#I know I keep saying it but this means a lot to me so THANK YOU!!
percyluvr · 3 days
Hiii,i love your blog and your writing sm and that’s why i wanted to be brava and make a request!If you like the idea,can you please write a Percy imagine were reader is the daughter of Thetis(the water nymph/goddess and mother of Achilles)and she is the one that helps Percy with his water powers?Like they bond over that and fall in love with each other?Thank you very much!🩵🩵
percy jackson x daughter of thetis!reader summary: percy meets a nereid; the rest is history wc: 2524 note: thank you so much for reading my works, i'm vv glad u love my blog & i hope i could do this request justice. i wasn't exactly sure if her kid would be a demigod or a nymph, so i thought because i haven't really seen any fics w a nymph!reader, i would get a lil creative w it! i do know that achilles was considered a demigod, but i figured maybe her female children would be nereids(?)
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Percy had been claimed as a son of Poseidon about a month ago at this point, and he was desperately trying to understand his powers. When he was claimed, he assumed that it would be easy to harness the power of the sea, since, well, his dad was the literal God of the Sea. Unfortunately, it was not coming as naturally as he had hoped and assumed it would, and so he now found himself swimming in the sea near Camp Half-Blood, searching for someone or something to help him get a leash on his powers.
He tried contacting his dad, to no avail; now aimlessly swimming. The only thing that had truly come natural to him was the ability to breathe under water, which was helpful now, since he didn't have to keep coming up to the surface for breath and could now just focus on finding help.
It'd been about 2 hours of just what others would consider mind-numbing swimming, but Percy enjoyed it anyhow.
He eventually found himself face to face with a young girl whom he would consider one of, if not the most beautiful person he'd ever come across. Though he was a son of Poseidon, Percy swears that he found it increasingly difficult to breathe. The longer he looked at you, the more and more aware he was that he was underwater, and all he could think was 'I'm a son of Poseidon and I'm going to drown, and because somehow it can get more embarrassing than that, I'm going to drown in front of a beautiful girl and she's probably going to laugh and I'm never even going to get to know her name or hear her voice, which is probably the most heavenly thing anyone would ever get a chance to hear and-'
His thoughts are broken when he hears you speak, and somehow your voice sounds even more heavenly than he had assumed it would be.
"Hello, Perseus," you say, smiling, and Percy thinks that his heart might just burst into a million little pieces that will eventually drift out into the water surrounding the two of you.
"Hey, hi, um," he struggles to assemble his thoughts into a coherent sentence.
"Take your time, Perseus. You will not run out of breath, as I believe you thought you would just a few seconds ago," you speak, fighting the urge to giggle at the silly boy that has found his way to your home.
"Um, first, you can just call me Percy, if you want. Second, I know I won't, I was just, uh, distracted for a second. And third, I'm here because, embarrassingly enough, apparently the fact that I'm the son of Poseidon doesn't matter to this water, which will not do anything I want it to unless I'm in a life or death situation, which does happen to occur quite often, so really I'd probably be fine, but I would sort of like to be able to have the comfort of knowing that I can actually use these cool powers that every tells me I have," he rambles. "Sorry, that was kind of a lot," he concludes.
"Do not worry, I followed along quite easily, actually. Anyhow, if you require assistance with your endeavors, I am here to aide you. When I'm not busy helping your father at the castle, that is," you offer.
"Really? I mean I was hoping you would say that, but I wasn't sure you would. But yeah, I'll take you up on that, thanks," he flashes you a smile.
"Wonderful. Feel free to stop by or call my name into the water, and I'll hear it and come to you if I'm able."
"Right, uh, not to be rude, but uh, what's your name?"
"Ah, right, I forget how you demi-gods don't bother to learn the names of the Nereids anymore."
When you tell him your name, you believe you see his eyes glisten in adoration, unless, of course, you're making that all up in your head because the boy in front of you is way cuter than you had ever imagined when you had just heard his name being thrown around by the gossiping Nereids around the palace.
"Well, then, Percy, you should be on your way. I have things to be doing now."
"Right, bye then. Thanks for, y'know, offering to teach me pretty much everything," he says bashfully.
"Of course." He begins to swim away and all you are left with the ability to do is wave as he slowly gets farther and farther away.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
It'd been not even a week since Percy had been, in his descriptions to his friends at camp, blessed by your presence, and though the two of you had barely become acquaintances, he found himself missing the sound of your voice and the odd, in his opinion, outdated way that you spoke.
This type of yearning for a person's presence is not the type of yearning he feels for his mother, Sally, and so, this feeling is quite new to Percy. Of course, as a teenage boy, he doesn't know how else to manage this intense feeling, so immediately he goes to the beach and calls your name into the water.
"Hello, Percy, I can't say I'm surprised that you're this eager to harness the power of the sea. I was also very invigorated when I first learned of what was possible once at one with the sea."
"Am I not already one with the sea? My dad is literally the God and King of the sea. And are you not also one with the sea from birth? Aren't Nereides water spirits or whatever?"
"Ah, Percy, you misunderstand. You are not born one with the sea, even as a Nereid. You must prove to the sea that you are not afraid of it, and that you will not take advantage of it. It may takes days, or weeks, but I suspect that you will do just fine."
"And how exactly am I supposed to prove that?"
"You will see," you said cryptically, and before Percy could object to this statement, you were gone, and he was staring out into the clear blue water of the Atlantic Ocean.
"Jeez, when someone offers to teach you, you would think they would actually teach you something and not just say some weird cryptic stuff and then disappear," he grumbles to no one in particular.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
Of course, you were correct in your assumption that Percy would quickly prove to the sea that he could be trusted to harbor its power. He manages to form a ball of water the size of a fist before losing focus, leaving the water to splash back down and become one with the sea again.
However, he was not discouraged, and in his invigorated state, he calls out for you without even realizing it.
"Hello, Perseus. I see that I was correct," you said, a bit smugly, Percy must say.
"Yeah, yeah. Will you actually teach me now?"
"Indeed. I wanted to be sure that you were competent enough for my help, so I do apologize for how ominous my words were."
"You're all good. I do have a question though, and feel free to try to drown me if this is rude."
"Do proceed with your inquiry." At that, Percy nearly bursts out laughing at how much you sounded like an office e-mail from someone's annoyed boss, but managed to somehow keep composure.
"Uh, why do you talk like.. I don't know, so formal. Aren't you my age?"
"I do apologize. I do believe you are older than me, which may come as a surprise to you. But to answer your main question, I talk so 'formal' because that is simply how everyone at the palace speaks. I suppose we do not have much contact with anyone outside of the ocean, and so we have not picked up on all of the latest dialects and ways of speaking."
"Well, I guess that makes sense then, my bad."
"Do not worry."
"So, uh, do I get to learn more about 'harnessing the power of the ocean' or whatever now?"
"I suppose now would be as good a time as any."
"Cool, cool, where do we start?"
You lift your fist into the air, a large section of water rising into the air and forming into the shape of a large sea turtle, forming into different animals as you rotate your hand in the air.
"Are you able to do that? Even a basic animal shape would be fine, but if not, we must begin, well, at the beginning."
"Oh, man," he grumbled
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
It'd been a few months of you popping in a few days a week to assist Percy with his ambitions, and he was finally able to wield the power of the sea like he once hoped he would be able.
However, September was rapidly approaching and Percy would soon have to return to school, meaning he would not get to see you nearly as often, which certainly put a damper on what was already a terrible week leading up to the start of the wretched school year.
And so, he resolved that the two of you would talk every day until he had to leave. He didn't care that he had progressed past the point of needing your help anymore, he just wanted to be in your presence for however much longer possible.
It was nearly instinct at this point for Percy to call your name out into the sea, and he was not one to fight it.
"Good to see you, Percy. But as I'm sure you're fully aware, you do not need my tutoring anymore. Perhaps I'm getting ahead of myself, but I do believe that you've even surpassed me, and that doesn't come as a surprise," you praise.
"I don't know about that, but I am pretty cool now," he says jokingly.
You smile. "But uh, I didn't call you for practice, I just thought that, uh, that maybe we could just hang out, y'know? I mean you did help me a lot, so I figure why not give you some company outside of all those old people or whatever back at the palace," Percy admits.
"That doesn't sound horrible. You are quite interesting, I would like to get to know you more as well. And yes, I could use some time away from my fellow Nereids at the palace," you sheepishly say.
"That's what I thought. Hey, by the way, you never told me who your parents were. You know who my dad and mom are, but I don't know either of yours."
"Ah, my mother is a bit more obscure nowadays, as she's not one of the Goddesses that the Greeks traditionally worship as they do the Olympians. She is a water nymph, but also a Goddess, and unfortunately is no longer worshipped in the same proportion as she was in Ancient Greece," you sadly explain.
"Huh, that's pretty cool. I mean, not the part that she's not really worshipped anymore, but the part of her being a nymph and a Goddess. Um, anyways, do you ever talk to my dad?"
"Occasionally, your father will ask me to accompany him or to do various tasks. He is a kind man, I do like his presence, if that is what you were trying to get at."
"That's good. I've only talked to him a few times, but I figured he was a nice guy," Percy grins, "Do you ever get to talk to your mom?"
"Yes, my mother, Thetis, and I are quite close. She lives in the palace with me."
"Wow, I'll be honest, I'm kinda jealous. I mean, I think my dad is cool, and I know he's like a big shot Olympian and whatever, but I think it'd be nice if we could actually talk in person and bond or whatever," he admits.
"Yes, I understand. It must be hard, but for the majority of the year, you have your mother, yes? Or are you a year-round camper?"
"Yeah, you're right. I do have my mom for most of the year, so it's worth it. She's the best," he cheers up at the mention of his mother.
"I figured you would say that. She raised you well. You are much kinder than some of the campers here, but I suppose that is not their fault."
"Nah, it's not. It is what it is sometimes."
You nod, and the conversation flows smoothly on.
𓂃 𓈒𓏸
Today was the last day that Percy would be at camp, since his mother was picking him up later that day after lunch.
He decided that since he only had a few hours left at camp for the summer, he would spend them with the person he now considered one of his closest friends, even though he'd only really known you for a few months at this point.
When he called your name, you appeared almost instantly.
"Hey, Percy," you said, grinning.
"Switching up the greeting today?"
"I suppose since today was your last day here, I would start trying to speak like you and perhaps by the time you came back from school, I would speak more 'naturally,' as you put it."
"Huh, the way you talk doesn't actually bother me, y'know."
"That may be true, but I would like to learn to speak more modernly anyhow."
"If you want to, go for it. But uh, I thought maybe we could do that thing, it's called like, Iris messaging or something? With the drachmas? Then we could keep in touch while I'm at school, too," Percy says nervously.
"That does sound like a good idea. Now that we're friends, I think it would be optimal that we spoke frequently and updated each other on our lives. Good thinking."
He chuckled. "Good, good. I, uh, also wanted to say that... well, I think you're really pretty, and I thought maybe next summer, we could, uh, maybe go on a date or something. I don't know if you feel the same way, but if you do and you do want to, that would be pretty cool," he rambles, interrupted by the foreign feeling of your lips on his.
After a few moments, you detach your mouth from his. "Was that, uh, alright?" You quietly ask.
"Yeah, jeez, that was way better than alright. That was perfect," he says, a deep red adorning his cheeks.
"That is excellent to hear," you say, smiling wider than you'd ever in your life.
