#I hope there's a huge ST fan here that will adopt him
There's a dog at my local shelter, one named Eddie Munson.
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m6p2s5gziax8 · 4 years
Deconstructing Season 3 Jim Hopper
Note1 - I wrote this before the 2020.02.14 "Stranger Things 4 | From Russia with love" teaser. I'm glad they didn't try to drag out the "is Hopper really dead" question - he's 100% back! Note2 - Ok, now that so many of us are inside and ST4 is delayed, I'm going to finally post this and hope some folks find it interesting. Note3 - 6+ months later, I'm finally posting this for real, enjoy! :)
Please Read * !!! MASSIVE S3 SPOILERS !!! * I am a huge fan of Stranger Things and Jim Hopper. * This is a critical analysis of season 3 Jim Hopper, aka s3-Hop. * I would never want to sour anyone's enjoyment of the show or s3-Hop. * Please skip this essay if you enjoy s3-Hop! * If you viewed season 3 and thought "Hopper sure was different" or "Hopper wasn't enjoyable like in s1 and s2" then please read on!
uber-TL;DR * s3-Hopper was unbelievably and (for me) unenjoyably different from s1/s2 * for s4, my hope is this extreme character shift is acknowledged by Hopper to Mike, Eleven, and Joyce
longer-TL;DR There were many changes in Stranger Things with season 3: the mall, the bright color pallet, the love-quadrangle pitting El/Max vs Mike/Lucas, Dustin splitting off from the boys to join the Scoops Troop, and the campy, Scooby-Doo-esque Russian base plot. I can accept these changes and enjoy many of their elements.
But s3 brought one massive change that was not a new character, location, nemesis, or team combo: I felt Jim Hopper's character change was simply unbelievable and unenjoyable.
Sadly, I may be in a tiny minority that does not speak up or that critical comments about a beloved show get "black holed" by show boosters on social media. Many ST fans were sad and angry that Hopper appears to have died and the letter reading at the end of s3 was very dramatic and moving. So analysis, and especially criticism, of s3-Hop is frequently down-voted or not liked and thus not socialized.
This is an attempt to collect the thoughts of one very unhappy s1/s2-Hopper fan about s3-Hop. I hope readers will enjoy the long detailed analysis (sorry it is so long!) and I look forward to any comments and feedback.
FWIW, I'm a big Stranger Things fan and David Harbour is a great actor (even in s3) and a Good person IRL. I loved s1/s2 Jim Hopper and how he was written in the official book Darkness on the Edge of Town.
Here are some collected and reformatted writings I've done on Hopper and his s3 change. My fave ST character is Eleven so s3-Hop becoming so different and unenjoyable is particularly jarring for me.
s3-Hop was so different from s1/s2-Hop as to make it seem like he is a new character. Not only that, but I did not enjoy this new character who acts: * anxious * whiny * selfish * sarcastic * self-entitled * super-violent
Recall Hopper's pre-s3 history from s1, s2, and the official book Darkness on the Edge of Town: * volunteered for the military at 18 (not drafted) * 3 years combat in Vietnam, awarded Bronze Star * 2 years as a Hawkins policemen, marries, has a daughter * 6 years in New York City as a homicide detective * after his daughter dies, hits the bottle/pills, gets divorced * back in Hawkins as Chief of Police and dating women * goes into the Upside Down and literally brings Will back to life with Joyce * takes Eleven in, she runs away, they each apologize * Hop protects Eleven while she unloads at maximum to fend off the Mind Flayer and close the Gate * El goes to the Snow Ball dance and Mike comes over for 6 months to be with her (and smooch!)
Now look at s3-Hop - a very brief s3 timeline: * he's anxious, has no gravitas or authority - he gets advice from Joyce on El/Mike * the evening of s3e1, s3-Hop writes about "emotions" and how he's upset about change * Then s3-Hop continues writing wise words about life that are all read in s3e8 * AFTER writing why he's upset and these wise words, s3-Hop proceeds to act like a mega-jerk * he is gleeful when Eleven is upset that Mike is not coming over * s3-Hop bizarrely thinks whining to Joyce will make her like him * WORST OF ALL, s3-Hop does not say "daughter", "kid", "Eleven", or "El" from s3e2-s3e7
Hopper went from a mega-over-protective dad in s2 who was able to legally adopt Eleven right before the Snow Ball to a jarringly different character in s3. I can see s3-Hop making bad judgments and behaving badly but just not in this anxious/silly/immature way. Why not have him be brooding and angry? That would be consistent with s1/s2. I fear the writers wanted a whacky/silly/goofy characterization for s3-Hop so that's what we got instead.
I can not stress this point enough: Hopper went from being El's loving, protective parent to forgetting about her once he broke her and Mike apart.
At the start of s3e2, Hopper watching El being upset and storming into her room because she missed Mike, his smiling while eating cereal, and then gleefully singing while going to work is when I was broke and I thought: This is not my Hopper.
s3 Hopper and Eleven then Hopper forgets Eleven - an episodic timeline:
e1 - Hopper is anxious and unnerved by Mike visiting Eleven daily since it reduces s3-Hop's time with El e1 - Hopper lies to Mike about his Grandma being sick and then frightens him into not coming over
e2 - When Eleven is upset the next day about Mike not appearing, Hopper is joyful e2 - Note, the song played while s3-Hop is gleeful at Eleven's separation from Mike is the same one that was used when s2-Hop took El into his cabin and started cleaning it up. What a terrible ruination of a wonderful, charming moment from s2. When I hear "You Don't Mess Around with Jim" now I just think of how unhappy El was and how uncaring s3-Hop was of her feelings after he chased Mike away.
e3 - Hopper drives home drunk and enters the cabin yelling angrily only to burst in on El and Max with no Mike; s3-Hop is very happy e3 - Note, s3-Hop wrote in his letter the night before that he missed spending time with El so his accepting Max with El at the cabin is inconsistent with what he wrote.
e4 - Hop adventures with Joyce (no mention of Eleven)
e5 - Hop, Joyce, and now Alexei road trip on the way to Illinois e5 - Hop does not mention El but at the gas station Joyce is worried and calls Karen: JOY - Oh, hey, Karen, it's Joyce. Yeah, I... I'm just checking on Will. At the movies?
e6 - Alexei describes how the Russians are re-opening the Gate and Joyce quickly gets up: HOP - Where are you going? JOY - To call our children. e6 - Note, Joyce said "our children" so she is also worried for El while an indifferent Hop drinks vodka with Murray e6 - Hop calls the feds and afterwards sits down and lights a cigarette, then: JOY - So, now what? HOP - Now, we, uh... we wait. JOY - How long do we wait? HOP - As long as it takes. JOY - How can you just sit there being calm? HOP - I am not calm! JOY - Our kids are in danger! HOP - You said they were at the festival! JOY - Which is, like, ten minutes from the gate! HOP - What are you doing? Joyce? HOP - What are you doing? JOY - [she calls the feds again pressing them to hurry] e6 - Note, s3-Hop talks here (and in most of s3) with various combinations of sarcasm, exasperation, indifference, and irritation. Just hearing his tone is so unpleasant and jarringly different from s1/s2-Hop.
e7 - in the car ride home, Hopper sarcastically ridicules Joyce about her being concerned about the kids: HOP - Oh! Wait, that's right! We're on our way to rescue our children from the big, bad Fourth of July celebration! JOY - You know what, if you can't handle this, then just turn around and drop me off first. HOP - What are you gonna do? You gonna walk back to Hawkins? JOY - I will do anything if it gets me away from you!
e8 - FINALLY Hopper arrives at the Mall and holds Eleven while she drinks a soda and rests her wounded leg e8 - Inexplicably, Joyce agrees to go on a date with Hop before the climax when he disappears
Why did the Stranger Things writers change Jim Hopper so much and so negatively in s3?
I think the writers want us to enjoy (or experience in my case) a new, goofy, ha-ha, funny version of Hopper who: * can't parent a teenage girl dating a boy, * is chasing Joyce for a date and then a relationship while she is still grieving the loss of Bob, and * despite acting like a jerk "sacrifices" himself in the end.
Then, to cap the season off, we get gut punched emotionally by Eleven reading s3-Hop's letter.
The writers likely thought the viewers would fall into two groups: * s3-Hop likers who enjoy this new s3-Hop would be upset at his "death" and moved to tears by the letter * s3-Hop dislikers who were annoyed by s3-Hop would flip to likers because of his "sacrifice" and feel guilty so they are also moved to tears by the letter
But remember: the timing of s3-Hop writing the letter about emotions with sagely advice. He wrote it the end of s3e1, after getting advice from Joyce at the store and just before lying to and threatening Mike to break him up with El. I don't think the writers thought viewers would catch this since the letter is so dramatically read (awesome performances by David and Millie) way at the end of the season in s3e8 after s3-Hop disappeared.
Why did s3-Hop act so different from s1/s2 and so badly if he can write so openly and wisely in s3e1 about emotions in the letter?
Why does this dramatic character transition occur? * s1/s2-Hop - bad temper, apathetic, lackadaisical with a good heart and over-protective of Eleven * s3-Hop - anxious, whiny, sarcastic, immature, self-entitled, selfish and mocking of Joyce for worrying about the kids including El
The breaker with s3-Hop for me was his complete turn around regarding Eleven. For s3e1 his only interest was stopping Mike from coming over and taking up El's time which he wanted for himself. Once the breakup was achieved he was very happy despite El's obvious upset.
Note, after breaking up El/Mike we never see s3-Hop make Eggo extravaganzas or watch a western with Eleven like he said he yearned for in the letter. Nor does he mention it to Joyce after breaking El and Mike apart. He read El's note on the fridge and proceeded to adventure with Joyce, all the while whiny to her about wanting a relationship.
Joyce on three occasions showed concerned and called someone about "Will", "our children", and "Our kids" and finally she said to Hop "I will do anything if it gets me away from you" because of his mocking her concern. (That was my favorite line in s3! - Joyce is so awesome)
After breaking up Mike and Eleven, from e4 to e7 Hopper did not show concern or caring about his adopted daughter. It was not until s3e8 in the Mall when Hop is seen holding El while she sips a soda and later he talks to her and is loving and supportive.
Is this Jim Hopper from s2 who was an over-protective, super-loving father to Eleven? Does Mike coming over and using most of El's time turn this decorated Vietnam combat veteran, who was a 6 year NYC homicide detective and current Chief of Police into an anxious, shrill father who can't think straight?
Why not have Hopper react to wanting more time with Eleven and wanting to date Joyce like the normal s1/s2-Hop we know and love?
I blame the writers from wanting s3-Hop to have an arc from nervous/unhinged to "sacrificing himself" and then the letter being read.
I think the s3-Hop character change was done so we'd be gut punched when he "died" and then the letter was read. And there's the additional goal of getting Hopper to fit in with the "summer of love" theme of s3 with him breaking up a love pairing with El/Mike and pursuing his own love with Joyce.
But the timing of when Hop wrote the letter just doesn't make any sense because of how he acted later. Additionally, if s3-Hop can not follow the life advice he wrote down, why does he act badly in such a different way then when he acted badly in s1/s2?
Because of this extreme character change I sadly can not watch s3-Hop anymore without being upset. It's just so unbelievable and unenjoyable.
Did Sarah's death or Mike's dating Eleven or PTSD from Vietnan explain or justify Hopper's s3 change?
These items have been mentioned as possible explanations for s3-Hop being so different from s1/s2. I initially tried to use Mike dating El as an excuse for Hopper's changes but after three s3 viewings I gave up because of everything else I've written in this essay. Here are some reasons while these explanations do not work for me.
1) Sarah's death was wrapped up when Hopper and Joyce saved Will in the upside down. Hopper literally brought Will back to life, something he could not do with Sarah. This was in incredibly moving scene and the end of a powerful arc for Hopper. But the point is it was the end of the arc: Sarah's death still impacts Hopper in s2 dealing with Eleven but Sarah dying isn't a driving force for s3-Hop and how he acts. That arc wrapped up and though it guides s2-Hop, he still acts in a consistent manor. In season 3 there's no mention of Sarah making s3-Hop stressed out so that arc is not in play.
2) Mike dating Eleven and their disrespecting Hopper are certainly stresses for s3-Hop but his reaction to breaking them up is out of character. El and Mike giggle and whisper with each other. Then s3-Hop - an adult, parent, and police chief - cruelly lies to Mike that his grandma is sick and then holds him in the car and threatens him after Mike angrily used profanity. Many commenters call Mike a "little sh|t" and side with tough guy s3-Hop and his approach. It would be consistent and believable for s3-Hop to act like this at night and then the next morning to have shown some remorse or some kind of caring to Eleven. s3-Hop could have said "too bad Mike isn't coming, let's have Eggos tonight and watch a Western." But he did not say anything to El. Instead, he smiled and then happily sang in the car on the way to work.
3) PTSD does not explain s3-Hop's behavior since we never see any evidence in the show that he is having flashbacks or any issues related to Vietnam. Also, writers just can't use PTSD as a do-anything-whenever-you-want-with-a-character excuse. Not only is there no Vietnam PTSD evidence in the episodes, there are many quotes from the official book with Hopper that he does not have PTSD.
3a) In s1, s2, and s3 the words "Vietnam" and "veteran" are never spoken. The only indication of Vietnam is a box under under Hop's cabin floor that Eleven sees when she discovers the trap door. Hopper never speaks of dreams or flashbacks and there is no other indication he has PTSD from Vietnam. His divorce, drinking, and pill abuse are all from Sarah dying based on what we see in the episodes.
3b) From the official book Stranger Things: Darkness on the Edge of Town (published May 28 2019):
1984 DECEMBER 26 - 11 days after the Snow Ball Dance with Jim and El in the cabin: The truth was, Hopper realized, that he didn’t want to talk about Vietnam, not because it was a trauma or a personal demon, but because it was ancient history—but more than that, it felt like part of some other person’s life. Although he hadn’t really stopped to consider it properly, he was aware of how he had compartmentalized his past in his own mind. So, yes, Vietnam had been difficult, and he had come back changed—as most people did, of course—but it just wasn’t relevant, not anymore. That wasn’t him, not now. Because he had come to accept that there were really only two parts to his life. Before Sara. After Sara. And nothing else really mattered. Vietnam included. He just wasn’t quite sure how he was going to explain that to El. “Because,” said Hopper with a smile, “Vietnam was a long time ago. I mean, a really long time ago. And I’m not that person now.” He leaned forward on the table, resting on his elbows. “Look, I’m sorry, really. I can understand that you are curious. And I understand you want to know more about me. I’m your—” He paused. El raised an eyebrow, cocked her chin again, waiting for the response. Hopper sighed, happily. “I’m your dad, now. And yes, there is a lot you don’t know about me. Vietnam included. One day I’ll tell you about it, when you’re older.”
