#I got this from another mha tumblr post and I just HAD to
rgco413 · 10 months
Incorrect Quote #36
Osomatsu: I'm an idiot.
Osomatsu: *blinks expectantly*
Ichimatsu: If you're waiting for us to disagree it's gonna be a long fucking day.
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neonscandal · 6 months
Thanks for your posts and metas, @neonscandal .... Before I found your blog, actually I ship tododeku and kiribaku. But thanks to you, I became bakudeku shipper (until now). Your metas are amazing and always based on canon. Sorry, I'm not good with words, but I hope you know how great your blog is (you are definitely one of my favorite tumblr blog). 💐🌷
And WOW these last 10 - 15 chapter, really are the best. Even my mutuals who are anti-bkdk can't deny Bakugou and Midoriya's bond anymore. Also, love Uraraka and Toga's bond....
Do you think it's possible that at the end of BNHA, Bakugou and Midoriya have ambygous relationship (kinda like Tiger and Bunny)....? I know it could be hard to be canon in shounen series.....
P.s Do you think SatoSugu (from JJK) is queerbaiting?
⚠️ Vague spoiler warnings through chapter MHA 410 at best. Covers JJK S2 with a vague mention of a character who pops up later in the manga.
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It's funny you say that because I also love a good tododeku or kiribaku situation. Like yea, people have their OTP but... realistically? Characters should be just as messy as people in real life. ✨ They're going to date around before things fit together with that OTP, right? At least that's how I look at it. So I love exploring offshoots.
You are far too kind in these rough times but I appreciate you saying that (and reaching out). The swarm of asks lately have been so funny. I tend to carve out time to address them quicker than some of the other things bouncing around my head (literally, the exact opposite happens with fic updates 🥺) so I'm just happy I'm writing something. If someone else enjoys it then that's the whipped cream and caramel on my sundae.
DUDE. I hadn't read 409 or 410 yet because holiday chaos but I feel like we're beyond allegations at this point haha ALTHOUGH, I didn't see the cliffhanger from 410 coming at all so I wonder what that means for the larger story.. Got any theories?
Regarding endgame... honestly the last two chapters gave me a little anxiety. "This is our tale?" Too good to be true. Especially when we know from chapter one "this is a story of how I became a great hero". Also, I've had some thoughts since 406 about how their connection is being framed up which I haven't had time to write but it feels like a lot of fanservice for Horikoshi (and subsequent editors, etc) to not commit. Additionally, in all the ways this story subverts the typical formula for shonen, it would also feel like a fumbled opportunity to turn everything on its nose with such a wildly popular series. So I'm holding out hope but conservatively preparing for one of them to just... not make it even if we get a confession *shudders in Supernatural flashbacks*.
I hope this makes sense as I struggled to recommend stories where this wasn't the case when asked about BL. In my opinion, good representation in mainstream stories (gender identity, orientation, race, religion, disability, etc.) is when, whatever makes a character different isn't their whole identity. Specifically in the context of more traditional stories (not centered on BL for instance), they should be involved if not just as integral to the plot as any other character wherein their diversity isn't sticking out like a sore thumb. But even that characterization requires nuance which is what makes it so hard to articulate? Maybe it's simpler to say that their character arc shouldn't just be based around identity. As a short answer to your question, I don't think that SatoSugu is queerbaiting. I think they are authentically and intrinsically coded to one another in subtext and out loud straight from Akutami but that, sometimes, relationships don't work out or love is unrequited. They may not have had the same feelings despite their inherent complement to one another and that's okay.
As above, characters should be just as messy as real people and that's what makes what didn't happen between them all the more tragic because it's heartbreaking in how relatable it is (not the cult leading and murder though). Seems like a convenient answer from a delulu shipper unless you take into consideration how Kirara Hoshi's identity is given the same level of subtlety. They aren't defined by their identity nor are the characters jarred by some particularly grandiose reveal nor are they perturbed by the nature of their connection to Hikari. I'm by no means an expert but I think that these characters are executed well in the sense that they have a complexity that doesn't hinge on what would otherwise make them different. They aren't "othered", it's just a fact of who they are and the story continues. It's a facet of who they are without cheaply being all they are. With Gege Akutami's own pronouns not expressly confirmed, perhaps that informs the care around those with differing identities.
I haven't seen Tiger & Bunny yet but now I know what to check out next!
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a-iya · 11 days
Hiii \(゚∀゚)/
Sooo what do you think about the Haikyuu! Movie without knowing anime? 😀
(I'm sending this ask to discuss our impressions in the comments (and recommend this series a bit haha)
Have a nice day ♡
hiiii!! i didn't realize this was going to become a full-on essay so 💀 apologies in advance for the long-windedness. i don't blame you if you don't feel like reading all the way through lmao (there is a tl;dr at the end if that's the case)
my sister actually got into haikyuu after S1 (pretty much a decade ago at this point 😭) so i've at least known about it and understood the gist of it for a while now. i myself didn't get into anime until a few years ago though! so i've been slowly building up my watch catalog. normally i like funny animes so haikyuu definitely fits the criteria, but due to the fact that 1) it's a sports anime 2) i have very little interest in sports and 3) there would be a LOT of episodes to catch up on, it's just been sitting in my to-watch list for years lmaooo
as i started to follow more people on tumblr, i also started to see more haikyuu content, so i recognized some characters just by their appearance (hinata [obviously], but also kenma, kageyama, and atsumu miya [the guy with the undercut, who i don't remember seeing in the movie]). but anyway, my sister had been saying she wanted to watch the movie once it came out. and over the weekend, i happened to see a lot of people posting about going to watch the movie so i told her we should go! and so we did!
the movie was so hilarious and i thoroughly enjoyed watching!! the rivalry between the 2 teams was sooo funny. i knew i was going to like the movie, but it did end up being a little bit fast-paced for me cause i basically dived in with like. 0.4 background,,,, like ya girl was strUGgLinG trying to keep up. but that's no one's fault but my own 😔 i was kind of hoping it'd be like the demon slayer mugen train movie (which is actually what got me into anime! but that's besides the point). where the premise would be simple enough that you wouldn't need that much context before watching. i knew the movie would basically be just one really long volleyball game so i figured it would be fine... alas, i was wrong 😭 i don't know the rules of the game or any of the characters/their positions so it was all i could do to just watch and try to understand everything as it was happening ;-;
another thing i wanna mention is that now that i've long since graduated from my "beginner weeb" phase and become a full-on weeb, i'm familiar with a lot of voices and voice actors so it's difficult for me to see new characters and their voice actors (that i already know from somewhere else) as one entity 🤔 i'm not sure if that makes a lot of sense ><
for example: the whole time we were watching the movie, i felt like kenma sounded a lot like yuki kaji (who voices shoto [mha] and eren [aot])?? but also didn't at the same time. it was bothering me the whole 2 hours but i looked it up after it was over and i was right 😩
i also immediately recognized kuro as gojo [jjk]/hawks [mha]/greed [fma]; so kuro wasn't even kuro to me, he was just a volleyball au gojo with a completely different look 😭 i feel like that kind of gets in the way of my viewing experience personally, because i couldn't pause and think about where i know this voice from (like i usually do when i start a new anime). but it bOThERs mE because it's like on the tip of my tongue and my mind caNnOT rEST until i confirm my suspicions 😩
anyway, going in, the only people i knew about were like. hinata and kageyama... and it was surface-level knowledge at best. but i've seen kenma around enough where i recognized his character design so i thought i might like him. and he ended up being super cute!! i loved him, but i also really loved kuro (he is very handsome 🥰) and the tall glasses guy from karasuno. he was funny as fuck. but i'm definitely interested in watching the show to see what other lovable goofs the story has to offer. i'm always on the hunt for more blorbos
tl;dr basically i loved the movie, i thought it was really funny; now i have to actually watch the show so i can really enjoy the experience the movie had to offer. the production was honestly great. my sister wants me to get caught up so we can watch it again while it's still in theaters lmao. we'll have to see about that... the first 2 seasons are 25 eps each and then there are at least a few more seasons (even if they are less eps) after that 💀 when i got into mha last year, i was able to blast through 6 seasons within a week,,, but that costed me 3 full days worth of binge-watching and several work nights to catch up 😩 idk if i can do that again
thank you for the ask and interacting with me 🥺🫶 i know your day just started so i hope it goes well!! have a nice rest of the week also <3
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dekusleftsock · 2 years
I think there are two reasons toga has never had Izuku’s blood, no matter how much she wanted it: if she were to use ofa it might not work (similar to monoma’s quirk) and two, she doesn’t like Midoriya Izuku.
