulder, and he feigned injury. “God, save me from her!”
“I… I… ahem. I can get another menu.” You and Gojo went back and forth like children.
“No no, I’ll order this evil bitch something. Please pray for me, Kinako!” He took her hand, and you watched her melt, as Gojo’s shoulders shook with laughter. You felt so good and just… fuck.
Gojo was something.
“It better be yummy.” You threaten, and Kinako’s eyes are wide as Gojo holds a hand to his chest.
“Oh gosh, the pressure! She ties me down and makes me watch finance specials, you know. This is my cry for help!” You let out a pig like snort, your hands on your face as you die laughing.
“I’ll give you a moment, Mr. Gojo.” As she runs off Gojo nearly dies laughing right along with you.
“Now she’ll really want you!”
“Nah. She’ll be scared of your wrath.” He is flush from laughing, white hair falling in front of his forehead, shadows flickering in the evening lights of the rooftop restaurant, lit by soft lighting all around.
“You don’t have to turn anyone down.” You look down as you speak, but he tilts your chin up.
“No interest to me.” He said simply. Your lips part and you feel the desire for him pulling at you, the soft spot for him blooming. “I mean I like my nun, you know.”
“Good, your nun likes you. Okay what are you getting?” You peek over at his menu, and he points to some fancy name you can barely decipher. “Fuck, too expensive everything. Like maybe a chicken dish for me?”
He rolled his eyes. “I’m rich as fuck. Let me treat you, please.”
You sigh, and he explains things on the menu for you, pointing out what is what, you decide on a small dish and earn his glare. “What? It looks yummy?”
“I like a girl who eats.” You roll your eyes.
“I do eat… just don’t have that god metabolism you do.”
“Your body looks good as fuck. Don’t wanna lose that ass do you?” You feel your cheeks heat up as he teases you.
“Oh gosh. Fine. Maybe this one?”
“A little better.” He wrapped his long arm around you again so casually, and you liked it. A lot. “You're kind of like my girlfriend now, you know.” He was casual as he trailed his fingers down your shoulder.
Your eyes widened, goosebumps under the coat. “Wh-what?” He chuckled, tilting your head to his.
“I didn't ask you out, just saying.”
“You’re confusing.”
“If I wanted to, probably would do it while fucking, you say yes so easy then.” You breathed out a sigh, trembling under his touch, his energy around you intoxicating, making you nervous not being alone.
You gulp for some courage, sipping the delicious white wine then. “You think you’re that amazing huh?”
‘No, I know I am.” He pecked little kisses up your jawline, long fingers playing in your loose long hair. Your heart was going wild though you wouldn't show it.
“Maybe.” You concede, earning his shit eating grin.
“You got all excited. Do you want me to ask you out?”
“I…” You trail off when the waitress comes back, and for once you’re thankful for the interruption, your mind a jumbled mess. You'd expected maybe to be some kind of regular fuck with Gojo or something… and pathetically maybe, you'd take it. Because Lord that man was talented. But a girlfriend you hadn't thought would even be a thing. You’d wanted so badly to leave not long ago, but things had changed so much.
You missed him just one day without seeing him.
“I’ll have this, and this for the lady. Then we’ll have this for dessert together, and also this and this…” He pointed everything out as the girl wrote it all down on a notepad, smiling and bowing in her little blouse and vest.
“Right away Mr. Gojo.”
Gojo pours you another glass, and you sip it, tangy on your tongue, and then caught a drip on the corner of your mouth, wiping it gently with a thumb. You press a little kiss to it, enjoying the catch in his breath.
“It’s delicious. Thank you so much for tonight, Satoru.” You take his hand, kissing his knuckles, and Gojo lets out a little quiet moan, drinking in your body still stuck inside the overcoat. His hand catches your thigh, his thumb playing with the little garter, bending low towards you.
“Good I’m glad. I’m dying to see this.” He whispered, tickling your skin with his breath. “Torturing myself tonight.”
“Maybe it’s a little torutre for me too.”
“Is it? Fuck, You’re already so hot here.” He said softly, tauntingly, hand close to where you ached for his touch. “I love how easy you are for me.”
“I’m not easy…”
“ For me .”
You scowl, sticking out your tongue childishly. “Shut it.”
“Admit it, brat.”
“I’m not easy for you I just… I don’t know, fuck. I get… yeah… easy around you, ugh why do you annoy me like this?”
“You love me, don’t lie.”
You froze, tensing, hoping he would not push that one and was teasing like always. But thankfully, food came before either of you could say anything else. Gojo’s plates and bowls took up much of the table, and he looked like a kid eating cake on his birthday at this point. He started piecing out everything, making you a plate, making you smile with the care he showed.
“Try this!” Gojo popped a little delectable morsel into your mouth, truffle something or other, and your eyes close in pleasure.
“See, so good! And this!” He slid another bite of a shrimp of some kind, and you chew thoughtfully.
“Ooh it’s good too!”
Gojo’s eyes grew impossibly brighter, grinning. “See, and this!”
“Gojo you really love food.” He chuckled, popping food into his own mouth, making chewing look sexy somehow.
“I do indeed. Come on, keep that ass nice.” He winked and tried to put more food in your mouth, you chuckled and shook your head.
“Let me try my dish silly.” You start to cut up your meal, and fork a bite into his mouth now, which he takes as sensually as a human could.
“Ooh that’s good too!”
You fall into a comfortable silence as you both nibble, sharing bites and sipping on your glasses of wine as the breeze flows, scents of foods filling the air, and the scent of Gojo’s tantalizing cologne. It was easy to be with him, so easy it sort of boggled your mind, a mix of friendship and comfortability. Eventually you all finish and the waitress brings decadent desserts.
“Eat this! Try it, it's better than sex!”
You shook your head with a laugh, and he was forking something sweet between your lips, hand under your chin to catch any crumbs. He wiped the corner of your lips as you chewed, licking the finger. You chewed the delectable treat slowly, moaning as the chocolate melted against your tongue.
“Ooh, it is good. Oof!” He handed you another bite, so sweet and hot in your mouth. “Not better than sex though.”
He grinned wide, blue eyes narrowing. “I must be fucking amazing. Considering you hated sex just last week.”
You felt your cheeks heat, the lingerie rubbing against your skin making you ache in places as you thought of him in you. “You won’t hear any shit talking about that aspect of you. Just the other annoying shit.” You started nibbling on a piece of some berry cheesecake confection, he leaned in, opening his mouth. You give him a piece of it, popping it between his lips, and he licks your finger.
“You kinda felt like a virgin honestly.” He mused, softer voice so that it was just between you two, and you nearly choked, sipping on your wine, that had created a delectable head fuzz.
“You can be tight and have had lots of sexual experience. Doesn’t mean anything really.”
“No shit, I know that. I’ve played with a lot of pussies. But no, not what I meant. Like I broke something.”
“Gojo! The fuck! You’re so full of yourself that you think you broke me?” You whisper, and he shrugs, so full of himself that you realize this is still Gojo, as sweet as he’d been you’d gotten confused.
“Well, I just wonder if the boys never hit deep enough. Smaller than these, remember?” He wiggled his fingers at you.
“You’re ridiculous. I mean… I don’t know. If not, wouldn't it have hurt a ton with you then?”
“Didn’t it? At first.”
You paused. Shit. “But that’s because you’re huge.” You peer nervously, making sure you all are out of ear shot.
“Lots of women took this dick fine. You had some trouble. Granted, you are kind of petite there.”
“You probably just want me to have been a virgin so I complete your nun fucking fantasy.” You pointed a fork at him and he tried to look innocent.
“You really basically were. Never been eaten out, no blow jobs… do you even remember having sex with the small dick college dudes?”
You frown, sighing. “Not really no… As I said it was just twice and both times I was not sober, but bits and pieces. I know it happened. Condoms.”
“Ah…” He paused, then studied you. “We didn’t use one, hmm.”
You paused as well. “Huh. We didn’t. Well, I’m on birth control though, so we don’t have to… especially if you mean to be exclusive. If you don’t want to use them. Gojo is this the best place for this convo?”
He quit eating for a few, hand back on your thigh. “Sure it is. Fuck, the thought of you pregnant is kinda hot though. Maybe go off it.”
Your mouth opened in shock, then you felt yourself heat up, probably red as the jacket you wore, tucking your hair behind your ear. “Satoru! No, what the…”
“Mmm it is though.” His hand went to your tummy, splaying over it, leaned over you so close you were sure you two looked scandalous. But you craved his touch. “I wonder if I put enough cum in you if I can fuck through the birth control then?” His words were slow, deliberate, nearly a silent purr out of his lips and fuck… they did shit to you. A lot of shit.
“Jesus…” You feel your thighs shift, and he notices it, movements like a hawk. “Is this a kink thing again?”
He let out a low chuckle. “You could definitely say that. I think you may be a little interested in it by that response.”
You bite your lip against the thoughts that flow through your head, imagining him cumming in you, over and over, until… God you all were in public, what were you…
“Mind going wild?” He taunted you. You had no energy to lie, simply parting your lips a bit and sighing, as his hand pressed into your tummy, hot and firm. “Thinking of me filling you up here?” His lips caressed your temple as he bent low and murmured those dirty thoughts you shared.
You let out a little cry and then covered your mouth quickly, but he heard it, and the mood changed suddenly.
“Say it.” His hand pressed more, slipping under the coat you still wore deftly, thumb splaying down past your navel. “You could feel me here, couldn’t you?” You nod weakly. “Can’t use your words?”
“Mmm.” You cover your mouth once more, aching against the plush seat, unable to stop your reaction as friction started against your pussy. Gojo looks like he’s won the fucking lottery.
“Wanna go?” He asked, and you nodded.
You two asked the waitress for cases, and packed up food for later, you with trembling hands, and him with calm and sure ones, heading down the elevator until you were out in the night air, where Kiyotaka waited with the large black car. Gojo opens the door for you, and you two slide in the back seats, and it doesn’t take until the door is shut for him to start to unbutton your jacket.
Your head tilts back a bit, and he’s kissing your exposed neck, deft fingers undoing the buttons swiftly, until he opened it up fully and sat back, drinking your body in. His eyes grew hooded, full lips parted, his nostrils just slightly flaring before his hands eased the coat off your shoulders, just bunched up on your arms now, pooling behind you.
You were so beautiful, your lush breasts cupped by this lace, chains glittering against your smooth skin, exposed in little areas, concealed in others, enticing Gojo like nothing he had ever seen. You gaze up at him with desire in your eyes, your lower lip being bit by your teeth, brow just a little worried, as if you were nervous. But how could you be, when you were so perfect to him?
Gojo struggled to keep a steady touch, not to show how much you fucked him up mentally, what you did to him. You were his fantasy, and here you were, in something he’d dreamed of for a couple of years now. He got to watch you fall apart, show your true nature, embracing your desires, let go.
Even his dreams didn’t live up to you, however, his eyes were drinking every inch of your curves… sinful how good you look, soft, your skin silky, feelings written all over your face. You were leaving him wanting to kiss every inch… simultaneously driving him crazy as he pictured so many ways to have you.
Gojo was just sitting there, his eyes devouring you in your lingerie, not even touching you, and you shifted, pussy aching and insatiable for him, wanting some kind of friction. You craved his lips on you in the worst ways. Wanted more of that cock that had been inside of you only one time so far, but was now something you were desperate for again.
Big hands gripped your thighs, spreading them just a bit to see that you wore those crotchless panties, that your glistening pussy was bare to him. He groaned, then kissed you deeply, pushing you down into the back seat, tasting like the sweet treats he’d eaten and just… him. Gojo.
“Fuck, you’re perfect.” He whispered, and instinctively you wanted to shake your head, but he held your face, hard. “Nuh uh. No denying it. Got me?”
You nod then. “Thank you, Satoru.” You say instead, and his lips join yours once more, hard long body pressing on top of you, making your hips arch up and wiggle for more contact. His finger is quick to find your glistening folds, swirling your wetness around your already throbbing clit. You cry out, but he drinks your cries, going in aching slow circles.
“Fuck. I wanna do this in my bed.” He mumbled, and you gave a little breathless laugh, kissing his neck, tasting the little saltiness of his sweat.
“I hope you did clean your sheets after snorting coke on Erica’s ass.”
“Pshh, I really didn’t fuck her. God you’re jealous and don’t even date me yet, another hint you want it?”
“Am not! And I…”
“The sheets are clean as fuck. But we’ll probably be ruining them.” He eased off you, closing the jacket up loosely. “We’ll be home soon.”
You all get into Gojo’s house and it’s mere seconds before your coat is gone, leaving you looking obscenely sexual in lace and chains. He rubs his large hands greedily down your body, leaving each area in a trail of goosebumps on your skin, until he hits the thigh high boots, raising a brow.
“Ooh, I really fucking like these.”
“Yeah?” You tease, hands on his shirt, unbuttoning them slowly, pop pop they went until a large sliver of his chest and abdomen revealed themselves. His smooth pale skin was taut over each muscle and groove.
“Yeah.” He bent down, a breath away from where you were exposed, unzipping your boots slowly. “Steady yourself on me.” You did as he said, holding on to his bare shoulders as he lifted each leg. There was something ridiculously sensual about Gojo taking off your shoes…
He pushed you gently, until you were against the wall, and raised one of your legs over his shoulder kissing up your thigh and peeking up at you with that breathtaking azure gaze. Your heart stopped, breathing erratic, hands shaky on his strong shoulders. “May I?”
“You don’t have to ask.” You watched his reaction to those words, and stared down as the tip of his tongue slid up your aching slit, eyes not leaving yours, making you even more sensitive. “Ah! Fuck…”
You cried out and Gojo slid his tongue up and down again, tasting you, before his thumbs parted your lips to open the area to your clit, and he was flicking his tongue, fast. You lean back on the wall with your head, eyes fluttering shut, and Gojo was worshiping you on his knees.
Your hips were shoving forward for more of his wicked tongue, that seemed to know you even better now. He knew the pressure he needed, the pace, it was insane and heady. As he shoved his tongue in further, humming on your clit as he sucked it into his mouth, you started screaming.
“Satoru! Unh… yes… I … ah!” You fell apart all over him, your mind and body shattering from pleasure, shivering as it flowed through you, and he was drinking your wetness more and more, riding out your orgasm with his moans.
He eases up, and has to hold you, for your knees did not even want to function, before kissing you, deeply. “You taste so fucking good, baby girl.”
“Mnh… th-thanks.” You can hardly speak. He grins against your lips, then snatches you up, your legs around his waist, and he’s walking you through the house, opening the door of his room deftly, laying you down on his black soft comforter. His bed is so soft you feel your tense body aching.
“I don’t even want to take this off of you, but I need these out.” He mused, and sighed as he did so, unsnapping off your bra with ease. He also slid off your panties, but he paused on the stockings. “Hmm. Let’s keep these on. And this.” He fingered your chain. You nod eagerly, making him laugh. “Can’t find words, baby girl?”
You gulp, licking your lips. “Orgasm brain, remember?”
“Is that all it is? Not the talk earlier about me fucking a baby into you at the restaurant?” He yanked on the chain you wore, pressing it into your soft skin.
You gasp then, eyes wide, and his are sparkling, glittery blue, fucking wicked demon that he literally was. Your mind whirls, your eyes darting away, before being brought back by a firm hand on your chin. The scent of Gojo is everywhere in this room, clean and woodsy and so fucking addictive. It fills you, as does his breath, his touch, those words.
You lick your lips, peeking up at him through lowered lashes. “I want you to fill me up, Satoru.”
That came out of your mouth?
His body tensed over you, he had his pants off, and he shoved into you in one hard thrust suddenly, shocking you, filling you to the brim. So different from his ease inch by inch yesterday, but God it felt deliciously good, that cock stretching the tight cunt of yours. So deep it was damn near in your tummy he spoke of.
Gojo lifted your legs up over his elbows, shoving deeper. You cry out loudly and he's holding your face with two hands then, pausing,and he is so deep it's insane to handle. Wriggling under him trying to relax your muscles, but your pussy just throbs around the invasion and stays tight. Gojos hair falls over his brow as he states down at you.
“You okay?” He asks it through gritted teeth. You nod, sighing as you hold on to his strong arms. Even being a little rougher he clearly cared for your comfort.
“Good. Good.” You haven't been able to speak sensible words most of the evening. That really wasn't like you but Gojo's cock was now in the equation. He smiles above you, and pulls out to shove back in.
“How flexible are you?” The question made you worry what was next, and before you could answer, he had your legs all the way up, pressing them hard against your body. “You'll take my cum better this way.”
Gojo began to pump, hard and fast, but not fully in thank God, the friction and rhythm way too much, making your already sensitive cunt hit its peak quickly, and then you're cumming all over his hardness. He hisses, easing back and pushing deeper as your body becomes lubricated from your release. You moan into inviting lips.
“You feel so-so-so good, Satoru. So… so… mmm.” You were feeling yourself start to fall apart again as he fucked you deeper, making you ache, his eyes glittering as they watched your every expression.
“You feel so fucking good wrapped around this cock. Is this what you wanted all day, baby?” You nod weakly, and soon he eased up on your legs just a bit, yanking your choker off, air hitting the bruise.
Your screams echo the room as he bites hard on already sore flesh, tearing into the bruise as he fucks and fucks you harder, the slaps of his skin against yours loud. His balls are smacking against your ass, his pelvis against yours as he sinks deeper. Your head lolls to the side, fingernails digging into his perfect skin, leaving marks. Your body is taut, tense, as you feel another peak start to rise.
“You cum so easy for me, don't you little brat?” He demanded above you, breath making your throat burn from the new bite. “Look at me.”
You turn your sore neck, and he's kissing you again, sloppy, tongues sliding against each other, his saliva dripping into your mouth. He is moaning his own pleasure into your lips. Gojo yanks your body, sliding it down so he becomes impossibly deeper, now going in and out with ease. The noise of your wetness mixes with the sensation of it dripping out of you and around him.
“Use your words. You want me to fuck a baby in here. Don't you.” His hand presses to your tummy, and he grins, white and devilish above you. “I can feel my dick fucking your guts up.”
“I want you to. Unh. Please please please.” You had no shame anymore, head falling back into the soft bed as he now was fucking the shit out of you, using your body to yank you further onto his cock.
“You're so hungry for this cum, are you?” You nod, gasping for breath then when he reaches a hand down and finds your puffy lips, your little clit, rough thumb rubbing. You begin to shatter, everything fading but Gojo. “Say. It.”
The thrusts became even more intense, your over sensitive clit being played as your insides were jumbled by his cock. You gasp for any sense of self, mind whirling, your body on fire, tensing, muscles taut, but everything is just him. Satoru.
“I am. Fuck! Ugh. I want your cum so deep in me.” Your words made him shut his eyes, forehead resting on yours for a moment, you could feel him shaking.
“Do you, fucking cum hungry slut? Want it all in this tight fucking pussy?” He growled the words, and you should've hated them, but God you loved it. You'd be his slut. Goddammit. Especially as he started hitting that spot so deep only he could find it in you, making you see stars.
“I want it. I need it. In me deep, please-please. Ah!” The play became too much and you started cumming once more, nails digging into his back as you hang on for dear life while he rails you through your orgasm, heightening it.
Gojo hisses as your cunt is pulsing around him now, his hand easing off your slickness, to press against the bed next to you, leaning up his body and altering the position inside of you, rubbing against your walls. “Milking me with that little cunt for all of this cum, aren’t you?”
You just nod, wordless, breathless, each stroke making you oversensitive now. “Please, Satoru, please.”
He groaned over you, slowing, fucking erratically now, so tense. “Want me to put a baby in you?” He hissed the words through his teeth, brow furrowed, eyes bright and mad. “Fucking breed you?”
“Yes yes yes. Put a baby in me. Yours. Mnh yes.” He fell apart over you, with shaky groans, rhythm jerky. His arms are digging into the soft backs of your thighs, and you could feel his hot cum shooting in your tight hole, so deep. You felt yourself coming when he pressed against your cervix, bottoming out, pushing the cum further in.
“Take it all. Every fucking drop.” He throbbed in you as you did around him, sucking in all his cum, which was leaking out of you as it mixed with your own. You relaxed your body, gasping for air, and he eased your sore legs down, pulling out, and you trembled, his cum sliding out of your pussy down your inner thigh.
“Fuck.” You sat up just a bit on your elbows, panting heavily, and then he pulled off to look down at the mess he'd made, smiling like the devil.
“You took me so good, little nun.” He shocked you, playing with his cum that had fallen and shoving it back into you, hurting sensitive flesh with long fingers. His gaze was wild, and it intimidated you then, so powerful and fucking insane, eyes all dilated. “Don't waste all this cum, now sweetheart, take it all.”
“Satoru… I… I can’t…”
“All of it. Like a good girl.” Gojo shoved in more, and you felt tears prick your eyes, overstimulation taking hold from coming so hard so much. “Aww, you're so pretty crying and dripping with my cum.”
“Ugh. Fuck you, jerk.” He laughed, easing off you then just to lick on your sore neck, torturous. You hissed. “Fucking vampire!”
“You can run that mouth again, should I fill you up with more cum until you can't fucking speak?” You moaned, and he kissed down your breasts. “You are already so eager for more. My nun is becoming my little slut.”
“Can't… cant…. hurts. Too much, too much.” You shook when he sucked on one of your nipples, fingers shoving into you one more time, making you cry.
“Giving up, are we? Tsk tsk. Fine. I love looking at you like this, though.” Gojo shoved those long fingers into your mouth then, and you were sucking both of your come off them, tasting both of you, so deep it made your tears flow out more down your cheeks, pleasure, overwhelming, pain, so consumed. “So pretty, baby.”
You felt hot sticky tears fall to your lips, salty tasting along with the come, and you saw him gaze down as if he owned you. Maybe he did. Your brain didn't work anymore, as if his cock had truly scrambled it.
“Satoru… I…”
He finally slid off you, laughing at you now. “You're such a mess. Poor baby girl is in tears. Can't talk again? Did I fuck your smart little head up.” He kissed your forehead sweetly, a complete contradiction to his words.
“Ugh. Never mind. You're such a dick!” He laughed again, pulling you against him and hugging you.
“Now I have to know. What were you gonna say?”
“Fuck it, no.” You felt him wiping tears away, frowning now. He touched your chin gently.
“Hey, was all that too much?” His words were soft now, deep voice so caring it couldn't match a moment ago, caressing your face. “If you ever don’t like anything just tell me.”
“No, I liked it. A lot. Asshole.” He sighed a bit, as if relieved. “I just really am… I really… l…”
“Really love my dick?”
“Stop cutting me off!” He put a hand to his mouth trying to appear innocent. “Conceited ass.” You roll your eyes. “I… ugh I guess I just feel a lot for you.” You looked away, so embarrassed. He would probably taunt you, tease you…
“Yeah, same.” Your eyes met his in shock. He was on one arm studying you very seriously.
“Yeah?” You whisper, and he nods just a bit, tense himself.
“Yeah… although that's been a kink of mine, I've never fully acted on it.” Gojo's cheeks dusted with pink.
“Oh?” He nodded.
“I guess no one has made me want to put a baby in them so bad. Drove me a little crazy there for a bit.” His half cooked smile was sort of shy, a side you never saw of him.
“I drove you crazy hmm?” He nods. You feel way too warm inside at the thought. “Sometimes, you're really sweet, you know.” You caress his soft skin on his face, kissing his forehead. He closes his eyes with a sigh.
“I feel… Things too. Shit, this isn't normal even for good sex. The connection is… I…” Your heart thudded, body weak to fight anything, mind askew. He cleared his throat then, smirking. “You didn't even try to deny any of it tonight, no fight left huh. Just please Satoru, please!”
You scowl and smack him hard, he grabs your wrist with his wicked grin. “I can't tell if I like, love, or hate you at any given fucking moment. Ugh! You're so annoying! I’ll show you fight!”
He was laughing softer now, pulling you against his chest, warm against your face. “I kind of know the feeling, you're such a bitch. Then sometimes you’re my sweet, little cum hungry brat. Ah ah no more hitting. Or I'll smack the fuck out of this.”
His hand gripped your pussy and you squeaked. “No no no.”
“We will have to get working on that stamina of yours, little virgin nun.” You scowl up at him. “I’d like to fuck more than once in a day but no ‘I hurt Satoru, no no!’”
“Hate it is.” He grinned against your hair, snuggling you. “I took it way better this time, I am not a nun.”
“Fuck yes you did.” Another kiss. Another fall deeper into love you went for this shithead. Fucking Gojo. “Let me take care of you… That was a lot, hmm?” You nod shyly into his chest. “Want a bath?”
You moan. “Ooh yes please. I haven't had one in forever. Just have the stand up shower.” It sounds heavenly 
“I'll get you one started. And some ice for that neck.” He kisses you once more, hopping off the bed. “Be right back.”
You finally peek around the bedroom, breathing in and out a bit, your entire body was aching from his touches, from his cock, his hands… his teeth. You hiss in pain when you touch it, hearing the water running from the bathroom. His room is all in blacks and dark blues, elegant modern furniture, nothing too extravagant, but still looked sleek and expensive.
The bed you’d been positively railed on was a dark wood four post bed, high, thick and plush. So comfy your body wanted to just fall asleep in it. Your fingers ran over the cover, soft under your palms. Gojo came back, stark naked, and you felt yourself hurt from how gorgeous he really was, every inch of him so chiseled.
“You’re so…”
“Perfect?” He wiggles his brows, batting his spiky lashes. You shake your head at him as he sits next to you.
His eyes widened. “Really? Not a conceited shit?”
“That too.”
“Mmm, there’s my girl. I like how mean you are.” He gently kissed your neck where he’d been annihilating you over and over. You shiver, then he brought a cool little napkin against it. You moan.
“Oof, that feels good.” The cool ice feels so good you lean into it. He hands it to you, and you press it against your neck, as his fingers go down to your chain, gently unclasping it and then working on your garters. He peppered little kisses down your legs as he did so. “A girl could get used to this.” You mused.
“You’re awfully lucky. I’m Gojo Satoru and here I am, at your feet all the time.” He kissed your ankle then. You flush. “Blushing all over.”
“I do like you on your knees.”
“Oh fuck, dom much?” You shook your head, biting your lip, sitting there completely naked in front of him.
“Dom… Dominant?”
“That’s it. Look at you learning.” A fingertip taps the tip of your nose super condescendingly.
“You kinda are a dom though? Right?”
“I am. But I’d switch it up if you wanted.” He stood, and pulled you up.
“Me dominate you?” It was hard to imagine. He grinned.
“It’s not my thing really, but then again, I love when you’re so mean. Maybe I’d try it once. Let you fuck your frustrations on me.” Heat pooled embarrassingly in your lower tummy all over again.
“I should try on top some time though, yeah?” You ask, a little nervous for some reason. “What if I suck up there, though?”
He chuckled, bending down and popping a kiss on your head. “You won’t suck at all. We’ll try it next. Come on.”
Gojo guided you to his bathroom, which was bigger than your own bedroom, easy. Gorgeous tile, cream marble, an enclosed glass shower on the left and a giant claw tub on the right, pretty granite counters with two sinks and a lit mirror. The tub was filled with bubbles, and he bent down to shut the water off.
“It’s beautiful here. I haven’t ever seen your bathroom. Weird.”
“Come get in, princess.” He held out a hand, and you took it, easing your aching body into the tub. You suck in a breath as the hot soapy water hits you, sitting and sinking in, sighing, leaning your head back in bliss. “Never thought I’d have you in my tub.”
“Never thought I’d be in it.”
“You like?”
“Very much so. Thank you.” You peek up at him, and he is studying you, gently running his hand against your hair.
“Want me to wash your hair again?” You nod, shyly. “You’re so shy about silly things but I push cum in you and you’re good.”
“I’m just… in the moment I guess. Get in here.” You tug on his hand.
“I was gonna pamper you. From here.”
“Mmm, no, get in.” He sighs with a grin, standing, cock still huge even though it was not hard at full force at the moment. He comes to sit behind you, water rising, fragrant bubbles brushing over your breasts, his hard body against you. He eases your back against his chest, kissing your cheek.
“Such a demanding brat all the time.”
“Maybe I am.” You sigh in bliss, the water gently waving as he adjusted against you, growing hard again, you between his thighs. “Yep I love this.”
“Good.” He turned your face towards his with his hand, bringing your lips together, a hand trailing errantly up and around the peak of your breast. Both came to cup them, then, and you let out a little whimper. “How’s that stamina tonight, champ?” He teased your nipples with his deft fingers then, gently twisting them a bit, eliciting a gasp.
“You so doubt me, huh?”
You turned, thighs on either side of his lap now, bringing your pussy against his hard cock, your hands on his chest. He groaned, blue eyes sultry as they studied you, hands on your hips. You lean down and take his cock in your hand, placing it at your entrance, and his eyes flutter shut for a moment, cheeks puffing as he exhales, making you feel bold.
“Fuck you’re hot.” He murmured, pulling you against him, water splashing against you two, his thick tip stretching your puffy lips apart, making you tremble when it slid into your entrance just a bit. He halted you. “Hey, hey, let me work her up.”
“I can take it.” He raised a brow with a smirk, and you ease down on him, inch by inch, going up a bit to ease down more every time. Gojo’s jaw clenched, his grip tightened, two little lines between his brows.
He cried your name out when you sat down on him fully, and hearing it moaned from his lips was nearly your undoing. You shake as you hold on to him, fully sheathed in you, stretching tight aching muscles in your pussy. You shift a bit, and he hits something inside, and then you’re rolling your hips, hitting it again and again, starting to come already.
“Fuck, baby girl. Mmm.” He guided your hips, and you were thankful, so clueless up there on top of this beautiful person. His white hair was dripping wet in places, lips glistening from your kisses. You fumbled a bit, unsure of what to do, as if reading you, he pressed up against your cervix, making you throb, wetness and heat inside of you and around you.
“Like this?” You ask hesitantly, sliding up and then back down at an angle, he gripped hard, nodding.
“Do what feels good.” He took a peak of your breast into his mouth, sucking gently, and you began to listen to your body, to the sensations, riding him in the tub, both of you quickly finding pleasure heightened between you. Your legs start to ache, and then he picked you up and started fucking you.
“Mmm, I can do it.” You pout and he smirks under you, water sloshing all over your bodies.
“Let me use you like my little fuck doll. Yeah?” His words hit you hard.
“Yeah.” You managed to whisper, and soon he was using you just like one, making you come hard as he used your body to pound up into, and he continued on, until you both were drowning in your desire.
You were drying your hair with a fluffy blue towel, wearing one of Gojo’s super expensive dress shirts and nothing else, peeking over at him as he slid on a pair of black boxers and a soft gray tee shirt.
“So, would I ever be able to snort coke off your perfect tits? Hypothetically.” You started laughing at the random question. “Or ass maybe.”
“Nah I’m not Erica.”
He rolled his eyes. “Fuck off with that. I literally got drunk and high and just bitched about you leaving the whole time.”
“Aww, that’s actually cute. Kind of. Minus the snorting coke off her ass thing.” You pecked his lips then, and he exhaled, pulling you against him. “I don't like that shit.”
“I know. Haven't even done any since… since whatever the fuck we’ve been all week.”
You smile at that. What were you two? “It’s not my place to say not to, we’re like not together officially, are we?”
He frowned. “What do you call this then?”
“I don’t know… what do you call it?” He kissed you gently.
“Let’s start with this. You’re mine. Okay?” You tremble at his words. All you can do is nod. He groans, inhaling your scent and bending low over you. “You look so hot in my shirt.”
“It’s so comfy too!” You do a little shimmy and he chuckles, kissing you deeper and deeper. “Let's go to bed. We have to work tomorrow and shit.”