1977 JULY 13 - Homicide Detective Hopper in New York City: This was a support group for veterans of the Vietnam War. Hopper knew such groups existed. He knew full well that such groups were needed. That he’d come out of the war unscathed and with his marbles all where they should be was a blessing. Okay, it had changed him, and he wasn’t going to pretend that it hadn’t been difficult at times. But what the war had done to some people... He’d never felt the need to attend a meeting like this himself, but he was glad they were there for those who did feel that need.
How can Jim Hopper's portrayal recover in season 4?
First off, there is no doubt that David Harbour is returning to play Jim Hopper in season 4 (and s5 if there is one). This is David's big, career making role that is getting him award nominations/wins (the most for any adult ST actor), and he just got a huge raise (80k to 350k per episode). And, most importantly, he loves doing the show and the people in it (especially Millie).
Since what's done is done with s3-Hop, what can happen with Hopper in s4 to bring him back into a believable and enjoyable form for huge ST fans who miss s1/s2 Jim Hopper?
I am very much hoping that Hopper will dial back or eliminate his new s3 qualities, like being whiny, selfish, complaining constantly, etc. Please bring back some of his old s1/s2 strength and empathy under a grumpy exterior.
And I hope Hopper does a reset with three people:
1) Mike - Hopper needs to do more to make up to Mike than just saying "Mike, Be careful" like he did in s3e8 at the Mall. Hop should clearly say that he accepts Mike as El's boyfriend and that he knows he'll do everything possible to keep her safe. Which is actually what Mike did for all of s3 while s3-Hop was adventuring with Joyce.
2) Eleven - While the Letter explains why Hop was feeling upset (change, less time with El, etc), it does not justify how s3-Hop acted afterward when he lied and threatened Mike breaking them up. Hop needs to clearly apologize to Eleven for being selfish, immature, and inconsiderate.
3) Joyce - I hope that Hopper admits to Joyce that he acted like a jerk towards her and that he promises to be a better person in general and especially better with her. That's the only way I can make any sense out of Joyce and Hopper being any kind of couple: Hop has to own up to his terrible behavior towards Joyce and promise to be better.
The End! Sort of... :)
Well, you've read or skimmed or skipped all the way to the almost end and I thank you for taking time to look at my thoughts about Jim Hopper's portrayal in season 3. I still love Hop and think David does an incredible acting job with him in each season. I've been 100% sure he's coming back since the Duffers have bluntly said: no body = no death. So while I'm a little scared at how Hopper will be characterized in season 4, I'm also very excited to see it! Word is that season 4 will have more episodes (10, 11, 12?) than normal. Plus, the Duffers just signed a big deal with Netflix so I'm wondering if season 4 will be a semi-finale for the series and give the Duffers and the stars a break to do other stuff and then come back for a movie or a season after more ideas have percolated in the Duffers' creative minds.
So, here's looking forward to season 4 when we can see Jim Hopper evolve along with all the other great Stranger Things characters.
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semifunctioningphan · 3 years
Chapter One; A day to remember
                                         Chapter One; Dan POV
It was just like every other morning in London. I awoke to the sound of people, buses, and cars passing by his window. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was 9:00 AM and Phil and I had a very important meeting at 10:30. 
I reached to my right side to wake up his new husband Phil who wasn't there. Suddenly he smelled the warm smell of fresh coffee. I quickly hopped out of bed and got dressed, then walked down the hall. At the end of the hall in the kitchen stood Phil in his emoji pajamas. I laughed to myself and wondered if Phil would ever get rid of those things.
“Good morning!” Phil turned around with a smile handing me a coffee in a Hello Kitty mug. I took the mug and started to drink the coffee quickly, it was the only way I could function this early in the morning. Especially after the little sleep I had from the night before of internet shopping and browsing. I smiled at Phil. 
“Aren't you going to get dressed? We have to leave by 10:00 and we definitely do not want to be late to this appointment.” 
“Yeah, yeah.” Phil replied with a laugh. He quickly kissed me and then walked towards the bathroom to get ready. ‘How did I get so lucky?’  I thought to myself. I sat on the couch and began to scroll through my instagram viewing fan art and comments about mine and Phils very quiet secret wedding we had only discussed after getting married. We announced it on our Stereo podcast even though we had been hinting at it for months. Of course the fans weren't surprised just like they weren't when I had brought out my coming out video. The fans just seemed to have a 6th sense for these sorts of things. After around 30 minutes of scrolling Phil finally emerged from the bathroom showered, dressed, and ready to go. 
I got up and grabbed my jacket, keys, phone, wallet, and of course Phils hand and we were headed out the door. What an exciting day that was ahead. 
                                                   Chapter one ; Phils POV
It was a busy and beautiful warm summer's morning when Dan grabbed my hand and we began our commute to the important meeting. ‘This meeting is going to change our lives’ I thought to myself, so the weather was suiting. My stomach was growling as I did not have any time to eat my morning cereals. 
“Dan would you want to go for brunch after this meeting? I am starving..” I asked Dan.
“Ummm yeah definitely. Starbucks?” Dan replied.
“How about somewhere more fancy to celebrate after the meeting. If everything goes well of course.” I was clearly anxious. Dan stopped and wrapped his arms round me just outside of the entrance to the underground. 
“Everything is going to be fine.” Dan smiled and gave me a quick peck on the lips before walking down the steps into the underground. ‘Dan was right’ I thought ‘everything was going to be just fine.’ I followed Dan into the underground station. 
                                         Chapter one; Dans POV
The ride on the underground was long and hot. It was mid July and the UK had just entered another one of its famous summer time heat waves. I watched Phil as he bobbed his leg up and down. I could see that Phil was visibly anxious so I began to talk to him to try and distract from all the worry. 
“So where were you thinking of going for breakfast afterwards?” I asked Phil knowing that food was one of the easiest ways to distract Phil in a time of such panic. 
“Somewhere with REALLY good pancakes. I did not have my cereal this morning so I am going to need an extra big breakfast to get me through the rest of my day.” Phil said. I giggled as it was typical for Phil to pick the most sugary food he could think of. 
“Haha alright sounds good to me. As long as they have good coffee I am happy” I smiled. After what seemed like an eternity but was probably only 10 minutes the Underground was finally at their stop. I looked at his apple watch. It was 10:10. Which meant we only had 20 minutes to get to the appointment, and we had been advised to get there early. I grabbed Phils hand and made a dash for the escalators back out onto the streets pulling Phil with me. The office we were headed to was only about 10 minutes away so I thought we would be okay to get there for 10 minutes before the meeting to look professional. 
Central London was busy which was typical for this time of year. Full of tourists from around the world enjoying all the different attractions London has to offer. The walk there seemed to be like an obstacle course dodging people, cars, buses, and of course pigeons. This clearly did nothing for Phils social anxiety so the faster that I got us to the office building the better, and after dodging several pigeons and ice cream eating tourists Phil and I finally made it to the building with just a little over 10 minutes to spare. We had gotten there earlier than expected. 
                                               Chapter one; Phils POV 
The entrance to the office building was like a cool cave welcoming Dan and I out from the heated streets of London. The outside of the office building seemed like any other, but the inside was very modern, bright, and colourful. As we approached the receptionist Dan spoke because I was too nervous too and Dan always seemed to know that, even without looking at me. 
“Hi, we have an appointment at 10:30. For Daniel Howell and Phil Howell.” Dan's voice seemed to sing at the receptionist. Dan has such a nice voice I thought. It was still exciting to me when I heard Dan say Howell instead of Lester after saying my name. 
“Okay…” the recepnist typed into her computer “Yup here you are! If you would like to sit right there, Mrs. Earhart will be with you shortly.” The receptionist pointed to a nice waiting area with comfy looking couches, a TV, and some childrens toys. As we began to walk the short distance to the waiting room my stomach became filled with butterflies. Dan and I had waited months for this appointment and it was finally here. We sat down on one of the couches and I pretended to watch the TV. Dan grabbed on to my hand and squeezed but didn't say anything. Dan was clearly a bit nervous too. This meeting could potentially change their lives. 
After what seemed to be the longest 10 minutes of my life, a short lady with long brown hair done up in a ponytail and in a nice pant suit approached Dan and I with a smile. 
“Hi you must be Mr and Mr Howell. I am Mrs.Earhart, but you can call me Jane. I believe we have spoken on the phone several times.” She smiled. Jane seemed like a kind lady. The sort you would expect to be working at an adoption agency. She seemed very warm and almost reminded me of Mrs.Honey from Matilda. I smiled back at her and nodded my head.
“Oh yes! I am Dan and this is my husband Phil.” Dan shook Jane's hand. 
“Nice to meet you!” I smiled at her again and shook her hand after Dan. 
“And you Phil. If you two wouldn't mind following me, the meeting room is just down this corridor and to our left.” She began walking. Dan and I followed her down the hall, I still clutched Dans hand like my life depended on it. 
When we walked into the room there were already two people sitting around the small conference table. One was a middle aged woman who was nicely dressed. The other was a heavily pregnant girl, probably around the age of 16 or 17. The middle aged woman stood when Dan and I walked in to shake both our hands. The girl went to stand but the older woman muttered something and she remained seated. The girl had honey blonde hair, greyish blue eyes, and a lovely smile. She smiled at us as we sat across from her in the conference room. Jane began to speak. 
“This is Elizabeth and Victoria.” She said signaling to the girl. 
“But you can call me Ella.” She smiled and shook both Dan and I hands. Dan and I both smiled at her. She seemed like a wonderful young girl. The mother Victoria smiled and nodded at both Dan and me. 
“Elizabeth is 35 weeks preganant. She is also the one who has chosen you two to adopt her child.” Jane smiled at Dan and I. 
“Well uh thank you!” I said smiling at Ella. 
“Yes, it honestly means the world to us. You have no idea how grateful we are.” Dan said.
“No worries. You two seem like a lovely couple! I have seen a few of your videos on YouTube and that honestly answered my question as to who would be this little one's parents!” She smiled. I looked at Dan who was smiling awkwardly. I blushed. 
“Yes,” Victoria said, “She was quite taken by your videos really. She said to me it was like watching an application instead of just reading one.” Victoria replied. Ella blushed. 
“Well once again thank you so so much.” Phil replied “It's really a huge deal for us and we promise we will take good care of the child.” 
“I would hope so!” Victoria was incredibly snooty. Jane decided to speak up now as she could sense the attitude in Victoria's voice. 
“Well with all that being said, what would you like to know Dan and Phil? This is a great time to ask questions about the baby, discuss the birthing plan, and the adoption options.” Dan was the first to say anything.
“Would you like an open or closed adoption? Phil and I have discussed it and we both agreed that we would be happy with either. It's totally up to you.`` Dan spoke to Ella professionally. I nodded my head agreeingly. 
“Well,” Victoria spoke up for her daughter, “I have decided it is within Ellas best interest to keep this adoption closed. She is a young girl after all. Only 16. She does not need a child in her life at this early of an age.” I looked to Dan who was nodding along with what Victoria said. Then I looked to Ella who seemed rather upset. Jane spoke once again. 
“Perhaps the open or closed adoption thing can be discussed later. For now maybe its best that we discuss any other things like the baby growth and development?” Jane saw that Ella was upset too. After a few more questions and a discussion about the father of the child the meeting seemed to draw to a close. The baby was to be delivered at St Thomas’ Hospital here in London. The due date was August 7th 2021, and Dan and I were to go to the final scan which was next Wednesday at 3:00 PM. After the long discussions some papers were signed, and Dan and I left. This was the beginning of our new life and we were excited. 
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Charmed Again: Season 2 (Charmed Fanfic)
Episode 1 - Back to Black: Part 1 (Premiere)
Warnings: I don’t own the rights to any of the characters from the hit TV show “Charmed” or the storylines related to the show those rights belong to original creator Constance M Burge.
15+ Moderate/Graphic Displays of Violence, Sexual Innuendos, Witchcraft and Potentially Triggering Scenes.
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Pan sat on the couch within the attic in her family home looking through a family photo album that included pictures of Prue, Piper, Phoebe, Paige, Melinda, Wyatt and Chris as well as containing baby, child and teenage pictures of herself and Paul.
“Do you know the elders summon me more than you do these days?” Piper complained as she appeared as if from out of nowhere.
“I’m sorry grams things around here have got even more crazy than normal as I’m sure you’ve probably seen for yourself.” Pan replied as she stood up, placing the photo album down on the couch.
“Yeah I’ve seen which is why I decided it was time to properly check in,” Piper explained to her granddaughter. “How are you coping with it all?”
“I’m doing good yeah it’s most Drake that’s struggling with it all although he’s acting like it’s not affected him, I know it has. He doesn’t let people in easily and when he does, he winds up hurt that’s got to blow.” Pan admitted to her.
“The elders have always been real pains in the proverbial especially with their archaic ideology you should’ve seen the hissy fit they through when I married your grandfather but eventually they learned I wouldn’t back down and it was time for them to change their ways which I hope happens again in this case.” Piper reassured her.
“I’m not sure this time Grams I’ve not seen or heard much from Quinn since he got reassigned and I doubt Drake’s going to open himself up again just to be hurt.” Pan replied honestly.
“Drake’s a lot more resilient than you think and he’s full of surprises I mean just look at him you and Paul all under the same roof.” Piper disagreed with her granddaughter. “I never thought he would wind up moving in and he did.”
“Pan are you coming back to...” Lacey began to ask while walking into the attic before noticing Piper. “Oh, never mind.”
“Hello again Lacey I see being dead is a good look on you.” Piper said to her granddaughter’s girlfriend.
“Right back at you Mrs Halliwell.” Lacey replied to her.
“I’m so glad Aunt Paige bended the rules about white lighters and sped up Lacey’s process.” Pan admitted as she walked over to Lacey and kissed her. “I couldn’t imagine life without you.”
“Yes, well every now and then the elders and by which, I mean my sister Paige manages to get things right.” Piper told them both. “Where is my grandson and great grandson anyway?”
“Paul’s working late at the law firm and Drake’s always late coming in from Devilish Delights.” Pan explained to her grandmother.
“What the hell is Devilish Delights?” Piper wondered.
“A very nice and very colorful performance venue for exotic male dancers.” Pan reluctantly replied.
