#I got the idea for this from a Simpsons episode lol
clarajohnson · 7 months
the magicians s2e12
mayakovsky what a little shithead
i forgot about mayakovsky being a magic doomsday prepper
i'll always be against q getting alice back, like sure niffins are possibly a bad thing but also she WAS ENJOYING BEING A NIFFIN SHE TOLD HIM NOT TO DO IT
personally if i was quentin and alice was screaming quentin don't at me i probably wouldn't!
mark my words in two seasons when qualice starts to be a going concern again i'll be against it. he doesn't deserve her and i really think he fucked her over! it just kills me!
the classically-trained way eliot says banished
man the fillory stuff is just so much more interesting than the earth stuff lol
the beavers' dental coverage is a lame joke sorry tick
extended bong rip scene this show is profoundly unserious
as far as i'm concerned julia/kady is endgame
Iconic Queliot Slump Moment
i love the idea of fillory and further being a real thing but i can't think of a single book i would want to be actually real
fairy realm margo looks great
this show is sooooo reliant on pop culture references but like, references a very specific person would get. team sarah connor? okay grandpa
forgot about the great blank spot thing. does that ever resolve lol
"where's my wife" "here and there" he really is a scary motherfucker
i believe in suspending disbelief always but every time these people just hop around from upper nys to like, vancouver, i think oh interesting how much time has passed
NOT an umber fan but i do appreciate that he collects memorabilia of, basically, his world's mythology
"i understood everything and now it's fading like a dream that you woke me from" alice quinn the most tragic character of allllllllll time
like my god the entire experience of being in her body post-niffin is viscerally sensually upsetting to her she literally transcended and then got forced back into a life she knows is worse it's devastating
love that they go to a place called the poison room and are surprised when it starts poisoning them
wow is this really the episode they take care of reynard
julia is much stronger than me i would've had that bullet in reynard faster than you can say they gave olu a bad lip color
"maybe that makes me selfish" IT DOESSSS IT DOES IT DOES IT DOES
he says "you are alice quinn" like he thinks they're having a you are lisa simpson moment
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cosplayinamerica · 2 years
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Plow King & Mr. Plow from The Simpsons / Cosplayer: Chris M & @dondiaz98 // Photo: tascena
Chris D (@dondiaz98) Chris M and I were attorneys working at the same firm and became friends bonding over various fandoms, the most significant of which was The Simpsons. I had cosplayed at several NYCC's and other cons and had mentioned doing Mr. Plow and Plow King to Chris M. When he responded yes, I was so excited that I had to double check to be sure he was serious! Thank God he was! He agreed to be Plow King and we were off to the races!
Chris M: I gotta give credit to Mr. Plow on this one. I had never even been to NYCC. He told me about his intention to do Mr. Plow, and I said "I'll do Plow King." He called me immediately and locked me into it lol.
Chris D: I'm almost ashamed to say that this wasn't an incredibly difficult cosplay to assemble for me. The hardest part was deciding whether to go full yellow body paint or use masks. After researching other cosplay attempts at nailing The Simpson "look", I was convinced that masks had to be the way to go. You just can't capture the distinctive eyes without the masks... plus makeup would be a mess. Once that was decided, finding the Mr. Plow jacket and Homer mask and bodysuit online was a piece of cake. I got the yellow hand gloves from a party store and the cans of Duff from a novelty candy shop!
Chris M: It was both easy and kind of involved. I googled Plow King and then started cobbling the pieces together. Fortunately they make a Barney mask. I got a yellow full body suit and then cut the arms off to use as gloves. The Plow King jacket surfaces online every now and then so I was fortunate to find it in time. I found blue and white sneakers, then hit up Party City for the crown and inflatable hat. Once again, Mr. Plow gets all the credit for finding the Duff cans!
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Chris D: My favorite moment from NYCC this year was when we came upon a guy cosplaying as Eddie from Stranger Things, complete with an electric guitar and amp. My ever enterprising pal, Plow King asked him to play the theme from The Simpsons and he graced us with a few bars. It was so surreal and cool.
Chris M: This was the second time we'd done this combo, and if anything it was even more popular this time around. The moment the masks come on, you get stopped constantly for pictures. My favorite part is when you get a diehard fan whose face just lights up when they see it, and they run over going "ohmygodohmygodohmygod!!!" lol. People who get it appreciate all the little details, like the bat and crown, or Mr. Plow's snow cap. My favorite moment, however, had to be when the promoter for the new Back to the Future stage show ran over and insisted we take pictures by the Delorean. Nobody else was even allowed behind the rope!!
Chris D: I'm just so appreciative of all the love people showed us at NYCC. For me, this is a homecoming every year. I feel so genuinely happy to be around people who share the love of the event and costuming. I'll likely be doing this for as long as my feet can carry me, so thank you to the Hardcore and casual fans who support cosplayers at these events.
Chris M: Would love to see more Simpsons cosplay!! I think we were the only two all weekend. We are kicking around the idea of Sideshow Bob (or Cecil) and Krusty next year!! Also, I'd like to mention that it's not about the attention or pseudo-celebrity status for me. I don't really care if someone with millions of followers posts our picture, though of course it is cool and appreciated. For me, it's about the sense of belonging and bringing people joy. There's nothing like seeing all the smiling faces when people ask for pictures, and there's definitely an immense satisfaction from walking into the doors of the Javits Center, seeing all the other cosplays, and thinking to yourself, "I'm home." When you have someone tell you how Mr. Plow was their favorite episode and that we just made their day, there's nothing better.
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naitosutan · 1 year
(I didn't know how to respond to your tags on your reblog so I thought I would just send you an ask-)
I'm glad you thought I had some good concepts, I'm terrible at explaining things so it's nice to know that some people understood what I was getting at. And your tsum tsum steek drawing lives rent free in my head, it is so fricking cute. I love tsum tsums!! And I was glad I could influence your love of Steek, kvasgi's art of Steek was one of the first pieces of art for that ship that I saw which was part of the reason why I got into the ship too! And your sister's art is super cute as well, I love it all so much, especially her AU!
Since I'm here, I'd like to ask you, who are your favorite characters and what are your favorite ships?
Thanks again for the sweet response, have a great day!! ❤️❤️
@/steeklover AHH I’M SO SORRY I FOOLISHLY SAVED YOUR ASK AS A DRAFT ON MOBILE AND TUMBLR ATE IT 😭 Luckily, I had part of my response written already and I’ll try to reply as best I can to what I remember of your ask!
Did you know I’m a fool and inept at anything technology ._. I found the ask; somehow I saved the ask in my drafts completely separate from my response ahskkgj
Pls forgive me for the repost, I wanted to keep the original ask attached 🙇🏻‍♀️
I think you explained yourself pretty well! Legit, I always love reading your thoughts on Steek and seeing the ideas you have for them, whether it be your mood boards or playlists, I enjoy your ideas! You are THE Steek shipper to me so I really value your perspective on them and keep some of your posts in mind whenever I try to portray them!
Tsums are definitely a long standing obsession of mine lol Evie says thanks for the praise as well! Her AU means a lot for the three of us ✨
(Long post so favs and ships under the cut haha)
To answer your questions, I’d say Tweek is my favorite from the show, but Stan had definitely settled into also being a major fav of mine! When I was first watching it, I went into season six a bit bitter about Tweek taking Kenny’s spot but… he’s just a little dude :3 Simpsons Already Did It is one of my top favorite episodes lol Stan was a surprising favorite but I guess following him and his friends around the most, I really liked the way he was characterized and the struggles he deals with? I also love Kenny content 🥺🧡 Anything and everything for Kenny lol
Anyways, here are some of my top favorite ships!! As you can probably tell, my sisters and I have a lot of overlap in the ships we like, and tend to influence each other a lot lol I’m a multi-shipper who generally likes a ton of ships and also really enjoy crackships and rare pairs cuz of the untapped potential of interactions that could happen! I also enjoy polys but for simplicity I’ll put just pairings here! I had tried organizing them in a tier list but… it ended up as a ranking list anyways so…
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Stenny - I actually surprised Kim a lot when I first brought up that I liked her old flame lol My first and my fav ship, there’s something about them that makes me extremely happy and I can’t quite explain it. It probably has to do with their personalities and interactions, but I can’t really articulate it into words haha I also love all the fan created content of them! They’re lovely and adorable 💖
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K2 - The OTP of my sisters means a lot of amazing fics recommended to me that makes it hard to not love lol I’m not picky about how the dynamic is portrayed, I’m always down for these two together! They baby 🥹
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Steek - <333 SO much love for these two! Like I had said you were definitely a big reason for it. Plus why NOT ship your favorite characters together? They both have a tendency towards destructive patterns that I think the other could relate to, especially with seeking validation on their feelings? I think potential interactions between these two are severely under explored so I’m always searching for more Steek content!
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Revin - OKAY. This one was definitely a ship I shipped from the show before looking at the fan content lol Constantly seeing them together in the background just reminded me of playground crushes, and their moments were small but cute. AND THEN WHEN THEY BROKE UP I WAS DEVASTATED. CONFIRMATION THEY WERE DATING AT THE COST OF THEIR BREAK UP AND NEVER SEEING THEM TOGETHER AGAIN 😭 We’ve also headcanoned their personalities quite a bit and so I like to think of them both being a bit airheaded? Kevin constantly thinking about his sci-fi and Red seemingly not pay attention to things around her? Kevin calling their fruits sandwiches and Red just going along with it was also funny even if it’s just an animation error lol ALSO KEVIN BEING SO SAD AT THE BAY OF MEMORIAL PIGS DANCE AS RED DANCED WITH TOLKIEN I CAN’T 😭 I love little background details the most when it comes to characters, I think.
