#I hope they post correctly or this is going to be an even longer scroll than it is while I'm typing it rofl
xellandria · 1 year
Oc Ask Meme!!
7,26 and B for Alexander
(https://www.tumblr.com/xellandria/725141210645315584/uncommon-questions-for-ocs-and-their-creators for ease of access)
oh no this post is going to contain art from twenty years ago, run for the hills! Also this got long lmao whoops
7. What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling? For a long time, Alex had a heart-shaped pendant necklace that belonged to his first love. They were in that "this person can do no wrong" puppy-love stage of infatuation that a lot of early relationships (especially between young people) get when she was murdered and he was forced to flee because he was accused of killing both Mephala (framed) and the town's sheriff/top law enforcement guy (valid, sort of). It was the only possession of hers he had to remind him of her, and the memories associated with it were intensely mixed (a: her, but also b: murder), and after Mephala's fridging he carried it with him for a long time (somewhere between 20-200 years, depending on how my timeline for other events that aren't set in stone yet end up shaking out).
Do you know that thing that you do sometimes when you're really depressed and feeling self-flagellating where you already feel bad, so you intentionally start thinking about a Bad Thing that happened so your life can suck extra hard? And how obviously thinking about it makes you feel worse, but there's a weird undercurrent of pleasure and satisfaction at the ability to hurt yourself like that? It's weird to think of him like this because in the "present day" he's a very happy-go-lucky kinda guy like 97% of the time, but there was definitely a period in his past where he was that kind of angsty, moody teen.
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And then, fourteen pages into the comic, the doofus accidentally left it behind on a bar countertop while escaping from some bounty hunters :V
28. What is their preferred mode of transportation? Alex is a big fan of the persistence predator's famous "walk 'em to death" strategy! So are a lot of my characters, I'm realizing (because other methods of transport like wagons and cars and bicycles and scooters and such suck to draw I guess, lmao). I think Alex would be an indifferent equestrian; competent enough to stay on the horse (once he learned, which I'm not sure when he would have done), but very much a sack in the saddle. While he can fly, he prefers not to because he haaaaaaaaaates his wings; there ARE humanoid creatures with wings on Meir, but a lot of them don't interface well with most of society and have a bit of a Reputation, so there's a bit of a stigma there, and people tend to stare. Alex doesn't mind being the center of attention, but he definitely prefers it to be for the things he's doing, not the thing he is.
At some point recently I said (probably on twitter) that I'd only drawn him with his wings three times: once for a "sexy" wallpaper, once for a NaNoMangO pregame meme, and once just recently for the ref sheet I posted a couple weeks ago. While I was going through First Target again for this ask just now I realized it's actually been four: his wings came out when he was fighting Viktor (which, now that I've remembered, made me go "oh yeah, that was important cos people witnessed that he wasn't human which made them go after him extra hard," it's funny the kind of details you forget after twenty years, rofl)
Edit: FIVE times, actually: I forgot I did one of those "what's your god tier" memes in the height of my Homestuckdom and he got Thief of Life.
B) What inspired you to create them? In seventh and eighth grade, in the late 90s, my friends and I were all role playing on various portions of Yahoo!'s social outlets, both in their chatrooms (Aenye, aka Ayenee aka A&E aka the Arts & Entertainment section) and on their groups (okay in fairness that was mostly just me, I don't think my RL friends indulged in that bit). I "GMed" a lot of stuff for my friends in the chats, and we had a fairly expansive storyline going, but a lot of it was pulled from things we were invested in at the time and a lot of characters were straight up just whichever media characters we were crushing on at the time, sometimes with the barcodes sanded off and sometimes not. One of the characters I "mained" at the time, both in RP with my RL friends and in various RP groups (which were mostly mixed-anime isekai-style things or directly based in the world of the anime/manga Slayers), was Xellandria Butadientium.
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Xellandria Butadientium, Xella for short, was heavily, heavily, heavily based on Xelloss Metallium from Slayers, a smiling "trickster priest" with a deliciously malicious side and very obscure motivations. She was in competition with every other Mary Sue OC in those groups for Xelloss' attentions, though even at the time I (and she) was less interested in romance and sex than in just Being There and I dipped out of several groups once whoever was playing Xelloss there indicated their interest in eRPing (I was like, fourteenish and assumed I would care less/more when I got older. That, uh, never happened :Y)
When we moved on from Yahoo onto our own private forums I started redesigning some characters to be less obviously derivative and wholesale replacing others, and Xella was one of the ones hit with a redesign. She kept some of the things that had become "iconic" to her by then, but I tried to move away from the rest.
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The problem here was that there were five main characters in The Bloodraven Chronicles, and only three of us bay area girls RPing; I was responsible for three of the five. One was Xella, one was James (another character who started his life being based off Xelloss, at least visually), and the other was straight up just Xelloss. That wouldn't do if we were making this an original story, which we all* had it in our heads at the time to do (because that was Just What You Did, we were formulating Aslua Studios who were going to Make It Big doing Things related to this story!). So, as Xella was originally a genderbent version of Xelloss who eventually evolved into her own thing, I figured I would just do it again, but in reverse!
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Thus, alleX, who evolved over the next couple months into Alex, and whose design was finalized in September of 2001, just in time for me to be noodling around with the idea of starting a webcomic, which I would start posting to KeenSpace in November of that year.
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Alex's personality takes a lot of inspiration from those old Xelloss roleplayers, though it leans into the more "human" versions, where he was less inscrutable and more just kind of silly. Nowadays he's pretty happy-go-lucky, which you would not know from anything in this long-ass post, l m a o
Anyway to cap it off, have a bonus visual chart of all this, from one of those "1 like = 1 answer" things on twitter about his D&D AU version:
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(* I am reasonably sure, in retrospect, that my friends were just going along with my own desire to Make It Big (With Art) and that they had no real stake in it. In fairness, this was the correct decision/response on their part, but you know.)
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lunarmoves · 11 months
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spooks, screams, and robots, oh my!
pairing: DCA sun/moon/eclipse x reader
mentions: haunted house shenanigans, gender neutral reader (no pronouns used!), spooks n scares, tomfoolery and the like, relationship up to interpretation, eclipse is based off of ruin dlc, fluffy goodness, not beta'd lol, sfw, post fire at the plex
a/n: happy (late) halloween @n30nixx!! i'm so sorry this is kinda late LOL. i uh, started writing it and then it kind of got away from me so it ended up way longer than intended sfddfks. it might be a bit rushed at the end bc i wanted to get it out gahh. hope u enjoy & sorry for the wait!!
word count: 6k
ao3 link
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You were laying in bed, idly scrolling through your phone in a sleep-induced haze, when you were startled up by a loud, ebullient voice.
“Friend!” Sun practically shouted as he burst through your door—a typical occurrence for him, yet it made you flinch all the same. You blinked widely at him as he bounded up to the side of your bed and waved something in the air with one of his hands. The bells tied to his wrist jingled with the motion. “Look what we found!”
The thing in question was promptly dropped on top of your head, and you made a small, confused noise as you picked it off to squint at it. It was a flyer, you noted, your eyes sweeping quickly over the bold, orange words stark underneath a dilapidated cartoon house of eerie green and fiery purple.
“Oh!” You perked up as Sun eagerly swayed by your bedside, waiting for your response. “The haunted house is happening again?” Sure enough, the flyer was for the annual haunted house that opened in your city every October. Well, almost every. It had been closed the last few years due to a lack of funding. You hadn’t gone since you were a teenager, if you were remembering correctly.
“Sure is!” Sun replied with a grin. He clasped his hands together and leaned down closer to you, blank white eyes locked onto your own. “We should go!”
You hummed and flicked your gaze to the bottom of the flyer, where the address and time for the haunted house were both displayed. It wasn’t too far from your apartment—walking distance, for certain. “Alright. Could be fun!”
Sun practically leapt for joy, his rays spinning delightfully around his face plate. “Wonderful!!” And without any time for you to even protest, he picked you up from under the arms to disentangle you from your bed. You made a surprised noise, blankets slipping from your body in a silken waterfall, then stared at him when he eventually set you back down on the floor. The flyer had been crushed in your grip with the unexpected motion. Sun patted your rumpled figure on the shoulders with both of his hands as you blinked at him. “Let’s go!!”
“Wait, you mean now?!” you asked in bewilderment. You hadn’t planned on leaving your bedroom tonight, much less your apartment building.
“Of course!! You’re not doing anything now, are you?” Sun asked, tilting his head to the side. “In fact— we don’t think you’ve been outside at all today! Fresh air will do you some good, Friend!!”
Trust Sun to always make sure you were taking care of yourself properly. You sighed, already knowing you would be fighting a losing battle if you dared to protest. He was right, you didn’t have anything major to do for the rest of the evening. And besides—you glanced at the time on your phone, which was still clenched in your hand even after Sun had picked you up—it was still pretty early. If Sun was so eager to go to the haunted house tonight, then who were you to deny him?
“Okay, fine, we can go now,” you acquiesced. You rolled your eyes lightheartedly when he cheered. “Where did you even find the flyer, anyways?”
“It was taped to a lamppost when we went for a walk!” Sun told you, his hands fidgeting together slightly. You raised an eyebrow at him. It wasn’t like you forbade them from going outside or anything. In fact, you encouraged it! But well, with robots still being acclimated into society, you just worried about them being alone outside for too long. Seemed like they’d been fine, though. No big deal.
Still, you had to ask. “How was it? Good walk? No mean pedestrians?”
Sun nodded, giving you a bright grin. “No issues! Didn’t get too many stares once we pulled up our hood!” He pinched at the large, burgundy hoodie he had on, accompanied by long, dark sweats. You were lucky he just barely managed to fit into the largest size you could find online, though the clothes were still a bit baggy for his tall, lithe figure. Still, they were better than nothing.
You bobbed your head at his words. “Good, good. Well”—you tossed the crumpled flyer and your phone onto your bed as you prepared to grab some clean clothes that weren’t your pajamas—“let me just get freshened up real quick and we can head ou—"
“Wait!” Sun nearly yelled out before you could finish speaking. You paused, mouth still open, and gave him an inquisitive look. He took it as a sign to continue. “We need costumes!”
“Costumes?” you echoed. “That’s not really necessary for a haunted house, you know.”
Sun flapped a hand at you in dismissal. “Come on, Friend! Where’s your Halloween spirit?”
It wasn’t quite Halloween yet, but he got you there, you supposed. “I wouldn’t even know what to be,” you said with a sigh. It was a bit too late to throw something together. You hadn’t really planned on doing anything for the holiday, after all. Maybe you should’ve accounted for your robotic guest—the ex-Daycare Attendant was bound to be inclined to celebrate.
Sun’s grin curled up until he was looking at you in a way that made you feel suspicious. “Not to worry! We came prepared!”
You squinted at him as he bounded over to your closet and opened it to pick out a box that’d been meticulously hidden away from your view. What the— How had you not noticed it before?? Color you utterly befuddled. As you wondered how Sun was able to hide the box from you within your own home, he re-approached you and deposited it on the floor in front of you with a flourish of his hands. “Tada! Our costumes!!”
You stared down at the box. “Where did you get this?”
“Don’t worry about it!” he said cheerfully and bent down to start to crack it open at the top.
You gave him a suspicious look. “Did you use my credit card again?”
“Oh look! It’s your costume!” Sun rapidly spoke over you as he grabbed something from within the box—that crinkled with the sound of thin plastic—and thrusted it towards you. A small pfft left your lips at his words (really, you should’ve been used to his spending habits by now), and you took the items from him so you could see what he’d bought for you. A beat of silence passed.
“Is this a fucking Shrek costume?” you wheezed out as you waved around the clear, plastic wrapping containing a green headband with ogre ears attached to it, a brown vest, and a long, tan-colored shirt.
Sun grinned mischievously at you. “Yep!” You burst out into raucous laughter, loud enough to fill the room with your amusement.
“Unbelievable!” You giggled and wiped a tear from your eye. You’d watched the movie with him not too long ago. Maybe it had given him inspiration. “And who are you gonna be?”
“Well!” Sun started as he rummaged around in the box. “I’d wanted us to be Fiona, but Moon was against the idea, so we had to pick different things that’d be easier for us to switch to. So”—he pulled out a black hat with a feather attached to it and put it on his head—“I will be Puss in Boots!”
You cracked up again. The hat couldn’t even properly sit on top of his head without him needing to adjust his sun rays. “Amazing!”
Sun beamed down at you, hands on his hips as he struck a pose. “Why, thank you! Moon’s gonna be Big Bad Wolf and Eclipse is gonna be Donkey! Don’t look too deeply into it!”
This was fucking hilarious. “We’ve got our own little squad going on,” you said with a snicker as you started opening the wrapping containing your costume. You could already picture how dumb you were going to look wearing it. You loved it.
“That we do!” Sun replied happily. He bent down to swiftly pick back up the box and started to walk towards your bedroom door. His head did a 180 so he could look at you in the process, white eyes upturned in delight. “Get dressed and meet us by the door! There are spooks to be had!”
You gave him a silly smile and a little salute. “You got it, Boss!”
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You scratched idly at the back of your ear, where the headband you were wearing dug slightly into your skin as you wandered down the street with Sun by your side. By now the sky was turning into a soft gradient of navy blue and burnt mandarin, the small twinkle of stars starting to poke out just above your head. It was light enough with all the active lampposts that Sun was still able to walk with you, though you were certain this would change the later it got.
It didn’t take too long to walk over to the haunted house. On the way, you and Sun were able to look at all the Halloween decorations that lined the houses you passed by. There were quite a few with creepy skeletons lining the yards or thin spiderwebs snaking across gates and shrubbery. You took a few pictures of some of the more impressive ones, Sun striking a little pose in them for fun.
There weren’t too many people walking about, but the closer you got to the haunted house location, the busier the streets became. Music played somewhere in the distance, low-pitched and eerie. The bumble of conversation got louder as people roamed about with friends or on their own. Some people were also dressed in costume, you noticed in relief. It made you feel better about wearing your own.
Sun was practically vibrating right out of his metallic body as you both approached the haunted house. It was tucked in a street that had been repurposed to look like a desolate town. The stores were boarded up and the road was packed with food stalls. There was even a little stage that had some guy in a Ghostface costume standing on top of it, calling out to people randomly to try to scare them.
There was a line outside the building itself that you had to join to purchase tickets, so you stood there patiently with Sun as his head swiveled around and around to take everything in.
“This is amazing!” he exclaimed as he watched a group of rambunctious teenagers walk by dressed up as some characters from a T.V. show. His rays spun about his head—well, as much as they could with his hat on—before he looked back down at you. “Very spirited! We never saw anything like this before!”
You grinned up at him. “Oh yeah, people like their horror and dressing up, what can I say.”
Sun’s smile widened, then his head cocked slightly to the side as he paused for a short moment. His gaze turned to look somewhere behind you.
“Moon says he likes that person’s costume,” he said as he pointed at something. You glanced over your shoulder to see someone wearing a rather impressive killer clown costume—with fake blood and a polka-dotted suit and everything. “He says it reminds him of you.”
You barked out a surprised laugh. Of course Moon would take any opportunity to poke fun at you—even when he wasn’t in control. “Says the literal jester!”
Sun made a show out of looking around, his optics squinted with his hand placed horizontally over them like he was staring out into the distance. “Jester? Where?! I only see Puss in Boots here!” He gestured down to his body with both of his hands. He wasn’t wearing the black cape that came with the costume so that it would be easier for Moon and Eclipse when they switched over, but he did have a belt strapped around his waist along with a pair of tall boots that went up to his knees. He’d tucked his sweatpants into them. He’d drawn on some cat whiskers on his face plate as well, and it looked a bit silly, but you were pretty sure he was aware. You shook your head in good nature at his antics.
The two of you passed the time on line pointing out people’s costumes or enjoying the little shows being done on the stage. Sun seemed to adore watching all the little kids run about, and you watched as his gaze followed them around with an almost longing look to it. A few were wearing Glamrock masks atop their heads. Even fewer seemed to notice Sun, but they did wave to him—an action that made his entire body light up as he waved back with his whole arm. You patted him on the back, but didn’t dare bring it up. He still got a bit sad whenever you did, part of him still attached to that little daycare he’d spent so long in.
“Hey man! Nice costume!” someone hollered out at one point somewhere off to your side, and you turned to see them watching Sun as they walked by with a group of people. “Super wicked!”
“Coolest one I’ve seen all night!” another person shouted from the group with a thumbs up.
You raised an eyebrow at their words, but Sun didn’t seem to mind—or notice, for that matter. “Thank you, Friends!!” he eagerly shouted back as he waved his arm about. He grinned and watched as they disappeared around a corner, still stealing looks at him all the while.
“I think they thought you were the costume,” you eventually said amusedly. Sun glanced at you as you continued. “I would hardly call a Puss in Boots costume ‘wicked’.”
Sun made an offended gasp and crossed his arms. “I worked hard on this costume, you know! I think I look rather cool and fetching, don’t you think?” He struck a pose, black boots clicking together as he pretended to gesture out a sword from the belt tied around his waist.
You snorted. “You’re right, you’re right. You do look cool.” Sun made a pleased sound in response.
It didn’t take much longer until you were finally at the front of the line. After purchasing two tickets, the lady behind the little counter gave you two green paper wristbands. You thanked her as you took them and she pointed you towards another line to enter the haunted house itself. That one wasn’t as long as the ticket line, thankfully. You gestured to Sun to follow you as you made your way over to join it. The area over here was not as well lit as the one by the tickets, since it was away from any lampposts. That, paired with the darkened night sky, caused the sound of clicks and whirrs of shifting machinery to follow you until you were positioned at the end of the line.
“Another line to wait in,” you sighed as you peeled a bit of paper off one of the wristbands to expose its sticky end. “They seem busy tonight.”
“I’m sure they’ll get busier the closer it gets to Halloween!” Eclipse remarked as he looked towards the entrance of the haunted house. His height allowed him to peer over basically everyone’s heads. He got a few double takes for it, but you think most people thought he was wearing platforms or something for a costume, for they didn’t say anything. Hey, you’d take it over getting stopped on the street so they could ask how tall he was or where his model came from. It’d happened too many times for you to count.
You hummed. “Yeah. Hold out your wrist for me, please.” Eclipse looked down at you and stuck out one of his arms. You slid his hoodie sleeve up and wrapped the green band around his thin wrist as tightly as you could, just below his ribbon. You could feel his gaze lingering on your fingers as you tucked the end of the band in as much as you could and finished with a little pat to his hand. “There you go!”
“Thank you, my dear!” He beamed as he slid his sleeve back down. You nodded and looked down so you could start to unpeel the other wristband, but before you could, it was being gently plucked from your grip. “Allow me! Wrist, please!”
You rolled your eyes halfheartedly, but complied, sticking your arm out so Eclipse could bend down and gently fasten the band to it. Large yet dexterous fingers fit it snugly around your wrist, tucking the end in neatly, and finishing with a flourish. “There you go!”
