#I have no idea why I started doing that just like. his Thing. there’s always gonna be a jangles somewhere
wheres-mylove · 3 days
ice-cold revelations - modern!cregan stark x fem!velaryon!reader
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Summary: You are in a risky secret relationship with your brother's best friend. What happens when Cregan's unexpected injury exposes your feelings? Well, isn't there somebody you forgot to ask?
Disclaimer: English isn't my first language!
Word count: 2.8k
The wind tore through the streets with a biting ferocity, tugging at (Y/N)’s skirt and making her instantly regret both her outfit choice and this entire trip to the bus stop.
“Stupid winter has to be coming,” she muttered, yanking a colorful scarf up to cover her nose. Her phone chimed in her pocket, vibrating with the familiar sound of a new message. She fumbled with one hand to pull it out, her fingers stiff from the cold.
🐺: jace wouldn’t stop bugging me about that earring under my bed
🐺: i convinced him sara must’ve left it when she crashed at our place lmao
(Y/N) raised her eyebrows, her breath fogging the air as she sighed. The last thing she needed was her brother playing the part of a suspicious rom-com wife, finding random jewelry in odd places and jumping to conclusions. At least he hadn’t figured out where he’d seen that earring before.
Jacaerys Velaryon, as much as she adored him, had a habit of being a little too protective. He was always there when she needed him. But he was also the kind of brother who, despite being only a few minutes older, seemed to think that fact gave him full control over her dating life. Any guy who so much as glanced her way was either a potential threat or one of his friends. And friends were off-limits. Too much drama, he’d say. Too awkward if things went south. Even more awkward if things somehow worked out. Conflict of interest. Absolutely not.
Which was precisely why, in the grand scheme of things, the most logical solution was for her to start dating his best friend and his hockey team captain, Cregan Stark.
Cregan was wonderful. The kind of guy who would do anything for her, no questions asked. That's what had brought them to where they were now. Hiding their relationship from her dramatic brother and quite literally gaslighting him.
Did she feel guilty? Absolutely. Did she know it would be a hundred times worse if Jace found out? Also yes.
Her thoughts were interrupted by the sight of a bus speeding past the stop, tires screeching as it flew by. Her bus. Of course.
With impressive force, she pressed the green phone icon.
“Hey, sweetheart. What’s up?” Cregan answered in three seconds. Her irritation melted a little at the sound of his deep voice. Down bad.
“Hey, did you guys finish practice?”
“Yeah, just now, I couldn’t cut the boys any slack before tomorrow.”
“Any chance the strict captain could give me a ride home? I missed the bus. Or more like the bus missed me.”
“You’re kidding,” Cregan said, sympathy already thick in his voice. “Of course I’ll come get you.” He paused for a beat, then cleared his throat. “Only thing is… Jace wanted a ride too.”
“The gods are punishing me today,” she groaned.
“Call him. It'll be the same ride. Just, you know, he'll think it was his idea,” Cregan suggested.
“Are we bad people, Cregan?” she asked, half-serious now.
“Nah. He’ll find out eventually, just better if I’m in full hockey gear when it happens.”
“Fair enough,” she said, the corner of her mouth lifting in a smile. “Thanks. Love you. Bye.”
She hung up and immediately dialed her brother, requesting the same exact thing.
“Sure, you owe me one though,” he said cheerfully. “I don’t have my car today, so we’ll have to go with Stark. Is that a problem?”
“Nope.” No, her boyfriend wouldn’t be a problem.
(Y/N) Velaryon paced back and forth under the shelter of the bus stop, her boots crunching against the thin layer of frost that had already formed on the pavement. She rubbed her arms, trying to keep the cold at bay, when the familiar growl of a black Jeep Wrangler cut through the quiet. It rolled to a stop near the curb.
She jogged toward the car, her breath puffing out in small clouds, as the driver’s window slid down.
“Your chariot awaits, princess,” Cregan announced with a mock flourish.
“More like a toad,” Jace quipped from the passenger seat, his grin unmistakable.
“One more word and you’ll get my bag to the head. I’ve got half my textbooks in there,” she threatened playfully as she slid into the backseat.
The backseat of this car had witnessed many events, and that was the first thought that crossed her mind. One look at Cregan in the side mirror, and she knew he was thinking the same.
She pretended to be very engrossed in buckling her seatbelt.
“How was practice?” she asked out of politeness.
“Not bad. Stark was all business today, but it was necessary. Big day tomorrow,” Jace replied, fiddling with the radio. Cregan slapped his hand away as he slowed down for a red light.
“Great,” the girl muttered, not trusting her tongue around the two of them together.
An awkward silence fell, broken only by some random song. How long can a red light last?
“So, (Y/N),” Cregan began, drumming his fingers on the steering wheel. His voice wavered, but Jace was in his own world, watching pedestrians crossing the street. “How’s it going? How was your day?”
“Pretty good,” she replied, playing with the hem of her skirt. “Though the classes dragged on.”
The devil on her shoulder won an uneven fight with the weak angel. She smirked.
“‘M absolutely knackered.”
Cregan inhaled slowly through his nose.
“Dude, it’s green,” Jace informed him, just before the car behind them honked.
“I can see,” Cregan reassured him, finally moving forward. “I’ll need your sister’s address since I’ve never been there before.”
If Jace had one more brain cell, he wouldn’t be so easily fooled.
“Sure thing,” her brother agreed, typing the info into the GPS on his phone. “Hey, kid, are you coming to the game tomorrow?”
“How many times do I have to tell you not to call me that?” (Y/N) asked angrily, kicking his seat. “Baela’s taking me.”
“You know what I think?” Jace started, spreading his arms dramatically. “A girlfriend in the stands is such a power boost. Such a boost… I never play as well as when Baela supports me from the bleachers.”
“You never play well,” His sister muttered under her breath, but her brother was currently listening only to himself.
“Cregan wouldn’t get it,” He patted Cregan on the shoulder in the meantime. “If you combined your skills with that support, if you brought a girl, trust me, your performance would be a hundred times better.”
“Talented people don’t need superstitions to play well, Jace,” (Y/N) chimed in, leaning forward. “Besides, Cregan is single.”
“Because he’s too serious and broody, girls don’t like that,” her brother declared in a know-it-all voice. She gave him a side-eye. “He is afraid of women.”
“Are you afraid of women, Stark?” she asked seriously, barely holding back laughter.
Cregan shot her a look in the mirror, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Terrified,” he deadpanned. “That’s why I’m thinking maybe your sister should be my good luck charm tomorrow. Just as a friend, of course.”
“Eh, it’s not the same,” Jace protested, scrunching his face.
“Don’t you believe in the power of friendship?” the driver asked with full seriousness.
“Can I get a jersey with your number?” (Y/N) batted her lashes playfully at her boyfriend.
A jersey with his number was already hanging in her closet.
“Alright, you’ll see, you need deeper feelings for it to work, otherwise it just won’t…”
Jacaerys continued his monologue all the way to her apartment. The girl sighed with relief once she was back in her room, the familiarity of it a welcome escape from the tension.
Two new messages.
🐺: you looked so pretty today
🐺: but next time wear a damn coat, or you’ll catch a cold!!!
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The fluorescent light above (Y/N)’s head flickered ominously, casting creepy shadows across the cramped janitor’s closet. She swore that if the bulb died completely, she'd either pee her pants or spiral into a full-blown claustrophobic meltdown. Leaning back against the wall, she tried to focus on the neatly arranged rows of brooms and mops. Soon, the door creaked open, revealing Cregan in all his glory.
Full hockey gear? Check. Helmet? Tucked under his arm. That goofy, ridiculous smile? Definitely check.
“You look so good,” she admitted, grabby hands already in the air. “Come here.”
Cregan shut the door behind him with a soft click, casting a glance at the flickering light overhead. He sighed, took one of her hands, and kissed her wrist softly. 
“We have to tell your brother,” Stark said, his voice serious as he placed his helmet on the wooden shelf beside them. “It’s not right that my girl has to sneak me a good-luck kiss in a smelly closet. You should be able to strut right into the locker room.”
His girl grinned. “You’ve got your gear on,” she pointed out. “We can tell him after the game. Besides, Baela’s softening him up for us. I asked her to.”
Baela Targaryen was known for sniffing out secrets, and the second she spotted (Y/N) wearing Cregan’s jersey before the game, she didn’t even need to ask. Her knowing look said it all, and within minutes, Velaryon girl spilled the truth, enduring Baela’s delighted squeal that had probably echoed for miles.
“I knew you had high standards, girl. Going straight for the captain!” Baela teased, laughing. “Jace obviously doesn’t know? He hasn’t said anything... and Stark’s still breathing.”
Thankfully, Baela had been more than willing to help, distracting Jace so Cregan could sneak away after the pre-game pep talk. Now, Cregan was looking at (Y/N) with pride, his eyes lingering on the jersey she wore. 
“She’s a real one for that,” he mused. “But seriously, we have to tell him. I want a picture of us on my lock screen, and that asshole keeps looking over my shoulder.”
She laughed, pulling him closer and kissing him hard, savoring the way his rough stubble tickled her skin.
“For now,” she murmured against his lips, “just focus on the game. You’re incredible. An amazing captain. And it’s going to go great. I believe in you.”
Cregan grinned, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “Maybe one more kiss. Just to make sure we win.”
“The power of having a girl in the stands,” she teased, poking his chest playfully.
“Jace definitely exaggerated that theory,” Cregan confessed with a chuckle. “But honestly... I’m just glad you’re here.”
With butterflies in her stomach and a grin she couldn’t wipe off her face, (Y/N) found herself in the stands minutes later, sitting next to Baela. Her friend was watching the silent exchange of glances between her and Cregan with thinly veiled amusement.
“I always knew Jace was blind, but this is just tragic,” Baela remarked, elbowing her in the ribs. Jace, oblivious as ever, waved enthusiastically from the rink. Both girls waved back, cheering with the crowd.
“You’ll boo with me when the Dornish Spears come out, right?” (Y/N) asked.
Baela gave her a mock-serious look. “Technically, we shouldn’t. Obviously, I will,” she promised. 
The game was fast, brutal, and nearly deadlocked until the very end. (Y/N) had never yelled so much in her life, though her shouts were lost in the deafening roar of the crowd. Cregan played like a man possessed, commanding the ice with his usual grace. At least twenty times during the match, she found herself holding her breath, her heart leaping into her throat with every risky play. But she knew he had it under control. He always did.
Of course they won.
The victory rippled through the stands like a wave, and (Y/N) screamed herself hoarse as the crowd erupted around her. Cregan pulled off his helmet, his eyes scanning the stands until he found her. His smile—tired and breathtaking—was for her, and her alone. She didn’t regret the ringing in her ears or the scratch in her throat for a second. Moments later, he was swept up in a sea of celebrating teammates.
“Girl, are you crying?” Baela asked, pulling her into a hug.
“I don’t know,” She sniffled. “I’m just emotional. I just like that boy so fucking much, Bae.”
“I know, honey. Come on, they’re heading off the ice. Let’s congratulate them, and then have a crazy party or something. No time for tears.”
Cregan was one of the last players to leave the ice, trailing just behind Jace. But before he could step off, the captain of the opposing team, his face twisted with anger, skated up to him. For a moment, it looked like they might talk it out. But then, it all happened too fast.
The player from Dorne shoved Cregan hard against the wall. Stark, ever the calm one, simply raised his hands in a peaceful gesture.
And then he took a fist to the face. The sickening sound of bone cracking echoed across the rink.
“What the hell is going on? Jace!” Baela shouted, holding her friend back as she tried to rush forward.
Jace jumped back onto the ice, but by the time he got there, the other team had pulled their enraged captain away. Cregan stumbled off the ice just as (Y/N) reached him.
“Are you okay? Oh gods, let me see,” she fretted, her hands hovering near his face.
“What a fucking jerk!” Jace nearly screamed, skidding to a stop by the exit. “I called for help, they’ll be here in a second.”
(Y/N) carefully moved Cregan’s hand away, revealing the damage. His face was a swollen mess, his nose clearly broken.
“Do you think they’ll make me lie face-down on the ice?” Cregan joked weakly, leaning on her for support.
“Does it hurt a lot? Maybe you should sit down. Oh shit, I can’t believe—”
“Hey, sweetheart. Calm down,” Cregan murmured, his voice soothing despite the pain. “It hurts like hell, but I’ll live.”
Just then, the medic arrived, momentarily distracting Jace. But despite the chaos, he had clearly heard what Cregan just said. For a moment, Jace stood there, his face pale as the words and the image before him sank in.
“Sweetheart?” he echoed softly, but no one paid him any attention.
“Jace, maybe now’s not the time,” Baela said gently, stepping up beside him.
“I feel physically sick,” Jace muttered, staggering to the railing for support.
The medic handed Cregan an ice pack. “Hold this to your face for a bit. I’ll get you something for the pain right away, but a doctor’s gonna have to set that nose.”
Cregan winced but smiled through it. “You might wanna check on my friend first,” he said, gesturing toward Jace. “I can wait. He looks like he’s about to pass out.”
Jace did, in fact, end up passing out.
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Cregan had to take a break from sports after that little adventure. He’d recovered, but now sported a slightly crooked nose—something his girlfriend found oddly hot.
(Y/N) saw his temporary recovery as the perfect chance to manipulate him into watching Teen Wolf with her every evening. After all, the title worked in her favor.
They were nestled on the couch, wrapped together in a soft gray blanket. It was their first time lounging in the living room of the apartment Cregan shared with her brother, rather than hiding behind the securely locked door of his bedroom. 
It would be perfect, really. If it weren’t for Jace’s constant, deliberate trips to the kitchen and bathroom, each one an obvious reminder that he was keeping an eye on them.
“Dear Jacaerys,” (Y/N) said, her patience wearing thin, “you do know we don’t need a chaperone, right?”
Jace barely paused, shooting her a sidelong glance before muttering, “You need someone to knock the stupid ideas out of your heads,” as he slammed the bathroom door.
Cregan chuckled softly, pulling her closer. “Give him some time,” he whispered, pressing a kiss to her temple. “To be honest, I thought it would be worse. He’ll come around eventually.”
They’d already gone through several long, tension-filled conversations, with Baela stepping in as the voice of reason when things got too heated. They were careful now, avoiding anything that might provoke Jace further.
But Cregan was right—Jace was slowly coming around, even if he was still stubborn. The days of silent treatment had finally passed.
“This is on us for hiding things from him,” (Y/N) sighed, watching her brother embark on yet another purposeful long journey to the kitchen. “No more secrets now.”
“Your brother’s just looking out for you,” Cregan called out, raising his voice slightly so Jace could hear. “He doesn’t want anything bad to happen to you, and I respect that. I don’t know anyone else who cares like he does.”
Jace stopped, leaning against the doorframe with his arms crossed, eyes narrowed. His lips curved into a sweet, mischievous grin.
“Yeah,” he began, drawing out the word. “So tell me sister, when are you introducing him to Mom?”
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The Soldier Of Death (7)- Recruitment
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Natasha Romanoff X Super Soldier Reader 18+
Summary: Soldat Smerti. The Soldier of Death. You were the perfect weapon: loyal, obedient, and merciless, or so Hydra thought. What happens when these traits are put to the test? Your captivity in the Avenger's tower and the presence of a redhead makes you realise you didn't have to be a monster. The question was though; Did Hydra make you the monster or were you always one?
This fic will contains dark themes. Please read these warnings before starting any of these chapters: graphic descriptions of murder, violence, gore and torture, heavy angst, mental issues.
Please consider these warnings before reading
Word Count: 2.7k
General Masterlist | The Soldier Of Death Masterlist
Chapter Warning: Dark thoughts, anxiety, brief reference to torture
"You wanted to see me?" Natasha says as she strolls into Nick's office, him requesting her presence as soon as possible. The redhead ditched the mission reports she was doing to come and see the Director, having a feeling this was something far more important.
"How are things progressing with our Soldat Smerti?" he asks as his eye is trained on her, his expression blank as he doesn't want to give away his ideas. Natasha also keeps her face stoic as for some reason the name he called you bothered her, did he not see that your name was Y/n on the file she submitted?
"She's open to talking more, still very hesitant and cautious but that's understandable for someone who's been institutionalised for a large amount of time, especially someone who was maltreated," Natasha replies, having spent more time with you over the last couple of weeks, still delivering your food but also trying to get you to talk more, expressing how you weren't going to be hurt here.
"You have taken a liking to her," he says, a little out of nowhere, catching the redhead by surprise. "You would have made your assessment by now but you seem to be waiting for something," her jaw clenches subtly, not liking how somehow this man was always able to have some sort of read on her. "What are you waiting for?"
