#I know it's probably weird but I love weddings
iz1331 · 17 hours
The "Weird Dream theory" of Beetlejuice Beetlejuice may be plausible based on this name connection.
If you haven't seen the film yet, then go freaking watch it already! It's been out for 3 weeks now. Spoilers below.
Exhibit A
The two songs that Betelgeuse lip-synced sang to Lydia are "Right Here Waiting" and "MacArthur Park".
The former being a timeless love song, and what I think is probably the best song that Betelgeuse could ever choose to convey his everlasting love for Lydia. And the fact that the song got released in 1989? A year after they met? It may does come across as creepy, and kinda scary, than romantic. (I personally thought it was romantic).
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The latter being a stroke of genius as a climax musical choice. It definitely has the Beetlejuice touch to it like with the Banana Boat (Day-O) song, where you think it has no business being in the film, and then suddenly you can't imagine the film not having the song in it. The message and story behind "MacArthur Park", while sad when you hear it, is Betelgeuse wacky. The Juice boxes (Beetlejuice fans) have talked about how the song is Betelgeuse knowing that the wedding ain't gonna come to the conclusion he wants it to be, but still brought the song on to drive home his feelings to Lydia, him saying farewell (for now) and telling her she's the only one, ever, for him whether she wants to be or not.
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Exhibit B
The names of the singers who sang the songs.
"Right Here Waiting" - Richard Marx
"MacArthur Park" - Richard Harris (and note that in the wedding scene, Betelgeuse used RH's version, not Donna's or any other covers)
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Exhibit C
The name of Lydia's former partner who she once loved, the father of her only child.
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In conclusion
It was all a dream that Betelgeuse shared/gave to Lydia. He serenaded her with a RICHARD Marx song, coordinated a musical performance centering on RICHARD Harris' version of MacArthur Park for their wedding, and named the guy she had a kid with (then made him dead) in the dream RICHARD, the same name as the singers.
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Call me out if this has been posted or mentioned before in other platforms. I'd like to read the discussions.
Again, this is a theory and must be taken with a grain of salt, it's just fun to connect the dots and give potential fanfiction and headcanon worthy material.
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serenelystrange · 1 day
Rated G
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At AO3, or under the cut!
“Oh, I am going to murder the new guy,” Buck hisses under his breath.
Taylor looks up from the paperwork on her newest sale with an arched eyebrow and sighs.
“He’s literally just doing his job, Buckley. Like I’m trying to and like you should be.”
“He stole her right from under me!”
“You mean he smiled at her when she walked in, and she made a beeline to him?” Taylor asks, smirking.
“Oh, Eddie, what a handsome boy you are! My granddaughter would love you!” Buck mocks in an irritated whisper.
“Buck,” Taylor sighs. “I know you have an appointment in ten minutes that you haven’t printed anything for. And I also know that you’re just jealous you aren’t the only pretty boy on the block anymore.”
“I’m not a pretty boy,” Buck says, pouting prettily.
“Go away and let me finish this,” Taylor says. “You’re never going to win that contest if you spend all your time whining about how Eddie is better at his job than you.”
“Oh, I’m winning that SUV,” Buck says darkly. “It’ll be the best wedding gift for Maddie and Chim, especially with the baby coming.”
“You know,” Taylor muses dryly, “If you’d been even half this determined in our relationship, we probably would have dated more than two months.”
“Low blow, Tay,” Buck scoffs. “Low blow.”
Taylor just glares.
“Ok, ok, I’m going!”
He hurries off to the back to print the welcome packet for his next appointment, the image of Eddie’s annoyingly charming smile burned into his brain.
“What’s that for you, Diaz?” Buck asks as they’re all headed out for the night. “Two today?”
Taylor looks between them for a moment before rolling her eyes and striding for the door, leaving Buck to his weird one-sided pissing contest.
“I’ve told you to call me Eddie,” Eddie says calmly, ignoring the baiting tone. “You know that. And it was three, actually. Mrs. Allen bought that little red Nissan for her husband’s birthday.”
“I hope they get full coverage,” Buck says, frowning at the memory of Mr. Allen test-driving a few of their cars previously.
Eddie laughs and shakes his head, remembering the same day. “I hope she makes him go to the optometrist.”
Buck smiles for a moment before remembering he’s annoyed at the man, and scowls again.
“I’m still going to win that contest,” he says. “You’re good, but I’m in the lead.”
Eddie just gives him an unphased look and shrugs easily.
“There’s still two weeks left, Evan,” he drawls. “I guess we’ll see who comes out on top.”
He holds the door open for Buck as they leave, biting back the amused grin that wants to spread onto his face as Buck stomps out the door like he has his own personal raincloud hovering above his head.
“Drive safe,” he calls out to Buck’s retreating form, just like he does every other night.
And just like every other night, Buck ignores him.
Buck spots them coming in a few days later, an easy sale if he’s ever seen one, and speedwalks as inconspicuously as possible to the door. An older but stunning Hispanic woman looks around as she enters, a young boy moving along with the aid of arm-crutches by her side.
“Welcome!” Buck says as he approaches, giving her his sunniest smile. He waves down at the boy. “Hey, buddy. You look a little young to be buying a car already!”
The boy giggles, looking up at Buck with bright blue eyes beneath his red plastic eyeglasses.
“I’m not buying a car,” he says, somewhat stiltedly but clear. “I’m here for my dad.”
“Oh?” Buck asks, straightening back up and looking at the woman. “Who’s dad? I can track him down for you.”
“I think we’ll be ok,” the woman says warmly, looking over Buck’s shoulder at someone. “He found us.”
Buck turns, and just barely stops himself from scoffing. Because of course it’s Eddie.
“Tia?” Eddie asks, with a concerned look. “Is everything ok?” He holds his arms out for his son and scoops the boy up, swinging him around until he shrieks before holding him against his side with one arm.
Buck narrowly dodges one of the swinging crutches, but finds he can’t be mad when the kid looks so happy.
Tia relays something to Eddie in rapid Spanish that Buck can’t really keep up with, his limited Spanish language skills stalling out after basic bar talk. But he knows the words for both hospital and grandmother, and he’s frozen in place awkwardly as Eddie’s face darkens with worry.
They seem to be arguing about something now, and Buck still doesn’t understand most of it, so he busies himself by making silly faces at the boy, who also doesn’t seem to be getting most of the conversation. The boy is too old to play peekaboo, but he still makes silly faces back, laughing as Buck pulls out his old party trick of wiggling his ears.
“Buck,” Eddie says, and Buck startles, looking over at him sheepishly.
“Sorry,” he says. “I was just goofing around.”