"Well, I need to go to lunch, and uh, then my mom is picking me up. I'll Iris message you as soon as I get home, okay? So make sure you're ready."
"See you tonight, Percy," you happily state, dissolving back into the water as quickly as you had appeared.
He stares into the beautiful clear water for a bit before he walks away, unaware that you had appeared again and were watching him walk away, a look of adoration decorating your features.
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I bring for your consideration, The Case of the Fabulous Phantom.
Franck, your run-of-the-mill, tweed-wearing, middle-aged Englishman, bank clerk, as common as they come, suddenly dies with no recollection of how it happens. The twist? Franck was also a drag queen.
Cue the investigation taking Edwin to a small drag club while Charles looks around his office at the bank, because of course Franck tells them that he had "a hobby" but doesn't specify it involved gravity-defying heels and tucking.
And now just imagine a couple of queens who have Seen Shit clocking him the second he arrives for a cursory look around and falling in love instantly because that's just the effect Edwin has.
"There's vintage that smells like dust, and then there's vintage that smells like lust, and honey you are potent," and Edwin somehow feels the opposite of threatened so he just says "Thank you. I really like your... glitter."
And that's it, they're besties now. Full life stories and everything.
"This is a safe space, love, I mean look around you, you are literally sitting on my feathers."
"My apologies, ma'am."
"He just said 'my apologies', can we keep him, Mabel?"
"I'm afraid I couldn't stay, I have a partner who's waiting for me."
The first time Edwin's sassy bitch comes out has the queens howling.
And when Charles eventually comes in with a frown on his face because he saw the sign outside that says Lola's Girls and wasn't entirely sure Franck's hobby wasn't strippers in the end and Jesus what did he leave Edwin with, he finds Edwin sitting on a fluffy yellow chair, a china teapot decorated with Greek etchings of naked men on the table in front of him, his own cup full while a queen paints his nails ("Honey, you said you're already going to hell, you might as well be the most fabulous bitch serving down there").
The queens are like "umm, this looks a bit too much like a guy who'd take a crowbar to my face if I met him in a dark alley at night," but Edwin exclaims "Charles!" while hiding his hands under the table, so one of the queens is like, "This your boo?"
And Edwin, clueless, precious Edwin, fully believes that "boo" is slang for ghost (because ghosts go boo, right?) and they must be referring to his partner, so he looks at Charles's surprised face and says, in his eminently dignified, Edwin voice, "Yes, this is Charles, my boo."
Charles, who's perfectly aware what the word presents him as, has a second of 'wait, what' but then just smiles at Edwin's adorableness and rolls with the punches because, actually, he can think of a lot of worse things to be than Edwin's boo.
And when Charles comes over (with the queens' complete approval), he reaches for one of Edwin's hands and tugs it back onto the table, and Edwin somehow feels the need to justify the red nail varnish, like "I was following a lead," so Charles looks at him with so much fondness in his eyes and tells him he looks incredible. And Edwin lights up like never before.
The queens totally see the moment Charles's brain goes "oh."
And, you know, if Charles keeps Edwin's hand in his and the queen who was doing Edwin's nails never even asks if she can put on the top coat now, it's absolutely not an accident.
(Charles had solved the case. Turns out, for once it wasn't a hate crime. Franck had refused to cook the books because not only could he do a mean Barbra impression, he was also just an honest guy. Franck goes to Heaven and promises he'll write.)
(Please do imagine Edwin and Charles coming back to Lola's Girls and all the beautiful things that could happen to them for being exposed to a community as amazing as that of drag queens.)
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lucysarah-c · 18 hours
I apologize if this has been asked before but what do you think Levi's kinks are? :)
Hi, sweetie! Oh, do not worry, no need to apologize! I haven’t received this ask before, and even if I did, it’s not a biggie. I could just attach a link to that ask here <3 Do not worry.
MH, Levi’s kinks… good question.
Power play for sure. Have you seen this man say that “pain is the best discipline”? He's always 100% down to teach you your place, at least in the bedroom. Outside of it, he deeply respects your position. Inside the room? Oh baby girl, he wants you to know he’s in charge and could spend his entire life reminding you of it.
…Shibari or tying up. Have you seen those uniforms? Levi sees that harness and deep down he wonders how pretty you would look all tied up. This one is a bit more tricky, so he and you may work around it to see how much of it you're both into.
Overstimulation, absolutely. Those Ackerman powers are a blessing; he knows he can last for hours. Can you? Oh, it's okay, baby, don’t be scared. He'll just have to keep fucking you, and if by any means you end up feeling like your legs are made of jelly from all the times he made you cum… well, I guess that’s the consequence of dating humanity’s strongest soldier. I think he could just feel getting hard, or getting cocky by feeling how you shake against his face as he keeps eating you out like a thirsty man who had been traveling across a desert. The idea that he left you completely and absolutely destroyed makes him feel so cocky. You can accuse this man of many things, but leaving you unsatisfied in bed isn’t one of them.
Degradation and praise kink. Depending on the situation and his mood, he can go either way or BOTH at the same time. “Aw, you look so pretty riding my cock. You’re doing amazing, girly. Mh? Enjoy that dick?” you will nod as you ride him with all your life “I bet. What a dirty little cock whore you turned out to be.”
Alright, maybe this one isn’t popular and maybe it's a bit OOC on my part… Corruption kink. At multiple times in his life, as the famous former thug who lived in the most dangerous part inside the walls, the idea of getting you, looking at him with doe eyes through your eyelashes, faking innocence or truly having it… I can literally picture him thinking, “Doesn’t matter if she doesn’t have much experience or doesn’t know how to make me feel good yet. I’m a very good and patient teacher… have an entire lifetime to mold her into perfection.” He likes to save the best for last; this man would enjoy every single little detail of seeing you fall into the beautiful dark pleasure he can show you.
Those are the ones that come to mind rather quickly…
I’ll give you (as if my ramblings are worthy material to be gifted, lmao) 2 kinks that I DON’T think Levi has and I believe are very popular.
Breeding kink. Like this one, maybe depending on the situation and if it’s a “game” kind of thing. But I feel Levi is a person who takes paternity very seriously; it has to be a VERY particular scenario for me (at least canon Levi) where he’s like, “fuck it, yeah let’s risk getting you pregnant.” BUT it’s a kink I can see A LOT more in Post-War Levi; it’s not that he doesn’t want to breed you… he’s just too responsible to take the risk.
Daddy. HAHA I feel like if you called Levi that in the middle of sex, he would freeze a little and be like, “Sir? Yes. Captain? Absolutely. What did you just say? Just… no.” I dare to say that if you bring it up playfully, perhaps as a joke, he will wrinkle his nose and say, “If you want to fuck Erwin, just say it, but don’t bring that shit into my bedroom.”
I had fun writing this one; I feel it’s a classic “Levi’s blog” ask that surprisingly I’ve never received before! Thank you for that! Hope this was good enough.
Have a lovely day.
Link to my masterlist and my other works if you feel like checking them out. Tags!: @nube55 @justkon @notgoodforlife @nmlkys @humanitys-strongest-bamf @quillinhand @thoreeo @darkstarlight82 @angelofthorr @aomi04 @levisbrat25 @l3visthighs @hum4n-wr3ckag3 @hannieslovebot @starrylevi @rithty @mariaace @ackrmntea @emilyyyy-08 @levisfavoriteteashop @katestrophes @levistealeaf @an-ever-angry-bi @youre-ackermine @fxnnyackerman @secretmoneybearvoid @trashblackrainbow @flxrartsstuff @katharinasdiaryy @kikarouflames @levisecretgfblog @searriously @blackdxggr @ackermanswifee @abiatackerman @braunsbabe @moonchild-angel @storiesofsung @galactict3a @twruui @lemonsupernova @r3becca_0 @heyitsd1yaa @sydneyyuu @hyuckwon-my-husbands Wanna join my tag list? Here!
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I've got a kind-of crack theory about Ruby's mother...
Back in The Church on Ruby Road, Ruby is invited onto Long Lost Family, a genealogy TV program hosted by Davina McCall, with the hope of finding some information about her bio family. Unfortunately, they come up with nothing.
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[ID: 6 gifs showing Ruby and Davina McCall talking to each other on the phone from The Church on Ruby Road. Davina apologies to Ruby, who tries to hide her upset at the news.
DAVINA: "There is no trace of your mum or dad. I'm sorry. It happens sometimes." RUBY: "No, that's fine... Thanks but, um, could you keep looking?" DAVINA: "No, there's nothing more we can do. If your parents aren't on some kind of database, we can't find them." RUBY: "Ok, um... isn't that unusual though? There's not a single trace anywhere? I mean... in the whole wide world, my mother's never left a blood sample or anythin'?"]
Now obviously, I know tracking down family is hard and, especially for orphans and adopted children, there's no gurantee that you'll be able to get the information you need. But I do find it odd there's seemingly "no trace" of Ruby's parents.
The section where I go on an odd tangent about genealogy
Speaking as someone who isn't a genealogist, but does enjoy researching family history in what little spare time they have... in my experience, close DNA matches aren't that hard to find. Especially if you're of white european descent, as Ruby is (presumably).
(It's generally harder for other ethnicities, as most research resources are white english/american focused. I know this is especially tricky for people like african-americans, where many of one's ancestors may have been enslaved. I've personally also found it tricky with Jewish communities as historically many of them used patronymic names prior to the 1800s, plus you have to account for immigration name changes, pogroms etc.)
For example, as someone who is white, with a mix of various british, mainland european, and ashkenazi ancestors, I actually have thousands of DNA matches, just from an autosomal test on Ancestry alone, let alone something like an mtDNA, xDNA or yDNA test:
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[ID: Edited screenshot showing maternal and paternal DNA matches on my AncestryDNA profile. There are 16279 maternal matches and 9745 paternal matches.]
Obviously, due to the way family trees work, most of these are distant matches, however it does include plenty of close ones too, which I've been able to trace to real records and identify relationships with. Personally, my matches even already include many 1st and 2nd cousins, albeit usually a one or two degrees removed, especially as the userbase tends to swing older on these websites. This includes a few people close enough for me to have already known them from family functions and shared annecdotes. Meanwhile, where I did have blank spots, from immigrations, estranged family members, early deaths etc, I've been able to fill in a lot of information.
So what does it mean that there's "no trace" of Ruby's family?
Deliberate or not?
The big question I've had since The Church on Ruby Road is: just how untraceable is Ruby's family?
On one hand, I feel like if this was real life and professional TV genealogists were helping you, you'd get a bit more information than a quick phone call saying they've got zilch. If they're sharing nothing... do they literally have nothing?
On the other hand, this also feels like a writing shortcut. We don't really need 3 hours of Davina McCall sat with Ruby at a computer breaking down every question and theory about possible family members. Ultimately, this was probably just a way to quickly get some major exposition out there, plus throw in a Christmas celebrity cameo for casual viewers. The fact they only talk about Ruby's "parents" being in a DNA database, and no-one else, doesn't give me a lot of faith in the care for accuracy RTD took with this plot point tbh.
Indeed Davina does say 'it happens sometimes', which could indicate it's not as extreme as having zero close relatives...
...but Ruby also asks if it's unusual for there to be no trace of anything, which Davina doesn't answer. If we're asking that question, it sounds like things really could have turned up that blank.
It may not be easy for orphans and adoptees to find family, but I assume it must be quite rare to have zero possible leads? Especially if you're a younger person, and thus may have a good number of people of the right generation to know/remember your family members still alive. Worst case scenario, I can imagine having some leads, only for someone to be uncontactable, or lack the information that would be useful. That being said, maybe I'm being too optimistic, as someone who had the priviledge of never having as much difficulty.
