#I have so many fic ideas yet I don’t have the motivation to *actually write them*
racinggirl · 8 months
Lando Norris Fic - requested
My inbox for requests
a/n: Oh my godness I'm back y'all! It's been so long! It's the first request of hopefully many to come. So far my inbox is empty again, so don't hold back to send in some requests, one, or more. You can even send some anonymously! I hope you will like this story, and keep reading to find some little extra's I added, because I loved making AU's as well. Let me know your thoughts, tips, tops, anything really. It keeps me motivated to write more, so any form of feedback is very welcomed! Now, sit back, relax, and enjoy this fic 🧡
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‘’Promise.’’ You linked your pinkie finger with the 5-year-old curly haired boy, giggling as the both of you were running around the playground, hiding from his mother.
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‘’Come on, I’m nearly 25 already! I can easily go on vacation on my own!’’ You had always wanted to go on a road trip, preferably with a partner on your side, but that hadn’t been the case yet. So, you decided to go alone, because why not? You were old enough to look out for yourself, even though your parents weren’t too keen on the idea of their daughter traveling around Europe on her own.
‘’The world has changed, Y/N, it’s not safe to go on your own.’’
‘’No, you’re not going on your own, end of story.’’
You groaned at your parents’ reaction and went to your room, frustrated, upset, but somehow you got their point. They weren’t wrong, the world had changed, and wasn’t that innocent anymore. Wherever you were watching the news, reports about murder, drunken drivers, kidnappers, it was all out there.
‘There’re more crazy people out in the world than there are behind bars’ was something your father would say, and he wasn’t wrong.
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However, you wished you would have been able to do what that curly haired boy did. Sometimes you were jealous of him, jealous of how he travelled all around the world, going from one country to another, flying from Finland to Australia to Bali and back to his new home, Monaco.
Him and you met when you were karting in Bristol, the both of you loving the sport more than ever. However, karting wasn’t a girl’s sport, at least not to the world at that age. That’s why you moved on from it, where he pursued his dream career, you were only there to cheer from the side lines.
You hated learning, studying, it’s something you never were good at, or at least, not in school. Whenever you saw the data on the karting track, you’d spent hours trying to understand every piece of data that was coming through.
You begged your parents to let you go to engineering school, university. They didn’t want you to, it wasn’t a ‘girl’s thing’ to do, but after you refused to do anything else, they eventually agreed on letting you go to engineering school.
4 years later, and you had your engineering degree. You couldn’t be happier, because right now it meant you might do something you’d actually enjoy. Even if it wasn’t a ‘girl’s thing’ to do, you loved it.
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‘’Hey’’ you smiled as you brought the phone close to your ear, lying in bed as you checked the time.
‘’Hey, did you see?’’
‘’Oh yeah, I did.’’ You laughed, looking up at the ceiling. ‘’You were flying! Pole position baby!’’ You giggled, smiling even harder when you heard him on the other side, repeating the final three words of your sentence.
‘’You still have to come for a race someday, you know?’’ His deep voice was ringing through your ears, and it immediately made your chest feel warm, it always did, he always did.
‘’Mhm.. I know, and I will, when my parents finally let me.’’ You sighed, playing with the ropes of your hoodie.
‘’You’re almost 25, when will they ever let you do your own things?’’
‘’I don’t know,’’ you sighed heavily, ‘’when I’m 40?’’
The sound of his laugh made you sit up straight, your cheeks turning a light shade of pink as you heard his laughter.
‘’Nah, I’ll have you kidnapped by then.’’ He smiled, causing you to giggle next. ‘’They’ll destroy you when you do that.’’
‘’Good thing I have my bodyguards, then.’’ And that made your heart feel a thousand times warmer. He was never one to brag about his success, never. He always was very modest, very gentle, and never liked it whenever people talked about the amount of money he had, or how famous he was. That’s why you clicked so good. You knew each other from when you were 3 years old, and he knew you liked him as a friend, and not because he was a driver.
‘’I asked them if I could go on a road trip, alone.’’ You quietly said, hearing how he fumbled around on the other side of the line. A soft ‘hold on, I’m busy’ made you smile, knowing he told whoever was there to wait, because he was talking to you.
‘’And let me guess, they wouldn’t let you go alone because the world is dangerous.’’
‘’Yep, exactly.’’ You sighed but sat up straight when you heard him gasp.
‘’Lando, what did you do?’’
‘’What are you thinking?’’
‘’Come with me.’’ You could hear his grin through the phone, and he could hear your brains working overtime because he immediately started to explain himself. ‘’You won’t be alone, you’ll be with me, my team, my crew.’’ He said. ‘’You can travel the world with me, I might even be able to work around some things here to have you here for some sort of internship, so you won’t have any expenses, and you’ll be able to come to the races with me. Your parents know me, I’m not a stranger.’’
You wanted to say yes, you wanted to give in because honestly, it was a great idea.
‘’But, and these aren’t my worlds, but you’re famous, Lando, and you-…’’
‘’I’m still the same Lando from 20 years ago.’’
‘’I know, I know that, but my parents don’t, you know how they are…’’
You hated the fact you just basically told him you couldn’t go with him because he was famous, and you hated that word as much as he did. Your parents were always so fond of him, they loved him, but they also always made sure to tell you that he had a lot of money, was very well known around the world and that most famous people weren’t the same people they were before they had the money. They’d say that the fame got to their heads, but it wasn’t the same with Lando. He had always been that giggly, funny, sweet, and caring boy, but simply because he wasn’t around during Christmas dinners, or the traditional ‘start of spring’ picnic, they assumed he felt too good for those kinds of things. You explained to them that he was just busy, that because of his job, the start of spring was in the middle of the start of the season, and that he simply couldn’t make it. But they were your parents, stubborn as always.
‘’Hmm, sorry, what?’’ You said, hearing him chuckle on the other side of the phone.
‘’Let me talk to them, okay? Let me try to convince them, because honestly, you wouldn’t be the only one to benefit from that decision.’’ He whispered, causing your cheeks to heat up again.
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‘’Lando?’’ Your parents were surprised to see him at your front step. He promised you he’d come to talk to your parents, and he always keeps his promises.
‘’Y/F/N, Y/M/N, it’s been a while, it’s good to see you again.’’ He was always very polite. Calling your parents by their first name was something you always did; you did the same with Adam and Cisca.
It was a good conversation, you occasionally tried to mix yourself into it. A reassuring smile from the curly haired boy made you confident enough to speak up to your parents, and this time, with success, because only a few weeks after your conversation you were packing your clothes.
One year. For one year you’d join Lando with his journey around the world. You had no idea how he did it, and especially this fast, but he had managed to give you an internship position at McLaren, meaning you could come along to the races, the dream scenario for every Lando-girl out there.
‘’You’re the best, you know?’’ You laughed, placing your phone on the bed as you zipped up your suitcases. Instead of living here in London with your parents for a year, you and him both decided it would be the best if you would live in his apartment near Woking. It was still close to home, and to the factory.
He was the best one could imagine, and you knew he was, because he was always there, and he always kept his promises.
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You put your phone away and collected the things you had to before ordering a taxi to head straight to the airport. You had been living in his apartment for almost 2 weeks now, and things were good, they were great. He occasionally came to Woking for work, but also to spend time with you. You were best friends ever since, and nothing could ever change that.
The moment you arrived on the airport you felt it again. Those feelings you have been trying to ignore the moment they appeared again, the moment your brain wandered off and thought of him. He always made you feel that way, but you ignored it, always. It might sound cliché, and you hated thinking about it because in every romance book it got romanticized. Having feelings for your best friend never worked out great, except in those books.
But reality is, you’re not living in a book, you’re living in the real world, and it was dangerous. Feelings weren’t mutual all the time, and you didn’t want to find out if it was the case this time because you didn’t want to get your heart broken, so being friends made you be close, feel good without the heartbreak ending it.
It went quick, you got in the jet and 1 hour and a few minutes later you were already back on the ground. He was right, it was faster. Of course he was right, he always was, and that made you fall for him even more, how silly it may sound.
He had texted you, saying he was waiting in his car because of the fans wandering at the airport. Someone spotted his car on the way here, and the FBI agents they are, they immediately put one and one together. He was picking up someone, or his girlfriend, something most fans would say.
‘’Hey.’’ You smiled as you embraced him in a tight hug, he smelled good, he always did. A mix of Dior Sauvage and his own scent made you inhale his scent deeply. It felt like home. You explained him that mixing 3 very expensive perfumes wasn’t making him smell 3 times better, he used to mix most of his perfumes until you made that comment. He asked which one you liked the most, and ever since you mentioned Sauvage all he wore was that. But you never noticed the reason was because you mentioned it, you always thought he simply liked that fragrance the most.
‘’Hey, how was the flight?’’ He opened your car door after helping you put the suitcase in his trunk, the real gentleman he was, and hopped in the driver’s seat.
‘’Amazing, the most relaxing flight I’ve ever had.’’ You sighed, putting on your seatbelt before looking over at him, how he started the car and drove out of the parking garage.
You talked more, about the flight, about how things were at the apartment, his apartment here in Monaco, you even talked about your plans these next upcoming days.
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‘’We’ll go to London tomorrow.’’ He whispered. The both of you were laying on his couch in his apartment here in Monaco. Instead of watching TV, you had moved the couch so you both could see the harbour, and the sun setting in the ocean.
The couple of weeks you had been here were the best you ever experienced. You did many things, from shopping to karting in Italy, a day at the beach in France, simracing and even streaming. You made chat very clear you were best friends and nothing more, but when people in chat started to ask about his feelings, and about yours, he told you, quietly, to not answer and ignore them, whatever that might have meant.
‘’Really?’’ Your smile grew wider when he mentioned that. It would be your birthday in 2 days, and you always spent your birthday at home, with your family and friends. Last year he couldn’t make it, as the season started the day your birthday was, but this year he made his way around it. Your birthday was on Tuesday, so Wednesday you’d both fly with his jet to Bahrein for the first race of the year.
‘’Mhm, I wouldn’t want to break your birthday tradition.’’ He smiled, his lips placing a tender kiss on your temple. You were lying when you said your feelings towards him hadn’t grown these couple of weeks with him in Monaco. Everything he did gave you tinglings in your stomach and you couldn’t help ignoring them anymore. You surrendered to the fact you had a crush on him, you liked your best friend, and it was the best feeling ever.
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‘’Happy Birthday!’’ Your parents were waiting in the living room when you entered the house. They decorated the entire room with balloons, garlands, and pictures from your first till your 24th birthday.
‘’Smile!’’ They held the camera out in front of you, and you immediately felt an arm wrapped around your shoulder. This caused your smile to grow even wider.
‘’Happy Birthday, beautiful.’’ He whispered in your ear, pressing a kiss to your temple as his scent immediately went through your nose.
‘’Thank you…’’ You whispered, looking into his bright eyes and immediately looking down after, trying to hide the fact you were blushing because of his actions.
Later that evening, after you spent time with your family and friends, you and Lando went back to his apartment. You got many gifts, and you couldn’t be happier about this day.
‘’How was your day?’’ You felt the vibrations of his deep voice going through your entire body, leaning against him as you were seated on the couch of his apartment.
‘’Amazing.’’ You smiled. ‘’Couldn’t be better.’’
‘’Oh, but I think it can.’’ He reached for something in his bag, and once he got the box, he handed it to you. ‘’Happy Birthday, beautiful.’’ He whispered again, watching how you opened the box slowly.
You pulled the black coloured leash that was hanging from the side of the box and gently placed it on the table in front of you. You lifted the lid and grabbed the small bag inside of the box.
‘’Lando.’’ You gasped, touching the velvet bag and opening it slowly. Tears were burning in your eyes at this point, because you realised he made all this effort to get the perfect gift for you. And he succeeded because it was more than perfect.
‘’This is way too crazy.’’ You whispered, feeling how he moved your hair to the side, helping you clipping the silver Swarovski necklace around your neck.
‘’Look inside.’’ He said, tucking some hair away from your face with his fingers, causing your nervousness to grow even more.
You opened the necklace and smiled when you saw the picture inside. It immediately gave you flashbacks, because even though you were only 4 and 5 years old, it was the brightest memory you had from the two of you.
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‘’Dating is stupid! Kissing is stupid!’’ You laughed when you were seated on the swing, holding tightly when Lando pushed you carefully.
‘’I know! My mommy and daddy kiss when daddy comes home from work and it’s so weird!’’ He laughed, making sure you wouldn’t fall from the swing.
‘’Lando! Y/N! Come on, it’s time to go home!’’ You heard Cisca calling for the both of you, and you jumped off the swing immediately.
‘’Come on, run!’’ He held your hand and while the both of you laughed, you ran to the playground, hiding from Lando’s mom. ‘’Shhh..’’
You stayed there for almost 5 minutes, which seemed like an eternity when you’re just 4 years old. ‘’I have an idea.’’ The curly haired boy smiled and held your hand tightly.
‘’Okay, tell me!’’ You giggled.
‘’When we’re both 25 and we’re still single, I’ll ask you to marry me.’’ He smiled, causing you to giggle and laugh, him doing the same. ‘’Okay!’’
‘’Lando! Y/N, come on we have to go, it’s getting dark!’’ You ran away again, running around the playground as you linked your pinkie finger with him. ‘’Promise’’.
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After he clipped the necklace around your neck, he took a hold of your hand and grabbed the second box in his bag. He kneeled in front of you, a smile on his lips as he opened the box with one hand.
‘’Marry me.’’ He whispered. ‘’Not now, don’t worry. But one day. You know I am a man of my word, and I still remember that day so well.’’ He smiled, looking at your necklace and then back into your eyes. He always maintained eye contact with you, and it made you feel safe and secure, because you know you can trust those eyes.
‘’I’ve been counting the days till your birthday, knowing that the day you turned 25, I was able to ask this question. I’m lying when I say I was hoping you wouldn’t find someone to be by your side, because, and maybe I’m being selfish, but I want to be that man. It’s too fast to immediately ask you to marry me, because I can’t force you to say yes, but God… Y/N. See this as a promise ring. See this as a promise ring that we’ll be together, that I’ll be the man in your life that makes you the happiest you’ll ever be.’’
Tears were streaming down your face as you listened to every word he said. Every word chosen so carefully yet so chaotically, because this is the moment you knew you weren’t the only one feeling this intense love for him. He felt it for you, too.
You answered him by cupping his cheeks with your hands and doing the one thing you have been dreaming of doing for almost 22 years. You kissed him, his lips moving on yours almost instantly caused you to smile against his lips, him following your movements. This kiss was something else, something that made all the butterflies in your stomach explode with fireworks, like they were all holding a fairy light and lighting them all at the same time.
‘’I love you, Lando, I always have, and I’m so glad I can finally say it out loud now.’’ You giggled, feeling his hand reaching for yours and the ring slipped around your finger so effortlessly.
‘’I love you too, and I promise I’ll get you a proper engagement ring.’’ He whispered before pressing his lips on yours again, firmly, full of love.
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2 years later
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melinoelliones · 2 years
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You were on your first official “dream first date”, cuddled up watching cheesy romance movies. However Micah Yujin, the cocky little hacker you met 5 days ago, wasn’t being so cocky anymore.....
Warnings: neck kisses, oral, dry humping, hickies, teasing, early ejaculation, grinding, cursing, slight face fucking, slight choking, whimpering
1.9K words
SECOND PIECE OF WRITING LESS GOOOOOOOO!! Again I am still new at this so please don't jump me LOL. I know there are many mistakes, weird wordings/story so on and so forth but oh well. I played Error143 a while ago with my friend group, and since then this man has been on my mind 24/7. Seeing him get flustered in game reminded me of this idea I had stored away for a fic which I felt would actually suit him nicely so here we are. Hope all the Micah lovers enjoy. On a serious note I have never written for a gender neutral reader so please let me know if I should change anything! Also I’ve used the nickname Angel as one of the names since that is what he uses in game!
