#I had to fix some spelling errors be patient with me
a headcanon where genshin bois broke up with you but saw you years later with thier child at 3 yeares old? Scara, xiao, zhongli and tighnari
Oh, you have an evil soul, I know that for sure. You want suffering, oh you drink my tears as coffee, I like you. I'll have fun with this one a bit. Also, sorry for the spelling errors, I try to fix them when I see them, however, I tend to type wayyy to fast. Or messy.
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Scaramouche: ══ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ════ ❀•°❀°•❀ ══
You guys broke up because at some point in the relationship, it was getting too overwhelming, and toxic.
Scaramouche outbursts or his snide remarks became a ticking time bomb for you.
It was hard for you to feel loved at this point, and apparently it was hard for him to show it because he wanted to be stubborn.
The breaking point was where you came to him, head to head, this was going to determine your break up with him.
"Say something nice about me, say you love me, say anything, please do anything." You were pleading. You didn't want to leave but, it was starting to get to you.
His response? "What is wrong with you? Are you some kind of child?"
That was it, you broke up with him. This made his jaw drop, of course he protested, he grabbed you a lot, yelled at you. But you finally got free and left him, you went into hiding because he wasn't going to give up.
Along the way, you found out that you were pregnant, with twin boys, with his kids. In your head, you are like "How???" since he is a puppet.
Years later, your two little boys are grown and they are playful happy innocent toddlers. They were holding your hands and laughing. They both had Scaramouche face, but a happy and child like face.
You were happy, until you backed up a tiny bit and bumped into someone. You turned and saw it was Scaramouche.
You immediately panicked and picked up both of your boys and held your weapon to his face.
"W-What is this...? Who are they??" He was angry already and confused. He didn't understand why there are two little him. Was he being replaced, by better versions of himself. He grabbed her shoulder and shook her and yelled at him.
"They're your sons!" You yelled and cried, You pushed him and took her books and ran away.
He was left behind stunned, after a few minutes, he clenched his hands into fist. If you want him to be apart of the twin's life, you need to be patient. He will take a while to come around, and he will be difficult about it.
However, when he does, he becomes the most protective father, he would shield them from the past he had. He would never abandon him, he would teach them his bad attitude as way for them to stand up for themselves.
He won't admit it, but he grew fond of his boys because he felt they were children, just as him, and they understood him despite not realizing it.
As for you though, he still has issues getting along with you and would pick fights with you. He is sometimes loving but you are a little drained.
Xiao ── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅──── ⋅✩
You guys broke up peacefully, you both agreed it was for the best, he can't provide for your mortal needs and you have nothing to offer a troubled Adepti
You two parted always peacefully.
A few months later, your belly was getting swollen, but you had no idea why, after all, there is no way you could give birth to a half adeptus and half mortal right?
Well surprising motha fucka, nature is fucked up.
You were surprised and stressed, you don't know how to take care of a baby who is half Yaksha. How do you handle Karmic Debt?
Like does he poop spirits or dreams?
Once you gave birth, you realized the little girl had his dad's Yaksha marks on her arm and his diamond on her forehead. She had his green hair.
Overtime, you ended up figuring it out, thanks to taking care of Xiao time to time, you are aware of the child's needs more than enough.
You are dealing with a teleporting Child who can throw a tantrum to the size of a stadium but you have your ways.
Years ahead, you were feeding your little girl food ordered from Wanshu inn. You wanted her to enjoy the best of the best.
What you didn't know is that Xiao was watching, he was horrified, one for that he isn't the only Yaksha anymore and moreso, that this little girl looked like him, had his demon slayer markings.
You let your little girl use the bathroom, as you waited outside for her, guarding the door to prevent anyone from entering. You wanted her to be more independent in public places, this was one way.
This was Xiao chance to catch you alone, he appeared in front of you, he was very close to you, and you jolted and got scared.
"Who....Who is that little girl?" He looked into your eyes, scared but wanted to know more.
You stuttered a bit. "U-Um..."
He comes closer to you where your chest his touching his chest. "Tell me now." He asked sternly. He was upset of course, because why did she never tell him? They never had much fights but he at least deserved to know.
You felt a hug on your leg and crying. "M-Mama!" It was your little girl. You immediately picked her up and began to comfort her. "Shh, it's okay, mommy is okay."
Xiao immediately backed away, guilt was heavy on his chest, he never meant to scare....her.
You sighed and showed her to him. "Little one, do you know who is this?"
Your little girl will mostly by shy and scared of him, and Xiao will immediately show sadness to this, however, with your encouragement, she would try her best to look at Xiao. "This is your father, sweeite."
Your little girl touches Xiao's face and Xiao blushes and smiles, as he can't help it when it comes to little hands on his face.
He was hesitant at first but, he gently put his hands up and looked at you for consent.
You nodded and smiled, he passed your little girl over to him, where your little girl became his too. Your little girl naturally snuggled into his neck, sucking her thumb as Xiao shushes and coo's her gently.
As soon as Xiao held this little girl, he immediately sworn to protect her with his life, and held her protectively. He looked at you and placed his arm around your back and pulled you in for a group hug.
He asked if he could talk to you on what he can do to fix the relationship with you, and what can he do more as a father. He immediately fell in love with you little girl and even if you don't get back together, he would often visit, with presents, he would take her with him when you need breaks. He is a good dad, with co parenting or not.
Zhongli ┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈┈
You guys broke up because you just happened to not feel connected anymore. You guys just fell out.
You guys lived in differently eras and world and its hard to connect with him on some things.
You guys never really had a fight, but you used to talk everyday and now, you guys barely talk at all, touch each other or even just, try.
Zhongli brought this to your attention, and he isn’t a time waster, so and he doesn’t want to waste your time, so you guys broke up and moved on.
Until few months later, you found you that you were pregnant, you were in between telling him or not, but you realize that he is on vacation...he wants a break, so you kept this to yourself.
You raised his son by yourself, he looked exactly like you, but his powers are no doubt Zhongli's, and his dragon habits and nature as well.
You were eating out with your wonderful son, he was running around and saying hello to everyone until he ran into Zhongli. He bummed into Zhongli and fell back.
Zhongli looked down and offered a hand and kind smile. "Are you okay, little friend?" The little boy smiles cheerfully and took his hand and got up.
Once you came and bend your knees to check for wounds and see if he is okay, Zhongli was surprised and would greet you. You would greet him back and you would smile at him, while picking your son up.
However, once Zhongli saw the little boy do his dragon habits such as teething, or biting your shirt, he recognized it immediately.
At first he won't say anything and would act like nothing happen, he actually wait for you to reveal it.
However, once you didn't and you were gonna leave him, he immediately grabbed your shoulder, and will call you out. "This child...he is mine kin isn't he? Why weren't you willing to reveal this to me?"
Zhongli wants to be in this kid's life, he wants to pass down his knowledge and memories to him, he wants to teach him everything, this was new to him but he wants to be responsible.
Despite how harsh it is, a child between two lovers is a contract where they both need to parent, and he is happy to do it. He would really want to show his son the world and his victories.
Tighnari ── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──── •✧• ──
There would be two reason why you and Tighnari break up, one would be because he was too busy to even be in your life, and second would be that his scolding makes it hard for you to connect with him, as he was too nitpicky at the smallest things. This can be at small things such as how you handle things like chores, to bigger things like how you store items to quest to other things.
Things ended sadly, not miserable but, just it was sad and heartbreaking. It was hard to move on, the relationship you guys had was different but special.
You found out you were pregnant at a doctor check up one day, also because Sumeru had free healthcare so why not go to doctors as a hobby :)
You were freaking out, how do you take care of a fennec fox hybrid? What do they even eat? Should you only feed them veggies? Or feed them meat as well?
A lot of things were running in your head.
Years later, you got accustomed to your little girl, you groomed her tail and ears, and fed her what she liked.
You often go on walks in Sumeru forest, you wanted her to be in touch with her fox side. You want her to be free.
You patted her head, as you held her hand and walk, you stopped by a beautiful waterfall and watched. Your little girl was playing in the water.
Tighnari was behind you, stunned, he was processing, he already put two and two together, since he is a smartass from the smartass skool.
You turned around and jolted. "O-Oh, y-you are here..." You were startled.
It took him a few minutes to look at you and back at the little girl. His ears flopped a bit as she slowly pointed at the little girl speechless.
You sigh and nodded, knowing you can't outsmart him or lie to him.
You went to take your little girl's hand and brought her to him.
Tighnari kneeled down and took a good look at her, despite never meeting her, he knew, this little girl was his.
He would questioned and ask if you were a single mother and if you are seeing anyone, and would ask if maybe he can try being in her life, however he is just as busy, but he thought maybe take her on walks with him.
You were fine with it either way, you desire nothing from him though, if he wanted to be in your daughter's life, that's fine, but you want nothing to do with him.
He noticed this and felt conflicted.
Overtime, he would try and get you to trust him again, spend time with you and her as a family, but you would refuse and keep your distance.
Tighnari would be frustrated and sad over it, you can tell that his tail was losing hair, he understands why you refuse to take him back but Fennec Foxes mate for life.
It's in his nature, he wants to be dedicated to you, and he is becoming stressed from the rejection from you.
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al-the-remix · 1 month
BuckTommy Whump Week Day 1: Canon typical injury // Wound neglect
Thank you to the @bucktommywhumpweek mods for putting this together (and sorry it's a day late!) uhh...I have no idea how to tag this one, so just enjoy! Again, please excuse any grammar/spelling errors, they'll be all fixed by the time these make is to Ao3.
It was a pretty house, with arched windows and the pristine white walls of a Spanish revival that had recently had some love and attention given to it. Evan had told him some meandering tale that Tommy had had a difficult time following about ghost phone calls and haunted desolate suburban homes. It was one Tommy couldn’t quite believe, but enabled nevertheless; he’d overheard stories about the Loz Feliz murder house, scuttlebutt around the water cooler and during lulls between calls. He’d never given the stories any real consideration, and gave them even less now that he was faced with what looked like a totally innocuous family home. 
Maddie had settled herself at the end of the dining room table, her whole body angled towards him, hands folded around her coffee mug, radiating warmth as she waited patiently for him to spit out what exactly it was that had brought Tommy to her home on her day off.
Tommy hadn’t really known what to expect when he had called her. They’d never had the chance to spend much time one-on-one, whether it was Evan or Howie, there always seemed to be someone else hanging around, dividing his attention. Now he wishes he’d reached out sooner and under more pleasant circumstances. 
“So, what is it you wanted my advice on?”
Tommy drew his own mug closer to his chest, lacing his fingers around it to keep himself from fidgeting. The steam from the tea felt warm on the underside of his chin and he had to bite down on the skin of his inner cheek to quell the sudden swell of emotions that rose inside him. 
“Evan wont let me look after him.”
The corner of Maddie’s mouth twitched up in a moment of brief amusement, then tugged down in a sympathetic half-smile. “Welcome to the club.”
Tommy found himself laughing despite himself, the noise thick and a little wet in the back of his throat. He hoped that part was quite enough to slip beneath her radar.
If Maddie noticed she didn’t acknowledge it, much to Tommy's relief. He already felt foolish showing up here to needle his boyfriend’s sister for relationship advice, even if he had been invited, he didn’t need to get all emotional about it too.
“Have you talked with Evan recently?”
“I have, but I can’t say that he was exactly forthcoming. Not that he ever is when he’s injured.”
“Right,” Tommy looked down at his hands. “Which I understand, I’ve had strains before, they’re a drag and it’s annoying having to be on the bench for three weeks, but they’re worse if you don’t let them rest.” She was watching him with clear understanding as he rambled. 
“What happened,” Maddie asked gently.
Tommy rubbed at the side of his nose, feeling a little sheepish. “You’re a nurse so you know. Anyway, it sounds silly now, but he wanted to go to the gym the other day–which it’s way too early for–and we got into an argument about it. I wanted to give him space, but now he hasn't texted me in three days and I don’t know what to do. I tried to call him earlier, but he didn’t pick up. I just don’t know how much to push.”
In Tommy’s experience, the line between caring and overbearing was a thin one. 
Evan had never seemed to shy away from going after Tommy’s attention when he had wanted it, whether that meant asking for tours he didn’t really need, or playing sports he didn’t actually like, or organizing a coffee date to apologize when he hadn’t needed to. Maybe it had been presumptuous of him, but Tommy really had expected Evan to reach out sooner rather than later; and the longer the silence went on the more deliberate it felt, like maybe he’d overstepped some invisible boundary Tommy hadn’t even considered looking out for. 
Maddie watched him with a kind, sympathetic expression. Maybe at first glance most would say she and Evan didn’t look much alike, but to Tommy it was clear in their eyes, and their smiles, and their big hearts. 
“I don’t know how much he’s told you yet about our parents or our family situation.” She spoke carefully, as if weighing each word with her consideration. “But I think you might find that he does want someone to look after him, he’s just worried that once you see it, all the raw, messy bits he likes to hide, you won’t want to stay.”
Tommy was all too familiar with raw and messy, not that Evan knew that yet. And maybe that was part of the issue, he’d been so preoccupied with letting Evan set the speed and seeing where it took them, that he’d allowed his own role in this dance to fall to the wayside. He’d told Evan that he was interested, but did Evan know to what degree? Maybe he’d been too concerned with scaring Evan off to really open up the way he should have by now.
“Has that happened before?” Tommy asked when he’d worked the words past the frog in his throat.
She tilted one shoulder up. “He thinks it has, and that’s enough.”
Tommy considered that, staring down into his milky reflection in his untouched tea. 
“Here, have a biscuit,” Maddie offered, pushing the plate of neatly arranged shortbreads across the table at him. 
Tommy gladly took one. In spite of what Evan had suffered through with his parents growing up, he was lucky to have her. 
For once the afternoon L.A. traffic didn’t get under Tommy’s skin. He gladly welcomed the prolonged drive home to turn Maddie’s words over in his head. 
In many ways Evan’s body was sort of like a haunted house: possessed by a ghost that wasn’t his, neglected because of it. 
In Tommy’s pocket there was an extra key on his keyring, freshly cut and matching his own. It had sat there for a week, fucking with his head while he’d waited for the perfect opportunity to offer it to Evan. Sure, it was fast, but there was just something about the way Evan had weaved so snugly into Tommy’s life that had made him want to forgo all of his usual hesitancies and firmly erected walls in favour of having Evan be able to come and go from his house as he pleased. And Tommy liked the idea of finding Evan already in his home at the end of the day. He’d hoped that Evan might take it as the signal it was: that Tommy wanted him around permanently, taking up space and leaving his dirty socks all over Tommy’s house. 
Most of all, Evan made him want to be brave. Now Tommy wasn’t so sure. 
Evan had navigated their first few months of dating with his foot pressed firmly on the gas and very little inhibition, leaving Tommy reeling in his wake. He wasn’t accustomed to being pursued with that much earnest persistence, especially by men who up until very recently considered themselves straight.
Maybe he’d overlooked the very real possibility that all that inertia may be overcompensation for something lurking below. That when all that confidence melted away and all the forward momentum Evan had built up hit its peak, Evan wasn’t fully prepared to handle the descent that lived on the other side, not on his own.
That was okay, Tommy was a pro at handling those. If only Evan would let him. 
Tommy tossed his keys in his hand as he made his way to the front door,  thumbing the rough edges of the newly cut key. He wasn’t sure how many things Evan truly had of his own; he’d heard about the bicycle and the brother, and he knew that what Evan did have he fiercely guarded, his own space and his bodily autonomy were at the top of that list. 
Tommy had witnessed the way wounded and sick animals could go from gentle to aggressive in a blink of an eye out of fear and pain. He wanted Evan to know how invensted he was in this relationship, but also didn’t want to be the one to corner Evan, to make him feel trapped and like he needed to lash out to be understood. 
It was a fine balance. 
The house was dark and quiet, he hadn’t expected anything else, but still he tried not to let his disappointment settle in the pit of his stomach and make a home there. That wouldn’t help anything. 
 He made his way to his room, not expecting to find a big formless lump on his bed or that it would groan when he flicked on the lights. 
Tommy just about jumped out of his skin, swearing black and blue. Evan was lying on top of the bed covers, his sneakers still on his feet. It looked like he had half-heartedly attempted to undo the laces on one before giving up. 
Evan lowered the arm he’d flung over his eyes against the light, squinting at him where Tommy still hovered in the doorway. 
“Hi,” Tommy said, at a loss for anything else. As far as Evan’s expressions went, the one he was wearing was fairly unreadable.  
“Hey–So, you’re going to be mad at me.” Evan let the words out in one big sigh, like they had been pressed up tight against the starting gate of his teeth. 
Tommy risked taking a step closer to the bed. “I promise you I’m not.” 
Evan let his head thunk back against the mattress, eyes locked on the ceiling, and muttered: “I think I strained my strain.”
Caught off guard, Tommy had to press his lips together tight to suppress the laugh that bubbled up in his throat. This wasn’t exactly the moment for it. 
Evan was still staring at the ceiling, looking miserable, even after everything Tommy couldn’t help but feel fond. “Stay still, I'll go get the ice pack.”
“That won’t be hard.” He heard Evan mumble as he went to dig the gel pack out from the back of his freezer, grabbing a bottle of Advil and one of the water bottles Evan had left in his dishwasher for good measure. 
When Tommy returned Evan had indeed not moved. He settled himself on the foot of the bed, pulling Evan’s skinny ankles into his lap as he began working away at the laces. “How did you get into my house?” Tommy asked as he worked. That really should have been his first question, he could feel the heavy presence of his eyes in his pocket. Well received or not, he probably should have offered it to Evan a week ago.   
“You’re a firefighter, you should know those little fake rocks are a dead giveaway to anyone trying to break in,” Evan huffed, sounding more like himself. “At least invest in a garden gnome or something to throw them off.”
Tommy chuckled, catching Evan’s eye. “I’ll keep that in mind for the next time my boyfriend decides to break into my house.”
Evan’s gaze dipped down to where Tommy was working the first shoe off his foot, quiet for a few moments before he said, softly: “Thanks.”
Tommy just grunted as he started working on the laces of the other high top. Evan really needed to invest in some proper weightlifting shoes, but Tommy wasn’t exactly raring to get into another gym centered argument so soon. 
When he’d finally wrestled both shoes off, Tommy got Evan sitting up against the headboard, and situated himself on the edge of the mattress at his knee so he could slip the ice pack under the meat of his calf and hold it there.  
“I can do that if you want.”
“It’s fine. I’m happy to,” Tommy said simply, giving Evan’s ankle a squeeze where his other hand rested. He wasn’t expecting Evan’s eyes to dart off to the side, a rush of air leaving his lungs with a hitch that snagged Tommy’s attention. 
“Fuck, I didn’t want to do this,” Evan said, his hand coming up to rub at his eyes. 
“Be a mess, you know, a nuisance.”
“Do what? Evan–”
“Evan, I don’t think you’re a nuisance,” Tommy said, trying to catch his eye. 
Evan shot him a flat, red rimmed look. “I broke into your house. I was stubborn when you were just trying to look out for me, and then too much of a chicken to call you back when you were worried about me.”
Tommy stroked his thumb over the exposed bulb of Evan’s ankle bone. “I shouldn’t have pushed,” he said softly.
Evan shook his head. “I want you to push–you weren't even pushing–not really. I just, I really like you.” 
Tommy felt a sappy smile spread across his face. He let go of Evan's ankle to take his hand instead, giving it a squeeze. “I really like you too.”
Evan let out a wet sound somewhere between a cough and a laugh, his face a startling red. “I really like being your boyfriend.” 
“Good,” Tommy said, “because as your boyfriend I want to ice your leg for you, even when you’re being stubborn about it, even when you don’t call me back.” Evan’s eyes dipped away to the side like he was preparing to sidestep Tommy’s sentiment again and he figured this was his moment to lay it all out there. “This isn’t too much. You’re not too much for me, but if it’s too much for you, too soon, you need to tell me, because I’m serious about this Evan. I want you to be around even when things are messy.”
Tommy reached into his pocket, pulling out his keychain and began to work the new key off the ring. “Maybe this isn't the right moment, but I had this cut a few weeks ago, and so if you'd like, you can just let yourself in next time instead of having to hunt through my garden for fake rocks.”
Evan stared at the key Tommy held out to him, a dumb founded expression on his face. “You got that made for me?”
“You don't plan on going to Ireland any time soon do you?”
His eyes were like big wet saucers, infinitely vulnerable and Tommy frowned. “What?”
Evan's face crumpled, one big hand snapping up to cover it as he muffled a sob. 
“Okay, okay,” Tommy soothed as he climbed gingerly over Evan's legs to sit properly on the bed beside him. “Come here.” 
He was relieved when Evan let himself be pulled against his chest, wrapping his arms snugly around Tommy's neck.
“I'm sorry I was a dick and for the crying, my leg just really fucking hurts,” Evan mumbled into Tommy's now soggy shirt collar.
Tommy rubbed his back in calming circles. “It's okay, I don't mind, and I forgave you pretty quickly. Just next time please call me back so I know you're alright. I want you to.”  
Evan moved just far enough away so he could get a good look at Tommy's face. “Me too–all that stuff you said–it's not too much for me either,” he said and pulled Tommy into a wet, kind of snotty kiss. 
Tommy cradled Evan's face in his hands, it was short and sweet, Evan's sinuses too blocked up for anything more than that, but at least he was smiling when he broke away from the kiss, out of breath.
“I was kind of worried you were going to break things off with me, that's why I didn't call you back," he admitted.
“Evan–” Tommy tried, but was cut off.
“Look, maybe I have a penchant for self-sabotage, but I'll, uh, try to be better with that.” He laced their fingers back together, resting them against Tommy's knee. "I haven't wanted something this badly in a long time. It's kind of scares me."
"Me too," Tommy admitted, "I meant it when I said I was serious about you."
Evan's smile did something that made Tommy's heart jump in his throat. "Good, because I think I'm going to need a ride to the doctor's tomorrow."
"I think I can manage that," Tommy said and reached for the ice pack where it had been left forgotten on the mattress. And maybe after that Evan would want to come back to his house and stay a while.
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Idk if you’re taking requests, but if you are could you do one where dads friend Nat accidentally gets R pregnant?
(Un)pleasant surprise
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Paring: Innocent!reader × dads!friend!Nat
Summery: You looked lonely Natasha could fix that
Warnings: SMUT (minor), Angst, hurt comfort?, a bit of fluff at the end, open ending, age gap (legal), g!p Nat, unprotected sex, mean Nat,
Word count: 1.3k
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional!
Masterlist Part 2
ꕀꕀ ─── ⋆⋅ ✨🌞✨ ⋅⋆─── ꕀꕀ
“Ngh~ Fuck~ Natty” you managed to moan out as Natashas hips kept slamming against your buttocks filling the room with the sound of your wet skin slapping against each other. I could make out some distinct groans from Natasha she was holding her release back as best as she could. “Fuck no matter how many times I fill your slutty hole up your still tight” she groaned I could only nod my head hidden away in the soft pillowcase in front of me. Her grip on my hips was hard I’m sure it left bruises one hand kept me in place as the other one sneaked around to my core finding my neglected clit without a problem. Her fingers rubbed tight circles on my slippery clit as she kept on pounding me from the back making me arch my back with a desperate cry.
“You’re such a slut letting me play with your stupid cunny” she groaned her past fastened as she hit that special spot inside of me no body else could reach. “Natty I’m gonna cum” you managed to whine out. “Fuck baby cum~ Ngh~ cum with me” She moaned out her thigh muscles tightening as she released with me. Hot cum shooting inside of my womb. Natasha was never a big fan of condoms she said it would destroy the feeling of my walls. At the beginning she still pulled out but it didn’t take a week her to get me on birth control. She had mentioned multiple times that having a child just isn’t in her live plans. Even though it hurt you greatly this was only a summer fling for the older woman. “You did so good my bunny” she whisper in my ear smoothing over the reddened skin of my buttocks.
It’s been 3 weeks since that night most of the following looked similar. Natasha sneaking into my room and fucking me into the mattress but somehow after the high was over it left me more empty then to begin with. Knowing that I wasn’t more than a fling to the redhead hurt more than it should’ve. After she finished inside of you and cleaned you up you wished she’d stay the whole night and not just a few moments. You woke up to empty bed the spot behind you were Natasha had laid last night was cold. Her body warmth long forgotten. You did your normal morning routine with a dad feeling in the deep pits of your stomach. Your period was now a week overdue nothing unusual you thought. It happened before countless times but back then you didn’t have someone breed you very night.
The way to the drugstore felt painfully long. You didn’t tell Natasha about your suspicion being too afraid of her reaction. To be honest you didn’t tell anyone how could you ever explain this mess of a situationship to a friend let alone your father? As you bought the pregnancy test the cashier gave you a look of pity at your young age. You felt extremely ashamed just by the thought having to tell your father that his friend, a trusted one, had had an affair with his dear innocent daughter. Let alone telling him that the both of you had been to careless to use proper protection.
Coming back to an empty home you waited patiently until the test was through. Your foot tipped impatiently on the hard tiles of the bathroom floor. Your back pressed against the wall while trying to distract yourself on your phone mindlessly scrolling through instagram. The timer went off after those painful minutes your hands shaking as you reached out for it. As you saw the results you weren’t sure if you should cry or laugh. You were in fact pregnant. You felt helpless, like a child, not knowing how to handle a situation like that.
“Wanna go cycling” Natasha offered walking into your bedroom just coming back from her jogging round. “Didn’t you just run 15 miles” Your ask closing my book and turning onto your back. You try to hide my fear. “Well… yes but that won’t stop me from spending time with my favorite girl“ she spoke falling onto the soft cushion of the bed right next to you. You only hummed looking in the opposite direction as You tried to not break out in tears. Telling her would destroy our fling. You knew that I couldn’t be the mother to her child even though you dearly wished you could. Her large hand grabbed yours. intertwining our fingers before kissing it lightly. Her kisses travelled up your exposed arm right up to your shoulder. “What’s going on in your pretty little head” she whispered in your ear making shivers run down your spine.
“Nothin’ I’m just thinking about how we only have a week left.” I know how she was looking at you but I didn’t meet her gaze. “I know and it hurts me just as much as it hurts you bunny” she sighed “however you will meet another woman, one your age, one who will all the things with you I’m too old for, one with whom you won’t get judged” Even though her words were true they hurt to hear. “I’ll go shower now” You nodded hearing how Natasha disappeared into the bathroom. It took about 10 minutes until you noticed that the pregnancy test was still on the bathroom counter however it was too late Natasha had found it first.
The bathroom door opened Natasha stepped into the room her jar clenched her gaze upset. “What’s the matter Natty” you asked in your sweetest voice “Don’t you dare Natty me right now! What the fuck is this” she held up the pregnancy test in her hands. I stayed silent biting even though a thousand words to explain it all flew through my head none seemed fitting. “Say something god damn it!”you had never seen the older woman so upset. “Natasha, I’m pregnant” your answer didn’t seem to smooth her anger “And when did you think it would’ve been a good time to tell me?!”
She paced around the room “I really wanted to tell you but I didn’t know how”you answered in a quiet voice “I can’t be a parent of this child” Natasha voice wasn’t warm and comforting as it was ten minutes ago; no it was cold and uncaring.
You’re eyes shot up to her utterly shocked by her words “W- What” “I can’t be a part of this childs life. I couldn’t look your father in the eyes ever again” she swallowed her trying to keep her cold facade up as she walked over to my door. “Natasha you are a damned coward. It’s just as much my child as it is yours! Can’t you see that?!” Your breath hitched “I thought you’d be a better woman. Just think about the child having to grow up with a single mother” Her jaw clenched as the grip on my doorknob tightened. “I won’t leave you. I can’t leave you” She turned back to you pulling you into a tight hug. “I’ll be there when you want to tell your father, when you go to the doctor for the first time, when you have terrible pregnancy cravings, when you give birth, when you don’t want to keep it I’ll be by your side, I would even run away with you without a doubt.” She whispered in your ear as you silently cried into her shoulder; hoping that this one time she’d keep her promise.
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taesanluv3r · 3 months
as the sun rises.
myung jaehyun x reader
inspired by one of my fave romance movies 'before sunrise' <3 a lot of dialogue (some are directly taken from the movie, some parts are diff to match the characters obv!!), a lot of cuteness, some swear words, TW: mentions of death, mentions of sex (not smut). pls read under ur own discretion tysm! ignore any spelling mistakes or grammatical errors. enjoyyy!!
wc: 6,528
"no but i'm telling you honey, that's just not how it works! you never believe me when i say..."
a young and pretty girl sighs, trying her best to drown out the sound of the arguing couple as she leans against the seat of the train and stared deeper into the book in her hands. she can't really focus though, the aforementioned couple's quarrel only getting louder causing the girl to finally get off her seat in frustration to sit in another one just a few windows down the cart. as her body makes contact with the plush leather material once again, she can't help but feel a set of eyes fixed onto her. the girl furrows her eyebrows, slowly moving her gaze away from the book and over to the guy that sat directly adjacent to her on the other side of the train cart. they make eye contact, he's quite good looking. an asian man, about a couple centimetres taller than she was. and he, too, had a half-read book in hand.
the boy smiles at her first, she returns the gesture before reverting back to the page that remained opened. "what are you reading?" he suddenly speaks, and she looks up at him in surprise. "um, this" she replies, lifting up the paper-back to show him it's cover. pride and prejudice by jane austen. he nods, familiar with the infamous piece of literature. "and you?" she asks, eyes lingering at the hard-cover book in his hands. "ah" is all he says, lifting up the collection of paper so she could see it well. metamorphosis by franz kafka. she nods too, going back into reading mode, and he does as well. they don't say anything to each other for about three minutes or so until the guy abruptly shuts his book and turns his body fully in her direction.