“Ugh fuck work.”
“We can work on the speech tomorrow night after?”
“You just want more of my dick, little slut.” You shove at him and he tackles you down to the bed. “I will try not to do much coke then, if it upsets you, by the way.”
You brush his hair back, soft from your bath, silky, studying him. “It does but like I said it’s not my place. I know it’s not like something you do in excess. Maybe I am the uptight stuck up bitch.”
“Oh you definitely are. One day I'll snort a line off you.”
“Oh fuck no you won’t.”
“So boring.”
“Boring? I just rode you in your bath, fucker.” You glare up at him. He sighs, pecking little kisses all over you.
“It was fucking amazing.”
“Mmhmm. Sleep, huh? Also boring.” He pouted and rolled his eyes. You shook your head and giggled.
“I’m sleepy, Satoru. You’re the best snuggler aren’t you?”
He preened at that like a peacock. “Fucking bet I am.”
“Then let’s cuddle.” Gojo slid under the covers with you, asking his device to turn off the lights, and you were in his arms. You ached to just tell him how you felt, but you were terrified to ruin shit before it started. Gojo kisses your head, gently wrapping an arm around you, spooning you. You felt so safe in his arms.
“Thank you for the date. It was perfect.” You could feel his smile against you then, as he pulled you tighter, the sounds only the clicking of the clock, the crickets outside and the two of you breathing.
“Even though the waitress was so dick hungry?”
You sighed. “I can’t blame her. You’re pretty hot, you know.”
“I do.” You felt him pull you tighter. “But you’re mine. So I’m yours. You could fist fight a bitch I bet.”
Yours. Mine. The words echo in your mind.
“Oh my god! No, I will not even.”
“So boring.”
“Shut it. Just kiss me goodnight.”
Gojo leaned over, and you saw his bright eyes even in the dark room, with the moonlight streaming throughout the thick black curtains of his room illuminating them. He kissed you softly, but firmly, impossibly igniting more desire and more feelings with every breath, before kissing your head and letting you turn back around against him.
You were pretty fucked.
How would work go?
Would he rail you on his desk?
“Sweet dreams, baby girl.” He said with another kiss on your head, brushing your hair back gently. You kissed the hand that was playing with your hair, holding on to his arms that wrapped you tight.
“Sweet dreams, Satoru.”
Chapter 9
Ao3 Chap:
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hwashotcheeto · 8 months
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𝑩𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑭𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅'𝒔 𝑴𝒐𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒓 (4)
Best Friend's Mother Masterlist
Chapter: Four
Milf!Park Seonghwa X gn!reader
Summary: A week has gone by since your late night secret with Seonghwa. You kept telling yourself to not entertain the idea of anything more than a one night stand. But Wooyoung, as always, throws a wrench in your plans.
WC: 4.4k
CW: Suggestive towards the end, kissing, touching, lots of teasing, Wooyoung is a cockblock, fluff, cuddles
AN: I spent a whole day writing this, my body hurts, my brain hurts, but I wanted to get this chapter done so badly. I hope you all enjoy it.
Tag List: @hyunjinsjeans @malldreamprincess @unlikelysublimekryptonite @becauseilovedyou @kittkat44 @babyxhoiz @asleepylilcat @mxnsxngie @rxnexxi @mommahwa1117 @acciocriativity @anxiousskylar @h3arteyes4mingi
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“Hey guys,” Wooyoung said as he entered the living room. “I have an idea for something we can all do.”
The announcement shouldn’t have filled you with fear, but it did.
The week was a roller coaster, if you had to be honest. You’d wanted to keep your interactions with Seonghwa to a minimum, only talking to him if he talked to you, only if you absolutely needed to.
And it felt like torture.
You wanted to talk to him, you wanted to be nice, you wanted to sit with him and have long conversations about anything and everything. You wanted to give him hugs like Wooyoung did.
But you were scared of what would happen if you let yourself do that. If you fell deeper into him. If your lust for him turned to something more than sex.
You weren’t ready to confront that. Despite Wooyoung constantly dragging you with him to do anything, and “coincidentally” always having Seonghwa be there too, you didn’t think it was something beyond Wooyoung wanting to spend time with you. And of course, you were going to spend time with Wooyoung, so you were in a difficult spot.
And yet, the whole time you were trying to subtly avoid him, Seonghwa wasn’t dumb. And unfortunately, he was more observant than you’d thought he was.
And he hated to admit that he thought about it every time he laid down to sleep. He’d lay in his bed for hours and think about you. About the night you had together.
The way you’d look away when he tried to talk to you, the slight red tint in your cheeks when he’d call you “dear” or “sweetheart,” the little tremor in your voice when you talked to him. He was hopelessly attracted to you, and he knew you felt the same way about him.
And you both were battling with your desires in your own ways.
If only you knew that the gorgeous man you were daydreaming about was doing the same thing just one wall away.
You force a sweet smile at Wooyoung as you come back to the present. Seonghwa also looks up at him.
“Eomma, you know that restaurant you’d take me to as a kid?”
Seonghwa smiled and shook his head. “I’ve taken you to many restaurants.”
“The really expensive one that we went to for special occasions?”
“What’s the occasion?” You wondered. In the back of your mind, you wondered if Wooyoung was about to reveal his “relationship” with San to his mother. But the smirk Wooyoung was giving you shot that theory down quickly.
“Isn’t our presence enough of an occasion?” He answered, standing up straighter, puffing out his chest a little. Seonghwa laughed and shook his head again.
“Your presence is always an occasion, nae sarang, but I can’t just take you. That place-”
“Requires reservations,” Wooyoung interrupted, finishing his sentence. “Well what if I told you I already took care of that?”
You and Seonghwa both blinked, not completely believing him. You had no idea where this was going, or what restaurant they could possibly be talking about. Even if you did know the name, it wouldn’t have helped, because you could never afford to go to a restaurant nicer than Olive Garden.
“Wooyoung,” Seonghwa started, in the signature disappointed parent tone that said everything without having to say it. The tone that meant “you shouldn’t have done that.” But it didn’t dissuade Wooyoung in the slightest.
“Come on, why not? I haven’t been there in a long time, and it’s something we can all do together.” He put extra emphasis on the word “together.”
You turned your attention to Seonghwa, and he was looking at Wooyoung with nothing but love in his eyes, with a little smile on his lips. He knew that no matter what excuse he made up, he was going to relent. He was going to say yes, because there was no reason to say no.
Part of him wanted to see how serious Wooyoung was. Part of him wanted to see what else Wooyoung was up to. He had his suspicions, but couldn’t tell for certain.
“What day do you have this reserved?” Seonghwa asked, tilting his head back a little.
“Tonight,” Wooyoung said proudly. “The perfect night to go out to eat.”
Time had started to warp and bend for you since you were thr0wn off your usual schedule, but Wooyoung had mentioned to you earlier that it was a Saturday. You realized now why he bothered to point it out.
Seonghwa still pretended to roll the idea over in his head. Both you and Wooyoung knew he was faking it based on his smile, but you two were still waiting with bated breath for his answer.
And finally, Seonghwa sighed and nodded. “Okay, when do we have to be there?”
Wooyoung did a little happy dance and squealed. You smiled and sighed in relief.
You didn’t feel so scared about the idea of going to dinner with Seonghwa knowing Wooyoung was going to be there. You’d have to throw together a decent outfit from the clothes that you brought, but you were sure you could do it.
And that’s what you did. About an hour before you were going to leave, you had taken a shower and made yourself look nice before you went to sort through your clothes. Just a simple outfit, but it still made you look put together. It wasn’t luxury, but it would pass decently for an hour or so.
As you were going to leave the room, there was a knock on the door. When you called for them to come in, Wooyoung peeked in. He took one look at your outfit and shook his head.
“No, that’s not gonna work.” He left and went back into his room. You followed him, befuddled.
“What do you mean, I look fine!” You protested, but Wooyoung was already going through his closet to look for something better. He frantically grabbed at different clothes, looking them over, and rejecting most of them.
“Fine isn’t good enough, this is a high class restaurant.” Wooyoung pulled out a shirt that he was satisfied with and tossed it onto a nearby chair. “Thankfully, your awesome best friend is here to help you.”
You sighed and looked at his outfit. He wore black slacks with a belt, with a white button up tucked into the shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his arms. This was the nicest you’d ever seen Wooyoung in the entirety of your time knowing him, Wooyoung never dressed up for anything. Not even to the formal events your college hosted.
Realizing that, you decided to listen to him and accept the clothes. You let Wooyoung dress you in the outfit he’d picked, and he helped fit and adjust it so it looked good on you. He accessorized you as well, with a couple of necklaces and rings.
You had to admit, when Wooyoung was done with you, you looked much better than you did before. Much more worthy of a fancy restaurant dinner.
Wooyoung also put a coat over your shoulders. “To match the outfit,” he commented.
“I have a jacket, Wooyoung.”
“Not one that goes with your clothes.” You rolled your eyes, but buttoned up the coat regardless. He had a point, sure, but you mostly just wanted him to shut up.
You and Wooyoung made your way to the front door and waited for Seonghwa.
“How do you have all these nice clothes anyway?” You asked, remembering that you never asked what Seonghwa did for work. With his nice house and Wooyoung’s extensive wardrobe, he had to be doing something amazing.
“My mom is a model,” Wooyoung says nonchalantly, looking at his phone.
Oh. Of course he was.
“What does he model for?”
“Mostly shoes, but he does a lot of other stuff. He has a couple deals for a few different luxury brands.”
Of course he does.
As you were about to continue, you heard a bedroom door close, and the familiar click of heels across the hardwood and down the stairs.
Your breath caught in your throat as Seonghwa came down the stairs. Good Lord, he looked fucking stunning.
He’d dressed himself in black slacks, a white, long sleeved turtleneck, and heels. Heels.
His silky black hair was curled and fell down in beautiful waves, his bangs framing his face perfectly. A few gold chains hung from his neck and rings on his fingers. He’d even put on makeup, with small wings by his eyes and sparkly eyeshadow, with sparkly, glossy, pink lips.
You had a sudden urge to kiss him.
You knocked yourself out of your daze when Seonghwa came over to the door. “Are we ready to go?” He asked as he reached into the closet for a coat.
Wooyoung pushed off the couch, already having a coat like you did. “Yeah, we-” And then his phone began to ring. “Oh-Sorry, let me take this.”
Wooyoung took a few steps away as he answered the call. “Hey. Oh, no. Oh, that sucks. Do you want me to come help? Yeah, I can come over. I’ll be there soon. Okay, bye.”
“Who was that?” Seonghwa asked, fixing his coat, which was white and fluffy, and long enough to cover his entire body, leaving it open. You tried to focus your attention on Wooyoung instead, who was putting his phone into his coat pocket.
“A friend from college, he needs me to come over.”
You had a strong feeling who that “friend” was.
“What happened?” You asked, but Wooyoung was already making his way to the door hurriedly. You grabbed onto his arm to stop him, and as he looked at you, you could see in his eyes that he was scared.
There was genuine fear there. Your stomach suddenly filled with dread wondering what could’ve happened to this unnamed “friend.”
“I’ll explain later, I just really have to go.” He pulled his arm out of your grip and opened the door. “I’m sorry, you two should still go enjoy dinner!”
“Wait, Wooyoung,” Seonghwa tried to stop him, but Wooyoung was already gone.
And you and Seonghwa were alone. As the silence stretched on, another realization dawned on you.
You were about to go to a restaurant and have dinner with Seonghwa. Alone.
“Well,” Seonghwa began. “Do you still want to go?”
“Yes,” you blurted, way sooner than you wanted to. Seonghwa’s lips curved up into a smirk.
“You don’t have to hide it anymore, sweetie. He’s gone.”
Your heart stops and you can feel sweat break out all over your body. Of course he knew, of course he’d seen how you were avoiding him and being shy around him. But you weren’t prepared for him to confront you about it.
And all that you can say is a soft, strangled, “What?” Seonghwa laughed softly and closed the gap between you two, standing over you. He made you feel so much smaller than you already were.
And you wanted to grab him. Desire burned in your bones to reach out and hug him, pressing your face into his chest, being safe and happy in his arms, letting the rest of the world fade out.
But you held yourself back, and forced yourself to keep eye contact with him. And he was loving the panic in your eyes.
“You can relax. It’s okay.” Seonghwa grabbed your hand and held it gently. “Enjoy this night with me.”
“But Wooyoung-” You tried to argue, but Seonghwa shook his head.
“He’s an adult. He’ll be okay. I’ll leave my phone on if he needs me.” He squeezed your hand gently. “Please. Come with me.”
And who were you to tell him no, when Seonghwa was asking you to go with him?
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You followed Seonghwa into the restaurant, and you were already impressed in the first few seconds.
The entrance had little lanterns on the walls with candles inside them, illuminating the small hallway to the hostess stand and the rest of the building. There were large potted plants along the carpeted walkway, and the walls were adorned with large, gorgeous paintings of different landscapes and animals.
You stayed close to Seonghwa, but still far enough away to not touch him. He didn’t allow that, he grabbed onto your hand and laced his fingers with yours. The small gesture made your stomach flip over.
The hostess looked up and smiled at Seonghwa, and she started speaking in Korean. You heard her say “Mr. Park,” but you couldn’t understand anything else. Seonghwa responded, but there was a slight stutter in his voice.
You looked up at him, but before either of you could say anything else, the hostess motioned for you to follow her, and she led you into the dining area.
The dining area had the same theme of decor as the hallway. Dark moody lighting, lanterns, paintings and plants everywhere. The tables ranged in different sizes, from large to small, and nearly all of them were full.
But there was one open small table, with only two chairs with it.
You and Hwa took your seats, removing your coats first and leaving them on the chairs. You turned to Seonghwa and you nearly choked seeing him in the low lighting. Highlighting the bright parts and increasing the shadows, he looked like a character from a movie.
“It’s funny,” Seonghwa began, looking at you. “The reservation was under my name. For only two people.”
Your heart stopped for a second. And then you couldn’t help but laugh.
Wooyoung, the fucking brat. He set you two up. He was never going to come with you two.
Seonghwa laughed too, a soft, beautiful sound. “Did you tell him?”
You shook your head aggressively. “No, he told me not to.” And as soon as the words left your mouth, you regretted them. Seonghwa’s eyes flicked up to you, and chills ran all across your body as when his eyes met yours. A smirk appeared on his lips again.
He was about to make a comment when a server came over and, in Korean, began to speak to Seonghwa. The look on his face disappeared and was replaced with a bright, award winning smile.
And somehow, jealousy began to burn in your bones, seeing the server clearly flirting with Seonghwa. You couldn’t understand what either of them were saying, but the way the server was smiling, giving him half closed eyes, laughing at what he said, it made you angry.
You balled your hands into fists by your sides, trying to keep your face neutral as the conversation went on. It was brief, but it was enough to piss you off.
The server walked away and Seonghwa turned his attention back to you. You forced a small smile and unclenched your fists. Seonghwa smiled back and crossed his arms, leaning on the table. You awkwardly kept your hands in your lap, not knowing what else to do with them.
“I’m sorry you’re getting left out of a lot of conversations. All I did was order for us, I hope you don’t mind what I got.”
“We’ll see when it gets here, won’t we?”
“Of course, we’ll see.”
And silence went over you both. You weren’t sure how to do this. This was less of a simple dinner and more of a date, and you’d been working to avoid this. But now you were sitting in front of him at a luxury restaurant waiting for food.
You had no idea how to fill the gap, since you hadn’t ever planned for this. You could see in Seonghwa’s eyes that he had ideas. But he just watched you.
He delighted in how you squirmed under his gaze. Holding eye contact, but nervously fidgeting and shifting around. Maybe he was just a little bit of a sadist.
“So,” he finally said, sitting up to take a drink of water. You let out a heavy breath and gulped, suddenly needing the water too. “Should I teach you a few words? Just for fun?”
“Sure.” You set the glass back down and put your hands back in your lap, still fidgeting with them. “That sounds fun.” You smiled, but it was weak and forced. Seonghwa was living for your nervousness.
“Okay, first word, eomma. It means ‘mom.’”
“Wooyoung uses that one,” you piped up. “I guessed that’s what it meant.”
“Yeah, that was easy.” He went quiet as he tried to think of more words to teach you, and one popped up in your head.
“What about the one you call Wooyoung?” Seonghwa looked at you, and his smile spread across his whole face.
“‘Nae sarang?’ It means ‘my love’.” His smile made butterflies burst in your stomach.
“That’s cute,” you squeaked out, reaching for the water again. Seonghwa’s eyes sparkled in delight.
“I thought so too,” he mused, leaning back on the table.
He was playing you like a goddamn game and you were falling right into it.
He was teasing you, toying with you. Trying to break you and admit that you wanted him as badly as you knew you did. He saw it all over you, but you refused to admit it.
But he’d made you. He knew he’d make you crumble for him.
“How about another cute one? ‘Jagiya’ means “baby,” like the pet name.”
The looks Seonghwa was giving you while he was teaching you these words was obvious. You knew the game he was playing. And you were powerless to stop it.
“Yeah, it’s cute,” you said softly. Seonghwa moved so he could prop his head up on his hand, under his chin.
“Why don’t you try it? Go on, say it.”
You gave your best attempt at the word, and Seonghwa’s heart fluttered hearing you say it. He was already imagining you calling him that.
And maybe someday, nae sarang.
No. That’s ridiculous. That would never happen. That’s not possible.
But what if it was?
The food came not long later, and the same server from before was the one to deliver it. The server was more bold this time, putting a hand on Seonghwa’s shoulder while she spoke to him.
The jealousy bubbled up in you again. Aren’t servers not allowed to touch customers unless it’s an emergency? This had to be a violation of some kind. Could you report the server for being inappropriate? Maybe, but you don’t know how you would.
“Sweetheart?” Seonghwa called softly. You snapped out of your thoughts and looked at him. You realized the server was nowhere to be found. How long had you zoned out?
“Sorry, I-”
“If looks could kill, that server would’ve been dead and buried.” He said as he picked up a pair of chopsticks. He spoke so matter-of-factly that it almost sounds like a lecture. Your cheeks burned hot and you looked down at the food, which looked delicious. A noodle based dish. “Go on, try it. I think you’ll like it.
So you did. You struggled with the chopsticks for a bit before you got a hold of them, which Seonghwa found adorably amusing. You grabbed a small bite of the mixture and took a bite.
And he was right, you loved it.
“Oh, this is so good,” you mumbled as you continued to eat, trying to remember your table manners and restrain yourself. Seonghwa could only smile as he watched you.
“I’m glad you like it.”
You both ate with minimal talking. Mostly because you were starving and hadn’t eaten in a long while, and you were loving the food. Seonghwa didn’t mind, because he was happy enough being here with you.
You were adorable. Plain and simple. You were stuck in his head.
Which is why he wanted you to admit that you wanted him to.
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You got back into Seonghwa’s car as he did, settling back into the seat.
“Thank you for that, Seonghwa.” You looked over at him. “I really appreciate this. This was really nice.”
“You’re welcome, jagiya.” He started the car and began the drive home. He’d made the drive many times before, with Wooyoung, who had set you both up. It’d be an interesting conversation when you both got home.
You were sitting in the seat beside Seonghwa with your brain shorting out from the pet name. Jagiya. You knew there was a chance he’d use it on you, but it still broke your brain.
“Jagiya?” Seonghwa called softly. He glanced over at you, and he smirked, seeing your eyes glazed over.
Seonghwa placed his hand on your thigh. Gently, very gently. He didn’t move, he just kept his hand there. Just a gentle, steady pressure.
But he felt how your thigh tensed under his hand. He glanced up at your face, and your eyes were wide and clear, but your hands were gripping onto the seat below you.
“Do you want me to stop?” Seonghwa asked softly.
“No,” you blurted.
It shouldn’t have made him so happy to hear that, but he felt the desire bloom in his bones. He gently squeezed your thigh, massaging it.
And it made fire shoot up your leg and all over your body. Your stomach was churning inside you, your head was growing light. You didn’t think you could melt so badly from a simple touch, but you felt like you were actually turning into a puddle in the seat.
Every night, all week, he was in your head. You were thinking about your night together. His hands on your body, his arms around you, how his touch lit you on fire. You craved it more than you knew.
Seonghwa’s hand moved up your thigh, and you couldn’t cover your mouth in time before the whimper fell past your lips. Seonghwa bit his lip at the soft sound.
“I missed you, sweetheart.” His voice had slipped into a deeper octave, something more sensual. “I wanted you back in my bed. Don’t deny it anymore, you wanted it too, didn’t you?”
You bit your lip to stifle the rest of the noises that tumbled out of your mouth. The constant circles he was rubbing into your inner thigh, right next to where you needed him most, mixing with his voice, his confessions, you were a mess.
A mess just like he wanted.
“You wanted me too, jagiya. You thought about me, you wanted me. You wanted me to fuck you again just like I did before.”
Somehow, you were back at the house already. You hadn’t paid attention, how could you? Your brain was wrapped up in Seonghwa, all in him. Just him, and how badly you wanted him again. He was right, of course he was.
He turned to look at you, with his eyes half closed, his hand still on your thigh. He squeezed tighter than he had before.
“Tell me you want me to fuck you, jagiya. Tell me.”
Fuck it.
“I want you to fuck me, Mommy.”
“Good doll.”
You both quickly got out of the car and into the house. You pulled your shoes and coat off, and dropped it onto the couch. You turned to Seonghwa and choked on nothing as he stripped his coat off, tossing it aside, his eyes trained on you.
The only light in the room was a lamp by the door, making him look fucking angelic. An angel here for you.
He grabbed you and pushed you against the wall, his hands on your waist, his body pressed against yours. Your hands locked around his neck and pulled his lips to yours, beginning a messy, passionate kiss, all tongue and teeth.
Desperation clawed at you both like a frantic, wild animal. Seonghwa’s hands wander to your shirt, pulling it up and rubbing up against your skin, his lips traveling down your neck.
“You don’t want to go to bed?” You breathed, gripping onto his pretty silky hair.
“We’ll get there eventually, I need you now.” He gripped onto your waist again, pressing against you harder, almost pushing you up the wall.
Your legs fell open for him almost embarrassingly easily, but all pride had been thrown out the window.
Seonghwa’s hands ran down and grabbed onto your thighs, and you grabbed onto his shoulders, ready to jump into his arms.
Until you both heard the front door open.
You and Seonghwa both immediately jumped away from each other, trying to pretend that you weren’t just all over each other as Wooyoung came in the door.
Seonghwa had gone over to put his coat away, and flashed a fake smile to his son. They exchanged a brief “hi” before Seonghwa tried to cover up the sin you were about to commit.
“We just got home too! Did everything work out with your friend?”
“Oh, yeah.” Wooyoung took off his coat as well, and you couldn’t help but smirk when you saw his messy clothes. His shirt was untucked, his collar wasn’t properly fixed.
And oh, what’s that, just under his jaw? A little bruise. And how would Wooyoung get such a small bruise in a spot like that?
It took everything in you to not burst into giggles knowing exactly where Wooyoung had run off to.
All three of you agreed that everything worked out, everyone pretending they didn’t know anything about each other, before you headed up to your separate bedrooms. Not without you giving a little smirk to Wooyoung.
You’d give him shit in the morning about his dirty little secret. You knew you would.
But you were back in bed, laying awake, thinking about Seonghwa.
Fuck. This was a new level of desperation for you.
And realizing how badly you wanted to be back with him sucked any sexual energy out of you. You just wanted to be in his arms now.
As quietly as you could, you snuck out of your room and went to Seonghwa’s door. You didn’t bother to knock, you couldn’t risk waking up Wooyoung.
You slowly opened the door and slipped inside. Seonghwa was already waiting for you, and happily pulled his blankets back to let you into bed.
You crawled in and laid next to him, putting your head on his chest. He held you tight and close, and finally, what you craved was yours.
“Too risky to continue?” You whispered.
“Too risky,” he whispered back. And that was fine with you.
At least now you had him. You had his arms around you. You were in his bed. He was rubbing your back. Your head was on his chest. And everything felt right. Everything felt good.
Whatever your future held, you knew it would have Seonghwa in it. You would be sure of it. How could you ever let him go?
“Stay with me,” he whispered. “I really did miss you.”
“I missed you too,” you whispered back.
And you stayed.
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Thank you for reading! Please reblog if you enjoyed! 💜
This is a work of fiction written by me. This does not represent the idol(s) in any way. Any re-upload is not allowed and will be reported.
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slut4thebroken · 1 year
Exposure Therapy pt. 4
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
Pairing | Jonathan Crane × reader
Summary | Dr. Crane tests a new drug on you and punishes your disobedience.
Warnings | 18+, sexual content, smut, dub con, p in v sex, crying, breeding, unprotected sex, drugs, coercion, impact play, bondage, degradation, humiliation, emotional manipulation, non consensual groping, angst, stockholm syndrome
Words | 6.6k
Notes | Sorry I did not mean to make this chapter so long lol but there's not really a good place for me to cut it unless I want a super short chapter.
Ao3 link | <3
Fic Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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Part 3
The next few days were relatively uneventful. You ate, tried to sleep, and showered, not really interacting with anyone. You also didn’t see Dr. Crane that whole time either. Which was nice, but you were anxiously awaiting his return for three straight days. Three days of barely sleeping, panicking when someone walked down the hall or opened your cell. But the fourth day came and you knew that when the orderly took you from your cell, you were being taken to him. 
“Have a seat.” He said, finishing writing something, but pausing when you didn’t move. “Is something wrong?” That made you scoff. 
“Seriously? You drugged and raped me.” 
“With your consent.” He added. 
“Through coercion!” 
“What’s done is done. Sit.” You clenched your jaw and your fists, digging your nails into your palms, but decided to do what he said. “Thank you. I apologize for being gone so long, there was something I had to attend to.” It took everything in you to not tell him that you don’t fucking care and it was the best three days you’ve had since he kidnapped you. 
“However I did have some time to work on some modifications for the drug you tried.” You scoffed at the way he made it seem like it was voluntary. “It should still lower your inhibitions,” He said as he pulled out his desk drawer and took out a syringe, “but it shouldn’t necessarily make you aroused. We’re going to find out.” His lips turned up into a small smirk, making you narrow your eyes at him. 
“I’m not fucking taking that shit again.” You said bitterly, watching the way his smirk turned into an amused expression. 
“It truly baffles me how you still think you have a choice.” He said, standing up and walking toward you, making you stand to back away from him. “If I need to use force, I’m more than willing to do so.” 
“Fuck you.”   
He stopped walking and sighed, then went back to his desk, calling someone to come in. When a large man opened and closed the door, your breath caught in your throat. 
“I just need you to hold her still while I administer this. Afterwards she shouldn’t be a problem.” He said to the orderly, who nodded and walked toward you. 
“Don’t fucking touch me!” You yelled, trying to move away from him, but you accidentally cornered yourself. You could either go toward the orderly, or toward Dr. Crane. The man didn’t give you a chance to decide before he was lunging toward you and pushing you back until you slammed into the wall, knocking the breath out of you and making your vision spin. In your disoriented state, Dr. Crane was able to easily grab your face and turn your head to inject the drug. When they both stepped back, you stayed leaning against the wall, head pounding from the force of him pushing you into it. 
“That’ll be all, thank you.”
You whimpered at the throbbing pain, but he paid no mind to your dramatics. Letting yourself slide down the wall until you were sitting against it and hugging your knees, you couldn’t hold down the sob crawling up your throat.   
“I don’t wanna do it again.” You whimpered, grabbing the sides of your head and resting your face on your knees. You babbled out incoherent protests and pleas, trying not to give in to the feeling flooding your brain, calming you down, making the emotions you were feeling only seconds ago, all but disappear, now a distant thought. When your sobbing died down after a few minutes, he moved his chair back and turned to face you. 
“Look at me.” You obeyed, wiping your tear stained cheeks with a sniffle. “How do you feel?” 
“Normal? I don’t- I don’t know. I’m sorry.” You croaked. 
“What do you mean by normal?” 
“I feel like how I used to feel.” 
“Elaborate.” He said, quickly growing impatient. 
“Before… you. I feel like how I felt before you- before you… took me.” 
“You feel like you can trust me?” You just nodded in response. “Come here and sit down.” You obeyed, sitting across from him, waiting for his next command. 
“Do you feel like you would be honest with me?” Another silent nod. “Do you think you could lie?” You hesitated at that. 
“I- I’m not sure.” 
“Let’s find out. I’m going to ask something I know the answer to, I want you to lie. What did you see during the experiment?” 
“Another just to be sure… You moved to Gotham a year ago, yes or no?”
“N-no?” Despite the simple questions, your brain was still getting confused over what he wanted. 
“Interesting. So you’ll tell me anything I ask?” You nodded hesitantly. “What is your biggest fear?” 
 “You...” You said quietly, feeling awkward saying it to his face. 
“What was your biggest fear?” 
“Being raped.”   
“Do you think that with time, you could become willing and eager to participate in my experiments?” 
“Um… yes? I think? I would now.” You said, making his brows raise. 
“You would?” You just nodded. “What about your treatment? Are you willing and eager to continue that now too?”
“If that’s what you want, yes…” You said quietly, cheeks growing warm. 
“Fascinating. You’re still aware of your fears, but this has completely overridden it.” You internally beamed at the fact that he seemed pleased with you. “I’d like to try something.” He said as he opened the briefcase on his desk, then put on the mask. He walked over to you and you waited patiently. 
“You’re not scared?” He asked, tilting his head. 
“No?” He hummed in acknowledgment, then sprayed the toxin in your face, making you flinch back and start coughing. Now that you knew what to expect, it wasn’t as bad, but it was still unpleasant. 
“Look at me.” He said eagerly and you obeyed. “What do you see?” 
“Just you.” Then, after you remembered how this conversation went last time, added, “Dr. Crane. I see Dr. Crane’s face.” He took a step back, staring down at you, making you squirm. “Did I say the wrong thing?” You asked quietly, wondering why he was looking at you like that. 
“As long as it was the truth, then no.” You breathed a sigh of relief at that. As you stared up at him, it looked like his face was glitching between him and the scarecrow mask he put on. “What are you seeing now?”
“Still you, but also… the mask? It’s changing.” 
“My toxin is wearing off significantly faster.” He muttered to himself. Then, to you, “I’m going to try something. Stand up.” You rose from your seat and waited as he moved closer to you. He placed a hand on your neck and squeezed lightly. “That doesn’t frighten you?”
“Does it arouse you?”
“A little I guess.” He moved his hand down to grope your breast, making your breath hitch. 
“And how does this make you feel?” He asked, tone void of any emotion. 
“What about this?” He cupped your sex, making your hips flinch forward. 
“Good.” You said through a breath.
“Do you want me to keep doing it?” You nodded and he pulled back completely, walking to his desk, making you almost whine. 
“Bring in Dr. Bowman.” He said into the phone. “I want to try something else. When he gets here, you’ll listen to me, correct?” 
“Good.” He said, then the door was being opened and a man was walking inside. “Thank you for coming, I’ll only need a moment of your time.”
“No problem. What can I do for you?” 
“I need you to touch her.” 
“What?” You and the doctor both asked in unison. 
“I just need to verify something.” When he hesitated, Dr. Crane continued. “I am aware of your history here and I’m giving you permission, so what’s the problem?” He waited a moment as if he was expecting Dr. Crane to say that this was all a joke. When he didn’t, he shrugged, moving toward you. 
“If you say so.” He said and you stepped back, looking to the other man for help. 
“Stay.” He demanded, making your legs freeze. 
“Where?” The other doctor asked as he looked you up and down with revolting hunger. 
