#I just gotta work on the inbetweeners and I am good to go!
heyhellohihowareyou · 8 months
Another part to that AMV WIP (Don’t ask why I worked on these out of order)
Song: Everything at once by Lenka
Lyrics in the video:
As mean as a wolf, (Seo)
As sharp as a tooth (Megu)
As deep as a bite, (Reaper)
As dark as the night (Hazama)
As sweet as a song, (This time it is Kaede)
As right as a wrong (Gakuhou)
As long as a road, (Yoshida)
As ugly as a toad (Shiro)
As pretty as a picture hanging from a fixture (Kanzaki)
Strong like a family (Isogai)
Strong as I wanna be (Shuu)
Bright as day, (Cram school students)
As light as play (Fuwa)
As hard as nails, (Takaoka)
As grand as a whale (Ritsu)
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raksh-writes · 15 days
Ive spent most of yesterday doing all my uni stuff for finals and a couple hours today too, and I should be doing much more, but I can actually feel my brain giving out on me rn. Im starting to develop a headache and that's very much Not ideal. I have A Lot to do and not a lot of time to do it, ughh...
Forcing usually doesn’t work on me though, so even though my anxiety will prob have a field day, I guess I'll try to take a break, maybe play some Skyrim, maybe write a lil' more fanfic if my head feels better, and who knows, if in the evening it feels up to it, I can try to add some more to that big project Im trying to finish or start on a presentation for a different class. Either would be nice, but if its not possible tonight, then I guess I just gotta hope taking a break today will help me get back at it tomorrow.
Here's to hoping!
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bunnyreaper · 8 months
oh can we pleaseeee talk about forced breeding with johnny 🙏🏻🙏🏻
im imagining such a manipulative best friend soap here, who can talk his way into anything.
like you two are super close, you share everything, which is why he feels comfortable complaining about the fact that he hasn't gotten laid in forever. and at first it's just a one off comment, but then he keeps fucking whining about it, to the point where you offer to help him get off just to get him to shut up!! but you tell him straight up, no sex.
so he comes to your room late at night, in a tight shirt and grey sweatpants that he's definitely wearing too low on his hips, bcs he's clearly trying to tempt you. you let him in and decide to offer him a blowjob, which he eagerly accepts cooing about how you're the best friend a guy could ask for.
he pulls down the sweatpants as he sits on his bed, and you kneel before him surprised by the size of his cock that's already hard for you. he lets you ease in at first, as you stroke him slowly before going in with little licks and gentle sucks, but after a while his hips start to buck, his hand comes to the back of your head to hold you in place as his pace increases.
he pulls you off of him with a pleasured hiss, diving in to kiss you senseless (not something you discussed but any protests are silenced by his mouth as his tongue slips inside. then he begs and whines some more. "lemme fuck yer thighs, yeah? please lass?"
the puppy dog eyes and the desperation in your friends voice does you in, as you pull off your own sweatpants and lay on the bed for johnny to start thrusting into your thighs. his grin is ridiculously satisfied as his precum smears all over your thighs, sticky and viscous and making him moan. honestly, you get a little lost in the blissed out look on his face--the fact he's feeling that just from pushing inbetween your thighs. and you're only human, even if johnny is just a friend, the sensation of him rubbing against you is filling you with need.
johnny must be able to sense it, as he angles his hips to push his cock past your panties and through you folds, making you moan involuntarily. "jus' wanted to see if you wet wet, nothin' more, promise." he whines as he starts to rut into your soaking folds, his hips moving wildly.
and then he's stopping, peeling off your panties and putting himself back between your thighs. "just the tip, yeah?" he pants. "johnny, no." you huff, but it's getting harder to resist as his cock head nudges against your clit over and over again. "please, just the tip, 's nothin'" as if sensing your impending defeat, he slides in anyway just the tip as he shallowly fucks you open for just a few strokes...
before he plunges in, hard and deep as he repositions you, throwing your legs over your shoulders as he presses you to the mattress and presses his forehead to yours. "feels too good, bonnie, and you were fuckin' swallowin' me, your pretty little pussy wanted me so bad. couldn't resist." he groans wildly as he fucks you recklessly, forcing moan after moan out of you as his cock strokes your insides fucking perfectly. you find it hard to recall why you ever said no in the first place, until johnny's rhythm goes, and his groans grow deeper and deeper.
"johnny, you gotta pull out, i haven't taken my pill--" you try to plead with him, to reason with him through the feral look on his face, but nothing seems to work, even as you weakly push at his chest. you try to use your legs, but as you reposition to get better leverage he starts hitting deeper, fucking away your resistance with every thrust, and you find your legs clinging to him just for some support.
"aww fuck am gonna cum bonnie, gonna fill you full, gonna--" he comes with a shout, cock slamming into your cervix as he floods you with pump after pump of cum. "ha, knew yer wanted it, could feel you milk me, squeezin' out every last drop."
he collapses on top of you, not letting you squirm away from where his length plugs your hole with all his hot cum inside. "feel so much better lass, thanks for letting me breed that little cunt o' yours. yer too good to me."
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movedsomewhereelse · 2 years
team rocket gets fucking thrown into hisui au
uhh i don’t use tumblr nor do i know how to use it so i am sorry if this is messy but here are headcanons and whatnot
(put under the “keep reading” thing in case some people don’t like. care about it idk)
• i think they’d get put into hisui inbetween series so the only members that got thrown are jessie, james, meowth, and wobbuffet
• they only remember themselves and each other. they have vague memories that they were on the same team or something and there was this really important boss guy that they feel like they should probably get back to. also yknow how there’s like those ingo things with remembering emmet? i think team rocket would be like that with ash+pikachu but less angsty (or still just as, depends)
• pokemon wise, i like the idea of jessie getting a shinx because she likes it’s personality or something. for james, i think he’d get an eevee, but hey who knows not me
• maybe meowth would convince a random pikachu to join them. because it feels important that they should get a pikachu
• everyone is super freaked out about this talking pokemon that looks like it should be on 2 legs so they don’t really like him at first but then he helps translate and then people start using him to translate and like him and stuff
• they sometimes hum their parts in the motto. like they don’t know the words but they can get the tune
• it’s not a song but i don’t know how else to phrase it
• they hate being part of the survey corps but they do it for the money. gotta get rich somehow and pay for food to eat
• sometimes they’ll discuss memories. they’ll try to figure out and put pieces together (not that it ever works. everytime they think theyre close, there’s one thing that makes it fall apart everytime)
• they hang out with ingo sometimes because they feel like they’ve seen him before, somewhere (whichever series’ this takes place between, it’s up to interpretation but they’ve either fought him like that one time in B/W or on TV or something)
• at some point they get shocked by lord electrode and blast off and while they go james is like “… shouldn’t we be saying something here” and jessie says swears. then wobbuffet does the wobbuffet thing.
• they show up again like 2 minutes later looking fine and everyone is like “wtf.” because that isn’t normal
• why are these random ass people completely fine after getting shocked by LORD ELECTRODE
• melli goes absolutely wild and is torn between being like “DAMN😍” and “DAMN🤬”
• i think it’s funny to think about some child wanting to dress up meowth or something and give him bows and crap. so he looks in a mirror after and gets hit with a horrible wave of deja vu that does not feel good
• yes it’s about meowzie. after a minute it’s back to normal but he is freaked out for a while so ehh
• the horrible deja vu continues when jessie shows this hairstyle that she got and doesn’t think it’s her look but james is bluescreening because that hairstyle reminds him of someone who is really not cool at all (jessebelle)
• jessie never wears it like that again
• now for jessie to experience, there’s that one island in the coastlands where there’s a chansey and while everyone else is like. scared because it’s an alpha pokemon, jessie is like “omg?????? wtf????” and she approaches it. then it attacks her and bam bad deja vu
• i don’t really know how wobbuffet would experience it so have fun imagining that
• i have two thoughts for the ash and pikachu situation- either A. they are in the present or B. they are in the past and i have thoughts about both
• A. the present. i think that ash would go to the next region (or stay in kanto idk whatever you want to imagine) and everything is normal at first
• but then after a bit of time passes it feels like somethings missing but he isn’t sure what
• at some point he randomly mentions team rocket and jessie and james and whatever. but then his companion(s) go “huh??? who are they???”
• it clicks. team rocket has not been around where did they go what
• so ash begins to search because he sure as hell isn’t going to the police about it, because 1, he is a hero, and 2, they would arrest them immediately
• basically he searches for team rocket while no one else does and it’s just shgshs yeah
• and B, where he turns up in hisui too with pikachu
• i would think he remembers everything. so when he sees team rocket he flips out and is like “wtf what are you doing here how did you follow me to the past!!!”
• jessie starts to be like “to protect the w-“ and then stops because. what????
• they don’t remember the motto but it feels like they should be saying it but they don’t know what it is
• they all stand there in silence until ash is like “aren’t you… gonna continue the motto??” and they’re like “what?”
• after a bit of debate ash and pikachu realize they don’t remember and are actually kind of sad now
• hey at least they don’t want pikachu now!!!…. hey what do you mean you have the urge to take pikachu please don’t steal him
• i don’t know it’s an interesting concept that i may expand on later
rhats pretty much it now i think!!! okay bye tumblr i may be back one day maybe not
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Greetings! I’m a big fan of your metas, and as there’s been something niggling at me, I thought I would ask your opinion. Maybe you’ve mentioned this (or someone else has and I’ve just missed it because admittedly my feed is pretty dedicated to to our ineffable duo) but… something is off about Maggie to me, and has been since my first watch through. First off, her misspelling of “urgency” in her note. Then the discussion she and Nina have in the coffee shop and how she says “I wasn’t that kind of teenager”, that she’d never wanted to drink, and of course the “no judgement” line attached to this. And there may be more inbetween, but the other one that comes to mind is a big one, and it’s after the ball when the demons are at the door and she’s asking Aziraphale what’s going on. He tries to miracle away her concerns (twice) and it doesn’t seem to work on her, and she asks him if he’s trying to hypnotize her (but the miracle sound is THERE, he’s not doing it wrong, it’s just not working on her)… So why?? Her misspelling would lead one to wonder if she is actually a demon (are some escaping and hiding on earth? Why is hell so understaffed?) But she seems for all intents and purposes such a GOOD, sweet person and very not like any of the other demons we see (except Crowley), and wouldn’t he be able to sense her besides? Or is she perhaps an Angel, though wouldn’t Aziraphale then be able to sense that about her? Or maybe she’s God? She’s gotta be something and it’s driving me nuts lol
Interested to hear your thoughts if you have any on this. There are definitely some things we are missing in this season (I am currently subscribed to the tactical-turtleneck theory of Crowley Is Up To Something We Haven’t Seen Yet). Maybe it’s just another red herring, and she’s actually just a really good, kind human to show as a foil against prickly, jaded Nina, but it’s definitely doing it’s job of distracting me!