“Oh,” Lacy laughed. “She means a strip club.”
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“I suppose continuing to give you more and more chances are proving worthwhile for me.” Cindy smirked while she and Drake stood in Cindy’s office fixing their tops, having clearly just had some fun with each other.
“Please I’m the closest thing you have to a friend around here unless your hiding them somewhere really good.” Drake laughed, teasing his boss.
“Friends are seriously overrated I mean what use has anyone really got out of friendship?” Cindy replied. “If I wanted friends, I’d have friends, but I don’t.”
“Don’t you consider me a friend?” Drake asked as he moved closer towards his boss.
“I don’t do emotional attachments of any kind and that’s the reason why this works.” Cindy admitted before leaning in to kiss him only to be frozen mid-air.
“Didn’t I ban you and Paul from ever coming here?” Drake asked as he turned around to see Pan and Piper stood at the now opened office door.
“Yeah this time I’m not doing the freezing or the invading.” Pan replied while pointing at her grandmother, making it clear Piper was to blame.
“Who even are you?” Drake asked Piper, clearly unamused.
“Hello, anyone home?” Paul shouted as he walked into the foyer only to see Lacey orb into the foyer, although Lacey didn’t quite execute the landing making her fall to the floor upon appearing into the room.
“Damn, Quinn always made it look so bloody easy, but orbing is really hard,” Lacey moaned as Paul helped her back on her feet. “If I don’t start acing this white lighter thing quickly, they may consider taking my wings off me.”
“Lacey you’re still relatively new to all of this you’re not supposed to be the best straight away give it time.” Paul suggested to her. “Where is everyone?”
“Your grandmother Piper Halliwell returned from the grave once again just in time for Drake’s birthday tomorrow.” Lacey told him.
“Drake’s birthday is on the 31st of October, I should know considering I was there the day he was born.” Paul replied to his white lighter.
“True but Halloween is a big no for him, so we just do his birthday the week before, so he doesn’t have to be associated with all hallows eve.” Lacey explained to her charge. “I swear I tried doing a fancy-dress themed birthday for his 21st and the guy almost killed me on the spot.”
“How can Drake not love Halloween the guy’s obsessed with horror movies and all things spooky to an alarming level which I guess is the demon in him, but Halloween should be his favorite time of year.” Paul wondered. “Not to mention as a Halliwell it’s the most important time of year for us.”
“Delilah was a huge fan of Halloween and she used to go all out every year she’d throw this big party for the entire street and her and Drake used to spend so much time decorating, designing costumes and coming up with ideas.” Lacey revealed to Drake’s biological father. “It was their thing and he’s refused to celebrate it since to be honest with you I think she made such a big deal about Halloween because it was her son’s birthday she loved him more than anything and he loved her so much.”
“That’s terrible here’s me believing Drake and I were growing closer and not only didn’t I know he loathed his own birthday but I didn’t even know the woman that raised my son the woman he called mum was named Delilah.” Paul admitted, hurt by the realization his white lighter knew his own son better than him.
“I wouldn’t blame yourself on that one Drake’s a hard one to open up on a good day never mind opening up about the worst day of his life.” Lacey said, trying to make Paul feel better about himself. “His father was called Stewart in case you were wondering about him too.”
“What was his father like?” Paul asked her.
“He was a regular dad type nothing to write home about really Drake was always closer to his mum but Stewart and him did have their wrestling addiction they bonded over every week they used to go to shows together and Drake would get so excited to spend time with him.” Lacey continued to reveal more about Drake’s adoptive family before beginning to laugh over a memory she quickly shared with Paul. “I remember Mr Black tried bonding with him with a father son camping trip which I of course invited myself too and Drake was just hopeless and it wound up being just me and Stewart doing some father and son’s friend bonding why trying to find Drake.”
“Where was Drake when you eventually found him?” Paul wondered with a smile on his face, happy to hear more about his son even if it wasn’t from Drake himself.
“In a nearby hotel he paid for after swiping his dad’s credit card which was pretty much expected from us both except for finding Jake in the room with him which Mr Black wasn’t so happy about.” Lacey laughed. “He would’ve been even more pissed if he realized that’s when his son lost his…never mind.”
“I think we should work on having Drake move his birthday back to the right date I mean his mum would want him to keep up the tradition she created for them both.” Paul suggested to Lacey.
“Trust me when I say that conversation won’t end well, I’ve tried it a few times myself and it only ever ends up in disaster Drake really doesn’t like talking about anything deep especially with new people, no offense.” Lacey warned her charge. “Quinn was lucky Drake let him in like he did which was clearly a big mistake. I liked Quinn too I can’t believe I was fooled into thinking he was a good guy.”
“Quinn’s not a bad guy in fact he’s one of the best guys I’ve ever met.” Paul defended his departed friend. “The elders made it clear he had to give us up as charges if he had a choice, he’d still be here trust me.”
“I understand this whole white lighter gig has a bunch of stupid rules which I have to memorize like no matter how idiotic, grumpy or down right rude my charges can get I’m not supposed to bite back which is a thing I’ve complained to Paige about in length.” Lacey complained. “My point is Quinn at the very least could’ve said goodbye to Drake elders be damned Drake deserved a goodbye.”
“Maybe saying goodbye was just to hard for him.” Paul replied.
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“Not that it’s not lovely having people I know pop up where I work especially the dead kind but what are you actually doing here?” Drake asked Piper as Piper, Drake and Pan stood in the parking lot outside of Devilish Delights.
“I’m pretty sure mid-day hook ups with your boss isn’t in the job description for stripping although I’m not exactly an expert in that area.” Piper joked before going on to reveal. “I’m here to celebrate your first birthday living under the Halliwell Manor which I’ve been told you celebrate a year early.”
“I’m grateful you dug yourself out of your own grave just for my birthday but it’s not exactly a special one and I don’t intend to do anything special for it.” Drake replied to his great-grandmother.
“Yeah that’s not quite how it works when one of us return from up there no digging is actually involved.” Piper explained to him.
“I really think you should reconsider doing something special it means a lot to us to get to spend your first birthday with you.” Pan tried to persuade her nephew.
“I understand birthdays aren’t your thing but there a big deal to us and I want to use this occasion to get a proper chance to get to know you.” Piper admitted to Drake. “Please just let us do something if only to appease us.”
“Fine,” Drake reluctantly caved. “We can do brunch or lunch but that’s all.”
“You are going to be so pleasantly surprised by how amazing I am as a chef in fact I taught your father everything he knows although I must admit he never quite mastered it as well as me but he sure comes a very close second.” Piper boasted.
Paul and Pan found themselves sitting at the table in the dining room of their family home waiting for Drake to come downstairs as the table was filled with a luxurious display of food while Piper kept popping in and out from the kitchen with more plates of food she somehow managed to squeeze onto the table.
“I know Lacey advised me against it, but I really think we should convince Drake to celebrate his birthday on his actual birthday Halloween isn’t exactly a holiday that we as witches should be avoiding.” Paul suggested to his younger sister.
“I say we don’t rock the boat this year at least I mean you’ve just got him living under the same roof pushing him too soon might not end well.” Pan replied to her brother. “Besides this is about the parents who raised him that’s not exactly an easy topic to approach especially when you’re the father who gave him up.”
“I agree with you both, I agree with Paul in that as a Halliwell it would basically be sacrilege to ignore Halloween, but I also agree with Pan that Drake celebrating his birthday should be up to him.” Piper interjected while placing another plate on the table. “Halloween has a way of making Halliwell’s celebrate whether they like it or not.”
“Maybe I should just talk it out with him and get him to be more open with me?” Paul asked his sister and grandmother.
“Because that has worked so well in the past.” Pan replied with sarcasm.
“I’m sorry honey but Drake’s brick walls have brick walls behind them and who knows how many layers of cement.” Piper told her grandson as she walked over to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I mean even I’m handling with kitten gloves and I normally blow things up.”
“You’re both right I just hate the fact he’s still beating himself up about things that were in no way within his control and I hate he’s hurting and there’s nothing I can do to stop him from hurting.” Paul admitted.
“I know sweetie,” Piper replied as she hugged into her grandson.
Lacey orbed into the dining room once again missing the landing and this time falling mid air crashing into the table breaking the dining table and destroying Piper’s entire buffet of food at the same time much to Paul and Pan’s horror as they looked over at their clearly furious grandmother Piper.
“Oh god,” Pan said in shock. “My grandmother is totally going to explode my girlfriend.”
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Having waited long enough for the birthday guest and leaving Pan, Paul and Lacey to clean up made by the rookie white lighter Piper decided it was time to chase Drake out of his bedroom only to find him putting on his jacket after knocking on his door and letting herself into his bedroom.
“Good you’re finally ready I did make a buffet but let’s just say Lacey’s orbing ruined the feast.” Piper said to her great grandson.
“Thanks, I can only imagine you went to a lot of work, but I have to go into work.” Drake replied to her.
“Isn’t the whole point of sleeping with your boss that you get benefits let’s say like time off on your birthday?” Piper joked.
“It’s that a subtle way of you saying you don’t approve of me stripping or that you don’t approve of me sleeping with my boss?” Drake asked his great grandmother.
“I married my white lighter which was considered a lot worse than dating your boss back then so I’m not going to judge you for who you sleep with or strip for I just want to spend some time with my first great grandchild on their first birthday with his family.” Piper admitted to him.
“No offense Piper but this isn’t my family in fact everyone at Devilish Delights has known me longer than the people in this house barring Lacey who is actually my family.” Drake replied. “I’m not trying to be mean or hurtful it’s just you’re not my family, this isn’t my birthday and even if it was, I don’t do birthdays.”
“We’re trying really hard here Drake sooner or later you’re going to have to meet us halfway.” Piper made herself clear.
“It’s been months since they took the charmed ones off me as charges when are you going to convince them to reinstate me as their white lighter?” Quinn asked Paige as the two of them stood within the clouds.
“I hoped for the process not to take this long but then Lacey wound up getting herself killed by a demon with her father’s face and Pan was left completely grief stricken so I had to change priorities and make sure I could rush the white lighter process for Pan and Lacey to be reunited.” Paige explained to the white lighter. “From the feedback I’m getting from the other elders it may take a while for them to come around to everything and even then, I’ll have a hard time convincing them the charmed ones need two white lighters. There is a way I could probably swing it with them to reinstate you now, but I don’t think you’d like it.”
“Paige I’ll do anything to get back to them.” Quinn pleaded with her.
“You’ll have to refuse all feelings you have for Drake and that you won’t act on any feelings for him and I could get them to reinstate you now but I’d rather you just wait until I get this demons and angels rule overturned.” Paige revealed to him.
“And how long will I have to wait for that rule to be changed?” Quinn asked the elder.
“I’m not sure how long it’s going to take or even if I will be successful, but I am extremely hopeful.” Paige reluctantly admitted while still trying to give Quinn some hope.
“I’ll make the promise to the elders and I’ll never act on my feelings for Drake.” Quinn decided. “I can’t be away from them any longer especially with the source and the triad still out there.”
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Drake was stood within a local cemetery in San Francisco holding a red rose in his hand as he looked over at his adoptive parents Delilah and Stewart Black’s gravestone.
“I’ve been thinking about you a lot lately mum wondering what my life would’ve been like if you were still around wondering if you ever forgave me for what I did.” Drake cried as tears fell down his cheeks. “Wondering if you’d want me to embrace the Halliwell’s or run away as fast I can. I met my biological mother and I betrayed your memory by calling her mum you’re the only real mum I’ve ever had and I’m so sorry for never appreciating you enough when you were around. The truth is I’ve never recovered from losing you and now all these new people are in my life trying to push me to move on and I’m so beyond terrified of trying to live again.”
“Your mother could never blame you for an accident that happened when you were still a child, but something tells me you’re never going to believe it until you hear it from her.” Piper said as she appeared standing next to her great grandson before Drake was left stunned to see his mother Delilah appear in front of him in a series of white orbs instantly becoming corporeal.
“Mum.” Drake struggled to mumble as his voice broke before he ran over to hug his mother beginning to sob in her arms as Piper looked on with tears in her eyes “I’m so sorry.”
“Drake you have nothing to apologize for honey.” Delilah told her son as she broke off their hug and kept her hand on his face stroking his cheek lovingly. “The fire was an accident that you had no way of knowing would even happen I mean how could you, you didn’t even know you had powers back then.”
“I’ve missed you and dad so much mum.” Drake continued to cry.
“You had no reason to miss me or your father because we’ve never left you, we’ve always been there with every move you’ve made.” Delilah revealed to her son. “We were there when your heart broke over your first love Jake, we were even they when you were stripping at that club although your dad and I look away at the skin filled parts. We were there when you became a cop, when you found your birth father, your birth mother and when you became a charmed one.”
“Really?” Drake asked his mother as tears continued to fall down his cheeks.
“You have made us so much prouder than we could have ever imagined you would. You’re an amazing and loving boy who has done some truly incredible things and I know you will continue to do even more.” Delilah admitted to Drake. “It truly breaks my hear that you keep closing yourself off to everyone because of this stupid notion you have of not deserving to be loved. Life will never get better if you keep not living it Drake and you deserve to have the most wonderful life.”
“I don’t feel like I do.” Drake argued with tears still in his eyes.
“Yes, you do you deserve to be the happiest person and I refuse to allow you to think otherwise for any longer!” Delilah demanded.
“I’ve never learned how to be happy without you and dad.” Drake admitted to his mother.
“You never have to be because even when you don’t see us, we’re always there.” Delilah promised him. “We will continue to always be there but you have more than just us now you have your father and your aunt now too and I know there’s enough room in your heart to love us all so let Paul and Pan in because they really do love you and you deserved to be loved.”
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“Can I help you?” Cindy asked Piper Halliwell as she the witch walked into Devilish Delights where Cindy was stood behind the bar counter waiting for her arrival.
“Yes, you can go ahead and tell me why my great grandson’s boss is a demon who seems to be taking a special interest in him?” Piper wondered as she walked over towards the demonic club owner.
“You do realize your great grandson is also part demon himself.” Cindy replied to her.
“I’ll be the one asking the questions here unless you would prefer me jumping straight to the exploding.” Piper snapped at her.
“If you must know I genuinely had no idea who he was until after he was hired and trust me when I say I wasn’t particularly thrilled to find out he was a charmed one considering my history with you lot.” Cindy admitted to Piper.
“You mean because your father was Barbas and your sister Barba attacked my grandchildren not so long ago.” Piper told her. “I know you’re not like them and are trying to seek some form of redemption but why do you need to do it around my great grandson?”
