#I have a better grasp of how I want her character to be now that the game's been out for a while
The Problems With TMNT 2012 April O'neil (And Why It's The Writer's Fault)
(side note this accidentally low-key turned into an April O'neil defense post, and I apologize.)
Hello everyone! This post was seven pages on google docs so that's fun :D
When I was younger, I thought April O'neil was so cool. She was part Kraang, had multiple guys chasing after her, and was training to be a kunoichi.
As I got older though, and rewatched the show, I realized that while her character was cool, there were a lot of issues with said character.
Now, before I really start, I want to clarify, I do not dislike April! In fact, I still think she's a really cool character with a lot of potential. Unfortunately, said potential has been lost to the grasp of time and space, but that's not her fault.
A lot, and I mean a LOT of people don't like April. The most common complaints I hear about her are as follows. A, she led Donnie and Casey on. B, she's a Mary Sue. C, she got too powerful too fast. D, she's just annoying and two-faced.
Let's start with point number 1.
The Love Triangle between Donnie, April, and Casey is one of the most controversial things in the show. Some people love it, most people hate it, not that I blame them. The biggest point against the love triangle was that it deterred from the characters, and was honestly just kinda gross and cringey.
This could not be more true.
I could make whole other posts on why Donnie and Casey's characters would've been so much better without the love triangle, but this is an April post, so let's talk about April and the first point where the writer's screwed up.
Introducing April as a love interest
If there was one thing that I could take away from TMNT 2012, it would be the fact that they introduced April not as her own character, but a love interest. The fact that they did this set the stage for what April's character was meant to become.
If they had simply introduced April as her own character, then we would've been able to get a better grip on her personality.
But no.
April had never really been a love interest in the iterations before tmnt 2012, and that was because she usually stood in as an older sister figure for the turtles. Yes, some fans shipped April with the turtles, but it was never implied in any of the previous shows that any of the turtles had a crush on April or vice versa.
I don't know why TMNT 2012 decided to change that, but they did.
Making April the same age as the turtles wasn't the problem, and honestly, neither was shipping Donnie and April in the show.
It was how they did it.
In shipping the two of them, they dumbed April's character down to just a love interest, and made her seem bitchy. They wrote her having romantic moments with both Donnie and Casey, and supposedly turning both of them down at other moments.
A Foot Too Big is one of the most controversial episodes in TMNT 2012 period. The episode consists of Donnie rescuing Bigfoot. Bigfoot then proceeds to follow Donnie around like a lost puppy, invade his personal space, touch him without consent, blah, blah, blah. This causes Donnie to realize that just like how Bigfoot is acting is making him uncomfortable, how he's acting around April is probably making her uncomfortable. He then proceeds to tell April that he was going to try and start leaving her alone, and that he understood he was probably making her uncomfortable.
Then, in one of the most controversial moments ever, April grabs him and kisses him, saying "You're my mutant."
Prettttyyyy bad.
I think this incredibly out of character for April, and I think that the entire reason this scene happened was so that they wouldn't lose their most played gag, well tied with making Mikey look stupid after proving him to be smart time and time again, but that's a post for another time.
An excellent point that I've seen made by others was that the whole love triangle was never planned to have a solution, it was there to be played for laughs, which in turn, made April's character suffer for it.
I do believe that April's character would've thrived if not for the love triangle, and I believe that Donnie and Casey's characters would've been better off as well.
Point 2: April's a Mary Sue
Boy oh boy.
First of all, let's look at the definition of a Mary Sue.
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"Unrealistically lacking in flaws or weaknesses."
So...people want to call April bitchy, and then call her a Mary Sue, as if being bitchy isn't a character flaw?
This is argumentatively one of my LEAST favorite arguments against April's character, because usually the argue-r defeats themself when they say the statement.
"She's annoying." That's a character flaw.
"She leads people on." That's a character flaw.
"She let herself get controlled by the stupid crystal." That's a character flaw.
April has a lot of flaws, and that's one of the reasons why I think her character could've been really interesting!
Let's take a look at some of the things that build April's character, and therefore make her not a Mary Sue.
April is shown from the very beginning of the show to be more of an action-oriented person, not always thinking things through.
(i.e. in S1 EP6 Metalhead when she went to go investigate the Kraang warehouse by herself or even in S1 EP1 Rise of the Turtles when she tries to come up with a plan to escape the Kraang's holding her hostage)
This is a character flaw, and it's one that we see a lot throughout the show.
April is also shown to be very empathetic. You can see this in multiple instances, such as when Karai admitted that she believe Splinter was her father, and April believed her.
This isn't necessarily a character flaw, but it has gotten her into trouble a few times. Usually her empathetic attitude helps more than harms.
April stands up for what she thinks is right. This is an important piece of her character that ties into her empathetic attitude.
April is sassy sometimes.
April can hold a serious grudge.
But, she can also be forgiving.
April is stubborn.
So, as I've pointed out, April definitely has a personality. It's just that usually, these elements of her character were ignored in favor of the love triangle, dulling down her character overall, and making her sometimes seem like a Mary Sue.
Speaking of the Mary Sue argument, let's take a gander at another requirement for being a Mary Sue, which is "everyone likes them, and people who don't like them are shown to be wrong for not liking them."
This is NOT true for April.
TMNT 2012 had no problems making Karai and April have serious beef, and Karai was never shown to be in the wrong for disliking her, except for when Karai took it a step too far.
Obviously, most of the other characters (who aren't villains) like April, because the other characters that are shown are her friends, or friends of friends.
Another aspect of the Mary Sue argument was that the character was usually too powerful without a reason, or out of nowhere.
This also ties into point number three:
April got too strong too fast/April's too strong
So let's get into this point.
When I was a little younger, I used to think that people who argued this had a point, but again, as I've gotten older and applied my critical thinking skills, I realized that this isn't actually true.
Some people didn't like that the show made April half-Kraang, claiming it was too strange, just a way to make a female character seem like a 'girlboss', and of course a variety of sexist comments.
I am among the lovers of half-Kraang April, mostly because I think it was a really interesting take on the character.
But! A lot of people claimed that her "kraang" powers were too strong, making her unlikeable.
You want to know how the writers remedied this?
By making April get possessed by the Aeon crystal! (In my opinion, this was actually a really interesting writing direction)
Whiiichhh...of course a bunch of people also had a problem with.
Look, I can't make you like the Aeon crystal writing choice, and I'm certainly not about to try, but, by making April get possessed, the writers inadvertently added a flaw to their apparent "flawless" glorified love interest.
Now, it's been a hot minute since I watched any of the later seasons of TMNT 2012 (mostly because paramount plus is my mortal enemy (side note if anyone has seasons 3-5 downloaded feel free to DM me wink wink)), but I think I remember April losing some fights.
It wasn't like the narrative made her invincible, is my point.
So yes, April was strong, but she wasn't insufferably strong to the point where it was annoying.
I often see this argument used against Captain Marvel from the MCU as well, and I loathe it with my entire being so.
Now for the "April got too strong too fast" complaint.
I just gotta ask, did we watch the same show? /hj
April was shown to have something strange going on with her since season 1! Her powers were alluded to multiple times, so it wasn't like this was a last minute writing decision.
Her power grew stronger as the seasons went on, and there were a few episodes in each season that showcased this, such as S3 EP7 Eyes of the Chimera.
Yes she was strong in season 5, but that's because it was the last season!
As for her ninjutsu skills, it's the same thing. She'd been training since season 1! She grew as a ninja over time.
Now, for the last point:
April's just annoying.
Yeah, if this is you, I don't know if I can change your mind. Also if this is you, there a many times per season where I agree with you!
But let me tell you dear reader the same thing I tell myself.
It's not the character, it's the writers.
Unless the very idea of April O'neil makes you mad, my guess is that most of the gripes you have with her character are the writers' fault. The not choosing between Donnie and Casey, the 'character trait swaps', all of that was the writers.
None of those things are April's character.
If you made it all the way down here, and read all of it, I applaud you.
Overall, I can't make you like April, but I can attempt to analyze her character and give you the finished analysis, that is mostly just me blaming all the problems of her character on the writers.
April had the opportunity to be an amazing character, and that opportunity was poured down the drain.
But, there are still some redeeming things about her character, and those things are the things that made me like her.
So, like most things in life, if you focus on the positives, you'll be okay.
This was CJ and her April O'neil analysis, that accidentally turned into a defense post.
Sorry if none of this post made any sense, I wrote it at midnight after a very long day.
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stormy-blossom · 11 months
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Guess who decided to update Erisu's reference because she hated the old art!
In all seriousness it was because I've updated her design a bit since I made that old one, bangs and eyes more specifically. I also decided to add some new doodles to the side.
Ive made it kind of obvious recently, yeah I'm shipping her and Volo, have been for a while but I'm a little embarrassed to share stuff like that... I've decided to call it: Ancestral tale shipping so I'll use that to tag anything I make with them if you're interested :)
Just gonna post the extra info from her old reference here:
She joined the Galaxy Team a few years ago, as she is in her early twenties by the start of the PLA events. She is sort of a... weird older sister figure, she will poke fun at you as siblings do, but she'll also beat up anyone who insults you.
Her father was banished from the village when she was much younger after a Pokemon he had caused severe damage, and he refused to release it. She doesn't know if he's alive or not, but she has a feeling he isn't. Because of this she had a very close relationship with her mother.
She dyes the tips of her hair blue because it was the same color as her father's, she does it in sort of memory of him.
At the beginning of the game she'd only have a Quilava (a gift from her father) but later picks up a Petilil and Zoura.
She's known Volo since he first started visiting the village with the guild when they were both younger. She would talk to him whenever she knew he was there. She considers him a good friend and really enjoys listening to him go off on tangents about Hisuian history.
Now speaking of Volo, he's the one who gives her the Sunstone to evolve her Petilil into Liligant.
She's a bit resentful towards Kamado since her father was banished but gets along rather well with the rest of the Galaxy Team.
She also sees Laventon as a bit of a father figure, so she likes to joke that she, MC, Akari/Rei, and Cyllene are a family.
She'd end up standing up for the M/C when they get banished, ending up with her also having the same fate.
Quick thing about El, she's my Sinnoh protagonist and as said Erisu is her ancestor.
I just think shes neat, originally she was going to act as MC before I found out they got isekai'd, so I decided she would be my mc and I would just rewrite the story a little. But then I actually played the game and created my own character so now I have a story with my protagonist and the kind of abandoned AU where Erisu is the protagonist.
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servingrobin · 2 months
I feel like a feral goblin right now lmao, but I do have a request! How would the monster trio react to finding out their rather new female S/O is a virgin who is scared of sex!? Are they excited? Nervous? Surprised? How are they going to calm her fears? How are they going to see her in this new, fragile light? If you do write this, thank you sosososo much!! 💗💕
Ooooooh I always love inexperienced!reader I think it’s fun to unravel how different characters would behave - I’ve done this as HCs but if any of these spark interest I’ll make a full fic.
S anji, luffy, Zoro
Warnings: fluffy smut, inexperienced!reader, fem reader, possessiveness from Zoro,
✨requests are open✨
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- this guy already treats you like church stained glass
- You go a little further each time you’re alone, sweet kisses become languid tongue strokes across the roof of your mouth, become heavy hands petting across your body, mapping your soul out with his nimble fingers
- You finally get to the point of removing clothes, and Sanji looks at you with such adoration the first time he sees your bare chest that you can’t help blurting out that you’ve never done this before
- Sanji had a nosebleed
- He felt so honoured that you allowed him to be the one to show you these things
- Constantly asking for your comfort and consent, wants you to be completely open about your nervousness
- Does 100% play into his knight in shining armour fantasies - he wants to be the one to show you how to feel good, kiss it all better and be the standard you set your future experiences against
- Wants you to talk to him at all times, constantly asking “is this okay…does this feel good…. You’re doing so well for me my darling”
- Foreplay is a marathon of eating you out and stretching you open with his fingers
- And Sanji will cum just from that if he’s not focused
- Bringing you pleasure and knowing there’s more to come that you don’t even comprehend yet always gets him going
- Overall a really positive first time, Sanji is sweet and thorough and makes it an extremely pleasurable experience for you
- when you stutter and blush and finally confess you have no previous experience, Luffy really does not care at all
- He is most likely in the same boat, whilst he knows about sex and is familiar with his own pleasure, he’s always been very goal orientated and not bothered about a partner before you
- So it’s a learning experience for everyone
- You’re very apprehensive the first time, so nervous about pain and how to make Luffy feel good
- But one look at the man with his head between your legs, comically stretching his tongue into funny faces, and you’re gone
- Extremely fun for both of you
- Your giggles go straight to Luffy’s dick and he makes it his mission to make you cum and laugh at the same time
- Fingers you like it’s a competitive sport, one then two fingers pistoning in and out of you at breakneck speed
- You can only hold on for the ride, grasping tufts of black curl and whining like a professional
- You’ve never felt this overwhelmed in pleasure in your life
- He’s checking on you with every come hither motion against your walls, eyes sparkling with a special mix of both mischief and concern that only Luffy can seem to master
- And right when you reach your precipice, moans garbling into prayer, Luffy will snake his other hand up across your sides
- And this man will tickle
- You tumble into an orgasm with laughter on your lips, the conflicting feelings bringing tears to your eyes as you gasp and groan out, choking on your own cackles
- Luffy is insatiable at the sight of you
- When he finally fucks you Luffy is gentle and sweet, slowly stretching you out and using every ounce of patience to stop from rutting into you like an animal
- But once you give him the go ahead - hold on for dear life
- The most fun and relaxed of the crew
- okay so we all know this man is not greatly verbal
- When you admit to him your inexperience, he kind of fumbles it at first
- His silence paralyses you, and it’s not until Zoro hears the hiccups of your imminent tears that he springs into action
- Peppers kisses across your whole face
- “Thank you for telling me….. we never have to go further than you’re comfortable with.”
- And that’s all he really says on the matter
- But damn does Zoro think about it constantly
- There’s a small shameful part of him that bursts for joy at the thought of being your first
- Being the one to ruin your innocence and ruin you for anyone else
- And there’s an even smaller, more shameful part that wants to mark you as his, be the first and last person to spill his seed inside you
- When you’re finally together and alone, having spent a relaxing evening drinking Sake together under the stars, Zoro is silent
- You ask for his thoughts and are surprised when all he does is surge forwards to kiss you
- His hands are everywhere and you’re being consumed by him, your soul merging into a fiery ball of pleasure
- Zoro kisses and sucks every part of your body, nipping his way down and marking his territory as he goes
- You were particularly nervous about Zoro’s ‘size’ and he is comforting, rubbing soothing circles across your hips with the pads of his thumbs as he ever so slowly sinks into you
- Gives you some time to adjust whilst suckling on your nipples, pulling the sweetest sounds from your mouth as you have in to Zoro’s methods of pleasure
- Overall a completely addictive and overwhelming experience
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rainrot4me · 2 months
Clean Knife, Bloody Blade
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Summary: When you refuse to get out of bed due to terrible cramps, Jeff tries his best to coax you back. But when you cry and whine to him, the killer presses to resolve your problem, willing to do whatever he can to help…
Characters: Jeff the Killer x Menstruating Female Reader
TW: Menstruation, period sex, vaginal with a dildo, toy play, vaginal, mentions of organs, blood, desperation, blood kink, teasing
Words: 3.2k
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Jeff was terrible at showing affection.
It wasn’t that he didn’t love you, you knew he did, but to others, they could’ve never guessed. He was always upset, always brooding about something minuscule that would give him an excuse to snap and shrug others off. He was terrible company. But with you, even though subtle, he was calmer and had his head more on his shoulders than normal if you were around.
A calloused hand grasped around your wrist or a half-assed peck on the cheek indicated his affection. To anyone else, it would’ve looked like he was annoyed or had no desire to love you at all, but you knew that this was him trying his hardest to show his feelings. Even though the lack of cuddles and soft compliments itched at you sometimes, Jeff more than made up for it with the bloody carcass of some guy who catcalled you lying on your doorstep or the new pistol he had swiped for you on a mission. Jeff loved you in his own way, and you were more than grateful that he even tried at all, despite what others said.