“No, it’s fine,” Eddie says, looking harried. “My abuela fell off her porch, and I need to get to the hospital. Do you think you could take my last two appointments for the day?”
“Don’t you want to reschedule?” Buck asks before he can help himself. “You’ll lose the commission.”
“I don’t have time to call them right now,” Eddie sighs, rubbing his eyes with his free hand. “I need to tell Bobby I have to leave, and might need a few days off, too.”
Buck wavers, looking at the clock on the wall, knowing he has nearly a full hour until his next appointment is even there, and knowing Taylor will be more than happy to snag any walk-ins that come their way.
“Get me the names,” Buck says, finally. “I’ll call them and reschedule for a week out if they’re up for it. You talk to Bobby and then go take care of your family, man.”
“Wait, really?” Eddie asks, stunned. “I’m basically handing you two sales here.”
“Are you complaining?” Buck asks, only a little testily.
Eddie shakes his head and hands his son off to his aunt before clapping Buck on the shoulder.
“Thank you,” he says sincerely. “I’ll grab the sheets when I’m in the back office.” “I’ll be right back,” he says to his aunt, leaving her and his son standing with Buck.
“I’m Buck,” he says, giving them a little wave.
“Pepa,” the woman introduces herself, before jiggling the little boy. “And this little man is Christopher.”
“Nice to meet you,” Buck says. “I, uh, I didn’t know Eddie had a kid.”
“My nephew can be private,” Pepa says. “Annoyingly so, sometimes,” she adds with a resigned sigh. “But Christopher is his world.”
“I’m sure,” Buck says, smiling at the adorable boy. “I bet you’re what, twelve years old?” he asks with a completely straight face.
That sets the boy off into giggles as he shakes his head. “I’m seven!” he says.
“Well, you fooled me!” Buck says, grinning.
“Come on, Mijo,” Eddie says as he gets back to them, taking him from Pepa and giving Buck another appreciated nod along with his contact sheet as they head off.
“Thanks again, Buck,” he says, and Buck just waves them off, feeling suddenly wrong-footed and not sure why.
Buck is surprised when Eddie is back the next day, and even more surprised when he spots Christopher beside him. He watches from the break room counter as Eddie gets the kid set up at one of the tables with assorted snacks and an ipad, before speaking to him quietly and kissing him on the head as he straightens up and meets Buck’s eyes.
Buck, caught staring, manages a strained smile and takes a long and very hot sip of his coffee to avoid having to speak. Unfortunately, Eddie heads for him anyway, facing the counter as he pours himself a cup of coffee. Buck suddenly regrets standing so close to the damn thing, as he can practically touch Eddie’s arm with his own.
“Thanks again for yesterday,” Eddie says quietly. “Bobby said Chris could hang out here until I get a better babysitter situation for the rest of the summer.”
“No problem,” Buck says. “It’s good that you’re back. I’d hate to win the sales contest by default.”
“Liar,” Eddie says with an amused scoff. “You’d still love it.”
“Yeah, well,” Buck says, fighting off a grin. “It wouldn’t be as fun as winning fair and square.”
“You know,” Eddie says with a growing grin. “I bet the soccer moms would love to see how well their Chris-sized kids fit in the minivans…”
“Cheater!” Buck gasps. “You can’t use an adorable face to sell cars for you!”
“Why?’ Eddie laughs, “you do it all the time. I’ve seen those little old ladies literally pinch your cheeks.”
“Better than my ass,” Buck says, cringing as he thinks about the hassling Taylor has dealt with since she joined up. “Tay kicked a guy right in the balls once though, before you were here. It was great. He threatened to sue.”
“How’d that go?” Eddie asks, delighted.
“Bobby dragged him over by his ear to watch the security footage of him grabbing Tay, and told him if he ever stepped foot in the building again, he’d have his wife arrest him.”
“Damn,” Eddie says with appreciation. “Nice.”
One week before the contest ends, Buck checks the board in Bobby’s office, finding that Eddie is just one sale away from tying his lead. He glares at the board for a long moment, as if the smudged white plastic somehow made the numbers up instead of just recording them. Shaking his head, he decides he needs more coffee before he can deal with the day.
“Hi Buck!” Chris calls out from his usual place in the breakroom as Buck walks in, waving at him excitedly.
“Hey, buddy,” Buck says, heading over to the table and sitting down across from Chris. “What are you working on?”
“Paint-by-numbers,” Chris says, frowning down at his ipad, stylus in hand. “It’s to try and help my motors.”
Buck watches him fondly as he swipes with the stylus with determination, worrying his lip in concentration.
“You mean your fine-motor skills, maybe?” Buck asks.
“Yeah,” Chris nods, “that was it.”
“Your dad with a customer?” Buck asks, realizing the room is empty besides the two of them and wondering where Eddie had vanished off to.
Chris shakes his head, still looking down at his ipad.
“He’s on the phone outside,” he says, looking up briefly to give Buck a sad look. “He doesn’t want me to hear him yell at the army people again.”
“Army people?” Buck asks.
“He got hurt in a war,” Chris says. “So they made him come home, and now he’s angry at them all the time.”
“Oh,” Buck says, quietly. He doesn’t know the whole story, sure that Eddie will have given Chris only the abridged, child-friendly version, but it’s enough to make him frown in thought. “Well, I know he’s happy to be back with you, even if he’s angry at the army.”
“Maybe,” Chris says, shrugging without looking up, and Buck feels his heart breaking for the kid.
Eddie reappears in the break room before Buck can say anything else, face flushed red with irritation that he’s trying to smother as he heads towards his son.
“How’s it going, baby?” he asks Chris, a forced lightness to his voice as he peers down at the ipad painting.
“The leaves are tricky,” Chris frowns. “They’re really small.”
“Just do your best,” Eddie says, ruffling his hair. “It’s ok if you can’t do everything all at once.”
“That’s a good lesson,” Buck says, ostensibly to Chris, but starting right up into Eddie’s surprised brown eyes.
Eddie drops his gaze, avoiding Buck’s eyes, and pretends to watch Chris painting until Buck finally looks away.
“No Chris today?” Buck asks the next day when Eddie shows up alone.
“Pepa has the day off,” Eddie says. “So he’s hanging out in his pajamas on her couch instead of at one of our shitty lunch tables.”
“They are so wobbly,” Buck agrees.
Eddie hums, heading to the back room to grab the paperwork for his first appointment. Buck follows before he realizes what he’s doing, and leans against the wall by the printer as Eddie waits for his documents.
“Chris said something about the army yesterday,” Buck says, “you got hurt?”
Eddie sighs tiredly but nods.
“Yeah,” he says. “Fucked up my shoulder pretty bad, among other things.”
“Shit,�� Buck says. “I’m sorry.”
