#I knew about the autism tho
kaitotheidiot · 1 year
If I could, I'd hella live on a train. Like imagine just living while putaide sour window your house drives trough the lovely sights of rural european fields.
Also looking trough a window during a train/bus ride cures my adhd so that is also a plus.
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cathalbravecog · 1 year
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A very self indulgent drawing of Misty I've been working on for a few weeks... On and off. But now it's here! :]
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caffeinatedopossum · 2 years
Crying screaming and throwing up about the new owl house episode. I'm so autistic about this show. It means so so much to me.
Aghgjf not actually throwing up because emetophobia but definitely crying and screaming for real
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soryualeksi · 2 years
Random sad thing I’ve been thinking about, but really, sometimes it’s the small encounters that fuck you up long-time, and I’ve had this one instance rolling and rolling around in the back of my mind for ages. Like.
Several years ago, I was just slowly realizing and coming to terms with the OBVIOUS fact that I was nd, in my late twenties. And I was talking with some adults and it came to be that I was talking about the ABUSE of neurodivergent kids I’ve personally witnessed in primary school, like, how the TEACHERS would mock, deride, insult, humiliate, and just overall be CRUEL to the kids I now recognize are just. neurodivergent. and weren’t even bothering anyone aside from being “weird and thus annoying”, just kids needing love and support and I wish I could go back because I’m weeping inside for all of them one in particular I’m weeping inside every day for her and I just want to go back and save her, but. I can’t. And I couldn’t. Because I, myself, was like 8. It was not within my power. So.
I was talking about watching teachers haul kids around by their clothes SCREAMING at them because. that kid had been like “I’m a turtle and I’m now going back into my shell” and pulled his head into his sweater.
And then, my big mistake, was saying, “Personally, I mostly got away, because a lot of teachers liked me for being a pretty smart kid.”
And this guy I was talking to? In that moment? Just BARKED at me, like, “You can’t say that about yourself! That’s RUDE!!”
And back then I just. blue-screened.
So since that day, I developed the shitty tendency of being ableist against myself if it comes up, in a useless attempt to appease people. It’s driving me nuts.
ANY kind of autistic communication hiccup? “I’m sorry, I’m very slow / dumb / delayed / lacking a few IQ points.”
I wish I didn’t do this, and the worst part is that the initial conversation has taken place along some VERY weirdo academics, all extremely smart and extremely uhm unconventional. So. Chances are, the guy who barked at me? Was nd himself AND internalized the same thing he told me after being abused for long enough himself. But he still scared me and my brain remembers.
I hate playing into ableism as a defence strategy, like, “oh no, neurotypical majority, I would NEVER attempt to crawl upwards from my lowly station to be at the same level as you, no, you see, I’m below you and you can feel PITY for me, isn’t that nice, Pity For The Disabled™ is an emotion you like, right? right? so don’t be violent against me, I can give you the good emotion all day :D”.
And that’s just that.
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duodusk · 2 years
still cant believe my shitty poorly looped autism creature yippee gif is still getting used on here where are u people finding it
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cyeayt · 10 months
im sorry you were right about me
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gaylotusthatexists · 1 year
i really gotta. stop laughing when being told that people have died.
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oglegoggle · 1 year
False glamor and true evil of the music industry/Hollywood/show biz in general but uhhhhhh I wish I could give Elvis a hug
#this is goggles#can’t stop Thinkin about Elvis I feel like a little kid again#but this time I’ve done more than just listen to the jams and watch the films#that man had a pretty fucked up life but he never stopped being Wierd at his core and honestly#it’s hearting to know that other Weirdos have always been out there and always will be and they can indeed be celebrated for their Weirdness#It makes sense why Elvis impersonators even to this day are uhhhhh Like That#I’ve impersonated Elvis I’ve been friends with impersonators I follow a few in their careers#Elvis stans run extremely neurodivergent#he was a weird guy and even still his memory speaks to the other weird guys who are like him#idk dudes I’m really emotional reading Elvis & Me by Priscilla#he was very abused and he reacted in a lot of weird ways he was bad at communication and he wasn’t taken seriously when he hurt#he took advantage of songs his black friends wrote and didn’t share the royalties like he should’ve and he was weird af with 14yo Priscilla#he was trapped in a financial hellscape he wanted desperately to escape but couldn’t because of the predatory behavior of those around him#he loved and trusted them and he knew they were hurting him and that tore him to pieces but he was still so loyal#he was funny and into weird hobbies and a little bit genderfucky and both sexy and awkward and he was shy and had a nervous tic onstage#I love him genuinely and dearly he was so multifaceted and just Incredible#lmfao my own autism is 100% engaged when I think of him#I look at him and I understand that we’re the same and because we are I can be Incredible too#Tho I’m not gonna fool around with teenagers or screw my friends out of the dues they’re owed for their work#It’s not 1952 anymore we culturally recognize that that shit ain’t right these days#I can lead a life dedicated to the pursuit of fun and joy like Elvis#I can wear whatever tf I want no matter how garish or tacky like Elvis#I can be beloved for my bold and uninhibited personality no matter how weird like Elvis#And I can dress up like Elvis lmfao
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nerevarbignaturals · 2 years