The image of Micah was drawn by @kamuyagi​ on tumblr and twitter so check em out! I was given the green light to use their art so thank you again, it was lovely speaking to you :)
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"You... actually like this stuff?", you could almost hear the smirk creeping up on Micahs face while pointing at the screen. "Some of us like to bake, others like to lie in bed and watch romance movies, problem?", you questioned while glancing over at him with a stern look, "no no, I have no issues here, was just curious is all Angel". He chuckled away while watching you turn back to face the TV, his chest now pressed against bare back as he was pulling you closer into him.
THE Micah Yujin was in your bed, cuddling up behind you, watching one of your favourite movies, it was almost unreal to you. Who would've known this would be the outcome of deciding to hack someone 5 days prior due to jealousy.
You could feel every ridge from his toned stomach as you both followed along with the movie, you both were down to just your underwear as he had suggested you guys "stay comfortable" since you were spending the day binge watching cheesy romance movies.
You couldn't help but think there was an ulterior motive but he was adamant that there was "no funny business in his agenda today", even though you had to pretend to ignore the figure which began to press against your lower back every so lightly.
"Uh uh uh, what is THIS my love"? Before you could even respond Micah had covered your eyes with his hands so you could no longer see the screen, "this is FAR too PG for you don't ya think Angel?", his sniggering getting louder as you attempted to swat him away. "THIS is too PG? Micah they're only kissing, I don't even think they go all the way in this one", you couldn't help but laugh a little, he was so immature.
You rolled over to face him, inching closer to his newly flustered face, "How about I show you PG hmm?", your seductive tone causing his eyes to widen, your own flittered between his and his lips. The sexual tension in the air rising as you let your lips linger by his teasing him while moving to lay on his chest.
"You're such a tea~", you cut him off by crashing your lips into his, gliding them over one another. His hand slid up to your neck, gently applying pressure while lightly tugging you even closer, the kiss getting heated ever so quickly. Micah caught your bottom lip between his, gently easing his tongue into your mouth as you followed, you let him take charge just this once.
The sexual tension quickly turned into frustration, as he deepened the kiss you knew he wanted more, the soft moans leaving his lips told you more than enough but you wouldn't give it up that easily. You could also feel how needy he was yet he didn't dare to try anything further.
You slowly pulled away, a string of saliva linking you together as you sat up, he watched as your eyes moved from his lower stomach to his eyes. "It's pretty convenient that at your request we are both only in our underwear. It's almost like.... This is what you wanted to happen hmm? Don't get all shy on me now". The grin forming on your face causing the usually cocky man under you to squirm trying to cover his heated cheeks.
"Nothing to say for yourself hmm?" you frowned smugly while watching Micah struggle to get any words out, "a~actually I~". You felt him choke back on his words as you leant forward letting you fingers coiled around his already hard nipples. "Sensitive here are we Micah?", your words ringing through while snaking your fingers around them.
You could feel Micah swallowing down his moans on your lips as you placed small kisses down the side of his neck, sucking lightly on each left kiss while nibbling down. Whilst trailing them down to his chest you blew gently against the newly placed hickies, you felt his body quiver due to how tender the marks were.
Micah's eyes widened as he heard your breath hitch while jolting up. "Ah, and you told me to shield my eyes from a kiss in a movie?", the confused look on his face dropping as he followed your eyes to his newly grown piece that was now pressing up on your lower half, you took your bottom lip in your teeth as you cheekily began to grind down against it.
Was Micah really that turnt on by a few neck kisses? This was the same egotistical man that would boast about how you would definitely fold first when it comes to being in the same room.
You couldn't help but giggle to yourself quietly while watching him squirm under you trying to take any extra friction he could from your lower half to his, desperation looked good on him.
You crawled off him, you could almost hear him internally sighing thinking you were done teasing him but he couldn't be further from correct. You placed yourself between his legs, hands running down his torso to the band of his boxers, your eyes half lidded with desire as you rolled your tongue against your top teeth, a coy grin plastered on your face.
Sliding the fabric down under his hips you took his length in your hand, the sheer size of it took you by surprise, no wonder the rare times when he was modest were only when you would joke about it being small without having seen it, "So this is what you've been hiding, I think I can handle it" you bit your lip while perking up.
"What do you mean by tha~ oh fuck", Micah hissed through his teeth as you timidly rubbed his ever growing member. With each stroke you could hear his needy moans get louder, his eyes showing a pure yearning for more."Look at you, is this the smug and overconfident hacker I met 5 days ago? 2 minutes in and you're already this turnt on", you teased as he averted his eyes from you.
"Look at me pretty boy", your stern tone followed by you meticulously moulding your fingers around his member massaging it in your hand, you could hear Micah curse through his moans. He turnt to look at you, eyebrows tilted upwards in bliss.
You weren't sure how much more he could take as you didn't know his cues yet, however you did know you weren't going to let it end here, having a cheeky man in submission was too perfect to give up this fast.
You slowly stopped your hand movements, "w~why'd you stop?" Micah whined trying to conduct himself, he wasn't used to being this vulnerable but with you he didn't mind but he wasn't expecting all this.
"Okay Micah, would you rather I finish you off with my hand, or mouth? Hackers choice.", your cheeky tone confusing him as to if that was a real question. Before he had a chance to formulate a response you placed your fingertips on the cusp on his cock, as you pressed them onto it you stuck out your tongue to let a drop of saliva hit his tip, your grip tightening as his body squirmed.
While kneading the tip in your fingertips you asked again, "You gotta pick one Micah, if not I guess we can leave it here and go back to the mov~", "mouth". "What was that? I couldn't hear you?", you pouted jokingly as if to mock him. You had full control and you were going to get the most out of it.
"P~Please, please finish me off with your mouth Angel", Micahs head rolling back in pure sexual frustration, "good boy Micah, i'm all yours". Without another word you skimmed your tongue across his shaft before taking it in your mouth, your warm breath adding to the burning in his stomach.
You bobbed your head up and down taking him all in, your saliva mixing with his precum engulfing his cock in a wet heat. "Fuuuck baby, don't stop", his hand slid to your cheek, caressing it before bringing it to the back of your head, you felt a slight pressure.
Was he really trying to fuck your face? You weren't expecting him to get a burst of confidence, or was his body just moving on its own? Either way it was turning you on little by little. You placed your free hand on his balls, palming them as he began to grind his hips forwards, the crown of his cock hitting the back of your throat each stroke.
Micah's moans became sloppy and incoherent as your tongue slid across the slit in his piece before taking it all back in, humming to allow it to slip back down your throat, the vibrations adding to the overwhelming closeness he was feeling.
You could feel him twitching slightly in your mouth, "oh my g~god i'm so close baby", his whining getting louder as you gave his balls in your palm some more attention. "Just keep going baby" he mewled out in desperation.
Before you could have another thought you felt him shudder, as if on cue he let go, you could feel it cascade down your throat coating it completely, his breath hitching as you continued to deepthroat him, swallowing whatever remained in your mouth. "W~What are you d~oing I can't take much mo~", you could hear him whimpering as the overstim started to consume him, the delirium swirling inside him as the suction intensified.
"F~Fuuuck Angel", he was drowning in pain and pleasure, you started to slow down using your tongue to take in the elixir of cum and saliva encasing his cock cleaning him up. You could almost feel his member throbbing as you pulled back. You gazed at him alluringly as he covered his deep red cheeks with his forearm, "welllll, did I do good Mr Micah?".
Another cheeky smirk emerging on your lips as you slid your hand on last time up his length to take off anything remaining, licking it clean while remaining eye contact with him, he breathlessly mumbled "you~you did more than good I can tell ya that much" whilst you placed him back in his boxers carefully.
Micah grabbed your jaw with his hand pulling you into a quick heated kiss as you went to lay by his side, the taste of him and your saliva slightly re-turning him on. "You outdone anything I expected you to do, that's for sure, i'm still kinda in a haze", he chuckled letting you go, you winked at him before sliding back to face the television, back against his chest once again.
You could feel his heartbeat calming down behind you, you had definitely shocked him with your actions. Who knew you could make a cocky man whimper n writhe with just your mouth? God knows what he would be like if you guys actually fucked, you were definitely intrigued though.
You felt his arm wrap around your waist before moving up to your chin, turning your head so your ear was beside his lips, his breath sending shivers down your spine, "Once i've managed to collect myself, how about I repay you for your little display hmm? How does that sound?". His husky tone taking you aback.
He placed a kiss on the nape of your neck before sliding his arm back to your waist, your mind running through all possible scenarios that could pan out due to his cryptic words. All you knew was that the date was just beginning.
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nochukoo97 · 1 year
R u Mine?
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Summary: It hurts so bad seeing your best friend, who you have been madly in love with, with another girl. You secretly wish he would have never met his current girlfriend. It pained you to watch them interact right in front of your eyes. But what if things took a turn? What if you actually had a chance with him?
Word count: 3k+
Warnings: best friends to lovers, but theres a lot of angst at the start 🥲, JK drives a motorcycle hehehehehhe, a little bit of suggestive themes but nth huge 😊
a/n: hii i finally had the motivation to write this fic!! i wish i had this jungkook in my life 🥲 also, don’t be a silent reader and do comment and give feedback on this fic please :) i think i might write some drabbles and a bit more elaboration on this couple if the fic does well, then i’ll make it a series bc i LOVE. motorcycle jk. HAHHA
To say you hated Jungkook’s girlfriend was an understatement.
When Jungkook had introduced Eunmi to you, your heart shattered into a million pieces, yet you had to force a smile onto your face and act as if you were happy for your best friend.
It was hard, you didn’t know if you were being a shit best friend to Jungkook for secretly wishing that the love of his life, quoted by him, would secretly disappear, but at the same time it was so fucking hard to push down those feelings you’ve had for him for years.
There were so many instances, the little actions Jungkook did specially for you, that convinced you that you had a chance with him. You were always too scared to approach him and confess, but now you’re happy you did not. You would rather not get rejected by Jungkook and risk ruining your relationship with him.
Yet it was so painful to watch Jungkook smile lovingly at his girlfriend as she clung to his tattooed arm. It was so painful to watch Jungkook kiss her and giggle with her. It was so painful to watch Jungkook do the things you had envisioned him doing with you once you had gained the courage to confess to him.
Everytime Jungkook had brought Eunmi to a gathering, you couldn’t help but watch in jealousy, in envy of her. You couldn’t bring yourself to push away your feelings for him, it was too much. Eunmi was never a bad person, she was sweet and charming, but sometimes you wished she wasn’t. Sometimes you secretly wished your best friend had not fallen for her, but for you instead.
You hate being the “girl best friend”. In that vision, you never stood a chance with Jungkook. In that vision, he may cut you off for the sake of the love of his life. Yet you feel so fucking guilty for seeming so selfish, wanting the boy to yourself, not truly supporting his relationship, but more of just doing it for the sake of his happiness.
You sigh as you chug down another shot of Soju, watching Jungkook giggle with Eunmi at the couch opposite you. Jimin had organized another party in his big house for the third time this week, the third time this week you watched your best friend and his girlfriend flirt and break your heart further.
“What’s with the glum look?” Jimin slots himself next to you on the couch, attempting to look where you had been staring. “Nothing, just a little tired.” You brush him off again, for the millionth time, and even though you knew he clearly knew you were lying to him by saying you were okay, you were too embarrassed to tell anyone about your selfish desires.
Jimin only sighs as you reject his attempt to console you again, yet he already has a slight idea of what’s bothering you.
It’s been two weeks since Jimin’s party and you have been cooping yourself up at home, not leaving the house and looking like a wreck. Jimin had tried to ask you to meet him to go shopping, but you brushed him off again, giving a lame excuse of how you're busy with work.
You feel bad for brushing everyone off, especially after your other friends gave you a dejected look as you rejected their offer to hang out for the tenth time. Yet you’ve allowed yourself to fall into this depressive slump, as if your whole world is miserable right now. Maybe it actually is.
It's also been two weeks since you last talked to your best friend. You weren’t even sure if you could consider Jungkook as your best friend anymore, considering you went from texting everyday and calling each other to now barely communicating ever since he and Eunmi started dating. At least he is happy, you try to convince yourself.
You sigh and lean back on your couch, but your phone buzzes and the screen lights up, showing the caller ID. It’s Jimin. You sigh, assuming that he was going to try to get you out of the house again.
“Hello?” you mumble, getting ready to reject the poor boy’s offer again.
“___ I need your help desperately. I don’t know what else to do,” Jimin literally pleads with you over the phone.
You sit up, worry casted over your face wondering what on earth happened to him.
“What happened to you? Are you okay?” You start to ramble, worried for your good friend and cursing at yourself in your mind for rejecting his offers so many times.
“I’m fine, I’m fine. This isn’t about me. It’s about Jungkook.” Jimin tells you.
“Oh,” That’s all that comes out of your mouth
Your heart wrenches as Jungkook and Eunmi clouds your mind again, but not before Jimin starts talking, catching you out of your daze.
“Anyways, he’s really wrecked, he won’t accept help from any of us and I think you’re the only hope left. Before you ask what happened, I’ll let Jungkook explain to you, it’s not my place to say this.” Jimin says, ending the phone call after he gets confirmation that you would be going over to Jungkook’s.
You don’t know what to feel right now. Confused is the best that can explain your feelings at the moment, having no clue why Jungkook was wrecked and why can’t his pretty little girlfriend can’t come to his rescue.
Okay, maybe you’re being a little too mean.
You quickly stop by the nearby convenience store near Jungkook’s apartment, you naturally head towards the ice cream freezer, grabbing one chocolate and one strawberry ice cream from it.
Before you can stop it, the memories of you and Jungkook sitting on the sidewalk and eating these exact same ice creams from the exact same convenience store breaks your heart again. You would do anything to relive that moment without knowing what the future held.
You quickly shake your head, not wanting to delve deeper on those memories when Jungkook was in trouble, or you assumed, having zero knowledge on what was happening.
You knock on Jungkook’s apartment door when you get out of the lift, and a voice grumbles from inside, “Leave me the fuck alone Tae, I told you I’m fine.” You don’t recognise the hoarse and rough voice at first, but you furrow your eyebrows in worry as to why Jungkook was in such a state.
“It’s me, not Tae,” You softly speak through the door. “I can go if you want to be left alone, but just wanted to check in on you,” You end your sentence, prepared to go back down the lift and back home. You’re pretty sure Eunmi can come over and console her boyfriend instead of you.
You then feel bad for those bitter thoughts when you see the door open.
There stood Jungkook, dark circles under his eyes, hair in a mess, and the apartment behind him messy.
“___?” His voice questions, even though it sounds hoarse, he says it so softly that your eyes soften at his appearance.
The boy makes way for you into his apartment, rambling on about how embarrassingly messy it was, apologising to you.
“Jungkook, the state of your apartment is the last thing I’m worried about right now.” You start off as you sit down on the couch next to him, his body limp as he stares at the ceiling, eyes blank.
“What happened?” You question after a moment of silence, reaching into the plastic bag to fish out the chocolate ice cream you know he loves. Or you hoped he still did, or maybe his girlfriend introduced him to a new flavour and—
To your surprise, Jungkook retrieves the ice cream from your hand and breaks into a smile. You're shocked, seeing the old Jungkook you know flash for a second in front of your eyes. He whispers a soft “thank you” as he sighs, you can tell he’s preparing to tell you something big.
Before he can start, you can’t help but question him, “Also, why isn’t your girlfriend here? Shouldn’t she be comforting you right now when you’re in this state?” Jungkook’s eyes flash with sadness at your question, he chuckles bitterly as he begins to explain.
“Jungkook I am so so sorry, you don’t deserve that at all,” You pet his hair as the poor boy sobs into your embrace. That bitch. You never knew that innocent and charming girl had the audacity to cheat on your best friend like that. Jungkook’s expression broke your heart when he started to ramble about all the horrible shit she did. He couldn’t even finish his ice cream, putting the cup down before more tears dripped into the cup.