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Crenny - Again, Kim was a big influence in me liking Kenny ships, also Crenny has some of the most beautiful and heartfelt works I’ve ever seen and read? I think things would be pretty easy with these two and they’ve had some good moments together!
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Cryle - I know people say they don’t interact much but when has that ever stopped me lol They’re both stubborn in different ways, Craig more passive and Kyle more confrontational, I think? Like, I really liked the scene in Fishsticks where they’re both advising Jimmy. They were basically indirectly arguing against each other and I think that’s such an interesting and fun dynamic lololol There’s enough there for me to enjoy them together!
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Creek - Just LOOK at them lol. I do admit I like them a lot in the show but don’t seek them out in fanworks but they’re great <3
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Stendy - I HAVE A LOT TO TALK ABOUT THEM TOO. Like Stendy is complicated but they’re also elementary school kids, of course they’re not gonna know how to relationship properly. But they’re still so messy?? And it’s just on their personalities mannn. I think Stan very much takes his friends for granted sometimes and especially his girlfriend. And Wendy isn’t a part of his friend group enough to really be comfortable discussing their faults? Like obviously he’s done some things and she has as well but things are always resolved offscreen or brushed aside so we never really see how they get over it. Basically they’re cute when he’s pining or when they’re domestically together and supportive but when they’re just not paying attention to each other they’re difficult lol
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Stolkien - Another ship from the show, I think their interactions are always so fun, especially in the later seasons 🥺💕
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Staig - I love rivals lol I think fandom plays up their hatred for each other a lot but Scauses really convinced me that they do notice each other lol That and Craig likes stirring the pot a lot XD
It feels like I’m missing so many characters and ships but I had to limit myself! Ten is enough haha (shout out to all the ships I do ship but didn’t make it to this list 😔) I tried to keep this short lol
I hope your days have been great as well!! Thank you so much for the ask!! 💖
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mysticdragon3md3 · 2 years
"Let Goku Die" by Mother's Basement
I remember when I switched from American superhero comic books to manga, it was a tough transition, ecause manga had endings. Even when Magic Knight Rayearth got a sequel series, that too, also had an ending. Even the seemingly neverending episodic series like Ranma ½ got an “ending”…even if that ending was that the characters would continue their lives, just as they had while we watched/read them, but now we would have to say goodbye to them, while they continued on. But it’s been a long time now, and I can’t really remember those feelings anymore.
I don’t really understand the feeling of needing new episodes/chapters of a series to keep releasing, especially when the story is episodic or the type where each story arc is just ANOTHER adventure. Maybe because I’m the type who can rewatch a movie or series multiple times, and still get enjoyment out of those scenes, each time, I don’t understand the need to always need NEW misadventures of the characters we love. Just go back and re-watch/re-read things. Even years after watching my favorite series Sengoku Basara (2009-2011), I can still realize new ideas and new interpretations, out of subsequent rewatches. As Geoff said in this video essay, re-watching has value in the new interpretations you can have while rewatching.
Though the moral of this video essay is admirable, I am solidly rooted in my escapism and refuse to leave my refuge of “slice of life”, iyashikei, and rewatching “comfort” series. lol
But this idea of not letting go of long-running anime is also funny to me, because from my perspective, otaku have become very good at letting go of series and moving on to the next. For many years now, I realized that most of my main fandoms have been videogames. Maybe because videogame franchises can span literal decades. Just this past week in March 2023, Persona 5 announced P5X, ANOTHER spinoff, after P5 originally released in 2016 (in Japan; released worldwide in April 2017). If you are a Kingdom Hearts fan, that fandom is still active. But me as a Western Sengoku Basara anime fan, must face a desert. Compared to most videogame fandoms, most anime fans go from favorite series, to new favorite series, EACH SEASON. Recently, I saw a figure collecting channel warn against buying Nendoroids of EVERY character you like, because everyone is going from “seasonal waifu, to seasonal waifu”, not even remembering the previous favorite characters, a year later (when Nendoroids usually release after their preorders). ("DO NOT DO THIS Anime Figure Collecting MISTAKE!" by The Anime Figure Collector; https://youtu.be/mxKDfjJsXVU) For a while now, I’ve had this feeling that anime fans far too easily let series go. They get distracted by the new hot thing in the new season, with 4 seasons every year.
Not that I can’t understand that certain series would probably shock most otaku to end. Especially from Shonen Jump. Hearing from their mangaka, it seems the Jump publishers highly pressure a lot of their series to go on eternally, even when the mangaka wanted to move onto new projects. I can see everyone being shocked when One Piece eventually ends. And we saw everyone lamenting about Berserk (even when it was announced that the deceased mangaka’s assistants would continue the series). Certain series have become legacy IPs. Dragonball, Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure, Naruto/Boruto, etc. Even if you haven’t been reading every chapter, it’s just something we all got accustomed to expecting in the background of the industry/fandoms.
I remember being shocked when I finally reached Ranma ½’s ending. But I feel like a lot of the most popular series, like Dragonball and Naruto/Boruto, are these fandoms I’ve moved away from, so long ago, that I didn’t even realize they were still going. Like The Simpsons. I can objectively see how it would be hard to let go of a long-running manga/anime, but it’s been so long since one long-running anime/manga was my personal obsessed fixation, that it’s still a little difficult for me to see. It’s not like a videogame which needs 3+ years for each installment. A manga/anime can get through a lot of story, that would be an abundance of rewatch material, after the series was done. That being said, if Persona or Fire Emblem just ended their franchises, no more of either of those games, then maybe I’d remember what this feeling was to be unable to let go of a manga/anime. In fact, it’s kind of happening to me right now. I got into Fire Emblem only through Fire Emblem 3 Houses; now everyone is moving onto Fire Emblem Engage. Persona 5 is still getting spinoffs, and though I've become less fixated on P5, I still love it, and don't want to let go of it. Meanwhile, everyone talks so tired of Persona 5. Atlus can barely announce a spin off for P5 without everyone groaning, "Why are we still milking Persona 5?!? Give us Persona 6 already!". I meanwhile, would like to stay on Persona 5 as long as possible. I can't let go. Despit the fact that but I chose to leave Persona 5 as my primary fixation, in exchange for Fire Emblem Three Houses. I imagine that fixation switch was a hint of what otaku are experiencing, jumping from season to season, with new favorite series/character, but they do it a lot more often. So I guess if I think about it, I can relate, though my perspective is distorted through longer stretches of time. Me being unable to relate or so out of practice with this feeling of being unable to let go of a weekly series/story, is such a strange scenario, because I am intensely unable to let go of things. I’m a craft supply hoarder. I keep every movie ticket. I can’t sell off parts of my multiple collections that I’m not that interested in anymore. My favorite anime is still Sengoku Basara from 2009. Most of the anime I watch aren’t new, but from 10 years ago. I can’t let go of things. …But I guess I haven’t had to. I could probably relate more to otaku, who want their anime/manga to keep going on forever, if I was still obsessed with anime, still needing a daily anime fix, with their storylines constantly hurtling towards their endings, as much as I used to be. But when I shifted my fixations to videogames, I may have accidentally found safety from that feeling of “things ending”. Because even if a videogame franchise does end, it may take literal decades. So videogames is a relatively safe fandom, to avoid that “ending” feeling.
Still, can people please stop groaning at every P5 spinoff? I'm looking forward to them! Even the Chinese-only one that I can't play! I just love looking at the art and knowing their adventures in that world are still going. Persona 6 will come! Please let me enjoy these p5 spinoffs without using P6 as an excuse to rain on my parade! ;o;
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a/n: Here's the full drabble, I mean, I think this is a drabble. I was originally just trying to put together a small idea I got while watching TV but it turned into more of a oneshot. Hehe oops, anyway, enjoy!
The whole of Bonten are sitting together at a rounded table having a meeting about something or other. What it was? You weren't sure because you honestly weren't paying that much attention. Yes, you know it was wrong of you, but sometimes these little meetings could become a bit too bland for your taste.
You take a quick glace over to your boyfriend, Ran Haitani, to see if he was paying as little attention as you were. However, once you looked over it seemed that he was actually interested in whatever the topic at hand was. He has his usual half lidded eyes look, but his smile was gone for the time being, trying to show that he was being serious. He was continuously shifting his gaze to look at whoever was talking at that moment and even adding to the conversation at times by agreeing with the other members and putting his opinion in when necessary. It was almost out of character.
Despite Ran seeming to be completely enthralled with whatever was being said, you wouldn't be surprised if you asked him later and he told you that he had no idea what they were talking about. Ran was just sly enough, and that good of an actor, for something like that to work. However, there was still the slim possibility that he was actually listening, maybe you should be doing the same. Giving one more quick look over of Ran before trying to tune in to what was being said, you notice that a few strands of his hair had come undone from their respective place.
Without thinking, you subconsciously reach your hand over next to you and tuck the strands back behind his ear. This motion caused Ran to finally look over towards you, instantaneously breaking the focus he had on the meeting going on in front of him.
