#I gotta do every damn thing myself around here
blujayonthewing · 5 months
this is now the second time my mom has mentioned asking my brothers to bring her weed gummies so she can try weed gummies, why won't anyone give my mom weed
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roboraindrop · 7 months
All of the Chucky/Tiff merch coming out for Bride's anniversary is so cute but at the same time. That is his ex dksjskh Let the man be free
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pucksandpower · 2 months
Say My Name
Oscar Piastri x streamer!Reader
Summary: when fans mistake Oscar for your ex while he is hanging around in the background of your stream, you get introduced to a side of Oscar that you’ve never seen before
Warnings: 18+ content
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Your fingers fly across the keyboard as you narrate the intense battle unfolding on your stream. “Oh damn, that was close! I almost got sniped there.” You lean in, eyes narrowed at the screen. “Gotta be more careful or this round is over.”
The chat explodes with messages cheering you on. Being one of the top female gaming streamers has its perks, like an incredibly loyal fanbase that hangs on your every word.
You glance at the viewer count — over 50,000 watching live. Not too shabby.
“Okay team, let’s rush B, I’ll try to draw their fire.” You move your character into position, heart pounding with anticipation.
Suddenly, a quiet thump comes from the living room behind you. You start, whipping your head around, but see nothing amiss through the open doorway. Must have been your imagination.
You refocus on the game, calling out tactics to your teammates. Another muffled sound, like something soft hitting the floor, catches your attention. You turn off your video and hit mute on your mic. “Hello? Is someone there?”
No response. You’re just about to unmute when a very familiar face pops into view from the hallway. It’s your boyfriend of nearly two years.
Your face splits into a huge grin as you take in his messy hair and the rumpled clothes he slept in on the flight. “Oscar! You’re back early!”
He crosses to you, bending to press a kiss to the top of your head. “Missed you,” he mumbles against your hair.
You tilt your face up for a proper kiss, “I missed you too, ba-”
But you’re cut off as his lips crash into yours, insistent and heated. Heat blooms in your cheeks at the sudden, passionate embrace. Far too soon, Oscar pulls away, leaving you flustered and breathless.
“Sorry,” he says with a smirk that suggests he’s anything but. “Couldn’t help myself.”
You shake your head, laughing. “You’re ridiculous. I’m working, you know.”
“So I noticed.” Oscar settles onto the couch just off-camera, casual as can be. “Don’t mind me, keep going.”
“You sure?” You eye him skeptically. The stream has been on a short period without your commentary and the chat is getting restless. “I can take a break if you want.”
He waves a dismissive hand. “No, no, I’m just going to hang out here for a bit. Go ahead.”
Hesitating only a moment, you turn your video back on and unmute your mic. “Alright folks, sorry about that little pause. I, uh, got a surprise visitor.” You gesture vaguely toward where Oscar lounges behind you.
The chat instantly lights up with questions about who was there. Smiling to yourself, you ignore them for now, re-focusing on the game.
Over the next hour, it becomes increasingly difficult to concentrate. Oscar keeps distracting you, making silly faces and gestures whenever you glance his way. More than once you have to stifle a laugh after catching sight of him. Your fans seem to find your giggly mood delightful, though they remain oblivious to the cause.
Finally, in a rare break between matches, you swivel in your chair to face him. “You’re being so disruptive,” you stage-whisper. “Don’t you have better things to do than pester me?”
Oscar feigns innocence. “Who, me? I’m just sitting here, love.”
Rolling your eyes, you stretch your arms overhead with a groan, back popping from sitting so long. Oscar’s gaze shamelessly rakes over you, darkening.
“Stop looking at me like that,” you mutter, fighting a smile.
“Like what?” His eyes glint with mischief.
You open your mouth to respond, but a new donation notification pops up on your stream, cutting you off. “Oh, wow, thanks for the ten thousand bits, Legend27!” The expensive donation isn’t that unusual, but the comment attached gives you pause.
I’m so happy you and Eric made up! You two are couple goals for real.
Frowning, you scan the new barrage of messages flooding the chat … and find dozens echoing similar sentiments.
Your stomach drops as you finally realize what your viewers think is happening. They assume Oscar is actually your ex, the one you briefly dated and had an awful breakup with over two years ago. Apparently his surprise appearance has led them to believe you two have reconciled.
Heat floods your face at the misunderstanding. Objecting seems pointless though — you’ve learned it’s better not to discuss your private romantic life on stream. “Ah, thanks guys, you’re too kind,” you finally say, aiming for a neutral tone.
Beside you, Oscar stiffens, catching the implications of the messages. His jaw clenches and you watch as his face cycles through a series of micro-expressions — first surprise, then confusion, quickly followed by displeasure and … jealousy?
Uh oh. This could get messy fast if he gets worked up. You try to subtly shake your head at him in a silent plea to ignore the chat.
No such luck. His brow furrows deeper and you can practically see the tension ratcheting up in his shoulders.
Suddenly, Oscar surges to his feet with a muttered curse. Before you can react, he’s stalking around the side of your chair until he’s directly in view of the camera’s frame.
“Oscar, what are you-”
But he cuts you off by cupping your face in his hands and kissing you hard. Your startled squeak is smothered by his fierce, possessive mouth moving over yours.
Powerless to resist the onslaught of sensations, you melt bonelessly against him as the kiss stretches on and on. Only the escalating number of notifications showing the shock and exclamations from your viewers finally breaks through the heady fog.
With extreme reluctance, Oscar ends the kiss, both of you panting. He keeps his face buried in the crook of your neck, lips brushing your flushed skin as he growls, “She’s mine.”
Then, before you can respond, he reaches past you and slams his palm into the power button of your streaming setup, shutting everything down.
The simultaneous howl of outrage from tens of thousands of confused fans cuts off abruptly as the screen goes black. Only the two of you are left in the ringing silence that follows.
“Oscar!” You finally manage. “What was that?”
He pulls away enough to meet your wide-eyed gaze, his brown eyes blazing with an intensity that steals your breath.
“I got … jealous,” he admits, seeming almost surprised at his own vehement reaction. “When they thought I was your ex. I didn’t like that at all.”
Your expression softens at his uncharacteristic show of vulnerability. Reaching out, you trace his sharp cheekbone with gentle fingers. “You have no reason to be jealous, silly man. It’s only ever been you.”
Some of the blazing heat in his stare banks into smoldering embers at your reassurance. “Yeah?” A smile tugs at the corners of his mouth. “Good.”
He leans in again until his lips are a hairsbreadth from yours. “Because you’re mine, okay? And I’m yours.”
“Yeah,” you breathe out, dizzy with wanting him. “I’m all yours, Oscar.”
The possessive words seem to flip a switch in him. With a low, rumbling sound of approval, his mouth slants over yours once more in a searing, demanding kiss that makes your toes curl.
The abrupt ending to your stream is already causing a social media firestorm of epic proportions. But surrounded by the circle of Oscar’s arms, his familiar warmth and love, you can’t find it in yourself to care even a little bit.
After all, you think dizzily as he deepens the kiss, your fans should have recognized that you two were a couple from the very start — because Oscar Piastri is most definitely not your ex.
He’s your everything.
Oscar’s hands are everywhere, seemingly unable to get enough of you as his kisses grow more and more fervent. Your back hits the wall with a gentle thump as he crowds closer, caging you in with the solid warmth of his body.
“Missed you so much, love,” he rasps against the heated skin of your neck. “Couldn’t stop thinking about you.”
A whimper escapes your lips at the scorching path his mouth blazes over your pulse point. “I m-missed you too, Oscar.”
His name falls from your lips like a prayer and he rewards you by sucking a mark into the sensitive spot just below your ear. Pleasure zings along your nerves at the hint of delicious possession in the act.
When he finally pulls back to gaze at you with dark, hooded eyes, his lips are reddened from enthusiastic use. The sight sends a molten flare of desire arrowing straight to your core.
“Say it again,” he commands roughly, voice gone low and gritty in that way that never fails to make you melt.
You blink up at him, momentarily lost in a lust-fueled haze. “W-What?”
“My name.” His large hands skim over the curve of your waist, bunching the fabric of your shirt. “Say my name again.”
“Oscar,” you breathe without hesitation, watching raptly as his pupils blow wider at the sound. “Oscar, Oscar, Oscar ...”
Each breathy iteration seems to stoke his hunger hotter. His fingers flex against your sides like he’s holding himself back from something.
On a daring whim, you slant your mouth near his ear, letting your lips brush the shell with every word. “Oscar Piastri,” you practically purr. “My Oscar.”
A broken groan is your only warning before he’s on you again, mouths crashing together in a heated crash of lips, teeth, and tangling tongues. His hand comes up to cup the nape of your neck, angling your face for deeper exploration.
When you finally manage to tear your lips away, you’re both panting harshly, chests heaving. “What’s … gotten into you?” You pant.
Rather than answer, Oscar just shakes his head and dives back in for more fervent kisses, like a man dying of thirst and you’re the most delicious drink he’s ever tasted.
It’s not until he suddenly grips your waist and spins the two of you around, depositing you on the desk with a surprising lack of finesse, that you realize just how wildly affected he is.
Oscar licks into the seam of your lips like he’s staking a claim and something within you shatters at the stark, naked wanting in his eyes when he pulls back the tiniest bit.
He just stares at you, chest heaving, gaze roving hungrily over your features like he’s memorizing you all over again. His pupils are blown wide, just thin rings of molten brown remaining around the black.
When he speaks, his voice is low and gravelly in a way that vibrates through you. “Say. My. Name.”
“Oscar,” you respond immediately, not even having to think. His hungry gaze burns over you and you feel stripped bare and vulnerable under the weight of it.
But rather than make you want to cover up, it has the opposite effect — you’re reeling him in, hands fisted in his shirt to pull him closer. You never want this delirious, frantic sense of possession and desire to end.
“Again,” he grinds out, sounding utterly wrecked already.
“Oscar.” You bare your neck for him as you say it, like presenting an offering. He groans low and deep, instantly ducking to mouth along the column of your throat.
His hands are everywhere, pushing up the hem of your top, kneading along your sides and ribs as he nips and sucks bruising paths across your collarbones and chest.
“Don’t stop saying it,” he orders, more plea than demand.
So you let his name become a breathless prayer falling from your lips, over and over between gasps and keening whimpers. You lose yourself in a heady feedback loop — the more you speak his name with naked wanting, the wilder it seems to drive him until his touch grows scattered and devouring.
At some point his hands finally succeed in tugging your shirt up and off. Your name doesn’t even register when his scorching mouth closes over one peaked bud, your back bowing at the shuddering bolt of sensation that lances through you.
All you can seem to process is the feel of his calloused palms mapping every inch of newly-exposed skin and the desperate mumble of “Oscar, Oscar, Oscar ...” spilling shameless and endless from your lips.
Eventually, the heated exploration of his mouth and hands becomes too much to simply lay there and take. With a low, guttural sound you haul Oscar upright and swing your legs around his hips, relishing his full body shudder.
“Not enough,” you accuse roughly, rolling your core against his in clear invitation. “Need you closer, Oscar.”
His heated groan at your wanton demand is music to your ears. Strong hands grasp your thighs to hitch your legs higher around his waist as he surges against you.
“So impatient, my darling girl,” he teases. This close, you can make out the faintest brush of freckles scattered over the bridge of his nose and cheekbones that you’ve mapped and memorized with lips and fingertips a hundred times before.
You can’t help but reach out to graze them with your thumb, gazing up at him with naked adoration. “My Oscar,” you murmur reverently.
His eyes slip shut for a beat, jaw ticking as if your words have an unexpectedly profound effect on him. When he opens them again, his gaze is fierce and intent.
“Yours,” he vows simply, leaning in to seal the promise against the plush of your lips.
The kiss is somehow softer and headier than before. You get lost in the lush glide of his mouth, every sliding brush of lip and tongue shorting out whatever rational thoughts remain until all you know is his name — the shape and taste and weight of it against your own.
It’s the only thing that seems real, vital, until at some point Oscar’s mouth leaves yours to trail hot, openmouthed kisses down your chest and stomach and lower still.
Your back bows as you squirm incoherently against the press of his lips and tongue. His restraint seems to have finally snapped, movements growing hungry and rough as he works you steadily higher.
“Oscar,” you sob out his name like you’re breaking apart, pleading for something you can’t quite name. He answers with a rumbling sound of satisfaction that vibrates hotly against your sensitized flesh.
More, is all you can think as he redoubles his efforts.
At some point, you must have arched helplessly off the desk because suddenly his hands are at the small of your back, fingertips digging in hard as he holds you arched for his questing mouth.
The intimate angle of his positioning has your jaw dropping open on a silent scream of overwhelmed pleasure. All that escapes is a strangled gasp of, “Oscar!”
He growls something incoherent against you that might be praise, might be reassurance, might just be your name groaned out roughly in shared bliss. But you honestly can’t tell anymore — you’ve transcended far past coherent speech and rational thought.
Everything has devolved into just sensation and feeling and the endless loop of his name spilling over and over from your lips like a benediction.
Oscar, Oscar, Oscar ...
Just when you think you might actually shatter into pieces from the intensity he’s wringing out of you, strong hands are abruptly hauling you up and off the desk in one smooth motion.
You cling to him with heavy limbs, burying your face in the crook of his neck as he staggers the few steps to your shared bedroom. At some point his shirt has vanished, allowing your hands free rein to roam over flexing muscle and heated skin.
When the backs of his legs hit the edge of the mattress, he pauses to claim your mouth in another searing, shattering kiss. He whispers something fervent and intense against your lips, your name perhaps intertwined with endearments or promises.
You can’t be sure. All you know is the shape of his name against your tongue, the only word your mind seems capable of holding onto as he lowers you reverently to the sheets and stretches out over you.
When he finally sinks into you with a harsh groan of relief, your back bows and you let out a broken, high keen — his name once more torn from your lips in breathless ecstasy.
“There you are, that’s it love,” he growls hoarsely as he begins to move, words interspersed between drugging, thorough thrusts. “Let me hear you, let me hear my name on those pretty lips.”
So you do, shamelessly loud and incoherent now as he gradually unravels you from the inside out. His name and gasped pleas and frantic praise all blur together in a continuous stream of blissful delirium.
At some point, his own control seems to splinter apart, hips snapping hard and deep as his pace turns utterly unrestrained. Still, you chase that shattering edge, crying out for Oscar as your whole world narrows to the merciless intensity of his driving thrusts and demanding hands kneading your flesh with staking ownership.
When you finally go soaring over that dizzying peak with his name torn hoarse from your throat, he follows you over almost violently with a ragged shout. Oscar’s arms shake dangerously as he holds his weight off of you, pupils swallowing up the copper of his eyes entirely in onyx pools of spent lust.
As you slowly float back down from that searing high, limbs heavy and sated, you reach up to trace the sharp line of his cheekbone. He turns his face into your palm with a shuddering exhale as if grounding himself.
For several long breaths, all that can be heard is your shaky inhales mingling together while your racing heartbeats gradually return to normal.
Finally, Oscar presses a warm, lingering kiss to the center of your palm before shifting to stretch out beside you, his weight dipping the mattress.
You immediately curl into the reassuring heat of him, despite the sweat still cooling along your skin. One of his arms bands around your waist, holding you flush against his side while his other hand comes up to card soothingly through your hair.
Nestling your face into the curve where his shoulder meets his neck, you press a gentle kiss to the hollow of his throat and whisper, “Hi.”
“Hi yourself,” he murmurs back, low and slightly scratchy in the aftermath. You can hear the smile in his voice as his fingers keep carding idly through your hair.
Silence falls again, comfortable and peaceful in the aftermath of your frantic passion, both of you simply basking in the warmth of shared nearness.
Eventually though, the question you’ve been avoiding asking slips out in a hazy murmur. “What brought all … that … on, Oscar?”
He’s quiet for so long, you begin to wonder if he fell asleep. Just when you’re about to shift to look at him though, he speaks up.
“When your fans assumed I was your ex … the way they were celebrating that the two of you got back together ...” His fingers stroke almost absentmindedly through your hair as he pauses. “I dunno, something in me just .. .snapped a little. Seeing them say over and over how perfect he was for you ...”
He trails off with a low chuckle, and you can’t resist craning your neck to glance up at him curiously. When your eyes meet his, his expression is rueful.
“I couldn’t stand the thought of any other name on your lips, love. Even your own.” His fingertips trace the line of your jaw with unbearable tenderness. “All I wanted was for you to say my name like that — like it’s the only word that matters in the entire world.”
Just like that, a fresh ember of want rekindles low in your belly at the slightly awed honesty in his voice. You exhale a shaky breath, searching his stormy gaze for … what? Evidence of how crazily affected you are by such a simple revelation?
Whatever he finds reflected in your stare seems to give him pause as well because his eyes almost immediately darken with renewed hunger.
“Say it again then,” he husks, rolling until he’s leaned over you, hands planted on either side of your head. There’s no demand in the words, just low, thrumming need thrilling between you both.
So you reach up to cup his face in your palms, rubbing your thumbs over the sandpapery stubble along his strong jawline as you gaze adoringly up at him.
“Oscar ...” you breathe out his name like a sacred invocation. “My Oscar.”
His eyes slip shut and he makes a low, ragged sound of pure satisfaction on an exhale that ghosts across your lips.
“Yeah,” he rasps, bending lower until his forehead rests against yours. “That’s it, love … that’s all I ever want to hear.”
You pull him back down to you then, unable and unwilling to resist sealing the promise of those words against his lips with your own.
And as everything inevitably dissolves into heat and need and formless ecstasy once more, you lose yourself to the endless chant of his name on your lips — your entire world whittled down to just that one exalted word, over and over and over.
Because really, what other name could ever matter when Oscar Piastri is the only name you’ll ever need?
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metranart · 7 days
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“Oh, my darling...fuck, keep doing that.” 
“You're so beautiful, I'm so glad we found each other.”
“I know I’m a mess-… what else was I supposed to do while waiting to make you mine?” 
“Lay back and let me do all the work. I’ve dreamed of eating your pretty pussy all week.”
“Hey, don’t shy away from me. C’mere-”
“You’re so fuckin’ soft. Shiiit…”
“Hey—no teasing the feathers.”
“I n-need to-... I just-…-I’m going to start moving now.”
“Arms around my neck and legs around my hips— ngh! Gravity is a bitch, I don’t want you falling on me, at least, not literally.”
“What a good mate, you respond to me so well."
“I’m so fuckin’ deep, my pretty girl-”
“Fuck—I can’t... I’m not gonna last-”
“Don’t be embarrassed. I love when you squirt on my face.”
“God I’ve wanted this for so long. I’m going to breed your pussy every day, all day long, even after I’ve knocked you up.”
“We're both getting older, babe, and if we want to have more chicks than stars in the sky, then we need to get started.”
“Tell me you love me-… tell me again.”
“I do get ahead of myself often, but I can’t help it. I just know we belong together-” 
“What do you say we try for a baby this time?”
"You’d be adorable, so swollen and full that you can't walk, that you'd have to rely on me for everything...”
“Touch yourself, c’mon. Let me see how you play the right notes.”
“You're going to be a wonderful mother for my chicks.”
“Let me help you move pretty, put your hands on mine.”
“No one’s gonna hear if I put my hand here… no biting, hun.”
“I’ll make it quick, darling... just—let me… let me go again.”
“Need a hand or a finger?”
“Just wait, baby... Fuuuuck—give me a damn minute.”
“Keep your eyes on me.”
“Arch your back, there you go, such a good girl.”
“Fuck, even after cumming you aren’t ready to accommodate my size. Don’t worry, baby,” he kisses your creased forehead, “—then just the tip this time.”
“Shit, I can’t help it—” you can feel him twitching excitedly inside you. “I just like you so damn much!” He grunts and snaps his hips again, diving deeper. 