Jeff always tried his hardest for you, tried more than he cared to for anyone else. And that stood true even now, as you laid in the bed squirming your pain and groaning into his pillows. Jeff was practically clueless. He knew what was happening and that it was nature, but it didn’t make it more comfortable to fuss with you over how dramatic you were being. Or to watch you sob and moan about some blood. Jeff dealt with blood every day, he just didn’t get the theatrics.
Until you began to cry, gripping your stomach as you wore his hoodie and sobbed into his pillow, whining your little heart out. The pale killer was stunned, awkward even as he tried to console you, trying to brush the tears from your eyes. “Just go get Jack. Tell ‘em to get me something.” You whined, rolling over and tugging the covers higher onto your shoulder. 
Jeff cringed, scurrying out of his room and down the hall, shooting for EJ’s lab in the hopes that he would have a better chance at getting you to stop than he could. Normally, Jeff would’ve been annoyed, pissed that you preferred to see some other guy than him, but right now he just wanted you better.
“And what does she want me to do about it?” Jack groaned, shuffling through some forceps and scalpels to neatly cut open the human stomach he was working on, trying to push the leftovers of the victim’s last meal out before nibbling on a strip of the raw meat. Jeff cringed, groaning at the way it popped as it tore, squishy in the demon’s mouth. “I don’t fuckin’ know? Just figured you’d be better at this than me. All medical and shit…” The killer scoffed, shoving his hands into his pockets, chewing at the tear on his lip. He hated compliments, hated trying to butter someone up, but he sucked it up. 
Jack chuckled, pulling his mask back down over his chin before moving, shuffling through a cabinet nestled above his messy desk. There were all sorts of pills inside, little orange and green translucent bottles that read ‘Wright’ and scribbled doctor’s signatures. How someone was giving Jack all of this medicine Jeff didn’t care to ask, he only noticed when Jack pulled down some painkiller in a white bottle, little pink tablets falling out. 
“Ibuprofen. Give ‘er like three. Maybe some food too, bad to cramp on an empty stomach.” The commands were giving Jeff whiplash, shoving the bottle into his pocket and staring as Jack circled back to his unfinished plate. “If that doesn’t work, try telling her to masturbate.” 
Jeff almost ran into the wall on his way out. What in the actual hell? Jeff tried to laugh as he turned, thinking Jack was joking but his expression was unwavering, gnawing on the tendon of a stomach valve as he smiled. Jeff couldn’t even be mad, stunned more than anything as he let his face show his confusion, letting his mouth hang open. “It’s true. Lulu told me one time. Helps with muscle tension or something. I read up on it a bit but wasn’t relevant to me, so I didn’t care. Guess it’s useful now.” Jack smiled, turning back to his plate and shooing Jeff out, shutting the door behind him as Jeff’s eyes remained wide and stunned, finally clenching his teeth and stomping up the stairs. 
You took the pills easily, letting Jeff convince you to eat a muffin before laying back down, groaning as you gripped his arm, legs curled into yourself. He stared down at you, awkwardly gnawing away at the thought Jack had set in his head. Masturbating? While you were bleeding? There was no way that could be enjoyable. But as you nudged your head against his side, wrapping your arms around his waist and pawing at this shirt, Jeff groaned, rubbing your back. 
Normally you were a little live wire, a little ball of energy that combatted his anger perfectly. You were perfect for him, emotionally and physically. But seeing that little ball of excitement cripple and falter under your pain made him upset, angered that he couldn’t do anything more. He hated seeing you like this, no matter how reluctant he would be to admit it. Jeff wasn’t a sappy guy, far from it, but right now he would do anything to make his girl feel better.
He started slow, nervous that you’d be too overstimulated to even want him to touch you as he rolled you onto your back, pressing down to kiss along your cheeks. You lay confused, squirming as his hands rubbed your sides, gently gripping and soothing your hot skin. “Jeff… Quit…” You groaned as he pecked your lips, tucking your hair behind your ears as he tugged his hoodie over your head. “Chill out.” He nipped, pressing his rough lips against your soft ones and purposefully holding yours down, calming your reluctant body as he rubbed at your stomach, kissing against your jaw. Your skin was hot, clammy against his hands as he pushed your shirt up, you finally realizing what he was doing.
“Jeff.” You grit, shoving him off as you sat up, irritated that he would even try right now. Jeff awkwardly tried to explain, rubbing your arms as he settled you back onto the bed, standing up to grab a towel in his closet. “Listen. Jack gave me some advice or somethin’. Said jerking off helps with your cramps. We don’t gotta, but…” Jeff also reached for the small bag you kept in his closet, tugging it open and tugging out a dildo around his size, awkwardly shoving the bag back into the closet as you watched, cheeks already flushing. “Jeff, it's nasty.” You warned, bringing your knees to your chest and sliding back as Jeff stood at the edge of the bed, lying the items down before continuing to kiss along your face. “Baby, I cut people up. I think I’ll be okay.” He snickered, lying you back down onto his bed.
You nervously laid, squirming your legs together as Jeff pressed between your knees, standing at the end of the bed. He tugged up your hips, sliding the towel underneath you as he pressed his cool hands along your arms, trailing them up into your shirt as he nipped into your neck. You sighed, skin hot and cunt already bothered as you tried to pry your knees tight around his waist. This was going to be weird regardless, your anxiety about the whole thing shining through as Jeff tugged your shirt over your head, palming at your boobs until you were tugging his hands away. “Sensitive.” You hissed, letting his hands fall back at your hips.
He grit, tugging your shorts down and smiling as you shyly closed in on yourself, turning your face into the sheets as he hooked them off of your ankles. He could already see the blood stained onto your panties, your pad doing little against it. Personally, you wanted to die, embarrassment hooking your every whine as Jeff hooked under your panties, tugging them down and gently massaging your thighs, letting you calm down. It was messy, sure, but the killer knew what he was getting himself into. 
You refused to look at him, knees hugged tightly to his sides as he cleaned the blood staining your folds gently as your pelvis ached, cunt tingling under you as Jeff leaned in to kiss your lips, reassuring you coldly. “You’re fine. Stop movin’ so much. It’s just blood.” This was as close as he was getting to gentle, but his words soothed you all the same. You still hid in the sheets, letting Jeff clean your inner thighs as he massaged along your leg, efforts reluctant as you just leaked more. 
The sight of your cunt covered in blood didn’t particularly turn Jeff on, but it didn’t disgust him either. It was just you, that stupid personality and all-too-caring attitude that he loved, he didn’t really care what you looked like in turn. He didn’t really mind what was going on between your legs, just as long as he was one of them. 
“Open up. There ya go.” He chimed, reaching for the dildo and pressing it to your mouth, beckoning you to listen. You obliged, spreading your lips around the girth and licking along the underside, soaking the silicone in your saliva. Jeff didn’t force it, didn’t push it to make you gag like he loved to do, just let it soak. He smiled at you, nudging his thumb between your folds and pressing against your clit, letting you groan against the toy as he felt your knees loosen around his hips. You had never done anything on your period, always so grossed out and irritated to try, but you could already just feel the difference. It was so much more intense, clit so sensitive under the pad of his thumb that you were holding your eyes shut, hips falling and rising against the movement of the digit. It was heavenly, and Jeff noticed, smiling as you practically ground yourself up against him. “Feel good?” He teased, tugging the dildo out of your mouth and sliding it against your stomach, saliva wiping against your warm skin. You nodded, sighing as he pressed up, hips catching and stuttering against it. 
Jeff slid the dildo against your folds, blood catching on the tip and spreading against your inner thighs. He smiled, enjoying how easy it was to push his knee under your thigh and open you up more, movements too lost in the feeling of the dildo halted against your entrance. Jeff held his thumb still, letting the dildo that was a little smaller than his own size begin to push into your aching cunt, cramps pushing out of the way and slowly fading into pleasure as the toy pressed into you. You groaned, a desperate ache of pain and pleasure soaking in as the dildo snugged your walls, pressing against your sensitivity. It just felt so good, entrance aching around the size but the thumb swiping against your clit made up for it. 
When Jeff’s fingers gripped around the base of the dildo and touched your folds, you knew it was bottomed out, cunt clenching tight around the intrusion. “Took it good, yeah? Basically pulled it in.” Jeff laughed, tugging the dildo out before slowly rocking it back in, angling the silicone up so it pressed just right against your swollen walls. You whined, back instantly pushing off of the mattress and arching into the feeling, the slowness tearing you apart. “Oh, God-” You groaned, tugging the sheets hard as Jeff fucked you painfully slow with the toy, watching close at how your body moved with it, hips rolling at every push of his hand. He had found a new kink just now, unfortunately. 
The killer continued to fuck you with the dildo, contorting and tugging the length so it stretched you nicely, thumb effortlessly making you flinch and squirm as he watched blood slowly leak from your tight entrance, pooling beneath you. It was satisfying, really, the further he pushed the toy the more blood spilled. In Jeff’s sicko brain, it reminded him of stabbing someone, digging his knife in and watching the blood just run, smiling at the irony of it all. He pushed harder.
You were loud now, tears running down your cheeks as you gasped at every shove of the dildo, sensitivity riding on every ounce of pleasure that overwhelmed your senses. Jeff was lost, busy watching your cunt and your screwed-up face, and couldn’t hear your silent sobs to stop or slow down, him only pushing harder. “Jeff- God- Wait, I’m… I think- Ah-” You mewled, letting your cunt squeeze down hard against the toy, walls aching as you came, body squirming and writhing as Jeff still bobbed it in and out as your cunt gushed. It took you sitting up, palming at his shoulders before he would stop, barely even realizing you had came until you were sobbing into his shoulder, dildo slipping out of your soppy cunt as you palmed at his jeans, his boner beckoning you. “Not… not enough. Need it.” You whined, words so jumbled and head so light Jeff thought you were losing it, eyes going wide as he realized what you meant. You still ached, still coming down from your orgasm but walls needing more, needing that relief from the pain again.
“Shit- Ah- Okay. Shit.” Jeff jumbled, stuttering as you eventually tugged his cock out of his jeans and began to stroke, leaning back and tugging him closer. He barely even had time, barely could get hard before you were holding his hips and begging him to push in, blood and your own arousal seeping around the tip of his cock nestled between your folds. “Okay, yeah. Shit-” He couldn’t even think to get a condom, couldn’t tell himself you were probably too post-nut high to realize you were too overwhelmed, but with those big eyes staring at him and your flushed cheeks pouting, he couldn’t help but groan his arousal as he pressed in. 
It was warm. Like, warmer than normal, warm. And you were tight too. Your walls fluttered around his cock, swelling against the length that curved and nudged deeper than the dildo, head falling back into the mattress as you moaned out. Jeff cursed, fists gripping your hips tight as he sunk in, watching the blood pool around his cock and seep down onto the towel, your entrance twitching and tightening with every inch that entered. “Needy, huh? You’re so tight, God-” He grunted, straining as he bottomed out and let your hips squirm against his, already beckoning him to move. It was like you were in heat, body more focused on how fast you could cum again than if you even wanted to. It turned Jeff on terribly bad. This version of you was exciting.
Like the dildo, he let his hips rock, bending his knees to angle into your cunt better and sink against your g-spot so nicely, leaving your arms clasped into his hair and dragging him down on top of you. Your skin was so hot, flushed deep as he locked his lips onto yours, rocking his hips into your soppy cunt and relishing in the way it gushed around him. He pushed up, digging his knees into the mattress and letting your thighs wrap around his back, his cock sinking further down and into you as your body contorted under him. You were scrunched, clasping onto his body desperately as you chased another orgasm, stomach fluttering and hips rocking with every movement. “So good- Can’t… Can’t hold on- Faster-” You huffed between slobber-filled kisses, letting Jeff dig his palms into the sheets underneath you and push his knees in deeper, letting his hips pull up much further and sink down just as deep. You were practically purring, mouth hanging open as Jeff bit into your jaw, nibbling the skin as he panted against you, shoving his cock into the hot glove of your cunt. 
“Beg me to fuck you and you’re still not satisfied. Jesus, woman.” Jeffrey grit through pants, leaning back off of you and digging his hands into your waist, tugging his legs further apart to open yours more before snapping his hips into your warmth, hearing the loud squelch and squirts as you writhed, moaning into your hands. Jeff smiled, clawing his hands to your tits and palming hard, letting you scratch and whine at his grasp about sensitivity and to let off, but he refused. You were so sensitive, so overwhelmed that the ache in your pelvis practically vanished, pleasure rippling through your body as you arched and squirmed against the cock quickly pressing down against every inch of your gummy walls. You were cumming again, sobbing as you scratched Jeff’s muscled arms and held on tight, letting his cock fuck you through your desperate orgasm and fight against the overstimulation that crept through your body. 
“There ya go, just like that. Don’t even gotta worry.” Jeff mewled, letting his cock sink deep and rest in your cunt, your walls clenching hard around him, fluttering as he twitched and ached inside of you, restraining to cum until your sobs quieted, little whines and gasp all that was left. “Did so good.” He grits as he tugged his cock out, the length soaked and stained in your blood and arousal, fist quick to grasp around and pump himself over you, watching as you panted with heavy eyes. The blood stained his hand, smearing as he came against your folds, letting his seed run and mix with your blood as he groaned, palming at your thighs. “Fuck.. yeah…” He smiled, rubbing his tip against your clit for good measure before tugging back, scooping the messy towel out and cleaning what he could. 
You were too sleepy to hear the bath run in the room over, body still twitching and relaxing as your cramps stayed at a dull roar now, pleasure overtaking them. Jeff scooped you up, his body bare now as he stripped the rest of your clothes, cutting the faucet off before sliding you both into the large tub, letting your back rest against his chest. You mewled, leaning back against his shoulder and letting your eyes flutter shut, rubbing the arms that wrapped around your waist. “Thank you.” You sighed, the hot water soothing your body nicely. “It was hot, so worth it.” Jeff chuckled, tucking your hair out of the way as he kissed your forehead. 
You knew he cared. He had strange ways of showing it, ever reluctant to become soft and vulnerable. But you relished the moments where he got close, like now. Maybe Jeff wasn’t the most affectionate, sappy guy to have, but it was more than enough for you. 
Even if he was terrible at showing affection, the dedication to you more than paid its part. 
This was a request by @bubbleduckie!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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If we think about it, Colin was quite brave for confessing his feelings to Penelope. When she asked him to kiss her, she said it wouldn't mean anything, he wouldn't need to worry because she wouldn't want nor expect anything from him. But it meant everything to Colin, it was a confirmation that yes, he already 'felt something' and that just unleashed all of his desires for her, it meant everything to him. However, when they talk about it at that wonderful willow tree scene, and he's there, all hopes and nerves, wondering if it was as magical for her as it was for him, she shuts him down. Hard. She apologizes for asking, which shows him she regrets it, and she states that they will never do that again. In fact, she says, it'd be even better if they kept a certain distance. That's rejection and Colin has issues with self-worth. We all know that Colin is oblivious to Pen's feelings, so he's operating on hope and maybe, just maybe that their bond means something, since she cares about his friendship. That's why he seeks out his mother's words and reassurance. He knows he feels the way he feels about Pen, but even if she doesn't, his mother tells him that friendship can become love. We tend to think that this is Colin trying to make sense of his feelings, and perhaps a bit it is, but i take that as him also grasping at the hope that she can learn how to love him because they have friendship. Thus, with that boost from his mother's words, the encouragement he needs, he goes after her...but looking at her eyes, he freezes, because he's not sure if that will make him actually lose everything, even her friendship, and it's all he has now. The rejection is fresh on his mind, she doesn't want him that way, he thinks. She said she wouldn't want to repeat their kiss, that i was a mistake. And Lord Debling shows up, a titled Lord ( and here we can think again about Colin's own insecurities about his life and purposes, his occupation) with confidence and she seems to enjoy him, he seems to be all she was hoping for and she told him she enjoys his character and his looks. He's unable to say it. He's too scared to say it. Yes, we all know Colin is oblivious to Penelope's feelings. He doesn't know. People sometimes forgets how he only ever hears Pen say she loves him back on episode 6. Before, he was pouring his heart out and telling her how much he loves, desires and admires her, so when Colin decided to risk it all, it's so brave of him, it's a willing vulnerability that it's honestly the most beautiful of this show. When Colin goes after her, tells her how he feels, afraid of rejection, of losing her even as a friend, he battles his own self issues, his deep insecurity, without any certain she loves him back. And that's so beautiful. That's true romance, true love right there. Because it had to be said, he couldn't live with the thought he didn't try, with her with someone else without trying, he had to give his heart to her even if it meant she would destroy it, if she refused. So, everytime you watch the show now, remember that Colin Bridgerton was the bravest. When he feared the most, when he had the most to lose and risk it, he truly gathered the courage to ask. For Penelope, he tried. He did it and it's thanks to that they started to live the love of their lives.
