#I hate the Hylian language I HATE IT
linkbetweenlinksau · 11 months
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The last bit of heroes! They have shorter character explanations idk why lol.
Do not tag as LU please
Here’s the first one
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hylianengineer · 2 months
The stupid streaming service website has decided that I am forbidden from watching Ted Lasso, specifically. I have tried six times and every time there is some sort of critical error. Usually it just freezes but on one memorable occasion everything was in French and it wouldn't let me change the language preferences.
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tw1l1te · 6 months
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓲𝓷 𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓬𝓪𝓷𝓸𝓷𝓼- 𝖕𝖆𝖗𝖙 3
Part 3! We finally get to Wars, Sky, and Wind! WIND IS PLATONIC ONLY DON'T BE GROSS
Warnings: possible suggestive themes (AGAIN NOT FOR WIND), angst, mental health topics, scars/wounds
21-22 years old, one of the captain's of the Hylian Army. Zelda offered him a higher rank (general I'm assuming) and a position on the Hylian Council, but he refused almost right away.
Pretty tall, an inch above Twilight, but still shorter than Time
Blonde hair, shaggy but in a fashionable way. Idk y'all, he makes it work
Leaner muscle, double pierced lobes, wears chain linked earrings when at fromal events but usually sticks to his signature blue hoops
Can't read Hylian that well, but can understand/speak several languages, such as Twili (Twi is kinda jealous)
The strategist of the group. He was always under a time limit during the war, so he knows how to handle a tricky situation quickly and efficiently most of the time
Went to school in his developmental years, though was recruited at around 14-15 because he was way better in the fighting field than in academics. It worked out for him though, so he's not complaining.
As much as he cares about appearance and fighting for his country, he hates balls/formal events. The fake interactions and smiles make him sweat and he usually leaves an hour into them. He'll suck it up if you're there with him though
Closest to Time, Wild and Legend ironically enough. Wild and himself can relate on the aspect of being in the Hylian army, and they typically talk about how their experience was. Legend and him mostly bicker, but its all fun n' games. Time and Wars are essentially the higher-ups, though nobody actually says that, its just been silently established.
Super wary of Y/n, especially with his expriences with other dimensions and eras. He was honestly convinced you were part of Cia's plan or the shadow, since your timing seemed a little convenient, but you've gained his trust little by little, maybe a little too much.
Unlike his usual demeanor with women, he doesn't outwardly flirt with our protagonist. Yes, he throws a few quips here and there when appropriate, but he respects Y/n. He doesn't see them as everyone else. He has them on a pedestal towering over everyone
Has scars from the war, duh. He was mostly up close in the front lines, so a lot of slashes and nicks. Has a pretty bad burn on his left arm from Volga's fire, it's healed but still pretty scarred on his skin.
20-21 years old, the "Chosen One".
Average height, light freckles across his face and shoulders, he was living right under the sun, you can't tell me he doesn't have freckles!!
Also... sleeper build. I said it. He has a sleeper build and boy when Y/n first sees him shirtless?? AWOOGA-
I headcanon him as having a gigantic triforce insignia tattoo all over his upper back. It was part of his ceremonial return, more on that later.
Suprisingly very school smart for falling asleep in class all the time. Sun was and still is very jealous of his natural smarts.
Has his lobes pierced, wears small red hoops. He wants to get more stacked piercings, a loftwing feather to match with Y/n in the future, who knows?
Doesn't have the biggest sweetest tooth, but he does love pastires of almost any kind. Pumpkin ones are his favorites, though Y/n's cinnamon rolls are quickly climbing up the ladder.
One of the most conflicted about Hylia and the whole "following the goddess" thing. He s=has insomnia because of it, causes him a lot of anxiety.
He was very depressed after his journey was finished, as he didn't identify as anything else besides a hero, and since his purpose was completed, he was nobody.
Struggled a lot with isolation and self-deprecation right up until joining the Chain. He still struggles with it, despite it being years later.
After meeting you and learning about your similar struggles of identity and burden's of mental health, he felt so much less lonely. Sure the Chain were his brothers and they knew what he had been through, you really understood him. You went through the same thing, you knew what it felt like.
Close to Hyrule and Four, but probably most attached to Y/n, even before the romantic feelings set in. He's got a big heart.
Biggest sleepyhead. Will sleep almost anywhere, especially if he's exhausted.
Hobbies include woodworking and playing his harp, but recently took up making a piece of jewelry for Y/n. He's been working on it for months, adventuring prevents him from working on it too long. He wants to give it to you during the winter festival, when you're all his.
little shit
I would say I'm kidding, but he is :3
around 13 I wanna say, it's only been about a year since his adventure.
Short, duh, but his growth spurt is kicking in. He's catching up to Y/n, and you are not excited to be the shortest in a few years.
Sandy blonde hair, a bit wavy. Somehow always has a tiny bit of sand in it, no matter how many times he washes his hair.
If you think Twi or Hyrule had the biggest sweet tooth? HELL NO
If Wind ever found out about energy drinks or soda/pop, we're done for
Not the best in terms of speaking and reading Hylian, though being a pirate has helped him develop his own colorful vocabulary
Very skilled with up close combat, though the others hardly ever let him be on the front offensive
Similar to Wild, likes taking pics of anything (mostly weird faces that the others make)
Y/n and him clicked INSTANTLY. He might've not trusted them immediately, but they were best friends super fast. Wind has helped you get through homesickness by tellng you his own stories about his home.