“At least I made it home,” Eddie shrugs with forced nonchalance. “Now if only the VA would actually help me with the kid they made me leave. That would be great.”
“Is Chris ok?” Buck asks with concern. “He told me he has C.P. but he seems basically alright, all things considered.”
“He’s great,” Eddie assures him. “He just needs to find a school that will actually be able to accommodate him and still give him a decent education. And that shit is so expensive.”
“And the VA doesn’t have any resources?” Buck guesses, frowning.
“They might,” Eddie says with a sigh. “But I’m so overwhelmed with it all, between the move from Texas, and finding a place for me and Chris, and starting this job, I just now started the process.”
“You’re from Texas??” Buck asks, incredulously. “How has that never come up?”
Eddie shrugs.
“No offense,” he says, “but you’ve pretty much hated me from the day I started. I didn’t think you’d want to compare backstories.”
“Oh,” Buck says, feeling all at once like an absolute buffoon. “I don’t hate you,” he says.
“Then what was with the attitude?” Eddie laughs, as the printer finally finishes collating his papers.
“It’s dumb,” Buck says, ducking his head. “But I was just jealous you swooped in here with your stupid pretty face and stole all my customers.”
“You know,” Eddie says, “Taylor did tell me you were just jealous, but I didn’t believe her.”
“I get too caught up in competition sometimes,” Buck says, sighing.
“Little bit, maybe,” Eddie says nodding. “So, you uh, you think I’m pretty?”
“Oh, we are not having this conversation,” Buck says, pushing himself off the wall and fleeing, leaving an amused Eddie laughing after him as he goes.
“Did I ever tell you about my ex, Abby?” Buck asks the next day he finds Eddie alone at the front desk. It’s a slow day, and Chris has managed to pull Taylor and Ravi into a spirited game of Go Fish in the breakroom.
“You barely spoke to me for the first two months I worked here,” Eddie says, giving him a sassy look. “So no, you haven’t told me about your ex.”
“She was a little older than me,” Buck says. “Was taking care of her mom before she died, and it was really rough on her, you know?”
“I’m sure,” Eddie says, the question of but what does this have to do with anything clear in his tone.
“It didn’t work out,” Buck says, surprised to realize it doesn’t sting as much as it used to when he says it. “But I did meet this really great woman because of her.”
“Ok?” Eddie asks, amused but still lost.
“I think you should call her,” Buck says, handing Eddie a mint green business card.
“I’m not looking for a girlfriend, Buck,” Eddie says, glaring at the card with an inordinate amount of offense, in Buck’s opinion.
“Don’t worry,” Buck says earnestly, “she’s married.”
“What is happening here?” Eddie asks with exasperation.
“She was their home health aide,” Buck explains. “She calls herself ‘red tape’s worst enemy’”, “and I bet she can get you and Chris the help you need with his school before your head explodes.”
“Oh,” Eddie says, looking up at Buck with badly disguised wonder. “You really think she can help?”
“Definitely,” Buck says, grinning. “She’s a miracle worker.”
“I don’t even know what to say,” Eddie hesitates for a moment before pulling Buck into a brief one-armed hug. “Thank you.”
“It’s uh,” Buck stammers, face flushing, “it’s nothing.”
Eddie shakes his head and claps Buck on the shoulder, leaving his hand there as he looks at him for a long moment.
“For Chris?” Eddie says, squeezing Buck’s shoulder, “this is everything.”
The bells on the door chime as a customer walks in, breaking the moment, and Buck takes the opportunity to escape to the bathroom.
Eddie can take the sale.
“You were right,” Eddie says, as Buck opens his apartment door and looks at him with bleary eyes. “It wasn’t nearly as fun to win that SUV by default.”
Buck groans, wondering how Eddie even found out where he lives, but moves back to let him in.
“It’s not my fault I got a stupid awful cold in the middle of August,” Buck sighs. “Corporate should take sick days into account.”
“Probably,” Eddie agrees, handing Buck a round Tupperware container that’s still warm. “Tia Pepa made it, it’s chicken soup.”
“You brought me soup?” Buck asks, feeling inexplicably like he might cry at the gesture. “You don’t even like me.”
“I never didn’t like you!” Eddie says, rolling his eyes. “Your beef with me was entirely one-sided!”
“Don’t be mean to me,” Buck whines, “I’m sick.”
“Lucky for you, I’m a pro at dealing with sick babies,” Eddie teases, leading Buck towards the couch he spots. “Sit down, I’ll find you a spoon.”
Buck tries to glare at him on principle but finds he doesn’t have the strength. Instead he lets himself be guided to the couch and settles down, tucking his bare feet up under his criss-crossed legs and securing the couch blanket around his shoulders.
“Chris says thank you, by the way,” Eddie says from the kitchen where he’s opening random drawers to look for spoons. “For the new car.”
“Hmm?” Buck asks, tired brain failing to understand what Chris has to do with the contest.
“My old car is on it’s last legs,” Eddie explains, “and even with our discount, I wasn’t going to be able to get anything better or bigger anytime soon. But the SUV holds his security seat and gives him plenty of room to stretch out his legs.”
“I didn’t know that,” Buck says. “You should’ve told me before.”
“I didn’t want you to lose on purpose,” Eddie says as he walks over and hands Buck the spoon before settling down on the other end of the couch. “A pity win is even worse than a win by default.”
“I wouldn’t have lost on purpose,” Buck says, the lie obvious even to his own ears.
“Sure, bud,” Eddie says, smirking. “You keep telling yourself that.”
“I hate you,” Buck groans. He takes a careful spoonful of the soup and hums happily. “But I love this soup. I guess it evens out.”
“I can live with that,” Eddie says, grabbing the remote from the coffee table. “So, what are we watching?”
Buck shrugs and pulls the Tupperware bowl up to his mouth to sip from directly, breathing in the steamy goodness.
Eddie can figure out the rest.
“Why didn’t Taylor win, anyway?” Eddie asks when Buck is recovered and back at work. “She’s killing it out there.”
“Tay goes for the high-priced sales,” Buck says. “Luxury cars and stuff. She’s good at it, and she definitely makes more money than both of us. But the contest was for the most individual sales, not the overall sales amount.”
“Well, I’m glad,” Eddie laughs. “Chris loves the car, he wanted to camp out in it the other night.”
“Adorable,” Buck says, fondly. “But not great for anyone over five feet tall.”
“I told him I’d take him camping before school starts,” Eddie says casually. “Next weekend maybe.”
“That’s cool,” Buck says. “You’ll have to make smores! It’s tradition.”
“Is that what you did with your family?” Eddie asks, looking concerned when Buck’s expression shutters for a moment.
