#I have been working on this
gallus-rising · 2 months
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floralcavern · 5 months
Gay OCs backstory 1/3
This was originally going to be 1/2, but then I saw how long this was getting so decided to split it up as to not torture myself! 👍
These OCs are in the same universe as my aroace OC here!
Damian held on to his umbrella tightly. Rain poured all around, covering the streets and cars. Bugs skittered around the grass as they tried to find somewhere safe to hide. 
Damian really should be skittering off as well if he didn’t want to be late to his first day of 9th grade at a new school. But how could he when there was a stray cat getting soaked in the rain. 
The cat, a cute little calico, curled in a box and only sheltered because of his umbrella. But he couldn’t leave the umbrella here. He can’t show up on the first day dripping wet. That would be so embarrassing. 
The rain was so loud he didn’t even notice the footsteps approaching. 
“안녕. What are you doing?”
Damian jumped, startled and he turned to see a boy standing behind him. The boy was wearing the same uniform as him, as well even a red tie, meaning he was also in 9th grade.
“Oh, I, uh, th-this cat, it.. uh..”
The boy stepped forward. “¡Ay qué lindoooo! How’d this little guy wind up all alone?”
“I, uh.. don’t know. But if I leave now, he’s gonna get drenched..”
“Hm..” the boy thinks before giving Damian a mischievous smile. Something told Damian this was a face he made a lot. It just looked natural on him. 
“Take my umbrella!” He said, shoving it into his arms. “Huh?! Wait, what?!”
“I have to run! Promised a friend I’d grab something at the convenience store for him! See ya!”
Before Damian had a chance to even get a word out, the boy was running off into the void of raindrops and fog, leaving him with two umbrellas. 
He looked at the cat. “Did you see that?!” He exclaimed. The cat just yawned in response. 
He gripped his umbrella handle before leaning it against the cat’s box. He looked up at the boy’s umbrella. Damian’s was just a plain black one, but this one was covered in red, white, and green raindrop patterns with a black background.
He sighed and began to feel really guilty about now having some stranger’s umbrella while he now has to go to school in the rain. 
He decided he would return it to him if he sees him at school. He ventured on and headed to the school. 
Once he arrived, the classroom was already full of students, some he recognized from middle school, and some were completely new faces. 
He looked around to see if he could find that boy. But he didn’t see him anywhere. Damian took a spot near the back and sighed, watching as the boys in his class were already clumping together and laughing and having fun. He wishes he was able to interact with guys his age like that. 
Damian felt his breath get caught in his throat when the boy from before came in the classroom, dripping water all over the floor. 
“Dude, Cameron!” exclaimed one of the boys. “Did you not read the weather report?”
Cameron laughed and held up a bottle of orange juice. “Ah, well, I didn’t forget to get you your OJ!”
Everyone immediately flocked to Cameron. He had that aura, that smile that made people want to be near him. Even Damian, loner that he was, desperately wanted to jump from his chair and introduce himself and be his friend.
The boys dark eyes turned to Damian and his smile lit up. “Cat boy!”
Everyone snickered. “Cat boy? Damian, something you wanna tell us?” said one of the boys. 
Damian clenched his fists. “Don’t say it like that..” he murmured to Cameron. 
“Sorry! Oh! 만나서 반가워! I’m Cameron Garcia! It’s good to meet you!”
He stared at the boy’s hand before eventually shaking it. “Damian Lincoln…” 
“Cameron!” The smiling boy’s friends called. “Cmon, get a seat next to us!”
“Oh! Right!” Cameron turned to Damian with a cheeky smile. “See ya later!”
“W-wait!” Damian tried, but the boy already walked off. Guess I’ll have to return the umbrella after school..
Cameron and all the other boys chatted loudly, attempting to throw crumpled up papers into the trash can until the teacher came in. 
“We’re going to start off the year with some icebreakers!” She wrote a couple of questions on the board, like ‘what’s your favorite show?’, ‘do you prefer chocolate or vanilla?’  
“Go into groups of 4!” Kids immediately began to group up with their friends, laughing excitedly, leaving Damian with no group. 
