#I genuinely thing it would benefit her to see me be chill in more of these situations
restinthewest · 1 month
I want to share a human-behavior win from the other day.
Hallow and I frequently play at a big open area. There are several open fields and an entrance to a nearby dirt walking path. It's not a busy area but it’s common for people to play with their dogs/walk with them off leash there.
The other evening I was playing with Hallow at one of the fields that borders the walking path. I could see a man and his two off leash dogs that we've seen there before; they've never paid us any mind. They were walking towards the field that we were playing in to access the walking path; I walked with Hallow towards the far end of the field and as they came into the immediate area, I called Hallow to come stand between my legs (two reasons for this- one, to signal that we weren't interested in interacting, and two, to make the other person comfortable/signal that my dog was under control).
We waited for them to hit the walking path, at which point they started following it the other direction and were walking away from us. They were very far away at this point- about 200 yards. Once they'd started walking in the other direction I released Hallow and began throwing her ball for her. I think this is where I messed up- I should have waited until the other owner was out of sight to start throwing the ball. I heard yelling and saw that one of the dogs- a sheltie/collie thing, was trotting in our direction and the owner was trying to call it back.
I immediately had Hallow drop the ball and I put her in a down to make her less visually interesting (I think the ball/the movement was what got the other dog excited). And we just waited. The other dog stopped about 100 yards away while the other owner continued to call and run after the dog- and finally decided to go back to the owner. Had the dog come all the way up to us I would have released Hallow to greet it. Luckily it didn't get that far!
Once the owner had his dog leashed I gave him a big smile and a "thank you" wave. He waved back. He obviously cared about what his dog was doing and I'm certain that if we ever run into them again, he will leash his dog in advance or otherwise make sure the dog doesn't come up to us- and I'll know to not throw the ball when they're around.
I'm proud of myself because when I got Hallow as a puppy, I seriously underestimated how completely unhinged I had become about other dogs due to owning Jackalope. I was having full blown, uncontrollable meltdowns about unwanted dog interactions. If this had happened three years ago, I would have been yelling at the guy to get his dog (even though he was trying his best), yelling at the other dog, doing anything I could to keep it away, generally making a big scene. Hallow does have concerns about unknown dogs, but she generally does fine when allowed to handle the situation herself, and me having a meltdown does not make things better for her. I'm glad that I've healed and can handle these situations calmly and with a level head.
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frantic-fiction · 2 months
Hear me out… my TAV’s background is that she was a sex worker that was sold into the trade from a young age, and this has been her chance to break free, and she’s romancing Astarion and he’s the first person she slept with that she CHOSE to and WANTED to, and all I can think of is the “you were just a transaction” line he has… and maybe he says it to her because he freaks out and is scared of his feelings? Just something SO angsty, HEAVY groveling, happy ending??
My heart ugh you monster (I love you 🥰)
I don't write angst very often. This was incredibly fun and heartbreaking to write...and I might have gone a little too melodramatic with it. Hopefully this lives up to what you were imagining!!
Astarion x gn!reader
Warnings: Angst with a slightly happy ending, implied that reader was a sex worker, if I missed anything major let me know
Word Count: 2k
Just a transaction.
You were just a transaction.
It's a bitter realization that hits you like a cold wave crashing over your very being. How naive of you to believe that someone could see beyond your body? To look deeper than sex and find all the quirks and vulnerabilities underneath. The person who savors the taste of sweet rolls and red wine, who secretly indulges in cheesy romance novels but would never admit it out loud. The person who was forced to do unspeakable things but still stands strong in this cruel world.
You thought he understood. After all the nights spent sharing your history, baring your soul, and listening to him bear his own, you dared to hope he would be different. How could you have been so blind, so naive, to succumb to the romantic fantasy of finding someone who saw and understood the scars you carried and loved you all the same?
How could he do this? The laughter you once shared under starlight and the kisses captured behind tent flaps all feel hollow all merely a performance to win you over for his benefit alone. How could you have been so blind to his true intentions? Was it the desperation for connection that clouded your judgment, or simply the yearning for love you so desperately craved?
The signs were there. Astarion's gradual withdrawal began after the events at Moonrise Towers. You convinced yourself it was merely that the group was finally back in the city. You hoped that a night alone together would help. But hope was a fragile illusion.
Instead of finding solace in each other's arms, you are standing on the precipice of your unraveling. Each word, each action, reinforces the painful truth that you were nothing more than a pawn in his game—a transaction to be exploited for his gain. And as you grapple with the emptiness gnawing at your chest, you can't help but wonder why you failed to see it coming.
"Hey, Soldier."
The voice breaks through the haze of your thoughts, pulling you back to the present moment. Blinking slowly, you find yourself in the dimly lit confines of an alleyway, the stench of decay mingling with the chill of the night air. 
Moving like you're wading through water, you turn towards the voice. You stare blankly at Karlach, who kneels beside you with concern and caution as if approaching a frightened animal.
You sluggishly realize—you're the frightened animal.
Behind her stands Halsin, his attempt at a reassuring smile falling short in the face of your obvious distress. 
"We were getting worried about you," Karlach murmurs, her usual cheer tempered by genuine concern.
"I'm sorry," you croak, your voice raw with emotion.
You don't remember when the tears began falling, but they nonetheless stain your cheeks.
"You have nothing to apologize for," Halsin assures, his voice a soothing balm to your battered soul.
Wrapped in a cloak infused with the scent of pine and honey-suckle, you allow yourself to be guided through the silent streets of Baldur's Gate, the passage of time seeming to have slipped through your fingers like grains of sand.
How long have you been lost in your despair?
"He, As—" you choke on his name, the pain of his betrayal still fresh in your heart.
"You don't have to explain anything. Not to us," Karlach interjects, her hand a steady anchor in the tumultuous sea of your emotions.
"Thank you," you whisper, gratefully.
The journey back to the Elfsong Tavern is a silent procession, your footsteps echoing in the empty streets as you grapple with the weight of your shattered reality. Once inside, you are ushered into a bed. Gale gives you a sleep draught while Shadowheart heals your shredded palms, which you didn't realize you injured in your dissociation. After that, you're left with a fleeting moment of peace.
No one mentions the absence of a familiar presence, but the void he left behind looms large in the silence that envelops you.
From his vantage point on the rooftops, Astarion watches as Tav is led back to the safety of the tavern. Their frail form is a stark reminder of the havoc he has wrought. Guilt gnaws at his insides, punishment for the pain he has inflicted upon the one person who saw past the facade he so meticulously crafted—the person who began to love him.
He feels sick to his stomach, the weight of his actions crushing him beneath its burden. With each passing moment, the memory of Tav's heartbroken expression sears into his mind, the irreparable damage he has caused.
Astarion wishes he could take back the venomous words that slipped from his lips and erase the pain etched upon Tav's face. He wishes he could confess the truth that lies buried beneath layers of deceit and self-preservation and admit the depth of his feelings without fear of rejection or abandonment. Pull them into his arms, kiss away the tears, and whisper all the love Tav deserves to hear.
 But wishes hold little sway when your world is governed by fear.
You allow yourself one day to mourn, to grieve for the shattered illusions that once held sway over your heart. But with the dawn comes the realization that there is no room for weakness. You steel yourself against the pain, burying it deep beneath a facade of strength and determination. You still have a tadpole in your skull and a city to save.
The days blur into nights, a relentless cycle of action and exhaustion that leaves little room for introspection or regret. You throw yourself into the fray, tackling each challenge with a ferocity born of desperation and resolve.
Nights, however, offer no respite from the torment that threatens to consume you whole. In the darkness, when the world is shrouded in shadows and silence, the memories come rushing back with a vengeance.
Astarion's parting words echo in the recesses of your mind, a relentless refrain that serves as a painful reminder of your naive hopes. Despite the anger and betrayal simmering beneath the surface, you still hope Astarion's safe. Deep down, you still care for him.
It was another restless night. You were digging through your travel pack when a hesitant knock hit the sturdy wooden door of your room. It was late, but it was not unusual for Karlach or Shadowheart to pop in and check on you. Standing up, you stowed your pack away and moved to the door. Your socked feet padded against the wooden floor. 
"Shouldn't you be asle—" The words die in your throat, and your stomach drops as you're faced with the man you've been trying to forget. 
Astarion looked terrible. His hair was a frizzy mess, curls sticking out in unruly strands. He had dark purple circles under his eyes and hollow cheeks. His clothes–the same ones he left in–were covered in a splatter of mud and grime. At that moment, Astarion had never looked more like a corpse. Where had he been?
"Tav," his voice was a whisper, laden with sorrow that pierced through the still air.
The sound of your name on his lips was like a knife twisted in an old wound, reopening the fragile scare you hastily tried to heal over the last two weeks. You recoiled instinctively, the pain of his presence threatening to ruin you all over again. You couldn't afford to unravel not again, not when so many counted on you. With wide eyes brimming with unshed tears, you turned away to flee.
But Astarion's desperation refused to be ignored. His hand shaking with uncertainty, he reached to halt the closing door. "Wait! Please, Tav," he pleaded. "I know you owe me nothing, but I beg you, let me say this, and you'll never have to see me again."
Your throat tightened, a lump choking back the bitter retorts that threatened to spill out. The impulse claws at your conscience, tempting you. Yet, the crack of Astarion's voice, the tremor of vulnerability that seeps from him, holds your tongue.
With a heavy sigh, you relented, the door inching open just enough to meet his gaze. "Two minutes," you whispered.
