#I have no experience so I bet nobody will want me as a translator
longingpolaris · 9 months
I got approved on the freelance translation thing, now I just have to wait for clients... I think?
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twilightmalachite · 11 months
Raison d’être - The Nameless Girl 6
Author: Akira
Characters: Shu, Mika
Translator: Mika Enstars
"It is physiologically unbearable to me, but since it is your style, I should show understanding, shouldn’t I?"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Apartment in France
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One week later. Paris, at the house Itsuki Shu is boarding at…
Shu: (Since then…)
(Things have not progressed like we had hoped.)
(There is no word from Mr. Raffaello, who had always been pestering us, and he doesn’t seem to be appearing in front of us any time soon.)
(It appears regretfully, Mr. Raffaello never made it to Paris, despite saying he’ll come to Paris one step ahead of us—Perhaps he’s nothing but a lying fraud after all?)
(No, by declaring him to be a “lying fraud”, the whole truth has come to light.)
(Both of those oddly-significant diaries are forgeries, fabricated by the dishonest Mr. Raffaello. They are not fact, but fictitious stories.)
(Grandfather never was unfaithful.)
(He never had an affair, and never betrayed Grandmother and the Itsuki family.)
(And of course, “MADEMOISELLE”, a woman with apparent eternal youth, cannot exist.)
(It all was nothing but fiction.)
(Perhaps the fraud, Mr. Raffaello, learnt about the Mademoiselle doll somewhere, and incorporated a woman who shared her appearance into the plot.)
(However, by fabricating a “story” with significance that appeals to me, it lost its sense of reality.)
(A woman who does not age, no matter how much time passes… Hmph, simply ridiculous.)
(“MADEMOISELLE” was but a fictional character, just as I thought.)
(All of it, a fabrication by an irreverent fraud claiming to be the son of this non-existent woman, in an attempt to snatch away Grandfather’s inheritance—)
(That’s what should be the case… but.)
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Mika: … …
Shu: (Ever since I boasted that “truth” earlier, Kagehira has been acting strangely.)
(Why is that? He’s completely absent-minded, like a black cat that just has awoken from his nap.)
(It’s been too long for it to be jet lag… I wonder why, it’s like he’s brooding over something strangely.)
Mika: … …
Shu: Kagehira, are you listening to me? Hello~?
Mika: …Nnah? Ah, umm? I’ve… always wanted t’try the thing called foie gras!
Shu: Nobody here is talking about what to have for lunch! Although it is about that time.
Either way, Foie gras is currently banned in the modern day due to its unethical method of raising.[1]
Mika: I know that, but I’m still curious…♪
Shu: As always, you like your grotesque things. Indiscriminately arranging eyeballs and bones and the like…
It is physiologically unbearable to me, but since it is your style, I should show understanding, shouldn’t I?
Mika: Nnah~, it’d make me happy if ya liked what I liked, Oshi-san!
Foie gras, huh… Ehehe, jus’ talkin’ ‘bout it’s makin’ me wanna eat it.
Shu: Hm. By bringing up the disgusting dish that is foie gras, do you mean to implicitly ridicule me by saying the method I raised you was wrong?
Mika: No, no, there's no way I’d be so sarcastic in such a roundabout way?!
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Shu: Then straighten yourself up.
Although it is a letdown that the mysterious phenomena surrounding Mr. Raffaello and the diaries are nothing but inflated exaggerations…
Mika: ……
Shu: What we have to do remains unchanged. To win the Funeral Contest, we must come up with the sort of funeral Grandfather desires.
Mika: Nnah~… That bein’ said, I feel we’re at a checkmate…
Shu: How many times do I have to tell you, that is a misuse of “checkmate”![2] Your memory is poor as always, you know!
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Mika: (Nnah~, Oshi-san’s gettin’ irritated again.)
(When he was lookin’ into the diaries, his eyes were sparklin’ like a lil’ kid’s…)
(Nah, it’s inadequate ‘cause there's no dreams or fun in “Raffaello-san was a fraud”—I bet he’s dissatisfied with that conclusion.)
(In Oshi-san’s head, a “story” that was much more pleasant, exhilaratin’, and precious must’ve been unfoldin’.)
(So havin’ a splash of cold water over him while he was enjoyin’ himself lost in his fantasies might’ve dampened his spirits all at once.)
(And ‘cause of that—)
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Shu: Perhaps we should have the funeral be a blend of Japanese and Western styles after all, as a combination of the Itsuki family’s traditions and Grandfather’s tastes. …Something like, a row of cross-shaped tombstones, how about that?
Mika: (What do you mean, “how about that?”~… This is bad~, Oshi-san’s way too dispirited and uninspired!)
(I-I think it’ll be tough winnin’ the Funeral Contest at this rate…)
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This is because foie gras is harvested through massively overfeeding geese prior to butchering. Foie gras means “fatty liver”.
The expression Mika used here originally was 煮詰まって, lit. boiled down. It means “to reach a conclusion”, but is more commonly misused to mean “to reach an impasse”, which has quite the opposite meaning. I opted for “checkmate” as a checkmate implies the end of a game, yet it’s often used when “stalemate” would be more appropriate.
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kharmii · 5 months
Maybe Marchy wants you to delete their post because they don't want to be affiliated with you, specifically. You're sort of a trash human being who can't get past werewolves being fictional creatures who have been a part of human mythology for thousands of years. Oh, and you're also transphobic and borderline homophobic. No one seems to like you, Kharm. Take a hint and keep your opinions to yourself for a change.
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I haven't seen werewolf pron in a long time because all the people into it blocked me before I had a chance to block them. Srsly tho, there is no fandom as thirsty for dog-ass as submas. Beautiful men = Out of Style. Grotesque hairy stank-factories = In Style.
I don't like a lot of you either. I'd have been over this fandom ages ago if I wasn't into making dubious translations of Asian art. It's not like I'd want to go diving head first into My Hero Academia either, as it's mostly a bunch of kids. I suppose Erasurehead x Present Mike is appealing in the 'opposites attract' sort of way, but I'm not into Endeavor x Hawks because the former is too much of an alpha male. A main plot point was how Endeavor got into an arranged marriage with a once influential family that was struggling. They sold their daughter to Endeavor so he could selectively breed perfect superhero babies.
Endeavor: *taps watch* My recovery time is twenty minutes. That's how often you are getting bred until that baby sticks. After that, we could go once an hour for fun. (My goddamn #1 hero)
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Anyway, nobody has yet to answer my question about why it's acceptable in fandom to be a shitting dick nipple fkn furry into a million stupid fetishes, yet a lot of those people still have the gall to have a 'Proshippers DNI' on their pages. Why is it okay to cherry pick the two things? (Pedophilia/Incest) but it's okay to belong to a group of people (furries) who are overrepresented in irl cases of sexual abuse? Why is one sort of weirdo more socially acceptable than another?
Side note: A lot of furries I've encountered are into belly kink. You know how they are always saying yaoi is offensive to irl gay men because woman pidgeonhole gay men into heteronormative female fantasies? Well, first of all, fuck gay men and men in general. It's part of male privilege that all biological males -whether straight gay or trans- have this attitude like their feelings are of utmost importance, and that they should be allowed to regulate what we do. If gay men don't like my gay men fantasies, then fight me.
Where was I....so belly kink is a very heteronormative feminine fantasy. It's a very female fantasy to want to see a feminine looking person being comforted by their masculine partner when they are suffering with a huge swollen pregnant looking belly. I can see the appeal of it if the person with the fat belly is pretty looking, like the Dabiten ship. Unfortunately, I too often saw depictions of this featuring gross ass furries that one could just imagine the stank lines wafting out of.
Another side note: Is there the same sort of crap in other fandoms one sees in submas? -Like does every other fandom get flooded with two-dick dragon morbidly obese omegaverse bullshit? I'll say it again because I have the right to my opinion....I'll bet a lot of monster fkn bullshit is trans coded, like they want to normalize fat hairy men with vaginas and/or dubious genitals (like multiple dicks, yo..) looking pregnant. It's yet another side effect of our fossil fuel driven glut where too many people have amygdales not functioning correctly which causes dysfunction with dopamine regulation. A person with a healthy sense of their own mortality would be repulsed by pregnant trans male figures because of the potential of getting a really messed up baby.
Seriously, doctors are supposed to experiment on animals before moving to humans. How many female animals were pumped with male hormones then made pregnant? Have there been a lot of studies done on what unnatural male hormones might do to a developing baby in the womb? -Or are we in the midst of ongoing legal experimentation on humans?
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mercuryysworld · 9 months
I was just thinking about how I detach from things faster than my peers. I stop myself from getting into long-term relationships simply because I feel as if life is short and that I need to live my life and meet other people because how life is futile. this was in no way the way life was intended to be like, we surprisingly need long-term connections as humans to function normally. who knew, that the one thing I run through is the thing that I need the most. I run through people quick, I think my issue is that I don't take things too seriously and that is why God keeps sending ambitious friends to maybe counteract my lack of ambition. I don't take many things seriously which is my downfall. I barely put any effort into my outfits, lifestyle goals, goals, grades, friends, money, mental, physical, and spiritual being. I don't have a niche hobby that I put my money and effort into. I sit here and kinda wither away all because I have floating rock syndrome. Why did we ever think that telling ourselves that "nothing matters, we are all bound to die soon" is the key to making us happy again? This is simply false, I bet ambitious people are living a happier life than us. They probably aren't, but they have an end goal that they want to reach, for us it is just another day that is passing by. I mentioned detachment earlier, I have detached from everything in the world because there is an end to everything. I taught myself at a young age how to not get too attached to anything because it will eventually go away. Did this come from parental trauma, witnessing my friend's situations, or just my own delusions? There is no logical reason as to why I conditioned myself to not be too attached, but honestly, it sucks. You master detachment but at what cost? I feel as if I wasted my years because a good chunk of my years I was just coasting on by, I had no real goals or ambitions. I had some basic cliche ones, I told myself I'd cut my hair & did, I wanted to have a certain shirt, I wanted to have sex, I wanted to get a tattoo, I wanted a piercing... but they are all material goals. I attached myself to worldly things as my end goal but at what cost. I still never took it seriously, it was just an afterthought. I know I want to work and live in New York City, but I have been debating on what career I want to get into. I never really had a specific job in mind, I really don't even have a dream college. I have a dream house, but at times it can also be finicky. I have never had a true goal, nothing that really motivates me in the morning. I find myself to try and conform to what motivates others, some people find their motivation in being the first college grad, first millionaire, first business owner, or even the first person to climb Everest. The thing is, I tried being the girl who put her academics first, but I don't like school fr. Maybe I just don't like being taught things I have no interest in by people. I tried being the girl who wants to be in a male-dominated industry, I am not meant for grunt work. I am meant to be writing my heart away on what I care about. If nobody cares then so be it, but I deserve to write about what I want to write about and wear comfortable but cute clothes. I wonder if my goals are from a person who settles for mediocrity. Am I settling for a mediocre life simply because I don't want to get too attached to something? I am fine with job-hoping (changing) because it allows me to meet new people and gain new experiences. That can also be translation for I am non-committal. Man, why do I not want better for myself? I really need to do better. My goals should not be on meeting a certain person, fucking a certain guy, getting a certain shirt, or even just getting a bite to eat. I must divert my goals onto something that is not going to bring me temporary satisfaction. I really sit here and focus on who I am going to hunch next when that doesn't even matter to me. I have to actually set some goals and focus IN, not out, INSIDE.
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elenjaxx · 2 years
Survive the world of translation
(en español debajo)
Most panels share the same advice, and I decided to gather all I could learn about being a freelance translator in one single post. Not all of it of course, but surely the most interesting tips for me. Bear in mind that the list follows non hierarchical order, though the first tips are my favorite because they are more human and I am a very sensitive kid. Enjoy! 
Be a good person: It seems this job is only about screens and you definitely lose the human behind (specially with the automatic translation, am I right?)  We all want to deal with people, even the introverts sometimes. Thus, prove you are human, but be nice. Emotions must find a way, such as being grateful and showing respect. 
Stop complaining (if that's possible): When it comes to the job market, if you don’t have experience, look for your key factor. Besides, you are not going to get there immediately. This world (and I bet, all of those worlds), demands time and effort. 
Be there: That means you have to open your path online by creating your brand and looking for your clients (not praying they’d come to you) as much as offline, by going to meetings where nobody is expecting you (a medical conference would be amazing to find your clients if that is your area of interest!). 
Make your plan: You need a strategy - which social media are you going to use, when are you going to publish, who are you going to look for, what are you going to say, how are you going to approach your future clients or colleagues, etc. This is similar to other key tips, such as using the tools to promote only when they make sense (having ads in your web when you have enough readers) and we must use a marketing strategy that matches our personality, so we don’t start selling smoke and mirrors.  
Define yourself and define them: That is, look for your speciality and, once you have it, look for your perfect client. Doing a bit of all for all is like presenting yourself as a learner of all master of none, which loses your credibility. 
What advice would you like to give? Do you agree with this list?
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Sobrevive al mundo de la traducción
Esto es lo que he aprendido de todos los congresos de traducción a los que he podido asistir. Lo que más me ha llamado la atención lo he recopilado en la lista que podéis encontrar en el post.. He decidido ordenar estos consejos de mayor a menor importancia para mí, así que, por supuesto y como soy una sensiblona, el primero es:
Sé buena gente: Parece que este trabajo sólo es pantallas y pantallas, se pierde la persona que hay detrás (y más con tanta traducción automática, ¿a que sí?). Todos queremos tratar con personas, incluso los más tímidos. Así que haz ver que eres humano, pero sé agradable. Las emociones tienen que estar ahí, así como el agradecimiento y el respeto. 
Deja de quejarte (si puedes...): En resumidas cuentas en el mundo laboral: si no tienes experiencia, busca el factor que te defina. Además, la gratificación no va a ser inmediata. Este mundo (y creo que todos) requiere tiempo y esfuerzo.
Ten presencia: Esto quiere decir que hay que hacerse un hueco tanto en el mundo online: creando tu producto y buscando a tus clientes (no rezando para que te busquen a ti); como offline: ir a conferencias, incluso en las que nadie te espera (un congreso de medicina es un lugar perfecto para buscar clientes si este es tu nicho). 
Ten una estrategia: Necesitas un plan de acción - en qué redes vas a estar, cuándo vas a publicar, a quién vas a buscar, qué vas a decir, cómo vas a acercarte a futuros clientes o colaboradores, etc. Esto se relaciona con otros consejos clave, como que hay que usar las herramientas a nuestra disposición sólo cuando tengan sentido (pon anuncios en tu página cuando tengas lectores suficientes, por ejemplo) y que hay que hacer una forma de promoción que vaya con tu personalidad, no vender humo.
Defínete y defínelos: Es decir, busca tu especialidad y, una vez que la tengas, busca a tu cliente ideal. Hacer “un poco de todo, para todos” es como presentarse diciendo que eres aprendiz de todo y maestro de nada, lo que pierde credibilidad. 
¿Qué consejo añadirías? ¿Estás de acuerdo con los de la lista?
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DIABOLIK LOVERS CHAOS LINEAGE Sofmap Tokuten Drama CD: “The Vampire’s Every Day: Board Game Edition ~ Ayato VS Kanato VS Laito ~”
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Original title: ヴァンパイア達の日常ボードゲーム編~アヤトVSカナトVSライト~
Source: Diabolik Lovers Chaos Lineage Animate Tokuten Drama CD [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Midorikawa Hikaru, Kaji Yuki, Hirakawa Daisuke
Translator’s note: Back when I translated the silent squad version of this CD, I remember thinking to myself that it had to be the funniest drama CD I ever had the pleasure of listening to. While I still think the Shuu/Reiji/Subaru one is just a little better, this CD definitely delivers as well. I’m just not that crazy about the triplets, but if you’re a triplet stan, you’ll be sure to have a blast with this one!
Laito: …What’s this? A board game…? Heehー Seems like the perfect way to kill some time. I’ll go show this to the other two guys~
The scene shifts to the living room.
Laito: Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun~ I found something interesting! …Geez! At least answer in some way! You heard me, didn’t you?
Ayato: Buzz off! Be quiet!
Kanato: You’re an annoyance so please keep it down.
Laito: Oh come on, don’t be like that! Look, I stumbled upon this board game I’ve never seen before, so why don’t we play together?
Ayato: A board game…? Keh! Stupid. I bet it’s hella borin’ with a bunch of words.
Kanato: Nobody is stopping you from playing by yourself.
Laito: You’re both so cold…You might actually enjoy it once you give it a try? Hear me out! It says that this game is based on the concept of ‘life’.
Kanato: You are only making me lose interest even more. I could care less about such a thing.
Laito: How come? Let’s experience a human’s life first-hand! I think this would be a great way to study the human world.
Ayato: Haah!? Study!? Then I’m definitely not playin’ that shit!
Laito: …Oh, I see~ Well,there’s always a clear winner with these kind of games after all. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to play because you’re terrified of losing~
Ayato: Ah…? Oi. I can’t let that one slide.
Laito: I mean, you don’t think you can win, hence you don’t want to play, correct? I understand. If you really don’t want to, then I won’t force you either. I bet you wouldn’t want to come in last place, huh?
Ayato: Last place, who? Don’t just assume that would happen! I’m number one, even at games! …If you still don’t get that, guess I’ll have to prove my point with this one.
Laito: Eh? Which means…You’re up for it? Guess I have no other choice then~ If you want to play that badly, I’ll let you join. …Here, this is your pawn~
Ayato: …S-Sure. Oi, Kanato. You better play as well.
Kanato: Haahー... I can’t believe you’d fall for Laito’s obvious taunts so easily. How many times do you need to get tricked before you’ll understand?
Ayato: Aah…!? What are you talkin’ ‘bout?
Laito: How mean! I didn’t trick him or anything!
Kanato gets up from his seat.
Kanato: I have no time for this. I’m going back to my room.
Ayato: Oi, wait, Kanato! I can’t prove that I’m number one if you don’t join as well!
Kanato: Oh, don’t worry. We all know that you are the number one idiot of the family.  ーー Anyway, I’m heading back to my room. I don’t want to get caught up in this worthless game.
Laito: Worthless? So in other words…You’re not confident you can win, correct?
Kanato: …Oh, no problem. Unlike that doofus over there, I am perfectly fine with being in last place.
Ayato: You bastard…Just how many times do you have to call me an idiot, huh!?
Kanato: I think it’s about time you realize that I still haven’t said it nearly enough.
Laito: Wait, wait! Geez, don’t fight, you two! …Listen, Kanato-kun. There’s this delicious slice of cake in the fridge.
Kanato: …!! Cake…? Could it be…The one we ate yesterday?
Laito: Exactly! The one Reiji made! I didn’t have any and put my piece in the fridge to eat later.
Kanato: Don’t tell me you’d be willing…to let me have it!?