The teacher went up to him. “Looks like we’ll have to put you in a group.”
Noooooo… he felt his inner self cry out. Being forced to group with another group of friends by the teacher is by far the most awkward and embarrassing thing ever. 
“Hmm.. go group with Audra, Lenni, Cameron, and Izzy.”
Damian felt like combusting at that very moment from embarrassment. And when the cute boy looked over at him and smiled.. ugh, Damian could’ve dropped dead from a heart attack right then and there from how attractive he was. 
He pulled up and chair and awkwardly sat next to Lenni. He only knew Lenni and Audra. Cameron and Izzy were new. 
“I’ll start!” Cameron said happily. “I’m Cameron Garcia! I just moved from Canada. But before that, I lived in South Korea! And before that, I lived in Colombia! So I speak English, Spanish, French, and Korean. But I rarely speak French, since neither of my parents do.”
Everyone nodded and smiled. Cameron had this energy about him. This laugh that was infectious and made you want to lean against his shoulder as you caught your breath as tears of joy sprung to your eyes. 
He gestured to the girl next to him. “This is my cousin, Izzy!” He nudged her. “Go onnnnn.”
She sighed and sat up. Damian noticed the way Lenni sat up slightly when she got ready to speak. Oh. He thinks she’s attractive.. Damian realized. He never really.. noticed that. 
“I’m Izzy Yun. Unlike my cousin,” she gestures to Cameron, “I haven’t traveled around much. I only live just on the outskirts of this town, about 20 minutes away. I play softball and sometimes volleyball.”
Everyone nodded and then they looked at Audra. Damian sucked in a slight breath. Audra was his ex girlfriend (if you even count dating in 8th grade as actual dating). She broke up with him because he “didn’t act like he actually liked her.” Which was unfair! He did! She was really nice and he liked hanging out with her. 
“I’m Audra Bennett. I’m part of the dance team and I’m part of a band.”
“That’s so cool!” Cameron said, leaning toward her slightly, which caused Damian jump and interrupt Lenni before he got to introduce himself, which is very out of character for Damian, as he would much prefer to go last. 
“I’m Damian Lincoln! I-I.. I um.. I like to code..”
Cameron smiled brightly. “Really? Like videogames?”
“Well.. sometimes.. but also things like hacking..”
“Woah, hacking?” Lenni asked. 
Damian laughed nervously. “Not the kind you’re thinking of. More like.. being able to play Doom on a device definitely not made for that, like a Nokia or something.”
“That’s so cool!” Cameron said, leaning toward him. “You’ll have to show me some time!”
Something about being the person Cameron leaned toward made Damian feel good. Really good. Special and important almost… Maybe even giddy..
“Y-ya, well.. if you have an old device, maybe I can repurpose it for you.. Maybe invite me over…” he said shyly, realizing his tone almost came off flirty.
What was that tone?! He thought, panicked. 
Cameron seemed to pick up on it as well, his eyebrows raising and slowly smirked. “Ok? You can come to my house and we can look for something.. I’m sure there’s something in my room.”
Lenni cleared his throat. “Anyways… I’m Lenni Belle. I enjoy to make movies and study film production.”
“Ohh!” Cameron said. “You wanna be a big time Hollywood producer?”
“Ehhh,” Lenni said, shrugging. “I wanna be more of an indie producer. Hollywood is awful. Not getting tangled in that.”
Cameron laughed. “Understandable!”
Damian awkwardly looked off to the side. He tried to think of something to say to Cameron. To get to keep talking to him. He perked up and reached under his desk. 
“By the way Cameron. Here’s your umbrella back.”
“Huh? Oh thanks! But keep it! At least for now!”
“H-huh? Why?”
“I’m guessing you left your umbrella with that cat? Well, if it’s not still there after school, you can keep my umbrella!”
“Oh.. wait.. does that mean you’ll walk with me?”
“Ya! And after that, you can come to my house! Like we talked about a minute ago!”
“O-oh..! Ok!” Damian said, quickly straightening up, his eyes shining.
Damian glanced over when he felt a glare on him and spotted Audra staring daggers into him. 