“Just bear with me, I swear I’ll eat you for hours after…. Please, pretty, pleaseeeee…” He kept his pace, practically purring with his throaty groans. 
“No matter how much you didn’t want to admit it, I know how to fuck you well, ain’t I, beautiful?” 
“C’mon let me hear you, I can feel you getting tighter… my cock’s rubbing those hard-to-reach places…. Fuck! I- slid in so easily.”
“I’m painfully close-…. Fuck, I don’t want to cum yet…”
 “Is this your sweet spot I’m bullying?” 
“Each thrust is inching you closer… should I slow down or go faster?”
“Deeper? Okey-… just try to keep it together, I have neighbors.” 
“Give me one more. please, just one more baby.”
“Try to keep your eyes open, I know it’s hard…b-but try for me beautiful.”
“Go ahead and sleep, honey, I’m not going anywhere.”
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“What’d I did to deserve such a pretty thing like ya?”
“I’ve barely touch you. You really that hot for me, sweetheart?”
“Open your legs, not gonna say it again.”
“Doesn’t hurt, its already scarred skin.”
“If I have to kiss your tears away again, you are gonna get it— I’ve already told ya, it doesn’t hurt anymore-”
“Bury your hands in my hair, yes... Just like that.”
“Stop pushing me away. You’re gonna take it all, don’t make me shove it down your throat.”
“You love to play the feeble act, but your moans give you away, princess.”
“Nuh-uh, you haven’t cum yet.”
“I said ass up.”
“You want it so bad? beg.”
“Take them off before I rip them off of you, doll. Don’t try me.”
“Harder,” he mutters, not a minute after you started. “Harder,” he demands again.
“Could you go any slower? Ride me like you mean it, princess. I know you can.”
“Can barely feel that shit. You gotta do better than that, princess. You know I like it rough.”
“Fuck,” he bit out. “Yes, fuck…. Just like that.”
“Come on pretty girl. Ride me till you’re numb, yeah? Want you to fuck yourself stupid on my cock today.”
“Move my hands again and see what happens-”
“Sorry, baby-… I just had to jump at the opportunity to sink my cock deeper.”
“Sit on it.”
“Worried it won’t fit? We always make it work just fine—”
“I don’t have condoms, they’re annoying.” He grunts the reply, inwardly absorbed with impatience. 
“Don’t move—Just gimme a minute… F-Fuck…”
“You fuckin’ genius, dammit, I love you so damn much! Not even I knew that spot— …” He shakes his head, in disbelief of the pleasure, even more so that you been the one to give it to him.
“Did you do that on purpose, princess? ‘cause now we are doing it every time.” 
“Fuck that. Don’t know if you heard sweetheart, but you were made for me to fuck and breed.”
“Stop it, no more whining—I’ll do my best to be…. gentler.” 
“Really? resist me all you want. I know you love being treated like this.”
“Ridiculous, I could stare at your pretty cunt all day long.” 
“Fuck Yeah! I adore the way your thighs tremble like jelly after you cum.”
“Should I pull out? Nah, better give me a daughter to spoil.”
“Unless you were playing with yourself before I got here, I’m guessing this is because of my pretty face?”
“Over my knee, now.”
“Sure, I love ya— but you are not in charge here, princess. Fuckin’ spread them for me.”
“Want me to spank that pussy? lay on my lap then-”
“One’s never enough, I know my princess’s pussy and its begging for another.”
BAKUGO (NSFW art teaser here!)
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“Do you want me to fuck you harder, cutie?”
“You can be loud, I love to hear you, (Y/N).”
“I’ve waited so long for this...”
“That’s it... slow and easy—” 
“How much longer you gonna make me wait, baby?”
“You ever take it raw? Get a big load of cum in your pussy? —don’t shy on me, I know you love when I talk dirty to you.”
“Take it off before I tear it off.”
“Baby... please...I hate to beg-”
“Make me wait much longer and I’ll have to fuck you in an alley somewhere.”
“What a naughty little girl I have just to myself.”
“Ugh, so hot and wet.” 
“I said I wanted to eat your pussy, didn’t I? Just sit back and enjoy it, baby girl.”
“I’d hate to stop teasing you right before the fun part.”
“It’s so warm...”
“Who do you belong to?” 
 “Whose pussy is this? Say who you belong to.”
“God, what a good fucking cunt. It keeps clenching on my cock like it’s hungry for more milk. You want that? You want me to fill you up?”
“As you wish, princess.”
“You gonna cum?” 
“Go on, gorgeous. Cum on Daddy’s cock.”
“Fucking take it... take every drop...” 
“Nice and stuffed... all mine... my little slutty girl...”
“I said spread those fuckin’ folds.”
“So wet and tight, but my cock just slides right in. It’s like you were born to take me inside of your cunt.”
“Aren’t you a sight. All blissed out when we aren’t even done.”
“That’s right, darlin’. You didn’t think you could tease me for so long and get away with just one little fuck, did you?”
“Oh, did you think we were finished?”
“Did I stutter or somethin’?”
“Alright, baby girl, you asked for it. Just don’t come crying to me if you can’t move after I’m done with you.”
“Don’t move—Just a sec… F-Fuck…”
“No, this is-this is fine. This is beyond fine. Keep doing it, please.”
“Shit, darling, don’t-” 
“God, you make me so needy. Please.... fuck, please...”
“You feel so wonderful, I might go crazy—"
“More... please, more...”
“Fuck, I’m stretching you so good.”
“God, the thought of you ever doing something like this to anyone else... I can’t stand it.”
“I won’t let anyone hurt you ever again. You’re my precious BABY, now and forever."
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“It isn’t even a ‘might’. I can tell you right now with the utmost certainty that you are MINE.”
“Keep looking into my eyes, don’t you fuckin’ look away…”
“Don’t you worry your pretty little head,” He coos in a demeaning tone. “I’ll be your first and your last. Not any of these other NPCs.”
“I can hardly keep my hands to myself, your room or mine.”
“I can do whatever I want to you, I’m player one!”
“I know, I’m keeping track of my digits, don’t worry your pretty head.”
“You are too precious to me to turn to dust, my love.”
“I can’t- I’m dying to breed you, to bury my cock in your wet pussy. Don’t move, I don’t want to hurt you, sweetheart.”
“My pants are uncomfortably tight, the fabric’s straining against my throbbing dick, I told you not to put on that dress, dammit” Shigaraki’s practically scratching at the wooden table, surges of arousal shaking him to his core. “Can we go now? Like right NOW?!”
“MY girl, so pretty and needy for my cock.”
“You want him dead. You got it.” Ruby eyes stare through his bangs up at your face in some sort of silent promise. “—Of course, I will. You are my everything.”
“It hurts. I need you to- FUCK, just like that.”
“Fuck, how-how are you this fucking wet and warm inside, fuck, fuck…!”
“Please fuck me.”
“H-hey, I know a fun game we can play together… It’s called ‘how many times can I make you cum all over my cock?’” 
“One point, five points, ten points—Cumming again? Are you shooting for a new high-score, sweetheart?”
“Now... care if I use my mouth on you?”
“Just be good for me, and I’ll take very, very good care of you.”
"Look at you, so worked up over a few couple of fingers, did you miss me that much, sweetheart?" 
“Just looking at you is enough to, oh fuck, drive me wild.”
"So desperate for my cock to stuff you-say it, say you want my cock—ngh!”
"Needy girl, I'll let you have it, be fucking grateful." 
"What? Fainting on me already?"
"Don't let me see you doing this again, or else."
“Just fuck me. I need you, (Y/N), please. Please just fuck bury on me already...! I want it...! I want YOU..!”
“Have it your way then.”
"Keep licking my balls, oh fuck! I’m gonna die—"
“You look so pretty choking on my cock.”
“Where do you want it, baby? Mouth, breast, face, pussy… take your pick-”
"Are you close, sweetie?" 
“My feisty little girl. Aren’t you just adorable?”
"Good girl. Give me a minute and I’ll clean up that mess you made." 
“Cum for me. Cum on my cock and show me that you’re mine.”
“I just... wanted to cuddle a little more, is all. Didn’t want to... you know, waste the moment.”
“Don’t you worry, my love. I’ll be sure to give you anything you could ever want and more.” 
“You don’t have to take me all the way into your esophagus, but I expect you to make me cum, and yes, I do want you to swallow.”
“Go on, get on your knees.”
“Ngh, that’s it, keep going...”
“You look so wonderful like this, with your lips wrapped around my cock. I wish I could take a pic for Dabi to swallow his words.” 
“I want you all to myself.”
“H-here it comes...Be sure... to drink... every.. last... drop...YOU ARE FUCKIN’ MINE!!”
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tgcg · 6 months
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bad mouther, hole master
TG: kissing with tongue is gross as hell
TG: what
TG: oh
TG: youre talking about it like its a goddamn military weapon or some shit
TG: some kinda scientific fuckin method to fondle a dudes mouth with your own mouth thats
TG: thats gross
TG: this isnt supposed to be a debate before fuckin congress on the pros and cons of getting your mack on
TG: its i would say a reasonably personal thing to react about and thats just my reaction man you dont gotta arbitrate it
TG: and like why the hell do they have to linger on it so long in these movies do they really want me to immerse myself in people necking each other that much
TG: roll the sounds around in my earholes like im swilling a fine fuckin wine
TG: well my professional opinion is that shit tastes and sounds mad gross and tbh i havent seen a single movie where it was close to being any kind of necessary
TG: its just a cringy waste of everyones time
TG: did you just homestar me
TG: hell no
TG: proving your point--
TG: bro have uh
TG: have YOU???
TG: come on
TG: i walked into this stupid conversation with a fucking shovel and by god am i digging myself a damn hole big and wide enough for every dave across time to squeeze in so i might as well get cosy in this shit before we all start collectively shoving dirt in our mouths
TG: bet your ass im taking you down with me though
TG: grab your spade and get digging man
CG: GRAB MY WHAT????????
TG: just tell me
CG: ???????!!!!!!!!
TG: karkat
TG: f-
TG: wait no
TG: oh my god dude
TG: you can spin that shit all you want but you can do it the hell away from me
TG: i do not need to be hip to your weirdo foursquare fantasies
TG: patently not my business
TG: ……..
TG: way to defuse the situation solid work
TG: real gold star effort grabbin that lit wick and blowing on it
TG: ok first of all you asked me first so dont act like im the one being a weirdo about this
TG: second of all i didnt mean it like that and you know it
TG: THIRD of all what the hell was the point of engaging the knightly theatrics then if you cant even verify that shit
TG: youre
TG: oh gimme a break
TG: bro youre going apeshit over something you havent even done
TG: you know what that sounds like to me it sounds like an overcompensating fake fan who doesnt get any
TG: you heard of troll napoleon complex
TG: -- oh yeah i bet huh
TG: -- not a real thing you just said
TG: stop saying nub
TG: not too much worse than being a perpetual fountain of emotional diarrhea
TG: dude did you actually run out of insults
TG: okay this is getting concerning
TG: youre the international dude of verbal dunks
TG: that can not be happening
TG: you cant run out of em youre like the ultimate peddler of hate
TG: feel like ive done some damage here
TG: alright bud time to calm down
TG: okay whatever!
CG: WHATEVER!!!!!!!!
TG: jeez
TG: here
TG: yeah
TG: really glad stuff like this happens in private
TG: what conversation?
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roses-r-rosie3 · 11 months
Hobie Brown x M!Reader
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Warnings: Smut, makeup stains, semi-public sex, blowjob, riding, overstimulation Switch!Hobie, Bottom!Hobie, Top!Reader, and swearing
Summary: The reader has a lot of sexual frustrations, so he makes a deal with Hobie to help him deal with it
Quote: “You help me with my… dilemma… and I’ll reward you”
✁ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
You were sexually frustrated to say the least. You and Hobie barley had anytime to have sex, nor do any normal things couples do, like cuddle or watch a movie together because Hobbie was always busy. Wether it be because of his duties with the spider society, or having to perform concerts. Of course you didn’t blame Hobie for that though, you understand that it was out of Hobie’s control to change anything about it. Hell if Hobie had the choice to, he would hang out with you 24/7.
So you decided to take it upon yourself to fix your little problem. You knew that Hobie was having a concert that night with his band mates, so while everyone was doing sound check, you were going to have a little fun with Hobie. You knocked on his dressing room.
“Come in”
As soon as you walked in you saw that Hobie was finishing up his makeup.
‘Even better’ you thought.
“Hey luv” Hobie smiled as he turned to look at you.
“Hello to you too Hobie” you said with a slight smirk on your face.
“Okay, what are you up too?” Hobie chuckled.
“What do you mean? I’m just here to talk to you" you sad innocently.
"Cut the crap y/n what do you want this time" Hobie said as he rolled his eyes playfully.
“Fine, I want to make a deal with you” you confessed.
“Mhm, and what may that ‘deal’ be” Hobie laughed as you started to shut and lock the door.
“You help me with my… dilemma… and I’ll reward you” you said as slowly started to walk towards him.
“How do you want me to help?” Hobie said as he bit his lips.
“Get on your knee’s and find out” you smirked.
Hobie immediately dropped to his knees and smiled as he unbuckled your pants and pulled down your boxers, leaving you at his mercy. And without a word he took a purposefully sluggish lick up the veins of your cock.
"D-don't fuck with me right now" You grunted.
"But isn't that what you want?" Hobie smirked as he stroked your cock.
You rolled your eyes before grabbing onto his hair and forcing him to fully take all of you into his mouth. Grunts left your mouth as with each bob of his head, he took in more of his cock down his throat.
"Damn~ this feels, ngh! Amazing" You groaned as Hobie started to pick up his pace.
You noticed that a bit of his lipstick was staining your cock, but you didn't care. You were more concentrated on the feeling of how his tongue swirled around your cock. You let out a pant as you felt the tip of your cock hit the back of his throat while you face fucked him. It didn't take long for you to feel yourself getting closer, the feeling building in your stomach as you started to fuck Hobie's face faster.
"F-fuck hobs~ I-I'm gonna- SHIT!" You yelled out as you buried your cock into his face and released into his mouth.
Hobie made sure to lick every inch of your cock, making sure not waste any drop and pulled away, swallowing the remaining remnants of your stress away.
"Where's my reward luv?" Hobie smirked.
“L-let me rest a bit hob-"
"No" Hobie growled as he pushed you onto the couch.
"Woah, woah, woah, since when were you the one in charge here?" You laughed as Hobie eagerly pulled down his clothes.
"Since now" Hobie said as he took a bottle of lube out of his bag.
"You have lube in your bag?" You chuckled as Hobie squirted some on his hands.
"Gotta find some way to pleasure myself while your way" Hobie winked as he walked towards you.
You were about to say something but you felt Hobie's hands start to stroke your hardening cock. You whined as Hobie stopped his movement and started to climb on top of you.
"You ready?" Hobie smiled as he lined your cock up with his entrance.
"Yes Hobie! Please! Just- Fuck!" You moaned as Hobie lowed onto you. 
Hobie started to pick up his pace, and bounced on your cock faster. You were a moaning mess, you were reaching overstimulation. You attempted to place your hands on his waist but he responded by placing your hands above your head. 
"You got to have your fun, I get to have mine" Hobie smirked.
"P-Please Hobie! Fuck!" You groaned as hobie bounced faster and faster.
Within minutes, you came inside of Hobie, moaning as you did so. Not long later, Hobie started to jerk himself off, and came on your stomach.
"i needed that" you panted.
before Hobie could respond, you both heard a knock on the door.
"Hobie! The show starts in 6 minutes! Come on!" Yelled one of his bandmates.
Hobie immediately hopped off of your cock and started to clean himself up.
"Someone's in a rush" You laughed as you got up from the couch to clean up.
Hobie looked into the mirror to see that he was a mess, his lipstick, smudged, and his eye liner was ruined.
"I think you look pretty cute, you should go on stage like that" You smirked.
Hobie just laughed as he put his jacket on and gave you one last kiss before he went out on stage.
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patchworkgargoyle · 1 year
Booty 🌿
Steve has a plan, and Eddie falls for it. || read on ao3
Here it finally is, folks! My first smut for the ST fandom. I hope you like it!! Inspired by this post.
WC: ~4.8k || E || CW: Unsafe sex
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“Please, Eddie?”
“Are you insane, Steve? It’s hotter than Satan’s taint out there, you cannot expect me to peel myself off this couch.”
Eddie heard a frustrated sigh and a small thud, imagining that Steve had let his head drop on the wall by his phone. “Yeah, I’m aware, I’m sweating buckets right now. But I gotta have the car fixed before tomorrow, I promised Claudia I’d pick up Dustin from the bus station and I can’t do that if it won’t start.”
Thing was, Eddie did kinda want to go and help him, heatwave be damned. They’d grown close in the months since spring break and despite his previous misgivings Eddie had gotten to like Steve. More than he should, really. He can’t help it if his queer little heart does a jig every time he manages to make Steve laugh in that eye-crinkling, head-tipped-back kind of way. Got good at it too, which made Eddie feel a great deal of selfish pride. And if he can’t take his eyes off the long lines of Steve’s mole-dotted neck, that’s his own business.
But this was something else. As soon as Steve called to ask if Eddie would help fix the Bimmer he couldn’t get the thought of him–sweaty and greasy and bent over the open hood of the car, his hair falling just so and lip bitten between his teeth in concentration–out of his dirty little mind. The things he’d want to do. It did as much to convince Eddie to go as it did to make him want to keep his distance.
He was a weak man, however.
“Fine. Alright. But you’d better make it worth my time, I’m risking my pale, un-sunburnt ass for this.”
Steve snorted. “Don’t worry, I will,” he said blandly.
They hung up after Eddie promised to be there in a few minutes, and he rolled off of the couch with a melodramatic groan. Moving in the muggy heat trapped inside the trailer sucked, but he wasn’t going to back out. Steve had sounded so relieved when he’d said goodbye that it gave Eddie enough pep to lurch his way to the kitchen to grab a few cold beers before scrambling into his van. He appreciated his own forethought when he burned his hand on the door handle and could hold a cold bottle against the spot. Fucking summer.
Parking in the Harringtons’ driveway, he spotted the Bimmer pulled halfway into the garage, the front shaded by the overhang in what must be an attempt to avoid the worst of the sunlight. The hood was popped open, but Eddie couldn’t see Steve.
“Ohh Stevie!” he sang, “your knight in shining armour has arrived!” He heard something thunk from the garage but got no response, so he wandered inside, trying to peer around the hood. “I come bearing gifts but they’re gonna get–”
Wheels squeaked from below and Eddie looked down, only to be treated to the sight of Steve’s legs, long and hairy and sprawled open, flexing as he dragged himself out from under the car on the creeper and revealing more inches of mouth-watering thighs. He was–oh fuck, Steve was wearing the tiniest cut-off jean shorts Eddie had ever seen, the fabric of the pockets poking out from under the frayed hems. They were tight, too, hugging his hips and, god, his bulge. The white tank top Steve wore had ridden up, too, exposing the trail of hair that dipped below the fucking shorts, but Eddie followed it up, along the grease stains and the swell of his pecs to Steve’s grinning face.
“...Hot.” Eddie’s voice cracked around the word.
“What was that?” Steve asked.
Clearing his throat, Eddie said, “The beer, it’s uh, gonna get hot.” Somehow he managed to not sound like he was choking on his own drool while Steve still stared up at him from the ground, a few strands of hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. There was a slight smear of dirt across his cheek and Eddie wanted to lick it off.
“You know where the fridge is, Eddie, if you’re that worried.”
“Nah, you look like you need a break. Get up here,” he said, waggling the bottle over Steve’s face. Steve chuckled but finally stood and relieved Eddie of the misery of seeing Steve on his back and not having been the one to put him there.