“Thanks for being here ___, I’m serious,” Jungkook mumbles into your shoulder, “The other guys suck at consoling me,” He laughs a little, and you smile knowing that at least he could laugh about something now.
Knowing that Jungkook was ready to move on, as he told you, you knew he was not the type to dwell on the negative things in life. If anything did not go his way, he would simply move past it, emerging stronger as ever.
You were so ready to support him at this time, wanting nothing but the best for Jungkook.
Yet you felt so guilty, because a part of you was rejoicing about his break up.
Fast forward to a month later, you thank the heavens that Jungkook is back to his normal self, but you're being extremely careful with your feelings.
Jungkook not only returned back to his normal self, but he was unknowingly, or knowingly, playing with your feelings. He often did things that made you feel funny in your stomach, or made your ears and cheeks turn red. You want to think that he was unknowingly doing such things, but the smirk on his face every time he coaxed a reaction out of you said otherwise.
“Girl, I’m telling you, he wants you for real! Look at all the stuff he’s doing,” For the millionth time, Yeji is trying to convince you that Jeon Jungkook is in love with you. You refuse to believe her, afraid to get your heart shattered for the hundred-millionth-billionth time.
You groan at her attempt to convince you. “Yeji, let’s talk about you and your boyfriend, isn’t that a much more interesting topic?” You try to distract her, but guess what?
Perfect time Jungkook, perfect time to call you at this moment.
Yeji spots the contact name, “JK🐰” light up on your phone.
“Your lover is calling you~” Yeji wiggles her eyebrows, taunting you as you roll your eyes, picking up the phone.
“Whatcha doin’?” The voice sounds over the phone, you can tell Jungkook’s smiling as he speaks.
You try to hold in a smile but you can’t seem to control your facial movements at the moment. Yeji smirks as she sees your expression but you quickly frown at her.
“I’m out with Yeji for lunch right now, why?” You ask him, smiling softly.
“Can I pick you up when you're done? I’ve got a surprise for you~” Jungkook’s honey voice rings through the phone as you laugh, imagining his expression at the moment.
“Okay sure, I’ll be done in about an hour, I’ll send you my location then,” You laugh as you reply, Yeji is excitedly staring at you as you end the call.
“Oh my gosh tell me what he said, tell me now!” She demands as she shakes your arm, you sigh at her behaviour.
“Chill, he just told me he had a surprise for me and wanted to pick me up, that’s all,” You say, but what you say doesn’t translate to how you feel. Your heart thumps loudly in your chest as you hold back a smile, but Yeji doesn’t need to know that.
Yeji continues to babble on about Jeon Jungkook the whole time you and her walked around the mall, you choose to put up with it, too excited about the said boy who was picking you up soon.
You and Yeji wait at the mall’s pick up point, you look out for Jungkook’s black Mercedes, but you don’t see it anywhere.
Suddenly, a Harley Davidson swerves into the pick up point, and both you and Yeji gasp when you see who is under the helmet.
Jeon Fucking Jungkook.
And he has a proud grin wiped across his face.
“You’re crazy!” You run up to him as you slap his arm, he winces dramatically at the impact but you know he’s simply playing with you.
“What? Don’t like it?” Jungkook cocks an eyebrow at you
“It looks hot but there’s no way I’m riding this thing all the way home.” You stand your ground, “There’s no seatbelt! I swear the moment you go past a certain speed I’ll be flying off!” You slightly whine as Jungkook looks at you in amusement.
He also mumbles a “cute” under his breath, but you don’t catch it.
“If you hold on to me tight I won’t let you fall off, I promise sweetheart,” He laughs as he winks at you, your ears now turning a deep red at the sudden pet name.
You can only tsk at him as you shoo Yeji away, half forgetting that she was still standing there cooing at the interaction between the two of you.
After saying your goodbyes to Yeji, you turn around back to Jungkook, who’s currently holding out a helmet for you.
And when you attempt to take the helmet to put it on, Jungkook moves it away from your grabbing hands.
“Ah-ah let me do it,” He says, placing the helmet over your head after swiping your hair out of your face.
Your heart is pounding so loudly in your chest you’re slightly afraid Jungkook can hear your organ that is currently about to explode.
To make matters worse, when he puts on a windbreaker on you that is way too big, he zips up the zipper for you and taps your chin affectionately.
He’s playing with your feelings too much.
When you finally reach your apartment, you hurriedly get off the vehicle which you now are terrified of, considering Jungkook had teased you by suddenly increasing the speed of the motorcycle.
But you also don’t miss how he immediately grabs onto your arm to support you as you climb off his bike.
Jungkook doesn’t know how much he affects you, that’s for sure.
He takes off the windbreaker and helmet for you of course, nearly sending your poor heart into a heart attack by how fast it was beating.
You and Jungkook enter your apartment, and you plop yourself on the couch, tired out from spending the whole morning with your friend shopping and eating and dealing with her nonsense from babbling about you and Jungkook non stop.
“Are you that tired from being so scared on my bike?” Jungkook taunts you as he smirks at your form.
“No, and I’m never riding with you again, that was terrifying!” You whine as Jungkook raises his eyebrow at you in amusement.
He now shifts to tower over you, standing at where you feet are from sitting on the couch.
“You seemed to enjoy holding onto me though,” Jungkook slowly approaches you, accessing the situation to see if you were on the same page as him.
You choke on your saliva at his sudden statement, cheeks turning horribly red.
To make matters worse, Jungkook leans down, his lips grazing your ears as he whispers, “Wouldn’t you like me to hold you too? Like this?”
And before you know it, Jungkook manhandles you into his lap.
You don’t bother saying anything at this point, all that would have come out of your mouth would be stutters anyways.
There's this sudden burst of courage coming from you, you lean down and connect your lips with his, feeling the cold metal of his lip piercing touch your lips.
And reality hits you the moment you do so, but before you can pull away, Jungkook grabs your arms and wraps them around his neck, pulling you back to kiss him again.
He prods his tongue into your mouth as you let him, now. your panting into the kiss as he makes out with you.
You can feel Jungkook smirk against your lips as you let out a whimper and a gasp when he presses your hips down onto his lap.
And for the rest of the night Jungkook and you are all over each other, you both exhausted after how hard you two were going, but you slept comfortably in each other’s embrace.
You would definitely have some explaining to do to a lot of your friends, especially Yeji…
When everyone found out about the new relationship, chaos broke out. Yeji was frantically cooing and proclaiming how she knew it, and the rest of Jungkook's friends could not get both of your names out of their mouths.
But Jungkook proudly showed you off wherever he went, he had set a picture of you and him on a picnic date as his wallpaper, and his whole instagram page was filled with pictures of you.
In the end, both of you realised that your feelings towards each other were strong and genuine, Jungkook often teased you for not confessing your feelings earlier, but you would joke back about it too, now unaffected by the past.
Your boyfriend was the sweetest ever, Jungkook always made it a point to send you everywhere, to buy you flowers, and to shower you with affection.
After a year of dating, Jungkook had asked you to move into his apartment, and to say you cried was an understatement. The poor boy thought you burst into tears out of negative feelings, but when you hugged him ever so tightly and chanting “yes”s into his chest as you soaked his hoodie with tears, Jungkook couldn’t have been more happy.
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So, the first chapter of that fungus fic I have blew up! Thanks for the kind comments, you guys got me motivated to write the second chapter! If you don’t want me to tag you in the next one, just let me know. Here is chapter two of No Fun in Fungus.
“There was really something in here….and I just treated him like he was crazy.” Mikey frowns, staring up at the creature.
Raph blinks away the last bits of sleepiness and takes a step back.
“It…is it just me or does it look like….?”
“Y-Yeah. Let’s leave it here and tell Donnie.” Mikey holds onto Raph’s arm while still holding the battle shell.
“Good idea, big guy.” Raph carefully stays in front of Mikey as they leave the room.
Even as the doors close behind them, he continues making sure he could protect him from all angles.
Only when they hear screaming does he drop it in favor of picking Mikey up and running with him to medbay. Mikey panics, knowing that Donnie’s biggest defense was currently in his hands.
Raph barges in, seeing Donnie sitting next to Leo on the med bed and tossing a thick medical book at something scurrying around on the floor.
“Be careful! Don’t come any closer!” Donnie frantically warns as it misses.
“What’s going on!?” Raph shouts.
“It’s in the room! Either New York rats got even more mutated or it’s a creature I don’t know and both thoughts are equally terrifying!”
Mikey stares hard at the floor, his hand carefully changing its grip on the battle shell.
“Go robo arms!” He tosses the shell as a blur rushes towards Raph.
The arms pop out, grabbing whatever it is and lifting it up so that it can’t escape.
“Good shot Mikey!” Donnie cheers as he gets down from the bed.
“It looks just like what was in my room….” Mikey comments.
Donnie stops.
“Leo wasn’t just seeing things?”
Mikey shakes his head sadly.
“He really was protecting me.
Donnie frowns for a second, then sighs.
“Oh great, he’s going to brag about this forever.”
Mikey smiles softly. He’s aware this is probably an attempt to make him feel better.
“I think we can let him have this one.”
Raph looks at the both of them in confusion.
“Can someone explain everything to Raph?”
Donnie and Mikey tell him all about what happened.
Raph sets Mikey down and goes over to Leo, picking him up and cradling him before sitting down on the bed.
His eyes trail down the cracks on his plastron.
It doesn’t go unnoticed by Donnie and Mikey.
Mikey feels his lip tremble.
Donnie’s fists tighten.
He pulls his goggles down to look over the intruder still in a metallic grasp.
“There’s a mystic energy surrounding it, and spreading. Its particles are going into the air. Luckily it’s not enough to effect us yet, but inhaling said smaller particles could have lesser effects.”
“But what does it actually do?” Raph questions.
“As you know, I hate working with incomplete data. I’m going to have to test it first in my lab.”
“We’ll go with ya. Who know s how many others of those things are runnin around?”
Donnie’s face seems to grow conflicted, biting the inside of his cheek.
It was hard to hide his emotions when he actually wanted to.
“I don’t know if Leo is in the right condition to be moved around so much.”
“We can’t just let you go alone. It’s too dangerous.”
Donnie sighs.
“Right. Fine. Let’s go.”
Raph gets off the bed and picks up the vitals monitor that Donnie set up.
Donnie grabs a metal pole from the medical supplies and slides the shell out of the room so that he doesn’t have to get his face close to pick it up.
Out of habit, Raph attempts to stay in front of or by the side of Mikey and Donnie.
The two don’t allow this.
Donnie stays in the front while Mikey purposefully walks slow.
Neither of them planned it with each other. It was a silent agreement that they were not going to let anything come near Raph or Leo.
Eventually they make it to Donnie’s lab.
He has the doors close behind Mikey while Raph gently lays Leo on a bed in there.
He makes sure that the monitor is still well connected to him.
Donnie gets the shell and creature into an analysis chamber. It closes shut before the process begins.
He taps away at his computer until something pops up.
“The particles seem to be spores that release a toxin which effects different parts of the brain. The main ones are the hippocampus and the amygdala.”
“Uh….and what does your science brain know about those parts?” Raph questions.
“The hippocampus handles a lot of things so that isn’t good, and the amygdala….is in charge of fear.”
Mikey tenses.
“So….it could cause nightmares?”
Donnie nods.
“Since there was one in your room, it’s the most likely cause of your and Leo’s nightmares. Judging by his reaction they must have been intense. What was yours about?”
Mikey looks down.
“Is it really going to help to hear what I saw?”
“As much as it might be painful, yes. We need to be aware.”
Mikey wrings his hands together.
“In the first one, L-Leo….Leo said he hated me because I….I-I’m why you…..died. You got crushed by that freaky train monster.”
Donnie’s eyes widen before he glances away.
“So we can assume that they’re not based in any capacity of truth in the slightest.”
Mikey smiles very softly at hearing that.
Raph gently pats his head.
“Was there another one? You said first like there was a second.”
“It was….back when the Krang made you fight Leo….e-everyone but me was dead.“
Mikey can almost feel the fear that flashes through Raph through the explanation.
He, to his credit, tries to avoid it showing so that Mikey doesn’t get guilt over talking about it.
“That is never gonna happen, Raph swears on his bears.”
Donnie lifts up his goggles and puts his hand to his chin.
“They’re both dreams about the Krang. There could be some kind of connection.”
Mikey hides his face in his shell a bit.
“For once I hope you’re wrong.”
Raph puts his fists together.
“If their chewed up bubble gum lookin faces try to mess with us again, they’ll wish they were still trapped in that prison dimension.”
Donnie goes back to typing on his computer.
“I could create a tracker for these things using the pollen sample, and a way to combat its effects wouldn’t hurt.”
Mikey sighs in relief.
He could always count on his brothers, even if that made him feel bad after the fact.
Even if he didn’t believe Leo at first.
He brings his head out of his shell and suddenly sees something making its way from the under side of Donnie’s computer desk.
“Donnie! Look out!”
Donnie is barely able to making a noise in confusion before he gets grabbed back, basically pulled off his feet, by Raph.
This, however, leaves the snapping turtle wide open for the mushroom to jump at and land on his face.
Mikey and Donnie shout as a spore cloud gets sprayed in his face.
Raph grabs it off and throws it as hard as he can away, making it stop moving. He starts coughing from inhaling so much at once.
“Raph! Are you okay!?” Mikey asks with extreme panic.
Raph wipes at his eyes.
“Don’t worry big guy, it’ll take more than weird dust to take me down.” He turns to smile at Mikey before his face falls.
Mikey hadn’t seen him this terrified since Leo talked about closing the portal.
Raph’s breathing grows heavy.
Donnie quickly moves in front of him.
“Raph, what’s going on?”
Raph tears up, hand shakily raising up to put Donnie’s cheek in his hand.
“It’s….it’s gonna be okay, alright? I’m here, R-Raph’s here!”
Donnie and Mikey are both entirely confused.
They have no way of knowing what their brother is seeing.
Both of them are blind to the pink, wriggling tentacles in his vision.
Donnie doesn’t know that there’s Krang around his jaw, spreading onto his shoulders and even infecting his goggles somehow.
Mikey is unaware of the pink goo covering his right eye, or the grotesque mouth replacing the palm that was normally hand in hand with one of his brother’s.
Most of all, nobody would be able to truly understand just how much it was taking him to not run, not be so scared that he shuts down.
He never told a soul what the Krang made him see when they tricked him into revealing their lair.
Despite how he suffered, what hurt him worse was how he failed his family. He wasn’t strong enough to fight against it.
He doesn’t know what he’ll do if he messes up again.
Donnie carefully moves Raph’s hand away and squeezes it.
“Raph. You have to tell me what you’re seeing.”
“Y-You don’t feel it? It doesn’t hurt?….You can talk? I couldn’t….”
“You couldn’t?….You think we’re krangified.”
Raph blinks some tears away.
“Listen to me Raph, it’s only a hallucination. We’re okay. Close your eyes and just focus on me.”
“Dee, I can’t, I-I just can’t, what if somethin happens? I have to be able to protect you, Mikey and Leo!”
“The best way you can do that is to trust us.”
Raph inhales sharply.
“Okay, okay….” He closes his eyes.
Donnie moves Raph’s hand back up to his face, allowing him to feel that there were no regularities.
Raph seems to relax slightly.
“There’s nothing there. The Krang aren’t here, they’re gone.” Donnie insists.
“Mikey, could ya say something too?”
“I’m here Raph! I’m all good. We both are.” He puts Raph’s other hand on his face as well, nuzzling into it.
Raph slowly, nervously, opens up his eyes and smiles when he sees the normal faces of his brothers.
He pulls his hands away and hugs them tightly in relief.
“Quick thinking, Donnie.”
Donnie smirks slightly.
“I take payments in the form of being the top of the turtle pile and extra chances to pick the show we watch during hangout time.”
Him and Mikey feel the rumble of chuckling from Raph.