Awkward.. he thought. But why would it be awkward? Does she just think Cameron is attractive and upset that he’s not looking at her?
Damian thought about getting Cameron to look at Audra. Seeing as how he had hurt Audra in 8th grade, albeit unintentional, so the least he could do is try and set her up with the cute charismatic boy..
The idea of that made his blood boil. He liked this attention Cameron was giving him. He liked being the one Cameron was talking to and staring at.. Ya, maybe it was selfish, but.. but..
Damian has never had a friend! And he wasn’t going to lose the opportunity to get closer to Cameron… and become friends with him!
The teacher clapped her hands, interrupting Damian and Cameron’s conversation. 
“Ok, kids. Let get back to class!”
Damian pouted slightly and glanced at Cameron, who also seemed mildly disappointed. 
“Remember, we’re going to meet up after school. Meet me at my locker. My number is 214.”
Damian’s eyes widened slightly and he smiled. “Ya. All right! Will do!”
Of course, since he had something to look forward to after school, the school day felt like it went on forever. What really made it worse was that Damian had no other classes with Cameron. 
He did, however, have several classes with Cameron’s cousin, Izzy. 
Izzy was.. intimidating. She had this delinquent like aura about her. Yet, according to the whispers he hears from his classmates, she was ‘hot’. And Damian could recognize that she was pretty. But, other than that.. he just couldn’t see what everyone was so excited about. 
“Pst. Hey,” Izzy whispered. “Can I borrow a pen?”
“Oh.. sure..” he said, handing it to her. 
There was a moment of silence before she said again, “Do you think I’m attractive?”
Damian’s eyes widened and he blushed in embarrassment. “Wh-what?! I mean, you’re not unattractive, but, I-“
“Look. Just answer honestly.”
“…I. I mean, you’re pretty but.. I’m not attracted to you…”
She stared at him for a long while before letting out a sigh of relief. “Finally.. Can I get your number?”
“I’m not hitting on you. I just.. need someone who isn’t going to be weird about me. Plus, if you’re going to be friends with Cameron, I wanna make sure you’re good. Especially since he seems very fond with you already..”
Cameron looks down, hating how red his face was. Someone was fond of him? Very fond of him? And it’s Cameron? Could Cameron perhaps.. be a potential best friend?
Him and Izzy exchanged numbers and the school day eventually came to an end. 
Ok, locker 214.. There it is!
Standing at the locker was Cameron, his black hair having been neatly combed back, unlike what it was like that morning, soaking wet and messy. 
Cameron glanced over and his entire face lit up. As if Damian was the greatest thing Cameron had laid his eyes on. Damian felt like he was.. important. 
“Damian!” he calls out, snapping him from his trance. 
“Heh, Cameron..!”
Cameron closed his locker door and skipped over to him. “Ready to go?”
“Y-ya! Mhm..!”
“Great!” Without warning, Cameron interlocked his arm with Damian’s. 
“O-oh!” he exclaimed in surprise. 
“This ok?”
“Y-ya! Of course!”
“Great! Let’s go find that cat!”
 He was ready to follow Cameron, but was not ready when Cameron grabbed Damian by the hand to walk side by side with him. 
Part of Damian knew he was freaking out. This was nothing. Cameron was clearly just a very friendly person. But the other part of him felt like he was on fire. 
He didn’t even remember the entire walk, or what Cameron was saying, focusing only on how sweaty his palms were and how soft Cameron’s hands felt. In the blink of the eye, Cameron came to a stop. 
“We’re here!”
Damian looked around, then at Cameron, then at the cat, then at their hands before quickly pulling away. 
“Looks like my umbrella is still here..” Damian murmured. 
“Ya! Lucky us!” Cameron said as he picked up Damian’s umbrella and handing it to him. 
“Ya.. lucky.. uh, and here’s your umbrella back..”
“Thanks! Now, cmon. Let’s head to my house!”
“O-ok!” he said. Cameron reached out to take his hand again, but Damian instinctively jerked his hand away. 
“Oh. Sorry, did that make you uncomfortable?” Cameron asked. 
“N-no! Just. Instinct. I’m guessing you’re just a touchy person?”
