#I hope you'll be able to get some relief soon (hug)
meownotgood · 8 months
Thank you for your kind response! Now that I’ve built up the courage, I must request:
I’ve been having horrible IBS flare ups this entire past week(currently in agony as I write this lol)… I need Aki to (gently) hug me, wrap me in a heating pad and blankets, smooch me, just some comfort from him-
~ 🐌
awe... I understand that, I'm sorry you have to deal with it... 🥺 aki would want nothing more than to take the best care of you. he'll bring you a warm heating pad, he'll make sure you're drinking plenty of water, he stays with you in bed when you're too in pain to move and gently rubs your back until you're feeling better and relaxed.
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Frank, could you tell me a story about that wet ass pussy?
The guy in the next room is crying. I've been on a couch for five hours, waiting for my bladder to relax enough that I can pee. My ass feels like a mushroom. If I could just pee and get out of this chair, maybe then things would feel better. But my body won't let me pee yet, it seems. It was one thing when I woke up at noon, but now it's almost 4:00 PM and there's still no sign of relief.
I try to remember what it felt like before all this happened.
It had to have felt good. Right? Maybe if I think about how it used to be -- the warmth, the wetness, the feeling of being full but not too full -- maybe I'll find some comfort. Some small bit of joy that will make it easier to ignore everything else going wrong.
But instead, as soon as I start imagining myself with an empty bladder again, I begin to scream. So loudly and so violently that tears stream down my face and I pull my knees into my chest, trying to hug them as tightly as possible. The pain helps. In fact, it's the only thing keeping me from ripping off my skin, because right now nothing hurts more than being reminded of how normal people do something that they never even consciously think about doing. How easy their lives are compared to mine.
Maybe I should kill him, or at least knock his eyes. He knows. Everyone does. They know why I haven't left the house since Saturday night. Why I have no friends except for his family, who avoid talking to me whenever we cross paths in the hallway. All they see is that I look different now. They see that I don't seem happy anymore, which makes sense given the circumstances, but it doesn't stop them from acting nervous around me. There may be hope though. This morning when he left for work I heard his mother ask "Where's Dylan?" And she said it twice! She seemed really concerned, and probably upset, which means she cares about him and thinks this whole situation is kinda fucked up. That's encouraging, isn't it? If she cares about her son and thinks he's fucked up, well . . . I guess that means that . . . wait, am I allowed to say anything here? FUCK!!! You gotta tell us where you are! Hello??? Can anyone hear me?? Please help!! Hi!! Is anybody home?? HELLO HELP ME PLEASE LET ME OUT OF THIS ROOM!! NO ONE IS HOME SHE LEFT TWO WEEKS AGO AND NOW MY BLADDER ITCHES SO MUCH IT MAKES MY EYEBALLS GO WHITE AAAAAAARGHHHHHH OH GOD FUCKING SHIT JUST GET ME THE FUCK OUTTA HERE FOR CRYIN- UUGGGHHH FUCK YOU STOP SASSING ME OVER THE INTERCOM I KNOW WHERE TO GET YOUR KEYS AND IF YOU TURN YOUR VOLUME UP ANY MORE I'M GONNA SLAP YOU WITH MY COCK LIKE A ROTTEN MARLIN AND THEN YOU'LL BE GLAD NOT TO BE ABLE TO SEE OR HEAR EVER AGAIN. GIVE ME MY FUCKING KEYS OR
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deathbxnny · 11 months
What if Yanqing had a Crystal Gem! S/O? They used solid light to create a construct that’s their body while their soul is stored in their gem. (A green lotus-shaped Jade on their back.). They can create and summon their weapon at will and can even fight as well as Yanqing.
But I’m an angst lover, so time for the angst.
So long as their gem remains unharmed, they can regenerate without problems. Not that Yanqing knows this.
Not when in the middle of a fight, they take a blow for him and suddenly *POOF*. They’re gone and a green Jade lotus is all that remains. He scrambled to collect it before it could get crushed. Now, a few days later, it sits in his room as he either mourns his s/o or waits for them to regenerate.
It depends on if they told him.
A/N: Hey there Anon! I think this is a Steven universe related ask and I'm just gonna be honest and say, that I've never really watched the show. But I still tried my best to understand this for you and thank you for the request! I hope you'll like it and thank you also for your patience!<3
Content: Angst, hurt/no real comfort, established relationships, mentions of reader kind of "dying", mentions of battles/injuries, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!
((Not fully proofread))
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Yanqing was horrified beyond belief, when he just saw you disappear the moment your body was pierced by the enemy. A yell of your name was stuck in his throat, as he just stared right at the green gem that clattered to the ground. He knew of your abilities and what you were. But seeing you just... turn into nothing so fast shocked him so much, that it took him a moment to compose himself.
He snapped out of it at the sight of the enemy trying to shatter you and made quick work of them, before scrambling to pick you, or rather the gem, up. He inspected all sides in panic for cracks or broken off pieces, but let out a sigh of slight relief, when you were still in perfect condition. But then it dawned on him, that he was unsure of what to do now.
Sure, you had told him in passing about what would happened to you, if your body got damaged greatly. But he didn't expect this. As he put you somewhere safe in his room, he began blaming himself. The only reason you ended up this way, was because you protected him from a potentially lethal blow. Whilst he was eternally thankful to you, he also wished it was him instead. Seeing you turn into nothing but this small gem was making him sick with worry and stress.
Will you be able able regenerate? Will you come back? Can you come back? Please come back. Yanqing practically inconsolable and doesn't stray from your side, not even for his duties. He wanted to see you again. He wanted to apologise and thank you for saving him. He wanted to hug you, hold you, just have you here with him. And yet, all he could do was stare at your gem for days on end, waiting for your return.
Some tried to convince him, that you might've truly died for good. But he didn't believe it. He didn't want to believe it. You'd be back soon, he was sure with it. And he'll wait for an eternity, if he had to.
A/N: I hope this was okay! Thank you again for the request and your patience, Anon!<33
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jinkoh · 1 year
Pentagon - meeting again in your next life
>Hyung Line | Middle Line | Maknae Line
summary: you're star crossed lovers from a past life and had almost lost hope to ever reunite. when you finally do you want to make sure not to lose him again - except, you're the only one who remembers
tags: SFW, g/n reader, angst
a/n: i just randomly had this idea when i saw some pictures of hyunggu that literally have nothing to do with this at all--the brain works in mysterious ways lol. either way it was a lot of fun writing these. since they turned a little longer i decided to post them in three parts, middle and maknae line will be posted soon! i could imagine writing more for some of these if there's any interest~
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Someone has been moving around your bicycle that you put into the entryway of your apartment building for weeks now and it’s slowly but surely driving you crazy. Can’t they mind their own business? It’s not like it was in the way!
When you come out of your apartment you finally catch the culprit red handed. You only see his back as he is pushing your bicycle to the side. Immediately there is anger bubbling in your stomach and you rush down the stairs to confront him. 
“Hey!” You jell, your frustration clear in your voice. “Stop doing this every single time!”
He snaps right back, before even turning around to you. “So this is yours?! Didn’t you read the house rules? It’s forbidden to leave it in the hallway.”
You want to retort something, tell him how your bicycle isn’t in the way, but at that moment he finally turns around to face you. When your eyes meet his, you forget how to breathe for a second. It's Jinho. It's your Jinho. You finally hear his voice and see his face after all this time, and something within you just cracks. 
He keeps nagging but you just stare at him, unable to retaliate. And how could you? That was your person right there, the one person you’ve been dying to meet for your whole life. You want to run up to him and hug him and tell him how much you missed him, but it’s clear that Jinho doesn’t remember you. So, instead, you just nod to whatever he says, not even caring about your dumb bicycle at all anymore. 
“Yeah,” you mumble once he stops his rambling. “You’re right, I’ll not leave it there anymore.”
“You—what?” He looks at you, flabbergasted at the sudden understanding, his eyes so wide and brown and exactly the way you remembered them.
You're a little tired, mindlessly staring out of the train window and watching the scenery passing by. You would have preferred to stay home, since you haven't been in a great mood these days, but this meeting with your friend has been planned for ages now. Maybe it would be able to lift your spirits. 
The train rolls into a station; only one more and you'll have to get off. You watch the people bumbling around at the plattform, as you wait for the train to start its journey again. Until, suddenly, your eyes settle on a familiar figure. It only takes a split second and he is gone again, lost in the crowd. But that's enough time for you to recognize him. 
As if possessed you jump up from your seat and storm to the train's doors, only just making it out before the train sets off again. Your eyes search the platform frantically, trying to find him again. 
There. There he is. 
With hasty steps you make your way through the other people until you finally reach him, tapping onto his shoulder with a breathless “Hui.”
“Uh, yes?” He turns around, eyeing you with a confused but polite smile. “And you are?”
It only takes these three words for your world to shatter. The hope, the relief of finally being reunited again washed away to be replaced with a painful realization: He doesn’t remember you.
You’ve been helping at your local food bank for quite a while already, knowing your way around pretty well. Most of the time you’re helping with the storage, unloading boxes and what not. You’re totally in work mode, sitting in the back of the small delivery van, passing on the boxes to whoever was waiting there to take it. Most of them are newbies, so you briefly tell them where the box is supposed to go before taking the next one for the next person.
“This one goes to the storage room on the first floor” you say, passing on a carton of noodles to some guy, without even looking up properly. His fingers briefly brush against yours and they feel a little calloused but warm.
“Thank you,” he rasps out and you know this voice.
Your head snaps up and you abruptly pull back your hands, taken aback by the familiar voice. The box slips out of his hands, falling to the ground with a loud thud, but you barely even notice.
It’s him, it’s really him. Hongseok.
He looks up, his eyes wide when they meet yours. You think he knows. He has to know.
But then he crouches down, quickly scrambling to pick up the box and the noodle packages that had fallen out.
“I’m so sorry,” he stutters, his voice panicked. “I don’t know why I’m so clumsy today.”
“No, don’t worry,” you press out, unable to take your eyes off him.
He keeps apologizing even though you aren’t angry at all. And how could you be angry at him when you’re finally seeing him again after missing him for an entire lifetime?
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seidenbros · 2 years
Holy Diver
Requests are open | prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist
Summary: Staying at Rick's boathouse with Eddie, you try to pass the time, get something to eat and talk until you finally get word from the others, who'll be on their way to you with new supplies. Only that Jason and his guys beats them to it. Eddie manages to escape leaving you behind, which is not easy after what you'd seen happen to Patrick. At least the other ones find you again and you manage to track down Eddie, only to end up with him in the Upside Down after everything seems to go wrong.
Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!Reader
Word count: 7722
Warning/Tags: angst, a bit of fluff & domesticity, canon-divergence (because y/n is part of season 4 now), hurt/comfort, canon-typical violence mentioned, scared and hurt Eddie, fear and panic, call it a fix-it-fic in the end (let me know if I missed anything)
Author’s note: Okay, we're right in the middle of season 4 now, and I think I went a little too much into detail, but couldn't help it. The words just flowed out. So I hope you'll enjoy this part, and if you have any suggestions, stuff I can improve, let me know. 💚
On AO3
Part 1: Promises | Part 2: Should I Stay or Should I Go | Part 3: Rainbow in the Dark | Part 4: Holy Diver | Part 5 - Bat out of Hell | Don't You (Forget About Me)
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You were awake just a moment before Eddie, and he was still sleeping peacefully. None of you had woken up during the night, which just went to show how tired both of you had been. When he eventually woke, he wrapped his arm around you a little tighter, not wanting to let go.
“Mornin’,” he rasped against your stomach before he raised his head a little bit. He was caught in the moment, eyes fixed on you, soaking up the smile on your lips that he’d missed all these years. He might have seen it when you’d first stood in front of him again, but then he’d blown the whole thing by getting angry. Angry at you, at himself, angry at the world.Before he’d been able to meet with you again, all of… this had happened. 
“You’re real…” he said more to himself than to you, because he had to reassure himself. Therefore, he stopped hugging you close to him, let his fingers run over your sides, your hips, your thighs, back up to your face. His thumb brushed over your bottom lip. A sigh of relief left his own lips, but he needed to ask you something. “Please, tell me everything else was a dream!” He knew that it wasn’t, but he still had that last scrap of hope that he’d dreamed about all of it, that it was just some nightmare, that Chrissy was fine.