"hey, i'm heading to the dining car...care to join me?" he's standing and she's sitting, their eyes stare into each other's for a moment before she smiles at him. "um...yeah, let me grab my bag" she doesn't notice but the boy has a sort of proud glint in his eyes, waiting patiently as she gathered her things and making way for her to walk in front of him.
"so...that couple, huh?" the boy says, beginning to slice at the sausage on his english breakfast plate. the girl giggles, "yeah..." she looks at him intently, her eyebrows knitted together. he notices, tilting his head off to the side. "what? is there something on my face?" she laughs, "no, no! it's just...you're not from around here, huh?" he smirks, "that obvious?" they share a mutual laugh. "well, you're right. i'm here on holiday...er, maybe not a holiday. i'm not really sure what to call it...but anyways, i come from korea" her eyes widen and her lips form an oval shape as she nods in understanding. "your english is amazing" she states, "i'm jealous" and he chuckles, "yeah...i studied abroad for a while. and you? are you from here?" she shakes her head at his inquiry, "oh, no! i go to art school in france, i was just here to visit a friend" he nods, sighing as he stares out the window. "so...you're going back there, then? to france" the girl smiles, watching the trees and clouds that passed by outside the train cart. "mhm...and you are...?" he answers right away, "i get off in vienna, catching a flight back home from there tomorrow morning" the girl responds with a hum, "how's europe been? your not-so holiday trip" she asked and he looked up for a moment as if he were really thinking of a good answer. "it's beautiful, really..." the guy trails off, "...but?" she's curious, her gaze on him getting stronger. "i don't know...i guess being on trains for most of the trip and not really knowing where i'm going...it's just...is starting to get to me" she laughs at his response, taking a sip out of the iced tea that sat in front of her on the table.
"i think this is vienna..." the young woman says, watching the world that stood behind the large glass window. the young man nods, "guess that means i have to get off soon..." they shared a moment of silence, juxtaposing the way natural conversation seemed to ricochet among the pair for the past hour and a half or so that they sat in the dining car. "we have arrived in vienna, please be careful as you exit the cart and don't forget your belongings...have a safe trip!" the announcement sounded scratchy and muffled coming from the old speakers that stuck against most corners of the transport. "so...um...i guess this is goodbye" the guy says, retrieving his stuff and getting off of the seat. she nods, "have fun in vienna" and then he turns around to leave, the girl left all alone as she watched his figure slowly disappear. she sighs, some sort of uneasy feeling starting to rumble up in her stomach. surely he can't just leave like that? right?
and as if he could read her mind from miles away, the girl gasps when she is met with his face again. he looked out of breath, his hands entangled with the strap of his carry-on bag. she's confused, not really understanding what exactly was going on. she was about to speak, not being able to stand the silence that flowed between them. however, he spoke first, though his voice was still a little mumbly from the way he had ran right back into the cart. "come with me" is all he said to her, a sigh of relief escaping his lips. "what?" she asked, not believing the words that came out of his mouth. "c'mon, it's just one night. and i'm not gonna lie i really enjoyed talking to you and i know you feel this connection too and i think this short vienna trip would be a lot more...fun if you were around...?" the last bit of his slight monologue came off as a question, like he was almost unsure about whether taking a stranger off the train to a foreign country with him was a good idea. she laughs, "okay" is all she said, getting her stuff and standing in front of him. "okay?" he asked, eyes widened like he had just seen a ghost.
"yes! c'mon, the train's about to leave again, we have to get off"
the pair walked closely beside each other as they hopped off the train, the automatic doors shutting tight behind them. he grabs onto her bag, taking it away from her hand to help her carry it and she thanks him silently. they stop a few feet away from the train tracks, breathing in deeply to take in the new air. "so..." he starts suddenly, "what's your name?" she widens her eyes, giggling at the thought of agreeing to get off the train before even learning his name. "i'm yn" he smiles, "what a pretty name for a pretty girl, yn" she rolls her eyes, tilting up her head to look at him. "and you?" she asks, tumbling in a zig-zag pattern as they began to walk. he grins, the corners of his mouth pointing up as he did so.
"i'm jaehyun, it's nice to meet you"
the pair exchange a shake of their hands, giggling gleefully as they go from nameless strangers to familiar acquaintances. "so...jaehyun, where to?" she asks, playing with the fabric of her denim jacket, a finger moving up to loosely tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. the boy sighs, squinting his eyes as he takes in his surroundings. "i guess it's all up to fate now" he turns towards her, shooting yn a cheeky grin, his eyes disappearing as he did so to which she laughs, grabbing a confident hold onto his hand. the girl drags him along with her as she strides forward and towards a pretty bridge that stood above a body of water. as they approach it, a pair of local men come into sight. "should we ask them what to do? they seem to be from here" yn asks, a finger pointing towards the two figures in the distance. jaehyun nods, following her as she continued to walk. as they strut alongside each other, a sudden silence takes over them. the girl laughs out loud, and so does the boy. "what?" he asks, finding her sudden outburst amusing. "nothing it's just...a bit awkward?" he nods in agreement, "yeah. yeah it's a little bit awkward" the end of his statement comes out breathy as he breaks into a slight giggle, inflicting a similar sound from the giddy girl.
"excuse me, do you speak english?" yn's voice is soft and somewhat unsure, the two locals she had come up to tilted their heads of to the side skeptically. "yes of course we do. do you speak german for a change?" the pair looked at each other with puzzled looks as the two locals bursts into laughter. "nah, nah i'm just kidding- t'was a joke" then they all laughed. "look, we were just wondering what's fun to do around here, that's all" jaehyun follows up, his tone slightly stronger than the one the girl had previously shown. the two men look at each other and nod before turning to look at the pair again. "how long you here for?" one of them asks, a thick german accent seeping through as he spoke. "only for a night, we-" jaehyun was cut off, "what're you doing here just for one night, then? nothing much to do" the other local says rather aggressively, causing the foreign pair to chuckle in surprise. "we..." the korean boy begins to come up with some sort of a reasonable response, trailing off as he searched his mind for one. "we're on a honeymoon!" yn's sudden excuse catches him off guard, his eyes going wide as he stares at her in disbelief. "is that so?" the one with the thick accent wonders, an eyebrow cocking up in search of confirmation. "yeah...yes...yes!" the boy's voice is clear and confident now, proudly sticking his chest out as he wraps an arm around his faux fiancee.
"she got pregnant, we had to get married, and this is supposedly our- um, well, our honeymoon...yeah" the locals laugh again, "you're lying...a terrible liar, you are, yes" the german men share incoherent conversation with each other for a moment, leaving the foreign pair to watch and listen in confusion. just then, one of the two reveals a pamphlet from out his shirt pocket. "this is uh...this is a play we both star in. we wanted to invite you, so yeah" the korean boy gratefully accepts the paper, scanning through it intently. "what's it about?" yn asks, stroking her hair away as the wind blew against it. "it's about a cow and indians searching for it, also politicians...and stuff" one says, "i play the cow" the other follows. "yes and the cow has a disease...acting a bit strange like a dog" yn and jaehyun share another puzzled look, using all the strength in their body to hold in their laughs at the ridiculousness that escaped the mouths of the german strangers.
"as you can see, there's an address there" one says, pointing towards the obvious map in the pamphlet he had passed them earlier. "it's in the second district...near the prater, you know it? the prater.." he trails off, making a circular motion with his hands. "oh! the big ferris wheel? we should go" yn says, turning towards the boy beside her. "yeah we should" jaehyun replied, nodding as he agreed. "perhaps you can go to the prater before the play, it starts at twenty-one thirty" the foreign pair nod, thanking the odd locals before parting their ways with them and waltzing over to the garden nearby.
he watches as she skips and twirls against the cobblestone. her hair is one with the breeze, as she hums to an unknown tune. "this is a graveyard...i've been here once before when i was young" she explains as they walk through a collection of withered head-stones. "this one" yn says, stopping before a particularly gray grave. "she greatly impacted my life...she died when she was thirteen, and i must've been just that age when i went here the first time..." jaehyun nods, "must've been crazy to think that you were thirteen then, and you're older now..." she agrees, "and this girl will stay thirteen forever" the pair let out a harmonious sigh, staring down fondly at the cemetery scene. "c'mon, let's go catch a tram. my feet hurt" he says, reaching a hand out for her to take. "let's go, the tram stop is just around the corner"
yn and jaehyun smile softly at each other as they took a seat on the tiny public transport. the seat just big enough for the two of them to sit, yet so very small that the skin of their arms tended to rub against each under as the vehicle began to skim through the city. "okay, i have an idea, you ready?" the boy speaks and she just hums in response. "it's Q&A time. we have to take turns asking each other some questions and then we have to answer honestly, okay?" she nods, "okay, yeah...sounds good- you first, you ask me" jaehyun smiles, "okay, um...when was the first time you had sexual feelings for someone?" his question shocks her a little, "wow, okay um...probably this hot swimmer guy i went to summer camp with...he was so so fine and he had the most defined set of abs and i think i just wanted him so bad...and you know, at the time, my friend had the biggest crush on him!" jae laughs at yn's answer, "wow...okay, your turn ask me something" yn took some time to really think of a good question, a smile making it's way onto her face as she finally finds one.
"have you ever been in love?"
she looks at him in the eyes as she asks the unnecessarily deep question, catching the way a slight glint appeared in his eyes and the way his lips quivered a bit before he replied. "yes. next question" her deeply focused expression turns into that of a look of bewilderment at his underwhelming answer. "what?! you're giving me a one word answer? after i told you the story of my sexual feelings towards a hot swimmer?" he laughs, "yes, yes i am" she's in shock, mouth hung opened as she shook her head. "that's so unfair" yn says but jaehyun argues, "hey! if you asked about my sex life i would answer too! but love...love is, it's complicated okay!" the girl rolls her eyes, "whatever! you could've made something up, at least" the boy sighs, a hand slapping against his forehead in surrender.
the pair spent the rest of their tram ride going back and forth, asking each other all sorts of questions ranging from deep and dark to silly things like what their favourite colours were. at one point they had decided to hop off the transport, their feet having enough rest and ready to take them to wherever deemed fitting for the day. i guess somehow, fate had taken them over to an old record shop. the place was vintage, the yellow walls were faded and they were greeted with a hefty breath of dust as they entered the store. yn blinks slowly as her delicate fingers run through all sorts of vinyls that were neatly sorted on the rack. jaehyun did the same right across from her. "ever heard of this singer? my friend told me about her, i think she's an english singer" the girl asks, lifting up a pretty looking album. on it's cover, a picture of a freckled girl with bleach blonde hair. "hm...beabadoobee? should we go listen to it?" the boy asks, a head tilted towards the listening room that sat at the very end of the shop. the girl nods, "i wonder if the record players here still even work..."
sure enough, they do work. the boy and the girl watching silently as the round vinyl began to spin under the sharp pin of the player. a sort of scratchy sound rang in their ears for a moment before it died down into the sound of sweet female vocals. they didn't know the name of the track, not really caring enough to check the list of songs that were displayed on the back side of the vinyl's cover. they didn't speak to each other, their backs leaned against the wooden sound-proof walls. 'how was your day? was it okay?' the female voice sang sweetly, the acoustic tune calming down their muscles they didn't even realize were beginning to tense up. jaehyun sneaks a look at her, averting his gaze hastily whenever yn caught him, and then they'd giggle bashfully, as if they were little kids discovering true love for the very first time.
"there it is" yn says, looking up at the large ferris wheel at the center of prater park. "what are we waiting for, then?" jaehyun shoots her that smile she's gotten all too fond of, a contagious sight as she, too, grins happily. the girl takes hold of his hand, skipping excitedly over to the queue. not many people were waiting in line, just a few couples and families with their children. "wow..." the boy sighs, his arms hanging out of the window as he looks down at the view below him. "it's beautiful" he continues, moving closer to the center of the cart where she stood. "mhm...the sun's about to set too..." she states, watching as the pretty blue european skies get dim, and a slight orange tint began to paint against it. he finds himself staring at her, sure she'd catch his eye ever since the very moment he had caught a glimpse of her on the train this morning, but he swore nothing- none of that compared to the way he saw her right now. the sunset reflected off of yn's eyes, her hair a mess from all the wind, a soft smile placed delicately against her pink-ish lips. jaehyun just couldn't help himself, he couldn't let this sight of her go to waste, and only if she knew...if she knew how badly he wanted to-
"what is it?" her voice shakes him out of his trance. "huh?" he asks, shaking his head as his eyes meet her own. suddenly his mind goes blank, the boy who had been speaking oh so much all day was at a lost for words. "i...i uh...i just" the girl laughs, her arms moving away from where they sat at the rim of the ferris wheel cart and over to wrap lightly around his neck and against his shoulders. "are you trying to ask me to kiss you?" yn giggles again when a red tint engulfed the boy's cheeks and ears, a bashful look on his face as his gaze lingered onto her own. "i mean..." he begins, taking a single step closer to her. "i'm not opposed to it, are you?" the last thing jaehyun heard was a playful scoff, and the last thing he saw was her eyes rolling sarcastically to the back of her head. or at least that's all that he remembers before she closed off all the space they had between them, their tongues tangled against one another's as they breathed deeply into the kiss. they didn't realize how much they've been longing for a taste of each other until this very moment, what was supposed to be a sweet kiss against the sunset had slowly turned into something more hungry, thirsty like they've been starved for days prior. giddy, a term you must've read far too many times to describe the two strangers that met just hours ago on the train, but that's exactly what they were. so insanely giddy that they found themselves smiling and grinning like a bunch of circus clowns as their teeth tugged against their lips and their hands twisted against their hair.
"i'm gonna call my friend from art school who i'm supposed to be having lunch with in a couple of hours, okay?" yn says suddenly, sitting across from jaehyun as they dined at a local restaurant not too far from the prater park. "okay" he says, though he sounds a bit unsure and his face showed just the same confusion as he watched her stick an imaginary phone beside her ear. "ring ring ring...pst, pick up the phone" she whispered the last bit, signalling for him to go along with her little skit. he obliges, creating a telephone shape with his own hand and pressing it lightly against his ear. "hello?" he speaks, she fails to hold in a laugh. "hi, it's me yn! listen...i don't think i'll make it to lunch today..." she nods, telling him it's his turn to speak. "oh no, are you okay?" the girl smiles, "well...i'm in vienna right now...i got off the train with this korean guy and-" she was cut off, "are you crazy?!" the boy exclaims in an awful french accent that he assumed her friends over in her parisian art school would have. "mhm..." jaehyun lets out a dramatic sigh, "why'd you get off with him?" she looked up in the air, deep in thought with her chin pressed against her palm. "well...he convinced me" she looked him straight in the eyes this time, not letting him interrupt her as she began to speak into the imaginary phone again. "he's this really interesting guy...we spoke of all sorts of things in the dining car on the train, he was reading metamorphosis by franz kafka, and i just felt some sort of a connection to him"
"well...what's he like?" now the boy was using this roleplay to his advantage, trying to make the most out of the situation and the fake phone call. "well he's taller than me, he's got kind eyes and a fond smile. he kind of mumbles when he talks but he's got this extroverted tone, the kind of person you'd feel warm around even during the winter time...he's kind of clumsy- oh! and he kisses like a dork" jaehyun's eyes go wide, "what?!" yn giggles, "yeah, we kissed...and as the night goes by i find myself liking him more and more..." she trails off, his gaze gets deeper, somewhat more intense. "you gonna see him again?" he asks, still in character. "we.." she stops for a moment, "we haven't talked about that yet" then the pair went silent, just basking into the atmosphere and taking their time to look into each other's sparkling eyes. yn sighs once, putting her hand down in a motion as if she were hanging up the call.
"your turn, go call one of your bros in korea"
jaehyun presses his hand against his ear again, "ring ring...it usually goes to voicemail..." yn laughs, "hey jae, what's up, my man?" she suddenly speaks in a deep voice, the change in octave caught him slightly off guard. "hey, woonhak- what's up bro, i'm alright" the boy says, his free hand toying with the silver cutlery that sat atop his plate. "how's europe? you leaving from vienna tomorrow right?" the girl had decided to rid herself of the previous faux-male voice, reverting back to her usual tone. "yeah, yeah man it's been great...i'm actually having the time of my life right now...and uh, i'll tell you why" the girl doesn't respond, only nodding to tell him to continue.
"i met this girl on the train and we got off at vienna together" jaehyun tells, as if the girl in question wasn't seated right across from him. "oh yeah? what's she like? she hot?" the boy laughs at the girl's awfully blunt response, wondering if that's what women thought men really sound like (they do). "there was this arguing couple that was so loud she had to move seats. she sat across from me reading a book and i decided to talk to her. we went to the dining car and talked for ages. she's smart- like, very smart. she goes to an art school in france. conversations with her seemed to be so natural...it was almost like we had some sort of a connection...but i was so scared i would say the wrong things to her" yn furrows her eyebrows, "but bro, you're never scared to talk to anyone!" she brought back the deep voice, snorting slightly as she fails to suppress a chuckle. he smiles, "i know man...it's just, i don't know...something about her...she makes me nervous"
the fake calls end there, the foreign pair paying for their meals before exiting the brightly lit restaurant. their fingers intertwined as they strolled down the streets of vienna. it was nighttime now, the scenery had become a different vibe from when they arrived earlier in the day. they had just past a beautiful street dancer, yn had explained to him that it was a prenatal dance, soon finding themselves in slight banter as they discussed the gender roles of men and women in society. yn had won the debate, jaehyun admitting defeat and simmering down with the excuse of fearing the wrath of an angered woman. the boy and the girl sat down at a table nearby a twenty-four hour cafe. "look at that..." she says, eyes pointing towards an old woman in a turban. a palm reader. "she looks interesting, no?" the boy nods slowly, "yeah...oh shit- shit, she's coming this way, oh god" the girl laughs, "oh fuck, we made eye-contact" in a matter of seconds, the old lady had appeared right in front of them. "hi...english or french?" yn asks, but she gets no answer, instead the palm reader just grabs at her hand, flipping it over to look intently at the wrinkles of her palm.
the lady drags her own finger against the skin, mumbling something to herself before looking the girl straight in the eyes. "you're a stranger to this place...you're a traveler, you seek adventure...what's more, you seek love. yet, you're a driving force, a strong minded girl..." the fortune teller trails off, dropping yn's hand and moving to grab a hold of jaehyun's. "and you...you'll be alright" the lack of depth in his reading must've felt unfair, a scoff escaping the boy's mouth as he stares at the older lady in disbelief. "now..." she croaks before rubbing her fingers in circular motions. the pair laugh, fishing their bags for some cash to hand over to the palm reading lady. she smiles softly, accepting the money before skipping away into the shadows to find another pair of tourists to rip off for a fortune.
"i just...there's no way you believe all that...do you?" jaehyun complains, his hands thrown up into the air in frustration. yn just laughs out loud, her arms wrapping around her own body to shield her from the cool nighttime air. "i mean...are you sure you're not just upset she didn't give you a great fortune?" the boy sighed, "she absolutely ripped us off!" the girl rolls her eyes, "whatever...you look too into things, you know? you're just upset you didn't hear what you wanted to" he gasps dramatically, "that is so not true! i'm just saying...she's using tourists and fake fantasies to make money and rip people off!" yn shakes her head, "you're so..." she trails off, stopping in her tracks to turn towards him. "i'm so...hot? sexy? fresh and cool? you so badly want to kiss me?" the girl sighs, "so insufferable" she says, watching the way his prideful smirk melts into a pout. "can't deny that you still so badly want to kiss me, though" he states, cupping her cheeks in his hands and leaning in to press his lips onto hers once again.
"huh..." yn sighs as they separate, their hands still intertwined with each other's. "what is it?" jaehyun asks, looking at her worriedly. "nothing...it's just funny to think that we won't see each other again after tomorrow" her words affected him more that he would've thought. "you mean...you don't think we'll ever see each other again?" his voice is sort of shaky, cracking a bit as if he were about to cry. "i mean, let's be realistic. you live in korea, i live in france..." he nods along with her sentences, "you're right..." he trails off, really trying his best not to cry right now. "but, i guess it's not a bad thing...we made the most of these past few hours, and we still have a few more to go, no?" she reasons, her hand unconsciously rubbing circular shapes against his. "yeah..." it's silent again for a moment. the only other sound apart from their breaths on this empty street was the live band that played a couple blocks away from them. "it's depressing though, isn't it?" yn speaks again, looking up at him with glossy eyes, noticing the way his gleamed as well. "hm?" jaehyun asked, "i mean now all we can probably think of is how much longer we have till we have to say goodbye" she bites her lip, still not breaking eye-contact with him. "then let's say goodbye now. so we won't have to do it again tomorrow" she smiles at his idea, nodding enthusiastically as they both fixed their posture to stand straight.
"goodbye" they say in unison. "au revoir" she says, giggling softly when he shoots her a toothy smile. "annyeong!" he says cheerfully, waving his hand around like an idiot.
by midnight the two had found themselves sprawled out against the grass, over at an empty plain of land in the depths of the city's large park, staring at the bright moon that gave light for people to see. "you know...i find myself caught up in special moments like staying up all night or dancing till the sunrise...i always knew those moments were special..." yn's voice quiets down, she can feel his gaze locked onto her face as she scans through the starry night sky. "but?" jaehyun asks, wanting her to keep talking. "but i always felt like something was wrong, like i wish i was doing all those things with someone else" they share a laugh. "but for some reason...i feel content with you- like there isn't a single flaw" he smiles, "do you think we'll have more moments like this?" she rolls her eyes, "what happened to being realistic, jaehyun?" the boy sighs, propping himself up on his forearm so he was almost hovering over her. "i know, but think about it..." he clears his throat and she shifts slightly to get a better view of his face.
"ten, fifteen years from now...we've been married for a couple years, gathering with all our new mutual friends. i'm getting a little too drunk, talking everyone's ear off about the same story about how we met on a train one day all by chance. everyone gets so tired of me yap on and on about how i fell in love with this girl, growing even more fond of her as the sun rises...and you come get me, tell me it's time to go home, tell me you'll drive cause i can't even walk in a straight line..." the boy's eyes wander off to the sky as he looks into his future fantasy, the girl can't help but smile as he went into immense detail, covering every part of their married life- as if just hours ago, they weren't mere strangers.
"are you saying you've managed to fall in love with me that quickly?" yn laughs, finding the way his cheeks flushed all too hilarious. "i mean...did i say that?" jaehyun tried to save himself, slumping down against the grass as he sighed in defeat, his hands went up to cover the embarrassment on his face. the girl sits up, turning to move his hands away so she could look at him. he stared up at her, a hint of longing in the way his dark brown orbs sparkled. she mimicked the same expression, like they were telepathically sending each other the same sort of signal. a signal that read in big bold letters.
kiss me.
the kiss was intense, his hands found home in the backside of her head, pulling her towards him and sending her body crashing down on top of his. lost in each other for a moment, the pair tossed and tumbled against the green grass, completely ignoring the fact that the leaves were starting to scratch against their skin, a high chance of a rash greeting them in the morning. they didn't even notice the way the skies were getting brighter, the sun rising all too quickly, before they could even process it.
"last night...it was all like a dream" yn's voice is raspy, a mixture of the cool morning air and the events of the night prior. "yeah...lot's of fun" jaehyun agreed, his left hand sneaking up under his jacket to scratch at a spot that began to itch on his lower back. they walked close to each other, roaming the silent streets of vienna for one last time. they were unusually quiet. it's not that they ran out of things to talk about, it's just that they didn't really feel the need to speak right now. they passed by a large theatre, right by where they were at the parter last night. the girl smiles softly, "we didn't end up watching that play..." the boy laughs at the memory. a sudden sound of piano music stopped them in their tracks, they paused to look at each other. both their eyebrows knitted together and their eyes moving around frantically in search of the source.
"is that it?" jae wonders, crouching down to peak into a tiny window. "i think so..." the girl follows, smiling as she catches a glimpse of a young man, sat behind a large grand piano. his fingers moving swiftly in complex patterns as he taps on the black and white keys. "wow..." the boy whispers, fascinated by the musical number. he steps back from the window, beginning to step along to the beat. she laughs when he offers her a hand, "care to dance with me?" who was she to say no, gladly taking his hand in her own and allowing him to take the lead. they waltzed for a moment, sharing hushed laughs when she accidentally steps on his feet for the third time. the streetlights had begun to turn off, indicating that enough sunlight had surfaced over the area.
"we better head off to the station soon..." yn says, her head now sat on his lap as they relaxed on a bench somewhere in the city. jaehyun sighs, reminded that they'd have to part ways sooner or later. he strokes a finger through her hair, her eyes closing once before fluttering opened again. "i wish this could last forever..." he says, his eyebrows twitching and his eyes drooping ever so slightly. she hums, "yeah..."
before they knew it the pair had made it to the train station. he promised to see her off before he looked for his own train. "you sure you know where to go?" yn asked, slight worry at the thought of a lost puppy-like jaehyun. he nodded, "yes, don't worry"
"okay then..." the girl says, standing before him with her bags in hand, the train getting ready to depart making loud noises that rang in their ears. "i guess...i guess this is goodbye then" she continues, her tone is melancholy, almost depressed. "yeah...um...you know, i really- i, you know" the boy tries his best to speak but for some reason he couldn't seem to form any coherent sentences at the moment. she understood him though, nodding as he pressed his hands on either side of her shoulders, her own ones placed against his waist. "um..." he sighs and so does she, deciding it was a waste of time to speak before leaning in for a long and passionate kiss.
"listen..." jaehyun was out of breath, he didn't know if it was from the kiss they had just shared, or if it was because he could feel his heart pumping right out of his chest. "that thing we said last night about being realistic i- i don't want that, i wanna see you" yn's eyes widened at his words, "me too" now it was his turn to be shocked. "what- why didn't you say anything?" he asked, eyes softening as did hers. "i was afraid you didn't want to..." the boy shook her head, as if to say that were impossible. "okay then...why don't we meet here again?" she nods along with him. "in um...five years" her eyebrows furrowed, "five years? that's like torture" he agrees, "you're right...okay one year?" the girl smiles, "okay, one year" but he shakes his head, "how bout six months?" now she looked bewildered, "six months? it'll be freezing!" he laughed, "i don't care! c'mon, six months, same spot right here" yn nods, repeating his words to herself. "okay...i'll see you then"
their conversation is cut short by the whistling sound of the train horn, signalling that she had to leave in just a minute. "okay, i...i have to go" she stutters, still out of breath from this whole thing. "yeah, okay" he replies, pulling her in for one last kiss. as they parted, they made sure to stare at each other for just a little longer, savoring the way the breeze flowed through their messy hair, the way his eyes watered and the way her eyebrows turned upwards in sorrow.
"goodbye" he says, voice just above a whisper. "au revoir" she replies, beginning to let go of his hands. "annyeong!" he exclaims one last time, waving as she hops into the cart. jaehyun follows her through the window as she finds herself a seat to sit in. yn laughs to herself as the boy sends her about a billion flying kisses. however her smiles fade into that of a somber frown as the train begins to depart, his tall figure disappearing into the distance until he was completely out of sight.
jaehyun got onto a bus towards the airport not long after. no matter how exhausted he'd been from all his unexpected adventures in europe, the last thing the boy could do was sleep. instead, he sat wide awake all the way back to his home country. only one thing in his mind that he kept circling back to again and again and again. and as all cliche love stories go, you know exactly what it is that's got him so insanely worked up. it was the mere thought of her. of the girl he met by chance on a train, the girl he spent a night in a foreign country with, the girl he could talk to for hours..
the girl he fell more and more in love with as the sun began to rise.
the end.
YAYYYY!!! this ended up longer than i expected 😭 guys if u havent watched before sunrise i think u shld DEFINITELY watch it it's like one of the best romance movies EVERRR!! anyways i hope u enjoyed this, sorry for being so ia while i was on my holiday trip </3 will be back on the writing grind i promise 🫶 reblogs n feedbacks r greatly appreciated <3 dms n asks r always opened if u wanna talk to me!! love, kona.
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adrienneleclerc · 7 months
Grovel (alt. Ending)
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Walter begs for forgiveness after he did something that would put his relationship to the test
Warning: CHEATING, spelling and grammar errors, NO HAPPY ENDING, angsty
A/N: For those who believed Y/N forgave Walter too easily, here’s an alternate ending so if you want to read it all over again or just skip to the end, you’re more than welcome to @leyannrae @idontknowwhatnametochoosee
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Walter Marshall thought that after his divorce with Angie, he was not going to find someone else. He believed he came with a lot of baggage because he is a homicide detective, that was until he met Y/N, a nurse.
Y/N was the one that treated Walter's bullet wound when he was on the Simon case and when he sees her in a bar a month later, they hit it off and went on 5 dates before Walter decided to ask her to be his girlfriend.
5 years later, they are still together and Y/N has moved into Walter's house and they are so happy and in love.
Until tonight
It all started 3 days ago, it was 4 in the afternoon and Y/N was getting out of the hospital. Her car was in the shop and Walter said that he would gladly drop her off and pick her up. 10 minutes later, Walter picked her up.
"Hello, darling, how was your shift today?" Walter asked, pulling out of the hospital parking lot.
"It was good, a little tiring, but nothing a cuban coffee can't fix. How was your day, Oso?" Y/N asked.
"Stressful as fuck." Walter muttered.