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Now, let’s talk about what exactly separates togas attraction to uraraka and her attraction to Izuku. When toga meets Uraraka she finds her “cute” and how she wants to be involved with them. And right off the bat she can just tell that ochako is similar to her. She acts like those she loves. Toga, of course, wishes to relate to that and be friends with her during this point. But I almost feel like the more we see her use Ochakos blood, indirectly interacting with ochako (seeing as she has a deeper connection to people THROUGH blood) the more she grows to like her. It’s a much more normal view of attraction. Dekacchan (someone here on tumblr) made a whole post about horikoshi’s view on love and it’s worth reading.
But toga falls in love with her, over time. And when she’s rejected by her she starts crying and runs away after her confession, THAT OCHAKO DIDNT EVEN KNOW WAS A CONFESSION! She has this moment where it all *clicks* in her head in 348 bc toga says the line, “what do you wanna do to me hero?”
But this is absolutely NOT the same experience she has with Izuku. At all, ever. From start to finish it feels, forced? Lets start with when she first MEETS Izuku. She, off the bat, has an attraction to him. She LIKES seeing HIM specifically all beat up and bloody because, once again, she has a certain connection to people through blood. Not only that, but it’s also because he looks like a boy that she may have genuinely liked in her past that she killed. That’s it though. Because, this is the thing, toga himiko has no clue who midoriya Izuku actually is. And love requires time, work, energy to both have and then give to another person. And she HAD that time, work, and energy with ochako. But never with Izuku. She acted as ochako/kamie that one time during their hero licenses, but that was it. That was the closest she EVER got to knowing who he was and what he stood for. And strategy Izuku is not normal Izuku. She has no clue who he likes, how he likes them, how he understands people and the world, or his impact on other people. But she knows that for ochako.
And this is the thing. Toga never had Izuku’s blood because if she did, it would blatantly expose the fact that she does not in fact actually have feelings for him. And by extension, ochako would not have feelings for him. Why? BECAUSE THE ENTIRE BASIS OF THEIR RELATIONSHIP IS THEIR “SHARED ATTRACTION” TO HIM! And if toga does not have feelings for him, then that means that she doesn’t either. They are parallels. And this point is still shown in more subtle ways.
Because this is a lesson horikoshi wants to teach you. Love at first sight does not exist. Love does not just simply appear because the people around you ASSIGNED a word for a feeling you were having. It takes work. Genuine work. Love is complicated, it’s not a simple little crush that they both share and then get together at the end, love takes time. It takes moments, shared experiences, shared issues. All of it. Special moments. All of these things toga and ochako have, and same with Izuku and Katsuki, but not for Izuku and ochako. They have few and far between moments. Little things that never go that far.
And I can’t say this enough, but mha shows that love wins. Queer people can win. We can hope and we will. We can be confident. We have the evidence. All of the pieces were put together for us. All we have to do is put them together.
We can make what used to be dreams of the past come to reality as queer people in shonen communities. Because I’m done with this shit. I’m done with being treated like genuine trash in shonen fandoms because of what? Shipping two same sex characters? We are apart of fandom too. And by having this big of a show come to a reality where bkdk or tgck may be canon is just absolutely beautiful and amazing.
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jooniely · 1 year
I am not at all qualified to make this post so obviously I will be making it. Basically I've noticed something with how men vs women and queer ppl consume shonen manga.
When I'm on tumblr and ao3 I mostly see women and queer ppl post about manga but on tiktok I see mostly (straight) men. And I see a lot of difference between what they usually want for characters (especially strong ones)
I'm gonna focus on jujutsu kaisen cuz it was this manga that made it finally click in my head. What ppl want for characters and the story is usually directly tied to their identity especially gender identity and ofc the patriarchy.
I'll start with the example that gave me this lightbulb moment: on twitter and tumblr (where I curate my feed btw which makes a huge difference since i follow mainly non-men) I see ppl wanting gojo to essentially have an emotional breakdown or go thru some type of pain and go berserk out of the emotional heartbreaking pain of losing his loved ones or being forced to kill them.
Then on tiktok (where I look thru my fyp so I don't really curate my feed so any manga type videos come up and they're mixed with videos of men) I see alot about who would win in a fight between sukuna and gojo. About who would "dog walk" the other. A LOT about fighting and violence and killing. (In my head I'm thinking why the solution is always straight to killing the other person? Idk writers can get creative with endings that don't contain just straight up killing characters)
This got me thinking: why are ppl so obsessed with the fight and the violence? Then I'm like: well it's a shonen that's the genre. But then that would mean almost everyone who consumes shonen would have similar thoughts. But like I pointed out in the example, that's not the case. Why do the men focus so much on the violence and the women and queers focus on the drama and emotion? The character and their relationships?
Then it hit me: it's about PROJECTION. About living vicariously thru these characters. Men project themselves on these powerful characters and live out their fantasies of being strong, powerful, violent with no one who can get in their way or beat them. It's why they get so offended when ppl bring up other characters that can or can't beat the character they have projected onto.
Women and queer ppl focus on the emotion because we project ourselves and live our fantasies: to essentially breakdown (think female rage?) Essentially in our lives we are often the ones who do the emotional heavy lifting. Ones who are taught to keep quiet or be the bigger person or look the other way. Our emotions are used against us. But when we project ourselves to characters like gojo who has a ton on his shoulders, who has to do everything, we want him to breakdown and cry and rage cuz WE can't do that. It's our way of releasing our need to breakdown and rage, by living vicariously thru him. Often times after this breakdown we want another character to comfort them. For them to be the one to take care of things for once so our character (us) can take a break.
And I notice we project onto male characters and I think there's 3 reasons for this. Male characters are usually better written cuz they are at the focus of shonen so there's more of them we can attach ourselves to. 2nd reason is cuz they're male and it feels like they're "allowed" to emote without having backlash (tho that's not really the case usually. Like if gojo had a breakdown he wouldn't have been seen as weak or ridiculed but if someone else, usually a girl or a male written more softly like modoriya from mha, they would be ridiculed cuz thats "weak". All this would me coming from the men in the fandom too cuz they can't project onto a "weak" character) 3rd reason is cuz we can take a character that men would make into this "alpha man strong" and turn him human. Have him be realistic and have emotions, something we rarely see in real life cuz u know the patriarchy and men can't be emotional unless it's anger etc.
But anyways so that's what I have noticed and being a woman in fandom is a different experience. Usually a good one cuz fandom was created by women and we are the biggest fan content creators when it comes to Fanfic and fanart. Even some of the best analysis I've seen come from non-men. And I'm often on platforms where majority are women and queer and I curate my experience so when I get to places like tiktok or YouTube comments it's like my little bubble popping and I'm reminded of the different ppl in fandom. There are men on our sides of fandom with thinning more aligned to what I have described as what women usually think! But for this post I'm talking majority.
Anyways idk if this made sense but I wanna know what others think, I'm very interested and curious about this topic
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
General quiziz
What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
Out of all your fandoms which one is you favorite to watch?
List Your newest to oldest fandoms
If you could travel to any fandom which would it be?
Who’s your most active to least active anon?
(Extra) There’s going to be a live action one piece movie, What do you think about that?
What’s your favorite fandom to write for?
Oh god, good question lolol In my pinned post, I have starred which fandoms I really love to write for, but I can say that I am most known for my jojo's writing. Even though I haven't written for it in a long time, I love writing for jojo's sm
List Your newest to oldest fandoms
Oh god.... I don't know if this will be accurate, so bear with me lol Newest Into the Spiderverse Arcane Resident Evil Record of Ragnarok Overwatch One Punch Man JJBA Jujutsu Kaisen The Arcana One Piece Haikyuu!! My Hero Academia Hunter x Hunter (literally my first anime lol) Kingdom Hearts Final Fantasy (I have literally loved it since forever) Oldest Again, no clue if that's accurate, but that is pretty close I think
If you could travel to any fandom which would it be?
