#I get that his dad is dead but will is truly just some guy???
flying-ham · 11 months
okay speaking as a ~child of divorce~ why the hell does wally call will “dad” after only knowing him for like max 3 years
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
What the hell happens in the pikmin game?? Those little colourful bitches have been around for ages, but i never bothered looking them up, i just figured they were cute little mascots of some game. But your posts are making me question everything. Is it a horror game? (I know i could just google it, but asking you is funnier)
Yeah you're right asking me is much funnier :)
Pikmin is a fun and relaxing game! You play as a little astronaut man who gets to spend his days growing Pikmin, who are sweet and peaceful little plant creatures with leaves, buds, or flowers on their heads. You can corral them around with a little trumpet, like a bouquet of flowers following you through the pretty and whimsical landscapes of planet PNF-404 :)
Wait did I say fun and relaxing?
Sorry, typo.
It's a brutal skill-based survival game (❁´◡`❁)
So then maybe you're wondering, what's up with the Pikmin? What was that about growing a bunch of little flower guys? Well growing the Pikmin is super important!
It's super duper important mainly because you need to replace the Pikmin who die in the carnage of battle for you!
Battle against what?
See on PNF-404, Pikmin are the bottom of the food chain. Just about every living breathing creature on this planet is orders of magnitude larger than the Pikmin and munch Pikmin by the hundreds for breakfast. Predators will do this instinctively. They will do this unprompted. They will do this while you're not looking. They will do this endlessly until every last Pikmin is dead.
So... what good are the Pikmin? What chance do they stand?
Really easy. Pikmin are the most violent creatures in the entire game 🥰🥰🥰.
How else do you survive when you're small and fragile other than incredible violence? Pikmin can exist out and about in swarms of up to 100. And the only way to survive predators as small little leaf creatures is to beat those predators to death with incredible mob violence before they can kill all of you.
Pikmin don't die like plants. They die like warriors.
And sometimes, this is the hardest mechanic to handle. Left to their own devices Pikmin will seek to shed blood. It's up to you to call them away from orchestrating their own demise, their own pursuit of the glory of Valhalla. It's in their nature. It's in their plant-blood.
And they go down hard. They shriek when snapped up in the jaws of predators. They glub and wail when drowning in water. They trill out screams when on fire. They choke and cough in poison. They die instantly to electricity. And you'll know a Pikmin is well and truly dead once it lets out a final whimper, and a ghost drifts away from where it once stood. This can happen by the dozens. This can happen to all 100 at once.
So wait, wait I've gotten far ahead of myself. Why the violence? Why the death? Why the fighting? What was that about a little astronaut man?
Well your astronaut man is Olimar, an honest and simple family man who's a freight ship captain from his home planet of Hocotate. He's a truck driver! He's just a guy taking his first vacation in years.
And a meteorite strikes his ship, tearing it to pieces as it crash-lands on a completely uncharted planet. Welcome to PNF-404...
And so you're Olimar. A truck driver. A nice dad. A victim of capitalism with the world's worst boss. Out on vacation.
Your ship is destroyed. No one is coming for you. No one will save you.
The oxygen on PNF-404 is poisonous.
You have 30 days before your life support system runs out.
You have 30 days until you die a brutal and lonely death.
Your only hope is to find every scattered missing piece of your ship--30 of them--strewn across the planet, return them to your ship, and repair it, before your 30 days are up.
But this is simply impossible. You're one tiny little man. You wouldn't be able to lift a single piece of your ship, let alone 30 of them, let alone doing so while fending off the wildlife hellbent on killing you.
But the Pikmin seem to like you...
So all that death? All the carnage and destruction? It's all in the effort to repair Olimar's ship before he suffocates. You pave a path of destruction decorated with the bodies of any creature that stands before you and your missing ship pieces.
The Pikmin do it. The Pikmin trust you. The Pikmin follow your command and die by your command. After all, you're growing their species. Oh did I forget to explain that part? The "how" of how growing Pikmin works?
Simple. Pikmin are grown from the corpses of the creatures they kill :).
If you kill something, the Pikmin take it back to their base and process it for pieces, and grow new Pikmin from it. That's how you get all the nice little flower creatures following you around. :)
Is it good enough? Can you sleep at night knowing that 50 creatures who trusted you implicitly were slaughtered under your misdirection? All to retrieve a hunk of metal which is 1/30 of the hope of getting you home alive? 100 slaughtered? 200? Day 30 is approaching. Things are looking bleak.
You're Olimar. Day 30 has arrived, and you haven't fully reconstructed your ship. You have no option to stay. Your life support has run out. You watch the Pikmin you've left behind, as you attempt to start up your ship which has not been safely repaired.
You try to take off, and try to make it home.
It does not go well.
But at least the Pikmin have another corpse to carry.
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lipglossanon · 6 months
Red Flags and Long Nights
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Real Dad!Leon S. Kennedy x daughter fem!reader (one shot)
hello hello 👋 this is the fic written for the milestone celebration poll winner (real dad taking accidental viagra); big big thanks to all of you who have gotten me here!! 💜 💜 I’m so thankful everyday that you guys choose to read/like/share/interact with my fics and just me in general! 🥰 so without further ado, I hope you enjoy this one shot!!!
WARNINGS: 18+ MDNI, INCEST, dead dove content, dad/daughter incest, groping, slight cnc, dirty talk, breast play, oral (m receiving), kissing, teasing, unprotected sex, creampie
not proofread 😅 some of it was written while sleepy so hopefully it makes sense haha
title from Red Flags and Long Nights from She Wants Revenge
<<prequel: Oh By Gosh, By Golly>>
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One day, your mom calls you up out of the blue wanting to talk about planning a family vacation this year. Somewhere with sandy beaches and clear blue water. Something over an extended weekend once everyone can take off work. She’s already talked it over with your dad and he’s agreeable as long as it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. 
As she talks, you pull open your calendar and look over your work schedule. Once you find a date that works, she promises to text you the details of the Air B&B she plans to book. You bid her goodbye and hang up the phone, quietly excited about a beach trip even if it is with your parents. 
You keep busy as you slowly count down the days; long graduated from college but still struggling to find work in your major, you’ve had to settle for any job opportunity that will pay the bills. Luckily enough, you were hired to work at the local post office. It’s not a glamorous job by any means, but you do get federal holidays off and your boss is pretty lenient with you. It’s a cinch to put in your PTO for the extended weekend you plan to spend with your parents. 
The morning you drive down to the beach house is pleasant; it’s early enough you miss out on a bunch of traffic which helps you save enough time to splurge a little and grab some coffee. Following the GPS, you get to the beach house in the afternoon with plenty of sunshine left to enjoy. Your parent’s car is already parked outside so you don’t have to worry about figuring out how to unlock the joint.
You grab your small suitcase and make your way into the lovely three story home. As you walk up the gravel sidewalk, you take in how secluded the area truly is and how lucky your mom was in getting such a nice place. You’re pretty sure it cost out the ass, but hey who’re you to deny such generosity?
The door swings open before you touch the handle and your mom pulls you into a hug. 
“Oh honey, I’m so happy you could make it!”
Breathing in the perfume embedded into your brain from childhood, you give her a quick squeeze back before pulling away. 
“Me too,” you smile, “this place is amazing!”
She laughs and moves further into the house, looking back as you follow along behind after closing the door. 
“A friend of a friend owns this place so it was pretty easy to get. Even your father can’t throw one of his little hissy fits about the cost,” she rolls her eyes and you breathe out a laugh. 
“Where is he?” You look around but only see the open kitchen leading off into the dining room. 
“Down at the beach,” she points to the sliding glass doors on the other side of the living room, “I told him I wanted to stay up here for when you arrived.”
You nod and smile at her again, “Thanks, I appreciate it. I’m gonna go put my stuff up and change then we can head down ourselves.”
She nods, “There’s a handful of bedrooms on the second and third floor. Your dad and I are staying in the master down here so you have your choice of rooms.”
“Nice, be back in a sec,” grabbing your luggage, you climb the stairs to scout out where you want to sleep. 
You pick a cute room on the third floor; it has a little balcony with a couple of chairs that gives you a fantastic view for miles around. You toss your clothes into the dresser and quickly change into your swimsuit. Grabbing a towel and some sunscreen, you slide on your sandals and make your way back downstairs. Your mom, wearing a big floppy hat, is already standing outside the sliding doors. 
You chatter with each other, just catching up on your day to day, while you both make your way down the little path that leads out onto the beach. As soon as your sandals hit the sand, you see a huge beach umbrella. 
“Glad to know he won’t burn,” your mom laughs, toeing off her own sandals to walk barefoot over to your dad. 
Following her lead, you take off your sandals and carry them over to the blanket underneath the shade of the umbrella. 
“‘Bout time,” a groggy baritone meets your ears. 
“Shush, Leon, it didn’t kill you to nap on the beach now did it?”
Your dad just mumbles a reply to your mom before raising up. He squints over at you, eyes heavy lidded from sleep as you set your stuff down. 
“The drive okay?”
You laugh and finally look over at him, “It was fine.”
His blue eyes sharpen as they read your expression before darting down to give you a once over. Your nipples tighten against your will and his gaze seems to linger there for a split second before flicking back up to your face. Plastering on a fake smile, you sit down and grab your sunscreen. 
“Want some help with that?” Your dad nods to the little bottle in your hands. 
You kinda hope the ground splits open to swallow you whole, but instead you just move over to where your dad is sitting up on the blanket, hand outstretched to grab the sunscreen. 
“Well while you two do that, I’m going to go take a dip,” your mom beams at you, completely leaving you alone to wallow in this newfound awkwardness. 
Keeping your back to your dad, you feel his broad calloused palms drag the slick lotion all over your back and shoulders, deftly massaging it in. For the last few years, there’s been a line of tension between you and Leon. An accidental kiss under the mistletoe where you both used too much tongue to be appropriate (any tongue isn’t appropriate but you’re blaming the alcohol everyone had been drinking).  
Since then, you’ve both watched the other. Glances too heated to be innocent, brushing against each other unnecessarily… and now with his sun warmed hands rubbing across your back, your brain empties as your body buzzes with arousal.
It’s why it takes a second for you to realize that your dad has moved on to rubbing in the sunblock across your ribs and over your clavicle. His hands come up and cup your breasts, stiff nipples showing through the fabric. 
“Gotta make sure to get everywhere,” his breath gusts past your ear as his hands slip under your top and massages the fat of your breasts. 
“Ohh,” you whimper quietly, cunt pulsing warmly in time with your heartbeat.  
He squeezes and rubs across your soft skin, fingers plucking at your stiff peaks until you moan brokenly. 
“Dad,” your breathy exaltation has him pinching and twisting your nipples before groping your breasts roughly in his hands. 
“‘M almost done,” he licks the shell of your ear and your thighs twitch, “you’ve got such nice tits, princess. Don’t want’em to burn.”
You press your hand over your mouth to muffle the whine you let slip. With one last harsh pinch to your nipples, he lets go, scooting back away from you. 
“Should be good to go,” he grins at your dazed look, “don’t keep your mom waiting.”
Shaking your head, you blink rapidly and slowly climb to your feet. As you pass by Leon, his hand reaches up and smacks your ass hard. 
“Be a good girl, okay?”
“Y-yeah, dad.”
You pad out to the ocean, waving to your mom as she looks for seashells in the shallow water. Wading out far enough for water to hit your chest, you finally let yourself sigh out loud. 
“What in the fuck?!”
You rub wet hands over your face as you gaze out onto the horizon. Flirting is one thing, but getting felt up by your dad is definitely crossing the line. You shiver, clit still throbbing as you reach down to press your palm against your cunt. Even as messed up as it may make you, you wish he would’ve slipped his hand down and fingered your pussy. 
The sun glaring off the water makes you squint even as you enjoy the scenery, trying your best to squish all the other thoughts and feelings you’ve had in the past half hour down into a little box you can open later. It works for a time, until the squinting becomes too much and the glare is driving sharp little needles into your brain. 
Leaving the water, you make your way over to your mom as she scoops up more shells with a net. 
“I’m gonna head in, got a bit of a headache,” you wince as the sun bounces off her watch into your eyes. 
“Let me walk with you,” she frowns, “you’re looking a little washed out.”
You nod and follow her back up to the beach blanket, eyes skirting over where your dad’s lounging reading a book. 
“We’re headed up to the house, do you need anything?”
Your mom grabs her bag and your stuff as your dad sets his book down onto his lap. He looks at you then back to his wife. 
“No, once I finish this, I’ll be heading up, too.”
She hums and takes you by the arm, helping guide you back to the house since the pain beats a tempo behind your eyes and makes your vision a little blurry. Once in the house, she helps you upstairs to your room. In doing so, she makes sure to stop in at the bathroom on the bottom floor to point out the migraine medicine in the cabinet.
Entering your room, she sits you down on your bed. She tucks you in and makes sure to close the blinds before walking back into the hallway. Turning, she gives you a concerned look.
“I’m going to head into town. It’s about an hour's drive from here so I won’t be back til later. If you need anything, call, okay?”
You hum in reply already drifting to sleep in hopes you’ll feel better once you crash for a few hours. The nap helps and by the time you come to, your headache is completely gone. Waking up is a chore however; it takes you a minute to realize where you are, eyelids sticking together, gummy with sleep. 
Raising up on your elbows, you reach over to the side table and grab your phone. Eyebrows pinching together, you blink sluggishly until you can read the time. It’s only late afternoon even if it feels like you’ve slept through the night. Climbing out of bed, you change before leaving your room with a plan on grabbing some water from the kitchen. 
It’s noticeably quiet as you finally step out on the bottom floor. Your mom must still be gone since you don’t see her shoes by the front door. 
You hear the muttered curse from the half open bathroom door that you’re walking past heading to the kitchen. 
“Everything okay?” 
You slowly press the door all the way open and your dad fumbles with a towel before placing it over his lap as he sits heavily down on the edge of the tub. 
“I thought you were out with your mother,” he bites out, tone sharp.
“No,” you frown, leaning against the doorjamb, “I had a headache and took a nap. Are you alright?”
He blows out a breath and scrubs a hand over his face. 
“I’m fine. What time did she say she’d be back?”
You shrug, “Couple of hours I think. I don’t really remember.”
“Goddamn it.”
“Should I call—“
“No,” Leon nearly shouts, “no, don’t. It’s not a big deal.”
“Dad, I can help I just need to know what’s wrong,” you step closer into the bathroom. 
He laughs without any humor, “Sure.”
You go to ask him why when your eyes catch on the bottle sitting by the sink. It’s similar to the migraine medicine you saw in the medicine cabinet earlier, the one your mom pointed out if the nap didn’t get rid of your headache. Who knew your dad needed help getting it up?
“Did you..?”
You trail off, feeling awkward and nervous and disgustingly turned on to think your dad’s dick is hard underneath that flimsy towel. 
“Yes,” he sounds tired, “I thought it was the other medicine.”
“Ohh,” you bite your lip, brain completely in the gutter as your eyes drift down to his lap, “I mean, I can still help.”
It seems insane but your dad’s not stopping you as you shuffle closer to stand between his legs. His blue eyes stay steady on yours as you kneel in the floor, knees digging into the soft rug in front of the tub. Leon tugs his briefs down and his cock slaps against his stomach, precum drooling from the head. He’s so hard, the foreskin has drawn back from the tip showcasing how red and swollen his cock has gotten from the medication. 
“Oh my god,” you breathe out, eyes greedily taking him in.
“Fuck, don’t look at it like that,” he groans, hands gripping the tub so tight his knuckles blanch.
“You’re just really big,” you press the dough of your thighs together, trying to put a little pressure on your throbbing clit, “you’ve got the fattest cock I’ve ever seen, dad.”
You watch as precum blurts from the tip to drip all down his length while he moans low in his throat. 
“Christ, you’ve got a filthy mouth,” his pupils are blown as he gazes down at you, “since you like how big my dick is, sweetheart, why don’t you show me, hmm?”
Your tongue licks up all the precum leaking down his dick before softly suckling on the head.
“Oh fuck, that’s it,” he grunts, “suck that cock.”
Moaning, you bob your head down, tongue tracing the thick vein you can feel on the side as you sink down inch by inch. Your dad pulls out to trace your lips with his drippy tip, smearing precum across your mouth like sticky gloss. You moan and press a kiss to his dick, tongue lapping at the crown until he’s rocking back into your mouth. Humming low in your throat makes his cock kick in your mouth, precum coating your tongue.
“Damn, so good,” he groans, hand smoothing across your jaw, cradling it as he pulls his cock out, “never get head from your mom anymore. Feels so good.”
More slick wets your panties as you mewl, throat clicking as you swallow around his thick length. You hungrily suck his cock, tongue circling his head before dipping into the slit to taste more of his precum.
“Like sucking me off, sweetheart?” he tosses the fringe away from his eyes while he rocks his hips, pushing himself deeper into your throat with smooth strokes until you gag heavily. 
“Love that, choke on it a bit more and I’ll be spilling down your slutty throat.”
Thick strands of saliva bridge between your mouth and his dick like shimmery spiderwebs as he slips out. You moan when he ruts his cock across your tongue. Leon groans and reaches down to tap his cock against your lips before feeding it back to you. Whining, you suck him deeper into your mouth, licking across the head before messily bobbing your head further down his thick length.  
“I'm about t’cum, swallow it all up, princess,” he thrusts a few more times before pulling out until the tip is sitting fat and heavy on your tongue. 
Leon grunts and moans as hot thick spurts of cum fill your mouth. Swallowing quickly, you try to keep his cum from spilling out around your lips, but it ends up leaving a sticky mess to drip down your chin in thick strands. 
You watch as he groans, stomach flexing while you suckle on the head of his dick, making sure to not miss any of his hot jizz as his balls empty into your mouth. After giving the tip of his dick a kiss, you pull back and wipe the spend from your face with the bottom of your shirt. 
Your cunt feels soaked, panties sticking to your pussy lips as you shakily stand onto your feet.
“Where do you think you’re going?” 
Your dad stands up beside you, cock still hard and leaking, making you whimper. Pulling his briefs back up, he leaves his shorts and shirt lying on the floor. He grabs you by the forearm and leads you out of the bathroom and all the way upstairs into your room.
“No surprises if your mom comes home early,” he informs you, pushing you further into your room followed by closing and locking your door. 
Heat radiates from your cunt, more slick dripping into the already soaked gusset of your panties. Leon shoves you back onto your bed before climbing on top of you, kissing you heatedly as he sinks down onto your body. You wrap your legs around his waist while you run your hands through his messy hair. You're so turned on you can’t think straight anymore. 
“Thatta girl,” he coos, pulling back to drop kisses across your neck, “can’t wait to feel your wet little pussy, baby.”
You whimper and pull him back up into another kiss. This time he licks into your mouth messily, spit dripping from the corners of your lips to slide down your jaw. You feel him grind his cock against you before pulling away. 
He sits back on his haunches and slips his briefs off, maneuvering until he can toss them into the floor. Next, he leans forward and grips the bands of your panties and shorts. You help him, shimmying to move your clothes down off of your legs. As he moves those into the floor, you slip your shirt off and let it too fall onto the pile of clothing. 
