#I know he was hitting those books like crazy
✧₊⊹𝐏𝐫𝐞-𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐉𝐢𝐲𝐚𝐧
Have I recover from Jiyan brain rot? Nope. So here’s more of my fluffy headcanons in honor of raising him to lvl 70.
Jiyan has been career-oriented since childhood, all due his family’s background as medical professionals. He was the type to focus on studying and mastering his medical skills rather than dabble in schoolyard crushes. His family had high expectations for him after all and he didn’t want to disappoint them. If it meant turning down his peers’ invitation to gather herbs or burying his noses in thick books then he’ll do it.
Jiyan can be kinda oblivious to people having a crush on him because of his lack of experience. Romance was so far off his radar that he wouldn’t know if it hit him in the head. The thought doesn’t even cross his mind that someone actually likes likes him. Subtle flirting would definitely go over this man's head no matter how hard you tried to drop hints. Like you leaving him chocolate? It was just a friendly gesture. You complimenting him on his looks? Perfectly normal for people to express their opinions on appearances.
Jiyan would think that your weird behavior around him was just out of shyness, awkwardness or even fear. You’re so outgoing with everyone else, but you’re so quiet with him. He has no idea why you have such a drastic shift in personality. Was it because of his title and status of general? Is it because he’s serious the majority of the time? He understands that he looks a bit intimidating, but tries to be approachable to not make you uncomfortable. Man is just utterly clueless that his attractiveness is the reason you’re going crazy.
Jiyan is the embodiment of “you fell first, he fell harder.” It might take a little time and external forces, but once it clicks that you have a crush on him — let’s just say he’s sent into a whole dilemma. Man is rethinking every interaction you had with him. All the chocolate, the compliments, how flustered you get when he approaches you - how didn’t he see this before? His eyes have been open and now he can’t help but study every gesture you make. The way your smile makes his stomach swirl, the way your laugh was such a pleasant sound to listen to, and the way being close to you made him feel nervous. Ah, maybe he might like you too.
Jiyan was held back by two things though. His lack of experience in the romance department and his fear of getting too close to people. He already lost so many people that were close to him, so many people that he failed to protect when it mattered most. The doubts festered in his mind endlessly and haunted him everyday. What if you got hurt? What if he failed to be there to protect you? What would he do if he couldn’t save you? He can’t shake those thoughts, yet he knew that he would regret missing this chance more than anything else. He would just have to try his hardest to make sure that nothing harms a hair on your pretty little head.
Jiyan would definitely go into research mode to try to understand what’s the right way to romance you. He would want to sweep you off your feet in a sweet gesture that expresses his feelings. He would even ask his mother for advice on courting you because she knows best. Jiyan would definitely try the secret admirer route - it would be the perfect way to return the favor of all the gifts you gave him while also making his feelings clear. He’s thoughtful in his gifts and if he hears you want something specific, you’re damn sure it will appear the next day. Meanwhile, he would even try to subtly flirt back when you two were together even if the attempts are a bit clumsy or make him feel a little flustered.
Jiyan would do a cute reveal, inviting you to meet your “admirer” at the cliff overlooking the base. The stars were twinkling in the sky and the calm quiet of the night would make the perfect atmosphere. He would be awkward, but sincere when confessing his feelings for you. He awaited your response in baited breath and respond you did. Jiyan was honestly expecting a flustered yes or no from you — not the way your face brightened in happiness and your arms were suddenly around his neck. The way you readily agreed to his confession with that beautiful smile of yours, core memory right there! He blinks a couple times in surprise before smiling down at you with a light flush to his cheeks.
Bonus!! Later, you would definitely 100% tease him about his obliviousness for the past few months. The pain and agony of your flirting attempts meeting a cold, stone wall. Jiyan, in turn, would recount all the times you could barely function around him and relish in the way you sputter over your words.
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respectthepetty · 1 day
Pride Petty Watch (The Untamed) 2/?
The crowd picked two blacklisted shows for me to watch during Pride, so even though the first series took me only three days to get through, the second one is taking some time since I went out this past week and touched some grass for Pride. However, I did watch an episode a day AND spotted something on sale while out and about.
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Fun Fact: These are 200 pages EACH, and they only cover what has been shown up until episode five. I teach English, not math, but doing some simple addition, dividing over A, carrying the Y, and solving for X, I have guessed that this series is going to be 20 books long! TWENTY! AT LEAST! Basically, it's going to be as long as this long-ass series.
*presses play on episode six*
These idiots are drunk, loud, and fighting. They are breaking rule #36, #265, and #1. Even I know that!
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When you realize you're in love with a virgin who is a light-weight and can't even drive after talking about intimacy while touching his headband. I take back everything I said about this show. It's gay. Like real gay. Gay gay.
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Fuddy Duddy is better than me because I would not have taken that beating, but that's probably why he is an elite Cloud Cunt or whatever, and also why he has now been blessed with Wei Wuxian trying to cuddle in this freezing water while talking about his "extremities" shivering. Note: In the comics, we see that Fuddy Duddy is BRANDED (like as in marked by burning the flesh) and has A SHIT TON OF SLASHES ON HIS BACK (like as in whipped . . . BY A FUCKING WHIP). Basically, this Cloud Cult is batshit crazy.
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These two are fighting literal demons. But also the demons are homosexuality.
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THEY TIED THEMSELVES TOGETHER WITH THE INTIMACY BAND! If it was red, it'd be game over for China!
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Y'all cute but your kid is still an asshole, and there is a queer plot brewing. GET OUT OF MY FACE!
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They were lesbian lovers, and I will not be entertaining any other reason for all of this because only a lesbian would tie her soul for eternity to a musical instrument just so she doesn't have to admit she was wrong to her wife, while her wife goes on to train the most elite squad of wizards just to one day help her wife because she already predicated her wife would fuck up. This is love.
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Correction since my boy asked AGAIN if he could harness evil power for good - One of them is fighting demons, the literal and homosexual kind, and one is embracing them both, openly, with no fucks given.
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And she knows! Not about the homosexual part, but about the "finding the stone hidden in the rock" part (but probably the homo part too)
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Wei Wuxian lied for you when you got out of the rock. He touched your headband. And now he has touched your soul. Stop fighting it. Embrace this. It's Pride Month.
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Wei Wuxian drinks, parties, talks shits, and backs it up. I'm getting flashbacks to Spring Break in South Padre. It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. But the hands were always ready to hit their mark.
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My boy is Catholic. Fuddy Duddy took 300 hits earlier to uphold the integrity of his Cloud Cult or whatever, but my boy was told his punishment and is merely going through the motions since he doesn't regret laying hands on his future in-law. He said "tell me how many Hail Marias I need to say, so I can go play with the ants and get a tan." Same.
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First, your best friend brought the bird into the class and now you took the bunnies to remind Fuddy Duddy of "those four amazing hours you spent in the hot tub together after Winter Formal." Y'all are schemers, and this will cause problems later. I've taught too many freshmen. Y'all need to be separated before you plot the end of the world and animals have to be sacrificed. I see the signs.
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Who is going to kill this man? WHO?! Let it be a woman because he needs to be reminded he is insignificant and useless.
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Oh my God, they found each other! I knew my boy would go after his boy, but for his Bird Bestie to spot them too?! These two idiots are going to cause havoc and hijinks.
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Y'all are so Romeo and Juliet coded, it hurts my feelings. Girl, you're going to die and he is going to be sad about it. But can you kill that red asshole first? Please.
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Sir, now you and I both know some shit is about to go down because that florist's house was crispy fried burnt, that woman outside was creepy as hell, and these two are over there chatting about soul snatchers. GET OUT OF THERE, FD, AND TAKE THE ANIMAL BROS WITH YOU!
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FD might have the brains and the silencing charm, but my boy got the moves. He has that Spider Man magic string thing, he has the Shrek gingerbread men, and he keeps making spells out of thin air. Maury, who is his daddy? God?! THE DEVIL?!
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SHE CAN PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT TOO! Hold up. HOLD UP! Fuddy Duddy's brother played it to calm everyone down. FD played his to subdue the zombies. And now she did too, but my boy's flute playing skills not only calmed the zombie, but controlled him. Did he learn it from her?!
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Girl, what are you doing at the devil's sacrament?
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Wen Qing has been holding off this fucking bird and these zombies all night, and these boys have been doing what at their slumber party? Braiding each other's hair? She better be the one to kill that red asshole. She deserves the body count. *wink, Jiang Cheng*
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The bird needed to go, but this is what I'm talking about with him and his bird bestie. Homie closed his eyes and felt his feelings because FD told him to, then pretended to be dead just so he could kill that bird. It's smart as well as scary because how much power does he really possess? A shit ton. That's how much. But also, why didn't they take the dead bird with them? Don't leave behind magical creatures to be brought back to life!
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Smart to have the others chase after a chicken, so the color-coded boys in love could get more details, but these two are a hetero version of the mains. She is not bad. She is trying to do good with what she has, which is a pile of shit, and he wants to do right by her but his principles are going to get in the way. I anticipate no happy endings for anyone. Not Romeo and Juliet or Romeo and Julio.
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Bird Bestie was smart to stay behind because it was obvious there would be dead bodies, but WHO THE FUCK ARE THESE TWO?! This show is color-coded within an inch of its life, and everyone is a pair because they both have the other's color in their robes, so the fact that the white one showed up first and claimed evil guy was his enemy makes me think they have history (exes), but the new black guy replaced him. Black dude, I'd watch my back because Evil Dude is coming for you.
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It also worries me that these two have a similar . . . something. Wei Wuxian, buddy, homie, ho-migo. You're getting darker. You were dark blue, but now, you're black. Why is no one else concerned that the call is about to come from within the house?
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So much shit is going down on this mountain! White No Name dude just said he knows and was trained by the OG lesbian, so we know she is still alive and well waiting for her wife, and my boy is sad since his mama was trained by her therefore he was trained by her, which makes her his grandma or something (I DON'T KNOW!). And now the illegitimate brother I want to be with FD's brother is in charge of watching the evil dude, but he is wearing white/blue and evil dude is wearing black/gold, and if they become an item, I'm gonna be pissed!
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Y'all, he is gonna fuck up. He is going to let the bad guy go isn't he? I don't understand why they couldn't kill the bad guy, but my illegitimate son has been disrespected in this house too many times in the past ten minutes to let this shit slide. He is going to make a deal with the devil. I feel it.
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"I'll sleep on your roof" - That was a declaration of love because y'all fought on a roof over liquor, and now he wants to just chill on your roof while drinking even though you are leaving. He is sprung and does not care who knows.
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WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING?! THIS IS A FUCKING SHIT SHOW! The oldest kids are being called away which means Fuddy Duddy's cult is probably losing it and branding everyone. They are being attacked by the Evil Reds even though their evil dude admitted to killing that whole damn family! My illegitimate son DEFINITELY killed that guy and let the evil dude go. He did that. I know he did. And my boy's outfit looks so similar to that evil red swordsmen who is fighting on behalf of that weak ass red bitch because he can't fight himself, it's ridiculous (Someone needs to slash that evil red dude's face and his tires).
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Everyone is going to die, and there is no hope.
*eats some naan*
Okay, maybe there is some hope in the other FORTY EPISODES! FD's brother could take in the illegitimate son, and they could live happily ever after. Right? RIGHT?!
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evanpeterspeter · 2 days
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AN: In celebration of me being on my period, (yay being a woman..) I figured, why not there be head cannons of the Evan’s response to you being on that time of the month. It’s something small but why not. Theres also a little bit of NSFW, so fair warning.
Ps. It is my birthday today 😽🫶
TW: Blood, NSFW, oral, fingering, unprotected p in v and stuff
Tate Langdon
Tate would set up a heating pad for you and
Grab you your favorite book to read
Play your favorite music and rest his head on your lower stomach, in hopes the weight of him might help the cramps.
