#I genuinely yelled at my screen and threw my blanket off of me when I realized
wormtitty · 7 months
was anyone going to tell me that my high school english teacher and knowledge bowl coach IS QUENTIN COLDWATER????
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mioified · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could request a movie night with Cater, maybe sappy 2000s movies or even horror movies (your pick!)
It's not much, but I like the idea of it ^^'
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SHORT HC's of watching horror movies with: Cater, Floyd and Jade!
CW: none! enjoy!
thanks for requesting!!! Hope you don't mind i threw in the tweels in there ^_^' Chose the horror movies since halloween wasnt TOO... long ago....(it was very long ago;;) on another note sorry for being sosososos inactive for like suchhh a long time ermmm.. also threw in the tweels for fun!!! enjoy!!
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Would be scrolling through magicam and sees a video of horror movie recommendations.. he immediately sends the video to you, texting you something like:
" We gotta watch ALL of these... NOW!!! im on my way to ramshackle xoxo! <3 "
he'd bring some of the sweets trey baked + some blankets for the both of you... build a blanket fort or two!
once you guys get all set up for the movie, Cater would act all scared as an excuse to snuggle up next to you.. ^_^;;
" O-M-G.! Prefect...! I'm seriously trembling in fear.. Hold me! I'm sooo scared!!"
"Cater? It hasn't even started?"
He's actually not scared at all, quite unfazed, actually!! He just wants an excuse to get all snuggly with his favourite prefect!..
If you're not a fan of jumpscares or anything, Cater would cover your eyes for you when he feels one coming.. (°_°)
Would accidentally choke on a tart or something because a jumpscare popped up while he was eating it ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ poor Cater. Make sure to hand him some water....
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bought a stack of horror movies from sam's shop for the both of you.. Why? He doesn't know why he just felt like it..
well, better put his thaumarks to good use and watch all of them? (_ _).。o○
honestly the last person you'd wanna watch horror movies with if you're easily scared... He is NOT gonna spare you're fragile heart.. run while you still can!!
Just kidding he'd never let you run. You already agreed!!
At the most dramatic or eerie parts he'd just yell "BOO!!" to scare you, laughs if you genuinely gets scared.. If you don't like it give him a good death glare and tell him to knock it off ^^;;; might work, might not.. it's a test of luck really!
"Floyd, cut that out or I will seriously kill you!
You guys bicker like siblings.. Started off with you going "Look it's you Floyd!" When an ugly character appeared on the screen.. Now it's an ongoing battle on who can say "It's you!" first when an ugly character pops up.
If he actually gets startled by a scare, He WILL let out the loudest yell ever.. Make sure to cover his mouth when he does this or else you'll face the wrath of Azul!!
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The.. somewhat normal option to watch horror movies with!
Would rent out a horror movie to get into the spooky spirit!!! Invites you over and has popcorn and some other snacks prepared!!
Like Cater, Jade Would also feign fear..
"Ah, I'm so afraid! Even my voice is trembling."
"??? You sound normal though?"
Just don't mind him and hold him .. its the best for the both of you.. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
Would comfort you if you get easily scared! Would pat you on the back if he see's you trembling.. a little reminder that Jade's here to protect you!! ^^
So unfazed by the movie.. It's like he's immune to getting scared. It's really impressive.
He giggles softly at the scariest parts.. You ask him about it and he gives you a smile as an answer... just don't worry about it I suppose?
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A/N: Sooososososos short... sorry about that!!! Will try to write longer next time^^ hope u guys still enjoyed!!
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annoyingnerdsposts · 2 years
Get-up-and-go  part 1
Heyyyyy... so i haven't posted much and I’m sorry for that my life has just been really busy rn and I’m getting back into writing.
ANYWHO- here’s a story with frank and his adoptive child being on the run :)  
Gender neutral reader
relationship is platonic with a capital P
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It was late at night, maybe 11 or 12 o;clock but it was late nonetheless. You had fallen asleep on the couch in front of the tv, your arms stretched around the sofa and a blanket covering you. You were melting in the heat of this September night. You began to peel your body off the couch and make your way to the kitchen to make a tea and maybe grab a snack.
the news was on.
It was a rule in your house to always have the news on. If it wasn't on the TV it, was on the radio. But it was always on in some way shape or form. Frank said it was good to know what is going on in the city at all times. 
As the kettle was heating up on the stove you couldn’t help but over hear the story the news anchor was telling.
“An apartment building in Brooklyn was burned to the ground in a booming earlier tonight, the police have no suspects and have made zero arrests as of late, i will keep you updated as the situation unfolds.” 
You move closer to the TV and notice the address of the building.
That’s close to where Miles lives
Miles Morales, your best friend. and a part of your iconic trio. Miles, you and America. Miles was one of the first people you meet in New York, and frankly one of your closest friends.
You pulled your phone out in a panic and clicked on the saved number with miles face on it.
“MILES?!” you yell into the phone “MILES?!”
“..Yeah its me wassup” says a tired Miles. He must have been sleeping by the sound of his grubby voice into the phone. A relieved sign escaped your lips. “Are you OK?! A building near you was blown up !” Now miles must have been a little worried because the sleepy Miles that you called earlier was gone.”What where?!” he said, you could hear his bed squeaking so he must now be sitting up. “ Two streets down from you” I said into the phone, “Turn on the news”. You could hear Miles’ dad call Miles. “ I have to go y/n I’ll call you when I can, OK?” “OK” I replied and hung up. Something was different when you looked at the news screen now. 
12 dead 19 injured.
Amid all this you don’t know where Frank is. Double Fuck. You called him. No answer.  Again. No answer. Again. No answer.
The next 20 minutes consisted of you pacing back and forth in your small apartment trying not to freak the fuck out. Then the door finally opens, Its Frank, and he’s a mess. “Frank” you say staring at him  standing in the hall. Hes covered in blood which. to be fair, is normal Frank behaviour. But what threw you off was what his boots and face was covered in.
Ash, building ash.
“Kid..” he grumbled under his breath. “Y-You need to get your bag.” This time he sounded genuinely worried.
The bag he was lovingly referring to was your ‘Get-up-and-go’ bag. You’ve been with frank since you were a little kid, and since then hes made you pack such a bag. A get-up-and-go bag is used when you and frank need to leave the city fast. That bag contains clothes for 5 days, water, snacks, a first aid kit, 150 dollars in cash and a flip phone burner. On said burner had four numbers, Franks, Karen’s, Curtis’, and some random contact labled ‘Micro’ that frank said you should only use as a last resort.
You nodded and grabbed the bag from under your bed and walked to the front door. Frank was cleaning the blood and ash from his face in the bathroom. He finished up and grabbed his bag and with that, You both disappeared. 
You got into the van and drove away, your head leaning against the window of the vehicle watching your apartment building fade into a speck. You look over at Frank.  “Are you gonna tell me what happened?” you asked calmly, “No”. “When we get somewhere safe we will talk about it, but right now, we need to focus getting out of the city” He states. you wait till you ask the next question. “Dose this have anything to do with what happened in Brooklyn?” You asked. Frank remained  silent.
The city look so different at night. A sea of black with specks of light, each light a home with people who are living out there lives. Its a strange feeling, realising how small we are. As you left the city you and Frank stayed silent. You had millions of questions running through your mind at once but didn't know how to ask them. You looked over at Frank, the same fixed expression as before he looked over to you. It must have been around 1 in the morning at this point. “Hey kid, I know your tired and you want answers and you’ll get them but we need to get out of the city first. he placed a hand on your shoulder. you nodded and laid your head on the window of the van and fell asleep.
You woke up at 4:00 because Frank swerved the car and you almost crashed. “Frank, you need sleep” you said. Frank let out a sigh. “The next motel I see, were staying there” you noded and the both of you continued driving. 
You pulled into this shady motel of the street and got a two bedroom for a night. You flopped into the bed as did Frank.
“Fuck” Frank said
“What?” You said “What did you do?”
“Y’know that building that blew up in Brooklyn?”
“I blew it up”
Triple Fuck.
Sooooooooo that was part one, if you want a part two let me know cause i have big plans for this story and yeah thanks for reading i appriciate it :)
heres the link to part 2:
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Part Two. Jackbox Shenanigans
warnings: swearing word count: 2.6k (not including pictures) behind the screen (irl dream x reader) series masterlist ultimate masterlist
Y/n flinched awake, startled by the sounds traveling from the kitchen. Once again, the frosty air pricked her skin, trying to convince her to not move, to stay in bed under the warm blankets. Despite the feeling pulling her into her bed, she rubbed her eyes and sat up, grabbing her phone from her nightstand. Texts from Karl flooded her screen and she replied as she took her comforter off her mattress and wrapped it around herself. She pattered to the source of the noise to find her roommate was making food.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Naomi asked, eyes wide with concern as she looked at Y/n. "I dropped a pan."
Y/n, who was observing the world through one squinted eye, shook her head and she sat at the counter in the kitchen. "No, I should be awake anyway."
"You're usually awake much earlier. Late night?"
Y/n nodded. "George streamed and we all talked for a little after."
"Oh, yeah, I watched his stream this morning..." she started, eyes focused on the food in front of her but Y/n still caught the mischievous glint in her roommate's eyes.
"Of course you did," Y/n laughed through a yawn. "That's your lover."
Naomi rolled her eyes. "Maybe if you gave me his number he would be."
"He doesn't give it to many people. I just barely got it and I've been friends with him for a year. I'm pretty sure Karl doesn't even have it."
Naomi groaned, though Y/n knew it was a joke... for the most part. She got another text from Karl, and consulted Naomi for a second opinion.
"Should I post this?" Y/n asked, lazily holding up her phone with a picture on the screen. Naomi squinted as she looked back over her shoulder. "Karl keeps yelling at me too."
"Yeah! That's a cute outfit. Make sure to credit Karl or he'll yell at you for that as well."
"No chance I'm doing that."
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Incoming FaceTime... karol <3
Y/n hit accept and held the phone up to make a face at Karl. He mimicked the position. "Hello, sir."
"Hello, ma'am."
"What are you doing?" she asked him, walking to the bathroom to brush her teeth, her comforter dragging on the floor behind her as it continued to protect her from the cold.
Karl got distracted and started messing with something out of the camera view. "Um, trying to figure out what to do for my stream tonight. What about you?"
"I'm waiting for you to give me a fit check!" Y/n yelled. Karl quickly looked at the camera and smiled. He set his phone down on his desk and ran backward so his whole body was in frame. He posed awkwardly a few different ways before running back and resuming his position.
"Yes!" Y/n hyped with a mouthful of toothpaste. "Let's go, Karl! Karl with the old man sweater!!"
He giggled. "You're the one that told me to buy it."
"Because it's sick. Doesn't mean it didn't belong to an old man before you."
Karl pouted before his face lit up. "Guess what. I met a girl."
"Oh?" Y/n cooed. "Where? Do you have pictures? Is she cute?"
"She's Jimmy's new cameraman. Camerawoman. I don't have pictures, and yes. She's very cute." His cheeks turned red and Y/n smiled, flipping off the bathroom light and heading to her closet. She threw her comforter back on the bed and tried to pick out an outfit.
"Come on, bud, elaborate. What's her name? Have you asked her out yet?"
"You don’t get to know her name, I don’t want to jinx anything. Plus, you’ll just look ‘Mr Beast crew’ and find out anyway. Also, no, I haven’t. I'm pretty sure she thinks I hate her because I have not said a single word to her. I get so nervous when she's around I freeze up and just like... act weird. And then as soon as she's gone, Chris freaking roasts me so bad."
"Aw, I can teach you how to flirt if you want!"
"Yeah, okay," he scoffed, sarcasm dripping from his words.
"What's with the attitude? I'm great at flirting."
"No, you're not. I watched Gogy's stream last night."
"What does that have anything to do with anything?"
"I heard the way you spoke to Dream."
"You have zero game, Y/n. Absolutely none. Zilch, if you will."
"Yeah, because I wasn't flirting with him?"
"Not successfully, at least."
"Karl, what?" Y/n laughed but she was so confused. "No part of me was trying to flirt with anyone in that stream."
"Oh, come on," Karl groaned. "Don't do this again. Don't pretend to not like a guy and then cry to me when you're wack ass attempts don't win him over."
"Karl," Y/n started, looking directly at him. "I genuinely have no idea what you're talking about. I wasn't flirting with him. I do not like him."
"I'm just saying, you talk about him a lot. Like, you always panic when he interacts with your posts because you're scared he's going to DM you right after. And you gush about him a lot."
"I do not gush. I admire the hard work he puts into his videos but I talk the same about him as I do with George and Sapnap. The only difference is I'm friends with them and not Mr. Minecraft. He's intimidating, that doesn't mean I have a crush on him."
Karl stared for a moment, trying to read Y/n's expression to detect any lies. "You'd tell me if you did, right?"
"Karl, I tell you everything. I'd tell you if I murdered your family." They both laughed. "It's impossible to hide anything from you, you're my best friend."
"Okay, sweet, but please don't murder my family, just to be clear."
"I won't. I love your mom too much."
"Well, how was meeting Dream, then? Despite apparently not being in love with him?"
"It was cool. Terrifying because it felt very forced but the four of us hung out on the call after George ended his stream and he was much more relaxed."
"That's true. Aren't we all?"
"Not you! You're the exact same person on and off camera. Just a little ball of giggles."
Karl giggled which made them both laugh more. Suddenly, as if he completely forgot until that moment, Karl sat up quickly and yelled, "What am I going to do for the stream?"
Y/n shrugged. "See if anyone wants to play Jackbox. Chat always loves those and it's relatively easy to throw together last minute. You just need to find people that are free to play."
"Genius. Who should we invite?"
"Yeah. It was your idea, you have to play."
"But, I've never played! And I barely know all your friends so I wouldn't get half the inside jokes. I'd be a boring addition."
"Please? They're your friends too! You just talked to Sapnap and George for four hours yesterday and George was the only one playing anything. That's friendship if I've ever seen it."
"But... others.... like literally everyone besides Sap and George...."
"Things like this are how you get to know them better. Besidessss, you're never boring."
"Fine, I'll play."
"YES!" he shouted. "Okay, who should we invite?"
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Y/n huffed and scooted her chair closer to her desk. She pulled up Discord and hovered over the voice chat everyone was in. An overwhelming number of voices chaotically spoke over each other as soon as she joined.
"Oh no," she mumbled.
"AYYEE!!" a voice yelled, the green bubble lighting around Quackity's name confirming her suspicions.
"Aye," she said back less enthusiastic. "Hi everyone."
"She's here!" George cheered.
Y/n could hear Sapnap huff. "Finally. Geesh."
"This isn't even your stream, calm down." Y/n's eyes scanned the names on the left to read who else was involved in tonight's games. She had suggested a few people to Karl but wasn't sure about the final list. Besides the boys who had already greeted her were BadBoyHalo and Dream.
"Hello, Bugsy! It's nice to meet you! I'm BadBoyHalo."
Y/n smiled widely at his voice. "Hi, BadBoyHalo! Nice to meet you too."
Her eyes slowly traveled to the last name on the list, which had yet to greet her. She wasn't bitter, but she was curious why he hadn't said anything yet. The boys hyped up him talking about her so much but she had yet to feel that energy from him. She picked at the bottom of her hoodie, eyes darting between the names as they lit up when someone spoke.
"Is Dream still AFK?" Sapnap asked.
"I think so," Bad replied.
Maybe that's the only reason he hadn't said anything. Y/n felt stupid for thinking it had anything to do with her.
"He's probably coding something or something like that," George teased.
"Haha nerdy ass man," Quackity cackled.
"Don't you also code shit, George?" Sapnap called out. "You're probably helping him test something after this, huh? As Quackity said, nerdy ass man."
"You know what, Sapnap? I'm not sure I like your attitude all that much."
Y/n smiled. Despite feeling nervous, she was already having fun just listening to everyone talk. The real nerves would kick in when they were live in front of tens of thousands of people and she would have to be funny.
A message popped up in the general chat, notifying everyone that Karl was joining the voice call soon so they shouldn't say anything bad.
"Everyone say something weird," Quackity directed.
Discord dinged and Karl's name joined the list on the side. "AAAHHHH-!" he started yelling over everyone to let them know he was here in case they were saying anything bad. With his luck, they were going to say stuff anyway to mess with him.
"So, yeah, that's how I lost my virginity," Quackity said as if he just finished a story.
"To a prostitute?" Sapnap added quickly. "Wow, I never thought you... oh Karl!"
"Language!" Bad gasped.
"What the..." Karl laughed loudly. "What did I just join?"
"Oh, sorry, sorry, sorry," Quackity apologized, which was hard to make out since he was laughing so hard, surprised at what Sapnap added to his joke.
"Bad, you can't say language about a prostitute," Sapnap defended. "That's really rude of you. Maybe it's a little unconventional but they're just tryna make some money the best way they know how."
George laughed with Quackity as Bad sputtered. "I-I said language about what Quackity said!"
"What, virginity?" Karl asked innocently and Bad yelled again.
"Bad hates people who have had sex!" Y/n called, causing Quackity to laugh loudly.
"Bad! How could you?! That's so messed up!"
"Wait, guys, is everyone here?" Karl asked.
"Dream isn't. We don't know where he went."
Karl groaned and started typing something, presumably yelling at Dream to join.
"Let's goooo! We're popping off!" Quackity started saying, stalling. "We're popping off!" George joined him, becoming absolute fools to keep the chat entertained.
"Okay, he's here!" Karl said. "Everyone's here!"
"I'm here, I'm here, sorry. I was... yeah, sorry," Dream stuttered out.
"Welcome back, Dream!" Bad chirped.
"Hello!" he replied. Unexpectedly, his next greeting was directed at Y/n. "Hi, Bug."
Y/n instantly got shy for no discernable reason. She blamed it on his voice and its ability to manipulate emotions any way he wanted. That and she was getting attention from someone first. "Hi," she squeaked back, hoping the contrast of her icy hands would cool her face enough to focus on the game.
"Bugsy, you are adorable," Bad stated simply.
"Sapnap! What did you just send me?" George asked loudly, and just like that, the attention was off of her and she could breathe again.
"What?" Sapnap feigned innocence.
This was going to be a long game.
"Let's play!" Karl decided. "Should we warm up with some Quippy?"
Y/n focused intensely on her answers, silently hoping the others would find her funny.
"Oh my gosh," she mumbled as everyone else finished writing. "Y'all, I'm about to get Quiplashed so hard. Don't make fun of me."
"I seriously doubt it," Dream said. "You can't possibly be worse than George at this game."
"Shut up, we always-  it's like 3 am my time. I can't, like, think of things 'cause my brain isn't functioning."
"Yeah, that's why," Sapnap teased.
"Surreee," Dream said.
The first round wasn't too bad. Y/n was in 5th place but she got quite a few laughs so she didn't care too much about where she stood. She got a notification from Dream on Twitter as everyone laughed at one of Quackity's answers.
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Y/n looked back at her screen and saw the new prompt and answers. She read them quickly as everyone was laughing and with a few seconds left to choose, voted for the one on the left. It was funnier anyway.
She loosened up substantially after another round, and she knew it was mostly because Dream had reached out to her. Something about him comforted her and made her feel safe, which warmed her heart.
"Bugsy! What the hell, that's so messed up. You're so messed up," Quackity yelled, laughing at the answer on the screen. They were playing Survive the Internet and her comment got taken way out of context, just as the game intended.
"Oh my gosh!" Karl cackled loudly. "Bugsy, I didn't know you felt that way. Oh my gosh? They're just kids?? Bugsy out the gang?"
Y/n hid her face in her hands and laughed. "Noooo!! Wait I never knew- I didn't know I was ever in the gang?"
"She really said, 'infant children? slaughter them all'," Sapnap joked.
"You know, I think you'd get along really well with Technoblade," Dream added. "Though his specialty is orphans, as it appears."
"No, no, no, whoever wrote that heading is SO messed up!" Y/n defended, rereading the heading that made her comment look bad. She knew it was a game but all the attention on her was making her embarrassed. "Who would think to put that?"
"Everyone cancel Busgy!" Karl yelled.
"Karl, no! You're supposed to be my best friend!"
"I don't know how I feel about my best friend killing children..."
"Nooo," Bad protested softly. "I like Bugsy. Don't cancel her."
"Everyone vote!"
The article with Y/n's name turned out to be Dream's. "Dream! What the hell is wrong with you?" she yelled, causing him to wheeze loudly.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I wanted point."
The whole night ended up being like that. Y/n had a lot of fun and by the end, she felt a lot more comfortable with all of them. Quackity, Karl, and Sapnap were loud and very high energy while George and Bad were quieter. Dream was half and half, sometimes matching Quackity's volume and sometimes going a while without saying a word. Overall, Y/n had a lot of fun and hoped to let back in the gang in the future.