“God, love your tits,” he groans, shoving his face into your breasts, mouth licking and biting every inch of skin they come across. 
His mouth suctions around a nipple, tongue teasing the stiff bud as he tweaks the opposite one with his fingers. 
“Dad,” you moan, nails digging into his scalp.
“What?” He coos, “your dad can’t show his appreciation?”
A whine rasps from your throat and Leon laughs meanly before biting the swollen bud he was sucking. With a grunt, he moves across your sternum, leaving hot open mouthed kisses across your chest until he can suckle and tease the other nipple, fingers plucking and pinching at the now wet one. 
Your hips writhe, leaking cunt dragging against his stomach as his cock grinds against the cleft of your ass. 
“Gonna let daddy stuff your tight wet cunt?” He chuckles as your eyes flutter as he lathes your nipples with broad swipes of his tongue. 
“Yes,” you whisper, “wanna feel you split me open. You’re so big.”
Whining on the last word, you rock down, feeling his tip catch against your pussy lips and driving you crazy. 
He growls and sits back on his heels, taking his cock in hand to smack it against your clit. 
“So slutty,” his pupils swallow the blue of his eyes, “want daddy to stretch this little hole out? Show you how a real dick feels?”
Nodding along with his words, you suck your bottom lip into your mouth, teeth sinking into the plush skin.  
“Goddamn,” he mutters, spitting in his hand to slick his cock before pressing the head against your soaked heat. 
Using his thumb, he presses his cock down so the tip slides into your hole. Keeping it there, he rocks against your hips, sinking inch by inch into your pulsing cunt as his thumb keeps his cock steady. Pulling halfway out, he flexes his hips and thrusts forward faster than before. 
“Even your mom doesn’t let me go raw anymore,” he chuckles, bottoming out so fast you choke on air, “so this is a real treat, sweetheart.”
“Ohh god, dad,” you moan, voice high as he starts sliding his cock in and out of your pussy, rough thrusts that make your breasts bounce. 
You whine when he grinds against you, his pelvis rubbing over your swollen clit just right. His balls smack against your ass on every thrust, the loud plap plap plap of skin driving your arousal even higher. 
“Dad, fuck, s’too much,” you gasp out another whine, head feeling dizzy as your blood rushes, arousal making your pulse feel heavy in your throat. 
He groans and drops his weight down on you, bare skin sticking together from the sweat building between your bodies. Leon kisses across your neck, mouth grazing your skin with barely there nips that makes your pussy flutter around his cock. 
The thatch of hair at the base of Leon’s cock grazes your sensitive clit, sending little electric shocks of pleasure that brings tears to your eyes. You feel so good, you can’t stop the slutty noises from leaving your mouth. Rutting into your body, your dad’s fat cock grinds against the spongy spot along the front of your cunt. Slick gushes from your pussy as he hammers your g-spot so perfectly you can’t help but squeeze him tighter and tighter. 
“Princess,” he murmurs in your ear, “is this little pussy gonna cum? You’re so soft and wet— I can feel you tightening up around me. God so much tighter than your mom, can’t believe I’ve been missing out.”
His words push you over the edge. You babble out little chants of dad, dad, dad until a guttural moan spills from your throat, thighs jumping as your pussy clamps down on Leon’s dick like a vice.
Your low moaning twists into a scream as his hand sneaks down to rub and tease your clit. Instead of your orgasm tapering off, it ramps up, gaining speed until it hurtles you into cumming again. 
“Aww, she’s gripping me so tight,” Leon mocks sweetly in your ear, “yeah, that’s it, sweetheart.”
“Dad,” you whimper, tears clumping your eyelashes, “dad, please.”
A moan rumbles from his chest and he humps your cunt faster, cock never pulling completely out as he ruts inside your slick pussy walls. Half a dozen thrusts more and he’s growling down at you, pressing his cock balls deep into your cunt, thick cum spurting from the tip of his dick to stuff you full.  
“Oh so tight, baby,” he sighs, hips pressed against yours as he spills inside your snug little cunt, “your little pussy fits me like a glove.”
Shuddering, your walls milk another small load of cum from his heavy balls and he pants noisily against your clavicle. He presses up onto his forearms, hips swiveling to pull his cock halfway out before sinking it back inside, a mix of your creamy arousal and his spend making a ring around the base.
“Good, huh,” his laugh tinges on mocking, “don’t worry, ‘m not done with my daughter’s cute pussy, gonna keep you here for as long as it takes.”
After that, it’s all a pleasurable blur. You're unsure how many orgasms your dad has given you at this point, but you know he’s only had three and his cock is still so thick and hard. 
“Think this one will be it, princess,” he grunts, hoisting your limp thighs up, the bend of your knees slotting perfectly over the bend of his arms. 
You can only pant in reply, mouth as dry as cotton. He notches the head of his drooling dick at your entrance, dragging the tip up to smear the cum from his last creampie all over your used cunt. 
“One last load for your greedy little pussy,” he grins down at you, “then we can take a shower.”
He sinks his cock into your sore pussy at the same time he leans forward, pressing your sweaty bodies together. Your eyes roll back as the tip of his cock kisses your cervix, thighs shaking against his arms. 
“So deep,” he groans, “best cunt I’ve ever fucked and to think it belongs to my sweet daughter.”
Your pussy spasms and clenches down on his thick length as you cry out. Brain melting pleasure seeps down your spine as he pulls out to grind across your g-spot before fucking back into your cunt roughly. 
“S’good, dad,” you mewl, mouth drooling as he hammers his cock into your sensitive hole, “so good.”
“I know,” he croons, “I feel good, too. Not g’nna be able to give up this sweet little pussy. She grips me too good, baby, I’m gonna want her all the time.”
Another orgasm slams into your body, pussy pulsing and sucking his cock into your hole as your head thrashes against the bed. Leon’s hands grip your wrists to push them down against the bed so you don’t scratch him. 
“Fuck, milking your dad’s cock like you’re made for it,” he groans, humping into your pussy with deep strokes until you’re crying from overstimulation. 
“Shh, shh, just take it a little more, ‘m about to cum,” he licks into your mouth, biting on your bottom lip before pulling back, “that’s it, take it, take your dad’s dick deep into that hot, greedy little pussy.”  
Hiccuping a sob, your cunt steadily milks his cock as he buries himself all the way, as deep into your pussy as possible. He grunts against your skin as he grinds his dick against your cervix, spilling rope after rope of cum to paint your walls white. The sticky heat makes your clit throb even as your body aches, wanting to succumb to exhaustion. 
The distant question of how your mom isn’t back yet buzzes at the corner of your consciousness. You must slur it out loud cause Leon laughs as he pulls his softening cock from your puffy leaking cunt. 
“She texted you to say she got stuck in a traffic jam and the road’s blocked for a few hours,” he sighs as he slaps his cock down onto your messy pussy, a wet splat that makes you wince. 
“Dad, ‘m sore,” you pout.
“So sorry, baby,” he coos, a grin overtaking his face, “want me to kiss it and make it better?”
Chest fluttering at the thought, you go to agree when your phone buzzes with an incoming call. Leon grabs it to silence it but turns to look at you. 
“It’s your mom,” he chuckles, handing it over to you, “better see what she wants.”
Sliding it open, her voice rings out clear in the quiet of your room. 
“Hey honey, your dad didn’t answer but I wanted to say I’m about five minutes from the house if you wanted to preheat the oven for this frozen pizza I picked up,” she laughs to herself, “well, it was frozen.”
Your dad sits down on the edge of the bed, listening in to the conversation. 
“Okay, sure, we’ll see ya when you get here,” Leon nods at you, “bye, mom.”
After she says goodbye, you put the phone back on the side table. 
“Well we should get cleaned up,” Leon helps you stand on weak legs, “I’ll help you to the tub and I’ll head downstairs.”
“Thanks, dad,” you smile up at him and he drops a kiss on your cheek. 
“Of course,” he leads you out into the hallway, helping you inside the little bathroom next to your room. 
He sits you down onto the toilet, turning on the shower to allow it time to heat up. 
“Thanks,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss on your temple, “I know it’s all kinds of fucked up, but I still love you.”
Heart beating double time, you give him a crooked smile, “I love you too, dad.”
He presses his lips together, looking like he wants to say more, but he blows out a harsh breath and walks back out into the hall. 
“I’ll handle the oven and your mom, you just come downstairs when you’re ready.”
“I will,” you say as he swings the door shut. 
Sitting there with your thoughts, you let yourself feel. Satisfaction filters through followed by a smidgen of guilt and shame. You hate that your mom is an innocent party in all of this, but you don’t regret letting your dad fuck your brains out. And since this is a complete one off, it’s just a little family secret that you’ll both be taking to the grave. 
Once steam wafts from the shower, you stand up and step into the warm water. You whimper as the heat works on your sore muscles. By this time tomorrow, this will all seem like some really deranged fantasy you dreamt up. Finishing up in the shower, you dry off and make your way back to your room. Getting dressed, you descend downstairs, the smell of pizza growing stronger. 
“Oh there you are! Feeling better?” 
Your mom comes around the counter to feel your forehead. 
“Yeah, I just slept it off.”
She ushers you to sit down at the table and brings the pizza over, your dad following behind with the drinks. Your mom sits to your right and your dad sits across from you both. He catches your eye and winks, making you look down at your plate out of shyness. 
“Eat up, I’m sure you’re wore out from the hard day,” his mirthful tone draws your gaze back up. 
“Yeah,” you clear your throat and take a drink, “it’s been a hard day alright.”
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psychedelic-ink · 1 year
prompt: slasher au (still takes place in the tlou'verse) + sex in the woods or somewhere public (added bonus if it includes knife, blood, hunter x prey kink)
pairing: joel miller x f!reader
genre: explicit smut, minors dni, soft dark fic, horror, murder mystery
summary: bodies have been dropping left and right in the most brutal ways in jackson. as the relentless wave of deaths continues, your mind becomes increasingly restless. however, you find a sense of comfort and solace in the presence of joel. who might be hiding secrets of his own.
word count: 10k (i don't know what happened)
warnings: dubcon at the end, knife kink, descriptive canon typical violence, blood & mild gore, grief and death, an unpleasant guy hitting on you, murder, face-sitting, throat-fucking, mutual oral sex (69), dirty talk, possessive!joel, exhibitionism (tommy watches very briefly, he also kisses you in a platonic way), sex in the woods, piv, Joel is actually quite nice if you exclude the murders, mild breeding kink, size kink, little bit of blood kink
a/n: the owl mask joel wears in this to hide who he is is inspired by @softlyspector's post about the tawny owl mug joel uses in tlou part 2 which I still get sad if I think about it for too long 😭
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Bodies have been dropping dead all around you long before the outbreak. 
Maybe not in the everyone-you-know-is-getting-infected-and-killing-people type of way, but more so in a death-never-felt-like-a-stranger-to-you sort of way. Yet, you still don’t know how to deal with death. Your grief is as violent as a butterfly flapping its wings; the strength of it non-existent but you never know where, or when, it’ll cause a storm. 
First, it was your grade school teacher. You didn’t have a particularly strong bond with her but you did like her. You still remember how your friend's voice quaked as she gave you the news on a landline. You couldn’t believe it and had to accuse her of making a joke, even though you knew she would never joke about something like this. Then your dad took the phone from you and you just assumed your friend's mom did the same. The next week, when you went back to school and the funeral was now behind all the children in the classroom, the custodian cut the last tablecloth your teacher had used for her desk and gave a piece to each and every one of you. It was a vibrant orange cloth with daisies scattered around – ugly, but you still cherished it.
Then it was your pets, grandparents – there was also the time when your pet-crazed neighbor adopted another smaller dog while she still had two untrained, over-energized dogs, and the two twins ripped the other dog apart. You had seen the carnage. By some miracle, that small, fluffy dog named Sugar was still breathing, alive. You had held a blood bag over the dog's head, hoping that the small animal wouldn't die.
She didn’t die that day, but it sure as hell left a scar on you. 
As a kid, you never seemed to quite grasp the ways of grieving. You didn’t get angry. You didn’t cry. You just. . thought about it. However, the emotions came differently when you became an adult. Now when someone close to you died, you felt it more violently, oddly enough you still fought against the tears and only cried when you were alone. 
On Outbreak Day, you lost everything. 
Your family, your friends—your life, now it was all about survival, but survival towards what, you didn’t know. You killed for it, fought for it. Yet every move you made felt automatic like you were wired to at least try and survive — to wait it out and not be left behind when civilization rebuilt itself once more.
You made some friends along the way and lost some friends too. You locked their faces and their memories in your heart, only unlocking the box when you were truly and utterly alone. 
Then you found Jackson. 
And you met Joel and Tommy Miller.
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Your official title is scavenger but you much prefer to label yourself as an explorer instead. 
You’ve adapted to your quite well life at Jackson. You go beyond the borders, sometimes alone and sometimes with other fellow explorers, and gather supplies or try to pinpoint other locations threats might be lurking in. You’re about to go on another trip, this one shorter than your regular one to two-week expeditions, but before heading out you decide to stop by the only bakery in Jackson named The Last Crumb—previously named The Cordyceps Crumb but Maria decided it was in bad taste. You, on the other hand, had found it funny and topical. 
As you patiently wait in line, your camping bag waiting for you outside the bakery, someone bumps into you from behind, then never moves back. 
You turn with a raised eyebrow, not enjoying the close proximity, “Excuse you,” you snap. The man looks at you with a hint of mischief in his eyes, you roll your eyes when you recognize the face. “Move back a beat Tucker, I’m not in the mood this morning.” 
“Someone didn’t get her beauty sleep,” he grins but moves away regardless. “Want me to come with you this time? Sweet thing like you alone out there? It’s ain’t right.” 
“You can barely aim. Why would I want someone that’s most likely to get me killed around me?” 
“I think you’ll find my company to be plenty entertaining.” 
You’re about to gag when the bell of the bakery chimes, the sharp sound echoing through the wooden walls. Your face must've shown immense signs of relief because Tucker turns around to see who you're looking at. His instant frown makes you want to laugh and chuck him between the two men you’d describe as a wolf den. 
“Well, if it ain’t the Miller brothers,” Tucker tuts, attempting to give one of them a friendly pat on the shoulder. He stops midway when Joel’s gaze flits between you and him, his glare hard enough to cut diamonds. 
So he ends up slapping Tommy’s shoulder instead, which isn’t the best thing since you know the younger Miller hates Tucker. But among the brothers, he’s probably the one with less probability of getting your hand bitten off.
“Mornin’ Tucker,” Tommy answers, forcing a smile. 
Joel is less friendly, his words directed at you, “Is this dumbass botherin’ you again?” 
“I wouldn't exactly call a greeting among friends “botherin’,” Tucker says. “We’re just catchin’ up, no need to get your panties in a bunch Miller.” 
“God, you’re one word away from ruining my morning,” you hiss, glaring at the unpleasant man. “And we’re not friends.” 
His brows furrow, eyes going hard with an ugly snarl accompanying them, you feel braver when Tommy and Joel are around so you hold his gaze, not flinching away. 
Tommy is the one to ease the tension. He lays a hand on Tucker’s shoulder and squeezes, drawing the man’s attention away from you. “I’ll get you what you want a’right Tucker? It’s on me. Just go wait outside.” 
“Outside, Tuck,” Tommy repeats and you shudder at his tone. 
Tucker’s shoulders drop, defeated, “Fine, get me a raisin bagel.” 
He doesn’t wait for Tommy’s response and heads out the bakery. You finally release the breath you’ve been holding, your muscles relaxing along with the exhaled breath. Joel is by your side in the blink of an eye, his broad shoulder brushing yours providing comfort. 
“You sure you’re a’right?” he asks, gently curling fingers under your chin. “The prick didn’t do anythin’?” 
“Nah, nothing. He’s all bark but no bite. He asked if he wanted to join me today as if that buffoon wouldn’t get me killed.” you shrug, men being assholes was nothing new to you. You’re just glad that in Jackson it seems that there are more good apples than rotten ones.  “Too bad even paradise comes with drawbacks.” 
Joel snorts as Tommy cuts in, “Maria would be thrilled if she heard you calling it paradise.” 
“What are you smiling at? You think you can find anywhere better?” You playfully nudge Joel with your elbow. “You know there’s nothing but hell out there.” 
“I do, I just think callin’ here a paradise is a bit of a stretch is all.” 
The line moves and the three of you are finally at the counter, “You’re just a grump,” you tease Joel before turning your gaze to Poppy, the barista who knows everything about everyone. “Hey there, Poppy, the usual please.” 
“And a damn raisin bagel,” Tommy adds. 
“Well, isn’t it my favorite trio,” Poppy grins. “I’ll get all that ready for you in a second,” she locks her blue eyes on you and leans closer, you mimic her by instinct. “By the way have you heard of Ian? He wound up dead right outside the chopping block, an axe right through his chest.”  
You frown, “Good morning to you too, Poppy. Jesus Christ.” 
“I’ll confess I didn’t love the guy but isn’t it worrying that there’s a killer among us?” she murmurs while stuffing the goodies in paper bags. “Be careful out there.” 
“Well, if the culprit is here I think I might be safer out there,” you say and turn to Tommy. “Does Maria know?” 
“Of course, she does,” when you part your lips to say more, he lifts a finger and shoots you a crooked smile. “It’s confidential.” 
“Aw man, can’t you just tell us who she thinks it is?” Poppy asks, Tommy shakes his head and she lets out a dramatic sigh, “I miss my murder mystery books.” 
“I’ll try to find you something while I’m out,” you say, ignoring the way your heart began to race. Jackson is still a small town, it’s jarring to think someone might be out there, looking for their next target. “Though I think we could all do with a little less murder.” 
You hadn’t expected your voice to crack but your tone had betrayed you. Poppy extends you the bag of goods and a latte, as you reach out you feel Joel’s hand on your waist. His lips touch your ear. “Don’t worry about it, sweetheart. I’m sure whoever it is is only goin’ after those who deserve it.” 
You lock your eyes with him, blinking heavily at the weight of his words. His voice had dropped, nothing but gravel as he whispered the words into your ear. A cold sensation slithers down your spine, chilling you to your core and making your throat tighten. 
His hand never leaves your waist as the three of you head out, and after a while, that chill slowly dissolves into a pleasurable warmth. 
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You find solace in the woods. You love Jackson, but being in the woods away from everyone and everything makes you feel comforted. The first time you went scavenging, there was a slight fear in your movements; no matter how good your aim was, any kind of infected was difficult to kill.
But now you walk with ease. There isn’t an ounce of worry in your bones. The trees rustle happily and the smell of flowers and pine fills your nostrils. You can feel your lungs rejuvenating with every breath. Trickles of orange sunlight pour from the gaps of the trees. The sun sets, meaning you need to set up camp soon. 
While unpacking, you think of this morning. How Joel and Tommy stepped in when Tucker started bothering you. Honestly, you didn’t need their protection; Tucker is just one of those men who think they might have a shot if they bother you enough times. Still, it was nice to be claimed in a way, to be accepted into a family and cared for.