Also this is the first tumblr account I've had where nobody IRL follows me (other than Chris who is the golden exception as a verified Not Shitty Person) so I can say what I want, which includes controversial opinions I s'pose but is mostly just gonna be me infodumping at the speed of light about all of my special interests
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colorfullpaperbird · 5 months
Characters in Ace attorney that i believe are aware of fanfiction✨ ( and fandom )
Warning i haven’t played all the games yet, in fact my apollo justice trilogy is crashing every time i try to open it, so all the characters from after aa3 are based on fandom osmosis
Miles Edgeworth - writes Steel Samurai fanfiction on ao3 and has been doing it for some time now (the living embodiment of the ao3 writers curse) would rather die than anyone finding that out tho, doesn’t have a lot of free time so only posts once in like 3-4 months, fics are pretty good and distinct since he writes them with so much formality, so he is relatively popular in some fandom spaces;
Maya Fey- fanfiction reader only, runs an account on Tumblr for Steel Samurai news and fanwork, famous in the fandom and runs a discord server, one of those people that lowkey have their own fandom mostly bc of the insane revelations she drops about her own life from time to time ( “ lmao guys sorry for being absent but i got accused of murder for the 4th time and that really sucked ANYWAYS did you guys look at the leaks for the new reboot… “ ) Shes also way too open about herself on the internet;
Simon Blackquill: Sasuke fan ( derogatory ) also steel samurai fan tho, dont think he goes out the way to read fanfiction ( i think if he did he would read them in fanfiction.net ) but its pretty funny to think hes edgeworths beta reader ( AN: sorry for the delay, unfortunate circumstances came to light that my beta reader was arrested and is now on death roll ) He ran an AMV account on youtube before going to prison;
Trucy Wright: Shes 16 and her only friends are her dads coworkers, she opened wattpad AT LEAST once, probably accidentally read one of those “got sold to one direction (gavinners)” fics and immediately closed the app;
Klavier Gavin: opened wattpad to see what type of fanfiction people were writing about him, he runs a secret fan account and shares fun facts about him and his bandmates as “hcs”, also pretty popular but most people hate him bc they believe his depiction of the gavinners is “too ooc”. He is actually pretty impressed by the quality of most of the works and alludes to their existence constantly in his main on twitter, the fans go insane everytime;
Franziska Von Karma: I don’t believe Franziska is a fanfiction reader nor is she into any fandom, i do however believe she has notifications turned on for Edgeworth’s ao3 account, he doesn’t know that of course, what a foolish fool to think he could hide such a thing from his big sister, she will sometimes quote his work back to him and find amusing seeing him freeze. He thinks its a coincidence because he is too secretive about his hobbies, he’s wrong, she’s been following him online since she was 13, that’s how she knew he wasn’t dead in JFA.
Extras: Phoenix is technologically illiterate, he couldn’t read fanfiction even if he wanted to. Apollo is way too normal for that, he has the law autism not the fandom one. Athena knows of fanfiction bc she is young and in the internet but she wasn’t very interested in it. If you ask Gumshoe about fanfiction he would give you a smile and say “Of course im a Fan of Fiction Pal!”. I do believe Pearl has wattpad but only reads original works on there, so in my opinion she doesn’t count.
Im sorry for any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Other Language -Pedri González
Summary: Your boyfriend has already met your family, but his nervous increases mostly when he's about to met your younger brother
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"C'mon Pepi" You said entering your shared backyard where you found your boyfriend, doing some tricks with the ball on his feet. You sighed
Pedri was absolutely nervous to meet your younger brother, even though, he had already met your parents and has been dating you for a whole year and a half, he wanted to like him.
Why the so delayed meeting?
Easy, your brother had level autism, which meant he had problems making new friends, didn't exactly knew how to communicate, didn't liked hugs and most of the time he didn't held eye contact.
The two friends he had on his school was thanks to you, you had sat down when you went to pick him up at school and noticed that the boys were playing football, something your younger brother loved even if he didn't knew how to play it very well.
You made a light conversation with the little kids asking who was who's favorite player, when one of them answered with a "Cristiano Ronaldo is the best", and when your brother listened to that, he swiftly made the not-very-nice-toned comment that "The best is Pelé and he will always be. If you are making a second choice then Cristiano and Messi could be very good. Both of them are great"
And instead of the kids taking offense, they joined your brothers argument and invited him to play as you sat there for a while as you waited for the kids parents to pick them up, Santiago, your brother excited and made them promise to play next day.
But the thing was, he never dared to play with you claiming it was a bit weird and prefered to do other stuffs, something that always left you a bit down since you loved your baby brother but couldn't exactly know a good source to spend a good time with him not making him uncomfortable
Now, after a year and half you thought it was a good idea for him to know your boyfriend. You couldn't forever keep them apart. Pedri had been asking to meet your baby bro and Santiago wanted to know who Pedri was and why his parents and you were always talking about him when you reunited.
"Are you even sure he will like me?" Pedri asked stopping, his hands going at his hips already dressed seeing as your parents could be here at any moment. He had a basic black pants, a maroon hoodie on and still rocked it.
You walked towards him passing your arms around his shoulders, one of his hands instantly went at your waist
"Yes, he will" Hopefully, you thought.