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luvlloyd · 5 months
🌿 | 𝐈 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 𝐘𝐎𝐔: drabbles
╰┈➤ how would the ninjas react to you telling them that you love them for the first time?
🍃 WARNINGS: fluff, sarcasm, minor wound (Jay), mentions of cursing and self doubt (Kai), nightmares (Lloyd)
🌳 CHARACTERS INCLUDED: Cole, Jay, Kai, Lloyd, Nya, Zane (separately), x (gender neutral) reader
🌴 AUTHORS NOTE: tehe first writing post, hi buddies!! :) A bit of OOC Nya but I still think what I wrote for her was too cute to change <3
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓒𝐎𝐋𝐄 〙ˎˊ˗
"Cole… That’s too much sugar-" You interjected, grasping your boyfriend’s arm before he could empty the sugar into the mixing bowl.
“Oh.. my bad, (Name)." Cole chuckled sheepishly, his smile betraying his embarrassment as he glanced at you, “Sorry,” He added.
With a playful roll of your eyes, you aided him in adjusting the sugar amount, "No wonder you’re a sucky chef, Cole," you teased, prompting a scoff from him.
“Me? A sucky chef, please!" He exaggerated the ‘please,’ earning a knowing look from you.
“What? Did you know I’m secretly Gordon Ramsey’s love child?" He grinned.
“In your dreams you probably are," you laughed, causing his face to drop in mock disbelief.
“How dare you? Take this." Cole took the flour that was laying on the counter, grabbed some from the packet and tossed it into your face.
“Cole..! Stop!" You squealed, shielding your face with your arms.
“Nuh uh, you are going to face my flour wrath, (Name)!" He persisted, continuing to shower you with flour until you managed to wrestle the packet from him. Soon, both of you were engaged in a flour war, filling the kitchen with laughter.
Eventually, his arms found their way around your hips, pulling you close as you leaned against his chest, both of you still giggling,
"Cole, I love you so much," you said playfully, feeling him freeze at your words. His pause prompted you to furrow your eyebrows and stare up at him. Cole gazed at you with eyes filled with passion and adoration before he leaned in to peck your lips,
“I love you too, (Name)."
He kissed you again, and again and again. Until you both were just contently sitting in each other’s arms, embraced within the euphoria.
Unfortunately for the two of you, the euphoria was to be put on hold—You both had a bit of some cleaning up to do…
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓙𝐀𝐘 〙ˎˊ˗
The brown haired boy seemed to be bubbling with anxiety, fidgeting with his fingers as he kicked his feet against the medical bed. You grabbed the first aid kit, placing it beside him with a huff, meeting Jay's eyes.
“Do we really have to do this?" he whined, but you reassured him with a smile.
“Of course, dear. We don't want your boo-boo to worsen, do we?" His ears turned pink at your pet name as you dabbed antiseptic on a cloth.
“It's just a cut, (Name)! I don't want to go through all this," Jay pleaded as you brought the cloth closer to him. You looked at him sympathetically,
“Exactly, it's just a cut, so why are you so scared?" You paused, a playful glint in your eye, "Aren't you supposed to be my brave boyfriend?" Jay's expression softened, a grin spreading across his face,
“You're right! I am your brave boyfriend!" he proclaimed proudly. You grinned as you brought the cloth to his cheek.
He winced softly at the burning sensation before the feeling got replaced with your delicate fingers. You applied a Thomas the Train band-aid to his cut and swiftly placed a small kiss on your boyfriend’s cheek, “There you go, your boo-boo is all better now,”
“Thanks doc,” Jay said, his smile cheesy and so incredibly contagious that it brought a smile to your own lips. His bright brown eyes staring into yours as though you were a delicately painted painting, simply a work of art for him to stare at. You cusp his cheek as you both continue staring at each other, you caressed his soft yet warm skin under your fingertips,
“I love you, Jay," you spoke softly. He grinned cheekily, his cheeks lightly dusted pink at your words.
"Well, I love you more!" he retorted playfully.
“No, I love you more," you countered.
“Nope! I love you the most mostful and mostest!" he declared, pulling you into a tight hug and nuzzling his head into your neck. As you let out a small giggle he whispered into your ear,
“I love you, (Name), forever."
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓚𝐀𝐈 〙ˎˊ˗
After enduring the agonizing training, you found yourself sprawled on the floor, Kai, your boyfriend of two months, grinning down at you, his weapon by his side.
His sweat-dampened hairs framed his face as he leaned closer to tease you, but suddenly, his playful smirk fell. He tumbled forward, landing directly on top of you. He muttered a curse as his eyes locked with yours, and your breath hitched. You both were merely centimeters between each other and in that moment, you swore the world seemed to stand still.
"Hey, sweetheart," he whispered, his voice soft and gentle, “Seems like I fell for you,”
"Hi Kai," you snickered, finding his attempt at being flirty endearing. "Seems like I caught you."
"Sorry about that," Kai chuckled, rolling off to lie beside you on the dojo floor. Together, you gazed up at the ceiling, embracing the silence in the room, until you couldn't resist stealing a glance at his side profile. Holding back the urge to caress his face, you traced the features with your eyes. You met his gaze as his smirked, his eyes staring into yours knowingly.
He wiggled his eyebrows playfully as he teased you, "Like what you see, sweetheart?"
"I love it," you whispered sweetly, brushing a strand of his hair before meeting his eyes again. "I love all of you."
Kai froze, his confident demeanor crumbling as a blush painted his cheeks. His face turning as bright as his gi. His face faltering into a slight frown.
“You don't mean that," his voice dropped low into a whisper, insecurity lacing his words. You could tell he was feeling incredibly vulnerable.
"Of course I do," you promised him, a gentle smile gracing your lips as you stare into his crestfallen eyes, “I love you Kai.”
He stared into your face, trying to decipher if you were truly being genuine with him. His face brightened up as he realized you were. A sly grin returned to Kai's face, but his eyes held a warmth that made your body melt. He grabbed your hand from your side and put it up to his lips,
“I love you too, sweetheart."
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓛𝐋𝐎𝐘𝐃 〙ˎˊ˗
Lloyd woke abruptly, his body drenched in sweat, heart pounding against his chest as his nightmare caught up to him. They’ve begun appearing more frequently the last couple of years… His eyes darted anxiously around the room, paranoia lingering in his gaze.
“Lloyd?” You whispered, concern lacing your voice, you could barely see him though the darkness.
"Sorry for waking you, darling," he murmured back, his voice quivering. Sitting up, you touch his trembling arm softly,
“Another bad dream?” you asked. The boy didn’t vocalize his thoughts but instead turned to you to nod his head at you like a sad puppy.
"You're okay, Lloyd," you reassured him soothingly, you brushed a strand of his sweat drenched hair away from his troubled face.
“You’re okay,” you repeated, wrapping your arms around him. You felt him crumble beneath your touch, he sunk into your chest as he stared into your eyes. Searching them for reassurance. You begun playing with his blonde locks, a soft hum escaping your lips. You stole a glance at him. The moonlight cast a gentle glow upon his face, revealing the subtle contours of his gentle features. His eyes closed, his breath steadying into a rhythmic pattern,
"Lloyd?" you whispered, uncertainty lacing your voice. There was no response, only the soft sound of his breathing filling the room. Did he already fall back to sleep? You paused, carefully staring down at his face,
“Well, good night Lloyd... I love you," you murmured softly, turning your gaze towards the window.
Unseen by you, a small smile graced his lips, a ghost of a whisper that you unfortunately didn’t pick up,
“I love you too,”
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓝𝐘𝐀 〙ˎˊ˗
You sighed softly as you slipped into your gi, the weight of your mission pressing against your shoulders even before the sun had fully risen. With your weapon at your side, you gazed out at the horizon, thinking about the mission you had to do. It was a task that demanded your immediate attention, one that couldn't wait for the rest of the ninja to stir from their slumber.
As you prepared to summon your elemental dragon, a familiar voice yelled out to you,
"(Name)! Wait!" Your girlfriend, Nya, still in her Spiderman pajamas, dashed towards you with urgency in her step,
“Nya? What’s wrong?" you asked, concern knitting your brow.
"Nothing! I just wanted to say goodbye to you before you left," she replied, quickly kissing you on the cheek. A warmth spread through you at her touch, a feeling of comfort and belonging that only she could ignite.
"Bye (Name)," she said, her smile gentle, but then she hesitated, a flicker of uncertainty crossing her features.
“What’s up?” you prompted, curious about the sudden change in her facial expression.
With a sheepish grin, Nya shook her head and presented you with a basket of food. "I um... I also wanted to give you this basket of food. I didn’t want you to be hungry while on your mission, so take it as your breakfast... I mean it’s obviously not going to be as great as Zane’s cooking, I’m sure—"
You interrupted her rambling by accepting the basket with gratitude, your heart swelling with affection for her thoughtful gesture,
“Thank you, Nya,” You stared into her eyes in adoration. Sincerity seeping through your words.
"Of course! Stay safe, (Name)!" Nya beamed, her happiness contagious as she pulled you into a quick one-armed hug.
"Bye Nya, love you," you said absentmindedly, your focus already shifting towards the task at hand as you climbed onto your dragon's back. You weren’t paying attention to her flustered behavior.
You soared into the sky, leaving Nya behind on the ground. Little did you know, as you flew off into the distance, Nya was left beaming with joy, her heart bursting with the simple words you had spoken.
"I love you too, (Name)!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with happiness as she watched you disappear into the horizon.
With a gleeful bounce, she couldn't contain her excitement any longer. "THEY SAID THEY LOVE ME—“ She quickly scowled to herself,
“Control yourself, Nya, but still!! They said they loved me!!" she squealed, her laughter echoing in the quiet morning air. Most likely awaking most of the Monastery.
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˗ˏˋ〘 𝓩𝐀𝐍𝐄 〙ˎˊ˗
You sighed in frustration, your forehead meeting the cool surface of your desk with a dull thud. The blinking cursor on your computer screen taunted you as you tried to summon the words for your research paper. Procrastination had led you to this point, with the deadline looming close.
Lost in your thoughts, you barely registered the muffled noise at your door until it creaked open, revealing the analytical gaze of the ice ninja, Zane,
"Forgive me for interrupting, but I heard sounds of frustration and thought I would offer my assistance," he said, his voice calm and measured.
You managed a weak smile at his considerate gesture. "It's not a problem, I've just hit a roadblock," you admitted, gesturing helplessly towards the computer screen.
"I see no genuine roadblock, do you perhaps mean that figuratively?" Zane inquired, his literal interpretation of your words drawing a chuckle from you. As he approached your desk and effortlessly began typing away at the keyboard, you watched in awe as he swiftly completed the research paper that had been taunting you for hours,
"I believe this should suffice in terms of information. All that's left is to write your conclusion," he remarked, turning towards you with a straightforward expression.
You were dumbfounded by his efficiency, unable to believe he had solved your problem in mere minutes,
“You didn't have to do that!" you exclaimed, your gratitude tinged with surprise.
"I was simply assisting you," Zane replied, his tone neutral, mistaking your reaction for displeasure. You rose from your seat suddenly and enveloped him in a grateful hug,
"Thank you, Zane. I love you," you murmured against his shoulder.
For a moment, there was silence as Zane processed your words, his expression unreadable. Slowly, he brought his arms back up to exchange the hug,
"(Name), you are the optimal configuration for my circuits, the irreplaceable code for my function. To put it in simpler terms, I love you too," he finally responded, his words tinged with a hint of warmth that belied his nindroid nature.
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TAGLIST: n/a if interested in getting tag for when I post a specific character lmk!!
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©LUVLLOYD | please do not plagiarize, repost, or translate my work anywhere without my consent.
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Thank you for reading! If you like or reblog or even decide to follow me, thank you sm! And if you don’t do any of those things, it’s all good! You spending your time to read this makes my day better nonetheless, so have a good one and drink lots of water and just know that I love you! (and so do these lego characters)
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dark-konohagakure2 · 4 months
I'd like to request Deidara seeing his sister for the first time after going rogue, he can't be without her now. Some of his hand stuff, kidnapping, incest, noncon. Please
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tw: incest, sibling incest, noncon, kidnapping, obsession, molestation, groping, kissing, possessiveness, yandere
All characters depicted are 18+
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Deidara was never a stellar older brother, he was never very attached to his little sister, seeing her as a brat that never understood his art, so he had no qualms with ditching her when he joined the Akatsuki, but by some bizzare stroke of luck he ends up running into her again years later, and his opinion on her does a drastic shift.
She's grown into quite the lovely young lady, now having curves that she didn't posses before. Deidara's opinion on her goes from indifference to a complete obsession with her, he doesn't want to be away from his sexy loveable sister for even a moment now, he wants her all to himself.
His sudden investment in her is incredibly jarring for her, but Deidara will just brush all her concerns off, telling her that he just missed his baby sister, he'll even take her to his home, generously letting her stay at his place, but what he doesn't tell her is that he'll never let her leave now that he has her.
It doesn't take her long to realize that her less than stable older brother has no intention of letting her leave, and Deidara isn't really subtle about it when she does find out, in fact, he sees it as the perfect time to take what he wants.
"Oh shut your mouth, un! It isn't kidnapping if we're family, yeah? So stop whining and let big bro take good care of you..."
Deidara wants to get a good handful of her body, but he doesn't just feel her body with his hands, he can taste it too thanks to the mouths on his palms, his hands will lick and bite her most sensitive spots while his actual mouth will be forcibly clamped onto hers, shoving his tongue down her throat and stealing her very first kiss.
He rambles on quite a bit when he's fucking her, going on about how good her pussy feels and how she grew up to be such a good lay. Deidara doesn't care that she's his sister, all he cares about in that moment is getting his rocks off and keeping her for himself.
Deidara is a virgin, the only experience with sex he has is using his hands to give himself a blowjob, but he's never gotten to sink his cock into some wet cunt until now, so he gets a bit overwhelmed, blowing his load almost immediately, but he won't stop after that despite his embarrassment.
When he's done with her he'll cuddle her close, even if she's crying and pushing him away, telling her all about how good that felt, and now that he has her, he's never going to let her escape his grasp ever again.
"See?! I told you it'd feel good you cute little idiot! You better get used to it, sweetie, because I'm going to be showing you a lot more of how much I love you~"
Deidara really ends up regretting leaving his sister behind all these years, not because of any genuine remorse for leaving his sister alone without so much as a goodbye, but because it meant he couldn't get inside her sweet little pussy sooner.
