#I know I keep drawing his tattoo wrong...
prettiest boi ever
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shinuko · 8 months
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promise ring
#: tattoo artist boyfriend!geto, fluff, gn!reader, implied college au, gojo cameo
wc: 1.4k
tw/cw: unusally suggestive (my brain was in the gutter…), the f word (f*ck, a couple times), use of pet names (baby, sweetheart)
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“ya like it up there?” geto chuckles, setting his book down above his head. he’s lying on his back, using his hands as a pillow, as he watches you. your legs are straddling his waist and you’re tracing the tattoos that decorate his chest. you hum, curling your fingers to scratch softly at his skin. “mm…” he groans, “mercy, baby, they’re healed but still a little… mmh… tender...”
“yeah?” you tease, letting your fingers slide lower down his abdomen, “then what about here?” you’re inching closer to his waistband when he flips you over, caging you underneath him, his hand pulling you close from the small of your back. his gaze drops to your lips and he licks his hungrily. 
“fuck around and find out,” he grins, “you fucked around, so now you get to find out.” you didn’t get a chance to retort as geto quickly closes the space between you, trapping your mouth with his and hands wandering every part of your body. he’s lifting your shirt, the tantalizing skin of your stomach peeking through, and trails kisses down from your jaw to your neck, collarbone, and then chest, looking up at you before continuing any further. “this okay, sweetheart?” he presses a kiss against your stomach, “do you want me to stop?”
your fingers find his hair, keeping his head in place, and you arch your back, chasing the feeling of his lips brushing against your skin again. “no,” you breathe, “keep going.” too caught up in the pleasure rippling across your body, you don’t register the sound of the door unlocking.
“what the fuck- suguru, why didn’t you- ohhh, i see… nevermind! carry on!” gojo quickly turns on his heel and walks out, the door slamming shut behind him. geto lets his head fall into the crook of your shoulder, sighing when you leave a few comforting strokes on his hair, before heaving himself up to retrieve his roommate. after he leaves, you sit up, fixing yourself, and bring your knees up to your chest, waiting for their return. 
“honestly, satoru, why do you have a phone if you don’t even use it?” you hear geto grumble as he unlocks the door. 
“i’m sorry! i just didn’t see it! hey y/n.”
“yeah, yeah. whatever… sorry ‘bout that, baby,” he says, sitting down beside you, “looks like we got ourselves a guest.” he glares pointedly at gojo, who crosses his arms in response and sticks out his tongue at geto. 
“this ‘guest’ also happens to pay half of the rent here, you know,” gojo huffs, muttering, “i should’ve stayed in the library longer…”
“yes you should’ve, why didn’t you?” 
“because i was getting hungry and tired,” he shoots back, “anyways, let’s get takeout. what would you like to eat, y/n?” 
“oh, uh, how about sushi?”
“i want ramen.”
gojo hums, “okay, sushi it is. sprite okay with you, y/n?” tapping away at his phone, gojo quickly finishes putting in the order and rises from his spot on the couch. “i ordered it, and it's gonna be 30 minutes. please keep the noise to a minimum… i’m gonna take a nap, wake me up when it’s here.”
geto scoffs, rolling his eyes, as you laugh. the door closes behind gojo with a soft click. geto pulls out his ipad, opening the application he uses to sketch tattoo designs. you lean your head on his shoulder, peeking at the screen, and look at his drawings—this one looks to be a spine tattoo.
“is that for you?”
geto sighs, “for a client. he wanted something symbolic, has something to do with his girlfriend or something like that…”
you notice the wrinkles forming from his furrowed brows, “hm... so, what are you thinking about?”
“...tattoos based on relationships are dangerous,” he murmurs, adding more lines to his design, “and if things go wrong, it gets very difficult. i don’t understand why they would do that to themselves. don’t you think it’s stupid?.”
“i think it’s pretty sweet actually,” you say, “you’re making that conscious decision even while knowing the consequences. pretty telling about their determination and loyalty, don’t you think?”
geto hums, still touching up the design, “...if you say so, baby.”
“feel free to talk about something. it might help with the pain.” geto smiles sympathetically at the man lying down in the chair. 
“what… would i even talk about?” the man asks through gritted teeth. 
geto wipes away at the excess ink, examining his work, “what about why you’re getting this tattoo? you said it had something to do with your girlfriend?”
some of the pain seems to disappear from his face, and a shy smile stretches across his lips: he’s obviously lost in thought about his girlfriend. “it’s a reference to one of those k-dramas that she’s been watching lately. before we got serious, we were watching this one called ‘guardian’ something… the title is too long for me to remember,” he chuckles, “but the flower the guy gives the girl—buckwheat flowers—it means ‘lover,’ and it got me thinking about my relationship with her. and it just hit me, like, it’s her. i want to spend the rest of my life with her.”
“buckwheat flowers…” geto murmurs softly, “they mean ‘lover,’ you say?”
“yeah. at least according to the drama they do. didn’t really google it to check. and so that’s why i wanted to get that bouquet tattooed on me. it also has her favorite actor, so naturally she really loves the show too.”
“i see…” geto stops working on the tattoo completely, “i know i already asked you this before we started, but are you really sure about this tattoo? what if… things go wrong? it’s not too late, i could improvise the design right now and get you something that you might be happier with in the long run.” 
the man blinks, “no, but i understand your concern. it must be frustrating to spend hours on tattoos only for it to become meaningless the next day…” geto stays silent, staring at the quarter-finished tattoo, so the man continues, “i love her, and i’m choosing her. you know that ring ceremony thing that those engineer people have? how the ring is supposed to remind the engineer of their obligation or something like that? i want the tattoo to be like that. i want it to remind her that i’m choosing her and that i’m promising her my forever, and i want to remind myself that she’s who i want and that the thing we’ve built together is worth it for me.”
“i… never thought of it like that,” geto admits, picking the pen back up and preparing to start work again, “should i continue?”
“...how about a 5 minute break?” the man asks, tone hopeful, beads of sweat trailing down his forehead.
geto laughs, “you got it.”
“hey, what’s this?” you grab at geto’s hand, peering at his latest tattoo, “a line?”
“a band,” he corrects, “got a little bored at the shop today, so i just did it.”
you look up at him quizzically and he shrugs. it was a simple black stripe that went around his ring finger. flipping over his hand, his palm facing you, you continue to study the tattoo, when your eyes widen at your newest discovery. “suguru…” your voice comes barely above a whisper, and a hand comes up to cover your mouth, “my initials?”
geto glances away, cheeks flushing, as he scratches at the back of his head sheepishly, “yeah, i uh… yeah.” 
“weren’t you the one who said that people who tattoo something of their partner’s are a different level of idiotic?” you say,  quirking an eyebrow and a playful smile curling the corner of your mouth. 
geto hid his face in his other hand, “don’t remind me...”
you thumb the tattoo thoughtfully, “were you thinking about me?”
“i’m always thinking about you.”
you smile at that, meeting his steady eyes, “when you did it, i mean.”
“i don’t think that changes my answer,” geto says, raising an eyebrow, a teasing glint in his eyes. 
you pretend to glare at him, straightening up and crossing your arms over your chest. “...just shut up and kiss me already,” you tell him, and he obliges immediately, pulling you in close and kissing your lips sweetly. coaxing your mouth open, he turns his head to deepen the kiss. he presses his forehead against yours when he pulls away, your lips parted still as you catch your breath.
“my forever,” he tells you, voice barely audible, but you can still hear him clear as day, “it’s yours.”
you smile, “i know.”
he wraps his arms around your waist, hugging you close, and rests his head on your shoulder, “and your forever is mine.”
“it is.”
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koi's notes: okay but did they get the sushi though??? 🧐🧐 anyways dedicated to @omgeto and a huge thank you to emp and mothe (@planetxiao) because i love and appreciate y'all so very much
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3K notes · View notes
cc--2224 · 1 month
I'll Show You Heaven
Pairing: Crosshair x F!Reader
Summary: Crosshair was always someone of interest to you, much to the other clones’ dismay. When he hears a Reg disrespecting you, he doesn’t hesitate to step in. You were told that there was no point trying to fix him, but you knew you could handle dangerous; although it turned out that to you, he wasn’t dangerous at all.
Warnings: This is very much 18+ Minors do not interact! Alcohol and smoking mentions; drunk clones being assholes including one putting the reader in a dangerous/uncomfortable situation but nothing happens! Smut - masturbation, Crosshair having dirty thoughts, oral (m and f receiving), biting/marking, unprotected p in v - wrap it before you tap it!!, praise kink, one instance of Cross being too rough but he corrects it, porn with feelings, language, tons of compliments/pet names, jealous maybe slightly protective Crosshair
Notes: Very slightly based on the song I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can)
Word Count: ~6.4k
Taglist: None, let me know if you'd like to be added!
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It was just another day. The haze of smoke lingering in the bar, the loud laughter and chatter amongst the patrons, and him. 
You had gotten to know most of the regulars at 79s, including Clone Force 99, but you never made it a point to become their friend. The clones, usually drunk, would flirt with you endlessly, but never the 99s. They kept to themselves, and you had learned over the months that they weren't very popular with the others.
You hadn't considered there were social hierarchies among the clones, but you supposed they were no different than any other group of people.
You traced the smoke back to the tall, silver-haired man. He sat at one of the tall tables, not quite facing the bar, but enough that you could see his sharp features silhouetted by the pulsing lights. 
He never looked pleased to be there, he seemed to have a permanent scowl, and you couldn't even recall a time where he said more than three words at a time, and none of them kind. 
And while these might be negative traits to most, but to you, these traits mixed with his deep brown eyes that you had caught on you once or twice, and the smirk that came along with it, the expression of an all-too-confident man, only helped to draw you in to him. 
You had a feeling that he was one to put up a front, wall himself in so that he didn't appear vulnerable. it made sense for a soldier, but there was a part of you that wanted to see what he was like when the walls came down.
"Hey! Cyar'ika!" You heard from behind you, you turned to face the clone holding his glass up to you. "You gonna give me a top up or stare at the reject squad all night?"
You rolled your eyes and turned to him too quickly to see the sharp glare of the man you were just staring at point at the rowdy clone. After refilling his glass, you set it down in front of him and gave him a warning, "Everyone is welcome in my bar, and everyone gets attended to while they're here. Understood, trooper?" 
Before he could answer, you walked toward the centre of the bar, making a point to keep an eye on all your patrons so they wouldn't also get the wrong idea about who was getting more attention. Your eyes naturally wandered back to where the 99s were sitting, briefly meeting with the same brown eyes you had been silently admiring just moments ago, the tattooed crosshairs outlining one of them perfectly. 
He turned his head back toward the rest of his squad but you could almost see him glance at you through the corner of his eyes at least once before you were called away again. 
"Y'know what?" The loud clone called out again, "I think you should just come home with me. I could make you forget all about them." He jerked his head toward the 99s. 
"And I think you've had too much to drink." You chided, ignoring his request for another top up.
"C'mon," He groaned. "If you're gonna cut me off, you should at least make it up to me. Wanna come home with a real man? I bet those 99s could never measure up to us if you get my meaning. Whattaya say, copikla?
Several clones laughed at his words, your Mando'a wasn't perfect, but based on their laughs, you assumed it wasn't nice. 
Before you could get security to kick him out, you heard a chair scrape against the floor and then the crack of knuckles on flesh. You didn't even see the tall clone cross the bar before he was laying into the loud one.
You ran out from behind the bar and tried to pull him back, as much as you didn't want to, you also didn't want him to be permanently banned either. 
Once he noticed you pulling his arm back, he stopped. 
"What's going on?" One of the security guards had come over, hearing the commotion.
"Nothing," you said before gesturing to the floor, "He had too much to drink. Best if he goes home."
The security looked at you carefully, making sure you were okay before helping the clone to his feet and walking him out of the bar.
You sighed and returned back to where you were standing before, watching the other clones glare but cautiously move out of the way of the 99.
He started walking back to his table before pausing and turning to look at you, his features almost seeming softer now. 
"You didn't have to cover for me." He said, a toothpick lodged between his lips.
You shrugged, "He was getting on my nerves, deserved the punch if you ask me. As long as you’re okay, I’m okay." You smiled up at him. 
You could handle yourself, you've been working at 79s for a while, you knew how unruly people could get when alcohol was involved, and as much as you could handle people yelling at you, you didn't like when your regulars hurled insults at groups who were just minding their own business. Especially when, to your understanding, they got enough of that back on their homeworld.
He hummed in response.
"Can I get you guys anything?" You asked after a brief silence had fallen.
"No, we're heading out. See you around." Almost on cue, the rest of his crew stood up and began to leave.
— — —
“You shouldn't have done that.” Hunter warned him quietly when they had returned to the Marauder.
Crosshair shoved past him to get into the ship.
“Regs will always take each other's side, if you get reported for starting a fight…”
“Again,” Tech chimed in.
“I'll deal with it if it happens. Regs are probably too drunk to remember anyway.” 
“Why'd you attack him, anyway?” Wrecker asked. 
His eyebrows furrowed, “Didn't you hear him? He was treating her like his little pet.”
The others looked at each other, seemingly sharing the same thought between them.
Hunter's voice didn't betray his thoughts, “Even still, you should go back and apologize. Probably scared the poor girl.”
Crosshair rolled his eyes at Hunter's order. 
“No promises.”
He went to his bunk and discarded his armour, laying on his bunk in his blacks. He couldn't seem to get your face out of his head. The way your eyes met, how you took his side even though his squad was right, he did start the fight. Your smile when you made sure that he was okay.
This wasn't the first time he had seen you, but it was the first time the two of you had ever spoken; he didn't do small talk, Hunter and Wrecker did.
But he wanted to talk to you again, he wanted to see you again, see you smiling up at him.��
The more you crept into his thoughts, the more he couldn't get you to leave. 
Eventually with the solitude of his bunk, his thoughts got the better of him. He imagined how you would look, naked and squirming under him. How you'd taste, how you'd feel around him. 
He couldn't shoo these thoughts away, he found himself palming his cock over his blacks at the thought of you taking it into your mouth. 
He had been with others before, but it was rare for him to feel like this. Usually when he’s with someone it’s just to get his own release, but thinking of you was different. He wanted to make you come, to hear you cry for him, to feel you come on his cock, on his fingers, whatever you’d allow. 
He wanted you, all of you. And he couldn’t stand the thought of some Reg pretending to flatter you just to get you into his bunk. You deserved better than that, you deserved someone who would treat you right, make you feel good, someone who could be good for you. Someone like him.
He reached his hand into his blacks, pulling himself out and stroking it. He let his mind continue to wander, imagining everything all over again as a loop. He thought of your voice, telling him how good he was, telling him how he was made for you, how no one else could satisfy you like him. He thought of marking your neck, your tits, your thighs. 
As he began to reach his climax, he stroked himself faster, he thought about filling you up with his release, he didn’t know where, whether it was your throat or your cunt, he just knew he wanted to come inside you. 
This thought sent him over the edge as he spilled out over his hand with a groan.
He knew it wasn't right to think this way, he didn't even know you, but he also knew there was no way for you to know what was going through his mind.
But would it be so bad if you did? 
— — —
Something about his expression when he finally came back to the bar was different than it had been a few days ago. Not bad by any means, just not how he normally looked. 
Part of it was likely due to the fact that he was in civilian clothes instead of his armour, nut most of all, his ever-present scowl seemed softer, and he didn't wear a smirk when he noticed you looking at him, instead he almost seemed nervous. 
He walked toward the bar and sat on one of the stools, scanning to make sure none of the gathering clones were the one from a few rotations ago. 
"Can I get you something?" You asked him with a smile.
He blinked like he still somehow wasn't expecting you to talk to him after what happened, but then shook his head. "No, nothing."
He sighed, looking down at the counter in front of him. "I wanted to..."
You looked at him, eyebrows knitted together in confusion.
"My actions the other day, that wasn't okay."
Your face softened into a small smile. "Don't worry about it, nothing to apologize for."
"Did the Reg apologize to you?"
"Oh, no I haven't seen him, but like I said, nothing to apologize for. I'm used to it." You told him nonchalantly. His gaze snapped up to meet yours and his eyes narrowed.
"Used to it? Being drunk doesn't give them an excuse to be assholes to you." His voice raised slightly.
"Really, it's fine. I'm just sorry you had to hear him talk about your squad like that for so long."
He laughed quietly and used your words back at you, "We're used to it."
Neither of you said anything for a bit. You worked on pouring another glass for one of the other patrons at the bar and then turned back to face him.
"I see you guys around here often, but until the other day, you and I have never spoken, I'd like to change that.” your kind smile at him caused his heart to pound in his chest, but when he didn't answer, you continued. “You have a name, trooper?" 
You smirked then told him yours. 
"Where's the rest of your squad today?"
"They stayed back, wanted me to make sure you were okay. But since you are, I should be going."
He was out of the stool and heading toward the door before you could convince him to stay. He needed to clear his head, it wasn't like him to feel so reserved and shy, but he felt your presence hammering on the walls he had built for himself and he didn't know if he was ready for them to come down.
You watched him as he left and smiled to yourself. Was he really concerned about your opinion of him so much that he came all the way here just to apologize? Or maybe he just wanted to make sure the other trooper kept his distance. Either way, seeing him was always a treat, and now you had a name to go with his face.
"I'd be careful of him." One of the clones said, pulling you out of your thoughts.
"What do you mean?"
"Clone Force 99 isn't known for following rules. They have the highest success rate out of any squad, but the way they complete their missions goes against most protocols we have. That one, Crosshair, he's their sniper, a dangerous one at that, and definitely not a friendly sort of person, someone you don't want to get on the bad side of. Not someone you can just fix with that pretty smile of yours." 
You listened to him as he warned you, but even still, Crosshair and his squad intrigued you. You wanted to get to know them better.
Crosshair had caught your eye from the moment you had first seen him, and now the gap between you was finally starting to close.
You wanted to be his friend, but you were also curious about being more than that. You wanted to see what he was like when the two of you were alone. Was he sweet? Was he demanding? Was he some mix of both? 
You wanted to know what his lips would feel like, what he would taste like, how he'd feel. Thoughts that sparked a flame in your core. You didn't know if you'd ever get an answer to any of them, but the world worked in mysterious ways.
— — —
Once everyone had cleared out and you got some cleaning done, it was finally time to go home. 
It was late, too late to be wandering around the understreets of Coruscant alone, but you knew the most direct way back to your apartment, and had a blaster set to stun, just in case.
You turned down the alleyway, and you saw a figure push itself off the wall and walk toward you. 
"Awful late, isn't it?" You could hear the faint accent of a clone, and the audible slurring of one that had too much to drink.
"Come on, copikla, let me walk you home."
He stumbled toward you. When he came into the light, you could see the black eye that Crosshair had given him, still purple and blue despite the days that had passed.
"I'm fine, thank you."
"Don't be like that, I wanted to apologize and do something nice for you. C'mon." He got closer to you and you felt your hand shake as you reached for your blaster.
"There's no need for that," He told you when you had the blaster fixed on him. "I'm not going to hurt you."
"Then go back to your barracks, trooper."
He smirked, "Y'see the other day, your friend from the reject squad, he gave me this-" He said as he pointed to his eye. "All because I gave you a compliment, so really, you o-" 
Before he could finish his sentence you saw a blue bolt whiz past you, hitting the clone and stunning him.
You turned to see where it came from and at the other side of the alleyway, Crosshair stood with a pistol drawn.
He walked toward you, "He hasn't had a very good week." He pointed out, looking at the clone on the ground before bending down to look at his armour, looking for his identifier.
"What are you doing?" 
"Getting his ID. He'll probably be sent back to Kamino for a while for breaking protocol."
