#I know everything happens for a reason but GOD
justporo · 1 day
Imagine Astarion stays at camp one day for whatever reason. You're out the whole day with the party adventuring.
At first everything is all good, splendid even. Astarion practically makes a show out of how much of a day off he needed. The others staying behind just eye him in that way they do when he's being annoying (which quite frankly is often).
After a while though he notices how his thoughts keep wandering back to you. First it's only brief, he brushes it off as if nothing happened.
But Astarion's thoughts keep circling back to you, until he notices he's been staring at the same page of the book he's reading for half an hour. And it hits him.
Gods above and below, he's actually worried about you. What if something happens to you during the time you're out with the others? Can the others really be trusted with keeping you safe and sound. Probably not. What if everyone else gets wiped and it's you alone and injured somewhere. Unthinkable!
The horror scenarios keep coming and Astarion starts walking circles around camp losing himself in thought spirals of what could happen to you. His anxiety has his hackles raised and he has the skill (issue) to rile everyone else up also with his nervous wandering and mumbling.
Lae’zel is about ready to decapitate him while Gale tries to calm him (thereby only making it worse foe Astarion) as the adventure party returns.
You're startled when the vampire immediately comes over, basically running, and asks about how you're doing while simultaneously conducting a visual inspection of you.
When you answer that you're fine and Astarion hasn't found but a scratch on you he notices that everyone in camp is staring at the two of you. There's a bit of a knowing smile on some of the other's faces while Lae’zel looks like she's about to barf.
"Well," Astarion tries to play over it nonchalantly (and failing) "just making sure my dinner isn't spoiled, darling. I wouldn't want to have to send you back to the chef."
The others turn away while rolling their eyes.
You though feel how warmth floods through you despite the exhaustion of a long day dragging on your limbs.
"We can't have that, can we?" you humour Astarion’s stupid joke with a real smile.
You walk over to where he's standing, arms awkwardly crossed over his chest, and grab one of his hands to squeeze it in thanks.
He squeezes it back, also smiling.
"I'm glad you're okay, darling."
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yandere-sins · 2 days
Yan-Poll #16
Your stalker has a severe problem.
That's the conclusion you came to as you opened the door for the fifth time that day to another mailman handing you three more packages. Your living room had become unlivable, a space cluttered with cartons and the unopened remains of packages. At some point, you stopped opening them, but now they were collecting dust and destroying the comfort in your own home.
At first, curiosity had gotten the better of you. Amongst inappropriate gifts like underwear and... toys, there had actually been some useful presents. You secretly kept all the gifts that had been on your to-buy for a while and openly threw away the disgusting ones. You knew better than to accept the stalker's gifts, but since they were valuable, you couldn't help but hold on to some of them.
That was your mistake.
But looking at the neatly stacked packages, spreading from wall to wall, floor to ceiling, you realized your stalker had lost all control. You noticed brand names on the brown packages that you had only glanced at briefly while scrolling through your phone—expensive ones, too. At this point, you feared you couldn't look at anything anymore without it inevitably being sent to your home. You thought you had this situation under control, but apparently, you hadn't.
>> did you like the new necklace?
Heaving a deep sigh you looked at the countless messages, a new one popping up right on time of the delivery. Whoever he was, he was always watching. Though you ignored his constant string of texts—asking about your day, how you were feeling, confessing his love to you, wondering if you would wear his latest gifts—you knew this couldn't go on for much longer.
<< please stop
>> you finally responded :)
<< this needs to stop, I don't need all this junk!
>> but do you like it? i know you kept some of them
Biting your lip, you cursed yourself. Of course he'd notice that you didn't discard everything. That probably only encouraged your stalker to keep sending you more and more, wherever he got the money to afford it. Part of you thought, "Whatever! If he wants to blast through all that money, so be it! Might as well enjoy it!" but what about your morals?
You've been fighting so hard to live a normal life despite having this stalker. The police had given up since he was just too good at hiding his tracks, but he seemed to know everything and always be present in your life. If you let him continue like this, who knows what kind of trouble—legally and morally—you'd get into. What if this was his way of making you dependent and comfortable? This person had no qualms about intruding on your life, but what if he finally snapped? What would happen then? How much worse could this situation get?
<< anyway this needs to stop NOW
>> fine. let's make a deal: i'll send you one more gift >> if you hate it, i'll stop. but if you like it...
<< then what?
>> you'll see ;)
Your finger hovering over the keyboard of your phone, you thought about what your stalker could possibly mean. There was a good chance it would be a gift you liked, and he'd feel confident in the choices he made regarding you. But at the same time, what if it was a god-awful present? What if it was downright horrible? How far would he go, and could you possibly stomach the consequences of his actions because you allowed him to?
<< what if I refuse?
There was no answer this time. It was strange. You were starting to really get paranoid that he was plotting something terrible.
(Reasoning and discussions welcome! ♥)
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tanoraqui · 21 hours
Dungeon Meshi Liveblog: Of Ghosts & Griffins
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What do they worship? The Winged Lion, whom they mistake for a god?
It's so interesting how Izutsumi's cat is dominant in this place. I don't understand enough about soul magic or the spell that maintains this to know why. It FEELS right - this is a place for monsters, and that's the part of her that's a monster? But I bet there's worldbuilding that explains it...
WAIT, OR: that couple pages I reblogged with hte werewolf clearly implied that Izursumi isn't a human with a cat spirit put in her, she's a cat with a human spirit put in her. So maybe whatever enchantments shield and maintain the Golden Country bring the cat spirit to the fore as part of their preservative properties, doing their best to remove this curse upon the poor cat? Izutsumi doesn't change shape, just mind, because the souls are so mixed and/or the human soul is so much stronger than hte cat.
Who the fuck took a human soul and put it in a cat. Why would you do that I wonder if we'll ever know.
(The question of the comic is thus, of course: did Falin's soul get put inside a dragon's, in which case she'll be stuck with a dragonoid body at best, or did the dragon's get put inside Falin's, in which she should be able to shift back and forth at will once the Mage isn't forcibly holding the dragon's soul dominant?)
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This is the most hobbitly we've seen Chilchuck. I keep expecting him to start talking about how his old gaffer used to drink down at the pub.
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shadkjsh Chilchuck get your mind out of the gutter!
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These would unironically do numbers at the right Met Gala. I unironically really like the middle, floral one. And specificially the crossed-antlers brassiere on the third.
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They're dead! They're under a spell (a curse) of immortality so they can't change and they can't leave and nobody knows they exist and they can't make an impression on the world and nobody even really knows they did exist, not as individuals beyond a vague collective legend; and most of all they don't hunger, they don't want for anything in their bucolic life (except freedom or death) and they don't hunger for food, they don't eat and even if they do eat it they can't enjoy it, because they're immortal but in every single way that matters they are d e a d !
Alright my current theory is: this kingdom always venerated a winged lion deity, for whatever reason. Myths happen. Then one day, a demon slipped in from wherever demons slip in and disguised itself as the winged lion in order to be easily trusted by the populace. It started offering the fulfillment of desires in exchange for the consumption of other desires.
It tricked the Mage somehow, so that by their powers combined they turned the populace of this city into a feeding pen for the demon - safe and happy forever! being slowly drained of all their desires.
