#I just fucking love werewolves
Okay okay hear me out, I know I literally just said werewolf Robin is the only thing that matters BUT
Werewolf Nancy
Nancy who knows something took Barb.
Nancy who decides to go hunting for this beast and gets attacked herself.
Nancy who is smart enough to do research, who gets weird looks from the librarian when she starts obsessively reading every book and legend on lycanthropy.
Nancy who meets Robin Buckley who has a deep special interest in the supernatural, who offers her help and suggests checking some less reputable sources too, like the Weekly Watcher
They get closer over the first couple weeks, talking and getting to know each other. Nancy dodges every werewolf related question, and Robin can’t help but notice
Nancy isolates herself because her enhanced senses make everything Too Much and she’s worried about losing control and Robin notices
Nancy tells Karen she’s spending the night at a friend’s house
Robin goes looking for her and knows immediately when Karen says where Nancy is that Nancy was lying
Robin finds Nancy in the woods, sitting against a tree and staring at the moon as if in a trance
Robin watches Nancy’s body break and mold and contort into something ugly and monstrous—but she knows it’s still Nancy
And at first this beast stares Robin down, hackles raised and teeth pulled back
Robin does what Robin does best—she rambles. She mostly spouts off nonsense about werewolves and all they’ve learned, but when she runs out of that, she moves on to other legends, then switches to flowers because she knows they’re one of Nancy’s interests
The wolf calms, actually lays down and listens, and it’s eyes gleam with such a soft and intense intelligence, and Robin understands that Nancy recognizes her in some capacity
When Nancy shifts back, unconscious and shaking, Robin takes her to her own house, lets her sleep in the bed while she herself takes the floor
Nancy sneaks away when she wakes up, but Robin lets her. It’s a silent understanding. They never mention it again
But sure enough, the next full moon, Robin finds the wolf in the same spot, and it seems almost as if it was expecting her. She talks again, keeps Nancy calm
For months this becomes routine
Finally Nancy approaches Robin, asks her to come earlier because it’s terrifying being alone
Of course Robin agrees
The time after that, Robin actually drives Nancy to the woods, a comforting hand on the girl’s thigh as she shakes with anticipation of the pain to come
Robin starts bringing books, podcasts, anything yo entertain her werewolf best friend
Once she brings a dog toy. Nancy gives her the dirtiest look (but Robin catches her chewing on it about an hour later mid ramble about bugs)
They grow a lot closer, and Nancy finally lets Robin start hanging out with her in person. Robin finds she’s in love with her best friend, and she doesn’t know how to admit it
Nancy isn’t fully herself when shifted. She admits as much to Robin that she doesn’t remember much from the full moons, but she appreciates Robin’s company
Robin decides to confess while Nancy is in this shape, thinking Nancy won’t know
Nancy hears it, deep down anyway
When Robin takes Nancy home that night, Nancy surprises her with a kiss
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deoidesign · 2 months
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someone asked me what if adam and steve switched vampire and werewolf...
And then since my monsters are purposefully not much visually different because of metaphors, I went more traditional vampire and werewolf...
and then I got carried away...