He brought his comm up to his face. "Tech, I’m sending you coordinates and a trooper ID, arrange a pickup."
"Copy." You heard the distorted voice through the comm link before Crosshair began typing in numbers.
"You seem confused." He said, looking at you now.
"I thought your squad didn't care about rules and protocol."
He smirked, "Regs have been talking about us, huh? That's true, we do our own thing and don't take orders very well but.. we wouldn't put a civ in danger in a dark alleyway, he should have known better."
"Well, thank you for helping me, but.. how did you know I'd be here?"
"I didn't. After I left the bar earlier, I went back to our ship, but there aren't many places there to think quietly so I went for a walk."
"I see. I guess it's a good thing you were here. I have a blaster for my own safety, but I froze." You looked at the gun in your hand and sighed.
"Don't worry about it, the Coruscant guard will be here before long to deal with him.”
He turned on his heels and began walking away and you watched him before looking down.
“Crosshair?” You called out before he could get too far.
He turned to look at you again but didn't say anything.
“I'm not too far but.. could you walk with me? I just…” You trailed off looking at the stunned clone at your feet.
He walked back over to you, “Of course.”
He was silent for the remainder of the walk, but he walked with you to your door.
"Would you like to come in?" You asked as you punched in the key code.
"You sure?" 
You nodded and the door hissed open, you walked in, followed by Crosshair.
He looked around your place, it was small but it was inviting.
He knew he should have just gone back to the Marauder, but part of him wanted to make sure you felt safe, and another, much more hidden part of him thought that if you had invited him in, maybe his thoughts of you hadn't been as one-sided as he thought.
"Make yourself at home." You told him.
He sat on the small sofa in the living room, his arm draped over the back, and you stared at him, remembering what the clone had said at the bar. If Crosshair really was someone to look out for, you didn't see it. You would even go as far as to say that he was being kind to you. 
"Like what you see?" He asked when he caught you staring at him, his tone slightly huskier now that he was indoors. 
You rolled your eyes, and walked over toward the couch, sitting at the opposite end from him, but turned to look at him.
"What does copikla mean? I know cyar'ika and mesh'la because I get those a lot from the regulars, but that guy was the only one to call me that."
He looked at you and frowned slightly. "It means cute, but in a way you'd say to a child or a tooka kit, not a woman. That Reg wasn't paying you a compliment when he called you that."  
"I see. And that's why you jumped him?"
"I had enough of him long before that point, but yes."
You didn't notice that as you spoke, the more distance had been closed between you and Crosshair until your knees brushed lightly.
"What if it were a compliment?" You asked.
"I guess it depends on how you reacted, if you weren't comfortable." His eyes bore into yours now. "But you seem to like the compliments from the Regs." 
You shrugged, "As I said earlier, I'm used to it." 
His hand moved toward you, gently caressing your face. You could feel the calluses on his fingertips brush against your skin and you leaned into his touch.
"Would you react the same if I complimented you?" He asked, his voice a little more than a whisper.
"You could try." You answered. “See what happens.”
His hand traveled down to rest on the side of your neck, with his thumb stroking your jawline. 
He shifted slightly closer to you, eyes half-lidded. Your heart was pounding in your chest, and you were certain he could hear it with how quiet it was in the room.
Crosshair leaned over to you and looked into your eyes, looking for any hint of hesitation, and when he didn't find any, he pulled you into a kiss. It wasn't demanding, but it wasn't gentle either. You could tell that this is what he had been thinking about when he said he had to clear his mind. 
Neither of you had been sure if the other wanted this, but when your lips connected, you both figured it out.
His tongue pushed into your mouth and he swallowed the moan you gave when you tasted him.
His other hand had made its way over to you, resting on your waist. Your hands rested on his chest at first, but slowly wrapped around the back of his neck, drawing him closer.
He sat back to look at you, leaned against the arm of the couch, lips starting to swell, pupils dilated, and he smirked.
"You're beautiful." He told you. You knew he was trying to get a reaction from you, but his voice was sincere. 
You could feel yourself getting warmer, and your stomach beginning to coil with the dull ache you felt between your legs. 
You slid off the couch and gently took his hand, pulling him up with you.
He seemed confused for a moment, so you clarified.
"Figured you'd want somewhere a bit more comfortable."
His smirk returned, "Presumptuous of you."
"If I'm wrong, we can continue to sit here."
"Oh no, you’re not wrong. Lead the way, mesh'la." 
You had heard the Mando'a compliments so many times they didn't even feel like real words to you, but Crosshair saying it brought new life. 
When you didn't move, he leaned in to kiss you, but you ducked out of the way and began walking to your room.
He watched you walk away, slightly offended when you dodged his kiss, but that disappeared when he looked at your hips swaying, beckoning him to follow you. 
When you walked into your bedroom, you turned on the lamp beside your bed before sitting with your back to the pillows, watching the door for him.
He entered slowly and you finally took a good look at him. He seemed much taller in your apartment than he did at the bar. You eyed him from head to toe, feeling your core clench slightly when you noticed the raised outline of his crotch straining against his jeans.
"Come here," you said, your voice low.
He walked around to the end of your bed, crawling over you with one leg on either side of your ankles.
"Closer." You breathed. 
He moved upward, hovering parallel to your hips, eyes fixed on your core.
"Good boy,." You praised him. You didn't expect him to groan at that, but as if something ignited in him, he dipped down, kissing your stomach, then your hips, and moving down to kiss your thighs before hooking his fingers into the waistband of your jeans, looking up at you to ask permission.
"Yes, please, Crosshair." 
He worked your jeans and panties off in one fell swoop, throwing them to a corner somewhere once they were off. You gasped when you felt his lips on your upper thigh, slowly trailing higher.
You arched your back slightly, desperate to feel him, but he smirked against your leg, biting into the soft flesh, before kissing the mark he had left. 
He moaned when he felt your fingernails scratch against his scalp, trying to guide his head when you needed him.
He left another mark on your other thigh before licking a stripe from that mark all the way to your centre.
Your back arched again, pulling his face closer to you.
"You like that, mesh'la?" His voice vibrating against you.
"Y-yes!" You threw your head back in pleasure when you felt his tongue circle your entrance before swiping up between your folds, tasting all you had to give him.
"G-good boy, keep... keep going." 
His hands found their way to your hips, holding them in place, you were certain that he was going to leave bruises on each one but you didn't care.
His lips clasped around your clit and he sucked so hard you saw stars, and then he went back to using his tongue, circling the bud slowly, trying to pull every moan from you that he could.
"Say it again." He said against your centre.
"Say what again?" You teased, knowing exactly what he wanted.
"Call me a-" He licked you up and down again, not finishing his question.
"Oh, you want me to call you a good boy?" You asked sweetly.
He rutted his hips against the bed as his tongue dove into you.
You cried out his name. The intensity of him drinking you up had begun to build and with it, you could feel yourself beginning to come undone. You were so close, you could feel your walls clench around his tongue, and he pulled it out.
You looked down at him in time to see his hand slide down from your hip, and he planted two fingers inside you, curling them against your walls.
"Go-good, you're so good, Crosshair, know just what I want." 
He groaned, grinding against the bed again before adding another finger, drawing a cry from your lips.
His thumb took over for his tongue against your clit as his long fingers worked on opening you up. He placed gentle, yet desperate kisses wherever he could, nipping at your soft flesh.
"Cro-Crosshair I- I'm so close."
He sucked another mark onto your thigh and groaned when he felt your hand tighten around his hair.
Your hips bucked as you felt yourself get closer and closer to your release.
"That's it, come all over my fingers." His voice coaxed you further, "Let me feel you."
His tongue went back to your center, working circles around you again as your walls continued to clench around him.
It didn't take much else to pull the orgasm out of you, you cried out his name as you came undone, legs twitching and hips bucking as he continued to work you through it.
He pulled his fingers out of you, and kissed your center once again before leaving a trail of kisses up toward your neck, slowly lifting your shirt as he went before it, too, was thrown into the corner of your room. He nipped and kissed the sensitive skin, leaving you another mark before kissing your jawline and lips once more.
He was perched above you, leaning on one of his elbows while he straddled your hips, his jeans doing little to hide the feeling of his stiffness pressing into you.
“How was that, beautiful?” He asked you, a smirk plastered on his face.
“Perfect,” you replied. “I think you deserve some attention now too, for being so good to me.” He bucked his hips involuntarily into you.
He brought his hand up to cup your face. His fingers still wet from your slick. He rested them against your lips before pushing them past. You moaned against his digits as he pressed them against your tongue, making you taste yourself. You circled each of his fingers with your tongue before sucking on them gently. He pressed his head into where your shoulder and neck meet as he reluctantly pulled his fingers out of your mouth, thinking of nothing else but how your lips would feel wrapped around his cock.
“Do you want me to fuck you, cyar'ika?” 
“Gods, yes, but first I want to taste you.”
His cock twitched against his jeans.
“I didn't know you could read minds.” He said, his voice low.
“I can't, I just know how I want to reward my good boy.” 
Before he could say anything else, he got up from you and sat back on his heels, undoing the button on his jeans, and unzipping them just enough to relieve some of the strain. 
You sat up and crawled toward him, resting your hands on his thighs, looking up at him for any sign of discomfort before you pulled on the waistband.
“You know, it's not very fair that you're so covered and I'm not.” You told him with a mischievous glint in your eye.
“No? Well, we can fix that.” He quickly pulled his shirt off before throwing it aside, revealing his toned chest. Your hands brushed against his abdomen and he sighed. You began idly tracing the outlines of his muscles and scars, and he took your chin between his fingers and tilted your face up to his, kissing you gently at first then with more passion. You felt him bite your bottom lip and you moaned into his mouth. Your hands glided across his skin before finding the waistband of his jeans again.
Without breaking the kiss, he helped you to disrobe him, and when you pulled down on his briefs, he sucked in a breath, feeling his cock spring free.
You looked down at it and instinctively parted your lips slightly, feeling your pussy clench around nothing in anticipation.
“You just going to stare at it all night?” He asked you.
You shook your head, “Can't wait to taste you, to feel you fuck my mouth.” 
You saw his cock twitch at your words and you looked up at him with a smirk. “Is that what you want?”
Instead of answering, he laced his fingers through your hair, guiding you down toward him. You were bent over, using your elbows for support with your ass in the air. 
“I could get used to this view,” Crosshair said. You didn't have to look up to know he was staring at your ass, but you pulled his gaze back to the back of your head when you kissed the side of his length. His breath hitched at each gentle kiss you gave him, and you heard him try to subdue a moan when you licked a stripe along the vein at the bottom all the way to the head, cleaning up any pre-cum that had already begun to spill out. 
“F-Fuck,” He sputtered.
You peered up at him through your lashes and his grip tightened around your hair, trying his hardest to not buck his hips and force himself into your mouth.
Your tongue swirled around his head before you took it into your mouth.
He whispered your name as he guided you further down onto him, and you took him inch by inch. 
You couldn't fit him all, you felt yourself gag slightly when he got to the back of your throat, which earned another moan from him, and you wrapped one hand around whatever had been left out. 
“Gods, you're taking me so well, wanna feel you gag on me again.” 
You moaned around him as he began using your mouth. He bucked his hips into you as he brought your head further down onto him. Your throat closed around him once again and you felt tears prick in the corner of your eyes. 
You ran your tongue across the bottom of him again, bobbing your head up and down on him, swallowing around him, sucking on him, all while he was bucking his hips into you.
His thrusts started to quicken, becoming slightly more erratic, and you gave a warning tap on his leg, you couldn't take him that quickly. He understood and slowed down.
“S-Sorry, beautiful, didn't mean to hurt you, I'm just getting close..” 
You removed your hand from the base of his length and gently caressed his balls as you continued bobbing on his cock.
“Gonna make me- I'm gonna come down your throat if you- if you keep that up.” He said between pants. 
You hummed around him and kept going. You felt him begin to tighten up and you could hear quiet curses fall from his lips. 
He moaned your name as your cheeks hollowed out around him. He stilled inside your mouth, and you felt hot spurts of him hit the back of your throat. You swallowed everything he gave you before pulling off of him, a trail of saliva keeping you connected to him for a moment longer before you sat up on your knees.
He was breathing heavily and when he looked at you, you could still see his eyes full of lust. 
“Cyar'ika,” He breathed out. “You are so incredible.” 
You leaned forward to kiss him before you felt yourself fall back onto the pillows with him caging you in with his arms.
His kisses were hungry, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, tasting himself and you on your tongue. 
“Want to fuck you. Want to be so good for you.” He said almost into your mouth. “Want to hear you scream my name as I come inside you.” 
His words elicited another moan from you, and he took the opportunity to push his tongue between your lips again.
His cock began pressing into your leg as you felt him getting hard again.
“Crosshair,” you said quietly. He stopped and looked at you, afraid he might have crossed a line. “Lie down.” 
He got up from on top of you and rolled onto his back as you moved to straddle his torso.
You kiss him gingerly on the lips, and then his neck. You felt his hands come up and rest on your hips.
“You gonna be good for me?” 
He nodded quickly. You kissed the tip of his nose before positioning yourself above his cock. He bucked his hips once trying to close the distance.
“Patience.” You told him before sinking down on him.
That was the only word that could describe how he felt inside of you. His eyes screwed shut, your tight walls felt like they were suffocating his cock as they fluttered around him and he needed to feel more of it. You threw your head back and he tightened his grip on your hips. You sunk yourself down slowly until he had fully disappeared into you. 
Once you had adjusted to how he felt, you moved your hips against him as you leaned over him, seeking out his lips. He kissed you back with fervour as his hands slid around to your back and he bucked his hips to meet your movements.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him back up with you. His face was buried in your chest when you straighted your back, and you could feel his lips press against your breasts, and then his teeth. 
You moaned at the feeling, rolling your hips into him faster. His hands glided along your skin back to your hips. He held them tightly as he lifted you off of him slightly before shoving you back down. 
“Fuck, Crosshair!” You cried, feeling him even deeper inside you. 
He groaned as your walls constricted around him again, this time when he lifted you off of him, he had nearly pulled out completely before slamming himself back in. 
You panted out quiet curses as you tightened your arms around him.
“This okay?” He asked you as he did it again.
“Yes, gods, you feel so good. Want you to fuck me harder, feels so good.” 
You didn't need to ask him twice. His hands slid up to your back as he eased you down on the bed before putting his hands on either side of your head.. He used his knee to push your leg up, opening you up more for him. 
His slammed himself all the way in again, each thrust seeming to reach further and further. Your hands fell above your head and he used the opportunity to grab both of your wrists with his hand, pinning them above you as he drove himself into you again at a brutal pace, relishing in the way your tits bounced with each of his thrusts. 
“Gods Crosshair, being such a good boy for me,” you panted.
His lips landed on your neck, kissing you then biting you, leaving another mark on the soft skin.
“You're marking me up so well.” You said as he gave you another love bite just above the last one.
“Gotta make sure everyone knows that you're mine, make sure that trooper knows who you belong to.”
You arched your back with a moan, just as he thrusted into you. With his relentless pace, you knew you wouldn't last much longer, his words were only sending you further over the edge.
“Getting so close, Crosshair,” you said between thrusts. 
He answered by bringing his free hand down to rub circles around your clit.
“Come on my cock, wanna feel you come, wanna hear you scream for me.”
The coil tightened again, he felt your walls squeezing him and his breath hitched.
“I'm gonna come with you, angel,” He told you. “Tell me where you want me.”
“Inside, I want to feel you fill me up.” 
His grip on your wrists tightened as his pace with his other hand quickened, pulling moans from you with each thrust.
“Pl-please, I'm so cl- so close,” you whined, getting more desperate for your release.
He knew that he couldn't keep going for much longer as his thrusts became more erratic, but he was determined to wait for you.
Your moans grew louder and you clamped around his cock more with each thrust. The build up was getting to be too much, until eventually the knot in your stomach came undone, you screamed his name as your orgasm finally crashed over you. 
“That's it, just like that,” He said, his hand moved from your wrists to intertwine his fingers with yours as he thrusted as far into you as he could, spilling into you, painting your walls with his his release. 
You both stayed as you were, panting, looking into each other's eyes and then his lips came crashing down onto yours as he pulled himself out of you.
“You're incredible,” you told him, completely blissed out.
“So are you.” He buried his face in your neck, not moving from on top of you.
“Shower?” You asked, and he sighed and nodded into you.
He got up off you and took your hand, waiting for you to lead him.
“I take it you liked the compliments.” He said, more of a statement than a question.
“Unless that’s how you always act when a clone compliments you.”
You shook your head, “No, that was reserved only for you.” 
He had a smug smile as you began to walk to the fresher with him in tow.
“Can't wait to see what the others say when you walk into the bar, with my marks all over you.” He said, grabbing your hips from behind, pulling you back toward him.
“Well, not all over me, but there's still time, if you're good.”
You escaped from his grip and he all but dragged you into the refresher.
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mari-the-bimbo · 24 days
Bus stops on dodgy roads
Sukuna x reader
A/N: Hey my lovelies! I know i been gone a while but he’s just a random thought I made into a fanfic! Enjoy! <33
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Going to University in a rough area is definitely not for the weak.
Classes finishing at 7 in the evening, studying the notes in the library until 11 because your dorm doesn’t have a desk, meaning you’re waiting at the bus stop in the dead of the night with the local drug dealers, police sirens blaring in the back, but you try to tune it out with ‘like a tattoo by Sade’ blasting your your earphones.
But you just happen to be god’s strongest soldier.
Well.. at least you think you are.
Strangely enough, you do not feel threatened by the drug dealers who wait for the same bus, the silent agreement to mind your own business is mutual.
But more strangely, you notice the drug dealers aren’t here today, so you sit alone at the bus stop, the dry air hitting your face.
“Here all alone sweetheart?” Says a croaky voice in the silence, you turn your gaze to the ugly looking man who reeks of blood and alcohol. You don’t recognise him so you pretend you didn’t hear him, silently praying it’s not your blood splattered next.
You flitch as he snatches your earphones out your ear and throws it to the ground, shit, why did it have to be you?
“Don’t pretend you can’t hear me you stupid bitch, how much for a fuck before I make you do it for free”
You subtly reach for your pocket knife and you answer him defensively “I’m not a whore, go ask somebody else”, calling police would be useless, by the time they arrive you’ll already be roadkill.
You watch him seeth at your attitude as you gulp, realising a bit too late that was the wrong move.
You watch a black Bugatti pass, a car you knew probably belonged to an even dodgier person but you were desperate. You throw a rock at the car and scream “HELPPP!!”.
The man only gets angrier as he punches you for drawing attention, you fall to the ground with curses from your mouth but luckily the sleek car halts, before reversing slowly until it’s in front of you.
“g-get up you bitch” the man hurriedly orders, reaching out to pull you up but your new found confidence allows you to kick him before you hurriedly stand up yourself.
Before you can react again, you hear a deep voice boom through the abandoned road’ “Oi”
The black tinted windows of the Bugatti slides down to reveal a tatted man, a bit older than you but scarily handsome nonetheless. The creep’s eyes widens before speaking “Boss! I- I was just going to deal with this bitch becau-“
“Who asked?”
You stare quietly, taking in the interaction between the creep and his boss in the car.
“Did I not order you to report back to me once you were done with the job?” The boss asked. You didn’t even want to guess what the ‘job’ was.
“Sir this bitch got in my way so-“
“Shut up” the boss cut him off before his red eyes connected with yours, a shiver travels down your spine at the contact.
“Leave us alone” he says, you take a step backwards thinking he’s talking to you but realise you’re wrong when the creep walks away shakily.
Your own legs start to shake slightly in realisation of who this man could be.