Laito: If you promise to play with us, it’s all yours! …But I guess you’re not as naive as to get won ver by something as simple as a slice of caーー
Kanato: Deal! Let’s get to it right away!
Ayato: That was quick. Who’s the simple-minded one now, huh?
Laito: Let’s get started then!
Kanato: Yes, that’s fine. However, I will eat my slice of cake first.
Ayato: Anyway, that means all three of us are playing, right? This is a great opportunity to remind you guys that I’m the top dog!
Laito: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say. Then, we need to decide the playing order first.
Ayato: Order? I’m obviously goin’ first!
Laito: That doesn’t sound very fair, does it? …Everyone deserves an equal chance. Let me think…Ah! This board game comes with a roulette, so how about the person who spins the highest number gets to go first?
Ayato: Heck yeah! Imma get the highest number!
Ayato: Hah! How’s that, huh? I’m number one, just like I said!
Kanato: Hahn…Nom…How can you act all high and mighty when we were only deciding the playing order? Please keep that attitude for when you actually win the game.
Laito: Kanato-kun, you should also choose between eating or talking. …But now we know we’re going to go in the order of Ayato-kun, Kanato-kun and finally me. Well then, start us off, Ayato-kun.
Ayato: I just gotta spin the roulette like I did earlier, right? Here I go!
Ayato spins the roulette.
Ayato: ‘Kay, five squares forwards.
*Thud thud thud thud thud*
Ayato: So, what’s written here? ‘Whoever ends up on this square, gets takoyaki.’...is what it says. I like the sound of that! …But what does it mean?
Kanato: I think you just have to ‘assume’ you got it?
Ayato: That’s no fuーー
Ayato: …!? O-Oi…! Takoyaki showed up in front of my eyes out of nowhere! A whole mountain of them!
Kanato: What on earth just happened!? How could that just appear out of thin air…?
Ayato: Who gives a damn!? Since they showed up in front of me, it means I can eat these, right?
Laito: Are you sure you should eat something so shady? It might not be actual takoyaki.
Ayato: I’m sure it’ll be fine! I have faith in the takoyaki! …Mmphー!?
Laito: What’s wrong? Did one of them get stuck in your throat or something?
Ayato: Mmh…! They’re delicious!
Kanato: Okay, I’m up next. I’ll spin the roulette, okay?
Laito: Mmh. Keep on going.
Ayato: Oi, don’t ignore me! This takoyaki is seriously delicious!
Laito: Eeh~? Is that so? I guess it really was just regular takoyaki then.
Kanato: Exactly. He’s already worked his way through the entire load.
Ayato: Mmh…Damnit! That wasn’t nearly enough to satisfy me!
Laito: Anyway, this means that whatever’s written on the board…
Kanato: Yes. It seems like it becomes reality.
Ayato: That’s hella rad! I always thought the games here in the human world were kinda dull, but there’s some real gems amongst them!
Laito: Hold up, Ayato-kun. I don’t think such a game exists in the human world. Why don’t you read what it says on the front of the box?
Ayato: Ah…? Over here?
Ayato: ‘Super popular! A board game straight from the Demon World.’ …This thing was made in the Demon World! No wonder I thought it smelt fishy!
Kanato: You sure have some nerve to say that after you had no issue downing that takoyaki earlier.
Laito: Well, turns out it’s not actually a game from this world but who cares as long as it’s fun, right? It was pretty interesting to see a real serving of takoyaki pop up and if it comes from the Demon World, it should be right up our alley, right?
Ayato: I guess you have a point. …’Kay, let’s keep going!
Kanato: Very well. It’s my turn next. I’m in the mood for a sweet dessert. I’d like a square which will give me a whole bucket of pudding.
Laito: Sorry to break it to you, but I don’t think this game works like you’re ordering from a menu at a cafe.
Kanato: I’ll accept a parfait made with ice cream and fresh fruits as well! …Well then, time to spin the roulette.
ーー Three. Well then, I’ll move my pawn forward.
*Thud thud thud*
Kanato: …? What’s this? ‘A large amount of stuffed animals is coming your way…?’ ーー it says. …Hm. Judging from what happened earlier…Don’t tell me…Will this actually come true?
*Rumble rumble*
Laito: Hm? Does anyone else hear trouble?
Stuffed animals come falling down on Kanato.
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: …Uwah!? …A huge amount…Ouch…! …Of plushies…is raining down on me…from above…!!
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: They keep on coming…And for some reason, only on top of Kanato-kun…
Ayato: Amazin’...Where do they even come from?
Kanato: As if I know…!! …Ugh…Don’t just stand there calmly…and…do something about this…!!
*Rustle rustle*
Laito: That’s easier said than done…We can’t save you from that army of stuffed animals.
Kanato: What did I do…to deserve this…!? Uu…
Ayato: Ahーah…He got completely buried underneath. Oiー! Are you still alive down there?
*Rustle rustle*
Kanato: …Ughー! Haah, haah…Of course I am! I don’t care if it’s just some game…I won’t let myself get humiliated like this…!
Ayato: You love this shit, don’t you? You should be happy to get so many of them!
Kanato: I’m not happy at all! I might be able to let it slide if these were cute plushies, but I don’t want these ugly abominations! …Why does only Ayato get what he likes!? That’s unfair!
Ayato: Like I know!? Complain to this game, not to me!
Laito: Well then, it’s my turn to spin the roulette next~
Ayato: Heh! I bet you’re gonna end up on a weird square as well.
Laito: We’ll see~ Ready…go!
ーー Let me see. Seven squares.
*Thud thud thud thud thud thud thud*
Laito: …Hm?
Kanato: What’s written on there this time? …If you get your favorite food too, I’m throwing a riot.
Laito: No…It doesn’t seem to be my favorite food. ‘You fall into the ocean and have to skip a turn’...it says.
Ayato: Hehe…! What’s that? Hilarious!
Laito: What could this mean? Based on what we saw earlier, then this will probably happen in real life but…
Laito: Wah!? …What is this!? …Geez! I’m completely drenched! This is the worst!
Ayato: Haha! You’re soaked! There goes those clothes you love so much. On top of that…You’ve even got an octopus stuck on your hat, haha! …Oi, let’s cook up some takoyaki with that bad boy!
Laito: Eh!? Is there really an octopus stuck on me!? …Uwah! Its tentacles are on my face…! …Ayato-kun, please…Could you take this off?
Ayato: Hah? Do that yourself.
Laito: I-I can’t…! I mean…It’s just so nasty…”
*Squish squish*
Laito: Uwah! I can feel its suction cups on my back as well…! Uu…I’m begging you…Ayato-kun…
Ayato: Fuck off! I don’t wanna touch that octopus either! Figure something out!
Laito: Eek…! Please…I really can’t take it anymore…Uu…
Kanato: Gosh, could you pipe down already?
Kanato grabs hold of the octopus.
Kanato: Don’t make those disgusting noises over some stupid octopus…
He removes it from Laito’s body.
Laito: Haah…I expected no less from you, Kanato-kun. Thank you for removing it…
Kanato: That doesn’t matter. More importantly, why is Ayato-kun the only one having a good time here!? It’s no fair!
Laito: I agree! …Achoo!
Ayato: Heh! I don’t know either. Well, I guess it all comes down to karma.
Kanato: In that case, you should be having the worst luck of the three, no?
Ayato: Say whatever you want. All I can hear is a couple of sour losers. …Come on, let’s keep going!
Laito: I think you’re looking for the term ‘sore losers’...? (1) You dummy. …Hey, are we really going to keep going? I’m kind of tired of this game.
Ayato: What are you saying? You’re the one who offered we’d play! Watch closely! Imma spin the roulette a second time!
ーー Um, three squares, right? Better move my pawn forward.
*Thud thud thud*
Ayato: What did I get this time? ‘All windows in the manor break.’ ーー it says.
Kanato & Laito: Uwah!?
Laito: Ah-aah…All of the windows in the living room were blown to pieces. What are you going to do about this, Ayato-kun? I’m positive Reiji will be mad about this.
Ayato: Don’t ask me! The glass broke on its own! It’s not my fault! …Che. Fuck! I had such a good square earlier too!
Laito: I feel like this is going downhill real quick…Should we just stop after all? Because something really bad happens.
Kanato: No! I have not yet given up on my bucket of pudding! It’s my turn next so I’ll spin the roulette right away.
…Four squares.
*Thud thud thud thud*
Kanato: …Hm. …This is?
Ayato: It says that Subaru’s coffin will explode.
Laito: Subaru-kun’s coffin? These messages are finally becoming personal. …Anyway, this means…
Laito: Well…That was to be expected.
Ayato: You done fucked up. Imma tell Subaru it’s your fault later.
Kanato: Be my guest! I didn’t actually do anything myself.
Laito: …Nfu~ Now that we’ve come this far, it kind of makes you want to know how the game will end, don’t you think? It’s my turn next, right? I’ll spin the roulette~!
*Thud thud thud*
Laito: ‘Shuu’s vinyls explode…!?’
Laito: This sound…Seems like they actually did explode, huh?
Ayato: Hehe! This is really starting to get risky. If they find out, they might just kill us. …!!
Kanato: …? Is it just my imagination…or has the mood suddenly changed?
Laito: Right…Could it be because of what happened earlier? ー They can hear people running to the living room.
Ayato: Shit…These footsteps…They’re coming!! If they find us right now, we’ll definitely be given the blame and then our heads are on the chopping block!
Laito: That sucks! Who even suggested we’d play this game? Ayato-kun, you should keep these games to a minimum.
Ayato: Who is playing dumb now, huh!? You’re the one whoーー
Laito: Hey! Now’s not the time for that!! More importantly, we have to do something about the situation at hand.
Kanato: Exactly. I can’t stand the thought of being unrightfully scolded for something I had absolutely no control over! So, what are we going to do?
Ayato: We gotta make a barricade! Let’s block the entrance by pushing the sofa and some desks in front of it!
Kanato: That’s a pretty good idea coming from someone like you. Well then, Ayato. Get straight to it.
Ayato: Haah…!? Why do I have to do it by myself!?
Laito: I guess we really have no other choice. We’ll block the entrance and while Reiji and the others are trying to get past it, we’ll use that time to make a run for it. We should still be able to talk our way out of the damage dealt. Come on, Ayato-kun! Let’s move that couch over there!
Ayato: Yeah! I’m lifting it up!
Laito: Ugh…
Ayato: Okay, the desk is up next. Kanato, get rid of the board on top.
*Rustle rustle*
Ayato: Laito! You grab the opposite side of the desk!
Laito: Yeah, yeah.
Ayato: Okay, this should do. …We actually did a pretty good job. I doubt they’ll get in any time soon now.
Kanato: Good grief…I can’t believe you’re asking me to do physical labor. I’m totally beat.
Ayato: You haven’t even done a damn thing!
Kanato: Oh shut up, Ayato. Reiji and the others will hear you. Well then, let’s use this opportunity to get ouーー
His foot bumps into the roulette.
Kanato: …Ow! Which idiot left the board laying around here!?
Laito: You did, remember? You moved it out of the way while we were making the barricade earlier.
Ayato: Oi…Hold up. Isn’t the roulette spinning?
Laito: …Huh? Ah, yeah. It did. …Ah-aah…It’s all because you kicked it, Kanato-kun.
Kanato: Haah!? Don’t tell me you’re blaming me now!? My foot bumped against it, remember!? I’m the victim here! Uu…Yet, you…are making it seem like it’s all my fault…Uu…
Ayato: Che…Don’t waste your time cryin’ like a baby. …Anyway, what does the roulette say? Which square did we end up on?
Laito: Um…Let’s see…It landed on ‘3’ so moving three squares forward from where Kanato-kun’s pawn was…
Kanato: Uu…Sob… ーー It says ‘The whole manor goes boom.’
Ayato & Laito: …!!
Kanato: I’m never playing a board game agaーー
ーー THE END ーー
Translation notes
(1) Ayato gets the expression wrong and says 負け犬の鳴き声 or ‘make-inu no nakigoe’ which literally means ‘the cries of a loser (lit. losing dog)’ while it should be 負け犬の遠吠え or ‘make-inu no tou-boe’, which literally means ‘the distant howling of  loser (lit. losing dog)’. For my English translation, I had him say ‘sour’ instead of ‘sore’.
319 notes · View notes
twistedmusings · 4 years
Doing Anything for Heat
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“Do you always refer to yourself in third person when writing these up?” 
“Legalities, Prefect, although I do not expect you to know anything about that.” 
Guess who can’t write as much anymore because she got a nasty bite at work! So yes, I was working on requests so diligently and then bam--this happens. 
As an apology for my late ass writings, please take this mini scenario for the Octavinelle Trio! Azul’s SSR card got translated and I just...god I love these boys so much q wq  Reader: [G/N]  Warnings: Casual flirting, possessive thoughts from all the boys and just MC striking up a contract with Azul and taking a very creative approach towards it~ 
“[Y/N]!!!!” Grimm pulls at your arm as you sit down across from Azul, the man holding out a contract to you as he tilts his head with a smile. “What will it be, Prefect?” 
Your hands sweat as you rub them on your legs. “Hehe~ Little Shrimp looks so scared~” 
The contract is placed in front of you slowly, Azul taking care of minding his manners as you lean back and go over the simple specifications. Made simpler, of course, since Azul had ‘such’ a kind heart. 
What a con artist. 
Winter was hitting Night Raven College hard but was hitting Ramshackle even harder. 
How many blankets had you bought from Sam’s shop? Ten? Twenty? You honestly didn’t know but you and Grimm were close to freezing some night and you had just about enough of living in an ice cube for a dorm. 
You were acting out of desperation. 
And, ever the businessman, Azul had stretched out his hand for your unfortunate soul. 
“Bring sixty customers during our lunch rush tomorrow and Azul Ashengrotto will personally see that a heater is installed in Ramshackle the same day.” 
You put the contract down and look him in the eye. “Do you always refer to yourself in third person when writing these up?” 
“Legalities, Prefect, although I do not expect you to know anything about that.” 
Great, more insults towards your intelligence. 
Sixty customers. If you were to break that down it would be ten from each dorm not counting Octavinelle. You could rope Ace and Deuce to come, guilt trip Jack for not helping you with that assignment due last night, kindly ask Epel to make his way over here and maybe if you promised Sebek that you would listen to him rant about his dorm leader he would reluctantly agree. 
But that wouldn’t be near enough. 
Azul clicks his tongue while Jade speaks up, “We will have to take that answer today, [Y/N]-san. If not, I guess maybe we could let you take some blankets from Octavinelle--” 
“Fine! Fine.” you sign your name on the dotted line and hand the contract back to Azul, the other grinning as he handed it towards his right-hand man. “How wonderful! I’ll be waiting with baited breath to see what you bring us tomorrow~” 
You give Azul the fakest smile you can muster, waving goodbye to the twins as you make your way out of the lounge with Grimm by your side. “Fgnaaa~! We are screwed! [Y/N] how could you! We are going to be stuck waiting tables for ETERNITY now!” 
“Not if we bring them what they asked for.” you bite your bottom lip as you look at the Monstro Lounge, your eyes falling on the small stage. 
Oh right. Some students played here. Well, students deemed worthy enough to play. You remember the Music Club trying to do a gig here but failing miserably the moment Lilia opened his mouth. Despite the failure, it did bring some people in to get Azul over the red. 
A floorshow. 
That’s right! A floorshow! 
“Grimm!” you grab the cat and bring him close as he freaks out. 
“I got it!” you hold him out in front of you, “We are going to have to let go of our pride a bit and this experience might humble us but...we will have heat!’ 
“[Y/N] you are scaring me--” 
Grimm barely gets to say what he wants as he is dragged back into your arms, your feet running as fast as you can into Mr.S’s shop for the stuff that you will need.
“Ah! Little Shrimp!” 
Jade looks up from the numbers he was crunching, smiling as he sees you approaching the table. You wave at Floyd and nod politely towards Jade, sitting down and tapping your fingers against the bar. 
“You are here rather late, [Y/N]-san. We have two hours until closing time.” 
“I’m just…putting my plan into action. Azul said he wanted sixty by tomorrow, after all.” Floyd grins as he finishes cleaning up the remaining glasses. 
“Eh? You are doing something tonight, little Shrimp?” 
He leans close, smiling wider as he sees a certain change in your appearance. The Monstro Lounge was always dark in order to provide a more atmospheric mood at night but with the little light he had to work with he could clearly see traces of makeup all over your face. “Little Shrimp looks so shiny...just like a pearl.” You pull away as he tries to get closer, putting your hand out to stop him and turn your attention towards Jade. “Right. Do you have a backroom next to the stage? I just need to get some things ready--” 
“Go into the kitchen, farthest door to the back. There should be a door that leads you towards the back of the stage.” “Do you guys have a light booth--” “Next to the stage.” Jade’s eyes shine, interested in what you are about to pull off, “Do you need our help--” 
“Nope that is alright I can take care of this myself thank you.” 
Both twins watch you trot towards the kitchen, Grimm following close behind and about three ghosts ‘matching’ his step. 
“Call Azul. I think he’ll be interested to see what is going on.”
“For heat. For heat. For heat!” 
You were doing this because of your situation. The situation was desperate so you had to take desperate measures. 
Grimm clears his throat as you finish fixing his bowtie, the transparent fabric looking beautiful with the stitched shells all over it. 
“Are the ghosts ready?” you ask. 
“Just waiting for the curtains to close.” 
The crowd goes quiet as you press a few buttons and close them, hushing the late night crowd as you step onto the stage. You try to step softly so that the click of your heels won’t be heard while Grimm opens up the rather large shell in the middle of the stage. This was usually used as a promotional device, customers taking pictures inside it to promote their visits to the lounge. It had a soft cushiony seat inside and could fit a whole student. 
You give a thumbs up to your other roommates, the ghosts smiling as their instruments manifested in front of them. 
Spectral instruments really came in handy in these situations. “Breathe...Breathe…” you sit down inside the shell and pull your legs up with you, fixing the train of your dress and touching the small shell tiara on your head. It was fashioned after King Triton after all, maybe Azul would get the reference?
Or rather, you hoped Azul wasn’t watching at all. “Okay...close it, Grimm.” He nods and brings the top of the shell down slowly, trapping you both inside as he gave the cue to start up the lights. This was all for a heater...and maybe some tuna. 
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-At first he wanted to laugh as he saw the curtain slowly being drawn back, when was the last time they used this stage? Student players just weren’t ‘in’ as much anymore and he had to keep up with the trends. What were you planning to do with this? 
-Yet his mouth clicked shut as the lights landed right on the shell, the music starting as your voice rang out softly from inside. 
-He barely paid attention to the band as the shell slowly opened, Grimm flying out elegantly as he opened it while your frame was slowly being revealed to him as every student’s jaw almost hit the floor. 