Astarion's relief was palpable. "Gods, Tav, I'm so sorry," he began each syllable, a testament to the regret that weighed on him. "You can hate me for eternity, and I would deserve it. But I need you to know that every word I spoke to you was a lie."
A tear traces a path down his cheek, and you long to reach out and wipe it away—to soften the turmoil on his beautiful face and erase the sorrow that consumes his glistening eyes. But instead, you tighten your fist against your thigh and stare up at him blankly, waiting for him to continue.
"I need you to know that I pursued you instinctually because I needed someone on my side, someone to trust me," he continued his voice a fragile whisper against the silence. "But then you showed me love and happiness and became so much more. You were… you are… more than I deserve. And I hurt you, and I will carry that with me forever."
"Astarion," you began, the syllables catching in your throat, suffused with a longing you dared not acknowledge. But before you could find the words again, he spoke once more, voice quivering with regret.
"I love you, Tav," Astarion confessed, the words lingering in the silent room. "I don't deserve your forgiveness, but before I leave, I need you to know you are more than sex and safety. More than a Gods damn transaction."
 "And I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for ruining the one good thing in—"
"Astarion!" You grab his arm, ceasing his frantic apology. You're stunned, standing on the threshold of your room, feeling more confused than ever. Love? How are you supposed to feel when the man who tore you apart is telling you he loves you?
Astarion's eyes widen in surprise, his breath catching in his throat as he meets your gaze. His eyes swim with a mix of hope and despair. 
The weight of his confession presses down on you, threatening to suffocate. Wordlessly, you walk back into the room, leaving the door open for Astarion to follow. Collapsing onto a chair, you rub your face, struggling to make sense of your raging emotions. The heartbreak and betrayal are still so fresh, but the sincerity in Astarion's regret seems to chip away at your defense. 
"I don't know what to say," 
"I… I understand," Astarion murmurs, his resignation soaking his words. I'll leave you be. I promise you won't see me again, Tav."
But as he turns to leave, the ache in your chest intensifies, the void he leaves behind widening with each step. And that moment, despite the pain, the betrayal, and your base instinct to shut him out entirely, you still care for him. Maybe even love him, too.
"Astarion, wait, you call out, the words tumbling from your lips before you can stop them. "Stay."
He freezes mid-step, his back turned to you, body tense with anticipation.
"Please," you plead, the word heavy with the weight of your conflicting emotions. "Just don't go."
Astarion slowly turns to face you, his expression a mix of disbelief and hope, his eye shining with more unshed tears. The silence stretches in the room. Hesitantly, with slow steps, he walks to the seat beside yours. The two of you sit there momentarily, unsure where that left you.
Tentatively, you reach out and take his cold hand into your warm one. "You hurt me," you start, not looking over at the man but feeling his intense stare. You betrayed my trust, and I can't just forget that."
"I understand." Astarion's shoulders slump in defeat. "I didn't expect…"
"But I care for you," You interrupt, squeezing his hand softly. "I haven't been able to stop worrying about you since you left. I don't think I can handle you leaving again."
"Okay," Astarion says, simply rubbing soothing circles into the back of your hand. "So what now?"
"I don't know, but I'm willing to figure it out if you are?"
"There is nothing I'd like more,” he responds, pressing a tentative kiss to your knuckles.
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elizart5 · 3 months
Adam is honestly very interesting to contrast from Charlie.
She is nice because she genuinely hate being too assertive or even agressive.
Meanwhile, Adam love reminding that he can still tear to shreds any overlords stupid enough to want the smoke, but he can't just go out and kick asses to get what he want, because this violence is why he was kicked out and would just convince overlords to join forces to kill him.
And if he become an Overlord, it mean denying the possibility of ever returning to Heaven.
And unlike Charlie, Adam's redemption program is obviously something that is self centered, so he need to convince the sinners that he's genuine.
Also, the thing with Katie show that Lute became less keen on Adam's carnal shenanigans, is that because she's a demon, unlike the winners and Heavenborns of before (which we see she doesn't seem really bothered about from her reaction regarding the drummer and that Virtue woman) or because they've grown closer so it feel worse than when they simply were a mix of best friends with benefits (they clearly were the closest to each other, and I doubt there was no such physical stuff between them) and boss-underling?
Or both?
Adam is a hot mess in this situation, because yes, he doesn't care about redemption or even believe in it. the only reason he went through with it was because ate the heaven embassy when he met with Charlie she told him this selfless act could get him back into heaven, of course Adam took this opportunity and ran. The building he gets for his project was a gift from Charlie who has been really excited about redemption. When he went in to pitch at 666 news he had no plan despite Lute staying up all night to make talking points, he wanted to show off and bluntly turned them down saying "Chill your tits, I got this! I'm Adam the first man, who wouldn't listen to me". He goes up to talk and isn't very clear, saying things like "Our rehab center can, I don't know, make you good and shit? To get me- YOU into Heaven. shit i should have planned this..." He turns to song because he is better at coming up with things on the fly that way, interrupting Katie and Tom mocking his poor delivery,
Let me stop you right there, just give me some time
So what I'm suggesting is letting you climb
up the Ladder 'cause I'd rather cross the pearly gates
Sorry bitches there is no defying your fates
because Hell is forever whether you like it or not
As you can see he almost tried to sell his idea, but fell a little short and started speaking his mind. Adam has no filter and won't hesitate to say what he thinks. Of course Lute is absolutely seething that he messed this up for them and is very annoyed with the cameraman hitting on her whilst simultaneously mocking Adam.
Adam and Lute are a lot closer in this AU because they are the only ones they can trust. As ex-exterminators the population of Hell hates them and there have been multiple attempts on their afterlives. An example of needing protection is Lute, as Adam and Lute aren't sinners and are fallen angels they have freedom to go to any ring they want. Lute has been in Hell longer than Adam, 12 years to be exact, and the only being that would make it so she didn't have to fend off the furious population of Hell all the time was Mammon. In exchange for her protection she would have to become one of Mammon's clowns, which of course she hated, but it was her only option. When Adam comes and offers her a way out she goes for it with no questions asked. Adam on the other hand came down and was dead set on finding a way out immediately, he was to cocky to assume that sinners might actually want to harm him. When he finally finds Lute it's at one of her performances, and he recognizes her instantly as one of his exterminators. He likes her from the get go but doesn't want to tell her, she starts off as seeing him as a kind of savior for her but than as he gets more affectionate in his own way she starts liking him to. Being in a situation with only one person you can really rely on defiantly makes any bond stronger, Lure gets jealous easier now and so does Adam. Unlike Lute though Adam doesn't handle it as well as lute does and he will openly voice his distaste for another.
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nymph-ette111 · 13 days
Hello! I’m grateful you wrote my request and this is in no way me complaining, I only want to answer what you said about accuracy and all. I’m well aware than npd is not well researched so I’m putting this more so as a way to give you more insight than complain about your portrayal, I’m chill with it. Sorry for the long message. It’s kinda hard putting this stuff into words, but I want to bc I’ve seen one too many posts about all ppl with npd needing to be ‚separated from the society, put down or castrated to stop their kind from spreading’ so I’m not about to waste an opportunity to put out a different perspective. If you don’t want to publically respond I’m chill with that, this is just some info for you if you wanna know more
I really resonated with the part where you said Toby loves like a dog because that’s also the metaphor I use to explain npd. Bc it kinda feels like you’re a dog, you love like one certainly. It feels like you were raised for cagefights. They taught you when you need to bite to survive and get a pat on the back. Taught you that if you didn’t, things get ugly for you. Taught you that everybody is a threat. You have never been prepared to read emotions because surviving and winning were always synonymous and both consumed your youth too much to genuinely learn social clues. And maybe, now you’re out of that place. And suddenly you’re expected to be a good dog, to love and be soft and kind. But the best you can do is act and frantically look around the room for a sign of a threat, because at this point you expects to be hurt. Sometimes you still bite. You know how to fight for your life but you flinch when someone wants to hug you. You’re mean and bitter at heart because as far as you know anyone could hurt you for any mistake you make. Showing weaknesses is out of the question, so you put on a mask. You need to be the best and to be perfect because you know what happened when you weren’t. You hate yourself for every mistake and see that as a life-or-death threat. You seek patterns to be safe and you learn to respond well to things without knowing why you should perform a certain way. You remember that when you used to make a wrong step, it was hell for you. And it’s hard to make a connection when you fear everybody hurting you. When you can’t grasp why anybody would keep you around if you’re not benefitting them. So you act like you’re great and hope that people believe you enough to think you’re worth having around
When I met my roommate in the school dorms I really liked her. A few weeks into knowing her, she started giving me food and trinkets. And many times, though I acted with all the gratitude that I always had to show and I did all the things you’re supposed to do, I felt lost. Because I wasnt very useful to her. She had no benefit from giving me things. Shamefully, I do admit I sat there alone tearing up at a chocolate bar or two that she left for me because it felt so confusingly nice(?) and I still don’t know why she does it. But of course I know (by observation) that people are uncomfortable when others question things like that. So I don’t, I just try to be useful and hope she decides I’m convenient to have (a ‚pleasure to have in class’ of sorts)
With manipulation it’s hard to say how much of it is true because most of the diagnostics were based off of male case studies and generally when the label of ‚npd’ has been slapped on someone, most things they do are seen as kind of evil. I know I do avoid conflict and use my words to my advantage if I feel threatened, yeah. Just yesterday had a friend getting progressively more heated at me (we have very different opinions on things as it turned out) and I did subtly framed it as ‚I thought you were more mature than that, it’s really childish to blow up on me’ bc I know he feels like the group doesn’t treat him seriously. Is it good? Maybe not, but a threat is a threat and I’m not about find out what he does when he gets really angry lol
As to the ‚look at me, I’m the best’ kind of thing, you have to put yourself first because you’ve been put last by everyone else. In a sense, it really does feel like fighting for your life and then being thrown into a setting where nobody had that growing up so you feel like you need to act like them and count days before everything turns ugly again because it’s hard to believe most people aren’t cruel and dangerous. That’s all you’ve known and all you prepared for
So you have a hard time forming honest connections. You feel like an empty shell and discard your smile as soon as you’re through the door. You’re tired. And you don’t know how to act in this new world. So you still do what you need to survive, despite everyone telling you that it’s not about that anymore
Like, ofc I have some personality. I know I like making music and enjoy a quiet evening. I know others tell me I’m fun at parties, funny, charming. Sometimes it’s hard to tell what is me and what is my survival instinct kicking in though. The way I see it, the modern mirror of Narcissus is in other people’s eyes. And I just try to do anything to keep seeing admiration instead of hatred in them
To be fair I feel like that would work (somewhat) with the creeps, because they aren't super well either and someone who can see patterns in their behavior (how they act when something is wrong etc) could work better bc I don't see then opening up and talking about feelings either. Sure, all those things kinda suggest that they could also mentally destroy me if they wanted (but I would let them bc I love them, especially your portrayal of ben 😌😌). Also I heve a feeling BEN is the kind of guy to show you gore videos for fun and talk about tormenting others for funsies so inability to emotionally connect with others would probably make it easier to enjoy yourself around him lmao idk about others probably trauma bonding would work?? Lol
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HELLO?? I FUCKING LOVE THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE THINGS OH MY GOD I'll try to respond to every point in this message because I really like it and thank you for reaching out so often I love when people interact with me :) literally get so excited once I see that little star emoji at the end of requests because I know it's you lol. I mostly based the headcanons off of people on Quora (other than more research on different sites) since it's people with said disorder talking about personal experiences and other people who don't have npds' interaction with people who do have it.