But as the people's desires started to run truly dry, until they were functionally dead, the demon grew hungry - and maybe greedy. So it sent the villagers this "prophetic dream" about one who would save them, motivating Delgal to get to the surface - probably with the demon's help, covert so the Mage wouldn't know; still pretending to be a god if Delgal himself knew. It let the dungeon be opened, drawing all sort of greedy and desperate people down into its feasting range.
...whatever trick/bargain it made with hte Mage, it's probably going to try to do much the same with Marcille, with her terror of loss.
P.S. I love how Yaad keeps calling him "Sir Laios" like he's a knight, instead of just some guy with good intentions who thinks monsters are neat. Also, Chilchuck literally just shaking his head at Laios.
Needless to say, the contrast between Laios's blind panic at being told he's a prophecied hero and king and Kabru's "If I had the ability to take over this dungeon and kingdom, I'd fix absolutely everything and no one would have any problems ever again" is hilarious and wonderful.
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Laios basically just told that orc chieftain that he'd think about what he'd do as king, right? ...Well, I guess it's time for him to think about it.
Btw in a just world, Yaad would be a woman. Princess in a Tower vibes off the charts. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
I see this translation is calling the Mad Mage "Sissel." Just as its decision to call her the "lunatic magician", I deem this to be a stupid-ass decision and have elected to ignore it in favor of "Thistle", which is a much better name for a weird elf orphan turned mad mage.
Ah, damn, they corrected to he/him pronouns. So much for women's wrongs... I STAND BY it making perfect sense in-universe for our protagonists to get it wrong from their first, confusing meeting, though!
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Takin' a moment to appreciate Thistle's fucked up pupils, which I'm given to understand indicate the demon's influence. I'm having so much fun! Are you having fun? I'm having fun.
...does the famous dwarvish sense of direction derive in part from secret dwarvish trail markers that they put in all dungeons and mines and never tell other species about? That's great. That's so good. They clearly do ALSO have sensitive inner ears, and secret cultural practices.
Btw I adore every time someone calls Chilchuck "Chil." NICKNAMES ARE A SIGN OF LOVE.
This map is 10/10 desired detail. I want to know the difference between dwarf-style, gnome-style, compound and I bet elf-style dungeons so bad.
Marcille just cut off one of her braids for Senshi! She didn't hesitate at all! Her hair!!!
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And they're risking basically all their food on this! (Man I love how all life, including revivification and creating familiars, literally requires heavy caloric input. I love love love how this comic starts with the simple premise "food is essential to life" and says it over and over in infinite ways.)
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This is just very cool art to represent what's happening. I don't like looking at it, it makes my eye hurt.
This visual is just so good.
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Brotp: In-Laws on a Mission
unironically this panel fucks so hard. I need to name something after this. I also need to watch this episode just for the intense energy of this whole sequence.
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(I Love how they're just squeezing and re-shaping these things like playdoh. Good familiars best friends just to tolerate this shit.)
Btw I also really like that, while Marcille has started teaching Laios some simple healing spells, that's kept clearly distinct from this sort of advanced magic. Multiclassing takes levels just like the rest!
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TWO-SHOT KO ON A GRIFFIN! Have I mentioned how fun it is that these guys are fucking good at their jobs? We love a little competence porn on the side.
CHILCHUCK WAS THE FIRST TO START TALKING ABOUT HIS PAST! Yes, of course, he had to be. He's the one who's most aggressively closed-off about it, as opposed to passively closed off like the rest. Mulitple good panels here fo Chilchuck being the emotionally intelligent one, too.
oh my god Senshi's story.
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I'm so glad she keeps putting them in full-body animal suits.
(And I feel Hiromu Arakawa's cowsona in the Chili's tonight...)
P.S. OH, LAST MINUTE EDITION as I open the next chapter: They all changed species before they stepped in hte circle of change-your-species mushrooms!! Oh man I can't wait to see a) shenanigans and b) how this gets woven into the ongoing subplot of interspecies conflict, and any other greater themes. Fuck me uuupp Ryoko Kui! (...tomorrow, bc I have to go to bed now :( )
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heartofjasmina · 2 days
happy saturday jasmina! <3
just scrolling through my dash and i had a thought. and i know it might sound tame, but like...being the girl that takes bakugo's virginity in his early 20s has got be not only an honor, but a hell of a time.
bakugo refuses to say whether or not he's ever slept with anyone - not even kirishima knows he's still a virgin by their second year of college. he doesn't count hand jobs or fingering, really, since it's only happened a handful of times. he starts dating you and everything feels so easy and natural, it almost scares him.
cut to one night after a steamy make out session at your apartment, things quickly escalate, and bakugo is sweating. the way you touch his skin has him burning up along with the way you kiss him like he's the last man on earth. he thinks he's got himself under control until you're both stark naked on your bed, and the mere sight of you has him struggling not to explode the second he touches you.
you can sense that bakugo's nervous, assuming that it's either been awhile since he's gotten laid...or you're his first. instead of calling him out on it, you decide to take the lead, coaxing him into fucking you nice and slow; but, when you guide him between your legs and "good boy" falls from your lips after he pushes through your soaked folds, he crumbles. everything in his head turns fuzzy, breath hitches and cums the hardest he ever has on the spot. all you can do is giggle with pleasure when he does, nuzzling against his neck and kissing him on the cheek.
you'd never tell him you knew that night was his first time, and he's only gotten better since. sometimes the first step is the hardest :)
Oh my GOD rei I'm in shambles over this 😩😩😩
He'd be so desperate to please you that first time. The dynamic between you two as fluid as can be since you're still learning how you two fit together. Yeah maybe later he'll be more dominant more often, but now?
Now he's your good boy, your love, and your sweet eager lover who just wants to please you.
And yeah if you pointed out you knew he'd be so defensive, but you don't and that's one of the reasons he loves you.
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ganondoodle · 3 days
you know, you could argue that totk is just "one bad game" in a series that doesnt have to mean anything for the future, and i should jsut move on and wait for the next one, and generally id agree, but these days i cannot help but feel like its the beginning of the end, so to say
we are seeing it in every type of media, be it series, games, movies, that stories that say anything are too risky so they go for generic slop instead- the recent news about pixar wanting to focus "mass appeal" (despite their reasoning being completely hypocritical?) is just yet another proof of that being a trend that doesnt seem to stop any time soon
and one of the problems that brings with it, besides just being boring, is that "generic mass appeal" stuff ... ends up turning around to repeat tired old stereotypes that often leads to really problematic framing (like even childrens cartoons featuring war somewhere in the middle east against evil arabs .. just like, as a backdrop), bc "mass appeal" in general really means "average white person able to spend money", which isnt the majority of people but its the ones who this is targeted towards and more often than not made by, and, no matter how much some people want to pretend its possible, its impossible to make anything that doesnt say anything, theres nothing non political, if they think something is non political its bc its aimed at them and they agree with it
thats what makes me so anxious about the future of the zelda franchise, bc, while its always been a problem, totk especially.. is exactly that imo, its generic and a boring good vs evil with no nuance to be found if you are in the target "mass appeal" but as soon as you arent, or know about the most widely used ways of framing, its kinda scary how clearly it turns into a white god appointed savior against the evil arabs imperialism simulator, and it might not have been intended as such, its so normalized that its considered simple and standard.. (i know i go on alot about it, and i dont mean media has to be sanitized uwu perfect and not feature anything problematic- i mean this as a critique of how its presented, it expects and wants you to agree with it, its not like a cautionary tale about serious things like some movies ARE, its a fantasy game 'aimed at kids' ..)