“My parents aren’t really the family activities type,” Buck says. “But Maddie, my older sister, she would camp out with me in the backyard, and we’d make smores and tell ghost stories.” He smiles at the memory, despite it all. “She’s really great.”
“Maybe you could come with us?” Eddie asks, almost shyly. “We can make smores and roast hot dogs. Chris is excited to build the fire.”
“Yeah?” Buck asks, “I wouldn’t be in the way?”
Eddie shakes his head, giving Buck a soft smile.
“Not at all,” he says, “you should definitely come.”
Buck smiles again, feeling the blush creeping all the way up to his hairlines, but nods in agreement.
“Can’t wait.”
“I can’t believe it’s nearly Christmas,” Buck says as they’re leaving one Friday night, he and Eddie locking up as they go. “Not that it ever gets cold enough to snow here.”
“L.A. cant even handle rain,” Eddie says as they head to the employee lot, “we don’t need them trying to drive in snow.”
“Truth,” Buck agrees, shuddering at the idea.
They make it to the cars that are parked side by side, each pulling out their keys before facing each other.
“I’ll see you tomorrow?” Buck asks, knowing full well that Eddie has been planning their planetarium trip for literal weeks.
“Obviously,” Eddie says, grabbing Buck’s shirt collar and tugging him in for a sweet kiss.
“Drive safe,” he says, like he has every other night.
Buck steals one last kiss for the night, laughing against Eddie’s lips as he finally says it back.
The End
Honestly, what am I even doing with my life? ^_^
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sugdenlovesdingle · 2 days
I finished my pride fic! With an hour to go until the episode airs!
@flufftober 2023 Day 27: outdoor event
Austin Pride (AO3)
Owen and Gabriel go to pride with their sons
“Have you ever been to one of these? With TK?” Gabriel asked, tapping the ad in the paper open on Owen's kitchen table.
“Been to what? A camping supplies store?” Owen joked, turning the paper around to see what Gabriel meant. “Oh, that. Yeah, a few times. Back in New York. Never here though. I didn't actually know there was one.”
Gabriel nodded.
“Have the boys said anything... to you... about... going?”
“No, no I don't think so... although...” Owen trailed off, grabbing his phone and unlocking it and scrolling through his work calendar. “TK did schedule time off work that weekend. So my guess is that they're going.”
Gabriel nodded again.
“Are you... thinking of going too?” Owen asked. “Have you ever been?”
“No. When I was young... well... I don't think there was ever one where I grew up. And by the time I ended up in the big city... It's just never been on my radar.”
“Not even when Carlos or your girls were growing up?"
Gabriel snorted and took a swig of his drink. Andrea would have his head if she knew he was day drinking with Owen and not at his PT appointment.
“You know the mess we made of things with Carlos. So no, I've never been. Not with Carlos, not by myself.”
“But you're thinking of changing that?” Owen guessed.
“Well... it's definitely been on my mind more lately.” Gabriel admitted. “But I'm not sure it's my place.”
“Why not? Everyone is welcome at these things. That's kind of the whole point of them.” Owen chuckled. “The first time Gwyn and I went with TK was when he was 15 or 16. I don't know which one of us was more nervous.”
“What was it like?”
“Loud. Colourful. Lots of happy people. Everyone was in a party mood. We had fun. Even more so the second year when we actually marched. And a drag queen called me a DILF.”
“A what?” Gabriel asked, confused.
“DILF. It’s an acronym.”
“Dad I’d like to…” Owen raised an eyebrow and sipped his drink. “You know.”
“Dad I’d like to what?”
“You know… get freaky with...”
“What? Oh! I… should have known what that F stood for.”
Owen shrugged.
“I didn’t. I looked it up when I got home.” He laughed. “TK told me to never mention it out loud to anyone ever again.”
Gabriel nodded and tried to imagine having such memories with Carlos.
“But apart from that… what is it like? One of those parades.”
“Well in New York there were a lot of advocacy groups marching. And it was quite political. But there were also a lot of people marching because they just… wanted to. Celebrating who they are, who they love.” Owen said and laughed. “You should have seen TK’s face when this guy from a gay health clinic gave him free condoms and lube. And then turned to me and gave me some too because “sexual health is important no matter your age.” He said using air quotes. “TK was 17 I think. He refused to look at me the rest of the day. I slipped the condoms and lube in his backpack though when we got home. I didn’t know if he was actually having sex back then, but if he was, I wanted him to be safe you know.”
“Yeah…” Gabriel agreed and tried to remember if he’d ever talked to Carlos about sex, let alone gay sex, let alone safe gay sex. He knew Andrea had sat their girls down when they hit puberty, but for the life of him he couldn’t remember ever doing so with Carlos. “Would it be… weird… if I were to go to that parade?”
“As a spectator?”
“Maybe? Or participant.”
“I don’t see why it would be. We could go together!” Owen said, getting excited. “We could march with the boys! We could get matching shirts!”
“Oh… I uh I don’t know if Carlos would want me to. They’ve probably got plans with their friends.”
“We can all march together!” Owen pointed out. “Maybe that friend of Carlos’ I got talking to at the wedding will be there. What’s his name again… something with a J I think. He had some killer moves on the dancefloor.” He shook his head. “Anyway let me call the boys and then we can figure out our outfits.”
Before Gabriel had time to stop him or even make him take a breath and discuss things, Owen had pulled up TK’s contact and hit call.
“TK, what are you and Carlos doing the weekend of the 30th?” He said the second the call connected, not bothering with hello.
“The weekend of the - wait that's pride weekend. I scheduled the weekend off. It's already been approved. You're not making me change it now. We have plans.” TK replied, apparently not bothered by the lack of greeting.
“Yes, yes, I know. But what kind of plans? Are you marching in the parade?”
“I don't know... maybe. Why? Please tell me you're not planning on marching with the entire 126?”
“What? No.” Owen said immediately. “It's way too short notice." He paused to think. “But it's an excellent idea for next year. Remind me to talk to the AFD brass about it. We could build a float or use one of the ladder trucks! We could probably find some rainbow decorations or just buy some pride flags. Maybe we could get a local artist to design something for us! We could set up a competition! Maybe we could even get the winning design as a mural in the firehouse!"
Owen was getting more and more excited and started moving around the house to find a pen and paper to write his ideas down.
"Dad, dad, DAD!" TK all but yelled down the phone to get his attention. “Is that why you called? To talk about your ideas for an LGBT+ friendly firehouse?”
“No, you just gave me that idea.” he scribbled some key words down on an old receipt.
“So why did you call then? On my day off. That I'm spending with my husband who magically also has the day off. And we're enjoying that. Together. Alone.” TK said, emphasising the last two words.