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justaregularken · 6 months
Doctor taking advantage of your lack of medical knowledge to push your body and abuse it as they please 🤧🤧
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imogenkol · 3 months
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KINCADE PACK 🐺 (original works) — “The name goes back centuries, and all Miranda cares about is making sure it lasts for many more”
[template by @tommyarashikage]
tag list (ask to be added or removed!): @adelaidedrubman @florbelles @simonxriley @voidika @kyberinfinitygems @voidbuggg @inafieldofdaisies @statichvm @socially-awkward-skeleton @aceghosts @carlosoliveiraa @risingsh0t @unholymilf @thedeadthree @cassietrn @jackiesarch @a-treides @shellibisshe @loriane-elmuerto @katsigian @captastra @simplegenius042 @theelderhazelnut @g0dspeeed @leviiackrman @strangefable @jacobseed
#insp: the lodge#too many ocs to tag here lmao#this is a little bit rushed because it’s like 2am#but I’ve been thinking about doing this template for them since I first saw it#FINALLY I get to talk about this fucked up rich werewolf family#Logan and Jayde’s dad were best friends and grew up together#so Jayde and Skye essentially grew up with Logan’s kids#there’s a lot of complicated feelings there between the kids for various reasons#they consider each other family to a degree (more like cousins)... but some of them would definitely straight up kill each other.#Miranda had her eye mostly on Jayde because she’s the same age as Garret and Miranda’s main goal is to strengthen her bloodline#and Jayde comes from a well known purebred bloodline#so Miranda’s golden boy Garret (massive douchebag) tried his darndest to rizz up Jayde for most of their childhood#Jayde fucking despises him. she beat his ass on more than one occasion. which massively bruised his fragile ego. but he still wants to hit#Amara and Mitchell are the designated chaos twins that Jayde has a love/hate relationship with. Skye gets along with them great of course#Jonas is the only mf that has his head on straight. He's mostly separated from the fam. removed at the 'heir' when he didn't want it.#now hes a werewolf therapist for werewolves with a small family of his own. he reminds Jayde of her dad. he's around the same age too#SCANDAL: Jonas is slightly older than Logan lmao#Declan is the other golden boy. the precious spoiled baby. Miranda's backup for the backup.#he's terrified of Garret so he tries to stay out of his way and mostly keeps to himself#tbh Declan is just Scared of Everything and desperately doesn't want any responsibility but tries to hide it#anyway before Jayde's dad was killed and she was captured they knew hunters were coming for them#so they went to the Kincades for help. Miranda would only accept the girls.#Jayde chose to stay with her parents and they left Skye with the family to keep her safe (she was 12)#that was the last time Skye saw her family intact :/ she didn’t see Jayde again for years.#so Miranda pampered her and groomed her to be in her family.#like she was this little jewel. the last living Thatcher.#now that Jayde is back and Skye is with her and they're living their own life#Miranda be scheming. she wants to claim their bloodline sooo bad.#anyway sorry for the massive lore dump there’s.... a lot of complicated shit going on here
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 1 year
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(Slides into the main tmc tag) heyyyyyy I have a monster au now so. That’s funky-
Anyway here are a couple doodles of the werewolf duo in said au Heehoo
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scribsisnotdead · 16 days
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blue gumball son of a bitch (negative intent)
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brewstersbru · 5 months
A little comfort continuation of my riz 💚character study (aftermath w/ jawbone to the rescue!! hes such a dad 🐺)
Riz meant to go back inside. He did. He was going to heave himself up and amble back in, wedging himself between Fabian and Fig (if they hadn’t already filled his space with their flailing limbs in the short time he’d been out).
He was going to do it. Just as soon as he swallowed the lump in his throat. Just as soon as he got a handle on things.
It can’t have been longer than twenty minutes after Pok hung up when the door behind him creaks open. Shit. He thought he had more time. Riz swallows and blinks frantically as if that will somehow cover the puffiness to his eyes, the tear tracks that- despite excessive scrubbing- won’t completely go away.
 “Riz.” It’s Jawbone. There’s relief in his voice, but something else too. A yawning kind of drowsiness. Riz takes a deep breath, ignoring the sinking ball of guilt in his gut.
“Hey, Jawbone, sorry. Did I wake you up?” He almost surprises himself with the calmness in his voice, but is glad of it, nonetheless. What an inconvenient time to find out he actually can lie convincingly.   
The door creaks again and there’s a sharp click in the silence of the night as Jawbone shuts the door behind him. There are a few moments of scuffling before a weight settles over Riz’s shoulders- warm, fluffy- and Jawbone sits next to him on the steps.
Riz looks down to find that he’s been wrapped in a blanket, one of the nice ones from the linen closet. Had Jawbone known he was out here? How much had he seen? Did he hear anything?
Riz pulls the blanket tighter against himself, suddenly aware of how cold he is.
“Thanks.” He mutters. Jawbone hums and turns to look at him.
“Course. Saw you shivering, didn’t want you to catch a cold or nothin’.” Maybe this is something to do with guidance counselors, or faculty at Auguefort in general, but Jawbone’s gaze is piercing. Riz feels at once flayed open and carefully examined.
He coughs, curling further into himself.
“I can go back in now. Was going to, in a second, but…” He can’t finish the thought, everything that comes to mind is either childish or worrying, neither of which he wants to be in front of Jawbone. He swallows thickly.
Jawbone leans into the railing behind him, getting comfortable. “There’s no rush, Riz. I mean, I do think you need to sleep at some point tonight, but that can wait a little. At least until your tail stops swishin’ like that.” Riz immediately tucks the thing under one of his legs, embarrassed at being betrayed by his own biology. His face burns.