“Start with her breasts.” He said, crossing his arms over his chest. You wanted to recoil away from him as he reached out, but you couldn’t make yourself do it. He groped you slow but firm and you couldn’t hide the grimace on your face. “What about that?” He addressed you this time. 
“Don’t like it…” You muttered. 
“You can touch between her legs- over her clothes.” He said, making you whine in disfavor. The doctor eagerly obeyed, cupping your sex more aggressively than Dr. Crane had. He rubbed your clit through your pants and you held back tears as you couldn’t make yourself move away. 
“And that?” All you could do was shake your head while you squeezed your eyes shut, waiting for it to be over. “Thank you, Dr. Bowman, that’ll be all.” Despite the obvious dismissal, the man didn’t move yet. “Leave.” He growled, making the man huff but obey. He waited until the door slammed shut before talking to you again. 
“You seem to have formed a connection to me specifically. If I had to guess why… maybe because I administered the drug. Although that’s unlikely.” He said, walking back over to his desk to write down his thoughts and telling you to sit back down. “Other than the occasional escort and other patients, you're mostly only seeing me… Can you answer me honestly again?” He said, looking up from his writing.
“Have you formed some kind of attachment or feelings toward me?” Your brows furrowed as you stared at him, caught off guard by the question. 
Have you? Even though right now it feels like you have, you remember how you felt four days ago when the drug wore off and how you felt every time you were around him before that. But you also remember how you used to feel during your sessions, just sitting and talking, fully trusting him. 
“I think… I did? Before you brought me here. But it- it’s hard to tell now.” 
“How so?”
“I can’t tell if it’s really how I feel or not.” 
“So you’re cognizant of the fact that the drug is changing your perception?” You nodded. “And that doesn’t bother you?” 
“Not right now. But I remember that it bothered me last time after it wore off.” He hummed in acknowledgment, writing something down, then taking off his glasses and furrowing his brows as he thought. 
“It’s almost like I’ve accelerated the stockholm syndrome process rather than simply alter your feelings.” He muttered to himself.
“You think I have stockholm syndrome?” You asked, interrupting his thoughts. 
“Early stage, but yes.” You frowned and looked away from him. “Does that bother you?” 
“I feel like it’s supposed to.”
“But it doesn’t?” You shook your head. 
He asked you questions for a while before someone opened the door, reminding him of an appointment. He checked his watch and sighed, then dismissed you, calling an orderly to escort you back to your cell. 
The drugs wore off and you had a long crying session, trying to make your head feel like your own again. You tried to think plainly about what he did- drug you against your will, grope you, and have someone else grope you. It doesn’t matter what your headspace was, he still did that, knowing you wouldn’t want him to. And that was just today. 
But those thoughts were getting muddled in your brain. Instead, the more clear ones were how he had a normal conversation with you when you were on his lap, how he gave you relief from that aphrodisiac even after he was done and trying to work, and the way he smiled when you said something that pleased him. 
You were getting confused. So you tried to repeat all the bad things he did to you, but the more you said it, the harder it was to remember. 
You saw him over a week later- you know because you started counting after the second day. And you grew to miss his calm presence. The nurses and orderlies were mean and the patients were all bat shit crazy, as well as mean. You hated being around everyone because of that. 
As you sat across from him, anxiously picking at your cuticles and bouncing your leg, you were reminded of your first session with him. 
“You were gone a long time.” You finally said, breaking the silence, making him look up from his work. 
“I have other things I need to attend to besides you.” He said plainly. Your stomach twisted and you averted your gaze to the ground, swallowing thickly. “I hear your behavior has improved.” All you could do was shrug in response, still not looking at him. 
“Is something wrong?” He sighed, making you look up at him. You were silent as you tried to think of a response. How can you answer when you don’t even truly know what is happening? 
“I feel like I’m going insane.” You said quietly, looking away from him and biting your bottom lip when it started trembling. 
“I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” You whispered, voice breaking. You blinked back tears, not wanting to embarrass yourself further. 
“I can only help you if you tell me.” His tone wasn’t empathetic, it was clinical and detached. 
“I don’t like being around anyone else here. And this past week was just so dull and- and long. It was so long. And I’m trying to make myself remember but it keeps getting foggier,” 
“Remember what?” 
“What you did. That I hate you.” You whimpered, not meeting his gaze. “I hate you because you ruined my life, but- but I just… What’s happening to me?” You whispered brokenly, hearing him let out a soft sigh. 
“I can give you something so you don’t feel like that.” He finally said, breaking the silence. “What I gave you last time.” 
“No- no. I don’t- want to not feel like that. I want to remember, I want to hate you. I want to… I want to leave.” You whispered the last part, unsure. 
“I can’t let you do that. Not in your current state.” You let out a choked sob, only this time you weren’t sure if it was because you were upset or relieved that he denied you…
“I don’t understand. Why me? Why did you take me?” You cried, watching his form become blurry from unshed tears. 
“The more I learn about your mind, the more intrigued I become.” He said simply. 
“Out of millions of people in Gotham, some who probably have more interesting minds than I do, you just had to pick me?” You scoffed. 
“Let’s not forget that you came to me.” 
“No.” You hissed. “I came to a psychologist who specialized in psychotherapy for the treatment of phobias. Not some fucking psycho doing illegal experiments on non consenting patients.” 
“Do not raise your voice at me,” 
“How are you so fucking calm?” You asked, louder than before. “How does none of this bother you? How can you so easily rape and drug me repeatedly?” 
“I do what I do because I am dedicated to my work.” 
“Bullshit! You’re just insecure and need to have power over everyone’s minds to make yourself feel like you’re above them but you’re not.”
“I recommend you choose your next words carefully.” He said lowly. 
“Or what? You’ll drug and rape me again? That trick’s getting old, doctor.” You spat, ignoring the way your heart was pounding in your chest. As he stared at you, you forced yourself to maintain eye contact. 
“You know, I was planning on having a nice conversation with you. Give you more of that drug, let you decide if you want to resume your treatment today or not.” He said, opening a drawer and taking out a syringe. “Now you’re going to spend the next week in isolation, tied down, getting more of this everyday.” He said, raising the syringe to indicate what he was talking about. 
“Unless you apologize and correct your behavior immediately.” 
“Apologize?” You scoffed. 
“For being a fucking brat and abusing my kindness.” He said harshly, not even raising his voice.  
“So- what, I tell you something we both know is true and now you’re going to have a tantrum about it? “Punish” me so you can regain control, is that it?” You did your best to hide the growing fear, trying to sound assertive. 
“You know what? Punishing you physically won’t do any good.” He said, opening the drawer and switching out the syringe for another. “Your mind however? Well you just confessed that one dose of this has already started to break you down. I shouldn’t need much more before you lose the battle to your own mind completely.” When he started walking toward you, you stood up and staggered back. 
“Be a good girl and let me do this and I won’t hurt you as much as I plan to.” He sneered and your body started trembling from his words. 
“Fuck you.” You spat. 
When he lunged at you and managed to push you into a wall, you shoved his chest, making him stagger back a step. You used that opportunity to run, but before you could even take two steps, he was grabbing your hair and yanking you backwards until you fell to the ground. He placed a knee on your chest, resting his weight on it, then used one hand to turn your head and painfully push your face into the floor while the other injected you. 
He waited impatiently for the drug to kick in before telling you to follow him as he grabbed the briefcase from his desk. You obeyed and he led you to an elevator, going down two floors. As you walked down the hallway, your eyes widened at the sight of the patients in the cells, some restrained, some not. Most screaming or crying or both. The ones who weren’t were just muttering things to themselves, staring blankly at the wall or floor. He stopped in front of a cell and unlocked it before leading you inside. 
“Mr. Williams, how are you?” The patient visibly got hit with a wave of panic when he walked in. He started shaking his head, muttering incoherently, body shaking under the straps of the bed he was on.  “Since you’re mostly immune to the toxin with that drug in your system, I’m not going to give you a mask.” He explained to you, opening the briefcase and taking out his mask and the fear toxin. 
“Do it.” He said, presenting the canister to you. 
“What?” You asked with wide eyes. 
“Take it.” He waited until you obeyed before continuing. “Do it.” 
“I- I don’t…”
“Now.” Your body stiffened at the harsh tone and you unwillingly stepped closer to the man. As you stood in front of him, you could make out some of the words he was muttering, like ‘no’ and ‘please.’ You hesitated, looking back at the man in the mask who just stared at you, waiting. As you slowly raised your hand, his muttering turned into sobs, begging you not to. 
“I- I’m sorry.” You whispered, knowing the effects of even a small dose and not wanting to make someone else experience that. You sprayed it at him, then took a step back, listening to the way his sobs turned into full blown wails and screams.  
“Good.” He said, startling you and making you turn to face him. 
“Why did you make me do that?” You frowned. You knew why. It was so that he could display his control over you. But the thought didn’t make much sense in your cloudy head. You blinked rapidly as you watched him start to glitch between burlap and skin, trying to make it stop and just see one. 
“I’ll make you a deal. You help me with my experiments and I’ll stop everything I’ve been doing to you. No more drugs, no more treatments, no more fear toxin. You live as a normal patient, but you assist me everyday.” Your frown deepened and you looked away from him. “It’s either you and them, or just them. The question is whether or not you’ll be able to live with yourself after being the cause of that every single day.” He gestured to the man behind you who was now writing under the restraints, still screaming and crying. 
“Think about it. As for right now, you still need to be punished for your behavior.” He said, walking out the room. Once the door was closed, he pulled off the mask and put it and the canister away before leading you somewhere. 
“Punished how?” You asked quietly, growing more and more nervous when he ignored you. Finally you reached a room and he opened the door, walking in behind you and locking the door as you eyed the room anxiously. It looked like a doctor's office. There were cabinets on a few of the walls, as well as a sink. The only difference was the restraints on the exam chair. 
“Sit.” He said, not looking at you as he walked over to a counter to set the briefcase on. You tentatively walked toward the chair and sat down, watching him. “Take off your clothes and sit back.” Your face flushed at his words, but you did what he said anyway, slowly removing your clothing, then hesitantly sitting back down. You eyed the stirrups nervously, hoping he would just pull out the bottom of the chair to make a table and have you lay down instead. But when has anything worked out for you here?
“Put your legs up.” Your blush deepened as your legs moved up on his command. He strapped you in, then attached the cuffs on either side of the chair to your wrists so that your arms stayed by your sides. When he walked back to the counter, you let out a shaky breath. 
“Do you like pain?” He asked, fidgeting with something before turning back around, mask in hand. 
“You have a cnc kink and you expect me to believe that?” He scoffed teasingly. He walked back over until he was next to you and your eyes moved between his face and the mask. 
“I- I like a little.” You said honestly, making him smile. 
“That’s good. I plan on inflicting more than a little so this should be a suitable punishment.” He placed the mask over your head backwards so that you couldn’t see through the eye holes in the front. When you didn’t feel or hear anything, you strained your ears, trying to get some indication of what he’s doing. You faintly heard a cabinet open and close, then a hand was placed on your thigh, making you jump. He rubbed up and down slowly, teasingly, and you tried not to squirm under his touch. 
“Have you ever used any bdsm toys before?” He lifted his hand so that only his fingertips touched your skin, raising goosebumps. 
“A few.” You squeaked out when his fingers grazed over your mound, just inches above your clit, to do the same to your other leg. 
“Arkham has quite a collection. I don’t particularly enjoy them myself, but a lot of the orderlies prefer that method of punishing patients, rather than your typical electroshock therapy or ice bath.” His fingers trailed all the way down to your ankle before slowly moving back up. 
“They like the extra amount of humiliation that it adds and in your case, I have a feeling you’ll enjoy that too, but your mind won’t.” He removed his hand and you stiffened in anticipation, then flinched when you felt his feather light touch on your stomach moving up to your chest. “Who knows, maybe you’ll even come from this. If you do, I won’t stop you, and you’ll have to accept the fact that you came from a punishment that had no intention of bringing you pleasure.” He said softly, moving up between your breasts. 
“As someone who’s studied psychology, I know what that can do to a person. You’re going to have to acknowledge that you enjoyed it- that you wanted it. Even if your mind disagrees, your body won’t lie to you.” He traced over your collar bones, then went down the outside of your breast, nowhere near your hardening nipple. 
“And once you give in to that fact, you’ll have to admit that the only reason you enjoyed it was because it was by my hand.” He grazed across your stomach, then up the outside of your other breast. “As we discovered last week, you only respond positively to my touch. Do you know why that is?” He asked, removing his hand as he waited for an answer. You shook your head and released a low whine. 
“Because you want my touch. You want me. Sure, your conscious mind might not be able to admit that, but your subconscious knows. The sooner you accept that, the sooner your time here will become more enjoyable.” You weren’t sure how to respond, but it didn’t seem like he expected you to. 
“Ready?” He asked, voice back at a normal volume. 
“For what,” A sharp smack on your clit had you crying out, at first from shock, but after a second from pain. It definitely wasn’t his hand, so if you had to guess it was probably a paddle. 
“I’m going to hit you until you break, I don’t care how long it takes. Do you understand?” You whined and squirmed in your binds, barely able to move. “Answer me.” He growled, emphasizing his words with another strike. 
“Y-yes! Yes, I- I understand.” 
The third time he hit you, you choked on a gasp. By the fifth time, you were letting out little sounds and breaths. By the tenth time you felt tears growing in your eyes. He barely paused between hits, never allowing you a genuine moment to get your bearings. And the mask made everything worse since you never knew when he was about to hit you again. After a few more he stopped, then strands of leather were being lightly dragged over your chest. 
“Do you know what this is?” He asked, trailing it over your nipples, then down to your stomach. 
“A flogger?” You choked out, body stiffening every time he removed it from your skin. 
“That’s right. Have you ever used one before?” His words almost sounded like praise, adding to the arousal quickly building in your stomach. 
“I’ve heard it can be quite painful- like knives cutting your skin, depending on how hard you hit. Shall we see if that’s true?” 
“No…” You whimpered, squirming away from the strands grazing your skin. 
“No?” You shook your head hesitantly. When the strands came down on your breast with a light slap, you flinched dramatically, making him chuckle under his breath. He hit you again, slightly harder this time, but it still didn’t hurt yet. In fact, you had to bite your lip to keep the sounds of pleasure in. He hit you three more times, then you heard footsteps before he started on your other breast. 
“You turn such a pretty shade of pink.” He said quietly, making you choke out an embarrassing sound. “Do you like it when I compliment you like that?” You nodded and he hit you slightly harder in response. “Use your words.” 
“Yes.” You said through a breath. After he finished the five hits, he trailed it down your stomach to between your legs, making you try to close them. 
“But you like it when I degrade and humiliate you too?” He asked, lightly dragging the strands over your sensitive clit, making your hips flinch. 
“Yes…” You whined. 
“I can tell. That’s why your pussy is dripping already.” You let out a choked moan as your whole face grew warm- the only positive part of wearing the mask. He brought the toy down lightly, teasing you, making you squirm in anticipation. 
“I bet you want me to fuck you too.” He said absentmindedly, lightly hitting you again. “You want my cock stretching that needy little cunt don’t you? Just give me the word and I’ll do it.” You whined as he purposefully brushed the strands over your clit. You did want that- really fucking bad. But can you say that out loud?
“I- I want…” He reached forward to lift the mask up enough to see your face and your blush burned brighter. 
“Go on. Be a good little whore and beg for it. Beg for your captor to fuck you.” You let out a long, needy whine, bucking your hips up as much as you could in the restraints. 
“I’m not giving you anything until you ask for it. I’m sick of you calling it rape when we both know you want it more than I do.” He scoffed, moving the toy up your leg slowly. 
“Fuck me…” You muttered, barely audible. 
“Speak up.” He said firmly, emphasizing it with a strike on your inner thigh. 
“Fuck me.” You whined, not looking at him. 
“I can’t fucking hear you.” He hit your other thigh, harder this time, and you swallowed down a whimper. 
“Fuck me! I want you to fuck me- Please.” You cried, feeling the blush spread down to your chest. He relented, holding the paddle and flogger in one hand so he could open his pants enough to free his cock. 
“Maybe I should’ve been more specific,” He started as he stroked his cock to full hardness, “I’m not going to fuck you yet.” He said, making you frown. “I’m just going to bury my cock in that tight little pussy and feel you clench around me every time I hit your clit. Maybe I’ll keep hitting you until you make me come, we’ll find out.” He shrugged, leaning down and spitting on your hole before lining himself up. 
You let out a low moan as he sunk in, not stopping until he was fully sheathed inside you. He groaned under his breath and closed his eyes for a second. Resting the flogger on your stomach, he readied the paddle in his right hand and pulled out just enough to have space to hit you. 
The first hit made you both release loud moans and you started squirming as you grew more eager for him to fuck you. He placed a strong hand on your hip and pushed you down. 
“Stop moving.” He hissed, making you freeze. He gave you another experimental hit, adjusted the position to have a better angle, then hit you again.  
He maintained a steady beat, not too hard, but hard enough that while he kept doing it, tears welled in your eyes. When he increased the intensity, you cried out, a few tears starting to fall.  
“It- it hurts, Dr. Crane, please.” You cried, trying to squirm away from the constant pain that was only getting worse. 
“You can take it.” He said and you squeezed your eyes shut while you shook your head. 
“Hurts too much.” You whined, making him slow to a stop. 
“I have a question for you.” He said, so you let your eyes flutter open. “How does it make you feel knowing that you’ve disappointed me?” Your brows furrowed at the question. 
“I- I didn’t mean to,” 
“That’s not what I asked.” 
“What about knowing that you’ve upset me?” 
“Still bad.” 
“Good to know. I guess since you can’t take it, that means we’re done.” He shrugged, pulling out of you, making you whine. 
“Well you can’t handle what I wanted to do so yes, we're done.” He picked up the flogger and reached for the mask, making you panic. 
“Wait-” You said suddenly and he froze as he waited for you to continue. “I… disappointed you?” You said hesitantly, almost confused. 
“I- I didn’t…” He stayed silent, waiting for the rest. “I didn’t mean to.” You said quietly. 
“Well you did.” The harshness of his tone made you flinch. 
“I’m sorry…” 
“I don’t forgive you.” He said simply. “I went through all of that trouble to give you what you want but you can’t even do one thing that I want?” He scoffed, making your frown deepen.
“No I- I’m sorry. You can keep going.” You whimpered, trying to ignore the way your burning clit was protesting your words. 
“I can keep going or you want me to keep going?”
“…I want you to.” He stared at you as he thought and you tried to wait patiently and not fidget. 
“Fine. I’ll give you what you want, but you owe me, okay?” You nodded, trying not to seem too eager. He slipped back inside and you let out a relieved sigh as you felt full again. 
“I’m going to hit harder this time, but I’m only going to do ten. I want you to count them, do you understand?”
He lined up the paddle and you watched anxiously, body tense. He wasn’t lying, the first hit was significantly harder than the previous ones. 
“One.” You whimpered, trying not to squirm. He lined up the paddle for the second hit, the sharp pain making you let out a choked sob. “Two.” 
“Look at me.” He said sternly and your watery eyes fluttered up to his face. He hit you again and you squeezed your eyes shut as you cried out, but quickly opened them when you remembered his words. 
“You poor thing. Does it hurt a lot?” He cooed, rubbing the leather over your aching clit. 
“Yes.” You pouted, hoping he’d go easier on you. Instead, he brought the paddle down the hardest he had so far.  You let out a quiet sob and started writhing. “Four.” You croaked. On the next strike, you couldn’t stop the tears from falling down your cheeks. “Five.” You whispered, looking up at him through wet lashes with furrowed brows, your bottom lip trembling. 
“Do you like it?” He asked casually. You shook your head with a whimper, feeling more tears fall. “No?”
“No.” You said through a sob, making him smile. 
“Good.” He hit you again, barely letting you get the word out before hitting you again. 
“S-six. Seven.” You whined. 
“I think you’re lying though- I think you do like it. Why else would you be clenching down on my cock so hard?” He brought the paddle down again, waiting for you to count this time. 
“Eight.” Before you could finish he was hitting you again. “Nine.” You cried, clit burning so bad it almost felt like you were on fire. The last one was the hardest of them all, making you let out a broken sob as even more tears streamed down your cheeks. “Ten.” You whimpered, staring at his face that was blurry from the few tears that remained unshed. He set the paddle on your stomach with the whip, then used his thumbs to pull your folds apart, examining you. 
“Such a pretty shade of red.” He mumbled with a small smile. When he brushed an experimental finger over your clit, your hips twitched as you whimpered. “That hurts?” He asked, looking back up at your face. You nodded with a pout, hoping that would be enough to make him not want to draw out your pain. Surprisingly, it was. 
He moved his gaze down as he placed both hands on your thighs for a better grip, then slowly pulled out, letting you feel every inch of him before pushing back in. He started up a cruel, teasing pace, slowly rolling his hips into yours, making you let out a needy whine. 
“Please, Dr. Crane.” You whimpered and his eyes snapped up to yours. He sped up, now seemingly chasing his own orgasm, using your body for his pleasure. When he touched your clit again, his lips curled up into a small smirk as you gasped out, your hips trying to move away from his fingers. 
“Keep squeezing me like that.” He groaned, rubbing your clit again, this time maintaining the cruel touch. You let out pained whimpers along with needy whines, the pleasure and pain confusing your fucked out, drugged mind. 
His hips stuttered and he removed his fingers from your clit to grab your thigh again and pull you flush to him as he let out a low groan. His hips bucked into you with each pulse of come that hit your walls, and you could just barely feel your orgasm starting to grow, but once he stilled inside you, it quickly disappeared. 
He pulled out, then examined your hole with a small smirk, pulling your folds apart for a better view. When his come trickled out, his expression faltered. 
“Is something wrong?” You asked, voice small, worried you were the cause of the sudden shift. He didn’t answer you as he freed your limbs and collected the mask and toys to bring to the counter. “Did I do something?” You tried not to cry at the thought. 
“Oh… Then what’s wrong?” 
“Why do you care?” He said coldly as he turned to face you. “You’re supposed to hate me, remember? That’s what you wanted.”
“I- I just…” 
“Stop talking. For once just stop fucking talking.” He spat, making your brows furrow as you frowned. 
“Sorry…” You whispered as you averted your gaze to the floor. 
“What did I just say?” He snapped, making you flinch as your eyes started watering. You didn’t understand where this was coming from. Especially because he’s never talked to you like this before— emotional. He slammed the briefcase shut then walked over to the cabinet to put the toys away. 
“Get dressed.” You slid off the table, then pulled on your discarded clothing, grimacing at the mess between your legs, too scared to ask if it was okay for you to clean it. He didn’t say another word as he left the room with you following him. He walked quickly, you barely managed to keep up with him until he stopped in front of your cell and opened it. 
“I don’t understand what,”
“Get in.” He said coldly, gaze hard. 
“What did I do wrong?” He grabbed your bicep and shoved you in, making you whimper and grab you now aching arm. He’s never been this rough with you in just normal circumstances. “Why are you mad at me? I don’t understand.” You whimpered, bottom lip trembling, now hurt from his words and his actions. Before you could protest, he was slamming the door shut and walking away. 
You stared at the door as your eyes started to burn and your chest started to ache. Trying to think back to what you could’ve done, nothing came to mind. You didn’t complain or fight him at all. But he only seemed upset after he pulled out, while you were just laying there, not moving or speaking. 
What else could it have been then? You thought back to your conversation after the switch. ‘Why do you care?’ He asked. 
Why do you care?? The answer couldn’t come to you. You just knew that seeing him like that was upsetting and you wanted to help him stop feeling like that. But there wasn’t a reason behind that either. 
Part 5
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janeofcakes · 28 days
One Night in Palermo: Chapter 8
Here it is, my friends, the last chapter!! I hope you've enjoyed reading it as much as I have writing and posting. It's been fantastic and I'm completely blown away with the love and support. Thank you so much. Without further ado....Enjoy!
The following day’s travels went without a hitch, beginning with waking in each other’s arms and then sharing a companionable breakfast wherein they ran through their plans. Sherlock and John could not be seen traveling together and each found their own way to the ports for a ferry ticket. Once aboard, they took seats within sight of one another for the eight and a half hour trip to Naples. They locked eyes only a handful of times, each reading his own books carried in separate knapsacks. Both had two bottles of water and snacks as well, which John had insisted on. Sherlock rolled his eyes, the git.
They spent the train trip from Naples to Rome in a similar way. It was over an hour and they spent it in separate compartments. John believed Sherlock even selected a different car from the one he settled in. John spent most of the ferry trip reading. In fact, he finished one book and started another. He made no further progress on it during the train trip, however, spending nearly the whole time just staring at it and thinking about Sherlock. It had been much easier to keep his thoughts from straying while on the ferry. On the train, it was impossible. Possibly because the man was not in his line of vision, but more probably because a couple had seated themselves in his compartment. Their quiet conversation, private jokes, and low laughter only served to remind John of himself and Sherlock. The woman was pregnant, obviously due in a month or two, and the man doted, but not overly so.
Before the train left the station, another man entered the compartment. He had a rather extensive mustache that looked in need of a trim, or just a full-on shave. He stood in the doorway for a moment to survey his three companions for the trip and then moved to sit by the window at the far end of John’s long seat. The train had older cars that featured compartments with a padded bench on either side and an open space for everyone’s legs in the center. The only window was on the wall opposite the door.
John largely ignored the other passengers and they did the same. The couple spent the time speaking to one another in hushed tones and the man kept his nose in a newspaper. John stared at his book without reading. His thoughts were filled with Sherlock; his voice that morning as they talked over breakfast and the night before, gasping John’s name. John could still feel his breath on his neck, plush lips on his own, and hands on his skin. God, it had been perfect. Better than any dream or fantasy he had ever had. The only thing missing was summoning the courage to tell Sherlock how he felt about him and their relationship and his time away. The latter was the closest John came to sharing. He had told Sherlock of his sorrow and anger, self-destructive grief and how he emerged on the other side singularly motivated by revenge, but John did not say anything about how much he loved Sherlock. He obviously knew John was attracted to him. There couldn’t be any doubt of that after the rather mind-blowing sex, and they didn’t even take off their clothes. 
John hadn’t really broached certain other topics either, but it didn’t seem necessary since his actions had made it clear that he was, in fact, not straight. He was quick to deny being gay throughout their association, but had never bothered correcting anyone that he was bisexual. He must have hidden it well too, because even Sherlock himself had been surprised to learn the true nature of John’s orientation last night. John still felt rather smug about that, but it concerned him as well. Sherlock hadn’t said word one about it before they left the flat. He might have just been distracted by the travel plans and disguises. That was what John told himself anyway.
John wiggled his upper lip without thinking. The false mustache tickled slightly and his finger itched to smooth it out, but he knew he’d take it right off. He glanced at the man by the window and wondered how he could stand having that bushy thing on his face all the time. No, it was definitely not for John. He shook his head as he adjusted the wire-framed glasses on his nose. His clothing was more or less like something he would wear in life; jeans, a button down shirt, and thin jacket. Decidedly not a jumper.
Sherlock’s disguise consisted of khaki shorts, a dark green t-shirt, hiking boots, and sunglasses. He also had a bandana tied over his hair, effectively covering it. Not that it looked like his hair anyway. Sherlock surprised John once again with his ability to change his whole appearance by altering one small thing. In this case, the man slicked his hair back so it was straight and dark before tying the bandana over it. He wore his knapsack as a backpack and looked the picture of a pale American tourist, come to Italy to play frisbee football. John smiled to himself as he thought back on the moment he’d seen Sherlock in his full regalia that morning. He had just walked in the open bathroom door intending to ask Sherlock a question, but just stopped and stared instead.
“What?” Sherlock had asked, catching sight of John in the mirror.
“Is that necessary?” John had replied with a wave of his hand.
“Essential,” Sherlock said decisively. “My curls are too distinctive. It is also why I often use sunglasses. They either hide or soften the cheekbones.”
John had watched a moment more with disapproval before answering and then turning away.
“I prefer the curls,” he mumbled and walked away. Sherlock was still watching him when he turned around with a cheeky grin and added: “and the cheekbones.”
John blinked as the train slowed suddenly and lurched its way into the station. They had arrived in Rome. The woman across from John collected her purse while her partner picked up a bag resting on the floor. The man by the window folded his newspaper, tucked it under his arm, and looked out the window. John snapped his book closed and shoved it into the knapsack on the seat next to him.
When the train stopped moving, the couple rose and passed by John to leave. He gestured to the man by the window to go ahead. The man gave a shallow nod and muttered a grazie as he went for the door. John stood back to wait until the man was safely by and then walked out into the car’s hallway to join the other patrons, ready to depart. They were all off in short order and heading their separate ways.
Both John and Sherlock had come through this station when traveling to Palermo and remembered it well enough to pick a rendezvous point they could find easily. They wanted to meet up again and go to the safe house more or less together, but with a safe distance in between.
John had not seen hide nor hair of Sherlock since disembarking from the ferry. He had no doubt, however, that the man had been on the train and would meet him at the designated spot. John made his way through the busy station, approaching a set of stairs that would take him down a level and away from the platforms. He was about to take the first step down when a viselike grip clamped around his left arm and the end of a gun barrel poked into his back. He stopped dead and turned his head just enough to make out a tall figure as it pressed up close behind.
“Keep walking, Dr. Watson,” a cold voice commanded in his ear. “We don’t want to get in anyone’s way.”
John faced forward again and walked down the stairs stiffly. His eyes darted around as he walked. Any bid for freedom he made couldn’t be in the open with all these people around. His captor was liable to start shooting and John didn’t suspect the man would care much about who else he hit. He was most likely on Costa’s payroll and sought revenge for the night before. He must have busted his ass to catch up with John so quickly. Resourceful, if nothing else. John thought of Sherlock, hoping he was safely on his way to their meeting spot. It just so happened that John and his captor were walking in the opposite direction. 
The gunman held fast to John’s arm, hard enough to bruise, as they went. They stayed close to the wall so John had fewer escape routes. Just one level down from the platforms, the number of people about had already decreased significantly. John was watching for an opportunity when the man suddenly shoved him through a door to the left and then slammed him into the wall behind it.
John’s left temple hit the metal door hard when he was rammed through it without warning. He did manage to throw his right hand out in front of his body as he slammed into the concrete wall, but it only slowed his momentum slightly and he crashed into it. His head was screaming as the man behind yanked the knapsack from his hand and threw it aside. He twisted John’s left arm behind his back and pulled up. John knew he either meant to break his elbow or dislocate it, but he couldn’t make his own body cooperate to stop it from happening. His vision was blurry and the stars he saw were only just beginning to fade.
The man wrenched again, sending a searing pain up John’s arm and into his shoulder. He jabbed his gun into the scar at John’s shoulder and kicked at his left leg at the same time, knocking it from beneath. John went down hard on the knee, forcing the other to buckle as well. White hot pain burned at both points on his body and radiated outward. A cry flew from his lips before he could stop it and it echoed through the dark, empty hall. The man pressed his knee into John’s shoulder and dug the barrel of his gun into the back of his neck.
“How’s that feel, eh?” Growled a low voice. “Thought you’d be harder to find. Imagine my surprise when I stumbled right into you as soon as I set foot on the train.”
John winced as the man pressed his knee harder. He had to get out of this. He had to get away, but his attacker knew just where to hit and how fast to do it. It wasn’t going to be easy. Christ, John hoped Sherlock was waiting impatiently where he was supposed to be.
“Where’s Holmes?” The man demanded, forcing the gun tighter against John’s neck.
“Graveyard,” John gasped.
“He’s dead,” John spat.
The man leaned down, his lips very close to John’s ear and rasped in a cruel tone.
“Don’t insult my intelligence, Doctor,” he was amused. “We both know that’s not true.”