The weird sci-fi parallel (TW: incest (kinda), intersexism)
This is where we get to my theorising. Because in a science fiction context, and specifically a time-travel one, there is one quite famous short story that has a protagonist with zero family connections: '—All You Zombies—' by Robert A Heinlein.
(Fun fact: "All You Zombies" is also the name of a planned Class Ongoing story, once I get the time to resume that.)
You may also be familiar with the movie adaptation: 'Predestination'. It's also seemingly the inspiration for all sorts of similar stories, from 'The Man Who Folded Himself' to Red Dwarf and Futurama.
You might see where i'm going from that last one...
(Again disclaimer: if you seek it out, that this story may be quite triggering. It also was written in 1959. While it's actually somewhat respectable of a trans (kind-of, you'll see what I mean - I'll generally use the pronouns used in the text below) protagonist, it includes sexism, intersexism bordering on medical horror, and selfcest/incest.)
In 1963 (funnily enough), a lonely, orphaned 18 year old woman named Jane has a sexual encounter with a man in a park which ends up leaving her pregnant. When complications arise, the doctor discovers during a successful caesarian she's actually intersex, with a form of ovotesticular syndrome, with her immature, partially developed organs "a mess". He removes the now damaged womb, ovaries etc and, without consent, 'rearranged things so that [they] can develop properly as a man".
A few weeks later, the baby is stolen from the hospital by a man.
Despite all this tragedy, they do decide to complete their transition, restarting life as a man. He struggles to find work, but eventually finds himself making a living selling fake confession stories to magazines as "the Unmarried Mother".
Years later In a bar, he tells his story to a Bartender. After it all, the Bartender reveals he's actually a time agent and offers the chance to see his baby's father again. He drops him off in 1963 to find the man.
Meanwhile, in 1964, the Bartender steals a baby from a hospital, and drops her off at an orphanage in 1945.
The Bartender returns to the Unmarried Mother a month later in 1963, just in time to see him leaving a lonely young woman he met with in a park...
"Now you know who he is", the Bartender says, "—and after you think it over you’ll know who you are... and if you think hard enough, you’ll figure out who the baby is... and who I am.” He drops the Unmarried Mother off in 1983, where he can be recruited by the Temporal Bureau.
The Bartender, Jane, the Unmarried Mother, the kidnapper, the Father, and the Baby are revealed to all be one person, a family tree onto themself. The perfect time agent, causally disconnected from the rest of humanity and thus safe from Faction Paradox - if they are truly human at all (possibly explaining their biological bi-sexuality).
Thus, literally, having no relatives.
NO, OF COURSE I don't think this is what's up with Ruby!
A lot of people have suggested that the woman who drops off Ruby could be herself. Obviously this doesn't necessarily mean Ruby is her own mother - let alone her own intersex father, child, and recruiter too!
But the story did come to my mind watching the Christmas special, and I do think the less squicky side of it, the 'perfect time agent' angle is worth considering. Could Ruby really be causally/genetically disconnected from the rest of humanity? Could she literally have no close relatives?
Assuming her DNA is not taken from any other person, but some semi-random mix of genes, she really may not match with anyone. At most, she would have some distant false matches, who share very small portions of DNA with her just by statistical fluke.
"BUT", I hear you say, "Didn't she get rewritten by the literal butterfly effect in episode one? She must be connected to humanity!"
Yes she did. But you know else happened?
She was still there.
Seriously think about it. Time travel fiction often doesn't think about the full consequences of time being altered even slightly, especially for a gag, but think about it literally. If all of human history was changed and a whole new species, possibly descended from Silurians, became dominant on the planet...
... why would the Doctor still happen to be travelling with someone with a name beginning with 'Rub-' who looks like Millie Gibson? Remember her name comes from Ruby Road... so does 'Ruby Road' exist on Rubathon's Earth? The Church presumably doesn't, unless there's a lizard Jesus...
At the very least we can point to the Web of Time being particularly reinforced around Ruby for some reason, even after all the damage it's taken between Flux and now, letting Ruby persist into the new timeline. This is explicitly confirmed in the last episode, with the Doctor calling it a fixed point.
At worst, it may imply whatever 'designed' Ruby just needs her to meet the Doctor, no matter what the dominant species on Earth is.
Mind you, both of these do open questions about what happened in the timeline where Ruby was eaten by the Goblin King. Maybe targetting her after her birth left her temporally vulnerable? Or maybe it was a necessary event, to bring the Doctor to Ruby Road...
Add this to some other things we've seen this season:
In Space Babies, we're introduced to the concept of 'baby farms', allowing people to be loomed born without a parent.
We also know, at least, that Ruby registers as human to the TARDIS (though given Sutekh's influence, who knows how trustworthy that scan was now!).
In The Devil's Chord, Ruby is not erased by Maestro destroying humanity. Granted we can put this down to the Doctor/TARDIS, and how time travel effects people's biodata, but I think it could be a misdirect.
(Interestingly there was a very similar plotpoint in "City of the Daleks", the Eleventh Doctor adventure game, which saw the New Dalek Paradigm invading Earth in...1963. Unlike Ruby, Amy eventually actually does start to fade, needing a 'chronon blocker' to stabilise her. Hey remember how we just heard the word 'chronon' used a bunch in the show.)
In Boom, the Ambulance is entirely unable to find a next of kin for Ruby, despite seemingly having her in its records. This is a little hard to dissect, as you could take a lot of different interpretations away from it. At the very least, it suggests Ruby doesn't have any living descendents in the 51st century. Carla probably doesn't either (which makes sense with her not having any bio-kids, and Ruby seemingly being the only child she fully adopted rather than fostered?) But for its extensive records, it's notable it still couldn't find anyone after that, even presumably with access to Ruby's DNA like the genealogists had.
Everything in 73 Yards.
Between the snow falling in each episode, plus context in The Legend of Ruby Sunday, we know that Christmas Eve on Ruby Road, while fixed, is also uniquely vulnerable and 'raw'. With the woman's changing reactions to the Doctor, it's also flexible enough to change, somewhat.
Similarly, the possible connection between the woman who dropped Ruby off and the woman in 73 Yards, between her face not being visible and the CCTV camera being around 73 yards / 66.6 metres away. And if that woman really was Ruby, then maybe the parallels to All You Zombies may not be as insane as they sound.
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alphajocklover · 2 days
Hey 😈 I wish someone would help me become a massive gay bodybuilding whore. I’m already on my way gaining weight, but I wanna be gigantic. Think you could help?
So you want to become, in your own words, a massive gay bodybuilding whore. That shouldn’t be too hard. As I’ve already shown you through my other post, there are numerous ways that people can get transformed into different types of jocks. The fact you want to specifically be a slutty gay jock does complicate things a little, since certain methods would turn you straight, but it’s still pretty simple. Instajock comes to mind as a good method for example, although I’ve talked about that app quite a bit recently and would rather discuss something new. There are many ways people can transform that I haven’t mentioned in the slightest, and your question actually brings up one I’ve been wanting to talk about for a long time. Mainly the emoji you used. Yep, for this transformation we’re going to get some help from someone very special: the Devil.
When I say the devil, I don’t really mean ‘The Devil’. Don’t get me wrong, he is a devil, but he’s not the devil from the bible. He just… works for him. I know that sounds bad, and honestly it definitely is. I don’t know much about the religious side of the magical world, but I do know that the Devil, with a capital D, does exist. He might be a fallen angel who wants to turn humanity to sin like from religious text, or he might just be a very powerful magical being using human religion to boost his own reputation, but either way he definitely exists. And just like in the old folk stories, he makes deals with people in exchange for their souls. Strangely, as the stories had spread and grown more prevalent, the demand for a deal with the Devil has actually skyrocketed. You’d think a bunch of stories about how making a deal for your soul is a bad idea would discourage people, but surprisingly it’s only increased business. Because of that the Devil’s operation has grown. The Devil is powerful, but he’s not god, he isn’t omniscient. So, to keep up with demand, he began to delegate. Instead of doing one deal at a time and seeing to every deal personally, he has a large team of demons that make deals for him. That's where my friend Nick comes in.
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Nick isn’t his real name, but since humans can’t really pronounce his name he just lets me call him Nick. He is one of the more powerful demons working for the Devil, and specializes in making sexually explicit deals. As you can probably guess, he deals with a lot of people and has made a lot of deals. He’s not as outright evil as you might expect though, and he was actually a close friend of my Uncle. He had a sort of soft spot for my Uncle, and would often help him out with certain things. I don’t know how they met or why my Uncle seemed to be friends with a literal demon, but they got along really well. Now that my Uncle’s gone though, he helps me instead. I think he does it a bit out of guilt. He couldn’t protect my Uncle, his favorite mortal, from being turned into a jock, so now he protects me. Because of this I like to send him a willing victim now and then, as a thank you.
So, your first instinct is probably to say no. I mean, as much as you want to be a gay jock slut, you probably don’t want to sell your soul and be doomed to an eternity in hell. The thing is, these days they usually don’t ask for your soul. The Devil long figured out that there were more subtle ways to get what he wanted, so usually the contracts ask for something else. Sometimes it’s something significant, sometimes it’s almost nothing. Whatever it is usually works into his very complicated plans somehow in a way we almost can’t comprehend, but he never asks for your soul anymore. In exchange for becoming a massive gay bodybuilder jock, all Nick would require is… your car.
Yes, the devil wants your car. You’re probably wondering why, and honestly I don’t know. It’s not even a new car, and it’s kind of lame. But that's what he wants, and in exchange he’ll give you the body and mind of your dreams. I know you’re probably pretty skeptical, and If I’m being honest there probably is some sort of catch, but-
Oh! Ok, so, you’re doing it. I was expecting a bit more resistance but you seem pretty sure. Well, I do hope it works out for you. All you have to do is write your name on the contract and the deal will be sealed. Just write your name at the bottom there… and perfect! You’ve just made a deal with a devil!
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I know you feel a little confused, but give it a second, it will pass. A sudden change in your body is always disorienting, but you’ll get used to the new you pretty quickly. I mean, look at you! You’re absolutely massive! Those arms, those pecs, those shoulders! God you really got a great deal. You get to live out your fantasy life, and all you had to do was get rid of a piece of shit car. I can’t be sure why he wanted it, but my best guess was that it’s going to cause a butterfly effect where, because your car didn’t cause a traffic jam when it broke down or something, something else will never happen. But there isn’t any use in dwelling on it anymore. You’ve made the deal, so fucking enjoy it! Go out there and have hot gay sex with as many guys as you can! You made a deal with the devil, you might as well get all you can out of it!
**hey everyone! Been a little bit! I’ve been kind of distracted and busy lately but I’m still alive and kicking! Hope you guys like this story and keep tuned for more! I also wanna make clear I am not trying to offend any religious group. I just love the deal with the devil idea.**
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k-ki3rd · 2 days
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     . . . it will always be you and me !
itadori yuji x fem!reader
✶ : synopses ━━━━ it had been a while since yuji noticed that you were distant from him, you had already been through a lot being a jujutsu sorcerer and he knew very well that it was affecting you, but he wanted you to know that he was there for you, he always would be.
✶ : warnings ━━━━ female pronouns, anguish, sadness, but it's cute in the end.