“I’m fine. You’re right, I need to get some sleep before the exam tomorrow, or I’ll be totally useless to the party.” He doesn’t turn to look at Jawbone as he speaks, simply stares resolutely at some of the loose brick in front of him.
“Now I didn’t say that last part, kiddo. You need to sleep ‘cuz it looks like you haven’t gotten a proper eight hours in a while, and I can see it weighing on your shoulders with the rest of it.” Jawbone says, gently. Riz bristles, almost wants to hiss at him. What does he know about what Riz carries on his shoulders?
“I said I’m fine, Jawbone.” He grits, standing. “I should go.” Jawbone curses.
“Wait. Please.” Riz pauses, finally meeting his eyes. They’re as sharp as ever, but soft, too. If that makes any sense. Jawbone continues, “It kills me seein’ you like this kiddo. I feel like a broken record sayin’ this, but I really do mean it, I’m always here to talk if you need to. Or, even if you don’t want to talk I just- it just seems like you could use somebody, is all.”
Riz feels like he’s glitching. His mind is screaming at him to keep walking, to get back in the house, lay down, and close his eyes tight until the sleep takes. But he’s so warm. And he kind of wants to cry again and Jawbone would give him a hug, probably, if he asked for it. Right?
At war with himself, all he manages to do is freeze in his tracks and utter an intelligent, “Um.”
Jawbone smiles and pats the stone next to him.
“Come on. You don’t gotta say anything, but at least sit down. And- oh, here,” He reaches into one of his cardigan’s pockets and produces a small mini chocolate bar. “A little pick-me-up.”
Riz settles gingerly next to him, closer than before but not close enough to touch. He reaches over and takes the chocolate, movements slow as he raises his eyebrows.
Jawbone shrugs. “I always keep a few on me, just in case. Never know when you might need ‘em.”
Riz smiles, small and to himself, for the first time in what feels like hours. Jawbone grins back.
“There he is. If you want another, just ask, I should have one or two more on me.”
Then it’s silent for a good, long while. Riz stares into the pitch black that pushes up against the safe halo of light surrounding the house as he chews on silky chocolate. He can’t help but replay the conversation with his father over and over again in his mind. Jawbone’s head is tilted to the stars.
For all he knows- for all Riz ever knows- that could be the last conversation he is able to have with Pok until he dies again. The watch is what allows them to talk across planes and it, like everything else Riz is and owns, is breakable. It’s unlikely that the watch will break tomorrow (Riz is a ranged fighter, he never gets close if he can help it, nothing should get near enough to him to get to it…), but not impossible. Never impossible.
Something warm and wet drips down his chin and onto his fist, where its clenched around the blanket. Riz brings his other hand to swipe at his eyes. Fuck. He shouldn’t be crying like this. He thought he was cried-out.
Jawbone’s voice rings out from beside him, tender, “Kiddo.”
Riz shakes his head, curling further into the blanket as if the fabric might protect him from this mortifying situation.
“Sorry.” He mumbles. “I thought I was done with this part.”
It’s quiet for a moment.
“It’s okay to need to cry, Riz. Definitely nothing you need to apologize for.”
Riz shivers, somehow cold again, even with the blanket. He wants to burrow into Jawbone’s chest, to cling like he used to, to his mom before he grew out of it and became a man (he was so young, then; he should’ve given it more time, he could’ve given it more time). He doesn’t want to ask, though.
Doesn’t know if he can ask.
Jawbone looks down at him- shivering, hunched underneath a thin cotton blanket- and he must see something that Riz doesn’t mean to betray because his breath catches, and he does the asking for him.
“Can I hug ya, kid?”
Riz nods once, sharply, as soon as the words are in the air. Jawbone reaches out and gathers him up in his arms. Pressing him firmly, but gently, against his chest. Riz buries his face into his cardigan and allows himself a minute of foolishness.
He hiccups.
“I miss my dad, Jawbone. I wish he wasn’t dead.” His voice breaks on the last word, all he gets out is the ‘de’, and he leaves the rest to hang in the air with his sobs.
Jawbone’s hand comes up to rub lightly over his back. He doesn’t say anything, just allows Riz to cycle through his emotions.
“It’s not fair. It’s not fair that he’s gone and me and mom just have to deal with it.” Riz takes a deep breath and closes his eyes.