He popped the caps off with the bottle opener on his keychain, and Steve took his with a ‘thank you,’ downing half in a few gulps. Eddie distracted himself from the sight of Steve’s throat bobbing by peering over at the engine.
“So what’s the issue, doc?”
Steve pulled away from the bottle with a soft popping sound from his pink lips and a gasp. “Dunno yet. That’s why I called you,” he said, leaning on the car beside Eddie. “Oil and battery are fine, spark plugs look good too.”
“She been making a sputtering kind of sound recently? Could be the throttle.”
“Nah, no weird noises.”
Eddie hummed, then set his bottle aside. “Alright, let’s get underneath her then.” Lowering himself onto the creeper and sliding under the car, he said, “Could be a belt has finally busted. Got a flashlight?”
“Really need to ask that?” Steve’s voice got fainter as he walked a little ways away. “The kids insisted on a disaster preparedness kit after round two with the Upside Down.”
There was a tap on the wood under Eddie’s hip, and blindly he reached down to grab the flashlight Steve found. He tinkered around under the Bimmer, unable to wipe away the sweat that started to drip and stick his bangs to his forehead. But eventually he began to roll back out into open, but no less stupidly hot, air.
“Looks like everything’s shipshape, captain–” Eddie choked on his own words when he looked up and was met with a sight straight out of his wet dreams.
Steve stood over Eddie, his legs spread wide enough that Eddie had rolled right between them. If he sat down, Steve would be straddling Eddie’s hips, but that would deprive him of this new angle at which to admire all of Steve’s assets wrapped so tightly in frayed, lightwash denim. Mouth falling open, Eddie let out an eloquent, “Uhhh,” and Steve laughed, holding out his hand.
“Thought you’d like a hand,” Steve explained, smirking.
He took it without thinking and let Steve haul him off the creeper board and up to his feet. A kick, and Steve sent the board skittering away underneath the car, but Eddie barely winced at the noise. He was too busy standing so close to Steve that they breathed the same humid air. If he so much as swayed, their noses would bump together. Christ, Steve had pretty eyes, a bright, warm brown flecked with amber even in the shade of the garage and he swore he could see Steve’s pupils dilate the longer their gazes locked together.
“So, what were you saying?” Steve asked in a low tone. He tilted his head ever so slightly and those eyes held some kind of dare within them, one eyebrow ticked upward. Eddie couldn’t help swallowing, licking his lips, and Steve went from staring into Eddie’s eyes to down at his lips.
“Just saying that, that everything looked fine. Might, uh, might be the crankshaft or the–” Steve stepped forward just enough to bring their chests together, the back of Eddie’s knees hitting the bumper, and Eddie’s breath hitched, his voice cracking, “–the sensor.”
“Eddie.” The way Steve said his name sent a frisson of heat through Eddie, right to his dick, which was becoming a very obvious guest between them.
“Yeah, Stevie?” he whispered.
Broad, warm hands wrapped around Eddie’s slim hips. Steve worked a finger through a belt loop on each side and tugged, and Eddie realised he wasn’t the only one with a hard on when Steve’s pressed up against his own, pulling a hiss of pleasure from them both. Oh, shit. Leaning impossibly closer, Steve’s lips brushed against Eddie’s when he spoke. “I don’t care about the car right now.”
That snapped whatever faint, lingering reservations Eddie had. “Fuck, Stevie, please kiss m–” He didn’t even finish before Steve’s lips crashed into his, plush and hungry. It wasn’t long before Eddie began to nip and lick, his teeth drawing short, pleased noises from Steve’s mouth before he pulled back a scant inch.
“Fucking finally,” Steve said, and dove back in, biting back, making Eddie groan. His hands found their way to Steve’s sides, then, spurred on by Steve’s enthusiasm, he reached down and grabbed at his ass. His fingers wrapped under the hem and he yanked Steve’s hips in and up, rising to meet them.
Steve’s cock grinding against Eddie’s was a fucking revelation. From the way Steve’s mouth parted with a hot gasp, Eddie guessed he felt the same. “Hold on, baby,” he rasped, and using what leverage he had, Eddie hoisted Steve onto his lap, Steve’s knees spread and braced on the car. There was no way he could keep them there for long, but fuck it was hot, rutting their hips together while they kissed, wet and messy.
Eddie tasted the salt of his own sweat when Steve licked into his mouth and moaned, hands fisted into the denim in his grip, feeling more sweat beginning to drip down his back. The heat was stifling, but nothing compared to what started to grow in Eddie’s gut. One of Steve’s hands buried in his curls and pulled, had Eddie bucking up and whimpering around Steve’s tongue. He could come like this, dry humping on top of the Bimmer, lap full of Steve in those shorts, hands on his perfect ass, would’ve if the idea weren’t more embarrassing than hot.
“St-Steve, wait,” Eddie panted, whining again when Steve’s hand clenched in his hair again.
“Why’d you stop? Don’t wanna stop, Eddie,” Steve groaned, before a little more clarity seeped into him and he leaned back into his arms, concerned. “Or, shit, wait, is this okay?”
“God, fuck yes this is okay. Been thinking about this forever, man.” Steve smiled widely, verging on a little goofy, before ducking in and pressing open-mouthed kisses to Eddie’s throat. Eddie’s arms began to shake. His legs had long since begun to tremble. “But, hang on, ah, I’m gonna either drop you or come in my shorts in like two minutes if we don’t rethink this.”
All that did was make Steve start rocking into him again. “Hot,” he mumbled as he licked up a trail of sweat under Eddie’s jaw, making Eddie swear and tip his head back.
Eddie’s knees decided to buckle right then. They shouted, Eddie scrambled, locking Steve in his arms and getting his feet under himself before standing, his hands still hooked around Steve’s ass while Steve’s legs clung to his waist. Steve’s shocked expression likely matched Eddie’s, before he rested his forehead against Eddie’s and laughed so hard his body shook. Helpless, Eddie joined in, holding Steve close while their giggling faded out. But his arms were aching so, gently, he put Steve down.
“Do you wanna stop?” Steve asked. Eddie shook his head.
“You?” Steve shook his. “Thank fuck,” Eddie said. He ran his hands over Steve’s ass, over the crease of his thigh, the tips of his fingers tickling the hair on the back of his thighs before guiding him close again. “Didn’t wanna let you go now that I’ve got you, sweetheart.”
Steve dove into Eddie’s mouth with a hungry groan. The slick sounds of their lips echoed in the garage. With a tug, Steve turned them around and backed up into the car, his hands wandering underneath Eddie’s cut up Iron Maiden tee and clutching at his sides, over the fresh demobat scars, nails digging in bluntly.
Eddie couldn’t keep his hands off Steve either. He pawed at whatever he could, finding the places that made Steve pant and hum into his mouth. But he wanted more, because Eddie has always been a bit greedy. One hand snaked its way around to cup Steve through the shorts that barely contained him, pressing his fingers around the hard outline of Steve’s cock and squeezing, rubbing. The low, raspy moan he got for his efforts made Eddie grin wolfishly.
Head lolling back, Steve breathed hard and rose to meet each stroke of Eddie’s palm. Eddie began to bite and suck his way down the strong line of Steve’s neck, biting every mole he could find. “E-Eddie, I want you to fuck me.”
The words made Eddie bite down just shy of too hard. Steve whined, and Eddie lapped at the spot in apology. “I wanna, I wanna so bad, Steve, but we’re fucking filthy, sweetheart,” he mumbled into Steve’s neck.
“Don’t need to do anything. I, mmh, prepared for this.”
Eddie pulled back to blink at him in disbelief. “You what?”
“I’ve been wanting this for months and nothing was working! So I just, made this as obvious as I fucking could.”
“Months?” Eddie’s jaw dropped when Steve gave him a look that managed to be both fond, flirty, and frustrated. “I could’ve been fucking you for months!?”
“Or I could’ve been fucking you.”
That idea, as sexy as it was, had to be pushed aside before it managed to make Eddie’s horny little brain leak out of his ears. “Putting a pin in that, that’s absolutely gonna happen, but I wanna revisit something. You prepared?”
Steve smirked. “Yeah,” he said, simple and cocky and so hot Eddie could combust. Eddie tried to capture Steve’s lips again but Steve stopped him with a firm hand against his chest, pushing Eddie back a few steps. Turning, he closed the hood of his car and instead of twisting back around to face Eddie, Steve leaned on his arms and arched his back.
Now that was a sight. Steve’s long, tan legs spread just so, one knee cocked to give a slight tilt to his hips. The firm, round swell of his ass peeking out under the denim that struggled to hold together. And right on the apex of those pretty, biteable, jean-clad cheeks: two dark, dirty handprints. There’s even the blackened imprint of fingers on Steve’s skin. Eddie’s fingers, Eddie’s hands. His cock twitched against his zipper and he moaned out, “Ohhh my god…”
Looking over his shoulder, Steve’s smug smirk grew, and he tilted his hips up a little further. “I know I look good, Munson, but are you gonna do something about it or what?”
Eddie stepped forward and draped himself along the expanse of Steve’s back, rutting his hips into Steve’s and making him hum sweetly. “Don’t have to get bratty about it, baby,” he said. He dragged his fingers along Steve’s sides, letting his nails catch on the soft texture of Steve’s scars before dipping down and popping his button open in one swift motion. “Tell me how you prepared.”
He felt the shiver his words evoked run down Steve’s spine. As he slid the zipper down and slid his hand in to find Steve had gone commando–both of them groaning when Eddie’s hand wrapped around Steve’s leaking, twitching cock–Eddie nuzzled into the dip between Steve’s ear and neck, inhaling the scent of his sweat and musk and the faint traces of a clean, fresh cologne valiantly hanging on.
“I, I got this toy. In Indy,” Steve gasped as Eddie pumped him, pulling his cock out as his hand sped up the more Steve spoke. “Worked myself open on it.”
“What’dya think of?” Eddie squeezed.
“You,” Steve keened, jerking into Eddie’s grip.
“Fuck. God. Alright, enough of this.” Standing, Eddie took his hand away and ignored the needy noise Steve made to instead yank the shorts down. Steve only bothered to step out of one leg, having to kick his foot when they got stuck on his shoe. It made his cheeks jiggle. Eddie couldn’t resist giving him a few taps just to watch it again before spreading those cheeks with his thumbs. More dirt smeared over Steve’s dewy skin, but that was only the opening act. The true star of the show glistened with lube and twitched under Eddie’s hungry stare, already loose and used and ready for him. He held himself back from burying his tongue in Steve’s hole, but just barely, letting out a low, hungry rumble instead.
Eddie couldn't move fast enough after that. He grappled with his belt, popped the button of his shorts and shoved them and his boxers out of the way enough for his cock to spring out without help. Then he stepped forward. Eddie let out a shuddering gasp when his aching cock met the searing heat of Steve’s taint and smeared precome along it, echoed when Steve sighed unsteadily as his head slipped up, up, up. Brushed over Steve’s hole once, twice, before catching on the rim.
“Please, Eddie,” Steve whined as he pushed back, and who was Eddie to deny such a pretty request?
He thrust forward and sank into Steve with a slick sound and such little resistance that Eddie’s jaw dropped open in a soundless moan, eyelids fluttering at the hot, wet clench of muscle around him. Another thrust and Steve groaned thickly, his head tilting back so Eddie could see how his bitten-red lips parted deliciously.
“Steve, you good? Please tell me you’re good. Fuck. I wanna fuck you so bad, you feel so good, hot, please Steve,” Eddie begged and rambled, his hands shaking with the need to grab and pull and take.
“If you don’t fucking start right now I’m leaving–”
That was all the permission Eddie needed.
He sank slowly past that ring of muscle and Eddie didn’t have the capacity to be embarrassed about the high-pitched, breathy whine that escaped him. Steve really had prepped, just loose enough and slick enough, but he still took his time. He wanted to savour this, the way he slid into Steve’s tight heat, how the feeling made his legs tremble and his stomach clench. Steve deserved the caution. At first, at least.
“Tell me,” Eddie demanded, needing to talk to distract from the sheer feeling of bliss of being enveloped by Steve. “Tell me about what you were thinking when you fucked yourself on that dildo.”
Steve’s head tilted back with a moan, his brows drawn together, and Eddie longed to bite and lick the strong column of his throat, but he didn’t want to get distracted. He wanted to know.
“I thought about your fingers, first. Those rings, fuck, they drive me nuts. Wish you’d worn them today.” Eddie gave his hips a firm squeeze, fingers spread wide to catch as much soft skin as he could, and grinned when he felt Steve clench around him and heard a stuttering breath.
“I’ll wear them next time, big boy. Wanna see how good they look when I’m jerking you off.” The appreciative groan caused by Eddie’s words was divine.
“God yes. Next time.”
Of course it was then that the phrase sunk in. Next time. Eddie hadn’t even noticed he’d said it but Steve repeating it had something other than raging hormones rising in his gut. He didn’t even have time to process the implication because Steve kept going, and started meeting Eddie’s thrusts with small movements of his own.
“Then I thought about your dick. Y’know, it’s so hard not to stare when you get out of the pool.”
“Did you?”
“Duh.” Steve shot a bitchy look over his shoulder. The usual power behind the look was lost in the bright red flush on his face. It completely fell apart when Eddie shifted and hit somewhere new, Steve’s mouth dropping open with a guttural noise that made Eddie’s cock twitch. “S-shit, it’s so perfect,” he said.
Steve’s head hung loose from his shoulders, forehead resting on the hood of the car, needy, lingering moans bouncing off the metal, breath and sweat condensing on it while Eddie inched further into him every time he slid out and pressed back in. With his palms on the Bimmer, Steve used the leverage to rock into Eddie, the muscles in his shoulders rippling under the white cotton tank starting to go translucent with sweat.
Watching his cock steadily disappear into Steve’s hole was addicting. He leaned back to get a better view of how he split Steve open between the grimy handprints he’d left on the globes of his ass, placed his hands there again and dug his nails in, making Steve’s hips jerk so that Eddie sank the rest of the way with a groan.
“God, Eddie,” Steve mumbled, “fuck, you feel so. So, uh, so good.”
“Y-you too, baby.” Eddie could barely form words. The tight pressure around his cock threatened to end things there and then, but Eddie closed his eyes and breathed, letting the fire and the urge and the want die down to a less immediate threat. But then he opened his eyes, saw how good they looked locked together, the way his darker thatch caught against the lighter brown hairs decorating Steve’s ass, both of them wet from the lube he’d pushed out of his hole, and jesus fucking christ he didn’t want, he needed.
Pulling out slowly and bracing Steve’s hips with a punishing grip was the only warning he gave before snapping forward with a loud grunt, the slap of damp skin a filthy echo in the garage. Steve cried out at the second hard thrust, choked off when Eddie kept going, his hips picking up speed.
“Good?” Eddie gasped. Nodding, Steve uttered a desperate, pleading ‘yes’ that made him fuck into Steve faster.
“Look so fucking hot, Steve,” he started babbling, his voice reedy with pleasure. “God, my handprints on you. Want ‘em to stain, be there forever.” Steve moaned and Eddie felt him tighten around his cock. “Like that, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, fuck, I do, I do!”
Eddie leaned forward, draped himself across Steve’s back, and the angle was so fucking good, so much better, and he knew he’d started pounding into Steve’s prostate by the way his gasps had turned into a delicious mix of thin moans and choked out grunts. Fucking him into the car, Eddie let his hands roam. He rucked up the tank top, watched as the last of the dirt on his hands smeared over Steve’s perfect, scarred skin like loving and greedy claw marks. Finding a nipple, he pinched and squeezed until Steve writhed and squirmed.
Then Steve reached up. Buried a hand into Eddie’s hair, grabbed a handful and pulled.
“Oh fuck!” Eddie whined, his hips stuttering, the pain mixing with pleasure and zinging down his spine.
Steve chuckled, unsteady and breathy but so self-satisfied. “Thought about this… for so long, Eddie.”
“Thinkin’ about me so much, sweetheart. I’m honoured. What, hah, what did you think about?” he asked into Steve’s neck, lips catching on his skin, tempting him to lick, to bite. He did, groaning at the taste of salt.
“This. On your couch, by the pool, my bed, anywhere. Been desperate for it.” Steve pulled Eddie closer by his hair while he bounced back on Eddie’s cock as if to prove it. “Or, shit, bending you over that throne of yours and fucking you into it.” Eddie let out a pitchy whimper and Steve cooed in a way that could’ve been condescending but instead made Eddie melt. “But now, now that I know the kinds of fucking sounds you make–t-there, yes–I wanna take you apart. Slow a-and gentle until you’re a mess–”
He cut himself off with a broken moan. Eddie’s hips kept up their brutal pace with short, sharp, hard thrusts, the sound of their sweat-slicked fucking and and the jingle of Eddie’s belt buckle filling the room. His brain was nothing but static. The image was stuck in a loop like the end of a record left to spin. Eddie heard a desperate, animalistic whine and realised it came from himself.
“Close, baby?” Steve asked. Eddie nodded frantically, his lips dragging through beads of sweat dripping down his neck. He’d been holding it off, the fraying coil threatening to snap, his balls aching as they slapped into Steve’s asscheeks.
“You?” Eddie wanted to beg for Steve to be ready. 
“Getting there, just, don’t stop,” Steve gasped.
Twisting, Steve pulled Eddie down to catch his lips in an open-mouthed kiss, fingers tangled in his damp curls. Their tongues met sloppily. Shared panting breaths like trying to inhale each other. Eddie’s thrusts were starting to falter. He was going to shake apart at this rate. Might just shatter when he comes, the pressure and heat and need too much and so fucking perfect.
“Steve,” Eddie whined, and Steve’s eyes met his. “So good to me, Stevie, sweetheart. Feel so wet, fuckin’ beautiful. Nee–mmh–need you, need you to come, please baby, please.”
“Touch me,” Steve said, practically commanded, and Eddie wasted no time.
Spitting in his hand and hoping it was enough, Eddie wrapped his fingers around Steve’s dick, mixing his spit with the shocking amount of precome leaking from the head and spreading it over his length. Christ he was hung. Steve let out a relieved sigh, which Eddie swallowed, smashing their lips together again while fucking hard enough that he rocked Steve into his fist. Steve started making little ah, ah, ah noises. Next time–please let there actually be a next time–he’d worship this cock in the ways he wanted to, the ways Steve deserved, but for now he pumped him mercilessly. Then, then.
Steve seized, a full-body tremble ripping through him as he came, pulsing in Eddie’s hand as he tightened around Eddie’s cock and he was so fucking gorgeous, plush kissed-red lips open in a silent scream, so hot and tight and, and, and–
With a hoarse shout, Eddie came too, rutting helplessly into Steve as he rode out the sparking shockwaves that also had him shaking, the wet sounds between them even more obscene with Eddie’s come slicking the way. He finally stopped when Steve’s whimpers sounded a little too sharp. Breathing heavily, Eddie braced himself on the hood of the car on weak arms to keep himself from collapsing on top of Steve, only letting his head rest in the crook of Steve’s neck where he left one final, achingly gentle love bite.
“Okay?” he whispered.
“Mhmm,” Steve hummed contentedly, leaning his head against Eddie’s, their damp hair sticking together.
“Gonna pull out now, Stevie, okay?” When Steve just nodded lazily, Eddie slowly pulled out, both of them groaning at the feeling. And he couldn’t keep himself from parting Steve’s cheeks to see his come dribble out a little, feeling a great deal of pride and greedy satisfaction at the sight.
“Bit late to ask, but you’re still clean, right? After all those tests for the bat bites?” Steve asked, grimacing when he stood up. He was the perfect picture of debauchery, only wearing his rumpled, practically see-through tank top, socks, and shoes, with his hair a wild mess and sweat still dripping from his forehead. The dirty fingerprints and red marks starting to bloom on his neck and hips were Eddie’s favourite part.
