#I get that it's cool to decide dai is trash
baejax-the-great · 1 year
Me writing insanely bitter drafts re: DAI and media literacy and then carefully tipping them all into the trash
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DPXDC prompt ~Dead on main~Someone is walking over my grave
Jason sits on his tombstone and thinks about..something.
He lazily washes off the dirt that has been stuck on his army boots after the rain. It covers the year of his death perfectly. Grinning, he puts out a cigarette by using the mentioned stone. The cigarette butt throws between ugly funeral wreaths.
Danny: Hey, asshole, stop it!
Jason turns around. A very angry twink is rushing at him. The notorious crime lord does not have time to react when a fist hits him. Red Hood falls into a puddle. Shit! His favorite leather jacket!
Jason: What the hell are you doing?
Danny: No. What the hell are you doing?! Just because a man is dead doesn’t mean you must not respect him. You’re in a cemetery. Behave yourself, shithead. Or I’ll teach you manners.
Jason: You’re not from around here. Right?
Danny: So what? I doubt it’s normal to wipe your feet using a tombstone. Even in Gotham.
A malicious gremlin folds his arms on a chest.
Jason sits in a puddle more comfortably and pulls another cigarette out of his pocket. Damn, it’s wet.
Jason: If you were gothamite, I wouldn’t have to explain. It’s my grave, idiot. I do what I want with it.
Jason throws useless source of nicotine at his photo with black ribbon. The person who convicted him takes a couple of seconds to compare the vandal to the buried one.
Danny: Aw, shit, man. My bad, I didn’t mean to interrupt your break.
Jason’s eyebrow rises in surprise. From the outsider he expected more screaming and running. Not…apologies.
Jason: Yeah? Tell that to my favorite leather jacket. Now you can bury it next to me.
Bad Jason, bad. That’s not how normal people talk.
Danny: I’ll make amends. Tomorrow, okay? It’s my first working day. I’ve decided not to take my wallet. Need to find a safe route.
Jason: First day?
Danny: Yes, new cemetery guard here in the flesh. But I have not had time to meet all of inhabitants. Mistook you for a bad boy in a story. Well, it is your fault too! I understand you’re upset about death or maybe about the color of wreaths but please just put all the shit in the trash. I’m Danny, by the way.
Jason: Ha, I was wondering why there was no regular dude at work. Probably my neighbors drove him to a breakdown. He was an asshole, so no regrets.
Danny: Do you think so? Mrs Dent didn’t seem restless to me, she was quite nice.
The guy didn’t seem to catch the joke. Or was crazy. Why are all the hot people in Gotham are? Doesn’t matter. Why not try, right?
Jason: Don’t worry about the money. You can repay me with something else.
Danny: So you regenerates the suit? Cool. What do you want?
Jason: Um, I don’t get it, but… as compensation, I’m wanna have your number and one date.
Danny: Sure, why not.
Danny looks at the headstone.
Danny:Can you go outside the cemetery...Jason? The place is romantic, I agree, but where I grew up, it’s not customary to bring a mate at the place of rest until you meet parents.
Jason: Seriously? Cheesy horror movies didn’t teach you not to mess with zombies?
Danny: Well, I’ve never had a partner who was attracted to my brilliant brain. It must be pretty nice. And I don’t mind a couple of love bites, zombie boy.
Danny’s playfully batting his eyelashes. Jason can’t help laughing.
Danny: The less fair opinion among my friends is that I’m just brain-dead idiot. But I think they just don’t understand the benefits of adrenaline addiction, miserable humans. *pretends to wipe off a tear*
Jason *pretends to sniff*: Aw, hell, you really are a brainless doll, aren’t you?
Danny: Even so, it just means I’m perfectly safe.
Jason: Don’t think so. I want a piece of you.
Danny: Then don’t be afraid that the feeling is mutual. My teeth are also quite sharp. And when I’m haunting, it’s not easy to get rid of me.
The cheeky smile has given way to a serious look.
Danny: If we don’t get along, tell me right away, I’m not good at reading other people’s emotions.
Red Hood may be the son of the greatest detective but blinded by love Jason realizes that his boyfriend is quite dead only after a couple of months. He used to think Danny was a little…weird. Well, who in Gotham isn’t? It wasn't a problem. But during a funny fight about ignoring Danny in favor of a conversation with Tim , Fenton goes through him to grab his phone and then shouts that 'ghosting him is racist'.
Jason was delighted that he was able to hide his surprise. His boyfriend was too sweet, but sometimes insecure. Jay didn’t want Danny to start being cautious. Evidently, Honey thought from the first day that Jason knows. Let him keep it that way. Nothing has changed.
But now Danny’s promises to haunt Joker for the rest of his life if Jason wants it stopped being just super-hot flirt. So Jason need to make sure he doesn’t sic his darling poltergeist or whoever Danny is on someone. Even if it sounds good.
~~~~~Family dinner~~~~~
Dick: How did you two meet?
Jason: That’s a great story. My brave man beat the vandal who was messing with my grave.
Bruce: What? Who dared?
Danny: Jason, stop. It’s embarrassing.
Jason: No~ My family needs to know that chivalry is dead. My hero. Jason can’t resist a kiss on the cheek.
Danny: Taking this opportunity, I want to thank you all. It means a lot that you accepted Jason even not fully alive.
Alfred: Nonsense. Of course we..He’s family, no matter what.
Danny: Until the death separates us. Even at a wedding, love is promised only for a while. In parenthood, they do not take any oath about it. You’d be surprised how little past relationships can mean to people and how easy it is to hate what we are.
Danny: Damn, I ruined the mood, didn’t I? Sorry.
Jason: B, with all due respect, back off. You should ask Constantine how to help Danny if his family becomes a problem. Don’t mark my babe as a problem.
Bruce: I asked. And he laughed at me and said that you are the one who need protection. not him. Your Fenton is dangerous. Ghosts of such power only emerge in cataclysms after a large burst of energy or reach this level after centuries of battles or cannibalism and battles.
Jason: Seriously, old man? My boyfriend’s not gonna eat me. I’m not Red riding hood and he’s clearly not pretending to be my grandmother.
Danny: Hi, honey. what’s new?
Jason noted with satisfaction that Danny had eaten all the supplies he had prepared for him.
Jason: Nothing, but now I have an idea for great Halloween costumes for us. They are gonna drive the old man crazy.
Danny: Did you fight again? What is it this time?
Jason: Guess what, now B’s worried you want to bite off my dick or something.
Danny: First, eew, disgusting. Don’t talk about our intimate life with fucking Batman. Why would he think that? I like you whole.
Jason: Whore?
Danny: Idiot.They don’t even sound alike.
Jason: Just admit that I am an eye candy and kiss me already. I need a break from the madness of my family.
Later Danny blackmails Constantine for information about the interrogation from Batman.
Then he sends a short message to the group chat : Tell the future father-in-law that while Jason can cook, he is safe from me.
The chat explodes from questions of Batclan to Bruce. Jay has great brothers and sisters. Danny knew their chaotic energy could be relied upon.
In the morning Jason yells at Tim. Why the hell did Replacement put "Friends For Dinner" from The Land Before Time as his alarm melody?
Bruce *is suspicious of the ghosts at the wedding*.
GhostWriter: Do not think that we like it. The boy is involved in his own version of Twilight. Oh Ancients, I hope the Ancients don't know about it.
Clockwork aka one of Ancients: Come on, that’s sweet. And story will have a happy ending. I guarantee.
Jason's in a date simulator with no chance of losing when everyone thinks he’s in a horror game. Is Danny dangerous? Yeah. Did he hunt when they first met? Who knows. The main thing in the middle of the conversation Danny realised he found a creature with a similar sense of humor. So that made Jason 10 out of 10 aka soulmate and he would kill for him.
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moonydustx · 9 months
The night cook.
masterlist | requests here
Summary: Insomnia has struck one of the crew and Sanji is willing to find out. Meanwhile, you try to deal with your fear as best you can.
Warnings: I don't know, mention of clowns maybe (yes, exactly what you're thinking).
Word count: 1.4k
Pairing: OPLA!Sanji x F!Reader.
A/N: I have a new obsession and I need to write more and more. I watched the series in one day and now I'm racing against time to catch up with the anime (and soon move on to the manga). It has not been proofread so I apologize for possible errors.
Part 2 here
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Sanji was starting to get stressed.
Despite the short time he had been part of the crew, he already knew where he belonged: the kitchen. He could spend hours there and felt comfortable. But something bothered him. Every morning, some fruit always appeared cut, food scraps in the trash, his knives disorganized. He wouldn't look for trouble right away, but he was aware of every move.
Your steps dragged to the kitchen, after another bad night's sleep. The dark circles under his eyes were visible from afar, as was his bad mood.
"Good morning madame! Glad you joined us today for coffee." Sanji caught your attention, placing your plate in front of you.
"Good morning sunshine, your mood seems to brighten the day." Zoro teased you, only earning an eye roll.
You stared at the food in front of you. They looked appetizing, but hunger seemed to be nowhere in your body. You rolled them from one side to the other, without removing any pieces, while heard the others talking in the distance.
"Everything is fine?" The cook's voice caught your attention, a quick glance was enough to realize that the others had already eaten their meals. "Sorry to say ma'am, but you look tired."
"It's okay Ji. I'm just discouraged." You stand up, handing the plate back to him. "They look delicious, but I'm out of food, I'm sorry."
"Nothing to apologize for, my sweet. I heard that if you eat with a full stomach, or in your case without hunger, you can't enjoy the food and the last thing I want is for you to not like one of my dishes ." He leaned on the table, watching you.
"That's impossible. I could eat anything you make, as long as it's you making it."
It had been a while since the two of you exchanged small gestures, small flirtations. Unlike most other women, you weren't bothered by what he said. You felt seen, admired like never before, even though you knew he would say that to a thousand others. Plus, it was fun to see him shy with your answers.
"So... What can I do special for you today. Choose and I'll do it."
"Surprise me!"
You left it in the kitchen and if you looked back, you could see it lost in your image. None of the other beauties would be like that beauty, her beauty. Even though he was still lost, Sanji tried to regain his thoughts, thinking about the perfect lunch.
You got caught up in the tasks on the boat, all to keep the tiredness out of your body. Despite having heard the call for lunch you decided to postpone it, as well as dinner.
When you returned to bathe, you could see that everyone had retired to their rooms. Even with the most comfortable clothes, the coziest sheet and the cool sea breeze coming through the window, it only took a few minutes of sleep for you to wake up sweating, scared.
You were tired of it would be another wasted night. You got up and went towards the kitchen, since sleep didn't decide to appear that night, hunger had already taken its place and a salad would go well at that moment.
You gathered some radishes to cut and a few slices later, you felt the knife against your skin and was scared.
"So you're the cook for the night!" Sanji spoke suddenly.
Before you could curse him for his fright you had to hold back a scream due to the inconvenience of the pain.
"Shit, let me see." in a matter of seconds, he was already in front of you , holding your injured hand.
"It was nothing, you can rest."
"That, young lady, I will decide later." he gently placed a cloth in your hand, pressing it. "What are you doing up at this hour?"
"I couldn't sleep, I decided to prepare something."
"Honey, what's been going on?" He took your hand again, removing the cloth. "Okay, I have the solution to mine and your problem."
He took you by the hand to the bench, placing you in a sitting position, returned to the kitchen, placing a small container to heat and disappeared from sight for a few seconds, returning with a small box in his hands. It brought everything in front of you, allowing you to see what it was really about. A small box with bandage and a small plate with lasagna.
"I saved it from lunch for you, I think you'll like it."
"You know you're my favorite. Shit!" you immediately regretted trying to use your injured hand to eat.
"Now, we'll fix this." The cut was small but uncomfortable and felt a little deep.
You watched him bend down to your height and tend to the small wound like something precious while you ate. The silence between you didn't last long, against your will.
"When are you going to tell me what's been going on? You know, we're friends." Sanji charged, finishing applying the last strip. "Something is wrong with you and I can't figure it out. Besides, you've been destroying my onions in your nightly escapes."
"I'm having some trouble sleeping..." you tried to leave the explanation superficial, but the look in his eyes made it very clear that he wouldn't just buy that.
"You could have told me, you could have made me some tea or something that would help."
"It's not that." You pushed the plate away and straightened up, trying to look away from Sanji. Shame already dominated your body at that time. "It's a stupid thing."
"No mon amour, it's not. I'm here, talk to me."
"There's only one thing in the world that I'm afraid of: clowns. Be they the cute ones or the psychopaths alike..."
"Buggy. Has he been a problem?" Sanji tried to understand, although it didn't make sense since the crew hadn't seen him in days.
"First we were trapped in his circus and it was horrible. Then we had his head on board and I was sure that at any moment he was going to appear. Now, I can't stop having vivid nightmares about it." you confessed, feeling your face burn with embarrassment. "I can't sleep, so I come here at night and I always cook something. I usually watch you cook and it seems like something so relaxing, so good. It hasn't helped me much with my sleep, but at least I've been eating some of the inedible things I make ."
"I bet they're as good as the ones I make and if you don't mind, I'd love to cook with you one of these nights." he winked, eliciting a smile from you. "But for tonight, we need to sleep, finish your plate and I'll be right back with something."
A few minutes and mouthfuls later, Sanji appeared with two mugs, with some hot liquid inside them.
"Herbal tea. It'll help you fall asleep."
"I have my doubts, but…" you took a sip of the sweet drink. "It doesn't hurt to try. Are you sleep deprived too?"
"Not really, I just couldn't leave a lady drinking alone."
"If this works, I promise to buy you the next drink at a bar."
"Wait. This a date?" he asked and if it were possible, you would see hearts instead of his eyes.
"We have the drink." you pointed to the two mugs. "We had dinner." You pointed to the lasagna. "Sounds like a date."
"That miserable clown at least did one good thing"
"Don't ruin the moment, Ji."
The two of you finished your drinks in silence, a few glances exchanged were enough to get comfortable together. Sanji picked up the dishes on the table and you followed him with slower steps.
"Thank you for helping me."
"Who said our date is over?" he turned around, grasping his arm for you to intertwine. "I would never let a lady go alone to her chambers."
"You are a gentleman."
"Only for you amour." He stopped in front of your door. "It's delivered and safe."
You stood on your toes, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, really." You opened the door and before you could enter, you turned around. "Can I ask you one more thing?"
"Whatever madam wants."
"You can stay here for a while, just until I sleep."
"Of course sweetheart" He walked you into the room.
You straightened the bed and lay down on one end, watching him just stare at you, waiting for some sign that he could sit down.
"Please be my guest."
He lay down and almost automatically gave way for you to snuggle against his chest. Your laughter was suppressed when you saw him smiling widely at the contact.
"A few drinks, a dinner..."
"And you ended up in my bed." your voice was already sleepy. Maybe because of the tea, but something said it was more because of the company.
"And I ended up in the perfect place." reciprocating your gesture just now, in the little conscience you had left, you felt his lips touch your forehead. "Sleep missus. I promise not to let any harm come."
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luveline · 2 months
Missing my zombie!steve husband 🫶🏻
quiet day at the camp… hope something bad isn’t brewing… zombie apocalypse au <3 fem, 2k
Steve loves the sound of the river, but he only allows himself a moment to lay down on the riverbank during laundry hours. 
You stand knee deep in the water with your pants and sleeves rolled up, the corrugated metal of an old shed roof that’s been repurposed into a washing board held to your chest. It was pointless to roll your sleeves up, you’re soaked to the bone, even your hair, but the summer sun keeps you warm. 
“Don’t get too hot!” you call. 
“I’m fine,” he says, unwilling to shout. 
“He’s fine!” Robin shouts from beside him. “Numbskull.” 
Steve stares at you, locking you in, so to speak, the nice shape of your hip and stomach, the mess of your wet hair. Tonight, he’ll help you fix it, but there’s no rush and no hurry to dry off while the sun is out, and the fences are up. He turns onto his stomach. Grass tickles his cheeks. 
“You sure you’re okay?” Robin asks quietly. 
“Fine. Can you tell me if she needs help?” 
“Sure.” He listens to the sounds of her moving, likely pulling the slim lengths of her legs against her chest to hug herself, the tan leaves of a book spread out just in front of her. 
Steve could really go for a cigarette. You swapped the last box you found for toothpaste, isn’t that how it always goes? You and Robin found a cheat code in the apocalypse, nicotine with a capital ‘N’. You swap Arctic chewable for socks without holes and boxes of Marlboro’s for the bathroom essentials. Everybody wants them, and you’re great at finding them. Steve never thought he’d crave a cigarette again considering he wasn’t addicted, having smoked for a couple of months in high school to feel cool with his friends, stopping when his mom asked him to. He doesn’t remember why. She’d asked, and he’d listened, as he used to do. Swim team, cross country, basketball, lifeguard training, mowing the lawn, not upsetting his father, taking out the trash, vacuuming, no drinking and driving; task after task after task. Some of it was easy. He liked doing the dishes, and he loved taking care of his mom even if she didn’t feel the same. 
Not that it matters now. Does it matter now? He’s never gonna see her again. She’s a memory. She’s a bad memory, most of the time. 
The more he reflects on it, he decides. She was a bit shitty, but she’s his mom, and she’s likely gone, so he’ll try to remember the cookies they made together and the way she’d smile at him after she tied his shoelaces before school. And also the mean fucking bitch she’d turn into when she drank two glasses of wine. 
“What are you thinking about?” Robin asks.
“That’s the wrong soap,” you say from the river. Your voice floats over the breeze. 
“Fuck off, soap is soap,” Eddie says, your not-so-new friend, Steve’s sworn enemy. 
“I’m just saying,” you laugh. “Look, I’ll wash, you rinse.” 
“I’m thinking about that time,” Steve begins, holding his hand out toward her, open but not expectant, “when my mom and dad came home early from his business trip in Missouri and found us sleeping together.” 
“I’d never heard your dad laugh before,” Robin says. 
“My mom really didn’t like you after that.” He smiles as she takes his hand. They were a lot more touchy, pre-apocalypse. He misses that sometimes. 
“I don’t even think she thought we were dating.” 
“She was disgusted.” 
“She said we were being weird teenagers.”
“I guess we were. I never had a friend like you before so maybe I can’t blame her,” he says. He has something special with you, you’re a best friend because you’re half of his heart, but Robin was his first proper best friend, and remains it. “I missed you a lot when we were stuck in Indiana. There were a ton of times where shit would go wrong and I would get mad at you because I knew you’d know how to fix it, but you weren’t there.” 
“You’d get mad at me?” Robin asks, squeezing his hand. “You jerk. Be mad at yourself.” 
“Can you wait for me next time?” he asks.
Robin’s quiet, then she laughs, “I’m nodding but you can’t see.” 
He wonders how she’s feeling. He admits to not doing that much in the past. Not that he didn’t think about how he made others feel, he was always worrying about that after Nancy, but he can’t say he thought of it in the moment. Steve forces himself to sit up and offer his arms for a hug, which Robin gladly accepts, her frazzled laugh on his neck as he pats her back. 
“Are you okay?” she asks. 
“You know Y/N says I’m possessive?” 
Robin leans away, fingers curled around his elbow. “You’re fighting?” 
“No, just. She says I’m possessive, that I get mad about, you know, my people.” 
“Right. Isn’t everybody?” 
“I never thought I did. I’m not, like, too proud most of the time.” 
“Steve, this is super introspective,” she says, frowning, smiling, a weird expression somewhere melding in the middle of happy and concerned. “Are you sure you’re okay? It’s fine if you’re not.” She laughs shrilly. “I woke up the other day and cried and then ten minutes later I felt fine. I’m far from okay.” 
Steve glances past Robin’s head to watch you in the river. You’re sitting down amongst the stones. It really isn’t too deep, water to your ribcage washing suds down to Munson, who’s smiling at you kindly, not smarmy or flirting, just smiling. 
“Why did you cry?” he asks quietly. 
“I missed my cousin, I think.” 
Steve curls his arm behind her head and encourages her in for a fiercer hug. 
“Think we should probably go help them,” she mumbles. 
He takes it for the brush off that it is; sincerity is too much to take, sometimes. If she wants to be evasive about it that’s okay, she already took the leap and admitted to getting upset. 
“I cried thinking about Y/N’s hands the other day,” he says. 
“Steve.” Robin rubs her eye with the heel of her hand. “I don’t even know what to tell you.” 
“What? I’m trying to show you I’m pathetic so you don’t feel bad.” 
“I know you’re pathetic, and I don’t feel bad.” She climbs off of the ground and brushes broken grass off of her legs. Steve climbs up next to her, nudging her with his elbow. “You’re mucho pathetic. It’s kind of crazy.” 
“I think I might try and drown him,” he says conversationally. 
“Why now?” 
“Why do you think?” Steve asks, toeing off his shoes and peeling off his socks, nearly pitching forward on the wet bank closer to the river.
You and Eddie look up as they approach from different spots of the water. Your smile at seeing him winds him for the thousandth time, just so happy to see him, so in love with you he doesn’t even know what to do for a few seconds. “Hey, honey,” he says, “can I help?” 
“Now you wanna help?” you ask, gesturing to your soaked front. 
You’re messing with him, and he doesn’t care anyways, you can talk to him like crap if you want to. He shuffles down from the mud of the riverbank and into the water, cold and wet like a shock against his ankles, softer as it climbs to his knees. You’re sitting where it’s more shallow, opposed to Eddie on his knees and almost drowning further down. He puts his hand on your wet shoulder and kneels down in the water beside you. “Wanna hug?” you tease. 
Steve hugs you. Doesn’t care that you’re soaking or that the water is freezing against his crown jewels, though he shivers by your ear, prompting your laugh like bubbles in his own. “It’s cold,” he says. 
Not to be a freak, but he can feel your chest pressed to him, and he knows you get achy in the cold. He wraps his arms doubly behind your back and rubs at your sides. “How much laundry’s left?” he asks. “We’re gonna get hypothermia. Again.” 
“You didn’t get hypothermia,” you remind him, folding into his space. “Steve… is everything okay?” 
“Do I look mopey today? Robin just asked me the same thing.” 
“You don’t look mopey, but you’re being touchy. You’re cuddling.” 
“How am I not supposed to cuddle you, dummy? I’m keeping you warm enough to function right now. Without me you’d be an ice cube floating down the river.” He leans back to hold your face in one hand, your cheek under his thumb, water racing down his wrists and your neck. 
You push against his hand gently with your cheek. 
“Sorry,” he says. 
“What for?” 
For lots of things. “I didn’t realise how cold the water was. I would’ve come to help you.” 
“It’s fine. I scrub everything and then Eddie catches it. We’ve only lost one pair of underwear,” you say. “The river’s like a long washing machine.” 
“How much do you have left?” he asks. 
“Nothing. I was just about to get out.” 
“Couldn’t have told me that before I came to get you?” 
“No,” you say, lifting your chin. Not challenging, but close. It’s an offer, Steve decides, kiss me or don’t kiss me. You don’t seem to realise he doesn’t decide, he needs you. If you always wanted to kiss him, you’d always be kissing, all the time, everywhere. 
Steve gives you a quick peck. “Come on, let’s go set up the line.” 
You somehow, together, make your way back to the tents without freezing to death after throwing your clothes on a drying line between trees. It’s warm enough that stripping down to your skivvies is mildly pleasant (away from the eyes of the other campers). You get dressed in the softest clothes you own upon Steve’s insistence, sweatpants and a dark hoodie, three pairs of socks and the tent door left open, before he lays you down on the sleeping bag, and settles between your legs, his full weight bearing down on you, his face nestled in the damp crook of your neck. 
“I couldn’t kiss you the right way,” he confesses. 
“Why?” You pull mildly at the ends of his hair. 
“‘Cos I always want more than one kiss.” 
“That’s a strangely romantic way to say you wanted to make out with me,” you whisper. 
“It’s not like that,” he insists, even though he does want to, and he did in the river, and he does all the time.
“You’re getting kinda heavy, Steve,” you mumble. 
“It’s a good thing.” 
“How dare you.” 
“We got sorta frail for a bit.” You wrap an arm around his head, tip of your nose to his forehead. 
“Yeah. Lucky we’re in camp Eddie now,” Steve says. 
“I never thought I’d hear you say that,” you murmur, so close to sleeping Steve can tell. You just need a feeling of security to nudge you over the edge. 
“Lucky we’re together.” He climbs off of you slowly so as not to rouse you too much, kissing your slack cheek as he settles on your shoulder. “You and me. I don’t care where we are.”
He ends up falling asleep not long after you, lulled by the rhythm of your light snore. 
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nanamikeento · 5 months
the rooftop.