“Sometimes… I know it’s stupid and illogical, but sometimes I get mad at him. I get so furious with him. Because he’s not here. He didn’t do what he needed to do to be here for his son. And I know that’s wrong and he couldn’t help it and if he could choose to be here, he would, but it doesn’t stop the anger. I don’t like it. But I don’t know what to do with it because it’s not fixable. I can’t put it anywhere, so I just push it down and hope it goes away, eventually. It never goes away.”
Jawbone hums, and Riz can feel the vibration of it against his cheek. It reminds him of a cat purring, almost. If the cat smelled like dog.
“It’s okay to feel upset that your father was taken from you before you got the chance to know him. That’s not stupid or illogical. I’m sure he beats himself up about it just as much, if he’s anything like his son.”
Riz, despite himself, laughs.
“It’s nice getting to know him now.” He sniffs. “It’s just- I feel like I’m playing a game of catch-up every time we talk. Like I’m late to the race. Most kids know what their dads do for work before high school.”
“But it’s not a race, Riz.” Jawbone’s voice is low, but vehement. “No one is judging you for not knowing these things about your father, because you thought he was unreachable up until a year ago. The fact that you’re taking every opportunity to learn about him, that you spent so much time- even before you knew what he did for work- visiting his grave and updating him about your life, and still do, sometimes. It’s a testament to how much you love him. I think he knows that.”
The silence following those words stays for another minute or so before Riz huffs.
“But I don’t love him enough to bring him back, huh. There’s magic in any strong emotion, Kristin told me that, once. And I just started messing with magic stuff, but you would think that it wouldn’t be impossible. Not if the love was strong enough.”
Jawbone sighs, brings a hand to Riz’s hair and begins to card through it, almost absentmindedly. Riz freezes, then melts into it. It’s been so long since anybody played with his hair like this. His mom used to do it, when he was younger, but then the bills got higher, her shifts got longer. It fell to the bottom of the priorities list.
“You can’t do that to yourself, kid. You can’t. You think if Ms. Barkrock wanted it enough, was rageful enough, she coulda expelled the demon from her chest earlier?”
Riz shakes his head, slightly, afraid to dislodge jawbone’s hand. “Of course not. But that’s different-“
“Not really.” Jawbone cuts in, gently. “Point is, magic don’t work like that. Emotions are a factor, yes, but there’s so much else that goes into it. You love your dad so much, Riz, anyone can see that.”
Riz sniffles. “Thanks, Jawbone.”
Jawbone smiles where Riz can’t see, and ruffles his hair before allowing him to pull away.
“Anytime, kiddo.”
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quoththe-ravenn · 5 months
Everyone and their dol au's.
I'm claiming the supernatural au.
Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk
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mbat · 19 days
its not really a new thing for me to say that i kinda hate the whole 'werewolf pack' kinda thing for a few reasons, but i dont like, entirely hate it yknow
like my main thing is i like characters having a sortve isolated angsty ass time(i wonder why /s), and werewolves are great for angst! so putting the two together is like. oh hell yes. but thats just a me thing
but also for some reason almost every depiction ive seen of werewolves and werewolf packs has been like... 'their nature/instincts/whatever makes this happen' like, they cant resist it because its something theyre basically forced to do by their biology. ive seen it be blood families, ive seen it be random people who just met and theyre basically bound by the universe i guess, blah blah blah
and idk, i hate that. of course, almost everyone and almost every species has it in their nature to be social and need connection, but its not portrayed like that in these cases. its portrayed more like theyll basically die if they for whatever reason reject it or something, and that their loyalty is their entire life or whatever. idk, its hard to describe.
i think its kinda obvious that im leading this up to found family. who doesnt love found family? who doesnt love when people and characters choose the people that they want to spend their lives with, whether blood is involved or not.
and theres no instinct part of it for me, its just people who want/need support from others, and they find people they love, and you could call it a pack but i just personally wouldnt. its just like any other relationship tbh, but its obv cuter as a group :p
and if it happens to be other werewolves, or other monsters, or even just humans... thats their people that they chose.
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dufferpuffer · 4 months
Adding up to that Severus has a not-so-secret daughter au! Some good nasty drama
Since the lycanthropy is based on the AIDs and they can be passed down to offspring, let me introduce you to:
After the Prank, Severus did get infected but never went through the actual transformation, so he just carries it in his blood with some side effects (maybe he eats raw meat now and has sharper senses, who knows). But even if he's not a werewolf as such, he still has the infection in him...and his daughter is born with it, turning into a full werewolf each moon and overall suffering all the regular effects of the curse.