✶ : notes ━━━━ yuji is my comfort, I was looking at character.ai and I saw this plot, I thought it would be a good idea to develop a story with him. my first language is not English, i apologize if there are any mistakes!
  yuji had made sincere efforts to be a supportive boyfriend, going to great lengths to assist you. your ongoing struggles with mental health made it challenging for you to express gratitude, leaving yuji feeling drained and unappreciated. "i made pancakes." yuji called out from the kitchen. despite not being a skilled cook, he had put in a genuine effort to impress you. carrying a plate of pancakes, he stepped into the living room, holding them out to you. "they not perfect, but i did my best."
you looked at him lightly, feeling a tightness in your chest when you saw him smile so spontaneously, because you thought you didn't deserve any kind of appreciation or care after not being able to help your comrades killed in combat. you give a slight nod of your head thanking him for the food he brought and look away from his.
yuji's warm smile disappeared with your moderate reaction to his efforts to make his girlfriend better, the glow faded from him slightly, he expected a more excited and affectionate reaction. He sits next to you trying to hide the disappointment he had "you're hardly grateful..." he said, there was no anger in his words, but a lot of disappointment.
"i don't think i've been doing that lately", you say, looking at him a little surprised. yuji's expression continues to be one of disappointment, he rests on the couch letting out a sigh "it's not just lately, it's been a while since you showed any gratitude."
you clasp your hands, fearful and sad, because he spoke the truth. how many times did you tell him that you were grateful to have him around despite everything that had happened? You were being selfish with him "i feel like i'm giving my all and it goes unnoticed, [name]" he says finally.
clenching your fists and carrying sadness and irritation, you take a deep breath and say: "what do you want me to do, yuji?" he also takes a deep breath trying to maintain his posture "I'm not asking for much... just a sign of appreciation, that you notice the things i do, you know?" he speaks keeping the frustration in his words.
he looked at you, his expression a mix of sadness and exhaustion. "i'm not saying you have to throw a party or anything, but a simple 'thank you' or... i don't know, just some genuine joy. it would mean a lot."
you swallow hard hearing that, because it's torture to see yuji suffering because of you. He is your support at all times, your strength and above all the one you love most in the world, but every time he looks at you you remember those you lost and felt that you didn't deserve such luck to have an angel like yuji in your life. "i don't know... if i can do it. it's harder than it looks."
yuji's expression softened further upon seeing his struggle. he could feel her difficulty and it touched his heart. "i know it's not easy," he confessed, his voice gentle and understanding. "believe me, i understand..." he paused for a moment, searching for the right words. "but this...it's like you're leaving me out. i feel like i'm pouring out my heart, trying to make you feel better, and it just isn't reaching you. i need you to know that i'm here for you."
you put your hands on your face in an attempt to hide from him "this makes me ashamed, yuji", you take a deep breath and shake your head slightly "because i know i do this to you and you don't deserve to go through this. i swear i don't that's on purpose, but it's hard to even look at you..."
yuji listened to his words, his heart aching with a mixture of sadness and helplessness. he didn't want you to feel guilty; that was never his intention. he gently reached out and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "i... i know, i know," he said softly, his voice full of empathy. "It's not your fault. i understand it's hard. but, just..." he paused, searching for the right words. "can you look at me?"
you look at him scared and shaky and that didn't go unnoticed in yuji's eyes. This only added to his mix of emotions. he walked over, taking your hand. "i don’t want you to feel embarrassed," he said, his voice laced with gentle but firm sincerity. "it's not about guilt. it's about... connection. connection we lost somewhere along the way." he gently squeezed her hand, his touch a silent plea for understanding. "can i ask you something?", you nodded in agreement.
yuji paused again briefly, choosing his words carefully. he wanted to express himself without seeming too confrontational. "why… why is it difficult for you to express gratitude?" he asked, his voice gentle but tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "is there something holding you back? Is there something i'm missing...?"
you try to control the crying that insists on hearing yuji's words "i don't... i don't deserve everything you do for me. i made so many people suffer, so many from the jujutsu school died because of me..." the urge to cry runs through your body again and you feel the tears pooling in your eyes.
yuji's expression softened even more when he saw the tears welling up in his eyes. his heart ached as he watched you struggle with guilt and self-blame. he reached out his hand, gently wiping away a tear that escaped her eyes. "stop it," he said, his voice firm but empathetic. "don't blame yourself for things that are beyond your control. it was never your intention."
"how can you be so understanding?" pats his chest lightly, avoiding looking at him. "why do you stay with me if i only make you suffer, yuji?" he just accepted your blows to the chest without flinching, his heart heavy with your self-deprecating questions. he gently wrapped his arms around you, pulling you closer in a protective hug. "because i care about you," he said, his voice gentle but determined. "because i understand that you are not intentionally causing me pain. i stay because... i believe in us. i believe in your ability to heal and overcome despite the challenges." you try to pull away from his embrace, thinking about how much you had made him suffer. "i don't deserve this, yuji. i don't deserve anything from you"
yuji doesn't let you walk away. Instead, he holds you closer, his arms gently but firmly keeping you in the embrace. he will not accept your self-sabotaging tendencies. "you don't decide that," he said, his tone firm but full of love. "you don't decide if you deserve it. i make this choice and i choose to stay because i believe in the person you are behind all this pain."
"why? why are you still like this with me?" you cry into his shoulder.
yuji's heart breaks when you cry on his shoulder. he holds you tighter, his arms wrapping around you with a mix of comfort and strength. "because i love you," he whispers, his voice full of determination. "i love you because i've seen your strength, your resilience. i love you for who you were, for who you are now, and for who you could be. and believe me, i'm not going anywhere." you feel a sense of comfort filling your heart, you knew that yuji would always be there for you, and you loved him even more for the fact that he understood what was going on in your head now.
"i love you, Yuji" you sniffle, hugging him tighter. "i know, i love you too" he says finally, stroking your hair. "i will always be with you, sweetheart".
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Casual (part 2/?)
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You genuinely thought you would just be able to have a one night stand with Melissa and move on, but one night turned into three and now you were having to return to your regular life, unsure of where you and Melissa stand.
You turn your car off, grabbing your bag before getting out. You pull your shirt down and prepare yourself for the day. You look up and see Melissa doing the exact same thing a few parking spots away from you, she turns her head, spotting you. You give her a shy smile and wave in her direction, she returns the smile and wave before shutting her car door. You both walk towards the school entrance, not saying a word. You manage to walk fast than her, beating her to the door. You grab the handle, pulling the door open for her. She slightly quickens her walk, muttering a thank you. You both walk towards the break room. The awkwardness eating you up inside.
"So-" You both start at the same time, you laugh.
"You go first" You glance over and see her nervous expression.
She looks over to you. "So" She smiles at you, making your heart speed up. "I had a lot of fun last weekend and... I'm just wondering if we can keep it between us? I don't want the whole school knowing my business."
You wanted the same thing, why should your dirty laundry be spread across the elementary school? "yeah, of course. I was thinking the same thing."
She pats your shoulder with a tight lipped smile. "Great."
You hear a knock on your door, Melissa walks into your class. "Hey, y/n" She walks over to you, setting a Tupperware in front of you.
You smile, knowing exact what was in the dish. "I've been craving this all month."
She nods. "I know, I made it the other night and forgot that I had it in my fridge."
"Thank you, Mel." You stare up at her, unknowingly driving her crazy. She squeezes her thighs together
She can't take her eye off you and neither can you. The eye contact goes on for longer than reasonable. "Do you want to come over tonight?"
She never invites people over to her house, except for Barbara. "Sure, yeah, that sounds fun."
"This is amazing- you are amazing." You say as Melissa runs her warm fingers gently up and down your arm. The light from the sun turning her hair into a fiery red.
She smiles at you. "Me too"
You roll over, snuggling closer to her. She wraps her arms loosely around your torso. "Y/n?"
you hum. "You've been an amazing friend and I don't want that to change."
You can't help the frown that forms on your face, luckily you were facing away from her. "You want to stay just friends?"
"well, yeah? I mean we haven't really talked about it, I just kind of figured. You know I'm not dating right now, I just need to let off some steam." She states, matter-of-factly.
You fight back your tears of disappointment. "Yeah, you're right"
"We can still have fun, I like the idea of having a friends with benefits relationship with you." You get up, trying to cover your naked body, you felt too vulnerable. "Hey, where are you going?"
You throw your shirt on. "I just think it's wrong to lay in bed with you if were just friends"
"We don't have to be 'just friends' though." Once your clothes are on you reach for the door but Melissa stops you. "Why can't we just keep it casual?"
"I'm just not that kind of person, Melissa. I thought you would've taken that into consideration before bringing me into your bed."
You haven't seen Melissa in two weeks, she went on a trip to visit some family and you didn't realize how much you crave to just see her, even from a distance. You know you left abruptly the last time you saw her but you wished she would've texted you while she was away. You get a notification that she posted on her instagram story, you click the notification faster than you'd like to admit. The post is a picture of a dish she's cooking in her kitchen. You look at the time she posted it and it said 'an hour ago'. You jump up, throwing on whatever coat you find and rush over to her house.
Once you pulled up to her house, you sat for a second, contemplating your actions. You weren't the kind of person to have a no-feelings relationship, especially when you already have feelings for her. Was it selfish of you to want to go with want she wants so you can have just a part of her? Before you knew it, you were already walking up to her door. You knock on the door. A few seconds went by... Then a minute... Then two. Maybe it was the universe telling you it was a bad idea. You defeatedly march back to your car, as you went to open your car door, Melissa pulled up next to you in her car. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight of her.
She got out, walking over to you. She admired the way your ears and nose were red from the winter winds. You pulled your coat tighter, shivering from the cold. "Y/n.. hey." She pulls you in for a quick hug. "Look.. I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable in any way, I should've talked to you about my intentions before sleeping with you. I really love being friends with you and I'm sorry if I screwed that up."
You shake your head. "No, I get it. I mean we're both great friends and maybe it would be fun to add some benefits to it" She smiles widely, excitement taking over her features.
"I'd like that..." She pauses. "Do you want to come in? I was trying out a new dish but fucked it up so I went out to buy some cheesesteaks. I got two, one to put away for tomorrow but if you're hungry, I don't mind giving it to you." You nod, following her up the path to her home.
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paisleypens · 2 days
Hehe it’s me again I hope you’re having a wonderful day! I hope it’s okay that I have another request!
I keep having these wonderful ideas and I just know that you’re the perfect one to write them, that’s why I ask you. (The best of the best I re-read your stories way too many times)
Could you maybe write a Spencer Reid x fem!reader? And basically the reader is VERY left out/excluded from the team? Like he tries to contribute but her voice isn’t just drowned out? Like she is just straight up ignored and feels left out? (Like maybe have a few situations on where those things happen?)
But Spencer being the lovely amazing man he is, is the only person that lets her say the things she wants to? And points out her thoughts about the cases to the team?
I don’t know you decide I just think it’s a good idea.
I just think it would be angsty yet so sweet at the same time. Thanks love!! 💕
hi mary!! this is so so sweet and comforting tysm for this request
anytime | spencer reid x f!reader
Y/N sat in her usual seat, her latest theory on the current case detailed in her notes. The team was gathered around the conference table, discussing the unsub's profile, and she was determined to contribute.
"Garcia, what do you have on the victim's background?" Hotch asked, his voice commanding.
Penelope launched into a detailed report, and Y/N saw an opportunity to share. She cleared her throat, preparing to speak, but her voice was lost as Morgan and Rossi began debating the unsub’s motivations.