and if its true that they outsourced the writing for the game .. for the sequel to breath of the wild, one of their most successful games ever, then what does that mean for the future? that doesnt sound good at all
with the trends of the dominating media, and how totk turned out, i feel like we are seeing the start of a downfall into 'generic slop' that makes them more money more safely than anything more unique or interesting for the franchise like its happening with everything else that isnt indie
if all that wasnt the case i might not be so focused on it, i might be able to move on much easier, but i cant, i care deeply about it and i feel like im clawing at sand slipping into a giant garbage disposal, im not thrilled and excited for the next game like i was just a few years ago, or direct for that matter, im afraid of what they will do next, and i dont think thats good, and i dont think im the only one either, hyperfixation (special interest?) or not
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babyrdie · 2 days
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I'm making a new post instead of reblogging because I was afraid this topic would be too long for a reblog lol! For the context of those who came to this post without knowing what we're talking about, it's about this other post here. I'm not going to put exact excerpts of everything I mention because I think the original post covers it.
And as always, my usual reminders:
I'm not a classicist or any other professional of that sort.
Disagree at will.
If you have something to correct or add, comment or reblog.
This post has a lot of details because I know that not everyone in these tags has read The Iliad, but they like to read posts about it, so I think it's good to provide as much content as possible.
But anyway, I guess the idea of Patroclus being sassy comes from Book 16 of The Iliad!
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Typical portrayal of Patroclus
Patroclus is generally portrayed as a companion who balances Achilles's flaws: more patient, wise, approachable, and empathetic. This is also why Patroclus must be older than Achilles, because no matter how short the difference is, it's used as an argument for why Patroclus should be the advisor (and therefore the one who is listened to) even though Achilles is the one with more status.
Furthermore, Agamemnon generally had two advisors. One is Odysseus and the other is Nestor. And Nestor, a character portrayed as wise, thought there was a chance of getting to Achilles through Patroclus. This was because he knew that Patroclus would be more willing to listen than Achilles, and he was hopeful that, as he was someone Achilles would normally listen to, there would be a change in attitude. This happens in Book 11.
Nestor also doesn't appear to be the only one to have had this reasoning. Phoenix, also a character more wise than warrior, told the story of Meleager and Cleopatra which is a parallel to the story of Achilles and Patroclus. Although the text doesn't make it clear whether it's a purposeful attitude by the character or just a narrative parallel, I still think it's significant since Patroclus was present in this conversation and therefore heard Phoenix. This happens in Book 9.
Another example of Patroclus acting as a kind of "bridge" between Achilles and other characters is in the only line Briseis has, where she says that Patroclus promised that he would marry her to Achilles. The idea of marrying her captor seems horrible, but we have to remember that in the historical context Briseis would be safer as a legitimate wife than as a slave. I imagine she also didn't know about the prophecy that Achilles would die in Troy, so she probably thought she could ensure a stable life by doing so. This happens in Book 19.
Homer also has other characters emphasize how kind Patroclus was after his death. He also makes it clear that Patroclus was best able to control the agitated temperaments of the divine horses Balius and Xanthus. Overall, in The Iliad he's a controlled and pleasant character. That's why he's often portrayed this way in modern times too —because Patroclus is like that most of the time!
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Patroclus' moment of aristeia
However, in Book 16 this doesn't happen. Patroclus isn't controlled, wise, kind or rational in Book 16. In fact, he's the opposite, he's almost a deconstruction of the character. This is ironic, since Patroclus' shining moment is precisely Book 16 — the moment of his aristea, that is, when a character proves to be the aristo, "the best". Ironically, his aristea happens in a setting where his personality isn't his usual self.
Achilles accepts the suggestion to let Patroclus go in his armor, but with one requirement: Patroclus had a limit on how far he could advance and, once he reached that limit, he had to return. He gives two reasons for this:
He's afraid that one of the gods on the Trojan side will kill Patroclus. Ironically, he even mentions Apollo, which later actually kills Patroclus.
He wants him and Patroclus to share the glory. This wouldn't be possible if Patroclus got all the glory. This makes me think that Achilles planned to return to war, even with Patroclus alive…after all, what glory would the two achieve together if not like this (since Achilles knew he wouldn't leave Troy alive)?
"[...] Once you have whipped the enemy from the fleet you must come back, Patrodus. Even if Zeus the thundering lord of Hera lets you seize your glory, you must not bum for war against these Trojans, madmen lusting for battle — not without me — you will only make my glory that much less… You must not, lost in the flush and fire of triumph, slaughtering Trojans outright. drive your troops to Troy— what if one of the gods who never die comes down from Olympus heights to intervene in battle? 110 The deadly Archer loves his Trojans dearly. No. you must turn back— soon as you bring the light of victory to the ships. Let the rest of them cut themselves to pieces on the plain! Oh would to god — Father Zeus. Athena and lord Apollo not one of all these Trojans could flee his death, not one, no Argive either, but we could stride from the slaughter so we could bring Troy's hallowed crown of towers toppling down around us — you and I alone!"
The Iliad, 16.101-119. Translation by Robert Fagles.
Achilles even makes a libation to Zeus, asking Zeus to guide Patroclus in the fight and bring him safely. Zeus accepts the first request, but not the second.
But Achilles strode back to his shelter now and opened the lid of the princely inlaid sea chest that glistening-footed Thetis stowed in his ship to carry, filled to the brim with war-shirts, windproof cloaks and heavy fleecy rugs. And there it rested… his handsome, well-wrought cup. No other man would drink the shining wine from its glowing depths, nor would Achillespour the wine to any other god, none but Father Zeus. Lifting it from the chest he purified it with sulphur crystals first 270 then rinsed it out with water running clear, washed his hands and filled it bright with wine. And then, taking a stand before his lodge, he prayed, pouring the wine to earth and scanning the high skies and the god who loves the lightning never missed a word: "King Zeus — Pelasgian Zeus, lord of Dodona's holy shrine, dwelling far away, brooding over Dodona's bitter winters! Your prophets dwelling round you, Zeus, the Selli sleeping along the ground with unwashed feet… If you honored me last time and heard my prayer 280 and rained destruction down on all Achaea's ranks, now, once more, I beg you, bring my prayer to pass! I myself hold out on shore with the beached ships here but I send my comrade forth to war with troops of Myrmidons— Launch glory along with him, high lord of thunder, Zeus! Fill his hean with courage — so even Hector learns if Patroclus has the skill to fight his wars alone, my friend-in. arms, or his hands can rage unvanquished only when I go wading in and face the grind of battle. aut once he repels the roaring onslaught from the ships 290 let him come back to me and our fast fleet-unharmed wtth all my armor round him, all our comrades fighting round my friend!" So Achilles prayed and Zeus in all his wisdom heard those prayers. One prayer the Father granted, the other he denied: Patrodus would drive the onslaught off the ships — that much Zeus granted, true, but denied him safe and sound return from battle. Once Achilles had poured the wine and prayed to Zeus, he returned to his shelter, stowed the cup in the chest 300 then took his stand outside, his spirit yearning still to watch Achaeans and Trojans struggle to the death.
The Iliad, 16.261-302. Translation by Robert Fagles.