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loviingpedri · 2 months
tripling the fun - jude and jobe bellingham
part 2 -> part 1 here
prompt: jude fulfills everyone’s dreams.
jude x fem!reader.
jobe & reader platonic soulmates
warnings: grammar issues, cursing, arguments (happy ending), jealous jude, all characters are fictional (except jude, jobe, and their parents)
click to help palestine
credits to owners for all images
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salt air, and the rust on your door.
flower in your hair, feet in the sand, salty air entering through your nose.
joining the annual vacation with the bellingham family and your sweet parents, life felt as ease.
at least, for you.
jude was rapidly tapping his feet on the wood bedroom floor. hands in his hair, anxiety filling up his thoughts. jobe was seriously getting concerned.
“mate, you have two days. everything is gonna be okay.” sitting next to him on the bed, jobe put his hand on jude’s shoulder to get his nerves to calm down.
“i’m overthinking it now. what if she says no? what if she only sees me as a brother? am i being delusional?” he could feel his heart racing, and it wasn’t even the day.
jude was planning to ask you out. he felt like no other person who wasn't blood related to him could understand him, deeper and personally better than you. noticing over the past few years, he noticed his rising feelings for you. getting overexcited by the mention of you two hanging out. his cheeks heat up as the thought of you popping into his head. his resistance of trying not to pull you into a deep hug.
jobe, trying to comfort him to the best of his ability, was getting concerned. “jude, you seriously need to calm down. y/n is one of my favorite people in the entire world. have you ever seen her talk to anyone else? i mean seriously, her whole life involves us.”
“you’re not helping,” jude stands up from the bed, heading his way outside for a bit of fresh air. “i need a breather.”
walking across the sand to gather his thoughts, he saw a familiar figure in the distance.
admiring how your hair flowed in the air, perfectly shaped and painted nails coming into contact with the golden sand. your lashes slowly moving up and down as you blinked. he couldn’t grasp the idea of losing you.
“hey jude, what’s going on?” almost standing up, he quickly sat down beside you. “is anyone asking for me?”
shaking his head, “nah, everything is fine. i just needed to take a walk.”
noticing his body language, and how his eyebrows moved when he talked, something was wrong. “you seem tense. is there anything you wanna talk about? what’s on your mind?” you scooted closer to him, touching shoulders.
jude cleared his throat, a lump forming. “there’s nothing wrong. i just wanted to see the sunset. beautiful waves isn’t it?”
“definitely. i wish i could spend all day here.” resting your head on his shoulder, he began to control his breathing and heart rate. struggling to make a next move, he moved his arm to push you closer by your shoulder.
little did you know, your mother and denise were standing from the balcony, watching you two embrace each other’s comfort.
jobe holding his youngest nephew, who was pointing at the future couple, seeing what the future could bring.
----------the next morning--------------
"hey little one." jude picked up his niece and spun around.
"i found your stash of flowers. they look really pretty. are they for me?" catching a small glimpse of the gap of her teeth, jude couldn't help but laugh at the question.
"i would like to say yes, but they're for a really special girl. are you ready to go swim at the beach?"
a frown formed on her lips, "yeah, i guess so. i can't wait to build a giant sand castle that i can live there forever." she threw her arms up high in excitement.
"i don't know about forever, but i'm sure it's gonna be great."
a knock was heard on the door. the air felt colder as tension fell.
"hey jude, we're about to go." you gave him a warm smile, as he stood there in silence. he put the princess down as he went to go sat down on his bed.
he picked up his phone, texting jobe,
i'll be at the beach later, got to get my things together.
he took a deep breath. and for the next 30 minutes, he was trying to form the perfect plan. going out to the balcony to look for a special spot to set up a dinner. noticing splashes that seem far more intense.
getting a better view, he noticed you and jobe. jobe was hugging you from behind and throwing you into the waves. shared laughter echoing throughout the beach. he couldn't lie, the inside of the palm of his hands were sweating and getting white from the grip of the wood. he didn't wanna admit he was getting jealous of his own brother, but the timing was nowhere near perfect for things like this to happen. he has seen moments like this between you two, but it felt different. his head began pounding. he grabbed his towel and ran out to hopefully score a remarkable moment with you
smiles appeared on everyone's faces as he walked through the burning hot sand.
"jude, you're here!" you yelled as sounds of waves crashing and seagulls talking. he waved at you while he gave his mom his belongings for safe keeping.
joining you and jobe in the water, he felt off. in his imagination, jude felt like a mood-killer. the laughter died down, the sun no longer reflected off your skin. he felt like he caused something wrong.
clearing the air, jobe did little small splashes throughout the trio. jude stared at the smile that was on your face after jobe's actions. he felt anger race through his blood. impulsive thinking, he pushed the water right into jobe's face. jobe dodging the salt water in his eyes, he was confused on jude's sudden gesture. you ignored what just happened, because siblings can be siblings.
actions speaking more than words, jude became more aggressive. walking more towards to shore for safety, jude wasn't just playing around. he gave a jude a small but rough push to jobe, making him slip and fall into the water.
"jude, what the fuck." his eyebrows narrowed watching you trying to help jobe to his balance. you weren't sure what was going on, but awkwardness was following all three of you.
jobe cleared his throat, "do you know what we're having for dinner?"
"i think our dads are grilling tonight." jobe nodded as you played with the salt water. without any explanation, jude walked back to get the towel from his mom, and walked back to the house. jobe and you made eye contact in confusion, but just brushed it off.
walking to the shore, the three little children were playing with the sand. classic sand castle with wet sand circling it. picking up the baby boy, giving him a small kiss on his forehead, you could really see jude’s face written all over him.
“y/n, you should sit. the sand is cool under the umbrella.” jobe patted a spot next to him under the shade. sitting the baby down on your lap and hugging his tiny body, he pointed at the sand in jobe’s bucket.
“are you going to help build our castle?” the little princess with her pink hat was desperately trying to scoop a decent amount of sand in her flimsy shovel. jobe nodded his head, but we all know he loses the sand castle contest every year.
“y/n, guess what.” the girl said with a bright smile.
“what?” you smiled back, but more in confusion.
“jude has flowers in his room. i asked if they were for me, he said no. he said it was for someone special though.”
your lips made a small gap. you were shocked at the fact. jobe held in his breath. he was looking back and forth in panic.
“did you know jude was talking to someone, jobe?” he looked at you with slightly wider eyes.
frantically shaking his head, “no, of course not.” he looked at his mom for some help.
“did you know?” you asked denise.
she shrugged it off with a “no darling.” as she was playing it off. you were playing with the baby’s soft curls as your mind wandered off.
“hey jude, how are you?” walking into his room and sitting down on the desk chair as he sat on the bed, scrolling through social media.
with an unexpected surprise, jude sat up. “i’m doing fine, how are you? you look like you got a nice tan.”
a slight giggle coming out, “yeah, it’s pretty nice. i just wanted to ask you about something.”
“our lovely niece told me you bought flowers for someone,” jude instantly looked at you in your eyes. has his secret been busted? “i was just wondering who they were for. usually when you start talking to someone, jobe and i know.”
“oh, it’s nothing really. i bought them just because.”
“just because? you can’t be serious. have you met someone at the beach?” you got up from the chair and sat next to his legs on the edge of the bed.
“seriously y/n. they’re not for anyone. it wouldn’t be any of your business anyway.”
“excuse me?”
“why are you always in my business? i feel like you and jobe are spying on everything i do. and you try to get me to speak about everything. just leave me alone.”
“what the hell are you on about? we’ve never invaded your privacy. if you felt this way, you could’ve said something a long time ago.”
standing up in anger, you couldn’t believe what you were hearing. everyone told everyone updates on their life, this wasn’t a secret tradition. surprisingly, jude would be the one sharing most of his life updates.
“you know what, you always take jobe’s side too. i feel left out every time. when i come around, you and him stop laughing and it gets all silent. i feel like i’m the bad guy.”
“jude, you’ve been acting fucking mental lately. i don’t know why you’re being like this, but you need to fix it. i asked a simple question, not a whole lecture from you.”
tears formed in your eyes as you went to leave the room.
“yeah, go run to jobe like you always do.” was the last thing you heard before slamming the door with a loud bam following it.
jobe was waiting outside the door, hearing everything. breaking down in his arms, you thought this vacation would be different.
----------the next morning--------------
the smell of syrup, eggs, and other breakfast goodies was lurking around the beach house.
not a word from jude after the argument. it wasn’t any surprise that everyone in the place heard what was happening. mark, jude and jobe’s dad, made sure to cook butterfly pancakes to try and cheer you up. something he loved doing for you since you were a child.
sitting down with a plate of eggs and toast, he placed the pancake in front of you with a little whipped cream in the middle. giving you a gentle pat on the back, you thanked him quietly. jobe sat down next to you, not wasting a chance to dig in.
all of a sudden, the hairs on your arms rose due to the coldness. awkwardness cooling down the food as jude walked into the room. jobe cleared his throat as he glanced at you before looking down. you continued to try and eat, even though he made you lose your appetite.
“morning.” jude said to his mom as he gave her a little peck on her forehead.
quick change of events as jude sat on the other side of you. it was normal of course, jude, you, and jobe. it was just unexpected that he pretended nothing happened.
everyone ate in awkward silence. except jude, humming and dancing as he ate. his mom looked at him in concern.
“what?” he questioned her, as she quickly shook her head no. “being awfully quiet this morning, what did i miss?” everyone looked at him in confusion.
“nothing, just eat.”
he threw his arms up, “hey, i’m not making this awkward. you guys are.” he got up and started washing his plate and fork.
he was right, we were the ones being awkward. it didn’t change the fact that you didn’t get an apology though. finishing up your breakfast, you forced yourself to approach him with your dirty dishes. putting it into the sink, you stood behind him, waiting for him to be done.
he slightly whispered to you, “it’s fine, i got it.” you nodded at him while you went to the balcony for a summer breeze. soon, your mother and denise joined you.
after a few hours of talking, you got a text from jude. reading,
hey, can we talk later? meet me at the beach in 2 hours.
you tried not to question it. yet, the thought lingered. jude always apologizes straight away after an argument. what made it different now? giving the message a thumbs up, you continued talking with the ladies.
“hey y/n, did jude text you?” denise asked you.
“yeah, he did. he told me to meet him in 2 hours at the beach, but that was about an hour ago.”
“oh honey, you should probably change then.” your mom chimed in.
“what’s wrong with what i’m wearing?”
“wearing pajama pants in hot sand is not very fabulous.” the two moms laughed as they rushed to put something together in your room.
after playing dress up through your suitcase, it was finally time to go. the sun was starting to set, the orange hitting the water perfectly. walking down the creaking wooden stairs, you weren’t sure to expect.
looking to your right, you hands flew on your mouth. a table surrounded with roses, forming a heart shape, was lit with a candle. standing there at the table was jude, with a bouquet of flowers. he looked very nervous.
walking up to him, you really admired the detail. you both started laughing at the sudden seriousness in the friendship.
“are you kidding me? this is surreal.” you hugged him and kissed him on his cheek.
“do you forgive me? is this too much? i didn’t know if the flowers were too much. i also didn’t know if you wanted sand in between your toes as you ate. i mean, i could literally get on my knees and beg for forgiveness. please, forgive me.” cutting him off, you placed a finger on his lips.
“of course i do. i could never stay mad at my best friend.”
“uh. ouch. i was actually going to ask you something. y/n, would you be my girlfriend.”
your mouth formed an ‘o’ shaped. he started tapping his feet in stress.
“i don’t see why i shouldn’t be.” dropping the flowers quickly on the seat, he hugged you.
in history of hugs throughout your friendship, this one was the best one. it marked a new beginning.
a new beginning of love.
to one of my lovely supporters - @judesthighveins
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cozage · 5 months
Headcanons please with the reactions of Luffy, Nami, Zoro and Sanji where sanji is sick, so reader volunteers to do the cooking until he feels better but reader is a HORRIBLE cook. Like reader will straight up serve them fish in cherry gelatine or something awful like that. Also can you make reader female and the s/o of each character in this scenario? Thank you 🙏🏻
A/N: I WROTE SOMETHING Characters: female reader x Luffy, Nami, Zoro Total word count: 1.7k
Stand In Cook
“I’m STARVING!” Luffy screamed out, falling backward onto the deck with a groan.
“Luffy, we told you already! Sanji is sick right now, and I’m not cooking for you every thirty minutes!” Nami stood over him, staring down at him in irritation. “Either you make something yourself or you don’t eat!”
“I’ll cook something, Luffy,” you offered softly. “What are you hungry for?”
Nami shot you a look. “You’re going to regret that offer,” she grumbled. With a roll of her eyes, she strolled off and left you to the rest of it. 
You almost regretted the offer, but Luffy’s arms were around you, swinging you around with glee. “I love you! I love you so much!”
You squealed in shock and delight, begging for him to put you down. 
“Okay I really want a chocolate milkshake,” Luffy said. “And also a really big piece of meat! And-”
“Let’s start with that,” you said quickly. You barely knew how to cook, and you didn’t want to overwhelm yourself on the first meal you’d be preparing for him. 
You pulled yourself out of his grasp and went to the kitchen. “You wait out here. I’ll be back shortly.”
In the kitchen, you were completely out of your element. You had found where Sanji had kept the food, but he didn’t seem to be in possession of a single cookbook. You’d just have to guess. 
You found a piece of steak that you could only hope Sanji wasn’t saving for something special, and grabbed a few random seasonings: salt, cinnamon, annatto, basil, cayenne pepper, dill, and elderflower. You were only familiar with a few, but you figured it was the best you could do. 
You measured out 1 tablespoon of each and mixed them together, adding some milk to give it a paste-like texture, and then poured it over the slab of meat laying on the tray.Then, you threw it in the oven for…20 minutes sounded good. You weren’t sure how much longer Luffy would be able to wait. 
While you waited for the meat to cook, you started to work on the chocolate shake Luffy had asked for. 
Sanji had always shown you strange bean pods whenever he was making chocolate. But nothing in his pantry was labeled, so you grabbed a handful of a few different beads and threw them into a blender. Then you added a pinch of sugar and milk. Surely it wouldn’t be too bad, right?
When the timer for the oven rang out, Luffy bounded into the kitchen. His eyes were wide with excitement and you pulled out the slab of meat. The smell was…well, it smelled far different than anything Sanji had prepared, but perhaps it was just a different style of cooking than his. 
Luffy was bouncing up and down as he waited for you to place the meat in front of him, trying his best to adhere to table manners. But the moment you let go of his plate, he picked up the meat with his bare hands and tore into it. 
The tears in his eyes made you step back. Perhaps you had gone overboard on the spices, or…well, anything could be wrong, honestly. You weren’t a cook. You were just trying your best to serve something up to your hungry boyfriend. 
Luffy cried out, his mouth still stuffed with food. “I’m making you the new cook for the ship! Sanji can take your job!”
You gave a nervous laugh. “Luffy, that’s not-”
“I’m serious! I only want you to cook for me!” He gave you a toothy grin that melted your heart. 
You rolled your eyes. He was certainly laying on the flattery a bit thick. You knew you weren’t a good cook, but you also knew Luffy wasn’t picky. 
“You know, this is the second best thing I think I’ve ever tasted,” he said, licking the plate clean. 
“And what is the first?”
His eyes got a fiendish glow to them, and he gave you a little smirk as he stretched out his and pulled you into his embrace, kissing your lips. “You.”
“I wish Sanji would hurry up and stop being sick!” Nami griped. “I’m not used to going this long without food!”
“I could whip us up something small,” you offered, starting to rise from your seat next to her. 
Your girlfriend grabbed your hand, her eyes wide. “Darling,” she gave a light laugh. “You know I love you. But…you can’t cook.”
You scoffed. “I can get something small, Nami-dear. Sanji has been teaching me a few things!”
She saw right through your lie, but she sighed and released your hand. “Something small. Like ice cream, or strawberries.”
“You got it! I can do that!”
You could not do that. As you stood staring in the refrigerator, you knew it would have to be something simple. You considered a fruit platter, but that wasn’t exactly cooking for your beloved, was it? And Nami deserved something fun, just like she was. 