Pedri didn't know about the fact your brother had a little condition. You didn't wanted to scare him even more than he already was. Pedri could see a little doubt in you and he sighed
"Bonita" He started speaking but you shook your head
"He will like you, he does gets a little uncomfortable around new people tho" You admited "So, he may be a little... raw with you at the beggining but I swear once he sees you more and more, he'll give in"
"That doesn't help me at all, Y/N" You groan flushing your face into his neck
"Don't be nervous, he'll like you" You admited kissing his neck a few times, Pedri opened his mouth to speak but was cut off by the bell "Those are my parents, I'll go" Pedri let out a little high pitched scream as you walked back inside the house to open your parents
You greeted them with a smile on your face, you loved when they visited you and they loved visiting you, after hugging your parents you looked down at your six year old brother, they let you alone with him going on their way to find your boyfriend
"Hi bud" You greeted softly
"Hi" He didn't looked at you but rather at the floor
"How's everything going on?"
"How's everything going on?" He repeated looking up at the ceiling "Everything's going well" He nods "You?"
"Everything's goign well too" You smiled "Wanna come in?"
"Can I take off my shoes but not my socks?"
"Of course" He undid every lace in his shoe, folded it in neatly before doing the same with the other, when he was done he put them together in the corner "Can I hold your hand? I want to introduce you to someone very important to me" You let your hand out softly
"I don't like strangers"
"I know you don't. But it'll make me very happy if you meet him, he's important for me and I want my boys to know each other"
"He's my boyfriend"
"Your boyfriend... Okay" He said pushing his hand lightly into yours as you made your way towards the kitchen where you could hear your dad's jokes, your mom's laugh and Pedri's comebacks
"Hello" You say announcing your arrival with your brother
"Hey" They all answered back, your eyes travelled to Pedri's smiling at him
"Santi... This is Pedro, my boyfriend. We all call him Pedri tho"
"It's a nickname" You answered with a smile "Pedri, this is my younger brother, Santiago but we call him Santi"
"Only my relatives can call me that"
"That's okay, bud" Pedri said nodding a bit with a tight smile on
“I’m not your bud”
“SANTIAGO!” Your mom, your dad and you yelled a bit
“Don’t worry” Pedri said with the same smile on, but you recognized it, it was a sad smile
“It was nice to meet you, Santiago” Pedri straightened up “Are we hungry?” He didn’t waited for your answer “I’ll go to the back to start the grill” Without waiting for anything, Pedri left leaving you with your family
“Santiago!” You exclaimed “I asked you one thing, just one!” You said feeling a bit mad towards your younger brother, you let go of his hand and went towards the backyard, watching Pedri stood in front of the grill You walked towards him and hugged him from the back “Pepi” You felt him stiff
“He doesn’t like me” He said immediately shaking his head
“I’m sorry” You say feeling at the verge of tears, this is why you didn’t wanted Santiago to meet Pedri.
He never controlled how he felt, what he thought or what he said.
“You don’t have to be sorry for, bonita” He sighed turning around “It’s not your fault I’m not for his liking”
“No, Pedro. I swear he’ll like you, he’s just like that with everyone he meets at first time” Pedri shook his head
“Leave it, Y/N” You sighed once more, your head on his chest as you silently cried.
It wasn’t your fault, but you hated what had happened; you hated the way Pedri must feel right now, you hated the way your brother unconsciously broke your boyfriend’s heart and you were also afraid what this could meant for the two of you.
“Está bien” Pedri said softly into your ear as you felt him hug you tighter
“No, it isn’t fine” You shook your head “You were too excited to meet him, I was excited for both of you meeting. Pepi, I swear-”
“Don’t, Y/N” You shut up getting his harsh tone “I’ll just have to live with it” You hugged your boyfriend crying as he kissed your cheek repeatedly
“Honey” You heard your mom’s voice “Don’t worry about cooking tonight, how about we order in”
“You don’t have to worry about that, miss Y/L/N” Pedri said
“I’m not” Your mom said “And I wasn’t asking, son. I was letting you guys know, your dad and I will head towards the Pizzeria and bring something back” Your mom walked towards the two of you “And I’m sorry, he’ll eventually open up to you”
“I don’t think so, miss” Pedri said shaking his head as my mom patted his shoulder“You stop crying, baby” Your mom said caressing your hair “We’ll be going” And with that your mother left you guys alone
“Your mom has a point in there, bonita. You should stop crying” You shook your head “I know you’re sad but there’s nothing we can do about it. Go, wash your pretty face and then we can watch TV or something with your brother until your parents arrive. ‘Kay?” You nod lifting your head up and connecting your eyes with his. Pedri smiled at you lightly and connected his lips with yours “Te quiero” He said as he wiped your tears away, you smiled lightly hugging yourself into him
“I’ll go inside then”
“I’ll wait for you at the couch, then” You smiled as he leaned down to kiss your lips again Both of you walked in hand in hand inside the house, your brother was sat on one of the kitchen stools
“Mom and dad left to go for Pizza” You nod
“Yes, mom told me that” You spoke a bit serious, you were still mad at him
“Are you sad?” Your head perked up at that, you shook your head
“You were crying”
“I wasn’t”
“Are you hurt?”
“Why are you lying?”