"You're still on that case?" Y/N asked.
"Yes. We have no leads, it is like this guy is always three steps ahead and its pissing me the fuck off." Walter huffed out. Y/N took his hand in hers and rubbed her thumb over his hand in an attept to soothe him.
"You'll get this guy, i'm sure of it." Y/N said.
When they got home, Y/N saw the folders, clue board, everything that Walter had in his office at the police department was in his living room.
"You're working from home?" Y/N asked.
"I figured it would be better to focus all my attention on this case so I brought some of the files home, i hope that's okay." Walter said, sitting down at the table to look over things he might have missed with this case.
“Yeah it’s fine, Oso, that’s your job. Just don’t work too hard, okay? Sleep is not for the weak.” Y/N says.
“I know, love, I won’t turn into a zombie.” Walter said and they kissed.
Which brings us to tonight, Y/N took an Uber home because Walter’s phone was turned off. When Y/N entered the house, she found Walter drinking coffee in the living room, the same way she left him this morning and the day before.
“How was your day, Walter?” Y/N asked. Walter ignored her, writing notes on the case. “Well, my day was good, I worked with some of the pediatric patients, el día fue súper leve.”
“Y/N, I’m trying to work here.” Walter said.
“I see that, but you haven’t moved from this spot. Have you eaten? La estufa sigue igual de limpio, have you been living off coffee?” Y/N asked. Walter stayed silent. “Okay, fine, did you buy what I asked you to get?”
“You said I haven’t moved from this spot so clearly I haven’t gotten what you asked for.” Walter snapped, looking up from the table.
“No me hables así, eh, ni siquiera mi papá le habla así a mi mamá, Don’t try me, Walter.” Y/N said as she walked to the kitchen.
“Ugh, even Angie wasn’t such a bitch.” Walter muttered and Y/N stopped to turn around.
“You know what, you’re stressed, you haven’t eaten, you’re probably sleep deprived, let me just cook and we can talk after you take a nap, okay.” Y/N said but Walter then slammed his hands on the table.
“I am not a child, Y/N, you don’t have to smother me, and you are most certainly not my wife so stop acting like it.” Walter raised his voice and Y/N widened her eyes.
“I May not be your wife but I am your girlfriend, and I deserve to be respected, Walter.” Y/N said.
“I am not going to sit here and be nagged by you, I’m going out.” Walter huffed.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Y/N shouted.
“Out! Are you having trouble hearing me more than usual?” Walter asked as he left the house, closing the door behind him.
“Ugh, me encabrona!” Y/N shouted. This was their first big fight. Y/N calmed down a little and she wanted to cry because she just drove her boyfriend out of his house.
Walter sat in his truck to calm down a little. “FUCK!” Walter shouted, hitting his steering wheel. He drove somewhere he thought he would stop visiting after Faye went away to college; Angie’s house.
Walter rang her doorbell and Angie opened the door in Jeans and a sweater.
“Walter? What are you doing here? Faye doesn’t come back until spring break.” Angie said.
“I know, I came to talk to you.” Walter said.
“You should have called, this isn’t a good time.” Angie said.
“I think I messed things up with Y/N.” Walter said. Angie sighed and moved out of the way so Walter can come in. Angie walked to the couch and patted on the empty space next to her.
“Tell me everything. Y/N seems very sweet, kinda young, but she’s a good person, what the hell did you do?” Angie asked him
“I’ve been too focused on this case that i forgot to pick her up from her job since they are working on her car, I yelled at her, basically called her a bitch, and disrespected her. She just wanted to to take care of me, to stop me from getting burnout, and I yelled at her and disrespected her. Saying that she should stop acting like she’s my wife.” Walter said. His eyes were tearing up.
“Wow, that’s a lot to unpack.” Angie said.
“Why did we get a divorce, Angie?” Walter asked.
“Why are you asking me that?” Angie asked.
“Was it me? Was I the problem?” Walter asked. Angie looked at him, saw that Walter looked practically broken.
“Listen, Walter, we got married in our early 20s. We were young, we weren’t going to last anyway. You tried your hardest to make me happy, and i was happy with you for a while. You are a great father to Faye, you put your all in our relationship, but you are also a workaholic.” Angie said softly. “It’s not a bad thing, you’re a cop, someone has to get the bad guys, right? I couldn’t handle that because I’m not used to it. But Y/N is a nurse, right? A nurse and a cop, what could be better than that? She knows the heavy workload you have because she has the same.”
“So what you’re saying it that I pushed away the one person who could possibly understand me.” Walter said.
“Sorta. You shouldn’t have yelled at her, she was just trying to get you to relax and eat, God knows how much I tried to get you to eat back when you were still on the SWAT Team.” Angie said.
“My job is stressful, Angie, you know that.” Walter said.
“And so does she. I’m sure you’ll make it right.” Angie said. Then Walter’s stomach growled and bleh of them laughed.
“Yeah, Y/N wasn’t lying when she said I was living off coffee, do you have anything to eat?” Walter asked.
“I Can order us takeout. You want Chinese, Italian, or Latin food?” Angie asked, holding out the menus she keeps in a kitchen drawer.
“Latin food.” Walter said, already missing Y/N’s cooking.
“You got it, detective.” Angie said.
While Y/N was drinking wine, eating ice cream, and watching movies that make her cry (for me it’s how to train your dragon, Beethoven, elemental, I’m a sensitive and emotion person, okay), Walter was getting nostalgic with Angie, eating and drinking.
"Remember that time you stayed up with me for a case when I just started working as a homicide detective?" Walter asked, eating a piece of chicken with his rice.
"Oh my god, yes, I was so tired, I think I crashed around 4am, I was exhausted at work." Angie said.
"I told you that you didn't have to stay up, but you were so stubborn and made us coffee after you put Faye to bed." Walter said.
"I had to support my husband." Angie said, taking a sip of wine.
More time went on, they finished the bottle of wine, and one thing led to another, Walter kissed Angie.
Y/N saw that the time was 10pm and Walter still hasn't come home yet. She got off the couch and unlocked her phone to call Walter, it went to voicemail after a few rings.
"Hey Oso, please come back home. We both have said some things, you mostly, but I really want to talk about this, I'm sorry if I nag you, that is not my intention, I just love you so much and I want you to take care of yourself, bye." Y/N left the voicemail and went to the bedroom she shared with Walter and Walter and Angie were too busy undressing each other on their way to her bedroom to notice his phone vibrating on the kitchen counter.
Walter lied awake in bed, with Angie by his side, Angie was asleep, both were naked.
“What have I done?" Walter wondered out loud in a whisper. He tried to sleep but every time he closed his eyes, he just sees what happened with Angie.
It was 8 in the morning and Y/N did not have to go in for work. She went downstairs and Walter still wasn't back home. Meanwhile Walter was putting his clothes back on.
"This never should have happened." Walter stated, zipping up his pants.
"You think I'm thrilled we slept together? I'm married! I'm just happy he has a business trip in Boston." Angie said, putting on her bathrobe.
"Where is my phone?" Walter asked, looking throgh her bedroom.
"It's probably downstairs on the kitchen counter. Have a safe trip home, make up with Y/N, I'll see you when Faye comes back." Angie said. Walter went downstairs and turned on his phone. He saw a voicemail from Y/N. He played the voicemail and his eyes strated tearing up.
“I am such a wanker." Walter muttered. He walked out of the house and got into his truck to go back home. He saw Y/N’s car in the driveway. He spent a few mintues in his truck crying, thinking about how he should tell Y/N. Its worse if she finds out later so it is better to be truthful now. He got out of the car, walked into the house and saw Y/N making pancakes.
"Oso, you're back!" Y/N exclaimed, leaving the mixing bowl on the counter and walked over to him, pulling him into a hug. "Listen, I promise not to 'nag' you as much if you promise to take care of yourself. I am not trying to smother you, I just don't want you to burn yourself out, okay?" Y/N pulled away from the hug and saw that Walter's eyes were red. "Hey, whats wrong?" Y/N asked, she was about to wipe his tears when Walter took her hands in his and pushed them away.
“We need to talk." Walter said.
“Okay, can it wait?" Y/N asked.
“No, it can't." Walter said. Y/N looked at him, his face was serious. She nodded and took off her apron, followed Walter into the living room and sat on the couch. Walter had her hands in his. "Something happened when i left. But I'm letting you know now that it meant nothing and that I completely regret it."
“Walter, you're scaring me, what did you do?" Y/N asked, her voice breaking as her eyes became glassy.
“I drove to Angie's house. I needed clarity, I just fought with you and I know i messed up really bad but I didn't know if it would have been the end. I asked Angie why we got divorced, I asked if it was the problem with our argument." Walter said, carefully looking at Y/N's reactions to his words. "She came to the conclusion that you and I are perfect for each other and that I should be more open to accepting your help, that I was pushing you away. We were reliving our good moments, we were eating drinking, and then we..." Walter was cut off by Y/N putting her hand up.
“You slept with your ex wife?" Y/N asked.
"Yes.” Walter admitted.
“You slept with your ex-wife after she told you that you and I were practically perfect for each other?” Y/N asked again.
“Yes.” Walter whispered. Y/N nodded and took her hands out of Walter’s, she walked to the kitchen and Walter trailed behind her. He observed how she picked up the mixing bowl and continued to mix the batter before turning on the stove and pouring the mix with a ladle onto the pan. “Say something, anything.” Walter said. Y/N remained silent until she finished making pancakes and the mixing bowl was empty.
“You wanna know what I did when you left me in our home? I cried because I had no idea where you were going. I was drinking wine and purposely watching movies that I know will make me cry because you were gone for hours and didn’t send me a text to let me know you were alright. We never had a fight like this, Walter, Never, in our 5 years of dating. And the first thing you do is go to your ex-wife’s house? After you told me that Angie wasn’t as much as a bitch as I was? Do you see how messed up that is?” Y/N asked Walter with tears in her eyes.
“It didn’t mean anything, Y/N, I swear.” Walter said.
“Oh please Walter, you guys were married for what, 9 years? You loved each other, Walter. Maybe you still love each other, I don’t know. What I do know is that feelings were involved, Walter. It’s is different than sleeping with a random woman, which I would still be angry about by the way. You cheating on me with Angie is much worse than a random hookup.” Y/N explained, trying to hold on her tears.
“It was a mistake, Y/N, we were drunk.” Walter said.
“Oh, you were drunk, I guess that makes it better, then.” Y/N commented sarcastically. “Me vale madre if you were drunk or not, we were still together.” Y/N said.
“I can make it better, please. I’m sorry I hurt you, I shouldn’t have left you, it was bad judgment on my part.” Walter said, he was going to wrap his arm around her when Y/N moved away.
“Now is not the time Walter.” Y/N said.
“What happened to Oso?” Walter asked.
“You lost that nickname the minute you slept with Angie. The worst part about ALL OF THIS is that you needed her to tell you that we were perfect for each other. You needed confirmation from another person, you couldn’t just take my word for it. You didn’t want me to smother you? Well congratulations, Walter, I won’t be here to smother you anymore.” Y/N said, walking upstairs, Walter following suit. He saw her pull out a suitcase, she was packing.
“No, please don’t leave me, we have to talk about this, please.” Walter said. Y/N looked up to see Walter’s eyes, his once bright blue eyes were now dull.
“Fine, you want to talk, let’s talk. How was your night with Angie?” Y/N asked.
“I don’t understand.” Walter said
“Then let me help you understand. While I was home watching movies, you were fücking Angie in her house, how was she in bed? Is that clear enough?” Y/N asked kinda aggressively.
“I can’t answer that.” Walter stated.
“You’re the one who wanted to talk.” Y/N reminded him.
“It was different, you and I have always made love, Y/N. Angie was nothing compared to what we have.” Walter said. Y/N got closer to Walter.
“Had, Walter.” Y/N said, she finished packing her suitcase with her clothes, towels, and toiletries. She got the suitcase and started walking downstair, opening the front door, Walter trailed behind her. “You finally did it, Walter, you pushed me away, I hope you’re happy.” Y/N gave Walter his key back.
“What can I do to fix this? Fix us?” Walter asked.
“I just need time. I can’t sleep in the same bed with you or stay in the same house with you knowing that if we have another fight, you’d go to Angie, that you slept with Angie. The day I moved in, you promised me that you’d never hurt me and I believed you, guess we were both wrong.” Y/N said. She left and closed the door. Walter immediately broke down crying on the floor, he messed up big time.
Y/N entered her car and called one of her friends from the hospital.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up, how’s your weekend?” Her friend asked.
“Hey Blair, um, I was wondering if I can stay at your house for a few days or a few weeks.” Y/N said.
“Yeah, babe, stay with me as long as you need, okay? You sound like you’ve been through it. Go over to my house, I’ll call Seth and let him know, okay. Love you, bye." Blair hung up and Y/N but Blair's address on her phone and drove to her house. She saw Blair's husband, Seth, outside the house with the door open, along with two kids playing in the front yard with a cavalier king charles spaniel. Y/N parked her car in the driveway and got out.
"Y/N, its so nice to meet you, you need any help with your bag?" Seth asked.
"No, its fine, I got it." Y/N said. "How old are they?" Y/N asked Seth, entering the house.
"7 and 4. The dog is 2. We don't have the guest room set up so you will have to sleep on the couch tonight, is that alright?" Seth asked.
"Of course, I’m intruding. I will help with dinner and cleaning.” Y/N said.
“Sounds like a deal.” Seth said
Walter has been throwing himself into work since she left 4 days ago. Whenever there was an interrogation and the suspect would get testy, Walter took out all his anger on them. However, Commissioner Harper has had enough of Walter’s anger issues.
“Marshall, you can’t keep hulking out on the suspects/perps, we’ll get nowhere. Go home, you’re not coming back until you fix whatever problem you have going on.” Harper said. Walter huffed and walked out.
When he made it home and saw the picture of him and Y/N together, he decided it was time to get her back. He got in his truck, bought her favorite flowers, and went to the hospital she worked at. He got out of the truck and entered the hospital lobby.
“Hi, I’m Walter Marshall, I’m here to see Y/N L/N, she’s a nurse.” Walter said.
“Do you know what floor she’s working on?” The receptionist asked.
“Can’t you check?” Walter asked.
“She’s assigned to me 9th floor, here’s your visitor pass.” The receptionist said and Walter thanked her. He saw that a lot of people were waiting for the elevator so he decided to take the stairs. Luckily for him, this was light work compared to his SWAT training. He stopped at the 9th floor and walked to the nurse station.
“Hello, can I…oh it’s you.”
“Nice to see you too, Blair. Do you know where Y/N is?” Walter asked, lowkey out of breath,
“Why would I tell you? She’s devastated over his things ended.” Blair said.
“That’s why I’m here, to make things right. Where is she?” Walter asked again.
“She’s getting a translator from the supply closet.” Blair answered, pointing towards the door and Walter thanked her. He opened the door and saw Y/N in her light blue scrubs, her hair (down, braided, in a ponytail, up to you!), he closed the door and Y/N turned around.
“Walter, what are you doing here?” Y/N asked. Walter saw that Y/N had dark circles under her eyes, Y/N noticed the same thing about Walter. His hair was messier than usual.
“I came to win you back.” Walter says, handing Y/N the flowers.
“Flowers? You think you can fix everything with flowers?” Y/N said.
“No, but I think this might fix everything.” Walter said.
Walter got down on his knees in front of Y/N, looking up at her like he was worshiping a goddess, on his mind he was.
“Please forgive me, Y/N, you mean the whole world to me, these last few days have been utter torture, my house doesn’t feel like a home anymore, you brought light to my life, I am nothing without you.” Walter starts tearing up, voice breaking. “Please, baby, please forgive me, I made a terrible mistake, I admit that, you are someone that I can’t replace, no one, and I mean no one could replace you. You are so special to me, I am so lucky to have you, and I will worship the ground you walk on if you let me, please. I don’t know what I’ll do without you in my life.” When Walter was finished with his little speech, both of them were crying.
“Walter, get off the floor.” Y/N said softly. Walter got off his knees, dusting his pants off. “This can’t be easily fixed with flowers or a speech.’ Y/N said, handing Walter the flowers back.
“Then tell me how I can fix this, please. I don’t want to lose you, you want to throw away our entire relationship over one fight?” Walter asked.
“But that’s the thing, Walter, it is not just one fight. This isn’t the first time you take your anger out on me when you’re stressed because of work. And I’m positive that if we stay together, it won’t be the last. I can’t keep forgiving you if in a month or even a year you’ll do it again. You sleeping with Angie is the last straw.” Y/N said.
“You can’t possibly mean that.” Walter said.
“You are not ready for stable relationship. You clearly can’t communicate with me, I try to be patient with you, wait until you are ready to open up but..”
“I hate talking, you know that, but it doesn’t mean I don’t want to talk to you. I love talking to you, about our days, about our dreams, talking to you is the best part of my day.” Walter tried to hold Y/N’s hands but she pulled away.
“That’s not the same, Walter. The point is that maybe we can get past this after some time, after some self reflection, but for right now, I need to get back to work so if you’ll excuse me.” Y/N said, pulling the translator with her, leaving Walter heartbroken in the supply closet. Blair enters the closer.
“It’s time for you to leave, Marshall. If you don’t, I’ll bring in security.” Blair said.
“I’m going. Tell Y/N I still love her.” Walter said.
“I’m not telling her shit, goodbye.” Blair said, practically pushing Walter out of the supply closet. Walter got out of the hospital and he got into his truck.
“Can’t believe she’s not coming home.” Walter said, leaning his head against the wheel.
Y/N and Blair were in the break room, Y/N crying softly.
“I know it was hard but its for the best. I would never forgive cheating, and you shouldn’t either.” Blair said.
“I know but we were together for 5 years, I moved in with him.” Y/N said,
“I’ll help you find an apartment near my house, pack, I’ll help you move on. Now actually eat your lunch, that’s why we’re in the break room.” Blair said.
Walter got home, left his keys on the table, and started looking around, memories of his relationship with Y/N came flooding into his mind. Their first kiss, when they danced in the living room, redecorated the bedroom, they baked alfajores, all their happy moments. Walter sat on the couch and cried, knowing he would never be as happy and he was with her.
Taglist: @warriormirkwood
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vintagepresley · 1 year
The Doctor Will See You Now… Part Two
Pairing: John Carpenter x Reader
Word Count: 2,617
Warnings: SMUSMUTSMUT 18+ Unprotected sex, oral (male receiving), rough deep throating, fingering, dirty talk, praise, use of the word whore, breeding kink, use of medical equipment.
Author's Notes: LORD HAVE MERCY. I hope my John Carpenter besties enjoy this second part. Thank you once again for all your dirty little prompts that made this random mini series happen. Love y'all. Also possible spelling errors because I'm too lazy to fix them.
Part One
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"You're doin' so good for me.."
Since that day in the examination room with Dr. Carpenter you couldn’t stop thinking about it or him and the way he felt inside of you, or the way he spoke to you. It had been almost two weeks since you last saw him. It felt as if he was avoiding you because of his nurses catching on to his lustful and inappropriate behavior with you. He had scheduled an appointment for you to come in and see him again so he could check if you were pregnant. But that was weeks away because he wanted to give it time. But you couldn’t wait that long. You needed to see him. So you made your way down to his office and when you went inside the nurses had all been distracted by their patients and the young nurse sitting by behind the desk up front was too busy reading her magazine to notice you as you snuck by past her. You usually would fake sick just to see him but after last time everyone knew what the two of you were up to. You went looking for his office and you smiled happily when you found it and the door was open and he was busy looking over some paperwork as he sat behind his desk. You watched him for a moment before you knocked on the door. He assumed you were one of the nurses so he didn’t even bother to look up as he spoke. “Yes, nurse?” he said softly as he shuffled through his papers. You giggled quietly as you stepped into the room. 
“Hello, Dr. Carpenter.” you said sweetly. 
He’d recognize that voice anywhere and he looked up from his papers and his eyes widened from the sight of you and he jumped out of his chair and he quickly walked over to shut the door behind you. To say he was surprised to see you would be an understatement. “Uh, what are ya doin’ here, Y/N? I had an appointment scheduled for you in a few weeks.” he whispered. You bit your lip and moved closer toward him and your hands clutching onto his belt as you pressed yourself against him and you leaned up to kiss his lips softly and he returned your loving kiss before he pulled you back. 
“I missed you. Didn’t you miss me?” you giggled and your hands still gripping his belt as you began to unbuckle it and then unbutton his pants. You stared up at him with those innocent eyes of yours. He cleared his throat trying to hold back his groan as he felt your hand pressed up against his cock, swallowing harshly.
“I-I missed ya too, honey. But y-you can’t be here today..” he uttered softly. You raised an eyebrow at his words and then looked down at his cock that was already erect and ready for you. You smirked to yourself as you slowly sank down to your knees before him and you looked up at the handsome doctor, ignoring what he said and tugging his pants down just enough to get his cock out of his pants and you licked your lips at the very sight of it. You wrapped your hand around the shaft of his cock and tucked back his foreskin with your other hand and you dragged your tongue around the head of his cock tasting the saltiness of his precum coating your tongue. He let out a long and low moan as his head rested up against his office door. “Fuck baby..” he mumbled under his breath. You kept your eyes on him as you swirl your tongue around his head once more and then down along his entire shaft and he groaned loudly. You slowly pulled back with a smirk. 
“What were you saying, doctor? I shouldn’t be here?” you hummed as you pressed soft kisses along his cock batting your eyes up at him with a smirk. 
“Fuck..” he mumbled under his breath and he grabbed a handful of your hair holding in a makeshift ponytail and wrap some of it around his wrist. “Shut up and take this cock into that little whore mouth of yours.” he growled and he forced his cock into your mouth and groaned loudly as he forced it deep. You gagged softly when you felt his cock hit the back of your throat and you grabbed a hold of his thighs your nails digging right into them as he took control and roughly fucked your face and you squealed softly around his cock as you choked and gagged. The saliva pooling at the corners of your mouth and dripping down your chin. Your eyes watering and ruining a bit of your mascara and you finally managed to pull away so you could get some air. He groaned, licking over his lips. “You okay, honey? Was that too much for ya?” he said with a smirk. You shook your head at him as you took in some air. He grinned and pulled you back down by your hair and forcing his cock back into your mouth and bobbing your head on his cock as he used you for his pleasure and causing the most obscene noises escape you and now you were drooling on his cock and he finally pulled you away and you coughed softly trying to catch your breath as your chin dripped in your saliva onto your dress. “Goddamn, woman.. I ain’t gonna let ya make me cum yet.” he chuckled. 
You giggled softly as you wiped your mouth clean, staring up at him with a smirk. He helped you back up on your feet and you stared up at him running your hands along his shirt. “I think I’m ready for my examination now.. It’s been throbbing for you..” you cooed. He combed his fingers through your hair as he smiled down at you and he kissed you deeply and you let out a soft moan against his lips as you returned his kiss. 
“We’ll get to that, baby.” he hummed as his hands cupped your face and his eyes stared deeply into yours. “Now tell me, since I last saw ya.. Have you been experiencing any pregnancy symptoms?” he asked. You shrugged because you hadn’t really noticed any kind of changes and your period had been on time. He raised an eyebrow and you let out a soft gasp when he groped your breasts in his hands and kneaded them slowly in his grasp. “Does that feel tender when I do that, honey?” he uttered. You shook your head slowly, biting on your bottom lip, not wanting him to move his hands. He gave you a nod and pulled his hands away and you let out a needy little whimper, wanting more. He could tell you were so impatient and he chuckled as he shook his head. He led you over to his desk and he pushed off all his things onto the ground and he lifted you up and plopped you down onto his desk, which only turned you on more. He got so close that his lips hovered over your own and you could feel his breath against your mouth. “Take your dress off for me, baby. Slowly.” he demanded. You nodded and slowly began to unbutton your dress and he captured his bottom lip between his teeth at the sight of your bare breasts. You slowly let the dress drop in a puddle on his desk and you kicked off your heels leaving you in just your white panties. He smirked as he ran his big hands over your thighs. “Panties too, baby.” he mumbled. 
You giggled and shimmed out of your panties and kicked them from around your ankles onto the floor. You watched as Dr. Carpenter grabbed his medical bag and rifled through it for a moment before pulling out a speculum from his bag. You raised an eyebrow looking at the medical tool as he walked back over to you. 
 “What’s that?” you asked curiously. 
“What I use for my exams, honey. I know they look scary, but I’ll be gentle.”  he said softly.
“You didn’t use them before..” you murmured. 
“Mm, I know. But I just want to make sure I didn’t hurt ya too bad last time so I wanna get a good look, now lie back.” he responded. You took a deep breath and nodded keeping your eyes on the speculum as you leaned back on your elbows on his desk and bringing your knees up and parting your legs for him and once again having your pussy on full display for him and he sat down in his chair and wheeled himself over between your legs. “Now I want ya to take a deep breath for me, honey. You’ll feel some pressure..” he said soothingly. He slowly inserted the speculum inside of you and you shut your eyes tight feeling slight pressure and the coldness of the metal as he opened you up with them and you winced softly. “It’s okay, baby. It’ll all be over in a moment. He smirked at the sight of your very exposed and very open pussy and he checked to see that everything was in order. “Just to be thorough let me just feel that everythin’ is good.” he smirked and reached over for some rubber gloves snapping them onto his hands once he slipped them on. You captured your bottom lip between your teeth as you slowly opened your eyes to watch him as he moved closer between your legs. 
“Ya may feel some more pressure..” he hummed as he slipped two of his glove-covered fingers into your open pussy, feeling around inside of you and you gasped and your body slightly jolted at the feeling because it wasn’t pressure.. It was a pleasure you had never felt before. As he moved his fingers knuckle deep around inside of you he sneakily slipped another finger inside watching as your pussy was becoming wet with his every move. It caused a soft moan to escape your slightly parted lips. He smirked at the delightful sound continuing his thorough examination and watching with lust in his eyes how your slick coated his gloves and the sounds leaving you grew louder with every movement. “That’s a good girl..” he cooed. 
“I-Is it supposed to feel like this?” you said between your whimpering moans. 
“Mhm.. You’re doing so good for me..” he hummed as his fourth finger slipped inside of you causing you to moan louder, your eyes rolled back and before you could even comprehend what your body was feeling the noises that left you nearly took your breath away as you came all over his hand. He smirked at the wonderful sight of your cum seeping out of your throbbing pussy as he slipped his fingers and the speculum out of you and you shuddered at the feeling. “It’s working just like it’s supposed to and ready to be filled.” he said with a grin plastered on his face as he stood up from his chair and slipped his gloves off and dropped them into the trash. Your head was spinning as you laid on his desk staring up that ceiling and trying to compose yourself as he walked back over to you and his hands ran along your legs.
“Are ya ready for the next part of your examination?” he asked with a smirk. 
You sat up on your elbows and looked right at him, nodding your head so eager and chewing on your bottom lip. “Yes, please.” you mewled. You watched as he began to unbuckle his belt and your eyes grew wide at the sight of erection and when tugged his pants down you grew even more excited. He grabbed your legs and held them up and forced them further back and grabbed your hands to make you hold them in place. Your pussy was the only thing he wanted to see as he grabbed your waist and tugged you forward. He slowly guided his cock deep into the warmth and wetness of your cunt and groaned lowly as his cock sunk into you. He had missed the feeling of your tight pussy wrapped around his cock that he couldn’t help himself when he started roughly slamming his cock deep inside of you his pace quick and hard that he had the entire desk moving along with his movements and you cried out his name as you moaned doing your best to keep a hold on your legs as they dangled in the air. 
“Mm.. You’re such a good little slut lettin’ me fuck ya and dump my seed inside ya.” he grunted between his loud moans. His cock was forcing you open and hitting right against your walls so forcefully that the pain was even becoming pleasurable. You were already so sensitive from his fingers being so deep inside of you that your body was shaking and you whimpered and cried for him to not stop. Your pleading only furthered his pleasure as he wrecked your pussy and his balls slapping against you. It all felt so good that you didn’t even notice your legs growing numb from the position that they had been in for a while. 
“I-I’m gonna cum!” you squealed, feeling your orgasm rising and burning within you. 
“That’s it, mama.. Cum for me..” he grunted loudly. 
Those words were all you needed to hear to push you right over the edge into that euphoric feeling. All your muscles felt like they were tightening, your body numb with pleasure and your breathing heavier than ever as you came all over his cock and the moment you did was when he completely lost all control and he held you down on his cock as his orgasm hit right when yours did and he came hard inside you, ropes of his warm cum filling every inch of your used and bruised cunt. The both of you rocking back and forth against one another milking every last drop of each other until you came to a complete stop and he slide his cock out of you and before his cum could come seeping out he shoved his fingers right into your pussy and held them there so that you didn’t waste a drop of his seed. “I expect you to make me a daddy.” he said beneath heavy breaths. Your ears were ringing and you just nodded at his words not being able to say a word. He removed his fingers from your aching cunt and you felt a shiver run down your spine as your body collapsed onto his desk tiredly. He cleaned himself up and fixed himself as he slipped his pants back on. He grabbed his white doctor’s coat needing to tend to his patients that were probably waiting for him. He walked over to you and leaned down to kiss your lips softly and you kissed so hungrily and desperate that when he pulled away a soft whine escaped you.  
“I expect to see you again for the appointment I scheduled. You know your way out.” he said sternly as he composed himself one more time before he headed out of his office, shutting the door behind him and leaving you to lay naked over his desk as his cum slowly dripped from you. You pondered for a moment in the silence if what you were doing with the doctor was right or if you were actually ready for a child. But that thought was fleeting just as fast as it came because you knew you’d do anything for Dr. Carpenter.