Patroclus killed A LOT of people alone in his aristeia, but not just that. He's also described in a way that you wouldn't associate him with someone with a controlled temper. He doesn't seem like the calculating type of warrior, he seems like a more wild type. It can be said that Patroclus is really bloodthirsty in Book 16.
Hundreds of plunging war-teams dragging chariots down. snapping the yoke-poles. ditched their masters' cars and Patroclus charged them. heart afire for the kill, shouting his Argivesforward — "Slaughter Trojans!" Cries of terror breaking as Trojans choked all roads, 440 their lines ripped to pieces. up from under the hoofs a dust storm swirling into the clouds as rearing horses broke into stride again and galloped back to Troy, leaving ships and shelters in their wake. Patroclus— wherever he saw the biggest masses-dashing before him, there he steered, plowing ahead with savage cries and fighters tumbled out of their chariots headfirst, crushed under their axles. war-cars crashing over, yes, but straight across the trench went his own careering team at a superhuman bound. Magnificent racing stallions. 450 gifts of the gods to Peleus, shining immortal gifts. straining breakneck on as Patroclus' high courage urged him against Prince Hector. keen for the kill but Hector's veering horses swept him clear.
The Iliad, 16.436-454. Translation by Robert Fagles.
He's even compared to Ares, who in The Iliad is very clearly reaffirmed as a bloodthirsty type of deity. Even other gods don't see him in the best light. Although, of course, the comparison with Ares also serves to illustrate the character's warrior ability (in this specific example, speed). Menelaus, for example, receives the association with Ares as well and he's a good warrior..
Three times he charged with the headlong speed of Ares, screaming his savage cry, three times he killed nine men.
The Iliad, 16.912-913. Translation by Robert Fagles.
Achilles is the one remembered for what he did to Hector's corpse, but he wasn't the only Homeric character to wish to do so. He was just the only one who got to the corpse, and that's why he's more memorable. Hector wanted to do the same with Patroclus's corpse, even offering rewards to the Trojan who retrieved the corpse, and before that Patroclus wanted to do the same with Sarpedon after killing him. Hector was unable to do this because Menelaus saved the corpse and bought time for the Achaeans to help recover Patroclus' body. Patroclus also failed to get Sarpedon's corpse, as the Trojans stopped him.
But the Argives surged to Patroclus' savage spirit— he spurred the Aeantes first, both ablaze for battle: 650 "Ajax, Ajaxl Come — now thrill to fight as before, brave among the brave, but now be braver still! Their captain's down, the first to storm our wall, the great Sarpedon. If only we could seize his body, mutilate him, shame him, tear his gear from his back and any comrade of his who tries to shield his corpse— bring that enemy down witn ruthless bronze!"
The Iliad, 16.649.657. Translation by Robert Fagles.
That is, in Book 16, Patroclus attempted to commit the same crime as Achilles. And he would have committed it, if he hadn't been stopped. And while Achilles did this to Hector SPECIFICALLY because of Patroclus, Patroclus wanted to do it to Sarpedon because he "felt entitled" so to speak. It wasn't because he was angry, sad, etc, he was simply feeling like he could do anything.
Remember how I said that Zeus accepted Achilles' first request (to give glory to Patroclus) but not his second (to guarantee safety to Patroclus)? As I've already made clear, he did indeed give the glory, but he didn't guarantee the safety because Zeus is actually one of the reasons for Patroclus' death.
He kept them fixed on the struggling mass forever, the Father's spirit churning, thrashing out the ways, the numberless ways to cause Patroclus' slaughter… To kill him too in this present bloody rampage over Sarpedon's splendid body? Hector in glory cutting Patroclus down with hacking bronze then tearing the handsome war-gear off his back? Or let him take still more, piling up his kills?
The Iliad, 16.751-758. Translation by Robert Fagles.
He did it not because he was being petty or anything like this, it was just that Patroclus was destined to die and Zeus in The Iliad follows what is destined. For example, he wanted to save Sarpedon from Patroclus, but he didn't because Sarpedon had to die. So the reason Zeus quickly refused Achilles' second request is because he knew he couldn't compromise the fate. Later, Zeus declares Hector's destined death for having killed Patroclus. In other words, he's in fact doing this simply because destiny calls for this chain of events. It's not like Zeus wants Sarpedon dead, wants Patroclus dead because he's upset about his son's death, and then declares Hector dead because he suddenly decides he wants to avenge Patroclus.
In Book 8, Zeus is even described with a balance:
But once the sun stood striding at high noon. 80 then Father Zeus held out his sacred golden scales: in them he placed two fates of death that lays men low— one for the Trojan horsemen, one for Argives armed in bronze— and gripping the beam mid-haft the Father raised it high and down went Achaea's day of doom, Achaea's fate settling down on the earth that feeds us all as the fate of Troy went lifting toward the sky.
The Iliad, 8.80-87. Translation by Robert Fagles.
Just going a little off topic to try and contextualize Zeus because I don't want to make it seem like this is a case of "shit, damn Zeus!" His character here is sort of responsible for balance.
Anyway, Zeus chooses how to make Patroclus die. He makes Hector want to retreat, which consequently makes the Trojans retreat since Hector is the one leading them (in this scene, again the image of Zeus as responsible for the balance appears, since we have the phrase "He knew that Zeus had tipped the scales against him"). Zeus does this with the intention of making Patroclus disobey Achilles: that is, to go beyond the limit that Achilles gave him.
But Patroclus, giving a cry to Automedon whipping on his team, 800 Patroclus went for Troy's and Lycia's lines, blind in his fatal frenzy — luckless soldier. If only he had obeyed Achilles' strict command he might have escaped his doom, the stark night of death. But the will of Zeus will always overpower the will of men. Zeus who strikes fear in even the bravest man of war and tears away his triumph, all in a lightning flash, and at other times he will spur a man to battle. just as he urged Patroclus' fury now
The Iliad, 16.800-809. Translation by Robert Fagles.
Patroclus, in an inconsequential act, tries many times to attack the walls of Troy, but Apollo repels him on all occasions, shouting that not even Achilles is destined to conquer Troy, much less Patroclus. Apollo then incites Hector, who is uncertain, to kill Patroclus. In the confrontation, Hector's ally and half-brother, Cebriones, is accidentally killed by Patroclus as he attempts to hit Hector. And well, let's just say Patroclus's reaction isn't exactly the most honorable.
The sharp stone crushed both brows, the skull caved in and both eyes burst from their sockets, dropping down in the dust before his feet as the reinsman vaulted, plunging off his well-wrought car like a diverCebriones' life breath left his bones behind and you taunted his corpse, Patroclus O my rider: "Look what a springy man, a nimble, flashy rumbler! Just think what he'd do at sea where the fish swarm— why. the man could glut a fleet. diving for oysters! Plunging overboard, even in choppy, heaving seas, just as he dives to ground from his war-car now. Even these Trojans have their tumblers — what a leap!" And he leapt himself at the fighting driver's corpse with the rushing lunge of a lion struck in the chest as he lays waste pens of cattle— his own lordly courage about to be his death. So you sprang at Cebriones, full fury, Patroclus, as Hector sprang down from his chariot just across and the two went tussling over the corpse as lions 880 up on the mountain ridges over a fresh-killed stag— both ravenous, proud and savage — fight it out to the death. So over the driver here and both claw-mad for battle, Patrodus son of Menoetius, Hector ablaze for glory strained to slash each other with ruthless bronze. Hector seized the corpse's head, would not let go— Patrodus clung to a foot and other fighters clashed, Trojans, Argives, all in a grueling, maiming onset.