Would pepper kisses everywhere to help distract the pain
He would sit criss crossed on the bed facing you and will rub your clit to help ease the pain, until you finish
Kit Walker
Kit would kiss your lower stomach and give you a deep massage where your uterus lays
Would buy you chocolate and your favorite desserts
Would do all the house work and chores for you, whilst you get plenty of rest (He'll be wearing your frilly apron while doing all the work)
He would dick you down so good, it'll cure those cramps by how deep he hits in you, completely bottoming himself out
Kyle Spencer
Kyle would take you out for a nice dinner
He would take you shopping and even surprise you with flowers
He doesn't know what exactly the difference is between pads and tampons, so he buys them both.
He is very respectful when it comes to sex on your period and no matter how horny he is, he'll always respect your boundaries. Which turns you on.. so now you guys are going missionary
Jimmy Darling
Jimmy would take care of you like as if you were sick
His mom would also make you some soup and home baked buttered bread, then he would hand feed you
He'd make sure that nothing and nobody would bother you
Would finger fuck you so hard, that your legs would shake and quiver afterwards.
James Patrick March
James would make everything romantic no matter what
Would set up a warm bubble bath with candles, with rose petals on the surface of the water and with a glass of wine on the side
Would pamper you and caress you up and down, leaving kisses and love bites all over
Would kiss up your thighs and eat you out. Even when it's all a bloody mess, he loves the taste. Especially since it's you
Kai Anderson
Kai isn't really the kind to pamper you. He thinks it's being vulnerable
You're only allowed to skip one meeting for cramps/major discomfort, but you would have to make it up to him later
He also gets irritated when you're PMSing, but will soon apologize, not by words but by showing physical touch, such as in hugging behind you, nuzzling your neck and much more
Kai's idea of curing your cramps is to fuck you with a vibrator hard and fast. Your whole body and core will be shaking after, and once you finish he'll rail you to the bed. No protection, no towel, he'll leave the blood everywhere to show what mess he created from you
Warren Lipka
Warren would let you lay in his flannel and will spoon you in bed, placing his warm hands over your lower belly to cradle
He would pass you a blunt to ease the pain and to help you relax
He's too lazy to cook, so he'll probably make you a bowl of cereal
He would let you ride him all much as you wanted. Until of course when he finishes in you.
Peter Maximoff
Peter would do anything for you, no matter how crazy the request might be
Would "buy" you junk food in seconds
He would let you sit on his lap while you play one of his video games on the tv, while rubbing your lower tummy in a circular motion
Sure he's fast, but you don't know fast until he finger fucks you and using his other hand to rub your tender aching clit like a vibrator
Tag list: @evansonlylove @xrag-dollx @warrenlipkaswife
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professorlegaspi · 1 month
For all that Josh was the one who got a job in research and development, I think Quiroz is probably the single person Celia’s age with the most experience in experimental gift application
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
downloading heavy rain rn bc i never played it and i wanna see how much i fuck up on my first try
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monstersflashlight · 1 month
Helping neighbors
A/N: I don’t know if you all think sex-pollen is dub-con or not, but be aware that the reader is out of it when they are fucking. She’s enjoying herself plenty, but the consent induced by sex-pollen can be a bit dubious. Be warned of that.
Minotaur x Orc x fem!reader || sex-pollen, spit-roast, sharing is caring, breeding
When you are walking down the woods and suddenly get cursed by a weird lady, you start to feel like your life is not going the way it should.
You stepped on a few flowers, you didn’t think it was too bad, but then the witch appeared out of thin air and blew some kind of purple powder on your face. She disappeared again, but not before she said something as cryptic as “You will suffer until you surrender to your desires.” Her laughter lingered in the air for a few more seconds.
At first, it was fine, you tried to convince yourself that it was some kind of hallucination, you didn’t see a crazy lady in the woods. It was just a dream or something. Nothing major. Nothing was going to happen to you. You were sure of it.
But then the heat started.
It was a low song inside your veins, running up and down and making your skin itch in a weird way, you felt like everything was too much over it. Your clothes felt like needles on your skin, nothing could cool you off enough to feel comfortable. And then your pussy got wet, you soaked through so many panties you decided going naked around the house was the only option. And even then, your pussy kept constricting over nothing, so sensitive you could cry every time your thighs rubbed together.
You tried to jerk off frantically, you got yourself at the edge over and over but it didn’t work. It wasn’t happening. Nothing was happening. With each roll of your clit, you felt more and more on edge, but the climax wasn’t arriving. You couldn’t come. And it was driving you crazy.
You tried porn, you tried erotic books, you tried all the dildos you had… Even the dark fantasies starring your two hot neighbors across the hall. You thought it was pervy to think of them that way. But that didn’t stop you from picturing every one of those fantasies over and over. You elaborated them to the point you could see the images so clearly in your mind that it felt like a porno made specially for you. You on your knees swallowing around the big minotaur cock, you on all fours being pounded from behind by a big green orc… You thought of every position and every option. It was so vivid you could almost feel it happening. You even pictured how could you ask them to fuck you dumb. But that didn’t work either.
That awful heat inside your skin, that curse, went on for a whole day before you started to feel so desperate and so on edge that you felt like you could come with just air touching your skin. But it didn’t happen. You still couldn’t come and your mind was empty from any thoughts apart from the need to cum. You worked yourself into a frenzy of horniness that made your knees weak and your clit tingle. You were worked up to a point where the idea of coming was the only thing you could process in your head.
On the second day, you had enough.
You put on the less offensive clothes you had, the only thing you felt like wasn’t going to feel like sandpaper against your skin, nothing underneath, just a simple summer dress. You crossed the hallway, knocking on your neighbors’ door rapidly and praying to whoever was listening for them to be home. Please, let them be home.
“Hey, little human. What can I do for you?” His flirty tone made you shudder. You whined at the sound of his voice. “Are you okay?” He looked worried as your knees gave up under you and your body fell to the ground. You felt feverish. But you didn’t get to hit the floor before his strong arms were around your middle, supporting your weight and making you moan like a whore at the skin to skin contact. You didn’t care about being proper anymore.
“Help… Please.” You whispered, another wave of heat hitting you. “It hurts.” You wanted to taste his skin, but you knew he couldn’t do that if you didn’t explain first. But it hurt so bad. Your whole brain could only focus on looking for pleasure, for release.
“What hurts? What happened?” The minotaur asked, picking you up and taking you to the sofa. You cried out when he tried to put you down. He sat down with you on his lap, caressing your hair softly, his eyes worried.
“A lady… A lady in the woods. Purple powder… It hurts.” You choked out. Apparently that was enough for him, a frown forming as you told him. He seemed to know what was happening to you. Thank the universe for that, because you didn’t know if you could articulate more words. Your skin felt too tight, too hot. “Please…” You pleaded again, wrapping your body over him like a blanket, trying to make every cell of your body touch his.
“It’s okay. You are going to be okay, little human.” He kept mumbling comforting words as he caressed your back, his hands hot against your feverish skin. You pressed your pussy against his clothed leg, probably leaving a wet patch. He didn’t stop you. “Let me call my boyfriend, we can take care of you. You’d like that, honey?” You whimpered, nodding as images of both of them fucking you crossed your mind.
You knew they were a couple, you saw them making out against the door one memorable night you came home a bit later than usual. That image burned in your brain and fueled most of your jerk off sessions that month. A big minotaur and a big orc, two towers of masculinity grinding against each other as you passed them, your face flushed and your pussy wet. They were so fucking hot. And the outline of a bulge you could see in their pants made your mouth water. Both of them were so big. In more ways than one. You wondered how would it feel to have them inside of you, filling you to the brim.
But they also shared, you knew they did, the pipes in their bathroom made the perfect channel of sound to your own bathroom. At first it was fun to listen as one of them sang in the shower, as they talked through hushed voices at night, when you were sure they brushed their teeth at the same time. But one magnificent day, you heard a woman’s voice, a woman’s cries of pleasure and two distinct monster voices telling her how good of a good girl she was. They were fucking her in the shower, and you had to make yourself cum while listening, like the pervy girl you were. And that fueled your fantasies beyond belief. How would it be to be shared by them? How would it feel to be their good girl?
And now, months later, you were panting on the minotaur’s lap as he called his orc boyfriend. His manly smell was enough to get you on edge, grinding yourself against his leg, mounting his leg like a horny dog. You felt embarrassed, you felt like your face was burning, but the need to come was too big to stop.
“Get home, now. Something is happening to her.” You couldn’t listen to what the orc said. Your brain was so focused on the feeling of his jeans under your bare pussy that you barely heard anything at all. You lost part of the conversation, but the minotaur’s voice was final when he said: “She’s grinding on my lap like she’s going to set herself on fire if she doesn’t cum soon. Get. Home. Now.” He punctuated each word, tone harsh as he talked to the orc. You didn’t know what he answered, but the minotatur hung up on him and focused his attention back on you again. “It’s okay, little human, we’ll take care of you.” You whined, a tear escaping your eye. He sweetly wiped it away.
You didn’t know how much time it passed between the call and the sound of the door opening, you kept grinding on the minotarur’s jeans as he whispered sweet words to you, caressing every part of your body he could reach, making you even more desperate to cum.
“What did the witch say?” The orc asked as soon as he saw us. Witch? What witch? The minotaur grunted at his boyfriend, calling him rude without words.
“Honey, what did the lady in the forest say to you?” The minotaur asked you softly, tilting your head up so you were looking at his face.
“I don’t know.” You said, frustrated and tired, you wanted to cry. “Something… something about my deepest desire?” You asked, rhetorically. You didn’t remember much from the past days, you just knew you needed to cum or you were going to die.
“Little human, you need to tell us what’s that. What’s your deepest desire?” The orc asked, sitting next to you two, his hand caressing your back along his boyfriend’s. You whimpered.
“You. You two.” You confessed, far too gone to be embarrassed about it.
“You want us?” The orc questioned, he was tense, and his tone sounded almost careful, like he was scared to talk too loud and scare you away. As if… “The two of us?” He repeated. You nodded eagerly.
They looked at each other, a silent conversation happening while you sat there, looking at them and marveling at how handsome they were. Not in a human way, but in a monstrous, almost scary way. They were so big, you felt so tiny between the two of them. And you loved it. You loved to feel tiny against their giant bodies, you’d be so full with cock if they fucked you at the same time. You whined again at the thought.
“It’s okay, honey. We got you.” The minotaur said, picking you up from his lap as you groaned. He threw you over his shoulder as he walked you to another room. You looked up from his fantastic ass to see the orc following closely, shredding his clothes as he followed. You moaned at the sight of his bared torso. The minotaur laughed. “Yeah, he looks fine as hell.” He agreed with your barely coherent sounds.
“Lay her down, take off her clothes.” The orc instructed, the minotaur did just what he asked.
“He’s a bit bossy, but don’t worry, honey. He’s going to make us feel so good.” The minotaur whispered as he leaned down and took your dress off.
There you were, naked on the bed, two big monsters looking down at you. You moaned. You felt like a human sacrifice. Ready to be devoured by beasts. Your hands instantly went to touch your body, one to pinch your nipple, the other right to your clit. But you didn’t get to do anything before the big orc was making a sound that made you stop on your tracks.
“You don’t touch yourself if I don’t tell you to. You are under my command now, little human.” You shivered, his voice harsh and hot. You nodded, beyond words. “Get undressed, join her in the bed.” He instructed the minotaur.
The first look at the minotaur’s cock made your insides twitch. He was so fucking big, you weren’t sure he was going to fit inside of you, but dang if you didn’t want to try either way. He smirked at you, his steps calculated, as he laid down next to you, his hand mockingly pinching your nipple. He got a disapproving grunt from the orc at that, you felt like giggling.