I fucking love when people use the dog metaphors for toby when writing him.
I agree on the point that some creeps would have this, Jeffrey comes to mind, I feel like a lot brush him off as an evil person but I see it as a sort of defense mechanism for him? I can definitely see Jeff relating to this for sure.
IM SO HAPPY YOU LIKE MY PORTRAYAL OF BEN X3 and that's so true I literally mentioned it in one of my headcanons like that stinky fucker would show you gore and legit go 'its not even that bad' when you start freaking out. Definitely pops up those videos on your devices randomly. He's so annoying I love him.
One thing I don't like about creepypasta headcanons that revolve around the reader having a personality disorder is the creators make them act so...nice? Like I know that's what people want to read but let's be honest these serial killers never experienced a day of comfort in their lives, I genuinely don't see them being all that nice about it unless it's more of the kinder creeps like Liu or Jane or Nina but even then they'd be awkward about it. The most they'd do is notice (unless you straight up tell them) and that's it. I wouldn't say they would straight up fucking degrade you for having a disorder but I don't see them caring because they're all traumatized, I don't see them sympathizing with reader so yeah that's something that kinda bugs me in creepypasta headcanons.
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starrook · 1 month
[ 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 ] :  sender  and  receiver  are  spooning  for  comfort  and  warmth.
A part of her full well understands this isn't serving its intended purpose at all. She had volunteered to do this, insisted this kind of thing worked all the time to help keep her little siblings warm in cold seasons like this but she hadn't realized just how different it would be.
Wrapping her arms and hooking her legs around Alcryst from behind, she's so very clearly the smaller one here. In comparison to his frame, she feels so dainty, so unable to really shield him at all from any chilling breezes. But still, she tries, not one to attempt things half-heartedly and genuinely wishing to help him out in her own way...
But she wonders if, despite her being on the outside, she was the one benefitting more from this than him? No matter how much she tries to cocoon herself around him, it's her that feels enveloped by a blistering warmth at complete odds with the weather outside, heating her from the inside out.
"It's, um, a bit chilly outside, huh?" she speaks to distract herself from that feeling, burying her cheek further in against his shoulder blades. She prays he doesn't turn around to see how shy she's truly become from their situation for one but also...
If the truth is given away, then this moment would have to stop. For just a little longer, she hopes as she tightens her embrace ever so little more. 
I wish to stay like this forever.
When Lapis suggested sharing their body heat to keep warm, Alcryst hadn't been sure. It's not exactly proper, even as a prince and retainer, but surely she knows that already. Vicious winds and heavy rains created the literal "perfect" storm of circumstances to make it necessary... Alcryst used to cuddle with Diamant and Citrinne on cold nights when he was younger. He thought he was overthinking things as usual. With their intentions laid out beforehand, it's perfectly innocent!
Alcryst should have said no. He could have saved them both from himself. Because the way Lapis wraps her arms around him and pulls him into her chest almost causes Alcryst to lose his composure.
Since then, for the past ten minutes, he's laid here unmoving, stiff as a board. Lapis has no idea what she's doing to him, and Alcryst would rather die than explain. So he lies there, trapped within his own mind. Alcryst tries to think good thoughts.
(It doesn't go well.)
The sudden sound of her voice startles Alcryst. "Whuh?! Agh, um, s-sorry! Um, yes. The wind's getting worse." He can feels her nuzzling against the nape of his neck, the tightening embrace. "Are you cold?" he asks.
...Alcryst's next words come out timidly. "We should switch places." He shifts his weight, trying to turn his head back to look at Lapis. "It's... it's colder than it was earlier. Let me keep you warm instead." Whether that's better than their current positions... remains to be seen. But there is a certain sense of pride that comes with knowing he's keeping her warm, he thinks, something that scratches his protective instincts.
Everything else? Best not put into words.
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charmante-mp3 · 10 months
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Devilish - Ch. V
The more I write on this the more scared I get, knowing damn well I can't write action scenes for the life of me.
Warnings below; - This is a demon!Ateez x angel!reader (not for long however) so there is talk of religion. As an atheist I really don't refer to 'God' or Jesus but I do not mean any harm for religion. In this writing I do, however, use real religious names, that being said, this is purely fiction! - Also for confusion purposes, I do cut back and forth from present to future. If you see '~' that is currently what is happening, so be aware! - Descriptions of injury/violence
(This entire thing might just go unedited but it's nice to warn ppl)
Prologue <<prev.<< | >>next.>> 1.0k
Months or even years passed, no angel would speak or look in my direction. It confused me, I wasn’t aware they would be this cruel. Of course that was until I met Ye’un.
“Excuse me?” A voice spoke from behind me, I had assumed it wasn’t for me so naturally I ignored it and kept walking. Then, a girl with dark brown hair stopped in front of me.
“Hi, you look a little lost and sad. You alright?” My eyes widened. No one had spoken to me before, so why was she the first?
“And where have you gotten this nonsense from?” A new king had risen to power in the underworld. An older woman, alive since the start of war between demons and angels. She stood in front of the eight divines, bringing forth a prophecy.
“I assure you it is not nonsense my king, for years people spoke of an angel falling from the heavens to be the next queen. She’ll rule beside the descendant of Azazel and his council. All that has to be done is stopping this war,” Hongjoong couldn’t tell if she was genuine or just wanted all of this to be over. Then again he did want to put a stop to this pointless war anyway, but it wouldn’t benefit himself in the eyes of hell. 
“I’ll consider this pointless prophecy, that’s all I can say. You are dismissed,” The woman had made her exit and Hongjoong had turned to his council. 
“An angel ruling beside us, that’s intriguing I will say,” Seonghwa spoke his opinion first. 
“I wonder if they’re as pretty as they say!” Wooyoung spoke loudly. Hongjoong had thrown his head back, as the other members debated this information. 
“Alright,” Hongjoong had interrupted the noise, “Let’s test this stupid prophecy,” and he sent a letter to the archangel himself. 
“This is quite peculiar,” The hierarchy of angels spoke, addressing a personal message from the demon king. 
“Since when have demons proposed to end this nonsense, they started it,” A man spoke to the left of Michael. 
“Azazel himself has been reincarnated yet I don’t understand why they would hold different ideas,” Another had spoken. 
“There is talk of a prophecy, once the war has ended an angel would fall. Seemingly the angel would rule at their side,” Michael started, “I would assume the king is not very happy with that arrangement, but who am I to turn down the end of this war,” He finished.
“And who would be foolish enough to fall from our heavens?” One of the men had questioned. 
“I’m sure it would be our newest descendant from Asbeel,”
The pain started to make me dizzy, I could feel the blade slowly detaching my wing from my back. 
“Ah maybe I should give you a break, wouldn’t want you to pass out before I’m finished would we,” His words sent a chill down my back. This unknown demon had made it clear, he wanted me to feel everything.
“You’re kind shouldn’t be allowed to have such beautiful feathers,” He said before going right back to slice open my wings. 
“Ah maybe I should introduce myself, I would like you to know who took these lovely feathers. My name is Dagon, of course that soon won’t matter,” Dagon chuckled after those words. The man was taking his time, not rushing to make this painless. Tears ran down my face, as I just wanted this to be over. 