“Hey pretty girl”
You gulp “Hi s-sir”
A chuckle erupts from the man at your immediate obedience compared to how animalistic you were with the other. “Why you calling me sir, you work for me too?” He asks. You struggle to find words so you simply shake your head.
He keeps eye contact with you as he puts out his cigarette that was hanging from his mouth. “Call me Sukuna”
The leg almost threatened to give in from the shake as he confirms your fears, he was the city’s drug lord Sukuna.
“Thanks Sukuna”
“No worries dear, why don’t you be a good girl and let me drop you home” he asks, you know it’s a command rather than an offer.
“T-thanks but my bus will be here any minute” you reply with a shaky smile.
His gaze is unnerving as he answers “your bus won’t be coming”
Your confused silence allows him to answer the question you were thinking.
He points in the direction that the creepy man left, “You see, I ordered him to kill some rats on that bus, the bus will be terminated in 3..2…”
“What” you whisper in disbelief.
You look up at the digital bus stop timer.
‘Service currently unavailable. We apologise for this inconvenience’ the digital screen reads.
You stare back at him in disbelief. He was too good, devilishly good, and you were now putty in his tatted hands. All the questions left on the tip of your tongue disappears, Sukuna only offers an illegally beautiful smile to you.
“Well?” He says, “I really don’t like offering repeating myself dear”
Without missing a beat, you run to the passenger side door and enter the car.
To hell with morals and ethics, when you live in the ghetto, survival is your main priority.
You sit in the luxury leather seats with cowardly stature. Sukuna starts his engine and drives off.
“You know it’s breaks my heart to see a pretty girl like you wait in the cold like that dear” he teases gruffly, a new cigarette hanging from his lips. “Not your first time waiting there is it?”
“No” you reply but then you pause, wait how does he know that?
“How do you-“
“I know my city better than anyone, every corner and.. bus stop” he adds to lighten the mood, you can’t help the small giggle that escaped you, it’s hard not to when your saviour happens to be an big, attractive, clearly untouchable man who smells like oud and leather.
“Think I’m funny doll?” He says with a smile, red eyes still on the road.
“Only a little-” you reply before immediately closing your mouth in fear, you fix your posture when you suddenly remember this isn’t some friend of yours but rather the most powerful man in the city that could easily have your head.
He chuckles, “easy, easy doll. No need to humble me like that”
“Sorry” you say with a meek smile.
He looks at you and back on the road. There was no denying Sukuna found you adorable, you were amusing to him, and what kissable looking lips you had.
“You can joke around with me doll, consider me a friend hm?” He says as his hands move to the back of your neck, stroking it ever so gently, goosebumps quickly rise making the tatted man laugh as you look at him embarrassed.
He parks in the uni dorm car park. Before slowly turning his head towards you, you feel comfortable enough to look him face to face now, you offer him a smile “thank you dropping me off Sukuna… and also saving me back there.. I know he’s one of your man but still-“
Your sentence dies at the back of your throat when his rough hand strokes your cheek, “did it hurt?” He says, he’s serious now. “A bit..” you answer.
Your breath hitches as he leans forwards and presses his mouth to your ear “I’ll take care of him when I get back, you will never see him again, okay?” He says and you nod in understanding of what that entails.
“Such a smart girl” he coos gruffly as he presses a kiss to the shell of your ear.
“Thank you again Sukuna”
Another smile comes to his handsome face as he tilts his head “and how exactly do you wish to thank me dear?”
You gulp as you stare at the handsome devil, seducing you so easily, you feel embarrassed when he notices your thighs squeezed together, while Sukuna makes a mental note of the dirty things he’s going to do with those plush thighs next time.
He licks his lips, and you unintentionally imitate him. He shakes his head and bites his bottom teeth, he can’t hold back anymore, oh girl.. what have you started?
Suddenly his wet lips press against your own, moulding with the shapes of yours, his sloppy tongue makes sure you can taste the tobacco as you moan at the feeling, he chuckles into your mouth before pulling away.
You pull away with a gasp, he smiles, looking nowhere near as breathless as you, just admiring your beautiful face. He thumb plays with your bottom lip
“Well shit.. You’ve started something I gotta finish doll”
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reiincarnatiion · 11 months
shadows of destiny | azriel x reader | part two
summary : jealous but confused azriel, yearning shadows and sexy lucien and sexy reader ;)
a/n: 💗 WOW. SO MUCH SUPPORT ON THE FIRST PART BROOO GUYS I JUST OFCOURSE HAD TO WRITE PART TWO and def will have part 3 i guess? ngl i am an angsty writer so im not good at writing happy endings HAHA rip for u all.
this is so addictive ive already written 3 stories in a span of like three days HAHAH 💗
also most azriel stories i read are never from his perspective so im keeping it from his perspective to change things up! he is def a bit out of character because i havent read acotar for a while rip but enjoy! thanks for the support and let me know your thoughts !! also this isnt proof read cuz ya girls lazy >.<
read [ part one ] !!
"What are you two doing?"
Lucien and you both looked up, shocked (but not really) , to find Azriel standing in the middle of the dance floor, clad in his black silk shirt and pants, with swirls of tattoos peeking through, his collarbone on full display. Fae moved gracefully around him, dancing and making out, carefully avoiding the famed shadow singer.
He stands in front of you two, just as you two had begun your pathetic attempts to drunkedly dance. Your short dress had ridden up to the top of your thighs, pressed against Lucien's pants, and Azriel knew it was entirely inappropriate. He observed as you raised your eyebrows and looked down at him.
He couldn't fathom how you two had crossed the line from friends, but he knew it was wrong. Over the eons, he had seen you with many men, but they had always been strangers to him and the Inner Circle. They had never been serious.
Were you and Lucien serious? The club fell silent to him,  as he awaited your answer.
His shadows swirled around his feet, urging him to intervene. Some even attempted to caress your legs, but Azriel swiftly reeled them in, refusing to acknowledge how soft and sweet-smelling they might be. He couldn't bear to know how apparently tempting they were.
Azriel clenched his jaw as you gazed back at him with your kohl-lined eyes, their newfound seductive power nearly breaking his stoic demeanor.
He bit the inside of his cheek to quell the sudden effect your look had on him, not wanting to indulge in such thoughts; they could only lead to trouble.
"Uhhh... Dancing?" you drawled back finally, rolling your eyes in a way that he would have only have liked to see in bed with you, behind you, with his hands wrapped in your hair as he-
He blinked, the deafening thumping of the music returning to his consciousness, as the rush from his panicking shadows ebbed away, calming his racing heart.
What was he doing? Why did he even come here? A wave of guilt washed over him as he tore his gaze away from your captivating eyes, only to hear you laugh and giggle as Lucien whispered something in your ear, drawing you closer. A giggle Azriel had never noticed was so adorable and sexy at the same time.
Azriel shook his head, trying to make sense of the overwhelming emotions within him. It didn't make any sense. You were like a little sister to him, an integral part of his family.
Stupidly, he realized that he didn't know why his shadows urged him towards you, nor did he understand the sudden waves of jealousy coursing through him.
"AZ! SO NICE OF YOU TO FINALLY JOIN!" a voice screeched, breaking the tension that had enveloped him and the couple in front of him.
They weren't a couple, but they looked like one, and he couldn't stand it. He didn't know why he was acting this way, but he knew one thing for sure: he didn't like it.
He didn't like how Lucien's slender fingers gripped your waist with such familiarity and intent.
The voice that had called out before now manifested next to him as Cassian stumbled over, dragging Nesta along. Their interlocked hands taunted him once more, but Azriel forced himself to look up at Cassian.
"BROTHER!! LET'S DANCE!!" Cassian howled, reaching them and clumsily starting to move their bodies to the rhythm, grabbing Azriel's shoulders to mimic their motions. Azriel stumbled back, desperate to escape the situation, but Cassian persisted.
"Leave me alone, Cassian," he mumbled, brushing his brother's hands away with his gloved ones.
"Why don't you ever dance with us?" Cassian whined, oblivious to Azriel's attempts to withdraw.
Azriel burned with annoyance, returning his attention to you and Lucien. But then, a tender voice spoke out behind him, and he knew it was Feyre even before turning around to see Rhys drunkenly laughing with Cassian as the other couple joined.
“Az, what are you doing, staring holes into Lucien and Y/N,"
"I--" Azriel faltered, trying to make sense of his emotions and jumbled thoughts. "It's just wrong."
He blinked, wondering why he had even gotten up in the first place.
"They're just drunkenly dancing; Elain is fine with it. You don't have to defend her honor here, Az," Feyre assured him, patting him on the back before returning to her mate.
Azriel stood still, smoothing out his pants and running a hand through his tousled hair. The club's hazy atmosphere seemed to envelop him, and he realized that the fae wine he had consumed tonight had hit him hard. Perhaps he had gone too far this time.
"Yes, yes, of course. I just thought Lucien should respect Elain..." he answered hastily, though he knew Feyre had already left. Shadows informed him that Rhys and Feyre had retreated to their more secluded spot again, and Azriel felt a pang of envy.
A couple of fae rammed into him, slightly spilling their drink and apologising in a haste as they realised who they had just knocked into. He glowered down at them and shook his head, stalking back silently back to the booth.
He walked back to the booth where Elain was still seated, nursing a pink drink.
"What was that all about, Az?" she asked innocently, though her doe eyes betrayed her knowing nature.
"It was nothing."
"You were clearly distraught, Az."
"My shadows sensed something was wrong, that's all, Elain."
"Lucien and Y/N?" Elain asked gently, her hand reaching for his gloved hands.
Azriel looked down at her delicate skin brushing against his black leather glove and he felt a sudden overwhelming contrast between the two. He removed his hand from hers, realizing how mismatched they were.
Cassian and Nesta complemented each other perfectly, a match made from the Cauldron itself. Feyre and Rhys shared a love and trust so profound, it was interwoven within their powers.
But what did he have with Elain, other than a forced interest in gardening and her white and pink flowers?
"They're just dancing, it's fine," he told her, his voice numb. He couldn't help but look back at you and Lucien, still writhing against each other on the dance floor in ways that supposedly platonic friends shouldn't.
Lucien's hands were still firmly on your waist as you both gyrated, laughing and singing along to the music. You'd blame it all on the alcohol the next day, if asked about your actions. Azriel knew that, just as he'd experienced countless nights where Cassian or Rhys had kissed him during similar inebriated moments.
Beside you two, Nesta and Cassian mirrored your movements, seemingly unfazed by the intimate nature of your dance. The club's flashing colors continued to shift and flash all around Azriel, in strikes of pink, blue and green but all he saw was red, and he did not
read part three here dearies !!
taglist for shadows of destiny : @allyjoe755 @impossibelle @t0uch-starved-h0e @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @marina468 @cassan1306
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leaentries · 5 months
claim | nico hischier
summary: when a girl’s night gone wrong ends with nico’s girl getting a tattoo, he realizes how much he loves claiming her.
warnings: a bit of possessive nico, grinding, marking, fingering, slight breeding kink, unprotected sex, creampie, swearing
wc: 2k+
a/n: posting this at 3am, so enjoy, cause i definitely did.
p.s: nico is so daddy that it hurts
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This was probably stupid. No, scratch that. You knew it was stupid. As it pans out, a bottle of pink whitney and truth or dare during girl's night, never ends well. 
But, as you lay in the chair with that familiar buzzing next to your ear, you contemplated your life choices and how you ended up here in the first place. Cursing your best friend, you hiss as the tattoo gun hits the area behind your ear. 
“Holy shit!” You groan in pain, “You absolutely suck, Bry.” 
She giggles, tossing her raven hair behind her, “Listen, in my defense, you were the one who said we needed to up the anty during girl’s night.” 
If it weren't for the surging pain spreading through your upper body, you’d probably slap her. Bryan was never one to back out of a little competition, which is one of the reasons you guys clicked so well. Only this time, your normal competitiveness was biting you in the ass.
“I can’t believe I’m actually doing this. What’s Nico gonna say? He’s probably gonna think I’m nuts and break up with me.” 
Bryan scoffed, “Oh please, Nico doesn’t know how to breathe without you by his side. He’s not gonna break up with you.” She glanced over your head as the artist pulled away. “Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if he proposes the second he sees it.” 
After the artist finished cleaning you up, he handed you a mirror so you could see. Gleaming back at you, in all its glory, was a dainty “13” written in black ink. It was small enough to be covered with your hair but big enough to be seen when your hair was up. 
Bryan smirked at you through the small mirror, “Nico is one lucky man, babe.”
Nerves pulsed through your body as the time ticked down. Nico was gonna be home any minute from his team meeting. He sent you a quick text while you were still at the tattoo place, letting you know he’d be home late. You let out a deep breath, staring at your new marking in the bathroom mirror. You played with your hair, indecisive on how you wanted to wear it when Nico arrived. 
Eventually, you decided to keep it down, opting to let Nico discover your body's new addition on his own. You settled yourself in the kitchen, perching yourself on the chair closest to the door. You had made dinner earlier since you knew it was very unlikely that Nico had remembered to eat. Just as you began to take out your phone to check where Nico was, you heard keys jingling against the door. 
Your heart rate picked up with each passing second. Worry plagued your mind in fear he wouldn’t approve of the tattoo.
The door creaked open, as a tired-looking Nico walked in. His eyes immediately found yours and a loving smile took home over his features. 
“Hi, schatzi.” He strode over to you, bending to press a sweet kiss on your head, “Did you have a good girl's night?” 
You nodded, standing so you could wrap your arms around his torso. Leaning up with a pout, Nico chuckled. He planted a quick peck on your lips, drawing a whine from you. 
“Neeks, stop teasing.” 
He sent you a dimpled smile, before kissing your cheek and walking to where you had set out his dinner. Nico was quick to pour himself a glass of wine, turning to bring you one as well. He sat down next to you, taking a sip. You tucked your hair behind your ear, temporarily forgetting about the special ink. 
Your eyes snapped to Nico as he choked on his wine, “Jeez, Nico. You okay?” 
Once he got over his coughing fit, he shook his head no. His eyes darkened as he moved the glass away from the edge. “What was that behind your ear?” 
You smiled sheepishly, looking away from him. 
“Y/n, baby. Look at me,” You let your gaze meet his, “Pull your hair up.” 
The demand was soft, but enough to spread a pleasurable heat through your body. Grabbing the hairband that lives on your wrist, you quickly put your hair back, the ink now on full display for Nico’s hungry eyes. 
“Fuck, schatzi,” Nico mumbled as he inspected the tattoo. Seeing his number permanently on your skin was enough to have his cock straining against the confinements of his sweats. His mind went hazy as he stared at you. 
“Do you like it?” Hearing the hesitation in your voice, he tilted your face towards him. 
It was then you noticed his appearance. Chest heavy with lustful gasps, eyes almost black as he took in your body. Nico was turned on. You confirmed your theory as your eyes wandered down to his painful-looking erection. 
You swallowed thickly. 
“Like it? Christ, baby. I fucking love it.” Nico never realized how much he could love seeing something that represented him on you. Of course, his heart soared every time you wore his jersey and he got to see his name sprawled across your back. But this? This was different. It was more than just a representation, it was a claim.
A claim to the rest of the world that you were his. And boy did his dick like the sound of that. Nico bit his lip as thoughts of claiming you further filled his mind. Unable to control himself any longer, he leaned over pulling your jaw to crash your lips together. A moan escaped your throat at the intensity of the kiss. 
Nico’s hands moved to your thighs, helping you to sit on the table. He settled in between your legs, pulling your aching core to press against his throbbing cock. His lips trailed down your neck, sucking marks into any bit of skin his mouth could touch.
“Gonna mark ya up, baby,” He licked a stripe from the base of your neck all the way to where your tattoo lay, “Gotta make sure everyone knows you’re mine.” 
His hands gripped your thighs harshly, angling his hips upwards to create more friction. You moaned as his bulge dragged deliciously along your clothed clit. Nico continued his assault on your neck, bringing one hand to ghost over where your perked nipples showed through your top. 
He brought his head out of your neck, panting, “Need to feel you, schatzi. Need it so bad.” You eagerly agreed, helping to strip off the little clothing that you wore. Once Nico had removed your panties, his fingers quickly traced circles on your mound. You tilted your head back, the much-needed stimulation spreading ecstasy through your veins. 
“Fuck, Neeks. Feels so good.” You whimpered into the air. 
His desperate gaze drowned in your body. Nico dipped in one finger, before slowly dragging it back out. 
“So wet, f’me,” He brought his finger to his lips, sucking off your juices, “Who makes you this wet, baby?” 
“You, only you, Nico.” You whined. Nico wasted no time before plunging two fingers in your weeping hole, setting a brutal pace. A scream nearly left your mouth as searing pleasure took over your senses. 
“Shit!” Your nails dug into his biceps in an attempt to ground yourself. Nico caught your lips, swallowing the moans and whimpers that escaped. The sweet drag of his fingers had your velvet walls clenching rapidly. You knew you weren’t gonna last much longer, having been worked through already with Nico’s grinding. 
You pulled away, dropping your head onto his shoulder, “M’ not gonna last, Neeks” 
“I know, schatzi. Cum on my fingers, baby. Make a mess.” 
His words were enough to coax your first orgasm, blinding white covering your vision as your body convulsed into Nico’s. His fingers didn’t let up until he worked you completely through your high. You whimpered as overstimulation began to set in.
“Too much,” You cried. 
Nico slowly came to a stop, pulling his fingers out and bringing them to his mouth for a second time. “Mmm.” He hummed at the taste, “Always so sweet f’me, beautiful.” 
Despite having just orgasmed, the sight of his tongue swirling around his fingers, sucking off your arousal had your pussy clenching around nothing. Nico looked down to where his fingers just were, slightly pulling open your cunt with his thumb. 
“Such a pretty pussy, all mine.” He seemed to be muttering more to himself than you, relishing in your body and how you were his. 
Nico looked back to your eyes, helping you off the table and taking you back to the shared bedroom. He plopped you on the bed, shedding his remaining clothes, before crawling to hover above you. 
“Wanna be my good girl?” You nodded, “Open those pretty legs for me.”
You obeyed, welcoming his thick muscled body onto yours. His cock stood proud against his abdomen, the tip red and already leaking precum. You brought a hand to wrap around the top, swiping your thumb along his slit, a line of precum connecting to your digit as you pulled away. 
A deep whine left his throat, “Fuck, schatzi. Too sensitive for that right now, wanna cum inside.” 
“Please, Neeks. Need you in me, please.” Your mind was reduced to nothing but the thought of his cock drilling you into the mattress. 
“Yeah? Want me to fill ya up? Fuck, you’d look so pretty all swollen with my babies.” Nico dragged his cock between your slick folds, “No one would have to ask who you belong to.” 
You whimpered, “Quit stalling Neeks, need you to fuck me.” You brought your hands to wrap around his back. 
Nico brought his hand down to guide his cock to your entrance, easing in slowly. You both let out a moan as he bottomed out. He sat for a moment, letting you adjust to his size, the stretch always taking you by surprise.
You bucked your hips slightly, signaling that he could move. 
“Give me just a second, saw your tattoo again and almost busted.” Even though he wasn’t trying, his crude words sent fire to your core causing your pussy to convulse around his still dick. 
After a few moments, Nico slowly brought his cock out till just the tip remained. He plunged back in, doing the same motion a few more times. His deep thrusts racked your entire body with tingles. He started to speed up, but still keeping deep inside your cunt. 
“Nico!” You cried as he prodded at your g-spot. 
“That’s right, baby,” He grunted out, “Scream my name, let everyone know who makes you feel this good” 
His thrusts began to quicken as your muscles started to spasm around him. With each glide of his cock, pleasure soared through your body, reaching all the way to your toes. You were completely consumed by Nico. 