“You are going to fuck her first so she’s ready for my cock. And then, you are going to take her mouth, making her choke on your big cock until her eyes are watery and your cum is down her throat. Is that right?” You both nodded. “We are going to spit roast this pretty little human, just like if she were a toy for us to use. You like that, little human? You want to be our human toy? You want to be a good little human for us?” You whimpered, nodding so fast you felt dizzy.
The orc helped you to sit over the minotaur, each inch of his cock filling you and stretching you beyond what you thought possible. You were about to cry out and say it was too much, you couldn’t take him, but the soft words the orc was whispering in your ear were helping. They weren’t rushing you, you wanted to be a good little human and take all of him. All of them.
The minotaur cursed all the way in, making you blush. “Her pussy… Oh lord she’s so thigh. I’m not gonna last, she’s clenching on me like a vice.” He chanted to the orc as he bottomed out, like you weren’t even there.
“Ride him, little human. Ride the bull like a wild little whore.” The orc said against your back, his cock pressing on your lower back as he held your hips, helping you ride his boyfriend.
The minotaur under you cursed and said: “I always forget how good your dirty talk is.” You could feel the orc smirk against the back of your neck where he’s pressing a line of kisses. His tusks soft and dangerous against your skin.
“I bet you don’t have a gag reflex at all, being a pretty little human like yourself, so ready to take us both. Do you?” He asked, you shook your head. You didn’t, you practiced over and over with your biggest toy. You didn’t want to admit that you did it so you could take one of them someday. “Of course you don’t. You would take me so well, deep down your throat until you are stuffed full of cock. Or maybe I take your pussy, cum inside of you until your stomach is bloated because of it. Cum dripping out of your well used hole. Would you like that, little human? Would you like to be bred?” You whimpered, nodding frantically as you keep riding the minotaur. The filthy words the orc whispered against your ear were making you wetter, which you thought it was impossible at that point. “Keep going, little whore, make him come inside you so I can take my turn, too.”
“I’m close.” The minotaur interrupted, his fur wet with sweat as you kept bouncing on his cock.
“Come on, cum inside the prettiest little human. Breed her.” He ordered. As soon as the words left his mouth, the minotaur bulked under you, almost throwing you off balance. The orc held your hips steady as he helped you ride him until you felt his cum shooting inside your tight channel. You felt every spurt of his cum inside your pussy, so much of it you felt stuffed, just like he promised.
He pulled out and laid you down on your stomach. You felt fucked out but still desperate, you hadn’t come and the need inside of you was growing stronger with each passing second. “Good lord.” The minotaur whispered, joining his orc boyfriend at the feet of the bed, both of them looking intently at your gaping pussy. “Look at that, she’s so pink and soft. Her hole is still twitching, so eager to take your cock…” The minotaur said, not to anyone in particular, just admiring his cum oozing out of your pussy as he pushed the tip of his finger back inside, pushing in some of the cum leaking out. Both of them groaned behind you as you pushed your ass up, as eager as he said to take the orc’s cock.
You still hadn’t come, feeling deep inside your soul that you needed both of them to accomplish that. “Please…” You begged, wriggling your ass side to side, presenting yourself like a bitch in heat. They groaned.
“Get on the bed, fill her mouth so we don’t bother the other neighbors as she falls apart on our cocks.” The orc ordered, making you groan again.
They helped you into a position that could make both of their cocks be at the right angle for them to destroy you. You were so ready you felt insane with desire. The orc behind you kneaded your ass, parting your cheeks to look closely at your leaking pussy. You felt so exposed your whole body reacted. You tried to push back, making him slap your ass playfully. “Don’t try me, little human, today is not the day for my hand to make your ass so red you can’t walk tomorrow. That’s a task for my cock.” He proclaimed. Filthy images of him spanking you until you came made your brain foggy.
You were so focused on the orc behind you that you didn’t realize the minotaur’s cock was right in front of you until he told you: “Open up, honey.” You opened your mouth instantly, the tip of his dick so big it filled your whole mouth. You moaned around him and pushed forward, taking him deeper.
His hands were in your hair, pulling softly and instantly apologizing, but not letting go. You smiled around him, but it was lost as soon as you felt the orc’s cock entering you from behind. This angle made it feel bigger, so much bigger. He pushed forward without stopping, not allowing you to accommodate him until he was inside of you fully.
“Fuck her already, her mouth is as hot as her pussy, I won’t last long.” The minotaur pleaded his boyfriend as he started fucking your throat with deep thrusts.
You felt the first thrust of the orc in every cell of your body, he pulled in and out slowly a couple times before he started fucking you properly. His thrusts were so powerful and so harsh that with each one he pushed you onto the minotaur’s cock, making you take him deeper. Both of them fucked you in tandem, in perfect sync.
Your brain felt broken, like they fucked each one of your neurons into their off-state. No logical thought inside your brain but cock. Their cocks. Filling your holes to the brim. You didn’t know how much time passed, maybe a couple minutes, maybe hours. You stood there as they took your mouth and your pussy, just a toy between two monsters.
The minotaur’s warning grunt came at the same time as the orc proclaimed that he was going to breed you until you popped from the amount of cum inside you. You shuddered. When the first tremors of their orgasms appeared, your pussy constricted around the orc’s cock. A static noise on your ears, the world around you blurring as they kept fucking their cum back inside of you.
You came so hard you saw stars. The whole milky way behind your closed eyes as you cried out around the dick in your mouth. Both of them were coming inside of you, making a mess of your holes as they filled you. You came, and came… The climax so harsh and so big you could feel everything and anything all at once. Your brain short-circuited completely. Your brain was far, far away as they cursed and talked and said whatever.
You laid there, on all fours, your holes filled with cum and two monsters spit roasting you.
You passed out.
As per popular request, theres a part 2 and part 3
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moonstruckme · 16 days
a thought:
reader is literally so grouchy and bratty and tired and is accidentally snapping at (whoever u want) and thennn they take initiative to casual dominance her to take a nap after some tea and it’s just so crazy fluffy!!!
Thanks for requesting!
cw: d/s dynamics
Remus Lupin x fem!reader ♡ 708 words
You’d claimed to want to read with Remus on the couch, but you keep huffing like your book is your least favorite thing in the world. Remus wraps a hand around your thigh, rubbing a slow back and forth with his thumb in an attempt to pacify you. He knows precisely what this mood is about. 
“Ugh, this construction noise is the worst!” You glare out the window as if hoping the men across the street will see. 
“Why don’t you use my headphones and try to have a nap, dove,” Remus suggests mildly. “You didn’t get much sleep last night, sounds like it’s catching up to you.” 
You bristle at the implication. “I’m not tired, I’m just sick of this. Nobody asked for the road to be redone. It was perfectly fine before.” 
Remus shoots you a sideways look. The road outside your house was riddled with potholes, and you both know it. If you were in a better mood, you’d be baking cookies for the construction workers to thank them. 
You ignore it, huffing again. “I’m gonna get some dinner,” you say, setting your book down roughly as you stand. 
“Last night’s leftovers are in the fridge.” 
“Don’t feel like those.” 
Remus gives your bum a light swat through your sweatpants as you go by. “Eat something real,” he warns. 
You make a vexed harrumphing sound. He chooses not to hear it. 
What he does hear, less than a minute later, is popcorn popping in the microwave. Remus sighs through his nose, tenting his book on the coffee table and pursuing you into the kitchen. You don’t turn around as his footsteps approach. 
“Dove.” Remus takes your hips, turning you manually. “That’s not a real dinner.” 
You shrug, obstinate. Your stare looks like you’re itching for a fight. “It’s what I feel like.” 
“You haven’t had anything with a vegetable in it all day. You need to pick something else.” 
You roll your eyes, turning back around. Ignoring him. Remus hits the button to shut off the microwave. 
You spin back around, eyes flashing. “You can’t—” 
“That’s enough.” He takes your jaw in his hand, your chin resting at the apex of his thumb and forefinger. “You’re being a brat,” he says in a low, steady voice, “because you’re sleepy and probably because you haven’t eaten a real meal since yesterday. That stops now. You’re going to eat the dinner you made yesterday, which you liked, and then go have a nap. Understand?” 
Remus isn’t really irritated with you. You’re being unruly, sure, but these moods always end once you get what you’re looking for from him. Now he’s given you it, you’ll calm down. 
It’s fucking precious, the way your temper melts away under his hard gaze. Your eyes round out and your head sits heavier in his hand, remorse finding its way into your expression. 
“Sorry,” you say, tone about ten degrees milder than it had just been. 
Remus rolls his eyes at you, squishing your cheeks between his fingers. “I know, darling. You can still make it up to me. Heat up those leftovers, okay?” 
You hum, and he lets you go, kissing the hill of your cheek. 
A minute later, you join him in the living room, curling up next to him on the couch while you eat and he reads. Your posture is already less rigid, the both of you enveloped in companionable silence and the smell of warm food. Your fork clinks as you set your plate down on the coffee table, and when you don’t get up to go to bed, Remus looks over at you. Your eyes are already on him, a question in them.
He fights to repress the smile that curves his lips. “What?” 
“Can I sleep here?” you ask hopefully. “Would it distract you if I put my head on your lap?” 
Remus coos. “No, sweetheart, of course you can.” 
“Are you sure?” you ask, though you’re already lying down, him uncrossing his legs to make his lap more comfortable for you. “You’re not still mad at me?” 
He tsks, petting your hair while you get comfortable. “I’m not. Wanna know a secret?” 
You hum, eyes already closing. 
“I’m never really mad at you, dove.”
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hysteria-things · 4 months
do a fanfic with leg humping, i beg you, ON MY KNEES 🙏🙏🙏 and with hand kink😜 i don’t care about the back story, i don’t care if it’s matt or chris just do it please 😞
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dom!matt x reader
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: you couldn’t care about the movie playing, and matt has an idea to keep you occupied. however, you’re not prepared for the punishment when you don’t listen.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: SMUTTY SMUT, swearing, thigh riding, hand kink, edging, overstimulation, degradation, spanking, AFTERCARE
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 1,021
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: this is kind of intense??? but i like it??? is that crazy???
sorry for no post yesterday. i’ve been having a not so good week and was exhausted/unmotivated when i got home :(
BUT enjoy reading anon! this one was a little hard, i hope i did okay :)
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you’ve always been fascinated by your boyfriend’s hands. how much bigger they are than yours, how his rings fit perfectly on his fingers; it’s no coincidence that he wears them on only his pointer and pinky.
the both of you sit on the couch. you guys just started watching a movie, but you couldn’t care less about it.
you wished matt’s hands were roaming your body right now, possibly holding your throat as he rails into you. maybe even—
“are you even watching?” he says, snapping you out of your x-rated thoughts.
“yeah.” you lie.
he can tell in an instant that you’re bullshitting him. “you know i don’t like liars.”
“get up and strip.”
you blink at him before getting up, slowly taking off your layers until you’re fully nude. he puts his foot on the coffee table across from where he’s seated.
“sit on my thigh.” he smirks. “and ride it.”
you stare blankly at him, wondering where this burst of confidence came from. however, you’re turned on nonetheless.
he chuckles. “i could read you like a book, y/n. you think i don’t know you were thinking about me fucking you right now?”
you blush and he continues. “i want to watch the movie. it’s either my thigh or nothing, sweetheart.”
you walk over hesitantly to straddle his thigh. you feel so exposed since he still has his clothes on.
his veiny hands caress your sides as you start to rock your hips. you can’t help but to hold them, the warmth feeling nice on your cold ones.
matt’s chin rests on your shoulder so he can still watch the movie in front of him. you moan and shudder when you feel the fabric on his jeans hit the right spot on your clit.
the pressure feels so good, your moans growing louder each time you roll your hips.
he slaps your ass, making you yelp and jolt. “shh.” he shushes. “i can’t hear what they’re saying.”
you whine in protest but nod anyway. the voices on the TV are muffled for you. the only focus is you getting off on your boyfriend’s thigh. you’re so needy and can’t help but look pathetic because of it.