Owen caught the implication but decided to ignore it.
“Oh yes, right. I wanted to know what your plans are for the pride weekend because we thought we might join you and march in the parade together.”
“We? Who is we?”
“Me and Gabriel. It'll be a multi-generational father and son thing. We were thinking of getting matching t-shirts printed. For all four of us.” Owen said, looking at Gabriel for confirmation.
“Wait, my father wants to go to pride?” Carlos asked and Owen briefly wondered if he'd been on speaker the whole time.
“Yes! It was his idea. He wants to share the experience with you. With both of you. And me I suppose. Even though I'm not gay. I mean... there was that one time in college...”
“Ok please stop talking.” TK said quickly. “I really don’t want to hear about your college hook ups.”
“It wasn’t a hook up!” Owen protested. “More like a… mutual understanding and appreciation.”
“Uhuh. Yeah, sure, Carlos and I have those all the time. This morning actually. He was very appreciative. And understanding. He’s also very good at following instructions. Very eager to please.”
“TK!” Owen heard Carlos say after some sputtering and coughing. He assumed TK had made him choke on his drink.
“What?” TK said innocently and Owen could practically hear the shit eating grin that was without a doubt on his face. “I was just saying we have a lot of these mutual appreciation moments. And how much I enjoy those.”
“Yeah, please don’t.”
“I can’t talk about how much I appreciate my husband now?” TK asked. “My big, strong, hot… so incredibly hot you wouldn’t believe…”
“TK…” Carlos warned but it came out more of a mix between a giggle and gasp.
“Guys, focus, please.” Owen interrupted them. “What colour are we thinking for the shirts? I was thinking pink, to fit the theme.”
“Wait what theme? When did we agree on a theme?” TK asked, distracted.
“The pride theme. Pink for pride.”
“Shouldn’t it be rainbow themed then?” Carlos asked, sounding somewhat more composed.
“I’m not sure I’d look good in rainbow colours.” Owen mused. “Yellow isn’t really my colour. It washes me out.”
“Dad, just wear whatever you normally wear.” TK said, sounding like he’d resigned himself to the fact he wasn’t getting out of going along with his dad’s idea. “We don’t need a theme. Carlos and I have our outfits planned out already.”
“No we don’t.” Carlos protested. “I told you, I’m not wearing that in public.”
TK sighed.
“We’re still discussing our outfits.” He corrected himself. “So just wear whatever. Nobody is going to pay attention to what you’re wearing… unless you’re in drag or wearing ass-less chaps.” He paused. “Please don’t wear those.” 
“I don’t think the cowboy look is really for me.” Owen mused. “But I do still have my motorcycle outfit…”
“If you wear that I’m not walking anywhere near you. And that’s a promise.” TK swore and Owen laughed.
“I guess my outfit is still a work in progress too. Gabriel and I will brainstorm and we’ll let you know what’s what.”
“Sure. But no leather and if anyone calls you daddy, I’m out of there.” TK warned him before ending the call.
Owen laughed and sat back down at the table with Gabriel.
“See? I told you the boys would be on board. Now, what do you think. Pink or rainbow?”
The next few weeks consisted of Owen forwarding every outfit idea he had to Gabriel as well as their sons in their family group chat.
TK shot almost everything down right away, while Gabriel was unsure and let Owen decide for them both.
“Ok, the boys said they’d meet us at the starting point of the parade. It’s not that far but we should get going soon if we want to get a good spot. You want to get behind the advocacy groups but still near enough to the front that people still pay attention.” Owen said as he let Gabriel into his house a few weeks later. “I have our shirts and signs right here.”
“Signs? What signs?”
“The signs we agreed on…” Owen said slowly as if he was talking to a child.
“I don’t remember agreeing to signs. What do we need signs for when we have the shirts?”
“We agreed it would be nice. I had them made especially. They’re laminated.” Owen held up one of the signs. “I know a guy who makes those yard signs for politicians, he made these for me.”
“Right. Well… I think… I’ll just stick to the shirt for now.” Gabriel said, warily eyeing the sign Owen was holding.
“Alright. Well… I’ll just… take both of them then. Maybe I can convince Judd to march with us too. He’s a father too and I think he and Grace mentioned taking Charlie to watch the parade because she likes colours.” Owen rambled while Gabriel looked at the two matching t-shirts laid out on the kitchen table.
“If you’re not sure, we can just go and watch. The boys won’t mind.” Owen suggested, picking up on Gabriel’s unease.
“No, I promised Carlos I’d march with him, so that’s what I’m going to do.” Gabriel said resolutely. “Andrea and the girls said they’d come watch too and I don’t want to let them all down.” He picked up one of the shirts. “Where can I change?”
When they arrived at the parade starting point, Owen seemed to feel right at home and within five minutes he’d become best friends with a few of the drag queens also getting ready to march.
“I’m here with my friend.” He gestured to Gabriel. “We’re consuegros actually. Our sons are married and we’re marching with them… but I don’t think they’re here yet.” He looked around. “We got matching t-shirts and we’re marching as a family.”
“That’s nice darling but you have to look the part if you’re going to march. That t-shirt just won’t do. Let us give you a make over.” She looked back and forth between Owen and Gabriel. “Both of you.”
Fifteen minutes later Owen had a rainbow flag painted on his cheek and both of them wore rainbow sashes, though Gabriel had convinced their style team to tie it around the rim of his hat instead of wearing it the way it was meant to.
One of the queens had called it Texas-chic and he liked the sound of that.
“Carlos! TK! Over here!” Owen yelled and waved when he spotted their sons in the crowd.
TK waved back and dragged Carlos with him over to their fathers. Owen did his best to hide his disappointment when he saw neither of them were wearing the t-shirts he’d made for them.
“Why aren’t you wearing the shirts we agreed on?”
“It’s too hot for those.”
“We’re wearing them.”
“That’s your choice.” TK said with a shrug. “And besides, I’m here with my husband, I’m wearing the ring he put on my finger, and his last name. I think people are going to get the message that I think being gay is ok.”
“I have the shirts in my backpack.” Carlos told them and shrugged at the raised eyebrow from his husband. “Your dad put a lot of time and effort into them, TK. The least we could do is wear them for half an hour.”
TK lovingly rolled his eyes at him.
“You’re such a boy scout.” He said and kissed Carlos’ cheek. “But I’m fine wearing what I’m currently wearing.”
Owen decided to drop it and just stood back and let the chaos unfold as his and Gabriel’s style team set their sights on TK and Carlos.
Before long they’d painted rainbow flags on their cheeks, put temporary tattoos on their arms, and managed to talk Carlos into taking off the tank top he was wearing underneath a mesh shirt, much to TK’s delight.