He buried his head in your neck, tilting slightly to press a gentle kiss against his number. A sweet gesture that didn’t go unnoticed by you. Hands gripping at his back, you dragged your nails down the course muscle, leaving angry red trails that he was surely gonna get hell for in the locker room. Nico began to get sloppy as you both neared the peak. His uneven thrusts, paired with the hand that found its way to your clit had you reeling. 
“That’s it, schatzi. I know you got one more in ya, cum f’me baby.” 
Your back arched into him, eyes shutting tightly as the coil in your stomach snapped. Your pussy clamped tightly around Nico, sending him over the edge. He continued to pump his cock in and out, painting the deepest parts of your cunt with hot ropes of cum. Your mouth hung in a silent moan, voice gone from the previous activities. 
When you regained your senses, you noticed Nico’s weight had collapsed on top of you, his chest heaving. You brought a hand up to lazily stoke his hair, “If this is what I get every time I get a tattoo, then I’m gonna be covered.” 
He smiled, placing a kiss on your tattoo, “Only if they’re about me.” 
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neonovember · 2 months
could even make the tattoo be his name or his initial or somethin 🤯🤯🤭😏
love you and your writing 😚
thanks for keeping us fed 😌
carmen berzatto x reader
okay so yes, maybe hozier has jolted me out of my writers block. i'm just a women after all.
Inked Devotion
this request was fun! i really didn't know what to make the tattoo so i left it a blank slate for whatever you wanna imagine, hope that's okay!
word count: 1.7k
things; tattoos, mentions of braces, carmen's unyielding devotion to you
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Your eyes dart across the tall walls lined with inked models and men in dark beards nervously. You can't shake the tension that seems to imprint itself under your skin, your knees jittering with a rapid tap against the linoleum floors. 
When you had brought up wanting to get a tattoo, a half joking mutter under your breath as you traced the many littered on Carmen’s body you hadn’t anticipated to actually go through with it. 
And yet here you were, shaking like a leaf despite the diffuser jutting out whisper of eucalyptus that was meant to be calming. Whilst Monica, a woman you'd meant a handful of times ran through the list of after care necessities you should be listening to.
You can’t though, you don’t hear a thing as you stare unseeingly through the dark auburn tresses of her short hair, wrapped up in the thoughts that have begun to eat away at the already dwindling confidence you had when you first walked in. 
“Hey, you still with me darlin’' Monica's Brooklyn drawl draws you back to her, and you duck your head sheepishly as you nod furiously. Like a goddamn high schooler getting caught looking out the window instead of listening to Hemingway.
Monica smiles toward you, humouring warmth filling her pale skin that, surprising to you, were incredibly stark of tattoos. In fact, if it weren’t for the posters taped to the walls, the black and white tiled floor, and the ominous tattoo bench in the corner you would have thought you walked it not the wrong place. It was stereotypical of you, and you had been a loud advocate for not judging a book by its cover, but goddamn, what tattoo parlour had potted plants and candles that smell like cinnamon?
“Sorry, uh, what did you say?” 
“It’ll be alright, the pain really does depend on each person but Larry here will catch you if you faint on my tattoo bed” Monica winks with a smile, and you shift your gaze to the man stationed unmoving near some marked drawers, the mass of muscle hidden beneath dark jeans and a shirt bursting out of him.
It wasn’t the pain you were worried about, you had period cramps that sounded worse than that, it was more so the prospect of having your virgin skin imprinted with something forever. You had never done something like this, teenage recklessness had passed you by without a blink, and you had little to show for it but carved words on your old dresser from a knife and a dark eyeshadow phase that lasted less than a month. 
It was a little pathetic, getting your first tattoo eons after any respectable age, and your trepidation seems blatantly clear as Monica shakes her head with a smile.
“Many people get their firsts well into adulthood, did I tell you about my last appointment? A 52 year old woman wanting a goddamn tramp stamp.”
You can't help but let a giggle out, the unsureness leaving you at Monica’s words
“You still want this right?’ Monica replies, and you shift your gaze to Carmen, who was already watching you fondly, his eyes sparkling with excitement as he pushes his golden strands back and gives you a nod
“It’s all up yo you gorgeous, if your having second thoughts there is a really good Thai place i wanted to che-” 
“No, no I want this”  You cut him off, and he chuckles softly, “Besides we already designed the stencil and everything” Carmen nods at that, placing his large palm onto your own, squeezing it with reassurance.
“Damn right we did, thinkin it's my best work yet” Monica chirps from the other side of the bed between you.
“Alright, just sit on that bed down there, get settles while I grab some things” 
You nod, walking stiffly towards the leather bed, tissue paper crinkly under your weight as you shift into a comfortable position. Your eyes follow Monica like a laser, watching as she santises her hands and slides on powdered sterile gloves. 
It reminds you of days spent in Dentists chairs, visions of rubbery fingers tightening wires into your teeth flashes behind the darkness of your lids. Funny, you had worried about your lack of experimental youth, and yet here you are now feeling like a kid again.
The thought makes you smile, and you open your eyes to feel the heated gaze of Carmen looming over you. Face distorting in horror when Monica’s tool makes a clatter, eyes widening comically in that way that always makes you laugh.
“Alright Doll, I’m just gonna need you to sit up for me whilst I get the skin prepped. Alcohols gonna feel a little cold to the touch, kay?” Monica says.
All you can do is nod as she rips open the matte packet, pressing it into your open skin shaved clean per her request a few prior. Who knew how much prep a tattoo would need, you were sure it was on par with even one of Carm’s dishes.
Unfortunately for you the only numbing cream useful for tattoos had something that would have made you break out in hives, so it was cold turkey for you. Monica had transformed the design into a stencil, and as she was transferring it into your skin it seemed to come to life all at once. 
You had spent hours going over designs, and whilst you were extremely happy with what you both came up with, it was like when the lines and shapes had traced your skin, you finally saw it. And the moment you did you couldn't stop the wave of emotion that rushed through you, filling your eyes.
“Hey, baby, hey what is it” Carmen rushed urgently, crouching down when he noticed the way you sniffled.
“Awe doll, you don’t like the design? I’ll change it in a flash, this is just the stencil it aint permanent at all” Monica quickly stopped, looking up at you with concern
“No no, I’m fine” You squeezed Carmen “It’s so, it's beautiful Monica” You rushed out, trying to ease the lines of concern that appeared on her face. Monica bloomed at your reply, fondness heating her cheeks as she traced your skin comfortingly.
“Thank you” You whispered to her as she shushed you.
“At least we got the crying bit over and done with, it might hurt less now” She winked, before reaching for her tattoo gun.
“Ah shit” You grunted, shooting daggers Carmen's way when he snorted out loud.
Returning to your skin, Monica pressed the pointed tip of the gun to your skin, the first sink of ink burrowed into your skin causing you to clench your jaw. 
Monica looked up to watch your expression with a smile,
“See, ain't too bad” Carmen replied before you gripped him white knuckled, making him wince regrettably.
It took some time, you won’t lie to yourself that is fucking hurt. But soon enough the sharp stab had resided to a dull ache, and you instead had become all too focused on the movement of Monica's hand swaying through the strokes of the design. 
You were in awe, she breathed her being into it, and as the design took inches and inches of your skin you understood why she was booked out for months. With one last intricate curl, and a wipe of cleansing soap across the inked skin it was finished. Revealed to both you and Carmen's eyes in all its glory, and you both just stared.
“God, now I wish my first was as good as that instead of wonky stick and poke” Carmen said after a pregnant silence had passed.
“It..wow, yeah. Yep, I want to be buried with this” You said softly, giddiness erupting in your body as you shook your hand grasped in Carmens.
“I’m glad doll, I mean this is meant to be professional but goddamn does your skin just take it. Fuckin’ gorgeous” Monica replied, leaning back as she places the gun on the table near.
“Hey, I'll report you to HR” Carmen bitterly replies, moving you closer to his side as you laugh.
“It’s my business, I am HR” Muttering under her breath as she rolls her eyes. Wrapping your skin in adhesive sheets, Monica repeats the after care instructions, thankfully and this time you listen.
Carmen had already grabbed your things, motioning for you to start heading out after you both furiously thanked Monica for everything. You crinkled with joy as she hugged you, breathing in the smell of old spice and medical grade rubbing alcohol that followed her. 
Her studded rings glistened in the afternoon sun as she waved you both goodbye, as you couldn't help but skip in your stride across the sidewalk. Finger tracing the raised blotted skin, whilst your other hand hung onto Carmen as he twirled you around.
“My gorgeous ink stained sweetheart” Carmen called to you, and you were brought back to his chest gently like a tide again.
“Thank you too, you know” You said into Carmen's cotton shirt. It was the one you got him after your first date, it had been a deep cobalt then. You regretted it just as you gave it to him, fearing you were being too forward. And then he wore it until it faded into a light blue.
“Wouldn't even have this forever on me if you hadn't been the one to bring it up again” You replied softly, fingers tracing his jaw.
“Would have spent a year learning how to tattoo myself if you wanted me too. Monica just seemed quicker” Carmen mumbled before you softly hit his chest with a smile.
“Hey, it’s true. Your skin deserves to be remembered, I could trace it till my fingers atrophied and I’d still have the memory of you under my skin memorised” Carmen divulged, eyelids drooping as he leaned down into your embrace. 
You shake your head, heart panging so deeply it hurt till you pressed your lips to his. Tasting the outpour of Carmen that he let loose into you everyday.
And Carmen had stayed true to his words weeks later when it had healed, tracing it till his fingers weren't enough. Till he had to wrap his mouth around it and taste it with his tongue.
He swears even your inked skin tasted sweet.
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tags <3 @parmforcarm @hansfics @kpopgirlbtssvt @nolita-fairytale
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oxydiane · 1 year
sns is so fucking unhinged and nobody will ever be them i’m sorry. you start the series and it’s like oh haha look at these goofy angsty rivals! they hate each other! then sasuke dies for naruto thirty chapters in giving up his dream of revenge and naruto goes batshit insane. now you’re like ah they’re friends i guess that’s cute! and sasuke is trying to kill naruto because he’s the most important person in his life which is . ok and it becomes the driving force of everything or something. sasuke leaves and naruto dedicates the rest of his life to bringing him back and you’re still a casual fan so ur like he’s doing it for the promise right? then orochimaru says sasuke is his and naruto goes batshit insane feral homicidal (again) and after that sasuke reappears and they have ??? like five different panels dedicated to them staring at each other??? and he jumps off a mountain and hugs naruto for some reasons just to whisper some gay shit in his ear kishimoto frankly needs to be jailed drawing this and keep that best friend nonsense going. anyways. you have sasuke become a convicted terrorist to which the normal people response is “ok we need to hunt him down” and when naruto learns they’re gonna hunt him down he starts screaming crying throwing up he has a panic attack he can’t breathe he’s falling in the snow he gets on his knees and begs them to spare his BFF. after having a meltdown over the thought of sasuke dying what may possibly be the natural coping mechanism any stable person would adapt? of course realising that if sasuke dies he can die too. so he sees sasuke again and after he attempts murdering sakura twice and expresses the intent to murder kakashi he’s like. i will bear the burden of your hatred and die with you hehe and if we both die you won’t be an uchiha and i won’t be the jinchuuriki to the nine tails and we’ll be able to understand each other better in a different lifetime! WE’LL MEET AGAIN IN THE AFTERLIFE BECAUSE NOT EVEN DEATH CAN DO US PART! and sasuke (just as insane as him) doesn’t even flinch he’s like what the fuck is wrong with you but then ok let’s fuckingggf die together on my god i will kill your first anyways . then they find out they are soulmates and get cute matching tattoos on their hands and decide to fight to the death once more because sasuke is back on his i will shoulder all the hatred of the world alone and i need to kill you because i love you more than anyone else in the world actually you’re the only person i love so you need to DIE and naruto is like I WILL NOT LET YOU SHOULDER THAT HATRED ALONE I WILL FREE YOU FROM THE PAIN and they fight and despite all the whatever weapons used in the war it’s a fuckinggg fistfight in which just as sasuke is about to inflict what he thinks is the last blow says “farewell… my one and only…………………. (very long pause to accentuate how heteronormative this next word is gonna be) FRIEND” and fucking stops using his sharingan because not even then he can record the image of naruto dying especially by his hand but naruto STOPS HIM LIKE A f cHAMP and they end up blowing each other’s arms off (rip the matchies) and as they’re bleeding to the fucking death sasuke is like you’re the only person that has never tried to severe their ties with me why do you go so far for me and naruto from the depths of comphet hell is like because you’re my FRIEND and sasuke being absolutely done with this bullshit is like ok what the fuck does that mean to you then and this is where it gets even gayer and relatable because naruto is like i don’t KNOW i just know that when you hurt i hurt and i just can’t take it and isn’t that the most gay experience thing ever? naruto knows what it feels like to have friends but what he feels for sasuke is so bone deep and unconventional that he cannot make sense of it and can only describe the pain it brings. after that sasuke CRIES LIKE THEYVE GOT ME SOOO FUCKED UP but you know what got me even more fucked up?
naruto waking up bloodied and battered and half alive with one arm missing but still wondering if that was heaven because sasuke was next to him. sasuke looking so happy and peaceful when saying “i lost” as a stark contrast to him looking and feeling like half of his body was being torn apart when he “won” against naruto in vote1 and left him. the bitterness of victory vs the sweetness of losing if you will. AND HIM COMPARING WHAT HE FEELS FOR NARUTO TO PRAYING MY GODD. did i forget to mention that then we learn that Ohhh it was never a stupid shallow rivalry as we all thought! they have actually been watching each other from afar since they were little freshly traumatised children and have longed to hold each other’s hands since then! what was it sasukeeee you felt warm and fuzzy when you saw naruto to thought of it as a weakness? these two are so astronomically hopelessly desperately obsessed in love with each other it’s ridiculous i’ve had ENOUGH free me from this mental prison
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sorrowsofsilence · 20 days
Discipline • Sebastian
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Pairing: Professor!Noah Sebastian x fem!student!reader
Words: 2.3k
Warnings: MDNI 18+, Smut (PnV pls wrap it b4 u tap it, spanking, fem!receiving, male!receiving, hair pulling, slight degrading / rudeness) professor x student, swearing
Prompt: Professor Davis is a stuck-up know-it-all who hates when you talk back, especially in front of the class. Perhaps, some discipline is necessary to keep you in line.
Tags: @sammyjoeee @cookiesupplier @th4t-em0-k1d @dsireland86 @whenthesummerdies @spicywhenspeaking @gretaswhore28 @veronicaphoenix @lma1986 @calleyx13 @somewhere-diamond @talialovesmiw @auratheopossumwitch @blackveilomens @skulliecadaver-blog @silentglassbreak @darkmxgician @philomenie @sprokat @thatchickwiththecamera
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He was a stubborn know-it-all, and a stuck-up smart-ass. Therefore, you loved pushing his buttons, especially in front of the class. 
He hated being wrong, and he was a perfectionist who nit-picked everything you did.
Yet, from the first day you met your physics professor, you were captivated by his sheer ego and wit. 
You wanted to hate him because of how frustrating he was, but something about the way his eye always caught yours mid-lecture, and the sheer glint of pride that would shadow his cocky demeanour when you proved him wrong: well it left your heart pounding every time you stepped foot into his class. 
He acted like he hated it, and if the sass came from any other student, he probably did.
But from you? God, he lived for it. 
Professor Davis loved your technicality and scholarly attitude, and he admired your confidence and flirtatious jesting; but it took everything in him to push away the urge to treat you like homework by throwing you onto his desk and doing you all night long. 
He knew it was wrong to think this way, especially during the countless nights he relished in the mental image of you in that short skirt and collared jumper, the hand that stroked himself in the shower a pitiful attempt at imagining it was yours. 
It was wrong to imagine fucking you and delving his head between your legs, lapping up your arousal until you shook from the pleasure he gifted you, his student.
The code of conduct required teachers to remain professional and competent; and not have their minds clouded with lust; even if it was between two consenting adults. 
It was no doubt that Professor Davis was the hottest teacher on your university campus. Students oggled over him constantly, especially with the way his not-so-hidden tattoos poked just above his black turtleneck, or how his hands that wrote out equations on the chalkboard were covered in intricate drawings. It was a mystery what else was lying underneath his all-black uniform, but it always left your mind wandering to scandalous thoughts.
The academic power and breach of trust that would ensue if anything happened between the two of you would surely make him lose his job. 
But you wanted to push the boundaries, your mind begging to watch his inked fingers sink into your pussy. 
You were sitting in your usual spot in class, your pen copying the equation Dr. Davis had placed on the board. He turned, eyes meeting yours for what felt like the hundredth time this period before he scanned the room, twirling the chalk between his fingers. 
“You have one minute,” He said, his free hand running through his chestnut locks, and the sound of pencils scraping paper filled the room. You averted your attention from him, something hard to do because you loved the way he would tilt his head back to shake his hair back into place, before jotting down your work.
You quickly answered the equation, placing your pen back onto the desk before resting your elbow on the surface, your chin sitting on your palm. Once the brunette noticed you were done he waited a few more seconds before announcing to the class to stop. 
Watching him turn back to the chalkboard, he expanded on the equation, answering it with the given numbers. He faced the class, pointing at it, “If your answer looks different, you did it wrong.” 
His tone was cocky and rude, and you squinted your eyes in frustration at him.
He is such a dick. And so fucking attractive. 
Glancing between your paper and the board you shook your head slightly. You knew you had the correct answer, but what he had written did not match what was on your page. 
A few students began to murmur around you, comparing their answers to one another. The few who had gotten it correct looked at their paper confused, and Professor Davis watched his students with a disappointed look. 
“Did anybody solve it correctly, or do we need to review the literal basics before your exam next week?” 
You raised your hand and Professor Davis rolled his eyes, an attempt to be demeaning, but you knew behind his gaze a tinge of playfulness lingered. 
“Dr. Davis, you’re asking us to calculate variance, right?” You pushed, raising a brow. 
He hummed in response, nodding curtly as he leaned back onto his desk. Crossing his arms and legs, he chewed on the inside of his cheek, watching you with dark eyes as he awaited your response. 
“Then you answered it wrong.” 
He shared a smug smile, tilting his head slightly before looking at the board, “How?”
“The degree of scatter is parameterized by the quantity. So you placed the 3 in the wrong spot. Therefore, you got the wrong answer.”
The brunette scoffed, standing straight as he walked over to your desk. Leaning forward he placed the chalk on top of your notebook, his hair falling over his forehead, “Why don’t you come to teach the class then Miss. Y/L/N?”
I gave him a sarcastic smile as I slid out of my seat, “Maybe we’ll all learn something then, huh?”
A low laugh erupted from the class and Professor Davis bit back a smile, his jaw clenching in annoyance as his eyes followed your trail to the front of the class. 
You flattened your skirt as you bent down to pick up the eraser, wiping away your professor's mistake and filling in the equation with the correct numbers. 
It was such a small mistake, that it surprised you he even made it. You glanced at him briefly, avoiding his gaze as you walked back to your desk.
He held his hand open and you placed the chalk in his large palm, your fingers grazing his skin in temptation. 
His onyx eyes refused to leave yours as he spoke to the class, “You’re all free to leave. Make sure you read chapter 8 for Thursday as we talk about angular momentum and static friction.”
As people began packing up and exiting the room your attention turned to Dr. Davis when he called your name. 
“Y/N, I’d like to speak with you.” 
Your heart hammered as he nodded toward his desk, and you packed your items into your bookbag, hooking it over your shoulder as you approached him. 
Professor Davis walked toward the entrance door, nodding at the remaining students and giving them curt smiles. Once the last person left he closed the door and locked it. 