“Looks like we sorta figured out a way to snap each other out of it.”
“And we know we can hear each other when it happens.” Mikey adds.
“I’d rather stay on the safe, scientific side and create something to eradicate all these pests.” Donnie interjects.
Raph opens his mouth to talk, but stops short when he looks behind them.
“Guys, more got in!” He turns the two around so they can see.
Somehow, a group of the creatures slipped in and we’re just waiting there and staring at them.
The group scream in a high pitched way as Donnie tries to get the doors opened.
Once they are, Raph grabs Leo and everyone runs out together.
This is the thing that finally wakes him up.
He groggily lifts his top half up from over Raph’s shoulder.
“Ugh, I feel like the teapot after getting used for sports ball….”
“Leo!” Donnie, Mikey and Raph yell in unison.
“That’s my name, don’t wear it-….wait, that thing in Mikey’s room!”
“We’re running from a bunch of them now!” Mikey explains.
“There’s more!? Where are they coming from!?”
“No current clue about that!” Donnie answers.
“We should warn dad!”
“He went to his Hidden City poker night! We won’t be back until tomorrow!”
“Then I can just portal us to safety-“
“No!“ The others yell at the same time.
“You guys! This is not the time for me to keep up the promise! Let me just get us to April’s and then you can yell at me later!” He looks around for something to turn into a sword.
“I thought you learned to trust us, Leo!” Raph says angrily.
“I do trust you! That doesn’t mean I can’t tell when you guys are making bad decisions because you’re too focused on me! So stop running and let me make sure we’re all safe! Me included!” Leo pushes up from his shoulder.
Raph slowly stops running, followed by Donnie and Mikey.
They were all aware that they might have been a bit suffocating with how they hover over Leo ever since he did what he did.
To his credit, he hasn’t complained even once until right now.
And also to his credit, it was for good reason.
Raph gently sets him down.
“Nope, no “I’m sorries.” I don’t need it. I’m not mad. You guys know how much I love being the center of attention.” He smiles as he kneels down to look more.
Raph smiles as well.
“Here, take the pole I got from the med bay.” Donnie suggests.
“Always got just what we need.” Leo takes it and then has a sword in his hand.
As this interaction is happening, Mikey looks a bit into the darkness of the area in front of them.
He’s horrified when the darkness takes shape and starts squirming.
A horde of creatures begin wriggling out.
It’s too late to do anything as the others also notice.
A spore cloud envelopes them.
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mrssabinecallas · 2 years
Here Comes the Bride
Callsign: Angel; Before becoming a navy pilot, Angel worked as a field medic for the navy. Many of her patients called her their guardian angel.
Y/n is used in this fic!
Pairing: Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw / Fiancé!Reader
In which the Bradshaws prepare for their wedding, but decide to play a joke for the first looks.
This is entirely inspired by a tiktok I saw. Also long time no see guys!! I haven’t been super motivated to write, but hopefully my old ideas come back and we can get those out to y’all :)
i am in love with this concept tho. i didn’t know how to end this so sorry for the abrupt ending lol
WARNINGS!! swearing, fluff, i’m a comedian
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(god this man is a snack holy fu-)
Rooster couldn’t have been more nervous for the ceremony. He hadnt thought he was actually going to be nervous, as he wasn’t feeling jitters at all leading up to the date.
You were trying your best to stay calm and collected, but Hangman was not making that easy. He appeared more nervous than you, running around, claiming it had to be perfect. He made you cry. Twice. Rooster would not be hearing about it for the sake of their friendship.
When the time for first looks rolled around, you were running around like a chicken with its head cut off. There was so much to do, how were you expected to sit there for an hour to get your makeup done?
“Can’t we just, like, cancel first looks?” you asked loudly, directed at your best friend and copilot Phoenix.
“What? No!”
“Tashaaaaa… I’m not ready! And Bradley probably is, and we would keep him waiting, but then I would start crying, and ruin alllll this makeup, so I think it’s better if we just don’t do it,” you rambled on and on until Natasha cut you off.
“Y/n, no. Put on your big girl panties, you wanted to include all the wedding traditions, we aren’t changing anything now. That means no cancelling first looks, no sending someone out for you, none of that-”
“Send someone out for me?? Holy shit, that’s genius Tash!!” you cut her off, and she looked about ready to break the mascara wand in her hand.
“Who the hell would even go for you? That’s not like a normal thing people do…” Hangman pondered over on his personal sofa in the window, with his glass of white wine and custom “bridesman” robe.
You and Phoenix just looked at each other and smiled. Instead of feeling fear, you were now about to witness the funniest joke of the century.
It was quite the hastle fitting one of your back up gowns on your wingman, but somehow you and Phoenix got it on him. He looked like an idiot, perfect. As the time for first looks rolled around, you grabbed your veil and a bridesmaid bouquet, handed them to Jake, and sent him on his way.
Luckily, you were ready for first looks as well this time, so once your little joke was done, you would go actually do first looks.
There was a window in the hallway overlooking the courtyard, where the first looks where planned. You saw Bradley and the photographer, no Hangman to be seen yet.
The photographer spotted you in the window, waved, and made a comment to Bradley, who you could see visibly tense. He wasn’t ready, he was scared. You were too, but you knew he was going to act all calm and collected as long as he could.
You remembered that you never updated the photographer on this prank, so you sent him a text.
“Hey, we’re gonna have a little fun, so I’m not coming out just yet. You’ll see, just try not to spoil the joke and make sure to take pictures! I’ll be out after the joke is over, Thanks!”
Just as the photographer read your texts and sent you a thumbs up, the doors you were supposed to walk out of opened, and there stood Hangman. Coyote and Bob were losing their shit beside you and Tasha, both recording on their phones.
You would see the photographer try his hardest to hold back from making a face, and you could practically see Bradley’s expression. It made you feel bad, but you knew he would loosen up after this little stunt.
Hangman waddled to the middle of the courtyard, and tapped Bradley on the shoulder. He took in a deep breath, and turned slowly. As soon as he laid eyes on his best friend dressed in one of your backup gowns, he lost it. Coyote and Bob were practically crying, and Phoenix was on the floor laughing. You had to hide yourself behind a wall to make sure Rooster didn’t see you when he turned to look in the window everyone was looking out of. That only made him laugh harder, seeing all his friends were in on the joke.
Once things had begun to simmer down, you headed out the doors and had your real first looks, which ended up with Bradley in tears, as expected. The pictures from both looks turned out fantastic, and you couldnt help but be amazed by the memories a small prank created.
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steddieunderdogfics · 7 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is: Medusapelagia! They have 131 fics written for the Stranger Things fandom and 92 of those fics are in the Steddie tag!
The nominator recommends the following works by @medusapelagia:
I'm so good at telling lies (That came from my mother's side)
You're the home my heart searched for so long
The Party
It can't rain all the time
"They are such a bright light within the Steddie Event side of the fandom! Always encouraging others and offering support. They're so creative and have a fic for everyone!!" - anonymous
Below the cut, @medusapelagia answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
Because I’m obsessed with them! It’s the first time I write fics in years and the first time I do that in English, but it was so clear that Steve and Eddie were meant to be together that I got back into reading, and then writing, Steddie fics as soon as Season 4 ended! Have you seen how they look at each other? The love story is already there! The Duffer Brothers did us a big favor and gave us the possibility to give them thousands of different stories in different timelines and different universes: how could I not join when there is so much to write?
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
I love pain: you can put my heart through a meat grinder and I'll say "Thank you!" IF you promise me a happy ending. I'm ready to cry with the characters but in the end it must be worth it, that's why Angst and Hurt/comfort are my favorite tropes (always with a happy ending).
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
I love writing about feelings and I need A LOT of time to get the characters where I want them, that's why almost everything I write is Slow Burn… and Angst with a happy ending, but that's another story!
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
This is SO hard so… I’m going to cheat a little and give you three. The first fic I was obsessed with in 2022: wanna hurt you just to hear you screaming my name by DotyTakeThisDown a modern AU where Eddie is the owner of BDSM Club; My guilty pleasure: I Made Loving You A Blood Sport by Eddywow I love everything they write but this omegaverse fic it's absolutely my favorite; And my latest obsession: a man after midnight (professional dom eddie fic) a series by lydiah135 with a Transmasculine Dom Eddie.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
Oh yes!!! I’m working on a new troupe for my Reverse Big Bang fic (can’t spoil it, sorry) and I’m so excited about it! It’s absolutely the first time that I’m working with this troupe and I’m so eager to share it with everyone! Another new troupe I’m working on is... Supernatural. I have two fics I’m working on right now but I have many events with a deadline (I’m addicted to ST events!) so I don’t know when I will actually start to post them.
What is your writing process like?
A complete chaos! I have an idea about the beginning of my story and how I would like to end it and I try to follow a particular vibe: what happens in the middle it’s just me trying to convince my characters to get where I want them (and I must admit that we aren’t always on the same page!). A few times I tried to plot ahead and it was a peculiar feeling: on one side when I finally got the time to write (usually after dinner and before bed) I had an outline so I didn't get blank page panic, but on the other side I got bored because I already knew the story.
Do you have any writing quirks?
I’m a fast writer and I want to get to the end of the story as soon as I can (both as a reader and as a writer) which means that sometimes I have to edit and slow down the pace a bit, and… I write a lot of dialogues.
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
They are two completely different ways of writing: posting on schedule assures you some interactions (which helps you get motivated to continue the story), on the other side right now I’m working on a some projects for some events and writing a complete story gives you the opportunity to fix something you might have missed or not written because in your mind it was implied (spoiler alert: probably it wasn’t!) but not having interactions can be hard, and I'm so happy I meet some friends online that can give me some pieces of advice when in doubt!
Which fic are you most proud of?
There are two (yeah… I’m cheating again! Sorry!). The first one is Guilty, because it’s the first fic I ever wrote in English, the second one is Never Again, because it’s a double timeline and a double POV and I managed to get to. the end without plotting or getting lost somewhere!
How did you get the idea for I'm so good at telling lies (That came from my mother's side)?
I saw Matthew Bourne's Swan Lake (it's a male version of the famous ballet) and, in my mind, it was perfect with Steve’s story (my headcanon Steve obviously) so I was trying to find the right plot and I had this image in my mind of the ballerina carillon and I couldn't find a way to mix those two things. Then someone on Twitter suggested an Omegaverse Ballet AU fic and it immediately clicked with me: the connection between the carillon and the Swan Lake was Omega Steve! I asked the idea owner if they were fine with me writing the story they suggested, they said yes, and I started writing it… but I didn’t post it until I was at chapter 6 or 7 because it was my first Omegaverse fic and I was scared that everyone would have hated it or that I would have written something wrong or whatever. Then two of my favorite writers wrote a post on Tumblr about the fact that everyone should write what they like and it feels obvious, right? But sometimes facing external opinions can be scary. So I gathered my courage and took it as a sign: the next day I woke up at 4 am and I posted the first chapter because I was having so much fun writing it that I decided it deserved to be shared and I’m glad I did.
When writing It can't rain all the time, what was something you didn’t expect?
That someone else would have liked it! It’s a Crow AU and the Crow is a very, very, very dark story (both the movie and the comics) but it’s one of my favorite movies ever and I saw so many similarities between Eric Draven and Eddie Munson that when the idea came to my mind I wonder how was it possible that no one else thought about it! It's peculiar that after I started to post it I saw some artists draw Eddie as Eric (maybe it was a happy coincidence, maybe it was just the algorithm, anyway I'm glad someone else saw the similarities too!).
What inspired You're the home my heart searched for so long?
That story comes from a prompt that I saw during the Steddie Holiday Exchange and I immediately fell in love with it and I was SO happy when it was assigned to me! Still… I had some difficulties at the beginning. The first version of the story wasn’t good: I was writing it from Steve’s POV and it was super sad and I started to panic a little bit because I knew I had a deadline and I didn’t want to disappoint my giftee. Thankfully I brainstormed with some friends (brainstorming is my favorite thing ever!) and finally got the idea of Famous Influencer Steve, which led me to change the POV of the story to Eddie’s POV and from that moment on everything fell in place like magic! I also had to add a few Shrek references to my story and it was a little bit tricky but in the end, I think I’m satisfied with my story.
What was your favorite part to write from I'm so good at telling lies (That came from my mother's side)?
I loved writing the OCs that perform (and sometimes live) at the Crooked Moon. The idea of the Crooked Moon is vaguely inspired by Land of the Dead in Tim Burton's The Corpse Bride: they are the strangest kind of pack ever but everything at the Crooked Moon is bright and colorful, and they give Steve the support he needs to be finally himself.
How do/did you feel writing The party?
Oh… the party is… a sad story (with a happy ending). Is anyone surprised? It's a fic I wrote for the Steddie Week, the first event I joined and at the time I wasn't even on Tumblr. I love to torture Steve (that's why no character is eager to be my favorite I think…) and I felt like his birthday should have been on a date that everyone could have forgotten easily, so I decided that his birthday was on the 25th of December: a day when everyone is busy spending time with their family while Steve would be left home alone. And just to add trauma to trauma I added my personal experience as a gift giver! I'm a pretty good one: I listen a lot, I take notes and I buy presents months before. On the other side, no one does the same for me and I usually get money which, don't get me wrong, is great, but what I like the most about gifts (and so does Steve because I'm absolutely projecting on him!) is taking the time to search for something that the other person might like. It's not about the object, per se, but it's about the time and the care you put into it, it's a way of saying "I care about you." instead of "I didn't know what to get you so buy yourself what you want." If there is any other gift giver who lives the same trauma as me we can go to therapy together!
What was the most difficult part of writing You're the home my heart searched for so long?
The smut. It was my first smut fic ever and it wasn't super easy, but luckily I had a friend who read a couple of parts of it and gave me a few pieces of advice (thank you!!!). It was a fic with a masseur Eddie: I needed to write some smut no matter what!
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I love bratty Steve and I don’t write it enough, so this is a little banter between him and Eddie from My lucky charm, an omegaverse fic. <<Steve stiffens for a moment, then comes back to his sweet attitude and sits near Eddie, playing with his hair. “I didn’t think you were the kind of owner who plays. What do they say? Oh, yes, the house always wins, right?” “Sometimes I like some action too.” Eddie replies and takes the dice, “Why don’t you blow on my dice? For good luck.” Steve bends and blows gently on Eddie’s hand, then the owner of the casino turns toward the guard and makes a little gesture: they grab the old alpha and drag him away “You know what? I don’t think I’ll play. I don’t like these dice.” Eddie states. “Why not?” Steve asks with a little wrinkle on his perfect skin. “Because they are loaded dice.” Eddie replies and lets the dice fall on the green table with a seven. “Maybe you are just lucky.” Steve replies, still smiling. The omega has removed his patches and the sweet scent of lemon and lavender is filling the room. “I see what you are doing, sugar, but I’ll not get feral over your incredible smell. As you said, I’m the young owner of a casino, I’m trained to detect who is cheating and I will not fall for you.”>>
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
At the moment I’m working really hard on my Reverse Big Bang fic and My Steddie VDay Exchange and I can’t wait to share them.
Outside of these questions, Is there anything YOU would like to add?
I’m absolutely astonished, flattered and honored that someone thought about me for Writer’s Spotlight Day so I would like to thank the person who nominated me and the mods for giving space to all the beautiful stories that we might have missed in such a big fandom. Thank you for having me and I look forward to the next fics rec! Medusa
Thank you to our author, @medusapelagia! See more of @medusapelagia works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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saturnzskyzz · 10 months
Hi! I love your fics and I was wondering if I could request you a prompt with ler!Seokjin and lee!Yoongi from BTS. Basically in their rookie days when the members are just getting to know each other and some of the members think Yoongi is scary, so they mention it to Seokjin who says something like Yoongi’s just a big softie. a few days later they hear Yoongi’s (cute!!) laughter for the first time and go see what’s up and find Seokjin tickling him and they all think Yoongi’s really cute and maybe have them join in if you want. Sorry if this is long, lol. It’s also okay if you don’t want to write it!! Have a good day!