-Azul clutched his cane as he watched you cradle your legs close to yourself, the lyrics completely blowing past him as you stretch yourself out to show off the outfit you had on. It seemed to shine like a pearl under the lights, your chest being accentuated by how snug it fit against your frame. 
-He licked his lips when his eyes landed on your undecorated neck. It was as if you were begging for it to be decorated with bites. Surely he could make a nice necklace for you. 
-Dammit he should have sat closer, students were actually getting up from their booths and moving to any tables that were closer to the stage as you start getting up, the train of fabric in your outfit resembling the top of a shell as it brushes across the ground as you make your way to the floor. 
-He bites his bottom lip as he sees you making your way around the tables, your voice soft and melodic as the students watch the performance flabbergasted. You are letting your fingers glide against the tables, winking at some of the more bold students who put out their hands so they could touch yours.
-If you were to look at his face you would see no trace of emotion but inside his head he was screaming at you to pass by his table already don’t you know anything about customer service? 
-You finally make eye contact with the table he was sitting at, Azul feeling a shiver go up his spine at how your flirtatious eyes suddenly turned nervous. Nobody else had gotten that look.
-Again, he needed to see you looking at him like that again. 
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 -So this is what you were planning. How interesting~ 
-He watched from behind Azul, taking off his coat and laying it on the back of the plush booth as he took in your form. Where had you gotten such a cute outfit, he wondered. The color made you shine like the rarest pearl and every time the light hit you just right he could see the glitter in your eyelids as you started to approach their table. 
-You made eye contact with him, clearly trying to keep up the act of ‘mysterious’ floor show guest but failing as his eyes took you in the closer you got. 
-The students groan when they see you sit right next to Azul, pressing close to him as he dares to put an arm around your waist and squeeze. Oh he could bet Azul was happy with how jealous all the students looked. 
-Jade couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped him when you took Azul’s hat and shoved it in his face before pulling away as quickly as possible. 
-He follows your movements as you walk behind him, the sudden hand on his back making him hum in thought as the idea of pinning you right to the back of the booth so you would sing only to him suddenly seeming like the only thing to do in this situation. 
-You really had no idea what you could awaken in him if you kept playing around. 
-His eyes meet yours as you start walking away but his hand catches your wrist as he tugs you back to him--!
-But Jade, ever the unpredictable man, only presses his lips to your hand before letting you go.
-You were doing a floor show for the customers after all. Didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be talking to you later~ 
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-Floyd had moved himself to the table closest to the stage, tie undone and smile wider than anyone had ever seen as he watched you pay attention to almost every table. The table he was sitting at had been filled with students who deemed themselves rather lucky to get so close only for them to scram when they saw who was approaching it.  
-He waves at you when you finally make eye contact with him, licking his lips and smiling as he sees your reluctance to get near him. 
-Which he didn’t mind, the fact that you were so wary of him made you all the more adorable. 
-You try your best to be as flirty as you had before, merely touching his hand as he holds it out to you but for Floyd that is not enough. The moment your fingers pressed against his palm, he snatched your wrist and brought you to his lap, students gasping as his hands landed on your sides. 
-Oh the material was so soft! He ran his fingers up and down as you press hand to his chest while you sang the last few notes of the song. 
-Floyd couldn’t help the little giggle as he saw the embarrassment on your face, your hand clearly pushing on his chest but his hands clearly weren’t letting you go. What were you going to do, little Shrimp? 
-His eyes widen at your sudden improvisation, your hands taking his and pressing them to your face so he could cup your cheeks. Instinctively he pulled you closer as the song suddenly stopped---
”Floyd-senpai, I have to go.” 
-The whisper is only for him to hear as you catch him off guard with that soft look and pull away, you holding out the last note of the song as if you had planned to be caught by him all along. 
-He clicks his tongue and leans back, eyes watching you go back up the stage and sitting inside the shell as you pull your legs closer to you before blowing a kiss to the now applauding crowd as Grimm closed the shell. 
-Surely the kiss had been for him, right? If it had been for any of these other bottom feeders...well no matter. Even if it hadn’t been for him, Floyd would make sure to squeeze you real tight the moment you got off stage. 
You lay down on the cushion as you put your arms over your eyes, groaning as you tried to get your thoughts together. 
If this worked out the way you thought it would, word of mouth would get around and you would bring around sixty customers so that they could partake in what they had missed tonight. 
Has it cost you your dignity? Yes. 
Was the outfit embarrassing? Yes. 
Did you have to flirt with all three Octavinelle members so they would see that you were serious about finally going to sleep without shivering? Yes and yes. 
At least it was over. 
“Yo Grimm. Can you open this? I want to change!” 
Your hands tap the top of the shell, sighing in relief as it slowly opened. 
Only for you to yelp as hands pin you down to the cushion, a very familiar face grinning down at you as Floyd laughs merrily. 
“Ahaha~! Nee, that kiss was for me, right Little Shrimpy? You blew that my way, right?” 
Jade sighs and steps behind his brother, pulling him up by the collar so that you could get your bearings. 
“It was at the customers, Floyd. I believe [Y/N]-san wanted this to be spoken about tomorrow, correct?” 
You nod as he lets go of Floyd and holds out his hand for you to take. 
“What an interesting plan...right Azul?” 
The Octavinelle dorm leader isn’t really looking at you, he is still staring at everything that you had on taking it as much as he could before your voice brought him back. “So...how did I do?” 
Azul blinks before smiling as he steps close and holds out his arm for you to take. 
“I have yet to see the terms of the contract be met but...we can discuss how you did in my office. Mind telling me how you came up with this plan? ” 
“Y--Yeah! Sure!” 
You take Azul’s arm and speak about your thought process, not noticing the grins on the eel’s faces as they hold themselves back until they reach Azul’s office. 
How nice, it would be the first time you would be staying over at Octavinelle, even if you didn’t know it yet.  
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Proceed With Caution // Evan Buckley
IN WHICH: The reader doesn’t expect to become involved in a hostage situation with her fiance’s older sister, the older sister’s best friend and the best friend’s date from hell. With the addition of a SWAT member, how will the taking of dispatch change?
Warnings: Swearing, blood, threats, angst, guns, hostage/kidnapping
Words: 5.9k
A/N: Recently got into the tv show 9-1-1 and completely fell in love with Buck so here I am writing for him as well. This takes place during the season three episode ‘The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1’. Reader and Buck are already in an established relationship.
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The apartment was quiet as the sound of your keys clattered in the bowl on the countertop. It was pretty early in the morning, so you had no doubts that Buck would be just waking up. On his days off, he would use the first day to catch up on sleep; based on prior times, he would be up in half an hour.
“Buck?” You called out from the kitchen. You heard a groan from the loft where Buck was in the process of waking up, “I forgot to drop off that book Maddie wants to borrow. When I get back, do you want to get breakfast?”
A grumble you somehow translated to approval was what you received in response. You jogged up the stairs to the loft to grab the book from your bookshelf. Buck’s bare leg stretched out from underneath the comforter on your side. The soft sighs Buck made in his sleepy state tugged at your heart; the sighs grew louder when you bent to kiss his head.
“See you in a bit.” You whispered to the sleepy soft male. He sleepily grinned in response before curling into your pillow.
The sound of your footsteps softened on the steps back to the main level of the apartment. Your keys snagged from the bowl before you gently closed the door behind you. The sun was gorgeous to be awake to see and had Buck not worked a long shift, you’d have adored watching it with him.
Your car pulled out of the parking spot in the Los Angeles Service Center’s direction that Maddie worked at. Your lips quirked as the radio spewed out the station that Christopher listened to in the car. You could even pick up the book in the backseat where he called his spot. The book could be found in Buck’s Jeep as well.
It had maybe three days since you’d seen the young Diaz, and damn did you miss the kid. Christopher has his enigmatic quality that demanded you love him for all that made him simply Christopher. The second you’d met him, you knew he would mean a lot to you.
You hummed in time with the song that was currently Christopher’s absolute favourite. Slowly you went from humming to singing along when the light turned green. A handful of songs came and went on the admittedly long drive due to traffic.
It was about forty minutes after leaving your apartment that you parked next to Maddie’s car in the parking lot. Lucy was sitting at the front office with a grin you matched. The woman buzzed you before she clocked out with her reprieve Jake.
“Hey, Sue!” You grinned at the older redhead. Sue had absolutely no problem seeing you, given that you were welcome in the building.
Sue’s first interaction was when you came to the centre to pick up Maddie when she came to work sick. Maddie had managed to keep it under wraps for an hour before Sue caught on. Ever since, Sue was fond of asking Maddie about her brother and you.
“Maddie’s not in just yet.” Sue spoke with a kind smile, “If you’ll excuse me, I have to meet with one of our sit alongs.”
You nodded towards her while beelining for the woman’s bathroom, hoping to catch Maddie after using it. You’d drank too much water on your run earlier this morning. Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate in the time you’d entered the bathroom, several things happened. Lucy ended her shift, Jake started his shift, and a group of strangers entered the building.
Your hand went to push open the door when through the crack, you saw two men you’d never seen before. Years of your job gave you enough feeling to know that something wasn’t right. That being said, you eased the door closed and attempted to find a hiding spot.
The garbage was too narrow and had no lid. The few seconds you had left, you glanced up. The ceiling hadn’t been renovated in many years. Rectangular sheets could be raised. Thankful of the rock climbing lessons you’d done with Maddie, you managed to crawl into the ceiling just as the two men entered.
“Nobody’s here.” The one-man with his head as pale and shiny as a cue ball. He gave off the most creepy vibe; the shorter Hispanic man wasn’t as violent looking, “Kinda hoping someone tries something. I’ve wanted to try out this.”
The man waved the large gun in his hand with a sick smile that twisted your stomach. That was the moment you’d realized something was very wrong. The second they left, you gently dropped back on the ground. Your first instinct was to send a message to Athena, but there was a fatal flaw. You’d expected to be in and out of the building quickly, so you’d left your phone in the car.
“Fuck.” You swore. One hand roughly running over your forehead as you contemplated figuring out a plan.
The building had many cameras throughout that you knew the blindspots for. The year after high school and during the summers, you’d worked in the building. Despite having worked here when you were younger, it was never during Sue’s shift. Over the years, you’d come to know the blind spots and a few cameras that were decoys. You even remembered Maddie and her friend Josh complaining about three cameras not fixed yet.
“Think.” You breathed, making a pattern of pacing, “They’ll need a lookout. They’ll take out the security guard first. The front doors are out. It’s a team, so they’ll also need eyes on the building. Terry is definitely a hostage.”
Of course, you’d end up in a volatile situation during the first half of your day before your shift started. The only comforting thing about the situation was the holstered gun on your hip and the badge on your belt. Maybe you should backtrack to why you had a gun and badge; you were an LAPD member, specifically SWAT.
“The changeroom.” You breathed, recalling it was down the hall with no camera. All you needed to do was pretend to be a dispatcher. The changeroom, now mostly a file room, had a few extra maroon and blue uniform shirts.
You timed it. The man holding Sue’s tablet was in the process of talking with his cohort, so you dashed to the room. You took no time in changing into a loose maroon shirt with your thick sweater overtop to hide the gun in the small of your back.
Your holster, badge and personal shirt tucked in the bottom of a box for safekeeping. As soon as you saw your entry, you sat with the group of hostages a hall over. A few looked surprised but let it go when you raised one finger to your lips.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Maddie hissed from the other side of a startled Josh. Both of them were surprised at seeing you here, “Oh my god. Buck is going to kill me.”
“I was dropping off your book before I get breakfast with Buck, but it appears my small bladder saved my life.” You snarked with your eyes scanning the room, “What’s going on?”
“That is my date from hell, Greg.” Josh inconspicuously pointed towards the man, clearly giving orders. The anger flared inside you, “You need to get out.”
“Josh, no offence, but I’m an officer with the LAPD. I work with SWAT. I’m your best bet of making it out alive.” You informed the dispatch duo, who went still as Cue Ball patrolled the hallway with a sadistic glint in his eyes.
“They took control of the building for a reason we don’t know about. We’re still working but under strict monitoring. They said it will be an hour, but we’ve seen their faces.”
“No witnesses.” You finished for Maddie with a deep sigh, “Unfortunately I left my phone in the car. Did they take yours-”
“They took Linda’s EpiPen. Of course, we don’t have phones.” Maddie sighed, leaning back to rest her head against the wall. Not even having a SWAT member by her side was comforting; your badge put a more significant target on you.
“We have to warn someone.” Josh mumbled to both Maddie and you, “You’re on shift Y/N?”
“Not for a few hours. I was supposed to drop off the book and get breakfast with Buck before my shift. This was supposed to be five minutes tops, so I left my phone in my car.”
“I already did.” Maddie spoke with a sad look on her face that overtook the fear, “I just hope he gets the message.”
Your hand reached out to squeeze the woman you’d had a hand in raising Buck more than their parents. Maddie had become family when you first started dating Buck. The in-law part of her familial relationship to you never crossed your minds; you were simply sisters to each other.
“Chim. I told him I loved him.” Maddie finished with a teary gaze. It made you sick seeing that look again after Doug.
You remembered seeing that haunted look when she stumbled out of the thicker woods covered in blood. You’d stayed by Athena’s side when Buck clutched her so tight and sobbed with her. It had been before you’d become serious with the man, but it was that frightening day that Buck fell for you. You’d just finished a taxing shift with your team when you heard about Maddie was missing, and Chim was in the hospital. You’d ignored the exhaustion to search high and low through your work contacts before narrowing the search area.
“Good thing Chimney obsesses over the little things.” You spoke, slouching down against the wall, “We’ll get throu-”
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Maddie warned you with her brows furrowed together, and you saw what she was doing. Despite your years of experience and the gun you had, she pushed her fear down behind the concern that a big sister shows her young siblings.
“I won’t.”
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At 8am, Buck was just entering the apartment building from grabbing the mail addressed to both you and him when Chim had called.
“Yup, go for Buck.” Buck spoke, opening the door to the apartment he’d only temporarily left. His morning had been late after his long shift the night before. The most productive thing was dressing for his breakfast date with you and grabbing the mail.
“How come 9-1-1 doesn’t respond when I call?” Chimney questioned the younger, now confused male.
“Uh, is that some kind of riddle? Like who watches the watchmen?” Buck asked, closing the door behind him. His eyes scanned around for any indication you’d returned home, but the bowl was vacant of your keys.
“Neither of those things are riddles. Okay, I just tried calling 9-1-1, and I got the high call volume message. Did I miss an earthquake or something?”
“Nope, pretty chill morning.” Buck responded as he closed the fridge door with a bottle of water in hand. The entire conversation wasn’t concerning to him, given that Chimney was often like this.
“Where’s Y/N? She’s the police she’ll know-”
“She’s not home right now. Wait, why are you calling 9-1-1? Is everything okay?” Buck slowly asked with his brows coming together. The sigh of frustration from Chimney was answer enough.
“Your sister said that she loved me.”
“Yeah. Wasn’t that uh, the whole point in that big date you had last night?” Buck inquired on his way to the table. He had a feeling this was going to be a long conversation that would hopefully pass the time until you got home.
“You declare your love, and she declares hers? That’s how it went with Y/N and me.”
“Yeah, I know, okay, but she didn’t, all right? At least not last night. Look, she made this big deal saying that she couldn’t say those words, and then this morning, she blurts them out and hangs up on me.” Chimney speaks, pacing in his own apartment. The side by the side of Chimney and Buck’s separate apartments told different tales of their states.
“It’s still not quite sounding like an emergency.”
“’Cause I sound insane.” Chimney spoke, staring up at the ceiling with a battle in his mind. He wants Buck to talk him out of this, but he also wants Buck to agree with him, “She’s at the call centre. What could happen there? You know what, forget it, I’ll try Y/N again.”
“Again?” Buck questioned just as his co-worker ended the call. Buck tugged his phone away from his ear to stare at it confused.
You always answered the phone if you weren’t working at the moment, but given you still had hours, he found it unsettling. After seeing the news report with the ladder truck on top of him, calls weren’t ignored between you two. That feeling of concern grew when you didn’t answer his call either. Nor the second one.
“Nah, she’s probably talking with Maddie.” Buck spoke, but that second-guessing feeling didn’t dissipate. 
In the call centre, you’d been marched to one of the stations with a deep hope that you’d remember everything. It had been years by then since you’d worked as a dispatcher. It didn’t help with the gunmen patrolling the room.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” You calmly questioned the caller.
“Hi, my cat is up the tree by my house. Could you send someone?”
“Can I get your name?” You went through the motions of getting her name and address before you informed the woman, “Okay, the LAFD and LAPD no longer respond to calls of cats in trees. The cat will make its way down on its own. If the tree is in your backyard, I’d use the time to garden or read a book on this beautiful day.”
“Oh, thank you. I’m sorry for taking up your time.”
“It’s no problem. Having a wonderful day Susan.”
In no time at all, you’d been rotated into the board room away from Josh and Maddie. It gave you time to inspect everyone you hadn’t made contact with yet. No one appeared harmed other than in distress with the situation.
“Downtown. They don’t want anyone downtown.” Linda whispered as Maddie was guided onto the floor by the elbow. You’d only gathered her name from her near-silent introduction to you when the hired guns had been far from your area.
“Let’s go.” Greg snapped, roughly pushing you towards the conference room. Something deep in your gut already predicted that someone was going to be stupid.
It was your sharp eyesight catching the minuscule agitation in Greg’s interactions with the Cue Ball guy. The slight tightening of his grip on the gun, the tension in the room growing stifling. And everyone knows that when emotions run high stupid things happen.
“Why do they keep moving us around like this?” The man beside Maddie questioned. He was definitely the most shaken of the group. He was basically shaking like a chihuahua.
“To disorient us.” Maddie spoke, staring at the group monitoring the dispatchers currently in play. Her eyes refused to leave them.
“So, we can’t make a plan.” You finished for your sister-in-law. Objectively out of everyone, Maddie, Sue and you were the most collected individuals for various reasons.
Maddie had lived in a volatile house with a man that could be unpredictable if a situation called for it in his mind. Sue had been working in the centre for years to navigate the emergency while you walked into dangerous situations.
“Jamal.” The shaking man spoke, holding his hand out towards you, “Are you new?”
“No.” You spoke as you shook his hand, “I’m Y/N. Maddie’s sister-in-law. I’m filling in as a favour for Sue.”
The lie slipped off your lips a little too quickly. You decided to come to this hostage situation as if you were undercover. It meant having to ignore that Maddie was in the situation with you.  
“Worst day for a favour.” Jamal snorted with his eyes pinned on one of the armed men holding all your lives in their hands. You’d have spoken, but Jamal checked out mentally from the conversation waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The shoe dropped when the IT Specialist announced numbly, “Jake’s dead. They shot him.”