“I’m sorry Eddie, but I can’t tell you that…” As much as you wanted to, there was no point in lying to him. After all, you were holed up here because they were looking for him. Eddie's head dropped to your stomach again. Gentle fingers found their way into his hair, to the nape of his neck to hopefully calm him with your touches, and it worked. You felt the tension in his body ease, but only for a moment.
When you heard a car door, both of you jumped. You wanted to tell Eddie to hide beneath the blankets again, but he was already up, looking through the window to see who was out there. You’d just been able to crawl out of the boat when the door burst open. Clutching a hand to your heart, back against the wall, you saw the same four people from yesterday, who were holding up bags. You wanted to kiss them as much as you wanted to slap them for being so careless and scaring both you and Eddie.
“Next time, make yourself known before you barge in!” Your heart was still hammering in your chest, while Eddie looked a lot calmer than you. “I was this close to throwing whatever I could get my hands on at you.”
“Were we… interrupting something?” Robin looked from the boat to you, the hint of a smile on her lips, but you shook your head.
“Ne, we just woke up a moment ago. Just didn’t expect you this soon.”
While Eddie finally got some food - because he hadn’t eaten anything ever since he’d run away from his trailer - you sat down to talk to Robin. 
“How is he?” she asked quietly, nodding in Eddie’s direction. Your eyes landed on him as well for a moment, but then you focused on Robin again.
“He managed to sleep last night, so that’s good. Apart from that…” You shook your head. No need to say it out loud. All of you knew what had happened, how was he supposed to be feeling?
“And what about you?”
“Well…” You took a deep breath, glanced at Eddie who was stuffing his mouth with cereal. “I’m just glad I’m here, you know? Five years apart because of stupif coincidences, and I choose the worst time to come back into his life. Still…”
“It’s the time when he needs you the most.” Robin took your hand in his and gave it a gentle squeeze. You’d thought about it, whether all this might not have happened, if you hadn’t come here, had come sooner, but in the end, you had no way of knowing, and no amount of worrying, thinking about it, would change a thing.
Your attention was drawn towards Dustin when he spoke up. You’d thought so much that they were looking for him, convinced that Eddie had killed Chrissy. It was the easy way out, blame the one everyone called freak, even though it was hardly possible for Eddie to mutilate Chrissy like that. But they needed someone to make responsible for that, and that was Eddie. Soon the whole town would know, if Dustin and the others had already found out about it.
“Hunt the freak, right?” You heard Eddie say, and it broke your heart. You’d never considered him a freak, he just had interests that were different from most people here in Hawkins. In NYC, it was a completely different matter. Yes, there were still those that called people like Eddie freaks or looked at them like they were aliens, but there were more people like him, a bigger group.
When Dustin talked about finding and killing Vecna, you stepped up to Eddie, wanting to give him some support. In theory, Dustin was right, of course, but the reality was that it wasn’t easy. It wasn’t like you could snap your fingers and find Vecna dead in front of you.
“That’s all, Dustin… That’s all.” Eddie balled his fists out of frustration, but you were there to take his hands in yours, be a calm presence to him, even though your mind was reeling. The others had been through this before, they’d made it out alive again. Still, all of it sounded absolutely crazy, especially the things about the girl with superpowers, but you trusted them, you believed them, and as it seemed, Eddie did too. The problem was, that you needed a good plan, and fast. Especially when all of a sudden, you heard sirens outside.
Eddie went to hide immediately, but thankfully, they just drove by. All that still left you with a racing heart out of fear. The amount of police cars told you, though, that something must have happened, so the others decided to investigate, leaving you and Eddie behind, because you still didn’t want to leave him alone. Nobody should be alone in a situation like this. You promised to stay in contact via walkie talkie.
At one point, you peered out, making sure nobody was there, so that you could sneak into the main house. The others had done a good job with the supplies, but you needed some proper food - or as proper as was possible in your situation. Especially because you weren’t able to get any of the others on the walkie talkie, which only increased your worries. Yes, you’d said that you would try to communicate as little as possible, but no communication at all was freaking you out a bit. Still, you tried to keep as calm as possible, because it was enough that Eddie was freaking out.
“Coast is clear,” you said as you poked your head into the boathouse again, getting Eddie to come along with you. Both of you needed to use the bathroom as well as some food. You looked around and found something you could throw together. It wouldn’t be anything fancy, but it would at least fill your stomachs a little bit, and that was all that mattered right now.
While you were busy on the stove, warming up your meal, Eddie tried to reach Dustin, but there was no response. Up until now, he’d been pacing around, but then he stopped right behind you, wrapped one arm around your middle, and spread his fingers over your stomach.
“They’re really freaking me out. I don’t know what’s going on.” He leaned his forehead against the back of yours, breathing in deeply. His eyes were closed for a moment, when he allowed himself to enjoy being so close to you. He’d done the same last night, blending out everything that had been going on, focusing on you instead, and that had helped him fall asleep. You’d always had that effect on him. In your arms, close to you, that was where he was at home and at peace. The last couple of years had been rough, and the drugs had helped him forget about you, or at least push you aside so that he could lead a happy life without you, but seeing you now, having you in his arms, it was better than any high he could have gotten from his drugs.
“I’m sure they’ll get in touch soon.” You wanted to convince both of you, because you were rather close to running all the way to Dustin to see if they were alright.
“I’m glad you’re here,” Eddie admitted, brushing his nose against the nape of your neck, making you shiver involuntarily.
“So am I,” you admitted breathlessly, feeling something in the air between you shift. Eddie hugged you a little tighter, before he put his hands on your waist to turn you around, so that you were facing him. The spoon with which you’d been cooking was still in your hand, and you held on for dear life as his left hand came up to cup your cheek. You’d been close last night, you’d cuddled for hours in your sleep, but this was still different. The intensity in his eyes was something only reserved for you, but he’d never told you that. Still, you remembered that look.
“Hey, it’s Nancy!” A voice came from the walkie talkie.
“Fucking finally!” you said, breaking the moment between you, because as much as you wanted to see where this was going, as much as you wished to feel his lips on yours after all these years, this was way more important.
“Wheeler! Hey!” While Eddie talked to Nancy, you managed to finish… cooking, if you could call it that. It was a drop in the ocean, but if the others got here with some more food, you’d be able to manage.
Eddie’s eyes were still on you, his mind racing from what had nearly happened, what he’d wanted to happen, even though it probably wasn’t the right time. There was still a lot of catching up left for you two to do. He didn’t even know whether you were in a relationship right now, but judging by the way you’d looked at him, had reacted to him, he really didn’t think that you were. Still: Wrong place, wrong time.
When Eddie asked for a six pack, you had to smile to yourself. Yes, wrong time for that, but then again… you completely understood him there.
“She hung up on me!” The look of disbelief on Eddie’s face nearly made you chuckle, but that was probably not an appropriate situation, but he just looked like a lost puppy.
“They’ll get here as soon as possible,” you reassured him, handed him a plate now that you were finished with cooking. “It’s not a lot, but it will do for now.”
“Thanks, darling.” He leaned down to kiss your cheek, that immediately turned red, and you didn’t even know why. Maybe because he’d called you darling. You didn’t question it, and instead took your own plate and started eating up. You’d certainly need the energy.
After you’d finished, you walked out of the house all by yourself to take a look around again, but there was nobody to be found. You hurried Eddie along because even though you hadn’t seen anyone, you didn’t want to risk being caught. As soon as the police got their hands on him, he’d be locked up, and they’d make sure that he didn’t get out. You just knew it.
Maybe, the wisest idea would have been to take Eddie away from here, pack him in your car and drive away. You could take him to NYC with you, to your apartment until the whole situation had dissolved, but… you couldn’t leave the others alone, and Eddie never would have left with you. So you were stuck here.
Once in the boathouse again, Eddie managed to relax a little bit, and so did you. The others were probably already on their way here, bringing you more supplies, so you just had to lay low.
“Talk to me,” Eddie said out of the blue, but you’d realised it as well. The silence was deafening, and while you were cautious, listening to what was going on outside so that you’d notice once someone arrived here, you could still talk.
“Well, what do you want to know?” You gathered the blankets out of the boat and folded them up, put them aside. Who knew whether you’d need them tonight again?
“Are you happy?” The worry in his voice, in his eyes made you look away from him again. You’d never been really happy without him. Sure, you’d talked yourself into believing you were, but Eddie had always been missing.
“I tried to be happy…” You started, leaning against the wall, as you crossed your arms over your chest, leaving some distance between Eddie and you. “I should be. I got into Juilliard, I have my own apartment, I even make money with music…” Eddie’s eyes widened in surprise, his lips curled up into a smile. You’d done it! You’d really gotten into Juilliard, and he was proud of you.
“They let you make your kind of music, or…?”
“Yeah, that was the most surprising thing. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to go, but it was my taste in music that made them ask me to come.” That still blew your mind, and you were more than happy about that opportunity, but you knew that your own music wasn’t as good as it could be because something was missing. Eddie…
“But you’re not happy?” He frowned in confusion. It sounded great! Making money with music even though you were still enrolled? 
“Not really…” You wet your lips with your tongue, trying to find the right words. You should have been happy, you had everything, except for the one person who made your life complete, no matter if he’d been your friend or your lover. “You were missing. I tried to be happy without you, but in the end… My songs are not the same without your help.”
That last sentence told Eddie more than everything else you’d just said, because it had been the same for him. He’d been able to push the thought, the memory of you aside, have fun with other girls, but when it came to writing music… Nothing sounded as good as the things you’d written together.
“What about you?” You cut off his train of thought, not really wanting to focus too much on you, on your feelings for him, that had never gone away, and were now back stronger than ever. “They told me about the drugs.”
“Of course they did…” Eddie rubbed a hand over his face and sighed. It wasn’t like he’d tried to hide that from you, and it wasn’t exactly something he was extremely proud of, but that was his life. “When you left… I wasn’t able to concentrate on school, because we always studied together.”
Yes, you fondly remembered the way Eddie used to touch you when it had been really hard for him to concentrate. A hand on your thigh, your hand in his, or his head in your lap with your fingers in his hair, which had turned out to be the best way to get that stuff into his head. You’d thought that he’d be able to make it without you, but he hadn’t.
“I didn’t want to blame you for that last week, y/n.” Eddie looked back up at you, regret shining in his eyes. “It was all just… a little much.” And he’d missed you so much it hurt. By now, you knew that he’d thought you’d found someone else shortly after you’d left, and it made his reaction a little more understandable for you.
“Yeah, tell me about it.” While you’d been able to prepare yourself for that meeting, seeing him right in front of you, all grown up, had still caught you off-guard.
“With the drugs, I was able to get you off my mind.” Not that he’d ever wanted to forget what you’d had, but he’d had to blend out the pain, the longing for someone who hadn’t been in his life anymore.
“Eddie I…” Your words died on your lips when you heard a car outside. Hoping that it was you delivery service, you snuck up to the window to get a look at who was there, but it wasn’t anyone you knew. They were all dressed in black, probably younger than you.
“Who are they?” you asked Eddie who’d come up next to you.
“Shit!” He wanted to punch a wall, vanish into thin air, but he couldn’t run right now, not with them out there. They’d see him, it was still not dark enough outside. “Jason is… was Chrissy’s boyfriend.”
“Oh no.”
That wasn’t good, not at all. Eddie pretty much dove for the walkie talkie, trying to reach the others.
“Hey, Dustin? It’s me, Eddie… You remember me, right?”
You stayed hidden in the shadows, still looking outside. They were roaming through the house, so you were still safe for now, but it was only a matter of time until they found you. You looked towards Eddie, but he didn’t get an answer from anyone. Meanwhile, you were trying to come up with a plan, though for now, you really had to stay here, hoping that they’d just leave, when they didn’t find anyone.
They took their time looking around the house, so it was already getting dark, when you turned towards Eddie.
“When they come this way, I’ll go talk to them.”
“Like hell!”
“Eddie, listen, it’s the best chance we have. I can distract them so you can get out and into the woods.”
“I’m not leaving you with them. Nu-uh, not gonna happen, princess.”
“Still so stubborn, huh?”