Cameron stared at Damian intently, as if he was trying to read his mind. “Yessssss… I am.”
“Ok.. well.. ya, you can hold my hand. If you want.”
Cameron smiled and took his hand. 
“So, hacking?” Cameron said. “What got you into that?”
“Oh, uh. It’s gonna sound pretty bad..”
“I won’t judge! As long as you’re not stealing people’s private information. Oh! Are you hacking government information!?”
“Ummmm.. no. I’m not that good. I mostly started to get into hacking to use cheat codes in games. Haaaa..”
“Seriously? I heard people like that tend to be annoying.”
“Well, more like.. weapons that don’t actually exist in the game.. or entering in areas that can’t be entered.”
“Really? You’ve gotta show me some time!”
“M-maybe! What kind of games do you like?”
“Oh! Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing..”
“Oh, I don’t play those kinds of games, so I don’t know any cheat codes. I mostly play games like Call of Duty, Fortnite, Just Cause, Red Dead Redemption..”
“Really? I figured a quiet and shy guy like you would also like comfort games!”
He laughed. “Guess I’m the embodiment of the ‘suspicious quiet kid’ stereotypes.. E-Except I’m not actually violent or anything! I swear!!”
“I know..” Cameron said, stopping in front of a house painted pastel blue with white pillars and a front yard patio. It was the picturesque white picket fence home. “I can tell. You’re a good guy, Damian..” Cameron looked at him for a moment before quickly turning and opening the door. “Cmon inside. Just be sure to take off your shoes.”
“Right..” he said awkwardly. He took a step inside and removed his shoes at the front. He was weirdly excited to be here. 
The house was warm and smelled like vanilla and a campfire, so, very comforting. 
A woman came out of the kitchen, taking off a pair of oven mitts. “Cameron! 왜 나한테 친구를 데려온다고 말하지 않았어?”
Cameron smiled nervously. “미안해! 너한테 문자 보내는 걸 깜빡했어!” He turned to Damian. “Damian, this is my mom!”
Damian jumped slightly. “I, uh, um.. nice to meet you, ma’am..”
She stared at him for a few seconds before sighing. “Just don’t be loud or messy while you’re here..”
“Yes! Of course!”
Cameron turned to Damian again, smiling brightly and grabbed his arm. “Cmon! My room is upstairs!”
Cameron dragged Damian upstairs. There was only one bedroom up there. It was closed and had an Olivia Rodrigo poster hung up. 
Cameron opened the door. “Welcome to my humble abode!”
Damian took a step inside and looked around. 
There was a shelf covered almost entirely with different candles, a desk with colored pencils and crumbled paper crowding the top, and next to his bed was a cage with.. with a..
“A guinea pig!” Damian exclaimed. 
Cameron smiled widely. “Yep!” He opened the cage and gently took the animal into his arms. “This is Hams!”
“Hams?! That is such a cute name!”
“I know! You wanna hold him?”
“Can I?!”
“Of course!”
Cameron handed him the creature and Damian looked down at it with sparkling eyes. 
“Oh.. my.. gosh.. He’s so.. so…”
“I know!” Cameron exclaimed, cutting him off. “You keep holding him while I look for something!”
Damian slowly nodded, not looking away from Hams as he slowly leaned down to sit on the bed. 
Cameron looked around his room before digging into his closet. He exclaims “aha!” as he pulls out a dusty, old calculator. 
“Do you think you could do something with this?” Cameron asked. 
“Hmm..” Damian looked at the calculator as he handed Hams back to Cameron begrudgingly, who put him back in his cage.
“Ya, I probably could. If you could, what game would you want to play?”
“Stardew Valley!” Cameron said immediately. 
“Hm.. I’ll.. see what I can do.”
“Yay!! Thank you, Damian!” Cameron exclaimed, clasping Damian’s hands. 
“Oh, I, um.. ya, no problem..” it felt like his voice had suddenly left him. 
“Say, you said you’ve never played Animal Crossing? How about we play together?”
“Huh? Really?”
“Ya! You can make a new island on my Switch!”
“S-Seriously? That’s.. so nice of you..”
Cameron gets up to retrieve his Switch from his drawer. 