It didn’t matter how long you’d been working for the LAPD, any death, whether it was a civilian or a criminal, it was still was startling. Jake, the security guard that alternated shifts with Lucy, wasn’t someone you spoke with. He was on shift when you weren’t here or just missed the shift change.
“We need to get a message out.” Jamal spoke, glancing at the only people in the right state of mind, and those were Maddie, Josh and you. Terry had seen the violence these men had no issues with.
“I did.” Josh breathed, thinking of the arguably cute security guard he sometimes liked to stare at, “A woman called about onions in an omelette. I dispatched an officer.”
“To the restaurant?” Maddie inquired with her pinkie connected with yours for comfort. Both of you would prefer your SO’s hand instead.
“Not exactly.” Josh replied, staring at his best friend with a glimpse of hope in his brown eyes.
Hope may be the only way you could get out of this without hurting anyone in your admittedly surface level plan.
“Buck will think something is up.” You added 
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Buck had begun pacing the kitchen of the apartment with Chim adamantly telling his friend his plan to go to the centre. Buck had joined Chimney in the concerned department when you had failed to return to the apartment, return calls and to make matters worse, so was Maddie. His texts had gone unanswered as well, not even having the read receipt on.
“She’s not picking up either. I tried Y/N and Josh, but neither replied. When I tried Maddie and Josh, it went straight to voicemail.”
“Now, I’m definitely going.” Chimney announced, shoving his wallet into his pocket just as someone began knocking on his door.
“What if something is wrong? I know Y/N is a member of SWAT but radio silence? No text to let me know she was called in early?” Buck thought aloud with his finger dragging along his thigh, “Maybe we should call the police.”
“I...think someone already did.” Chimney informed Buck as he stared at the sudden appearance of Sergeant Athena Grant at his door.
“What? What do you mean?” Buck hastily questioned, leaning against the kitchen island. He could just faintly hear Athena speaking on Chimney’s end of the phone, “Chimney? What’s going on?”
“Athena was sent to my apartment. Hang on, Buck, I’m just gonna tell Athena what’s going on.”
Buck stepped away from the island to settle on the stairs to the loft, impatiently waiting for Chimney to finish speaking. That fear of losing pieces of his life expanded deep in his gut, just like the times Maddie left in his childhood. That fear of being left behind.
“What’s she’s saying now?”
“She’s making her case.” Chim whispered as he continued to eavesdrop on Athena’s call with her higher-ups, “Now she’s folding like a cheap suit.”
“All right, let me talk to Athena.” Buck demanded antsy to figure out the situation that clearly had something wrong. That fear he’d thought of early flared catching the tail end of Athena’s conversation, “No! No, no. We can’t just send in SWAT. If there is someone inside the call centre doing something, they’ll know we’re onto them.”
Unfortunately, Buck was correct in this thought process, all thanks to living with a SWAT member. He knew these things after the years he’d been with you.
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“Maddie? I think I can sneak up to Terry’s computer. Maybe get eyes on the place-”
“No!” Terry nearly shouted, stiffening when Cue Ball hesitated in the doorway at his sudden shouts. You all held your breath for his reaction, but thankfully he was called away by one of the men, “They have-”
“Terry, I need you to calm down. I’m familiar with these types of situations. I’m SWAT. I need to get on top of this. Don’t be a hero.”
Maddie’s head began to shake when your arm was roughly grabbed by Greg, “Your turn.”
You were separated from Josh and Maddie, but instead of being pushed into one of the dispatcher seats, you were pulled to the original hallway.
“I don’t like how friendly you are with them.” Greg spat, shoving you to rest against the wall, “Don’t move.” 
You catch the eyes of Maddie with an apologetic expression before you used the pacing routine to sneak away. You didn’t release your breath until you were attaching your holder to your hip in the change room. By now, your team would be aware that something was wrong, Hondo would be hell-bent on finding you.
Until you had help, you were on your own.
You used each blindspot of the cameras in the halls to the stairwell, and you used a broom to adjust the cameras. The cameras not kept you from view but not appearing suspicious. Once at the floor where Terry was practically always at you softly closed the door. 
You’d only started to sit down when you heard the ding of the elevator, “Shit.”
You slipped into the closest containing extra parts if anything broke. Through the crack, you saw Terry being held at gunpoint. The gunman that had been holding the tablet on the floor, Ellis as you’d heard.
“You’re telling me every cop in the city has just disappeared?” Ellis demanded as Terry, and he disappeared around one of the corners. The tapping of a screen indicating Ellis was searching for something with Terry’s involuntary help.
“I’m telling you, I don’t know!” Terry snapped back, creating even more tension in the room, but Ellis didn’t move to grab his gun.
Ellis appeared to the only one reluctant to discharge your weapon, unlike Cue Ball, who just happened to join the party.
“Figure it out!” Ellis spat, turning on his heel at the sound of approaching footsteps. You could see him roll his eyes at his team member walking into the room.
“What’s going on here?” Cue ball questioned the duo in different kinds of distress, and you swore Cue Ball enjoyed the intimidation from his teammate and the IT specialist.
“That police car’s not the only one that’s gone dark.” Ellis nervously spoke, stiffening for the volatile reaction that one could expect from Foster.
“You think they know we’re here?” 
“Foster, it could be a system glitch.” Ellis offered keeping one eye on Cue Ball while monitoring Terry’s work as well.
Cue Ball spoke a sentence that sent chills up your spine, “Time to cut our losses.”
As Foster and Ellis began going over their personal plans made out of Greg’s knowledge, you noticed Terry glance over. His eyes widened slightly before quickly looking away when you raised a finger across your lips.
“We can go down the back stairs. I have a car waiting around the corner, we split the art up between the five of us, and we go our separate ways.” Foster spoke, revealing his plan to double-cross Greg, which in all honesty made sense. Greg was ill-fitting to be in charge of their operation, unable to control his lackeys.
“I like that part of the deal.” Ellis breathed, skirting around the trigger happy criminal only to halt in his steps, “Wait, you’ve got a car parked down the street? You were always gonna double-cross Greg.”
“You weren’t?”
“If we’re gonna do this, you can’t just sell famous works of art on eBay.”
“You can’t sell them from prison either.”
At that moment, something almost shifted in the area, something that made you pull your gun from your holster. Your body telling you something was about to happen. It happened in a split second. Foster fled the room leaving only Ellis just outside. With Terry frantically shaking his head, you tiptoed to the unsuspecting criminal.
“LAPD!” You shouted, pointing your gun towards the shocked man, “Put the gun down and put your hands up.”
“Aren’t you a dispatcher?” Ellis questioned, blinking in surprise.
“Aren’t you supposed to be intelligent? Next time check the schedule I haven’t worked here in years.” You spat, keeping your gun pointed on him, “Do I say-”
The sound of two guns going off made Terry flinch and scream as he instinctively dropped to the ground. IT was supposed to be safe, but Terry had now heard three gunshots in under two hours. He really didn’t want to see the outcome of the shots.
A moan coaxed Terry to peek out through the privacy glass. Ellis was on the ground while you kept your gun on him. He didn’t see anything else when the power went out. He didn’t see you drop to your knees, but he heard you.
“Terry...get down. Lay on your stomach with your hands insight, and don’t move.” You informed the terrified IT just as the floor was swarmed.
“Put the gun down!” The sound of Tan’s voice was welcoming as you slowly placed the gun on the ground. “25-David I have Y/L/N. The suspect is down, need medical.”
You got back to your feet when Tan nodded his head, “Thank god. There’s a possible body in the IT room along with the It Specialist Terry.”
“You got your badge on you?” Tan questioned as he cuffed the moaning Ellis up, “Street can you escort her down?”
Street nodded from his position, watching Tan’s back before guiding you to the stairs with hawk eyes. Even off duty, you kept your head on a swivel.
“You caused quite the commotion.” Street spoke halfway down the stairs when you barely mumbled. He caught you as you went down like a sack of potatoes, “Y/N!”
“Adrenaline is crashing.” You moaned, looking at your shoulder where the maroon had grown darker, “I think he shot me.”
“26-David I’m in the stairway. Prepare a medic.” Street spoke into his radio before he strapped the gun away and swept you into his arms, “Think you can have my back?”
“When don’t I?” You wheezed, with the sweat starting to bead on your forehead. As you crashed from adrenaline, you barely noticed being placed on the ground at the main entrance.
A paramedic cutting your borrowed shirt to reveal the bullet hole in your shoulder courtesy of Ellis, the only member who’d thought wouldn’t shoot his gun. You could vaguely hear Maddie calling out your name as you were loaded onto a gurney.
“M-Maddie?” You spoke, tilting your head to see Chris holding Maddie back from, “Chris! That’s my sister in law.”
Chris only let Maddie go when Hondo gave the all-clear, and you were so thankful when Maddie’s hand encased yours.
“Don’t close your eyes.” Maddie pleaded sick with the amount of blood on your skin and soaking through the gauze, “Who’s gonna help me put up with my little brother?”
“Buck.” You breathed sluggishly, blinking as the artificial lights changed to natural with the gun shining through the glass front doors.
“You didn’t let me close mine in that ambulance, so I need you to do the same. Don’t close them. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” Maddie cried as an officer pulled her aside as you were stopped. You wouldn’t remember it, but Maddie had to watch as you coded right in front of her.
Maddie had to watch them perform CPR on you and fight for a pulse. She had to think of how’d she’d tell her little brother she’d killed his fiance. The counting of the paramedics sounded as if underwater, and as they did, the world went quiet. Her mind checked out as the trauma settled in.
Maddie stumbled out of the building into a zoo of officers, medics, and news reporters almost robotically. She barely felt Chimney hug her, but she wrapped her arms around him and sobbed.
“It’s all my fault.” Maddie gasped, collapsing against him, “If I had-”
Chimney felt Maddie stiffen at the sound of Buck’s voice amidst the multiple voices milling around. Maddie raised her gaze to meet Buck’s blue eyes dripping in relief and question.
“Maddie, where’s Y/N? Her car…” Buck trailed off, catching the utter heartbreak in his big sister’s eyes. A look he’d come to know in his line of work as a firefighter. The utter devastation that came with watching someone you love die, “No. No.”
“I got a pulse!” Came from the nearest ambulance, and Buck skirted around his sister and Chimney, “Ready to transport!” 
Your eyes slowly blinked at the white ceiling of the ambulance with pain in your midsection courtesy of chest compressions. Breathing came painful, and the bullet wound throbbed, but it all faded when you saw blue eyes above you.
“Buck.” You sobbed, more like groaned, as he was urged to sit on the bench holding your hand, “Maddie?”
“She’s okay. Chim’s got her. Can you keep your eyes on me? I need to see those big beautiful e/c eyes.” Buck soothed, bringing your hand to his lips, “Did I ever tell you my favourite colour?”
Despite Buck’s best attempts, you continued fading in and out of consciousness but continued to be stable. He spoke about the funny video Eddie had shown him of Christopher at the end of their shift last night. He talked about everything and anything under the sun during the short ride to the hospital.
The last thing you saw was Buck being held back as the paramedics pushed the gurney into the ER. Everything turned black.
The beeping was the first thing you heard before your eyes fluttered open to a stark white room and that unmistakable hospital scent. You noticed the second thing as Buck holding your hand in both of his with his forehead pressed against them.
“Buck?” You moaned to the one person you had wished to see. The man whose eyes were bloodshot from crying, “What’s wrong?”
“Your heart stopped beating twice. I thought I was gonna lose you.” Buck cried with his lips pressed against your hand, “I was so worried.”
“Hey. I’m fine. I’m here.” You cooed, tugging one hand away to run through his messy hair with a soft smile. His blue eyes brighten at the familiar feeling of your digits in his hair, “I’m not going anywhere. This isn’t here for decoration.”
His eyes found the ring he’d gently placed back on your finger from when the nurses had removed it. It only left your finger when you were on duty, in which it was slung on a necklace hidden under your uniform.
“Better not be.”
“Does the hospital have a chapel?” You questioned out of the blue leading to Buck snorting as you giggled, “I’m serious. When I was bleeding in that building, all I could think about was you. If Maddie is anything like you, she’s waiting in the waiting room with Chimney.”
“You aren’t wrong. All the chairs are taken. Our family was waiting for you to wake up.” Buck breathed, leaning closer to press a sweet kiss to your lips, “Are you sure?”
“About marrying you?” You softly questioned the man who couldn’t help but believe this was a dream. How he’d somehow got the girl of his dreams to agree to marry his ass, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. All I want to share is your last name for the rest of my life. You are it for me, Evan Buckley. All the flaws you see are beautiful to me.”
“Only you would want to get married after being shot mere hours ago.” Buck chuckled with a sigh pulled from his pink lips, “I’ll get the doctor for you and find out if we can be married here.”
While you were checked out, Buck left the room to go back to the waiting room where the 118 and your co-workers waited. Everyone perked up at his appearance, Christopher asleep on Eddie’s lap.
“Is she okay?” Bobby questioned as the tension in the room grew more and more. It shattered into relief when Buck grinned.
“She’s sore as expected. She’s gonna catch some sleep, but she’d like to see Maddie.” Buck replied, pinning his gaze on his big sister with her curled into Chimney’s body. Her cheeks flooded with tears of absolute relief, “C’mon.”
The waiting room started emptying with Buck’s promise to keep everyone updated, but before Bobby could step away, Buck asked for him.
“Do you need a few days off?” Bobby questioned just as Buck came closer to the seasoned firefighter.
“No. But could you spare an hour?” The expression on Buck’s face was enough for Bobby not to ask any further questions. He simply followed Buck back towards your hospital room, where Maddie and Chim waited.
“What’s going on?” Bobby inquired, with the addition of the hospital assigned Priest holding the standard bible. Chimney could only shrug in response to whatever was going on.
“I know there have been times we haven’t seen eye to eye, but Bobby, you’re like a father to me. You gave me chance after chance when anyone else would have given up. You guided me on how to be a man. Y/N and I would like it if you’d be here for this.”
“Wait, are you getting married? What about the wedding?” Maddie spluttered, flicking her gaze between her brother and you. Her question surprised her boyfriend and Bobby.
“We’ll still have it. But I want to marry her without the pressure of our parents. Just a private ceremony with some of the people that mean the most to us.” Buck answered for the two of you, “Would you stay?”
“Of course.” Maddie softly spoke with a slideshow of memories playing in her mind of watching Buck grow up.
Watching Evan go through all kinds of injuries, all in the name of attention but never getting it the way he deserved it. She remembered giving him advice for asking out Donna and holding him when he was rejected. The little toddler with the impish grin somehow turned into an idiot in the hospital.
Maddie saw the man her little brother had turned into with the help of the 118 and you.
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Buck’s fingers made quick work of buttoning his short-sleeve uniform with the sudden appearance of his friend.
“That’s new.” Eddie spoke from his opened locker holding his uniform and a picture of his family on the door. It was a picture of Christopher, Buck, you and Eddie from the zoo a couple months back.
Buck looked over at his best friend, “Hm?”
“The ring.” Eddie snorted dramatically, looking at the ring that had been living on his finger since he married you five days ago, “Did my invite get lost in the mail?”
“Nah, we just got married in the hospital. We’re still planning the wedding to appease both sides of our family. And I promised Christopher he could be in the wedding. With Y/N on medical leave, the planning will be faster. She’s going stir crazy after five days.” Buck finished tucking in the shirt into his work-issued pants. Lastly, he slid his ring onto the metal chain he had bought recently.
Like you did, he would wear it around his neck when working for safety reasons.
“I’m happy for you, man.” Eddie told his friend just as the bell rang, “You’ll have to tell me how you’re liking the married life.”
“But first, we have a job to do.” Buck supplied all the while jogging to suit up in his turnout gear with Hen and Chimney.
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sylverstorms · 3 years
Bela x Maiden ----Songbird Ch. 11
Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.3 Ch.4 Ch.5 Ch.6 Ch.7 Ch.8 Ch.9 Ch.10
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It is very ironic that your arrangement –you're too scared to call it anything else— with Bela Dimitrescu, of all people, is the healthiest one you've probably ever had.
For a mutant detached from humanity, with no experience in matters of the heart... she sure does an excellent job of making a girl feel special.
She makes a point to check up on you at least once every day. Asks if you've eaten and slept well, regularly compliments you and –after making sure nobody else is around— always hugs you before she leaves.
She has brought you thoughtful little gifts over the past two weeks; a book you once told her you were interested in, a tiny mp3 player with earphones because she knows how much you've missed modern music.
Half of you is growing... content, with the way things are developing for you. The other half is poisoned with ever-spreading guilt.
Here you are, enjoying all these things from her, in a castle that provides for almost all your needs, while your family is struggling to get by without you. Your father is getting older and your mother cannot help him in the fields without straining her already weak back. Your sister is too young for such a demanding job, as well.
These worries translate into your nightmares.
The subconscious is a wicked thing indeed; one moment a friend, the next an adversary. Every night you don't spend with Bela you suffer from dreams. You see your hometown decayed, your father's fields barren. You see your mother weeping and your sister too famished to get out of bed—
Until the images grow blurry and distant, your sleep-riddled senses focusing on something else, instead, steady and cool, leaning over your back.
“Rhiannon...” you hear her voice call by your ear, uncertain if it's true or another fabrication of your mind.
Soft, cold fingers trail down your arm.
You slowly blink your eyes open to the sight of your dark room. It's not dawn yet, but the body at your back is unmistakable. So is the kiss pressed to the soft spot underneath your ear.
You give a quiet hum and turn around, facing the most beautiful view one could hope to wake up to.
“Don't be mad I woke you up this early.” she says. “Just wanted to see you.”
“I can't ever be mad when you wake me up like this.” Admittedly, you did scream the first time flies slipped into your room from the openings of the door, but it's a normal occurrence for you now.
Bela smiles, yet her expression quickly morphs to concern. Her thumb raises to your cheek, just under your eye.
“Were you... crying?” she asks.
Oh. It must have been during your dream. You don't feel tears in your eyes, but her enhanced sight must make out the dried streaks.
“I didn't realize. Must have been during my nightmare.” You wipe at your eyelids for good measure.
“If you want to talk about it...” Bela trails off.
God, when did Miss Superior Species become such a good girlf— nonono. Not that word. That's the forbidden word.
You disentangle your free arm from the covers to wrap it around her neck. She takes the cue to hold you a little tighter. You really don't want to burden her with your problems, or to cry and be a mess in front of her, but thinking about that nightmare makes something in your chest crack.
“I keep seeing my family and they're not in a good state. Don't want to talk about this more, if that's alright with you.” you confess in a whisper. “Tell me something random.”
“Well... my mother is leaving the castle for a few days.” Bela huffs by your ear. “And in itself that's not terrible... or it wouldn't be, if Cassandra and Daniela weren't my sisters.”
You chuckle at that. “Oh, no.”
“That's about right.” Bela grimaces. “...do you want to bet on how much Lei in property damage we'll be looking at by the time she returns?”