A/N: WOOO PART TWOOO!! Hope you guys enjoyed this part! Also thank you so much for all the love on the first part!! I did not expect it to get as much attention as it did!!!!!
we clearly haven’t got to dream and yn being close yet bc they literally met the day before this but i added a small little dream/yn moment :] pls let me know how you liked this part!!!!!!!!!!!! 
taglist: OPEN (at the time) @hydrate-tion @loraleiix @tinaswagbd @charsdummb @smileyyuta @1ghoste1 @cerberus-hellhound @gaysludge @queestionmark @carnations-red @letsloveimagines @the-fictionwriters-hairdo @boiled-onionrings @a-cryptic @fee-btheweeb @letsloveimagines @erwinss @just-a-stan
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harrystyleseditsx · 3 years
If you need me
SUMMARY: A one shot of where y/n experiences something that reminds her of her traumatic past and Harry’s 5000 miles away
based on the song If you need by julia micheals
WARNING: Angst with fluff :) 
pairing: Harry Styles x uni y/n 
wordcount: 2.3k
A/N: Welcome to my first fic, I needed to write something to get in the flow to write my 2000 word story so here it is :)) ily guys <3 (also would you prefer y/n or an oc, please let me know!!)
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Y/N was very happy about how her morning had been going.
She had woken up early, worked out and made her favorite breakfast. She had also gotten herself some flowers to celebrate the fact that she had submitted her 10 page essay early. The only thing that would make her morning better would be face timing harry but she knew it was 1 pm here meaning it would be 9 pm in London where Harry was and he had a concert to perform. She threw on one of Harry’s treat people with kindness hoodies over her sundress as she headed to the library that would often get chilly or she was just always cold as harry often teased her. She smiled as she remembered harry telling she would overheat if she continued to wear zip ups and pile blankets on herself even during summers. 
She had by now almost reached the library when she suddenly bumped into someone causing the other person to drop some of their stuff. “Shit, I’m so sorry. I should have paid more attention-” it felt as if the words were stuck in her throat as she glanced at who she bumped into. 
“Oh hi Y/N” Asher taunted, her ex. She hadn’t seen him since the break up when he told her that he needed space and took off to France only to send her the infamous break up text. And, here he was 6 months later, looking the every bit same. She felt a feeling of anxiety creeping up on her as she started playing with her fingers trying to stop when she saw Asher’s eyes drop to her hands. 
“Are you nervous y/n? Always played with your fingers when you were” he said with a hint of smugness, as he reached his hand forward trying to grasp hers. She immediately pulled back, crossing them against her chest as she took a deep breath. 
“What are you doing here Asher? Aren’t you supposed to be in France?” she snapped at him, her nervousness quickly turning into anger. Asher raised an eyebrow as if surprised at her response. 
“Been keeping tabs on me?” he smirked. “Well forgive me if I wanted to know where my boyfriend, sorry, ex-boyfriend ran off too on our 1 year anniversary” she scoffed.
“Finally grew a backbone y/n?” he drawled looking her up and down. Y/N had never felt the urge to pull someone’s eyeballs out more than she did now. She found herself thinking what she ever saw in this piece of shit. She snapped back to reality as she heard him droning about something.
“..you need me, so I’ll take you back-” he was in interrupted as y/n threw her head back laughing. When she looked at him again, he had an annoyed look on his face. “I need you? Well, I’d like to inform you that you’re wrong again. I don’t need you, I don’t need anyone. I managed myself when you left and I’m doing so now too. So, you can see yourself out of my life again” she reiterated. Asher now looked furious, he lunged forward and grabbed her by her wrists as she tried to free herself from his grip.
“Is all this attitude because of her famous singer boyfriend? Yes, I know all about him. Is he telling you that you’re beautiful? or that you’re important? because news flash, you’re not y/n. You’re worthless, stupid, ugly and you’ll be nothing without me. You’re a whore” he growled. Y/N felt herself flinch as she heard his words before she composed herself and kicked him in the balls. His grip on her wrists loosened giving her the perfect opportunity to attack. She grabbed him by the back of his neck and jerked it forward, raising her knee and smashed his face against it and then shoved him backwards. She heard Asher yelp in pain as blood gushed out of his. One of his hands was on his dick while other on his nose. She felt a sense of pride and satisfaction rush through her as she looked at him. 
"You bitch, you broke my nose. You'll pay for this" Asher yelled at her. She decided it was best to kick him one more time for good measure and she did, smiling as he groaned in pain. "No, you listen to me. If you ever come near me again or try to hurt me I will fuck up your life and I'll get my famous singer boyfriend to help too" y/n taunted as she turned out to head back to her apartment, she had never been more glad to have her apartment be a 5 minute walk from campus. The whole incident had taken a huge toll on her.
She locked her room as soon as she entered it, leaning against the door as she slowly sank to the floor. She took a deep breath before the sobs broke out. Her entire body was shaking as she wrapped her arms around herself trying to feel as if she wasn't alone in the world. Y/N picked up her phone to send a text to harry but she try made her feel even more shitty. What if he realized she wasn't worth it, what if he had enough of her breakdowns. She pressed her nails into her palm, hitting herself to try to stop herself from feeling too much. She had come so far and now all it took was one interaction for everything to come crumbling down.
She didn't know how long she had been sitting like that but her phone rang, she looked at the clock to see it flashing 5 pm. Realizing that it must be harry on the phone, she got up and rushed to the bathroom, quickly washing her face, she laid down on the bed so he could only see half of her face and then accepted his call.
Harry appeared on the screen all smiley and sweaty. Her heart fluttered at the sight of him. All she wanted to do was hug him. "Finally picked up, huh? I thought y'were gonna leave me hangin' lovie" he teased her. "I'm sorry, my phone was on silent" she said softly.
Harry realised the change in her demeanor, his smile turning into a frown. "Y'alright honey? Not even showin' me y'pretty face" he said to her. She tried to smile as she moved the camera a bit so he could see more of her face. "I'm just tired H" she whispered. Harry had been moving around, probably trying to find a quieter area. He shut the door behind him as he entered what looked like his dressing room.
"Have y'been cryin' y/n?" he questioned as he saw her red nose and faint traces of year marks on her cheeks. y/n knew there was no point in lying because it was pretty obvious. "Yeah, I didn't do very well in one of the assignments my economics professor had assigned but I'm fine now" she told him adding a smile in the end to make it more believable and maybe Harry would have believed her had he not caught a glimpse of the nasty bruise on wrist as the sleeve of her (his) hoodie slipped down when she was pulled the hood up. Harry was furious and the visible anger on his face made y/n want to curl up.
"What the fuck is that y/n?" he questioned furiously. "What are you talking about? "y/n replied looking genuinely confused. "The fucking bruise on your wrist” harry snapped, by now he had lost all his patience. No one gets to hurt his lovie. 
Y/N was at a loss, she didn’t know what to say. She didn’t want him to worry about her but she couldn’t come up with anything to say. “Asher came back, he cornered me and when I tried to go, he grabbed my wrists” she mumbled, playing with the hem of his sweatshirt. She dare not glance his way, afraid of his reaction. After a minute of silence, Y/N glanced at her phone only to find the screen to be blank. Had he hung up on her? She stared at the blank screen of her phone in disbelief. She felt as if she was having an out of body experience. Opening her gallery, she started scrolling through the numerous photos and videos of her and harry. It was at this time that she was grateful with her obsession of taking pictures and photos. A few tears escaped her eyes as she realized how much she missed him and how he probably didn’t want to talk to her ever. Was he going to break up with her? Y/N’s heart clenched at that thought, she put on harry’s playlist on her spotify and laid there. 
She must have fallen asleep because she woke up to the sound of pots clanging. Her heart sped up, no one besides her and harry had the key to her apartment and harry wouldn’t- 
She threw the blanket covering her aside (which had not been there before) and rushed to the kitchen. And sure enough there he was, her boyfriend, with his back facing her. Y/N felt tears well up in her eyes, he came here for her. Harry  turned around to see her standing in the entryway of the kitchen, crying. He reached her in three quick strides, pulling her in a hug. She tightly wrapped her arms around him, fearing he might disappear. Harry pulled back after a few minutes, cupping her face in his hands he gently brushed his thumb over her cheek. 
“Gonna properly tell m’what happened now bubs?” he urged. Unable to say anything at that moment Y/N just nodded. Grabbing her hand, Harry led her to the sofa, grabbing her by the waist and seating her on his lap. He patiently waited her to start talking. For a while Y/n just played with his hair, then she took a deep breath and told him everything that happened. She could feel Harry’s grip tightening on her hips, not to the extent that it was painful, when she told him what Asher had said to her. 
“M’gonna fuckin’ kill him” Harry cursed when she had finished. “I already did some damage” Y/N told him, smirking as she remembered Asher’s face. Harry looked at her questioningly, “I might have kicked him in the balls and broken his nose and added another kick for good measure” she admitted. Harry grinned, “that’s m’girl” he said proudly, pulling her in for a kiss. They sat like that for a while with Harry telling her about tour and she filled him in with other things that she had forgotten when they had their facetime sessions.
Y/N told him that she wanted to report Asher, in case he ever tried to pull shit like this again. Harry not only told her but also showed her how proud he was of her, how brave she’d been and how much he loved her in multiple ways. 
The next day they headed to the dean’s office, where Y/N saw two officers sitting outside. Luckily there were several camera’s in the hallway where Asher had cornered Y/N, so by noon, with all the available proof, she’d gotten a restraining order against Asher. If her were to come within a distance of 6ft with her, he’d serve jail time. As they left the dean’s office, Y/N saw Asher standing , she could feel harry tensing up, so when Asher looked Y/N up and down and smirked, Harry lunged forward punching him in his already swollen nose. Asher yelped in pain, he tried to fight Harry back but by now the officers had restrained him, taking him away. 
Back at the apartment, Y/N tended to Harry’s bruised knuckles as she felt a hollowness knowing he’d be leaving soon. By the look on her face, Harry knew what she was thinking about, he took the cotton swab from her hands, placing it on the table before he kissed her. 
“I’ll be back soon, it’s only a matter of two months now and by then you’ll  graduate and I’ll be done with tour and we can  have everyday to ourselves” harry told her, wiggling his eyebrows. She lightly smacked his chest, pressing a small kiss to his lips. “I know, It’s just that sometimes I miss you” she commented. “Only sometimes?” Harry pretended to be offended, “Well a bit more than sometimes” she retorted. “Just a bit more? I miss you so much, it hurts” he admitted. Her shoulders slumped a bit as she pulled him in a hug. “I love you Harry” she whispered and heard him softly whisper I love you too sweetheart. 
That evening Y/n drove him to the airport, they knew they couldn’t outside for long so Harry pulled her in a kiss before he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers. “Promise me you’ll tell me anything that happens, I don’t care if it’s just a paper cut or not. Just don’t hide things from me, If when you need me I'll be there" he blurted. “I promise” she said firmly, showing him she was serious. She didn’t want him to worry but he’d eventually know something was up and it was better to sort things out. He kissed her again before he went in the airport. She stood there until he was no longer in her sight before she sat in her car and started driving off. 
Her phone chimed, picking it up she saw that Harry had sent her a image. It was a very poorly drawn graphic of a guy lying on the floor with a crooked nose and blood around him that she assumed was Asher and a girl stood over him wearing a superhero cape. He had written, ‘my hero’. She smiled fondly before sending him a picture of her reaction as she increased the volume of her radio and driving off. Soon. 
This is my first time writing a harry fic/blurb. Feedback would be greatly appreciated. Also, I’ve turned on the asks (I didn’t know they were off) so you can send in your requests!! Thank you :))
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buckys-black-dress · 3 years
✄ chapter two: keep it cool like iced tea
a/n: here's chapter two! obvi this is just building the plot and storyline, but we're seeing the beginnings of the magic! anyways, let me shut up so u can read. ok bye!
wc: 2k
[fratboy!bucky barnes x fem!reader]
series masterlist
To say you sucked at pong was a vast understatement.
And although you really didn't want to make a fool of yourself in front of this very nice, very tall, very attractive guy, you can't help but feel like an idiot when you sink your first shot into a cup halfway through the game.
You're definitely on your way drunk with the amount of shots Natasha and Sam have scored on you, plus all the ones you've missed.
When Natasha told you to let loose tonight, you're not so sure this is what she meant, though. You see her laughing and giving you eyes from across the table, while your face is bright red. You brush off her looks with a roll of your eyes, darting them back to Bucky.
Bucky with the incredibly nice hands and arms, who seems to be making the shots for the both of you. Bucky who's been occasionally slinging an arm over your shoulders, paying close attention to you. Bucky who's been asking you questions about yourself, that you've returned back, and received witty responses to.
"So, where 're ya from, Y/N?" He asks in a slurred voice, but you can tell he's not exactly drunk yet.
"I'm from New York. You?" You ask, throwing back another drink from a shot that Nat made into your cup.
"No shit! I'm from Brooklyn!" He smiles, a big, bright smile that tugs at your heartstrings for some reason.
"I'm Manhattan born and raised, mister." You return his blinding smile.
"Small world, huh?" He laughs, once again wrapping his arm around you. "Can't believe we've never ran into each other before."
"Well, New York City's quite large, Bucky." You giggle, and he laughs back. As you feel your face warm up, he looks down at you with something akin to adoration in his eyes. Bucky towers over you, deciding that the pong game was over between the four of you.
He walks back to the kitchen, assuming that you'd follow him.
But he turns around to ask you in you'd like something to drink, and you're not there.
You're still chatting with Natasha and Sam, and it takes him a second to realized you wouldn't just follow after him. You didn't really give him the impression of being that type of girl.
Which is what intrigued him more about you. You weren't worshipping the ground he walked on, you didn't initiate conversation too much, and you didn't drool over him like every other girl he's met.
He suddenly feels a surge of awkwardness. He sees you talking animatedly with Sam and Natasha, and now Steve has joined in the conversation. You were talking completely comfortably with them, much more comfortably than you were with him.
It makes him wonder what he'll have to do to get you to get like that with him.
What he'll have to do to make you trust him.
"Hey, Y/N, I was gonna head to the kitchen and grab a drink. Wanna join?" He questions, seeing his friends giving him cocked eyebrows in confusion.
Bucky could usually get any girl he wanted. Especially at a party like this one. Why was he so hell-bent on spending time with you?
"O-Oh! Sure, I'll join you." You excuse yourself from the group, and Bucky slings his arm through your waist to guide you through the crowd. You feel you stomach flip in a way you've never felt before, and feel your cheeks redden.
"So, what can I get you?" Bucky practically yells over the music, trying to meet your eyes. You avert them quickly, and simply tell him a vodka lemonade.
He hands it to you with a strange look in his eyes, and you give him a kind smile while taking your first sip.
"God, you trying to get me wasted here?" You gag with a laugh, looking into your cup and back to Bucky.
"Sorry, doll, might'a gone a bit heavy on the vodka. You still good to drink it?" He queries with genuine concern in his eyes.
And although you already well on your way to drunk, past tipsy, you give fervent nod, and give it another sip.
It was good.
As the night had progressed further, you had two more of Bucky's vodka lemonades.
And now, you were drunk.
You also didn't know where Natasha was, but she was probably off somewhere with Sam, so you weren't worried for her safety.
Bucky was still by your side throughout the whole night, offering to dance, and even just sit and talk.
Which is what you were doing right now. In the middle of the crowd, you were practically on top of Bucky while you two talked about anything from academics to your daily lives.
"So, in your major, what would you say was the dumbest thing someone's asked?" He laughs, and he's clearly also past the line of tipsy and has fallen into drunk, right with you.
"Uhhh... oh! One time, this guy-"
"Doll, I can't really hear ya." Bucky laughs
"Oh, sorry," You blush, trying to speak louder, but it still wasn't working.
"Do you- would you be okay with just goin' up to my room? Don't think we'll get much of anythin' done down here." He gives you a look that says 'I'm not gonna hurt you, unless you want me to.'
It sends a shiver down your spine, and you stand up, waiting for him to guide you up the stairs.
You knew you weren't going to have sex with him. You had only met him four hours ago, and no matter how many girls he could pull in that time, you were not interested in being one of them.
"Just so you know now, I'm not planning on sleeping with you." You burst out while you're halfway up the stairs, your eyes going wide at your own words.
"Huh," Bucky chuckles, "I know I have a reputation that precedes me, but I didn't think this is where that was going. Just wanted to continue to conversation." He smiles down at you, finally opening his door.
Of course, Bucky was lying right through his teeth. Of course he wanted to sleep with you. You were nice, smart, had a hell of a body, and had kept his attention the longest out of any girl he's ever met. But when it comes down to it, he was a boy.
And boys usually only thought with one organ; their dicks.
As the lamp flicks on, a small glow filters over the room, giving it a cozy feel. You, on the other hand, felt nothing but cozy.
"You can sit anywhere. Wanna watch somethin'?" He asks, tossing you the remote while you stood, frozen at the doorway.
"I- uh, sure?" You ask, more than you tell him, but sit down on his bed. You were careful to not flash him while you adjusted yourself, not sure of what to do.
The last thing you needed tonight was the most notorious playboy on campus seeing your black lace thong right now.
"Do you wanna change into somethin' more comfortable, angel?" Again, your stomach has butterflies trying to escape at his sweet words. But you knew better than to think too much into it. he probably said these names to every girl who's come into this very bed.
Ew, you think to yourself, this bed must have STDs sewn in the sheets by now.
"I- sure? If you have anything that fits, I guess." You grumble.
"Sure, I've got a t-shirt and boxers, if you want? Don't have much else, honestly." He laughs lightly, handing you the items and points to the bathroom in the corner of his room.
As you're standing in the middle of Bucky Barnes' jack and jill bathroom, you take a moment and think to yourself.
How did I get here?
Will he ask me to sleep here?
Does he still expect anything from me?
I hope not.
I'm really tired.
Ugh. Whatever. I'm too tired to think this much right now.
You pull of your dress that you couldn't stand to be in anymore, and put on the clothes Bucky had provided you with.
They were quite large on you, considering the guy was about the size of bigfoot. But you couldn't find it in yourself to complain about it right now.
You exit the bathroom, setting the dress down on the floor where you had kicked off your heels, and sit back down next to Bucky on his bed.
You feel your skin slide under the blanket that was thrown over him, and focus on the TV screen.
"So, what're we watching?" You query, trying to figure out what was playing.
Little did you know, Bucky was still thinking about the way you had looked when you walked out of the bathroom. It did something to him, seeing you in his clothes like that, for some reason.
The way you were practically swimming in them, and the way you knuckled at your eyes tiredly that made him want to hold you to his chest while you both fell asleep.
He was trying to shake the thoughts from his head, wondering what the hell had gotten into him with these thoughts.
Since when did he, Bucky Barnes, think about a girl like this? It was usually much dirtier and nastier in his head, but you were doing something to him.
"Bucky? Everything alright up there?" You giggle, knocking on his skull lightly.
"I- yeah, all good, doll." He shakes his thoughts away, focusing back on you. "I put on whatever was playing, didn't switch it because I didn't know what you liked." Bucky explains.
"Hm, well this seems good. We can just keep this on?" You suggest, realizing that Home Alone 2 was playing on his TV. "I love this movie. This kid's got some real class." You chuckle, now fully watching the movie.
"He's a genius, I'll give 'im that much." Bucky laughs, also fixing his gaze on the movie.
In the hour that passed, you two have made small talk about the movie here and there, and every time, Bucky's gaze became transfixed on you. With the glow of the TV illuminating your face, with the way you smiled and threw your head back when you laughed, he couldn't help it.
Finally, the movie had come to a close, and Bucky could tell you were fighting sleep. You were practically asleep sitting up against his headboard.
"You wanna spend the night here, doll?" He wonders out loud, looking over to you.
You shoot him a look, a playful glare with a hint of a smile.
"I mean, it's a bit late for me to head back to my dorm. But no funny business, mister." You point a finger at him, and Bucky holds his hands up in the air.
"No funny business, I promise." He holds out his pinky to you, to which you curl yours around, and latch on.
Once the lamp next to his side of the bed is turned off, you slide further down in his bed, trying to find a comfortable position. After a few minutes of adjusting, you snuggle your head into the pillows that smell like laundry detergent and his cologne.
"Goodnight, Bucky," you say out loud into the darkness while you both face each other.
"G'night doll. See ya in the morning." Bucky's voice is a low baritone, clearly about to succumb to the sleep he was fighting.
"See ya in the morning." You reply, finally letting your eyes fall shut.
That night, you dream of Bucky Barnes and his cologne.
And across from you, Bucky Barnes dreams of a world where this is normal. A world where you sleep next to him every night, and you wake him up every morning with a kiss.
Man, I'm totally fucked, is the last thought he has before falling into a sleep surrounded by you.