Every girl in school likes Tsukishima Kei. Everyone knows he's the popular tall boy who helped take the school volleyball team to the nationals. Naturally, he's the target of various confessions per week. He's certain at least of every class has confessed to him. And then, there's you. The mysterious girl that silently hangs out with him on the rooftop of the school building. All he knows about you is that you're in the same classmas Hinata and Kageyama. That is, until you come up with a proposition he finds it hard to deny.
w.c.: 6.7k
hi. fake relationship. high school. feelings. sorry if this feels rushed towards the end, ive been writing this since januray 2023. crossposted on ao3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
The sky is a nice blue, and you enjoy the view as you lean on the rails of the roof on your lunch break, basking on the sunlight and the cool wind breeze mother nature decided to bless you this afternoon. Despite your friends having lunch in the classroom, you like being alone at this time of the day. It's the only time you have to yourself. After this, you'll have classes and club activities, and then you'll have to get home and have homework to do and study and won’t have even a single thought to yourself.
This is why you sigh silently when you hear a stranger's voice coming from behind you. Right at the corner of the roof, where they can't see you, there's a girl confessing her crush to the same tall boy who hangs out silently on the same roof as you. You look over your shoulder and see her handing him a pink envelope, bowing and leaving. The boy just stares at it, in silence, adjusts his glasses and walks over to the trash can by the rail where he tosses the envelope.
You scoff at him.
“Shut up,” Tsukishima tells you.
“I didn’t say anything.” You protest and look back at the sight the school building provides, “Although, that's what? The third one this week?”
“Tch.” He joins you on the railing and doesn't say anything for a moment. “I tried coming here for a break, but they keep finding me.”
You roll your eyes, “Oh, the struggle.”
The mocking tone makes him sigh, irritation coursing through his veins. You're one of the few girls that haven't had a crush on or haven't confessed to him. That he knows. And it's not like he takes pride in it, being one of the popular guys in school and having girls falling for him daily. Sure, it was fun in the first year of high school, but now, in his last, he just wants to focus on graduating and getting into a nice university, moving on with life.
Then, there's you. The mysterious girl he met on the roof of the school's building that he knows nothing about. All he knows about you is that you're in the same class as Hinata’s and he'll be dead before he asks him about you. For now, he'll just hang out silently with you and bask on the unspoken agreement that you two have.
“Why don't you give one of them a chance?” You break the silence and Tsukishima exhales sharply as he remembers Yamaguchi saying these same words to him once. He ducks his head for a moment, then pushes himself off the railing.
“Don't you have better things to do?” He asks, looking straight into your eyes.
“Nope,” You smirk at him, knowing you're getting on his nerves. A laugh escapes your lips as he clicks his tongue. He has pretty eyes, though.
“What about you?” He asks, leaning his forearms on the railing again, “Surely there must be someone—”
It's your turn to click your tongue, irritated. The subject annoys you too much, especially when the creepy boys from your club come to mind every time, and Tsukishima falls silent, knowing it's dangerous territory. The both of you fall into a comfortable silence again, once more enjoying what you came in search of: peace of mind.
Except your mind is not at peace at all. You barely know this kid, just that he's on the masculine volleyball team and that they went to the nationals once and it was a pretty big deal at the time. And that he's tall. And handsome. And that pretty much all girls in school fall for him because of all that. You're not so sure why so many girls tend to confess to him anyway. Tsukishima is a bit rude and harsh when you meet him. At least he was when you met him. At first, it made you back away from him as far as possible. How could a girl even want to be his girlfriend?
And then a thought hits you.
“You know...” You pick at your nails, eyes down to the other students far away from you, “I could pretend to be your girlfriend to keep those girls away...”
Tsukishima's eyes bore to you, but you're still looking down. At first, he thinks you're joking, but the look on your face tells him you're serious about it. Still, he can't help but be sarcastic about it because, well, that's just who he is.
“You'd do that for me.” The cynicism is clear on his voice, and you end up rolling your eyes, but smile as you look back at him, shrugging.
“You'd keep the creeps away.”
This, he wasn't expecting. He tries to hide the surprise on his face but fails to. Then, he falls into his usual Tsukishima face and scoffs, pushing himself out of the rail and turning his back to walk away. You sigh deeply and lean your chin on your forearms, enjoying the last minutes of your lunch break, knowing the bell will ring soon and you'll have to get back to your classroom.
It's not until two days later that you hear of Tsukishima again. You're doing some homework in advance on your break, since it’s pouring outside and you can't go to the roof today, when one of your classmates calls your name and tells you he's looking for you. The hallway is packed with people, and it annoys him that his earphones are out of battery so he can't listen to music like he always does, so when you meet him outside your classroom the frown between his brows is almost popping up a vein, you're sure of it.
“What's up?” You say, pretending not to notice the large vein on his forehead. Oh, he's pissed at something and you're dying to see it.
“C'mon,” he simply says and turns his back. When you don't follow, confused at his command, he sighs sharply and pulls you by the wrist. You try to protest, but you're very aware everyone is watching as he pulls you through the hallway towards a more private place. When he's sure no one is around, Tsukishima stops by the stairs between the first and second floors, where Hinata swore to him he once saw a ghost there.
“Damn, what happened?” You ask, frowning at the strong grip on your wrist.
“I'll do it.”
You pause, looking way up at his height that towers you. It should intimidate you, it should make you back away, especially after you saw the way he treats people... but you don't.
“Do what?”
He closes his eyes and inhales deeply. Are you really gonna make him say it? Fine, so be it. What's a little pride anyway? He takes a deep breath and looks into your eyes.
“I'll pretend to be your boyfriend... to keep the creeps away.”  
“Oh. That.” You had forgotten about it already. So, he wants in, then? “O-okay.”
“Okay.” He parrots and his eyes travel through your shoulder to your arm and notes how he's still gripping your wrist like there's no tomorrow. Tsukishima quickly lets go of you like you have the plague, then clears his throat, a faint shade of red painting his cheekbones, “S-so, how do we do this?”
You shrug, “We spend time together on breaks, go home holding hands, all that couple stuff, you know.”
On the outside, your behavior is nonchalant, but your hands are shaking with nervousness. You’re about to fake an entire relationship with a guy you barely know.
“Right.” Tsukishima nods, “I have club activities until six, though.”
“Me too. You can wait for me outside gymnasium five, the one with the pool. Just make sure you're seen.”
A groan bubbles up in his throat, but he swallows it down. Isn't being seen the main objective here? So, he just nods and exhales softly as he closes his eyes.
“Don't worry,” you say, realizing he looks worried about your plan, “I won't make you kiss me or anything... unless you want me to.”
Tsukishima opens his eyes and blushes furiously, a frown growing between his brows. You let a laugh escape your lips, genuinely having fun with his reaction. That until someone starts descending the stairs, interrupting their moment. It's the girl from that day on the roof, the one that handed the letter over to Tsukishima when you were there. She looks at him and then looks at you, a small frown between her eyebrows. For a moment, you think she's going to say something, but she just walks past you both and quickly makes her way to the first floor. When you look back at him, his skin is bright red, and his eyes are everywhere but on you.
“Well, you gotta do better than that if you want to convince people we're together.” You actually smile at the view.
He just huffs and walks away from you.
The rain has stopped by the time you're done with your club activities. You make sure to leap out of the pool and power walk to the dressing rooms.
“No running around the pool!” Your professor says and you apologize, but don't stop, ripping the goggles and swimming cap from your head.
“Someone's in a hurry today!” You hear a remark, probably from one the first years, and ignore them as you quickly enter the dressing room and start undressing.
You don't even bother to wash off the chlorine from your hair, just a quick douche and you're already putting your uniform on again. Almost knocking a second year down, you bust out of the dressing room, making your way outside.
No sight of Tsukishima.
All that work for nothing. You sigh, deciding to wait a couple of minutes, but he doesn't show up. Did he change his mind? He would've let you know if that was the case, right?
As you start walking around the school to make your way to the volleyball gymnasium, you feel embarrassed to be that excited to see him. Maybe you should’ve washed your hair, maybe it was stupid to rush like that.
Trapped in your own thoughts, you don’t see the tall presence in front of you as you turn a corner to reach the gymnasium. The strong body collides with you, and it sends you back, your feet tripping on each other making you almost fall on your ass.
His hands reach for you, holding you in place.
Tsukishima’s eyes look down at you, honey colored pupils staring at you confused. For a second you think your heart skips a beat with the way he holds your upper arms, the warmth of his hands radiating to your own skin.
“I thought you said to be outside gymnasium five,” he says, pulling you back from your thoughts.
“Y-you didn’t show up.” You manage to say.
He sighs, letting go of you. “Sorry. Coach held us a bit back there.”
Tsukishima pulls his phone out of his bag and only then you notice he’s wearing his club’s uniform. He didn’t have time to change and was going to see you right away.
“Oh.” You say, watching the way his eyes scan whatever is on his phone. He looks at you and you feel heat on your cheeks, looking away. In the distance, a boy with brown hair and a blonde girl are looking puzzled at the both of you. You take a deep breath and look back at him, the corners of your mouth curving into a smile. “It’s okay! Meeting here is better anyway.”
Tsukishima then remembers he didn’t give an explanation to his teammates on why he wasn’t going to change, saying he just needed to be somewhere else. His ears turn pink when he realizes they’re still lingering outside the door and witnessing this interaction.
“Walk me home?” You smile at him.
He just nods. Walking you home is probably the best way to be seen together. Side eyeing Yamaguchi and Yachi, he walks by your side as you guide him towards the exit.
He'd have a lot of explaining to do tomorrow.
“Are you and Tsukishima from class four together?” It’s the first thing you hear when you enter the classroom the next day. Your friend grabs your shoulders and looks right into your eyes.
“U-uh…” you clutch your bag and swallow hard, thinking of what to say, “Yeah, we’re–“ you swallow hard again, “We’re together.”
Her eyes widens and she opens her mouth, but you interrupt whatever she is about to say.
“Don’t scream.” You manage to get free from her grip.
“Wait, but Yuuki from class two confessed to him yesterday! She said he said he wasn’t interested.” She follows you to your seat.
“Oh, really?” you say as you sit down, watching as she pulls a chair to sit beside you.
“And Maki saw you two in the hallway at lunch and started crying, ‘cause she also confessed to him this week.” You think back to the moment a familiar girl ran into you two by the stairs. You kinda feel bad for making a girl cry, but you’re sure Tsukishima will like that the girls already fell for your fake relationship. When you don’t say anything, your friend keeps talking, “Maki said he seemed interested in her, though.”
“Oh, trust me, he wasn’t.” You laugh, remembering how he immediately threw her love letter in the trashcan when she left.
“What?” You look back at her.
“You’re acting so weird…” She frowns at you.
Swallowing, you shrug, “I don't know what you’re talking about.”
Luckily, the bell rings and you silently thank time for being so on point. Your friend goes back to her seat, and you sigh relieved.
Who would’ve known lying would be so hard?
“So, is it true?” Yamaguchi asks as he approaches the net to block a spike from the other team.
Coach made them split into groups of three to play against each other and Tsukishima was stuck with a freshman and Yamaguchi.
“What is?” He asks after jumping and blocking the spike successfully.
“That you’re with that girl from class one.”
He looks at Yamaguchi and understands why he’s been acting weird all day. Ever since he saw you together, he’s been acting as if he wants to say something.
Tsukishima says your name.
“Yeah,” he then says, “It’s true.”
He doesn’t see it, but he knows Yamaguchi is smiling at him, that hopeful, shit eating grin he hates so much.
“I knew someday–“
“Save it.” Tsukishima interrupts him.
“Well, I was right, wasn’t I?”
Yamaguchi had been saying for weeks that the girl who sits on the roof during lunch time and Tsukishima would end up together someday. Something to do with spending too much time with her, ‘specially if she hasn’t confessed’ like he said. Yamaguchi was actually so wrong about it, but he let him have it by grunting a response.
He felt bad enough lying to his best friend already.
“So who confessed first?”
“He did, obviously,” you answer your friend’s question.
A day later, in P.E., she asked if it was you who confessed to him. She couldn’t let go of your – fake – relationship with Tsukishima, asking you questions about him and how it happened, if you both had kissed and went out on dates already.
It usually wouldn’t bother you, since you don’t really like Tsukishima that way, but the number of questions she’s asking makes you think she’s the one who has a crush on him. It makes you feel weird on the inside, as if something is wrong.
“You must’ve really impressed him,” she says as you both complete another lap around the soccer field, “I heard he’s…”
“He’s what?” you ask as she trails away. You both come to a stop, panting and sweating and you wait for her response, but she just shrugs.
“What?” You insist.
“Just… that he’s cold towards girls.”
You stare at her. It’s not like you’re offended by her statement, she’s actually right. You’ve never seen Tsukishima acting differently with any other girl, or boy, or anyone. It’s just the way he is. But why would that be a problem? You’re not really together.
“Rumors sure do fly fast.” You mumble as you walk down the street, Tsukishima by your side. He hums an answer, “Have any girls bothered you yet?”
“No, but it's only been a week.”
A chuckle leaves your lips. Crossed arms, you shiver as a cold breeze rushes past you.
“Any creeps bother you?”
You side eye him, smirking, “It's only been a week.”
The silence that follows walks on the line between comfortable and awkward. You want to say more, have a conversation with him, but it seems Tsukishima was comfortable with the silence between you two. And it's not like you have to be friends with him for this plan to work.
It's only been a week, but you've learned that Tsukishima is a quiet, reserved guy. Always listening to music, always in his own world. You don’t want to force him much.
Another cold breeze rushes past you and the shivers on your skin make you tremble. A sign the cold weather is about to come. Tightening the grip on yourself, you take a deep breath, trying to control the involuntary shivers, until you feel something warm around your shoulders.
His school club jacket.
You pause your steps to look at him, now sporting just his shirt and shorts. It takes him a second to realize you've stopped, so he looks back at you and raises a brow. The corners of your mouth pull into an amused smile, and he rolls his eyes at you, resuming his walk.
“We're supposed to be pretending, aren't we?” he says, shrugging. The smile on your face grows bigger, but you don't mention that no one from school is around, “Also, you're gonna get sick with your wet hair.”
You want to thank him and say you won't, but you're too afraid it'll scare him off. For now, you just bask in the warmth of his jacket as he walks you home.
Two weeks later, you don't show up at school for three days. On the fourth day, a shy girl approached Tsukishima saying she was the class rep for class one and asked if he could take you some homework you missed. He tried saying he had practice after school, but she insisted, since he was her boyfriend.
He thought about just showing up at your house after practice, but his guts told him he should check on you.
You live on the way to his house anyway, so he figured it wouldn’t hurt. At the end of the day, he tells Yamaguchi he’s going to skip practice, and, to his surprise, he just smiles at him, giving a knowing look.
“What?” Tsukki stares at his best friend.
Yamaguchi just shrugs, “Nothing.”
Tsukishima suspected something was on his mind, but he said nothing as he kept that look on his face.
The walk to your place is pleasant and quiet, just the way he likes it. He missed being able to be with his own thoughts, listening to his favorite band and just... being alone. But at the same time, walking by himself feels strange now. In the past week, he’s grown so accustomed to your presence that, when you missed classes, he...
He missed you.
Halting his steps at the realization, he notices your house at the top of the small hill. His heart does something that he doesn’t recognize. A feeling deep inside bothers him to the point he thinks it’s just a stomachache.
 He also didn’t stop to think about how to introduce himself to your parents. The feeling only gets worse as he approaches your front door and rings the doorbell, expecting an adult to come to get him.
‘Just hand them the homework and leave’, he thinks to himself as he hears footsteps approaching and the door being unlocked.
To his surprise, it’s you who opens the door.
Pink colors his cheekbones as he notices you’re in your pajamas: sweatpants and a tank top that reveals much more than what his imagination can go. Your hair is a little messy and your face... You look so sleepy that he feels his heart skip a beat.
“Tsukki?” You say with a rough voice, bringing him back to reality, “What- what happened?”
“I-I...” He stutters and then clears his throat, “I brought your homework...”
Tsukishima digs through his backpack to get the stack of papers and hand it to you.
“Homework?” You say, frowning, “Isn’t that the class rep’s job?”
“Yeah, but she gave it to me instead.”
You scoff, taking the papers from him, which causes a coughing fit. At this moment the wind passes through you and you shiver.
“Get inside,” Tsukki tells you, “you’ll get worse.”
“Well, come in then.”
You give him space to walk inside your home. He does without thinking much nor hesitating. It’s like he’s always been here, like entering his best friend’s house.
“Are you alone?” he asks, taking in the living room. A blanket lays on the couch and the TV is paused on some movie you were watching.
“Yeah, my mom is working.”
You guide him to the living room, bunching up the blanket on a corner and giving him space to sit.
“And your dad?” he asks, carefully.
“On a work trip.”
The silence that follows is definitely awkward enough for Tsukishima to be uncomfortable. He’s never been in a situation like this, alone with a girl in her house. It makes him nervous. Especially because it’s you.
“Would you like some tea?” Your offer comes right before another cough fit, followed by a sneeze.
Tsukishima sighs and reaches for the bunched up blanket beside you — trying to ignore how close you are —, wrapping it around your shoulders.
“Told you you’d get sick.” He mumbles, pulling the blanket so it gets right around you.
“Tch- don’t be sorry. I’ll make some tea.”
He stands up and goes toward the open kitchen, leaving you staring at his back as he walks away. Tsukki acts like he’s been at your place a million times: fills the electric kettle, looks for the tea in the cabinets and takes some honey from the counter. It’s only natural, he wants you to feel better.
And here you are, sick as a street dog, watching his movements with attention. His shirt rises when he stretches to reach the tea at the top cabinet – after you tell him where it is – and you see some hair on his lower abdomen. Your face immediately burns, but you can’t look away. You can’t help but stare. And you hate to admit it, but you like what you see.
“Are you feeling okay?” He asks, and you snap to reality.
“Uh, yeah, yeah.” You clear your throat and finally look away.
Tsukishima pours one cup for you and one for him. You watch his hands as he settles down on the couch again, his slender fingers hugging the ceramic of the mug as he hands it to you. When you take it, his skin brushes against yours gently. You feel your skin heating up again.
If he notices, he says nothing. You take a sip from the tea and almost burn your tongue at the temperature, but your eyes are fixated on his hands. The protuberant veins on his pale skin and the size of his palms, his fingers. One of them catches your attention, his pinky finger is different from the others.
“What?” his voice brings you back to reality and you look at him to find him staring back.
You don't know why you decide to go with the truth.
“Your pinky.”
He gives you a puzzled look. Clearing your throat, you speak louder.
“Your right pinky. It's different.”
Tsukishima raises his hand to show you his crooked finger. “Oh. I broke it in the finals for the Spring tournament in my first year. They just taped it together and it never healed right.”
“Oh...” without thinking much, you reach for his hand, your finger pads rubbing against the curve of his pinky. The warmth from his skin radiates to yours and you like the sensation of his hands on yours.
“I thought the whole school was there...�� He mumbles and you let go of his hand. The warmth for your tea isn't sufficient to warm the lack of his touch.
“If it was in Spring, I wasn't.” You sigh, “Swimming trials start in April. I was trying to get into the Summer swimming competition.”
“Did you get in?”
“No,” you say with a smile, “but I watched the Nationals.”
“Oh?” His eyes light up a little and you think it's adorable.
“Yeah, on the TV.” You see him visibly deflate. You don't think he knows he's doing that, but you don't mention it anyway, “It was pretty exciting. You guys deserved it.”
Tsukishima looks at you as if he discovered a new star. It's not written on his face, but you can see it in his eyes, and you don’t know if it’s the fever or something else, but your chest constricts and your stomach churns. There’s a silence, tense seconds pass by.
“Can I ask you something?” Tsukki asked and you nodded, encouraging him to do it, “Who are the creeps you always talk about?”
Your smile fades away and your eyes tear the gaze from his. Sighing, you consider giving an evasive answer or just lying, but you decide to tell him the truth.
“Just some guys from the boys swimming team. Sometimes they watch our practice and make comments about me.”
“What kind of comments?” He breathes, trying to control his anger. Tsukki didn’t want you to realize he felt protective of you, but with his flushed face and inflated nostrils, he couldn’t hide much.
“Just some nasty comments about my body.”
A tense pause hangs heavily between you both. Tsukishima is thinking of all the ways he can beat up those creeps. It's weird that he feels so protective of you, you’re not really his girlfriend, but hearing you talk about this and not doing anything about it feels wrong.
“It’s not just me, though.” you continue, “It’s all the girls.”
“Your coach doesn’t say anything?”
“We tried to tell her once, and she did talk to their coach, but it only made the insults worse...”
He says your name, making you look at him. You see something in his eyes, something you’ve never seen before.
“If you want, I can—”
“No, it’s fine, I—”
“Hey.” Tsukishima grabs your shoulders, with the intention of forcing you to look at him and listen. His touch burns on your skin, and you grow hot as his amber eyes stare intensely into yours, “This is why we’re doing this, right? You said it yourself, I'd keep the creeps away.”
You pause for a second wondering why he’s suddenly acting like this. “Y-yeah, but you don’t have to do anything... I... I thought that if they saw I had a boyfriend, they would stop, but...”
“They didn’t.” He finishes your sentence. You just shake your head, looking away.
Tsukishima suddenly feels the urge to kiss you, to make your pain go away. His eyes stare at your lips for a moment as he wonders if they’re as soft as they look. He wonders how they would feel against his own lips, against his skin, against—
You look back at him, eyes meeting his, a curious expression on your face, as if you know what he’s thinking about. Then, he suddenly stands up from the couch, startling you.
“I-I should go,” he says, clearing his throat, “but once you feel better and you go back to school, I’ll deal with the creeps.”
You stand up from your spot as well, meeting his eyes, “Tsukki, I—”
“It’s not up for discussion.” His voice sounds lower, darker even. It lights a fire in you that you don’t recognize. “Text me if you need anything.”
With that, he leaves your house, leaving you to feel confused and puzzled.
The following week, you finally feel better enough to go back to school. The flu has gotten better, but you’re still not able to swim – medical orders – until you feel one hundred percent well. So after classes, you just hang out at the library until Tsukishima is done with practice. You miss swimming, but the peace and quiet of the library is a nice break from your hectic days. Or at least it was. As soon as they entered the place, you knew you were going to have a hard time.
Their comments about your swimming abilities, your body, your hair and even your – fake – relationship with Tsukishima, come to your mind and you quickly slip out of the place before they can notice you. You hate that they have such an effect on you like that, you want to admit you don't care, but you do. Of course you do, when they're calling you names and laughing at everything you do.
Walking around the school, you find yourself at the volleyball gymnasium, staring at the open door. Inside, Tsukki and his friends are doing serving and receiving exercises, and, before you can think too much about it, you cross the entry, passing through the protective net used to keep the balls from escaping.
A ball flies over your head and hits the wall beside you, making you gasp and jump in your place. Everyone looks at you. Swallowing, you quickly remove your shoes and offer them a small bow before running to the bleachers.
Tsukki looks at you with a puzzled face, and then jumps at the sound of the coach barking some orders. The rest of practice goes like it usually does, except there's a tiny voice inside his head telling him that you're watching. Deep down, he feels like he has to practice harder, do better, just because you're watching. By the end of the practice, he's sweating, overheating and catching his breath more than usual.
He avoided looking at the bleachers during practice, but now, when he takes a peek, he catches you staring at him. You quickly look away, heat creeping on your cheeks. He can't help but smile.
Days are getting dark sooner now, so when you leave the gymnasium to meet him, it's already dusk. The sky is a mixture of bright oranges and blues. You wait for him to get changed into his uniform as you watch the sun go away. A cold breeze rushes through you and you shiver, wishing you'd brought your uniform jacket instead of just a sweater.
A warm fabric falls on your shoulders, the familiar scent of fabric softener and Omnigel immediately invading your nostrils. Tsukishima's large hand rests on the top of your head, catching you by surprise. There's no one around to show off your fake relationship, so the affectionate gesture confuses you.
“Hey,” you say, forcing a smile.
“What's wrong?” He asks, noticing your glassy eyes.
“Nothing,” you respond too quickly.
He stares at you, amber eyes studying you with suspicion, “You have a weird look on your face.”
“It's just my face.”
Tsukki says your name, making you sigh and close your eyes. How is he able to read you so easily like this?
“Was it the creeps?” He asks, and you cringe, “What did they do?”
When you look at Tsukishima, you notice the anger and his eyes. Heat creeps on your cheeks at the thought of him protecting you.
“N-nothing.” You stutter, “I was at the library and they came in… They didn't even see me though!” You quickly add, “I just– I just didn't want to face them…”
He keeps quiet for a moment until he takes your hand in a bold move.
“Tomorrow we're going to face them,” He says matter-of-factly, dragging you away from the gymnasium.
“This is why we're doing this.” He interrupts you, “I don't care what you think they're gonna say, we're gonna show you're mine now.”
As quick as the words leave his mouth, he freezes, eyes wide, cheeks red in embarrassment. He doesn't look at you, as he stops walking, hand squeezing yours harder.
“Kei…” you say, stomach doing somersaults, breath quickening.
“Shut up.” He pulls you away, walking faster.
The rest of the walk home is spent in silence.