“I don't think it's right for me to bet on the Ladies of the castle...” you say.
“If it makes you feel better, these 'Ladies' bet on whether we'd sleep together or not.”
“...How does ten thousand sound?”
On second thought... ten thousand may be too hopeful, considering Cassandra and Daniela are this lively before the Lady has even left the castle grounds.
At the time of the Countess' departure, you hear her address her daughters from the side-room you're cleaning, just by the main hall. Alcina leaves the estate in Bela's hands and tells the other two to not give her trouble, which... is doubtful.
“Yes, mother.” You hear them say in unison. Whether you believe it is another matter.
“Alexia. Nobody other than you and the Grand Chambermaid is to enter my room while I'm gone. Understood?”
“Yes ma'am.” Comes your coworker's reply.
“Protect the castle until my return.”
“... how am I supposed to do that?”
“From Cassandra.”
“Mother!” The brunette protests.
“... I'll try.”
The ancient, heavy door opens and closes... and soothing silence settles in for a while. A very small while.
It doesn't last longer than five precious minutes, until—
“Whoo~ home alone. Hey Cassandra, wanna swordfight at the battlements?” You don't have to see Bela's mortified expression to picture it materializing right there, at Daniela's suggestion.
“I thought you'd never ask!” Cassandra replies excitedly. The telltale buzzing of flies echoes across the main hall before it fades out.
“This is going to be hell, isn't it.” Alexia asks, deadpan.
“You have no idea...”
All you can think about is: poor Bela...
You thought your lover would be stuck on damage control duty until the moment her mother returns, but you are pleasantly surprised when the castle gradually quiets down.
Of course, the peace and serenity are mostly attributed to the new romance books Duke has brought over for Daniela, combined with whatever magic Alexia has summoned forth to keep Cassandra from terrorizing the staff.
You silently thank them both for the fact Bela has more time to come to you now and doesn't even try to be subtle about it, without her mother around.
You are not surprised, anymore, when black-clad arms wrap around your waist as you work. A smile makes it way to your lips, slow as a sunrise.
“Hello, vampire.”
“Ugh, I'm starting to think you like the thought of that...” comes the faux-sour reply.
“I will neither confirm nor deny.” You raise your hands up. “It's past dawn. You aren't tired?”
“I am.” Bela says, turning you around so you're facing her. “But there's something I want to show you, first.”
You are taken by the hand and led up stairways and past unfamiliar doors, to parts of the castle you've never seen before. Someone cleans them for sure because they're free of cobwebs and dust, but they still look old, mostly stone and suits of armor as decorations, as opposed to the luxury of the lower floors.
Bela slides a key in a metallic door, pushes it open... and fresh, cool air kisses your cheeks. You hadn't realized she was taking you to the very top of the castle.
Your body moves forward as if having a will of its own, boots sinking softly into the layer of snow gathered on the ground. As you approach the massive battlements, the sight revealed to you is straight out of a fairy-tale; the sun is shyly peeking through the clouds, its first light so very soft as it lovingly falls upon the peerless forest below you.
“Wow.” you breathe.
The atmosphere is so clear. It feels so freeing to be outside again. You underestimated how much you've missed it.
Bela pulls her hood up and comes to stand next to you, her pale complexion a perfect match to your snowy surroundings. If her skintone is a tad more grey than usual... you assume it's your eyes playing tricks on you.
The blonde gives you a smirk. “Will you leave yourself in my care for a bit?” she asks, extending you her palm, face-up.
The thought is somehow both exciting and a tad intimidating, but you've already left your body in her complete control several times. You trust her with it, so you give her your hand.
The next thing you know is that you are lifted into her arms and your stomach is dropping for reasons other than how swoon-worthy that is. Bela leaps into the crenel in front of you as if gravity isn't a thing that applies to her majesty. Then she does the same again, landing atop the merlons.
“Oh my God!” you gasp as she does it, feeling her deep laugh reverberate through you.
“Relax, relax, you're fine.” she chuckles again, setting you down and holy shit is it high. You get a sense of vertigo the second your gaze strays down.
Then again... the adrenaline is such a rush. It feels amazing. You feel so alive.
Bela wraps her arms around your waist like a safety rope, her chin coming to rest on your shoulder.
“If this is too much I can take you back down.”
“No, no! This is perfect.” you say. You're literally at the top of the world.
“No human other than you and Alexia has ever stepped here.” Bela states.
“Cassandra took Alexia to this romantic setting?” You can't help but widen your eyes at her. They're very close together, yes, but romance doesn't seem to be their thing.
“Well. It wasn't so romantic when they jumped down.” Bela says. “Then again, she did ask Cassandra what it's like to fly...”
You cannot picture anybody willingly jumping from this ungodly height, but then again Alexia is already doing the impossible, dating Cassandra and still drawing breath. That's one adrenaline shot you do not think you want to take. Ever.
“I don't want to know what that's like, Bela!” you say quickly, just in case she's thinking about it.
Another deep laugh comes from your lover.
The two of you take a few quiet moments to admire the view.
“You see that structure over there? That's the factory and territory of House Heisenberg.” Bela points far to the distance. “Moreau's reservoir is that way. And past this bridge are the falls and Lady Beneviento's mansion.” You cannot see much past said bridge, obscured by thick mist as it is.
“Wait. The village... looks different.” you observe. Now that your eyes have adjusted, you realize it's not the torn-apart place you came to trade seeds to, when you were captured.
“Mother Miranda doesn't intend to leave it in pieces. The villagers had to be taught a harsh lesson, but those who remained loyal to her are given new homes. She has a vision for its progress, from what mother says. It will be grander and richer than before, filled with people who are deeply faithful and useful to her.”
Well that... sounds like the most unfair thing you've ever heard, but you can't go and voice your opinion on the subject. You know the village revered her as a prophetess, but now to intervene in such a way, as if she's a god?
Where does it end?
You sure are glad your family doesn't live here.
“My mother is over... there, right now.” Bela tells you, turning your chin far to the left. There are pillars extending upwards in the distance, in a structure –a temple of sorts?— smaller than the castle but imposing on its own right.
A cold gust of air then rushes past you. Bela tenses at your back, as if in pain.
“Sorry to have to cut this short, Rhiannon. But I need to head inside.” she speaks a tad faster than normal.
When the two of you are once again within the warmer walls of the castle, you notice Bela's movements are considerably stiffer, a stark contrast to her usual effortless grace.
When she gives you a kiss goodmorning, her lips are cold as ice.
Inside, you walk past Cassandra's room as quietly as humanly possible. Still, your body clamps down on you the moment her door opens behind you.
“Oh. Rhiannon.”
Alexia's shirt is missing a few top buttons and her collarbone is sporting parallel scratches, as if from nails. You know it's not proper to comment on it, but you just can't stop yourself from saying:
The breath you were holding leaves you softly at the sound of Alexia's voice.
“What's up?” you greet in a whisper, not wanting to provoke the wolf sleeping close.
“What wild cat did you wrestle to come out like this?” you giggle as she grimaces, falling into step beside you.
“You know what cat I wrestled.”
Yeah, you just don't know how she's still alive. You've heard of the things Cassandra has done, you've personally heard the screams she caused in the dungeons. Contrary to her sexy, sensual appearance, the woman is a devil. Alexia is definitely not. How did these two ever make it this far?
“Look, I need a favor.” she says. “This is the key to Alcina's room. I have to go clean because she'll be back tonight but I really can't move at the moment. You're the only one I trust to go in my stead, so... will you do it?”
“Of course, no problem.” you easily say, then catch the little glint in her eye.
“The only working phone in the castle is there, by the way. I'd give you my smartphone, but. No signal. Make sure to be out quick though. And the key has to return to me.”
... Oh... my.
When you enter the lavish room, it is with trembling legs. The Countess’ perfume somehow still lingers about the space, nearly making you run right out. Yet you remain, taking in all the royal golds and leathery whites that surround you. Pristine. That’s the first word that comes to mind.
The bed is big enough to get lost in, but it’s not what captures your interest. Instead, your eye lingers directly opposite the luxurious mattress, at the vanity atop which lies an old landline telephone.
Your fingers are unsteady when they move to take it. You ponder several times if it’s better that you don’t call at all. If your family is better off thinking you left them behind. In the end, though, emotions win.
You expect your mother to answer. It will be way more difficult if your father does and you’re not sure you can handle everything he’ll throw your way right now. But when you hear the first, tentative ‘hello?’ on the other end, you nearly drop to your knees.
“…Anna, it’s me.” you fight to keep your voice steady.
“Rhiannon?” A gasp. “I-is it really you?”
“Of course.” Your eyes are already brimming with tears. “I missed you. I missed you so much. All of you.” Don’t break. Don’t. Don’t.
“Then why… why did you leave?” Well. Rivers are streaming down your cheeks now.
You tell her that you had to. That this is the best you can do for them, whether they believe you or not. You tell her that maybe she will understand when she’s older and you promise to explain your situation better if you can, then. At the end, you make one last selfish request; that she keeps this conversation to herself and not say a word about you to your parents.
When you hang up, the silence is deafening.
You gathered from the things she said that they’re not doing well without you. Not emotionally, not financially. You need to do something, you need to help them.
A dark thought occurs to you, then. Your gaze lands on the giant, ornate box containing the Lady’s jewelry, each piece in there easily costing a small fortune. A single ring, a single earring, is all it would take. You can plead with Duke to deliver it to your hometown. You know it’s on his way.
Can you really do that to Bela? Can you steal from her mother, who she adores, who she would set fire to the world for, when she’s been literally a sweetheart to you, against her own nature? And can you betray Alexia’s trust, who has been at your side in her own, subtle way since the beginning?
Can you be a traitor, a thief and a liar for your family?
Well. The answer is yes, you can.
But you are not going to. Because you are not alone anymore, not like you were when you first stepped into the castle. If you need help, you’ll ask for help without resorting to hurting anyone who ever meant something to you here. Duke will assist you. Alexia is a shoulder to lean on for you.
And you trust Bela with what you love, the same way you trust her with your heart.
In the small hours of the night, in Alcina’s bedroom…
“I am amazed the castle is in such great condition, daughters. Well done.” their mother says proudly. She can hardly believe the only damage done is a single vase. The girls are maturing, indeed.
“Of course, mother.” they reply.
“Did we have any casualties from the staff?” the Lady asks, sipping from her wine glass. “…Daniela?”
“Wh— why do say my name?” the redhead protests, while the other two snicker. “I’ve been the best behaved of all, you know? And these two left me all alone, too, because Cassandra was allll over Alexia like always but now Bela is all over Rhiannon too and it’s just—”
“Daniela.” Bela growls, low in her throat. Cassandra facepalms. The youngest sister only then realizes the sensitive information she just blurted out.
“Daniela. Cassandra. You may go.” Alcina speaks, focusing her greyish yellow eyes on her eldest.
The door opens and closes, leaving them alone in the grand chamber. Bela is meeting her eyes, at least, unlike her sisters when they mess up. She has a strong poker face, one that makes Alcina proud to witness, but a mother can always recognize when anxiety and tension are present in her daughters.
“Bela. Is there something you wish to tell me?” she inquires, calm and slow, yet always authoritative.
“Not really.”
“What is this I hear about being all over a maid? Cassandra I understand, but Alexia is not just any human. And if it’s up to me, she will not be human for very much longer.” Alcina says. “She is good for your sister. But none of the others are good enough for you.”
Bela shifts. Her jaw clenches hard before relaxing. “Mother, I…” her gaze flits down, then back up. “…was just curious. Cassandra said all those things about sex and I wanted to see it for myself.” she shrugs. “That’s all.”
“That is all?” Alcina narrows her eyes. She knows her eldest cannot lie to her with a straight face.
Bela meets her head-on. “Do you want me to drag her down to the wine cellar right now to prove it?”
Her most responsible daughter never gave her any reason to doubt her word thus far. Alcina doesn’t like the idea of any human touching Bela, but… she was bound to have intercourse at some point. May as well have that over with. Plus, they were all so frustrated from staying locked up in the castle for over a month. Wanting an outlet is normal.
“No, my daughter. That won’t be necessary. You are allowed to have a toy, so long as you do not get attached to it.” she is sure Bela will recognize the subtle warning in her tone.
Alcina was not careful with Cassandra, until it was too late. Until her heart belonged to Alexia and she could not harm her without ripping it, as well. She will not repeat that mistake. Which is why she makes a mental note to keep a close eye on this Rhiannon girl. And on the first chance…
Remove her from the equation.
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gold-pavilion · 3 years
Hi Red-san! ( ´▽`)
Not sure if you got asked about this question before(´ω`) but would you mind sharing with us your journey of learning Japanese? Such as why you picked up the language, how you learn it, obstacles you faced or advice you would give etc.
Many BSD fans are inspired to learn Japanese given how strong the literature elements the story has. It will be very nice to read your thoughts such to give us more ideas about learning Japanese as I personally admire your insight towards the language very much! Thank you! *\(^o^)/*
HI KANI-KUNNNN IT’S SO LOVELY GETTING AN ASK FROM YOU always a pleasure to talk to you!! Plus that’s a very nice question!! My experience in this fandom also tells me maaaany many people have an interest in the language itself, more than in any other fandom I’ve been in, and I find that to be a wonderful thing.
For me, it’s been… whew. To put it bluntly, I’m a slow learner. I have a thick fucking skull. So I’ve been learning japanese on and off a LONG while. I think I’ve learned a bunch of tips and tricks along the way!
I did my first curious attempts at learning a few words and stuff when I was 17, I think, translating Vocaloid songs the word-by-word dictionary way. (This was how I started learning english when I was a very young kid too; sitting in front of my N64 games, translating the dialogue boxes word by word and trying to figure out what the game wanted me to do and what the characters were trying to say, so instinctively I did the same with japanese.) Afterwards, when I went to college, I chose linguistics and translation (spanish-english-japanese-portugese) as my career, but since college was too expensive I didn’t stay long. I left it aside for some years, till I was able to pick up going to a japanese institute regularly, signing up for all the competitions and standardized tests and things I possibly could! I made sure to push myself a lot, and started practicing more actively by myself too. Now I don’t go to classes anymore, I just keep at it on my own. And I think I’m doing pretty well!
So here’s a couple of things I believe are important to learning japanese (or any language):
• Any reason for entering the journey of language-learning is good. Anything that gets you learning a new skill just cannot be bad. Who cares that it was because of anime or manga or music or whatever? If it got your ass motivated and working at it, it's a good thing! Nobody goes to a skilled sportsman and tells them "OH BUT you only started playing this sport cause of your friends?? cringe, I bet you'll drop it". Learning any new thing is a wonderful endeavor. You'll gain something you'll have for the rest of your life. Pick up whatever you're interested in picking up, and if possibly, take the chance to do it early in life!!
• PLUS having an additional interest tied to the language is what keeps you going. Language learning, more than any other skill or type of knowlege, slips away from us if we're not using it. By liking anime and translating manga in JP, by playing games and using the internet in ENG and having reasons to have the languages around me is how I make this stick.
• For the learning itself, formal classes and informal practice are both good. The eternal debate of which one is superior is silly, none should be ignored, both are good and together they lead to the best levels of knowledge. Formal classes give you a good structure and understanding of the language, informal practice gives you looseness and gets you talking. I think everyone should try to do a bit of both! Signing up for a class or learning from online lessons / books that are organized from the basics up, + using anything outside of that to practice! I'm hugely thankful for my teachers, the tests I took and academic activities I did for formal learning, and the manga and doujin and fanarts with text that are my source of practice. They both got me acquainted with japanese in different ways.
• This is my personal way of doing things, so I dunno if it works for everybody, but I like pushing myself to try new things to expand my knowledge. When I went to formal classes I'd try to be fearless and speak up in class, I signed up for writing and speech competitions and I took standardized tests as I felt ready for them. Stuff that got me using my knowledge and gave me goals. Trying to translate manga was pushing myself too, with text that looked long and daunting at first but got progressively more manageable. Now I try to push myself to talk in social media bit by bit, surely I make lots of mistakes, but that's the path to progress!
• Finally, staying humble, staying patient, listening to other people and never getting cocky. Nothing blocks someone harder from a language than thinking they're already an expert sdfgfdsh. I've seen so many people figure out the basics of speaking just like an anime character and... ending their journey right there, with half-baked knowledged and pre-fabricated sentences that don't work much in reality. Saying "I know this language" after one's first sentences will close the path forward soooo hard.
I wonder if any of these resonates with you? I'd love to know about your journey sometimes too, Kani-kun!!
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emachinescat · 4 years
Explosion + Hands + Jack
A MacGyver Fan-Fiction
by @emachinescat ​
@febuwhump ​ day 22 - burned
Summary: A bomb Mac is disposing of goes off prematurely – and Mac’s hands pay the price. Or, the time when Jack has to be Mac's hands. 
Characters: Mac, Jack
Words: 2,945
TW: Relatively graphic description of burns
Note: This story is based loosely off a scene from classic MacGyver. Also, please take the vague MacGyverism with a grain of salt. I did some research (and also wrote this before Mac made the same thing a different way on the newest episode), but I also took some creative liberties.
Keep reading here, or on AO3!
If you enjoy, please consider liking, commenting, or re-blogging, and you can follow me for more content like this!
"These have to be the stupidest bad guys I've ever met," Jack griped. He sat in an old dining chair, ankles lashed together with rope and hands tied behind his back. MacGyver was his mirror image, tied similarly, in another chair, back to back with his partner. Their bound hands had been connected to each other, so every time Mac moved, working the ropes, Jack's arms jerked with him.
Even though he couldn't see Mac's face, he could clearly picture the raised eyebrow in his mind's eye as Mac responded dryly, "And you're… complaining about it?"
A cramp ran through Jack's upper back, and he instinctively rolled his shoulders. Mac squawked indignantly as Jack's movement impeded his progress. "Hey, watch it! You almost made me stab myself!"
"Sorry." Jack paused for a brief moment, trying not to think about why Mac was working so feverishly to cut through the thick ropes with his knife – seriously, they hadn't taken his knife before they'd tied them up! – without cutting himself or Jack. "You about got it, hoss?"
Mac's voice was strained with concentration when he responded. "Just … about," he grunted. "Keep talking."
Jack smirked. "Can't get enough of hearing ol' Jack's wisdom, huh?"
"It's more like white noise, but if it makes you feel better…"
"It does." Jack continued on his earlier line of conversation. "I'm just sayin', man, these lunatics didn't leave nobody here to keep an eye on us, and they left Angus MacGyver tied with regular ol' rope with his SAK in his pocket and a room stock fulla toys he can use to escape." When he spoke, Jack's Texas drawl was thicker than usual. He'd noticed that his accent got more pronounced when he was nervous or in a rough situation. He'd mentioned it to Mac once, and his partner had quickly informed him that it was more than likely a coping mechanism, Jack's way of unconsciously trying to keep himself calm. Jack disagreed. He was convinced that his cowboy twang got heavier in nerve wracking situations because he was actively channeling the spirit of Clint Eastwood and his mind and body were preparing him to do some insanely awesome hero stuff to fix the situation.