“Just like you.”
“Yeah, and remember who usually won our discussions.”
You raised your eyebrow at him, crossed your arms beneath your breasts. There was no way you’d let him win this argument, not when his life was in danger. The police might want to take him into custody and question him, but these idiots out there wanted this life, you were sure of that.
When you saw them leave the house and head for the boathouse, you cast one last look at Eddie, before you left him. The only problem was, that he couldn’t get out of the boathouse without them seeing him, only if he took the boat out and crossed the lake. You hadn’t really thought about that.
“Who are you?” one of them asked as soon as they saw you.
“I should ask you that! What are you doing in Rick’s house? You have no right to be here.” You didn’t think that they’d attack you, but still, fear pricked at the back of your neck.
“We’re looking for someone. Your turn!” That must have been Jason, the leader of this pack. You were able to detect a hint of sadness in his look, but it was overpowered by rage.
“I’m taking care of Rick’s house while he’s not here.” Eddie had told you that he was serving time right now, so your story sounded plausible.
“Never seen you around.”
“Well, because I don’t live here anymore. I live in New York, but I came here to do him that favour.” You held your ground, crossed your arms again. “And now, I’d like you to leave.”
“Not gonna happen.” Jason pushed you aside to get to the boathouse. You tried to grab hold of his jacket, but missed, and he was so fast that you were only able to follow close behind. Relief washed over you when you saw that the boat was missing, that Eddie had gotten out, but after that, everything turned to shit. Because you weren’t the only one noticing that the boat was amiss.
They walked past you again to get outside, and immediately saw Eddie out on the lake. You tried to think of something to do, but they were so set on getting him, that there was nothing that would distract them at all. You tried to hold them back, but they just pushed you aside again.
“Hey freak!” Jason’s voice echoed through the darkness, getting Eddie’s attention. Your eyes met for a moment, but then Eddie tried to start the engine - which of course didn’t work. At least, he had the oars in the boat that you’d put back in before, so that he could try to get away.
“Leave him alone!” You yelled at the boys, still trying to get them away from the water, but Jason pushed you so hard that you stumbled and fell, hitting your head somewhere. The pain blinded you for a moment, but you tried your best to focus, got up again in a desperate attempt to help Eddie, ignoring your own pain.
Both guys went after him, trying to catch up and when they were nearly there, the other one stopped. Jason talked to him, but he didn’t react. What the hell was going on now?
His body dipped under the water, before it suddenly flew up into the air, levitating a few metres above the water. You stumbled backwards, not really sure what was going on. You couldn’t really see what was happening, because it was too dark, but you heard it. The snapping of bones Eddie had described when he’d talked about Chrissy. These sounds made your stomach churn, your vision blur, and you fell to your knees, not able to stand this situation. This was what Eddie had seen up close, and now it was happening again. The sound of snapping bones would haunt you, you already knew that.
“GO!” You yelled towards Eddie, who was obviously worried about you, but there was no way you'd let him come back. Jason still wanted to take Eddie down, and the police would probably get here soon enough, so he had to leave. Eddie hesitated, but then he swam to the other side of the lake.
“Listen, they were trespassing and I just wanted them to get the hell away.” You were seated in front of two policemen, who were both questioning you in Rick’s house
“And you were here because…?” One of them asked, writing something down in his notebook. They already had your name, your address, because there was no reason for you to lie about that.
“I already told you, I’m staying at Rick’s house, keeping everything in check until he gets out. I needed a little break from my family, so that was the perfect arrangement.”
“And what happened on the lake.”
“That guy, Jason I think, was completely out of his mind, shoved me aside…” You showed them the cut on your temple, which hadn’t been taken care of at all so far. “And jumped in the water.” And then you told them what you saw happen to Patrick. It sounded like something out of a movie, but Jason and you were telling the same story.
“Alright… We’ve got everything we need so far. Just stay in town.”
“I’m not planning on leaving town, just heading out to clear my head a little.” Not really because you were looking out for Rick’s house and his belongings, but because of Eddie and everything else that was going on.
Outside, you were greeted by onlookers and media vans. Shit… You really didn’t need any of them to see you, so you tried your best to sneak past them only to bump into someone, who was apparently trying to sneak in.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, trying to walk past them, but strong hands grabbed your upper arms to make you look up.
“Thank God, you’re okay!”
“Steve?” Relief washed over you and you found yourself wrapping your arms around him, holding on tight. It was so good to see him, to see the others, because over his shoulder, you could see Max, Robin and Dustin - and two others. Tears welled up in your eyes and you closed them tight.
“Come one, we’ll get you away from here.” He was sure that Eddie was nowhere here or he’d be glued to your side, so Steve wrapped one arm around you to guide you back to the car - your car.
Once you were on your way, the tears subsided, and you filled them in on what had happened the night before. You were still shaken up by the whole ordeal, and Robin took your hand to show you support. You weren’t alone in this one, you were here with them, but Eddie was God knew where all by himself.
They told you what they’d found out as well - and what was happening with Max. This was all so unbelievable, but you’d seen it with your own eyes, and now you had found a way to keep Vecna at bay when it came to Max at least. Everything else… was still to be found out. It sounded so easy, find a portal and kick Vecna’s ass, but it wasn’t easy at all, that much was clear.
You weren’t even far from the house, when you heard Eddie’s voice over the walkie talkie. Your heart skipped a beat upon hearing him, because that meant that he was safe, that he was somewhere where he could reach out to you. Everyone was silent, Nancy parked at the side of the road, because you needed to find out where Eddie was first, before you could do anything.
“I’m pretty goddamn far from okay,” you heard him say, your heart dropping immediately. You knew that he wouldn’t be fine, but the tone of his voice, the desperation made you nearly lose it. He’d been through enough as a kid, and now this. At least now you knew where he was so that you could get going.
“How is y/n?” he asked, making Dustin look up at you, handing you the walkie talkie.
“I’m here.” Your voice cracked, you couldn’t help it, tears nearly welling up again, but you got a grip, focused on his voice instead. “I’m okay, don’t worry.” Well, you were pretty goddamn far from okay as well, but you didn’t want him to worry about you. It was bad enough as it was.
“It’s good to hear your voice…”
“Yours as well… Hold tight, Eds, we’re on our way.”
“Okay…” he hesitated for a moment, still holding the button to speak, but then he dropped it, not getting the words out.
It took you some time to get to Skull Rock, especially because Dustin always insisted that you were going in the wrong direction, because his compass pointed you in a different one than Steve was going. Then again Steve said that he knew the way by heart, and in the end: he was right, and you found yourself at Skull Rock. You hadn’t been able to pay attention to the conversations happening around you, because your mind was preoccupied, but once you were there, you looked around trying to find Eddie.
“You just can’t admit that you’re wrong, you little butthead.” Steve looked down at Dustin, satisfied with himself, until Eddie jumped down in front of them.
“I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a total butthead.”
Your heart felt with relief once you saw him, and you couldn’t hold back your feelings. You pretty much flung yourself into his arms, holding on tight immediately. His arms wrapped around you, and you heard him breathe a sigh of relief.
“You’re alright,” he whispered into your ear, burying his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling you, because for a moment he’d thought he’d never see or hold you again. The others gave you a moment, before Dustin went in for a hug as well. You had to smile, because it was so obvious how much Dustin adored Eddie - and Steve as well, both of them some kind of big brother figure for him.
While you’d told them what you’d witnessed, it was now Eddie’s turn to tell them. Not that there was a lot they hadn’t already heard, but his insight mattered as well.
“So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran.” The chuckle that followed his words was bitter.
“You had no other choice. And I sent you away, alright?” He shouldn’t feel guilty about that, because he couldn’t have protected you from anything or anyone, and it had been safer this way. At least he’d gotten out of there.
Nancy figured out that the time Patrick was killed was the time they had their kind of run-in with Vecna. Now you knew how he attacked, where he attacked from, but there was still the problem with getting into the Upside Down to be able to face Vecna. Killing him with a bullet, chopping his head off, all good ideas, but therefore you’d have to be right in front of him.
Dustin suddenly yelled: “Boom!” You damn near jumped, because his voice echoed through the forest. “Bada… bada… boom! I was right! Skull Rock was North!”
“Do you really want to discuss this? Right now?” You shook your head at him, because they were more important things to talk about in your opinion, but when he talked to Lucas about the compass, aber the electromagnetic fields, his reaction, his words made a lot more sense. They’d found a portal like this before, so that meant that there was another gate close by. A good thing, right? The needle pointed in the direction of the gate, so Dustin started walking that way.
“Where are you going?” Steve intervened, telling Dustin once again that Eddie was still a wanted man, that they couldn’t just go for a hike in the woods like this.
“What say you, Eddie the Banished?” Dustin’s attention was on Eddie now, waiting for a response. You knew that it was the only chance you had at saving both Max and Eddie, but it wasn’t your call to make.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But uh, the Shire… The Shire is burning.” Eddie got up from where he was squatting down. “So Mordor it is.”
You never thought you’d find yourself in a situation like this, where Mordor was the path you’d choose, but right now, you didn’t have another choice, and you’d rather walk with Eddie into Mordor than stay behind and see the Shire burning to the ground.
“What is Mordor?” you heard Steve ask, which really made you smile to yourself.
“Looks like I’ll have to lend you a book once we’re done here, so you can find out,” you said with a chuckle, before you walked past him to get to Eddie. It was better if Steve found out once all of this was over instead of right now.
You followed Dustin for a good while, not really knowing where you were, but at one point, you reached Lover’s Lake again. Dustin nearly stepped into the water, but Eddie grabbed him to pull him back.
The dark lake stretched out in front of you, and you felt a wave of nausea hit you. The memories from last night were still too vivid in your head, and you needed a moment to collect yourself. Eddie’s hand on your elbow made you nearly jump.
“It’s alright, it’s just me,” he said with a soft smile, letting his hand drop from your elbow to your waist to pull you close for a moment. His lips met your temple, close to where you’d been hurt the night before. “I’ve got you, alright?”
You slowly nodded, before you took his hand, walked up to the others with him again. With Eddie by your side, you felt a lot more at ease, you felt safe.
They had experience with these kinds of things - not that you were envious of them for living through something so gruesome - so they were pretty sure that there had to be a gate in Lover’s Lake, but there was only one way to find out. Eddie pointed out the boat he’d hidden not far away from here.
The only question was who would go on the lake and who’d stay behind, because there was no way all of you would fit in the boat, let alone stay above water. While you were pretty much glued to Eddie, not letting go of his hand, you were one of the first people in the boat. The end of the story was that only Dustin, Max and Lucas stayed behind, because they had to watch out for Max. Maybe, one of you should have stayed behind as well, but you weren’t thinking straight right now. If you weren’t holding Eddie’s hand, you’d be biting your nails right now.
Eyes on the compass, you commandeered the boat across the water until Dustin’s compass went absolutely nuts. Dustin confirmed that you must be really close to the gate.
“What are you doing?” Nancy’s eyes landed on Steve as he took off his shoes and socks. 
“Somebody’s gotta go down there and check this thing out.”
“Oh hell no!” You looked at him as if the compass wasn’t the only thing going nuts right now. Was he serious? Apparently he was, and you had to admit that he was right, that this was the only way to find out. Still, you had a bad feeling about this. Steve was right, he was the one with the most experience, and none of you were eager to go down there and check it out.
Eddie wrapped the flashlight in a plastic bag and handed it to Steve. It was already dark here, so it would be pitch black once he was under water. The four of you still had at least a little light from the moon.
With a heavy heart, you watched Steve jump into the water, and then you waited, keeping an eye on the clock. Seconds felt like hours right now, and he didn’t come back up. When he finally did, you breathed a sigh of relief.
“It’s down there,” he said, told you that it was pretty big. You’d found your gate into the Upside Down, to Vecna, now you just had to come up with a good plan to defeat him. All these thoughts were wiped from your head, when Steve was suddenly pulled under water again. What the hell was going on?
While Nancy got up, Eddie tried to stop her, asking her if she really wanted to go in there. She only told them to wait there and jumped in after Steve. You felt your heart plummet, shaking your head, hoping that this was not really happening… but it did. And it wasn’t only Nancy, because Robin sat on the edge of the boat as well.