Tagging: @generoustreemystic @arianatheangel-girl @kendralavon7 @18lkpeters @be-my-ally @prompted-wordsmith @mrspresleybutler3591 @jfkkenndy @samfangirls @vintageshanny @airyx0x0 @astralheart21 @galaxygirl453 @prayerstopresley @iloveelvis @marriedtopresley @kingdomforapony @peaceloveelvis @literally-just-elvis-fics
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veren-cos · 5 months
Gale x Reader (Bg3)
Gn reader with chronic pain
Not proof read at all so lmk if there are any errors!
"Why won't it stop? It won't stop, I can't make it stop. Please! Make it stop!" you cried. It hurt. Every single joint. Every muscle. And it wouldn't stop hurting. It came on suddenly.
Nothing you did could help, so you laid there on your bed and cried... And cried... And cried.
Until you felt him.
"Gale..?" It was barely above a whisper. You had strained your voice in between gasping for air while you wept.
"Shhh, shh. I'm here, it's okay." He sat next to you, placing a steady hand on your shoulder. "It's okay. What do you need?"
"Gale, it won't stop. I can't make it stop!"
"What won't stop, what part?" He helped you with your pain often, just as you help with his.
"My chest. I can't breath right. Something is wrong. Every time I breath I can feel my bones move. They shift. And it stings! Gale, I don't know what to do. I don't know why this is happening to me."
"Shh my dear, You'll be okay.." You knew how worried he would get, and no matter how much he tried to hide it, his face looked like he was in as much pain as you. He started whispering an incantation, but nothing was happening. The pain was alleviated slightly, yes, but you could still feel the shifting. He tried again... and again... and again.
"Love?" You spoke. He tried again. You winced trying to move, but he held you still. He was still trying the same spell. "Dear?" It wasn't working. He tried again. "Gale!"
He immediately stopped and panicked, "OH my, by Mystra, am I making it worse?! I'm so sorry, love, are you okay? It's not working! I don't know why it's not working I should be able to help you!"
"Gale." Another wince from you, another grimace from him.
"If I can't help you what am I good for?"
"Gale!" You were now sitting straight up. This isn't good for him.
"I have all this magic yet I can't even help my partner!"
"GALE!!!" Finally that worked! He stared straight at you, stunned. "Good, I have your attention" your breathing became rough again. Through harsh breaths you began to speak again, "This isn't your responsibility."
"But it i-"
"No! No it isn't, Gale." You took another painful breath, gods all those spells just for it to come back right away. "I'm sorry I panicked earlier. This is just different than normal. I'm fine. I'll be fine."
"No buts! I love and appreciate that you try and help me, but we know it won't work. You'll just end up hurting yourself and wasting energy in the process. This isn't healthy for you! I can handle it, I have my whole life, another day won't kill me."
The pain was starting to get worse again, the spells coming completely undone after he lost his concentration.
"I'm not done!" He waited for you to begin again, although it took a while. "I need you to know I don't expect you to be able to 'fix' this. I don't need fixing." You were starting to tear up. You felt the urge to cry again.
Gale took a deep breath. "Then what do you need?"
"Well currently" your voice was breaking. "I need some help laying back down... and then maybe some cuddles until I fall asleep?"
"Now that, I can do."
He grabbed beneath your neck and on your side as he laid you on your hip. You liked being snuggled in his arms, allowing him to play with your hair and give you forehead kisses. He stood back up to grab a book and some drinks and a healing potion if you needed it.
"Thank you for being patient with me." He said
"Thank you for being here with me." You replied.
You nuzzled your face into his chest while he picked up his book. He began running his fingers through your hair as he opened it with his other hand. Once he was adjusted, he began reading to you as you slowly tried to make yourself comfortable.
You could confidently say it took a few chapters until you were able to tune out the seering pain enough to feel sleepy, but once you did, the lights went out. It's exhausting. Being in pain is exhausting, but Gale would be there for you every step of the way, and every difficult day. Just like you would be there for him when he started spiraling, whenever he needed.
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jexvex · 2 years
{⚜️Warning: Horror and other uncomfortable topics⚜️}
Vital Virus
Xisuma had called a meeting amongst all Hermits, something important had to be discussed. It was a new world, everyone assumed it would be the average meet up with new rules being given.
They thought incorrectly.
>Xisumavoid< I need you ALL to stay indoors and not let ANYONE in your bases for some time. Hermits, we need to stick to our name.
>TinFoilChef< Deal
>ImpulseSV< lol the hermit hermits
>Keralis< Sweetface, is that our only rule this season?
>Grian< That seems so counterproductive for pranks and entertainment! =(
>TangoTek< Hold on WHAT?!
>Hypotized< wack, why
>Cubfan135< Are you worried about the flu? Lol
>Docm77< Probably lol
>EthosLab< I call dibs on taking camp in the end
>EthosLab< gg
>FalseSymmetry< we aren't even allowed to spar?
>GeminiTay< wait why can't we interact with eachother after this?
>Grian< A bit better for your lifespan too lol
>GoodTimesWithScar< HEY lol
>ijevin< Scar's right for once, real bad for buisness. Guess we won't have a shopping district this season???
>Iskall85< Don't like that
>JoeHills< Uh oh?
>MumboJumbo< Xisuma please tell us why, my anxiety is eating me alive as we speak!
>PearlescentMoon< Wait wait we need to stop spamming the communications to see when he responds first!!
>Rendog< This is the opposite of cool dudes
>StressMonster101< Guys stop
>VintageBeef< Oh I can do that easy. Tinfoil and I got that down
>XbCrafted< Yeah we know that but shhhhh
>Welsknight< What is even going on anymore?? Lol??
>ZedaphPlays< Oh this is going to be interesting!!!
>ZombieCleo< LOL
The communications go silent from all the buzzing notifications after some time. Xisuma was taking his time typing despite the urgency and tensity now spread in the air.
>Xisumavoid< It is a sickness, yes.
>Cubfan135< Knew it
>Docm77< Not that bad
>Xisumavoid< Men. Allow me to continue.
Silence yet again before another response.
>Xisumavoid< Not the flu. Not the cold. Worse. The Boogey Virus. Don't laugh. It sounds like a silly name, I know. This should be taken seriously despite the name. Someone soon will be infected. I don't have any control over it. Something followed us here.
All at once the chat is in a panicked uproar. Scared. Anxious. Using jokes to cope with the serious news. Too much at once.
>Xisumavoid< Please calm down. Take deep breaths. Especially you Mumbo.
>MumboJumbo< I am trying so hard.
>Grian< Count to 4 and slowly inhale and exhale, think about your Redstone contraptions you want to try out soon.
>MumboJumbo< Okay..
>Xisumavoid< Thank you Grian.
>Grian< =)
>Xisumavoid< I need you all to start seperations immediately once I give more information. Keep notes.
>ZedaphPlays< Already on it
>Xisumavoid< Of course you are.
>ZedaphPlays< >:) Notes come in handy!
>Xisumavoid< Right. Especially now of all times. Now listen.
Xisuma breathed in, slow and steady. Shaking. Trying his best to relax. He usually had control over situations just in case. He didn't have control this time. This thought didn't help him.
>Xisumavoid< The Boogey Virus is hard to notice. It takes over instantly. At first you won't be able to feel it. Over time? You will. I am not entirely sure what it will do to you since it affects everyone differently. Though one symptom stays similar. An insatiable hunger and craving to kill. Rules are as follows.. Do Not Interact with ANYONE. You do not know who is infected until they act up. Do not let anyone in your home. All of us may be friends, however, this virus affects the brain.This season we were just going to have different amount of lives, but the death would be permanent when you get to your last life. This virus with this challenge really doesn't mix well. Please stay safe.I want you all to spread out Immediately.
The communications were completely silent after that. Everyone running off in different directions at top speeds or at least to the best of their ability. Listening to Xisuma without any sassy or snarky joke. There was still respawn mechanics but no-one knew their amount of lives. Not even Xisuma.
They would be treating this world as if it were a hardcore one.
Chef bunked on the side of a mountain, digging into it immediately. Wels a starter cobblestone castle on top of Chef's mountain. Hypno was laughing as he waved to them both, right across from them he made a small cobblestone house.
Grian made rush at a treehouse near the jungle. Scar was doing the same yet more detailed, farther away from Grian.
Mumbo was making an underground bunker. Much like a panic room. Away from ALL hermits. He wouldn't be sleeping.
Jevin had begun an underwater glass dome base. Xb accidentally made an underwater base that looked like an anemone near Jevin's glass dome.
Gem was making a starting cabin in a flower biome, Stress was making a wooden house shaped like a carved rose nearby.
Iskall stuck to a snow biome to make an igloo. Making a goal to make as many farms as possible while making friends with the polar bears.
Xisuma made haste on a start of an ender dragon skull base out of stone for now. Keralis kept a modern look to his base, farther from Xisuma but still close enough to see him through a window.
Pearl made a crescent moon inside of a mountain, way farther than most hermits ran.
Cleo went to find an underwater ship wreck to tidy it up, making it her starter base.
Bdubs sheered a bunch of trees to make a humble bush home.
Zed was mining for iron to make his base an underground lab later on, though at night he would sleep in a dirt hut.
Doc just made a dirt hole in the side of a mountain that would fit a bed. He had bigger plans for a broken goat horn base. Shattered peices of skull around.
Cub had started to make a panda sanctuary out of jungle wood, he would just be sleeping on a bed in the middle of them. 'emotional support pandas' he joked. Halfheartedly.
Ren had gathered so many wolfs, turned them into dogs and gotten armor. Paranoid. He didn't have a base yet. He wouldn't sleep yet. His base idea was a giant doghouse as a bit.
Beef had taken over a nice village to live among them. Trading with them already. Felt like home. If he couldn't interact with the other hermits, he wanted to befriend the villagers.
Joehills was doing a bit and made a hobbit house in a hill. Joehillshill she called it.
Impulse decided to set himself loose in the nether, making a base near his portal. Nether brick house. Meaning he called dibs on the nether. Tango followed after Impulse. Despite Impulse calling dibs, Tango went to find the fortress, making camp inside it. These two did not have to worry about beds.
Ethos didn't sleep until he found the stronghold, making home in the library. Reading would be his sanctuary for his sanity during these times.
False made a hammock on a tree to sleep in. She was planning on making a huge training grounds along with a mideval times cottage. All in a nice spruce biome.
>Xisumavoid< Everyone set up? Spread out?
>Keralis< GASP!! PRINCESS!! Take us out to dinner first!!
>GoodTimesWithScar< LOL NICE ONE
>MumboJumbo< Keralis!! You're worse than Scar
>Grian< lol
Everyone started to loosen up once they followed directions, felt more safe. Keralis's joke seemed to lighten up the mood even more. Stress snorting out laughter at it, Iskall too. Xisuma rolled his eyes affectionately.
>Xisumavoid< Everyone set your spawns. Get some rest, don't let the Boogey be your pest.
>Iskall85< That joke is worse than diorite.
>Grian< LOL aw c'mon I thought it was good
Everyone hesitated before setting their spawns and getting rest. Everyone besides Tango and Impulse that is.
Next day the communications were empty. It was an uncomfortable radio silence. No death messages. No jokes. All of them were working on their own projects. Busying themselves. Not even Grian spoke. Uncharacteristic.
Another nights rest passed. Another day. More silence. It was making few of them restless.
>Grian< Okay okay I know we aren't allowed to interact with eachother, but does this have to count? It's only through texts!
>GoodTimesWithScar< Finally, I was going to go crazy
>ImpulseSV< The silence wasn't even awkward, just unlike us
>Grian< Xisuma?
There was no answer.
>GoodTimesWithScar< Keralis is Xisuma okay?
>Keralis< He's having a nice well needed rest!
>GoodTimesWithScar< ooOoho after what ;)
>MumboJumbo< SCAR
>Grian< He is so lucky I can't come over there, he is so lucky
>Docm77< I can send some TNT his way
>MumboJumbo< please
>Docm77< On it lol
>GoodTimesWithScar< NOOO
Doc was only giving false threats. All of them speaking as if they always did. Some familiarity. Fear makes people do and say many things.
>Iskall85< Speaking about TNT, I could hook you up with some
>Docm77< How would you get it to me?
>Iskall85< Good question
>Grian< Wait, crazy idea
>MumboJumbo< All of your ideas are crazy
>Docm77< lol
>Grian< true, but, Mumbo remember our messaging system?
>GoodTimesWithScar< ;:) oooo???
>Grian< Scar shut up
>MumboJumbo< Scar shut up
>Iskall85< LOL
>Grian< anyways
>Grian< what if we make a huge messaging system, to everyone? We can still have our shopping district....just in home delivery!
>Keralis< I love it!
>MumboJumbo< That is actually brilliant. The Redstoners and I can get it set up. It'll take time but it won't be impossible.
>ZombieCleo< Yeah about that
>Ijevin< guys not to burst your bubble, but some of us are underwater. That is going to be a lot of tunnels. Who's going to be crazy enough to do that?
At first the chat was about to continue in silence to think. There are plenty of crazy hermits, but who wanted to risk their unknown lives for underground tunneling.
>Keralis< Bubbles!
>Grian< PERFECT! Yes, we did! We need a messaging system! You could do the community a big favour with your hobby! After that the Redstoners would go in and set it up. It could be like one big trading system! We can all still interact, just at a distance.
>Bdouble0100< I get to have fun AND help my friends? DEAL
>Grian< Amazing! You're the best!
>Keralis< Of course bubbles is the best! Best eyes and face I know! Well one of them!
>Grian< You always have such a way with words
>MumboJumbo< Such a way indeed!
>ImpulseSV< I can help with the setting up
>TangoTek< same here. We both are in the nether but we can set another camp out on the overworld with you all near our portal.
>ImpusleSV< Yeah! We can be the main shop where you get anything you need from the nether!
>EthosLab< That's a good idea. I can be where you all can get any end items.
>Grian< =D
>Grian< That's the spirit!
>Ijevin< I know a few of us from under the depths can think of a shop too.
>ZombieCleo< You bet we can, we can turn on private messages and get that planned out.
>MumboJumbo< I missed this.
>Grian< Me too buddy, me too.
Everyone seemed to calm down, tension loosened. Bdubs setting out to dig a tunnel from his house to the others. Getting everyone to DM him their personal coordinates. Afterall, he wasn't a stranger. He was a good friend who was only setting a few things up. They were sure Xisuma would love the surprise they were all working hard on. Sure that he would enjoy the effort and high spirits in such a hard time like this.
Days passed. Four more. Nothing but hard work was put into this, the chat was now always full. Lively. Fresh as if the Boogey Virus was just a thought, not a threat at all times. At this point they all had their bases near finished, the Redstoners with the help of Bdubs had a trading system up and running, and things felt back to normal.
The only thing on the back of everyone's minds was an insane urge of curiosity about Xisuma's whereabouts. He was known to dissapear for some time and come back whenever he pleased. That was normal. However, it wasn't normal for him to do so without warning.
>Grian< Hate to be that guy, just kidding I love to be that guy, but Keralis...question!
>Keralis< I am all ears!
>Grian< Have you seen Xisuma? Heard from him? Maybe in your private messages or just saw him passing by? Busy with projects or? It's..been some time! I'm just worried I won't get to see our community project!
>Cubfan135< I was just about to ask the same question actually..
>TinfoilChef< I know I keep to myself but I'm usually sending him messages..not a single of them have gone read or answered..
>Keralis< I haven't seen shishwhammy since the last time I saw him napping! I went to knock on his wall to check on him but no answer!
>Grian< That's no good!
>MumboJumbo< Gentlemen! I'm sure he's just slaving away down in the mines? Too busy dodging creepers to text, maybe give him more time?
>Grian< Yea...YEAH! I'm sure it's that! Creepers are such jokesters.
>Docm77< Watch your next words birdboy
>Grian< Or what?
>Rendog< I'll let the hounds loose, favor for a friend.
>MumboJumbo< As much as I love threats and fighting, I don't think now is the time! All of us are very worried about Xisuma I'm sure.
>Rendog< B( yea
>Grian< =(
>Keralis< I miss his perfect face!
>MumboJumbo< You..it's hidden by a helmet.
>Keralis< If you had such big big gorgeous beautiful beautiful eyes like me, you could see his face even with the helmet
>TangoTek< freak shit
>Grian< Excuse me?
>TangoTek< I MEANNN
>TangoTek< Yeah I'm not taking that back, c'mon, it's Keralis I'm talking about here
>MumboJumbo< Language.
>TangoTek< >:|
>ImpusleSV< lol
>Keralis< Aw so rude to me! So mean! So cruel!
>Grian< So foul!
>MumboJumbo< Uncalled for really.
>TangoTek< Aw c'mon guys
>TangoTek< it's TRUE
>Grian< so mean to him and for no reason
>MumboJumbo< So unjust!
>Keralis< UNJUST! You owe me a drink for such mean mean words!
>TangoTek< What?!? Noo , Impulse back me up here
>ImpulseSV< Sorry I can't hear you, I'm busy piglin farming
>TangoTek< ITS TEXT?!!!!!
>ImpulseSV< Sorry can't read
>TangoTek< WHAT
This bit winded up going on throughout lunchtime. Everyone teaming up against Tango, affectionately bullying him for his reactions. His dramatic reactions got them through the day. Apologizing to him by sending over too many pumpkin pies. They all had a laugh about it. Waiting hours for Xisuma to respond. Finally a response.
>Xisumavoid< EVERYONE KEEP IN YOUR HOMES. I MEAN IT. I love the community project but something happened to me. I was out for some time. I didn't catch who the killer was. Whoever it was got me while I was chopping down trees. Meaning I am down a life. Please stay safe.
>Keralis< Sweetface I adore you, but are you so sure we should stay alone? Wouldn't that make us easier targets?
>Grian< Keralis has a point here...You were alone and got killed!!!!! Alone or not we are good as gone! Some friendly teaming up would give more firepower.
>Xisumavoid< And what if even with multiple hermits, there was still a death? That would mean multiple people's lives at stake. I already dislike the thought of ONE life at stake.....
>Xisumavoid< so no. No teams.
>Xisumavoid< Whoever is the Boogey or experiencing side effects, tell everyone immediately. Quarantine yourself. Lock yourself away. Stay self aware.
>Cubfan135< "If you're the killer and you know it clap your hands"
>Docm77< LOL
>Docm77< "If you're the killer and you know it, Simon says tell on yourself."
>Bdouble0100< IT'S ME. I'M THE BOOGEY.
>Keralis< Bubbles!!!
>Grian< That would have been funny if it wasn't so soon..
>GeminiTay< Too soon! If you really are the Boogey, don't come near me please!
>Docm77< "If you're the killer and you know it, pretty please with a cherry on top, don't touch me" <3
>Xisumavoid< Alright I get it. It sounds insane. I know.
>Xisumavoid< I just don't want any more of you killed off.
>Grian< Wait.
>Grian< Xisuma........
>Grian< If you are telling us the truth..Why didn't we see a death message.
Communications silenced. It seemed to be a running trend.
>Xisumavoid< Wait. There...it didn't show a death message?
>MumboJumbo< Oh dear end.....this is like all my nightmares coming true at once..
>TinfoilChef< Really oddly specific nightmares you are having there bud.
>ZombieCleo< No death messages? At all? That's..we are really out here running blind..
>StressMonster101< A girl is owning up to her name right now
>FalseSymmetry< I'd like to go after the Boogey once we find out who it is.
>Welsknight< I could assist.
>FalseSymmetry< Yess
>Xisumavoid< No..nono. Don't. This just keeps getting worse.
>Rendog< Maybe Grian could open detective services again and find out who it is!
>Grian< :0 OH YEAH!!
>Grian< I can sleuth out the imposter!
>impulseSV< among us
>Grian< LOL
>MumboJumbo< Stop that
>Iskall85< LOL AMONG US
>Xisumavoid< I know this is a stressful time..please take this more seriously. Grian you can find out who it is if you're very confident in your detective skills..though I really suggest against it. You could be the next victim.
>Grian< But think about it! I can also be the one to quarantine the mad man! Or woman! Or nonbinary? Iskall, Joe.
>Joehills< :-)
>Iskall85< Called out
>Joehills< What an ally! :-P
>Grian< LOL
>Iskall85< LOL
Xisuma sighed. Nervous. Locking his door. It seemed he would just have to get wood from the trading system the other hermits made. The Boogey was near by. Bdubs, Keralis, Chef, Wels and anyone else near by. It could be any of them.
>Keralis< There is weird sounds coming from the trading system. Anyone else hear it?
>Xisumavoid< Please don't be pranking me like this right now.
>Keralis< I tell no lie, I would say look into my eyes but you know
>Keralis< No it sounds like rats. As if rats were in the walls.
>MumboJumbo< HATE THAT.
>Grian< maybe it's some chickens?
>MumboJumbo< Grian. I swear. Now is not the time for "poultry man".
>Grian< He's happily retired and married I'll have you know.
>MumboJumbo< I
>MumboJumbo< What?
>Grian< What?
>GoodTimesWithScar< Awkwarddddd
>Iskall85< ^
>MumboJumbo< Nevermind.
>Keralis< Shhh Sweetfaces shhh shh shhhh
>Keralis< Listen.
>Keralis< Listen closely. You will hear.
Everyone paused. Wherever they were they walked to the nearest Trading System railway. Listening. Five minutes go by, no sound.
>StressMonster100< I don't hear anything.
>Keralis< Quiet.
>Keralis< Listen.
>Keralis< It is like heart beat. Patience.
Silence fell again.
On the seventh minute there is a faint sound. Stretching. Squelching. Unnecessarily nerve wreckingly, uncomfortably moist sounds.
>StressMonster101< Nevermind oh my god nevermind
>Keralis< Hear it?
>StressMonster101< Loud and Clear
>Grian< I hear it too
>Grian< Wait how is it everywhere in the tunnel system? Do you think it's just water leaking in? It does sound pretty wet.
>Grian< Scar not a wordd
>Keralis< It is not water.
>Docm77< It is definitely not water.
>ZedaphPlays< Leaking water does not sound like THAT. If your leaks tend to sound like that, my brother in Christ, do I have some news for you!
>MumboJumbo< Let me believe it being water, please let me have this, please
>ZedaphPlays< Woopsies?
>Grian< Fine
>Grian< It's not water.
>Grian< What is it then?
>Bdouble100< Someone should open up a wall or two to find out maybe?
>ZedaphPlays< I could! For science!
>Bdouble100< For science! :D
>Xisumavoid< Don't you "For science!" this.
>ZedaphPlays< Too late! BRB
>Bdouble100< He'll be fine :D
>Keralis< He has the sweet sweet scientific protection!
>MumboJumbo< Scar don't even try it
>GoodTimesWithScar< Oh c'mon!!!!
More playful bickering happened in the background as Zedaph's communicator buzzed softly on his wrist. Fixing his lab coat he walked back over to the closed redstone door that the trading system was behind. Placing a gloved hand on the wall, he ran it by, testing to see if he could feel any vibrations from where the sound was coming from. The sound was paused for now. He waited. 7 minutes, the sound could be heard again. From where he could hear it,he places a hand on the wall. Pulsating could be felt. Like a heartbeat as Keralis said.
"Fascinating..." Soft whispered interest left his lips before he got out his pickaxe. Swinging at the wall to open it up like a greedy child with a cookie jar. Upon opening the wall there was a large crimson red growth along the dirt. "oh... I could use you for samples! I'll just tell the group we just have a little plant overgrowth." Zedaph started to type on his communicator. Unaware to the mass stretching out to him.
>ZedaphPlays< Good news guys! It's just some massive red plant growth! Nothing to be worried about! I'll start testing it right away! BRB
>Xisumavoid< ZEDAPH DON'T.
>Xisumavoid< ZEDAPH!
>Bdouble100< I do! :D Can I go get him?
>Docm77< That's weird wording
>Xisumavoid< PLEASE GO GET HIM
>Xisumavoid< We don't know what that mass is! Don't touch it! Be safe!
>bdouble100< I will!
Zedaph's ankle was grabbed immediately after he went to get a vial for samples. A forced yelp left him as he tripped. Goggles protecting half of his face from the fall. "..wh-" He tried to get up, dizzy. The grip on his ankle getting tighter. "Oh that's interesting!!!" He chuckled nervously before sitting up more. "Heyy little-big? Guy! Can you let go? Please? I promise I'll take good care of you in my lab!-" More vines escalated up Zedaph's body. Pulling him close to the wall. "Okay how about I just get a sample and call it a day?" The pulling continued. Faster. Rougher. "Wait wait-"
Bdubs tore through Zedaph's trading system door with a netherite pickaxe. "Hiii Zed! Knock knock!"
"Oh bubs! Thank goodness! Can you help me with this? I can get a sample and I'll get you some resources in my chest for helping!" Zed sounded desperate. Smiling to see a good friend come to help.
Bdubs walked out of the door, shadows falling behind him, light showing his appearance much better. His award winning smile wasn't there. His eyes were still the big ones he was known for. Yet different. Red and white. His pickaxe was now held at a more threatening angle to Zedaph's neck. His smile making an appearance again as he kneeled down lower to give Zedaph a better look at his face. Red vines were shown so strongly over his face among his golden freckles. Grown out as if they were his own veins.
Zed got pale. "...My good best friend bubss- You aren't here to help are you?"
"Aw,you were always so smart! No I AM here to help. Just not YOU."
Zed grew more pale, as if he were the one sick, not the other way around. "Were?"
"Past tense silly. Since you too will be past tense. Buh bye!"
A couple swings left the man on the ground dead. Body being dragged off into the walls. Everytime he respawed, four times, he was killed in a different way with the netherite pickaxe. None of the deaths being called out.
Bdubs's smile was now back, teeth sharp. Holding Zedaph's communicator.
>ZedaphPlays< Like I said, nothing to worry about! The sounds will be gone soon!
>MumboJumbo< That's a relief! I can get some sleep knowing that.
>Xisumavoid< You really had us worried there.
>ZedaphPlays< All thanks to your help, Bdubs was able to come get me. If anyone else needs help, call for him. Really helpful.
>Xisumavoid< I'll keep that in mind!
>Grian< Good job buddy!!!
>Keralis< Beautiful bubbles!! Very beautiful job!
The chat flooded with positive feedback towards Bdubs. Unaware of his work.
>Bdouble100< Aw thank you guys, you're making me all red faced.
He couldn't stop giggling to himself at his little inside joke. Going around Zedaph's base and looting it for anything that would come in handy with his hunger for death. Only to not care for any of it, stepping inside the wall and replacing it as if it wasn't broken in the first place.
The day was coming to an end and Bdubs new life goal was coming to a beautiful start.
He was going to help all of his friends.
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lil-red-horror · 3 years
A Caring Heart - Slashers x Nurse!Reader
Warnings: None! :)
Author’s note:  Please know this, if there is any errors with the story either a grammar or spelling error, I’m so sorry. :( My English isn’t the greatest and I’m trying my best. So, if you see one, feel free to DM me about it! I won’t mind.
                                                    Chapter 10
     Billy Loomis. Well then, after him this whole Ghostface trio will be over with. Then you can finally move onto a different psychopath killer. Great. 
    “Billy is really something else. His ego really blinds him. So expect nothing nice from him.” Hernandez tells you. You couldn’t wait to meet this man. Hearing about him makes you think of a high schooler. Or well, one that never grew up. 
    “Yeah, Hernandez and I couldn’t really break through him. But I mean, you can say that about most of the patients here. He is honestly really mean to anyone actually. Just know, it’s okay if you can’t break through him. We expect you to not be able to.” Heath patted your shoulder and then went up to Billy’s door. He pulled out his keys and started unlocking the door. He opened the door just enough for you and Hernandez to get through. You both went in and saw a room just as messy as Stu’s. Maybe a bit better. Heath then came in. You were hidden behind the men for protection and for somewhat of a surprise. 
    “Billy-” Hernandez spoke up but was quickly cut off by a paper ball hitting his face.
    “Oops, my bad.” came from the man in front of you. He had brown greasy hair, not taken good care of. Tanned skin and some freckles all around him, not too much though. His eyes were brown, almost as dark as the night. They were luring, but behind them were filled with anger and hatred. He was on one of the chairs given to him in the rooms. He was laid back, looking bored as ever.
    Billy speaks in an annoyed tone, “What do you want? I’m clearly busy working on my target practice.” Hernandez is now ticked. 
    He takes a deep break and fixes his hair. “We came over here to show you your new nurse, Y/N L/N. She is here to take care of you, your health-” He is once again interrupted.
    “...My medicine, my psychosis, blah blah, you get the rest. I’ve heard this shit four times already.” Billy interjects, not caring or the patience to listen. You couldn’t believe there were four nurses before you already. It worries you dearly.
    “Just show me the guy already and get this over already. I could care less about him.” Billy rolls his eyes while speaking. 
    “Actually if you were listening to me, Loomis, you would have heard me say ‘she’.“ Hernandez says in a rush, not risking being interrupted. And after he spoke, Billy's interest had peaked. But he quickly removes his expression. 
    “Okay, fine, show me her then.” He stands us, arms crossed in annoyance and impatience. Both men then move to the side and show you. You were nervous to be show off to him, it feels as if every time he looks at you, he is finding new ways to humiliate and degrade you. 
    You cleared your throat and spoke up, “I’m Y/N, i’ll be your new nurse. I’m hoping we can help each other and get to know each other more.” You held your hand out by instinct. But you know he won’t shake it. 