“matt.” you whisper in your ear, the warm feeling in your stomach starting to build. “i-i’m gonna cum.”
“no.” he starts. “hold it until the movie’s done. the movie you wanted to watch in the first place.
“please ma—”
he slaps your ass again to shut you up. you moan loudly at the hit; enjoying it.
your hips get faster and start to tense. there’s no way you can hold it for that long.
“n-no matt y-you don’t understand,” you whine, feeling your cum start to drip down his leg.
“it’s… too late.” you pant, slowing down your hips until you stop. he tuts, taking the remote that’s next to him and pressing the replay button on the TV. he grabs your throat with those goddamn hands, forcing you to look into his eyes.
“i will restart this movie every time you cum without my permission, you understand me?”
matt had to restart the movie three times. every time you whimper an ‘i’m sorry’ into his ear, but it does nothing for him.
you’re sweating and overstimulated, and your pussy is swollen because of it. the inside of your thighs and his pants are soaked with your fluids, even the couch is messy. one of your buttcheeks are red and numb from the numerous times he spanked it.
you moan softly, your brain feeling fuzzy. you grind into his thigh still, but you start to become weak.
he takes the two fingers with no rings on them and shoves them into your mouth without warning. you gag at how deep they went.
“quiet. i want to hear,” he demands again.
you suck on his fingers and roll your eyes back. tear streaks stain your cheeks from the number of times you cried from pleasure.
“matt.” you muffle around his fingers. “it hurts.”
“that doesn’t sound like the safe word, love,” he says as he kisses your cheek.
he’s not wrong. yeah, it hurts, but it hurts too fucking good. you love being under matt’s control, even though something as intense as this is rare.
you start to slobber over his fingers. the feeling comes back, and you're surprised you have an orgasm left. you dig harder into his thigh and let out a sob.
“shh, it’s okay.” he soothes. “there’s only a few minutes left. you can hold it, yeah?”
your vision starts to fade, and matt removes his fingers from your mouth. you can’t moan anymore; only pant and whimper.
you’re not the only one that’s in pleasurable pain. matt’s been hard as fuck since this started, but right now he wants it all about you. not him.
the end credits start to play, and you sigh with relief. your last orgasm immediately washes over you. he wraps his arms around you as you shake uncontrollably in his grasp. “there you go.” he says as you cum for the fourth time on his thigh.
you collapse on top of his chest, ‘thank you’ leaving your lips over and over again.
“come on,” he says, swiftly picking you up and walking to the bathroom.
he runs a hot bath and gently places you in it. he takes some water to wash the tears away on your face.
matt whispers praises to you as he washes your hair. you stare at his face through tired eyes, admiring how he always takes care of you no matter what.
the way he moves his hands around your body to clean you up rubs you the right way.
after the bath, he carries you in a towel and lays you down softly on your shared bed. he goes over to the dresser and grabs a matching pajama set.
he carefully dresses you and puts you under the covers. he tucks you in, kissing your cheek when he realizes you fell asleep.
“goodnight, my beautiful girl,” he whispers in your ear, kissing you one last time.
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𝐭𝐚𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!
@bunbunbl0gs @lexisecretaccx @thy-mission @angelic-sturniolos111 @sophssturn @mattsneezing @janiellasblog @blahbel668 @meg-sturniolo @hearts4chris @mattslolita @sturnbaby @imwetforyourmom
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m0chisenpai · 1 year
P.Y.T ( Pretty Young Thing)
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Spiderman Across the Spiderverse
42!Miles Morales x black!reader
Warning(s): nothing too crazy. just a bit of cursing
Honestly it’s giving Poppy and Branch
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You stuck out like a sore thumb in Miles’ life. A bright pink, bedazzled thumb. He’ll never forget the first moment he saw you, well saw you again. He was out after school with some of the boys, and he saw you with your girls. You two crossed paths once or twice in middle school before you transferred for a bit to one of those downtown academies.
He recalls how you were the oreo that could answer any chem question without flinching at the sheer amount of conversion and what not involved.
You didn’t bag an eye or flinch at the harsh comments, the nickname that made Miles grind his teeth. How’s it your fault you were top three in the science department?
Yet here you were, your hands covered your glossy pink lips that spilled with a laugh that Miles wanted to hear more of. Your nails gleamed with bright charms and some cartoon characters and your other hand tossed a loose bang from your face.
You changed but he still saw the bright pink braces girl with various cartoon charms dangling from her purple kanken.
You all headed into the bodega and he and his boys followed in behind you. One of them said he needed to hit your friends up about something and it was coincidence because the two of you were reintroduced.
Miles found it endearing how despite your loud and boisterous behavior when the two of you got introduced, here you stood quiet as a mouse looking anywhere but at Miles.
You held a pack of candy in one hand and a bottle of water in the other while your groups spoke behind you as you stepped up to pay. But Miles caught your frustration as you dug into your purse.
“I got you” he stepped in and tapped his phone before you could protest.
“Thanks Miles I’m so sorry, next time it’s on me” you give him a smile as you slide the back into the book of your arm.
And it's then when he realizes how much he's missed you since middle school.
“Nah it’s all good you know I got you” his eyes watch as you fidget with your nails and he can’t help but smirk and gently bump you. “Why you acting shy? Used to hear you all the time in the halls.”
You gawk up at him and smack him in the arm. And he notes how your hand lingers a bit. It’s all the confirmation he needs.
“Morales how dare you! You look annoyed I didn’t want to bother you.. and who said you could get so tall.” You crossed your arms.
“I don’t think you could bother me.” And the way you look up at him is enough to know he’s got you wrapped around his finger just as you do him.
“And no one told you to stink your growth with all that coffee.”
Before you part ways Miles gets your new number and makes sure to save his into your phone.
You slowly find yourself bleeding back into Miles’ life. Short texts get longer. You’re sending hearts within four months, and Mama Rio knows your special knock when you enter the apartment to wait for Miles. She feeds you when you stay the long nights and Mr.Morales doesn’t want you going home for your safety.
When he comes home from his shifts he would stop you before you were heading out and tells you that you might as well stay the night. He was the same gentle giant you remember from back in middle school and he welcomes you into his home with open arms just as he did before.
He’s always quick to give your pops and mom and text when you do stay the night and they’re more than appreciative.
Miles bought a blanket just for you when you slept over on the couch. It’s fleece, pink and covered in a my melody pattern. He even provides a silk pillow in a matching shade cause he knows you won't sleep with a mix matched set. He pulls it up and tucks it in when he sees you fast asleep coming in from a job, and fixes your bonnet before it slips off.
You go from Y/N in his phone to Mi Tesoro.
You’re leaving lip gloss and lashes on his desk and taking jackets of his with you. He’s walking you to the bus and won’t leave till he sees you on it safely and watches your location till you’re in the house.
You begin to show back up in his sketches but he won’t show you. His sketchbook is intimate and when he does slowly show you his pieces your heart swells up.
You always were done up, but on the days when you weren’t Miles still swore you were beautiful. With lashes and without. With a full face or bare. Nails on and off. You were his whole world.
Miles knew about the dudes you used to mess with. He was smart when he could apply himself and he knew that while the relationships ended in good terms and there was no bad blood you settled. And he wasn’t going to build your relationship with him off of settling.
No, you deserved the world and therefore he was going to give it. Because you have him the same treatment in return with zero hesitation.
So when he’s planning to ask you to be his girl. He goes all out.
After school, as always, he asks if you can come by tonight. You agree but today he wants to go up on the roof and you quickly agree. But when you go up it’s different. It’s illuminated and the trail of candles lead you to your usual spot near the edge. But it’s set up with a blanket and atop it are a bouquet of roses and the large strawberry hello kitty you were raving on the phone about last week.
“I’m not the best with words or my emotions. But I know that I couldn’t let this feeling est me anymore. So I had to draw it.” Miles nods his head and you look up at the brick wall and gasp at the sight of…you. But it’s more ethereal, you want to ask Miles how he did such a beautiful portrait but he’s guiding you to look back at him with misty eyes.
“Be mine, please? My girl, my baby.”
And your hand covers your mouth like the first time but your nodding quickly and throw your arms around him and tuck yourself under his jaw.
“Miles you're lucky I used my good setting spray!” you smack his chest as he pulls you into his chest and guides your lips to his in a gentle peck.
“Sorry love I couldn’t help” he smirks down at you.
“Don’t look at me like that” you pout and push softly against him. And he tilts his hand to look down at you.
“Like what hm? How am I looking at you?” And you rolls your eyes and pull him to plant another kiss to his lips.
Tonight he doesn’t chide you about the residue your gloss leaves behind. He’ll wear it with pride. Tonight and the next days to come.
He wonders if they’ll always be like this. He hopes they are.
Because moments like this are always fleeting.
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juyeonszn · 9 months
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PAIRING lee juyeon x f!reader
GENRES … smut
WARNINGS 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, literally porn with plot. like i’m so insane, enemies to “we fuckin” as reese put it 🥰, frat boy tbz again!!!, juyo is literally so irritating in the first half im not even gonna lie, he’s also a manwhore, making out, reader is a bit of a brat, juyeon has a dirty mouth, kinda dom!juyeon, vaginal fingering, oral (m! receiving), SHOWER SEX !12!1!, he’s hitting it from the back btw, unprotected sex, creampie, juyeon is actually… i don’t even know how to describe him writing his character made me want to claw at the walls lol
SUMMARY deep down you’re fully aware that you’re probably making a huge mistake by giving into juyeon just like every other girl on campus ever has. but paired with how intoxicating his mouth feels on your own and the steam filled bathroom clouding your head, you can’t seem to find a logical reason to stop.
MORE heheheh im back 🤭 oh my god this was actually the cause of a week full of sleepless nights. i genuinely drove myself crazy writing this bc NEED FRRRR like idk i’m so 😭 delusional. ANYWAYS. ANON. THIS ONE IS FOR U. U REQUESTED THIS AND I RAN WITH IT. u wanted more juyeon, i deliver more juyeon ;) also shout out to ally, moni, AND reese for beta’ing 🥺 i love u my cupcakes!! prompt used: 18 <3
PERM TAGLIST @winterchimez @maessseongs @itsbeeble
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If there was anyone on Earth that you hated more than anything, it had to be Lee Juyeon.
To put things plainly, he was quite literally the bane of your existence. Being around him made your blood pressure skyrocket and gave you migraines that lasted for days. It was insane how one person could affect you so much by doing so little. It seemed as if he thrived off of getting under your skin.
Considering he was the captain and the pitcher of the baseball team, it wasn’t shocking. He was also a member of one of the most popular fraternities on campus. But he happened to be roommates with one of your best friends, and that made it ten times worse.
You’d known Changmin since third grade, along with Kevin and Chanhee. When he mentioned he’d be joining a fraternity in college, you were a bit apprehensive. All you knew about them was what you’d read in YA books and seen in movies. Neither gave them a good rep. Part of you wanted to talk him out of it, but you knew this was something you had to let him do, given you were adults and it was his college experience. At least you still had the other two under one roof.
The first time you met Juyeon was also the first time you attended a frat party. Changmin had just passed his initiation after waiting a year and he invited all of you to celebrate. You were excited for the most part since high school parties were more for an adrenaline rush due to the fact that your parents never let you go to them and you either snuck out or lied about going. You didn’t have to worry about the limitations of parents this go around.
The boys disappeared almost immediately upon arrival, leaving you to fend for yourself in the very crowded fraternity house. You could hardly pass through a room without bumping into somebody’s shoulder or elbow, huffing as you maneuver around the house equivalent to a sardine can. Your drink nearly spilled onto your top multiple times and you were glad you decided against the heels for the night.
You chugged the rest of the jungle juice in your cup as you stepped onto the patio, where it’s just as noisy and just as packed. You’re lucky enough to find an empty lounge chair near the house’s pool, unoccupied and calling your name. When your legs touch the plastic chair, you flinch at how hot it is, most likely from being in the sun all day.