“Yep, only time I’ll ever thank those shady government fuckers for poking me with all those needles.” Eddie grinned at Steve’s tired, but fond, chuckle.
Steve looked at the car with heavy-lidded eyes, then did a double-take. “Shit, I gotta wash that off.” There, on the shiny burgundy hood of the Bimmer, was the white splash of Steve’s come, stark against the dark colour. Eddie started cackling and Steve complained, “Dude, shut up, it’ll ruin the paint!” 
“Gonna wash your car without these, Winnie the Pooh?” Eddie bent down to scoop up Steve’s shorts, dangling them from a finger. He laughed when Steve snatched them back with a glare that barely hid his begrudging smile. While he stepped back into them with a wince, Eddie said, “Interesting choice of clothing to work on your car, by the way.”
“Worked, though, didn’t it?”
“What?” Eddie’s eyes narrowed when Steve smiled innocently and shrugged before he wandered off to get a chamois towel and soap. And it clicked. “You planned this? You lured me in with slutty shorts?”
Tossing the towel up and catching it, Steve’s smile widened into something smug. “Yep.”
“Wait. Is the car even broken?”
Steve just offered Eddie another sly shrug and started wiping his come off the hood.
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lunajay33 · 4 months
New World🪵🍂
Summary: You grew up in a crappy town with one friend who kept you going, everything started to fall into place, that’s until the world ended and the dead ruled the world
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I just came home from teaching, throwing myself down on the couch, usually Daryl stops by every night for supper and it’s been a tradition we have continued every night since I came back from college
I hated leaving but I needed to get out of this shitty town for a bit, and when I got the opportunity to come back and teach I had to, I couldn’t be apart from Daryl, my best friend, anymore
We’ve been friends since his mom died, my parents told me about his mom and so the next day in school I sat with him at lunch and from then on we have been inseparable, sure he was a hard nut to crack but after that he was the sweetest kindest person I’ve ever met
As I got up to start dinner the door burst open and Daryl and Merle came running in frantic
“Guys what’s wrong?” I asked worried
“Ya need to get yer fine ass movin” Merle laughed
I never liked Merle he was a terrible person and a terrible brother
“We need to go..now” Daryl said grabbing a bag off my counter and throwing a bunch of food in it before taking my hand and dragging me to his truck while Merle got on his bike
“Daryl what’s going on you’re scaring me” my voice trembled as he started up the truck and followed Merle down a back road out of town
“Shits happenin, people are dyin, comin back and eatin everyone, we just gotta get outta here” he said taking my hand in his
“Oh god…..well where are we going”
“Up to that quarry I took ya to last summer, it’ll be far away enough from the city and we got fresh water, don’ worry sunshine I’ll keep ya safe” he said giving me a reassuring squeeze
It was silent for most of the drive all I could hear was the blood pumping in my ears, how could this be happening? What was going to happen now, everything was just falling into place, me and Daryl were just planning to go on a trip to Tennessee too but I guess that’s down the drain
Everything I imagined for my life felt like it was slipping away
“Remember that first day we became friends?” I asked trying to distract myself
“Yeah, ya came and sat with me at lunch, had that green dress on and lil matching bows in yer hair, ya were my first friend, glad ya came up to me that day” he smiled looking at me
“I’m glad too, you were so scared and a blushing mess when I was talking to you, it was adorable then I gave you my cookies and you finally opened up to me” I laughed remembering him snatching my pouch of cookies when I held it out to him
“I wouldn’ cute” he groaned
“Come on Daryl you were adorable you still are” I teased loving how he was getting red
“Stop that” he gentle pushed me making me laugh
After a long drive we finally made it to the quarry only to find a few people already camped out but thankfully they allowed I three to stay given Daryl and Merle’s hunting abilities
As daryl and Merle were setting up the tent I went around getting to know everyone and asking them what they knew about everything, it’s been scary everyone’s experience and lucky I had Daryl to get me out safely
As the sun got closer to setting I and the air was cooling I helped Lori clean some fish as she laid it over the fire
“Do you need anymore help?” I asked tired
“No dear you go relax for now we will come get you when everything’s ready” she smiled
I smiled and nodded as I made my way over to the tent, unzipping it I found Daryl and Merle having a heated conversation
I stepped in and took my usual place next to Daryl on his sleeping bag
“What’s going on?”
“There’s lots of folks here I say we jack all there stuff and get outta here ‘fore the sun rises” Merle said smirking
“Come on Merle these are good people we need to stick together and we are in a good place can we just see how things go I don’t wanna leave”
“Damn pussy, I knew we shouldn’ have come and got ya” he groaned as he left the tent
I sighed and turned to look at Daryl and of course he had a defeated look
“It’ll be okay Daryl! I’ve gone around and they seem like a good group to be with everyone carries their own part, we can make it work” I smiled trying to cheer him up
He didn’t say anything which was typical but I was fine with that I knew he wasn’t much of a talker I just hoped my words got through to him a bit
“So…..where am I sleeping tonight” I asked trying to avert the conversation
“Ya can take my sleepin bag I got a blanket I can use” he said looking back at the little thin blanket by the sleeping bag
“No daryl it’s your sleeping bag I can take the blanket”
“Nah ya ain’t doin that”
“Well….i mean the sleeping bag is big enough for us both to fit” I said feeling the heat rise to my cheeks, but it’s not like daryl and I have never shared a bed, we’ve had many sleepovers as kids when his dad was being an ass but this felt…..different
He shrugged his shoulder “sure might get cold tonigh’ anyways” always the survival man
“Okay umm….dinner should be ready soon we should go set up around the fire” i said standing up and pulling my shoes back on, I looked back at him and he was just staring
“Ya coming?”
“Ya I’ll be out soon” he said grunting as if clearing his voice
Daryl’s pov
Me and Merle were coming back from hunting when we safe people on the sidewalks being torn apart, guts everywhere, people screaming and and we knew we had to get outta here
“We gotta get away from these things, we’ll stop by the house get some shit, my bike and we will head to the quarry” Merle said speeding to our crappy house
After we got everything I stopped Merle
“We gotta get y/n, I can’ leave her”
“Nah leave that slut here, just gonna slow us down”
“Man im gettin her, ya either follow me or not but im gettin her” I groaned as I hoped in the truck and drove off the her place
After I got her she was so panicked but tried not to show it but I could see it in the way she acted, I’ll do anything to keep her safe even if I gotta but my life on the line, she everything to me and has been the only one to keep me going, she’s my sunshine
Normal POV
I got a seat on a log pushed up close to the fire some were sitting around as there was two fires going to keep the flames not as big
Finally Daryl came out and I pat the spot next to me while he laid a blanket over my shoulders
“Thank you” I smiled he always showed his friendship to me in little ways and they always made me feel warm inside
I handed him a plate of fish and some random vegetables the group has found
“So y/n, how long have you guys been together?” Jacqui asked startling me with such a question
“What?”daryl asked confused
“You and y/n, you’re a couple aren’t you, you both seem like the perfect couple” she smiled
“Oh no he’s my best friend, been friends since we were 9, barely been apart”
I looked at Daryl and he was clearly uncomfortable and the people around us could sense it as well so they carried on with their own conversations
After we finished eating he stood up and left towards the tent, I sat my plate ontop of his and thanked the girls for supper and headed of towards the tent as well
“Can I come in?” I asked at the tent door
“Ya” he grunted as I heard him shuffle around
I unzipped it seeing him changed into more comfortable clothes sitting on his sleeping bag
I zipped the tent back up and smiled
“Maybe I should have packed some clothes quickly before we left now I gotta sleep in jeans”
He shuffled through his bag and pulled out one of my big night shirts
“Where’d you get this?” I asked confused
“When ya come over for the night sometimes ya left a few things and I kept them just incase, thought I’d bring em along” he shrugged
“Thank god for those sleepovers then, mind if I change in here?” I asked taking the shirt from him
“Sure” he turned as I started to unzip my pants and pull off my shirt, quick to haul the oversized shirt over my head as I came down to the middle of my thigh
I folded up my jeans and “day” shirt and laid it by his bag
“K I’m done” he turned and started to crawl his way into the sleeping bag
He opened one side and waited for me me to join, it was snug but with the chilly night air god was it warm, I turned so my back was to his chest so we could fit more comfortably and he laid his arm over my waist
“Where’s Merle?” I asked not having seen him all night
“Said he was going down to the quarry must have wanted to get his own fish er somethin?” I hummed in understanding feeling my eyelids getting heavier
“Daryl….please don’t ever leave me” I said finally understanding the weight of everything and that this is probably gonna be our forever world now
He grabbed my waist and held me closer
“I ain’ never leavin ya”
My heart felt a bit later after such a strenuous day
“Good night Daryl” I said as I laid my hand ontop of his
“Night sunshine”
How is everyone liking the first chapter of this new series! I’ve very excited for this story! If you wanna be part of the taglist lmk!!
Taglist: @ghostboneswrites
Part 2<-
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oxymorayuri · 5 months
❞𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐩𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞❝
✦ Pairing: trafalgar law x reader ✦ Warnings: cussing, dirty words, mature content ✦ Spoiler: none
wordcount: 2577
Law always makes you sweat. He drives you crazy with his touch and knows exactly which buttons to push so that you do everything he wants. You actually love it but you only want to be in control once... You want to see Law go crazy.
! ᴍᴀᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ !
ᴍɪɴᴏʀꜱ ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴀᴄᴛ
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Picture: bigdaddyzoroo (pinterest)
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"Oh my god are you for real guuuuurl??!"
Ikkaku speaks in a amazed tone.
"Psshhht, don't be so loud!" you squeak at her, embarrassed. Frustrated, you put your chin on one hand and stir your drink with the straw.
"You're such a naughty girl..." Ikkaku shakes her head with a mischievous grin and tries not to laugh out loud.
"Shit, I really didn't think you'd be such a kinky girl..."
“So what exactly surprises you?” – "I don't really know, but hey.. 'still waters run deeeep' I guess." She said flatly as she puts her drink to her lips and looks around the bar.
It's been almost an eternity since your crew was able to go ashore again. As soon as they set foot on the land, the boys already rushed into the first bar. Since the mood between you and Law had been pretty stale over the last few weeks, you didn't mind numbing your senses with a few drinks.
Not an hour has passed and you can already hear the drunk babbling of Penguin and Shachi. Ikkaku sighs heavily as she watches the two slobs.
"I think you should just loosen up a bit. Law adores you and from what you've said, Law seems anything but prudish." she winks at you as she sips her drink. Your ice cubes have now melted so much that the alcohol has been completely watered down. You greedily drink the glass in one go.
"Haaah... Yes, you're right but that's exactly the problem. Law is crazyyy" you lean over to her a little "And me? I'm the one who's the wallflower!" you confess to her. You look at her so desperately that it took her completely by surprise.
"BAHAHAHHAHAA holy moly! y/n... I think I'm going to pee myself." Pouting, you fall back into your seat and cross your arms as she laughs her heart out.
"You know what y/n?.. You actually have a very clear advantage..." She wipes a tear from the corner of her eye. Her words make you eagerly await what comes next. Ikkaku sits up a little and shows you her teeth with a wide grin.
"Law has no idea what 'could' await him! So the element of surprise is on your side." You nod attentively to every word and absorb everything like a dry sponge.
"You just gotta get the stick out of your ass." She laughs in your face. You're a little shocked but she's damn right.
Law has seen every inch of your body...why are you still so shy?
Sure, Law is quite intimidating when the two of you are behind closed doors, but in a way that makes your nipples stiffen just thinking about it and you have to press your legs together because of the excitement.
Ikkaku and you continued talking about the topic for a while and she told you the craziest one night stands she had. Your face regularly changed from shocked to blushing but you still envied her open minded nature. You, on the other hand, are rather friendly and gentle.
If you only knew that your innocent nature is the very thing that drives Law crazy...
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You breathe in the delicate spring air as you step out of the bar.
All the sexy bed stories gave you some inspiration and that's why you said goodbye to Ikkaku and set off to check out a few boutiques.
You stop in front of a rather small shop. In the shop window you look at the very elegant nightwear.
Yup, that will do.
A little hesitantly, you push down the door handle and enter the store.
You're glad that you seem to be the only customer.
Behind the cash register, the owner greets you, somewhat surprised, and stands up straight away to answer any questions.
You stand in place, a little unsure, and look around the room. There is not only nightwear here but also plenty of sexy lingerie for women and men.
"Can I help you sweetie?" The owner approaches.
You breathe out with relief and happily accept the offer.
"So what did you have in mind?" - "If I'm honest, I'm completely inexperienced when it comes to this." She looks at you with a smile as if she's amused by how awkward you are.
“Taken or single?” - "Taken." you answer her.
She asks you a couple more questions. About your preferences, your favorite colors and then puts a piece of lingerie in your hand.
"Here, try this on. I think it will suit you well." You stand in front of her, a little lost, and slowly make your way to the changing room.
After seeing yourself in the mirror in the lingerie, you can't help but stand there with your mouth open. The straps press lightly into your soft upper thighs and the beautiful lace on your skin looks like an extravagant tattoo. It's crazy how clothes influence your character. You feel 10.000 times hotter.
After you paid for the lingerie and a few accessories, you asked the owner for a little advice.
"Always keep one thing in mind... A man's imagination is a woman's best weapon." With that sentence she smiled mysteriously in your face. You don't even notice how she places another little thing in your hand. Only shortly afterwards do you notice the cool object in your hands and you look at your hand.
"Uhmm..." you look at it a little uncertainly.
"Not for you... for him..." Without further words she disappears into the back room and leaves you alone with the sentence.
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Once on the Polar Tang you quickly scurry to your and Law's room. You quietly shut the door behind you.
Well, he's not here. He's probably in his office.
Relieved, you go to the bathroom to prepare for your plan.
After putting on your tights, straps and lingerie, you put on Law's bathrobe. You examine the owner's additional gift, somewhat unsure.
"...A man's imagination is a woman's best weapon..." you mumble to yourself as you think about what to do with it.
As you walk down the hallway to Law's office, you repeat Ikakku and the shopkeeper's words over and over like an anthem.
Be bold, be sexy but be yourself. Be bold, be sexy but be yourself. Be bold, be sexy but be yourself.
When you arrive at the door you take a deep breath.
You know that you look hot. The owner has definitely met your taste and you are sure Law will like it too.
You knock on the door 3 times so Law knows it's you and after a concentrated 'come in' you slowly open the door.
Even when Law doesn't even look up from his documents, you're still standing in the open doorway, feeling so vulnerable. The cool air blows through your legs, reminding you of how lightly dressed you are. The clothes you wear. The desire you have. This deep seated desire to be above Law, even if it's just once, makes you wish you had the time to touch Law in whatever way you want.
Then an idea comes to you. You look at the gift from the owner and immediately think of how you can use it. Your imagination gives you the courage you've never felt before. Just thinking about it makes you feel hot.
Just be someone different today.
You speak to yourself.
"Law my darling." you speak confidently in a sensual voice like you've never heard yourself before. Law is actually the type of person who doesn't get easily distracted, but that longing in your voice makes him look up straight away.
He looks at you silently while you stand at the doorframe and you slightly open the bathrobe on one side. Law looks at you rigidly as if he was hypnotized by your movements. Your heart is pounding so hard against your chest. the adrenaline rushes through your head and releases joy. You're internally pleased at how speechless he is, but you try not to show.
Without looking away from him, you close the door behind you, lock it and walk towards Law. You sway your hips gracefully until you're right in front of Law's desk.
Without any further words, you drop the robe onto the floor.
You feel like your heart will stop because of the excitement inside. You've never felt so good as you follow Law's gaze. His eyes wander silently over your whole body and then into your eyes.
His gaze so fiery and yet calm. Your heart squeezes so hard at his stare that you wish it would just stop, and all you saw last was Law's intense stare.
You carefully walk around the table. Law and your eyes don't leave each other for a second. Standing between the table and Law, you get a little nervous. You've never been in a situation like this before. Law, on the other hand, notices your slight insecurity and leans back in the chair, grinning.
Pull yourself together y/n.
You bite your lip, you can't let your facade crumble now, otherwise Law will have the upper hand again. You've just found joy in being in control… you don't want to lose it again!
With slightly unsteady hands, you support yourself on an armrest and lean over Law. Law's breathing is calm and his posture is stable.
Normally he would like to drag you into your shared room but this is something new and he isn't put off by it.
His dirty smile turns you on.
Your lips are only a few millimeters away from his and you absorb his scent like a drug. Its slightly sweet yet woody scent has something distinctive and reminds you of amber. Slowly you open your lips.
"Law... -" Hearing his name from your lips, he parted his lips slightly to inhale carefully.
He never expected you to pull a stunt like that but he loves it.
He enjoys it.
With your lips so close to each other that you're almost kissing, you whisper to him as suggestively as you can.
“Do you want me, Law?” - "Absolutely." You feel his sly smile as you seal what you just said with a kiss.
You feel Law's hands trying to grab your waist but before he can, you lean back and put the handcuffs the shopkeeper gave you on him.
Startled, Law looks down at his hands and then up at you. Satisfied, you sit down on his desk and give him a smug grin. “I see…” he says with a bright look. The flickering in his eyes gives you goose bumps.
Law rests his hands in his lap as he watches you intently. You put your hands on the table and let yourself fall back a little while spreading your legs. You give Law an exquisite view of your divine stature and you notice how his chest starts to rise and fall faster. That's exactly what you wanted to achieve, but it's still just the beginning. With one hand you slowly go down your stomach until you reach your panties and play a little with the lace waistband. Law's eyes are completely focused on your cunt as you give him a few glimpses of your slit.
You are already quite excited and decide to move on to the second phase. You wanna touch Law.
Slight confusion appears in Law's eyes as you close your legs, but you just give him a small smile in return. You kneel in front of him and place your hands on each of his knees. You innocently look up at him.
"Do you want to touch me?" Law would be lying if he denied that. The lace lies on you like a second skin and reveals just enough of your skin that it is impossible for him to look away from you.
It could burn around him but first he would bury himself inside you.
"Oh yes.." he answers you hoarsely.
You happily put some pressure on his thighs as you move up to his crotch. You had already seen the bulge in his crotch while you were sitting on the table. Just the thought of his member makes your cunt drip. You gently brush his swelling cock and look into his hungry eyes when you notice a twitch.
“Come on y/n, take the handcuffs off me.” he tries to persuade you with his deep voice. You smile mysteriously at him and shake your head, there's no way you're going to do that. You focus back on the feeling you get when you touch Law.
There's no better validation than rattling the usually composed Law. Law slowly resigns himself to the fact that you decide when he can touch you and spreads his legs a little more apart. However, you don't give him your full devotion yet.
You stand up again, reach for his hands and open the handcuffs. Law wanted to greedily reach for you, but you stopped him and waved your finger in front of his nose in rejection.
You grab his collar and your sweet voice orders him to keep his hands to himself or you'll put the handcuffs back on him. However, you miss the sight of him sitting there, unable to touch you.
You sit on one of the armrests and slowly take off one of your straps and then the other. With both stockings in hand, you grab Law's hands and tie them each to one of the armrests. Law looks deep into your eyes as you make yourself comfortable on his lap. His hard cock presses against your cunt, sending multiple shivers down your spine.
With your delicate fingers you trace the tattoo on his chest. You enjoy the feeling of his abs and the sight of him tied to the chair watching you do your scheme has something forbidden.
Finally you place your lips on his and start massaging him down there with your hip movements. He returns your kisses hungrily and you bite his lips lightly, causing a small moan to escape him.
For quite a while you ensure that the tension lasts until the glass almost threatens to overflow. The knot in your abdomen is growing and growing and your wet pussy is literally screaming for release.
You separate your lips from his and walk towards the desk again. With your back turned to him, you lean over the table and look at him over your shoulder with red cheeks.