The Iliad, 16.862-888. Translation by Robert Fagles.
Ironically, in addition to Achilles dishonoring Hector's body (as Patroclus previously tried to do with Sarpedon), he also throws Trojan corpses into the waters of the Scamander River, precisely the reason that angers the god and makes him fight Achilles (and here Patroclus, also before Achilles, tries to throw Cebriones' corpse into the river). Patroclus' attitude of unnecessarily mocking an enemy (as Cebriones was already dead. It's not like it's a mutual provocation between warriors or anything, it's simply someone stronger humiliating someone weaker) is also something that Achilles does.
And then we have the other important moment. Apollo takes off Patroclus' armor and breaks his spear. Not enough, Patroclus is also stunned. The funny part is that even with Patroclus at a clear disadvantage, one of the Trojans doesn't dare to face Patroclus.
He was the first to launch a spear against you, PatrocIus O my rider, but did not bring you down. Yanking out his ashen shaft from your body, back he dashed and lost himself in the crowds— the man would not stand up to PatrocIus here in mortal combat, stripped, defenseless as he was.
The Iliad, 16.943-948. Translation by Robert Fagles.
As we already know, Hector hits him with the spear and delivers the deadly blow (as shown before, Hector wasn't responsible for the first blow. Patroclus was already injured. He delivers the fatal blow). While Hector is boasting to Patroclus that he defeated him (he was like "you idiot, you thought you were going to conquer Troy and screw my people! Oh, but you didn't! You must have come here under the orders of that damn Achilles, but now you're dead! Oh sucker, your body will be eaten by the vultures!"), Patroclus responds in the following way:
Struggling for breath, you answered. Patroclus O my rider, "Hector! Now is your time to glory to the skies … now the victory is yours. A gift of the son of Cronus, Zeus —Apollo — toothey brought me down with all their deathless ease. they are the ones who tore the armor off my back. Even if twenty Hectors had charged against me— they'd all have died here, laid low by my spear. No, deadly fate in league with Apollo killed me. From the ranks of men, Euphorbus. You came third, and all you could do was finish off my life . . . One more thing — take it to heart, I urge you — you too, you won't live long yourself. I swear. Already I see them looming up beside you — death and the strong force of fate, to bring you down at the hands of Aeacus' great royal son… Achilles!"
And then he dies.
Basically, Hector had just stabbed him with a spear and was bragging, but Patroclus somehow still decided to use his last words to basically go "lol you really are an asshole. Know that I'm so badass that you just managed to defeat me because of Zeus and Apollo, I would have kicked your ass 20 times if it weren't for that. But don't twist your knickers too much because of this, idiot, Achilles is coming!" and proceeds to die. So yeah…at least no one can accuse Patroclus of not being able to be sharp when he wants to!
Summarizing what Patroclus did in Book 16, regardless of whether it was designed by Zeus:
He has the most deaths in a single book, and is described in a savage and bloodthirsty way while doing so. So it's not just that he's a skilled warrior, Patroclus is also not being his usual wiser, more controlled self while doing this. More than his skill, his bloodthirsty attitude is more remarkable.
He tries to dishonor a corpse, and then tries to throw another one into the water. None of these attitudes were considered morally correct, even by Ancient Greek standards. So no, it's not a case of "oh, but that's a modern morality"…it's not. The funeral was a very important thing, so preventing your enemy from having one wasn't seen in a positive light. It could even be seen as a contradiction to divine laws, something that Sophocles discusses in the play Antigone for example (In this case, the enemy who is denied his funeral is Polynices and the one who denies him is Creon).
He becomes careless and arrogant. He mocks the enemy when it's no longer necessary (Cebriones was already dead, for example), he advances further than he should, in general Patroclus keeps getting closer and closer to death the less rationally he acts.
He decided to use his last words to be as acidic as possible! Seriously, I know it's sad that Patroclus dies, but I find his last words hilarious. Dude was like "you suck and Achilles will kick your ass!" and then his soul left his body.
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I guess another possibility is the Clysonimus incident. Regardless of how accidental it was, Patroclus as a child still killed Clysonimus for a silly reason (dices). This, at the very least, indicates that as a child at some point he became angry enough to have a conflict with another boy that would result in a death. Also note that I'm combining different sources in this account (which are in the original post), as not all of them explicitly state the name of the dead boy or the reason for the conflict. Anyway, the sources don't actually tend to detail the event…it's just a quick background. So it's not possible to have a good idea of how exactly Patroclus reacted and how the death happened with certainty.
But most people see this Clysonimus thing as just an extremely accidental death, so I genuinely think the reason Patroclus is sometimes associated with "sassy" is Book 16 although he wasn't 100% his usual self and there was divine interference in at least part of this (I'm talking about Zeus helping him have honor in battle, but also manipulating his death). However, gods interfering is a common thing, so Zeus also isn't THAT big of a detail. I doubt it's sassy thing is from another source either because the other sources for Patroclus aren't known as The Iliad.
And I don't know if people take this into account in the fics you've read, but Patroclus didn't mince words with that description either:
"No time to sit, old soldier dear to the gods. You won't persuade me. Awesome and quick to anger, the man who sent me here to find out who's been wounded, the one you've just brought in. But I can see him— 770 I recognize Machaon myself, the expert healer. So back I go to give Achilles the message. Well you know, old soldier loved by the gods, what sort of man heis — that great and terrible man. Why, he'd leap to accuse a friend without a fault."
The Iliad, 11.767-775. Translation by Robert Fagles.
In short, both the portrayal of Patroclus being kinder than other characters and him being somehow violent or sassy make sense. He is a balanced character. But, notably, him being bloodthirsty isn't typical of him, so portraying him as being that way 100% of the time would be a stretch. But yeah, he's definitely not an angel!
There are other things to talk about on the subject of Book 16, but I suppose I'll have to leave them for another post because they have no relation to the answer to this question and enter another territory. It also should take longer to write.
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firewasabeast · 2 days
My Biggest Advocate
(Part 4 of my Wedding series. All parts can be read separately, or together. Read here or on ao3)
Summary: After letting everyone else know that his parents wouldn't be coming to his and Tommy's wedding, Buck had one more person to inform... Maddie.
This was the conversation Buck had been dreading more than any of the others. Telling Maddie that their parents wouldn't be coming to his wedding was going to be difficult enough, but he knew that through all of her anger she would still give him those wide, sad eyes and that was going to be what broke him.
He had gotten to the cafe early, settled in and ordered them each a drink. He knew Maddie would be getting there any second, and he couldn't stop his leg from nervously bouncing up and down as he waited.
Sure enough, just after the drinks arrived, Maddie did too. Buck smiled, waved her over, and got up to give her a hug.
“Okay,” she said, setting her bag down in the empty chair beside them as she sat down. “Spill.”
He wiped his sweaty palms on his pants. “Spill?” he asked with a nervous laugh. “Spill what?”
She crossed her arms and rested them on the table as she rolled her eyes. “You remember who my husband is, don't you? Chimney was acting sketchy the second he got home from work this morning. I already knew something was up when he faked a call during our phone conversation last night, but I knew for sure when he got home and apologized for “all the words I cannot say” whatever that means.”