“You like the joy-cons? They’re brand new!”
“Oh, ya. They’re nice..”
“Thanks! Now, lay down with me!” he said, jumping onto the bed and laying down. 
Damian hesitated, but eventually decided to not give in to the nervousness and laid next to him. 
“What do you want to name your island?” Cameron asks, bumping his shoulder against Damian’s. 
“Huh..? Oh, um.. Piltover?”
“Piltover… where have I heard that?”
“Don’t.. think about it.”
“All right!”
He typed in the name and handed him the switch. “Now make your character!”
Damian looked at the customizing options. Usually games like this didn’t have many skin tone options. The darkest ones were still way too light. But this game surprised him with how many skin tone options there were. And one of the hairstyles even had locks, like him (though, he did wish there were more than just that one hairstyle..)
“Yay! You made your character!” Cameron exclaimed. “Now let’s start playing!”
Cameron leaned against Damian’s shoulder as he played. 
The two talked about nothing yet couldn’t keep their mouths closed. It was weird. Damian was terrible at talking, yet Cameron seemed to draw the words right out of him. 
There was a knock at the door and it creaked open, Cameron’s mother standing at the doorway. 
“아, 카메론. 여기는 엉망이야. 어쨌든, 점점 어두워지고 있어. 네 친구는 집에 가야 해.”
Cameron looked perturbed. “그는 조금 더 머무를 수 없어요, 엄마?”
She seemed to glower at him and let out a sigh of defeat. 
“What is it?” Damian asked, confused. 
“My mom said you have to go home.”
“Oh. Well.. I’ll see you at school tomorrow?”
“Ya. Lemme walk you to the door.”
They climbed out of the bed and walked to the doorway, Damian putting on his tennis shoes and Cameron leaning against the wall, watching him. 
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Damian.”
Damian nodded and pushed his glasses up. “Ya.. see ya.”
Right before Damian stepped out, though, Cameron pulled him in for a hug, which severely confused him. 
Damian left after that, walking home as his mind replayed the day’s events. He’s never had someone be so kind to him.. someone who.. wants to be his friend. It was.. kind of exhilarating!
He felt a bit of a pep in his step as he arrived to his house where he saw his parents standing, waiting for him with disapproving glares. 
“Where were you?!” His mother exclaimed. 
“I t-texted you that I was going to a friend’s..”
“Yes, but you gave no information! Who the friend was, where he lived, how long you’ve known him! If I had known you would be gone for so long, I would’ve said no! You missed grandma’s Bible study!”
“She has those, like.. every other day.. is it really so bad if I missed one..?”
His mom grabbed him by the ear. “Go to your room right now! I don’t wanna hear you say anything like that again!”
“Ow, ow! I’m sorry!” She let go of him and he walked inside, rubbing his sore ear. “I’m sorry…” he says again, only this time to himself. 
He goes up to his room and collapses into bed, exhausted. He sees a book on his nightstand and he reaches for it. 
Oh. he thought. The year book from last year must’ve come in.
Dawnward Prep. His old middle school. That place was his personal hell. 
He opened to his class photos and saw himself and he immediately cringed. He always looked so bad in school photos. Though the camera’s lighting in this one certainly wasn't doing him or any of his old classmates any favors. 
He sighed and rubbed his thumb on the picture before closing it and throwing it onto the floor absentmindedly as he laid on his back. 
Cameron.. his mind drifted to him. He’s never had someone invite him to hang out after school. And never in a million years did he expect someone funny and popular like him to invite him.. it almost felt too good to be true.
Usually he found games like Animal Crossing to be boring, yet that was the most fun he’s ever had playing any game. Ever! 
This all felt new. And exciting. But also kind of terrifying. 
He tightly closed his eyes and tried not to think of the scary ideas that may try to come into his head. 
He reached into his pocket and pulled out the calculator. He really wanted to impress Cameron. And if something as simple as this was enough to make him think that he was cool.. he was going to do it!
By the next day, Cameron came over to Damian’s desk, slamming his hands against it. “Lincoln!”
Damian jumped and nearly fell out of his chair. “I, uh-! G-Garcia?!”