“What are you doing?” Eddie asked, the fear in his voice all to present. “She said wait!”
“Yeah, I heard her.” And Robin was gone as well. None of them came back up, though, Neither Steve, nor Nancy or Robin.
“Goddamn it! Son of a bitch!” Eddie yelled for all the world to hear. “Shit! Shit! Shit!”
There was no way you’d leave them here alone. Not a chance. And while Eddie was freaking out, you got up as well. After what you’d experienced last night, you were scared of this lake, but there were three people down there, who wanted to do everything to save Eddie and Max, and you weren’t gonna let them die down there.
“What are you…” Eddie tried to ask, but when you held out your hand for him, he took it.
“Together, alright?”
One look in your eyes and Eddie nodded. Without wasting another moment, the two of you jumped in after the others, at first not really sure where you were going, but then you saw it. The red glow at the bottom of the lake drew you in, and you knew that this was where you needed to go. With Eddie’s hand still in yours, because you needed the contact to make it through this, you swam towards the gate and pretty much tumbled out on the other side.
Before you’d even had a chance to look around, you heard Steve’s screams. It was dark and terrifying, but you had to find Steve. Nancy led the way, and what you saw when you got to him nearly made you run in the other direction, but you stayed, reached for one of the oars that was lying around, and tried to get these bats away from Steve. It was pure madness, unlike anything you’d ever seen or experienced, and you weren’t exactly keen on repeating anything like that, but you were here now. While Nancy and Robin tried to get the bat that was strangling Steve off his neck, Eddie and you tried to fend the others off. It was a bit like baseball but with bigger targets that moved everywhere.
It was a complete medd, Nancy got attacked as well, but somehow… by some miracle you managed to kill two of them, scare the others away. Your heart was racing from the adrenaline and while Nancy looked after Steve, you looked towards Eddie.
“Jesus H. Christ!” he yelled, throwing the oar to the ground. It was too much, not only for you, but for him as well, and you really didn’t know how the other three were managing. Steve at least looked like absolute shit. You had no idea how he was still standing. The bats had bitten whole chunks out of him, the ligature marks around his neck all too visible, and he was spitting out blood.
You should get back as soon as possible, meet with the others and definitely get Steve patched up, but when you turned towards the gate, the fucking bats came back - and they were standing guard around the gate so that you couldn’t go back home. It would have worked, if it had only been the ones around the gate, but there was a while swarm of bats coming your way.
“The woods!”Nancy said right before she started running. Well, you didn’t really have a choice, did you? So you ran after her, grabbing Eddie’s hand along the way to pull him along. You had no idea, how far you’d been running, but you made it to Skull Rock, hid beneath it to maybe come up with a plan. The bats were flying over the trees in one direction until you didn’t hear or see any of them anymore.
But Steve was still not in a really stable condition, at least in your opinion. He needed medical attention, but he wouldn’t get that here, so Nancy did the best she could, tore some fabric from her shirt and wrapped it around Steve to put pressure on the wounds and hopefully stop the bleeding.
“You stay here,” Eddie said, raising your hand to his lips to brush a kiss across your knuckles, before he let go of it and climbed up on the rock. You couldn’t even protest, he was too fast for you.
“So, uh, this place is like Hawkins, but with monsters and nasty shit?” he called out once he’d taken a look around. It was so dark, the sky lit up in red, all of it just terrifying.
Nancy told him that his assumption was right, which didn’t really manage to calm you down, quite the opposite. What they said about the vines, all of it being a hive mind as well. You took a deep breath, trying to focus on what was happening right now, what needed to be done and how you would be able to find a way home.
Robin had a good point, and that got your attention. If everything was still here, you could definitely get guns from the police, maybe not grenades, but at least something to protect yourselves with. The police station wasn’t your destination, though, because Nancy had guns and her house was closer. A big surprise for you, but you weren’t one to question that. After what you’d seen in the last twenty-four hours, you already understood why she had them.
After Eddie had given Steve his vest with the words for your modesty, dude, you were shaking up by what seemed like an earthquake, loud noises in the distance, screeches that chilled you to the bone. You clung onto Eddie, while you were lying on the floor until the shaking stopped. Yes, it was definitely time to get on your way.
You led the way with Robin and Nancy, trying to clear your head a little bit, while Eddie walked with Steve. They had a bit to talk, because Steve wanted to thank Eddie for what he’d done earlier, and because Eddie had to tell him that he hadn’t believed Steve Harrington to be a good guy, and yes he’d even gotten a little jealous because Dustin had talked about him all the time. In addition, the way Steve had handled the bats had been quite impressive.
Eddie wouldn’t have jumped in the lake if it hadn’t been for Nancy and Robin - and you of course. He didn’t consider himself brave at all, but the three of you had been an inspiration in a way. Especially Nancy, and so Eddie told Steve what he’d observed, gave him a little nudge.
“What about you and y/n?” Steve asked, trying to deflect the attention from himself. “What’s your story?”
“Oh boy,” Eddie started, taking a deep breath. His eyes were on you, looking out for you, but he answered Harrington, because maybe, it was good to talk about it, even though he didn’t know what you were right now. “We were neighbours… ten years ago. And my parents weren’t exactly… the caring kind, you know?” He glanced at Steve, before he diverted his attention to you again. “Y/N found me outside in the rain and took me home with her. I mean, we’d talked before, but that was the day our friendship really started. She became my best friend, her Mum got CPS involved and I moved in with my uncle.”
Steve followed his words, and while he’d known that Eddie lived with his uncle, he hadn’t known the reasons for that until now. He’d assumed that Eddie had maybe lost his parents, but being taken away from them because they hadn’t cared about him was actually worse. Not that Steve couldn’t relate, because the relationship with his parents wasn’t the best either, but he still lived with them. Not for very much longer hopefully.
“We were best friends for five years and then I finally had the courage to ask her out on a real date… Was real romat´ntic and shit.” The memory still made Eddie smile. He could still see the way your whole face had lit up upon seeing the garden decked out in fairy lights because you loved them so much. He wondered if that was still the case. “Only problem was that her family moved to NYC shortly after that.”
“Yeah…” Eddie nodded, smiling to himself because of Steve’s reaction. “We made a promise to each other. We were too young to get married, so we said that we’d do that one day.” Eddie held up his hand, pointing at the ring. “I even got us rings. Pretty silly maybe, but… I never wanted to lose her.” Steve nodded, showing Eddie that he was listening. Yes, he had questions, but he didn’t want to stop Eddie from telling your story. “After she moved, the contact stopped. We only found out now that she left me a letter with her new address, which I never got.”
“And yet, you’re still wearing the ring.” Steve’s observation made Eddie chuckle. Yeah, Harrington had picked up on that immediately, of course he had. “What about y/n?”
“Still wearing hers…” Just thinking about it warmed Eddie’s heart, because it meant something, right?
“That definitely means something.” Steve played right into Eddie’s thoughts with his words. “And she came back here to see you.” That’s what Dustin had told him at least, so he assumed it to be right. “It’s pretty obvious that she still has feelings for you, man.”
“You think?” That got Eddie’s attention, because he got his hopes up. No matter what, he wanted you in his life again, because he’d missed you as a person first and foremost, but calling you his… Yeah, that would be perfection.
“Yeah… The relief on her face when she heard your voice on the walkie talkie? She was so worried about you, Munson, she nearly broke down when she knew that you were okay.” Steve smiled at Eddie, giving his shoulder a little shove. “And the way she looks at you all the time.. You realise she's pretty much clung to you ever since you reunited, right?” Eddie nodded at his words. Up until now, you’d been holding hands or whatever else to not lose the other one. “So, what about you?”
“Me?” Eddie asked, casting a quick glance at Steve, when the ground beneath all of you started to shake again. He kept his balance, but it wasn’t easy. Once the shaking ceased again, he looked back at Steve. “Never stopped loving her.” Even after he’d seen you with that other guy, his heart had still been beating for you.
They guys caught up with you, but before they were in hearing distance, Steve pulled Eddie towards himself again. “Then you should let her know.”
Easier said than done, but he was planning on it. Once this whole shitshow was over, he’d tell you.
You had no idea how far you’d walked or what kind of way you’d taken, and you would never find the way back to the gate, but you were here: The Wheeler house.
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Let me know if you want to be tagged for this series, or Eddie stuff in general 💚
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paralyze-fic · 8 months
Chapter 30
|Rescue phase has been skipped|
|Reader gets sexually harrassed|
Now, we were all waiting for the results that would tell us if we passed or not.
"The names of those who approved are listed in alphabetical order. Please, look at the list."
Every single pair of eyes looked frantically for the first letter of their last name, and so did I, my eyes desperately trying to find it.
There it is... I'm glad.
"Ba-!" Katsuki screamed right next to my ear, leaving it ringing and I groaned while covering it.
"Goddamn it, Katsuki, you'll leave me deaf one day." He didn't react at all, his crimson eyes just stared forward, so I followed his gaze.
On the digital board, Bakugou's name was missing, meaning... He didn't pass.
I turned to him to try and calm him down a bit, but he only had a deep scowl on his face and was growling like a mad dog.
Shortly after, some men in suits gave us a paper with information about the exam.
"Oh! (M/n), you've got 98, that's the highest result so far," Eijiro peeked into my paper and Katsuki snatched it from my hands, trembling with rage.
"How did you get such a good fucking score?!" I chuckled and grabbed it back from him.
"Maybe because I'm nicer than you? It does say what you have to work on, Katsuki." He just huffed and muttered an 'I know, asshole.'
But now we had to go back to the anteroom so we could pick up our things.
I got separated from the rest because I had to stop by to use the bathroom. I was going to pee myself if I didn't go soon.
Feeling relaxed in the only way bladder relief could make you feel, I headed towards the rest of my classmates, trying to look for a spiky-haired ash-blond. But something stopped me. More like someone.
I was pushed against a wall, and a hard chest pressed against mine. My eyes were closed because of the pain but I was filled with anxiety when I saw who had pressed themselves onto me.
From Ketsubutsu High School, Shindo Yo.
"I finally see you once more, cute little (M/n)~" his voice was low and deep, getting his face closer to mine. I was able to feel his breath against my lips, making me shiver and shift slightly away from him.
"Let me... go, Shindo-san," I whispered to him, looking around us, hoping for someone to help me.
But, nobody was paying attention to us. How...? There are so many people here, how has nobody noticed?
And they want to be heroes...?
"Why don't we have some fun, eh? Nobody would notice it..." I looked at him, and he had gotten closer than before, he was literally about to kiss me!
My teeth gritted and I turned away.
"Oh~, this is actually better." His lips touched the uncovered skin of my neck and I flinched at the sensation.
I didn't like it. At all.
I shut my eyes for a second, trying to push him away, and that's when I felt his hand getting lower than it should... way lower. That made me open my eyes and lock them into his arms, using my quirk to stop him.
His arm stopped moving but instead, a vibrating feeling graced my crotch. I bit my tongue and enhanced my arm, pressing my palm against his chest and pushing him away with a hard shove. He collided with somebody else, but I left that spot before he could do anything else to me, "Wha-? Wait...!" I ignored his call and kept walking away.
I looked around the room, thankfully finding that spiky hair that I love and my only instinct was to run at him and hug his waist.
"Eh?!" Katsuki looked at me for a second and his palms held my arms, he tried to push me away, but I hugged him tighter, and then he calmed down, "Why are you shaking?" He asked me in a whisper and I saw Eijiro taking Kaminari away with the rest of our classmates.
"Just... let me stay like this for a bit," I whispered in his ear as I hid my face in his neck, feeling my body relax when I inhaled his sweet scent.
The very moment I entered the dorm I took a shower, had dinner with everybody and headed straight to bed, throwing myself face first onto my covers and I instantly fell asleep.
My mind was foggy and clouded, everything was dark and I realized I couldn't move or open my eyes.
This kind of thing has happened to me quite a few times since, apparently, one of the earliest generations of my family had a clairvoyance or visions quirk, and even if it's not my quirk, everyone in the family has experienced this thing at least once, and it's so unpredictable.
I took a deep breath and tried to listen to my surroundings. It... It sounded like someone was fighting.