"Captain" of Tetra's ship, or that's what he believes
Everyone knows Tetra's in charge though
Struggles a bit with alcoholism, being a pirate and all kinda leads you to be reliant on alcohol. The boys are trying to help him with it, but its the main coping skills he uses when after a high stress situation or he's feeling lost mentally.
Everyone sees him as a little brother, despite how much of a little shit he is >:3c
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monpalace · 2 years
Twilight is an attentive lover, but he's most used to the affections shared between couples in Ordon— whether he's with the other Links or not. He's always willing to change something he's doing for his significant other so long as it's within his moral values.
Dates are strange if you can excuse his dislike for sitting in fancy restaurants and being crowded around others. He prefers going on walks in towns or (preferably) a forest due to his more rural upbringing.
He prefers using nicknames as opposed to his significant other's name. Doll, sweetheart, and beau are some of his favorites, but he has a much more expansive list. On the off chance he does use their real name, it's likely to call their attention or show his displeasure.
Between being a rancher, the (one of) Goddesses’ Chosen Hero(es), entertaining Ordon’s children, and trekking throughout all eras of Hyrule; Twilight has quite a busy schedule.
The most downtime he has is between past sundown and a few hours before sunup. He knows his significant other might not have the same schedule as him, so he always offers to bring them along with him. He rarely asks them to assist in anything he has to do, not wanting them to get their hands dirty regardless of if they do similar work.
Twilight is just like his (great?) grandfather in terms of being a gentleman. He'll open doors, offer his hand when getting off something or over puddles, and stand behind them when going up stairs regardless of if they're bigger or smaller than him.
Unlike a few other Links, Twilight is the type of lover to walk on the side of the road where all the horses and carriages are, gently pulling his significant other to the side where the danger isn't.
(Wind and Wild are the types to pull someone into the middle of the road with them while traffic is high.)
Twilight isn't the best gift giver and it's a fact he's very aware of. He prefers acts of service, quality time, and physical touch when it comes to giving his significant other a love language. In return, he doesn't quite care which one he receives given his lack of experience in relationships, though any of them are enough to make him flustered.
He loves public displays of affection when he's around the other Links or anyone from Ordon— the issue comes up when it's around anyone with a noble background. He knows he saved his Hyrule, but royalty always makes him nervous. An easy workaround for him is to completely avoid any event he's invited to, but he's easily persuaded into joining.
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You can feel Twilight's hands become clammy beneath the gloves he wore. He tries to inconspicuously wipe them off on his button-up, the lace of the collar and the way your arm looped through his made it look more awkward than he intended.
I hate this, he signs as his tongue darts out to wet his lips. I don't know why you talked me into this.
Ignoring his words, you fix the tie that lay between the lace, eyes just barely sliding over the nobility of Hyrule that surrounded you. “Relax,” you respond in a hushed whisper, placing a hand on his rigid back, “they're Hylians, not Bokoblins. They won't eat you.”
Almost against his will, Twilight’s spine begins to curve when you pull away. The arm that held onto his moves to instead grab hold of his hold, pulling him through the conversing crowd to one of the less populated hallways.
The air was less suffocating to him, thankfully, but his muscles still ached from his stiffness.
Twilight has to clear his throat to remove the wavering feeling from it. “You don't think they’ll talk?” His voice was low, almost a murmur of fear. “Do I look fine? Do you think they think I look fine? Is my—”
You shush him by placing a hand on the nape of his neck, carefully minding his slicked hair, and pulling him closer so he could be level. “They don't care,” you hum. You press a kiss to his cheek, ignoring how he chases after you pull away. “They really don't,” you reiterate, “just calm down and act somewhat natural.”
“Do we have to go back?”
Twilight's mood quickly dampens once more.
(So much for the Hero of Courage.)
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tashacee · 2 months
Do you have headcanons for the Ancient Hero?
Mine are that:
he’s Rauru and Sonia’s adopted son. He is the son of a Zonai woman and the Hylian son of a Gerudo (which are more commonly then Gerudo voes). Basically he’s half Zonai, 1/4 Hylian, and 1/4 Gerudo. He gets his red hair from his grandma.
As a kitten he accidentally tore off Ganondorf’s nipple. How? Rauru was trying to give Ancient a bath but didn’t notice that he had attached himself to Ganondorf’s nipple ring, at least not until Ganondorf was screaming in pain. Thankfully Zonai technology reattached his nipple and the ring.
Zonai have two names, one in animalistic growls and grunts and the other in Hylain when they’re older and have a grasp of the language. Ancient never got his Hylian until he was in his teens and it was Link. He hated it because of the fact it was chosen due to the Triforce marking he had.
Ancient saw Zelda (Flora) turn into the Light Dragon. He was only a kitten then but he wanted to help her one day return her to normal
During the first battle against Calamity Ganon, Ancient’s back got broken and this caused Calamity to sealed rather than destroyed. Zonai and Sheikah technology helped him walk again.
