#I just genuinely like this site and hope it continues to exist
starlene · 11 months
Since there's a wave of panic on my dash about Tumblr going under, here's a reminder that our best chance of stopping (or at least delaying) that from happening is to buy ad-free subscriptions, checkmarks, and other badges from the TumblrMart.
So if you're worried about the future of this blue hellsite, maybe check out the selection and get yourself a fun badge, or whatever. Badges start from $4/€3.75. You can also gift them to a beloved mutual if you don't want them for yourself.
That is all!
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tom-hossain-minis · 3 months
Holy shit politics tumblr what the fuck. Are there no communists on this site? Or people with memory greater than that of dory from finding nemo ? Does nobody recall every promise Biden not only broke but actively did the opposite of what he said he was gonna do? And I also have to ask, and I’m sorry to do so, but I think it’s important, are you all white? Cause I seen yall saying “your pic friends will suffer” and the way it’s phrased makes me think perhaps yall are not yourselves poc, for the most part. Furthermore, all *my* poc friends are well fucking aware that Joe “I’m against desegregation” Biden is a fucking racist POS, as is his entire administration. Let’s not even get into increased climate destruction, his support for trans people being barred from sports, his general apathy towards lgbt people, his really fucking vile southern border behaviour and policy, his explicit fucking islamaphobia, anti black racism, and anti-Asian racism, his supreme belief in police barbarism, his total economic shitshow these last four years, and finally, something I suspect non Americans literally are unable to fathom, his vitriolic hatred of the rest of the world, and the danger he poses to humanity’s continued survival as a result. It’s true, your political system sucks fucking balls, I pity you for having only one party and not being able to remove your head of state, but don’t you dare tell me that you think Joe Biden is a “good president in most regards except Palestine”. And guess what, “trump is worse” is something I wholeheartedly agree with. But for some reason you Americans have no concept of “saying no”. You don’t have a permanent minimum standard. I can’t understand it, is there some weird part of American culture that says you can’t have a sense of personal dignity, or, dare I say it, a spine? It’s inconciliables to me that every person in the most well off, powerful, heavily defended nation on earth would not only allow themselves to be, in the most shakespearien sense, raped by their political system every four years, but that *some* would revel in it. I genuinely mean it when I say I cannot understand this behaviour. Aren’t you outraged at this treatment? Where is your fury against such degradation? Wouldn’t you fight and work and claw at everything against you until your bones were raw and white and broken rather than settle for this most violating and humiliating of lifestyles, in the hope of something better? Don’t get me wrong, I come from the cesspool that is Britain, and that’s its own thing, but I know why and how the British spirit was so thoroughly crushed so I know why people have given up there, and even then, we not only still have some resemblance of fight, but also a system that at least in theory can allow for some better representation than the American one. Britain has a proud history of rioting when things get too bad, we stole the idea from the French, just like everything in our history and culture, but America never seemed to have the same; is it just too vast a country? I just, really need someone to explain it. When and how were the American people politically lobotomised? And I’m sorry if this is rude or confusing but I really am at a loss. As a scientist I really am dedicated to and obsessed with making the world a better place for everyone, but America, the biggest problem by a landslide so massive it could be its own planet, completely and totally baffles me.
Tl;dr: fuck Joe Biden, I have a sneaking suspicion tumblr is mostly racist white people, America’s very existence can drive a man insane like the visage of Cthulhu
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btspeedfreaxx · 2 months
I realize it’s been a while. I sincerely apologize. Life has just been so busy… and I think I speak on behalf of all my BT/DZ brethren, sisteren and non-binary friends when I say that it truly hasn’t been the same without either Acchan and Issay in this world.
How has it already been a year-?! Today especially has been very very rough. However much I have healed since perhaps one of the 2 worst days of my life… here today it feels like all that grief, loss and regret came flooding back to me. Like it just happened. Yet in the blink of an eye, it’s now been a full year since we lost Issay.💔 just the mere thought of that makes me want to cry… yet I’ve out poured so many tears over him… that it’s to the point where it psychically hurts today. Nothing comes out, And yet they don’t stop. Ever since that day, I’ve never stopped thinking about him. Or Acchan. Both are forever my eternal heroes.♾️🥹
It’s thanks to Atsushi that Issay saved my life. I’d known about his existence for quite some time, but never payed much attention to him. Until the last stretch of 2021, stretched into the start of 2022.
**Trigger warning folks- I want to tell my story… but this gets dark. So if you want to skip ahead, I completely understand. But in short form… I’d somehow managed to crawl out of the abyss from a 4 year battle with addiction that almost k!lled me. I don’t want to go into details- but during that time I did many awful things. To my family who were just trying to help; to the few friends from highschool that I managed to keep with me, who I then pushed away. When I realized what I had done, I found myself in an abyss, even darker than the last. It was extremely lonely- I felt so numb, isolated, and distant from the world. Like I was floating. I almost didn’t make it.
But within this abyss, I got to know Issay. And I fell head over heels in love with this endlessly fascinating and charismatic man, who was so Unapologetic about who he was, and seemed to share so much in common with my own self. So much of our views on life were the same. Reading about his story… about how he came to write Matsu Uta. It’s amazing how an artist who doesn’t even know you exist can strike you where you feel it most- for somehow his lyrics for Matsu Uta spoke exactly to how I felt in that time. I’d found a new saviour. Which is why I chose to sing Matsu Uta above.⏫ it made me realize that I wasn’t alone. That I wasn’t a burden to my parents or anyone.
“I’ve been here since some time ago
Staying here, sleeping in a standstill
People pass me by
The wind passes me by too
Dreams? Despair? Or is it hope?
I wait for you…
I’m just waiting for you
A plethora of times pass me by
A plethora of dreams pass me by
Flickering shadows keep dancing
While I simply stand defenseless
I just want to stand here and wait
I wait for you…
I’m just waiting for you”
(*lyrics translated by Yoshiyuki and taken from their site ;p),
It’s because of that song, because of Issay that I saw a light. And it kept me going, bit by bit. One small baby step at a time. And even when I stumbled back- I now had both he and Acchan’s bodies of art and music to catch my fall, and to comfort my wounds whenever I needed solace. Had it not been for either of these bands, especially Der Zibet at that time, I would not be here today.
Acchan and Issay didn’t just save my life, through them they changed my life, and transformed me into a far better person than I was back then. even after their psychical passings- I feel I still continue to learn more and transcend my inner self, through their legacies of which I swore to carry out, and through every single fan/person who knew them personally. Who continue to do nothing but outpour in love and praise for the 2 of them. For how genuinely compassionate and caring about the world they were. Their “love story” truly opened my eyes towards my own views on life, love and what it could mean.
So Acchan, Issay… if you are somehow reading this. From the bottom of my heart- since I’ll never have the chance sadly to say this to you both in real life. Thank you, so much. 🥹🌸🖤🦇🥀✨♾️ I hope and pray wherever it is you 2 are. You’re at peace. And you are where music and love are up there.
In the meantime, with whatever time I may have left here on earth- I vow that I will never ever shut up. About either of you. 🖤 I love and miss you both so much.♾️🥹 forever and always.
🌈✨ see you over the rainbow someday. Thank you all for reading. Please take care… cherish all that you love. And live life to the fullest that you can.
🦇🥀 rest in power my beloved count. A forever legend to me. Always. https://youtu.be/DY0rVs3pT9A?si=ccO-KWJ-rLJsvZUV
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Uh... Lucifer... Did you just wish Cherie out of existence?!
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Lucifer: I FUCKING HOPE NOT!!! *looks around the mansion for her, but sees no sign of her — leaves the mansion in complete disrepair, even looking like as if someone broke in act trashed the place — leave to go find Cherie but having no idea where to start!*
Alastor: *arrives home from his day with the kids and sees the place a complete mess* LUCIFER?! LUCIFER WHERE ARE YOU?! *realizes Lucifer and Cherie are nowhere in site and gets genuinely scared something back happened* LUCIFER?! LUCIFER?!?!?!
Meanwhile, in New Orleans, Louisiana…
Two guys are walking hand and hand on their way back to their home when they hear the sound of a baby crying. They look around and see a baby in the middle of an alleyway, left abandoned.