He then turned to face you, folding his arms, “I’m sick and tired of your attitude Miss. Y/L/N, especially when it’s in front of the class.”
You shrugged, tilting your head back in annoyance, “Look I want to pass this class, and when you’re constantly wrong, I’m going to speak up.” 
“Constantly?” Dr. Davis laughed bitterly, “I think I deserve a bit more respect from you.”
“Respect goes both ways Professor,” You licked your lips as he stared at you intensely, his eyes dancing with unspoken words. The tension between the two of you caused your breathing to quicken, and he slowly approached the desk.
“You got quite the mouth on you, y’know?” His voice was hoarse as if he was holding back his next words, “Someone should teach you what to do with it.”
You swallowed in response, his words causing you to chew on your lip in anticipation as your heart raced.
“You’re inappropriate,” He spoke lowly, stepping closer toward you with each word, and you backed up from him, “Disrespectful, Disruptive-” you gently hit the brick wall behind his desk, his eyes narrowing at you as his forehead was inches from yours, “you’re distracting.”
Dr. Davis’s proximity made your stomach begin to churn with butterflies as your eyes danced between his own and his lips, before staring at the smile that grew on his expression.
“Discipline is necessary,” He said as you looked up at him, his eyes filled with infatuation. 
You dared stifle a laugh, “You want me to write a thousand-word essay apology?” 
Professor Davis was careful to not touch you, but his body was almost pressed against yours, daring to push you into the wall. You wanted him to make the first move, but you knew he wouldn’t. Not without a little motivation.
“No,” He swallowed, his lips parting as he stared at yours, almost desperate. 
“Then what?” You pried, looking up through your lashes, taunting him as you placed your bag on the ground.
The two of you stood there, breaths exchanging as the warmth between you built. Your eyes stared at his lips again before flickering to his eyes as a form of contentment. 
“fuck it,” he muttered ever so quietly before his hand reached up to your jaw, lips attaching to your own in haste.
You closed the gap between your bodies by tugging on his sweater, pulling him toward you as he pressed his hips into yours.
He held your face firmly as your lips melded together, the kiss opening as he pressed his tongue against yours. You couldn’t help but moan into him, brows furrowing in lust and need as his free hand gripped your hip. He trailed his fingers down your leg, reaching for the exposed skin underneath your skirt. 
The unholy sounds that escaped you as he gripped onto your body left him groaning, tugging at the fabric of your long sleeve. 
He pulled away, allowing you to peel the layer of clothing off before pulling you against him once again. 
Dr. Davis wrapped his arms around you in an embrace as he kissed you with desire and greed. He pulled you toward his desk, pushing off the books and papers, letting them fall to the ground in ignorance. 
You sat on his desk, allowing the brunette to push you down so your elbows supported you from behind. Staring at him, your skirt slid down your thighs as Professor Davis pushed your legs apart, staring at you hungrily.
“Look at you, literally begging for someone to put you in your place,” He scoffed, tugging at your underwear before letting it snap back against your skin, “Pathetic.”
You rolled your eyes as you sat there, soaking and desperate, “What are you going to do about it?”
Professor Davis kneeled as he spoke, “I’ve always wanted to taste you.”
He pulled your panties to the side as you slid to the edge of the desk. You watched him eagerly, abdomen clenching in anticipation as he slid his fingers along your folds. 
“Sir.” He scolded, slapping your desire slightly, and you impatiently rutted your hips toward him. 
“Please sir,” You begged, and he obliged, burying himself between your legs. 
The first strip of his tongue made you shake, the second one called out his name.
“Professor I-” 
“Just say, Noah.” He sighed, sucking on the skin that created a haze in your mind. You hummed.
Noah hungrily devoured you, lapping up your arousal before sinking his fingers into you. You groaned in relief at the feeling, and he curled and twisted, pulling an orgasm from you in seconds.
But then he didn’t stop. 
You cried as he pulled you into him, refusing to move as he kept eating you out with fervour. The overstimulation was almost painful and you tried pushing his head away, but he held your thighs against his face firmly, lapping and sucking at the skin in hunger and punishment. 
Your legs shook as your head tilted back in lustful agony, begging him to stop.
He finally pulled away at his own pace, breathing heavily, “You don’t get to tell me to stop. I’ll make you cum as much as I want.” 
You groaned at his words, allowing you to lay back fully as your legs spread wider for him. Your hand gripped Noah’s hair, pulling him toward you as he began exploring your body once again. 
“If you’re going to discipline me like this, I’ll be speaking up in class much more.” 
Noah immediately pulled away with a scoff, standing up to watch you below. He began to pull apart his belt, unzipping his fly as he stroked himself from above his briefs, “You’re such a brat you know that-” 
He pulled down your underwear, tossing it onto the ground before pulling you off the desk. He turned you around, bending you over the wooden surface, “-and fuck I love it.”
He flipped your skirt up, exposing your ass as he slapped the skin. He pressed your chest into the desk as he spit into his hand, stroking himself. 
You felt Noah line up against you, and in greed you pushed back, earning another slap across your skin.
“That impatient?” He laughed, reaching to grip a fistful of your hair. He tugged you back to look at him, before pushing into your body without warning. 
A string of curses left his lips as his hips slapped against you, the size of his cock stretching and filling your desperate core. Your arms reached forward to grip the edge of the desk, holding onto the wood with mercy.
“You feel better than I ever could’ve imagined.” He whispered, quiet whimpers escaping his chest as he fucked you harshly, pounding faster with each thrust. 
Your whole body shook as the sounds of sex filled the room, your eyes rolling back in pleasure as Noah gave you everything he had, months of tension easing as the two of you finally gave in to temptation. He gripped your hips with both of his hands, pulling you as he pushed into you. His fingers dug into your ass as he slapped you again, your face pressed into the desk.
“You-you get the problems wrong on purpose-” You cried as Noah gave you another orgasm, your body clenching around his through your release.
Your professor slowed his pace, tilting his head to watch as his cock slid in and out of you, the slick of your cum causing him to groan. 
He didn’t answer your question, sliding out of your body and tugging on your arms to pull you off the desk. 
“Get on your knees so I can fuck your mouth. That way you’ll shut the fuck up,” Noah growled. 
You followed his instruction, succumbing to him as he gripped either side of your head. You took him eagerly into your mouth, sucking all of him as he pushed his length against your tongue. 
Noah thrust into your mouth quickly, causing you to gag. He thrust a few more times before his head fell back, eyes closing while he held you taut against him.
“Fuck,” he cried, and you squeezed your eyes shut, his release coating the back of your throat.
You swallowed everything he gave you, smiling up at him in contentment. Noah’s chest heaved, legs shaky as he zipped himself back up, buckling his belt. He helped you up off the floor and you licked your lips, the salty tang of Noah reminiscent. 
“Same time next week?” You asked, straightening your skirt as you leaned down to grab your underwear. 
“How about I take you to dinner first?” He straightened the collar of his turtle neck, and you couldn’t help but look away, blushing.
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moonstruckme · 7 months
Hi! I'd copy-and-pasted this request into my doc to write it, but now I can't find it in my inbox! I don't think it was anonymous, so if this is your request and it somehow got deleted, I'm very sorry! Thank you for requesting, apologies for the wait, and hope you like it <3
hi love!!! Congratulations on 1,000 followers!!! I absolutely adore your writing and if your requests are open I’d love it if you could right something about poly marauders with a reader who’s non-binary or gender fluid. Maybe they just got together and the reader hasn’t came out to them yet or something. Idk you get all the writing freedom, of course if you don’t want to write it’s totally fine!!! Thanks anyway 🫶💗🫶💗 xoxo
cw: marauders unknowingly misrepresent reader's pronouns+gender
poly!marauders x nb!reader ♡ 1.1k words
“Sirius, no.” Remus rubs at his temples. “I will not mar you with a tattoo gun you bought from some bloke on the street.” 
“Oh, don’t be such a wuss,” Sirius complains, sitting spread out on his bed. “It'll be fun, you can all do it!”
“I’m on board,” James says from his own bed. He’s levitating his shoes about the room idly. “Hey Pads, can we draw anything we want?” 
Sirius ponders this for a moment. “If you do a dick, it has to be small, and I’m putting an arrow with your name next to it.” 
James’ smile fades, and he lets the shoes drop. “You’re no fun.” 
“I don’t know,” you say to Remus, looking up at him from your chosen spot on the floor of their dorm. “It’s his body, I say let him cover it in shitty tattoos if that’s what he wants.” 
“Yes!” Sirius hops down from his bed to throw an arm around your shoulders, planting a kiss on your cheek. “That’s what I’m talking about, that’s my girl!” 
You’d begun to glow at his over-the-top praise, but you dim at the last bit. Sirius must feel it; he looks over at you quizzically as Remus says for the fifth time, “That’s fine, but I won’t have anything to do with it.” 
“Well, it’ll…” Sirius’ eyebrows furrow as he continues to watch you. You try to bury your discontent where he can’t see it, but once he catches a whiff of melancholy he becomes a dog with a bone. The levity slowly leeches from his voice. “It’ll be more fun if you all do it…Sorry, sweetheart, is everything alright?” 
You don’t want the attention, but you can’t bring yourself to lie. “I didn’t mean to distract you,” you say softly, shoulders hunching forward. “Keep going.” 
“No, that’s alright.” His slender fingers squeeze at your shoulder like he can tell you need the comfort. “It’s not actually important. What’s on your mind?” 
You want to tell him. You want to tell all of them, you have for weeks, but is there ever a right time? When the boys had first asked you out, it felt too abrupt to say anything, like you were making a big deal out of nothing because they didn’t even know you all that well. But now you’ve turned serious faster than you could’ve seen coming, and they feel like they do know you that well. And the longer you go without telling them, the more like you feel like you’re keeping some dirty secret. 
You should have just corrected them the first time they’d gotten your pronouns wrong. Each time feels like someone’s chipping away at your heart with a toothpick, the pain lessened by your surety in their good intentions but still very much there. It’s almost worse, now, to be on the precipice of falling in love with people who you don’t feel really know you, and it’s all your own fault.
This isn’t how you’d imagined the conversation coming about, but it might be the best chance you get for a while. 
“I, uh.” You clear your throat, unsure if you should move out from under Sirius’ arm for this conversation but really not wanting to. “I don’t…listen, it’s not your fault, but I don’t really like it when you call me your girl.” 
Sirius lets his arm drop to look at you properly, hurt flashing across his features. You take his hand, selfish thing that you are. “I mean it, it’s really not your fault.” It’s more plea than promise. “It’s just that I don’t—I don’t really see myself as a girl. I’m sorry.” 
You watch confusion take hold in Sirius’ expression before letting your eyes flit to the other boys. James looks tentatively like he’s beginning to understand, and Remus’ face is carefully controlled. He leans his elbows on his knees, looking down at you. 
“What do you mean by that, honey?” 
You know the endearment is meant to soften the question, but you get all tense around the middle anyway. 
“Just that…” You swallow, and James offers you a small smile of encouragement. “I don’t really see myself as any gender. It’s…it’s called nonbinary, I don’t know if you might’ve heard of it before? I’m really sorry I didn’t say something sooner.” 
“Hey, that’s alright.” James kicks a foot out from his bed, nudging your leg gently. “I’m really glad you told us, angel. Thank you.” 
You try to return his smile, chewing your lip. 
“Merlin, I thought you meant you didn’t want to be our girl,” Sirius sighs, bumping your shoulder with his. “That would have been unacceptable. You can be our something-else, though, if you like.” 
This is going well, you tell yourself. They’re being as kind as you’d always expected. Still, you don’t feel like they fully understand what you’re so clumsily trying to tell them.
“I get it if this changes things for you,” you say, and when you lean away from Sirius’ touch, he doesn’t chase you. “I know this is…you signed on for a girlfriend, not this.” 
The gentle smile drops from James’ face. His eyebrows twitch together uncertainly. “We…what? No, we didn’t…we didn’t ‘sign on’ for anything like that. We signed on for you.” 
“Darling,” Remus says, in that careful, measured voice that you can’t decide if you should be nervous about, “I don’t know a lot about this, so correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the point that you’re still you? You’re just telling us how you’d like to be treated and understood, right?”
You take a second to run over his words in your head before nodding. 
Everything about Remus has gone soft, from his eyes to the gentle uptilt of his mouth. “Then James is right. Nothing has changed. I mean, we can make any changes to our relationship that make you more comfortable, but nothing about how much we care for you is any different.” 
“And look around you, sweetheart.” Laughter livens Sirius’ tone. “It’s not like any of us are only dating girls.” 
A smile tugs at your lips. “That’s a good point,” you mumble, and he laughs, arm reclaiming its spot around your shoulders. 
“Yeah, I actually do make those sometimes,” he teases. “Listen, gorgeous, I don’t think anyone here has a problem with you being whoever you are. Just tell us what you like to be called, and we will. And if there’s anything we do that you don’t like,” he adds, giving your shoulder a little squeeze, “you can tell us those things too.” 
James nods, emphatic. “Exactly. We want to support you, angel. Thanks for telling us, but just keep talking to us when you can, okay?” 
You have to bite down on your lip to contain the full scope of your smile. “Okay,” you promise him, overflowing with a gratitude that feels a lot like love. “Thanks. You guys are too sweet to me.” 
Remus makes a pfft sound. “Dove, I cannot believe that is your standard for sweetness. You’ve set the bar far too low.” 
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sugarcoatedstarkey · 9 months
Pairing- Rafe Cameron x reader
Summary - Rafe takes notice of tattoos on a girl.
Warnings- language, drinking, sexual intercourse, foreplay, scratching.
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A/n- it’s been a while so please be kind, welcome to give constructive criticism but don’t be rude 💜🖤
It was the little tattoos she had scattered across her olive skin that first caught Rafe’s eyes. The art on her body sent shivers down his spine.
He’d never been one for tattoos, hadn’t ever really taken much notice if someone had or hadn’t any. But, this time he couldn't keep his eyes off the little drawings.
She had jet black hair that cascades over her shoulders, it had the softest of waves and stopped just below her shoulder blade. Her nails painted a deep red, the same color as her lips. Freckles that kissed the skin of her flawless face, scandalous brown eyes.
He had watched her on the odd occasion, sipping from the red solo cup, talking to her friends, swaying her hips to the music. He was working up the courage to talk to her, he was never one to feel nervous around women. But, with her it was a different story.
He couldn’t help the grunt that escaped his lips when John B strolled over to her, a cocky grin on his face as he handed her a bottle of tequila.
She accepted it with a smile and took a swig, for a split second her eyes landed on him. His throat closed in and the music around became silent.
But then her eyes were back on John B and rage filled his insides, the can in his hands was crushed within seconds.
“Bro, what’s wrong?” Topper questioned, taking the crushed can from him and replacing it with a new one.
Rafe didn’t need to respond as Topper caught on quickly when he looked over at the girl Rafe had been hooked on for the past 6 months, John B’s arm wrapped around her shoulder as they laughed.
“I got you” Topper states, he’s walking away before Rafe can ask what he meant. He watches his best friend walk over to John B, he whispers something in his ear and steps back.
“What did you just say bro?” John B yells, he puffs out his chest and clenches his fists at the side of his body. Topper pushes his fingers into John B’s shoulders and nudges him away, this only causes John B to fire up and before you know it they are throwing punches.
Rafe’s eyes move from the fight towards the girl, she looks frightened. Her feet carry her backwards and her friends grab at her, pulling her towards the exit.
Rafe knew this was his last chance, so he swallows the anxiety bubbling in his throat and strides towards her.
“Hey, let's get you away from here” he smiles, he presses the palm of his hand to her lower back and escorts her towards the empty kitchen.
He doesn’t miss the look she gives her friends and the wave of her hand in their direction. She smiles up at him as they come to a stop against the island bench, he smiles back.
“I’m Rafe” he offers, she smiles even brighter this time. Her teeth aren’t perfect, one tooth overlaps another but it’s the cutest thing he’s ever seen. “Hi Rafe, I’m y/n”.
Her voice sends the blood rushing to his cock, moving his body so he’s hidden behind the bench. “Lovely to meet you y/n”.
“I’ve noticed you at a few other parties, you're not from around here though?” He questions, he occupies himself by pouring them both a drink. Vodka and cranberry, his favorite.
“I’m from Charleston, I come over here pretty much every weekend though. Better parties and people” she states, accepting the drink. She brings the rim of the cup to her painted lips and takes a sip.
“Yeah parties are pretty great over here, haven’t been to many in Charleston to compare though”.
She nods and takes another sip, for a moment they just stare at each other. The fighting in the other room had stopped and now the room just filled with the humming of the stereo bass.
“I’ve noticed you at a few parties too, each time I catch you staring I think you're going to speak to me, but you don’t. How come?” She questions, her fingers fiddle with her rings. Twisting them back and forth as she waits for his answer.
“You noticed. I was nervous, you were always with friends and you're so beautiful. I didn’t know how to introduce myself” he admits, he throws back the last of his drink. Hoping the alcohol would calm the nerves.
“Thank you, I too was nervous. I wanted to introduce myself a few times, a lot of girls spoke highly about you, I wasn’t sure if I was your type”.
“Oh your my type, your way better than any other girls on this island” he says, chewing on the inside of his mouth until he sees the corner of her lips curve into a bashful smile.
“Can you kiss me?”
He grabs her by the waist and pulls her towards him, her hips pressed against the bench. One of his hands cradles her face while the other holds her hip tightly, his thumb caressing her lower lip and pulling her mouth apart.
“I’ve wanted to do this the moment I laid eyes on you” he whispers against her lips, he presses his to hers before she can speak.
It’s soft, there’s no movement. He pulls away, hunger overtakes her chocolate brown eyes and she grabs his face. Pulling him against her roughly and kissing him again, her tongue slips between his lips and they fight for dominance.
The air feels sticky, their breaths heavy and skin sweaty. Her fingers run through his hair, pulling every few seconds. His hands grip her waist and he lifts her to sit on the island, slotting himself between her parted thighs.
She wraps her legs around him, pressing her warm core against his jean clad cock. His hands run up and down her back, trying to pull her as close to him as possible.
“Take me to a room Rafe”
“Are you sure?”
“Take me to a room before I get naked in this room and let everyone see us fuck”
His hands grab her backside, pulling her away from the bench. He steps out of the kitchen, slipping behind the party and down towards the guest rooms of Toppers house.
“How do you know where to go?” She questions, her lips sucking and biting at his neck. “It’s my friend's house”.
She nods and grabs his face again, pressing her lips to his.
He steps into a room and locks the door behind them; switching on a floor lamp he takes her over towards the bed.
His chest feels tight as the nerves kick in, if he wasn’t holding her he knew his hands would be shaking. He had slept with girls before, kicked them out afterwards and never felt a thing.
But he knew the moment he laid eyes on her things would be different, he wouldn’t be able to kick her out afterwards. He wasn’t having sex with her just for his pleasure, he wanted to please her, wanted to watch the look of ecstasy on her face.
“Rafe” she whispered, her fingers unbuttoning her shirt slowly. The material began to pool away from her chest, exposing a dark green lace bra, the swell of her breasts had the saliva gathering in his mouth.
He hadn’t expected her to have tattoos on her breasts or even her ribs, the pictures painted on her olive skin had his dick throbbing for her.
“Fuck your beautiful” he whispered, her shirt now lay on the floor of the bedroom. She sat back on her elbows, legs spread just enough for him to kneel between.
She stared up at him through her thick lashes, her chest moved harshly as she too tried to calm her nerves.