Ancient is very intelligent and helped create the Guardians and other ancient tech we see in Wild’s time. I got this headcanon from @ninma
He will steal anything shiny. He created the Sheikah Slate so he can store his shiny things after he filled all of his hiding spots.
I hope you enjoy theses. I also to see more Baby Ancient soon. Your art of him is so adorable.
THIS IS SO CUTE AND COOL! I'd love to see more of your Ancient Hero.
I'm gonna talk about Baby Aspect for this because if I talk about the one in Aspects I'll get into spoilers territory lmao
His parents are both Hylian/Zonai hybrids and in his era this is very common, so he's used to seeing a bunch of people who look like him
that said, he's seven, so he just doesn't question things like appearance. Are they friend-shaped? He will befriend them.
Yes, this includes unsuspecting monsters. He is very cute and catches them all off guard.
He speaks fluent Hylian as well as growl-purr-cat-language. Some of the older generations couldn't, but it's become the norm for everyone to be at least bi-lingual
When he meows it's the cutest damn thing you ever heard
He was born a few years after Flora became the Light Dragon, and she's already been mythologised by his time.
He doesn't have all of the tattoos/markings that he will when fully grown, but he does have them on his face. It's a painless and joyful ceremony that welcomes a child into the wider community and marks them with their family design, and it's really lovely. He's super proud of them and can't wait to get older and earn more.
His parents won't let him get his ears pierced until he's 12 and he's SO MAD
He loves fish so much. Especially cut into strips. And fried. In breadcrumbs. Fish fingers, he loves fish fingers.
Extremely susceptible to cuddles. Will fall asleep in your arms. Also purrs in his sleep. Extremely sweet. Actual bby.
Also oooooooooh you want more Baby art? Ask and thou shalt receive, watch this space!
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snarky-art · 2 years
I love theory videos about Zelda stuff but man I really hate a lot of them when they talk about the Zonai. So often they use weighted language such as “primitive” and “less” and terms that we’re really trying to move away from in anthropology and art history since it just isn’t accurate to the way a lot of civilizations were and 9/10 times places the area of comparison on European and Anglo-sphere structures as the main point of reference. There’s also the idea that “progress” and “advancement” is strictly linear, which just isn’t the case.
The fields that are used in academia for these areas of study were founded by white men in Europe using eugenics or the ideology that would go on to be the basis of eugenics as a reference point. It’s based in highly problematic (to say the least) structures and we’re working on deconstructing that.
I just wish more people who aren’t as familiar with these fields knew that so I could better enjoy the videos and so the videos themself could actually have things of substance instead of a misplaced idea of “less tech like what the Hylian’s and Shiekah used means they were dumber and less advanced” when if we’re going to use our understanding of the current field of study, it just means they most likely just had different priorities and also just because the structures we’re looking at are made of stone instead of metals doesn’t mean they’re less “advanced”
Media and its relation to our reality and society is cyclical and the reinforcement of those ideas to a larger audience who doesn’t know better is harmful for real world reasons and also isn’t a viable way of analyzing things even if it’s “just a video game,” even if that is the way Nintendo intended it since they have a huge imperialist past that’s still ingrained in their culture to this day and is reenforced by the same things I’m critiquing in this post.
I dunno I’m just tired lol
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durudurururu · 7 months
LU HCs since everyone is doing that today
Likes drawing but rarely does it infront of others since it looks like a 6 year old did it. Malon has hung some of his drawings in their room.
Wars also has some from the war!
Has a speech impedent, but not very noticeable now since he has it mostly under control.
Can read but isn't that good at it. Tries to hide it since he finds it emberassing.
Honestly better at reading Warriors' Hylian than his own (Wars, Artemis, and Impa taught him)
Would be a vegan if he could.
Loves sugar. His teeth were bad before Malon got his diet under control.
Believes in superstituions and hates ghost stories since they always keep him up at night.
Counts everything in threes.
He and Linkle are twins. Linkle is older by like, 2 seconds.
Grew up in a form, still hates cuckoos.
Biromantic Asexual.
Really wants to show off all his weird weapons but had never gotten the chance to.
Almost lost his voice due to a cut Via made on his neck. When it hurts he just used sign.
Makeup queen.
Gay. Married to Ravio.
Prince. Zelda is older than him by a few years.
Has a VERY posh accent that he hides. Got bullied for it for 3 days straight when they found out.
Knows way too many instruments.
Lived with his uncle because of assasination and kidnapping attempts.
Loves dancing but never had time to do it.
Knows how to speak Hylian (duh), Labrynnian/Holodrummien(?), Lorulen, and Hytopian.
Knows how to read ancient Hylian (Time's language).
Loves messing with the others with his items.
Half Sheikah (mum Sheikah dad Hylian).
Roots are white NOT because he is Sheikah, but because they naturally lost their melanin (I think that's what it's called) when in the shrine.
Dyed hair.
Hates being underwater.
Really wishes he had some of the items the others had.
Can still summon the sages at will, but doesn't want to scare the others.
Even more scars from gloom damage.
History and cooking teacher at the school in Hateno. Has lessons later in the day for any adults or travelers that want to learn.
May make more for the others, but we'll see...
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christian-zelda · 3 months
Why do people who claim to hate bigotry, act like such bigots?