An explosion went off, a very well-known explosion for my ears, followed by a scream. "As if I'll lose to you!" That was definitely Katsuki, the raw emotion in his hoarse voice made my body tense, making me feel dizzy and nauseous.
Shit, calm down...
Slowly, I began to ease my breathing and relax my muscles, the dizziness fading along with the nausea, however, I still couldn't open my eyes to see what was happening.
I just had to wait for this to be over-
"Stop this, you two."
Was that... All Might...?
My eyes opened as my body shot up, making me sit on my bed. My breath was uneven and ragged, I looked around and I realized I was still in my room. Turning to grab my phone, I saw the hour.
It was just a little past midnight.
I lay down again and stared at the ceiling. What happened there...?
I heard steps and grunting outside my door, echoing in the hall, and the door next to my room opened. Katsuki...? Lifting my arm, I unlocked my phone and went to the messaging app, pressing Katsuki's contact.
;Leave the door open, I'm coming over.
I didn't wait for a response and left my phone there, on my bed. I got up and walked out of my room. My steps were quick yet silent as I tried hard to not wake up someone else.
I stopped in front of his door and knocked once, just to let him know I was coming in. He grunted and I took that as a 'Come in', so I did.
After pushing the door open, I looked inside the dark room, only illuminated by the moonlight coming through the blinds, I noticed Katsuki was lying on his bed, his back facing me.
I walked in and closed the door behind me, walking to sit down at the feet of his bed.
I planned to ask if something had happened, but instead, I decided to wait until he told me anything. But he kept silent, and so did the same.
Minutes passed in complete silence, I even thought he had fallen asleep, but I felt him shifting around and when I looked at him, he was shaking while quiet sobs were escaping his lips.
I got worried instantly and I held his arm, making him sit up so I could hug him.
He cursed at me as he struggled in my arms, trying to make me release him, and I heard Katsuki repeatedly mumbling "I can't forget it..." over and over.
My first assumption was the matter of that one time, when he was blaming himself for All Might's retirement. So I just caressed his back and hair, leaned closer and whispered in his ear, "Everything is fine, Katsuki," a couple of times.
"Nothing is fine!" He yelled as he pushed me back, Katsuki had tears in his eyes, and they already running down his face, "Why did you say that?! I want to..." his tone lowered the more he talked, mumbling while looking down and playing with his fingers, and I couldn't hear the last thing he said.
"Katsuki...?" I reached my hand out to touch his hair, and he looked up at me. His crimson eyes were bright due to his tears and the moonlight just made him more beautiful in my eyes.
"I want to kiss you, (M/n)..." After that, he hid his face on my chest, I was shocked for a few moments... the guy I liked wanted me to kiss him!
That means he... likes me back, right? I'm not reading into it too much, am I?
Katsuki was still pressed against my chest, gripping my t-shirt in his fist and his body was still shaking a bit. I just smiled the biggest smile I've ever had on my face and wrapped my arms around his waist, lifting him onto my lap.
He yelped and looked up, when we made eye contact his face turned red. I could only stare at him, mesmerized, such beauty must have been illegal.
"Do you like me, Katsuki?" His eyes shifted down and he played with my shirt, nodding shyly after a few seconds. I hugged him and placed my chin on his shoulder, "I like you too."
Katsuki hummed and hid his face on my neck. My heart was racing, thumping aggressively against my chest, and I didn't want to move, let alone go, so I simply shifted my body around and lay down on his bed, resting my head on his pillow and holding Katsuki against my chest.
He tried to get off of me, but I didn't let him.
"Katsuki..." he hummed again and stared up at me, "Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He smiled and nodded.
"Of course I want to, asshole." I chuckled with him and I cupped his cheek, getting closer to him and pressing my lips on his.
I held his face in place and stroked his lower back slowly, enjoying every second of this kiss.
The kiss that finally made him mine and made me his.
We parted away and he smiled again, blushing. He lay his head on my chest, closing his eyes and falling asleep.
I sighed and snickered to myself for a bit, feeling extremely happy at this very moment.
My eyes began to drop and before I realized it, I fell asleep too.
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ask-deek · 1 year
Dear Deek,
I've been dealing with a lot of stress lately, and sadly I know it's going to get worse soon and it will last for a little while.
Do you have any advice on how to manage stress in a healthy way instead of just dwelling on it all?
(I will say that hugging Pixie has been a little bit helpful when in need of a hug so far :))
- Ebony
Oh no, Deek is sorry to hear this.
Deek will write you a list of things that he finds helps him. Deek is no stranger to his old friend, 'The Stress Gremlin'.
*He squints as he bends down and starts writing on a piece of parchment on the floor, occasionally placing the quill to his lips in thought*
Draw yourself a nice hot bubble bath...with extra bubbles. (Bonus points if you have scented oils and candles too!)
Pick up a book that you've been meaning to read, and turn off your phone while you're at it. (Deek finds a lot of stress comes from just being readily available 24/7. It's good to shut off from time to time.)
Make some time to go outside in your back garden, or a local park. (Deek thinks you'll be pleasantly surprised by how calm you can become just by being surrounded by plants and nature.)
Don't feel guilty for taking time away from work/studies to do things you enjoy. (Deek thinks we all need time to refuel our systems, even robots can't continuously do tasks without maintenance!)
If you have a friend that will listen...vent to them about anything and everything. (Make sure they know that you're not venting to them so they can fix any of it, sometimes just getting things off your chest can be a big relief.)
Try your best to stay away from alcohol/stimulants while your stress levels are high. (You may want to reach for them for an initial 'calming feeling' but Deek has seen studies that show it actually does the opposite.)
*Finishes writing the list and folds it up, ready to hand over to her*
Deek hopes that anyone else who sees this message is able to add things that they find help with stress… Deek thinks sharing is caring, especially when it comes to coping mechanisms. What works for one person, may not work for another...or it may work extremely well! That's why it's great to share these things with each other!
Deek hopes this helps Miss Ebony. 🥰 Please let Deek know if you need anything else 😇
*Behind the parchment he hands her, is a cookie sneakily attached*
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bansept · 1 year
Hi... there. Big fan of ur writing, couldn't tell how much joy u bring in our lives through your fics and headcanon.Thanks for contributing your precious time.
From the prompt list- ichihime (a bit fluff.) No-14
14 - fluff Ichihime
Hello love, thank you so very much for those words, that made me very happy
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The prompt list asks start with you, let's go!
Orihime was home, reading a book gifted by her in-laws with tranquility, her gaze focused on the lines while Kazui was also absorbed in reading his own astronomy for kids, bought the last weekend.
Ichigo was unfortunately not with them, having left early in the morning to attend a conference in Shizuoka, which was a good 3 hours away from their native Karakura. He had told her it was to meet other translators, see their own works and work on his work relations so he could hope to translate more of his preferred genre of English literature. Ever since he obtained his degree, Ichigo was as busy as bees, having short deadlines for each of his works, and the almost daily recurring Hollow attacks at night didn't help to provide some rest. Orihime hoped he would be able to settle down soon: she hated to see him with dark circles under his eyes and barely any time to spare for Kazui.
The front door opened, and a small "I'm home" resonated from the entrance making both mother and son close their books simultaneously before jumping off of the couch.
"Papa!" Kazui exclaimed, running in his socks to go hug his father as tightly and as massively as his 6-year-old body could possibly manage. Orihime followed behind, gathering the sides of her woolen cream cardigan to fold it against her chest, the cold from the outside air, chilling her.
Ichigo immediately leaned forward to hold Kazui, raising him up against him to hug the boy with a tired smile on his face. Orihime could see he was in a poor state: his eyes were weary, heavy dark bags under them slightly erased from his welcoming smile, and his hair, which was starting to grow back, falling from its place to caress his forehead. Her dear husband was still dressed in the same suit he wore when he left, only now rumpled and looking completely uncomfortable from too many hours of sitting around too many lousy people.
"Hey, you little guy." Ichigo greeted his son, pecking him on his cheek repetitively, rubbing his yellow ducked pattern pajama top. "I missed you..." He sighed before smiling once again.
"We missed you too, honey." Orihime told him sweetly, gathering the discarded bag Ichigo had taken with him to rest it against the wall. She then came up to him, letting the eager arm of her husband pull her close.
Ichigo hummed in contentment, like a rumble of happiness resonating from his chest, making Kazui chuckle. Orihime felt herself melt against the lean body. Ichigo's comforting scent filled her nostrils, as reassuring and calming as it ever was.
After a few seconds of hugging, Orihime pulled away to look him in the eyes.
"How was it? Did everything go okay?"
"It went great. Although we had a lot of unnecessary meetings and reunions, I was able to turn in my work and have the congratulations of quite a few senior translators!" Ichigo beamed, managing to take off his shoes as Kazui continued to cling to him like a baby koala.
"That's amazing! I'm proud of you!" Orihime clapped her hands in excitement, congratulating Ichigo with a kiss on his cheek, a light blush creeping up his face. "Does that mean you'll be able to get some rest soon, or at least a lessened workload?"
The two adults walked up to the living room, Ichigo keeping the boy against him as his available arm caressed Orihime's hair, before brushing her cheek.
"It does. I'll be able to space out the translation orders I received, and the current work I have left has been pushed back." His eyes were shining with relief and happiness, the prospect of a much more quiet life making him beam. Ichigo looked his wife up and down, smiling. "Also, how come you look so amazing tonight? And all other times too?"
Orihime puffed out a laugh, shyly tapping his hand and rolling her eyes. She wasn't particularly dressed up tonight, with just an average light pink shirt with flowers on it, her gray sweatpants and the very comfy woolen cardigan she couldn't leave while it was still cold outside.
"I think fatigue is playing a trick on you, Ichigo." She joked, gazing at the way his own smile was playful. "We should get to bed, you look exhausted. And our little boy too."
Ichigo licked his lips, nodding frankly, already walking up to the child's room, Kazui's body growing limper and limper with each step.
Orihime watched them tenderly, grateful for this life she shared with her family, knowing it would only get better from now on. They had worked to the bone for it, fought for it after all.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Hi! It's the anon who sent the drabble of Jake with a WSO wife that dies, again. You are honestly the sweetest, I am so so gald you liked the Hangman "origin story"! xxx
I got yet another idea relating to this scenario. Sorry, I couldn't stop myself... I hope you'll enjoy this as well xxx Can't wait to read your thoughts! xxx
The next morning, Phoenix and Bob wake up to find a bouquet of flowers with a little card saying "You're lucky. Get better soon" on each of their little tables besides their hospital beds. They think they're from Rooster. Rooster doesn't confirm it, but neither does he explicitly deny it, because he feels too ashamed to admit he didn't get them anything. Jake hides the faint smile on his lips when he hears Phoenix gush about the flowers to Halo.
Then, the day he's been waiting for has finally arrived, the day he thinks he'll be chosen to fly the mission. The day for redemption. Or, at least, the day the guilt could end - one way or the other. He is so ready for it. But in vain. He is put to standby. He is crushed when he is denied to go in as reinforcement after Maverick is shot down.
When he hears Rooster not being able to eject, his voice is replaced by his wife's voice, her last words echoing in his mind. He's up in the air before he hears the end of the confirmation to his request. Hold on, just hold on, he repeats in his head.
Once he saved Maverick and Rooster, he feels relief and a bubbling sensation spread through his body. He replies to Rooster "I am good Rooster. I am very good." and for the first time in years, he means it. He feels good.
After they landed and he shook hands with Bradley, hugged Natasha and got some more pats on the back, he is looking over the celebrating mass of people. From the corner of his eyes, he sees his wife, a bright grin on her proud face, looking at him. He does a double take, and the illusion is gone. And although he feels the familiar disappointment, it is not as sharp as before. He feels lighter.
PS.: What if he got his first confirmed kill during his first deployment/flight after his wife's death, which is one of the reasons why he is never the one to bring it up in a conversation?
are you like one of the writers for top gun or something because it is crazy how INCREDIBLE this is and how much sense it makes for hangman???????????
you legally have to tell me because i’m loosing my mind at how amazing this is my dear anon!!
going back to the first kill thing, it’s been brought up before that hangman would never mention it because he knows it was a person and not an accomplishment, but then adding onto the layer that it was straight after his wife’s death and it just adds onto the guilt? yeah! yep! yes!
goodness. thank you so so so much again for this incredible piece of writing and hc my dear anon!! i’m so very grateful you sent this to me as always!! mwah!! 💌💖🥹
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kittenpawscute · 2 years
Criminal Records
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Pairing: Belle Bottom x F!reader
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You were in Criminal records, working at the counter as usual since Nefario has been sick for the past week. While you were worried if you were gonna do fine considering it was always the two of you on busy days, soon the worries went away when you actually started. The customers were always polite enough to wait if you got stuck with another one which was a great help.