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espinosaurusrexex · 4 years
Not Nice
In which Jeff and y/n have a heart to heart conversation about their relationship.
warnings: angst; just really sad, because that's what I do... BUT don’t worry, ya girl put some serious fluff in there, too!
a/n: Hello! God, it’s been a long time... How is everyone doing? I just felt like putting something out there again after not being able to write for so long. I don't know why; and I should actually be working on some term papers, but I found myself writing this so fast. I wrote this, because I felt like it, so it is not request related. I hope there are still some people whose feed this will end up on. I would love some feedback and as always: please enjoy! I hope you didn't forget about me :)
word count: 2.7k
It was a cool California night. Still not cold for February, but enough to send a shiver through your body when stepping outside. Y/n would normally not even consider going out right now, but the situation had called for it. David had called her minutes before, screaming at her through the phone to get her butt over to his house for a big problem that left him sleepless. She had fallen asleep on her desk trying to complete one of the assignments that were due by the end of the semester and basically fell off her chair when her phone rang annoyingly loud in her right ear. To say that she would rather be in her warm bed instead of her cold leather car seat was an understatement. But she knew that not helping David would leave her sleepless for days and seeing that it had already been 4 in the morning, she grabbed her keys and left. She was so tired that the lines on the road kept blurring in different directions. Just a couple more minutes, she thought to keep her focus on the road, but the exhaustion was unbearable at this point. A loud horn drew her back to reality when she accidentally served in the other lane. Shaking and flustered, she pulled over and rubbed her face with her hands aggressively. Pull yourself together Y/n. David needs your help. She looked up again, but the headlights of the few other cars made her eyes hurt, giving her an instant headache. That’s it. She was selfless, but not irresponsible. After searching for her phone in the passenger seat, she dialed Jeff’s number. Why she called him, she didn’t know. It was like an automatic movement to type in his number. The shrill beeping of the phone echoed through her head until Jeff’s sleepy voice broke it. “Are you Ok?“ He sounded confused and his voice reminded her of the time he had a terrible cold. Shit. “Oh my God. I’m sorry I didn’t think about the time. I-,“ but Jeff interrupted his friend with a chuckle. “It’s Ok. I was about to get up anyway.“ There was silence, and Y/n could hear him shuffling out of his bedsheets. “David called me and said he wanted me to help him with something.“ Y/n could almost hear the eye roll on the other line, and if she weren’t so tired, she would have probably laughed at it. “I’m guessing he called you, too?“ It sounded more like a question, but Jeff knew that he was right. “Yeah that’s actually why I called…“ She rested her head on the seat. “I’m on Linkin’ Road and I am too tired to drive… I was wondering… I- Could you maybe pick me up?“ She closed her eyes to focus on her friend’s voice. Jeff was grinning, she could hear it when he agreed to pick her up. Y/n’s heart beat faster at this. It was so insignificant and yet so attractive to her.
A couple minutes passed until Jeff’s car pulled up next to hers, sending vibrations through the floor and back to Y/n’s. She looked up and spotted a grinning man on the driver’s side rolling down the window to throw a holler at her. “Need a ride, beautiful?“ Y/n smiled, trying to hide the butterflies in her stomach. She got into his car taking in his woody scent and buckled up. Jeff threw a blanket over her legs and drove towards David’s house. The Drive was about 20 minutes and spend with Jeff humming to the calm tunes of the radio that sent Y/n straight to sleep. When they finally arrived, he tapped her shoulder lightly. “Y/n wake up. We’re here.“ 
They both walked into the house and went straight for the living room, where David was probably seated. It was so bright that Y/n had to rub her eyes. As soon as the brunette noticed his friends, he jumped up excitedly. “Now that everyone is finally here…“ It was just now that Y/n noticed that her whole friend group was scattered in the living room, snuggled up with fuzzy blankets or their significant other. Everyone was looking up to David, who was now standing on top of his couch table waving his remote control in the air. “It came to my attention that our dear friend Jeff has a problem.“ His grin grew wider with every word and if Y/n weren’t so exhausted, she would have probably noticed the mischief in David’s eyes. Jeff was looking around the room, trying to figure out if anybody could give him a hint on what was about to happen, and in his mind, a series of problematic things, he had recently done, were playing like a record. „What do you mean?“ He laughed nervously and scooted closer to Y/n. It always calmed him down to feel her next to him. David proceeded to pull his audience’s attention to the TV behind him. A blurry picture showed on the screen, displaying a woman in a tight blue dress and Jeff dancing in a rather inappropriate way. “Jeff, I think someone might have leaked something to the paparazzi.“ Before Y/n could process what was happening, the room filled with laughter. Y/n stood there as if she had turned to stone, too tired to show any form of emotion. She struggled to pull the corners of her mouth into a smile but she felt like throwing up then and there. Why did he not tell me about this? Why is this making me so sad? It was when Jeff’s hand had touched hers, that she was pulled back to reality. A wave of emotions came crushing over her, making her eyes water and her already pounding headache intensify. She was mad for so many reasons. Mad about David for pulling her away from a much-needed sleep by using her good conscience and selflessness to get her to his house for an immature prank that broke her heart. She was mad that she had not realized sooner how much of an impact Jeff actually had on her. And most of all, she was mad about the fact that something so stupid could even make her mad. It was all too much, and Y/n could not hold it any longer. Her thoughts had been weighing her down for too long now, making her feel like collapsing under their pressure. “Y/n are you okay?“ David managed to yell across the room. “What do you think of Jeff’s new girlfriend?“ Those words hit her like a truck. Girlfriend. The word made her shiver. Jeff did not have a girlfriend for the entire time they had known each other and Y/n never had to deal with the possible bother she would get from it. “I think they look great together!“ Someone said and this made Y/n burst. “You wanna know what I think about it?“ Everyone cheered, waiting for Y/n to drop a punch line. “I think that you’re an asshole, David. This is such bullshit!“ Low laughter were heard until David spoke again: “Don’t be such a drag, Y/n/n.“ Y/n tensed up again and Jeff tried to nudge her shoulder in an attempt to calm her down, but she shrugged him off harshly. “You don’t know what it is like to have responsibilities. I am late on two assignments and the average amount of sleep I get each night is about 2 hours. And you know what I ditched those two hours for today? Your fucking stupid prank. You think you can order everyone at any time just to end up on a 4:20 min vlog. You live in some fucked up carefree parallel universe. But guess what! Not everyone has this reality. Grow up, David! I can’t do this anymore. Being your friend is beyond exhausting and you don’t even care. God! You are the worst person I know!“ The room fell silent until a quiet “That was so uncalled for…“ could be heard. Y/n searched the crowd for the source of that statement in vain. “I’m just saying what every-“ But Jeff interrupted her, “Y/n! That’s enough!“ She shot him a dark glimpse and left the house with a shaking head. 
Y/n trembled from head to toe when she burst through the door of David’s house and the brisk air hit her skin. She just started to walk with no direction in mind. Her view was blurry from the tears pooling up in her eyes, but she did not care. The exhaustion in her bones was making her body hurt. Y/n did not stop, though. She just walked in hopes of the pain in both her heart and body was going to fade after some time. It felt like hours until she finally stopped. Her feet had lead her to a familiar spot. A small clearing with a beautiful view over the city. She sat down and allowed herself to breathe for the first time in hours. What have I done?
It was still dark when Jeff's Car pulled up on the clearing. He sat in the driver’s seat for a while watching Y/n’s back shake and his heart felt squeezed. He always knew that he had a soft spot for her, but this felt different. Almost too much to process. He took a deep breath and walked up to Y/n, resting his hand on her shoulder once again. She looked up and smiled at him with this glimmering spark of sunshine in her eyes, but this time it wasn’t real. Not genuine enough for her. “I don’t get it. You seem like the happiest person in the world.“ Jeff sat down shaking his head while studying the floor beneath his feet. Y/n looked up. Anger flickered in her eyes as she realized what had slipped out of her friend’s mouth. “You wanna know why I’m always positive? You want to know why I’m always so ‚nice‘?“ Tears streamed down her face while she tried to hide the way her features cramped up in pain from the thoughts that flooded her brain like a tsunami. Y/n held her breath for a few seconds trying to collect herself before talking again. The attempt to cover up the ugly sobs that were about to slip her lips made her head feel like bursting. “I’m nice because I’m scared that if I speak my mind, people won’t like me anymore. I am positive because a lot of times I feel like that is the only thing that people could like about me.“ The words hit Jeff right in the heart. He caught her eyes for a second and shivered. He could see her breaking. Breaking to the point where it wouldn’t be a quick fix anymore that could be handled by a hug or kind words. No, the girl he saw in front of him, the very same girl that was sitting there, knees tucked to her chest, face hidden between it and her shoulders, was crumbling into a million pieces. Her body quivered as she attempted to hold her knees even tighter, trying everything to not fall apart any further. Jeff’s eyes started to water. It was a feeling he had never felt before. As if his heart was pulling on thin strains that were able to flood his entire brain with emotions yet so fragile. He hated seeing her like that. He hated everything about this situation. But the worst thing was that he didn’t know how to fix things. He wanted her to be happy, to be careless, and not let people’s opinions or some stupid assignment get the better of her, but he didn’t know how. It’s started to annoy him to the point where even the sky above him with the beautiful stars made him furious. “I had no idea…“ he trailed off after a while. Every word leaving his lips felt like one too much, but at the same time, he felt like he was not even able to say enough to fix things for her. “I’m so sorry.“ He just sat there shaking his head while moving some soil with his right hand. Y/n stayed quiet. She didn’t know what to say either. She felt bad for laying all her issues on him like that, but it felt so good. Iike a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Before she could even think about a response, Jeff interrupted her again. “You should feel able to tell me stuff like this, Y/n/n.“ They locked eyes and Y/n could see the pain in his. “No, I know… It's just that-“ “That what?“ Jeff was desperately hoping for anything that could help him help her. “I don't want to be a bother… especially not for you.“ She hid her face between her knees again, fighting the tears that were threatening to spill. “Oh, Y/n… You could never.“ He grabbed her hands and basically forced her to look back at him again. Y/n could feel the wet soil squeezed between their fingers, making her hand tingle a little. “Never in a million years do or say anything that would make me think anything less of you than an amazing person.“ A genuine smile formed on Jeff’s lips. He could see her relaxing with his touch. Just like he did with hers. “That means a lot, Jeff.“ The way she said his name sent shivers down his spine. His smile grew even wider and Y/n took the tiny bit of confidence in her to speak again. “Especially coming from you… I-“ Secretly hoping he would interrupt her like he always did, Y/n looked up through her lashes. “I know. Me too…“ Jeff smiled. There was this twinkle in his eyes. Just a faint glimmer for every other person, but for Y/n it meant the world. Like a whole new galaxy had been opened just for her. There was something so obvious and unspoken between them now and Y/n loved that they both knew what it was. With no intention to address it, Jeff leaned in closer to her. He watched her face with intent, making sure that she was feeling better from her previous breakdown before he planned on doing anything else. But all she did was smile and hint a small nod his way. That was enough for him. He longed for her lips. His hand wandered back to her shoulder, squeezing it slightly as he bumped his nose against hers. Y/n moved her fingers towards Jeff’s face, touching the scruff on his jaw lightly. They could feel the electricity dancing in the centimeters that separated them. With a final look into her eyes, Jeff pressed his lips against hers, enjoying the warmth for a moment. They started to move in synch, devouring each other. There was nothing else at this moment. Nothing, except for the salty taste of tears and the overwhelming warmth of a loved one. Jeff’s chest felt like bursting from joy. He loved the feeling this moment was giving him. It felt like finally breathing after holding a breath for a month. Their kiss felt like a Valve that had finally been opened for Y/n. It was letting all the hurt and worry out of her system and made the moment even more enjoyable. 
Once they separated from one another, there was nothing but positivity lingering in the air around them. They looked into each other’s eyes until Y/n was ripped from the moment by a yawn that had been sitting in her throat for hours. She rested her head on Jeff’s shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep. Jeff was stroking her head calmly. There were no more words needed anymore. This moment was perfect.
Jeff looked ahead and noticed the sun rising on the horizon, dipping the world into beautiful red and yellow tones. He took a deep breath, leaning back carefully and enjoying the considerably most wholesome moment to ever exist. 
Hey hey, it’s me again. I know it’s not the best and I know it’s kinda short, but I just wanted to get something out there again. It felt good to write, but unfortunately I don’t have a lot of time lately. I hope you enjoyed this little piece anyways. I would love to hear some feedback on it. Thank you so much for reading this far!
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lettrespromises · 4 years
l’amour le temps d’un film. - shoto todoroki.
@aydudenoway​ sent a letter : ❝ 🤍✨ can i request an imagine of cuddling fluff with todoroki? like 1A is having a movie night and todo and his s/o are cuddling on the couch with a blanket? the fluffiest fluff ❞
author’s letter :  ❝ dear reader, thank you so much for this request, it’s always a pleasure to write the scenarios you send me and thank you for trusting me, it means the world!! this is so, so, so cute, my heart is melting already. also, i changed the layout of my posts, idk if it’s any better but?? anywhoopsie, i hope you’ll enjoy your promised letter!  sincerely yours, nikki.❞
genre : purest fluff. word count : 1.2k. warning : cursing. (bakugou)
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Living amongst the rest of class 1-A came with its list of traditions. Figuring on said list were mostly trivial things- betting every night on the holy hour when Bakugou would go to sleep (the latest he went to bed was a very sharp 9:21pm and 36 seconds, resulting in Mina’s victory), every Wednesday evening was solely dedicated to self-care and all the girls of class 1-A could always be found in Momo’s room applying masks and listening to their latest musical discoveries and so on. 
Nonetheless, if there was tradition which could gather everyone in the blink of an eye and without missing a beat, said tradition was the highly anticipated weekly movie night held on Friday nights. A strategic day, if you will, as it signed the end of the week and the beginning of the long awaited weekend which directly echoed to sleeping for some, taking some time for theirselves for others or train inexorably for those who knew no rest. 
Every Friday nights was not so different from the previous Friday or the next one. It always started with a screaming match, the unspoken rule of the class was that the person who would scream the loudest would automatically gain the bragging rights to choose the movie. However, Iida was always quick to calm the agitated crowd under the sometimes dubitative but mostly amused stares of the crowd, it came as a second nature to him, after all.
What came as a surprise to absolutely no one, and I dare reiterate myself, no one : Bakugou won the yelling match and imposed the movie of his choosing to the rest of the already petrified class, and I quote, “We’re gonna’ watch a fucking horror movie, you wimps.” And if you were careful enough, after a closer inspection of Kaminari’s face, you could deduce that his soul had already left his body upon hearing Bakugou’s choice. 
You were not particularly fond of horror movies, the gruesome sceneries always left an imprint in the back of your mind which oh so magically reappeared once you would shut your lids close right before to be welcomed into Morpheus’ arms, making it impossible to have the tiniest amount of slumber incorporated in your body. You couldn’t help but mirror Kaminari’s expression once Bakugou’s words connected to your eardrums, already dreading the cinematographic agony which was bound to bloom before your eyes sooner than you could imagine. 
A few of your classmates had already organized an entire artillery to protect themselves from the visuals worthy of anyone’s worst nightmares, under the insults of Bakugou who, and I quote, called them “pussies”- a pillow found itself being the victim of Uraraka’s tight grip against her chest, Ojiro used his tail to its advantage and shielded his orbs from the screen... You, on the other one hand, had the best shield out of all your classmates.
Upon glancing at the personification of said shield sitting right next to you, you noticed that his facial expression didn’t really changed that much and you secretly admired Shoto’s ability to radiate such a serene energy off of him at all times, especially when the first few minutes of the movie had already started.
Your gaze never once left his ever so soft features, and you unconsciously wondered if this was a way to escape from the pseudo reality of the movie. Your gaze lingered, and lingered, and lingered on him. “Love, is there something wrong? Do I have something on my face?” You couldn’t help but bow your lips into a discreet grin, it was his favorite, upon the genuine concerned tone of his interrogation. 
“Oh, it’s nothing to worry about, Sho. How could I say this? I’m not the biggest fan of horror movies...” It was such a trivial confession and yet, you couldn’t find the strength to look at him in the eyes, instead, your eyes darted onto your knees where your hand was resting. “Good thing I’m here then, love. Fret not, nothing will happen to you as long as I’m here.” He concluded his sentence by tracing where your gaze was hinting at, he was quick to cover your hand with his, interlacing your fingers in the process.
“For fuck’s sake, are we watching a horror movie or the new live action of fucking ‘Love Actually’? Shut the fuck up already.” Saying that Bakugou’s voice boomed at your whispers would be stating the obvious, and yet, it happened. Reflex kicked, your hands reached for Uraraka’s martyr of a pillow and threw it in Bakugou’s direction. The dull ‘thud’ echoed in the freezing silence of the room upon realization of your antics, even you, out of all people, wondered where this sudden outburst of confidence came from. 
But before Bakugou could strike back, Iida’s frantic mannerisms saved the day, and possibly your life in the process, “Bakugou, Y/L/N, this behavior is far from exemplary coming from U.A students. Please behave and remain silent.” Upon seeing your distress, from both the movie and the sword of Damocles hunching over your head from Bakugou’s threats, Todoroki knew perfectly you had absolutely no desire to remain here any longer. 
His arms encompassed your waist, a maneuver necessary to carefully bring you on his lap. “Sho, what are you doing?” You whispered while being even more careful about your surroundings and the possible shenanigans of the angry blonde. Once you were steady on his lap, Shoto rested his left hand upon the back of your neck, the latter emanated a divine and comforting heat- ideal to put you asleep. His other hand, however, was still settled on your side. 
“I’m protecting you, from both the movie and Bakugou it seems.” Todoroki angled his left palm in such a way that it caused your head to find shelter in the crook of his neck, your cheek was resting right against his shoulder. The tone of evidence in his voice caused a chain reaction- first, you found yourself having the sweetest smile plastered upon your face, and eventually, a rosy tone spread on the apples of your cheekbones. “Thank you, Sho, you’re so sweet.”
Your voice was enough to make him outburst from joy and affection, if only you knew how much he loved you, and he secretly told himself this everyday upon seeing you first thing in the morning. You felt at peace : Todoroki’s arms were secured around your frame, the blanket pulled over your entangled bodies was a thin yet crucial shield.
“I will never let anything happen to you, not now, not tomorrow, never.” And with that, Todoroki planted a peck in which he had poured every ounce of love and admiration he held in your regard on the flesh of your cheeks. You knew that in his arms, the place you deemed as your home because you felt so safe there, nothing could happen to you- including scary movies and Bakugou’s evil antics.
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autumnsart22 · 3 years
Oikawa x reader ch. 10
Hey! I hope you all are still enjoying the story. I know it’s long, I’m just having so much fun writing it. Don’t worry, it’s definitely more than halfway done. Let me know if you’re still liking it or if I should cut back on how long it is lmao
A week later, Oikawa and Iwaizumi invited me over to Iwa’s house, where they were having an alien movie marathon. All of Saturday afternoon, I worked on homework and my art (which was slowly improving as I practiced), and when 4 o’clock rolled around, I packed up a sleepover bag. I told my mom I was staying over at Kiyoko’s house, not wanting to have to explain why I was sleeping over with two boys. 
The drive to Iwa’s was less than three minutes, and I arrived right as Oikawa’s car parked at the curb. He waved as I stopped my car across the street, and I smiled as I opened the door and jogged over to him. 
“Hey chibi-chan, how are you?” He grinned. 
I smiled widely up at his, (fucking attractive ass face that makes me drool and melt everytime that he looked at me. His hazel brown eyes made my body feel like jello whenever he looked at me, and his soft brown hair made me want to run my fingers through it. His smile shone and made my heart stop, my breathing hitched and I made a guttural noise in my throat. My breathing was so hard and uneven that I probably needed a ventilator. Damn that man was too fine to be allowed to walk freely.) LMAO, prime content my friend wrote and I decided to keep it in 😂 
I smiled widely up at him, hefting my sleepover bag on my shoulder. “I’m great! How about you, Oikawa-chan?” 
“Oh uh-” His voice cracked a little and he blushed. “I’m doing good. Why are you in such a good mood?”
I shrugged, heading up the path towards Iwa’s door. “I don’t know. I just feel really happy to be able to hang out with you guys today.”  
Oikawa followed me up to the house, and Iwaizumi opened the door after only a few knocks. 
“Hey guys. My parents aren’t here tonight, so we have the place to ourselves.” 
Seijoh’s ace had been in the middle of heating up noodles, so we followed his example, setting our stuff down and meeting him in the kitchen. Iwaizumi had his speaker set up, and he was playing a rap song called “How you Feel?” by DJ Scheme, Lil Yachty, Danny Towers, and Ski Mask the Slump God. 
Iwaizumi sang Ski Mask’s part and Oikawa took Danny Towers, deepening his voice to match the pitch of the song. I covered my mouth so hard I started turning red, trying not to laugh at their terrible attempts. 
“What Y/n-chan?” Oikawa made a pouty expression, and I laughed in his face. 
“Singing is not the move for you, Oikawa-san. You should stick to volleyball.” 
After we all ate our noodles, Iwaizumi and Oikawa raided the closet and dumped a shit ton of pillows, cushions, and blankets in the living room in front of the TV. 
“Pillow fort!” I yelled, leaping on the pile with a whoop. Iwaizumi refused to participate, more happy laying on the couch while Oikawa and I created a massive and complicated fort built around the television. 
“We finished!” I pumped my fists, surveying the cushioned palace. I hadn’t made something like this since I was five, and I felt more satisfied and excited than was probably normal for an eighteen year old. 
Oikawa emerged from the kitchen with a loaf of milk bread he somehow found in Iwa’s pantry, and tossed it violently onto the couch. Before I could turn to look at him, he charged and tackled me onto the pillows, completely crushing our fort. 
I shrieked loudly, but as we fell, he wrapped me in a protective cage of his arms and the pillows cushioned our fall. 
“What the fuck Oikawa?” I cursed, gasping. 
He smirked down at me, his face only inches away. “Sorry, the opportunity was perfect.” 
I struggled, trying to get him off me, but my arms were pinned and his body crushed the air from my lungs. “Get off!”