“Can you be quiet? I’m alright” You said feeling your boyfriend tighten his grip on your hand, you calmed down a bit “I’m alright, Santiago. Do you want to watch a movie?” He shook his head
“Can I be in the backyard?” You nod
“Just don’t do anything crazy, okay?” You pleaded opening the door for him and closing it after he left.
Meanwhile Pedri sat in the couch you went to the bath, to fresh up, looking yourself in the mirror you could imagine how bad Pedri was feeling and the only thought of it made you want to cry again.
You knew about your brothers condition but you thought he would control himself and act a bit better, than he did a few moments ago.
You went to the kitchen and poured three vases, two with Coca-Cola and the other with apple juice, it was your brothers favorite.
You gave Pedri his vase leaving a kiss on his lips making him smile, you left yours in the table and went to give your brothers his.
"Santi" You called him "Here"
"Is it apple juice?" You nod with a light smile "Thanks" He didn't looked at you in the eye but you nodded "Are you mad?" You sighed
"Dissapointed" You clarified
"Is it because of me?" You sighed not answering his question "Is that ball yours? Can I play with it?" Your eyes followed his hand pointing to the ball pulled in the corner
"Pointing is bad" You pull his hand down a bit "That's Pedri's ball. He also plays football. In fact he's a football player"
"Is he?" You hum nodding "Can I play with it?"
"I don't know, it's not my ball to tell" You watched your younger brother look down at his shoes
"Pedri was really excited to meet you"
"Was he?" You nod
"I'm sorry"
"Thank you" You leaned down a bit and kissed his hair quickly "I'll be inside with him watching a movie, you can join if you want"
"What are you watching?"
"I think he choosed Harry Potter" Your brother nodded
"I don't like the Cáliz de Fuego"
"Neither do I" You said smiling "I'll be going, you know where to find us" He nodded once more as you went inside
"Ready?" You flop down next to him, cuddling him, he was serious and not the usually joking and smiling self he was.
"Yes" You said kissing his cheek watching as his cheeks turned crisom and he left a little smile out.
Probably fifteen minutes had passed when your parents came in with the pizza and headed outside along with you and Pedri to eat, the four of you laughed as Santiago was like usual, in his own world.
If it would be the four of us only he would join the convo but seeing as Pedri was present, he was anxious and probably a bit uncomfortable. At the end of dinner you and Pedri went to wash the dishes but your mom and dad already were on it
"You guys are the hosts" Your mom said
"And that's exactly why the invited shouldn't be doing things the hosts should do" Pedri said with a smile winning a cloth whip from my mom, your dad and you laughing about it.
"Go. You wouldn't like seeing your mom's rage when she gets angry-OW!" Mom cloth-whipped your dad too, this time Pedri and you laughing about it
"You want one too?" Your mom offered with a smile as you shook your head
"We'll be going" You replied pushing Pedri out of the kitchen "Outside?" You ask seeing as your brother was watching now his favorite TV Show Pedri grabbed his ball and started playing with you, softly both because of his injury and also because you sucked at the game but you always tried your best.
When your phone started going on and off you stopped playing going inside to attend your phone as Pedri kept on playing by himself. Minutes later, Pedri felt the door being open as he was focused on the ball at his feet
"No" He stopped playing when he heard your brothers voice "Where's she?"
"She's inside the house, on a phone call" Pedri said with a light smile on. Your brother nodded
"Ball" Your brother repeated pointing to the ball at Pedri's feet
"You like playing football?" He nods not looking at him "You want to play with me?"
"Can I?" Pedri nods passing the ball to your brother Time had passed and Santiago had opened up to Pedri.
Both of your parents and you stood in the kitchen watching through the glass window how Santiago started a high five with him, smiled and laughed like crazy, held eye contact and most importantly how he hugged Pedri.
You smiled watching the carefree nature of your baby brother and the happiness of your boyfriend came back. Both of them goofing around
"He already has Santi on his hand" Your dad commented as your mom nodded meanwhile only you could see the image with a smile on
"We'll watch something on the TV, you coming with us?" You shook your head at your dad comment
"I'll stay here" You smiled not for once taking your eyes off of them.
They smiled and went to the couch as you stood there with a smile on, suddenly your brother stopped playing and came back
"Is there any Pizza left?" You nodded "Can I have a slice of it?" You grabbed a plate and put a slice in it watching him eat it. You walked back to where Pedri was, instead of playing he was sat in one of the chairs
"You've him on your hand. Told you he was going to open up eventually" Pedri smiled letting you sit on his lap
"You were also worried" You nod
"I was" You fell silent "My brother has level autism" You confessed taking Pedri by surprise "That's why he's how he is" You shrugged off your shoulders a bit "He has problems meeting new people and also on how to communicate, he doesn't like to touch people nor be touched, he doesn't hold eye contact and to see him doing all those things with you it was simply beautiful. He doesn't even do it with me" You smiled a little
"He doesn't hug you?" You shook your head
"He doesn't even play football with me because he says it's weird, I don't do a lot of things with him because of the same thing"
"Well, for being my girlfriend you really don't know how to play football" You fake laughed
"You aren't funny" He smiled "I'm truly happy seeing him this happy with you. My boys" Pedri smiled
"When was the last time you hugged him?"