"Come and take me, Law." you beg him as you spread your butt cheeks a little to give him the view of your wet folds.
Law loses control, grabs the stockings and tears them to get away from the chair. You admire that even though he was able to remove the stockings so easily, he submitted to your command and obediently kept his hands to himself. Breathing heavily, Law looks down at you, his pants already on the floor. Before he hides his shaft inside you, he grabs your hands and puts the handcuffs on you.
"Now it's your turn."
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Let me know in the comments if you liked it hehe.
See you next time, kiss kiss ♡
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flowerxbunnie · 7 months
Hola! Soy Dora! —
okay wait no for real tho.. can you pretty please write a nasty lil big bad b bernard matty boy fic? like where he’s big daddy dom and he’s got an unspoken relationship with y/n? like they’ve not spoken the words, but they belong togetherrr 🎶 okay but for real.. that, and they have a night together where they’re just drinking and vibing with one another (just them) and it takes a turn 😈 and he’s being like all controlling and makes her ride his thigh while he touches himself to the sight, and then and then and then just rails her into oblivion? loooadddds of filthy speak because i am a slut for that right there! pretty please with a cherry on top? 🍒
Matt x Fem reader
Warnings: pure FILTHY smut. Dom!Matt, daddy kink, deg/praise, thigh riding etc :)
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I throw back the last sip of my drink and hand my cup to Matt, the alcohol tasting like candy but burning just the same going down. I take the gummy worm off the rim and suck the sugar off, Matt’s eyes watching my every move closely. My skin is warm and my veins are filled with a buzzing feeling. He stacks the plastic cup on top of the others we’ve collected on the coffee table throughout the night, a chuckle escaping his lips as he counts them in his head.
“Damn, we gotta slow down soon.” He shakes his head slightly. “I’d like to not have a migraine tomorrow.”
“I’m feeling good, don’t know about you Matty boyyy..” I draw out, sitting back on the couch.
He sits back along with me and throws his arm over the back of the couch, turning his body slightly to face me. He has a half full cup in his other hand, his finger circling the rim slowly.
“Oh, I’m feeling good.” he smirks, bringing the cup to his lips and sipping as his eyes stay locked onto mine.
I can feel the slow and steady beat of the bass in my chest, his playlist playing quietly on the speaker on the table. We spend a while scrolling through my liked TikToks, cuddling and laughing together.
I find myself spending most of my Saturdays here in his living room, drinking and talking all night while Nick and Chris are away. My relationship with him is complicated. We’re definitely more than friends, but also less than lovers. I think we both have a problem with labels, feeling far more comfortable leaving things unspoken. I can’t help the thoughts that live in the back of my mind, like an itch I can’t scratch. A worry that maybe I’m not the only one he spends nights like this with. I know he’s my one and only, I can’t even fathom another man making me feel the way Matt does. Whether I’m in his car cracking up at his road rage or in his bed with the headboard thumping against the wall, I’m always filled with insane butterflies for this man.
But even though I’m sure of my feelings, he’s never outright spoken his. We’ve never had the conversation of if we want to date around or keep this situationship we have going on between us two. I feel selfish for wanting him all to myself, but he makes it hard not to.
“You good, baby?” He asks in his raspy voice, the nickname flowing off his tongue like honey and making my heart flutter. “You seem a little zoned out tonight.”
“I’m fine,” I lie, sitting up to grab another prefilled cup off the coffee table. “Just thinking.”
“Thinking about what?” He asks and brings his hand to the small of my back, his warm fingertips brushing beneath the hem of my shirt and sending shivers up my spine.
I just shake my head and give him a smile before throwing back a big gulp of my drink, melting against his touch as his hand inches higher up my spine. His rough fingertips run up and down slowly, my tense muscles going soft as he adds pressure.
“You know that’s not an answer, Y/n. Come on, talk to me.” He speaks sweetly as he sits his cup down.
His hand wraps around my waist and pulls me back down next to him on the couch, hooking his hand around my legs and bringing them up onto his lap. The look in his eyes is serious, even through the glaze the alcohol has brought on.
“I don’t know Matt,” I play with my fingers like I always do when I’m nervous. “I’m just having weird feelings tonight.”
His eyes soften like he already knows what I’m going to say. “Tell me, love.”
I sigh and let my back fall into the soft cushions. “I’m just scared.” I start, watching as the look on his face stays the same, unwavering. “I’m scared for the day you find someone else who you’re ready to make things official with. I’m scared that I’m not the only one you fix gummy worm drinks for.”
He chuckles and my heart drops, my suspicions feeling all the more real as he breaks out into a fit of laughter. His hand leaves my legs and comes up to rub his eyes, his head shaking from side to side. “That’s what you’re all worked up about?” He asks through giggles.
I nod and feel the tears threatening to spill over, my drunk emotions amplified insanely. He doesn’t even notice, he just keeps laughing and brings his hand to his chest as it heaves.
“I don’t see how it’s funny..” I speak softly, my voice cracking at the end, my cheeks heating up as my weakness becomes obvious.
He immediately stops laughing, his head snapping back to me and his eyes softening. He brings a hand to my cheek and moves his thumb back and forth, his eyes flicking back and forth between both of mine.
“Baby, I thought it was obvious.” He tilts his head slightly, his eyes scanning my face slowly.
“Do I need to call an Uber?” I croak, still sure that he’s about to tell me I’m dumb for thinking too deeply about the way he felt for me.
“What?” He says shocked, his eyes wide and his hand halting its movements on my face.
It’s like the realization flashes in his brain, he closes his eyes and sucks in a breath. He doesn’t say anything, just brings his hand back to my leg and traces it up to my thigh and gives it a squeeze. My body is reacting in a way I don’t know if I like, blood rushing to my heat between my legs despite the hurt I’m feeling.
But like Matt always does, he makes it all better. “You’re all I need, Y/n. All I want.” His hand trails higher, gripping and squeezing my skin along the way. “You know I’m not good at speaking my mind.”
My breath hitches as his fingers trace around the bottom of my shorts leaving a burning trail in their wake.
“But trust me,” he starts, his fingers dipping ever so slightly beneath the fabric, “I know that you’re it for me. Now stop worrying so much.”
His hand trails back down my leg, my thighs instinctively pressing together wishing for the friction I never got. He leans over and grabs my cup, handing it to me and sipping on his own. “Let’s finish these, hm?”
I grab the cup and down it quickly, squeezing my eyes shut at the burn. He chuckles and tilts his head back, his jawline sharp and defined in the ambient light of the lamps and candles. He sucks his teeth as he grabs my cup and stacks it into his, discarding them along with the rest.
“Take your shorts off.”
I’m taken aback, the conversation feels so unfinished but my head is swimming with thoughts of how his body would feel against my own. I still oblige, hooking my fingers into my waistband and slipping them down my legs, tossing them onto the coffee table. He gives me a slight smirk and grips onto my left ankle, lowering my foot onto the floor. He turns his body to fully face me and brings my right leg to the other side of him. My thighs open and my clothed core is exposed to him.
“You wore my favorite pair.” He coos, his thumb coming up to ghost over the fabric.
The smallest whimper leaves my mouth, my pussy aching for his touch. He moves up slowly, almost as if he’s memorizing the pattern in the lace, his thumb running up to the hemline and resting against my lower abdomen.
“Did you do that on purpose?” He questions, hooking his index finger into the elastic and pulling. “Did you know it would make daddy get all worked up?” He lets go and it snaps against me, a pulsing sting etched into my skin.
“N-no, not on purpose,” I lie, my heart speeding up at the dirty name. I knew damn well what I was getting myself into when I grabbed them out of my drawer.
“I don’t like when you lie, baby.” He moves his hand to my hip and gives it a squeeze. “Tell daddy the truth.” He begins slowly pulling my panties down, stopping when I don’t speak right away.
“I’m s-sorry daddy. I like the way you get so turned on when you see them.” I breathe out, a satisfied hum coming from my throat as he resumes pulling them down.
“That’s better.” He helps me maneuver out of them, bringing them to his face and placing a kiss against the fabric. “I think I’ll keep em’.” He smiles smugly as he slips them into his pocket.
He runs his hands up both of my thighs, his eyes raking up along with his movements. He brings his thumbs against my folds and spreads them open, his eyes darkening as he takes in the sight of my arousal.
“So wet already, baby.” His thumb rubs against my swollen clit once, my pussy clenching in response and a whine falling past my lips.
He bites his lip as he does it again, watching intently almost as if experimenting and seeing if he’ll get the same reaction. He does- my pussy clenches and tightens around nothing and my tender bud begins throbbing. He looks up at me with lust filled eyes.
“I love seeing your pussy beg for me. I’m barely doing anything and you’re already clenching up.”
He presses his thumb down suddenly with increased pressure but holds it still. I arch up and whine out, my heat aching for anything more than what he’s giving me. His free hand roams up my stomach and underneath my shirt, finding my bare breast and toying with my nipple. His thumb remains stagnant and still on my aching clit.
“P-please daddy. Please… more.” I whimper and rock my hips against his touch, moaning as I finally feel relief.
He pulls both hands away quickly, a disappointment filling his expression as he narrows his eyes.
“W-why? I need more.” I pout and reach out for his hands, only for them to be pulled away roughly.
“You wanna get off so bad, huh?” He sits back against the couch. “Do it yourself.”
I suck in a breath, taken aback at his harsh tone. I swallow thickly and bring my own hand down slowly to my heat, shaking slightly as he watches me intently. I begin rubbing slow circles onto my clit, speeding up because my body doesn’t react the same underneath my own touch. I bring my bottom lip between my teeth and close my eyes, trying to imagine it’s Matt’s fingers instead of mine, speeding up and bucking my hips up, desperate for any sort of relief. I keep going and even add a finger, curling it up inside my walls and hoping I’ll feel the euphoria soon.
But I don’t. I let my head fall back in frustration, removing my hands and giving up. I hear him laughing, taking enjoyment out of my struggle.
“Can’t get off without daddy, can you?” I look up as he begins unbuttoning his jeans, a visible bulge straining against the denim.
He pulls them down and keeps his boxers on, his erection still confined beneath the black fabric. He adjusts in his seat, leaning back and opening his legs wider.
“Come on baby. Use my thigh.” He pats his leg and motions his head for me to come over.
I sit up and try to control my shaky breath. Matt’s always been the dominant one, but it’s like something else has taken over, an almost devilish look in his eyes. I position myself onto him, my legs straddled around his right thigh and my pussy hovering above his skin. His hands run up to the hem of my shirt, pushing it up and pulling it over my head. His eyes become half lidded as he drinks in the sight of my exposed chest.
“What are you waiting for, princess? You were so eager a minute ago.” He rasps, his hands settling on my hips and lowering me down to make contact with his leg.
I suck in a breath at the sensation. My mind is buzzing from the alcohol and the arousal, I feel like I’m floating until I focus on the throbbing between my legs. I slowly rock back and forth once, my clit rubbing against his thigh with no resistance, my own arousal lubricating it perfectly. I swear I can see his cock jump beneath his boxers.
I let down all of the weight I’ve been subconsciously holding up off of him, the pressure sending a shockwave through my body as I begin grinding against him. I let out whimpers and moans as I circle my hips, crying out when he lifts his leg higher up to press against me.
“Such a naughty girl getting yourself off on my leg. So desperate that you’ll grind on anything I give you, hm?” He speaks lowly, bringing his arms up behind his head and watching my every move.
I bring my hands down to his chest and run them down until they settle on his abdomen to give myself some stability. My muscles are starting to tire but I keep going, rubbing and grinding against his thigh as my stomach begins to twist into knots. It’s like he knows I’m close to giving up, close to stalling. He begins to bounce his leg over and over, vibrations shooting through my body as his heel comes into contact with the floor roughly.
“F-feels so good, daddy..” I whine out, digging my nails into his shirt and twisting it, needing to do anything to release some of the pleasure flowing through my veins.
His eyes are glossy and dark as his hand comes into contact with his erection, palming it and tightening his grip repeatedly. I watch in awe as his veiny, slender hands work against himself. He pulls his boxers down just enough for his cock to spring up, groaning as he pumps himself. His tip is dripping with precum, swollen and pink with need. He swipes his thumb over his slit to gather it and brings it up to my mouth, rubbing the juice onto my tongue as he presses it into my mouth.
I gain a sudden burst of energy and arousal and begin grinding down against him with everything I can, inching myself closer and closer to release as I watch him jerk his cock underneath me. His free hand reaches up and grasps onto my breast, his large hand encompassing the tissue completely as he kneads the skin. His palm rubs against my taut nipple, sending waves of pleasure shooting through me.
“Come on baby, make a mess on daddy’s thigh,” he encourages, “I won’t get mad as long as you help me clean it up.”
I cry out in pleasure as the knots in my abdomen wind so tightly they snap, the pressure releasing and my thighs shaking as I come apart on his leg. I grind down and my pussy clenches and throbs as my juices leak out onto his skin, his thigh now slick with my release.
“Good girl, that’s it. Such a good job.” He coos and praises, bringing his hand up and stroking my hair as I catch my breath. “Don’t get too comfortable. You’ve got a big mess to clean up.” He motions to the spot where we connect, a sheen of liquid across his skin.
He pushes my shoulders down to encourage me to my knees, and I oblige. I look up at him through my lashes, hesitantly licking a stripe across his leg and tasting myself on him. His hand grips around his cock again, pumping slowly as I kitten lick his thigh.
“Doing such a good job.” he croaks, a moan sneaking it way out.
I continue cleaning up my mess, lapping up all the evidence I had left behind. His motions around his dick become quicker as I pull back for a moment, a string of my arousal shining in the light between my tongue and the skin of his thigh.
His hand stops pumping and comes to lace into my hair, pulling me upwards. I lick up his leg, sitting higher on my knees and trace my tongue up to his base, flattening it all the way to his tip. I take it into my mouth just enough to wrap around his head, sucking lightly and batting my eyes.
“Hmm, don’t even have to be told what to do. Daddy’s precious girl.” He says sweetly while caressing my cheek.
I hum around him and feel my cheeks heat up at the praise. I slowly take more and more of him into my mouth, his droopy eyes watching as I gag at the feeling of his head touching the back of my throat. He smiles in satisfaction, bucking his hips up to elicit the same response once more. My mouth fills with saliva and it drips out and down his length, providing the perfect lubrication for my hand to grip around what I can’t fit into my mouth. I twist my hand around him and his head falls back in pleasure. I bob my head up and down, taking his cock in and out of my mouth as groans fill the room around us.
His cheeks are rosy and his forehead slick with sweat, half from the alcohol warming his body and half from his arousal. He grabs onto his shirt and pulls it over his head, the muscles in his arms and chest flexing deliciously. He wipes the fabric against his forehead before he tosses it to the side, his eyes fixing back onto me with blown pupils.
Both of his hands come down to grip onto my jaw before he disconnects my mouth from his cock, pulling me up with a popping sound. “You’re gonna have to bend over for daddy. Need to feel that tight pussy around me.” His voice is low and commanding, almost rumbling through my chest.
He pulls his boxers the rest of the way down before he grabs my hands, pulling me to my feet as he stands up himself. He turns me around and guides me towards the arm of the couch, pushing me down until my chest is pressed into it.
“Arch up for me,” he instructs, his hands grasping my hips as he helps me get into position for him. “So good at listening to instructions.”
He keeps one hand on my hip to keep me in place as he lines himself up with my entrance, dipping in and out teasingly.
“P-please daddy, I need it.” I speak up, wiggling my ass back and forth in hopes he’ll be convinced.
“Need what, baby?” He taunts, running his tip through my dripping folds until he brushes against my throbbing clit.
“Need… n-need your cock inside of me.”
“Those are such naughty words to be coming out of your sweet little lips..” he chastises and pushes only his head into me. “Tell me more.”
My breath hitches as he gives me another inch, slowly pulling out once again. “F-fuck I… I wanna feel your hands all over me while you fuck me, daddy.”
His hands rub from my ass up to my back leaving a trail of warmth and goosebumps. “Like this? You like when daddy grabs all over you?” He questions, bringing his hands to my hair and making a makeshift ponytail.
I nod and bite my lip to contain my noises as he pulls my head back roughly, bringing his other hand down to smack my ass and rub out the sting. He pushes halfway in and stalls, but I can feel his cock throbbing between my walls.
“You want daddy all you yourself, hm?” He whispers as he releases his grip on my hair and moves his hands down my sides, tracing along my curves before settling on my ass.
“YES! … Y-yes, daddy, please. Wanna be all yours.” I squeal as he bottoms out, his tip brushing against my g-spot.
He starts pumping in and out, his hips slamming against my ass with the depth of his strokes. I reach around desperately, looking for anything I can grip onto. His hands reach down and grab mine, crossing them behind my back and gripping my wrists together with one hand. His other hand squeezes and massages my ass, smacking every now and again to give me small stings of delicious pain.
His thrusts are calculated and controlled as he pounds into me. Our pants fill the air as we inch closer to our climax together, his free hand roaming my body. It’s all slippery and sloppy and animalistic. Lewd, wet sounds echoing into the room and low grumbles escaping his throat.
I feel his dick stiffen to get impossibly hard, twitching and jerking inside of my heat. “F-fuck. Help me out baby.” He croaks as his strokes start to become sloppy.
He releases his grip on my wrist and grabs my hips as I begin meeting his thrusts halfway, throwing my body back against him. My name falls out of his lips over and over in a whisper as his fingers dig into my skin.
“S-so close..” I whine, my head swimming and my stomach clenched.
“Shh.. it’s okay baby. Give it to daddy.” He encourages.
That’s all it takes for me to unravel, my pussy throbbing around him as cries of pleasure sound into the room. He releases alongside me, his warm load spurting into me and filling me up as he continues fucking into me. We continue until we can’t anymore, and he pulls out with a wince.
He pulls my aching body up and spins me around, wrapping his arms around me and placing my head against him. His heart pounds against his chest, so hard I can almost feel it thumping against my ear. Our bodies are sticky and exhausted, but nothing is uncomfortable.
He places a kiss onto my hair, his hot breath fanning down over my shoulders. “Did that tell you what you needed to know?”
I only nod, unable to form words. He pulls back and hooks a finger under my chin to bring my gaze to meet his own. He looks at me intently and comes in to place a lingering, passionate kiss against my lips. When we disconnect he places his forehead against mine and whispers sweet nothings, his soft skin brushing against my still-swollen lips.
He gives me one more kiss. “Let’s go get cleaned up.”
tag list: @lustfulslxt @whotfisade @soursturniolo @recklesssturniolo @lxvlysworld @chrisolivia4l @kiarastromboli @mattnchrisworld @cupidsword @kvtie444 @xplrfear @knowingnothingnoel @karlybbx @chrisfavoritepepsi @mwah0mwah @starsturniolo
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bamsara · 2 years
#49. “Is somebody jealous?” If you feel like it 🤙
Sun-Centric, Moon at the end. | Wordcount: 1,763 | A03 Version
Taking advantage of the fact that my Sun cannot lie, so he either deflects or avoids the question, while Moon is more blunt. Takes place in ARC 2 (Moon reinstated as DCA, restrictions taken off Sun)
(Also, consider this a draft crumb for a future chapter of Solar Lunacy, so, spoilers. You may see a similar scene in the actual fic later.)
He's the father of one of the children; the boy who's got a obsession with Monty, even shares the same hairstyle and sunglasses as the animatronic, although his parent is a bit duller as you'd expect: Confident guy, cleaned up and usually wearing dull sweaters with dark hair. Used to wear glasses but just wears contacts anymore, and he's got a arm tattoo of a skeleton riding a motocycle under his sleeves hidden by the clothing so it's not an issue at his job.
You don't learn this things of free will, by the way. The guy just really likes to talk to you past departure time whenever you're the one checking the kids out at the door. He's a rabbler, that one, and it goes quickly from a refreshing casual conversation to a realization that he was staying at touch over his welcome.