“Woah, do you want a cushion?”
You look up at the source of the voice. You’ve seen him around campus before, and even at Changmin’s games. Lee Juyeon was just one of those people that you had to know, unless you’d been living under a rock. Just like everyone else in the world, you couldn’t deny how attractive he was. From this distance, you truly understood why girls would giggle like high schoolers over the guy.
“Uh, sure. Yeah, that would be great actually.” You nod, watching as he wanders towards the shed in the corner of the big ass backyard. He returns promptly, holding his red solo cup between his teeth and one hand on your lower back guiding you to a standing position so he could place down the cushion.
“As a thank you, can I get your name?” He gives you a cocky little smile that should’ve been a warning. And looking back on it, you should’ve seen his true personality sooner, to be completely honest. The way his lips curled at the corners, like a conniving bastard who got off on irritating others.
“It’s Y/N,” you say, messing with your empty cup. “I’d ask for yours, but I kinda already know.”
He laughs at that, scratching the back of his neck. “That’s not surprising.” It’s at this point that you’re starting to see through his sweet facade, but despite knowing better— despite always keeping your guard up— you let yourself fall for it just this once. All because you didn’t want to fuck things up for Changmin. He owed you big time.
“Well, you are a talented athlete.” You didn’t want to fuel what is probably already a massive ego, but you’d rather compliment his baseball skills than the fact that he was infamous for screwing around with half of the girls on campus. Technically, that was a feat of its own since he’d only been in school for a year.
“Oh, so you think I’m talented?” He rested a hand on your chair, leaning down to your level. Confidence oozed from every corner of his being and if you weren’t so self aware, perhaps you could’ve ended up like all those other victims of his charismatic behavior.
“I go to the games for Changmin,” you scoff, glancing away from his face to stop the heat rising up your neck. “I’ve only paid attention to you once or twice.”
“Yeah, sure. Let's go with that,” he bites his lip, blatantly checking you out. “I wouldn’t mind paying attention to you a little.”
“I’m unimpressed, Juyeon,” you snort, raising an eyebrow at him. “Does this shit really work on everyone?”
“I can drop the act if you want, baby. Just let me know when you’re ready to stop playing hard to get.” He stands upright, running a hand through his hair.
Every time you ran into Lee Juyeon after that, he was more and more insufferable. He knew his influence on you, too, if his smug fucking grin was anything to go by. You wish you could just slap it off of him. However, you stood by being the bigger person in any given situation, so that was off the table. (And half of you still felt a moral obligation to not get your friend into hot water.)
“Would it kill you to play nice every once in a while? I do live with the dude, you know.” Changmin whines, trailing you in the supermarket like a lost puppy.
“He’s got a point, N/N,” Kevin adds, humming as he tosses a boxed dinner into the cart. “I get that he’s a little bit of an overconfident douche, but rolling your eyes at him when he hasn’t even done anything just makes it worse on you. And JiChang, too, I guess.”
You weren’t even sure why he decided to tag along with you and the other boys when you mentioned grocery shopping. In fact, he might as well have stayed his ass home if he was just going to gang up on you the whole time. Chanhee sighs dramatically, bringing your shopping cart to a halt.
“Can we not have a peaceful grocery trip? Is that impossible or something?” His lips form a thin line. “I swear, all we do is talk about how much Y/N hates Lee Juyeon. Can we please move on?”
“Thank you, Chanhee, I agree,” you nod along, walking backwards as you do so and ignoring the faces your friends make. “He makes me want to kill myself.”
“Who makes you want to kill yourself?”
You jump up, frightened by the sudden voice in your ear. Your friends all give you sheepish smiles, as if they’d already tried to warn you. (What shitty jobs they did.) With a hand over your heart, you turn around to meet— speak of the devil— none other than Lee Juyeon himself.
“What are you doing here?” Your eyes narrow and your arms cross over your chest. Luck could never be on your side when it came to this guy.
“Uh, last I checked, this was a public supermarket. Where I can publicly shop. I wasn’t aware that I had to run that by you. So sorry, sweetheart.” He pouts, his expression so theatrical you nearly give in to your constant urge to punch him in the face.
You feel your eye twitch, and it takes everything in you to step back and assess just how bad it would be if you committed murder right now. Changmin comes to your rescue, doing damage control as best as he can while Kevin attempts to talk you out of becoming a criminal.
The two frat brothers do their little fraternity handshake thing and then finally he’s out of sight, out of mind, allowing you to visibly relax. Chanhee purses his lips. “Okay, so maybe I do see where the anger comes from. And holy shit, Y/N, you have the patience of a saint.”
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“The person you have called is unavailable! At the tone, please leave a message. When you have finished recording, you may—”
“Goddammit.” You curse, ending the unsuccessful call.
The downside of working far from campus, was working far from campus. You didn’t have your own car and usually relied on one of your roommates for a ride to and from. But now here you are, stranded at work while it’s pouring cats and dogs outside. Kevin was in class and Chanhee wasn’t picking up his phone. You could call Changmin, but you’re pretty sure he also had a class around this time.
Just as you’re about to succumb to your demise, you receive a text from Chanhee.
“Could today get any worse?” You mutter to yourself, locking your phone and tossing it into your purse. As if your timing couldn’t be better, you spoke entirely too soon. Your eyes squint at the unfamiliar car rolling up under the carport. Your brows furrowed in confusion, because you had no idea who could be your saving grace. Chanhee was a wild card so who knew who he had on speed dial.
But then the passenger window rolls down and you wish the ground would just swallow you whole. Lee Juyeon grins that stupid fucking grin of his, beckoning you to his car as it unlocks when he shifts into park. You shake your head.
“No way. There is absolutely no way I am getting into that car.” You shout over the pelting rain.
Juyeon tsks, his eyes rolling when he reaches over the center console to open the door for you. “Is there anyone else who would drop everything they’re doing to pick you up in this weather?”
Your lips pull into a flat line. The answer was no, you didn’t have anyone else who would drop everything they were doing to pick you up in this weather. That was the reason Juyeon was here, you supposed. It didn’t mean you weren’t at least going down without a fight, though. Except, Lee Juyeon was a man who was all too comfortable with how expressive you were. Most notably towards him.
“What? Cat got your tongue, sweetheart?”
“Fuck you. I’d rather walk.” You seethe, starting straight in the direction of your apartment. Juyeon groans at first, your constant need to prove yourself getting on his nerves for once. Then his eyes widen slightly when he realizes you’re not joking.
The truth was that the rain was freezing and you’d love to be in the shelter of a warm car. In fact, you didn’t really care that Juyeon was the person driving. But you were too deep into the bit now. You couldn’t just turn around and get in the car, for you had a pride to protect at this point.
“Shit.” Juyeon swears under his breath, reaching into the backseat to grab an umbrella. Sure he loved to tease you and rile you up, but he wasn’t cruel. Your friends would have his head on a silver platter if he let anything happen to you.
You pause in your steps when you’re no longer being showered in rain water. Juyeon holds the umbrella over your head with a worried expression. You feel kind of bad for making him chase after you even though he’d already gone out of his way to pick you up. Sometimes you wish your ego wasn’t so fragile. Maybe then you could accept help when you needed it instead of making things worse.
“Can you please stop being so stubborn and just get in the damn car, Y/N? Do you have to make everything difficult all the time?” Usually, pissing you off made him over the moon, but you can tell he’s not exactly pleased at the moment. You swallow thickly, nodding quietly and following him back to his car.
The whole drive to your apartment is silent save for the song playing on his speakers. It’s not as loud in comparison to the storm outside, but you’re grateful that it’s filling the space between you. If only Lee Juyeon hadn’t done such an excellent job ticking you off like a bomb, then maybe you would’ve just hopped in the passenger seat with ease. But no, he had to goad you until you made an irrational decision and now here you are.
As he pulls up to your building, you say a little prayer that you don’t regret your next actions. He stops as close to the stairs as he can, but you turn to him before unbuckling your seatbelt. With a deep breath, you ask, “Would you like to— uh— come inside?”
He glances from you to the stairs and then shrugs, parking in the nearest empty spot. He holds the umbrella over both of you as you make your way to your unit, lightly sprinting so you don’t get anymore soaked than you already are. You figured the least you could do was invite the dude into your home and offer him some hot tea, just so he could warm up before heading back to the TBZ house. Your roommates not being here to make fun of you was also a plus.
There’s still an unspoken tension even after you’ve shed your raincoats and shoes by the front door, settling into your apartment and its coziness. Juyeon sits at the breakfast bar as you busy yourself with preparing the kettle and getting a couple tea bags. His watchful gaze is a little intimidating now that you’ve seen his serious side.
Once you’ve finished making the tea, you set his mug in front of him. You look everywhere but him when you say, “I’m gonna take a shower if you’re okay waiting out here by yourself.” He doesn’t respond verbally, so you take it as your cue to leave.
You turn on the water to let it heat up before gathering your essentials. When you’ve completed your back and forth trip from the bathroom and your bedroom, you’re finally ready to just relax in your shower and forget about today’s events. But how could you ever truly relax with Lee Juyeon in your space, permeating your peace?
As you’re shutting the bathroom door, a foot jams itself between the threshold and stops you. You glance up from the floor to meet Juyeon’s eyes. They’re darker than you’re used to, a deep shade of brown that has your stomach twisting into knots.
“You know, Y/N, this game of cat and mouse is starting to get old,” he takes a step into the steaming room, locking the door behind him and trapping you. “Just admit to yourself that you want me.”
You sputter at his bold words, because you don’t. You don’t want Lee Juyeon. Why would you want Lee Juyeon? “I’m not gonna lie to myself. I don’t want you.”
He laughs humorlessly, closing the gap between you just a little more. You don’t have it in you to back away from him. He reaches a hand up to tuck some damp hair behind your ear. You’re still wet and cold from your stupid idea to walk in the rain, but Juyeon plans to warm you up perfectly. “You sure?”
“Positive,” you breathe.
“Why don’t we test that theory?” Now he’s got you backed into the wall, his face a hair’s breadth distance from your own. “I have a feeling I can change your mind.”
You don’t know if it’s the heat of the bathroom or Juyeon’s lips being so close, but so far simultaneously that has your brain turning into static. Your head feels fuzzy, like you’re watching TV on an empty channel through a blurry lens. You lick your lips, vision trained on his. “Why don’t we?”
That’s all the confirmation he needs to press your mouths together in a searing kiss, hotter than the temperature of the room. You feel him smile against you when you make no move to push him away, instead carding your fingers through his hair. He groans when you tug a bit, twirling the longer strands around your index.
His hands slip under your top, thumbs rubbing circles into your waist. This is a terrible idea. Deep down you’re fully aware that you’re probably making a huge mistake by giving into Juyeon just like every other girl on campus ever has. But paired with how intoxicating his mouth feels on your own and the steam filled bathroom clouding your head, you can’t seem to find a logical reason to stop.
When you part for air, you both start stripping your top layers, resuming your attacks on each other’s lips once you’re left in nothing but undergarments. Juyeon trails kisses along the side of your neck, nipping and sucking wherever he feels fit. You gasp when he finds that particular spot that contributes to the butterflies fluttering about your stomach. “God, you’re so annoying.”
“Yeah?” And despite getting ready to give you the pleasure of your life, his grin against your skin still manages to irritate you. “You hate me so much, huh?”
“Mhm,” you whine as his fingers dip beneath the band of your panties, toying with your sensitive cunt. “Hate you so bad— ah…”
“You might wanna shut up soon, sweetheart,” Juyeon warns, sliding his ring finger between your lower lips. “Or else I’ll give that mouth something to do.”