"When he was two. He started feeling a bit sensitive whenever we had him in arms and he just started pushing me and my dad away. He only truly hugs mom and that happens once every four months or something like that" You smile "I steal some kisses from him, like when he leasts expect I peck his nose or cheek but he always get angry so..." You shrug your shoulders a bit "I try not doing it that much"
Santiago suddenly appears his face full of pizza souce, you smile
"You have" You point all across his mouth watching him clean it up by himself
"Thank you" He looks back down at the floor as you try to stand up from your boyfriends lap
"Santi" Pedri says "Playing football is cool, right?" He nods "How about we teach your sister how to play?" He nods excited once more "Also, one more thing... You wanna know something us players do before coming out?"
"Sure, what do you do?"
"We have a grupal hug" Santiago looked at you and then to Pedri and nestled himself in between the two of you while sitting himself on your lap
You hugged your brother tightly, feeling his tiny arms around your neck, you held in his coconut scent and the lavender of his clothes something you haven't done in a few years.
When your brother hummed in discomfort you let him go, holding back the tears
"C'mon, we're ready to play" You said standing up from Pedri's lap as your brother went to pick the ball up, you hugged Pedri tightly
"Thank you, thank you, thank you" You mumbled into his ear
"I'm sorry if-" You shook your head
"That was perfect" You smiled kissing his lips "Te quiero"
"Are we playing?" Your brother asked as you separated from Pedri
"Hey" He called you making you turn around "Y yo a ti"
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Tag list: @gaviypedrisbride
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zeevoidlight · 29 days
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I think Vegeta was a virgin up until he met Bulma.
I know, what a freaking way to start an argument but blame reddit for asking and leading me to a trail of autism thoughts, and I will also talk about Vegeta's attraction to Bulma and viceversa when they first met. Like, how tho. Albeit from a demisexual perspective (or asexual, idk anymore really).
Some might believe that because of his attitude, his raw power, his Saiyan heritage, his status as conqueror of planets, genocidal maniac, sociopath extraordinare, his military background and his ruthlessness and uncaring nature, Vegeta was raping people left and right, or that he has always been very sexually active, or at least had some experience regarding the matter.
But be honest, he was too dense with everything from his childhood traumas and his vengeance against Frieza to care about having sex, or having a relationship with anyone in any capacity.
Also he is too proud and values his Saiyan heritage too much to give anyone he didn't deem worthy the privilege to have sex with him, let alone risk the possibility of an offspring. At least that's how I see Vegeta being pre Namek and pre dying against Frieza having to confront and accept by force an overwhelming amount of feelings on a rollercoaster for the first time in years. Dude didn't even thought two times to kill Nappa and let Raditz rot instead of reviving him as the last remainings of his people, that's how dense he was prior. He was so proud that he didn't mind to be the only Saiyan left alive and probably preferred it that way. Nappa that one time suggested to him that they could revive the Saiyan race by mixing with earthlings and Nappa was ready to pound (consensual or not) and Vegeta is like "nah, are you crazy? I wouldn't like to have a child being stronger than me". Dude probably had the opportunity to do so some other times but rejected the thought, he doesn't sound interested at all, first thinking on other things than sex.
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Of course he wasn't oblivious to it like Goku though and was well aware because he's not stupid. Outside of the English dub he notices Bulma on Namek and even refers to her as gorgeous, or pretty earthling woman. So I guess he still had a sexual notion but in other ways. He was not innocent of mind is what I'm saying. Like, he must have known what flipping the bird means. Is probably not that he didn't knew what sex was and desired it at some point or joked about it like I guess they'd do in Frieza's army but he was just not interested on acting on it for real at that time.
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But then, after Frieza died and everything that happened after his disaster visit to Earth and Namek, after loosing literally everything and having no purpose anymore other than wait and find Goku to best him, and after having realized more of himself in vulnerable ways trying to find some sense of normality in who he perceived he was, here comes Bulma all confident, infatuated and aggressive with him, because of course she like the bad boys and because Vegeta let his guard down for one second and let Bulma be Bulma while he literally couldn't do anything but go along (I suppose Piccoro was the only one that could have fight him if he tried anything). And he already found her attractive too in a way, not only that but she was probably the first woman that wasn't scared of him and even challenged him, treating him as an equal and as just another person, flirting with him openly, living with her and her family as a guest which is a completely different context to what he had been doing to survive his medium.
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His interactions with Bulma
So just so happens that now he can think on other things that aren't killing Frieza and escaping his rulership. He had to learn this new types of interactions and how to deal with them in his own way, and that includes how to approach someone that he felt attracted to. Who knows if he had other people he felt that attraction towards, probably, but Bulma is the one that basically said "yeah, I'm down if you want".