“Hm, nope, I’m pretty comfortable,” he mumbled, arms wrapping tighter around me as he snuggled his head into my chest. 
I turned to look at Iwaizumi, who shrugged and went back to looking at his phone. I wasn’t going to get any help from him there. 
“Oikawaaaaa….” I groaned. “If you don’t get up, we won’t be able to watch!”
I hoped the threat of taking away the opportunity to watch “Arrival” would be enough incentive to get him off me. Oikawa had an obsession with aliens, more than anyone I had ever met. Obviously, it didn't even come close to his obsession with volleyball, but he still could list most of the UFO sightings on record and give a full rundown of them. He also had seen basically every alien movie in existence, and taken a few astronomy classes at the local junior college to learn more about space. 
Most of the guys on the team found it completely hilarious and/or annoying, calling him a fucking nerd whenever he brought it up. I thought it was adorable, and I loved hearing him talk about it. He just got so excited and genuine, more than I ever saw him. Usually, he put up a fake mask around other people, which slipped up even around his friends sometimes. But when it came to something he truly loved, there was no hiding how animated he got. 
As I had hoped, Oikawa groaned and rolled off me, allowing me to struggle to a seated position. 
“Iwa, did you rent the movie?”
Iwaizumi nodded, tossing his phone aside and grabbing the remote. Oikawa and I jumped onto the couch, and I ended up squeezed in between the two boys even though there was plenty of room to spread out. I was comfortable though, so I didn’t complain. 
The movie started, and I shifted my legs so they were laying across Oikawa’s lap, leaning my head on Iwa’s shoulder. Oikawa tore open the wrapping of the milk bread, passing me a large piece and stuffing a bite in his mouth. It was delicious, as usual, and I continued to munch on it as the movie started. 
The movie was amazing, way better than I expected. It wasn’t a basic pop culture alien movie like most of the genre I had seen, and was much more ominous and realistic. Halfway through, I glanced over at Oikawa to see him leaning forward, eyes bright as he stared at the screen. I felt my chest squeeze, happy to see him happy. 
There was a major twist at the end, making Oikawa, Iwaizumi, and I all lose our shit, and it took five minutes to calm our captain down. 
“That was so good!” Oikawa said, practically bouncing off the walls. I laughed and looked at the clock. It was 11pm, but it was also a Saturday, so there was no need to go to sleep any time soon. Oikawa clearly had way too much energy anyway, so I poked Iwaizumi. 
“What should we do now?”
Iwaizumi chuckled darkly, a creepy smile on his face. “One second, lemme just grab something.”
As we waited for Iwa to come back, I tore off pieces of milk bread and threw them into Oikawa’s mouth. My throwing skills were terrible, but he still ended up catching most of them due to his excellent reflexes. 
I threw another right as Iwaizumi emerged from his room and smacked the bread out of the air. Oikawa let out an outraged yell at the lost bread, but Iwaizumi ignored him. 
Coming over to sit beside me, he handed me what he had gone to get from his room. It was a magazine, Monthly Volleyball, dated from a month ago. 
“What is this?” I asked, and Iwaizumi flipped through the pages, snickering under his breath. 
Oikawa came over, looking down at the magazine before practically choking. “Iwa-chan, you--!” 
We stopped at a page, and I let out a surprised laugh as I noticed Oikawa’s picture taking up half the page. The setter tried to snatch the magazine from me, but Iwa jumped over me and tackled him. 
“Tooru Oikawa’s favorite food is milk bread,” I read, giggling and covering my mouth. 
“If you’re trying to embarrass me, Iwa, it’s not going to work,” Oikawa declared, crossing his arms, but his cheeks were tinted slightly red. 
I kept reading. “His personal motto is: if you’re going to hit it, hit it until it breaks? Wait, what does that even mean?” 
Iwaizumi snickered, and I was practically wheezing from laughter. 
I glanced up at Oikawa, only to find him smirking, eyes dark. “Wouldn’t you like to know.” 
“Oh, gross,” Iwaizumi snapped, and I felt my cheeks redden. I tried to laugh it off, but it came out a little breathless, and Oikawa looked triumphant. 
Later that night, we set up the beds in the living room. I was on the couch, while Iwaizumi and Oikawa slept on the floor in sleeping bags. 
It was almost 3am, and I was exhausted, so the second I curled up on the couch, I was asleep. As I drifted off, I felt a gentle hand running through my hair, and low voices murmuring to each other, but I fell asleep before I could figure out what they were saying. 
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
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seagreen-meets-grey · 4 years
Hooked On A Feeling Ch. 1
When Hiccup and Astrid realize they've never hung out alone before, they decide to change that. And how do you better spend time with your Good Friend than by playing Mario Kart all night?
[Chapter 1: Come A Little Bit Closer] [Chapter 2: Fooled Around And Fell In Love] [Chapter 3: Go All The Way]
Crossposted on ao3 and ff.net
Hiccup was at his fourth beer when he noticed.
He was leaning against the railing of Justin’s balcony, the cold night air cooling his skin, warm from the heat of the living room and the alcohol. It was game night, a tradition he and his friends had started over two years ago when none of them had really known anyone yet, trying to find their place on Berk’s huge university campus. Some of them had been in the same campus tour group on day one, the rest had met in class. If Hiccup recalled correctly, it had been Justin, also known as Fishlegs among his friends, who had suggested a night of board games and bonding, which had turned into a bi-weekly event of drinking and trash-talking each other over SingStar, Monopoly, Cards Against Humanity and the like.
Currently, they were taking a quick break from playing. Tuffnut and Snotlout needed a smoke break, Fishlegs one of his many potty breaks, and the rest of them just went along.
Hiccup was fairly sure that Tuff’s twin sister was filling up everyone’s water glasses with vodka, which would at least result in a hilarious moment of spitting out drinks all over Hiccup’s Monopoly board. He had long ago decided to never take his Game of Thrones board to game night if he didn’t want it back sticky and covered in oily crumbs.
He had opened a new beer bottle and followed Tuff, Snot and Astrid outside, engrossed in a conversation about the latest rumor about two of their professors dating.
By the time the two cigarettes were merely tiny smoldering dots in the ashtray on the windowsill, snowflakes started to descend silently from the dark sky. Snotlout looked up and stuck out his tongue to catch one, but it fell into his eye which made him whine and dramatically stagger off to the bathroom to wash it out, with an excited Tuff in tow who began to tell him a story of one of his many cousins who supposedly went blind from a snowflake in his eye.
“Muttonheads,” Astrid mumbled when the boys were gone.
Hiccup grinned and shook his head. “If we’re lucky, Tuff manages to make Snot so paranoid that we can sell him anything that will apparently prevent him from going blind.”
Astrid leaned against the railing next to him, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes. “I’m intrigued, Haddock. Keep talking.”
Animated by her reaction, he fell into his habit of gesticulating while talking, beer bottle still in hand. “Like, we could tell him about this old myth that says making bad choices in board games will increase your body’s healing capabilities.”
“Yes!” Astrid pointed a finger at him. “We’ll let Tuff scare him further with his ridiculous tales about cousins he doesn’t have, and he’ll eat right out of our hands.”
She was beaming at the chance to mess with their friend, and for a while, they kept brainstorming ideas to make Snotlout lose at Monopoly on purpose.
He was taking another sip of his beer when it hit him.
“Hey,” he interrupted her newest plan and she raised her eyebrows in question. “You know what I just realized?”
“That most of our friends share one brain cell?”
He chuckled. “No, I already knew about that. I meant… We’ve never, you know, done this before.” He gesticulated between him and Astrid.
“Messed with our friends?”
“No. No, I mean, I mean we do that a lot, but… But, you know, we never-- we never hung out like this before, just- just the two of us.”
He could see the same realization dawn on her. “Oh my god, you’re right.”
“Haven’t we?”
“We haven’t!” She shook her head disbelievingly. “How long have we been friends now? Almost three years, right?”
Hiccup nodded. “True. And we never really hung out outside this group.”
Astrid shivered and gestured with her head to go back inside. “We have to change that.”
They sat back down next to each other on the large sofa. Astrid reached for her water glass but was smart enough to sniff at it before taking a sip. From the corner of his eye, Hiccup spotted Ruffnut peering over in anticipation. He heard her curse when Astrid took the nearest bottle of coke and filled her glass to the brim. She took a scrutinizing sip, scrunching up her face for a second, shrugged and settled with it.
“So what do we do?” she asked, taking another sip.
Hiccup hummed in thought, crossed his arms and leaned back, tapping the neck of his almost empty bottle against his arm. “And when do we do it?”
“Do what?” Fishlegs asked, sitting down in front of his side of the Monopoly board.
“Hang out,” Hiccup and Astrid said in unison. Astrid held up her hand and without looking Hiccup gave her a high-five.
“Uhm,” Tuffnut said and made an open gesture. “Aren’t you hanging out right now?” He squinted his eyes. “Or is hanging out what the kids are calling it these days?”
Astrid threw a game piece at him and Hiccup felt a blush rise to his cheeks. “Hanging out as friends, you muttonhead!” she yelled.
“Right,” Tuff said, although Hiccup could tell he didn’t quite get it yet – or believed it.
“Hey, Hiccup,” Fishlegs chimed in, “didn’t you order Mario Kart for your Switch last week?”
“I did!” Hiccup sat up straight and turned towards Astrid. “All 48 races. Next Friday. We stay up all night. Loser buys the other a Christmas gift.” He offered her his hand.
She considered it for a second. “No falling asleep and the gift has a cost limit.”
They shook hands.
Hiccup was at her place at nine, his Switch and Mario Kart game in his bag, as well as the ingredients to their self-made pizza. In return, her fridge was filled with energy drinks.
They said cheers with the first can and started on the pizza.
Astrid’s apartment had underfloor-heating that made the kitchen warm and cozy. Outside in the dark night, more snow was falling, covering the world in a white blanket. Music was coming from Astrid’s portable loudspeaker box.
“Someone’s been watching Guardians of the Galaxy,” Hiccup noted while he rolled out the premade dough on the griddle to the Marvel movie’s official mixtape.
“Nah, just dug it out when I went through my playlists.” She started humming and dancing on the spot where she was cutting onions on the kitchen counter.
She could feel the caffeine from the energy drink settle in her system. Using her knife as a microphone, she twirled around to face Hiccup at the kitchen table. “I’m hooked on a feeling!” she sang, taking joy in the way Hiccup started laughing at how off-key she sounded. “I’m high on believing!” She slid across the tiles in her beloved blue fleece socks, holding the knife-mic out to Hiccup.
“That you’re in love with me!” he sang into the fake-mic, equally off-key. She danced back to her cutting board and took another large gulp of energy drink. Not that she thought that hanging out with Hiccup wouldn’t be fun, but she just hadn’t anticipated it to be this nice.
While the pizza was in the oven, she opened her second drink and pulled Hiccup to his feet. Later, she claimed it was the caffeine coursing through both their bodies that made them decide they should have a dance-off right there in her small kitchen. Sliding on soft socks, slipping and catching themselves on the furniture or each other, they alternated between battling each other in ridiculous dance moves and twirling each other around, bumping into the table and counter several times.
When the oven timer went off, Hiccup loaded three big pieces each on two plates while Astrid disappeared into her little study room and came back with a DVD case in her hand.
“I’m up for some Home Alone, how about you?” She really hoped he wasn’t one of those people who hated the movie. Christmas time was Home Alone time for her.
“Am I ever!” Hiccup exclaimed and Astrid whooped and skipped off to her bedroom. He took a deep breath before he followed her, smile ever-present on his face.
They settled on her queen-sized bed, the desk with the large TV she got from her uncle Finn for her birthday in front of it, pizza and energy drinks on a tray between them.
Hiccup was impressed with the accuracy and passion with which she recited basically half the movie. But her amused expressions told him he didn’t fare any different with his impressions of Kevin and the bandits alike.
"I always think," she said when Kevin prepared his master trap, "that I'm glad Kevin seems to know what he's doing. Would have been a fucking chaos if he didn't."
Hiccup nodded vigorously. "Wanna know a fun fact about me?"
She peeled her eyes away from the screen and looked at him, genuine interest in her eyes.
"When I was a kid- actually, it started when I was a kid, and when I was fifteen, I was, like– Anyway, um… Basically, Kevin McCallister was my childhood hero."
"Oh, no." The dread in her voice didn't match the anticipating grin on her face.
"Yep," he said, popping the p. "Made my parents' life hell, especially because my inventions and traps never worked the way I wanted them to."
"Oh my god," she laughed.
"My father still doesn't let me live down the day I decided to rebuild the zipline Kevin uses to get from the house to his tree house."
"But it shouldn't even work in the movie, like, all of these traps are bullshit, realistically speaking." She wiped tears from laughter out of her eye.
Hiccup gave her a deadpan expression. "Well, fifteen-year-old me was confident he had made the right tweaks."
"What happened?"
"Umm…" He averted his face and she leaned over the tray to shake his shoulder.
"Now you have to tell me!"
Hiccup sighed and turned back to her, trying to keep up his serious expression. "I had fastened the end of the line, the one that started at the house, on the windowpane. At that point we were living in this old house with wooden panes. You can probably guess where this is going."
"Nope, totally lost. Don't leave out even one detail." Hiccup shot her an unbelieving expression, but she kept looking at him with that twinkle in her eyes, so he gave in with a defeated sigh.
"Fine, the wood was too old, it snapped when I jumped, I fell and broke my left leg in two places. Had to wear a cast for weeks. From then on, I was done with those experiments."
“But you’re studying engineering.”
He shrugged. “Exactly. Never said I was done with all kinds of experiments forever.”
A sly grin formed on Astrid’s face right when on TV the hot iron trap went off. “Let’s use the energy that kept young Hiccup going on Snotlout and the twins.”
He slowly shook his head. “You. Are. Evil.”
“Nope, not evil.” She opened two new cans of energy drinks and handed him one. “Just working with what I got to make the world a better place in these difficult times of Snotfaces and Nuts.”
He snorted and threw her an amused look. He was definitely in the right company.
“Alright.” Astrid stretched in the middle of her room and cracked her knuckles. “Let’s do this. I’m ready to destroy you.”
Hiccup just hummed disbelievingly from where he was setting up his gaming system. “Better open the windows for a few minutes first, the air in here is really bad.” When Astrid did just that, he added, “because it smells of loser!”
“That’s because of you,” she countered without batting an eye.
“I know, my fault, I should have thrown you out earlier.” A pair of socks flew over his head while he was plugging in the HDMI cable. "Miss me, miss me, now you gotta kiss me."
"Keep that up and I'll have to kiss you for real."
Hiccup looked up at her and saw her eyes dart back up from somewhere below his midriff. He looked at the backside of his pants. Did he have a stain there? He couldn’t find anything. Dismissing it with a shrug, he joined Astrid on the bed again. She handed him his energy can, opening another one for herself. This couldn’t be good for their health.
While the game was loading, Astrid repeated the rules. “We play all 48 races. We can’t fall asleep. If one of us does, the other is strictly obligated to wake them up. Loser buys the other a Christmas present but it has a clear cost limit.”
“Wouldn’t we get each other little gifts anyway?”
“Additional present, then.” She took a large gulp of her drink.
“I don’t think you should drink so much of that stuff; your body’s energy will drop tremendously as soon as the effect wears off, and you’ll fall asleep. Also, you’ll get diarrhea.”
She threw him an unimpressed look while he took a sip as well. “Look who’s talking. Besides, I know my own body. I’ve done this before.”
“Sure,” Hiccup shrugged and dipped his head back to drain the can. “Let’s deal with it when the time comes.” He wasn’t able to keep still anymore, wiggling his toes to countermeasure the pace of his heart. Definitely not good for their health. They really shouldn’t do this. There was a pop and a sizzling sound and he was handed a new drink. Oh, well.
When the Mario Kart home screen came up, Hiccup took his controller and chose the right settings. Astrid grabbed the other one and tested out the buttons. It had been a while since she’d last played it, but Hiccup was dead certain she hadn’t forgotten how to properly kick his butt. Or, as he would make sure in tonight’s case, die trying. He’d love an additional Christmas present from her, and he’d love even more to destroy her. Smirk on his face, he moved the stick to choose his character as she did the same.
“You can’t be serious!” Astrid yelled accusatory. “Link isn’t even a Mario character!”
“So?” he shrugged. “He’s a choosable character and you know I love Legend of Zelda.”
She wasn’t having any of it. “You can’t play a non-Mario character in a Mario game, Hiccup.”
“He’s still a Nintendo character, and what’s the big deal?”
“We said we would play this right, so no characters from other games. Choose another one!”
“If I have to pick a character other than the one I always pick, you have to do the same,” he argued. “No Bowser for you, milady!”
“At least he’s from Mario.”
“Do it properly, Astrid!” He grinned. “If I have to repick, then so do you.”
She groaned and rolled her eyes. “Fine! But I don’t trust you with this. I’ll choose for you.”
He stuck out his hand. “Only if I get to choose for you.” They shook on the deal and switched controllers.
“Let’s see…” Astrid mumbled while going through the different available characters. “Got it!” She pushed a button to confirm her selection.
“What?!” He threw his hands up in indignation. “Why am I Waluigi?!”
“Because he looks like you.”
“Pah!” He quickly selected her character. “I guess you’re Baby Peach, then.”
She huffed. “Really, Hiccup?! Because she’s blonde?”
“No,” he said, smirk back on his face, “because she's a helpless baby and she, too, needs saving all the time because she keeps getting kidnapped by the same dude over and over again and she’s a bi– uff!“ She shut him up by surprise-tackling him to the mattress.
“Oh, really? Who needs saving now, huh?”
He struggled underneath her, but she had him pinned down with her full weight. His chest was warm underneath her arms and his face very close to hers. She furrowed her brows. Had he always had that many freckles? And did he know that there were so many shades of green in his eyes? She noticed the stubble on his chin, and he actually smelled really nice.
When her face suddenly started to feel hot, she did the first thing that came to her mind; she pushed him off the bed.
“Ow, why would you do that?!” Hiccup pulled himself up on the edge of the bed, and Astrid hoped he hadn’t seen the blush that was only slowly leaving her cheeks. But he had seen it.
For a moment, he frowned in confusion. Why was she acting so flustered?
“That’s for making me Baby Peach and comparing me to her,” she said evenly, trying to sound nonchalant, but she would still not meet his eyes. Huh. Maybe he could work with that, he thought, caffeine pulsing in his blood – whatever weird thing was going on.
They settled back into position next to each other, an arm’s length of space between them, and started the game. While they were racing over Cheep Cheep Beach, throwing shells and bananas at each other, Astrid didn’t say a word. Hiccup made a few comments every now and then and tried to trash-talk her, but she didn’t seem to hear him. Her face was focused but her eyes were far away. He hoped she wasn’t mad at him because of the Baby Peach thing.
His character broke through the finish line first.
“Wait, what?!” she shouted, perplexed, after she came in sixth.
Hiccup grinned mischievously at her. “Maybe you should pay more attention to the game if you want to win.”
“I was paying attention,” she insisted, “it’s because of stupid Baby Peach, she’s useless! Let’s start anew with our characters.”
Hiccup feigned shock, holding his hand to his heart. “What, you – Astrid Hofferson – want to back out after only one race?!”
She glared at him and raised her chin with determination. “I’ll show you a race, Waluigi!”
“That’s what I thought.”
Racing through the Water Park course, Astrid did her best to keep her concentration on the game, but her attention was continuously diverted. Why was it so nice to be so close to Hiccup and why was she suddenly so aware of him? She could feel his body heat next to her where they were sitting on her bed in their pajamas at 1 a.m. She’s had five energy drinks and she kind of wanted to make out with him.
It didn’t help at all that, during the next five races, his leg moved closer to hers inch by inch until their knees were touching, and from time to time, he shifted on his butt and leaned very close to her in the process. He let out this quiet chuckle that pierced straight through her heart and then he was suddenly sitting normally again and she realized she’d been driving against walls for a minute.
He won the fifth race with several positions ahead of her and she wanted to whack her controller on his stupid face.
“Whohoo!” Hiccup shouted, celebrating by jumping up from the bed and doing a little dance in front of the TV.
“You cheated,” she grumbled when he let himself fall back next to her.
“Astrid, you can’t cheat on Mario Kart.”
“You also don’t play a non-Mario character on Mario Kart and yet here we are,” she countered.
“But I’m not even playing Link.”
“Yes, because I saved you from that.”
“I never needed saving. See, that’s the difference between me and Peach–“
She punched him on the arm, shutting him up. “Feeling overconfident, are we?”
“Score.” He pointed at the ranking list on the screen.
“Pff,” she made, “we’re just getting started, Haddock.”
With matching competitive grins, they got ready for the next race.
“Ha!” Astrid exclaimed when she sent a blue shell for Hiccup on the N64 Rainbow Road and lead the brigade of opponents rushing past him, claiming her first victory of the night.
She finally went on a winning streak, the adrenaline that came with it keeping her from getting drowsy, unlike the not-cheating cheater next to her. Nine races later, she stretched her arms with a loud yawn and used the pause to check the messages on her phone while Hiccup leaned back against the wall and closed his eyes.