Just one more reason for them to dislike lupin (and the marauders in general)
I REALLY hate Lycanthropy being tied to HIV/AIDs. I know the author said so, but she says alot of things that suck, and that's one of them. It's a real stinker.
In any case, Lycanthropy isn't actually passed down from parent to child - that's a myth, perpetuated by the fact so few Werewolves ever have children. Remus was worried - but its just another point on his list of "things he is anxious about that aren't real/don't matter as much as he thinks they do" He has nothing to fear about sex. He would have more to fear about kissing - but even then, that isn't how Lycanthropy works.
It doesn't change your genes. Its a magical disease - you don't become a non-human, your DNA isn't changed. You're only contagious at the Full Moon, about 12 hours a month and ONLY via saliva, not blood or sexual fluids. Even if Severus was partially infected with cursed wounds, like Bill Weasley - as he doesn't transform he cannot pass it on.
Same with HIV/AIDs. A father doesn't pass it to their child. The DNA/RNA in his sperm does not have HIV - just the fluids it is carried in. A mother can pass it down through the pregnancy, childbirth fluids or breastfeeding - but not necessarily.
In order to have a child infected with Lycanthropy Severus would need to be fully bitten by Remus and then also bite his own child - or pick up a child from somewhere that has already been bitten.
And that's cute. Why is Severus so good at brewing Wolfsbane...? He's been doing it for his daughter for years already. But I don't really see how, even if you HC that Lycanthropy can be passed down to children via the fathers DNA, that it is something to 'dislike Remus' about...? Remus wasn't a part of that prank. He was a sick boy who did everything right. He wasn't wandering around, he wasn't being reckless - he was hiding in the shack. He was as much a victim of the prank as much as Severus was.
The Ministry has shifted whether they consider Werewolves as 'Beings' or 'Creatures' for years - and in either case, whether they are considered 'people' or 'animals' - they don't have human rights. Just being found out is a danger to Remus' life.
Remus would be mortified to know he had even partially infected Severus... even more so that his Lycanthropy had been fully passed onto a child. He would be DEVASTATED. He would be torn between feeling some responsibility over the child, to teach them how to manage their condition... and wanting to run as far away as possible, hide in a hole - and die from shame.
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torybrennan · 3 months
show tempe gang crossover with the morris islanders would actually have been the best episode of bones ever. btw
#please ignore the rest of the tags i will just be making things up#okay they start out in carolina but at least half the episode takes place in dc. do not ask me how travel logistics would work#tory spends the entire episode off with tempe doing bone stuff. booth feels upstaged by a 16-year-old girl#so he goes and hangs out with ben who does NOT trust him right off the bat#ben ends up having to run him over to liri at some point because there's crime afoot and tom is busy. they spend most of the ride in silenc#ofc they end up bonding Eventually because they are both obsessed with crazy emotionally stunted redheads named t brennan#tory is more effective than any of the squinterns and manages to piss hodgins off so bad just by existing#coop hangs out in the lab as saroyan tries to kick him out thirty times. he just keeps showing up and she can't prove who's letting him in#(it's tempe.) angela loves tory but tory does not love angela back. saroyan tolerates her. sweets likes her but knows she's hiding somethin#comes to the conclusion that she can read her friends minds and slowly drives himself crazy because obviously that can't be true#tory brings hi along whenever she needs someone with people skills and he is MORE than happy to participate in a hodgins experiment#hi gets to be king of the lab for about ten minutes. shelton hits it off with angela immediately and they solve half the case together#booth fucking HATES hi because he's evasive and really good at the manipulation thing. booth can't win verbal sparring and he gets Big Mad#at one point the four of them are in an interrogation room together (MISTAKE) because tory had them meddling a little too close to the sun#and booth is trying so hard to question them which didn't work even when they COULDN'T read each other's minds#tory figures out who did it and hi steals her thunder a la shrek wasnt vandalized he gave birth#temperance tells tory 'i know you've got a secret sweets told me and even though i don't trust psychology i find he's insightful' etc etc#tory's like well i might be but i can't tell you it's not just my secret and you wouldn't believe me anyway#because let's be real tempe WOULDNT believe her#meanwhile saroyan convinced by sweets paranoia managed to get a sample of tory's blood and test it and is like HEY WHAT THE FUCK#gets hodgins and they just stare at the results together and delve into conspiracy theories. he's like i KNEW there were werewolves#they debate telling tempe but know it wouldnt end well for the kids and decide to get rid of the evidence. but hodgins is SO smug#also angela spends the whole episode trying to convince everyone hi and shelton are dating and no one believes her#they finally see them kiss or something and they're all somehow floored and angela's just like yeah? duh?#if anyone read this i'm sorry and why