Your breath hitches slightly. Tommy, you see as a close friend, a brother perhaps, but Joel... Joel is another thing. Just thinking about him is enough to start a wildfire between your legs. You wish you were brave enough to do something about it, though. Whenever you two patrol together or stay awake late at night drinking, you always chicken out in the end. It doesn’t matter how his hands linger on your thighs or his eyes drop to your lips; you're just never convinced that the Joel Miller would be interested in you beyond a friend.
An unease starts to settle in the pit of your stomach. As the air grows colder with the approaching night, your skin prickles and you feel the phantom sensation of claws dragging down your back. You set the tent as quickly as you can, your eyes darting around the depths of the forest. Briefly, you bend over to adjust the ropes. 
A breath warm and damp ghosts the back of your neck and you jump, gun in hand as you turn around only to find—
And no one. 
Your heart is hammering in your chest, adrenaline pumping in your veins, a drop of sweat trickling down your forehead. You've never had a trigger finger, but you'd be lying if you said you didn't want to just shoot every shadow you see.
“Dammit Poppy,” you mutter, annoyed that she gave you the brutal knowledge of Ian’s death right before you were heading out. Guilt stings at your heart. Ian was an asshole for sure, and you don’t exactly feel bad that he’s gone, but still, it was an eerie thought that someone had murdered him so violently. It had to be personal. 
Some part of you wishes Joel was here, or even Tucker, just another human being to tell you you’re just seeing things. 
You take a deep inhale and follow it up with a long exhale. You’re fine. There’s no one here. 
You give your surroundings one last suspicious look before going back to setting the tent. 
No matter how hard you try you can’t shake the feeling of someone watching you amongst the shadows. 
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Joel hears crickets and owls. The night had always been his friend since the outbreak. He had become a violent man with an equally violent heart. He waits in the shadows, watching. Laughter and playful shouts echo from the bar, and soon the door swings open; the man he's been waiting for crawls out of the establishment, shit-faced. The drunk man shouts his farewells and staggers toward his home.
Joel follows, his mask heating up the skin that lays underneath. His fingers itch with the need to wring that asshole's neck. One by one, he had been cleaning Jackson for the better. His tendencies subdued while also doing some good. Ian was one of those people who deserved it and Joel had enjoyed the chase, the pleas, he especially enjoyed the way he tripped and cried right before he sunk the blade of the axe through Ian’s chest. 
Tucker trips, making Joel want to laugh. The idiot might not even realize he’s being hunted. Joel looks around, they are far enough for the chase to begin. Tucker continues to slip and fall as he attempts to get up. Taking the opportunity, Joel walks towards him with quick steps, making sure the first thing the asshole sees is his mask. 
Tucker notices him before he gets up, his hands bracing the ground, his eyes go wide, “What the fuck?” 
Joel only tilts his head. He sees the trembles rolling down the other man’s body, he relishes in his fear. 
“Look man, I don’t want any trouble, whoever the fuck you are so. . . scram.” 
Joel’s eyes dart to his hand on the dirt, without a second thought he lifts his foot and curb stomps Tucker’s hand. Then he kicks the side of his face, an audible crunch echoing before his scream could. The man whimpers and falls back in his attempt to crawl away. He holds his jaw, blood streaming down his broken nose. 
“Who the fuck are you?!”  
He steps closer and watches as Tucker’s eyes bug out. He’s too drunk to properly run away or even scream. Such an easy target. He grips the other’s hair and lifts him to his feet, he can feel the strands starting to rip from his scalp one by one, Tucker’s face twisting in pain. “Your worst fuckin’ nightmare,” Joel answers eerily calm. It doesn’t matter if Tucker recognizes him. He’d be dead soon enough anyway. 
“P-Please,” he begs, realizing the same thing. “I’ll do whatever you want promise. I don’t want to die.” 
Joel grunts, not dignifying his pleas with an answer. Lifting his other hand, his knuckles connect to Tucker’s face with a loud crunch, body flying to the ground headfirst. 
He pulls out his knife and drops down, ignoring the ache in his knees, he grabs Tucker’s arm and aligns the sharp blade against his wrist. Tucker notices, his face going pale as a ghost. “D-Don’t—” 
Joel doesn’t bat an eye as blood spurts violently over his clothes and the dirt. Drops of crimson seeping into the fabric. The knife cuts through the flesh like butter, severing hand from bone. His hand clamps over Tucker’s mouth. Joel smiles as his screams bounce off of the palm of his hand. 
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You come back to Jackson hand empty and earlier than intended. You were too much at unease, and being so jarred wasn’t the best while scavenging for supplies alone. During your trip, you did end up scribbling something for Poppy. It wasn’t finished but you hoped she would enjoy the first draft of the first chapter. It was mostly descriptions of what you felt, a cat-and-mouse game between two people who had bumped into each other accidentally. 
While heading into Jackson, you notice a crowd in the distance. You promptly get off your horse and walk with haste. You recognize Joel and Tommy easily, both brothers standing on each end of the crowd like gates keeping a herd of sheep in check. Ellie is standing right next to Joel, lifting herself on her toes to see; Joel is holding her back by gripping the cap of her hood.
“What’s going on?” you ask. 
Joel turns to you, his eyebrows raising when notices it’s you and not some random person he has to ignore, “You’re back,” he says. A statement rather than a question. 
“Yeah, wasn’t feeling that well,” you shrug him off. “So what happened?” 
His eyes turn to steel, his jaw locking in place. Before you can ask again, he gestures for you to move up the crowd with a tilt of his head.
“Lucky,” you hear Ellie murmur as you walk ahead, gently pushing those who were looking at the sight with concern. With every step you take, the murmur of the crowd fades into the background, becoming nothing more than white noise. Maria is addressing the crowd, you think, though you're not entirely sure. The scent of blood is thick in the air, disorienting you as you get closer.
Your eyes go wide, the earth slips from beneath you but your expression remains emotionless.  
It’s Tucker. 
You feel as if you’re standing alone. As if you’re the only one taking in the sight of absolute horror and gore. Tucker is lying in a pile of his own blood face first, his eyes are open and lifeless, his one hand is outstretched like he’s about to crawl away.
His right hand, however, is chopped off. 
It’s not even a clean-cut. The edges of his flesh are jagged and crooked, his blood-caked where his hand should be. Whoever did this cut it so it would hurt, so he would suffer tremendously. 
You can’t help but gasp, covering your mouth with your right hand. You begin to shake, confusion churning in your stomach as bile coats your tongue. He’s dead. Just like Ian. 
When Maria’s eyes find your own, she narrows her gaze, a small warning for you to keep it together. You can’t though. How could you? Tucker was alive and kicking a couple of days ago, just being his annoying self around Jackson. 
“Calm down,” you hear Joel mutter into your ear. You shiver at the brush of his lips. “It’s okay. You’re safe.” 
Safe. You want to laugh. You don’t even know what that word means anymore. 
Joel’s mouth moves over the shell of your ear, “He was a nuisance. Don’t feel bad now that he’s dead.” 
“I didn’t want him to die,” you hiss back. “And knowing there’s a serial killer out there doesn’t exactly make me feel safe.” 
Despite your half-angry tone, you find yourself leaning into Joel’s presence. Your shoulder presses into his broad chest, and without missing a beat he wraps his arms around your shaking frame. Relief comes in the form of warmth spreading along your chest, tingles forming at the tips of your fingers and toes. The voices of the crowd gradually come back but you only hear one of the many questions.
“What do you think the message means?” 
Confusion crosses your face, brows furrowing as you try to make sense of it. Joel makes a choked-out sound that could’ve easily been taken as an amused chuckle. 
Then your eyes drop to Tucker’s outstretched hand and his dying message written in blood. 
O W L 
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A week had passed since Tucker’s death. 
You've been thinking about both murders relentlessly, trying to piece together everything that you know so far. During this time, you're grateful for Poppy, who comes by almost every night to help you try to solve the case. That's been your sole focus for the past few weeks; you haven't been scavenging since you spooked yourself so badly that you returned early, only to find Tucker dead.
Some part of you thinks that the eeriness you felt that day was a sign of what was about to happen. It's also an odd coincidence that he ended up dead the same night he harassed you in the morning. However, there are no forensic investigators in Jackson, so it’s almost impossible to determine the exact time of death. That fact alone makes you anxious. It only means that whoever is killing everyone has nothing to worry about because even if they leave traces, who’s going to know?
In order to keep your nerves in check you end up writing a lot. You haven’t shown any of it to Poppy yet but you’re excited. You never thought writing a thriller would be the perfect way to escape the horrors of your actual life. At least in your stories, you have control. 
You also visit Joel and vice versa. 
Something had shifted the day he held you as you both gazed upon Tucker’s lifeless body. Maybe it was just you who felt bolder since death was once again right around the corner — or maybe Joel just felt more protective now, wanting to check on you as much as he could.
“You’re really writin’ a whole ass novel?” he asks, pouring you a glass of scotch. You still can’t get over the fact that it nearly tasted identical to the actual stuff. Jackson is truly a miracle; at least when bodies aren’t dropping left and write. 
Ellie’s at a sleepover, which means you and Joel have the whole house to yourselves. With everything going on you’d expect your libido to diminish a bit but it’s as strong as ever, ready to go. 
You smile as he places the glass in front of you, “Yeah,” you say, picking up the glass and heading toward the living room. “I couldn’t find Poppy anything to read and it helps me relax.” 
“Relax, how?” he asks, taking a seat next to you. The couch dips with his weight, and heat crawls up from your chest to your neck when his knee brushes against yours. 
“Well, it’s a horror thing. Horror slash mystery? I don’t know—whatever it is, it’s nice to have an outlet to escape what’s been happening lately.” 
“So to escape brutal murders you write more brutal murders?” 
You chuckle at the way his eyebrows raise, eyes going wide, “I don’t really focus that much on the gore. It’s more psychological, my sweet brute. Things don’t need to have blood to be scary.” 
His grin is wide and instant, dark eyes lighting up with amusement, “What did you just call me?” 
“I. . .” Your breath catches in your throat as you stare at him, suddenly realizing what you’d said. 
“What cat got your tongue?” he teases. Joel leans closer, fingers dancing along the curve of your shoulder. You can feel the gravel in his voice. “You just called me yours, sweetheart. Does that jog your memory?” 
“I also called you brute,” you quip back immediately, cheeks aflame. “It doesn’t mean anything.” 
“Don’t it?” his palm now presses fully into your shoulder, keeping you in place in case you might run. Joel tilts his head slightly, the plush of his lips only an inch away. “I like you callin’ me that,” the pink of his tongue swipes over his bottom lip. “Say it again.”  
“S-Say what?” 
A small chuckle parts his lips, oddly enough it almost feels like his patience is wearing thin. He comes closer, the tip of his nose brushing yours. “That I’m yours,” he clarifies. “Been waitin’ to hear those words come from your mouth since I met you.” 
“You’re mine,” you whisper against his lips, eyelids fluttering but not quite closing. With the confession, you feel the brush of Joel’s lips on yours. His tongue traces the seam of your mouth. You part for him with a moan, and taking the opportunity, he slides inside, tasting every inch of you. 
His lips taste and feel like the forests you wander off to; it soothes you, calms your nerves, and has the taste of home. They’re chapped from the sun, yet soft. You can’t have enough of him, if he’d offered, you’d gladly kiss him forever. 
Joel parts with a shaky breath, his chest heaving, “And you’re mine,” he groans, his eyes dark with arousal. It’s an involuntary action but your eyes drop to the front of his pants where you see the thick outline of his cock. 
Your mouth goes dry, yet you manage to speak anyway, “Are words all you’ve been waiting for?” It’s bold, you’re highly aware, but you can’t help it when he’s this close. His scent suffocating, pulling you to him like a moth to a flame. 
He stares at you silently. His thumb touches your bottom lip, slightly tugging it down. He’s not smiling anymore, only observing. 
“No,” Joel answers slowly. He leans towards your ears, the thick hairs above his lips tickling your skin. “I’ve also been waitin’ to feel that velvet tongue on my cock, honey. And to feel how tight your throat gets when you take every inch of me.” 
Joel blows a puff of air, it caresses your skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. He brings your hand to the front of his pants, dragging your palm up and down his length. You shudder. The heat of it seeps into your palm despite the thick fabric of his jeans, you lick your lips absentmindedly. “This is all for you sweetheart.” 
“Fuck, Joel. . .” your eyes roll back when he kisses your neck, open-mouthed kisses laid upon your skin like a gift. Your nipples tighten and if you look down right now, you know you’ll see them peeking through your shirt. 
He reads your thoughts, eyes moving down before meeting your gaze again. “Didn’t know you walked around without a bra, sunshine.” 
“I only go braless when I’m comfortable,” you answer. Joel cups your breasts roughly, kneading the flesh, he simultaneously sucks on your neck, teeth nipping the sensitive skin. “Oh god,” the fabric of your panties grows damp and you clench your thighs together. 
“Not god,” he says sharply, sinking his teeth into you. “Joel.” 
“Joel,” you moan and arch your back, filling more of yourself into his palm. You squeeze his cock, relishing in the way he makes a strangled sound. “I want to suck you off, Joel.” 
“Be my guest.” 
You push him until he’s lying on the couch. You’re about to unbutton his jeans but he stops you. 
“Turn around,” he says. 
His wide grin nearly stops your heart, “Want to taste that sweet pussy, sunshine. Strip down and take a seat.” 
“On—On your face?” 
“Where else?” 
You’re too embarrassed to speak, tongue suddenly too big in your mouth. Quickly, and a bit clumsily, you strip down and turn before straddling his chest. You don’t need to touch yourself to know that you’re soaked. 
You swallow, “I’ve never done this before.” 
His hands come up to cradle your hips, urging you to move back towards his face. You feel the blunt sting of his nails. 
“That’s alright,” he mutters. “I won’t let you fall if that’s what you’re worried about.” 
“I’m more worried about how I’m gonna move, or accidentally suffocating you.” 
“What a noble way it would be to go.” 
“Joel!” you laugh, playfully smacking his thigh. He answers by giving your hips another squeeze, you surrender and move back until you’re hovering over his face. Your hand planted firmly over his hip bones, you lower yourself. You shudder as his tongue licks a stripe between your folds. He moans into your cunt, pulling you flush against his face. 
Meanwhile, you finally unzip his pants and pull his cock out, the heft of it bumping against your nose and lips. You drip at the smell of him and swear he smiles as he sucks on your aching clit, short-circuiting your brain with arousal. His cock throbs in your palm, a drop of precome glistening at the tip. Your mouth watering, you lean forward and clean him off. Another groan echoes within his chest and he thrusts forward, the tip of his cock kissing your lips. 
Eyes fluttering closed, you suck on the bulbous head and force yourself to go down until he hits the back of your throat. You wrap a hand around the base, stroking where you can’t fit, and hallow your cheeks. 
“Come on, sunshine. You can take me,” he rasps. “You’re mine, aren’t you? That mouth is meant to take me.” 
Without waiting for an answer, Joel pushes his tongue inside, your walls clenching around the wet muscle—you let out a loud gasp and grind down, then you feel the sting of his palm against your ass, pain blossoming from where he smacked. 
Your throat rattles with a moan and Joel takes the opportunity to drive forward, your eyes go wide as you feel the length of him sliding down your throat, cutting the air from your lungs. 
“Oh, fuck—” he moans unabashedly, the sounds sending a pleasurable tingle down your spine despite the strain on your throat. “That’s it, sweetheart, just like that. Fuck, fuck—” 
Your throat tightens around him, your lungs starting to burn. His hand caresses both sides of your ass, the abrupt pain of the smack from before subduing, “Relax,” he says, swirling his tongue around your clit. “Breathe through your nose. Just a bit more. . .” 
Your nails bite into his thighs as you attempt to follow instructions. You relax your throat and slowly begin to breathe from your nose. It’s still difficult, but your lungs rejoice in the minimal amount of air that comes through. You make a mess of him. Saliva dripping from the corner of your mouth and down his length. 
“That’s it, that’s my girl,” he murmurs. “Gonna fuck that pretty throat now and make this pussy come, understood?” 
Eyes tearing up, you nod. From the way your stomach convulses, you know that you’re close, your skin tight over your trembling muscles. The nod is all that Joel needs from you. Holding you in place, he snaps his hips forward, burying himself completely down your throat while flicking his tongue against your clit. You scream around him, eyes rolling back as he continues to devour you and take you apart at the same time. He licks you with fat strokes of his tongue, a hint of teeth scraping your folds here and there as he fucks your throat with shallow thrusts. 
You’re limp against his broad body, allowing him to use you as he pleases while all you can do is hang on for the ride. Pleasure licks the base of your spine, a searing heat caressing your skin while Joel continues to build you up only for you to fall spectacularly. Your lips start to ache, your throat squeezing around him whenever he snaps his hips forward— 
And all hell finally breaks loose. 
You come undone with a devastating cry only for it to be muffled by his cock going down your throat. You gush around his tongue, soaking his facial hair and mouth, Joel is underrated, licking and sucking until you’re shaking above him, every bit of tension draining from your body. 
Joel comes shortly after, his hand slides from your waist and he manages to reach out in order to hold your head down. You don’t have a choice but to swallow as he spills down your throat, thick spurts of come going down while he shudders and pushes even deeper. 
There’s so much of it, cock twitching and throbbing in your mouth until your mouth sucks him dry. You’re lightheaded from the lack of air; you find that it adds to the pleasure that’s buzzing in your veins, your cunt still pulsing with the heft of him still buried in your lips. 
He pulls out with a satisfied groan and you manage to scoot down so you’re straddling his chest instead of head. Joel caresses your back, the gentle repeated motion sending tingles down your spine. 
“That’s was fuckin’ amazin’,” he says, voice hoarse. “Are you okay?”
“Y-Yeah,” you answer sounding meek. “I think I need some water though.” 
You get off, legs still shaking, but he grabs your hand, halting your movement. “Let me get it for you,” he says, sitting up. 
“I’m already up,” you smile as his brows furrow with worry, the expression warming your heart. You quickly bend down to kiss him and he’s quick to lick himself into your mouth, tasting himself on your tongue. “I’ll be right back.” 
You have no idea how you’re standing while feeling like jello but you manage to get yourself all the way to the fridge. You smile at the coolness touching your warmed skin when you open the door. Scanning the interior, you thoughtlessly rub at your throat in an attempt to soothe the ache a little. You grab the pitcher of cold water and notice a bit of apple pie left over. 
“Hey, Joel?” you call out. He hums in acknowledgment. “Can I have a slice of pie?” 
His humored chuckle follows through, “You can eat the whole damn thing after what you’ve done,” you smile and take the desert out. “Can you bring me a slice too?” he adds. 
You smile and place the pie on the counter. The leftover is already two slices give or take so you decide to just take two forks with you instead of dirting a plate. Looking through the drawers, you try to remember which one is the cutlery drawer. 
On your second try you find something else. 
Something that makes your eyes go wide and heart throb painfully. 