Hello Anon! I'm glad you like my fanfics as much as I love writing them for you all!!
・I find this prompt really adorable, so thank you for your request!!
・Sorry it took me so long to get to it, I just have so many ideas for fanfics like these, and yet my motivation is usually running on a down low, but hopefully you like this one!! I really enjoyed writing it :)))
I would also like to say that any further concepts, ideas, or pairings will be drabbles, which are short fanfics, due to the lack of me keeping up with longer projects that are currently sitting in my drafts.
Don't worry though! You can request a longer fanfic from me; just let me know with your idea or pairing so it doesn't accidentally turn up as a drabble!
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
・Him? Scary? ・
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Yoongi appears to be scary and intimidating according to the rest of Seokjin's members, what better way to prove them wrong by bringing out Yoongi's soft side?
| negative comments | tickling |
This is not a ship fanfic
·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪• ☼ ⋒ ⚡︎ 𐚱 ⊹˚˖⁺ ⤾·˚ ༘ 𖦆 ꒷₊˚ ꒦꒷꒷꒦ ⑅ ʚ ⤜ ⨳ ࣪•
The members were having a hard time trying to get to know one another now that it's been a few weeks of practice for their next album. They were put right to work to making songs rather than them getting to know each other, so Seokjin came up with a game they could all play while they had a three day break from working.
Seokjin had everyone sit in a circle with hand made cards in the middle. The rules were that each player had to draw a card that displayed two questions; one for the player, and one for the person on the player's right. The player who then asks the person on their right a question, it would be that person's turn to draw a card. Easy right?
Well.. It was easy for Seokjin and Yoongi. The rest were a bit shy through out the game. But Taehyung and Jungkook? They were more so anxious than shy since they sat from either side of Yoongi, unfortunately for them.
Taehyung had to ask Yoongi a question since he was on his right, and then Yoongi would have to ask a question to Jungkook, who was on Yoongi's right.
They didn't mean any harm for acting the way that they were with him, he just seemed like a pretty scary and blunt person in general, unfortunately.
"Okay, uh... Yoongi.. What is your favorite color?" Taehyung asked carefully as to not make his voice quiet like all the other times he tried to ask him normally.
"My favorite color is black, although white is another color I fathom to take interest of." Yoongi said quickly, and honestly. He gave Taehyung a small smile, and reached for a card in the middle.
Taehyung thought of how sweet his smile was compared to how he actually felt about Yoongi's presence being right next to him. Nonetheless, he stayed silent and just took the smile.
"Okay.. The card asks what my favorite food is.. Uhmm.." Yoongi instinctively looked up at the ceiling to think of what his favorite food would be.
Everyone was looking at Yoongi intensively. They wondered if he would give up about a difficult question like the one he was given and storm off somewhere.. What a specific way to think about Yoongi's thought process, and yet they still hoped that he would answer and not do what they had initially thought.
"Oh! My favorite food would be Galbi(Korean barbecue) because it has meat in it, eheh." Yoongi chuckled at his answer. He looked back at everyone to realize how everyone was slightly leaning a bit forward to look at him.
Upon hearing this, they all went back in their comfortable sitting positions. They all looked at each other with confused looks with how carefree Yoongi was being than the usual blunt persona he put on when practicing.
"Uhum..okay then, uh.. Jungkook, the card asks where you would want to go if you could go anywhere in the world." Yoongi asked without further question on why everyone apart from Seokjin were acting kind of weird. He looked to his right, giving the Makenae a natural look than a heavy face.
"Uhm.. Let's see.." Jungkook somehow tensed up at this, but he thought of where he would want to go quickly as he assumed that if he took any longer, then he would waste Yoongi's time.
"It's okay to take your time on that one, that question is quite hard to answer for a lot of people." Yoongi tried to reassure.
"T-thank you-or, uhmm.. Yeah!" Jungkook stumbled on his wording, instantly regretting blurting out words.
"W-where I would go would be Los Angeles, m-maybe? The beaches over there are pretty nice." Jungkook said finally. He looked at Yoongi and gave him a smile of his own.
"Ah! That's a good answer.. Los Angeles is a pretty place from what I've seen from photos!" Yoongi sparked up at that answer, causing everyone but Seokjin, who laughed at his bount of energy, to be confused by his burst of enlightenment so suddenly.
They played a few more rounds before Seokjin announced that he was getting tired. He had noticed how everyone but Yoongi looked pleased that the game was over. Not like he didn't notice anything that was off earlier, he always gave quick glances every now and then during the game when everyone would get all tensed up when it was Yoongi's turn.
"Uhm, on second thought.. Can I talk to you guys real quick?" Seokjin said while getting up. He walked over to the closest corner from in the studio, noticing that Yoongi had begun to walk over with the rest who tried to quickly walk away from Yoongi.
"Oh! Uh, Not you, Yoongi, you can go to your dorm.. I need to talk to everyone else though." Seokjin said, pointing at the door to emphasize his words. He saw how confused Yoongi's face had gotten, and without getting any response other than a shoulder shrug, the rapper left the studio room.
That's when Seokjin lowered his head a bit to look at everyone else who had to stay.
"Guys.. Are you all doing okay? You all looked like you guys let your anxiety win up until I called it quits on the game." with a worried look, the oldest started to fidget with his fingers with the thought that he must have done something wrong.
Namjoon walked up to Seokjin to get a better look at the oldest since he was standing in the back of everyone else.
"It's not the game that we were anxious about, if that's what you are thinking, hyung.. It was just that.. We all seem pretty nervous around Yoongi because of the aura he casts around the room when he's around.. I'm not really sure why, but we see him as a blunt person, to say the least.." Namjoon said, nervously glancing at Seokjin and then the wall behind the oldest.
'That's what they were anxious about?' Seokjin thought, chuckling at Namjoon's honesty, leaving the rest of the members confused. He walked up to Namjoon to put his hand on his shoulder. The leader of the group stopped himself from looking at the wall and looked up at Seokjin.
"Guys, I promise you, he's a really cool person to get to know! He's not this big bad guy you guys are forming in your head. If anything, he's just a bihig softy." Seokjin said with a chuckle. He then patted Namjoon's shoulder before taking his hand completely off of it, and started to slowly walk to the door that led out of the studio. "You guys get some rest, we are practicing tomorrow." Seokjin said, leaving the rest in the studio.
'Softy?' they all had the same thoughts. Yoongi? A softy? That can't be true.. Can it?
They all decided to leave that conversation at that, and they all left the studio to go in their dorms.
The next morning, Yoongi got up pretty early to make everyone some breakfast. He doesn't usually cook stuff for the members, but he couldn't brush off the thought of how yesterday went in the studio. He had assumed that everyone was pretty tense that day, so he considered making bacon and eggs for everyone.
While he was getting the right size of a pan for the bacon, he decided to cook the eggs first to make them scrambled instead of hard boiled.
After a few minutes, the second member to leave their dorm was Seokjin, who was surprised with himself for waking up in a timingly manner. Usually, Namjoon or even Yoongi would have to wake up the oldest for always sleeping in.
"You're up early for someone who usually favors being in bed." Yoongi said when he heard a door close, causing him to look in the direction of the sound to see Seokjin's tired face, with his hair sticking up and sideways. "Ahahand your hair! Hyhuhung, you need toho fix your hair!" Yoongi said, holding his stomach and the counter top for leverage to not fall out of balance.
Seokjin was barely paying attention due to being tired, but he silently ruffled his hair to "fix it," and walked into the kitchen to stand next to Yoongi who was infront of the eggs.
"What are you making? Is that scrambled eggs?" Seokjin said, squinting and leaning closer to the pan to see the consistency of what was on the pan, then he looked down at Yoongi who was recovering from laughing at Seokjin's hair.
"Ihihi'm, mhmhm. Ihi'm making bacon with eggs if you want some! I'm making it for everyone.." Yoongi said, clearing his throat to stop laughing. He thought of what else to say, given that he reminded himself of why he was cooking in the first place.
"That's sweet of you, Yoongi. What made you want to cook? Usually you force me to make things, or you wait for Hoseok to wake up." Seokjin said sweetly, giving a quick poke to Yoongi's side to tease.
This made Yoongi flinch and took a step sideways, away from Seokjin, covering his side on instinct.
"Dohon't do thahat.. Uhm, I kept thinking about yesterday.. I uhh, I thought they seemed really awkward with the studio's atmosphere when we played that card game.. N-not saying that they didn't like it!" Yoongi quickly held out his hands to emphasize his words.
"Uhm.. I over thought the situation, so I decided to cook for everyone in hopes that they aren't nervous again." Yoongi said quietly, going back to attend the eggs.
Seokjin realized how Yoongi's demeanor changed when speaking his thoughts. He began to worry for both Yoongi, and the rest of his members. 'If they all are going to think like this, than how can one get along with the other?' he had thought.
"Yeah.. Thats why I called them over after the game ended.. I had suspicion that they were awkward yesterday.. They told me some of their concern's, but I'm not going to discuss that for your behalf. But they aren't going to think like this forever, Yoongi." Seokjin said, putting a hand on Yoongi's shoulder to try and comfort him the best that he could.
Yoongi didn't say anything now, he focused on the eggs so they wouldn't burn and become unedible. But he let that information slowly form into a big bubble in his brain to overtake any other thoughts he might have had.
"I reassured them though.. Although they think you're intimidating, they won't think that for long." Seokjin said, trying to reassure Yoongi the best that he could.
"Reassured them.. How, exactly?" Yoongi questioned, now curious as to what he told his members.
"Weeeeell, I told them that you are a cool person to get to know about.. Aaand I told them that you are a BIG softy!" Seokjin said with yet another poke to Yoongi's side, causing the younger to flinch again, having his arm that was attending the eggs to come down to protect his side.
"Noho way you said that to them, hyung!" Yoongi looked up at Seokjin with a small smile that he was desperately trying to hide.
"Yes way! How can I not hint to them that you are very sweet with people once you get to know them?" Seokjin gave Yoongi more pokes to get a reaction.. And to hear his laugh and see his smile.
Yoongi turned to face Seokjin now. He held up his hands as a form to defend himself from his hyung's attacking fingers.
"Stohop, Jin! Ihi'm literally cohoohking right nohow!" Yoongi said, stepping away from Seokjin.
That's when Seokjin reached over the stove to turn off the heat and placed the eggs on a non-heated ring.
"The eggs can wait. You however, need to cheer up." Seokjin quickly took both of Yoongi's hands and pulled him in for a hug, having the rapper's back against Seokjin's front.
"Noho! Seokjin, plehehease! Ihihi neEHEED- TOHohoho gehet back toho cooking!!" Yoongi all but screeched when Seokjin started to scribble away at his sides now instead of poking like before.
"You can get back to cooking once you've said it yourself that you're just a big softy who is sweet and caring to others." Seokjin argued, slowly pinching Yoongi's bottom ribs now to have his laugh go up an octave.
"AAH-! AHAahaha, Seokjihihin! StAHAahahaP, plehehease!!" Yoongi tilted his head down and tried to curl in on himself the best that he could. He pulled onto his hands that were against his own chest due to Seokjin keeping them there, but failed at getting any of them free.
"Quiet Yoongi~ You don't want to wake any of our sleepy members, do you?" Seokjin said, whispering into his ear that was painted with a deep shade of red.
Seokjin then pinched at his top ribs to see if Yoongi would actually stay quiet for his members. Knowing this would usually cause a big reaction, he was wanting to be evil that morning.
Yoongi squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head to try and get rid of the tickly sensations that were coursing through his body. He tried to stay as quiet as possible, but it was quite hard since Seokjin was attacking one of his worst spots, as well as his hands being held.
"Seheheokjihihin-! S-StohohoAHAahaha! Ohoho myhyhy gohohod!" Yoongi was desperately trying not to laugh out loud, but it was getting to the point where he couldn't take it much longer.
"What's it gonna be then?? Are you going to realize that they aren't going to view you as a scary dude for the rest of our lives, or are you wanting to wake them up and have me tell them why I'm tickling you half to death?" Seokjin explained, lowering his head down to look at Yoongi better.
Yoongi didn't say anything other than to laugh his lungs out by how bad his top ribs are when tickled. He nearly couldn't think straight because of how bad it was.
"Have it your way then." Seokjin said, digging his hand into Yoongi's under arm now, sending the younger to bulk up one of his legs. He completely lost his footing from slightly kicking, and took him and Seokjin down on the kitchen floor. Seokjin mainly took the fall for already knowing that was going to happen since it wasn't the first time he's had this reaction with Yoongi.
"NAHAHAahahaAHA! STAA-AHAahahaAha-! Ehehahah, mhmhEHEmhm." Yoongi used all of his strength to have one of his hands free, and decided to use his chance to cover his mouth to result any other loud laughter that came out of him.
"Awww, look at that, you can't admit something and yet you're caring enough to not wake the others up. How cute~" Seokjin said, surprised that he was able to get his hand free, but nonetheless thought it was cute by how dedicated he was to not wake the others.. But it was too late, unfortunately for Yoongi.
Jimin, Hoseok, Jungkook, Taehyung and Namjoon all came out of their rooms after exchanging texts trying to figure out who was laughing out in the kitchen. When they came out, they didn't see anything other than hearing sweet laughter coming from behind the kitchen counter.
When all of them shared glances, they silently agreed to check behind the counter. What they saw was the back of Seokjin with a head tilted down towards the floor.
They were all surprised as to seeing the one who was captured by Seokjin, laughing freely and adorably to all of them, was Yoongi himself.
After a moment of them staring, they heard Yoongi squeal when Seokjin switched from digging into his underarm, to going for the side of his neck.
"Seheheokjihihin, plehehease! Mehehercy! AHA-ahaha." Yoongi laughed into his hand. He begun to push his hand more against his mouth to keep himself from being loud, not knowing that the members were behind them.
The rapper then scrunched up his shoulders and tilted his head back-close to where Seokjin's hand was at on his neck.
The members stared in awe, watching all of it go down with out a sound with their own commentary. They wanted to keep their thoughts to themselves to watch the scene unfold adorably with no interruptions.
Unfortunately for Yoongi, Seokjin found a specific spot near the front of his neck and collarbone that had him shoot his hand that was covering his mouth, down to the attacking hand to try and get him off. Still having his head back, he allowed himself to smile and laugh freely now that he has already dug his grave from taking his hand off of his face.
That was when the rest of the members were able to see Yoongi's big gummy smile just enough. They all quietly awed even more so at how sweet and contagious his smile was to them. They began to have smiles of their own when seeing Yoongi finally being carefree.
Seokjin was right, Yoongi was just a big softy afterall.
"Seheheokjihihin, SEOKJIN! Stahahohop! Ohokahahay, ohohokahahy! Ihihi gehehet ijihit nahaahow-!" Yoongi cried out, desperately trying to pry Seokjin's hand off of him. He kicked out his legs just a bit to try and see if he could tip themselves over, but to no avail.
That was when Yoongi decided to open one of his eyes the best that he could, and was surprised to see the rest of his members watching the scene go down, seeing all of their smiles at once.
His face turned into a dark red, and quickly tilted his head down with a quiet whine, trying his best to cover his face while still swatting at Seokjin's hand.
Seokjin heard his whine, and decided to turn his head to look behind him to see the rest of his members. He smirked when seeing all of them.
"Hey guys! Don't worry about us, Yoongi hear also had thoughts about yesterday so I decided to cheer him up about it. What do you guys think?" Seokjin said, switching his attack back to scribbling at Yoongi's sides to make him giggle up a storm for the show.
"I mean.. It's just like you said, Hyung. He is just a big softy!" Hoseok broke their own little silence. He looked at the other members for validation for his answer, and every nodded in agreement.
"Well, what do you know?" Seokjin whispered in Yoongi's ear to prove his point from yesterday and earlier that morning.