"She wants to accept our offer," Natasha answers honestly, the man's smile sneaking onto his lips as his own plans were falling into place, the assassin unaware of his ideas. "She's just scared."
"Do you think she could be an Avenger?" He asks and she pauses for a moment, thinking carefully about his question. She could see that same glint in your eyes that she had when she was first rescued from the red room, that hopeful glint that you would be able to be more than what they made you, but at the same time the fear of betrayal hovering at the back of your mind.
"In time, yes," Fury moves to stand from his chair, moving to lean against the front of his desk while Natasha stands in front of him, her arms crossing over her chest as the man ponders for a moment.
"Why are you so sure about her?" Natasha watches the man's curious gaze, his hands resting against the wooden desk as the redhead responds to her boss.
"When Clint didn't take his shot against me in Budapest, he told me that he had this gut feeling about me, that I could be more than what they made me," Fury listens with interest at Natasha's words, remembering the mixed emotions he felt that day when Clint disobeyed his orders but helped saved what would soon become one of his most valuable agents. "I have this same feeling about her," she confesses and the man knows not to take this lightly, the Russian never letting her emotions affect her work, renowned for her professionalism.
The room lingers in silence for a moment, both figures letting the weight of the situation settle before Fury speaks up, a plan having formed in his head.
"Talk to the team about her being potentially recruited, see what they make of it," he says and Natasha is a bit suspicious as to why she was doing it, Fury normally taking the lead on these types of situations.
"What are you going to do?" she asks and he just chuckles at her scepticism.
"I'm going to talk her into accepting our offer," he says, the smile now visible on his lips as he sees the small one tugging at the redhead's lips, "See you soon Romanoff."
"He wants to do what?" Steve's tone laced with disbelief as he braces his arms on the kitchen island, having just finished making a smoothie after his morning run.
"He wants us to give her a chance," Natasha answers, the super soldier letting out a sigh before taking a large sip of his drink, the rest of the team gathered in various places around the common room, listening in to the conversation.
They were all up to date about you, brief knowledge of your past and known abilities being sent to them all in your file once you were brought back into the base and put in the glass cell. They knew you were powerful and loyal, so the question was would you be able to betray Hydra and trust them.
"Why should we do that? She's done nothing to prove she won't just try and kill us all," Steve says, still bitter about the pain in his side, multiple ribs having been broken during the last encounter with you, the moment where you almost decapitated him also being added to the list as to why he wasn't fond of you. "She's powerful and dangerous," he says, caution in his tone as he tries to get his point across, "She's also clearly not in control."
"She needs our help," Wanda cuts in, taking a few by surprise as she tended to stay quiet during conversations like this, only speaking once someone asked her opinion. "We can help her, that's what we do right? As Avengers?" Her words settle in a few, Natasha smiling at the brunette woman and nodding her head subtly in appreciation.
"I can't believe I'm going to say this," Tony says, finally speaking up which was unlike his character, normally first to voice his opinion in literally anything. "I agree partly with the old man," he says, earning a disapproving look from Steve at the nickname, "We can't be sure it's safe. Statistically, the chances of her losing control or hurting one of us is extremely high."
"See someone who agrees-" Steve tries to say, being cut off by the billionaire.
"I haven't finished Capsicle," he says, a mocking smile on his lip at the other nickname he called Steve who just glared at the man. "But since when has anything we have done been safe?"
"That's because of you Tony," Steve mutters, "You're the one who always puts us in these situations,"
"Last I recall, you were the one who wanted an ex-hydra brainwashed murderer to join our team, what's different about this one?" Steve's jaw visibly clenches at Tony's description of Bucky, the brown haired man making a valid point though. You were extremely similar to Bucky, if they could help him, why couldn't they help you?
"Bucky's different," he grits out, defending his best friend while everyone else in the room notices the tension rising in the atmosphere. "I know him."
"Knew," corrects Tony, "You knew him, Hydra changed him."
"This isn't about Bucky," Natasha cuts in, not wanting a proper fight to break out between the two, the billionaire lacking the care of stepping too far over the line, Steve being far too defensive about his friend. "Look at the facts, yes she's hydra but how many of us here have a past we want to forget, we want to put behind us? She's no different to some of you when you first joined, so why should we put that against her?"
Everyone listens as Natasha takes control of the room, Clint hiding a smile at his best friend and noticing this was her moment with you. She wasn't taking her shot with you just as he did her.
"As Steve said, she's powerful, we need that if we want to stop Hydra and any other threats."
"Since when did you do the speeches Romanoff," teases Tony, already making his mind up about his stance on your potential recruitment to the team. "How about we have a vote?" he says, using his typical cocky voice to get the other's opinion, "Who thinks Y/n should join?"
In his usual manner, Tony playfully raises his arm, making a show of himself before looking around the room to see who else agrees. Wanda raises her arm up shyly, Natasha doing so more confidently, just not as dramatically as the billionaire, Clint also raising his hand up as he trusts Natasha's gut feeling about you, the rest of those in the room, being Steve, Bruce and Vision, Sam and Thor currently not available, keeping theirs down.
Steve goes to protest, but the sounds of footsteps can be heard, interrupting the conversation.
"Well, I'm glad the vote went in our favour," Fury says as he strides into the room with authority, the room going quiet as they see you standing by his side, face stoic to mask your nerves.
Everything was so loud, the electricity buzzing around the room, the tv playing in the corner, the sounds of fists clenching, bodies tensing, hearts starting to race, it was all too loud. It was overwhelming. Steve's heart in particular started to pound against his rib cage, the memories of your last encounter causing him to be tense and on edge, your gaze meeting his blue for a split second before flickering away.
They think we're a monster. They're scared and they should be.
Taunts the darkness, your mask slipping for a second, showing a brief sense of doubt behind your eyes before your face returns to being stoic, mind fighting the gnawing corruption and forcing it to be silent.
"Meet Y/n, your new teammate," Fury says nonchalantly but also in a tone that leaves no room for argument, a few shocked faces as Natasha said potential teammate, not someone who would be joining instantly.
"Fury..." Steve's voice dies out with the glare sent his way, your eyes fixated on the view out of the window, everything else seeming to fade away.
 The compound overlooked acres and acres of field and forest, the sun gently shining down onto the grass causing it to look vibrant, the simple sight of nature almost a phenomenon to you. Too busy staring out of the window, you miss the small smile that creeps up on Natasha's face, Fury going to have a private word with a few of the team while you slowly made your way towards the windows.
You could feel a few people staring at you, your mind trying to stop the racing thoughts and focus on calming down, not wanting to have some sort of panic attack from all the attention on you. You had to block out the incessant heartbeats, the signs of their fear and tried to focus on the steady one nearby. Only once you turned your head did you realise that it was Natasha who was calm, casually walking up to you as you turned your head back to admire the view.
"It's beautiful," you whisper, not used to having such a clear view of outside your surroundings. You were used to concrete walls surrounding you, or even glass ones in a secure room, not the large windows that practically filled the entire wall, displaying the wonders of the outside world.
"It is," she murmurs back, turning her gaze from you to back outside. The others watched from the distance as you two stood near the window, Natasha talking to you while you made sure to memorise every detail you possibly could about the view. "What made you accept the offer?" she asks, curious as to what Fury must have said to you to get you to finally accept it, her emerald eyes scanning over your relaxing features.
Before you can reply, the sound of Steve's voice becoming louder interrupts the moment, Fury's stare hardening at the super soldier.
"This is going to go wrong, it isn't the right move," he says in warning before grabbing his smoothie and leaving the room, shaking his head as he enters the elevator, "I thought we did things as a team Fury, made decisions together."
"You did and you were outvoted," Fury replies and Steve just scoffs at the idea they were using a random voting method to decide your place on the team. He doesn't bother arguing back, letting the doors shut, Fury dismissing everyone and asking for you to join him in the kitchen, away from everyone.
"Remember our deal," he says, tone serious as he addresses you, "Any indication that you're not being honest with us, and you're straight back in a cell, don't make me have to do that Soldier." You nod in understanding, eyes flickering over to a glass on the table, your reflection staring back at you.
What have you done? This was a trap.
Get us out now. If you don't do it, I will. I won't be merciful.
The darkness claws at your mind, your stare going blank for a second as Fury continues to talk to you. The man notices how you seem to grow distant for a second, blinking before returning your attention towards him.
"I will leave you to adjust to everything," he says, catching the nervousness in your eyes and assuming it was from the new environment, not your broken mind. He knows it will be hard to adjust, but he has faith in the rest of the team to help you, especially after the talk he just gave them.
With Fury gone, you're left to sit alone, basking in your thoughts as Natasha holds back with Wanda, watching how the witch seems to be able to hear some of your thoughts while also keeping an eye on you, reading your body language.
Your leg bounces steadily, fingers gripping the glass a little too tight, her brows furrowing at how anxious you seem, never having showed signs like this when you were with her in the cell.
They're always going to be scared of the Soldat.
They sneer, your fingers loosening around the glass as you can feel it straining, about to shatter, the darkness laughing at the close call of losing control already.
You're going to snap. Lose control. This will all be for nothing because I will get out. I will get out and do what needs to be done.
You remain quiet, not in the position to be able to snap back at the darkness, letting them taunt and tease you, trying to get you to lose your composure. You had to learn how to deal with them, how to keep them under control, otherwise they were right. You would snap.
I can't wait to watch the life drain from their eyes, to watch them suffer.
Your jaw clenches painfully, their words purposely trying to rile you up, to prove Steve right that you were dangerous, but you don't react as Natasha comes to sit next to you. She sees straight through the small smile you send her way, Wanda having quietly told her that your static-like mind was growing louder and you needed some sort of distraction, and decides to inform you of the plan for the rest of the day, Fury having told her before he left.
"You've got a busy day ahead of you," she teases softly, emerald eyes matching her tone as she watches you fight yourself internally, your gaze eventually turning to meet her gentle one. "I'll show you around the compound first, then it's medical tests quickly and then showcasing your skills so we have a better understanding of your abilities, is that alright?"
"Medicals?" you say, hesitation evident in your eyes, Natasha's gaze going to your fingers , how they subconsciously trace your veins where you were most likely tested on before.
You can remember the agony you felt from all the injections they forced into you, the searing pain that felt like it was burning you from the insides, test after test, torture after torture, you didn't want to go through that again.
"We just check your vitals to make sure you're healthy," she explains, still watching how your fingers moved to trace a scar instead, your mind still processing something.
"Would I be alone?"
"I'll be there with you," her tone reassuring, the redhead noticing how you visibly relax, hands dropping to your sides to rest. "Now come on, we've got an entire compound to go around," she says with a playful smile, standing up from the chair and motioning for you to follow her, ready to give you a tour of hopefully your new home. 
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ewyuzu · 1 day
cold distance
toji fushiguro x reader
warning: contains emotional conflict and themes of abandonment.
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you sit at the edge of the bed, your fingers nervously tracing the hem of your shirt as you wait for toji to come back. the apartment feels colder when he’s not around, the silence heavy and unsettling. you hear the front door creak open, and your heart skips a beat. but instead of relief, all you feel is a knot tightening in your chest. he’s been gone for days—no call, no text, no sign of life.
he strolls in, as casual as ever, tossing his jacket onto the couch without so much as a glance in your direction. his hair is slightly dishevelled, and there’s a faint bruise on his jaw, but he acts like nothing’s wrong, like this is normal.
“you’re late again,” you say quietly, not wanting your voice to shake, but the frustration is hard to hide.
toji barely spares you a glance, his tone dismissive. “got caught up. not a big deal.”
you swallow hard, feeling the familiar anger rise up inside you. it’s always like this—he comes back late, no explanation, and expects you to just accept it. for once, you can’t. “it is a big deal,” you snap, standing up, your arms crossed tightly over your chest. “you disappear for days, and i have no idea if you’re even alive. and when you finally show up, you act like nothing happened.”
he arches a brow, his expression indifferent. “i told you before, this is how it is. if you can’t handle it, maybe you’re not cut out for this.”
his words sting more than you want to admit, but you can’t let him brush you off like that. “it’s not just about handling it, toji. you make everything else your priority—your jobs, your survival, even your past. but what about us? what about me?” your voice is trembling now, but you push through, needing him to understand.
he lets out a heavy sigh, running a hand through his dark hair. “i’ve told you from the start, i’m not the kind of guy who sits around and plays house. this is what i do. it’s how i survive.”
“and what about your son?” the words leave your mouth before you can stop them, and you immediately see his expression change. his eyes darken, and his posture stiffens. you know you’ve hit a nerve, but you can’t stop now. “you don’t just push me aside, you push everyone away. including him. don’t you even care about him?”
toji’s jaw tightens, and for a moment, he doesn’t say anything. the tension between you both thickens, the air heavy with unspoken words. when he finally speaks, his voice is low and controlled, but there’s an edge to it. “that’s none of your business.”
“it is my business,” you insist, taking a step closer, your heart pounding in your chest. “he’s your son, toji. and you act like he doesn’t even exist. how can you just ignore that?”
his eyes flash with something—anger, maybe, or guilt—but he doesn’t let it show. instead, he scoffs, crossing his arms over his broad chest. “you don’t know anything about it. about me, or him. so stop acting like you do.”
“then tell me,” you plead, your voice softer now, more desperate. “tell me why you’re so distant, why you shut everyone out. why you act like you don’t care.”
toji’s gaze hardens, and for a moment, you think he’s going to walk away, like he always does when things get too real. but instead, he steps closer, his presence looming over you. “i care about what i need to survive. that’s it. if you’re expecting more than that, you’re wasting your time.”
his words hit you like a punch to the gut. you can feel your chest tighten, your breath catching in your throat. you’ve known from the start that toji isn’t the type to open up easily, but hearing him say it so bluntly, so coldly, feels like a slap in the face.
“so that’s it?” you ask quietly, blinking back the sting of tears. “everything else comes second, including me?”
toji doesn’t answer right away. instead, he looks at you, really looks at you for the first time since he walked in. there’s something in his eyes—something raw, something he’s trying to bury deep. but it’s fleeting, gone in an instant as he shrugs. “i’ve never promised you anything different.”
your heart sinks, the weight of his words pressing down on you like a heavy stone. you don’t know what you expected—maybe some kind of reassurance, some sign that he does care, that you mean something to him. but all you’re left with is this cold, hard truth.
“i can’t keep doing this,” you say softly, almost to yourself. “i can’t keep waiting around, hoping you’ll change. i deserve more than that.”
toji’s jaw clenches, and for a split second, you think you see a flicker of something—regret, maybe, or hesitation. but it’s gone as quickly as it appeared. he doesn’t try to stop you as you turn away, walking towards the door, your chest heavy with the weight of your decision.
just as your hand reaches the doorknob, his voice breaks the silence. “you don’t need me. you’ll be fine.”
you pause, your heart aching at the sound of his voice, at the emptiness in his words. you want to turn around, to see if he’s really as detached as he sounds. but you don’t. instead, you nod, even though he can’t see it, and open the door.
“maybe it’s you who needs to realise that,” you whisper, stepping out into the cold night, leaving him behind.
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auspicioustidings · 2 days
I am sure I must have yapped about this before but consider alpha Ghost who despises omegas. Roba was an omega and he used every bit of his biology against Ghost to try and break him. He just cannot be around omegas now, he hates it when any of his pack even smells like one from being out and about.
It means their pack beta Gaz gets treated like their omega to an extent. It's not like he hates it, it's nice that they want to spoil him, but he also wants to look after someone y'know? Everyone thought he'd present as an alpha when he was growing up and he still feels the instinct to protect those weaker than him. It maybe gets to him a little that he feels like an alpha, he is a beta and he gets treated like an omega.
He does not expect to present late. He certainly does not expect an omega scent match to be the thing that triggers it. You're everything he has ever wanted and he knows he will break Ghost's heart if he brings you home. So he doesn't.
You are rejected by your scent match and it hurts. You didn't realise how awful it would be, how much it would wreak havoc on your system. Alphas can reject a scent match and not be too affected but omegas? It is horrific.
Soap smells you on Gaz no matter how much he tries to hide it. His fucking scent match and Gaz is hiding them. The others were too distracted by Gaz's new alpha scent but Johnny always did have the best nose, and he is not going to let this go. He knows Ghost's feelings and he loves the man, but he will not ignore their omega to spare him from confronting his trauma.
You don't trust him when he tracks you down. Another scent match here to break your heart all over again? He's so upset at how sick you've gotten over it, gets to his knees and begs for a chance for his pack.
Only when you finally let him take you home, Ghost growls at you. One of your scent matched alphas growls at you. You want to die. You run away while Soap and him get into a shouting match.