“Dagon!” A voice had boomed from behind us, it was familiar but fear consumed me, convinced only more pain would come my way. At least that’s what I had assumed. I had felt the man be thrown off of me, jumping up and assessed the harm done to my wing. Instead of the lovely white, it was now dripping with red as blood fell down the feathers. I jumped as a hand made its way on my shoulder, I looked over to see one of Hongjoong’s council members. For a second I was blown away by the beauty of the demon. He had slightly longer hair than the others, but he did carry half horns like many of the others. They bled from a beautiful green to black. Once he had looked over to me, his eyes made me uneasy. They shouldn’t have, his eyes were soft, almost sad as he looked over me. 
“We should get you fixed right?” He spoke, holding his other hand out to me.
“Who are you?” my voice had wavered from the pain surging through my body. 
“My name's Yeosang, come on let's get you to a safer place,” I shouldn’t have trusted him, but my hand found its way in his and I let him carry me back to the castle I just escaped from.
“Dagon!” Hongjoong’s voice echoed in the air. While he wasn’t ecstatic about the prophecy coming true, the scream had filled his veins with such anger and worry. Mingi was quick to throw him off the girl. Yeosang rushing over to help her as she scrambled up. I could see how her wing had been hanging on by a thread. As soon as Yeosang had carried her off my attention flew to the man who caused such a stir. 
“Why do you insist on such disruption Dagon?” San spoke. I could feel the rage radiate from his words. 
“I’ll be damned if I let an angel rule hell itself,” Dagon said words he had already said time and time before.
“Well Dagon it seems as if that’ll work out, hell is exactly a place for the damned,” Wooyoung said. He had tried to speak in a joking tone but he held just as much rage as the others. Dagon started to struggle in Mingi’s hold, succeeding very little. 
“Take him back with us, I’m sure he’d enjoy the same pain he had inflicted on the poor angel,” Seonghwa suggested, and I definitely was not opposed to this idea. I could see anger and fear flash through the demon's expressions. 
“I do think it’s time to introduce you to the oubliette,”
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Road trip with the Bells Hell's! Who's driving, who's in front, who has control of the music, who insists they stop every 10 minutes for photos? Etc. Etc.
My genuine apologies for this answer also being a million years late. Here's hoping you see this answer somehow.
anyway, im honestly pretty bad at these kinds of modern-au fanfic style hypotheticals. (my brain is kind of bad at putting the characters into alternative universes?), so im not really going to claim accuracy to characters here. but some rough, purely-for-fun thoughts, assuming a modern AU with like. A car. multiple cars. I started just vibing with it by the end, so its a bit long. enjoy?
- Orym drives at least a part of it, of course! That said, he actually doesn't drive the bulk of it- he spends a nice amount of time sticking his face out the window and enjoying the ride. Napping while leaning against Fearne. Makes sure people are hydrated and stretch their legs, but ideally chills out too. ideally. (its so hard for me to imagine orym in a modern setting, much less an orym without his hypervigilant survivors guilt and protective instincts going haywire. orym on a roadtrip mostly makes me want him to be relaxing a little, Orym PLEASE).
- Ashton actually drives a solid chunk, and is also one of the primary people to ensure there are sufficient stops for people to get out and stretch their legs, uses the bathroom, gets food, and also has some absolutely wild fixes for carsickness that??? work????? he'd be instigating rowdy car games the rest of the time, maybe napping.
- F.C.G found a manual on roadtrips and is SO excited about it. He's figured out optimal times for breaks based on human needs and also Every Single Significant Landmark from here to there. His desire for Exact Breaks and constant enquiring is tempered by Ashton's pretty-solid instincts for these things, but they DO end up stopping for all the landmarks and photo ops. Its for all of them, obviously (its for F.C.G).
- This is okay because Laudna is ALSO extremely excited about these landmarks and photo ops. Look at those WILD ROCK FORMATIONS!!!!!! Look at this ghost town! Wow!!!!!!! :O :D Laudna is excited to drive, but I'm not sure she does so for very long. she also does puppet shows to help pass the time during travel.
- Fearne is also benefitted by the frequent stops. and the puppet shows. its not that she gets antsy but... she gets a little antsy. everyone is in the car with her. you know. she has a good time though! she also offers to drive. the offer is not accepted.
- Look, lets be real, Imogen might have a pretty rough time stuck in SUPER close prox (car if we're putting them in modern times) with everyone, as much as she might love them. Im almost certain that due to the universe's love for tormenting her she would be more prone to carsickness. sorry imogen. that said, everyone's collective efforts probably even it out somewhat. she ends up in shotgun out of kindness, and probaboy has a lovely time at the stops and seeing the wilderness and whatnot. maybe less fond of tourist traps.
- Chetney calls shotgun based on seniority, but throughout the trip ends up ceding it to the others who might benefit from it- Imogen if she needs the space, Ashton if the squished backseats and touching are doing a number on him, Fearne for her height. He also drives for a portion, citing that he doesn't want the whippersnappers to drive them to their deaths (and giving everyone a break as needed). He WILL complain about everyone else's music taste but lets them change it around.
- I have no idea about the aux honestly. Driver gets dibs but usually ends up ceding it to someone. They cycle through everyone's music. It is usually drowned out by rowdy behaviour and excitement unless everyone is napping. Then Imogen or Orym's music gets put on because Ashton and Chetney's would be too aggressive for that and Laudna and Fearne's scares people slightly. F.C.G's playlist is just top 20 pop hits and whatever Dancer would have listened to. Disaster lesbian stuff probably.
- Roadtrip games include:
-- various forms of fuck marry kill verging from hilarious (gus is IN A RELATIONSHIP), to concerning/trauma based (should we be suggesting delilah here????), to deeply philosophical (can you fuck ruidus as a concept?).
-- i spy but with multiple arbitrary rules tacked on
-- ghost stories (no one said it was ONLY a campfire tradition)
-- a few rounds of what the fuck is up with that
-- therapy session probably
-- "can you light this on fire?" a game suggested by Fearne and immediately vetoed by everyone, the cowards
-- rowdy and excitable singing
- This is a modern au so i guess they won't be attacked by monsters but they need to have at least 1 flat or something during the trip. it all works out though.
-- chetney has one of those travel sets of chess with meticulously carved pieces. half of the party doesn't know how to play chess. its very fun.
-- puppet shows. IMPROVISED puppet shows. its a disastsr.
- oh my god the stories that pop up from the rest stops they visit though
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What other servants does Angra like to hang out with, besides Bazett and Caren? :3
I know you sent this over a month ago and I’m sorry it took me this long to get to this but it was genuinely difficult to find the answer to your question!
Angra has developed a lot of relationships since his initial summoning, however, many of those relationships are based on what can only be assumed to be his primary goal of being an absolute and utter menace to the whole of Chaldea, and I believe there is a difference between “Being a menace” and “Enjoying someone’s company”
So, based on my observations, here’s an (incomplete) list of servants that Angra enjoys spending time with:
Murasaki: Angra enjoys spending time in the library reading, so as our resident librarian, Murasaki sees him quite a bit and will listen to him talk about what he’s reading, and can recommend him other things to read
Scheherazade: Angra enjoys the types of stories she tells, and since he’s not a king in any respects, Scheherazade doesn’t have a reason to be worried or scared around him
Summer Jeanne: While this is more of a technicality because of Jeanne’s “Big Sis” beam and Reece XP, he does willingly spend time with her, so we’ll just count it
Arjuna: Angra’s still taking archery lessons from him, and there have been no further skewering attempts, so there’s that
Kiara: The relationship here is more “Therapist and Client” than friends, but I’m hopeful that this will benefit Angra, and maybe Kiara too
Emiya (Archer): If I’m being honest, I have no idea if Angra enjoys his company or if he just takes special pleasure in tormenting the man
Nobbu: I can only assume they feed off of each other’s chaos in an endless loop that would surely create something powerful enough to tear apart the universe if left unchecked
Blackbeard: They read/watch a few different series’s together, although Angra seems to prefer reading them when he can, which has lead to him spoiling Blackbeard on future plot points and twists more than once (Personally, I also think he finds the whole demonic persona that Teach put on in life to be pretty cool)
The kid servants (Bunyan, Nursery Rhyme, Jack, Voyager, Abby, etc.): While he tends to show preference to Jack because they have similar attitudes towards violence, he’s generally pretty chill with the kids and enjoys playing with them (although usually that means playing pranks on everyone else)
Cù Alter: While Angra definitely has some connection with Cù Chulainn, he seems much closer to Cù Alter, and they seem to have an understanding of sorts; they don’t really talk much, but they seem perfectly content to spend time together in silence
In evidence of that last one, I have this picture of the two of them in the library
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(It makes me happy to see him so relaxed like this; I hope he keeps making friends)
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enbyleighlines · 6 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 14
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It's time for the penultimate chapter of Path of Radiance! I was excited for this chapter, hoping that I could farm as much exp for my units as possible.
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Strangely enough, I was excited to see Izuka. He's just a delightfully fun villain, the type of villain you love to hate. And is it just me, or does he somehow look worse in this game than he does in the sequel? He definitely looks older in Radiant Dawn, but for some reason looking like an old man suits him. Here, he just looks off-putting.
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I am a little sad that they dropped Izuka's weird character quirk of saying "Wheee!" every few sentences. It's just so ridiculous.
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Naesala really can't help but immediately flirt with Leanne, huh? I love these two. I'm always a sucker for the childhood friends trope.
