#I have arrrrrts
penname-artist · 9 months
rahh guess whose bored and also back
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stitchar · 7 months
Fffhsnf, I learned the hard way that I lost my art files because my old computer doesn't work anymore... I missed the opportunity to transfer all my old art to my external hard drive...
RIP to me. I'll have to redraw all of them again. Fffff
This is literally the only downside of being a digital artist.
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latinotiktok · 9 months
hey latinotiktok can ur latininhos reccomend some youtube channels that are in spanish proferably video essay style im brazilian trying to pick up the language again
I can reccomend a few: one is Natalia Maldini that does movie and tv series analysis, sometimes she picks up topics/themes that appear in a lot of movies (for example; the bad mother archetype) and talks about them in full lenght in her section "Natalia lo arruina todo"
Farid Dieck also does movies, tv series and book analysis, I dont know him that much but I've seen a few vids of his content showing up in my fyp, and I think his vids have subtittles which can come in handy if you're learning spanish
A personal favourite that might not be what you're looking for but i need to rec him anyways: Damian Kuc. Most of his vids cover corruption or murder cases in Argentina or Latinoamérica, but he also talks about other interesting topics like AI, exotic species in Latm being invasive, the possibility of coming in contact with aliens. If you like VSAUCE type of vids he has some of those too.
He has been on hiatus for a few months (and it looks like he isnt planning on coming back 😭). But there's a lot on interesting content in his channel anyways
Edit: dos de estos youtubers son argentines y hablan español rioplatense, pero por favor si tienen youtubers/generadores de contenido de otros países que puedan entrar en categorías similares por favor recomiendenlos!!
Que anon decida la variedad de español que le parezca más cómoda jaja
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Jumping on the Spewart × Roy train(?)!
I personally view Spewart and Roy as a QPR, considering how brotherly Roy is to Spewart. However, I was... Inspired to write some fanfic (which is below the cut). My little autistic brain is bouncing around with glee. Hope yall like it!
[ Colouring style inspired by @nrcy-d0 . AU belongs to @thekoopalingsandstuffs . ]
Dear Dieter
He drew a breath of the bitter air as his eyes settled on the brick walls of the alleyway. This was the place where it all happened. It felt so long ago... The thought of it didn't seem nearly as disturbing compared to back then, though he wasn't sure why he felt the need to come here. Closure, he assumed. His mind could rid of that rotter known as... Ha! For a moment, he forgot his name. Dieter. He only remembered because of that Other version... Not that it was a bad thing, but he didn't neccesarily want nor care to remember any Dieter at all.
Two months ago was chaos broke loose. This very alley was where it happened. And he was whom was affected. And Ludwig, of course, but Ludwig didn't exactly have the issue of concealing his feelings from everyone he cared about. Did he? Was he overthinking again? Maybe.
He only told one other person about everything. Well, not everything. He conviniently kept out the part about watching Dieter die... Not even Twila knew, to currently date. He only told Rango, though that also came as a surprise to him once he thought about it. It felt so strange that... Rango, of all people, was the one he told. However, that comment he made back when they first adopted Bun and Boomerang... It echoed in his mind. "He must've done something real messed up to have you acting like that." It was small, and of course Rango being Rango, was oblivious to the hint in his response. But at least he cared enough to notice he wasn't okay... Meanwhile Hariet kept persisting of Dieter's return and Topper celebrated his loss of virginity...
He wiped his nose, unable to tell if it was running because of the harsh cold or if he was due to cry again. He was supposed to be going for a walk, or so that's what he told Hariet in order to avoid the noise that came with their recent company... The Koopalings were at their home, and they were all supposed to be making Christmas cookies, to celebrate the upcoming holiday. Alas, he got overstimulated... And now he was here, face to face with the demon of his mind. This alley. He could feel Dieter's presence, oddly enough...
He turned with a gasp, his heart jumped... Roy's figure was made more clear as he slipped on the icy pavement to run over. He calmed his breath. "You scared me," he muttered with a small cloud of frozen breath.
"Ah, sorry... But you scared me too. You've been gone for like... An hour?" Roy stuck his hands in his coat and gave a shudder. "This ain't the weather to be running off in..." "I'm sorry... " He didn't mean to make anyone concerned. Honestly, he didn't think anyone cared... Roy shook his head and smiled. "Nah, just... I don't want you to get hurt out here! Or freeze, or... something! It's way, way too cold..."