hi @therachan!!!✨ thank you for the kind words, i appreciate it!💕 and please always feel free to ask my opinion, I'll always do my best to give a coherent one!!!
oooooookay so i kinda look at maggie-theory from two angles, because i think both have equal weight but from different perspectives:
maggie may well just be human! she's a mirror of both of them (i kinda see her as mirroring aziraphale in personality, crowley in action/sentiment - and nina vice versa), so thematically her moments that we've picked up as being peculiar or a bit uncanny-valley may well just be her emulating aziraphale, who this season is particularly shown in a little more of a borderline-eldritch light. it may just be this, full-stop, and i could get on board with that, 100%.
however, i love speculating on things and questioning Everything in this story so, alternatively, let's hypothesise that maggie is in-fact not human.
i think it's fair to say that early-doors, theories around maggie primarily centred around the 'urgency' misspelling. this could be a red herring in the respect of 'hey, she just spelt something wrong, there's no issue in that!'. or it could be, given the emphasis placed on it, and the whole less-than-stellar spelling most demons seem to display, that maggie is a demon. both these explanations are very occam's razor, but i feel like sometimes GO either narratively had a very, very simple explanation that ultimately means nothing (and yet everything) in the grand scheme of things (ie maggie is just human - somewhat pratchett-esque), or there is another more subtle/'clever' explanation that only makes sense in retrospect - the 'aha!' explanation.
so this is where i think maggie might be, or have been, an angel. i did a speculative post where i listed a couple of examples that immediately sprang to mind, so i won't go over them again, but there are definitely more times where she's a bit... not quite right? like i said - uncanny-valley. the thing that's kinda supported that maybe she's an angel is this ask of neil's, where he doesn't answer the question on a replacement angel for aziraphale (on one hand, he might have just not answered the question bc the other bit 'took over', so to speak, and the non-answer is completely innocuous... but equally might have purposefully not answered it as to not bring attention to it re: spoilers. who knows!)
in terms of her motives? idk. the above speculation kinda goes on the view that she might have gotten Got by metatron, same as muriel, made an escape from heaven itself like gabriel, but ultimately had her memory wiped. alternatively, though (and im just spitballing here):
initially sent down to earth by heaven to replace aziraphale, and is the new 'guardian of earth' - i think this is unlikely, there is too much humanness to her that her being knowingly an angel would feel a bit... jumping-the-shark, even if the concept is true on a very loose basis
sent to earth by metatron as a spy/to fuck shit up, but ultimately falls for nina (who, btw, im inclined to believe is actually human, but even then i feel like might have a little something something going on) - this is more likely to me, but i think still isn't quite on the money? she doesn't come across at all as having nefarious intent, not to me anyway
going on the possibility that saraqael is a Goodie, metatron might have sent maggie down to spy/separate the Boys, but saraqael did a little jiggery-pokery whilst she was en-route, and wiped her memory to prevent anything bad happening - this is one of my more favourite possibilities, it ties in quite a few plot points/devices that have cropped up in s2
maggie was an angel that Crossed The Line in heaven, threatened with demotion etc, but essentially legged it like gabriel did and 'fell', but to earth. came to earth, no memories, but ultimately a completely innocent party - the other of my favourite possibilities tbh, but then again, a fair number of loopholes in how this would have gone unnoticed etc... but poetically, the fact that a fair number of angels have been Asking Questions, behind the scenes? could be cool
she fell but fell to human, end of - a bit far-fetched, i think.
there are a couple of things off the top of my head that are issues with any number of these possibilities; namely, aziraphale. he knew her great-grandmother, her shop was a piece of his originally, and he would have been able to sense her. i have a further couple of thoughts on this that aren't particularly coherent, but stick with me:
Something About Bees - he sees her as a human, she has a similar personality to him, and is fairly harmless by all accounts. he wouldn't necessarily see her as a threat. he would automatically trust her (compared to the other angels, which he senses immediately - and, btw, seems shocked that she can't), and wouldnt think to look further into anything
Power - she seems taken in by aziraphale's weird god-complex display at the ball in ep5 - somewhat aware that something's weird, but needed nina to fully wake her up. it stands to reason that if her backstory is a fiction, that aziraphale would be taken in by her magic-weaving in kind. so, how true is the 'memory' of her grandmother etc?
im sure there are other things to note on in the We Need To Talk About Maggie theory, but those are my initial, convoluted thoughts at the moment!✨💕
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chelzone · 9 months
played through Snoot Game (that 4chan-made parody of Goodbye Volcano High) and spent 5 hours going through my first run to get the best ending. here's some thoughts on it
from the getgo, it is not as turbo evil or turbo edgy as folks make it out to be. there's some shit here and there that i see and go "yeah that sucks but of course a high school cast would say that shit, i remember hearing stuff on that level AND worse back in my own high school years"
story is fucking stellar and the writing matches it nicely. feels like im actually seeing high schoolers written genuinely instead of coming across as alien
art is a mix-up at times. the characters themselves look great throughout, though im a bit bummed out sometimes the backgrounds go from nicely drawn to just real life photos put through a filter. feel like it would've been better if they EITHER spent time drawing every background OR went all in on the filtered photos instead
despite what ive heard and seen, the protagonist Anon just really feels like a hyper-insecure and painfully autistic (i am autistic) kid going through the motions. throwing in the angle of him coming from a poor background and feeling judged immensely cause of it really hit hard
the game definitely has some racist elements, i'm not making an excuse for that at all LMAO. it sucks, what else do you want me to say other than "no i dont condone that are you fucking stupid"
the fourth ending seems like it makes the most sense for everyone in the cast to grow and develop. i've looked up stuff for the other endings and they all feel like drastic bad times caused by the player purposefully wanting the cast to fail. considering how much heart is put into the fourth / best one, yeah it makes sense that you should want the best for everyone and help them grow into being better folks
anyway there's just some thoughts i can rattle off my head. i know it's not for everyone and i dont blame you if you still hate it. i genuinely had a great time playing it last night and im hoping to take some pointers from it someday when i put out my own VNs.
u also gotta remember im a gal who grew up on 4chan shit as a kid, encyclopedia dramatica, and what have you. seen a bunch of awful shit my whole life and still do, but i know how to handle that shit responsibly and still work to be a good person. i like feel good wholesome content, i like edgy shit, and i like normie shit inbetween. gotta see all lenses of life and see what you can learn from the good, the bad, and the ugly
none of us are perfect, but just like that funny Anon we've all got the potential to grow and better ourselves in an uncertain world
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unknwnxquantity · 3 months
I’m so filled with emotion over nothingness!! I’m tired bro I’m tired of caring. In the good words of good news by Mac miller, “I’m so tired of being so tired!!!” Everyone is so fucking detached from themselves and their feelings where are the fucking dreamers(? That’s such a corny term lol) at!! Where are the people who aren’t selfish and value the little things? The people that pick up on the little things “coincidences” and celebrates them? I remember things so deeply and attach them yet most don’t reciprocate that. They don’t access that. This is so frustrating. That’s why I value my dynamics with my cats and animals more but even then they’re disappointing at times. Like when they want their space. But they’re allowed autonomy! I am not their “owner” I’m their protector, just like they protect me in ways I don’t even comprehend. Im tired of having to feel I have to constantly pour out of me and let it out. Why can’t I be a person who bottles things in? Why can’t I just be more surface level? I say I don’t wanna be vulnerable anymore but then I don’t stick to it. I do things that are gonna make me vulnerable and I know likely how the person is gonna react and I purposefully let myself get stepped on. I’m so tired of this. I’m in that weird inbetween state where I could cry or just distract myself and not cry, but I have work in 30 min and my face gets so red and puffy. And then I gotta worry about my mascara. So instead I have to go fake it at work and put a smile on, but then the fakeness becomes real happiness when I’m around some of the people that I can be myself with. Hopefully work helps it usually does, at least in those moments. Idk what I want anymore. I want a silly little drink that’s for sure but even then I gotta be careful with my sugar intake!! Idk
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rebelyelling · 10 months
It has been a while since i did one of these.
Stuff my patrons say (i work at a dive bar)
Patron: Everytime i come in here i get racially profiled. Ima stop coming in here. (Proceeds to become a regular)
P1: (pointing at me) thats my wife!
P2: nice. (To me) i met this guy on road crew
P1: (shutting outside door to block karaoke) some people should not pic up a mic
P2: (to p1) like you!
P: if i sing Single Ladies can i get a free drink?
Me: no
P: i’m singing it anyway
Context: two patrons who knocked a guy out months before happen to be there at the same time as the guy they hit
Me: you boys be on your best behavior now
P1: i have never caused an issue here. I’m an angel!
Me pointing to guy they hit
P1: i’ll behave
P2: *laughing the whole time*
P (a straight white man): i’m a lesbean!
Bartender 2 (an actual lesbean): high five
P (who i just sold a losing keno ticket to): you are, and pardon my French, fucking useless
Me: *cackling*
P: you either sell me a loser or one that too high to be redeemed here. I had to go to (state lottery hq) last time
Me: no inbetween
P: are we family
Me: idk are we?
P: we are now
P: what i wouldnt give to gobble you up
Me: *laughing* you’ve said that for years
P: and its still true!
P1: you don’t turn your back on family!
P2: *cheering*
Me: is…are you quoting the Fast and the Furious?
P1: yes
P2: gotta live your life a quarter mile at a time
P1: thats my wife (pointing at me)
P2: no shit? Like actually your wife
P1: no! Just my bar wife
Me to bar husband: this is our son now (baby faced freshly 21)
P1 (husband): damn we made one ugly kid
P2 (son): fuck off
P1: thats my mom (points at me) and this is my real mom (points at real mom)
Me: did…did you really want us to meet?
P1: (talking about some historical event)
P2: girl, i only got to Anne Frank
P: its colder than a goats teet in here
Someone comes into the parkinglot laying on the horn
Me: who the fuck is doing that
Regular comes in
P: did you hear me coming in? I had to improvise since i dont have a screaming goat
Me: yeah the bikers gave me a road name
P: thats cool, whatd you do to get it
Me: well when youre clumsy…
P1: hey i heard you crashes your motorcycle. Are you okay?
Me: yeah im good. I walked away with just a split lip
P1: thats good, whatd you hit?
P2: a dumpster!