Both relief and exhaustion washed over you as the last customer left and you were able to just clean up and go home. While you were more then excited to finally go back to your apartment, you tried to stay behind to not lock Belle out. Considering she comes by at closing time to get paper work done. So taking your sweet time, you started cleaning the counter (even though it was mostly you zoning out). This only caused you to get more startled when a familiar pair of hands slammed on the counter, trapping you between it and the woman behind you. How did she even get in? The front door is the only one you unlocked and you would notice her coming in. Right? It was so quiet, the only thing filling in the silence being your quick breathing which slowly calmed down back to normal. After that, it was just painful silence. And the fact you didn't know what she's doing only made the panic set in. She was always keeping some space between you for as long as you knew her, so being this close to her was unusual, to say the least.
,,Is something wrong Belle?" Your question hang in the air, somehow managing to make you feel more awkward then before. Your only answer was her leaning her head on your shoulder and her hands moving from the counter to hug you from behind. Sending a warm feeling where her hands touched.
(A/N: ik I'm interrupting but TUMBRL DELETED SOME OF IT AGAIN so you could've had it at Nov 17 9:00, now you'll be having this idk know when)
,,Not anymore." A short answer followed by more silence. But a more comfortable one as you started enjoying the intimacy you two were sharing.
,,Has anyone been giving you trouble today?"
,,No, why?" You replied truthfully. Other then a jerk there and there, nothing really interesting happened. Well, up to a few minutes ago, at least.
,,No particular reason." Lies. You didn't know Belle longer then maybe a month or two, but anything she did, said or asked had a reason behind it. But deciding to let it go for now, you just let your body relax more into the warmth her body gave off.
,,Nefario finally gave me the keys so you don't have to wait up anymore. I'll be locking up tonight, Goodnight Y/N." Were the last words she spoke to you as she made her way to the office, leaving you there confused. If it was about her feelings or if it was about yours. You were unsure. But all those thoughts escaped your mind as you made your way back home, hoping for a good night's rest.
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Okay nvm the release time is still Nov 17 9:00 :,)
I want to thank @ibelieveinvillainsupremacy for the request for this fic. I'm sorry if it seems too short but its midnight and this is the best my brain can make from all the scraps of basic english I have in my soul.
Either way I hope you enjoyed it, maybe if you want to drop requests you can check my Writing list and/or drop suggestions on which characters to use :)
P.s: Am fighting the urge to make my page be inspired by Belle or Scarlet-
P.p.s: Both?
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pet-pet-peet · 3 years
Hello! I saw the ask about the dorm leaders reacting to the reader's home, may I ask for a vice dorm leaders version for the event?
Thank you in advance, I admire your writing!
Awww 🥺 thank you!
I. Will. ALWAYS. Do. Peepaw.
100 follower event
200 follower event
Story: The vice dorm leaders are coming to visit your apartment for the first time after getting permission from Crowley
Tw: none that I know of lmk
Pairing(s): Trey, Ruggie, Jade, Jamil, Rook, Ortho (platonic), Lilia x gn reader and their reaction to your home in your world
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He had a smile the whole day as the time to visit your world slowly approached him
So when he was able to go through the portal, he was smiling very excitedly in the hopes of seeing your form
The empty room pit a slight damper on him, but he decided he would just wait for you
He helped around your apartment, straightening some pictures as he looked at them or throwing away scraps of trash after looking it over to see what it was
He learns about things you like in your world by exploring your decorations and choices of food and drink
Pops open one of the cans in your fridge as he's waiting and potentially gets addicted to whatever you're stockpiling, but he doesn't drink more than one
He likes glancing through some of your books on your shelf in your room, even if they were just comics or old storybooks from your childhood
Tries not to delve too deep into your things, though; he’s very conscious of your personal space and doesn't want to invade it
Lowkey makes sure you have stuff in your bathroom to properly clean your teeth, so if you don't then get prepared for a scolding
You'll walk in to him going back to looking over your pictures before he notices you and immediately opens his arms for a hug
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He finishes any chores Leona throws at him with vigor, wanting to to meet with Crowley as soon as he can so he can go see you
Smiles and laughs when he arrives, only to pout when your form isn't in front of him
He sighs and just decides to sit on your couch, glancing around your apartment
Eventually gets bored, though, so he decides to take your absence for granted and cooks
You left him alone with your food supply, as far as he's concerned it's free for the taking
He makes some for you, too, though! So waiting made him even more impatient
He just wants to share this meal with you, why are you taking so long?
Spends most of his time waiting by looking outside and poking at his plate, not wanting to start eating until you showed up
He watches you approach your door from the window and laughs his evil laugh, moving to an area you won't see him to scare you
It's successful, since you weren't expecting anyone to be in your home, but he apologizes and gives you food so..it's fine, right?
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He kept his composure very well, but, to those close to him, his excitement to see you again was obvious
He arrived and immediately smiled and put a hand over his chest to begin his greeting
Hums as he realizes there's no one to greet- he lowers his hand
He's holding a slightly annoyed grin for the first few minutes in waiting, but he eventually tones down and lets himself relax
Likes to look at any plants you may have, even if it's fake, just because he's curious about them
Will spend his time in waiting with your plants, tending to them if he feels it necessary
Eventually starts to talk to them to pass the time; he's ranting and sighing about how much he misses you and hopes you come home soon
He decides eventually, out of pure boredom, to take off his hat and scarf and decorate your plant with them
You walk in very confused to see your boyfriend and newly stylish plant waiting for you
Jade just smiles and continues the greeting he started earlier, disregarding the strange scene completely
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He's taking this visit as a vacation, but that doesn't make his responsibilities disappear; it takes him a while to find someone he trusts to continue them in his stead
He sighs in relief as he feels the weight of everything prior fall off of him, but gets sad when he notices you weren't home
He looked around your apartment to find you, as well as to acquaint himself with your home, but doesn't go through your stuff
Maybe picks up some trash here and there out of habit, but he eventually stops as he remembers he's trying to take a break from that
He gets bored, so he gives in and starts snooping in one of your drawers
It was filled with old cds, which he starts to dig through curiously
He notices a stereo that seems a bit older in the corner, so he figures it out and places one of the disc's in
He wasn't exactly surprised by your taste in music, but he was surprised that he actually likes it as he listens more intently
You look at him immediately upon entering, hearing the music from outside and being concerned that someone broke in-
He just smiles and grabs your hands, letting you place whatever you were holding down as he leads you in a dance
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You know for a fact he would be emotional and bragging to everyone that makes eye contact with him
Makes it to your world and runs around your apartment to look for you, but gets emotional when he can't find you
He cries for a bit as he sits in your living area and uses up most of your tissues-
After he calms down, he spends a lot of time watching people and cars outside, mostly to observe them and see how different they interact than people in his world
Doesn't really know what else to do as he waits, so he looks around and garners your tastes from your apartment's decorations
Might sneak a peek at your diary/journal, just because he's curious
If he does, though, he also writes a cute, lengthy love poem for you on the next blank page so you'll see it
He ends up hearing you walk to your door, and he's immediately lifting you in his arms and spinning you around
In a sudden shift of mood, he starts tearing up and hiding his face in your neck as he tells you how horrible it was to live without you for so long
You just have to awkwardly pat his back until he feels better, but then he's gonna ask for you to explore your world with him so-
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Idia finally gave in and agreed to visit you with Ortho, much to the latter's joy
Ortho and Idia arrive to an empty apartment, in which Ortho scans to make sure they were in the right place and not intruding on a stranger
When he observes your belongings and found your fingerprints on them, he smiles and starts looking around for you
Noticing you're not home, however, he begins to be more low energy
Idia didn't like seeing him like this, so he asks Ortho if he'd like to explore your apartment and see what they can do to wait for you
Ortho is a bit taken aback and claims that they couldn't run around and poke through your things! ("It's big sibling (Y/N)'s privacy!")
Idia retaliated that you wouldn't mind and it's not to look through anything personal
Ortho huffs a bit and calms down before he notices you have a dusty board game on the bottom of a shelf
He and Idia play it to pass the time, which was best for both of them since Ortho REALLY didn't like invading your space and Idia was just happy his brother was content
You come in and Ortho stands up happily, running into you with a hug before asking if you want to play, too
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Lilia made sure to leave everything under control before he left, wishing Silver and Sebek luck when he set out
He called out for you when he arrived, then looked for you before humming in realization that you weren't home
Househusband material he is, he starts to clean up a bit and..unfortunately for you, he starts to make you dinner
He's doing it to help since he feels it's inappropriate for him to be in your home while you're unaware
When he's done cooking, he'll move around your furniture to make your living room look more comfortable and aesthetic
He gets bored, so he'll start to float around and read your books (including your diary/journal)
Eventually ends up watching outside while floating upside down since he's exhausted everything else, slightly pouting that you weren't home yet
He sees you walk to your door and enter, loving how confused you look at the redesign of your apartment, as well as the strange scent in your kitchen
Lilia hangs upside down in front of you, laughing when you shriek in confusion
Spiderman kisses occur for the next few minutes
*All Images are official art from Twisted Wonderland and do not belong to me. They are the Lab Coat Groovy card art
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cowboybarzy · 2 years
hello! i just got accepted into the uni and program of my choice!! could you write a barzal x reader fluff regarding this please
i hope you have a good day :-) i absolutely love your writing btw hehe
note: first of all congrats that’s absolutely amazing and thank you!! second, I assumed you got into grad school (?) so this is what the blurb is about, but I guess that’s just a small detail.
mat barzal x reader
word count: 667 (& no warnings)
you get into grad school
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You were an anxious wreak, had been for days now. The decisions for your grad school applications were about to come out and you were only given timeframe, not an exact date. So when three days passed and you still hadn't heard back, you assumed the worst. The people closest to you had been great about calming you and reassuring you, especially your boyfriend, Mat. He took you out for dinner or brought home your favorite takeout, took you out of the house to literally do anything but let you stare at your laptop waiting for an email to come in. Now, only the fourth and last day the university could give you their decision, you were already prepared for the worst.
Mat walked into the kitchen where you were still eating your breakfast. "Okay, I gotta go to practice. Promise you'll do more than just refresh the app?" You just nodded in response to which he wrapped his arms around you from behind and pressed a
gentle kiss against your cheek. "Don't worry, you'll get in, babe. You're a perfect candidate."
"Yeah, but so are a thousand others." You pouted.
"They're idiots if they don't pick you. Ok, I gotta go, but please don't stress too much." He gave you a long kiss before leaving for practice.
For the next couple hours you busied yourself with random tasks and compromised with yourself to only check every 30 minutes. And finally, after checking three more times, you got an email saying your application has been updated. Your hands were shaking as you clicked on it, but a huge wave of relief crashed over you when you read the words you were dying to hear. A loud scream escaped you and you started jumping up and down. Then you reread the words again and again to make sure your mind wasn't ticking you. But know there it said it: Accepted.
The first person you wanted to call was Mat, but he was still in practice and couldn't pick up. So you called your parents and your best friend and waited until you could finally tell Mat. He picked up on the second ring.
"Hey, so-", but he was interrupted by you screaming into the phone. "YOU GOT IN?!"
"Ya!", you managed to get out, still very excited.
"I told you! Aw, I'm so proud of you! Ok, we have to celebrate. We'll go out tonight, eh?" He could tell you weren't able to talk so you hung up and he made his way back to the apartment after making a quick stop.
"Hey, hey! Where's my future grad student?" Mat's voice carried through the apartment and you jumped up excitedly off the couch. He walked in with some flowers and a little bag in his hand. You sprinted to him and jumped into his arms. Laughing, he caught you easily and embraced the hug.
"I did it!" Your smile was as wide as it got, so was his.