Tsukishima couldn't remember the last time he rode a bike to school, but here he is at your doorstep, hands on the handlebars tightening their grip. He wasn't sure if you'd want to see him after what he said last night, but when he knocked on your door, the look on your face changed from surprised to amused. You asked for a minute to finish getting ready and left him waiting outside.
The tension between you two is palpable, as you walk side by side to school. 
When you walk through the school grounds hand in hand, Tsukishima avoids eye contact, seemingly lost in his thoughts.
The morning is a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Tsukishima's determination to confront the creeps is evident, and you find yourself caught in the whirlwind of his protective stance. The rumors about your relationship spread like wildfire, everyone knew you were together, but seeing you holding hands just adds an extra layer of complexity to the situation.
He rests a hand on your head when you reach your classroom, “See you later.”
Nodding, you feel your cheeks burning as you enter the classroom. All eyes are on you when you take a seat. Your friends tease you all morning.
This agreement certainly took an unexpected turn. 
“You ready?” Tsukki asks you, taking your hand again. Lunch break was cut short when he approached you. Nodding, you swallow hard, confused by the swirl of emotions that hit you.
As you approach the library, you notice the creeps already there, smirking and whispering among themselves. Tsukishima tightens his grip on your hand, a silent reassurance that he's by your side. With a confident stride, you both enter the library, facing the unwelcome attention head-on.
The creeps pause their conversation, their eyes widening at the unexpected sight of you two together. You can sense the shift in the atmosphere as Tsukishima directs a stern gaze towards them. Your heart races, unsure of how this confrontation will unfold.
Unexpectedly, Tsukishima speaks up, his voice cutting through the library's silence. "Enough with the comments and disrespect. Keep your opinions to yourselves. She's not interested, and we're not tolerating any more of your nonsense."
The creeps, taken aback by Tsukishima's assertiveness, exchange uneasy glances. You stand there, witnessing a side of him you hadn't seen before. The library, once a place of discomfort, transforms into a battleground where Tsukishima defends your honor.
As the creeps mumble half-hearted apologies and disperse, Tsukishima's grip on your hand relaxes. He looks at you, his amber eyes softening. "Let's go," he says, leading you out of the library.
You're not sure they'll stop their nasty comments towards you, but for now, an easy smile spreads on your lips and warmth blooms inside you.
The following days bring a surprising calm to your interactions with Tsukishima. The fake relationship begins to feel less like a facade and more like a shared understanding. The library incident becomes a turning point, and the creeps keep their distance, realizing the futility of their attempts.
As weeks pass, the dynamics between you and Tsukishima evolve. The protective facade turns into genuine concern, and you find solace in his company. The popular, mysterious boy on the rooftop becomes a reliable presence in your life, and the unspoken agreement transforms into a connection that goes beyond pretense.
One day, as you both sit on the familiar rooftop during lunch break, enjoying the peace and quiet, Tsukishima breaks the silence. "You know, this fake relationship thing has its perks. No more creeps bothering you, and I get some peace too."
You chuckle, appreciating the humor in his words. The genuine laughter resonates in the air, and in that moment, you realize that what started as a charade has woven the threads of a unique bond between you and Tsukishima.
As the school year progresses, the fake relationship becomes less about keeping up appearances and more about navigating the complexities of your emotions. The rooftop meetings turn into genuine conversations, and the agreement transforms into a shared understanding.
As graduation approaches, you can't help the bittersweet feeling that grows inside you. Uncertainty about your future makes its way to your mind in the form of anxiety and dreams about Tsukishima ending things with you. It makes you feel stupid, there's nothing there to end.
You can't deny there are some feelings for him inside you.
“I got in.” He interrupts your thoughts, making you look up from him from your egg sandwich. It's a breezy February afternoon, and you're on lunch break, back on the rooftop. He's leaning on the railway and you're sitting on the bench as usual. “Sendai University.”
The sandwich is soon forgotten as you get up and wrap your arms around his shoulders, smiling widely at him. “Congratulations!” You mumble on his neck, your soft lips touching the skin of his neck.
Tsukki takes half a second to hug you back. In the past few weeks, physical contact has become more common between. Although he's still not used to it, he welcomes you gladly as the warmth of your body radiates to him. 
“Seems like we're going to the same university,” he says with a smirk. Looking into his eyes, you remember, just last week telling him you've been accepted at Sendai University as well.
“Yeah…” you breathe, fully aware that your lips are centimeters apart.
He would've kissed you. You swear, if it wasn't for the bell ringing just in time for you to pull away and him clear his throat. A blush stained his cheekbones pink as you smiled to yourself. Your story with him isn't over yet.
The day before graduation is filled with tears and poignant laughter. You say goodbye to your friends you know you won't see until graduation, swim at the gymnasium pool for the last time and wait for Tsukishima by the volleyball gymnasium, sipping strawberry milk you bought from the vending machine.
You don't turn around when you hear him and his friends leaving the gymnasium, or when you hear one of them point you out. You don't turn around when you hear his footsteps approaching you. When he stands in front of you, your eyes meet his. He's smirking, sweat glistening on his skin.
You don't care.
The strawberry milk box falls on the ground as his lips press against yours.
His skin is soft as you wrap your arms around his sweaty neck. Gasping when his tongue brushes against yours in a messy kiss, you pull him closer.
In the end, what started as a simple plan to ward off unwanted attention becomes a chapter in your high school story—a chapter filled with laughter, unexpected connections, and the realization that sometimes, the most genuine bonds are formed in the most unconventional ways.
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etherealstar-writes · 5 months
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pairings: lionesses x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: six
part one here
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
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yourusername: a little photo dump
yourbestiesusername: i'm really proud of that first pic i took of you, i'm coming for your career
↳ yourusername: oi photography's my thing, go find another career
lucybronze: this is cute. you are really beautiful! ❤️
↳ yourusername: OMG NO WAY TYSM!! you're amazing ilysm!!
↳ lucybronze: thank you! @ yourusername
usera omg. the REAL lucy bronze commented on your post!!
↳ yourusername i am not okay rn
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
the imposter
the REAL karate kid
what happened?
is everything alright?
the imposter
you're kinda scaring me now
the imposter
i know i'm not a woso fan yet
bcuz i'm still incredibly uncultured
and literally don't know anyone yet
yeah we know
the imposter
the REAL karate kid
hold on
that old grandma can actually use insta??
rusty metal
that is so rude and offensive!
to that old grandma ....
the REAL karate kid
rusty metal
the disrespect children have nowadays
well i'm glad she made your day y/n <3
the imposter
thank you!!!
i'm gonna go thrive in my happiness for the
rest of my life for a celebrity noticing me
peace out
well i'm glad she's happy
i need to up my game now
the REAL karate kid
me too
y'all are such simps
says one of the simps herself
shut up niamh
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
you know
i just remembered that y/n is still in here
and we don't know like anything about her
at all
door knob
oh yeah
we only know her name
the imposter
i literally only kinda know your names
and that is it
she got a point there
the imposter
honestly i don't get why i'm even still in this chat
not that i'm complaining
you've been fun to talk to these past few weeks
unlike most of the people on this group chat
who simply decide to ignore their notifications
yeah fr
i didn't feel the need to make a new chat tbh
the imposter
i'm honoured?
you should be
the imposter
uh okay ...
i'm 22
i'm a pro photographer and media editor/manager
and uhh i live in london?
idk what else to say tbh
photography's so cool!
the imposter
thank you!
is toone being 10x more annoying
because i'm sick or?
the REAL karate kid
nah she's just that annoying
now that is just rude
she has an encylcopedia on
how to be annoying
oh no
today on stupid stuff toone is going to say!
oi! i'm not stupid!
the REAL karate kid
you literally thought germany started with j
anyway as i was about to say
isn't it crazy to think that the money you have
has probably been or could be in like
a stripper's bra or underwear at some point
the REAL karate kid
why does your brain function this way 😭
wait a sec-
she has a point
that is ALL what i'm gonna think about now
the imposter
never touching cash again that's for sure 😭
donating all my cash to the trash now
oh my days
just why
part seven here
580 notes · View notes
chryblossomjjk · 2 years
practice | jjk
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⇢ PAIRING: fuckboy!jk x inexperienced reader
⇢ RATING/GENRE: m/18+ | college au, fwb, smut
⇢ WC: 8.1k
⇢ WARNINGS: mentions of bad sexual experiences, nickname you guys might find cringey (sorry babes), praise, a little degradation, a little manhandling, oral sex (f recieving), fingering, squirting, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, forced orgasm, very brief mentions of anal play, brief mentions of sex toys and masturbation, spitting, titty sucking, protected sex (hes a hoe but not a dummy), jk is kinda a himbo (scratch that last side note), jk running through twice members lmao sorry girlies, pining, maybe unrequited love, maybe not, ill let u decide, oc is in denial in the beginning, oc has that lemon water coochie!!, daddy kink + daddy kink slander (not seriously!), slight corruption kink
⇢ SUMMARY: you usually spend friday nights on your own. tonight, however, your friend and campus fuckboy, jungkook, decides to pay you a visit.
⇢ NOTES: hi friends!! i’m back with my second fic!! i posted this last night but miss ting had a bad case of the typos rip. so I had it beta'd by @kookstempo pls go give her love >:((( ! i found the smut a little easier to write this time. still not that good lol but not as mentally taxing! oc is totally definitely not a little bit of a projection of me haha thisficwassexuallycathartictowrite i hope you guys like it! i would love to know your thoughts! also would be v cool if you checked out my masterlist. love u bye!!
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It’s 10 p.m. on a Friday. 
The night of the week that lures college students out of their suffocating dorm rooms with the promise of parties and alcohol. After days of classes, hours of studying, and minutes of sleep, most people your age spend their weekends unwinding, hopping from frat house to frat house.
One of the many perks of living on campus is the social life. Being surrounded by young adults is exciting. It also means that everyone is horny. Ravenously so. Seriously. Anything with a hole or phallic-shaped appendage is a prime candidate for getting fucked. 
Anything and everyone, except you. 
It wasn’t that you couldn’t get fucked, per se. Although abundant, your options were limited. Given the environment, it was difficult to find a guy you actually felt comfortable with. He didn’t have to be in love with you, but he did have to respect you if he wanted to get anywhere near your sugar walls. With that being said, it was slim pickings.
You coped well, for the most part. But it was hard to shake the lonely feelings that bubbled in your chest from time to time. And the feral ones. Nothing a quick rub from your petite, manicured fingers couldn’t satisfy, you suppose…
Besides, all men do is disappoint you. The only two sexual partners you’ve had thus far were subpar, to say the least. Greedy. Disgusting. Selfish. Not an ounce of concern for your pleasure. As embarrassing as it was to admit, you’ve never orgasmed from sex. Not even close. That left a sour, lemony taste in your mouth. Ever since then, your pussy was on hiatus, locked away in the highest room of the tallest tower, until a worthy knight came to save it from this tortuous dry spell. 
You sigh, peeling the honey-drenched sheet mask off your face and tossing it into the trash with vigor. You eye yourself in the mirror with a scowl. Fluffy, freshly plucked brows knit together as you examine your appearance. You’re wearing a cropped white tank top, nipples poking through the little animated cherubs printed on the front. The baby pink Sailor Moon pajama shorts on your thighs left little to the imagination. White kitty ears headband keeping those annoying baby hairs out of your face. 
You’re cute, right?
Atleast you tried to look cute.
Your roommate, Mina, was visiting family for the weekend, leaving you the dorm to yourself. Without your extraverted lifeline, you decided it was the perfect opportunity to stay in and pamper yourself. 
You’ve already waxed your body, head to toe, with that expensive sugaring wax Mina begged you not to get. ‘It was worth it,’ you thought to yourself when you had spread your peach-scented lotion on the smooth canvas of your legs after the shower.
You even gave yourself a facial. Extractions and all. Much cooler and more productive than partying and getting laid.
You take your headband off, ruffling your thick hair until it falls into place. You reach for your candy-flavored Laneige lip mask, spreading it across your plump pout with your middle finger. Another overpriced purchase.
You exit the bathroom, shuffling towards your twin-sized bed and then falling face first into the plush, ivory duvet. So comfy. It wasn’t even midnight and you were ready to hit the hay. 
You had planned to study a bit before knocking out, but the warm shower left you sleepy. Plus, the past week has been hell. Two papers and an impromptu quiz from your least favorite professor. You were a good student. A great one, even. But you were an overachiever to the core, and still found yourself stressing over assignments you knew you aced.
You let out a small yawn, squinting at the brightness around you. Along the wall beside your bed were vine garlands, embellished with little fairy lights and pink roses. They were such a pain in the ass to put up. It took you and Mina nearly three hours, and a mental breakdown on your behalf, to stick them against the drywall in the right position. High maintenance, but cute, nonetheless. Kinda like you. 
The lights dim as your mind turns hazy, eventually turning into a silent black as sleep clouds your vision. Sweet, blissful sleep. You were teetering into the REM phase when-
Knock. Knock.
The booming noise startles you awake, rattling the brittle wood of your cheaply built door. The wall hangings flutter in its wake. 
Maybe you were being dramatic. The knocks were actually soft and melodic. Almost cheerful as they followed the rhythm of a made-up song. But you were pissed. Even the most heavenly sound would ring demonic and evil in your ears at the moment. 
You shove yourself off of your bed with an exaggerated groan, stomping towards the door and yanking it open, fully prepared to yell at whoever was behind it.
Jeon Jungkook. 
His expression is blank, doe-eyes widening as he takes in your expression. Your body language radiates hostility and violence. The silver barbell glimmers as his thick, dark brows twitch in confusion. He blinks before opening his mouth. “Hey,” he utters hastily. 
Under different circumstances, you would be ecstatic.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Jungkook?” 
“Woah, someone’s cranky,” he laughs hesitantly. “I was bored. Figured you were, too. Mina is gone, right?”
“Are you drunk or something?”
“What- no,” his plump lips form a pout, the matching silver ring on the bottom corner shining as well. 
You sneer at him, pupils darting over his outfit. Oversized gray hoodie, white t-shirt peeking from the unzipped portion at the top. Gray sweatpants. Your gaze lingers on the tight pull of the material in the front. He doesn’t seem drunk, and he isn’t dressed in his usual party attire. 
“I just want to hang out with you. Why are you acting so sus?” 
You roll your eyes, doing everything in your power to exaggerate your irritation. “Why are you here?” 
“Oh, come on, Bambi. Don’t be like that.”
That stupid nickname. 
You and Jungkook had met at a party after you were peer pressured into a game of beer pong. The super boisterous, super attractive stranger ended up being your partner by default. 
"What do you mean you’ve never played before?" He questioned you, voice laced with devastation when he realized you were about to cost him his undefeated streak. 
Despite Jungkook’s best efforts, Mina and her boyfriend, Taehyung, mopped the floor with you. 
"You know what, I like you. You’re a little bitchy but-,” he slurred at the end of the night, helping you gather the discarded solo cups, "Also innocent. Kinda like a baby deer. What the fuck was that movie?"
You answered him curtly with a scowl. 
"Bambi! Right… I can’t wait to ruin you." He was so wasted that night he ended up vomiting off of the second-floor balcony and onto the class president’s Honda Civic. Not drunk enough to forget the awfully humiliating, yet adorable nickname he had bestowed you. 
“Give me one good reason why I should let you in.”
“I have pancakes,” he beams with pride, bunny teeth peeking out. He raises both arms, showing you the crinkled takeout bags in his hands. “Chocolate chip-”
“That’s disgusting,” you scoff. 
“And blueberry,” he retorts with a squint. “Please? I won’t be annoying, I promise.”
You let out a contemplative noise. It wasn’t what you had planned for the night, but you guess company wouldn’t hurt. Especially his company.
If only you could mute your evil brain. 
“I thought you had plans with whatsherface,” you question, stepping aside to let Jungkook enter your room. 
He kicks his slides off at the door, something you’ve drilled into his head with violent words and empty threats. You remember him texting the groupchat a screenshot of his calendar, tonight being marked ‘PUSSY APPOINTMENT’ with the woozy face emoji next to it. The same one that was inked on his middle finger; it didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why. Tonight was one of many slots in his month with the exact same title. That picture was deleted from your phone as soon as you received it. 
“Sana,” he corrects, face unimpressed like he expected you to keep a mental catalog of all his flavors of the week.
You did. Every time a new name was added to the roster, your heart sank. You would never admit it though. 
“I did, but I guess she has a boyfriend now or some shit?” He plops down onto the baby pink area rug beside your bed, immediately digging through the takeout bags. 
“How dare she?” You gasp sarcastically, taking the styrofoam container that he held up for you and sitting criss-cross on your bed.
“I know, right? That’s what I’m saying,” he laughs, opening a syrup packet and pouring it over his pancakes. 
You cringe, foreseeing a sticky, impossible to clean mess all over your floor. “Please don’t fuck up my rug, Jungkook.”
“I won’t,” he mumbles halfheartedly, bringing the pad of his thumb to his mouth. The tip of his tongue pokes out to kitten lick at the sugary liquid before wrapping his plump, pink lips around it.
He sucks gently and then pulls off with a tiny smooch. 
Are you really that far gone? There was no denying that Jungkook was attractive. But were you really that touch starved that you were drooling over every minuscule, minute movement he made? 
“Maybe she was sick of you stringing her along,” you comment, trying to cover up the fact that you were totally just gawking at him.
“Nah,” he murmurs through chubby cheeks, mouth full of pancake. “She knew it was just sex.”
“Did she though? What about Dahyun?”
“Well aware.”
“Are you slut-shaming me?” He points his plastic fork at you, bringing the opposite hand to his chest in feigned offense. “Because I feel very attacked right now.”
You playfully nudge his shoulder with your thigh-high sock-clad foot, deciding to drop the subject. To be fair, he wasn’t wrong. Jungkook had a reputation on campus. Every girl who involved themselves with him knew what the outcome would be. He was very blunt about his desires and disinterests. Sex being the prior. Commitment being the latter.
But you suppose remaining detached was easier said than done. Something about him was… magnetic. He was bold, yet soft. Obnoxious, but endearing. A sweet talker for sure. And easily the freest person you’ve ever known. Add sex into the equation, and it must be nearly impossible not to fall in love with him…
Hm. That’s enough thinking for the night. 
You need background noise to keep intrusive thoughts at bay. He peeps an ‘I don’t care’ when you ask him what he wants to watch. You take it upon yourself. Sailor Moon it is.
The pancakes keep him preoccupied for a while. You glance down at him every now and then. His eyes sparkle as he watches the cartoon on your phone screen. There’s a little speck of chocolate on the corner of his mouth. His tongue makes an encore appearance, licking it away before fidgeting with his lip. How sinful. 
He starts getting squirmy about halfway through the episode. Antsy hands pull at the strings on the border of the carpet below him. Every now and then he draws a shape and erases it. One of the shapes is a penis, something you’d see on the back of a middle school textbook. 
He scoots with a sigh, pressing his spine against the edge of your bed, and then bending his head back. Fluffy dark strands tickle your legs as he peers up at you. “Can you play with my hair?”
“Why would I do that?” You huff, hot and bothered by the sudden contact.
“It helps me stay still. Please?”
“Oh, um- okay,” you oblige, gulping like you’ve dry swallowed a huge pill. You cautiously card your digits through his hair. It’s so soft and healthy. 
He purrs and closes his eyes. 
He's silent once again, enjoying your touch, even pushing into it a bit. Very cat-like.
That lasts for about three minutes. His inability to not speak every single thought that enters the void of his mind takes over.
‘I just realized they’re all named after planets.’
‘Wait, the moon isn’t a planet, is it?’
‘Why are they dressed so sexy to fight space monsters?’
“Jungkook, shut up!”
“But I’m bored,” he whines. “Is this really how you spend your Friday nights?”
“Excuse me, I’d like to see you take STEM classes for a week and then tell me how you feel,” you contend, leaning over to grab your phone off the nightstand. You don’t miss the way his gaze lingers on your nipples. It makes your palms clammy. “Sometimes, it’s nice to just chill.”
“You don’t masturbate?” He asks calmly as if he had just inquired about the weather. 
You give him an exasperated look.
“What? That’s how I destress,” he continues, shrugging nonchalantly. “Don’t you have a vibrator?”
“I- no! Why are you asking all these questions?” You shriek, absolutely mortified.
“What do you mean ‘no’?” He lifts his head off of your lap, craning his neck so you can see his appalled expression, your answer leaving him equally as mortified. “Damn, that’s wild,” he tuts in disapproval.
“I would rather not have to smuggle a sex toy into my dorm room, Jungkook,” you retort.
“You can borrow mine,” he smirks, turning his body to face you, obviously relishing in the reactions he’s pulling out of you. “It’s a Hitachi. It’s really strong too, like, most girls don’t even last five minutes.” 
“Why do you have- you know what, nevermind actually!” You clench your eyes shut, poking your fingers into your ears and shaking your head dramatically. Your reaction is mostly out of embarrassment and partly because the thought of him pleasing women who aren’t you hurts for whatever reason. “I’m done with this discussion!”
“Seriously?” He wheezes, thoroughly enjoying your tantrum. He wraps his long, nimble fingers around your wrists, pulling your hands away. Your skin burns under the touch. “I want to get to know you more.”
“Yeah, but you don’t need to know-,” you rip out of his grasp, flailing your hands around in circular motions, “-those things.”
“I’m just trying to make conversation,” he frowns. 
“Okay, um...” you look around the room nervously, searching for the right thing to say. “What’s your favorite color?”
“Black. What’s your favorite position?”
“I think missionary is my favorite. Very underrated,” he says, tapping his chin like it’s an answer only an intellectual would’ve given. “The kind where her legs are pushed alllll the way back,” he emphasizes the ‘all’ by balling his hands into fists and lifting them up by his head, showing you exactly where he likes them. “You hit the g-spot perfectly that way.”
You level him with a scowl, crossing your arms over your chest. Unamusement written all over. 
“Why are you so mad?” He laughs. “What? You’re embarrassed to talk about sex?” 
A pause. 
“You’re not a virgin, are you?”
“Jungkook, no…” you sigh, rubbing your temples in frustration. “I’m just not like you, okay? I don’t like sex as much as you and everybody else on this fucking campus does!”
He hesitates for a moment as he processes your sudden outburst. The first time you’ve ever seen him rendered speechless. You can picture the cogs turning in that thick skull of his. 
He inhales sharply, eyebrows raising up to his hairline as if something clicked. His tongue pokes at the inside of his cheek, cute dimple peeping out from the pull. His head drops as he huffs out a laugh.
“What’s so funny, Jeon?”
“Ah, I see now.”
“See what?” You groan, bothered by his vagueness. 
“Here's what I think, Bambi,” he mumbles in a low tone, sitting up from his spot on the floor so his gaze is aligned with yours. His palms are on either of your crossed legs, fingers curling into your white blanket. Forcing you to make eye contact with him- his pupils are black, nothing like the soft brown you’re accustomed to. “You’re so uptight because you haven’t had sex in a while- good sex, at least.”
Your breath catches in your throat. You say nothing.
“The guys you fuck don’t know how to treat you, am I right? They can’t make you cum?”
Your lack of response tells him the answer.
When you do speak, your words come out shaky. “Well, what makes you any different?” 
He shuffles closer, knocking his forehead right against yours, invading your space. He’s so close that you feel claustrophobic. Your heart pounds in your chest.
“I always make the girl cum.”
“Mhm,” he hums through curled lips as he nods, silver hoops swaying at the motion, nose brushing against yours. “More than once.”
His dilated pupils scan over your body, pausing at your chest for a moment, and then continuing their descent. A hand slides up your bare thigh, the warm touch leaving goosebumps in its wake. He grabs the hem of your shorts between his index and middle fingers, tugging gently. “These are cute.” He licks his lips, making them pink and glossy, like he’s ready to eat you. “I’d like them better somewhere else though.”
And then he's kissing you. 
It’s soft, like he’s afraid to scare you away by putting too much pressure into it. Little does he know you’ve been thinking about this for a while.
All your protesting and fighting up until this point was futile. Your hands unconsciously make their way to his cheeks. You swear you feel him smirking. It’s like he can read your mind, knowing exactly how bad you’ve wanted this.
He prods his tongue against your bottom lip, urging you to let him in. You do. He wraps an arm around your waist and guides you down, hovering over you.
“You taste like candy,” he whispers against your lips, hot and needy. Take that, Mina. A sneaky hand cups you through your shorts, right where he knows your clit is. The thin material does nothing to conceal how wet you are. “Do you taste like candy here too? Can I try?”
You’re anxious, but you can’t stop. Not when he’s so enticing. Not when the rumors of his sexual prowess are swimming around in your mind. Jungkook could ask anything of you and you’d gladly obey. You give him a small nod. 
“Don’t be nervous,” he teases through an airy laugh, breath fanning across your face. It smells like chocolate and syrup. He turns his head and presses a gentle kiss on your fingertips. You swoon.