Chocolate-covered strawberries. That wouldn’t be too hard. You’d have to make the chocolate, but you had seen Sanji do it a thousand times in just a few minutes. It couldn’t be too difficult. 
Except nothing in his damn pantry was labeled. It’s almost like he didn’t want anyone messing with his food. 
You couldn’t find anything that remotely looked like chocolate, but you had seen him scrape out some beans and add milk to them over the stove, so that was a good place to start. 
You grabbed a handful of beans and began opening them to scrape them off into the saucepan. It didn’t look exactly like Sanji’s, but after you had mashed them up, it was starting to look somewhat right. 
You threw a handful of strawberries onto the plate and covered them with the sauce, and then took them onto the deck to Nami. 
She took one glance before gagging. “What is that?!”
She raised an eyebrow, clearly skeptical. You couldn’t blame her. Something was off, but you had no idea what.
“Just try one, Nam.”
She turned her nose away. “Absolutely not. Give it to Luffy.”
“Nami! Try it!” you begged, but you were starting to agree with her. Nothing looked right about this. “Actually…”
Before you could say any more, Nami let out a dramatic sigh, grabbed a strawberry, and threw it in her mouth. 
And then immediately spit it out. And started gagging. 
“What…the hell…did you put…in that?” she choked out between coughs. 
“I did what Sanji does!” you said, trying to defend yourself from the assault you knew was coming. 
She was too busy rubbing her tongue on her sleeve to say anything else. You were half tempted to try one yourself, just to see if she was being overdramatic, but you were too scared to know the truth. 
Once you had finished coughing and gagging, she finally shot a glare at you. “Darling, you know I love you. But if you ever try to poison me again, I will throw you overboard.”
Sanji was sick. Zoro was almost done with his workout, which meant he would need his post-workout meal. But Sanji was sick. 
So it was up to you. Thankfully Luffy and Ussopp were asleep, and everyone else was out of your hair. It was just you and the kitchen. 
Rice Balls were his favorite. So that's what you would make. It was pretty easy, from what you remember. You had watched your mother make them every day when you were a child. 
So you started boiling water, and then dumped the rice in. You added some random seasoning you found in the cupboard, and mixed it all together. And then you waited. 
And finally, after all the pots were cleaned and the rice had been shaped into some rather mushy rice balls, you took them up to Zoro. 
He eyed them, as if he could tell something was different. You were hoping he wouldn’t notice the change until he bit into them. 
“The cook in a piss mood?” he asked, taking a bite of the ball that was starting to fall apart in his hand. 
His eyes bulged as the taste hit him, and it took him a moment before he could swallow. “That shitty cook is trying to kill me! He’s going to get-”
“Actually,” you piped in sheepishly. “I made them.”
His eyes narrowed as he tried to decipher your words and if they held any truth. “You made them?”
You shrugged. “I’m not much of a cook, I know. Sanji was sick, and I knew you needed to eat, so…”
He took another bite, and you could see the effort it took for him to swallow it. “It’s good,” he said.
You let out a light laugh. “You don’t have to lie, Zoro.”
“I’m not!” He took another bite, cringing as the food touched his tongue. “See, it’s good.”
“You’re lying!” You tried to grab the plate from him, but he held it away. “Zoro, you don’t have to eat it!”
You tried to grab the food so you could throw it into the ocean, but Zoro always jumped out of your reach, narrowly evading you until he took the last bite. 
It wasn’t until later, when the two of you were lounging on the deck, that he stood abruptly, his face as green as his hair, and ran to the bathroom. 
“I knew it was bad,” you said as he returned, curling up next to you.
“It was fine.” He curled into your back, pressing his warm body against you. “Just got seasick.”
“You did not!”
“Your rice was…a new and interesting flavor.”
You laughed at his attempt to be honest. “You’ve eaten rice off the ground, I’d hardly call you a critic.”
He groaned. “The dirt rice was better.”
 “Zoro!” You pulled away and turned to face him “Was it really?”
He pulled you into his arms and plopped a kiss on your cheek, trying to sooth his scalding words. “I’m joking, you know that. I’ll eat your food anytime.”
You smiled and leaned into his chest. “Let’s hope we don’t have to anytime soon.”
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sorrowedpickle · 1 year
Wednesday Addams x fem!reader
A/N: I was eating donuts making this
A lil short
Warning: smut, strap_on sex, p in v, overstim, bottom!wednesday, top!reader
Minors and men, DNI
Request: pickle, pickle, pickle. i neeeeeeeeed a fic of just fucking anyone of jenna’s characters. like just making them go dumb from r’s strap or something
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Your eyes roaming over her arched back covered in dark hickeys and scratch marks, ass red and sensitive from you smacking it so much and so hard.
Her usual pale skin now different shades of colors scattered across her along her body that’s shakes and shivers with every touch you give her.
Her face buried deep into the pillow as she grips the sides bunching it up to cover her dark red ears as moans that were once silent escape her, trying to hide them as much as possible but she was too loud for it to work. It just sounded muffled or like it was through the walls.
As you looked over her, a small smirk rested on your face, relishing in the fact that you had turned this once well-kept and stoic woman into a mere sensitive mess. Her usual calm and collected demeanor had completely melted away under your touch, leaving nothing but her vulnerability.
You couldn’t help but feel a sense of pride deep inside, knowing that you had the power to affect her in such a way. You had conquered her defenses and broken down her walls, leaving her completely at your mercy. In this moment, you held onto her hips tightly, making sure she couldn’t get away from your grasp.
In your hands, she was a crumbling mess, her body writhing beneath yours as you thrusted into her. Oh, you could get used to this.
Your hands grip her already bruised hips, helping her push back against you as your relentless thrust continue into her.
She had said this was the only position she’d do when you requested to switch, just a little something more than you usually do to switch things up a bit. She claimed it was the least embarrassing position possible, with you not being able to see her face as you fucked her.
She seemed to ultimately regret this decision, she couldn’t control anything. Where your hands went, how fast or slow you thrusted into her, how many times you’d two do it.
No, you were in control it seemed and didn’t plan on stopping as your hips drilled into hers. Not only that, but the amount of times she came was embarrassing to admit in the time you’ve been going at it.
You, of course, couldn’t get enough. Watching her come undone — because for once you had the strap on on — only made you want to see it again which caused a cycle, a never ending cycle it seemed and Wednesday had to bare through it.
Her legs that gave out ages ago shook as you held her up, no longer being able to do anything but sit there and moan and whine into the pillow, trying her hardest to keep breathing and not let out choked moans.
One hand moves along her hip and up to her back, tracing the marks and soothingly trying to ease her a bit. Your touch soft and tender compared to your hips that slam against her as the straps to the strap-on dug into your skin, leaving rope burns in its wake but that was the last thing you were worried about with this girl in front of you.
Her once neatly kept hair now sprawled across her back in wavy curls, moving with her as she moves against the bed.
You pull her ass further up to get a better angle, forcing her face to bury deeper into the pillow as she lets out a long whine that’s quickly replaced by a quiet moan as you continue to pound into her.
If only you could actually feel her, how she’d throb around the cock after the continuous orgasms you gave her. Oh that must have felt like heaven if you could even keep up without growing weak yourself.
How could you not? With such a sight you could only imagine the way she felt wrapped around you.
Her legs start to shake more, her grip on the pillow tightening as her moans come out more frequent and your movements speed up, hold on her hips becoming firm to keep her in place while moved against her.
You watched her slowly turn her head to look back at you, a very rare sight to her. Her dark, lust filled eyes full of tears as she tried to hold back her moans, sensitive from the many orgasms you were giving her could have been the only cause of such a thing.
This only spurs you one, thrust becoming harder and her eyes widen. Her back arches further as a loud moan escapes her before she shoves her face back into the pillow, high pitches noises leaving her throat as you slam into her.
Her body continues to shake against you as you hold her hips up for her, leaning down to press a kiss to the back of her neck and soaking in the feeling of her shiver as thrust into her.
Eventually her body tenses, stuttering against you as you lean back up and she lets out a low moan into the pillow and her grip stays tight.
Her body had been thoroughly exhausted after the pleasure she had just experienced. Her limbs were barely capable of responding to any outside stimuli, and her breathing was shallow and laboured. Her face was hidden in the pillow as her chest rose up and down.
This doesn’t stop you though, your thrust only become faster as you desperately try to get her to do it one last time, pulling her hips back into you with force.
She cries out, hands gripping the pillow tighter. Still sensitive from her recent orgasm, more tears fall from her face eyes staring forward at the beds headboard unfocused.
You press your palm into her back to steady yourself and keep to motions going, watching the way she shakes and moans under you.
She had overstimulated you plenty of times, so you knew exactly how it worked and what to do. But to be the one actually doing and not receiving? You couldn’t decide which one you liked more.
Your hips continue to snap to hers in a repeated motion, keeping a steady pace as you fuck into her sensitive heat before she lets out another loud moan, this time it’s choked up and broken.
She’s had enough, you had decided as you slow your movements letting her breathing in heavily. Her grip on the pillow had turned her knuckles white and her fingers shook along with her sensitive body.
You smile, movements completely stopped as you sit behind her in between her legs with the fake cock still buried deep inside.
Letting her come down from her final high you gently rub her hips, running your hands up and down her back to help her calm down a bit before placing a kiss from the small of her back up to the back of her neck, gently moving her hair out of the way letting your fingers linger on the dark red and purple skin you had sucked and scratched.
While you do this, she says something incoherently under her breath. Her eyes still unfocused as she stared to the side not longer trying to stay up as she blinks slowly muttering and mumbling.
Leaning back a bit, you pull the dildo out not letting the small whine from her go unnoticed as you took the straps off and laid back against her, arms wrapping around her to trap them between her and bed as you nuzzle into her shoulder. Just feeling her breath against or simply be against you could calm you down in an instant and you hoped it’d work on her as well as you lazily place kisses on her shoulder.
“Still think this was a bad idea?” You ask, small smirk on your face and she mumbles something eye brows pinching together and her nose scrunching up before she relaxes again.
And before you know it, you feel her body completely relax and her breathing even out. She hasn’t even given you a chance to do anything like gloat or ask if she was okay. She was knocked out and would probably not wake up for a while.
You snort, sitting up to just admire the sight. Her face relaxed as marks liter across her bare body, mouth slightly agape and her breathing finally normal again.
A soft smile plays onto your lips, pulling the blanket over the two of you and you lay next to her. Body firmly pressed against hers as you wrap your arms around and rest your head on her shoulder and close your eyes. A soft sigh leaving you as you breath in her scent and feel her warm skin.
Tagslist: @bluetreecloud20 @skate-to-breathee @wol-fica @raven-ss @restlessdot @dumb-fvck104 @tabberthecat @crazyoffher @rhythm-catsandwine @makncheese12 @alexkolax @jennasfav @melthedwarf @t-wylia @unknownuserzdjdh @pnsteblnme
A/N: not my best, probably gonna edit it a bit later on
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deansapplepie · 3 months
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You couldn’t lose each other
Summary: You were pregnant, then you weren’t.
Warnings: ANGST, pregnancy, miscarriage, mention of character death, mention of “putting someone down”, soft Merle, on purpose asshole Daryl, blood, hurt, mental instability, hurt, stubborn main characters, loss, grief, and maybe more. 18+, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
A/N: I never experienced miscarriage and am writing everything based on my knowledge through series, movies, soap operas and books, so it may have inaccuracies. If you are sensible to any of those topics please don’t read, your mental health is more important!
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It had started about a week ago, heavy dizziness and morning sickness (which didn’t happen exactly only in the morning). On top of that your period was late, which you tried to atribute to the sub nutrition all of you went through while on the road, but as soon as other symptoms started… you knew it was probably other thing.
You went on a run with Daryl to get more baby formula for Jude and just discreetly added a pregnancy test on your backpack, in a part you hoped Daryl wouldn’t look because he never did. As soon as you got to the prison and had some alone time you risked yourself going somewhere, no one would see you or find you, to pee on the damn thing and find the truth. The truth was… you knew it, you didn’t need a test, you were undoubtedly and very much pregnant.
One end of afternoon, Merle sat by your side and didn’t bother to tip toe around you. “When are ya gonna tell ‘im?”
“What?” He took you back with his question.
“When are ya telling my brother ya’re with his baby?” Your eyes widened at his question. “Daryl ain’t the only one with observation skills. Who ya think taught him everything? I saw the symptoms and the pregnancy test you hid on your pocket the other day.”
“Fuck you Dixons.”
“Ya already do it to one of us.” He sassy replied, you rolled your eyes as usually happened during your banters.
“Soon. I’m just waiting the whole governor thing end. He already has too much to worry about, he’ll freak out if I tell him now. He’ll probably put me on bubble of safety and not let me do anything.” You stated, Daryl could have the rough exterior but both of you knew how he was, how he cared about people. Also he had changed so much the last months, and it was for the better. “Don’t tell him, let me do it.”
“Al’ight.” He surprised you, you had learned how to deal with Merle, but he wasn’t the same asshole as before. Still an asshole though. “It’ll be good have a mini Dixon around. I’ll help to keep ya’ll safe.”
“I know, you can be a jerk sometimes but I know you care about your family.” You gave the older Dixon a small smile and squeezed his hand to reassure him. That had been one of the nicest things he ever told you and coming from Merle, that was a lot.
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The governor had asked for Michonne to leave your group alone, you didn’t believe a word of it it, but Merle did or at least he had to try. That morning he disappeared with her and all of you knew what he was up to. Daryl went after them, you wanted to go too but of course he wouldn’t “allow” you.
Some time after, Michonne arrived, alone. You asked about Merle and Daryl, and she told everything that happened with Merle. He had set her free and went by himself. It wouldn’t end up well, you could feel it in your guts, and your feeling just confirmed to be true when Daryl arrived alone.
Everyone gathered around him to know what happened and he told you with teary eyes. The others left to give both of you some time.
“Daryl, I’m sorry.” You said, both of your hands cupping his face, he averted your eyes. “Hey, look at me.”
“Leave me alone…” he grumply answered trying to get out of your grasp.
“We’re together in this, huh? I’m here for you, we both cared about Merle.” He snorted.
“Ya cared about Merle? Ya never liked him!”
That wasn’t true, he knew it wasn’t. He was hurt, he had to put his brother down, there wasn’t anyone else that could do it for him, even if there was… it had to be him. Somehow, in his abused mind, he thought it was all his fault. Merle died because he wanted to be a better person, he wanted to protect his little brother as much as he could in this fucked up world, and that was the way he found to do it. It was just a matter of time for you to do the same and it would be entirely his fault if you ended like Merle. You were the last thing he had from the old world. You were the only good thing he had, and if he had to push you away to keep you alive, that was what he was going to do, because he couldn’t afford living in a world without you.
“This isn’t true, Daryl. You’re hurting, I get it…” he cut your speaking before you could finish.
“Ya don’t. Ya never will!” He distanced himself when you tried to touch his arm. “We should break up.”
“Ya heard it.” He confirmed.
“Ok, when you’re not speaking no sense we can talk, I know you’re not ok, but there’s a limit of shit I can take.” You wouldn’t continue to insist on it if he was going to continue acting like that. You knew he was suffering, but so were you and he was being a prick.
“There ain’t gonna be another talk. I said what I said.” Those words left his mouth as if they were nothing, but each of them felt like a knife in his throat.
“Is it really the moment for you to dump me?” You knew he was emotionally unstable, no one make good decisions like this.
“Did I stutter?” The moment he threw the harsh words, he knew he had got what he wanted, the hurt in your eyes pained in his chest and this time he was sure he had lost you for good.
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Since that day, you didn’t talk to him and he also ignored you. You asked Rick to not put you both working together anymore. You moved your things to Carol’s cell, now also your cell. Woodbury had fallen, now the survivors of the town had joined you at the prison.
Your little secret was still yours, or sort of… Carol was a mother. She went through all the shit you were going through, all of you saw Lori going through it. She knew it already, but didn’t tell you anything until one week after everything that happened.