With your hand still raised to the side of Ran's face, he turned his whole body and tilted his face to fit snugly in the palm of your hand, giving you his signature lazy smile. You couldn't help but smile back at him, seeing that mischievous grin again, guess it was contagious. Now, with his body completely turned towards you and his eyes trained on nothing else but your own, you knew he was paying attention to nothing else but you.
No one else in Bonten even seemed to bat an eyelash at any of this, showing little regard for the fact that neither of you were present in the conversation anymore. Everyone was already well aware of your relationship and had already labeled you guys as the lovebirds of the group, so it was no surprise to them to see the two of you making heart eyes at each other.
Since no one stopped the two of you, you both keep going, with you, rubbing your thumb over Ran's cheek, and him, humming in adoration from the simple but effective action. Ran put both of his hands on top of your leg, that was in between his, with your other leg being on the other side of Ran's, creating this intertwining look. Ran had started to lean in, shortening the gap between you two, his eyes already locking on to their destination. It didn't take much for you to know exactly what he wanted now, so you gave it to him. Leaning in closer yourself, the two of you meet in the middle, completely closing the gap with your lips.
At this point, Rindou looks over at the two of you basking in each others love. He lets out an exhausted sigh as he looks away, knowing it was gonna be up to him to fill the both of you in on what the entire meeting was about...again.
It was supposed to be only a few heated kisses, but, of course, it couldn't stay that way, not with the two of you at least. Ran had taken it upon himself to get up and onto your lap with his legs on either side of you deeping the kiss in the process. You decided to take the opportunity to place one of your hands on Ran's thigh, squeezing it, while keeping the other one on the back of his neck, turning your little intimate kisses into a full on makeout session.
Still, Bonten did not stop their meeting --albeit this time with the occasional eye roll or clicking of the tongue from some of the members-- still they all do their best to pay little mind to the lovebirds. Besides, it's not like this is the first time something like this has ever happened. Ran was always teasing you in some way, shape, or form and you were too in love with the guy to ever really stop him and tell him you should be working right now. Ran by himself was already annoying enough for everyone to deal with, but with you around, the two of you became an annoying double team with your petnames and constant smooching to remind everyone that you were in love. This easily made you both ten times more annoying to work with. On top of that you both had your qualities that made you invaluable to the gang, so they couldn't just kick you guys out and have that be the end of it, you two were impossible to get rid of.
Damn lovesick idiots.
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literaticat · 2 years
What is it called when you split up your dual POV novel and give both main characters an own book in addition? (books that tell the back story of the MC / prequel)
Let's define some terms:
SERIES - There are three different kinds of series.
In what I'd call an episodic series (such as, say, Nancy Drew or Ivy and Bean, or in TV terms, The Simpsons or Scooby-Doo) -- each book is about the same characters but stands alone. You don't need to read one to read the next -- there could be five books or a hundred and five books, it doesn't matter, if you picked up #85, you'd get the idea as quickly as if you started with #1.
In an anthology series (such as, say, Goosebumps or the I Survived series, or in TV terms, the Twilight Zone) -- each book is NOT necessarily about the same characters or situations, but they are tied together by a uniting theme, such as "horror with humor for 8-12 year olds" or "stories of survival in history" or "creepy and unexpected tales" or what have you.)
Then, there's a serialized series. (LOL I know that is redundant -- nobody would ever say "serialized series" -- it's just A SERIES, that I am calling this to differentiate it from the other two kinds! Anyway). This is a continuing story being told over the course of two, three, ten, or whatever books total. Each book will have its own arc, but there is also an arc tying the whole thing together, and you'd probably enjoy the books and understand the importance of what was happening more if you started from the beginning and read through. (Like, HP, Keeper of the Lost Cities, etc, or in TV terms, perhaps a soap opera).
DUOLOGY / TRILOGY / QUARTET - when the whole story is told over the course of two, three, four books total.
SEQUEL - follows the events of the first book, tells us what happens next, continues the adventure. New Moon is both the sequel to Twilight, and the second book of a quartet.
PREQUEL - tells us the events that lead up to the first book, how we got there. Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes is both a Prequel to Hunger Games, and a companion book to the original series.
COMPANION BOOK / SPINOFF - A book that technically is in the same world as the series, but which is not part of the "official" story as it would be normally read. So for example, a side character gets their own adventure (which might be the start of a whole new spinoff series for them), or the events of the first book are explained from a different character's POV. Midnight Sun is the same events as Twilight but told from Edward's perspective - It's a companion book.
So on to your question:
If the books are telling backstory leading up to the main book, I'd probably call them Prequels (just like you did).
But if you don't feel like they are prequels (like they are just ABOUT those characters, they are getting their own story, not necessarily literally showing us the events that lead to the first book), you could just as correctly call them "companion books."
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BL tag game
Tagged by @talays-portkey 🤍🤍🤍🥰 I did a version of this a while back so I'll try not to repeat myself. time to plumb some depths
current favorite bl character and why
okay but it's vee from love mechanics. if you've watched episode 9 of that show and not been completely won over idk man maybe you need a love mechanic 👀
he is so sweet, and horny, and stupid, and charismatic, and his chemistry w mark is so sparkling on Screen. he's insecure in his background but loving of his family. he looks great in an earring. he Cannot Stop fucking up and he gets diarrhea the night before an important event. chant with me now: one 👏 of 👏 us. 👏 one 👏 of 👏 us
one character from a bl you wanted to punt in to the stratosphere
the football player candidate in enchanté whose name i've misplaced but always garners this reaction
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best music moment from a BL
i enjoy jeff satur's voice very much, so his performance in ingredients where he's onstage, jealous as all get out over tops, and still singing like an angel. also all the twinkly strings and/or piano arrangements of the kinnporsche theme. they really said "that melody is so versatile" and used it like marge simpson uses a pink chanel suit. we love a melodic motif
a bl you'd like to see adapted into a musical
i have already loudly seconded @talays-portkey absolutely third eye open suggestion of enchanté, but for my own...why r u. all the unhinged crackiness and meta, in musical format. i'm ready, let's unlock some shrimp emotions. please, imagine w me, fighter having his gay crisis through the medium of 80s rock ballad
a scene from a bl that always makes you laugh
any time aoki from kieta hatsukoi is being dramâtïque, especially when he climbs into the bin bag, or pulls his hoodie strings to "hide". bless
biggest bl disappointment
idk about biggest but in recents i gave coffee melody a couple of episodes bc pavel phoom was one of my favourite things in 2 moons 2... and it was very dull to me so i've dropped it. i was a bit disappointed w cupid's last wish as well, especially with it having all the right ingredients; leads w established good chemistry and talent, road trip concept, JAN. other than watching jan get the chance to play two different characters and looking like a big hungry lesbian for a sizable portion of the show, it finished out very forgettable for me [sad trumpet]
two random bl characters who would be besties
crack warning but ayan from the eclipse and yok from not me. perhaps yok is akk's estranged twin, and somehow idk lol where would he get this idea thinks to impersonate akk at suppalo. the administration has no idea what to do w their favourite rules lawyer suddenly charging other students to sketch their nudes. ayan is getting the best of both worlds, causing trouble for one twin and causing trouble with the other
the bl that got you into bl and would you make other ppl watch it now
i've said this before but it's technically the untamed and yes. i think all sentient beings and some rocks should watch the untamed
best wardrobe moment/or character wardrobe from a bl
as mentioned, vee's dangly earring is very fetching, and i am arse over teakettle for jan in win's clothes in cupid's last wish.
but newest addition for me is vice versa's puen in suspenders. god bless and keep us all, i love a clean line
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel’s What If Episode 5 Reaction
Oh boy I heard this is the zombie one. Cmon Gianna you can do this. You’ve seen every single episode of The Simpsons including the Treehouse of Horror episodes which are pretty gory for an animated show. Man I’m pathetic
Man I just wanna Loki episode 😭
I know it seems pathetic how nervous I am, but ever since I was a kid I’ve had a bad fear of zombies affecting even my sleep paralysis
Whenever the Watcher says “Time.” at the beginning of the intro, I keep thinking it’s Morgan Freeman lol
I wonder how the zombie apocalypse starts
Ah crap it’s Infinity War related
I wonder if Bruce would be immune to the zombie infection cuz of the Hulk
Honestly? Mark Ruffalo is one of the best voice actors from the original cast I’ve seen
We haven’t seen Tony’s face yet or any of their faces yet… uhhhh
Ah damn
Oh poor wong
Damn they still have their powers as zombies
Well they were defeated quickly
Oh hey spider man and hope! Wait where’s Scott????
No mourning or crying your friends died?
“From a place of hope.” Uh oh. What’s the Pyms do this episode?
Dangit Hank
Uh oh Zombie fam
Well that was fast
Thanks a lot avengers
Well that was fast. A shrinking, almost impossible to see, zombie. At least we’ve got an army of flesh eating ants?
Thanks for the homemade video Peter
Weird that Tom Holland isn’t voicing Peter. I know he can voice act and he’s clearly sticking with the mcu for at least a little longer…
Poor Happy lol
“I’m not single, I’m saving myself for Thor.” Lmao me but with Loki
Hey at least Kurt is still alive!
Oh so is Sharon
Okoye is alive too!