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Once in a Blue Moon Update #3
Current Word Count: 3,617
Sneak Peak:
For most werewolves, their existence was defined by a constant war within. Their wolves fought tooth and nail for control, battling for dominance of the mind and body, while the human struggled to contain it. Their lives were a delicate dance between giving their wolf too much command, surrendering themselves to their basest animal instincts, and keeping their wolf on too tight a leash, trapping themselves in the tight, restrictive confines of mundanity. They lived in fear of losing themselves to the beast, or losing the beasts to humanity. Only the monthly call of the moon could enact a truce, allowing the beast and man a single night to live in harmony. Gary Sanderson was not an ordinary werewolf. For as long as he could remember, he and his wolf were entirely in sync. There had never been a disagreement that couldn’t be solved, never a moment where he had to fight for control of himself, never a second he thought he would exist alone in his head. He was his wolf. His wolf was him. Where the transition between two legged and four had always been a gruesome, visceral affair for his kith and kin, Gary had never strained under the shift. It flowed over him like water, cool and calming and welcoming. It eased his thoughts, warming him, enveloping him like a thick wool sweater before stepping out into a gentle snowfall.
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justletmereadmycomics · 9 months
CW for descriptive speaking about body horror, blood, and overall lack of grammar tl;dr the average painful-turning-into-a-monster-transformation-sequence media isn't whumpy enough and people need to dive more into shit like turning into merfolk and mutating into weird hybrids that are in the uncanny valley of "feels like my body but not" also please note that this is all just my opinion and experience in media consumption and you are free enjoy what you like; im just bored and felt like rambling with 0 grammar or punctuation today.
hey guys I like seeing people go through intense painful physical transformations with an affect on their mental state that either makes them scared of them selves or forces them to do horrible things that also scare them and can I just say that werewolves are so underwhelming like yeah sure you get taller and turn into a buff ass furry boo hoo go cry about it like most of the time you're not even aware and it only lasts for a fucking night
give me shit like turning into a siren/merperson where they have to feel themself molting and their skin squeezing on their body as scales start to grow and they start mindlessly scratching every where from the pain when uh oh your legs are failing but you can't think about that now until whoopsie daisy your lower limbs are melting together and your pants are magically whooshed away once you're past the nakey parts also did I mention the wonderful possibility of growing fins everywhere and experiencing those tear through your muscles and skin whilst they grow on your back and arms and already painful and foreign feeling tail and also your vocal cords changing to be able to produce siren song shit in a way that makes your throat feel like its being mauled from the inside out oh yeah and also having your eyes fall out and regrown wouldn't that be a fun idea anyways vampires are about the same except a little better than werewolves bc they at least have the possibility of dealing with "the hunger" tm and way more weaknesses that can make them miserable like not being able to be in the sun or eat food anymore bc your body can't handle it one of the better examples ive seen is the one in ROTTMNT: The Movie, where (be warned of spoilers) characters are "possessed", so to speak, and this shit goes on
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its a very good movie, highly recommend it (the sereis has two seasons, and I haven't found the movie off of Netflix) also blood and struggling to adjust to a now permanent mental impairment/disadvantage/damage in a sense of "you're not human anymore and so you now have to deal with [blank] thought processes" (eg. someone gaining dragon shit would grow an affinity to hoarding things, not noticing such until their home is incredibly cluttered with piles of shiny items and hating themself for doing something so "inhuman")
things that ive seen that fall in the good transformation category are: demons* birds work most of the time, but you have to give them a beak and shit. also the wings can't just grow out of them painlessly.** most fantasy based anthros, really.*** most mutations seen in TMNT shows (that shits known to be painful bc it alters your DNA mostly through science rather than the normal mystics) bugs *only horns and a tail? weak. give 'em goofy legs and a snout or some shit, spin in a few animal traits just for fun. mental side effects that are nice for these guys tend to be a sudden lust for darkness (or just a sudden intense lust) **I recommend something like their arms falling off, OR something similar to the process in Haibane Renmei (tw for blood and minor body horror). An alternate option that I haven't seen would be to have the arms morph into wings themselves, but none of that grow feathers and get little longer bullshit. Character should feel their bones changing, the flesh forming to create a new limb and feathers piercing their skin like needles. Yes feathers are regularly soft, but imagine having a hundreds of tiny pinprick like things poking out of you and getting longer.