Hooking his thumbs into the sides of your shorts, he pulls them below your butt. He dips his head down, biting into the side of your thigh. A predator sinking its teeth into its prey. Not hard enough to hurt. It’s just enough to rip a whine from you. “Fuck,” he grumbles, pulling your shorts completely off. “You don’t know how long I’ve waited for this.”
He’s been wanting this, too?
“Let’s leave these on though,” he sighs, speaking in reference to your socks. It was something you knew he found sexy, overhearing a graphic conversation with Taehyung about kinks and other filthy things. That may or may not have been the motivation behind your purchase.
You cringe. Being naked in front of someone for the first time in a long time was nerve-wracking. 
“No panties?” Jungkook asks, looking at you quizzically. “Dressed so skimpy, Bambi. All for me?”
“I didn’t know you were gonna show up...”
“Oh shit, you’re right,” he chuckles, caressing your legs with his large thumbs. You appreciate the gesture. 
Cool air brushes against your exposed core when he parts your thighs. His gaze locks onto your dripping center. You whine and cross your arms over your face. Maybe if you squeeze hard enough you’ll revert back into yourself and escape this dreadfully vulnerable feeling.
“I’m sorry, it’s just…” he starts, words dying out because his attention is elsewhere. Jungkook has seen a lot of pussy throughout his life, but yours has got to be the, “prettiest pussy I’ve ever seen. So fucking wet.” He settles back onto his knees, hooking his limbs around your thighs and pulling you to the edge of the bed. 
Jungkook watches in awe as he spreads your lips open with his thumb and index fingers, stealing a peek at your shiny center. He takes a long, languid lick from your pussy to your clit. He moans when the wet muscle dips between your folds, eyes scrunching as his feature contorts into a scowl. You recognize that face. That angry face he makes when he tastes something he finds incredibly yummy. It’s the same one he made when he ate his pancakes. 
Have you really studied him so much that you’ve picked up on his subtle habits? Nevertheless, the fact that he actually seemed to be enjoying going down on you was jarring. You’ve never experienced this before. It felt so fucking good. You were already close and he has barely touched you. You let out a whimper.
“Mm, you’re so responsive,” he notes, absolutely loving the little sounds you’re peeping. Much different than the blaring moans and screams he is used to. Despite the ego boost they give him, your shy whimpers are a welcomed change. Each one makes his cock twitch, forcing him to bring a hand down, palming himself through his sweats. “When’s the last time someone ate you out?”
“I don’t see why not,” he coos sympathetically, shaking his head in disapproval. He gives you another lick, tongue pressed flat against you. “You taste like lemonade, so sweet.” 
That had you absolutely drenched.
You move up onto your elbows, watching as he throws your legs over his broad shoulders. He licks the pad of his thumb, this time actually sinful. He presses it right to your bud, rubbing it before pulling the sensitive skin taut, lifting the hood and exposing your clit. 
He tuts his tongue, whispering something so quietly you barely catch it, only making out a breathy iteration of the word ‘tiny’. Heavy eyes flicker up to yours as he places two soft pecks on it, then blows delicately.
“Jungkook, please…”
“Sorry,” he chuckles, “I won’t tease-,” sentiment interrupted with an open-mouthed kiss, “I know how bad you must want it.” 
He circles the tip of his tongue on your clit before suctioning his lips around it. You gnaw onto your lower lip, face twisting up in pleasure.
This is easily a far better form of self care than what you had planned. 
It’s obvious that this is something Jungkook does a lot. He is a photography major, and has never struck you as someone who is incredibly bright, but the way he touched is strategic. He has spent the better part of the past decade perfecting his craft, studying the way women move their bodies when he applies a certain amount of pressure. The beautiful noises they make when he stimulates them in certain spots. He has the exact equation to make you fall apart.
There is a pattern to it. He latches onto your swollen nub, cheeks hollowing with a few harsh sucks, before licking over it, letting his tongue dip into your entrance. You can’t help the subtle thrusts into his mouth with every glide of his tongue. The consistency had your stomach doing somersaults.
He sinks further down, lapping at your folds, never straying too far from your clit, burying himself so deep into your pussy that the tip of his nose nudges against it. A big palm slides up your torso, reaching under your tank top to grab at your chest, thumb flicking over your hardened nipple.
“Jung- fuck!” You croak, high-pitched and desperate. “I’m close.”
You expect him to pull away. He, instead, acknowledges you with an ‘mhm’, nuzzling even further into your cunt. 
You can’t help the instinctual, or more so learned, shame bubbling in your stomach. Your hips jerk away. Legs close tight around his head, attempting to save him from the brunt of your orgasm. He simply pries them back open, nails digging into your inner thigh. You grasp onto his hair, tugging it back as you curse under your breath.
He doesn’t like that.
He pops off of your clit with a sharp, annoyed growl. “Can you stop?” The stern edge in his voice makes you flinch, releasing your grip immediately. “You don’t have to control every situation. Just relax.” 
“I’m sorry,” you squeak.
His gaze softens immediately. He didn’t want you to apologize and he definitely didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. “You can touch me, Bambi,” he grabs your hands and places them back on his head, encouraging them to tangle in his tresses once again. “Keep me here, though. Wanna make you cum in my mouth.”
It’s strange, being pampered during sex. Taken care of. 
You peer down at him. His mouth and cheeks are dewy, covered in your arousal. Even the tip of his nose is wet. He’s not uncomfortable in the slightest. 
You push him down, giving him the green light to continue. The descent is quick. Starting in your stomach before it shoots through the rest of your body. You throw your head back, teeth digging into your lip as you desperately try to stifle the lewd moans threatening to escape.
Jungkook guides you through it, slowing down towards the tail end of your orgasm. He pulls away with a satisfied hum, standing up from his spot on the floor. “Taste?” He asks, squishing your cheeks with his big hand. His tongue licks right against yours when you stick it out, lips closing into a sloppy kiss. “Good, right?”
You don’t really taste anything, but you nod anyway. Maybe a slight hint of citrus. Or maybe you were delirious after the best orgasm of your life. The only partnered orgasm of your life.
His eyes are scrunched, but you can still see the stars in his dark pupils as he smiles down at you. You mirror him with the opposite expression, irises wide and blown out. He giggles, nuzzling into the side of your face and then nipping at your cheek. “You’re like a space girl,” your heart melts at the Sailor Moon reference. “So clueless. I wanna do everything to you. Teach you everything.”
“Like what?” 
“Have you ever squirted before?” 
You freeze. “No… I don’t think everyone can.”
“That’s not true. Everyone can squirt with a good partner and the right mindset,” he proclaims enthusiastically, shooting you a thumbs up. The tent in his pants on full display.
“Right mindset?” You giggle, raising a brow at him. 
“Yeah, it’s pretty intense.” He grabs a half-empty water bottle, your water bottle, off the nightstand, taking a big sip. “I can get you there,” he states, a droplet of water dripping down his chin. “You have to listen to me, though. You can continue your ‘girlboss’ bullshit after I’m done with you.”
You roll your eyes. If any other man said that to you, you would be livid. You would literally rain hellfire upon them. But it’s Jungkook. You know he’s joking, and the soft spot you have for him prevents you from ripping him a new one. 
He smiles when you agree, pecking your cheek before unzipping his hoodie and shrugging it off his shoulders. You watch his muscles work. Toned, firm biceps exposed for your viewing pleasures. He recently recolored the tattoos on his right arm. 
You remember him venting about his parents’ disapproval of them, and his major, when he walked you to your dorm after a party a few weeks ago. It was the only time you’ve ever seen the fun-loving, jovial man feel melancholic. You coin that night the night you developed... whatever it was that you have for him now.
“Alright,” he gestures to the cotton sweater, now spread out on your bed. “Lay here.”
“I mean…” he looks at you like you’re stupid. “You don’t want to get this wet, right?” He counters, pinching your blanket.
Cockiness just oozes out of him. It makes wetness ooze out of you. 
You comply, laying down on the soft material. It’s warm and smells like the delicate linen cologne he normally wears. You bask in the scent.
“I usually use lube for this, but…” he clicks his tongue, knowing you don’t have any. “We can make it work.” Leaning down, he lets a string of spit land on your clit. It tickles as it trickles down your folds. He’s quick to collect it with his fingertips, smearing the moisture all over.
“Take your top off, please. I wanna see those pretty tits.”
It’s barely a top. The jagged, raw hem only conceals half of your perked nipples. How ironic is it that you’re wearing an angel print tank while being absolutely defiled. You sit up, taking it off easily and tossing it on the floor before laying back down. 
“It’s not going to hurt, is it?” You wonder, reflecting on his earlier statements.
“Why, you nervous?” He teases with a lopsided grin. It drops when he sees the apprehensive look on your face. “It shouldn’t hurt, but if it does you’ll tell me, right?”
“Right,” you moan, another drop of saliva hitting your pussy. 
“Hold your legs up, keep them open,” he orders, sucking back the extra spit with a hiss.
Pink nails curl under your thighs, bringing them up to your chest just as Jungkook instructed. He pops his middle and ring fingers into his mouth, bringing them down to tease at your entrance before slipping in, palm facing up.
There’s an adjustment period, his fingers being much bigger than your own. You’re so aroused that the tenderness subsides quickly. “Fuck,” you yelp when he starts gently petting at your g-spot.
He doesn’t jam his fingers into you carelessly, an unpleasant sensation you’ve been subjected to in the past. His digits never leave you. Instead, they move in a sensual curl that makes you purr. Every touch is focused, intricately placed on that delicious spot.
“Pussy so wet,” his voice comes out as strained as his pants. He sounds so turned on and filled with lust. It makes you clamp around his fingers. He lets out the tiniest moan, using his free hand to grab yours, sucking three fingers into his mouth. “Touch your clit for me.”
You bring your hand down, rubbing side to side. “Uh-uh, circles.” 
Immediately, you follow his command. You look so delicious he can’t help himself, bending at the waist to latch onto one of your nipples.
“Please, Jungkook, more…”
“Yeah?” He mumbles against your chest, sending vibrations through the sensitive skin. You nod frantically. “I usually don’t give in this easily, but I think you deserve it. Been such a good girl. You can have more, Bambi.” You know it’s just sex talk. A stream of consciousness fueled by his horniness. All the blood leaving his head to fill his cock, making him more dumb than usual, but you can’t help but feel special. 
“It’s going to build up fast, okay?”
You mumble a small ‘mhm’. How bad can it really be?
Jungkook starts moving his hand rapidly, fingers thrashing up and down. There's so much force behind his movements that your hips lift and dip. 
You’re overwhelmed. Constant, vigorous stimulation right to your g-spot. A strange swelling feeling starts pooling in your lower stomach. High-pitched whimpery moans and wet squelching noises fill the room.
“J- daddy, fuck!” It is so intense you can’t form a coherent sentence. There’s faint laughter in the background. “No, no, no…” you plead, wrapping your hand around his wrist, nails digging into his skin. It’s too good. So good that it made you scared.
His movements halt. “Am I hurting you?”
“No, too much… fuck!” You shout when he continues at the same intensity, your body thrashing wildly. You feel out of control.
“Shh,” he whispers softly. “You can take it. Just let it happen.”
You inhale sharply, doing your best to calm down. It’s difficult when he keeps touching you like that. Your fingers curl into his sweater, bracing yourself. As soon as you stop fighting that full feeling, as soon as you loosen the tense muscles, it’s going to hit you.
You relax and a wave of the most intense pleasure you’ve ever felt ripples over you.
There’s an intense, world-shattering, euphoric release.
And then nothing. 
Your head is empty. Your ears ring. Your vision is distorted by white splotches. 
Complete solace.
Your senses come back after a few minutes of heavy breathing. It’s fuzzy, but you can see the ceiling fan swirling above you.
There’s a metallic taste on your tongue. 
You can feel droplets trickling down your inner thighs, a damp puddle under your butt, and a warm set of lips on your temple.
“Welcome back to planet Earth,” Jungkook jokes, pushing away the wispy flyaways that stick to your forehead. You blink absently as you slowly make out his features. You swear there’s a glowing aura around him. “You good?” 
“So good,” you confirm halfheartedly. “You’re so good.”
“You came so much,” he hums in satisfaction, placing a few pecks against your jaw. Jungkook was actually surprised at how much wetness he coaxed out of you. You just kept on cumming. The prettiest waterfall he’s ever seen. Damp fingers brush up and down your bicep, a comforting gesture. “You called me daddy.”
“Shut up,” you groan, covering your face. “Don’t talk about it.”
“I won’t, it was fucking gross,” he laughs, smiling down at you so genuinely that it reaches his eyes. This was just a hookup, you assume, but he’s just so pretty. You can’t stop yourself from pressing a sweet kiss to his lips. He reciprocates. It feels so intimate. Too intimate for a pair of friends. You’re so tired but you want more. Everything.
“Take this off, please,” you ball the white fabric of his shirt into your tiny fists, mimicking his words from earlier. “Let me see those pretty tits.”
He quirks a brow at you, standing up straight and pulling his shirt off by the collar. It’s discarded onto the floor, with all the other useless, bothersome items.
His tits are pretty. Chest flushed red from exertion, nipples spiked and tiny. His body is fit, but not overly muscular. Lean and toned. Just what you like.
You snake your legs around his cinched waist, constricting his pelvis flush against yours. 
“Is it my turn now?” He says, loving your sudden burst of confidence. His jaw goes slack when you start grinding on his clothed cock. There’s a slick spot where your bodies meet, heather gray turning dark as the fabric dampens. Jungkook lets you play with him for a bit, rutting against you until he physically cannot stand it anymore. “I’ve never wanted to fuck someone so bad.”
“Then do it,” you whimper, growing impatient. He sighs, hand coming down to fiddle with the sweater underneath you. You crane your neck, watching curiously as he pulls a square packet out of the pocket. 
There’s a sharp pain in your chest when you see it. “Did you plan on us hooking up?”
“Maybe,” he contends playfully. All the amusement in his face disappears when he flicks his bangs back and sees yours. Hurt and disappointed. “I always keep condoms on me, you know that,” he explains, voice soft and wary. 
It makes sense. He was sexually active. Very much so.
That scares you. You could possibly be just another girl he’s sexually active with. A last ditch effort to get laid because the first option bailed. The puzzle pieces start coming together.
You look him in the eyes. His pupils are brown again. They look pleading, concerned for your wellbeing. Afraid they’ve tarnished something so delicate. You can’t tell if it’s just your delusions, post-orgasm bliss. All you know is you never want him to stop looking at you the way he is right now.
“Can I put it on?” You ask, pointing at the condom in his hand, desperate to break the tension.
“I- sure,” he retorts, exhaling deeply like he was holding his breath, relieved. He gives it to you, using his other hand to pull his pants by the waistband, stopping mid-thigh. Too rushed and eager to take them off completely. 
He didn’t have underwear on either.
You squint, trying to read the white font on the packet. Large.
You glance up, eyes bulging out of your skull when they land on his cock. It’s big. So aroused that it points straight up, resting on his abdomen. The tip is bright pink, standing out against the background of his smooth milky pelvis. It’s shiny with precum, a little bead sitting right at the slight. Your gaze trails up the veiny underside, following the acute upward curve. You gulp.
“You good?”
“Yeah,” you say, jittery hands tearing open the foil packet. You cautiously wrap your hand around the shaft. It’s so firm. Rock solid and touch starved. It jumps in your palm as you slip the sticky rubber down, making sure to stroke him along the way. “Big, thas’ all.”
He nods, the corner of his lips pulling up in a smirk. He can tell your words are equally as worried as they are complimentative, though. “I’ll be gentle,” he promises, holding on to your ankle to lift your leg, kissing it through your white sock. Gaze locked on you, making sure you’re watching and that you know he can be soft with you.
He bends both of your knees up to your chest, tapping your outer thigh, indicating he wants you to hold them again. Tattooed knuckles wrap around the base of his cock, laying it flat against your pelvis. “Fuck,” he mutters under his breath when he sees the tip reaches just below your belly button, knowing exactly what to envision when he’s inside you. His cock so deep it’s in your stomach.
He smacks the shaft between your folds. Filthy, wet slapping noises overpower your coos and purrs. The tip tickles your entrance, rubbing up and down your folds, before he brings it to your abused clit again, flicking it up and down like a light switch. Watching your face intently to gauge your reaction, looking for any prick of discomfort. 
“Put it in,” you frown, growing impatient.
“So needy,” Jungkook teases, gripping his cock right under the crown and pushing in. Only the tip. He uses his fingers as a buffer, trying not to give too much too fast. Pulling back agonizingly slow and then diving back in, giving you a little bit more length this time. It was only an inch or so, but the stretch burned. You catch your bottom lip between your teeth, trying to hold back the tears that are threatening to spill.
He repeats this process, working you open little by little until he’s buried to the hilt. He lets out a pained grunt, overwhelmed by the way your warm wet walls just suffocate him. “Fuck, tightest pussy ever.”
You clench your eyes shut, trying to ease the feeling of getting impaled. Jungkook is so big. The veins that run along his shaft, the thickness, the curve. He leans down and pecks your nose sweetly. His thumb, rubbing tight circles against your clit, provides a decent distraction. You focus on the pleasure instead of the pain.
“Feel okay, Bambi?” He coos, feeling you relax under him. “Can I move?”
With furrowed brows, he pulls out a few inches before thrusting back in slowly. Heavy eyes glued on the way your lips petal around him when he gives you more. The way they resist when takes his cock away. “Good girl,” he praises, voice raspy as he tries his best to maintain a slow, shallow pace. “You take it so well.”
Any pang of discomfort is gone. He prepped you so well that there’s no friction, just seamless glides in and out of your leaking cunt. The upturned tip of his cock tickles that sweet spot in you. You moan, digging your almond-shaped nails into your thighs, arching your back for more.
Jungkook sees your body language. He knows what to do in this situation. One of the most useful sex tips he’s ever learned. He leans forward, pressing his chest against yours, swollen lips latching onto your neck. They suck a sore spot that his tongue quickly soothes over. “Hold on to me,” he commands, wet pout smushed to your skin. 
You let go of your thighs, leaving little crescent indents on the surface, and throw your arms around his shoulders. Hooking your knees into the bend of his elbows, Jungkook hoists you up effortlessly, supporting your weight with his large palms on your ass. The change in position spreads you even further, slides him in even deeper.
“Mmm, f-,” you moan, words cut short when he starts bouncing you up and down on his cock.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck!”
“Mmm, I knew it,” he chuckles sadistically, right into your ear. “I knew you were just waiting to be ruined. So fucking high-strung and- fuck!” He can feel your arousal dripping down to his balls. “Controlling.”
Arguing is pointless. You swear he's in your head, the tip of his cock scrambling your brain around so that you can’t even think straight. All you can think about is him.
You cling to him, resting your cheek against his shoulder as he lifts you in the air. Letting him have his way with you. You’re never felt more alive. 
‘Orgasms are the pinnacle of the human experience,’ you recall Jungkook telling you one day at the library. At the time, you rolled your eyes. Now, you know exactly what he meant. 
“You just needed some dick, huh? My dick?” You nod, drooling against his skin. “Doesn’t it feel good to let go?” All you can get out is a little moan.
A glint flickers in the corner of your eye. Mina’s mirror. It’s leaning against the wall right in front of you. You can see the expanse of his back. The taut skin on his shoulder blades. Biceps bulging as he moves you. His pants slid down to his knees, so you can see his cute butt dimpling when he thrusts up. Muscles working to make you cum.
“Okay,” he huffs, more to himself than you. Your pussy was so good that it derailed his original plan. Jungkook tosses you up a little, getting a more secure hold as he wraps an arm around your waist. The motion makes his cock slip out, the loss of contact makes you whine.
His free hand tosses his soiled hoodie out of the way. You cringe, making a mental note to mop tomorrow morning.
He places one of your fancy, cooling-gel pillows on the edge of the bed, laying you down on top of it. Your hips are elevated, tilted upwards. Giving him a clear view of your glowy core. He catches a glimpse of the only place he hasn’t destroyed.
“What about this?” He coos, pressing the pad of his thumb right against your clenching hole.
You squeak, shaking your head. Baby steps.
“Alright,” he chuckles, hand retreating promptly. “Maybe next time.”
He wants to do this again. Your heart flutters.
You watch as he guides himself back in, stuffing you to the brim in one swift motion. Much less cautious than earlier. His cock hits your g-spot perfectly. The pillow and his curve doing wonders. Your eyes roll back as your head hits the bed. “Like that, right?” He laughs, snapping into you. 
“Yeah, Jungkook,” you moan out, gripping your ankles and bringing them up by your head, just how he likes. “Don’t stop.”
He could’ve busted right then and there. 
“Fuck, keep saying my name,” he groans, eyes glancing up to your perky tits, jiggling freely with every snap of his hips. His pupils sneak down further, watching his cock plow into your tight, wet cunt, leaving it dewy.
You call his name like a metronome, ‘Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook’. Voice airy, following the rhythm of his hips. It makes him move harder and faster, feeling that familiar pooling at the base of his shaft.
Just like everything about him, his strokes are fluid. His hips aren’t locked and stiff. They move in a dip and roll that makes your toes curl. His pelvis mushes against your clit when he thrusts all the way in, balls smacking against the curve of your ass. It feels delicious. Your third orgasm of the night is approaching fast.
“You cumming, Bambi?” He hums, already recognizing the way your thick brows pull together when you're close. The way your hips rut a little, naturally guiding you to your orgasm.
“Mhm, make me cum Jungkook,” you mewl.
He hovers over you, placing his hands on top of yours, bending your legs back farther. Taking long, violent plunges into you. So close to a piledriver. He’s basically fucking you into the mattress, bed frame cracking against the wall beside it. One of your vine garlands falls down, but you’re so close you can’t even bring yourself to care. 
Your climaxes blend together. You first, clenching and unclenching around his length. Moans coming out sporadic and your shoulders off the bed. Legs trembling in his hands.
His orgasm is stunning. 
“Ah- fuck. I’m cumming,” he croaks through snarled teeth, head dropping to watch where you connect. Something he does often, you notice. He doesn’t stop, even after he spills into the condom, fucking you until he’s completely drained. You whimper, sensitive from the overstimulation. 
“Damn,” Jungkook huffs out a laugh, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck. You fist the wavy strands at the back of his head, a little damp. 
“Thank you,” you speak shyly.
“I know you’re new to this,” he lifts up and looks at you quizzically, amusement tickling his features, “But that’s kinda a weird thing to say after someone fucks you.”
You laugh with him, eyes darting over his face. He has a small scar on his cheek, something you’ve never noticed before. 
“No, I just mean-” you cringe when he pulls out of you, feeling empty. “You’re the only guy who’s ever… I don’t know. You’re just different.”
He smiles with twinkling eyes, tying a knot at the end of the condom and tossing it into the pink trash can beside your nightstand. “You’re different, too,” he mirrors, plopping down onto the bed next to you. “Special.”
You sigh into his lips when he gives you a soft peck, thumb brushing against the newfound mark of his face. “I’m sorry that I made you do all the work.”
“Nah, don’t worry. Making you feel good makes me feel good.” His words are sweet but there’s a naughty glint in his eyes. “Besides, you can think of this as a practice round.”
“Practice round?”
He hums in conformation, tapping your ass lightly, making it ripple against his hand. “Alright, go take a leak before you get a UTI.” He laughs when you push his shoulder. The same old blunt, shameless Jungkook.
He stops you before you disappear into the bathroom. “I hope this won’t make things awkward between us. Like, we’re still friends, right?”
It takes all of your strength to give him a nod. You ponder over his words as you clean up in the bathroom. Why did you feel so... conflicted? You’re so happy, but you’re also kinda sad. It’s like your mood solely depends on Jungkook. His words have the power to pull you in whatever direction he pleases. You stare at yourself in the mirror.
All these emotions must mean you have a crush on him.
You sigh, flicking off the light and then heading back into your room.
Jungkook is hunkered down in your sea of pillows, soft snores leaving his parted lips. Chest rising and falling steadily. Hair messy, fanned around him.
He looks so beautiful and peaceful.
You tilt your head at the sight. He always told you that he never spends the night after a hookup.
The blanket is only covering his pelvis, strong legs poking out from underneath. His sweats are still on his ankles. You giggle, attempting to slide them off without waking him.
“Bambi,” he mutters sleepily, opening his big arms. “C’mere.”
You feel your cheeks heat up. You shuffle into bed, throwing the covers over both of your bare bodies. 
He wraps his arms around you, pecking your forehead before drifting back into slumber.
What have you gotten yourself into?
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© chryblossomjjk 2022 [do not copy, translate or repost]
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deadghosy · 4 months
prompt: how they viewed you in heaven was something no one excepted an angel like you to act.
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I just gotta say. You are a fucking menace.
When you first appeared in heaven as the most beautiful thing with your golden eyes and two pair of wings….you weren’t the most nicest as you were too blunt.