Honestly, probably One Piece. I love everything about the world because it's so built up and it would honestly be such a vibe and super chill
Who’s your most active to least active anon?
okay, let's actually talk about all my anons! I've actually been thinking about this and cleaning up my anon list Heart Anon (x2) - I actually know both of them! But the other one has disappeared a long time ago and the other one doesn't use anon anymore, just their main account :) Sunflower Anon - I actually know her account too! She doesn't use anon anymore either, and has been super inactive on tumblr because she's so busy. Sending a lot of love her way <3 Helicopter Anon - they are my iconic papa croc anon and usually only appear when requests open, but literally make my day whenever they do. When they appeared for the first time, it was a blessing and I love them so much! If not for them, I wouldn't have my papa croc series tbh, but yeah, they're not around often until requests open! Flower Anon - Another one I know the account of. Hasn't been active in ages, so I really hope they are doing well <3 Sword Anon - I haven't seen them since a request they asked for ages ago, so I don't really know if they're one of my anons lol (I really gotta clean this up lol) Spain Anon - Not very active at all anymore. I haven't seen them since I stopped writing for a fandom they loved. Hope their doing well! Raccoon Anon - I also haven't seen them since a MHA request they asked for a long time ago, so not active anymore Bouquet Anon - Same situation as sword anon 👾 Anon - pretty active i would say! they always have something lovely to say and overall, i love hearing from them when they aren't busy! Ladder Anon - Has plenty of great requests, but doesn't usually come on here to chat! But they are such a sweetheart when they do and I really love their creative ideas! Pepaw Salazar Simp Anon - Came on here twice to ask to be this anon and then left LMFAO Rat Anon - started the smooches series! but i haven't really seen them since my requests closed 🍥 Anon - Same situation as pepaw salazar simp anon lol Dragon Anon - One of my new anons! Pretty active whenever they can be and I love hearing from them! Cloud Anon - Also pretty active and a newer anon! They always have fun questions! Rainbow Anon - You are my most active anon I've ever had tbh and you are too darn sweet! I'm happy to have you here!! Alien Anon - new anon, been on here for a day, and has sent a few questions Hedgehog Anon - I know the account of this one and they are very active on my blog and have sent over some stuff since they've only been here for a day 💤 Anon - just got here!
(Extra) There’s going to be a live action one piece movie, What do you think about that?
Okay, the Netflix show is what I know you're talking about. Ahem. I saw the trailer and it was kinda eh, but like, I know Oda actually really helped work on it and picked the cast, so it's not like I hate the idea. I know the anime is better, duh, but I am totally gonna watch it even if I do end up really hating it lol
Thanks so much for the fun questions! I hope you're well and staying hydrated <3
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lazybutts-world · 2 years
Wow I have not posted on Tumblr for the longest time and not sure if I still have followers left. 😅
Anyway I found a new hobby. I like doing an analysis on characters, chapters, shows, ships etc. that I like. And here is another analysis of one of my favorite ships.
Before I begin a warning is ahead:
⚠️CW: MHA Manga and Anime SPOILER , bullying, death, mention of hate⚠️
Bakudeku, one of the controversial ships in BNHA fandom to this day, and I have a very controversial take on this already controversial ship. Something possibly even most bkdk shippers themselves won't all agree.
I think bakudeku was a good ship from the start.
Yes, you read it right. I thought bkdk was a good ship from Chapter 1.
And before everyone starts screaming "Abuse apologist", "why do you like seeing Deku suffer" "He literally told Izuku to kill himself" "He bullied him for years" read the thread through it's entirety. For goodness sake I am not an abuse apologist. As someone who had her fair share of bullying in the past, I will never stand in favor of bullying, EVER!!! Period!!! And Izuku is one of my favorite characters in BNHA, I would not want him getting hurt.
And I am not saying this because I think bkdk will be cannon. I can not pretend to know what Horikoshi will or will not do. Hey, if it becomes cannon it is great and if it doesn't, it doesn't.
I am not here to shit on other ships either and state that somehow bkdk is superior. Everyone got their faves and you are all valid. You are not supposed to agree with me. All I am saying is that the hate it got was misplaced from the start.
Let's start from the beginning. Obviously I am not gonna cover everything, it is not possible. I can write a long novel about this ship at this point but unfortunately I don't have the time.
1. The infamous Chapter 1 where most hate comes from. And I know the obvious, and as I said I will not be an apologist for Bakugou when he himself agrees at this point that he was wrong. And yes, everyone sees this and yet does not focus on the one THING.
The scene that started it all. The scene that convinced All Might to give his power to Deku.
Yes, I mean the sludge villain incident. From what I read, on that Chapter, at that point, Izuku was at his lowest. Even All Might, his hero, told him that he should stop chasing his dream of being a hero. Then Izuku sees someone being attacked by sludge villain and is like "I am sorry I am at fault but a hero will come and save you". Just look at the panel.
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He is horrified and thinking it is his fault yet he is ready to leave it be and wait for a hero come save the day. Again, it doesn't sound like Deku we know, but he is at his lowest here. Then he notices it is Kacchan
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So for a lot of people who say "he could have done it for anyone", maybe you are right but I doubt it. And it would not have been a "my leg started moving on their own" moment (at least that is what I think). As I mentioned before, the prior narrative suggested that he was willing to let it go and wait for a hero. So the fact that the person assaulted was Bakugou, it made him act without thinking.
So let's go to the parallel shall we?
Chapter 285 - Katsuki Bakugou rises. My favorite Chapter in BNHA
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Katsuki, without giving it a second thought, jumps to save Deku. He does not go for the glory, he goes for saving (which is unlike the Baku we know). His body moves on it's own. Could he had done it for anyone? Maybe. Is this moment necessarily romantic? You can argue it is or not. But there is definitely a deep connection between Izuku and Katsuki. And they are mirroring each other.
2. Deku tells OFA secret to Katsuki directly. Many people forget that Katsuki is the first one to know about Izuku’s secret because Izuku told him the first. That is how much he trusts him.
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And one thing about Izuku is that he never stopped believing Katsuki and always saw the good in him. Some ppl thought that his admiration for Katsuki was misplaced. But was it really? Looking at where Katsuki is now, I would say the kid was right all along. You could say, he knows Katsuki the best.
Which brings me to the other topic.
3. They know each other the best. They are the closest people to each other.
Izuku and Katsuki are really close. You could say as expected since they have been together since childhood. But if they had a fallout like ppl assume, then why are they still considered the closest people to each other?
Just look at these panels.
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Even villains calls them out on their closeness.
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4. Izuku acts very much out of character when Katsuki is injured in a posessive and overly protective sort of way. They do say love makes you do crazy things 😉 😉
Izuku is not someone who will be obsessive or jealous for anyone. He seems like the most understanding person right? Not the kind of person that would get aggressive under any circumstances.
Wrong 😆
Try hurting Bakugou and see how Izuku will react. I mean look at these manga panels.
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Uhm possessive Deku. Damn. Tokoyami was taken too yet he yells to give him Bakugou back. Also fun fact apperently in Japanese version he uses the word "kaese" which means give (what belong to me) back to me. And compress calls him out on it as well.
Wait but it does not end there 😳
Blackwhip awakening
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He opened up a quirk just because Bakugou was insulted.
He completely lost it in chapter 285 (Katsuki Bakugou Rises) when Bakugou was attacked.
I can not add any more pictures but I will continue this thread.
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leftiesarehotter · 1 year
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I posted 224 times in 2022
11 posts created (5%)
213 posts reblogged (95%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 15 of my posts in 2022
#bnha - 12 posts
#dabi - 8 posts
#boku no hero academia - 8 posts
#todoroki touya - 7 posts
#my hero academia - 7 posts
#mha - 6 posts
#dabihawks - 3 posts
#bnha hawks - 3 posts
#takami keigo - 3 posts
#todoroki shouto - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 23 characters
#jurassic world dominion
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Here’s my first piece for the @bnhaspinnerzine ! Spinner’s sporting a Heroes Rising Shigaraki outfit with some uncanny cameos! Can you recognize them all?
(Plz do not repost)
44 notes - Posted March 27, 2022
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“You look just like Blue. Is she your mother?”
Not bnha but saw Dominion and now I’m in a dinosaur mood
45 notes - Posted June 17, 2022
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Did a little something based on a wonderful voice recording I got from Dabi’s amazing VA a few years back
For Reference: https://twitter.com/leftiesrhotter/status/1364334006049923073?s=21
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45 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
AFO barging in and tryna meddle in another child’s misery
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81 notes - Posted April 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I usually don’t dabble in the art of meta, but Dabi’s story is compelling to me in the sense that it addresses the dehumanization of villains. He’s not evil because he got up one day and decided to be. He’s evil because he feels.