This is how it started: so an anonyms had posted an ask about how OP headcannoning Warriors to be asexual was going against what Jojo had stated as canon. As you can see, @fire-the-hylian commented, saying: "Imagine saying "females" instead of women and expecting anyone to take you seriously. Anon is definitely from the conservative LU server." I responded to this by simply saying "You say "conservative" like it's a bad thing." This is when things escalated, very quickly.
fire-the-hylian responded to my comment by saying this: "It is babygirl. I had sloppy sex with ur mom last night btw." ?! I was shocked that saying one simple thing would cause such a reaction. Also @fire-the-hylian, you should've noticed that I never said I agreed with anon. I merely made a comment.
After this, OP, @that-g3-artist, responded to my comment also, by saying "That's because it is! If you have an issue with that, kindly get the fuck off my blog <3" Then, before I could even say whether or not I had a problem with it, OP blocked me. They didn't even give a chance to respond.
I'm not posting this for you guys to go and hate on @that-g3-artist or @fire-the-hylian. I made this post because A. I wanted to make you guys aware of the hypocrisy of left wing, woke people, who claim to be all about love and acceptation. and B. I just needed to vent.
And for those of you who will no doubt come here and say things about how @that-g3-artist and @fire-the-hylian aren't bigots, this is the official definition of a bigot from Oxford Languages: "a person who is obstinately or unreasonably attached to a belief, opinion, or faction, especially one who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group." Simply look up "bigot definition", and that will be the first option to come up.
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dragonridernoobie · 2 months
Is it okay to request for LoZ where Gannon sees human nomads
( let's say Humans are near extinction due to lack of magic but also fear from other races due to literally absorbed anything magical but unaware of it )
And he fell in love with a human scientist who give him medicine that cure few illness that plage his home, but tragic the humans all killed by the Hylians soldiers making turn evil as he hold his love as she tells him she loves him
Hc pls
A legend of zelda reqest??? My first one???? Yes, please!!!!! 🥹🥹🥹 also, I'm going off the breath of the wild world. Since it makes the most sense and easier to lay out for the story. I had a bit of fun making this XD
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Ganondorf X Human Reader
Ganondorf was on his way to the castle of hyrule. He hated the fact that those Hylians took his land, but he had to face the fact they were here if it meant keeping his people alive.
They finally left the desert and were now in the rocky land. Alot cooler. During their low travel, they come across the same bridge they always pass every tike they come through here.
So they pass over it with no problem, intel the bridge started to crack and brake. Ganondorf pushed his gaurds away before it fully broke. ganondorf and his horse to fell in the river below.
His gaurds yelled out to him but saw he was not there. He was swept with the river. So his guards follow the river, in hopes of finding their king.
Ganondorf wakes up with the harsh light shining on him. He used his hand to block out the light while sitting up. He noticed right away that his torso was bandaged up. When he looks around to see who did it, he saw somome with his horse.
(Fun fact, it's actually a female horse, and its name is Phantom)
It was surprised since Phantom never let anyone near, only him. When she noticed Ganondorf was awake, she comes over. The person watching.
Ganondorf stands and sees Phantom was also bandaged up. He turns to the figure, expecting it to be a Hylian, was surpised by ehat was looking at him.
It wasn't a hylian. He had never seen that species before. He takes a step forward and bows down in on one knee. He says that he is great full for saving and helping him and his horse and he is entirely in her debt.
When he tried to stand, he got a sharp pain in his side and struggled. The person cokes over and spoke in a language he never heard before.
They lead him on a path and soon into a small hidden village. There, that's where he sees more of this strange species.
The person who was helping him led him into a building and played him on a bed. It was the most comfortable bed he ever felt, too.
He watches them grab some herbs and spices he never seen before and mashed them up. Making it into a paste.
After making the paste, they came over and unwrapped his bandages. He watches how they applied the paste and it hurt, only for a second thought.
He watches amazed how he dose not feel any more pain in that area. Nothing in hyrul works this fast or this good.
He tried to ask them what this was, but they did not understand. They made a hand motion, asking if they where hungry.
When he nodded, they left and returned with food he had never seen before. When he tried it, it was extremely delicious.
Because of his injury, he had to stay with them for a few weeks but that helped him understand this species. Especially the person who helped them.
He found out their name was (Y/N). She had explained to them that they were human normads. An ancient species that is the ancestors of all hylian people. They told Ganon that they were in hiding because there is bearly any of them left and they couldn't absorb magic like how the land or people could.
So they lived their life in secret, keeping themselves hidden from the world. They helped Ganon since they never seen a species like him and he was injured.
He explained to them in their tongue (since he was quick to learn new things) that he was a rare Gerudo male and he was the king of his land.
(Y/N) looked surprised and told him they could help him back to his land. He is thankfully and told them that that was OK.
So, when he was finally healed, they got on his horse while they got on their horse, which he finds qierd looking.
And followed him back to his land. On the way, he met his gaurds that were still looking for him. He shows them (Y/N) and tells them they helped him and most likely saved him and his horse.
The gaurds where amazed by (Y/N)'s looks but nod. They go all the way back to Gerudo town and they welcome (Y/N).
While there time in Gerudo town, they already helped ganondorfs people.
They were able to cure diseases they tought where not able to be cured.
They showed him and his people how to get water from the most unlikely of places.
Also foods that they would never find to.