“Is this a flash bang? Why the hell is it so bright here.”
everyone gasped at the H word as if this was kindergarten all over again
*cue you need to leave sound*
Sera had to put a few rules in your face. Literally a whole ass rule book as you sat there with a blank face saying. “Are you effing Fr?” Sera nodded and left leaving you with this HUMONGOUS ASS BOOK THAT REMINDED YOU OF FAIRLY ODD PARENTS
Sera founded you as a troubled youth that needs to see the rules all over again to see the true potential for you to stay in heaven.
Emily didn’t think of you being a troublemaker, she found you quite cool as you explored around heaven having the bravery to speak your mind and not let anything bring you down.
Emily and you got along great and fine as she calls you her little collector as you call her…just Em.
It was a late heavenly night as you stood up from your bed as you did a barrel roll for your balcony as you were starving for some digging. You rummage through the dumpster to find a nice old pearly necklace and a bracelet. “Emily would love this…” you said as you smiled not noticing a blonde haired lady watching you with an asumed smile.
The blonde haired lady from afar found you mysteriously cute and attractive as you roam the streets of heaven. 
It all started when you was digging in trash. It was basically flirting for you to dig through it. *cue fuck boy face* AND THEN ADAM HAD SNUCK BEHIND YOU READY TO INSULT YOU-
But you kicked him straight in his fucking chin-
That horse ass kick gave him a bruise on his chin for legit 2 weeks
You once blasted music in your apartment…I mean shit it was good music you got from the human world you use to live in. You got so much noise complaints but thanks to Emily, she made it seem like you weren’t causing issues.
Lute has no opinions on you, she just doesn’t have time to even look at you. Even though you sometimes break in her place to eat all her food like the raccoon you are.
One day you actually caused trouble in heaven just because you decided to dig in a lady’s trash bin from outside.
“HEY GET OUT OF MY DARN TRASH BIN YOU RACCOON!” An angel yelled from her window throwing her boom at you as you swung your metal bat at her that you totally didn’t find in the trash nights ago…..
The lady screamed ducking as the bat went back into your grasp like a boomerang. “THATS IT! IM CALLING THE GUARDS!”
And so that was your cue to run as if your life depended on it as you thrown a rotten banana peel you found in your pocket. You still had one in your mouth.
And that’s how your 1 month trial ended because you fought bitches for your trash.
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luvjunie · 11 months
— Unforgettable ( 1 )
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part one • part two • part three • part four
pairing: e-1610!miles morales x fem!reader
contains: miles rizzing you up after knowing you for two seconds, a beef patty changing the entire course of trajectory for your life. nothing too major
summary: a bump in with a certain boy at the bodega threatens to ruin your previously perfect afternoon until he offers to fix it. you assumed things would end there, and then you ran into him again. wc: 1,634
a/n: this was originally going to be one long fic but i decided to split it up, and i’m estimating around four, maybe five chapters in total. also, chapter one is cute but i thought i should let y’all know that two of them will contain some angst/conflict! this is the first series i’ve ever written so it won’t be the best, and i’m still deciding if i like how i mapped out the rest of the story so please bear with me if updates are a tad irregular 😅
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To think, a damn beef patty is what started it all.
A beef patty that had tumbled out of your hands, down the sweater you’d just taken to the laundromat— your favorite one, at that— and onto the dirty bodega floor when a hard surface came in contact with you on your way to leave.
“Oh shit—“
“Jeez, what the hell man!”
You lunch gone and your good mood with it, your head lifted a great distance from the murder scene at your feet to meet the apologetic face of who had committed this unjust crime against your rumbling stomach.
“I am so sorry. I wasn’t watching where I was going…” The boy in front of you murmured sheepishly, palm dragging at the back of his neck.
Lips pursed, your forefinger and thumb pinched at the bridge of your nose as you willed yourself to refrain from cursing him out. New york already had enough of that, you decided as he continued apologizing.
“It’s my fault. I bumped into you, it’s fine.” you grumbled curtly, clearly irked. Shifting the blame onto yourself was your best attempt at keeping your anger at bay. The last thing you wanted to do was cut up in this nice man’s shop, especially not on a Sunday.
With a heavy sigh and a scratch to your brow, you crouched down and swiftly scooped the discarded meal off the floor with a napkin. Great, money down the drain.
“Let me buy you another one.” He said to the top of your green adidas beanie, palms pushed together to accompany his plea.
“No need.”
“I really wanna buy you another one.”
You shot up and tossed the remnants into the trash, your frustration evident in how much forced you used. “Dude, it’s—“
“I’m buying you another one.” he insisted, chin raising when he hollered at the clerk. “Yo, Lenny, lemme get another beef patty, man.”
He shuffled past you before you could decline again, the man behind the counter already sliding a fresh one past the register after having witnessed the run in.
You stared at the back of this stranger, brows furrowed incredulously. He was nice, which was unusual for someone in this city, so your innate response was to be annoyed at his persistence. People were always bumping into you and ruining your day, but no one had ever offered to fix it before.
“That’s the last one I got for the day, Miles.” Lenny, the owner of the shop informed apologetically, his Jamaican accent heavy on his tongue. He knew the boy usually came into his store around this hour for one thing, and it was always for one of his beef patties.
“It’s cool, don’t sweat it.” Waving him off, Miles slapped the cash down onto the counter and snatched the pastry up.
“Here,” He turned to you just as you were brushing your hands off onto your dark-wash jeans, breath held with what he hoped would be a peace-offering, extended out to you. “I’m sorry, again.”
You looked up at him, then back down at the patty in his hand before you gently accepted it, the pads of your fingers lingering in his palm when you did so.
“Thank you,..” trailing off, you blinked up at him, a silent request for his name. He was tall, kind of lanky, and had the prettiest brown eyes you’d probably ever seen. They stared back at you, appearing puzzled before he put the pieces together.
“Oh!— Miles.” he answered with a warm smile, hands tucking into the pockets of his jacket. It was green, your favorite color.
“Thank you… Miles.” you returned his smile with a smaller one, something about it contagious.
Caught up in the way you said his name for a moment, it wasn’t until you were already halfway out the door when he realized you hadn’t told him yours.
“Wait! I didn’t get your—“ he called out to the air, the bell on the shop’s door a taunt of his failed attempt. “Name.” he murmured, shoulders falling with a sigh.
He felt eyes on him and turned to the side, lips smacking against his teeth in annoyance at who’s stare he’d caught.
“Don’t be mad at me, man. You gotta step ya game up.” Lenny threw his hands up in surrender and stifled a laugh, shaking his head at the boy.
Even though he had nothing to be smiling about when he exited the small store—seeing as he was out of five dollars and still hungry—Miles found himself walking home that day with a smile etched onto his face, a little pep in his step and something to keep his mind busy.
Nothing happened, that was obvious, but for some reason he felt like this wouldn’t be the last time he saw you.
Exactly one thing was on your mind the next time you entered Lenny’s shop, and he already knew what it was before you’d opened your mouth to ask after approaching the register.
Well, maybe two things, but the second one wasn’t necessary to get into.
“Comin’ righ’tup, sweetheart.” He nodded at you.
“Thanks.” You smiled sweetly, idly tapping your hands against the counter during your short wait.
The white parchment paper cradling your all time favorite snack slid over to you a minute later. You paid quickly, your stomach rumbling just from smelling the savory treat.
Just as you went to turn around, you spotted that same boy who’d ran into you a week ago and nearly ruined your day. Miles, you remembered his name was, as you stuck an apprehensive hand out in front of you, patty pulled close to your chest and brows raised in warning.
“Chill,” He laughed, his hands shooting up in defense. “I’m out your way this time, promise.”
Narrowing your eyes at him, his playful demeanor rubbed off on you. “You better be.”
“Please don’t tell me you got the last one.” He pleaded with hopeful eyes, but wishful thinking never did much for him.
“She sure did.” Lenny called from behind the counter, eyeing Miles closely to see if he’d take the bone he threw. He then ticked his head to the side with a slightly widened stare, as if urging the disappointed boy to make a move.
“Woops.” Using your fingers, you ripped a piece off the patty and popped it into your mouth, shrugging as you brushed past Miles, who had just caught on to what the shop owner did for him.
With your back to him as you pushed the door open to outside, you missed the two fingered salute Miles shot towards the man as a thank you.
He followed after you, swiftly shouldering himself through the closing door and sliding outside, into step with you.
“Tell you what, I’ll give you my number for half of it.” He offered with a boyish grin, long legs able to keep up with ease.
You nearly choked, steps halting when you spun around to face him. What made him think you wanted his number? And maybe you did, because you definitely thought he was cute, but that was besides the point since he didn’t know that.
“Are you flirting with me?” you asked, and he perked up a bit.
“Depends. Is it working?”
You rolled your eyes. “How about my name first?”
He shrugged, leaning back against the side of the building a bit. “I kinda assumed that was a package deal, seeing as I’ll need something to save your contact under.”
Okay, you’ll admit it, that was smooth.
You put your hand on your hip, patty in the other with your head tilted in thought. “Somehow, I feel like this deal benefits you more than me.”
“That‘s possible.” Miles chuckled, and you can’t believe that’s all it took to convince you. How pretty he looked when he laughed. How good your name sounded rolling off his tongue when he’d repeated it back to stake it within his memory.
You quietly hummed to yourself, contemplating. You’d never accepted a guy’s advances this easily, and figured you’d test him in a way he’d most likely fail.
“Quick, what’s my favorite color?”
There was a pause.
Your jaw dropped. “What— How in the hell?” You gaped at him. “How did you know that?”
“You give away more than you know with your eyes.” He grinned. “Saw you eyeing my jacket last week, and you’re doing it again today. And your beanie, too.” With a raise of his eyes from yours, he pointed out the forest green hat pulled snug over your head and your hand mindlessly went to touch it. “But honestly, I was only like, seventy percent sure, so maybe you can call it a lucky guess.”
You quirked a brow. “Oh, so you think I’m checking you out now?”
“No, but I wouldn’t mind.”
Well, you’d managed to lose at your own game, fair and square. Holding his gaze for a minute, you had to restrain a smile from splitting through your calm and collected facade and shooed away the urge with a clearing of your throat.
“Phone.” You held your hand out, beckoning him for it.
Fetching it from his pants pocket, he did the same to you with his other hand, palm upwards. “Patty.”
Huffing in frustration, you awarded him the half he earned and snatched the device, ignoring the triumphant look on his face as you punched your digits in.
It was pitiful. It barely took anything for you to take interest in a guy in general— but even if your standards were ridiculously high, there was no doubt that Miles would have weasled his way into your thoughts regardless.
You’d checked your phone at least six times in the past hour in hopes of seeing a text, coming up with unconvincing excuses like checking the time, or the weather— all while blatantly pretending to be oblivious towards the possibility that a message from an unknown number might just be there, too.
And then it came.
[Unknown]: Best patty I’ve had in a while. Food always tastes better when it’s not yours :)
He had you on your stomach, features pulled into a hopeful smile with your legs fluttering in the air off one message. You’d remind yourself to get a grip in due time.
Who’s this?
You knew damn well who it was. But you wouldn’t be who you were if you didn’t play hard to get.
[Unknown]: Damn, you forgot about me that quickly?
You clicked the info button in the top right corner of your phone and saved him as a contact before you replied.
Maybe. Remind me of your name again? Micah, right?
[Miles]: Okay, now that’s just hurtful. I do not look like a Micah!
You laughed to yourself at that, flopping onto your back as you typed a response. In the back of your mind you wondered if things would progress any further than this conversation.
But if only you could’ve time travelled and spoken to your future self, because she would’ve told you that forgetting about a boy like Miles Morales, or trying to, would be impossible.
tags: @cctoma
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claymorexpunisher · 4 months
Good Girl (18+ Fic)
DISCLAIMER: This is NSFW. If that's not your thing, keep scrolling. I try to tag my work appropriately, so if you choose to click on my work regardless, use your own discretion. Thank you for the love always and enjoy!✨
Pairing(s): Roman Reigns/Fem. Reader
Summary: Reader gets dumped on Valentine’s Day and Roman’s in the right place at the right time.
Tag(s): 18+, casual hookup, dumped reader, Valentines Day, dirty talk, praise kink, light choking, dom/sub dynamic, seated reverse cowgirl, mirror sex.
Word Count: 2,621
I got dumped.
On Valentine’s Day no less.
My boyfriend of 5 years decided to take out on a date to a fancy restaurant for Valentine’s Day, just to tell me that he felt that we were going in different directions.
And to tell me that he’s been seeing one of his coworkers for over a year now.
So here I was, deciding to finish my dinner and dessert and drink.
And upon laying eyes on the most exquisite dessert in the entire restaurant- dark hair pulled away from his face and into a sleek bun, an expensive and meticulously tailored suit over an obviously ripped and tone body… a well-trimmed beard that framed his gorgeous features beautifully- maybe… maybe I did have a bit of revenge on my mind too.
The strange yet beautiful man wasn’t alone.
He seemed to be having some kind of business meeting, his demeanor was seriously concentrated in whatever they were talking about.
I could hear his smooth deep voice even from where I was sitting facing him and the sound seemed to send electric tingles all over my body, my ex long forgotten.
If he had the audacity to mess around on me, why would I sit here and mope?…
This man looked familiar but for the life of me, I couldn’t place a name to the gorgeous face.
I had no idea how I was going to pull this off.
But as soon as the beautiful stranger’s chestnut brown eyes met mine over the other man’s shoulder and his lips slowly quirked into an inviting smirk, I figured this wouldn’t be so difficult.
I coyly looked down, smiling and lightly playing with the necklace that hung around my neck, a dainty golden chain with an emerald cushion cut stone hanging off of it and a pair of earrings to match.
I felt my face warm underneath his attention.
When I looked up, the man was beginning to stand up, effectively dismissing the other man he was with a wave of his hand and a wad of cash being plopped onto the table and he was headed my way.
My heartbeat sped up, watching him come closer and closer.
But our smiles only became wider as he sat down in front of me.
“Hi,” the man said.
His smooth baritone voice coupled with his obvious cool confidence warmed me over even more and for a moment my brain stuttered before I managed to recover and respond.
“Hi,” I said, biting my bottom lip softly as we sat there staring at one another.
We introduced ourselves and he said his name was Joe.
But it was only when he revealed that he was a pro wrestler- Roman Reigns- that I realized where I’d seen him.
I sheepishly admitted that I had brothers who would occasionally put on some wrestling while we all hung out and that his face had definitely looked familiar.
Me recognizing him a bit didn’t seem to deter him, though.
We sat in the restaurant getting to know one another a bit, despite my intentions of just looking for a bit of fun.
But conversation with Joe felt easy. Light. As if we’d known each other for decades.
“I, uh… I kinda overheard you and your ex.” Joe admitted, his features melted into concern.
“Dude sounded like a complete asshole.” He said bluntly, to which I giggled.
“Ah, you’re not wrong. But,” I shrugged. “At least he helped me take out the trash… listen, do you… maybe wanna get out of here? I’m kinda over this place.” I replied just as bluntly and I chuckled softly, looking around the hustling and bustling restaurant filled with people dressed to the nines.
Couples in fancy attire mingled and laughed with one another as they ate and if you looked closely at some of them and at their coy expressions, there was no doubt as to what they would be engaging in once they left…
I was waiting for a pang of nostalgia for what I had just lost, but as soon as my eyes landed back onto Joe’s smiling face I felt nothing except a pang of smoldering attraction.
I squeezed my thighs in what I thought was a discreet manner, but I watched Joe’s eyes trail lower and lower over my satin gold dress that hugged my body perfectly before his eyes moved back onto my face.
His brown eyes lit up as if he just knew what my body was craving for.
And holy shit I’d hoped he’d give it to me…
I watched him take out another wad of cash and he tossed it onto the table before I could protest and take out my credit card from my gold clutch.
And as he nodded and stood, holding out his arm for me to hold onto, I felt my mouth go dry…
Joe was staying at The Marriot not to far from the restaurant, thankfully.
My heartbeat kicked up a notch and my hands shook the closer the car got to the hotel.
Joe had one arm over the seat of the car, not quite draped over my shoulders but the heat emanating from his body, coupled with the sweltering anticipation of what we were about to do once we reached his room, had my brain feeling a little foggy.
I had no idea why I was suddenly acting like a bumbling virgin but it was starting to get on my nerves.
My heartbeat and the tremors in my hands settled when Joe reached out the hand that was resting on his lap and he slipped it into mine and gave my hand a comforting squeeze.
“You okay?” He murmured, waiting for me to meet his eyes.
I nodded, sure of what I wanted despite feeling a bit out of my element.
“Yeah, I’m… I���m good. Just… it’s been a minute since I’ve done something like this. Something… casual.” I replied, finally meeting his warm eyes straight on.
Though I honestly didn’t know how casual this would end up being.
“Well, I want you to know that there’s no pressure. And I don’t bite… unless that your thing. I’d be happy to oblige.” Joe winked, bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing it before he playfully nipped at the soft skin there, only to the soothe the spot with another soft kiss.
I noticed that he had beautiful hands… hands that I wanted all over me.
He chuckled as I let out a surprised laugh, and I felt a waterfall of calm wash over me as the tension momentarily broke.
“I’ll keep that in mind.” I replied just as playfully.
My eyes couldn’t help but flutter down to his luscious lips and I licked my lips as his tongue poked out to wet his own.
Without giving myself a chance to chicken out, I leaned into him and cupped the back of his neck to press my lips to his.
I moaned softly at the taste of his lips, tasting the smooth tartness of whatever drink he had been sipping on tonight.
Whiskey, maybe.
Joe let out a pleased moan of his own, the sound vibrating against my lips as our tongues snuck out to mingle.
As soon as our lips touched, we didn’t care where we were, or about his driver knowing what we were doing.
Our minds, lips, and hands were only focused on tasting and touching as much as we could of each other.
We pulled away for a moment to breathe only to sink back into each other for more.
I whimpered wantonly and angled my neck to give Joe more access as his lips wandered.
Gasping softly as his mouth moved up to my ear, I could swear I heard Joe whisper ‘god, you’re a fucking goddess, babygirl…’ but I wasn’t sure as his teeth playfully nipped at my earlobe before his tongue again worked on soothing any light pain his teeth would cause.
Before we could get into even more and possibly give the driver a show he’d surely never forget, Joe pulled away and I watched him open the car door as we came to a stop in front of The Marriot.
In my haze, I hadn’t even realized that we had pulled up to the hotel back entrance.
The elevator was empty as I pressed the button to call it a little harder and more impatient than I had intended.
Joe’s soft chuckle hit my ears, making me shiver as my back rested against his front and he dragged his beard along my skin, tickling my neck and the spot on back of my ear.
“We’re almost there, babygirl.” He purred and I nodded, sinking into him as arms snaked around my waist and his lips continued to kiss along my neck.
I tried to fly out of the elevator as soon as it opened on Joe’s floor and we walked hand-in-hand towards his room.
He slid the keycard through with a steady hand, but as soon as the hotel room door closed behind us, his lips attacked mine again.
As Joe bit, sucked, and licked at my tingling lips, I gave as good as he gave me.
I let myself be blindly guided towards the bed, and my dressed be slipped off my body before I helped him out of his own clothes.
God, he was as glorious as I thought he’d be…
“C’mere…” he said, beckoning me towards him as he sat towards the edge of the bed.
As he turned me around, my back facing him and he instructed me to straddle his lap on my knees on the bed into a sort of reverse cowgirl position, my brain short circuited again as I stared straight ahead and was met with our own reflections.
I somehow missed the giant mirror that was dead center in the room but as soon as I spotted it, my arousal dampened my inner thighs even more.
“Look at you… so fuckin’ beautiful, baby. That guy was so fuckin’ stupid to walk away from all this.” Joe whispered in my ear and I moaned and arched into his touch as I watched in the mirror as his hands moved ardently along my body.
I bit my lip as I watched Joe kneading my breasts and pinching my pebbled nipples, rolling them around in his fingers and making my hips swivel on his lap, chasing some form of relief.
“Keep doing that… fuck, Joe!” I moaned and he obliged, taking his time and paying attention to my breasts despite the hardness I could feel resting between my thighs.
“Yeah? This feel good, baby?” Joe murmured, his breath heavy against my ear and I let my eyes flutter shut before he pinched my nipples, making me release a strangled groan of pain mixed with pleasure.
“Eyes on me, sweetheart.” He commanded and I listened, despite how hard it was with all the sensations coursing through me.
“Look at this fuckin’ body, oh my god…” Joe groaned through a clenched jaw, his eyes trailing over my body just as his hands did.
Our eyes met momentarily and he smirked cockily at how quickly I was falling apart for him.
“Grind that beautiful pussy against my dick, baby-“ Joe said, his words breaking off into a guttural groan as I once again complied, grinding my pussy against hard length.
The muscles in my stomach tightened and my nails dug into his arms that came to wrap around my torso as his cock grazed over my sensitive clit with every frontward grind of my hips.
I could feel his breath hitch every time my pussy reached the head of his cock and I felt his thighs shiver as he was no doubt restraining himself from just sliding into me.
But I was done waiting.
As if he read my thoughts, Joe lined himself up with my slick entrance.
Both of us released strangled groans of pleasure as soon as his cock entered me at first.
But he was pretty fuckin’ big and it took a bit of adjusting and relaxing on my part to accommodate him.
I let no more than half of his cock inside of me at first and then I slowly sunk down further, both sighing in almost relief as I my thighs were flush with his.
We looked at each other through the mirror, Joe staring straight through my soul over my shoulder.
My chest heaved with arousal as he only gave me one command.
“Keep grinding.” He said and as I did what I was told, my eyes almost rolled back into my head, feeling his cock hit my sweet spot almost immediately.
I watched him chuckle as I quickly reopened my eyes, remembering his command from earlier.
“Good girl… you’re such a good fuckin’ girl, huh?” Joe moaned, clearly pleased that I followed his every command to a T.
But I couldn’t help it.
Despite only meeting this man tonight, I was eager to please.
And so was he…
I groaned again as I felt his praise send a zing of pleasure over all of my erogenous zones and my made my hips move more.
“Slow down, sweetheart… I wanna savor this fuckin’ pussy.” He said, moving one of his hands down to my hip to call the shots and have me just the way he wanted.
Joe’s free came up back to one of my breasts and gave them some attention, our eyes never leaving our reflections.
My ex had never been this attentive… this thorough…
Watching Joe’s features contort in pleasure, watching the way our bodies were joined together sent a ripple of pleasure up and down my spine.
“God, Joe..! That feels so fucking good, holy shit!” I whimpered.
I was so eager to move fast but I couldn’t deny that this slow pace felt amazing.
I felt every single inch of him, hitting every sweet spot inside of me- even where I didn’t know they exist.
“That’s it. Good girl. Thats it, baby.” he praised, making me hiss a bit in pain and pleasure as his tongue momentarily sunk into my shoulder, watching my every move through the mirror.
Trails of sweat trickling down his neck and chest made my mouth water…
My brain stuttered as the hand that was playing with my breast slowly snaked upwards and came to rest on my throat, not squeezing but the sensation alone made my head swim and my pussy clench.
“Ah, shit… you squeeze me like that again imma cum right inside this pussy. That what you want, babygirl?” Joe said, now guiding my hips to roll a little faster.
I could do nothing but nod silently and squeeze the walls of my pussy again as my mouth opened in pleasure but no sound escaped it.
I could barely think anymore, but still my eyes stayed on him, intent on obeying.
“Cum first. You cum first, babygirl. You’re being such a good fuckin’ girl, you deserve it.” Joe rambled.
I could hear that he was close.
I could hear it in his voice, how his words almost seemed slurred and drunk with pleasure.
Wave after wave of pleasure washed over me as Joe snuck his free hand in between, rubbing my clit in tight circles until my body finally gave into the euphoria I had been craving.
My whole body shook with pleasure-filled tremors until I could only release weak little whines and Joe finally reached his own peak, feeling his cum fill me up and spill over onto the back of my thighs and the front of his where we were still joined until we caught our breaths…
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mcu-coworkers · 1 year
Where do broken hearts go?
Miguel O’Hara x reader
Summary: You decide to do Miguel a favor and give him what he wants. or so you thought you did.
Word count:1k+
A/n: I came up with this at 1am:0 pt.2 is in the works
Parts: I^ II  III
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Ever since the multiverse was disrupted he changed.
Little by little, day by day, you began to see it worsen. You began to see him worsen.
And there was nothing you could do to help him, he made that very clear.
You loved Miguel with every fiber of your being. It was almost embarrassing considering he barely did so much as look your way when he came home.
It wasn't always like this, and those were the moments you clung to when your thoughts were at their darkest.
Before all of this he was happy, we were happy.
The man   I   loved kissed me almost every second we were together and never went a day without telling me a cheesy punch line to get a laugh out of me.
When he proposed to you it was the happiest day of your life, you thought it could only get better from here.
You were marrying the love of your life. What could go wrong?
You understood him, or at least you tried but it was hard at times when the closest you could get to him lately was standing on the other side of the door to his office where he’d just ignore you some more.