It wasn’t long until his head rolled to the side and came to rest on her shoulder, his even breaths tickling her neck. She bit her lip. They’d agreed to stay awake, but she couldn’t find it in herself to wake him while he looked so peaceful and relaxed.
The loop of their characters cheering on the screen behind the updated ranking list went on, the music becoming background noise while she went through every social media feed on her phone, ignoring the increasing pressure in her bladder.
But more than a liter of energy drink had the power of two days’ worth of water, and it started to feel like it was trying to turn her insides out. She regretfully and carefully moved Hiccup’s head out of the way, immediately missing its weight on her shoulder and the warmth of his body leaning against her side.
Peeing felt like the liberation of France and she sighed in relief. Maybe she could be back before Hiccup woke up.
She wasn’t. When she came back from the bathroom, he was stretching on her bed, bleary-eyed and disarmingly cute with his messy hair, rubbing his eyes and face like a child.
“You broke a rule,” he yawned. “You didn’t wake me.”
“I didn’t notice you’d fallen asleep, doofus. I was in the bathroom.” She settled back on the blanket, making sure to leave a little space between them lest she got foolishly distracted by him again.
He reached over her to grab another energy drink and she could swear he was smirking. But when she eyed him properly, his eyes were big and innocent, a little red-rimmed from being tired and staring at a screen for so long. Choosing to forget the whole thing, she resumed the game.
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doc-pickles · 4 years
i won’t hesitate (for you) chapter seven
Jo is happy, at least she feels like she is. When someone from her past shows up, will her and her daughter's world ever go back to normal? Or will things change for good?
(this chapter is dedicated to @odd-birds-and-booksellers because every time i was stuck on a plot point she helped me out and got my brain thinking again. this chapter LITERALLY would not have been finished without her.)
There was an alarm blaring somewhere, loud and annoying and drilling into Alex’s sleep deprived mind. It took him a minute to realize that the alarm was his phone, alerting him to the fact that he needed to get up and round on his patients. He had slept in an on call room, preferring the silence it offered to Izzie yelling at him once again for something he had no control over. He reached for his phone, shutting the alarm off and staring at the screen for a moment.
June 9.
A groan left Alex as he fell back onto the bed, eyes shutting as he attempted to stop his mind from reeling. But he couldn’t, not really. Because no matter how hard he tried, she never left his mind. It had been seven long months without Jo and Alex still couldn’t stop his mind from drifting to his wife. Ex wife.
He reached for his wallet that he had tucked into his lab coat, fingers brushing the worn leather as he opened it up. Alex reached behind his credit cards and drivers license to the worn piece of paper he found himself looking at so often. 
She was smiling, that genuine no bullshit smile that he loved to see so much. And her dress, he feels as if he’s memorized the places it clings so easily to her. If he concentrates hard enough, he can almost feel her hands pressing into his shoulders as they shared their first kiss as husband and wife.
How in the hell did they go from that to where they are now in just two short years?
“I have to go back to Kansas.”
The coffee cup in Jo’s hand slips, falling ungracefully into the kitchen sink and shattering as the ceramic meets the metal with a loud thud. 
“Jesus Christ, Jo! What the hell,” Alex exclaimed as he moved to clean the mess of the shattered cup. “If you would’ve let me finish, I could’ve told you that it’s not for long and I’m coming right back home.”
Jo can feel her breathing return to normal again, her eyes looking from the sink up to Alex. He stopped what he was doing, hands settling onto Jo’s shoulders as he fixed her with an affectionate stare. 
“I have to go back and sort out a bunch of legal things. My name is still on my apartment, my car is out there, and,” Alex sighs, eyes flashing with anger momentarily. “And I’m still on all the paperwork for Izzie’s kids. Plus I kinda just… walked outta my job.”
“I know, I get it, it just makes me nauseous thinking about it,” Jo wasn’t lying, her stomach was violently churning at the thought of Alex leaving her and Harper. So much so that she had to push down the urge to vomit with a heavy gulp. “But, I get that you have to go. As long as you come back home to us then I have zero complaints.”
Leaning down to kiss Jo, Alex realized how incredibly lucky he was to have someone who was so understanding. A part of him ached at that realization, knowing that she would have understood him wanting to go to Kansas three years ago if he had explained the situation to her. 
“I’m heading out tomorrow morning and I’ll call you everyday,” Alex pulled Jo into him, one hand rubbing back slowly. “I swear Jo, I’m not leaving you two again. Now you want a parting gift or what?”
Alex raised his eyebrows, his free hand coming down to grab Jo’s ass with a chuckle. Jo leaned into him easily, lips coming up to ghost across his neck momentarily. Harper was at a sleepover with Meredith’s kids, something that her parents were eternally grateful for. 
“Mmm I do think we’ve settled into things now,” a devilish grin appeared on Jo’s face as she pulled back from Alex and tugged on the collar of his shirt. “This is our first night alone in the whole two months since you’ve been home. I think that’s a good excuse to celebrate.”
Alex swooped down, lips capturing Jo’s as her hands began to explore his chest, pulling at his shirt desperately. They had both stayed true to Jo’s request and hadn’t had sex since their elevator tryst, but the mounting sexual tension between them had grown increasingly hard to ignore the past week. Jo broke apart from Alex, hands ridding him of his shirt as she pushed him gently towards their bed.
“Oh you have no idea how hard I’m gonna celebrate this,” Alex grinned as Jo sat herself on top of him, hands roaming up his bare chest. “I forgot how much I missed this.”
Jo woke up the next morning to a quiet loft. Harper wasn’t home yet and Alex had left a note and a cup of coffee out for Jo before he left for the airport. She snuggled further down in the blankets of their bed, hands reaching out for Alex’s pillow. She missed him already, her anxieties already taking over her mind as she tried to close her eyes and focus on something else. 
Harper… Harper and Alex… Alex and Izzie’s kids… Alex and Izzie… Alex… Alex…  Alex… 
Jo couldn’t help it, her anxiety overwhelmed her body and she raced to the bathroom, overcome with the urge to vomit. Head leaning against the cool porcelain, Jo let last night’s dinner come up easily. 
“Oh god,” Jo groaned, picking her head up from the toilet bowl as she heard an incessant knocking at the loft door. “It’s open!”
Excited giggles and talking could be heard in the living room now, alerting Jo to the fact that Meredith had brought Harper back from her sleepover. Jo threw her head back towards the toilet bowl, groaning as she continued to vomit. A quiet knock sounded on the bathroom door, Meredith’s head peeking in a moment later.
“Wow you look like crap.” “Thank you, just what I wanted to hear,” Jo sighed, flushing the toilet and standing to brush her teeth. “I’m just a little anxious about Alex being in Kansas, that’s all.” Meredith nodded, watching silently as Jo rinsed her mouth out. She had known her friend long enough to realize that something else was going on, something that maybe even Jo didn’t see.
“Hey when you and Alex… you know defiled that elevator, did you use protection,” Meredith mused, watching carefully as Jo paused, then kept moving as if Meredith’s words didn’t affect her. “You dirty whore!” “Meredith! Jeez my kid is out there,” Jo turned to Meredith, hands resting on her hips as she rolled her eyes. “I am absolutely not pregnant if that’s what you’re implying. I think I would know if I was.”
Meredith let her line of questioning fall silent, but Jo’s mind kept reeling. Her and Alex hadn’t used protection when they had hooked up in the elevator… twice… Nevertheless, Jo was confident that she wasn’t pregnant. Her slight weight gain and her anxious vomiting were just normal everyday things she’d deal with at a different time. 
( Alex is italics , Jo is normal)
“Hey babe. How’ve my girls been?”
“Stress eating, mostly. And I’ve been stress vomiting too so that’s fun. The tiny human is perfectly fine though, besides standing by the door and yelling ‘Daddy’ at the top of her lungs. Can you tell we’re totally fine with you being gone?”
“Maybe you should take a break, babe. Take the day off and recharge. I don’t want you going crazy.”
“I’m fine, I just wanna make a grilled cheese and then take a three hour nap. Seriously don’t worry about me, you have enough crazy to deal with there.” 
“You’re telling me, Izzie is livid that I’m trying to take my name off of the kids' papers. You know, the kids that aren’t mine. My lawyer is not taking any of her shit though, he’s been a godsend. Should have all this wrapped up by Friday afternoon and I’ll be home with you bright and early Saturday morning.” 
“Good because I miss you. A lot. More than I probably should for only having you back for two months.”
“I am pretty missable. I was just checking in between meetings, I’ll call you tomorrow okay?”
“And I’m heading into the ER for what should be a fun day. Stay safe out there in the wild west. I love you.”
“I love you too. Give Harps kisses from me.” 
  Jo hung up with a sigh, storing her phone in her locker and moving towards the ER where she was working for the day. The distraction that the chaotic area of the hospital provided was much needed after the stress she had been under the past few days. Running to the trauma bay, Jo was immediately greeted by Owen and an awaiting ambulance. 
“32 year old passenger from a multi car MVC pileup. She’s got deep lacerations on her chest from the seat belt, hypotensive in the field but stable by the time we brought her in. She’s also 28 weeks pregnant.”
“Karev, assess her injuries but don’t do anything until we get OB down here,” Owen directed Jo, who nodded and began to work on the woman in front of her. “Stabilize her, I’m going to check on the other victims.”
“I’m Doctor Karev, I’m gonna take care of you today,” Jo stared down at the woman in front of her, the woman's blue eyes staring up at her in fear. She brushed her hand through the woman’s auburn hair, hoping to comfort her just a little. “Can you tell me your name?”
“Kacey James,” her voice was hoarse, but Kacey was doing her best to communicate with Jo. “Is my son okay? Is Landon okay?”
The woman’s voice was frantic as she looked at Jo, her eyes full of unshed tears that made Jo tear up herself. For an expecting mother, the most terrifying thought was their baby not being okay while sitting inside of them. To think about the fact that their baby might die while they are their responsibility and theirs alone… well Jo had her fair number of moments when she had worried about Harper before she was born. 
“I’m waiting for our OB to come down and tell us for sure but,” Jo pulled her stethoscope from around her neck to listen carefully for a fetal heartbeat. “I can hear a steady heartbeat. It’s not a guarantee, but it’s a good sign.”
A sigh left Kacey, her uninjured hand coming up to cradle her bump. Jo watched the woman in front of her with a pang of tenderness, understanding exactly how this stranger felt. She thought, for a moment, that any mother could understand what Kacey was feeling.
A stray hand fell to Jo’s stomach, her fingers brushing across her scrub top. Maybe Meredith had some strong points, maybe the reason that Jo felt so strongly for Kacey’s situation was because she too was carrying a child within her. She quickly brushed the feeling away, knowing that if she really was pregnant some higher power within her would know and tell her. 
“Kacey, I’m going to make sure that you and Landon are perfectly okay,” Jo moved her hand back up to Kacey’s hair, stroking it with a smile as she leaned down to speak with her patient. “You’re going to be just fine.”
After setting her daughter down in her crib, Jo collapsed on her bed. Yesterday had been long and hard and without Alex by her side she felt helpless to her circumstances. Kacey had made it through the long surgery Jo and Carina had tag teamed to take care of a perfed bowel and some minor lacerations, comforting Jo minorly. Jackson would have to go back in to repair some of the deeper wounds, but they wanted to let Kacey and Landon rest before they put her under again. 
As her thoughts began to overwhelm her, Jo’s phone chose that moment to ring, Jo getting up and slipping out onto the balcony as she answered Alex’s phone call with a small smile.
  “Hey there stranger. How’s Kansas?” “Dry and boring and lonely. You two doing any better?”
“We’re hanging in. Harper painted a very nice picture yesterday entirely with green paint. Mom on the other hand had a car crash victim who was almost 30 weeks pregnant. That was rough.”
“Are they okay? Mom and baby made it out right?”
“Yeah they’re fine it was just a lot. I have tomorrow off though so we’re going to try and do something fun.”
“Why don’t you go down to Pike’s Place and have lunch at that place you like. You and Harps can go shopping after. You know, a girls day or whatever they call it.”
“You’re making some very good points. Everything with the apartment go okay today?”
“Yeah, the landlord was very understanding and I was able to get rid of all the junk in the apartment pretty easily. I shipped a couple things back home, but the boxes are giant so don’t you dare try and move them yourself.”
“I promise I won’t, I’m too tired to do anything anyways.”
“Yeah what's with that? You said you took a nap today. You never take naps.”
“I’m fine, I just miss you. You’d think after being just Harper and I for so long that I would be used to not having you here. But I don’t think I ever really got used to it.”
“I’ll be home in two days and then you’ll get sick of me. Go on and get in bed, you sound exhausted and I can tell your mind is working harder than it should be. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Did you find out yet?”
“Jesus Christ Link! You can’t sneak up on me like that.”
Jo turned on her heel, hand coming up to smack Link’s chest. He had been her first call after hanging up with Alex four days ago and he had been a pain in her ass ever since. 
“I’m asking sensible questions. Alex texted me today, he never does that! He’s worried! Your not-husband comes homes tomorrow morning and you still haven’t peed on a damn stick,” Link raised an eyebrow at Jo, holding his hands out as if to ask what her hold up was. “You two are finally happy, you’ve got a daughter and you’re literally looking at houses to buy. Why won’t you pee, Jo? What are you hiding?”
The reasons that Link laid out were exactly why Jo didn’t want to confirm what she had been thinking. They were the same reasons that she had waited almost two months to take a test when she was pregnant with Harper. She was scared out of her mind, worried that if she took a test now that Alex wouldn’t come home and she’d be in the same position she had been in three years ago. 
Deep down she knew, she knew without a doubt that any stick she peed on would turn blue and any blood test she took would show elevated hCG levels. And part of her wanted that, she wanted another baby with Alex so badly. 
But with him being gone for the week and her already growing anxiety, Jo’s heart didn’t have it in her to see the results of a pregnancy test. The anxious woman who spent nine months crying over the father of her baby being gone did not want to face a world where that could be a reality again. 
Because last time she had taken a pregnancy test, Jo had had to face the reality of her husband leaving her through a damn letter. 
Because when she had laid in her hospital bed, staring at her daughter, she was alone and she was scared.
Because for all she had gone through in her life, Jo didn’t think she could survive going through all of that alone again. 
“I have my reasons, Atticus ,” Jo’s voice had a bite to it as she began to walk away from her friend. “Goodbye! Give Amelia my love! And thanks for taking my kid tonight, you’re the best!”
Two hours after her run in with Link, Jo found herself lounging across her couch, binging reality TV and eating popcorn. She was dead on her feet, body exhausted after the stressful week she had. She was thankful for the peace and quiet without Harper, but she desperately missed her and Alex. Jo was about to call Link just so she could bring Harper home and cuddle her when her phone rang. A smile lit up Jo’s face as she realized Alex was the one calling her. 
  “Hello Doctor Karev.”
“Hello to you too Doctor Karev. How are you?”
“I’m okay, just got home. Link and Amelia offered to take Harper for the night which I am super thankful for. I need a break, you were right. But I miss her and you, it’s too quiet here.”
“I’m always right. Hey, I got some bad news. My flights got all switched around so I won’t be home tomorrow morning after all.” 
“Oh god, please don’t tell me you’re staying in Kansas, Alex.”
“Jesus Christ no, I’d sooner jump in front of a car.”
“Good good. Okay now that I don’t think I’m going to puke, are you going to tell me when you’re coming back?”
  “Right about now,” Jo turned towards the door of the loft, relief coursing through her body as she saw Alex standing in front of her. 
“Oh thank god,” Jo breathed out, launching herself up from the couch and into Alex’s arms. “You don’t know how happy I am to see you.”
Alex wrapped his arms around Jo easily, happy to see her given the rocky week they had both had. After having Izzie yell at him, his former boss give him an earful for the way he exited, and seeing the kids he had considered his own used as pawns in his escape from Kansas, he was more than happy to be back in Seattle.
“Probably about as happy as I am to see you,” Alex leaned back and kissed Jo soundly, one hand coming up to stroke her cheek. “You look like hell. I’m only saying it because I care. Which reminds me, I got you something.” Jo watched in confusion as Alex rooted around in his suitcase, finally pulling out a brown bag and handing it to Jo. She opened it curiously, heart beginning to pound again as she looked at what was inside. 
“I could tell just from your phone calls, it’s kinda my job,” Alex shrugged, hands slipping into his pockets. “Have you already taken a test?” Looking from Alex down to the bag of pregnancy tests, Jo felt tears welling up in her eyes. The emotions she had been holding back were finally overflowing as Jo shook her head, eyes meeting Alex’s finally.
“I was so scared,” Jo cried as she let her shoulders fall, feeling her anxiety over the situation melt away now that Alex was standing in front of her. “I’m sorry, I just… I was so nervous that things would play out like they did last time and I couldn’t put myself through that this time because I really want this.”
Alex moved forward, bringing Jo back into his embrace. He hated that he was the reason she was feeling this way, that he had made her feel so helpless when he left. More than that though he was relieved to hear that she wanted this just as much as he did because it meant that maybe he hadn’t entirely screwed things up. 
“I love you, Jo. I love you so much and I’ve fucked up and I know you told me not to make any promises this time but,” Alex sighed, eyes meeting Jo with sincerity. “I am not leaving you. I’m not leaving Harper. I’m not leaving Seattle ever again unless you’re by my side, I swear on my life. And if you are pregnant, then I’ll be right by your side for the whole damn thing. You’re not getting rid of me Josephine Karev.” 
Alex’s words stopped the frantic beating of Jo’s heart and let her relax into his arms, eyes closing as she held him as close as she could. He was right, Jo had told Alex not to make her any more promises because she didn’t want to get hurt again. But after the hell they had been through, after the hell she had walked alone, Jo’s rough heart had grown soft and the words he spoke now comforted her. 
“I’m pregnant, I don’t need to take a test to tell me that,” Jo looked up to Alex, a small grin on her face. “But I’ll take one to humor you, since you didn’t get to be here last time.”
Alex pressed a long, sweet kiss on Jo’s lips, one hand gently drifting down to palm her stomach. The tender act made Jo melt, another small reassurance that things were much different than they had been three years ago. A reminder that this time, things would be okay.
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mcfreakin-bxtch · 5 years
Are You With Me?
Pairing: Arthur Fleck x Reader
Warnings: NSFW (not too graphic), some angst? Trigger warnings 
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: Y’all getting fed today. My first Arthur Fleck fic! I’m still taking requests and prompts so please send them in! <3</p>
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Gotham could be so beautiful at night when it wanted to be. The lights flashed through my apartment windows, the city always so bright and alive despite the darkness that crept through. On these nights I imagine that I’m some where’s else, far away where the sun would always shine and there were no signs of danger when walking on the sidewalks. I had been saving money since I started working, hoping that one day I would be able to reach my goal; deep down I think I knew it was never going to happen for me, but it never hurt to try.
The mornings were easier, that was when I barely had any costumers. Being a prostitute and working at the popular brothel in Gotham city had its perks despite the dangers that came with it; it made a lot of money and that’s all I cared about. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t my first choice. But it’s my only choice of surviving in this god forsaken city.
Most of the men (occasionally women as well) were crude and rough. One of my costumers – whom I never bothered to learn his name – were always rough to the point of blood in particular and the only reason why he was still allowed to come around was because of the money he threw around handsomely; my boss had told me to suck it up and accept the payment. I’ve gotten used to it by now, being bruised and battered by the residents of Gotham.
However, there was one man that had showed nothing but kindness and understanding towards me, and always made it a point to visit frequently. I waited for him now, late in the evening. He was always punctual with our little appointments, and he greeted me like I was his lovely wife waiting for him to come home from work. I only indulged in this little fantasy of his to humor his money, or what little of it he had. I would feel guilty afterwards, he was genuinely a gentle and caring man and I knew he was mentally ill as well – which I never looked at him differently for. At least that was what I could see on the surface.
There was a knock on my door, followed by a small ‘it’s me’. I sighed gently, taking another drag of my cigarette – it was nothing but ash at this point – and unlocked the door to let him in.
Arthur Fleck grinned at me, shuffling into the small but comfy apartment. The news was playing in the background in the living room, the story of the three men killed on the subway bringing Arthur’s attention to the screen. He had an odd look in his eyes as he scanned it, and it made me feel a little uneasy. Like he was proud of the murders that took place.
“Did you hear about this?” Arthur asked suddenly.
I sat down on the couch next to him, legs curled under me as I propped my head in my hand. I never seen the men before, and a sick part of me had hoped one of them was the man that made a habit of hurting me during his visits.
“A little,” I answered. “It’s Gotham for you though. So much hatred and disgust.”
I couldn’t decipher the look he gave me, it left as quick as it came. He pulled out a cigarette, lighting it up and taking a deep inhale. I watched as he did, waiting for him to bashfully give her the look; though he had grown more comfortable with me and our physical relationship, I was still the one who had to initiate the act.
Except this night was different, Arthur was different. One look into his eyes and I could tell something was off, he was changing. Time would tell if that was a good thing or a bad thing. Putting out the cigarette in her ashtray, he turned to me fully.
“I look at it as a good thing.”
I frowned at him, not understanding where he was coming from.
“I mean-.” Arthur stuttered as he tried to find the right words. “They were cruel. The world is better off without them.”