“Why... What makes you think thats's, uh, got something to do with me?” God, why was he even questioning this? It wasn't like he could hide it from her forever. He needed to get it out. Say it.
Just say it.
Maddie looked at him knowingly, her head slightly tilted to the side. “Buck, Chimney tells me everything. If he's keeping something from me, it's gotta be serious.”
Buck took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Maddie, I...”
“Did you call the wedding off?” she questioned, concern all over her face. “Did something happen? Is Tommy okay? Are you-”
Buck reached out and took her hand in his, stopping her spiral. “We're fine, Maddie. I promise. Tommy is... he's perfect. It's not about him, or us, really.”
“Then what?” she asked. “I've been kind of freaking out all morning.”
“Okay, okay, but before I- I tell you, I just need you to promise that you'll stay calm.”
“Oh no.”
“And that you won't try to do anything irrational, because I don't need you too. I'm okay.”
“Buck, just-”
“Mom and dad aren't coming to the wedding,” he let out quickly, ripping off the bandaid.
There was silence. A lot of silence. Way too much silence.
“What?” Maddie pulled away from Buck's touch, sitting straighter. “Are you... are you joking?”
“I'm not.”
“What do you mean they're not coming, Evan? Of course they're coming to the wedding.”
He shook his head. “They called me a few days ago to tell me they couldn't make it.”
“Well, why not? Is one of them sick or something? Hurt?”
“No, no, they, um,” Buck sighed. This was the worst part, every time. “They have a cruise.”
Buck could've sworn Maddie's eyes got darker when she heard the reason. “They have a cruise?”
“Apparently so.”
“Buck, I don't... I can't-” She reached over and grabbed at her bag, beginning to dig through it, “I'm calling them right now.”
“Maddie!” Buck reached over and held onto the back, keeping her from getting her phone. “Maddie, please, don't. Just... please don't.”
She stopped, stared at him for a moment before releasing her grip on the bag. Buck dropped it back into the chair.
“They can't do this to you, Buck,” she said, her voice low and angry. “Not after everything we've been through. We've come such a long way with them, and they do this?”
He shrugged. “They're still mom and dad. Always will be, I guess.”
“That's not an excuse, and you know it. They know better than this, Buck. They know what a big deal this is. They could make some type of effort to get their heads out of their asses and actually be there for you.”
“I don't think-”
“And why aren't you more angry about this?” she asked, unable to hold back. “You should be pissed.”
Buck laughed humorlessly. “Oh, I am pissed. I've been pretty angry on and off for days, but I can't let them ruin it all. It can still be a good day. I want it... I want to be happy.”
And there came the look. That wide eyed, tear filled look that Buck had been dreading. “Buck, I... What are we gonna do?”
“I've got all the wedding stuff taken care of,” he began. He needed to keep focused on giving her all the information, so he didn't break down himself. “Ravi actually invited his parents for seat fillers. I've never met them, but the fact they accepted coming their son's random co-worker's wedding at the last minute makes me think they must be good people,” he said with a laugh. “Athena and Bobby are going to walk me down the aisle.”
He got a smile from Maddie at that. “Good choice,” she let out shakily, tears still threatening to fall.
“And I would have told you sooner,” he added quickly, “but I wanted to, to do it in person and we hadn't been able to get together lately, and I guess I had been acting weird at work and that's how all the other guys found out and-”
Maddie reached out her hands for Buck to take. “It's okay, Buck, I understand.”
“You do?”
“I do. Listen,” she gave Buck's hands a squeeze before letting go. “Why don't I call mom and dad,” she started, giving him a look to hold on when he went to protest, “and ask them to video in for the wedding? They should at least be there in some shape or form, if they won't be there physically.”
“Tommy suggested that,” Buck admitted, “and I said no. I just feel like, why bother, you know? If they can't come, why should I bother to try and have them there anyway?”
“I get that. But, I also know you. And while I'd love to never speak to them another day in my life-”
“I also know that sometimes we make a decision when we're upset and then we have to live with that regret forever.”
“I had been thinking about it,” Buck said. “Every time I do, I get so mad that I even have to think about that I just say no and move on.”
“Mom and dad will get to live with this decision for the rest of their lives. If I call and just throw that option out there, you won't have to think of it anymore. You'll know you've done everything you could.”
Buck thought for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah, yeah I guess you could call them for that. Just don't get all big sister on them, not right now.”
“Pinky promise,” she said, reaching out her pinky for Buck.
He smiled, accepting the promise.
“However,” she said, once they were done, “after the wedding, all bets are off.”
Buck laughed, his smile reaching his eyes for the first time in a while. “Deal.”
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scopophobia-polaris · 22 hours
Honestly I have a theory that sheik was ORIGINALLY early in development supposed to be their own character but became Zelda’s alter ego later. Regardless their body types and features are so different it’s so fucking funny seeing Nintendo try to gaslight us and say « NUH HUH SHEIK IS LITERALLY JUST ZELDA IN DIFFERENT CLOTHES » like come on she definitely gave herself a dick be real. Zelda is SO the non binary person who says « yeah I dream about changing genders and I wish I wasn’t always a girl but I’m not trans I’m just cis haha »
🫵👍 BWAHHAHAHA YEAH oh my god, there is a chance that could be the case because of this
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Because this is Sheik
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Like OBVIOUSLY so, he could of been made to ve a separate chracter originally yes! And i don't know if there are any alternate development notes or interviews that says otherwise, but...the more I look at this picture, I'm scared this was gonna be Tetra before Tetra if you catch my drift.
OoT and MM to a lesser extant probably have so many weird production stuff we just don't know about, if we had like the stuff we have today about botw's devlopment but for OoT I would be so excited, the little stuff we has interests me to no fucking end and I wanna see what the hell was going through their brains for half of it cuz one thing....Im just gonna word vomit out this theory.
Link's mom. There is a chance that her design in the manga was actually by Nintendo originally and not the akira himekawa. So, here me out, the German Club Nintendo comic, it's called Hyrule under fire, its supposed to be about the end of the civil war that happens before OoT, so, since Link's dad is so close to just looking like Link with cheek bones (designs that drive me up the way in a funny way for reasons that if you ever ask me I'm gonna throw up on a post) I think he was just made up for the comic.
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Like....look at him, HOWEVER.
Link's mom has a consistent design between here and the offical manga
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(Love his dad dying in the shadow like HDNSBDHSN)
The ONLY thing that's different, is that in the legendary edition of the manga her dress colors are different
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BUT, THEYRE FLIPPED, ITS STILL BLUE AND PINK, and her earrings are still pink.
Both of these came out within 2 years of eachother, the German comic in 1998 when the game came out and the manga in 2000, so either Akira Himekawa saw the German comic from 1998 and decided to reference that design for their own work OR....Link's mom had an offical design that was SCRAPPED FROM THE GAME.