Endeavor wanted to live vicariously through him and use him to have the Todoroki name in the Number One hero slot. Then when Touya started hurting himself, he took it away without thinking about Touya’s feelings. Endeavor’s dreams became Touya’s and just like that they were gone. But what was there was something to prove.
Dabi still feels that hurt, but has transformed it into a pitted rage and jealousy against his own. I don’t necessarily blame him for how he feels either. He’s watching his little brother succeed in taking over the dream he once had and earn the approval he never did have.
Shouto understands this. He knows Dabi is more complex than just a bad guy. He’s hurting and he wants to do what he can to save him, even if it means just talking things through. And Shouto hurts too. He dealt with the loss of Touya for so long and he wants answers. He’s also been in similar shoes as Dabi and the burden of the Todoroki name now rests on him.
So far Shouto is the only one to really show any concern. Everyone is quick to dismiss Dabi and his emotions as seen in the civilians who saw his video and simply called Dabi annoying. To them, Dabi is no more than a common pest in need of extermination. But Shouto actually heard the message. He went out of his way to establish a connection with him and even risked his life. And as Dabi says he is still Shouto’s brother. He’s more than just bad. He’s a brother. A son. A friend (Whether he likes it or not).
A person.
Meanwhile everyone else thinks he’s just a goal for the heroes to conquer. For this generation of rising heroes, it’s definitely a good change. The goal of a hero is to save those in need and in the narratives of Shouto and Dabi as well as Deku and Shigaraki, we see a reform moving towards the original goals. It’s not about fame, glory, and money anymore. And it never should have been. It should have been about the people.
195 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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Part 3 - Chapter 21 - A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed
Blank Canvas Part 3
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Fanfiction.net - here
Thank you for your patience, dear readers! Sorry for the wait. I was a little busy being a bridesmaid for my friend's wedding. :P Tiny bit preoccupied. But we're back with more fluff! If you're interested, I chose this style of dress in steel blue. ^____^
Did a small edit last chapter. I forgot to add where Ochako was placed since she's also living in the dorms. A simple fix.
So...there were guesses it would be Bakugou that shows up. It's not. Just going to rip off that bandaid now before we get to the chapter.
Warning for teasing. There's a very brief one at ["Please take care of him..."] to about [The blonde winked...] but it's really not that bad. To the point a warning is probably not necessary but I will just in case. There's also another one at ["Though I figure..."] but again very brief.
Linktree to all the things!    
End notes for the chapter are under the line.  
Alright! Izuku is starting to slowly acclimate to the dorms, but it'll take him some time to fully adjust. But not to worry. He's got a supporting Shouto to help him along the way. For Shouto changing his room, I referenced the MHA School Briefs Vol. 3 for his reaction to his room and where he found the supplies. I made my own changes because of the differences in BC from canon, but I still drew on how he felt about the original western style of his dorm room.
I hope I used the French correctly. I was looking up names of endearment and chou came up as meaning either a cream puff or cabbage. Various websites say it's more for someone you love but I went more with the green vegetable theme. :P
So, the character we haven't seen in a while was the OC I made for this with help from peeps on the discord. You can read up his post on the tumblr here. He was introduced in BC part 2 chapter 39.
Shouto finally learned about his nickname!! :D So Peppermint Prince was decided in BC part 2 chapter 52 but Shouto wasn’t there for that. And I realized this was the first time he would be hearing it.
They had an ATLA watch party! :D It was first suggested in BC part 2 chapter 11 though I don't remember by who exactly. XD Sorry. Does this mean I'll be rewatching the series the nth time for ideas? Yes, yes it does. Also Izuku has sort of seen the 'research material' but it's still a mystery to him yet.
Sh-sh-shout out to Isn’t Sane and cooper on discord for Sh’s fantasy AU classes/professions! That little rant was fun to write.
That's all for now! I've been showering you with fluff but that last part with Shiggy means there's rough waters ahead. Next chapter has some teenager shenanigans and then the start of the training camp! Let the hell training begin. >:) Bye bye!
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nights-legacy · 3 years
Hi! Idk if u have done this headcanon for any character ( or the character I requested) but could do one where the reader is hawks’ lil sis? I always thought that hawks would be a overprotective big brother. I’m sorry if u closed requests a few days before I sent it. I’m new to Tumblr and it drives me crazy so I’m not able to view many posts. Hope u have a great day!
This is a little all over the place lol! But I tried to cover what I could think of. Hope you like it!!!
MHA Masterlist Main Masterlist
Older Brother Traits - Hawks x Sister!Reader
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Being the little sister of the Number 2 Pro Hero Hawks is an adventure in itself. The constant fear of him being hurt or even worse always laid heavy on your back. Although he did have a good way of comforting you. There was also the constant being in the spotlight…or so you would think.
First of all, Keigo basically raised you. You don’t remember much about your parents but from what Keigo tells you, that’s for the best. For a while it was hard on the both of you. He tried his best though and you wouldn’t have changed a thing. Your brother was your hero while you are his little hatchling.
Your quirk was like Keigo’s. You had wings but there are definite differences between you two. One being that your wings are completely different in coloring. Yours are pink, gold, blue, and purple ombre. Another difference is that instead of being able to detach you your feathers, yours are basically indestructible. Bulletproof, blade resistant, etc. Soft to the touch but strong as metal. And they’re retractable. (Hawks is jealous of that bit.) They call your quirk Wings of Protection.
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(Yes , I used the wings of Nephthys from the movie Gods of Egypt as a reference. LOL, don't kill me, I love them!)
So all that being said, it was not a surprise that you got in Class 1-A of UA. You got in on recommendation which people who don’t know who you are, are curious about. You wondered a lot if it had more to do with the HPSC making it happen. At first, Keigo was stoked for you and immensely proud. It was halfway short lived because of the USJ incident. He got really worried about you. Enough that he was home before you that day when he normally isn’t home ‘til the evening (if he comes home at all).
After that, he hovered like a mother hen. He would always call you as soon as school was supposed to be out. He would send you texts throughout the day, checking in. He even went as far to stop by the school discreetly sometime. You know just being completely overprotective, over-bearing, and annoying. At one point he even was hesitant to let you participate in the Sports Festival. That is when you had enough and confronted him. He finally relented.
Otherwisssseeeee, everyone knows Hawks very laid back and carefree yet serious when the time needs it and it’s the same with his older brother duties. He is not very strict at all. The only things he has a firmer hand over is going out at night (cause you know, dangerous villains come out at night), going to the sketchier parts of the city, and asking him too much about his missions. After you got in UA, those rules went out the window much to Hawks pouting dismay. Well, you still aren’t allowed to ask much about his missions but okay.
Hawks barely ever gets mad at you, he barely brings work stress home with him, and overall he is a loving, overprotective (as you read before), and fun brother. There were a few times where he would have to be the mean guy but that was mostly when you did stupid stuff as a kid. Until the Kamino incident. You had went with Midoriya, Kirishima, and the others when they went to save Bakugo. He blew up when you got home and grounded you for ‘the rest of your life’. He, just like other parents/family of your classmates almost didn’t let you got to the dorms. That is until he got his head clear and started thinking about the fact that it would be the safest place in the world for you. Even more safe then there with him.
There was only a handful of people that knew you are the little sister of Hawks considering no one knew his real name. Like Nezu and Aizawa, Endeavor, and unfortunately, Hawks handlers at the HPSC. You hated them for how controlling and demeaning they could be and you got mad at Keigo for letting it happen.
As it is stated before, only a few people knew you are the younger sister of Hawks. So the rest of Class 1-A had no clue. That was until one night while everyone was in the common room, a live news report came on about your brother going against a villain. It didn’t end well. Hawks was majorly hurt before the villain was detained. Hurt enough, he didn’t get up. You broke down crying and screaming, all the worry and fear came crashing down on you. If Aizawa wasn’t there to stop you, you would have flown off in the next second.
Confusion was heavy in the dorms as Aizawa escorted you to the hospital that Hawks was at. It was a while before Aizawa came back without you. All Might had shown up in the meantime. Aizawa revealed the truth about your relationship with the Winged Hero. Everyone was shocked, even Tokoyami who was interning under Hawks had no idea.