Your hands shaking, you pick up the owl mask from the drawer. The surface is smooth, and the color of it a light shade of brown just like a tawny owl. All the pleasant tingles fade away, the buzz of pleasure in your veins replaced by fear and adrenaline. 
Heading back to the living room, you show the mask to Joel. 
“What’s this?” you ask, your voice betraying your sudden outburst of fear. 
Joel looks up, eyes flitting between you and the owl mask. He raises a brow, his confusion evident across his face. “It’s a mask, sweetheart.” 
“No no, I know it’s a mask,” you answer, breathless. “But why do you have it?” 
“It’s Ellie’s,” he stands up, his pants still unbuttoned but pulled up. You fight the urge to step away, fight the urge to flinch when he touches your cheek. “They were makin’ Halloween masks last year in school. I didn’t even realize we still had it.” 
“Really?” you ask and he nods. 
“Really,” Joel claims your lips in a chaste kiss, thumb stroking lines up and down your cheek. His hand slithers down your arm to your wrist and when he squeezes, you drop the mask. “Why?” he breathes into you. “Is this about the damn thing Tucker wrote down?” 
You remain silent and he pulls away, dark eyes boring into yours. 
“You need to relax, sweetheart,” he mumbles. “Why don’t you just allow yourself to enjoy this? You deserve to be happy.” 
Your eyes widen with surprise, his words crashing into you, “I. . . Do I do that? Really?” 
“It’s normal, darlin’,” he answers. “I’m pretty sure we all have survivor’s guilt.” 
You let out a shaky exhale. He’s right. You were just feeling guilty of being alive when so many had died. Joel smiles back and traces the curve of yours with his fingers. “There’s that smile that I adore,” he guides you towards the kitchen. “Now let’s go eat some pie.” 
No matter what though, you can’t help but turn back to look at the owl mask one last time as it lays lifelessly on the floor. 
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“So, tell me about this book you’re writin’?” 
You let out a low laugh, “I already told you about it. What more do you wanna know?” 
You stare at Joel’s back as he takes the lead, he’d decided to join you in your explorations ever since you told him how nervous you had gotten the last time. You had appreciated the gesture but still felt a tad anxious around him ever since you found that damn owl mask— 
A branch snaps into two under your steps and he turns, extending his hand to you. With a smile you allow him to lace his fingers within yours, your stomach jumping a little as he tugs you close so the two of you are walking side by side instead. 
“If memory serves me right we got distracted when you told me about it,” he says with that southern drawl of his. “So tell me again what it’s about.” 
“Okay okay,” you smile, squeezing his hand twice. “It’s all a big mess now but the premise is that there’s this guy obsessed with this woman and he stalks her and no matter what she does, she always feels like there’s someone watching.” 
Joel looks ahead, “Sounds familiar. Isn’t that how you felt last time you were out here?” 
“Yeah, and it’s when I started writing it.” 
“So do these two people know each other?” his tone drops, his fingers suddenly feeling like barbed wire within your hand. You swallow. “I mean in their regular lives, does the woman know that he’s the one stalkin’ her?” 
You roll your shoulders, a weak attempt to shrug off the eeriness that you feel. 
“Exactly. I think that just makes the whole thing creepier. He’s just a normal guy, even a friend, but he’s also the one among the shadows.” 
“Interestin’,” he murmurs. “You think that’s happenin’ to you?” 
“I don’t think there’s someone stalking me, if that’s what you’re asking,” you utter every word hastily, your pulse quickening under your skin. 
His lips curl in a half smile, “That’s good,” he says. “Wouldn’t want you to be laying awake thinking about what might lingerin’ on the other side of the window.” 
“I think I’m more likely to stay awake thinking about infected,” you say with a soft laugh. “But yeah, it’s all fiction. That day I probably just got scared because of what Poppy said about Ian.” 
“Probably,” Joel trails off, his steps slowing. “How do you think it’s gonna end?” 
He stops and so does your heart. At least you think it does. 
Joel faces you fully, his presence towering, he grips your shoulders and pushes you back until the air is knocked from your lungs by a tree right behind you. Your eyes go wide. He leans in, breath tickling your lips. 
“How do you think your book is gonna end, sweetheart?” he asks again, eyes gleaming with something dark. “Is the guy gonna get the girl?” 
“I—I don’t know.” 
All you can think about is the owl mask and how it would perfectly fit his face. He cocks his head and taking a step closer, he slips a leg between your thighs. Slick gathers at your underwear—he feels the fabric dampening on his leg and grins. 
“Fear turns you on doesn’t it?” he purrs. “Wicked thing.” 
Relief drowns your senses. So that’s why he got all weird suddenly, he’s just teasing you. With a laugh, your head falls back against the tree trunk, “Jesus Joel, you scared the shit out of me.” 
“It ain’t my fault,” he says, nipping at your chin. “You’re easy to scare.” 
“Well, two brutal unsolvable murders will do that to a girl.” 
Joel lets go and pulls away, smiling as he shakes his head, “What’s it gonna take for you to believe I had nothin’ to do with those? Even in death, Tucker causes nothin’ but fuckin’ trouble for me.” 
“You don’t need to do anything, I’m sorry,” you pull him back, relishing in the way his strong arms wrap around your frame. “I’ll stop being such a chicken, promise. I’m still a bit jittery that’s all.” 
“I forgive you,” he says against your lips, kissing you quickly before pulling you away from the thick trunk of the tree. “Now let’s find a place to settle down for the night.” 
When you two return to Jackson three days later, the first thing you notice is the crowd. Your stomach drops at the familiar sight and instinctively you reach out to Joel, lacing your fingers together. He squeezes your hand two times. 
The last thing you should be feeling is relief that now it’s not possible for Joel to be the one killing all those people but alas, that’s all you feel. Relief and love. 
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The trade fair sprawls before you. Stalls with makeshift awnings, tattered banners, and worn tarps create a patchwork quilt of colors, beneath which a diverse array of goods is proudly displayed. The air is thick with the scent of freshly baked bread, the tang of cured leather, and the earthy aroma of herbs. Laughter, chatter, and the occasional clinking of metal form a lively symphony, a chorus of life that drowns out the ever-present background hum of death and infection.
You’ve always enjoyed the time of the trade fair. People move like busy ants, weaving between the stalls. Children, their cheeks dusted with earth, dart through the crowd, their carefree laughter that should be comforting doing the opposite. Since Tina’s death— she was one of the council members— you had been sleeping at Joel’s. Neither he nor Ellie seemed to mind you staying there. 
The purpose of the fair is to exchange goods – to exchange, to connect, to share stories of survival.
Your eyes scan the crowd for Joel's familiar silhouette. He and Ellie had headed out before you since you wanted a change of clothes. Just as your gaze begins to falter, a voice reaches your ears. "Hey!" It's Poppy, she waves you over.
You navigate your way through the bustling stalls until you stand before Poppy. She's leaning against a rough-hewn post, a glint of excitement in her eyes. 
“Hey, Poppy,” you greet her with a smile. “I’m looking for Joel, or Ellie, have you seen either of them?”
“Well, Ellie is with Dina, hanging out,” She points to the forest that skirts the settlement. "I saw him heading that way not too long ago."
“Alright, thanks. I’ll see you later then,” Waving her off, you head after Joel. 
The trees are a bit more scarce here, there’s more room between them. The forest opens up, revealing a sprawling expanse that stretches as far as the eye can see. It's a stark contrast to the dense woods you often travel to, where the trees stand like guardians, their branches interlocking in a tapestry of shadow and light. Here, the gaps between the trees create pockets of sunlight that dapple the forest floor. 
However, the expanses between trees can be deceiving, and without the markers and familiarity of the well-trodden paths closer to home, it's easy to lose your way. 
For some reason instead of calling out for Joel, you decide to wander aimlessly. You’re not sure why. You don’t come to this side of Jackson often enough to feel comfortable with your surroundings and shouting his name would definitely be easier than walking without aim. 
Soon enough you hear faint murmuring beckoning you deeper into the forest. 
Survival instincts kicking in, you slow down your steps, making sure to step onto clear dirt instead of gravel or fallen branches. Hiding behind a rather large tree trunk, you stare ahead. In the distance, you see two men: one with his back against the tree, while the other holds him by the neck, the sharp blade of his knife catching the sunlight and reflecting it directly into your eyes.
You hold your breath and your eyes go wide. You hear the thrum of your heart. It’s the killer. It has to be. 
You can’t quite hear them but you can decipher the tone of begging for one's life. The man holding the knife tilts his head slightly, your mouth waters at the prospect of finally seeing the murderer's face—
It’s the mask. 
The same mask you found in Joel’s home in the shape of an owl. Your stomach churns violently, bile raising to your throat as you watch on. You rub at your eyes, take deep breaths—anything you can think of that would erase the image before you. 
Goosebumps raising across your skin, you shake your head. It can’t be Joel. He was with you the day Tina died and no matter how competent he was not even he could be at two places at once. 
A muffled scream echoes within the forest and your eyes snap to the two men, the owl had driven his knife into the flesh and bone. He pulls it out, and the body falls. You recognize who it is; Jacob. You heard his name a couple of days ago from Ellie, he was bothering both her and Dina because they were hanging out. 
He’s still alive when the killer stomps his head in, blood splattering across the leys. 
You’re frozen in place. Your throat dry and tongue motionless. The killer kicks Jacob one last time for good measure and finally stops. You observe the way his shoulders drop as if a great weight had been lifted off of them, then he looks up into the sky, the golden sun highlighting his mask. 
Very slowly, he lifts his hand and takes it off. 
Every feeling comes rushing back, too fast and too soon. Your tongue is alive again and so is your body, the world is suddenly vibrant with life and horror. The sun continues to caress the countenance of the unmasked killer’s face, his sunkissed skin the perfect canvas to soak up the light. 
You take a step back, every thought of precaution dropping from your mind. The forest starts to spin. It spins and spins and spins until the ground slips from beneath your feet. You catch yourself at the very last second. 
When you look up you see his gaze staring directly into yours. 
“Fuck,” you hiss out, quickly staggering up. The last thing you see before you start running is his extended hand as he tries to reach out for you. 
You don’t. You do the exact opposite of that. You run. You run for your life and those in Jackson at the fair. 
You run with memories loud in your mind. How Joel had listened to you, comforted you, fucked you—
Tears sting your eyes. Every part of this feels like a nightmare that you hope to wake up from anytime soon. But as the wind hits your skin, you know that every part of this is very much real. Your chest burns from how fast you’re going, your legs starting to falter underneath you. 
Before you can react, an unexpected force slams into you. The impact sends shockwaves through your body as you collide with something—or is it someone?—their presence as jarring as the jolt itself. Your momentum falters, and for a fleeting moment, time seems to slow as you stumble, desperately trying to regain your balance.
Two arms grab at you and without even seeing who it is, you start to push the person away, fighting against it like a wild animal. 
“Let go of me! Let go of me!” 
“Hey hey hey,” you hear a familiar voice repeat. “It’s me, you’re okay,” you’re shaking all around, only when you feel his hands cradle your cheeks do you open your eyes. He smiles when he sees your eyes flicker in recognition. 
“Tommy?” you whisper. He nods and without a thought you jump him, wrapping your arms around his neck and tugging him close. His arms coil around you in response, promising to not let go. “Oh, thank fuck it’s you.” 
“What happened? Are you alright?” 
“I—I am okay but—Joel—It’s Joel, Tommy he’s been the one behind all those murders. We need to warn everyone, we need to tell Maria!” 
You grab his arm and tug him along toward what you assume is the right way out of the forest. He remains still. Turning around, you shoot him a confused glance. 'Tommy, we need to tell people.'
“Can’t let you do that sugar, sorry.” 
“Why. . . Why not?” you let go and slowly step back, heart pounding. “Is it because he’s your brother?” 
You wish that was his excuse. Some moral obligation towards Joel because he’s his brother, that you can relate to. Your heart still pounds for Joel and in your brain, you’re still desperately seeking an explanation. 
But Tommy allows the silence to linger, your fear and worry quickly turning into anger. 
“Fine, I’ll tell them. It’s wrong.” 
It only takes a blink of an eye; you feel Tommy’s iron grip around your wrist, yanking you back into his chest. He holds you. Oddly tender for someone who had made your arm nearly fall out of its socket. You thrash within his arms, pulling and hitting his chest. 
“We’re doing good,” he grunts. “You gotta see that.” 
You refuse to listen, your ear narrowing on the sound of your own blood rush instead of his words. By some miracle, you manage to slip your arm out and punch him square in the chin. It was a weak punch but strong enough to startle Tommy. 
“Fuckin’ hell, sweetheart, calm the fuck down—” he tucks your arm back against your body and turns you around so your back is flush against his chest. You’re breathing raggedly, chest rising with every deep gulp of air. His lips touch your ear, his tone menacing, “I really wish you would’ve not done that.” 
“Why?” you gasp. “You’re gonna kill me too?” 
Silence follows, and with every passing moment sweat beads on your forehead, “It was you wasn’t it?” you continue. “You killed Tina. Joel only came along with me to calm my suspicions.” 
Before Tommy can confirm your suspicions, you notice movement within the forest and your eyes are immediately drawn to the shadow coming forth.  
“Smart girl,” Joel remarks with a half smile as he emerges from between the trees. There’s a splatter of red over his shirt but the knife seems to be tucked away. For now. “But you’re only half right, darlin’. I came along because I like spendin’ time with you.” 
“Is that supposed to make me ignore the fact that Jacob’s body isn’t even cold yet?” 
Joel curls two fingers under your chin, lifting your gaze while Tommy continues to hold you back. You shudder against him, a soft sound parts the younger Miller’s lips. 
“He was a piece of shit,” Joel grunts. “He was botherin’ Ellie, callin’ her names, he deserved what he was gettin’.” 
“So what, you guys are just playing hero? Killing everyone who’s causing trouble in town? There’s a system for that.” 
“Honey,” he tuts, an involuntary warmth spreading within your abdomen. “The system didn’t work before the outbreak, it ain’t gonna work now either.” 
“We protect our own,” Tommy says from behind you, breath fanning your neck. “We take care of it before it escalates. You have to understand that.” 
“And why the hell would I understand?” you hiss, looking directly into Joel’s eyes while addressing Tommy. 
Joel smiles, his lips curling slowly, “Because you’re one of us. And you like it when we protect.” 
Your lips part with an exhale. He’s right, not that you still agree with them killing people, but you had enjoyed that primal protection coming from the Millers. It made you feel powerful, loved, cared for. All the things you craved deeply. 
You ignore Joel and his words entirely, averting your eyes with embarrassment and shame. 
“I just don’t understand why you did it, Tommy” you murmur. Tommy tenses behind you, his arms tightening around your frame, drawing the remaining oxygen from your lungs. “I understand the other’s to an extent but Tina didn’t do anything wrong.” 
Joel looks towards Tommy, it was his kill after all and the older Miller had nothing to say about it. 
“She was wrecking what Maria is tryin’ so hard to build,” he answers. “She’s pregnant, stress ain’t good for her or the baby.” 
“Does. . . Does Maria—” 
Tommy cuts you off, “No.” 
Joel leans closer, mouth an inch away from yours as he parts his lips. “I killed for you,” You hate the way your body reacts to him, wanting to close the distance between you two despite how unsettled you feel. “Ian was a piece of shit, so was Tucker and Jacob. They don’t deserve your empathy, honey. And you can’t deny that you’re glad they’re gone.” 
His hair is a delightful mess. Soft locks going in every direction. All you want to do is thread your fingers within and forget about all of this. Joel’s gaze is observant, dark eyes darting all over your face. You don’t know what he sees but whatever it is, he nods to Tommy for him to let you go and he does. Legs lifeless and shaking, he catches you, his warmth welcoming. He’s still tender with you. Hands delicate as they move over your arms, shifting you so you'll be facing Tommy.
Joel’s hand curls around your neck and holds your chin so you can’t look away. You can’t read Tommy’s expression. You’re not sure what he’s feeling. However, you think he looks almost relieved that you’re not fighting anymore. 
You shudder as Joel drags his lips down your neck, taking deep breaths of your fear-induced scent. His hands slip under your shirt and cup both breaths, making you squeal. Your objection is short-lived when he brushes his thumbs over both nipples, awakening them with slow strokes. 
Tommy’s gaze drops to your chest. 
“He’s been watching you, you know,” Joel says. “When I had things to settle in town it was him who looked after you,” his voice drops, eyes observing his brother. “I think he deserves a bit of a show, don’t you think?” 
The whimper you let out is enough for Tommy to meet your gaze curiously. Joel smiles into your skin and your eyes widen as he pulls out a knife—a different one from the one he used on Jacob, you realize with relief. 
Your breath hitches as he slides the knife under your shirt and cuts your shirt clean from the middle, exposing you completely to his younger brother’s eyes. Sudden arousal pools between your legs and you clamp them together suddenly, the movement not unnoticed by either of them. 
“You like it when my brother watches?” he asks loud enough for Tommy to hear. “You got a little crush on him too, sweetheart, hmm? Don’t worry, he’s always goin’ to be lookin’ out for you. That’s what family does after all.” 
Your neck strains as Joel tilts your head suddenly, claiming your lips in a violent kiss. He doesn’t wait for you to part your lips for him and pushes his tongue into your mouth, licking the surprised sounds of pleasure right from your mouth. Your heart skips a beat. He presses the flat side of the knife against your warmed skin, the chill of metal settling in your bones. 
When he parts away, a string of saliva connects you still. “You’re mine aren’t you?” Joel groans, lips moving over yours. 
You nod in a daze and he smiles, “And I’m yours too,” he says. 
Your eyes meet Tommy momentarily, the younger Miller’s lips twitch in a half smile. He doesn’t say a word as he closes the distance. 
Tommy cradles your face tenderly,  urging you to come close as he envelopes your lips with his own, taking you by surprise. 
The kiss lacks the intensity compared to Joel’s. Tommy caresses your cheeks with both thumbs. You don’t even feel his tongue, it’s just a gradual movement of lips, a type of affirmation and comfort. 
“You’re one of us now,” he says pressing his forehead against yours. You don’t know how to react or what to say and you end up just nodding, your hands fisting his shirt. Him, parting away from you almost feels painful but you’re not sure why. Tommy gives you a smile and Joel a nod before he leaves. 
You and Joel stand like that for a while, in complete silence, bodies flushed together, knife still resting over your stomach. 
“I only did what was right,” he breaks the silence. His tone isn’t one of asking for forgiveness or understanding. His arms tighten around you. “Are you afraid of me?” he whispers into your ear, the thick hairs above his lips tickling the shell of your ear. 
You don’t answer him. 
“You don’t need to be,” he continues. He allows you to move within his arms, you want to see his face, you need to see him to not fear for your life. You ignore the knife grazing your skin as you turn around, your bare front snug against his chest. “I’ll never hurt you. And you’re the only person in this whole damn town that can say that. You and Ellie.” 
“What about Tommy?” 
“Tommy’s priorities lay elsewhere.” 
He doesn’t allow you to inquire further about what he means by that. All you can detect is a hint of anger that quickly dissipates when he claims your lips once more. 