The fact that he calls her "vulgar" when she first flirted with him says a lot of how he would not engage with just anyone because of his pride as a prince and a Saiyan, and how she probably was the first to even flirt with him openly. How he says she is "loud" and called her "woman" also says that he was more likely annoyed by the idea of women as gender like it often happens, belittling them and all. While on the other hand Bulma constantly challenged him on it once they got to Earth, forcing him to address the topic as we see several times, being strong against him. Like (again I'm going with the Latin version since I've heard is more accurate to the japanese version), Bulma says to him "and what about you, small one", and he's like "what?!... She called me small one?..." (in japanese she just calls him Vegeta-kun, like a pet name), he was not willing to dignify the provocation huffing to Bulma's invitation after but didn't menace her nor got aggressive or sarcastic like he would with someone else. But then she said "I'm going to give you a lot of food. Bet you eat as much as Goku, am I wrong? haha!... But I'm not going to allow you fall in love with me even if you find me very attractive", and is in this moment where you can see Vegeta's wtf face entering panic mode resorting to insult her under his breath as if she could see through him. Is right here where you see that he doesn't really know how to react to someone flirting and is debating between bursting in anger or run away but just ends up paralyzed because his ego won't let him move. (in japanese he reacts by muttering "what a vulgar woman! and how loud she is (being)!")
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Then they go to Bulma's house and Vegeta just tags along. It seems that going through Namek with the earthlings, helping each other and cooperating like his life depended on it was an experience for a lifetime. My man can't seem to get a rest from one wft after the other since he arrived to Earth because the next thing that happens is that Bulma's mother comes to him faster than light startling him and says "[]...I imagine you must be Bulma's boyfriend. You ARE charming. And it looks like you are trendy". And the only thing he can muster to reply back is "t-trendy?" (I find it funny that that's what he reacted to and not to being called Bulma's boyfriend XD)
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Vegeta's disinterest and rejection is part of why I think Bulma was interested on him. Because the interactions Bulma has had with men in general throughout the entirety of the series have been... very poor to say the least. Men want take advantage of Bulma in one way or another but more often than not sexually (I mean just being in Roshi's general vicinity is more than enough for anyone), or they see her as a "thing" for themselves, a trophy. (this one bellow was so terribly stressful, my god...)
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And Bulma's approach to men is a similar as well because she is clearly very superficial too and that has remained a constant since day one. (jesus, bulma)
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And Vegeta wasn't interested on taking her like that, on the contrary he pushed her away despite being interested (which I bet Bulma knew), and also he had greater objectives he wanted to pursue, focused (on surpassing Goku...), determined, and that was the difference. He doesn't seem like the type of guy that would try to get an opportunity to peek through the shower window seeking to get a glimpse of her like we have seen others do (although, Bulma did saw him through the shower doors), or disrespect her in any physical way. Far from it, his reactions with her are getting all nervous, speechless, flustered, he follows her (because in a way he does respect her character and leadership), aggressively rejecting her at the same time (trying to negate his feelings to go back to the status quo), calling her names, and Bulma isn't taking none of that because she doesn't believe that bs he's spouting and she knows he likes her (like, who wouldn't, as she probably tells herself), even plays with it sarcastically and either brushes it off or dares him to say it again.
He lets her get close to him but cautiously (the comparison to a stray cat is not too farfetched). He knows what Bulma wants but just now he has found someone that confronts him about it without fear or shame, he has now the mental space to think about it and needs to respond to it somehow, he is interested back too, he's aroused by her as well. That flinch he does when she touches him while going into fight or flight mode again, and the famous sexy finger movement technique on Bulma's part that completely seeks to throw him off and serve as an invitation that he quietly accepts (even before she yells at him to stop gawking and not let a damiselle wait) by being passive and following her lead to the surprise of everyone in the scene. (Also, I never totally understood why Bulma's mom was spilling the tea in the background at that moment but I suspected it was because it meant to signify Vegeta and Bulma were "cooking" and very into each other, and not just her being careless and aloof tho using that as a way to convey it).
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She's measuring him with every interaction they have from the moment they got back to Earth onward, to see how far he's willing to allow her go, and hitting him with another wtf reaction every now and then to trow him off. Even going as far as put him in ridiculous and assert HER dominance. Because is not that he couldn't have just blasted everyone away with every step but little by little both were forming a connection. The scene of the pink shirt, after Vegeta gets offended by the style she says "If you don't want them you can walk around nude"... D: (his pikachu face was better than mine though, and then he says "damn, she's very rude"). I mean... is there anything more clear than that. (side note: Trunks says that after his arrival Yamcha was going to be unfaithful to Bulma but no man, That's what future Bulma told him but is more likely that it was her the one that left him for Vegeta that day, way before Trunks arrived. Even on Namek she already was over him, thinking of Goku and how she lost her train with him, then with Zarbon, and finally Vegeta. Yamcha never really had Bulma, and he didn't do much to get her back either or change. Truth is Bulma is the crazy one). And then when Frieza arrives to Earth Bulma arrives at the scene too and explains that since she couldn't see Frieza in Namek she wanted to see him here to see how strong he really was, and Vegeta says "not only she's rude but daring too..." In this very soft tone and talking to himself, like... C'mon dude! Accept that you like her! Just tell her already!
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And while I find Super's tsundere Vegeta in some instances fun to watch, more with him and Goku to be honest, but I don't think Z Vegeta was taking it in such a juvenile way, he's more adult and mature still about the situation, as mature as someone calling a girl "woman" to assert dominance that is. The flirting "dance" towards their sexual encounter is more silent and elegant, just like two adults would do so. He wants to get closer but the only thing the dude has known his entire life is fighting and being on offense mode all the time. Their dynamic is quite interesting and quite amazing, not for nothing they are considered to be one of if not the best couple in anime, and trying to unravel how it all started is really fun.