You meet your last alpha while you are running. Price has no idea what is happening when you crash into him as he's walking the path to home. He never thought he'd have an omega. A scent match at that? It's more than he deserves he thinks. He's happy about you running into him, you're his and it feels wonderful. Only you are wildly distressed while smelling like Soap and he needs to figure out why.
He tells you to stay put because he can feel Ghost through the bond, feel his turmoil. He should never have left you, but his concern for his pack mate took priority.
The thing about meeting all your scent matches in quick succession is that it nose dives you into a heat. But they hate you. One rejected you, one brought you to another so he could growl at you, one left you when you were in distress. You are so distraught that you can't go to them because you are certain they will only be disgusted that you would ask them for help with your heat.
You find the nearest shelter. It's a crumbling shed out the back of their property. It doesn't do much to keep out the cold, there are leaks that get worse when it starts to snow through the night. You wish there would be more because you are burning.
The snow storm muffles your scent. The only reason you don't die is because Ghost braved the storm to go grab more firewood from the shed.
There he is, the alpha who hates omegas with his scent matched omega in heat, in pain and in danger. He walks away. You accept death would be a kindness now.
Except you don't die because he sends the others. You don't die because even though he cannot stand to be around you or to smell you, he gives his pack to you. He sits in the armchair all night listening as his pack bundles you into the pack bedroom and knots you through your heat while desperately trying to combat the hypothermia that was setting in.
It's months and months of angst and tension and misery as the pack tries to divide their love between their pack mate and their omega. Ghost hates himself every time he growls at you and scares you. You hate yourself for tearing this pack apart.
There doesn't seem to be a happy ending here until a pair of betas visit town. Maybe Ale and Rudy are just what this pack was missing to make it whole. Maybe they soothe all those frayed edges, act as a buffer. And maybe, just maybe, one day Ghost and you realise all at once that somewhere between you starting to growl right back at him and him starting to make an extra cup of tea for you, you fell entirely in love.
The rest of the pack can't believe it took you two idiots so long to realise it.
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amirasainz · 51 minutes
Can you please do driver reader is literally the absolute Angel of the paddock and everyone adores her, she’s the cutest sweetest little bean that you can’t help but love, she’s a Redbull driver and Christian always fawns over her and talks about his ‘daughter’ ( it’s clear she’s the favourite ). Even the older drivers love her e.g kimi, jenson, Seb, mark. Platonic pleaseeee
Omg, that is such a sweet idea. I did the format a bit differently, hope you don't mind.
Enjoy reading and send me some requests!!!
The Redbull Princess
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YN YLN was a known name in the motor sport world. Not only was she the youngest driver currently on the grid - only 19 years - but she is the first female to ever drive for RedBull. Not oy that, but also the only woman on the grid.
Despite having a different gender, the other drivers never treated her bad. In fact, one could say that YN got the whole "Princess Treatment" from the drivers and teams. Each driver has taken a special place in her life.
Exhibit A: The protective one
The paddock was buzzing with energy, reporters swarming like bees near the Red Bull garage. YN was prepping for her media rounds, already feeling the weight of the spotlight on her. As she stepped into the press pen, a group of journalists immediately approached, firing off questions.
"YN, how do you feel about the pressure of being the youngest driver? Do you think it affects your performance?"
Before she could answer, Max appeared out of nowhere, slipping between her and the reporters with a grin that was anything but friendly. "I think that's enough for now," Max said, his blue eyes narrowing. "She’s got a race to focus on. Back off."
The reporters, visibly intimidated by the reigning World Champion, quickly shuffled away. YN let out a breath of relief, nudging Max with her elbow.
"You know, I can handle them."
Max chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulder, steering her away from the crowd. "Yeah, but why would I let them bother you when I can have fun scaring them off?"
"You're impossible," she laughed. "But thanks."
Exhibit B: The gossip King
YN walked into the Ferrari garage, still buzzing from practice. She found Charles leaning against his car, drinking water. His face lit up when he saw her.
"Charlie! Did you see that move I pulled in turn 9?" she said, excitedly plopping down next to him.
Charles grinned, instantly slipping into gossip mode. "I did! Smooth as butter. But did you hear about Fernando's radio message? He was furious about the tire degradation. Drama!"
YN's eyes widened. "No way! Spill all the tea, Leclerc."
Charles leaned in, whispering. "Apparently, his engineer told him to manage his tires better, and Nando snapped, saying, ‘I am managing them!’" He mimicked Fernando’s accent, making YN burst into laughter.
Exhibit C: The helping hand
The young RedBull driver just exited her car, when she felt someone grabbing her Birking Bag. When she quickly turned her head, she was meat with the sight of Carlos not only caring her bag in his hands and her coat on his arm, but carring his own stuff as well.
"Carlito, what are you doing? You don’t have to carry all my stuff for me." she told him, after they started walking towards the entrance.
Carlos mate an irritated sound, before responding to her. "Nonsense, hermana. Your job is to win this weekend. So let me help you with all the other things, comprende?"
Before Carlos could get an answer, she threw her arms around him, whispering a small thank you in his ear.
Exhibit D: The personal chef
YN sat in the Red Bull hospitality area, poking at her plate of food with a discontented look. Yuki walked over, noticing her lack of enthusiasm.
"Not good enough for you, huh?" Yuki teased, sliding into the seat across from her.
YN scrunched up her nose. "I don’t know what it is, but I just can’t eat this."
Without missing a beat, Yuki stood up. "I’ll make you something. What do you want?"
Her eyes brightened. "Yuki, really? You don’t have to!"
He waved a hand dismissively. "Nah, you’re picky. I know that. What do you want? Miso soup? Onigiri?"
YN tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Onigiri sounds perfect."
Within minutes, Yuki was back, placing a plate of freshly made onigiri in front of her. YN took a bite and sighed contentedly. "You're the best, Yuki."
He grinned. "I know."
Exhibit E: The "annoying" prankster
YN was busy trying to make sure her helmet and gear were ready when suddenly, her entire backpack fell off the counter with a loud thud, spilling everything.
"Lando!" she yelled, spinning around, catching the British driver grinning like a mischievous child.
"What?" Lando said, feigning innocence, hands up. "It slipped."
YN gave him a look but couldn’t help the smile creeping on her face. Lando always knew how to lift her spirits, even if it was through relentless pranks.
"One day, Norris, one day!" she warned, pointing a finger at him.
"I’ll be waiting," Lando chuckled, before helping her pick up her things
Exhibit F: The shoulder to cry on
"I just can't believe it. I was so close. How did I manage to bin the car into the wall on the last corner" muttered the 19 year old. Her face pressed in Oscars neck, who was busy stroking her hair. He knew better than to interrupt her during her rant. Knowing it would help her when she got everything of her chest.
After a moment, she shakily breathed out. Oscar knew that the only thing he could do now was to let her fall apart while he would catch every piece of her.
And that's what he did. While she cried her heart out, Oscar held her close to him, rocking them slowly in a soothing matter. It felt like nothing could happen to her in Oscars arms. He would protect her from the outside world as long as she needed
Sometimes actions speak louder than words
Exhabit G: The fashionista
Lewis stood beside YN, eyeing her racing suit critically before smirking. "That’s not gonna work."
"What do you mean?" she asked, confused.
He pointed at her boots. "Those shoes? No way. They don’t match the rest of the suit."
YN raised an eyebrow. "I'm not trying to walk the runway, Lewis. I’m racing."
Lewis rolled his eyes. "You can do both. Come on, let’s get you a new pair of shoes. You’ll thank me later."
And true to his words, YN received a new pair of racing shoes only a few hours later. They certainly looked better than her old pair.
Exhibit H: The mother-hen
George was hovering near the buffet in the paddock, watching YN closely as she piled food onto her plate. He narrowed his eyes as she bypassed the salad section.
"YN, you need to eat more greens. And have you had any water today?" George asked, his tone dangerously close to motherly.
YN groaned. "George, I’m fine. I had water this morning."
"That’s not enough," he replied sternly, filling a glass and handing it to her. "Drink. Now."
She pouted but took the glass. "Okay, Mom."
Exhibit I: The proud dad
During a press conference, Christian Horner stood beside YN, smiling at the reporters. "You all know my daughter here is the star of the show," he said, gesturing towards YN.
YN blushed at the comment. "Christian!"
The reporters laughed, but YN knew Christian wasn’t entirely joking. He had taken her under his wing from day one, treating her like family. And she couldn’t have been more grateful.
Exhibit J: Bwoah
In a rare quiet moment, YN had somehow convinced Kimi Räikkönen — the Iceman himself — to do a TikTok trend with her. As the camera rolled, Kimi deadpanned his way through the trend, barely moving but somehow nailing it.
"Thanks for doing this, Kimi," YN said, grinning as they finished.
Kimi shrugged. "Bwoah, don’t mention it, kid. But don’t tell the other drivers that you are my favourite"
YN laughed. "Deal."
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pilot-boi · 3 days
White Knight Time Travel idea : People are suspecting..
Jaune and Weiss are at the Vytal Festival , each one with their respective teams , their mission has gone..well.. so far. Even without trying to change so much some things never change like Team CVFY and Prof.Port saving the city or Ruby meeting Penny...
But that doesn't matter compared to the titanic work they would have to do during this specific moment..it was now or never
~Weiss Side~
Ruby:WE DID IIIT!!!!....Anyone esle is starving?....
Weiss listened to Ruby and Blake's chat from the side , each time they have this small moments the more she thinks how everyone took Beacon's days from granted
Having to relieve the fight against Team ABRN made her notice how..unprepared they were ; even herself with her "Competent" perfomance wasn't still not enough to face that monster..
The Grimm entering Beacon..
The Witch's inner circle playing right under their noses..
Pyrrha and Penny along many other students being casualties of the..
Yang: Your scroll is ringing , shouldn't you answer it?
Weiss noticed her scroll , the contact named "FATHER"..
Right..her time at Beacon was almost up..
Weiss:I will call him later , thanks for making me know Yang..
The Blonde Brawler has noticed her friend weird..this last few day , she can't say why..but it's there , spacing out of chats most of the time or reacting to certain words like Destiny , Maiden or even mentioning locations like Haven Academy can get her all shaky
Right now Ice Queen is looking at her Sis talking with Emerald and her silent friend like she's trying way too hard to keep herself civil , her face may not show it but that tense posture and hands behind shouted something was wrong
And to say the last person she saw acting this way her Dad after..her Supermom left was all she needed to know , Ice Queen's hiding something and she will find out
~Jaune's side~
Jaune did miss Beacon , the academy.. , but coming right back wouldn't make it any better..quite the contrary it shows him how somethings must remain as memories..
The Vytal Festival just started and the mood seems festive enough for him to enjoy a little. Children playing around , teens being themselves truly a moment to breathe fresh air
Miss : Gather around as I tell the story of the Girl who fell through the World!
Jaune tenses hearing that , it's just a woman reading a story to a bunch of kids..nothing dangerous..
He takes a look at his armour , clean not rusted..his face is still young and Crocea Mors is still complete..
Ren: Jaune?
Nora: You have been standing there for a while , did the story peak your interest? Alyx's story is a classic! The Curious Cat is my favorite character! So mischevious!
If looks could kill , Nora's smile would have been erased a while ago..
Jaune:That Cat is nothing but troubles..
Nora:What? Don't tell me you are a fan of the Red Prince? Or the Rusted Knight?
Sensing hostility , Ren tried to change the topic..
Ren:Why don't we go with Pyrrha? She's saved us a nice spot in that Mistralian restaurant.
Both teammates agree , Nora leaves because she has won another petty argument..but Jaune seemed so personal about it..The Girl who fell through the World is just a Children's story..why is he so defensive about it?
Lie Ren is someone who can read the room quite well and to his knowledge..there's something wrong with Jaune..
He acts like..an adult sometimes , there's nothing wrong with that but it seems off..
Even their stategies , they are a group of Four , Team JNPR..but Jaune always acts like only Nora and him are part of the team
Ren even hears his silent sobs when he has nightmares , the words "Cinder" "Kill" "Penny" "Pyrrha" is all he has as evidence , trying to make sense of said word it would be something like
Cinder will kill Pyrrha and Penny
That sounded so..dumb , Cinder is a student along her team but he would ask Jaune later right now they have a fight to win
So many of these WK Time travel asks are from their POV, I LOVE this look into their friends’ view
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xdinaryvamp · 2 days
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ 🩷 ` teasan "never seen before"!!
where a mysterious stranger starts leaving notes in the books you read, hoping you'll write to him at the number he gave you.
genre : fluff, "secret" ( non so much ) admirer, gn reader.
pairings : bookwarm!taesan × bookwarm!reader.
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if there was one thing you loved with all of your being it was reading.
you loved getting lost in the pages, traveling on ink and imagining worlds. you loved that fictional world much more than the real world, and you took refuge in it whenever you could.
books had made you know thousands of things, allowed you to experience emotions you had never felt before and created a corner that was just yours. the problem? they had also made you a hopeless romantic.
the characters in the stories were very different from the people who populated your daily reality, yet so plausible that you confused them with something possible in your everyday life. but it wasn't like that.
real people were much less predictable, more selfish, and less intelligent. not to mention the fact that you couldn't form an opinion of them at the end of the book, you had to get hurt to really get to know them, and you didn't want to suffer.
yet, even though you were aware of this rift between your two worlds, you continued to hope for that love similar to the fiction you read.
that's why that afternoon you had to do your best not to start laughing like an idiot all by yourself.
it was a day like any other, and taking advantage of the free time you took refuge in the library. not that you didn't like reading on your own at home, but there was an atmosphere in that building that made you feel at ease, so you went there as much as possible, even several times a week.
that particular day, you had to go to the bathroom, so you momentarily left the book you were reading on the table that was in front of you.
upon returning, inside the book you found a note, folded in two and hidden inside the page you were reading.
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“i certainly have not the talent which some people possess, of conversing easily with those i have never seen before.”
i've seen you reading ‘pride and prejudice” two times this month, so i read it too, it was beautiful. you intrigue me, but i don't like starting conversations with people ( the quote should already be explanatory of this ). would you like to write to me first? i want to know more about you, besides your pretty face.
my number: ××× ××× ××××.
----- ☆
on average you wouldn't have done it, but the note in the book was too cliché that it didn't make you smile, and besides it made you curious.
you wrote to him. he had a photo of kurt cobain as his profile picture, so you had no idea what his face looked like. but you didn't care, you wanted him to remain a mystery.
you talked all day about books and music, and you were fascinated by his calm manner which was even noticeable in the messages. he would ask you what your favorite books were, and then he would read them. he would send you his playlists, and you would listen to them until you fell asleep.
he also complimented you from time to time; “you look beautiful”, “i loved the way your hair were styled today”, “i couldn't read anything, you were too distracting”.
you, on your side, never turned to see who those messages were from. you had an image of him, and you didn't want to ruin it.
teasan -that was his name- was your personal fictional boy, the crush you always wanted to have. what if meeting him ruined everything? you would have been destroyed by this.
you continued to talk to him for months, finding, those few times you left your seat, little notes and pieces of poetry in the book you were reading. they were never too romantic, but they still made your heart beat.
you always had to try your best not to react too much to these small gestures, especially when there were people around you.
like that morning, where the seat next to you was occupied by a beautiful boy busy reading a book by murakami. he looked like one of the male leads of a fantasy romance, with his soft black hair and a serious expression. in another circumstance you would have paid more attention to his appearance, but not that day, because in the moment in which you went to get a coffee from the coffee machine, another piece of poem had been inserted into your book.
----- ☆
[ . . . ] those rare strangers
who make me
catch my breath
the first time we meet.
[ . . . ] i am drawn to them
but do they see me?
or am i just part of
the wallpaper of their life?
susan ash. “first encounters”
----- ☆
you did your best to except smile as you placed the piece of paper in the pocket of your jeans. you had saved them all, and kept them in a box in your bedroom.
“i certainly have not the talent which some people possess, of conversing easily with those i have never seen before.” the boy next to you spoke, without moving his eyes away from the book he was reading.
your heartbeat lost a beat recognizing that words. “i'm sorry, what?”
he looked up from the book, and you were enchanted by the beauty of his eyes. you wanted to believe that he was the notes boy, that he was taesan, the guy you had a crush on, but you didn't want to disappoint yourself.
he smiled, and then he closed the book he was reading. “i don't want to be just the wallpaper of your life anymore, y/n.” he said, and you convinced yourself that it was really him.
“i would like to be a more tangible part of your life, if you'll let me.”
and of course you agreed. you were already in love with him, and by now the fear of the first meeting had vanished. there was nothing that could stop you from living your real fictional story with him.