"Yeah, well… they also left a bomb in the room," Mac reasoned. Jack could feel the sawing motion as Mac carefully made his way through the rope. Any other time, Jack knew that he would have cut through it in half the time, but with all four of their collective hands gathered together in one bundle of scratchy rope, Mac had to move slowly, methodically, so he didn't cut either one of them. Normally, it wouldn't be a problem for him to take his time, but as Mac had so helpfully pointed out, there was the matter of a ticking bomb just out of arm's reach. And they had no idea how much time was left.
Jack tried to paint their situation in a better light. "It's just a little one. The explosion won't even be all that big."
"No," Mac agreed, "but with all the gasoline they scattered around us, I think it's a safe bet that the size of the explosion won't matter, since we'll burn with the warehouse."
A snap, a sigh of relief, and then Jack felt Mac move in the chair, and knew he was bending forward to untie his feet. As soon as he was free, Mac pelted forward so quickly that he pushed the chairs back a couple of inches, Jack and all. He didn't stop to untie Jack – no time – but he did leave the SAK in his palm. Jack immediately started sawing at his own ropes.
He was still working when he heard Mac swear loudly from somewhere behind him. A queasy dread settled in Jack's gut.
"Talk to me, Mac!"
"No time!" Mac spat, and Jack knew, heart stuttering, that his partner wasn't just saying that he had no time to talk – there was no time on the bomb.
"I can't disarm it!" Mac yelled, his voice growing farther away as he ran, presumably with the bomb in tow, away from Jack. "I'm going to try to contain it!"
Jack continued to cut at the ropes – almost there! He heard the sound of something metal being pried open, and he remembered that there was a large dumpster near the door of the warehouse, one of those industrial ones. Hope rose cautiously within him. Mac had done similar things before; there was no reason why it shouldn't work this time!
The one thing that he didn't factor in, however, was the bomb's timer running out before Mac could close the dumpster.
He heard the explosion, a terrible, anguished scream, and then, the worst sound of all – low, uncontrollable, rocking sobs of pain.
Jack cut himself three times in his haste to get free, but he made it to Mac's side in less than a minute. What he saw made his stomach curdle and his hands shake as he pulled Mac back, further from the smoking dumpster.
Mac had curled into himself on the floor, his hands gnarled before him in pain. Once they'd moved a safe distance from the mostly contained bomb, Jack took a closer look at them and nearly vomited – not from the blood or the burns themselves, but from the knowledge that these were Mac's hands that had been caught in the explosion, burned, blistered, and bloody almost beyond recognition. Jack knew he should be grateful that all of Mac's fingers were intact, but it was hard to feel thankful for anything when Mac's hands could serve as a suitable stand-in for ground beef.
Mac's head was low, chin flush against his chest, his shoulders trembling in pain. Jack remembered when Mac had sustained first and second degree burns pulling his dumb ass out of a crematorium. Jack too had been burned on the bottoms of his feet, and the healing process for both Mac and himself had been one of the most painful experiences either of them could recall in recent memory. There had been debriding, cleaning, bandages, antibiotics, and, in Mac's case, a few sessions of physical therapy.
This was so much worse.
"Mac, buddy," Jack entreated, trying to keep his voice steady for his partner's sake. His accent was slathered liberally on every syllable, his voice gentle and quiet, like he was approaching a startled horse. "I need you to look at me. Are you hurt anywhere else?"
Mac didn't respond, just heaved in a great gulp of air, and the breath rattled in his lungs like the last throes of a dying man. The sound clenched its icy fist around Jack's heart. He reached out, placing his index and middle fingers carefully beneath Mac's chin and lifting his kid's head to look him in the eyes. What he saw there nearly killed him.
Jack had been Mac's overwatch for a long time, and he'd seen the kid in a lot of less than ideal situations – roughed up, sick, shot, you name it. But never had Jack seen the level of fear and pain blazing in Mac's eyes as he did now. Tear streaks ran down his face, which was sooty and a bit red, especially around his forehead, but the burns on his face were superficial. Definitely first-degree. He'd managed to shield his face and eyes from the blast.
But his hands… Mac had to have just let go of the bomb to drop it in the dumpster for his hands to look like that but still be basically intact. Jack moved his hand from Mac's chin and cupped his partner's face in his hand, gently brushing a tear away, trying to get Mac's attention on him, to calm him down. "Mac, talk to me." He had no idea how he was keeping himself from crying right alongside his friend. "I need to know you're with me."
Mac hiccuped, took a deep breath through his nose and made a visible effort to calm himself down. When he spoke, every bit of the agony Jack saw in his face translated to his voice. "I–I'm okay."
Jack chuckled, but there was no humor to it. "I don't believe that for a second. But you will be, ya hear me?"
Mac nodded shakily, a low, keening whine building at the base of his throat like a wounded hound dog. He choked out, "It h-hurts."
"I know, bud. Can I see your hands?"
Mac shook his head, pulling his hands closer to his body. "Not yet. We n-need to find a way out of here f-f-first." Mac's teeth had started chattering, which sent a whole new wave of fear tearing through Jack's body. If Mac was going into shock, they were really out of time. And as much as Jack wanted to get a better idea of the damage, figure out what they were working with, he knew Mac was right. In all the chaos and worry, he'd almost forgotten that they were still locked in the warehouse with a smoking dumpster slowly turning the air against them. From where they sat on the floor, the air wasn't bad yet, but they needed to kick it into third gear – it wouldn't stay that way for long.
"Okay," Jack agreed. "How do we get out? As I recall, they've padlocked all the doors from the outside, and this whole place is made of steel. Can you figure out how to make something to bust those doors down?"
Mac's eyes, glazed with pain, darted around the warehouse, which had until very recently been one of the stashes of the cartel that had captured them. "Uhhh…" His voice broke, and Jack saw Mac's hands twitch in a painful spasm out of the corner of his eye. Fresh tears welled up, and Mac blew out a shaky breath. "Okay. Yeah. We should b-be able to make a blowtorch to c-cut us out of here."
Jack shot Mac a dubious look. "You're not makin' anything hoss, and I sure as hell don't know how to make a blowtorch. Think you got it in you to walk me through it?"
Mac didn't look so sure, and Jack's stomach flipped as he saw how much the trembling had increased. Still, MacGyver was never one to admit defeat, and he nodded. His voice was thick with pain, dry and raspy, but he managed to walk Jack through a collection of basic supplies, all of which were readily available in their current space – an empty syringe, a thumbtack, pliers, lighter fluid, and Jack's own lighter, which the bad guys had left on him. Seems the only things they'd actually taken were their prisoner's phones.
By the time Mac had coached Jack through the process of actually building the DIY blowtorch, an incredibly precise and delicate venture that Jack barely managed with his sausage-like fingers, smoke was beginning to gather in earnest, and Mac was shaking so badly that he sounded like he was working a jackhammer when he talked. But Jack had finished it, and to his shock and utter relief, it worked – he'd not doubted Mac, of course, but his own ability to bring Mac's idea to fruition – and Mac had offered a pained, crooked smile at him, and said, "S-s-see, we m-make a p-p-pretty good t-team." Then, whether from pain or shock or hyperventilation, he passed out, and Jack only spared enough time to check his vitals before he used his lighter-turned-blowtorch to cut his way through the steel wall of the warehouse.
It was a slow process, and Jack burned himself no less four times, but at last he'd carved their escape route. The men who'd left them here to burn had gone. Jack hoisted Mac onto his shoulder, taking extra care not to jostle his mangled hands, and set out in search of a phone – he knew there was a gas station a few miles away.
Mac just had to hold on until then.
24 Hours Later
Jack was there when Mac woke up from his first surgery.
Jack was always there when Mac woke up in medical.
Mac peered at him through groggy, drug-hazy eyes and gave his partner a weak smile. "Hey, Jack."
Jack fought the urge to pull the kid into the tightest bear hug he'd ever experienced. Only a glance down at Mac's heavily bandaged hands lying delicately on his chest kept him where he was, in the cushioned hospital chair that played at being comfortable but really wasn't after ten minutes. Jack had been sitting in it for nearly sixteen hours, give or take, not counting bathroom breaks and coffee runs. Others had stopped by at various times, too – Matty, Bozer, and Riley chief among them – but right now it was just Jack and Mac. The way it had always been.
The way it would always be.
"Hey, kiddo. How're ya feelin'?"
Mac thought about this for a long moment, his brow furrowed in concentration like he was trying to figure out some complicated equation. Finally, he answered, "Weird."
Jack threw his head back and laughed, though what Mac had said in no way warranted the kind of reaction he was getting. It was like all of the stress and fear and uncertainty and trauma of the last day were riding the shockwave of that almost manic laugh.
Mac's eyebrows creased further in concern. "What's so funny?"
Jack scrubbed at his eyes with his sleeve, not sure if his eyes were watering from laughing, or if he had started crying somewhere along the way. "Nothing, hoss. What feels weird?"
"Floaty?" Mac answered uncertainty. From where Jack was sitting, Mac looked all of seven years old, tucked into the hospital bed in the Phoenix recovery ward, hair messy, eyes tired and confused.
Jack patted Mac on the shoulder, and Mac stared at the hand like it was the most surprising thing he'd ever encountered. Damn, they had him on the good stuff. He told Mac as much.
Mac's eyes were already drifting shut, the pull of the drugs too strong. "You go to sleep," Jack said softly, unable to keep himself from brushing a stray lock of hair from Mac's reddened forehead. "We can talk more when you wake up."
Mac, for once, did as he was told.
Jack spent the night at Mac's side, of course, despite Matty's urging that he go home and get some sleep. He wouldn't have been able to sleep, anyway, even if he had been in his own bed. He couldn't stop thinking, stop remembering. When he looked at Mac now, he saw pristine white bandages and the kind of tentative peace that could only come from whatever drugs they had him on – probably morphine and a cocktail of antibiotics, if he had his guess.
The problem was, Jack knew what lay beneath the bandages. He had seen, once he had finally found a phone and called for help, the extent of damage that had been done to Mac's hands up close. And it terrified him.
Even now every time he closed his eyes, even to blink, he could see his kid's hands, covered in burns, some so deep that Jack swore he could see tendons. They were bloody and blistered and the angriest shade of red Jack had ever seen.
He also saw, whenever his body betrayed him and he started to doze off, the way that MacGyver had writhed and twitched and moaned even while unconscious as Jack tried to examine them. His mind dragged him back to the Phoenix chopper, where a medical team immediately gave Mac painkillers and started debriding the burns. Mac had woken up then, thrashing and screaming the most terrible, guttural, animal screams, and Jack had been forced to hold him down while the medics worked, and he'd cried alongside Mac, and after they'd landed and Mac had been rushed in, Jack had found the nearest trash can and puked his guts out.
Even now, one surgery down, it was far from over. The doctor's prognosis had been hopeful, but cautious. Mac should be able to gain control of his hands again, should be able to build things and destroy Jack's phones and return fist bumps and high fives, and open doors and climb and pick things up and shoot hoops and anything else he wanted to do… but it would take time.
Six surgeries, minimum, to repair damage to tendons, do skin grafts. Mac's hands would always bear some scars, even though Phoenix had flown in the best surgeons in the country to rebuild the hands that usually did the rebuilding. And the few sessions of physical therapy he'd been through the last time he'd burned his hands were child's play to the PT he had in store in the coming months.
Jack sure as hell hoped the world would hold it together until MacGyver healed. He knew that it might as well have ended if Mac hadn't made it out of that explosion alive. Jack's world would have, at any rate.
But, Jack reminded himself as he watched the steady rise and fall of Mac's chest, despite all of the pain and physical therapy and surgeries in his future, Mac was by far the strongest person he knew. He had no doubt that the cautionary "should" the doctor placed on Mac's recovery was more of a "will definitely," because Mac didn't let anything slow him down for long.
So Jack had to be strong, too.
"I'll do it for you, Mac," he said aloud. He carded his fingers gently through mussed blonde hair.
It was a promise he intended to keep.
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Hey! Hey! I just read your answer to the writing reader x character fics ask and wanted to bonk you with a LOT OF APPRECIATION FOR CALLUNA!!
I'm so amazed by it still, it's so heartwarming that you've written something so beautiful inspired by one of my pieces and from where I'm currently at, the story, the plot, SAERAN, the MC/reader, every other character, they're all so on point. I just love it so much, your use of words is wonderful and the whole fic is incredible, I still cannot comprehend how good it is?? I can with no doubt say that you're currently my favourite MM writer out there, everything you come up with is just so incredibly well written and thought of. I've had to hold on giving any feedback till now because I wanted to finish reading it first before throwing all the love I have for it at you, since I'm currently just on chapter 11 because I was following it as it was getting published at first but then school got the better of me (since I always read fics at night and lately school has forced me to go to sleep way to early to do that, and I'm so deprived of fics oh my god), and as I'm only on chapter 11 I know that there's still a big storm coming because sadly someone happened to spoil something about the fic for me, but you bet I'm gonna throw even more love at you when school gives me time for that and you BET I'll be drawing some art for it too 😌💞 It's what you deserve
Also, the post itself really resonated with me, like the things you said about writing what makes you happy. It wasn't only relatable with me drawing things I enjoy, there's also the fact that I've been writing fics for myself lately. That writing has also kinda replaced my activity of reading them as much, but I really enjoy it! Idk why I never did it before honestly, but writing them just for myself is really...therapeutic in a way? There's no pressure of anyone judging you and you can do anything you've ever wanted, it's so comforting. I'm just not showing them to anyone because 1. I feel ashamed of them, I'm not the best writer but I find doing it fun 2. my headcanons are sometimes really different to others' and I sometimes feel bad for that or afraid of getting backlash/into arguments for my headcanons. But writing them is fun, and the same goes for you, I hope you continue to do what makes you happy! Though I do enjoy some good old reader x character fics, reading about Lila is also interesting and sometimes she sounds a lot like what Sunset would do so that's just a huge plus lolol
(also me 🤝 you
giving Saeran CMCs who like lolita fashion)
Pat yourself on the back! That Prince Ray art just lit a fire in me with an idea that was already in the back of my head for a while and it smacked me in the head the second that I saw that handsome boy. It was only the moment I saw a pretty boy in a crown. I am nothing but a simp.
That's the good thing about being in fandom. There are people in these places that make art inspired by writing or writing inspired by art. I love seeing that because it's a testament to the harmony in fandom and it is so easy to look to each other when we feel as if we're making an impact on everyone.
It just feels so good to create something from nothing, even if it's art or writing. The process is cathartic and we cannot deny making something makes us just feel accomplished! Your passion to your art is something that we all see and recognize! I'm glad to have been able to watch you progress with your art because you are very talented and you will only continue to better the more you have fun and practice.
Goodness Gracious, I don't know I'm prepared to see anything from the fic drawn out! I have all of these outfit references for Sparrow and for all of the other cast members in the story but I've not been able to flash them out myself. There's just something really sweet about the aesthetic that exists within fairytale AUs that I can't ignore. I am sorry to hear that someone spoiled you on one of the events in the story.
At least you don't know how it builds up or leads to that point in the story where the incident occurs. I've been spoiled in a few stories before and how I reason with myself is that: I don't know how we get to [Spoiler] and that means the full experience isn't robbed from me. I'm glad that you've enjoyed it! I put a lot of care into the story because it was such a great piece of art to work with.
I'm not ready, Seeme. Don't kill me. I don't think we can handle it. Prince Ray already kills me on sight.
Shfksnrowneoehe! Sunset is really cute. I always love seeing her on my Instagram or over here on DailySaeran. Her hair is really bouncy and sweet and it just makes me feel some kind of way. I just love frilly clothes and we need more cute MCs in big skirts. I'm very OC positive and I try to make sure that all kinds of people in this fandom know that they should shamelessly write what makes them happy.
I am glad to hear that you're exploring writing for the first time. I hope you know that you don't have to share with other people of you don't want to do that. You put your heart and soul into your writing even if there's spelling errors, translation errors, or what have you within the story, you put a piece of your heart into what you're writing. I say this with the utmost sincerity write for you and nobody else. Write what makes you happy no matter what anyone says.
I don't care if that means you're writing Self Insert Fics where you have cat ears, rainbow hair, or everyone loves you without question. Or If you're writing about an OC who loves without reason or can do "impossible" things without trouble. It's your story.
You create the canon. You create the universe. You put yourself into it. It is unashamedly you.
If it makes you happy, you write it. Put your heart into it. We put ourselves into the characters, not just our OCs. But, we put our soul into the cast of canon characters. So, just know that even if you do not share your writing, you should never feel like you have to share it for it to be proof of skill or talent. If anyone hits you with discourse if you do share it one day, let me know. I will mess them up with a Hello Kitty bat all the while wearing the cutest dress.
I've got a lot of Saeran x Reader story ideas, I'm gonna make a poll with my general ideas and let people vote on that later once I get home. It'll be a Google Form. I'll probably link it on my IG too. I hope you guys are interested in that! I hope that you're able to slow down and enjoy yourself soon here! I know that school must be really rough with everything right now. I gotta wish you luck with that.
Meanwhile, I gotta go smack myself or something, I admire you and here you are hitting me with the same thing. Djwkdhekdnodbeie
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saskaykun · 4 years
Taka’s members’ bond with Sasuke. (For Taka team’s stans, this one’s for you.)
I don't think there's any point in introducing the Taka team again.
But as today's point is to prove the link as a point of complementarity with Sasuke. I'm going to take a look at the personal lives of each of them. 
Ps: sorry for the typos, english is not my mother tongue.
We are going to start with Suigetsu, like Sasuke, Suigetsu had a big brother, pretty strong and skilled because Mangetsu was the only one of the 7 swordsmen of the mist to master the 7 swords of Kiri. Suigetsu's dream was to become as strong as his big brother to enter the 7 swordsmen assassins club, whom he admired a lot, but Mangetsu died rather prematurely while protecting his little brother Suigetsu. Suigetsu trained hard to barely match half of his big brother's sword skills. He also comes from a known clan from the village of Kiri, the clan Hozūki, and owns a Kekkei Genkai, which allows him to liquefy his body from flesh to water. Pretty handy for a swordsman, isn't it?  No blade can pierce his body. That's also why Orochimaru was interested in him and kept him prisoner in his laboratories for so many years. Doesn't that remind you of Sasuke? The story of the big brother to be surpassed in abilities, even though he was so admired by the little one? Sasuke had to kill Itachi because he had to avenge his clan, Suigetsu had to become much better than Mangetsu because he promised him before Mangetsu died, that he would take back the title of "Kijin no Sairai" - "the second coming of the demon" (as far as my translation is concerned), so he got it into his head to collect all the swords from Kiri village, in order to take back his brother's inheritance. It's rather cute when you think about it. Suigetsu, in spite of appearances, is not a deeply evil person even if he spent most of his life training to become an assassin. Of all the times he made fun of Karin for her feelings towards Sasuke and Karin hit him, he never twisted back once. Suigetsu doesn't have a family anymore, like Sasuke, he's the last survivor of his clan. Moreover, I wanted to add that Suigetsu, sometimes appears like a coward but is actually very competent, and he is certainly a better swordsman than Sasuke. At the same age, (at 16 years old) Suigetsu had already done 2 - D rank missions, 33 - C rank missions - 40 - B rank missions, 13 - A rank missions and finally 4 - S rank missions originally reserved for jônin, can he be considered as such?