They showed them how to cook meals, how to cook them, and how to breed foods.
All of this was welcomed by the Gerudos since it helped them become healthy and grow.
It was perfect.
Almost 5 years have passed and Gerudo town is the most healthy town in hyrule.
Ganondorf has fallen for (Y/N), and (Y/N) has fallen for ganondorf.
Ganondorf would come to their hometown often to help their people since they can't deal with magical creatures.
It was perfect but all good things must come to a end.
Ganondorf was on his way to see (Y/N) and their town when he sees smoke.
He rode faster then ever before and what met him scared him to his core.
The town was in flames and ruin. Dead humans all around.
Not just dead humans, dead hyilans to.
Ganondorf was furious. These humans just wanted to live alone, and the hyilans killed then.
He runs to (Y/N)s house and finds her laying on the ground.
When he held her she was besrly alive.
(Y/N) looked at him and smiled. She rested her hand on his cheeks.
"I don't blame you so don't feel guilty....I love you."
Ganondorf held (Y/N) as she passed on.
He was so furious.
He buried every human in the village in a saculed place in the desert.
So they will be remembered.
He is gonna make the hyilans pay.
I hope you love it! I really tried my best and I went off by the stuff I learned about ganondorf from my time of having a massive crush on him (and I still do) so I hope you love it!!!!!
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ladyrijus · 6 months
i need more interactions between botw link and the gerudo like. riju and him go sand surfing every second weekend of the month and it's a whole thing for the town because that's their chief vs their favorite token hylian vai and no matter who wins, everyone's having a great time. or sometimes isha sends link home with more hydromelons than his sheikah slate can carry because in a land of scarcity, giving gifts is the language the gerudo choose to love in. and don't get me started on buliara who definitely has a rivalry thing going on with him based on who can protect riju the best; from a distance it looks like they hate each other, but really they would fight for each other as comrades. funnily enough, neither of them end up "doing better" at protecting riju — in the midst of their attempts to defend her from a molduga, she ends up electrocuting it three times on her own. and all link can feel is this vague sense of deja vu, like he's seen this display of raw power before.
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transskywardsword · 1 year
ive been in a four sword mood so have a little drabble with vio and shadow. could be read as romantic or platonic, up to the reader
Vaati’s palace was cold. Being half-tied to the dark world meant the constant chill of death drafted through every corridor, and Vio hated it. He hated every drafty room and every freezing corridor, hated the never-ending gooseflesh on his arms-- hated the absence of warmth from the other pieces of him. He'd never been cold beside Green, Blue, and Red, not really, constantly warmed by Red's smile and Blue's humor and Green's bright eyes. But they were gone, and Vio was alone.
It would all be worth it, Vio reminded himself as he leaned against the balcony's edge. A mighty windstorm ravished the ground far below, pulling at Vio’s hair. It would all be worth it; he'd destroy the Dark Mirror, stripping Vaati of his power, and then he could reunite with the Links. Reunite, and apologize. The plan was perfect, even if it left his heart aching.
Vio jumped at the voice, hand going to his sword hilt, but it was just Shadow. For a boy who thrived on theatrics and chaos, Shadow always moved silently, slipping in and out of darkness and slinking into the edge of one's vision completely undetected. It was more than a little terrifying to think of just what Shadow could do with such a skill. Instead, Shadow held out a dark purple cloak to Vio. He shook the cloak in Vio’s face.
“Take it. Watching you shiver is making me cold.”
Gingerly, Vio took it, running his hands along the soft satin.
“I, uh, thought it would match,” Shadow said, and the almost hidden uncertainty in his voice made Vio smile.
“Thank you. It’s very warm,” Vio said, pulling it over his shoulders. Shadow shrugged.
“It’s whatever,” he said, stretching his arms above him, “no biggie.” Vio’s insides warmed a bit at the brightness in Shadow’s voice; Shadow often tried to hide his true feelings behind grandiose actions and brash language, but with Vio... with him, the kid always seemed brighter, softer. More human.
"I didn't think you'd be able to feel the cold," Vio said, burying deeper into the satin as a particularly strong gust of wind blew across the balcony.
"Oh, I can't," Shadow said matter of factly. "Just like ta pretend."
That was what intrigued Vio most about the creature beside him. Despite existing purely because of dark magic and being about as close to a living Hylian as, well, a shadow was to the sun, Shadow seemed determined to live. Despite his fangs, his waxy dead skin, his hollow eyes, Shadow seemed determined to be a person, forcing himself to eat, enduring burning sunlight for morning walks with Vio, even spending hours each night staring at the ceiling of his room, trying his hardest to will himself to sleep.
"Here." Vio held up a corner of the cloak and gestured for Shadow to come closer. "Now you can pretend to be warm."
Shadow blinked and Vio gave him a reassuring smile. Slowly, the creature sidled up against Vio's side, tucking his chin on Vio's shoulder and holding the cloak tightly closed around them.
"Better?" Shadow said, his breath tickling Vio's ear. Suddenly, Vio's voice was gone. He was going to kill Shadow. Destroying the Dark Mirror would most certainly take Shadow with it, Shadow and his drawl and his gifts and his desperate, desperate need to live. Vio knew this. He knew the plan from day one. But with Shadow so close, his temperature-less hands on Vio's, the thought was excruciating. Much to his embarrassment, Vio felt his eyes go wet, Shadow's face blurring with the beginning of tears.