Sun usually comes to your rescure, in the oddest of ways, sometimes.
Sometimes he'll come up behind you, shoo you off to go collect some other child for another parent while he 'verifies' the parent's identity (which you know is bollocks, since the father picks up the same boy every day he's dropped off and the little troublemaker never had an issue recognizing the guy)
Other times he'll yell something about children knocking over a tower, or throwing ballpit toys or pool noodles, and despite knowning damn well he can handle them well enough, you'll excuse yourself to go take care of the scene without coming off as rude to the customer.
Really, you don't want to come off rude to a Pizzaplex guest. You're not exactly sure where you're job stands as it is. You're not going to take any risks of a complaint.
It takes a little bit longer this time. A child is currently sobbing over a skinned knee they got from rough housing in the pizzaplex while you're at the doors checking out the troublemaker and the twins to their respective parents. The mothers of the twins collect their boys, bid you a good day and leave well enough. The father of the troublemaker, as usual, lingers even after his name is marked off the list.
"Gettin' pretty cold out, aint it?" He says, pulling a small phone out of his pocket and handing it to the boy. His son takes it, and is busy with a mobile game quicker than you can blink. "Not gonna be much longer until Christmas."
You smile. Sun is busy comforting the child in the back end of the Daycare, so you'll have to navigate this conversation on your own. "Yep. Look's like we'll be as busy as ever."
It's carefully chosen words, and you watch the reaction in his face as you say them. It seems to be the correct choice, because something in his face steels. "Yeah, yeah. Say, you got any hobbies outside of this place?"
A casual, nonformal shrug. "I spend most of my time here, actaully."
"Oh, I gotcha." He chuckles. "Getting tired of hanging around robots yet?"
"Not really." Still smiling, gotta keep up apperances. "They're actaully great friends of mine."
Something shifts in the man's expression. Not in the way that makes you think he'd suddenly think less of you to like hanging around robots, but like he's just unlocked some sort of secret backstory lore for his favorite character in a video game, and you're the npc. "Oh, really? That's pretty cool of you. You know, I work with a couple robots myself. Over at the office." He talks like he's bragging you have something in common. "Takes out the trash and gets the coffee. Like interns, but you don't have to pay em."
Your smile stretches a bit thin. "They do good work. My friend Sun might need my help in a moment."
It's a light excuse, one that doesn't seem likes it's going to work because you don't hear a child crying anymore, and Sun isn't anywhere to be seen from a glance around the Daycare. The father interjects again. "Oh, yeah. Lanky guy, isn't he?"
"He's probably getting things ready for naptime." You turn to step away from the door. "I should go get the blankets-"
Your step away seems to activate something in him. "Oh, wait! Before you're busy. Didn't mean wanna impose, but would you-?"
A flash of yellow, reds and oranges comes into your vision rather quickly in the corner of your eye, and Sun is there (thank god) with a toddler curled up in his arms. She's already sleeping, and he's careful the beads in her hair don't press inbetween where her head rests against his chassis, and talks in a whisper-yell. "Heelllooooooo, there!"
The father looks a bit startled to seem him for a second before his composure returns, and you try not to look visably relieved. "Everything under control?"
"You betcha!" Sun manages to be loud and quiet at the same time, a feat only he can achieve, and turns to the father and his son standing in the doorway. "I'm sorry, but the Daycare will have it's naptime soon, so we'll be turning off the lights and trying to keep to our inside voices." He talks calm, assertive. "Is there anything else I can help you with before you go?"
This seems to work, the father blows air through his nose in semblance of a sigh, and shrugs. "Ah, nah. We've got it here." He turns to you to say the goodbye, though. "See you around."
You and Sun speak in unison as the pair leaves. "Have a Faztastic day!"
The door shuts behind the man and his son, and you feel the tension leave from your shoulders. Children are already getting into their mats and blankets on their own (save for two that are trying to fit into one sleeping bag so they can nap together, but you don't break them up or else they have nightmares) and you don't see much else for you to do other than to turn the lights off.
Sun holds the sleeping toddler in one arm, a hand coming up to gently cover her ears with the other. "Bit of a talker, that one."
"It's not like he's doing anything wrong." You shrug, setting your clipboard on the security desk. "Just chooses the worst time. I mean, like, c'mon. I'm at work here. I can't chat with people at the door."
"Would you prefer outside the Pizzaplex?" The animatronic asks. He doesn't look as nervous when you approuch the light switch anymore. Well, usually. "I'm sure he'd like that."
You don't reach for the light switch yet; doing so mid conversation would be rude, but you still raise a brow. "Sounding a little suspisious there, Sunny."
"Suspisious." He repeats, scoffing. "His intentions are plain as day! And I'm the day! Look at me! I'm telling you. Right now."
It's playful behavior, and the way he sounds when it's flared up is a little funny, so you cross your arms and lean against the wall next to the light switch. "Okay? What if I like the attention?"
Sun's smile thins. "Oh, we doubt that."
"But what if you're wrong? Would it be so bad?" You're teasing him, obviously, that much is clear. You can tell by the look on your friend's face that he's two seconds away from rolling his eyes (or maybe he is already, and you just can't see the pupils) but you're allowed to poke at the Daycare Attendant every now and then. "Maybe we'll never know because you keep chasing him off."
"I would gasp right now, dramatic and awful, but the childern are trying to sleep." Sun sounds incredbably deadpan. "And I'm not going to entertain your theatrics-"
"My theatrics?" You give a short laugh. "The last time he was doing this, you pretended to fall and break a leg so I could excuse myself to 'repair' you."
Sun holds up one finger to you. "And yet you still came running!"
"There will be no 'booing' in the daycare-"
"Oh, boo. You just don't want me to get a date cause you'd miss me." You snort.
Sun looks like he's about to say something, then goes quiet, face static. You grin. The girl he's holding hasn't stirred yet, but knowning him, he's probably holding back for her sake to defend himself. He only does so after a moment. "Teasing and bullying is not allowed in the Daycare either, or do you think you're always excluded from rules?"
"So you would!" You laugh, and cover your mouth with your hand so it doesn't make so much noise. "And please, you let me get away with so much-"
Sun looks esasperated. "Against our will."
"What are you, jealous?" You continue, and miss the visible stillness that takes over the animatronic when you talk. White pupils deadpan at you and you snicker. "What? Nothing to say? Is somebody jealous?"
You chuckle as the Daycare Attendant stares at you, smiling but silient. It's fun to tease him, but it's about time you let him get back to work before you waste time, and you reach for the light switch, still leaning back agaist the wall. "Alright, alright. I'm done. Let's get-"
A hand reaches out over yours, pressing it against the light switching flipping it off as your fingers are locked underneath it's own. You pause, gaze dropping from the lightswitch and traveling back in front of you towards the animatronic as the lights in the Daycare go out.
The switch happens differently each time, but better times like this, it's a blink, and the Daycare Attendant went a far cry from hiding away each time to this; unwaving eyecontact, leaning int a little too close for comfort as colors change and the pressure on your hand feels a touch sharper.
"Yes." Moon says, deadpan.
You blink. "Uh."
"Blankets." His hand drops from the light switch, from your hand, and adjusts his grip on the still sleeping toddler in his other arm.
The small-talk of an animatronic leans away from you, and casually, turns the opposite direction towards the children who were either half-asleep on their mats already, or quite excited to see him. You watch as the animatronic finds a open mat to tuck the toddler into, mummering quiet hushes to the children around him as he busies himself with his duties.
Well, you might have lost that one. You retrieve the blankets from the supply closet, using your hands to scrub at the warmness in your face when he's not looking.
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raya-hunter01 · 4 months
Cruising Love Pt. 1
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the request and for trusting me once again @royalkay23
Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
His plans are in danger of going up in smoke as his toxic ex is also on the cruise and is desperate to rekindle their toxic burning flame.
Will Jey give in, or will he stand strong in his love and devotion to Kayla and leave the past in the past?
Tumblr media
Jacksonville, FL
Regen Seven Seas Cruises
Jey's POV
Damn it’s crowded and I wish we had got here earlier, but we were running behind schedule, but we made it. It really is a lot that goes into this cruising thing, but I’ll do anything for my lady.
“Will you stop looking at Kayla like she’s going to disappear,” Jimmy said as I looked at my girlfriend talking to Trin, Carmen, and Bianca.
“I’m waiting on Bianca to answer my text,” I said as I saw her looking at her phone, typing away with a smile on her face. “
“Stop worrying, you know Bianca got you. We all got you,” Sefa said looking at his girlfriend who game us a thumbs up.
“See Carmen is on it,” Jimmy said as I let out the breath I was holding.
The girls helped me plan this cruise for Kayla’s birthday and I want everything to go according to plan. WWE gave us thanksgiving week off this year and that made planning this trip much easier.
“Jey, everything is going to be beautiful, and Kayla will love everything you have planned, because she loves you. Then on top of that you know she’s going to say yes to your proposal so stop trippin’,” Robin reassured me as Joe kissed her on the temple.
“Keep him in line mama, we’re here to have fun and enjoy this break,” Joe whispered as I rolled my eyes.
“We are going to have fun-” I started but closed my mouth as I saw Kayla heading back over.
“What are ya’ll talking about?” Kayla asked coming to stand beside me checking her phone.
“Nothing baby, we just ready to get on the ship,” I said as she smiled brightly at me.
“I’m ready to get my birthday week started myself. Trin wants us to hit one of the clubs on the ship tonight,” she said I looked at Trin strangely as she shrugged her shoulders.
“Hey, ya’ll can do a boys night out too, ain’t nobody stoppin’ ya’ll,” she said as Kayla laughed at Jimmy shaking his head.
“A guys night out could be fun, maybe we could play pool,” Sefa added seeing how antsy I was.
“Uh, yea that’s cool I’m on board with it,” I said as the line finally began moving and thankfully, they were on a roll now. It took us about thirty minutes to finally get on and another twenty to find our rooms.
Kayla’s POV
“Oh, shit! Babe this is too much,” I gasped looking around our suite before going out onto the balcony.
“It’s your birthday week, nothing is too much baby,” he whispered gently kissing my neck as I blushed profusely.  “Thank you it’s really beautiful, everything is,” I whispered as I felt his smile against my neck.
“Not as beautiful as you, but just know before this week is over, I’m making love to you out here on this balcony in that shower,” he said pointing to the overhead shower against the wall.
“Oh, my now what will the neighbors have to say about that?” I asked turning around in his arms as we shared a brief kiss. 
“Don’t know and don’t care, but I know one thing they definitely gon’ know my fuckin’ name before this trip is over. Every night yo fine ass gon’ be screamin’ it,” Jey whispered before tasting my lips again.
“Oh, is that right?” I asked truly turned on as his eyes sparkled with mischief.
 “Damn right now go put on that pretty sundress for me that you bought. We gotta meet everyone on the deck in a few minutes, the dance party you girls wanted to check out starts soon,” he said as I felt even more giddy inside, my man was on it.
“Thanks again for all of this,” I whispered before heading inside to freshen up and change. This trip was definitely starting off right and hope it continues.
Deck Dance Party
Jey’s POV
I have to say, so far, the trip is going off without a hitch as we watched the girls on the middle deck dancing with fellow passengers without a care in the world. I still had one thing on my mind though.
“How bout Danielle texted me the other day talking about we needed closure,” I said to myself as I Joe raised his eyebrows at me.
“Damn, it’s like she has ESPN when your happy and tries to sneak in and fuck it up with that toxic shit,” he said as Jimmy scoffed, taking a sip of his beer.
“Uce, you and Kayla been rockin’ for three years. She’s loyal and held you down through a lot of shit. Don’t let nobody come in and fuck that up. The closure was done when you put her ass out and broke up with her,” Jimmy said as Joe nodded in agreement.
“I should have ended it better, I was so cold to her,” I said as Montez looked at me like I had grown three heads.
"Well if thirty thousand disappeared from my savings I'd be cold as fuck too. You went through that toxic shit for so long you feel undeserving of love and normalcy, but you are deserving. Let Kayla love you, just be happy man," Montez said as i nodded trying to truly digest his words.
“Kayla loves you and has held you down. Being a wrestler’s girlfriend or wife ain’t for the weak. Hell, she helped you build your brand,” Joe said as I smiled taking a swig of my beer.
“You should have seen her in the studio while I was remixing our old song. Do it again babe and yell louder, Iet’em know you feelin’ ucey,” I said mocking her as the guys laughed.
Danielle never understood my passion for wrestling but, when I met Kayla, I was thrown off by how supportive she was. I thought she was too good to be true and tried to close off my feelings.
Through it all Kayla never stopped being herself and each time I was in her presence another barrier would crumble and the deeper I fell in love with her.
The countless nights she sat up late letting me cut promos on her and giving advice. Like she actually cares and loves to come on the road to visit me and enjoy the shows.
“What’s got you over there in deep thought, Uce?” Joe asked as I smiled.
 “Just thinking bout Kay, and how much I love that woman. You know she’s already got her schedule mapped out to come on the road with me next month for a week to help out with my meetings with the WWEShop executives and Paul. She did me a couple of sketches of some new merchandise ideas I had.”
 “See that’s what I’m talkin’ bout, you deserve somebody like that on your team. Ya’ll grindin’ together, Uce.  Not somebody that has nothing to offer but sex, manipulation and don’t even get me started on the money she stole from you,” Jimmy said as Sefa watched me intently.
“Go ahead Uce, add your two cents in I can take it,” I said, his stoic expression even more judging than it normally is on TV.
 “Jey, you deserve happiness, and you need to stop thinking that you don’t. Danielle is the past, don’t let her spoil your future with Kayla,” he said as I smiled at him stealing a glance at Kayla out on the dance floor.
“Man, you better get yo’ shit together, all this stuff Bianca and I had to order and get shipped to Puerto Rico. If you fuck this up, she will kill you,” Montez said as we all laughed.
“I got it together man, I’m just thankful ya’ll agreed to help me get everything set up,” I said as he smiled.
“You know she loves to decorate and drags me along to help, but I love it too. I think that is going to be the business move for us when we decide to retire,” Montez said as I almost felt envious of him. He’s thinking about life after wrestling and is coming up with a plan.
“I’m going to order me another drink, anybody want anything?” I asked, getting up as Joe held up his beer.
“Get me a refill this gon’ be a long day,” he said looking back down at the girls dancing on the deck.
“Shit, you know it, I’ll go wit you,” Jimmy said getting up following me to the bar as I stopped in my tracks spotting a familiar figure from afar.
“I know this isn’t happening to me,” I whispered as Jimmy collided with my back. “Damn, why did you stop?” he asked as I tried to play it off as I saw my ex-girlfriend with her sister leaving the bar and heading towards the deck.
“Uh, I tripped over these damn slides,” I said as he laughed. “Man, come one let’s get these drinks and get back to the deck, we missing the show,” he said as I smiled but underneath my smile I was shook.
This was all I needed was Danielle lurking around and I knew if she saw any of us it would be a disaster.
“Aye, snap outta it Uce, we need to order,” Jimmy said going around me and heading to the bar.
“Just, avoid her ass at all costs and enjoy your trip,” I muttered to myself in denial. Deep down I knew at some point in time we were going to run into each other.
Yea, this definitely was going to be a long five days on this fuckin’ ship.
Four years earlier
“I do support you!” Danielle cried as the anger in me continued to boil.
“I begged yo ass to come on the road with me, you never have time even though you have no job. You just want to shop, max out my damn credit cards and flex on Instagram.”
“You told me I could get what I needed! Don’t make it seem like I just did it without your knowledge!” Danielle yelled as I growled.
How does me telling her that she can use my credit card when she needs something turn into you spending three grand a week.
 “That ain’t what I meant, and you know it. I’mma let you have that shit and move on. I want you to explain the newest most deceitful shit you’ve done to me,” I said as her eyes widened in shock.  “Yea, the jig us up, I can’t believe you didn’t think I would find out,” I hissed as she cried.
“Jey, I’m not feeling well,” she whimpered as I scoffed in anger.  “Cut the bullshit, explain to me how thirty thousand is missing from my savings,” I said pulling out my bank statement showing her the evidence in black and white as she continued to cry.
Yea, poor Joshua finally got some damn sense.
“Uh, I—I-Joshua,” Danielle stuttered as I slammed the paper down on the counter.
“Don’t call me that! Only my family can call me that and you ain’t my family, you never were!
“Yes, I am your family I-“she started as I bitterly cutting her off.
“You been stealing from me! Stealing from the person you say you love! Shit, who needs enemies when snakes like you are surrounding me!” I hissed as her crocodile tears made me even more pissed off.
“I’m sorry Jey, I didn’t want to hurt you, I can give it back,” she whispered as I shook my head in disgust.
“Danielle, all I want is for you to get out and stay out. You got an hour to pack what you can and get the fuck out.”
“Jey, we can work this out! I know I fucked up,” Danielle cried as I tried to keep my cool, but it wasn’t working.
“Yea, you fucked up big time and I’m done! When I get back you better be gone. Also, all my accounts have been switched so your cards won’t work anymore.”
“What am I supposed to do?” she whispered as Trin came into the kitchen where we were.
“Use that thirty grand you stole to start over,” I said as she cringed at my words.
“Hey, your door was open, is everything ok?” Trin asked taking in the tense scene. I can’t even imagine how we looked to her right now.
"Yea, thanks for coming sis. I just needed you and Cameron to look after the house while she packs her shit,” I said as Trin looked at Danielle shaking her head.
“Cameron is in the car talking to Sefa on the phone, his flight is delayed but she’ll be in shortly,” Trin said as I gave her a hug.
“Thanks, I just need to get outta here,” I whispered as she nodded tightening her arms around me.
“Go, we’ll call you when she’s gone,” she said as I felt a heavy load lifted off of my shoulders.
“Jey, you can’t just discard me!” Danielle screamed as Trin ushered me towards the door as Cameron walked inside.
“Jey you can’t do this!” Danielle cried as Cameron stopped me from turning around and answering.
“Ignore her, Jimmy is waiting at the house,” Cameron said grabbing my hand, giving a comforting squeeze as I felt my eyes burning. Yea, I needed to leave now.
“We’ll call you when it’s done,” Trin said as Carmen rolled her eyes looking at Danielle moving in slow motion around the living room.
“Girl, hurry up and get started packin’ your shit. We ain’t got all day and run them keys too because we don’t need you snooping around when Jey isn’t here.”
“A locksmith is on the way to change the locks; I don’t want to chance her having copies. I will get ya’ll a copy before I leave tomorrow night,” I said walking away, not really wanting to talk anymore to anybody.
Six years down the drain and right up under my nose. I’ll never let anybody close to me ever again.
Sefa and Cameron’s Suite
“I don’t think you saw Danielle; it can’t be,” Sefa said as I rolled my eyes. “I know what I saw and what I saw was that barracuda. Last thing we need is her trying to run up on Jey trying to reconnect, painting a perfect picture as to how she has changed,” I said as he groaned in frustration.
“Damn, why shit can’t be simple for once,” he said as I sighed.
“Because your brother can’t stay mad at nobody and that’s the problem.”
“Jey loves Kayla, and he wouldn’t jeopardize that, I just know it,” he said as I sat beside him on the bed.
“I know he loves her, but I also remember the hold Danielle used to have on him and it scares me,” I said as Sefa laced our fingers together.
“Jey knows what he has in Kayla and he ain’t messing that up for nobody, you’re worrying for nothing,” Sefa whispered as I tried to see his positive outlook but I knew that bitch.
If she ever saw Jey, she definitely would try to seduce him. Yea, this trip just went to shit.
Jey & Kayla’s Suite
Kayla’s POV
“Mmhm right there,” I moaned as Jey’s smiled against my neck gently biting as I rocked my hips against his fingers.