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What do we know about Karin?
At first, not much is said, except that she is a very competent sensory ninja, that Sasuke, with Suigetsu came personally to look for. He chose her, among many other competent ninjas. He acknowledged her as the best in her field. That's a canon fact. 
Another true thing, Sasuke, who came personally to pick her up, confessed that he needed her to reach his goal.
"I need you, Karin", really happened. 
He wasn't forced to do it, on the contrary, Suigetsu, who wasn't a big fan of Karin, spent his time dissuading Sasuke from going to pick her up and take her on the team, but Sasuke insisted.
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They saved each other's lives several times. Karin healed him with her "Heal Bite" and he during their fight against Killer Bee, awakened a new power from his Mangekyō Sharingan: Kagutsuchi. He was able to extinguish the flames of the Amaterasu that had touched Karin. His face, scared of losing his teammate, proves how much Sasuke cares about his Taka teammates but especially about Karin. After I will not go on betting that he cares about her, romantically or just friendly because that's not the point and nothing in the manga proves that he did it romantically or kindly, I just want to emphasize this point: he was willing to die, and put Juugo's and Suigetsu's lives in danger in order to save Karin.
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We learn a little more about Karin, during the Edotensei scene with Itachi and Sasuke against Kabuto. Kabuto then talks about Taka team members and reveals to Sasuke that Karin is indeed part of the Uzumaki clan, like Naruto, and that's why she has a huge chakra cluster. She regenerates quickly her own wounds but she can help others to regenerate and heal themselves by sharing her chakra, by biting her because it's the fastest way: in fact, the injured person drinks Karin's chakra and regenerates herself/himself in a few moments.
Besides the fact that Karin was used by Sasuke to locate Itachi through her powerful chakra and to warn him of his possible enemies, and of course to heal him in case he would be seriously wounded, she is not an exceptional ninja in combat, she must even very often be saved either by Sasuke or by Suigetsu. Sasuke knew that very well. He was never shocked that Karin might be a weight for them in their adventures. He chose her by himself, nobody forced Karin to be there and decided to protect her.
The scene where Sasuke "sacrifices" Karin to kill Danzō is totally a scene to be taken with extenuating circumstances. Sasuke finally being in front of the person who ruined his life, who ordered the massacre of the Uchiha clan, he couldn't do otherwise, he was forced by all means to kill him. Karin being in his field of action because she wanted to help him, was also pierced by Sasuke's chidori blade. Don't forget though, that he didn't really sacrifice her because she didn't die, since he didn't aim at Karin's vital points.
I still want to thank Sakura for helping Karin with her medical ninjutsu, she is still part of Karin's healing process, without Sakura's intervention, she might have had a hard time healing this time.
I also wanted to point out, on the scene following Karin's famous "sacrifice":
Karin thus finds herself on the ground, dying slowly, Obito then proposes to Sasuke to finish her off, properly because she knows too much about their plan. Sasuke doesn't even take the time to answer him. During this scene, Sasuke takes an exceptional time to load his chidori, giving Team 7 time to arrive on the scene, another proof that deep down he really didn't want to kill her. It is finally on Sakura that Sasuke decides to use his chidori, and not on Karin. Karin then dissuades him... but Sakura is really not far from being killed this time by Sasuke.
This scene is powerful, but it shows the total disinterest of Team 7 in the eyes of Sasuke, at least the disinterest he has in Sakura's life. Sakura being a burden, and considering her as the enemy, had to be eliminated as soon as possible. He was also never afraid to confront Kakashi. The only one for which he has doubts, a certain apprehension that he tries indirectly to hide, remains definitely for Naruto, but again, he does not hesitate to threaten him if Naruto still chases after him.
To finish with Karin, she is part of the Uzumaki clan, one of the oldest clans in the Shinobi world, and derived from the Senju clan, there are not many members of the clan left, at least to our knowledge except Karin, Naruto and Nagato. At the end of the war, only Karin and Naruto remain. She shares this fact with Sasuke. She also had lost her entire family during the previous war, her mother was used for medical purposes, literally having her chakra sucked until her death. She became an orphan at a very young age, left to live on her own, abused by others until she met Orochimaru. She has no one left.When she meets Sasuke, she falls in love with him for his beauty, he is pretty handsome, but as a sensory ninja, she found that he has a beautiful and attractive chakra, she realized right away that Sasuke is not as bad as he pretends to be. She took a close interest in him, and I think the interest was mutual.
Jūgo, is certainly the only member where we are poorly with information about him.
Jūgo is a deeply kind and loving boy but is possessed by a heavy weight that overwhelms him: the cursed seal. He is the first holder of the cursed seal, it is with his DNA that Orochimaru started his experiments. The poor man, being unable to control his murderous impulses, preferred to die rather than to leave his cell when Sasuke, Suigetsu and Karin came to get him. Sasuke promised to hold him, Jūgo, usually not confident, agrees to come with them because Kimimaro had acknowledged Sasuke. Jūgo, in addition to his incredible physical strength when possessed by the cursed seal, is able to communicate with the birds. Sasuke uses Jūgo through this ability so that his birds can locate the Akatsukis' hideout and that he can create a map from the information transmitted by these birds. Also, Jūgo is an orphan, and since Kimimaro died, he was literally alone in the world. He has no known family, and his affiliation to a particular clan is unknown. Another peculiarity that Sasuke shares with his teammates.
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I consider Jūgo as Sasuke/Suigetsu/Karin’s big brother. He took care of them. There also is a scene where he puts Sasuke in his futon after having treated him and bandaged him, because Sasuke had fallen asleep sitting, from exhaustion.
This boy is soooooo cute and gentle. His bipolar side contrasts enormously. His murderous personality with his soft and wise side.
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                 Well, Sasuke's plan was perfect and well thought out.
 To answer the question I was asked, "What do they do as Team Taka, besides help Sasuke enter into darkness?"
I, for one, don't hold Team Taka members responsible for Sasuke's entry into the darkness. Far from it. Sasuke was motivated by his hatred for killing Itachi, and after the final battle with his brother, motivated by revenge for those who led to his downfall. Don't get me wrong, I always feel that when it comes to Sasuke, the people who interact with him are responsible for his actions. No, Sasuke most certainly suffers from PTSD, living in unresolved grief since the death of his family, in hatred and constant pain, doesn't need anyone to think for him. He's an intelligent boy, he knows his purpose, he knows he would sacrifice himself to restore honor to those he has lost. His goal was just that. I sincerely think that deep down Sasuke wanted to change the Shinobi world, build new foundations, and achieve peace, so that what he experienced would never happen again, but it was a kind of pipe dream because he really thought he would die in his next confrontation with Naruto. He expected no less.
It really pisses me off that people think that Sasuke is acting according to the actions of others. I don't remember hearing Suigetsu, Karin or Jugo suggest a plan of action to kill someone or do something. He was the leader of this team. The others were acting on his behalf and not the other way around. He was the one who came to find them, he was the one who surrounded himself with these shinobis to help him achieve his goal. You let yourself be influenced by Naruto “talk no jutsu” in Gaiden who dares to tell the Taka team to mind their own business when he himself spent years to mind Sasuke's business, without even understanding the reason for his actions.
Gaiden makes the Taka team look like the villains who helped Sasuke carry out the actions of his hatred, but look closer, they did nothing so exceptional except help him find Itachi and obey Akatsuki's orders to attack Killer B.
It even seems to me that the Taka team were, in the end, the only ones who listened sincerely to Sasuke, to meet his expectations, to try to understand him. 
A non-canon fact unfortunately, in a novel about Sasuke, after Itachi's death, Sasuke makes a kind of pilgrimage to learn more about his brother, during his Akatsuki period, and then meets two brothers, who were preparing drops for Itachi's eyes, and they make him think about him and Itachi when they were kids. ... I'm going to skip over the real story of this novel, although it's very well written for a non-canon novel, and we find Sasuke on his scene, by the sea, where he desperately lets go of all his pain in a torrent of tears, and decides to rename Hebi team into Taka team.
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Karin, Suigetsu and Jugo were present during one of the worst moments of Sasuke's life: Itachi's death and thus the mourning of his older brother.
In spite of Itachi's terrible actions and choices to raise Sasuke's power, Sasuke still considers him as his beloved older brother who sacrificed himself for a village that never gave them the chance to live, properly...
Again, as I already said in another post, I truly think that all the people close to Sasuke tried to control his choices and his life, without asking his opinion.
Itachi made it clear that he tried to trace Sasuke's life from his childhood to what he became and finally disappointed to have failed... but what the hell did he expect?
Naruto, who absolutely wants Sasuke to go back to Konoha, but why? He knew very well that the people in Konoha would bully him for his actions, when he was already bullied enough to be an Uchiha in Konoha. So Naruto claims to know what's best for Sasuke. What?!
Sakura... is Sakura.
Kakashi and Jiraya tried to dissuade Sakura and Naruto from desperately pursuing a guy who clearly wanted to get the hell out of this village: Sasuke is not worth it.
Decidedly, Sasuke doesn't get much grace from people. Between those who think he's a sulky, who always makes moods because he has some problems in his life and those who judge him without knowing a second of his existence and his journey, he's really badly surrounded.
The Taka team is the only one that hasn't gone into the details and is following Sasuke, even before he decides to explain to them the reasons for this gathering.
I like their complicity. I like their dynamics. They help each other.
Team Taka is the one that Sasuke chose on his own, Team 7 is the one that was imposed on him. Don't forget that.
At least, I didn’t even use your post, but thank you again @justsasuke​ ! It was kind of you :)
                Ps: I found this pic very cute. They are all awesome. 
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I think Peter has a great development in FFH, and one that people sadly go through in the real world: struggling with grief but realizing life goes on. You suggested you analyze Peter’s grief in FFH and I would love that, emotional as it is, it’s inspiring for people going through the same thing. Please do it! Thanks
I was going to do the Happy one first but I’ve been wanting to do this one for a while, so I’m going to start with this analysis. Hope you guys don’t mind. Also, I’m sure they were more asks about the FFH one and I’m sorry if I didn’t include yours in the list but my inbox is a mess right now, so I apologize. 
As an expert-master of grief that I am lol I think I really can read Peter pretty well in this movie, one of the reasons I was avoiding this analysis was because it’s too painful for me hahaha, it hits close to home. 
Now, let’s track this down. Peter is just a kid but this kid has been through so much, it’s painful. Peter lost his parents and was sent to live with his aunt and uncle, then he, unfortunately, had to see his father figure; Ben Parker, die in front of him and the result of that gave him a sense of responsibility for the rest of his life: 
‘When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen, they happen because of you.‘
He's always walking around with a ton of traumatic and painful memories. 
Let’s be honest, he believes he ‘killed’ his own uncle, that it was because of him that Ben is dead. It happened because of him from his perspective. So it’s natural for this boy to pass through a long process of grief but here’s the catch, Peter never does. Peter always avoids tragedy until it piles up to the point of unbearable. Peter bears with his responsibility and holds himself accountable for things that are not even his fault but this kid is not capable of processing grief the way it’s supposed to be. I think he wasn’t completely healed of his grief from Ben’s death when he met Tony but as the time passed and he saw another opportunity of having that amazing experience of having another male parental figure, he relented. And now I bet he regrets it.
I kinda wish FFH went into more detail with this so certain fans would understand why having Tony was a good thing for Peter. As he got to know Tony, he started to let him in. He saw him as a father figure and relied on him just like any other teenager would with their parents. Peter was starting to process of healing with Tony. One of the things I love the most about their relationship is that they helped each other grow. Tony learned and experienced something new when he met Peter and Peter started to let another figure into his life. 
Many of you don’t like this but this kid did want Tony’s approval. He confirmed this himself:
In all the weirdness and outside-of-himselfness that went along with becoming Spider-Man, that one conversation with Mr. Stark had made Peter feel . . . okay. Normal, even. Something he never thought he'd feel again. Peter knew he should feel all these things without needing Mr. Stark's approval. That your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man didn't need the approval of multibillionaire, Super Hero philanthropists to help out the people on his block. But, right now? Peter wanted Mr. Stark to approve of him more than anything.
And this translates into the movie so well, Tony made Peter feel normal, made him feel understood and that he didn’t need to do this alone. Peter always feels like he’s the only one that can do things. He feels alone. 
He looked from the ship to the other kids on the bus to see if anyone else saw it. Nothing. Just him. As usual.
He even described Ned as ‘blissfully ignorant of any imminent danger.’
So after getting used to just him and May, after meeting Tony, after getting used to being Spider-Man, Peter creates a sense of stability and normalcy that helps him heal and continue with his life at a semi-normal pace. In Endgame, he loses that stability all over again. When you lose something that is essentially keeping you together, you start using coping mechanisms to fill in the spots that you consider empty. The ones that are going to break you. Peter doesn’t feel ready to handle all of that pain at once so he starts avoiding the issue. 
Peter not only lost Tony, but he also lost his life and remembers fighting in a big war where he got attacked multiple times by an alien army and the mad titan that killed him, Tony and half of the universe. Nobody is ready to deal with that kind of trauma. Nobody. 
FFH tells us that it’s been 8 months since The Blip. 8 months Peter’s been avoiding things related to Tony and everything related to Titan in general. He doesn't want to feel the weight of all-consuming grief because one minute he had everything and the next, that disappeared, his semi-normalcy was broken up by waves of tragedy.
Notice how in HOCO he was desperately seeking the superhero big-league adventures; wanting to be part of the Avengers, fighting crime on a bigger scale, fighting villains and more, then in FFH, he was desperately seeking the normal life experiences; romance, field trips, school events, etc. 
And I think everyone around him can feel that coming from him so they make sure to reassure him all the time and he gratefully accepts any kind of reassuring comfort he can get from anyone: 
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There are so many hugs in this movie, I can’t keep track of all of them. I was surprised Peter didn’t hug Mr. Delmar too, I think he even hugged his teacher on one occasion lmao
I think we all know who was the last person Peter hugged before all of this:
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It’s really sad when he’s trying his hardest to avoid all of his trauma and nothing seems to work for him. He avoids Fury’s calls, tells May he really needs a break and that he really needs the trip, everything to get as far away as possible from New York.
Anything that saves him from thinking about this:
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First, look at him. He’s in a room full of drawings dedicated to Tony Stark and the kid is talking about a plan on how to woo a girl, even Ned is wondering what is going on. Then he advises him to not do any of that.
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Then, on the plane, he has to actually listen to his teacher talk about funerals and his only entertainment from the rest of the trip is:
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Then he arrives and they get attacked by a gigantic monster. And Peter fights this monster. He hears his classmates discuss this and he hears them call Mysterio a combination of Iron Man and Thor. Notice how after this, instead of calling someone for help or find out where did that monster comes from, he just starts talking about his plan all over again, like nothing happened. Anything related to Tony is a big nope for him.
Unfortunately for Peter:
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He’s everywhere. Peter is starting to realize he can’t escape Tony anymore. He told Happy that he sees his face everywhere he goes, this is not only confirmation that Peter’s been trying to avoid it but that he can’t no longer pretend Tony’s not there. 
On every occasion someone brought up Tony, Peter couldn’t handle it. He either breaks down or has a panic attack. 
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He quickly gets attached to someone else and even tells Beck that it’s nice to have someone to talk to about the superhero world, who used to do that with him? Tony. Peter deeply misses him but he’s not willing to accept the fact that he’s gone, he’s just pushing and pushing that reality away from him. Beck is a great manipulator and he can see that Peter doesn’t want to be reminded of this so he pushes Peter back on the topic: ‘It's a hard path. You see things, you do things... Make choices. People look up to you... Even if you win a battle sometimes, they die.’
He even MAKES Peter see Tony everywhere, he’s using Tony’s death against him. He’s taking advantage of the fact that the poor kid can’t handle his father figure’s death: 
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You know he’s the villain and you what he’s trying to do, but the fact that even he can see what Peter’s trying to do is really sad. He later tells Peter this: ‘ I tried to help you walk away. Now you're making me do this…’ and proceeds to show him Tony’s grave, Iron Man’s zombie suit and tells him what Peter’s been thinking this whole time: ‘If you were good enough, maybe Tony would still be alive’
He’s dealing with two things at the same time: grief and trauma. His grief won’t let him breathe and his trauma is not letting him forget. It’s back and forth. If he lets any of these things in, then he knows he’s done for sure. Everything is going to come back in. 
Let's check the boxes:
Peter doesn’t want to remember or touch anything related to Tony.
He doesn’t want to deal with his own trauma/PTSD.
He doesn’t want to carry Tony’s legacy. He feels like he’s not ready and feels like he’s never going to be ready for that.
He’s desperately trying to live his life even if he feels like he’s breaking apart every 5 minutes.
This kid needs help lmao
There are occasions where he spaces out, gets angry, looks like he’s about to choke, etc.
These are the symptoms of someone who’s dealing with PTSD.
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When you’re dealing with trauma, you feel the need to shield yourself from everything that might hurt or trigger you. In some parts of the movie, I felt like Peter wasn’t even there. Just think about it. He disappeared and he felt himself disappear before anyone else did. He lost his sense of reality for a couple of seconds but it was enough, life took too much from him in just those seconds. For him, it was 5 minutes but in reality, he lost 5 years. On top of that, you can tell he feels guilty for Tony’s death as well even if its not his fault. 
This is the part that haunts me:
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And this is the one that heals me: 
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Let’s be clear, this movie is about Peter learning how to be his own superhero and learning that it’s ok if he doesn’t meet other’s expectations. But this kid still needs to process grief, he still needs to work on his traumas, he needs to get some help. He doesn’t just heal after defeating the villain and that’s it. Hopefully, we’ll see that in the next movie.
Ok, off-topic but I swear, when Beck said Peter looked stupid with Tony’s glasses, I was about to throw some serious hands lmaooo
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Laito Dark [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: ( ...I made it to the Demon World, but what should I do now...? )
( They always escorted me to their castle in the past, so I don’t know the way either... )
( Running away was the only thing on my mind, so I came here without giving it a second thought, but perhaps I made the wrong choice after all... )
ーー Guess I have no other choice but to proceed for now.