After that day, the class didn’t treat you much different beyond the ‘Why didn’t you tell us?’ or the ‘Is Hawks going to be okay?’ and ‘Are you alright?’ ‘Do you need a hug?’ The last one came from Kiri and Mina. Thankful that they weren’t treating you different and they didn’t ask you to explain anything, you were able to relax for the first time over twelve hours. It helped to that you weren’t the only child in relation to the top 5 Pro’s.
In the next week or two, it was your turn to be the annoying, overbearing, and overreacting one. Since you are the only kin to Hawks, you were given the time off school, with the understanding of doing class work at home, to take care of your brother while he was down. Since it was just you and your brother for the longest time, you did know how to take care of yourself and others. Ever since Keigo had hit it big time in the Pro Hero Rankings, he started being there less and coming home injured a lot more. So he made sure you knew what to do.
As you get older and grow into a woman and a hero, he never stops being the overprotective, loving brother he always has been. Even as you graduate and go on to actual sidekick work, even as you go on to be a legitimate Pro, and rise in the ranks next to your friends and eventually passing him, he’ll never stop being there and proud. You still come to him if you ever need a hero and he still can rely on you to be his little hatchling.
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pervysenpaix · 2 years
Our Flower| BakuDeku X BlackFem!Reader - Chapter 1
Welcome to my first Tumblr Series! This post will serve as the "Masterlist" for this fic. Chapters can also be found through the tag "our flower 💕" I'll try to update at least once a week. Follow me and turn on your notifications, so that you won't miss any updates. Enjoy - Unique 💕
Synopsis: You, Izuku, and Katsuki have been bestfriends since UA. One thing leads to another and you find yourself waking up in bed between the two future pros. No big deal, right? Well, things start to get a bit awkward and you start to get really "sick". A major bombshell is dropped on you the day before graduation, and you decide that it's best for everyone if you just disappear. But, what happens when the pair walks into your café four years later?
Warning (18+) NSFW Content| Viewer Discretion is advised.
I do not own MHA, MHA Characters or anything associated with the brand. I do not own the art, all images were obtained through google. If you know the artist, please tag them. DO NOT STEAL MY SHIT.
©pervysenpaix 2022
Chapter 1
You are in literal shambles this morning. Nothing seems to be going right. First, you woke up late because you forgot to charge your phone when you came in last night. So, you were late out the door and had to skip breakfast, the most important meal of the day. Then, your car wouldn’t start so you were forced to order an uber, which was too fucking expensive during rush hour in Tokyo. THEN, you were written up at your first job for bring late for the fifth time this month. And to top it all off, your best friend Gabbie wouldn’t be able to babysit Blossom tonight.
“I’m so sorry, babe” Gabbie lamented, “I have this twenty-page paper due at 11:59, and I’ve only written three sentences. She pouted, looking up at you with puppy dog eyes that only a true bottom could muster, hoping that you weren’t upset. Which you weren’t. How could you be upset when you’ve been there before. Assignments piled up so high, it seemed like you’d never make it through; but you always found a way and pulled through. You had to. There wasn’t any other option; Blossom needed you. “Don’t worry about it, love” you smiled, petting the pouting bottom’s head, “I’ll figure it out.”
Work progressed slowly. Thankfully, there weren’t a lot of customers coming in today, so you were able to listen to a recorded lecture while folding denim. Every moment of your free time was dedicated to studying, you couldn’t afford to fall behind. Was it tiring? Sure, but sometimes the end justifies the means.
Take Blossom, your beautiful baby girl, for example. Being pregnant at 19, in Japan wasn’t easy. Especially, when you’re black and your parent’s disowned you. On top of that you lost your child’s father and best friends. It was hard being alone, but you got by. Moved to Tokyo, found a job, moved into a small apartment, and started taking online classes. Now, you’re two semesters away from your degree, and you’ve gained a new best friend to replace the two that you’d lost.
Blossom was an amazingly gifted three-year-old, no doubt like her father. Super intelligent, oddly perceptive, and incredibly understanding for a toddler. She understood mommy’s situation and she rarely put up a fuss when you couldn’t do something. Always, on her best behavior, well most of the time. She was a mischievous little thing, always finding herself in the middle of something but never backing down. Again, like her father.
You missed him, both of them actually. How could you not when their faces were plastered on billboards and tv screens as some of Japan’s hottest up and coming heroes? Honestly, you didn’t even need to see advertisements to be reminded of them. Blossom was literally his twin, just with curlier hair and darker skin. The resemblance was uncanny.
Sometimes you wonder how things would have gone if you’d handled it differently, but it was best for everyone involved for you to go off on your own. They had big dreams; been trying to accomplish this goal their entire lives. Plus, they had become a couple. Why cause a problem if you didn’t have to? You weren’t resentful, though. On the contrary, you were extremely proud of your former friends. Smiling proudly whenever you’d see their faces on hero news; you even had a scrapbook outlined of all their victories and interviews. You’d show it to Blossom when she got older.
The conversation hadn’t really come up yet. When she asked why her daddy never came to play, you told her that he was busy keeping all of Japan safe. She wanted to know who he was, but you told her that you needed to keep his identity a secret, so the villains wouldn’t find out. The child had been obsessed with heroes ever since, and oddly enough they were her favorites.
Time was passing quickly, and you still didn’t know what you were going to do about Blossom. Your friend, Nani, wasn’t available because she was “going out with her man”. She had started dating this retired pro hero and she was sprung. Sis was open like a can of pig’s feet. You were glad for her, get your bag sis. This is your life and your daughter, it wouldn’t be fair to burden other people with your issues.
With a sigh, you texted your manager and let him know that you’d be bringing Blossom in with you tonight. It was the closing shift, in a developing area downtown, so there wouldn’t be many customers. He was a sweet old man and didn’t mind at all, you’d done it a couple times before. Plus, Blossom was always on her best behavior and stayed hidden in the back. So, what could possibly go wrong?
“I’m fuckin’ exhausted” Katsuki sighed, plopping down on a leather couch in the waiting room of their new agency. Todoroki, Kirishima, and Izuku were all stretched out in similar positions. Muscles strained and bones aching from hero work and moving furniture. Katsuki insisted on doing everything themselves because, “you can’t trust no fuckin’ extras to do shit right!”. It was hard work, but it paid off. Now, they were all resting in the beautifully decorated lobby of their joined agency. They worked well together in high school and during their time as sidekicks at the Endeavor agency; so, it made sense for them to start their career off as a team.
Normally, it would’ve been hard for heroes as young as them to branch off on their own. But, with their awesome quirks, and Endeavor’s credit card, they’d been given a head start. It was really impressive; they were only 24 but they’d made it into the Top 20 hero chart. Katsuki was number 10, with Izuku, Todoroki, and Kirishima taking 11-13 respectively.
“Same, man. Today was brutal.” Kirishima added, “I can’t wait to get home.”
“We should all probably head out. I have a date” Shoto replied, never looking up from his phone. Katsuki scoffed, “Probably shouldn’t consider BJ’s from thirsty IG models in the backseat of your Jag a date.” The dual haired man glanced up with a frown, “I shouldn’t?” he looked confused, making the others chuckle. “Todoroki-kun, if that was the case then you’d be dating half of Japan.” Izuku says, and the others nod in agreement. “You’re a fucking slut, Icy-Thot”.
If Shoto was concerned about this new development it didn’t last long because when he answered a facetime call with three chocolate baddies, he was shrugging on his jacket and heading out the door. Kirishima followed closely behind, because if we’re being honest, he’s a bit of a whore too.
“Wow” Izuku deadpanned, shaking his head in disbelief. “I don’t know why you’re still shocked, hell if we weren’t dating, you’d probably be going with ‘em”, Katsuki smirked. They all had a reputation with the ladies back in the day. There were plenty of girls that they fucked back at UA, but they just got the dick. Only one girl had their heart. The same girl that disappeared without a trace. (Y/N)’s sudden departure was devastating.
She’d missed graduation and ceased all methods of communication. Even her social media profiles were taken down. They’d learn a few weeks later that she’d given up her dream of becoming a rescue hero to return to the states for college. Her parents sounded bitter and upset when they shared the news with the duo. The father eyed them suspiciously the whole time. They never paid attention to it, too distraught over their lost love. They’d had flings with different girls since then, but nothing seemed to stick. Just a fun way to blow off some steam. No one could compare to (Y/N) (L/N).
Izuku shrugged off the comment and yawned, “I’m tired but I want something to eat” “You can eat my di-“ “Kacchan, please !” Izuku groaned, shaking his head but not stopping the smile that was spreading on his face. He loved his flirty, aggressive, and wildly inappropriate boyfriend. “It’s a place that I went to around the corner for breakfast last week. They don’t close until late. Wanna go?” Katsuki nodded and followed his boyfriend out into the cold night air.