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I really like how they handle this scene. The visuals are very minimalist. In fact, for most of the scene, we just have a pitch black background, plus the soundtrack falls silent, which means it all falls on the dialogue to set the mood. I think it does a fantastic job. Especially having Ranulf react like this, since in every other situation he has been entirely unflappable. It's all done very subtly, which I enjoy.
I also appreciate how, even when they show the dungeons, they don't show anything explicit. (Obviously the game would have a different rating if they did.) But even without seeing the full picture, I always get chills looking at that single still image.
I'm so glad that Tibarn and Ranulf get the opportunity to tear Izuka to shreds in the sequel.
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This is such a little thing, but I love that they included this. It shows that even on the supposed "good side", there are people who don't necessarily want peace, because they can benefit from war. This makes them not so different from the people they're fighting. It helps set things up for the sequel, wherein the conflicts at play are no longer so black and white.
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Nealuchi, you brilliant scheming schemer, you. I completely forgot about this, and I couldn't stop grinning. I genuinely love Nealuchi. I know he's mainly there just to make Naesala more endearing (like with Rolf and Shinnon), but he's such a fun character in his own right.
Aaaaand, that's the Twisted Tower chapter!
Next time, I take on Ashnard. However, before I end this post, I did want to take a look at my main units, to see how they are doing. I would like to get as many characters to lv 20 with capped stats as possible, so let's see how close I am to accomplishing that...
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Ike is already at lv 20, with 5 capped stats! Since he's already OP in Radiant Dawn, I'm excited to see how broken he'll be with all those transfer bonuses.
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I don't really intend on getting Mist to lv 20, but she's already capped magic and speed, and not too far off from capping resistance. So maybe I'll give it a shot, once I've gotten Jill and Ilyana to lv 20.
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Like Mist, I don't intend on getting Mia to lv 20, though she's capped both skill and speed, and close to capping strength. We'll see.
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Ilyana! She has two levels to go, and she's only 1 point away from capping her speed. That's one of my top priorities, so if somehow she doesn't cap her speed on her own, I have a speedwing ready for her. She's also close to capping magic, which would also be useful for Radiant Dawn.
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Jill has 5 more levels to go, and she's close to capping skill, speed, and defense. I could potentially also cap her strength, if I get lucky enough and use an energy drop, but if not, it won't be the end of the world. For Jill, I'm mainly focusing on her survivability, since I know her debut in Radiant Dawn happens in a super difficult chapter.
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Nephenee, my girl! Like Mist and Mia, I'm not prioritizing getting Neph to lv 20, but she is pretty close to capping strength and speed, plus an already capped skill. So if I can get her to lv 20, that would be really nice, especially for her starting chapter in Radiant Dawn. Gotta impress Heather, y'know?
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Soren is only 3 levels away from lv 20, with three stats already capped. I anticipate that he will also be able to cap magic, but if not, I have a spirit dust ready for him. I was very determined to get him to cap his speed, not only because they nerf the speed of mages in Radiant Dawn, but because his skill Adept triggers based off of speed. So I'm glad that I was able to accomplish that goal.
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Kieran has not capped anything yet, but he's fairly close to capping strength, skill, and speed. It would be nice to get him to lv 20, but we'll see.
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Oscar! He's already capped his speed, and he has 8 more levels to go. He's also fairly close to capping his skill. Idk if I'll get him to level 20, but it would be nice.
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Man, Boyd was doing so well in the beginning of my playthru, but he fell off hard. He did manage to cap strength, and he could potentially cap HP and defense, but probably not without the help of some stat boosting items. But it's okay if I don't get Boyd any transfer bonuses. I'm mainly just going to use him as a walking support bonus for Mist.
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Last on my list is Rolf! At level 12, he's quite close to capping strength, skill, and defense. He could potentially also cap his speed if I'm lucky. I initially didn't have any intentions of getting Rolf to lv 20, but honestly, I think it would be hilarious to go into Radiant Dawn with a buffed out Rolf.
And that's my team going into endgame! I'm so excited to see what will happen.
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taz-writes · 9 months
today’s silly joke: how does the squad react to visiting a haunted house?
sayara is normal in a haunted house, she’s not too easily scared, but she does startle easily enough. she doesn’t particularly like being jumpscared so she would not seek the experience out... it makes her jittery and not really in a fun way. after book 3 or so she develops a “punch it if it scares me” reflex, but she CAN separate haunted house from reality, so she’s fine to go with friends. just doesn’t see the appeal. she’d get a giggle out of WORKING at a haunted house, though.
violet is banned from every haunted house in the nation because she brainpains the actors and/or has uncontrollable flashbacks. frankly vi would benefit a lot from a service animal to help with those reflexes, shame those aren’t really a thing in feilan (yet)
aelia is chill in haunted houses but annoying because she won’t take them seriously and mostly just laughs at everything. lmao you thought THAT was a good costume? your paint is peeling! hahahahaha! she constantly tries to get sayara to go with her and sayara’s like “eh i don’t get the point and also don’t like intentionally scaring myself” and elli’s like “but you don’t have to be scared when i’m with you~ and also you’re not getting it, the point is to make FUN of it”
lavender is genuinely scared if you have good enough makeup. lavender is banned from haunted houses because when she thinks her life is under threat she goes for the jugular. sometimes it’s easy to forget that she’s just as emotionally fucked up as violet, just quieter about it.
kyrina would be the perfect target audience for a haunted house, she gets it in spirit AND is pretty easily scared by dumb shit. AND she gets over it quickly, so once the experience is over she can shrug and go “haha that was fun! adrenaline!” and never thinks about it again. girl really lives in the moment! but unfortunately her magical control is lacking, so she has a tendency to accidentally zap and/or set people on fire when startled, and That’s Not Great… so she’s not really invited to haunted houses (despite badly wanting to go) until she’s a fair bit more mature than she is in book 1.
dusk goes to a haunted house, acts like she’s totally unflappable, “i don’t give a shit your performance is mediocre,” sells her apathy flawlessly, tells everyone around her (except kyrina) that they’re cowards for falling for such obvious deception… then goes home and does not sleep for a week because she’s 100% full of shit and is actually deeply unsettled. the next time you ask her to go, she makes up a lie about how busy she is, and then invents an entire structure to turn it into truth and get away with it.
amalie thinks haunted houses are rad as fuck and she and elli team up constantly to drag sayara along against her will. amalie’s seen a lot of scary shit in her real life, so fake gory makeup doesn’t impress her much, and she gets a kick out of the artistry of it. she has little rituals she does to keep the scary from working. she knows all the deep lore. on earth, 10/10 is that one friend who has memorized all the saw movie lore and has hot takes about it. this is actually something she sort of grows out of, though… over time horror stuff starts to make her more uncomfortable, and as an adult she really isn’t that into it anymore. there’s reasons at play, don’t worry about it.
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irish-urn · 2 years
LWD: “Male Code Blue”
OKAY I FINALLY FOUND A WAY TO WATCH THESE AGAIN (and I just... Don’t wanna do any more work today. I’m done; no more).
Gosh, Casey is looking some pretty for a family supper... And George sticking his tongue out at Nora? (older!Dasey anyone...?)
My gosh. Neither Sam nor Casey have ANY chill. Nora says the word, “crush”, and they both flinch wildly. Like, I know this is a TV show and they have to make it ~obvious~ but my gosh. My dudes. I am embarrassed for you.
Oh, Sam. I can already see why Sam/Casey don’t work out: he struggles to stand up to either Casey or Derek.
Welp, Sam. If you didn’t want Derek to know about your thing for Casey, you’ve sure ruined that now. The hardness in Derek’s voice and the look he just shot Sam... Oh boy. Poor Sammy. He doesn’t deserve this. He deserves a kinder TV show.
PAUL YOU ARE THE BEST. That grin you get when Casey starts gushing about Sam -- like. You just genuinely care. And then the way you ask about Derek’s feelings... You are SUCH a good guy. And perceptive!!!
OKAY, COSTUME DEPARTMENT, YOU ARE ON FIRE!!! That guy walking in front of Derek with the “Didn’t your parents teach you how to share sweatshirt” RIGHT AS DEREK SEES CASEY AND SAM FLIRTING. Damn, Costume Dept. You understood this assignment.
Derek clarifying that step-siblings are also off-limits according to the Male Code... I don’t know if that’s him cutting off Sam’s argument that Casey isn’t his sister -- because, bless Sam, but he’s been very consistent in calling Casey and Derek stepsiblings -- or him clarifying it for himself. Maybe both? At this point in the game, Derek doesn’t seem to mind calling Casey a sister (or sis) if it benefits him...
And just when I think Nora is a better parent than George, she shows that she’s as out of the loop with their kids’ lives as him... And now they’re having this conversation about literally this very thing... George, George, George... I’m gonna have to think about this for a while. Because I... I like you, but my gosh.
Derek, you are trying to convince yourself that you’re okay with this, and you are so obviously not. I wish the camera would actually let you be alone with your emotions for one minute. It would do you a world of good.
Casey is so brave. I love her so much. Look at her trying to talk to Sam about things. She is so brave.
DEREK, YOU LITTLE CREEPER, watching from around the corner!!! Also, also: I think he feels bad for Casey. Maybe Sam too, but he’s watching Casey try not to cry, and it’s like... He doesn’t understand what his heart is doing. That’s the face of someone feeling things they don’t understand. 
Passive-aggressive Casey is hilarious.
Lizzie is the best sister. What an excellent support to Casey and her craziness.
Every now and again I see how Sam has handled Derek over the years, and I’m glad he has SOME backbone. And all these comments about Derek making ALLLLL the rules...