    Billy sits back down in his seat. He looks away from you and says one last word to you. “You won’t survive here.” He goes back to working on something on his desk. Not caring about you or the men.
    “Well then, I think we’ll be going.” Heath says before putting a hand on your shoulder and pushing you out of the room. Hernandez follows out and closes the door and locks it. 
    “We’re sorry Y/N. He can be rude and uncaring at times.” Heath tells you, giving an apologetic look. 
    “It’s fine, I'll prove him wrong. Just wait and see.” You give the men a determined look. They find it endearing and strong. 
    Hernandez playfully punches your shoulder, “Okay Ms. tough Y/N. Let’s see if you can handle Amanda Young.” He laughs and moves forward to the next door.
Taglist below! (If you would like to be in the taglist or removed, DM or send an ask to me!)
@beyond-thescene @reneuv @lily6905 @buckysjuicyplums @isitmine and @sweetlyprofoundphantom @xoshannonxox​​ @the-very-best-bi
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undercover-trio · 3 years
De request
Hi! Could I ask for HCs for jealous Team RWBY + Nora (or only team rwby if it's too much) with a flirty and popular female reader? Where reader is popular with girls.
Yus you can, also sorry for the wait, I had to take a small break from writing
I be tired
Also don’t mind I listed the type of popular I wanted the reader to be for each girl.
Sorry for any spelling errors
( ̄▽ ̄)ノ
-Mod Penji
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-Heroic popular
It wasn’t really a mystery why you were popular with girls, after all, you had this righteous charisma to you. Ruby noticed how many situations this got you into.
Ruby was laying on her bed, patiently waiting for a reply back from you.
My precious rose
[You there Y/N/N?]
Miss Hero
[Sorry for the wait Ruby, I just got back from piggybacking this girl to the infirmary]
My precious rose
[That’s cool of you!!]
Miss Hero
[After I brought Zwei down from a tree, guarded Velvet from CRDL -I made sure to report them- helped this girl find her purse and saved Doctor Oobleck’s spiked coffee from falling]
My precious rose
[(°◇°;) ]
She didn’t mind when people came back to show gratitude in the slightest!
Ruby saw you down the hallways, there was a girl in front of you, she heard what you guys were saying so there was no need to be jealous.
“Hey Y/N, I just want to say thanks for the other day, you really helped out with moving the speakers.” The girl thanked, Ruby swelled with pride.
“It’s no problem, if you ever need help just I’m willing to be there.” And with that you two went your separate ways.
Those interactions she was fine with.
What gets to her is those girls who look for more, not to mention you’re rather oblivious when it comes to your complimenting style.
Ruby and you were walking down the hall together when this girl came up to the both of you, more specifically you.
“Hey Y/N, thanks for piggybacking me the other day, that was really nice of you.” She started, Ruby immediately didn’t like the way the girl was blushing.
“It’s no problem, as cute as you looked in those heels I don’t recommend wearing them again.” You complimented and advised her, not noticing how her blush got even deeper.
Ruby did though.
Yet she knows that you’d drop anything for her, all it takes for you to notice is her looking down.
The girl, her name didn’t matter, in Ruby’s not so humble opinion. She started following you guys to your next class, insinuating it was on the way to her’s.
And with that you two kept talking, Ruby started feeling a little left out and sad. To let you know she bumped into your side, after that she sped ahead.
“What’s up with her?” The girl asked with a bitter tone. You merely smiled in Ruby’s direction.
“Sorry but I have to go catch up with my girlfriend.”
And with that, the girl was left alone in the hallway.
You dedicate anything you can to cheering her up, she was slightly flustered about this at first but now just enjoys how you are.
Ruby sat rather glum in her seat, it was her final class of the day and that whole girl thing just left her with a bad attitude. She would’ve acted like a bitter child in her dorm but here you were.
“Ruby, would you like to go to the bakery with me? And maybe play some Kung fu ninja slayer ultimate death battle? The second one isn’t as good.”
Ruby smiled at your actions and quickly hugged you as you both headed to the bakery.
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-Cinnamon roll popular
Weiss wouldn’t be exaggerating if she said she had a literal ball of sunshine as a girlfriend
“Weiss~ get upppp.” Weiss felt someone’s fingers brushing through her hair, the action made her want to sleep more. Of course she knew only one person who could accidentally make their work harder.
“Good morning Y/N.” She gave a slight smile, still a little drowsy from just waking up. She thought she woke up at a decent time, her new alarm clock being way more pleasant to wake up to than her old one.
You gave her your signature cinnamon roll smile and her morning got exponentially better.
Unfortunately your cheerfulness attracted unwanted attention, you simply thought you made more friends but Weiss saw the looks in their eyes
You were putting your weapons in your locker when you heard someone calling out your nickname in the distance.
“Sunshine!” You looked to see there being 4 older girls, the leader being the redhead named Stella. You quickly shuffled over to them, looking quite cute given you had a lot of big textbooks in your arms.
She understood them, you were just so...cute when you spoke. You genuinely tried to keep up and pay attention with everyone.
“Stell, what’d I say about that name!!” You huffed with a pout, the older girl merely gave a teasing smile as the girls behind her looked at you with interest.
“Sorry cupcake-“ you squaked at the name. “But my team just wanted to meet you, like a lot.” She exaggerated with big hand movements making you giggle, the girls behind her looked embarrassed.
“It’s okay! I wanted to meet them lots too!” You gave them a bright smile, they all looked at Stella with disbelief in their eyes.
“How is she so sweet???”
“I don’t even know.”
You didn’t hear their conversation but took a quick glance at the clock and bid them goodbye.
She supposed she could be considered a sort of knight in a way, just instead of an honorable battle there are threats and grimm(see what I did there?) promises
Weiss saw that whole interaction, her fist gripped hard around Myrtenaster. She observed Stella stay behind while the other girls left, that’s when she decided to strike.
With a slam, Stella got startled at the sound and looked back to stare into cold blue eyes. She shivered at the intensity in them, Weiss perfected the Schnee intimidation expression.
“I’m not going to listen to a single rebuttal, you stay away from Y/N, don’t look at her, don’t even breathe the same air as her. If you do I swear I will gut you like a turkey.”
Stella merely nodded, her being beyond intimidated. And with that Weiss left the locker room to join up with you.
When she did, you smiled at her, completely clueless to what she just did.
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-Teasing/smooth talker popular
Blake wouldn’t call herself possessive, she knew from past relationships how that could go. Yet she couldn’t help but notice the sheer amount of girls with an interest in you.
You had walked away from Blake’s dorm after telling her good morning, she left her door slightly cracked open on accident. As she went to fix it she balked at the amount of girls she saw following after you in the distance.
She honestly couldn’t blame them, you were pretty suave, another main thing that she knew contributed to your popularity.
A girl who was part of the group following you had tripped in the crowd. She closed her eyes preparing for a rough fall yet she didn’t feel it.
“Are you okay dear?” Your smooth voice asked. The girl blushed, your arm was around her waist as you asked this.
She could speak so she nodded causing you to give an amused and slightly teasing smile. You leaned into the crook of her neck.
“Be more careful next time chéri.” Your lips were right next to her ear, then suddenly you left. Leaving behind an embarrassed puddle of a girl.
She wouldn’t notice, much to your amusement, that she would get more clingy and needy.
“Hey kitten, I have to head to Miss Goodwitch’s class, I’ll be back in a bit.” You informed her as you were ready to leave the room.
“Wait, it’s a little chilly so wear this.” She handed you her favorite black hoodie, on the chest it had her initials, white and in cursive. The sleeves and hood were white so you’d have to be a bit careful.
You merely stared at it for a bit in amusement before chuckling and putting it on.
“Thank you dear, I’ll be back soon.” You smiled as you gave her a kiss, not even mentioning the fact it wasn’t even chilly.
A perfect example of an extremely jealous Blake Belladonna would have to be that one time she was waiting for you in professor Port’s classroom.
It seemed the hoodie wasn’t enough to drive some girls off, here you were, leaning against a hallways wall. In front of you was a timid looking girl, she looked the slightest bit like a squirrel, cute but you preferred cats.
“May I help you?” You asked, you looked to the side, you just wanted to be with Blake right now.
“E-erm yes! I was just wondering if you..me ...date..” She trailed off in the end but it was clear to you she asked. You gave her an apologetic smile.
“Sorry but-“ Before you could finish your sentence Blake came with her arms wrapped around you from behind.
“Y/N/N, who is this?” She asked as her head rested on your shoulder. You gave a wry grin at her behavior.
“This is-“
“I’m no one, sorry for bothering you girls!!” She squeaked out as she bolted away.
You didn’t even have to look at Blake to know what she did. She was pretty scary when she glared.
“Is my kitten jealous?” You teased, she merely gave you a slight glare before burying her head further into your shoulder. You grinned at this knowing it was a yes.
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-Chill popular
At first Yang would compete with you each day over who got more love letters, she thought it was pretty funny. At least until you two started dating.
Yang felt her eyes twitch as she saw the love letters fall out of your locker. She knew from experience that some would hint about you two breaking up, most didn’t even have names she could hunt down. It still frustrated her after you two made quite the public announcement about your relationship.
She did not jump onto a lunch table with a speaker for nothing.
You hummed at the letters and put them back in your locker.
This is usually the cause for Yang’s jealousy.
During times when your charm was reaching high levels Yang vowed to always be close to you, no matter where.
Yang and you were standing in front of the vending machine in the cafeteria, you were messing with team JOCK as you got your soda. Yang was fairly involved in the conversation, after all even she could admit that Vacuo’s team was treated unfairly in the final match.
Atlas Aristocrats, that was literally the team name, quite obviously bribed the referee. I mean seriously, Atlas people don’t even like football!!
Now that that’s out of the way, she kept her eyes glued on team JEWL(Jewel). She knew they wanted to join in, yet her glare kept them away. Needless to say even she was surprised at how charming you were today as you leaned and whispered in her ear.
“Ready to eat?” You asked with a dorky smile. She nodded and threw her arm over your shoulders, ignoring the blush she got from your action.
It was basically forbidden to ask about Yang’s small notebook, it could literally fit in her pocket.
Yang could feel you staring at her notebook, she knew you wouldn’t ask though. You were respectful like that, so she didn’t have to worry about you seeing her add Team JEWL’s names to it.
“Wassup?” She asked with her signature smile.
“Ice cream?” She immediately knew what you meant, putting her notebook in her pocket she got ready to take you on Bumblebee to get some ice cream.
Yet every time she crossed something out she looked pretty achieved, and simultaneously a girl would stop obsessing over you
Yang felt pretty proud of herself, she managed to have another girl get the hint. You were taken by a hot blonde bombshell, with smug proudness she crossed out the name.
Suddenly she felt someone hug her from behind.
“Yang, while I am happy you’re making people get the memo I’d rather it be in a way you don’t get detention.” You nonchalantly teased her, she laughed knowing she was caught.
“Sorry Y/N/N~ but aye on the bright side…” Her brain failed her at this moment.
“On the bright side?”
“Uh- it’s bright?”
You snorted at her stupid remark
“Yeah it sure is my jealous bombshell.”
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mcwriting · 3 years
A Science Project for the Ages
Big thanks to this anon for this request! Sorry it's taking me longer to fulfill my requests from when I was in quarantine but I'm trying to get those done soon!
This is a slight continuation of lab partners but can definitely be read alone :)
Ship: SoftNerd!Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1883
Warnings: one blink-and-you'll-miss it bad word
There was a loud buzz as your phone vibrated against the wood table in the science library.
You quickly picked it up, trying not to disturb the few other students around as you looked down at the screen.
Though you were together now, he very rarely called at this time. He knew you always studied here before dinner time and respected that.
You grabbed your notebook and bag and shuffled into the hall to answer.
"Tom? Is everything okay?"
"Hey, um. So sorry to bother you, but you've finished your science expo project, right?"
You furrowed your brows as you slid down the wall to sit and stuff your notebook back in your bag. You knew this conversation was going in a weird direction already. You could hear a faint beeping in the background.
"Uh, yeah..?"
"Right, and what was that project over again?"
"I did an analysis on light absorption of different common solutions and then compared them to the color they turned when I lit them on fire. I thought we already talked about this the other day..?"
"Yes, yeah, sorry. So one more question before I tell you what's up. Do you happen to know how to bake?" Tom asked quietly.
Suddenly you remembered what all his project was on.
He was doing a food chemistry project, explaining certain phenomenons that happen when you bake. He had hoped giving people baked goods would make them like his project more.
"I- Tom I told you I would help you but you said it would be fine," you said flatly."
"Well..... Now it's not fine, and Alex isn't here to help me. He went to his girlfriend's."
Tom's roommate. He was usually pretty patient with Tom's clumsiness, but sometimes he just had to get out and enjoy a day off, too. Tom understood, but now the burden fell on you.
"Fine, I'll be there in a little bit. Text me if you need me to bring anything."
You walked in to the smell of burnt. It was overwhelming and you choked as you rushed to the window to air out the apartment.
"Hey, sorry about the smell," Tom said nonchalantly from the kitchen.
You turned to see the situation at hand, which was definitely... a situation.
It was like something out of a movie. Messy bowls and utensils littered the sink. There was cake batter splattered across the counters. Finally, the culprit still sat in a muffin tin on the bar: a dozen very black cupcakes.
You sighed.
"Forgot to set the timer?"
"And let me guess. This was your first experience with baking?"
"That's exactly right."
"Of course," you muttered, but then clapped your hands together enthusiastically. "Well, then. Let's try and fix this, shall we?"
You leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to Tom's cheek, then brushed past him to grab the tray.
"First on the agenda, we are going to take off the papers and chuck these off the balcony to let out some frustrations, alright?"
You were lucky in that Tom's apartment was on the top floor, and his balcony faced a wooded area. The only thing he could hit was a tree and the food would eventually biodegrade into the soil.
You both tossed them, competing to see who could throw the farthest. It let Tom blow off some steam, and also gave more time to ventilate the place before you went back in.
After the last cupcake (if you could call it that) was tossed, you got started on cleaning everything up. He had used a lot of bowls for one boxed cake mix, but you didn't ask.
It took a while to make sure things were sufficiently clean, but finally everything was ready to make a new batch.
"Oh one other thing before we start. Have you ever made a meringue?" Tom asked as he preheated the oven, which you carefully supervised to make sure it was right.
"I mean, I've made some before. Why?"
"Well part of my project was talking about how egg proteins bind. They sound pretty easy. Just eggs and sugar, right?"
Your hand covered your eyes in disappointed surprise.
"What? No. Tom, meringues are like, notoriously one of the hardest things to get right. They land just before macarons, and meringue is one of the main parts of a macaron!"
"What are you talking about? How can something with two ingredients be that hard to make?" he tried to argue, but you weren't about to let him trick you into making something so difficult.
"Did none of your research explain how moisture, temperature changes, utensils used, and method of cooking affect the outcome."
"...Uh... no."
"Were you planning on using the Swiss, Italian, or French technique?"
".....I didn't know there was more than one."
"Well then you might go do a quick search to add to your presentation while I cover the cupcakes."
While he did that, you made up the batter and got the cupcakes in the oven (set at the right temperature for the right time), then got started making some frosting.
"Hey, y/n. Did you know you aren't supposed to make meringues in a plastic bowl?"
"Yep. Plastic can retain lipids which prevent proper binding. Same reason you can't whip the yolk."
"That's what this says! How did you know that?"
You shrugged.
"I like to bake. By the way, you better credit me as your pastry chef on the presentation."
"Will do."
He made some edits on the page and found a recipe claiming to be the easiest method, so you caved and agreed to help him make them when the cupcakes were done.
As you measured sugar and got the whisk attachment ready, you looked over and admired Tom as he meticulously separated the eggs.
You couldn't help but fall head over heels for him all over again seeing how he did each step carefully, all his focus on each little egg.
Sure, he was a little clumsy sometimes, but he was precious and cared about whatever he did.
It took what seemed like hours to get the egg whites whipped properly (and lots of arguing with Tom about what "stiff peaks" meant), but finally you had them in a piping bag and on a pan to bake.
You couldn't help but wait by the oven in anxious anticipation for the meringues to come out, even though they'd be in there for a while.
Tom sat right next to you on the (surprisingly) clean kitchen floor as you stared at the oven.
"Babe?" he asked softly, leaning into you.
You hummed a response, taking the opportunity to rest your head on his shoulder.
"Thank you for coming and helping me. I know you value your library time."
You smiled and sat back up, looking Tom in the eyes.
"You know, I wasn't really studying anyways. I was watching youtube videos with my headphones in because I didn't want to go home yet."
Tom had a mischievous grin and furrowed brow.
"So you just go there as an excuse to get away from me?!"
You laughed and knocked into him slightly.
"No! I just got done with my homework and wanted to hang around campus for a while... and I had a feeling you'd call eventually."
Tom gasped.
"You didn't trust me!?"
"Now that I can answer truthfully..." you started, causing him to pout. "I'm not saying I didn't trust you at all, it's just that I had never once heard of you baking and figured I would prepare myself accordingly."
"Does this mean that Alex knew too?"
"I can't speak on his behalf, but I'm glad it was just us anyways. I like getting to spend time with you like this." You paused to peck him on the lips. "Want me to read over your project? I know those spelling errors can slip by sometimes."
Tom grinned, wordlessly getting up and offering you a hand.
The expo was in full swing and you nervously stood on the other side of the room as your project to watch people walk by and observe your findings.
You had already given your presentation to the judging panel and now the expo was open to the public, so you tried to avoid stressing too much as you talked with some friends.
Suddenly a pair of warm arms came around your stomach and Tom's scent enveloped you.
"Hey baby, how ya feelin'?" he asked, resting his chin on your shoulder as your thumbs rubbed over his hands instinctively.
"You know me. A little nervous." You flipped in his arms to face him. "And what about you? The judges like our sweet treats?"
"They sure seemed too. Dr. Grand liked the meringues so much she asked for another."
You smiled.
"Well either way, I'm proud of us both."
"Thanks again for helping, I couldn't have done this without you. I made sure to emphasize how difficult meringue making is during my presentation thanks to you."
Finally your friends had enough of the cutesy bullshit and convinced you and Tom to rejoin the conversation, both of you with arms around each other as you conversed.
Time passed and eventually they gave prizes to the best projects of the expo. You knew you wouldn't win anything, there were some far better projects out there that included heavy research.
"And in first place, 'Science around us: the chemistry of baking' by Mr. Tom Holland! Congratulations! If all of our winners could come pick up their ribbons and get a photo for the newsletter, that would be great."
Tom stayed casually next to you, so you had to shake him and get his attention.
"Did you hear that Tom? You won!"
Tom blinked a few times, then gasped.
"I won!? I mean, we won!!?"
You rolled your eyes and pushed him forward.
"Go on, get your blue ribbon, baker boy."
He excitedly rushed up to the table where his prize awaited (tripping a few times, but you ignored that) and bounced on the balls of his feet as someone pinned the ribbon to his shirt.
You could see the sheer delight on his face as the winners took a group photo, and he practically skipped back to meet you.
You and your friends gave him congratulations as he happily looked down at the blue piece pinned to him.
He then unpinned it and tried to hand it to you.
"Now, don't congratulate me, y/n gets all the credit for making everything."
"No, no. It was your idea and you did the research. You deserve that more than anyone else. And plus, you were right. Baked goods did give you an edge over the competition."
"Well I say it was a science project for the ages!" he exclaimed, holding up the ribbon. You and your friends cheered to that.
"How 'bout we go celebrate your win over lunch, hm? The cupcake I had isn't holding me over and I'm starving."
"Sounds perfect, darling. Lead the way."
You happily headed off towards the nearest place on campus, completely oblivious to the fact that Tom had pinned his blue ribbon to your backpack.
He quickly made up time and slipped a hand into yours.
If nothing else, he was the boyfriend of the ages.
A/N: thanks to the anon who sent the request for this! I really enjoyed writing it! I think I could've improved some things but overall I'm pretty satisfied with it, and I hope you are too!
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ardenssolis · 2 years
@cuatrore​ said (inbox):
"Oh." It is a minor mistake that he hadn't noticed, but even if minor to some, it is frustrating for others. On the side of Ozymandias' drink order is their name except spelled very... very incorrectly. At least the drink order is fine based on the sticker, but the error of mistaking one's name ー Ulquiorra attempts to fix it with a marker. Except he runs out of room and settles for drawing a cat instead, one with whiskers and ear tufts.
"There was a delay at the coffee shop," he mentions, placing the newly decorated cup in front of his boss. "The barista had forgotten how to spell, so I had to correct their mistake. Do not mind the cat. It will not happen again."
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     AS RAMSES HAD SAT in his office patiently awaiting his delicious cup of coffee, all he could think about was how Ulquiorra was probably out there, so serious even in regards to such a simple errand. From day one that man had amused Ramses to no end with how strict they were in comparison to many within the company, himself included. Leaning back against his seat, he closed his laptop and took a deep breath. Huh...Ulquiorra was taking longer than usual. Had something happened? No, no, the cafe was probably busier than usual today for one reason or another. That Pumpkin Spice latte had come out recently, so maybe that was why he was forced to sit here, coffeeless. It was then that Ulquiorra entered his office, expression as difficult to read as ever. ❝I had almost thought that you had gotten lost with how long you took," he teased, his tone devoid of any displeasure as he held his hand out to accept that Styrofoam cup.
     ❝I figured as much. That shop has been popular, though never to this extent. Mmm...but I am glad that they are getting more business. It is well deserved for their hardwork.❞ Turning his cup, he paused for a moment, staring at the drawing of a cat that was left for him. There was hardly a need to correct something like a misspelled name on his order, especially since all he really cared about was the coffee. That aside, none of that mattered. Cute, he thought as he stared at that doodle. Not because it was a cat (even if that made it cute by default), but merely due to the fact that Ulquiorra had done this to begin with. ❝Ahahaha, you are too serious.❞ He placed his cup down upon his desk, attention shifting back towards the other. ❝You should leave things like this for me more often. Perhaps I will frame it.❞ A jest...possibly.
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tommodirection · 4 years
Can you write one where you surprise Niall on tour? like its Niall's birthday and yn said he couldn't come bc of work you can do whatever you want at the end maybe put a smut 💗
Heylo! Thank you for sending in a request! Sorry this took so long! I hope you enjoy! Also, I don’t write smut, so it’s more implied at the end!☺️
Niall Horan x Reader
Warnings: swearing, innuendos, spelling errors, brief mention of coffee addiction
Word Count: 2.1k
“Niall, I’m so sorry I can’t make it,” you apologized over the phone, probably for the thousandth time in the past week.
“Love, listen, it’s okay, you have to work, I understand, it’s not your fault,” Niall reassured you.
“I just feel really bad, I mean, it’s your birthday! What kind of girlfriend doesn’t make it to her boyfriend’s birthday?” You asked, clearly panicked.
“A girlfriend whose boyfriend has an abnormal job that requires him to travel around the world,” he said and you groaned. “Love it isn’t your fault, we can still FaceTime after the show, we’ll spend all night together then,” you heard the smile in his voice.
“I guess you’re right,” you sighed. “But I’d much rather just be there with you,” you bit your lip.
“Me too, but it’ll be okay, we can just celebrate when I come home, it’ll only be a few months late,” he joked and you giggled.
There was a knock on your bedroom, it opened a little to reveal Hailey, your friend.
“Listen, I have to go, but I’ll definitely call you tonight, okay bubs?” You asked, trying to hurry.
“Alright, love you,” he sang through the phone and you bit back another giggle.
“Love you,” you said, quickly hanging up and setting your phone down.
“You ready to go?” Hailey asked, a suitcase in her hand.
The truth was, you weren’t really going to miss Niall’s show. It was meant to be a surprise. You were going to fly down the night before his birthday, and then you were going to surprise him on stage, sounds simple enough to plan, right?
Not when your boyfriend’s show was in London, and you were in your shared LA apartment. Not when it was a ten hour flight.
It took off at 8 am in LA, so you’d arrive at 6 pm, LA time, but 4 am London time, so you’d basically have major jet lag and you’d get little to no sleep, but it was fine.
You grabbed your bag from under the bed, where there was no chance Niall could’ve seen it.
You popped up, grabbing your phone and carry-on bag.
Hailey practically shoved you into the car and hit the gas before your door was even closed.
You glanced at the clock, it was only 6:45, you had plenty of time.
“Hailey, why are you in such a rush?” You asked, shoving your bag in the backseat. You buckled your seatbelt and she huffed.
“This is why I’m hurrying,” she grumbled and gestured to the road. LA traffic.
Sometimes you forgot you lived in one of the busiest cities in the world, and not a small suburban area where there was rarely any traffic.
LAX was only a ten minute drive from your house, but the traffic tripled the time, you got there thirty minutes later, both of you running to the security check-in.
After clearing security, Hailey dragged you to the gate, clearly agitated. She stopped in front of the gate, seeing you had fifteen minutes left to board. She mumbled something under her breath and threw herself down in a chair.
You sat next to her, hesitant to touch her, but you still placed your hand on her arm. “H, are you okay? What’s going on?” You asked, keeping your voice low.
She looked away, clearly embarrassed. You tried to catch her eye but she kept looking away.
“Hailey,” you demanded, and she finally looked at you.
“I haven’t had my coffee this morning,” she admitted. You chuckled and stood up.
“That is definitely something we can fix.”
About fifteen minutes later, you were on the flight. Ten hours after that, you landed in London.
You and Hailey treaded into the hotel, both exhausted. Hailey could never sleep after drinking her coffee, so she didn’t sleep. You didn’t sleep because you were still a bundle of nerves.
It was mostly irrational fears, just little things that didn’t make sense, but still made you bite your nails. Your head was mostly just filled up with thoughts of him not wanting you there, but you knew Niall, and you knew he wasn’t going to be upset.
You and Hailey decided to book one room, you’d share with her tonight, and stay with Niall the rest of the time, she claimed you needed time alone, something you agreed with.
You settled into the bed, burying your head in the pillow. Excitement overwhelmed you, but your body was too tired to respond, so about three minutes later, you were out.
You woke up about four hours later, much more sleep than you thought you’d get.
Hailey was already up, sitting on her bed with a plate of food, her cup of coffee on the nightstand. She looked over at you, smiling when she saw you processing the surroundings.
“I got you breakfast,” she said, leaning over and grabbing another plate from the other side of the nightstand.
You groggily thanked her and began eating, the burnt toast leaving a bitter taste in your mouth, “Did you purposely burn the toast?” You asked.
She let out a low chuckle, “No, a little girl, a little toddler, insisted on making the toast, and I didn’t want to break her heart. Just eat the fruit when you’re done, it’ll cancel out the taste,” she suggested, and you squinted at her.
You didn’t think that was accurate, but you shrugged it off.
While you ate your burnt toast and bittersweet fruit, Hailey explained the itinerary for the day. First, you’d order lunch, and eat in the hotel room. Then, you’d stay in the hotel room until around five, then you’d drive to the stadium, Niall’s show started at five thirty.
You had to remain in the hotel room so your surprise wouldn’t be ruined. Dating a celebrity, meant you became a celebrity. You couldn’t go out in public without being recognized, so if someone had seen you, and posted it, word would’ve gotten to Niall that you were in London.
The day was pretty boring, Hailey ordered Nando’s, claiming she’d never had it before. You watched a few old rom coms on the cable television in your room, there weren’t many options.
Around four thirty, Hailey began getting you ready for Niall’s show.
You had chosen the look, and she was there to help you complete it. She had allowed you to get dressed in your own (thankfully) and even let you put on your mascara.
Instead of a fancy dress, you decided to wear a nice pleated short-skirt, a plaid black and white one. You’d chosen a red turtleneck, knowing Niall loved that color on you.
You stepped out of the bathroom, quickly taking a seat in front of Hailey. She grabbed her makeup bag and got to work.
You had told her to go light, it was Niall’s birthday, not a wedding, but Hailey liked to over exaggerate things a bit.
She had already put on the basics, including a perfect Smokey eye, something you still couldn’t accomplish. She had chosen a bright shade of red lipstick, one that matched your sweater perfectly.
After about six different styles, she decided to put your hair half up, curling it towards the ends.
You were surprisingly patient through the whole thing, humming and nodding when she spoke about nonsense at work, trying to hold still as much as possible.
She stepped away, a satisfied smile on her face. You stood up, and gave her a little twirl. She tapped her finger against her chin as if she was thinking.
“You know who you remind me of?” She asked, and you shook your head. “Heather Chandler,” she said confidently.
You have a confident smile, placing your hand on your hip. “Listen, if I look like the sexiest woman alive, I am completely okay with that,” you shot back and Hailey giggled.
She glanced down at her watch, her eyes going wide. “Shit! It’s 4:55! We were supposed to be on the road at 4:45!” She exclaimed, gripping your arm tightly. “Grab your shoes! Put them on in the rental!” She ordered, and you scurried to do what she said.
You both ran to the car, and you climbed in, not even getting buckled before she pulled onto the street. You looked around the car, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“When did you have time to pick up a rental car?” You asked, looking at her profile.
“I woke up two hours before you did, grabbed some good coffee from a café down the street, and ran back to the hotel. My cup ran out, so I grabbed a shitty hotel cup. That’s when I grabbed breakfast,” she explained and you nodded, then realizing what she had meant.
“You only got two hours of sleep last night?” You asked and she shrugged.
“Eh, I’m fine, just a little tired, but one more cup will help with that,” she said, and you shook your head firmly.
“Hailey, no, when we get there, I’m making you take a nap, and don’t even try to argue with me!” You ordered, pointing a finger at her.