"Seheheokjihihin- Plehehease stohohop! Thihihis ihis embahaharrassing!" Yoongi finally said after many giggles and suppressed squeals.
"What? It's not my fault that you are in a giggly mess." Seokjin said, earning muffled chuckled from the members.
"Wow Hyung, that's mean!" Jungkook said.
"Ihihit ihihis! AAH- NOHhoho!! Nohohoho mohohorehe!" Yoongi felt Seokjin go for his bottom ribs yet again. He twisted his body the best he could to lose the hand, but he forgot that Seokjin was still holding his other hand, and was unfortunately unable to get away.
Yoongi then tilted his head up again, and grabbed at Seokjin's attacking hand now to try and pry it off of him.
The members took in his smile again, seeing how sweet and adorable his smile really is. They've seen him smile before, yes, but they have never seen his gummy smile before until this very moment. And his giggles were probably the members favorite. Yoongi's laugh and giggles when tickled was never like how his usual laughs are when someone did or said something stupid. It was like sweet airy giggles that weren't too loud and high, but were also not too quiet and low. They truly favored this type of Yoongi, and it definitely has vanished the "scary" and "intimidating" stereotype out of their vocabulary.
Seokjin saw how tired Yoongi was getting from all the laughing and decided to call it quits, letting go of Yoongi so he can relax onto Seokjin.
"Ahaha, nehehver doho that ahagain, hyhuhung!" Yoongi said, regaining all the strength to get up finally.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. You never know the future, Yoongi." Seokjin said, pointing a finger in Yoongi's direction.
"Hold on, you've tickled Yoongi before?!" Jimin blurtedly asked, surprised.
"Well yeah! Of course I have. If I haven't, I don't think this would have happened." Seokjin said. He decided to get up from the floor, following with Yoongi as well. He had ignored the onslaught as to not get too embarrassed as he already was, and he went back to cooking the bacon and eggs that were neglected.
"You're lucky that these eggs haven't gone bad yet, Hyung. If they have, then you would've been the next to be on the floor, laughing." Yoongi threatened, causing everyone and even Seokjin to tense up.
"I'm making bacon and eggs for everyone, so if you don't want to be on the floor like I have, then you guys better sit at the table." Yoongi said, pointing at a nearby table, and gave a warning glare at everyone.
No one said a word and quickly sat at the table.
The rest of the members questioned Yoongi's nature. Him? Scary? Yeah, a little bit. But can he also be a carefree person who likes to laugh? Most definitely.
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Stormy Weather
Summary: While you’re struggling to get home from a month-long mission, Jeff and Natasha seek comfort from missing you.
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Word Count: 1408
Warnings: None
A/N: Hiii, sorry I know I haven’t been posting much lately. I’ve had so many ideas, but I can’t seem to get them written in a way I actually like. Plus, my motivation to write only ever seems to come when I’m at work and can’t write 😭 I’ll try my best to start posting more regularly again but no promises, thank you all for sticking around :) comments and reblogs are much appreciated :)
This was also based on an ao3 comment from a fic MONTHS ago, that I just got round to actually writing 😭
Part of The Jeff Fictional Universe (you don’t need to read the others to understand)
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Natasha rubbed her eyes harshly. Staring at the screen day after day was taking its toll. 30 days this would be; 30 days since you had gone on a mission that should have only been two weeks.
There were complications, and she knew you didn't have the time or the means to contact her directly. But she was exhausted, barely sleeping, needing to be there in case you *did* manage to get in contact. 
Natasha knew she couldn't have gone with you. No matter how much it would have alleviated her worries, she had other priorities. Working on the desk side of the same mission would be enough for her.
Patters of rain made Natasha jerk her head up. No light came through the window, but the circles of water indicated that the predicted storm was on its way. Natasha sighed; she'd been far too engrossed in work to even notice nightfall. She hoped Jeff had been okay with her absence.
After a sigh and a stretch, the door to the home office opened, and Natasha stepped out. A break was necessary, and some company would do her and Jeff some good.
Natasha reached the living room entrance before she paused, staying quiet to see a scene of innocence play out.
Jeff had padded right past her; the Blahaj he carried acted as blinders for his peripheral and even blocked some of his front-facing vision. Natasha watched as Jeff shuffled and hopped to see over his stuffed shark, before the sofa blocked her view. 
Natasha watched Blahaj’s tail slowly disappear before she followed. Jeff had been working longer than she’d seen, as pillows and blankets lined the sofa, along with a few stuffed animals you had bought for him. 
Jeff froze when he noticed Natasha was watching. The two stared, unblinking, for seconds that seemed to stretch. Then Jeff flopped, his back legs dropping into a seated position and his head bowing.
“Is that Y/N’s t-shirt?” Natasha asked gently, pointing at the white shirt half pulled over the Blahaj’s head. 
Jeff followed his nod with a dejected “mrrr”. Natasha knelt in front of him; she noticed tears beginning to form in his eyes. “Miss,” Jeff signed. 
The rain was getting heavier against the window, and Natasha knew the thunder and lightning were soon to begin. Jeff would need her comfort. 
“I miss Y/N too; it’s been just us for a while, huh?”
“Mrrr.” Jeff nodded again.
“Let me help you with this then,” Natasha stated, finally catching Jeff’s attention when she pulled Blahaj between them. Jeff pushed under Natasha’s outstretched arms to take a position on her lap, reaching out to pull the shirt on properly. 
Natasha’s expression softened; she could see how much Jeff missed you, yet all she could do was sit and wait with him. She hardly knew more about your whereabouts than the land shark, but at least he had the bliss that came with ignorance, lacking knowledge that you would ever be in danger. 
“Mrrr,” Jeff hummed, grabbing and stretching to wrap his arms around more than just the shirt. It pulled Natasha out of her thoughts, her focus returning to the room. A stuffed toy in her hands, the weight of the land shark on her lap, the sound of the rain and a distant rumble of thunder outside-
Jeff repeated his whine. Natasha bent her arms until Jeff could cling onto his plushie, wrapping his limbs around it as much as he could and squeezing it tight.
In turn, Natasha drew Jeff closer. Her hidden hand kept Blåhaj upright, knowing Jeff would reject the help but tumble off her lap without it.
Their peace was interrupted by the first - sudden - rumble of thunder. Natasha and Jeff reacted immediately; the Black Widow startled at the sound but reflexively pulled Jeff closer. Meanwhile, the land shark squeezed Blahaj tight and buried himself in Natasha’s lap.
“That was loud.”
“Are you okay, Jeff?”
“Mrrr.” He shook his head, face still pressed firmly into the soft plushie. 
“The thunder is scary, I know-”
“-but it can’t hurt you here. I’m with you. Why don’t we finish what you started? Turn all these pillows and blankets into the best fort we can make. How does that sound?”
One month away from this warmth. One month away from your fiancee and your land shark. The need to find them filled your mind; there was nothing you wanted more, to finally be able to while the evening away, to do nothing but bask in their companionship. As suddenly as quiet settled in your surroundings, so too did the thoughts in your mind, trailing away until you felt at peace. The mission report could wait.
Flashes of the mission ran through your mind, of mess-ups, mistakes, twists and turns, of constantly battling to just get home. You hardly even noticed the pouring rain, too caught up in your thought; even on your way back, the weather revolted against you. A long sigh left you when the door clicked shut.
A cosy quiet came with it. Appliances and radiators hummed throughout the house, while the noises of the thunder and rain diminished the second the door shut. With the quiet, even your brain began to relax, focusing on the warmth and safety you had spent a long month missing.
One month away from this, away from your land shark. Away from your fiancée. Did they know you were returning? Natasha would be greeting you if she'd seen the mission success, but then again, data had been patchy on the field, and you weren't even sure it had been sent. 
And Jeff would be barrelling in to greet you if he'd heard the door shut.
It seemed, for once, you had the element of surprise upon your return. 
As quietly as you could manage, you shed your outer layer of clothes and hung them up to dry. Jeff would always be excited to see you, but you doubted Natasha’s enthusiasm if you traipsed dripping garments through the house.
Through the pattering rain, you made out the faint noises of the TV, soft voices that guided your search to the living room.
You’d missed home. Even a perfectly created mission left an absent feeling, a creeping loneliness you struggled to put your finger on. But it was this; missing the small captures of life: a scene too spontaneous to be planned and small enough to oft be overlooked. 
A dazzling fort of cushions and blankets adorned your sofa. You wouldn’t be surprised if Tony Stark himself had built it; it was a feat of engineering. However, the actual creators hadn’t strayed far. In the middle of it all lay your two loves; Natasha dozed with her arms loosely wrapped around Jeff. The pair of them held Blahaj tight against Jeff’s stomach. 
They still faced the TV, but from the look of the channel, sleep had taken hold of them far before you arrived. Orange chickens flooded the screen, seeming to be the focus of the program – Jeff’s worst nightmare. The land shark had been much more cautious around them since his encounter with Susan, the farm chicken who looked identical to those on TV. Jeff couldn’t have slept knowing his feathered foes were just a screen away.
You switched it off; just in time. Another wave of thunder rumbled, and you saw Natasha tremble in her sleep, her grip on Jeff and Blahaj tightening. Tight enough to wake the land shark.
Jeff awoke slowly; he sought comfort and warmth in Natasha’s arms while he blinked his way into full awareness. The moment he saw you was clear; his eyes and mouth widened, and his tail thumped up and down repeatedly. That is…until he remembered his situation. Very quickly, Jeff stilled, then moved a finger to his lips.
“You don’t want me to wake her?” you whispered, an estimated translation of his actions. It took a few more signs from Jeff for you to understand.
“Mother. Didn’t sleep. Tired. And scared.” 
"And you're not scared?" you signed back.
"Jeff brave."
"You’re the bravest, Jeff.” As you spoke, the thunder rumbled once again. Jeff’s fingers dug into his stuffed toy, with a slight whimper escaping that you pretended you didn’t notice. “Thank you for looking after Nat for me; you’ve done it so well.”
“Now… is there room for three in that fort? I think it’s time we napped.”
Jeff taglist: @unexpected-character​​ @wolferine​
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ontheroad-again · 7 days
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
🌻 How often do you read your own fics?
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
💥 What is one canon thing that you wish you could change?
MSec: Less Henry and Elizabeth and the kids and more perspectives from the staff!!! Nadine especially (obviously), but all of them, really. I think one of the (many, many) things The West Wing got right was giving every senior staff character enough screen time to be fully fleshed out from day one, and MSec really didn’t do enough of that. There’s a reason why people love The Seventh Floor and a couple other more staff-centered episodes so much–those felt like watching the gears turning in the State Department instead of “Perfect Married Couple Agonize Over Problem Child of the Day.” I think that’s part of why I write so much Nadine, Blake, and Jay—everything outside of H/E seems to be lacking in quantity both in canon and fandom writings. 
Also, the obvious: Have Nadine stay through the end. The show was really a shell of itself within a season of her exit and I don’t think they ever really made up for that. 
Cheers: Lilith’s exit from Cheers. I understand the need to write her out because Bebe was leaving, but a) there were so many other ways to do that and b) the eventual divorce would still have been believable without Lilith having an affair. And if nothing else, I find it completely out of character that she would leave Frederick to do so.
🐇 Do you write for yourself, for others, or both?
50/50. I am guilty of pouring all of my own issues and feelings onto characters in order to process them, so in that regard, I largely write for myself. In fact, I had written a significant amount of MSec fics (and West Wing fics, actually) for four years before I decided to post anything—I really just love the writing process, plus it was like a strange form of journaling for me 🤣 But I’m glad I started posting fics, because it has been very fun to write for others as well and hear people’s thoughts about my writing and what they enjoy in stories. (Yay for external validation 🤣) And having an audience, no matter how small, definitely makes it much easier to motivate myself to keep chipping away at a story chapter/topic that is proving difficult for me to get past for whatever reason.
🌻 How often do you read your own fics? 
Fairly regularly. I feel as though when I write multichapters I sometimes lose the style, cadence, rhythm, etc. that I work very hard at getting right in my one-chapter character study/theme-based pieces. So I’ll often return to fics like Lua, March, Doomsday (usually the slightly longer one-chapter ones) and reread them to reset my brain back to focusing on rhythm and the natural crescendo of whatever piece I’m currently writing. 
📗 Do you want to write something outside of fanfiction? If so, what about?
Yes!!! I want a career that involves writing in some form—no idea what that will be yet, but that is the goal! I write songs and prose-poem type things in my free time already, and I have a couple of partially finished book drafts lying around, especially one that is on hold currently because I am about to have zero free time for the next two months. And I love essay-type writing too–it’s almost always my favorite part of school and I would not at all mind getting to write essays or formal papers for part of work someday. 
Thank you for the ask! :)
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robiinurheart33 · 3 months
Thanks for the tag @sergeantwoods !! I went a little crazy on the questions lols,,,
1. how many works?
Honestly no idea lmao (if ur talking on ao3, I don’t have an account there, but I’ve been thinking about it.) (14 wips atm)
2. Total word count?
Again, no idea LOL! My actual works have been around 1K ish per post? So id say in total maybee 10k?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
Currently, COD. I wanna expand more soon though, so stay tuned in the far, far future
4. top 5 fics by kudos?
I’m gonna list down my fav fics of all time (multi fandom) if im reading this correctly
1. Anything by buzzcut_season really. Their writing is spectacular and made my heart clench on so many occasions. My personal GOD of writing fluff. And the person that got me through the hells of teenage puberty.(for the record, i am still in puberty lmfao) my firsts in the tag tooth-rotting fluff and the magics of slow burn. (Sk8 the Infinity)
2. Neon Void by sugarpastels. The creator is here on Tumblr with the same user so if you wanna check her out go ahead!! FANTASTIC writing, villain Leo au with heart pounding scenes that leave me dizzy. A fic has never made me breathless and needing to pace around my room more than this one (special shoutout to her sister as well who is writing a mutant mayhem fic that unfortunately didn’t get added to the list but is still super well written!!) (ROTTMNT)
3. Anytime You Need Me by thirteenbullets. I really don’t need to elaborate more. Character analysis + fluff + non sexual intimacy + long fics… it’s the perfect series for me. I felt like a stuck gold when i read this. (COD)
4. The Eldest Brother by dEBB987. Classic 2012 x 2018 crossover, but it doesn’t have ooc and is just such. A. Fun. Read. Made me giggle and kick my legs more than one occasion and good family feels all around. (TMNT)
5. Mutant Ninja Midlife Crisis by a_platypus. Old Leo comes back to the past after the events of the movie to readjust to new life. The right amount of drama with the perfect amount of slice of life. This fic actually gives the old turtle a break but also not letting go of the teenage angst and everything that comes with seeing your dead friends young and alive again. Would have been higher on the list but it’s not completed sadly. The author does write for COD as well though, and it’s worth to check it out! (ROTTMNT)
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes!!! I love love love it when people comment and try to interact if possible.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably the panic attack Ghost fic. Haven’t written much angst if im remembering correctly. I’m a major fluff person
7. fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Oh god i really haven’t written a proper fic at all helps. I’m frantically swiping through my robs ramblings tag and just realising most of the ghoap stuff i write is about their undying dedication to each other. Jesus. Happiest ending is probably one of my blurbs cause every time i try to write actual fluff i overheat and explode.
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
Nah. I don’t think ill ever write smut honestly not because im asexual its just that I don’t think I can write one accurately if that makes sense. Also im a minor I don’t think im allowed to do that
10. craziest crossover?
None yet
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
Thankfully not, but if i have i would take it as a sign that I’ve made it as a writer. Unless it’s more popular than the actual post in that case burn it with fire.
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
Unfortunately and fortunately no. I would LOVE to collaborate, don’t get me wrong. But i would get so anxious about not disappointing the other person or procrastinating and motivation and all the works and just. Yeah I don’t have the mental capacity for that rn.
14. all time favourite ship?
ghoap, renga, ineffable husbands, solangelo (Off the top of my head rn)
15. what’s a wip that you want to finish but doubt you will?