But yeah, As I see it and if we could compare Vegeta's sexuality to something from real life he, as most saiyans, was probably demi-sexual (yay), since it's said that Saiyan's don't understand romance and they likely only had sex to reproduce. They didn't had the concept of family outside of the royal family. And that's why also Vegeta is one of the few saiyans that later could develop an understanding of family and being in a relationship in a way other saiyans don't, including Goku.
So yeah, that's my terminally online post of the day. Nothing but Dragon ball and Vegeta on my mind lately.
I would like to get into analyzing Goku and Vegeta's sexuality soon too. It's so interesting as well because is not traditional.
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remcycl333 · 1 year
hi rem, remember me? I'm the anon who asked about what type of stuff to do in the early 2000s! I'm back to share a success story!
long ask ahead
short 'backstory' for those who might be in a similar situation as I was: I used to be in a very difficult situation. I've been bullied for quite literally no reason ever since kindergarten and had no friends because of that. I stayed inside, rotting in my room while all other people my age lived their teen years to the fullest. later on, I was diagnosed with autism and came out as trans which made the bullying even worse. another problem was that I had only one year of school left and already signed a job contract with a company that I didn't even wanna work at. I just felt so lost and like I'm not made to live like this
how I did it: I randomly discovered this post and it pretty much changed my whole perspective on the void. I already knew that the void was just a meditative state but I never quite… realized it? like I'd say that yet still treat the void as this magical place that manifests instantly. I also 'forced' myself to not stop until I actually entered the void, no matter how long it would take (tho I didn't actively affirm that it'd take long). I just laid down, set the intention to tap into the void and occasionally affirm 'i am', that's all.
stuff I manifested:
changing the year to 2005 (fyi, I manifested taking my phone with me just to write this
revising my age from 16 to 14
revising my birth year from 2006 to 1991 (since that'd make me 14 in 2005
a 'time loop' // I'm gonna elaborate on that one since it's a bit confusing. I saw this on another anon ask a while ago and found it so cool! basically, I manifested that the year is 2005 permanently. like every new years eve, the date will just change to 2005 again. ages also don't change even tho people celebrate their birthdays. nobody dies/ages and nobody is born. this also feels natural and not like some weird sci-fi movie plot lmao (kinda like in pokemon where this mf ash has been 10 for 25 years
immortality for everyone (goes hand in hand with the time loop)
living in the city
living with my brother
new friends (manifested an exact friend group from my fav manga)
just my entire ideal life
my exact ideal appearance
my ideal name
revised being amab
being better at dealing with my autism (i didn't manifest it away, that just felt wrong to me)
and so much more but I can't remember…
fun fact for anyone who's still reading: my fav character from my fav manga started out being my df, then became my db, then my ideal voice, then I stole their name and their birth date, then their family members, friends, etc. and at last their literal life, like I literally self inserted myself into the manga as them. btw, it's also set in 2005, can you guess which manga it is?
thanks for reading!
STOP THAT IS SO EXCITING!!!! you're making me wanna go back to 2005 so bad!!! did u manifest your fav music still existing in 2005 bc i'd miss it so much
im so proud of u 🥺 i wish u nothing but happiness!!! <3 enjoy your new life, you deserve it!!!
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coolingrosa · 15 days
Not in roseverse related but do you think canon Ink already faced some kind of ableism in canon? He's stated as not being very well liked due to his social 'ineptness' and lacks friends as a result. That's something i've always thought about tbh
Probably! Which is something that aligns with canon Undertale too, tbh. Monsters are a very accepting race, but even in the games, they ostracize/baby characters who are very autistic coded. Main example being Papyrus. I don’t even think this was Toby being ableist too, bc he makes sure to show how smart and caring Papyrus is, and how he’s not as innocent as people make him out to be. However, both Undyne and Sans lie to Papyrus to keep him from knowing the darker truths of their world. Sans makes sense since he’s being a protective older brother. But Undyne? She cares for him, yes, but she meets him once and sees his autistic traits and instantly stresses he’ll get himself hurt. I don’t think this is her underestimating him, as she says he’s VERY capable. However, she also says that his kindness and lack of understanding of evil is what she’s worried about, which does align with how people tend to baby autistic people for believing the good in others and missing obvious signs of evil (which we see in the genocide run with Papyrus feeling awkward but still trying even tho the human stomps all over his puzzles)
In the grand scheme of the Multiverse, I think monsterkinds’ treatment towards those who are autistic or neurodivergent is very similar to how the human race treats it. However, not with hatred but more so sharing that genuine confusion on why the person acts the way they do. Not exactly judgement, but confusion and worry. It’s clear Papyrus isn’t hated. Just very left out as the other people have a hard time being around him, but still talk anout him kindly, as we see with the Bunny Innkeeper.
Ink is VERY likely to face a lot of ableism, especially in a society so heavily revolved around Souls. Hell, I even hc that baby monsters, no matter the kind, all form in the soul of a Host monster and then are extracted with magic. I think even Asriel was born this way. Magic is everything to them, and so are souls. The torment Flowey faced is a great example of the self hatred (honesty ur soul being different is a great example of mental health disorders possibly being a thing) that people may have towards themselves if their soul is a bit different- let alone missing. Ink having no soul in itself would bring discomfort to those talking to him, and added with his very autistic traits, I do think he’d be very ostracized.