"Hey, hey, I'm sorry. I know my skin is creepy, I'll-- I'll go, you probably don't want to waste time with me and--"
"Stay," Vio croaked, holding fast to Shadow's wrist. "Please. I don't want to be alone."
Shadow pressed closer. "You ain't alone. You've got me." He brushed a strand of blond hair behind Vio's ear. "Is this about the other Links? You don't need them. You and I, we got each other. We don't need other Links, or Vaati, or Ganon, we got what we need right here."
Vio shifted, pulling Shadow closer to him and imagining that somehow he could feel the boy's warmth, could hear his heartbeat, could feel the expansion of his chest.
"Want to know a secret?" Shadow whispered. "I'm gonna usurp Vaati and take control of the mirror. You and I-- we'll be in charge. We'll create a Hyrule we deserve. With the mirror, we'll be invincible. Just you and me, Shadow and Vio, against the world. Doesn't that sound amazing?"
"Like a dream," Vio whispered. Shadow laughed.
"Better than a dream. Because we're gonna make it real."
Vio squeezed his eyes shut. All he saw was broken glass and a broken body that looked just like his.
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bokettochild · 11 months
u seem like the perfect person to ask
but I need to know if you've got any Scottish or Irish headcanons about the boys
you out of all people seem like the one to have em, just based on vibes
I hear bagpipes playing for some reason.....
Yes! As a proud descendant of the Stewart line and an partially Irish family, I very much have some Scottish headcannons for the boys! Granted, I didn't get a lot of cultural education from my parents because ✨american military family✨ but yeah.
Warriors in my fics is actually the Hylian equivalent of Scottish! It's not super apparent because he tends to hide his heritage and mask his accent (on account of maintaining the respect of his men who, like many hylians, are pretty racist), but he and his sisters are all very Scottish. Heavy accent, lots of pride, absolutely overflowing with the stories and fairy-tales and heroes that they adore, but they rarely speak of any of it in front of those outside of their culture. I tend to headcannon they lived in the North of Hyrule before, but moved to the capital in hopes of finding better work and maybe improving their standard of living, which happened when Warriors joined the army. They miss the Hebra countryside though.
Do you want to know how many times I've almost drawn our captain in a kilt? The answer is probably the same as how often guys think of the roman empire. The only reason I haven't done it before is because I hate drawing legs (I might do it anyways though, for reasons) and my experience in kilt drawing reminds me that, oh yeah, TARTAN is tricky to draw too. (So many variations and patterns, and what tartan would I even put him in? My dad's? My mother's? My mom's might be appropriate because the Black Watch sort of suits a knight, but also I don't think his family would have that one?)
Yes though, Warriors is just straight up Scottish!
As for the others, I like to think that the fairies and those of the Kolkiri forest tended to also have something of an Irish accent, and are sort of like the fae of Celtic legend in some ways. So, whenever I write Time speaking the fae tongue it's literally just Irish-Gaelic from one translation service or another (I suck at learning languages so yeah...) So yeah, Hyrule and Time have some influence from the culture. They don't have it as fully as Warriors though, so it's kinda annoying because he speaks their mother tongue better than them and despite not being fae or fae adjacent, he is incredibly informed about it all?!?!?!?!
Proxi adores this. Mask kinda hated it, but it also made him feel more at home because Warriors was the first person since Saria to speak to him in his own language.
I've been tempted to throw out a fic where the boys actually meet Warriors' family (sisters and mother) but accents are not my strong suit in writing and the idea of writing eight people with heavy accents is...daunting. I need to get my hands on some George MacDonald again if I want to do that, so I can tune myself in properly (if you enjoy stories set in Old Scotland please read his work, I love him! The Fisherman's Lady and The Highlander's Last Song are two of my favorites!)
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thezoraprince · 2 years
Profanity - Sidon x reader
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“okay, so this is prolly gonna be a lil long, but bare with me. its very heavily implied in game that almost every race has their own language, but most of them know how to speak the hylian tounge on top of their native one. the geurdo are a good example, as well as how sidon thanks link for calming ruta.
now, i dunno about you but whenever im learning a new language, not once as anyone ever told me how to swear in it. ( unfortunately.. ) so its safe to assume that sidon knows how to curse in his language - though i doubt he does considering its rather unbecoming, at least in the eyes of the council - but he would have 0 idea what his sweetheart is talking about if they every curse. and i think thats a little funny.
personally, i can be a bit of a potty mouth. never disrespectfully, i know my times and my place but my oh my if i stub my toe for example.. shits goin down and its goin down very dramaticly. ( i got suspended one time for this very thing actually.. it was pretty funny. )
my point is! i like cultural, biological, and language based differences and this would prolly be something funny you could mess with. ( depending on your thoughts towards cursing. ik some people hate it. )
it just makes me giggle. you dont even have to do it honestly, i just needed someone to hear this because its so true and nobody i ever talk to wants to be a hyperfixated nerd with me. >:(
👀 BUT IF YOU DID DO IT 💪🏻🦈” - @millie-berra��
this is hilarious! unfortunately being in the us, languages aren’t really a focus here, and i do wish i had studied more in school. HOWEVER!!! when i have tried to learn, that’s one of the first things i’ve done. also, i feel as if Sidon wouldn’t really know what profanity is in his own language meant in all honesty. i mean, he may, but being in they Zora Royal Family, i would assume that most would watch their language around him and other members.