She asked you, “aren’t you telling him?”
This time you didn’t even got surprised and already knew what she was talking about. “No.”
“And when it starts to show?”
“I’ll tell I just fucked someone and was too drunk to remember.” You stubbornly replied.
“You’re being childish, he deserves to know.” She was right, but you were tired and emotionally damaged already.
“ ‘cause he’s being a fucking kid too. I get it, he’s suffering, but he needs to stop hurting people every time he’s hurt. It’s time he grows up and man up.” You said arms crossed.
“You know his past better than I, I thought you from all the people would understand.” The older woman wisely said.
“Carol, I appreciate your concern, he’s your friend too, but you don’t understand.” You said, was it you? Was it the hormones? You couldn’t know. “Please, don’t tell him. It’s not your place to do it.”
“I won’t. You’re the one that should do it.” As soon as she answered, she left you alone.
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One week later, or a little more, it seemed like Rick had forgotten his promise that he wouldn’t put you ti work with Daryl as he put both of you on fence duty to kill the walkers. Ok, there were more people with you, but you couldn’t help but feel yourself being watched and you knew the weight of his stare. You could feel it in your soul. Also, you couldn’t help yourself and from time to time look at him, because you would be a liar if you said you didn’t love him anymore or that you didn’t find him handsome and attractive, and what’s beautiful was made to look at.
It was middle of the morning, even though it was starting to get cold the sun was strong for whoever was working under it. You had sweat and few stains of blood from the walkers you had killed through the fence. You were feeling extra tired, you thought it was because pregnant women got more sleepy, so you didn’t think about it so much.
Some minutes after you felt a sharp pain on your lower stomach. Weird. ‘Please let it just be a stomachache or gases’, you thought.
You continued working then you felt the pain in the same place but sharper. ‘Please, don’t let it be anything with my baby’, you thought again.
You kept doing your job, this time more slowly as you felt the pain irradiating through your body, until you felt a stabbing pain in the same place and something hot going down your legs. You looked down and saw blood. “NO!”
You shouted and that called people’s attention Daryl’s specially. He looked at you and all he could see was blood. Did you hurt yourself with the weapon? Did the governor came back and wounded you? Did somehow a walker managed to bite you?
“Nooo-hooo-ooo.” You shouted cried throwing yourself to the ground.
In seconds he was kneeling by your side. “Hey, hey, look at me. What is it? What happened, doll?”
“I lost it.” You said, crying more at your realization. “I lost it.”
“What did ya lose, babe?” He asked, he thought you were delirious due to the blood loss. His hands around your face trying to make you look at him, trying to ground you. He was panicking, where were you hurt? Was he going to loose you anyway and he had spent the last weeks loosing his time with you?
You cried. “Our baby, I lost our baby.” You said between sobs.
It hit him like a punch on his stomach. You said your baby, a baby from both of you, a baby he didn’t know existed, a baby that… his abused mind played with him again. A baby that could be possibly gone because of him. “Stay with me, love. I’m taking care of you.” Who were you? Just you? You and the baby? Was there any chance this was a weird bleeding but the baby would still be ok? He didn’t know. He knew nothing about it.
He didn’t think twice, he took you in his arms and started running. “HERSHEL!” He yelled the doctor’s name again and again, until he found him and had you in the infirmary.
Before getting to the infirmary you had passed out, maybe it was the shock or it could also be the blood loss, you’d never know.
Hershel examined you. Daryl stayed all the time by your side, making questions to the doctor. Teary eyes while he explained everything. You were indeed pregnant, and yes, you had lost the baby. Daryl’s hopes were shattered at pieces, he cried. He the big rough man that didn’t like to show his emotions cried, it was Hershel. He was a friend. He was family after all.
After making sure nothing had stayed in your uterus, the old man had a talk with the younger one. Hershel made sure Daryl knew it wasn’t his fault, at this point he already knew the archer well and knew he was guilting himself for it. He ensured it was something that could happen at this early stage, you were at the maximum 2 months pregnant according to the tissue your body expelled from you. That small tissue was what would be your baby. The feeding poor in nutrients could have harmed your body, it was pretty much a disorder in your uterus so that happened. There was no one to blame, besides the end of the world.
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Some time had passed when you woke up, you were as much as clean as they could got you and you had warm feeling on your right hand. You looked to your side and you saw Daryl worried and guilty eyes.
“It’s not your fault.” You said. You remembered everything.
“Maybe.” He said, even if Hershel had already reassured him. “But it doesn’t make it less worse. I could have lived it with ya for the little time we had.”
“I was the one that didn’t tell you.” You turned to your side and extended your left arm till you were touching his face. “I’m sorry.”
“I AM sorry.” He said giving emphasis to that. “I… I dun know what I was thinking.”
“I know.” You knew he was lost at that moment, but it didn’t hurt you less when he pushed you away and both of you needed each other. “Merle wasn’t your fault. The baby neither.”
At the mention of Merle’s name and the baby, your voice quivered and the tears threatened to leave your eyes, and they did. They fell from your eyes and you couldn’t do anything about it. “I ain’t pushing ya away anymore. I… I was so afraid of losing ya too.” Tears also slipped on his face.
“Merle was happy, he knew he was going to be an uncle.” You remembered the conversation you had with him the day before he sacrificed himself. “He noticed it and asked me about it. I was going to tell you when the governor shit was over.”
You also felt guilty about Merle’s death. You knew sometimes he didn’t take some smart decisions, but did he tried to face it all alone because he also wanted to be a better person to his nephew or niece? He had told you he would protect all of you.
You sobbed. You both cried together, now your arms thrown around his neck and your face hiding in it. You both had lost too much already, you couldn’t afford losing anything else. You couldn’t lose each other.
Wanna be added to my tag list? Let me know. (Please tell me if you want to be tagged on everything or just specific series) Everything Taglist: @lilyevanstan1325 @hayley1998 @shadowcitrine @vaniniweenie @cupidelocke
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faeriichaii · 8 months
Heyyy, I hope you are doing alright!
I wanted to request a kinda mean but later soft Thranduil x Shy Fem!Reader smut ♡ in which the Reader loves to read and sneaks into a forbidden part of the library and gets caught by Thranduil ;) ♡
Bookworm ~ Thranduil x Fem!Shy!Elf!Reader
A/N: Omg never did I ever expect to see a Thranduil request (even more shocking that it is a smut request🤭) But sure, I can do that for you <33 (Ngl I was very scared about writing this cause Thranduil is like such a hard character for me to write but I obv still appreciate it when I get him requested <33)
⇢ ˗ˏˋ Warnings: Smut (MDNI), unprotected sex, bj ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Words: 3k ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Request: Yes <33 ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Hiril vuin ~ My Lady ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Meleth Nin ~ My Love ࿐ྂ ⇢ ˗ˏˋ Agórel vae ~ You did well ࿐ྂ
Summary: Legolas let the secret of a restricted area in the library slip, which makes you of course very curious. So after deciding to enter the forbidden part, you get caught by none other than the elven king himself.
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Enjoying the serene chirping of the birds, you turned the page of your book. You sat under a tree in the beautiful garden of Mirkwood. The book in your hand only had a few pages left and you just had to know how the story of the princess goes. Does she get her happy end or does the prince of hearts decide to take her down? You don’t know yet, however you are very keen to find it out. A soft gasp left your lips, as your book was taken out of your hands. “Isn’t this one of the books in the restricted area?” Legolas asked, as he turned the book around to quickly skim over the summary. His finger was still placed between the pages, in order to not make you lose the spot you have last read. He once did it by accident and he still hasn’t really recovered from the hell that you let loose upon him.
“Restricted area? I never saw a restricted area.” You said, as you stood up from your place on the ground and snatched the book out of Legolas’ grasp. “I probably shouldn’t have mentioned it.” The prince began to walk away from you, however you couldn’t just let him go after he dropped this very important secret. “Wait Legolas! You can’t just walk away now. Where is this restricted area?” A sigh left his lips as you stood beside him and looked up at him with your big eyes. “My father would kill you if he spots you in there (Y/N). It really isn’t even worth it. The only person who walks in there is him and I sometimes join him, and let me tell you, the books are mostly on history about middle earth and nothing special.” He tried to reason with you, but you were insisting on finding this so-called restricted section.
“Legolas, we have been friends for more than just centuries, you do know me and you certainly know that I know the layout of the library better than anybody else. So how come I have never seen the restricted area?” Legolas stopped walking, which made you also stop in your tracks. “There is a mechanism to it. You have to pull a lever in order to open the restricted area and enter it. But (Y/N)…” He turned towards you and grabbed your shoulders tightly. “You really can’t enter. If my father finds out, that you have been in the restricted area, then he will certainly send you far away or set an even worse punishment upon you.” His worried eyes locked onto your own. You gave him a reassuring smile, before shaking his hands off from your shoulders. “Don’t worry, I will not go in there. I promise.” What the prince didn’t saw, were your crossed fingers, that were hidden away in the pages of the book you now desperately wanted to return to the library.
After you said your goodbyes to Legolas, you decided to take a detour to the library. Just to put away the book you still held onto tightly. No other reason. Opening the big wooden doors, you walked towards the designated shelf and put away the book. Turning around, you scanned the whole room for any kind of lever. You walked towards the few golden candle holders, that were attached to the wall. Letting your fingers graze over the cold metal, you carefully tried to pull it, however it didn’t budge. A sigh left your lips as you continued to stroll around the library. You have been walking around for quite some time, until you noticed a little shelf that is tucked into the corner of the room. Examining it, you decided to try and search through the books, if they possibly could be the lever, you have been searching for.
Your eyes focused on a dark green book. The golden edges almost seemed to glow, as you let your fingers trail over the intricate design. Gently pulling on the book out of the shelf, you heard a click. The shelf started to move to your right, opening a small staircase to you. A smile spread across your lips, as you decide to walk down the few steps. Your eyes widened at the few shelves, that lined the stone walls of the small room. Each of the shelves were filled with various books and scrolls, some even in a language you can’t read. ‘How to Brew the Perfect Concoction’ or ‘Middle Earth: Past, Present and Future’ were only a few of the titles you have read on the spines. You took out a dark blue book, dusted it off and read the title. ‘The Golden Egg: A Guide for Dragons’. You didn’t even know that there was a book, explaining how to care for dragons. Putting it back on the shelf, you continued to stroll around the room. Time flew by quickly, as you read various pages of different books, and scrolls, until you found one you really wanted to take back upstairs. Tucking it in your small bag, you walk back up the stairs, pulled the lever that was attached to the wall and walked out. It only took you a few steps until you realized that the king himself was browsing through a shelf that was a little too close to the opening of the restricted area. His eyebrow raised, as he spotted you walk out of the direction of the small shelf. A blush dusted your cheeks, as you quickly did a curtsy and muttered a ‘My King’ in greeting. He mustered you from head to toe, until he noticed the small book that was peeking out from your bag.
You were ready to quickly exit the library, until Thranduil began to talk. “You did not perhaps take a book from a shelf you are not supposed to touch?” He asked, almost daring you to lie to him. The blush on your cheeks intensified, as you looked up at him. “I don’t think I understand, my king. I just took this book from a shelf that I have inspected earlier.” His eyes moved from your own, towards your bag again. “Well, I do hope so. If you would ever enter places, you are not meant to be in, than you will leave me with no choice but to set a punishment upon you.” He spoke, authority dripping with each word. A shudder spread through your body, as your mind registered his words. “Of course, my king. I would never do such a thing.” You smiled softly at him, before politely curtsying and leaving him be in the library. After walking through the big wooden doors, you let out a deep breath you didn’t even knew you were holding. Hopefully the book will be worth the trouble.
A few days passed and you devoured each and every single word, that was written on the pages. Hence you were once again standing in the middle of the restricted area, searching for another book to pass your time. You were at the furthest corner of the room, intensely reading a scroll, that you have found, until you heard the sound of the shelf moving. How come the shelf is moving? Your eyes widened, as the sound of footsteps walking down the stairs echoed throughout the room. Quickly shoving the scroll back into the shelf, you hid behind the burgundy armchair, that was tucked in a neat corner of the room. Holding your breath, you watched as Legolas entered the room together with his father.
“Why are we down here father?” The prince asked, as he let his fingertips glide over some of the dusty books. “We need to search for a scroll. It should be wrapped with a red ribbon around it.” A shudder went down your spine, as you spotted the red ribbon you have removed earlier from the scroll on the ground. In the exact same moment, Legolas picked it up from the floor and wrapped it around the scroll you carelessly shoved into the shelf. “I think I have found it.” He said and presented the item to his father. The king raised an eyebrow at the unravelled scroll. “Did you start reading it already?” “No, not yet.” Legolas answered, wrapping the ribbon around the paper and walking towards the stairs, in order to leave the room. He tilted his head, as he noticed that his father didn’t follow him. “Do you need something else?” “Yes, but you can already start reading the scroll if you want.” Thranduil said, his eyes still carefully scanning the room. Your head was ducked, in order to not get spotted by his hawk-like gaze.
The fading footsteps of Legolas leaving the room made you feel a little bit more relieved. However, you still felt Thranduils looming presence in the small space. “There is no need to continue hiding Hiril vuin.” His voice still seemed a little too far away for him to have spotted you. “You think I didn’t know you took the book from this very room?” Steps slowly started to approach your hiding location, making you duck even further behind the armchair. “I was the one who sorted through the books and scrolls and decided if they would be fit for this restricted area of the library. You weren’t even supposed to know of its existence. So how exactly did you find this room?” His feet stopped in front of the burgundy armchair. “And how dare you lie to me and still hide away like a little mouse.” A shameful blush dusted your cheeks, as you slowly stood up from your position on the floor. “My king, I can explain-“ He waved his hand, signalling you to stop talking. His eyes were filled with rage, as he deeply looked into your own ones. “You lied and now expect me to listen to your pathetic excuse?” You swallowed thickly, looking down at your feet. “You leave me with no other choice but to banish you.” “Banish me?” Your head whipped up, eyes wide and lips parted. Your heart beat faster and faster, as the punishment of your actions settled into your brain.
“Please my king, don’t banish me! I will do any other punishment that you are willing to put me through, but I am begging you, don’t banish me from Mirkwood.” Hands clasped in front of you, you fell down on your knees in front of him. Tears were lining your vision as slight panic settled into your body. You can’t get banished. You have family and friends in Mirkwood and where else are you supposed to go? The king raised an eyebrow, as you kneeled in front of him, pleading him for mercy. “You are willing to do anything?” You quickly nodded at his question. Hope filled your mind and soul as you stood up from the ground. Thranduil took a step closer to you. His right hand wiped a tear away, that escaped your eyes. Heat spread through your body at the realization of your close proximity.
“Show me how much you want my forgiveness.” He whispered, his fingers holding onto your chin. A shaky breath left your lips, as you let your eyes trail down to his own. The magnetic pull towards him was almost unbearable. The urge to just put your lips over his own and entangling your hands in his hair driving you crazy. You looked back up into his eyes, that were glistening over with unspoken want. Grasping his shirt, you quickly pulled him down, encasing his lips with your own. His hands held onto your waist, pulling you closer. You let your hands slowly trail from his chest to his neck, as you opened your mouth, letting your tongue entangle with his in a passionate kiss.
Thranduil separated from you. Your cheeks were bright red, as you took a few breaths to relax from the heated kiss. “Can’t you take more than a mere kiss Hiril vuin?” His head tilted to the side, as mockery dripped from every word he muttered. A huff left your lips. “I can take more than you think.” And with that you pulled him down once more, kissing him even more feverously than before. His grasp on you tightened, as he approached the armchair. Parting from you, he sat down on the plush furniture. His legs were slightly spread, as his arms leaned on the armrests. Your eyes trailed his form, until they stopped at the slight tent, that seemed to grow in his pants.