Spewart nodded. "How did you know I was out here though?" He paused for a moment and lowered his head... Spewart thought he could see his eyes behind his sunglasses. "Ludwig..." he began. "Luds told me... About you, about Dieter, about...-" "So you know." "... Yes."
A long moment of silence passed before he sighed and lowered his head. "I'm sorry." "What for?" "For worrying you. Let's just go back to the house." Roy blinked before slowly nodding, and the two began walking in the direction of Spewart's home before he slowly stopped again. His head hurt. His presence was strong. "Roy?" "Hm?" "Give me a second, please." "Of course." He turned around, facing the alleyway before breathing in deeply.
Dear Dieter, he began. I moved on. You need to as well. I don't like you, I never did... But I'm sorry you're dead. Please, move on. It's okay to move on.
Roy patiently waited, and soon enough, Spewart rejoined him. "What was that about?" "Making peace," he softly muttered.
Roy nodded and the two resumed walking before Roy turned to him. "Heard a new café opened. Wanna grab something before we go back?" He thought a bit and smiled. "Yeah, just not anything with a lot of dairy. I don't wanna throw up suddenly..." "Oh? Why would-... Oh yeah, CVS." Spewart nodded, still smiling. Roy couldn't tell, but Spewart's chest felt much lighter. His head felt more clear. They both moved on.
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Live reaction to 'Thanks To Them'
DUOLINGO?????? FUCK LUZ HAVING A TRAUMA MOMENT IN CLASS HUNTER LIKES WOLVES O H MY FUCKING GOD IM SORRY IS THAT A MOTHERFUCKING ANDORIAN IN GUSES BOOK COVER OMG STAR TREK REFERENCE AHHHH OMG POOR CAMILA HUNTER IS LITERALLY WEARING THE ENGINEERING UNIFORM FROM STAR TREK (OK ITS NOT 100% ACCURATE BUT IT IS CLEARLY INSPIRED) ARE THOSE NON BINARY COLOURED NAILS???? VEE LIKES THE NON BINEY THERE IS A FUCKING LESBIAN FLAG IN THEIR SCRAPBOOOK OMG OMG "I know just how to surprise her" dear lord this is all going to go so wrong nooo bruh they're gonna fight belos in their pajamas lmao omg hes crying oh god the book hunter/gus are reading is like the azura books for luz omg shes probably supressed her interest it oh my god OMG IT IS THE NON BINEY AGAIN ohhh belos lore incoming 'sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset' lol they get it nooo oh no poor flapjack poor hunter WATCHING LUZ GET OBSESSED WITH AZURA FOR THE FIRST TIME AHHH oh my god luz my poor baby AHFUHAIIEANCKFIIHEANC i wanna hug I like how luz understands shes talking to belos no hunter because there is this trope in these sort of situations where they get mad at the person even though they are clearly possessed and can't help it OH MY GOD THE ANIMATION AHHHHHHHHHHHHH damn that was cool of vee flapjack what noooo YAY CAMILLA HIS EYES ARE BROWN FLAPJACCK!!!!!!!! YES CAMILLA IS ON TEAM yeah vee is too innocent to go back lol the arrrrrt at the end omg
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stuffdone · 4 years
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🌱 Is it melting or emerging? Who the heck knows 🌿
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riisinaakka-draws · 5 years
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Black Sails meets Black Swan & (Bourne’s) Swan Lake – well, sort of.
I just wanted to see Captain Flint with some coal around his eyes and uh, things escalated into a ballet AU... Please, do not repost elsewhere or remove the caption :)
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parkersanders · 5 years
Okay but what if Virgil’s physical manifestation was more horrendous/scary and looking more like the scary monster under the bed that kept you awake when you were little? Deceit’s appearance reflects that of the “lying snake” that he represents, so imagine if Virgil took the appearance of the monster lurking in the darkness rather than the emo son we all know now.
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courtorderedcake · 5 years
Sitting at 80k words and counting. @cssns
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isaakfvkampfer · 3 years
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Behold! The Chinese adaption of les mis comic where the artist accidentally(or not) added a bit valvert stuff.
Translation as below:
Javert couldn’t believe his ears. He was rooted in place, stunned. He looked at Valjean, and still he showed no sign of taking his life. “I don’t understand,” he said at a loss.
Jean Valjean smiled mournfully and said:
“When have you ever understood? Javert, go!”
This adaptation was made like 40 years ago.
They reprinted it this Aug.