The furthest you got was when you urged him to talk to you but all he said was “ You? What could you possibly do to help me? You don't even know what a cannon event is let alone an anomaly! Por dios.” and straight into his office he went.
As much as you loved your husband you knew that a minute more of this would kill you.
You were two strangers living under the safe roof at this point, he wouldn't even notice if you left.
So you did.
First you called your lawyer to prepare the divorce papers, next you found a place to stay, packed your bags and now you were ready.
You wanted to tell him face to face but as soon as you looked his way he shrugged you off once again.
“Not now Y/n  I   have reports to write for the spider society.”  and like always you were just another fly on the wall.
Sighing with tears brimming your eyes you grabbed a notebook and a pen.
You began writing a goodbye that he probably wouldn't even bother to read.
Dear Miguel,
Things haven't been the same for sometime now. It feels like the man  I   once fell in love with doesn't love me anymore and I've been hurting ever since.   I   feel like I'm holding you back from achieving your goal with all of these canon events and things  I   don't understand. I   can't live like this anymore and I'm sorry it took me so long to realize.   I   guess what I'm trying  to tell you is that I'm leaving. Next to this note that you might not even read is an envelope with divorce papers that I've already signed and left ready for you to give to my lawyer to finalize the divorce. Lastly,  I   want to thank you for giving me what will always be the best years of my life. I'll cherish them with everything  I   am and always smile at the beautiful memories we made together. I'm sorry things didn't work out the way we thought they would.
With love always,
Y/n L/n
You didn't realize at what moment you began to cry but you’d managed to stain the letter. At that point you had no energy to write the damn thing all over again so you just folded it up and left it on top of the envelope.
Taking off your ring and wedding bang you set them next to it and walked out the door.
Giving what was once your home one last look, you turned your back to it and let the cool air hit your face as you got in your car and made your way to the airport.
No more going back Y/n, no more Miguel O’hara.
Little did you know as soon as you’d closed that front door Miguel's head poked out of his office, you never went out this late at night.
“Y/n? What did  I   tell you about taking out the trash?  I  ‘ll do it.” he said as he came out of his office annoyed by your lack of communication.
“Y/n? Y/n! Donde estas mujer?” (where are you woman?) he spoke out as he walked around the house.
No response.
After checking all the rooms and coming up empty handed Miguel started to feel a tightness in his chest.
“Boss, you should see these reports.” Lyla said over his shoulder.
“Not now Lyla  I  ‘m looking for my wife.” he said, shrugging the AI off.
“You think that stuff on the counter will give some clues?” she said pointing towards the letters in the kitchen.
Stopping in his tracks he turned towards the kitchen.
There was no fucking way, he thought to himself.
You’d never do this to him.
But you did.
Opening the letter he read it and quickly that tightness in his chest got tighter and his body began to shake as he felt panic consume him.
“Miguel… that envelope.” Lyla said quietly hoping it wasn't what she thought. But it was and she could just see her boss begin to break.
Ripping the envelope open he realized this isn't some kind of sick joke from your part.
Seeing your signature at the end of the page broke Miguel to pieces.
He read over the letter over and over hoping to find some clue as to where you went so he could bring you back home to him.
He knew he'd been distant for some time now but he didnt know it had affected you this badly, if he did he would've changed.
He would do anything to keep you by his side. He thought that by coming home at a decent hour you'd be happy even if he was just in his office.
Well fuck was he so wrong about that.
Picking up your rings Miguel finally let go of the tears he’d been trying so hard to hold back.
The feeling of the cold silver in the palm of his hands was like a slap in the face forcing him to accept that you’d left him.
You left thinking he hated you and for that he’d never be able to forgive himself, not for that or any of this.
Taking a deep breath he tried to focus.
“Lyla, call Jess, tell her she's in charge of the spider society until  I find my wife and bring her home.” he ordered as he stood up walking towards your shared bedroom.
“Yes boss. Go get your girl back!.” she replied wishing him the best of luck before heading off to find his sub in.
Miguel had all the resources in the world, finding you would only take him seconds.
It was convincing you to come back that would be his biggest challenge.
But first he was paying a visit to your lawyer.
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Hello!! I love your work! Would I be able to get a small Drabble abt saying I love you to Dabi for the first time? Thank you sm!
I Love You {Dabi}
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A/n: thank you so much for requesting, I hope you like it.
Pairing: Dabi x reader
Trigger warnings:
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Whenever Dabi came over to your apartment all hell broke loose. Over the past few months that you were dating, he had started to get gradually more comfortable with you to the point where he was comfortable enough to come to your place anannounced. It was never a big deal, quite the opposite, you didn't mind at all; living with you was much more preferrable than spending the night at whatever abandoned place had chosen for the night.
But Dabi was Dabi and take that as you will: he is messy. A little too messy for your liking.
"Oh dear lord..." You whispered and stepped in your apartment, closing the door behind you.
"Ah you're back." With wide eyes you watched as he took his feet off the coffee table, discarding the bag of chips he was holding on the couch. At first you thought he had stollen it but upon a second look, the bag looked a little too similar to the one you had kept in your kitchen cupboard.
Normally you would have tried to discipline him and from the way he quickly picked up the empty bag of chips and stood up to throw it to the trash you could tell he was expecting you to do just that. It was almost evident in his face; he was preparing for your scolding mentally.
"Look I am sorry about the chips." He walked over to you with a somewhat apologetic look on his scarred face.
"I love you," You cut him off, wrapping your arms around his torso.
None of you had said those three words yet and truth be told, you wanted the occasion to be way more romantic. But it had been a long day and if he hadn't come to your place, you would have probably called him, begging for cuddles (only last week had the two of you reached that point).
"Do you now?" It was clear that he was trying to sound calm and it was also extremely stupid because your head was placed against his chest and you could hear how fast his heart was beating. Not wanting to ruin the moment, however, you decided not to say anything. "Well... I never thought we would reach that point." He patted your back, trying to sound cool and completely not over the moon.
But Dabi was lying. He had prayed to reach that point with you, to have something in his life last and be constant. He had also hoped to be the one to say it first despite knowing that it would take him years if not decades to do so.
"I love you too," he whispered.
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citruslullabies · 2 months
Something to tide you guys over until my break is done
Dogday headcannons: if he was your husband
Not that he can get LEGALLY married to you
Or choose out the ring he would propose to you with
But you guys had a little makeshift wedding in your backyard
You decided it'd be funny if Dogday wore the dress, which he only agreed to since he wanted to see you happy
Yeahhhhh... That white dress tore. Very quickly. Because it wasn't meant for someone of his size
Luckily it wasn't expensive, just an old white dress of yours
(man I hope it wasn't an expensive one-)
Poppy was kind of the priest, and Kissy was the flower girl
Yeah she uh... Couldn't find a whole lot of flowers so there was some poison ivy in the mix .
Very chaotic wedding day!
But Dogday is very happy to be your husband
He is a little more touchy now, but in a wholesome way
(ex. He will hold your waist in both hands while nuzzling his fat head against your neck)
Very happily refers to himself as your husband
"Oh there's some trash on the table I need to clea-" "your husband will get that for you"
He is absolutely amazed that you guys are married
He can't necessarily buy you gifts, but he does try to do stuff for you
Like cook you breakfast
Those eggs are somehow burnt on the outside and raw on the inside.....
He isn't as good at cooking as he was before the hour of joy. He kind of lost those skills after 10 years
Yes he was a good cook at one point
Shocking, I know
Maybe for you he'll try to get those skills back... Maybe
(do not trust this man with baking until you KNOW he's okay with cooking)
He absolutely adores you though
Snuggles up with you more, and is even more protective over you
Didn't even know that was possible
He is keeping his trusty weapon close.
Which by the way! Who was gonna tell me everyone was giving one to him?? I've seen axes and bricks and pipes-
I wanna jump on that band wagon!! I think it'd be really cool!
I feel like he'd use his old medallion
Sharpen the edges, and use it to slice
Or he'd have a home-crafted knife
I like to think he's very crafty due to his experience with children
But either way, sharp objects
(objects he'd keep close by at all times to make sure you and the others are safe)
You will wake up to him by your side every morning, and go to bed with him by your side every night.
He is absolutely smitten with you and will probably never leave the honeymoon phase
This doesn't mean he won't playfully bully you, vise versa too.
But you guys are in a good loving relationship
Shame that you can't live forever and neither can he.
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justcallmesakira · 3 months
okay, so how about, chuuya, atsushi, dazai, and nikolai with a s/o who loves dresses gothy??? they act cold and mean around others too, other then them?
yayay tyyy, remember i luv youuuu
"Skulls and hearts"
Sypnosis: You are the epitome of goth and a breeze of coldness, how do these lovely men take care of you?
Genre: romance, suggestive (slightly)
Warnings: reader is more of goth lolita than like abosolute goth bcs i have no knowledge on goth, suggestive on chuuya, one wednesday addams joke, please lmk if i didnt manage to quite reach the goth culture-
A/N: HII sweetie hru? just wanted to say i put more of a lolita goth since i am not educated well on it lol-
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DAZAI was definetly fascinated by your style, infact when he first saw your dark attire on the day you entered the agency to file a report, his eyes were already sparkled!
The way you spoke so confidently and was non-chalant about it and everything, your formal attire, everything piqued him.
Especially the cold air surrounding you with your blue hued gaze. He love how you did your make up so much you could call it a mini crush at first sight.
So to fill his intrests he decided to stop you for a while to maybe use his charms but unfortuantly for him it obviously did not work out with how deadly your gaze is
"If looks could kill..." he had thought to himself.
Overtime he had started to court you and all though you despised his annoying tactics he seemed quite cute to you so you accepted his "love" for you
He even bragged about how cool and pretty his new girlfriend was all day at the agency especially when you dropped off his lunch at the office saying "I aint nobodys petty little housewife but here`s your lunch, bandaged idiot. Next time i will throw your lunch down the sewers where your rat friend lives" You had spitted t out loud.
Even the agency is piqued in you and your creative insults which you throw at him whenever he does soemthing stupid For example: "Bandagedass" "Suicidal loverman who cant even fix his clothes" "Charming bedbug i picked up from the trash" "Idiot with a handsome face'' and so on!
But ofc like the masochist he his he loves listening to them which made you creeped out and made you use much appropriate words to insult him.
He definetly tries to rile you up by saying suggestive stuff by playing with the hem of your black laced skirt, push him ten feet away if he does because you wotn be able to do that when you get home...*wink wink*
He loves your music taste, though he isnt into goth culture he loves it when you tell him about goth subculture, it reminds him how your closer and more vulnerable around him than anyone else.
You gave him some goth themed band-aids to put around his bandaged arms and neck which he shows them off like a badge of honor!
Put your makeup away from him though he will probably mess it up and make himself look like if wednesday went through a bad eye day.
And later after scolding him for going through your stuff you finally taught him how to properly do goth makeup.
You even taught him some gothic slurs to throw at anyone who tries to disturb him though he will probably use them is someone insults you which we will be on about now.
If someone dares to insult your gloomy atire, well he doesnt need to say anything because you are there already with your gaze sharper than your eyeliner.
But even so hes ready to take care of his goth gf who only soften around him anytime, anywhere!
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Of course CHUUYA supports your style why wouldnt he?
If anything the first time you two had met he had a mutual intrest for you, "how pretty yet terrifying at the same time" he thought.
Soon enough he put up the courage to speak to you though the atmosphere around you was quite cold
He didnt really like people who had arrogance in their personality but you maybe seemed nice to aproach.
Of course the person you are you kept calm and maintained formality, if so you looked quite elegant.
Time passed, dates were booked, hands were slid. He finally confessed to you and you calmly smiled at him.
God...how he loved seeing your eyes soften and your matte lipstick lips form into a small smile at his smallest gestures.
Like buying you all types of goth culured dress since he doesnt know what tyoe you wear and he doesnt want to disrespect goth people
And seeing that smile and light hue of happiness form on your beautifully done cheeks
He loves complimenting you too, all the time!
"Babe you look so pretty right now," "Do you like that dress over there? The laces might suite your skin" "That evangeline themed makeup set...The colours suite your eyelids." "All dressed and pretty just for me to ruin,,,Hahh you really want to rile me up, doll, Dont ya?"
He CAN and WILL buy you the whole fricking hot topic.
Oh you like a chain belt there? frick it buys you the whole belt section. Oh you liked the glossy purple lipstick at the side walk shop? buys 10 different shades.
Hes an executive ofcourse he will buy you everything!
Chuuya can make a few suggestive comments too,,,yknow.
"Wow, doll you do your makeup so well? You could be a professional you know?" "Oh chuuya, how you fluster me'' "Well...professional or not imma` bout to ruin that makeup so bad right now."
Dont worry he will help you clean up the mess he did to your face later. Afterall he loves a cute little goth gf!
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I wont deny it but ATSUSHI was quite scared by you at first glance, but warmed up soon when he realises that your not half bad afterall
He had met you at cafe uzumaki sipping on a coffee cup while sketching, wow, the fancy sketchbook and the fact that you were drawing while wearing long black dimond studded nails really made him admire you
Though he was shy at first since you had this shilling aura around you, he still took a breathe and walked over you
You kept looking at him up and down as he nervously tries to introduce himself which makes you break your demeaner and let out a soft chuckle "Oh my...what a wonderful laugh they have..."
So the conversation between you two started, infact while conversing you had drawn a very neat sketch of him with your skull printed pencil.
He was definetly shocked on how you drew him so well in such short time.
Over the agency work days, atsushi was quite a bit nervous, which dazai made a few jokes about him having a crush on "The cafe's goth girl"
And so you two became a thing! well after atsushi got somehow rid of his nervousness
Except your the boyfriend in this relationshio ;D
He tries to buy you stuff though, but you always deny and take him to oth stores at the corners of yokohama, to say the least your better guided than him.
I am sure the agency also warmed ap at you! not since whenever you would always have this threatening aura with a ravishing face of dark-hued makeup but when he turned around to speak to you
Your all soft smiling and tilted eyes.
You even dressed him up in goth clothes one time which he looked a bit too silly in.
If dazai ever saw atsushi in scene clothes though...he wil definetly say something like "Ohohoho you two remind me of Morticia addams and um, oh yeah! Gomez addams Hahaha, wait then kyouka can be your..."
You instantly went "Atsushi please, tell your STEROTYPICAL, UNFUNNY, MENTALLY ILL father to get the fuck out of here and go try to drown himself or something"
So now, not only is atsushi scared of you so is dazai!!
He still loves you and your style though, who wouldnt because i would love a goth s/o who would put on the most gorgeous make up ever and rai--
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He`s both barking and joining your cult.
NIKOLAI obviously fell in love with your sass at first sight! What an independant and cool woman! he had thought when his emerald and blue eye fell upon you.
You werent even scared of his illy and outrageous tactics instead you just rolled your eyes at him as if hes some freak
Now this is intresting.
I think nikolai has prefernces for goth lolita so if by any chance thats your aesthetic get ready to be filled with flirts and touchiness
He just cant help it! Your so cold to him but cant you see how intrested he is in you? not just your style but your whole personality he loves analizing people!
Which you find about after many tries of him trying for you to at least speak with him, He was annoying especially during the first stages of your relationship
But soon enough you warmed up, realising that though hes a bit fucked up in the head hes quite chill and fun to hang around.
Niko definetly uses his ability to steal your favourite items from hot topic, so be prepared when you see your vanity filled with all kinds of stygian clothes, lingerine, cropped tops, fishnets, corsets, puffy skirts, makeup etc.
That act made you more soft around him and hes just giddy he got to make his infamous "gloomy" dove smile :D
You help him dress up sometimes too, maybe drawing out long triangles under his eyes for his next show or maybe putting on some dark lipstick just to smooch his neck.
Okay i can defiently see him and you be great fashionistas! One with clownish crimson and black attire and the other with a menacing aura of a maginficent raven (got the reference?)
He is just into you okay? Dont question it!
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Divider crds!: @firefly-graphics
Tags: @heartsfourdazai @silverbladexyz @ruanais @biscuits-spooky-corner @riiwrites @chuuyasboner @atlasnessie @saelique @tsuunara @elizais
205 notes · View notes
callofdutyma · 10 months
Haitani Brothers x Fem Reader
warning— pretty vulgar
You were Ran's girlfriend until your parents forced you to break up with him almost three months ago. Now, you're almost done with high school, and then the real hell begins. Your parents have always controlled your life, including who you date. You'll have to go to the university your parents picked, and follow the career path they picked. But that's not the life you want, is it? You want adventure and danger. You want to feel the adrenaline of living life on the edge again. You miss the thrill of being with Ran, the way he made you feel, and all the dangerous and fun times you spent together with him and his brother. It made you feel alive. 
Even though you were Ran's girlfriend, Rindou loved you too. You met both of them at the same time, and they quickly became the closest people in your life because they understood you. They knew how your parents would always make your decisions, and they knew you hated the boring life they'd force you to live, always sticking to the rules and following their orders. Ran and Rindou would always take you out to have fun and cause trouble, and you always had such a great time with them. They loved seeing you have fun, and watching your expression change after your parents were pissing you off. They were your best friends, then Ran confessed his feelings to you one day, and Rindou missed his chance. He wishes he would've told you how he felt sooner, but he respected that his brother got to you first. You knew that Rindou was in love with you, and so did Ran. But the brothers respected each other and wouldn't interfere if one of them ended up with the girl they loved. They have a strong brotherly bond, and they love and respect each other too much to let their feelings for you get in the way. Even though they both had feelings for you, they would be happy for the other if one of them ended up with the girl they loved, and they would always support each other no matter what. 
It's been almost three months since you broke up with Ran. Today, you're on a date with your new boyfriend who you‘ve been seeing for a month now. 
Ran leans against his motorcycle in the coffee shop parking lot, sipping his coffee when he notices you. His eyes widen as he sees the girl he never stopped being madly in love with, the girl whose virginity he took, walking hand in hand with some new guy. This, this made him boil with rage, and it's all because you decided to go on a date with another person. He still loved you, and he thought that the two of you were meant to be together. 
Ran couldn’t take it. He couldn’t hold it. So, he chugs his coffee and chucks the empty cup in the trash can before he storms towards you, his fists clenching and his eyes wide. 
Your eyes widen with surprise and confusion as Ran suddenly appears in front of you, blocking your path. You're taken aback by his sudden appearance and don't know what to say. You look at him, and your facial expression is a mix of surprise, confusion, and a little bit of fear. “Ran? What are you doing?”
Ran’s fists are still clenched. He looks at you in disbelief, he’s fuming. “What am I doing?” He lets out a frustrated chuckle. “You're the one who's currently on a date with someone else. You think I’ll take that lightly?” 
Your eyes narrow as you listen to Ran's words. “Ran, we broke up.” 
Ran let out another chuckle that was tinged with frustration, like he was trying to keep his cool as he would glance at the guy you were still holding hands with, which made the guy remain quiet. He could tell Ran isn’t the kind of guy he’d wanna mess with, so he lets you two talk without saying anything. “Y/n,” Ran looks back at you, “we were meant to be together. The two of us were going to be happy together, we were meant to be end game.”
You sigh, feeling mentally exhausted. “Ran, I told you I needed to focus on my life. Your delinquency and all that was just too much for me to deal with every day. I was sick of it. This guy is a classmate of mine and he shares the same interests as me.” You lie, you have no feelings at all for this guy, he’s boring, and too much of a goody-goody. The only thing you have in common with this guy is the university and career path you’re taking, which wasn’t even your choice. 
“Too much for you?!” Ran clenches his fists tighter. “You're nothing but a liar, y/n. You were never meant to be with this classmate of yours, this guy is nothing but a nobody to you. He's not me. I am the only one who understands you.” 
Your eyes dart to the ground, unable to meet Ran's gaze because then he’ll realize he’s right, and you know he's right. But you had to do it, you had to break up with him, because of your parents. “Ran, it’s over. I broke up with you months ago.”
“Y/n.” Ran says, looking down at your face that refuses to meet his gaze. “It will never be over. Your boyfriend? He'll never be like me. Never. He will only drag you down as a person, he will only make your life worse. He's not who you need, he's not who YOU deserve.” Ran grits his teeth. “You deserve me, you know this.”
You sigh deeply as your eyes look up to finally meet his gaze. “Ran please, don’t do this.” You say before you turn your head toward your boyfriend, “I need to talk to Ran alone, can I call you later?”
Your boyfriend nods and smiles genuinely, before letting go of your hand and walking home. You turn your head to look at Ran once again, “please, stop.” You continue.
“I will do everything to get you back, y/n.” Ran says as he steps closer to you, his two-toned braids moving slightly. “You don't belong with that guy, you belong to me.” 
You take a deep breath and then exhale. “Not anymore Ran. I told you, I gotta do what’s best for me. You’re a bad influence on my straight and narrow life.” 
“If I remember correctly, your life back then when with me wasn't so bad. I made your life memorable. I made your life interesting.” Ran smirks. “Now look at you. What life do you have now?” 
You don’t respond to that, you just turn your gaze back onto the ground. You hate your life now, you hate it so damn much. It’s boring and it’s suffocating. Like a prison.
“Your life is boring now.” Ran answers for you. “All you do is wake up, go to school, then sleep. No one understands you, no one makes you excited. No one is as cool as me.” He says, still staring at your face. “You don't have that adrenaline rush that I gave you.” 
You know he's right, so you stay silent, still avoiding his gaze. Ran takes note of the fact you can't answer him, and then he smirks again as if he knew that he's saying all the right words to hit you with a reality check. “You miss the adrenaline, don't you?”
“Stop it Ran! Just stop!” You say it with a hint of desperation in your voice, your eyes pleading for Ran to stop as they meet his gaze once again.
“I bet that when you're with your boyfriend, the feeling isn't there.” He continues to smirk. “You felt something when you were with me.”
You clench your jaw. Everything he says is true, it’s pointless to even deny a word he says, because he knows you better than anyone. “Ran, I just can’t. My parents don’t want me to stray from my path. There’s nothing I can do about it.” 
Ran narrows his eyes. “I knew it, I knew you broke up with me because of your parents. I fuckin’ knew it.” He says, his voice tinged with frustration. “Your parents don't understand you. So they forced that decision onto you.” He then smirks once again. “Do you think that guy understands you?”
You don’t respond to that, and Ran takes another step closer. “No, he doesn't.” Ran answers for you. “You're only with him to prove to your parents that you've changed. But you haven't.”
“Ran please, don’t do this.” You plead, your breaths becoming heavy at how close he is to you. “I have to follow the path that’s been laid out for me. It’s my only choice.”
“No, that's not your only choice y/n. You can be with me. You can be with the man you love. The bad boy that's got a soft spot for you.” He grins. “Come back to me y/n.”
“I can’t Ran.” You say, your voice quiet. 
“Y/n, you miss me, don't you?” He mutters, he’s so close that you can feel his body heat, and the familiar scent of his cologne mixed with his natural man-musk fills your nostrils. 
“Please, don’t do this.” You plead, your breaths becoming heavier as your body temperature rises, but you try to push your feelings down. 
“Y/n, you miss the adrenaline.” Ran says, his voice quiet as he takes another step closer, his body not even an inch away from touching yours as he looks down at you with those downturned eyes and penetrating gaze. “You miss the bad boy that once made your heart beat rapidly. You can't deny that.”
You can’t, you can even feel it now, that familiar feeling of fiery passion that made you crave him, made you love every fibre of his being, made you wanna get inside of his skin so you wouldn’t have to be apart for even a second. His love consumed you, and it made you feel so alive. “Ran, stop. Please.” You entreat, your voice just above a whisper. 
“You still want me, don't you?” Ran smirks at you. “I know this, I know you better than anyone.”
“Please, don’t.” You murmur, your breaths continuing to come in heavy.
“Tell me you don't miss me.” He says, glancing at the way your chest rises and falls with your heavy breaths. “Tell me that you're happy right now with your boring life and your uninteresting boyfriend.” 
You can’t respond. You just quietly continue to return his gaze. “That's what I thought.” Ran chuckles. “You're just lying to yourself. You still want me, y/n. You know that we're soul mates.” 
“Fine. You’re right. You’re always right. But it doesn’t change anything. I just can’t. My parents would kick me out.” You say with a quiet and resigned tone.
“You're 18, y/n, you can make your own decisions.” Ran then smirks. “You don't have to listen to what your parents tell you. Because I know it's not what you want. You don't want to go down this path, the path that was chosen for you. You want to go down the path with me.”
You sigh deeply, “if I don’t follow their rules, they’ll kick me out.”
“You could always live with me.” Ran suggests, giving you a passionate look that captivates you. “You wouldn’t have to worry about your parents anymore.”
You raise an eyebrow, “you mean live with you and Rindou?” 
“Why not? It's better than living with your overbearing parents.” Ran smirks once again, “who knows, maybe he could be our third?”