Yui: !?
( Don’t tell me Wolves have made it this far...!? )
ー She starts running
Yui: Haah, haah...
( ...Seems like they’re not coming after me...Thank god... )
Haah...I’m kind of tired...
( Perhaps I should find shelter somewhere and wait for the sun to rise...Then I’ll continue my search for the castle once it’s light ouーー )
( Ah, but...But if I recall correctly, the nights here last much longer than those in the human world... )
What now...?
( For now, I’ll find a safe space to rest. There’s no point in aimlessly running around... )
ー The scene shifts to a cave
Yui: Haah...What should I do next?
( I wonder if I should just head back? Even if I continue to wander around here... )
( However, that’s where those Wolves are... )
( It’s no use. I can’t come up with any good ideas while mentally exhausted... )
( ...I’ll rest up a little. )
Haah...I wonder what Laito-kun’s doing right now...?
ー Yui closes her eyes
???: Kukukuku...How lovely...Honestly...Why is a girl’s lonely expression just soーー
ーー irresistibly sexy, I wonder? I can’t get enough of it.
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Nn...
Yui: Nn...Stop...
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: It tickles...
( ーー Wait...!? )
( Something is...feeling me up...!? )
ー She opens her eyes
Yui: Kyaaaaah....!!!
???: Uwah...!?
Yui: ...!! Eh...!?
Laito: Owowow...How could you suddenly jump up like that, Bitch-chan...? You meanie...
Yui: L-Laito-kun...!?
Laito: I took a heavy blow right to the face as a result...
Yui: I...I’m sorry. Are you alright?
Laito: Uuu...I’m fine...
Yui: Haah, thank god...
Laito: I know I’ve only got myself to blame for trying to assault you in your sleep but...
Even so, your headbutt was nothing to scoff at.
Yui: ...Sorry. I was surprised when I felt something touch my body...
More importantly, when did you get here?
Laito: Eh? Quite some time ago?
Yui: Eh!? No way...You should have woken me up then.
Laito: I mean, that would have been a missed opportunity, no~?
Yui: A missed opportunity? Wait, how so?
Laito: This situation, obviously! Nfu~
Yui: ...!?
Laito: My cute Bitch-chan finds herself in unknown territory...
With nobody to come to her rescue, she has to spend a night full of insecurities all by herself.
Just the thought of that gives me the shivers! Don’t you feel the same?
Yui: I-I don’t...! I was really scared, you know...!?
Laito: Oh dear~? Are you mad at me?
Yui: W...Well...
( For as lonely as I felt by myself, seeing Laito-kun still be his usual self makes me feel extremely relieved. )
( I could never get upset at him... )
I’m not angry.
Laito: Fufu...Of course you aren’t~ You just love me after all.
Yui: ...How about you?
Laito: What about me?
Yui: ...Do you also...?
Laito: What’s this? You want to confirm it? I’ve said it plenty of times before, haven’t I?
Yui: Butーー
Laito: Nfu...You’re uncertain, aren’t you? ...I can tell...Nn.
Yui: ( Laito-kun... )
Laito: Of course ーー I love you. (1) A lot, okay?
Feeling reassured now? Nfu~
Yui: Yeah...Thank you.
Laito: Haah, I thought we were going to be apart for a while but...Our reunion came quicker than I expected...
Yui: I’m sorry for coming here on a whim. The Wolves made it to the manor...
Laito: Oh no, Bitch-chan. This is what you should say instead.
‘I missed you so much, I couldn’t stand being apart...So while I was thinking of you...
I subconsciously found myself opening the gate to the Demon World.’ ...Something like that?
ーー Say, tell me. I know we weren’t apart for long, but while you were by yourself...You thought of me, didn’t you?
Yui: Well, of course...
Laito: Did you let your imagination run wild during those times?
Yui: Well...
Laito: You didn’t?
Yui: ...I-I didn’t have the time to...
Laito: Really?
Yui: I don’t lie...
Laito: Fufu...Bitch-chan, no point in hiding it~
I can tell. The fact that your face is flushed as red as a strawberry right now proves my point.
You see...While feeling sad from noticing how my scent slowly faded from your own body.
Your feelings for me should have only grown stronger...
...Just like mine did...Haah...
ー He takes in her scent
Yui: Laito-kun, that tickles...
Laito: You don’t like it?
Yui: Uu...
Laito: Say, Bitch-chan? Should I not put myself at ease by taking in your scent like this?
Yui: ( He really sees right through me... )
Laito: Kukuku....A prisoner of love, you’re completely in my grasp, aren’t you?
ーー I don’t think I have to say this...But you have me in your grasp as well.
The truth is, I was worried you might just follow me here, so I’ve been keeping an eye on you.
Yui: Eh...!? T-Then...You’ve been watching me ever since I set foot inside this world...?
Laito: Exactly. I was watching over you.
I figured you’d come. You can no longer bear being away from me after all.
Yui: ...
Laito: Having trouble proving me wrong because I hit the nail on the head?
Yui: Yup.
Laito: ...Why the haphazard response?
I bet you want to try and defend your case, but you find it too much trouble, don’t you?
Yui: Uu...I-I mean, no matter what kind of response I give, I can’t talk my way out... (2)
Laito: Nfufu~ You seem to know me very well, Bitch-chan.
As to be expected of my Yui-chan~!
Yui: ( ...He seems very happy... )
( I guess I can take this as him genuinely accepting my feelings? )
( In that case, I’m happy too... )
Laito: Bitch-chan, are you listening?
Yui: Ah, yeah. I am.
Laito: Really? I hope soーー
Laito: Whoops...It’d be troublesome if those Wolves were to show up...
Come on. Let’s go.
Yui: Yeah!
( I really am glad Laito-kun came for me. Now I can rest assured, right? )
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Sakamaki manor
Yui: ーー Wait...W-Why? We came back.
Laito: Nfu~ Exactly. That was my plan all along after all.
Yui: Is this...okay?
Laito: Hmー Let me think.
What if you’re attacked by those Wolves like Ayato-kun was...?
Laito: Well, I guess I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it...?
Yui: Laito-kun!
Laito: Just kidding~ It was a joke.
But you know, I might just prefer being roughened up by those Wolves over having to stay at that castle.
ーー I’d rather not have to stay there for an extended period of time.
Yui: ...
Laito: Say, you feel the same way, don’t you? Rather than being stuck at that castle crawling with Vampires...
...you’d much rather indulge in some sweet private time with me here, don’t you?
ー He steps closer
Yui: ( He’s trying to beg the question. )
( I guess he really must not want to stay at that castle... )
Right. Let’s do that then?
Laito: Nfu~ You’re good at matching someone’s vibe, aren’t you? I don’t hate that, you know?
Yui: Laito-kun...
Laito: Yes?
Yui: I like you.
Laito: Fufu... ーー So do I...Nn.
Yui: ...
Laito: Yui-chan...
ー The scene shifts to Yui’s room
Laito: ーー That being said, this place sure has known better times...The whole manor has been turned upside down...
I think Reiji would have a mental breakdown if he saw this. Nfu~
Yui: We have to try and tidy things up step by step, otherwise we won’t be able to properly live here.
Laito: Good point. However, I don’t dislike the thought of living in this mess of a manor.
Yui: Eeh!? W-What makes you say that!?
Laito: Just try imagining it! What it would feel like to ‘have some fun’ (3) in a room which has been turned upside down~ 
As you find yourself amidst not-so-ideal circumstances, you suddenly experience a strong desire for carnal pleasure and you eagerlyーー
Yui: S-Stop right there! I’ve heard enough!
Laito: Eeh? I was just about to get to the juicy part though?
Yui: M-More importantly, I wonder if those Wolves won’t come here anymore?
Laito: I’m sure we’ll be fine for a while. However, if we stay here too long, they might find us eventually.
Yui: Right...
Laito: So, I had a great idea.
All of the Vampires who live around this area have retreated back to the Demon World.
In other words, their manor is currently uninhabited, right? So why don’t we go live there?
Yui: You mean we could go to the manor of the Mukami’s, for example?
Laito: Nfu~ Exactly!
We stay here for a bit first, then go to the Mukami’s place after. Honestly, I wouldn’t even mind returning to your childhood home for a bit.
Yui: I see...If we go from one place to another, it’d be more difficult for them to track us down.
Laito: I think it’s an almost disgustingly good idea, if I may say so myself.
Yui: However, are we sure we can just invite ourselves in...?
Laito: It kind of gets me all excited! It’s like we’re eloping together. Nfufu~ 
Yui: ( He’s not listening at all. )
( We don’t know when the Wolves will make their move, so we have to stay on guard as long as we don’t know what exactly they’re after. )
( I can only pray life will be back to normal soon... )
Translation notes
(1) This might just be a stylistic choice, but when Laito says 愛してる or ‘aishiteru’, it isn’t written in kanji as it is in all other routes, but in Katakana. This is quite odd/uncommon because usually Katakana is used for foreign words or words borrowed from another language.
I’m sure there are other people who could do a better analysis of this, but I do think it’s written like this because Laito saying those words is also somewhat surreal in itself? So by writing the word in Katakana, it reflects that sense of ‘strangeness’. 
(2) Literally she says that she can’t escape his ‘pace’. 
(3) もつれ合う or ‘motsue-au’ literally means ‘to get entangled’. I mostly found it in context of tangled vines, etc. but I think we all know what Laito implies here. :p
<- [ Prologue ] [ Dark 01 ] ->
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streets-in-paradise · 4 years
Roadside Bet
American Gods and Percy Jackson crossover - Part 1
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Word Count: 1767
Characters: Wednesday, Shadow, Eira ( Vanir demigoddess OC) 
Relationships: Platonic. 
Summary: Setted in season 1 of American Gods. Mr Wednesday takes his crew on a trip to New York hoping to recruit a powerful ally. Shadow starts asking questions about him and his curiosity unleashes a silly argument. 
Warnings: Some ageists jokes, the camp half blood concept from Percy Jackson is interpreted in American Gods’s style. 
Disclaimers: This serves as an introduction for my self indulgent attempt of writing fanfic including Sean Bean as Zeus in the American Gods universe. I couldn’t find fiction for Sean Bean’s Zeus and he’s so fine that I can't deal with it so I decided to include him in an idea I had previously in process for an American Gods fanfic. I apologise for any possible mistakes,english is not my native language and this is a translation. 
Tags: @yerevasunclair​. Our conversations about Sean’s Zeus inspired this. I’m tagging you in both parts. Thank you so much for the inspiration. 
I hope you ‘ll enjoy this. Thanks for reading
With the exception of Wednesday's bad mood, the trip was not having any major setbacks. The old man was quite unbearable because he hated New York and its exorbitant modernity, but he knew that this was a trip he was obliged to take. If he closed the deal he set out to make, he would gain a powerful ally, perhaps the most powerful one available. 
With only a few miles to go, he switched places with Shadow because he wanted to drive to relieve stress. Meanwhile, to alleviate the boredom during the break, he started to chat with Eira. The girl was sprawled out in the back seat listening to music on an old MP3 player dating from 2002. Shadow signaled her to take off a headset and pay attention to him. Listening to them, Mr. Wednesday rebuked her
“I told her to get rid of every modern toy before following us but she never listens. Eira!! Turn that rubbish off before I destroy it myself.”
“ Chill out, old man. This is ancient history technologically speaking. It doesn’t have wifi connection, or bluetooth, or anything. Nobody can try to track us through this, even the boy must have forgotten these things existed. It’s as safe as your car’s radio.” she replied in a tone that showed annoyance. 
 Shadow laughed, always amused to see the boss and his new co-worker arguing as a family. Wanting to pry into what she was hearing, he reached out to grab the earpiece she had taken out of her ear and placed it over his.
“ What’s that language?  Greek, I think? “ he commented about the music 
“Yeah, it 's greek. I’m getting ready for our next stop.” she explained. 
 “ Greeks? After what I experienced with the russians some time ago i thought we were going to New York to have a meeting with the japanese mafia or something like that. All your business partners seem to have a thing with extremely violent threats. “ he complained
“Don’t be so harsh with Bogo. Most people think he is scary and disgusting but i think he is great. He may be a bit of a psycho weirdo, he makes meat uncomfortable for everyone and sometimes he throws his cigarette smoke in your face but he is a very fun dude “ 
“ Bogo? Did you nicknamed him? He is a serial murderer who wants my head. “
“ We both live in Chicago, my mom tends to know everyone there and everyone knows her. I know him since i was a child, he is like a grumpy grandpa to me.”
That statement left him a bit shocked. Mainly because he did not imagine Czernobog being friendly to anyone or even being seen as friendly. 
“  Do you know the greeks? “ he asked, taking the opportunity to prepare for what was to come
“ No, I never had the pleasure, that’s why I'm so excited. They do their own stuff by themselves, they don’t tend to be very cooperative with the rest. Need is what pushed everyone else to start cooperating and created the unstable bonds of solidarity you had seen so far. They have their own functional system, they don’t need help from anyone. Even if they were struggling i doubt they would ask for it or accept it.” 
“ Very secretive people. How will we convince them to join Mr Wednesday? “ 
“  Let that to me, dear boy.” the boss interrupted . ”They never pick a side, not with us and not with the News. They are always pretending they are better than everyone else in that fake copy of their Olympus they made to themselves when all they actually have is a bunch of brats. If the big conflict starts they will have to choose one side and that’s where we enter.”
“I’m very curious about them "she added .” Their strategy is fascinating. They have a family business that keeps them standing for a very long time in conditions others would only dream to have. They adapted by being themselves without selling to the News.” 
” So, greek mafia then? ”  Shadow asked,curious and worried in equal amounts. 
 ” Never call them like that ever again. That’s very insulting and they are famous for being very arrogant and easy to irritate. Theo will carbonize you if he hears you calling him a mob boss. ” 
” Theo is their boss? He is the one we are visiting? ” 
 ” That’s how we call him, nobody dares to use his full name in casual conversation so we picked a middle ground epithet between his tradition and ours. Names are powerful, Shadow. You don’t have to use them in vain. ” Eira explained. ” Honestly, I'm very excited to meet someone so powerful. Most of the still strong names out there had given up and sold their brands to the News but Theo and his people are still successful. They are living the lifestyle of the Old Country, or at least the closest copy they can get in America. Wednesday is salty because he was never able to agrupate our kind in a similar project. My work for him is the closest thing he got, I’m one of the very few children of his associates who got invested and that’s only because my mother kept me with her. I’m not precisely the rule, that’s why practically i grew up to be here now. ” 
Shadow started to get severly worried .The repeated comment about the power of the people who were going to see kept him on his toes. He didn't want to get into any more trouble. 
 ” Do you want to give me a list of stuff to avoid when facing this Theo? I’m starting to freak out a bit and I don't understand a shit of what you are saying except for “ he is powerful”.  ” he asked her
 ” Don’t worry i will be there with you the whole time and i have more experience dealing with this sort of thing than you. Wednesday should have brought you to my mother’s home first instead of going straight to the russians when you visited our city. Don’t be scared, if you screw it up i will help you out”. 
Wednesday did not missed the chance to give his own advice as well
 ” The best for both of you is to keep your mouths shut as much as you can. “ he warned. ”Smile, nod in agreement, answer only what it’s being asked of you in the moment. This goes especially for you, young lady. ” he concluded in an imperative tone. 
”  Why the sudden care? You didn’t when we were visiting others. Are you afraid of him? ” she teased. 
”  Never, how could you suggest that? I’m restraining you because I don't want you to shift the focus of our negotiation. Theo has a weakness for youthful maidens like you.” he replied, scolding her again. 
 ” Then I should be the one negotiating with him.Wouldn’t be easier to convince him? ” 
” They don’t make him particularly weak, they are his favourite distraction. He enjoys himself when they get affected by his charm. Our business is the war and nothing more. Less you talk, less chances of distracting him too much.” 
Shadow was getting some entertainment with the discussion and intervened to give his opinion
” He doesn’t want this guy doing to you what he does to other women. ”he stated, mocking Wednesday. ” He wouldn’t admit it but he cares for you. He doesn’t want to see some horny old dude around you, thirsting over you and making you feel uncomfortable.” 
 ” My concern is not her safety, it’s her loyalty what troubles me. She works for me, she represents me. I don’t want her to forget it in front of him.” 
” Wednesday, he is older than you. ” Eira complained, trying to make him understand how ridiculous he sounded. ” Why would i care about him flirting with me? I’ll smile at him, pretend i’m pleased with his commentaries to keep him happy enough for you to close the deal and that’s all. It’s not the first time it happened, i’m used to casual flirting. Mad Sweeney had done it the few times we had seen each other,  some others associates of yours do it sometimes. The people we see tend to get flirty, Shadow has experienced it as well. It’s part of the job. ” 
” Mad Sweeney is a drunk loser, we are talking of real power here. Watch your steps and don’t embarrass me.”  Wednesday insisted. 
Shadow couldn’t stop laughing 
” Is he truly afraid you would be seduced by a man older than him? He has to be kidding, he is one of the oldest men i ever meet so how old is the greek ? 95?” 
 ” I may not be into the Technical Boy despite being closer in age terms to him than to most of the dudes we had dealt with but that doesn’t mean i’m into senior citizens. A middle ground is good, thanks. ” she joked, joining the mockery. 
” You two are too young to understand some very important aspects of how things work here. I’m warning you before it’s too late.”  Wednesday replicated.
 ” Whatever, thanks for the advice. I will have it in mind the next time an irresistable senior citizen shows up.You don’t know anything about my tastes in men and you are projecting your own crap on me. You may have a thing for girls of my age but not all of us get horny for grandpas. Some do and i don’t judge them but i’m not one of them.” 
 ” Wait and see. ” the old man replied in the same mocking tone. ” I would like to bet. I did it when Shadow fought the leprechaun, now it’s your turn. ” 
 ” We don’t have anything of value you may want.He just got out of jail and it’s not like mom would give me her Brisingamen just because i lost a bet to you. ”  
 ” Shadow, are you in? ”  the boss asked 
 ” What would i win? ” 
 ” If Eira feels condescendingly repulsed by the greek i double your weekly pay. If he charms her  i discount a percentage .” 
 ” If she doesn’t feel attracted to an old greek you duplicate my pay? Sure, i’m in. it is a safe bet, right?” he asked her 
” He talks bullshit, i’m not interested. Go ahead.” she assured him 
 ” I had never been happier standing in the middle of your silly fights. ” 
The youngsters spent the rest of the trip making fun of Wednesday's ridiculous bet, sure they were going to win. The old man laughed in their faces, he was playing with them again.  
Note: Theo is a name with two possible etymological origins, one greek and one germanic. A long time ago i read a theory that said the greek form Deos was associated with Zeus. I recently read that wasn’t the case but i still found it fitting for Zeus. 
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