P1: i heard you had fun in Sturgis
P2: i did, i fell off a golfcart
P1: oh like (me)
Me: copycat
P1: you know what, id like to talk to the manager
Me: let me find someone who cares *spins around* yes sir how can i help
P2: she got you there
P1: that was fucking good
Context: i got a puppy and he was only ten weeks at the time
P: im usually scared of dogs, but this guys my buddy
Context: regular walked out on his bill
Me: *cleaning kitchen and hears regular* *holding soapy knife* if you ever walk out again
P: babygirl please! Im sorry
Context: karaoke is aloud to go over but we have a hard limit of 2:00 am and this person wanted to sing a song at 2:01. She was also really off key
Karaoke DJ: you have to ask the bartender
Me: *looks up to see him violently shaking his head no* sorry no can do
P: i’ll pay you $50
Me: *struggling* im sorry i cant
Theres many more but this post is long
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volinare · 10 months
okay im ready to talk about my day now. (which started eight hours ago at 1:30.)
work over all was good, I got moved out of the training area. I was in charge if loading three vans (at the same time) and uhhhhhh. I sucked. But i've sucked at my job this whole time so its okay <3
I didn't really get to sit down, maybe once for a few seconds. I'm just still really bad at time management and I care way to much about making sure the van is organized.
anyways so i had to leave early because I THOUGHT i had a psych appointment. on my way put one of the drivers asked me if i loaded his van and I was like 'no, sorry. or congratulations?' and he laughed and said i did a good job yesterday. he did not see how backed up I got and like three people had to help me. But thats okay.
so i get in the car and reba starts blasting and i have to turn it down to call my psych and i call the number they left the last voice mail from (this voice mail was to tell me if i missed another appointment i would be banned from using their office) but it wasn't the same number as usual?? not actually that important but weird... like what department was I talking to?
So im like "hi what ever bitch alter answered the phone and made the appointment the other day didn't write it down so i need to know what time to come in"
I didn't say that it was more bland and i didn't mention alters because they don't know that yet haha. anyways.
so the front desk person is like "your appointment doesn't exist."
and i was like "that's funny because i need to see a psychiatrist like. Asap." but i didn't say that she just was like lemme transfer you to him (the nurse im gonna see) and then hung up. there was a lot inbetween those things mostly like her talking and me like 'mhmm. yes. i understand. no appointment.'
so i call the actual number this time (im driving during this by the way dont be me) and the front desk person there says my appointment was a week ago and I missed it.
I genuinely had to be like, wait. Did i lose time or something?? but i was so brave and stuck to my guns and was like 'I made an appointment a few days ago tho' and she was like 'oh yeah i see that now thats actually September 15th.' and i was like 'oh that's cool. see u then i guess' <- is out of mood stabilizers and you guys won't refill them with out another appointment even though its fucking lamictal like what am i gonna do? sell it? "yeah you gotta wait a month for them to kick in but once they do... oh boy you'll feel a normal range of human emotions. thats for sure"
So. essentially the next month should be SO fun lets hope I start manic till then because i have school and if my bi-polar makes me fail again im going to sue someone <3
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dzpenumbra · 1 year
I don't really know why... maybe it's because it's been really cold out the past few days... maybe because my sleep is a little off (but not that off, honestly)... maybe it's just feeling like I'm inbetween projects... but days are kinda just melting by and really don't feel like I've accomplished much. Depression, I guess?
I'm frustrated to even be saying this because I finished inking all the beads and Mod Podge'd 2 coats on all the large ones, all I have left to do is Mod Podge the small beads and then sand them all tomorrow and string the thing and the necklace is done. I'm just not feeling the accomplishment.
I guess it's because I'm in a bit of a vacuum. I think, at least. I go dawn to dusk (or rather, mid-day to dawn...) and... my existence kinda just goes unnoticed. And yet, I just coughed... at 4:30 AM... and I'm praying no one heard it.
Guess it's isolation stuff. And all the streams I'm watching? They all simulate social interaction. All acting, of course, it's roleplay... but like... I don't know. I'm just very scattered and... lonely, honestly. I guess that's what this is. Loneliness. And, currently... I don't really have a remedy.
I have been tempted to get into RP. I've been talking about it forever. I used to do it without even knowing that's what it was called over 10 years ago. But... I'm just inexperienced. I'm sure I'd get really good at it if I practiced. And I watch a lot of people on some of the best whitelist servers out there and confidently go "man, I could do way better than that." But I just... don't have experience in character design. And I don't feel like any characters I have made in my life have had actual depth. I don't know. That's why I loved Rimworld, it gave me the characters. It RNG'd the characters for me, then I'd just plop myself in their shoes and try to see the situation from their eyes, and narrate it like that. I'd shape entire fictional scenarios to fit situations... so say 2 RNG'd characters are in a random event... and I would take that framework and intuitively stitch the narrative together. And I was damn good at it, if I may say so myself. So... maybe I can try that? For an RP server? Just fire up Rimworld, RNG a character and play them on TwitchRP or something, some bullshit server I'm already whitelisted on just to get my legs under me?
It's not just for fun, and not just to feed the social starvation... it's an attempt to make connections with fellow creatives. But... big but... there are very few role-players my age. The huge majority of the scene is younger. So... I don't know what that means, honestly. I'm not used to being the old guy. My family (even my 6-year-younger brother) has infantilized me my entire life, it's hard to even imagine being viewed as elder in any capacity.
Wow... yeah, I guess that's actually a pretty big thing for me. Damn. Gotta write that one on a post-it note. Why the fuck would you apply for galleries if you're an amateur just starting in a field that needs experience, needs a body of work, needs more, needs more. Why would you need more? Lack of experience, lack of time spent in the field, lack, lack. And time = experience. Quality of experience obviously varies, but like... I have no idea why my family would ever treat me like I'm just entering a field, and do any of the shit they did honestly... when not only do I have a degree in it, but I have been working in that field for over 15 fucking years. But, you know, pride is a hell of a drug. And habit... that ain't changin unless you make it.
I'm constantly feeling like I'm going to fuck something up. Like I'm going to Mr. Magoo myself off a fucking cliff with something or another. With so many fucking things, this shit spread so far. And I can stop blindly believing it, it took a ton of work to train the ability to do that, I can challenge that now. And even let it go. But what really fucks with me is like... with so many things - applying for galleries, posting on social media, looking for things to do around town, meeting new people, working on important projects (sometimes) - my first thought is "I'm gonna fuck it up." That is doing a lot of damage. It's a trained reflex, and it was not always like this. It's like every time I go to cook on the stove, I make sure to leave the fire extinguisher right next to me, because "I'm going to catch the stove on fire, so better be ready." It's so fucking unhealthy living like this, man.
Like... okay. I went to the trail the other day and took gravel from a gravel path in a public park. Half a gallon ziplock bag of mixed gravel. And I was looking around me like I was stealing someone's weed plants or something. I was legit paranoid that I was going to get into trouble. And someone started walking up from the other way, going on a walk with their dog, and I put my bag away real quick and started walking again, all sketchy like. And the dude was really warm and friendly, but god... I just hate acting like that. I miss my confidence.
So... I guess I've been really compelled to train my confidence lately. I go through waves of this, and I think it's really important.
But fucking hell, I cannot shake this nagging shit in my head about "well, it doesn't pay the bills." All this self-work. All this cracking away at my problems, shit that I... honestly? In my entire life, I think I've encountered maybe 2 or 3 other people who actually work on themselves more than diet, exercise and scheduling. Like working on their mental health, working on their spiritual health. Actively. As a priority. And I do it literally every day. And I have been for almost 5 years straight now. And the fucked up part? You pay to do that. You pay a therapist to help you do some of the hardest work in the world.
Just imagine a world where you're actually rewarded for being a good person. Rather than being rewarded for how many things you produce, or how well you convince others you do. I mean, at a core level, we encourage quantity and punish quality... why would we expect anything other than massive excess and social collapse?
I can't let myself get into that thought-stream! XD I'll be here all night!
I think my thought I was stemming off of was like... 1). I'm not used to being the old guy in a group, that's just never been a thing. At least, I was never respected as the elder... ever. And most definitely never viewed as a father figure, which is a goal I have been recently considering abandoning, despite being one of my primary goals in life in prior years. 2). I feel like doing another thing like RP is just another time-sink that doesn't lead to helping chip away at these bills. And... I kinda need to do that. I dunno. 3). I'm afraid therapy may be too expensive for me to pay out of pocket, and my only social interactions at all right now are with my therapist. And... I don't know what to do about that. It's... kinda scary.
I'm just going to put this in writing because it's the same impulse I've been getting since before I started dating my ex... so like... 2016? And it's a huge problem for me. When I think about meeting new people, I just immediately go to "I don't know what to do." And then I go to "I don't know where to go." So, what I envisioned was like... okay, where nearby can I go to just meet people? And every single one is one that involves spending money. So... maybe I go to a coffee shop at 3PM on zero caffeine during my morning and zombie my way in there and grab a table and sit there and doodle for half an hour or something? I mean... it's a thing to do. But I guarantee 3-4 days of doing that would equal the price of one bag of coffee, which could last me weeks. I honestly don't think I would be able to afford it. I don't know. I just don't know the area, and I don't have anyone to show me around, and I have no real spending budget, and I'm really anxious and don't like going places alone, and I don't even know where to look for like... things going on locally. And this all started... 2016... remember that? That thing? That... was when I left Facebook. That was when my real persona stopped being on the internet. My real name left Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, all of it.
I can meet people online, I just... don't know where to go to find the right people. Opposite problem there, too many places to go, and no idea where my people are.
I was so inept and stumped on this when I was at the tail end of my fucked up relationship that I was actually on Bumble (before they had that BFF feature) with big all-caps in my profile "I AM IN A RELATIONSHIP, I'M JUST LOOKING FOR FRIENDS". And... I meant it. And that really did a number on my ex, and I feel like a total prick for that, honestly. I was much more naïve back then, but I really did have the best intentions and did not know how to meet people. But the constant here is... I still don't know how to meet people.
So yeah, I don't really know how to phrase what I experience when I think about this. I feel inept. I feel like my mind draws a blank and... it's going to go wrong? Meh, idk if it even goes that far. Honestly, it's not even catastrophizing, it's like... "someone tell me what to do." It's like being a kid dropped in a mall and told to find your parents or something, "I don't know where to go, where do I start? Someone help!" I guess I just get overwhelmed. Maybe it's emotional? I don't know. It's like a wall. And... I get really fucking tempted to go back to social media.