Y/N sighed and slumped back in her chair, feeling the familiar pang of being overlooked. It wasn't intentional, she knew that, but it stung all the same. She glanced over at Spencer, who was deeply engrossed in his own analysis. Despite her efforts to suppress it, her heart always skipped a beat when she looked at him. He was kind, brilliant, and the only one who seemed to truly see her.
As the meeting wrapped up, Spencer approached her desk, his characteristic awkward smile on full display. “Hey, Y/N. I noticed you were trying to say something earlier. What was it?”
Y/N's cheeks flushed slightly. “Oh, it’s nothing. Just a theory about the unsub’s ritualistic behavior. But it’s not that important.”
Spencer’s smile wiped to a frown. “Everything you have to say is important. Why don’t you tell me now, and I’ll bring it up with the team?”
Y/N hesitated but eventually nodded. She explained her theory about the specific pattern in the unsub’s kills, noting similarities to ancient rituals meant to ward off evil spirits.
Spencer listened intently, his eyes never leaving hers. “That’s a fascinating angle, Y/N. We should definitely consider it.”
The next morning, the team was back in the conference room, and Spencer made sure Y/N sat next to him. As they reviewed the case files, he turned to Hotch. “Y/N has an interesting theory about the unsub’s behavior that I think we should discuss.”
Hotch looked at her, quizzically. “Is this the best use of our time?”
“Yes, it is. Hotch, it's unfair to treat Y/N as less than others just because she doesn't speak over everyone like the rest of you do.”
The room went into a stunned silence as the team looked around at each other. Everyones guilty eyes eventually landed back on Y/N.
Spencer lightly nodded and Y/N found the courage to speak up. She detailed her observations, and this time, the team listened. Rossi even praised her for noticing something they’d all overlooked.
After the meeting, Spencer caught up with her in the hallway. “See? Your insights are valuable. Don’t doubt yourself.”
Y/N smiled, her heart fluttering at his words. “Thanks, Spencer. It means a lot coming from you. You didn't have to do that”
He smiled back, a warmth in his eyes that made her heart race. “But I can and I will. Anytime, Y/N. Anytime.”
Days turned into weeks, and Y/N’s confidence grew. Spencer continued to stand by her side, always ensuring her voice was heard. The team began to notice her more, and slowly, she started feeling like she truly belonged.
One evening, as they were both working late, Spencer and Y/N found themselves alone in the uncommonly quiet office.
“Y/N, can I ask you something?” Spencer’s voice broke the silence tentatively.
“Of course, Spence. What’s up?” she replied, curious.
He took a deep breath, gathering his courage. “I... I’ve been meaning to tell you something. I... really… I like you. More than just a colleague.”
Y/N’s heart stopped. Was he saying what she thought he was saying? “Spencer, I... I feel the same way. I’ve had a crush on you for a while now.”
His eyes widened in surprise, a mixture of relief and joy flooding his features. “Really? I thought it was just me.”
Y/N laughed softly, the tension melting away. “No, it’s definitely not just you.”
Spencer smiled, a genuine, heartfelt smile. “I’m glad to hear that. Maybe we could... go out sometime? Just the two of us?”
“I’d love that,” Y/N said, her heart swelling with happiness.
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sosa2imagines · 2 days
Broken Hearts. Part 9
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Warnings- Fluff, angst, manipulation, threats, mean exes.
May greeted you warmly, her eyes sparkling with gratitude. “Thank you so much for coming to meet us so early.” she beamed. You returned her smile, feeling a sense of satisfaction. “No problem, May.” you responded, your voice filled with sincerity. “I'm happy to help.”
The night had been perfect...or at least it had seemed that way. You and Lloyd had finally stolen a moment for yourselves, and things were heading in the right direction. But as fate would have it, his work had intervened once more, breaking the magic of the moment.
You were satisfied... well... almost satisfied.
You had decided, that the next time you finally got some alone time with Lloyd, you were determined to keep his phone far away from reach.
Morning came, and Lloyd was snuggled up next to you, both of you enjoying the intimate moment. But just as you were about to lean in for a kiss, your phone started ringing.
You sighed in frustration, grumbling under your breath. It's like the phone has a sixth sense for ruining these moments.
May wanted to meet you, before she goes on a week long holiday with her husband Happy. May had a way of saying things as they were, without sugar-coating, but also being sorry, if it sounded terrible.
May took a moment to steady herself before continuing. “Your ex-husband called me...” she said carefully, her voice laced with concern.
The mention of your ex-husband's name sent a pang of pain through your chest, and you instinctively flinched. Beside you, Lloyd began rubbing your back soothingly, offering silent support.
 “He wanted me to quit 'Snowflakes.' He offered me a lot of money.”
Both you and Lloyd snapped your heads up, eyes wide with surprise. Lloyd was about to speak, but May quickly cut him off. “I said no!” she asserted firmly.
“No?” you asked in disbelief, the shock evident in your voice. May nodded, a small smirk playing on her lips as she continued. “He kept asking me if I was sure, if I had lost my mind for saying no to him and his money,” she recounted. “I told him to shove it up his ass.”
Lloyd let out a bark of laughter at May's crude response, clearly impressed by her bravery.
May quickly looks around to see if Peter was listening, but thankfully he was still in his room.
May leaned in closer, a hint of anger in her voice. “Then he tried to lure me in, by bad-mouthing you, saying that you make videos of private moments...” she whispered, her voice dropping to a low murmur.
Your jaw dropped in shock at the audacity of your ex-husband to stoop so low. Lloyd's hand clenched involuntarily, almost as if ready to punch something.
You had been listening to everything May had said thus far, trying to remain composed and stoic.
But when she mentioned what Steve had tried to do, all the tears you had been holding back came streaming down your face. You were left speechless, your emotions too overwhelming to put into words.
You were done and tired explaining your innocence.
Lloyd quickly pulled you into his arms, gathering you in a tight embrace. You buried your face in his chest and let the tears flow freely, sobbing into his shirt. He held you, rubbing soothing circles on your back, offering silent support.
May continued to rub your arm, her touch gentle and soothing, like a mother comforting child.
“Dear...” she said, her voice filled with kindness, “Don't worry. Lloyd has already told us about Steve. We know you had no idea about the video, and trust us, no one is judging you.”
She paused for a moment, a sympathetic glint in her eyes. “I can swear your aunt must be rolling in her grave to shoot that bastard.” she added, her words filled with anger towards Steve's actions.
Your gaze shifted from May to Lloyd, who smiled bashfully back at you. “Sugar...” he said, “I told you I'd take care of everything. I knew Steve would stoop low, so I had warned Happy and May about everything.”
His words brought a smile to your lips, your heart swelling with gratitude for him. You leaned in to kiss him, and he accepted it affectionately, his arms wrapping around you in a protective embrace.
Happy's voice rang out confidently, “Steve won't do any shit. We're not like him. He can buy anything he wants, but not us. Threatening you to continue your relationship or punish you for ending your marriage is a crime.”
May chimed in, her tone sincere, “We're proud of you, Y/n.”
You couldn't help but smile at their words and hugged them both. Feeling loved and supported by their unwavering loyalty.
May looked at you earnestly, her gaze sincere. “There's one thing,” she said, her voice serious. “I need a favor from you.”
You met her gaze, your curiosity piqued. “Of course,” you responded, eager to know what she needed. “Tell me, please.”
May nodded, a grateful smile spreading across her face. “Yes,” she confirmed. “Happy and I are going on a week-long vacation, and we won't be able to look after 'Snowflakes'. Peter, and MJ will be here, but...”
You finished her sentence, realizing what she was asking. “You want me to look after them?”
May nodded again, her expression relieved. “Exactly,” she confirmed. “Would you be okay with that?”
You smiled confidently as you replied to May, “I would be more than happy to help. In fact, this will be a great start towards my responsibility for 'Snowflakes'!”
You glanced at Lloyd, seeking his agreement. He was hesitant at first, but seeing the determination and excitement in your eyes, he gave in, albeit reluctantly.
However, he made a silent vow to have the place protected with bodyguards and to secretly drop in for frequent surprise visits.
“Lloyd?” “Of course Sugar but few of my men will guard the place” “Ok done!” you didn’t even argue, as you are excited to start.
May and Happy were set to leave in few minutes, so Peter offered to take you to the café, which you accepted.
Though Lloyd was not at all happy about it, so you whispered in his ear “I promise I'll be a bad girl tonight…” He gulped and let you go, not before smacking your ass.
May eyed Lloyd carefully, her tone stern. “You better treat her way better than her idiot ex.” she warned, referring to Steve.
Lloyd chuckled at her words, a smirk playing on his lips. “Don't worry, May...” he reassured her. “I'll treat her right.” He then added with a smirk, “Have a sexy holiday.”
You took in the sight of your aunt's cafe, noticing how it remained largely unchanged. “Wow, my aunt didn't change this place at all, huh?” you remarked.
Peter nodded in agreement. “Nah, just a few touches here and there...” he replied. He then spotted MJ approaching, and called out to her, “Hey, MJ!”
MJ, ever energetic, rushed over to you and enthusiastically enveloped you in a hug. “Hey, Peter and Y/n!” she exclaimed. You laughed and hugged her back, a warm feeling swelling within you. “I'm happy to see you too.” you replied, grateful for their presence.
MJ looked at you intrigued, her eyes sparkling with eagerness. “So, are you going to work with us?” she inquired, her voice filled with anticipation.
You chuckled, your excitement evident in your voice. “Of course, I am!” you responded. “Come on, show me around.”
For the next twenty minutes, MJ and Peter, took you through the cafe, pointing out both the old and new additions.
Your aunt had done an excellent job of maintaining the cafe's original charm while subtly introducing improvements here and there.
The atmosphere inside was positive and inviting, and you couldn't help but feel a pang of nostalgia mixed with excitement.
As the tour concluded, your gaze landed on a small counter adorned with dummy phones. “Why are there so many dummy phones?” you asked, curious.
MJ chuckled and explained, “Those are for kids to distract them.”
You picked up one of the phones to examine it closely. “Looks real,” you commented, impressed by the phone's realistic appearance.
As the bell over the door chimed, you instinctively responded, “Welcome to Café Snowflakes.” However, immersed in your thoughts about the dummy phones, you didn't look up to see who had entered.
“Hello doll.”
Your heart skipped a beat as a familiar voice greeted you with the pet name. Time seemed to stand still as a deep sense of disbelief and dread washed over you. It couldn't be...no, it couldn't be him. But if it was him that means you had really seen him that day.
As you slowly turn around, but sure enough, there he was, standing before you with a smug grin on his face.
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Part 8- Part 10
Taglist- @imyourbratzdoll @blackhawkfanatic @ordelixx @sapphirebarnes @ilovetaquitosmmmm
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @vicmc624 @thezombieprostitute @nekoannie-chan @emerald-writes
@redbloodedgurl @cjand10 @chemtrails-club @slutforchrisjamalevans @gracescor3
@ghostlythinggoingaround @princezzjasmine @3xclusivemariii @ephemeral-oasis
@geeky-politics-46 @dexter99 @calwitch
@whore-for-chris-evans @caplanreblogsfics
@pono-pura-vida @lesleurs @iwudbutnah @renegadesgirl1991
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libraryofgage · 2 days
The Wish Job (One)
Part of: Steve Deserves Good Parents, Actually
Debbie and Fester Addams One | Two | Three | Four | Five Rick and Evelyn O'Connell One | Two | Three Harley Quinn One | Two1 0th Doctor and Rose One | Two (on the way!) Scooby Gang (there are plans for this one lmao, so plz be patient with me orz) Jedidiah and Octavius (from Night at the Museum) One | Two Queen Clarisse Renaldi One | Two | Three Leverage Crew One (you're here!)