She gave you a fake pout, then an exaggerated sigh, “Fine.”
You thanked her, and waited while she drove there, turning on her playlist. A few One Direction songs came on, ones she claimed she didn’t know how they got on that playlist, but you loved it.
About fifteen minutes later, you pulled up near the back of the arena. Hailey parked the car, shutting the engine off. She turned to you, “Got your ID?”
You nodded, pulling it out of your purse to show her. She stepped out of the car, you followed shortly after.
It was weird, having her take the lead, you were the one who planned it, but she did a much better job of running it, she was in charge of executing it.
You both made your way to the gates, ringing a buzzer. The man requested to see your IDs, and let you in after clearing you.
Niall’s manager ran up to you, giving you a quick hug before instructing you where to go. You told them what you had told Hailey, and you made sure someone was making sure she slept.
You stepped onto the platform, waiting for your cue. Niall was performing right now. It was a small show, so he didn’t bother with any openers, giving them a paid night off.
He was talking to the crowd now, meaning you were about to be lifted up. Your palms began to sweat, so you resorted to wiping them on your skirt.
“Thank all of you so much for coming out tonight! As many of you know, today’s my birthday, and it means the world to be celebrating it with you all!” He shouted into the mic.
You adjusted your mic, clipped to your collar, and braced yourself when the platform rose.
Niall and everyone else must’ve noticed, because he went silent, the crowd roaring in confusion.
The smoke cleared to reveal you, an extra effect Niall’s manager insisted on having.
“Speaking of who you get to spend your birthday with,” you said, smiling at Niall.
His jaw dropped, and he stood frozen for a few seconds. The audience was cheering, screaming and you swear you heard someone in the first few rows crying.
Niall nearly dropped his guitar, deciding to gently set it on the ground instead. He ran over to you, immediately sweeping you up and spinning you around.
He set you down and pulled you into a tight hug, burying his face in your neck. “You actually came,” he said, and you nodded.
“Of course, I can’t leave you all alone on your birthday,” you bit your lip, pressing a quick kiss to the top of his head. “Happy birthday, bubs,” you placed your hand on his cheek, and he leaned into it, beaming at you.
“I love you,” he whispered, and you smiled back at him, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.
“I love you too,” this caused the crowd to let out a collective ‘aw’, making both of you blush. You gently massaged his scalp, pulling away from his embrace. “I’m going to go backstage now, you finish this concert strong, I’ll be waiting,” you had taken off your mic, and whispered the last part in his ear.
He grabbed your arm and pulled you back to him, “Don’t you dare start without me,” he growled and you smirked, pulling away.
“Maybe I will, maybe I won’t,” you bit your lip and he let out a small groan, “I’ll see you backstage,” you sent him a wink, making your way back to your platform, where you were lowered back down.
You were in for quiet the hell of a night.
Permanent Taglist: @everything-is-alrightt
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vintagepresley · 2 years
68′ Comeback Special.. PART 2
Pairing: Elvis Presley x reader
Word count: 10,812
Warning: 18+ SMUT!SMUT!SMUT! SO MUCH SMUT. virgin reader, oral (m and f receiving, fingering, praise kink, some rough sex, dirty talk, swearing foot fetish, spitting etc. TONS OF KINKS. so BEWARE. 
Authors notes: yet another fanfic I can't really explain, but I couldn't stop and this is what we got. sorry in advance for the filth, lmaoo. Some spelling errors. ENJOY. 
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Relax, mmm, let loose, mmm, defrost, mm…
Once Elvis had left the dressing room and was headed back for the stage, he was fixing his pants a bit, making sure everything looked normal, in the back of his mind he knew that what he did in his pants would be a problem for later, it would have everyone asking questions as to how and when the incident happened. But he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself because only you and him would know the truth. He spotted Jerry on his way back and pulled him to the side, “Jerry, do me a favor and just check on the little girl in my dressing room, make sure she’s comfortable and let her know when I’ll be back.” He said with smile. “Yeah, no problem, EP.” He said with a nod as he watched Elvis walk out to take the stage and he headed to the dressing room, the sound of Elvis’ voice echoing as he says, “My boy, my boy….”
Meanwhile back in his dressing room you were still laying naked on the couch, all kinds of thoughts running through your head, you still couldn’t believe what just happened between you and Elvis and the way he made you feel and the person you became in those moments with him. This must be a dream. You also began to wonder what this meant, was this just a one-time thing? Did he mean it when he called you, his girl? You were so confused and yet so excited and anxious for him to return at the thought of what was to come. But before your mind could wander any further you heard a knock at door and you jumped up in a panic, gathering your clothes from the floor as you shouted frantically, “Just a minute!” Since Elvis had been living in his dressing room for the duration of the show, he had a bedroom connected to his dressing room. You quickly sprinted to the next room to clean yourself up, putting your clothes back on. Jerry furrowed his brow a bit as he heard you shout and all the commotion coming from inside the dressing room, and he waited patiently by the door.
Once you were dressed again you rushed back out of the bedroom and over to the mirror in the dressing room, fixing your hair and make-up that Elvis had ruined the best that you could, glancing down at your dress and smoothing out before taking another look in the mirror at yourself and you noticed the small hickeys Elvis had left along your neck and it made you smile as your mind wandered back to him kissing your neck and you quickly snapped yourself back to reality and walked over to the door, opening it slightly and glancing up to see it was the guy from earlier that brought you back, you smile nervously, opening the door a bit wider now. “Oh, hey… Jerry, right?” you say. He nods with a smile, “Elvis just wanted me to make sure you were okay and if you needed anything. I can get something to eat if you like.” You smile and spoke softly, “Oh, that’s so nice! Sure, if you don’t mind.” He nods. “I think the guys went out to get pizza, so I can bring some back for you. Oh, Elvis should be back soon; they’ll probably wrap it up for tonight after the sit-down part of the show.” He says with a smile. “Oh okay, thank you again.” You said happily and he flashed you another smile before walking away and you shut the door closed again, walking back over to sit down, and grabbing the remote to the tv that sat across from the couch, plopping yourself down.
You didn’t know how long Elvis was going be and you needed to do something to get your mind off him while you waited, you were starving and you thought maybe when Jerry got back you could make conversation with him and have him keep you company, Elvis did send him to keep an eye on you after all and he seemed nice enough. You flipped through the channels on the tv eventually stopping and just watching whatever was on. Before you knew it, twenty minutes had gone by and you heard a knock at the door, assuming it was Jerry. Finally. You got up and made your way to the door, opening it to see Jerry standing there with a box of pizza and bottle of coke. “Food just as I promised!” he chuckled softly as he walked past you and set everything down on the coffee table. “Thank you so much, I’m starving.” You laughed softly, immediately walking over to the table and sitting down on the floor, flipping the top of the box open. You glanced over at Jerry who was getting ready to head out. “Wait!” You shouted. He turned with an eyebrow raised. “Something wrong?” He said a bit concerned. You shook your head, “No, not at all. It’s just… It’d be nice to have someone to talk to until Elvis got back. Maybe you could tell me some his secrets.” You laughed jokingly, grabbing a slice of pizza and you began to eat.
A soft chuckle escaping Jerry’s lips and he nodded, “Alright, I’ll stay for a bit… Why not.” Jerry knew to be careful because Elvis didn’t like for him or any of the guys to hang around too long around the women he chose, he was quick to get jealous. But there was no harm being done. So, he grabbed a slice of pizza and a bottle of coke and went to sit down on the couch, watching the television. About an hour passes by and you still sat on the floor listening and laughing along to Jerry’s stories about Elvis and the things he got up to on his movie sets.
Elvis had now finished the sit-down segment of the special and he was headed backstage where he followed Bill to the room where they kept all the outfits Elvis was going to be wearing for the special. Bill wanted to make sure the suit was still intact and help Elvis out of it since he had been sweating like crazy in it and they were worried they may have to cut him out of it. Luckily, that wasn’t the case, but he soon discovered the caked-on stain of semen in his pants once they were off and went into a panic, calling Steve Binder in and telling him what happened. Much like Elvis expected, the questions began to swirl around, and he tried his best not to laugh as he walked off to other part of the room, getting himself cleaned up as the two of them figured out what to do to get rid of the stain. Elvis emerged again eventually from the back room now shirtless in a pair of white shorts that were not only short, but hugged his lower body perfectly, paired with a long black robe that he tied closed in the front. He spoke a little more with Bill and Steve before eventually heading back to his dressing room.
He couldn’t wait to get back to you especially because you had been on his mind the entire performance, it felt like it had gone on for hours because he was just thinking about getting back to you. As he approached the door to his dressing room, he heard you giggling and Jerry’s voice. He furrowed his brow, his jaw clenched as he swung the door open in anger, surprising the both of you. Jerry could already tell from the look on Elvis’ face that he was not happy. “The hell you doin’, Jerry?!” he shouted angrily. You got quiet, you’ve been a fan of Elvis’ for years, but you’ve never seen him angry. Not once. So, this was surprising. “Ah, man, nothing. I was just telling her some funny stories, EP.” Jerry explained. “I told you to make sure she was okay, not make yourself comfortable with her. Find ya own girl to tell your damn stories to, now get out! Let the rest of those sonsofbitches out there know I don’t want to be disturbed.” he shouted. “Alright, man… .” Jerry said quietly as he walked toward the door. You were confused by his reaction, he seemed unbothered by Elvis’ temper, but he knew later Elvis would find him and apologize, because that’s just how he was. Once Jerry walked out Elvis slammed the door closed and locked it and turned his attention to you, his eyes full of jealousy.
You weren’t sure if you should be scared or turned on in this moment, he looked so good, especially in that black robe, but you could tell this was no game. Was he jealous? Impossible. You stared up at him as he walked toward you and you slowly stood up off the floor, playing with your hands nervously, “Elvis…. He wasn’t doing anything... I just got bored in here by myself is all….” you say softly. He stepped closer to you now, not saying a word, his body brushing slightly up against your own the closer he got, his face was inches away from yours, you stared into those gorgeous blue eyes that were a darker shade of blue now. “Elvis..” Before you could even get another word out, his right hand had tightly grabbed a hold of your waist, his lips crashing against yours, kissing you softly and you thought you’d melt right into him in this moment, until he pulled back and a pout formed on your lips, now he was staring at you intensely. Fuck he is so sexy. “What did I say to you earlier? You’re my girl. I don’t want to catch you with another man in my dressing room, giggling like a goddamn schoolgirl.” He said sternly. You felt your eyes beginning to water from the way he was speaking to you but composed yourself. Nothing happened. Why was he so jealous? You couldn’t understand.
You began to look down at the ground as you grew quiet. He sighed and brought his hand up from your waist and placed his index finger beneath your chin, lifting it up so you were looking at him again, his eyes now back to their ocean blue color and he pressed another kiss your lips, his features now softened and spoke softly, “I’m not angry with you, little one. I-I like you and I just get a bit jealous, I’m sorry.” You nodded slowly at his words, leaning toward him to steal another kiss from his lips. You couldn’t help but want him even more despite his small outburst, you hate to admit that it turned you on. Him being jealous over you? It made you weak in the knees at the thought.
He smiled a bit and pulled his hand away from your face and brought it down to grasp your left hand, intertwining his fingers with your own as he tugged gently for you to follow him as he walked back toward his bedroom, following closely behind him you didn’t really get a good look at the setup of bedroom earlier when you were in a panic getting your clothes on, but as you looked around it was dimmed lighting, dark curtains and bedding. The room looked as if whoever was staying here was a vampire, it was interesting to say the least. “Sit down, baby.” He said as he let go of your hand and pointed toward the bed.
You sat down at the edge of the bed, biting down on your bottom lip curious at what he may have planned for the two of you now, watching him closely as he walked over to a table that had a bunch of his personal belongings, he grabbed a small box and pulled out a white filtered tipped cigar, placing it between his lips and grabbing the lighter that sat on the table, bringing it up to light the tip of the cigar. You licked your lips slowly, even him smoking was hot, you couldn’t help but stare, aroused at the sight. What hell is wrong with me? He inhaled sharply and then shortly exhaled, a cloud of smoke forming around him and now he was walking over to you, the cigar hanging from his lips. He was standing directly above you now, you stared up at him, his hands reaching up to brush some of your hair out of your face before cupping it gently and brushing the pads of his thumbs against your cheeks. “Baby, you were on my mind the entire time I was out on that stage. I could hardly focus…” his words a bit muffled with the hanging cigar in his mouth. A small giggle escaping your lips, your face nuzzling into his left hand and staring up at him innocently, pressing small kisses against his hand as you mumbled, “You’re all I was thinking about too…” A grin forming on his lips, bringing his right hand up to grasp the cigar between index finger and thumb, tapping some of the ash off into the ashtray that sit on the bedside table, bringing it back up to lips to take another puff from it, holding it back between his fingers.
He bit down on his bottom lip, he had something on his mind that he wanted to try with you, but he didn’t know how to ask, he wasn’t sure you would go for it. He knew you were still new at this, and he didn’t want to push. But it was running through his mind, the possibilities. His left hand still against your cheek and now he was lightly running his fingers through your hair. “Baby?” He hummed softly. “Yes, Elvis?” You cooed, leaning into his touch more. “I-I… have a q-question…” he asked nervously. He was stuttering now and that only happened when he was nervous about something, you noticed how strange he was acting; you raised an eyebrow curiously at him. “Yes?” you responded. “Y-You can say no, but… I-I was wonderin’ if you’d let me try something with you.” He spoke. You were still confused at what he was trying to ask and was hoping he’d get to the point. “Well, what is it, silly?” you laughed softly.
He leaned over to put his half-smoked cigar out in the ash tray, his hands finding your face again, caressing his fingers lightly against your skin. “Okay, I have a camera and I thought… to make things a little more fun that maybe you’d let me… Ya know, film you?” he asked. You sat up a bit straighter now, not sure how to respond to that and now you got up from the bed, pulling away from his grasp, walking away from him, your arms folding over your chest and your back turned to him as you responded, “Why? So, you can show this to other people? Your friends? I know what I did earlier was new to me, and I was more than willing to fulfill your needs. But I’m not that kind of girl, Elvis.” His eyes widen a bit, rushing over to you now, his arms around your waist, turning you to face him, his hands brushing up and down your arms, causing shivers to run down your spine and goosebumps to form. “No, no, baby…. I wouldn’t show it to anyone. It would be just for me, I promise. I would never do that. I’d just like to film us together… Please… For me, little one?” he cooed. You looked up at him now, biting the inside of your cheek nervously, you looked into his eyes, and you could tell he was telling the truth from the innocence in his voice and the look on his face, you couldn’t believe you were considering this, but how could you say no to him, your arms dropping from your chest. You let out a soft sigh, “If I do this with you, you promise it would be for your eyes only?” you asked. He nodded, “I swear to you, darlin’.” He hummed. “Okay, let’s do it then…” you said softly.
His face lit up at your words, and he pulled you up against him, pressing a gently kiss to your lips as he whispered against them, “Oh, you are in for a treat, little one. I’m going to make sure you know you’re mine… And you won’t forget this time.” He grinned. Your lips still close to one another, a quiet needy whimper escaped your lips at his words, and you quickly bit down on your lip in embarrassment, blushing, knowing he heard it of course. You couldn’t help yourself; he made you feel crazy, and he didn’t even have to do much. He stole another kiss before pulling away and disappearing into the next room. You brought your right hand up to your lips, biting on your fingertips anxiously as you heard him in the other room fumbling around with things, you sat down on the bed.
Elvis comes walking back into the bedroom, camera in hand now along with a small tripod and he had a boyish grin on his face as he began to set it up. “W-What should I do, Elvis?” you said nervously. “I want you to just relax, darlin’. I’ll guide you through what I want you to do for me.” He smirked, once he had the camera set up where he wanted, he turned the camera on, but it wasn’t recording yet. He gestured for you to come over to him with two fingers, you slowly rose from the bed looking nervously at the camera as you walked over to him, he reached up and removed the headscarf from your hair, strands of hair that you had held back now falling in front of your face, he brushed the strands behind your ear with smile. He whispered softly to you, “When I start recording, I want you to take your dress off for me, slowly. But keep your bra and panties on, and those cute knee-high stockings of yours, baby. I just want you to run your hands along your body for me, touching every inch of yourself, I’ll tell you what to do after that…” You nodded, biting down on your lip, completely turned on already by the way he was giving you directions, he grabbed a hold of your hand and brought you back to the bed standing you directly in front of the camera.
You stood there exhaling sharply, trying to relax yourself because even though you’ve just met him, for some reason you felt like you could trust him with your life and that brought some comfort to you. He was standing back behind the camera now, pressing a button on the side and now a red light was flashing, which meant he was now recording. You hesitated at first. But reached your hands around to unzip your dress and you began to slowly shimmy out of it, letting it fall to the floor, remembering the directions he had given you, you began run your hands along neck, down to your chest, gently squeezing your breasts through your bra and running your hands slowly along your abdomen and down to your hips and then over the front of your panties, letting your fingertips linger there for a moment as you looked into the camera and then at him waiting to hear his approval. He smirked when you looked at him, “Good girl…” He said softly. “Now, turn around and climb onto the bed for me, baby... But don’t turn back around until I say.”
You nod your head slowly, turning around for him, looking back at him over your shoulder a bit before climbing onto the bed slowly, sitting up on your knees as your back was still facing him, waiting for his next directions, he exhaled sharply he couldn’t keep his eyes off you, “Unhook your bra, but don’ take it off completely yet. Then turn around and let it fall to the ground.” He whispered. You reached around to unhook bra, the straps slowly falling down your shoulders and slowly removing your arms, covering the front of your bra with your right arm to keep it held up, slowly turning yourself back around to face him, removing your arm and letting it fall to ground, the cold air hitting your nipples causing them to get hard, you whimpered softly at the sensation. “Fuck… now lay back and spread those legs wide open and touch yourself, baby.” He mumbled softly.
You were surprised at how much you were starting to enjoy this, and you could feel yourself already becoming wet and you’ve hardly gotten started, you knew he had a lot in store for you especially after saying you forget you’re his and you felt your face turn red at the thought. You followed his new demands and now propped yourself against the pillows, your head resting against the headboard of the bed, spreading your legs wide open, completely exposed to him, staring into the camera now innocently as you lifted your right hand up and slowly guided it down your abdomen and stopped right above your panty line, tracing your fingers slowly along the hem of your panties, keeping your eyes on the camera, then slowly trailing fingers further between your legs, stopping right above your pussy, brushing your fingers along your already soaked through panties, glancing at him and whispering softly, “Like this, daddy?” you smirked, rubbing two of your fingers up against the fabric of your panties, causing a bit of friction that made you whimper softly. At this point Elvis wasn’t even looking through the camera anymore, his eyes were directly on you, licking his lips slowly, “Such a good girl.” He mumbled under his breath.
He stepped back from the camera now and began to untie the front of his robe, slipping it off and letting it fall to the ground, your eyes widen at the sight of him and what he was wearing underneath, he was shirtless and the white shorts he was wearing caught your eye because they looked like the ones he once worn in his movie, Blue Hawaii, they hugged every part of his lower body the same way they did in the movie. You would recognize those anywhere, you remember not being able to keep your eyes off them in the film and the way he moved in them, the way his bulge was visible, how great his ass looked in them, now your eyes were lingering down to his bulge that had grew in his shorts, his cock practically screaming to be released from them. Fuck him for wearing those shorts. You could feel yourself becoming wetter by the second, distracted by him.
“Ah, Ah… Did I tell you to stop touching yourself, darlin’?” he asked. You gulped slowly your eyes still on his cock, shaking your head and you pressed two of your fingers up against the fabric of your wet panties again, rubbing a bit rougher than before and your hips moving in sync to gain that friction you were yearning for now, whimpering softly, watching him closely as he began to touch his cock through his pants as he watched you, he was licking his lips and grinning at the sight of you. “Goddamn… You’re beautiful.” He mumbled and suddenly he got an idea, and he reached over to grab the camera off the tripod and now holding it in his hands, moving closer to you, he got a close shot of your face and then moved down to get some of your body as well, standing at the end of the bed now, he gestured for you to move toward him, “C’mere, baby.” He hummed. You slowly scoot yourself down toward him till your feet were nearly hanging off the edge of the bed, your legs still spread open for him. You watched him closely, wondering what his next move was, anticipating it.
He leaned forward now the camera in between your legs, getting close shots of your wet panties, this made you blush so hard because the camera was so close to you down there. You propped yourself up on your elbows so you could go get a better look at what he was doing, nipping at your bottom lip. As he held the camera in his right hand, he brought his other hand down to press firmly against your panties, this caused your body to jolt a bit from the feeling and you let out a soft gasp because you were so sensitive down there now, he smirked when he felt how incredibly wet you already were for him and now he was pressing his finger harder against you, rubbing his fingers slowly against you, the fabric of your panties slipping between your folds, you let out a shaky moan, moving your hips forward him against him. He was getting every minute of this on camera, making sure that it was still close on your panties, the harder he pressed his fingers against you the further the fabric moved between your soaking wet lips, letting out few more small whimpers, he chuckled lowly at the sounds you were making. “Shhh… You’re being such a good girl, getting all wet for me like this….”
He pulled his fingers away and they lingered up to the hem of your panties and your eyes lit up with excitement thinking he was going to take them off, but no, that’s not what he had in store for you… not yet. He grabbed the hem of your panties and began to move them up and down, he had pressed the fabric of your panties deep between your folds that the fabric was rubbing right up against your sensitive, swollen clit each time he moved your panties up and down, now you were moaning softly, your head tilting back slightly, you couldn’t believe how incredibly good this felt and he wasn’t even using his fingers against your clit, he pointed the camera up towards your face because he wanted to make sure he captured the faces you were making because of him and then he pointed the camera back down between your legs, gripping the hem of your panties a bit tighter as he moved them up and down faster now, the friction forcing your eyes to roll back, you let out a whimpering moan, pursing your lips together, gripping at the sheets, thrusting your hips forward just a little each time he moved your panties against your clit.
You could feel the wetness pooling between your legs now, you tilted your head back up, opening your eyes to look at him. “E-Elvis… Please…. I want to feel your fingers inside of me….” You begged. You watched that teasing smirk form on his lips, you never knew what he was thinking or going to do next. He let go of your panties and brought his fingers back down your soaking heat, your panties still stuck between your folds, his fingertips caressing them gently, his fingers being coated in your slick, your breathing becoming heavy from all his teasing as you watched him, two of his fingers lingering over your entrance, that was covered up by your panties, you raised an eyebrow pondering what he’s about to do, he didn’t even bother to move them to the side he just shoved two of his fingers inside of you, panties and all, pumping them in and out of you. “Fuck, baby… You’re so tight around my fingers….” He grunted out, he nearly almost dropped the camera out of his other hand because of it, you let out a loud gasp, you still weren’t used to this feeling, you had lost your virginity just hours ago to him, so it made sense.
You squirmed beneath his touch as you felt his long fingers pumping inside of you, you so badly wanted to force your legs closed from all friction he was causing with fingers inside and the small fabric of your panties he had pushed inside along with them, he kept his movements long and slow your eyes rolling back as you let out an airy moan his name slipping past your lips, “E-Elvis…” He glanced up at you with a smirk, the camera steady in his hand as he capture every movement, every angle between your legs, he pulled his fingers out of you and your eyes opened immediately with a pout and he hooked his index finger around the fabric of your panties that was wedged in between your wet folds and pulled it out causing you to whine and squirm, the fabric completely soaked through. You stood back up now, and you watched him carefully as he stood closely above you, your eyes darting down to his cock that look like it was ready to burst out of his shorts, you bit down on your bottom lip, lifting your right leg up and grazing your foot gently over the bulge in his shorts, a soft sound emitting from his lips from your touch, pointing the camera downwards to capture it.
But he grabbed a hold of your ankle, moving your foot away and shaking his head at you slowly. “I’m not finished with you just yet, baby.” He spoke softly. “Now take your panties off.” He demanded. He pointed the camera but to you now, zooming in slowly as he watched through the lens. You were getting so excited now, the fact that he had the ability to make you feel so many things at once amazed you, you just wanted him to ruin you, you nodded slowly to his words and sat yourself up and lifted your hips a bit as you hooked your fingers between the hem of your panties and began to very slowly pull them down for him, once they were down your legs and to your ankles, you leaned back again propped up on your elbows, slipping your left leg out of your panties and lifting your right leg up to him, your panties dangling from your ankle in front of him, smirking to yourself. You watched him lick his lips and he reached up to grab to them. “You’re not getting these back…” He hummed, tossing them over to where his robe laid on the floor. You giggled softly and brought your leg back down to the bed, your legs spread wide open once again and now your wet pussy was on full display for him, your juices dripping from it slowly, he leaned forward once again, his knee resting against the edge of the bed, the camera back between your legs as he captured every inch of your pussy.
He lifted his left hand and brought it down to brush his cold, long fingers up and down between your folds slowly, you shivered from his touch, whimpering, your hips moving forward slightly wanting to feel more, two of his fingers pushing in between your folds, moving up and down slowly, the pads of his fingertips circling gently over your swollen clit, your feet curling against the edge of the bed, you let out a soft moan, he continued to tease your clit, his fingertips circling faster around the sensitive bud, your breathing becoming heavy, tilting your head back, rocking your hips against his fingers, mumbling softly. “S-Stop teasing me… I want your fingers inside… Please-e.” you begged him. You tilted the camera up to your face, smirking. “Let me hear ya beg some more first, pretty baby.” He said teasingly, his fingers still playing with your clit. You tilted your head back up to look directly at the camera that was pointed closely to your face now, your voice innocent and soft, whimpers escaping quietly. “E-Elvis…. Please, baby… I want to feel your fingers inside of me so bad… P-Please, I need you…” you whined loudly.
Before you could get another word out, you felt two of his longer fingers pushing deep inside of your soaking pussy, inching them slowly so they were buried deep, you let out a loud moan, quivering beneath him, your legs already shaking, you were so sensitive no matter how he touched you, your hands gripped the sheets beneath you, your head tilted back, biting down your lip, whimpering and moaning as he began to pump his fingers inside of you slow and long, you started to slowly grind your hips up against them, moaning out his name, the wet noises becoming louder the faster he started to pump his fingers into you, he was still holding the camera steady, recording all of it. Your elbows practically gave out on you as you fell back against the bed, arching your back and your hands tugging at the sheets now. “F-Fuck… E-Elvis…. Baby...” you cried out. He was enjoying every minute of this, seeing you begging and crying out for him, wanting more of him, completely soaking his fingers. It was getting hard for him to hold back and not fuck the hell out of you right now, but he wasn’t finished. He had more he wanted to do, more he wanted to film.
“Mm, look at you… making such a mess on my fingers… My dirty girl.” he cooed. Now he curled his fingers inside of you, hitting all the right spots now, pumping faster and now he was pressing his thumb up against your clit, rubbing it gently in tune with his fingers. “Fuck, fuck, fuck… Elvis!” You cried out, feeling your body going almost limp as you began to shake, toes curling, you didn’t know what was happening now or what you were feeling. You felt like you were about to cum, but it felt different this time, almost as if you had to pee. What the hell? But before you could even question further about what was happening, your body bucked beneath him, his fingers pumping at a quicker pace, his thumb pressed firmly against your clit, your eyes rolling back in pleasure, the sounds leaving your lips growing louder by the minute, unable to feel your body now as a warm liquid came squirting out of you, all over his hand and even onto him and on the camera a little that was still close by. “Oh, fuck yes, little mama. That’s a good girl.” He praised. You felt your body become weak, his fingers slipping out of you, you laid there unable to catch your breath, nor comprehend what you just did, you were shaking, the sound of your voice airy, embarrassed. “I-I…. I’m sorry.”
He shook his head with a boyish grin, angling the camera directly at your dripping pussy, filming the mess you made all over his bedsheets, biting his bottom lip, and then he leaned down against you now and capturing your lips with a kiss and he spoke softly against them, “Sorry for what, mama? That was so fucking hot. I want you to do it again for me…” he said. Your eyes widen a bit at his words, he must be crazy, you could hardly feel your body right now and he’s expecting you to do it again? You whispered softly, “I-I don’t know if I can, Elvis….” He chuckled softly at your words as he stood up straight again, his knee still resting against the bed. “Oh, baby, you will.” He teased.
He pulled his knee back now, standing up straight and once you had a moment to collect yourself, you sat back up on your elbows. “I want you to go sit back against the headboard of the bed now. Your legs still spread open for me.” He demanded. You nodded your head slowly at his words, your body still feeling weak, you carefully and slowly scooted your way back to rest up against the pillows and the headboard, keeping your legs spread open for him still, you weren’t sure what he was doing now, but you knew it was going to be creative. You watched as he walked over to you now and he flipped the camera around so that it was facing him, and he handed it to you. You looked confused but took the camera into your hands anyway. He smirked down at you as he spoke, “I want you to watch me make you squirt again, I want you to film every bit of the mess you’re going to make….” You chewed at your bottom lip hungrily, hanging onto his every word, nodding, peering down at his shorts to see he was still rock hard. Jesus.