I swear to god. If you are a person plugged into social media... Go one fucking week without it. You'll get a tiny taste of what the past 7 years have been like for me. If you're an introvert, it's like you are a goddamn fucking ghost. It's like you drop off the face of the fucking planet, like you just flat-out don't exist anymore. No one cares, or even notices that you were gone. But they will get upset at you for leaving once you bring it to their attention. That's a constant. One reason or another, they will be upset that you left. And they will act as though any expectation of others to be involved in your life outside of social media? You know, how life was... for the entirety of time... before the past 10 years? They will act like expecting them to care, show an interest or be involved in any capacity beyond you spoonfeeding status updates to them is absurdly unreasonable. Selfish, in fact.
And this structure, these social feeding tubes that are surrogating social interactions, are constructed solely to make generate money for corporations. That's... just what it is. They are simply advertisement and political propaganda delivery systems. It may not have always been like that... it may not have been that in the beginning... but the past... at least 5-7 years have been exactly that. Destroying the social standard for relationships, stunting the social competency of entire generations... for money and influence.
Alright, rant over. Point being... leaving social media ruined my life. And I still won't go back. Because I may be lonely out here... I may deeply struggle to find resources to connect with peers... but at least I have my fucking soul.
Nice light fare for this night's journal entry, yeah? XD What the fuck, man! Ugh... I guess it's this whole... watching the RP server that's based in 1985. And remembering how life used to be different. And people were still shitty and all but like... I dunno. I guess I'm yearning for simpler times.
Anyway, enough venting and existential prodding, it's past 5, it's time for bed. Hey, here's me reminding myself... I got a bunch of work done on these beads today. It didn't feel like it was a lot, but it was a lot. And if I play my cards right, I might be able to finish this tomorrow.
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goldencherryhazz · 2 years
A/n: I am not fucking okay, the outfit, 2 new songs, the dancing, Shania Twain, Harry being hot and cute all at the same time! A hell of a journey! Here’s a blurb based on something he said inbetween some of the songs☺️
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‘Fuck baby, you look so fucking good’ you praise Harry as he twirled around showing off the multicoloured sparkly jumpsuit he was wearing that showed a large portion of his chest and some of his many tattoos.
‘Well thankyou darling, I do try my best to look as fabulous as possible’
‘Oh you definitely don’t need to try’ you were practically drooling over him, many thought swirling in your head, some definitely being R rated
You quickly look over at the time, Harry would be on stage in 15 minutes and even then he would be needed in the wings of the stage so that he could get his in ears and mic all sorted.
‘Baby, there’s still 15 minutes to go till your up’ you hint to him.
‘Yeah there is, you excited baby’ he pries knowing exactly what you are trying to ask, he knew that you were horny due to the subtle squeezing of both of you hips trying to relieve pressure, but he wanted to hear you say it first.
‘I am but…’ you pause becoming shy trying to articulate what you wanted to say.
‘What baby, say it it’s only me’
‘C-can you make me cum p-please’ you finally utter out nervously.
He bites his lip at that ‘oh my sweet girl, did daddy get you all wet’ he taunts already knowing the answer.
‘Y-yeah, you just look soo good, p-please daddy I’m aching’ you begin to rub over you pussy through your shorts.
‘Well since you asked so nicely, gotta be quick darling or else your gonna make me late for all those people’
‘Okay, okay thankyou daddy’ you whimper out desperately and Harry quickly paced over to the sofa you were sat on legs already spread in anticipation of his arrival.
‘Cant give you my cock right now darling, but you can have my fingers or my mouth, you choose’ he gives you the option kneeling in front of you.
‘F-fingers please daddy, wanna feel full’ you moan at the thought.
‘Okay baby, daddy will give you his fingers don’t you worry’
He makes quick work of pulling your panties and shorts off of you legs to reveal you glistening pussy ‘ shit is all of this for daddy ‘
‘Yes daddy always for you’
‘Good girl’ he rewards you by plunges 2 fingers into your cunt in one smooth thrust because of how slick you were and begging to move them rhythmically in and out of your tight hole curling them up so that they would hit your sweet spot, and it has you crying out into the room.
‘Does that feel good baby’ he looks directly into your eyes holding eye contact with you and it has a sheen of sweat breaking out all over you body. You can’t find the words to answer his question and instead nod frantically.
‘Fuck cant even speak can you baby’ he adds a third finger and that has your eyes rolling to the back of your head.
It had only been around 2 minutes since Harry had started playing with you and you didn’t know if it was purely Harry being hot as fuck, the outfit he was wearing, or the fact that you weren’t containing any of you moans so anyone walking past the secluded room would hear exactly what was happening but you do know that you were right on the edge of cumming.
‘D-daddy, I’m soo close, hitting my spot soo good’
‘Shit, already baby I’ve barely even started’ he looks at you in awe, the fact that you were cumming soo fast from k my his fingers was fuelling his ever growing ego’
‘Cum for me then baby, scream for me, let everyone know whose making you feel good’ he double his effort with his fingers and pounds them into your pussy, the coolness from his rings and the fact that every time he thrusted into you he hit your g-spot perfectly has you cumming hard around him.
‘D-daddy I’m cum-‘ you try to say but get stopped halfway between your sentence as a wave of pressure made your head go fuzzy and limbs slightly numb’
‘Such a good girl for me, think that’s the fastest you’ve ever cum’ he rides your high out with his fingers and when you start to squirm from overstimulation he pulls them out of your sopping hole so that he can get a taste of your sweet juices.
‘Thankyou Harry’ you say breathlessly.
‘No need to thank me baby, love watching you cum for me, could watch you all day I swear’ he gets that last of the sweetness from his fingers and then leans up to kiss you quickly.
‘Are you okay darling?’ he asks sweetly even though he should literally getting on stage to the point that there would be people looking for him soon but he always made sure his girls was alright.
Gotta go baby, otherwise I’ll be late, but I will see you in the wings yeah’
‘Of course, would never miss a chance to see you on stage, I love you baby good luck.’
‘I love you too darling’
After Harry left you quickly made yourself look presentable and rushed to the wings where Harry was performing and to say you were proud was an understatement, he just looked soo free, and he was singing effortlessly, even singing two brand new songs for the very first time which you knew he had been quite nervous about but he and the rest of the band absolutely smashed it and you have to admit that your let out a few tears when he performed ‘Boyfriends’ even though you had heard it quite a few times but now.
He was just over half way through his set when he announced ‘we have 12 minutes’ and when he pauses in the middle of his sentence the crowd visibly and audibly start to panic that he wouldn’t be on stage for much longer.
‘Of dancing’ he finally finishes his sentence, teasing the crowd with the long pause. Then suddenly a little innuendo popped into his head and he knew that he had to say it for your benefit.
‘I may be quick at many things, but this is not one of them’ he says cheekily looking in your direction and a blush spreads over your cheeks because you knew that he was referring to how fast he made you cum earlier, and was teasing at how little it took for you to let go.
‘Don’t repeat that please’ he chuckles into the mic, happy with your reaction.
‘You little shit’ you whisper under your breath, laughing at the fact that people wouldn’t knew exactly what he was referring to, well you hope that didn’t. You shake it off, knowing full well that you would be getting payback later, and Harry was all for it.
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evertyun · 3 years
ENDLESS - ♯choi yeonjun
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PAIRING : choi yeonjun x reader
GENRE : ANGST , slight fluff (?) like 0.5%
WARNING : this is a work of fiction anything mention about the character involve are PURELY MADE UP , emotion manipulation (?) , descriptive emotion , swearing , cheating
SYNOPSIS : "we're just friends" little did he know, y/n knows the truth.
OTHERS : include of other idols & oc, the story is not a long one shot its more of the main event skipping until the present time.
"you know i love you right?" yeonjun whispered while stroking your hair softly, cuddle up on the couch together.
you hummed in respond, deep down in your heart, you know he went to her place before he came over. breathing in the smell of her perfume that is painted all over him.
you know that even if you talk about it, yeonjun will keep emphasising they are 'just friends' constantly, you've been through this talk so often to the point that you have given up worrying about her existence. but instead coping with it yourself...
you love yeonjun so much that no matter what he does, even if it hurts you, you're willing to let it all go.
once again both of you are screaming at each other trying to see who is louder
"seriously beomgyu again?" yeonjun sounded pissed
"what about you constantly soojin, soojin, soojin, and that's all you know how to say, when we're together" you look back at him
"for fuck sake y/n, why can't you understand soojin is just a friend stop worrying about it" he shouted again, your heart clenches just holding in your tearz
"i didn't even say anything about your re— no never mind." you were about to retaliate the reply
"i just wanted more time with you" mumbled softly holding in your tears looking down not knowing if he heard your or not.
he stood there looking at you when his phone rang, he looked at the id caller and picked up, and you're just watching his every move
"oh hey whats up?" "i will be there asap" just two sentences only "im leaving" he lets you know and just take his hoodie and car key and left instantly not even checking up on you.
he really left...
"just fucking drop him" beomgyu said as he comfort you with your best friend yeeun
"you don't get it, i can't" the continuous sobbing from you as all of you walk along the pavement of han river park.
"you can do this y/n" yeeun whisper as she pat your back while you were still crying
what would you do without beomgyu and yeeun, constantly being there for you. the fact beomgyu and yeonjun are best friend as well...
"hey, y/n, i just want you to know if it ever gets too hard just know you are not alone" yeeun said while walking towards your apartment with beomgyu
"thank you..." was the last word for the night
some nights were different, but those some nights became a daily routine each day goes by you get more numb but each night you cry too...
he doesn't come by often anymore, maybe once a week but he do leave in less than an hour or two. you could tell from all the excuses he gives you it can go as far to made up lies such as "beomgyu asked me to fetch him home" "soobin forgot his keys" "taehyun left his gloves i need to bring"
"kai asked me to get him panadol he is having bad headache sorry i gotta go, love you babe" tonight was no different, he left so quickly.
but its amazing how he left his phone at your coach, you hold on to his phone debating to unlock it or not to. curiosity gets the best of you, you slide and key in the password he told you before.
'wrong password' he changed it
the phone vibrates the notifications pops up
soojin: i love you too
soojin: but i've reached dalkkom
soojin: im at the corner table see you <3
your heart clenches, so bad when you heard a knock. you walked towards and saw yeonjun as he let himself in and just retrieved his phone and gave you a peck on your forehead then he left.
the extra miles he goes for her, but never once for you, he cared for you once but not anymore. and yet the endless time you gave in
"babe i missed you so much i've been so busy with uni lately" yeonjun hugged you tightly, with his other friends watching the both of you. the look on beomgyu face was so unreadable as though he wanted to flip yeonjun over
"also i asked a friend to tag alone, after all y/n would be the only girl and i was afraid she would feel uneasy so i got one of my friend to tag along" yeonjun added as he let go of you
"yeeun is coming??" beomgyu said in sarcasm knowing too damn well soojin would show up instead
"it's probably soojin" you mumbled out
"what?? who now??" kai and taehyun said in unison
the way all his friends knew about the situation but none of them dare to confront yeonjun. they promise to never let girls come inbetween them and that was the reason
"sorry im late!" a female voice spoke, you turn to look at her
she is everything you are not. insecurity hits, her long silky black hair, her pretty orbs and well shaped lips.
then again,
if he is happy so are you...
soobin could tell you look upset, but what hurt the most was seeing both yeonjun and soojin having fun while you were there broken.
he never looked at you not even once that day, just glued onto her.
its clear enough that he has slipped away from you, its so clear but yet you refused to believe.