He gave John a long moment to reply. When he said nothing, the man abruptly stepped back and kicked the bottom of his boot into the middle of John’s back. His blonde head fell back and a growl of pain filled the hall. John tried to turn and swing his right arm out to hit the man, but it proved too difficult to reach while on his knees and the man was back on him in an instant. He pressed John against the wall again, his gun back on his neck.
“Make no mistake, I’d like nothing more than to kill you right here, right now,” he told John with an angry grimace. “Some of the ones you murdered were mates of mine, but Moran wants you alive.”
John’s eyes flew open wide. He should have known his attacker wasn’t one of Costa’s dime-a-dozen. Moran had sent him, which meant Moran knew John was actively taking down Moriarty’s web and that Sherlock was too. Shit. Shit! John had to find some way to warn Sherlock. His eyes darted around for anything he could use as a weapon or leave as a clue. The gun pressed into his neck harder and the man grabbed John’s left wrist where its arm hung limply. He twisted it forcefully and laughed.
“Get up,” he grunted as John shouted out once more. “We’re going on a trip, you and I. Holmes’ll come running when he sees what we do to you.”
The man pulled at John’s arm to get him to his feet and then released it almost immediately. A sickening clang of metal on bone echoed through the dark hall, and then another. A loud thud sounded on the floor behind John, followed by another metallic thunk. He wanted to turn around and look, but his injured body wouldn’t obey his brain’s commands. Instead, he sagged and slid sideways down the wall. Two large hands cradled his head as it neared the floor, guarding against another hard knock. John blinked slowly and looked up, desperate to see who it was.
“John!” An edgy baritone begged. There was a warm hand on each of his cheeks as he stared into the glistening blue-green eyes of Sherlock Holmes. “John, please, look at me.”
John blinked again and his friend came into focus. A weak smile graced John’s lips as gentle fingertips touched his left temple. Sherlock’s lips pressed together in a tight line and his brows furrowed with worry. John tried to reassure him, but the words wouldn’t come. He wanted to sit up so he could see Sherlock properly and was met with much resistance from his bruised back. He gasped and winced in pain.
“John! John, wait. Alright? Just wait,” Sherlock pulled a handkerchief from his knapsack and pressed it to John’s temple lightly. “Hold still.”
John tried to get his bearings and piece together what had just happened. Where was his attacker? Where the hell had Sherlock come from? He turned his head slowly, but didn’t make it far before a dizzying wave rushed over him and his head rolled back.
“John. John, can you sit up if I help you? John?” The handkerchief was no longer at his temple and Sherlock’s hands were warm on his cheeks again.
“Yeah,” John groaned in a voice that didn’t sound like his own.
Sherlock nodded, holding onto John firmly but gingerly and pulling him up. Once sat, John looked around slowly. Moving even his eyes too quickly would result in dizziness and nausea. He took in the body of a man nearby, bleeding and broken, and a long metal bar not far from him.
“Sherlock, what…” John started to move and stopped short, pressing his eyes shut and his lips together in pain.
“Just wait, John,” Sherlock insisted. He looked John over and then glanced down the hall before focusing on John’s face again. “We have to get out of here. Can you walk at all?”
“Yeah, I need to — shit, the guy from the train!” John exclaimed, getting his first good look at the man lying on the floor. It was unmistakably the man from the train who had sat on John’s bench, reading a newspaper for the entire trip. He must have recognized John as soon as he walked in the door and then sat down not believing his luck. Staring a bit longer at the prone man and the metal bar, John’s mind finally caught up.
“Is he dead?”
“I don’t care,” Sherlock answered just before yanking John’s limp left arm with his own right hand. His left was pressed against John’s bicep to keep it and his shoulder in place. John’s whole body lurched.
“Fuck!” John shouted and grabbed his left arm with his right, clutching it to his body. “Fucking fuck!”
“Dislocated. That should do it,” Sherlock told him plainly. John glared up at him, breathing hard.
“Fuck me, you mad bastard,” he snarled between gritted teeth. Sherlock’s mouth curled up smugly and John was damned if it wasn’t a glorious sight.
“Perhaps later,” Sherlock chuckled as he wrapped an arm around John’s waist and draped John’s good arm around his shoulders, holding onto his hand once it was in place. “We have to leave. Come on.”
He helped John to his feet and managed to lead him out of the station inconspicuously enough.
Roughly an hour later, they shoved open the door to a flat on the fourth floor of a large apartment building and walked in. Sherlock still had an arm around John’s waist and a significant part of his weight leaned on Holmes. The knee John had gone down on was not broken, but was bruised badly and swollen. Sherlock kicked the door closed behind them and helped John to a chair. Neither man said a word as he turned back to deadbolt the door and then fell to his knees before John. A gentle hand cupped John’s cheek and their lips met. The kiss was sweet and light, an apology for not getting there faster and a thank you for making it at all.
Sherlock’s eyes were soft and caring when he broke away to look at John. He kissed the corner of John’s mouth and smoothed back his hair.
“I want to get you into the bath,” he whispered in John’s ear. His soft lips touched the shell of it and John shivered, his eyes drifting closed. Sherlock pulled back all too quickly and was frowning when John opened his eyes again to see why.
“I have to speak with Mycroft first,” Sherlock said with regret. “I’m already overdue.”
“S’fine,” John smiled tiredly. “I can wait.”
Sherlock didn’t move for a long moment, like he didn’t want to stop touching John or even look away for fear he would vanish. John’s smile only grew and he leaned into the warm touch of Sherlock’s hand on his face.
“I’ll be right here,” John said quietly.
Sherlock continued looking into his eyes and then gave a shallow nod. He kissed John once more and rose, walking to the desk a few feet away and powering up the laptop. His call was accepted as soon as he entered his credentials into the secure platform of choice. Mycroft’s office appeared on the screen within seconds, the man himself front and center at his own desk.
“Sherlock, thank god,” Mycroft said by way of greeting. He looked over-tired and very concerned, though there was some relief in his expression at seeing his younger brother. “We have received a host of disturbing reports and when you didn’t call on schedule…”
“A delay that was unavoidable,” Sherlock interrupted, but not as coldly as John expected. “I’m alright.”
“I am pleased to hear it, brother mine,” Mycroft replied genuinely, with not even a little sarcasm.
John was gobsmacked. Things had certainly changed between the Holmes brothers. They actually seemed to like one another a bit, which made John wonder if he really had been killed back at the train station. Was this hell frozen over or perhaps some version of the afterlife where strife did not exist? Could he be dreaming? John looked around the room, then back at Sherlock and the laptop. No, it was real.
“We had reports of another assassin reaching your location,” Mycroft was saying.
“Yes, I did run into him,” Sherlock supplied, leaning forward and resting his hands on either side of the laptop. “Tell me, Mycroft, how is John?”
“Why?” he asked suspiciously after a long moment.
John sat up a little at the question, realizing for the first time that he was out of Mycroft’s line of vision. The laptop’s camera only allowed him a foot or so on either side of Sherlock and John was well out of that range. Sherlock was baiting his brother to see if he would lie. John sat back in his seat again and sighed contentedly. Oh, yes, this was real.
“It had been some time since you’ve mentioned him,” Sherlock answered innocently, “and I would like an update.”
“It hasn’t been any longer than when you last asked of him,” Mycroft replied evasively.
“True,” Sherlock played along, “but regardless, I’m asking now.”
Mycroft paused to shift his gaze to the left of his own camera. He was considering, debating whether to lie or tell the truth. In the past, he would’ve lied without even flinching. Sherlock still would have known, but not because his brother gave any sign of deception. Mycroft was very good at what he did.
“John Watson,” Mycroft met Sherlock’s eyes again and spoke without hesitation, “has gone missing.”
There was a long pause while Mycroft waited for Sherlock to explode. He straightened his spine and squared his shoulders, ready for the verbal assault. For his part, Sherlock hadn’t moved a muscle and continued to stare at the screen. John leaned forward to better see Sherlock’s face. Though he gave little indication of it, John could tell he was pleased. Real, but things had certainly changed during Sherlock’s absence.
“Missing?” Sherlock repeated.
“Yes, for quite some time,” Mycroft was loath to admit. “I’m sorry, Sherlock. We are trying to locate him and determine his condition.”
“Quite alright, Mycroft, I happen to know exactly where he is,” Sherlock said calmly and just a bit smugly.
Mycroft did not answer, but his face instantly morphed into an expression of pure consternation. It was more emotion than John had ever seen on his countenance before. Apparently, Mycroft Holmes could be taken aback after all. John grinned to himself and relaxed into his chair again with some minor relief. It was short-lived, however, as every one of his new bruises beginning to make itself known.
“He’s right here with me, actually,” Sherlock continued, taking pity on the very startled Mycroft. Sherlock lifted one hand and started to turn the laptop towards John.
“With you?” Mycroft parrotted, his eyes wide as John came into view. John gave a little wave with the fingers of his right hand. Mycroft’s shoulder lowered a bit as the tension drained from his body. “My god, the other assassin.”
“Well done, Mycroft,” Sherlock remarked with a degree of sarcasm, turning the laptop back. “It would seem we’ve been working towards the same goal. He was already in Costa’s office when I arrived.”
The last was said with some pride as Sherlock cast a glance at John. He wore an appraising smile on his face. John gave a nod, his own grin beginning to form. At their best when they’re together.
“You neutralized Costa and escaped together, I take it. We have a very interesting report involving… rooftops, was it?” Mycroft asked in the self-assured tone John was used to.
“And met with some resistance when our train arrived in the station,” Sherlock’s tone was deadly serious and Mycroft detected the change immediately. “An unidentified man forced John to a secluded area. He meant to take him to Moran and use him to draw me out. Moran knows John is dismantling the network and knows I am as well.”
“He knows you’re alive,” Mycroft said with some trepidation. “You’re certain?”
“Without doubt.” Sherlock answered in a clipped tone. He glanced at John with concern in his eyes and then looked back at his brother. “John is injured. We’ll stay here a day or two and then meet you in Munich as planned. Moran is the only target left and must be dealt with swiftly.”
“I will send a small detail for you,” Mycroft agreed. “It will ensure your safety.”
Sherlock paused, considering. John knew he would refuse the offer if he were alone or even if John was able-bodied, but injured as he was, Sherlock felt he couldn’t refuse. Frustration surged through John, but there was nothing for it. He didn’t want to be the liability he was.
“Just don’t send idiots,” Sherlock warned mildly and lifted his hand to end the call.
“Take care, brother mine,” Mycroft’s lips curled slightly into the hint of a smile.
“Laters,” Sherlock snarked and ended the call. He closed the laptop and turned to John. Four long strides later, he stood in front of John’s chair and squatted down to meet his eyes.
“Ok?” Sherlock asked, seeing the discomfort in John’s face and posture.
“It’s not bad,” John answered from behind gritted teeth. Sherlock looked at him knowingly and covered a hand with his own.
“Let’s draw that bath,” he told John in a gentle tone. “Come on. I want to take a look at you whilst the water runs.”
A few minutes later, John watched clear water flow from a copper faucet into a deep clawfoot tub from where he sat on a chair Sherlock had dragged in from another room. The whole bathroom was steamy and inviting. It made John relaxed and sleepy. He shook his head slightly to snap out of it. He would have to be careful not to doze off once in the water. God, he couldn’t wait to sink down into its depths. The boot-shaped bruise on his back ached with more intensity than seemed possible. His left knee and shoulder had not improved in the slightest. He held his left arm with his right, releasing it only when Sherlock carefully removed the jacket from his body, and the button-down after it. John could see his wince at the mark of his back and decided he would wait to look at it himself.
“You’re sure there’s a left-handed sling with the first-aid stuff?” he asked again. Sherlock met his eyes in the wall mirror near the tub.
“Positive,” Sherlock smirked. He walked around John’s chair to stand before him. 
John shifted in the seat slightly when Sherlock suddenly dropped to his knees, not taking his eyes off John’s. He removed one of John’s shoes and then the other. The socks followed and, as John wondered if the trousers were next, one of his favorite fantasies began to play out in his head. So much so, John almost groaned in frustration when Sherlock let his trousers be and stood again.
“We need to get your trousers off,” Sherlock told him. “Can you stand?”
‘Damn right, we do, and now’ was what John wanted to say, but he managed a simple affirmation and made to rise. He let Sherlock help him up without complaint. Once steady on his feet, Sherlock opened John’s jeans and pulled them down to his knees. Then he paused and bit his lower lip, trying not to look at John’s body. John couldn’t help but grin.
“The pants have to come off too,” he said cheekily. Sherlock glared.
“I know that,” he barked defensively. Though his demeanor quickly changed when he saw John’s face. “It’s just not something I’ve done… I’ve not seen… you.”
“It’s not that different from anyone else’s, believe me,” John assured him fondly. “It’s fine.”
With a fortifying inhalation, Sherlock cautiously latched his thumbs into the waistband at John’s hips and inched it down slowly. When the garment caught up with his jeans, John sat so both could be pulled off completely. This time when the fantasy started in John’s head, he could tell Sherlock was watching a similar scene in his own mind. Unfortunately, the black and purple bruise covering John’s knee startled the arousal out of both men. It had already crept up his thigh and down his calf. Looking at it, John sincerely hoped the one on the back of his shoulder looked better. He didn’t have much hope for the footprint on his back. At least the cut on his left temple wasn’t bad and he was not concussed. It had bled a fair amount, but most head injuries do.
Sherlock helped John into the bath with the utmost care and even gave him a few minutes to soak before beginning to wash. John sighed tiredly but happily as Sherlock sponged his back with as gentle a touch he could manage.
“We’ll leave in a couple days,” John breathed, bending his neck slightly and bowing his head.
“As soon as Mycroft’s minions arrive, yes,” Sherlock answered from over John’s shoulder. “Will you have recovered well enough by then?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” John turned his head and twisted his back as much as he could tolerate to look at the man. Sherlock gave up the sponge and moved to the faucet side of the tub so John didn’t have to turn at all to meet his eyes. “Thank you. For saving me, I mean.”
“You’re welcome,” Sherlock whispered.
For a long moment, they did nothing but look at one another, searching for answers to unspoken questions and finding them easily. Like a moth to a flame, John leaned forward. Sherlock did the same, cupping the man’s face with his hands. Their lips met softly in the steamy air. The kiss was slow and chaste and hot enough to melt ice. When they parted once again, John rested his forehead against Sherlock’s and let out a long sigh. 
“When this is all over, I want us both to move into your room, ” John swallowed hard and pulled away to look at Sherlock, who was more than a little surprised by his declaration. “For good.”
Sherlock studied him for a moment as the shock fell away. The corners of his mouth turned up slowly into a soft smile that warmed John all the way down to his core. A long thumb stroked over his cheek so gently John thought his heart would burst right out of his chest.
“I would love nothing more,” Sherlock breathed into the still air.
Resting their foreheads together again, they both let out a quiet chuckle. Sherlock tilted his head up a bit, lips searching for John’s and finding them softly. Soft turned into eager and insistent, John’s right hand finding the back of Sherlock’s head. His head tilted as fingers buried themselves in his curls, inching up from the base of his skull. The tip of each finger tingled as they passed through the thick, soft strands. John reveled in the feeling of safety, of home.
“Get in,” John rasped with a harsh breath as he pulled back to look at Sherlock. He could feel that his eyes were blown wide. Quick huffs of breath from his lips heated the air between them. 
“What?” Sherlock blinked, confusion and arousal plain in his voice. “In…”
“The tub,” John finished his question in a firm tone that also hinted at desperation, not that he cared. “Get in.”
“I’m fully clothed,” Sherlock almost laughed. 
John was undeterred. His arms snaked under Sherlock’s and he pulled up to hoist the tall man into the tub only to hiss in pain. John let go immediately and sank back against the side, his right hand cradling his left shoulder. His left arm hung limply in the water, its hand resting in his lap. Sherlock rose to his feet and touched John’s shoulder gently. 
“John?” He said quietly.
“I’m fine,” John shook his head. “S’fine.”
“You need to soak,” Sherlock’s voice floated through the steamy air, “and relax. Those bruises need time to heal.”
Sherlock crouched down beside the bathtub again, his eyes even with John’s. A glint of disappointment shone in his stormy, blue gaze. Sherlock shook his head slowly and placed a hand over John’s where it clasped his shoulder.
“We have time,” Sherlock began and John took a deep breath, but did not speak. “We’re together now. You don’t have to do this alone anymore. I’ll take care of you and we’ll defeat Moran together. John, trust me, I will never leave your side again.”
Sherlock’s words, his intense ever-changing blue eyes bore into John’s brain and body, right to his soul. John had come a long way in the last few months, but the last twenty-four hours had turned his life upside down. He now sat looking into the eyes of a man he never expected to see again. This man, pledging himself to John in every way he knew how with a sincerity that spoke volumes.
“I know,” John smiled, an excitement building within him. He felt it for the first time in a long time, or perhaps even for the first time since meeting Sherlock, the true belief that he wasn’t just the sidekick who could be left behind. The trust that whatever would come, they would be together. “The two of us against the world.”
Oh, dear god. It's finished. But it's not finished. Don't increase my pain. Goddammit, Jane, you are so fucking evil!! What do you mean by leaving us this way?!?!?!?
What can I say? I tried to warn you all. I said it more than once. I'm a nasty, nasty bitch. You just didn't know how much. First thing my wonderful beta Al said to was "Is there going to be a sequel?" It quickly changed into squeaquel because Al is the rat king!! Thank you, my lovely. You are utterly amazing. Thank you all for reading and sticking with me, even through some major delays. I can't tell you what it means to me. I love you all and I'll be back with another fic as soon as I can. Much love! Jane
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isawritesshit · 1 year
Someone - Chapter 1
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image taken from @ patlmao on pinterest
Synopsis: Satoru became something to you during your school years together at Jujutsu Tech, which were ended abruptly when you were casted out from your clan and left the jujutsu world. When Satoru finds you again after years apart, you find out that you were something to him too. Maybe you still are.
Warnings: fem! reader, fluff, mentions of death within family/early trauma/kidnapping/murder, language.
Author's Note: I will definitely add that there will be spoilers for the first half of season 2 in this chapter, as well as some chapters proceeding this one. Also, I noticed that I kind of messed up with explaining your cursed energy, but I'm too lazy to explain/re-do any of it. Cursed energy is hard enough to describe as it is. You can heal shit really well. Boom. Also, here's chapter ooone. I'm really excited about writing this shit, but it's hard cause I don't want to get behind on my school stuff. The sacrifices I make... sigh. I listened to Opera House by Cigarettes After Sex while writing this. Literally might become the theme of the whole series.
Word Count: ~ 2.6k
Your stomach grumbled and grumbled, no matter how much you tried to ignore it. Eventually, you pulled your pink and purple comforter off and padded towards the kitchen.
Mommy and Daddy taught you how to make fish sticks. Take them out of the freezer, arrange them on your favorite plate, put the plate in the microwave (you pulled up a chair to stand on to do that), and press 1. Watch them spin, and spin, and spin. Take them out really carefully.
You sat in the chair you had stood on earlier, juice box in hand, fish sticks in your lap. Suddenly, there was a noise at the door, a jingle. Was Daddy home? Those sound like his keys...
No, it was a different man. He was old, much older than your parents. He stood in the doorway and stared at you.
"Want some fish sticks, Mister?" You held out your little orange plate that was shaped like a tiger's face. Mister said nothing. He just kept staring.
Then, Mister closed the door. "Is your name (y/n)?" Mister had a gentle voice that lilted over to you despite its deep timber and roughness.
"Mhmmmm," you hummed, sticking another fish stick in your mouth and licking your fingers. You smiled, taking a sip of your juice box. Your mouth was stained purple.
Mister walked further into the tiny house. It was the only thing your parents could afford. They were entertainers, after all. Two bedroom, one bath. Kitchen, living room, and a front porch. Nestled into the outskirts of Tokyo and surrounded by a bunch more tiny houses just like it. Mister glanced at Mommy's Kawai keyboard. You had just learned to play a C scale on it a week ago.
"(y/n), when did your parents leave?" Mister inquired.
"Uhhhhh... Daddy went to work. Mommy left a little after that. She told me I had to stay here," you replied, feet rocking back and forth.
"When did Daddy leave for work?"
"Mmm, Tuesday." It was Thursday.
Mister watched you finish your last fish stick. "(y/n), your Mommy wants me to take you to her. Is it okay if I take you to her?"
You finished the juice with a slurp. "Mommy said it's okay?"
"Of course, (y/n)," Mister said. He seemed really sad. You hoped it wasn't because you ate the last fish stick in the box.
"Okay!" You got up from your chair and took his hand.
One week later, you learned that your had parents died in an accident. Mister became your adoptive father, and you went to go live with him and his big, big family. You were only six years old.
Once again, you four had been sent on another mission. Once again, the mission had been completed. Once again, the four of you were sitting under the piercing glare of Yaga-Sensei.
Once again, it had been Satoru's fault.
The school year was already well underway. You and your three closest friends were now second year students. The four of you had been sent to retrieve Mei Mei and Utahime after they didn't return from their assignment. We left our supervisor, and Satoru completely forgot to set a veil.
A few hours later, Yaga assigned you, Suguru, and Satoru to a new mission. Shoko was able to avoid it because she had left the gym moments before Yaga walked in to assign it.
This mission, in writing, was much harder than your usual ones. The Star Plasma Vessel, who was to assimilate with Tengen-sama, had her position compromised by two radical sorcerer groups. We were to go in, save her, and protect her for two days until her assimilation. Tengen-sama specifically requested Suguru and Satoru for the mission, but Yaga decided to add you onto it as well. Your reversal energy would be used in a worse case scenario to keep the Star Plasma Vessel alive.
After the first task of the mission was finished, Geto made tea for the both of you, handing you your cup before taking a seat on the couch across from yours. Debris was scattered everywhere after a hole had been blown from the outer wall of the apartment. The vessel, Riko, had her head in your lap as you gently pet her hair while her caregiver rested against your shoulder. Your reversal energy was already working through them and the room, creating a healing aura that extended to the end of the room and stopped before the Q combatant, whom Geto was interrogating with one of his curses.
You looked at the combatant, frowning. Geto had jumped out of the building to save Riko while you protected the caregiver from him. He was whining so much. It contrasted his ruthless facade from earlier.
The two of you met up with Satoru later. Riko and her caregiver, Kuroi, had woken up by this point. Riko was cute, cheerful, and bubbly, maybe a little full of herself in being the Star Plasma Vessel, but that just added to her charm. You fucking lost it earlier when she had slapped Satoru across the face, rolling on the couch and falling off of it due to your overwhelming laughter. Kuroi was the ice to Riko's fire, apologizing for her and explaining things to her every now and then. Her and Suguru were a lot alike, you thought.
Now, you, Satoru, Suguru, and Kuroi were standing around a dirty indoor pool at little missionary school. Riko's school. She wanted to go to class the same day she almost died and two days before she would assimilate with Tengen. Since it was what Riko commanded, the four of you had to play along. Of course, Geto still kept watch over her using a few cursed spirits.
"Lax upbringing at its finest," Satoru grumbled.
"After her assimilation with Tengen-sama, she'll never be able to see her friends or family ever again. Let her do what she wants," Geto countered.
Suddenly, Kuroi spoke up. "Riko-san has no family. They were in an accident when she was little. I've taken care of her ever since then."
Your heart panged at her words. Like you, Riko lost her parents. Unlike you however, she had someone set aside to take care of her.
Well, your adoptive father had told you he was under instructions from your father, his dear friend, to take care of you if anything were ever happen to him and his wife. When you were old enough to understand that an accident was a vague term, you mustered the courage to ask how your parents had died. A hit and run, your adoptive father had said, sipping from his sake. Your father owed someone money. When your mother learned he had been attacked, she rushed out to heal him. She was killed too. Their killer got away.
However, you had started to question your adoptive father's claims more and more. You were more independent now. You hadn't been to your home since your time at Jujutsu Tech. Your thoughts had started to wander without any Kamos to monitor them. Your personality had become more outspoken and vibrant. You had grown.
You realized you had never asked how your adoptive father knew your family. You didn't hail from a clan or important jujutsu family by any means. Your father wasn't even a sorcerer, so how could he have had connections to the Kamo clan?
"Satoru, hurry to Riko-chan's side. Two of my curses were exorcised." Geto's words broke your thoughts. Now was not the time to be pondering those things anyway. You had a job to do.
The next day, you were in a shopping mall in Okinawa, picking out a new swimsuit to buy. Riko was at your side, safe and sound, flipping through two-piece tankinis.
It had been a day. Kuroi was kidnapped yesterday after Satoru saved Riko at the school. Riko insisted that she come with to save her, despite Satoru's attempts to scare her into staying. Seriously Satoru? Was that really necessary?
The top priority is her safety, ain't it? he had replied, slinging an arm across your shoulders and making you walk with him out of the alleyway. She'll chicken out.
Right, only because you're soooo scary. Your tone had dripped with sarcasm, causing him to smirk.
I bet I could knock off your socks, sweetheart.
That was the first time he had ever called you that. Recently, his teasing had become... charged. He had laughed when you pushed him away. You really hoped the nickname wouldn't stick, otherwise his taunts would start to become harder to ignore. Not like they already were.
"Uh, (y/n), can I ask your something?" Riko turned to face you, going through the rack of one-pieces you were observing to help you find something. She already had a swimsuit picked for herself. "How do you feel about Gojo?"
Had she been reading your thoughts? "What do you mean?"
"I mean, I assumed you two were together when we first met. So, when I asked Geto how long you two had been together, he said that you guys were just friends. I was really confused." Riko pulled out a piece, observed it, and then put it back. You choked after hearing her words.
"Really? That's funny. Well, I think Suguru is right. We are very good friends. I guess that's just dynamic between me and Satoru. In fact, I actually couldn't stand him when we first met. What do you think of this one?" You pulled a green one piece from the rack.
"That's pretty cute. But... are you sureeee?" You knew she wasn't asking about the swimsuit. She was hiding a smile, her eyes pressing and mischievous.
"Yeah, I'm sure... I think." You took the green swimsuit and handed it to her, but kept looking. "Satoru's probably just stressed right now with the mission. That's why he suggested the beach. He'll do anything to distract himself."
"Sure, and that's why he said he'd pay for whatever cute bathing suit you picked out. A distraction," Riko pressed. "C'moooon (y/n), you can't get any more obvious than that."
You just huffed, grabbing a blue version of the green swimsuit. "Nothing is obvious, Riko. You don't know him like I do. He's a little attention whore." You took the green swimsuit and held it up in front of you two, comparing it to the blue one. "Blue or green?"
"I dunno, maybe you should ask Gojo-"
"Blue it is." You cut in before she could finish, shoving the blue swimwear into her arms before putting the green one back on the rack. You frowned, there was no way she was right. Even if you did have feelings for him, your point still stood. Satoru teased you because it was fun. That was all he cared about. He was just taking it in a new direction. Satoru was never one to think about the future, either. Hell, you couldn't even imagine him having a girlfriend, let alone that girlfriend being you. You were willing to bet that he'd rather date Suguru before he would ever consider being with you.
"I dunno, I think it would be cute. Who knows, once I assimilate with Tengen, I could force you two together for the sake of the jujutsu world," she mused as you two walked to the other side of the store to meet up with the rest of your group.
"Sure, Riko. Sure."
"Tch, is she sleeping?" Satoru's voice from above you woke you from your nap.
Your eyes squinted at him from underneath his sunglasses. "She isn't now..." you grumbled, glaring up at him from your spot on your blanket. You had been sunning yourself near Geto and Kuroi while Satoru and Riko fished around in the water. You had borrowed Satoru's glasses to keep the brightness from your eyes.
"So, first you steal my money, then my glasses. What's next?" Satoru teased. He stood above you with your legs between his feet. He leaned over at the waist as he smiled down at you, awaiting your response.
You took the sunglasses off and leaned up with your hands supporting your weight, your face inches from his. "You know I didn't steal anything, Satoru." You turned the sunglasses around and placed them back on his face. "There, happy?"
"Indubitably." Satoru grabbed your hands in his and pulled you to your feet. You knew somewhere, Riko was watching. "Have a good nap, sweetheart?"
You immediately tore your hands from his and wiped excess sand from your back. "You can shake out my blanket."
Satoru smiled as he watched you walk away.
That night, your group booked two connecting rooms in a hotel right next to the airport. One for you, Riko, and Kuroi, and the other for Suguru and Satoru.
Your nap from earlier today messed with your ability to fall asleep. Kuroi and Riko were already passed out in the bed next to yours as you laid there like a stiff log with eyes. A midnight snack. That would help.
You opened the bedroom door and walked into the rooms' connecting living room. You were met with Satoru sitting on the couch, staring at the window to his left.
"Satoru? Why are you still awake?" you whispered, shutting the door.
His eyes moved to look at you. Man, he looked slumped. "The mission? Riko was attacked twice in the past two days. We can't let that happen again." He was focusing his six eyes in search for any approaching enemies.
"Well, why don't you take a break. I'll take over," you offered, putting a hand on his shoulder as you sat next to him. He was even still dressed in the same clothes from the beach. "You can at least change or go take a shower. You stink." You pinched and tugged on his shirt for emphasis.
Satoru only replied with an incredulous look thrown in your direction, far from the witty response you expected. "Okay, maybe I was exaggerating a little, but still," you murmured while crossing your arms. "You can't push yourself like this. Please."
Satoru sighed. "You need to go back to bed, (y/n)."
"I can't. That's why I'm out here," you stated. "I was hungry." Your hunger had been forgotten as soon as you saw him, though, in the state of his intense and relentless focus. "Satoru, we need to be up in 6 hours. You need sleep."
"I'll be okay," he argued, his voice low. He returned his gaze to the window. Part of you wanted to yell at him for being so stubborn, but at this point you were too exhausted to care.
"Fine, then I'm staying out here with you." You rose from the couch to grab leftovers from dinner. Soon, those leftovers were finished and left on the low-lying table in front of you. Cocooned in one of the spare hotel blankets, you settled down next to Satoru again. You didn't protest when he wrapped his arm around you so you could sleep against him. He didn't even look at you. His other hand was propped on the arm of the couch so he could perch his face on his fist. You leaned into him to gather more of his warmth, and shut your eyes.
"(y/n)?" Satoru mumured after a few minutes.
"What are you doing?"
You opened your eyes, perking up when you saw the soft red glow cast around you body and his attention on you. Your reversal energy. "Oh, sorry-"
"Keep doing it... please," Satoru pleaded. "Felt nice..." His eyes were surprisingly dim in the moonlight. You've never noticed that before. In fact, what you did notice was that his eyes were no longer tired and on edge, but rather, tired and calm.
"C'mere..." You opened up the blanket for him to scoot inside. You let your technique wash over both you, providing you with a sense of release that lulled you into sleep, while the effects of your technique gave Satoru a feeling of tranquility and rest, something he sorely needed, but wouldn't admit. Just like his need for you.
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magicalink · 1 year
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So today I had the horniest filthiest dream BUT IT HAS HUGE SPOILERS FOR CATBOYS IN THE HOUSE SO BEWARE and I have no time to write it as a fic right now so you'll have to wait until we get to this point in the story 💀
Just leaving it here so as to not forget this oniric masterpiece 🤌
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And spoilers below this cut
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So first I was in the POV of the main character of CITH and it seemed that she just had sex with Childe on the couch and she was about to leave but the catboys discovered them and they were really pissed 💀 So to prove who are the official boyfriends they tied Childe to the sofa and sat mc on a chair to fuck her in front of him 💀 (everything was canon and I was planning to include it in the story at some point)
Ok so the smut scene was pretty wild 🥵 Kazuha was sitting on the chair with reader sitting on his lap fucking her facing Childe, Xiao was feral with jealousy, holding onto her shoulder protectively and covering one of her breasts 😳 Venti was at the other side doing the same while giggling, amused by the situation. Albedo jerking off in the background enjoying the whole scene 💀 And Scara yelling super mad at Childe and also jealous because how dare him fuck his beloved Y/N 😡He was telling him things like "I'll teach you how it's properly done" and such.