“I never wanted to be part of this world or the Underworld but since meeting Drake I’ve found myself tolerating somebody for the first time I even tolerate his detective friend Lacey and that annoying squirrel boy Quinn.” Cindy answered honestly. “Paul and Pan will take some work.”
“If you ever hurt any of them, I will kill you!” Piper warned her. “In fact, I’d kill you now if it wasn’t for the fact history has once again seemed to repeat itself.”
“What is that supposed to mean?” Cindy quizzed the Halliwell Matriarch.
“I think you already know.” Piper responded with a knowing look.
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snowervi · 5 years
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❛  ( KIT HARINGTON )  ◈  dude, shut up ! JON SNOW from GAME OF THRONES is on screen. their fans swear they’re just HONORABLE & HUMBLE, but we’ve all seen their SOLEMN & SOMBER side ! according to TRUMAN WIKIA, they’re 23 years old, HETEROSEXUAL, & identify as CISMALE ( HE/HIM ). they’re currently a FIREFIGHTER & are CASUAL about life in truman. luckily they have HIS DOG GHOST, LONGCLAW, A FUR CLOAK with them & can visit THE WALL whenever they want. penned by BILLY.
hello, everyone! name is billy and i am so excited to be writing with you all! i’ve been looking to dabble a little bit into game of thrones but not quite all the way. truman sounded so interesting and i just had to bring jon snow into the mix! ive been rping for maybe 7 years now, and i have been involved in various rps! from school rp, to harry potter, to supernatural/paranormal, to a stardew valley rp! bare with me as i try to comb through the huge storyline that he has. 
C A N O N  H I S T O R Y  ―
during the robert’s rebellion or also known as the war of the usurper, lyanna stark of house stark (who robert baratheon of house baratheon was in love with) was allegedly kidnapped by rhaegar targaryen of house targaryen for unknown reasons. prince rhaegar left a pregnant lyanna stark at the tower of joy in dorne. 
after the sack of king’s landing ned stark, brother to lyanna, rode south to the tower of joy to recover his sister who was still to be wed to robert baratheon. he ended up finding lyanna in the tower, but she was dying after giving birth to a child. 
lyanna stark asked of her brother to protect the child as robert baratheon and tywin lannister would surely want to kill him for his targaryen blood. he promised he would look after the child, and she shortly died afterwards. ned took the child back to winterfell, where he would raise him as his own without ever telling a sole that he was the only surviving child of lyanna stark and rhaegar targaryen. 
jon snow would be then known as eddard stark’s bastard son. a lie that ned would take to his grave. a lie that jon snow wouldn’t find the truth of until years later. 
during an outing jon finds a litter of direwolf pups that he convinces his father to spare their lives and have them be adopted by each stark child. jon ends up with the runt of the litter, an albino direwolf with red eyes that he would call ghost. ghost would be his companion for the rest of the series.
to escape his bastard status, jon joins the nights watch and later becomes lord commander. he ends up being murdered in mutiny for his sympathy for the free folk. (broke his vows with one, he did. ygritte tells him, “you know nothing jon snow.”) 
he is resurrected by the red priestess and freed from his nights watch vows he helps his “half-sister” sansa stark to build an army to retake winterfell from house bolton. they restore the dominion of winterfell, and after ramsay bolton’s execution -- he is declared king of the north.
a looming threat overhangs everybody’s head, with the talks of the white walkers. when the war for westeros begins, jon negotiates with daenerys targaryen to secure her support against the white walkers, her dragons and abundance of obsidian on her military base of dragonstone providing a distinct advantage in the great war.
jon captures a wight and brings it to king’s landing to try to convince cersei lannister to join their cause. she does not care. 
he pledges himself and his army to daenerys. (skip the jon x dany thing because inc*st.)
he returns to the north with daenerys and the targaryen forces and is reunited with his “half-sister” and “half-brother” arya stark and bran stark. bran stark is the one who discovers his true parentage. 
there’s a battle for winterfell, against the white walkers and the night king. they win.
afterwards, jon aides dany with her conquest to take over king’s landing. she ends up laying waste to the city. 
unable to dissuade dany from this path, he assassinates her to prevent anymore carnage. he is later taken prisoner by the unsullied.
during the great council, where bran is elected king, negotiates to send jon snow into exile. he returns to the night watch once again. 
after returning to castle black, he reunites with his direwolf, ghost, after which he leads the remaining free folk to settle in the thawing free lands.
woo! that’s a lot! i hope i got it all down and it somewhat makes sense. if you click on canon history, it will take you to a full run down of his storyline if you want to know more or anything. oh, i’ll also post connections later! if anyone wants to plot, don’t be afraid to shoot me a message! i’d love all kinds of connections for him! now let’s get into what he remembers on truman island. 
N O W  ―
 jon doesn’t really remember anything, besides some glimpses here and there but nothing substantial. he tries to believes that this is his REAL life, but still has a feeling that something doesn’t seem right. he doesn’t want his life to get complicated, so he tries not to think too deep about his weird dreams and familiar feelings EXCEPT when it comes to sansa stark and daenerys targaryen.
he also doesn’t really know anyone from his past life. having all of them split up and never been able to see each other until that rule was pulled out of effect. he feels as if he knows them somehow, and he keeps pursuing them(sansa, robb, jamie) in an attempt to understand what is going on. jon feels like he’s connected with them. who the hell are they and why are they so damn familiar?
with the manipulation from the actors, jon snow believes that he was born on truman island and has lived here all of his life. he has plenty of fake memories and has been made to believe that he was raised by a single mother -- lyanna stark who passed away after he graduated high school. he hasn’t had the most easiest life, but it’s his and he manages.
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my-emotional-self · 6 years
Battle Cries (Steve Rogers x Reader)
Pairings: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Panic Attack, Physical Abuse, swearing
Request: Hi, could you please write a Steve Rogers imagine where I watch a battle on the tv then when he comes home, still with the suit, i'm having a huge panic attack because i was thinking that i lost him?
Request: Hi, my name is Ana. Could you please write a imagine where Steve Rogers and I are dating for two years then during a battle with Loki, he takes me and hurts me pretty bad, making Steve go insane?
Requested By: Anonymous
You were just a civilian. Not a superhero, not a super soldier, not a S.H.I.E.L.D worker, nothing.  But somehow you managed to capture the heart of the one and only Steve Rogers.  It was as if the day was just yesterday, the way you two met.  He had just woken up from being frozen for 70 years and he ran out of the building he was placed in, looking terrified of everything.  That was when he had bumped into you in the road and you dropped your cake you had just decorated from the bakery where you worked.  It was for a family member’s birthday and you worked hard on it all day.  The tears immediately streamed down your face as you looked at your hard work, crumbling and mushed up on the floor of New York City.
Ever the gentleman that is Steve Rogers, he couldn’t just let a damsel be and he helped you to your feet, wiped your tears, and the rest is history.  Dr. Fury had watched the whole incident and when he realized Steve couldn’t focus because his mind was on you, he came up with an idea.  
Since Steve wanted to date you, Dr. Fury thought it was a good idea that you could help him out with trying to adapt to the 21st century.  You had no hesitations at all as you and Steve got right to work, and have been in love, and inseparable ever since.
But with love, comes heartache.  And that is exactly what you were going through as you watched the aliens battle the Avengers in the streets of New York, as you were tucked away in your small apartment you shared with Steve.  
Your hands were masked over your eyes as you rocked your body back and forth on the couch, too afraid to spend more than one minute looking at the screen.  The aliens were causing such devastation to the city you lived in, and you knew there would be casualties.  Humans would not be able to survive this type of destruction, but at this moment, all you were worried about was your Steve.  Each time he appeared on screen, your heart skipped a beat as you took in his appearance.  
But you knew this was what he loved, what he was made for.  He wanted to fight for his country, and to fight against those he knew were wrong. You loved the strength he had behind his voice when he talked about fighting for what was right.  
After Tony fell from the sky and the Hulk saved him, you knew the Avengers had won; the aliens were defeated.  But a dreaded feeling began to wash over you.  You had realized that they didn’t show any footage of Steve for over an hour.
Tears began to well in your eyes as you looked out the window.  It was not dusk, but there was no sign of Steve.  No phone call, or text.  Your heart began to beat rapidly in your chest, yet you felt like you couldn’t breathe.  A sudden urge of overwhelming anxiety and fear flooded throughout your shaking body. You felt dizzy as your legs gave out on you, crashing to the floor.  “Steve,” you whimpered out as you hugged your knees to your chest.  “No.  Please no,” you began to plead as your heart felt like someone was squeezing it.  You couldn’t even remember how to breathe at this point and you soon began to hyperventilate.  
The door to your apartment opened as you tore your gaze from the floor.  It was Steve and he was still fully dressed in his Captain America suit. He looked exhausted and his suit looked nearly destroyed, but he was alive.  
As soon as Steve saw you crumpled up on the floor, he threw his shield to the side and came running to your side.  “Doll!” he cried out for you as he knelt in front of you, taking your face in his hands to look at him.  “Baby what happened?”
You couldn’t even speak as your body wracked with your sobs, Steve holding your body close to his.  He smelt of dirt, metal and sweat, but you didn’t care because he was alive.  “Shhh, it’s alright.  I’m here,” he soothed.  
After a short time you finally regained your breathing, pulling away from him.  “I-I thought I lost you,” you stammered out as you looked into his bright blue eyes.  
He pulled his lips into a half smile.  “I’m right here.  And I’m not going anywhere.  I promise. I will always come back to you.”
Two years later, two blissful years of dating Steve Rogers. Without a doubt, you loved your life. Steve continued on battling villains with the Avengers and you continued on your merry way working at the bakery decorating cakes and cupcakes.  And although you had mild panic attacks each time he left for a battle, you knew he would keep his promise to always come back to you.  
But now, you were uncertain because of one person; Loki.  He didn’t take too kindly to not getting the ending he wanted two years ago in the battle of New York.  And because of that, he took you hostage because you meant so much to Steve.  
“Kneel,” Loki demanded as he stood in front of you.  
“I will not kneel to you!” you declared, placing your hands on your hips.  In the blink of an eye, he pulled his hand back and slapped you across the face.  Your left cheek was pulsating from the hit as you cupped it with your hand, looking at him in shock.  
“By the time I am done with you, you WILL kneel!”
After Loki left the room, you cowered down onto the couch and pulled your knees to your chest.  He had taken you to Asgard, and there was no way of Steve coming to get you unless Thor knew you were here.  You could only hope that Steve knew where to find you.  
“Where IS she?!” Steve demanded as he began pacing around the Avengers tower.  You had been missing for almost a full day now and he had no idea where you had gone.  
“Just calm down Cap. We’ve pulled all the footage we possibly could from outside your apartment building.  We’ll find her,” Tony reassured him.  
But no matter what Tony said, Steve was not reassured and he slammed his fists down on the table.  
“What is wrong Captain of America?” Thor asked as he made his way inside the room.  
Steve looked up at him, anger flashing across his face.   “Y/N is missing and we can’t find her.”
“What do you mean she is missing?” Thor declared as he gripped his hammer tighter.  
“There!  Got it!” Tony said as Thor and Steve rushed to his side, watching the surveillance video.  It was you, along with a tall man with longer black hair as he pulled you from your apartment building.  
“It is Loki.  He must have taken her to Asgard.  I will go get her.”
“I’m going with you!”
“Are you ready to kneel yet?” Loki gritted through his teeth as he came into the room you were being held hostage in.  
You wanted to kneel, to just get everything over with, but being with Steve made you a stronger person.
“Go to hell Loki!” you spat back at him.  He scowled at you before backhanding you across the face yet again; this time splitting open your lip as you tasted the metallic of blood on your tongue.  
“LOKI,” Steve roared from the doorway as he saw what had happened.  He rushed forward, crashing into Loki before he began to beat on him. Steve’s fist became bloodied as he pummeled Loki in the face time and time again as you watched on.  
“Enough,” Thor barked as he pushed Steve off of his adopted brother.  Thor grabbed Loki by the throat, hauling him out of the room by the back of the neck.  
Steve ran to you and he wrapped you in his arms.  “Doll are you alright?” he asked before pulling away to see the bruise on your cheek and your split open lip.  
You nodded your head at him, his thumb swiping gently over your bruised cheek as you tried not to wince at the feeling of pain.  “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you Y/N.  I love you so much.”
A tear of happiness rolled down your cheek at his words as you softly pressed your lips to his.  He was everything you had ever dreamed of in a man, and he was all yours.  
“I love you too Steve,” you breathed out as you placed your lips to his once more.  
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iamand1one · 4 years
Of Life & Death (PT. 5)
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“Dr. Thomas?” Charlie asked, too shocked to think straight. 
Terri shifted in her seat, “You mean our doctor? The weird quirk with the glasses?” 
Stanley responded, “That’s the only Dr. Thomas we know, but why--”
Charlie charged at Stanley, but Terri intercepted him. “What the hell is going on with you and Dr. Thomas?” Charlie growled.
“How many damn times are you going to ask me that? I don’t even know what the hell is going on!”
Terri interjected while still holding onto Charlie, “Calm down, we can’t just blame Stan for anything just yet. We need to know the facts.”
“And just how do you suppose we get those facts, Terri?”
“The letter said we would be shot if we try to leave the condo right? Why don’t we test that out?”
They all looked at each other, frozen in fear of this possibly being real. Then Terri chuckled, “Well let’s not all volunteer at once.” Her sarcastic tone failed at breaking the tension in the room. She walked over to the door calmly, being the only one under control in the room. She stood in front of the door and turned around to face her cowardly brothers. With a smile she said, “Since that’s over, can we get back to how sexy that gun is?”
Immediately after he spoke, Charlie noticed--
“DON’T MOVE!” Stanley shouted as his eyes widened. 
“The hell is wrong with you Stan? There’s nothing--”
“Terri, please. Don’t move.” Charlie added, as two more red beams were planted on Levi’s shirt. “Just look down.”
Levi looked down and her heart started to race a little, “Feels like 2010 all over again.” She said to herself with a little chuckle.
“Terri, just come back over here, please,” Charlie called out, as his voice shook. 
Terri stepped slowly away from the door, right back to the kitchen. 
Stanley fell into the seat, staring at the ground  “What the hell is going on?” He asked himself.
Charlie sat down and pushed the box with the gun to the middle of the table. And Terri collapsed into her seat as well. 