He walked away for a moment and into another room, you raised an eyebrow curious as to what he could’ve been doing, he walked back out with the wide grin plastered on his lips, your eyes wandering down to the flesh toned dildo in his hands, you had to do a double take when you realized what it was, your mouth falling open. Is he going to fuck me with that? You pursed your lips together, your eyes widening at length of it, and he walked over to you now, reaching a hand over to brush some of the hair out of your face. “You don’t mind if we use some toys do ya, baby?” he said softly. What kind of question is that? As if I’m going to say no at this point… You shook your head at his question, clearing your throat as you responded, “No… I-I don’t mind.” He nodded with smile, “Good. Now make sure you’re angling that camera down at me, baby.” He muttered. Now he was climbing onto the bed with you settling himself between your legs, placing the dildo off to the side and wrapping his strong arms around your thighs as he pulled you a bit closer to him now. You let out a small sound as he did, and you had no idea how you were going to manage to hold the camera steady once he got started.
He slowly began to trail kisses up and down your right thigh, his soft lips causing goosebumps to form all over, he had the most beautiful lips, and they were so soft, you loved it. You watched him through the lens of the camera, continuing to press soft and gentle kisses along both of your inner thighs until he finally reached the spot that yearned for him the most, still dripping in that hot liquid that came out of you not five minutes ago, he licked his lips as he stared at your pussy, a soft “Mm..” escaping his lips at the sight, you whimpered softly, his eyes then fluttering up to look directly into the camera as his engulfs your pussy lips into his mouth, his tongue gliding up and down in between your lips, finding your clit and circling around it slowly. You gasped loudly, you were so fucking sensitive at this point that it felt like your body went into shock from his touch, you began to moan softly as you felt his tongue against your clit, trying your best to keep the camera steady on him, his eyes still piercing the camera with that look of lust in his eyes as his tongue lapped over your clit in a faster motion, you could hear him faintly groaning up against your pussy as he ate you out, the vibration from his mouth causing you to squirm at the feeling, your eyes slowly rolling back. How is he so good at this? FUCK. You could already feel your legs shaking once again and he tightened his grip on your thighs to keep you still, he lifted his head up slightly, his mouth and face covered in your juices, he mumbled out the words, “Relax, mama… I don’t want you cummin’ just yet.” You were trying your best, but you were so overstimulated you didn’t think you would make it.
He buried his face back into your pussy, sucking softly on your clit now and flicking it between his tongue, you feel your body jolt and you’re whimpering his name loudly, “… El-viss… E-Elviss…” your hips slowly rocking into him. He guided his tongue further down between your lips, now circling your entrance with it before plunging his tongue deep inside of you, pumping it out of you at a steady pace, those blue eyes of his finding their way back up to look at the camera, a sly smirk dancing on his lips. You grip the camera in your right hand tightly to keep it steady and reached down with your left hand to grab a hand full of his dark locks, pulling and tugging at it gently, pushing his face deeper against you as you cried out in pleasure and now your hips were moving up against him in tune with his tongue pumping in and out of you. You could feel your orgasm building up in the pit of your stomach, you didn’t know much longer you could hold on if he continued this.
He could tell you were getting close, so he slowly pulled his tongue out and pulled his face away, you let out a needy whine and he glanced up at you, “Don’t worry, little one… I’m going to give you that sweet release you want.” He smirked. You watched him with desperate, hungry eyes, his face and mouth coated in your slick, and he held his left hand out and spit on two of his fingers, shoving them deep into your tight pussy, pumping them slowly, he could feel you tightening around them, so he slipped another finger in, he wanted you ready to take that dildo deep inside, so continued to pump at a slow pace. Your moans coming out almost silent now as you felt his long fingers inside and you could feel your walls stretching around them. “Mmm… there you go, baby… Just like that…” he mumbled.
He pulled his fingers out of you, your juices dripping from them, and he reached over to grab the dildo now, biting down on his lip with a smirk, you gulped slowly as you watched him, he brought it down to your pussy now, guiding the head up and down between your lips, wanting to coat it with your juices, your toes curling and your back arching at the feeling, he let the dildo linger between your pussy lips and you watched as he spit on it, you could feel his salvia dripping down your pussy and he did it once again, lining the head of the dildo up with your entrance. The anticipation was killing you; you gripped the sheets beneath you with your left hand, holding on for dear life to the camera, watching him spit down on it one more time before he started inching the dildo inside of you, your walls slowly stretching around the length of it the further he inched it in, you were panting now and letting out whimpers that sounded like cries, he lifted his right hand to sit on your left thigh, caressing it gently, “Good girl… Just relax, it’ll only hurt for a moment.” He cooed.
He was right because once your body had adjusted to the size and had stretched around the dildo, the pain you were feeling went away and it soon turned into pleasure and now he began to pump the dildo inside of you slow and long, each time it moved out of you it was becoming more and more coated with your juices, each time he plunged it deeper inside of you, grabbed the camera from you with his free hand and holding it close up so he could film the dildo moving in and out of you, he was kidding when he said he wanted to capture every moment. “Goddamn, baby… I love watching you take that cock and making such a mess for me.” He muttered. You could hardly even hear him at this point your eyes were shut closed, your head thrown back in pleasure, your left hand clawing the bed sheet, moaning loudly as your body moved along with his pace. He placed the camera back in your right hand and you tried your best to keep your grip on it.
As he continued to fuck you with the toy, he leaned down now, his face back between your legs and now he was sucking on your clit, grazing his teeth along the sensitive bud, and flicking his tongue around it, lapping every bit of it up into his mouth. You felt your hips buck, your body tensing from all this pleasure, your toes curling so much that you hand the sheets gripped between your toes, his name leaving your lips like it was your mantra, the sound of it echoing throughout the room. “E-E-El-visss…. E-Elvis.. Oh god…” your orgasm building back up in the pit of your stomach again, growing more and more and now that same feeling was back from earlier, the strange feeling, as Elvis continued to quicken his pace, you felt your body growing weak, your legs about to give out and he pulled his face back, “C’mon, baby... Make a mess for me again, c’mon….” he begged, grabbing a hold of the camera now with his free hand as he kept the other on the toy, continuing to pump it deep inside you, making sure the camera was close. Once you heard his words, your back arched further and there it went, that hot liquid squirting out of you as you reached your orgasm at the same time, crying his name out in pleasure as you came all over the toy, you rode your orgasm out on the toy and you felt so weak once your body came to a stop, you could hardly move now, Elvis pulling the dildo out of you, you made even a bigger mess now, on the bed, on Elvis, on the camera. “Fuckkkkk…. That was so hot, baby. My messy girl.” He muttered excitedly, moving the camera around filming the mess you made between your legs, on his bedsheets again and on him. You fluttered your eyes open to look at him, you felt so weak but felt so good at the same time, smiling up at him.
You couldn’t believe that he made you squirt and cum at the same time, you didn’t think you could possibly do more, but you knew he wasn’t finished yet, especially with that hard on still aching in his pants. You were feeling so crazy now, not even just physically, but emotionally. All these emotions were new, and you didn’t have time to even think more about them because Elvis was getting up and standing back at the end of the bed, gesturing for you to scoot back down toward him. Your body tired and weak, you hoped you’d get your second wind as you slowly scooted yourself down toward him, your feet dangling off the edge of the bed, sitting up now. Elvis was passing the camera back to you now with a smirk.
“Alright, little one… It’s your turn behind the camera.” He teased and you raised an eyebrow at him chewing at your bottom lip as you stared up at him, he looked beautiful as always, his skin glowing as your eyes lingered up and down his bare chest and down to his shorts, the sight of his hard on turning you on more. You nodded at his words as you spoke softly, “Is there anything specific I should be doing, Elvis?” you asked. “I want you to please me, baby and make sure you film it all, okay?” he muttered. You nodded your head once again and you held the camera up steady and watched through the lens as he began to rub his right hand over his hard cock, squeezing it through the fabric of his shorts.
You watched closely with wide eyes and didn’t want to watch through the camera, so you lifted your head up a bit to get a better view, you smirked a bit and lifted your right leg up and letting your left foot graze his left thigh slowly, the fabric of your knee-high socks, causing a shiver down his spine, you knew he loved them and how they looked on you, so you continued to brush up against thigh and slowly moving your foot up high, pushing the hand that was on his budge, gesturing for him to move it, he grinned and did as he was told, you slowly began to rub your foot up and down his budge, the feeling of his hard cock against your foot causing you to get wet again, now you were pressing your foot firmly against it, watching his head tilt back a bit as he let out a few soft groans, you giggled. You decide you were going to give him a taste of his own medicine for teasing you the way he did, and now you brought your left foot up to his budge, rubbing both of your feet firmly against his cock, he let out a softer groan, the friction your feet and his shorts causing him to inhale sharply, mumbling out the words, “Fuck… I want you so bad.”
You smirked and tilted your head to the side a bit, zooming the camera close on his face. “Oh? And how bad do you want me… How bad does this cock want me?” You teased, pressing your feet harder against cock. You were surprised at the words that came out of your mouth and he was even more surprised when he tilted his head back down to look at you and grin on his face. “Damn, so much, baby… Please… I want that pretty mouth of yours on my cock.” He begged. The sound of him begging made you nearly weak, but you kept your stern attitude because you were in charge now. “Is that so? Hm, we’ll see if you can earn this mouth around your cock.” You teased and you couldn’t stop yourself from giggling. He let out a soft frustrated groan at your words. Your right foot grazing the hem of his shorts slowly as you made eyes at him, “Take your shorts off, honey…” you cooed, resting your feet back on the edge of the bed as you watched him, making sure the camera was filming it.
He nodded with a wide grin, he was enjoying this, and he liked to see this side of you, ordering him around. “Yes, ma’am.” He hummed, grabbing the hem of his shorts and pushing them down his slender frame and letting them hit the floor, stepping out of them, his cock sprang out, and you bit down on your bottom lip as you watched, swallowing the saliva that gathered in your mouth, you still couldn’t believe the size of him and you could already see the precum that was dripping from the tip, as he was reaching down to wrap his hand around his cock, you quickly lifted your right foot again, kicking it away. “Ah, Ah…” you mocked his words from earlier. “Did I say you could touch yourself?” you grinned. He shook his head with a smirk and kept his hands at his sides as he watched you eagerly. You lifted your other foot up and let both brushing up and down his thighs slowly, tracing along his skin with the fabric of your knee-high socks, then slowly reaching them up to the place he wanted most, placing the bottoms of your feet on either side of his large member, he gasped at the feeling, groaning lowly as his eyes met yours. You slowly began to pump his cock between your feet, the fabric from your socks causing so much friction for him, that you could feel his body jolt at the touch, he tilted his head back as he groaned out, smirking at the sound of his groans. “You like that, baby?” you cooed. His head nodding slowly, and he mumbled softly between the noises escaping his lips, “Y-Yes…” You grinned. “Lemme see you spit on it then.” you demanded. You didn’t know where that came from, but you were loving it. He tilted his head forward, raising an eyebrow at your words as he let out a soft chuckle.
He gathered up as much saliva as he could and spit down on his cock for you and you caught it immediately between your feet and began to pump his cock faster between your feet as his spit coated it for you as your own personal lube, he groaned louder at the feeling. “Fuck…” he mumbled. You grinned at the sounds you were causing him to make and now you tightened your grip around his cock and began to pump it faster between your feet, keeping the camera held your right hand as you used your left hand to squeeze at your breasts, watching him roll his eyes back and closing them as he muttered swears under his breath, you began to mock his words again, “C’mon, baby.. Make a mess for me… I want you to shoot your load onto me.” His eyes opened as soon as he heard your words, and he stares at you now almost in shock at your words. “Goddamn, baby… You are fucking dirty.” He let out a airy chuckle as another groan slipped past his lips, he exhaled sharply, if you kept this up with the dirty talk he knew he was going to cum any minute.
But before he could get what he wanted you pulled your feet away from him, smirking, resting them back on the edge of the bed, you looked up to see the look of disappointment on his face, you could swear he was almost pouting. “B-Baby.... why’d you stop?” he said in almost a whiny tone. “I don’t want you to cum just yet…” you smirked and suddenly flipping yourself onto your stomach, gesturing for him to come closer, as he moved closer to you you kept the camera on his cock, smirking to yourself, you licked your lips slowly as his cock was now in your direct line of sight, fluttering your eyes up to look at him, biting your lip. “I changed my mind… I want you to cum in my mouth.” You teased as you shrugged your shoulders. The slight pout that was on his lips slowly turned into a smirk and you reached up to hand him the camera now, wanting him to watch you suck his cock through it. He grasped the camera in his hand, getting it focused on you as you wrapped your hand around his cock firmly, his spit still coating it and you licked your lips, glancing up at him. “More spit, please…” you hummed softly. He grinned when he heard your words and now, he was leaning down toward you and he reached his right hand up to grab your face roughly your mouth practically forcing open just a bit when he did and you were both staring at each other with such intensity, “Open up…” he mumbled. You obeyed and opened your mouth up a bit wider for him and he got real close now, and you watched as he gathered as much saliva as he could and then he spat it directly into your mouth and giving your face a gently pat as he stood up straight again.
You couldn’t wait for this man to fuck the life out of you after watching him do that, you could feel the wetness pooling between your legs all over again, you began to pump his cock in your hand now, his spit still sitting in your mouth now mixing with your own saliva and then you spit it all onto his cock, watching drip down off it, pumping your hand faster, and now he was groaning louder than before, holding the camera close and reaching his other hand down to grab a hand full of your hair tightly in his grasp as he watched you, his breathing already heavy. You made sure you were looking into the camera the entire time as you swirled your tongue slowly around the head of his cock, tasting the saltiness of his precum as you continued to pump him in your hand and then slowly wrapping your lips around his cock and you removed your hand from around it and now placed both hands on his thighs, that was your way of letting him know he can take what he wants.
“Fuck… You are amazing…” he mumbled between his groans, he tightened his grip on your hair and plunged his cock deep into your mouth, hitting the back of your throat, you started gagging around his cock, spit already pooling out of your mouth, your hands squeezing his thighs and you remembered what he taught you earlier, you relaxed your throat for him, tapping his leg gently letting him know you were ready. “Goddamn, lil’ mama. You really are a quick learner… Good girl.” He grunted. He bucked his hips forward and began thrusting his hips toward you, his cock pumping in and out of your mouth forcefully, his groans long and low and you could hear the moans suddenly slipping past his lips as he fucked your face, the noises coming from your mouth becoming more and more obscene the quicker he moved and with each thrust he hit the back of your throat. His hand practically pulling your hair at this point and his head tilting back as his moans along with your noise echoing throughout the room. “Shit.. Shit… You are gonna make me cum, baby.” He moaned out. Those words like music to your ears, your hands gripped tighter onto his thighs, and you felt you knew what you were doing enough to push your mouth all the way down to the base of his cock, his balls hitting your chin, gagging softly as you bobbed your head, lifting your feet in the air, kicking them back and forth. “Holy fuck…” he yelped, now his leg was shaking, and he was breathing so heavy, exhaling sharply. “I-I-I’m gonna cum baby…” he said almost breathless. You tapped his thigh again letting him know you were ready and without wasting a moment, you felt his warm load hit the back of your throat and he quickly pulled your head back, you gasped loudly, his cock popping out of your mouth, completely coated in your saliva, opening your mouth for him so he could see that you swallowed all of him, licking your lips as a soft giggle escaped you, you could tell he was speechless.
“Holy fucking shit, baby… What the hell… wow... That was the best head I’ve ever gotten.” He chuckled as he inhaled and exhaled trying to catch his breath. You blushed so hard at his words, shaking your head at him with a smile. He walked toward the tripod and sat the camera back on it now and then walked back over to you, climbing into the bed, his back resting up against the headboard. You still laying on your stomach turned a bit look at him, he reached over with his right hand and spanked your ass a couple of times with a smirk, you jumped at the stinging feel against your skin, biting on your lip. “Get your ass up and get over here so I can fuck you, mama.” He barked. He didn’t have to tell you twice, you sat up and turned around towards him, climbing into his lap, your knees resting comfortably on either side of him, you sat yourself down on him, your wet pussy grazing up against his cock that was still hard. You watched as he reached over to the table, grabbing his half-smoked cigar from earlier, placing it between his lips and lighting, giving it a few puffs before blowing the smoke in your face with a smirk, you watched him with a smirk. He placed the cigar between his lips, letting it hang there and he reached down to lift your hips a bit as he used his right hand to guide his cock slowly into your pussy, he wasn’t wasting anymore time now and that made you happy because you were desperate to feel him inside of you.
A soft whimpering moan escaped your lips as you felt his cock inching into you slowly, he groaned softly as he felt you tightening around him and as he pushed further into you, he could feel you stretching out around him and you both let out a soft moan when he was fully inside of you, grabbed a hold onto his broad shoulders, his left hand holding onto your waist as you began to ride him slowly, throwing your head back and moaning loudly, you were already so turned on from everything and still so sensitive that everything was hitting you like a tidal wave, rocking your hips at a steady pace, gripping a bit tighter onto his shoulders, his groans coming out muffled because of the cigar hanging from his mouth, he steadily began to thrust his hips up into you, his head leaning back against the headboard, now his other hand was gripping your waist, moving you faster and bouncing you slightly on his cock, smoke filling the air from his cigar as he kept it firmly between his lips, moaning his name softly on your lips, you reached your hands up from his shoulders to place on his face, making him look at you, pressing soft kisses against the side of his face before burying your face into the side of his neck, your bodies now pressed tightly up against one another as your arms snaked around him, he was holding his cigar between his fingers now in his left hand, thrusting his hips into you faster and rougher with each stroke, his cock buried deep inside of you, you moaned loudly against his ear. His hands gliding their way up your back as you both held onto each other moving in sync with one another, his face buried into the side of your neck, your moans filling the room in unison, you could feel the filtered tip of his cigar scratching against your back.
You knew that it was matter of time before you both came because you were both already pushed so far to the edge, you could feel another orgasm building up inside of you, the deeper he fucked you, the closer you got, his breathing was becoming shaky, you could feel the beads of sweat from his face against your neck, you reached a hand up to his hair, your fingers getting lost between the strands, both of you panting loudly, holding tighter onto each other, ready to just explode. Your lips tracing his ear as you whispered, “E-Elvis… I-I’m going to cum, baby….” he bit down on his lip, his voice shaky and low as he mumbled, “Me too, darlin’…” without hesitation you both finally reached that point of ecstasy, your body shaking above his as your orgasm reached the surface and you cried out against his ear, cumming all over his cock and you felt his hips buck and his legs shake, and the tone and vibration of his moan let you know he had reached his orgasm as well, he came deep inside of you. You both rode out your orgasms before you came to a full stop, Elvis quickly put out his cigar, pulling out of you, grabbing a hold of you again and flipping you over onto your back, now you both were laying on the bed, he hovered slightly above you, he leaned down to press a few soft kisses against your lips, you returned each one with a smile. “Now you won’t forget that you’re mine…Will you?” he asked playfully with a smirk. You shook your head slowly, “I won’t..” you whispered. You watched him roll onto his back, pulling the blankets over the both of you. You scooted over to him, your arms hugging his waist, laying your head on his chest, listening to him breath as you looked up at him with a smile, watching him closing his eyes, tiredly wrapping you in his arms. You both just laid there in silence, exhausted. You nuzzled your face into him, the camera was still rolling, but the both of you were too tired to get up and shut it off. But you knew you weren’t getting any sleep. How could you? You had a million thoughts running through your head. Did he mean that? Was I truly his?
Taglist: @erutluve @idk3453 @natipooxx 🤭🤭🤭
Part 3
629 notes · View notes
shadow--writer · 4 years
Julian x mc (no pronouns used!) -- set in universe -- after upright endish
Word count: 4.5k
TW: none!
Tags: hurt comfort, fluff, angst, loneliness, Julian works too much, a little spicy at the end but nothing nsfw
Some days it was hard for me to fall asleep. Some days it was even harder to wake up. Julian was always out or working, leaving me with the small ache in my chest as I thought about him. 
He was working when I fell asleep at night and was gone when I woke in the morning. 
Some days I’d wait up for him, reading and practicing spells. He’d come through the door, smelling sweet like mint and cinnamon and bitter like medicine. His hair would be a ruffled mess, eyes tired and sagging. Purple bags made permanent residence under his eyes and his lashes would brush his cheeks lazily as he blinked. 
Tonight I pretended to be asleep when he came in. Just to see what he’d do.
His voice was thick with exhaustion as he watched me pretending to sleep. “Ah asleep again,” he whispered, peeling off his gloves and boots. Off came the shirt and pants and then his sleepwear.
He never wore anything much during the summer. Just some low hanging pants a friend made for him. Venezuela was always sticky and too hot during the summer months making wearing anything else a chore. 
The bed sighed under his weight as he sat down, running a hand through his hair. There was a small chuckle from him, it rumbled from his chest and sent a spike of warmth threading through my stomach.
“Hey there sweetheart,” he said, scooting closer to me. He brushed my hair out of my face. I struggled to keep the peaceful look on. He planted a gentle kiss against my forehead, combing my hair away from my face and across my pillow. “I love you, you know. Even if I can’t be around as much...work is picking up now that the clinic is being talked about. More and more housecalls and people getting sick.”
There was a sigh as he settled into bed, arms wrapping around me. His legs tangled into mine, his nose buried into the back of my neck. His breath was warm against my skin. I let out a small sigh myself, sinking into his touch.
“I promise I’ll take a day off soon. I just need some time...to get back into things,” he murmured, lips ghosting my neck. “Thank you darling. Thank you.” A whisper. A breath. 
And he was out. 
I let out a small gasp of breath, feeling warm tears slide down my cheeks. 
I missed him.
I missed him so much it hurt.
He was gone when I woke up. The only sign he was really there was the small cooling dent in the bed and the feeling of breath on my neck.
I got to my feet, wrapping a blanket around my shoulders. It smelled like him. Like leather, cinnamon and coffee. Something bitter lay under all of it. Something bitter coated my tongue and heart. 
As I moved to the kitchen I noticed that the apartment smelled nice. Like honey and coffee beans. 
I shuffled into the kitchen, tears springing to my eyes when I saw he made coffee and breakfast. The source of the good smell. By my plate of pancakes was a little note. His handwriting was messy as ever but over time I learned to read it. 
Hello my love,
Sorry I had to go so early. I swear I’ll be home earlier tonight. Things are getting very busy and I might need to hire new help soon. Which is both exciting and scary I’ll admit. 
I hope you like this peace offering of mine. Pasha taught me how to make these. It was a lot of trial and error. 
I love you more than the sun in the sky darling dear of mine. One of these days I’ll prove it to you. 
See you tonight. 
I held the note to my face, tears stinging my eyes. Weeks. It had been weeks since we really talked. Talked without one of us sleeping or pretending to sleep. 
I kissed the note softly, bringing it down to hug while I sat down. 
The coffee was sweeter today. He knew how I liked it. The pancakes were perfect if a bit toasty. I smiled a little. He wouldn’t stop until they were absolutely perfect. Even if I was happy with how they were now. 
My smile faded at the edges as I looked out the window at the rising sun. The day was already warm and sticky. It always was like this in the summer. Couldn’t catch a break. 
I knew Julian was right next door. Easy enough distance to go. 
But he was probably busy. He always was. 
I finished my breakfast, getting up to wash the dishes and think for a moment. Spotting the rest of the dirty dishes in the sink I knew I had a few good hours of washing with my thoughts.
As I scrapped off the plates I thought about what I could do. I could try making him lunch and bringing it over. 
My heart fluttered at the thought. 
Yes. That’s what I’d do. Make him something too. 
I quickly finished up the dishes in the sink. Forks and spoons went into their drawers and I set a few pans on a towel to air dry. 
Tucking the dish I held into a towel I set to work. 
I knew he liked warmer lunches and soups. Even in the summer. But there was something said about eating something that left a trail of warmth as you ate it. 
I was no Mazelinka but I knew he’d appreciate the sentiment. 
I got to work on a sweet potato mushroom soup. We had extra potatoes that I didn’t know what to do with. So what better way to use them than for lunch?
I peeled and mashed the potatoes, slicing up the mushrooms with care and a small hum. I grabbed a clean pot, setting it to simmer over the stove. In went the potatoes then spices. It made the house smell like butter, cumin and sweet potatoes. While I waited for that, I sliced up some plain bread with sharp cheddar. 
I made lemonade and tucked it into a cooling glass. I had extra, maybe I’ll freeze it and make lemon popsicles to share later today.
I quickly made my own lunch, standing back to admire my hard work. Breathing in I coughed a little. The air was stifling already and it wasn’t even noon yet. 
But soon his lunch was ready. I packed it into a paper bag, hoping he’d be there so I could give it to him myself. I quickly got dressed and tugged my shoes on. It was a quick trip next door, then I’d go to the market to get things for dinner. 
He...he probably wasn’t going to be back in time for dinner anyways. 
I bit my cheek as I pushed my way inside the clinic. Inside was the same as always. Large bookshelves filled with different books ranging from research to adventure novels. Kids lay on the ground with little toys and colouring books as they waited for their checkups. 
The secretary brightened when he saw me walk in. “Ah! Dr. Devorak is in his office around back, you made it just in time he just finished up with his last patient before housecalls!”
I blinked, and then smiled. “O-Oh thank you! I brought lunch for him.”
The secretary’s eyes sparkled with mischief as they took in my barely thrown together appearance. “I’ll keep people away for as long as I can,” he said with a wink making me blush. 
“No need we won’t be doing much! I’m just bringing him lunch.” Another smile. “Just lunch.”
“Whatever you say. He’s back in his office, last door down the hall.”
Face red and heart racing I whisper another thank you and move down the clinic quickly. There voices from some of the other doors, but I ignored them, knocking gently on the door labeled ‘Devorak’.
“Ah yes? Come in! I was just heading out to lunch!” Julian’s voice. 
My heart skipped a beat at it. We were both awake this time. 
I pushed the door open a bit more with a smile. “Hey darling,” I said. His eyes went wide, and he broke out in a grin. 
“Sweetheart! Y-You came to see me!” I closed the door with a small click, making his eyes jump to the sound. His cheeks warmed but he still smiled. “Mmm and what’s that smell?”
“Lunch. I made you something. And of course I came to see you, you silly duck. The shop is closed today for restocking. Asra was going to drop by later to help out so I’m free.”
“And you made me something to eat?” His eyes welled up. “Darling you didn’t have to do that!”
“I did. And I won’t be taking no for an answer.”
“At least eat with me!”
My eyes widened a fraction. I did bring my own lunch, I was going to see if Portia wanted to eat with me and then go around the market. 
But now that this opportunity appeared…
“Are you sure? Don’t you have work to do?”
His face was ashen pale. He really needed sunlight. “No no I’m on my lunch break now! Besides, I’d like to spend this time with you. I haven’t seen you in weeks!”
I bit my cheek from snarking at him. It wasn’t his fault, but it still hurt. 
Even so, I smiled softly. “Yeah. I’d love that.”
He grinned, patting the chair next to him. I sat down, handing him the paper bag. “Mmmm sweet potato soup?”
“I warn you I’m no Mazelinka-”
“Darling, you made this, making it even more special to me.”
I turned away with a smile, my cheeks warming. “It’s nothing special.”
“It is for me. And it smells so good, darling you are a wonder.”
I giggled. “Well you already made breakfast for me so I thought I’d return the favour.”
He kissed my cheek, digging in. 
I ate as well, slowly to savour these stolen moments with him. We talked about this and that. The leech dealer and her wife. About the different kids that would come in. How excited he was to get his day off and spend it with me.
“Where would we go?” I asked at that question.
He stopped talking, his hands dropping what they were doing. “Huh?”
I tucked my legs up into the chair under me, scooting closer to him. His eye twinkled. “Where would we go?”
“Well...I was thinking we could go for a boat ride in the fixing up flooded district.” He was leaning in closer to me. 
“And then?”
“After rocking the boat with some fun activities…” I let myself smile. I had an idea what activities he’d do in that poor little boat with me. “We’d go for a walk up in the meadows right outside town. Into the fields and by that great big willow tree by the stream.”
“We’d have a picnic! We’d fool around in the wheat, maybe play hide and seek.” I giggled. That sounded lovely. “And once it gets dark I’ll take you down the stream and up this little rock formation I found. There we’ll stargaze together before you fall asleep and I have to carry you home.”
“And when I wake up at home all cozy in our bed…?”
He kissed my forehead, then moved to kiss my cheeks. “I’ll hold you. Cuddle and talk together. Run my hands through your hair, press your body against mine. Never let you go. We’ll fall asleep like that together and in the morning wake like that together.”
“Then I’ll get up first and make breakfast.”
“I’ll come down tired and grumpy that you left me.”
“I’ll kiss you as an apology and give you your coffee and we’ll talk some more.”
He kissed my nose, my browbones. “After breakfast we’ll call on some friends and go out together and maybe stay the night with them.”
“Going to the Rowdy Raven for a pint first.”
“Of course.”
I laughed, throwing my mouth open and my head back. He grinned at the sound, kissing my chin and the skin just below. “I love you,” he murmured. 
I let out a small hum, brushing my hands up his arms. He shivered at the small caress. I opened my mouth to respond. “I-”
“DOCTOR!” The secretary burst in. He caught my eye, and winced with apology seeing where we were positioned. I didn’t feel embarrassed. 
“Ah! What’s wrong?” Julian snapped back, getting to his feet. I watched it all unfold, hurt snapping through my bones. 
“House call. Broken leg. Fell off a horse. Bone is sticking out. Mother is frantic with worry. Kid is fifteen.”
Julian winced, quickly packing his bag. “Tell her to wait a moment and I will be right there.”
He turned to look at me. I must’ve not been hiding my hurt very well because he frowned. “I’m so sorry darling I’ll make it up to you-”
I waved him off, forcing a smile. “No no! I can’t ask you to pull away from a kid in need. Go on and help him. I’ll be here.”