Childe observing like super interested 😳 as Scara holds onto Y/N as he fucks her from the front, now double penetrating her with Kazuha 😳 So they have this wild session of sex while Scara berates Child the whole time. Y/N even swallows his cum just to rile him up even more and get more sex 😳 She basically has the best time if her life and cums so hard tears start falling from her eyes as a huge smile is plastered on her face 🥵
Then Kazuha and Xiao grab Y/N and separate her from Scara who protests "I'm not done yet!" and Kazuha replies "But she is!" like super firmly and serious, but being pacifist and preventing Xiao to jump down at Scara's throat. Then Kazuha picks Y/N in his arms and carries her to the bedroom to sleep. They all go to sleep except for Scara who is left alone with Childe who is still tied to the couch 💀
Scara still has a stiff boner he can't get down and wants to cum one last time. Here my POV changes to Childe's so I can know all his thoughts: Scara wasn't so smart bc all Childe could see while he was fucking Y/N from the front was his ass right in front of his face. And he liked it a lot 🥵 So he stares at Scara's boner intently and with a naughty smirk tells him: "I could help you with that😏" Scara is like horrified and yells at him "So you're THAT kind! 😠" with his tsundere attitude. And Childe tells him "Don't worry, I'm the kind who says no homo before and after doing it🤭" (When I woke up after dreaming these dialogs I thought I've had enough internet memes for a lifetime 💀)
Anyway Childe gets magically untied bc dream and he starts seducing Scara until he very tsunderely lets him touching while pretending he hates it. And he says "what if they hear us?" And Childe replies "I don't think they'll care, but let's hide in the bathroom anyway" and takes him to the bathroom very delicately where they fuck not very delicately 💀 There I think my POV went back and forth between Childe and Scara and the memories are foggy now but they had a good time. Scara was super tsundere about it and Childe was pleased with what happened and amused by Scara's antics.
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Should I add this scene to CITH? It definitely was a wild dream 💀 I hope I have more like this!🤭 It was fun for sure, especially because all the cast was there and all of them were so in character!
I hope I can make some time to write bc there are lots of projects I wanna finish, including next chapter of CITH and Assembled Love. Right now the ones thst are closer to being posted are one post with headcanons for CITH and a request for an Assembled Love spin off.
Bye for now, I'll try to make progress😅
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momobani · 1 year
THE WAY I hate YOU - Chapter 3 - 16.3k
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&team Nicholas x fem!reader - arranged marriage AU
Sum: most people would die to stay in their honeymoon phase, you on the other hand might die from being in the honeymoon phase. 
Warnings: swearing, sarcasm, mention of food and alcohol, Nicholas (i feel like his existence is a warning in this one, you’ll see what i mean), mentions of sex 
Soundtrack rec: Hold Me Tight or Don’t - Fall Out Boy
Taglist: @nichoswag @seokka0o
A/N: i personally was having a delightful time writing some of this, like more than usual lol that i went overboard with the word count, i hope you enjoy it too <3 (again ft some fun cameos! don’t take it seriously lmao)  
This is so not how you had imagined spending your Friday night.
The hot pot machine bubbled quietly in the middle of the table while you tried to simultaneously pay attention to what Nicholas was saying and fight a piece of meat that just kept disappearing below the surface of the broth. 
“So, what do you think?” Nicholas concludes. He’d just finished his side of the debate on which apartment you should choose to live in. The two of you had been meeting to organise your lives and had finally come to make a decision for where you’ll live. 
You finally manage to snag that piece of meat and bring it to your plate quickly. 
“Well, I agree about how much nicer it would be to have a laundry room but I’m not too hot on the location.” you reply.
“What do you mean?” he asks. “The location is perfect!” 
“What’s so perfect about it?” you inquire, looking down at the tablet between you. The map just showed it was some distance away from your current apartments, although closer to the supermarket you went to and the boba cafe you liked. 
“It’s pretty central to where we need to go,” he says, flicking through the photos again. “and there’sabasketballcourtafewblocksaway.” he speedily finishes. The slew of words don’t quite hit your ears in real time and your eyebrows scrunch together as you try to decipher what your husband just said. 
“There’s a what?” you ask. 
“And there’s a park so nature, yay!” he grins, trying to move on but you weren’t born yesterday. You raise an eyebrow combatively - he either tells you or you’ll veto this entirely. Nicholas sighs. “There’s a basketball court nearby and it’d be nice to play with my friends. Happy now?”
“What really is happiness?” you hum in thought, avoiding sinking into a philosophical blackhole, instead thinking about his revelation about the court and to some extent, the park. It might be a way to get Maki to come over to yours and hang out - you barely got to see him lately and you wanted to see how he was doing.    
“Hey, save the existential crisis for later and tell me if I can play basketball or not.” Nicholas pouts over a piece of tofu puff.
“I’m not about to choose an apartment based on that. Give me better reasons.” you shrug, coming down with a verdict that you were sure Nicholas wouldn’t like, but you weren’t about to just indulge him.
“Okay, let’s review; our own laundry room, underground parking, central location,” he lists, taking a moment to think between each one. “reasonable mortgage - hmm?” he wriggles his eyebrows the way you think those old school teleshopping people would but right now it feels more like the way a shady conman might. “Oh, and the park and the court.”
You purse your lips, weighing up the pros and cons. The place you’d chosen had some of the same perks - in terms of parking and location but there was no laundry room, just a machine in the kitchen and you didn’t love that. You mentally added the boba place to Nicholas’ list and the possibility of persuading your little brother to visit you so he wouldn’t forget you exist. 
Unfortunately, it made logical sense to pick the place with more perks and better price for value, but the whole thing sounded like Nicholas was fishing for a way to avoid you at home. 
On second thought, maybe that’s how you should consider it - it might give you opportunities to be independent of each other and not be constantly stuck together. You clear your throat and munch on a piece of rice cake for a moment.
“Fine, let’s take that one. I like doing laundry.” you say whatever nonsense that comes to mind. Nicholas is suddenly far too happy to pay attention to details. 
“Really?” his eyes are wide in surprise. “Okay, we better move fast then. I’ll send them an interest inquiry right now.” he forgets about the food and starts tinkering away on securing the apartment for you. 
You watch him, busy hands and roaming eyes. He pushes up the sleeves of his olive shirt - a comfy and clearly beloved cozy sweater - and focuses. You notice the details of his existence; his tense forearms, the tongue that swipes across his lips unconsciously, and the chain that hangs around his muscular neck. 
Sometimes it was hard to understand that you weren’t really strangers any more. 
You’d been married for two weeks already and had been seeing a lot more of each other than you thought you would before you lived together. There’d been several family and business dinners that had needed your presence but you went to each other’s places to eat occasionally while you looked at new apartments or planned your move.
So much for strangers. 
Nicholas was your husband now and you were his wife. It had already happened and you just needed to get used to it.
“YN?” you snap out of it, realising that you’d been spacing out while looking in his direction so he probably thought you were staring at him. 
He gives you a once over and goes back to his tapping on the screen. “Nothing, just checking you were still breathing.”
“I am.” you confirm, taking a deep breath in and exhaling. “See?” 
“Yeha.” Nicholas barely responds because he seems to have made progress on the inquiry. “And done. We should hear from them soon.” he smiles, pretty proud of himself. 
“Cool. Now we just have to somehow pack up our lives and smush them together in one place.” you say. 
“Don’t stress, it’ll be fine.” Nicholas says dismissively, getting back to his meal. 
“Let’s hope so.” you mumble and do the same. 
You had lived by yourself for a little while now, so living with someone else again all of a sudden was going to be a bit of shock to your system. 
The two of you had agreed to have your own rooms and your own space within the apartment, essentially cohabiting like roommates because nowhere did it say in any document you actually had to sleep in the same bed like a married couple would. 
You were married legally and in name only, as far as you were concerned. 
You drew up rules to keep the peace, basic things like keeping it clean, respecting each other’s space, and minding your own business, but you weren’t too worried about it. You were a great roommate, even if you did say so yourself.  
The apartment was secured over the weekend and you were free to move in from the following Thursday onwards. 
Several days later, your apartment was all packed up except for the bare minimum living essentials, which would come with you later. You helped the movers put your stuff in their van, telling them that they’ll meet your husband at the apartment while you hung back and sorted things out there. 
It’s sluggish to put the last few items in a box and double check your suitcase. You get a text from Nicholas that the movers have finished and are away already and you realise you’re moving slowly subconsciously; you didn’t want to leave yet.
You didn’t want to accept that you weren’t going to be the way you were any more. 
There was an echo of your footsteps that resonated through your now empty apartment, the space far too barren for your liking. In some ways you were glad, because you’d been able to negotiate which of your furniture you would keep and which you had to sell on since you had no need for it. 
Your precious couch and coffee table had survived and you were taking it with you, whereas Nicholas was bringing the dining table and chairs from his place with your somewhat enthusiastic approval. (The dining table was tastefully furniture to die for.) Your bedroom stuff had survived for the most part since you weren’t going to share any of it, but apart from that, you had to sell several things. 
You looked over your shoulder one last time at what used to be your place, before closing the door with a quiet click for the last time. It felt solemn; like the end of an era, so of course you were feeling a little sentimental. 
The drive to your new apartment was marred by heavy rain pouring down, the forecast for sunny clear skies completely wrong, so you drove slowly, putting on a sad ballad to match the mood. You were going to miss that place; it was somewhere you’d learned a lot about yourself, had your real taste of independence in and one that you cherished a lot. 
You get to your new front door, apartment 520* mounted in pretty gold letters against the dark emerald lacquer of the door. 
It felt like a betrayal when you entered the passcode for the first time and opened the door.
“Surprise!” you heard a yell as soon as stepped into the hallway. You jump slightly, suddenly snapped out of your thoughts. “Hey, roomie!” 
Nicholas was standing there grinning, all alone, blowing one of those annoyingly brightly coloured party blowers. The noise scratched a very specific part of your brain, and not in a good way. You moved to shove your shoes off.  
“Not exactly a surprise since we agreed to live here together, but okay.” you say shrugging and drag your suitcase into the corridor. 
“I guess,” Nicholas says. “but I just wanted to get one of these.” he holds up the party blower. 
“Great.” you move past him and look around for your furniture. You spot the stuff in your room and your couch is deposited randomly with your coffee table but what surprises you is that Nicholas’ stuff isn’t here yet. “Did something happen to the dining table, or?” you ask. 
“Ah,” he hums, thinking for a moment. “well, I’ve still got a few things to move since I was using Fuma’s van and it didn’t fit everything, so I sort of sacrificed the table. Sorry.” he finishes sheepishly. “Besides, isn’t it classic to eat on the floor the first night you move in somewhere new?” 
“It doesn’t matter if it’s a thing or not, I guess we’re doing it on the floor.” you say. 
“Huh?” Nicholas seems startled for a moment. “Doing what?” 
“Eating, duh.” you say. You wonder why that would have confused him; surely he wasn’t thinking you two were going to- oh my god, did he? No, you were just tired and imagining stupid things. You shake your head, “Whatever. I’m ordering. What do you want to eat?” 
And so you did eat on the floor on your first night in your new apartment, ignoring the perfectly good couch and sitting on a random blanket like an indoor picnic. 
It wasn’t all bad but there was a certain awkwardness being there, a little like the first time you’d met Nicholas. You just hoped you could get used to the apartment like you were getting used to him. 
“No. I simply refuse.” you state as you stir your morning coffee. Nicholas sighs deeply, hunching over the kitchen counter. 
“But it’s a really good deal! We should go.” he argues. Instead of a debater, he sounds more like a kid trying to convince their parents to do something. You shook your head.
“I have things to do, you go if you really want to.” you say. Nicholas looks dubious - it’s the first time you’ve seen that expression on his face. 
“Mrs Wang-” you’re about to interject at the name calling but he doesn’t let you. “did you just tell me- your husband- to go on our honeymoon alone?” he asks, scepticism rising with every syllable. 
“You’re right. That sounds pathetic.” you concede. “Go with your friends. Make it a dude-bro-cation. Take Jo and Euijoo and…” you think hard, trying to remember names. “Fuma!” you snap your fingers, having remembered another one of Nicholas’ friends. 
“Don’t hurt yourself if you don’t know.” he says sarcastically.
“Hey! I met them one time,” you can’t help the defensive pout that you feel like came out. “and you have a lot of friends.” you mutter. 
“Not the point, YN. I’m not going without you.” Nicholas says. “This is practically a direct order from management, a.k.a the parents! And they’re offering to pay for everything.”
You sip your coffee, thinking. 
Your parents had dropped this bomb on you last night, telling you to go on a honeymoon while you were having dinner at your parents’ house. Both sides offered to pay for everything like they did with the wedding and call it a honeymoon for the two of you. 
It sounded fair enough.
You just didn’t feel like going though.     
You could go on vacation whenever you wanted to - you made enough money by yourself that you could splurge - but going now and officially calling it a honeymoon? It felt silly, like the cherry on top of this whole crazy arranged marriage business. 
“It’s just a vacation, why make it sound so - I don’t know.” you think out loud. 
“YN, please don’t make me beg you.” Nicholas’ shoulders slumped. “It’s a free vacation, for crying out loud! Who says no to that?” 
I would, you thought. You didn’t know what the situation in Nicholas’ office was, but in your office, department, part of hell, whatever you wanted to call it, you had to stick around if you didn’t want to be left behind or get your ass grilled by everyone else. 
You were already scrutinised enough for being the boss’ kid, but disappearing to go on a holiday with your husband just when the merger was really getting underway? You would get roasted con fuoco.
“You know what, I will beg,” Nicholas resolves, getting up. “I’m getting on my knees, I’m not above begging.” he announces before sliding off his slippers. It’s almost comical and you think he’s joking but he starts to bend down.
“Okay!” you exclaim, putting a stop to his buffoonery. “We’ll go on our stupid honeymoon.” 
You decided that whatever happened at work was better than having to hear him begging and bugging you about going until you agreed.
“That’s more like it.” he stands up straight, grinning. “I’m no fancy lawyer, but I know how to win in these situations.”
“You sure do, but do you ever think you’ll win your dignity back?” you say to him before leaving for your room. You leave him gapping after you in your kitchen.
“Who needs dignity? I’m going on vacation!” Nicholas calls after you, just before you close the door. 
The PA system crackles overhead and you fasten your seatbelt, getting ready for takeoff. 
Nicholas sits besides you, neck pillow already in place, as well as a fuzzy wolf sleeping mask placed over his forehead, the image of a travel diva personified in your husband. Of course he would be so extra for like a three hour flight.
You ignored him while you got comfy, pulling on your cardigan when they started to blast the AC down on you. 
“So, how remote is this island anyway?” Nicholas asks, sending one last text before switching his pone to flight mode. You pause to remember details on what you’d read. 
“Hmm, I’d say a lot. Something about limited signal and wifi.” you answer, shrugging. You’d fought tooth and nail about where you were going on vacation- no, honeymoon- and you’d compromised on the island since it had a beach, which is one thing you both wanted. 
Suddenly the air around you swishes. Nicholas whips around to look at you, desperate. 
“Are you sure about that?” he says with all but the zest of John Cena’s original delivery.
“Yes,” you say, silently edging away from him. “there’s this thing called ‘research’, ever heard of it?”
“Don’t patronise me.” Nicholas pouts, sitting back. You crack a smile.
“Ooh, big word for wittle Nichowas.” you chuckle, starting to think this vacation might actually be a good idea. You were going to watch your city-boy husband practically lose his mind in the jungle; it was going to be great. 
“Can’t you speak nicely?”
“No.” you say. 
“You are so incredibly frigid.” he shoots back. 
“Aha, I was born this way.” you take the opportunity to reach a quick hand and pull the fuzzy sleeping mask over his nose and mouth, snapping it lightly. He splutters slightly as he fights the wolf off his face. 
“Do you have a sarcastic reply to everything?” he huffs, putting the mask back in its place before you decided to redecorate his accessories. 
“Probably. Guess we’ll find out.” you hum, reaching into your pocket for chewing gum. You take a piece out then offer the pack to Nicholas, who also takes a piece in the most begrudging way. You smile to yourself, chewing as the plane takes off. 
This was going to be interesting.
Upon arriving, you felt two things: 
Firstly, the sweet smell of not answering work emails for ten days, and secondly, the colossal, mind-melting, soul-snatching humidity. It was horrific. As if you could practically taste it if you stuck your tongue out (you didn’t, though it crossed your mind).
You’d shed your cardigan, stuffing it into your carry-on bag and Nicholas had unbuttoned one more of his shirt’s top buttons. 
You make it out of the tiny airport, if you could call it that and not a helipad, and follow the signs to the shuttle bus that would take you to resort where your hotel was. 
After getting off the bus, your clothes sticking to your skin from the heat, you finally see the hotel up a short path. There was a lot of what you presumed was jungle or rainforest just outside the resort and it loomed majestically overhead behind the light chainlink fence that seemed to be placed there just for the thought of having it. 
“I could totally run away and live off the land, Robinson Crusoe style.” You muttered to yourself.
“Intrusive thought. Nevermind.” you snapped out of it, continuing to walk. 
“Oh god,” Nicholas groaned miserably. “this island is literally in the middle of ass fuck nowhere!” 
You didn’t know what he was whining about, you’d both picked this place. “Your point?”
“We’re completely marooned - there’s like no signal, no wifi…” he complains while hoisting his phone up in the air as if it was the Lion King. 
“Don’t tell me you were actually planning on spending your vacation just watching TV in your room all day?” you throw a semi-judgmental glance at your husband over your shoulder. 
Nicholas pockets his phone silently and adjusts his shirt slightly from sticking to his body. You side-eye a couple of girlies that walk past you and gawk at Nicholas, obviously staring at the way the white fabric outlined the defined lines of his torso. You ignore the image and bulldoze forward to the hotel’s entrance.  
“Well, not all day, but now I can’t do it at all.” he says, disappointment evident in his voice. 
“Boo-hoo, the whole point of vacation is to chill. You can still do that perfectly fine.” you point out.      
“I like chilling,” he huffs. “Netflix and chilling, but now there’s no Netflix. Do you not see this may be the end of humanity as we know it?” he asks dramatically, eyes wider than a conspiracy theorist’s. 
“Hmm, not quite the crisis you imagine.” you reply. “Fortunately, there are these magical things - books - which have survived many millennia, and they seemed to have worked just fine for our ancestors.” 
“So what I’m hearing is, our vacation is, in fact, doomed.” Nicholas states as you walk into the hotel lobby, breathing in that delicious, stale air-conditioned air. You stop to bask in its coolness, breathing out in relief.    
“Your vacation,” you correct. “I’ll be paying my respects to my ancestors by reading.” 
“Ugh, well we can’t stay here. What are we going to do for ten days?” Nicholas asks. You wonder if he even heard what you said, but in his current state, you somehow doubted it. 
“You got a better idea?” you raise your eyebrows.
“I’ll build a raft, we can swim off the island.” he suggests. You’re about to lay down the most sarcastic, hard line of the century but the sound of thunder rumbling stops you. 
It was the loudest rumble you’d ever heard in your life and you suspected the lightning that preceded it might have struck not even several meters out of the door you’d momentarily walked through. The thought almost made you faint. 
“If you walk out of that door, Nicholas, so help me god.” you warn, wheeling your suitcase further into the building and away from the windows. 
“Noted.” he replies sheepishly, following your lead away from the windows, almost scrambling after you.  
Needless to say, it starts pouring torrential rain after that and while you check in, you can see the rain drops hammering violently on the window panes behind the concierge desk.
The lady there hands you a small card holder, telling you the keys are inside and you can’t really hear much else of what she says to you but it sounds like the standard if-you-need-anything-ring-the-phone mumbo jumbo so you thank her and go.
Little did you know, she’d warned you.   
You get up to the correct floor in search of your rooms, looking around while you navigate the soft-carpeted hallways. 
“One four three.” you mumble, trying to find the right number. You stop at the end of a corridor and take out the key card. You buzz the door open and push it forward. “Wait a minute-” you walk in several steps and circle back, thinking you’re losing your mind. 
“What is it?” Nicholas walks in, relaxed pulling in both of your suitcases. 
“I think there must be a mistake,” you say. “The suite only has one room. I thought we’d asked for two?” 
“Really?” Nicholas takes a few steps in, sweeping his eyes over the place and sure enough there is only one room. “That’s weird. Let me check with Jun-ge, he’s the one that booked our honeymoon.” Nicholas fumbles around with his phone for a bit, trying to find a signal for a minute. 
You vaguely remembered meeting Jun at your wedding; he was one of Nicholas’ big bro types at the company but you had no idea if he’d known about your marriage being arranged or not. 
Nicholas finally gets the phone to ring and the line crackles when it’s picked up on the other end. 
“Hello?” you hear Jun answer when Nicholas puts the phone on speaker. “Nicho, what’s up?”
“Hey, Jun-ge, quick question, do you remember booking our honeymoon suite?” he asks tentatively. 
“Yeah, is something wrong?” 
“Well, uh, we got here and it’s got just the one room, didn’t I put a note to find two rooms?” 
“You wrote ‘honeymoon suite’ and that’s what I got.” Jun replies, obviously not sensing that that was what was wrong with the whole situation. 
“Yes, Jun-ge, but I also wrote two rooms on the note, right?” 
“Dude, two-room honeymoon suites don’t exist.” you can hear Jun chuckling on the other end of the line. You were starting to regret not booking the rooms yourself. 
“Oh.” Nicholas says dumbly. “Okay, that’s cool, thanks Jun-ge.”
“Alright, kid, don’t have too much fun!” Jun laughs before hanging up. You look at Nicholas, attempting to hold your glare but you reckon it slips out regardless. 
“You wrote what in the note?” you ask, voice steadily quiet. 
“Two rooms.” Nicholas avoids your eyes and scratches the back of his neck, with the guiltiest look on his face.
“‘Honeymoon suite’!” you state, jogging his memory. “You couldn’t just leave that out, could you?” 
“Yeah, my bad.” Nicholas admits. 
“Right, well,” you walk into the actual bedroom part. There’s a super king sized bed that takes up most of the room, and it looks very comfortable. “I’ll gladiator fight you for the bed.” 
“That’s not very civilised of you, YN.” he muses. “Rock, paper, scissors-” Nicholas thinks he can take you by surprise, yelling out RPS unexpectedly, but you throw out your hand as a reflex,
“Shoot!” you finish, giving him a paper to his rock. He groans at the loss. 
“Best of three!” 
You roll your eyes before playing again, throwing out scissors this time intuitively. Nicholas threw paper and then sunk to the ground.
“Hah!” you grinned at your victory. “You should have taken your chances in a fight, but I think I would have won that too.” you shrug, faux sympathy coating your voice. Karma’s a bitch, but so were you. “Enjoy sleeping in the bath.”
“Bath?” Nicholas snaps up and runs off to check. 
Indeed, there was no couch in the suite, only a dinning room set up in the small living space, complete with a TV mounted to the wall and a grand bathroom that separated from the master bedroom. Besides a generously spacious shower cabin, there is a huge white bath in the middle of the bathroom, practically the size of a jacuzzi and though giant by nature, Nicholas would probably fit in it. 
He comes back to find you getting comfortable sitting on the bed, legs crossed gloatfully as you watched your husband lose his mind and it was only day one. 
“Fine. Be cruel. I’m fine. It’s fine.” he says, sounding less than convinced. 
“Is it though?” you smirk, loving the way he’s trying to stomach the loss but failing. 
“Yes. Totally. Fine.”
You don’t press it further but lie back on the bed, letting the mattress swallow you up. Vacation wasn’t so bad after all. You might not have Netflix, but you had a personal drama king right in front of you.  
You didn’t get to do anything for the rest of the day since it was storming outside but you had dinner down at the restaurant and eventually went to bed, or in Nicholas’ case, to the bath.
The next morning, you wake up naturally, blissfully rested and stretch with all the grace of a cat. You slept like a rock on this gorgeous bed and you really had to thank Jun for booking this particular room. 
You get up, quietly, and pad over to the bathroom, the door still closed. You pause, then knock on lightly. “Nicholas?” you ask. 
There’s a sleepy groan on the other side of the door, and then a thud. You panic for a second.
“Hey, I’m coming in!” you warn and work the handle. You find Nicholas in the bath in his pyjamas, blanket half-thrown off and the pillow lying on the floor. That explains the thud. “You okay?”
“Hmm,” he grunts, eyes still closed. He shuffles slightly, pulling the blanket and curling up on his side. 
“Alright, well, good morning to you too.” you mutter and leave. 
A while later, a disheveled Nicholas emerges from the bathroom. It must have been the smell of coffee that got him moving because you’re about to drink your first and hopefully only cup of the day. 
“About time, Sleeping Beauty.” you glance at him. You note he most certainly is not a happy ducky in the morning; there’s a deep frown on his face and his posture is giving an uncanny resemblance to a deflated balloon animal. 
“Hmm.” he responds with another grunt. You weren’t sure when exactly, but some time between last night and this morning, your husband seems to have been replaced with a cave man. The two of you hadn’t crossed paths too often in the mornings, so it was kind of news to you to see him like this.  
You sigh and put your coffee down, getting up to go to the pot and pour him a cup. Nicholas sits down stiffly in the opposite chair and you deposit it in front of him. Instead of trying to make conversation with a prehistoric species, you go back to your book, but you see he drinks the coffee. 
Twenty minutes later, you swap the location and find yourselves downstairs having a late breakfast (you refused to call it brunch), munching on whatever to start your day. 
Nicholas looks more like himself now, but you can sense the obvious discomfort from the way he keeps trying to massage his neck and shoulders discreetly, or stretches to try and work the muscle there. He’s wearing a loose fitting, linen button up and every move seems to expose a lot of skin but while you’re trying to ignore it, it doesn’t mean everyone else is. 
People who are sitting at the neighbouring table are throwing occasional slightly suspicious glances. There are some not so discreet wives checking your husband out and not minding their own and even some pretty waitresses smiling as they pass by. You roll your eyes as one in particular can’t seem to look away as she brings you a plate of fruit.
“What?” Nicholas notices that you’re making a face. He himself seems to be oblivious on the other hand. 
“Nothing. Eat your strawberries.” you say quickly, keeping a poker face. You could almost see the smug look that would appear on his face if you told him people were checking him out, so you stayed quiet.
Back upstairs, Nicholas perches on the vanity table on one side of the room while you rummage around in your suitcase looking for some clothes. You’re aware of how he’s shifting awkwardly and you stop and turn to him. 
“I’m listening.” you state. Nicholas doesn’t say anything for a moment, his tongue poking the inside of his cheek and then the other side. 
“Please can I sleep in the bed?” he asks finally. 
“Hey, you lost fair and square.” you go back to looking for your swimsuit. Nicholas tilts his head.
“I’m not hearing a ‘no’.” he hums. 
“No.” you say for good measure. “Happy?” 
“Not at all.” he replies. You think he’s going to give it a rest but then a second later he speaks again. “Fine, if I have to sleep in the bath, then give me a massage.” 
“Why me?” 
“Because you’re here.” he says like it’s obvious. “Ooh, better yet, buy me medicine and rub it on my shoulders.” he smiles, hopeful. You knew what he was doing but despite that, it was working. 
You scrunch your forehead, the idea less than appealing to you. You look from Nicholas to the bed, then to Nicholas again, weighing it up in your head. The bed was big enough, you were just going to have to stay on one side. You didn’t want to cause permanent damage after all. (It might scar you for life to massage medicine over his shoulders. And you guess it could do something to his posture or whatever.) 
“Ugh,” you spit out. “alright. You can sleep on one side of the bed.” you specified. “I’m not giving you the whole thing.” 
“Pleasure negotiating with you, Mrs Wang.” Nicholas grins and disappears before you can tell him off for the name calling. 
You get dressed, slipping on your one piece swimsuit and throwing on some shorts, and take your book down to the pool. The weather had cleared up completely compared to yesterday’s torrential downpour and the sun is shining brightly. The pool itself is located in a slightly more sheltered area and it doesn’t look like there was any damage from the rain.
You smile to yourself and find a nice lounge chair to camp out at. You adjust your sunglasses and open your book again to continue where you’d left off. 
“Are your ancestors proud of you yet?” you hear a voice ask before you feel a weight settle near your legs on the lounge chair. You don’t look up at Nicholas, before replying. 
“I don’t know, maybe you should go ask them.” you retort. 
“Oh, I will,” he says. “in like hopefully seventy to eighty years.”
You hum in response, not particularly feeling like playing along right now. Nicholas shuffles about, and you finally look up. 
Big mistake. 
You find him unbuttoning his shirt and shrugging it off his frame. You blinked twice, trying to tear your eyes away from him. 
“Look after this, please.” he says after a moment, indicating to his discarded shirt. It lay half folded next to your bare leg. 
“Sure.” you mumbled. You watched as he threw you an acknowledging half smile and got up. You couldn’t help yourself for a moment; you stared after him. 
It was ground breaking actually. 
You’d not really given it much thought since your predicament was rather serious - life sentence married to a man you didn’t love and all that - but you had eyes and you noticed that your new husband was actually quite hot. 
Who would have thought? 
You clocked the well rounded muscle of his shoulders and back and his toned biceps, and though you avoided really looking (as in, you didn’t pull your shades down), the modest set of abs that graced his torso.
“How novel.” you observed out loud then went back to your book. You didn’t need to ogle at your husband; you weren’t a horny teenager any more. Moreover, this information changed nothing in your life whatsoever. You were still shackled together and sinking to the bottom of the ocean.  
You hear your name being called some time later.
Putting your bookmark in place, you look up to find Nicholas resting on the edge of the pool, his arms crossed and chin resting on top. 
“Yes?” you inquire, taking off your sunglasses to see him better. 
“Can you help me get out?” he asks, looking a little shifty, glancing side to side but there’s no one in your immediate vicinity. Just some people down the other end. You figured it was probably lunch time so it was quiet. 
“Huh?” you’re confused at the request. 
“It’s the deep end. I’m tall, but I’m not that tall.” he admits sheepishly. You guess he must be embarrassed to ask you for help. 
What doesn’t cross your mind is why a) he didn’t go to a shallower part of the pool, b) he didn’t cross to the opposite side and use the ladder!, or c) someone of his stature would struggle getting out of a pool. 
You get up and walk to the edge, extending a hand to him. Nicholas takes your hand in his wet one and you start to pull. 
Except you’re pulling but it’s not working. In fact, the world is suddenly tilting and you’re diving head first into the pool, gravity and Nicholas taking you in with him. You would have yelped but you close your mouth on instinct as you go down so you don’t get a mouthful of water.
The coolness of the water engulfs you suddenly and you struggle to orientate your way up to the surface again. You break through with an angry gasp for air. 
“Wang Yixiang!” you sputter loudly, venom filling up your veins. You hear his laugh somewhere nearby and you wipe your eyes, trying to locate him. He’s a foot away, also drenched, wet hair hanging in his face but smiling widely.
“Here, Sergeant!” he gives you a silly salute and you start toward him, eyes full of vengeance.
“Come back,” you demand after he starts swimming away from you. 
He’s not particularly fast and you manage to grab his hand and yank him back toward you. There’s a lot of water resistance but you’re adrenalised to you manage to get him to change direction. 
“Hey, c’mon, don’t be mad.” he says, well aware that today might be his last day as an alive person. You ignore him and do your best to try and dunk him. It doesn’t really work because he uses your strength against you and the two of you just spin around. You’re off balance and trying to just tread water even though here Nicholas could stand up, which was quite unfair. He stills suddenly. “Oh my god, look!” 