“I’ll do whatever I want,” you pull his hand from your underwear, kneeling in front of him when he furrows his eyebrows in confusion. Your nails scrape lightly down his abdomen before hooking into the waistband of his briefs, freeing him from the material. It takes a lot out of you to not visibly react at the sight of his cock, hard and flushed to the tip. You couldn’t dare inflate his ginormous ego, the situation you were currently in already doing enough on its own. His size is impressive too, making you wonder just how he expects you to take him like a champ.
“What a fucking brat,” he hisses, your tongue swiping along the underside of his dick. “Always gotta have the last word, don’t you?”
“Mmmm,” you moan, mouth full with just the tip. You’d never been the type of person who cared about size. As long as they knew what they were doing and made you finish, you held no qualms with their length. In fact, you don’t think you ever even paid much attention to anyone’s dick in your life. But if there was anything to back Lee Juyeon’s cockiness, it had to be, well, his cock.
“You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this moment,” he confesses, wrapping your hair around his hand into a makeshift ponytail. “But, fuck, this is so much better.”
The admission shoots straight to your core and you find yourself whimpering, the vibrations against his dick driving him crazy. He has to support his weight with one hand flat to the wall, the other still tightly fisting your hair. With every suck and flick of your tongue, he tugs a little more, the sting on your scalp providing you with more pleasure than pain. You pull off of him to take a breath, jerking him off as you do so.
“Am I meeting your expectations?” You bat your eyelashes up at him, drool sliding down your chin and makeup smeared under your eyes in tear streaks. He groans at the sight of you, forcing you to a standing position so he could kiss you again.
You start dragging him towards the shower, unhooking your bra and stepping out of your panties. He raises an eyebrow at you, amused. “You want me to fuck you in the shower, baby? Have you slipping all over my cock?”
“Duh,” you can’t help but roll your eyes at his question, practically pawing at his underwear to get him out of them fully. “Did you think I sucked your dick on the bathroom floor for fun?”
“That mouth of yours is gonna get you in trouble one of these days.”
He kicks them off, reconnecting your lips as you step into the shower. The hot water hits your back almost like a massage, synchronously getting in your mouth as you make out with Juyeon aggressively. It’s like he can’t get enough of you, big hands kneading and groping everywhere and nowhere all at once. You feel insane, especially with how good of a kisser he is. It’s like you’re on cloud nine and nothing’s capable of bringing you down.
When he’s finally lost his patience, he spins you around, pressing you cheek first to the shower wall. You feel him against your lower back, his lips leveling with your ear. In spite of acting as if he had himself under control, you can hear the pant in his breathing, deep voice a little desperate than usual. He has a hand gripping your thigh and picking up your leg.
“No protection?” He asks, his cock already gliding between your folds in anticipation.
“Mm-mm,” you shake your head as best you can with his body sandwiching you to the tiled surface. “Wanna feel you raw.”
“Fuck, you can’t say shit like that to me,” Juyeon groans into your ear, giving no warning as he spits down your front and hikes your leg higher, thrusting into your cunt. “You’ll make me wanna stay buried in you forever.”
You moan, hand coming up to hold the side of his head as he fucks you into the shower wall. If someone were to ask about this very moment, you weren’t too sure how you’d defend yourself. A moment of weakness, perhaps? But if a moment of weakness felt this fucking good every time, you might fall into a habit of judgment lapses.
He nuzzles his face in the crook of your neck, nibbling and biting your shoulder and the surrounding area with each snap of his hips. The angle he drives into you at has stars forming at the back of your vision, the tip of his cock brushing that one spot deep inside of you whenever he thrusts up. You don’t even think his entire dick is in you as he does this, but you also don’t really have the mind to care, way too focused on memorizing the veins of his shaft with your walls.
You’re far too gone to consider the consequences of your actions, the horizon of your release just beyond your fingertips now. You’d never needed someone so viscerally before, so carnally. Yet here you were, sucking Lee Juyeon’s cock in with your pussy like you were a damn vacuum. The sounds you’re making bounce back and forth on the walls, no doubt louder than the shower water itself.
“I— I-I’m so— fuck,” you mewl, words wobbling. “I’m so, so close, Juyo.”
“Yeah, baby?” He sighs in your ear, nudging your sensitive clit with his thumb while raising your leg as much as he physically can. “Me too, where do you want me?”
“Inside,” you don’t think you even make sense anymore, babbling as he continues to fuck you stupid. “Please. Want you to cum inside me.”
Juyeon grits his teeth, pleased with himself that he didn’t orgasm right then and there. He uses his last ounce of strength to get the two of you off together. “C’mon, sweetheart, cum for me.”
The fogginess subsides pretty quickly after you’ve finished, your brain registering what just happened almost instantaneously. If you weren’t so hypersensitive, you would’ve pulled him out yourself and scrambled to flee the scene. (And maybe even the country.) There are many more rational thoughts running through your head now. The entire trajectory of your life has just been changed, whether you realized it or not. But the biggest issue was:
What the hell do you do now?
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© juyeonszn. do not steal, claim, or repost.
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ash5monster01 · 4 months
Can I get Drew Starkey with prompt 2.??
First Love
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Valentines Celebration Prompt
Pairing: Drew Starkey x FemReader
Warnings: mentions of heartbreak, fluff, established relationship
2. You find an old love letter from your high school sweetheart, do you reach out?
word count: 2k
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Valentine’s Day always brought up old memories. Thoughts to a time that didn’t even feel like you had lived it anymore. So much had changed, things you never really expected too. It’s weird that it feels so much heavier this year. Maybe since it had been ten years. A decade later and your life was not what you had wanted or expected it to be. Which explains why you pull the box stuffed away in your closet out. A layer of dust covering the top and you slowly blow it away as you pull the lid open to memories you hadn’t revisited in a very long time.
It’s the big things you notice first. The pair of roller skates you seemed to live in sophomore year of high school. A stack of year books with worn covers and faded signatures on the inside. A hoodie, one from him that overtime just became yours. Then it was the pictures. So many pictures it made you realize just how much of your life had been intertwined with his. It may have been ten years since but it was still ten years together before. Trying your best to avoid your young smiling face you find a stack of letters, rubber banded together with handwriting that is all too familiar. You knew it maybe wasn’t the best idea to read one, open old wounds, and yet you can’t stop yourself from freeing one of the envelopes.
Hello my love,
Did I happen to mention just how beautiful you looked today. I didn’t hear a single thing in Calc class because you kept brushing that perfect hair out of your face and across those shoulders. All I could think about was the smell of your perfume and wishing my head was buried in your neck. If I fail it’ll be all your fault but I wouldn’t really mind. It’d be worth it if it meant I got to keep looking at you. Just a degreeless loser with the most perfect wife. That’s right, I said wife, because I’m going to marry the hell out of you. It’s my only dream, out of all my successes in life you will always be my best one. Remember that.
Love Drew
The tears that spring to your eyes are not intentional. It was just that you had almost forgotten just how much he loved you. It was still your biggest regret that you never got to tell him just how much you loved him too. Maybe he had a girlfriend or even a different wife now but that still never stopped you from checking his Instagram and watching all of his latest movies. Which is why you’re so quick to pull up his account and scroll through the posts. He had grown up so much. He wasn’t that young 19 year old boy you used to know. He was a man now, a man you had let go of in order to not hold him back.
It’s when you accidentally double tap the screen and the heart appears do you feel your stomach drop. In instant panic you realize you’ve just become one of those crazy exes who still looks at their old boyfriend’s profile. Yet you shouldn’t feel this way. Drew was always your closest friend after all. So in order to make yourself look less crazy or possibly even more crazy, you hit the message button on the top.
Hey, was just reminiscing. So proud of all the things you have done. Hope all is well.
The internal cringe is enough for you to throw your phone across the room and pray that his famed status will keep him from ever seeing any notifications from you. Yet that isn’t proven true when your phone dings with a text from an unknown number on the other side of the room. Nervously picking it up, you prepare for whatever the text may hold.
Hey, it’s Drew. I’m really hoping this is still your number 😅
I got your DM but it feels weird messaging you of all people over Instagram
The second text comes through as you’re finished reading the first one, nerves tingling through your entire body. You hadn’t expected a DM back, let alone a text. Yet here you both were and now you had to face the consequences of your actions. You were the one who reached out first after all.
It’s still me! I would have texted but obviously your number did change
You know how awkward it seems. Texting him professionally as if he isn’t the only person in the world you are most comfortable with. You don’t have time to dwell considering another text comes through.
Yeah, I actually had to ditch it after a crazy fan incident. I would have given you my new one but honestly I figured you didn’t want it.
Of course I’d want it, no matter what you’ll be important to me
You don’t want to come off as flirty but it was true. Even if your relationship had been ten years ago. Drew held your heart and gave you every first experience of love in your life. That never goes away, he would carry those firsts around with him forever.
You home? I’m in town and I’d love to meet up
It’s not the text you expect to come after the one you just sent. Knowing Drew was so close now made you even more nervous. It had been so long. Were you really even ready for that kind of confrontation? Then again you didn’t want him to think you were still all torn up especially after you reached out to him. So you sucked it up and texted back.
Yeah! We could meet at our old place, 4 o’clock?
See you then
And just like that, you not only revisited your past memories, but were truly going to step in it. Ten years ago this was your normal routine and it was weird how getting ready for this still felt so natural after all this time. This time you put a bit more effort into your appearance. If you were going to see Drew for the first time after all these years, you had to look good.
So with your jacket wrapped tightly around you, you find yourself walking to the center of town. The bustle of familiar faces walking along the streets, colors of red and pink covering every storefront you can see. You register completely that you’re doing this on Valentine’s day. The anniversary of when you left him ten years ago. Right in front of the old diner stands Drew, bundled up and holding a single pink rose in his hand. He doesn’t see you approach right away which makes you smile just slightly.
“Hi” you hum out, all emotions leaving you but happiness. You never would’ve thought seeing him in person again would bring you this much peace. He jumps just lightly before his head swiftly turns to face you.
“Hi! There you are” he grins and you can’t help the small laugh that falls from your lips. Suddenly he’s holding the pink rose forward. “This is for you, since it’s Valentines after all”
“Are you asking me to be your Valentine?” you tease, fingers curling around the stem and lightly brushing his own. You can’t believe how long it’s been since you’ve felt his touch. Red covers the boys cheeks as you pull the flower close and take in its scent.
“No, well if you want. Yes, maybe. I don’t know anymore honestly” he flusters out and all you can do is giggle as you take a step closer to him.
“I’ll be your Valentine, considering I have been many times before” you tell him with a smile and he sighs in relief, comforted just as much by you, as you are of him.
“Let’s go inside, I don’t want you to freeze” he says, hand falling on your back and guiding you towards the door. You obey, heading straight for your old designated booth. Drew watches as you slide carefully into your side before he sits down himself.
“Look at you movie star” you grin at him after a moment, taking in his grown and handsome appearance. A fresh blush covers his cheeks as he lets out a soft chuckle.
“I’m no movie star, not quite yet” he says and you roll your eyes.
“Oh please, Drew I see your face everywhere I go. Edits of you pop up on my tik tok now. Who would’ve thought my high school sweetheart would be everyone’s celebrity crush by now” you say, knocking your foot with his and he laughs lightly.
“To be honest it shocks me. At the end of the day I still am the bad guy on my claim to fame show” he says and you just smile, taking all of him in.
“That buzzed hair, been so long since I’ve seen you with shaggy hair. It’s weird how different you look and yet you’re still completely the same” you don’t mean to be sappy but sitting here of all places with him will make you like that.
“Yeah, I kinda wanted to grow it out but with filming schedules I’ve had to keep it shaved down. Maybe after though” he says running a hand over his head and you just grin.
“I can’t wait” and the sentence isn’t meant to imply you’ll be spending time together in the future, yet Drew can’t help but think of that.
“Why’d you reach out today?” he cuts to the chase and the smile quickly falls from your lips. “And don’t give me some classic bullshit response. I want the truth”
And you consider your options before finally choosing to speak.