“Don’t even joke about that.” You laugh. “You know how mad I got the last time you asked if you could share me with your brother.” 
“Mad? You were blushing like crazy when I asked you that. I thought you were actually excited about it.” Ran chuckles. “It was actually pretty cute.” 
You scoff, your face flushing. “Hey! I was not blushing.” You deny, but it’s true, you definitely were. 
Ran continues to smirk, he likes how you try to deny what's true when he clearly knows the difference. “Let me ask you this. Is that boyfriend of yours more manly than me? Is he better than me? Is he cuter than me?”
You take a deep breath and then exhale before you answer. “You know he isn’t.”
“Exactly. You know that you want to be with me, but you're forcing yourself to date this boring, uninteresting, and bland guy who doesn't know what you want.” Ran says, his penetrating gaze still fixed on you. 
“I know that. I know.” You say, your voice quiet and acquiescent. 
Ran grins widely, leaning his lips close to your ear. “What are you waiting for then?” He says, his voice just above a whisper. “Be with me now. Forget your parents. Forget about everything else. You only need me, y/n.”
Your breathing is frantic, and your heart is racing at his words as you gaze into his downturned eyes. “You want this, y/n,” Ran adds as he takes your chin in between his thumb and index finger. “I know you do. So say yes. Say yes and forget about everything other than me.”
“Would Rindou have a problem with me living there too?” You ask, wondering if it would really be okay for you to just move in out of nowhere, especially after not talking to either of them in months. 
“Do you really think that Rindou will be bothered by you living with him?” Ran smirks. “Besides, the more the merrier, right? You'll have two amazing, funny, handsome, and charming men to be with. Wouldn't that be ideal?”
You squint your eyes skeptically at him. “Why do you keep joking about sharing me with your brother?” 
“Because I actually like the idea.” Ran says, still smirking widely. “Two bad boys, both in love with you. That doesn't sound bad, does it? And who knows, if you're lucky, maybe the two of us would fight over you.”
You shake your head with closed eyes, “you’re something else, y’know that?”
Ran continues to grin, “so, is it a yes? Or are you so set on the idea that you want to live up to your parents' ideals?”
You nod disagreeably, “no. I don’t want to follow their stupid plan anymore. I wanna come with you. I wanna be with you.”
“That's my girl.” Ran says, his smirk still accompanying his face.
“Take me to my house to pack? And be ready to face my father.” It’s only your dad home right now, so you’ll only have to deal with one parent trying to stop you, thankfully.
“Oh, he’s gonna hate this.” Ran chuckles as he takes your hand in his. “Especially since it’s me. Are you ready?”
You smile, “more than ready.” Ran leads you to his motorcycle which is still parked in the parking lot of the coffee shop. Ran steps over the motorcycle and sits down, he reaches down to lift the kickstand before he puts the keys in the ignition and turns it on. You climb on the back of the bike and wrap your arms around his waist, feeling the muscles in his back tense as he revs the engine. The sound of the motorcycle fills your ears as you speed off, the wind whipping through your hair. 
When you finally arrive, Ran pulls over and turns off the ignition. He leans over to put down the kickstand with his heel before stepping off the bike. He turns to you and holds out his hand, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. You take his hand, and you both walk up to your door and go inside. Your dad's expression turns to disgust immediately when he notices who you’re with. 
You and Ran walk past your dad with his hand still in yours, heading to your room to start packing. Your dad follows, ready to give you shit for being with Ran, and then he sees you start packing a bag. “Where do you think you're going, young lady?” He asks sternly.
“I’m going to live with Ran, I’m done following your rules and the stupid life plan.” You say, your tone resolute. 
Your fathers face contorts with anger, “you’re going with him? He will never give you anything except for a bad future. You should be with a guy who's more respectable and someone who your mother and I would approve of.” 
Ran narrows his eyes at your father, “your daughter isn't a kid, you can't control her forever. Plus, I will take care of her.”
Your dad chuckles at Ran's audacity and smirks. “You can't talk to me like that, boy.”
Ran laughs, unbothered by his statement. “Your daughter seems to like me, and your input is not important to me.” 
You continue packing, hastily grabbing clothes and stuffing them in your bag, and also making sure to grab all the important things you'll need to take with you. 
Ran looks at you with a smirk. “Ready to move in with me?” He asks, adding fuel to the fire. Trying to piss your father off even more.
Your father snickers. “You're funny, boy, but not funny enough. No daughter of mine will end up with a punk like you.” He says. “She's going to listen to me.”
“And who says that your daughter will listen to you?” Ran glances at you, his smirk still there and his expression cocky. “She's with me now, old man. You have zero control over her.”
“Don't you dare talk to me like tha-” Your dad is cut off by your voice, which becomes stern as you shout, “you can't force me anymore, I'm an adult! I'm going to live with Ran and you can't do anything about it.”
Ran’s smirk grows wider. “See, old man?”
Your father's expression becomes even angrier. “So you're just going to listen to that thug over us? The people that care about you?”
“Ran cares about me. He loves me.” You snap back.
Ran chuckles at that. “Well said, y/n.”
Your dad glares at Ran, his fury on the verge of erupting. “Ran makes me happy. I want him, and you’re not gonna keep me from him any longer.” You add.
Your dad’s now about to blow a fuse. He takes a deep breath, calming himself down. “If you think that this boy is able to give you love, then you need a reality check. He'll only break your heart.”
Ran scoffs, “if you think that I will break y/n’s heart then you’re the one who needs a reality check, old man.” 
Your dad continues to glare at Ran, “do you really expect me to believe that a delinquent, a member of a gang, is going to make my daughter happy? Do you think I will let you, a punk, and a street rat have my daughter?” 
Your dad now starts walking over to you as you continue to pack. “He's only going to bring you sorrow, y/n. Don't you dare follow this path that will lead you into destruction and ruin. Stay with us, your family, your home.” Your dad says, before he puts his arm protectively around you. 
“Dad, I love him.” Your voice is firm, but your eyes start to water.
“Y/n, dear.” Your father's tone is softened as he speaks, as if to comfort you. But his demeanour stays strict and hard. “We can't let this boy get a hold of you. Don't you understand what he truly is? Someone who lives in violence, who is part of a gang. He is not a good person.”
“You don't get it, Dad, I don't care that Ran is a delinquent, I don't care if he's part of a gang. He gives me something no other man could ever give to me. I love him.” Your voice is still stern, you wanna get your point across. “You can't change my mind, Dad.”
Ran smiles at your words, then decides to butt in. “Oh, come on now. You think you’re gonna keep my girl stuck in your prison of a household? You think that’s the best for her? Because if so, you're way mistaken. I’m her soulmate, she wants to be with me. I will love her and care for her way more than you ever will. Let her be happy for once, old man.” 
Your dad stares at Ran, his expression turning cold once more as he takes a deep breath. “She will not be going with you.”
Your eyes narrow, “dad-”
“No.” Your dad interrupts. “We'll not be discussing this any longer.” He says, before his eyes turn from you, then back to Ran. “She's not going with you, you punk.”
Ran steps closer to your dad. “And who's going to stop her?” He leans closer, now glaring down at your dad. “I'm the guy she loves, and she's coming with me. There's nothing you can do.” He smirks as he stands upright. “Y/n, come on. Time for us to go, my love.”
You finish packing and you begin walking out, but your dad steps in front of you. “Stop right there, young lady. You are not going with this punk.”
Ran steps closer, “back off, old man. Before you get hurt.”
“Dad, let me go. I'm not staying here anymore, Ran is my boyfriend. I love him, there's nothing you can do about that. So, move.”
Your dad is looking annoyed at Ran's behaviour. You however, is now looking at Ran with a smile. 
Ran returns your gaze and smile with smug confidence. Your dad's glare is still stern as he faces Ran. “Look kid, you're only making things worse for yourself. I don't know what world you live in, but a guy like you won't make y/n happy.”
“Dad, I love him. Please, just let me be with him.” You say, before you try stepping around your father.
Your dad grabs you by the arm. “Absolutely not.” Ran doesn't like this, and he gets slightly more heated. He smirks and steps in between you and your dad. “Don't touch her, old man.” He says with a stern gaze. “I know what's best for her, and so does she.”
You try pulling your arm out of your dad's grasp. “Let go of me.”
“And who are you to tell me what's best for her?” Your dad asks Ran angrily. He still didn't let go of your arm. “I know what's best for her. I will not have her go on a path of destruction with you.”
You try harder to get out of your dad's grip. “I want to be with Ran. You and mom have never been supportive of me, let go of me right now!”
“Y/n, be realistic. You can't possibly think this punk will be able to give you a better life.”
“He will, because I enjoy being with him!” You yell.
Your dad scoffs. “This guy is an outlaw, a gang member, a member of one of the largest gangs in Yokohama. He’ll probably get you killed one day!” 
Ran narrows his eyes, that statement really pissed him off. He pushes your dad out of the way, which causes your dad to hit up against the wall. Ran grabs your wrist hard and pulls you, “y/n, let's go.” Ran drags you out of the house and back to his motorcycle. He forcefully sits you down on the bike. You follow suit, bringing your other leg over the seat. Ran gets on and quickly starts up the bike.
Your dad comes running out, but before he could get close, Ran just takes off. Your dad stares at the two of you driving off. “Y/n! You stupid girl!” He yells. 
Ran glances back at your dad as he continues driving. “Looks like you pissed him off, love.”
You laugh and shrug, “all well.” As you both ride through the busy streets of Yokohama, your expression turns to a soft smile.
“Do you feel better now? No longer being imprisoned by your parents’ rules and life plan.” Ran asks as he reaches behind him, placing a hand on your thigh to caress it as he glances at you in the mirror for a moment. You nod, “much better.”
“Glad to hear it.” Ran continues driving until you arrive at his place. “Home sweet home.” He says with a smirk. Ran picks you up and carries you inside bridal style. 
Rindou's eyes widen and his body shoots up from he couch he was laying on when he sees you. He jumps off the couch and rushes over to the both of you, somewhat blushing over Ran carrying you in his arms. “Y/n?!”
You look toward Rindou, “what’s up bud? You look excited to see me.” You say with a slight smirk. 
Ran chuckles. “He's probably wondering what it feels like to touch your smooth skin.” He says to you. 
Rindou blushes even more. "I was surprised to see you back with my brother.”
You smile, “well I am.”
Ran brings you to the couch and sits down, still holding you bridal style on his lap. Rindou follows you both over to the couch and sits down beside. 
“He's still after you, y’know.” Ran chuckles.
You look at Rindou. “Still pining after me, huh?” You tease.
“Maybe I am.” Rindou says seriously, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth.
Ran kisses you on the cheek, before he reaches out and grabs the bottle of whiskey that’s on the end table. He untwists the cap and takes a swig of the alcohol, then he offers the bottle to you, “lets celebrate your first day of freedom, yeah?”
You smirk and take the bottle, bringing the top to your lips. As you take a swig, you can feel the liquid slide down your throat, the warmth spreading through your chest. The whiskey's flavour lingers on your tongue, and you can feel the burn of the alcohol as it goes down. You pass the bottle back to Ran, who offers it up to Rindou. Rindou takes the bottle from Ran and takes a long swig, before passing it back to Ran, who takes another drink. 
“So, Rindou. Ran decided to let me live with you guys.” You insert, and Ran passes you the bottle again.
Rindou looks surprised, as if he wasn't expecting to hear that. “What?! You're living with us? You're not staying with your family?”
You take another swig, letting out a slight cough before you speak. “No, I don't think I want to live with the people who never let me do the things that I want. I'm tired of following their rules, I just want to live with the two of you and not have to worry about all the expectations my parents have.” 
Rindou raises an eyebrow with a slight smirk, “what will your parents think of this?”
“I already told them, they aren't happy. They're probably going to try to make me come back tomorrow.” You say, passing the bottle to Rindou. 
“Don't worry about that, if they do that, I'll just let them have a piece of me.” Ran inserts.
Rindou takes the bottle from you and takes another swig before replying. “You’re sure about this?” He says, before passing the bottle back to Ran who takes another sip. 
“I am.” You say, your tone resolute. 
“Is that so?” Rindou smirks. “Well, glad to have you here.” Rindou says in flirtatious tone.
You nod with a smile, and Ran passes you the bottle once again. “Oh wow, sounds like you're trying to make a move on my girl, Rindou.” Ran grins. You take another swig of the alcohol before passing it back to Rindou.
“Maybe I am.” Rindou says, taking the bottle from you while meeting your gaze.
“Maybe you are? Wait, are you? If you are, you've got some balls to do such a thing.” You laugh.
Ran chuckles, and Rindou takes another sip before responding. “You're right, I do have some guts to flirt with the girl who is my brother's girlfriend.” He says, then speaks to Ran as he passes the bottle back to him. “Though, that doesn't mean I'd ever give up. Ran.” He smirks. 
“You're still crushing on her, huh?” Ran asks, his lips curled upward into a slight smile as he takes another sip of whiskey, then passes the bottle to you once again.
“I'm still crushing on her.” He answers. 
You take a swig and then shake your head, “Rindou, you're such an idiot for liking your brother's girlfriend.” You say, then you pass Rindou the bottle.
Ran chuckles, “she’s right, why would you have a crush on someone who is taken? Why not another girl instead?” He says.
“Because you took her. You took my chance at her. You took one of the sweetest girls in this entire world. And now she's yours and not mine, I can never kiss her, I can never hug her, I can never do anything that I want with her.” Rindou says, before taking a really long swig of whiskey this time. 
You look at Rindou with a slight smile, now starting to feel the affects of the alcohol, bringing about your playful side further. “Oh, so you’ve been longing to kiss me, huh Rindou?”
Rindou blushes as he passes the bottle back to Ran, his eyes still fixed on you. “Yeah, for a while now, I've been longing to kiss you. For years I’ve been thinking of kissing you and doing all the couple activities with you, but oh well.”
Ran takes the bottle with a grin before laughing. “Damn, you really did want a taste of my girl, huh, Rindou?” He takes another drink and then passes the bottle back to you. You take another sip with a smile, amused by this conversation.
Rindou smirks. “Heh, I may have dreamt of it, once or twice.”
You’re now giggling. “You dreamt of it?” You ask in a soft but teasing tone. “Tell me more about your dreams.” You say as you pass the bottle to him with a coy smile. Ran’s giggling as well, he seems entertained by this conversation too. 
“What? You wanna know about my dreams of you and me?” He chuckles as he takes the bottle from you.
“Yes, I do. Tell me more.” You say, your lips still curled upward into a smile.
“This is turning spicy all of a sudden.” Ran says quietly, his voice tinged with amusement.
Rindou takes in a long sip before speaking. “Well, I don't want to startle you with them. They're kinda… dirty.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Startle me? Now you're making me even more curious. Please, do tell. Tell me everything.” You grin.
Rindou passes the bottle back to Ran, his eyes still on you. “Are you sure?”
You nod, “I am very much so sure.”
Ran takes another swig from the bottle. “Do it! Let's see where this goes.” He grins, then passes the bottle back to you. 
Rindou smirks, “okay fine. In my dream…” He pauses for a moment, “you were, in my bed. Naked of course.” 
You raise an eyebrow and take a sip before you speak. “And what were we doing?” You ask, now passing the bottle back to Rindou, a grin still plastered on your face.
Ran smirks as this whole conversation is entertaining him. Rindou takes in a long sip of the whiskey, then passes it back to Ran before he speaks. “Well, I fucked you good, obviously.” He says smugly. 
You feel heat rush to your groin, and a tingle shoot down your spine at his words. You take a deep breath, then exhale, “what else happened?”
Ran laughs out loud with his head tilted back, he’s so invested. He takes another swig of the whiskey, then hands the bottle to you once again.
“I made you cum so many times you lost count of how many.” Rindou answers. 
Your body flushes with heat and you could feel yourself getting wet, and the effects the alcohol were having on you definitely weren’t helping. After you finish another sip, you pass the bottle back to Rindou before placing your legs over his as you continue to lay over Ran’s lap, your head resting against the armrest. “Are you sure that’s all? Nothing you’re leaving out?” You chuckle.
“Oooh, someone's getting a touch of the feelings now aren't we? I like the tension between you two.” Ran smirks.
Rindou takes the bottle and grins. “Fine, I may have left out a few details.”
You raise an eyebrow, “oh yeah? Like what?”
“Well, let’s just say I ate the fuck outta you.” Rindou answers before taking another swig, his eyes still fixed on you. 
You couldn’t help but feel yourself get wetter at his words, and you shift your body slightly. 
“Ooooh, Rindou, you're a pervert aren't you?” Ran teases. 
Rindou rolls his eyes at Ran and passes the bottle back to him, not even responding to that statement. You sit up as you’re on Ran’s lap and reach over to Rindou’s thigh, as if testing the waters. The alcohol clearly got you. You glance at Ran for a moment, taking into account that he isn’t objecting. You now move from Ran’s lap to Rindou’s, only straddling him. 
Rindou's eyes widen. “Holy shit?!” He thought.
Ran smirks as he sees you straddling Rindou. He now feels a little giddy and excited to see where this goes. You smile widely as you lean your face in closer to Rindou’s, and you lightly sway your lower body against him. 
Ran is grinning widely. “Ooooh, this is getting good.” He says to himself, before taking in another sip of the whiskey. 
Rindou gulps hard as he feels you brush your lower body against him and place your arms on his shoulders. Rindou’s chest starts to rise and fall rapidly, his breathing heavy as his heart begins to race. 
You look at Ran as he sips on the whiskey, before looking back at Rindou. You bring your face closer to Rindou's and lean in close to his lips. Then you place your lips on his softly. The moment Rindou had always wanted has come, he’s finally getting to feel what it’s like to touch his brothers girl who he’s been in love with for so long. Rindou felt his heart in his throat as he felt your lips press against his own. He places his hands on your hips, pulling you against him in an attempt to feel you on a more intimate level. He's never felt this excited with someone before. Never felt this warm with anyone before. He didn't want your lips to part, it felt so right.
You moan into the kiss and run your hands over his upper body, feeling up his chest and arm muscles. Rindou couldn't contain himself anymore. He wanted to feel more of you. He couldn't stop himself from deepening the kiss. You moan softly against his lips as you feel Rindou's grip tighten on you. 
Ran chuckles amusedly as he continues to sip on the whiskey and watch. You continue to moan and squirm, you’re really feeling the kiss as you press yourself against Rindou. Rindou slowly picks you up for a moment, his lips still on yours as he lays you on the couch on your back, your head on the armrest. He then lays over you, pressing his lower body against you as you both continue making out. Rindou’s hand slowly caresses your cheek and your hair, as he looks down at you, his breaths hot and heavy. Rindou now speaks with a husky voice, “you’re really beautiful, y/n. I want you so, so badly.” He says before kissing you again.
You moan into the kiss before responding, “then take me.” You say before kissing him again.
Ran gasps as he hears you say the magic words. “Oh, my my.” He mutters while smiling widely, the bottle of whiskey in his hand, bottom of it rested on his thigh as he watches. Rindou continues to kiss you, before answering back, his voice just above a whisper. “Is that something you really want, sweetheart?” He asks before kissing you again. You pause for a second and look at Ran to ask for permission, “is that fine by you Ran?”
Ran smirks from the corner of the couch the three of you are on. “Do you think I'm going to object to my brother being intimate with my girl?” He asks rhetorically with a smug grin as he takes another sip of whiskey.
“Well, if you’re okay with it.” You say, before meeting Rindou’s gaze once again. “There you go, Ran’s fine with it. So, why not have some fun?” You grin.
Rindou smirks at you, he’s finally, finally getting his chance with you after it’s all he’s been wanting for so long. “I've been holding myself back for so long, but not...” He trials off with a deep breath, “not anymore.” He speaks with a husky tone. Rindou now reaches his hands under your shirt as he presses his lips hard against yours. You slowly move your hands over his back and wrap your legs around his waist, pulling his lower body even firmer against yours. Your breaths are becoming more audible and loud with Rindou’s, as your heart is beating hard and fast now. The pleasure and the passion is intense. Rindou now pulls your shirt off, revealing your upper body and bra. Rindou licks his lips at the sight, before he slides his hands underneath your back. You slightly lift your body, letting him undo your bra. He pulls it off and chucks it aside. You now feel his hands hungrily explore your body, before you reach out and pull his shirt off of him. He's very fit and muscular like Ran, and the tattoo that matches with Ran’s stretches over the right side of his body. Both you and Rindou can feel the intensity building between the two of you. You continue to kiss Rindou while feeling his body up, you can't help but feel excited for what's to come. “Mm, Rin.” You moan in a soft and quiet voice. Rindou chuckles at the nickname you would always use, now being moaned. Ran just smirks and watches with a smug face like a voyeur as you moan Rindou's name. 
“I want you, Rindou.” You say in a hushed and needy voice while your hands continue to feel him up, your fingers brushing along his abs. Rindou groans and bites his lower lip, hearing the words he’s been longing to hear his brothers girl say for so long. “Fuck.” He mutters, his breaths still hot and heavy as he reaches down to the waistband of his pants, quickly pulling them down and then shifting his body weight slightly to take them off. He throws them aside and then quickly does the same with his boxers, now revealing his hard, hurting length. Rindou grabs onto your pants and aggressively pulls them off, followed by your panties. Both of you are now fully exposed, your naked body's touching. Your hand goes to Rindou's throbbing shaft, and he lets out a deep moan. Rindou’s hands are now all over you, feeling up every inch of your soft skin. You continue to rub him and moan softly as Rindou’s hands caress you all over. Ran continues to watch from the corner of the couch, and now feeling a little excited over the events before him. 
Rindou is enjoying the feeling of your hands on him, he can feel his lower part getting harder with every touch. He places his hand on your leg and slowly starts to inch it up to your pussy. When his fingers meet your clit, you gasp and moan. “Mmm, Rin.” Your voice is filled with pleasure and your body starts to quiver slightly from the feeling. “Fuck y/n.” Rindou groans, and his fingers now slowly slide into your entrance, making him groan again as his arousal grows. You moan loudly in response to the feeling of Rindou’s fingers, and Ran continues to watch with a smirk, getting all hot and bothered by this whole thing. Your whole body is quivering from pleasure now, and Rindou’s really enjoying this. “God, you're so damn beautiful.” He mutters with a husky voice. You cant help but sustain loud moans and squirm as your body continues to tremble from Rindou’s fingers working your entrance. “She seems to be enjoying it, Ran.” Rindou says with a sly voice and a chuckle.
Ran smirks. “Oh, for sure she is. Keep doing a good job Rindou.” Ran says in his authoritative big-brotherly tone. 
Your moans begin to get louder as you now feel Rindou seek out your g-spot and start giving taps to it directly. Your eyes widen, “Rin!” You moan. Rindou lets out a low growl, he can’t hold back any longer. He abruptly pulls his fingers out of you and grabs his hurting and swollen length, quickly positioning the tip to your entrance and sliding himself inside until he bottoms out. Ran lets out a low groan as he watches Rindou take you fully, and his eyes widen. “My god.” He says with a husky voice. Your moans turn more extreme as you feel Rindou start thrusting. You can’t help but lose yourself in the pleasure. “Mmm, Rin…” You moan again. Rindou continues to take you to a whole new high, your body is shaking with pleasure. You feel your mind being drowned in a sea of euphoria. You start to grab onto Rindou's back, digging your nails in his skin while moaning his name loud enough to where even the neighbours could probably hear. Rindou moans and bites his lower lip. “Y/n…” He says in a breathy voice. The whole sight before Ran's eyes is turning him more and more on by the second. He places the whiskey bottle down on the end table and starts gripping the armrest with his hand. Rindou begins to speed up his thrusts, making sure to hit as deep as possible with each one. “Nngh, Rin!” You yell.
Ran is now feeling very hot, his heart beating fast and his breath getting heavier with every passing second at the sight before him. The passion is driving you and Rindou wild with desire and lust, and Rindou smiles as he watches your beautiful face radiating pure pleasure. You continue to let out loud moans, and Rindou speeds up his pace even more. Ran gulps hard at the sight in front of him. “My god...” He mumbles to himself as he feels his arousal growing. 
Your whole body is twitching now as you continue to feel Rindou inside of you. Your eyes start rolling back, the pleasure becoming too much for you to handle. “Yes... yes!” You moan, feeling waves of pleasure rushing through your body rapidly as tingles shoot down your spine and to your core. “Oh my god...!” Ran says, gripping the armrest tightly as he can't take his eyes away from the scene before him. “Oh, oh Rin!” You shout in pleasure. Rindou smiles once again as he moves his head down and kisses your neck while he continues his fast thrusts at a steady pace. “You're so perfect, y/n.” He says before kissing his way to your shoulder. Your body is twitching uncontrollably as the pleasure and passion continues to intensify. Your voice is nothing but a series of moans and Rindou’s name now. Ran's grip on the armrest tightens, “my god...” He says again and he’s so aroused that he now had to slip a hand down to his bulge, as he continues to grip the armrest with his other hand. Ran eyes are glued to what's going on in front of him. “Oh my god...” He says before he begins to grip at his bulge now.