I wish I could ask them about it because they would be the most straightforward I bet, look if any of you ever want to @ them on twitter and ask where they got that design I would LOVE to know
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obae-me · 2 days
Help I submitted that "MC's immune to Luci's siren song" ask and the brainrot has gotten so much worse- There's just so much substance to it! It inherently messes with Lucifer's ego and sense of pride, at the start of his and MC's relationship he's probably silently seething 24/7 cause what do you mean this random human he's never heard of before is entirely immune to all of his hypnosis magic???? In my headcanon of this whole AU the MC's on the more oblivious side when it comes to Lucifer's plan to keep trying to seduce them into the water, not to the point of stupidity, like no matter how much Lucifer insists they take a dip in the water they refuse unless it's like a tidepool or something cause they are aware of a sirens reputation, but still you know what I mean they're under the impression that after their first encounter Lucifer just innocently wants to be close with them and nothing else Agh and the SCENARIOS you can get with this. Okay- Like imagine with me if you will, Lucifer and the MC are spending time with one another in a secluded shallow pool of water (think like a tidepool or something similar where the waters are too shallow to properly drown in as a full grown adult), the two are kind of goofing around with one another and something something bam! MC finds themselves pinned down by and completely underneath Lucifer, and Lucifer has a thought... He could kill them right now. It's not the typical way for sirens to hunt their prey but he could use his razor sharp claws and teeth to kill and eat them like he had intended to since he met them. But, despite that being the extremely obvious solution to his "problem", Lucifer hesitates, and he finds that he's unable to will his body into harming MC, he just can't do it. And how ridiculous is that?!! The Lucifer, one of if not the most fiercest hunter of all the sirens, the man responsible for countless human deaths, finds himself unable to kill one. simple. human. How ridiculous is that?! Honourable mention the angst you could get in a situation where the MC finds out Lucifer was just planning to drown and eat them the whole time even if that's changed ("So.. Nothing we had was even real...?" type stuff) or say other sirens (not the other brothers/dateables just some random npc type characters) catch wind of MC and while they know they can't hypnotize them into the water they're not above using more forceful ways to drown them. There's so much fun to be had with this AU!!! My undying love for Luci and mermaids compels me to brainrot about it!!!!!! Monster forbidden romance for the in baybeeeeeeeee-
Screaming from the rooftops till my throat goes raw.
Drowning in a pool of my own tears.
The brainrot is real!!
Oh my god... I cannot even begin to tell you how wonderful this is.
There is so much ANGST potential! Say, for example, the reason why MC was out there that first night was to run away from something that happened in their life. They made it all the way to a rocky beach with no one but them and the water, and then all of a sudden, they hear the singing...and it's the most beautiful sound in the world. It immediately makes them feel better. And then of course, it came from one of the most beautiful beings they'd ever seen.
Sure they'd heard stories about sirens and their calls, and so they keep themselves safe in the shallows. However, they maybe thought that he kept coming to see them because...maybe there was something there. Anytime they were sad or stressed, they came to see him, and he made everything feel better. God, the way he smiled at them when they talked about their day. The way he asked questions to get to know them better.
That was all a lie? An elaborate manipulation? Just waiting for their guard to lower enough? How...horrible...
And so they stop going to see him. But they hate being away from the water when they're sad, so they head to different locations.
Only, there's several other sirens who have heard of rumors of the human who resisted the famous Lucifer's songs. If they managed to steal Lucifer's hunt...well, that appeals to more than a few.
They're in danger now, and they hardly even know it till they're in the thick of it.
And there's only one person who can help them.
Anon, this is so good. I can't take it.
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Can you write Highschool AU, Lucifer proposing Adam???? PLEASE???
I missed this au.
Awwww sure! I miss them too :)
Lucifer was nervous, tonight had been graduation and Adam thinks he's taking him on a dinner date to celebrate. Which is partly true, but the main reason for this date was so that he could propose to Adam.
He had been dreaming of this day for so long it didn't feel real that it was actually happening. The ring in his pocket felt like it weighed a hundred pounds, he knew Adam loved him but what if he wasn't ready it was too soon?
"You ready to go Luci?" Adam asked, snapping Lucifer out of his train of thought. Wow, he looked amazing in his dress pants and a nice button up shirt.
Adam always looked good.
"Yes! Let's go." Lucifer was so jittery it was like he drank 12 cups of coffee. The ride to the restaurant was spent with the radio playing rock music from the 90s. "Can you believe it? We're finally done high school."
"Fucking finally. I thought it would never end." Adam said. "Now I guess it's off to fucking college."
"Yeah that'll be interesting." He pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant.
They sat in a booth and ordered, Lucifer's heart was pounding out of his chest. He could do this, everything would be fine. "What were you thinking for college?"
"Herbology, I've always wanted to work with plants. You?"
"Entrepreneurship. Run my own business." Lucifer said as he took a bite.
"Let me guess, making rubber ducks?" Adam chuckled.
"Maybe." Lucifer dabbed his mouth with his napkin. Now or never. "Adam."
God he hoped that was his answer.
"You know I love you, and I would do anything for you. Even though you hated detention, I'm glad you had it cause then we got to happen. You are the best thing to happen to me and I have loved you since the day I met you." Fuck he's rambling get to the point you fool! "I know I want to spend the rest of my life with you, waking up next to you and just be with you. Adam Kadmon, will you marry me?" Lucifer pulled out the ring and gave a hopeful smile.
Adam looked between Lucifer and the ring, his jaw slack in surprise. "Are you fucking serious?"
Adam bit his lip to stop it from quivering. "Fuck yes." Lucifer put the ring on his finger and they shared a kiss.
Adam looked down at the ring smiling wide. "Mom's gonna freak."
Was it wrong that Lucifer hoped the news gave Sera an aneurysm?
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uhohdad · 5 hours
Can’t wait until the aftermath to come out!! By any chance can you give more headcanons on König and reader?? 👀👀
well duh darling i’ve only been waaaaaiting for y’all to ask
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• Konig hated the whiskey. hated the taste, hated the smell, hated the way it made his brain foggy. he only drank it on the train bc he thought it would make Reader think he’s cool 😭
• another reason konig didn’t want to go on the balcony is because he’s afraid of heights. he only did it to hang out with Reader
• seeing Reader in a jacket in his size ahbsbxhahhzxb he was so nervous to offer the jacket to her and seeing her drown in it was making him feel some type of way. you’re so small.
• in addition to watching her sleep the night before the games, he also stayed up late on the balcony to watch Reader sleep. felt like a straight creep he did.
• Konig always sits so far away from Reader because he’s terrified of making her uncomfortable, especially after getting turned on when her leg was on his. Also why he was so fucking baffled when Reader had her leg pressed to his on the train. He so badly wanted it to happen again but he didn’t want to push it. And it really speaks to the true elation he felt it when she was still alive at the end it literally brought him to a sprint to pull her in a hug that was tighter than it should have been.
• Konig’s not one to jump to violence, especially after the incident from his past - but when One called Reader a dog he had his fists clenched fs You’re his weak spot dude he’s always ready to throw hands for you. He feels like it’s his duty, especially since he feels the need to repay her for standing up for him. It really shows in (aside from literally killing for her) when he spoke out of turn to Price - something he would never do if it wasn’t concerning Reader. He really gagged the whole dinner table.
• Konig is especially awkward with Price. and vice versa. They don’t really ‘get’ each other. Konig still respects him and his opinion of him, though. He’s much closer with Ruby.
• god he is just so. enamored with Reader. he is just so happy that they have good banter. he just thinks everything she says is the most charming thing ever.
• I don’t think I can stress enough just how jealous our boy was when Titan was flirting with Reader. Nauseous. He had a whole ‘that’s so raven’ day-mare about you and Titan. The thought of him laying his hands on you. And knowing he had just upset you made him believe he just pushed you right into Titan’s arms. So relieved when you started talking shit on him.