Odd Peter isn’t like depressed considering not only did Tony die, but I’m assuming Aunt May and his best friends did too…
Oh that’s a cool place for a hideout! High above the streets held up by webbing! Just hope Hank Pym zombie is dead though because he can fly and shrink…
Spider-Man is oddly optimistic. Like yes he’s a bubbly teen in highschool but cmon. Be a little more pessimistic lmao. Even if you find a cure, too many people have been killed killed for it to be an easy fix. You’ll never see Tony again.
Poor Happy lmao
Oh that’s one way to kill a zombie
Split up? Okoye I thought you’d be smarter than this…
Oh happy has an Iron Man glove
Man I hope Bucky is okay
Uh oh
Hawkeye Dangit
Oh poor Peter
Peter look out!
Dang I’m kinda surprised Sam got zombified considering he can fly
Really Sharon? Blam?
Dangit Bucky 😂
Hey since Scott is dead, maybe
Spider man supreme
Yea you should’ve stayed together
Uh oh
Run… tell the others
Uh oh
Poor Bucky… you gotta kill him. He cant be saved like he saved you
Winter soldier all over again
End of line lmao. Still pulling one liners when killing ya best friend.
Oh poor Sharon
Finally the shield had realistic physics with killing people like that
Oh wow that was gory. Poor Sharon. Uh oh Hope.
Dangit Peter 😂
Yea how do you stay upbeat?
Well that got depressing fast
Now he does sound kinda like tom Holland, but not really. I’m confused.
Out of gas? Welp. Check that off the list of zombie cliches lol. That’s a lot of zombies.
Hope gonna sacrifice herself.
Giant hope. Gonna smoosh and get bitten as well I bet.
Yep Peter really losing everyone
Hope just shrink and fly you can still—okay never mind
Banner, maybe you would have been better with Thanos?
Babayaga? Watch her exist in this dimension.
Oh vision! Since he’s a robot is he immune?
Oh cool the stone is the key.
Oh he’s just a head
Yo it’s futurama lmao
Uhhhh hey Scott your girlfriend just died outside. Sorry
Of course Wakanda is still okay
Bucky you know splitting up is a bad idea!!! Get back here?
And Wanda!!!
Oh no
Vision is evil
A swap of Wanda Vision
Love does suck
Dammit Vision
Uh oh
Maybe run?
The scarlet zombie
What was your prom like Scott?
Wingardium leviosa!
Dammit vision!!!!
How is she so powerful as a zombie but Stephen strange who has had more experience died so easily
I’m honestly shocked Vision would do something like this. It seems so out of character. I mean, the keeping her alive is probably realistic, but sacrificing innocent people to feed her sounds really out of character. Yknow, with his whole android super intelligence thing… and seeing his reactions in WandaVision really makes this feel out of character… eh whatever… it’s an alternative reality…
Man it’s infinity war all over again
Oh yay hulk saved Bruce
Well, Bucky has survived longer falls in the past so…
Poor Peter. You’re an avenger now, kid!
If he still stays in Hulk form couldn’t he possibly be immune?
Or are we gonna get a zombie hulk? Because if so, lol we’re all doomed. An unkillable zombie
Giant hope zombie
Poor Scott…
Soooo Bruce? Is he good? We just leaving him behind
Poor Peter jeez
“In my culture, death is not the end.” Oh man I’m gonna cry… I miss Chadwick so much. I didn’t know he was going to be in this episode. Wakanda forever, King.
“The world could use a little heart.” Well Scott doesn’t exactly have a body or a heart soooo…
Oh crap zombie Thanos. How did he get all the stones?
Wait what???? That’s it???? We don’t get any closure???? What about Banner? What about the cure? What??? Oh come on! Not even a part two? Are you kidding???
Well that is a disappointing ending… gotta say I had higher hopes… even if it had a bad ending, I was hoping for like, well, AN ENDING.
Need part two. Not enough questions answered. How did Thanos get zombified? You’d think he’d be pretty invulnerable with all the stones. He also only just came to earth. What about Bucky? Sure he was yeeted but he’s survived longer falls. And Banner? What about Thor and the guardians? Would an asgardian even be affected by zombieism? I mean we saw other aliens get affected so probably, but still.
Too many unanswered questions. Felt like they wanted to tell more but the editor sneezed and cut the episode in half on accident.
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notasdriedapricots · 3 years
Some HCs for young Lucas in Argentina no one needs but here they are
I know it's canon that he "helped build houses in Argentina", and that doesn't mean he necessarily lived there, but it kinda does. And he said he moved a lot in the same chapter, it's implicit, okay I don't care lol. It goes without saying, but if anyone thinks I'm wrong/wants to ask about something specific or that I forgot/wants to add something, you're more than welcome and I'd love that.
Ok, so given that a few days ago was a homeland date, and that the very next day a mate (this 🧉, not this 🧍‍♂️) was thrown at me on the dashboard (which was awesome tbh) I actually sat down and wrote them. And now here they are
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- So, while we're still at the subject: mate. For those who don't know, mate is basically shared reversed tea, that's the easiest way to explain it; it's not tea, but it's close enough, and the proportion between leaves and water is inverted, and you pass the thing around until you're out of water. Yeah, you know Lucas was not into the whole "five people sharing a straw" thing, he found it disgusting, but he eventually gave in because of peer pressure. He wouldn't now, but at the time he was a teenager in a foreign country trying to make friends and was already at a disadvantage (more on this below). He liked the taste, though; it's kinda like a strong green tea. Still avoided it whenever he could, but did have it on his own at home sometimes while studying, and he knows all the details about it (dusting the leaves, appropriate water temperature, starting with cold water, not overpouring, not moving the straw...). Hasn't had it since he moved away, though.
- When? From mid 2008 to late 2009. So, because I headcanon him as being born in 92, he moved there soon after turning sixteen and left at about seventeen and a half. I was rambling about the school year but I feelt it got too technical; I'll explain it further if you want, but I swear it makes sense.
- Another basic: Where? Maybe surprisingly, not Buenos Aires. His dad would have business there because of course he would, but he wouldn't take his family to live there. They would live in another big city, likely Córdoba, that's close enough (and has regular, hour-long flights to and from Bs. As.), big enough, but less dangerous. In a private neighborhood, though; the famous one on the south side. The horse related one. Wink.
- It's practically canon that he was in TECHO, come on. Which makes sense, because TECHO has always been full of rich kids.
- Obsessed with the food. A mixture of Spanish and Italian with a twist, plus fantastic meat and fantastic wine. Simple but effective. And his mother picked up some cooking habits and recipes, which he appreciated deeply.
- Appreciates the simplicity of the whole concept of "asado", and his high school friends taught him to light a fire properly. Keep achuras the fuck away from him, though.
- Has a weakness for dulce de leche, of course, and keeps a jar of it in his fridge at all times.
- Love/hate relationship with the slang. So. Much. Slang. And it was hard the first month. Like, you thought "succulent" was bad? He got war flashbacks from that. He spoke Spanish Spanish at first, so he got made fun of for the way he pronounced the "z"s and some "c"s, and how he said "tú" and "vosostros" instead of "vos" and "ustedes" (this explanation is useless if you have no idea about the differences between Spanish and Rioplatense Spanish, but this would have been such a big deal. Think a whole new way to conjugate 2° singular AND plural. Also verb usage. Also, if we do put him in Córdoba, the accent. Also very fast speech. Poor Lucas).
- On the note of language, even though he was kinda shocked at first, he ended up finding the extremely liberal use of curse words hilarious.
- Tried going to a football match. Once, and never again. Not vibing with the "climate"...
- Played football with a group of high school friends every Saturday.
- Still baffled by the politics.
- Went to the coast for a week one summer. It was supposed to be two but his parents were like "Nope" and left early. Still thinks people who go to the beaches are low-key-high-key delusional. ("You know that Brazil is right there, right? It's literally one plane away.")
- So shocked at first when every guy he was introduced to bro hugged him and every girl kissed him on the cheek. He quickly got used to it, though, and lowkey missed the excessive warmness when he left.
- Surprised at how people could have the most offensive nicknames and be completely fine with it. I'll just say he himself got fucking lucky he didn't get one.
- Had a group of friends that he missed like crazy when he left. They threw him a surprise goodbye party and showed up at the airport. He still talks to most of them every once in a while.
- He had to readjust a bit when he returned to the UK.
- During college he went back twice, once in summer and once in winter. In summer he rented a car and went through the "Route of wine" in Mendoza, and then drove through the Patagonia (aka the south of the country). In winter he visited the north: the Iguazú waterfalls, the north-west, and some big cities.
- Oh, and that gif is from what became one of his favourite movies: Nueve Reinas. He was watching The Simpsons on TV when the episode ended and the movie began, so he left it on. If you're curious, DO NOT watch the American version; there's a very strong cultural factor that is completely incompatible and ruins the movie.
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
Got 2 questions for you: can you name a series that kills off a major character, brings them back, only to kill them, again? If you answered yes, did this series actually do it well? Some hardcore FNDM said RWBY is such a new and innovative show, that does what other pieces of media hasn’t. I agree with the 2nd part. It certainly has made mistakes even the worst of the worst haven’t made.
I can think of a few examples, yeah. Let’s see...