“Let’s see how well you listen to my orders now. Take off your clothes.” Your hands went to your shoulders. Fingers grazing over the fabric, you took your time pulling the sleeves off of your body. Your dress gently slid down your body, as it pooled on the ground. Eyes still focused on the king who sat in the armchair, you hooked your fingers into your panties. Pulling them down, you stepped out of the pile of clothes and began to approach Thranduil.   
His eyes trailed over your body, leaving a hot trail as they go. Your walls clenched around nothing, as you inspected him. “What do you wish me to do next my king?” A chuckle left his lips. His fingers motioning you over. “I want you to prove your statement. You said you can take more than I think, so I want to see how much you can really take.” Thranduil unbuttoned his pants, lifted his hips from the chair and discarded the garment on the ground. His cock was long and thick. A soft gasp left your lips. You moved down on your knees in front of him, your mouth mere inches away from his tip. “My king, will you allow me to take a taste?” Innocence laced your voice, as you looked at him through your lashes. He nodded at your suggestion.
At the approval, you wrapped your hand around his base. Your mouth encased his red tip, gently sucking on it. A shuddered breath came from Thranduil, as he held onto the back of your head with one hand, making you moan softly at his touch. You took more of him into your mouth, gagging slightly at the process. Your tongue stroked the vein of his cock as you slowly started to bop your head up and down, hand covering the part of him that didn’t fit into your mouth. Groans could be heard from the elven king, as his piercing eyes stared at how well you took him with your mouth. Your walls clenched around nothing and you could feel your wetness almost drip onto the floor. Craving to be touched, you let your free hand wander to your clit. “Don’t you dare touch yourself.” Retreating your hand from yourself, you let out a sad whine. Thranduils hand pulled on your hair gently. You let his cock go with a ‘plop’ and tilted your head to the side, awaiting your new order. “Sit down.” He said, patting his thighs.
Standing up from the ground, you placed your legs on each side of his. Cold air hit your dripping core, making you gasp. Thranduils hands grasped your hips tightly as the tip of his cock grazed your swollen clit. A whine escaped your lips at the intimate touch. “I want you to ride me. Work for it and earn your orgasm.” His lips brushed against your ear. You took his cock into your hands and aligned it with your entrance. Slowly you sank down, the feeling of the stretch making you part your lips in a silent cry. A groan from Thranduils lips bounced off the walls. You tightly held onto his shoulders, as you let yourself settle down and embrace his sheer size inside you completely. He was longer and thicker than you expected. After a few seconds of letting your pussy adjust to his size, you started to slowly move up and down. The elven kings hand trailed up your body, to grasp your boobs and twirl your nipples between his fingers.
Moaning at the feeling of his cock hitting your cervix and completely filling you up, you connected your lips to his. The wet squelching sound of your pussy filled the small restricted area of the library. A familiar warmth spread through your lower region. Thranduil detached himself from your lips and leaned towards your ear. “Are you really already close? Is my cock so satisfying to you?” He gently bit into your elven ear, making you gasp out loudly. Your walls squeezed him tightly, welcoming him even deeper into your core. The king let his hand travel down your body, his fingertips gently leaving a trail. He drew circles on your swollen clit, making you arch your back.
The knot tightened, as your walls clenched on his dick. “Don’t cum yet. You have to wait. After all, it is still a punishment.” A whine left your lips at his words, only wishing to let the orgasm wash over you. “Please.” You begged him, as he even start to move his hips upwards, matching your rhythm. “What do you want Hiril vuin? Use your words.” “Please Thranduil, let me cum.” The sound of his name leaving your lips makes his dick twitch inside you. His hand grabbed your chin and pulled you in for another quick kiss. The heat that travels through your body is unbearable, as you try to hold back your orgasm. “You can cum Meleth Nin.” And with that, the knot unravelled and you came, squeezing his dick inside you. His big hands moved towards your hips, shoving you up and down on his dick at a relentless pace. Whining at the overstimulation, you buried your head in his neck. After a few more thrusts, you felt his cock twitch, as he filled you up with his seed.
He continued to move inside you for a few more times, before pulling out. His cum mixed with your own slowly started to trickle out of your core. “Agórel vae Meleth Nin.” Thranduil held your warm face in his hand, thumb drawing circles onto your cheek. He gave you a gentle kiss on the lips. “Do you still wish to banish me my king?” You asked him, arms wrapped around his neck. “I think you proved that you definitely deserve my forgiveness Hiril vuin.”
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kozachenko · 8 months
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I swear to god, Zanmu has just been on my mind recently, she's taking over my fucking brain please send help
Artist's Note:
Why is it that everytime I do a drawing of Zanmu I always make the canvas size fucking huge and it ends up being a living nightmare to fucking export. I swear to god I had to go from 1200 DPI to 600 to 350.
Exporting hell aside, I loved working on this piece. With Zanmu's design, I wanted to combine all the design details that I love and have seen in other people's drawings of Zanmu and give them my own personal touches. First of all, her sleeves were inspired by @amemenojaku's design for Zanmu, and I absolutley love that detail because not only does it make her feel more regal, it also can be a callback to Satori and old hell, and also gives me the idea that Satori's fashion sense was inspired by Zanmu because IRL a lot of historical fashion was inspired by what the nobles were wearing at the time, and since Satori was around since when Old Hell used to be Hell, she probably took some wardrobe inspo from her (or it could be my headcanon that Satori could've been Zanmu's royal advisor or she was in her court or something but that theory is kinda grasping at strings from other headcanons I have, but that's for a different post). Also, the eye makeup she has was inspired by @jothelion's drawings of Zanmu, and like, I fucking love that detail because it just adds so much like omg I just love it sm.
And now for the design details I put in. I gave Zanmu tassel earrings because I think they'd look great on her. I also really like to exaggerate her hair and really try to make it look wild, as well as having little grey hairs here and there. I also try to add some wrinkles to the corners of her eyes, but TBH I don't know how visible that detail is, since the image is pretty fucking big. I also really exaggerated the tassles/strings on her outfit, since I really wanted to play around with the potential flow they could have. Also, big fan of giving Zanmu longer sleeves and pants. IDK why but I just like how it flows better. Also big fan of making her taller, idk why a lot of fanart makes her short. Also, I placed her horns closer to the front of her head as I just think placing horns in that position looks cool.
Also, if you're wondering about the halo, I took some inspiration from a few of Caravaggio's paintings where he often depicts saints with this very thin halo around the top of their heads. I just liked that detail a lot so I thought I'd include it.
Fun fact, I was originally gonna make the four skeletons Chiyari, Biten, Enoko, and Hisami but I didn't like the prospect of having to draw four more characters, so I chose to replace them with skeletons (if you wanna get silly with it, Zanmu got Hisami to kidnap Aya, set up some skeletons with bones from her bone collection and told her to take a picture of her).
I kinda gave up on Zanmu's feet and the one skeleton's hands (as if drawing hands normally is hard enough but NOPE, HAD TO MAKE IT LIVING HELL FOR MYSELF BY MAKING IT A SKELETON) and the quality of the image may suffer because of how much I had to fucking compress it (Zanmu's presence alone was enough to make the computer lose all of it's desire and motivation to export the drawing of her lmao), but I have been hacking at this piece for a while now, plus I need to learn when to call it quits when it comes to drawings). Also as I was fixing up the hands there was one spot where I forgot to clean up with the sketch and I can't fucking unsee that now and it's going to fucking bother me until I fix it but fixing it requires going back and putting my computer through hell so yeah.
So yeah, that's about all I have to say with this drawing, it was fun but also a nightmare lol
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seravphs · 1 year
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The Zenins want Megumi. Gojo isn’t having it.
wc — 1.7k
tags — one suggestive line after “those girls are better off without you” if you want to avoid it, set after 棠, part of teen dad gojoverse, in which you and Gojo raise Megumi together
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Gojo’s been in the doghouse since last night. Not literally, obviously - though he might have preferred it if you were there with him, at least. He’d take anything over being kicked out of your shared bedroom and being forced to sleep on the couch. 
If you had it your way, you’d prolong his punishment, but you can’t. Not when, as he told you last night, the Zenins are coming today to wrest Megumi from your custody. 
Fat chance. 
You’d die before you let that happen. 
Gojo’s not too keen on either of those outcomes. For the first time in his life, he’s taking the pacifist’s route and talking it out, though you’re sure his version of talking involves more insults than most people’s. 
He thought about simply having it out with the elders, but it’s not worth it. Not when he has a plan for the future of Jujutsu Society. Not when he has you, Megumi, and Tsumiki. He’s playing the long game. He can’t afford to screw it up now. 
Being a family man really has ruined him. 
Zenin Keiko is a tall woman with a severe black bob and the characteristic Zenin look of perpetual contempt. She’s Naoya’s cousin, alright. 
“Twice-removed,” Gojo whispers to you. “Or illegitimate. Something like that, I can’t remember.” 
“Shut up,” you whisper back out of the corner of your mouth. “She’s going to hear you.” 
Welcoming a Zenin into your home feels like blasphemy, though you suppose Gojo is the closest thing Jujutsu society has to a god. 
Gojo’s unimpressed by her, mostly because he feels like the Zenins are mocking him. It’s not like anyone can take him on, but to send someone who has no battle capabilities feels like an insult.  
Keiko is an auxiliary manager with no cursed technique to speak of besides a weak barrier. It’s a wonder she has the nerve to speak to Gojo. The Zenins truly did not care about her if they sent her as the proxy to undermine your roles as the Fushiguro children’s guardians. In fact, you suspect that’s the precise reason she was chosen - because she’s expendable. 
Keiko, to her credit, shows no sign of fear. 
“I’d like to meet the children, Mr. Gojo. It’ll give me a good grasp of what the situation is.” 
“Hell no,” Gojo outright laughs in her face. “I’m not letting a Zenin near my brats. Your-“
“Gojo.” You squeeze his knee. Cooperate. 
“I’ll go get them,” he says begrudgingly.
The two of you sandwich the children between you on the couch. Tsumiki sits on Gojo’s left. Megumi sits on your right. That way, the two that are most likely to fight are separated. It’s a strategized united front. 
“Megumi, do you like your guardians? Do you like staying here?” 
Megumi looks at you. You smile at him encouragingly - and there Keiko goes, scribbling away in her notebook. She’s probably saying something about how Megumi is so scared of you he won’t answer the question unless you give him permission. 
“Are you sure? Forgive me, but Gojo seems a little…immature for a parent.” 
A direct attack right out of the gates. Gojo objects to this very accurate assessment of his character. 
“He’s fine, I guess,” Megumi says. There’s more scribbling. You’re starting to hate the sound of pen on paper. “I like-“ 
He looks at you. There’s a tiny blush on his cheeks, just the faintest hint of red. More quietly, he says, “It’s fine, cause she takes care of us.” 
Gojo stares at him, slack-jawed. “Are you kidding me? You are one ungrateful brat. Who found you? Who took you in?” 
Tsumiki chimes in, “We like Gojo a lot too! He’s fun.” 
Keiko ignores her completely, focusing on Megumi instead. Your distaste for her grows. 
“Would you say that Gojo has an active role in taking care of you?” 
“Why aren’t you asking Tsumiki anything?” Megumi interrupts. “Her opinion’s important too.” 
Keiko gives him a strained smile. Gojo reaches behind Tsumiki on the couch to ruffle Megumi’s hair. He only tolerates this for five seconds before he shakes his head to get him off. 
“He loves me,” Gojo says. 
“I have Stockholm syndrome,” Megumi says. ‘Help,’ he mouthes. 
“He’s joking,” Tsumiki says nervously.
You’ve given up on making them behave. It’s just not happening. 
Keiko seems to have given up too. Rather than continue prodding Megumi, she turns to Gojo. 
“How often are you home?”
“Basically every day,” Gojo lies. He does try his best, but it’s more like every other day. Such is the fate of the strongest sorcerer. 
“Don’t want my baby all alone, poor little thing.” 
He catches your look and cackles. “No, the other one. My other baby,” and the kiss he presses to your knuckles is so tender it melts your heart. 
Keiko makes an uncomfortable expression. “Please try to stay focused, Mr. Gojo.” 
Megumi gags loudly. Tsumiki pinches his arm to get him to shut up and he yelps. Keiko narrows her eyes and makes another note. 
“I understand how Gojo might take responsibility for the children,” Keiko says, directing her attention to you, “but how did you come into the picture. Are you a girlfriend-“
“Wife,” Gojo interjects. 
Keiko’s entire body does an approximation of what it would look if a human had a screenshot function. 
“Aren’t you children?”
You don’t like Keiko at all, but you respect the balls it takes to talk to Gojo like that. All the Zenins seem to have that death wish of wanting to mouth off to the strongest. Maybe it’s a genetic thing. 
Gojo shrugs. “If I’m old enough for the missions you send me on, I’m old enough to take care of kids, right? How hard can it be?”
You pinch his thigh. “Gojo.” 
“What? It is easy. You just give them a bunch of lollipops and call it a day.” 
Keiko’s writing is now background noise to you. “Are you still doing that? I told you-“
“It’s fine! All kids need sugar to grow. I had a sweet tooth when I was their age.”
“And that’s probably the reason why you still have one now! Except it’s rotting your teeth-“
“It’s not-“
“It is!”
“Don’t be so uptight!”
“How does it look if I’m always saying no to him and you’re always saying yes? It isn’t fair, Satoru. Parenting has to be a team effort.” 
“What are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about you playing good cop, bad cop with him!” 
“Have you gone insane? We went over this! He likes you more than me! There is no good cop, bad cop when he just takes your side every single time.” 
“Excuse me,” Keiko says. She’s somehow managed to look a complex combination of perplexed, annoyed, and satisfied. “Please take care of your lovers’ tiffs outside of this interview. I will say that this doesn’t seem like an environment particularly conducive to raising children, however.” 
“What do you know?” Gojo says rudely. “The only reason you’re even doing this interview is because I’m letting you.” 
Normally, you would tell him off, but in front of the Zenins? You’re a united front. You place a hand on his forearm and look down your nose at the woman in front of you as best as you can when she’s taller than most people you meet. 
“I think you’ve overstayed your welcome,” you say. 
“You agreed to an interview,” she says. 
“An interview, not an inquisition.”
“You can’t refuse a request from the elders without consequences,” she says, as patiently as she would speak to a child. It’s condescending. 
“Are you threatening my wife?” 
When you look to your side, Gojo’s face is shadowed. His eyes are storm dark and frightening. Keiko can’t hide her visceral reaction. 
She forgets her coat on her way out, she’s in such a hurry to leave. Gojo takes it and disappears. 
While he’s away, you let Megumi and Tsumiki return to their rooms. They’re muttering amongst themselves, but you don’t pry. Children need their space, too. You’ll talk to them about it later. 
He’s back within a minute. 
“What did you do with it?” You’re bracing yourself for the answer. 
“I just sent a message,” he says, as cheerily as if nothing had happened. “Think we passed that?” 
“Gojo, I think that’s the first test you’ve ever failed. Did you see the way she was writing during the last twenty minutes? And Megumi and Tsumiki! Every time they said something, she made a face!” 
Gojo shrugs, still so certain of his place in the hierarchy. One day, the elders will get tired of him throwing his weight around like Jujutsu’s one and only tyrant, but not someday soon if they want to keep their heads. 
“It’s fine,” he says. “I’m not going to make Megumi and Tsumiki act like repressed little puppet children just so that they can find some way to snipe them out from under us anyways. Who knows, maybe we’ll teach the Zenins a thing or two about healthy child raising. I hear they have two girls now. One of them has no cursed energy. Should we kidnap some more children?” 
“Like you know anything about healthy parenting,” you snark. “Those girls are better off without you.” 
“Does being mean to me get you off or something?” 
“Do you want to find out?” 
“I would love to,” he purrs, sliding a hand under your shirt just so slightly so his nails prick at your lower stomach. You grab his wrist. 
“Sorry,” you say, your stomach churning at the joke gone wrong. “I can’t.”
He stops immediately. “What’s wrong?” 