“Can I touch you”
“Do whatever you want to me Rafe” she breathed, he leaned forward pressing his lips to her collarbone. Moving his way down her chest stopping to suck small bruises into her breast, his fingers pulling down the cups of her bra to expose her perky tits, her nipples hardened under his touch. His fingers massaged her breasts, as his mouth sucked on her right nipple.
Her breathing was staggered, her hips raised up to meet his for some sort of friction. His hand left her breast to push her hips back down on the bed, his lips moved down her body, licking and kissing each small tattoo on her stomach.
He bummed against her ribs, her fingers once again began to unbutton her shorts. He pulled away to grab the back of his shirt, pulling it over his head and throwing it to the floor.
Her fingers left her pants to touch his abs, her eyes focused on his tensed stomached. “Beautiful” she whispered, her fingers dropped to his shorts.
He let her unzip them and he pulled away to push them down; leaving him in his boxers. She took the next step by pulling her shorts and panties away from her body, spreading her legs in front of him.
She was dripping, her cunt weeping for him to touch her. His cock twinged within his boxers, she nodded her head towards him. He wasted no time and pulled his boxers down, his cock sprang free and swayed in the air.
“Shit” she gulped, her legs closed as she pulled herself up slightly. Her hands reach for his cock, wrapping her fingers around the base.
His body shuddered under her touch, her delicate fingers worked themself against his shaft. Precum lubricated her finger tips, he pushed her back down, running his hands between her thighs. Her legs spread for him, once again exposing her wet cunt, she nodded her head before he could even ask if it was okay.
His fingers ran softly through her folders, gathering her arousal on his finger tips. Bringing it towards her clit, he massaged slowly, soft sighs left his lips.
Her head hit the pillow, eyes rolling back as two of his fingers pushed deep inside of her. His breath caught in his throat when her mouth opened and a gasp escaped. His thumb circled her clit, her juices soaked his fingers.
“I need you inside of me” she gripped his shoulders and shook him softly, he pulled her fingers away from her and pushed them into his mouth. His tongue tasting the bitterness of her arousal, goosebumps rose on his skin.
“Inside of me now!”
He moved his way above her, her legs pressed to the sides of his body. Her hips rose slightly to meet his cock, the tip of his head brushing her folds.
They stared at one another as he pushed past her folds and into her warm opening, his cock nudging it’s way through her soft, wet, sponge like walls.
“Oh god” she exclaimed, dragging her nails down his back. Her legs wrapped themselves around his body, her heel digging into his buttocks, nudging him deeper and deeper inside of her until she could feel him in her stomach.
“You feel so good, pretty girl” he groaned, rocking his hips back and forth. Her nails dug half crescent moons into his shoulders, “I like that” she hummed, her walls clenching around him.
“Like what?”
“Pretty girl”
“Good, because you are a pretty girl”
Her arms wrapped around his neck and she managed to switch them around, her body now above his, her hips rocking back and forth at an ungodly speed.
Her breasts bounced with each movement, her eyes closed tightly as she chased her high. His hand grabbed her breast, massaging it within his fingers tips, pinching and pulling at her nippled.
“Oh god, faster” she moaned, he began to move his hips to meet hers, pushing his cock deeper into her. She could feel him hitting her sweet spot, a feeling of delight ran through her, her clit rubbed against him as she rode him.
“Fuck, pretty girl. If you keep bouncing this hard I’m gonna cum before you” he groaned, reaching his hand between them to toy with her clit,
Stars began to form behind her eyelids, arousal soaked his cock and dripped down his balls. He gripped her hips and maneuvered them so they sat at the edge of the bed, his feet planted against the carpet. Her nippled between his teeth, they moved their hips in the sink.
This new position had him hitting her g spot at a better angle, she knew she was going to cum at any moment.
“Oh shit, Rafe I-” she cried, holding onto him as she came around his cock. Pressing her lips to his, she kissed him with force. Her vision blurred and legs shaking, he was close behind holding on until her second orgasm hit her at full force, she cried out in shock, he couldn’t hold on anymore and went to pull out.
“Don’t you dare” she cried, she clenched around him. Bouncing faster than before, her orgasm still rattled through her. “I’m on the pill”.
He let go instantly, his cum shooting deep within her. A low throating moan left him, his fingers digging into her thighs as she slowed down above him. Beads of sweat dripped from his forehead.
“You should have said hey sooner, we could have been doing this a lot” she joked, her walls clenched around his cock as it twitched inside of her.
“Round 2?”
Tags - @rafesthroatbaby @ijustwanttoreadlols @mountloverr @kkmstblog @pheonixssugarbaby @rafemotherfuckingcameron @lail1010 @s-we-e-t-t-ea @darleneslane @h34rtsformilli @subjecta13-thefangirl @starkey-zegras @definitelynotholly @renmpsworld @delicatepiratecloud @lydiasxxsworld @hdhdhsy @speedycomputerfury @beautifuldetectivedinosaur @voidcameron @hallecarey1 @tiacordelia02 @loverofdrewstarkey @bbycowboi @outerbankspov @teresalesbian @imnotapretzelsstuff @its-ria-07 @cameronmedia @drewstarkeysleftfoot @vigilanteshitposting @pedrisgatorade
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hee0soo · 5 months
Match with you!
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Pairing — Kang YeosangxTattooArtist!gnreader
Summary — You didn´t know what you expected to happen but this was definitly not it...
Genre — Idol! AU, TattooArtist! AU
Warnings — toothrotting fluff and feels
Note — This is my Secret Santa gift for @i-luvsang
I hope you like what your christmas fairy came up with...✨
Disclaimer: this fic is written and copyrighted by ©hee0soo on tumblr. do not rewrite or repost on any other plattforms without my permission.
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In between recording songs, vocal and dance practice or filming content, it was rare that Yeosang had time to meet up with any friends he had! The fact that most of his friends were also idols who had their own schedules definitely did not help with that in the slightest!
The only person he did have time for no matter how busy his day was, was you!
You who he met during his early trainee days. You who managed to keep his best friend in check with a simple glance in his direction. You who always listened to his worries no matter how early in the morning it was. You who had the Idol wrapped around your pinky finger just by being yourself!
When he had first met you, Yeosang had not approached you for months and neither had you what reason did you have? To you, he was just another classmate of yours!
Only when you were partnered up for a project did you get closer. At first you were apprehensive which he could understand. All of his fellow students knew that he was a trainee under BigHit and While he did his best to stay on top of his classes he could see why you were hesitant to work with him, fearing that he would be to busy to contribute to the project and that you were going to be stuck working on it alone.
He had quickly proven you wrong and with every little snack he brought you l the boy with the heart of gold managed to worm himself into your heart.
From there on the two of you met up regularly to walk home together. Or well, you went home and Yeosang went to the company. It even went so far that you would purposely sit together in class.
That's also how he found out how well you could draw and sketch. Watching you doodle on the side of your note pad while the teacher went on with speech was the highlight of his school day!
"How can you draw so well?" he had asked in awe  the first time he admired the motives on your paper.
You had only shrugged back then, not really knowing what to answer to that.
"I don't know."
And with that you had turned back to the little dragon flying around your notes, ignoring the feeling of Yeosang watching closely over your shoulder.
Time flew by and the two of you grew older. While Yeosang had continued training, meeting Wooyoung and eventually debut under a different label, you had stuck to drawing, starting an internship at an Tattoo parlor...
Fast forward to 2023, your skin was now covered in tattoos and you had a loyal clientele that visited the shop you worked at regularly to add to the collections on their skin!
The hobby you had as a student turned into a job and even when your parents had frowned at you and threatened to disown you, Yeosang had always been supportive! Never once doubting you!
It got so far that even Hongjoong, San and Wooyoung had been on the other side of your tattooing gun once or twice. The iconic soulmate tattoo on WooSan's knees being one of your pieces...
"y/nnn?" the deep drawl of Yeosang's voice broke through the trance you had found yourself in while drawing a commission request from a client. The outline of a snake wrapping its body around a bunch of roses appearing on the paper in front of you.
"Hmmm?" you hummed, not taking your eyes away from the paper as you hunched over it on practice room floor at the company building.
"y/nnn?!" he tried again as he lounged on his back, head resting against the armrest of the couch standing right behind you and more then unsatisfied that you had yet to react to his plea for attention.
Letting out a playfully suffering sigh as you turned your head towards the currently blond man, you shot him an amused scolding glare, finding yourself face to face with your best friends sparkly brown eyes.
"Yes Sangie?"
A pout formed on his lips. In the few hours he had been busy going over some of the groups old choreos, wanting to freshen up his memory a little before the stress of preparing for the next comeback could hit him in full. But as soon as you had wandered in, decked out in bags of snacks, drinks and drawing supplies, all plans of practicing had flown right out of the window and now, an hour later, he found himself in his current predicament.
Bored and unsatisfied as you ignored the puppy eyes he stared at the back of your head with!
Your mouth curved up into a teasing smile when you saw the soft glare that resembled a Maltese more then the Doberman he always tried to be for his fans!
"You're ignoring me!" he stated, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"I'm working." you huffed and turned back to your drawing.
Yeosang grumbled, unhappy about having lost your attention again.
It fell silent again as you returned to focusing on your commission. Your best friend let out a suffering sigh as his eyes followed the movements of the pencil in-between your fingers, glide smoothly over the paper. He trailed is eyes up to admire the profile of your face  over the slope of your nose down to your mouth, where your teeth were gently nibbling on your lower lip in concentration.
How your eyes lit up at the prospect of finishing your sketch, how they just seemed to shine brighter doing something you loved...
Oh how Yeosang whished you would look at him like that at least once!
The snakes face grew in depth as you worked on it's slitted eyes and the vocalist was once again stunned by your ability to breath life into something as simple as a drawing.
"Would you give me one?"
Whipping your head around to look at his handsome face. You weren't blind! Of course you knew that he was handsome, ethereally beautiful even, always had been even as a young boy! He was, after all, an Idol known for his deep voice, dance ability and statue like beauty!
Still, that had never been the reason why you were so whipped for this man! It was the kindness he radiated that had drawn you to him in the first place. If you had to describe Yeosang in words, they would by kind, hard working, gentle, funny, intelligent and so many more...
The aloof demeanor he put on only being a facade to hide from prying eyes, hiding a man only few got the privilege to see...
His deep brown orbs were starring right back at you as you gaped at him like fish on land, waiting for an answer from you.
"You want a tattoo?"
Yeosang hummed in agreement, his baritone voice sending the butterflies in your stomach flying.
"Have you, uhm, talked to your manager about it? Like-"
"Not really but I trust you."
The statement meant more to you then you would like to admit. The words had left him as easily as breathing.
"I don't want to get you in trouble Sang-ah..."
Yeosang carefully studied your face. Worry for him was written all over your face.
He thought for a moment, remembering the contents of your bag like the back of his hand.
"What about a non-permanent one for now? With body markers?"
You put down your pencil, pushed  everything to the side and turned your body to face him entirely.
"Did you have something in mind? Or do you want me to choose?"
"I want to match with you!"
His eyes wandered over your collarbone, down to your arms, littered with ink until he stopped at the small picture of a paw print. It was by far not your biggest or most astonishing tattoo but the one that meant the most to you. The one that was meant to represent the paw of a puppy. The one that was meant to represent him and the one you refused to tell him if it was supposed to be a Maltese or Doberman.
Yeosang sat up on the couch.
"You want a paw print too?" you asked confused.
He shook his head, bright blonde hair falling gently into his face.
"I want to have a kitten, so you have the puppy paw for me and I have the cat for you..."
His ears turned red at the admission and your best friend hid behind his hand, an awkward laugh ringing through the practice room.
"Sorry, it was just an idea and-"
"I'll do it!" you cut him off, giddy to start already. You patted the empty space next to you, urging him to sit there before reaching for the pencil case in your bag where you kept the markers.
"Come here and give me your hand!"
Yeosang did as he was told dutifully. He gingerly put his hand in yours and drew the outline of a tiny cat.
It was only a small drawing so you were quick to finish and looked up only to  stare directly into the eyes of your best friend. Just inches away from your face!
Your eyes widened in surprise and his close proximity caused your heart flutter.
*When did he get so close?*
"Uhm? Yeo you-?"
Cut of by his lips softly pressing against your own, dropped the marker still sitting in your hand.
 The touch was light like a feather and over again before you could react to his ministrations.
"I'm sorry y/n, I just..." Yeosang murmured as he pulled away, gazing at you with a dazed expression. The man didn't know what to say and neither did you.
Only then did you notice his hand still holding yours while his thumb was gently brushing over your skin there. He tried pulling his hand away but you didn't let him, instead you laced your fingers with his.
"Please don't be sorry!" you croaked, voice almost to quiet for him to hear.
"No y/n, please can we just forget this happened?"
Suddenly much less euphoric then before, you pulled away. His words hurt and suddenly you wanted to disappear. Did he, really think kissing you was a mistake?
"What if I don't want to forget it tho?"
 Pain was evident with the way your voice wavered.
Yeosang didn't look away from you for even a second and he swore that he could hear something shatter inside of him. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt you in any way but it seemed that he had managed to do exactly that.
The kiss wasn't a mistake in his eyes and while he wished it didn't happen like this, he didn't regret it at all!
"You don't?"
He was unsure if he had heard you correctly but a tiny part of him felt hope clawing, trying to be set free.
You shook your head. Instead of answering you leaned forward to catch his lips with yours. This time it was Yeosang who looked surprised.
"Does this answer your question?" you exhaled, tone breaking at the end.
Your best friend looked completely baffled by the kiss you had initiated and all he could do was nod while a dazed smile appeared on his lips.
"Yes, it does...”
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Taglist: @marirose25
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heaven4lostgirls · 1 year
a slice of heaven
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artist!james potter x fem!reader
tags: fluff, friends to lovers, james being cute<3
summary: james drawing on you<3
james had always been an artist, he had developed his skill through school as he spent most of his classes doodling in his notebooks rather than listening to slughorn drone on and on about whatever potion they were learning.
when he met you, you had noticed his little doodles taking place in his notebook rather than his notes so all you did was slightly slide your hand over and tap the pen motioning it was okay for him to draw on you.
slowly but surely you would leave your classes with little snitches and dragons drawn on you, sometimes they were related to what the teacher was talking about, other times he just drew what came to mind.
it had become a habit for you to lean your hand out whenever james would sit next to you and when you didn’t he would grab your hand from your side of the table and drag it to his.
you had figured out that although it seemed like he wasn’t paying attention, his drawings told you differently, it helped him focus. his brain couldn’t keep up with the noise so drawing had helped him centre himself.
you weren’t a shy person but you didn’t have it in you to bring up to james the little situation you both had going on, however it seemed you didn’t have to as james waved you over to sit next to him and his friends.
the famous marauders, you had seen them walking around school however you had never directly spoken to any of them for more than five minutes and that alone would mostly be about group projects or classes you were both in.
“y/n! how are you? i wanted to know if you wanted to sit with me and my friends?” james asked shyly as he smiled up at you, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.
“yeah, sure! hi i’m y/n, i share potions with you guys” she smiles at them and remus smiles back kindly as sirius smirks, seemingly coming to a realization.
“say you wouldn’t be the one who lets prongs’ draw on your hand would you?” he asks slyly
james blushes and you nod somewhat confused on how he’s realized, i mean the idea isn’t entirely perplexing as you would walk around hogwarts with little drawings on your hands but you didn’t think you had made it that obvious.
“that’s me, that’s a bit stalkerish that you know that sirius” he gasps as if he’s somewhat offended by your words as remus snorts a laugh.
“i just wanted to know who the girl is that james always goes on abou-“
“RIGHT! that’s enough out of you mate” james quickly states as he flushes and pulls you away from the group.
“sorry about them, they’re not usually that annoying” he sighs.
“it’s alright, they seem really nice” you smile and you see his eyes drop to your hands which are still interlocked. you try to pull away out of embarrassment however you holds them tighter before his eyes widen.
“holy shit, is that a tattoo?” he questions and you’re suddenly confused before you smile to yourself.
“yeah, it’s-“
“the deer i drew on your hand” he says shocked.
“yeah it was really cute so charmed it to stay there” you smile as he rubs his finger over your ‘tattoo’.
“that’s sick, i didn’t think that you’d like it that much”
“it reminded me of my patronus and i thought it was cute-“
“wait what?”
“i thought it was cute?”
“no the part about your patronus-“
“oh yeah! it’s a doe! it’s kind of odd but i really like it”
james is shocked. his hands still and you think you’ve said something wrong before he looks at you.
“mines a deer”
you smile to yourself again.
“coincidence hm?”
“yeah, definitely…do you wanna maybe, i don’t know go to hogsmead later? i mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to but i would like to take you out-“
“JAMES! relax, i would love to”
“yes really, idiot.”
“now that was uncalled for”
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doukeshi-kun · 7 months
𝙙𝙖𝙙!𝙣𝙞𝙠𝙤𝙡𝙖𝙞 + 𝙩𝙖𝙩𝙩𝙤𝙤
featuring ⨳ dad!nikolai gogol x fem!reader
content ⨳ fluff, a bit suggestive, tattooed!nikolai, oc kids (yuri, mari, karol)
notes ⨳ this has been marinated for a while... i finally did something with it :D i'm proud of myself
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Something very attractive appears when your husband is sitting at the dining table, without a shirt, with his tattooed arms on display. You cannot take your eyes off Nikolai at all. He doesn't seem to notice you are staring at him as he is munching on his rice, eyes on the television.
“What's wrong, love?” Nikolai suddenly asks, turning his head to you and you quickly avert your gaze away, flustered.
“No! Nothing, nothing.” you laugh awkwardly as you continue to chop the bananas to drizzle them with chocolate sauce for Yuri who is sitting beside you.
“Really? Hey, Yurochka. Did mama stare at me or something?” Nikolai grins teasingly. Yuri seems surprised by his question and he looks at you before he looks at his dad.
He nods. “Yes, for three minutes."
“Yuri…! You are supposed to be lying!” you screech but Yuri pouts.
“You said it's not good to lie,”
“Well, that's because your dad—” you glare at Nikolai. “—gave you the wrong advice about lying.” you huff, embarrassed. You finish chopping the bananas and drizzle them with chocolate sauce before you give the small bowl to Yuri. Yuri takes it, wanting to eat it right away but he seems to realise an incoming, so he quickly hugs the bowl, dashing to the living room.
“Wah! Yurochka! Banana!” Karol is waddling to the dining area with a colouring book in hand. Mari is running towards him, whining and almost crying.
Nikolai frowns, seeing Mari is tearing up and Karol is now waddling towards you to demand a bowl of banana for himself. He figures that Karol probably bothers her again and while he doesn't really mind them bantering, it does make him uneasy when he sees Mari crying.
“Mama! Mam! Banana please! Banana for Karol!” Karol is trying to climb up your chair. You try to keep him on the ground, worried that he might get hurt.
A stern voice from Nikolai is enough for Karol to stand straight and look at his dad. “Give back Mari's book and then you can get your banana chocolate.”
You are used to Nikolai's happy voice and jokester persona. Years of being in a relationship with him do reveal more layers of himself to you. But there's always something about Nikolai being stern (mostly to Karol) and authoritative.
God, it actually makes you flustered and all giddy inside.
Karol coos sadly as Mari approaches him. Nikolai pats her head as Karol reluctantly returns the book to her. “Say sorry, Karol,” Nikolai says and Karol pouts.
“Karol sorry…”
Mari huffs, seeming to be sulky still. Nikolai gently reassures her and she softens quickly. She then silently sits on a chair beside him and starts colouring in her book, focused on an unfinished drawing because she got interrupted by Karol.