You’re lost in him. His tongue captures you in a way that makes you forget the blood on his clothes—on his hands. His tongue slides against your own, pressing until you’re moaning into his mouth, your knees faltering at the knife smoothing down your skin. 
Before pushing you down to the ground, he takes off the shirt he cut in half completely off of you, your bra following the pile on the grass. Your breath hitches as he takes his place between your legs, his mouth devouring your neck, “Joel. . .” you moan, fisting his shirt and grinding up to feel at least a bit of friction. 
A silent laugh seeps into your skin, his breath sending shivers up your spine, “Do you still feel bad for them?” he teases, laying a wet kiss between your breasts. 
You don’t think much as you answer, “No.” 
And as a reward, Joel closes his lips over a nipple, sucking hard until your breathing goes ragged. 
“That’s my girl,” he groans, moving towards the other pebbled flesh. “You’re too good, too kind, but they don’t deserve that sweetheart.” 
He hooks his fingers into your belt loops and tugs down your jeans, laving you with soft, ticklish kisses as he moves lower and lower. When you’re completely bare to him, you have the urge to cover yourself, the grass tickles your back and the wind feels colder now. Joel smiles and pulls your arms away. He lays the knife right above your stomach and your breath hitches. 
“I want to taste you,” Joel says. “But not in the way you think, darlin’,” he kisses the sensitive skin right adobe your belly button, and brings the sharp edge of the knife to your skin. “I want to taste the life that pumps through your veins.” 
Your eyes widen as he nicks you. It’s a small cut and blood beads at the wound instantly. He doesn’t allow it to gather enough so that’ll trickle down, he quickly presses his lips against it, your essence coating his tongue as he gives it a tender suck. You can the blood leaving your veins, a pleasant tingle echoing from the wound and spreading throughout your body. Your eyes flutter, a moan escaping your lips as he flattens his tongue against the cut and licks with board strokes. 
“Fuckin’ delicious,” he rasps, pushing two fingers into you with ease. You gasp at the sudden stretch, your back arching into his touch. “So darn wet—All this for me, sunshine?” 
“Yeah,” you breathe out, grinding down. “Joel, please—” 
You hear the sound of his belt buckle coming undone, his breath heavy in your ear, “Since you asked so nicely, sweetheart, I’m obliged.” 
You feel the head of his cock brush against your entrance, sending a jolt of electricity through your body. Your eyes close in anticipation and you whimper as he slowly slides inside you inch by inch. You can feel it, that intense fullness that can only come from him, taking his time to make sure it feels good. His size is intimidating but you feel yourself melting around him, eager and willing. 
“That’s it. . . you’re takin’ me so well, such a tight little hole for me. Fuckin’ amazin’.” 
He presses his forehead against yours, nipping at your bottom lip before thrusting, sending a wave of pleasure that makes your toes curl. You cling onto him for support as he pumps deeper and faster, hitting all the right spots. It takes neither of you long to climb the edge, ready to fall. You can feel the warmth of his breath, and his grip tightens on your hips. His pace quickens as the intensity builds, and you clench around him as he groans your name. 
“Gonna come inside,” he slurs his words. “Gonna fill you up—shit—” 
You can feel him throbbing and pulsing inside of you, his hard length contracting. As he pushes deeper into you, your insides flutter, squeezing around him. Your orgasm is ripped from you, shattering and mind-numbing. Your head spins and you cling to him, afraid that the world underneath you might slip entirely. His hot come warms you from the inside out, spilling from where his cock stretches you. 
Joel remains inside until he starts to soften. He pulls out of you, leaving you feeling a longing ache deep within your core. You shudder as his come trickles down your thighs, your cunt clenching around nothing. 
“Such a pretty sight,” he murmurs, entranced, as he gathers himself over his fingers and pushes it back inside you. “Try to keep as much as you can inside.” To emphasize his want for it, he slides your underwear up your legs. 
You’re tied to him now. And even though you shouldn’t, you enjoy being the one near the beast. Joel helps you dress, at least helps you with what remains, and gives you his leather jacket to wear since your shirt is in ruins. Neither of you says a word as you walk back to where Jacob’s body rests. You help him bury the body, not feeling a single thing; no grief, no remorse, no sadness. 
You always did have a complicated relationship with death after all. 
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writer-room · 11 months
I personally like headcanoning Peacemaker as still being just a little too similar to Darkstalker in some aspects. He's obviously still a good dude, in fact he's an absolute sweetheart, but there's still some...characteristics. You know what I'll list them for the good of my inner child
Kid gets big. And I mean big. He's nowhere near Darkstalker's size, but he ends up really tall and heavy for a NightWing, let alone one thats supposedly half RainWing, which are not overly big dragons to begin with. This leads to most dragons trying to convince him to move into professions that require big guys, but his strength still helps him plenty with farming. It does make some people ask questions, though
He's not as narrow as Darkstalker was. As Darkstalker grew, his features became noticeably sharper, more IceWing in body type. Peacemaker has softer features, however his face never truly changed. It's not as jutting such as in the jawbone or horns, but he has a much more defined face that seems to stand out on a rounder body. He's terrified a few dragons on accident who saw him from a distance or as a silhouette and thought he was Darkstalker risen from the dead. He never understood why everyone was so scared
Doesn't quite like the RainWing part of himself. As a kid, he was never sure why. Sure, some dragons weren't very nice about it, but his mom loved him plenty, he had some really nice dragons like Moon and Kinkajou who who were really sweet, so he never quite got why he was upset about it. Maybe he was still mad at the dad who wasn't there? He wasn't sure why he was upset about that, either. He got better after having a lot of talks with his mom and friends, but that little piece of self-hatred never fully went away, and he can't for the life of him explain why
Had a lot of imaginary friends as a kid. They didn't always have names, but they were usually dragons he made up in his head. Like a scardy-cat SeaWing all the other dragonets accused of just being Turtle, or an actually scary SeaWing, or a super smart NightWing who knew all the answers to everything! Sometimes he made up a new NightWing queen or played a pretend war with the other dragonets. Occasionally, he said his friend that week was a big shadow. He said the big shadow seemed kind of angry and sad, but his shadow liked to listen. He slowly stopped after a while. Some of his older friends started looking worried. Imaginary friends were for babies, anyway.
He still has Darkstalker's horns. Those never changed, for some reason. Maybe a little less pointy on the ends, maybe a little thicker at the base, but they were still very much Darkstalker's Horns. Hope & the gang silently freaked out about this, but when some dragon brought it up in earshot of little Peacemaker, he loudly proclaimed he liked his horns, they were all funky and looked kinda like mister Winter's horns! Mister Winter is kind of rude sometimes, but he seems nice, so Peacemaker doesn't mind looking kind of like him! Winter was tormented over this for months
Sometimes he'll just...say things. That sound a little too similar to what some other dragon was thinking. Or make random guesses that are very close to what will actually happen. It's never by much, usually finishing other dragon's sentences or predicting the next thirty seconds, but it's enough to make Moon twitchy. He just thinks he has good luck
Once asked Hope if he could ever have a little sister. He never asked again. He'd never seen his mom cry before.
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bikananjarrus · 9 days
i have a few thoughts about how the lost hero actually sets up the darker tone for HoO really well and then. well. there was never any follow through.
now some of my hindsight about TLH is probably fueled by nostalgia (i actually am really fond of tlh and also i was 14 when i read. impressionable on my teen brain). i’ve reread it several times, but i have really strong memories of the first time i read the book too, and i just remember it having a very gloomy, dark vibe to it. (the way that TTC is set in winter and definitely feels like a winter book, this is the HoO equivalent for me.)
looking at the actual contents of the book, the book starting off with jason's pov, who has no idea who he is, so immediately the feeling is 'oh shit. something happened to this guy. and it's not good.' and then almost immediately after that, getting sucker punched with the “she's been looking for one of our campers, who’s been missing three days…her boyfriend. A guy named percy jackson.” percy??? thee percy jackson. MISSING???? (look, that put 14 year old me flat on the floor. it still hits. but in 2010 when we had no idea percy was going to even be in these books….you kinda just had to be there okay.)
alongside jason, we have piper, whose dad got kidnapped by a giant and she'd being blackmailed! all before she finds out she's a demigod!! like she's already having a ROUGH time. we find out leo was manipulated by gaea to use his flame powers, which resulted in the fire that killed his mom (genuinely wtf).
their quest starting the lead up to the second great prophecy, which is happening so soon after percy's great prophecy (like they JUST finished fighting a war. give them a chance to breathe dammit. but also implying that some major things stirred with the defeat of kronos. But how could there be something more horrifying than kronos?).
their quest taking them to all these abandoned and/or cold places (the run down wolf house, they're hiding in the sewers at one point, the cyclops lair in that abandoned warehouse, the cave where they shelter from the cold and where the hunters of artemis find them, boreas’s house being in canada, even the mall where they meet medea being empty iirc). jason being abandoned by his mother. piper feeling abandoned by a father who doesn't have enough time for her. leo being alone too (not his mom's fault she died; not his fault for the fire; but he's alone nonetheless). even their primary mode of transportation being flying on festus feels strange and out of the place, bc for so long, we were seeing through percy's eyes and he had to stay on the ground.
and then to end the book with jason dying, however briefly. literally a dead man walking from the very beginning.
the tone was something different and darker, and combined with percy, hazel, and frank going to alaska, the land beyond the gods, in SoN, we were really venturing into unknown territory. it felt like our heroes would be tested. that gaea truly was something to be feared, even more so than kronos, and that it would take the generation's seven greatest demigods to defeat her.
and then it never followed through with that set up.
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hellodragonkit · 6 days
Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Opinions and Points.
SPOILERS... obviously.
Ok I watched the movie, and ... some things that are my own personal thoughts and possible points I noticed. And some things I have seen others point out to where this is just my over all opinion and its kinda long.
The backstory lets not forget beetle is a unreliable narrator as proven by the first movie as Julliard and Harvard did not exist while he was alive, and unless he was possessing someone when they graduated its unlikely he said the truth. - so I don't think he gave us the full backstory. Maybe yes he did marry her, but given he never dies on screen and previously stated point. I just find it hard to believe that he drank a poison then had enough strength to chop her up as much as she was, if it was actually effecting him. i find it far more possible he had already been poisoned so often he was immune at that point. and was just pissed his new wife tried to do him in. Also in first movie it was suggested with the red mark he hung himself... maybe he tried to take over the death cult and had to do himself in for a quicker death?
the Newspapper. Yes it did say people were falsely accused of offing themselves at death, I think this was to help clear up the plot hole that would have been with Astrid's dad. And maybe be a red haring for Beetle. Next few points are BeetleBabes related so if you don't like the ship, please move on.
He gave her autonomy in his power. During the therapist scene when he "sewn" her mouth shut, it was less truly sewn and more duct taped. She had the ability to remove it, yeah he had it stick long enough for a gag, but not much more. He didn't force her.
The Contract and Nullification of it. Beetle wrote the contract, and he worked as a dead con man for years, he knew the handbook inside and out. He wrote up the contract for Lydia to sign and save her daughter, knowing there was a Massive Loop hole. even blowing a hole in the "back door" of the Neither to insure the loop hole was as big as it could be the second he had her sign, obviously with a bit of theatrics for both signing and explosions. But would we expect anything else from him?
Delia calling him: when Delia died, she called him asking to go to Lyd's wedding. He did so no questions no strings. Any other deal he always asked for something in return but for Lyd's step mom he didn't charge a dime, possibly because he felt Lyds would be upset if she missed it, and didn't get to say good bye.
Rory Beetle obviously didn't like him, could tell he was scamming Lyds, and yeah he probably could have sent him off but instead had to prove to Lydia why that guy was bad, hence why he used truth serum. He need to make sure she wouldn't go back to that guy once he was gone again. It was even hinted he heard her talking in the graveyard rushing to the church that she was not ready to marry.
He planed to go away. His song at the end, was not one of love and togetherness. MacArthur Park is more of loss and remorse. He was saying Goodbye to Lydia! Not permanently anyway
He set up sending away Deloris and helped the contract become Null When Deloris burst in through the door, the wind didn't effect Lydia, or Beetle, or Delia but the book slid to Astrid as easily as it had moved away, He moved it to her, conveniently on the page to summon sand-worms and how to brake the contract.
He stalled for the cops I find it funny how in the first movie he summoned a Man of the cloth and the guests. But this time he had both, and unlike the first time he wasn't rushing... he took his time to sing a whole song and to let the Neither cops show up, possibly also baiting Deloris to take care of her but I'm still not sure on that bit. ether way He had won, he had Lydia, the pastor, and guests. But instead he did a song and dance, a song that I already pointed out was one more of goodbye.
He let Lydia send him away. Beetle loves to make a entrance, he also may love to make a exit. he has also shown he can silence someone for just saying his name once. But instead of silencing her or taking over her voice as he had before. He started a dramatic plea, showing her he was getting sent away, showing her he was going to let her send him off.
The ending given the fact he may have over heard about Rory, And all the other notes, he could probably see Lydia wasn't wanting marriage at that time. But I also feel... he just likes the chase. What fun would it be if the Coyote already caught the road runner? he didn't mind her sending him away, because it means he could keep trying to get her to call him willingly. Over all this is just my ramblings that I don't have any friends irl who may appreciate them or be able to properly counter lol And if you made it this far thank you. And I hope you liked the movie as much as I did.
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tsukkisashimi · 1 year
Genshin Impact Men - How are they in the bedroom?
Author note: Hi! I haven't posted (nor write) anything in a while. This is a just a little brainstorm that I had and decided to post it here. Have fun reading!
Warning: This is NSFW. If you are a minor, please do not interact.
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Sweet and Gentle
They are a little more shy when it comes to the bedroom. It is not that they don’t like you, on the contrary. It is because they never truly experienced on what it feels like being close or even heard of intimacy. It is because they like you that they think they should restrain themselves and wish to not rush anything. As their s/o, you have taken the role of being the first to initiate so they could be more comfortable and let them know that you feel safe around them and they can lose up when it comes to making love. During it, worship is a must. They will worship your entire body and every insecurity that you may have, they will give affection on them even if they are usually reserved. You are probably their first for some of them so you can expect a little awkwardness during it.  
Diluc, Xiao, Thoma, Tighnari, Kazuha, Venti, Kaveh
Honorable mention: Albedo
Rough and kinky
They are infuriating. They know how to dirty talk, they know how to make you beg for his cock and they definitely know how to please you. As long as you give consensual, they are not scared to try new kink and roleplay and by the same occasion a little more of bdsm. Using toys, degrading names, spanking, you name it, he will definitely recours to that just for the sake of pleasure or/and to make you cry. One thing for sure is that he will never be satisfied until you are completely dizzy on pleasure. You hate it so much because you wish to return the favour but it always end up being you getting fucked silly by them. they are literally so good at this that it makes you wonder something: where did they learn this?
Kamisato Ayato, Pantalone, Capitano
Honorable mention: Dottore
Sweet and Kinky
Sex is always amazing with them. They are sweet and worship your body everytime you guys get intimate. They tend to call you dear or even darling while they caress your thighs, and they will praise you everytime you would go down on them. Those times are the sweetest and usually happen when you share a beautiful moment with them. However, just because they are sweet and adorable does not mean they will shy away from being kinky with you. You just need to push their buttons through the day. You tease them in public or make them jealous, it is up to you but at the end of the day, you will end up on their bed, in four, apologizing for acting up this way. You are probably not their first as well so they might just know where the clit is.
Zhongli, Al Haitham, Kaeya, Childe
Honorable mention: Itto
Another case
Ah. You thought he would mess you up? No, he is only fucking you up on Invokation TCG and his dead dad jokes.
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peterman-spideyparker · 8 months
my tears ricochet (Matt Murdock x fem!Reader) 3/5
Author’s Note: Hi! This part is more angst, I’m sorry. I promise things will turn up eventually! I wouldn't put everyone through all this angst for nothing! Enjoy!
Summary: You're alive, but barely. Matt blames himself.
Warnings: Angst, unresolved feelings, canon-typical violence, vague wound descriptions/unconsciousness, friends arguing, post-season two/pre-Defenders era Matt, swearing
Other Characters: Foggy Nelson
Word Count: 1,193
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Matt’s thankful for every beep on the monitor that he hears, but he can’t help but hate it. The robotic, cold monotone mocks him. It announces his shortcomings, his failures. He wasn’t strong enough, fast enough, good enough to save you or Elektra that night. Elektra’s dead, and the doctors aren’t exactly sure where you stand. You made it through surgery, a long surgery, but there was a lot of trauma and blood loss. A waiting game, they said. He’s always hated that phrase. Nothing attached to those words has ever been fun, only painful. And now it’s attached to you and your life. 
He remembers when he first met you at Columbia. You had walked by him in the hall, your pomegranate and honey shampoo catching his attention. When he went into his next class about a half hour later, you were there, second row to the front, just off center to the right. Matt’s feet led him to the open seat next to you, using his cane to push the guy with the expensive cologne away from the coveted free seat to your right. He gave you a small smile as he sat down, and he could tell you did the same, softly introducing yourself and making small talk until class began. It took you a while to tell him about your family and your background, and he could tell that you were nervous as you did, waiting for some kind of shoe to drop when you finished—maybe that you expected him to ask for money or if you could help him get a job somewhere. You didn’t expect him to appreciate you for you, only what you could potentially do for him. When he gave you a smile and cracked a joke, saying that he still wouldn’t let you pay for ice cream next time you guys walked through Central Park, you let out a little laugh. His heart skipped a beat when he heard that, how your posture relaxed, and when he sensed how you smiled back at him. After that, it was always you, him, and Foggy, and if Foggy wasn't around, Matt would manage to find his way to your side—it was a pace he never wanted to leave. A place that felt like home. Something he hadn’t really felt since his dad died.
But when Matt met Elektra, everything changed and he pushed you away. Part of Matt always thought you’d be there for him—you’re his friend through thick and thin, why wouldn’t you still be there for him? But when that relationship went up in flames and Matt needed refuge to lick his wounds and work through his feelings, you were long gone, tired of waiting for him to come around, hurt by the last person—the only person—that you thought you could really, truly trust. And now you’re here, barely hanging on because you re-entered his life at the wrong time.
He's a real fucking lucky charm, isn't he?
Matt leans back in the uncomfortable hospital chair, letting out a long breath as he lets a new wave of shame roll over him. Foggy puts a hand on his shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze.
“Two people I love are hurt because of me,” Matt croaks, hanging his head. “Elektra is dead, and (Y/N/N) is barely hanging on.”
“We’d be in worse trouble if you didn’t do any of what you did on the rooftop,” Foggy tries to console him. Matt’s still surprised he’s in the same room as him after how he has treated his best friend and partner. 
“I ruin everything I touch, huh?” He angrily wipes away a tear.
“Matt, this was beyond anything anyone could have imagined. It—.”
“It’s the best if I stay out of all your lives. That way, no one else gets hurt. I won’t let anyone else down.”
“Matt, don’t be obtuse, that’s ridiculous.”