Silence took control of the room. Not knowing what to say, what to do, or what to think. Stanley was going over every possible scenario he could think of to get out of this problem, Terri had her head down on the table, and Charlie leaned up against the wall. So wrapped in their thoughts they--
“Do you think we can call the police?” Stanley asked subtly. 
“Nah man. If Dr. Thomas is involved, he’ll kill mom before they even get to her.” Charlie said. 
“So then what do we--”
“I DON’T KNOW!” Charlie yelled.
“You know, for a Christian man, you sure let your temper get the best of you,” Terri said as she lifted her head off the table and sat back in her chair. “Is that stuff really workin’ for you?”
“Don’t start with me, Terri.”
“Stan is trying to come up with solutions and all you can do is be in your feelings.”
“So you expect me to be happy right now? With all that’s going on, do you expect me to be calm and upbeat?”
“No, but at least have some respect for your brother.”
“You’re gonna talk to me about respect? When have you, respected mom?”
“Here we go…”
“Yeah, here we go. Whenever mom tried to help you or be a part of your life, you never respected that!”
“Cause,  you just know my life so well don’t you?” Terri responded. 
“We only know as much as you tell us, now don’t we?” Charlie shot back, “Not even mom knew what the hell you were up to!”
“Typical Charlie. Everything always has to be about you and your feelings.
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?
“Exactly what I said. Mom always had to clean up your messes and coddle you so much because you never knew how to control your fucking feelings.”
“Yet I have multiple businesses, homes, and--
“A broken marriage, a baby you rarely see, and lingering daddy issues.”
Charlie walked over to the table, “We all have daddy issues.”
“Speak for yourself.” Terri said as she got up to pour herself another glass.
              “And you have some nerve talking about my family, what about you? I don’t see a ring on your fingers Terri!”
Terri chuckled and nodded her head. “You’re gonna compare my relationship to your shit show of a marriage?”
“Oh really? What happened to your baby Terri?” Charlie scowled.
Stanley turned to Charlie, “Are serious right now, bro?”
Terri stopped the glass at her lips before she could take a sip. She smiled and crossed her legs. “The same thing that happened to your poor excuse of a marriage: It died.”
Charlie stood in silence, consumed by his rage.
“And how did it die you may ask?” Terri said as tear rolled down her face.
“Because you couldn’t keep you couldn’t keep your hands off your business partner.”
“I’m warning you--”
“It didn’t matter your life partner was pregnant at home. You just needed to stick your dick in someone that wasn’t your wife, huh?”
Charlie lunged across the table, grabbing Terri’s shirt, Stanley intercepted him, and the phone rang.
Terri chuckled, “You might want to get your phone, might be your business partner wanting another round.”
Charlie couldn’t let her go. His rage has always been something he struggled to maintain a hold on. At that moment, the gun flashed in his mind--
“Hello?” Stanley asked, “Who is this?”
“Hello Stanley, who is calling isn’t important, but why I’m calling is.”
“How do you know my name? Do you know Charlie?” 
“I’ll answer that in one second, young man. But first, Can you put the call on speakerphone please?”
Stanley put the call on speaker and Levi called out, while still being held by Charlie, “Who is speaking?”
“How do you do? You all can call me Mr. X, I will be your trusted liaison for the night.”
“Mr. X, huh? Do you mind telling me what the hell is going on? And how did you get this number?” Charlie called out.
“Well Mr. Raynes, we know a lot about you all. Like your ex-wife Ashley and daughter Tami. We know about your businesses in upstate New York, we also know about how you're getting the money to pay for that. We know about your little brother the Rain Man sitting idly by as you and your sister smooth things out. By the way, Rain Man, I'm a huge fan. Your birthday, which is next week, hope your brothers get you something nice. Oh, and did he tell you guys how he just magically made his way on the team?... No, oh my mistake, I didn't know it was a secret--”
“Alright!” Stanley shouted, “What do you want?”
“Now now, Stanley, let’s remain calm, I'm just the messenger.” He said as he chuckled. “I'm just here to make things easier for you.”
“And how are you going to do that?” Terri questioned.
“Well first, by giving you the truth. Like clearing the air on one important fact: Each of you has benefited from your mother living. But, I must take another call, talk to you all soon.” 
The phone call ended and both Charlie and Terri were looking at Stanley. “So we aren’t the only one with secrets now are we?” Terri said, taking the phone away from Stanley.
“You guys,” Stanley started, “It’s not a big deal, there isn’t much to talk about.”
“Then explain to us, if it’s not much.” Charlie demanded, “What was that guy talkin’ about?”
“Guys, I--”
“Come on Stanley, no use in lying too.” Terri responded
“Look I--” Stanley started, hesitant to say anything, “I don’t think I can say anything about this.”
“So you can’t talk to us now? I thought--”
“You thought what? When have we ever been close?!” Stanley asked. “When have we ever been able to just talk about anything? Never! Ever since we got adopted to the same house, the only thing that kept us together was mom.
“Then why don’t you start us off Stanley, how did you get on the team in college?” Levi asked.
“Alright. Seeing how you two are just as messed up, I’ll tell you. It took me a while to believe in myself. I was always good at ball, but I never believed I could go far in it. But, when I wanted to try out in college, I thought I was too late. But, St. John’s held a tryout for someone to walk-on. A way to join the team without initially being scouted and given a scholarship to play. And I was ready to take that spot. But, when the day came, and we were showin’ our skills, someone had a better day than I did. John Jones was his name. He was better than me that day. And the coaches were talking about him and I. But, it seemed like he was going to get chosen over me. So, I talked to mom about it, and she said she would handle it. We had tryouts on Wednesday and Thursday, and by Friday the results would be up. And on Friday I got the nod because John was hurt in a car accident. I was shocked, but something told me to ask mom about it. And it turned out she had taken care of it like she said she would. And gave some money to the coaches to make sure I was chosen.”
“So let me get this straight, you're trying to tell me, mom got someone injured, and bribed the coaches so you could get on the team while you were in college?” Charlie asked.
“If you want to call me a liar, you can just say it,” Stanley replied as he stared at the ground.
“What would mom have to gain from this?” Charlie asked.
“How would I know? But I have proof.” Stanley got up from his seat and showed them an article about the car accident. “It’s the same day as the second try-out day.”
While Charlie looked at the screen, “How does this prove anything?”
Stanley leaned back in his seat, “It’s the truth.”
“You know what? Charlie said, annoyed and confused, “Let me make a phone call.” He called back the number that called them.
“Well hello, Charlie.” Mr. X’s obnoxious voice pierced through the phone. “Finally someone had the common sense to call me back. Didn’t think it would be you, to be honest.” He finished with a chuckle.
“Alright, asshole. I just have a few questions. First, what does my mom do exactly?”
“Well, in short, she is one of few that makes sure we are always supplied with property and finance.”
“What do you mean?” Levi asked. 
“Have you boys ever played monopoly?” He answered.
“Yes,” Levi answered. Already knowing where Mr. X was going.
“As you are already familiar, In the game, whoever owns the best or most properties, backed with lots of money to spend, they are usually the winner. To have our sort of business, we need money and property.”
“So our mom was not working for herself in real estate, she was working for you,” Stanley stated.
“Very good, yes.” Mr. X confirmed.
“My last question, For our mother to live, why does one of us have to die?”
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junker-town · 4 years
‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ of sports: Misfit teams that thrived when put together
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We’re looking for “The Guardians of the Galaxy” of sports.
The Guardians of the Galaxy were relative unknowns as characters when they were introduced to the Marvel Cinematic Universe back in 2014. The success of the franchise inside of the bigger picture of the rest of Marvel’s Infinity Saga gave birth to one of the most beloved casts and set of characters despite skepticism of how things might work when they were introduced to us.
All week at SB Nation, we have been taking a look at the MCU and the impact it has had on the world at large and some of the things that have bled over into all of sports. Here, a panel of our writers are going to take a look at some of the teams that mirror the ragtag collection of characters thriving once they found each other.
The 2003-04 Detroit Pistons
Perhaps it is just the Detroit in me (spoiler alert: it absolutely is), but there is no better representation of throwing a bunch of pieces together and crossing your fingers that it works than this group.
Ben Wallace was the heart and soul of the team, but had bounced around the league for a few years and was undrafted. Chauncey Billups was the No. 3 overall pick in 1997, but was on four different teams before landing in Detroit in 2002. Rip Hamilton was part of a trade that sent Jerry Stackhouse, an All-Star scorer, out of Detroit. Tayshaun Prince was a star at Kentucky, but had a hard time cracking the rotation early in his Pistons career. The final piece was Rasheed Wallace, who was a fiery personality despite having all of the talent in the world.
The Pistons were a formidable team in the East before adding the latter Wallace to the mix, but he was the final piece to a puzzle that saw them make a run through the playoffs and then cast the final blow in the Kobe Bryant/Shaquille O’Neal Los Angeles Lakers dynasty. The Pistons rode an elite defense and contributions from all every direction to take down the Lakers in the 2004 NBA Finals, winning the series 4-1. They came a Game 7 short of going back-to-back, losing to the San Antonio Spurs in 2005. The 2006 Pistons would finish with a regular season record of 64-18, but lost in six games to Dwayne Wade and Shaq’s Miami Heat in the Eastern Conference Finals. That would be the last time the Pistons’ starting five shared the court together, as Ben Wallace would leave for the Chicago Bulls ahead of the 2006-07 season.
— Anthony Broome
The 2013 Red Sox
The 2013 Red Sox really had no business being as good as they were. Boston was coming off a very not nice record of 69-93 and finished last in the division during the absolutely disastrous one-year experiment with Bobby Valentine as manager in 2012. With new manager John Farrell at the helm, the Red Sox had some really great pieces to work with — namely superstars in David Ortiz, Shane Victorino, Jacoby Ellsbury, Jon Lester, and Dustin Pedroia — but had some questions marks coming off an utterly horrific season.
The Red Sox pretty much cruised to an AL East pennant, but the season was a real rollercoaster. The squad donned a “Boston Strong” patch after the Boston Marathon bombings, and Big Papi’s emotional “THIS IS OUR F*CKING CITY” speech served as a rallying point for the team and city.
At one point in September, Mike Napoli (basically Drax, if we’re being honest), Mike Carp, and Jarrod Saltalamacchia all hit grand slams over the span of a week. Not home runs, grand slams.
Oh and don’t forget the beards. Just about every member of the team grew distinct beards, and it became such a thing that the team adopted “fear the beard” as the official slogan heading into the postseason.
Every time it looked like they were out of a fight, they’d come through in the clutch.
The Red Sox would go on to beat Tampa Bay, Detroit, and St. Louis en route to their third World Series title in 10 seasons. With huge contributions from guys like Napoli, Carp, Saltalamacchia, Jonny Gomes, David Ross, Brandon Workman, and Will Middlebrooks, how can it be anything other than a rag tag success?
— Caroline Darney
The Rock & Sock Connection
Look, I get it, some of you are probably foaming at the mouth because I dared to mention a WWE tag team, but there’s very little that better typifies a “misfit team” than when The Rock and Mankind teamed up and became tag team champions in 1999.
The pairing was perfect. You had The Rock, stalwart babyface (good guy) teaming up with the misunderstood Mankind to form a classic Odd Couple amidst the WWE’s “Attitude Era.” Not only were they two of the best, most-popular wrestlers in the world at the time, but they had natural charisma and chemistry together.
Wrestling fans knew the team wouldn’t last. These were two of the top singles competitors in the company working as a tag team, but it lifted both of them. It allowed The Rock to be his classic, smack-talking self, and Mankind to almost be the straight man — which was a hilarious departure for someone whose character was largely comedic.
The duo were dynamite in the ring, and electricity off it. Nobody can forget the classic “Mr. Rocko” promo, in which Mankind gifted The Rock with his own, personalized sock puppet, that looked like it was air brushed on a seaside boardwalk. Everything that was good about WWE at the time was typified by The Rock & Sock Connection, and they are my pick for the greatest misfit team of all time.
— James Dator
The 2005-06 Phoenix Suns
From Bright Side of the Sun:
Some how, some way, this group of misfits still won 54 games and finished 1st in the Pacific Division. They would match up against Kobe (who had 35.4 ppg that year...the 9th best scoring season in NBA history) and the Lakers in the First Round of the 2006 Playoffs.
The Suns would go down 3-1 to Los Angeles, and it felt like all hope was lost. Yet, in true superhero fashion, they battled back to win the series in seven games. This was in large part to another Guardians-esque misfit, Tim Thomas (we’ll allow him to be Yondu in this scenario)
— John Voita, Bright Side of the Sun
Team North America
Team North America is, was, and always will be my favorite hockey team. They played together for only six games total, but the mark they made on hockey is one that will not be forgotten. This team was the brainchild of NHL General Manager Gary Bettman leading into the 2016 World Cup of Hockey and included 23 players under the age of 23 from the United States and Canada.
This means that current stars like Nathan MacKinnon, Connor McDavid, and Jack Eichel were all playing on the same team. It was the first official look at the Toronto Maple Leafs 2016 first overall pick Auston Matthews whom many had not been able to watch while he was playing in Switzerland.
Team North America was everything traditional hockey analysts hate — they had the confidence of youth without having earned their time, they played a run-and-gun offensively aggressive style, and they were endlessly cool. Also, the logo is awesome. This was a snapshot of what the NHL was about to become, a transition from the second dead puck era into a future of fast, skilled hockey.
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Photo by Brian Babineau/World Cup of Hockey via Getty Images
Alas, this team wasn’t as successful as they were legendary. They won two of their three pre-tournament games but when it came time to the actual World Cup of Hockey, the did not advance past the first round with a record of 2-1, losing to the only team that mattered in the tie breaker to advance. The finished the tournament in fifth place but will forever be first in the heart of everyone who watched these young bucks usher in the new age of hockey.
— Steph Driver
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sanoiro · 7 years
There is something about Trixie  Season 1
Aside from my attempt to make this a funny title and failing miserably, I would like to dedicate this post on Trixie. No real speculations until the very end mind you. Most of this post will be theory free, a bit vanilla if you like until the very end.  Now due to the length, this will be divided into two posts, each covering one season. The second season will have some heavy speculation in it. 
Pilot 1x01
Many have wondered about Trixie’s surname. Up until recently, Trixie in fanfiction sites was usually picked as a character, as Trixie Decker. Several have skipped that option and have put Trixie Espinosa but what does the production say? A bit tough. You see in IMDB Trixie doesn’t have a surname. That’s a big deal. At the same time if we see one of the last pilot scripts Trixie has a surname but Chloe is there as Chloe Dancer, not Chloe Dexter. Let’s all agree that Trixie is an Espinoza according to the show so far. 