"i don't get why is he holding on to you if its clear he loves her?? just what the flying fuck??" yeeun said, its been nearly a year since this whole incident happen
its insane how you manage to hold on even though you clearly know that you are not the one and will never be the one.
the first time yeeun send you a picture of them together at the arcade holding hands. that picture was pure evidence he loved her. its so clear and so loud that you are just a second option.
months goes by you lose yourself, for constantly loving him even though he wouldn't return the affection to you. you were lovesick and tired, you took your friends word in to consideration.
it happens so often, he never showed up to your birthday, or even wished you. you're tired and numb so numb to go through it. he stop texting everyday with excuses that is so bad.
heartbreak . you want to be happy you realise your worth
[next paragraph might be a little too dramatic or to descriptive of insecurity and emotion]
today is the day... (present)
"lets break up" you let out, while both of you were cuddling up to each other
he look at you in the eye all he see was vulnerability, he let go of you without saying much. he know too damn well what he did, but never once did he regret until today in the very couch in your living room.
"wait why? babe, are you okay?" he asked looking at you with concern, you looked at the hickey on his neck that you know he tried to hide and back to his face return a smile to him
"i've hold up for so long, i can't do this anymore" you told him, deep down you just wanted to scream out 'just kidding' . because the look on his face look so genuine and broken as though he really did love you, but you don't want him to go through all the pain
choi yeonjun please get an oscar award. the way he reacts to you, not wanting to let you go. your heart aches so much. you got up from the couch and took your phone.
"please don't let me give in again, i took so much courage to finally let you go" you were holding back your tears, as you unlock your phone to the picture yeeun send you.
it wasn't just one picture but an album? some from beomgyu and some from his very own roommate soobin. the look on his face was clear that he couldn't use the "we're just friends" reason anymore.
"y/n... how long" was all he let out. the picture shown were as long as 5-6 months ago. all he wants to know, was how could you still love a cheater for that long
"it doesn't matter, it never did." you mumbled loud enough for him to hear
"i love you, y/n i feel so bad, please give me a chance, i will change i swear i can't bear to lose you." the guilt in his voice, but apologising was never on his mind
its driving you insane, by the way he could say i love you so easily.
"god yeonjun, i hate you so fucking much, all the i love you, you know too damn well i would give in, why are you doing this to me?" you let out along with you tears, he just look at you all empty
the more you look at him the more you want to give in
"my love for you was endless and i thought it ended i guess it never did. maybe i am not feeling well tonight" you gave in, and you hated it so much.
guess you couldnt leave him after all
"y/n, just let me explain" he tried to reason out
"there's nothing to explain but... what does she have!?" you really went ahead to compare yourself to her "maybe her long silky hair, or her petite figure maybe her big round eyes, or even he beautiful lips, she has it all yeonjun you don't have to explain because if i were you, i do fall for her too.."
looking at the nearest scissor you grab it, yeonjun was in utter shocked he tries to grab the scissors before you but its was too late
"y/n please don't, we can jus-" before he was about to finish the sentence you cut your hair "look i don't have long silky hair anymore am i still pretty?" then you proceeded to scratch yourself and your face making sure it has some marks for you to regret tomorrow "oh no my face-"
"FOR FUCK SAKE Y/N STOP CAN WE JUST TALK!?" he finally shouted, you flinched and look back at him with built up emotions
"NO WE CANT I WILL GIVE IN, I WILL HATE MYSELF JUST... , I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH YEONJUN" you cried and scream out loud hoping her heard you loud enough maybe even your neighbour heard you out loud.
"y/n, im sorry" he walk towards you as he grab the scissors from your hand and he hugged you tight, its been so long since you felt this sincere feeling from him. and it hurts more than it felt good.
you pushed him away, and remove yourself from his embrace
"im going to sleep now, you can see yourself out" you left straight to your room. why just why you can never stop...
you looked up at the ceiling finally crying. cursing at yourself, he probably left to find soojin or even his friends for snitching on him. his move was so unpredictable too unexpected.
opening the door to your room he sat next to your bed. "y/n, it was a mistake i should never have taken you for granted im sorry. i love you i can't bare to lose you." pretending to be asleep not replying to whatever he says
he walked closer to you and gave a light peck on your forehead. you couldn't hold it in and tears fall, the guilt yeonjun felt was unbearable.
his phone buzz as he look down on to his phone and back to you, "i have to go and clean up the mess i've made" said looking at your "sleeping" figure
he stood up and right when he was about to leave, you grab his wrist instinctly
"the tightness in my chest, its so suffocating, but i love the feeling, because i know you're happy out there and having fun and that's what i want you to feel... to be happy, but if you really love me just let me go that's the least you could do"
he look at his wrist the one you are holding
"no y/n.." he really didn't want to let go his voice holds so much guilt,
"if its meant to be we will find our way back to each other again, i promise because i know i could never hate you even if you hurt me the most" you let go of his wrist finally.
he stood there looking at you for another minute or two and he finally left your room.
"maybe 1 more chance for change doesn't hurt at all"
even after all you have been through you still consider to put him above you.
a/n: i don't think it's my best but i will work on it, seems very rush but also sorry for spelling and english error as mention its not my first language;-;
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wonderwomanfantasy · 4 years
Kinktober day 8
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Size kink w/ Kirisima
YES I DID READ EVERYTHING UNDER THE RED DADDY RIOT TAG BEFORE WRITING THIS also whoops a kiri fic right after a tetsutesu one I’m lost in the himbo sauce. 
Warnings: size kink, rough sex, slight fear play, feral Kirishima, breeding/ impregnation kink, cream pie, overstimulation. 
word count: 1,200 (about)
Summary: Kirishima is a big guy, big enough that you wondered how you could ever take him, but lucky for you Kirishima is persistent and he’s going to make himself fit.  
“Are you scared? or are you shaking for other reasons?” Kirishima asked, his pointed teeth scraping over your neck, making goosebumps rise in his wake.
“I'm not scared,” you lied gulping. How could you not be at least a little scared of the man towering over you? Kirishima was nearly seven feet tall with biceps as thick as your thigh. His hands were at least twice the size of yours and even though you were a grown woman, you might as well be a child in comparison to him.
Kirishima lifted you easily, like you weighed nothing at all, and pinned you to the wall, his hips parting your thighs so he could nestle his clothed cock to your core. He had to stoop awkwardly to make it work but he didn’t seem to mind. You squirmed against him feeling the enormous bulge pressing against you. You looked at his hands again, how big was his cock going to be? and was he really going to make you take it all?
“then-” Kirishima’s deep voice pulled you out of your thoughts putting your attention solely on him again “-I have to assume that you are trembling because you’re just that turned on,” he chuckled. Kirishima tugged off your shirt, red riot merch as it happened. Kirishima’s eyes locked on your tits as the bounced. He whistled and licked his lips.
“No bra Honey? that’s dangerous,”  you flushed at his words and turned your head so you didn’t have to look him in the eye. A large hand caught your chin and forced you to look at him.
“don’t try to hide from me baby, you’re pretty and I want to see all of you okay?” He purred his eyes glinting dangerously. He guided his mouth to yours in a tender kiss. his other hand reached up to palm your breasts, the globes of flesh dwarfed by his large hand.
“I need you so bad baby, do you think you can take me?” He asked.
“I-I want you but I don’t know if I could take it E-” you whimpered wich only make him laugh his hands moved to cup your ass, holding you close to his chest as he pulled you from the wall.
“Don’t worry one-bit honey, we’ll stretch out your tight little cunt and I'll fit just fine,” he promised gently dropping you down on the bed, He smoothed his hands over your legs before slowly pulling down your leggings and underwear leaving you completely bare under him.
he tapped your knees and you spread your legs for him. His red eyes locked on to your pussy. He touched you gently, his fingers ghosting over your lips before pressing the pad of his finger pressed against your clit.
“First we gotta get you wet,” he purred applying pressure as he moved his finger in mindless patterns. your body was incredibly responsive to him, your cunt was wet before he had even started, and he left your lower lips drooling. Kirishima pushed a finger inside of you and already you felt full. He swirls the digit inside of you, thrusting it shallowly before attempting to add a second finger.
“Fuck,” you whimpered clawing at the sheets beneath you, balling the soft fabric in your fist
“Damn baby only two fingers and your cunt can’t take anymore, my cock is going to slipt you in half,” he cooed, even though his voice was soft and coaxing his fingers were brutal. He was a man on a mission, he switched between pounding into you and stroking your g-spot until you came, drenching his palm in slick. Kirishima smirks up at you before leaning down and licking his hand letting you watch as he tasted you.
“Erijou,” you whimper, and before you can beg for mercy his lips attach to your clit. all words died in your throat and melted into incoherent moans. You cum a second time when he adds a third finger.
“such a good girl for me, taking my fingers so well, your pretty little pussy stretches so well for Daddy,” he praises, spreading his fingers out making a W inside of you.
“You still want my dick inside you Baby or have you changed your mind?” He asked
“Please fuck me Kiri,” You begged your hands flying to his shoulders clawing at his exposed skin. He laughed.
“someone‘s feeling desperate huh? you already came twice and you still need more,” He teased, shrugging off his clothes. your cunt clenches seeing his cock.
“Christ,” you mutter to yourself, seeing just how impressive his length was. Kirishima smirked and wrapped his hand around his hard-on, palming himself as he straddled you.
Gently he laid his cock on your pelvis and gently started humping your stoumach. “See that baby? See how deep my cock ins going to go inside of you, fuck I really am going to rip you in half,” He growled grabbing your legs below your knees and pushed your thighs up to your chest before slipping inside of you.
You couldn’t help but clench around him as he filled you.
“try to relax babe,” he hissed. you did your best to do as he asked and he started pushing into you again.  Your moans filled the room until he bottomed out, granting you a small break.
“fuck- you’re still so tight,” he panted pressing a soft kiss to your temple
“move,” you begged hooking your arms around his neck.
The stretch was painful but you couldn’t help but beg for more.