“But it’d be effective.” He sniffles and stands, putting his glasses back on. “It’s the way it has to be. It’s the only way I can keep people safe.”
“So what’s gonna happen when (Y/N/N) wakes up and wants to talk to you? ‘Sorry, he’s ghosting everyone because he’s going full Batman broody.’ She’ll need you—you were with her that night, you’re the only person who knows what kind of trauma she went through—.”
“And that’s exactly why I should leave!” he snaps. “You heard the doctor—she barely had enough blood in her to keep her organs in salvageable when she got here, and the blade absolutely shredded her internally. It barely missed her spinal column. She could have been paralyzed if it was a half inch over. It’s better for everyone if I disappear. She doesn’t have to see me and remember anything from that rooftop or remember everything I’ve done to her.”
“You don’t think she’d think about that without seeing you? And what about when she sees her scars? What about when she needs to talk to someone, to have a shoulder to cry on, because everything from that night haunts her? Who’s she gonna call when she has nightmares? No one knows what she went through but her and you. You can’t leave her alone again.”
“I didn’t leave her the first time.”
“Bullshit. You left. You chose not to stay. You cut her out cold. You weren’t around to see it, but that’s when she changed. That’s when she closed herself off, started to do everything her parents wanted. That’s when she lost herself. It was heartbreaking to watch that, Matt, but you wouldn’t know, because even after Elektra, you didn’t care enough to rebuild that bridge and see the damage you did.”
Matt’s voice is cold and low when he speaks next: “You have no idea how much I cared.”
“You say you care, but you’re so ready to let her suffer alone.”
“You don’t have a goddamn right to say shit like that. She didn’t want to see me.”
“How do you know? Did you try?”
“There was still half of the school year left for you to fix things. You didn’t even try to—.”
“We’re done talking about this.”
“Right. Walking away because it’s easier and because it didn’t go your way. God forbid you actually have to address your feelings!”
“Excuse me?”
“You couldn’t juggle school and Elektra, so you were ready to throw it all away. Hell, you almost did. This time, you couldn't juggle your job and Elektra, so you walked away from the people who needed and relied on you. Now, when that fell apart even further, you’re walking away from the consequences and once more, the people that need you most." Foggy scoffs, venom dripping from his words. "You know what? It is probably best that you’re not here when she wakes up, because if you’re not even the person I called my best friend for years, you’re sure as shit not who she loved in college.” Foggy grabs his things as he walks toward the door, leaving Matt alone with his consequences that weigh him down like cement bricks in the Hudson.
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wordy-little-witch · 3 months
Ghost Roger ships Shuggy and that’s why when Crocodile and Mihawk start to court the clown all hell breaks loose.
Okay it may be a bit more complicated than that, Roger is protective of his kids in a way, he feels a bit remorseful for not making feel Buggy important in live and he’s HELLA worried about how his sons parted ways. Of course even if there’s more to it than just “There were some misunderstandings” and he maybe won’t be able to make things completely right after dead, he still wishes those two would just TALK to each other. He probably told Buggy a lot of stuff after he first was able to contact him, but that doesn’t mean the grudge against Shanks (and Roger for that matter) is immediately gone.
So Roger really hopes those two make up and maybe kiss a little, he’s seen those obvious crushes those two had on each other for ages…. So when the two men who threatened his Bug suddenly start to get all flirty with him… well you can’t blame him for not being completely rational about it.
He can’t really do much besides be a nuisance, hiding things from them, throwing things off the table, one time he secretly put ketchup in Crocodiles coffee and he counts that as a massive victory, but he’s not full on Poltergeist level, he doesn’t have much power anymore. The only time he regains a significant amount of Strenght is when Buggy confronted him about this behavior, it truly was a scene to behold, Buggy, screaming into an empty room that Roger can’t decide who or who not he gets to trust and choose for himself, and Roger, not being able to communicate his own frustrations to Buggy and tell him he’s just worried but that Buggy also needs to stop being so damn stubborn, throwing things across the room and howling and causing a storm just with his intense emotions alone.
It’s only late at night when they both have calmed down that Roger makes his way back to Buggies room, now properly calmed and thinking somewhat rationally again. He doesn’t have much more energy than to scribble a “Sorry” with Buggys lipstick onto the mirror, but he knows his boy will get what he means.
Roger might get pleasantly surprised on several accounts tough, not only do Buggys new suitors actually care for him, despite their initial treatment of him, but Buggy may or may not also reconcile with Shanks after some gentler pushes and encouragement from his side…. And it may or may not turn out that Buggy has a lot of space for several people in his heart, who’d have thought? Atta boy! His little casanova….
Oh my goshhhh yeah this exactly (sorry it took so long to respond, was a lil busy)
Roger really would be like. The strangest mix if "you got this!!" And "not on my watch". He's got redneck girl dad vibes, like "don't mind me sitting on the porch making aggressive eye contact while I clean my gun and/or sword, kid, but yeah I know how to use them and use them well anyway be good to my kid or else haha no I'm serious-"
Ironically I feel like Roger would be pushing less for a Slowburn Romance for Shuggy and more a you can fix it and salvage smth and maybe it's different but you two are two sides of one coin guys come onnnn- type of deal. Like. The kisses would be nice (he'd win the bet and Rayleigh would owe him 500 berri) but also it just... it hurts to see his kids so hurt. It doesn't matter how the end result is configured so long as some of the pain is abated.
So when Buggy, his baby blue, his bright and bold and flashy little nugget, begins getting courted by the same men who unflinchingly harmed him?
When Roger has SEEN the things Buggy went through up to this point?
When Roger knows how easy it is for Buggy to fall into the arms of someone who means him harm, when he knows how Buggy clings to and almost searches for it?
Oh he's livid. He's frothing. He's not going to let that slide, not even remotely.
And so begins his Hijinks.
And so ignites Buggy's temper.
It goes on maybe a month, if that. Roger is petty and angry, but he's pacing it and being careful to make it impossible to trace to his kid. The few opportunities that leaves for him is very good motivation to go bigger each time. Croc's favored pen? Gone. Mihawk's wine glass? Different cabinet. Croc's ash tray? Flipped onto a document. Hawkeye's wine bottles? All corks are in some way damaged. He starts small and works his way up.
The ketchup in the coffee was his magnum opus - and that was Buggy's last straw.
He passes Alvida and informs her that it's a Code Pink. She nods and spreads the word. Nobody gets in his way as he beeline to his workshop and the adjacent sheds connected there.
It's arguably a hurricane by way of fury. Things are thrown and voices blow into uneven crescendos. Buggy begins to angry cry and Roger pulls at his own hair to fight the urge to wipe the tears away or crush the emotions out of his kid with his own arms. It's a hot mess, and it only gets worse when Roger hears Buggy say the one thing he didn't ever want to hear but suspected nonetheless.
"What's it matter if they hurt me? I deserve it-!"
He'll admit - he doesn't rightly recall what exactly it is that he does after that. The words echoed in his head, louder and louder until it was a battering ram in his skull. He doesn't remember much of that split second between hearing it and acting, but he found himself crushing his boy into his chest, one hand in blue curls, the other across a trembling back.
"Never," he swears, "you never deserve to be hurt, Blue. I'm so sorry you feel like that's true, but baby Bug, Red has told you-"
And that's the final straw for Buggy.
"Red?! Red's all you ever fucking think about!" And he shoves Roger away, mouth running faster than he can stop it, tears falling with the mess of his emotions as he rants and raves and leaves a captain, a father, hollow in shock.
Buggy pauses for a breath, and Roger reaches out, just to pull back at the swat to his hand.
"No," Buggy hiccups, "I just... I'm done. I'm fucking done. Go find someone else to bother. I'm through."
He leaves.
And Roger rages.
Hours later, finally calm and able to rationally think, he drifts to Buggy's room. He's shaking with exhaustion, but he grabs a lipstick - the cheap writing one, never Buggy's good lip color - and scrawls an apology onto the mirror. He floats over to Buggy's bedside, watches his kid sleep, tear tracks on his face and dried in his lashes. He aches.
He sits vigil there all the night, energy depleting until he's a bare whisp of a presence. He'll protect his kid how he can, but he won't step in the way.
It's only when Rouge offers to trade out that he deigns to rest.
Things go back to mostly normal afterwards.
When it turns out that Crocodile and Mihawk truly do care for and want to make Buggy happy, Roger is pleasantly surprised and very suspicious. He keeps it mostly to himself (and to Rouge, Ace and Eddie), but he is watching. He gets to witness the growth first hand - except some things second hand, because he may be a pirate, but he's also a father and some things are meant for a parent's eyes to never ever EVER see - but he does see it. He acknowledges it. And he gives his approval subtly.
So when things begin blooming outward, he's aware, somewhat, but mostly acting as but an observer. Though when those tendrils of Blue reaches out to Red.... well. He's Looking Heavily.
And then he's cheering aggressively because YES!! FINALLY!!!! RAYLEIGH OWES HIM SO MANY BERRI!!!!
And when blue and brown eyes cut towards him, Roger pauses, shrinks a little. By the Seas he forgot how weird his kids and their Haki was. He waves awkwardly.
".... Captain," Shanks says after a moment.
"I am very happy to see you, believe me. But I also am very happy to have Buggy in my arm, so maybe go bother Lucky Roux or Yassop while I do unspeakable things to my Blue."
"Shanks," Buggy squawks angrily with a face as red as his nose, squirming in place.
Roger just laughs, gives a salute. "Aye, captains!"
He slips off through the walls to the symphony of his eldest laughing while baby blue complains loudly. There was a sudden thump, silence, then rustling. Roger, eyes wide, floated faster.
He'd always said Buggy would steal riches and hearts alike.
By Davy Jones, Ray owed him so much money.
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yurnu · 2 months
Charlie got Jesus to invite God and all of adam family to get adam dead body
Charlie: Thank you for all coming. I wanted to say sorry- but let us explain our side to hopefully clear some stuff up
Abel: This was not part of-
Charlie: guys come in!
All the hotel group came in and told their part all in musical.
Charlie: soooo how was it
Jesus: .....
Charlie: guys?
Seth: you just told us in a happy tone that our Dad was most likely eaten by cannibals
Charlie: well um- maybe
Abel: Oh my god, do you even know where our dad body is!!!
Charlie: well um no- but I was hoping if I could explain that, um, you guys would see our point of view- plus uncle
Jesus: Don't bring me into this! I didn't agree to any of this! I just wanted my brother body to rest up heaven.
Charlie: but- look we are truly sorry, we just wanted you to understand our side and maybe become part of our plan
Aclima: You just gave us a whole happy musical where you tell our grieving family that you let cannibals feed themselves upon the dead! Do you know how evil you have to be to pull that!
Charlie: ...grandpa?
God: ....
( This won't happen in the comic since I already have the entire plot written )
Reality begins to twist and scream. Everything begins to shake. The screams of unknown entities resonate and large fissures run from the hotel and descend and expand throughout the circles of hell.
God's eyes shine in a strong golden glow. The eyes of his six wings and halo shine brightly. God's face is distorted in a grimace of pure rage.
And with that God like cry filled with anger, he teleports out of the hotel.
With just a wave of his hand, a huge creature emerges from a summoned portal, a huge centaur whose body was only human skin that extended to his horse part, with two enormous curved horns where his eyes were supposed to be, absolutely removed from the human representation of centaurs.
The beast raised its huge hammer and began the destruction.
But the misfortune did not end there. With a snap, God summoned six of the seven plagues that once ravaged Egypt. Huge locusts appeared out of nowhere, as did enormous mosquitoes, horseflies and frogs. Killing and destroying everything in their path.
A massive Tsunami of blood swept through the six circles of seven. Ulcers began to break out from the sinners, hellborns and imps, along with the Goethia royalty.
Dark clouds covered the skies of the seven circles of hell and darkness covered them, suddenly, huge hailstones began to fall.
The cattle of hell began to die from all these misfortunes.
The screams of suffering were the only thing that could be heard throughout the seven realms of hell. The only "safe" place was the hotel.
The worst of all was that God was holding back.
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weenwrites · 10 months
*sounds of crashing, fire alarm, smoke and chaos in other room, comes tumbling into your ask box falling on my face, quickly getting up and dusting self* hey there! How you doing? Wanted to ask for HC with TFP Soundwave, Megatron, WheelJack with human reader where they switch minds due to some relic or something? (it's temporary or till they get the relic to work again) how would they react? How would the whole thing go? Pretty sure Megatron won't be too pleased lol, established romantic relationship, they been together long enough to know a bit more about each other and be a bit vulnerable.
also a bit of a thing for Soundwave (extremely optional and can just be a line or two) , reader cares about and platonically loves laserpeak, this Minicon deserves love, also feel like it's a given that Soundwave would have a "must care about my child" s/o criteria (Soundwave is usually called a dad for his Minicons and I think they're (minus laserpeak) all dead in TFP? I hope they were just chilling somewhere cause I love these guys) like did you see how quickly he ran to his aid when he sent a distress signal when Ratchet had him pinned down? He didn't even spare a second to try to kill Jackie incase if that second made a difference if he survives or not.
*Magnus yelling in the other room about who did the mess* oh shit... OK thanks have great day byeee *proceeds to hightail it outta there before I get scolded for two hours* "THAT WAS AN AWESOME EXPLOSION BUT MAGY IS GONNA HAVE OUR HEADS" -Me "YOU'RE RIGHT ABOUT BOTH OF THOSE.. GET IN LET'S GO"- Jackie
(lol ignore my stupid just hoping it'll get a laugh from you, laughs are good for you)
[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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He hates this, he's very upset. He dislikes the feeling of being so small and weak, and he inadvertently throws a lot of insults your way without another thought. He'll sulk and sulk and sulk until you point out good things, like it'll be a good learning experience for the two of you, and it could possibly help yourselves better understand one another. Only then will he admit that he sees why you enjoy sitting on his shoulder so much.
Aside from feeling a thousand times smaller, another thing he hates about being so small is the great difficulty that comes with getting around on his own. With his altmode he was able to traverse the sky and land with ease, but now it takes eons to make it somewhere, and he hates it that he gets tired much quicker.
But on the positive side of things, he does take this as a learning experience, and he takes this time to see if somethings he thought about humans are true or if they aren't. Of course he could've just asked you about them, but he was a little shy about it. Some of his questions were about human food, and some are about your home. Speaking of your home, he's definitely poking around out of curiosity. He's gonna pat your mattress and try laying down on it, he's gonna look in your fridge and take a bite of a stick of butter because he thought that was food... He's sorta like a curious cat, minus all the knocking stuff off tables.
Of course after the entire ordeal has been resolved and whatnot, he'll finally truly understand what you go through on a day-to-day basis around him, and he'll respect that you have to deal with such hardships all on your own.
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Yep. You're right. He's more than upset about this occurrence, and refuses to leave his habitation suite until shockwave finds a way to reverse it. He plans on letting Starscream command the decepticons while he plans on sulking in his room all day. With you in there with him. because he doesn't really want you going out and embarrassing him.
But if you wanna go out and see what it's like to be his height, it'll take a bit of convincing, but he'll allow you to go and walk around only for a bit. Surprisingly, there isn't any need to persuade him to come with you, he's coming on his own accord but only so he can keep an eye on things. It's certainly strange for him to sit on your—or... His? Shoulder? But he does it anyway because he hates feeling so small and weak—but that isn't to say that you are small and weak... He just feels very vulnerable in general.
Ironically, the rest of the Nemesis are a lot more scared about this than you'd expect. It's as if they're walking on eggshells around Megatron because the whole situation has got him in such a bad mood. And, if you have a good reputation aboard the Nemesis and treat everyone nicely, it's certainly baffling for everyone to see their high and mighty lord "Megatron" acting so nice. It's an unusual, but welcomed change.
After the entire ordeal, he certainly has a newfound respect for you. He hadn't realized how difficult and annoying it was to get around the Nemesis at such a small size. He tried climbing onto a table and it took him 30 minutes to get to the top. Not to mention he never truly understood the feeling of being ignored and overlooked the same way you do.
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He isn't as upset about this as other two are, but he's still a bit annoyed. He feels like he's completely stripped of his freedom now, and he thinks that sucks. If he wants to go do something, you can bet he's gonna go do it no matter what he's told. Despite the fact he's like a million percent more fragile and squishy now, his lack of self-preservation remains all the same, and honestly don't be surprised if he agrees to let Miko help him sneak out.
But that aside, he wants you to experience what it's like being a cybertronian (minus the whole war-fighting thing, of course) but the team most likely wants you to stay in the base while they try to find a way to reverse what's happened. Still, that doesn't stop him from trying to teach you how to transform, much to everyone else's misfortune.
Also in the millions of millions of years that he's existed, it has never been easier for him to squeeze into a small spot. With his acrobatic abilities (albeit dampened a little, due to your own strength) and your size? You bet he's milking this for all it's worth. He isn't afraid of climbing up onto things if he has to, or jumping off things because he's used to doing crazy stuff like that. You'll probably have to catch him more than once because he jumps down from a spot that's too high for a human body to escape from unscathed, so honestly at this point you should just keep holding him and bring him around with you as you would a pet.
Anyway, after all this he tries to stick up for your more and support you. I mean he already has ever since the two of you became a couple, but now that he knows how it feels to be overlooked and have so little freedom in your position, y'know.
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stevebcks · 1 year
Okay so I haven’t been able to stop thinking about episode three and especially Ed’s plotline in it (and the final scene of course), so here’s a not so short messy analysis of what I’ve been thinking.
As a short background, we start with Ed almost dead after he has basically been begging the rest of the crew to kill him. First Izzy, when he gives him the gun, then the rest of them when he sails them into a storm, trying to get them and himself killed, but instead still getting what he wanted when they turn against him. We get our final hint at how this is what he always wanted when he says “Finally.” as Jim lifts the cannonball.
And we start with Ed now in this purgatory state. I would assume this entire place is created by Ed since it is so deeply connected to him. And we learn that he also creates Hornigold as a representation of himself, of the subconscious parts of himself talking to him, and he hates this guy deeply.
This place puts the cards on the table for Ed.
“So if you hate me and I am you, then…”
“I hate myself.”
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He gets to understand the hate he feels for this guy is really what he feels for himself. But it’s not only that, we see the reaction he has when he first sees Hornigold. He fears himself, what he is capable of doing to others, disgusted by the stories of what Hornigold has done (like Felix’s death) in the place of what he has done.
Everything Hornigold says, is really just his most hidden inner thoughts coming to the surface.
“You’re not very good with people, are you, Jeff?” His biggest fear, the one he has only ever been able to admit to Stede is displayed right there for him. How he believes every bad thing he has ever done is the reason he is unlovable, why he doesn’t have any friends.
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“Maybe you wanna strangle me like you did your old dad.”
“How the fuck did you know that?”
“Grown man covered in tattoos. Ay? With daddy issues.”
“I never told anyone about that.”
“But you did, though, didn’t you? And he left you.”
“Fuck you.”
“And it all boils down to this. You’re afraid you are unlovable.”
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Not only that but he believes that is also the reason Stede leaves him. Stede leaving puts salt in a wound he was only starting to heal. He once again believes he is inherently an evil person, unworthy of anyone but even less, of Stede.