Spock. He sacrifices himself, is resurrected since he was able to mind-meld with McCoy, and then later dies of natural causes. This works because Spock’s resurrection led to a full life past what he’d already experienced. His final (implied) death, though sad, isn’t unexpected because he was never immortal. It was his time then just like it would be anyone else’s, resurrection or no. 
Barbossa. He dies from Jack’s shot, is later resurrected, and finally sacrifices himself for crew and daughter. The iffy quality of the later films aside (lol), this works because, like Spock, Barbossa was introduced at the beginning of the franchise and died four films later, at the end. I have no idea how much time that was in-world, but it feels fulfilling for the audience because we got Barbossa for (almost) the whole journey. 
Various fantasy series like Dragon Ball Z (which I’ve mentioned before), cartoons like The Simpsons (which I only really know about second-hand, but), and the entire comic book industry. All of these work because the audience understands that death works differently in this story/medium. DBZ has a casual nature with death where characters can die and be wished back numerous times. Cartoon episodes function in little pocket universes where everything resets before the next episode, so Bart can die numerous times across the series and always be fine moving forward. Given their long-running nature, comics have to frequently kill/resurrect characters  — especially with different writers and artists wanting a turn at the story  — so the audience is working with the understanding that most deaths are temporary. It’s fine for a superhero to die, come back, sacrifice themselves, come back evil, be killed by their old teammates, come back mysteriously, and then die again two runs down the line because that’s just how comics work. 
Penny, however, doesn’t work because she doesn’t fulfill any of the above needs. Her death was not a peaceful end to an otherwise fulfilled character, it was a horrifying and arguably insensitive murder/mercy kill. She wasn’t given multiple volumes of enjoyable content that justified bringing her back, she was given two with all of that content focused on being framed, controlled, and nearly killed... only for to actually die in the end. She doesn’t exist in a story where death is treated lightly, nor is RWBY a cartoon or a comic that has the particular medium qualities to pull this cyclical nature off. There is, however, one other example I can think of where a story pulled a pseudo-Penny... 
The Rise of Skywalker. 
Palpatine died a satisfying death (much like how Penny’s death was a satisfying tragedy), was resurrected, only to be killed off in the last movie, for good this time. I don’t think I need to explain how bad most of the fans thought that movie was, which includes that decision. Granted, the frustration comes from different parts of the death-resurrection-death cycle. RWBY fans liked that Penny was brought back because that made sense for her robot character vs. SW fans disliking how Palpatine was brought back because, uh 
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Then both deaths had their problems regarding in-world logic, with another split between “This is stupid because the character deserved better post-resurrection” vs. “This is stupid because the character shouldn’t have been resurrected in the first place.” But in both cases the cycle is clearly not working for the audience. 
So I wouldn’t agree with the fandom that RWBY is innovative. This has been done before but a) it was done better, b) it was done in a story where such a cycle was inevitable, or c) it was done and... people didn’t like it then either. Granted, I’m not an encyclopedia of storytelling. We might be able to find other examples that look very similar to RWBY’s choices that people were receptive to, but that doesn’t mean RWBY did it well. Being a (supposedly) new and shiny writing choice doesn’t automatically make it a good writing choice. Writers experiment in part to see what works for people and, as divisive as the fandom often is, this didn’t work for a lot of the fanbase. 
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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The Boondocks #9: “Return of the King” | January 15, 2006 – 11:00PM | S01E09
Wow this is really good considering I don’t care for Martin Luther King or his message.
Hey, I’m just joking around. Please. You must believe me. I’m doing irony, which I still think is funny. Oh, you don’t think ironic racism is acceptable anymore? You know what? I respect you, but, DIS! AG! REE! lol, ree. Please! I’m just kidding around about all this. I am actually seriously of the people, dude.
This is a really great episode. Really good idea. Damn. And it’s a classic example of stand-alone television. This episode of this show is meant to 100% standalone and exist and be brilliant for it’s own sake and almost be like, a mini-movie you could show a guy. What kind of guy? ME! I’d love to!
This episode is about Martin Luther King Jr. In this episode we present an alternate reality where MLK was shot, but didn’t die and instead wound up comatose for 30 years. When he came back to us, he was momentarily celebrated. But then he came out against the Iraq War post 9/11 and it caused everyone to hate him. It’s true, dude. I was an adult and everything (well, barely) when 9/11 happened and it really do be like that. If you listened to Air-head America you could kiss your ass goodbye.
This one has a really good scene, an all-time bit, where Granddad flashes back to being on the bus with Rosa Parks during the famous moment when she said “I don’t really like the back of the bus, I’m just gonna keep sitting here, sugar” and then mimed sucking a dick to indicate that she’ll suck the bus cop’s dick later if he lets her stick around up front. Anyway, the joke is that Grandad resents the fact that she got famous for refusing to move from her seat because he was also there, next to her, and was the first of the two of them to refuse, but for some reason she got all the attention. Very funny idea, brill, innit?
This caused a stir at the time with Rev. Al Sharpton, who demanded an apology from Adult Swim cuz MLK says n*gga, but he didn’t get one. The Boondocks comic strip even ran a strip mocking him, which I approve of. Listen, love and respect to Al Sharpton, but I love when the TV is rude to you. Can you blame me?
This write-up might’ve been too dicey for me to have written while stoned but I hope that I made you happy. I hope you did a big smile the whole time. I hope your tongue was wet as you slightly shifted your jaw to make the big smile, and you got to think to yourself “I am hydrated. I do not have a dry mouth right now. Nice”, which is a feeling I think we all take for granted. Not because I’m stoned right now. But because it’s good to be wet inside. Let’s all get wet together.
I kept forgetting to include MAIL BAGS all of Space Ghost Week, and I’m sorry. Here: I’m answering them now, when they are no longer relevant. Isn’t that nice of me?
you sure do love the idea of "macking" on a woman. ever thought of buying one dinner first? maybe a bouquet of flowers? Try a little charm first. is all.
let’s cut to the chase: I want to 69 a television woman
Jimmy Pardo announced on his podcast that he has a terminal brain disease. You could even hear his producer start to cry as he tells it. Any parting words for this once funny man?
No words! Goodbye Jimmy!
Glenn Campbell was one of the first episodes of Coast to Coast I ever watched. When I was 12, I was getting into Aqua Teen and loved the new Cartoon Planet that was airing on CN proper, so when I saw volumes 2 and 3 at the local pawnshop I figured "hey, I'll give it a shot!" So I found myself watching Glenn Campbell and Zorak from each respective sets to start off with (though I think I watched Glenn first because I was in love with The Simpsons). Ahh to be 12 again... Wait that sounds terrible!
I love it! I am glad you like Space Ghost and I am glad you went out on a note that sounds like it came from an Earthbound NPC. This is a compliment, I promise I am not making fun of you
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jaeducs · 3 years
What got you into 1st gen Kpop? I heard " For 연가" by H.O.T. and "True Love" by Fin.K.L when I was 4, while I was watching K-Dramas with my grandma. I rediscovered both groups during lockdown and have been reliving my childhood ever since lmao.
That's seriously so sweet! 💓💕 I think a lot of people are attached to the nostalgia of 90s pop 🥺 My long story is under the cut!
I always loved English language 90s/2000s pop music- I guess mostly because that's what I listened to as I grew up! I remember rollerblading to S Club 7 and Steps and drinking raspberry slurpees. I had a 2004 chunky ipod mini that I'd stuck a diamonte butterfly decal on filled with Aqua, Paris Hilton, Backstreet Boys, Jessica Simpson, TLC, Nsync, The Sugababes, etc! I listened to the first two Spice albums on my mini green and purple karaoke machine until they wore out. LOL.
I got into kpop just before I become a teen- when Beast, ss501, DBSK, Teen Top, T-ara, Shinee, Suju, Kara, Afterschool, etc were still popular. A lot of artists did covers of H.O.T. around that time. I had H.O.T.'s "We are the Future" and "Candy" downloaded in 240p on my computer. (Next to 3 part downloads of each episode of Super Junior's Mystery 6 bahaha!) I was also super obsessed with DBSK's "Tri-Angle" and the styling for it. People thought I was weird as HELL for loving it jsjfksdjf.
I didn't really start digging deep until after Exo came along, I became a fan before they even officially debuted. I even liked wolf until I realised I had just missed on their year long break HAHA. Basically in 2014 Exo released their 90:2014 project and that's when I realised there were so many 90s artists that released so much good stuff I had no idea about. I became obsessed with DJ DOC's "Dance with DOC" and the cover of Deux's "In Summer"!! And it kind of went on from there.
Then a few years later I saw Jaijin try to shit on a desk in yg fso and I became obsessed with Sechskies and now I own so much old and new Jekki stuff that I have to keep a bunch of it stacked on my desk chair. 😐
Basically, I've just always loved 90s pop and it was inevitable that I'd learn to love it in different languages too. :) English, Korean, Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, Japanese, Italian- it doesn't matter it's all good to me. 💓
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entertainment · 5 years
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Entertainment Spotlight: Will Vought, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Actor, comedian, and writer Will Vought stars in the most recent season of the critically acclaimed dramedy series, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. Additional television credits include The Good Wife, The Good Fight, both Lipstick Jungle and Love Bites, Bones, and Wilfred. Will is also an accomplished comedian, having toured the country opening for Wayne Brady. He got his start in the entertainment industry by contributing to Scott Shannon’s #1 morning show on 95.5 WPLJ, offering David Letterman updates and recaps, which opened the door for him to work for Late Night with Conan O’Brien. Following his work with Conan, Will was offered a position in the West Wing of the White House, working for former President Bill Clinton, where he still continued his radio work on the weekends as the youngest morning show host in the country at just 22 years old. Will went on to serve as head writer for Wayne Brady during his time hosting the The Late Late Show prior to James Corden in 2014 on CBS, and he continues to collaborate with renowned actor and comedian Paul Reiser, including shopping a television pilot they wrote together with Julie Bergman. We got the chance to ask him some questions. Check it out:
Do you have a favorite character arc from season 3 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel?