“Yea, you like dat shit don’t you?” he moaned as I whimpered in pleasure as he curved his fingers against my G spot. His thumb gently and urgently caressing my clit.
“Answer me princess,” Jey moaned using his other hand to grasp my chin bringing my mouth to his.
“Yes! I love it,” I whimpered grinding on his lap as he growled. “Fuck, you trying to make daddy cum too ain’t you?” Jey asked as I smirked. “Mmhm, I want you to come wit me,” I whispered as our moans and gasps of pleasure filled the room. “How long has it been since I made you cum?” Jey gasped as I continued to grind against him as his fingers and mouth sent shivers down my spine.
“This morning!” I yelped against his lips as he smiled. “Too long, cum wit me beautiful,” he groaned. “Mmm, I love you,” I whispered as Jey smiled. “I love you too princess,” he whispered as our lips met again in a passionate kiss as we fell over the edge together.
 Something so innocent got us both so hot. It’s purely ridiculous what this man does to me should be against the damn law.
“Damn, all I said was help me put on my necklace,” I gasped trying to catch my breath as Jey laughed. “Shit, you looked amazing in the dress, I couldn’t help it,” he said letting me go as I stood up.
“Yea, now I gotta change because you messed up my dress,” I said looking at the back in the mirror. “Aye, that was all you grinding up on this dick, dry humping like we teenagers,” he said with a sexy smirk as I blushed.
“There wasn’t nothin’ dry bout that humpin’ sir, and I didn’t hear you complaining a minute ago,” I said as he shrugged his shoulders.
 “And never will, I was just trying to give you a lil quick nut before your night out and you turn it into a two for one special,” he said as I laughed going over to the closet to find something else to wear.
“Now I gotta clean up and try this again, you stay your ass right there,” I said going into the bathroom as his laughter filled the room.
Yea, I really loved that man.
Club Tide
Trin’s Pov
The club was jumping but i was too focused on the information Cameron shared earlier about seeing Danielle.
“Ladies, the gentleman at the bar ordered you all another round,” the waiter said as we all looked to see a tall handsome guy at the bar smiling raising his glass.
“Aww that was sweet,” Kayla said raising her glass before throwing back her shot.
“Kay, you need to pace yourself,” Carmeron said as Kayla smiled. “Girl, it’s my birthday week. We turnin’ up all damn week,” she said as we danced in our VIP section.
“Yea, Kayla can handle her liquor, don’t worry Cam,” I said as I spotted Danielle by the bar looking over at us.
“Is that who I think it is?” Bianca asked as I nodded not wanting to draw attention. We both watched her smirk at us before she disappeared into the crowd.
“That bitch itchin’ for a beat down, I swear,” I whispered as Bianca sucked on her teeth. “I can already see, somebody gon’ beat that bitch ass before we dock back in Florida,” she said as I laughed.
“Let’s not give her that type of energy, this is Kayla’s week. Aye, let’s dance Kay,” I said grabbing her arm leading her to the floor as she smiled brightly at me.
“Girl, we gotta leave soon to meet guys,” she said as we began dancing.
“Come on, we’ll leave soon, let’s just have some fun and unwind,” Cameron said joining us on the floor as I saw Robin and Binaca scanning the room.
No doubt they were trying to watch for Danielle, but that bitch ain’t stupid enough to approach any of us.
Ocean Bar
Jey’s POV
This was supposed to be a fun guy’s night out, but all I’ve heard is how I need to avoid Danielle. Damn Cameron for blabbing. They talking’ to me like I’m a damn child, almost like they don’t trust me.
“Aye, I’ma head out if ya’ll keep nagging,” I said as Jimmy smirked. “You the only motherfucker I know that can ends up in situations like these. Your current and ex-girlfriend on the same fuckin’ ship,” Jimmy said as I frowned.
“Stop aggravating him Jimmy, he’s got enough on his plate,” Sefa said as Joe checked phone.
“The girls should be back over here soon, Robin just text me,” he said as I nodded trying to tune out Jimmy with his drunk ass.
“Man, don’t you fuck this up, Kayla deserves more than being second fiddle to somebody like Danielle. You don’t deserve her if you gon’ do that,” Jimmy said as Joe reached over and punched him in the shoulder.
“Shut yo’ drunk ass up-” Joe started as I interrupted him. “What you trying to say I don’t deserve her?” I asked, the alcohol clouding my judgement.
“Aye, go chill for a minute, you know he’s drunk and didn’t mean it Jey,” Joe said as I downed my shot and left the table.
“You talk too fuckin’ much,” I heard Sefa hissed to Jimmy.
“Uce, I’m sorry man, come back!” Jimmy yelled as I ignored heading out of the bar and heading up to the deck.
“Drunk ass just doesn’t know when to shut up,” I muttered not paying attention as to where I was going and collided with someone.
“You’re still clumsy as ever I see,” Danielle said as I jumped back in shock as she smiled brightly at me.
I didn’t know what to say standing before me was my past and internally I’m trippin’.
“Hey, Jey,” she whispered giving me a hug as I hesitated before returning the gesture.
“Hey Danielle,” I said as she rubbed my back before pulling away.
“It’s really good to see you, “she said as I nodded. “You want a drink, you look like you could use one,” she said as I looked at her like she was crazy.
 “I don’t think that’s a good idea, I’m here with my lady,” I said as she smiled. “Look, we made peace with the past, I mean you texted me back and told me we were cool,” Danielle said as I sighed at my words coming back to bite me in the ass.
“I did tell her it was cool and water under the bridge but is this really a good idea.
“Come on, I won’t bite. I know you have a lady and I have a boyfriend. Just have a seat and I’ll go grab us a bottle of Tequilla, I owe you,” she said as I contemplated her offer.
“Uh, I guess taking a shot for old times sake can’t hurt,” I said taking a seat as she went back into the bar.
The longer I sat, the more guilty I felt. “What the fuck am I doing?” I muttered out loud truly feeling like I was asking for trouble.
Just as I got up Danielle came back over with the bottle of Tequilla.
“Let’s toast,” she said pouring us a shot.
“Um, what we are toasting?” I asked as she smiled. “New beginnings,” she whispered as we shared a toast and drank.
The sly look on her face should have made me run for the hills but I stayed and took another shot.
“Let me find us music,” she said pulling out her phone.
“That ain’t necessary, I’m bout to head back inside,” I said as Get Up On it by Kut Klose began playing.
If you really, really want it
All you gotta do is get up on it If you really, really want it
“Do you remember this?” Danielle asked as I nodded. “Yea, I remember Dani,” I said as she smiled. It was the first song we ever danced to on our first date.
“How bout one more dance for old time sakes?” she asked as I went blank on what to next.
What the fuck had I got myself into.
The time has come for us, ooh, baby
To get real busy, baby
“Danielle this ain’t a good idea,” I said as she began dancing up on me.
“Come on, it’s just a dance,” she whispered wrapping my arms around her waist.
Oh, yes, it has, mm
And you don't have to be afraid of our love, oh, no
'Cause it won't hurt you, sugar
Oh, no, it won't, ooh, yeah, baby
Her hips rubbing against mine as I tried to keep it PG. I get myself in the most shit. Her mouth was dangerously close to my neck as I slightly pulled back.
“Danielle stop playin’” I warned as she smirked. “You know you can’t say no to me,” she whispered moving my hand to her ass as I groaned moving them back to her lower back.
Sefa’s Pov
“I’mma go find Jey, something ain’t right,” I said as Joe stood up to go with me.
“Nah, I got it Uce, keep an eye on Jimmy, Montez still out there dancing,” I said pointing at Jimmy who was nursing his beer.
“Alright, I’ll round him up and we’ll meet you on the deck,” Joe said as I shook my head at Jimmy before heading to find Jey.
“Let me find his ass before the girls get here,” I muttered hoping he ain’t did nothing stupid.
Going out onto the deck and around the corner, my eyes weren’t prepared for the scene before me as I saw Danielle wrapped up in Jey’s arms as they danced.
“What the fuck is he doing?” I hissed, not believing my eyes.
I like it girl, when we
Get real freaky, baby
Ooh, yes, I do, baby
And I'm on my hands and knees
“Hey, Sefa why are you out here?” Trin asked as I bout jumped out of my skin turning around trying to act unfazed and began walking back towards the girls.
“I was waiting for ya’ll, let’s go,” I said wrapping my arm around Kayla and Cameron steering them towards the club.
If you really, really want it (if you really want it, baby)
All you gotta do is get up on it (all you gotta do, girl)
Get up on this love of mine
“You sure everything is, ok? You look pretty spooked right now,” Kayla said as I nodded my head. “Yea, right as rain,where is Bianca?” I asked nervously as Cameron looked at me strangely. "She already went inside," Cameron said as I breathed a sigh of relief.
As I reached for the door, almost home free, I heard Jey laugh as Cameron cut her eyes at me.  I pleaded with my eyes for her not to say anything.
Wait, was that Jey laughing,” Kayla asked stopping in her tracks as I panicked. “Uh, I think it’s just some folks walking the deck,” I said as Kayla scoffed.
“You really think I’m stupid, and don’t know your brothers laugh after being with him for three years,” she asked moving my arm and heading back over to where I had been, with Trin and Robin following her closely.
“Stop her babe, Jey is over there with Danielle,” I said as Cameron’s eyes got wider. “No fuckin’ way,” she whispered as I nodded.
“Kayla, wait please!” Cameron yelled as we ran over to catch up her.
 “No, I wanna see what’s so funny, him and Jimmy must be out here doin’ something crazy,” she said, her smile instantly dropping.
There stood Jey and Danielle, still wrapped up in an embrace, their faces dangerously close.
I know he isn’t going to kiss her; snap out of it you fool.
Jey’s POV
“Jey, come on I won’t tell. Just one kiss,” Danielle begged as I finally came back to reality. “Look, I’m in love with someone, and I can’t do this. This ain’t right.”
 Pushing her away, my heart almost stopped as I saw Kayla staring at me in disbelief a few feet away.
“Shit, baby I can explain, it’s not what it looks like,” I said as she began walking towards us.
“How could it not be what I’m thinking, Jey? You out here hugged up with her, dancing and shit like you single,” Kayla said her eyes betraying her cool exterior. I had hurt her beyond belief.
“You need to leave Danielle,” I said as she rolled her eyes. “No, I’m staying right here,” she said as Kayla stepped between us ignoring Danielle.
“Babe, I can explain,” I said as Kayla slapped me. Ok, I more than deserved that.
“Oh, you bet yo’ ass you gon’ explain and it better be good,” Kayla said as I looked over and Sefa and the girls for some help. But by the looks on their faces I knew I was going to have to get myself out of this one.
“Uce, can ya’ll leave us alone?” I asked my brother as the girls looked hesitant to leave.
“We ain’t leaving Kayla,” Robin said as Kayla shook her head. “I’m ok ya’ll, I’ll catch up wit you,” Kayla whispered as I saw Danielle smirking.
“You better wipe that smirk off your face bitch,” Trin said as Kayla turned back towards Danielle.
“What are you looking at me for, take it up with your man. I can’t help he wants me," she boasts as Kayla laughed.
Kayla’s POV
This bitch really thinks this is a game, I’ll throw him and her ass overboard keep trying me.
“Look, I ain’t talking to you, I’m dealing with my man so you can take your irrelevant ass on,” I said as she got bold and started talking louder.
“I’m grown bitch! You can’t tell me what to do!” She said as I tried to keep my anger under control but failed.
“Bitch, I’m grown too! You got the right one today, keep fuckin around you gon’ be sleeping with the fishes! Now take yo’ ass on somewhere!” I yelled as Jey wrapped his arms around my waist.
 “Aye, baby, let’s go over here and talk, she ain’t even worth it,” Jey said trying to pull me away as I snatched away from him.
 “Let me go! If she ain’t worth it, why was you hugged up with her!” I yelled slapping Jey again as he staggered from the force.
“Ok, I deserve all of that and probably some more," he said as fought to get my emotions in check. I can’t believe he did this.  
“Can we please just leave and talk,” Jey pleaded rubbing his face looking sad and defeated and that in turn made me want to slap his ass again because he caused this.
“Danielle, you’ve done enough, let’s go,” Sefa said as I felt even more insulted catching on to the name he just said.
Danielle, I know this ain’t the dumb bitch that had his ass crossed up before I met him.
“Danielle, as in your ex- Danielle …Daneille that stole thirty grand from you?” I asked, as Jey nodded, looking like he wanted the world to open up and swallow him whole.
“Baby, let’s go talk, I can tell you what happened. You know I love you, it isn't what you think,” Jey said as I looked at him in disbelief.
“You so motherfuckin’ stupid!” I yelled truly frustrated as Jey ran his hands over his face.
“Jey what you begging that bitch for? “You know you still love me,” Danielle said as Trin and Cameron started towards her.
“Nah, I got it ya’ll,” I said finally turning around, giving her what she wanted, which was my undivided attention.
“This is my last warning or your ass gon’ come up missing. I suggest you get the fuck outta here,” I said pointing at her as she rolled her eyes.
“You better stop pointing that finger, or I’ll bite that motherfucka off!” Danielle screamed as I walked right up in her face, pointing my finger once again and mushing her head back in the process.
“Do it bitch!” I hissed as she gasped in shock, mumbling under her breath before making a dramatic exit as Jey pulled me against his chest to stop me from going after her.
“That’s what I thought bitch, you ain’t bout that life. Find you somebody else to play wit,” I said as Trin and Robin looked at me in disbelief.
“Let’s go now damn it!” Jey hissed dragging me off further down the deck away from everyone.
“We’ll make sure she doesn’t come back,” Sefa said as Jey sighed. “Thanks, we’ll be inside in a minute,” Jey said as I moved away from him.
“We will be right here,” Trin said as Robin was talking on her phone to Joe, I’m sure.
Jey’s POV
“Kay, I know it looks bad, but I didn’t kiss her.”  I could feel Kayla shutting down and I felt helpless. I should have just stayed in the bar or took my ass back to the room and none of this shit would have happened.
“Jey, she should have never been in your arms to begin with you put yourself in that position,” Kayla said avoiding eye contact with me.
“I know that now, and I’m sorry,” I whispered truly feeling like a fool. “Jey, is our relationship real?” Kayla asked as I felt like she slapped me in the face again.
“What the hell does that mean? You know our relationship is real, I love you Kay,” I said without hesitation.
“It can’t be, because if it was you wouldn’t have been out her Boo’d up with your ex,” she whispered her voice breaking as I felt my heart stop.
“Baby, it’s not like that, I promise.”
My own heart breaking seeing the tears flowing down her beautiful face. She had to listen to me, I can’t lose her.
“I’m done talking about it, I’m just going to follow your lead,” Kayla said as I felt the bile rising in my throat. “What are you talking bout Kay? “I asked afraid of her answer.
“Maybe I should go find me somebody to grind up on and almost kiss them,” she said as I growled.
 “Kayla, let’s go to our room and work this shit out,” I pleaded as she wiped her tears and smoothed down her leather pants.
“Good night don’t wait up, I’m going to have me some fun now since you’ve already had yours,” she whispered before walking away.
 She wouldn’t…Would she?
“Let’s talk Kayla! I shouted at her retreating form as Trin and Robin looked at me with disappointment in their eyes. “Kay come back!” I yelled as she continued to ignore me.
“You’ve done enough for one night. Go to your room and sleep it off Jey,” Trin said as I sighed.
“I gotta talk to her and tell her it wasn’t what she thought,” I said as Robin came over and gave me a hug.
“Give her some time, she’s hurt, Jey.”
 I knew I had made a mistake, but I prayed she was on her way back to our suite and not heading to do something she could never take back.
“I’mma go wait for her in the room,” I said as Trin rolled her eyes. “I could beat yo’ ass right now,” she muttered as I nodded my head in agreement too ashamed to speak.
I made the long journey to our suite with hope in my heart that Kayla would be there so we could talk. Opening the door, I was met with silence as I looked around the room.
Going out onto the balcony I sat down staring into the pitch-black darkness as my Montez’s words echoed in my head from earlier.
“You went through that toxic shit for so long you feel underserving of love and normalcy, but you are deserving. Let Kayla love you, just be happy man.”
 “Yea, way to go idiot,” I whispered alone in my own personal hell as I tried not to imagine Kayla with someone else.
The next morning
Kayla’s POV
I got up and left before Joe and Robin woke up. I needed to shower and get ready before we dock in the Bahamas. It’s still my birthday weekend and I planned to enjoy it.
I hope Jey is still asleep, I don’t feel like talking this morning. Opening the door quietly and going inside I was met with a worried remorseful stare from Jey as he sat on the edge of the bed facing the door.
“Where you been all night?” he asked as I ignored him going over to the closet to get my outfit out.
“Damn it Kay, where have you been?” he asked as I continued to ignore him.
 “Can we at least talk after your shower?” Jey asked as I sighed.
“Look, I crashed with Joe and Robin because I’m not built like you. I can’t forget I’m in an actual relationship and do something I know would hurt you no matter how pissed I am,” I said as Jey sighed in relief.
“Thank god,” he whispered as I rolled my eyes. “Look, I need to shower and get changed can you go?” I asked, not wanting to see his face at the moment. 
“What you mean go? We need to talk Kayla.”
“I don’t feel comfortable undressing in front of you so could you please leave,” I said as I felt the shock rolling off of Jey in waves, but I was hurting too.
“You don’t feel comfortable undressing in front of me? Your man of three years, really Kayla?” he asked in disbelief as I felt my chest tighten.
“Are you my man, Jey? Because you seemed to have forgot that you were last night when you were cozied up with your ex,” I said not backing down.  I know he didn’t kiss her; I know I may be overreacting but needed some space to process this shit. Jey sighed in defeat grabbing his shoes and heading towards the door. 
“I’ll leave, but this ain’t over Kayla. You gon’ have to talk to me sometime because I ain’t givin’ up. I love you, and I ain’t about to lose you now,” he whispered before walking out the door as I broke down in tears.
Some fucking birthday..........
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi
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ghostsvacuumcleaner · 11 months
Hi! I saw your alejandro NSFW alphabet and I was in love! Mind doing a John price NSFW alphabet if you are comfortable?
Absolutely comfortable with my favorite dilf omg 🥵 took me a while since I'm working on other requests and I'm sorry bout that but I hope you're still around here! also I'm so SORRY this is so LONG, couldn't help myself!!! Hope you enjoy even so 😭 To work:
John Price NSFW Alphabet
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masterlist | ao3
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
There will always be plenty of it, even if he's in a bad mood, even if he's really pissed at you: he'll always love praising his babydoll the most. After he's done with you and absolutely sure your thighs are sliding from the slick that's still down there and exhausted from intensely riding him, he'll hold you fondly against his bear chest and kindly brush his worn fingers through your hair, caressing that very soft spot in your scalp. Although you're in his office and it's kind of necessary for you to get ready and leave quickly before someone can come in and catch you fucking your captain, he'll take his time and offer you a drag of his cigar, and find it very adorable if you inhale wrong and cough; "Gotta let the smoke get to your lungs, love, inhale... that's right, good. Now let go... there you go." he'll say, while his fingertips brush deliciously calmly your bare back, contouring your spine; if you don't choke and is actually an avid smoker like himself, he'll be glad to share and will offer you cigarettes or cigars from his pack evertyime he feels like.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
You'd hardly say he has a favorite body part of yours, because he'll spare no efforts in worshiping it whole - every part of it. If he absolutely had to pick one particular thing, he'd probably say your thighs and legs. Before the two of you engaged in a official relationship, it wasn't often he could see them because you'd mostly wear those average cargo pants; the very first time you accepted to go out with the team and not so unintentionally decided to wear that damn tiny dress, your thighs started living rent free in your cap's mind. He had a hard time staring them all night long, craving it as the dress kept riding up your thighs while you danced - against other men. Almost like you were challenging him in finally coming to you after days of incessant innuendo and stares at work.