“You gotta move on, man... or you blow your brains out.” But to some degree, he knows what he has to do in order to continue, he knows that if he really wants to live, to truly live, he needs to forgive himself of the past things he has done. It’s either that or… or what he did which is getting himself killed.
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His choice is final (or so he believes…) when he is on the edge of the cliff. Hornigold, or really himself, has tied the rock to his waist and is ready to throw it. And as he said it with the pros and cons list, “I don’t think anyone’s waiting for me.” so there really is no point for him to go back.
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“I’m not lovable.”
“And you’re scared to do anything about it. But old Hornigold, he ain’t scared.”
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Ed knows, he knows "doing anything about it" is going back to life, face what he has done, fighting for Stede and for the person he wants to be. But his subconscious, his fear, is stronger.
“You’ve made your choice.” Hell, not only is this admitted by Hornigold, we literally see him at the beginning of episode two throwing himself, or really his little cake topper, to the water from the window. And Hornigold, or really his subconscious, throws the rock.
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Then Stede finds him.
And when Stede finds him all it takes is for him to remove the towel from his face for him to open his eyes as he sinks in the water.
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Him feeling Stede’s presence sparks something in him in this purgatory. And he starts fighting against the rope that he put himself in. But this is a world he has created so he still has control over it, and subconsciously, he still believes he is unlovable, unworthy, he is still not sure he deserves to be untied.
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And then Stede starts asking HIM for forgiveness, and he fights and he fights, and he wants this so badly that in the real world he starts fighting too, tapping his fingers against the wood and begging Stede to keep talking, to keep leading the way with his voice. And he does.
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As he takes Ed’s hand, he literally also shines a light and illuminates the surface. In the midst of this world of self-hatred, there is the voice of a person who, seeing past everything, loves him.
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And the rope unties itself, in this moment his whole self fully believes that he is worthy of love, that he deserves this and he deserves Stede and that he deserves to live. This is Ed allowing himself to have this.
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The flashbacks start, Ed remembers these moments and sees what he can still have, thinks “Maybe someone IS waiting for me.” as Stede keeps begging him to wake up.
And then, through the light, he sees merman Stede. And oh, how important this is. He has been seeing Hornigold, the person he hated the most in life, during all his time in purgatory, but now, now the reflection of his subconscious becomes the person he loves the most. Stede, Stede as a sea creature coming to save him. Stede, as a reflection of Ed’s subconscious telling himself, you are worthy of this, you are lovable, and you can love yourself.
The kraken, this fearful sea monster, is saved by the merman.
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Stede is finally right there, and when they are finally face to face, Ed reaches for a kiss, and in that moment, he opens his eyes.
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rageprufrock · 8 months
Sneak Peak: MLC Fanfic
I have so many chores to do so instead I am on tumblr posting this little snippet instead because adulthood is a SCAM.
Anyway, please have some in-progress modern AU where Jiao Liqiao hits Di Feisheng with a car.
The whole thing starts when Jiao Liqiao hits Di Feisheng with an orange Hummer outside of the Alliance Security headquarters while he's on the phone with Li Lianhua.
Six hours later, Li Lianhua is sitting around in Di Feisheng's hospital room dressed like someone's dad's dirty uncle best friend: beat up pajama pants, a shirt he'd grabbed at random hearing the shriek of tires through the phone line, and a pair of Fang Duobing's fucking sky blue Adidas slides he'd stolen as he'd bolted out the door.
"It's not that I want to criticize you, lao-Di," Li Lianhua says, critically, "but I told you to run that woman out of town as soon as humanly possible at least five times."
Di Feisheng, who's been provided pain medication and is angry about it, busies himself with glaring at the ceiling. 
"Now look at you," Li Lianhua goes on, like a bastard, "you've got a hairline fracture in your foot, you've got a broken leg, three cracked ribs, a low grade concussion, and also you're the top four trending tags on Weibo." 
That these are factual statements does not make Li Lianhua's continued, unwanted presence in Di Feisheng's hospital room any less insufferable. 
"Alliance Security CEO accident," Li Lianhua reads off his phone. "Alliance CEO car crash. Alliance CEO crazy girlfriend. Alliance CEO handsome." 
Di Feisheng's head lolls around so he can center a wild-eyed glare at Li Lianhua.
"Why are you here?" he asks through gritted teeth.
Li Lianhua squints at him. "Can you be considered human?" he demands. "There I was, enjoying my Saturday morning like a normal person—"
"You were calling me to complain that our CDN felt 'kind of slow,' like an asshole," Di Feisheng corrects.
"—and then I hear you yelling and the sounds of vehicular violence," Li Lianhua goes on. "Any person with a heart would be concerned."
"Fang Duobing made you come," Di Feisheng says.
"Fang Duobing made me come," Li Lianhua agrees.
"Well I'm not dead, so you can leave now," Di Feisheng mutters.
"'As someone who has also wanted to hit their boss with a car, but never truly had the courage, I respectfully acknowledge Jiao Liqiao as my master and will endeavor to serve her as a faithful student in all things,'" Li Lianhua reads, going back to scrolling through Weibo. "'I never want to know the truth or any details about why she did it. Just that she hit this beautiful mean-faced millionaire with a car is enough. I would die for her.'"  
Di Feisheng goes back to staring at the ceiling and begins to systematically reflect on the wrongs that have led to specific terrible moment. This begins with lingering resentment over college scheduling that had put him in a 9:30 programming basics class with Li Xiangyi and concludes with admitting that perhaps Fang Duobing had been right when he'd said, two years ago, "A'Fei, you can't just tell a woman it's fine if she's in love with you and that you guys can keep working together but that it's none of your business." But at that point, Fang Duobing was still the infant Li Xiangyi was fucking as some kind of weird post mental breakdown enrichment activity, and seemed like a poor source of professional counseling. In the years since, Di Feisheng can admit that while Fang Duobing continues to be an infant Li Xiangyi is fucking as a weird post mental breakdown enrichment activity, he has a sharp and nuanced emotional intelligence—as long as it has nothing to do with his profoundly repulsive attachment to Li Xiangyi. 
"Miss Jiao is going to get some truly staggering letters in jail," Li Lianhua observes with audible admiration in his voice. For not the first and likely not the last time, Di Feisheng swears never to answer another phone call or text message from this bastard again.  
"If you like her so much, you should hire her once she's served her time," he mutters through gritted teeth. The sharp edge of pain is starting to break through the drugs, but he feels clearer, sharper, less like he's trying to hear shouting through the rush of a flowing river. "Is there a reason you're still hanging around here?" 
Li Lianhua slants him a look, beaming with charity. "Now don't get shy, A'Fei—"
"Stop calling me A'Fei," Di Feisheng snaps.
"—I came in a DiDi, so Xiaobao is coming to pick me up," Li Lianhua finishes. "You'll be back to your peace and blessed quiet soon." 
Which is of course the precise moment that little treasure of Li Lianhua's pokes his abominably sunny little face into the doorway of the sickroom and declares, all smiles:
"Okay! I just finished with the nursing jiejies! They’re wrapping up your discharge paperwork and we should be able to take you home with us this afternoon.” 
“What,” Di Feisheng and Li Lianhua say.
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brooooswriting · 1 year
Could do a tara carpenter x fem reader
the core 4 finds a lost dog near Tara and Sam’s place
*Everyone but Mindy is against the idea keeping the dog because this dog is massive and it’s a mastiff breed*
They put found dogs flyers and post it on social media see if this dog belong to anyone and are just waiting to see if they the owner comes and are taking care of the dog
*Poor tara who drew the short straw and she has the task of walking the dog and got dragged all across the park*
Mindy who witness the whole thing recorded the whole thing
*you could hear her laughter in video and tara yelling “don’t just stand there🤬!!!! HELP-“ before falling into the lake*
Everyone was about to ask what happen seeing her completely drench and leaves in her hair but she like “😤😑 don’t ask” while Mindy was in the floor dying of laughter and show them the video
But for some reason this dog is strangely attach to Tara and choosing to stay by her side. In a cute moment imagine tara having a nightmare then the dog trying to show comfort to her. And she sleep hugging his head🥺. They all start warming up to the dog*
That until a girl appears with a flyer and is like “hi I believe you found my dog” and tara is flustered at seeing this girl
Fast forward when Ghostface show up ay tara and Sam apartment *it backfires because they werent expecting a dog nor r to be there. R just look at her dog “sic them boy” 👹😈
so in a way, everyone who isn’t ghostface survives. Anika deserve to live damn it!!!!Everyone looking at the dog and praising him because he’s a good boy 🐶
In my head I can imagine Quinn calling Ethan “😨😨😨abort mission!!!!! I repeat abort mission!!!!!!”
*Because their dad got badly mauled by the dog and they don’t want to risk getting caught without a plan but yk dogs are a great judge of character and can sense a bad person and he never like Ethan, Quinn or her dad, always snarling and nipping at them*
R would even question if Quinn was truly dead because her dog kept growling at her when they put her in a body bag. Like how the hell didn’t you notice ghostface in your room? She would trust her dogs more than people. They have a closer bond with r
In my mind I was thinking “it’s bad enough/embarrassing that ghostface getting beaten/outsmarted by the main protagonists, imagine them being defeated by a dog” and this was inspired by the Spider-Man miles morales game. In the game there a side quest and if you complete it you can fight crime with a cat as a sidekick and the bad guy getting his ass handle by Spider-Man then you see a cat come out of his backpack. Imagine that same guy in jail and everyone asking how you got beaten by Spider-Man and question you why you have claw marks on your face 👀👀
That’s my dog
Tara carpenter x reader
*disclaimer: changed storyline*
Word count: a lot
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“Naww, look at him. He’s so cute” Mindy yelled as she saw a dog sitting in front of Sams and Tara’s apartment. The dogs ears perked as soon as he heard the voice talking to him, looking at the group of four.
“That dog is giant” Chad said taking a small step back causing Tara to laugh. Sam kept quiet for a moment while Mindy decided to walk up to the dog, much to the groups dismay. There were several calls for her to stop but she obviously didn’t.
“Look guys, he’s somebodies. He has a collar but the tag is broken. We should take him in” she said as she crouched down in front of the dog to be eye level with him.
“Mindy, no. Who knows what he’s capable of and if somebody owns him they can’t find him in our apartment” Sam argued while Tara made her way to look around the corner, trying to see if there was somebody looking for a dog. The moment Tara walked past the corner forward the corner tho dog stood up and followed her. A relieved sigh left Chad and Sam as they thought that he was going to leave. But instead, he stood behind Tara, scaring the poor girl when she turned around.
“Sam, there’s a storm tonight. We can’t leave him outside! Come on have a heart” Mindy argued as she watched the dog look up at Tara. There was a moment of silence before Sam nodded, a small one but a nod nonetheless. A squeal left Mindy as she clapped and called the dog over who happily strutted next to her, following her upstairs into the apartment. “Ok, maybe he’s a bit big for the apartment but you know” Mindy grinned sheepishly as the dog accidentally threw down some books.
“Mindy, Tara, you guys upload some pics online, on social media, maybe somebody recognizes him while Chad and I print out some flyers and hang them up around here. Make sure he doesn’t destroy anything” Sam ordered after taking some pictures of the dog, including his collar and the half of the tag that was still attached. Uploading pictures takes way less time then printing flyers and hanging them up, so Mindy and Tara were on dog duty. Which, to be honest, wasn’t as hard as they thought it’d be, the dog was well trained and nice.
Around evening he started to scratch on the front door, whining while doing so. After a bit of a discussion the group decided that the dog had to go outside and that whoever drew the shortest stick would have to take him.
“Come on guys, this is Ridiculous. Mindy wanted us to take him in, so she should have to go with him!” Tara complained after it turned out that she lost. The dog was massive and while he looked nice and seemed to be friendly she was sure that he wouldn’t even feel her holding the leash.
“You lost Tara, fair and square. But due to the fact that I’m the nicest person ever, I will come down with you” the brunette explained, a proud smile on her face as she opened the door for Tara. The first few minutes were fine, the dog immediately sniffed the side of the building to pee. “Let’s go to the park a bit” Mindy said and took off.
It took one second of Tara being distracted for the dog to see something an start running towards it growling. Even when Tara tried to pull him back with her whole body weight it was useless, he pulled her along. She was stumbling over her own legs, screaming at the dog and Mindy to do anything. But Mindy was only laughing and, unknown to Tara, filming the whole thing.
“HEY!HEY NOOO” the small brunette screamed when she saw a small pond in front of her, small enough for the dog to jump over it but for her? It took one last step for her to land face forward in the water, letting go of the belt they used as a leash when she touched the ground underneath the water. She could still hear Mindy wheezing and the dog barking as she stood up, water dripping from everywhere. The moment she stood the dog was back at her side nuzzling his head into her wet hand.
“You’re an idiot, we Are going back Home” she scolded the dog as she picked up the “leash” again pulling him past her friend, glaring at her. “And you, you’re the worst” she growled as she walked past her, hitting her shoulder and walking back to the apartment.
Even Sam and Chad couldn’t hide their laughter when they saw a completely dripping Tara walk into the room, unclipping the belt and walking towards her bathroom. Even without the leash the dog quickly followed Tara, never leaving her sight. Save to say that Tara wasn’t really in the mood to socialize anymore and it was rather late anyway, so she decided to settle on the bed with a book. She was silently enjoying her book when suddenly the other half of her bed dipped down, the dog climbing on top, taking up so much space that she nearly fell of the edge.
“Bro, I think you’ve got something twisted. Get off the bed” she scolded him lightly pointing at the ground. The dog just happily panted when she tried to push him off, barely scootching away. There was no point in trying to pick him up so she decided to settle on the small part of the bed that he hasn’t conquered yet, turning off the lights to sleep.
His panting annoyed her, he smelled like dog and he was constantly watching her which made it hard for her to fall asleep but at one point the tiredness of the day did get her and she fell asleep facing the dog.
The next day when she woke up the dog was in front of her, curled up leaning on her stomach. He was still sleeping until she moved to get out of bed, he was immediately following her. Everything was fine until Quinn came to close to Tara making him fletch his teeth and bark causing the redhead to jump away and Tara to pull him away.
There was a bit of silence but in the end everybody decided that it was probably just a coincidence and kept doing whatever they were doing. Anika had brought over some food, a leash and some toys as they didn’t know how long the dog would stay.
It was afternoon when everybody, except Quinn and Ethan had warmed up to the dog, they called him Freddy after Freddy Krueger, which was Mindys idea. The group was sitting on the couch watching TV, Freddy sat on Tara’s feet with his head on sams leg who scratched his head. It was nice, Sam and Tara walked the last round with him at night, he stopped pulling the leash and didn’t even move away from the two.
At night time he slept with Tara again but this time he decided to settle in front of the bed. The brunette fell asleep with one of her arms out of the bed to scratch the giant dog. Sometime during the night she started to turn and twist, a whimper leaving her mouth making Freddy wake up. He quickly climbed onto the bed with his first two feet and nudged her until she woke up. Tears were streaming down her face and her breathing was quick and shallow. While she tried to calm herself down Freddy laid his head onto her stomach, licking her hand closest to him, trying his best to comfort her. A small smile came onto her lips as she rolled onto her side and hugged his head, leaving a kiss on top as she fell back asleep.
The next morning she woke up to somebody hammering on her front door. “T, wake up. Somebody is coming for the dog” Sam called out, knocking one last time before she heard Tara grumble. The moment she stepped out of her room, finally dressed and ready for the day, there was a knock on the door. Freddy immediately ran to the door, his tail waggling from left to right as if he knew who was on the other side.
“Hi, I believe you found my dog” you said as soon as the door opened. The mastiff quickly running to you, nearly throwing you over when he body checked you, making you giggle. Tara just stared at you for a moment, her cheeks coated in a light blush before she looked down at her feet to hide it.
“uhm, yeah. We found him two days ago, he sat in front of our apartment and due to the storm we didn’t wanna leave him outside” she explained, smiling at the sight in front of her before taking a deep breath. “Do you wanna come inside for a bit?” She asked, already taking a step further away so you could see into the apartment.
You gave her a nod and made your way into the apartment. “Come on Dook” you called out to the dog who was still standing on the other side of the door. He quickly made his way towards you.
“Dook?” Tara asked as you settled down on the couch, the dog between you two. You chuckled lightly as you petted his head before turning to her.
“Well, yeah. The Babadook is my favorite horror film but I didn’t wanna call him Babadook, that would have freaked me out on the long run so I decided to call him Dook. It’s weird I know” you mumbled the last part as you uncomfortably scratched the back of your neck but the pretty girl next to you only chuckled before turning further to you.
“No, it’s actually pretty awesome. The Babadook is such a great movie and the name Dook is pretty cute actually” Tara said smiling at you.
“Yo, I’m Mindy and that’s my twin brother Chad” the brunette introduced, waving at you.
“Hey, I’m y/n and this is Dook but you’ve already met him huh” you grinned as you waved back.
“How did he get lost anyway?” Sam, who you’ve already met, asked as she sat on an armchair next to the couch.
“My stupid brother was supposed to look after him while I was out of state but he lost him 5 hours after I’ve been gone and didn’t tell me” you explained, an annoyed look on your face. They giggled at your eye roll before taking off.
After a small while you’ve decided to go too, much work to do just like emptying your suitcase from your trip. “It was really nice to meet you, you are a great person. And thanks again for looking after Dook” you bid as a goodbye, a smile grazing your features as you looked at Tara.
“Well, If you ever wanna come over and watch the Babadook together, I wouldn’t say no” she smiled at you and took your hand in hers, writing her number on your hand.
“Naww, Tara is in loooovvveeee” Mindy sang from the kitchen.
Ever since then you and Tara have been inseparable. Everywhere the core four was you were too, even at that frat party and the dinner later. Sam trusted you and Dook, Mindy and Chad thought you were pretty cool, Anika loved your style and taste, Ethan didn’t like you because he was scared of the dog and Quinn was constantly flirting with you.
“I knew you were sleeping with cute boy” Tara laughed out, leaning on your shoulder. A giggle leaving you too as you watched the group, Dook laying on your and Tara’s feet. Just as Sam was about to say something all your phones dinged, Dook suddenly jumping up.
“Shit” Sam cursed out, all of you jumping up. It wasn’t long ago that the siblings told you about what had happened to them in their hometown. Everybody, except Tara ran to get further away from the door, so you quickly grabbed her and pulled her to you. Dook standing in front of you barking and snarling at the door.
“Get out of here” you screamed at them, trying to push them away but before anyone could move the door opened and a dead Quinn fell on top of Anika throwing her to the ground. Dook, just as he was trained, stood beside you, barking at the intruder but not moving. You were frozen for a moment, overwhelmed with the situation until you heard Anika groan and Tara call your name. “Dook, sic them boy” you looked down at the dog who immediately took off attacking the costumed person who was currently trying to Stab Anika. The 32” tall dog jumped against him throwing him off of her, Sam immediately pulling her away and pushing her into Mindys arms.