Hand in hand, the heroes walked along the sidewalk. Silently enjoying eachother’s company as the made their way to the café. Always the gentleman, Izuku held the door open for Katsuki who scoffed as he brushed past him. The pleasant warmth of the café tickled his cheeks, and the smell of food filled the air.
“Just a minute!”.
Katsuki froze, the voice sounded so familiar. He couldn’t place it, but he knew that he recognized it from somewhere. Izuku shuffled in behind him, huddling close to steal some warmth. “Smells good” Katsuki didn’t respond, eyes locked on the double door. He just couldn’t shake this feeling.
“Sorry about that!” You breathed, smoothing your apron down as you burst through the door. Blossom had made a mess with the cupcakes, and you were helping her clean up. You didn’t even look up, body so tired that you were on autopilot. “What can I ge-
“What the fuck?”
Your eyes widened and back straightened, it couldn’t be? Too afraid to look up, you stayed locked in place.
“(Y/N)?” It broke your heart. You’d never heard your name said with such emotion. The slight tremor in his voice made your chest tighten, and you found yourself on the verge of hyperventilating.
“(Y/N) (L/N)!” you flinched, finally looking up and wishing you’d braced yourself because the intensity of their gazes almost knocked you off your feet.
Why here? Why now? Oh my god, I look like shit you thought, fidgeting with the strings of your apron, and chewing your lip. “Yes?” your voice was soft, too soft. It pissed them off. “That’s all you’re gonna say?” Katsuki snapped, clenching his fists to contain the explosions that were threatening to pop off. Izuku wasn’t much better, left eye twitching and unreadable expression on his face. You couldn’t tell if he wanted to fight or cry. Knowing him it’s probably both. “Bakugo, please keep your voice down.” Your voice was a lot more confident than you felt.
“Bakugo?” he spat, deeply offended that you’d address him in that manner, “Since when am I Bakugo?”
“What happened (Y/N)?” Izuku interrupted, “Have you been in Japan this whole time?” Swallowing thickly, you nodded yes and both men groaned. “I don’t know whether to hug you or choke you.” The conflicting emotions were apparent in his stormy gaze. Both, men seemed upset, but they were also sad. Really sad. “Why did you leave us?” Katsuki says, it was almost a whimper. Tears stung his eyes, threatening to fall, but he blinked them back.
“i-I can explain”.
Suddenly, the double doors swung open and out ran Blossom holding a little pink cupcake.
“Mommy, Mommy! Look!” The two heroes whipped their heads around in the direction of the small voice. Katsuki looked as if he’d been punched in the gut and Izuku’s mouth kept opening and closing. “M-mommy?” His voice caught the little girl’s attention, and her eyes widened when she saw the two heroes.
“Mama! He’s from the tv! Look Mr. TV man, I’m just like you!” She held the cupcake up and it exploded splattering icing all over them. The two of them stared at you slack jawed and you laughed awkwardly.
“Heh, it’s a girl !”
@xogabbiexo, @xosuki, @plussizeficchick, @tenyaiidasslut, @dabilovesme, @thicksimpx, @indiecursor, @riozakii, @sizeklink, @sintiva, @simp4rengoku,@dejwrites,@presidentmonica, @angwritez, @gabzlovesu, @namjoonswifeyy, @nasty-quillz, @blkchxrryblyss, @bl--ankhaeji, @kaizokuluv@rinhoes
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skvaderarts · 3 years
Devil May Cry OC Week Day 1!
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Happy first day of @dmc-oc-week! I’m so excited for this!
So I hope this isn’t too annoying, but a lot of the stuff about my OC relates to the 120 Post DMC5 Nero and V as brothers fic that I’ve been writing for the last year (Help I can’t stop), so I have yet to reveal a lot of the stuff about him. I seriously hope that at least one of you likes him, though! The artwork is by the always amazing @gaaebolg​, and I’ll have more sometime in the future, so stay tuned!
Also, I’m sorry for how long this post is. I’ve been creating things for this OC for the better part of two years now, so I’ve just got a lot of pent up excitement to get through. If at least one of you like him, then it’s a success!
Now then... SIRRUS
General Information:
Name: Sirrus (sear-us not Cyrus)
Age: Nope. He’s not saying. How rude of you to ask! Looks 21-25 though.
Eyes: Very light gray
Height: 6″ 5′
Build: Thin. He basically never eats anything. But he likes to cook (mostly for V and Nero) and he drinks sometime. And it’s normally wine. he doesn’t eat his own cooking, though. Everyone is freaked out by this.
Species: That’s tricky. Very tricky. He’s technically three different things at once due to his complicated parental lineage, and it causes him nothing but suffering. I may reveal what he truly is later this week if people actually care that he exists barely concealed intense crying. As a result of this, he had one hell of a power set, although many of his powers clash in a sort of MHA Todoroki sort of way. He’s not very pleased by this. The power is great and all, but it literally gives him a miserable migraine sometimes.
Personality: Sardonic, sarcastic, linguistically unapproachable at times due to his tendency to be very formal in an old fashioned, bitingly straight to the point, occasionally cripplingly brooding, and internally melodramatic. His entire internal monologue is just him chastising himself for every breath that he takes or him thinking he’s a total badass. He has no in-between. If left alone, he won’t make it off the couch due to a healthy dose of self-loathing. Thankfully he can’t become drunk. But he still tries. Think Tom Cruse Lestat meets Dorian Grey meets Alucard from the Castlevania Netflix anime. He likes to make dry, deadpan jokes, but he also knows how to read the room. He’s been around long enough to have developed that skill. But despite his desire to be left alone and work in isolation, he finds himself around the crew more than he might like to understand. He tries to be supportive to those around him, though he’s fully self aware of the fact that he’s not that great with it.
Preferences: Dark rooms, good food, better wine, even better conversations, and fantastically showboat filled fights. And not so subtly spoiling V with unsolicited but much appreciated gifts and luxuries.
Dislikes: Mostly his father and bullshit in general. Which is a large reason he doesn't like his father. Also, people who abuse others or power for self gain. So again, his father. I’m noticing a reoccurring theme here. It’s his mom’s fault, too.
Relationships: He knows the cast due to being sent to investigate the events of the fic I was writing, and from there he hangs around and offers to help in any way that he can. He’s on good terms with basically everyone, but later becomes very friendly with V and they have a frankly adorable relationship that I’m 10000% sure he wishes were more than just a friendship but he’s just too shy and sure he’d be rejected to ask. He and various members of the cast have some fun banter with one another, though, and he’s more or less free to come and go as he wishes. He also may or may have not gotten V slightly drunk off of blood wine once. It’s complicated.
Abilities: Wouldn’t you like to know, weather boy. Just kidding. in addition to the standard things like quick movement, increased durability and stamina, and some other things I’ve yet to reveal, Sirrus has a vaguely explained light ability that forces a lot of very powerful demons to recoil at the sight of it. He can also wield fire, but in a localized state, and the more he allows it to spread, the harder it is to control. The more localized and small the fire area is, the hotter he can make it burn, all the way up to white flame is he absolutely needs to. It’s very draining, however, as the usage of such power is in direct conflict with what he is. Far too much light for his tastes. But, at the very same time he, the other portion of what he is makes the light within him stronger. He’s a living contradiction, and yes, he totally hates it.
Weapon: He possesses a swept hilt rapier called “Kilnsbane” forged from a combination of Damascus Steel and meteorite. It earned it’s name for it’s ability to be coated in intense heat as a veiacle for his powers (it’s easier to control that way) and from the shards of dust that speckle the blade. The blade is slightly longer than average, reaching about a meter in length. It’s also sharp on both edges of the blade like a razor. It’s not as sharp as something like Yamato, but it’s exceptionally durable, kinda like the difference between Vibranium and Adamantium. Nico is going to have a field day with that.
Interesting fact: Due to two divorces on the part of his father, he is technically part of two powerful families. One by blood, and the other as a sort of honorary son after he sided with them over an important domestic dispute against his father’s wishes. if you’d like to know more, let me know!
Notes: I’d tell you more, but so many things about him are showed in mystery by nature, so if I tell you (yet) what some of these details are, I’ll spoil the surprises. And also, if your reading my fics, I don’t want to spoil anything about his roll in the story by telling you entirely who and what he is. His last name is actually a spoiler in of it’s self, so you can’t know it just yet!