Cameron burst out laughing. “Sorry, Damian! I just wanted to see how’d you react!”
“Oh.. I thought you were mad at me or something!”
“No, of course not!”
Damian smiled crookedly as his nerves died down from the scare. 
“Well.. um.. I can probably come to your house today.. for the game thing..”
Cameron let out a loud gasp. “You already hacked it?!”
“So cool! Ya, you can absolutely come over today!”
Damian smiled shyly. “Great!”
Cameron smiled back at him and looked to the side when the bell rang. “Aww man. Well. I’ll see you later, then?”
“Ya. See you!”
Cameron walked to his desk and Damian stared at him from afar. 
At lunch, Damian was tempted to go and sit next to Cameron, but Cameron was surrounded by so many people. People who either thought Damian was weird and just didn’t know he existed. And the idea of butting into their friend group made him want to collapse like a startled goat. So, instead, he sat at a table by himself, the only other person there was one girl. Lisa Xiè. 
Damian knew her in middle school. An intensely feared girl. Not because she’s a delinquent or a fighter. No. She is worse. She’s a teacher’s pet. One of the biggest rule followers Damian’s ever met. When she was given the position of hall-monitor, she acted like the dictator of the school. And not to mention when she became student council vice president..
Even though Damian was a relatively good student, she still managed to find things to get him in trouble for, whether it be his shirt was untucked or his locker had papers falling out of it. 
Because of her attitude, she also didn’t have many friends, so while he might find her frustrating, they had a sense of solidarity on being lonely. So, he was the only one she seemed to allow to sit at her lunch table, glaring at anyone else who may dare try to come forth. 
Once the school day came to an end, Damian stood at his locker, bouncing up and down on his heels excitedly as he waited for Cameron. 
He saw the dark haired boy coming toward him, waving in greeting. 
“Damian!” he exclaimed happily and Damian smiled back. 
“I texted my dad that I’m going to your house,” he lied. What he really told him was that he was going to the library. “Let’s go!”
Cameron took his hand and dragged him, a skipping with every step. “Let’s!”
They arrived at Cameron’s house, Cameron skipping and hopping happily. Damian was quick to take off his shoes and follow Cameron to his room. 
“Hello Mrs. Garcia!” Damian said as they walked past the kitchen.  
“Oh, hello Damian!” she said, smiling at him. “Do you two boys want snacks?”
Damian was a bit surprised. She seemed to be in a better mood than last time he saw her. 
“No thanks, mom!” Cameron said. “We’ll be fine!”
“Ok. Just remember, no eating in your room.”
“I know!” he said before dragging Damian to his room. 
“Ok, can you show me?” he asked. 
Damian smiled awkwardly. Cameron was so enthusiastic. It was nice and all, but also a bit overwhelming. Or maybe Damian was just overreacting..
Damian took out the Ti-84 Plus CE calculator and sat down at Cameron’s computer. 
Cameron hovered over Damian’s shoulder, watching intently as Damian installed the program. 
He laughed a bit awkwardly as he worked, murmuring, “It’s really not as interesting or cool as you’re making it seem..”
Cameron looked down at him with such a simple look as the simple words of, “It’s plenty interesting because you’re interesting,” came from his mouth. 
Damian’s hand froze on the mouse and he choked out a laughed and quickly tried to clear his throat, sweating bullets. 
“Oh wow..” he murmurs. “That’s.. really, really sweet, Cameron..”
He stares at the screen, his and Cameron’s reflection staring back at him. 
He quickly got back to work and eventually finished, pulling up the program on the calculator before handing it to Cameron. 
“Um.. knock yourself out..” he says with a crooked smile. 
Wow.. the way Cameron’s face lit up. He looked as if someone just handed him a bar of gold or something actually precious and good. 
Cameron squealed as he played on the calculator. “I can woo Elliott on here!”
Damian knew nothing about Stardew Valley, so he had no idea was Cameron was talking about, but he watched as Cameron collapsed onto the bed, staring with shining eyes at the calculator, and Cameron’s rambling just sounded like music. He made him happy. He brought him this joy. And that made Damian feel like he was king of the world. 