“I just- They want Megumi badly enough to go to the higher ups. I know what they do to their children. I can’t let him go there, Satoru. I can’t.” 
“I won’t let that happen.”
“I can’t stop thinking about those girls.”
“Come here,” he says. 
You lean closer to him. He lifts his arm so easily, without thinking. When you slide under it, you fit into him perfectly. 
Now that you’re safely tucked under his arm, you feel sheltered from anything that could happen.  “I don’t want to give the kids to the Zenins. They’re monsters. And they would make monsters out of them.” 
“That’s only if they take them away,” Gojo says, his smile fanged and vicious. 
“And if they do?”
“I hope they try.”
You trust him. 
You know he’ll keep his word. If Gojo says Megumi and Tsumiki won’t be going to the Zenins as long as he’s alive, then they won’t be going at all. 
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feukt-42 · 3 months
Elden ring + Shadow of the Erdtree lore thoughts
Alright, so, first off, obviously, spoilers ahead.
I've been thoroughly enjoying and getting my ass kicked by SotE and what ive seen of the lore so i wanted to ramble about it.
I specifically wanted to talk about how Elden Ring explores power and godhood.
In the base game, godhood isnt seen as inherently bad. Marika's golden order is fucked up six ways to sunday, but the blame mainly rests on Marika's shoulders it seems. She's a genocidal homewrecking war-mongerer who threw two of her children in the sewers bc of racism, she's not a good god, but it doesnt portray the problem as her being a god, just her being a mess. The game provides several "solutions" to unfuck everything :
Ranni's ending has you completely throw the system in the trash. She says, fuck it, godhood's the problem, im out of here. She is kinda right, but the lands remain fractured and the power vacuum left behind is going to be immense. We're on the right track but could be better.
The frenzied flame ending is just pure concentrated nihilism so i think we can move past it for this one.
The bunch of other endings are fairly similar : you beat Marika/Radagon's ass and you impose yourself as Elden Lord to keep her in check and fix the issues you see as most important. This doesnt fix anything long-term, the god in power is still the exact same fucking mess but with a chaperone now i guess.
None of these endings are very satisfying, they all leave you with a sense of "it could be worse i guess" (except the frenzied flame one but you get the point). This is where Miquella comes in :
Everything we hear about Miquella sounds great. He's kind, compassionate, against racism, doesnt like violence, etc etc. Cherry on top, he's even one of the characters with a direct shot at godhood, brilliant ! Why cant we just put him in charge, he'll do much better than the absolute wreck we have right now.
And thats where the base game leaves us, Marika is a fucked up mess of a person, and the obvious solution is to put the much better Miquella in her place.
Shadow of the erdtree, on the other hands, aims to set the record straight. The problem wasnt just Marika, the problem is inherent to godhood in and of itself.
In SotE, we see the land of shadow, the realm where Marika came from and ascended to godhood, and the realm where Miquella intends to do the same. And the more we hear about who Marika was before in snippets of lore, and the more we watch Miquella tread the road to godhood, we realise something :
There is no such thing as a good god
It doesnt matter how kind and compassionate you were, what your morals were, who you loved, who you loathed, none of it matters because you cannot grasp the power to become a god without sacrificing who you were before.
In the dlc we see Miquella shed more and more of himself, his flesh, his arms, his eye, his heart, his doubts, his fears and even his love. Miquella has shorn so much of who he was that he formed an entire new person (St Trina) from it. Some of him remains, he still wishes for a kinder world, but he cant sacrifice anymore of himself for it. Now he has to start sacrificing others.
Miquella was always blessed with the ability to charm others, and he sees it as the least painful path to make others do as he wishes. And so he charms his sister, he charms Mohg, he charms Radahn, his followers, Leda, Moore, Thiollier, Freyja, the hornsent, Ansbach, and everyone he can convince to give themselves up for his dream of a kinder world, regardless of the pain they might cause or feel by being enthralled by him.
And oh boy do they feel pain. Mohg is used and discarded like a ragdoll, and his followers and dynasty slowly crumble to nothing as the last pureblood knight watches helplessly, himself entranced by the one responsible after he failed to kill him. Radahn's soul is shoved in a corpse so that he can play consort to a god that is his antithesis, depriving him of his glory and honour as lord of the battlefield. Malenia is left alone to rot after Miquella has no use or help for her, and she endlessly waits for her brother to return. Every one of Miquella's followers has to grapple with those feelings of betrayal, manipulation, and lost memories returning all at once. It is by no means painless.
And so we end up with a god that is not much better than Marika was. On his path to godhood, Miquella has caused as much pain to those along the way as his mother once did, in this very same land that still feels the scars of Marika's ascension.
The only way to gain power is to take it from everyone else, and that cannot be achieved without pain.
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avidfics · 10 months
Chasing you
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Summary: You’ve been on the run from Carol after sending a drunk voicemail. A month later, Carol has found you and doesn’t plan to let you go.
A/N: Came out of a writing hiatus cause I love this woman. There’s not enough carol x reader fics on this app and she gives me the warm fuzzies. Comments and reshares are appreciated :)
Warnings: Pretty PG-13, playful teasing, fluff, some tears, few misspellings, mentions some characters from The Marvels
Three things were painfully obvious as you woke up. This wasn’t your bed. These weren’t your clothes. The “Space Girls Do It Better” sleeveless crop top didn’t belong to you. 
Oh, and there was a fluffy, orange flerken licking its genitals ontop of your chest. A pretty deep cleaning by the looks of it.
“Um.” your voice croaked, the result of a long nap. “Mr. Flerken sir, I’m going to move you and place you on the floor-” Three tentacles shoot out from the confines of its mouth, wraps around a nearby metal dresser, and swallow it whole.
An audible nervous gulp can be heard from your throat. “New plan. Leave when it pleases you.” 
Armed with the killer fluffball, you creep along the cramped halls of the spaceship and take in the colorful murals that are painted inconsistently through the halls. One reads vaguely familiar, “New Jersey.” 
What’s a New Jersey?
In the back of your mind you have a nagging suspicion of the identity of the owner of the ship. But if you were right, then that would be a bigger problem than someone undressing you while you were unconscious. 
You enter the main pilot room as a childlike scream jars both you and the flerken. 
Kamala Khan’s wide eyed, all teeth smile shines from across the room. “OMG you’re awake!”
“God, no.” you groan. You plead to the heavens that this is all just a stress conjured dream even as the teenager morphs a hard light disk to propel her forward to tackle you into a warm hug. “Kamala, please tell me you're the owner of this ship and you’ve gotten your spaceship driver’s license early?
Her lips curve. “Sure.”
A relieved sigh depletes from your body.
“Sure, I missed you. But this is Carol’s ship. After you left she’s been tracking you for the past few weeks. We got an alert that you were involved in a bar brawl on the planet Aladna yesterday. When she found you, you were already beaten unconscious and bleeding from the attack. Carol scooped you up and took care of your injuries in the med bay.” Her signature dopey smile returns. “She nearly blasted the whole bar apart when she found you. It was epic.” she sighs with a faraway look.
Her smile wouldn’t be so bright if she knew you had no interest in being on the same planet yet alone on a small ship with her honored captain. Your frantic eyes start to scan every nook and cranny of the room. As if Carol would materialize from the launch keys at any moment. You drag Kamala to the control panel and start to hit buttons at random. “No, none of this is epic. Kamala, afraid we need to cut this reunion short. Drop me off at the nearest planet or station. Shoot, give me a space jumpsuit and I’ll simply float outside in outerspace. But I Can Not. Be. Here.” 
Kamala gives a sly look at how you’re acting. “Carol said you’d try to jump ship once you woke up.” she smiles as she pets the flerken still in your arms. “Something about you being embarrassed over something moronic.” 
And there it was. Until now there was a slim grasp of hope that Carol hadn’t known what you did but this just confirmed not only did she know but she wasn’t going to let it go. Goody. No way would you tell the whole story of how you’d gone out drinking with some Skrull girls because Carol was driving you crazy in her freaking halter tops. Then you found out she was married to a prince! Sure, it was only a political marriage but still the revelation made you want to punch something or someone. So drunk out of your mind, you left the most pathetic voicemail of all time sounding like a teenager with a crush. Talking about how she attracts you more than the rules of gravity. What was that! The voicemail ended with your declaration to take the prince of Aladna in a fight if that’s what it took to get her attention.
In your defense, she does like to fight. So you did punch someone…or several someones at the bar.
“It’s nothing.” you blink away the memory. “Carol didn’t have any right to kidnap me off the planet”
“Aren’t you a little old to be “kidnaped?” the dreaded voice calls out from behind you both.
You whip your head around, guilt written all over your face even as your jaw slackens at the hottest, yet fatigued, space hero in the galaxy. 
But at the moment Captain Marvel just looked like Carol. A half smile gracing her lips even as she leans against the entrance. Bare arms out, another damn crop top that barely covers her belly button, and an empty space of tantalizing skin at her stomach before the top half of her supersuit hangs limp at her hips. 
It was giving off duty lesbian about to repair an engine and it was making you absolutely feral. 
Which is why you held the flerken outstretched in her direction.
“Not another step, Danvers.” you warn. “This flerkin here has taken a liking to me and isn’t afraid to defend me.”
Carol tilts her head and her full teasing smile tasks force, causing a full quiver in your heart.
Taking slow, meticulous steps toward you, not caring about the fur-covered danger dangling from your hands. “You’ve taken a liking to my pet, sweetheart?” 
A spurtle of incoherent nonsense leaves your mouth. “It found me when I woke up. I even named him Ginger.”
“Real creative.” her deadpan sarcasm does not go unnoticed. “Put Goose down before he decides to eat you.” You get ready to fight the command but ‘Goose’ does a loud meow and you decide that’s him agreeing with his apparent owner. 
Her eyes flicker to the noisy teenager next to you. “Kamala, go find another wall to destroy.”
“Aye aye, captain.” You make a desperate attempt to grab Kamala but the small betrayer just mouths “You’re in trouble.” before prancing away. 
With Kamela’s exit the room is too quiet and the once spacious room feels tiny and empty, leaving only the bruising reminder of why you’ve avoided Carol for weeks. Sure, your friend can fly, shoot rays of energy from her fist, and literally crush you with her bare hands but none of that ever scared you. It wasn’t your physical body you were afraid she would break, but the fragile, sensitive heart you always protected. But then there was Carol with her small, gentle smile and her laughing eyes and a warm presence that made you want to be soft instead of sharp with pointy edges.
Under Carol’s gaze you were a giant raw wound that was left open and too exposed. You just knew Carol could see it. 
Which is why getting off this ship was imperative. With a new, hardened resolve you turn around and commerce pressing every button in sight.
“You trying to order a pizza? Because there’s an easier way than having us crash into the nearest asteroid.”  The pull of her voice is so strong after weeks of zero contact but you ignore it nonetheless. Not that it deters Carol. “But maybe your bad driving is a result of getting your ass whooped down on Aladna.”
She’s baiting you. Do not give in.
“I mean the fact that you got your butt handed to you by a group of people who normally only fight in song has to make you mad, right?” The silence in response finally gets to her as she stomps up to the dashboard controls and undos every button you’ve pushed in concession. Each time she reaches for a button near yours, fingers a centimeter from touching, you yank away and take a step away. She grunts in return and counters with another step closer. 
Her next jap finally hits her mark with stinging precision. “Maybe next time you should ask the Prince for backup.”
A response fires out your mouth even as you slam your hand against a particular shiny button. “I had it handled, okay? That pretty boy prince might’ve impressed you somehow but his presence in a fight is as needed as yours is to me right now.” The lie turned your stomach and made you feel like Goose’s shit. “You had no right and no reason to take me off that damn planet because I had it covered. Just drop me off at the nearest planet.”
Carol could smell the lie a mile away. The words bounced off her chest. If anything she was trying to hide her arrogant grin at successfully getting your undivided attention, knowing it would make you more pissed. Which was always an adorable sight.
When her sources flagged a sighting of you on Aladna she’d left the spaceship at supersonic speed to reach you after hunting your trail down for the past month. 
At first, friendship was all she needed. But time spent together on various missions gave her deeper understanding on how darn sweet you were despite scratching at anyone who tried to get close. 
But once she clicked play on that cute, yet slightly violent, voicemail any vague restraints of being only friends were dashed. Now here you were, her prickly kitten, and she wasn’t going to be deterred by any of your rounded jabs. 
Now here you stood. Causing internal issues to her ship's mainframe. Slight bruises marring your delicate skin. All reminders that you’d rather be dropped in outer space than occupy the same room with her. Well tough luck. Patience was never her strongsuit. 
A blur out of the corner of your eye was the only warning before the sudden warm body surrounded you from behind. Two unyielding hands grasped yours in an attempt to halt any further error messages from appearing on the dashboard. “Are you not satisfied with my ship, sweetheart? Because you’re awfully determined to break it.” In another determined step she removes any space separating you two until her front is flushed against your back. Tense doesn’t begin to describe how rigid your body gets as you realize, to your detriment, she’s forgone a bra. Even the tiniest move from her causes her soft, malleable breast to move against your back. Your knees buckle even as you silently curse Carol for completely smashing the boundaries of your personal bubble. 
Warm fingers grasp each of your hands and her thumbs caress circles on each hand that shoots straight to your flamed core. A whisper of her lips speaks into your ear, tingling all the way into your spine. “Six. There’s six bruises across your delicate body from that stupid fight. But you didn’t need me, huh?”
The touch and slight reprimand in her voice makes your body shiver. “T-that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh?” You peek behind to see her face as her fingers gently travel down your arm. Brows furrowed with an intense glare as she inspects your minor injuries in detail. “But that’s what you said, no?” 
In an effort to clutch the last remaining shreds of your pride you squint up at her but end up lowering your glare. “Even if you helped me, that didn’t give you the right to take me off the planet.” you murmur. “And who changed my clothes!” 
The gentle hand remains on your arm but the dark look is dashed away, replaced with a serene smile. “Obviously that was me. Like I would allow anyone else to get a peek at what’s mine.” she snorts. As if the idea was simply absurd. 
All fight leaves your body at the new startling news that Carol, your Carol, just called you hers PLUS  she’s seen you naked? 
You gear up to start a rant but two arms twirl you around and hefts you up. Your legs and arms cling to her even as you yell at her to set you down.
Bullheaded Carol ignores you and instead leisurely walks to her pilot seat. As if this was just a normal Tuesday. When she plops in the driver seat, she settles your weight to straddle her hips. Immediately, you try to scramble away but she wraps her arms around you in a metal vise. That damn innocent smile returns. “The chast act ends now. Because I was prepared to let you go but then you left me this.” It’s like a slow motion car accident as she pulls her cell from her pocket and the dreadful voicemail is played at full volume. 
Renewed vigor allows you to break out of her arms but you're too slow as one hand holds you in place on her lap. Making you listen to your drunk declaration of love.
The tears come as you're forced to helplessly listen, already anticipating the mockery that was soon to come, except Carol didn’t laugh. Instead, you felt soft, slow kisses press against your wet check, trailing your tears.
Carol nuzzling your neck is the only thing stopping your crying as you realize she wasn’t laughing. Her tired smile and fatigued smile returns. “You're so dramatic, kitten. Don’t ask me what “right” I have to kidnap you and bring you on our ship after you left a message like this for me. 
Sensing you were no longer a flight risk, her hard grip releases your wrists. Instead, she traces your face, rubbing away your tear trails. “For now on, you're coming back and helping our missions, warming my bed, and if you start anymore bar fights you better finish them or have your girlfriend there to finish the job for you.”
For the first time in a month, a genuine smile graces your face. Brave enough to fully settle your weight on Carol’s lap, you grasp the nap of her neck to angle her lips for a kiss. When your lips finally connect a deep, dragged out moan leaves Carol’s mouth. Her hands slide up your thighs and squeeze your ass. “Don't run away again.” she warns.
“Aye aye Captain.”
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