But I recommend the old version bc the new versions(bound volume in 2001 and 2020 version) cropped them... when EVERY PAGE OF IT IS ARRRRRT AHHHHHHHHHHH
Of course, in Brick context, I believe Valjean is the one who thinks nothing of their relationship.
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lanabanana-art · 3 years
I have had no energyyyyy to finish any arrrrrt it’s so depressinnnnnnng 
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biscuitkazoo · 5 years
15 x 15
Tagged by @qookyquiche​ over on Discord, aha.
Were you named after someone?
Not that I’m aware of, no.
When was the last time you cried?
Sometime last week. :’)
Do you have kids?
Nopity nope nope.
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Nah, never. :P
First thing you notice about someone?
Generally, countenance. Eyes.
What is your eye color?
Scary movies or happy endings?
Any special talents?
Sometimes I’m funny.
Where were you born?
What are your hobbies?
Doodling, video games, cosplay crafting, sfx makeup, sewing, and reading.
Do you have any pets?
Two doggos, two goats, and two cats.
How tall are you?
What sports do you play/played?
Softball and basketball as a kid.
Favorite subject in school?
Arrrrrt, literature, and psychology.
Dream job?
Dude, I don’t even know. ;o; Something art based that actually helped or benefited someone? Anything that I actually love and don’t feel like a spilled bag of beans during and at the end of each shift would be nice. =u=
Tagging (if ya waaanna): @pancakekazoo @junryou @the-real-amanda-krueger @olgx @the-lady-sage @allyshin @riatsilaviator
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pyrotrolls · 3 years
for funsies, even if they aren't official what do you think with Penyel and Roseri for the ship meme also
they need arrrrrt. but the art is just both of them going :0 at the lizarddad
Who is the most affectionate?
Penyel to the T. he tells her shes pretty and smart and super cool wow.
Who initiates the handholding?
penyel- and then he's denied.
Who worries more for the other?
So I'm gonna say Roseri because I think under the gruff she's sweet, and Penyel doesn't have a reason to be concerned.
Who is more likely to ask for help?
Neither, maybe Penyel but it would be bait, like can you help me feed my lusus, heres an apple :)
Who is the one always losing the keys?
penyel. head empty.
Who leaves little love notes for the other?
Who can’t sleep unless the other is there?
neither, but penny does stay awake in bed thinkin about her <3
Who is more likely to propose to the other?
Who introduced the other to their family first?
penyel and the "meet my dad RIGHT NOW"
Who is more likely to play with the other’s hair?
i feel like roseri would cut his hand. but he'd try to tuck her hair behind her ear.
Who makes sure the other has meals/stays hydrated?
penyel gives her water bottles and honey cough drops since shes a singer
Who is more likely to stand up to anyone for the other?
I think its Roseri.
Who is the most likely to prepare a surprise for the other?
Who makes the other pinky promise not to do certain things?
i dont think they have anything the other would be against.
Who puts a blanket over the other when they fall asleep on the couch?
the tldr is penny is a head empty himbo who would do anything for her.
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birb-draws · 7 years
I like your Arrrrrt. I honestly having a bad time with complimenting people but i hope this makes you happy, a tiny bit. :>
[ Eyy this sort of stuff always makes me happy! Thanks for spreading the love ;w;
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botanicadelasbrujas · 6 years
I started a music blog because Puerto Rican’s girls from NYC don’t write about music enough.
In a typical music discovery fashion, as a pre-teen, I disappeared into music when I was feeling the most troubled. It changed the room for me, it magically transformed everything around me or maybe it sent me to a whole other space entirely. Depends on perspective on that one. But it was, for certain, a departure from where I was or what I was dealing with. For a brief time music was a barometer for my social life. In college if defined my friendships with people I wouldn’t have made fast friends with in NYC. In my 20's, it made me shake it as often as I could, without a clue to how good my legs looked back then. In my 30’s it’s returned to its initial role, a departure from the moment, or from this hard knock life. And now I listen a bit deeper and keener maybe wiser? We've all been through a lot these last two years. As predicted, people are cranking out ARRRRRT hard these days. I don’t know but suddenly I have a lot to say about it all. 
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itsheavykev · 7 years
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Create art, never stop.  Don't deny the world your creativity and passion.  I have no talent but I work on my skills on a daily basis whether it's graphic design, music, or marketing.  I listen to podcasts, watch youtube videos, and read articles.  Even if I don't share on a daily basis my craft I'm constantly learning and trying to muster up some skills to make up for my lack of talent.   I don't have any talent.  I just practice.   #art #arrrrrt lol.  
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