“Not falling for that one, dude,” you say, thinking he was trying to distract you from trying to dunk him. 
“No, really, two o’clock, it’s that man, uh, what did he do again?” Nicholas wracks his brain for a moment. 
“My two o’clock or yours?” you realise he’s being serious and you think to check. 
“Yours. The man with the moustache, we met him at the wedding.” You think back and try to place the description. You’re floating so you manoeuvre around to be able to glance in the right direction.
Sure enough you spot the person Nicholas was talking about. You saw him but he hadn’t spotted you yet.  
“Shit, it’s the tyre guy.” you say. 
“Right, that’s the one.” Nicholas agrees, as if the answer is now clear to him. 
“You had no idea who that man was, did you?” you ask.
“Not a clue,” he admits. “I was grasping at straws. He seemed familiar.” And you realise that it had worked. 
Yet, also it was that man; what was he doing here? Was he on vacation too? From what you remembered he was some business partner on your parents’ side. Your father had introduced you once before and then once at the wedding. 
You freeze, forgetting to tread water. 
Nicholas seems to notice you stop moving and grabs your waist, holding you up so you don’t start to sink. Your hands come up between you as a buffer and slap gently against his chest but you ignore what’s going on in front of you, deep in thought. 
Why was he here of all places? Was it a coincidence? What were the odds of that happening? 
What if your parents had sent him here to spy on you? That was possible right? Surely they wouldn’t do that though, you’d agreed to go on the honeymoon, that was enough, wasn’t it?
Wasn’t it?
You close your eyes, feeling like your sanity was slipping away; it sounded like the type of thing they’d do. Just to make sure you were behaving. 
“Hey, YN, what’s wrong?” Nicholas squeezes your waist, trying to get your attention. You snap back to reality, seeing his concerned face a few inches away from your own. You hand’t noticed how close you were so you let go of Nicholas, breaking out of his grip gently. 
“Nothing,” you say as you swim toward the nearest ladder. 
You were definitely annoyed, your parents couldn’t just leave you alone, could them?
After your early dinner, during which you constantly looked over your shoulder in case you spotted the tyre man, you go back to your room to continue reading. You hadn’t run into that man after all, but it was only a matter of time.  
Nicholas takes the opportunity to shower first after being in the pool, not that you were picky or going to fight him for it. 
The door of the bathroom opens some time later and he emerges with a towel around his head and one around his waist. You try to mind your own business but he’s rummaging around his own suitcase for ages, so damn loudly, might you add, humming and hawing at what to wear. 
You glare in his direction, but his back is to you, and all you see is the excess droplets on his skin snaking their way down his back-
“You having a good time there, Mrs Wang?” he turns around and catches you staring. Your eyes narrow at the name calling and you decide he does it to get a rise out of you, so you don’t give him the satisfaction.  
“I would have a better time if you had the capacity to make faster decisions.” you retort, looking down to your book as he straightens up. 
“No can do, you’d rather me wear clothes in bed, wouldn’t you?” he asks inquisitively. 
“If you dared do otherwise, you would find yourself in a very comfortable chair-” you pause. “in the lobby.” you finish curtly. 
Nicholas raises his hands innocently, giving you a quiet ‘okay’ before going back to the bathroom to get dressed. A minute later you hear the hair dryer come on and another minute he’s back to bug you. 
“Didn’t you finish that book yet?” he asks, trying to see the cover as he went past. 
“No, I started this one an hour ago.” you say. 
“What?” he stops in pure shock. “How many books did you bring?” he exclaims. 
“Ten.” you look up, giving him a tight lipped smile. “One for each day.”
Nicholas looks at you in awe, shaking his head. “YN, you really are something.” he says. “But this cannot be. Your eyes will glaze over, we’re watching TV, c’mon.” he prompts you to move over a little where you’re leaning against the headboard of the bed. 
You shuffle slightly to the right, but don’t let go of your book even as he grabs the remote and switches on the TV. It’s a decently sized flat screen mounted on the wall in front of you, adjacent to the small dinning table. 
Nicholas hops on the bed beside you, mimicking your stretched legs, crossed at the ankles. The noise starts to distract you only because he’s channel flipping for a minute before he settles on something. 
“Perfect.” he mumbles and puts the remote down. You glance up at the screen and see the film name. 
“Really?” you ask, closing your book with a loud smack. “You’re going to watch Cast Away while we are on a remote island on vacation?” 
“No,” he replies. “We’re going to watch Cast Away while we are on a remote island on our honeymoon.” 
“Yes, because that makes all the difference.” you mutter. You give in regardless since the movie keeps playing and you may as well pay attention. 
It’s kind of a long film but it’s not bad. You do at one moment overthink it and imagine what you’d do if you were in the same situation - you were halfway there anyway on this island - but you stop yourself because that kind of thinking was not a good idea. It would scare you unnecessarily. 
It gets to the part where Tom Hanks is trying to get off the island on his raft and loses his beloved friend, the volleyball. You watch as he yells, trying to stay afloat. It made you a little emotional and you look away for a moment only to notice Nicholas is watching intently, his own eyes glassy and lips tight. 
It fascinates you for a moment to see him like that since it was a wholly new side to him but you will yourself to look away, reaching to the bedside and pulling a tissue out of the box, handing it wordlessly to your husband. 
“Thanks.” he says under his breath and you hum just as quietly.
“You okay?”
“Yeah, just thinking about the wifi signal.” he sniffles. “I miss it so much.” he admits, raising a fist to his mouth. You nod, as if understanding, when in reality you’d basically popped the champagne when you found out there was no wifi.   
After the film finishes, it’s starting to get late so you pop off for a quick shower, wanting to get the chlorine off your body before sleeping. 
You brush your teeth and put on a t-shirt and sleeping shorts and get to bed. Nicholas joins you after brushing his teeth and turning off the big light. 
“Right,” you say, getting Nicholas’ attention. “Here is a line, it’s invisible but it exists, so stick to your side of the bed, please and thank you.”
“No problem. You won’t even know I’m here.” he nods obediently. “So shall we get to bed, Mrs Wang?”
You stop fluffing your pillow at his silly question and turn to give him a stink face. 
“You’re never going to stop calling me that, are you?” you ask. 
“Nope, not until death do us part.” he shows you a toothy grin. 
It suddenly occurs to you that while you had shared your reasoning for giving into the marriage, Nicholas so far hadn’t really commented on the topic. You frown. Why hadn’t he mentioned that yet?
“That’s weird.” you say, continuing on your train of thought.
“Not really, it’s pretty standard for marriages.” 
“No, not that.” you shake your head. Starting to overthink it.  
“What then?” Nicholas asks as he lies down on his side. 
“Don’t think I didn’t notice there must be something in it for you to agree to this union.” you say sceptically. 
“Pfft. Union. You make it sound so formal.” he replies sarcastically. You notice he isn’t offering any insights.  
“Well, we are legally bound together, unfortunately. I suppose it’s serious.” you reason.
“Yeah, so serious. Like donkeys pulling on a cart.”
“Don’t change the subject.” you quip. “I don’t know what it is you want, but I will find out and hold it over your head like a guillotine.” you warn, annoyed at the sudden suspicious toward the man now in your bed. 
Was this a defence mechanism - getting suspicious as soon as someone got close to you? 
“Can’t wait, ma cherie*. I hope your revolution works out.” Nicholas sighs, turning off the lamp on his side. 
“Impeccable attempt at humour, mon ange*.” you roll your eyes before reaching to your bedside lamp. “And by the way, donkeys pull their own damn carts.” you say, flipping the switch and turning your back to him. 
You fall asleep faster than you expected but it certainly has its drawbacks. 
For one, every once in a while you wake up because Nicholas has somehow managed to roll to your side of the bed and is hogging your area with his giantness, limbs splaying all over you, waking you up. 
You manage to shoulder him off you gently, using your strength to roll him back to his side and it seems he’s a heavy sleeper because he doesn’t wake when you end up pushing him away with your knees. 
You go back to sleep, satisfied that he’s far away enough from you that you can sleep in peace, only to wake up the next morning feeling incredibly warm and suffocated. 
That’s because Mr You-Won’t-Even-Know-I’m-Here has a vice grip on you; one leg thrown over yours and one heavy arm thrown over your waist while his face is tucked into your hair, as if you were one of those long, huggable body pillows.
You open your eyes and reach for your phone to check the time. It was 9-ish so you decide that’s enough anyway. You were going to wake him up. 
“Nicholas?” you say, voice croaky. You shuffle slightly, managing to drop his leg off of yours but the arm stays around your waist. “Nicholas?” you try again, patting his bicep gently. This time he stirs slightly, a low hum rumbling in his chest. You feel the vibration on your back and think you’re making progress. 
It’s difficult but you shimmy out from under his loosened grip and sit up while he automatically rolls on his back, eyes still closed. 
“Unbelievable.” you shake your head, looking down at his sleeping figure, before getting up. He looks way too peaceful and it makes you a little mad. You make no effort to be quiet since he was still out cold and probably won’t wake up for ages so you get ready for the day, make some coffee and sit with your book. 
Some time later, your husband finally decides to open his eyes and you look in his direction when he sits up and stretches, yawning like a cat. 
“Ah,” he exhales gruffly. “this bed is dope, oh my god.” he comments. “Did you sleep well?” he asks nonchalantly. You send a death glare in his direction, making him shrink back slightly. 
“I would have,” you start through gritted teeth. “if you weren’t trying to strangle me.” 
“Huh?” he has the nerve to look genuinely confused. “Did I do something?” he asks, meek all of a sudden. 
“I don’t know if anyone has ever told you,” you get up, getting closer to the bed. “but you are a heinous koala when you sleep!” you say pointedly, before going into the bathroom to get some sunscreen out of your makeup bag. 
“Nuh-uh,” you hear Nicholas call out. He has the audacity to disagree. You’re back out in a split second, listening expectantly. “Apologise to koalas, that was uncalled for.” he finishes. You’re taken aback; you thought he’d call bullshit and say you’d imagined it. 
You huff but ultimately concede; the creatures had never done anything to you personally. “Sorry, koalas.” you mumble and sit in front of the vanity to apply sunscreen on your face.
“Listen, I’m sorry,” Nicholas says, getting up. “I know I’m practically an ogre in the mornings, but I can’t help it.”  
“At least you’re self-aware.” you reply. “I’ll tolerate it for eight more days, but you’re on thin ice.” 
“Alright.” he says, closing the bathroom door. 
The next few days, the weather improves significantly and the two of you end up going to the beach or chilling by the pool. You even go to do this snorkelling lesson with an instructor and swim near some coral reefs, enjoying the beautiful crystal clear ocean. 
You also end up going to a spa for some random treatments out of boredom and a massage, which you weren’t too hot on but Nicholas begged you to join him since he didn’t want to go alone. (That and he said that you wouldn’t go because you were comfortable being a tense control freak. So of course you had to prove him wrong by sticking around. It was worth it.)
Another day you end up going out in a boat and fishing with some other guests at the resort. You had to admit, you were definitely having fun despite not having wanted to even go on vacation. Going fishing wasn’t something you’d ever thought about doing, yet here you were.
It’s then that you run into the tyre man for the first time. 
Fishing; you should have known that’s where you’d meet the middle aged businessman.
“Mrs Wang!” you hear a hearty voice greet you when he spots you. You almost grimace - you wished you’d told people to keep calling you by your own family name. Nicholas seems slightly startled next you while he holds his fishing rod. 
“Hi, Mr Lee, what a surprise!” you say, lying shamelessly. You’d been expecting to bump into him before he left. “How are you doing?” 
The man stops next to your spot at the rail of the boat, his own rod in hand and some bait in a bowl in the other. A woman joins him and you remember that’s his wife, whom you’d also met at the wedding. You greet her politely too. 
“Ah, well, we’re just out for some relaxation. You know how it is, can’t be cooped up in the office all the time.” Mr Lee replies. He doesn’t seem suspicious and you sense it could be possible that this was a coincidence and not a conspiracy. But you intuition doesn’t let up.  
“Right, of course.” you nod along. “We’re just here on our honeymoon.” you say, nudging Nicholas beside you. 
“Aha, really wanted to spend this special time in a special place.” he adds smoothly. 
“As well, you should. You’re young and in love, you shouldn’t waste away in an office.” he commends you. Was he testing you? Why mention love at all? What did he know?  
“Very true.” you say. “So, how long are you staying?” you ask casually.
“Oh, um, until Thursday.” he says, and you latch onto the slight air of awkwardness when he says that. You were staying until Friday, which was a little too close to your liking. “We really like it here but there’s no place like home, right?”
“Indeed,” you smile artificially. “Well, we should let you go. Enjoy the rest of your trip, we’ll see you back at home, Mr Lee. Mrs Lee.” you say politely, greeting each of them in turn. 
“Yes, thank you, we will. Y’know, there is a special event being held by the hotel on Wednesday, you should come along.” Mr Lee says. You wonder for a moment if that was bait. If it was then you were going to make him think he could hook, line and sink you. 
“Oh really?” you say, exaggeratedly fascinated. “Well, I guess we’ll have to think about it. No promises though; you know how hard it is to leave the bedroom on your honeymoon.” you drawled with a straight face. 
You hoped he would give that direct quote to your parents and make them as flustered as he looked right now. 
“Right, see you.” 
And with that you exchange some more polite nods, and separate, the Lees terrorised and Nicholas wide eyed to your left as he cast out his fishing rod.
“YN, I gotta hand it to you, you’re really scary sometimes.” he says so only you can hear him. 
“Only sometimes?” you reply, putting the bait on your line. “Guess I should work harder then.”
“Remind me to not get on your bad side again.” he says. 
“Oh buddy,” you sigh. “after using me as a body pillow, you have a reserved spot and VIP access.”
The next couple of days, the humidity is unbearable and if it isn’t, then it’s the heat. 
You’d been trying to sleep, but it was just too damn hot and the air con wasn’t doing much to help it. You’d shed any blankets and just had sheets instead, but even those got thrown off. 
Eventually Nicholas pokes you hesitantly in the middle of the night.
“You sleeping?” he whispers. You shift, then answer. 
“I was trying to.” you reply. 
“YN, it’s really hot, can we take off our clothes?” he asks. Perhaps the question would have flustered you if you weren’t completely baking right now. You don’t open your eyes but you nod.
“Yeah, I don’t want either of us passing out from excessive heat.” you agree and shrug off your shorts but realise that you needed to get up and put on a bra or cami since there was nothing under your t-shirt. “Damn it.” you mutter and get up, in search of something to wear. 
You settle on a thin camisole and hop back into bed. Nicholas has shed his shorts and shirt and is lying, just staring at the ceiling in his underwear, his hands behind his head. You don’t let your eyes linger, mostly because they’re too tired and you want to close them again. 
You read the clock on your phone, finding it was just past 4 in the morning. You sigh and lie back down.
Neither of you seems to be able to fall asleep again, the dawn light getting more intense past your curtains. 
“You awake?” Nicholas asks, shifting slightly. 
“Yeah.” you say, turning to face him. You spot the silver chain around his neck and the way it reflects the early morning light.
“What if we’re married for a long time?” he asks in the darkness. “Like for years?”
You wonder what sparked that thought. “We’ll just have to deal with it.” you reply. 
“Yeah, but eventually we’re going to start having needs.” Nicholas glances at you. “Like I’m going to want to sleep with someone and you’re going to want to sleep with someone. Then what? Do we sleep with other people? Do we sleep with each other? How do we get around that?”
The whole train of questions catches you off guard, however with even a second of consideration, you realise he’s raised a very valid concern. What would you do? It made you realise your marriage was more doomed than you’d thought. 
“You’re right. It’s a hard question that I don’t have the answer to.” you lament.
“Right,” he says, pausing for a while. “I guess, for me, I wouldn’t want to sleep with other people - I’d feel like I was cheating on you even if we agreed to go out and do that.”
“Really?” you’re genuinely surprised at the revelation. “You would feel like that even though you have no feelings for me?”
“Well yeah, we’re married and all that. And we’re friends right?”
You find yourself nodding in the darkness. “Yeah, I guess it wouldn’t feel nice to do that to a friend.”
“Would you sleep with someone else?” 
You take a moment to think. “Probably not. I’d keep thinking about you, waiting for me at home, in our house. I wouldn’t be able to do it.” you tell him honestly. 
It strikes you that this was possibly the deepest conversation you’d had so far, fittingly left for the middle of the night. 
“‘Our house’.” he repeats, tasting the words and letting them float up above you and into the early dawn gloom. 
“Strange, right?” you muse. 
“So, what are we concluding on the topic?” he asks, looking at you.
“The jury’s still out.” you shrug, unconvinced. 
“So diplomatic, Mrs Wang.” Nicholas laughs quietly.  
“Will you stop calling me that?” you yawn.
“Nah, it’s fun. You get so worked up about it.” he tells you. 
“So you like raising my blood pressure?” you inquire.
“Well, if we’re going to be married for years, I gotta find a way to entertain myself, don’t I?”
“You are a menace.” you state, no force behind your words. 
“Thank you. Right back at you.”
“Hah, I got news for you. This town is only big enough for one menace, and if it’s gonna be one of us damn it, it’s gonna be me.” you say stoically, but burst out laughing a split second later after hearing yourself back. You were feeling goofy; it was 4am. Nicholas finds it equally funny and laughs with you. 
It was then that you felt like you were finally comfortable around each other, at least enough to be staying up until morning, laughing about bullshit while lying around in your underwear.
Because that’s totally the sort of thing married friends did, right?
You wake up, barely conscious and notice your arm is slightly trapped. Then you realise why; you were tucked into Nicholas’ side, your head on his shoulder, hand on his bare chest, feeling his steady heartbeat under your fingers. It would have been a surprise and you would have scrambled off, but your limbs were too tired and too comfortable for any excessive movement.
Your eyes close again, and you let yourself drift off even though you had half the thought about what kind of dramatic reaction Nicholas might have to find you in that position after you’d given him a mouthful about being a koala. In your defence, it was his arm around you keeping you smushed together. 
The next time you wake up, you’re lying on your back, Nicholas still right next to you. You get up quietly, starting to get ready for the day. 
You’d agreed to go to that event thing the Lees had told you about because you’d mentioned to Nicholas that this could be some kind of ploy by your parents and you wanted to investigate. There was ice cream and booze so he didn’t need much convincing really. (Neither did you, if you were honest; you could use a bit of both).
Just as you’re putting the finishing touches of your makeup, Nicholas stirs and yawns loudly before sitting up. He spots you before the vanity, basically ready and checks the time. 
“Jeez, why didn’t you wake me?” he asks, swinging off the bed and hurrying to the bathroom.
“I’m sorry, did you just hear yourself?” you call out to him. “Wake? You up?” you cap your mascara and get up, walking over to lean on the bathroom doorframe, arms crossed. You see Nicholas scrambling about, large form folded over the tiny sink, to brush his teeth at a furious speed. “I would rather go wake an actual sleeping lion up.” 
“Fwine, bwut you clould at weast teth am aalarm.” he says through a mouthful of toothpaste.
“I’m not even going to dignify that with a response, dude.” you walk away, letting him struggle with the mint foam. 
When you get down to lunch (it was far too late to even attempt calling it brunch), you find that the event the Lees mentioned was going to start in just over an hour (it really was late thanks to your middle of the night joint existential crisis). 
After you finish eating, you make your way to the large garden of the hotel where the thing was going to take place. You were walking in blind pretty much, having no idea what on Earth was going on. 
There are at least ten or so tables set up and about twice as many guests, mostly couples by the look of it, seated within the area. There’s a small square mat or something of the sort in front of the tables, supposedly like a makeshift stage. Was this going to be some kind show? 
You spot the Lees just as promised at one of the tables and you start to look for another place to sit, but they notice you and call you over. 
“Shit,” you mutter, automatically reaching to your side to find Nicholas’ hand. 
“Double shit,” he says, taking your hand and lacing your fingers, and you look back at him. “look.” he motions to a poster propped up on an easel. 
You feel like you’re about to find some harder expletives when you read the words written in big bubble letters: 
“Oh my-” you can’t even finish the sentence.
You’d just walked into the adult version of those awkward middle school events that teachers would try to entertain students with.  
“We could still leave?” Nicholas suggests quietly. You want to agree but Mrs Lee is smiling from across the garden at you, sipping on her drink. 
“Too late.” you conclude and start walking to the half-filled table. 
“Well, you don’t know they’re spies for your parents.” Nicholas mumbles unhelpfully. “We might just hang out politely.” 
You reach the table and greet the Lees. You take a seat closest to Mrs Lee and Nicholas away from both of them. You felt like you were acting like protective buffer between him and them. 
“Oh YN, I just got off the phone with your mother-” Mrs Lee gushes to you immediately. “you remember we’re both part of that book club?” she says, as if it’s explanatory that she would be close to your mother. “Anyways, we were talking about how maybe you should join too, it might be fun. You could make friends with the other ladies there,” she suggests, “and between you and me,” she leans closer as if the men at the table can’t hear you. “it’s where we go to get away from our husbands, but shh!” 
You’re having a multitude of reactions under the surface (including searing rage towards your mother, wanting to sink into the ground out of awkwardness, and disappointed smugness that you were right that they were in cahoots with your parents) but you give her a polite chuckle and smile. 
You know she was just trying to be her version of friendly, for some reason that being recruiting you into some kind of married-women-who-don’t-want-to see-their-husbands exclusive club, so you don’t get too mad. 
“Well, I do like reading, but I think I think I like my husband more.” you reply, lightly rejecting the offer. You turn to look at Nicholas, giving him an ‘I-told-you-so’ face while he sighs contemplatively. You were also hung up on the fact that this woman called your mother more than you did, so who knows what other wack ideas she might have. 
“Darling, I don’t think Mrs Wang wants to go to that stuffy book club.” Mr Lee cuts in awkwardly. “Besides, these two are much younger than us, they should go on dates and enjoy themselves instead of boring themselves with books.” 
Oh boy, this was going to be a long afternoon. 
You had a lot to say but you weren’t going to utter a single syllable. Nicholas looks down helplessly, and you guess he’s trying to keep himself from laughing.  
Fortunately, at that pause in your conversation, you spotted two people walking up to the square ‘stage’. They looked like hotel employees, judging from their Hawaiian style shirts, one with a loud tiger print and the other with a large flower pattern. They were carrying microphones and tapped on them to check they were working. 
“Hello?” the flower guy said. His voice came out through the modest speakers set up on either side of the segregated area. He seems satisfied and so does his friend. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to our monthly couples contest!” he paused for a polite round of applause. “My name is Boo and I will be one of your MCs today.”
“And I’m Hoshi, your other MC this afternoon. We have a great few rounds of fun lined up for you and an exciting prize for the winning team.” the guy with the tiger print continues. 
“That’s right,” Boo says. “there are three games where each of our teams will compete head to head in an attempt to do the impossible - be the best couple!” 
“Firstly, if you take a look around, you will find our lovely assistant Dino coming around with some name tags; please take one and write your names on them.” Hoshi says. You did notice a guy in a regular employee shirt walking around and depositing said name tags on each table swiftly. 
“Alright, to start off, we have a game that will test your communication skills.” Boo announces. “The game is called ‘scream in silence’; here are the rules…”
You listen carefully as he explained it, even though you had seen this game played before. It was fairly simple so you thought you and Nicholas might do well at it. You just couldn’t believe you were trapped in a middle school dance on your honeymoon. 
“Okay, firstly, we’re going to need to split you up so that we can get through the game faster. Each of us will conduct a round and tally up the scores for you.” Hoshi takes over. Two of them split up the crowd into two and ask for the first teams to come to two chairs facing each other set up by Dino on each side of the area. 
You get split up from the Lees (thankfully) and end up sitting on Hoshi’s side of the garden. 
The game starts and you watch as one person out of the couple starts trying to mouth the correct word to the other as they both wear a pair of large noise cancelling headphones. It’s pretty fun since people are really awful at lipreading. 
You’re the third couple in your half of the crowd and you sit down in the opposite seat to Nicholas, the two of you putting on the headphones. It almost blows your mind how much you couldn’t hear through the headphones, and that was before Hoshi turned the music on. He held up the first word. 
“Lawn mower.” you said, trying your best to enunciate to Nicholas. His face immediately scrunches up, squinting at you from seven feet away. “Lawn mower!” you repeat. 
He mouths something that looks a lot like “Slower!” back to you and you shake your head, sure it was wrong. He tries again but you cut him off, starting to feel yourself becoming competitive. 
“La-wn mo-wer!” you try to break it down but he seems more confused. “Pass!” you shake your head. 
“Fishing.” you say as Hoshi shows you the next word. Nicholas blinks at you.
“Kissing?” he replies, frowning at the word. You weren’t sure how you managed to lip read it but you were sure that’s what he was saying. 
“No, fi-shing!” you attempt to break it down. “Fi-shing!” you were starting to get frustrated, your voice rising in decibels. “Fi-shing!” 
“Missing!” Nicholas tried again. You sighed.
“Pass!” you requested again. The next one was a phrase and it made you hesitate. “I love you.” you called out, just focusing on reading the phrase and not thinking about it. You felt so flustered saying it out loud, your face warming up and blood pressure rising. You didn’t think you’d ever actually say those words, especially not to your husband. 
Nicholas shook his head and shrugged. “I don’t know.” you think he said. You steeled yourself, growing frustrated again, mostly with the appearance of the phrase and the way it mocked your situation. 
“I love you.” you tried again, saying it louder this time, as if he would hear you.
“Above you?” Nicholas said. You looked up, rolling your eyes at his denseness. 
“I love you, you bastard!” you screamed out, lying aggressively, noticing that people in your group were pissing themselves with laughter. 
Nicholas paused for a moment, mouth slightly ajar as the cogs turned in his head. The eureka moment came finally and he clapped his hands together. That got your attention and you perked up expectantly. 
“I love you!” he yelled back. Hoshi gave you an approving sign, telling you you secured a point. 
“And the time is up!” Hoshi declared, raising a hand and doing a slicing action at his neck to let you know since you couldn’t really hear him. You were more than happy to take those humongous headphones off and return to your seat. “That’s one point for YN and Nicholas!” he says while there’s a scattered round of applause. 
You go sit down and try to ignore what just happened. Nicholas does too, watching the game ahead of you.
There’s only one other couple in your group that manages to score a point, one Hanbin and Hao, who were just as tragically terrible at the game but very cute while they played it.
“And that’s the first round over,” Boo announces. “Let us tally the scores - oh my! This was not your lucky day every one, but we do have two couples who scored and are therefore in the lead.”
“Don’t be discouraged everyone, it’s still all to play for.” Hoshi says. “The next game might be somewhat easier. It’s a game to test your couple chemistry; the peppero game!”
You sit there trying to discern what that actually constitutes. 
“What is the peppero game?” Nicholas whispers to you, just as confused. There seems to be an excited buzz around you though because apparently people know what that is or think they might do better at it than the other one. 
“Don’t look at me, I’m just a corporate lawyer.” you whisper back. You never thought that some random game may become your greatest intellectual obstacle. 
It’s when Boo calls up the first group and explains the rules that it sinks in. You watch as each couple takes a peppro stick snack and holds it between their lips, starting to munch on it from both sides, slowly making their way to meet in the middle. The objective is to have the smallest length of peppero stick remaining at the end.  
“So that’s the peppero game.” Nicholas says, dumbfounded. 
“You shouldn’t have asked dumb questions.” you scold him quietly. 
“I can’t help it sometimes, okay?” he hisses back.
Once the first group is finished and the MCs take measurements, they don’t disclose the results before calling the rest of the couples up. You and Nicholas reluctantly step up and face each other. Boo comes around and offers you the pack of peppero and you pick one out, holding it up. 
You have to get quite a bit closer to Nicholas and his hands comes up to rest on your shoulders to hold you in place as you bite on one end and offer him the other. Due to his struggles as a giant, Nicholas has to lean in a fair distance to make it work and you try your best to rise to your fullest height. 
“And begin!” Hoshi calls out, getting the game started. You take tiny bites of the snack, forced to stare at your husband up close because your eyes could go nowhere else. 
Your mouth focuses on not dropping the stick but your eyes focus on Nicholas; there’s the colour of his eyes, they way his eyelashes become more prominent when he blinks at you, and the way you can see your own reflection in his eyes as you get closer. 
Nicholas looks you straight in the eye, your noses just shy of touching and you accidentally bite down harder on the stick, severing it cleanly. 
“Ah,” you breathe, realising your mistake. “Sorry.” 
He lets go of you and takes the stick between his fingers, examining it. There was a lot left, at least 3cm or so. 
You wait for the rest of the couples to finish and hand in your pathetic peppero remnants to Hoshi, who immediately makes a face. 
“Oh guys,” he says then raises the mic. “well we know who definitely lost the game. Sorry, you two.” he smiles apologetically. 
“Now that everyone has had a go, we can reveal that there was actually a penalty for the losers.” Boo says, basking in the crowd’s laughter. 
“Oh lord, here we go.” you mutter. Before you can leave, Boo stops you.
“I’m afraid you’re staying, guys.” he says. “This game was supposed to check your couple chemistry and sadly you had a less than favourable result.”
“Since we don’t want to send you away feeling crappy about it, the penalty is simple and sweet; kiss and makeup for losing the game.” Hoshi tells you. 
You have a serious déjà vu back to your wedding where a crowd was watching the two of you kiss. It makes your stomach twist with eminent embarrassment. Not again, you think. 
“Oh come, don’t look so glum!” Hoshi continues. “Cheer up, let’s give them a hand everyone!” he encourages a round of applause but in your mind it gets worse. 
You’d avoided looking directly at Nicholas but you found him watching you expectantly and you turn to him, leaning in to initiate the kiss. The faster you did it, the better. He seems to catch on and leans to peck your lips half-way. Your mouths barely touch but you did it and smile in what you hope appears a natural way. 
You look out to the crowd, seeing they’re looking back at you awkwardly. Judgmentally even.  
“Now what was that?” Boo questions. “That might have been more pathetic than your peppero, you guys.” he taunts you gently. 
“Aren’t you newly weds?” Hoshi asks, surprisingly observant of the wedding rings on your fingers. “This is your honeymoon, you gotta have more passion than that!” he says excitedly, as if he was the one getting kissed. You glance at him, finding something in his eyes that may or may not suggest madness. You were also starting to think he might have a voyerism thing.  
“Hey, this is peer pressure!” Nicholas attempts, trying to get you out of the MCs grip. 
“It’s for your own good, bro, we’re trying to save your marriage.” Hoshi says to you, microphone not quite picking up all of that.  
“Just a quick kiss,” Boo pleads. “or we’ll feel like we failed you.” 
You can’t help but laugh at his logic. It’s clear that they’re just trying to have fun so you give in, stepping up to Nicholas again, who gives you a reassuring nod. 
You lean in again, eyes closing, willing yourself to tune everything out. One of his hands comes up to cup your cheek, holding you steady as your lips mold over his. You kiss your husband for the nth time; you were losing count but you were well aware that it was a finite number that you could count on your fingers. 
Ignoring everyone seems to help because you relax into the kiss and pull yourself closer to him intuitively, imagining you were back in that tunnel where you’d tried kissing the first time. It was hard to deny it, but Nicholas was a good kisser, whether he had been before you met or it was just that you’d practised together, and this kiss was no exception. 
It was good. 
Dizzyingly good. 
You pull away gently, feeling that you needed air, your heart beating faster than usual. The two of you look at each, unsure when you should really pull away. There’s a momentary silence and then a loud round of applause and you figure that’s a good cue to really separate and hurry back to your seats. 