I knew that Arthur did not have an easy life. Society did look and treat him differently just because of the fact that he was a little different from the rest of them; damaged, unhinged. He had every right to hate them, to resent them, but to take it to this level? It was dark, dangerous, and I was starting to wonder on if I should let him into my home anymore.
“Yeah.” I licked my lips. “But that’s no reason to murder them. I mean we’re supposed to be better than them, right?”
Arthur shook his head, his legs bouncing furiously. I could tell laughter was bubbling up in his chest and he was trying his damnest to keep it down. He started to let out the chocked laughter anyway, doubling over in pain as they continued. When he first explained his illness I was admittedly awkward and scared around him. It took time for me to become used to it and to look at it as simply a normal thing; I spent a week trying to make up for it as an apology.
“How was your day?” I asked softly, running a hand up and down his back as he calmed down.
“It was… it was okay.”
Arthur put his head down in shame. “I- I got fired.”
I gave out a small gasp. “What for?”
He seemed embarrassed, and I almost changed the subject before he spoke up. “I brought a gun with me on the job. They found out.”
I froze. Arthur sensed this and shifted uncomfortably, not meeting my gaze. I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I mean I had a gun, bought it once I took the job for protection, so it made sense that Arthur had one as well for the very same reason.
“Okay… where is it now?” I finally asked.
Arthur shifted, pulling the pistol from the back of his pants, setting it down on the coffee table. I eyed it up, burning holes into the table.
“Are you… are you upset with me?” Arthur asked quietly.
I slowly shook my head. Placing a hand under his chin so he would look at me, I climbed onto his lap, his hands hovering over my hips before softly placing them down. His breathing picked up a little at the proximity, body shaking from the contact.
“It’s just for protection, right Arthur?” I asked softly, gazing into his eyes.
He nodded. “Just for protection.”
I leaned in then, waiting for him to give the okay before pressing my lips into his chapped ones. I could feel him becoming hard under me, and I rolled my hips against his. He moaned into the kiss, tightening his grip on my hips. I invited it in, moving my lips from his to place kisses on his jaw and neck.
“Wait,” Arthur gasped out after another roll of my hips.
I leaned back, hands playing with the hair on the back of his neck.
“I don’t have much now,” he said, voice shaking. “It’s okay if you want me to stop. Or leave. I just… I just wanted to see you.”
If it were anyone else, I would’ve already kicked them to the curb. But sometimes I imagine that I was someone else, and that I could actually let myself fall in love freely with Arthur Fleck. Maybe I already have. Maybe that’s why I only shake my head with a soft smile, kissing him deeply before shredding off his jacket.
“It’s okay,” I whispered into his ear. He shuddered, whimpering as I ran my fingers through his hair.
It didn’t take long for our clothes to be thrown carelessly on the ground and for him to be inside me. Usually I was the dominant one, which was just fine by me. But Arthur was full of surprises tonight, and pushed me down on the couch, hovering over with a new kind of intensity that shook me to the core.
“Oh!” I gasped as he thrusted in, not giving me a chance to adjust before starting a brutal pace.
I splayed my hands over his bony back – every visit ended with me telling Arthur he needed to take care of himself – and tightened my legs over his waist. He buried his face in the crook of my neck, panting as he moved wildly. I couldn’t lie, this new side of him was endearing and exciting.
Arthur placed a kiss on the skin of my neck where it met my shoulder, and bit down hard.
“Jesus – shit Arthur just like that,” I moaned. “You’re doing so good, keep going please!”
These words fueled him, letting out a quiet growl before pounding into me. The couch shook from it, and I was sure I would be hearing complaints from the occupants of the building; I couldn’t find it in me to care.
I placed a hand in between our bodies, circling my clit with vigor. My walls clenched around his impressive girth, and it didn’t take long for the both of us to reach our peaks, his mouth swallowing my moans. He collapsed on top of me but I welcomed the weight, holding him to me as we caught our breaths.
“Thank you,” Arthur whispered into my lips.
It took several moments before Arthur pulled out of me with a soft groan, getting dressed and placing a blanket over our laps.
“Is that man still bothering you?” He asked.
I sighed heavily. This was a question he asked daily after walking in one of the ‘appointments’. The face of the man that left bruises and cuts on me was burned into his mind, who simply laughed at Arthur’s face as he gave one final, painful thrust as tears streamed silently down my face. Normally I would’ve had the door locked and Arthur would’ve knocked but he was in a rush to show me his new joke book and I barely had a chance to get the door when the man dragged me to the couch.
I yelled at Arthur to get out and cried the entire night, immediately calling – he was the only one I ever allowed to call – him after to apologize.
“Not really,” I lied smoothly.
I could see he wasn’t buying my lie, but he kept his mouth shut to which I appreciated.
The rest of the night was spent just talking, sharing jokes for his joke book. When he left, boldly placing a hand behind my neck to pull me in for a passionate kiss that honestly left me breathless, I couldn’t help but think about the men on the subway and the gun that once sat on the table.
The next time I saw Arthur Fleck was the night before The Murray Show and the night after the death of the man was announced; I immediately thought of Arthur and his gun. He excitedly told me that was going to be on, and I felt happy for him, proud even despite the dreading news. This was his dream, and it seemed as though he was getting a second chance at life. He deserved it after all.
But he changed significantly, and I knew something was wrong when he first walked in, barely giving me a chance to say hi before he was on me. The lovemaking was rough but gentle that left me wanting more. It took me a second to realize Arthur was saying my name.
“Sorry,” I mumbled.
He gave me a soft smile in return. “I got you something.”
Clothes back on and fixed, he reached next him to his jacket, where it laid on the floor next to my bed. It was wrapped – I could tell he wrapped it himself – and small. Arthur was anxious as he handed it to me, watching as I unwrapped it and opened the small box. Inside was a beautiful ring, a small pearl wrapped in the middle. It looked cheap, definitely not worth much but it was still so beautiful and it made tears build in the back of my eyes. But then I thought of the man, and my stomach sunk.
Clearing my throat and setting the ring down, I was close to breaking down and forgetting what I had to discuss with him when I saw the rejection on his face.
“Arthur honey,” I sighed, scooting closer to him until I felt his thigh pressed up against my leg. “I um- I have-.”
“You don’t like it,” he interrupted harshly.
“That’s not it!” I quickly interjected. “It’s beautiful Arthur. It’s just… I’ve been watching the news.”
His body stiffened, but I continued.
“I understand if you get angry at this, and I’m not jumping to any conclusions-.”
“I killed him.”
I stared at him, mouth agape. He said it so nonchalantly, as if we were discussing dinner. It felt like I was chocking on air, the shock hitting me like a tidal wave.
“Y-you k-killed him?”
Arthur brought a lit cigarette to his lips. “Yeah. He was hurting you. It was only a matter of time.”
I shook my head, trying to comprehend what he was telling me.
“Have you seen it out there?” Arthur asked before I could utter another word.
He waited for my answer, but I could not form any coherent sentences.
“It’s crazy,” he continued. “Something needs to be done, and there are people out there that are actually noticing me! I’m the only one who’s taking action right now, and I- I want you to join me.”
My name flowed from his lips with such love and devotion it hurt. It hurt because now I could only see him as a murderer. He wasn’t the same Arthur I invited into my home, my body, the man that I had fallen in love with despite convincing myself I haven’t. And yet somehow he still was.
“Arthur,” I struggled to keep my voice steady; I hadn’t realized I was crying until he wiped a tear from my cheek. “I don’t think I can. This is wrong.”
Arthur’s legs started to shake as he shook his head. “No no you’re not – you’re not thinking clearly!” His voice was starting to rise, and I couldn’t help but feel frightened from it.
“What have those people ever done for you, huh?!? You’re just like me, overlooked, used, and stepped on by these people! Take control!”
His ramblings were making my head spin. It felt as though the air was constricting around them, but oddly enough I still felt safe around him; I was confident in my Arthur enough to know that he wouldn’t dare hurt me on purpose.
“What do you plan on doing on that show Arthur?” I whispered.
Arthur sighed, roughly throwing his jacket and shoes on. I could only watch as he did so.
“Are you with me?”
I mulled over the situation. I never enjoyed violence, had thoughts of them but never acted upon them. But I couldn’t help but feel joyed over the news of my abuser’s death. And Arthur was right, no one really cared about me, I had no family left that cared; he was really the only one I had left. The only one that had only showed me love and kindness. This world was a dark and cruel place, but was any of this right or justified?
“Can I… do I have time to think about it?” I croaked. “It’s not a yes, but it’s not a no either. I just need some time,” I added for good measure.
Arthur grinned, rushing over to place a sweet chaste kiss. “Of course, my love.”
I stared at the ring after Arthur left. Slipping it on, I pondered over his words and the fear of what tomorrow would bring. I only hoped that no matter the outcome, Arthur Fleck would be okay in the end.
  Tags: ​@riverquartzuniverse​, @beepbeepyabitch, @smol-flower-kiddo​, @teenagedirtbagg2​, @goththespian
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colbybrocksmolder · 5 years
Never Have I Ever Had A Threesome - Colby Brock x Reader x Jake Webber (smut) [PART 1/3]
"Y/n!” Colby yelled, walking into his apartment and chucking his things on the counter, Jake following him in and diving onto the couch. When you didn’t respond, he yelled again. “Y/n?”
“Is she at Sam’s?” Jake asked, scrolling through the trending page on YouTube to try and figure out what the fuck he was going to record tonight. He had gone out of town after his breakup and completely put off recording and he was about to hit a week with no video.
“I don’t think so” Colby answered, checking his bedroom and the balcony. “Her shit is still all here.”
“Check your loft” Jake suggested. “Remember she used to climb up in the one at your parents house all the time.”
You had known Jake, Sam, and Colby for years. You were always the closest to Colby, but you guys just vibed. Sam used to call you soul siblings. You always loved the same music, style, authors…pretty much everything. You were drawn to the same people…Sometimes if felt like you were reading each other’s minds. You’d never really dated, but you’d had your fair share of “comforting” each other. At least that’s what you called it. That was another thing you had in common. You weren’t afraid of your sexuality. You’d shared more than one “I want to try something, but I want to try it with someone I trust” nights. Honestly, Jake and Sam had talked about the two of you more than once. They were still convinced, to this day, that you were somehow TOGETHER together. Or secretly in love with each other.
“Oh shit, you’re right. But why wouldn’t she be answering?” he asked as he ran up the stairs. “Y/n?”
There you were. Bundled up in one of Colby’s baggier sweatshirts, headphones in, Colby’s stuffed koala in your arms…You’d dragged his big fluffy blanket up there to take a nap and had slept longer than you originally planned.
“Jake” Colby whisper yelled. “Chuck me my phone”
“Is she asleep?” Jake asked, grabbing Colby’s phone and running up the stairs. “Awww, I miss her. I’m glad she’s here.” He handed the phone to Colby.
“She’s staying, too.” Colby told him, squatting down on one knee to take a picture of you.
“What!?” Jake asked excitedly. “When is she moving out here?”
“We’ll go back and get her shit from her mom’s place soon. I talked her into it last night.” Colby answered, smiling down at your sleeping form. “I fucking missed her, dude.”
“Is she getting her own place?” Jake asked.
“Nah, she’ll just move in with me until the lease is up and then she’ll probably move to whatever house we end up getting.” Colby answered matter-of-factly, knowing neither Sam nor Jake would ever have an issue with her being around.
“Bro. I feel like we’re getting the band back together.” Jake laughed.
Colby moved to lay by you, scooting against you. “Y/n” he said your name, pulling your headphones out of your ears. “Wake up, sleepy head.” He leaned forward and kissed your cheek. “We need to record a video for Jake.”
When you didn’t budge, Jake started teasing you. “Y/n! I’m gonna lick your face if you don’t wake up!”
Your eyes popped open, Colby’s face just inches from yours. You gave him a confused look. “Did I just dream that or did Jake jus…” Jake interrupted you, making slurpy noises with his mouth. “Not a dream” you laughed, moving to get up.
“We should just play Never Have I Ever” Jake said, heading back downstairs.
“What?” you asked, confused as to why he so casually suggested that.
Colby laughed, “he needs to record a video tonight.”
“Oooooh. That makes more sense.” You moved to wipe the sleep from your eyes. “Let me shower really quick and I’ll help you guys with the video.”
Before you could walk past him, Colby pulled you into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re staying.”
“Me too. I’m anxious and worried, but I fucking missed you guys so much.” You answered, leaning up to kiss Colby’s lips.
“I told Jake, btw. He’s stoked.” Colby answered, letting go of you and following you down the stairs.
“How do you feel about me staying around here and annoying you all the time?” You teased Jake, walking up behind him and jumping on his back.
“Hey, you only annoy me when you eat all the Cheetos and don’t tell me we need to get more. I take my snacks very seriously.” He joked, spinning around in circles in the living room.
You pressed multiple kisses to Jake’s cheek and hopped off of his back. “I’ll be out in like 15 minutes, boys.”
Jake dropped down next to Colby on the couch, staring over at one of his best friends. “You’ve gotta let me in, man.”
“What?” Colby laughed, locking his phone and setting it on the coffee table.
“You two are definitely more than friends but you just genuinely smiled over at us when she was kissing me half an inch from my lips.” Jake sat there with a ‘duh’ look on his face.
“Jake” Colby leaned in, making sure to make eye contact. “She’s allowed to do whatever she wants. We’re not dating. We’re not boyfriend/girlfriend. I promise.”
“You guys are so confusing, like…why aren’t you actually together? You literally make more sense than Sam and Kat. WAY more sense than Tara and I ever made.” Colby went to speak, but Jake kept going. “Or OR if you ARE together, how are you so chill with how flirty and touchy feely she is with us?”
Colby could tell this wasn’t just about him and Y/n. He was still upset about Tara. Colby scooted closer to his friend and pulled him into a hug, Jake collapsing against Colby. “You’re gonna get over her. I promise.”
“It doesn’t feel like it.” He answered.
“Believe me, Jake. You’re gonna find someone that really loves you for you.” Colby reassured him, his arms still tightly around his friend. “Who wouldn’t love you? Tara is stupid. You’re one of the best people I know.”
“Thanks, man.” Jake sat thinking for a minute. “I just don’t get why you guys don’t see it” he continued. “You guys are like two halves that fit perfectly together.”
Colby pulled back, letting go of Jake and looking at him. “Sometimes I think that” he admitted. “I do. And if that girl told me I was the one she wanted to spend forever with, I’d drop everything to make it happen. But I don’t think I am. And I really am happy to be in her life however she wants me to be. I’m in no rush to make my forever plans.”
“I knew it. I fucking knew it! I knew you had to be like secretly in love with each other. I just told Sam I thought….” Jake was interrupted.
“You can’t tell Sam shit. Sam will talk to her about it and I don’t want that. I just want to fly to Kansas and drive back with all of her shit and live here happily with one of my best friends that I’ve been missing.” Colby sounded firm. “Agreed?”
Yeah, Colby had yelled at Jake before, but he’d never seen him get SERIOUS serious about pretty much anything. “Yeah, man. No worries.”
Colby nodded, pulling Jake back into a hug. “Thanks, man.”
“I won’t tell Sam, but I think you’re stupid as fuck for not telling her.” Jake laughed.
Colby and Jake decided that they’d play the alcoholic version of Never have I ever. You either answer and tell the story or choose not to answer and take a shot. On the whole, the three of you were pretty open people, but you definitely threw some questions in that you guys knew no one would want to answer. As the last question came up, Jake said “Never have I ever had a threesome!”
You and Colby looked at each other, wide-eyed and smiling. “Give me a shot” you said, reaching for the bottle of Jack.
“Me too” Colby said, downing a shot right after you.
Jake, a little tipsy, bust out laughing. “Well guys, turns out all my friends are hoes” Jake shook his head. “Thanks for watching! Make sure to check out these two down in the description. I think we finally convinced this one to start a channel” Jake side tackled you on the couch. “I’ll see you guys next week!” He yelled.
Colby ran at the camera with his hand to cover the lens at the end of the outro, laughing and turning it off. “Jake did us dirty” he said, walking back to the couch.
“How was I supposed to know both of you were sex crazed maniacs” He laughed, teasing you.
“Oh like you’re an innocent boy” you scoffed, pulling up your Postmates app.
“Hey, I never said that.” Jake laughed. “I want foooood”
“Well, here.” You said, climbing in his lap. “These are the places that are open still” you scrolled through the list in your Postmates app.
Jake wasn’t paying attention to you. He was looking over at Colby who was standing in the kitchen, massive grin on his face. *These two are so confusing* Jake thought to himself, finally looking down at your phone screen.
“Colby, come help pick” you said, letting Jake take your phone from you.
Colby couldn’t stop smiling. He thought the scene in front of him was adorable. You were sat on Jake’s lap, playing with the bracelets on one of Jake’s wrists while he scrolled through food options. Your faces were close so you could both see the screen. Two of the people he loved most on this planet. One was enviably confident and the most loving person he’d ever met and the other was currently heartbroken and in need of love. To Colby, it made sense. He walked to the couch, laying down so his head was laying in your lap…or laps, I guess. “You know what I like. Just order me something from wherever you two pick.”
You grabbed the phone back from Jake, adding yours and Colby’s order to the restaurant he had picked. “If you don’t like what I got you we can switch” you said, reaching down to play with Colby’s hair.
Jake laughed. “If Sam walked in here right now, he’d wonder what the fuck we were doing.” He looked at all of the open seating that wasn’t being used because the three of you were practically on top of each other.
“It’s not my fault Sam is stingy with his cuddles” Colby replied.
“Psshhh, like I didn’t used to catch you two cuddling when I’d go in to wake you up” you laughed, resting your hand on his chest.
“Let me rephrase” Colby chuckled. “It’s not my fault Sam is stingy with his cuddles when he’s awake and sober.”
The three of you laughed and you rested your head against Jake’s chest. “I need to figure out when I’m gonna go get my stuff.” You thought out loud, just passing the time until your food got there.
“WE’LL fly out there sometime in the next week or so and just rent a little moving truck and drive back” Colby said, making sure you knew he wasn’t letting you do it alone.
“I CAN do things for myself, Colby. You’re already not letting me pay you rent.” You complained, more for the principle of the matter than actually being mad Colby made decisions for you.
“Y/n” Jake said, wrapping his arms around you. “You should know by now that none of us really volunteer to do shit we don’t actually want to do.”
You sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. “I love you guys.”
“That’s a relief” Colby snarked, getting up to get the door that was being knocked on.
You could feel Jake’s body bounce with his laugh. “I’m seriously so happy you’re going to be around again” he said. “It’s like perfect timing.”
You sat up to look at Jake. “I’m sorry about Tara.”
“Don’t be” Jake smiled. “If it wasn’t meant to be, I’m glad it’s over. It would have sucked worse to waste more time on it.”
“You’re going to make someone very happy one day, babe” you pecked his lips with a quick kiss and hopped off his lap to go grab the food that had just been delivered.
“Jake!” Colby called from the kitchen, “come eat!”
When Jake walked into the kitchen, he saw you and Colby whispering to each other, but he couldn’t tell what you were talking about.
“I think it would be good for him” you whispered to Colby.
Colby smiled down at you, his hand reaching up to push your hair out of your eyes. “I agree and I think he’d be down” he replied.
“Okay, but YOU have to be the one to talk to him” you said. “I don’t know if he knows how *comfortable* you are with him, if you know what I mean.”
“Don’t worry” he said, leaning down a bit to kiss you. “We have a pretty touchy feely friendship, Y/n” he laughed.
“You two don’t look hella sus or anything” Jake snarked, grabbing his food.
“Oh, you wish you knew what we were talking about, brother” Colby smirked at him. He grabbed his food and kissed Jake on the cheek, the two of you moving to the living room to eat.
“I forgot how weird you two get when you’re around each other all the time” Jake laughed, sitting between the two of you on the couch.
After you had finished eating and finished watching the movie you had put on, Colby looked over at you and then to Jake. You knew he was going to ease into what could be the rest of your night. Colby leaned his head on Jake’s shoulder, not saying anything. He just let his weight fall against his friend. You took Jake’s other arm and put it around your shoulders so you could snuggle into his other side.
“Aww” Jake quietly said. “I feel loved” he chuckled a bit.
“That’s the point” Colby said, once again kissing Jake’s cheek.
“We do love you, Jake” you added, putting your hand on his thigh.
“Stay with us tonight” Colby whispered to his friend, his lips grazing Jake’s ear.
Jake looked over and stared at Colby with parted lips, an almost vulnerable look on his face. “Wait…you…am I reading this wrong?” Jake’s eyes dropped to Colby’s lips for a second before moving back to stare into his blue gaze.
You moved to straddle Jake’s lap, hiding your face in his neck. “You’ve got all the control, Jake” you said, pressing your lips to his neck.
Colby put his hands on either side of Jake’s face. “She’s right” Colby said, his eyes dropping to stare at Jake’s lips. “What happens is up to you.”
“This is real?” Jake asked, not exactly in the trusting mood after his break-up. “Please don’t fuck with me” he said in an almost sad whisper.
Colby leaned forward and pressed a soft and slow kiss to Jake’s full lips, you sat up and watched as Jake relaxed into Colby’s touch. “We’d never fuck with you like that, Jake” you assured him.