???: Oh your poor thing! *checks the baby and sees deer ears on her* AHH! This baby is a monster!
???: IT’S A DEMON CHILD! *they leave the baby on a trashcan and flee for their lives why the baby continues to cry*
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m-a-n-g-o-m-i · 7 months
cw// suicide/ self harm mentions
Just wanted to announce for my like 8 followers that I will be taking a possibly permanent break from this site. Really I just can’t handle it and I know it’s mostly my fault but I also want people to be aware of the effects that ur discourse has on people. I saw a post about how transandrophobia truthers should kill themselves to rid the world of their disgusting presence yesterday and well, I wanted to take that advice but I chickened out and now I just have bruises. I’m sorry. I don’t want this to come off as a guilt trip, and I know some people reading this might think I’m making a big deal out of nothing, and this is nothing compared to the harassment transfems face. Maybe that’s true, and I know it’s a little ridiculous to self harm so dramatically over things people say online, but you know, i really believed them. I wanted to do the right thing, and I mean it.
I guess I just latched onto the word transandrophobia because I thought it described the way I could be assaulted for being a woman in other people’s eyes, and then be told to shut up about it, because I’m a man, after all. I thought it worked well to explain how I could be targeted by the sort of fetishization people put on Asian women, while simultaneously being seen as predatory for being masculine. And while I’m fine to stop using the word “transandrophobia”, I will never stop believing that my experiences exist at some legitimate intersection. I don’t know what it is yet exactly. I’m sorry that I don’t have a better grasp on all this. But because I can’t stop believing in the things I’ve experienced, i guess I’ll always be some sort of “truther,” to some people. And I know it’s wrong to be this— don’t think I don’t feel any shame over it! But I’ve tried to drive out those thoughts before, and they just crept back and back, whenever my back was turned. I cannot get rid of them. I’m not very connected to the big accounts posting about this stuff, so I think I also just don’t really comprehend the situation with harassment and everything that lead people to tell others to kill themselves. However, I do think that if you tell people to end their lives, you should be prepared for some of them to do it, legitimately. Maybe that was the intention all along, and this post doesn’t mean a lot, then. But I prefer to believe that people don’t actually want a lot of their fellow trans people dead.
I’m sorry, genuinely. I saw a different post last week that said we should drive transandrodorks out of every irl queer space until they realize they’re all alone, forever. Well, the people I know irl haven’t driven me out yet, and maybe it’s shitty of me, but I’m going to keep hanging around them until they stop wanting to be around me anymore. They love me so far and selfishly I hope it continues like that. Im sorry, genuinely, but I don’t want to leave. They make me feel like it’s a beautiful thing that I exist. I hope I get to live like that for a long time. They’re also telling me to get off this website so I might not see responses to this post.
You can reblog this if you want, even though it’s very personal. I hope people realize I’m being real with this. I don’t fully understand this discourse and this post will probably reflect that— I’m really not trying to play into a particular narrative. I’m very autistic and take things people say very seriously by default. I just want people to understand how it feels. Thank you for reading this all.
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sylvaridreams · 7 months
To be frank and up front and honest with all of you I DON'T know how much longer I will be on Tumblr. I don't intend to delete this blog, and in the event that my main ever got nuked I have this side blog co-admined by a backup account, so my posts won't vanish. Not yet.
But I do not like what Tumblr is doing. I don't respect the decisions being made here and I think ignoring them longterm is insane and cruel at best, and ignoring them short-term and hoping it smooths out for now is no better. Like frankly it's just not. I follow my gw2 mutuals for gw2 so I don't expect you guys to be reblogging posts about the bans or anything, like this is the silly game zone. So that's not the point of this post. I'm not shaming the gamers for posting games instead of "holy hell they already banned another."
I do wanna say, I've had this blog almost 10 years (making it my oldest surviving blog! It's followed me from my first account that I made in 2011!) And for a long while I felt like an outsider to the gw2 community and it was really hard for me to find a niche where people didn't shun and ignore me. So I love you all and appreciate how welcoming everyone last year when I came back to gw2blr. I didn't expect that. I didn't expect I'd make friends out of this at all. I turn 30 in about 2 weeks, and at a certain point it's hard for me to meet people and make friends, even online. It's just tough to do somehow. You think at points "this is what I have now, from here to the end" and then new people are nice to you anyway. I love this community here. I hope we can keep playing and talking ocs and doing silly stuff at art party and tagging each other to say "this is nearly as sad and wet as your commander!" for a really long time.
And all that said. Maybe I'll leave. Maybe I'll start over elsewhere or just not have anywhere to post. I don't know. I'm trying out some other places. I'm investigating what my options look and feel like and determining where I might want to start planting seeds for sylvaridreams to start over.
If things go how I anticipate they will, I'll set up shop elsewhere. And I'll stop putting new posts here. And then I'll start cleaning up. Scraping out my old posts from the back to tidy up and consolidate for that new place. We'll see.
Even if everything does rocket to the bottom and fizzle out and some wealthy man's tantrum about trans people existing online shuts down Tumblr's servers for being completely unprofitable, I genuinely do hope that we can continue to have fun together somehow. Whether it's a mass relocation or just monthly art parties. Mayhe we'll see each other in game. Who knows.
I'm currently trying out cohost.org as a new place to post. I don't have a site set up yet for gw2 blogging but I might head that way soon, and meanwhile youre welcome to follow my main site if you want, it's damazcuz just like my main blog is. That said, if I do make a gw2 cohost I'll post about it again with a link.
This isn't a goodbye post and I'm not gone yet but I'm a sappy person and I like what we have here. And I want to give a solid heads up of where I might be heading before I just go.
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orbmanson7 · 11 months
No one is going to care about my enthusiasm on this but I find it absolutely incredible and groundbreaking that the fnaf movie used legitimate fan-made music for their end credits song.
I know it's easy to brush that off because that song is well-known in the fandom, but please understand that most of the time, movies are more likely to get famous artists to make themed songs or just find popular songs to insert than to look for fandom-involved music.
The fan-music genre is not well known, it rarely branches beyond the fandoms themselves, and even then, don't reach every corner by any means. I guarantee you there are fans of fnaf games out there who have never even heard of the living tombstone, because it's not nearly as 'mainstream' or 'common' as some come to believe.
As someone who absolutely adores fan-made music, knows the genuine impact it can have, and now to see it move beyond being something fans can sing along to and make animatics with, becoming something shown globally on a silver screen where anyone in the whole world can hear it and enjoy it...
That's amazing. It gives me so much hope that fan-music can be appreciated on such a large scale like that, to earn more of the respect it deserves.
Imagine if more movies did that with other franchises, especially knowing that we'll likely be continuously bombarded with movies involving existing IPs for a long while, and they dig through fandom sites and find popular fan-made music on YouTube or Spotify and they reach out to make it an official part of that franchise...
It shows not only appreciation but shares in the love of that original work. It says so much, to have that same level of respect and adoration for music that connects you to that story you've come to love...
It's incredible. I really hope to see this happen again.
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angelthingy · 7 months
hi so. i don’t really know how much i’ll be using tumblr tbh- i still wanna stay in touch with the stuff going on and b able to interact with ppls posts but like. yeah i mean lately this place has kinda sucked and even tho i do wanna use it i kinda feel like i should look for other places to move to in advance cus wow there is a lot of hatred to trans women rn!! holy shit!!!!! i used to like this site and i still like some ppl on here but ughhh in general idk.
i’ve like. never really felt happy on here being transfem (which ive talked about before aaaaa) but i used to think like. well its just a minor thing. at least i still get to see wholesome transmasc posts n other trans community stuff. but now im realising that like. it’s not really minor, or a coincidence. like. we’re being targeted wtf
what ppl don’t rly understand is that even if small transfem blogs like myself aren’t actively getting nuked, we still don’t really have much content to enjoy because all the other ones are??? and even if they arent they're just leaving instead because. we feel kinda unsafe here so whats the point of staying!!!! i’ve talked about this before but i always kinda assumed it was a coincidence,,,,, im kinda doubting that now!!!
so yeah like. i’m just making this post cus i genuinely don’t rlly know what im uh gonna do atm- i don’t wanna leave it because it’s where my beloved posts stuff (and uh idk other ppl too i guess) and i wanna see them :(( and also like. i hadn’t planned to leave it before so idk where id go to??? i just really hope that this. stops. so that we can actually like. exist here. pls.
i’m not rlly sure what i’ll do rn? it might be nothing. i might just continue as usual and try ignore everything. or i might leave, or - most likely - i’ll try to stay in touch but probably post less frequently or something. but. we’ll see!! tbh- the best solution for me would be to just. find. somewhere else to move to but . currently i really dont know where. aaaaaaaa
either way this rly fucking sucks and thanks to those standing up for us :(
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Hey this is just a little note on tumblr etiquette, generally speaking unless your comment adds relevant information/a continuation of a jokes or something, it's polite to put your comment in the hashtags or the replies. A lot of people will block you for reblogging and adding commentary onto the body of the post itself, but I figured maybe you just don't know? Idk I just want to be helpful!