So... what do you think?! I would so love for someone, ANYONE to give me feedback or just ask me more about him! It would be so exciting to see someone on Tumblr go down that road with me :D thanks for reading this! I look forward to tomorrow!
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anjumstar · 2 years
Ok I read your post. Literally sat down with my cup of morning coffee first thing in the morning and read it start to finish. I was busy traveling which is why I'm just getting back to you now though, by ask because my followers probably aren't expecting a reblogged discussion of top/bottom dynamics on my otherwise sfw blog.
So let me know if I'm getting this right:
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Like, Bakugo wanting to give something to Izuku he would never give anyone else (the vulnerability, I mean!!! not, y'know, access to his... god, just forget it). And their relationship has shifted so fundamentally since when they were kids, multiple times, and opening up (figuratively!!) in such a way to Izuku is just another way for him to shift from whatever toxic shit they had going on earlier to the mutual love and understanding and willingness to be vulnerable with each other they have now. I don't even know if that makes sense. The point is, I totally hc them as vers now.
Also Izuku taking charge. It really is such a huge part of his character, becoming stronger and a leader and more confident and it's so easy to set that aside and focus on his cute, bubbly side but my man's got both! Honestly it's why I tend to avoid fics in general, and fandom too (tho I'm weak and couldn't stay away from mha/bkdk tumblr). I'm always afraid that the versions of characters in my head will be fanonized. I hope I didn't do that to Izuku and Kacchan, ykwim? :| (If you ever wanna like, idk, 👉👈 check out one of my fics and tell me if you think I got them right, that would be cool but no worries if not.)
Also I get what you mean about the feminized Izuku, no shade to anyone who likes that (I mean, he did wear a maid costume in MHA Smash and he does look cute with puppy dog eyes and bunny ears) but omega/bunny/thicc/size-difference Izuku isn't really my thing because... Well, I prefer canonverse too and I've rewatched dvk2 like four times and for me it really hammers home that their power dynamic has evened out so any dom/sub-type dynamic doesn't feel like it fits.
[also re: soyboy. If you check my blog on mobile, it has the urban dictionary definition of soyboy as the header. Plus the first syllable of my irl name sounds like "soy" so that's why I picked it haha :) ]
I'm so flattered that you bothered to read all that word vom! I hope that you're traveling for something fun, or at least that the travels go well. And yeah, please, keep your blog sfw if that's what it is, lol. I'm such a mess in that respect.
But yes, I'd say you've distilled my opinion! Thank you, haha. Squeezed some good puns in there as well. I'm glad you've been pulled over to vers, tho 😈 I know I said that I wasn't trying to convert you, but let's face it, I'm always lowkey trying to convert people, hahahaha. I wish I weren't but I just want people to like what I like, lol.
The way you broke my heart when you said you avoid fics 💀 Let me send you recs! I think I've got an idea of your taste and I can PROMISE quality! However, avoiding fandom is a good choice, haha. Like, I'm happy about all the friends I'm making, and I have a very visceral need to have many many bkdkbks to scream about our boys with, but at the same time, there are a lot of ways in which I was happier in past fandoms where I wasn't involved in the fandom beyond reading and writing fanfic. I could engage with only the content I enjoyed much easier. So, you know, some of this, some of that.
I'd totally read your stuff! Message me or otherwise lmk what one you want me to try and I'll word vom at you again!
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butterfly--empress · 3 years
So About BnHA…
Man! I don’t participate much on here but it sure has been an interesting popcorn eating time, lurking through the good, the bad, and the annoying posts in the spoiler chapter tags. For this week’s chapter, especially!
Not gonna rant (I save those for close friends on discord) 
I do notice that lines within this crazy ass fandom have been drawn, tears have been shed and righteous fury has been felt. And no matter wtf Mister Horikoshi has in stored for chapter 320, it’s going to be a make or break chapter for a lot of folks. I did try my best to keep this post Bakugou neutral grounds. I don’t think I’ve bashed nor favored the character just fyi.
But the most inconspicuous opinions can be taken too serious these days…
The Silly:
For chapter 320 onwards, I am and have ALWAYS BEEN 100% Team: The Legend, The Myth, The Champ, Izuku ‘Feral!Rabbit-Cryptid!’ Midoriya! Win or Lose, I ride or die with Midoriya, hands down! ON GOD!
While everybody yelling into the tumblr void over whose gonna win or lose.
I’m sitting here thinking about two things: A) Has no one thought that maybe some of Class 1-A might side with Deku? *coughsUraraka/Iida/Todorokicoughs* *coughsmaybeevenMineta/Asui/Yaoyorozu???coughs* *coughs maybe even a surprise Shinsou/class1-b reveal even though class 1-b don’t know deku that well* B) Did everyone forget in all the excitement that uhh my boi has yet to unlock the 2nd OFA user’s quirk???
I mean, I’m not saying if it does come down to a bawl of drama and angst, that Izuku’s gonna win.
But I am saying, if it does come down to a bawl of drama and angst, that Izuku’s gonna win…I regret nothing with this bet! If my boi loses we just gonna take that L but…ya know…*shrugs*…Baby, beat their Bakugou’s collective asses.
The Serious:
Personally, I honest to god really love this shounen series with all my heart. It is the anime that reignited my love for shounen after my fatigued of constant disappointment with two old shounen favorites. 
Now, having said all that: I truly have not had a serious issue with the writing choices made by Horikoshi. Yes, I have my…gripes…(it’s complicated) but considering what I got compared to the stuff I’ve watched/read in the past, it’s definitely better to me. Having read/watched a lot of anime/manga and shounen, (I haven’t watched them ALL, srsly after my great disappointment and real life I sort of had an anime dry spell if you must know. Watched some stuff here and there when I could/in the mood but not as frequent as I’ve done like yrs ago), I’ve come to learn to just…begrudgingly accept/expect certain; I suppose you can say, writing choices or ‘tropes’ that I can just easily ignore them, roll my eyes when I see them, and still enjoy whatever I’m invested in at the time. 
The only real frustrations I have is with a certain character. Yes, I mean Bakugou. I have come to tolerate him, I have come to begrudgingly like him, especially after a second rewatch of the series, I could see and accept that in a very typical shounen way, Bakugou did change, though very little, and it’s subtle and undeniably frustrating how it’s happening but it’s there. However, I do question Horikoshi’s writing choices when it comes to him at times. I see the character development, I know it’s there but….*sighs*
Now I’m one of these people who do believe that the creator of this universe, actually knows wtf he’s doing with his own story (even if rabid/hormonal younger fans loudly disagree but YMMV). One thing I’ve noticed, for the most part, he doesn’t just write/draw things for the hell of it, even if a certain plot or a certain character’s development takes a snail’s pace to get to the point. The conclusion of building up to arcs do have a pay off. (And I 100% understand that for some people, moving at a snail’s pace just don’t cut it. Everything cannot please everybody all of the time and that is FINE!)
Katsuki Bakugou…I know the crumbs and very subtle ways he’s changed have to lead somewhere and to something huge. When Bakugou admits to All Might he bullied Midoriya when they were kids, I had an ‘ah ha!’ Moment. The fact that a very prideful guy like Bakugou was finally starting to admit just that much, (even though, we the audience knows it runs way deeper than he’s admitting here) even in his frustrating roundabout way I like to think this is progress, is very in-character and cannot just be for the hell of it. It has to be leading up to something else other than Bakugou jumping in to take that hit for Deku during the war arc. There is unresolved tension still between Bakugou and Midoriya that is not going to just go away because they will it to.
Which brings us to Chapters 318 and especially 319. It’s the perfect set up for all the dirty skeletons to come out of the closet that both Bakugou and Midoriya have been avoiding/trying to pretend doesn’t exists between them, because it’s been a long time coming. The honest to god truth? This is actually how I always thought this confrontation will go, with a showdown that forces Midoriya into a corner where all those repressed negative feelings he’s bottled up inside is bound to come out; Because I Honestly think Izuku would take what Bakugou’s done to him to his grave if he had it, his way. (Boy can be very frustratingly stubborn when he wants to be).
It’s just, after saying all this, I don’t hold my breath that Horikoshi will take it there…The opportunity is there, I want it to go there, it NEEDS to go there! In order for both characters to come out for the better. But will Mister Horikoshi ‘DO THE THING?’