By the time the parade started moving, someone had given all four of them little rainbow flags to wave, and Owen was trying to find a way to both wave his flag and carry two signs.
The four of them started walking with the rest of the crowd, waving their flags and waving to the people watching from the sides.
There was a DJ on the back of a pickup truck playing party music, and TK convinced Carlos to dance with him when the parade had stopped for a moment.
Someone shouted at him to put a ring on it when they saw Carlos’ moves, and he just laughed, held up his hand to show off his wedding ring, and yelled back he’d already done that.
The song ended and the two of them walked back to where Owen and Gabriel were standing and watching them.
A few people had noticed the “Free dad hugs” signs they were holding and came to ask for a hug. Owen happily obliged but Gabriel seemed a little awkward and unsure what to do.
“Are you ok dad?” Carlos asked him and Gabriel nodded.
“I’m fine. It’s just… a lot to take in.”
Carlos looked around.
“Yeah… I was kind of overwhelmed the first time I went. The first time TK dragged me along.” He smiled to himself .“We’d only been together a couple of months by then. It was a lot but it was a great experience.”  
Gabriel smiled.
“I'm proud of you.” He told Carlos and squeezed his shoulder. “I know I haven't always been the best dad to you but I'm so proud of the man you are. I'm so proud to call you my son.”
Carlos swallowed thickly and nodded.
“Thanks dad. That... means a lot.”
“I should have said it sooner.” Gabriel shook his head. “Before I got this shirt made. Before I let Owen convince me all this was a good idea.” He said and laughed, gesturing at himself in his brightly coloured I love my gay son shirt and the rainbow sash around the rim of his hat.
“I don't know, I think it suits you. You blend right in.” TK said, trying to relieve the tension somewhat. “You're one of us now.”
Gabriel laughed and in a rare public display of affection pulled both him and Carlos into a hug.
“That puts me in great company.”
“I agree.” Owen said, joining their group hug. “You boys are the best thing to happen to us.”
The parade started moving again but as they marched, more people started to approach both Owen and Gabriel for dad hugs.
Owen thrived in the attention and somehow managed to bring out a whole new version of Gabriel, who seemed to enjoy being able to make people happy with a small gesture.
“Are you seeing this?” Carlos asked TK. They were walking a few steps behind their dads, watching it all unfold.
“Yeah. Looks like my dad finally had a good influence on someone.”
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chronicparagon · 1 year
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Behold! My attempt of Harmony as a bride!
Picrew: Link
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pineappical · 1 year
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in light of tedtrent becoming so real, im also jumping on the tedtrent epilogue 😊
there's just no way ted wouldn't keep in touch with the others (and have weekly zoom meetings just like in the christmas special) and I just love the thought of the whole team having reunions once in a while.
and going back to trent's arc in s3, the sunflowers conversation, "And your daughter?" "She's never been happier." I think it could go the same for ted.. we've never really properly saw how henry felt about his dad being in london, it's always other people that told ted his son misses him, who's to say henry would rather see his dad happy because that in turn would make him happy too? he was there to win the whole thing, right? I just know ted’s story isn’t done yet when he still hasn’t learned to let others take care of him in return and who else to pair him with than the man who blew up his career because a man was nice to him (and also because they were so. so cruel for the fakeout tedbecca scenes for that finale) 🥺
I'm no writer so just pretend these are snapshots of a slow burn fic where ted visits london for their team reunion and slowly realizes that trent has a crush on him and they kiss about it 💛
#ted lasso#trent crimm#tedependent#ted lasso fanart#tedtrent#ted x trent#I HAVE SOOOOOO MUCH MORE THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS BTW its just that its 4am rn and i cannot type down my thoughts for the life of me </3#im just so not over that ending and how weird it felt for ted to end his story like that.. not like he can turn back to michelle since#dr. jacob is right there.. i want this man to feel loved and cared for and actually have a place he knows he can call home and that was#richmond for me.. to the family we were born with. and to the family we make along the way etc etc etc#ted lasso spoilers#<- FORGOT ABOUT THAT.#i can finally say i loved the ending for all the callbacks and stuff but I NEED THIS MAN TO BE HELDDDD!!!!! *everything explodes around me*#he even went back there WITHOUT BEARD :( his bestfriend for sooo long who was there for all their ups and downs. i dont like beard and jane#being together but the fact ted didnt even go to their wedding too like ...??! what is going onnnn#also graying lasso is just something so indulgent for me . hush#pn.art#JUST YKNOW!!! I HOPE YALL UNDERSTAND WHAT IM SAYING ITS REALLY REALLY LATE I PROBABLY SHOULDVE WAITED TILL LATER TO POST THIS BUT JAHJVAKDG#my memory is really bad too so i could also be misremembering scenes and im too eepy to check the scenes i had in mind so u_u#ALSO apologies that its taking me sooo long to draw things i recently joined a mc server and ive been playing it all day and night HFSJGFSH#im sooo scared of making these type of posts because i dont have the balls to make the wrong choices in other people's eyes but GRAAH!!!!!#<- i love tedtrent bUT WHAT IF PEOPLE THINK IM CRINGGGEEEE!!!!!#THATS ALL.... i have more drawings in mind that ill get around to later.. for now goodnight <3
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sanasanakun · 2 months
Hey yall I just read all of Firefly Wedding's current chapters and is no one gonna mention just how ominous and death-coded that whole recent chapter was?? The ocean washing away their dream floorplan? You know, the ocean, the literal barrier between Shinpei and Satoko's two very different lives? Or the whole I want you to be happy just remembering me thing? Girl is gonna die at the end bro
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abimee · 4 months
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ruyan is literally so beautiful that i get ill looking at her