For Season 3, I’m finding myself really interested in Susie and her journey. I don’t want to spoil it for those getting ready to start the new season or binge the series; however, in the first two seasons, Susie’s been hustling and primarily being of service to Midge while her personal life hangs on by a thread. In season 3, there are so many more layers introduced and opportunities that will ripple into not only her clout as a comedy manager but also her personal life. Also, I’m really invested in Lenny Bruce. Having read so much about him to see his plight on screen told through Amy’s lens is incredible. I don’t know anyone in comedy that doesn’t appreciate what Lenny Bruce did for comedians. The end of the Season 3 premiere is absolutely priceless seen thought the eyes of Tony Shalhoub’s Emmy Award-winning performance as Abe Weissman - Midge’s father.
If everything that you did was narrated, whose voice would you want narrating your life?
HA! That is a great question, and I’ve had to think about it. At first, I thought of the late great voice-over artist Don LaFontaine who moviegoers would remember as the “In A World…” guy who made millions voicing almost every movie trailer ever! BUT…truth be told I think that I would love Seinfeld's voice and lens, and I think it would make my day to day activities far more entertaining to listen to, especially when on the phone with my therapist.  
Can you tell us about a time you bombed (on stage or in an audition)?
Well…the thing that pops to mind was an audition for NBC’s series called Lipstick Jungle. At the time, I was living on Long Island and decided to make the mistake of driving into Manhattan for the audition. Traffic was abhorrent, and you would think that there were mass casualties on the Long Island Expressway resulting in me being almost an hour and forty-five minutes late for the audition. The director of that episode was the one and only Timothy Busfield, whom I loved on Arron Sorkin’s The West Wing. Tim played reporter Danny Concannon - Senior White House Correspondent.
I had no idea that Timothy was going to be at the audition and was mortified when I showed up and saw him in the room because I was so late. It’s not unheard of to not be seen at all if you are late, let alone hours late. I read for the part and left. Tim was gracious. A month later, I got a call saying that I didn’t book that role; however, they were writing me another role and wanted to hire me for it. While on set shooting, Tim told me that when they asked him if he had any ideas for the part and he said, “That guy who came in 2 hours late. He was great. Hire him.” So I thought I bombed — but it worked out in the end.
The USO Tour scene from The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel broke the record for the most number of background actors used in a scene for tv in the state of New York (850). What was it like being a part of such a huge production?
I’ve never worked on Star Wars, but that’s what I was thinking of when we were filming that. It was by far the largest set I’ve ever been on, and yes there were almost 1000 background actors there for almost an entire week, who made up the audience of the USO show that you see in the season 3 premiere. When I met with Amy and Dan for the final audition for the role of Major Buck Brilstein, it was at Steiner Studios in Brooklyn in a small room that’s not much larger than a small studio apartment in Manhattan. It was the three of us and Emmy award-winning casting director Cindy Tolan. We did all the material from the episode, and to juxtapose that to being in an actual hanger with 1000 extras essentially filming a USO show that’s scripted — it was a historic moment in television that wasn’t lost on me.  
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What was the audition experience like for your role on The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel?  
I kind of talk about that above. I had a great experience. As with anything, you have to go in a number of times, and then the final callback is with Amy and Dan Sherman Palladino. You are 2 feet away from her, there is a camera, and Cindy Tolan, the casting director, and you create the world and do the scenes — WORD PERFECT! That is a huge thing, and something I was told going in. Be word perfect every time. Their words are like notes on a page. Each one carefully picked and placed, and my job is to take them off the page and bring them to life with a sensibility of 1959 and a guy that’s a major in the army who always wanted to be a comedian but never really got the chance. So, my character is literally living his dream in this episode. Beyond that, you bring your A-game, nail it, and it’s up to Amy and Dan. It happened to go my way, and as I told Amy, I was grateful to get the invitation to play in her world. She wrote and directed this episode, so it was extra special.
Is there a specific role or moment that you feel has defined your career up to this point?
We’ll — this is pretty significant re: working with the Palladino’s.  I thought that The Good Wife was a big deal at the time — as I was part of Bob and Michelle King’s storyline that revealed Josh Charles’ character was murdered.  
It seems that I’m only allowed to act opposite actresses that have won 2 Emmy’s and 2 Golden Globes for Best Actress. LOL.  It’s truly a hard question to answer as each project is different, and as an actor, you hope that one job will open a door or opportunity to another.  That’s what I’ve found, at least over the past few years, so it’s certainly a slow burn.
Years ago, I was the low man on the totem pole at NBC’s Late Night with Conan O’Brien. I was an intern in the writing department under John Groff and often got the chance to appear in sketches on the show. This was an invaluable experience. There was an afternoon where I asked Conan (as I was cleaning his office) if he knew this was what he was going to do from the beginning. I’ll never forget what he said. He told me that, “In his wildest dreams he never thought he would be hosting a late night show.” He described show business as being on a highway. He was a writer in college, wanted to be a writer and set off on the highway with the goal of writing in mind. Along the trip, there were exits: Mad Magazine, The Simpsons, SNL. After each exit, he gets back on the journey. If you want to be a teacher or doctor or lawyer, you know exactly what to do. Go to X school for X years, and then they declare you as such. Boom. You’re it. Hollywood is not like that. Everyone’s path is so different, and how we get to where we are is almost inconsequential when compared to the culmination of the journey. I’ve been blessed to do a lot of different things so far and work with incredible talent that truly moves the needle in this business, and I hope for more opportunities.
What’s your favorite bit or joke from one of your stand-up sets?
I have a new bit I’m working on that’s fueled by my natural anger toward this situation.
I hate paper straws.
If this makes me a horrible person, so be it. If “they” think I don’t care about the EARTH or ENVIRONMENT and support the extinction of humanity because of this — so be it.
Paper straws? Really? Who did this make sense to? Who thought it was a good idea to combine PAPER and WATER?
I’m sure it seemed like a good idea at the time — but it doesn’t work. Three sips into my iced coffee and the thing has disintegrated, and I’m now drinking iced coffee and paper!
If you think paper straws are a good idea, let me ask you one question. Would you like to use a paper condom?
In the future, you’ll be standing in the rain telling your friend you can’t understand why she’s pregnant and soaking wet from holding the paper umbrella.
I will say that if we do switch to paper condoms …. I don’t know about the environment, but we will absolutely ensure the survival of humanity.
Lighting round! Describe each of the following in one word: Who you are, what you value the most, and what you’d be if you were a food item.  
What are you working on right now?
Right now, I’m working on sending out subliminal messages via Transcendental Meditation to Adam McKay for a coffee meeting that would result in being cast on the 3rd season of Succession on HBO.  I’d text him, but I don’t have his cell. Do you?
Thanks for taking the time, Will! Catch Season 3 of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel on Prime Video. 
Photography: Emily Assiran | Grooming Laila Hayani | Styling: Natalia Zemliakova
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noddytheornithopod · 3 years
So yeah, seen the premiere and had a bit of time to think things over and see what others are saying. My feelings... I’m not sure how I’d summarise them. I guess I’d say something like enjoying it but in a very distant and sceptical way? I’ll write more about the actual episode soon but to start, I should mention the source of my scepticism and hesitation: whitewashing (cut for a spoiler character).
Even back last year when the Bad Batch arc aired, I saw the mutant clones from Clone Force 99 and all of them but Wrecker looked... way lighter than they should? And the implication is that their genetic alterations is why they look, well, whiter? When these deviant clones are allowed to serve because their mutations turn out to be “beneficial” and “positive” instead of disabling?
Yeah... look, I don’t think Filoni and the folks at Lucasfilm are being intentionally racist, but nobody ever thinks they’re racist even when they’re spreading that very racism (well, except a few unashamed bigots like Nazis, but they’re a very clear minority and not really relevant here). Taking clones of a brown man and having them turn out to be whiter and the correlation of that being with genetic traits that enhance existing features instead of making them unfit to serve... yeah, really not a good look. There’s a reason some people have been using #UnwhitewashTBB. Oh yeah, did I mention that Wrecker, the only one with a normal, darker skin tone is the big dumb muscle of the group? And that Tech, the whitest one, is the brains? Crosshair and Tech both look like white dudes, and Hunter even if his tone is darker still looks paler than he should (same with Omega for that matter). And of course, Echo basically has bleached skin because even being frozen shouldn’t deprive him of that much colour, so what the heck? They can’t even justify that one with genetic alterations to the template, which is already a bullshit excuse because... why does having a brain that process information super efficiently or super enhanced eyesight make your skin lighter? There’s no narrative reason for them to be lighter skinned, it’s such a flimsy excuse with weird correlations that send some kinda unfortunate messages. It’s a shame, because the idea behind the Bad Batch is that differences are what make us who we are and that we should value that... and yes, they ARE different from regular clones (which I guess is why they designed them like this???), but they don’t need to be turned into freaking white people to illustrate this. Like, if you really want to show them be different, convey that in features associate with their traits (aka something that Wrecker’s design does, shame being the darkest skin ruins that >:V).