Remains to be seen. A little bit of me is hopeful, another part of me is resigning myself to feeling dissatisfied with what little we got for Bakugou’s character development and by proxy, Izuku’s getting stuck in limbo. I’m not kidding, Bakugou being a very contentious character within this fandom doesn’t just come from nowhere. But this post isn’t about me ranting into the void about Bakugou. (I don’t even think I can muster up the rage I felt the first time watching MHA blindly to rant to high hell about the bullshit Bakugou’s done now.)
I suppose I will just have to internally scream for 1,000 yrs over half baked character development if Horikoshi doesn’t do the FUCKING THING in giving a satisfying pay off to Katsuki and Midoriya’s history. I’ll just frustratingly chalk it up to old freaking shounen logic and just continue to enjoy the series because I’ve been here for Izuku Midoriya since ep 1 and I am not about to let Bakugou or Horikoshi’s unwillingness to do something with him derail that. And there’s always hoping that someone is writing some really good Bakugou gets actual Consequences fanfic out there because ooh boy…I like Bakugou but mofo can catch these hands…and I’m not even a fighter, but Bakugou…this lil shit does make you want to choke the hell out of him at times. 
I haven’t been this emotionally frustrated over an anime character since…maybe fucking Louise from Zero no Tsukaima and it takes a LOT to make me actually dislike characters, good or bad. 
All in All: Regardless of how the story goes from here on out, we are all about to lose our collective shits. No matter how you feel about which characters…
It’s about to go down!
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honey-makki · 3 years
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well, i guess sappy posts are better late than never. i can’t believe i’ve only been on anime tumblr for 8 months and writing for 6. it’s crazy how influential my time here has been on me and the relationships i’ve fostered. i guess this is also my thank you for 2.5k because i hit that recently. im so thankful and grateful you have let me create a nice lil coffeeshop in my own corner of tumblr. I wouldn’t trade it for anything, (ok maybe some things but not many). I will be disgustingly sappy and in love with people under the cut. beware of cavities from the sweetness.
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@heauxzenji​ god you are really the love of my mf life. i talk to you more than i talk to my irl bestfriends and i live with them. i’m glad i can wake you up with horny thoughts everyday but its kinda homophobic that you are three hours behind me. manifesting that this year we get to see each other so our gay horny love can be actualized.
@sugardaddykenma​ lin you are simultaneously my love and my aunt and i wouldn’t have it any other way. please send me more snaps of you screaming because the really make me laugh. im happy we are genuine friends and i care about you so much. will flee to canada on a moments notice, on your beck and call my love.
@satendou​ spencer you are my wife and live teasingly close to me. i’m so happy i got drunk that one night and you messaged me because i was way too nervous to message you even though i wanted to. you are fantastic and oneday we will both not be ghosts and really catch up. i love you regardless.
@keijiskitten​ laura. my baby kitty lauwa. please come be my irl catgirl i will buy the nicest collars. you are so so sweet and genuine and im blessed to have oun in my life. sometimes royal!au sneaks into my head when im doing other stuff just so you know that you have fully ruined me as a person but i love it.
@crushzone​ nin. my god you are the sweetest person on this godforsaken website. every interaction i’ve ever had with you has been nothing less than wonderful. thank you for being horny w me and drawing the cutest fucking photo of me and shinkami ever. now watch mha so we can talk about aizawa,
@sgwrscrsh​ skye baby girl. mwah. a kiss. thank you for reminding me ao3 exists all those months ago when you sent me in another life. you have ruined me as a person but i sent you that monster fic so maybe we are even. i love you. thank you for the christmas gift i loved it SO much.
@cno-inbminor​ kay. quick friends bc we are same person and i love u. please stream urr next baking session it makes me happy. also townes!sakusa. just a reminder so you can think about that sweater. 
@samuslut​ wing we haven’t talked too much but i just want you to know i love you so much and admire your work and world building. you are a fantastic writer and a great person
@stallionissei​ miss cas!! we aren’t the closest but talking to you is literally always a pleasure and i love it. i hope your move is going ok and you all get settled down soon! lets talk soon!
@lesbians4yaku​ joy. my first love. you were one of my first friends on tumblr and im ever thankful for that. i care about you so so so much. just seeing your name and you exist makes me smile. we should talk about more evolutions soon because that was very very fun. enjoy your nips and this kiss im sending u *mwah*
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to everyone in tumblr babies, i’m so glad i was there in the start of my journey. its such a safe and fun space. thank you for letting me tease *people* about glasses fetishes and just go buck wild in the thirst chats. thank you for voting me horniest member <3 @ceo-of-daichi @hqsoftboysupremecy @scorpiosanssexy @nonexistent-social-life 
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to my fellow gravediggers and funeral home employees. yes ive been in the server for like 3 months and yes i am already 8th in rank, no i don’t know how to shut up. thanks for dealing with me. You are my favorite home and i want to cook all you a meal and pet the babies. @xakusa @lumos-flies @tsumue @iwaasfairy @sasa-writes-fandom-things @sweet-sugu @keijiiszn​ 
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god, to all of my other mutuals i love you so much and you are all badass. i would fight the horny police and whatever 12 year old kids are in your inbox for all of you. you are all immensely talented and i still wonder why some of you follow me. thank you for every single reblog, comment, advice or like you’ve given me bc it shoots serotonin directly into my heart. which isn’t how its supposed to work but feels nice anyways.
@undermattsun @onefortyninecm @rat-suki @bakatenshii @godjo  @dxddykeiji @saetyrn9 @introloves @pomsuki @lookslikeleese @tetsou @whats-her-quirk @blahkugo @dearsakusa @sugawarakoushihoe @stonersugawara @koutarouthighs @prettysetterbaby @heyhinata @seita @present-mel. 
im going to stop tagging because m tumblr has crashed four times and im already close to max and i really really don’t want to type this out again. thank you to every person who has supported me and i can’t wait to see where this year leads us.
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kiritouyadeku96 · 3 years
Thank you for the tag @todomitoukei 💕
Why did you choose your URL?
I choose it because well Kirishima, Izuku and Dabi/Touya are my favourite characters in MHA, so I thought it would be wise to have them in my name. The number is random!
Any sideblogs?
No, I don’t have any sideblogs!
How long have you been on tumblr?
Oh god, for about 10 years I think maybe even longer than that 😅 I can’t remember, I know I made it, and didn’t use it for a while then got into it again!
Do you have a queue tag?
I have no idea what a queue tag is 😅, so I’m going to say no!
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I started it randomly one day while bored, then ended up using it for college. Stopped using it for a while, and then got back into again. Ever so slowly I turnt it into a BNHA/anime blog!
Why did you choose your pfp/icon?
So, my pfp pic has changed quite lot I either have KiriDeku or Dabi, why comes down to the same reason I have their names in my URL their my favs. As of right now it’s a Halloween themed icon of Rengoku Kyojurou!
Why did you choose your header?
I have changed this around a lot too, I have baby Kyojurou as my header right now. Because he’s my favourite from Kimetsu no Yaiba, and he looks so flaming adorable as a child!
What’s your post with the most note?
It’s this post, link
How many mutuals do you have?
Not many, I have about 6 at least I know that I only really talk to about 6 mutuals on here!
How many followers do you have?
I have 406 followers on here, and I don’t know how I’ve managed it 😅 I’m not a meta writer like some of the blogs I follow.
How many do you follow?
I’m following 183 blogs on here, a few of them are really old blogs that I am sure they’re inactive now.
How often do you use tumblr each day?
I don’t spend hours on it, but I do check up and browse through it regularly through each day. I’m definitely on it everyday though.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
I have had plenty of arguments on Tumblr with anons, but it’s definitely not as often as it use to be. They still come out of the woodworks here and there though.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I literally just ignore them, and keep on scrolling. In fact the “need to reblog this” compels me even more to not reblog them!
Do you like tag games?
Yes I do 😊!
Do you like ask games?
That is another yes, I enjoy them very much!
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don’t know maybe @/todomitoukei or @/raspberrysflavour 🤷‍♀️ they’re the only ones I can think of being tumblr famous but uh what counts as being famous on Tumblr?
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
No, I do not have a crush on any of my mutuals, it’s more of a friendship feeling!
I’m going to tag @mirkaaaluv @raspberrysflavour @purplemys @roses-bel-air-darling @haleigh-sloth @helga-grinduil and anyone else who wants to can participate 💕
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