By now Dook had pushed the intruder into the corner furthers away, Chad and Tara were gone while Sam and Mindy helped Anika into the bedroom, where Danny was waiting for them with a ladder. You knew that you had to fight him off until the police showed up because you wouldn’t take the ladder and leave dook behind.
You were slowly backing up into the bedroom, “Dook, attack”. The moment the words left your mouth he didn’t just bark anymore but was about to charge at him full speed, making the ghostface run outside forward the police sirens. So you called him back to you, deciding to not put him into further danger. You sat on the ground with him, petting his head and kissing the top of his head as you praised him, thankful that nothing had happened to him.
“Are you alright?” You quickly asked Tara when you came outside, the dog running to her and licking her hand.
“Yeah, I’m good. I’m sorry I left you up there, I-I” she started to stutter, her eyes becoming glossy as she looked around. You decided to interrupt her.
“Hey, it’s alright. I told you to go, after all I had Dook. It’s okay, we’ll get thru this. We are here for you” you told her as you hugged her, her head resting on your chest, tears leaking through your shirt making your heart break. An elder man came into sight making Tara pull away and excuse herself, Dook snarling at him. “Dook, psst” you scolded and made him come along as you went to talk to Sam.
“Sam, can we talk for a second?” You asked, pulling her away from Danny. It’s not that you didn’t like him or didn’t trust him but you didn’t wanna Worry anybody if not necessary. “I think it has to be someone we know, someone I know too” Sam thought for a moment being totally quiet.
“What are you on about y/n?” She asked slightly annoyed and scared, making you sigh.
“Dook was quiet the whole time, if somebody came in or had already been inside he would have barked or something but he didn’t. Which means he knew whoever was inside“ the explanation made sense and it made sams stomach hurt too. She had prayed that this wasn’t going to happen again, that her sister could now lead a normal life.
“I hate the fact that what you just said made sense” she groaned, looking around to check her environment. You just gave her a tight lipped smile and a pat on the arm. It was hard to comfort Sam, at least as a human, because as soon as Dook stood in front of her nudging her hand she knelt down and patted him, thanking him for Saving them.
You left the mastiff with Sam as you made your way to Tara, Mindy, Anika and Chad. The boy stood infront of his sister, eyes sad as he watched her taped arm. The girls other arm was wrapped around her girlfriend who was also patched up, a lot more than Mindy. You wished you could go up to that like Tara, the weird tension between you two kills you and the fact that there seemed to be some kind of tension with Chad too made it even weirder. So instead of standing between them you settled down between Anika’s legs, she had become a great friend of yours, maybe even your best. You guys were extremely comfortable with each other and could tell the other everything, she knew of your feelings for Tara and you knew of her fear of abandonment. When you settled down, Anika rested her arms on top of your shoulders, keeping you close trying to give both of you some comfort.
Just as you settled down, Ethan came around the corner confused about what had happened. “You” Chad screamed taking by the collar and throwing him against another ambulance. “Where the fuck were you? You’re not with us and suddenly my sister almost dies” he screamed, lifting him away from the car just to push him against it again.
“Chad, I had Econ, you know that. You can ask all the other students” the boy pleaded, kinda stuttering. But he didn’t struggle against chads hold, not that it’d do anything anyway. You decided to step in, not because you were a hundred percent convinced that Ethan was innocent but because this wouldn’t lead to anything.
“Come on, let him go. Econ would be a stupid excuse to use, he wouldn’t be able to get everybody to lie for him so let him go Chad” you explained, laying a hand on his shoulder to kind of push him back a bit. He didn’t immediately let him go but when you squeezed his shoulder he folded and let the boy down, disappearing to his sister. The moment you stepped closer to the boy Dook was at your side, snarling at him almost making you chuckle at the way the boy backed up. “I hope you learned a lot at Econ”.
*later that night*
“How didn’t you even kill one fucking person?” Wayne screamed at his kids, the vein on his forehead popping out. He kept walking back and forth as he scolded them.
“How was I supposed to know that y/n and the dog would be there? That thing would have killed me if I would have stepped closer” Ethan whined, holding his arm where Dook had bitten him. He had always been afraid of that monster.
“Ethan is right dad, that dog is massive and dangerous” Quinn said trying to support her brother. Her hair wet from the shower to get rid of all the fake blood she was covered in.
“Well we need a new plan” he mumbled.
“Y/n, Anika, this is Gale and this is Kirby” Sam introduced you. Kirby was closest to you so you shook her hand first before going to Gale but stopping shortly before your hands touch.
“Uff, that’s one hell of a bruise, what did ya do?” You asked pointing to her left side under the eye. You couldn’t help but be suspicious of somebody you didn’t know. Especially with the way Dook stood in front of you instead of how he normally stood next to you.
She sighed and looked at Tara before speaking up. “Tara hit me because I did something I told them I wouldn’t do” she explained making your mouth open in shock. You turned to Tara with your mouth still open.
“You did that?” You asked her still shocked with your eyebrows raised. She timidly nodded at you making you grin and raise your hand for a high five before wrapping your arm around her shoulder and pulling her into you. “Damn girl, nicely done” you told her, clearly proud of the fact that she was protecting herself.
Seeing that made Sam smile too, her head slightly turned to the side as she watched you two. Her sister was happily giggling into your chest, her cheeks slightly red and her eyes lit up while you grinned down at her, your eyes were full with love and admiration. As a bigger sister, she was happy that you could protect her and loved the fact that she could protect herself.
When everybody started to follow Gale to whatever she wanted to show you, you fell behind due to the fact that Dook was still a dog, wanting to mark like every corner. As soon as Tara noticed she left Chad and fell behind too, walking with you in silence. Everybody was already going inside when you two rounded the corner. “You alright?” You asked her as she stood in front of the door, suddenly not moving anymore.
“Yeah, I’m just, I don’t know” she mumbled out looking at her feet as her hands messed with the fabric of her shirt. She looked even smaller than normal.
“It’s going to be okay, I’m here for you” you told her with a comforting smile before you gave her a nod as a start sign. Just as you were about to go inside a hand slid down your arm into the pocket of your trouser where it found yours making you tense for a second. You pulled both of your hands out of the pocket and intertwined them before carefully pulling her along. The place was full of old ghost face things, masks, robes, a TV and more. Tara suddenly stopped at one Vitrine, her mood dropping before her hand suddenly let go of yours.
“I-I need a second” she mumbled and walked off towards Sam. You heard them fight before Tara stormed off, alone. “Dookie, follow Tara. Go” you told the dog who ran off to follow her making you smile a bit. You felt more comfortable when somebody was there to protect her and when you saw a Kirby follow her too you decided to keep roaming the place, finding Mindy and Anika.
After some time and some explanation from Mindy, Kirby found you. “You should go to Tara” she told you with a tight lipped smile. You were about to go when she spoke up again, “very cute dog by the way” you grinned at her before walking off to find Tara.
The moment you turned the corner she was on you, her arms wrapped around your neck as she stood on her tippy toes and pressed her lips against yours. You needed a second and even though you wanted to kiss her back with every bit you carefully pushed her away. She immediately started to stutter when her lips detached from yours. “I’m sorry, it’s just- this is a hard time for you and I don’t want you to regret anything” you told her as your hands caressed her waist in a comforting manner.
She smiled at you, her hands playing with the baby hair at the back of your neck. “I won’t. Come on, I still gotta tell you something” her hand slipped in yours as she pulled you to sit down on a step and then she told you about Amber. About how they were always flirting and how there was this tension that was between you too, and how she then killed her friends and how she sometimes thinks that if she had made a move Amber maybe wouldn’t have went crazy and that she wouldn’t have lost her best friend. She didn’t wanna make the same mistake again and she didn’t wanna lose somebody because she was scared of living. “Kirby opened my eyes. Just because Amber was crazy doesn’t mean you are crazy too right? We can live a happy life together and love each other even though the thing with Amber fucked me up right?” Her eyes were teary which made your heart break.
“We will live the happiest lives ever, after we caught that motherfucker” you said making her giggle. You stood up and pulled her with you to go with the others but not before kissing her. Your heart exploding at the feeling of her lips on yours, only to be interrupted by Dook who seemed to be jealous as he went between you two. Both of you laughed before going back to the group, hand in hand with Dook in front of you. Sam looked at your hands before glaring at you, hiding her small smile.
“So what to we have on these people?” Kirby asked looking into the group, eyes fixated on Sam.
“Y/n had a point. Dook didn’t bark which means we knew whoever was inside” you gave everybody a tight lipped smile before deciding to add something.
“I have a really stupid thing, or maybe it isn’t stupid, I don’t know. But Dook constantly barked at the body bag which made me suspicious. He wouldn’t just bark at a dead person and I mean, there wasn’t even a scream, who doesn’t notice ghost face in your room?” You rambled on until Chad decided to interrupt you.
“So you guess what? That Quinn is still alive and a part of the whole thing?” He chuckled slightly clearly not believing you. You rolled your eyes looking at Tara for help.
“Well, I mean that does sound very unrealistic. I’m sorry but how would that even work?” She was apologetic about not being on your side, Ethan who you hadn’t noticed until now nodding along with what she said. You rolled your eyes again looking at Kirby who just shrugged.
“Whatever. Do we have any other thoughts, ideas?” You asked a tad annoyed, parting from Tara to follow Dook around.
“I think we should do the tracking the call thing” one of them suggested, a discussion immediately breaking loose. You just watched your dog sniff around, focusing on one of the masks that seemed to have fallen down hoping that he’d pick up on something.
The next time ghostface attacked was when they did the call thing but there was nothing you could do, he was too far gone. Gale barely surviving. It hurt Tara a lot, she was clinging to you like a koala, whispering how sorry she was that you were in this, that she’d never forgive herself if you got hurt. You just pressed her head into you in a comforting manner, rubbing her back and letting her cry.
You were also heavily against the idea of them playing bait but here you were in the weird ass old cinema kinda thing. “So y/n, I got a K9 kennel for Dook” Kirby told you which was a great thing even though it sounded weird. But you were scared that they’d do something to him and with a K9 kennel you could get him when you needed him but they wouldn’t get inside to hurt him in case they found him.
“Thank you so much, I’ll put him in and then come back” you told them petting your leg for him to follow, Tara quickly walking up next to you to follow you. You wrapped your arm around her shoulder as you walked to the hidden place.
“I feel sorry putting him in that thing, he’s always such a good boy” the smaller brunette mumbled as she crouched down to cuddle him, wrapping her arms around his head. Your heart was exploding from the cuteness of the scene no matter how shitty the actual situation was.
“I know me too. But at least we know that he’s gonna be safe isn’t that right love?” You said pointing at the kennel making him go inside and sit down. “Good boy, I love you and I’ll get you soon” you smiled at Tara before taking her hand and walking around the building.
“If something happens tonight, I want to thank you for finding dook and taking care of him and taking me in and showing me how it feels to really be with someone” you told her as you pulled her closer to kiss her.
Suddenly someone appeared behind her trying to stab her making you push her out of the way. You punched their face before grabbing her and running towards the main room, running past a stabbed Chad. “Shit Chad” Tara screamed and stopped running to bend down to him.
“T, we cant Save him if we die ourselves. Let’s go, we need to find Sam and figure out where Mindy is” the mentioning of Sam did it for her making her stand up and keep running for you. In this moment you were happy that Anika was too hurt to come along, one person less to be scared about. When you stopped in the main hall Sam stood there completely shocked and out of breath.
“Oh god, there you are I was looking for you. Wayne called me, he told me that Kirby went crazy and got fired. He believes that she’s ghostface” she explained ushering the two of you closer to her. “Mindy got stabbed on the way here, in the subway. I-I don’t know where Chad is” she added making Tara flinch at the mentioning of her friend.
“He got stabbed, we left him we couldn’t do anything. It’s better if they think he’s dead” you told her.
The next things were too quick for you to comprehend. Kirby appeared and was suddenly knocked out by someone in a ghost face costume, and then another one appearing. Turned out they were Wayne and Ethan, father and son. And then, a third one appeared. A scared ‘Mindy?’ Leaving Sams mouth, tears welling up in Tara’s and you were tensing. But then the mask was pulled of and revealed Quinn making you jump and fist bump the air.
“I fucking told you. I told you she wasn’t fucking dead motherfuker” you then quickly turned quiet again, realizing that this wasn’t the right moment. And then Wayne started talking about something with their past and weird ass stuff, you kinda zoned out trying to find a way out while protecting Tara. At least until you hear a certain name.
“And then there was Dook, he was rather easy to take care of after you put him in a kennel where he couldn’t do anything to us” Wayne said, Ethan and Quinn giggling making you even madder. They started to circle the three of you, Tara and Sam grabbing a stone. Sam quickly turned around signaling you to run and look for your dog once there was an opportunity and you did. They distracted them long enough for you to run off to where dook was hidden, constantly clicking the button that was supposed to release him but nothing. He was nowhere to be seen making you panic.
When you arrived at the kennel he was laying on his side, eyes closed and the kennel still closed. You pried the door open, once you got it open you crawled inside, tears already spreading in your eyes. “Dook?” You mumbled just for him to open his eyes and stand up, licking you across the face. “Not cool dude, i thought you were dead” and then your eyes fell to some kind of dog treat that you didn’t put there. Picking it up to smell it you quickly figured out that there was something wrong with it. “You’re such a smart boy” you cuddled him for a moment before remembering why you were even here.
When you came back to the siblings Sam was upstairs, holding Tara who was hanging over the upper part of the theater, Ethan under her fumbling around with a knife. “I’ve always wanted to stick something in you Tara” he said making you gag and more aggressive than you already were.
You saw Quinn and Wayne coming for Sam upstairs, “Dook, go protect Sam” you told the dog and got yourself ready to tackle Ethan just in case Tara needed the help.
“Sam, you have to let me go” Tara’s voice was desperate making Sam sigh and do let go of her, she fell and landed in his arms. She grinned as she stuck the knife into his throat pulling it down and god she looked good. She landed on her feet when he fell over and made her way towards your open arms.
Upstairs Sam shot Quinn in the head and then tried to shoot Wayne just for the gun to be empty. In that moment Dook jumped on his back knocking him to the ground, giving Sam the opportunity to kick him in the face and knocking him out. She came back down with the dog next to her. “I have a plan” she told you and quickly explained what you were supposed to do while scratching Dooks back, Tara scratching his head.
You were just a back up and a protection in sams plan, so you stood behind Tara with Dook, feeding him some treats. “What’s your favorite scary movie?” She said into the phone, holding the voice changer in front of it, a grin spreading across your face. She kept talking for a bit until you heard a scream through the phone which was when she hung up. “God, I just wanna go home” she mumbled as she leaned against you waiting for Sam to get you two.
Sam and Tara sat on the steps while you stood a bit further away to give them their privacy. They talked while you sat on the ground with Dook in your lap, zooming out until Sam called out for you. “If you hurt her I’ll hurt you. Even worse than I hurt Wayne” you gave her an upside down smile, and an awkward okay before Tara came running towards you making Dook and you jump up. She jumped into your arms and kissed you making you twirl her around.
That night you laid in Tara’s bed, cuddled up with Dook next to your legs. You wrapped your arm around her waist and pulled her even deeper into you. “Thank you for everything y/n, you’ve been here for us. You and Dook, you’ve been protecting us as if we are your family. I’ve always wanted somebody like you” she mumbled into your chest making you smile.
“Dook and I will never let anyone hurt you or your family. Tomorrow we will pick up Mindy and Anika and then we will visit Chad, Gale and Kirby. Now, stop talking so we can watch the movie” you grinned as you pressed play on the Babadook before pressing soft kisses on her lips.
It may have been to early to say I love you but god, you loved that woman more than anything. You loved her just as much as you loved Dook.
So this is like the longest thing I’ve ever written and I’m not sure I like it. But I took forever to write and I hope you guys enjoy it.
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swordofsun · 8 months
@scoobydoodean had been posting about 4x17 It's A Terrible Life and it's reminded me of one of my favorite overlooked bits in the episode and how it shows that Zachariah is just wrong about Dean.
Zachariah's whole theory with this little experiment is that Dean will choose hunting.
ZACHARIAH To prove to you that the path you're on is truly in your blood. You're a hunter. Not because your dad made you, not because God called you back from hell, but because it is what you are. And you love it. You'll find your way to it in the dark every single time and you're miserable without it. Dean, let's be real here. You're good at this. You'll be successful. You will stop it.
But Dean has expressly denied hunting already at the end of the last act:
SAM Look, all I know is this isn't who we're supposed to be. DEAN No. I'm Dean Smith, okay? Director of Sales and Marketing. I went to Stanford. My father's name is Bob, my mother's name is Ellen, and my sister's name is Jo. SAM When was the last time you talked to them? To any of them? DEAN Okay, you're upset. You're upset, you're confused— SAM Yeah, 'cause I only moved here 'cause I just broke up with my fiancée, Madison. But I called her number and I got a damn animal hospital. DEAN Okay. What are you saying? Are you trying to say that my family isn't real? Huh? That we've been injected with fake memories? Come on. SAM All I know is, I got this feeling in my gut. And I know—I know that deep down, you gotta be feeling it too. We're supposed to be something else. You're not just some corporate douchebag. This isn't you. I know you. DEAN Know me? You don't know me, pal. You should go. SAM leaves.
Sam tried to get Dean to drop everything and go hunting. They stopped a ghost! It was fun! They could do this, but Dean's not going to give up his life for it. Dean has no intention of turning his life upside down to start hunting and it's not until Zachariah lays out one of the most depressing 10 year plan ever:
ADLER Positive. You are Sandover material, son. Real go-getter. Carving your own way. DEAN Well, thanks. I try. ADLER I see big things in your future. Maybe even senior VP, Eastern Great Lakes Division. Don't get me wrong, you'll have to work for it. Seven days a week, lunch at your desk, but in eight to ten short years, that could be you. DEAN takes off his headset. DEAN Uh, well, thank you. Thank you, sir. It's, um...but... DEAN passes the paper back. DEAN I am giving my notice.
He's already the director of marketing and sales and his career plan is 10 years of nothing but work to make VP of a division? Probably a small division? Everyone would quit with that laid out. Maybe not as directly as Dean does, but yeah, they'd be going home and revamping the resume. That's a dead end career path you'd have to bust your ass and give up your life for.
Hearing that and going "hmm, maybe I take some time and check out that hunting thing with that Wesson guy. He was less creepy once we started working on the haunting, for the most part" is actually a pretty normal thing to do.
And really Zachariah doesn't even give him the chance to go find Sam. Because there's actually a good chance Dean gets home and after thinking about it he just updates his resume and LinkedIn. He had to give Dean back his memories in that exact moment in order to try and leverage the situation to his advantage.
Zachariah stacked the deck and still barely managed to get Dean to quit his job. Dean wasn't running to hunting with open arms. He was, at best, looking at it as a more viable option than the shitty 10 year plan Mr. Adler just laid out. And Zachariah couldn't wait for him to actually choose hunting, he had to strike before Dean could second guess himself.
(Even Sam is making the choice between IT support call center or ghost hunting. This isn't hard.)
4x17 Transcript
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