"I'm so proud of you. I knew you could do it." He kissed you gently and carried you into the apartment, setting you down on the kitchen counter. "I got these for you." He handed you the bouquet and the little bad. Smiling you smelled the flowers and gave him a kiss.
"Thank you." The bag contained your favorite box of chocolates.
"I didn't have time to pick out an actual gift, I wanted to see you as soon as possible, so I'll get something later."
"You don't need to get me anything! I'm only accepted, now I have to do well. Plus, these flowers are enough. I love them." You pulled him into a hug and kissed him. "And I love you. I know I haven't been super fun to be around the last couple days."
"It's ok, I understand, don't worry. I love you." He pulled you close so your head laid against his chest. He pressed a kiss on top of your head. "My little smart-ass."
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bluecookies02 · 4 years
When they make you cry
pairings: Hawks x Reader, Dabi x Reader, Bakugou x Reader, Aizawa x Reader, Izuku x Reader, Tamaki x Reader
Tamaki, Bakugou and Hawks are in a female!reader perspective, the rest of them are Gender Neutral
warnings: angst to fluff
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Hawks will get cocky, laughing in your face when he sees your shocked expression.
Both of you were going at each others throats, spitting insults to one another, just your recent daily routine.
Now Hawks knew you were a tough gal, which in his head made it alright for him to strike a really painful nerve into your chest.
As you remained speechless he turned around, a winning smirk plastered on his lips.
Just as he took a few steps forward, sobs wrecked your body as you hid your face in your hands.
"I d-don't think I can take this anymore Keigo" your broken voice reached his ears.
A pang of guilt pierced his chest once he turned around to face you.
He did this. He made you cry. He completely drained your happiness out. He hurt you.
His teeth dug into his lip, his eyes stinging as tears picked at them.
At that point, he didn't give two shits about who's right and who's wrong, his arms reaching for you and wrapping themselves around your shaking form.
He held you there for a while, listening to your cries that gradually turned into soft sniffles against his chest.
"I-" He opens his mouth but his words remained stuck at his throat.
"I don't want us to end..." you mumbled, your own words throwing you into another sobbing fit.
"We won't end here kid, I've got you...shit...I'm a fucking idiot...of course we won't end sweetheart...c'mon look at me" he raised your chin up gently, looking into your red eyes.
"I'm sorry, fuck I'm sorry...not just for today, for every day before this, I-, God... don't leave kid, p-please"
You stared at his face, tears now streaming down his cheeks as his grip on you tightened.
You swallow the lump in your throat, grabbing his hands in yours.
"Something has to change Keigo...I miss you...we've been distant for months. Sometimes you don't even come home to me, do you know how that feels?"
"I know, I know, I swear... I miss you too. I'll tell you about everything I promise. Let's go home please."
You hesitantly nod, putting your heart on the line for the last time.
And now looking back, you're glad you did.
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//quirk: flesh manipulation (the reader can manipulate the molecules in a person's flesh just by touching it, making them useful mid-battle to make the other heroes ready to fight again in a matter of seconds, but also making them a threat to their enemies )
If there was one thing he despised about you, it was your guts.
Hell curse him for falling in love with someone so stubborn.
To live through a relationship with Dabi meant that you had to have though skin. You had to be strong enough to bite your cheeks and endure the issues that people in regular relationships never face.
He enters your home, covered in bruises and cuts, asking for your first aid kit.
You sigh to yourself, your usual nagging and yelling never reaching his ears.
You place the first aid kit onto your bedside table, turning your back to him, tiredly walking out of the room.
"Hey-" his voice calls out to you, quiet and confused.
You close the door behind you, making your way to your couch.
One of these days it'll be the last time he walks into your home, the last time you help him clean his cuts and the last time you hear his voice.
The weight of uncertainty pulls at your chest harder with every passing day.
He chose to continue living like this, he is the one that keeps ruining his own life, it's his ambitions that are making you this miserable.
Once he patches himself up, he sits on your bed for a while. Your silance meaning one thing and one thing only. You finally realized how pointless being with him is, you finally got it through your thick skull that he's nothing special to dwell about.
Time passes by quickly, a few hours already gone yet he's still glued to the same spot, not having the strength to leave your room, too scared to face your rejection once he gets out.
He should be happy for you, you won't be hurting anymore, you'll be able to find someone better.
He slowly twists the knob, taking slow steps through your living room.
You are laying on your couch, tear stains on your face and a tissue crumbled in your hand.
His chest tightenes at the sight. You cried yourself to sleep. He wonders... how many times did you cry over him? How many times would you just lay here as he carelessly roamed the streets?
He should leave...he should spare you the pain he brings. You were the only good thing in his life and by continuing this he'll ruin you, piece by piece.
You showed nothing but kindness to him, you made him realize that some people are worth getting close to, you being a hero also making his resolves shake under his feet.
He stretched his arm out to your cheek, careful not to wake you up.
He left a soft kiss to your temple before leaving your house.
You woke up to a persistent ring of your doorbell.
You felt terrible...your hair was a mess, your nose was all clogged up and your eyes burned from all the crying.
You opened your door with annoyance, mad at whoever decided to burst your sadness bubble.
"Hey doll, I would've let myself in but my hands are kinda busy"
Your boyfriend stood there with a backpack on his shoulder and a carton box in his hands.
"So...do you happen to have a room to spare for a year or two...maybe three?"
You stare in disbelief your hand covering your mouth.
"I know that me being a villain might be a setback but...I got some hair dye? I might even consider letting you fix my jigsaw face."
Your body crashed into his, the box dropping to the ground as you squeezed your arms around him.
Maybe he can make you as happy as you make him.
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You knew he was rough around the edges, but you never even imagined that you would be the one his rage would be directed at.
As soon as insults came crashing your way you left the room.
You were just trying to calm him down, placing your hand on his shoulder as you urged him to stop shouting and just let it go.
His rough hands grabbed yours, throwing your hand away like you were a mere fly, his quirk burning your skin.
You tried calling out to him just for him to snap around and scream at you.
Once you reached your dorm tears freely rolled down your cheeks.
You yearned for a normal relationship, longed for some peace and quiet just for a week or two.
Yet you just couldn't let the blonde go, always hoping for some miracle to come your way and take ahold of his ego.
It's around 2 am and he can't fall asleep for the hell of it.
You're not picking up his calls nor answering his texts and you've been inactive on social media for hours.
Kirishima has been urging him to go to your dorm for two hours already, spamming him massages about him not being manly enough to win you back.
It's not like he doesn't want to, he just has no idea how to. Should he get you something? Get you some food and flowers? Where the fuck can he find all these things at 2 am? Isn't that how people in movies apologize or something...
He hates when you're mad at him, he is scared shitless of actually scaring you off and pushing you away.
A knock at your door snaps you out of your thoughts and a small flame of hope warms your heart for a split second as you make your way to your door.
He's holding a gray hoodie and a pair of bento boxes.
"That's not gonna fix it Katsuki."
"I know shitty woman you didn't even give me a chance to speak!"
You're sure that that's the first time Bakugou said the word "sorry" in his whole life.
The way it rolled off his tongue was shaky but somewhat determined, his hand grabbing ahold of yours gently.
Guilt was evident on his face as he stroked the bandages covering your hands.
"It's not that bad Katsu, and I understand that it was an accident." you mumbled trying to pull from his grip so he can focus on something else.
He grabbed ahold of your wrists, bringing your palms to his lips.
"I'll work on it, I promise. It'll never happen again. I mean it." you just give a soft nod, leading him to the table.
"Good. Now let's eat, breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" you cheered, opening the bentos and stuffing your mouth with rice.
"Y/N...it's 4 am."
"Exactly, now eat, you're not gonna let me eat all of this by myself?!"
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For this man, it was close to impossible to make his s/o cry.
He cherishes the relationship he has with you, making you feel special every single day at a time.
So when he sees you crying, he's confused and alarmed.
He reaches for you, trying his best to give you the comfort he thinks you need.
When you push his hands away and scream at him...Oh boy...
He's terrified.
Did he do something? Did he forget your anniversary? Your birthday? Did he eat your snack from the fridge??
You're pulling at the strands of your hair, your head buried into your knees as you sob.
He looks around, eyes widening when he sees a photo of himself and some girl kissing on the screen of your phone.
He wasn't there? He has proof! He was in a meeting! All of his colleagues could confirm that, he just needs you to listen! Please listen to him.
He's talking...blabbering...begging for you to just look at him.
As soon as you look up for a split second, he's hugging you, smothering your face in kisses as you weakly try to push him away.
Finally he leans his forehead against yours, letting out a long sigh of relief when he realizes that you're not crying anymore.
"Please Shouta, please, if you even have any respect for me, don't lie to me." you mumble out coldly, turning your head from him.
"Y/N, I would never, ever do that to you! Never! I love you so much, please, you have to know that, you do know that!"
You're too stubborn, but he calls all of his colleges one by one, putting them on speaker for you, asking about the time of the meeting or details of the meeting and they all have the same answer.
So now, your throat is dry and there's a lump in your throat, guilt eating at you as you try to apologize.
He couldn't give two shits about any of that, all he has to know is that you're okay and that you're still his.
He's not letting you go for the rest of the day, you're wrapped under the blankets with him as he makes sure you never believe the bullshit you see online.
"Sweetheart if I ever cheat on you, that's the day I cut my own dick off and bleed to death."
It makes you giggle and then laugh hysterically and he's just looking at you with the biggest heart eyes 🥺
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Izuku would never do anything to make you cry.
He pays attention to every single detail in your relationship and he especially pays attention to your feelings.
What he is really bad at, is taking care of himself.
He doesn't take in consideration how you feel when he comes home all stitched up and tired, or how he stays up late to train and push himself further than his body can take.
However one day, he is exhausted from his training and he barely has any strength left. His phone rings and he is rushing out the door, already panting.
You don't reach him in time to stop him, so here you are, hours later next to his hospital bed.
The villain wasn't too powerful, but his state caused him to pass out in the middle of the bettle field.
As soon as he wakes up, you're yelling at him, but at the same time sobbing against his chest.
"I can't just stand here and watch you hurt yourself Zuku... I can't, I can't, I can't....O-one of these days you're just gonna slip away from my hands, I can't. Please" You're grip on him softens as you loose the strength in your hands.
His arms wrap themselves around you, trying his best not to flinch as you rub against his bandages.
His eyes are watering, realization dawning on him as he holds your tired body against him.
You're right...He sees the state of himself after a lowlife villain with a pathetic quirk sent him into the hospital. He doesn't even want to think about what would've happened if there was someone much stronger out there.
"Hey Y/N...I-...I might take a week off, to rest yeah? Does that sound good?"
You nod, wiping away the tears as you sniffle.
"And you won't be training at night anymore. And you won't be staying up late!" you scold as he rubs your cheeks.
"I won't. I promise." he places a kiss at your temple, pulling you onto the hospital bed next to him.
"Let's sleep for a bit yeah? I might owe you a few hours..."
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You're crying, he's crying.
He's down on one knee and he's stuttering, his hands shaking as he hears you cry out a happy "Yes".
He barely gets the ring on your finger, burying his head into your neck as soon as he gets to his feet.
You always thought that he was going to propose to you at home, maybe some homecooked dinner with roses and candles. You didn't mind that option either.
You were surprised that he even suggested a walk in the park.
I mean, it was a really small park with little to no people in the area but it was beautiful nonetheless.
You're all giddy and happy as he takes your hand in his, his eyes always glancing at the ring on your finger.
Once you spot an ice cream stand you leap in happiness, rushing to get ice cream for the both of you.
The lady selling it smiles brightly at you.
"Is that the lucky guy?" you nod grabbing your icecream as Tamaki hides behind you.
"Good job sweetheart, you're making this lady very happy, I can feel it in my old bones" you laugh at her remark as you nudge Tamaki forward.
She hands him his ice cream and winks at him.
He's blushing and thanking the lady before running off to an empty bench.
”He’s a lil’ shy but he's got the spirit” you say to the lady as you rush off to get him.
You take the time to really study the ring, the beautiful blue crystal shining in the sun.
”I...I hope you l-like it...Nejire helped me out. Uhm I probably shouldn't have said that...S-she-"
"I like it Tama...I love it actually" you place a gentle kiss just at the corner of his lips, his hands grabbing your cheeks and kissing you deeply in return.