Look, I’m just gonna be real, this is tumblr. If people really want to block me for how I’m using the site then more power to them, but I’m not changing how I’m doing things due to an etiquette that was unclear enough that it had to be explained to me.
If that upsets anyone then fine, the block button exists for a reason and they’re welcome to press it, but I’m just here to talk about random horny and funny shit and not think about the real world for a bit, or at least think about it through some funny haha lenses.
Also, because I’m worried I sounded harsh, I’m not actually like mad or pissed or anything at having it pointed out to me, that’s fine, I’m just not changing anything I’m doing.
Anyways I genuinely hope you’re having a good day, and appreciate the effort of trying to help even if I don’t necessarily agree, so thank you
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posi-pan · 2 years
Watched a video titled "Problems with the bisexual spectrum" (would've preferred if they used multisexual but that's not the point) and scrolled down through the comment section. While the majority of the comments were mspecs appreciating the vid and sharing their own experiences and thoughts, I noticed a pattern of pansexuals (+ people who used to label themselves as pansexual) sharing how they were constantly harassed, judged, and mocked for using the label. The constant harassment eventually culminating itself into self-hatred
Some ended their piece by reassuring they learned to stopped caring about what exclusionist think, and happily continue labeling as pan (or later go on to discover that another label fits them better) but others ended it by saying that while they know pan is a valid label, the harassment consequently made them uncomfortable of pansexuality, and would rather not have anything to do with it at all.
I had a similar experience years ago. Witnessing multiple non-bi mspecs constantly mocked and forced to use the bisexual label, "Bi vs Pan" posts painting pansexuality in the most negative light imaginable being highly supported, exclusionist, without fail, commenting either "I don't see anything 🤔" whenever a pan flag is showed off or "I guess 'X' doesn't exist now 😔" whenever a fictional char is headcannoned as pan, just made me resent myself and pansexuality, forcing myself to simply use 'saphic'
Those comments made me realized just how common of an occurrence this was, and I felt dejected after thinking about them for too long. Like, we go through that whole proccess of self-loathing and constant pressure to ID as something else, and yet no one outside our community seems to care?
Whenever a prominent LGBT+ figure/site talks about pansexuality (IF they even talk about it as it's own thing), it's only "They exist, and they are valid <3". Don't get me wrong, this is very appreciated, but why do they never use that opportunity to shed light on more valuable pieces of information as well. Show the community at large our history without the misinformation, expose the normalization of pan exclusion and the prominence of anti-pan dogwhistles, show pansexual's mental health statistics, etc.
I want to finish off this long rant (sorry btw) by saying thank you 💖💛💙 Your blog has helped me mentally throughout these years. I love reading through the Pan History and Pan Statistics carrds especially. If it wasn't for you or this blog, I would still be that self-loathing resentful person I was years ago. So again, thank you 💖💛💙
(I also want to apologize again for basically sending you an essay 😅 I got passionate writing this; if I left out any info/context, I would've exploded. Have a good evening!)
it's honestly so sad that pan people go through this and seemingly no one cares. and ugh yeah when the only thing regarding pan mentioned is something like "it's valid" or "pan people are part of the bi umbrella" it's like....that's it? what about something meaningful? it's just telling, ya know? like we're not worthy of genuine and meaningful consideration.
but yeah, no worries about the long rant! sorry for taking a while to get to it, though! i'm glad the blog and stuff has been helpful to you. you deserve to love and celebrate yourself and not be weighed down by hatred or doubt caused by the ignorance and malice of others. i hope you're doing well and have a lovely day! 💛💛
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qelper · 1 year
As much as I’m enjoying Tumblr, Reddit had one thing that I miss, and I fear won’t ever return. The feeling of being able to have a conversation on Reddit.
Here, there is a single post and maybe a reblog. Unfortunately, it’s rare for there to be multiple reblogs to one post, and therefore it’s feels like more of just a one off post. On Reddit, the way comments were formatted made it so easy to have in depth conversations, be a part of them, and have a lot of people seeing them.
Idk, I just think Tumblr lacks that ability to have genuine in depth discussions. Reddit culture often ruined these comment threads obviously, but in fandoms it made discussing the material so much more interconnected.
I think the main thing was that there could be multiple threads under one post. Comments on Tumblr fall under one thread, and reblogs are usually not used for continuing a discussion. This makes Reddit have the ability to take one post and have tons of different takes in theory (though again Reddit culture often ruined this).
Though to be fair I’ve only been on Tumblr a few days. It could turn out that I’ve been using the site wrong, and it’s totally possibly to have these discussions. But for now I just wanted to vent about how much I miss that aspect Reddit had. And no, regular forums don’t work for this purpose because each thread is easily cluttered and is not as contained.
I still think I’m preferring Tumblr though, mainly due to the much more vibrant Queer community. I also like that I have much less incentive to do things on here. Reddit kinda pressured you with things like Karma, which simply doesn’t exist here. Plus, I can just say whatever about the fandoms I’m part of, and there’s a lot less scrutiny.
I don’t even know where I went with this post, this would not be a good college essay. I think my main point is I just miss the discussions on Reddit. This blackout just makes me sad, but I can’t continue using Reddit knowing just how terrible it’s about to become.
Anyways that’s all, I just wanted to vent about this. I hope soon I get to start posting dumb shit, with serious posts like this every once in a while, because that’s what I really want to do.
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blametheeditor · 8 months
The Expense Of Trust | Chapter 2
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Content Warnings: Cursing. Mentions of death and murder. Mentions of others being lesser than. Intent to kill. Death by anomaly. Dehumanization. Addressing someone as 'it'. Darker themes and tone.
Run Down: In the instant of a site-wide containment breach, there are only a few protocols available to follow. Know the right people, hope to be at the right place at the right time, and whatever you do, don't trust anything.
David is not liable for any damages
David doesn’t dare look behind them as they run from what he can only describe as a lesser ‘SCP’. He could confirm if he looked over his shoulder, but he’d much rather not. He may be a god, but he has learned certain entities are not to be trifled with, including looking them in the eye even on accident. 
Isn’t that a nice reminder? That despite being a god, he’s no more respected than the average human when it comes to ‘SCPs’ that function on very simple terms. It was a lesson he learned quite a few times while working at the foundation for about a year, and one he didn’t enjoy in the slightest. 
At least James isn’t rubbing it in, his warden more focused on leading them down a safe route through the maze of hallways as they try to escape certain death. Well, not for David. It’d be painful if he was dismembered but he wouldn’t be completely erased from existence. If anything, it would be considered a nuisance needing to construct a new form, come up with a few excuses why ‘David Harrison’ is no longer acting as a benefactor. He’s done it before so he can do it again.
The only difference this time around? He unfortunately would prefer his two human companions to not meet their untimely end. The most annoying part of becoming fond of mortals is the fact their death would be permanent.
That means he keeps running. Catches Fritz’s arm whenever the redhead stumbles. Feels genuine panic when James doesn’t do anything except to turn another corner. 
The man isn’t stupid, he’s well aware David has an actual trick of luck. Humans don’t, and in most cases seem to have the exact opposite. Meaning the more distance they cover through this level of the facility, the more chances they’ll have encountering another ‘SCP’, which will not end well. Yet there’s no announcement of a plan to get somewhere safe even just to catch their breath. 