***this does not include fairies and unicorns. The only acceptation for these is character having weird magic fluxes and this becoming an effect of such. for example, if character is becoming a fairy, they will feel themself being compressed as wings either grow from their back or are summoned in a blast of magic that basically cuts them open where the wings "attach" so to speak.
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Sc*tt stans are everywhere annoying me as if they’re getting paid to do it. I’m doing a rewatch with my mom and we’re coming up on season 5. This has been bothering me lately, so I’m going to rant about it.
We’re all aware that Scott uses Hayden as bait to lure the Dread Doctors to the school and he doesn’t tell her or get her consent on the matter. Liam and Hayden are rightfully upset and Liam makes Scott promise to do everything he can to protect Hayden.
Liam: This plan sucks!
Scott: You got a better one? Kids are dying, and she's next! So, somebody has to do something. Somebody has to save everyone. So somebody's got to be the bait!
Liam: Scott... Promise me you'll do everything you can to save her. Scott-- promise.
Scott: I'll do everything I can. I promise.
Hayden gets injured severely and is dying. Liam reminds Scott he promised to do everything he could for Hayden, this includes biting her, which Scott refuses to do.
Here’s where I take huge issue with this.
I have no idea the odds of Hayden surviving the bite. Scott admits that he thinks she may be too weak to survive. But Melissa and Theo explain or imply that she’s not surviving if he does nothing.
Hayden has a 100% chance of dying if he chooses not to bite her.
If you have two labelled barrels in front of you, the one on your left contains 100 oranges, the one on your right contains 95 oranges and 5 apples. Someone holds a gun to your head and says “close your eyes and select an apple from the barrel or I kill you” you might try to find an apple amongst the oranges, even if the chances are slim because there’s still a chance. You’re not going to reach into the barrel with zero apples unless you don’t want to choose an apple.
He chose to let her die. A 5% chance of survival is better than 0%. The reason he didn’t want to bite her is because he knew there was a high chance she wasn’t going to make it. Remember the conversation Scott had with Morrell in season 3?
Morrell: He wants to make a killer out of you. That's what he does.
Scott: But, if I kill someone, I can't be a True Alpha, right?
Morrell: Exactly.
If Hayden died when Scott bit her, that would technically be on him--at least it would be in his mind. She was going to die either way, he may as well keep his power.
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samcscreams · 1 year
Samantha Carpenter is the most werewolf coded non actual werewolf character I’ve ever seen. Like think about it.
Tainted blood line.
Deep seeded secrets.
“Killer” instincts.
Pack mentality.
A darkness inside.
Not feeling like she can control it.
I mean if you replaced the whole serial killer thing with a werewolf thing, the fundamentals of her character don’t change at all. Now I’m sure there are a bunch of characters like this. Shhh this is Sam’s time to shine but still she feels like there’s something inside her a “darkness” as she put it. Her fear comes from giving in. That she would hurt the people around her if she wasn’t in control of it. That all just screams werewolf to me.
Idk what I’m saying lol. I can’t sleep and thinking about Werewolf Sam makes me feel better.
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saltyverse · 1 year
never rlly seen crane as a huge fan of creature features. like they like those sorts of movies their just not their favorite, rn? especially those that are just brute force and destruction. more of a psychological horror guy (psychologist and what not). he likes analyzing horror movies more so on motives and why they would invoke fear (he cant Feel fear himself, so he analyses why they would be scary to Other people).
it does have movie nights with ed tho! ed is the more theatric and dramatic one, so he judges movies more so on how good the story is. they mainly just have movie nights to talk about things during the movies. unless its a movie crane likes in which they will Force ed to shut the hell up
(crane tries to watch movies with kirk and jervis, but kirk isnt a big horror guy and jervis is. the worlds biggest wuss)
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