His cheeks are warm and his lips are slow against yours but you melt against him, letting him place you in his lap.
"Oh my God, I have a fiancé, oh my God, I have to call Mirio and tell him you said yes. You said yes, right?"
You laugh as you shake your head at him, playing with his hair as he fumbles with his phone.
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All of the pictures are from the original anime/manga (please do correct me if I'm wrong in the comments below)
The Tamaki one has no angst in it because I had to heal from all of the emotional rollercosters.
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21 and 22 with either Leo or donnie? Reader isn’t very Gucci atm, trying to hide how their eyes are really puffy and all ): trying to hide they have been crying…
I haven’t been able to stop crying for 2 days straight lately lol so I kinda need some reassurance, pls and thank you
Aww anon, c'mere. Let mama Vee hug the sadness away 💜 You'll get through this, I promise.
Prompts: 21. cuddling in the first morning light 22. hiding their face in the other's neck
I'll choose Donnie for this one, since no one requested him so far~ Listening to There Will Never Be Another You by Paul Weston, for inspiration.
There was no hiding it; you weren't feeling so great these days.
It was one of those blues that kept you down for days on end, an accumulation of bad events and such that seemed to lower you deeper and deeper into the bowels of despair. You weren't a stranger to those times in your life. Somehow you had learned to cope with that feeling over the years, but at least this time you were not alone.
Your boyfriend Donatello had discovered those downs of yours after a while, easily recognizing the signs. And he was a patient man. He would throw any projects of his on the side, only so he could focus on you. Even if he had to spend some days at your apartment by your side, so be it!
This time was no different. It had started a couple days ago, and here you were now, laying in bed. You were laying on your back, tired eyes stuck on the ceiling. You had a sleepless night, ruminating various thoughts and hoping you wouldn't wake the terrapin at your side with your frustrating turning around in bed. But now your mind was tired, your body too. You patiently observed the early sun rays slowly sliding across the room, through the blinds - small rivers of gold against the last shadows of the night. For a moment your gaze moved to the turtle sleeping peacefully to your right, his features serene.
How lucky you felt in this moment to have such an incredible being in your life... Knowing he would be by your side whenever you were facing your inner demons, that he would find just the right words to make you smile, laugh, or see the brighter side of things... It was a priceless gift that just kept on giving. Simply thinking about that matter did bring some tears to your aching eyes, any emotion ever so strong. A quiet sigh left you, trying to dry those damn trails.
"... Hey," started Donnie's voice in a tired tone.
You looked back to him, now noticing that he was awake. You attempted to smile, although weakly.
"I'm sorry," you said. "... Have some dust in my eyes."
"Of course," smiled the mutant back.
You noticed him open his arms lazily, nodding for you to come over. And as soon as you scooted closer, you felt this instant relief wash all over you. His warmth was now surrounding you, as well as his arms. Legs tangling in a natural occurence, you almost wished you could fuse together, just to absorb any brightness he could offer. Instead you chose to hide your face in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent and sighing once more, this time against his scales. The other was nuzzling you tenderly, his arms and hands slowly petting your form in a recomforting pattern.
"I love you so much," you murmured, letting yourself get lulled to his touch, feeling some long-awaited sleep coming your way.
"Me too, love. Always yours," replied Donnie back, keeping you close and not against the idea of some more minutes of relaxation.
In the early sunrise you finally found some solace, for once things starting to look a little brighter.
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lost-lila · 2 years
Hihi!!✨ I was wondering if you had any hurt/comfort or fluffy headcanons with Jean-Jacques from vanitas no carte?? You can pick whatever you are most comfortable with!! And don't feel pressured to do them if you don't want to!! Is really nice to see that more ppl like this anime ✨
I decided on the Fluffy Headcanons for this, but I can gladly do the Hurt/Comfort Headcanons in another ask if you want me to! Vanitas is my favorite Manga and one of my favorite Anime, so I'm also happy to see fellow fans! Hope these are to your satisfaction.
Possible Manga Spoilers for the Gévaudan Arc!
• One of the ways Jean-Jacques likes to show his affection is by cooking for you. He will always make sure that the quality of his ingredients is good and that there is nothing in his food that you don't like. Chloé happily volunteers as taste-tester.
• If you offer to help him cook, he'll blush and nod excitedly. He's always happy when he gets to spend time with you, especially in the kitchen.
• Jean-Jacques will want to introduce you to Chloé as soon as he feels like your relationship is getting serious. Both of you are extremely important to him and he hopes with all his heart that you will get along. Chloé might question you a bit and lecture you to treat her friend well, as he deserves, but she will notice that you love him earnestly and is happy for him. You'll probably become good friends over time, warming Jean-Jacques' heart once he sees that.
• Jean-Jacques will always help you if he can and if you need it. He'll sew your clothing when it rips, he'll make sure your room is clean and tidy, so you can feel comfortable in it and he'll always make sure you take care of yourself. You won't be able to skip meals under his watch, that's for sure.
• He's very protective of you, but not in a possessive way. He'll let you have all the freedom you want, but he'll always keep an eye out for danger, so he can protect you, even turning into his beast form, so that no harm will come to you. After giving up his ability to turn into the beast, he will still make sure you're safe at all times, even though he has to adjust to the loss of his beast form.
• Jean-Jacques will reveal himself as a vampire pretty quickly once you're in a relationship with him, seeing no point in hiding something that would easily be found out anyway and not wanting to lie to you. However, he won't tell you about his beast form for a while. Part of him doesn't want you to be connected to the beast, fearing that you might become a target for the church or the bourreaus as well, but there's also a part of him that worries you might be scared of him after finding out. After thinking about it a lot, he will eventually come clean, sighing in relief after you hug him and tell him you accept him as he is.
• If you're in a very safe and very secluded area and you ask very nicely, he might consider turning into the beast so you can cuddle and pet him. You'll have to be very convincing though.
• When Jean-Jacques gets thirsty, he might hesitate a bit before coming to you, especially if it's early into the relationship.If you agree to him drinking your blood, he will hug you close, search for a suitable place on your body and try to bite you as gently as possible, stroking your back to soothe you while drinking. After the first time, he'll be a lot less hesitant to ask you for your blood, especially if you tell him it felt good and that you enjoyed the experience.
• Sometimes, you have to remind your lover to take a break and relax for a while, as he can often get lost in the work he does for Chloé. He'll resist at first, but if you get Chloé on your side or offer him some of your blood, he'll find his resolve crumbling. Once he agrees, lead him to his room, lie down on the bed with him and hold him close while he either drinks from you or slowly falls asleep, letting out a content sigh.
• Jean-Jacques will definitely take on the role of a big spoon if that's what you prefer, but I see him as a little spoon who likes lying on top of your chest and just holding you close while you play with his hair. It's very fluffy and soft, I'm sure of that.
• All in all, you will become incredibly important and valuable to him and after a while, he can't imagine a life without you, content with living with you and Chloé for all of eternity.
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Hi ! Hope you're doing fine !! I don't know if you still take requests... if not don't worry you can just ignore this ! Otherwise, I really like your post about Niragi and Aguni reacting to the reader having BPD/C-PTSD attacks... Now I'm very curious and interested about how you'll see the others characters ??
Have a great day ! And thank you if you did this !! Love your writing btw ^-^ ♥
Sure I can write this! Thanks so much for requesting! ♥
Alice In Borderland | Comforting the reader when they’re having a bad C-PTSD episode
{Alice In Borderland Masterlist}
Character(s): Arisu, Karube, Chota, Usagi, Chishiya, Kuina, Last Boss (Niragi and Aguni’s is here)
Warnings: BDP and PTSD episodes
*reader is gender neutral
He’s definitely the type to get so worked up and worried
Arisu is such a sweetheart and seeing you in such a vulnerable situation would make him so scared
When you have a physical reaction to an attack (shaking, crying), he wouldn’t know what to do
He wants to help you but he would hate feeling so helpless and not knowing how to bring your breathing back to normal
He’d be the type to just keep you in a tight hug and run his knuckles along your cheek to try and calm you
Not being able to stop it would bring him to tears, so he would burry his face in your hair and sob quietly while at the same time shushing you with a quivery voice
Afterwards, he’d be willing to do anything for you
“What do you need? I can carry you to bed or bring you water or even cook you some food.” “Arisu, I’m fine. Just stay with me for a bit.”
*rest is under the cut
Ultra-protection mode on
But no joke, he would get so defensive and guarding of you
Since he seems like the type to get very worked up when the people he loves are upset or in danger
He’d be the type to act all tough and calm when you have an episode but in reality would actually be so shaken up and worried
Would make you keep eye contact with him to make you remember that he’s with you and that you’re okay with him
He would try his absolute best to stay calm because he knows panicking about you would only worsen the situation
Afterwards, he would be much more fragile around you
Even if you tell him you’re absolutely fine, he would just shake his head and pull you closer to him
I get the feeling he would know exactly how to deal with PTSD attacks
He’d be completely calm about it
He would be the first person you should go to if you were feeling stressed or if you thought an episode was building
During it, he would make you keep a hold of his hands and squeeze them to release tension
Brings you things like water and wraps his jacket around you
Makes you do breathing exercises and rubs up and down your arms to soothe you
After you had calmed down, he’d distract you by showing you something funny on his phone or telling weird stories about Arisu and Karube
But afterwards, he wouldn’t let you out of his sight
Wouldn’t let go of your hand and always be asking if you’re okay
He’s too sweet for his own good
She would be really good in terms of comforting you
Sometimes she doesn’t seem like she conveys a lot of affection for the people she loves
But as soon as you’re put in danger or you’re having an episode, she would get so protective and motherly
She would notice as soon as you begin to feel stressed
Would hold your hand and bring you away from other people (like in an empty hallway at The Beach)
She’d keep your head on her shoulder and run her hands through your hair, giving you a soft kiss every now and then
You both would just wait it out, and when you’re finally calm, she would take you to the bathroom and clean your face with a towel and give you comforting hugs
If still weren’t feeling good, she would bring you to her room and lay in bed, cuddling with you until you both fall asleep
Chishiya’s not that amazing in terms of empathy and comforting, but he for sure would try his absolute best to make sure you’re okay
He would give you space, feeling as if touching you during your episode wouldn’t help much
He’d probably just rub your arm and keep a protective hand on your head so you don’t accidentally hit it on something
Says a few quiet words like “It’s okay, you’re safe now. You don’t have to worry.”
Afterwards he wouldn’t leave you alone
Like he would follow you around for the rest of the day and keep reminding you to drink water and making you steer clear of stressful situations that could potentially trigger you again
Shows his love through actions like tucking you into bed that night and bringing some food to your room so you don’t have to leave the comfort of it
Also very good with it
I think she’d be a mix of both Arisu and Karube
Like super stressed and worried about keeping you safe but literally not letting anyone get near you because she’s so scared of your episode getting worse than what it already is
She’d be the type to bring you close to her and keep your head tucked into her neck, whispering reassuring words about how you’re with her and that she’s not going to let anything hurt you anymore
She’d carry you to her bed so your more comfortable and place soft blankets around you and give you something to squeeze
When you’ve calmed down, she would let out a breath of relief and give you a million kisses all over your face, telling you how much she loves you
Spends the next few hours relaxing with you, continuing to reassure you that you’re safe in her arms
-Last Boss-
Definitely the very quiet but caring type
Like when it happens, he wouldn’t say anything
He’d just pull you towards him and keep your head against his chest
Glaring at anyone who’s staring and telling them to piss off
He would wrap his jacket around you and push his face into your hair to comfort you
Pushes your hand under his shirt and against his chest so you can feel his heart beat and warm skin and focus on that instead
Becomes very clingy actually
Like he wouldn’t take his hands off of you
Always checking your hands to see if your shaking had decreased and wiping his thumbs under your eyes to gather the left over tears
Kind of like Karube, he would be concerned but wouldn’t show it much
Panics on the inside
Author’s Note: I don’t know a lot about BPD/C-PTSD episodes. I did a bit of research while writing this, but if there’s anything I’ve written here that’s incredibly misleading about this situation, please let me know and I can change it. I don’t want people to have an incorrect perception about these disorders due to reading this ❤
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