“James,” David calls, concerned at the fact he’s panting from the single word. “Anytime now.” 
“I know,” is all he gets as a response. Meaning the only person who knows how to track, capture, and contain ‘SCPs’ has no idea what to do. 
He doesn’t say anything else. Risks a glance to his left as they turn down a hallway. Blinks when the D-Class who originally warned them is only a few feet behind and looking...distorted. Doesn’t have time to really think about it as the true shape of what’s chasing them catches his eye. 
Despite the lights continuing to shatter and leave nothing but darkness behind them, David makes out a large form of what looks like writhing flesh as in morphs into different shapes. Always with enough limbs to keep up with them. Always broadcasting a large psychic field in the hopes a mortal will look at it and become ensnared. 
This, this is why he despises being categorized as something akin to that monstrosity. Though he will say, he’s actually impressed when the tug on his mind that was meant to make him stop suddenly turns into a nudge after realizing the first attempt was pointless. Trying to send a message into his mind was as well, and he effortlessly severs the connection, but it’s the awareness that says this particular ‘SCP’ has a bit of intelligence. 
Not any respect, though. And unfortunately David’s own psychic abilities aren’t powerful enough to persuade it to stop chasing them. 
“What is it?” James suddenly asks, as if he knew David had looked. Or maybe he had been waiting. Because they both know there's issues with listening to suggestions on a good day. 
“Don’t know. Telepath. Shapeshifter.” 
He didn’t know what he was expecting. The man pulling out a canister much too familiar to David was not it. They both know that damn thing acts like a flashbang to the god whenever he’s within its radius. 
“David. The next corner. I’ll stop. Find an empty observation room. You and Fritz, go into the containment room. Wait for me.” 
That’s the worst plan David has ever heard. Yet he doesn’t try to argue this could end in a disaster. He doesn’t have the energy to want to. “Fritz, stay behind me.” 
James immediately cuts diagonally across the long hallway they’re currently running through, making the choice they’ll be turning right. And without any protests, Fritz slows down so he stays behind David. 
Twenty feet to the corner. Ten feet. Five. 
David’s heart skips a beat when James suddenly stops, just like he said he would. Gasps for air and only manages a nod as the god obediently sprints past him to turn the corner. Counts down five doors. Skids to a halt and whirls around the second he’s in front of it, arms outstretched to catch Fritz to- 
Where the hell is Fritz. 
Something inside him almost snaps when the D-Class turns the corner, carrying his rightful mortal as they run toward him. The only thing keeping him from exploding with rage is the fact Fritz looks unharmed. Clinging to the stranger who’s stride doesn’t falter despite an angry god waiting for them. 
“Tripped,” the man explains. 
“Inside,” David snaps. Watches as the still blurry form obeys without question, quickly slowly down before darting into the chosen room, quickly follows after to ensure Fritz is safely put down and isn’t touched again. 
He barely makes it through the first door when he hears the sound of an explosion. Realizes almost too late David isn’t safe from James’ desperate plan. Covers his ears and closes his eyes only a moment before what he can only describe as a mental wall slams into him. 
It wasn’t enough to completely nullify the effects. Good news is he’s not blinded this time, or locked inside of his own realm for an hour as his corporeal form entered a comatose state. The bad news is the fact he can’t grab a single coherent thought as his mind feels nothing less of scrambled. 
Which is bad. He can sense something that should not exist in the next room. Knows something dangerous had previously been hunting him down. Or was he trying to escape from James and the facility? 
No, that’s not right. 
David goes tense when he recognizes running footsteps seeming to be getting closer. Can’t help himself but look out into the hallway. Nearly doesn’t catch James’ arm as his warden nearly sprints right past. 
The moment he makes contact with the familiar human is the moment his mind seems to settle. Latches onto the other’s mind that’s clouded with nothing but terror. It’s enough to remember he, James, and Fritz had been running from an ‘SCP’. That they still aren’t completely out of the woods just yet. 
At least James doesn’t fight him as David quickly gets them both into the containment area. Seems to remember something as he grabs another item from his belt, this time the god happily helping at recognizing the odd contraption that’s able to act like a lock. 
It seems flimsy and unable to keep an ‘SCP’ from breaking the door down if they’re found, but it’s the best they have. The containment area isn’t meant to be controlled from the inside. And locking the door that leads from the observation room to the hallway would alert anything to someone trying to hide. All they can do now is wait. 
David pants as he helps James collapse onto the floor without hitting his head in the process. Sighs in relief when Fritz seems to appear by his side, pulling the redhead close, glad everyone’s okay. Content to sit on the floor guaranteed covered with unspeakable things, needing to catch his breath and let his limbs rest. Feels a large presence move past their room but nothing enters it for a thorough investigation. 
He counts five minutes. James finally gets enough strength to sit himself up, but it’s clear the officer isn’t fully attuned to everything around him. There’s comprehension in the brown eyes as they look around the room, recognition and acknowledgement toward David and Fritz as they still recover. There’s a distinct lack of caution and skepticism that’s synonymous with the officer, though, and a concerning amount of confusion. 
“What’s your name?” 
David’s almost worried James is seeing things, jolting when he spots the D-Class he allowed to join them to escape. How out of it is he to completely forget about a stranger that could be hostile for all they know locked in the room with them. 
His grip around Fritz tightens protectively as he looks over at the man. Narrows his eyes when still, the human remains blurry. As if there’s something moving inside him. “Mike.” 
David continues to stare, genuinely confused by what he’s seeing. Despite what might have caused James’ symptoms, the human still looks like a normal human, nothing actually changing within the officer. Mike on the other hand has a human form, yes, but there there’s almost another physical shape that blocks his features, making it hard to tell the color of his eyes and the fact there’s scars covering his head. Again, almost like there’s some other thing moving inside him. 
...that’s because there is something inside him. Because it’s not human. 
David gently though quickly shoves Fritz behind him, further into the corner at the same time he puts an arm in front of James. All but growls at the thing sitting against the wall opposite of them. “Explain what the fuck you are.” 
The ‘SCP’ looks at him in surprise. “Oh shit, you fucking can tell?” 
“Answer the question.” 
One look at James shuts him up due to now not being a good time to ask for an explanation. He knows there’s a lot going on, the dumbass got into something he shouldn’t have, but David wouldn’t be acting this hostile if he didn’t have a good reason. That being they are locked in with an unknown ‘SCP’ that had previously carried Fritz minutes before. For all he knows, the two could be infected with something that will kill them within the next five minutes. Or ‘Mike’ is biding its time to attack them. 
The ‘SCP’ holds its hands up in surrender. Looks a bit too unbothered by the fact its true identity has been figured out. “I won’t fuck with anyone. Let me grab my shitty friend so he can explain my bullshit.” 
Before any of them can say anything, it reaches out toward nothing in particular as if to grab something. Grabs onto the air, pulls, and makes a kid appear. One that yelps as he falls onto the floor in a heap, his wrist in the ‘SCP’s’ grasp that quickly helps to sit him up. 
Before David can try to comprehend what just happened, James shoves at his arm for attention. “James, not now.” 
“He’s medical.” 
...the ‘SCP’ made an actual medical doctor for the foundation fall out of thin air, proof by the lab coat being worn. Fan-fucking-tastic. 
“Jerber, I fucked shit up,” is announced with an amused smirk of all things. 
Brown curls bounce as an alarmed expression conquers ‘Jerber’s’ face. Despite the fact the ‘SCP’s’ humanoid form looks much stronger than the scrawny human, a genuine one this time without looking blurry in any way, the medical personnel makes a point to put himself between them. “H-He’s harmless! He’s a h-human who g-g-got merged with a p-portal, b-but he’s not dangerous!” 
David can’t help himself. “So it’s a mutt.” 
“Dr. Harrison,” surprises him enough to look away at what could be a hostage situation to stare at Fritz attempting to glare. The heat is taken out of it with the constant glances toward the other two who should’ve been zero if not one. “That’s rude.” 
Not human. Definitely mortal. But when did Fritz start siding with ’SCPs’ of all things? 
James’ clear amusement is almost a slap to the face. So is the fact the officer doesn’t think they should be worried about the fact a human just appeared. 