Rindou eyes are filled with pure lust as he lets out another groan, “you're perfect.” He whispers to you. Your eyes continue to roll back, as your moans get louder. You lean your head back and let yourself go fully under the wave of pleasure. “Mmh! Rin!” You moan loudly. Ran starts to unzip his pants, his arousal becoming too much to bear. He whips out his length, grabbing his throbbing shaft before lightly starting to jerk it. Rindou brings his lips to yours and kisses you passionately. “You’re making me go crazy.” He says in a hushed tone, before resuming kissing you. Your moans are loud and echo throughout the living-room, you’re really losing yourself in the intense pleasure that Rindou's giving you right now. Rindou goes back to kissing your neck and shoulder, “I can't believe I’m finally getting to have you, baby.” He mutters, his breath hot and heavy against your ear. You��re starting to breathe even more heavily now, Rindou's touch is starting to become overwhelming for you. “Mmm. Rin.” You moan. Ran continues to watch and lightly stroke his dick. “Oh... my god...” He says quietly, his voice filled with arousal.
You could now feel yourself getting closer and closer to an orgasm. Rindou's eyes look into yours. “I'm so fuckin’ in love with you.” He says, his breath hitched. Rindou was now getting close to his breaking point too, as his thrusts now became sloppy. Your moans become even louder now, your whole body twitching as you’re completely lost in the incredible pleasure that Rindou is giving you. Ran's breathing gets deeper, as he continues to watch and pleasure himself. You could now feel the edge approaching. “Mmm, Rin! I’m soon gonna-”
Rindou groans. “Fuck, I love you.” Rindou could feel the edge approaching for him as well. You grip the fabric of the couch and your legs shiver, the wave of pleasure crashing over you like a tidal wave. “Rin!” You scream out, your body convulsing against Rindou’s as your walls pulsate around his length, bringing about his limit as well. “Oh, oh fuuck.” Rindou groans, looking at you with a hazy gaze. Rindou spills his last drop of cum inside of you, before he gently pulls out, making a hissing sound as he does so. Ran now stands up and walks over to you. “My turn.” He says with a sly smirk as his body is already mostly undressed, besides the shirt he has on which he sexily pulls off as he walks over. You take a moment to get ahold of your breath. You feel so light headed now after that climax, but at the same time you feel so good. The feeling was unreal. You look up at Ran as he’s now standing beside the couch, towering over you. “R-Ran.” You say in a cute tone, your breaths still coming in a bit short. Rindou moves over to lay down beside you on his side, before he starts giving kisses to your cheek and jawline. Ran gets in the position Rindou was in, laying over you and ready to take you now. Your body shivers when you feel Ran’s tip start circling over your entrance, meanwhile Rindou's now kissing down your neck, giving it occasional bites and sucks. Ran now slides himself inside of you fully in one quick motion, “mmm fuck yeah. Just like how I remembered. Tight as fuck.” Ran reminisces. 
“Mmh, Ran!” You yell. Ran smiles before he starts his thrusts off fast, his braids bouncing with the movement as he gradually speeds up his pace while watching your facial expression with those downturned purple eyes.
The sound of you and Ran’s moans fill the living-room, along with the sound of his body smacking into yours. Your eyes catch his hazed gaze, and heavy breaths escape his parted lips. You run your hands over Ran’s body, feeling his tensing muscles under your fingers. Ran lets out a low groan, before he brings his lips to yours and slides his tongue in your mouth. His tongue explodes your mouth, and your tongue meets his in a wet and sloppy french-kiss. Your body was experiencing complete ecstasy. Just like how you remembered. The passion Ran would give you was like a drug, and you’re now getting a hit of that drug you’ve been deprived of for months. Ran's breathing gets deeper as he speeds up his pace and goes harder, and he now breaks away from the kiss to watch your facial expression. Your passion for him only intensifies with each motion, as the pace increased, your breaths grew heavier. The love you feel for each other is undeniable and you both feel it in every part of your being. Rindou bites and kisses at your shoulder, listening to your sweet moans and growing addicted to the taste and scent of your skin. You could now feel your body thrum with anticipation as your limit begins to approach. You can feel each other's excitement building and your nerves starting to flutter. Every movement and touch is charged with emotion, and your heart is racing faster and faster as you edge closer to your limit. “Mmmh, Ran!” You yell. 
“Fuck fuck fuck.” Ran groans as his body shudders, feeling himself getting closer and closer to the edge as well. As if on cue, the build up of tension reaches its peak for the both of you. A couple more thrusts and you both cum together, your body’s convulsing against one another. Your walls pulsate around Ran’s length as you cum, giving him a good squeeze. Ran chuckles, “fuckin’ missed how you’d milk my dick.” 
Ran’s words send a tingle down your spine and to your core, which only adds to your orgasm. Ran spills his last drop inside of you before he pulls out, then he picks you up and brings you to his bedroom. “C’mon Rindou.” Ran says in his nasally sounding voice. Rindou follows suit. Ran places you down on the bed and then climbs up to lay next to you on his side, pulling your body to face him. Rindou comes and cuddles you from behind, wrapping his arm around your waist. Ran wastes no time before he slips a hand down and grabs his length to put it inside of you again. You moan and bite your lower lip, taking in the feeling of being filled back up by him. Rindou starts grinding his dick against your ass, and he lets out a deep breath as he wants to be inside of you again too. Rindou grabs his shaft and looks down, before rubbing his tip up and down the lining of your asscrack, teasing himself, before an idea comes to his mind. He brings his tip to your asshole and rubs it over the tiny entrance, “fuck.” He groans, his voice barely above a whisper. He brings his face in closer to your ear, “can I enter here?” He asks in a breathy voice as he taps his tip against your asshole. Meanwhile Ran’s thrusting into your pussy again, and your eyes widen when you hear Rindou’s request and feel him tapping his tip against the back entrance. You’re a bit nervous to try anal for the first time, losing your back-door virginity can be quite painful, but you’re intrigued by the idea. You nod, “yeah…” You answer in a soft voice. Rindou lets out a deep breath at your answer, “fuck baby...” He says in a husky voice before he forces the tip inside, which makes him choke out, “ah, sweet jesus. That’s insane. I might not even be able to fit, it’s fuckin’ small.” 
Your eyes shot open when you felt his tip inside your asshole, even that amount was bringing about pain, as you could feel the muscles start to stretch. But, the pain, is a good kind of pain, and the intensity and heat of the moment makes the experience so fucking passionate. “K-Keep going.” You say to Rindou. Ran chuckles with a sly smirk at you telling Rindou to go further in your ass. Rindou lets out a low groan, “okay, I’ll try baby.” He says, his breaths heavy as he starts to force himself further inside. Rindou grits his teeth and clenches his jaw as his eyes roll to the back of his head, “fuck, god fuckin’ damn it that’s tight.” He moans, before finally he bottoms out in your ass. You took the pain well, you actually really liked it, and the feeling of being filled by both of them only fuels the heat building deep within your core, which makes your pussy and asshole walls clench for a moment. Rindou was about to take a moment to gather himself before his eyes shoot open and he chokes out in a “gah” sounding moan. “Whoa, hey there. You’re gonna kill me, sweetheart.” Rindou smirks, his breath hitched. “Do it again.”
It wasn’t even voluntary since it was happening because your orgasm was forming, so it happens again. Rindou’s eyes roll to the back of his head and his jaw clenches as he lets out a hiss, “sssss, fuuck.” 
Rindou now begins moving, starting off slow until you get used to the feeling, then he starts matching his pace with Ran’s. Both of their hands roam your body as they continue to move in and out of you. As their hands roam over your body, the intensity of the experience only grows, leaving you breathless and shaking with excitement. Your moans and yells of their names fill the room, along with their groans and the slaps of their bodies against you. You could now feel yourself getting close to the edge. Ran is going faster and faster now, getting closer to his breaking point, and Rindou speeds up his pace to keep in sync with Ran. Rindou was experiencing complete bliss. He never thought he’d ever get the chance to have you in this way. But now, not only has he expressed his love to you intimately, now he got to try anal with you; his brothers girlfriend who he’s been in love with and wanted for so long. 
You continue to moan as you grip the sheets, and your voice becomes louder and louder with each passing moment. Ran and Rindou's eyes meet for a moment and Rindou gives him a coy smile as he's having his way with you from the other door. Ran smirks and continues to thrust harder. Rindou was now chasing down an orgasm, and the three of you were now getting closer and closer to the peak of pleasure. The next thrust of the Haitani brothers sends you over the edge. Your entire body trembles with an intense feeling of euphoria and release. Your breathing comes in short gasps now, and your voice is lost in a series of moans. Your pussy and asshole walls pulsate, squeezing the fuck out of them, Rindou more. Your clenching walls brings about both of their orgasms. Ran’s eyes roll to the back of his head, “mmm, fuck yeah baby, milk my dick.” Ran says in a husky voice. Rindou’s eyes go wide and his whole body tenses up, “gaaaah, fuuck! It feels like my dick’s gonna break, but it’s so fuckin’ good, holy shit!” 
They both spill the last drop, and then finally they both pull out. You turn on your back, and they both each cuddle into you on their sides. Rindou looks at you and smiles before he starts caressing your cheek. “You’re so cute.”
“Well, that just happened.” Ran says with a chuckle and a sly grin.
You turn your head slightly towards Ran and chuckle too. “Yeah, that just happened.” You say with a smile before looking at Rindou.
Rindou smirks, still caressing your cheek before he leans his face in closer to give you a quick romantic kiss on the lips. “I love you, y/n.”
Ran raises an eyebrow at the romantics, “now now, Rindou. She’s still my girlfriend.” 
Rindou turns his head to look at Ran. “Oh you, I'm just showing her how much I love her.” He chuckles. 
Ran continues to keep a raised eyebrow, then he smirks at Rindou. “Hm, is that so? Well, if you ask nicely, maybe I’ll continue to share her with you. I wouldn’t mind if she belonged to both of us, there’s no one better than you who can protect her, besides me.” Ran says in a playful voice. 
Rindou chuckles, “oh really now? Well, in that case, I think I will ask nicely.” He says in a teasing tone. “Big bro, will you be ever so kind as to continue sharing y/n with me?” He says in a dramatic tone, returning the playful antics. 
“Yes, Rindou. You have my permission to take her for yourself as well.” Ran smirks.
You squints your eyes at Ran, listening to the audacity of his words. “You know Ran, you never even asked my input on you offering to Rindou that I belong to the both of you.” You insert, though you’re not even the slightest bit opposed to the idea. 
Ran smirks. “Well, I'm sure you wouldn't mind if Rindou and I both shared you, after that just now.” He teases you.
“Fine, maybe I do want that. I do want the both of you.” You admit.
Rindou smiles, “heh, that’s my girl.” He takes your chin in between his thumb and index finger, slightly pulling your face towards his to kiss you once again, his lips pressing against yours. His tongue brushes up against yours but it wasn't anything too deep, just enough to tease. You kiss back with equal enthusiasm and passion, your own tongue seeking out his before your tongues engage in battle with one another's. You open your mouth a bit more and Rindou slides his tongue deeper inside your mouth. 
Ran has an amused expression. “I think you’re getting a little attached Rindou, and so soon. You look like you can’t get enough of her.” Ran teases, knowing damn well he’s the same way to you. 
Rindou smirks, “maybe I am getting more attached than I intended, but who can resist her?” He says before resuming kissing you. You hum as you and Rindou continue your french kiss, and you run your hands through his blond and blue hair. You’re completely immersed in the moment and you can't get enough. Your lips are practically glued to Rindou's lips and you’re holding onto a fist-full of Rindou's hair. Rindou smiles. “That's my girl.” His voice is husky, he's completely obsessed with you and your body. His hands return to your soft skin, caressing it. 
“Don’t you mean our girl?” Ran corrects playfully.
Rindou just smirks and pulls you to face him. You’re now on your side once again as he continues kissing you, and he gives your ass a little grab. Rindou's breathing becomes heavier, he feels as if he can't let go of you. His hands start to caress you a little more. You let out a low but soft moan, as your tongues continue to dance together. Your breaths are hot and heavy against Rindou's. Ran moves on his side to wrap his arms around you from behind, giving kisses and bites to your shoulder now. You could feel Ran's kisses and bites on your skin, adding to the heat. Rindou takes your hand in his, intertwining your fingers with his and giving your hand a squeeze as his mouth is still locked with yours, exchanging saliva, giving you one hell of a make-out session. 
Rindou smirks and lets go of your hand, bringing his down to your thigh and sliding it up the skin, inching its way to your pussy. With his hand touching your skin and inching towards your intimate area, you feel like you need to hold your breath. You can feel the need for him building within you, the intensity of the moment growing as your muscles tighten in anticipation. As Rindou's hand reaches your intimate area, you feel the anticipation heighten and the tension within you rise to a boiling point. Your body arches in an attempt to get closer to Rindou's hand, your breath coming in quick shallow gasps. 
Rindou takes his index and middle finger together and flattens them before rubbing circles over your clit, causing you to squeal against his lips. Rindou’s dick throbs in response to your squeal, and he lets out a low groan. “Fuck babe.” He says in a husky voice. Rindou now takes his two fingers and brings them to your entrance, sliding them in while using his thumb to start drawing circles over your clit. Rindou immediately seeks out your g-spot and curls his fingers upward, brushing his fingertips against your g-spot in a fast motion, using his thumb to match the pace on your clit. “Oh, oh Rin!” You moan.
“Oh god baby...” Rindou mutters. Meanwhile Ran is now licking and sucking the skin of your neck and shoulders, leaving you hickeys. You could feel your whole body trembling from the heat of your make out session with Rindou as he works your entrance and clit with his fingers. Your hand grips tightly onto Rindou’s hair to the point where it nearly hurts him, bringing about his arousal to an even higher point. 
Rindou abruptly stops kissing you and pulls his fingers out of you, then grabs his shaft to position the tip to your entrance, before he slides in slowly, his eyes hazy as he gazes at your facial expression, watching you take him. “Mmm fuck, I fuckin’ love how you feel.” Rindou says in a husky voice. Rindou takes a hand under your leg and lifts it up as he starts moving faster inside of you. You can't help but moan in pleasure as you feel the heat inside of you rising up. “Mm! Rin!” You moan loudly. Rindou smiles as he hears your moans, and he speeds up his thrusts a bit more as he continues to hold your leg up. Ran’s now swaying his hips forward, rubbing his shaft against your ass, before he grabs his dick and looks down. He wants to have his try at anal now. Ran brings his tip to your asshole, testing the size. He lets out a little hiss at the anticipation, before he forces the tip in. You gasp from the sensation, and your eyes shoot open wide. Ran lets out another hiss at the squeeze of his tip, “holy shit.” He says in a breathy voice, before he slides further inside, his eyes rolling back at the tightness, “god damn.”
Ran finally bottoms out and starts moving, letting out throaty moans at the feeling of his dick being squeezed. He’s taken aback by the experience. “Didn’t expect it to squeeze so much.” Ran says to Rindou with a chuckle.
Rindou grins, “it is a pretty tight squeeze huh? Feels like yer dick’s gonna snap in half if you make even one wrong move.” He replies as he continues his thrusts into your pussy. 
Ran nods, “it’s some next-level shit.” He lets out a deep breath.
The three of you are united as one, and the feeling of both of them thrusting into you is euphoric. The passion and heat between you is palpable, and you feel their bodies and breathing as if it were your own. There is a level of intimacy and passion that words cannot describe. “Mm…” Ran lets out a low and soft moan of pleasure as he grips you tighter by the waist from behind. “I’m fuckin’ loving this..”
You grip Rindou's hair once again, feeling the heat building up all throughout your body. Ran is letting out repetitive throaty moans as the feeling of your anal walls is just too much for him right now. Rindou continues to gaze hazily at your facial expression, his moans escaping his lips frequently as well, enjoying the feeling of it all as his hand grips your leg tighter. The feeling of his dick pressing deep inside your pussy is now bringing him closer to the edge. Your moans become louder with the sensation of pleasure coursing through you. Each thrust of the Haitani’s is bringing you closer and closer to your peak. Ran bites down on your shoulder, his body trembling and his breathing becoming more and more desperate as he feels your anal walls starting to tighten and tighten, bringing about his limit as well. His body shudders and his eyes roll back, “oh fuck, oh fuck.” 
Rindou's lets out a low hiccupy groan, he can feel your pussy walls starting to tighten more and more and he's losing it too. “Fuck yeah baby, you feel so fuckin’ good.” 
A few more thrusts, and Ran and Rindou bring you to the peak of pleasure and your body explodes in a rush of sensation. Your heart pounds violently in your chest and your breathing becomes shallow, your voice nothing more than a series of moaning gasps. Your pussy and asshole walls pulsate around Ran and Rindou, bringing about both of their orgasms. Rindou lets out a prolonged groan as he cums, his body twitching. “Fuck, mmm, fuck!”
The squeezing of your anal walls as Ran came sent his mind into a frenzy, his eyes rolling back as he grits his teeth. “Gaaah, mmm, sweet fuck!” He yells. 
After a moment, the Haitani brothers pull out of you and they collapse on each a side of you, your entire bodies still buzzing with sensations. Ran and Rindou’s heads fall back, their chests rising and falling rapidly as they try and catch their breaths. You can hear the pounding of your heart in your ears from the aftermath of your orgasm. Not long after, the three of you come back down to earth, taking in the afterglow as your bodies still feel warm and tingly. They both turn on their sides and cuddle into you. “You’re unbelievable.” Rindou says, still breathing heavy. Ran takes a deep breath, “fuck y/n, I never thought I’d ever experience what it’s like to go in the back door.” He says with a breathy chuckle. 
Rindou butts in, “I know right?” He says in a instigating and teasing tone. 
Ran squints his eyes, “fuck you, you’re lucky I even let you. Don’t get too cocky just cuz’ you took her back-door virginity.” He smirks. 
“I’m already cocky, y’know that already.” Rindou says with a coy smile. 
“Shut up, Rindou.” Ran scoffs, but still smiling slightly. “You know I’m right.”
You smile at their antics, you’ve always loved watching the obvious brotherly bond they have through their playful jabs. Rindou shrugs, “whatever, I’m still takin’ the dub’.” He says with a smirk. 
Ran chuckles, “yeah, the dub I let you have.”
Rindou gives his brother a mock pout, “fine. Just let me bask in the glory for a few minutes, will you?” 
Ran rolls his eyes. “Sure. Just don't let it get to your head.” 
You can’t help but laugh, causing both of the Haitani’s to turn their attention back on you. “Awe, we made her laugh.” Rindou smiles.
“Stop, you're not funny.” Ran says to him.
“I beg to differ.” Rindou retorts.
“Whatever you say, Rindou.” Ran says as he stretches his arms above his head, then resumes cuddling into your side. They both have their heads rested against each of your shoulder’s as they lay comfortably against you. You let out a content sigh before you kiss the back of their heads. Ran and Rindou both let out a little content moan, nuzzling into you further. 
“I’m really glad I moved in.” You smile. “I’m really glad as well, baby girl.” Ran replies, looking at you from your shoulder, his braids resting on your bare chest. Rindou leans in and kisses your cheek before speaking in a soft voice, “me too.”
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xzaddyzanakinx · 4 months
Missed Me pt 2
Stepdad!Anakin Skywalker x femme reader
18+ MDNI
Warnings: cheating, oral, stepcest/inappropriate relationships
Info: mom comes home, shit gets complicated Also, just now realizing I should be putting ‘cheating’ in the warnings for all stepdad! fics… oopsie
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Anakin had always been an athletic man, but right now his reflexes seemed to fail him. He froze with his mouth still suctioned to your cunt. His eyes locked onto you as if his brain had shut down. You tapped his forehead and it seemed to have hit his reset button because he scrambled up and smacked the garage door button repeatedly, willing it to close faster.
The moment he finally moved, you gathered up your clothes… or what was left of them and panicked. Anakin stared at you like he’d lost every thought in his head, before he laughed. A full loud belly laugh.
You broke out in a little smile and pushed past him to go into the house, making a run for your bedroom. Moments later you heard the front door open, the jingle of keys, and the dull thump of your mothers purse on the kitchen table.
“Anakin?” She called out.
You noted her voice seemed normal, unaffected. Breathing a sigh of relief you made yourself presentable and shoved your ruined clothes into your trash bin.
“Huh? What?” You heard Anakin yell back, muffled from the distance of the closed garage door to your room.
“Just seeing where you were that’s all babe.” She called back. Good. He’ll have time to pick up the mess he’d made from his frantic clearing of his work bench.
God he’s just so good at playing it cool. Huh? What? That little crack in his voice betrayed his nervousness and you hoped your mom didn’t question it.
You heard shuffling and decided it was probably safe to come out of your room. Walking into the kitchen you acted as normal as possible. You were out of practice for this sneaking around and you felt awkward and alittle dirty.
“Hey.” You smiled at your mom, who pulled you into a side hug while she was sitting at the kitchen counter flipping through the mail.
“How’s your day going sweetheart?” She asked, not looking up.
You turned to get a water from the fridge and leaned against the counter.
“It’s okay.” You said nonchalantly, “I slept in… but I was just about to go on a run actually.”
“Oh good! Why don’t you take the dog with you?” She suggested. “I’m sure she’d love a little trip around the neighborhood.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” You nodded, noting a slight frown on her face when she finally looked up at you. Though it quickly faded and you wondered if maybe your guilty conscience had you seeing things.
“Well don’t let me keep you.” She smiled. “I probably won’t be here when you get back, I’ve got to go back into the office.”
“Really? I thought they were letting you have a full day off?” You asked in confusion, knowing she had requested that because of the doctors appointment she had just returned from.
“Yeah, there’s a trainee who fumbled some stuff while coding for the new website I’m working on.” She sighed, but brushed it off with a wave of her hand.
“Well… good luck fixing it then.” You shrugged, turning around and grabbing the dog’s leash.
“Chewie!” You said in your happy little ‘who’s a good puppy’ voice.
Your big, furry, German shepherd came running. She may look alittle scary, but she’s really just the sweetest girl. You ruffled the scruff around her neck and gave her a solid few pats to her side before clipping on her leash and heading outside.
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Meanwhile Anakin had just finished picking up his disaster zone of a garage and slid himself back up underneath the vehicle he was repairing. He worked for a while there until he heard the garage door leading into the house open and the familiar *click-clack* of his wife’s work pumps.
“Hey babe.” He said flatly, unceremoniously inching back out from under the car. He grabbed his discarded t-shirt and wiped his hands and face with it before tossing it on the propped open hood of the car.
Your mom smiled, patting his cheek.
“Almost done with this one?” She asked, pointing to the vehicle.
“Yeah, the guys coming to pick it up tomorrow.” Anakin nodded. “And I’ve got an old Lincoln coming in tomorrow too. Somethin’ about the fuel injector.” He shrugged.
“Will you be done for the weekend though?” She asked, gently touching his forearm. “I was hoping we could have a date night.”
“Uh, well yeah sure.” He nodded, trying to sound enthusiastic. “I’m sure it’ll be alright if I push one back a day.”
“Really?” She smiled big and wide, “thank you, I’ll plan us something good okay?”
He nodded, giving her a smile that didn’t quite meet his eyes. Damn. He was a piece of shit, a horrible husband, and a terrible stepfather. That little glimmer of hope and happiness in his wife’s eyes… it still wasn’t enough. It never had been enough, not since the first time he’d had you.
He felt like throwing up. Wondering how his life had come to this. Desperately in love with a girl who was barely legal, while his perfectly willing and loving wife was standing right in front of him begging for his attention.
“C’mere.” He said after a moment of just staring into the nether, looking straight through those hopeful eyes.
He pulled your mom into a hug, and kissed the top of her head. He felt bad, and this would make it better. Or at least that’s what he told himself. A little apologetic affection, though of course he was the only one aware that this was an apology.
“Alright. I’ll let you get back to work.” Your mom said, a bright smile on her lips that Anakin didn’t even attempt to mirror.
He simply turned back around and leaned over the engine bay, surveying the work he had left to complete.
It was accidental. A completely innocent last glance at Anakin as your mother shut the door. But it was a more than enough to see the very visible, very fresh, red streaks on his upper back. She swallowed, opening the door again.
“Hey Ani?” She said, hiding the lump in her throat with a cough.
“Yeah?” He huffed, not turning around while he was elbow deep in the engine bay.
She asked where you were. Wanting to check her theory.
“She was on a run.” He said, looking back over his shoulder. “I figured she’d be back by now. Check her room I guess.”
“Alright.” She sighed, stiffly shutting the door.
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You and Chewie were jogging through your subdivision, and finally decided to stop for a break under the shade of a large tree. Standing on the side walk you took a sip from your water bottle and leaned against the rough bark. Wiping the sweat from your face with the back of your hand.
As you screwed the lid back on you noticed a black streak on your skin.
Part three
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