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yukidragon · 2 days
Sunny Day Jack - Oopsie Baby 2
I've been scrounging up spoons as best I can to continue with the Jack accidentally getting Alice pregnant idea. I did a small continuation of it in a reblog replying to some tags, but I figured I'd make another proper post for as long as my spoons last.
Let's touch on a bit of the timeline for how this sort of AU might unfold. Beware of spoilers for Sunshine in Hell.
Content Warning: This post contains some spicy talk about sex and intimacy, both positive and negative experiences. I mean, how else is babby formed? There's also discussions about pregnancy, birth control, chronic illness, sickness, contemplating abortion, manipulative behavior, and a dash of overprotective sketchy yandere spice.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
As you may remember me mentioning from previous posts, Sunshine in Hell is my personal alternate continuity of the Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack story and won't follow the games one-to-one. For example, as I've also mentioned in previous rambles such as this one, the relationship that develops between Alice and Jack is more of a slow burn, and that includes being intimate. Their first kiss isn't going to be the same day or just a couple days before they wind up making love for the first time.
Still, the morning after they go all the way for the first time is the same day Shaun shows up to stay at Alice's place. It's just too hilarious to me to imagine how flustered she'd be about the whole thing, especially after Jack seduces Alice while Shaun is there to mark his territory.
So it'd be even more hilarious that this is when Jack accidentally gets Alice pregnant. She was already mortified and upset after she figures out he intended for Shaun to hear them, so why not have that moment cause further drama later~?
Though I suppose their first time could be when it happened as well. I mean, getting knocked up isn't an instantaneous thing. It takes a while for the sperm to reach the egg and what not, and Jack is definitely going to seduce Alice a fair amount of times before the seed that he planted starts to take root.
Which is more reason why Alice kicks herself for not buying Jack condoms. Maybe the surreal and supernatural aspect of their relationship made such consequences slip her mind. Being with Jack is like living in a happy dream, detached from the regular struggles of reality. There's also the fact that condoms are expensive, and she's barely struggling to keep afloat with her meager paycheck.
It's so easy for Alice to forget such troubling details when Jack is there, whispering sweet words into her ear, caressing and kissing her body so lovingly. He makes her feel so beautiful, desirable, perfect, and irreplaceable. It's so easy for her to get swept up by him. She's never felt so loved before. No relationship has felt so right. It scares her sometimes how naturally they fit together, so effortless in spite of challenges they face. It's nothing like her previous relationship.
Not to mention their connection causes his horny urges to rub off on her, increasing her libido. Sex with Jack is actually a pleasure for Alice, unlike previous experiences, and she's found herself hornier than ever after they start getting intimate. She never thought penetrative sex could feel so good, make her feel so connected to someone without any barriers between them.
Granted, Alice was a lot more cautious when she and Ian were together, and she always made sure he wore a condom when he was going in down south. Despite often losing control of himself when horny, and really, really wanting to do it bare, he was pretty good about making sure he was always wrapped.
Though I wonder if Ian remembered to use a condom when he cheated. I mean, he clearly forgot he was in a relationship at the time, so I'd imagine using protection would slip his mind as well. Hopefully he didn't get his affair partner pregnant. That would make things so much more complicated.
Ian and Alice had discussed having kids before, but as a far, far future thing. Though Ian was terrified about being a father, as he wasn't sure he'd be a good one. He never knew his father. The closest thing he had to a father was Alice's dad, Ambrose, and even then Ian felt guilty even thinking about as Ambrose like that, like he was betraying his mom somehow. Perhaps it was because of all his mom's talk about him being selfish with his desires and how all men are cheating scum...
Alice had yet to talk about kids with Jack.. well, outside of him being a kids TV host and being fond of them in general. Certainly, he imagined having children one day with his sunshine, but Alice was taking things slowly with Jack.
Of course now the topic is at the forefront whether they're ready for it or not.
Alice was so distracted by her new relationship with Jack and all the pleasure and complications that comes with it, pregnancy never crossed her mind. Too much is going on for that to come up.
First there's the relationship itself, then using introducing Jack to Shaun as a trial run before Alice tries to do the same with her family. This comes with the whole embarrassing incident of Shaun overhearing Jack and Alice going at it and having to deal with the awkwardness that follows. There's also helping Shaun move into his own place and getting settled in.
It's only after things settle into a new normal that Alice starts bracing herself for how she's going to introduce Jack to her family, though she's started talking about him to them without yet mentioning his supernatural nature.
It'll probably be sometime after Shaun gets moved into his place that things start seeming amiss. Alice suffers from chronic illness, and sometimes this causes her cramps, exhaustion, nausea and food aversion/sensitivity. As such, when these pregnancy symptoms manifest, she just assumes it's business as usual, more or less, even if the nausea gets pretty intense. She's learned she just has to deal with it by this point.
It's only when Alice realizes that she hasn't had her period for way too long that the thought pops into her head.
One missed period is something to take note of, but not necessarily anything bad. Sometimes a period skips a month. Two though... that's when things get dicey.
Heck, Alice could even be as far as three months in if she mistakes the light bleeding that's common to experience in the early weeks of pregnancy for her period.
It's possible Jack noticed something different about Alice. Being a ghost(?) he might possess more supernatural powers than we've seen thus far in the story. It's possible a part of him picked up on some sort of change in her warm light that he can't quite put his finger on. Maybe to him it's like she's glowing even more radiantly than she used to?
Though Jack is more focused on taking care of his poor sunshine while she's sick. Alice has to work even on days when she's throwing up. It's so unfair. If only he could work in her place. If only he could provide more. He spoils her even more to compensate, and she appreciates how far he goes to take care of her, but he can't take away all of her troubles and woes.
Once Alice has the thought she might be pregnant, that's when the fear sets in. She hesitates to say anything to Jack, at least not until she takes a pregnancy test, but it'll be very hard to hide anything from him. Since she's been sick lately, he's particularly keen on going with her everywhere, especially if she's doing something to exert herself. Still, she does manage to talk him into staying home to cook dinner while she picks up "a couple things" from the corner store, one of which being a tester.
Alice doesn't like keeping secrets from Jack, especially since they've become so intimate, but this fear feels... irrational? Like she shouldn't worry Jack about something that might not even be possible.
Like she shouldn't crush his hopes considering how isolated he is...
It's even possible she had a pregnancy scare in the past with Ian and, well... I have a feeling that would've been a very stressful situation involving a lot of tears and fears.
It's better if Alice is the only one freaking out about what might be nothing at all.
Besides... Alice is on birth control. There's no way it failed... right?
Jack does pick up there's something amiss when Alice starts acting dodgy around him. When she rushes immediately to the bathroom after coming home from the errand, he's willing to chalk it up to being related to her illness, but the feeling of panic he senses from her when she takes a while to come out has him soon knocking on the door asking if she's okay.
When Alice gets the positive result from the pregnancy test, at first all she can do is just stare at it in disbelief. She did buy a second one, just to be sure or in case she somehow messed up the first, but the result is the same.
That's when the panic sets in.
When Jack knocks on the door and Alice hears his sweet, concerned voice, that's when she has a bit of a breakdown. She didn't tell him to come in, but when he heard her sob through the door, he couldn't stop himself from rushing in.
Home pregnancy tests in the 80's weren't an easy to read stick, but a whole miniature chemistry set, so Jack isn't likely to recognize the iconic little device Alice is holding in her hand. As such, he has no idea what's wrong and needs to calm her down so she can tell him.
Needless to say, Jack is floored when Alice tells him through tears that she's pregnant.
At first, Jack stares at her, stunned, then when it's clear that he heard her correctly, he's overcome with emotions - disbelief, joy, and worry being chief among them. The idea of being a dad is terrifying, but at the same time he's elated. A part of him wants to spin her around in the air and shout for joy.
It's her fear and tears that mollifies his excitement.
Jack focuses primarily on reassuring Alice, tucking away his excitement and his own worries for later. His sunshine needs him now... as does their unborn child.
Alice is so angry with herself. She should've thought about this possibility. She should've known better... bought condoms, got better birth control, done something! It's all her fault. After all, it's not like Jack can get his own birth control, and he always dutifully follows her lead. How could she have never even thought about this before? She was so reckless.
Jack remains strong for Alice, talking her down from spiraling while cuddling her close. He gets her off the bedroom floor and onto their bed where where it's comfy. She's not hungry for the dinner he made for them, but that's okay. He can heat it up later. Right now taking care of her comes first.
The situation is complicated. Jack understands full well that this is going to be a huge challenge, but he assures Alice they can both handle it. He promised to always be there for her and take care of her after all. He'll take care of her and their child, no matter what.
Alice worries about the logistics of it. This place is too small even for two fully grown adults, let alone a baby. Her apartment in Sunshine in Hell is much smaller than the one she lived in with Ian, with only one bedroom, one bathroom, and a common room sectioned off into a living room and kitchen/dining room.
Her paycheck is pathetic. Even though Alice always makes sure Barry doesn't stiff her on all the overtime she works, it's still barely above minimum wage. She has student loans to pay off, medical bills she has to pay with chronic illness and the like... plus having meals with Jack so he can feel more like a regular human means she's spending more on grocery money. How can that pitiful paycheck stretch enough to handle a baby on top of all that?
Then of course there's telling her family. Alice hasn't even told them about her situation with Jack yet. How is she supposed to explain this?
How is this even happening?
The rest of the day is spent with Jack comforting Alice and talking her through her panic and anxieties. It worries him how upset she is by this news that overall has made him so happy. He does share with her that he's worried too, but he knows that together they can handle anything. They'll be good parents.
Alice does consider abortion as an option, but the idea is too much for her to handle. She can't even vocalize the thought. She's pro choice, but that means understanding herself and what choice is best for her. As hard as having a baby will be at this point in time, the idea of getting in an abortion... she can't even think about it. It's just too much.
Fortunately, she doesn't have to. Jack does pick up on this line of thought and how hard it hits Alice, so he redirects the conversation away from it gently. He gets her to focus on the things they can do to make things work.
It might be happening a little sooner than Alice expected, but she said she wanted to have kids one day, right? It was something she mentioned while they were still just friends (likely when finally spilling her guts about Ian and lamenting all the dreams that were destroyed there). Even if the situation isn't ideal, she has a partner who loves and supports her. No matter what, Jack will be there for her and their baby. He's taken care of her so far, hasn't he?
After quite a long and emotionally exhausting conversation involving a lot of reassurance and love, Jack does manage to coax Alice into eating a little before she finally passes out. They have a plan of action in place, to see the doctor as soon as possible to get this confirmed and make sure she and the baby are healthy. After that, they'll take things step by step.
Money is the biggest issue in this capitalist society. Jack knows it all too well. Though he runs away from memories of being Joseph, the days when he was a penniless drifter still haunt him. He won't let that happen to Alice and their baby.
It's not a good thing what Jack is considering, but he did promise to take care of their little family, didn't he? What kind of man would he be if he just sat back and let Alice do all the hard work?
Still... Jack can't bring himself to go too far (yet). He's Sunny Day Jack! Sunny Day Jack would never consider doing something underhanded and illegal, even if he really needs the money.
But maybe... a few nudges to her boss might help grease the wheels a bit. Barry is such a bully, constantly forcing Alice to come in, especially when she's sick, pushing her to work long hours, trying to squeeze extra free hours of labor from her where he can. He owes her for all of that, as well as all those days off he yanks away at the last minute and overtime he just expects her to do day in and day out.
Jack always thought Barry was taking advantage of his sunshine. He encouraged Alice to stand up for herself more and make sure she got what was owed. He helped on her end, but clearly it's Barry that truly needed the lesson here.
Besides, it's not like a nightmare ever hurt anyone before, or a few sleepless nights for that matter. Jack is just teaching a naughty boss a lesson about respecting his employees and treating them fairly. A hefty raise and some bonuses are the least Barry can do after all the suffering he put Alice through.
If that's not enough... well, Jack will just have to brainstorm more ideas about ways he can take things into his own hands.
What's for sure is that Jack isn't going to let Barry push more overtime on Alice either. If anything, she needs more time off to rest! Pregnancy is hard on the body - especially a body that's already suffering from chronic illness!
Jack doesn't go too far, at least not right away. Terrorizing Barry is something he can excuse as justified in his mind right now. Outright theft or other highly illegal activities to acquire money? Not so much.
At least... not until Ian comes back into the picture, trying to act like the hero and save Alice from her plight.
Ian doesn't find out about the pregnancy until Alice mentions it on her socials. She joined some online support groups for people unexpectedly expecting for the first time, and Ian stalks every single account and who she follows to snatch up any scrap of info about her that he can.
It crushes him. At first, Ian almost believes that it's his baby Alice is pregnant with. It must be.
But that's just impossible. They've been broken up for over a year now.
Not to mention Alice has talked about a new boyfriend in some posts. Ian was going crazy trying to find more than just some drawings she posted about him, but this "Jack" character is like a ghost, with no footprint online.
Ian isn't even sure Jack is real. After all, that face paint and strange outfit look an awful lot like the part he's been hired to play. He actually convinced himself that Alice was stalking him like he was her (which makes it totally okay!) and found out about the part, which means she's indirectly telling him that she misses him by drawing "him" as his new persona that's going to make him a star.
But Ian doesn't say as such to her. No, not with how Alice is stubbornly distancing herself. She's been vulnerable since they broke up. She nearly accidentally killed herself after finding out he cheated. Anyone could've swept in while she was vulnerable to take advantage of her then dip out when she got knocked up.
It boils Ian's blood to think of such a predator targeting Alice like that, especially after he hurt her so badly already. Now more than ever he needs to step up and help her. He needs to cross the boundaries she put up to keep him out, for both their sakes.
So Ian gets in contact with Alice through a mutual friend. Heck, maybe even gets them to trick her into meeting with him someplace where he's waiting with a bouquet of flowers and a tearful apology.
Which isn't going to go over well. Alice would be freaking out at the ambush, especially since she'd be very visibly pregnant by this point and extra emotional due to hormones.
Ian was prepared for that though. He manages to keep Alice from running away and puts his metaphorical foot in the door. He apologizes. Not only that, but he offers her money, claiming there's no strings attached. He owes her at least this much for all that he's put her through.
It's a very unpleasant conversation for Alice to say the least, but she knows Ian well enough to know he's sincerely sorry. She knows he's in pain. He might have tricked her with this meeting, but he does care... He knows she wouldn't have the heart to abort or give away her baby. She's so kind, and she'll be a wonderful mother. He always knew she would be.
Ian feels sorry for himself for a bit, lamenting his mistakes, but he's going to make it up to Alice. She and the baby need help, and he'll do that for her... It doesn't even have to mean they're back together as a couple. Conceding this point is like a spiky lump in his throat, but he reminds her how they've always been each other's best friends, and he wants to be her friend again now. He won't push anything on her. He just wants to help.
Of course we all know Ian isn't going to be satisfied with just remaining friends, but he's learned over the past year or so since they broke up how to adjust his tactics. He's had to learn the art of the deal and how to make people want you in order to make it anywhere in his model and acting career.
Is it manipulative? Of course not, Ian would insist! How could it be? He's just making things up to Alice and showing her how sorry he is. He's proving it with his actions and not just his words. If he proves it well enough then he'll be able to make amends and make things right between him and Alice.
Ian doesn't even care who the father of her child is. He's not ready to be a father, but he views it as a sacrifice he's willing to take in order to have Alice back. He'll do his best no matter how scared he is, since losing Alice has been far worse than all the what ifs and fears he built up in his head.
If not for the pregnancy, Alice would turn down the money. She left the big apartment, her old job that she enjoyed, and a lot of possessions behind after the breakup just because they were tied to Ian. She willingly threw away all that money just so she wouldn't be reminded.
But Alice has a baby to think about. Her child is far more important than her hurt feelings or how icky she feels about accepting charity from her ex. Sure, Barry has surprisingly given her a pay increase lately, but it costs so much to get baby supplies and rent a bigger apartment. Plus there's the medical bills...
It... it should be fine, right? Ian owes her for all the pain he put her through and this makes them even... right? But how can she tell him not to contact her again after accepting it? He might claim there's no strings attached, and maybe he believes it, but the emotions tied to it can't be so easily severed.
Naturally, Jack is anything but pleased by this whole thing. He can't do much to stop it, save encourage Alice to leave, but Ian keeps drawing her attention away from him with pitiful attempts to gain her sympathy. Alice is so kind. Even after how much Ian has hurt her, even though this meeting itself is painful, she still doesn't want to hurt him.
Jack does help bolster Alice's resolve to turn down the money, at least initially, but Ian is surprisingly insistent. He drops the money into her account before she can stop him. He still has her account details from when they lived together and had started intermingling their finances. Alice forgot about that since he never did anything related to it since the affair.