The worst part about this entire thing is the fact James’ symptoms can’t be blamed on the unwelcomed ‘SCP’, tamed or not. Because one look at Fritz tells him Mike isn’t the cause, or else the redhead would be readable considering he had direct contact with the damn thing. And that means David doesn’t have any excuse not to trust it or the most definitely hostage other than assuming. 
“U-U-Um, what happened?” the doctor asks, seeming to finally realize they’re currently in a containment area. Depending on how Mike works, it’s safe to assume the whole time they were escaping death, he didn’t see or experience any of it from...wherever he had been. 
“Fucked up mind reader chased our asses,” Mike answers. “We’re hiding somewhere safe thanks to that asshole throwing a goddamn bomb at it.” 
David stares at the ‘SCP’, attempting to decipher just what the hell was said. Yet the kid nods as if he understands. And then jolts. “Oh, I’m s-s-sorry! I’m Jeremy, I d-don't know if Mike i-i-introduced h-h-himself.” 
“He did,” Fritz responds before David can demand answers rather than just introductions. The redhead going so far as to pretend he doesn’t notice the god’s glare to shut up. They shouldn’t be acting friendly considering the whole, how do you say it, a sitewide containment breach! “I’m Fritz, this is Dr. David Harrison, and that’s James. The one who got us to safety.” 
Excuse him, James needed someone to find a safe place to go once all hell broke loose. The officer wasn’t in two places at once. Nor can he sense ‘SCPs’. Seriously, how is David being treated like a bad guy when the thing right across from them not only pretended to be human, but made one randomly appear and still isn’t explaining! Not to mention it’s D-Class and guaranteed had been a criminal before this! 
“Can we finally get an explanation on the fact you just appeared?” 
He waits for Fritz to snap at him for being rude again. Chooses to ignore the yank on his sleeve, glad at least James doesn’t say anything. He’ll take it as a win. 
Jeremy glances over his shoulder at Mike, earning a shrug. “He can put a-a-anything, humans included, i-in h-h-h-his portal by shoving i-it. It’s a h-hundred percent safe, a-a-and we’ve known each o-other for a while, so when an a-a-a-anomaly spotted us he t-t-transported m-me to safety. N-Now that here’s safe, h-he let me out.” 
“So you are a hostage.” 
"Dr. Harrison,” Fritz hisses. 
Mike grins despite the accusation. “Shit, Jerber, I told you the hostage idea would be fucking perfect.” 
“I’m not a h-h-hostage,” Jeremy almost pleads, shoving his companion away. “We’re friends.” 
Uh huh. Sure. David doesn’t trust either of them. He wouldn’t on any other day but today, and with everything going on, he’s wanting to do nothing more than grab Fritz, grab James, and find another room to hide in until they figure out a plan. That’s his current priority, to get the two humans out of this damn facility where an ‘SCP’ won’t try to take them from him ever again. 
“Does he chose where the portal goes?” James suddenly asks. 
“N-No. It’s to different d-d-d-dimensions, technically in a ‘s-same spot’,” Jeremy murmurs, looking regretful. But then his brow furrows as the other blinks a few times, all of them able to see his mind working to understand the words. “Are you okay?” 
“No,” has David concerned. Because seeing if a semi-trustworthy ‘SCP’ can get them outside is one thing, but admitting being vulnerable is something else entirely. And he doesn’t know how to feel about the look shot toward him before James continues. “I looked at it.” 
“You dumbass,” the god immediately berates. Upset with himself for not connecting the dots. “I told you it was a goddamn telepath. That means don’t fucking look at it.” 
“I had to aim.” 
“It’s a flashbang you just have to throw it!” 
“I-I can help,” Jeremy interrupts despite the fact this is the one time David has a legitimate reason to yell at his warden. But one yank on his sleeve from Fritz and he’s helping James closer toward the center of the room despite his instincts screaming at him not to. Pushes the redhead behind him as a demand one of the humans he’s protecting stays a safe distance away. 
The mutt of an ‘SCP’ doesn’t try to get any closer. It only reaches into the air again to pull out a bag identical to the one’s most medical personnel have to pass to Jeremy. Then the kid slowly closes the gap until he’s close enough to tilt James’ head back to look him over. Grabs a tool that nearly has David lunging forward to grab it until he realizes it’s a common one human doctors use that shines a regular light. 
“How is it e-effecting you?”
"It's hard to grab thoughts at times. Less of a filter. I bet I’m freaking David out acting so trusting.” 
“Who wouldn’t?” the god defends. “You’re constantly paranoid, so it’s already bad considering it’s you. But humans are supposed to be terrified seeing things randomly appear!” 
Mike raises an eyebrow. “Think I’ll fucking throw shit at you?” 
“You don’t have any weapons?” 
“Y-You should see his collection,” Jeremy chuckles as he reaches back into his bag. “I-It’s all items p-p-people set down n-next t-t-to him and didn’t realize would be used as collateral until it was t-t-too late.” 
That sounds suspicious at the same time it doesn’t. He can’t think about it too long when Jeremy grabs a bottle of medicine, reaches out toward Mike to be given a water bottle, then offers both items to James. 
“Woah, woah, woah,” David says as he leans forward to lower the offer’s arms ready to accept them. “What is that?” 
“It’s the same pills I took when the chemical we were testing turned out to have bad psychic effects,” Fritz pipes up as he moves a few inches to the right in order for their eyes to meet. David’s a dumbass for not looking away the moment he realized puppy eyes were being used. “I recognize the name. I didn’t have any side effects from them, remember?” 
...he did remember. It was a few months after David had been assigned an assistant, that announcement becoming the day he thought would be the worst one in the entirety of his existence. Because getting outsmarted by a mere mortal was embarrassing, but being forced to supervise a teenager had just been the giant cherry on top. The only ‘good thing’ about it was how obedient the mortal was. So quick to please everyone around him, the senior researcher he was assigned to above all. 
He won’t admit it, but after a while he started to like the thought of someone looking up to him. David isn’t a god that’s worshipped, has no followers who would be willing to do his bidding. He liked the idea, of course he did, but it wasn’t a priority to put his energy toward something that wasn’t necessary. 
So he started to loosen up on the kid after a while. Stayed stern and wouldn’t allow anything less than perfection, but he was enjoying playing pretend. Thought that finally something good came his way. Up until some dumbass neglected to inform them the liquid Fritz would be handling hadn’t been scanned, nor did they give the file of which ‘SCP’ it originated from. Seeing his assistant suddenly fall to the ground, eyes staring out at nothing, David was faced with the fact he had become attached. 
He had James swear to never tell Fritz how panicked he was. Never to speak about how the officer had been pulled from a mission early due to David not allowing anyone close despite it being medical personnel only trying to help. Needed to be coaxed to sit by the redhead’s bed to watch so he didn’t hinder recovery. 
Trapped James in a mug inside his realm when the officer fell asleep right after making a comment about David getting soft and caring about ‘mortal pests’. The payback of having said mug get shoved off the desk to make it shatter was worth it. 
But after the embarrassing few days in which David nearly blew his cover due to not pretending to sleep because he wasn’t taking his eyes off Fritz for a second, the kid came back. Unharmed. Confused. Terrified. Nearly refused to take the same pills Jeremy’s holding out of fear it’ll only make it worse, send him back to wherever his mind had been. The god wouldn’t have enforced it, but James gave a compelling argument why it would be a bad idea not to. 
They watched for side effects closely. James saved a few lives from David’s wrath considering Fritz could’ve died for such negligence. It worked out in the end, albeit with multiple personnel terrified to be alone in a room with a god who would have no issues revealing his identity if they so much as seem like they’ll step out of line. 
David shakes his head to get rid of the memories. Instead of acknowledging it, he latches onto something else to bitch about. “What about the water?” 
“It’s sealed. Y-Y-You can open i-it,” Jeremy says so earnestly, leaning forward in order to pass it over for inspection. Reminding him this is a doctor with special training dealing with ‘SCPs’. To be honest, he wouldn’t nearly be this untrusting if not for the chosen companion. 
No, the irony is not lost on him considering he’s essentially what Mike is to Jeremy for James. 
The officer suddenly snorts as if he could hear the thought. “You’re such a hypocrite, David.” 