His eye swam with worry and concern. “I’m still sorry, my love. I’ll be home tonight. Early. I promise.” He kissed my forehead, and hurried out the door. 
I knew that was a lie. Things always got bad after dark. The night got sticky and warm. Heat strokes, bar fights, sneaking out. He wouldn’t be back until late.
I looked down at my lap, at the empty dishes on his desk. At the mess of paper and messy handwriting. My picture was at one end of the desk, another frame of us together next to it. Our friends all smiling at the ocean. 
I curled my knees to my chin, looking at the door he left from. 
“I love you,” I whispered to nothing but air.
Dinner went cold two hours ago. I put away the leftovers an hour after waiting. I fell asleep soon after that, angry and bitter at the world for taking him from me like this. 
I missed him so much that it was clear on my face. 
I startled awake at three in the morning from a dream. A good dream or bad dream I didn’t know. I just knew I trembled alone in the dark, my skin clammy with the summer heat and my own sweat. 
My cheeks were stiff with the salt of unshed tears as I got to my feet. I pulled socks on over my toes, trying to keep as quiet as possible when I snuck down into the kitchen to get some water. 
Julian was fast asleep on his side of the bed, legs sprawled out like a starfish. He looked peaceful and I didn’t want to disturb that. 
It was a nightmare I decided. I had a bad dream. My stomach was tied in knots and my hands still trembled as I got water from the sink. My tongue was coated in something bitter and I just felt...empty. 
The bad dream aches would go away soon, only to be replaced with the almost homesick feeling.
I loved him. Don’t get me wrong I loved him so much. 
But I didn’t know how much longer I could keep going without hearing his voice in the morning, eating with him just...being with him. 
I stood by the counter, swaying my hips a little as I drank water. The water washed away the stale taste in my mouth but did nothing to help the bitter feeling. My hands slowly stopped shaking and my body stopped aching as I moved. 
“What’re you doing up so early?” I stopped what I was doing, turning to see Julian running a hand through his hair. His pants hung very low on his hips, his feet bare. The moonlight seemed to make him glow. His eyes softened as he looked at me. “Bad dreams?”
Wordlessly I nodded. 
He crossed the distance between us, wrapping me up in a hug. “I know I’m late to comfort you. I know I haven’t been the best in these last few days. These last few weeks,” he whispered to my hair. 
I didn’t say a word, not wanting to interrupt this moment. I just closed my eyes, breathing him in. We swayed a little, rocking from foot to foot. 
Then he pulled away from the hug, letting my hands slide down his arms into his waiting palms. He held my hands gently, slowly drawing me into a slow dance. 
Letting one hand go he spun me. The movement was slow, his other hand brushed my hip. A whisper of a question. 
When I stopped spinning I wrapped my arms around his neck, pulling him in closer. Almost immediately his arms went around my waist, his face buried in my neck and mine in his. 
His hands shifted my nightshirt up, his fingers cold as ice against my sticky warm skin. I let out a small gasp, making him smile. 
Squeezing my eyes shut, I leaned into the touch. His fingers danced up and down my sides, running down my ribs and resting on my hip bone. I pressed a soft kiss into his neck making him let out a small gasping breath. 
“I want you,” he whispered. 
“I want you,” I responded. 
“I’ve wanted you for so long. Here. In my arms. With me. Alone,” he said, kissing the side of my neck and my jaw. “Soft touches and kisses. Just you and me. I want...I want to touch you.”
“Touch me then,” I breathed, my voice seeming to come out in a gasp. 
He smiled, kissing my cheek. “As you wish.”
His hands moved from my sides to my face. Down my shoulders and arms. His fingers were so cold, but they felt nice against my clammy skin. His brows were pinched in worry, love and guilt shining in that eye he always kept covered. 
“It must’ve been one hell of a nightmare,” he said, brushing at my cheeks with his thumbs. 
I nuzzled into the touch making his breath hitch. “It must’ve been but I don’t remember it now.”
He brushed a kiss at the spots he touched. I wanted to huff in annoyance. I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to kiss him. I wanted him to spin me out of control until all I could see and touch and taste and feel was him. 
We danced around the kitchen in slow swaying movements. He was humming a slow bittersweet tune. One that made me feel as he did. 
He was guilty. He hated leaving me alone. Leaving me missing him as he missed me. 
He pulled out of my touch, bringing my hands down to his face. He planted small kisses on my palms and fingertips. Then following the trail he lay with his fingers he kissed up my left arm. My skin tingled with goosebumps at the touch of his lips. 
He pressed soft kisses on the inside of my wrists, tongue flicking over the veins and skin. He was gentle with me. Oh so heartbreakingly gentle. 
He moved up my arm. To my forearm and then my elbow. His lips were a ghost over my skin, making me arch my head back as he moved. 
Farther up my arm now, kissing my biceps and the soft skin right before my underarms. Then he planted kisses on my shoulders, nipping at the skin there. The muscle where my shoulder met my neck. When he bit down softly I let out a gasp, my hands tightening against his arms. 
He smiled, tongue flicking over the spot as he resumed kissing up my neck. When he reached my face he planted one final kiss on my jaw and left me craving his warmth once again. 
Holding his hands I swung our arms up and down a bit as I planned my move. He was here with me. I had him all to myself in these quiet moments in the morning. The moon was our only witness, the only light to see him by. 
He was strong, my Julian. Broad shoulders and strong arms. Broad chest leading into a small waist that I could wrap my arms around so easily. A face with strong lips always with a smile on them. Grey eyes. Grey eyes filled with so much adoration for me it hurt. Messy auburn hair falling around his face in soft waves. 
I haven’t gotten to look at him, truly look at him in a while. 
I repeated what he did to me moments prior. I kissed his hands. His large calloused hands that had seen so much blood. Helped so many. Let go of more. His breathing hitched as I kissed each of his fingertips. 
I kissed his wrists, biting softly at the skin there, just kneading it between my teeth for a heartbeat. His heart thudded softly. Soft feathery kisses up his forearm and against his elbow. Up his biceps, pausing at each scar to give it it’s own kiss. 
“Oh darling,” he breathed. 
I said nothing, just kissed his shoulders. “You have very cold hands,” he whispered as I ran my hands up his chest. 
I kissed the skin of shoulder meeting neck, raising my eyes to meet his. “I should say the same about you.”
He chuckled, the sound cutting out as I took the skin between my teeth. “Oh,” he said, his voice turning into a soft moan that warmed my stomach. 
I let it go too soon, and I knew it was too soon when he let out a small huff. Hiding my smile with more kisses I moved on. 
Up his neck, biting softly and kissing as I went. He squirmed a bit, hands moving down to my waist. Fingers drummed along my hips, drumming to the tune of his choked hum. 
I came to the spot I knew he liked biting best. The muscle behind his ear, meeting his jaw. I kissed it softly, before biting down. 
The noise he made sent sparks through my veins. A breathy mix between a sigh, moan and groan. 
He made it again when I flicked my tongue over the spot I bit. 
“Careful now darling,” he breathed, chest heaving against my fingers. His heart thudded so quickly against my touch. “I might just need to have you noooooooo-” he let out another moan, cutting himself off as I bit down on the spot again. 
“Hush now my love,” I whispered, moving on to kiss where his jaw met his ear. He let out another hum of pleasure. 
“Mmm I love you,” he whispered. 
I planted a kiss on his jaw, his cheeks, the tip of his nose. The bridge of his nose. I had to stand on my toes to kiss his forehead, him bending down to the touch. 
“I love you too,” I whispered as I kissed his temple. 
“Mmm kiss me,” he murmured. 
I let out a small giggle. “I am kissing you.”
His eyes snapped up to meet mine. “No I want a real kiss.”
“What’s the magic word?”
The pleading tone of his voice made me pause. I grinned, making him wilt a little bit, the two of us still swaying and shifting our weight from foot to foot. 
“Say it again.”
I held his face in my hands. “One more time?”
“Only if you say it back.”
I giggled. “Please?”
He didn’t respond, just kissed me. I didn’t care that he didn’t say it again. I didn’t care that I felt sticky and warm. 
I just cared that he was here with me. 
I moved my hands from his face, wrapping my arms around his neck again. He leaned into me, making me hold onto him for balance as he pressed me against the counter. 
His lips were needy. Begging mine. Pleading with me. They whispered things we left unsaid. They whispered apologizes and littles pleas. 
I only hoped mine held the answers. 
“Darling,” he said, lips brushing against mine with the word. 
I slowly opened my eyes, he was so close. So close. So heartbreakingly close. Illuminated by moonlight he seemed like some ethereal being. 
“I’m sorry.”
I blinked. “Julian...you don’t have anything to be sorry for. You got caught up in work that’s f-fine.” My voice caught on fine. It cracked. 
He knew it wasn’t fine. 
“You stuttered,” he said, nuzzling my face. “That means you’re lying. It’s not fine. I know it’s not fine.”
“Let me finish. I got caught up because everyone is getting hurt all the time. There aren’t many doctors or help in my clinic. I really do need to hire.” I let out a breathy laugh. “I’ll set that up tomorrow. I swear it.”
“You haven’t come through with your promises as of late.”
He kissed my cheek. “I know and I’m sorry.”
“I’m sorry too. For not...trying.”
“Darling you of all people have nothing to be sorry for!” He sounded offended. 
I offered him a small smile. “But I do. I didn’t try. This is a two way street. If I want something I need to give something in return. I love you Julian, and I’m sorry for not trying. Not trying to see you. Not trying to see if you can take a break.”
“Sweetheart. Love of mine. My darling. Dearest. You understand how important work is to me, and that’s why you stayed away.”
I looked away. “I do. But I still care about your wellbeing and I should have said something.”
There was a small rumble from him. A chuckle. “We both should have to be honest.”
I laughed. “Yeah, we should’ve.”
“Thank you.”
“For what?”
He took his face out of my cheek, kissing me softly. “For loving me. The mess that I am.”
I didn’t argue with it. He was a mess.
And so was I.
“Thank you for loving me. All my broken pieces,” I said, pulling him closer. “And for helping me find my pieces still missing.”
He kissed me again. And again. 
“Broken is not the same as unfixable my dear. And you are wonderful and perfect no matter how many pieces seem to be broken or missing.”
I sealed my mouth over his, breaking away after a few moments of just enjoying how he tasted. Smelled.
“Well Dr. Devorak. I’m here now. With you.”
His eyes lit up with mischief and something more. “Alone…” he said.
I kissed his cheek. “So what are you going to do about it?”
He picked me up, making me let out a small squeal. I wrapped my legs around his waist, clinging to him like ivy. His arms fell back around my waist, squeezing my butt making me laugh. 
With another sweet kiss to my lips he whispered, “I guess we’ll have to see.”
The door to our bedroom clicked as it closed. 
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afandommultiverse · 4 years
One Night Lifetimes - Langris Vaude
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word count - 4k
request - patpatlangit
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warnings - Lime, no actual smut even though it says lemon juice, I'm sorry I got really tired and ended up making this 4k words and didn't have the brainpower or creativity to write smut, demand of abortion 
a/n - of course enjoy, and let me know about any spelling errors please! Again sorry there no team smut❤️
“Hey, Y/n, you’re glowing a bit, you okay?” Looking up from your food you stared at Vanessa questioningly. Her sudden odd question caught the attention of some of the others eating at the table. 
“Oh yeah! Did you do some new kind of body wash, Y/n? You’re shiny!” Asta exclaimed, stuffing his face as he looked at me for an answer, as did everyone else. 
“No… I haven’t changed anything in my schedule- or any of my products.” The only thing different from my life is… I couldn’t be? He wouldn’t be stupid enough… Everyone else continued to talk and speculate before someone finally asked the Captain for his opinion. 
“What do you think, Cap’n?” Yami eyed you up and down, his expression unreadable as he looked at you over his newspaper. Before going back to reading he folded to the next page saying;
“I know a thing or two about glowing women… I’ll call a good mage of mine to come to check you out.” 
“Any change in foods?” 
“Uhm, no not really.” 
“And you said you haven’t changed any bathing products?” 
“No schedule changes?” 
“Well, then I’ll run a quick spell over ya’ and we should know what's wrong with you in a jiffy, Dearie.” The old woman smiled warmly, easing your anxious nerves and buzzing fingers, which played together tirelessly in your lap. The doctor's grimoire opened and the relief of her mana washed through your body, cleansing every cell leaving you with refreshed, rested bones and muscles overworked or exerted from missions with every touch, even the slight nausea you had earlier disappeared. 
“When was the last time you had your monthly cycle, Dearie?” You look at the woman, confused but almost knowing what she was already going to say. Again that nausea was back, along with a new lump in your throat that burned and tightened the muscles around it, pulling painfully on the tear ducts of your eyes. 
“Two- Two months.” Your voice was shaky, wavering weakly in reply. 
“Oh, Dearie,” Reading your face she didn’t know what to say. All she did was hug you and rub your back consolingly as you sat frozen, still breathing and heart. 
Time seemed to blur by after that when you came back to the hideout in your room, Yami and the mage talking outside, they’re murmurs coming through the wooden door taunted your ears. A few moments of silence passed before the door opened to show Yami. He came in as neutral as ever, lighting a cigarette and coming to sit beside you on the bed, which creaked loudly under his weight. 
“Here, Gladys gave me these to give to you.” He handed you a glass bottle of small capsules. You looked at the bottle and read the label ‘Prenatal Supplements,’ yet another sign that what was happening is real. 
“Are you going to keep it?” Yami asked, looking at the wall while blowing out a puff of smoke. 
“I don’t know.” 
“Are you going to tell him?” You snorted weakly. 
“I think that's the only thing I’m sure about at this point.” You fell to the side and laid your head on his shoulder, holding back every tear that had been building up behind your eyes since you got the news. 
“So am I gonna tell Finral he’s going to be an uncle or do you want the honors?” You turned to look up at him, head-snapping so fast you thought you broke it. 
“You knew?” Yami turned to look at you, a grin pulling at his lips, teeth gripping his cigarette in place. 
“Who do you think brought you back that night?” 
“Captain Langris? A visitor is here to see you.” Langris frowned, he wasn’t expecting anyone today, he was supposed to be working on mission assignments and specifically freed up the day due to his lag in work as of late, a certain woman clouding his thoughts. 
“Come in.” He wasn’t prepared for who came through the threshold of his office door. In you walked, legs striding with a confidence you didn’t feel at all, but you could have fooled him, with your head held high you met him head-on at his desk. 
“What can I do for you, Y/n?” His chin came to rest on his pen that he held in front of him with his two hands, watching you with sharp, intrigued eyes, anyone else might have thought he was bored, but he was beyond curious of where this would go. 
“I-” The words were stuck in your throat, a huge knot holding up the words from passing your lips. 
“What is it?” He didn't mean to come off so rude but it was out of instinct, he wasn’t a patient man. 
“W-Well.” Once again the words balled up in your throat, restricting your breathing as your eyes began to water, built-up anxiety and nerves ripping away at your nerves as you began to shake. 
“Well? Get on with it-”
“I'M PREGNANT!” The scream seemed to clear your throat, but the shaking continued, as did the tears burning your eyes, blurring the reaction of Langris, but you didn’t need to see it. 
“Get rid of it.” you blinked, breakdown halted for but a second, a second of clarity where you saw him, terrified and desperate, another blink, calm- angry eyes. You took a step back, disgusted, almost betrayed. You didn’t know what to expect when coming here, but it wasn’t this.
“Y/n wait-” He could see the disgust in your somber eyes, the regret for even coming here. He should've known, his mouth speaking before he even really thought about it, a mistake solely on his part. 
“No, I-I’m sorry to bother you but I need to go.” 
“Y/n no-!” You were just out of reach, just falling from his hand, his stumble almost made him run into the door which you slammed closed on your way out, by the time he opened it, you were already gone. 
Three Years Later 
“Thank you for coming in on such short notice.” Langris was quiet and hushed as spoke to Finral, essentially unnerving him. 
“Langris? Are you okay?” Finral almost offered to get him a glass of water but held back in fear of insulting his younger brother, even after their bettered relationship, Finral still felt there were some lines he still didn’t get to cross.
“Fine, I’m fine. I’ve asked for you because I have a proposition.” 
“A proposition?” Finral watched as Langris pulled out a long piece of paper from his desk, the edges sharp and lined with gold. As Langris laid the paper down slid it toward his older brother, Finral in return, brushing it closer, reading the words written with wide eyes. 
“I-Is this some sort of joke?!” Finral shoved the paper away, glaring at his brother, not finding one of his usual pranks so funny. After everything he’d done, what right does he have to ask this of him- to ask this of you!
“No! Do you have any idea what you said did to her? I’ve seen your lows, Langris, but I didn’t think you would go this far. I thought you had made it clear you didn’t want anything to do with-”
“It was a mistake! Those words were flying out of my mouth before I even had a chance to even think of what I was saying. I know that doesn’t make it any better, but it’s the truth. Y/n doesn’t deserve that, she doesn’t even deserve me, she should have nothing but the best but… well- goddamnit I love her and I’m going to try my damn well hardest to fix what I did!” Finral couldn’t believe it, the tears filling his younger brother's eyes only fueling the shock rippling throughout his senses, freezing him. Langris loved you? Langris didn’t love anyone. 
“How do I know you're not lying, that you’re not just trying to get close to her and Lefric only to kidnap him and sell him huh?” Finral eyes his brother, suspicion ripping at his thoughts, training each opinion and speculation. 
“Lefric? Is that his name?” The smile on Langris’ face was almost unnatural, something Finral hadn’t seen in so long, a genuine smile. 
“Y-Yes.” Langris hummed, leaning back and seeming to drift away in his thoughts, probably his little paradise where he was with you and Lefric, a part of the family you had created, but the sadness clouded his eyes once again, reminded by the reality of which you hate him, and your son, his son, didn’t even know he existed.
“I don’t plan to sell my son, and I don’t plan on deceiving Y/n either, I just want another chance.” Finral sat back and looked at his brother for a long time, and several emotions ran through his eyes and face, sometimes his eyes contradicting the face he was making, and then he was completely unreadable. It was the first time Langris wanted to hear Finral speak. 
“Okay, I’ll bring her- BUT if you so much as making a suspicious glance at her OR Lefric, we are outta there!” Langris almost could hold his joy in, feeling like jumping around and throwing his hands in the air, instead he settled on a face-splitting smile that frightened his older brother. 
“Perfect! Shall we get you ready for your wedding?” 
“MY WHAT?!” 
Sitting in the white chair your blood boiled, simmering under your skin and scorching your veins. What was Finral thinking bringing you here, bringing Lefric here! You had the mind to struggle him in your seat right now if the music hadn’t started playing and everyone stood. Lefric hung off my you as you both turned to watch the bride walk down the aisle. 
Finesse looks gorgeous, draped in a white fabric dripping from her figure in exact seams and hems. Her veil was decorative, lace flowers growing across, she looked like a goddess. Walking toward the steps of her future matrimony, gorgeous lilies in hand, you couldn't help but think if this deity knew about her future husband's bastard child. Everyone sat back down and the priest began, looking over at Finral, you realized why he might have brought you, clutching at his slacks, he couldn’t even look up at the ceremony, eyes burning into his legs. You only slid Lefric onto one hip and grabbed Finral’s hand, squeezing it reassuringly. You were happy to feel a small squeeze back. 
The ceremony blurred as Lefric began moving, playing with your dress and hair, you couldn’t help but play with him too, making sure you were still quiet, but your playtime was halted when a sentence from the priest caught your ear. 
“Is there anyone who objects to this?” The priest turned to the crowd looking for objectors, surprise pulling at his old face when someone did. 
“I do.” The priest pulled back, babbling nothings before spitting out, “I beg your pardon?!”
“I object. I don’t love her and I don’t want this marriage.” Some people in the crowd gasped, some even laughed, others watched on in astound, frozen in their seats. You looked away from the others, catching the sad face of Finesse at the altar, as sad as she was though, the breath of relief was obvious. 
“I wouldn’t want to put Finesse through that.” Confusion wiped at her eyes, some even dotting my face with furrowed brows. Langris turned to look at me, looking as though relieved and elated. His gaze went sideways finding Finral and nodding. The brothers wordlessly switched places, much to your annoyance as you whispered questions to Finral as he walked away. Panic and anxiety bubbled up and your hold on Lefric tightened a little watching as Langris walked closer, his final steps the only thing you heard over the blood rushing your ears. 
“Y/n.” His voice was but a whisper, hesitant and tentative much like a shy child, which coming from Langris, was the least of what you expected. His eyes dropped from you and fell on your son, eyes suddenly ten times brighter. He looked as though he was going to pick Lefric up from me, but he stopped, his arms frozen awkwardly, before stiffly smoothing down his suit. His hand came down to grab my free one before turning back to the priest and saying, 
“You may continue.” The priest looked off to the parents of Langris and Finral, met with angry scowls but nodding heads, so he continued. 
Sitting beside you, he paid you no mind, never once letting go of your hand either. You thought of pulling it away, even moving your wrist a little to pull it away but you stopped. Why you don’t know, maybe it was because his hand was so warm, a warmth you’d been needing for a while. 
“And do you Finral Roulacase take Finesse to be your lawfully wedded wife? To have and to hold till death do you part?”  
“I do.” 
“And do you Finesse Calmreich, take Finral to be your lawfully wedded husband? To have and to hold till death do you part?”  
“I do!” 
“I may now pronounce you as husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride!” 
The reception was loud and joyful food and drinks passed around nobles and spectators mingling together, each going up and their own time to congratulate the married couple. When it came to be your turn, Langris followed you up, practically as attached to your hip as Lefric. 
“Y/n I know I’m horrible but-” 
“Congratulations Finral, I’m glad everything could work out. You two deserve each other.” You watched as Finesse smiled and squeezed at Finral’s hand. Finral smiled as he looked down at the hand clasping his, still not believing that this was truly happening. 
“Thank you, Y/n.” You nodded. 
“Of course.”  you set down your wedding gift to give to them on the table before handing over a second present. 
“So since someone has some explaining to do and you're busy, you get to watch Lefric while Langris does explain this all to me. Sound good? Good?” The end was a bit snippy, but you're already peeved off self sort-of had a right. Langris followed without command and followed you into the first empty room you could find, a simple guest room. You sat on the bed and sighed, staring up at Langis with squinted eyes, skeptical of his motives. 
“You may begin.” 
“I made a deal with Finral that if he brought you to the wedding, he would be marrying Finesse instead of me.” Never one to beat around the bush, Langris answered you with a bored tone, staring at you like he had done nothing wrong like he’d done nothing at all. 
“And what in the hell were you thinking when you did that?” You were pissed, fuse lit and burning down fast, you were ready to explode. 
“I was thinking that I love you and I want to be a family, I want to be a father to Lefric.” It was like a bucket of water had been dropped on you, efficiently washing out the burning fuse. Langris dropped to his knees and looked up at you. 
“Please, give me a chance Y/n. You wouldn’t believe how sorry I am, honest. I didn’t mean to say what I did back then, and I'm so glad you didn’t listen to my foolish ass. Please, Y/n I don’t think I can watch him grow up from the sidelines.” 
“You’ve done well so far,” you muttered, turning away from his pleading eyes which seemed to burn through you , pulling at the heart-strings you had thought you cut off. He looked away with a small sad smile, shaking his head. 
“No, I haven’t. I was there when you had your seventh-month scare, even arranging a better doctor for you. I was there when you were recovering in the hospital after giving birth. I managed to catch glimpses of him at his first birthday party but that was a bit difficult, that boy Asta moves around too much for his good. It was his second birthday, I couldn’t make it, I was sent on an assignment near the kingdom's border, and god- I was so pissed. I don’t think I’d ever seen my men so scared of me.” He stopped coming forward to drop down in front of you. Langris Vaude, on his knees, looking up at you like you were the empress which ruled his life.
“I knew that I couldn’t do it anymore, I couldn’t watch him from the sidelines, I wanted to see him and me… I wanted to see you.” He finished shakily, eyes dropping to the thighs he leveled with, he was sincere, honest, there was nothing much he missed more than you, even if it was only one night, no woman has ever compared to you. Looking up at you now, sharp eyes glaring at him while slowly softening as he pleaded, Langris had never felt more at home then underneath you. He was so close, closer than he’d been in four years, he didn’t even feel his arm moving from his side moving to lay on your thigh, falling in slightly. Langris knew he had you when he spotted the shiver in your back run down your thighs closing them around the fingers that slipped to touch the soft skin of your inner thighs. 
“Langris,” Your voice was stern but it wavered, frailty curving around your words as they fell from lips. “I don’t… I can’t just accept you into my life this is gonna take a lot of time. You hurt me Langris, scared me.” Your head pulled at his own, curling it up in your CV hands. 
“But I can meet you halfway, as long as you promise to do the same.” Langris felt his breath stop, looking up at you he felt like crying, he felt like screaming in joy but he settled on smiling up at you, tears welling in his eyes slowly, making his eyes shine in the lowly lit room. 
“Thank you,” He whispered, “thank you, thank you, thank you.” 
Six Months Later
Langris met halfway, if not more which swept you off your feet more than anything, the second Langris met Lefric he had been nothing less than a loving father, spending time with him as much as he could and even taking him out, of course only with you or Finral’s presence. If Lefric became upset, Langris was there to ask him what’s wrong and comfort him before a cry even left his lips. Family dinner became a thing every Wednesday, usually held at the Black Bulls hideout but the times where you ate with Golden Dawn commanders sometimes evening the Captain coming to join, those nights were filled with just as rich food and laughter. 
Then there were the dates, the nights Finral and Finesse took care of Lefric and left you and Langris to go out and eat, filled with flirty gestures and hearty chuckles. As much as he cared for Lefric, Langris equally cared for you, checking on you when you seemed stressed, coming to see you after coming back from a mission, even occasionally going shopping with you for small things or groceries because he wanted to be near you. With Langris as Vice-Captain and you being a guild member yourself, it was hard and there were some disagreements, old Langris even coming out a few times but he never failed to apologize, and neither did you if you were wrong, you both couldn’t afford to be petty, if he- if you both wanted this work, then you had to think about Lefric as well.
Six months doesn’t feel like much, but as you break down every moment, every decision, every soft minute, each building juncture in your budding relationship, you wouldn’t give it up for anything. To you, Langris had long proven himself and you were tired of waiting for the right time to thank him and forgive him. 
“Are you ready?” You snapped out of the recollection of events, met with the questioning eyes of a certain Vice Captain, holding his hand out for you, ready to take you home after a refined night out at some highly rated nobility restaurant. The food had been great and the wine was sweet, heavy on your tongue and you never found your mouth closed, conversation buzzing the entire night, carrying with the wind that softly blew around you both. You had come as the sun was setting, dining and watching the sunset but as the dinner went on the sun long faded and the dark sky filled your desert with stars and a chill that ran up and down your spine, dressed a little too thin. 
“Hmm? Oh yeah, sorry.” You move to get up, pushing your chair back in before taking Langris’ hand letting him lead you out, opening every door for you and letting you through first making you feel like royalty. He walked toward a carriage waiting for you both but you waved off the driver and pulled Langris back. 
“Walk with me.” He looked stunned, almost pulling back from you before catching up, walking beside you and still looking questioning. Walking for minutes on end, Langris didn’t know where you were going, but he didn’t mind, he would follow you anywhere. It was when you shivered lightly while the harsh wind blew between you, shaking the trees around you, making the leaves swish a blow in an airy sound, did Langris speak. 
“Maybe we should head back soon, it’s getting pretty cold.” He didn’t ask but he didn't pull you away either instead continuing to follow as you pulled him to a little inn. You walked in and straight to the desk lady asking for one room, pulling out your own money before Langris could think of reaching for his, he was annoyed with that and rolled his eyes averting himself from you for a bit before walking with you again when you handed the key. 
“What about Lefric?” 
“He’s with Finral and Finesse tonight.” 
“Yeah, but Finral’s is an idi- ahem! Finral is... Finral.” He settled, taking the key from your hands gently and pulling up next to your room, unlocking the door and letting you in. 
“Finral is very much capable of taking care of Lefric and if not he has Finesse! They’ll be fine, they always are, and if they aren’t, they know just how to get a hold of us.” You spoke, slipping off your thin coat and beginning to drop useless jewelry onto the side table. You stopped for a second turning to find Langris in the door staring at the room, analyzing every inch meticulously. “What?” 
“What are we doing here?” He looked back over to you, suddenly you noticed the way he gripped the key, his eyes falling down your figure while you took your time to answer. Slowly you walked from the bedside table and sat on the bed taking off your heels promptly, and sitting back in the bed looking at Langris with just as much yearning as he did you. 
“I think I’ve left you waiting long enough,” You unclipped your dress from your back and shrugged it down, bunching it at your hips halting as you looked back up at him. Watching his face fall, eyes widen and devouring every inch of naked skin they could scour, falling on your bare breast with a shuddering breath. “don’t you think?” 
The door was slammed shut, you almost feared he broke the door frame almost waiting for the door to just swing back open but it held. Langris was on you in a second and suddenly you found yourself on your back, hands pulling your dress down your legs hastily. He pulled back taking a shuddering breath as he looked at you, watching you slide your legs open waiting for him to do something, anything. Becoming a little bashful with his long stare, your legs began to droop, almost falling closed but he caught them. 
“Don’t cover yourself, Honey, it’s been so long.” His voice ending in a high whine as he slipped onto the bed, arms wrapping under your legs to set them on his lithe shoulders. Langris turned to look back up at me finding my eyes. 
“Can I touch you?” you didn’t hesitate. 
“Please!” and neither did he.
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