Oh yeah, speaking of whitewashing... the hell is up with Caleb? Oh yeah, Kanan Jarrus from Rebels is here, back when he was still padawan Caleb Dume. When I was watching the episode I was like “wait, is his skin tone right? or is it kinda light for him? also his hair too???” I then saw other reactions and yeah, this is definitely a whitewashed design. Just... why? The fact that they’re retconning a comic whose version of events I honestly prefer doesn’t help at all. How are they gonna excuse this one? That years of being on the run blasted his pasty white skin with too much UV? That he’s stuck inside the temple too much?
It’s apparently an issue that some fans have discussed for years, and I’m glad it finally became clear to me. The most I got concerned about clone whitewashing was when people tried to claim Rex was that dude on Endor, and... no? Just because they both have fucking Santa beards doesn’t mean they’re the same person. But I mean, suddenly hearing these voices all come together with the hashtag finally brought things into perspective. It seems like it’s been an issue for a while, little thing that had me going “huh that’s weird” like 99 looking awfully white even as he’s deformed (oh yeah I also think he’s written in an ableist, even inspiration porny way, but that’s ANOTHER story), the clones in general seeming to have lighter skin tones in places (in TCW it never bothered me tho I have seen criticism of it there, it’s mainly in Expanded Media and Rebels I was asking questions). There’s also Boba Fett in the episode Deception looking weirdly pale?
People have even brought up that Dee Bradley Baker, a white man, voicing these Maori men brings issues, especially with how his accent... isn’t very accurate. Like, I do think he’s a great voice actor, even with the clones and how he’s able to individualise all of them even with the same voice, but... his accent honestly sounds more like a bad Australian one than a New Zealand one, lol. Again, this is something I always noticed and found weird, but only with the recent movement has it really been giving me perspective. Even this took me a while to process, because in voice acting there seems to be more flexibility with who can play who (even if many recent conversations like the one about Apu from The Simpsons have gotten people to ask if when this happens we lean into caricature, which is what people are concerned with here).
Okay this post was actually meant to be a general reaction to the episode, but my whitewashing rant really got out of hand. I do feel like I could’ve been more vocal in the past about some of these things, especially as a white person myself. It’s easy to be complacent out of fear of conflict, and it’s something I do feel I need to work on. I also do want to specifically hear opinions of Polynesian and of course especially Maori Star Wars fans and what they have to say about this, if anyone has anywhere to direct me in that specific regard.
Anyway, that’s all for now. Lucasfilm has a whitewashing issue. I don’t believe there’s deliberate malice, but that makes it even more important to fight - things like this can be normalised to a degree we don’t question it. It’s much harder to unpack unconscious biases and things that are normalised in society than it is to confront the open bigots.
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miniwolfsbane · 4 years
JWCC Sammy Gutierrez and body positivity
THIS IS VERY LONG! (I just have a lot of feelings!) Also, this is personal and doesn’t talk a lot about Sammy and is just one big rant. 
Comment I wrote on the S2 preview “Also, shout out to the creators for making Sammy heavy, but it not effecting or having anything to do with her character. OR have her be obsessed with food. I'm sure other 90s kids remember the fat kid trope. Not doing fat logic, but we've come so far from the old days! As a woman who had that kind of body type growing up (had skinny friends, developed early, etc. it all was uncomfortable for many reasons. Long story.), it's amazing to see this kind of...semi-body positivity that's quiet and unspoken in a show aimed at everyone, including girls.  If I had seen this character at 13, my mind would've been blown. Kudos!!”
I’m reeeally tired and getting to that point where I get emotional about stupid stuff. However, this isn’t that stupid...maybe? 
We’ve reached a milestone, a kind of apex in American society, where being fat is no longer a running gag and it’s celebrated to be thick and/or a healthy weight. (Not to say skinny isn’t cool and it’s sure as heck better than carry 90+ pounds if it can be helped, but, as I said on Youtube, lots of 90s fat tropes were had, were they not? Every body type has their problems, blessings, and issues.) But, health is also a big issue and losing weight is too. I’m all for losing weight, but I also know what it was like growing up a fat kid, then a fat teenager in the 90s and 2000s when we didn’t have representation and people like Tocorra Jones, Melissa McCarthy,  Ashley Graham and Rebel Wilson around to promote different body shapes and/or being a little heavy or curvy while still being healthy. (Melissa and Rebel have lost weight and I applaud them full circle!)
Anyway, It is downright uplifting to see Sammy in JWCC like this! Being “thicker” than her two female friends doesn’t slow her down or hinder her in anyway. She is not obsessed with food. She is not constantly eating. Likewise, she has an actual personality and an interesting secret and backstory. The fans seem to love her. She is not dressed immodestly and she doesn’t seem to have ANY negative opinions of her body type, for now. Likewise, in a fast paced show like this, no one is talking behind her back about her weight or eating habits (again, for now. This could change in upcoming seasons, we don’t know.) Come to that, she’s fairly intelligent and isn’t dumb. Like, how many times have we seen a fat, dumb person in a show. (I’m looking at you Chris Griffin and Cleveland Jr!) This could’ve gone SO SIDEWAYS in her character creation any number of ways and I’m just amazed it didn’t. However, this maybe is attributed to the show being an action show and not a comedy? In any case, I’m so glad girls of this generation can see it. I wish I’d had it at their age. (It’s probably because her VA is heavy, but heavier than how Sammy is portrayed, to my knowledge. I’ve only seen her years ago on Disney channel.  Who cares why? It happened and I’m glad.) Please be assured, I’m NOT trying promote fat acceptance, just inclusivity, relatability, and representation. 
Like I say all the time, I’m not super heavy. I never was. As I said in the comment, I developed early and had mostly skinny friends growing up. I remember being about 11 and hosting my first sleepover and someone pointing to my arms at my stretch marks, asking what they were. I wasn’t traumatized and they didn’t tease me, but I was a little (a lot?) self-conscious. Like, can we please get the idea out of our head that ONLY pregnant women get stretch marks?? (Cocoa butter companies, hello?!) They can happen to girls that grow tall fast or, like me, you can have them all freaking over because the puberty button in your brain got stuck. (LOL?) And calling them cute things like skin lightning doesn’t really help. My limbs and body still look weird.
I don’t remember seeing many characters shaped like me in shows as a kid or teenager.  Unless maybe Simpsons characters with their pudgy bellies who may be some of the most average, realistic bodies in all of fiction, really. We can’t all be supermodels and body builders. Sailor Moon girls were all thin and leggy. None of the Magic School Bus kids were pudgy, all average and healthy (which is probably a good thing in a way. IDK. Representation is great, but so is promoting healthy eating and healthy shapes. Everything has their place.)  Disney characters were mostly animals at the time, and I didn’t see Recess until Highschool or something at 3 am, and even then, there was only Mikey. Mikey was progressive, but he wasn’t female. Closest I got was Ariel’s (Little Mermaid) sister, Adella ( https://littlemermaid.fandom.com/wiki/Adella) and even then, she had no belly and never animated the same outside of the series with not much character development or anything.
Cassie from Animorphs might’ve been a close second, but, though she was my favorite female character as a kid (not anymore), it was hard to say “OMG, she’s shaped like me!” as it was a book series with few visual aides outside of covers, posters and some toys. 
I remember seeing the singing group Cherish for a few seconds on TV once. A bunch of thick, busty, heavy black girls and I was SO EXCITED because for those few seconds on TV, there were girls that looked like me! Then some years later I found out a few of them lost weight and I was like bleh. (I didn’t follow their music or anything, not even sure how I saw them again.) Not that disapprove, health is essential, and I encourage people to lose weight for themselves, but it was nice having some representation. Except health needs to come first. It’s a two-edged sword if I ever saw one.
Don’t get me started on the sheer amount of girls with small/flat chests on TV. (No offense! See above about body types. Again, it’s about representation and seeing someone that looks like you that was not common in the 90s and early 2000s) I’m picky though. I wanted to see more representation, but the minute I saw it, I was not impressed or annoyed. To my better judgement, I saw a few episodes of something I won’t name with a curvy lead. I found her times dressing up as a man unconvincing and confusing because of her body shape. Other times I was, for lack of a better word, slightly appalled at her own size, even though she somewhat looked like me. I know, it makes no sense. Other times, I was mad at Lizzy Mcguire or another show for having skinny characters with A-cups while I was, er, way past training bras and smaller bras by 14/15 when the show was new.
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Swearz, I developed (pun not intended!) this weird conspiracy theory that Disney execs have to look at the Star’s mom and other women in their family before casting a girl to make sure she stays thin/average chested for the shows entire run. Outside of one show, all shows in that era had the same thin girl body type. (And not much representation for different races for Disney back then, but that’s another debate for someone to better handle, not me.) 