“Shut up. Take the damn medicine.” 
James stares at the bottle. Passes it for David to open because the simple task apparently takes too much energy. Looks amused as all hell when he dry swallows a pill, the asshole lucky there’s witnesses or else he would’ve been drowned with the water. Sputters when the god decides fine, he'll be drinking it instead. 
“That’s hardly fair.” 
“This is the consequence to your actions, James.” 
Jeremy gently pushes an open bottle into the officer’s hands. “It’ll b-b-be a while before the effect s-subsides.” 
“Thank you. David, that means you’re coming up with the plans.” 
Fritz is guaranteed sending a grateful smile, but he fixes Jeremy with a stare. “But they will go away.” 
“Y-Y-Yes. It’s possible he might only n-need the one pill, but I-I've g-g-got plenty until it disappears completely.” 
David finally nods. Growls at the elbow jab into his back. “Thank you.” 
“Sorry for fucking up your original plans,” Mike says. “Didn’t goddamn mean to lead that bastard to you assholes.” 
“It would’ve happened at some point,” James waves. Still dazed, but no longer looking completely exhausted. “I’m actually surprised we haven’t stumble upon anyone else.” 
“That sounds b-bad,” Jeremy murmurs. 
...it does, actually. It can’t be luck, David’s own or not, that has had them only encounter one hostile ‘SCP’. He doesn’t know how he feels about Mike and Jeremy, doesn’t trust them, but they only had bad timing. Well, the mutt did. The doctor’s a completely dumbass putting his faith in that thing. They aren’t putting Fritz and James’ lives at risk, though. 
David sighs, long and hard. “I can’t sense the other ‘SCP’ in the hall. We should be safe to make our way to an exit.” 
“Mike, did you commandeer any transmitters?” 
The ‘SCP’ gives James a confused look before making what can only be described as a baton appear. And then a metal rod. A flat round object. A bag not too different from the one’s senior researchers carry. 
“These fucking help?” 
James looks almost relieved at seeing the items while David stares at them in horror. “Yes.” 
“You said he didn’t have any weapons!” the god erupts. 
“They’re n-n-not?” Jeremy begins as he slides the bag over to the officer, hunched in on himself as he fiddles with his hands to avoid eye contact “Well, m-m-maybe t-t-to Mike, but not to h-humans.” 
David almost sputters at his mistake, because he had latched onto the fact they’re tools that are meant to hinder certain abilities only ‘SCPs’ have, not weapons against humans specifically by design. He wasn’t worried about himself necessarily, but if he’s incapacitated, and James still acting way too trusting, that would leave his two humans completely vulnerable. 
They can’t know that, though. “The two bat-like objects definitely can’t be used to bash someone’s head in.” 
The kid flinches from his harsh sarcastic tone. “B-B-But-” 
“There is nothing that could convince me-!” 
“David,” James interrupts, not looking up from his search. “I’ll turn a disrupter on if you continue harassing them.” 
The god’s mouth snaps shut at the threat, not wanting the high-pitched noise that gives him a migraine so powerful he can barely move let alone think. It’s one of the annoying tools his warden had used almost constantly at the beginning of their contractual relationship. It got to a point David was practically begging they figure out a better option rather than being literally tortured. 
They haven’t been used near him purposefully for a long time, but that doesn’t mean they won’t be if James has a good enough reason. 
That’s when David realizes James interpreted ‘we’ as the five of them. He wants to bring Mike and Jeremy. 
“You can't be serious,” he breathes. Lowers his head so only the officer can hear him. “You’re out for the count. Fritz can’t act as backup. And you want to bring them?” 
“I do,” his warden responds just as quietly. “You know I’d never put Fritz in danger. But I am out for who knows how long. And I can’t confirm if this entire facility will be destroyed by one anomaly or another. You’re not the only god here.” 
A shiver goes down his spine at the reminder humans didn’t always know when to stay out of things they don’t understand. David is one thing, the ‘SCP’ that chased them is another. But Eldrich beings have attempted to reach out to him when he went too many floors underground. Because he’s not at the top of the food chain, as much as it pains him to say it. There’s ways to make even him disappear and never reform like he’s just any other mortal. 
“I don’t trust them.” 
“Neither do I, but these are desperate measures.” 
David glares. “If we’re that desperate, let me-” 
“No,” is said so fiercely he can only stare as James clips a few items to his belt before pushing the bag over. They don’t say anything after that, the god obediently putting the strap over his shoulder to carry it. Allows the baton and metal rod to be added, the disk then kicked over toward Mike. 
“Make it disappear?” 
“You can.” James pauses, putting a hand against his forehead as a look of pain conquers his face. David doesn’t dare touch him. “It can, make an invisible barrier around anyone standing in a ten foot radius, including you. Just throw it to the ground and step on it to activate. The catch is no SCP can go inside or outside until it’s deactivated. Humans can go through it without issues.” 
Mike hums in thought. “Badass.” 
“That’s useful if we get c-chased again,” Fritz agrees. 
James attempts to smile before it turns into a grimace. “If we get separated, it’s a good defense.” 
Jeremy gives a sympathetic look at the officer clearly in pain. There’s no worry though, and that’s enough to calm David’s nerves, forcing himself not to demand answers for what looks like the psychic effects only getting worse. “W-W-We're joining you?” 
"You helped me. Mike saved Fritz. You’re both personnel, and my job is to keep you safe.” 
It’s impossible to miss the edge in his voice. His eyes losing their focus by the minute. Fritz glances between him and James, gently grabbing the man’s shoulder when David doesn’t react to the concerning sight. “Are you okay?” 
“Fine, honestly. It comes in waves.” 
David finally stands up. Offers a hand that James immediately takes to laboriously stand up. He can’t help but catch the relief, most likely assuming he wouldn’t want to help the mortal considering the pervious outburst. But he learned long ago he’s no more than another tool to the officer’s arsenal. They’re comfortable with each other with genuine trust, but it only goes so far. Keeping an almost professional boundary that isn’t allowed to be crossed. 
Meaning the god respects not wanting to create a personal contract. But there’s no promise that the minute someone announces he’s an ‘SCP’ that David will stick around longer than he has to. 
“Alright,” David begins, offering his hand to Fritz as he sizes Mike and Jeremy up. “Are either of you more familiar with the facility’s layout?” 
“Mike knows th-th-the details, I know where the n-nearest e-e-exit i-is.” 
“Then you two are leading. Go slowly and look around corners before turning them. If you see or sense anything, stop, don’t say a word, and let James or I take care of it. Understood?” 
“Understood,” Jeremy nods as he begins to tremble, Mike giving a lazy salute. Making it clear they trust they won’t be left behind. 
He doesn’t get paid enough for this. “Fritz, you’re staying in the middle with James. I’ll watch our backs.” 
It doesn’t sound any better than the plan just before this, which is saying something considering it involved a flashbang, but it’s what they have. David can’t leave in case James or Fritz falls behind. He is not willing to trust the duo not to try anything while his back is turned. At least there’s no protests from the only person trained for these kinds of situations. 
David takes a deep breath. Unhooks the temporary lock. Wrinkles his nose as Mike walks past him. Almost misses Jeremy following closely behind by how quickly the kid darts after the mutt. Then it’s James, Fritz, the god closing the door behind them before following the odd line. 
The ‘SCP’ that chased them is no where to be seen. But as they pass by a hallway, David has to gently push Fritz forward when the redhead catches sight of the inevitable carnage of unlucky personnel that got in something’s way. Instead of making him worried something dangerous might be close by though, it actually takes a weight off his shoulders. The confirmation that they weren’t just holding their breath for when something catastrophic happens. The world is still spinning, they aren’t the only beings still inside the facility, and they can escape. 
It’s slow progress, but it doesn’t look like James would be able to keep up witth a faster pace. David keeps looking over his shoulder, watching for things that are out of place, a shape in the distance that’s following them. Feels annoyed it seemed like progress they had previously made had been lost when- 
Shit, that shadow didn’t move, did it? 
He nearly runs into Fritz, barely realizing everyone had stopped in time to not trample the kid. But when he does, he’s almost confused as to why. A regular human carefully making their way down the hallway opposite of them isn’t something to worry about, just requires them to take a small detour. Well, maybe they can’t tell they’re not an ‘SCP’, only David can. 