Colby pulled back from the kiss and stood up. He started cleaning up the dinner trash. “Are you gonna stay with us?” he asked, walking to the kitchen. He wanted to give Jake room to think.
Jake looked at you, his cheeks flushed pink. “Awww, you liked it” you teased, pressing kisses to Jake’s cheeks. “Colby, you made him blush” you called out. You could hear Colby laugh from the kitchen.
“Colby!” Jake called out, his hands moving to gently rest at your waist.
Colby walked back into the living room, standing behind where you were still straddling Jake’s lap. “Yes, Jake” Colby smirked down at him.
“What we talked about earlier…” Jake said, his eyes dropping to meet yours for half a second before looking back up at Colby. “Are you sure?”
Colby leaned down from behind you and pulled Jake into a quick, but rougher kiss. “Very” he said, walking back to the kitchen to finish cleaning up.
Jake looked at you and pulled you into a kiss, his hands pulling you closer against his body. “Wait” Jake broke the kiss. “I assume your threesome answer earlier meant you’ve had one together?” he laughed.
“maybe” you blushed, hiding your face in Jake’s neck.
“Aww she’s embarrassed.” Colby laughed. “You weren’t so shy about it when Nate had you…”
“NATE Nate?” Jake threw his head back laughing, interrupting Colby. “Yeah, I could see that.”
“Hey!” you hopped off Jake’s lap, walking up to Colby. “I spent half of that night watching Nate walk you through your first…”
“Babe!” Colby threw you over his shoulder laughing, interrupting you. He started walking towards his bedroom. “You coming?” he turned and smiled at Jake, continuing forward and flipping you down onto the bed in front of him.
“Hey! I like that story.” you pouted, reaching up to pull Colby into a kiss. You then ran your thumb over his bottom lip. “Seeing these pouty lips wrapped around Nate was one of the hottest things I’ve ever seen in my life.” you said, pulling his lips back to yours.
You guys watched Jake hesitate at the door. “I think you should go get our boy” Colby said, pulling you to your feet.
Grabbing Jake’s hands, you turned the two of you and started pushing him into the room. Wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling his lips to yours, you slowly backed him up into Colby. “You’ve gotta talk to us, babe.” You removed your arms from around him so Colby could pull Jake’s shirt up over his head, tossing it to the floor.
“I don’t know what to say” Jake blushed, tipping his head to the side when he felt Colby’s mouth teasing the skin of his neck. Jake moaned Colby’s name
“We need to know you feel safe” Colby said, wrapping his arms around Jake and continuing to leave kisses across his skin.
Your fingers started undoing Jake’s pants, watching the two boys. “God, you two are gorgeous” you quietly said, moving Jake’s jeans to fall around his ankles.
“I feel safe” Jake stuttered out, his hands reaching out for you without pulling away from Colby. “I don’t like that I’m the only one getting naked though.” His hands tugged at your shirt.
“Don’t worry, we’ll join you soon.” Colby laughed, his hand slipping further down Jake’s torso to cup him through his boxers. “I think he likes us, y/n” Colby teased, feeling Jake harden beneath his palm.
Jake groaned, dropping his head back to rest against Colby’s shoulder. You quickly stripped out of your jeans and top, dropping to your knees in front of him. “Jake” you said, running your hands up and down his thighs.
“Oh fuck” Jake’s head flew forward, his eyes staring into yours.
Colby pushed Jake’s boxers down over his erection. “Can I touch you?” Colby whispered into Jake’s ear, his fingers grazing the skin of his lower abdomen while you pulled his boxers the rest of the way down.
“Please” Jake almost whined.
“Ooo, so polite” Colby teased, circling Jake’s hardness in his hand and stroking him at an almost painfully slow pace.
“Baby, it’s my turn” you said, moving Colby’s hands. Firmly holding the base of Jake in your hand, you wet your lips and slid the rest of his length into your mouth.
Colby moved out from behind Jake and stripped out of all of his clothes. “Y/n” Jake moaned, his fingers tangling with your hair as you quickened your pace.
“You don’t want to end this too soon” Colby scolded.
Jake reached down and pulled you to stand, connecting your lips. “I want to taste you” he said between kisses, pushing you towards the bed.
Colby was already on the bed and he pulled you down to lay your back against his chest, his hands fiddling with your bra until he got what he wanted and it was discarded on the floor with the rest of the boy’s clothes. Jake did the same with your underwear. “I bet you can’t wait, y/n” Colby teased you, his fingers moving to play with your nipples. “I bet you’re already soaked just thinking about Jake’s mouth on you.”
Jake moved to kneel between your legs, his strong hands holding your knees apart as he left wet open mouth kisses down your inner thighs. He looked up to see your body sprawled across Colby’s naked form, your eyes shut and your cheeks rosy. His thumb teased your clit, moving effortlessly between your wet folds.
“Don’t tease me” you cried out, moving to close your legs because of the too-light pressure.
“No you don’t, baby girl” Colby said, using his legs to hook around yours and keep them open. Your body fully exposed for Jake.
Your eyes flew open and you started down at Jake, seeing the grin on his face. “Please” you begged, the light touches just weren’t enough.
Jake removed his thumb, sliding two fingers into your heat. “I just can’t say no to you when you look so needy” he laughed, dipping down to swirl his tongue around the sensitive bit of flesh. “So sweet” he said, lapping at and sucking on your clit.
As you neared your orgasm, you couldn’t help but moan Jake’s name. “God, I love watching you fall apart” Colby said, his hand moving to rest against the front of your throat.
Jake looked up to see Colby lightly squeeze his ring clad fingers around your throat and groaned, the vibrations moving through you and pushing you over the edge of your climax. “Holy fuck” Jake said, staring at you and Colby.
“Tease her” Colby told Jake, still holding you down.
Jake dipped his mouth to suck you back into his mouth. “Aahhh” you cried out, your nerves being overstimulated and still too sensitive. “Jake!” you tried moving away from his mouth, but you were at their mercy.
“Keep going” Colby said, knowing you’d be falling apart again in just a few seconds. When he knew you were right on the edge of your second orgasm, he tightened his hand, momentarily stealing your breath from you. “Jake”
You felt your second orgasm flood through you. Your body felt like it was floating and you couldn’t hear anything but your heart beat.
Jake and Colby watched you fall apart all over again. Colby let go of your throat and released your legs, letting you relax back against his body as you slowly came down from your intense high. Jake crawled up next to where the two of you were laying. He traced patterns into the skin of your stomach and thigh while he waited for you to ‘come to’. When your eyes fluttered open, he leaned in and kissed you.
“You two are evil” you smiled against Jake’s lips.
“You loved it and you know it” Colby smirked, letting you climb off of him. He moved to lay down on the other side of Jake. “I think Jake deserves a reward for being so good to you” He said, pulling the boy into a rough kiss.
You reached for the bedside table to grab a condom. You opened it and rolled it onto Jake. “I think you just want to watch us because it gets you off” you teased him, moving to straddle Jake.
“Guilty as charged” Colby said, moving to suck a mark near Jake’s collarbone.
“You beautiful possessive boy” you smiled, sinking down onto Jake’s girth.
“Jesus fuck” Jake moaned, caught off guard. His hips started to move with you, meeting your bounces with his thrusts.
“He’s so pretty when he moans” Colby said to you, kissing down Jake’s chest and sucking one of his nipples between his lips.
Jake moved his hand to the back of Colby’s head, a silent invitation to keep going. “I think he likes that” you said, moaning when Jake thrust up into you a little harder. “He definitely likes it”
“We’re learning all sorts of stuff about you today” Colby said, biting down on Jake’s nipple before moving to the other one.
“I’m close” Jake mumbled out, throwing his head back against the pillow when Colby roughly bit down on his other nipple.
Colby climbed off of the bed and grabbed another condom, watching Jake’s thrusts falter. As he rolled the condom on himself, he heard Jake cry out. The look on his face, pure bliss.
Colby moved to straddle Jake behind you, pushing you forward to lean over Jake’s body on your hands and knees. “My turn, baby girl” he said, thrusting fully into you in one go.
Jake pulled you into a kiss, his hands playing with your breasts. You could feel Colby angle his hips to aim at that specific spot inside you. “Fuck, Colby. Right there.” You cried out.
“You are literally dripping wet, y/n” Colby said in his low sexy voice. Colby was always a talker in bed. He liked having power over you and you were a sucker for everything that boy did. “I know you love letting us use your body, baby” he said, his hands moving to grip your hips as he thrust harder, aiming for that spot.
“Colby” you moaned, your body falling to partially lean on Jake.
“Touch yourself, Y/n” Colby told you in a firm voice. “I know you can come again.”
You reached your fingers back between your legs, deciding to tease Colby first. You reached past yourself to gently grab Colby’s balls, massaging them in your hand. His thrusts stopped, himself buried balls deep in you with a grunt. “What’s wrong baby?” you asked.
“Is that what I told you to do?” Colby asked, his hand landing in a hard slap on your ass before you could answer.
“Jesus” Jake said, seeing a side of Colby he had never witnessed before. “If you two go on much longer I’ll be ready for round two” he said, seeing Colby continue to thrust into you from behind.
“Don’t worry, we’ll all get a round two in a few hours, right y/n?” Colby asked, slapping your ass again.
“Fuck yes” you moaned, sliding your fingers between your folds and pushing yourself towards your third climax of the night.
“I can feel you close, baby” Colby said, his thrusts getting sloppy as he was almost there with you. You clenched down onto Colby’s girth as ripples of pleasure worked their way through your body. “Y/n” Colby called out, filling the condom with a few more thrusts.
Colby stayed on his knees with his hands on your hips for a moment as he gained his composure. He reached down to remove Jake’s condom as well as his own and left the bedroom to throw them away. Your body collapsed onto Jake’s.
When Colby came back in the room, he couldn’t help but smile as he looked down at the two of you. You both looked exhausted and happy. “Come on, you two.” He said, bending down to kiss you both one after the other. “Scoot that way, y/n” he instructed.
You ended up on your side with your back pressed to Jake’s front, his arms holding you tight to him. Colby slid into the bed and wrapped his arms around Jake from behind, pulling a blanket over the three of you. “Guys?” Jake whispered, nervous you had already fallen asleep.
“You okay?” Colby sleepily asked, nuzzling his face into Jake’s hair.
“I just wanted to say thank you.” Jake shyly let out.
“You don’t need to thank us, babe” you said, squeezing his hand.
“Yeah, you’re always welcome here.” Colby said, the three of you drifting off to sleep.
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theladyofdeath · 5 years
Omg I love when you and Shelby write together 🤩🤩and I have a prompt!! “I might have had a few shots”
we LOVED writing this prompt! And, of course, we chose Elorcan because we’re trash. Enjoy this fluff written by @throne-of-ashes-and-beauty and myself. ;)
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Elide had slipped on an old tee shirt, ready for bed. Her hair was thrown up into a bun on the top of her head and she walked down to her kitchen, getting the coffee maker ready for the morning. She yawned and smiled thinking of the next day. A Saturday, with absolutely nothing planned.
Just the way she liked it.
She’d just turned the tv on when she heard her name being yelled from outside her front door, then a loud, obnoxious knock.
She threw her blanket to the side and ran to the door, just as her name was called again. She couldn’t tell if it was in agony or annoyance, but she opened the door with trepidation anyways.
And found Lorcan bracing his arms on either side of her door frame. Even so, he still towered over her.
“Hi,” he said, laughing. “Whatcha doin?”
Elide blinked, then looked over her shoulder at the clock on the microwave. “Are you…drunk?”
He smirked and said, “I might have had a few shots.”
Her eyebrows shot up. “And by a few, you mean?”
His eyebrow furrowed, which could only mean he was trying to count in his head. “I lost count after number seven.” When Elide’s mouth dropped open, he pointed at her. “But! Whitethorn said I couldn’t out drink him. That bastard owes me $50.”
Elide said, “Oh my god,” and rubbed her temples.
“Aren’t you happy to see me?”
She looked up and saw genuine curiosity — even if it was a little hazy — in his gaze. “Of course, I am, it’s just- how did you get here, Lorcan?”
His eyes narrowed as if trying to remember. “I think I took a cab.”
Elide shook her head. “Just…come in.”
He did, and toed off his massive boots off without Elide needing to ask. They landed by her tiny pair of Vans, absolutely dwarfing them.
He strode inside, throwing his long hair back over his shoulder. “Hey.”
She shook her head and chuckled. “Hey, you.”
He stopped and looked around, sniffing. “Do I smell popcorn?”
She laughed. “Yes, you do. Come on.”
“Were you watching a movie?” He asked, plopping on the couch.
She watched him, slowly closing the door behind him and following him into her living room. “Yes. I was going to. I have tomorrow off.”
He began eating her popcorn. “Oh. I want to watch.”
“Okay,” she laughed, and walked around the back of the couch. “Do you want something to drink?” Before he could answer, she cut him off and amended. “Something non-alcoholic.”
He huffed. “You’re no fun. Do you have a water bottle?”
“Sure do.” She made her way into the kitchen, coming back with a water bottle and a glass of red wine.
“Hey!” He protested, reaching for the wine.
“Ah ah, nope.” She slipped the bottle into his hands. “Mine. You’ve already had at least seven shots. I’m cutting you off.”
She took a sip of her wine and he pouted, blowing a lock of his hair out of his face.
“What movie are you watching?” He asked, a moment later.
She shrugged, taking a sip from her glass. “Romantic comedy. It was a long day. I need some laughs.”
Lorcan raised a brow. “Bad day at work?”
She sighed. “I spilled a tray of drinks on an elderly couple after tripping over my own two feet so, yeah, something like that.”
He snorted, earning a glare from Elide. “You should’ve gone out for drinks with us.”
She had gotten the invite from Aelin a few hours before, but had ignored it. She shrugged. “Wasn’t really in the mood at the time.”
He nodded and leaned back on the couch. A comfortable silence filled the room while the movie started, and Elide tucked her legs underneath her on the couch. She set the glass of wine on the coffee table.
With grace that a man of his size and inebriation should not have, he quickly snatched it up and brought it to his lips.
“No, no, noooo,” she drawled, grabbing it back. “This is mine. And I don’t share.”
“Not even with me?” He asked, a hand to his chest.
She had always found Lorcan ridiculous when drunk, mostly because he was typically far more serious.
Even though he had always had a soft spot for her, and her alone.
“Not even with you,” she said, smiling. “Especially when I can smell your whiskey-coated breath from all the way over here.”
He propped his foot up on her coffee table and brushed his hair, once again, out of his face. “You wound me, woman.”
She couldn’t help but watch him out of the corner of her eye as he relaxed, completely unreserved. He never let anyone else see this side of, always so on edge around the rest of their friends. He glanced her way and caught her eye. She blushed and snapped her eyes back to the tv.
“What?” He asked.
She just shook her head and took a large sip of wine. He pinched her side and she squealed, much to his delight. Her living room filled with his laughter.
It was a rich, melodic sound that Elide thrived upon. He could pick on her all he wanted as long as it made him laugh like that.
“You’re a pain in the ass,” she said. “I hope you know that.”
He hooked his hair behind his ear and gave her a smile that had the power to end wars, until the hair slipped loose and fell into his face. He sighed through his nose, as if the hair that couldn’t stay out of his eyes was the root of all the world’s problems.
Elide laughed and said, “Turn around.”
His eyebrows furrowed again. “What, why-?”
“Just do it,” she said, and he did as he was told.
She slipped the ponytail from her wrist and gathered his dark hair at the back of his head. She combed through it with her fingers, scratching lightly at his scalp with her nails. As she tied it into a knot at the back of his head, she heard a quiet rumble emanate from chest. She twisted his head up and around until he was looking at her and laughed. “Did you just purr?”
He blinked. “That depends. Was it sexy?”
Elide snorted. “Yes, I find happy cats incredibly sexy.”
Lorcan snapped his teeth at her, as if it would ever be intimidating.
She pushed him back to his side of the couch and stretched out, her foot resting against his denim clad thigh. “There, your hair problems are solved.”
He gave her a look. “Man buns aren’t really my thing. Ashryver usually rocks this look.”
She looked at him and raised an eyebrow. With his hair swept off his face, she could see the strong definition of his jaw line, the warmth in his dark eyes, the rugged handsomeness that she tried so hard to ignore.
She picked her glass of wine up and said before taking another large drink, “You should wear them more often. They suit you.”
Something sparked in his eyes.
She held his gaze.
And took another drink, draining her glass.
She stood and made her way back into the kitchen, refilling her wine glass and taking a second to take a deep breath.
Lorcan has always affected her like this. He let his walls down with her, something he didn’t allow anyone else. He’d always flirted with her and they joked around, but there was always someone else to be a buffer between them. So rarely had it just been the two of them, uninterrupted, and never for such a long period of time.
She joined him on the couch once again, and he picked her feet up, placing them in his lap and rubbing the ankle that was always sore, his eyes trained on the tv and the movie before them.
He yawned, the aftermath of his alcohol consumption.
She drank deeply from her glass of wine, set it on the table and she watched him.
She watched his eyes follow the characters on the screen, watched the way his fingers moved along her bare feet. She watched the way his jaw hardened, watched the way his chest quickly rose and fell.
He was fully aware she was watching him.
It wasn’t until after she watched his lips twist into a smirk that she realized he’d been lulling her into a false sense of security.
His left hand wrapped around her foot while his right hand’s fingers attacked the bottom of her foot. She squealed, trying to jerk her foot from his grasp, but he held on too tightly. He tickled her and she erupted into a fight of laughter, giggling until she was nearly in tears and was begging him to stop.
But he did no such thing.
It wasn’t until she lunged herself at him and began smacking him that he stopped, only to grab her wrists.
She could see a brilliant gleam in his eyes.
Could smell the whiskey on his breath.
He did not take his hands off of her wrists. He only pulled her towards him.
She went willingly, until she was sitting across his lap. He transferred both of her wrists into one, and wrapped the other arm around her waist, holding her to him.
Their lips were so close, she could feel his breath fanning across her face. They had never been so close to each other, so close they could share breath. His eyes flicked down to her lips and her heart threatened to beat out of her chest.
“There’s wine on your lips,” he whispered.
Her tongue darted out, wetting her lips and tasting the wine.
He watched that movement, although her eyes never left his.
Elide’s cheeks burned when Lorcan said, “I want to taste.”
His voice was low, sultry.
Her voice was too high when she spoke, breathy. It also didn’t hold the teasing tone she tried for. Instead, she sounded terrified. “I thought I cut you off. No more wine.”
He leaned close, any closer and his lips would be on hers when he said, “I don’t give a damn about the wine.”
He took her bottom lip into his mouth and sucked, stroking it with his tongue.
Then he leaned back and grinned at her expression. He didn’t have a chance to say another word before her mouth was on his.
Her hands were in his hair, pulling him onto her, leaving no space in between them.
His hand had released her wrists and it now cupped the back of her head, as he ran his tongue along the seam of her lips, asking for entrance. She opened for her him and he groaned, deep and low in his chest, as his tongue brushed against hers.
He tasted like whiskey and Elide wanted nothing more than to get drunk on him.
Lorcan tugged at her hairband, pulling her long, dark hair loose.
In fell around her shoulders, brushing his arms.
He took a strand and twisted it around his finger before pressing his mouth to her neck, just below her jawbone.
“Lorcan,” she breathed and he growled, pulling her tighter against him. “No, no, Lorcan, stop.”
He immediately did as she wished, removing his lips from her skin, but not moving, not letting go of where her hair was wrapped around his hand.
“I need to know,” she said, her chest heaving with her breaths, “Is this only because you’re drunk? Is this- is this a one time thing?”
Something like hurt flashed in his eyes. “Do you truly think so little of me?”
“I think so little of your decision making when you’re drunk,” she leaned back, as if she was trying to move back to her spot, but Lorcan had been waiting for this opportunity since he’d met the dark haired beauty. She was much younger than the rest of his friends, but so mature beyond her years. His heart strained for her as she said, “I don’t want to be a drunk mistake, Lorcan.”
He took her face in both of his hands. “You could never be that. When I’m sober, I’m going to be right back in this spot, asking for this. If you want to wait until then…” he paused, trying to relax his body. “I will wait. I will wait until I’m sober, I will wait as long as you ask me to….but you are not and could never be a mistake.”
“I have wanted you for as long as I can remember,” she whispered. The wine was making her head spin and she was fairly sure that she wouldn’t have been saying this otherwise. His proximity and his hands on her back, her thighs, her ass, her body was clouding her thoughts even more thoroughly. “I don’t think I could handle the rejection if you changed your mind.”
He shook his head, brushing her hair back behind her ears. “I love you.”
The air left her lungs with a whoosh and she stared at him unable to process what he’d just told her. He laughed and pressed a kiss to her cheek.
“This is when I was hoping you’d say it back, but I understand if you-.”
She told him.
She told him through her kiss, her mouth hungrily finding his.
Lorcan was an ass, and he was cocky, and often pretended to be nothing more than an inconsiderate brute.
And he loved her.
And she loved him. She loved him so much she felt like her heart was going to burst.
When he laid her back on the couch and kissed down her neck, he paused and said, “I know that you’ve never…” He let his words trail off. “I need you to know I’m not asking for that, Elide. I’m asking for you. I’m asking to be deserving of your love.”
“I know,” she said, smiling, palm resting against his stubbled cheek. “I want to.”