#a lot of my time as a person who cant recognize himself to the point that if you start asking about myself im going to lie to you#is that i really like to engage with media that asks you to be present in the text by creating an outside being who simply has#some similarities to me#like the concepts i know i have. but make them their own unique person#so ruyan is really fun in that if i was a well adjusted person she would probably be a self insert and not her own person#but instead by the grace of god and my own mental problems she exists and is a full person that i practically see as a friend#like when i like a character so much that they become a comfort to me (emil) my brain engages in relationship interpretation to that#chartacter. emil is my daughter who i feel paternal sentiments to despite me being a human person and her being code in a video game#for ruyan she is like a friend where i want to go to her wedding and see her kids and hear about her life#i may have made her but i watch her as if i just met her'#recognizing this thing i have going on has helped me immensely be comfortable with myself#ruyan is a friend to me a sister tock is my daughter who i feel a real world father-daughter dynamic towards#i feel the need to nourish her and entertain her and put her to bed and let her know i love her#and you dont have to think this is normal because if you by now havent harbored some sort of#This Guy is Weird sentiment towards me youre either like me or VERY kind#but i know that i have parts of me that are weird. i am 23 years old bringing toys to the beach#but i dont chase validation so much as i just enjoy when its given to me#but i dont need validation because i cant even form my own self to need validation for#im learning about myself like im wiping down an old mirror. that doesnt need validation because im seeing it for the first time#im having my understanding moment here and you are free to leave the room and leave me to my mirrow
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sysig · 7 months
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Everyone needs a sugar-sweet mergirlfriend! (Patreon)
#Doodles#Original#The Mouse and the Mermaid#Just Desserts#Continuing the mermaid theme - I was curious how Soda would look as a Mercandy and hm well lol#I wonder if there's a specific ship dynamic I like between land-dwellers and mercreatures! Lol#As always it's fun to interpret non-JD characters into the Just Desserts universe <3#Pop is a multi-tiered wedding cake! :D So fancy and special!#Probably just a small one but shhh she's a mouse she'll never know the difference#I love her gloves hehe <3#There aren't any anthros in Just Desserts :0 I think she'd be looked at weird haha#They probably Could exist they just don't currently#Go and mope at the lake where the pretty half-animal ladies swim around!#Actually now that I think of it that is also probably an element of why most mercandies are avoided lol#Other than the fact that they're Eldritch to residents living in the equivalent of acid lakes and all that lol#Gotta be very careful and dry off completely before a smooch! Burning kisses huh#Hmmm now that makes me want to think about the water cycle and the natural variations of sugar-water hmmmm#I've mentioned before that when a mercandy dies her body is broken down into the surrounding water until it's eventually saturated#I guess new mercandies are ''born'' when another dies in a fully saturated lake haha - she breaks apart into Jellyfish (hehe) and a new egg#Little sugar crystal egg <3 Cuute#Ahem anyway!#I think Soda looks lovely as a mercandy <3 She'd look so stunning with the sun streaming through her! Lit up from the inside out literally#I do like the shape differences she has from Honey&EasterNest's girlfriend haha - their ear-fins especially :)#And Soda lacks the signature sharp teeth haha - ''How do you defend yourself??'' ''🙂 🤫’‘ ‘‘????’‘ lol#The real answer is that she headbutts and fin-slaps but that's only in her normal body lol#Mercandy are blown sugar! They're a bit more fragile! They need to be sharp to slice! It'd be quite a cultural shock haha
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kakusu-shipping · 1 year
🤍 for Mariocest
The Mario bros..... married.....
🤍 - Kiss at the wedding
In which Mario dreams of a future he never thought he'd have
Mario collapsed onto is back in the grass of the castle court yard, knocking the wind out of himself in the motion. Married, he thought. Marriage. The big show of devotion.
He'd put the concept far out of his mind before he really even understood it. He was never going to be the kind of guy to be legally married, because the only one he could fathom to ever love that much was his brother.
But now here he lay, in a Kingdom Far Far away from the rugged, probably valid, laws of Brooklyn, New York State, USA.
Every day Mario was reminded just how different the Mushroom Kingdom, and the entire world it existed within, was from his home. How they perceived Familial Relations wasn't as black and white, related or not, as it was back on Earth.
The way Peach had explained it, everyone is related in the Mushroom Kingdom, in the biological sense, in an unseen connection way. Families, parents and children and siblings, still existed but they were always more of a choice one makes than people one could be stuck with through blood ties. A choice that could be edited, reversed, altered as the relationship changed.
It was all a little too big of a concept for Mario, and the Princess tends to Grandify her explanations, but what it boiled down to was so very simple.
Here, in the Mushroom Kingdom, brothers, sisters, cousins and whoever else, are free to marry. Legal, true marriages.
Mario felt his heart rate pick up speed as it sunk in even further. Marriage. A real wedding with guests happy for them. With food and flowers and gifts and suits and- Mama mia rings.
He could propose. By Stars he could propose, a real proposal, and have it mean something. A real question with a real answer and a ceremony with vows and a big party.
Mario's hands clenched around his overall straps as he kicked his legs into the air a bit, his heart pounding in his chest as he squirmed out his excitement. He needed to calm down.
With a deep breath Mario focused on the clouds floating lazily overhead. White and fluffy and calm, oh so calm. Drifting slowly through the sky.
Mario closed his eyes, his heart rate slowing, the burning in his cheeks dimming. A cloud blocked the sun over head, cooling him down.
He wondered what Luigi would want to wear to their wedding. Mario always believed himself a Tuxedo guy. He'd wear the occasional dress, but it really wasn't his style. Luigi on the other hand...
Oh.. Luigi in a wedding dress...
Mario could see him now. Long and frilly with puffy sleeves and short gloves, standing with a thin veil and a bouquet of those beautiful rocket flowers at the end of an aisle lined with pews full of people who are so, so happy for them.
He walks down the aisle, and Mario stands tall on the staged in his white tux, and he is mesmerized by his brother's beauty, and no one else in the room seems to matter any longer.
They say their vows, they exchange rings. Mario is holding Luigi's hands so tenderly in his own, and he is crying. They're both crying, and this is really happening, and neither of them can look away or think of anything other than how happy they are to be there. Together.
"You may now kiss the bride"
Yeah.. Luigi would like the sound of bride.... Wife...
The cloud overhead moved along with the light breeze, allowing the warm sun to shine down onto Mario as he napped in Peach's court yard.
It wasn't an uncommon sight, to see the Hero of the Mushroom Kingdom asleep in the grass on warm days, so no one dared bother him.
Besides. He looked like he was having a nice dream.