As he raises his hand toward Mike to turn right, he stops. Because the human seems familiar. In a bad way. 
It’s almost like everyone’s reading his mind today, the human suddenly whirling around, as if spooked. It’s hard to tell from this distance what they’re looking at, but David feels eyes lock onto him at the same time he recognizes them. 
It’s Scott. An absolute asshole and a stickler for doing everything by the book. Had quite a few fights regarding if a lab coat is really necessary to be worn. 
...fuck it’s Scott. 
“We’ve got to go,” David hisses, his heart beating rapidly with panic. Grabs Fritz’s hand as he motions for James to follow. Not caring if Mike and Jeremy listen because they need to get as far away from here as possible. “Now!”
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4
Anomalies and Incident Reports
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guraveetee · 1 year
really love it when you see "you have already left kudos here. :)" and people will instantly go to the comments to send more hearts, more love to the author and the story. whether it's a long paragraph, a keyboard smash or a simple "you have already left kudos here, well I need to give more!!" comments, it makes me feel so, so warm!
some might feel like cringing or that it's "embarrassing" to leave long comments, but I smile when I read those because they are genuine and sincere. because huh? I really impacted your life? even if it's just for a few minutes, I made them feel. for just a moment, they were connected to the story. they were connected to me.
and it's amazing that there are stories that stays with us for years. I find myself referencing something from a fic and thinking, "huh, I should reread that." because i miss those times. staying up late when you have a busy schedule the following day, reading a simple one-shot, the next chapter, hitting kudos again and again in the middle of commute, stopping myself from cooing out loud or letting out a giggle, just because of the simple happiness of reading. the excitement of what's to come, on how they'll continue and finish it.
and I'm really grateful to authors that write these from something that is already loved. they'd be like, "haha, but what if...?" then put their time and effort and write something beautiful.
whether you need a good laugh or to just let out and cry, an epic adventure that is so different from the original story, you'll be wondering, "what the fuck is going on with this author's brain, this is amazing!"
they'd be moving on with their lives, going forward and maybe writing more, and I hope they know that they made someone smile. that they inspired someone to write.
especially those that write long, multi-chapter fics, I'll be bowing my head and kneeling in front of them. just the thought of the amount of research they put into it, I hope they know that it's well loved.
I'm a firm believer that you should write for yourself, to make something that you are proud of. but to know that it's liked, wow, I hope a simple thank you is enough, because somehow, the words aren't formulating right now.
just thankful to ao3 for existing. thankful to fanfiction sites for existing. thankful to wonderful authors for writing and sharing their stories. thankful to readers that leave a simple like, a simple heart, a simple comment, their token of appreciation that is gleefully and greatfully received.
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fahrni · 11 months
Saturday Morning Coffee
Good morning from Charlottesville, Virginia! ☕️
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I’m still having a great time at work integrating React Native into an existing iOS App. I still have a lot to learn about JavaScript and TypeScript but my interest is piqued. Don’t get me wrong, I still need to learn SwiftUI and I still love doing native work, but this is worth learning because we’re seeing more clients ask for it.
Just poured my first cup. I hope you enjoy the links.
Alan Herrera • Comic Sands
The United States Forest Service responded to a video filmed by a couple that went viral for allegedly showing Bigfoot walking in broad daylight.
I really do wish Bigfoot was a real thing. The skeptic in me says “Of course this is faked.” But how do we really know?
The truth is out there.🛸
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Steven Lee Myers, Stuart A. Thompson and Tiffany Hsu • The New York Times
Now rebranded as X, the site has experienced a surge in racist, antisemitic and other hateful speech. Under Mr. Musk’s watch, millions of people have been exposed to misinformation about climate change. Foreign governments and operatives — from Russia to China to Hamas — have spread divisive propaganda with little or no interference.
Face it, Space Karen isn’t the genius everyone made him out to be. He’s a self serving narcissist with too much money and strange ideas.
I’ve been saying I won’t call X, X, because it’s still Twitter. I’m wrong. Twitter is gone. Now folks are left with X.
Please, please, please, sell the Twitter name and branding. Someone could make something amazing with it. 🐦
Swift Forums
When using this feature, the developer hand-writes Objective-C headers just as they normally would for an Objective-C class, but implements their declarations in Swift by using an extension marked with the new @implementation attribute.
This is an interesting idea but I’m not sure it’s any better than what we have today when using @objc notation.
I suppose it would mean the continued existence of the vaunted header file. 😄
Dave Winer
I have basically had it with JavaScript. It is a write-only language. More so than any other language I’ve used, including some pretty old and arcane systems. I asked ChatGPT to give DALL-E instructions based on this prompt.
Even if you don’t read Dave’s piece go check out the images generated by DALL-E. They’re beautiful works of art suitable for framing. Seriously.
Steven Beschloss
Twice now President Joe Biden made the decision to visit active war zones not under U.S. military command. These trips, to Kyiv in February and to Tel Aviv this week, are without precedent in modern American history. It’s easy to take these visits in stride: It’s the President of the United States! Surely, he has quite a circle of protection. But I think it’s worth reflecting on the vigor and guts—and principle—it took to meet American allies in person to demonstrate American support, despite genuine danger.
Joe Biden has been a great President. I don’t care if he’s “too old” to hold the office. He seems to be doing a pretty damned good job of it. 🇺🇸
Paul Thurrott
Crapware. PC makers have long installed crapware and other superfluous utilities in Windows, providing users with a compromised user experience that didn’t reflect what Microsoft intended. But with Windows 11, now Microsoft installs its own collection of crapware too, in the form of sponsored apps and shortcuts in the Start menu.
Seriously Microsoft? Some of your own software includes ads? That’s pathetic.
At least Apple’s annoying notifications for services are a little better, not by much, but slightly better. 🤬
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Detroit Free Press
A politically connected Detroit synagogue president was found stabbed to death Saturday morning outside her home in the city’s Lafayette Park neighborhood, east of downtown.
If you think the war in Gaza and Israel don’t affect us at home, think again.
Hate crimes in the States will most likely continue to climb because of it. 😢
Chance Miller, Ben Lovejoy, Zac Hall, and Michael Potuck • 9 to 5 Mac
Is M. Night Shyamalan running Apple? The company just announced a Monday night keynote event on the eve of Halloween. The tagline? Scary Fast. Macs are rumored, but what Apple silicon will be inside?
How long have M2 Macs been a thing? I haven’t got a clue. Is the M3 a Halloween surprise just in time for the holiday season? 🤔
Joseph Heck
Over the summer, I started working with the Automerge team to bring its Rust-language core to Swift.
Joseph is a really nice guy and I’m excited to see him working on something he’s so passionate about. I’ll be keeping an eye on his progress. 🦀
Witney Seibold • /Film
Halloween’s Original Movie Poster Has A Creepy Hidden Detail - And It Happened By Accident
It took me a while to make out what they’re talking about. Go see for yourself.
Sindre Sorhus
Buffer will never be removed, and probably never even deprecated, but at least the community can slowly move away from it. My hope is that the Node.js team will at least start discouraging the use of Buffer.
I know nothing about JavaScript but it’s always nice to see someone advocate for making code safer.
Do you use Buffer in your code? Maybe it’s time to change that? 🦬
1Password Blog
How ethical hacker Jamie Woodruff used a pizza delivery to break into a server room
This made me think of the 1992 film, Sneakers. If you haven’t seen it, go watch it. It’s a great film. 👟
I’d be horrible security for a data center. Pizza? You have pizza? Sure, come on in! 🍕
Victor Tangermann • Futurism
AI chatbots like OpenAI’s ChatGPT and Google’s Bard consume an astronomical amount of electricity and water — or, more precisely, the massive data centers that power them do.
The crypto and AI data centers really need to get their act together and start building sources of clean energy to power these monstrosities.
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Andy Greenberg • WIRED
They Cracked the Code to a Locked USB Drive Worth $235 Million in Bitcoin. Then It Got Weird
This is a cool story! Again, I think of Sneakers.
I hope this means folks who forgot their passwords are able to crack their keys open and sell off their bitcoin.