“Thanks, bud,” you told him as you stuck your hands into your pockets along with the two pieces of paper from the wristbands. You’ll throw them out later. Eclipse’s smile stretched wider as his rays did a little spin. You took the time to observe his change in costume. Not much was different from Sun’s—he was still wearing the same hoodie and sweats, plus he couldn’t quite swap out the boots—but he did replace the hat with a headband of donkey ears. The belt around his waist also gained a little donkey tail. It was cute.
You took some time just observing the haunted house itself from the outside as you both waited for your turns. It was very big, for one thing, being a few stories high and wide like a department store. The upper floors had the windows boarded up, so you doubted you would have to climb up stairs or anything. The entire building was painted black with eerie green and purple lighting from little strobes positioned on the outside walls. Smoke drifted into the air from a machine sticking out one of the windows on the second floor. Very spooky.
The closer you got to the front of the line, the more you were able to hear screams and shouts from inside the haunted house. There was the occasional bang! followed by a shriek. You were excited, don’t get you wrong. But well… you were starting to feel just a bit apprehensive.
Eclipse seemed to have noticed. “Feeling nervous?” he asked as he glanced down at you. He swayed animatedly side to side as he waited, hands tucked into the conjoined pocket in front of his hoodie.
You waved a hand. “Who, me? Nah, no way, nope. Nothing to be scared of!” And there really wasn’t, you told yourself. There were just people dressed up in costumes in there. Nothing too scary. Not like there were actual ghosts or zombies or anything.
He chuckled at your words, and you knew he could see right through you. “You can hold onto our arm if you want. We’ll protect you!”
Your expression softened. “Aw, thank you. But I’m not sure if Moon has the same sentiment.” You were pretty much guaranteed to be subjected to Moon for the duration of the haunted house if the darkness past its entryway was any indication. And well… it was Moon you were talking about here.
“You can tell him to back off, you know!” Eclipse said amusedly. The line shuffled forward another few inches. “He will!”
You snorted. “Doubt it.” Eclipse only shrugged in response.
Finally, finally, you reached the front of the line. There was a woman in skeleton makeup sitting in a chair by the entrance who wrote a little ‘x’ on each of your wristbands with a marker. Then she listed off a bunch of rules for you both to follow. No running, no touching the actors (though they could lightly touch you, something you were a bit wary of), keep following the path, don’t look the demon in its eyes or it will kill you… You blinked at that last one, but before you could question it, a bang! came from within the house that made you jump slightly. The woman didn’t even react, just reached over and knocked a metal ring against the outside wall of the building before she gestured you both in.
“Have fun!” she called out in a raspy voice. “And remember: He’s always watching!”
Who? “Oh boy,” you whispered to yourself as Eclipse ushered you forward with a large hand against the middle of your back. You were pretty sure she only said that to make you feel uneasy, but shit, you didn’t expect it to work. You wrapped a hand around Eclipse’s elbow of the arm still tucked into his pocket and he escorted you as though you were both attending a ball and not a horror attraction. Your grip tightened as you stepped into the building and continued down a small path before reaching a door.
There was a person with a rucksack over their head that bled from two black eyes standing right in front of it. They didn’t say anything, just opened the door and gestured at you and Eclipse to go forth with a clawed hand. It was completely dark beyond it. You swallowed heavily. The apprehension by now had devolved completely into a wriggling mass of nerves. You were going to die in there.
“Lovely costume!” Eclipse said cheerfully to the person as he tugged you forward. He had to duck his head so he wouldn’t hit his head on the top of the door frame. You couldn’t bring yourself to say a word, only watched the masked person as they stared at you until you were past the door. Then they slammed it shut, making you jump as you suddenly found yourself in complete, utter darkness.
“Oooh, I don’t like this,” you whispered lowly as your eyes widened as much as they could. You couldn’t see a thing. It would have been quiet too if not for the quiet clicking and shifting of metal at your side. You glanced up when a red light settled softly along the top of your arms and shoulders.
Moon grinned sharply down at you, hellacious eyes aglow in delight. “Scared?” he rasped with a snicker, one of his hands trailing his claws unsettling down the side of your face.
You pushed his hand away and flicked your gaze up to the top of his head. “I was,” you retorted hotly, “until I saw those goofy ass ears you’re wearing.” You pointed up at the fluffy wolf ears attached to the top of his nightcap. You guessed he didn’t want to part with it for his costume. It made him look funny, especially when you squinted at his backside to see a matching fluffy tail attached to the belt around his waist.
Moon growled and made a motion as though to bite you, but you yelped and ducked out of the way. “Bad Moon! No biting!” He snickered at you as you wagged a finger at him. You huffed and turned to look down the dark hall. “Come on, we need to get moving. Don’t wanna hold up the line.”
You were lucky Moon’s optics were bright enough to light the way a bit. You slowly made your way down the hall, glancing occasionally over your shoulder to make sure Moon was following. He was, but he was definitely trying to creep you out if the way he was watching you with those pinprick white pupils were any indication. You stuck your tongue out at him.
The nerves were starting to make an appearance again. Where your eyes failed, your ears picked up the slack, straining for any sound. In the distance, you could hear the pitter-pattering of footsteps. You slowly turned around a corner, and nearly jumped out of your skin when a woman appeared out of nowhere, standing in the middle of the hall. There was a light over her head that cast ominous shadows upon her figure. She had on a torn and ragged wedding dress, gashes littering her skin and leaking ruby blood.
She didn’t say anything, just watched you with eyes that had smudged mascara around them. Okay then. You shuffled forward, planning on squeezing yourself around her, when you noticed her gaze had switched from you to something behind you—Moon, most likely. You looked behind you and nearly bit your tongue when you saw Moon had taken to crawling along the walls to avoid the light. Like some kind of hybrid Big Bad Wolf demon.
“Moon!” you whisper-shouted at him as he chuckled and made his way past the woman along the leftmost wall. “That’s not— Don’t do that!” You turned to look back at the woman, who stared at Moon blankly for a few moments more, then moved to continue to watch you. Without a single sound. You swallowed thickly. Just a person, just an actor. “Sorry, my friend’s um— a little quirky. I’m just gonna”—you shuffled yourself along the wall to slip by her—“just gonna… go—”
You couldn’t even finish your sentence before she let out a high-pitched shriek. You yelped and scrambled away, just barely managing to stop yourself from sprinting as you rounded a corner and nearly ran right into Moon again.
He giggled at you and held you by the shoulders to steady you. “Scaredy-cat.”
“Shut up, man,” you huffed as you shoved your hands in your pockets and continued to follow the path through the house. You didn’t see any more people dressed up, thankfully, though you were heavily eyeing the darkest corners for anyone hiding in them. “I’m pretty sure you surprised her more than anything.” He only giggled again and trailed after you.
You eventually emerged into a dimly lit room that was decorated like a child’s bedroom. The wallpaper was peeling and dirty, decorated in what looked like had been little ducks and bunnies. There were decapitated dolls scattered about. Clicking and whirring followed you as you stepped uneasily towards the door at the other end of the room. Eclipse tutted as he looked around.
“What a mess!” he exclaimed as he came up behind you. “This isn’t very safe for a child!”
“I’m pretty sure this isn’t a normal child,” you said flatly as you pointedly looked at the bloody hand prints lining the wall near a small bed. There was a mound of dirty blankets on top of it. As you got closer to the exit of the room, the mound wiggled and out popped a little girl’s head. You jerked back in surprise.
“You’re here! You’re here!!” The little girl smiled as she looked directly at you with these bloody, black eyes. A strange tar-like substance leaked from them. You made a face and stepped back, running into Eclipse right behind you. “Won’t you play with me? Pretty please?”
Before you could say anything, Eclipse stepped around you with a flourish. “Little girl of course we will! What do you want to do? Color? Hide and seek?” You gave him a look and opened your mouth to say something, but he pressed on. “Where are you parents? And oh! Your eyes! L-Let's get you to a f-first aid station, hm?”
“Eclipse, dude…” You reached out to grab his arm. The little girl’s gaze flicked to you for a moment—you wondered if her actress was confused—before she just settled on smiling wider. Wide enough to split her cheeks and cause ruby blood to run towards her jawline.
“Perfect!” She grinned and started to rise from the bed. Up and up and up, until she could contort thin, spindly limbs in grotesque, unnatural ways. “We’re gonna be best friends forever!” You yelped as she started to laugh and lunged towards you. Your hand clamped down on Eclipse’s arm as you tugged the two of you out the exit, the girl’s high-pitched laughter following you into the stifled darkness of the haunted house.
You took a short moment to catch your breath as Eclipse clicked and shifted away. “Guys, we’re in a haunted house, remember?” You wiped your hands on your shirt and fixed the headband you still had on so that it wasn't askew. You were starting to feel a little sweaty. Didn’t help that your heart kept running a mile a minute. This had to count as some kind of exercise, right?
Moon grumbled, red eyes partly lidded as he slouched forward. “We know,” he rasped. “Programming.”
You sighed and took his hand so you could give it a little squeeze. It never quite got easier. “I know. Come on.”
The two of you continued to follow the winding and twisting halls, barely illuminated by the lights of Moon’s optics. The pitter-pattering of steps seemed to follow you around, but no matter how much you squinted and looked around, you could never quite figure out where they were coming from. Or who. Moon didn’t let go of your hand, and you weren’t quite sure if that was a good thing or not, for you could hear him occasionally snickering from behind you.
As you made your way down a particularly long hall, you felt Moon tap you on the shoulder.
You shifted your head towards him, but kept your focus before you to avoid running into anything or anyone. “Yeah?” When he didn’t say anything, you raised an eyebrow and glanced at him. Red light caressed your face as though from a warm hand. “You need something?”
He stifled a snicker. “Need what?” he asked, head rotating to the right slightly. You blinked at him, then shook your head.
“Never mind,” you huffed. You figured he was trying to mess with you and turned your gaze back to the front. There was an opening up ahead, nestled between two dark corners. Were you almost at the end? You hoped so.
Moon tapped you again, this time on the side of your arm. You looked over at him again, annoyance starting to crease your eyebrows. “Yes, Moon?”
He only grinned at you this time, cheshire-esque and oozing mischief. “Not me,” he said amusedly. “Look.” He pointed to your opposite side.
You squinted at him, then reluctantly turned your head to look at your other side. Immediately, something jumped out at you, all sharp teeth and bloodied claws. You didn’t even get a good look at it before you were stumbling back and screaming, your hands coming up to protect your face. You fell right into Moon, who snickered something as he caught you with one arm and held you close to his body.
“Oh my god!!” you shouted, fingers trembling as your heart pounded away in your chest. Echoing in your ears. Moon chuckled and guided you down the hall, away from the actor. “Scared the shit out of me, why didn’t you warn me?!”
“Funny,” was all Moon said. You glared up at him, but he wasn’t looking at you. His face plate had turned a complete 180 so he could stare at the person who’d jumpscared you. A glance over your shoulder showed that they were still standing where you’d left them, slowly inching backwards to disappear into the shadows. Moon turned his sharp grin back down to you, his eyes squinted up in delight, though when he spoke, it was in a gentle voice. “We got you.”
You exhaled slowly. “That was real cheap,” you grumbled instead, hands fastening in an iron grip around Moon’s arms as he shuffled you towards the opening at the end of the hall. You took in a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm yourself down, peeved at yourself for falling for something so dumb. As you passed through the opening, someone in a mask reached out of one of the dark corners to attempt to scare you, but upon seeing Moon’s red-tinted glare and wide, threatening smile, they backed away. You didn’t even notice.
The two of you emerged into a large room flooded with blue light that made Moon click and shift into Eclipse once more. You squinted around at the long dining tables interspersed throughout the room and laden with plates of rotted food. There were fancy candelabras decorating their surfaces. The walls were lined in cobwebs and paintings of shadow-like figures. Smoke permeated the air, and trailed around a large, hulking figure standing with its back towards you at one of the tables. You gulped and darted your eyes to the exit at the far end of the room—aglow with light from outside. It was so close.
The figure grunted and growled, then turned around abruptly to face you and Eclipse. It was holding a large, bloodied axe and was dressed in what looked like dry, human-esque skin. You felt the color drain from your face.
“Little piggies!” The figure grinned with decayed teeth and took a large step towards you. “Just in time for the feast! Come here!” He darted towards you, moving surprisingly fast for his huge form.
“We’ll pass, thanks!” you yelped as you ducked out of the way of his lumbering form. An actor! Just an actor, just an actor!! You started to run for the exit, weaving your way through the dining tables.
“Friend! No running!” Eclipse called out worriedly as he skipped after you. The large figure roared after you both, and you could feel the heavy steps it took as it gave chase. You were so done with this.
“Fuck that! I’m outta here!” you yelled back, then flinched when something lunged at you from above. You ducked and glanced up just in time to see a massive spider retreat back up to the foggy ceiling. How did they have the budget for that?? You didn’t even bother to linger—you just kept your head low as you ran straight for the exit, avoiding a few more spiders that lunged at you from the ceiling and ignoring Eclipse’s calls.
At last, at long last, you made it out of the haunted house and into the brightly lit space past its doors. You huffed as you braced yourself against your knees outside, willing your breathing to ease into something more normal and your heart to stop feeling as though it was going to take off into outer space.
There were a few people lingering around outside, laughing and talking as they told each other of their experiences in the haunted house. You grumbled and straightened up just as Sun came skipping towards you, hat back on his head and his grin as amused as ever.
“That was fun!” he chimed as he came to a stop next to you, hands on his hips as he looked around. You had both emerged at the back entrance of the building instead of the front this time, though instead of food stalls and stages, there were places to take pictures or pose with some of the haunted house actors still dressed in costume.
“For you maybe,” you said dryly as you adjusted the ogre ears headband once more. A small breeze drifted by that made you shiver slightly and look up at the dark sky. “Or Moon, I guess. Sorry you didn’t quite have any time out while we were in there.”
Sun waved a hand. “That’s okay, Friend! It was fun watching, in any case!”
“Fun watching me freak out, I bet,” you scoffed in a lighthearted manner. Now that you were outside, you were feeling much better. You likely wouldn’t be doing that again for a while, though you had to admit it was fun, in its own way.
Sun chuckled. “While it was very amusing watching you get scared, I will say I would much rather prefer you have a heart rate below 130 bpm!”
You let out a pfft at his words. “Thanks I guess? It wasn’t too bad, though.” You waved off his worries like they were nothing. It was fine! You were fine.
Sun cocked his head at you, then grinned suddenly in response and leaned down closer to you to hover right above your head. His smile sharpened.
“Well, how about a round two, then?”
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moonlit-altersummoner · 2 months
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𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔀𝓱𝓲𝓼𝓹𝓮𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓰...
(looking for mods aswell)
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alter pack/build a headmate blog.
Ran by two people and some alters at the moment!
If you dont like just scroll or block! No drama here please!
Antis can interact just dont start anything 💜
MODS and form under cut!
Mod 🐛(percy): he/they/pup. Will do almost anything!(will try to do humans but most yhe time cant)(main account @pupercy)
Mod 🍓(strawberry)— Hallo bupis I'm da 2nd mod in the blog and I'm more familiar with anime and BL manhwa's fictives, we are a diagnosed DID system and go by he/they/🍓 pronouns, I hope u feel comfortable with us :D. (wont do hazbin hotel/ helluva boss! Not against them just dont know enough)
Alter mods:
Mod 🌸(scarlet): zhe/they/flower. Will not do real people! But mainly feminine alters!
Mod 🌹(Steven): will do any shows by Rebecca sugar/ cartoon network/cartoons(mainly steven universe)
Mod 🎢(Jane): she/doll/mist. Will do songtives/musical inspired alters
Mod🎶(luke): will do other music genres/songtives/real music artists sometimes
MOD 🍞(Chiip): will do cringe/ sys littles alters!
MOD 🍃(Grimm): he/ze. Will do ur craziest/harmful alters
MOD🧠(Tweek): hiz/hiz. Will do southpark alters! And create system packs!
Mod 🩰 (Syrviv) he/she + xenos — I rather make BL mangas, manhwas and manhuas fictives!
Mod 🧁 (Cuppy) unknown pronouns — I can d♡ alm♡st anything t♡♡! But I have preference with n♡n humans and c♡ntradict♡ry labels jsjs! Als♡ have a TQ s♡ i will d♡ translati♡ns in every p♡st!! (I can do almost anything too! But I have preference with non humans and contradictory labels jsjs! Also have a TQ so i will do translations in every post!!)
Mod 👑 (Zam) - she/it/gold/crown/he . - i can do anything , but prefer mcyt/overwatch fandoms :3 (other fandoms will probably take a lot longer and may not be done correctly ! ) don't be afraid to send me really obscure mcyts, i love them <3 (main blog: @lifestealqueer)
Mod 🩵 (niki-soot) - collectively she/her - we primarily only know about dsmp-related mcyt, the owl house, and steven universe so we can'y guarantee accuracy outside of those! and just like zam send us smaller mcyts we would love to learn about more people okay bye our main blog is @nihachu-soot-forever (we are not wss)
Mod 🐕 (eddie) - collectively hx/it/fae - we can do pretty much any introject that we can look up lol. we have a knack for going for the traumatized characters in media if that's something you want, so don't be afraid to send an ask!
Mod 🍭 (gremlin, sprinkle) : we'll do basically anything unless we're unfamiliar with source, in which case we'll either try to consume the media or let another mod do it!
This is the Alter form please use it even if u put a couple random things give us something to start with
Sign off:
(All above)
front triggers(optional):
LVL 3(optional just specify of u want or don't want it)
(All above)
(All the above)
typing quirk:
interaction status: oti(ok to interact),iwc(interact with caution),dni(do not interact).
We use these emojis for paras!
This Blog is for everyone! We are pro consent!! Cupcakes, Children and animals cannot consent 💕
𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓼 𝓯𝓪𝓵𝓵 𝓺𝓾𝓲𝓮𝓽...
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fictionkinfessions · 1 month
[《 Fandom this post is about : «“Persona 5”»|«“Persona 5 ROYAL”» 》]
[CW : Mentions of death(?), locking people inside ____, potential depersonalization regarding __mi__ (name is a spoiler), maybe some other stuff but those are the major ones I believe?]
[WARNING : This post contains major, MAJOR spoilers for (if I recall correctly) the last parts of «“Persona 5 ROYAL”», please scroll if you haven't finished the game or plan on doing so!]