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In the same episode, we see her as a regular 7-year-old and that is fine. There is nothing to question in the pilot aside from the fact she is vert happy to actually meet the Devil.. Yet we have to go back to the script again. In the available script online there is a detail in the elementary school which was not included in the pilot episode. There is no clear answer here if the script actually plays with Amenadiel’s presence (despite actually mentioning that) or if it goes deeper without giving out any spoilers/hints. 
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So yes apparently in the pilot Amenadiel drops by at the elementary school or does he? We will never know or perhaps we don’t know so far. 
Moving on! Still on the pilot, many have been confused on why Trixie is obviously darkish when compared to Chloe and Dan. Thus I remind you two things. First, Kevin Alejandro has one child and he takes after his mother a lot. Beautiful kid by the way, yet this again is not explanatory to Trixie’s complexion. Yes, Kevin Alejandro is actually a fair Latino but in the original Pilot, Dan Espinoza was played by Nicholas Gonzalez. The written gruff character changed along with the actor but that benefited the show I believe. Now Lucifer was always set on him being a Douche.... Alejandro or Gonzalez. Dan Espinoza was a Douche.  
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If you want to watch the scenes where Nicholas Gonzalez plays Dan Espinosa in Lucifer please check the elementary scene or the hospital scene
Lucifer, Stay. Good Devil - 1x02
Lucifer meets the child again in the second episode and we also meet Molly McDowell...  A ballerina by day, but a ninja-chemist by night. Who can forget Lucifer asking whether fetching is way too advanced for a 7-year-old? Still, this could have been a moment which we could all pass if it wasn’t for two little things. One Trixie meets Maze in 1x10, but why would that be interesting? It wouldn’t if Molly McDowell didn't share her surname with Celeste McDougall (The sweet smug-faced 92-year-old, deceased woman in 2x18). 
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Trivia: McDowell and McDougall are the same surname with just a spelling difference. Both legit by the way. The surname sans the Mc means black stranger. I’m not going to say no more aside from the fact that you already know my 2x18 ending theory.   
The Would-Be Prince of Darkness - 1x03
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Trixie: Mommy, did Daddy forget to pick me up? Chloe: No, monkey, I'm sure he's just stuck in traffic. Trixie: Are you doing homework? Chloe: Um, sort of. Trixie: What's the assignment? Chloe: Uh, well, I saw Lucifer do some things I can't explain. Trixie: Is Lucifer a magician? Chloe: That's sort of what I'm trying to figure out. Trixie: When Daddy gets here, maybe he can help. Chloe: Mm. Trixie: Sometimes Daddy helps me with my homework. Chloe: I'm not sure if Daddy has the answers to these questions. Trixie: Why don't you just ask Lucifer? Chloe: Because if he's a magician, then he won't reveal his secrets. So I have to find out on my own how Lucifer does these things that I can't explain. Oh, that can't be him.
In episode 3 there is nothing I can really tell you although Lucifer found Chloe’s phone somehow. Okay so I’m not going to blame the kid here but for a future reference, which I’m not going to explore in neither post I’ll just highlight the: When Daddy gets here, maybe he can help. Aside from that imagine if Chloe did ask him. We would have had out revelation scene perhaps ages ago. 
Manly Whatnots - 1x05
I’m just going to leave this here with only one note. This child is perceptive on where this was going...
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 Sweet Kicks 1x06
In this episode, Trixie does not make an appearance but we Chloe mention’s her
Lucifer: It's wonderful, isn't it? Uh, when do I get my own gun? 
Chloe: I wouldn't trust you with my kid's lightsaber.
Of course, I don’t read much into this. After the double references from Lucifer about the Jedis and speaking in the speech alteration device saying: Detective, I’m your father” We can say that this is just a funny reference and yet something bothers me when I try to pass it as such. Yet what we do know now is that both Lucifer and Trixie are HUGE fans of Star Wars. 
Wingman 1x07
No appearances nor is she is mentioned in the episode. 
Et Tu, Doctor? 1x08
In here we will just pick the nod towards Neil Gaiman and not the first one at least until 2x05. In the end of the episode, Chloe teases Dan that Trixie persuaded him to read her that book about a sneezing panda, five times...  The book is actually called Chu’s Days Board written and all we can tell about it is this: 
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Seriously now that was an adorable reference but what I’m going to leave you here is that Chu also visits a circus... Just saying if you picked that up. If you didn’t I’m not going to tell. It’s kind of a spoiler after all. 
A Priest Walks into a Bar - 1x09
No appearances nor is she is mentioned in the episode.
Pops - 1x10
This episode is an iconic one for both Trixie and Maze. A small kid enters a bar and is served a stiff drink by a demon while she tells what ales her.  
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I’ll try to get the Uber ride ordering pass, as we all know that the kid is way too smart and move on to the Bar scene.
When Maze asks her why she is searching for Lucifer all she says is that he cheers her up. Here she steals the show of course but we cannot claim to have anything deep in here aside from one tiny fact. That kid was able to befriend the Devil and a Demon in less than a minute.  Lucifer punished her bully while Maze did what seemed logical to her. Offered her a free drink. That I would guess goes a long way in her book. So let’s admire again how she can make friends with celestial being so easily. And a question here... Do we consider Maze to be a celestial being? Well until 2x13 then. 
St. Lucifer - 1x11
No appearances nor is she is mentioned in the episode. 
#TeamLucifer - 1x12
Lucifer: But since you're up, I have some questions for you. Trixie: Right. Lucifer: Are you adopted? In other words, are you sure the Detective is your mother? Could she be from somewhere else? Does she have any special powers? Trixie: Uh-uh. Lucifer: What about any markings? Scars, on her back perhaps? There's some chocolate cake in it for you. Trixie: want cash. Lucifer: Oh. (chuckles) I like your style. Trixie: All right. Mommy does have a scar. Lucifer: Oh? Trixie: On her butt. From when she got bit. By the Kraken. Lucifer: Right. Not the direction I was going for, but what's this Kraken that you talk of? Chloe: My mom's evil Chihuahua.
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The spawn moved from chocolate cake to cash.  In season 1 we have seen that Trixie can manipulate her parents pretty well but that applies for you average 7-year old pretty easily.  At this point, I could ask... What if Trixie is the one adopted here? Yes, we have nothing to back that up and it would be a real bummer for me so I hope it will never happen in the show but it was something that I wanted you to keep in mind just in case.  Sometimes I also wonder this. We have several opinions on why Lucifer is connected to Chloe. Some say it’s because Lucifer might have been sent to protect her and he has done that. Others claim that Lucifer just stumbled on Chloe’s path and she was destined for something far away from Lucifer. Who knows at this point? Now just take this point of view. What if Lucifer did not stumble on Chloe but on ultimately on Trixie? As we will see in Season 2 the lines are blurred a bit and therefore I wonder if Dad wanted Lucifer to play Guardian Devil at some point by playing even step-dad as well?  The above semi-theory is a bit farfetched but I would have welcomed it. Even more, if my headcanon was real but that’s for another post... Perhaps even the next one about Trixie in Season 2. 
Take Me Back to Hell - 1x13
In this episode, we have the chilling kidnapping of Trixie by Malcolm. The funny thing here is that although Trixie adores Lucifer since the first time she sees him, something we cannot blame on Lucifer’s charm, she doesn’t like Malcolm.
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As we saw in the pilot Lucifer doesn’t have the same effect on children like he does in adults. Their gender doesn’t matter and although I believe he can draw out their desires, he cannot make them be as enamoured with them as adults can be in his presence. Perhaps that is why he is afraid to be near them. He has no power over them and we can attest he has some control issues.  Back to Trixie, what we learn from this episode is that the child can distinguish real evil. Perhaps she can even sense divinity in some extent but that’s a talk for season 2. What we will keep from this episode is that Lucifer saves Trixie and Chloe, in a sense, he bargains his life for two people, not just one as we the Deckerstar fans usually assume. 
Also when he reunites with Chloe and Trixie Lucifer hides his bloody shirt. In a similar move like the one in a pilot when he stops Dan and Chloe’s bickering, he instinctively protects Trixie. The similarity between the two scenes always makes me think that we have more to see from Trixie when it comes to her relationship with Lucifer. Yet only time will tell
The End of Part 1
This post as I said was mostly plain and explored Trixie in season 1 with no major theories or speculations. I have some heavy stuff for Season 2 as you know....
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judefan820-blog · 4 years
trying to calibrate an impossible balance
Lambeau Field Credit: WikipediaLambeau Field is an out door football stadium in Green Bay Wisconsin. The stadium was built in 1957 which makes it one of the oldest stadiums in the NFL. The stadium was originally known as City Stadium, but was cheap nfl jerseys changed in the 1960s to celebrate one of the most notable players in the franchise Curly Lambeau..
In high school I spent a lot of time getting dressed for parties. I would try on shirt after shirt, trying to calibrate an impossible balance between sexy and cute. I looked for outfits that didn't "try too hard." I wanted something that said, "oops, I'm hot.
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"We put him a rush position on third downs. He really plays at a higher level as does (DL) DeJuan Goulde. He's a two year All MAC player. Tibet was struck by its worst snowstorm in 2008, with nearly 5 feet of snow blanketing most of Lhunze county. In 36 hours, it killed 7 people, caused more than 144,000 cattle deaths and left hundreds trapped in snow. It took almost three days to clear off the snow cover, for life to return to normalcy.
0 notes
Saturday night s all right for fighting.. on Facebook of course,
i was just casting my mind back to a Ninurta  Night , as there called their Saturdays Night in Uruk, capital of Sunny Sumeria, and  imagining what a great time they were probably having 5000 years ago , getting pissed on the local beer, because they invented that ,as well as the seven day week. Of course they did nt have Netflix, but they got to go out more..i don’t have Netflix either , yet , but have axs to lots of stuff including Music documentaries , which we are watching in order , chronological order that is..starting with The Birth of Country music .. and Mr Ralph Peers,from new York, who looked a little like Brian Epstein by the way , who set up a temporary recording studio above  furniture shop, there you go agin , NEMs , well no, it was nt , but anyway I digress, and into this temporary Studio  walked The Carter Family..3 of them .. and Jimmie Rogers.. yes.. that Jimmie Rogers , the Singing brakeman..i mean ,Okay , i can hear you mumbling about Sam Phillips, and the Chess brothers etc.. but this was Bristol, Tennessee/Virginia..a place no-one who doesn’t live round there has heard of..its like discovering the Beatles and the Rolling Stones..or rather signing them..   After that we watched a newish doc about the King , E.V. Presley..and it was mad by some guys driving round America in his Rolls royce..great stuff   That led to the Fab Four , Eight days a Week.. which was about their touring years and the whole world has seen it except me… its absolutely.. the F word , second letter A..anyway this time 55 years ago they were filming Help. inSt Margarets..Twickenham..and taking photos for the infamous Butcher cover , in the Vale , Chelsea, where my first nursery school was located..ah well.. don’t want to get too carried away on Beatles Lore..or i ll bore you to death , because i don’t mind admitting i am well versed in that subject…   The Beatles represented the 60s in the same way Elvis represented the 50 s…and someone told a story about how the disgusting Colonel Parker, in inverted commas,used to put a cover over Elvis Cadillac so the girls could nt see him when he drove on to the Movie lot in hollywood… well once the Beatles arrived the Colonel still put the cover on , so Elvis could nt see there were no longer any girls..A sad figure..but  his mantle of  loneliness was later to be worn by Michael jackson and especially Prince..Do these Royal titles always end with a solitary death on the loo or in a Lift
From there we moved too the Seventies… and surely the quintessential Seventies hero is Bowie..well now it so alluringly sunny outside ill have to go and play guitar on the terrace .. and leave David for another time..
No i don’t want to see the News..
DAY 15..Sunday…
The clocks have gone on to sensible time..even in lockdown this is cheerful news.. I was wondering how long it will take for people with imaginary ailments to return to their plastic chairs in Hospital waiting rooms throughout the Western world.. these people presumably will be the ones most frightened of Covid 19..there s nothing imaginary about that..but if you have ME and you re lying on the sofa all day, and you feel depressed , and your bones are aching etc.. well how do feel different from everyone else..and as for food intolerance .. that should be interesting when the statistics come in about consumption in Supermarkets..i know there are allergies and allergies.. but the possibility of imminently drowning in ones own mucus does concentrate the mind wonderfully, and a lot of people will find themselves in the second category once shortages begin of certain previously essential items..suddenly one has to be tolerant of a whole raft of things one had previously considered unacceptable ..two weeks ago i could not have imagined four days without bread.. but its no big deal.. onions likewise..thats what happens when you shop with no list.. bit like going on stage without a playlist.. its a gamble … it can produce unexpected benefits in that you try stuff you had nt tried before.. but you often forget the best songs..
We watched the film about the Kursk, the Submarine which was on the seabed and owing to bureaucracy and politics the Crew were allowed to die..even though t5here was a foreign Ship with equipment nearby that could have saved them.. reminds me of something..are we the mariners or are we the mariners wives?
Does the Chinese government have a cure? are they just waiting for the US economy to completely collapse?..Will we ever know?
Day 16
Each day just goes so fast , i turn around , it s past..
One of my fave tracks from Revolver..anyway playing in E7 , as usual , in fact I’ve been stuck in E 7 since Lockdown started..Catfish , Smokestack lighting ,Good Morning Blues , Take Out Some Insurance..however now the time has come to expand ..and try Freight train..the classic finger picking song..so ,if i observe radio silence for a while you ll know why..
Saw the news…The government had adopted some economic measures which seemed very well thought out , in the sense they were are determined not to let the mistakes of the last crisis , where the poorest people got the rawest deal. I won’t go into details , its all online if you re interested..it was more a sensation than anything  logical , but it made me feel a bit less pessimistic for the first time in a few weeks,i found i was nt thinking about Death quite as much , even in the abstract. that may sound overdramatic , but i think everybody is thinking about it subconsciously a great deal more than they were, say, last Christmas..well actually in our particular situation , where we had been frequenting cancer wards and the like , maybe i should go back to 2018…but  the awarerness of death affects every facet of how you think about everything else..i don’t just mean concentrating the mind wonderfully..anyway its half past two, and tomorrow ill probably delete all this..The gist was that for some reason things don’t feel quite so bleak..