• aside from being devastated that she was upset with him about considering allying with the careers, watching reader handle weapons did something to him.
• He feels so lost when you’re upset, and he has a tendency to blame himself and not the whole ‘being sent to your death thing’
• During Konig’s interview, he was sure Reader knew he had a crush on her. He thought the jig was up.
• I almost made Pluck have a full on moment after the interview, the night before the games - like throwing chairs, breaking glasses, and destroying the suite, but it didn’t end up making the final cut it just didn’t seem to flow with the story.
• It took hours for Konig to work up the courage to go to Reader’s room the night before the games - and he still chickened out.
• Konig was just as haunted if not more by Eleven. He could feel his neck snap.
• I’m screaming, crying, throwing up that I can’t give y’all more games fun facts since I don’t wanna spoil The Aftermath
• y’all ain’t gonna like this one but the TRUTH? Konig was sneaking mad looks at Reader at the waterfall when she wasn’t looking. felt like such a creep.
• felt like the luckiest man alive getting to carry her through the desert. what a simp.
• Konig is the love that cannot be reasoned with. Reader is the hate that cannot be reasoned with.
• Konig sacrificed himself because he couldn’t stand the thought of her not living, period. He truly believed she deserved to live more than him. Reader sacrificed herself partially because that was always the plan - but her motivation in regard to Konig was because she didn’t want to live without him. Her motivations were selfish while his were selfless.
• Reader’s spite was her downfall after all. Price warned her not to let it get the best of her and she ended up taking her own life because of it.
‘We’ll see who wakes up tomorrow, Konig.’
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more TGWCM fun facts :)
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thylionheart · 2 days
I have a theory… that Hecate MIGHT be on the side of Chronos. Or at least on the side of the next turn-over of power. For fighting against the Titans, there is an odd quantity of titans in the crossroads crew, namely Selene (I know if we’re going to have a witch season with Hecate, we HAVE to also have the moon herself. And gameplay-wise, mechanically, she needed to be distinct from Artemis). (And Hecate isn’t a titan in the myths, so this is an oddly intentional change to her character!)* But Selene says something after like the third or fourth bottle of nectar gifted to her, something along the lines of, “Ah, this custom of gift-giving, maybe there is something worth saving from the Olympians.”
I’m sorry WAT 👀 I know we’re supposed to be focusing on the health of the Underworld, but Olympus is actively burning, what did you mean by that, ma’am???
And we still don’t know- I’m pretty sure?- HOW Chronos was re-materialized. He would have needed help from a chthonic god/being for sure, right? My theories on the Egyptian connection and Hecate equating to Isis and Chronos to Osiris aside…., Hecate laments that she couldn’t have stopped Chronos taking Melinoë’s family. She says SHE was the one tasked with protecting the underworld. If Chronos broke through and Hecate was the door… I’d at least like to go over the security footage again. Hecate carries so much guilt over what happened to Mel’s family, and SO insistent that I’m NOT your mother, and I wonder if there is a weightier reason behind it. She’s so triggered when Hades passes on his gratitude to her, like pls don’t. I don’t deserve your thanks, I failed you.
I don’t think the majority of the Crossroads crew would be in on it. Moros is obviously genuinely worried for his sisters after Chronos kidnaps them. Nemesis maybe, but I wonder if she would be so willing to go along with this plan if she truly believes Chronos deserves divine retribution for what he has done. And she never holds back from sharing her honest thoughts. But on my post about everything coming out of Odyssey’s mouth being a lie, someone mentioned that he could be in a lying-as-default mode in order to protect someone’s secret. 👀 And people have mentioned how fucked over by the gods Odysseus was in life. Is it a little odd he is so ready to lend his strengths to them now? He’s not like Heracles, he doesn’t HAVE TO be here, what does he gain from all this?
Of course, Chronos, like any villain, is always saying, why are you fighting me? I’m bringing a golden age. You think the world was better under the rule of the gods? And…. If it wasn’t for the baby eating thing…. I’d hear him out.
*I was wrong abt this lol
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iliveinarainbow · 20 hours
alicent for 20 years: rhaenyra represents everything i hate, she is dishonorable and continues to insult me, the crown, the kingdom and basic decency. i hate her to the point that i genuinely believe that she will kill my children, so i am raising them to fear her.
alicent in s2: writing letters to rhaenyra (and you just know they are soppy ass love letters talking about their dead ass friendship), wants her to bend the knee so they can all live in peace and is sleeping in her fucking room for some reason?
here is when my eyes start to slowly but surely make their way to the back of my skull bc OH MY GOD LET THAT RHAENICENT SHIT GO RYAN JESUS CHRIST
side note: we now know that alicent telling aemond that “we can’t prevail like this” (aka probably still begging for fucking mercy for rhaenyra) will happen AFTER blood and cheese.
i said it once and i’ll say it again, if they have alicent beg for rhaenyra to be spared after blood and cheese i will be forced to become an alicent hightower hater.
btw i love when some people say “omg but you can’t blame alicent, it’s the writers”… baby girl i’m gonna hold your hand when i say this, alicent hightower does not exist.
she is a fictional character, she is what the writers make of her.
so if they have her do and/or say stupid shit, i can fault her for it.
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albedobeheading · 1 year
every time I have to deal with my mother guilt tripping me or saying whatever shit she wants to make me upset, it just makes me miss my boyfriend so much to the point where I feel embarrassed about it because I know I wouldn’t be this needy if I wasn’t living here
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jklpopcorn · 8 days
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crying and sobbing i was supposed to draw doodles of my ocs but instead all there is is Siffrin
they're so shaped i have to draw them
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100% :)
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mintharasthrone · 3 months
okay so larian really just shat all over minthara’s character and her arc huh
#minthara#minthara baenre#guess you gotta be a white man for them to care about you or be consistent#how do you disrespect her character like that and make her so inconsistent#they do not care about minthara#only asssturdion#and g***#you’re shitting all over her nuance and complexity making her generic#for one thing why would she want you take power from a god who wants you to use it to wipe everything out including her?#he doesn’t want anything to be left to rule over she's not stupid#that’s not her#she literally goes on a whole SPEECH about how all the gods are evil selfish shallow discard you once they don’t need you#how they only have victims because it happened to her and YOU saved her#from the absolute and she also hates lolth for the same reasons and wants to kill lolth#you saved her from being a slave to a god so why would she want that for you??? even what she says to gale abour mystra contradicts it all?#she would ADMIRE you for having the guts to reject bhaal!! for rejecting being his puppet knowing he'd discard you even if she#finds the power breathtaking she knows it's not really real or worth it because you're not free!! so many reasons! her own arc!#she would want you to avoid the fate she almost had and not repeat the cycle#her speech is nulled about how it happened to orin too? them being similar bc of their gods hurting them / their moms tried killing them#it makes 0 sense for so many reasons! she has an oath of vengeance that would include bhaal because he was apart of this?? or am i wrong??#she is so happy with you and free and says she owes her life to you she’s ride or die wether you wanna control the brain or not#you parallel her in a different way she did orin because she was saved from that she'd want you both to kill bhaal/lolth & their followers#rip my durge playthroughs now#i have so many thoughts and i’m sooo annoyed#it’s so LAZYY#you didn’t need to change that you needed to ADD content!!
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