♧ – « “Oh god, I just realized that my first post may somewhat imply (depending on how you look at it) that I actually took Maruki's deal oh crap” »
♤ – « “heyyy, guys.. I hope that's not what anyone thought, that was just me remembering stuff and being sad because we all went our separate ways and also because someone I really cared about was freaking 💀 😞” »
◇ – « “That being said, it would have been horrifying to be in such a reality. Especially because the whole ‘solution’ was just: ‘oh, you're sad? Bingo!!! NOT ANYMORE!!!!!!!’, and it didn't really get rid of the root problem.” »
々– « “It felt more of a childish solution to (almost) every problem there could have been. Simply being “happy” all of the time..” »
♡ – « “Not to mention, Sumire wouldn't have even gotten her sister back, she would just have stayed as Kasumi forever, but you know what's somehow WORSE?” »
❅ – « “That it would have been just an idealized version of Kasumi. 😕” »
✪– « “It didn't really feel like he was that same trustworthy therapist I kept going to whenever I felt sad, or whenever I just wanted someone to talk to for all of those months.” »
☆ – « “Which is sad.” »
❀ – « “It's always been sad, seeing how people you have grown to like, or even those you didn't, show their true colors like that.” »
✸ – « “He didn't have bad intentions, of course, but that doesn't remove what he was doing. Good intentions don't remove the wrong actions someone can take to fulfill something.” »
❆ – « “That's why he had a palace, no?” »
✧ – « “But.. even with that being said.. even despite everything that happened.. I feel as though, somehow, I still can't say that I hate him with complete confidence that it's true. I just.. don't know what to feel or think about him. I didn't want my friends to be caged in such a reality, but if they were all going to have the very things they longed for.. was breaking that bubble really the right thing to do? No, of course it was, but sometimes it feels like I did something wrong by not accepting that deal, as terrible it would have been.” »
❂ – « “So if any Maruki is reading this.. please get a therapist for yourself and refrain from giving anyone therapy until you no longer feel like running away from problems or traumatic stuff is somehow better than accepting that they happened. Seriously.” »
✮ – « “Have a nice day, doctor, but please don't try to come near any of my friends or even acquaintances until then. That's the least you could do after that.” »
[ Side notes : ]
— #❂🥞🐈‍��✮
(《✮ «“Ren Amamiya”» ✮|❂ «Akira Kurusu» ❂|♧ «“Joker”» ♤ fictive + fictionkin》)
(How I managed to forget to put the custom tag in post number 6 I will never know.. side effects from using symbols and decorations on excess 😞)
(I should start making more shout outs to certain people in the side notes actually..)
(shout out to Yusuke and Ann!!)
(FINALLY FINISHED DECORATING EVERYTHING, WAR IS OVER 😭😭 I know I said I liked doing this, but sometimes I just wanna share little silly stuff that happens to me.. and then I find myself suffering because I just so happened to believe that decorations on the last few posts I made was the GREATEST idea ever 😞 this is why I forgot to put the custom tag I swear to god 💔)
[ Post number : 7 ]
(slowly becoming a regular here..)
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captain-brie · 2 years
I am going to CRY I am MINDBLOWN 😭😭😭😭😭
I discovered your svt blog today (through a reblog on someone else’s blog) and I started reading your other fics after the Mingyu 26k oneshot (it is AMAZING btw, I love everything about it) and I’ve been loving your works they are actually so fun !!!! And then I came across your tags on the jihoon fic and I laughed a bit about it because I always go “ahhh the good old days” when I come across any version of ‘I used to write gay character x character fics and now I write reader inserts’ because !!! So did I! I haven’t written in a while now, and haven’t posted in an even longer while but my trajectory does go like gay chara x chara for western media (? am I wording that correctly) ---> gay chara x chara anime ---> anime reader inserts ---> kpop reader inserts.
Then I casually scrolled up your blog and realised it’s a sideblog because there was a main blog linked to it? ANd I was like. “WELL SHIT. CAPTAIN-BRIE… ISN’T THAT… THE PERSON I USED TO KNOW BACK IN MY SPN DAYS… AHAHA… no maybe that’s just a character from some show and it’s a common name for people to use………” but then I couldn’t resist because I got antsy and I searched up ao3 dot org slash users slash captainbrietoast, then captainbriestoast, and when I didn’t find anything I was like “yea ok mistake on my part”
the reason why i do know them is because they once wrote a fic based on a fic i wrote and we talked for a bit ahjgfhjghjgjad (that fic is probably gone now because i removed a lot of my old works)
AND THEN. THEN I WAS AWAY AND SUDDENLY I WAS LIKE “wait weren’t they uhhh captainbrieontoast.”
AND I SHIT YOU NOT THE WAY I ALMOST YELLED WHEN I SAW “SEVENTEEN (20)” ON HOW MANY WORKS YOU HAVE AND I WAS LIKE AJGHHJA NOOOO BYEEE and then um I went to the blog that you linked on your ao3 and it linked me back to this blog and uhhhhh anyway I guess we used to know each other years back and im LITERALLY SO SORRY IF THIS MAKES YOU FEEL TERRIBLE I GENUINELY DID NOT MEAN FOR YOU TO FEEL STRESSED OR TERRIBLE OR ANYTHING
2/2: P.S. now im embarrassed because this is like coming across the works written by someone you knew in school or something ajfhhjghjagea am i STILL allowed to read your svt works… i was really enjoying them </3
First off, I'm sorry for not responding to this sooner, these days I haven't been noticing when anons come through on my phone alerts even though I pretty thoroughly scan my notifications on my phone so I don't really see the messages into my inbox until I happen to hop on my computer :/
Realllyyyyy funny how we both made the transition from gay fanfics to reader inserts like bro what are the odds that we would end up here, because if you had told me then I would be here I wouldn't believe it for a second
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“ice fishing” (pt. 1) (chilumi fic)
“Childe invites Lumine to the annual Snezhnayan holiday dedicated to the Tsaritsa. There, she meets his entire family, and all the conflict that comes with them.”
this one is longer than my other fics so i’m splitting it up again (sorry! i know it’s annoying to scroll through a suuuuuper long post)
as always, thanks for reading and supporting, it means the world <3
[Fic Masterlist]
“ice fishing” (pt. 1)
“Come with me to Snezhnaya,” Childe said as Lumine started eating the assortment of food he had cooked them for breakfast. 
Lumine raised an eyebrow. “I thought it was a holiday for family?”
“Lyublyu is just a holiday where Snezhnayans gather together to celebrate the Tsaritsa,” he explained. “You have more of a chance of meeting her during this time than any other time of the year.” 
Lumine chewed her food methodically. He isn’t wrong...I am on a quest to meet all the gods… “How long will we be there?” 
“The celebration lasts a week,” he responded. “Or longer, if you keep stirring up trouble wherever you go.” 
She glared at him. “Me? I fix all the trouble you stir up.”
“Right, right, sorry.” He stood up and walked over to her. “I just can’t help myself; you know I love to see you in action.” He kissed the corner of her mouth, and Lumine’s face flushed. 
It had been a few months since the two had confessed their feelings for each other—after a particularly heated sparring match, if Lumine remembered correctly. She still wasn’t 100% used to his romantic gestures, her face still heating up no matter what—which Childe found amusing. 
“So? Will you?” he asked, his voice resonating in her ear. 
She shoved a piece of bread into his mouth. “Yes, I’ll go.” 
“Great!” he said, voice muffled. He took the bread out. “We’ll be staying at my family’s home while we’re there; the little ones have been pestering me about when you’ll visit them.”
Lumine smiled fondly, thinking of the last time she saw Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon. Teucer had come back to Liyue with Tonia and Anthon (not as a stowaway this time), and the children had taken a great liking to Lumine, much to her surprise. 
“I look forward to seeing them again,” she told him. “Who else will be there? Your parents?”
His eyes softened, almost sad. “Yes, they will be there.” 
A sore subject. “Okay, well, when do we leave?” 
“As soon as you’re packed.”
Ah, so quick. But that was Childe, always on the move. 
Soon, Lumine packed quickly, as she never carried much with her anyways, and the pair was on their way to the cold country of Snezhnaya. 
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 
Walking up the pathway to Childe’s home, Lumine thought they were going the wrong way: the estate that stood on the end of the stone path was not a house. In fact, it looked closer to a castle than a home, and even had a large fountain situated in the front, along with an elaborately decorated courtyard. Beyond the home, she could see a large lake in the back. 
As they entered the home, Childe called out, “Teucer? Tonia? Anthon? I’m home!” 
Within seconds, there was a loud clattering of footsteps, and the three children appeared at the top of the grand staircase, and quickly scrambled down. They ambushed both Lumine and their brother in hugs and cheers. 
“Lumine! I missed you so much!” Teucer yelled. 
“I never thought you’d come!” Tonia cried. 
“It’s not like she died,” Anthon told them. 
“Lumine, can you tell us more stories about your adventures?” Teucer asked excitedly. Tonia and Anthon nodded as well.
“Of course,” she said, smiling as the three celebrated loudly. 
“Causing quite the ruckus as always, isn’t that right, Ajax?” a voice called from above. They all looked towards the top of the staircase. 
Standing there was another man who looked like Childe, with shorter hair, styled neater, and narrower eyes—like a fox—scheming, plotting. His lips were twisted in a sardonic grin. Next to him, a woman stood—also similar in appearance to the siblings—her lighter brown hair tightly pulled back in a bun; out of all the siblings, her eyes seemed the lightest, the iciest. Her expression was fixed in disapproval.
Lumine looked at Childe. His eyes had narrowed, mouth pulled in a taut line. 
“Lumine, this is Alexei, my elder brother,” he nearly growled. “And Misha, my elder sister.”
Childe had even more siblings all this time? Though, these two didn’t seem nearly as...loving. She glanced nervously around the room; the tension was almost electric. Even the children seemed on edge. Not the best relationship with those two…
“Lumine? What a beautiful name,” Alexei said. His voice was silky—too smooth for comfort. His eyes harbored a deep, unsettling feeling behind them. 
He sauntered down the steps, movements calculated, and Misha followed. The older sister’s hand never left the hilt of her blade that hung on her hip. 
Upon reaching Lumine, Alexei held his hand out. Lumine hesitantly placed her hand into his. 
He pulled her hand to his lips, gently kissing her hand. “A pleasure to meet you.” His eyes were on hers, unblinking. Out of the corner of her eye, Lumine saw Childe tense. 
“Dear sister, acquaint yourself with this companion of Ajax’s,” Alexei said, turning to Misha. 
Misha’s icy eyes flickered to Lumine. “Welcome to our home,” she said, almost forcibly. Her voice was deeper than Lumine expected, but was exceptionally refined and crystal clear—like royalty. The sister bowed. Lumine awkwardly bowed back. 
Misha turned on her heel. “Come, Tonia. We must resume our reading lesson for today.” 
Tonia frowned. “Can’t I stay with big brother and Lumine a little bit more?” 
Alexei’s eye twitched at “big brother.” Upset it’s not him? Lumine wondered. 
Misha held out her hand. “They’ve distracted us long enough. You will see them at dinner.” 
Tonia solemnly waved goodbye, before taking her sister’s hand, and being led back upstairs. Teucer grabbed a hold of Childe’s pants, and Anthon scooted closer to Lumine, as if they were both in search of protection. 
Alexei took note, forcing another unsettling smile. “Well, I shall leave you two to unpack. I hope to learn more about you later, Lumine.” He marched back up the stairs, and disappeared. 
Teucer hugged Childe’s leg tightly. “Can we go outside and play?” 
Anthon eyed the stairs. “Why does big sister always take Tonia away?” 
“She’s just very protective of Tonia,” Childe said, voice lined with pity. “And Teucer, we’ll play later, okay? Lumine and I are very tired from travelling.”
Anthon started heading up the stairs. “C’mon, Teucer. Let’s join Tonia.” 
“But I don’t want to learn!” 
“Tonia’s probably really sad, all alone.” 
Teucer frowned, and nodded, then joined Anthon. The two disappeared upstairs as well. 
Childe let out a heavy sigh next to Lumine. 
“So, Alexei and Misha…,” she began. 
“Aren’t the greatest siblings in the world, if you couldn’t tell,” he said, full of resentment. 
“And Ajax?”
He bit the side of his cheek. “My birth name. Only my family calls me that.” 
Lumine noted how tense Childe’s body was: fists clenched, ready to grip a weapon, any weapon. 
“Let’s duel,” she said. 
“You’re not tired?”
“Are you? I thought you were always ready for a duel?”
He scoffed playfully. “I am.”
Lumine was relieved to see him lighten up. What a stressful family.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
After an hour long match, Lumine and Childe were both sitting on the snow covered ground, panting, muscles aching. The house loomed behind them.
“You really weren’t holding back,” Childe said between breaths. “Very close to using my Foul Legacy.” 
“Hah.” Lumine let out a long breath. “Even if you did, I still would have beaten you, easy.” 
“You know, the more matches we do, the closer I am to defeating you,” he teased. 
“Yeah, right. Bring it on, pretty boy.”
“Hm? So you think I’m pretty?” 
She started charging up a Palm Vortex. “Hm? What was that?”
Water formed into daggers in Childe’s hands. “Is this Round Two?”
Lumine stood, her sword materializing in her hands. Before she could speak, there was laughter from above. She looked up. 
Alexei was watching them from the balcony, a curious glint in his eyes. “Fighting already? That relationship really didn’t last long.” 
The water dissipated from Childe’s hands as he glared at his brother. 
Lumine’s sword disappeared as well. “It was just a practice match, Alexei.” She said his name with more venom than anticipated. She couldn’t help it. The man was unsettling, and he upset not only Childe, but Teucer, Tonia, and Anthon as well. 
He raised a brow at his name. “Interesting.” He shook it off with another laugh. “Well, brother, you’d better come inside and start cooking if we’re to eat by dinnertime. The children all requested your food for tonight.” 
Childe nodded curtly at Alexei, then turned to Lumine. “I’ll be back soon.” He went to her, giving her a swift kiss on the cheek. “Don’t go anywhere with Alexei,” he whispered. Then, he went back to the house. 
Lumine looked up at the oldest brother, who was looking down at her with amusement. 
“Oh, Lumine,” he said. “Would you be a dear and grab our father down at the lake? He likes to spend his time out there.”
As long as it isn’t with you, she thought. “On it,” she told him. As she walked towards the lake, she felt Alexei’s eyes on her the entire time. Creep.
Approaching the lake, she spotted a figure sitting in the middle of the frozen lake. Is that Childe’s father? 
He looked around 50, wrinkles lining his eyes like he had spent most of his life smiling. However, there were now dark bags under his eyes; he hadn’t slept well for a while. His blue eyes seemed dull, and his ginger-brown hair—gray strands scattered about—was slicked out of his face. Kind. But tired.
When she reached him, he didn’t pay attention to her. He kept his eyes on his fishing rod that descended into a hole in the ice in front of him. They stood in silence for a minute, Lumine not even certain that he knew she existed. 
“Hello,” she said quietly, hoping not to scare him. 
He finally turned to her, and gave her a smile in greeting. “Hello there.” 
“I was told to come get you for dinner, sir.” 
He hummed cheerfully. “Are you a new housekeeper?” He turned back to the fishing rod. “I keep telling Alexei and Misha we don’t need any servants…,” he murmured. 
“Ah, I’m not a housekeeper. I know your son, Childe—Ajax, I mean.”
His eyes widened and he turned back to her excitedly. “Ajax is back?” 
She nodded, a small smile forming on her lips. 
His eyes seemed to see her, really see her for the first time. “Ajax brought you here?”
“Yes, for Lyublyu.” 
He laughed heartily. “Well, look at you! You must be...Lumine,” he said knowingly. “Many of my children have spoken very highly of you.”
“I’m flattered.” She held out her hand. 
He shook it gratefully. “I am Feliks. You can call me whatever you’d like however.” He pointed to the fishing rod. “Would you like to ice fish with me?” 
Lumine recalled Childe briefly mentioning how he had learned to ice fish when he was younger. So his father taught him… “Yes, I’d love to.” She took a seat next to him. 
Feliks told her all about ice fishing: the intricacies, the lessons, the patience. She listened attentively, warmed by his voice, and excited by the happy twinkle in his eyes. 
She and Aether never had parents. Since their birth into the world, it had just been the two of them. 
But something about Feliks definitely feels like...a father.
The two then sat in silence, waiting patiently for the fish to bite. Soon, they heard the clicking of heels on the ice. 
“Father. Lumine,” Misha’s voice rang out. “Dinner is ready.” Then just as quickly as she appeared, she disappeared back to the house. 
Feliks let out a quiet sigh, pulling the fishing rod from the ice, and began walking away. 
Lumine caught up to him. “Having so many children must be difficult.” 
“Ah, yes why so many children?” He smiled softly. “My wife and I lived very lonely childhoods. I think we both wanted a large family. Though, with so many children, a few are bound to be at odds.” He looked longingly at the house, at the large, lonely windows casting amber lights into the dusk. “I think we knew that. But when you love someone so much, having another existence to love like them—that’s just as precious as them? It absolutely fills your heart.” 
And six kids later… Her heart felt warmed, just listening to him talking about children, not that she had ever thought of having any. But she could tell, he did love them—and his wife—deeply. 
“Your wife, I’ve yet to meet her,” Lumine said. 
His smile turned sad. “You will. Galina is very kind.” 
As they drew nearer, they could hear the excited chatter of the children. “And you?” Feliks asked. “Do you plan on having any children?” 
“I don’t know.” I’ve been a bit preoccupied. The future isn’t really something to think of. 
“Hmmm. Well, I wouldn’t mind not having grandchildren. Tonia, Teucer, and Anthon are already a handful.” He chuckled. “Perhaps in the future though.” 
Lumine’s face flushed. He can’t seriously think….Childe and I?!
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
[part 2]
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Forbidden Library - The Doctor x Reader
This was written with 11 in mind, but you can easily see it as 10, so it’s your preference! I wrote this as a description experiment, then tried to apply some story to it. I’ve been trying to master character/body language too, so this took a while to write because I just couldn’t settle on anything, so I just gave up. If this does well I may do a part two, and I’ll try to make it more romancy. Word Count: 2,161 Summary: You hear a book fall whilst in the library and go to investigate. You stumble upon a book that answers the questions you’ve been asking yourself for a long time, but you just can’t bring yourself to lie to the Doctor about it. Warnings: Time War heavily referenced, Comforting the Doctor, A lot of description, You find it hard to lie, Reassuring the Doctor.
All of time and space, he said. Wherever, whenever, and home in time for tea.  The Doctor has always been a bit of an enigma to you. You knew practically nothing about him, yet if anyone had asked, you would consider him one of your closest friends. However, whether or not you're the sort to ask questions, you had a feeling he isn't as honest as you'd like to believe.
The first time you had asked him about his people and planet, he ignored you completely, babbling about the asteroid you were supposed to be visiting. The second time you had asked, he dodged around it, giving you a half-arsed response. All he told you is that his race died out a long, long time ago and that there was a war. After that, he excused himself, and you couldn't bring yourself to mention it to him again.
You had to admit, that puzzled you: you had believed it to be a sensitive subject, so of course, you left it there. No matter how curious you were, you're not going to force The Doctor into reliving anything he'd rather not. But sometimes it did keep you up at night. The Doctor had never seemed like the fighting sort, but something about his recount didn't settle right with you. You weren’t sure what. Usually, on those nights where you end up in an hours-worth of conversation with the TARDIS, you would truly realise how much you thought about it. As weird as it sounded, you felt she was listening as she would often click or whirr in response. You felt insane the first time you did it, but the longer you spoke to her, the more normal it felt. You hardly mentioned your conversations to the Doctor, but whenever you did, he only grinned to himself.