i hope you enjoy!!! <333
y/n - your name
tw: profanity (obviously)
it was a bright, sunny afternoon
you and sidon were seated on the hillside above veiled falls
the both of you were FINALLY getting some much needed free time together
as he’d been running errands for what seemed like hours
and you
you’d been doing whatever you do when Sidon’s away
as your free time was coming to an end, you began your journey back down to the domain
and somehow you managed to stub your toe HARD on a rock
Sidon’s eyes grew wide
but not in a ‘don’t say that’ sort of way
more in confusion and curiosity 
“Are you alright, y/n?”
“Sorry, that just REALLY fucking hurt!”
he’s more than happy to carry you the rest of the way
he has some questions
“I hate to ask this, because I should know, but… what was that word?”
and you’re silent
“Because I’ve never heard it before. I’m sure it’s a not-so-used word in the Hylian language, and that’s probably why I haven’t heard it. What does it mean?”
you purse your lips together
“Umm… It’s not a very nice word.”
“What do you mean?”
and then you whisper
“It’s profanity…”
his face lights up
and then his expression quickly changes
“Oh… that explains why.”
“I apologize, Sidon. I really do.”
“No need to, y/n. It was a moment of agony, I’m sure. But… does that word mean you’re in pain?”
“No, it can have several different meanings.”
“Like what?”
you sigh
“I’ll explain later. It’s uhh… probably not what you’d expect.”
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aromanticannibal · 1 year
BOTW Link headcanons
[no TOTK spoilers! but when I finish the game it's over for you bitches (update I finished the game but still not spoiling here lmao)]
I think Link isn't mute but definitely dislikes speaking, so he only speaks when he really has to.
He's very good at hiding when he's struggling with something or not feeling well, so people always think he's okay (people also tend to think he's emotionless because of his poker face but he's completely oblivious to it)
He used to know hylian sign language, but after his 100 years of sleepy time he forgot, so he picked up signs and code from different regions of Hyrule. He eventually relearns hylian sign but still uses the other stuff he learnt by reflex.
Boy looooves horses. He likes to sneak up on wild horses just to give them apples and carrots.
So much autism in this man.
you see how he always just has the master sword in the memories? yeah. he's an extremely skilled moron and prefers just having his sword rather than having a shield and bow alongside it, even if it's more practical and safer.
will eat anything. that's basically canon tho.
even after recovering his memories, he isn't sure how he used to think about the champions and Zelda. he knows he has strong feelings for all of them (he deeply wants to protect Zelda for instance) but like he has no idea if he loved Mipha back or if Revali annoyed him like he annoyed Revali. He's clueless.
He has a lot of scars and doesn't know where half of them come from.
After the calamity, he still sometimes has memory problems. He mainly has very bad short term memory and tends to forget what day it is, what week etc (no I'm not projecting)
He gets small flashbacks sometimes, some even look like very intense déjà vu because he'll like get a flashback of flying with his paraglider while actually flying with his paraglider.
He really likes his blue tunic. Its comfy and protects him, and it felt like a gift when he got it (when Impa gave it back to him)
He gets nightmares a lot, night terrors and sleep paralysis too, so he doesn't sleep much. He often just hangs out during the night and waits until he physically can't stay up anymore to sleep. (Zelda is so stressed out by this man he's giving her white hair. She tries to help but doesn't really know how).
he has intense panic attacks surrounding guardian stalkers, (unless they don't have legs). sometimes he's able to push back the panic until he's defeated or escaped the thing but other times he just falls to his knees in front of it, completely unable to function. he wasted a couple of fairies on these instances.
he collects flowers. silent princesses of course, for zelda, but he likes every type of flowers and loves to keep them and offer them to people or leave them on gravestones or near goddess statues.
he really likes his long hair, likes styling it and playing with it. he would hate to cut it
his eyes are really sensible to light from you know. being asleep for 100 years with his eyes closed
I said he loves horses but he honestly loves all animals. always pets doggies and likes to watch crabs dance around. he feeds animals when he can.
when he defeats monsters that were using horses, he brings the horse back to the closest stable or the closest patch of grass that looks safe and soothes them. also feeds them obv.
feel free to add on :)
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yarpharp · 10 months
So because I am strange and always fascinated by posing cultural questions when it comes to creating crossover fanfiction, I had this wild thought worm recently for no reason: If you dumped Link (Legend of Zelda) into Thedas (Dragon Age), how the fuck would everyone in Thedas react to him?
I mean, depending on how you interpret Link's character, he doesn't talk. At all. I've always been of the opinion he speaks via some form of generalized Sign Language, but Why Would Thedas Share Any Common Signs? And who's to say there IS a formalized sign language in Thedas? Maybe there is, but it's technically a dead language now. The Elvhenan were fucked up but extremely modernized, so maybe they did have a Sign Language. Maybe the Dalish still have a lot of it, because Sign is a great way to silently communicate and Not Alert The Asshole Shemlen.