“h-harder ‘Shima please faster,” you clawed at his shoulders your nails leaving angry red lines in their wake.
“You have to be careful begging like that Babygirl, Your cunt feels too good if I’m not careful I won’t be able to hold back and then I’ll really break you,” he warned inbetween pants as his hips began picking up speed. your mouth fell open and your eyes rolled back in your head
“p-please Kiri,” you whimpered and whith your permission, his thrusts became brutal causing the headboard of the bed to snap loudly agianst the wall. 
“I can feel your cunt forming into the shape of my cock, No one is ever going to be able to fuck you as good as I can, not after this,” he growled with a laugh
“Isn’t that right baby?”
“y-yes you’re the only one who can fuck me this good,” you praised. Kirishima gripped your hips and flipped you so you were on your hands and knees, your face burried in the pillows. His large hands circled your hips and started moving you back and forth. you wondered if he even needed you to move at all or if he was content jack hamering your body up and down his cock like some human fleshlight. 
“I’m so close I’m going to cum again,“ you warned tears filling your eyes as you approached your third orgasm.  One hand left your hips to brush away the tears of overstimulation as he pounded into you.
“go on sweetie, I want to feel you cum on my cock,” He purred bringing his  mouth to your shoulder in a passionate (one-sided) kiss. you burried your face in the pillows again, the soft sheets swallowing your cries of pleasure as you came again, your inner walls clamping impossibly tighter around his length, strangling his cock.
“F-Fuck,” He groaned against your lips and with one a final snap of his hips he came to his cock pulsating inside of you as he pumped cum inside of you.
His hands stroked over your back as you both came down from your high. he pulled out and hot cum dripped out of your overstimulated cunt, rolling in beads down your thighs. Kirishima clicked his tongue disaprovingly.
“Naughty girl, I gave you all this cum and now you’re trying to waist it,” he scolded. catching the warm semen with his fingers and pushed it back inside of you. you whimpered at the feeling, your walls spasmed around the intusion. He left his fingers inside. 
“we’re going to have to get you a plug or something for next time if this is how you react to getting creampied,” he said more to himself really,
you shuddered at the thought of a next time.  
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spotofimagines · 3 years
Car Sick P1 ~ Dominic Calvert-Lewin
A/N: This is sort of carried on from this blurb I wrote a while ago, bc I loved the idea and wanted to write more for it, you should probs read that first to catch the vibes. This is for @footballffbarbiex writing challenge based on tv and film. I used this storyline from Modern Family with Gloria and Jay. Once again, no real timeline with this, just made up scenarios. I struggled with the next bit of this so I asked you how you wanted it and you chose 2 parts, here's the 1st. Enjoy :)
Warnings: pregnancy, kids, step parents, injury mention - reader is female
Summary: You thought you were just feeling car sick, turns out it's something else...
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gif by @hishairmyweakness - gif by @delstroyer
You were dropping your daughter off at Dele's for a long weekend since he didn't have a match or training to attend. After she had squeezed the biggest hug out of her dad and trudged dirt in his hallway, she perched on the sofa with her ipad and juicebox, leaving you and Dele to catch up.
Dele had been showing you how he redecorated his kitchen so you accepted a drink and decided to stay a little while. Plus you figured the news you had for him should rather be said in person than over the phone.
"Hey, Del, I have something to tell you." You said nervously, leaning your hands on the kitchen island. He turned around and took a sip of the drink he just poured as he walked closer to the other side of the island opposite you. "Go ahead." He replied, his eyebrows knitted in concern at your worried tone. 
"Well, remember when we stopped by last Friday since you were playing on her birthday?" you recollected and he nodded along. "And I had one of those herbal teas and a tablet because I was feeling car sick?" "Yeah..." he trailed off quietly, putting his drink on the counter between you. "Turns out I wasn't car sick," he frowned in confusion and looked even more lost than he did a moment ago. 
You fiddled your fingers together and took a deep breath, steadying yourself. You knew you could trust Dele with absolutely anything. You'd been close since you were teenagers, grew closer when you started dating and left nothing in the way when you had a baby. Being so young when it happened meant a lot of things turned against you, a lot of people with a lot of opinions trying to dictate your lives and yet you stuck it through. You haven't been together romantically for a while, however your relationship with him never faultered, your connection of trust staying strong.
But it didn't make this any easier to say. It wasn't hard to see when Dele got hit by moments of gloom at the sight of the mini family you were creating with Dominic. While your split years ago was amicable, and neither of you would rekindle that flame again, more than happy with your close friendship, Dele couldn't stop that jealous bubble rising in him when he saw your daughter enjoy spending time with Dom as much as she does with him. Blame his stubbornness but facing change wasn't his strongest suit. This news was going to be a big step away from that picturesque life you both once envisioned together and you desperately didn't want it to drive a wedge between you nor push Dele away. You had settled into a good rhythmic system with him that suited your daughter and your schedules, you'd hate to tarnish that in any way.
So, yes, you hesitated to tell him.
You sighed and picked at your nails, needing to just get it out before it drove you crazy.
"I'm pregnant." 
Dele's eyes went wide and his mouth opened a little from shock, the frown lines that creased his forehead disappearing. His breath was taken away. Nothing prepared him to hear those words come from your mouth and know that he wasn't involved. It was bound to happen but it still took him by surprise.
He tilted his head as he looked at you, nervously twiddling your thumbs like you always did, and it only took a few seconds for a smile to slowly grow on his face. "That," he cleared his throat and met your eyes with sincerity, "that's great. Congratulations." 
He scuffed his socked feet along the floor as he walked round the counter to wrap you in a warm hug. He squeezed your shoulder and gave your cheek a quick kiss when he pulled away, a genuine smile on his face. No, he wasn't involved this time, but he knew how amazing it was to experience pregnancy and he was certain Dominic would take to it greatly.
"What did Dom say?" He asked, leaning over to grab his glass and take another drink. Your breath caught in your throat and that made Dele side-eye you mid sip. "You haven't told him, have you?" He questioned gently, and you shook your head.
Now it was his turn to sigh. 
The glass clinked loudly in the quiet room when he put it back down, and he had a ton of questions he could have asked you and a ton of things he could have told you to do that he thought was right, but it wasn't his place. Not anymore. So he took a moment to think whilst you rubbed your hands down your front to straighten out your t-shirt again. 
"Are you going to?" You tutted and looked back up at him incredulously. "Of course I am Del, think it'll be pretty hard to miss when I'll be bursting through my clothes!" You joked and he held his hands up in defence as he chuckled, realising it was a stupid question.
"Are you nervous, then?" He tried again, this time opting for something more reasonable. "More nervous than when I told you for the first time." You admitted. Dele whistled lowly and shook his head with a laugh. 
The state you were in a bit under 7 years ago now when you told him you were going to have his child, it was something else. He still insists he hasn't seen someone so frantic, before or since. He could only imagine what was coming Dominic's way.
There were plenty of reasons for you to believe Dom would be happy to be a dad. He adored his young brother and truly enjoyed spending time with him when he was back home. He was thoughtful and attentive with all the people he knew so you know he'd be the same, multiplied by a million, when it came to a child that depended on him.
But the way he cared for your daughter above anyone else proved to you, without a doubt, how good he would be. Dom wasn't her biological father, but that never once stopped him loving her the way she deserved. Dom made sacrifices when he needed to and even when he didn't. He'd stay awake if she couldn't sleep, he'd ask to see her on facetime when he was travelling and he always asked her about school, he even did the afternoon pick up with you when he got the chance. If Dom would be such an amazing figure in the life of a little girl he had no obligation to be a part of, just imagine what he'd be like with his own child.
You wouldn't question his want or excitement to have kids with you at any time, having spoken about it before. 
Any time except now.
Dom hadn't been himself the last week, and justifiably so. He picked up a knee injury in the Merseyside derby last Saturday that resulted in him hopelessly limping off the pitch with the physio under his arm to hold him up. A torn ACL was the conclusion after a couple hours in the hospital. While an injury was never welcome, a minimum six months out was tough to take. But with the upcoming England tournament he'd been called up for that he will now have to miss, alongside the rest of the Premier League season, it shattered him. His club and his country had important matches this year and it killed him to not be able to help secure some much needed wins for them.
Most of Sunday was spent doting on him, helping him relax and alleviating both his physical and mental pain, offering comfort through his favourite meals and hours of cuddles, something your daughter happily assisted with. 
However, by the time Monday rolled around, his rest was stifled by your daughter's birthday party.
Despite how often you'd sat him back down, Dom wasn't used to sitting all day and had helped you decorate the house whilst your girl was at school. The balloons were littered in the front room, the buffet snacks laid out on the dining table, and the banners Dom had pinned on the ceiling blew from the gentle breeze coming in through the back door. 
So by the time you pulled into the drive with a car full of young girls eager for sugar, Dom was working on half a bar of energy already. Yet he played along with the party activities and managed to dance, or more shuffle, to some Disney songs on his crutches inbetween sneaking mini sausage rolls and chocolate biscuits. 
You could see him getting more tired as each kid left, but "she only turns 6 once, right?", so he persisted on keeping the party lively until your daughter was knocked out in bed, out of her party dress but still wearing the new bracelet she got from Grandma. 
You trailed behind Dom with two cups of tea as he hobbled toward the sofa, barely managing to keep himself up despite it only being 9pm. He dropped heavily on the cushions in the corner and let his crutches fall on the carpet, not caring where they landed as long as they stayed within reach. The sigh that left him could have knocked down a tree. 
Before you got comfortable, you put his mug on the table and put a random sitcom on the TV. Dom's eyes were closed and his legs were stretched out as best as they could be, his injured knee up on the couch in front of him with a cushion underneath and an ice pack held on top.
"I'm telling you, I feel way too old for this." He muttered just loud enough to hear. "You're only 24." You chuckled a little into your tea at his complaint.
"Yeah," he rolled his head your way, hair falling on his face, "but running after her makes me feel 70, she knocks me out," he spoke quietly but with the last tints of energy in his tone, "and with this peg leg too you gotta change that to 80."
You smiled at him sympathetically and loosely linked your fingers with his, rubbing your thumb on the back of his hand as let his eyes close again.
He was joking, it was obvious. But a niggling part of your brain told you that he wasn't just being dramatic. 
Admittedly it was a tiring evening with your daughter's friends running around, but with the lack of energy left in Dom, how could a baby be added to that scenario and it not be an issue? Maybe it was the wrong time. Maybe, no definitely, getting pregnant when Dom wasn't shrouded by an injury, when he didn't have frustration on top of frustration on his shoulders, when there wasn't a hyperactive 6 year old that needed attention too - that would definitely be a better time to have a baby. But that wasn't what life had handed you. Life was a little more complicated in its ways than to give you an easy run, you knew that well enough by now. 