"Doctor?" You peeked into the library. It was, and always will be, the most impressive library you had ever seen. There were cherry-wood bookshelves, that stood towering over you, each shelf overfilled with beloved, worn books. The library was like a maze, asides from the sitting area where a few chairs huddled around a fake-fireplace, there was an indeterminable quantity of shelves. The rest of the library was lit up by fairy lights, which looked as if to be a new addition to the systematic chaos, making the already supernal library look even more mystical. According to the Doctor, the TARDIS has full management over the configuration and layout of the bookshelves, sort of like the Hogwarts stairs. There were step-ladders haphazardly scattered throughout the library. There was the occasional ivy plant that had grown and twisted down the bookshelves. One day you had been scrolling through Tumblr, and a post with ivy plants showed up on your feed. You talked about how cool that is to the TARDIS; within the next week ivy sprung up all over the place, including the kitchen. The Doctor made a passing remark about the ivy plants, and you confessed, alongside a frantic apology. He laughed, telling you it didn't bother him.
"Yeah, Y/n/n?" He mumbled, not so much as blinking away from his book. He hunched over it; his legs draped off the arm of the chair due to his inability to sit correctly. He nestled himself in a duvet, and which would be inconspicuous if not for his head poking out. "Have you seen... Woah. Fairy lights!" You smile, looking up at the tastefully draped lighting. "Is this your doing?" The Doctor asks ludicrously, turning to face towards you, gesturing over at the shelves, "I knew the TARDIS liked you, but this is getting ridiculous."
You chuckle for a moment before peering back at him, "I only came here to ask if you'd seen the book I left on the kitchen counter, but if you're going to criticise me so rudely, well I guess I'll go trip over something important." The Doctor grimaced at that, "That's really not necessary, I think... Yeah, I brought it in here with me earlier." He gestured the book out at you, over the back of the armchair. You stepped closer, about to take the book, when he pulled it away, his eyebrows furrowing. "Are you going to do some reading? If so, would you like to, um, maybe sit and join me?" "Yeah, why not?" You marvel, looking him dead in the eye. You walked around the chair and sat on the armchair next to his.
You cosied down and tried to focus on reading. However, your anxieties and considerations began cropping up again. You lost yourself in thought over what the Doctor keeps from you. Peeking up at the Doctor, you noticed his eyelids drooping. You watched attentively; you had never seen him asleep, oddly enough. His head, already tilted into his chest, slipped further. His tousled brown hair settled on his face, and his breathing eased. His grip on the book slackened. You remained there, admiring the sleepy face you had grown attached to over the months of touring time and space together.
Due to the endearing nature of his subtle breathing, you hardly realise the TARDIS clicking to get your attention. A distant thump draws you out of your hypnosis, the sound emanating from deep in the library. You stir noiselessly out of the armchair, as to not disturb your friend, and hesitantly edge towards the direction you assume it originated. You notice a small, cherry wood door in the wall between some bookshelves. Convinced you have never seen that door before, you approach the door. Stopping dead in your tracks for a moment, you take a moment to calm your nerves. The TARDIS would never let you get hurt, at least if she could help it. You reached your palm out towards the handle and, taking the TARDIS's silence for approval, enclose your hand around the metallic knob and twist.
Behind the door was what appeared to be the smaller section of the library, perhaps it's a study full of books the Doctor had just never taken back to the library? From what you could make out through the darkness, and the distinct smell of dust, the bookshelves were similarly themed to the ones outside. Although, these shelves are in a much smaller room, both vertically and horizontally. A desk was facing towards the door on your left, and a beanbag on the floor to your right.
You were about to close the door and leave, ready to call it his study and leave it at that. But as the door was half-closed, it dawned on you that the Doctor had never even mentioned this room, and the room appeared as though it had been undisturbed for a long time. This room would be pretty redundant, and the TARDIS surely would've reorganised the books onto the shelves, right? With that in mind, you re-entered the room, curiosity brimming in your eyes as you notice the book in the middle of the floor. It's TARDIS blue cover stood out like a sore thumb against the crimson carpet, regardless of how dark the room was. As you knelt to pick up the obscure book, the ceiling light flickered on.
"History of the Time Lords: All you need to know." You mumbled as you read. You habitually flip the book in your hands to read the blurb, the grey foiled text read, "From humble beginnings to the vicious politics of the time war, here is everything you need to know about the history of our civilisation." You checked to see if there is a contents page, of which there is. None of the chapters stood out, except for perhaps, Gallifrey Falls. It clicked in your mind that Gallifreyan must equate to Time Lord, at least to some extent. The Doctor had referred to himself as the last Time Lord.
You flip to the chapter and settle down on the floor, considering you may be there for some time.
And by god, you were. You read about everything from the potential causes, to the effects on the rest of the universe. What you paid the most attention to, however, was the Doctors' involvement. For the most part, he stayed out of the war, asides from helping the victims. But whoever had "restored" him, had pinned the continuing deaths on the Doctor and his lack of involvement, which had finally made him give in. The Doctor fought for literal decades on the front line.
No wonder he didn't want to talk about it.
You read on about the sacrifices he made and the Daleks. They always survived, no matter what he did. By the time you had wrapped up two or three chapters, you had worked yourself up. Even if you're not the emotional sort, just the thought of the Doctor having to go through all of that brought you to tears. You kept imagining the burden he must be carrying, keeping from you and Amy. The decisions he has made.
You stood up, the book still in your hands, and make your way back to where you had left the Doctor.
Upon re-entering that section of the library, it took you a moment to realise that your companion no longer huddled in the armchair. There was no trace of him. You hoped he had withdrawn to his room, and took a step towards his chair.  "Y/n!" A hand landed on your shoulder. You recoiled, whirling around to face the weary-eyed Doctor, pulling the large book to your chest, "There-... what's up?" "Nothing, I-I just thought you had gone to your room, is all. You scared me." You exhale a sigh of relief, gently laughing as you spoke. "What have you got there?" He scrutinised inquisitively, eyes pinned on the book you were gripping so tightly. "Oh, It's a book," The Doctor raised a brow at you and rolled his eyes, a smile on his cheeks, and you thoughtlessly added an, "Well, of course, it is, uh, it fell off a shelf in a sort of study room- I heard it and went to see what it was." You handed the book over sheepishly. It wasn't your book to keep, after all. You didn't want to admit it, but a part of you didn't want to lie to the Doctor, either.
He shifted the book about until he could comfortably read it; the moment his eyes darted back up to you, eyebrows curved upwards, smile extinct, you could've sworn something shattered behind his eyes. Noticing this, you couldn't stop yourself from clarifying, "I, I did read a bit of it, quite a lot actually- out of curiosity. Look, I'm, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise when I kept asking you about Gallifrey, and the war- if I'd known the half of it-" You paused, taking a deep breath and looking into his eyes, "Look, If you want me to forget about this, that's cool- I, erm, can just pretend this never happened, and I'll make sure to keep Amy/Donna off your ass about it," "Humans, you're so," The Doctor mutters exasperatedly, gesturing outwards with his hands, before sighing, he puts his hands on your shoulders, squeezing gently, "You know, Y/n. You don't have to stay. I get it, I really do. I killed my entire species, nothing co-" "Doctor. You cannot honestly tell me that it is your fault. I won't sit here and listen to you take the blame for something you avidly tried to avoid. From what I read, you tried to help- you swore to help, to make up for something out of your control," You rest your hands on his upper arm, shaking him gently as you speak, "You did your best, you did what you thought was the right thing, and most importantly, you saved the whole of time and space, again, from the Daleks and the Time Lords." The Doctor hesitated, lips pursing as he looked away. You offer him a hug, and he quickly accepts, his arms wrapping around your waist. You try your very best to make it the best hug you've ever given. You hold him firmly and flatten the back of his hair soothingly as you speak, "Treat yourself the way you'd treat someone else, you know? I know it's been a long time, but I need you to know that I'm not leaving you for doing the right thing." The Doctor took a shaky breath, "Yeah. Thank you." He breathily laughed, "I wish I had met you sooner." You smiled, "Well the day you figure out how, I will have prepared some very, strong words for you." He hummed in affirmation into your shoulder, "I'll have to work on that." The two of you just stood there for a bit, hugging each other. You impulsively touch a kiss against the Doctors temple as the two of you separate. 
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northernmariette · 3 years
A Response to my Esteemed Fellow Napoleonic Enthusiast (Part 1)
Yes, my Fellow Napoleonic Enthusiast  (FNE for short) is the redoubtable Josefa vom Jaaga. I posted something longish about the mindset of the Army at the time Ney did his about-face in March 1815 (”Napoleon is back from Elba! Will the Army fight for Louis XVIII?”). FNE reponded longishly. To spare readers of my posts too much scrolling, I will respond in two (yes, two!) separate posts to the many points FNE/Josefa raised.
Just to make things clear from the get-go, I have no idea what the ideal course of action ought to have been for Louis XVIII, who was much influenced by his family’s wishes; but on this topic, René Floriot, the author is was quoting, offers this tidbit: 
"But if Louis XVIII attempted to be benevolent, his family still thought they were at the court of Louis XVI. Neither the King's brother [the future Charles X], nor his nephews, and even less the Duchess of Angoulême [Louis XVI’s daughter], were possessed of the political sense of their ancestor Henri IV, who, knowing the difficulties of reconquering a kingdom, proclaimed: "One must win over one's enemies, even if it means displeasing ones friends."
https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k3364575n/f24.item , pp. 11-12.
My original post had only to do with the explanation I was seeking for one aspect of the wild happenings of March 1815: why were the troops so eager to rally to Napoleon? In my inexpert opinion, it is far from certain that the Army would have so readily abandoned the King if there had not been such discontent within its ranks. 
The FNE also asks what else could Louis XVIII have done other than to give high ranks to émigrés. I don’t know - except maybe follow Henri IV’s advice until things had settled a bit? I’m a poor debater, especially when faced with the keen intelligence and sparring skills of this particular FNE. I will come back to this in Part 2, but in the meantime I will leave the floor to one more politically acute than I could ever hope to be, the great Talleyrand himself.
According to Floriot, here is what Talleyrand had to say to the King:
Talleyrand recalled the sum total of the mistakes Louis XVIII had made in a letter dated 23 April 1815 from Vienna. Under the disguise of a private conversation with Tsar Alexander, he made numerous observations to the King of France about his domestic policy:
The emperor thinks that the King has the wishes of that part of the nation which has never been anything but passive [...]. But will the other part [of the nation], that which seems to be the entire nation because it alone manifests itself, because it alone takes action, and because it alone prevails, willingly submit?
He continued that when he was in Paris a year ago, everything he saw and heard made him fear that the government would not be able to survive. It struck him as doubtful that the feelings and opinions of the princes would accord with the opinions and attitudes of a generation which had been born during their [i.e. the prince's] absence, and which in many respects had neither the ideas nor the mores of its fathers. But one cannot govern in opposition to the ideas of one's time.
He says that his fears increased when he saw that Your Majesty was calling to the ministries and into his councils men who were no doubt very estimable, but almost all of whom had spent the time of the Revolution outside France or in retirement, and lacked that experience which even brilliant intelligence cannot replace.  He believes that the harm they have done to the royal cause has been very great. He went so far as to claim that the greatest harm came from the share of power which Your Majesty gave or allowed to be taken by the princes [...] 
In other words, Talleyrand was commenting to the King about the causes of Napoleon’s easy return, namely errors committed in the ten or eleven months since Napoleon’s abdication. He was correctly stating that the “princes” had opinions and attitudes no longer in harmony with those of the generation born or raised in the 25 years since the Revolution, and whose ways of thinking had become prevalent. To make things worse, the King was putting into positions of power people who did not really know what they were doing - including in the Army, as we have seen in my previous post -, just because they were high-ranking aristocrats. 
But then Louis XVIII came back to the throne a mere 100 days later or so, and Talleyrand gave it another shot. Unable to tame his concerns about the possibility of renewed errors on the part of Louis Xviii, he enjoined the king to offer guarantees to the people of France. Some of these guarantees would have helped Ney to undergo a fairer trial: 
One needs guarantees; one needs them for the sovereign, one needs them for his subjects. But one would think there are none:
unless individual liberty was protected by law from all infringement;
unless the freedom of the press was fully guaranteed [...];
unless the Judiciary was independent, and therefore composed of irremovable members;
unless the power to judge [was removed from] [...] any jurisdiction other than the Courts;
Talleyrand lastly reminded the King that "everything had to be forgotten in France, and had to be forgotten without restriction".
He had every reason to be concerned, and in his reminiscences he notes in a disillusioned tone: "Neither this brief nor my words had any effect on the King."
https://gallica.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/bpt6k3364575n/f36.item , pp. 24-26.
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New in Town
Warnings: noncon sex.
This is dark!Lumberjack!Thor and explicit. Your media consumption is your own responsibility. Warnings have been given. DO NOT PROCEED if these matters upset you.
Summary: You start a new job in a new town but find your welcome not so warm.
Note: Another piece for @imanuglywombat​ and @nellblazer​‘s Lumberjack Challenge. I needed me a big, scary Thor so here we go!
Thank you. Love you guys!
As always, if you can, please leave some feedback, like and reblog <3
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It was your first day and you already felt in way over your head. Your predecessor had left quite the mess and it would take a while to clean it all up. The filing cabinet had little actual organization to it and the computer, well that was just a bunch of nonsensically titled files dropped in random folders. It would take you the better part of a month just to get things in order.
You suspected however, that even that wouldn’t be fast enough for you prickly new boss. Loki, who preferred Mr. Laufeyson, had been short as he showed you your desk and nonchalantly pointed to the filing cabinet and assured you everything was ready to go. Well, it was not at all. Payroll, scheduling, among other admin to be done. Your only saving grace was that last week’s pay had already been doled out and you only need to figure out that week’s before, oh, great, end of the day.
You shivered as the walls of the portable shook with the frigid gust. It was poor protection from the northern chill and you kept your jacket on and only slightly unzipped as you went about your work. If your gloves weren’t so thick, you’d have kept them on as well.
As you jotted down names and hours and switched between windows, the door opened and you sat up as a tall man entered abruptly. He slammed the door behind him as he glared around the office and tilted his head at you. Thick blonde hair poked out from beneath his wool cap and a golden beard trimmed his jaw. His flannel jacket was worn and stained and he smelled of pine and sweat as he neared your desk. He held a hatchet in his right hand and leaned it against the edge of your desk.
“Where’s Kevin?” He asked brusquely.
“Kevin? Oh, um, I was told he quit. I’m his replacement.” You smiled as best as you could as the large man loomed before you. 
Like most of the workers, he lived in the small town an hour down the road. You’d only just moved there and he was no doubt wary of the stranger staring back at him. Your employment had been hurried; so much so that much of your home was still in boxes stacked in your front room. 
“I can help you.” You offered.
“Where’s my brother?” He growled.
“Your brother?” You wondered.
“Loki,” He huffed. You blinked. They didn’t look like brothers.
“Oh, sorry,” You said. “Well, he’s just in his office but he did ask not to be disturbed.”
The man rolled his eyes and turned the hatchet flat. His nostrils flared.
“Typical.” He muttered. “I suppose it’s your job now. I’m short.”
“Short?” You repeated.
“I was paid for maybe 14 hours. I worked almost 50.” He barked. “And my check didn’t clear until last night. You wanna tell me why?”
“Well, sir,” You clicked a few buttons as you switched to last week. “If you give me my name I can see and I can fix the--”
“Odinson, Thor,” He said sharply. “I’m the yard warden. I’m the reason these saws run.”
“I understand,” You placated as you looked at the screen and squinted as you found his name. 
Sure his enough his hours were entered correctly but his pay had been miscalculated. You corrected the typo and clicked a few more buttons.
“The payment should clear by the end of the day.” You assured him.
“End of day?” He sneered and you pushed yourself away from the desk as he raised the hatchet and brought it crashing down into the wood. “I’ll be back if it doesn’t.”
Your eyes rounded and you gripped the arms of the chair. You looked up at him and he gave a sinister smirk. He turned and stormed out as you gaped at him. As the door clattered behind him you stood and reached for the hatchet. You pulled on it but it was lodged firmly beside your computer.
The door of the back office opened and Loki stepped through. He raised his eyebrows and sighed.
“Mmm, that didn’t happen to be my brother, did it?” He asked.
You nodded and let go of the axe. He neared and looked at the hatchet.
“What was it this time?” He touched the handle and his long fingers wrapped around it. He jerked it and the whole desk moved with it.
“Mistake in the payroll.” You answered. 
“Hmm,” He let go of the hatchet and shrugged. “Well, see it doesn’t happen again.”
You bit back your response. It hadn’t been your mistake. He spun away and head back to his office. 
“Wait? What about this?” You asked as you tugged on the axe again.
“Work around it,” He waved his fingers over his shoulder. “Desk is still in one piece.”
The next day was more of the same. You were suffocated by the amount of work to do and how your list grew ever longer. You wondered if perhaps whoever previously held the post had been plucked from the lumberyard. 
You sat on the floor next to the filing cabinet, the drawers open as you sorted papers into piles. As the door opened, you kept a pile from fluttering away with your foot and looked up at your visitor. It was the same man as the day before. Thor looked just as perturbed as then, if not more.
“Hello,” You said as you gathered up the piles, stack them perpendicularly to keep them separate as you neared the other side of your desk. “What can I do for you?”
“The schedule.” He said. “I need Saturday off.”
“Saturday?” You nodded and bent to look at your computer, searching through your programs. “I’m certain we can spare a saw--”
“No, we have to run all. You’ll have to find someone to cover me.” He insisted.
“Alright, well, it’s pretty short notice.”
“Look, I know how it works in the yard. We’ll fall behind if we don’t run all the saws.” He crossed his arms. “You get it, honey?”
You frowned and scrolled through the names. You’d be lucky to get anyone to say yes to a Saturday.
“Well,” You stood straight. “Why didn’t you request the time off?”
“Excuse me?” He snarled.
“It’s customary to request time off before a schedule is made,” You said. “So for me to find someone at such short notice, there’s only so much I can do.”
“You’ll find someone.” He huffed.
“With all due respect, I don’t go out there and tell you how to cut wood,” You said. “So, if you must have Saturday off, we might just need to be down a man.”
His nostrils flared and his jaw squared as he stepped closer to your desk. He dropped his arms and reached out to grip the hatchet still buried in the wood. He chuckled and ripped it out, shaking your desk.
“See that you don’t,” He warned as he turned and leaned the hatchet against his shoulder. “You can explain to my brother yourself why we don’t meet our numbers on Saturday then.”
“Oh, he’ll know why,” You affirmed and watched him disappear through the door, a draft skirting in past him.
You sniffed and glanced at the slit left in your desk. Great. Wonderful start.
Saturday was your first day off. You spent much of the day unpacking and settling into your new place. It was a small town and you still felt like the odd one out. Everyone knew everyone and you suspected, they didn’t want to know anyone else. 
As it got later, the night falling earlier there, you took a walk downtown and ordered some old-fashioned fish and chips from the shop downtown. You waited at a table along the wall as the cook talked and yelled in the kitchen and the couple at the front counter called out orders and rang them through.
You played with your phone, playing a matching game to keep you busy until your ticket came up. The chair across from yours scraped and you looked up at the broad figure on the other side of the table. Thor leaned an elbow on the table and stared up at the menus above the counter.
“Not from around here. I knew it.” He said. “Because I know everyone around here.”