Day 17
Yesterday was a 3 own a scale of  ten as far as ding anything worthwhile was concerned. After watching a film i unreservedly recommend..The vanishing.. about  3 men who disappeared from a Scottish island where they were repairing th elighthouse , i watched Tolkien , the movie about one of my heroes , but not one of Auroras heroes apparently as she fell asleep during the first reel, so to speak, anyway she s not huge Tolkien fan , having been made to sit through the fellowship of the ring seven times..be that as it may , the sofa is not designed for sleeping comfortably so she had a severely cricked neck the next morning and stayed in bed, leaving Tina and i to our own devices..this meant i ate a packet of chocolate biscuits for brunch and did nt eat again till midnight , which goes to show how lucky I am not to be on my own.
  to entertain myself between bouts of fingerpicking i decided to9 look up on google what English people disliked the most.. while i did nt find the answer to this question i did get seriously sidetracked and found out the answers to several more pressing questions about Europe,and i m proud to say the british isles scored very highly
The Dirtriest City..Yay .. London The Ugliest people..The British and the irish  and the Germans ..okay , so we cant beat the Germans but at least we drew The Rudest people..That was easy..The French win every time, when i lived in  Paris  i prided myself on becoming Parisian, and adopting local customs , but one day , in a moment of absent mindedness , and for a subconscious second imagining myself in Spain , i said Good Morning to my next door neighbour, a short fellow with a mop of dark hair and glasses, who i passed on my way to the metro in Boulevard St . Germain… i am not a Physiognomist.. he replied…i made a not e of that , hoping i could use the phrase Je ne suit pas Phisionome, myself on some future occasion..but sadly , said opportunity has not arisen. Most boring City..Brussels .. for the third year running…Hasve nt these people been to Oslo? Most Friendly Country..wait for it… Scotland..most friendly capital .. Dublin Worst Cuisine..Malta , tied with Kosovo Best ..Italy Most Beautiful Women ..Norway ..and Bulgaria..i would have voted for Madrid..but you cant argue with Norway Most ignorant Country in Europe ..italy. Most Rapes..Sweden..well that was no surprise..however i won’t analyse those statistics or Ill be done for Isamolophobia Most ignorant country in the World ..Indonesia Most depressed ..World..China , India, Brazil,..what??..USA.. and Bangladesh Most mental Illness..Estonia,Belarus , Russia Most Obese Europe..Yes We won agin .. Britain
And so on .. there was more , i could nt stop , but i did check the criteria..and obviously ruled out anything from the Daily Mail or the Independent.. which are not really newspapers at , but sheets of opinions conforming to the prejudices of their readers.
When i got tired of this i got the Scythe out of the tree and  cut the grass for half an hour .. feeling like a peasant woman in Quiet Flows The Don..its quite restful when you get in rhythm. Aurora was still ill so i made her some chicken soup.. well , packet chicken soup with some noodles and chicken added.. anyway , she did nt eat it .. so i had it saved for my supper.. I did nt watch TV..i could nt be bothered to work out how turn it on to be honest , thats how lazy i felt, and i just sat by the fire and went through all the fingerpicking songs again.
Spanish lockdown..Day 18
Aurora s feeling a wee bit better, but cant eat anything , so cannot take Iboprufen, or whatever it is in English ..but says she could probably handle bread.. so..that means a trip to the heart of Fukushima, err..well ...on with the masks , gloves etc  and to the shop in El Llano.. small village near here , a lot more isolated than Carboneras..I was feeling fairly confident as i trundled along the track  , that the town hall had tarmacked before some election or other..anyway , rounding a corner there was a woman of un certain age in the road waving me down,.,.
What to do?…You re are not allowed passengers , plus she was not wearing gloves or a mask..
Should i observe the Law, or basic good manners? i d vaguely recognised her.. and had she she been a total stranger i would have passed on by , but , hell , she was Local, so i had to pick her up..
She did nt recognise me.. obviously , as i was wearing a cap , two masks with a scarf on top, and polo neck unrolled over the bottom half of my face , like a character in the Bash Street Kids..an way i had the window down , and was almost sticking my head out as i drove..
@ Chilly out @.. she observed…
i pretended not to understand this hint that i should close the window..
@ Do you think it s going to rain ? @
@ I  think probably not @
@All these people with masks @  she observed ,as a car squeezes by us, going in the opposite direction . I began to wonder if she knew there was  such a thing as Covid 19,and  saw the driver  studying us..I was hoping he  would nt recognise me either.. and was weighing up whether what i was doing would meet with his approval. i.e. helping a distressed local, or would be considered a breach of community sprit. On coming into the village we received more enigmatic looks..and i  felt uneasy as i got out in front of the shop and followed her to the door … pausing  to read the safety notices outside.and thus give her a head start . i won’t reproduce them ..wherever you are you ve probably seen the equivalent..anyway ,no sooner did i enter the shop than she was next to me selecting suit and veg..and ignoring safe distancing, which i agree was academic , as we d just been in much too close proximity,..thus forcing me to leave the fruit and go and study the options in frozen fish..while she was having a conversation wi the owner
  @ Do you think it will rain?@   @ Its chilly out @ etc..
As we went about our purchasing i saw more and more foodstuffs i would nt normally consider..and soon had over a weeks supply..which , considering how much we already had at home made me hope this lockdown was going to go on for  a while ..or otherwise id feel a fool .. no , i did nt really think that.. Much as i wanted to prolong my shopping experience there was queue forming outside , so felt obliged to go more quickly that i would have liked..especially as i hoped to delay long enough not to have to take the woman back to her house..vainly as it turned out as she was a quarter of a mile along the track when i was obliged to pick her up again..
We passed the garbage truck.in a lay-by. @ My nephew..@ she explained..I began to feel id made the right decision..as i doubted she d been more than a mile from her house in the past few months… nonetheless i observed full protocol on arriving home..even disinfecting the car having a shower and putting all my clothes in the machine.
0 notes
biofunmy · 5 years
‘I’m 17 Years Old, and I’m Terrified’: The Issues Our Readers Hope Come Up at the Democratic Debate
Discussions about health care have dominated the six previous nights of debates among the Democratic presidential candidates. Ahead of Wednesday night’s debate in Atlanta, we asked our readers what issue they most wanted the candidates to address, and why it mattered to them and their families.
One issue stood out: climate change.
About two-thirds of the more than 1,000 readers we heard from across the country said they wanted the next president to aggressively try to head off a climate catastrophe. These included young people grappling with the desire to grow a family ahead of a looming crisis, and grandparents fearful their youngest relatives would inherit a damaged world.
A middle schooler in Havertown, Pa., wrote simply: “I am young and want to live.”
In addition to the environment, readers cited health care costs, an economy that leaves many behind, gun control and student loan debt as the issues they most wanted the Democratic candidates to address.
Below is a selection of responses, which have been lightly edited.
Make climate change a priority
I am a young woman who cannot imagine a happy future because of these issues that older generations have caused.
I have lost hope in having children because it would be selfish of me to bring children into this doomed natural world. — Molly Meehan, Yardley, Pa.
I live on a beach, and rising water threatens to inundate my home and others. Sea walls that go unrepaired, and roadways and bridges that need replacement or repair mean I cannot count on escaping the waters if I need to. — Mary Klein, St. Pete Beach, Fla.
My home state of Michigan may become a last refuge from rising seas and worsening droughts. I’m afraid of what a rise in population will do to the beautiful natural spaces I love.
And the little things scare me, too. The uncertain future of chocolate and coffee, in part due to climate change, is terrifying in its own way. — Hannah Ellery, 20, Traverse City, Mich.
I live in southwest Colorado. Despite having an extraordinary amount of snow last winter, we are back in a severe drought. Our snowpack is changing. We are experiencing more severe wildfires.
I’m concerned about other countries and the impact the warming temperatures are having on them and also on places in our own country, with increased flooding and more severe storms. — Gail C. Harriss, Durango, Colo.
Strengthen our health care system
I am a single mother who is self-employed. My family depends on insurance from the Affordable Care Act. But the plans have become so expensive that just paying premiums pushes my business into the red some years.
You might imagine that I am a fan of “Medicare for all,” but I am not. I work in the health care industry and I know how complicated and traumatic it would be to try to overhaul the way health care providers and insurance companies interact.
I do not want to turn everything upside down. I just want the A.C.A. shored up so that it works for freelancers and small businesses. — Frances Verter, Maryland
The high cost of our prescriptions in this country compared to the rest of the world’s is my greatest concern.
In 1998, my sister and I spent three weeks in Spain. She became ill. I was sent to the pharmacy for her medicine. I gave them the prescription and they gave me the meds.
I paid a small amount, under $5, for what turned out to be a form of penicillin. From that moment on, I came to believe that there was something very wrong with our pharmaceutical companies and the greed of it all. — Jean Zappia, Morehead, N.C.
I work in health care. I see the devastation our health care system causes. The current stranglehold insurance companies have on medicine in our country is destroying us from the inside out. — Yvonne McCarthy, Kansas
I was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and without health insurance the cost of my treatments would have been a quarter of a million dollars out of pocket.
When families are facing a devastating health crisis, they shouldn’t also face a devastating financial crisis. — Ann Dixon, Pennsylvania
Have a plan for implementing and managing health care changes
I am a cancer patient. I have to live in fear of losing everything I worked for my whole life, to stay alive.
I want to hear how candidates will get their idea passed through Congress and how it will be implemented. Otherwise ideas mean nothing. — Judith Salyer, Ypsilanti, Mich.
Thousands of Americans will be out of jobs if we move toward abolishing private health care. I want to know how politicians plan to transition the jobs that they will be eliminating.
I work in insurance and I know how many jobs there are in back-office functions in billing, collections, claim handling and customer service. Most of these jobs require a very specific set of skills that will not necessarily transfer to other industries. — Alex Sam, Philadelphia
Make our schools safe
As a survivor who was wounded in a school shooting, I have been waiting for a candidate who is passionate about the topic of gun violence and reform.
With Beto out of the race, I am looking for the person willing to take on this issue with as much passion and resolve as he did. — Taylor Schumann, Charleston, S.C.
I’m 17 years old, and I’m terrified. That my friends will be killed. That I will be shot down dead. All I want to do is go to college, but what if I’m not safe there? — Rachel Ellynn M., Missouri
I have a high school son and a husband who is a high school math teacher. With every school shooting I hear about, I become more nervous about it hitting home. — Kristy Fitzgerald, Frisco, Texas
Make our economy work for everyone
The rate at which the economy is changing affects all of us. I used to work at a now-closed retail establishment. My boyfriend worked in a distribution center. He saw the company automate jobs away. — Nicole Sanchez, Columbia, S.C.
I live in Dayton, Ohio, and our county swung for President Trump, yet also elected Obama. People are struggling. Our community has job openings but a serious skills gap. Workforce issues are huge here. Just because the overall economy is booming doesn’t mean we’re not being left out.
We need a president that will fight for working-class people and prioritize programs that get people the training and support they need to compete in today’s global economy. Our middle class has been hollowed out. I live in a city with 7,000 vacant structures. Wall Street and corporate greed have left the Midwest behind.
We need someone who will focus on supporting programs that help economic mobility across the country. — Bryan Stewart, Dayton, Ohio
I make six figures, but between me and my husband, we can hardly afford to pay all our bills. With day care and health care costs for two kids, we have no money to save.
If this was 30 years ago, a boomer would have a substantially more comfortable life at a similar life stage.
My generation is already doomed to be a lost generation. I want to make my children’s economic future less bleak. — Justine Graham, Plymouth, Minn.
Where is this tight job market and booming economy everyone is talking about? It doesn’t exist in my world, and I am a college-educated experienced professional. — Jane O’Donovan, Dunedin, Fla.
Reset how America engages with the world
I am a Vietnam combat veteran and come from a military family. I visited Vietnam last year and I can tell you that after 50 years, the effects of abhorrent combat behavior such as the My Lai Massacre continue to haunt the Vietnamese people.
Pardoning war criminals endangers the entire military community, and it sends a message to our troops that there are no repercussions for criminal behavior on the battlefield. — Mark McVay, Golden, Colo.
When my preteen son was adopted from Korea, I was so proud to bring him home to us in America. I held him in my arms just a few short weeks after we brought him home, and wept while listening to Obama’s inauguration.
It felt so right.
We were once the nation that gave hope to democracies around the globe, including Korea. We have our share of historical evildoing, but after World War II, American soldiers handed out Hershey bars. We’ve built hospitals in war zones and we put our money where our mouth was in upholding ideals with aid. — Sophie Johnson, Arlington, Va.
Help pay down student loans
I pay about one-third of my family’s income to student loans. This is crippling to a growing family.
It would be a huge boost to our family and to our spending if some or all was forgiven. — Jacob Theurer, Grand Rapids, Mich.
I pay more than my rent in student loan payments each month. I have paid about $20,000 over the last four years and I still owe almost as much as I borrowed.
My interest rates range from 5 to 7 percent. This financial situation is holding me back from goals like owning a home or starting a business. — Megan Gileza, Baltimore
Ensure women’s rights
My daughter is a scientist. She will continue her graduate studies next year. I want her to live in a world where her gender, studies and intellect matter to the country, to the world and to the future. — Susan Goldstein, New York
As a young woman, I feel my right to reproductive health services is under attack, especially in the Southern states.
I want to feel safe in this country and know that if I ever needed it, I could access specialized female health care without significant hurdles. I know that when women are properly cared for and provided the care they need (whether it be safe abortions, contraception, or necessary labs and tests) the entire community benefits in some capacity. — Isabel Watkins, Carrboro, N.C.
Improve the quality of public education
My community has an excellent education system, but looking around the country, you see the stark disparities so that our citizens cannot participate in our democracy intelligently.
It might be the downfall of our country. — Diane Pursley, Lexington, Mass.
I live in Florida and have two kids. One is in middle school and another is in high school.
Education quality here is less than excellent. I would like to see kids having a well-rounded, meaningful education, instead of being bombarded by standardized tests. — Teresa Restom Gaskill, Florida
Defeat President Trump
The only issue for the election is removing Trump and Republican senators, not radical proposals that have no chance of voter or congressional approval. — Jim Austet, Colorado
Get Trump out of office. He is the greatest threat to the United States, its values and its place in the world in my lifetime. — Joe Distelheim, South Carolina
At 84, I have never been so scared for our country. I see the destruction of our democracy as the most critical.
I will not live to see it repaired, but maybe I will live long enough to see this president removed and see his corrupt administration held accountable.
This affects everything we need to care for our people. — Sara Davis Huff, Atlanta
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Follow the @ReaderCenter on Twitter for more coverage highlighting your perspectives and experiences and for insight into how we work.