He kissed her softly, slowly. He kissed her in such a way that she began to burn from the inside out and she squirmed beneath him. But he pulled back and ran a thumb across her cheekbone.
“I do, too,” he said, and pressed a kiss to her lips. “But not tonight, and not when some of us have been drinking.” He smirked and Elide scoffed, smacking his chest.
“I loathe you,” she mumbled.
He raised a dark brow. “Loathe me always, then, because I love the way you show it.”
Her smile softened as he kissed her forehead, then her nose, her lips, her chin.
“Will you say it?” He asked, voice soft as a whisper.
Elide brought her hand up and rested it against his cheek. “I love you, Lorcan Salvaterre.”
He brought his lips back to hers. “I love you too, Elide Lochan.”
She smiled. “What brought this on? I mean, not that I’m complaining, this just…came out of nowhere.” She laughed, but it was clear she was not making fun of him. She was curious.
“I couldn’t wait any longer,” he breathed, then smiled. “The liquid courage helped.”
Elide laughed, softly, beautifully.
The sound of Elide’s phone ringing from her bedroom caused them to jump apart. She ran up the stairs and grabbed her phone before looking at the caller ID. She answered and turned, making her way back downstairs. “Hello?”
“Eliiiiiide!” Aelin’s voice filled the receiver as she sat down next to Lorcan on the couch and as he put his arm around her, she saw him cringe slightly. “What are you doing?”
She looked at him and he shook his head, as if to say Don’t you dare.
“Just at home, watching a movie,” she replied coolly, glancing at the tv on the wall.
“Oh good!” She said, and the tone of her voice had Elide sitting up straighter. “We’re right down the road, we’ll be right there!”
Lorcan groaned before he could stop himself. Aelin was not his biggest fan, but she sure loved Elide. Lorcan imagined that Aelin would not approve of what was happening between the two of them.
Elide lowered the phone and looked at him. Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth and before she could stop it, laughter had torn out of her. He rolled his eyes, but tightened his arm around her and pressed a kiss to her forehead. “This should be fun.”
“Have you changed your definition of fun in the last two minutes?” Elide chuckled.
“Whitethorn is shit faced, Fenrys was barely able to string a sentence together when I left, and Bitch Queen is about to try to chew my ass for being here, alone with you.” He shook his head. “This is about to be a shit show.”
She leaned across his lap and kissed him, softly. “Does this mean you’re leaving?”
He shook his head. “I’m not going anywhere.”
Elide smiled. “Good.”
The doorbell rang and Elide went to stand, but Lorcan pulled her down and crashed his lips against hers. “Let me get it,” he breathed as he pulled away, smirking.
Lorcan stood and made his way down the hall to the door and Elide waited and listened.
It was when she heard the door opened and the conversation outside stopped that she knew it would a night to remember.
It was when Aelin exclaimed, “What in the rutting hell are you doing here?” at the same time Rowan said “Gods above, Lorcan,” that she knew it would be a night to never forget.
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julietstar · 4 years
Late Night Worries - KTH
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I’m tired of being what you want me to be - ‘Numb’ Linkin Park
The remnants of screams echoed in the empty and dim-lit room as Taehyung rewatched the concert cam. The energy seemed to pulse through his screen as he watched the twentieth fan cam he found on YouTube. He knew he shouldn’t have been making himself miserable, but to be honest, Taehyung knew he was past that period. He felt numb. After all, it was now three AM, and he was still watching concert videos. He didn’t care if he was rehashing the same concerts, just with different city names in the titles. The songs being sung getting muffled over all the loud bass and cheers.
The door cracked open, and a head of pink hair peeked through, squinting towards the figure hunched over their phone. Jimin looked over at his best friend, who was currently sniffling while watching videos. Moments prior, Jimin didn’t know why he had woken up. Grabbing his phone to check the time, only to temporarily blind himself. The phone was lighting up the room, causing a very frustrated grumble to come from Jin. Quickly clicking his phone back off, Jimin decided to leave the room and get some water from the kitchen, which leads him to see Tae’s room door with light coming from underneath.
Stumbling sleepily over to his friend, he glanced over to notice that Yoongi’s bed looked untouched, which probably meant he was still in the studio. Focusing back on Taehyung, he hit the edge of the bed, nearly falling over onto him. “Are you still awake? Tae, you should be asleep!” He whispered at the boy, causing the said boy to jump and fumble to hide his phone.
“I-I was just checking something.” Taehyung quickly tried to cover for his apparent panic, trying to place his phone under his pillow. Jimin instantly crawled onto the bed and snatched said phone before Taehyung could put it under the pillow.
“What were you looking at?” Jimin snickered at his best friend’s panic, immediately swatting the hands away from trying to get back the device.” Something sexy?”
“N-no, Minnie, give it back!” Taehyung tried to whisper but came out louder due to him panicking. He didn’t want Jimin to look at the video, feeling the crushing embarrassment start to rise in his chest. He nearly was ready to wrestle the boy as he watched Jimin speed type in his password. “What the hell? I changed it literally yesterday?! How’d you-“
“Tae, you’re my best friend, and we’re basically psychically connected. It wasn’t that hard to guess it’d be something along the lines of ‘YeontanIsTheBestestBoy’” Jimin joked as he opened the phone. At the same time, Taehyung paused his flailing in disbelief.
“No way you guessed that!”
“What? Are you saying I’m not smart?” Jimin looked over at the black-haired boy and raised an eyebrow. Only for Taehyung to copy the action. The silence stretched for a moment, and Jimin sighed, rolling his eyes. “Fine. Kookie saw you type it and told me you changed it…Dick.” Jimin swore softly at the end, which caused Taehyung to let out a quick laugh. “Now, what video were you watching?”
“Stop Ji-“
The loud sounds of the concert burst through the phone’s speakers once again, even with the low volume. The beginning sounds of Stigma played on the screen. Jimin was even more curious, exiting out of the full screen to see the YouTube title. “Tae, were you watching-“
“Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I was watching concert videos. It’s just that-“Taehyung started but trailed off, feeling his throat close up again. Jimin paused the video again and sat up to face Taehyung, noticing the tear tracks on his face.
“Oh Tae,” Jimin started, but seeing his expression, he decided to just hug him. Wrapping his arms around the boy, Jimin immediately felt his shoulder’s shake.
Taehyung didn’t know what happened, but he felt the numbness that had seemingly crept into him over the past weeks get ripped away. Only for the fear and sadness that had been underneath to overflow when Jimin hugged him. His sobs felt like they were punching through his rib cage. He tried to catch his breath, but it was like he was stuck in a pit. The shadows of the dimly lit room coming to grab at him, causing him to gasp out and feel as if his life was being sucked out.
“It’s okay, Tae. Let it out. You’re safe, don’t worry.” Jimin soothed, feeling himself get choked up at his friend’s emotional outburst. Everyone was so tense, and while they were busy with everything new coming, it truly felt that they weren’t even allowed to mourn what they lost. Everything put up in the air, and they were supposed to just forget it and move on. All that hard work and tireless months went in a flash of smoke.
“I - I just can’t stop thinking that this is it, y’know. That this is like… it. Every time I look online, it’s like the world is fucking ending and I just-I just feel so lost under the surface of this status. We’re put under this pressure, and I can’t stop thinking that I’ve failed everyone and myself and I-I can’t help anyone. It’s just- fuck Minnie, I just feel fucking numb to it. I’ve become so numb- become so tired to it, and I shouldn’t!” Taehyung choked out quickly, feeling his fears flood out his mouth at a speed even Yoongi would be impressed by. All that had been swirling in his head nonstop. The constant barrage of being told ‘Yes, well after this,’ becoming ‘We don’t know when-‘. All feeding into his fears of genuinely becoming a caged animal. He listened to Jimin continuously telling him to take deep breaths, to match his, and finally feel the panic attack die down.
“I know it’s been hard, but you shouldn’t keep this all in Tae. You have to talk about this,” Jimin pulled back, holding Taehyung’s shoulders. “If we all just keep those thoughts inside, we’ll believe them, but they’re all lies.”
“But how do you know that?” Taehyung urged, feeling that the thoughts were inescapable. He had been trying, listening to his members, reading comments and posts from ARMY helped, but the voice in his head made him question if he was worth it. He felt tired from fighting the urge to hiding under his blankets and forgetting everything in the world.
“Well, I know that because one: I’ll never leave you alone, and I know that the other’s will do the same. Just cause Yoongi complains about my optimism or Jin nagging about you not wanting to go anywhere doesn’t mean they wouldn’t drop anything for either of us. Two: ARMY has stayed with us for breaks longer than this and loves us so much that I sometimes worry I can’t even reciprocate. And like y’know I’m the best at giving love.” Jimin sniffed up, which made Taehyung giggle at his best friend’s attitude. Jimin seeing his smile, made his heart warm, using the sleeves of his sweater to wipe the tears that ran down Taehyung’s face and cupping his face. “See, even you see that it’s an insane amount. And… we’ll have to work more in the future, or Tannie will kill us since we’d be around him too much.” Which caused Taehyung to gasp at Jimin’s final statement.
“Excuse you, Tannie would never kill me. Maybe you since last time you nearly tripped him.”
“Tripped him? He ran underneath my feet!”
Both boys laughed, falling backwards on the bed at their ridiculous argument. After the laughter settled, Jimin looked over at Taehyung and saw him with a small smile on his face. It made him smile back up at the ceiling, reaching over and grabbed Taehyung’s hand. “See? Honestly, you ain’t getting rid of any of us that easy.” Jimin started with a matter-of-fact tone.
Taehyung glanced over at Jimin’s smug face. “I guess so.”
“Just think of this as the break between the concert and encore. We’re building antici-“
“Pation!” The boys both yelled, laughing at their stupid joke to only hear the door open and get an RJ flying at their faces.
“I swear to god if you two don’t shut up, the next thing I’m throwing in is the frying pan!” Jin shouted before slamming the door shut, causing another laughing fit amongst the two.
Taehyung grabbed the blanket and threw it over them, as Jimin tossed RJ over onto Yoongi’s bed.
“Night Tae-Tae.”
“Night Minnie…Thanks for checking on me.” Taehyung whispered, snuggling against Jimin.
“That’s what soulmates are for.” Jimin whispered back, both smiling as they fell asleep.
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firelinphd · 5 years
arthur x fem!reader | rubbing hands
arthur boyle x reader
female reader
Arthur comforts (Y/N) after she lost her mom, and they get more more close.
warning : angst, death, but it's only for the context after it's all cute and stuff sjsjsk
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(Y/N)'s dad had turned into an Infernal when she was 12. That's why she had decided to go to a firefighter high school, and to join the Fire Force after she would graduate. And now that she was 17 and that she had joined the 8th Company, she was trying to find the truth about Infernals to prevent other children to lose their parents, as soon as possible.
          ''We've got an emergency ; an Infernal has shown up.'' Takehisa said, rushing everyone. As soon as they arrived in front of the house, (Y/N) got frozen in place. ''(Y/N), let's go ! We can't let anyone behind or it's slowing the whole team !'' He said. ''What's wrong ?'' Maki asked, maybe a bit more comprehensive. (Y/N) finally managed to articulate some words : ''That's my house.''
The whole team stopped when they heard what she said. ''Do you... still want to come ?'' Obi asked. The girl nodded, and followed them. Arthur looked at her, concerned. Those two actually kinda liked each other, even if (Y/N) wasn't saying anything about it -but was clearly obvious- and Arthur wasn't trying much.
They entered in the house ; there was fire on the first floor, kinda everywhere, but when the Infernal saw (Y/N), she stopped throwing fire. She didn't move, didn't try to avoid the Fire Force, she simply looked at her daughter. Obi cleared his throat awkwardly. ''Sister Iris, you can start the prayer.''
              Hearing her friend's words when she started the prayer, (Y/N) couldn't stand it and started to cry. ''Okay, okay, I'm on it.'' Arthur said, hugging the girl immediately. She cried in his chest, not watching the scene of her mom being killed.
Arthur hugged her tightly, rubbing her back with one hand and holding the back of her head with the other one. She cried like that until her mom was gone. After that, she decided to woman up and stop crying ; she was a firefighter now ! She couldn't break down ! Still, Arthur wanted to hold her, help her ; but she didn't wait for him and directly rushed upstairs.
''... Uh ?'' Shinra did, looking in one of the rooms ; there were 5 cats. ''I knew she was conscious enough not to hurt them ! Oh my God, thank you !'' (Y/N) exclaimed. ''You have 5 cats ?'' Maki asked, while her friend held one. ''Yeah. This one is mine, though. All the others were my mom's.'' She answered.
Obi asked her if she wanted to take pictures or anything to take to her dorm ; but she only took 2 pictures, saying her grandparents were going to come to the house anyway when they'd heard about their daughter passing, and would want to see the pictures as well.
''But they won't take the cats with them forever.'' (Y/N) added. It actually didn't take long for the whole team to decide to take the cats with them when everything will be settled ; the girl already had everything those animals needed anyway.
However, once she was back at the firehouse, (Y/N) couldn't stop crying. She was able to stay strong in front of Infernals ; but this time, it was her mom, and she didn't have any parent left. Never she had thought of losing her mom just like she had lost her dad. And for a whole week, she cried about it ; the Company actually let her cry out in her room, even if she was yelling at them when they were trying to cheer her up.
After the funerals, she looked calmed down ; maybe she had cried so bad, tears weren't able to form anymore. ''(Y/N) ! It's a movie night, tonight ! Come with us ! Pleeeease ?'' Iris asked, smiling like she was trying to contaminate her friend with her smile. Curiously, it worked. (Y/N) smiled a bit, nodding. Arthur decided to wait for her when he heard that she had agreed, so he could talk to her ; he hadn't tried to since she wasn't in a good mood.
When she opened her room's door, he threw his sweater at her. ''What are you doing ?'' She asked. The blonde smiled. ''Put it on. I know you like the smell of it. And it's soooo warm.'' He said, like he was showing off about it. She chuckled a bit and put it on anyway ; she wasn't going to refuse a big and warm sweater, smelling like heaven.
        When they arrived in the common room, there were some blankets and mattresses on the floor, so everyone would be comfortable -Hibana had even joined them. (Y/N) sat next to Maki and Iris, but the girls, seeing Arthur staring at their friend, pushed her to him. She just sat next to the boy, who was a bit away from everyone else -surely he had planned to sit with her and didn't want anyone to bother them during the movie.
         Arthur threw a blanket on both of them, resting his hand on (Y/N)'s shoulder to cover her body -not that she minded the blonde being this close to her. Obi and Takehisa noticed those two, but the girl still mourning her mom, they didn't dare say anything. When Shinra arrived, he decided to sit with the girls -not that he really had a choice, since they forced him to sit there so he won't disturb (Y/N) and Arthur.
            ''Why are you still shivering ?'' The blonde asked the girl next to him. ''I don't know ? I'm not even that cold.'' Seeing that she had started to point a finger, Arthur stopped her. ''Don't make fire, you'll disturb everyone from the movie with the light. They'll be mad at us !'' He used a weird voice to say his last sentence, and that made (Y/N) chuckle. Indeed, the girl could create fire from her fingers.
          But noticing that she was cold, the blonde decided to pull her to his chest, sitting her between his legs. He wrapped the blanket around themselves, even though she had most of it. He didn't know where to rest his hands, but since she didn't say anything when he pulled her close to him, he decided that he could dare to hug her, resting his chin on the top of her head and hugging her collarbone and shoulders.
            The girl looked quite comfortable, so Arthur decided they could stay like that. When he heard some movement on his right, he turned to look at Iris, Maki and Shinra. Surely one of them had told a joke and the others were trying not to laugh. The blonde stared at Shinra, and that's how he remembered.
          When (Y/N) learnt that Shinra's mom and brother had passed just like her dad, when she joined the Company, she also learnt about his tic. ''Oh, I've got one too ! Since my dad died, my mom has been rubbing the top of my hands with her thumbs. Sometimes when I'm nervous, I do that to myself.'' Arthur didn't care about her back then, so he had actually forgotten about that tic of hers ; she wasn't nervous that often, actually.
          The blonde turned back to (Y/N). Then, he decided to slip her hands into his, so his palms were resting on top of her own hands ; his right hand holding hers, his left hand holding hers. Not wanting to make things weird -like it wasn't a bit, already- and ruin his chances, he moved them around, to make her look like she was dancing. She giggled, and that caught the attention of her friends.
          Indeed, they hadn't heard her giggle since that day they had to kill her mom. ''Stop ! Stop it, we're gonna bother everyone !'' She whispered, and that made Arthur smile at her. Still, he listened to her and stopped. However, if he stopped, it only was because he had an other idea in mind. He switch hands, so his arms were crossed ; his right hand holding the girl's left, and vice versa.
           (Y/N) raised an eyebrow in confusion, wondering what he was going to do now. But she obviously hadn't expected him to run his thumbs against her knuckles, softly. He knew she hadn't expected it, since she turned her head to stare at him, in confusion. He simply smiled at her, a genuine and loving smile.
        Seeing that he apparently knew what he was doing, the girl turned back, and got even closer to his chest ; almost melting into it. She was fully relaxed now. However, she wasn't saying anything. Indeed, (Y/N) was thinking about her mother ; never anybody else except her had ever rubbed her hands this way. Arthur also relaxed into the touch, completely hugging her, still running his thumbs against both her hands. Anyone who didn't know them would say those two were in a relationship.
            (Y/N) was getting sleepy, and she raised her gaze to meet the boy's eyes. He smiled at her, and bent to kiss her forehead -if he could get some more affection out of it, he would surely try. She chuckled a bit. ''Your hair tickled !'' She explained, when he gave her a confused look. That said, Arthur let go of her hands -earning a tiny whine coming out her mouth. He tied his hair like he was usually doing, and went back to his initial position.
             He started to rub her cheek with his right hand as well, still holding hers, the left hand still doing its job of replicating the girl's tic. (Y/N) didn't care about the movie anymore, and raised her gaze once again. This time, when the blonde kissed her forehead, it didn't tickle her. ''Thank you.'' She quietly said. That made Arthur frown. ''For what ?''
         She closed her eyes. ''Helping me.'' Arthur smiled, and never Iris and Maki had seen him give this loving smile to anyone. It was a real, bright smile, unlike those he was usually doing, those 'show off' smiles, those proud smiles. They both squealed, but quickly turned their gaze back to the screen, trying not to get caught. It's not like Arthur was hearing anything else than his thoughts.
         He didn't know what to do ; should he kiss her ? tell her his feelings, since she seemed to return them ? should he put her to bed as she seemed very tired and sleepy ? But it was too late ; she had fallen asleep already. Fortunately for the blonde, Obi looked at them, and noticed the girl sleeping. ''You know what ? She seems to really need you. You guys can sleep together for tonight, but don't disturb Shinra.'' He quietly told him.
            That said, Arthur tried not to wake (Y/N) up while carrying her to her room. She woke up when he put the blanket on top of her shoulders, after he had put her in her bed. She groaned a bit, wondering what was going on. ''You fell asleep, so I put you to bed. Captain Obi said I could stay with you for the night-'' He didn't have time to finish, since the girl had already replied : ''Stay.''
         She didn't have to tell him twice ; he was already going under the blanket with her, hugging her. It was practical that they had all put on their pyjamas before going to the common room ; imagine Arthur having to sleep in his usual outfit. He started to rub (Y/N)'s back with his right hand, his left hand starting to caress the girl's again. She sighed -like in relief- when he did so, and that made him chuckle.
           He kissed the top of her head. ''Where are all the cats ? I thought they were in your room.'' She chuckled, and replied with a sleepy and really cute voice. ''They're staying at my grandparents' house for the week until we put everything they need in here, remember ?'' He felt dumb, but nodded anyway.
              ''I really love you.'' The blonde said, out of the blue. He surely was very tired as well, because he hadn't planned that to slip. He didn't make any sound when he realized what he had just said ; he simply shot his eyes open. However, (Y/N) just hugged him tighter -as if it was possible. ''I do too.'' She said, her eyes still close, obviously half-asleep.
          ''How are you even able to breathe ? You have my big sweater on, your head is against my chest, and you have the blanket up to your ear !'' He said, chuckling. The girl giggled. ''I don't know, but I hope I'll stay alive for the night, I want to sleep with you again !'' And even though he really wanted to kiss her, Arthur didn't want to change her position -she seemed really comfortable and was almost asleep already, why bothering her ? That's why he only wished her a goodnight, caressing her back until he drifted to sleep as well.
           ''Do you think they're hooking up ?'' Hibana asked, making the girls jump -she had been so silent during the whole movie, they had actually forgotten about her. ''N-no ! They're just sleeping ! Arthur has been the only one able to make her crack a smile !'' Iris said. ''Yeah, I was watching them, too. But unlike me, you weren't that discreet.'' The woman answered.
           Maki wanted to argue a bit more, but Takehisa forced them to go to sleep by turning off the lights. And Shinra ? Well, he was actually glad that he didn't have to share his room with Arthur, even if it was only for one night.
okay that was much longer than usual but I needed the angst context and then the comfort and I mean I'm fucking in love with Arthur so if he needs 2000+ words instead of 1200 he's gonna have them.
sometimes I don't even know if Shinra really is my fav cause like a r t h u r
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