When Alice sees that amount hit her bank account, she's just stunned. How the hell did Ian get so much money? Sure he looked good, and he was wearing expensive clothes and product, but...
Then again, Ian has that modeling job now. He's popular. He talked about this show he got a starring role in. It's hush-hush right now, but he'll let her in on the details since she's his oldest friend.
Alice isn't interested in details. She keeps trying to avoid letting this situation get more personal... but Ian has become more confident since he moved away. He's so different in a number of ways that it's hard to recognize him... yet he's also the same in ways that are maddening and make it so hard for her to stop caring about the little bullied boy who was her only friend in school.
Jack helps Alice cut the meeting short, or at least shorter than Ian would've liked. Ian accepts her retreat reluctantly, but offers that she can contact him at any time. If she needs more money, help with anything, a shoulder to cry on, or anything else, all she has to do is ask. He's there for her... always.
Oh you bet your butt Jack has a lot to say about that sentiment.
Unfortunately Jack can't tell Ian off, at least not there. Sure, he could expose himself, write a message like he did with Shaun, but that needlessly complicates things.
They'll just need to have a private discussion later.
For now, Jack focuses on Alice, reassuring her that she doesn't need Ian or his money. She doesn't have to deal with feeling hurt or awful like she does whenever she even thinks about Ian. She has Jack, someone who loves for her and their baby and will move heaven and earth for them.
Alice did make it clear right away that she's in a new relationship with someone else. She's happy now. She even mentioned Jack by name, though that resulted in Ian giving her strange look she couldn't quite understand. He didn't seem as crushed as she expected him to be. He even asked about Jack, and Alice declined to answer, not wanting to prolong the conversation.
Ian caught how Alice winced when he asked to meet Jack, maybe get his phone number or photo. Her avoidance of any of these just felt like proof to him that he was right about the identity of this "boyfriend" of hers.
The entire encounter was stressful, and felt far longer than it actually was. Alice was left feeling a bit conflicted and unhappy with herself for letting Ian get to her like this. Fortunately, Jack was with her the entire time. It was reassuring to have him holding onto her while she had to face Ian. He gave her the strength she needed and made dealing with suck an icky situation just a bit easier with his reassurance that it was okay to just leave Ian behind. Jack continues to reassure and comfort her after the meeting, which she needs badly after being so shaken.
Keeping the money is something Alice is the most torn about. She doesn't feel good about it, and Jack says they don't need Ian's help, but... they do need money. She's living paycheck to paycheck, and the baby isn't even here yet! She's barely keeping her head above water.
Can Alice really let something as petty as pride keep her from giving their baby a good life?
Jack has been helpful the entire time. His help has been invaluable. Alice doesn't think she could hold it together without him. This money doesn't take away from how important Jack is to her or how much she loves him. It doesn't change who her baby's father is.
Jack can't do anything his sunshine doesn't want, and that includes returning the money.
So Jack will just have to take matters into his own hands. As long as Alice doesn't need that money, she won't feel pressured to keep it.
Alice also won't have to feel obligated to let Ian back into her life if Ian is the one who decides to leave her alone once and for all.
Alice was right that a parent can't let their pride get in the way of taking care of their child. That includes Jack's pride in being the flawless role model of Sunny Day Jack.
So what if a law or two is broken? It's not like the law applies to someone who doesn't legally exist. Jack might as well take advantage of this almost nonexistent state he's in to get away with things no one else can.
Ian might have a lot of money to throw around, but Jack can do so, so much more than Ian could ever dream.
Jack just has to figure out a way to not get caught by the only person who can see him. It's not that Alice would reject him for what he did for her and the baby, oh no! It's just not good to stress her out more than she already is.
Alice doesn't need to know, just like she doesn't need to know about the person Jack used to be. He's still clean as long as she doesn't know. Jack can stay clean and perfect and everything Alice will ever need.
Things might've gotten a bit out of control, but that's okay. Jack can fix it. He's quite the problem solver. All Alice needs to do is take care of herself and love him with all her heart, just as she's been doing.
Jack has been given a second chance. He'll never let anyone get in the way of that.
I think I'll wrap things up on that fun yandere note, as I'm starting to run out of spoons. Maybe next time I can go into the King family's involvement and how Jack might try to win over his new in-laws despite a lot of obstacles standing in his way. I hope you enjoyed this ramble about the drama that comes with unplanned baby making!
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newkatzkafe2023 · 2 days
So, How would the Wukong's react to S/O doing something kinda big for them. Like, they've been gone all day and come home to their partner making a dinner date and making sure everything's set up for them to relax together?
Awwww Date night🌹🥂💋💒
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(Lmk Wukong) Oh he missed you terribly, you told him you were leaving early for work and that you would be late. Wukong was cool with it but hours and hours and hours later he saw it was it was getting late and he started to miss you, occasionally leaving texts you told him the same thing until you told him to meet him at the park. Wukong was very confused and soon he flew to the park and saw that....
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A picnic😮!! Wukong gasped as you said surprise. He teared up and blushed and ran to hug you, he said thank you and he loves you as he sat with you on your date.
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(MKR Wukong) He's in one of his moods, he woke up and saw that you weren't next to him. That already pissed him off because you didn't even leave a note. He of course ask if the pilgrims the saw you and they said no, pigsy teasing that maybe we got Tired of him which in return , he got a bruise shin. Luckily Fruity told him that we just went out and that will be back later, Which successfully calm him down. After a while you came back and he was ready to Interrogate you, when you told him that you had a surprise for him. Wukong was confused when he followed you later that night and saw a....
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tea shop with a table outside, you told him that it was something nice to do since he's been moody and stress lately. He did look grumpy but the blush tells you he likes it😉😊
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(HIB Wukong) You were gone the whole day, and ask Luier and Pigsy to distract Wukong which you went out with Silly girl. It worked for a bit since Luier's motor mouth was useful for once, but he was quick to notice that you weren't there and neither was silly girl. He would have freaked out, if you came back with Silly girl that Exact Second. He was relieved until you put a blindfold on him and told him that you were going somewhere, which confused him and felt you pulling him along. Then after a bit you told him to take of his blindfold and saw....
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Fireworks?! you took him to see fireworks, a surprise date, for just the 2 of you. Wukong was stunned, but he pulled you close as a silent thank you.
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(NR Wukong) He's pouting all over the garage. You had left for work in the morning which is ok whatever to him but it's around 5 and your still not home. He called and texted you a few times but he only got Voice-mail or has been left on read, now he rarely gets upset with you but it's slowly getting there until you ran in the garage excited. Wukong was Confused, relieved, but still a bit upset with you until you told him...
(Wukong) Tickets??? Tickets for what???🤨
You pulled out the tickets for...
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Wukong felt his anger disappear into thin air, And replace with excitement,Well that explains Why you did so much overtime for your job😊😊😊😊
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(Netflix Wukong) He noticed something was missing, Something that's always supposed to be there. Or more like it became part of his life, and because of this feeling Wukong felt empty. He then went to tell Lin about this emotion and emptiness until she asked
(Lin) Did you see (Y/N) yet????
Then it hit him He didn't know if he talked to you at all today, he didn't even remember seeing you and you guys live in the same house. Wukong thanked Lin and went to look for you but he couldn't find you anywhere. He then slowly begin to panic as he had no idea where you are, he freaked out and teared up his thoughts being. Why didn't I pay attention?! What if she's hurt?! What if she got kidnapped?! What if she got sick of me and....abandoned me??😥🥺😭 Wukong Try to remain rational while stopping himself from crying. Then he noticed something on the cabinet, he ask ran and ask Lin to read it for him and it saids,
Wukong meet me by the market at 3 I have a surprise for you🙂
It was currently around 2:45 or something But he was too anxious to wait. So he left the house and went looking for you, he got to the market and saw you, and is that a CARNIVAL?!🎡
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You greeted him and told him that a fair was In town and you wanted to spend the day with him in it. Wukong ran over and quickly hugged you tightly, happy to see you, feeling his heart slow down a bit Upon being in your presence. After that you both went in to have a blast😄🎊🎉
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rainforestakiie · 2 days
Hi!! I know you’re busy and please ignore this if you want. But I wanted to bring up the idea before I forgot. from Be Lonely With Me, we see how Adam enjoys the unique changes about Lucifer. Slowly bringing up his confidence in himself. I was wondering, only if you want too, but if there was a scene that Adam, ever the farmer, is helping Lucifer clean his little hooves. And is being so gentle about them. Lucifer’s a little shy about it and Adam tries distracting him with talk. And inevitably, they talk about Lucifer’s out changes, like the horns, his wings, but especially the tail. Adam is surprised Lucifer doesn’t have it too, but Lucifer assumes, like his wings, the tail was part of his powers. And Adam just goes. “Awww. That’s a shame. I wonder if it’s just as soft too” emphasis on Lucifer’s legs and hands, like an absent minded flirting and open admittance that Adam likes touching them.
nooo, i'm never too busy for your requests! i hope you like this! a scene that should have been in Be Lonely with Me! with a little bonus added to the end!
Lucifer’s face bloomed into a radiant shade of crimson, so vibrant and intense that sweet, innocent Adam couldn’t help but compare it to the bright, sun-kissed tomatoes he had gathered earlier. He didn’t care much for the taste of tomatoes, but oh, how he adored that deep, fiery red!
Another exciting discovery! Adam had recently started naming things after colours, thrilled by his own blossoming sense of creativity. Still, with wide, curious eyes, he stared up at the Archangel, his face a perfect portrait of childlike innocence.
“Um...” Lucifer stammered, his usual composure unravelling. A delicate puff of steam seemed to rise from his golden curls as he hurriedly removed his top hat, lest the heat of his fluster leave embarrassing stains on it. “It... it’s just the way things are.”
“But why?” Adam pouted, his confusion only deepening as he scratched his head. “If it’s so important, why don’t I have them?”
Lucifer blinked in surprise, his sapphire eyes sweeping over Adam’s perfect form. His siblings had brought up the idea of dressing Adam a few times, offering him clothing like the angels wore, but Lucifer had always managed to steer the conversation away from it. In truth, he adored seeing Adam roam the paradise of Eden freely unburdened, unspoiled. Not that he’d ever confess that to his brothers and sisters! Michael would surely banish him from the garden for such thoughts.
But how could anyone not admire Adam’s beauty? His wild hair, a mix of earthy browns and sunlit reds, fell messily around his face. His pale skin, now kissed by Eden’s endless sunshine, was beginning to take on a golden glow. And his eyes—those eyes! Lucifer’s favourite feature of all. They were the colour of Eden itself, a blazing emerald green, unique and dazzling, unlike anything he or his siblings had ever seen.
“You don’t need them,” Lucifer finally murmured, though his voice trembled, his blush now spreading down his neck. “I... need them.”
Adam’s brow furrowed, his confusion growing. His emerald eyes drifted to the crisp, snowy-white robes that draped elegantly over Lucifer’s form. He crawled closer, his innocent fingers gently tugging at the soft blue edges, lifting them ever so slightly. A startled yelp escaped Lucifer’s lips as he quickly smoothed the fabric back down, his blush deepening to an almost impossible shade. Adam only giggled in response, finding the angel’s reaction amusing.
“What are these called?” Adam asked, his voice full of wonder as he continued to play with the hem of Lucifer’s robes. “And why do you wear so many?”
Lucifer swallowed nervously, offering a shy, trembling smile. “Um... they’re called robes. Heavenly clothing, made from divine light. And I wear layers because... b-because it’s sacred. As an angel, I’m not supposed to show my skin.”
“None of it?” Adam asked, his gaze shifting to Lucifer’s hands. Without thinking, his fingers lightly traced over the exposed skin there, curious and soft.
Lucifer’s breath hitched as he wrapped his slender fingers around Adam’s hand, his heart fluttering at the warmth of the touch.
“That’s... different,” he whispered bashfully.
Adam, always so curious, reached out with his other hand, his touch feather light as he trailed his fingers along Lucifer’s arm, up to his neck, and then to his flushed cheek. “Your neck... and face? Your skin is bare here too.”
Lucifer trembled under the gentle caress, his voice a mere squeak. “T-That’s different as well.”
Adam shifted even closer; his innocent eyes wide with curiosity. “But why is it different?”
“It just is!” Lucifer squeaked, his voice high-pitched as he quickly took hold of Adam’s wandering hand, gently guiding it down to his lap. His heart was racing, and he let out a soft, shaky breath. But as he gazed at Adam, he couldn’t help but smile. He adored how endlessly inquisitive the first human was.
Sighing, Adam slumped his shoulders in frustration. “Everything is ‘just the way it is.’ It’s so confusing.”
Lucifer chuckled softly, his voice tender. “It’ll get easier, Addie. You’re still learning. You’ll understand more as time goes on.”
Adam nodded slowly, trusting his guardian Archangel completely. He always believed what Lucifer said, for his angel never steered him wrong. But still, his gaze lingered on the shimmering robes that flowed around Lucifer like a celestial waterfall.
“Why don’t I have these... ‘clothes’?” he asked.
Lucifer clicked his tongue playfully. “You don’t need them.”
“Why not?” Adam pressed.
“You just don’t,” Lucifer grinned, his sapphire eyes twinkling as they met Adam’s vibrant green ones.
Shifting closer to Adam, his six wings fluttered softly behind him, creating a delicate breeze that ruffled the grass beneath them. Lucifer leaned in with a mischievous smile, his voice dropping to a secretive whisper.
“Can you keep a secret, Addie?”
Adam’s face lit up immediately, his emerald eyes sparkling with excitement. He straightened up like a curious little meerkat, his whole body buzzing with anticipation. “A secret? I can keep a secret! What’s a secret, Luci?”
Lucifer chuckled warmly, leaning in even closer until his nose brushed against Adam’s cheek. He grinned when he saw Adam blush, a rosy hue spreading across his face. “A secret is something shared between just the two of us. If I tell you, you can’t tell anyone else—not even the other angels.”
Adam gasped; his eyes wide in shock.
“Not even the animals?” he whispered, as if the birds and creatures of Eden were listening in on their private conversation.
“Not even the animals,” Lucifer nodded with a playful glint in his eye. “Do you think you can keep it, Addie? Can I trust you with my secret?”
Without hesitation, Adam eagerly nodded, his fingers tightening around Lucifer’s hands. “Yes! I promise! I’ll keep it safe!”
“You mustn’t tell my brothers or sisters~” Lucifer sang teasingly, letting go of Adam’s hands. He wiggled closer to the edge of the soft grassy hill they were sitting on, the pond below shimmering in the sunlight like a bed of diamonds. With a sly grin, Lucifer gently tugged at the bottom of his robes, lifting them just enough to reveal his bare feet.
Adam’s eyes grew wide with wonder, his breath catching in his throat. He watched in awe as Lucifer slipped off his pristine white shoes and raised his robes higher, allowing them to rest just above his knees. The sight of Lucifer’s feet, glistening like stardust under the warm light, left Adam speechless.
Lucifer, clearly enjoying Adam’s reaction, leaned over and planted a soft, teasing kiss on his cheek. Adam’s blush deepened, his whole face turning the same shade of red that had colored Lucifer’s earlier.
“Just this once, I’ll show you my feet,” Lucifer whispered with a playful wink before dipping them into the cool, crystal-clear waters of the pond. “Now, come sit with me, Addie~”
Adam, shy but eager, scooted closer and slipped his own feet into the water beside Lucifer’s. His heart fluttered as he watched the angel’s feet sparkle in the water, the cool sensation sending delightful tingles up his legs. He gasped when Lucifer’s foot brushed gently against his, the touch soft and teasing.
“Remember, Addie,” Lucifer murmured, his voice as soft as the breeze, “Uou mustn’t tell anyone about this.”
Adam’s breath hitched, and he nodded fervently, his gaze locked on the spot where their feet touched beneath the water.
“I-I won’t tell anyone, “He whispered, his voice barely audible.
Lucifer smiled sweetly, his sapphire eyes twinkling with affection.
“Good boy~” he purred, gently stroking his foot against Adam’s once more.
Adam’s heart raced, a warmth spreading through him that had nothing to do with the sun. He felt safe, cherished, and loved. With Lucifer by his side, everything in Eden seemed perfect—even if the world was full of confusing mysteries, if they had their little secrets, Adam knew he’d always have something special that was just for them.
Adam blinked hard, pulling himself out of a memory that felt both sweet and distant, like a faded photograph. He didn’t know why it resurfaced now, but the ache in his heart told him how deeply those moments had mattered. How close he and Lucifer once were—before Lilith entered their world. Before everything changed.