“I’m sure you do,” You said stiffly.
He scoffed and scratched his beard. He leaned back against the wall as he sat sideways in the chair and flicked the corner of his receipt in his other hand.
“You city folk are all the same. You think you know everything.” He grumbled. “You’ve got this air about you. The way you walk around with your nose up.” He grimaced. “A real tight ass, just by looking at you.”
“If that’s what you think.” You shrugged. “I haven’t done anything against you so I don’t see why--”
“My town. My yard.” He slapped his hand down and gripped the edge of the table. “You won’t last. You’ll be on the same truck out of here soon enough.”
Your number was called and you stood. You tucked your phone in your purse and gave a tense smile.
“Have a good night,” You said evenly. “Hope you enjoyed your day off.”
You went to the counter and showed your ticket. You took the greasy paper bag and headed out without looking at the man still at the table brooding. You weren’t entirely sure why you’d riled him so, but you weren’t eager to provoke him further.
On Monday, you hunkered down with a thermos of coffee and set to sorting out the computer. You had to open every file and rename it, place it in the proper folder and back every bit of it up. It kept you busy, not that this job had let up, and you were content to lose yourself in the tedium.
When your lunchtime came around, you went out to your car to grab the lunch you’d forgotten on your passenger seat. You had been so preoccupied with your mental to do list, you had entirely overlooked it. As you carried your purple lunch tote back to the office building with its rippled tin walls, you passed by several of the workers on their own breaks.
Among them was the one man who’d proven himself troublesome. The rest of them had been understanding and were even relieved to be rid of the man who came before you. They were surprisingly patient even if they were a bit grim. Thor sat with several of his men on the log bench as they drank from steaming metal cups.
“So I get her home and she doesn’t even wait to get in the door before she has her shirt off.” Thor’s deep voice boomed as you neared. “I’m like honey, you know the neighbours like to talk. Well, she shut me up.”
You blinked and peeked over at the men. Thor smirked and winked as he caught your eye. You righted yourself and carried on.
“Had her bent over the kitchen table. She said she doesn’t fuck in bed.” He chortled. “Not high-maintenance like some.”
The men laughed as you climbed the steps of the office and turned back. Thor waved at you and then folded all but one finger. He pointed at you and looked at the men on either side of you.
“Not like that one.” He said. “Looking at her, I guarantee she hasn’t been fucked in at least a year. Maybe more.”
You winced and grabbed the door handle. You were embarrassed but angry. You knew if you said anything, it would only be worse, but you couldn’t just let him talk like that. You spun back and slipped inside, quickly snapping the door shut behind you.
You placed your lunch on your desk and crossed to the other door. You knocked and waited for Loki’s response. It was dull and already agitated. You entered and stood by the open door.
“What is it?” He looked up. “I’ve twenty minutes before I’m on my way out.”
“What-- Where?”
“Personal,” He said pointedly. “Now, why have you bothered me?”
“Look, I’m not trying to cause a fuss but… your brother,” You explained cautiously. “He’s been… extremely rude and his behaviour borders on harassment.”
“My brother?” He uttered. “Oh don’t mind him, that’s just the way he is. Repugnant, really, but you’re better off to ignore him.”
“I’ve done my best to but… are you not going to do anything? Say something to him?” You challenged.
“Why would I do that?” He leaned back in his chair and twirled his pen.
“Because if this continues, I will fire a report with the labour board for harassment.” You said.
“You’ve not been here a week and you’re coming up with these unfounded accusations,” He pointed the pen at you. “These men, they’re not used to a woman in the yard. My brother, especially. They’ll be even less hospitable if they hear this woman is whining to the boss.”
“I’m not--” You stopped yourself as he showed little interest in continuing the dialogue. In fact, he’d already traded the pen for his phone. “Suppose you’re right.”
“I am. Now don’t bother with my brother. He’ll leave you alone.” He waved you away like a bug. “Just do your work. That’s what I pay you for.”
In the five days you’d been at the lumberyard, Loki had left early twice or disappeared for midday meetings. You found your work was straightforward but he didn’t seem to care unless you made some glaring mistake. He was entirely unfazed as he left once more. You couldn’t blame him for not wanting to deal with his volatile brother and yet, that was his job.
Alone, you continued your overhaul of the filing system and reviewed the schedule for the next week. Your life had never been exciting, none of your jobs had been much different than this. A desk, an office, an endless pile of work. And yet this one felt more desolate. The walls did nothing against the cold winds and you could hear the buzz of saws and hollers of men without. All men. It only occurred to you then that there was not a woman beside yourself on the employee roll. Perhaps that was why you’d been met with hostility.
You checked your watch and shut down the old PC and locked up the filing cabinets. As you did whenever Loki flitted off, you killed the lights and locked the front door of the office behind you. You turned and tramped down the stairs onto the frozen ground. You could see your breath as the days grew colder and colder.
You stopped dead as you headed for the row of vehicles along the edge of the yard, all parked at an angle. You stared dumbly at your small Ford. That wasn’t good. A whole tree trunk laid across the car and its weight had sunken in the roof. What were the odds that a tree had traveled to fall on your car in particular. Well, you had a good idea who had left the rather large gift and you weren’t going to give them the satisfaction.
You turned and strode back to the office but again your fortune was not so kind. Thor strutted towards you with a big grin and his arms brushed against yours as he passed.
“Have a good night, honey,” He said.
“You too.” You returned rigidly and sped up.
You didn’t look back as you dug out the keys and unlocked the office. You slipped inside and closed yourself in as you pulled out your phone. You dialed the cab company as you peeked out between the blinds. Thor was stood by your car guffawing with a red-headed man at his handiwork.
Would Loki do anything about that?
In the back of the cab, you called the towing company and scheduled an appointment for the next night. Then you tried to phone Loki but he didn’t pick up so you e-mailed him with the picture you’d taken of your car. It was damage of property! Surely he had to do something. 
You checked the time and watched the meter run higher and higher. The commute was long as it was and seeing it in numbers made you even angrier. You wouldn’t have much time to cook or do much of anything.
As the taxi pulled up to your house, you charged the ride to your credit card and climbed out. You shivered as the dark blue sky shrouded your front yard. Voices carried from the next and you looked over the short iron fence. Your neighbour leaned on the rail of his porch as a tall figure stood in his yard. Your flesh went hot as you recognized Thor.
“You live around here, honey?” He asked as you turned away and scurried to your front door.
“Mmhmm,” You hummed as you unlocked your door.
“You’re home late.” He remarked.
You ignored him and swung the door open, quickly closing it behind you. Your neighbour, Earl, had proven an equally unfriendly man. He complained about your bin when you put out your garbage and the little fairy ornament you’d placed in the yard. If there was one thing the people in this stagnant town loathed, it was change.
You dropped your bag and shed your coat and boots. You yawned and stretched as you walked anxiously around your front room. How was it that you ran into Thor everywhere? Work, sure, but why was he suddenly chummy with your neighbour? You hadn’t been there long and it was a small town but it all just seemed too coincidental.
You went to the window and hooked a finger around the curtain to peer out. Thor was closer to the fence now, arms crossed as he nodded up at Earl. He lowered his eyes for a moment and then turned his face slightly. He grinned as he spied you on the other side of the drapes and you quickly backed away.
You weren’t going to run away because of him. You weren’t going to quit and you weren’t going to leave this town. His fragile masculinity could shatter for all you cared.
The next morning, Loki agreed to drive you to work. The ride was awkward but you were thankful only to contribute half of gas rather than a full fare. You hadn’t slept very well and spent much of the drive staring out the window as classical music droned from the stereo. You hadn’t expected anything different in the overpriced car.
At the office, you brewed a pot inside and poured your second cup of the day. You had to finish the next week’s schedule and finalize the payroll. The noise of the yard kept you working and had almost come to be a comfort to you as you sat staring at tight fonts and endless numbers.
You were interrupted by the door and you didn’t need to look up to know who stomped inside. Thor looked as happy as ever and you peered over anxiously as his heavy boots clunked along the floor.
“My brother?” He asked bluntly. “Has some business to deal with.”
“In his office,” You said.
He smiled and stared at you. He didn’t move at first but finally crossed to the other door. He didn’t knock and you heard Loki’s chagrined greeting as he entered. The door fell closed but did not click into place. You went back to your work and tried to ignore the rising voices that sifted through the thin wall.
“Prove it!” Thor boomed, followed by a bang. The door swung open and he thundered through with a snarl. He marched towards your desk as you sat straight and he planted his hands on the top. “Whiny little bitch.” He said. “You’ll see what happens to those who can’t keep their mouth shut.”
“Thor,” Loki warned from his office door. “Leave her be. Don’t get yourself into any more trouble.”
“Don’t talk to me like that,” Thor pushed himself away as he barked at his brother. “You sound like father.”
“And you sound ridiculous.” Loki said evenly. “Get back to work. I’m certain you can handle cutting wood. It’s truly not that complicated.”
Thor scowled and spun, sparing you not an ounce of his fury as he did. You watched him go, the door shuddering in its frame as it slammed once more. You let out a shaky breath and glanced over at Loki.
“I assure you, he will not bother you again.” Loki said coolly. “He is… impulsive and needs a little reasoning. Once he’s over his tantrum, it’ll all clear up.”
You nodded as he turned and strode back into his office. You’d been gripping the edge of the desk tightly and it took you a moment to unlock your fingers. You leaned back and clutched your head. You really hoped he was right.
The next day, you waited at your window, watching for Loki’s sleek black car. Another day after another restless night. You watched the pale morning through the glass and your phone vibed in your pocket. You pulled it out and swiped up as the notification from your boss appeared.
“Emergency in the city. I’ve made alternate arrangements. E-mail me your progress at end of day.”
You frowned and looked up as an engine rumbled outside. You cursed as you recognized the red pick-up and the shadow of the man behind the wheel. Was Loki really that stupid? Certainly he just didn’t care. Or maybe he really thought he could control his brother. You had doubts. Thor didn’t seem the type to be reeled in by any.
Well, you could always rack up even more debt on a cab; there and back. Dammit.
Thor honked and you winced. You grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder. You locked your door as you stepped out into the morning chill and turned to make your way to the idling truck. The doors clicked as you neared and you hesitantly opened the door. 
Thor stared down at you. You didn’t move.
“Well, get in,” He sneered. “Long way to go.”
You climbed up and shut the door. Before you buckled in, he was already in drive. You snapped the belt into place and slid your bag down to your feet.
“Thank you.” You said. He didn’t answer. “Look, I know you don’t like me and I know you don’t have to drive me so I do appreciate it.”
“Anything to get my brother off my back,” He shrugged. 
You were quiet. It was pointless trying to get into this man’s good graces. He had decided to have a grudge against you and you’d only stoked it by tattling on him. You should’ve just shut and smiled, as you always had. It was the essence of professionalism.
You bent your elbow against the door and held your chin as you watched the houses pass outside the window and thin to lumpy fields and forests. You were almost lulled to sleep by the steady mutter of the engine and the motion of the truck.
Then all at once you were tense. A warmth settled on your thigh and squeezed. You sat up and tried to pull away from Thor. He kept his other hand on the steering wheel and grinned at the road. You tried to shove his hand away and he gripped you tighter until you cried out.
“You shouldn’t distract me while I’m driving,” He said. “It’s dangerous.”
“What are you talking about?” You tried to pry his fingers off of you. “What are you--”
Slid his hand further and leaned over, just a little, as he turned his hand flat along your pelvis. He was strong and forced two finger down between your legs.
“Thor!” You gasped as you slapped his arm.
He veered, just a little, but didn’t relent.
“You don’t want me to lose control, do you, honey?” 
He pushed his fingers against the fabric of your pants and rubbed. You could feel the seam through your panties as he moved his hold hand. He was rough and it hurt. All the same, you felt a tingle. You clung to his arm in shock.
“Stop! Stop! You’re--”
“Shhhh,” He kept going as his other hand gripped the wheel tighter. “Don’t be such a bitch.”
He moved his hand faster as you tried to crush it with your thighs. He wedged his hand between your legs and kept on. You trembled as a painful pressure began to build and you sank back against the seat, terrified. 
“That’s it, honey.” He purred as your thighs quivered. “You just need to relax… get that stick out of your ass.”
“Thor--” You gulped. “Please-- st--”
His fingers were right on your clit. The fabric chafed but still the ripples swirled around you. You went rigid and then the sudden and unexpected release swelled and crashed. You let out a pathetic squeak and gripped the door as you spasmed, your legs falling apart as you rode out your orgasm against his large hand.
His palm dropped against your leg and he caressed you before slowly drawing away. Your panties were soaked and you were certain it was seeping through your pants too. You looked at yourself in the rearview mirror and covered your face. 
What just happened?
You hid in your office. When you finally arrived at the yard, you’d almost sprinted to the building. You closed yourself in and sat behind your desk as if it were a shield. It took you a while to focus, to be able to read clearly, to comprehend anything in front of you. And yet, you could still feel his hand between your legs. Every time you moved, your panties tickled your tender cunt.
At noon, an e-mail chimed in your inbox. Another message from Loki. He wasn’t half as attentive when he was on-site. You opened it and sighed. There was a severe weather warning and the yard would have to shut down for the storm. That meant everyone had to go home before they got stranded.
You zipped up the jacket you hadn’t taken off and went to the door. Go out, go out, go out. The sooner you were home, the better. But getting there…
You stepped outside and the door clattered behind you. You ambled down the stairs and crossed your arms against your chest as the wind swirled the light powdery snow around you. For now, it was little enough, but it would get worse.
You crossed the yard and followed the sound of saws. Arn was loading up a trailer with Cameron and they paused as you neared. You smiled, then frowned.
“Storm’s coming. Boss says we need to shut down.” You called to them.
“Shit,” Cameron looked up and wiped away the flakes that fell on his cheek. “Yeah, it’s coming.”
“We’ll tell the other,” Arn offered. “Thanks, miss.”
“Not at all. We need the saws off and everyone gone within the hour.” You explained loudly.
“What’s this?” Thor, as was his habit, appeared as if out of air. He clapped sawdust from his thick gloves. “Saws off?”
“Your brother. He wants the yard down for the storm.” You turned to him and edged away as he got closer.
Thor shook his head and huffed. He nodded to Arn and Cameron as he shrugged. “Go on. Tell the men. I’ll get the rest sorted.”
The two other men left their pile of chopped timber and strolled away to the saws. You spun away, eager to shut down the office and lock up. Thor’s voice stopped you.
“You’ll need a ride,” He said. “It’s gonna be a big one. Storm, that is.”
“Uh huh,” You grumbled as you turned back and crossed your arms. “I gotta go deal with the admin stuff.”
“I’ll stick around. Loki’s always the last to leave.” He said. “You’ll need to do a walk through. Make sure everything’s down.”
“I know,” You assured him. “It won’t take long.”
“I’ll take you through it.” He offered. “This is my yard, after all.”
“So you keep saying.” You uttered.
“I own half of it.” He countered. “My brother just does the paperwork.”
“Alright,” You continued to edge away. “I’ll just--”
“This is a place for men.” He hissed. “Women… just get in the way.”
You swallowed and said nothing. You turned and walked away as you felt him watching you. As you rounded the corner of the storehouse, he called out behind you. “I’m patient. I’ll be here.”
Thor’s truck was the only one left as you locked up the office and began your walk through of the saws and checked the doors of the storehouses. You checked that the cranes and lifts were all shut down as well, all the while Thor watched. It was as if he was judging you. You ignored him as best you could and announced that all was in order as you secured the edge of the tarp thrown over the stack of timber at the edge of the yard.
“You’re a quick learner,” Thor mused as you neared. “So you might know.”
“Know what?” You asked as a large flake hit the tip of your nose.
“That it’s too late,” He pointed up. “We won’t make it back in time.”
He kicked his boots in the blanket below. It was building by the second and the sky was almost pure white with the downfall. He was right and you hated that. Your stomach sank.
“You have chains?” You asked.
“Won’t do me much good if I can’t see,” He tilted his head and smirked. “There’s a kit in the office. Not the first time this has happened. You learn to expect it up here.”
“A kit?” You shook your head. 
“Some blankets, some food,” He came closer. “Keep ourselves comfy until this all clears up.”
You stared at him dumbly. You checked your watched and looked up at the sky again.
“No, we can--”
“We can’t,” He said firmly. “What’s wrong?” He neared. “You afraid of the big bad wolf?”
You shouldered past him and kicked through the thickening snow. “No.” You snipped back at him, his heavy boots crushed the snow in your snow. “I suppose you’re right.”
You climbed the stairs to the office and took out the key, fumbling with your thick gloves as Thor came up behind you. He pressed himself to your back as you frantically turned the key and stumbled inside. He chuckled as he followed and closed the door. You tucked the keys away in your purse and took out your phone. No signal.
You left your purse on your desk and sighed. Thor went to the door of Loki’s office and glanced back at you. “Kit’s in here. Easier to keep warm, too. Smaller space.” He waved you along. “He’s got an electric heater hidden under his desk too.”
You said nothing as you followed. You really had no choice. Stuck here with no way out but him, you’d just have to fend him off through the storm.
He held the door for you and shut the door behind you. His hand grazed your back and ass as he drew away and you watched him round Loki’s large desk and go to the corner behind the standing cabinet. He dragged out a large bin hidden there and unclasped the lid.
You watched him, twiddling your fingers as your mind raced. You felt the ache below still and you looked at his large glove hand as he turned to push the desk against the wall. He laid out a thick duvet on the floor and the small travel pillow atop it with a quilt. He untangled the cord of the electric heater and placed it beside the blankets. He flipped it on and stood.
“Well,” He said. “Some soups in there. Some preserved fruits.” He offered. “You hungry, honey?”
You were quiet as he removed his gloves. You went to the other side of the blanket and sat. You took your boots off and left them to melt on the floor. You pushed your feet under the quilt and leaned against the cold wall.
“Don’t call me honey,” You crossed your arms. “And I’m not hungry.”
He nodded and lowered himself next to you. He untied his boots and set them aside with his hat. His shoulder rested just above yours as he sat back. You closed your eyes and let out a long breath.
“He’s got whiskey. Bottom drawer.” Thor said. “It might warm you up… loosen you up at least.”
“No, thank you.” You opened your eyes and slid down onto your back and turned your back to him. The electric heater buzzed in the silence.
“What wrong, honey?” He taunted. “You want more, hmm? This morning wasn’t enough for you?”
“Leave me alone.” You hissed.
He slipped down behind you and before you could sit up, his arm was around your waist. He pushed himself against your back and his hot breath seeped into your scalp. He nuzzled the back of your head. It was even more apparent, laid against him, how large he was. You shivered.
“I can keep you nice and warm, honey,” He bent his arm and tugged at the zipper of your jacket. “Keep you distracted.”
“Stop,” You grabbed his hand as he pulled your zipper past your chest. “Thor!”
“I felt it earlier. The way you quaked.” He snarled. “You need this.”
“No,” You clutched his hand as he forced your zipped further. “Stop. I just… want to sleep. Wake up when this is… over.”
“Feel that,” He pushed his pelvis out so that his crotch was against your ass. “You owe me.”