“Wow, now that’s what you call a kiss!” Hoshi hollered, smiling widely. “Thank you for being good sports, and good luck on the next round.”
You wanted to call it irony. 
That’s what the strangest moments in life contained. You’d been pushed into an arranged marriage with a man you didn’t love, yet you had grown closer despite your circumstance, to the point where physical acts of affection were exchanged between you in public and you weren’t ready to die on the spot. 
So you did call it irony; the fact that you’d been so ready to resent Nicholas from day one but had become friends with him instead. Did friends kiss like that, you wondered. Married ones did, you supposed. 
There was a part of you that wished you didn’t feel the way you just did: as if you wanted to kiss him again. It was bothering you a little, a tiny voice in the back of your head, telling you that no matter what face you tried to pull and pretend to be angry that you’d had to kiss him, you were deep down glad you’d gotten to kiss him again. 
It felt like you were starting to develop a bad habit; the way one piece of chocolate sometimes becomes another, or one episode becomes three, and five more minutes of sleep becomes an hour. You made a note to avoid kissing him for a while, in case you started to spiral. 
It wasn’t a crime to want to kiss your husband but in your case, it could become dangerous.
For now, you told yourself it was probably just liking the physical intimacy that you’d been missing in your life and nothing more. Purely one of those pyramid needs things you’d read about.  
You can’t dwell on it too long because Boo announces the final game.
“We’ve tested your communication and your chemistry, now it’s time to test how well you know each other in a couple quiz!” 
“That’s right, this is simply a game of knowledge about your other half, shouldn’t be difficult, right everyone?” Hoshi chimes in. 
The thought occurs to you that you might be slightly disadvantaged this round since you’d met not that long ago but also weren’t a ‘real’ couple so to speak, but then you remembered the few basic notes you’d swapped between yourselves and change your mind - you might be better equipped than the other couples. 
Boo and Hoshi get each couple to write down five questions and their answers on a different piece of paper and invite each couple to do the quiz in front of everyone for fair judgment. 
You don’t need to tell Nicholas what kind of questions to write down because it was obvious - the stuff from the memos you’d shared. Was it cheating? You wouldn’t think so; technically nothing could have ever stopped other couples from doing the same thing as you. Besides, you were certain other people aimed for questions they were certain their partner would know. 
It was so obvious, it was practically an unspoken rule of the game. 
As expected, most couples do very well, only missing one or two answers, or if there was more, probably because they knew each other way too well and had a wider margin for mistakes and overthinking. 
You sat around waiting for your turn, but you ended up going last out of the whole group. You and Nicholas took to the floor, picking up the A4 whiteboards supplied by the MCs and getting ready to answer the questions. 
You did Nicholas’ questions first.
What was his favourite meal? You could have answered that just from living with him for a few weeks but you knew the official answer. 
If he could eat one fruit for the rest of his life, what would it be? It was so easy, you rolled your eyes as you wrote it down.
What style of dancing had he practiced during high school? Your pen started moving before Boo even finished asking the question.
What was the name and brand of his favourite cologne? This one annoyed you slightly because it wasn’t something you’d explicitly talked about but you had noticed in your shared bathroom at home. 
And finally, what was his birthday and star sign? You gave them the sun, moon, and ascendant just to be sure, memories from your memos. 
You finessed the challenge, giving the audience in front of you a smug finger gun and wink because of them had really struggled with answering their spouse’s questions. While you’re up there, you spot the Lees giving you a subtle thumbs up and you smile at them, genuinely for once. You’d almost forgotten they were there and also spying on you for your mother. 
You hoped they would relay everything they saw today and get her off your back. 
It was Nicholas’ turn to answer your questions and you’d really tried to keep them as simple as possible, asking things like your own star sign, hometown, favourite school subject back in the day, favourite colour (were you in kindergarten? today you might as well be), and your coffee order, which was one of the first memos you’d given Nicholas. 
He aces it just like you did, and you’re a little proud of him for remembering even this much about you. 
“Well, you saw it here first folks, we have another perfect team.” Hoshi announces. “We’re going to ask our other top scorers, Hanbin and Hao to get up here for a tie-breaker.”
Uh-oh. You started to panic at the prospect of more questions and especially because they would be of the unseen variety. 
“You did so well that we’re going to need to get some bonus questions in there, stuff that will make you think on your feet.” Boo informs the four of you. You’ll go first since you’re already sitting there. “We’ll do three questions each.”
This time you’d both write an answer down on the whiteboards instead of the hosts fact checking on the piece of paper. 
It was in that moment, that you accepted you’d already lost. There was no way you’d beat anyone when you’d known each other for like two months.  
“Nicholas, what is YN’s favourite time of day?” Boo asks. You think carefully about what Nicholas might say and try to write an answer down to match it. 
You think simply and thank whoever that it was an easy question. 
You both hold up your answer and check. A wave of relief washes over you.
Nicholas had written 4am on his board, matching yours. It was an obvious one since you’d stayed up that late just this morning. 
Nicholas manages to get another question right (it was about your job title, which almost makes you laugh because could they have picked better questions for you?) but misses the third one because it was simply impossible for him to know. 
“We’re going to get a little spicy now for the final one, if that’s okay.” Hoshi begins. “Where on her body, does your wife like being kissed?”
“Please do keep the answers moderately PG.” Boo pleads you before you write. Your heart is racing because you know this will be wrong.
You write ‘cheek’, hoping it’s generic enough to get you the point, but Nicholas writes ‘neck’ and you throw him a glare. He shrugs innocently. 
“Oh no, what a shame!” Hoshi exclaims. “Very close to perfection, but not quite. Now, let’s see if YN can match or better your score.” 
You’re asked about Nicholas’ shoe size and you think hard, trying to remember if you’d ever seen an actual number. By some miracle, you guess the correct number after taking a little longer to answer the question.
“Right, so far so good.” Boo says, leading up to the next question. “What is Nicholas’ love language?” 
You freeze. 
Not good, very not good. 
You wracked your brain, trying to figure it out on the spot. In the end you write ‘physical affection’ because of the way he never leaves you untouched in bed and hope for the best. Nicholas turns his board around and you sigh at the ‘acts of service’ scribbled there. 
“Oh disaster strikes again!” Hoshi squeaks. “YN, you have one more question before we hand it over to your competitors.” 
“We’re going for another spicy question, as is customary.” Boo continues. All you hear is ‘game over’ in your head, flashing in big red letters. “If given the chance, what is the freakiest public location Nicholas would want you to partake in the act of coitus?”
You felt like throwing yourself down a flight of stairs. 
Translation - where does he want to fuck?
Low key it was a super personal question but also awkward since you were in a group setting, even if you were all adults here. 
You had no idea, so you just wrote down the first thing that popped into your head: ‘balcony’.
“And now, the big reveal…” Hoshi trails off dramatically. You’re so over this and just want to go back to the comfort of your hotel room and hide from the world until you left the island. 
You turn the boards and your suspicions are confirmed. You lost.
Nicholas had written ‘conference room’. 
For a moment, you think about why he wrote that and then it sends you spiralling; you could have easily answered that question with just an ounce of thought. The war room, of course. Why didn’t you think of that? 
“Ohhh, so close yet so far!” Hoshi says. “I’m sorry guys, but that’s three out of six for you, if Hanbin and Hao can get four or more, they win. Thank you for playing, good job!”
You thank the MCs and sit down, watching while Hanbin and Hao got question after question right. They won the round so easily, that it was laughable. 
“Welp, at least we tried.” Nicholas nudges your arm.
“Sorry I messed up.” you say.
“It’s fine, it’s not like we knew any of the answers.” he says simply, absolving you of blame. 
In the end, Hanbin and Hao are the overall winners because they had managed a point in the scream in silence game, a good score in the peppero game and a complete sweep in the quiz. Their prize is pretty fun too - a free twenty-four hours renting a yacht around the island.
“Congratulations! Now, a speech from our winners, please guys, say a few words.” Boo asks. 
Hao seems too stunned to speak so Hanbin takes over, a big smile on his face. 
“Woah, well we didn’t expect to do so well. We only got married in April and we’ve been too busy working to get a vacation, so it’s really amazing to get such a nice surprise. Thank you for playing everyone and thanks to our wonderful MCs!” he wraps up nicely and you applaud, smiling as they both sat down. 
“Lovely!” Boo says when the clapping dies down. “Right, everyone, just before we go, we do have one more thing to announce. We have a runner’s up prize too; a romantic dinner and stargazing experience for two.” 
“Sounds like a treat, right?” Hoshi chimes in. “We can now reveal that our runner up couple is…YN and Nicholas!” 
You hear your names being called and you find yourself confused.
You had scored in the first game, completely failed the second, but managed to get runner up in the third, so it did in fact add up, but it still felt strange. 
“Congrats, you two. See us afterwards so we can fill you in.” Boo instructs. “Well, everyone. Thank you for a delightful afternoon. We hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we always do. We’ll wish you a pleasant evening and another congratulations to all our winners! This has been Boo…”
“And Hoshi! See you later, folks!” they finish in unison. You had to hand it to them, they’d been very fun hosts and you had had a good time despite thinking you’d be stuck making awkward small talk with the Lees all afternoon. (You were almost sure that being separated from them had been the stroke of luck that had saved your day.) 
“I can’t believe we actually won something. What a weird day.” Nicholas muses as the crowd slowly disperses. 
“There are stranger things in life, are there not?” you reply, tempting him into a philosophical discussion. 
“Nope, no more thinking. We got a dinner to claim.” he smiles.
In some ways it was fitting that your last night on the island would be so special. 
The dinner you’d won was really amazing and you enjoyed the food thoroughly on the balcony of the largest restaurant in the resort. 
You could see the stars between the clouds when they became clearer as the night grew darker. It was worth any momentary embarrassment you’d felt yesterday while competing in the couple contest.
It was getting late by the time you finished your meal so you decided to go and get some sleep since you’d be waking up early tomorrow for your flight home. 
By the time you left the restaurant, a dark cover of dense clouds had converged in the sky and hid the stars from you as you slowly strolled back to the hotel. 
“Aren’t you glad we came?” Nicholas asks suddenly. He’s moving with some energy despite having mirrored the way you stuffed yourself with food. You, on the other hand, were half a step behind, feeling the weight of your decisions, you had no intention of eating again for at least another day. 
You thought for a moment, assessing the collection of good times you’d accumulated over the past week and a bit, then considered for a moment how the hell you were going to deal with getting back to work. Somehow, all the fun you had outweighed your incoming stress. 
“Yeah, I’m glad we came.” you admit. Nicholas is smiling when he glances at you, a little proud he convinced you probably. 
You seem to have spoken too soon because in the next split second you feel a series of rain drops falling on your face and then a rapid succession which gets starts to drench you before you can even react. 
“Shit, you really know how to jinx things, don’t you?” Nicholas comments, squinting as the rain gets harder, but you see him smiling. You’re in the middle of a narrow street and nowhere to take cover.
“You started it!” you reply, infected by his smile. You raise a hand to shelter your eyes from the rain as you look around. There was no one else out.  
“Come on!” he grabs your hand and starts running, dragging you behind him. Your legs start moving against your will and you follow him, hoping you’re headed in the right direction since it’s difficult to see in the rain.
The heavens open up torrential rain on the two of you but as you run in between the rain drops, your hand secured in Nicholas’, you can’t help but laugh when he does. 
You felt so liberated for a moment.
You didn’t think about work, or the fact that the only reason you were here was because your parents had decided to derail your life, you just ran, as carefree as a kid, splashing through puddles, ruining your sundress and sneakers. 
You thought about how you’d only ever seen this happen in movies; how it was some big romantic moment where the leads run and laugh and look all in love as they get drenched, but the reality was that it was exhausting, even if still a little fun, as you tried your best not to lose Nicholas in the curtain-like rain. 
It only takes a minute to get to the hotel and you burst through the doors, startling the nightshift staff at the desk and you chuckle at their stunned then relieved faces.
You’re both panting, you more than Nicholas since clearly only one of you worked out, and you will your lungs not to explode as you catch your breath. 
Nicholas turns to you, face lit up despite the end to your night. “You look like you just swam here.” he says, bringing a hand to your forehead to move the wet strands away. You pause for a moment, surprised by how tenderly he brushes his finger tips against your skin, pushing the hair away. 
“Yeah, well, you look like a wet dog.” you retort sassily despite being short of air. It was true that you both did, drenched from head to toe and to the bone. 
“Okay, I’ll acknowledge it, let’s go shower before we catch a cold.” 
You get back to your room, feeling a little guilty that you’d been dripping all over the hotel’s plush carpets, but you had no choice. 
“You can go first.” Nicholas says, already unbuttoning his soaked through shirt.
“What about you though?” you ask, taking off your shoes. “You should dry off at least, you might get cold.”
“I’ll be fine, just go.” he insists. You’re about to let it go but he sneezes, trying to cover it up with clearing his throat.
“Fine, my ass.” you sigh. “Okay, this is a simple problem so there must be a simple solution.” you say and think for a moment.
You have an idea when you spot the wolf sleeping mask peeking out of Nicholas’ toiletries baggie.
“How about this:” you start. “you take a bath and wear the mask while I take a shower? That way we both get warmed up.” 
“You’re so determined to make me return to that bath, aren’t you?” Nicholas shakes his head but agrees. “Alright, I know my place by now, Mrs Wang.” he finishes by throwing off his shirt, then trudges to the bathroom, swiping the mask in passing. 
You wait for a minute, hearing the water running and the sound of a belt buckle hitting the floor. 
“Okay, you can come in now.” Nicholas calls out a moment later. 
You creak the door open and close it behind you, eyes sweeping over the scene to make sure he was wearing the mask. Nicholas was sitting in the bath obediently, his broad back to you but you could see the mask was over his eyes. 
Satisfied, your hands got busy removing your dress and underwear quickly, leaving them to hang and dry. You padded across the bathroom and hopped in the shower, starting the water.
Neither of you says anything, a less awkward silence than you thought hanging between you but you barely notice because you rush yourself to finish as quickly as possible. You stop the water and open the cabin door, stepping out so you can reach a towel off the shelf. 
You glance in Nicholas’ direction in paranoia and freeze when you notice the mask is sitting on the ledge of the bath. In the process, you drop the towel, which in turn makes a moisturiser fall on the floor with a thud and the noise makes Nicholas turn around.
You lock eyes, his widening in panic.
“Ah!” you both scream when you realise what just happened, Nicholas throwing himself to face forward and you scrambling to throw the towel around yourself. 
“What are you doing!” you huff, incredibly flustered as you clutch the towel to your body. 
“What are you doing!” he demands, just as freaked out.         
“Why aren’t you wearing the mask?” you ask, picking up the fallen moisturiser. Damn your self-care diligence.
“I was washing my hair, I had to take it off.” he explains, sitting rigidly with his back to you. 
“Oh,” you get it now. “fine. Nevermind.” 
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to turn.” he says, clearly a bit embarrassed. 
“Whatever, it doesn’t matter.” you shrug, forgetting he can’t see you. 
“Nice tattoo, by the way.” you hear the smirk in his voice and you close your eyes. How did he manage to see that of all things in a split second? 
“You better forget what you saw, or else.” you warn him. 
“I’ll try but no guarantees.” he replies. That was good enough for now. 
“Okay. I’m going now.” you open the door. “I hope you prune up like a raisin.” you say over your shoulder and shut the door.  
You wanted to shrivel up too; become but a speck of dust, not because of embarrassment necessarily, but more like because you didn’t like what you were thinking about. There was a fraction of a second when Nicholas’ eyes widened, that you felt like you wanted him to keep looking. 
You shudder at your own deprivation, blaming your busy schedule for not going out and hooking up with more people. Now you were a mess at the slightest incident. 
You just hoped at least Nicholas would forget…
*apartment 520 cuz it sounds like ‘i love you’ in chinese and i couldn’t miss an op. also ‘ma cherie’ = my dear/darling and ‘mon ange’ = my angel literally in french
ALMOST FORGOT TO ADD THIS!!!! for all your meme needs <3
A/N: thanks for reading, feedback is always appreciated <3 I gotta say, i felt just a little unhinged writing some of this, Nicho's too much y'all, i'm not normal about this man. i hope this chapter gave you whiplash cuz same <3
*copyright 2021- © momobani 
momobani masterlist
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Rose Reads Love In The Big City
Part I
So as I finished reading Part I and went to look at the questions that @bengiyo provided , I felt that I couldn’t really talk about this chapter from any other place than my own experience. I usually have a hard time writing from a non personal view point which is why I don’t write that much on here. But I wanted to be part of this event and it felt disingenuous to not write from a personal place. With that said.
I moved to London when I was 24 with one of my best friends. Let’s call him P. We shared a flat for almost 4 years. And our lives were not that different from Young and Jaehee. The major difference here was that I was single for all that time and didn’t sleep with anyone. I was ace but didn’t call it that at the time.
But I saw a lot of ourselves in this chapter. When we weren’t working and he wasn’t getting laid, we would spend most of our time together. We would talk about the boy du jour, and why I hated him, except when I didn’t and in that case P was the one that didn’t like him. We would visit gay clubs after work and I was drunk by 8pm and by that time, he had a companion for the rest of the night so I would go home. Of course I would wake up at some point when he staggered back home alone or not. If alone we would talk about the night, and if not alone I would save the conversations till morning. Except for the few times when I was actually still awake and would quickly be put in charge of brewing coffee and providing food to soak up all the alcohol.
This went on for almost 4 years. He had some longer relationships, and by that I mean, maybe six months, and I abstained from all that. Although in the beginning P was relentless about my need to meet someone and get laid, eventually he got the message that that wasn’t me.
We also smoked way too much, drank way too much and I had way too much fun with his sex life. I got very familiar with the local clinic where he would get tested and got to laugh about his poor life choices when something didn’t go well.
One of the my clearest memories of that time was one time where he had a boyfriend, going on like 3 months, the one I liked and apparently he didn’t, and he brought another guy home, and after he left, I was being a judgemental bitch just has P gets a message from a former hook up saying he needs to get tested. My immediate reply was – instant karma. Obviously every time I made a joke about him being a slut I could always expect one in return asking when would I join the convent.
All this to say I saw a lot of myself and P in Part I. However, I ended up relating more to Young than to Jaehee which is interesting but makes perfect sense.
So now for the questions. I don’t think I can answer one at a time so I’ll just go through questions 1, 3 and 4 for now.
Well most things stuck out to me just because I could so clearly picture it in my head almost as a memory. The whole dynamic felt very familiar to me. Just like Young and Jaehee, we were each other’s home. The one we always returned too.
I read the fight the same way as the author did in a way. I saw it as a betrayal. But I don’t think it was about outing him, as he himself is not sure about that. It was the first time that Jaehee put someone else before Young. She told the fiancé the truth, because in that moment he was more important than Young. And that was what felt like a betrayal. Because although they shared their bodies with a number of different people, and even momentary feelings, emotionally Young had an expectation that he came first.
And now tying it with the fourth question. Me and P never had any sort of problems regarding optics. Perhaps this is a cultural nuance that I miss.
But as I was reading it, I kept waiting for the break. For when one of them was no longer happy with this arrangement. This is not to say that there needs to be a break. But in my experience, there was a break. First in the form of long distance when I returned home. We would talk everyday and have video chats more than once a week at first. Eventually the distance in geography translated into a distance in the relationship. However whenever he came back home and we were together there was still a semblance of what we shared before.
But eventually the real break came in the form of a new relationship. Eventually he met someone, and now they’ve been together for years and that person and I never really got along. There was no hostility and it’s not that I didn’t like him. We just didn’t mesh.
After they’d been together for a while, he started having a problem with our relationship. Mostly with the fact that I was an influence in his life, and for some reason he thought that meant that his influence was diminished. And apparently I was a bad influence. I will not speak to that because it really doesn’t matter.
So P made a choice. And he chose his boyfriend. I haven’t talked to P in almost two years. Because as much as we wanted to believe that our relationship was important, and bro’s before hoes and all that crap, the reality is that in this amatonormativity we live in, there really isn’t any space for that. Sharing your life with someone that doesn’t involve romance has an expiration date. And more often than not, eventually you will find a “real” partner and that will not leave space for anyone else.
And the thing is normally this would happen just like in the novel. I, the woman, would be the one that would “move on”, perhaps get married and have no space for any other significant relationship in my life.
Because it’s what’s expected. Eventually you will find your “actual” person and be normal. Move in together, get married and whatever you had with someone else was youth inspired and not for the long haul. Because who would be happy with that? I mean, Jaehee certainly didn’t seem like she was ready to get married any time soon, and although I can only guess at some of the pressures she was feeling in the context of her culture, it’s not like that doesn’t translate to my own.
Me and P never had anyone look at us weird because of our closeness. Not my family or his, or any of our friends. The only person that had a problem with that was his last partner. And of course P made the natural choice. Because let’s be real. At the end of the day, who would actually choose a friend over a relationship? I mean, I would but I’m not what anyone would call “normal” and that is just one of the many reasons why.
I don’t know what’s gonna happen with Young and Jaehee. I haven’t read past the first part. I hope they find their way to each other. But that ending – “that Jaehee didn’t live here anymore” hit me like a ton of bricks.
Thanks to @twig-tea for being my editor.
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analumina · 1 month
I managed to finish this one however, one of my greatest challenges is writing longer spicy scenes because, it seems, I can only write short scenes, no idea why, but I challenged myself with this one. I am working on it though haha Sharing chapter one.
Summary: There is always a first for everything, including the first time you let your demon/angel boyfriend...
Crowley's eyes widened in curiosity as he sniffed his hand. “Feels…hm, I'm not sure, really.” He rubbed his fingers together.
Aziraphale nodded in agreement as he too let the slippery substance coax his soft fingers. “Are you sure?” He questioned his frie- ahem, his now lover who had given the angel a celebratory kiss after non-mageddon, which led to more kisses and eventually, the start of many random kisses. They were celebrating after all, and don't humans kiss each other when happy? Yes, it was all practically normal, the stolen kisses, the hand holding, the lovely dates, the I love yous that they never seemed to tire of saying or hearing. All normal in fact, after a year of it all, the demon decided best to stay with his angel at the shop and forget all about his cold flat.
Meanwhile, as the angel and demon navigated through their absolutely normal relationship, they had heard about something some humans did in said normal relationships and that was good old-fashioned sex, or relations as Aziraphale put it. Now, the couple was not at all naive, especially Crowley, when it came to the act of "reproducing" as some called it; however, they had yet to explore it themselves. After a very much discussion where Crowley had suggested they give it a go, or in his own words, “you wanna,” the couple had done the required research for it.
Crowley stammered and took back the silver box from Aziraphale's hand, “Yes, I'm sure. It says here it prepares you for, erm, you know,” he muttered as he read on, “hypoallergenic…water based, um…gentle warming sensation?”
Aziraphale pursed his lips and carefully eyed the substance within his fingers. “Exactly for who?”
“Whot?” Crowley looked up with a raised brow.
“The warm sensation? For the receiver or giver?”
Crowley puffed a small breath of air through the corner of his mouth and skimmed through the box again. “Ngk, i-it doesn't say.”
Aziraphale's mouth made an O shape as he nodded. “Um, dear?”
“Hm?” The demon turned the box in his hands trying to understand if they needed to use the whole tube.
“Have we established who will be the giver and receiver?”
Crowley's head practically whiplashed as he turned his attention to his partner. “Er…di-did we not discuss it?”
“No. I…I, erm, don't believe so.”
They remained silent for a minute until, “I got it.” Crowley rummaged through his jeans. “Toss you for it?”
Aziraphale smiled at his demon’s brilliance. “Alright. Heads.”
Crowley tossed the coin, but before he could reveal the results, “So the loser is what? Receiver?”
The angel was at a loss. This was all so new to them. Kisses were easy to learn as were hugs, snogging sessions, and other relatively appropriate public endeavors but this was…something else. With both quite perplexed, Crowley took it upon himself to check online. “Unanimously says receiving is better, erm…bo-bottom.” He shared his phone screen. “So, I guess…”
“Loser is giver. Heads.” He shook his fist in front of him all too enthusiastically.
Crowley tossed the coin once more and grinned. “Heh, tails I'm afraid. You get to do me.”
Aziraphale clicked his tongue and furrowed his brow. “Don't say it like that. We are making love.”
“Right!” He clapped his hands, tossing the little box, and rubbed his hands. “Shall we start?”
“Now? Just like that?”
“Um, hm,” he rubbed his chin, “I pretended to pick you up, we went to the theater, dinner, and you ‘invited me in,’ so…I suppose, yea?”
“Do I kiss you?”
“Y-yes?” He sounded unsure.
“Or do you kiss me?”
Crowley rubbed his neck. This was all too complicated. After their lovely, innocent dates, the couple, by this time, would have stayed in, watched a movie, talked about whatever, and even had a drink or two before bed. “How about…err…meet you halfway?”
Aziraphale smiled and took a step forward, mirroring Crowley and, as said, they met in the middle, their lips sweet against each other. “Wait,” Aziraphale placed his hand on Crowley's chest, “should we not do this in the bedroom?”
Crowley clicked his fingers and nodded eagerly. “Yes! Of course. Bed is in there after all.” He took hold of Aziraphale's hand and led them upstairs. “Ready?” he asked once he shut the door behind him.
“Erm,” Aziraphale glanced at their comfy, full-size bed.
“Angel,” Crowley spoke softly, “we don't have to do this.”
The angel smiled lovingly and gave the demon a quick peck. “No, no, I didn't say that. It's just…hmm, wha-what if we don't like it or we do it wrong?”
“Erm, I mean…I mean…I don't think we can do it wrong and even if we do, at least we gave it a go. Now,” he cleared his throat and began to shed his jacket, “shall we?”
“Wait, darling, I,” Aziraphale blushed, “want to do that for you. Like in that film we watched last night.”
Crowley extended his arms to the side. “Go on then.”
Aziraphale's cheeks were as red as his partner's hair. “I can't do it while you look at me.”
Crowley smirked and closed his eyes while Aziraphale waved his hand in front of the demon's face, making sure he did not witness anything. Carefully and slowly, with trembling fingers, Aziraphale began to unbutton Crowley's vest and shirt. Meanwhile, Crowley, being the naughty thing that he was, and trying to ease the awkward atmosphere, leaned forward and kissed Aziraphale's familiar lips and, before Aziraphale could question anything, Crowley deepened the kiss. “You're taking too long.” He breathed.
“I'm nervous.”
The demon began a trail of small kisses along Aziraphale's jaw. Something they had done countless times during their heavy snogging sessions, which had evolved into something quite inappropriate for the public eye. And it was during one of these sessions that started this new endeavor. Crowley had somehow crawled on top of Aziraphale's lap, grinding down on the angel, while Aziraphale's hips thrusted upwards. “Oh, I like this.” The angel had stated, giving Crowley encouragement.
Meanwhile, “Damn, angel.” Crowley pulled back as he felt Aziraphale bite his lower lip. “It's going to be the sofa all over again.” He grinned and went back into the angel's space.
Aziraphale tilted his head back, letting Crowley get to his neck. “You were the one who sat on me.”
“It's not my fault you are so deliciously tempting.” Crowley sucked on the angel's neck, prompting a small mewl from said angel. “Are you done with my shirt or will I grow old waiting.”
Aziraphale nodded shyly and with a simple snap, Crowley unbuttoned Aziraphale's vest, shirt, and other obstructions on his partner.
“You can't do that.” Aziraphale gasped.
“It's not romantic.”
Crowley cocked his head to the side. “Angel, if I were to do that on my own, we will be here a while.”
“But the film.”
“I promise we can take it as slow as possible next time.”
“Next time? What if we don't like it?”
Crowley laughed through his nose. “By what I can feel,” he pressed his body against Aziraphale, “there will definitely be a next time.”
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blue-slxt · 1 year
Two Can Play - Chapter 5
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
A/N: We have finally reached the finale! I legit cannot thank you guys enough for all the love and support on this series. Especially since this is my first Lo'ak fic. Writing this really made me fall in love with him. Of course, like I say in every part, I have to give a HUGE thanks to @pandorxxx for inspiring me to write this fic. Her fic Search & Rescue was a big inspiration for the premise of this story. Two Can Play would not exist without her. So, I hope you guys enjoy the end of this fantastic journey. All characters are aged up.
Previous Part
Pairing: Lo'ak x Fem!Omatikaya!Reader
Warnings: This chapter contains potentially triggering content for suicidal ideation so please proceed with caution. Mentions of death, Angst, Dissociation, Depression, Smut, P in V, Creampie, Oral (M receiving), Mentions of scenting, I think that's it
Word Count: 5.1k
Summary: The aftermath of the incident plays out.
Staring up at the opening in your tent, the night stars bounce in your vision with each thrust given by Tenye above you. He holds on to your hips while he ruts into you. Clearly, he’s feeling good from all the sounds he’s making. You can’t really feel much right now. Your head is too far lost in the sky to be present enough to enjoy yourself. Your mind is back in that space where you’re not really in your body anymore. It’s as if you can actually see your own face peering up at the sky dead-eyed while you force moans from your own mouth to help him finish quickly.
“Ah…Gonna cum!” he says
‘About damn time’ you think to yourself.  You use your hand to push him out of you before he finishes and just pump him with your fist until he cums.
He lets out a dramatic groan when he finishes and doesn’t move an inch while he comes down from his high. Meanwhile, you immediately use a spare cloth to wipe your hand off with.
“Eywa, that was so good” he says between pants trying to catch his breath.
“Yeah…” you pick up his loincloth and toss it to him, “See you around.”
He stares stunned at you for a moment, “That’s it?”
“Yup, pretty much. Bye.”
Tenye scoffs at you and he mutters ‘bitch’ under his breath as he gets dressed and leaves.
It doesn’t even phase you at this point. Nothing phases you anymore. You don’t feel anything anymore. It’s been like this for 2 whole weeks now. You hid out in your tent and retreated into yourself. For the first few days, it felt like you never moved from the spot on the floor where you initially collapsed. You nearly dehydrated yourself from your tears. Ako came looking for you after you disappeared from the festival and the sight of you broke her heart.
And just when it felt like your mind was going to snap from all the overwhelming distress…it suddenly went dead quiet. Your mind and body ceased to process stimuli properly anymore. And before you knew it, you fell back into your old habits. Desperate to feel something—anything, you regressed into seeking comfort in sex. But that did nothing for you either. Not anymore. No matter what, the only person your body responded to was Lo’ak.
You found fault with just about every other male now. This one kissed too rough, that one came too quick, he used too many teeth when he ate you out, and he was too small. One after another, the disappointment seemed never-ending. Lo’ak had utterly ruined you for anyone else. None of them could hold a candle to him and how he knew your body.
And even worse, you still had his bracelet. The one that he made for you. You were too blinded by your rage to have the sense to throw it out that night with the rest of his things. But once you calmed down and registered that it was still on your wrist, it was like your fingers physically couldn’t take it off. As much as it pained you to look at it and remember, you couldn’t deny the comfort it also brought you. Fidgeting with the small beads day in and day out mindlessly.
You curl up on your hammock and fight to keep the tears at bay. But you fail today again just like every day since the incident. It doesn’t take anything to bring the sadness on at this point. It just sneaks up on you when you least expect it. Even with a totally blank mind, your subconscious still remembers every ounce of the pain that still lives there.
Another cold night of crying yourself to sleep.
Ako grew concerned about you over the passing weeks. She couldn’t believe the story you had told her about what you witnessed. It didn’t make sense. The way Lo’ak was with you, there was no way it was just an act. Lo’ak may have been a lot of things, but cruel wasn’t one of them. It didn’t add up in her mind. She struggled with whether or not she should go confront Lo’ak. On one hand, she felt like it wasn’t her place to get involved. She doesn’t insert herself into your relations. But on the other hand, watching your body and mind slowly wither away with each passing day was sinking her heart. She needed to find answers.