As for himself, he loves his hairy, perfumed and broad chest. He feels vivid like he doesn't in much time when you brush those small soft hands of yours across it, when you're with them all over him like you own him - particularly in those times you feel jelly when you see some other woman staring at him. Like stating he's your man. He loves it.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Before the two of you made a commitment, he was very careful with it. By that time, you getting pregnant could be a very big problem for both of you - not only because you're considerably younger than him, but mostly because he is your boss. Your captain. That could come off the wrong way for his superiors, could hurt both of your reputations. He'd grab a twisted handful of your hair, his other hand digging tight on your waist as he digs, buries his cock deep within your swollen walls - your leg bent, resting over the desk and your cunt so exposed your clit rubs lightly on the wooden surface each time he thrusts - you're going insane. You came minutes ago and there he is still fucking you dumb, making you bite your own cheeks trying to keep your voice down, till suddenly contact's broken and he steps back, pumping his cock a few times only to release his spend on your beautiful thigh, with a muffled groan. "Bloody fuckin'- ah, doll, y' gonna kill me like that..."
Today's day with the two of you dating, nothing will get him more relaxed than forcing his seed inside you, watching his own cum drip through your folds once he pulls off - and he'll gladly tell you after, that he really hopes it catches this time.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
He's been watching you closely from your very first day of work. He'd never tell you or anyone else - and sometimes, he denies it to himself out of shame, that he intentionally recruited you on his team because of his crescent infatuation with your young, beautiful and strong self. It's not that you're not highly competent and good at your job, definitely not. But that wasn't his only reason to pick you, and he'll bury this secret with him - that he once in his life chose to be unprofessional, because he wanted you. But btw that didn't stop him from being tough and demanding with you, especially on your first days. heh
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
He's definitely very experienced, in every pure aspect of it. It was a part of the reason you grew interested on him with no time - he was experienced like none of these young guys you had before. Knows every right places, mature, caring. Bit old fashioned. It was all you wanted; It'll get on your nerves sometimes although, because you're not the only one to think that he's the hottest shit alive. Many woman fancy him, some older than you - which will get you really concerned sometimes. He'll reaffirm you whenever it's necessary, he's yours, have never been anyone's like he's yours.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
It generally depends on his mood, but again if he had to absolutey state a favorite one: on your side or behind. Stressing day at work, comes home to find you waiting for him in bed - he'll love fucking you on your side, heavy panting on your ear as his hand squeezes your perfect sized breast - his hips moving ever so slowly as his hand brushes the skin of your belly down to your folds, where he'll comfortably make room for his fingers against your clit in slow, circular movements. "God I fuckin' need you today, hun..." - he'll grunt in your ear in his raspy voice.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Not in the moment particularly, not when fucking you - but on all other times, he'll find room to be goofy and make you laugh at his terrible jokes.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He's hairy on all parts of his body, no thread. He's very clean and groomed, yes - he loves his beard and moustache, spends a hideous amount of money in lotions and perfume and combs it after every shower he takes, religiously. Wears a big beard for so long now he probably can't picture himself with a shaven face anymore.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Price is the perfect balance between rearranging your guts whenever you're a brat and he's got to teach you a lesson, and pulling multiple orgasms out of you by fucking you slow and passionately when he's affectionate. He'll have you on his lap, his arms wrapped around you, his hand supporting your back while he spares no efforts in trailing kisses from your breast to your neck, smelling your hair and letting out a low mewl to how amazing you feel. He'll be lazy, slow, move your hips ever so slow making you roll against him like you're dancing on his lap. "Mmm-" he'll moan, before taking your mouth in a passionate sloppy kiss again.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
He doesn't need much of it anymore, so only in cases of much need - in mission and can't concentrate in anything else but work, some of you had to travel for any type of reason, he's really horny and you're sick - he'll do it. But as for before having you, he'd be embarassed to admit how many times he had masturbated to you in the shower.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Brat tamer, and it doesn't surprise anyone. He doms almost everytime. He absolutely loves it when you put up an attitude - not acting childish, no, when you stand up and defy him. He'll be the boss. He'll be proud of himself for marking you everywhere he possibly can, for owning you.
A bit of exhibitionism. He loves fucking you raw against his office desk or honestly anywhere else it's plausible in the headquarters; he loves it that he has to cover your mouth or else you'd be a loud moaning mess. It was hard restraining himself when someone knocked on the other side of the door, all curtains down and the slight sound of your mouth gagging on his cock. When you mentioned to stop, he forced your head hard till your nose met the hair in his groin, and oh only God knows how hard it was finding room for all that length in your throat.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
When I mean anywhere he can, I mean anywhere he can. He even would enjoy it if he had someone watching the two of you, but for the bare reason of: he's the one fucking you. He's making sure that this other person watching knows it, that you're his and only his. If anything, he wouldn't share, quite the opposite. But the idea that there's a dangerous possibility that someone catches the two of you arouse him; so, in his office, in the deposits, sometimes in the briefing room if it's late and empty.
Of course, that doesn't exclude the special place in his heart that his big, comfy bed has. He loves having you on his bed, cozy, warm, and very domestic.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Seeing you being the badass youngster you are turns him on; not exactly when at mission, because at those times he keeps himself strictly professional and very concentrated. But in the backstage, he loves it when you defy him and when you brat around - that'll give him further reasons to punish you later.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Wouldn't do anything if he gets the slight sense that you don't want to, nothing to hurt you (not for real) and wouldn't share. Perhaps, he'd love to have someone seeing it but sharing is a huge no. Watcher can't touch or get closer, only watch, while he makes you cum.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Can't possibly say he has a preference, he adores both equally. He'll love burying your face deep in his groin till you feel that little ache on the back of your throat, and keep you there till you're out of air; he'll also love burying himself between your thighs, especially when you wrap them tight against his face and squeeze it - he could die on the warmth of your thighs and cunt.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
As mentioned before, it highly depends on his mood. When taming, when fucking you rough, punishing - he'll go fast and rough enough to get you out air while trying to restrain your voice; "Hell- hm, d'you like it now, are you gonna keep the attitude- hn- now? Hm?" he'll moan, pressing your whole body against the wall, fucking you standing.
If passionate, he'll take his time with you in a slow pace, slow movements more like a dance of his hips against yours in syntony. He'll hum pretty words in your ear and promise you the world; "M' gonna fuckin' marry you, hun... have this pretty little cunt everyday."
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Although he likes to have freedom and time to fuck you straight and get at least two delicious orgasms out of you, he's a very busy man and you're too a very busy woman, and quickies are simply very convenient for the both of you. I'd say quite often, giving the circumstances - which doesn't mean that he doesn't, at least twice a week, spares time to fuck you the way he likes.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
He's a bit old fashioned, but he's willing to experiment if it's nothing too eccentric. If you ask nicely, he'll try; if you're not familiar with it he'll also love teaching you a bit more of bdsm, since he's bit of an adept.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Lots of stamina. Wouldn't go all night long because he simply doesn't have to, he's very experienced, good at what he does and he knows it. He knows what buttons to press to make you feel good; he lasts two good delicious long rounds, and that's enough to get you to heaven.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Again, a bit old fashioned; so I don't think he own many toys. He does own ropes he'll love to use on you, and as for the rest he'd rather use his own hands. He wouldn't refuse to use toys if asked though, probably wouldn't be too comfortable with using on himself, but would definitely use them on you.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Oh, he loves restraining you, girl. Days without seeing him? You won't touch, won't relieve yourself in any other way. You'll wait, patiently, agonizingly, like the good girl you are, for him to arrive. He'll let you climbing up the walls, craving him. If he's in mission, he'll send you pictures, videos - that'll make you want to scream for not being able to touch yourself while watching. When he comes back, IF he thinks you deserve it, he'll fuck you; if not, he'll make you beg. If you disobey him, get yourself ready for when he arrives. That'll be a fun ride.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Not exactly loud, but very vocal. He grunts, says dirty things against your ear in a low, raspy whisper - will get moans out of you for he loves seeing his little girl squirming under him. Will encourage you not holding your voice back, and if you're in a dangerous spot and could possibly be seen, he'd shush you with a deep thrust - or by occupying your mouth with his fingers instead.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Has a picture of you in his wallet and finds it the most absolutely romantic and cute thing ever. And he's right it is
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
He's definitely big, but that's not the best part of it, not what really caught you off: he's thick. Swollen, a little thicker in the middle and thins towards the tip - just enough to stretch you out entirely anytime he goes inside you. Full of blood pumping veins and surrounded by a fair amount of hair, arghhh I want it
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
He though he was going back to his teenager years in those first months after meeting you. Hell, he'd be craving for you for the least things - he definitely felt young again. It's high, he's not compulsive but the bare sight of your body makes him think of the nastiest things - and that's been even before the two of you actually started that fling, that later one became the relationship you have now.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
This is a very tired man we're talking about. After making sure you're okay, all good, clean, warm, cozy, not thirsty and feeling loved, he'll collapse on your bare breasts hugging you for dear life - don't you dream of waking up before him because you won't get to push him out of yourself, like - no way.
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growingblooms · 2 years
inspirational post <33
I never understood why loa bloggers said “persistence is key” until I actually persisted.
My mindset was the worst. I was THAT kind of person “I’m the exception the law doesn’t work for me☹️” or “I don’t think I have xyz I feel like I’m lying to myself💆‍♀️”. I used to write huge lists of things to manifest and start a plan to manifest them all. Then I would affirm for them and feel good but even the slightest of doubts could crash the mindset I was “building”. See here I was wrong. You think you need to grow your mindset to manifest instantly blablabla not true😠!! You are not growing your God mindset you were born with it, you’re only telling the doubts and worries to stfu cause they are not you. 💅🏻I will say this forever. YOU DO NOT HAVE DOUBTS the ego does. There’s no mindset to be changed, there’s just an ego to be crashed. All you need to do is choose what you want and P E R S I S T. Persisting isn’t important just for your desires to show up in the 3d. Persisting is crucial for your mindset. You can’t expect to “start over” every time you doubt. No matter the ups and downs your “mindset” has YOU gotta persist. DECIDE not to resonate with those bad feelings and worries and soon enough you won’t feel like ur sayin ur affirmations lying to yourself, you’ll feel like ur directly talking about your life in the 4D. By doing this my mindset shifted in one day. That day I woke up feeling amazing, I did my affirmation routine and then everything dropped. I started questioning everything like “why the hell am I feeling good” “hold on now do I actually have xyz”. Usually I would’ve started over my whole manifestation “journey” but I got so mad istg. I was like bruh I was doing so good before affirming what the hell happened. Well this is what happened. After affirming I felt so good that my ego had to come in right away. I wasn’t used to feeling so good. But I had been there before so this time I decided to let it pass. Even if once again I felt like I was lying to myself when affirming, I kept saying “no I know I have xyz, this is simply my EGO”. Hours later I had entered the sabbath state. I knew because I went out that day not caring AT ALL about my 3d. I was wild seriously I started looking around in the 3d in the worst circumstances KNOWIN they weren’t real. It felt so liberating. It felt like the 3D was this dead reality and that everything could be changed. Spoiler that’s what it is!! I knew this time it was the final mindset shift because I had felt like that before but I always knew these great feelings were gonna pass and I would go back to doubting. This time it lasted and it just felt so right and pure. Moral of the story You cannot fail. You think you can fail because you have doubts? You persists and those WILL go away. AINT NO DAMN WAY THEY WONT GO AWAY AND YOU KNOW IT. I DONT CARE IF YOU WERE DOING SO GOOD FOR A WEEK AND THEN EVERYTHING CHANGED. YOU PERSIST BECAUSE THE REAL YOU (GOD) STILL NEEDS TO COME OUT. idek how to explain it. It’s like you were never meant to suffer on this earth, you were meant to feel so limitless that everything you want comes to you. KEEP PERSISTING CAUSE YOU CANNOT FAIL.
Okay bye <33
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lowkeyrobin · 3 months
Trevor Spengler x reader where reader has a job being a singer in an oldies style restaurant? Where they sing and play guitar on the stage while the customers eat?
And they make mashups of more modern songs (mainly rock and pop) in their spare time? Like a music prodigy of sorts
Or Generally cover-artist reader x Trevor Spengler?
this is me in every desired reality/self insert fixation I have LMAOOO I got you ; thank you for requesting and I hope you enjoy !! ; post writing robin here, sorry this is so short I had no idea what I was doing
TREVOR SPENGLER ; cover artist
summary ; Trevor develops a crush on the kid who covers songs in the local diner
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; gotta admit I was listening to bailey zimmerman so I apologize if this is has a very country-angst vibe. I see the color orange and go back to Leave The Light On idfk I apologize. i had to restrict myself. I'm not too caught up in popular modern music so bare with me 🙏 ; okay post me here, only the first part is but this whole thing kinda sucks so I'm sorry
word count ; 808
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You sit at your wooden barstool, strumming the strings of your guitar as you try and retune it.
Working in an oldies style restaurant wasn't the most fun nor best paying job, but you needed the money, and you needed something to do with your talent and time. You had enough hardships to overcome in life and enough passion to sing up on a stage how you did, even for patrons at a cheap restaurant. You found fun and therapy in your music, so it didn't make it that bad to sit on that barstool all evening after school.
You strum the strings again, finding the right sound for your instrument as you clear your throat. You typically ignore when people watch or look at you, imagining you were the only one in the room. This time though, as you begin plucking at the strings, you can feel someone looking at you.
You could always feel that feeling, but this time around, it was different.
You ignore it, continuing on with your six hour long show, trying to please the audience that wasn't even paying attention to you. The place was shaped like a bar, with you stuck in the corner on a little stage, just doing your thing. Tonight was more of a calm, well-deserved night for something relaxing. There were only a few booths taken up. There was no need to put up a big show for the two dozen people in the building.
Across the room, a curly haired boy was staring you down, receiving a glare from his little sister. She was no good at social cues or social interaction, but she knew damn well that her brother was being weird. He snaps out of it, shyly looking away from you.
"...bittersweet October, and I'm headed for the Northern pines. Well, this autumn fall feels empty, black and white leaves touch the ground. You're the only color I've got left, and it's slowly fading out"
The boy looks back up at you again, his fingers tapping off the wooden table to the rythym. He can't help but watch your every move, every strum beneath your fingers, every movement your lips and the front of your throat made to create the beautiful sound of the lyrics with your voice. He was encapsulated.
He rests his chin on his hand, perched on the table at an angle. A soft smile rests on his face, eyes heavy like he was ready to fall asleep.
"Trevor, stop staring at them!"
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A few weeks later, the same boy sat down at the same booth as before, this time not occumpanied by his family. He ordered some food so as not to look like a creep, but he was more focused on listening to you than enjoying said food.
He'd been here since to see you, always sitting in the same booth. Maybe he saw it as a free concert.
You didn't mind. Maybe he was trying to recognize your face from somewhere, or was developing a hallway, or diner, crush on you, who knew.
As you pause to catch your breath after playing Back To December by Taylor Swift, you see the boy stand up. He's making his way toward you.
At least you had time to chat, as it wasn't rush hour, merely 2pm on a random Saturday.
He awkwardly stands in front of you as you gulp down the liquid in your water bottle and set it back down on the floor. You turn to him with a welcoming smile, assuming he was here to ask a question or give a compliment.
"Uh, hi." He begins, a nervous smile painting his face. "I just, I've been seeing you play here for a while, and like, I think you're super cool"
You smile, resting your arms over your guitar. "Thank you, I appreciate that"
"Uhm," He runs a hand through his curls, clearly nervous yet trying to hide it somehow. "Could I maybe give you my number? If you wanted to hang out sometime? I can play guitar as well"
You lightly chuckle, "Yeah, sure. You got something to write on?" You ask him, seeing him looking around for a pen and paper.
He quickly scrambles towards one of the waitresses, kindly asking if he can use one of the bill papers and pen really quickly. He returns to you, handing you the folded up paper.
"Thank you." You both speak in unison. Both of your faces flush in embarrassment and the flustering of the situation.
"Uhm, I'll see you around?" You speak, strumming the strings of your guitar to make sure it was still tuned out of habit.
He nods, "Yeah, I'll see you around. Oh, my name's Trevor, by the way"
"Y/n" You reply, waving as he walks away, silently cheering himself on.
"Bye, Y/n!"
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davenporttf · 11 months
Yo, what's up? My names Phil and I'm the quarterback for Boston College. Go Eagles! I love the sport and I'm stoked I get to play QB.
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I gotta be honest with you though, I've been having a slump lately out on the field. I haven't been at the top of my game. I've been working out every day but no matter how much training I put in, I'm getting sacked left and right.
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I stopped by a local vitamin shop to switch up my preworkout. I don't think this whey stuff is really giving me the boost I need, ya know? The guy at the shop seemed like he was into me. I caught him multiple times checking me out as I was walking up and down the aisles. Not that I care really, a compliment is a compliment but dude could be less obvious about it. He eventually took a break from creepin to ask me what I was looking for in particular.
I explained how I wanted to switch up my preworkout, and he said he had just the thing. It was this black generic bottle with the brand name "Hit Fit." The slogan underneath it said "It'll hit you the first time guaranteed!" I didn't recognize the brand so I looked at the active ingredient, Emascatine. I've never heard of it either but the guy at the shop said it was a new type of drug only sold through his shop.
I was weary of trying the brand but the prospect of fast results was exactly what I needed right now. I caved and decided if I didn't see any results, I'd return it later.
I stopped home and whipped up the preworkout shake and threw it in my bag along with the bottle in case one of the teammates needed some. I made it to the locker room just in time, and setup in front my locker. I took out my preworkout and took my first sip. It tasted like fruit loops which was a nice changeup from my last powder that tasted like crap. I took more sips and really liked the taste so I started to down it.
"So tasty!" my voice cracked as I said it. "You good Phil?" asked my teammate, Drew.
"I'm good, sweetie!" The words just left my mouth without a thought. My voice had raised several octaves and my face was as red as ever realizing what I said. Drew looked at me in amusement. "haha okay, babe" thinking it was a joke.
I refocus on getting dressed, and pulled on my compression pants over my jock. My skin felt so sensitive in the moment. The tightness of the pants felt so good on my legs. I rubbed my legs up and down feeling the spandex material stretch. I was getting aroused by watching my quads flex in them. My eyes were closed sitting on the bench while I rubbed my inner thighs. An inaudible moan came from my mouth as I felt my dick hardened.
What was happening to me?! I look over the Hit Fit bottle and notice a tiny disclaimer at the bottom. "Emascatine may cause side effects of heightened sensitivity, mood changes, sexual stimulation, and emasculation."
I snapped out of it long enough to feel my ass stretch the tights even further. My center of gravity shifted as my ass grew into a firm bubble butt. I tried to walk around but felt an itch coming from deep inside my ass. I braced myself with hands on the wall squirming to hopefully scratch the itch. I don't know why it felt so right in the moment but I started to shake my ass faster and faster side to side as if it were on display for my teammates.
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Drew had taken notice, yelling over "Yo, Phil. What has gotten into you?!" They watched as I continued moving my ass in their direction. My teammates' demeanor changed the longer they watched. I could see their faces going from confusion to slight interest to lustful. My ass was hypnotizing and they could have stood there all day staring into it's fluid motion.
I loved the look on their faces and called over to them "Hey boysss! You like what you see?"
Drew smiled, "Damn, Phil. Why don't you come over here and we can do some team bonding?"
I thought he'd never ask. I let them line up as I got in position.
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Coach says I need to take a step back from QB. Something about my performance not being up to snuff. I've been told I'd make a better water boy. I've really enjoyed it so far. I keep my boys hydrated as they take turns slamming my P-spot. Team morale has never been higher.
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