This fic was line jumped! If you'd like to learn more about line jumping (getting to see your favorite fics updated sooner) you can read this post
I had a lot of thoughts for this AU, actually, so I'm really glad it got line jumped so I was forced to put them down into words lol
Steve becomes one of Nana's foster kids, but he spends a majority of this series with the Leverage crew working a job (as the name of this series suggests), and they fill similarly parental role.
As always, if you see any typos, no you didn't ;P
After his father's arrest, everything is a blur. Steve can remember flashes, sure, but nothing concrete. Nothing more than two FBI agents in the door of his classroom, the cold steel of interrogation room chairs, an agent's ponytail with split ends, a kind smile but clammy hand on his elbow, the broken A/C of the car when he finally left the FBI office, and the slippery feel of the garbage bag he's given to pack 14 years of a life he'll never see again.
Nothing comes back into focus until he's faced with an older black woman, standing outside a two-story house. The man with a kind smile but clammy hands introduces her, but Steve doesn't actually hear the name.
"You can call me Nana," the woman says, looking at the man like she doesn't know why he's still there when his work is obviously done.
"Well, uh, Steve, feel free to call if you need anything. We'll keep in touch," the man says, nodding before half-running down the walk way.
"Never liked him," Nana says, clicking her tongue. "Too damn squirrely for my tastes. Now, Steve, come inside and we'll go over some ground rules."
Steve follows her mechanically, gripping his trash bag tightly and wondering far too late why he wasn't allowed to pack his own suitcases. The house is a cacophony of noises: feet running across wood floors, a TV blaring from the living room, shouts coming from every direction, a microwave beeping while the oven timer rings, a crash from the next room over that makes Steve wince.
Nana stands in the doorway, takes a deep breath, and then shouts at the top of her lungs, "Y'all had better stop all this racket right the fuck now before I cancel pizza night!"
The house goes silent, and Steve feels his shoulders tense even more. He hates the silence. Silence means anger, and anger means punishment. He clenches his jaw, trying to keep himself small as Nana nods and leads the way into a dining room.
A girl appears in the room shortly after, carrying a mug and a soda. She places the mug in front of Nana and the soda in front of an empty seat, gesturing for Steve to sit. "Welcome. I can take your bag, if you want," she offers, looking at the trash bag with bright eyes.
"Don't make trouble, Breanna," Nana says, dismissing her easily.
Steve watches her leave before sitting. He licks his lips, opens the soda as quietly as he can manage, and waits for Nana to take a sip from her mug before saying, "Thank you for taking me in, ma'am."
"I said to call me Nana, none of that ma'am business unless you're in trouble, and you're not in trouble," she says, waving her hand dismissively. "Now, the rules. No complaining about sharing a room. No TV remote access after seven because that's when my shows start. We all eat dinner together on Wednesday night. You go to school every day unless you're sick, and you tell me when you're feeling sick. You got all that?"
"Yes, m....Nana."
"Good. Now, I know you're used to a fancier living than this, but I expect you to adjust without too much complaint. You still get your own bed, and whatever you brought is yours to keep, but money is tight. We save where we can, and I expect you to help with that. Turn off lights, use less water, unplug things when you're not using them."
Steve nods again, inexplicably feeling a little better as Nana speaks. She's not treating him like a spoiled brat, but she's not coddling him, either. She gets another boy (an older one named Hardison) to give him a tour of the house. He shows Steve the mezzuzahs on each door and the Kaaba directional marker in each room---"We're a multi-denominational household, kid, Nana will get whatever you need if she doesn't have it already," Hardison says, grinning widely at him---and makes sure he knows which spots are good for hiding when he needs a few minutes.
He ends the tour at Steve's new room. It has two bunk-beds, three of the bunks with rumpled sheets and one bottom bunk devoid of sheets altogether. Hardison gives Steve blue sheets, welcomes him, and then leaves Steve to unpack by himself.
It's new, it's unfamiliar, it's terrifying. Steve hopes, despite himself, that it's not a temporary stop.
"I don't care! He can't stay!"
"We're already in London, Hardison. We can hardly send him back on a plane by himself."
"Isn't that how he got here in the first place? He's 17, not seven."
Steve moves his gaze from Hardison to Sophie to Eliot, feeling like he's watching a tennis match. He's sandwiched between Nate and Parker, a hand on his shoulder holding him back from trying to defend himself. Not that he's upset about it. Keeping everyone from turning their frustration on him sounds like a great idea.
"Yeah, and how did he get here?" Parker asks, dashing Steve's hopes right as they're forming.
He shifts uncomfortably as everyone looks at him, ducking his head and staring at the floor. A small part of him is frustrated, angrily protesting the familiar move when its usual target has long been absent.
"Hey, give him some room," Hardison says, moving forward to push Nate and Parker back a few steps. He stands at an angle to Steve, leaving him plenty of room to move away if he wants. "Nobody's angry, kid. Well, I'm a little mad, but only because you could be putting yourself in danger. So, how'd you catch up to us?"
Steve wonders for a brief moment about whose wrath he'd rather endure. In the end, he decides Breanna is scarier than Hardison, so he lies. "Nana and I overheard you on the phone with Parker at Hannukah dinner, and then Nana said she gets worried about you sometimes," he says, meeting Hardison's eyes before glancing away. He makes himself small again, but it's on purpose this time, broadcasting shame as he adds, "I still have, um, access to my savings account...from my....from them. Enough for a plane ticket and cab ride, at least."
"Aww, Nana worries about us," Parker says, smiling brightly as she nudges Eliot with her elbow. "That's sweet."
"If it weren't a lie," Sophie says, her lips pursed and her eyebrows raised slightly as she walks closer to Steve. She taps his shoulder, his temple, and his hand. "Lowered head but not as low as before. Shoulders drawn in but tense to hold them there. Fingers twitching just slightly. Impressive, I will admit, but I'm a professional, darling."
Steve sighs and lifts his head, his shoulders relaxing some as he frowns. "You didn't have to call me out on it," he mumbles.
"Breanna got you here, didn't she? Ain't no way you'd lie to protect anyone else."
"She could ruin me, Hardison."
"I can ruin you, too, did you forget about that?"
Steve considers him for a moment before shrugging.
"Well," Nate says, clapping his hands together and pulling everyone's attention to him. "Steve is here now, we might as well use him. Sophie, give him an Italian accent and some suede shoes."
"I can already speak Italian," Steve says, "and I have my own suede shoes to match a Cesare Attolini suit." He feels something like guilt twinge in his stomach when Hardison glances at him. Steve's mother may have forfeited custody of him, but she still sends gifts every now and then. Steve usually sells them, slips the cash into drawers and wallets and couch cushions so they can be discovered by Nana and his foster siblings.
The suit and shoes, though? Steve couldn't bring himself to sell them. If there was one thing he missed about life before Nana's foster home, it was the clothes. It was the way his clothes made him feel like a better version of himself, a version everyone would admire and approve of. So, yeah, he'd kept the clothes and shoes his mother sent him two months ago, and he'd packed them for this trip just because.
He'd glad they seem to be coming in handy.
After processing his words, Nate blinks, a smile growing on his face like he's discovered a treasure he won't be letting go of any time soon.
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wuucchoo · 12 hours
Understanding Tsumiki and Megumi's relationship
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Hey there! It's me, Megumi's defense attorney - here once more to defend my boy.
I've been seeing A LOT of people saying they cannot sympathize with Megumi's grief because they don't know Tsumiki that well. And although I would argue that you don't need to know the person who died for you to sympathize with the one who was left behind - I do understand what these people mean, i don't agree with them! But I understand why they think this. And yes, we dont know Tsumiki.
However, we first need to understand why gege chose to present Tsumiki this way. On a surface level, she can only be seen as 'the thing that would cause Megumi's downfall' - we dont know her thoughts, her ambitions, her real personality, anything really - except for what Megumi says about her. A 'textbook good person'.
And that's because she is a character that we were only able to see through someone else's eyes. We don't know Tsumiki, because Megumi doesn't know Tsumiki.
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BUT WAIT!! What do I mean by that?
Before that though, I would like to say first! This doesn't mean that Megumi's love for her is diminished by this. Just because he doesn't know her doesn't mean he doesn't love her. Megumi cares about her more than anyone in his life, and that's a fact!
Now we can proceed! What does this mean? Let's look at this page from ch 56: origin of obedience:
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This was a case that they have been investigating, and it is pretty damn close to Megumi's and Tsumiki's old school. And yet, the thought that Tsumiki might have went to the bridge with her classmates never crossed his mind. He doesnt know that Tsumiki is someone capable of breaking the rules, going against curfew, and joining her friends to go to a haunted bridge in the dead of night. This boy Megumi thinks his sister is a damn saint.
He put Tsumiki on a pedestal, and it resulted in her turning into nothing but the mold of a good person Megumi uses to judge other people. If a person is not Tsumiki-shaped, then they're not worth saving. ((Luckily for Yuuji, he IS Tsumiki-shaped lmao. But anyway!))
Truth be told, I used to think it sucks that we never knew Tsumiki outside of what Megumi says. I never felt bad when she died, I felt bad that Megumi's sister died. I felt bad FOR Megumi.
And now that I actually think on it, THAT was the exact point. We dont NEED to know Tsumiki, we only needed to see her through Megumi's eyes - and through that, understand that Megumi doesn't really know her that well.
It is something that Megumi have to mull over. Why did he keep Tsumiki at an arm's length despite how much he cares for her? Why is it so hard for him to let people in? Why is asking someone for help so difficult for him?
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Look at the face he was making in Toji's memory. That's a kid who shows his emotions outright. My boy is pouting (つ╥﹏╥)つ. But when Gojo met him, Megumi has become a total idgafker (at least on the outside). And thats not only because Gojo was a stranger - coz thats how he looks like when he talks to Tsumiki too. It's because he became that way when Toji left.
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Anyway, my point is, due to Megumi's abandonment issues - he never let anyone in. EVER. Not even Tsumiki. Megumi put a wall between him and other people - for his own protection. The one who came a little bit close into breaking that wall is Yuuji (and we are yet to see how that goes).
And this is why, we as the readers are all detached from Tsumiki's character. Because we saw her through Megumi's eyes, who loves her and cares about her very, very much - yet despite that he never let her get too close. (っ- ‸ - ς)
If you read up to here, whats up! Thank you for reading! Feel free to counter it or anything, Im happy to discuss!
((also something to add: Megumi cares so much about Tsumiki because she's the first one who actively chose to stay - amidst all the people who left.
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this was inspired by a great megumi character analysis i found on twitter:
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read it if you have time! its really good!
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ghoastixx · 3 days
hi! I saw you wanted supernatural requests so I was wondering if you could do Sam with an Angel! Reader? Like he finds them on a hunt and brings them back to a motel and they eventually fall in love or something? Please and thank you!
Sam Winchester x GN Angel!Reader
Notes: I absolutely adore this prompt!! I love angel imagery and 'religious' themes in media, especially in horror content. This is so cute to me?? I love it???
Synopsis above
Castiel was Dean Winchester's angel.. but you? You were Sam's.