That’s why she’s currently dragging Lo’ak by his arm through the forest right now. She needs to get to the bottom of this so that she can know how to help you.
“Okay, you need to start talking and I mean right now” she says finally releasing his arm once they’re far enough out of the way.
“What are you talking about?”
“What the hell happened the night of the festival?” she nearly screams at him
“Nothing happened! I was set up!” he says doing his best to defend himself.
“That’s not how she described it” Ako retorts crossing her arms over her chest.
“Look, I know that it looked really bad from her perspective, but I swear I am telling the truth! Fea said her friend hurt herself in the forest and I went to help, but then she cornered me. But I pushed her off immediately. You’ve got to believe me.  I would never do something like that.” His voice is pleading and his eyes are sincere.
Ako takes a deep breath sitting on his explanation. That story does make more sense in her mind, but she knows it won’t be any simple task trying to convince you of its authenticity.
“Did you explain that to her?” she asks still somewhat skeptical.
“She threw me out before I could. She didn’t want to hear it.” The defeated tone in his voice doesn’t go unnoticed.
“I…I love her. I could never do that to her. But it’s over…she hates me now.” He slumps back against a tree letting his head fall forward.
“You need to go see her.”
Lo’ak looks up at Ako with doubt, “How? She doesn’t want me anywhere near her.”
“Don’t care. I don’t want to hear it. You haven’t seen her, Lo’ak. She’s a mess these days. She won’t eat or drink or leave her tent. She’s a shell. Even I’ve never seen her this bad before. She needs something more than I can give her. She needs you. Now, move your ass!” her arm stretches to point in the direction of your tent signaling him to get moving.
Lo’ak lets Ako’s words sink in. He wants nothing more than to come running to your side. Thinking about how much you were suffering was torturous to his mind. But how would he get through to you? How would he get you to listen?
“Now Lo’ak!” Ako pipes up breaking him out of his swirling thoughts.
He decided he was just going to have to figure it out on the way. If he wanted this—truly wanted to be with you, shouldn’t he fight for it? He rises from his slumped position against the tree and let his feet carry him to your tent.
He still has no idea what he’ll say or how you’ll receive it, but he just knows he has to try. He owes you that much.
Your tent comes into view in the distance and his pace slows as he feels his resolve starting to fade. Your last night together replays in his mind standing outside of your tent. The anger and suffering in your eyes and the way you shouted at him to get out. It was like he was reliving it again at this very moment. Standing in the same place he stood while he collected his discarded belongings that you had thrown out of your home. A home that he had started to feel like he belonged in too.
His family was wonderful and they loved him and he loved them too, but with you, the two of you had filled the space together. It was both of yours. Losing it was crushing. He wanted to come home. With one big breath, he finally builds the courage he needs to walk inside.
He closes his eyes while he waits for your angry tirade to hit his ears…but it doesn’t. He hears nothing. Cautiously, he opens his eyes to look around and for whatever reason, you’re not home. That’s odd. Ako said you hadn’t left since that night. So where would you go?
He gingerly walks around letting himself reminisce about all the blissful mornings and heated nights he would spend here with you. He makes his way over to your hammock and something catches his eye. It’s the bracelet he made for you.
You never took off this bracelet. Not for one second. Not when you slept, not when you bathed, not even when you kicked him out. He didn’t see it among his things and it brought him a small comfort to know that you held on to it. But now, his heart sinks to his feet. Lo’ak couldn’t quite place why, but he had this awful feeling deep in his gut. Something was wrong. He needed to find you immediately.
He storms out of your tent looking frantically around everyone in the area trying to find your face. But he doesn’t see you.
Ako is walking towards him, “So, what happened?”
He runs to her, “She’s not home.”
“What? Where did she go?” “I don’t know! She was gone when I got here! And she left her bracelet. She never takes this thing off. We need to find her. Now!” panic seeps in and takes over his mind.
“Okay okay, I’ll search through the west side of the forest, you hop on your ikran and look through the east.” Ako tries to stay calm so that Lo’ak doesn’t completely lose himself right now. What they needed right now was not to panic, but to make a plan.
He nods his head and takes off to call and mount his ikran. He’s so frayed, it effects how his ikran flies. Its movements are rough and choppy in the sky, but they take off, nonetheless.
What is the point? Why bother keeping this up anymore? Everything is just so heavy. The weight of the grief sitting on your chest is nothing short of devastating. First, your parents, then losing Lo’ak, and now you can’t even find solace in your one simple pleasure. You can only take so much.
You’re completely dissociated from reality while you walk through the forest. You let your body just wander aimlessly through the foliage, around trees, through bushes, and over creeks. The soft moss is a welcome feeling under your feet as you let yourself sink deeper and deeper into the unfamiliar path you’re on. You let the colors of the various flora surrounding you guide you through an untrekked trail.
You didn’t know where you were headed. You secretly wished that your body would take you back to the pond. The same place where you would visit so many nights with Lo’ak just floating until all the world’s problems seemed like nothing more than ripples in the water around you two. Where nothing else mattered but being with each other. If only you could go back in time and warn yourself. ‘Don’t fall for it’. ‘Stick to your gut’. ‘He’ll only break you’. ‘Do NOT fall in love with him’. But that was only a wish and real life is not so forgiving.
Reality is cruel and merciless and does not care for your pathetic wishes of things to be different.
You continue your aimless stroll through the dense forest watching your feet place themselves one in front of the other. Until…the green of the forest starts to slowly fade. The green under your feet gradually shifts into a hard, stony gray. And there is no more soft moss and grass, but now there is harsh, sharp edges of rocks poking and prodding the soles of your feet. Where were you?
You finally find the motivation to lift your head and find out where you had travelled. It was a mountain? No, it was a cliff. Why had your body been called here of all places? Fear gripped your chest suddenly realizing how high up you were. Frozen. Even though you were far from the edge of the cliff, your body stood completely still as if taking even one more movement would result in your tumbling over the edge. And instead of misery, you feel gratitude. You are thankful for the fear because it is better than the all-consuming nothingness you’ve been feeling for weeks now. You’re so desperate to feel absolutely anything that you push the envelope even more and, with shaky legs, you take several steps forward.
One step and then another. You slowly, but surely, bring yourself closer and closer until you can see over the edge of the cliff. Below is a body of water, no doubt with some sharp rocks just under the surface or a shallow bottom. If you fell, that would surely be the end of you.
But would that be so bad? Putting an end to all the misery? No more tears, no more emptiness, no more loneliness, no more suffering, just…peace. You could finally be with your family again and you wanted so badly to be with your parents again. But what would they think of you? If they knew who you had become since their passing, how disappointed would they be? How could you possibly face them again as you are?
But the urge to just put one foot over the edge is…enticing to say the least. Your hand reaches for your wrist only to be met with nothing. That’s right, you took off your bracelet finally and left it at home. You had grown so accustomed to playing with the small beads that not having it now left you feeling more exposed and lonely.
You turn your face up to the sky hoping to find some kind of sign or message from Eywa on what to do. When you drop your head again, a shadow passes over you. When you look up, you discover Lo’ak flying overhead on his ikran. Of course he would show up here right now. He lands blocking your path back into the forest. You’re trapped between him and the edge that you were dangerously close to.
“I’ve been looking all over for you! What are you doing up here? You shouldn’t be here!” Lo’ak calls out before he can even fully dismount his ikran. He starts walking towards you, but you take a step back. “Be careful! You’re too close! Just come over here, please!”
You shake your head casting your gaze down to the ground. This was the worst-case scenario right now. Lo’ak pauses and stays where he is so as to not push you any further back. “Listen to me. Please. I know you probably hate me and I can’t blame you. From what you saw, I know it looked bad, but—”
“Bad? Bad doesn’t even begin to cut it, Lo’ak! You had another girl all over you! And—”
“I know how it looked, but listen to me for fucks sake!” he cuts you off and you hold your tongue shocked. Lo’ak has never taken this tone with you, but it worked in getting you to be quiet long enough for him to explain his side.
“I know how it looked, but you have to believe me, I would never do that to you. It was a set up. She cornered me because she was jealous of you. She wanted what we have, but there’s no way I could give myself to her like I have with you.”
He cautiously takes a step forward and you don’t step back. You let his words flood your head and process. Of course, you want to believe him, but could you really trust that? It would make sense. Fea was always giving you death glares after you and Lo’ak had got together. But you can’t bear it if this was just a ploy to get you back.
“I could never feel the same way about anybody else. Love only feels like love with you.” He takes another stride your way.
Your knees start to tremble under your weight and tears fall directly from your eyes to the stone beneath you. Your heart called for him, it ached for him to hold you. But your mind was still doubtful. But were those doubts heavy enough to outweigh the love you still held for him?
“Sevin…” he’s careful with his tone while he continues to approach you in the same way one would approach an unpredictable, wild animal. “I love you. There’s nobody else I could ever want.”
With that, your body finally gives out and falls to the ground. Lo’ak runs towards you and catches you before you fully hit the stone. He quickly drags you back further from the edge. A swell of emotions rushes from your body as you quake in his grasp. He smooths his hand over your hair and shushes you quietly in your ear. “It’s okay now. I’ve got you. I’m so sorry.” Every word he utters brings a fresh wave of emotions in their wake. It’s too much. It shatters what little composure you were clinging to. You let yourself completely fall apart in his arms and bawl into the empty sky.
You finally come to late into the night. You’re back in your tent, tucked into your hammock. There was no memory of you coming home. As a matter of fact, you couldn’t remember anything after Lo’ak confronting you on the cliff. How did you make it home? You finally sit up and look around your home and on the floor next to you is a sleeping Lo’ak. His knees are tucked into his chest and his head is resting on his arms.
After you had crumpled in his arms earlier, Lo’ak had carried you to his ikran and held you while he flew you back home. He tenderly layed you back in your hammock and cleaned your face with a cloth and some cool water. He sat and waited with you while you rested. He had silently vowed to himself that he wouldn’t leave your side.
Your body relaxes in his presence the same way it always did. What are you to make of this situation? Just as soon as you had started to try and think of an answer, Lo’ak had started to stir awake.
He instantly looks to check on you and notices that you’re awake. “You’re up. Are you hungry?” He stands and walks across the room to pick up a bowl of fruit. “Ako dropped this off for you a while ago. We figured that you would need something to eat.” He brings the bowl over to you and hands you a piece of fruit.
You mutter a small ‘thank you’ and take the food. It was true that you were hungry, but you also didn’t have very much of an appetite.
Lo’ak watches you while you eat and sits in front of you cross-legged. “Can we actually talk now?”
You rake through your endless piles of thoughts trying to find a starting point. “Did you mean it?” He looks at you asking you to elaborate with his eyes. “When you said that you…l-love me.”
His ears drop at your doubt, but he couldn’t blame you for that. “Of course. And I’ll say it as many times as I have to until you believe me.” His hand rests on top of yours. You force yourself to not pull away.
“I…I love you too, Lo’ak. But I’m so scared.” Just when you think you couldn’t possibly have any more tears, new ones appear glossing over your eyes. “I can’t take another heartbreak. I don’t have it in me.”
Lo’ak’s hands hold either side of your face while he rises up to his knees. He presses warm, firm kisses to your forehead, “You won’t, tíyawn. I swear it. Never.”
Fresh tears hit your lap, but they aren’t yours. You angle your head up to look at him and now he had tears streaming down his own face. It’s truly a heart wrenching sight. You wipe his face with your thumbs and he leans his face into your touch. “I want to come home.”
A small smile breaks through on your face. ‘Home’. You try to swallow the lump in your throat so that you can actually speak words. But all you’re able to give him is the smallest nod of your head. His smile from your answer is blinding.
“Oh, before I forget.” He looks around on the floor in the spot where he was sleeping earlier and grabs your bracelet. “You left this behind.”
He grabs your wrist and ties the bracelet back on. Feeling the tiny weight on your arm again filled you with a sense of content.
“Can we go to sleep? I’m really tired.”
“Of course, sevin.” You missed hearing that.
You lie back down facing the wall and Lo’ak shifts behind you to settle into the hammock with you. His arm hesitantly rests over your waist. He still radiates that same warmth and safety that you missed, but your messy thoughts prevented you from ever fully falling asleep. Lo’ak noticed too. Every time you would stir in his arms or shift around, he would snap back to attention even if he was dozing off. He didn’t want you to be by yourself through the night. So, if you didn’t sleep, then he wouldn’t sleep.
A week had passed and you were slowly starting to come back into yourself. Lo’ak never left your side. He stayed with you through your whole recovery period and he loved you the whole way through. He never let a day go by without reminding you multiple times that he loved you. Some days were better than others. Some days, you looked and sounded like your normal self again. Other days, you could hardly get out of your hammock. Either way, he supported you in any and every way you needed.
You were cautious about opening back up to him. It didn’t come easy. It took a lot of heavy conversations and long sleepless nights. You still loved him and you believe that he loves you. What more could you really ask for? But your mind still torments you with the memory of what happened. You need to forget it. You want it ripped from your mind.
‘Fuck it’, you think. You’ve finally had just about as much as you can take of this.
You sit up from your hammock with a huff and look at Lo’ak who’s carving up more fruit for you on the floor.
“Lo’ak, I need you.”
He stops what he’s doing and sets down the fruit and knife. “What do you need ma txe’lan?” He comes over to you ready to attend to whatever you ask of him.
“Lie down.”
Confusion flashes across his face, but he complies anyways. You stand from your spot and kneel down between his legs. You quickly untie his loincloth and tear it off.
“W-what are you—”
“Shhhh…please don’t talk right now. I just need this, okay? Just let me do this.” You say already starting to stroke him. He gets hard almost immediately at your touch.
Lo’ak decides to not challenge you on this and let you have your way with him. You use your tongue to follow the vein on the underside of his shaft up to his tip and swirl your tongue around it.
He sucks in a sharp breath when you wrap your lips around his tip. You slide him all the way into your mouth and bob your head up and down while hollowing out your cheeks. All he can do is watch in amazement you while you go to work on him like your life depends on it. “Oh shit…” He can’t hold back the groans that escape his lips. It had felt like a lifetime since he last felt you and being in this moment right now was like heaven.
Every flash that comes across your mind just motivates you even more. You’ll keep going all night if that’s what it’ll take to finally wipe the memory from your mind.
The sounds that fill your tent are obscene, moans, curses, and slurping.
Lo’ak is slowly losing himself in the pleasure and the smell of your arousal thick in the air makes him that much more dizzy. Your body begged to be filled. You needed that pleasure that you had been deprived of for so long. More, more, more.
You use one of your hands to untie your own loincloth and pop Lo’ak out of your mouth. He barely has a chance to fully take a breath before you’re already on top of him and sinking him into your needy pussy.
“Fuck…” you breathe out as he reaches all the way into you. Your walls spasm around him getting reacquainted with the full feeling.
“Shit, wait wait” he tries to say, but it’s too late. His seed spills out into you and the heat spreads in your core. You stare down at Lo’ak with raised eyebrows and the embarrassment is clear on his face. “Shit. Sorry, sorry. It’s just been so long and between your mouth and the squeezing and—ughh” his hands cover his face trying to hide his shame. But you feel no shame or judgement towards him right now.
“Lo’ak…” you move his hands so that you can see his face, “It’s okay. We’ve got all night.” You smirk down at him and his blushing face. It’s almost comical how fast he gets hard again inside of you. “Think you can keep up?” you tease already starting to roll your hips into his.
“Yawne, you have no idea.” With one swift movement, he had flipped you over so that you were on your back and he was hovering over you. He meant every word too. Lo’ak hadn’t had any type of relief since the last time you two were together and he fully intended on making up for all the lost time.
Your hands guide his face down to yours to meet in a heated kiss. Lo’ak thrusts into you at a slow and steady pace. Every roll of his hips is deliberate and precise and it reaches the spot you need it to flawlessly. He pulls away from the kiss and holds you close to him while he whispers sweet words into your ear. “I love you”, “You are perfect”, “I need you”, “I am only yours”, and so on. You can feel him just pouring all of his love into you. You can’t quite name the feeling that comes over you, but whatever it is drives you to sink your teeth into Lo’ak’s shoulder.
There is an overwhelming, deep-rooted need to have him completely belong to you. A need to make it clear to anyone who laid eyes on him that he was already taken. Even if over time the mark would heal and fade, you’d mark him again and again for the rest of your life if you had to.
The twinge of pain in his shoulder fuels the pleasure and makes Lo’ak pick up speed. You let go of his shoulder and lick the small drips of blood that spill from the punctures you made. He sits up to his knees and holds your hips level with his while he continues to rut into you faster and harder being spurred on by the sight of your bouncing breasts and parted panting lips.
“I love you, Lo’ak.” Your words are breathy and broken, but he still hears you clearly.
“Say it again.”
“I love you, Lo’ak. I love you” you repeat it while you feel your high approaching. “Haah…Lo’ak, I’m going to cum.”
“Do it. Let go for me, sevin”
Your body immediately obeys his command for you and your head falls back while the knot in your body snaps. Lo’ak keeps fucking you through your orgasm, “Just like that.” He can’t stop moving feeling the way your pussy was gripping his dick as if you were trying to milk him for all he’s worth. “Fuck…so good…” his eyes roll in pleasure as he chases his own high. You can tell from how he twitches inside of you that he’s close. You’re desperate for it already.
“Give it to me, Lo’ak. I want all of it.”
That was all he needed to take him over the edge and spill everything he had into you. His hips stutter and slowly come to a halt.
You both take a few seconds to catch your breath before he finally pulls out of you and watches his cum drip out of you and down your ass. You look up at him, “Don’t tell me you’re done already.”
He flips your body over by your hips and says, “You wish.”
For the rest of that night, you and Lo’ak went at it nonstop until you both were barely hanging on to consciousness. Afterwards, you both clung to each other while you slept half the day away.
Ako came by to check on you and was beyond relieved to see that you were well. And from the scent burned into your skin, she could tell that you and Lo’ak had finally made up.
“So, who officially lost the bet?”
Simultaneously, you and Lo’ak point at each other and make the same shocked face when you realized.
“You totally lost. You’re the one that said, ‘fuck the bet’ remember?”
“Yeah, but that was after you fucked me, so you lost.” He says lightly poking your chest.
“After you said you wanted to kiss me!” you blush trying to defend yourself.
“Kissing doesn’t count. But if it does, then you definitely lost that night after you fell off that branch” he says with an arrogant smirk.
“W-well, no because….you…I d-didn’t mean to…” you search for a rebuttal, but he had you cornered. You look to Ako for some type of help, but she only raises her eyebrows at you. “Sounds like you lost to me” she teases in a singsong voice.
“Shut up” your blush deepens while they both laugh at your flustered face.
“Anyways, I was going to gather some food. You two think you can leave your love nest for long enough to come help me?”
“Sure thing. Some fresh air will be good.” Lo’ak answers.
The three of you leave your tent and you and Lo’ak walk hand-in-hand into the forest.
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pandaimitator · 3 months
I wrote an effin' novel. It's silly, it's smack full of gratuitous sex, poorly penned pulp, tropefilled drama, or me just taking the piss. But I wrote it, and ain't that something.
And I learned so much in writing it. Not just about writing, like the necessity of world building: about creating pacing by describing the scene around the characters and insodoing letting both them and the reader breathe; but also actual historical facts. Things that I thought I knew, but realized I had only the most superficial understanding of. I did so much research. I bounced ideas off of anyone and everyone, until they felt right to me.
And there's a piece of me in it. Heck, its full of little pieces of me, of scenes where I went "this sounds like a really shitty thing to do, why would they do that to their friend?" until I realized that was absolutely something I would have done, or said, or at least thought about doing, in my youth, because you know: life isn't full of Mary Sues. It's full of people trying to be funny at someone else's expence to impress someone they look up to, or people getting a bit too drunk and sharing and intimate secret, or people flirting with the wrong person and living to regret it. And you move on; you shrug your shoulders because, what the heck, who's perfect anyhow? And there are worse things going on and when push comes to shove, it's good to have someone to share the good and the bad times with.
As far as I know there are only two people in the world who has read the whole thing, since friends and family gave up after the first chapter - not because it was too poorly written, but because life gets in the way. One person who came back and commented on each chapter, and I honestly don't know if I would have finished it without that person. Another person posted a ten raving paragraphs essay of a comment just as I was about to start wrapping up, sparking a new arch which tied the whole story together. And I have no idea who they are, but they were there for the good and the bad, for the angst, the hurt, the comfort, the explicit, and they even laughed at my attempts at jokes. And ain't that something.
And finally wrapping up the whole thing, I look back at it with a certain pride. There are parts that didn't turn out that well. There are archs that I just abandoned because they didn't serve the story. There are silly word choices, that I only found out later are tropes that people mock. But there is also actual character development. There is the fleshing out and making sense of the original super hero, bringing together his duality of Beast and Lord. Letting him experience a crisis of identity to come out the other end, as a man wholly himself. And there is a tying up of loose ends that actually is kind of amazing, if I may say so myself. Where certain images are used as forshadowing many chapters before they come to fruition, in a way that is, I'm proud to say, really quite skillfully executed.
I wrote it for myself, and while there are parts that still haunt me, I just love it to bits. I go back and read chapters again amazed that I wrote this? My burned out, aneamic and brain fatigued mind cooked this shit up?
Ain't that something.
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n0vabug · 11 months
The Beer Wench (T.R)
Contains: Fluff, mentions of alcohol, make out session, mentions of sex (nothing descriptive), slight mentions of being nervous/anxiety, and swearing. (not proofread)
This is a Tatum Riley x reader, reader saves Tatum without realizing it. I hope you enjoy this!
This was a request from Chloeetluna
Me and (Y/N) walked into a small store, we got invited to go to Stu's party tonight, she was a bit hesitant and nervous about going, and it definitely took a lot of convincing, cuddles, and bribing to get her to go, but it worked. 
"What exactly are we buying?" I questioned as I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her waist while resting my head on her shoulder.
"Not sure, just stuff that everyone will enjoy, maybe get them some beer, everyone likes that right?"
"Yeah they love it, have you seen them, they're like wild animals the second they see it" She lets out a soft chuckle at the statement. 
"You're right" She says as she picks up a few cases of beer and sets them in the cart.
We both finish shopping, we get a few snacks that everyone will enjoy, and a whole lot of beer because they're all like ants when they see honey. She ended up using a fake ID to buy it, which surprised me a bit since she wasn't really much of a "fake ID and beer person", but she was popular and went to many high school parties, so I'm sure she picked something up from it. We grab our grocery bags and got into my brother's car. 
"Who was getting the movies for tonight, or was it us that was supposed to do that?" I could tell she was getting a bit nervous since she didn't want to mess this up, sometimes you'd be surprised the fact that she has been to so many parties since she always gets so anxious about everything being perfect.
"Calm down baby, I think either Billy or Stu was getting the movies, or maybe Randy, I have no idea, but it's not our job, don't worry, we're fine." I grabbed her hand and ran my thumb over her knuckles, she seemed to calm down a bit when I did that. (Help I actually forgot who got the movies 😭)
We arrived at Stu's house, we grabbed our things and got out of the car, Dewey rolled his window down, which means he was going to say something stupid or embarrassing.
"No making out or having sex!" Dewey yelled
"Oh my god Dewey, shut up!"
"I'm serious!" He yells once again.
Thankfully, (Y/N) and Dewey were friends so (Y/N) found it funny whenever he did stuff like that. 
"Oh my god he is so stupid" I say annoyed
"I think it's funny" She says, I found it a bit cute when she said that, I wrapped my arm around her and we walked inside the house. 
"You were tardy to the party so we started without you" Stu says and he holds a funnel and pours beer down it.
"Gross" (Y/N) says, "Can we go to the living room please?" She says in a sweet voice
"Yeah come on" I grab her hand and take her to the couch, we were originally just supposed to watch a movie but it turned into a make out session. I cupped her cheeks and she placed both her hands on my thighs. Immediate butterflies. She placed her soft lips against mine and starts with a light make out, after a minute, she slips her tongue in which takes me by surprise, we continue this for a few seconds until Stu walks up to us and asks me to get beer from the basement.
"What am I the beer wench?" I say partially annoyed mostly in a joking tone though, I start to get up but a quiet, soft voice stops me.
"Tatum?" I looked at my girlfriend confused, she seemed sad? maybe more nervous than anything.
"Please don't go down there, I have a bad feeling" She says which breaks my heart a bit.
"Its okay, I'll be back in a minute don't worry"
"No, please don't go!" She begs again.
"Nothing bad will happen, stop stressing out." I say softly
"Can I go with you at least?" She's obviously nervous, she also loves horror movies, I think she has watched too many with Randy.
"Yeah come on." I tell her and she immediately springs up and intertwines our hands, she also asked Randy to stand by the door to make sure nothing would happen. We grabbed the beer, and went back upstairs, all safe, just like I said. We set the beer down on the table and go back on the couch.
"We're okay, see? Nothing bad happened, you're okay." I say as I cupped both her cheeks with my hand.
"I love you Tatum" I give her a peck on the lips real quick.
"I love you more (Y/N)"
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firstkanaphans · 7 months
Enjoyed the first chapter of Best Laid Plans, looking forward to the rest! 😊
I'm curious about your process as a fic writer - and forgive me if you've already answered this elsewhere, but then again, the process seems very different this time around.
With this one, Tumblr obviously chose a bunch of elements of the story, but did you have large plot pieces in your head already for the various suggested scenarios? Or certain scenes or moments you are trying to work in? When you outline, how do you decide chapter breaks/how do you know concretely from the start that it will be __ chapters long? I know again that Tumbr decided for you the fact that it would be POV alternating - how much does that help or hinder you when plotting things out?
And, also, how does this differ from your usual process for writing, when you have all the control?
(I've read most of everything you've written, so feel free to reference anything if that helps! And thank you so much 💜)
Hiiii! Thank you so much for the question! I’ll break it down into parts and try to answer to the best of my ability. 
Tumblr obviously chose a bunch of elements of the story, but did you have large plot pieces in your head already for the various suggested scenarios? 
A lot of the plot options I picked are ones that have been percolating around in my head for a while, so I had a lot of notes already. The plot of Best Laid Plans, for instance, is one I’ve been wanting to write for years and had originally planned to use for an original novel. Because of that, I have A LOT of notes on it. I even already had it plotted out into a perfect three act structure, but luckily by turning it into a fanfic, I’ve allowed myself a little room to breathe.
The two prompts I was most worried about being chosen were the Revenge AU and the Kidnapped AU because I didn’t have any notes on those at all—and for a hot second there, the Revenge AU was winning. It scared me so much that I went ahead and plotted it out just in case I would need it.
So, to answer your question, I got really lucky with the plot that was picked and there are definitely certain scenes I am very eager to write. I mentioned before that this plot is based off of the novel Best Laid Plans by Cameron Lund and what frustrated me most about that novel was that the whole premise was two best friends practicing having sex together but (*spoiler alert*) they never actually did! So my main goal with this particular plot was just to explore that concept further and I’m very eager for y’all to read what I have planned.
When you outline, how do you decide chapter breaks/how do you know concretely from the start that it will be x chapters long? 
My outlines are very rough. I usually start by just typing up a 1000-2000 word summary of the entire fic. From there, I break the scenes into chapters in such a way that each chapter is either going to end on a cliff hanger or a good stopping point and I add additional scenes from there depending on how sparse each chapter looks.
What’s funny is that my outlines have become a lot more detailed over the past year because I distinctly remember the outline for Only Friends just being chapter headings with a list of random sex acts under each one 😂
I know again that Tumbr decided for you the fact that it would be POV alternating - how much does that help or hinder you when plotting things out?
Plotting becomes a lot more difficult with dual POVs. I had a feeling that option was going to win because every time I finish a fic, people beg me to re-write it in the opposite POV. It’s hard because you have to give each character a distinct voice and motivations while also making sure one character doesn't claim the whole story as their own.
I’m much more comfortable writing in Akk’s POV and this premise lends itself very well to being written in Akk’s POV, so I definitely struggled outlining some of the Aye chapters. There’s only so much one boy can pine, you know? But I think I finally reached a balance that I like. It ended up being six chapters for each character and I liked the symmetry of that. It could certainly change, though!
And, also, how does this differ from your usual process for writing, when you have all the control?
The outlining itself really wasn’t different at all aside from the frustration of the dual POVs, which I don’t write often. What was different was that I kept trying to outline before the polls had concluded and then I had to change things. The biggest example of this was with the “campus playboy” poll. I really felt in my heart that Wen was going to win that one, so I had outlined almost the whole fic with Wen and then had to change it. Obviously, I should have just waited, but it’s very interesting looking back now to see the difference.
Wen was going to be a much more present character and I had a side plot planned where he falls in love with his Professor, Jim, but with Boeing, I’ve kind of adopted a “the less we know, the better” approach. There’s just no way to write him as a viable option for Akk, so I had to work around that.
Most of my fics are outlined the same way. It’s probably most similar to the snowflake method where you start with a one sentence premise and just keep expanding on it from there, but my outlines are by no means comprehensive and I usually end up surprised by the finished product just as much as the reader.
I hope this was at least a little bit helpful! Thank you so much for the question 💕
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cosmic-light-fics · 7 months
@sashafiercest What a whirlwind of a chapter this was.
Initial reactions are always tough for me because of the off-the-wall nature of my thoughts comingling with my desire to sound coherent, but there is no way I am going to be able to put off this comment for a later day. I simply can't do it. Not when the emotions after finishing the first read-through are so visceral.
There is so much in this chapter and to me it all hinges around what is never said, what is never outright addressed but is always present. The whole chapter is devoted to tip-toeing around the brunt of Carmy's grief. It's a freaking ticking timebomb and it's devastating to see play out in real time, along with Sydney trying to navigate her way through it all. The pacing is so immaculate. So superb. I caught myself having to slow down multiple times to fully stay in the rhythm of the story rather than tear through it all, rip it off like a band-aid covering a fresh wound. This whole chapter is akin to a pot boiling over, left to simmer for the whole day and then all of a sudden the heat gets notched up and everything is spilling over. All of Carmy's pain and anger and frustration, sadness and grief and terror and helplessness. Even during the times it felt we were out of the woods, like them taking a bath, I just knew the crescendo hadn't been reached yet.
I am so glad this was written through Sydney's perspective. It truly draws out the helplessness of the situation. Her trying to fix it, trying to help Carmy was so well done. It was messy, done in her own way, didn't seem to have much of impact on her end but we get that confirmation from Carmy of just how much she is holding it all together for him.
My absolute favorite part had to be the almost sex scene. I can't imagine how the process of writing that scene went for you. It hit like a ton of bricks to the back. Totally unexpected. Like being doused with the coldest water imaginable. I can't find the words to describe how sobering the scene was and how much it's intended effect landed so well. What a way to slap Carmy out of his avoidance. The absolute horror of it all. I literally slapped my hand over my mouth and GASPED. And the fact that it was the first time Sydney experienced his lashing anger is the cherry on top of everything else. I know you said you don't like doing angst that much but girl that was so well executed. It cut so deep.
No surprise but I loved everything about this chapter. The deep-seated love between Sydney and Carmy, and the fact that this whole chapter is a testament to what they haven't said yet is everything. It's all about the actions. I love how you never shy away from the gross aspects of human nature. If anything your approach to them makes me appreciate them more and hate the fact that I feel programmed to recoil from instances of vomit and tear-induced snot. It really solidifies the reality of their relationship and, personally, I feel it adds more depth to the genre and culture of romance. This is the epitome of "through thick and thin" and I freaking love that I get to read it.
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