(something something about Derek making the rules and Casey following them... let me sit on that one for a while)
Edwin (1) calling Casey his sister when she’s not around is the cutest thing ever; and (2) offering to give Sam girl advice because he’s gotten his first girlfriend is also FANTASTIC. And then he actually gives good advice. What a good boy.
So. George and Nora have just DISMALLY failed a quiz about how well they know each other, hear Derek and Sam wrestling, and don’t even go to check it out???? They just! I just!! YOU. GUYS. No WONDER Lizzie is mad. I’m mad!!!
Sam actually grabbing Casey by the waist to keep her from killing Derek. Honestly the bravest thing he’s done all episode. 
...is Derek fixing his collar a nervous habit? Is that something he does to give himself a moment to think? (He looks VERY nervous/almost scared right now in the face of a fierce Casey.)
Casey spinning on Sam to shout at him -- I adore her.
The way Derek looks at her when she’s shouting at Sam... I think it’s a mix of relief that she’s no longer screaming at him, amusement at her (because I think he is often WILDLY amused by her), and evil glee that her and Sam might not actually get together... He is still, however, offended when she calls him an idiot (drama king).
And then he gives permission. He’s not hiding that he’s not happy about this, but... Still. Look at his growth!!
Sam, you should have LISTENED TO YOUR HEART. Both Venturi boys are DUMBOS.
Okay. Do I think Derek is aware he has feelings? Yes. Do I think he knows what these feelings are? ...unsure. I can see him ignoring them, pretending that they’re not what they are... 
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nukenai · 1 year
My barn manager has been wild from day one, like super aggressive and antagonistic and petty and argumentative all the time
But for the past couple months she’s been. Very weirdly friendly and in a good mood constantly. Genuinely excited to see me. Saying kind things about my horses. Tonight we had a holiday party get-together and secret santa gift exchange. I stood up at one point and she asked if I was leaving too, and I said I’d stay a bit longer, and she said “oh, good!!”. She said she loves when I’m at the groundwork classes we’ve been doing.
Tonight at the party I found out that she’s started recently smoking weed and taking edibles. And she was like “please don’t judge me”. GIRL YOU ARE BEING SUCH A NICER PERSON AND SEEM SO MUCH HAPPIER LOL. I really think there are so many people on this planet who would benefit from an occasional joint just to fuckin chill out, and she was absolutely one of those people.
So good for her she seems to be getting better. She was very clearly an unhappy person so I hope she’s making long-lasting changes! It’s been nice because there are few things I hate more than not getting along with people for no discernible reason, especially when I like, actively try to be nice to every person I come in contact with, and I’m treated like shit anyways. That feeling sucks. I don’t want to be ENEMIES with people at the fuckin horse farm. We don’t have to be BFFs but damn, let’s just try to get along!
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itssolonelyhere · 2 years
Couldn't agree more with everything you said. Now people are saying they headcanon Chrissy as a lesbian and you know why they are saying that. Lesbian Chrissy couldn't be into Eddie. It's okay if they headcanon that, but the only time they mention it is when they want Eddissy shippers to shut up. No fanarts, no fanfics, nothing. It's just so Chrissy doesn't get in the way of Steddie.
And you are so right about Hunter and Eddie. I would even say they would hate Hunter, how he dresses and the music he enjoys because it was never about Eddie being a metalhead. It was always about him being cute. That's why some people in the scene are hesitant to welcome all those news "fans". Only we understand what it's like to constantly be made fun of just because we wear unconventional clothing and listen to rock and roll. And all of sudden many people are claiming to be fans of heavy metal and to love metalheads. New fans are always welcome but the feeling has to be sincere. If it isn't the first opportunity they have to cancel us, they will (like they did to Metallica) and will start making fun of us again.
And let me say...despite all the hostile behaviour in most part of the film, I prefer Hunter over Eddie. I love Eddie with all my heart (and Eddissy too), but I see Hunter as the metalhead I would love to talk to and hang out with. Idk...maybe it is because of the mess in the Eddie fandom.
JFC... I'm 100% cool with headcanons and whatnot. It's fandom, after all. Anything goes. I'm just not a fan of insisting stuff is canon when it's clearly not then calling people names who don't agree.
Making Chrissy a lesbian is such a blatant attempt to get rid of her. These chicks don't care about women in general, especially not queer women. They're using queerness to dispose of a woman in the way of their mlm ship. It's being used as a sword and shield to strike down Eddissy while covering their asses. If anyone criticizes them for it, they can scream misogyny or homophobia. This isn't referring to the people who headcanon her that way affectionately either or genuinely do it for more queer rep. I mean those who do it specifically to erase hellcheer in order for steddie to seem more legitimate. Using the LGBTQIA+ community for their own gratification and fetishes is icky as hell.
Let's be honest. There's a bunch of Jason's in the community that stan Eddie simply for being attractive and quirky. Mostly the former. The rest is just a bonus. He's good bottom material for their ship. And people in the rock/metal scene aren't stupid and know what's going on. Even if some might use the newfound interest to benefit themselves (I've seen posts talking about how ST has helped them get laid lol), everyone has run into folks over the years that poke their heads in, look around, then dip. These days, you have to be more careful than before. Like you mentioned, canceling is a thing. One wrong move and the tides turn. It was only a matter of time before it happened to Metallica. Once something gets really popular (again) or mainstream, all eyes are on it and people start searching for anything in order to bring the hammer of justice down on it. That's the way society is now. Sometimes for good reasons, other times not.
I feel you on Hunter. They both really remind me of people I've met over the years. Hunter as guys I've enjoyed chilling with and talking to. Eddie was the same, but more like the really out-there ones I needed to take in smaller doses.
Actually, that was the whole reason I started liking Eddie in the first place. Initially, I didn't get why everyone was going crazy over him (physical attraction) and I hadn't watched the show yet. I checked out some scenes on YT and it made me super nostalgic. Then BAM! The bastard got me lol. I didn't know who Joseph Quinn was for a while either. That didn't matter to me. I just really appreciated his character. Both him and Hunter. That side doesn't get a whole lot of rep, so it was really great to see.
Unfortunately, fandom can really make things tricky. I have some friends who despise Eddie, simply because of his fans and it's a real shame. I can't blame them though... And there are others who hate Steve for what steddie fans have done/are doing. It sucks since the characters and actors are just doing their thing. It's stans that are the problem. They can either make a fandom a fun safe haven for everyone to flourish and create in or a literal living nightmare. Most of the time, it seems to be the latter. Too many people don't understand boundaries and what's socially repulsive. They feel entitled to the character itself, the actors who play them, and control over the fandom too. Almost like they own them. Somehow became a God in this hellhole and they decide the laws of the land. Really twisted stuff, man.
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thetaekookcloset · 2 years
I have been currently re-watching run episodes and I am disheartened to see how bighit has ruined so many things.
They have made everything shippy. There are quite a few episodes where you will see balance but some are like they want to make it too obvious.
1st is jungkook waiting for jimin to go home. It was too obvious. I'm like even if they live together why broadcast it too much. They have never done it with other members. I heard they had a concert near airing date so that explains a lot.
2nd was run ep 134 or 135, constant touches by jimin, their team name, how jimin butt in when jk was talking too his mother, repeating her i love you too much. I'm like chill. I'm not sure if any concert or public appearance or any discontent on internet was there but TMI for any member. I believe every member have met each other parents. Personally highlighting one member makes it obvious.
I am ok with shipping, i like it ,be it taekook, jikook, taejin, yoonmin etc. But shoving it down my throat by making it personal (not talking about skinship) is too much. Maybe it's just my opinion.
Hmm, I can't say I feel the same way.  You could be right, but I've said before that I personally kind of doubt they put that much thought into the shipping thing, most of the time.  That goes for the members and the company.  Use it to their advantage?  Yes, absolutely.  And I do think that Bit Hit tends to put Jikook together in units out of a mix of them having good chemistry and fans liking to see them together (and, you know, because there's nothing there that they need to worry about accidentally revealing, in my opinion etc.), but for the most part I personally doubt it goes much deeper than that.
Maybe that's naïve, or maybe I'm just not familiar enough with the, like, official practices surrounding shipping in South Korea.  That's totally possible.  But why make it more complicated than it needs to be, you know?  All they need to do is put the guys together in popular pairings for units, and they reap the benefits and rewards -- why does it need to become some complex plot beyond that?  I just don't see the benefit of that.
So, to me, when I see Jimin getting excited about Jungkook's mother telling him that she loves him, I just assume it was a natural, organic thing that happened on the show and it was included because it was cute and funny.  Honestly, like you say, you have to figure that all the members have met each other's families, so I don't see why Jungkook's mom saying she loves Jimin is such a big deal.  He was so pumped about it that it clearly doesn't happen often, you know?
As far as Jungkook waiting for Jimin to go home, even that I don't feel like they drew a ton of attention to.  Some, maybe, because the guys were lingering around, going back and forth between seeming to leave and then coming back in (assuming we're talking about the domino episode).  I just figure the guys drive in to work on their own and then they're brought to their filming location in company cars, and that they probably have assignments for who shares cars in those situations to keep things organized.  That's just a guess on my part, but it seems to fit with what we know, and it would make sense to help the members keep their privacy in terms of the cars they drive and stuff.  I mean, maybe they're getting picked up and dropped off at/from work all the time, but that just seems sort of weird to me.