Either way, Link doesn't talk. And even if he can communicate via Sign Language, I highly doubt Hylian sign is gonna be understood. So there's one issue.
Secondly: Hylians don't look exactly like Theodosian elves. Modern elves of Thedas are scrawny and small but not too small; eyes bigger than a human and with cat-like night vision. Link? Link is canonically 5'2" and quite fit. Not skinny built and quite healthy, generally soft nonbinary features, bright eyes (at least in recent games; Link's got big fucking blues that almost glow for a nice contrast in TotK/BotW), pointy but not super pointy ears. Compared to Theodosian elves which are designed to look "distinctly fantastically different" in comparison to humans, Link just looks like a very short human with elf ears. So people might get a bit baffled at his looks; he's elfy but to the left.
Third: Hyrule isn't anti-magic. Magic is so inherently tied into everything in all the Legend of Zelda games, we the players just accept it. Link can wield magic rods and staves with no issue. Gerudo can use fire magic or summon lightning storms. Link can use magical items to summon winds, or devices that can magically transport him far distances. Rito can summon gales instinctually. Zora have water/ice magic and healing powers. If Link dodges correctly, he can seemingly slow time for a moment to deal a flurry attack. He uses Rauru's arm's magical abilities without blinking. The Master Sword is literally the ultimate magical item with a spirit inside of it.
Can you imagine Link losing his weapon in battle and just picking up a staff without thinking, but WHOOPS Thedas is kinda religiously anti-magic and someone is watching him just SUDDENLY THROWING ICE SPELLS (thinking about those magic staffs in BotW/TotK with the default AoE ice spell) without any hesitation? That is Not Normal for them like it is for Link. And Link himself like... Serves a powerful princess with the bloodline of a goddess. She literally tosses around light magic and time magic and shit. He probably can't begin to fathom a society that shuns something that so integral to Hyrule/Hyrule's safety in the face of Ganondorf's machinations.
Idk this was a bizarre thought worm I had. Maybe I will write a fanfic. Maybe I won't. It's interesting to think about in an extremely nerdy way, lol.
(also Link would HATE Solas but LOVE The Iron Bull and The Chargers. Prove me wrong, I dare you.)
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avenin7 · 5 months
In what ways do Revali's insecurities about Link leaving him for someone else and Link's existential crisis over his feelings for Revali contribute to the complexity of their relationship, and how do they navigate these challenges within the context of their unique cultural backgrounds?
Revali’s fear of abandonment/not being good enough vs Link’s internalized miscegenation-phobia spells a recipe for disaster for them both. Link realizing he has feelings for someone outside of what would be considered ‘appropriate’ for his culture on top of the crushing weight he feels to portray himself as a perfect tool for the Kingdom leads to cracks forming in his mask. The stress compounding because this isn’t just some easy crush he can ignore. This is his coworker. The two of them have already shown they miscommunicate over the fact that Revali thinks Link doesn’t believe he should be a champion or that he’s second fiddle. Link having no idea about that and now Revali is crushing insecurely on him; he is so wrapped up in his own feelings and trying not to let anyone see that he’s wrapped up in his feelings, it would make him push Revali away further (in a way). Revali of course would come to his own conclusions about why Link is acting the way he is. I think in all honesty the only way I could see them getting past it is either Link opening up to someone else about his crush on Revali and hylian’s mixed-race-phobia OR it would be Revali coming in like a wrecking ball of emotions and spewing vitriol at him so hard it knocks him out of his own issues because he has no idea what Revali is talking about. (Revali seems the type to also accidentally confess his insecurities in the heat of the moment). So now Link is sat there like, “wait? you thought I hated you this whole time? You think you don’t deserve to be here??” and realizing that Revali is scared of losing not only the champions {I’m realizing I’m contemplating this as more pre-slash but oh well} but also losing his rival/crush/what are we?? In the context of an established relationship, Link would feel awful that he’s got the internalized mix-race thing going on, because he *knows* it’s not an issue of not liking Revali, but others will judge him and he’s scared. I think it’d cause him to not want to outwardly show their affection for one another. Making Revali feel like Link doesn’t like him (because rito are so physical with their affection). But after finding out that Revali thinks he’s disposable, Link pushes past and tries to be more outwardly expressive. Even if it’s only with the champions. I don’t think Link would be able to fully grasp Revali’s fear of being left pre-calamity. I think he wouldn’t have it in him to grasp it because he has so much else going on in his head that he can’t dedicate himself to reassuring Revali the way he needs. I think its a relationship waiting to end pre-calamity. Neither can get over themselves and be there for the other.
Post-calamity though? I think Revali’s 100 year stasis/ghost time would give him such time to think. I don’t think it would fix his fear of abandonment but his need to prove himself would diminish (and I think in many ways his ego as well). I think if they’re relationship rekindled (or came into existence), Revali would be able to express himself a bit better. Express his need for help and reassurance more. and Link having lost his memories and his internal shame, I think he’d get more caught up in not being what Revali wants vs being weirded out by liking a rito.
pre-calamity I do like to think that Link would still reassure him when they’re alone. Combing his fingers through his feathers and telling him how he’s so lucky to love someone like him. I think that even if Link can’t do the loud courting displays, he tries so hard to learn the finer details of rito body language. just so he can communicate how much he cares for Revali.
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