All that said, my shape was attributed to four things: Diet, genetics, lack of exercise and my mom’s cooking. Not sure how much I subscribe to the “genetics effect body fat theory”, but the “genetics effect body shape” is definitely a thing! And hormones in chicken. My family said all I ever wanted when I was little was McDonald’s chicken nuggets all the time, so I think that had some play in how I turned out. It’s probably too much to get into here, and no one cares about my sob story, so let’s move on.
Sammy is awesome and I hope to see more characters like her from other studios in the future. Every body type needs representation, but every body also deserves to be healthy and nourished.
OMAHGAWWWD! I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING ROTTEN IN THE INDUSTRY, Y’ALL!! (Okay, that’s obvious, but you don’t really give it thought in your day to day life.)
The video gives a summary of Jenette McCurdy’s time on iCarly and the horrors she’d been going through in her younger years, which included an eating disorder and restricting calories to an (alleged) 900. Dear lord, that is sickening.
Granted, I would take this with a small grain of salt as it’s from the internet, and undoubtedly, many actresses, probably more than we realize, have ED’s. If they would start encouraging them to be at healthy weights, things like this wouldn’t happen. Frick Nickelodeon and frick the acting industry!! 
So, this was what I was trying to convey. Casting and producers need to find that middle ground. Don’t promote fact acceptance, but do not force your actors/actresses to be stick thin either.  I could go on a huge tangent, but I don’t have the brain power right now. If you have an ED or know someone that does, I strongly encourage you to get help. I’ve been in tight spots like that (I knew of people or knew people), but getting REAL help from a doctor, professional, or someone with a good head on their shoulders is better than hiding it or keeping it secret. Ten years down the line, you’ll be thankful you did and not have regret. No one is perfect, but sometimes you have to fight harder to find a solution and someone that will actually listen to you and take your concerns to heart. 
If I get negative comments, I’ll be deleting this and no one will be able to enjoy it. Think before you type and don’t be a jerk.
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photolover82 · 3 years
The Masked Singer Season 5 Episode 5 Recap: Group B Finals ft a plot twist (Commentary & Guesses)
Hi everyone! Welcome (or welcome back) to Ana’s Masked Singer recap, where I, Ana, recap every episode of The Masked Singer. So, this week, we are back to Group B with yet another wildcard and it is the last time we are gonna see the groups on their own since after Group A’s final, we got the Super Eight (yup, it’s 8 this time... much better still than last season’s format). Anyways, let’s get into it (this is gonna be super repetitive from last week guess wise but I am gonna try to keep it interesting and fresh for you guys, don’t you worry):
Alright, so usually I would save the wildcard for the end as like a surprise, but since the wildcard got eliminated, let’s introduce (and say goodbye to at the same time) to the:
Bulldog!! 🐶
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Commentary: Ok, he sang Candy Girl by New Edition (which is really funny and ironic for a whole other thing, I’ll explain in a moment I swear) and um how do I say this nicely?... he’s a great dancer, but the singing is, what Randy Jackson would say, “a no from me dawg.” (Get it? Dawg.. bc the bullDOG... oh ok I will stop now). Anyways, yeah no, he was not good, I kind of expected this to happen honestly, so I am not surprised nor disappointed by any means. However, the person under this mask kinda did surprise me lol... even tho I kind of saw this coming.
He was revealed to be, in the biggest plot twist of the century, no voting, just Neicy Nash picking it:
Nick Cannon, our very own host and Ken’s “daddy*”
*which is ironic because he legit just announced he was gonna have another baby
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Ok, ok, did I get this right on my own? Nope, but Twitter helped me out so thank you Twitter. I did officially guess him before he was unmasked (but that’s because I had no other guesses sooo can I really count this a win? Hmmm... TBD... you guys let me know). Anyways, BOOM PLOT TWIST BABY, he’s back! Just in case you guys didn’t know (I don’t really talk about the judges or the host here because I watch for the contestants not for them and it would make this already long blog longer and we don’t want that): Nick had COVID so he couldn’t host the first few episodes of the show, but now he’s better and BOOM he’s the host again... Neicy Nash was taking over for him and now he’s back! So yeah this was just a transition for him to be back on the show, but like imma be honest: he might have been married to Mariah Carey but he don’t got any pipes like her, but he’s a good host so he should stick to that.
Anyways, NEXTTTT, let’s talk about the remaining 4 (which are legit the same freaking ones from last week):
1. Black Swan 🖤🦢
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Commentary: So she sang Whitney Houston's How Will I Know and I swear she gets better and better each week like she murdered this song, it was absolutely amazing, my favorite performance of the night hands down. I really love Black Swan, she has one of the best voices on the show and I think either her or Robopine could win the entire season tbh.
I think this has to be (tripling down/final answer/insert buzzer sound here):
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10-10-10= She has appeared on multiple singing competition shows (she did a lot of those shows as a kid), she was on America’s Most Talented Kids and was a guest judge on celebrity X Factor
Montana= get this... if you are around my age, this will surprise you. Did you guys know that Jojo was the original person that the producers of Hannah Montana wanted to play Hannah but she turned it down because she wanted to focus on her music
In her physical clue, she talks about a female singer who passed away at a young age that she was friends with= she was referring to fellow R&B singer Aaliyah
2. Crab 🦀
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Commentary: He sang Give it to Me Baby by Rick James and it was a very strong performance, it almost took me aback the song choice. I didn’t expect him to go that hard in the beginning, the hip thrusts were a bit uncomfortable for me and he can’t dance for shit (I am sure it’s because he’s a bit older, not faulting him by any means), but it was really strong vocally speaking. He did actually loose his breathe and started hyperventilating under the mask and had to take a break to cool down (literally, because he was burning up under there), which honestly I hope he’s ok, I am not sure if he’s gonna last that long because of that hyperventilating (remember Mickey Rourke?), but tbh it would have been so unfair for him to go because he did an amazing job and I enjoyed his performance. He got soul.... crab’s got soul.
This has got to be (doubling down, like omg even the picture matches w the body type and everything, I am onto something here):
Bobby Brown
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Mom kept him in the straight and narrow and taught him how to cook= well, he has spoke about how his mother has gotten him away from the gangs and trouble around his neighborhood and into cooking (he even has a food line, hence the Mac and cheese), which also made him take up singing and thus his band New Edition (remember how I said Nick singing Candygirl by New Edition was ironic? Well this is why... because crab is Bobby Brown aka one of the members.... also Black Swan sang his ex wife’s song so yeah this can’t get any more ironic) was formed
Big Ben= Initals, BB aka Bobby Brown and also he had a show in 2005 called Being Bobby Brown and one of the episodes “Bobby Does London” he goes to London
Ribs= he has a line of BBQ sauces and seasonings called Bobby Brown Foods
3. Piglet 🐷
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Commentary: This time, he went a bit softer with the song choice which I feel compliments his voice better, with 7 Years by Lukas Graham, which made Jenny, who apparently hasn’t listened to this song before (wtf Jenny, this song was all over the radio in like 2017 and you are like a radio host hun), cry. I mean it was really amazing and ballads actually suit him a lot more than super upbeat songs like last week’s Andy Grammar song and I really enjoyed it, I’ve heard that song a million times so no I didn’t cry but I still loved it. I do think Piglet will go super far, my guess is he will make it to semifinals.
I am a 100%, tripling down sure that this is:
Nick Lachey
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Genie Lamp= He did a cover of Aladdin’s A Whole New World with his ex Jessica Simpson on Disney Mania 3
The “spider” who made him a family man= referring to Vanessa Lachey, it was supposed to be this whole Charlotte’s Web thing not really referring anything specific about her that she’s a spider, she could have been another pig for all we care
Dog Tags= in the physical clue, there are 3 dog tags, which he has been seen wearing (you can Google those pics) and they represent his 3 kids which his wife gave him before they had their third kid, Phoenix (btw there’s a P on the bottom dog tag shown)
4. Chameleon
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Commentary: Ok so he rapped again but this time the song was Hip Hop by Dead Prez (which I have felt like I have heard but I have no idea where) and I usually hate rappers on this show, but like he’s legit. What I mean by that is like he’s an actual rapper (well Bow Wow was too... but Bow Wow only went as far as he did because of his dancing, Chameleon is just pure rap talent) and his flow is insane. I am not a rap fan whatsoever but I can appreciate good rapping and that was good rapping, actually it was great rapping. Sure, he’s the weakest link of the four but he’s also the coolest one could argue.
Mark my words, this is as I said the last 2 types, again tripling down:
Wiz Khalifa
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His little Chameleon/lizard= he has an 8 year old son named Sebastian (he also says Cam in the package which is his real name... by him I mean Wiz.... his real name is Cameron)
Martial Arts= the dude likes Martial Arts and has been trained in it and Jiu Jitsu, he has mentioned it in interviews, has been spotted training in gyms, it’s no secret at this point that he likes that stuff
Hot wings= he has a wings place called HotBox by Wiz and he was also on Hot Ones (for those unfamiliar, it’s a YouTube show where celebs eat 10 super spicy chicken wings while answering questions) idk if that counts but I am also gonna say it
So that’s it, guys! I hope you enjoyed! Follow me on Twitter because I do live tweet the show, it’s the same username as here @photolover82 and I do some of these in video form on Tik Tok too if you wanna follow, it’s photolover820 (close enough lol). So yeah, see you guys in the next one! Byeeee! 👋🏼👋🏼
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