Anyway, sorry, I got kind of sidetracked there.  I guess I just personally don't feel like the company does that much to intentionally make things "shippy" beyond just putting members together for unit activities.  Maybe that is a factor when it comes to which details get added to the final cut of their content, but I still figure the interactions themselves are primarily genuine and the editors are just working with what they have (and what they feel is appropriate to share).
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valdomarx · 3 years
“Geralt. My dearest friend. My closest companion. Light of my life, fire of my-”
Geralt narrows his eyes. “What do you want, Jaskier?”
“Seeing as how I’ve made you famous, and I flatter myself that this has eased you path somewhat, why, this very inn not only took us in but even offered us a discounted rate-”
“What do you want, Jaskier?” Testier this time.
“Ahh. Well. Let me put it plainly: I’m in need of a favour.”
Geralt raises one eyebrow, in an expression he knows speaks volumes.
“I need you to come with me to Lettenhove this winter and pose as my fiancé.”
Geralt nearly drops the sword he’s sharpening. A million thoughts whip through his mind, but one is most pressing: “Why, for Melitele’s sake?”
Jaskier waves a hand in a vague and non-descriptive gesture. “It’s a court thing, you know how families are, and my mother has made it abundantly clear that it’s time for me to settle down and this year I’m to return affianced or else she’ll select someone for me. And I can’t get hitched to some local lady, Geralt, I simply can’t, it’ll ruin my bardic appeal, not to mention my employment prospects, and of course I won’t be able to travel with you, and it’s-”
Geralt holds up a hand to ward off the wall of words. The idea of no longer travelling with Jaskier is unconscionable, not that he’d ever admit that out loud. And they spend so much time together they’re practically married anyway. How hard could it be to pretend for a few days?
“Fine,” he says gruffly.
“Oh, Geralt, you are wonderful.” Jaskier beams and throws his arms around Geralt’s neck. Geralt growls, but secretly, it’s actually rather nice.
“Mother, this is Geralt, my fiancé.”
Cold, clear eyes look him up and down, assessing him, and pinch into an expression suggesting he has been found wanting. Geralt decides against opening his mouth and further cementing that opinion.
“A witcher.” Her voice has the familiar twang of Jaskier’s, but with the flat, expressionless cadence he associates with the higher echelons of the aristocracy.
“A witcher!” Jaskier confirms in a cheery tone. “Isn’t that exciting?”
She sniffs in a manner which makes it clear that exciting would not be her first choice of word. “I see. He will be joining us for this year’s Yuletide?”
“He will.”
Her face draws back into the impassive mask of the well-bred. “Very well. You will stay in the east wing.”
“Thank you, mother.” Jaskier executes a stiff bow which Geralt copies and they beat a hasty retreat.
“That went rather well!”
Geralt blinks. “Jaskier, I’m fairly sure your mother means to have me killed in my sleep.”
“Oh, don’t mind her. She’s always like that. She’s actually softened up a lot since dear old dad died, gods rest the grumpy bastard.”
Geralt struggles to imagine how such staid, cold people could possibly have produced a son as bright and warm as Jaskier. They might as well be a different species.
Jaskier pushes open a door to a grand suite, all plush velvets and gold ornamentation, a thick woven rug underfoot. It’s the most opulent room Geralt has ever seen, but Jaskier pays it no mind and throws his bag casually on the bed.
“We’ll have to stay here together,” he says apologetically, not looking Geralt in the eye. “But the bed is plenty big, or I can sleep on the sofa if you’d rather -”
Geralt is still taking it all in: The space, the furnishings, the frankly enormous bed which looks divinely comfortable. And there, through the next room, that looks like-
“Is that a copper bathtub?” he asks, eyes wide. Such luxuries were a rarity indeed.
Jaskier grinned. “It is. Let me get some food sent up and I’ll wash your hair?”
Geralt grumbles, just for the effect, and decides that putting up with tedious aristocracy might have its benefits after all.
Yule festivities in Lettenhove are, mercifully, a mere matter of days. First there is the fitting for formal attire, which Geralt scowls through but Jaskier promises will be made up for with plenty of good food and wine. Then there are several deeply tedious aristocratic parties, which Jaskier sails through and Geralt spends mostly hiding in dark corners, as is his wont.
Occasionally, Jaskier will grab him by the hand and introduce him as, “Geralt, my husband-to-be,” and something funny will flip over in his stomach which will require several drinks to settle. When he returns to his dark corner he’ll find his heart pumping a little faster as his eyes track Jaskier flitting around the room. It’s probably just indigestion from all the rich food.
Then there is the formal family Yuletide dinner, a spectacularly awkward and singly unpleasant evening spent around a long, cold table with Jaskier’s mother and various cousins, who regard Geralt with expressions ranging from bland disinterest to active hostility. The food is heavy beyond measure and the conversation cruel and bland by turns.
They cover the need for raising taxes, the many failings of the servant class, and the petty squabbles over jewels and titles that seems to be the bread and butter of these people. With each hateful line, Geralt feels his blood rising. If it weren’t for Jaskier making pleading eyes at him, he’d take great pleasure in explaining some hard truths to them.
When a cousin begins expounding on useless lazy peasants in the estate, complaining that they can’t work because of plague, but we all know they’re simply idle, Geralt grits his teeth so hard that he swears the sound must be audible.
Beneath the table, Jaskier takes his hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. Staring down at their joined hands, Geralt detaches from these awful people and their awful conversation and focuses on the simple warmth of Jaskier’s fingers intertwined with his own.
They make their escape from dinner as soon as can be considered polite, and Geralt takes a second to lean against the door to their room, breathing deeply.
“You did well not to throttle anyone,” Jaskier says with a reassuring smile. “If we’d had to listen to cousin Edrick for a minute longer, I might have launched over the table with a carving knife myself.”
Geralt reaches for him without thinking, and once again Jaskier’s hand slips into his own. It’s grounding, to feel something genuine in this place surrounded by artifice.
“Come on,” Jaskier says. “Let’s get out of here.”
Geralt doesn’t even ask where they’re going before nodding.
They sneak away from the estate out of the servants’ door and follow a winding path toward a cluster of lights in the valley below. The path into Lettenhove town is quiet and calm, and as they walk the snow begins to fall in soft flurries, covering the ground in a peaceful white blanket.
The town looks picture perfect when they arrive, a charming jumble of thatched cottages and a small, cosy inn from which bright light spills out into the snowy night. When they enter the barmaid runs over to hug Jaskier and the proprietor slaps him on the back, and Jaskier has a kind word and a waved greeting for every person in there.
Geralt feels something unwind in his chest, something he hadn’t realised was tight and twisted until now. Seeing Jaskier in his element, among people who love him for who he is, instead of among that cold, hateful family, he feels right in a way he hasn’t for days.
Jaskier is already buying drinks and passing them around, and he excitedly waves Geralt over. “Bree, Geoffrey,” he addresses the couple behind the bar, “This is Geralt.” A shy smile sneaks over his face. “My fiancé.” The couple gasp in delight and congratulate Jaskier, then they’re embracing Geralt like old friends and pushing a drink into his hands.
“Come on, Geralt, join us!” Bree smiles warmly. “It’ll be the ten o’clock bells soon, and we must have Jaskier lead us in a song.”
The evening is a whirl of music and dance and loud, terrible singing, which the entire town seems to join in. For once there is no corner for Geralt to hide in, so he stays by Jaskier’s side, basking in the reflected glow of these people’s clear adoration of his bard.
When the midnight bell chimes and Geoffrey turns them all out for the night, the revelers wend their way home still singing and drinking. As the place empties out, Jaskier slides over to Bree to press a kiss to her cheek and a bulging purse into her hand. She tries to wave him off but Jaskier tucks the money behind the counter all the same, and Geralt watches, a deep wave of fondness sweeping through him.
The snow is still falling when they step out into the now-quiet street, soft, fat flakes drifting lazily from the sky and sticking in Jaskier’s hair. His cheeks are flushed pink and his hair falls in an messy sweep over his eyes; without thinking Geralt reaches out to brush it away behind his ear. Jaskier’s blush deepens as he does so, but he shivers in the cold.
“Here.” Geralt unclasps the thick cloak from around his neck and sweeps it over Jaskier’s shoulders. Jaskier’s mouth forms a little o of surprise and he looks up at Geralt, something tender in his eyes.
Geralt’s gaze is caught by the snow flakes settling on Jaskier’s lashes; he’s so focused that he almost jumps when Jaskier reaches out to take his hand. The sky seems to glow with a soft orange light as the clouds reflect the last few fires in the town below; everything is warm with Jaskier’s hand in his despite the chill in the air.
“Thank you,” Jaskier says softly. “For being here with me.” And leaning in, his breath caressing over Geralt’s face, he touches his lips to Geralt’s cheek in a ghost of a kiss.
Suddenly it occurs to Geralt that this will be it, tomorrow they’ll head back on the path like none of this ever happened, no more holding hands or being close, no more being introduced as Jaskier’s betrothed. And despite the hellish parts of this experience he really doesn’t want it to end. He likes being Jaskier’s person, and he likes Jaskier being his.
They are still standing close together, mere inches between them, and it’s no effort at all to lean in, slowly, cautiously, to find Jaskier’s lips with his own, to place a tentative kiss there. And then Jaskier’s hands are fisting in his shirt and tugging him closer still, and his arms go around his waist and Jaskier is kissing him back like he’s been waiting for it, their mouths slotting together like they were made to fit each other, and everything is blazingly bright like the white of the snow.