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flauntpage · 6 years
UFC Fighters Lee and Barboza Talk Atlantic City, Eddie Alvarez, and Basketball
Imagine traveling around town with a guy who you’re going to punch in the face in five weeks.
Sounds odd, but that was the case on Tuesday, when UFC fighters Kevin Lee and Edson Barboza hit a bunch of Philly spots to talk about their April 21st headlining bout at Atlantic City’s Boardwalk Hall. Maybe the art of promotion in combat sports isn’t dead after all.
For Barboza, this will be his third fight in AC. He beat Evan Dunham there in 2014 at Revel Casino, the last time the UFC went to South Jersey. The Brazilian lightweight also won a pair of fights in Atlantic City back in 2010 when he was fighting for the Ring of Combat promotion. Barboza relocated to New Jersey a few years ago and trains with Toms River native Frankie Edgar and Philadelphia’s Eddie Alvarez.
Lee is a Detroit fighter who made his UFC debut in Newark but has yet to fight in our region.
It’s a interesting matchup at 155 pounds between a pair of guys coming off tough losses to elite opponents. Lee fought for the interim lightweight title in October but was bested by Tony Ferguson with a third round triangle choke. Barboza was battered by the undefeated Khabib Nurmagomedov back in December.
Khabib and Ferguson meet on April 7th in Brooklyn for the title that Conor McGregor won in 2016, then later vacated.
This fight should help sort out the pecking behind Ferguson and Khabib. Lee had the opportunity to fight Alvarez, but wanted Barboza instead. Eddie is three months removed from an excellent win against the previously unbeaten Justin Gaethje.
Lee and Barboza rang the bell at the Sixers game last night and were nice enough to speak for a few minutes before tip-off:
Crossing Broad: Well, we’re at a basketball game, so I have to ask you if you like basketball. Kevin, you grew up playing the sport, right?
Kevin Lee: Yea, a little bit here and there, just because I’m from Detroit. Everybody does (laughs), but not too much. I realized one day I was taller than my dad and I was like, “let me go out for the wrestling team.”
Crossing Broad: Were you a Pistons fan growing up?
Lee: Yea, yea, big Pistons fan. I’ve got a lot of friends who play for the Pistons, so I have to root for them. But I guess I’ll go for the Sixers tonight.
Crossing Broad: What do you make of this Sixers team? Are you familiar at all? Joel Embiid, Ben Simmons, the process?
Lee: I’ve heard bits and pieces, but to be honest, I don’t follow them enough. If I’m gonna talk some shit, it’s gonna be where I know what I’m talking about (laughs).
Crossing Broad: Fair enough! Edson, are you a basketball fan?
Edson Barboza: Not really, being from Brazil I didn’t watch too much.
Crossing Broad: We’ve had some Brazilian guys in the league recently, Nene, Anderson Varejao..
Barboza: Yea, yea, a couple of guys. When I moved to South Florida I started watching a little more. I really don’t pay too much attention though.
Crossing Broad: Did you watch the Miami Heat when you were down there?
Barboza: Yea, yea I think it’s actually my favorite sport to watch in the U.S. I try to watch football, and baseball, but nah. Basketball’s fun though, I like it.
Crossing Broad: Atlantic City next month.. you’ve fought there a couple of times. What did you make of your fights there? Did you enjoy it down there?
Barboza: Yea, of course. I just go to my house, get the car, drive it a couple of minutes and come back! I loved it. I felt like I was fighting at home.
Crossing Broad: Kevin, what do you think about fighting in Atlantic City?
Lee: I mean, this is kind of my first sneak peek at it, looks like a nice little city. This is my first time here. But I’m used to going over and fighting other guys in their home towns, so I feel like that will be to my advantage by the time the fight rolls around.
Crossing Broad: There’s actually a lot of MMA history in Atlantic City. New Jersey was the first state to adopt the unified rules of mixed martial arts, and AC hosted a lot of UFC events in the early part of the 2000s. Guys like Georges St-Pierre and Randy Couture and B.J. Penn all fought there. Do you think about that at all? Is it cool to fight in a place that’s hosted some great events before?
Lee: I think there’s a huge history, actually in all combat sports. Joe Louis fought there I think, Tommy Hearns, Floyd Mayweather. We’re bringing that into MMA now, and Michigan fighters have always done well there so I’m leading the way.
Crossing Broad: Did you think about that, Edson, when you were there, that idea that a lot of great fighters have come through Atlantic City in the past?
Barboza: Yea, absolutely. It’s special, especially for me. I’ve had some very good luck over here and I hope April 21st will be the same thing as the other fights.
Crossing Broad: Last one for you guys. Obviously the big Philly MMA connection is Eddie Alvarez. He’s in your division. Would you take a fight with Eddie?
Lee: When it really boiled down to it, it was between Eddie or Edson. I chose Edson just because I thought he was going to to be a better challenge. Eddie, maybe not. We’ll see what Eddie does. It’s his city, but me and Eddie, I think we all know what’s gonna happen if we fight.
Crossing Broad: Edson would you fight Eddie if you really had to?
Barboza: Nah, Eddie is my brother. He’s my training partner and I’m with him every single day. The only guy I won’t fight in this division is Eddie. He’s my brother. He’s helped me a lot and he’s a really good friend.
Barboza is ranked as the 4th best lightweight while Lee is 7th.
The April 21st fight card also includes a middleweight bout between David Branch and Thiago Santos, and a bantamweight matchup with Aljamain Sterling and Brett Johns.
Back promoting fights again! UFC is in my blood! @MoTownPhenom squares off with @EdsonBarbozaJR at tonight’s @sixers game! They fight next month in my birthplace of Atlantic City!
Photo: @alexsubers pic.twitter.com/kiJE0DyEv6
— Dave Sholler (@DaveSholler) March 13, 2018
UFC Fighters Lee and Barboza Talk Atlantic City, Eddie Alvarez, and Basketball published first on https://footballhighlightseurope.tumblr.com/
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double-birds-blog · 7 years
The Cascade of Failures Involving #RallyCat Is the Most 2017 Cardinals Thing Possible
By Adam Felder
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Wednesday night, something magical happened for the Cardinals. Down 5-4 late-ish to the Royals, the club was about to squander a golden scoring opportunity when Yadier Molina strode to the plate with the bases loaded.
Yadier Molina shouldn’t be batting fifth. Or Dexter Fowler fourth. But hey, as Mike Matheny errors go, at least Fowler and Molina should both be playing, so him screwing up the order in which they batted is a comparatively minuscule error.
But against Peter Moylan, who eats righties for breakfast (just ask Paul DeJong, who flailed helplessly and struck out on three pitches a couple minutes prior), a below-average hitter like Yadi wasn’t terribly likely to be a hero. He took a pitch, getting ahead 1-0.
And then the magic happened.
An adorable kitten ran out onto the field. Neither the TV broadcast nor the radio broadcast correctly identified it at first, but I can hardly blame Mike Shannon or Al Hrabosky for not making out what it was at first. But eventually: pretty obvious it was a cat. It trotted past Lorenzo Cain in center field, who wanted nothing to do with it, settling around the warning track in center.
A member of the grounds crew, Lucas Hackmann, ran out onto the field to corral the cat. His technique was…well…not so bright, as anyone who’s worked with animals can attest. Cats can scratch and bite and it hurts. Kittens in unfamiliar surroundings while chased by some random dude…they’re gonna scratch and bite too.
None of this seemed to dissuade Hackmann, who dutifully scooped up the animal and began trotting toward the seats. He got a couple scratches and bites for his troubles, ultimately settling on grabbing the cat by the scruff of its neck and holding it as far from the rest of his body as possible. It worked, as he made it off the field and into…well, we’ll get to that in a bit.
Back to the magic.
Moylan, whether unnerved by the delay, or just because baseball is random and sometimes weird things happen, left a pitch center cut for Molina. And Molina, while not a great hitter, seems to be entering the Old Man Strength phase of his career, as he roped it for a grand slam that was obviously gone off the bat. Cardinals up 8-5, everyone’s happy, Yadi takes a curtain call.
Thanks, Rally Cat!
Solid bullpen work mopped up the victory, putting the Cardinals inexplicably 1.5 (and now 1) games back of 1st despite being a thoroughly disappointing team all season.
And while Zach Duke, Seung-Hwan Oh, and Trevor Rosenthal were salting away the magical comeback, the Cardinals had already fucked up the larger moment off the field.
They lost the cat. Not because he got away from the employee, but because of an extended cavalcade of stupidity where any single person could have prevented it, but failed.
The only thing that would make this more 2017 Cardinals is if the club explained it couldn’t retain the cat because doing so would forfeit a draft pick.
Let’s run this down, shall we? Apologies in advance for linking to the advertising garbage pile that is STLToday.com, but the reporting here is necessary.
The Cardinals employee, Hackmann, who scooped up the cat? He’s fine, by the way, thank goodness. He’s also kind of foolish for thinking he could just approach a random scared animal with no equipment, or a box, or a towel, or anything at all, and not get torn up a bit. But his next step after getting the cat off the field was not to quarantine the cat, or get it somewhere safe, or ask someone what to do.
He instead took it outside to the Musial statue outside the ballpark, and let it go so that he could go seek medical treatment. Which is pretty damned stupid, but I can’t blame the guy too much. He had no idea what to do, the club (by its own admission a day later) had no procedure for stray animals on the field–despite the fact “cat on the field” happens a few times each season across MLB, including an event involving the Cardinals only a year ago. So “ouch, my hand freaking hurts; let’s just let the cat go back to hanging out at the ballpark since nobody told me what to do, I need to go get this looked at” seems an understandable, if negligent action.
So now we’ve got a stray cat that lived in Busch Stadium back to being a stray cat that lived in Busch Stadium (pretty sure it wouldn’t be at all difficult for a kitten by the Musial statue to get back to wherever it hung out previously). Which is a missed opportunity to find a home for a cat that had people lining up on social media to adopt it, and that’s pretty bad. But this is the 2017 Cardinals, so of course it has to get stupider, with more missed opportunities.
A local fan, Korie Harris, ostensibly wanting to care for the cat—but given her actions more interested in being a Famous Cat Lady—went looking for Rally Kitten. Harris went outside, found the cat, scooped it up, and allegedly planned to adopt it. Cool!
Wait, no; she’s a fucking idiot. Here is what you do when you plan on adopting a stray cat: you put the cat in a carrier, or a box, or something. You put it in your car. You go home. You schedule an appointment with the vet as soon as you’re able.
Here is what she did: she grabbed the cat. She…posed for pictures with random people around the ballpark, apparently enjoying her newfound fame. She lied to ballpark security that this was her cat that’d gotten away. (Why club security didn’t do anything about the idiot who brought her cat to the ballpark remains a mystery; another systems failure in a series of cascading failures.)
Then, I guess when she got tired of mugging for the camera, she tried (allegedly) to get the cat home. Except the cat ran off.
Billy Madison knew what to do when an animal you care about runs off, and he was an idiot–it’s the whole premise of the movie. Thus, this lady is dumber than Billy Madison. She says she looked for it for hours, but she also says she then went to a local bar to tell the tale of the one that got away.
I recognize that this is one of the dumbest and least important things to get all “a ha!!!” about, but let’s think about this. The cat incident happened around 9 p.m. local time. She clearly spent some time mugging for the camera and otherwise being a dumbass, so let’s say the cat gets away from her around 10 p.m. If she looked for it “for hours,” she’s getting to her local bar around midnight, and telling tales for a couple hours until closing time. I mean, I guess it’s possible, and far be it from me to impugn someone’s right to hang out at a bar on a Wednesday night until the wee hours of the following morning, but which is more likely: she’s a late-night bar patron, or she’s just a goddamned idiot who made up a story so she wouldn’t look quite so bad while getting the fame she so clearly desired?
So now we have a cat that has actually seen its station in life get worse, since now it’s a stray cat in some strange-ass neighborhood it doesn’t know. Way to go, lady. And you definitely made yourself look really smart and dedicated by posing for photos of you…throwing dry cat food in bushes the following morning as if the cat’s a Pokémon and gonna magically appear because of your dank kibble lures.
Failure by the club to properly plan for an infrequent (but certainly plausible) event, failure by an employee to think ahead while understandably concerned for his own well-being, failure by that employee’s superiors for not recognizing the moment and making sure their new viral star was looked after, failure by club security for not realizing an idiot fan’s lie, and failure of an idiot fan to not be an idiot. Well done, everyone.
But wait! There’s more! The Post-Dispatch, never one to fail to sugar-coat one of the organization’s screwups, applied the same level of scrutiny to the idiot fan. The article I linked above should be headlined “Local idiot endangers animal in attention grab; is a loser.” It’s not.
And then, lastly, there’s the club and how it handled the cat. During the broadcast, it started to be obvious nobody knew where the cat was, but that didn’t stop Dan McLaughlin from reporting the Humane Society had picked it up (this is almost certainly not McLaughlin’s fault; presumably someone told him the Humane Society picked it up). There were dramatic shots of an empty cat carrier during the broadcast. Surely it’d ferry our star off to its forever home, the implication goes! Meanwhile, kitty is either staring at Stan or being carried around by a buffoon. Or hiding in the bushes from the aforementioned buffoon.
Which brings us to Thursday morning, when the Cardinals issued their press release on the status of Rally Cat. Plainly stating they had no idea what happened to the cat, that Harris lied to them, that they’ll come up with a stray animal procedure in the future to prevent further screw-ups, and then closing with a pun that’d make Piers Anthony cringe.
It was a shitty press release. No apology. No admission of culpability. No “Hey, we’re an organization where Tony LaRussa had huge sway for over a decade; maybe we could make a donation to his charity, or we could encourage fans to adopt their own rally cat/dog/rabbit at their local shelter.” Just “This lying fan; we’ll make a process, hope someone finds the cat lol, oh and also go Cardinals baseball!”
A tone-deaf and indifferent response from a tone-deaf and indifferent organization. The only thing that’d make it better is the club capitalizing on Rally Cat merchandise even while its indifference had endangered the life of the eponymous animal.
Oh wait, they already did that.
The St. Louis Cardinals aren’t evil or malevolent. They’re just really damned stupid, constantly. The organization is just a big dumb giant striding about and making things worse without noticing or caring about its community. In the grand scheme of things, one kitten is about the smallest and least consequential victim, but it’s not as if the club hasn’t been indifferent about human flooding victims, or victims of drunk driving despite two players dying of it, and a high profile manager getting popped for DUI during his tenure.
This stupid team, and its stupid fans that enable this stupid behavior.
…I hope they win tonight.
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