“Every Valentine��s day I go through our box of things. Mementos of our time together, because if I’m being honest, I’m not really over it. I know I left you but it wasn’t because I didn’t love you anymore. It’s because I didn’t want to hold you back” you saw no point in lying, he deserved the truth. Even after all these years.
“You never ever held me back” he says after he lets your words sink in and you sigh, hands coming up to tug at your hair.
“It doesn’t matter Drew. I know you, you would’ve chosen me over going to LA. Chasing your dream, becoming a superstar, I wasn’t apart of that” you tell him and Drew sighs, taking a moment to think of his next words.
“You were apart of that. You always were, because none of that mattered compared to you. You were always my greatest accomplishment” and the words from that letter ring through your mind.
“Do you still love me?” you finally ask, needing to know exactly what was going through his mind.
“I never stopped” he says and finally a small smile pulls at the corner of your lips.
“Do you think I could be apart of it now? So I stop accidentally liking your instagram posts?” you ask and a belly laugh falls from the boys lips across from you.
“If you’ll have me” he says, hands reaching across and cupping yours into his own.
“Always” you tell him with a grin and just like when you two were 16 and first started to come here, he lifts off his seat and leans across the table to meet you. Searching his eyes you meet him halfway and slowly press your lips against his own. Kissing him like this again for the first time in ten years feels like a fever dream but it was perfect. He was perfect and still tasted faintly of cherries and coffee. He was the only thing you ever truly wanted.
And you got him back.
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the-record · 8 months
kissing lessons: 3
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synopsis: it was like she’d never left as you settled back into friendship, but how you wished there was more to it.
song: kissing lessons - lucy dacus
pairing: college!ellie x reader
warnings: nothing??
a/n: getting juicy now 😊😊
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
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“move in with me.”
was she crazy? you couldnt just move in with her.
“im sorry?”
ellie laughed, you looked at her like she was crazy. “move in with me! ive got an apartment like 10 minutes from here.”
“ellie, respectfully, i haven’t seen you for a decade, and you think im just gonna move in with you to an apartment ive never seen? that you don’t even live in?” you stood up, arms crossed over your chest and paced. “and, even if i wanted to, im still 17, i dont turn 18 until september. i cant just move out. my mom would, like, i don’t know… she’d probably call the police.”
ellie smiled was you through out every possibility under the sun. “she’d disown me. take back my car. she pays for it, not me. and i don’t know if my job even pays enough for me to pay rent.” your threw your hands in the air and finally saw ellie’s small laugh. “what are you laughing at?”
she shrugged, pulling you back down to her bed. “i don’t even move in until the end of september. and only someone who was considering it would come up with all that in two minutes.” she sighed when you rolled your eyes at her. “you keep rolling those eyes and they’re gonna get stuck.”
“oh my god, shut up.” she watched you try to hide a smile.
ellie couldn’t help but wonder about you even as you sat in front of her. what did you love and what did you hate? what made you tick? did you remember everything she taught you in her old room? on the mattress you sat on now. how to kiss, and how to get cole or justin or whatever guy had a crush on you.
she wondered what you wanted to do in life. who you were friends with at school. if you wanted to kiss her as much as she wanted to kiss you. like old times.
your heads both turned as the street lights flicked on.
“i better get going.”
“stay for dinner.”
your voices overlapped before silence.
ellie smiled, getting up and holding a hand out to you. you took and she pulled you up but didn’t let go as she led you back downstairs.
god it was gonna be hard to be just friends.
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“so,” joel sat down his fork and looked at you. “have you thought about college? where you wanna go? what you’d like to study.”
you nodded, copying joel and putting down your own fork. “yeah, i was planning to stay here actually. instate tuition and all that.” you took a sip of water before continuing. “i think i’d like to be a teacher? maybe. i just know i want to work with kids.”
“wouldn’t even have to learn about them, considering you are one,” ellie teased. you kicked her shin under the table. “ow, fuck.”
“ellie no cursing at the dinner table.” joel winked at you as ellie scoffed. “what’s happened since we’ve been gone?”
you sat back in your chair, thinking about everything of sustenance. “honestly nothing. it’s incredibly boring.” you gasped as you remembered. “mel got pregnant last year.”
ellie nearly spit out her food. “no way.” you nodded, picking up your fork again. “with who? what’d her parents do?”
“owen.” ellie gasped as you nodded. “who, mind you, at the time was dating abby.”
“good god.” joel stood up, taking his plate with him. “thats enough for me.” you and ellie laughed as he left.
ellie cleared her throat as you took a bite. “20 questions?” you nodded and set down your fork before getting comfortable. “favorite song?”
you hummed, “kyoto, phoebe bridgers.” ellie nodded approvingly. “favorite movie?”
“the outsiders.” you groaned and ellies jaw dropped. “excuse me? whats your favorite then?”
“practical magic, duh.” you smirked as she rolled her eyes. “you keep rolling those eyes and they’re gonna get stuck.” you echoed her comment from earlier.
“you’re so annoying.” ellie flicked a pea at you.
you threw one back, hitting her forehead. “favorite book?”
she thought for a moment before she answered. “catcher in the rye.”
“good one.” she nodded. “wanna get slushies?”
ellie bolted up with a smile, “god i thought you’d never ask.”
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“i can’t believe you dont get cherry and blue raspberry.” you shouldered ellie as you walked back to your car.
ellie scoffed. “i can’t believe you do.” she pulled at the passenger door. “unlock the car.” you got in, closing your door and locking it. “angel.”
you smiled at her and turned on music, singing along between sips. ellie walked around to your window and knocked. your pretended to be shocked, turning down the radio and rolling down the window. “what can i do for you this fine evening?”
ellie leaned her arms on the car door with an innocent smile. “can i kiss you?”
“what?” your face and mind blanked long enough for ellie to unlock the door and pull it open. you barely realized before she was clambering over you to the passenger seat. “oh fuck you.”
ellie gasped, “how unladylike. you just sip your slushy and get me home safely,” she teased as she buckled her seat belt.
you fought the urge to roll your eyes as you shut your door and put the car in reverse.
how badly you wanted to have said yes.
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strniohoeee · 7 months
I NEED a pregnancy reader x matt smut
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Pairing: Matt Sturniolo X Female Reader
Synopsis: Y/N is pregnant and yearning for Matt after reading mommy to be books, and learning about her libido spiking���.will he give in?😙
Warnings⚠️: SMUT BABES, it’s nothing crazy just sex while pregnant? Idk shit bout being pregnant, so I tried my best LMAOO
Song for the imagine: Baby Love- The Supremes
⚠️This is an 18+ story, so minors do not interact, or do??⚠️
Matt and I had been dating for a good four years. We were both 21 now, and he and his brothers were super famous on YouTube. I always had a feeling they’d get bigger than they thought. I was there for every milestone, and when they hit 5 million subscribers we were so fucking happy
I was occasionally in videos, I preferred to stay out of them as those were his brothers lives, and not mine. However I would pop out here and there since we were 18. At first most fans thought we were friends until we were 20, and finally came out to say that we had been dating since we were 18. We got the expected comments half loving and half hating, but I didn’t care I was secure in my relationship.
However, Matt and I’s anniversary was a while back, and we had fun, LOTS OF FUN consisting of sex, sex and more sex.
But after two weeks I started to feel sick, and sore and just not right, so I decided to go to the doctor thinking it was the flu, or covid. What I didn’t expect was to find out I was pregnant… A WEEK AND A HALF PREGNANT.
I was shocked, but I also knew I wanted to keep this baby, and Matt and I weren’t always the most careful when it came to having sex. But he always told me if I got pregnant he’d take care of me with no questions asked.
I was currently 14 weeks pregnant, and I was showing, but not enough to really make people think. Especially since I dressed to hide my bump, and posed specific ways
The fans suspected nothing, and we didn’t want to say anything till I was almost due. Chris and Nick immediately jumped for joy and were always by my side if Matt couldn’t be. His parents and their brother Justin also supported me.
Mary-Lou and Jimmy would fly out like once a month to spend a few days with Matt and I. They were so excited to be grandparents.
I was reading a lot of what to expect when you’re expect type of books to prepare as best as I could. I was genuinely shocked at all the new information I was finding out
What I did read was starting at 14 weeks women experience a spike in there libido, and I kind of had a feeling because anytime I saw Matt I wanted to jump his bones
It’s called baby brain….we become different, and feral
Matt was out filming with his brothers and I was at home just doing nothing. I heard Matt come home, but I only heard him
He came into the bedroom
“Hey baby” he said putting his stuff down on his desk
“Hey Matt. Where’s Chris and Nick?” I asked
“They went shopping. They said that they wanted to buy some things for the baby” he said walking over and rubbing my little baby bump
“Aww that’s so nice of them. They don’t have to” I said looking up at Matt
“Yeah I know, but they wouldn’t budge they said there’s so many things they want to buy” he said sitting down to take his sneakers off
“They’re too nice I love them” I said as I rubbed my baby bump
Matt came over and laid next to me resting his head on his left hand while looking at me
“What’s my pretty lady been up to?” He asked
“I’ve just been reading these mommy to be books” I said pointing to a stack of books on the nightstand
“Find out anything good?” He asked
“Actually yes, our sex drive spikes at 14 weeks” I told him
“How far along are you?” He asked smirking
“Exactly 14 weeks today” I said winking at him
“Oh well then this must mean one thing” he said smiling at me
“It means you look so fucking hot all the time, I’m ready to jump on you when you walk through that door” I said
“Oh really?” He asked jutting (ew) his bottom lip out while pondering
“Oh yeah, and when you wear those whore outfits looking fine asf. I lose all self respect” I said giving him a kiss
“Oh baby, I don’t know if I’ll be able to control myself” he said kissing me
“So don’t. I want to fuck, and I want it now” I said sitting up
“Won’t I hurt the baby?” He asked
“Matt….. be for real right now. Do you think the baby got his hand hanging out of my cervix ready to high five your dick?” I asked laughing at him
“You’re such a weirdo with your explanations” he said laughing at me
“You will not hurt the baby. It actually says sex is usually more enjoyable when the woman is pregnant” I told him
“So then let’s find out” he said grabbing my cheek and kissing me
Matt laid me back down as he hovered over me kissing me, and then slowly going down to my neck leaving sloppy kisses
“Matt I missed this” I said sighing
“Me too baby” he said coming back up and kissing my lips
He removed his shirt and his pants, and then took my shirt, and shorts off
“You look so fucking hot pregnant” he said gently rubbing my bump
“Maybe after this one we can have another” I said winking at him
“Oh baby I’ll have as many as you want” he said kissing me
Matt had slid off my underwear before coming back up to kiss me, and massaging my breasts lightly because they were a little sore
As he was kissing me, he slowly slid his hand down to massage my clit
“Fuck baby you’re so wet, and I haven’t even done much” he said looking into my eyes
“Matt when I tell you everytime I see you, I need you…I mean it” I told him
“Fuck baby” he said before going back to rubbing my clit, and slowly inserting two fingers inside of me
“Oh fuck Matt that feels so good” I said moaning at the feeling
He kept pumping his fingers in and out of me, before finally removing them, and placing his dick at my entrance
“Ready baby?” He asked
“I’m ready” I said, and slowly Matt slid into me completely bottoming out
“Fuck baby please move” I moaned out to him
Within an instant Matt was thrusting into me at a good pace, not too hard and not too soft. It felt amazing, and his pelvic bone was rubbing against my clit allowing for extra stimulation
“Oh baby I’m going to cum soon” Matt said as he thrusted into me while kissing my neck
“Me too. This feels so fucking good” I moaned out to him
Sex with Matt was always amazing, but I think because of my hormones it felt extra fucking good. I was so fucking wet like the sounds coming from me were insane
Matt kept thrusting into me, and I couldn’t stop clenching down on him
“Fuck matt I’m going to cum” I said clenching down on him harshly
“Come on baby, cum for me” he said thrusting into me and rubbing my clit
“Oh fuckkk” I yelled out as I came so hard all over Matt, my whole fucking body was shaking and my breathing stopped
“Oh my god” I said coming down from my high breathing heavily
Matt soon pulled out, and came all over my lower stomach. He came down from his high, and immediately ran to get a wet rag
“Sorry…cumming on your baby bump feels wrong” he said laughing, and I laughed with him because he’s such a weirdo
“It’s okay you weirdo” I said laughing at him and sitting up
We cleaned ourselves up, and got dressed, and in queue we heard the front door open
“Look at that perfect timing” he said getting up from the bed, and we both walked out to the living room
“We’re BACKKKKK” Nick yelled as he walked in with a ton of target bags full of baby stuff
“Guys what is all this” I said looking at the bags
“Well we have to spoil our unborn niece or nephew” Chris said bringing in more bags
“YALL THIS IS CRAZY” I said as my eyes fell on at least 12 bags of baby stuff
“Listen we’re so excited you have no idea” Nick said
“Hmm” Chris suddenly stopped and looked at Matt and I
“What?” matt said
“I know what was going on here” he said smirking at us
“The fuck are you talking about?” I said
“My poor niece or nephew was getting scrambled….yall was fuckingggggg” Chris said
“The fuck?” Matt said
“Well…..y/n your hair?? And Matt your shirt is on inside out and backwards” Chris said laughing
“MATT” I said smacking him
“OH MY GOD” Nick said laughing
“Uhh sorry?” Matt said getting all shy
We just laughed at this awkward interaction, and then Chris and Matt gave me a haul of what they got me while explaining every single item, and how either they will use it, or how I will use it
The End
Once again I hope yall enjoyed, and for the person that requested this I hope I didn’t disappoint 🥰 also I would like to do a/n at the end of my stories, so if you have any like personal questions, you can ask them here, and I’ll answer them in the next stories endings or as a separate thread 🤭🤭
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kneelingshadowsalome · 11 months
Oh god, I was just giggling so hard at howdy anons ask and your reply about reader letting König wait (sending a smooch to you both ❤️😘). He really deserves to suffer a little like that lol! Just imagining this guy, who likes to see himself as so strong and dominant, especially towards woman, slowly but surely lose his fucking marbles... And all because of that sweet little lady, who has his horniness in a bloody choke hold - not even realising the power she has over him. He's never had to show this much restraint... And he does hold back because, he even more likes to see himself as a gentlemen towards his sweetie (one who will absolutely ruin and wreck her once she let's him off his leash and takes the muzzle off). Poor little Köni.