When they pull apart they stay with foreheads pressed together, breathing the same air, and Geralt can see a smile cracking wide over Jaskier’s face.
“I like being engaged to you,” Geralt says quietly, unable to keep it in.
Jaskier’s smile widens even further. “I like being engaged to you too,” he says. He kisses him again. “Fiancé.” Another kiss. “Husband to be.” And another. “Partner.” One more. “Beloved.”
“I like the sound of those.” He suspects he may be wearing the same dopey grin as Jaskier is.
“Then let’s make it official.” Jaskier bites his lip. “Marry me?”
Jaskier is a picture of perfection, eyes gleaming and cheeks ruddy, snowflakes in his hair. Geralt’s heart has always been right here.
“I’d be honoured.” He considers for a second. “But not in Lettenhove.”
Jaskier’s laugh sparkles with joy. “Anywhere but here.”
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actualbird · 3 years
Oh god!
I really love the poly headcanons they are so sweet.... (or don't but that's part of it and i think the tot boys+MC deserve all the love the world has to give).
But, liking it or not, our 4 beloved boys are kinda complicated (that's what makes them perfect). Plus I never thought about how people get in poly relationships. So i was thinking, how do you think they all get into a polyrelationship together?
(I really have no idea of how that would happen)
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hi, two anons!! im glad you guys liked my nxx team polycule stuff!! i'll answer these in one go, my "headcanon" (in quotes because i think this kinda turned into a character analysis/minific of sorts HAHA) being what first anon asked, How They Get Together.
heads up, wc of this is 1.9k words long so buckle up for a bit of a read jfsjdfkjbf
because first anon, youre right!!! the boys are stupendously complicated which i love so so much but canon has also shown us clearly that each of the boys' quirks and habits and tendencies causes a lot of (mostly played for laughs) friction. the bickering, the backhanded insults, the "im the best one here" preening contests. theyre all SOOOO RIDICULOUS and it is hilarious but yep! the boys r complex!! and that means this beautiful ship, imo, has a lot of phases to get to the actual romantic relationship bit.
how they get together, in my opinion, starts because of mc.
not in the sense that she matchmakes them all, but like.
phase 1 of the nxx team polycule is this:
through being in love with her (which we all know the boys 100% are), each of the boys come to terms with their own flaws and weaknesses. it's very apparent to me in all the story thus far that these boys are flawed as hell, it's very compelling but even more compelling to me is how all of them also do intense mental gymnastics to Not Confront Those Flaws. like, marius is a dickbag always teasing and toeing the line of insincerity, vyn is a controlling mf who always tries to sway situations to his benefit, artem is so repressed to the point that he has genuine trouble with emotions, luke is a self sacrificial bastard and also a huge hypocrite about how no, actually, hes the only one that should be hiding his pain and being dishonest, no dishonesty from other people!! in the beginning of the story, all the boys have their flaws and seem to have just kinda...not addressed how those flaws are harming them and the people around them.
and then mc rolls around and they all fall in love with her. and she sees those flaws and she doesnt let them slide. she challenges the boys in her own ways to see another side of the situation, to acknowledge what theyre doing. she doesnt want to get rid of flaws, thats impossible and also not cool. she just has this beautiful hope for like, all of humanity, that goodness can prevail with the right work. so when she sees her beloved nxx boys, she believes that for them as well.
which leads to phase 2 of the nxx team polycule:
the boys, more aware of themselves, become more aware of each other.
they werent Unaware of the others of course. it's just that they didnt like...truly connect on a personal level just yet. they saw the other teammembers with their emotional armor and flaws and saw a wall that wasnt worth looking past.
but after mc makes them realize that hey, flaws arent the end of the world actually, it's alright and the person behind them may just be worth it, the boys like. end up understanding the others. A LOT OF THIS BIT IS UNINTENTIONAL, ON THEIR PARTS KJDSBFS. like they stumble into understanding each other by accident, they didnt plan it, but over the course of nxx investigations, it's inevitable that they end up seeing the depths of the others. i delve into this a little bit in my fanfic "filler eps of the lost gold" where the boys are just going thru their actions and then trip over another boy's fears or desires and through that, gain a deeper understanding mutually.
and with understanding, sometimes, comes trust.
phase 3 of the nxx team polycule goes like this:
everybody in this team, whether they like it or not, whether they know it or not, has a heart that wants to give love so desperately.
marius lives in a world full of snakes so he cant have his heart on his sleeve for his own protection. vyn wants to be seen as perfect and the heart is inherently messy so he holds it back. artem for a very very long time was focused on work and success and achievement that he neglected his heart. and luke has been giving love all his life in a sense but in a way thats hidden.
all these tendencies that are brought upon their life circumstances results in this: they want to love honestly but they havent been able to do this
until mc. and all of them want to push back whatever fears or patterns their life has instilled in them because they see her and see somebody so unwaveringly good that all their hearts begin giving love to her to make her happy and to make themselves happy as well.
but heres the thing. the boys dont just see mc. by this point, they have connected and understood and come to trust each other as well, and the consequence of that is that They Can See Each Other Now Too, Truly.
and heres the thing. all of the boys are unwaveringly good as well.
one by one, each of the boys realize that what they feel for the other boys in the team starts to...change. yeah theyre all friends, they pick on each other a lot of the time, but the bedrock of the relationship is solid and strong now. but when marius is with luke, marius sees a light inside of luke so bright that he seems unaware that he gives off. when artem is with vyn, artem sees a goodness inside of vyn that hesitates to make itself obvious and known because vyn is scared of getting hurt thanks to it. all of them see the other and their goodness and, unbidden, their hearts want to give love to each other as well.
and because theyre all a bit stupid in their own way theyre like, huh, weird! wonder why this feeling is so familiar! and yet i cant seem to name it...and then they all independently compare these feeling with the feelings they have for mc, a feeling they do know the name of, and theyre like.
which only means one thing: theyve fallen in love with everybody else
marius: //goes to his studio to Think and sees that a bunch of his recent art actually had little crumbs of these feelings already, etched into the brushstrokes and scenes. has an emotional crisis about it
vyn: //records a 1 hour long entry in his audio diary to examine and gain control of his feelings but by the end of the hour all he knows is that he wants to hold these people and be held by them
artem: //quite literally just bluescreens, artem.exe has stopped working, sits at his study and slowly, slowly, thunks his head down onto his desk, valiantly trying to ignore the fast pulse of his heart
luke: //manically vents about it to peanut who, by virtue of being a bird, doesnt get it. just keeps talking at peanut to get a grasp of it all and then lies down on the floor, overwhelmed
mc, sitting in her apartment watching some netflix: ...why do i inexplicably feel as if something very, very important has just happened?
phase 4 of the nxx team polycule is basically:
pining: extreme difficulty level
because pining is already hard when ur pining for one person. what more for an additional 3 more people. and those additional 3 more people are pining back.
and all these boys are SOOOO OBVIOUS with their romantic feelings, in their own special way. the way they show their affection to mc starts to bleed into their interactions with the others and everybody can CLEARLY SEE WHAT IS GOING ON, LOL, but also all the boys are too chickenshit to confront it, because if they confront it, what will even happen??? being in love with each other, all of them, thats going to be such a complicated fucking relationship, holy shit. it's 2030, yeah, being a polyamorous group relationship isnt completely unheard of, but sue them, theyre scared.
but mc (who i forgot to mention already knows of the boys' romantic feelings for her, shes just hasnt made a move yet on any of them because SHES IN LOVE WITH ALL OF THEM AS WELL and shes been trying to figure out how the hell to make that work, she cant bear to choose just one of them, she'd be heartbroken over leaving the rest of them behind) sees that the nxx investigation team is now all pining for each other FULLY and she kinda wants to laugh when she realizes whats going on because like, what are the chances? that this would happen? that they all found each other and their feelings fell into just the right place for nobody to be left behind?
theyre all scared, she can tell. and she is as well, she wont lie.
but shes always had a belief that goodness can prevail with the right work.
and love is one of the greatest goods out there.
phase 5 of the nxx team polycule:
It's Time For Communication, Baby!!!!!
the exact scenes of how this happens is a bit vague to me. it could go two ways: mc going to each of the boys independently to talk about feelings, hers about everybodys and his about everybodys as well. OR they have a fucking meeting about it all together and artem literally schedules it in his google calendar, or something.
either way, they like, actually talk about this. starts casual, maybe over a chill date, maybe over dinner at a nice restaurant, maybe over a walk in the park as the sun is starting to set. but where ever it happens, the end result is the same: a heart is laid out bare and it is taken in gentle, grateful hands.
vyn, laughing fondly: has anybody ever told you patience is a virtue? we quite literally just talked it all out.
marius: //needy whining noises
artem, embarrassed: ive...never kissed anybody before
luke, embarrassed but trying to play it Cool: ....same here
mc: kissing is great, you two will love it!
marius: awesome, awesome, so is ANYBODY going to give me a go ahead or WHAT????
phase 6 of the nxx team polycule:
i dont want to say it's happily ever after, once they all get together. thats not really realistic.
they all have their quirks and tendencies and habits. and those will inevitable clash against each other. theyll have their arguments, theyll get upset, theyll sulk and be angry, sometimes. but also...
theyll see each other smile and feel like their love shining so brightly. theyll reach out for another's hand and be held in such a way that makes them think that their heart is in a safe place. theyll love each other and theyll put in the work to continue loving each other. because goodness will prevail.
and they all see each other as the most good people in the world.
so whatever happens, theyll get through it together.
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