16. what are your writing strengths?
I would say making everything just too dramatic and emotional
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. I can barely talk irl how am i supposed to write witty banter
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Love it. As a bilingual myself i love seeing diff languages it’s like a bonus secret for that language user
19. first fandom you wrote in?
Rise of the teenage mutant ninja turtles. That was when i was in my “i think this is so cringy of me and i hold myself back because of it” because wow. I reread some of it recently and it’s horrible it will stay and rot in my notes app. Although i will say it’s so nice to see how far I’ve come in terms of writing and just posting publicly in general
20. favourite fic you’ve written?
The drunk soap one and the Ghoap one where they’re on stakeout together. I didn’t like the second one initially, but i think slaving over it worked. I love how I managed to balance the quietness and mutual respect and fondness of each other.
If you couldn’t tell, i had a lot of fun answering these questions haha
If you’ve made it this far, congratulations!! You know more about me than the average online follower 👏👏👏
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20 questions for writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
81 at the time of answering this. I'm constantly adding new ficlets though, and actively working on two unpublished wips that I'm very excited about. 
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Steddie. My hobby is just Steddie. 
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
🐉 Hic sunt dracones
🦇 Possession 
🔥 Whatever you want it to be 
(WTF, that only finished posting earlier this month, are you all insane???)
👨‍👩‍👧 Someone who cares
🧜‍♂️ Just add water
5. Do you respond to comments?
Always! (Well, except the outright rude ones, but I can count those on one hand.) You took time out of your day to tell me what you thought of my fic, and that is so incredibly motivating and means so much to me! 🥰
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I yet have to write an actual long fic with an unhappy ending, but i once made Steve come back wrong and killed everyone but Eddie and him for a ficlet, does that count? 😅
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
All of my long fics have happy endings, but Hic sunt dracones probably has the happiest to me. They're mated and disgustingly in love and it's flower crowns and apple pie and hot, hot monsterfucking forever after. 🐉🔥❤️
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've been called racist and ableist and British, among other things, but 99.9% of all reactions I get are lovely! 💖
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I've … been known to write smut, yeah. 🤣 
I love exploring all sorts of different vibes and dynamics, but I think porn with feelings is what I do best.
10. Do you write crossovers?
Nope, just wild AUs. 🐉🧜🏻😈
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I co-wrote an original work with a school friend some 20 years ago. And by co-wrote I mean we took turns with the document and key-smashed what we thought should happen next where the other had left off. 🤣
The King’s Gift will be a very close collaboration between @house-of-the-moving-image and I bc we've developed the idea and the entirety of the plot together and are bringing it alive through our respective mediums. It's heaps of fun! ✨️
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
(drumroll) (expectant silence)
It's Steddie, people. Not only because they've quite literally eroded my brain, but also because of the wonderful people I've found and the beautiful experiences I've made and continue to make in this fandom. I've never been active in any fandom before, but I'm so, so glad I've taken the leap. 
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
I try to finish all my WIPs and am very much committed to finishing the two I have ongoing rn. 
That being said, there's a bunch of microfics and drabbles I'd love to expand on if I ever find the time (lake monster and ballerina Steve, I see you). 😅
16. What are your writing strengths?
I've repeatedly been told that I create very vivid images with my writing, and that's something I find really lovely. And I love world building. ✨️🥰
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Wordy bitch disease. I ramble, I spiral, I spin completely out of control. The amount of fics that ended up being much longer than I initially thought is embarrassing.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I’ve never actually done that. I’d definitely enlist the help of someone who is proficient enough in the language in question to ensure I don’t make an utter ass of myself. 😅
19. First fandom you wrote for?
The wizard who must not be named. I must’ve been fourteen or something? It was probably so bad, and sometimes I think I'd like to re-read it again, but it’s now lost on some hard drive in a junkyard somewhere, hopefully never to be seen again. 🪦
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I love all of my fics, each for its own reasons, but Hic sunt dracones will forever hold a special place in my heart. It is everything I ever dreamed of when I fantasized about writing and publishing my own fics but was too shy to do so. I’ve met and befriended amazing people over it. It has fanart. Even close to one year after I finished it, people are still telling me how much they loved it, and it feels so wonderful to know my writing resonated so much with somebody out there. I can never talk about it without getting all up in my feels. 🐉🥲💕
Some zero-pressure tags: @eyesofshinigami @vecnuthy @sidekick-hero @penny00dreadful 💕
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tj-dragonblade · 4 months
Fanfic Tag Game
Tagged by @softest-punk and @landwriter, thank you both!
1. How many fics do you have on AO3? 133
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? I will break 400K with the next thing I post (unless it is somehow less than 401 words lol) Also, this would require actually focusing on something to finish it
3. What fandoms do you write for? Currently? Sandman (technically, Dreamling). Previously? MCU, Naruto, Saiyuki, and Gundam Wing
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? Overall (these are from my Naruto days and more than ten years old): Delayed (or, Why Kakashi Is Never On Time) (GaiKaka) at 3963 Past the Limits (KakaNaru) at 1272 Affirmation (KakaNaru) at 1022 Worth It (KakaIru) at 1005 Vigil (GaaNaru) at 843 (It kills me that I am Just Not That Into Kakashi and yet he's fucked his way into four of my top five, lol)Current fandom tops, just for fun (all of which are at most a year-plus-change in age) Use Your Words at 443 Insatiable at 398 Fluffbruary Fills (2023) at 375 In the Morning Light at 318 Built For You at 308
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, generally! I am still catching up on Fluffbruary comments, much to my chagrin
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Going aaaallllll the way back to Gundam Wing, I did a songfic where I implied a breakup until the final-line reveal that the character had gasp actually died. There may be a couple other angst-based pieces in my catalog, but that I think is the Most(tm).
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Most everything I write is a happy ending, when there's any semblance of plot involved. Uh. The Umbrella Boys AU had a wedding; maybe that counts? Either that or the Thessaly breakup fic with all the hurt-comfort pining that finally resolves into requited realization.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Never have, would like to keep it that way.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? The good kind *eyebrow waggle*
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? I have…three, that could be counted as crossovers, and one that's a proper fusion. None of them are particularly crazy. Duo and Wufei did Naruto roleplay in the bedroom. Kakashi and Naruto took on Princess Bride's fire swamp. Gojyo and Hakkai acquired Jiipu from Count D and his pet shop with a complete disregard for the fourth wall. Maybe that one, then, though it's more crack than crazy-crossover. Hob wearing the Wavemother's Robe is not enough of anything to count as a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of, no
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes! I don't recall which ones but I've had requests to translate to Chinese, to Russian, and I think Spanish as well? Possibly French also. My memory is shit. Je suis désolé.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic? Yeah, a friend and I co-wrote a couple back in GW and it was…fun? At the time? It started as me helping her with the smut portion of a thing she was doing and turned into a cowrite with a sequel. Not the sort of thing I'd have written on my own, and definitely not now twenty years later with my current kink preferences
14. What’s your all time favourite ship? …yeah, that's not a thing I can answer. Whichever I'm fixated on is inevitably my favorite at the time but once the fixation fades, I still have so much love for each of them.
15. What’s a fic you’d like to finish but don’t think you ever will? Oh my god there are so many. But there are two-three unfinished drafts for ThorBruce fic that I really—see, my MCU fandom experience soured so fast I did not have my usual three-year run of productive ficwriting and the ideas I was working on probably could have been finished were that not the case. I would still love to finish them but the motivation (let alone the time) is just not there.
16. What are your writing strengths? I take great pride in my smut, and I like to think I'm good at it. Painting pictures with my words? Maybe character voice, in certain cases.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Plot. Stories with plot and progression and chapters and such. Follow-through to finish pieces that don't get done in the initial burst of focus.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in a fic? If I had a need for it at some point, I would want to consult a native speaker to ensure correct translation and I would include the translation in footnotes etc. But it would have to be some really specific reason that the foreign language was needed/integral to some story device to not just indicate via some other means (e.g., '"xyz," he said, in perfect French', use of italics, etc) that a different language is in use.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Gundam Wing. If we don't count the 'DS9 novel idea' that I recall making notes on in my journal back in high school, or any of the Mary Sue DS9 thoughts I would also journal about. None of that was ever 'actual writing' nor did I have anywhere I would have shared it in '96.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Again. How'm I supposed to pick? Ugh. Let's see, fandom by fandom. Gundam Wing…no, nothing there is a favorite. Saiyuki…When the Chips Are Down. Comedy gen-fic based on a tidbit of fandom lore is not something I manage terribly often but I am quite pleased with this one; Jiipu's pov always delights me and I'm proud of all the voice work here also. Naruto…maybe Seized? Sai POV is one of my strengths and I think it came through really well in that one. MCU…Carpe Diem, I'm very pleased with character voices in that one. Sandman…I remain very fond of the Drunken Confessions Fluffbruary 2023 fic and the Car and Cutoffs one might be my favorite smutfic. So far.
If you'd like to do this, please take my passive tag this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks.
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localplaguenurse · 1 year
I am just nosy, forgive me. Can you describe each one of your mutuals?
Buckle up people and prepare to get complimented >:3c
First and foremost, they’re all absolute sweethearts to me.
There are my irl friends, such as @wretchedshade, @granolabird, @siriuscitrus and @scales-of-stardust or beta as I usually refer to them. I share the same braincell with these people.
Wretchedshade has been my best friend since we were ten, we’ve been there for each other for 11 years. I initially got her into anime, and then she got me into jojo, and every once in a while we cry about Doukyuusei again. She’s a great artist and is really good at writing sad shit, which is why I write sad shit; to have the glory of finally making her cry. She kicked cancer’s teeth in a few months ago so it’s about goddamn time something good come her way and I WILL fight someone on that.
Granolabird is the dm for my dnd campaign, and like I said, absolute sweetheart, chaotic adhd haver (actually like most of my friend group is like this lmao we’re all queer and neurodivergent). Either way, we used to share thoughts on each other’s original stories, and we still do sometimes but it’s mostly just sending each other tiktoks/reels like “this you” or “this your oc.”
Siriuscitrus is usually pretty hyper, but also tries to be v considerate of everyone’s feelings. If you said that the McDonald’s employee put pickles on your burger when you said no, they’d probably be the one to tell them. They’re also scarily good at vibechecking people and told me I give “future he/they vibes” and like a week later I said “fuck you’re right oh my god.”
You’ve probably seen me and beta’s interactions on here or in the ao3 comments. We enjoy our like playful rivalry/enemyship. I like to torment tease her and she usually gets me back pretty good, it’s all in good fun. It’s also really funny to me whenever we meet up, I tell myself “you are friends with them for reasons other than fic so do not make it about fic” and then we’ll spend literally hours talking about and brainstorming fic ideas. It just Happens.
I’m also gonna add @memory-mortis into here because while we’ve not met irl I’ve introduced him to my friend group. Yet another sweetheart, love her art style a lot, and she was one of the first comments I got on ginkgo trees to motivate me to keep going. I was kinda worried about bringing him into my friendgroup because like if I’m not overthinking I am not thinking At All. I was super relieved and happy that she like IMMEDIATELY fit in with everyone so :D
For some of my other close but only on tumblr/ao3/outside my general friendgroup mutuals! (There are too many so I’m sorry if you’re not here it’s mostly people I interact with more regularly ;-;)
@crimson-ashes who I have occasionally with absolute love called my “askbox gremlin” because they live in my inbox. I need to stress this is affectionate because genuinely, I love opening tumblr and seeing I’ve got asks from them. They gotta stop posting Astarion though because I’m feeling So Tempted to play BG but I know my laptop would kill itself (joking).
@crystalflygeo and I know I’ve called everyone sweethearts but genuinely, she’s probably one of the sweetest people I’ve had the pleasure of talking to. She’s really wholesome (unlike her writing which is never gonna be a complaint in my book, good soup) and super supportive of other people.
@madamemachikonew who’s super polite and really kind. She’s also really creative/smart when it comes to referencing real world art and philosophy in her writing and integrating it into her own worldbuilding. I would have never thought to have done that, and it makes her writing very unique!
We don’t interact as much but @probably-doesnt-exist, @ethve, @euniveve and @ainescribe are such talented artists and super sweet, have literally made me screech and cackle with utter joy whenever they draw the characters from ginkgo trees. I rotate through which art becomes my phone’s lock/home screens.
This is long af but fuck it, I wanna brighten people’s days and I told myself to say “I love you” to my friends and family more, so consider this one big “I love you!” to y’all. It’s a pleasure talking to y’all!
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citrusses · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for the tags @maesterchill @basicallyahedgehog and @tackytigerfic, I loved reading your answers (here and here and here). I feel like an imposter filling this out (I just started publishing fics in August!) but here we go! Answers below the cut
How many works do you have on ao3?
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Harry Potter, specifically drarry (with one guest appearance by a very sad, sexy Sirius).
4.. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
The most kudos-ed is The Roommates*, which is a Sirius/Draco + Drarry endgame little piece of filth. My Suds fic, Löyly, has the second most kudos, followed by the rowing AU WIP, Our Objective Remains Unchanged. (*PS fellow americans who probably already know this: roommates does not have quite the same meaning in the UK as it does in the US, oops!)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I am so honored by every comment I have gotten. I also love leaving comments, though I never do so with the expectation of a response. I think comments are such a lovely way to extend the joy of the fic as a reader. If a writer wants to respond I love it, if not, that doesn't detract from the joy of commenting!
6. What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Nothing yet, I really love an unhappy/ambiguous ending so I hope I can write more of that in the future.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Only two of my published fics HAVE endings... but Löyly is probably the softest, though I actually think the ending of Roommates is quite sweet.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not yet :)
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
So far everything I've written is rated E. I surprised myself with 3 E fics right out the gate. I get very stressed that my smut is corny. In my two shorter fics the sex is very much driving the plot—non-explicit versions would be inherently different stories. In OORU I think it's more about the ways the characters do and don’t understand each other, and how that manifests in all their interactions, physical and otherwise, which didn’t need to be E-rated to work, but that’s how I ended up writing it.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't yet. I can't think of anything I would want to write as a crossover but never say never.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not yet! Another thing that seems like a cool challenge. I could see myself enjoying co-writing a lot (I love talking about fics/ideas with people), but I also am so self-conscious about my own writing that I feel like it would be very hard for me to overcome those insecurities enough to write with someone else.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Drarry forever. Enemies to lovers will always be my favorite dynamic, so I came into Drarry jazzed about the ship, but the creativity of this fandom, the talent of the authors, and the fact that I have read so many iterations of this pairing and still am consistently astounded by the complexity and originality of these fics -- what else could compare?
15. What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
The first thing I started writing in this iteration of my fandom life was a time travel fic where Harry is a disillusioned, socially-scorned ministry underling and he and Draco have to work together to stop an apocalypse that they learn about from a time traveler from the future. I have like 20K written and a bunch of it that I really like, but I just don't know if I'll ever have the motivation to return to it. It needs to be quite plotty and I struggle with that.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I find writing dialogue comes more easily.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
When I read I don't really visualize what I'm reading, it's more like I really feel the emotions of the writing. When there's a particularly beautiful descriptive passage in writing I really appreciate that, but more for the craft of the sentence. Because that's how I read, I tend to skip illustrative prose in my own writing, and I think that is a pretty glaring weakness. I am trying to work on it! And then also plot. PLOT.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I haven't done much of it -- Draco quotes a few Finnish words in Löyly, but he's not meant to be fluent (so perhaps he’s not even getting the words right) and there's either context to make clear what he's trying to say or it doesn’t matter if he’s understood (because Harry is so horny that he can’t even hear). I think it's very fun when writers play with polyglotism (?) in fics, though I also think it's quite challenging to do! I also love when things are hidden from the characters/reader in fic and language can be a good way to do that.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
I honestly don't know -- I wrote a lot of "fic" for myself as a kid that I never even put on the internet. My old fanfiction.net account of stuff I actually published is still up and I could't take it down if I wanted to, so that's... out there.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
Not to cheat but I really think I haven't written it yet. I love all my fics, and each of them was a very different and rewarding experience to write, but I do feel l haven't yet written a fic that, as tacky said in their post, is exactly the fic I wanted it to be. Here's hoping that happens!