“I said--” You gasped as he broke your zipper entirely and slid his hand under your jacket. “Thor!”
“Are you fighting me or yourself?” He rasped. “Hmmm?”
He slid his hand up your blouse and cupped your tit. You wiggled against him but were trapped in his embrace. He squeezed and pinched until you cried out. He snarled and brushed his lips against your ear.
“I bet you’re sweet, honey,” His hand crawled down your stomach. “Aren’t you?”
You whined helpless as his hand pushed beneath the elastic waist of your pants. He pulled free of your grasp as he continued lower and slipped down the front of your panties. You gasped as he pressed a finger to your cunt and found your clit. You squeezed your legs together and he pulled his hand back to pinch you.
“What do you want, honey?” He growled. “You want to let me in or you want me to hold you down?”
He withdrew his hand and grabbed your leg. He bent it and drew it back over his.
“You think you’ll win?” He shoved his hand back down your pants gruffly. “Really?”
“That’s it, keep begging, honey,” He pushed two fingers to your clit and twirled. You twitched and he snickered in your ear. “Weak.” He sneered as he pushed his fingers along your folds. “You’re already wet… or is that from earlier?”
You murmured as he dragged his fingertips back and once more focused on your clit. He nibbled your ear as he snarled and rocked his hips into you from behind, grinding against your ass.
“You’ll want to be ready for me.” He gristled. “Nice…” He flicked his fingers and you groaned. “And…” He did it again and you whined. “Ready.”
You bit your lip as you fought against the tide that flowed from his touch. He rubbed you until you were breathless and ready to cum. He stopped suddenly and felt you tremble against him. He pulled his hand back and pushed your leg down. He brought his fingers up to his lips, just beside your head and sucked them noisily.
“Sweet as pie.” He muttered.
He gripped the back of your pants and wrenched them down roughly along with your panties. The cold air raised bumps on your flesh.
You reached out and tried to drag yourself away from him. He swiftly caught you and rolled you back to him.
“You don’t want to do that, honey,” He warned as he squeezed your hip. “Do you really want me to break you?”
You gulped and reached to grasp the small pillow lodged beneath your neck. He reached between your bodies and pulled up his jacket and you heard the subtle whisper of his zipper. He shifted behind you and snaked his arm around you once more. He pushed your pelvis until you arched your back and a deep rumble rose from his chest. 
He poked between your legs, parting them as much as he could as your pants confined your thighs. He leaned into you and his cock prodded along your ass and he angled it lower. He spread your cunt with two fingers and blinding pressed himself against you, guiding his tip between to your entrance.
A chill went through you and your arms shot out. You tried to roll away from him and he pushed inside you all at once. You cried out and he grunted as he forced himself even deeper. You threw your head back as your body curved backwards and yet, there was more of him. You whimpered as he filled you completely. 
“I told you, honey,” He jerked his hips and you yelped. “You gotta be ready for me.”
He thrust, slowly. You murmured and slapped the floor with your palm. You were breathless, senseless as your walls clenched him hungrily. Your arm flew back and your fingers tangled in his thick hair. He drew his fingers back to your clit and teased you once more. The scent of his sweat and evergreen mingled and engulfed you as he grunted with each tilt of his hips.
“I didn’t think you could do it, honey,” He sped up. “I didn’t think you could take it all.” He rutted with dusky breaths in your ear. “Ah… you’re so fucking tight.”
You whimpered. He was so big it hurt and yet it was the type of pain that had you wanting. His fingers drove your hunger and you panted wildly as you closed your eyes and drowned in the delight. His warmth chased away the cold and you forgot where you were, who you were. There was only the twisting coil inside you.
He pounded into you harder and pathetic mewls tumbled from you. You clung to him tighter and his grunts punctuated each thrust. The wet sound of your cunt added to the lurid rhythm and your body quaked as you crept closer and closer to the edge.
“Cum for me,” He snarled in your ear. “Come on, I can feel it, honey. Cum--”
You cried out and your entire body shook as your nails grazed his scalp. Your orgasm was disorienting and left you dizzy as it turned to wispy murmurs. It only spurred him on. He crashed into you even hard as he brought his fingers to your lips and poked them inside your mouth. You sucked on his fingers and tasted yourself. It was sweet.
He turned you on your stomach and kept his motion as he lifted himself over you. He crushed you beneath him as his pelvis snapped down into you. His hand spread over your head as he held you down and his other arms pinned your shoulder. His grunt grew louder and louder as he hammered into you.
He moved your whole body as his thrusts turned frantic. You clawed at the duvet as your face was buried into the small pillow. You could barely catch your breath and you gave muffled whine as your hips and ass throbbed.
He planted his hands on either side of you and lifted himself as he slammed into you. He roared as you felt his release spill inside of you. He jerked into you harshly and impaled you completely. He stayed like that as he shuddered and eased himself down onto you. You turned your face out as you suffocated beneath his weight.
He inhaled your scent as he dragged his nose along your cheek.
“You should’ve stayed in the city, girl.” He wiggled his pelvis and you winced. “Where you belong.”
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The Journey of Watching One Piece Episode 15: Kuro wasn’t cut out to be a pirate.
How is everyone’s day going? I’m doing fine. As of writing this, I’m just figuring out ways to minimize my abdominal pain problem. Limiting my caffeine intake and minimizing the number of greasy foods I eat is my starting point.
Now before I get into the episode, I noticed something funny while watching Episode 15 on Crunchyroll. I accidentally scrolled down to the comments, and I noticed that the first comment was someone telling people who were in the episode to skip the recap. It brought out memories of my recap skip days, skimming through backstory, and recap episodes are dumb. One Piece I know becomes notorious for its recaps at the beginning of episodes as well as long recap arcs if I remember correctly, but currently, my opinion is that recaps are fine. Now let’s get into the episode.
So, I already had an inkling of Kuro’s motivations for quitting pirate life, but it possibly speaks to his perfectionist personality trait that because pirate life is full of upheaval and uncertainty it’s a life that doesn't mesh well with Kuro. His pride and perfectionism make him constantly micro-manage his subordinates and always being chased by the Navy get so tiring that he created a plan to kill himself to free himself from the name Captain Kuro. This series of episodes discuss the resolve one needs to call themselves a pirate and how even the most capable pirate captain couldn’t handle the stress the life of a pirate brings. Of course, Usopp proudly shouts that the reason he and Veggie Crew called themselves pirates was to protect the ones they cared about. Usopp even demonstrates his own will to stand despite being badly beaten. 
Now I’ll wrap up the blog post here since I got most of what I wanted to say out of my mind. I hope when a longer recap episode comes, I can discuss my own feelings about recaps. Or I could do so in small bites throughout this blog, what do you think?
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ladybeug · 4 years
Okay remember the chloe breakup playlist? 
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@peachesandheather​ and @chaotictaste​ THANKS FOR ASKING i know its way later but i would LOVE to break this playlist down lets get GOING! 
this is a follow up to THIS post. 
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CONTEXT:  for this fanmix to read correctly, you need to know its an aged-up AU. Chloe’s grown a bit already, and she’s learned to value making other people happy just for the sake of making them happy. She joins the superhero gang and they all reveal identities and she dates marinette for a bit but realizes that marinette is still into adrien, and so chloe breaks up with her. That’s the facts, theres a drabble about it here if you want more emotional depth. 
LISTEN HERE ON SPOTIFY and follow along. There will also be links to youtube lyric videos if you prefer that. 
Without further ado: 
The Louvre - Lorde 
This is a key track. The title track. 
The metaphor of the louvre itself really sits with me. On the one hand, it’s The Louvre - an internationally recognized place to Put Important Things. What’s more, to put Art - beautiful things that defy description. And yet we keep trying. On the other hand, it’s The Louvre - there’s a suggestion that you’re not supposed to touch it. It’s precious enough that it needs to be preserved and displayed carefully - don’t knock into it. That’s a scary new relationship. Something extremely precious that you almost trust. 
Now remember the louvre metaphor, that one comes back in track 7. 
The rest of this breakdown is under the cut to spare the poor people just trying to scroll through tumblr. You guys enjoy your evening. Everyone else, follow me!!
If you’re reading this i love you thank you for indulging me. 
 You’re Gonna Make me Lonesome When You Go - Madeleine Peyroux 
Despite not being the title track, this is the song that inspired the whole playlist! I love it. Its layered. 
I like to imagine Chloe has a moment, like the calm before the storm, when she realizes she has to break up with marinette, and she feels almost zen about it. Maybe she’s been struggling with trying to open up and be vulnerable and ask for love. And finally she decides she doesn’t want to ask for love anymore, she’s tired of it, and she’s going to go back to pushing people away. For a moment it’s just a relief to stop trying, it’s comforting to revert to who she used to be in the face of losing marinette. 
This song has a resigned feel to it. It feels like someone who doesn’t quite really believe they deserve love. That’s a theme throughout this playlist too.
Lastly, in the context of the AU - chloe would feel good about giving marinette a chance to be with someone she really wants to be with. She’s grown a lot since she was a kid and likes to be the kind of person who cares about others. It’s bittersweet but feels a little... right. 
Call it Off - Tegan & Sara 
They break up. 
Paper Bag - Fiona Apple 
Chloe takes it back, it doesn’t feel ‘bittersweet but a little... right’!! It sucks!! 
This one’s about chloe feeling sorry for herself about having to break up with Marinette. It’s bitter and frustrated, it says why can’t I have nice things?? It’s about being SO close to love - so close you could taste it - and having to cut yourself off. 
It also has that resigned feel to it - the need to starve yourself of love because you can’t have it. The disbelief in a happy ending, and a little bit of self blame.
Woke Up New - The Mountain Goats 
This is the other side of the breakup coin. If ‘Paper Bag’ is the bitterness and reflection on how chloe feels about breaking up, ‘Woke Up New’ is just about... not having marinette. 
It removes the self-reflection and the over-thinking. It’s just about loss. You miss someone. And I think chloe would miss marinette. She’s been lonely before, and for a while she didn’t feel lonely, and now she feels lonely again - it’s uncomplicatedly sad. It’s just a sad moment. 
Be Mine! - Robyn 
Okay now we turn up the tempo a little, we’ve been sad, we’ve been self-reflective, bring on the poor coping mechanisms! Turn up the volume, pour yourself a drink, and get a little mad about your breakup!
But also dont forget to be kind of resigned and defeatist about it. That’s still crucial and will continue to be crucial for a little longer. 
Fists Up - BLOW 
This is another key song, and is our second reference to the Louvre. 
But it brings a third, new aspect to the Louvre, that Lorde didn’t bring. The security of the Louvre. BLOW says, ‘my love is a fortress, my love is the louvre, but it can’t ever thrive if i’m forced to keep proving it’. There’s the same suggestion that love is worth valuing, but also reminds us that love is difficult to access - which is absolutely true for chloe, who protects herself instinctively. She’s always been very defensive, and part of growing has been fighting to overcome that instinct - it’s what let her get so close to marinette in the first place. But it didn’t work out, which is bitter, and makes her angry. There’s almost a self-righteousness, trying to blame someone else for not treating you precious enough. 
Also worth noting that this song is about the internal fight between hope and defeat in a relationship. Chloe ended the relationship with ladybug because she didn’t believe it would work, and she doesn’t believe she’s enough. But it’s so hard to stop hope, which makes defeat more painful.
Shampain - Marina and the Diamonds 
Remember when we started drinking to Robyn’s “Be Mine”? We are drinking a LOT more now and we are SO COOL and DONE thinking about this. We are NOT SAD ANYMORE!!! ITS FINE!! 
Hurricane Drunk - Florence & the Machine 
Chloe is still very drunk and is now being sad on purpose. 
Maps - Yeah Yeah Yeahs 
Now it’s 3 am and chloe is not that drunk anymore but she is soooo so so sad. Chloe misses her girlfriend sooo much. this sucks this sucks this sucks alcohol did not help??? how come that didnt work?? 
If you wanna get creative this is the scene where chloe shows up on marinettes balcony and makes a scene and marinette takes her home and tucks her in very kindly and very platonically. 
Gotta Have You - The Weepies 
This song is on the cusp of acceptance. This playlist is admittedly like... a little depressing, especially as I write it all out - theres a lot of wrestling with self-esteem, and fighting loneliness. That’s hard. This song is tired. It’s tried everything. 
It’s the thematic foil to ‘You’re Going To Make Me Lonesome When You Go’. Both songs have the same gentle, steady rhythm. In the first, chloe was in the relationship, sad but accepting that the relationship would end. Now, she’s out of the relationship, and she just wants to be back in. But there’s a little bit of that same acceptance. 
This song feels like saying out loud what you want, and even though you can’t have it, the fact that you know what it is and you can say it feels good. 
Go Ahead - Rilo Kiley
Alright guys we’re solidly in acceptance by now. We’re out of the heavy emotional woods. We’ve made it. 
This song is bittersweet and not a truly happy one, but it holds a genuine wish for someone else’s happiness that hasn’t appeared in most of the songs in this playlist. It’s reminiscent of the wish chloe had in the first place, to end the relationship not only to protect herself but to give marinette a chance to be happy. To do a good and selfess thing. 
It’s both. It’s sad and it’s good. It’s complex. 
New Years Day - Taylor Swift 
This is the third key song. And it’s a truly beautiful one. 
This song ties us back to the beginning, and says do you remember what all this fuss is really about? What was so important that you put it in the Louvre?
Chloe is still on a team with marinette. There’s a point at which she would have to choose to cut marinette off, or... figure out something else. This song is about figuring out something else. The ‘what comes next’ of a difficult relationship. They don’t get back together, but they stay friends, even if its weird, and even when chloe feels left out or marinette doesn’t know what to say. But they want to stay in each others lives. And it’s worth the work.
A Fairytale Ending - The Boy Least Likely To 
A reflection on how difficult it is to grow and face life head on, and how it changes you.
I Wanna Get Better - Bleachers
We have to have some closure here. It’s going to be okay. 
Pretty somber now that I have it all written out like that. but still a great one.
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hey hey hey! I have two questions for you if you don't mind answering :) 1) how long have you been writing on here? and 2) do you have any advice for writers starting on here? hope you're doing well ✌️
Hi!! Sorry it took me awhile to get back to you! But I hope that you’re doing good as well, make sure you’re drinking some water!
Now, to answer your questions!
I’ve been writing here for a year now. I started last January (if I’m remembering correctly), transferred blogs so now I’m here! Funny enough, I started off as a side blog for a BNHA blog I had 😂 but off of Tumblr and before I ever posted anything, I’ve been writing for about 9/10 years. I was really young when I started to love writing and always used it as something to go through some lonely or boring times alone
Some advice I have…
I’ll start with a pretty obvious one: there’s sucky people everywhere! Some people look for things to judge and complain about, so if you ever get hate, let it roll off your back. They don’t know you, they’re simply bored. Besides, you don’t even know their name! If someone hates on you, as hard as it can be sometimes to ignore it, don’t let it bother you too much, do what makes you happy and don’t let someone who’s 9 times out of 10 over anon discourage you.
Another suggestion I have is not being a side-blog because you can’t answer comments, something that always really bothered me and is a main reason I moved blogs. Even if you have to create a new email, it’s definitely worth it to be able to interact with followers and be a bit more involved with everything on your blog! Another reason is easier access to editing your posts when you’re not a side-blog.
Don’t worry too much about word count; some people don’t read long stories, but if you like to write long stories, don’t worry about not a lot of people reading/seeing it, because it’s all about you enjoying your own content as well as other people. And with that being said, if you prefer short drabbles or starting off with a lot of headcanons, there’s nothing wrong with short stories! They can be so much fun to read real quick and draw people into the rest of your writing!
Descriptive summaries for your stories! Of course, don’t give the whole plot away, but when I read summaries for things, I like to see a lot of content in it because it can help me decide if I want to read it, so I think making longer/descriptive summaries can never be a bad thing. I also think descriptive warnings are good, especially if you’re working with smut or some darker content. You want to be as conscious as you can when writing your warnings, in my opinion anyways
Again with being interactive! When I used to read a lot before I started writing I would sometimes find it a bit annoying to scroll through people’s blogs looking for content and only seeing asks answered, but now that I’m a writer and have a blog, I love to get asks and respond to as many as I can even if my blog has a lot of asks to scroll through, which is why a masterlist of everything you write in your bio is always a good idea! But talk to your followers! You meet a lot of very interesting and fun people here. And it’s always nice to see a familiar name or emoji they add to their anon asks.
Practice, practice, practice. If you’re not sure if something sounds right, consider having your laptop/computer read it aloud to you because it can be easier to notice incorrect grammar or sentences that don’t make sense through speech rather than reading. Especially if your mind mixes up letters and words or if you’re dyslexic.
Understanding characters is a big part of it as well. I mentioned it once before, but if there’s a character I struggle with, I often watch videos on YouTube of the time the characters are in the anime or read up on their personality online. Even rewatching and re-reading the same things a million times until you’re so tired of knowing about this character helps you in the future when you know them like the palm of your hand!
If you struggle with writers block, consider transferring your story to another draft and writing out the same story with a slightly different prompt. Stay true to your original idea, but it helps me a lot when I hit stumbling blocks if I change my original idea and either scrap my other or save it for another time! Sometimes it’s a two for one deal with your stories
And of course, always do what you want. It’s good to include your followers and readers into the blog as well and have some options (like polls I do) for help if you need it, but also make sure you’re writing for you and not just everyone else. Make sure that you’re happy with your stories otherwise when you get positive feedback, it may not feel as good as it does when you know you’re proud of your story.
So have fun with your blog and good luck starting off! I hope any of this advice helps anybody considering starting a blog out.
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oikawa-tuwu · 4 years
Exit, Stage Right
🎭 Chapter 12 (oikawa x reader smau)
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It was only a few minutes after texting the groupchat your location that you hear footsteps behind you, and then someone settling themselves on one of the swings.
“Yahaba, if you’re here to drag me home-”
“Wrong on both accounts,” your companion chuckles, making you do a double take. You really had just taken in a basic height and weight in the corner of your eye, so it was a shock turn and see not your neighbor and best friend but Oikawa sitting on the swing next to you.
“Hi,” He says, softly, strangely vulnerable in the fading daylight. “I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
“I’m fine,” you bite back, instinctively. “I couldn’t care less about Satomi.”
“I couldn’t care less about the stair that always trips me on the way up to the costume loft, but my knees still sting when I land wrong.”
You scoff, kicking off the ground with your feet and starting the slow momentum. You swing your legs. In, out. In, out. “Where did this wizened old man persona come from and what did you do with Oikawa Tooru?”
Oikawa laughs. “Hey, I can be smart sometimes.”
“Emphasis on sometimes,” you say, but this time you’re smiling.
Petulant as ever, Oikawa pouts, looking up at you from where he had propped his chin against his hand. “You’re mean. That’s it, I’m done trying to cheer you up.”
“Nah, I don’t think you are,” you say, pumping your legs faster. In, out. In, out.
“Oh really?” Oikawa asks, tilting his head curiously. “And why is that?”
“If you really stopped talking to someone because they were mean, why are you still friends with Iwaizumi?”