Damian stood up from the swivel chair and laid next to Cameron. 
“Can I watch you play?”
Damian glanced at the screen. “You said you were going to woo someone?”
“Ya! Elliott!”
“Oh? It’s a romance game?”
“Romance is part of it.”
“I see.. so, where is she?”
“Ya. Elliott?”
Cameron snorted and shook his head. “Uhhh.. no.”
“No what?” Damian asked, confused. 
He pointed to a character. The small screen made it a little hard to tell what they looked like, but then he realized. 
“A guy?!”
“You’re going after a guy character?!”
“Um.. ya?” He then gave Damian and hard look. “Got a problem with that?”
“N-no!” Damian said, but found himself inching away from Cameron, suddenly aware of their closeness. “I just.. I didn’t know you were..”
“Into guys?”
“Well, I’m omnisexual. But.. ya.”
Damian slowly nodded and choked out an echo, “Omnisexual…”
Cameron nodded, trying to smile but it slowly faded. “Why are you reacting like this?”
“Like what?!”
“All.. weird! Ugh, don’t tell me you’re one of those straight people who automatically thinks a gay person is thirsting after you.”
“N-no!!” he said, blushing even harder and nearly falling off the bed. But all that went through his mind is Wait, does that mean he doesn’t have a crush on me? and for some reason, that made him really disappointed. 
Cameron sighs. “Please stop being so weird about this.”
“Weird?! Pffff! I-I’m not being weird!” Craaaaap, I’m definitely being weird.
Cameron gave him a serious look, and Damian had a feeling that was rare for him. 
He sighs and sit up straight. “I’m sorry.. I promise, it really doesn’t bother me. It just caught me off guard..”
Cameron looked at him silently for a good 15 seconds before nudging him. “Hey.. I still want to be your friend..”
“And I want to be yours!” he said, almost immediately. 
Cameron smiles at him and Damian stares at him before smiling back. 
“Wanna keep playing the game?”
He nodded. “Ya..”
Cameron moved a little closer to Damian and the 2 looked at the game and continued to play. 
Maybe this was the start of Damian’s first, really friendship.. his first, true connection..
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Star Wars Detroit: Become Human au, my beloved
have a Jedi!Connor and BOI DO I GOT MORE COMING
Part I I Part 2 I Part 3 I Part 4 I Part 5 I Part 6 I Part 7 I Part 8 I Part 9
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foxdemon-loser · 5 months
Your Stupid Face.
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(if you don’t like oc x canon unfollow cause it gets so much worse)
(sorry for the janky text on the third one as well i had to edit it)
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sylvies-kablooie · 8 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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mangozic · 5 months
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my dead goth son and his friendly neighborhood personified concept of insanity
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dovesick · 9 months
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endless night
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retquits · 7 months
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1.6 is coming—see you march 19th!!! 🥹🌱
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seenthisepisode · 8 months
no offence but the reason tumblr is “dying” is, well, yes, of course the cursed like/reblog ratio and the change in user behaviour (because of people being used to how instagram and tiktok work) BUT also the lack of weekly shows. i say it with my whole chest, they don't produce captivating and engaging stupid weekly tv shows anymore because streaming killed that so you have spikes of activity here when Something happens in general fandom or up to three days after a new season of whatever drops and then it's a wasteland. this is obviously an old woman yelling at a cloud missing supernatural and the vampire diaries and pretty little liars and all these other shows type of post but honestly give me back weekly tv shows where i have something to watch for 40 minutes almost every day of the week after work so then i can read and reblog it on tumblr give it back for the sake of my sanity
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hansoeii · 1 month
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guess who finally finished the main part of their final and can now draw poolverine without feeling guilty?? It is I!!!
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meditations on first philosophy (1641) - rene descartes
"who give a shit"
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daydreamycrustacean · 4 months
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Loved by god
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minjimunji · 4 months
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Obligatory battle of the labyrinth kiss scene
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artkaninchenbau · 6 months
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A h-heartfelt reunion..?
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o0kawaii0o · 5 months
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kushexi · 4 months
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A mermaid au that has been on my mind for some time now 🥺✨
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