Lucifer had shown him his feet. Something so sacred and forbidden for angels to reveal. And yet, Lucifer had done it for him, swearing Adam to secrecy. It was such a tender gesture, and as Adam remembered, his own bare feet tingled, as if they could still feel Lucifer’s delicate touch. The way he had gently brushed their feet together, his expression always innocent, though Adam sensed something more behind those sparkling sapphire eyes. Lucifer’s feet had shimmered like the stars themselves, and Adam had often wondered if all of the Archangel’s skin sparkled in that celestial way, or if it was something uniquely Lucifer. Either way, the memory made Adam’s heart race all over again.
“Addie~” a familiar, joyful voice called from the bushes. Lucifer’s lean, graceful form emerged from the lush greenery, his body wrapped in a playful tangle of woven leaves, petals, and vines. His golden hair shimmered like spun sunlight, framing his cherry-red cheeks, making him look impossibly adorable. “There you are! I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Adam’s lips curled into a smile as he watched Lucifer approach, his fingers sinking into the soft golden sand along the riverbank. “Sorry, I guess I got lost in my thoughts.”
His eyes lingered on the fallen angel. Lucifer still looked breathtakingly beautiful, even after the fall. His once flawless white skin now carried a peppering of black along his arms, which had morphed into long, sharp claws. His legs were coated in soft midnight fur that ended in hooves. His face had become slightly more angular, his eyelashes long and dramatic, while his once sapphire eyes had melted into molten gold, flecked with crimson. The blue tint of his cheeks had deepened into a rich, blood-red hue, but Adam still saw the same beauty beneath it all.
“What’re you thinking about?” Lucifer cooed, dropping to his knees beside Adam and practically shoving himself into Adam’s space, preening for affection like a cat seeking warmth. "Anything nice about me?"
A small laugh escaped Adam, and with a burst of boldness, he leaned in to kiss the sensitive red markings on Lucifer’s cheeks, the Archangel's weak spot. A thrill of satisfaction ran through him as Lucifer shuddered and moaned softly, flushing even deeper.
“Of course,” Adam teased, his voice gentle. “I’m always thinking sweet things about you.”
Lucifer smirked at that; his eyes gleaming mischievously. “Damn right you are.” He stretched his legs out, his claws grazing over his thigh as he relaxed beside Adam.
Adam’s gaze flickered to the white scar that marred Lucifer’s thigh—a reminder of the time Lucifer had scaled the Tree of Knowledge and faced off with the fierce Cherubim guarding it. He’d gotten hurt because of Adam’s curiosity, because he couldn’t resist helping him, despite the risks.
“You can touch it, if you want,” Lucifer said softly, catching Adam’s gaze. “I’ve seen you looking.”
Adam flushed, feeling a wave of guilt wash over him. “It’s just... you got hurt because of me, and—”
“I don’t regret it. Not for a second,” Lucifer interrupted, his tone firm and resolute. He reached out and took Adam’s hand, his claws curling gently around it, guiding Adam’s palm to his scarred leg. “You don’t think it’s ugly, do you?”
Adam’s heart clenched. He had noticed this more and more lately—Lucifer, despite all his power and beauty, constantly seeking reassurance. No matter how often Adam told him he was stunning, it never seemed to fully sink in. Lucifer, the radiant, fallen star, still didn’t believe he was worthy of love.
“Luci,” Adam whispered, his fingers tracing the scar as if to soothe it. “There’s nothing ugly about you. Nothing. You’re beautiful to me—always have been, always will be.”
Lucifer’s golden eyes softened, but Adam could see the flicker of doubt that still lingered behind them, a shadow that refused to let go. He leaned in closer, pressing his forehead against Lucifer’s.
"I mean it," Adam whispered against Lucifer's skin, his voice filled with warmth and sincerity. "To me, you're perfect—scars and all."
Lucifer’s lips curled into a small, tender smile. He didn’t say anything, but the way he leaned into Adam’s touch, the way his body relaxed just a little more, spoke volumes. Even if he couldn’t fully believe the words, in that moment, he wanted to.
Adam's fingers traced the jagged, yet oddly mesmerizing, scar on Lucifer's leg. It zigzagged across his thigh but had a faint star-like shape to it, just like all of Lucifer’s scars. Adam couldn’t help but wonder why every deep wound Lucifer bore healed into a star. Even the scar on his own chest had the same celestial pattern. His touch lingered on the soft, velvety fur that framed the scar, the gentle texture of Lucifer’s goat-like legs always surprising him. Despite their sharp appearance, they were tender, warm, and inviting beneath Adam’s fingers.
“That feels nice,” Lucifer murmured, his voice a mix of contentment and playfulness as he rested his head against Adam’s shoulder. His breath was soft against Adam’s skin, the moment intimate and peaceful. “I love it when you give me attention.”
A light laugh escaped Adam’s lips, his chest vibrating from the sound. “Of course you do.”
Lucifer chuckled, his voice taking on a teasing, sing-song tone. “Because I’m selfish~”
Before Adam could respond, Lucifer leaned up and pressed a soft, lingering kiss to the curve of Adam’s throat. He felt the way Adam shivered beneath his lips, and it delighted him to no end. He pulled back just enough to see the flush creeping up Adam’s neck, his own grin widening with satisfaction.
“I also like to return the attention, Addie~” Lucifer whispered, his voice a seductive purr as his golden eyes glimmered with mischief. His fingers trailed gently along Adam’s arm, his touch as light as the breeze, drawing a shudder from the human beneath him.
Adam's heart fluttered, a mix of warmth and nerves coursing through him. He couldn't help but smile, despite the heat rising in his cheeks. "You’re incorrigible, you know that?"
Lucifer grinned wider, his eyes sparkling like molten gold. "And you love it."
Adam sighed, rolling his eyes playfully, but his smile never faded. He did love it—the attention, the way Lucifer knew exactly how to make him feel special. And in these quiet moments, with the gentle rhythm of the river in the background and Lucifer’s presence wrapped around him like a comforting blanket, Adam felt at peace.
He leaned down and pressed his forehead softly against Lucifer’s, their breath mingling in the small space between them.
“Maybe I do,” Adam whispered, his voice barely audible but filled with affection.
Lucifer’s grin softened into something more tender, his hands gently cupping Adam’s face as he nuzzled closer. “Good. Because I’m never letting you forget it, Addie.”
Adam’s emerald eyes wandered down the length of Lucifer’s legs, trailing over the soft, velvety fur and coming to rest on his hooves. His heart clenched when he saw them—sore, unkempt, and clearly neglected. A distressed sound escaped his throat before he could stop it, his brow furrowing with concern.
"Lucifer!" Adam scolded softly, his voice filled with a mixture of worry and affection.
"I thought we agreed you’d take better care of these." He gestured toward the poor state of Lucifer’s hooves, shaking his head in disappointment.
Lucifer blinked, caught off guard by Adam’s sudden shift in tone. For a moment, he tried to brush it off, shrugging with a playful smile.
"Oh, it’s nothing, Addie. I’ve just… gotten caught up in the freedom of not having to wear those pinching boots all the time. You have no idea how much those things hurt! They’ve been forcing me into them for so long, and now, being barefoot is such a luxury," he said, trying to make light of it.
Adam’s frown deepened, though his expression softened as he listened. He did feel for Lucifer—the thought of him being forced into uncomfortable boots, no doubt by Heaven’s expectations, made his heart ache. But still, he couldn’t ignore how sore Lucifer’s hooves looked.
"I get that, really," Adam murmured, his tone gentle as his fingers grazed the fur near Lucifer’s legs.
"But look at them, Luci… They look so sore." His voice dropped to a near whisper as he asked, "Are you still in pain?"
Lucifer hesitated, his bravado faltering. His cheeks flushed a soft pink, and for the first time in a long while, he seemed bashful, almost shy. He glanced away, his golden eyes flickering with embarrassment.
"I… I don’t really know how to take care of them properly," he admitted, his voice much quieter now. "It was easier when I could just wrap them up and give them a quick rinse in the shower. I guess I’ve never really given them much thought."
Adam hummed in response, his mind already shifting to a solution. Without another word, he patted his lap and gestured for Lucifer to rest his hooves there. "Come on, put them here. Let me help."
Lucifer’s heart skipped a beat at the offer. He stared at Adam for a moment, his breath catching in his throat. Something about the gesture—so simple, so kind—made his chest tighten with a feeling he didn’t quite know how to express. His love for Adam swelled in that instant, but instead of saying anything, he blushed a deeper shade of red and awkwardly shifted to lay his hooves across Adam’s lap.
The tenderness in Adam’s eyes as he carefully took Lucifer’s hooves into his hands was almost overwhelming. His touch was gentle, his fingers soft as they caressed the fur framing the hooves, brushing away any dirt or stray bits of Eden’s soil. Adam moved with such care, as if he was handling something precious, and Lucifer couldn’t help but blush harder, his heart racing with every delicate movement.
"You're always so gentle," Lucifer whispered, almost to himself, as Adam continued to attend to him.
Adam smiled softly, his focus never wavering as he carefully began cleaning the hooves, using the edge of his sleeve to wipe away the grime.
 "You deserve it," he said simply, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "I hate seeing you in pain."
Lucifer’s chest tightened again, a warmth spreading through him as he watched Adam work. The human’s fingers moved with such care, cradling each hoof as if they were something sacred. Adam’s thumb lightly grazed over the tender edges of Lucifer’s hoof, smoothing over the ridges with a touch that sent shivers up Lucifer’s spine.
He didn’t know what to say, his usual playful confidence slipping away in the face of Adam’s kindness. All he could do was watch, his golden eyes softening, his body relaxing into Adam’s touch.
"Does that hurt?" Adam asked, glancing up at him with concern as he gently brushed more dirt from the hoof.
Lucifer shook his head, feeling oddly shy again. "No… It feels nice, actually."
Adam’s smile deepened; his gaze warm as he returned his focus to cleaning. He worked slowly, methodically, making sure to tend to every detail. The way he handled Lucifer’s hooves was nothing short of reverent, like he was tending to something far more delicate than the fallen Archangel’s battered feet.
Lucifer’s heart swelled even more, and he swallowed hard, trying to keep his emotions in check. He wanted to say something—to tell Adam how much this meant to him, how much he loved him for this—but the words caught in his throat. Instead, he just watched in quiet admiration, feeling the love deepen in his chest as Adam’s fingers worked their magic.
For the first time in a long time, Lucifer felt vulnerable in a way that didn’t scare him. Adam’s touch made everything feel okay, made him feel cherished in a way he hadn’t realized he needed.
When Adam finished, he looked up at Lucifer, his eyes soft and filled with care.
"Better?" he asked, his voice quiet and soothing.
Lucifer smiled, his cheeks still a little pink as he nodded. "Much better, Addie… Thank you."
Adam leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss to Lucifer’s knee, right above the scar. "Anytime, Luci. You just have to ask."
Lucifer’s heart fluttered again, and though he didn’t say it, in that moment, he was sure of one thing—he was hopelessly, completely in love with Adam.
Adam’s fingers continued to glide gently over Lucifer’s hooves, the warmth of his touch soothing the fallen angel. After a few moments, Adam finally broke the comfortable silence, his voice soft but curious. “Why do you think your hooves are so ugly, Luci?”
Lucifer shrugged, his golden eyes flicking away in that familiar, dismissive way.
“Because they are ugly, Addie,” he muttered, as if it were an obvious fact.
Adam pouted, his heart aching at how casually Lucifer put himself down. Shaking his head, he caressed the arch of one hoof with deliberate care, his thumb brushing over the tender fur surrounding it.
“I don’t think they’re ugly at all,” Adam said quietly, his gaze unwavering. “They’re beautiful.”
Lucifer scoffed, a bitter laugh escaping him.
“Beautiful? You must be joking.” He frowned, his voice growing harsher as he insulted himself. “I mean, look at me. What kind of archangel has hooves for feet? I look like some cheap knock-off, a twisted version of what I used to be.”
Adam fell silent for a few seconds, his emerald eyes glancing down at Lucifer’s hooves as he absorbed the angel’s words. Then, quietly but firmly, he spoke. “Probably the kindest one.”
Lucifer blinked, caught off guard. His gaze snapped to Adam’s face, searching for any sign that he was teasing or being sarcastic.
“You… really think I’m kind?” he asked, his voice softening in disbelief.
Adam chewed on his bottom lip thoughtfully before nodding. “Yeah, I do. I think you’re the kindest one, Luci. Sure, you’ve made mistakes—we all have—but that doesn’t change the fact that you’re kind.”
He paused, his cheeks flushing slightly as he continued, “And honestly… I think you’re even more beautiful now than when you were an Archangel.”
Lucifer stared at Adam as if he’d just heard something impossible, his eyebrows raising in shock.
“Are you serious?” he stammered. “You can’t mean that. I was the most beautiful when I was an Archangel of the Lord. Look at me now—I’m just a step down. A cheap imitation of what I once was.”
Adam felt his face heat up, shy and a little embarrassed to admit what he’d been thinking for so long. He glanced away for a moment, before finally looking back at Lucifer with sincerity in his eyes.
“I… actually prefer you like this,” he admitted, his voice almost a whisper. “I find you… very attractive. More so now than when you were an Archangel.”
Lucifer gaped at him, his mouth hanging open in shock.
“You—what?” He blinked several times, gawking at Adam as if he couldn’t believe his ears. “You’re not lying?”
Adam met Lucifer’s gaze head-on, his emerald eyes filled with honesty. “Why would I lie about that?”
Lucifer sucked in a sharp breath, his face flushing a brilliant shade of red as he struggled to process Adam’s words. Slowly, he nodded, his heart racing. He knew Adam wouldn’t lie to him about something like this.
But the compliment felt strange, foreign. Lucifer’s golden eyes grew distant, misted over as he allowed himself to be vulnerable.
“I… hate myself, you know,” he admitted quietly, his voice barely above a whisper. “I hate how I look now. When I fell, and I woke up like this…”
He gestured vaguely to his changed form, his claws, his hooves. “It was hard. Maybe I could’ve gotten used to the hooves if that was all, but it wasn’t. I woke up with claws, horns, and then there’s the fucking tail…”
At the mention of a tail, Adam perked up, his eyes dropping to Lucifer’s hips as if expecting to see it. “Wait… you really have a tail?”
Lucifer pouted, folding his arms across his chest in frustration. “That’s all you’ve got to say?” he grumbled. “Yeah, I have a tail. It’s just as ugly as the rest of me.”
Adam shook his head in disagreement, his expression softening as he thought back. “I always wondered about that… I remember thinking I saw it back in Hell, before my second death, but I wasn’t sure. I thought maybe I’d imagined it.”
He smiled, his gaze warm as he added, “I don’t believe for a second that it’s ugly, though.”
Lucifer snorted, rolling his eyes. “You’re only saying that because you haven’t seen it up close. Trust me, it’s not something you’d call cute.”
Adam tilted his head, his curiosity piqued.
“I wish I could see it up close,” he said, his voice soft and thoughtful. “Why don’t you have it here, in Eden?”
Lucifer blinked, surprised by the question. He looked down at his lap, then back up at Adam. “I assume, like my wings, the tail was part of my powers. It must be tied to them, so I don’t have it here. Same with my horns, I guess.”
Adam’s pout returned, his lips curling into a small frown.
“Aww, that’s a shame. I wonder if it’s just as soft, too,” he mused absentmindedly, his hands trailing over Lucifer’s legs and fingers, as if his touch alone could bring that softness back.
Lucifer’s heart raced at the subtle, almost flirtatious way Adam caressed him. His eyes widened slightly, and for a moment, all he could do was stare, his breath catching in his throat. Adam’s casual admittance—his gentle, open fondness for Lucifer’s body—was almost too much for him to handle. It sent a thrill through him, a mixture of surprise and something deeper, something more dangerous.
But for once, Lucifer didn’t mind. He leaned into Adam’s touch, his heart pounding in his chest, and wondered—maybe, just maybe, he could start believing Adam’s words.
“I wonder what kinds of things you could’ve done if you still had it,” Adam mused aloud, a light-hearted laugh slipping from his lips before he could stop himself.
Lucifer paused, blinking slowly at Adam as his smile turned sly, lips curling in a crooked, playful grin. A flicker of something dangerous and mischievous danced across his features. What kinds of things could he have done? The thought made his heart quicken, and suddenly, his mouth watered at the possibilities. His gaze darkened, molten gold swirling in his eyes as he reached out, fingertips—claws—skimming up Adam’s throat, leaving goosebumps in their wake. He leaned in close, his breath hot against Adam’s ear.