What concerned you most was how Dom would handle it. Whilst he had picked up parenting duties well over the past couple years, he hadn't been there when your daughter was a baby, nor had he seen how tough it was on you at the time. The thought of raising another was scaring you, so it would surely terrify Dom, doing it for the first time. 
Even before the time came to hold them in your arms, being pregnant was no easy deal. So how could he possibly handle the stress of an upcoming baby, the stress of having to look after 2 kids in the future, the stress of a cranky pregnant girlfriend, the stress of prepping the house and himself, all whilst he's hobbling on crutches and having to watch his teammates from the sidelines too? 
You sipped your tea and let the TV fill the room as your brain ran overdrive with questioning thoughts, sitting silent next to your boyfriend who's head seemed full of only the sleep he was dreaming of, oblivious to the changes that were coming his way.
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peralta-guaranteed · 3 years
“You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough last night?”
Gotta say nothing's funnier than waking up to these sudden porn prompts without any premise, like the last smut I posted was over a week ago? Where do you keep finding me?
Don't mind though anon because I'm here to twist your little kinky prompt into more sexy fluff
"Hey babe..." He hears low in his ear while a curious, but very familiar weight lands on his lower stomach.
"What a way to wake up." Jake rasps with a sleep-rough voice as his ear gets nibbled and already sends goosebumps down his neck. There's a quiet little giggle too, as the teeth move down with the goosebumps while his hands find their way to Amy's waist.
"I'm pretty sure I remember you going to sleep in a shirt yesterday."
More giggles when his hands glide up and down her sides, then down over her bum.
"And underwear."
His eyes are finally open when Amy sits up, one hand still holding her up next to his head, and throws her hair back over one shoulder. He's glad he doesn't need glasses or contacts to see far enough to really appreciate the sight of her on top of him, completely naked in the soft light of a late morning, and-
Late morning?
"Did- did you turn off your alarm?" He blinks at her as she leans down again, rubs the tip of her nose against his.
"I turned off all the alarms."
He can't help but smile softly at that, at that little insinuation about their talk last evening at Shaw's and everything it entailed.
"I'm glad about that, babe, but we do need at least the one to get us up for work, don't we?"
She shakes her head, which turns into more of an eskimo kiss, and grins.
"I talked Holt into giving us today as an extra day off."
"You- what?"
"Amy, please tell me you didn't tell our Captain you want a day off for babymaking."
"Well, not like that, obviously." She rolls her eyes. "It's none of his business in the first place. Not that that isn't what I'm planning for..." She pulls him into a far more passionate kiss than his still sleepy brain can really handle, her hips grinding on him hard.
"Jesus, Ames." He pants as she finally pulls back, her hand digging into his hair. "How can you still be this horny? Did I not take care of that enough yesterday?"
She grins again at the thought of the last 24 hours, turning from drunk misery over deeply emotional talks to the most enjoyable evening and night together they've had in months, and he joins in with that grin.
"Honestly, I already feel sore from it all. And you're still up for more?" He continues to tease her with soft hands on her still grinding hips as she kisses him a bit less insistent.
"I just missed you a lot." She mumbles against his lips.
"We've had sex about twice a day for a good few months, babe."
"Not like this." She trails kisses across his cheek down to his neck, and he hums approvingly. "Not like we should."
"True." His hands push up to her shoulder blades, knead into them as she bites along his throat. "Can't believe we let all that mess with us so much..."
Amy sits up a bit more again, that look in her eyes that he's missed for weeks, that sends a jolt into his stomach every time.
"Can't believe I almost forgot how good you make me feel."
"Well you certainly made sure to remind me of it yesterday." She purrs, pulling his wandering hands up to her front. "Can you blame me for wanting more of that?"
"Not really." He shakes his head while looking her over, hickeys and bitemarks across her chest, red marks from his fingertips across her thighs, the very picture of sexy if he ever had to define it. But there's still something...
"I just thought you'd want... I don't know." His voice is soft and careful, and it makes all her flirtatious moves halt for a moment. "More of a break or something. After everything."
She shifts, her weight all over him now, lying on top of him for a deep, yet languid kiss, accented by lots of little pecks after, a hand carding through his curls softer than anything.
"I don't want a break from you." She says, and there's a resolution in her voice that makes him feel surer than all her insinuations before. "I know we said- and we don't have to call it- it's not about babymaking, but-..." Another little peck before she seems to gather the strength to continue. "I just want to be with you, and not think about any of that, about what we're doing or what we're not doing. If- if you don't want to do anyth-"
"I don't want a break from you either." Jake interrupts her before she completely twists back into sadness. "And I'm more than happy to do, uh... something." He grins with a hand on her cheek, and she returns it a bit more meekly. "Just lemme get a shower in inbetween, and maybe some coffee."
"We can shower together."
He can't help but laugh at her eagerness as she plants another kiss on him, and this time it's him who drags it out into something a little stronger and feels her hum on his tongue.
"Alright, shower fun, then coffee." Amy nods along to his list. "And considering you got us a random day off with your awesome debate powers, I suspect, we should honor it with a proper lazy-pants-day."
"Sounds like a plan."
"Are you gonna honor the lazy-pants-rules after our shower?" He smirks, already guessing at her answer.
"Oh no." She shakes her head with a grin. "I'm not putting on any pants at all."
(She wears one of his shirts, at least, when he cooks up the most unhealthy breakfast they've had in a while, devoid of any green drinks or nutritious granola-nut-mix. It gets lost somewhere between the kitchen and the living room later, though, and she hides under the couch blanket when Jake opens the door for the poor pizza delivery guy in his usual lazy-pants-day sweatpants.)
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sunmoonandeddie · 4 years
have you seen baby?
pairing: bucky barnes x reader x natasha romanoff
word count: 3,196
summary: You and your two lovers haven’t gotten to spend much time together.  Also, sex pollen.
warnings: Bad words.  Filthy, filthy smut.  Sex pollen.
a/n:  Thank you so much to @cake-writes for this commission!  I loved writing it and I really hope you enjoy it!
It’s late.  
Well.  Relatively late.  Nearing three in the afternoon, and Natasha hadn’t seen you.  Of course, that barred that morning when she woke up to your pretty face still sleeping beside her.  Unfortunately, Bucky was on a mission, otherwise she’d get to see his equally as pretty face on your other side.  It was disappointing.  There was just something so sweet about waking up to the two loves of her life.
But now, it was almost three, and you hadn’t even emerged from your lab for lunch.
Which is why she headed down two floors to the huge lab that you, Tony, and Bruce shared.  You kind of played as an inbetween for the both of them, wanting to know it all and then some.  It was precious.
But it also meant that you had a bad habit of getting lost in your work and not emerging for hours or sometimes days.  You had been getting better about it, if only because Bucky and Natasha were always on your ass about it.
Which is only because they love you.  So much.  Like.  So so much.
“Have you seen Baby?” Natasha asked Sam, who was wandering through the kitchen after his workout.
He had a protein shake in his hand, sweat dripping from his brow.  “No, can’t say I have.  And you know you can call her by her name when it comes to other people, right?”
She rolled her eyes and gave him a look.  “Her name is Baby.”
“To you.”
“To Bucky and me,” she retorted.  “And besides, she doesn’t even respond to her name when it’s coming from us anymore.”  A small smile crept up on her lips.  “It’s adorable.”  But she was on a mission.  She had a little box that came in with the mail that’s a present just for you.
And sometimes Bucky, depending on how he was feeling.
But Natasha didn’t like being touched.  She liked to give, but never to receive.  Her therapist said it had to do with the various traumas that she’d taken on while growing up in the Red Room.  Her body had never been her own during that time.  She’d been hurt over and over and over again, to the point where someone touching her body in a sexual way sent her into a panic attack.
Bucky was mostly the same way.  He had a hard time with sexual touch, though he’d gotten a lot better about it.
It was just one of those things that Natasha had to deal with.  Not that it was hard.  She loved taking care of you with Bucky’s help.  Their little pillow princess.
You were always the smart girl.  Some could argue that you were smarter than both Bruce Banner and Tony Stark simply because you knew both fields and then some.  You tended to become… obsessed.  You had to know more about everything just for the sake of knowing more.  But with that, your mind was always going a million miles an hour.  Which is why when it came to the bedroom, it was really nice to just be able to let go and not think for a while.  You got to be their dumb little baby girl.  It was always about you when it came to sex.
When it came to who needed cuddles and affection, that was when it was their turn.  You slept in the middle of them, cradled between them like a precious pearl.  You fought off their nightmares for them, their fears.  You made them see that they were more than the weapons they had been crafted into.  You provided relief for each other in different ways.
Before you had come along, Bucky and Natasha’s love had been volatile.  They were missing a piece of the puzzle, even if they hadn’t realized it.
And then their precious little princess had been hired on as a scientist, and their lives were forever changed.  They knew immediately that you were the one for them, their missing piece.
Of course, it had taken a while to get you to understand just what they wanted.  You might be the smartest in the lab, but when it came to relationships…
Which is what brought her to today.  You’d been a little… off lately.  Of course, that could be because her and Bucky had been on back to back missions for the past few months.  There hadn’t been a lot of time for the three of you all together, which was always frustrating.  It was the longest amount of time the three of you hadn’t gotten to all be together since becoming a triad.
And they felt even worse when they both had to leave on missions and leave you all by your lonesome.
Maybe they’d get you a kitten.  You wouldn’t have time for a puppy, but a cat?  You’d love that.  A little lab buddy.  Or maybe they’d get you one of those senior cats with three legs that was deaf in one ear.  Yeah, you’d love that.
But then it would die a lot quicker than a kitten, and they’d have to pick up the pieces because that would destroy you.  But then you’d also be so happy that you got to give the cat a really good few years at the end.
Whatever.  She’d talk to Bucky about it when he got home and they could make a decision.
But the little box.
The elevator down to the lab seemed to take forever, the silence mocking her since Tony absolutely hated elevator music and refused to let it play in the Tower.  But was even more unsettling was the fact that you weren’t in the lab.
“Hey, have you seen Baby?” Natasha asked Tony, who was fiddling with something on his tablet.
“It’s still weird that you call her that to everyone.”
“It’s her name.”
“No, it’s not.”
“Yes, it is.”
“Her name is—”
“Baby,” Natasha said, glaring at him.  “Yes, I know.  Have you seen her?”
“You disgust me.”  The man sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as his eyes squeezed shut for a moment.  “I think she went down to the spare testing room.  Something about an unknown vapor.”
An unknown vapor?  You hadn’t mentioned that.  Then again, you’d been kinda quiet lately.