I can see him letting out this sexual frustration at training for example. He is working these punching bags like absolutely batshit crazy. Destroying gym equipment, because he goes in so hard and has just soooo much pent up energy after every little cuddling session with sweet reader and doesn't know what to do with hit (violently masturbating after being with her hardly helps...). The other operators at the base gym just side eying him and wondering, if he now reached the final state of madness and silently prepare for the explosion that will wipe out all life on earth...
Also: we are really branching out with the toxic König brand here. First the institute, now the book club. I'm loving the growth here. Maby we can establish some kind of co working space next at toxic König headquarters, so we all have a place where we can thirst efficiently and just pump these numbers up even more for Toxic König Inc. (TKI). I can see an involvement in the stock market by next quarter at this growth rate. Maby some Tupperware-esk door to door sales to get more people hooked on to toxic König? (ok, that sounds to much like a cult now...)
Haha this is so crazy, all I wanted was to make Ghost happy, get him laid, perhaps even get him married… but here I am, 6 months later, having this blog and wondering which content warnings to slap on another König post where we discuss his obsession with virgins and their mythical hymen blood 💕
He destroys the punching bag (RIP) and somehow manages to rip the pull up bar from the concrete wall. His deadlifts can be heard all the way to the mess – envious rookies would say König is doing it wrong, that it's a major error in execution, but the veterans know better... This crazy lunatic is simply having trouble with women (again).
But you know what would make König nearly faint?
When sweet innocent reader finally allows his hands roam a bit!
He's allowed to caress her waist as they cuddle, she even lets him bring his huge palm on her tits – it feels like the most erotic thing ever, just to paw those soft breasts over her shirt. And what happens next is that she rolls her hips – König holds his breath – she's actually pressing her ass against his cock. Of course they're still wearing clothes, but her movements are nothing short of sexual.
It makes his brain shut down completely, but soon he's panting in her ear, grinding his groin against the swell of her ass in rhythm with her movements. She doesn't stop him when his hand slowly, tentatively shifts down, then forces its way under the waistband of her pants – ach du Scheiße, it's finally happening… Can this be real?
His fingers slip under her underwear and arrive on her soft mound. He tries to shove his hand further down and into her folds but then – Scheiße – delicate fingers curl around his wrist and pick his hand up from paradise.
"Please… I'm just not ready yet," she explains gently, and the German curses in his mind are loud and foul as König tries to catch his breath and ignore the fact that his boxers are painfully tight and now stained and wet with precum.
"Let me lick your cunt," he offers with a hoarse voice while she's still holding him by the wrist, denying access to her. "Bitte... I just want to have a taste..."
Sweet reader goes tense and turns, looks at the soldier who has a funny accent and weird mannerisms, the soldier who was supposed to be a gentleman, with parted lips and eyes wide from shock.
"König, you can't say things like that…!"
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spaceorphan18 · 1 month
How an animated series saved Remy LeBeau (again)
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It's a bit of a hyperbolic title, but catchy, non?
I was looking over my comic collection as I've decided to reread X-Men's 60 year history over the course of the summer. And it got me thinking about a dead period of 616 canon that I've never actually read. Around the time Rogue hooked up with Magneto and scooted off to the Avengers, I decided I'd be done with comics for a while. And didn't start again until Rogue (and Gambit) came back to the X-books in 2017's Astonishing X-Men. But it made me wonder -- What happened to Gambit in that time??
Well, after his solo ended, he flitted around to X-Factor and hung out with X-23 and then kind of went 'poof' for a good long while.
Why? I can only guess the same reason this is a running motif with Gambit. There's something about him that drives the X-Office crazy. I'm not here to speculate what or how or who of it all. I don't know enough about the back end of Marvel to give concrete answers. But I think what has surprised me (recently) is that he's definitely a fan favorite character.
[Yes, I know he can be a divisive character. Yes, I know elements of his character from the 90s have not aged well. Yes, I know there are those of you who can't stand him. Don't really care - you can get off my lawn, thank you.]
Which got me thinking -- Gambit's original popularity, I believe, stemmed from the original X-Men Animated Series. He had just started showing up in the comics at the time, and had barely any kind of page time. And the X-Men TAS swung and was a hit. And so was Gambit.
I don't really know that Gambit would be around today if TAS hadn't done its thing. Would the X-Office have kept him around? I really have no idea.
But they did try to get rid of him. That was the point of leaving him in Antarctica. And things were just never the same after that. Claremont tried his best in the early 2000s. And then Deathbit happened. Carey's run wasn't bad. But Carey clearly had an agenda for other things... And then, Gambit just kind of faded into the background. (I hear his run as a side character for Laura (X-23) was good - but I haven't read that.)
Bless Kelly Thompson (always) for sparking life back into him with (and his relationship with Rogue). And bless the fact that she actually married him to Rogue. Yes, I understand comics -- my god look what they did to Peter and MJ, no one really gets to be happily married except Sue and Reed. He and Rogue are now really tied together in a way that I don't think is going to be undone any time soon.
Even if the X-Office still isn't thrilled with the guy. Krakoa era has been less than ideal. (I can't comment on it fully - I haven't read much of it, as I'm behind on my comic reading.) But I've heard rumors that one reason Thompson was let go was that she didn't want Gambit killed off. And she didn't like the direction they wanted to take the character.
Which leads me to X-Men 97. Killing him off sucked. Really. As a fan, it really sucked. But - my god, the reaction to it. Gambit was amazing. And all I've heard lately is good things about the character. There's been a Gambit resurgence in the best way. He may have went out -- but he went out with a bang. X-Men 97 made an emotional impact with people. And that changes things.
Gambit is cool again.
And I love it.
What's even more exciting is the fact that the X-Office has changed hands again and Gail Simone on Uncanny who (if her Twitter/X feed is to be believed) is really enjoying writing the character. Which means (hopefully) at least another year or two in the comics of some (hopefully) great Gambit stuff.
And maybe there will be some changing of hearts and minds in the X-Office.
It's actually very exciting.
And, guys, I really (really, really) doubt he'll be completely gone from X-Men 97, too.
Because Remy LeBeau never stays down for long.
But as a fan, it's nice to see him be on top again. And I don't think he's going anywhere anytime soon.
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appleblueberry-pie · 4 months
need a quick outlet.
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It always irks you every time that you interact with Nanami Kento. There's something about his perfectly tailored suit, his perfectly managed hair, his attitude, his blanketed sass, and his energy. His silence. He never allows himself to be like everyone else that he surrounds himself with. Even the most calm and collected people he has as colleagues, for example, Mei Mei, makes it known that she's around. But it almost seems like Nanami wants himself to be unknown and mysterious.
And you hate that about him.
Because you know that he tries to hide himself even more when you come around. I mean, it's not like you deserve it. You've done nothing to him in all of the years you've known him. You two go back to high school, yet you still can't name his favorite color if it was to save your life.
But it's weird, because around the time that you came to the conclusion that you hate secretive men, he decided to try to get to know you, finally. And it just made you even more confused about him because it seemed like even though he was taking you to get coffee, eating lunch with you, giving you little compliments on your work and teachings, he seemed to have a bigger secret on his shoulders that you just couldn't break out of him.
It took five more dates that you didn't know were dates for you to realize that he liked you more than a friend. He memorized your coffee order before you two even went to the coffee shop, the first time he brought you. He'd ask you about your home life, how college went for you, your hobbies, what kind of books you love, what shows you keep running back to, what you like to cook at home, your night routine(you found this one a little weird, but let it go), your favorite food, what your dream car is, etcetera.
It seemed like he never let you ask questions about him, though. All of these questions he asks, and not one was directed towards him, or was answered. It's like he only wanted you to speak about yourself. Which is what you did every time you both went to the coffee shop. He'd begin walking you home after work, wishing you a great night's sleep and if you ever needed a ride to work, you could call him.
It took you 35 sleep overs for you to realize you weren't sleeping alone and that Nanami would lay directly next to, or behind you, whispering into your ear almost every night, telling you how much he loves you and wanted those moments to never end. How he always has had a deep instinctual desire to inhale your scent before he goes to sleep at night because it's the only thing that keeps him truly happy and keep living. Because if you're going to be there, nothing else he does matters.
And it took you 2 separate inhales for Nanami to realize you were awake and apologized about his behavior, sounding the calmest you've ever heard him. You couldn't control your heartbeat or breathing past this point. Quick breaths led to Nanami softly resting his fingertips on your arm, before his entire cold hand rested on your upper arm, rubbing it up and down in an attempt to soothe you. He would whisper to you that it's okay, and that he's here to protect you, not minding the fact that he is the only danger in the vicinity.
You whisper to him that he should leave, and if he does, you'll forget this ever happened. He doesn't comply, wanting you to remember every single moment that you two have together. He's deluded, you conclude. Psychotic, deluded, insane, invasive, and.....in control. You can't do anything about him in your bed whispering to you. Because you know he's a first grade sorcerer, and you're not. You have to listen to him. You know he wouldn't hurt you, because he's so gentle with you, acting as if you're a married couple. He wouldn't do anything to you. Nothing crazy. Right?
"I would never...ever hurt you, honey." He almost drags out his words, as if to get his point across. Him whispering into your ear, warm breath hitting the lobe makes you want to cry, but you don't want him closer, so you mentally let yourself barely teeter over the edge. You want to go back to when you only questioned the why. And not the how. But it's too late.
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