“Mama, make him some banana chocolate. Karol, come here.” Nikolai says to you before he pats his lap and Karol waddles to him. Nikolai bends a bit to get him up his lap and takes one of Mari's glittered markers before giving it to Karol. He puts his arm which is tattooed with some geometrical design in front of Karol. Karol gasps happily before he tries his hardest to take off the lid of the marker. He hovers over Nikolai's arm and starts colouring and filling in the lines of his tattoos.
“He likes to colour a lot. I think he wants to be an artist. Don't you see the vision?”
Nikolai chuckles, seeing your flabbergasted face. He knows you have been staring with something in your gaze. He repeats his words and you nod with an agreement ‘Ooh’.
“Yeah, he definitely likes colouring. Mari is still at her second colouring book and Karol already coloured five books by now… well… he probably can be a future tattoo artist.” you look at how focused Karol is while trying to fill the lines of Nikolai's tattoo carefully. Even his little tongue is sticking out, showing how focused he is.
“Awh, that's cute.” Nikolai cackles before he pats Karol's head, kissing it. “You're gonna give me free tattoos every Saturday right?”
“Waoh? No! No free! Papa give me… uh… uh… one bili dollars!”
You giggle at Nikolai's snort. Karol is just happy returning to his little artist moment. Nikolai turns to you, smiling slyly.
“Whatcha looking at now? Didn't I tell you to make him some banana chocolate?” he says, voice deep and teasing. You grumble but your hand reaches a banana from the table anyway.
He should give you more commands, maybe.
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©doukeshi-kun 2023 — do not copy, plagiarize and repost my works to any platform, more @/cherikolya
if you like my works, consider buy me a ko-fi!
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Taking A Chance
Pairing: Loki Laufeyson x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.2k
Warnings: fluff
Summary: You go and get a tattoo done by the grumpiest of tattoo artists.
Squares Filled: tattoo shop au (2021) for @lokibingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Why am I being such a pussy? Just go in and ask for it. I’ve wanted this for a year. God, if my mother could see me now, she’d be disappointed.
You look up at the tattoo shop’s sign and see the last letter flickering on and off. You have the money. You can get this tattoo done. All you have to do is go in and ask for it. This is the second time you’ve been outside this tattoo shop because you couldn’t go in the first time. It’s not a fear of pain; you can handle pain pretty well. It’s the fear of something being permanent on your body.
You won’t be able to take this off. Anyone who says lasering it off works is wrong. There will always be a scar to remind you of the mistake you made. Stop being such a baby. This is for Mom. This place has been highly rated as one of the best tattoo shops in your town. If you’re going to get a tattoo, may as well go to the best. 
You push the door open and walk inside only to be greeted with a hint of smoke and a lot of Axe body spray. Four very attractive men stand behind the counter just chatting amongst themselves. You’ve seen them in town before. They often frequent the local bar so you know exactly who they are.
Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Erik Killmonger (pretty sure that’s not his legal last name), and Clint Barton. As soon as they hear the small bell above the door go off, they stop talking and look at you.
“Can I help you?” Steve asks.
“Yeah, I’d like to get a tattoo today, if possible.”
“Did you have anything in mind?”
You hand Steve the paper you’ve been saving since your mom died. She drew a delicate vine of her favorite flowers, orchids. She was always a good artist so she drew this as a reminder of her before she died. It’s very precise and delicate line work, and the only person who can do this kind of style is Loki Laufeyson.
“The only person who can do this kind of work is Loki. I’m sure he’s around here somewhere.” Speaking of, Loki walks out with an unlit cigarette in his mouth and a lighter in his hand. “Loki, care to help this pretty lady out?”
He shows Loki the picture but the artist barely gives it to two seconds of his attention.
“No. I’m going for a smoke.”
He has a thick British accent that’s hard not to blush at.
“Sorry, kid,” Steve says and hands back the picture to you.
“No, it’s okay,” you glare at Loki who has yet to leave the room. “I get it. His lungs are as bad as his tattoo skills.”
All four men snicker from your jab while Loki finally locks eyes with you. He takes the cigarette out of his mouth, pockets it and the lighter, and opens the back door with a slight smirk.
“Fine. Right this way, Darling.” He takes you to his section of the shop which is pristine and very clean. He douses a few squirts of hand sanitizer on his hands before getting out the necessary equipment. “Where do you want it?”
“My ribs.”
“Is this your first?”
“You want your first tattoo to be on your ribs? That’s gonna hurt.”
“I can take pain,” you glare.
His mouth twitches as he looks you up and down. After a beat, he nods and sits down on his wheelie chair.
“Shirt off,” he demands.
You do but keep your bra on. You made sure to wear something loose like a bralette that still keeps everything covered but won't be a hindrance to the place where you want the tattoo. You get onto the table and lay on your back, putting the side you want it on closer to Loki.
Loki gets set up and prints a stencil of the drawing you have. After putting it in the place you want it and confirming you like it there, he starts the tattooing process. The pain is sharp like a thousand needles being placed into your body at once, but it’s a dull pain compared to some of the other things you had to endure in life.
Loki has his left gloved hand on your body to keep you still while his right moves the needles right where he wants it. You don’t know where else to stare but at him, observing the way his eyes rake over your body to his hands which are delicate against your skin.
You had a full meal before you got here but this is making your head spin. It’s not because of the needles, it’s Loki. You’ve never met anyone like him. You basically insulted him to get what you want. Loki doesn’t have many clients because they always say the same thing: he’s rude, arrogant, and only accepts what he wants to do, not the other way around.
However, when you challenged him earlier, he knew you were someone he wanted to tattoo. Not only that, but he wants to get to know you. He's not a big talker so he doesn’t know what to say to you, and you’re not going to pry into his personal life like that. You squirm a bit from the pain, and he places his large hand over your stomach to keep you from moving.
“Be a good girl and stop moving unless you want me to fuck up,” he says and looks at you.
You quickly look away in hopes he didn’t see you checking him out, and you nod.
You peek at him to see a smirk on his face indicating that he did, in fact, catch you. You don’t want any color so the process doesn’t take long. He’s done with the tattoo in less than three hours since it’s only line work, and he rubs off the excess moisture so he can apply a patch of SecondSkin. Before he does it, you admire his work in the mirror.
See that, Mom? I’ll always have a piece of you with me wherever I go. I miss you. I love you.
“How do you like it?”
“It’s not bad.”
“Not bad?” he scoffs.
“Better than your lungs, I assume,” you smirk.
There you go again, making him want you more. He chuckles as he grabs the SecondSkin and cuts a piece off. He applies it directly over your tattoo and smooths it out.
“Come back in tomorrow where I’ll clean it and replace it with another patch of SecondSkin. Then, come back in a week and I’ll remove it for good. It should be healed then.”
“Okay,” you whisper and put your shirt back on.
“If you ever want more, call me,” he smirks.
He hands you his business card with his personal phone number on it.
“If you’re lucky,” you smirk and leave his office to pay in the front with Steve.
“I haven’t seen you smile like that in a long time,” Bucky says from the doorway.
“Shut up,” Loki grumbles but smiles when he hears your laughter come from the front of the shop.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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kscheibles · 9 months
e la vita ch. 2
~ ch. 1 here ~
content warnings: f! reader, fluff, smut, semi-public sex, oral sex (m receiving), smoking, religious trauma, bisexuality
word count: 7.1 k
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When I meet Matty the following Thursday, it’s in the city center. Feeling nervous and awfully out of place, I cover my eyes with my hand as a kind of mock-visor and search briefly for his familiar face in the square that’s packed with older gentlemen gossiping and families blowing bubbles each bigger than the last. I take a seat on a bench near the middle of the piazza when I don’t see him, hoping I’ll be somewhere he can spot but not as awkward-looking as I might be if I stood still watching the scene like some sick, American voyeur.
Matty walks up with the gait of a bad Mick Jagger impersonator. I can see now that he’s all limbs though not in a bad way; in a way that exaggerates his movements and announces his presence to the world around him. He seems comfortable with the reality that people will look at him. I suppose it makes sense, given his choice of career, but it still mesmerizes me.
I watch him as he walks towards me. He’s wearing a fitted t-shirt that exposes his arms to me for the first time. They’re golden and covered with a variety of tattoos in different styles; from his biceps all the way down to his wrists. Eventually, he notices me looking and his face breaks out into a smile. He nods up to the cathedral to my left as he approaches me, giving me a quick, fraternal hug.
“How do you like it, then?” he asks, eyes trained on the holy building.
“Matty, that’s a church,” I state plainly, “I spent my childhood in places like that, and I’m pretty sure I’ve learned that God doesn’t like girls like me.”
“If God exists, I promise you’re one of his favourites,” he laughs as he says it, as if it’s not one of the kindest things anyone has ever said to me in my life.
“What do you know about God?” I ask.
“Oh nothing, really,” he concedes, “Just that he’s the most vicious, generous bastard in the world.”
I eye him as he says the words. I suppose that must be true for him. I resent the idea that our accomplishments and qualms are all consequences of our virtuous or sinful behaviors. It’s asinine. But if God is real, he’s certainly blessed Matty – with beauty, intelligence, love, money. 
If God is real, he’s cursed me to be something immutably unlovable. Damned to rot from the inside out for the rest of my life. I don’t believe what Matty says, even for a second. There’s no way I’m one of God’s favorites. 
Matty waves his hand in front of my face, snapping me from my thoughts.
“We don’t have to go in if you don’t want to. I didn’t consider that you might have…religious trauma or something,” he assures me.
“It’s okay, I’m fine,” I say, though truthfully I’m less sure than I say. I wonder if entering the cold, marble palace will transport me back to my youth; to standing primly in church as a child, scared to make a wrong move. Scared to think a sinful thought. Considering each older woman around me, their beautiful hair covered by cotton squares in a performance of modesty. I envied them, how easy they made it look to live by the rules. How little they seemed to struggle with keeping their mouths shut and their shoulders covered and denying themselves the indulgence of imagining another woman’s warm, sweet lips on their own.
Matty seems to clock my hesitance. He takes my hand and leads me in and I was so wrong. 
It’s not cold inside, it’s breathtaking in a way that makes me feel welcome. On the outside of the central atrium are alcoves, each decorated more elaborately than the last. My senses are overwhelmed by the smell of incense, the sounds of hypnotic Latin chanting, the sight of refracting, colorful light. It feels Heavenly. I suppose it’s meant to. 
Matty draws me towards one of the scenes that’s painted on the perimeter of the nave. It depicts a woman washing Jesus’ feet. Her head is bowed in submission, focused completely on the task at hand. In her hands is her long, black hair, which she uses to wipe at the top of Jesus’ feet. The chiaroscuro of the scene illuminates the action; everything else is noise. All that exists is her devotion.
“She was a sinful woman,” I say, “A prostitute, I think.” Matty raises his eyebrows in consideration.
“Was it like a punishment or something? Making her wash his feet?”
“No,” I breathe, “She did it to show him that she knew who he was. Knew he was worthy of being revered.”
“So her taking care of him was a sign that she understood him? Or what? Loved him?” 
I shrug. “Isn’t that what we all do for the people we love? If we’re loving them right?”
“I suppose so,” Matty turns his head to look at me. He must see something on my face – a flicker of an emotion or a thought – that he recognizes because he adds, “But it’s no one’s fault if they haven’t been loved right. It doesn’t make you unloveable. It makes the other person a bad lover.”
“Well I suppose we can’t all be as easy to love as Jesus, can we?” I sigh, moving away from him, towards the center of the church.
I sit in one of the pews towards the back. In front of me are tourists and locals; people of all backgrounds, colors, and ages approaching the altar. Some of them have brought candles, hold rosaries. They appeal to God, beseeching his benevolent will. I empathize with them, even though I have serious reservations about the efficacy of their methodology. It’s beautiful how much they care about their fellow man.
When you see a woman wearing sheer tights, gray hairs combed perfectly into an updo, and kneeling on the cold tile floor with her hands pressed together, twins conjoined in supplication, you know that her motive cannot possibly be her own wellbeing. As selfish as we humans can be, it would be blasphemous to come to God’s house and light a prayer candle for yourself.
Matty sits down next to me, close enough that our legs are touching: his corduroy pants to my bare legs, pebbled by the cold air. I remember sitting in church with my crush as a girl, feeling wretched for wanting to inch closer to her. When I finally let our legs touch through layers of wool fabric, the excitement of touching faded instantly, giving way to the all-encompassing shame of the sin I’d committed. I reject the shame now, gently pushing my thigh further into Matty’s to prove to myself that it’s something I’m allowed to do, even in church. I’m allowed to touch him. I’m allowed to look at him and be distracted by his handsomeness. I’m allowed to think about his lips, plump, rosy, and left open wantingly. I’m allowed to think about his hips, how easily they swayed to the music the night I saw him in the club, and how deeply the rhythm seemed to be embedded in him. I’m allowed to think about his sculptural arms and nimble, calloused fingers. I’m even allowed to lust after him, to daydream about how good he could make me feel, if he wanted to. If I wanted him to.
“What are you thinking?” he asks, breaking my train of thought. 
“I don’t know,” I shrug, trying desperately not to feel caught, “You?”
“Thinkin’ about the people who made this place. All of the gold light fixtures they had to weld. I mean fuckin’ hell look at this,” he points to a sconce on the wall. It’s carved in the shape of winding vines and inlaid on the front are mother of pearl accents positioned in the shape of a cross. “They did it with much more primitive technologies than we have as well.” I nod along. 
“The devotion,” I muse. 
“What’s that?”
“Think about the devotion they must have had to God in order to create such a beautiful thing for Him. It would show if the constructors didn’t believe. They would have phoned it in; cut corners on the carvings in the pews and the intricate architecture of the dome,” I tilt my head to get a better view of the dome in question. Inside of it, windows filter perfect yellow light into the building and angelic sculptures stand guard over the heavens. 
Matty throws his head back completely, looking up towards the sky like there’s something up there that will save him or give him a more profound understanding of the place where his feet dwell. It’s misguided; I’ve spent enough time looking up to know that. There’s nothing good God can teach us that we can’t learn on our own. It’s nice to imagine sometimes, though: that if you look a little harder or listen to the silence on your knees for a minute longer, all of a sudden the answer to your problems will be revealed. 
With his head towards the sky, Matty’s neck is open and vulnerable to me. A strong vein is prominent on the right side of it and his Adam’s apple protrudes, a silhouette that’s so thrillingly masculine. It feels intimate that he would let me see him like this: all awed and curious and unguarded, like a dog that’s rolled over to offer me his belly. I’m flattered that Matty feels safe getting lost in front of me.
I admire how open he is to the beauty of it all. It’s because churches aren’t places that make him instinctively put his guard up. On the other hand, churches for me are places where I was fed lies, Sunday after Sunday. Where old men seized upon my innocence and insecurity and forced poison down my throat until I swallowed every last drop. I’d had to go through withdrawal when I finally got the antidote. It was arduous, sweaty, painful. I learned to question everything a little too well. I don’t believe in any kind of magic anymore; I can no longer believe anything that’s not right in front of my eyes. God took that from me. Matty is lucky God didn’t take it from him, too.
I look up, following his eyes. It’s all so beautiful it almost loses its meaning. Everything is marble or silk or stained glass. It’s too much all at once. I can tell it’s all spectacular but in the flurry of everything, each individual marvel loses its luster. As I tip my head further and further back, I get a little dizzy and the colors that float above me begin to bleed into each other in a kind of kaleidoscopic haze. I snap my head back up; back to reality. I reach out to hold on to Matty’s arm.
“Can we go now?” I whisper to him, still wanting to preserve the sanctity of the place for the other patrons. 
He nods in wordless understanding and leads me out.
The scorching heat of midday eventually breaks and yields a brisk night. When the sun sets, my skin remains sensitive, showing temporary, pale markings when I press my fingers into it. It hurts a little; a reminder of the fun I had that made me forget to reapply my sunscreen.
I sit at a table with Christina, Nina, and her friends. Some of us indulging in an aged wine from the region and others vying for an Aperol even though the sun is long past set and the orange bittersweet liquid now looks opaque.
“You know the best way to get over someone is to get under someone new,” says Nina, grabbing another glass of the chianti. 
“Like I’ve never tried that before,” I answer. It comes out meaner than I’d expected; though how could it not? I’m not a teenager dealing with a first kiss who pied me off for a blonder, more popular girl, I’m an adult who built a life with someone and rearranged my guts to fit her into every place that was important to me. Who introduced her to my parents and friends and was now having to wait for the dust to settle in an explosion that blew the whole thing to pieces. 
There are so many life-or-death questions that remain unanswered: Which friends will take my side, and which will take hers? If I have a fling with a toned Italian Adonis this summer, which of our so-called friends will stop inviting me to Dyke Night at Ginger's? Which of them will forget I exist just because I’ve left the city?
No, getting under someone new won’t help any of that, I decide. 
“Sometimes we all need a distraction,” remarks Nina. “Look, the truth is that a breakup uproots your whole life. You don’t know which way is up, you don’t know which places are safe from them, especially in New York. I remember when Mason and I broke up, I didn’t go below 16th Street for a whole month, just because I knew I’d be safe from him if I stayed uptown. My point is more that you don’t have to worry about any of that. You’re in fucking Italy and she’s gone back to Michigan while she figures out her next move. So do exactly what you want for once, it’s not as though you can do that when you’re in a relationship.”
Exactly what I want. The words echo in my mind as the savory wine causes my neurons to sing. What exactly do I want?
It’s just past ten when I meet Matty at a cafe near our homes. A late night up with the girls means I’m cursing myself for not arriving early enough to order a cappuccino. Matty is leaning up against a chair with his sunglasses on, looking down. He holds his phone in both hands, a cigarette between the index and middle fingers of his right. He exhales some smoke from his lungs and looks up to see me walking towards him.
“Y/n!” he smiles, immediately putting his arm around my shoulders and kissing me on the cheek, “How are you, darlin’?” I can feel my cheeks getting warm due to our proximity and his openness. 
He has a European self-assuredness to his movements. I’m not stupid enough to think that all of Europe is the same, but there’s a facility with which he takes my hand. Whereas, if I were to touch somebody, I would pause and hedge and overanalyze before reaching out. Even more so if it was someone I liked—which I’m slowly realizing I do.
“I’m good,” I smile at the dark lenses of his sunglasses. I hate those little pieces of plastic for keeping me from seeing his brown irises in the sun. I bet they would sparkle. I want to steal them from him and hide them so he can never wear them again and I’ll always be able to see the magic that happens in his eyes. Maybe it would hurt him, maybe his crow's feet would become more pronounced but I don’t care even a little bit. I want to know what it feels like to look into his soul again. 
“So what’s the plan for today?” I ask.
Matty nods toward a light pole a few meters away. Propped up beside it is a shiny black Vespa. 
“Thought we’d take a little day trip to the lake,” he says.
“Oh no, I can’t,” I say out of instinct. 
“Oh,” he deflates a little, “why not? Have you got somewhere to be?” I look at him embarrassed. 
“My mom would kill me if I got on a motorcycle,” I say. Truthfully, I’m scared more by the feelings that bloom in my stomach at the thought of holding onto his waist than the thought of riding the vehicle itself. He breaks into a toothy smile and crinkles sprout at the edges of his eyes.
“Your mum’s not here. How old are you, again?” he asks. I decide that doesn’t deserve an answer, instead opting to roll my eyes pointedly at him. “Besides,” he continues, “it’s a Vespa, not a motorcycle.”
“Do you have a helmet?” I question, timidly. He reaches out to my tote bag – embroidered with the familiar emblem of Shakespeare and Company – and tugs my silk scarf from it. His hands move tentatively towards my head, face questioning softly if he can touch me. I give an imperceptible ‘yes’, and soon his warm hands are cradling me. He places the scarf lightly on my head and then moves his attention down to my chin, tying it in place delicately. He reaches out to caress my jaw.