It’s why I always hated the Ink and Dream fight (it’s SO out of canon for both of them and ruins their characters and puts all the blame on Ink when he did nothing wrong and god I could ramble about it for ages) bc it’s just Ink getting screamed at and then abandoned for sticking to his ideals and being his authentic self. I don’t think Dream would EVER do that, especially if Dream knew how Ink acted, and it feels like a character blaming an autistic coded character for showing autistic traits. Makes me very uncomfortable
I mean, even the fandom treats him horribly. They label him a horrible person bc his emotions are “artificial” when that’s just not the case. If he has no vials, he turns into a husk and basically becomes an unmoving corpse. His vials ARE his soul. Which makes his emotions real. Him choosing which emotions to feel, however, is just an example of his autism and him heavily suppressing his other emotions and dissociating.
Everything about him screams autistic, and people would definitely be uncomfortable around that as I see canon ink on support level 2 but with no support there for him. He’s on his own, and therefore messes up a lot accidentally but it’s also not his fault. He has no support given nor is surrounded by people who truly get him besides his fathers and brothers. (Which are canon btw. Ink has two brothers who he’s stated to very much care about)
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camryntheking · 2 months
Season 4 reaction
I might just do this for every season cos i need to rant (Autism things. Iykyk).
Ok. 4x03. The whole Eddie and Hildy thing is so fucking funny. And Buck and Chris teaming up to get the coffee maker is so domestic. I love it so much lmao
And naturally i watched 9-1-1: Lone Star 2x03. Ive seen some episodes so i have some knowledge about the characters, but not much. But its so funny. TK always knew lmao
Then we have 4x05. Buck Begins. Man i almost cried so many times. I knew about the Daniel thing but i didnt know the whole story and. Whew. Its a lot. But im glad he has the 118 and Athena to help him and to be his family. Maddie to. I can see both of their sides tho. But when Buck got the clean bill of health Eddie was just like a husband waiting for him to come home lmao. I love them so much. And the ending scene with Maddie and Buck is so sweet 🥹
And i know its not my usual topic, but in 4x07, the whole plot with David, Michael, and Bobby is so funny. I dont know much about Michael’s storyline, so i am actually clueless as to how it turns out. But the three of them are so great together and i hope to see more!
4x08. I know some about Taylor. So the fact she is back is making me 😠. And she did not have to call Buck out like that. Homeboy has been through some shit and is trying to figure it out. But Buck and Chris’ friendship is so pure and i love them so much❤️❤️
4x11. Athena’s “dont even think about it Buck” has me CACKLING. She is such a mom to him and its amazing
And Jealous Eddie in 4x12 with the treasure hunt? Homeboy does NOT like Taylor (cant blame him tho). And Chim and Hen’s friendship is fucking amazing. But the whole 118 trying to find the treasure is so funny. The fact that Ravi found it first tho? I love that man
4x13. Eddie is already having doubts about Ana. Homeboy does not like women and you cannot convince me otherwise. And the scene of Eddie getting shot made me cry. I can definitely see why people think that this is where the Buddie arc was supposed to happen. Cos they held eye contact and Eddie reached out for Buck. And that could be seen as platonic but knowing everything we do, it just seems like it was a set up for a romantic arc
And 4x14 starts with Buck crawling under a fire truck to get to Eddie. Without a second thought, he rolled under a firetruck, the thing that caused so much trauma, to get to Eddie. And Eddie was so concerned that Buck was hurt even though he was the one bleeding. And i guess Taylor can have her good moments. But the scene where Buck tells Chris what happened breaks my heart. He was trying to hold it together for Chris but once he knew that Eddie made it through surgery? He couldnt hold in his emotions. And then when they are talking about the will. Its so soft between them. And Eddie just knows that Buck wouldnt say no to taking in Chris. And i think that just shows how close of a bond they have. This was totally a set up for a romantic arc, but of course F*x had to shut that down 😒
“Because, Evan” 😭😭😭
And i love that Albert is gonna be a firefighter. I love that man
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ros3ybabe · 1 month
Hi, I had a maybe silly question, I’m a guy, but I find the that girl/clean girl aesthetic very appealing, as I struggle with executive functioning and self care as I have ADHD and autism. Unfortunately, most subcultures geared towards men that focus on similar things to these goals also have a misogynistic edge to them. I was wondering if you knew if there was similar subculture or hashtag that I would be welcome in? Is there a clean boy/that boy or gender neutral aesthetic? I’m a bit worried about intruding on a woman-centered space since so many other spaces cater to men.
hi there!
I personally don’t know of any hashtag or subculture that caters to the “that boy/clean boy” aesthetic, but I am hoping anyone who’s sees this can maybe reblog or comment and help us find something like that for you! i will say, there is no harm in identifying with or borrowing from the that girl/clean girl aesthetic if you find ways to incorporate it into your life! I believe the values of these aesthetics are useful for anyone regardless of gender! i do understand wanting to find that community that you can mesh with that has the same aesthetic and values, tho.
if anyone knows of a hashtag or somewhere he can find his space in the that boy, clean boy aesthetic, please comment! If you don’t know of anything, please reblog so we can find that community for him!
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