The boy beside you sucks in a breath. Kind of a laugh, but too short and too shocked to really be humorous at first. When he lets the breath go, he’s back to laughing. “I guess you got me there. Would you believe me if I said that really I just took pity on an unfortunate and unattractive guy with no social skills and pretended to be his friend to make him feel better?”
Hoping your gaze falls somewhere on the “withering” scale, you shoot Oikawa a look. “No. And for the record, Iwaizumi is definitely not unattractive.”
“Alright,” Oikawa says, with a soft chuckle, but there’s something uncomfortable in the tightness of the action. “Well, anyways, I still came here to apologize, so… I’m sorry. I really didn’t realize how unhealthy of a relationship I had with all these girls. I always thought of my flirting as harmless fun, and the dates were just humoring the girls, but I see now it was just part of a narcissistic fantasy. And I’m working on pretending to be things I’m not in order to please other people.”
“Yahaba and Watari said you told Satomi and her friends to back off.”
“I did. I tried to at least.” Oikawa winces. “There goes my free bentos for lunch.”
“I’m sure you’ll find some girl eventually who will make you bentos because she loves you,” You say, skidding to a stop on your swing. Dust from the friction dirties your uniform, but its nothing compared to the sticky coffee on your shirt. “Not because she’s infatuated with a facsimile of a handsome teenage film star.”
“The Scully to my Mulder,” Oikawa mutters, quietly, almost like he didn’t intend for you to hear, before turning on a blinding smile and continuing, “But you think I’m handsome?”
Without missing a beat, you reach over to push him off the swing. Thankfully, Oikawa then busies himself with whining and pouting and dusting dirt off of his uniform and not looking at you and potentially realizing how flushed your cheeks had gotten and how fast your heart rate had raced.
There was the smile.
Not the fake one he turned on for his fangirls, for Satomi, for the stage, but his true smile that you really had only seen a handful of times. It was a true, genuine smile and he had smiled it for you.
Oh, no.
Oikawa stands, stretching out a hand to help you out of your swing. “Can I walk you home?”
For some unknown reason, you say yes.
You walk in silence for the most part, other than pointing out directions, but it's a comfortable quiet. It's a nice change from the Oikawa you see at rehearsals, constantly flirting with girls or annoying Iwaizumi or blabbering about something.
After a few moments, a cold breeze blows through, and you can’t help but shiver.
“Do you want my jacket?” Oikawa asks, already shrugging out of the fabric and offering it to you, and you blink at the chivalry behind it. Taking your silence as hesitation, he continues, “It’s my fault that your uniform is wet, which is part of the reason you’re so cold, so really, I’m just making us even-”
You snatch the jacket before he can keep talking, and he shuts up with a smug grin of self-satisfaction. Admittingly, the jacket does help, and its not much longer until you’re in your neighborhood.
“Yahaba lives around here, too, right?” Oikawa asks, and you nod.
“How’d you know?”
He shoots you a wry grin. “I do read your tweets sometimes.”
For some reason, the thought of Oikawa scrolling through your profile doesn’t fill you with disgust, rather a strange sense of satisfaction.
Oh, no.
“Y/n? Who is it that you’re walking with?”
“Hello, Mrs. L/n! I’m Oikawa Tooru, Y/n’s friend from drama! It’s very nice to meet you.”
“Oh! Would you like to come in for a cup of tea, dear?”
O h  ,  n o.
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(A/N: I literally spent like two hours trying to format this chapter correctly, going back and forth from tumblr mobile to desktop to html to get it looking correctly bc I wanted to put a below the cut in there, but I gave up the third time tumblr scrapped my draft 🙃 sooo sorry about the long post without a keep reading button!!)
Taglist: @fangirling-25-8 @multifandomphenomena @moonlightreetops @ensworks @it-me-720 @harajukukitsune @sempiternal-amour @semiathleticnerdykid @luvelyxp @theduvetpirate @bethbat @starwrite-er @icy-hot @cowboy-doll @hurtbycanonthoughts​ @shigarakiskitten​ @kaaidalupita​ @nekoma-hoe​
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ice-kyuubi · 4 years
I often post about the animes and mangas that I love or currently watching/reading but today is one of those days when I feel like sharing about my love for Japanese live action films or at least a part of it. And it's all because of the sad news that I read while I was scrolling up and down on my soc med account.
07.18.2020. I read about Haruma Miura's passing. The news was shared to me by a fellow Japanese anime/manga/live action fan. Tbh, it's only been less than 10 mins since I read it. I immediately looked it up on Google as it might be a hoax but apparently even local news channels have reported the same thing. My heart is broken although I know this pain is incomparable to the pain being experienced his loved ones at the moment.
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If I remember it correctly, the first time I saw him was in Koizora back in my college days. His hair was bleached and he was playing as the bad boy ML then I saw him again in Kimi ni Todoke years after and in that movie, he was the complete opposite of his character in Koizora. Years have passed by again and I saw him in AOT as Eren. I know that he's been to many films and dramas but these are the ones that stick in my head.
I remember crushing on him for years. I was one of those girls who searched for some details about him. I even watched some of his interviews in Youtube and wished that I could meet him in person someday. Now, there's no point in doing those because he's gone. He left this world already. I will no longer be able to breath the same air he breathes even if I go to Japan. I know I sound so creepy now but I just really want to express my loneliness.
If there is an actor or any celebrity reading this post who is experiencing depression, deep sadness or any negative feeling, I will never understand the pressure you're feeling and I will never be able to share the burden with you. I can't just irresponsibly blurt out that things will go well if you just stick where you are. But let me just tell you one thing...the ones left behind are sad and dying too.
Dear Miura-san. I knew nothing about your personal life but I sincerely hope that there wasn't much regret on your last conscious seconds
I still hope that this is a fake news 🥺
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moonbythecabstan · 3 years
We're Up Against The Wall (Know I Like It Like That) - Part 1
Rated: M
Pairing: M/M
Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment
Relationship: The Miz/Dolph Ziggler
Summary: A surprise visit from Mike's good friend takes a surprising turn.
Mike flicked his thumb over the screen, skimming the posts scrolling past with vague interest. He wasn't one for mindless social media perusing, but waiting on his wife usually took quite a while. Especially when she had her girls with her. Their giggles heard every time he peeked into the room to check on how much longer he'd be waiting. Left with nothing else to do, he took to looking through Instagram. Tossing a double tap out here and there, smiling at the many pictures of his friends doing interesting things in their lives.
He glanced at the time at the top of the screen when his restlessness got the better of him, groaning when he found only three minutes passed by. How was it time moved so slow when you desperately wanted things to hurry up? Waiting on your wife and suffering through workouts being the times when you wanted the minutes to fly by. Yet they merely crawled. Dragged.
There was a knock at the door that startled him out of his silent griping. He furrowed his brows at the door like maybe he imagined the sound, but it came again. A rhythmic knocking he recognized with a grin. Pushing up off the couch to greet his friend as he pulled the door open wide.
"Hey, man! Didn't expect you to drop by today." Dolph Ziggler, in classic shades and red Motley Crue shirt (sleeves cut off because of course), nodded to him. Ponytail flicking jauntily back and forth as he shifted weight from the left to the right, a hint of teasing to the 'apologetic' smile he offered.
"Yeah, well. I was in town and... I mean, you know how it is. Better to drop in on a friend than go out to some expensive establishment in town." He paused, head tilted and lips pursed for a moment. "It's cool that I'm here, right?" He leaned over to one side and then the other, seemingly checking behind Mike. Probably wondering if they were going out or if his wife had something planned for them.
After all, Mike was dressed in a casual but still nice outfit. Jeans, blazer, clean white t-shirt. His nicest boots. He figured there was still about twenty minutes before he'd even be close to leaving the house anyway, so he nodded and invited Dolph inside. It was better than sitting bored in the living room, something playing on the television and staring at the wall while his thoughts ran away with him.
Not possible to be bored when Dolph was around. That anyone knew.
"So, judging by your nice clothes and pretty face I assume you're going out soon." Mike dropped back onto the couch, though Dolph remained standing. Glancing from where Mike sat to somewhere down the hall. With a hum, he got into a more comfortable position. Effectively rumpling his shirt and blazer, something he was surely going to be nagged about when it was time to go.
"Yeah we've got some business stuff to attend to. And then dinner at this new steakhouse. I'm just waiting on wifey to be done with her thing so we can go." He checked his watch, grimacing. "Should be in the next twenty minutes."
"Ah. Hence the letting me come in. Better than talking to the wall. Probably anyway." Mike snorted, nearly running a hand through his hair before remembering he'd styled it already. He dropped his hand listlessly into his lap, puffing air out of his mouth up at the ceiling.
"Trust me. It's a much better alternative. What are you doing in town anyway? I thought you'd be up in New York by now?" If he remembered correctly, Dolph had some... thing or other scheduled soon in New York. Of course, he could barely keep up with his schedule, never mind a friend's.
"I do, but that's not for a few days. Well, technically two, but I figured it would be fun to visit my brother for a bit. Except he's apparently busy. Then I thought, 'Hey, Mike probably wouldn't mind a buddy' and here I came." He certainly appreciated it. It had been a little while since they really got to hang out. Usually one of them was busy doing something else or they were hanging out with their group of friends at a party or some formal event.
It wasn't the same as just chilling out. Shooting the shit. Catching up.
"Glad you did. You don't know how long a minute can stretch until you're waiting for someone to get ready to go." Dolph laughed, sunglasses now hanging on his shirt collar and his smile reaching his eyes. Blue as the California sky outside his window.
"Brutal." Then he took a step back, glancing down the hall again and smiling in apology. "Mind if I use the bathroom real quick?"
"Sure. Go ahead. You know where everything is, right?" Dolph nodded, already heading out of the room. Something about him a bit more...highstrung than usual. Mike wasn't sure what it was about him, but he let the musing go in favor of heading for the kitchen. Seeking one of his healthy snacks since it would be a good while before he'd be eating anything.
Not even five minutes later, his phone buzzed on the counter. Curiosity piqued, he set aside the mustard bottle he'd been examining for an expiration date and plucked the device up. Brows furrowing when he found Dolph's message notification there. An amused thought crossed his mind of Dolph stuck in the bathroom without toilet paper or something, though that disintegrated quickly into curiosity when he unlocked his phone and read the actual text.
"Hey, you gotta come check this thing out in your guest room. What is he talking about- guest room?" He tried to think of what in the world Dolph could have found in the guest room, shuddering at the thought of a rat or something being in there. His phone buzzed again, a 'hurry up miz' making him roll his eyes as he pushed away from the counter and walked quickly to where Dolph was waiting for him.
"Alright, what is i- mmph?" The moment he was through the door, it shut quietly behind him. Dolph crowding him up against it. A dangerous and enticing gleam in his eyes. He nearly spoke again, his thoughts shooting off in a hundred directions as he scrambled to understand what was happening, what he'd walked into, but Dolph shushed him. Tilting his head once towards the adjacent wall.
And then he heard it. Talking. It was muffled through the wall, but he recognized the higher frequency of women chattering together. Giggling and speaking in shrill voices that carried into the next room. That being the one he was in currently, Dolph watching him carefully. Heat in his gaze that made Mike swallow. His throat suddenly very dry.
"I believe I remember you once mentioning something about how you've fantasized about this. About us going at it in the room next to the one she's in while getting ready." Oh God. He remembered that? Mike vaguely remembered one of the times they hooked up while out of town, he'd been completely blissed out and barely able to put coherent thoughts together. Rambling on about something while kissing along the throat that tasted of salt and smelled of thick musk. Dolph's fingers trailing along the skin of his back and chest, sending little shivers through his body.
Afterwards, when he had his bearings, he remembered saying something along the lines of what Dolph said to him just now. Cringing in embarrassment and praying Dolph either hadn't heard him or wasn't able to pay attention any better than Mike was. Not that it wasn't truem he was ashamed to say, but he preferred to keep such fantasies to himself. Not wanting anyone, not even Dolph, to know some of the things he really wouldn't mind doing.
Apparently he'd hoped in vain, because the man heard and remembered. Obvious in the smirk he wore as he looked him over.
"Um, I was kind of hoping maybe you didn't hear me when I said any of that." Curiosity sparked in darkened eyes, Dolph humming lightly as he considered him for a moment.
"Why? I mean, it's not the best idea you could have in terms of keeping people from finding out. But apparently that gets you hot, and who am I to deny someone something like that? I'm game if you are." It hit him rather suddenly what exactly Dolph was proposing. What was on the table here. He really wished it didn't have him flushing head to toe. Didn't have his heart hammering at the mere thought.
He wished he didn't want to do this. It was wrong on so many levels.
But damn it he did.
Still, he found himself hesitating. "I don't know..."
Dolph leaned in close, their bodies just nearly brushing, and lightly slid his nose against the underside of Mike's jaw. Pulling a sigh out of him and making his eyes flutter closed. It had also been a while since they got to be together like this, rarely ever alone or somewhere they could feasibly be alone.
He didn't like to admit it, but he missed this. There was something insanely addicting to it. The adrenaline coursing through his veins. The knowledge he was doing something he shouldn't. Their natural chemistry snapping and crackling between them when they touched. Kissed. Their passion burned so hot, so bright, and together it was absolutely blinding. Threatening to burn them to ashes.
Every time they got together left Mike wanting more. He couldn't, really shouldn't, but still he craved. Still found himself thinking about it. Once or twice even dreaming of it, an awkward situation he felt immense shame over while sitting on the closed toilet seat. Head in his hands. Drying sweat leaving his skin sticky. Grimy.
"It's up to you. Whatever you want." In his opinion, though Dolph was trying to make it like the final decision was Mike's to make (and, he supposed, in a way it was since he could technically walk away), Dolph also wasn't playing very fair. Ambushing him in the guest room. Leaning in close, keeping him trapped against the door with his body. Teasing him. Smelling as good as he did. Looking like he did.
Looking at him like that.
Really it wasn't fair at all. Because whether he wanted to or not (he totally did) they were definitely doing this. He had no possible way to fight Dolph, or ignore the hum of energy under his skin. And Dolph knew that. Knew just how to push Mike's buttons to get what he wanted. A reaction. A favor.
And behind closed doors, whatever he wanted in bed.
Not that Mike was, like, complaining. He loved making people happy. Would do anything to do so. What they wanted to do he would do delightedly. Diligently. That applied about ten-fold in the bedroom.
"You know I want." He spoke lowly and with slight irritation because they both knew Dolph knew this. Far too smug for his taste, knowing Mike would play right into his hand. Dolph, grinning, tugged him off the door. Letting out a quiet yelp when Mike suddenly charged him, taking the control right out of his stupidly smug hands. He licked heated kisses into Dolph's mouth while curling around him. Absorbing the pleased moan Dolph let out and kissing back harder. With earnest fervor.
Hands squeezed at his shoulders, fingers then trailing along the back of his neck. Bodies pressed firmly together. His ears picked up loud laughter from the next room and he broke the kiss with a gasp to trail lips along the stubbled jaw. Squeezing his fingers into Dolph's waist, a low sound next to his ear making his hair stand on end.
Muffled conversation continued from the other side of the wall his back thumped into, Dolph whispering against his throat. He grasped tightly to whatever parts of the man he could, taking a shape inhale when fingers picked at where his shirt was neatly tucked into his pants. A shiver running up his spine when quick tugs freed it, hand slipping underneath and nails biting into his sensitive skin.
He wasn't sure how much teasing he could really take like this, praying Dolph took mercy on him but knowing the chances were slim. It was rare they got this, even rarer in the situation they were in, and Dolph wasn't known to squander an opportunity laid so perfectly for him. Trust him on that one.
Fingers plucked at buttons, getting through three before Dolph invaded his space again. A heady scent bulldozing his senses and making him dizzy. Dolph always smelled good, but this was something else. He'd happily drown in whatever bottle this stuff came in, that's how good it was.
"Gonna have to be extra quiet, you know that? They could hear you." Another button undone, his shirt looser across his chest. Falling just a centimeter more open. He felt himself arching, trying to break free or maybe draw closer to the other man. To melt completely into him. "Can you actually do that? Can you keep quiet?"
He swallowed thickly.
"Yeah. Yeah I'll- I'll manage." Another button, Dolph leaning back and shooting him a twisted smile he felt deep in his gut. Leaving him to question just how well he'd be able to manage not alerting anyone in the next room what was transpiring.
"We'll see about that." And then, without warning, he dropped to his knees. Fingers making quick work of Mike's belt, the leather snapping as it was tugged from around his waist and tossed onto the (thankfully carpeted) floor. Dolph glancing back at it and making a face.
"Next time, we'll try the laundry room. I remember it has a hard floor." His response dried on his tongue as eager hands wasted little time with buttons and zips. Mike wheezing, clenching his jaw to keep from making any other sounds, when Dolph's left hand slid across his skin. Pressing firmly but gently into his stomach while eyes watched him with open curiosity.
"Hmmm. Usually can get at least a squeak out of you with that one. Going to have to work harder, aren't I?" Squeezing his eyes closed, he counted to five in his head and let out a steady breath. Trying to center himself and ignore the delicious tingling all over his body.
"You're trying to break me...on purpose?" Dolph hummed, smiling sweetly while tugging down snug dress slacks and briefs a few inches. Cool air skating across his skin and making bumps rise up his arms. A tremor in his thighs. Damn him.
"It makes this a little more interesting, don't you think? Just like that time you did something really similar when I was on that conference call with those really important people I told you about? Remember that?" He did, and that had been pretty entertaining. Dolph's strained voice and broken sentences delighting him to no end.
He was quickly coming to realize it was not nearly as fun on the opposite end. Especially when he liked being vocal. Noisy. Sharing his...appreciation.
"If we're caught-" A pointed look.
"Don't get us caught. Simple." If only it were. He had a feeling this was not going to be anything near easy or simple for him.
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Pale Rose - Lion Whisperer AU Chapter 2 [Starker]
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Chapter 2: Mister Six AM. Peter groans as he turns around in his bed to slap the alarm. The sun is already shining through the curtains and he rubs the sleep out of his eyes. Peter cracks his back and sighs, slowly raising his hand again to grab his phone. He unplugs it from the charger and frowns when he sees a wall of notifications. He puts in his code and opens his email first. He gasps when he reads his daily donation update. Their donation goal of 100k dollars was met. And kicked out of the park by another 560k. The number of separate donations has him lose his breath. How did so many people find this fundraiser? Peter opens the next email. YouTube contacted him to… Congratulate him? Peter’s eyes go wide when he sees the number in the email and he immediately switches apps to check his YouTube account. How many subscribers did he have yesterday? Around 700k? 
“Holy shit…” he mumbles. 1.8 million subscribers . Peter jolts to sit upright in his bed, his bare chest uncovered from the thin sheet as he scrolls through the countless new comments he has. He pants, not believing what is happening. He’s pretty sure he can’t even read all of them anymore at this point. On his most recent video, the most liked comment sparks his interest. Who else is here because of Tony Stark?
“Oh, no, he didn’t.” Peter switches apps again and opens his Instagram. He stares at another wall of notifications and opts to just turn them off for people who aren’t mutuals. He’s about to hit the search bar to find Tony Stark’s Instagram in the list of people he follows, but with his notification wall compressed to just mutuals, one shines through.