“There you go, princess,” he coos. The nickname doesn’t have the sting of taunting it once did. It feels sincere; like Matty really believes I should be treated with the utmost care. As soon as I can begin to smile up at him, he’s gone again, throwing his leg up to straddle the bike. With his Wayfarers covering his eyes, slicked-back hair, and tan skin, he looks every bit the rockstar Nina’s friends say he is.
I find myself skipping to him and straddling the bike behind him. I can’t see his face but I imagine it must be twisted into that ridiculous, self-assured grin I witnessed on the first night I met him. Where it once produced acrid bile that stained my throat with hatred, it now endears me to him. It’s indicative of a boyish playfulness, a thrill-seeking tendency that I so admire. Girls can’t afford to be silly and I’ve been surrounded by them for so long. I want to walk around in Matty’s skin for a day and learn what it feels like. 
What does it feel like to him when he walks home alone at night? It must be how I feel when I walk during the day. No– it’s even more free, it must be. Even during the day, I cringe imperceptibly away from every man I pass on the street, no matter what part of town I’m in or whether I have my headphones on. 
When Matty meets a girl and chats her up, he must not feel any of the apprehension that I do. No poking and prodding to see if she’s the one straight friend that’s tagged along to the gay bar because she’s just “so tired of men” or the sweet, bi-curious loner who’s looking for her first girl-on-girl action. He can just approach them without pretense and genuinely try to get to know them. He can entrance them with the arcane physics of his adorably curly hair and the spellbinding timbre of his speech.
When he speaks up, people must listen to the deeper, commanding pitch of his voice. They must be piqued by the melody of his Mancunian accent. They must believe him, perhaps even when they shouldn’t.
Do I want him? Or do I envy the ease that seems to come with being him? 
Do I want to feel his insides? Or do I want to feel him inside of me? 
I snake my arms around his middle, trying not to dwell on the soft cotton and lithe muscle that cover his torso. I clasp my hands together just under his ribs.
“You ready?” he asks. I press my cheek to his back, bracing for impact. I nod against him.
“Yeah,” I whisper. He chuckles at my hesitance and hits the accelerator.
And we’re off, bumping down old cobblestone roads, bathing in daylight, and meditating to the sounds of the city – babies crying, birds chirping, music playing, meat mongers yelling like showmen – and it’s not scary. Matty is solid underneath me, resilient. He runs a hand through his curiously straight hair like it’s nothing to him. 
On our way to the lake, Matty slows down at a fruit market packed with old ladies haggling with one another. He puts the kickstand for the Vespa out, twirls the keys around his hand, and pockets them. Then he strides over to the gaggle of nonnas greeting each of them in due course. 
“Come stai, Matteo?” 
“Come sta l’america?” 
“Che rockstar!” 
They clamber for his attention like he’s a grandson they haven’t seen in several years. 
“Tutto bene, grazie,” he manages, his English tongue contorting around the Italian. He still sounds anglophonic when he pronounces the words, but they cheer and coo all the same. Matty beckons me from the bike over to the fruit stand. “What do you want, darlin’?” he asks when I arrive next to him. 
I look down at a ripe selection of fruit that’s bursting at the seams with juice. Apricots the color of the sunrise, jewel-toned berries, and peaches: fuzzy, soft, and yielding – not unlike human flesh, I think. My thoughts wander to Matty’s hands and cheeks and thighs. What would they feel like if I touched them? Would they give? Would they warm me? Could I squeeze him hard enough to make him burst?
“Andiamo a Lago di Garda,” Matty explains. The nonnas grab a paper bag and begin pointing to the selection of fruits. “Albicocca, pesca, frutti di bosco,” they gesture to each in turn. Their voices undulate and vary in pitch as they describe the fruits. It sounds like verse to my ears: romantic, melodic, and exquisitely idyllic.
Matty turns to me, “They want to know what you want.”
I look at them – their pink noses and wiry eyebrows and floral aprons – and smile. I mime how many of each I’d like and they pack our bag to the brim. They pass the fruit to me as Matty pays what he owes, bidding them farewell. He runs up behind me as I approach the Vespa and takes the bag from me, setting it at his feet. Then he reaches into his pocket and fishes out a pack of cigarettes. He grabs one with his teeth and lets it stay there, nestled between his lips. My eyes remain trained on his every movement and he notices, tossing me a lighter as he starts up the bike.
“You light it for me, sweetheart?” he asks. My hands fumble with the lighter, bringing it to the end of the cigarette and idling there while Matty inhales. When it doesn’t light right away, he brings his hands up, cupping them around the end and they graze my fingers on the lighter. We look like two school children telling secrets and the moment feels as intimate if not more. How I’d love to know his secrets, each and every last one.
I release the lighter and Matty lets the cig hang languidly on his bottom lip.
“You want one?” he asks.
“I’m good,” I say. 
“Too right you are,” he replies, “hold on tight darlin’.”
Matty drives calmly down the motorway as I clasp my hands together as hard as I can. The breeze whips against my face and chaps my lips but I don’t mind. With the sun on my face and Matty underneath me, I feel unreal, unstoppable. As we reach the lake, the trees become more abundant. They flank the roads that lead to the beach and smell like fresh-squeezed lemonade, refreshing and revitalizing.
We finally slow down and sit on the rocky shore. Matty hands me a basket of berries and I immediately pop one in my mouth, enjoying the sweet juice that explodes on my tongue. 
Next to me, Matty bites into a peach. The juices run down his chin and he uses the back of his hand to wipe them off. 
The sticky juice glistens on his hand as he puts it down on the rocks to support himself. I’m mesmerized by the way the sheen that covers his hand catches the sun. I’m like a magpie drawn to anything shiny and ripe and sweet, not content enough with the fruit that’s bursting in my own mouth. I need to have his too.
“Can I try it?” I ask. Matty turns to me mid-bite and hands the peach to me as he chews the bite in his mouth. With the fruit in my hand, I inspect the marks his teeth have left, the place where his tongue has been. The thought that the tangy, sweet flavor will be laced with the taste of Matty’s mouth is absolutely delirium-inducing. It intoxicates me like a drug: the thought that I want him inside of me, that I could have him inside of me if I only lick the spot in front of me. I take a bite out of the yellow flesh and suck the juice into my mouth before passing it back to Matty. 
It’s better than I expected. Warm from being outside, not cold and refrigerated and sterile like the fruit Claire and I used to buy in New York. It’s soft, yielding easily to my teeth and tongue. And it’s sweet, sticky. The surface of the flesh is covered in Matty’s saliva and it seems to make me hungry, truly hungry, for the first time in months. I want to devour the peach and then the berries and then every other perfectly imperfect food I can find. It tastes like vitality. It tastes like desire. 
“That’s really fucking good,” I declare. 
Matty inspects the dents I’ve left in the fruit. Then he runs his tongue over the fuzzy skin and yellow flesh before biting into it. My skin burns from the sun and the eroticism of the situation. We’ve each been inside of one another now, him in my mouth and me in his. I want to taste him properly, from the source.
“How come your hair is straight today?” I ask, reaching my hand out to touch a strand that’s fallen over his face to partially obscure his eyes. It’s stiff and crunches beneath the pressure of my fingers.
“My natural hair would have fallen in my face and gotten us into an accident, especially given the fact I have to drive on the right side here,” he answers, leaning back on a boulder on the beach. I consider his face, trying to imagine his absent ringlets. 
“I wanna see your curls,” I say. I kneel next to him to get a better vantage point. From above, I see each gray strand of hair that invites the light into his mop of curls. I hold his gray streak up to the light and let my hand linger as it falls into his hair and then down to his face, feeling the rough stubble beginning to form on his cheeks.
“Yeah? You like my hair curly?” he teases, a blush gracing the tops of his cheeks as he looks up at my face. 
“A lot,” I nod. 
“I’ll never wear it straight again,” he says to mollify me.
“Good,” I state. I stand up and take my sundress off so I’m standing before him in a white cotton bra and underwear. Matty’s eyes go wide as I remove my clothing and hold my hand out to him.
“Come on then,” I encourage. He stands up smiling, unbuttons his shirt, and removes his trousers, leaving him more naked than I am. 
I thought I was beginning to know Matty, but seeing his bare chest reminds me of how much I have left to discover. It’s littered with poems and phrases, crests and colors. His shoulders are broader than mine and they’re covered in sturdy muscle that continues down to his pectorals and upper abdomen. I’m staring, I’m sure of it. He’s hard in all the places I’m used to softness and wide in the places I’m used to encircling in my warm, small hands. I grab his arm and drag him towards the lake, submerging my head in the cool water as soon as it’s deep enough. When I emerge, I push my hair back and toss some water in Matty’s face.
“Oi! What was that for?” he exclaims.
“You said you’d never wear your hair straight again,” I remind him, “Come on, I’ll help you.”
Matty kneels before me as I scoop handfuls of water onto his head until he’s totally soaked. It feels thrilling, having a man on his knees before me, at my mercy. I’m not used to gentleness from boys; only jeers and catcalls and hands obnoxiously placed at the small of my back in clubs. But I don’t want to use my position for anything other than sweetness. I rub his curls lightly, removing the gel from each strand. Matty looks up at me as I massage his head watching my eyebrows scrunch.
“Your hair is soft,” I tell him. He smiles up at me and moves his arms around my hips to hold me as I continue my ministrations on his hair. He breathes through his nose and I feel the warmth that emanates from him as it seeps into my skin. He’s centimeters away from my core, no doubt feeling my heartbeat wildly in my chest and smelling the faint, musky aroma of the wetness that’s beginning to gather between my thighs.
“Thanks,” he says, lips kneading the soft flesh of my tummy as he does. It tickles and my eyes snap to his, gasping. His gaze remains trained on me as he moves his mouth to kiss me there. He uses only his lips at first, pecking and rubbing at me, but soon he grows impatient. He leaves open-mouthed kisses just above the waistband of my panties, sucking the skin below my navel, nipping at it, and smoothing his tongue over to soothe it. He moans into my stomach as he does, letting out a sound muffled by my belly.
I whine in response, grasping tightly at his hair to keep myself steady. He jerks back quickly.
“Ah!” he hisses. 
“Oh fuck, sorry,” I duck down to him, holding his face to make sure he’s alright.
“I’m fine, sorry,” he shakes his head. “Didn’t mean to freak you out.”
“It’s okay,” I say, “actually, you’re all good now if you want to, um, rinse off.”
Matty ducks into the water, smiling brilliantly at me when he meets my eyes again. I crouch down, reaching out to him, wringing out his curls, and scrunching them up onto the top of his head.
“Better?” he asks, standing up. Beads of clear, freshwater pool in his collarbones and race across his torso down to his hips. They catch on the sunlight and make him glisten. I want to lick them off his body, trace their path, and make him whimper.
I smile and nod, standing up to more or less even our heights. He wraps his arm around my neck, looking down at my body once we’re close enough that I can’t follow his eyes. I tremble. My arms are decorated with goosebumps, my breasts are peaked from the cold, and my white undergarments are soaked, plainly revealing what lies beneath them. 
“You chilly, huh?” he asks. I nod into him. “Let’s get you warmed up.” Matty drags me back to the rocky shore and covers me in his button-down shirt, beckoning me to sit between his legs. He envelops me in his arms like my own personal human-sized blanket and holds me until I stop shivering. 
“Oh shit, have you ever been in one of these?!” Matty shouts. He doesn’t need to yell to be heard, I’m right behind him on the Vespa. But he’s so excited at the thought of the old 35mm photo booth that stands tall on the side of the road. He leaps off the Vespa and digs around in his pockets for the 10 or 15 cents he needs to get it to work. “This is so fucking sick!” he exclaims. “Y/n! Come over! This is amazing!”
I dismount the bike more methodically than him, taking care not to get my skirt caught on the seat. I push the velvet curtain to the side and am met with a very eager Matty. He grabs my hand and pulls me onto the bench, instantly winding me up in his arms and tickling me. I’m caught off guard as the bulb in the center of the wall flashes, CLICK. I push Matty off playfully, turning back around to him – CLICK. I look at him, chest heaving for a moment – CLICK. It draws his attention and Matty’s eyes flit to my breasts, I notice – CLICK. I launch my body towards his, unable to contain myself anymore. His lips catch mine as I bring my arms up and around his neck – CLICK. Matty’s hands reach around my shoulders, feeling my bare skin, warm from the sun. I move my mouth hard against his, eager to taste the leftover juice from the fruit, tobacco from his cigarette, anything. Anything as long as it’s Matty. I reach into his soft frizzy curls and hang on to them to steady myself and push further toward him until he’s completely up against the wall of the photo booth. Matty’s hands find the smallest bit of my waist and pull me into his lap. His hands fall to my knees and rub all the way up my thighs, caressing the velvety flesh and stopping only when he’s reached the top to grab two handfuls of my ass. 
“Fucking hell,” he breathes as he releases me slowly. 
Using my newfound leverage, I push his head back onto the wall and attack the exposed skin on his neck and chest. I lick his Adam’s apple and kiss the ink peeking out from under his button-down.
“Fuuuuuuck, y/n,” he moans, lifting his head up to watch me as I unfasten each button on his linen shirt. His abdomen is hard under me and it feels so divine; almost painful but in a way that I deserve, that I revel in. I caress each tattoo on his torso with my tongue and his hands fly to my hair, massaging my scalp. I look up at him when I reach his ‘we are kings’ tattoo, partially concealed by his trousers. My tongue darts out to wet my lips as my eyes question him. “Please, go ahead,” he says, needily. His pupils are blown out and his hair sticks up in places it shouldn’t.
I hook my fingers under the waistband of his trousers and boxers, feeling giddy and nervous with anticipation. It’s hardly my first time – boy or girl – but it’s new in the sense that I’ve been used to one person for so long. How she sounded and tasted. Seeing his cock spring out, hard and red, makes me feel like a schoolgirl. I’m intoxicated by everything I don’t know about him and what I’m about to learn. I move his clothes down below his knees and tentatively kiss his inner thighs. The skin there is thin and warm and it smells musky. I reach my hands up to touch the hair that grows at the base of him. Then I lean my head towards the same spot and kiss the skin there. I run my tongue around the bottom of his cock, wetting him as much as I can and kissing him everywhere as I make my way to his tip. When I get there, I look up at him. His head is backed up against the wall and he’s sat on his hands, surely in some semblance of politeness. I move the left one up to cup my jaw. 
“Show me what you like,” I plead, “I wanna make you feel good.”
He groans through his lips as he pushes his thumb into my mouth. I wet it the same way I wet the rest of him and then I suck on it, just a little, moaning as I do.
“That pressure’s good,” he tells me. I nod and he takes his thumb out of my mouth and rubs it against my cheek. “Honestly though I really wasn’t expecting this. I don’t think it’s gonna be an issue for you.” 
“Is that your way of saying you’re turned on?”
“Very,” Matty chuckles.
I smile at that: an innocent, sweet, reassured one. His words give me the confidence to cover his tip with my mouth, my right hand falling to the base of his length and encircling it. 
Matty’s hand flies to the back of my head, under my hair and grips it like it’s the only thing keeping him tethered to reality. My eyes fly up to his face as I take him further in mouth until I meet my hand. I move up and down on him, relishing in every whimper and squeeze and twitch he unleashes.  
I begin to feel Matty stirring under me, and I look up at him, surprised at what I see. His eyes are open watching me with religious devotion. His right hand travels down my shoulder, blindly searching for the straps of my dress and bra and pushing them down until my breasts fall out, spilling down my chest. Matty wastes no time grabbing a handful of one as I continue my pace on his dick. He squeezes me gently but soon opts to pinch my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, pulling it out teasingly and keeping time with me. It feels fucking delicious and spurs me on. I remove a couple fingers from him and take him down further, hollowing my cheeks and moaning around him as he twists my nipple with sadistically erratic pressure.
“Please,” I groan around him. It’s possible he doesn’t understand what I’ve said, but he gives me what I want anyway, touching me rhythmically and gently fucking my mouth as he chases his orgasm. 
“I’m almost there,” he pants, reluctantly bringing his hand to my face and pushing it off of him, “You can stop.”
I keep his tip on my tongue and shake my head side to side. 
“Please?” I look up at him begging, “Want it in my mouth.”
“Fucking hell, okay,” he breathes, manouvering himself back inside of me, fucking my face harder than last time but still shallowly enough that I can take it without gagging. I need him. I don’t know why or what I even expect to gain from it but his release is the only thing on my mind. It consumes me. I move my hand from his thigh and squeeze his balls gently, then cradle them in my hand. I taste him not long after, salty, warm, and pooling on my tongue. I can feel him pulse in my mouth, giving me more and more. Though the load gets smaller, and each burst further apart from the last, I find myself hoping it won't end. I feel content, consumed by pride and pleasure.
I hold him in my mouth until I’ve caught every last drop, savoring the feeling of him filling me up and the flavor of him on my tongue. I swallow and lap at his tip and shaft to clean him up, and then I tiredly lay my head on his left thigh. It's been a long time since I let someone drip down my chin and licked them up, desperate to get every last drop. It feels good to need someone like that. Like water. Like medicine.
 He leans over just a bit to cradle my head with his hand, pushing the front pieces of my hair behind my ear, dragging his thumb to my lower lip, and lingering there. I breathe heavily while my eyes pierce his, mouth wantonly open. 
“Fuck, that felt so good, thank you,” he breaks the silence. I take his thumb in my mouth in answer, sucking at it delicately. I release him and kiss the pad of his finger gingerly. Matty takes hold of my hands and lifts my body back to his, holding me in a hug for what seems like an eternity. Time stops for a moment in the booth – it could be the year 3000 or the 80s, there could be a parade outside or a silent street that echoes with each of our breaths – it’s just the two of us, chests pressed against each other, the air thick with elation and longing.
Eventually, I have to peel myself off of him. Matty stands and stretches his arms above his head, displaying his toned triceps and delts. He bends at the waist to retrieve the strip of photos, fingers over each frame as he admires them. He folds the strip just before the last still, hiding the photo where our lips are meeting. Then he rips it off completely.
“There you go, princess,” he places the film with the first four photos gently in my hand. I look up at him confused and just a little sad. “This one’s for me,” he amends, tucking it into his back pocket. “So that I know I didn’t dream it.” He holds my face between his hands as I gaze up at him.
“Angels usually only visit me in dreams.” I roll my eyes and try to avert my gaze from his. He doesn’t let me, tilting my head up toward his by putting his finger under my chin. His eyes search mine with a fervor that would scare me if it came from anyone else. He closes them as he slowly leans forward to catch my lips in a slow, sweet kiss that tastes like goodbye. 
“Don’t make me leave,” I mumble into his mouth.
Matty wraps his arms around my back, pulling me further into him, and rests his head on mine. He’s warm and wet and smells like sex. 
“Why did you want to do that?” he whispers into my hair.
“I don’t know,” I say. I don’t really. It wasn’t logical, it was more instinctual than anything, a natural progression of my feelings and of the direction in which I was kissing him. I wanted to kiss him there; it felt natural.
“It wasn’t to, like, get over your ex or something was it?” he pulls away to look at my face as he asks, “I’m fine if it was, but I just want to know if you like me or if you’re just going through something.”
“I try not to make a habit of blowing people I don’t like,” I tell him teasingly. He chuckles, rubbing his nose against my cheek, tickling me with his five-o’clock-shadow. He kisses the edge of my face, right next to my ear.
“I like you, too.”
For a moment, I allow my mind to run free with the knowledge of his admission. To imagine date nights and naps on his bare chest on the sun loungers at the villa. My stomach flutters. I want it so badly.
I reach my arms up around his neck and touch my lips to his. 
“Will you take me home, now?”
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