Well... Sam hadn't known about you, and there were a few times where Castiel sensed you near and almost blew your cover. You hadn't even meant to get caught by Sam when you did.. but it was such a close call..
Sam had been on a solo hunt, a witch.. But it had gone wrong, a demon had showed and had him good.. so you may or may not have threw the door open and put your vessel in danger. You meant to get out as quickly as you came but it was too late. Sam had questions.
"Ruby..?" Ruby.. yes the demon. She had been staying away from Sam since you had started keeping a closer eye on him.
"No. I am no demon." Sam wiped some blood from his mouth, confused.
"Who are you?"
"My name is Y/n and I am an angel of the Lord,"
So, of course, in usual hunter fashion, he took you to his car and tried out every single trick in the book to harm you. When none of it worked, he sat you in the passenger seat of the rental he was using, and called dean.
"Dean, is Castiel there?"
"Yeah, Sammy what's up?"
"I need you to ask him if he knows of another angel who goes by Y/n.."
"Have you got yourself an angel too now, Sammy? What, I can never be the special one?"
"Dean just ask him! This is serious."
"Fine.. Fine-" Then another voice was on the phone.
"Hello Sam," You couldn't' help but smile a bit. Castiel.
"Cas I need-" Cas cut him off,
"Dean told me that Y/n was there, is that true?"
"Well- yeah, you know-"
"Y/n, you're the one I've been sensing, yes?" Sam handed you the phone. You looked at it, not knowing what to do. You talked at it.
"Castiel? Yes. It's me. Your voice.. it's in a box-"
"Yes, its fascinating, isn't it? Sam will bring you to us tomorrow, I have a lot of questions."
"O-okay-" You handed the phone back to Sam who hung up.
"So.. How long have you been watching me?"
"A while. Since Dean's return from hell."
"Why reach out now?"
"I didn't wish to do it. You were in danger."
"Why have you been watching me?"
"You think Dean was the only one who deserved to be protected? My job is to watch over you."
"Like a guardian angel?"
"No I'm a soldier."
"Well yes- I mean-" He paused. "Why don't we go back to my motel room and talk more there."
You were mostly quiet. Your eyes seemed harsh, like how castiel's used to be.
Sam unlocked the room and went in to sit on the bed. You walked in but stayed standing. He then bombarded you with questions.
But, that was months ago. Now you were staying in the bunker when you could alongside Castiel and the Winchester brothers. You and Castiel seemed to have an unspoken understanding of each other though. He kept his watch on Dean and you kept your eye on Sam. But lately it had seen like Sam was keeping his eyes on you more and more. Dean had given you some advice, saying to "Go get 'em feathers,"
"Sam?" You wandered into his room, he was sitting on his bed with a book. He was researching for the next hunt.
"yes?" he put it to the side to look at you, which made your vessel feel warm.
"Dean told me I needed to talk to you." Sam smiled,
"Oh yeah? What did he put you up to."
"No, I asked him some questions. He suggested I talk to you about it. Whenever I see you.. my vessel.. my stomach gets all warm and fuzzy and my face feels hot.."
He smiled, "Are you trying to tell me you like me?"
"Good. I like you too, angel."
"Good." you said like it was normal. "Now.. what do humans usually do-"
"Do you want to research with me?" he asked, softly.
"Yes.. I'd like that."
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finniestoncrane · 10 hours
Hey! I'm sorry I'm late with the whole anon stuff, but I just wanted to hop on the train and say that you really shouldn't listen to the rubbish that they're spewing. That's all it is, rubbish. You have a large community that absolutely adores your content and how you write characters (myself included - seriously, I freaking love your Riddlers and Scarecrows), so as long as you remember that - and that your mental health comes first - then they're powerless.
You're spreading positivity and those idiots are spreading negativity. They're clearly the ones in the wrong.
Keep being you, because that's who your community loves.
PS: Could we hear more about your OC?? I absolutely adore their design and the art I've seen for them!
thank you!! i have no way of expressing how much it means to me to be surrounded by other kind people and pleasant messages every day on here ;-;
even just one person who is nice outweighs three people who are horrible, it's easier to say that than to feel it, but i know that's true u-u 💚💚💚 ALSO YES PLEASE i love talking about my ocs, i assume you mean connie? (or maybe morrigan...) but i'll bung them in below the read more!!
connie is my self-insert who is braver and cuter than me lol she's in her angst era right now, i'm thinking of writing a lot of will they won't they but probably they won't stuff for her and eddie because i am feeling things about him not wanting to commit to a) anyone, b) a weirdo who offers him no social clout, and c) a fat girl given the way he sometimes speaks about oswald so yeah it'll be neat to explore that >:3
i was adapting her for a fallout au but i made a new oc instead, so connie can live safely in her non irradiated (but still terrible) home with eddie for now lol
i also need to flesh out more about her little dog i gave her, who is called bingly and who she found in the sewers (i think he'd look like the below puppies!!)
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i gotta get back to morrigan too, i wanted to write about her and jonathan's relationship since she's his favourite student (and since she's the only mature student in her class he's the only one who she feels she can talk to) but i got distracted by ghouls HOWEVER since the new design for arkham scarecrow looks a lot like my jonathan, i think once i've watched the gameplay i'll be ready to give morrigan her horrible ever after with her beloved professor crane >:3c
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somanyratsinthewalls · 17 hours
congrats on the 700! i love your work 🫶🏼🫶🏼 can i suggest a blue rooster 👀 maybe drunk/nightclub ish themed tyyyy
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THANK YOU FOR REQUESTING and man the Sanji girls SHOWED UP for this prompt game! And I am sooo not complaining... I love this man.
Pairing: Sanji x Fem!Reader
Prompt/Trope: Drunk/High Sex
WC: 2700 oops
Warnings: DRINKING AND INTOXICATION if this bothers you please don’t read! I know how consent works but these are two adults having a nice time it’s fine here I promise. Stay safe out there in real life, tho! unprotected sex, creampies, blowjob, spitting, dirty talk, once again they're a lil drunk but it's cool.
Let's Dance (+18)
“I’m not going with Usopp, he whines the whole time!” You shout.
“Yeah well I don’t want to go with you OR Robin! I don’t want to go to a stupid book store!” Usopp spits back at you. 
“I don’t care who I go with as long as it isn’t the ugly shitty cook. I’d hate to have to save both of us if we get attacked.” Zoro says casually. 
“No problems there, asshole. I’d like to not get lost for once.” Sanji quips back as he holds his cigarette between his teeth. 
“You guys, stop fighting! Let’s all go together!” Chopper looked distraught. 
“We’re wanted criminals, Chopper. I don’t think the whole lot of us together would allow us to keep a low profile.” Robin states as she pats Chopper’s head. 
“I don’t care who goes with me, I just want to go to that barbecue place we passed sailing in!” Luffy grins and you could have sworn saliva was pooling in the corners of his mouth. 
None of you could decide on who you wanted to be paired up with the explore the island, and unfortunately your crew had a method for solving these kinds of disputes... and everyone hated it.
“ALRIGHT I’M GETTING THE STRAWS!” Nami, frustrated, calls out as she heads to her room to grab the dreaded bag of straws. 
Groans echoed across the deck of the Sunny. 
Nami returned and every one lined up, waiting to pick from the bag. Pairs would be assigned by who drew the same length straws. 
“If I get paired with moss head I’m drowning myself before we even dock.” Sanji, lined up next to you, rolls his eyes and takes a drag of his cigarette. 
“And if I have to go with Franky to the boring-ass lumber yard I’m going to hang myself from the top sail.” You sigh. 
All the straws had been distributed and you look down at the one in your hand. 
You hear an excited gasp from directly to your left. 
Sanji was holding his straw up to yours, they matched. 
“UGGGGHHHHH!!!” You groan and huff. You even make a show of stomping your feet and pouting. “I’m stuck with the pervert?!”
“Ha ha!” Zoro points at you across the circle and laughs. 
“Shut up, moss balls!” You scowl.
“Y/n mon amour! How wonderful we get to spend the evening together!” Sanji’s eyes sparkled as he smiled down at you. You roll your eyes dramatically. 
This was going to be a long night. 
— — — 
You had your arms crossed in annoyances as Sanji followed at your heels obediently while you walked through the town. The sun had gone down and it seemed like this village had quite the active nightlife. 
“I know you aren’t keen on being paired up with me, my sweet, but I promise we can do anything you want, any shop, any restaurant, it’s on me!” Sanji gushed at you. 
You see a seedy looking club with bright neon signs up ahead. You stop walking. 
“Anything I want, huh?” You say without turning around. 
“Of course, darling!”
“Let’s get drunk.” You smile a bit and cross the street towards the club. 
“O-oh? Um… I mean, yes! Whatever you desire!” Sanji jogs after you. 
Sanji ducks past you as you approach the club so he could hold the door open for you. You’re immediately met with thumping music and the smell of cigarettes and alcohol. 
“See, you can smoke inside!” You say as you pass Sanji to enter the establishment. 
“T-that’s nice… OH-“ 
Once the two of you entered and your eyes adjusted to the dim lighting, you realize that the cocktail waitresses were scantily dressed in mini skirts and bras. You sense that Sanji wasn’t by your side anymore. He was frozen in place. You storm up to him in a huff. 
“If you ruin my night of partying because you need a fucking blood transfusion, I’ll make sure you never see another boob again! Not one!” You seethe up at him, poking a stern finger into his chest. 
“Right! Okay! I’ll be fine, I promise!” Sanji straightens his tie after snapping out of his breast-induced stupor. 
“Now shut up and buy me a drink.” You grab Sanji’s hand and pull him towards two seats at the bar. 
Sanji pulls out the barstool for you and allows you to hop up whilst still holding his hand. You pull your hand back once comfortably seated and you feel a bit of a reluctant pull before Sanji releases you from his grasp. You shoot him a “don’t even think about it” kind of glare… one he had received from you many times before. 
Sanji clears his throat before beckoning over the barkeep. 
“A glass of cabernet, and a-?” Sanji looks at you and cocks a curly brow in question. 
“Gin martini. Filthy.” You smile wickedly. 
A few moments go by waiting for your drinks so you scope out the place. The club was so dark you had a hard time examining your surroundings. There was a dance floor, heavily packed with gyrating, sweaty people in a mess of hands and limbs. There were also booths scattered around the floor and almost each one was filled with a couple making out or at least engaged in some heavy petting. 
“Wow this place is certainly something.” You whistle and turn your stool around to face the bar again. “I think those people at your 8 clock are actually humping.” You shake your head. 
Sanji whips his head back to look and immediately turns back to the bar, eyes wide. 
“God, I feel like I’m interrupting something.” Sanji’s cheeks blush pink. 
The barkeep arrives with your drinks and Sanji pays him, with a hefty tip of course. 
Sanji picks up his glass of wine and holds it out to you. 
“Cheers to a lovely evening, with an even lovelier lady.”  
You find yourself rolling your eyes again.  You clink your martini against his drink. 
You take several swigs of your drink and set it back down on the bar top. Sanji notices that it’s already over halfway finished. 
“You’re not going to be a cheap date, are you?” You gives you a playful smirk. 
“Not a chance.” You grin up at him before turning to flag down the bartender again. 
— — — 
“Okay okay okay, but like, if you HAD to cook a person.. what part are you cooking and how?” You say with a giggle with your umpteenth martini close to your lips. 
“That’s absolutely vile, y/n! I would never do such a thing!” Sanji looks at you with wide eyes, a tipsy smile forming at the corners of his mouth. 