Tony Stark now follows you. They’re mutuals now. Peter immediately hits his account and stares at the latest post. It’s a candid of Peter with Adi and Nedda. Tony didn’t have a phone with him, though, or a camera. How could he have taken this picture? Peter’s breath is stuck in his throat as he scrolls down to the caption, almost afraid of what he might read. Meet Peter Parker. A bright sun, that rivals the one up in the sky, who also happens to work with cats. Big cats. Wakanda’s Sanctuary, almost 300k square feet of land, is the home of lions and other animals that are native to Africa. There, Peter takes care of the animals that are endangered because of human interference. Animals that can no longer be released into the wild; that were saved from horrible private zoos or who fell victim to poachers. I was blessed with both a terrible sunburn and a generous conversation with Peter, in which he told me about his goals to raise money in order to fight poaching and to raise awareness for climate change. I do encourage all of you to watch at least one of his videos, just to get to know him and his feline friends a little better and to give him that small bit of ad revenue to help him achieve his goals. The world would be a better place if we were all a little bit more like Peter Parker. Peter stares at his screen, his cheeks flushed red at the endless stream of compliments. Peter reads over the last line again and again and again and again. Tony’s post got him this increase in subscribers. Tony’s post got him all of those donations. This was all because of Tony. Peter tears his eyes away from the phone to look at the small card on his bedside table. Matte black. No name. Just a phone number. Tony’s phone number. Maybe doing a collab with the billionaire philanthropist isn’t such a bad idea after all... - Peter assesses himself in the mirror. He’s never been this nervous for a video before. Or, ever at all, really. Tony Stark immediately agreed to being present for the move. Even on the phone, the man had been incredibly charming. Peter ruffles his hair in an attempt to make it look good, while sucking at his teeth. He swears quietly, knowing spending time with the lions will mess his do up again anyways. Peter opts to not think too much about it and covers himself head to toe in sunscreen, as he does every morning. He takes one last glance in the mirror before grabbing his baseball cap and putting on his walking shoes. When Peter opens the front door of his apartment at The Sanctuary he gulps and immediately walks back in to throw the door shut with a loud bang. Tony was already there. Right outside his small, messy room. Peter saw him well enough to have the image of Tony’s outfit stuck in front of his eyes. Camo shorts, brown walking shoes and a green shirt. His brown tinted pilot sunglasses hide his eyes mysteriously and fuck. He looks hot. Peter takes a deep breath in through his nose and closes his eyes, trying to calm his nerves. “Here we go…” he whispers to nobody but himself and when he opens the door again, he yelps, refraining from throwing it shut straight away again. Tony’s right in front of him, hand raised to knock on Peter’s door. The older man cocks his head and smiles. “Morning, Rose,” Tony quips. Peter swallows his breath and chokes when he hears the nickname. “You rushed back in, so I figured I’d come say hi.” “Yeah!” Peter exclaims, laughing sheepishly. “I- eh… I saw you didn’t bring a cap. I was gonna grab you one.” He presses his lips together in a smile. Yes. Good excuse. “A… cap?” “Yeah, a cap.” Peter doesn’t know what to say next and awkwardly stares at Tony’s features. “Should I have brought a cap, then?” Peter jolts when Tony speaks again and he points at his own head. “You get sunburnt at the top of your head quickly out there and I’m guessing you don’t want to put sunscreen on your scalp, so…” Peter swiftly takes off his own hat and pushes it onto Tony’s head. The man is startled by the gesture, but doesn’t protest. Peter stares at the man wide-eyed when he realizes what he just did. “-Ah,” he stutters. “Sorry about that, I should’ve asked, shit-” “Hey, hey, it’s okay.” Tony laughs. “I get it, okay? When we first met I was just the random dude you see in the news occasionally and now I completely flipped your life with one post you didn’t want me to make.” Peter stands frozen in place, staring at Tony and pretends that that is exactly the reason why he’s so flustered. “I’m sorry for not asking permission. That’s on me. But- please- don’t feel like you have to do anything for me, okay? You don’t get the title of philanthropist by asking for things in return.” Peter takes a step back and looks at his feet with a frown. Tony clears his throat. “So, what are you gonna use for your head?” Peter looks up so he can stare at Tony again. Tony gestures towards Peter’s hair by nodding. “You just pressed your cap on me. Thank you for letting me borrow it, by the way, but don’t you need the protection as well?” “Right!” Peter exclaims, turning to fall on his knees and crawl under the bed to get a small box. He takes out an old, slightly more worn cap and waves it in front of his own face. “That’ll do.” - “Good morning everybody,” Peter smiles at the GoPro in his hand. “It is currently 7am, we got a busy day ahead of us: we’re going to be switching enclosures for two prides and if that goes smoothly, we’ll hopefully be taking Adi, Nedda and Beru for a walk this afternoon.” Peter looks down at his feet for a second and then back up into the lens with a wide grin. “Now, you must be wondering why I say ‘we’ for the walk, as that’s a thing I do without the volunteers of The Sanctuary, but I actually have a very special guest with me today!” Peter turns around quickly, whipping the camera with him until Tony enters the shot behind him. The man smirks and cocks an eyebrow. “Hello, there.” Peter feels Tony’s hot breath in his neck and has to stay focussed on the camera so as to not to lose his composure. A lot of people are gonna watch this video, simply because Tony Stark is in it, so he has to sell this right. For the lions. At least, that’s what Peter tells himself. “Tony Stark!” “Me!” Tony raises his hands above his head and they both pull a face, resulting in the both of them bursting out with laughter. “So,” Peter says, angling his camera correctly again. “A lot of you peeps have been asking me to make a video from the perspective of someone visiting The Sanctuary as opposed to just me with the GoPro attached to my arm, so I figured I could take this opportunity to see how well you handle a camera, Mr. Stark.” Peter presents the GoPro to Tony who looks at Peter’s fingers for a second. He really doesn’t like to be handed things, but every molecule inside his body is screaming at him to touch the boy, so he does something he rarely allows. With a grin, he takes the camera out of Peter’s hands, lingering a little longer than necessary and turns it until he’s no longer in shot. Instead, Peter’s all the viewer is able to see now. “Hey!” Peter exclaims. “You’re in this vid too!” “Yes, but you are infinitely more interesting to look at.”  Peter scratches the back of his head and looks down, trying to hide his blush behind the worn cap. Tony clears his throat. “You doing your work, kid.” Saved it , Tony hopes. “Don’t think anybody goes to the Sanctuary Channel to watch my face.” “Well-” Peter exclaims, standing upright again with his lips pressed on top of each other. “I was also thinking that this video will be the one most people get introduced to my channel with because- well… You’re in it.” Peter nods, holding his chin with his thumb and index finger. “So, yeah, you can ask me anything that comes to mind. Doesn’t matter if I’ve touched on it before in other vids.” “Well, then, Mr. Parker-” “Peter,” the young man interrupts him. “Feel so old when people call me that.” “Sheesh, kid, you’re what, 22? Just a few days ago you were talking to me about retirement- we’re in the 21st century, people live ‘til 85 at least.” Peter laughs and boy, does Tony love making him laugh. “For the record,” Peter chuckles. “I’m 23. So that’s way older than 22.” Tony snorts. “And my workfield isn’t exactly without danger, Mr. Stark.” “Ha!” Tony exclaims. “Way to make me feel old, kid.” “But-” “If I’m not allowed to call you mister than you’re not calling me that either. Tony, kid. Call me Tony.” Peter hides his face behind his hands. “I’m gonna have to spend a whole day editing this vid, don’t I?” “Probably.” - “Alright!” Peter says excitedly as he hops into the truck. He slowly drives over the Sanctuary grounds.  “Your timing is actually quite ironic, since we’re moving the Avengers today.” “The- oh?” Tony pretends he wasn’t already aware of this. He’s seen the videos of this particular pride. He knows what’s coming. He puts the camera diagonally and Peter chuckles, trying to steer with one hand while flailing slightly with his other to make Tony hold the camera straight again. “A group of four males. Banner, Thor, Rogers and-” Peter cocks one eyebrow with a smirk. “Stark.” “You named a lion after me?” Tony feigns his surprise with a wide smile and Peter scoffs a laugh. “These boys joined The Sanctuary as cubs about four years ago. Were all part of a circus.” Tony snorts and has to stop himself from losing his composure. “That’s not far off from the real thing,” he jokes. Peter presses his lips on top of each other in a grin. “Trust me, Mr- Tony.” Peter gently hits the brake and they slow down. “It’s quite scary.” “Says the kid who works with lions for a living.” “And hyenas,” Peter adds quickly. “And leopards.” “No black panthers?” “That’s the leopards,” Peter chuckles. “Leopards that are melanistic are commonly known as black panthers. But they’re still leopards, really.” Peter shrugs nonchalantly. Tony sniffs once. He’s getting schooled by a boy less than half his age. But he enjoys it. Somehow. Most of the volunteers were already waiting for Peter at the enclosure. There’s a large truck with a cage on top and a lot more commotion than Tony expected. “If you told me there’d be this many people I’d have prepped a speech,” Tony quips. Peter sighs dramatically and gets out of the truck. Tony follows swiftly and stares at how Peter speaks Xhosa with the other volunteers. It looks funny, almost, seeing a white boy speak the language so easily- fluently. After a minute, Tony grows bored, so he turns the camera to face him and pulls a few funny faces at it. When he realizes this video is going to be seen by a lot of people, he brings the GoPro closer to his face and whispers. “That was for your eyes only, Mr. Parker,” he grins.  “Tony?” The older man looks up from the lens when Peter calls out for him and subconsciously, Tony smiles wide at the mention of his name. “You ready for the good part?” Peter shuffles past a few of the volunteers towards the gate and Tony makes his way over to fencing. “Oh, I am very curious, kid.”  It’s not long before Peter’s by himself in the enclosure, the gate closed behind him. He casually strolls around, calling out the names of each pride member. Tony can’t help himself and inches closer to the fence.  “So, these lions are four years old?” “Nearing five, yeah. They were only a couple months old when we found them. Sure made a wreck of my house when I raised them,” Peter laughs. “Pro-tip-” He raises one hand and only now Tony notices Peter’s holding a small chunk of meat in it. “-if you ever raise lion cubs; two at the same time tops. Not three. Never four. Four will make you so sleep deprived you think you have five cubs on your bed.” The boy chuckles at his own comment. “That was an interesting night…” Tony shakes his head with a wide grin. “I can imagine.” Peter suddenly cocks his head- listening. He turns and spots the first lion slowly making his way towards him. “M- Tony,” Peter says, looking back at the billionaire for a second. “Meet Rogers.” “Already have,” Tony groans, which makes Peter laugh. His focus immediately shifts to the lion and he squats, preparing himself for the imminent cuddles. He tosses the meat from his hand directly into the lion’s mouth. “Rogers is the most fragile of the pride. He was severely malnourished when he came here and though he bounced back, the joints in his back legs are not great. M’gonna have to help him get into the truck.” Tony listens carefully. Peter’s voice is sweet and soft. The white lion huffs friendly and presses himself against Peter, who pushes back against him with his head. When Peter opens his eyes, he nods at another lion approaching in the distance. “That’s Banner. He’s curious, but incredibly shy. Also the smallest of this pride. If none of you were here he’d come say hi, but the volunteers make him nervous, so he’ll probably keep an eye on us from over there.” Peter nods in the general direction of where the lion is and Tony turns the camera to get a shot of Banner. Not much later, a gigantic white lion approaches. He holds his head high and has a big mane. When he gets closer, Rogers immediately pulls back and lays down next to Peter. The big white lion claims Peter’s space and attention and the boy laughs as he pets him. “Thor’s the biggest- OOF!” The lion drops his weight on top of Peter, whose smile doesn’t falter. “Also the heaviest,” he adds. The lion huffs once, almost as if he’s protesting against Peter’s comments. “And the loudest.” Peter scratches Thor under his chin and the lion automatically opens his mouth right next to Peter’s face. His head could fit in there twice. At least. And the teeth are absolutely gigantic. The sight has shivers run down Tony’s spine. This is normal . This is Peter’s life. He knows what he’s doing, the boy does this every day. Tony bites the inside of his cheek. Lions. These animals are lions . Yet they act like house cats around him. Thor gets up again and without any incentive, he jumps into the truck. “He knows what’s up,” Tony laughs as he turns to the truck to take a shot of Thor from close by. He’s startled by a low rumble coming from Thor’s throat. “Is that purring?” he asks nervously. Peter stands up again, patting some dirt from the back of his shorts. “Lions don’t purr, that’s a growl. You better take a step back Mr- Tony.” Tony would make an offhand comment on how even though Peter corrects himself, he still ends up calling him mister, if not for the lion’s growls increasing in volume. He takes a hasty step back and Peter tosses another chunk of meat into the truck for Thor to eat. “The only big cats that purr are cheetahs and cougars.” “Now, that’s a fun fact. Good to know,” Tony says sheepishly, trying to hide his nerves.  Tony frowns when Peter gets onto his knees in front of the truck.  “What are you doing?” “Helping Rogers.” “You’re gonna let that gigantic beast step on you?” “Better than lifting him,” Peter quips back. He turns his head and whistles. “Rogie- Rogie, boy, come on!” Peter’s voice is high as he coos at the lion. Tony presses his lips on top of each other to stifle a laugh. Rogie, boy. He should remember that one for the real Steve. Rogers responds like a trained dog, but skips Peter completely by putting his front legs against the truck. He hops, but can’t actually get in. “Buddy, your balls are in my face, could you please get up?” Peter pats Rogers’ thigh before quickly placing his hand down again to brace himself. With great difficulty, the lion places one foot on Peter’s shoulder, not pressing his full weight down on the boy. It was enough of a step to help him get in, though. Peter stands up straight again with a triumphant look on his face. He tosses another chunk of meat into the truck and Steve takes it gladly. Thor had already laid down again, not too bothered anymore. Peter cocks his head at Banner, who’s still a bit away, but has decided to come a little closer when he noticed Thor and Steve entering the truck. Peter smiles kindly and squats, presenting a chunk of meat to the shy lion. Tony is absolutely enthralled by Peter’s control. The boy seems relaxed but if you look closely you can see how in tune he is with everything. How he keeps an eye on his surroundings. Banner creeps closer and when he’s next to Peter, it’s obvious how small he actually is. His mane is also way shorter than that of the other two. Tony stares wide-eyed at how Peter handfeeds Bruce the piece of meat. Handfeeds . “Not scared you’re gonna lose a hand?” “Nah,” Peter replies quietly. “Occupational hazard. And I trust my lions more than I trust humans, to be fair.” “Ouch,” Tony says to make light of the situation, trying to hide how that comment actually kind of stung. Peter chuckles, combing Banner’s short mane with his fingers. “We met three days ago, m- Tony.” “Does it really take you that much effort not to call me mister?” Tony laughs, hoping to steer the conversation in another direction. “I was raised with manners.” He grins at Tony and tosses the next piece of meat into the truck. Banner doesn’t hesitate anymore and jumps into the truck as well. “It physically hurts me not to call you mister.” “Sure, kid.” Tony zooms in on Peter’s face. “Well then, if I get to call you Parker you have permission to call me Mr. Stark.” “Deal!” Peter exclaims immediately. The boy’s smile is so bright Tony is pretty sure he’d be blinded by it if he wasn’t wearing his sunglasses. After another minute, the lions in the truck are getting a little restless. Peter sighs audibly and turns to face the enclosure. “You can guess who’s fashionably late.” Peter glances at Tony behind him. “As per usual.” “Time management is not my strong suit! And I was early this morning,” Tony laughs. Peter places his hands on his hips, guiding Tony’s eyes to look at the boy’s pert butt. He quickly looks back up at the back of Peter’s head. Now’s not the time for filthy thoughts… Maybe later. “Staaark!” Peter belts. “Here, boy!” Peter makes a couple of those funny noises he made when Tony first met him. “Why do you do all that? Those… Uwus?” “Wha- the noises?” Peter snorts. “Can’t believe Tony Stark just said uwu.” “Hey-” the older man protests. “You said it first! And I am hip with the youngsters.” “You know what? I suddenly don’t feel so old anymore,” Peter says with a grin.  “You, Parker, are a meanie.” Tony points accusingly and Peter laughs. “Ouchies, that huwt my feewings.”  “Just explain the noise, please-” Tony lets out an overdramatic exasperated sigh, indicating to Peter that he’s not actually annoyed. Entertained, would be the right word. Peter nods with a smile and turns back to face the enclosure so he can make the sound once more. “The huffing is actually me mimicking the sound of a mama-lion,” Peter laughs. “It’s comforting to them.” “See, you could’ve just said that straight away.” Peter shrugs nonchalantly, but before he can reply with another quick-witted comment, they all spot the dark mane emerging from the bushes. Stark really does take his time, slowly placing each paw in front of the other, as if he’s on a catwalk. Tony chuckles at his own thought. Catwalk . Stark stares at Peter as he crosses the distance between them and Peter preps himself by sitting down already. “Stark’s the most affectionate of the four,” Peter says as the lion presses into him. The force with which Stark rubs his face against Peter’s has the boy laugh and push back. “Next to Adi and Nedda, he probably likes me the most out of all the lions here.” He pats Stark’s back. “He’s also the most handsome of all the male lions in The Sanctuary. Hands down.” “Isn’t that subjective?” Tony asks quickly, pretending the indirect praise isn’t making him tingle. Peter shrugs before he buries his face in the dark mane for a second. “For lion standards, this is a pretty boy. Stark’s also the most sexually engaged.” Tony freezes up at how casually Peter talks about this. He wonders if Peter is actually indirectly talking about him. Not about the lion he’s petting. “That is, if we would breed here.” “You don’t?” “I don’t breed captive lions. The ones that we have in The Sanctuary are saved from situations that make them unable to be released back into the wild again. We spay every female to prevent them from reproducing.” “Why not the males?” “Spaying both is a lot of hassle for something that’s not necessary. If we were to neuter the males they would still be affected by the females’ cycles. That’s why we spay the females, who are unaffected by the males." “Ah, that makes sense.” Peter studies the near-black mane on Stark. “Should probably take these boys out for a walk tomorrow. Lower their testosterone a bit.” Peter looks up at Tony and gestures at Stark’s head of hair. “There were a couple of wild lionesses right outside The Sanctuary about a week ago. Stark must’ve picked up on them and their cycle ‘cause he’s a little sexually frustrated right now. As is evident by the dark colour of his mane.” Tony licks his lips. This isn’t happening. This isn’t actually happening. He shifts where he stands, hoping his shorts hide his own growing sexual frustration. Peter smiles wide and gets Stark’s attention by presenting a chunk of meat in front of the lion’s face. He tosses it into the truck and before the others in there can get to it, Stark has jumped in. Peter carefully closes the cage on top of the truck and nods at Tony, who still hasn’t said anything in an attempt to hide how flustered he is right now. “Let’s go!”
More: Next Chapter (yet to be posted) Masterpost (yet to be made)
Taglist: @professional-benaddict​ @tonystarkweneedyou​
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