“Oh?” Lucifer’s voice was a low, sinful purr that sent shivers racing down Adam’s spine. “And what, exactly, were you imagining, my sweet Addie?”
Adam’s emerald eyes flew wide, the realization of what he might have suggested hitting him all at once. Heat flushed through him, turning his skin warm and prickly as his pulse hammered in his throat. His face darkened, every inch of him suddenly feeling much too warm under Lucifer’s intense, hungry gaze.
“L-Lucifer, whatever you’re thinking… that’s not what I meant,” Adam stammered, his voice shaky as he tried to backtrack, but it was too late. Lucifer's lips twisted into a wicked grin as he pounced, a blur of mischievous laughter and quick movement.
They tumbled together, rolling across Eden’s soft, golden soil in a whirl of laughter and heat, the earth warm beneath them. Before Adam could even catch his breath, Lucifer’s lips found his, pressing in with fervour and playfulness. The kiss was intoxicating, sweet and teasing all at once, and Adam felt himself melt into it, swept up in the rush of the moment.
Adam barely had time to register what was happening before Lucifer's body was pressing against his, the force of the fallen angel’s playful pounce knocking them both onto Eden’s warm, fragrant soil. The heat of the moment washed over Adam like a wave, his breath catching as their lips collided, unexpected yet electric.
Lucifer’s claws gently grazed Adam’s jawline, sending shivers down his spine as their lips brushed together in a teasing kiss. It wasn’t hurried, but deliberate—like Lucifer wanted to savour every second, every reaction from Adam. His breath was hot against Adam’s skin, the proximity overwhelming, his presence a mixture of danger and comfort all at once.
"Not what you meant, huh?" Lucifer teased, his voice low and sultry as he hovered just above Adam, their faces mere inches apart. His golden and red eyes glinted with a mischievous glimmer, darkened by desire.
"Then what did you mean, Addie?" His voice was a velvet purr, laced with temptation.
Adam’s heart raced in his chest, each beat loud and insistent, as if it wanted to escape the intensity of Lucifer’s gaze. His face was flushed, heat rising to his cheeks and neck, and suddenly every inch of him felt hypersensitive to the fallen angel’s touch. His emerald eyes darted away for a second, unable to withstand the fire in Lucifer’s gaze.
“I-I wasn’t thinking,” Adam stammered, trying to gather his thoughts, but Lucifer’s weight on top of him, the press of his body, made it nearly impossible to form a coherent sentence. His voice faltered, softer now, “Luci… I didn’t mean it like that.”
“Oh, but I think you did,” Lucifer breathed, leaning in closer, his lips brushing the shell of Adam’s ear. “Or at least… I’m hoping you did.”
There was a teasing lilt in his tone, but underneath it, a raw vulnerability that Adam recognized.
Adam’s breath hitched, and he felt a wild heat surge through him as Lucifer's words sank in. His body felt like it was on fire, caught between the pull of desire and the soft pang of affection for the angel above him.
 “Lucifer…” he whispered, his voice barely audible, as he tried to speak through the haze of emotions.
Lucifer's gaze softened for just a moment, his sharp grin faltering as he studied Adam's flushed face. There was a tenderness in his touch now, claws easing off, and he leaned down, pressing a much gentler kiss to Adam’s lips, softer this time, with the kind of care that only someone truly in love could give.
Adam kissed him back, slow and deliberate, his fingers tangling in Lucifer’s midnight fur as he pulled him closer. Despite the teasing and the heat of the moment, this was what it came down to—their connection, the way they fit together like pieces of the same whole. Adam felt the warmth of Lucifer’s body envelop him, the world around them falling away as they lay together in the heart of Eden.
When they finally pulled apart, both breathless and flushed, Adam couldn't help but laugh softly.
"You’re impossible, Luci."
Lucifer’s smirk returned, his eyes glittering with mischief. “Only for you, Addie.”
But as they settled into the quiet of the moment, the heat simmering down, Adam found himself tracing the edges of Lucifer’s hooves again, marvelling at how natural it all felt—like they had always been like this, tangled together in love, teasing words and soft touches. His heart swelled with affection, and despite the teasing, he knew one thing for sure: there was no one else he’d rather be with.
Hell was a mesmerizing blend of deep blues, purples, and reds, stitched together in a tapestry of shadows and infernal light. The sky was a dusky purple, shrouding the realm in a twilight gloom, with the distant glow of Heaven shimmering far above like an unreachable moon. Wisps of steam curled lazily through the darkened streets, mingling with the acrid scent of sin and chaos. Sinners hurried past, some rushing to their shadowy homes, while others clashed in fiery disputes under the ever-watchful eyes of the city.
In the Ring of Pride, everything pulsed with the raw energy of its sovereigns. Power hummed through the streets like a living heartbeat, the presence of the King and Princess tangible in every corner. Purple and crimson eyes, set deep within the cracked stone of the city, watched intently, surveying all that transpired within their domain. There was an undeniable majesty to the place, a sense of grandeur woven into the very fabric of Hell.
The Hazbin Hotel towered above Pentagram City, a structure of haunting elegance. Its height was dizzying, with countless windows glowing in hues of violet and scarlet, echoing the colors of the Pride Ring itself. Every light beckoned, drawing the gaze of anyone who dared look. The wrought iron gates shimmered like stars against the dark backdrop, while a pristine, dusty white stone pathway wound its way up to the towering golden statue of a goat-dragon—a symbol both curious and awe-inspiring, throbbing with otherworldly energy yet oddly inviting.
Two towers rose from the hotel like sentinels, their designs both strange and familiar. From afar, they might resemble a colossal golden apple and an old-fashioned radio, but up close, it was clear that they embodied the two powerful forces that ruled this domain—rivals in both strength and influence. Their presence crackled in the air, a constant reminder of the duality of Pride.
Adam couldn’t shake the growing sense of regret. The moment he had stepped foot into the Hazbin Hotel, his heart had raced with unease, knowing deep down that Lucifer’s sugary words and honeyed promises were merely a trap. He had spent fifteen long years with Lucifer, trapped in Eden's paradise, and he should’ve recognized the gleam in Lucifer’s eyes—the one that always meant mischief was at hand.
If only he had listened to his instincts, if only he had trusted his gut… he might not be in this precarious position now. Yet here he was, ensnared once more, wondering what fate awaited him in this unnervingly beautiful and treacherous place.
“Aw, come on Addie~” Lucifer purred, running his long tongue along Adam’s throat. “Don’t keep those cute sounds locked away~ I want to hear them~”
He should have known…
Adam flushed brightly from embarrassment. He was pinned upon a queen-sized bed, his wrists held down by Lucifer’s claws. A shudder of heat ran through his vein, tingling through his gut and making his hips arch.
“Don’t you remember what you said in Eden?” Lucifer cooed, leaning back to peer down Adam’s delicious face hungrily. “How you wished I still had it? You wondered what type of things I could have done if I did~”
“I-I didn’t mean this – ohhh~” Adam clenched his eyes shut, waves of pleasure running through him. He crushed his lips together, clanking his teeth together and trying to stifle his moans.
Lucifer whined, nipping at Adam’s lips again. His hips were arched upward, his backside stuck up with his long silk black tail buried between Adam’s thick thighs. The sound of wetness echoed through the room as he purposely moved his arrow-tipped tail against Adam’s wet cunt, rolling it with desire.
“Addie~” he sang, pressing his naked body down upon Adam’s. “Come on baby~”
“Let me hear your adorable song, it’s been so long since I’ve last heard it~”
Adam's eyes sprung open, growing wide with a cry erupting from his throat. Lucifer grinned widely, so wickedly and mean as he began to push the tip of his tail into Adam's dripping wet cunt.
"Is it good? Is it better then you thought it would have been?" Lucifer teased, running his sharp teeth up Adam's exposed throat. He dug them into the bite claim he had immeidately returned to the skin. "Is it everything you fantasied about in Eden?"
"S-So much better!"
Lucifer laughed with victory, beginning to fuck Adam with his tail.
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wheneverfeasible · 3 days
Historical omegaverse au idea(s) I may never write but by the gods do I want to
I’m gonna be honest. I’ve been reading a couple historical omegaverse fics (specifically here and here) and I also watched The Nun II recently and idk. Ignoring the demon/horror aspect, I just kind of got caught with the idea of rural boarding school teacher and the lowly grounds worker there. With o!Steve as the teacher and a!Eddie as the groundskeeper of course.
Picture it. Steve has “adopted” Max (I know, I know, it’s usually Dustin, but since Claudia isn’t going to be in the final season, I just can’t stand to get rid of her and Max makes the most sense for needing a new guardian) but according to paperwork to keep Max safe, they have lied and said that Max is biologically his. Perhaps him taking her in was one of the reasons why his high society family has disowned him and now he’s a vaguely destitute teacher that he only got the job of because his friend Robin (who teaches foreign language obvi) vouched for him. His being a teacher there allows Max to attend classes, though some of the snootier kids are assholes about it.
Anyways, Eddie works the grounds with his uncle, both also quite destitute but they have a good thing going there, though they are always treated poorly by the rich children there. The exceptions are of course the Wheeler child, the Sinclair children, and the Henderson child, as well as their friends the Hopper-Byers children who are there on scholarship. This is the group that welcomes Max into their fold eventually too.
Eddie of course thinks Steve is a bit too snooty when he first lays eyes on him, but then quickly realizes Steve isn’t like that at all. (Steve meanwhile thinks Eddie is uncouth until realizing he’s actually quite gentle and sensitive.) As well, if he has a child at such a young age, Eddie realizes that Steve must have had her probably around his first heat right after presenting. This is a belief everyone holds, and one Steve and Max actively encourages to prevent them taking Max away from him, but it does lead to them both being look down upon frequently and has ruined all prospects for Steve.
There’s obviously lots of pining, plenty of misunderstandings, and lots of Robin and Wayne and Max watching these two idiots dance around each other and face palming. Robin is of course the only one who knows the truth about Max because Robin knew Steve before he was disowned, and knew about Max’s past too. Maybe, just maybe, Steve rescued her from an abusive household. A violent stepfather, an abusive stepbrother, an alcoholic mother…maybe Steve helps her escape and leaves his past life behind.
MAYBE the reason Steve and Max crossed paths was because the Hargroves and the Harringtons were in talks of an arranged match between a!Billy and Steve. Steve didn’t want it, saw how miserable Max was, and basically kidnapped Max (with her consent) and ran away with her to give them both a chance at a better life.
Which is why, after Eddie and Steve finally start to make their moves, the climax of the story angst begins where Billy has found them (maybe Neil is dead idk and Billy took over managing the family), claiming Steve belongs to him and offering to drop all kidnapping charges if he returns quietly with Max. Eddie learns the truth about Max’s parentage then, and Steve’s past, and the whole lot of them come up with a solution that I don’t know what it is yet.
Maybe Steve sacrifices himself and agrees to return and mate with Billy only if Max can stay with her new friends and Robin and for the Hargroves forget about her existence. Billy would eventually accept this. Maybe while Steve and Billy are set to return home, Eddie rushes to prevent their departure and challenges Billy to a duel or something.
Blah blah blah Eddie wins of course and Steve and Max get to stay and Steve officially adopts her, and he and Eddie finally get together and knock boots. And Steve and Eddie love Max as their own and eventually give her a younger sibling which she then fears they’ll love more than her and worries Steve will regret adopting her but obviously that’s not true and Steve and Eddie make sure she knows that she is theirs in all ways. Their first child, no matter what.
Anyways yeah. Maybe one day I’ll do the research necessary for this. Also when I have time to devote myself to this story in its whole. Definitely deserves at least 50k I feel. And I sadly just don’t have time for that right now.
I also really adore the idea of teacher Eddie and groundskeeper Steve, because I love reversing tropes and I love making Steve work with his hands in a lowly position, especially if he used to be from a “proper” family, but then the plot would definitely change some. Steve could honestly remain as the omega in this situation too, or switch it up and make him the alpha. Probably get rid of the parent aspect, unless perhaps it’s post-divorce Susan who has become an alcoholic and Eddie did actually officially adopt her because they had been neighbors or something before he moved for a better life.
OR Steve is the teacher but the above about Max and Eddie is still true and she can only attend the school because he’s the groundskeeper which still causes issues with the popular rich kids. And Steve is the teacher who takes a shining to her. Not sure what the main drama aspect would be then. Maybe Eddie is framed for something and is being sent away from the school or arrested or something, and Steve & Co. prove his innocence.
Idk. So many options. My issue with aus is that I also come up with aus of aus because I can’t decide how most I would love things to go which then makes it difficult to actually write anything 😂
If anyone else wants to use any of these ideas in the meantime, feel free! Just tag credit and link the fic so I can read it!
Hostage tags: @derythcorvinus @katyawriteswhump
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mundaneblue · 3 days
Alien Stage Theory time!!
With Round 7 just around the corner, I felt it fitting to look back on my theories I've gathered so far and very heavily believe in. But my most CRUCIAL one that I always feel like talking about is:
Ivan meant for both him and Till to die in Round 6.
So I am of the opinion that Ivan did NOT plan to do the whole sacrifice at all.
It was spontaneous.
And I have several reasons to back this theory up.
So we all know that ever since Ivan and Till were kids, Ivan had been obsessed with the idea of them escaping together.
He knew Till valued “freedom” and because he did, Ivan started to value it too. But never alone. Only with Till.
Since Ivan went back to Anakt instead of escaping after Till did the same because of the fear of leaving Mizi.
Even in the scene where Ivan finds Till passed out in around 6, he looks helpless, and cradles his face in a “Dont worry, it’ll all end soon” kind of way.
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So when Till stops singing and Ivan approaches him to kiss, the kiss was NOT planned.
Now this was the factor that surprised everyone. Even Unsha. It was so unexpected that he wished he knew what Ivan was thinking, but that’s the thing.
Ivan WASNT thinking.
Even Ivan himself was shocked at what he was doing since he had no control over his actions at that moment at all.
And this correlates to ivan's eccentric behaviour. As we know that ever since he was a child, he never really felt like he fit in with his fellow peers. This is very interesting to me as in Black Sorrow we are shown this picture of Ivan being very uninterested in spending time with the kids in his class. He has this mundane look of unamusement.
But as we look at more alien stage content, we see that Ivan was actually one of the most social in his class. Everyone admired him.
This shows that the rounds/videos don't necessarily mean what was infact happening but what the characters themselves felt.
This is also why I believe Ivan and Till were way more closer than what Ivan painted in his rounds. He just never felt the same love from Till, hence his constant inner mantra of wanting Till to look at him.
Now we've gotten that clear!
The main thing I want to deliver is that Ivan is an unreliable narrator. And he doesn't know how to handle his feelings in a methodical way. He has this distortive, almost possessive view when it comes to love and honestly that, to me, is what makes Ivan Ivan.
Ivan doesn't know how to properly think when he's faced with his emotions. He's used to tuning out his emotions to do things. So when his emotions get involved? It's like an electric shock and he relies on the thing closest to him to hold on to.
And that thing is Till.
Ivan was obsessed with Till. I'm sure we all know that but people really undermine his determination when it comes to Till.
I really do believe that Ivan planned for both him and Till to die in R6 as an ode to their longing for freedom.
Because all Ivan ever wanted was to be free with Till.
The counter statements that suggest he wasn't choking Till and merely had his hands on him simply doesn't sit with me as the animation clearly showed Ivan's hands clenching hard as he progressed to choke him.
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Look at the dent formed by Ivan's fingers on his neck, right at the crucial point of air supply.
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And Till is shocked but as he's gradually losing air, his eyes start to get heavy and he gets ready to accept the darkness that follow
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And while Ivan is getting shot, he chokes him even harder.
Because that IS his goal.
For Till and him to die so they'd be together in whatever life that follows hereafter.
I disagree when I hear that Ivan meant to sacrifice himself for Till. Yes that did happen at the end but it was never what he initially intended. His initial intent was far more dark and possessive. Which is very on brand for a Vivinos character.
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However, now we're getting to the sacrifice part and I believe this is where Ivan had a turning point.
As he gets his final shot and basically sees he's about to die, he looks at Till in surprise.
Because no matter how much he wished for them both to be together, he can't kill his God. He can't kill his Universe. Ivan is possessive but Ivan is also weak when it comes to him.
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This smile of his shows that sentiment. "Ah I really can't go through with it afterall"
Ivan always believed he and Sua were similar but he resented her for sacrificing herself for Mizi. He believed he was better than that. He won't ever do that. Wherever Till goes, he goes. Yet, when he was actually faced with the task of doing it, he finally realised what Sua felt. Because Sua, just like Ivan, was also quite possessive of Mizi.
He couldn't do it, and at that moment he knew that he and Sua really weren't so different. Only difference was that while Sua was loved, felt love. Ivan never felt it.