“Okay but you HAVE to.” You press further. 
There was a long pause. 
“Well human flesh is the most similar to pork… so I guess I’d slow roast the rump with seasonal vegetables and red wine.” He eventually remarks. 
You make eye contact and both immediately burst out laughing. 
“Wow it’s incredible to know that the first thing you’d do after I die is eat my ass!” You laugh loudly. 
“Sweetheart I’d eat your ass right now at this bar!” Sanji says with a grin. 
You choke on your drink and push his shoulder playfully, calling him a pervert in the process. You finish your martini and set the empty glass back down on the bar top. You lift your pointer and middle fingers towards Sanji’s face and snip them together like scissors. 
“You are drunk.” Sanji says as he passes you his cigarette. 
“Na uh.” You tease as you take a long drag of the cigarette. 
“You only ever ask me for a smoke when you’re drunk.” He smirks at you before taking the cigarette back from your slender, delicate fingers. 
“How about asking you for a dance then?” You say as you hop down from your bar stool. You grab Sanji’s tie and gentle pull him along as you walk backwards towards the dance floor. Sanji snuffs out his cigarette and follows you with his mouth slightly agape. You lead him through the crowd of sweaty bodies and once you found enough space you pulled him close to you and put your hands around his neck. One of your hands threaded up through his blonde locks as he wrapped his hands around your waist. 
The bass-heavy club music was thumping through your ears and the alcohol was flowing through your bloodstream. You couldn’t help but notice how nice it felt to be held by such strong hands as you gyrated your hips against Sanji’s slender ones. 
Sanji leans his head down and presses his forehead against yours, you smile drunkenly. 
“You look so fucking hot right now…” Sanji says at a volume just loud enough for you to hear him over the thrum of the music. 
With your inhibitions completely gone, you kissed him. 
You felt Sanji freeze briefly as you pressed your lips against his before he continued his movements against you. The grip on your hips tightens and pulls you even closer against his crotch as he presses his tongue into your mouth. 
You gladly accept the intrusion and return the kiss with similar fervor. You make out on the dance floor for what seems like ages before you finally pull back. 
“Y/n..” Sanji gazes at you, pupils blown wide from lust and intoxication. 
“Come on.” You grab Sanji’s hand and pull him towards a darkened hallway that you could only assume housed the club’s restrooms. You burst through one of the restroom doors, thankfully finding it empty. Sanji locks the door behind you and immediately he attacks your lips again, hands gripping the sides of your face tightly. He kisses you hungrily, like he’ll never taste you again and he needs to get as much of you as he can. 
“Slow down, baby boy, I’m not going anywhere…” You purr as you pull back to press Sanji’s back against the locked bathroom door. You drop to your knees. If you had been sober, there would be no way you'd let your bare lets touch the floor of a public bathroom, but here you were anyway.
“M-my love I-I-“ Sanji stutters. 
“Just shut up…” You whisper as you nuzzle your nose into Sanji’s clothed erection straining against his suit pants. You unbuckle his belt and pull down his trousers and boxers in one go. It was a bit clumsy but you eventually got to what you were after… Sanji’s thick cock sprang from his waist band and nearly knocked you in the face with how hard he was. 
You waste no time and grip Sanji by the base and engulf the head of his cock in your warm, eager mouth. 
“Fuck!” Sanji exclaims and threads both his hands into your hair. You were thankful the club’s music was so loud, because you could already tell that this man didn’t know how to be discrete. 
You bob your head back and forth down his shaft a few times before loosening your throat and taking him all the way down to the base. You gag and nestle your nose in his neatly trimmed, honey blond hair. You pull back off his cock and spit the remaining saliva back onto his member before catching your breath. 
“You’re fucking perfect, y/n..” Sanji says lovingly as he strokes your reddened cheek with his soft thumb. You smile stupidly up at him and shove his cock back into your mouth. “Oh my god, just like that baby… so good…” Sanji continues to coo down at you as you service him with your lips and tongue. You were glad he was a bit drunk or else he would have no doubt shot his load down your throat by now, and you wanted it elsewhere. 
You pull off his cock with a lewd pop and a string of saliva still connected it to your lips.
“Fuck me.” You smirk up at him. 
“As you wish, love.” Sanji picks you up off the floor and sets you gently yet hurriedly on the sink counter. Sanji pulls your dress down your torso and your breasts spill out. He immediately dips his head to capture one of your tits in his plush lips. You whine at the feeling of his tongue against your sensitive nipple. Sanji notices you bucking your hips in need and pulls off of you to hike your dress above your hips, exposing your wet panties. He spreads your legs with his strong hands as you were seated on the counter. He roughly grips your panties and rips them into pieces so he could have immediate access. 
“So beautiful, mon amour…” Sanji whispers to you breathlessly as he slides his cock head up and down through your wetness, not taking his eyes off your glistening sex. 
“Please, need you…” You whimper as you wiggle your hips, trying to entice him to finally enter you. 
Sanji answers your plea by stuffing you slowly making you loll your head back and moan. His girth stretched you so perfectly, his curve hitting you in your favorite spot. 
“Shit…” Sanji is almost speechless as your cunt sucks him in so deeply. 
“Fuck me hard, Sanji… please…” You white knuckle grip the edge of the bathroom counter, trying to stay balanced in your inebriated state.  
Sanji responds by pulling out and plowing his hips into yours rapidly creating a lewd wet slapping sound that reverberated around the tile walls of the bathroom. 
“Fuck! Yes! Like that!” You cry out, your sweet spot being hammered with every thrust. Sanji gripped your hip with one hand and brought one hand to your chin, sticking his thumb in your mouth. You immediately wrap your lips around his digit and suck. 
“Sweet little slut… so pretty…” Sanji cooed at you as your pussy greedily accepted his cock over and over and over again. 
You moan around Sanji’s thumb and drool drips from your lips. 
“My dirty girl… going to cum?” Sanji asks you, teasingly. 
You nod furiously. 
“Give it to me, my love…” 
You oblige and let the tightening band in your lower half snap, gushing your release all over Sanji’s abdomen and thighs. You moan loudly and your eyes roll in the back of your head. 
“W-where should I-“
“Inside! Please!” You yelp through overstimulation. 
“Shit-“ Sanji grunts and pants as he humps you through his orgasm, spurting hot cum to coat your insides. He rests his forehead against yours for a moment, trying to catch his breath before pulling out. A true gentlemen, he fixes your dress by pulling the skirt back down and pushing your breasts back in gently before pulling up his own trousers. 
He picks your shaking form up gently from the counter and sets you down on the tile floor. 
“W-we should probably get back…” You say softly. 
“You’re right, come, love.” Sanji grabs your hand and walks you out of the bathroom and out of the club entirely. 
Sanji doesn’t release your hand the whole walk back to the ship and you don’t try to pull it away. Several times on the trip back you look at each other and break into fits of giggles. No words needed to be said. Eventually, you make it back to the Sunny and cross the gangplank, hoping to slip to your bedroom unnoticed by any of your crew members. 
“Geez, you guys look like shit. You get into a fight?” You turn after taking only just two steps onto the ship. Zoro was sitting up against the mast on night watch. You groan. 
“Don’t you need to go be stupid somewhere else, moss head?” Sanji angrily retorts. 
“And what the fuck happened to your dress, y/n? You piss yourself or something? You really are a lightweight.” 
You look down and notice the stain on your dress and the wetness on the inside of your legs. 
“Um! Maybe I should shower! Goodnight Zoro! Care to join me, Sanji It was a long night after all…” You rush towards the ship’s bathroom. 
Sanji was hot at your heels, his green haired rival quickly forgotten.
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cinamun · 18 hours
Sorry I saw the thing about the ellipses and had to throw in my 2 cents and put it in an ask because it's long 😂
It's definitely with regard to online communication style and texting as opposed to using it as a literary tool.
My coworker (late 50s) uses them a lot in emails and texts and it actually gives it like a bit of a tone shift. To the point that an excess of ellipses can almost be seen as passive aggressive or sarcastic by younger folk when that's not what was intended and is used as maybe a long pause.
For instance: someone sends something funny to their mom on messenger or by text or w/e and mom will reply as such "haha very funny.......... love you..... How is your day? "
THAT'S what I think the tiktokers are talking about, the ellipses in seemingly strange places, coming primarily and almost exclusively with older people, likely around their parent's age and up
I'd almost equate it to many millennials (and I'm gonna say younger millennials because me and many people I know around my age are guilty of this and can't speak for my elder millennial friends) who use, almost to excess, exclamation marks to keep the tone friendly and approachable and like hey it's no worries!
Like are we excited about this fucking email? Not at all. We're just trying to keep an amicable tone!
So the excess ellipses in online or text conversation likely means something different to older gens.
This was actually super helpful friend and its entirely my fault for showing up the conversation late LMFAO I am admittedly not a frequent tiktok user but stumbled upon a reblog of a tiktok talking about ellipses and not knowing what tf they mean but "its always old folks". Then I realized how almost every story update I post uses ellipses so i'm just over here with my strawberry dr. pepper float like
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I can't imagine using them in texts or emails or casual convos. For me, its just a literary use for a pause (which I know you understand).
Well this is certainly eye-opening! <- me using an exclamation point which I absolutely over-use in emails, specifically
"Oh, that's great news! I can't wait to see how it goes! Thanks for letting me know! Have a great weekend!"
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tarabyte3 · 24 hours
I read a fanfic about a month ago that didn't have a particularly compelling summary and had very few tags (only 2 beyond the pairing and the characters, in fact). However, I've been doing this for almost 3 decades. Unless there is something in the tags that I actively don't want to read, I will always give a fic a chance. So I read it anyway.
When I tell you I imprinted on this story.
It was beautifully written, sure, but there was something about the very specific tone and emotion that the author captured which spoke directly to my soul. I wanted to curl up in it. I wanted to consume it. Let it burrow its way under my skin. It was only ~1700 words long and, by the time I was finished, I wished I hadn't read it just so I could experience reading it for the first time all over again.
Then I saw that it was a series, and I wanted to weep. There was more! And you know what? The second part was just as good. It was set years later, but the author still captured that sense of nostalgia and yearning in the same way poetry does: what was left unsaid is just as devastating as what's there.
I also knew with all my heart that it didn't have nearly as many kudos as it deserved. I'm sure a lot of people overlooked it for the reasons I stated above, and, logically, I could understand why it didn't grab people's attention, yet still I raged against how unfair that was. That something so wonderful could sit in plain sight and people just scrolled by.
So I read it all again. And then again. I reread it and thought about it constantly, until I finally gathered my thoughts and left a gushing comment telling them exactly that.
I wasn't expecting a reply because the fic was more than 2 years old and they were writing for different fandoms now, and it didn't seem like they always responded. Which was fine. I didn't care or need one. I just cared that I let them know their work was beautiful and had been transformative for me. That it wouldn't leave my head. I wanted to say thank you for its existence.
But they did respond! And quickly! Both to say thank you and to let me know they've been thinking of writing a part 3 for the series, and my comment gave them the encouragement to get started. I have no coherent thoughts for how that made me feel.
Anyway, my point is, commenting on fics and giving feedback is important. Supporting authors is important. Giving fics a chance is important, and you're probably missing out if you refuse to engage with something based on a superficial set of stats. Further more, understanding that, just because your work doesn't get a lot of engagement, doesn't mean it's not incredible is important. Keep going. 💖
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