Tagging @nv-md @sweet-s0rr0w @wolfpants @thehoneybeet @mintawasalreadytaken @kittycargo and anyone else who hasn’t done this yet!
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foreststranger · 1 year
JING YUAN - Trailblazer Gets Paid
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ꜱᴛᴀʀʀɪɴɢ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ 『honkai: star rail』jing yuan & child gn!reader (adoptive parent/child familial dynamic) ft. yanqing as a younger (?) brother
ꜱʏɴᴏᴘꜱɪꜱ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ based on a request i’ve gotten (read it here) in case you couldn’t tell, i did not “get it done tomorrow.” anyway i was unsure of the motive behind reader running away so I’m hoping my idea was what you were looking for, anon 👍 ALSO SORRY FOR ALTERING IT A BIT IDK HOW TO WRITE TIME SKIPS AND STUFF SO
𑁍 ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 2.0k
ɴᴏᴛᴇ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ᴀᴜᴛʜᴏʀ *:・゚✧*:・゚
↳ SORRY THIS TOOK LONGER THAN EXPECTED I’VE BEEN REVAMPING HOW I DO TEXTS IN MY FICS WHILE TRYING TO WRITE THIS AND IT’S BEEN TAKING SO LONG THE PROCESS IS IMPOSSIBLY TEDIOUS GGGGHHHH anyway my first request yay i usually write romantic pairings so this is a step out my comfort zone but i hope i could do this idea justice. i love doing requests and i wish i had more lol (cough cough). sorry if this is messy btw ANYWAY this fic lowkey had me sobbing jing yuan would literally be the best dad ever (to my children cough cough) ALSO HAPPY MONTHIVERSARY TO MY ACCOUNT WOOOOO ALSO ALSO, AGAIN, THIS IS VERY UNPOLISHED AND I’M POSTING THIS AT 4AM SO SORRY IF STUFF IS WHACK AT THE END
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An heir. A successor. Some would kill for the power of controlling an army, for the power of an entire ship of the Hexafleet.
Yet, you were running away from home for that reason. Though he’d never said it, you could tell that Jing Yuan wanted you to take on his responsibility when he eventually couldn’t.
And were you ready for that? No. Absolutely not. To have the weight of the Luofu on your shoulders, to carry the burden of being General… You were never going to be ready.
You hear your phone’s notification going off maybe ten times before it goes quiet. Yanqing must have finally read your texts.
You don’t bother responding to his messages, continuing down the street while trying to ignore the dinging and buzzing from your bag. Even at night, the Luofu does not rest. The sky is a flurry of blinding colours, leading your way to… somewhere. Streetlights still glow brighter than ever, and many people rush by you — seemingly coming from nowhere.
You’re running away. You’re actually running away.
It’s not like Jing Yuan is a horrible father. In fact, quite the opposite. You love him, and you’re sure he loves you dearly as well. It makes you feel bad for leaving but… you can’t handle how disappointed he’ll be if you tell him that you’re not ready for your responsibilities. You could never be the General of the Cloud Knights. Not with thousands of years of training and the best teachers that the Xianzhou had to offer. The sword, the battlefield… they are not what calls to you. Truth be told, you stopped attending sword lessons about a month ago. Yanqing still sparred with you on occasion but he could tell you weren’t as sharp as you used to be. Though, now was not the time to think of the past. You had to think of the future.
Where are you going to stay?
A thought crossed your mind. You reach for your phone again, setting down your bag as you pull up your messages with the Nameless. Specifically, a friend of the Luofu. Surely they’d be willing to help you out.
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You lean against the wall, a sigh of relief escaping you. Until you spot a group of Cloud Knights in the distance. They’re definitely searching for you, talking to every passerby they can see. Yanqing must’ve told Jing Yuan already… You duck into an alleyway, crouching down and hiding yourself behind a couple boxes. Hopefully, the Trailblazer will find you before those soldiers do. Though, you’ll be found soon by the Cloud Knights if your phone doesn’t stop going off. You try to ignore the many messages flooding in from Jing Yuan. The notifications keep popping up on your screen as you go to your settings. You have to keep swiping them away because they’re blocking your view.
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It’s a flurry of texts. You lightly skim over a few others he sent. Many along the lines of ‘I’m worried about you’ and apologies for not always being there for you. They make you feel a little guilty for leaving so suddenly, but not guilty enough to talk to him. He wouldn’t understand.
Jing Yuan sends another. You read it carefully, your eyes lingering on each word. ‘Stay safe. I love you.’
“Sorry, dad…” your voice is a little shaky as you mutter under your breath. You can’t imagine how worried he is right now. You tap on your messages, contemplating on whether or not to respond. Instead, you open your chats with the Trailblazer.
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Just then, your phone dies. Perfect. You’ve lost your only means of communication. And you’ve just remembered that you didn’t bring your phone charger. Maybe you aren’t cut out for running away…
Slowly, a familiar silver haired friend approaches your hiding spot, trying as discreetly as they can to move the boxes away.
“Trailblazer!” You whisper-yell. They offer you their hand, and you take it with a sigh of relief.
“Finally… What took you so long? We have to hurry before I’m caught.”
“Are they still close by? The Cloud Knights.”
“Then come on! I need to get on the Express!”
“…How do we get there, Trailblazer?” You look up into their eyes, begging for an answer that isn’t ‘mhm.’ And as you wish, you’re granted one.
“Up, I guess.” They finally say.
“That’s not very helpful.”
“I dunno. Usually people just… appear on the Express. I’ll ask Himeko to help.” They pull out their phone, supposedly texting Himeko.
“Er… We can just take a ship off the Luofu.”
“Okay. Let’s go!” Trailblazer — with their phone still in hand — pulls you along towards the closest port. Your almost thrown off balance, leaning on them for support as they grip your sleeve.
“Wait! I’m gonna be spotted if-“ You cut yourself off with a groan. “Nevermind.”
The ride out of the Luofu is uneventful, though a little awkward. The Trailblazer remains on their phone the entire time while you avoid looking at them.
“Well… welcome to the Astral Express, [name].”
“Is this it?” You’re a little disappointed in how… empty and unwelcoming it feels.
“Obviously not. This is just the lounge,” they pause. “So, do you want a tour or…?”
“I think I’ll be fine.” You turn to one of the windows, looking out at the Xianzhou Luofu.
“How long are you staying? I’m guessing Pom Pom would want to know,” the Trailblazer says, approaching you. In response, you shrug.
“We’ll see.”
“Are you… going to join the us? The Nameless.”
“I don’t know, really.” The Trailblazer goes quiet for a moment.
“…I can tell that Jing Yuan didn’t agree to let you come here. You’re running away, aren’t you?”
“Did the Cloud Knights tell you that?”
“It was just a guess… You can’t stay here for long. None of us are babysitters, [name].” The Trailblazer crosses their arms, shifting their legs as they speak.
“I don’t need one. The only thing I need is a place to stay; that’s it. Until I figure something out.”
“Alright then…” they sigh. “It’s getting pretty late. There’s a room to the right of Dan Heng’s that you can sleep in.” The Trailblazer turns to leave while you continue staring out the window. You find yourself thinking about Jing Yuan and how much you miss him already. Was leaving the Luofu — and leaving your family — really the best course of action?
You head to your room. The eerie quietness of your walk there unsettles you. It makes you yearn for home. There is no noise audible apart from the irritating train ambience. There is no ‘good night’ from your father as you lay down in bed. There is no one to tuck you in as you stare at the ceiling, awaiting sleep. There is nowhere that could be as lonely as this place, away from your father and brother. And away from a life you abandoned. And yet, there is no way you could ever go back. You shut your eyelids tight, hoping that when you wake up, everything will fix itself. That when you wake up, you’ll be a happy kid, living a happy childhood. But even just imagining that is hard on this uncomfortable mattress.
The sound of banging on the door wakes you up.
“[name]! It’s time to get up! Conductor Pom-Pom made breakfast for you!” Someone from outside your room intones. You recognized the sing-song voice as March 7th’s. With a groan, you rise from the bed and shuffle over, managing to turn the doorknob after a bit of a struggle.
“Mmh… Good morning…” Your voice is groggy as you rub your eyes.
“Oh. The Trailblazer told me you were young but I didn’t think you were a…” She doesn’t continue, instead looking down at you with a hint of sympathy in her eyes. “Let’s go eat,” she says, changing the topic.
“In a bit. Just… just give me a few minutes.”
“Whenever you’re ready, [name]. I guess we’ll wait for you.” March shrugs.
After a minute of rustling through your bag, you exit the bathroom, realizing that you forgot to bring toiletries. It seems like you forgot many essentials.
“[name]! You’re here!” March 7th waves you over to a table covered in many carefully crafted dishes. To her right is a serious looking black haired man, staring longingly out the window. To her left, a woman you vaguely remember as Himeko. Across from the three of them is the Trailblazer. You decide to take a seat beside the latter, since they’re really the only one of the Nameless you’re acquainted with. It feels a little… awkward being around the others.
“I thought there were five of you,” you say, recalling a fifth member of the Express Crew.
“Welt didn’t want to join us. He was busy making… preparations,” the Trailblazer answers. You look down at your plate to be greeted with your favourite meal. Your… favourite meal. What an odd coincidence that Pom-Pom decided to make a dish that happened to be your favourite. Jing Yuan had introduced it to you back when he had only just adopted you. The fragrance emitting from the plate is staggeringly nostalgic. You almost burst into tears being near this thing. It looks identical to how he’d used to make it. Hesitantly, you bring a spoonful to your mouth. The flavours that you taste are painfully reminiscent of home. They sting your tongue with memories of your father.
“…The… conductor made this?” You ask, struggling to understand. The Trailblazer gives a curt nod, their attention hyper-focused on you. You try to blink away the tears in your eyes but you’re sure they’re visible by now.
“[name]? Yesterday, I was on my phone…” They pause dramatically. “Can you guess who I was texting?” Then, it hits you.
“…Jing Yuan.”
“And can you guess who made breakfast for you?”
“Where is he?” You breathe out, clearly exhausted as you stand from the table, setting down your utensils.
The Trailblazer leads you down the hall, away from your breakfast and the others and back to your room.
“He’s in here?” You hesitate to open the door.
“I guess I’ll leave you to it, [name].” They speed off without another word to you. It takes you a couple minutes to work up the courage, but you eventually grab a solid hold on the doorknob and push it open. He’s sitting on the bed, staring at his phone. But his attention snaps to you as soon as you open the door.
“[name]. I’m… glad we finally have a chance to talk. I trust you have been doing well here?” You don’t point out how you’ve been on the Express for less than a day, still too nervous to talk. “What‘s wrong, [name]?” Jing Yuan asks. And finally, you answer.
“I… don’t want to take your place as the General.” Your speech is slow and stretched out as you try to convey your thoughts and feelings. “It seems like… too much for me. I’ve never been good at all that… stuff, and you know that.” He sighs as you talk, sadness in his eyes.
“Is that why you ran away? Why didn’t you tell me?” Jing Yuan stands up and approaches you. “I never asked you to become my successor, did I, [name]?” His hand rests on your shoulder in an attempt to reassure you.
“I was scared that you’d be… disappointed in me.”
“Do you really think so low of me?”
“I do not care what you wish to become in the future, [name]. You’ll still always be my kid. I did not intend for you to take on my position. You’re too young to govern the Luofu. No offence.” He leans in, pinching your cheek with his other hand. “You’d be quite capable, [name].” You look away as he lets go, a little embarrassed.
“Thanks, dad…?”
“Have we sorted this out then? You know that I’ll always love you, yes?”
“Mhm. Yeah.” You hold your arms out to him, and Jing Yuan pulls you into a tight embrace.
“I’m happy to be your father, [name]… Don’t do this again, okay? You can talk to me about anything. Don’t run away anymore. You really worried me…”
“Right. Sorry, dad.”
“Come on then. Let’s go home.”
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ask before translating, taking inspo from (not copy), reposting, etc. my work. remember to credit me and if you’re taking inspo from it, please @ me as I’d like to see what you do with my ideas!
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nerdieforpedro · 7 months
WIP Wednesday/Thursday
I was tagged by @pedroshotwifey and @theywhowriteandknowthings ❤️ ❤️
It was hard to decide which two WIPs I was going to do snippets of because I have so many. 👀 If I mention starting any more series and not just one shots, smack me. I should not have 11, I kid you not, 11 ongoing series. I went through my masterlist thinking it was like 5-6. 🤨 I was very wrong. Like Geez.... I gotta finish something. 🫣
Anyway, snippet one - from chapter 2 of Roc & Doc not finished yet:
Your face hardens at your friend’s joke and you start nervously pressing your hands together. At least it wasn’t the trenchcoat one she likes to make, thank goodness. Tim looked back at the door and stood up, shaking his head. “Hey Kim. Just knew Doc would want to hear how the case turned out. I’m going to head out Doc. I’m going to go make sure Stevenson isn’t still working on the homicide from last week. He makes fun of my chicken scratch, but he types slow as hell for someone fifteen years younger than me. Good night Doc, don’t steal anymore pens. I know she’ll be your accomplice.” Rockford nods, gives you a smile and once at the doorway, cuts his eyes at Kira before leaving.  
Kim plops down across from you and snickers. “Did the famed detective get a bit pissed at me because I came between him and his dear Doc? For shame and I guess I did know you were taking his pens. To be fair, I did tell you to stop several times.” She playfully tapped her own hand as if she was being reprimanded. You sat back in your chair and shook your head. She’s been teasing you about this for as long as you had stolen that man’s pens well after. Tim didn’t tease you as much anymore, well sometimes when you got in the car and he asked to see your hands to make sure you didn’t remove anything from his glove box or console.
Snippet two is from a series I plan to start in March. It's for a Pedro character I only recently started writing for. 🥸 (Is included in the 11 series - that number still freaks me out. like that many unfinished ideas. 😭)
A moonbeam. It’s the first thing he thought of when he saw her. She was wearing a white nightgown - if he had to guess cotton with a thin robe about her shoulders that she decided to slip off. That’s a good choice, it’s a bit warm out tonight. Her hair is under a purple bonnet which she removes as well and sets it on top of the robe, both are on the back of her rocking chair. Black voluminous hair fell around her shoulders, it looked pillowy to the touch like the rest of its owner.  Her substantial legs carried her to a small table beside her where she lit a candle. The minimal light makes her face glow. He can make out full lips, round cheeks and bright eyes behind her glasses. She eases down into her rocking chair and pours herself a brown liquid that looks similar to his and orange juice maybe? Well she could be one for mixed drinks. He wonders why she would be up at this ungodly hour drinking? She couldn’t have similar demons to him could she? Maybe some unknown fears or known fears? Could she be separating herself from someone inside the home? 
I wonder which character it is? ☺️
Honorable mentions: Dave/Santi, Pero/Jack, Weddings 101 with Dieter, Jake Lockley fic, Santiago angst/fluff, Disco Dieter.
These aren't any less important, my motivation waxes and wanes, very often. 🤔
NPT: @maggiemayhemnj @megamindsecretlair @perotovar @daddy-dins-girl @trulybetty @joels-shitty-puns @magpiepills @gemmahale @tinytinymenace @movievillainess721 @alltheglitterandtheroar @grogusmum @soft-girl-musings @ilovepedro @beefrobeefcal @agentjackdaniels @javierpena-inatacvest @rhoorl @mysterious-moonstruck-musings @reallyrallyauthor @saturn-rings-writes
Sorry if you've done it already. ☺️
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(Nerdie trying to think of how she's actually going to finish all the series she started - an entire mess of her own making) 😂
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