She headed down another few floors, bearing the silence as she went through a mental list of things she needed to get done.  It was your birthday soon.  She needed to make sure all three of you could get off, and she’d plan something really special.  You deserved it.
The testing room you’re in has all floor to ceiling windows for walls, but she can’t see you.
“Strange,” she muttered under her breath.  She headed for the doors, and her eyes widened as she saw you through the glass.
You were lying on the ground, sweat dripping from your brow, with your hand in your pants.  From the… rapid way your hand was moving, there was no mistaking what was happening.
But why the hell were you touching yourself right there where anyone could walk by and see you?!  Not that she didn’t like it.  She loved watching you touch yourself and she often ordered you to when she was in a dominating mood.  It was so much fun watching you edge yourself.
No, it was the whole public thing that was confusing her.
You looked up as she started to push the doors open, her eyes widening.  “N-Natasha, no!” You shouted.
But it was too late.  A sickly sweet substance filled her nose, and seconds later, she felt a strange heat creeping up over her.  What the hell was happening?  And why did her skin feel so warm?
“N-Natasha,” you whimpered, rolling on your side.  Your fingers were still rubbing desperately at your clit, trying to find some kind of release.  “Nattie, it hurts.  It hurts.  M-Make it stop.”
And god damn it.  Her precious lover begging her to make whatever it was stop hurting?  She was gonna figure out a way to make it stop hurting.
She crawled towards her, frowning as she saw a broken test tube on the floor.  “What the hell is this?”  She couldn’t read the label on it, the ink smeared.  Tossing it to the side, she finally made it to you.  “W-What hurts, Baby?  What hurts?”
Your glassy eyes were wild as your hips bucked up in the air, a vein on your forehead popping out.  “F-Fuck me.  Fuck me, Nattie, please,” she begged, whining desperately.  “Oh, my god, I need it.  I need it.  Please.”
“H-Here?  Baby, wha—”
“Natasha, please, I am literally beg… begging you.  Please,” you cried, tears rolling down her cheeks.
Well.  It’s a good thing she brought the box with her.  She ripped it open, pulling out the new harness that she ordered with it.  “Okay.  Okay, angel, but you gotta let me get my strap on, okay?”  She asked sweetly as she stripped down.  She didn’t care who saw.  She had to help her baby girl.
Your response of a weak whimper only made her go faster.
She practically ripped off your clothes, a groan tearing its way out of her throat as she spread your legs.  You were so wet it was obscene, your poor little clit swollen.
“Oh, pretty girl,” she cooed as she ran her fingers through your slick folds, slipping two in with ease.  “You didn’t ask permission to touch yourself, sweetheart…  But I think I can let this time slide…”  With her one free hand, she pulled the new dildo out of its packaging, smirking at the whimper that escaped your lips as you saw it.
It was pretty.  Really pretty.  Eight inches, made of that realistic feeling silicone, and a gorgeous opal color.  Her and Bucky ordered it especially with you in mind, since opals are your favorite.
“N-Natasha, please…”  You grinded against her fingers, your pussy clenching as you tried to get more.
“Oh, good girl…  You look so pretty, Baby.”  She used her one hand to attach the dildo to the harness, her eyes flicking back and forth between the heat between your legs and her fumbling fingers as she finally got it secure.  She ran it through your folds, getting it nice and slicked up.
That’s when the doors opened again, the familiar sound of size twelve boots coming towards them.  “What the hell is that smell and why are you two—”  Bucky broke off as he felt the heat.  “Oh, shit.”
Natasha grinned as she looked over at Bucky.  They were both clearly feeling the heat that the mysterious substance had caused, but not nearly as bad as you were.  “I caught our little baby touching herself without permission… out where anyone could walk by and see her.”
The third member of your triad was already working on undoing his belt, tearing it off so quickly that it ripped a few of his belt loops, leaving little holes in his pants.  “Has our baby been a little naughty?” He asked as he stripped down, kicking off his boots.  He grasped your face with his metal hand, the cool digits a welcome reprieve to the heat that had overwhelmed you.  “Princess, have you been a bad girl?  Huh?”  He lightly slapped your cheek, just enough to get you to answer.  “When I ask a question, I expect an answer, sweetheart.”
You nodded, whining as you nuzzled your head against his cool hand, the angle hurting your neck a little since you were still on your back.  “Yes.  Yes, Bucky.  I’ve been so bad, I’m so sorry…”  You looked up at him with glittering eyes, your cheeks tear stained.  “I need you.  Please.”
His blue eyes were soft as he leaned down, stealing a soft kiss from your swollen lips.  “What’s your safeword, Baby?” He asked, his free hand wrapping around his swollen cock.
“And if you can’t talk?” Natasha probed, still sliding her strap through your folds.
Your hand wrapped around Bucky’s wrist, squeezing twice.
“Good girl,” he said, kissing you once more.  His strong hands flipped you over easily, placing you on your hands and knees.
Almost immediately after, Natasha’s hand came down on your ass, causing you to jerk forward.  “You better suck Bucky’s cock, Baby,” she said as a smirk curled up the edges of her lips.  “If you want me to fuck you, you better put that pretty mouth to good use.”
“Did she stutter, angel?” Bucky asked as he grabbed her chin, forcing you to look up at him.  “Tasha gave you an order.  Are you going to be a good girl and listen?”  His flesh thumb ran over your plump bottom lip.  “Don’t you wanna be a good girl for us?  Huh?”
Fuck.  Yeah, you did.  You always wanted to be a good girl for your two lovers.
Matching moans fell from Bucky and Natasha’s mouths as your tongue flicked out to slide up his length, circling around the head.  You always gave absolutely filthy head, your eyes watering as you choked around his length.
As you took him all the way, Natasha slid her strap into your wet heat, all the way to the hilt.  You let out a choked moan, your eyes wide as she started to thrust in and out of you.  Her fingers dug into your hips deliciously, the acrylics she kept at a relatively short length leaving little crescent moon indents.  You loved it.  The pain felt so fucking good.
“We should’ve made you wear your butt plug, Baby.”  Bucky’s jaw clenched as he reached to gather some of your slick on his finger, before circling it around your tight hole.  “Could’ve had you waiting for us to fuck you proper while I was on a mission all week…”
Natasha’s hips slammed against yours as she pressed her lips to Bucky’s.  “We don’t use the diamond one enough considering how much we paid for it.”
You pulled off of Bucky’s cock with a pop, glaring at the two of them.  “Is this the time to be talking about how often we use the butt plug?”
“Did I say you could stop sucking my cock?” Bucky growled as he grabbed your face and started throat-fucking you.  “It’s been too long since we put you in your place, angel.  You’re getting mouthy.”
“She’s always been mouthy.”
Tears rolled down your cheeks as Natasha and Bucky’s thrusts sent waves of pleasure through you.  The heat that had consumed your body was faded, and all you could think about was making your doms feel good.
All the background noise that had been in your mind over the past few weeks was gone, drowned out by the praises coming from your lovers.  All the self-doubt that coursed through your mind was gone when they loved you like this.
You choked around Bucky’s cock as you came suddenly, the release coming over you like a wave.
It only seemed to spur them on more as Natasha fucked you that much harder, Bucky’s fingers scratching soothingly against your scalp as he got closer and closer to the edge.  You could always tell when he was close by the way his thrusts got more and more sloppy.
Natasha’s hand reached down and around to rub your clit, the pretty opal dildo sliding in and out of you with ease.  She wished she had her phone if just so she could record the moans falling from you and Bucky’s mouths.
Hell, she’d make it her fucking ringtone.
It wasn’t long before Bucky came with a shout, spilling down your throat.
He groaned, his head falling back as he felt you licking him clean.  He let you finish before pulling out, getting on his knees and kissing you sweetly.
Your eyes were dazed, a little bit of cum you hadn’t swallowed dribbling out of your mouth.  You looked so damn pretty like that.  Dumb from pleasure.
“You gonna cum again for us, Baby?” He asked sweetly, holding your face in his hands.
A nod, your lips starting to move to form words but not quite getting there.  Adorable.
He watched it coming.  Watched as your breath hitched and your eyes rolled back in your head before you let out a cry.  You blacked out as your second orgasm ripped through you, violently like an earthquake.  A force of nature.
“Seriously?  In the lab?!” Tony demanded, glaring at them from the entrance.  “What the hell happened?!”
Bucky and Natasha were very blasé faire about their own nudity, but they didn’t like anyone else seeing you.  The redhead reached for the little test tube that she’d tossed to the side when she’d first gotten there as he covered you up with his leather jacket, cradling your exhausted body to his chest.  He pressed soft kisses to your forehead as he rocked you back and forth.
“I think it was whatever was in this,” Natasha said as she looked at it curiously, trying to make out what the writing on the label was.  “... Sexus… Pollinis?”
Tony grumbled as he walked over and grabbed the tube, looking it over.  “It’s literally Latin for sex pollen.  Which probably means exactly what we think.”
“Is that what the smell in the air was?” Bucky asked.
Natasha nodded.  “I think most of it spilled on her, which is why she was so affected but we weren’t.”
“Okay.  I’ll… clean all this stuff up,” Tony said.  “Get her out of here and in a bed.  Or a bath.”  He shook his head as he started to call for the robots that mopped the floor.  “Animals.”
You came to in your shared room, curled up between them in your giant tub.  “Wha’ happened?”
“Hey, baby girl,” Bucky cooed, his fingers massaging your sore shoulders.  “How do you feel?”
For some reason, you started crying.  It just came over you.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Natasha said, cupping your face and wiping your tears.  “Baby, what’s going on?  Huh?  Talk to us…”
“I-I’ve just been f-feeling so alone a-and this is the first time w-we’ve all been together in two m-months,” you whimpered in a shattered glass voice, barely able to string together a full sentence through your hiccups.  “A-And you’ve been gone s-so often that all I can think is m-maybe I’m j-just here because you’re both d-dominants and needed a s-s-submissive!”
Bucky and Natasha’s faces both fell and they squeezed you that much closer to them.
“Oh, Baby, no,” Natasha said.  Her heart hurt as she realized that that’s why you’ve been so off lately.  “We love you so much.  So, so much.”
“I think it’s time we stopped going on so many missions anyway, Baby,” Bucky added, his fingers tickling up and down your back.  “I’m tired of not being home with my girls.”
“Really?” You asked softly, looking at him like he’d just told you he’d give you the moon.
“Yeah,” Natasha said, bringing your hand to her lips.  She pressed a kiss to your left ring finger as her eyes met Bucky’s, a knowing look on his face.  Maybe soon there’d be a ring on that finger.  “Really, Baby.”
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