Especially the poor dude who has millions in bitcoin. He’s not using this tech, currently, but I hope he’s able to finally be able to cash out. 💸
Marc Elias • Democracy Docket
Republican lawyers are back in the news and are bringing disgrace to the party and profession. Even before the indictments in Georgia, it had been widely reported that at least five, and perhaps all six, of former President Donald Trump’s co-conspirators were Republican lawyers. Now in Georgia, we add several lawyers, some familiar and some new, to the list of Trump’s co-defendants.
At least some of these knuckleheads are pleading guilty and cooperating.
I still say his Orangness will get off scot-free. He’ll delay, delay, delay. Win the Presidency. Pardon everyone he can, destroy democracy, and not leave the White House until he’s dead.
If things get super bad I hope Canada and Mexico will accept American refugees.
Dave Rogers
Sea level rise is a game of inches. It doesn’t take many inches to create miles and miles and miles of problems. And it’s going to take decades to address those problems, so we might as well get started now.
Yay, climate change! 😡
If the Orangeman doesn’t destroy the nation, climate change might.
Dave, we won’t cleanup things on the shoreline. We’ll just let Mother Nature take it and leave a giant mess. Like we do. 😔
Christopher Nichols • Atlas Obscura
One of the reasons people can never be entirely sure about what is going on at Area 51 is that it is a highly classified secret military facility. It was not until 2013 that the United States government even acknowledged the existence and name “Area 51.”
I like this take on Area 51. We don’t need aliens to create crazy technology.
I do like the thought of aliens though. 👽
Daring Fireball
This “now is not the time” argument gets trotted out by Republicans after each and every gun massacre. Right after their tweets offering “thoughts and prayers”. Bullshit. The aftermath of a massacre is the time to demand sane gun control measures.
Yep. More pressure to pass great gun legislation. It’s time for a nationwide ban on assault weapons and other protections.
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theoldhempfarmer · 1 year
"Schedule III and Me"
Dateline 9-13-23
This morning its another beautiful day in Middle Tennessee. Not sure why, but while the rest of the country has had really gnarly weather, here in our neck of the woods, we’ve had a relatively mild Summer, in fact at times, its been wonderful, which means The Old Hemp Farmer’s wife and I continue to eat smoothies made from Hemp and Kale from the Crabtree farm in Readyville, Tennessee. At this point, the Cannabis and the other crops are sort of on cruise control, so The Old Hemp Farmer has enough leisure time before delivering orders, to indulge in a cup of Organic coffee and some Costa Rican Cacao fortified with some of Tennessee homegrown’s finest genuine Hemp extract. Don’t know why but Cacao, Cannabis and Coffee seems like the perfect fuel for writing about contemporary Cannabis. This morning’s topic is the Health and Human Services (HHS) proposed rescheduling of Marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III. Which is the federal government taciturn way of saying that Cannabis just might have medical value. This raised consciousness of the feds comes a full 30 years after California legalized Medical Marijuana and almost half of the country has Recreational cannabis. Because the last thing the federal government wants to do is to rush into anything Cannabis related. So now this proposal goes to the DEA. Which is ironic because the DEA’s war against Cannabis has wasted boatloads of cash and destroyed many a life and continues to do so. Which poses a query, why does the opinion of a department of government (DEA) that has continually been inept and behind the curve in regards to Cannabis, matter?
Seriously, does it matter if the DEA Czar Anne Milgram and the gang don’t approve of Marijuana be rescheduling? Especially since the DEA can’t reject the HHS recommendations outright, they can only slow roll the process. So the means of Marijuana becoming a Schedule III Drug could get stretched into the Summer of 2024 or maybe even later. Also where does the FDA fit to all this, once Cannabis becomes a “real” drug? Does it really matter? There is about $30 billion dollars or more of legal Cannabis being sold in the United States every year, that has nothing to do with rules or regulations of the DEA, the USDA or the FDA. Meanwhile, throughout the country, it continues to be business as usual. So why was there so much fanfare in the Cannabis Industry about rescheduling? Well, The Old Hemp Farmer believes that the existing Cannabis companies are under such stress now that any glimmer of hope is like a glass of water in the desert. Realistically. this proposed rescheduling only seems to help beleaguered large publicly traded Cannabis companies. And indeed for couple days, the stock prices of these Cannabis Dinosaurs actually went up after years of price decline. Then the “Green Fever” temperatures fell and those stock prices went back to being “penny” stocks. Meanwhile for those that have been in legal Cannabis for a spell, nothing really has changed, the Cannabis business is still a grind, almost like the movie “Groundhog Day. Each day has become - process Cannabis, package Cannabis and ship Cannabis. Rinse then repeat. Jaded Cannabis professionals (myself included) continue to look for the light at the end of the tunnel, hoping that with full legalization, we’ll all get rich again. But as the days of Marijuana being an outlaw drug start to fade, if the truth be told there’s really not that much to celebrate because the fantasy of legal Cannabis is way better than the reality. Anyway as always, Hemp Dawgs and Hemp Puppies keep one eye on the weather and the other eye on the market.
Visit our Tennessee Homegrown web site to try our great products: https://www.tnhomegrown.com
Our Podcast - Full Contact Cannabis: https://fullcontactcannabis.podbean.com
The Wife's web site: https://www.theoldhempfarmerswife.com
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caelumsnuff · 1 year
I think it’s more than fair and reasonable for creators to have things that they’re uncomfortable with especially with their creations and the spaces they made. Why is that such a problem for you I’m sincerely asking? Everyone has things they’re uncomfortable with and no one wants others to go against those things ya know? Especially when it comes to sexualizing and things like that. And to just say “I don’t care I’m gonna do whatever the fuck I want no one can stop me” feels disrespectful. I would just genuinely like to understand where you’re coming from.
you're the only anon im gonna let continue to be in my inbox after this. you can thank my partner for convincing me that this is in good faith, cause imma answer it as such.
Everyone has things they're uncomfortable with. Literally everyone, myself included. Some of us have things that don't just make us uncomfortable, but actually trigger us and put us in psychological distress, myself included.
But that being true doesn't give people the right to demand that they cease making the art they wish to make. People in this fandom make things that trigger me, and yanno how i act? I block them and move on.
As I've said before, respect is subjective. Personally i find it disrespectful to try to dictate what are other people make because some of it might make you uncomfortable. Everyone has the right to creative liberty, and it is wrong to step on other people's feet in that regard because something they create makes you uncomfortable. If we bent to the will of anyone and everyone that didn't like certain things in art, art just.... wouldn't exist. Or if it did, it'd be the most sanitized shit in existence.
To avoid that happening, we use sites' features to cultivate our own experiences, and do our part to help others do the same. Block, mute, ignore, tag, spoiler, and trigger warn our art. I do the same. I appropriately tag every single one of my fanfics to the best of my ability. The one thing i have refused to tag my fics as is "underage" when they're not. Caelum is 24. He's not underage, he's not a child. And quite frankly i've been thinking of him as a mentally capable adult from day 1, so I'm not going to tag my fic as something it isn't. But i've done my job to let you know that there is sexual NFSW of Caelum in my fics, i make it very clear. If you proceed to read it when you believe he is a child, that is your choice and your responsibility. I have done my job. If you interpret Caelum as not being capable to consent, i can't and won't stop you. Hell, i don't want to stop you. You're free to do such a thing, that's your right.
It's not disrespectful to write something that someone dislikes, or makes them uncomfortable. People can ask nicely, or demand, or try to control you all they want, but their right to not be challenged by art ends where your right to creative liberty begins. Nobody has the right to tell you what you can and can't make, and that includes Erik.
I've said it before and i'll say it again, but fandoms just simply aren't for the creators, they're for the fans.
I'll admit that if i didn't tag my fics as i do, or if i intentially tried to shove them in Erik's face despite his possible wishes to not see them, then i'd be a disrespectful asshole. But i don't do that. No one has to see or like my fanfics, they're written for me and i share them for anyone who would like to read them.
I hope you understand a little bit of where i come from. If not, that's fine. If interacting with me or even seeing me or my content on tumblr or on AO3 makes you uncomfortable, i really do insist that you just block me. It's not worth it.
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