Ivan did everything for Till. He stayed at Anakt for Till. He pursued alien stage for Till.
And his last act was also for Till. He wanted his last action to be for himself, to finally grant his long due wish of being with Till but he couldn't do it. And while the sacrifice was spontaneous, it was just so...easy to do. Because again, Ivan thought Till never cared as much about him as he did (abandonment issues at their finest) so him dying wouldn't really affect him as much.
This makes Ivan so much more tragic for me. And this heavily fits him as a complex character.
"Thank you for being the victim of my shallow emotions."
When were you or your feelings ever shallow, Ivan...
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blackbat05 · 15 hours
Biggest Supporter
Jason Todd x Library Assistant! Reader
Plot: Your week has been difficult and the emotions start to pile up on you. Luckily, Jason has the perfect plan for a Friday evening self-care.
Genre: PG-13, Comfort
A/N: Wrote this one shot when I should have been sleeping🤡 The week has not been the easiest and you know my style… writing to release the steam. I hope you still enjoy and that it brings some sort of comfort if you’re struggling as well. Reblogs appreciated!
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This week was really not it.
You were almost reaching the end of the week, where you could taste the sweetness of a Friday when shit had to hit the fan.
First, the kids weren’t listening to you as you tried to conduct story time. You tried to be assertive and authoritative as possible but frustrating was only the one word out of many that you had at the end of the day.
The next day wasn’t any better as you had to sit through a meeting that left a bitter taste on your tongue. You felt eyes on you as you walked around the campus but tried to keep your head up high.
Then, it happened.
You had to stop an actual physical fight in the library.
Unsuccessfully should be the prerogative word.
Teachers came out of the staff room like bees attracted to honey- or screaming in this case and you had never felt more embarrassed. Still, you had a job to do. Reporting and crowd control.
The aftermath wasn’t pretty. You kept trying to tell yourself that the suggestions were out of goodwill. But it didn’t help when you kept replaying it in your head and they sounded uglier by the second. As if it was directed at you and your incompetence.
It took a lot to squash down your anxiety and insecurity to back where it rightfully belonged. But you were valid to be upset at the injustice you were facing. You wished you had quicker comebacks at the remarks instead of a weak defense that only made you sound like you were just making excuses.
No. You had to be strong, you had to believe that you were doing the right thing all this while. The air felt thick again and you were glad when school ended and you could leave earlier on a Friday.
As you head down the stairs, you see a familiar motorbike parked next to the security guard post and a mop of black hair with a tinge of white.
“Jason!” You waved happily as you reached the bottom.
“Hey princess.” He opens his arms for a hug which you gladly accept. “Looks like I got here in time.”
“You have no idea.” You groan into his chest, earning a chuckle from him.
Waving goodbye to Sam, the friendly guard, the two of you prepare to set off on his bike and straight into the weekend.
The ride was everything you needed. The gust of fresh air was a much welcome reprieve. Suddenly, the emotions from the week start to swell in your chest and you fight the urge to cry by leaning further into Jason’s back.
“Let it out!” Jason yells to make himself heard over the howling wind as you zoom across the expressway. “You’ll feel better!”
So you do. You let your tears run even if it means you’ll probably look like a puffy eyed demon when you reach your destination.
It wasn’t easy, coming to this point of your job. You knew how hard you had to fight for everything that you had achieved so far. You made sure to not make the same mistakes and all was going well.
That is why you absolutely hated the fact that this week had rattled you very badly that it dredged up old wounds.
Blinking away your tears, the bike slows down and you find yourself in front of a Korean Restaurant that you’ve always wanted to visit.
“You’re too good to me.” You thanked Jason, still riding high on all the emotions. But you didn’t care about putting them on display because Jason was the only one who knew and understood what you were feeling.
“I did nothing.” Jason is modest and guides you inside the restaurant, ready for a sumptuous and hearty meal of spicy stew.
As you wait for the pot to boil, Jason looks at you through the rising steam as you recount to him your week. He doesn’t interrupt, making the right reactions at the appropriate times.
“You did everything you could. Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Jason says as you finish. “I wasn’t there but you sounded really badass.” He tries to lift the mood, earning a small smile from you even though you don’t say anything.
Jason frowns. “What did your boss say?”
“She said that it was beyond my control and I did everything that I could.” You sigh. “But maybe they’re right. I have to be stricter than these incidents will stop happening.”
“Then, it’s settled.” Jason is firm. “You’re not at fault. Did you do what Macy did the last time?” He asks, referring to your recent librarian and supervisor who left the job to go to Spain with her family.
“Yeah. I didn’t want to change it too drastically.” You respond and Jason nods as if all this was logical.
“Exactly. You did what she’s supposed to do. You’re continuing what she is doing. And if anyone has any smart-ass opinions, tell them to take it up to management themselves instead of directing their anger at the wrong place.” Jason becomes more heated by the second and you can’t help but to be a little amused by this. You’re grateful for a loyal best friend like him.
“I’m serious! If this happened previously before you came, then it’s not on you.” Jason insists. “And! Where was the help when you needed it! Do more fights have to happen before you get reinforcements?” He rattles off, taking a big gulp of water from the cup.
“Thanks Jaybird.” You take his bowl and pour some stew in. “I knew I could count on you to be on my side.”
“Always. Besides, you couldn’t do any wrong.”
You laughed, taking a sip of the comforting stew that instantly made your worries go away for that moment.
“But I’m serious.”
“About what?” You ask.
“That you’re doing a great job.” Jason states. “Not because I’m trying to humor you,” he clarifies. “I think you’ve went out of your way to try to fill that empty gap as much as possible for these kids. Considering what you went through back then, you could have just taken a back seat.”
As Jason’s encouragement spills out from the bottom of his heart, you realized that was all you needed. That despite shitty moments, someone told you that you did your best, and that was all that mattered.
“So don’t think about it too much alright? At least not tonight. Because we are going to have the best meal of our lives!” Jason declares, ordering a soju bomb. You protest at that but he waves the concerns away, mischievously waving a black credit card which you could only assume belonged to one person.
“Only for my best girl.” He grins, offering to clink glasses with you. “To being your biggest supporter and shitting on shit people!” He raises his voice, earning some stares from other patrons, causing you to giggle.
“Cheers! To trusting myself and not listening to shit people!”
Jason roars with delight at your loose lipped declaration and pours you another drink, continuing the carefree evening with good food, good laughter and the best company.
Yeah, you were going to be okay.
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mxtxfanatic · 18 hours
@reinedeslys-central While I am enjoying our convo on that other post, I figured it would better to move it off of op's post since they haven't engaged with it. So in response to your last reblog, I don't think we're really disagreeing with each other for the most part, but I do have a question for you about when you said this:
It's weird for me to think he actually feels no remorse over his actions with the wen remnants though, because, hey, killing innocent people, so I guess that's why I'm more inclined to that interpretation of mixed feelings?
Why do you feel this way? Why is it "weird" that Jiang Cheng feel no remorse about this in canon? He certainly doesn't show remorse about it at any point in the text. He certainly never thinks about the wrongs he committed against the Wen remnants in the text as "wrongs." Jiang Cheng has a reputation for attacking, torturing, and killing a lot of people off the strength of his hatred for Wei Wuxian and the QishanWen along with him just being an overall bully (like at the Dafan Mountain hunt where he attacks smaller cultivators to force them to leave the competitive nighthunt). For me, to say that it would be strange for Jiang Cheng not to feel remorse is like saying it would be "strange" if Xue Yang didn't feel bad for all those villages he tricked Xiao Xingchen into massacring. Xue Yang didn't see those villagers as people deserving of life. Jiang Cheng didn't see the Wen remnants as people deserving of life, either.
Jiang Cheng brought Jiang Yanli to see Wei Wuxian because Jiang Yanli asked for it. Just like Wei Wuxian was invited to Jin Ling's 100-day celebration because Jiang Yanli asked for it, not because Jin Zixuan wanted to be nice all of a sudden. Jiang Cheng shouldn't get the credit for the idea just because he fulfilled it. On that note, the defection duel was agreed upon by Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng because Wei Wuxian refused to return the Wen remnants to the labor camp, and Jiang Cheng kept saying that it would affect the Jiang's reputation that he would do such a public thing while still a part of their clan. In this story, reputation doesn't mean shit if you have the power to put your money where your mouth is. But Jiang Cheng's character is that he is always seeking approval from figures he considers more esteemed than himself. So he could have stood up against the Jin and been fine, just like the Jin stood up for Xue Yang and were fine. His refusal to do so was pure vanity, not strategy.
As for how the Jiang were left off after the war: Jiang Cheng and Wei Wuxian didn't have to rebuild because Lotus Pier was never destroyed. Wen Chao and co. were living in it because it was the supervisory office. The only thing damaged in the place were the lotus symbols that the QishanWen had intentionally defaced. Whatever wealth the Jiang had was either kept in Lotus Pier, meaning it was reclaimed immediately with the reclamation of Lotus Pier, or it was transferred to Qishan, which means it was reclaimed after the war ended. On top of all that, all of the land and wealth of the QishanWen were split amongst the victorious clans of the Sunshot Campaign, likely with the biggest clans who contributed the most receiving the largest cut. Since Wei Wuxian was a one-man army key to the Sunshot Campaign's victory, that means the Jiang would get a good portion of this bounty, which means they would be richer than when the war started. And Jiang Cheng had recruited disciples during the war, while Wei Wuxian drew in cultivators during and after with his new cultivation. There's not a single piece of textual evidence that suggests the Jiang were struggling after the war, not material-wise and not reputation-wise. It was only Jiang Cheng who wanted to attach himself to the Jin Clan by any means necessary because the Jin were very overtly trying to fill the power vacuum that the QishanWen left behind in their downfall, and Jiang Cheng wanted on the boat.
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penkura · 23 hours
Special [2/2]
Note: Second part from this request here! Sorry it took so long, I've been burnt out and just struggling to get things out lately. I'll have an update post later today, I think.
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Sanji really does feel awful when he realizes what’s going on with you, why you walked away and said you wouldn’t bother anymore. He hates how he’s made you feel, without even realizing it, but he never expected you would actually like him back. He’d resigned himself to the fact that, in his mind, you didn’t have any feelings for him nor would you ever. He’s used to it but for some reason it hit harder when he thought it was you that would reject him.
So he never said anything. He treated you normally, as normally as he could when he thought you were so perfect, but it seems like he's made a mistake. He’s made you think there’s something wrong with the way you look, when it couldn’t be farther from the truth. Nami has heard it so much from him she’s started rolling her eyes while Sanji nearly cries to her about how much he adores you.
No, how much he loves you. He’s not told anyone else, only Nami, making her concern3d the moment she notices you avoiding and ignoring him. Once she gets Sanji to tell her what happened, she’s so close to smacking him upside the head for being so stupid.
“Of course she’s upset, you’re an idiot!”
Nami spends the better part of her afternoon berating Sanji, who cant even argue with her and just nods in agreement to everything she says. She stops him before he can even ask for ideas on what to do so he can make it up to you.
“No, you’re doing that yourself this time.”
It takes him most of the day to decide what he could do, what he could say, so it surprises you when he finally shows up after dinner that evening. He’s not looking you in the eyes, but he has your favorite flowers with him, it makes your heart ache a bit, believing he’s done this to every girl he’s ever upset in the past so you don’t move to take the flowers. You’re trying to stop your feelings, he's making it so hard though.
“[Y/N], I’m so sorry I made you feel like you aren’t special to me. I…it’s no excuse, but I didn’t think you’d ever have feelings for me like I do for you so I was trying to distract myself from you,” it starts to make sense, but you still don’t move, you’re not entirely sure you can trust him, “If you never forgive me I deserve it, but…can you give me a second chance? No, that’s not right…let me have the chance to make it up to you, and prove you’re so much more than to me than you think you are.”
You’re both quiet for a few moments, Sanji believes you’re completely done with him while you think it through.
A conflict between crewmates over something is always a possibility, but when it’s due to romantic feelings it feels weirdly worse to you. It feels like you’re letting it take over everything, but you’ve had these feelings for so long that you aren’t sure they’ll ever go away, even if you are trying to stop it. You still want to be his friend if nothing else, though it almost seems like he may want something more.
That’s something to discuss later.
Sanji starts to feel like things will get better when you reach out and take the flowers, not looking at him even when he looks up at you.
“…you can make my favorite dessert to start…and explain yourself better.”
The grin on his face makes you smile just a little bit in return, as Sanji nods and takes your hand to bring you to the kitchen.
“I’ll start right away while you put those in water! I’ll make you whatever drink you want too!”
“That sounds nice, Sanji…”
Before you get too much farther, Sanji stops and pulls you into a hug that you return.
“I’m sorry I made you feel like you weren’t special to me…you mean more to me than anyone else in the world.” You’re going to choose to believe him, especially when Sanji goes the extra mile to make sure you know how much he loves you.
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So... SKs...
I need to talk about my positioning on the Zenix/Vylad/Malik Death thing too because i may have changed that opinion a teeny bit with a tiny bit of speculation... but i digress. that'll be another post, i'm just warning you that the yap travelling circus is coming to your city
tw, this is discussions about SKs, and so will be talking about themes involving death, torture, and manipulation.
Lore about Sks really becomes defined after Laur becomes one, because he's a major character and it really makes sense that way, but we do get a lot of lore even before he becomes a recurring character, really. Especially through Zenix and the storylines adjacent to him. I really do think that Sk lore was peaking when Zenix was one of the major antagonists for the series, because it was just very interesting to have to explore that he was experiencing it away from the main storyline, and Aphmau would have to make an active effort to understand and build that knowledge, and even as she is starting to know more she is still kind of in denial that he is capable of the things he is doing.
And this becomes especially interesting that she is learning this through other people, when we compare it to what Zenix himself says about being a Shadow knight.
SKs have been around since episode one, maybe not in the way they were later developed to be, but the idea of this little band of antagonists that follow 'The King' and want lords dead, and are stunting villages, and we don't really know why except for monarchism. And as we build upon our knowledge over the episodes we find out they don't live in an active monarchy, but that the King is some supernatural force, and that the little band of villains are too, and they're trying to bring him back.
And then we get, in episode 31/32, that not all SKs are guards, and they don't only kill lords. Of course, the baker is only a knight in training, but the idea remains. The following of the King is ideological, they don't only recruit guards off of some need for the bond between lords and guards, they will recruit whoever is willing to do what they want, kill who needs to be killed.
In fact, the first time we ever really get the guard/lord talk in regards to Shadowknights is in episode 35, by Zenix. Zenix seems to have this idea that Guards and Lords are intrinsically connected, that the life of one is dependant of the death of the other, and there is always this idea that guards are expendable and so they are the ones to die and the lords live. However, if the guards kill the lords instead, they become the King's loyal servants, blessed with power, with immortality.
He cannot be killed like when he was human.
This is the origin of the idea that Sks are not only immortal, but have to kill the one they love most to transform into that immortal state. And it's not exactly what he's saying. He's saying that guards are always expected to die for their lords, but then the King tells them 'hey you kill your lord, i'll let you live forever' and then they're like 'oh neat' and kill their lords to gain that immortality and power.
I understand how this little rant of his later turned into that lore, but i think the implications here are much more interesting. Again, he says 'No one can touch me! No one can kill me like when i was human' and whilst you can take that to mean that he is no longer mortal, it also kind of reads like he has been killed or at least severely harmed before before... which has been implied by Azura earlier on, and sort of himself in the same conversation, where he says 'Garroth told you... didn't he? How he found me?' 'I wasn't in such good shape then either.' What this all overall implies upon SK lore is that the King preys upon victims to find followers, he takes those who have been victimised before, and he offers them the chance to not have to suffer that way again, they just have to do as he tells them to.
It's not some urge they cannot shake off, it's not this feeling deep inside of them that they cannot remove. They have been hurt they have been offered to not have to never be hurt again. It's a choice, through and through, but in the same way it isn't. It's not this primal hunger for blood, so much as a scrabbling for survival, it's fear, and desperation, it's a needing to not suffer through that trauma again and so they say yes. They say yes, because they will do these awful things because it's better to do bad to others than them do bad to you.
Later lore has them do these things because Shad has taken their bodies, and brought them back, changed their memories and given them the urge and the want to kill. He preys on victims because he can only turn those in his clutches into Knights. Earlier lore has him turning people by ideology, he is preying on those who he knows are already vulnerable, he is not limited by scope of domain, but merely by how convincing he can be. And that is terrifying.
Guards aren't killing lords because they need to kill who matters most to them, because they can't stop themselves no matter how much they try.
they're doing it because he told them to.
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