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I'm like, super Married™️ now and also so GAY for my BEAUTIFUL SPOUSEY (and platonically gay for my HEARTWARMING FRIENDS and LOVED ONES)
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valentinesparda · 6 months
me doing the marriage thing with noah is very funny because the only reason I got here is that I slowly crawled my way through the stages of feelings that I go through which is typically making fun of them -> saying I like them and playing around with the idea of shipping with them but doing so in a self-deprecating way e.g. I'm not worthy of being happy so I'll dance around the subject -> waiting a year or longer to finally feel comfortable with saying I like them and that my feelings are valid -> rearrange ship lore to be more self indulgent and sometimes the very last step is to marry them so congrats noah you've gone up in the world (become fake husband)
#i just go through the five stages of grief with selfshipping LEGITIMATELY.#so now im like. going back into effies lore and figuring out where their relationship sits with vayne#which will be elaborated on in a bit (probably tomorrow morning) because no matter what if noah and effie are secretly wed or publicly wed#vayne will be soooo fucking seethy and still 'pining' after effie#but now its a matter of how long did noah and effie know eachother before they decide to elope. how long have they been wed.#need the details#bc it took vergil and gabriel like almost 30 years to tie the knot and aubrey and tommy was like 8.#so. you know. ill think about this tomorrow and maybe between brainstorming stickers ill write a little fic#i really do genuinely think that drace would love noah as her brother in law. they seem to be close in the game#i mean close enough to ship them together. i dont for obvious reasons but some people do and thats okay#bumping up effies age to 30 since im almost 30 and it makes the age gap between noah and effie not as weird (noah is 36)#im just. wehh.#next ill say caius and rowan are married for real just watch. maybe. idk. i think it would be funny if they did marry#like before ro gets hit with the crystal beam and in the early days of caius being yeul's guardian#so like TECHNICALLY even through space and time because its just ro being reincarnated or broken out of crystal#theyre still married in the eyes of the lord (etro) and caius fumes about it but ro forgets#THIS ISNT ABOUT THEM THOUGH FORGET YOU SAW ANYTJING#val.txt#otp: to be alone
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 6 months
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nazuri · 2 years
Okay I just need to share cause it’s just so funny to me
in poland we have this show that was around for over 20 years with some actors literally being raised alongside it like they were there since they were children but thats not important right now
currently there is this one woman that showed up not so long ago and she tries to guess who in this main little town of the show can be her father and she knows the main possibility and who her dead mother had some kind of relationship with but she goes about it in just so fucked up funny way i just can’t
this woman instead of asking the guy about her mother not only never brought up the subject to him she goes around stealing toothbrushes and doing DNA tests with this first guy she actually took his stepsons toothbrush by mistake but still and now she found out that this other guy also knew her mother so she went with him to his house and when he was making tea just snatched his toothbrush
i absolutely love whatever the fuck the’re doing there because it’s hilarious
it’s even better that this time around the wife actually i’m not sure they are married i don’t pay that much attention to this but i sit in the room when mom watches it so i pick up on stupid shit but back to the topic so the wife of the second guy catches her trying to take the toothbrush and then they talk a little and she’s like i did a DNA test and it was negative and that when the episode ended for now but let me tell you the old woman will eat this shit up and do even worse shit than this woman and i actually love the old woman so much so heres a little backstory for her as well
so she is like one of the OG been there since the beginning and she is your typical nosy neighbour but with the ages she gets more and more unhinged i would say at some point after her first husband died meaning this is like more current stuff she managed to i think become a mayor for some time start a choir she maried the guy who i think directed said choir i may be wrong on that though she went to jail before christmas for beating up said guy when he tried to do like santa costume around the town for some reason she wrote few ominous text messages in order to warn one other character that some guy is in love with his wife of course sending it from her second husbands phone and i think there was also a similar letter oh i forgot about how her current husband also scammed her and made her lose her house yet she’s still with him she once found a cigarette(?) in his pocket and decided to smoke it turns out it was marihuanna they took her to the hospital/clinic and then she was arrested for having drugs attempted to come unwanted to her past crush’s wedding and like you get the poin that woman is unhinged
at this point i have no idea why i wrote this post but whatever they are doing with this show keep it up because it’s so funny it hurts
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chooey · 1 year
common kendall L
#THIS IS CRAZYYYY#loved the last episode actually#also rare roman W ?????#when he said youre bullshit we're all bullshit we're nothing like wow FINALLY?????#anyway i found watching the series kind of. insufferable 😭#and like what the hell is this tomgreg endgame lmfao 😭#whatever they have going on i dont wanna know anything ! dont care if it's pride month#roy kids are just a bunch of losers wbk !!!!!!!!!!#not saying logan roy is a good person or that i like him i dont like any of them but according to this show he was a good business man so ?#shivtom ok then!!!!!! shiv though still a nepo baby (semi capable???) i cant really find it in me to hate her#piss babiest award goes to kendall roy idc#ok real talk theres room.... a house for nuance here#ultimately this boils down to logan being a shitty dad to all of them and building a company that encourages toxic shit to fester#but even that piece of shit had his own demons#logan roy unforgivable unreedemable literally hell if it were a man#still... i liked that the last episode at least tried to show his good side (? lol 😭) the scene was the warmest a succession scene can go#also the scene of them acting like children. it was good. it reminded me of the boat scene in s1 at shiv's wedding (probably intentional)#if i could say which character i... didn't like necessarily but people i found interesting/captivating it would be...#kendall tbh... gerri shiv stewy caroline tom (he is SO weird and fucked up) greg??? frank? roman i was on the fence Always#it's bad that in his mind he's the middle child bc im the middle child 😭 I don't identify with this i don't claim it i don't approve of it#........but sometimes........ yeah#logan was right about one thing and that they are just unserious people lmfao 😭 nice parting words huh#unblocking the tag now!!!!!!! wow finally i can see what people were thought of this show/the characters#maybe my view is more cynical and too vanilla i'm sorry i just cant excuse the heinous shit these people did hence i don't have a favorite#it's just a fictional show (!!!!!!) well ok but i just didn't love them as characters!!!!!!! 😭#succession#izza💭
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i would type a big ol' paragraph about jane and beard's relationship but I also can't be bothered so tis staying in the ol' noggin
edit: did it anyway lols
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ectoplasmer · 9 months
ryou should. um. marry me. maybe
#only a maybe though because do i reeaally like him that much or#(yes. i do.)#head in hands stuff came up personal and familial wise so i’m just. bleh#additionally i am so exhausted agsjdhd i keep passing out for like three hours whenever i get home…#literally no drive to do anything after school#it’s horrible#anyway. just thinking of him. i totally just think he’s neat it’s nothing more than that. totally#rgrhrhg you ever think about your f/o saying their theoretical vows at your guys’ theoretical wedding.#crying into my hands adbshfkg#i shouldn’t be crying over something as simple as this but i am lol#i sometimes just think about how he’d look during it or how he’d look at me and how he’d say them#do you think his voice would get softer when he says them. do you think he’d smile while saying them#he writes his own campaigns and stories and letters so i think i’d die on the spot hearing whatever vows he’d say#he’s good at writing and i just know whatever he’d have to say at such an important moment for us would probably Kill me haha#it’s just a silly little thing for me to think about but. god. one day i swear#i want to spend the rest of my life with him and i already know this#it’s so silly that i can feel this much for hecking. mr side character over here#agh i love him though. so much. a dumb amount. must i go on#him and his weirdness and his dorkiness and everything else#but i have to live through this first!! and then probably a couple more things!! and then we can have that#only a maybe though. because again do i reeeaaally like him that much or#lol anyway#spooky ghosts
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