#only a maybe though. because again do i reeeaaally like him that much or
soccialcreature · 4 years
final verdict (obvi all of the eps were fantastic but my rankings are):
phantom apprentice > old friends not forgotten > shattered > victory and death
explanation and spoilers under the cut
victory and death was just SO sad i dont think ill ever b able to rewatch it. that doesnt make it worse, obviously, but i just caaaaaant like physically cant deal. its too sad. im glad it was sad! i love when media makes me cry. the episode ended and i just fuckin broke down and sobbed for like half an hour. like.... dave cudve given us some happy? or a sliver of hope. maybe if we didnt KNOW that rex and ahsoka were going to survive then the fact that they survived would have been hopeful but since we already KNEW.... idk. just the fact that her WHOLE battalion died is too sad. i guess like. darth maul got a happy ending. even in revenge of the sith it was like “anakins kids are a new hope!” but here we got NONE of that. it kind of had to be like that i guess. anakin being vader was set in stone since 1980. but like... cmon dave. u cudve changed it. we wudntve been mad. it was also just really short, and im sure that wont be an issue when i watch this arc all together as a movie, but it was just SUPER short. maybe this one will move up in my list after i’ve had some time to process it all.
shattered was also really good. my my new favorite thing ever is ahsoka and maul’s interaction bcuz that was comedy GOLD. i liked that at least ahsoka knew WHY the clones turned on her, which is guess makes it a little happier bcuz the rest of the jedi like obi-wan still have no idea what happened. ugh it was still a lot tho. liked her last convo with bo and with the jedi council. and ahsoka and maul’s vision of anakin was rly cool. i think my biggest issue (which is not even that huge of an issue) with these last 2 eps is that if felt pretty claustrophobic and monotonous bcuz it was mostly set on this one ship.
old friends not forgotten was basically perfect. i think anakin and ahsokas reuinion was done really well, though i still wished they had hugged. :(. the opening with anakin and obi-wan when i first watched the episode didn’t really resonate with me but now, knowing that that’s essentially ALL we get of them in this whole arc, im really really that thats there and i like it a whole lot more now. ugh i miss them. its so sad. ahsokas argument with obi-wan was also really good. i like how you can take either side because theyre both sort of right and sort of wrong. the action sequence with ahsoka landing on mandalore is, i still think so, the BEST action sequence in all of star wars. im so proud of my girl. perfect way to start the last arc of the show and remind us of everything we are about to lose. it ties into revenge of the sith really well, i think even better than these other ones. the fact that we KNOW what’s going to happen to these characters is what makes this episode, especially because that knowledge is kind of a hindrance to the other episodes in this arc.
phantom apprentice is literally a perfect episode. there is so much to love about this. it is actually PEAK star wars. like this is the best its gonna get. why cudnt the sequels be this good? also... none of it was set on a ship which was nice. theres really nothing i dislike about this episode so ill just talk about everything that was great about it. the set pieces were beautiful, highlighted by the gorgeous animation, the fight choreography was amazing and it really felt like it was 2 real people (which is was) who KNEW what they were doing and were actually trying to kill each other, again, every interaction with ahsoka and maul was perfect, they really made his character SO interesting by making him like... right? about everything.  like he actually wanted to save the galaxy, thats really interesting. ahsoka SHOULD have joined him but thats the whole point. she has too much faith in anakin. on that note, i loved how much they talked about anakin. I loved ahsoka’s conversation with obi-wan this one also is really good at tying in with revenge of the sith, and showing how these stories happen simultaneously. the other good thing about this is that we DONT know what happens at all. in the other episodes we at least have an IDEA of whats going to happen, but ahsoka and mauls story here is completely new. this is all new information. there was even a bit of politics in there with bo and ahsoka about the siege. but ya overall id say maul is what makes this episode so incredible. he’s just great in this one. im so glad this episode exists because now i can definitively say that i have a favorite clone wars episode.
conclusion: i just wish i couldve gotten into a show that has a happy ending. why does the ONE series that im so in love with have the saddest ending possible??? i really hate to think about this but.... this series might have just been better with a happy ending. it may have been more fun to see our faves overcome all of these obstacles, even if it was hard. obvi the jedi order would have to go through some reforms, but if the series had ended with at least anakin, ahsoka, padme, obi-wan, rex, and the clones  being TOGETHER, that may have actually been better than a tragic ending. i think anakin and ahsoka’s relationship is really the heart of this series, and what reeeaaally hits is them both thinking the other is dead at the end of this series, only to meet later as enemies. it’s just so sad. dave, what do you have to say for yourself?
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(I don’t know how safe it is for me to post this but basically-- I mean no harm, take my word for it)
Here is my (very) quick attempt at understanding why I don’t like this sprite of Amami. Why-s and how-s (etc.) under the cut!
Having been doing Danganronpa sprite commissions for what? Three years now? And having been regularly looking at sprites for my useless analyses and useful translations, I’ve come to realize the official sprites are very flawed - as we all are - in a way I personally can’t overlook, which is why I simply don’t like them anymore.
When upset by the topic because I’m trying to use them as reference for a pose and find that it makes no sense and my animation teacher would destroy me if I tried to turn in a drawing like that (granted he’s not very nice), I usually bring up V3′s sprites as my arch-nemesis.
It’s extremely obvious they were rushed and most, to me, are simply displeasing to look at. Comparing them to UDG’s sprites, for instance, does them a huge disservice - UDG has my favourite sprites by far and I don’t think that’s a boiling hot take. They have different types of flaws that go from weird positions to weird proportions passing by awful hands and spots the artist forgot to colour in. Some are more obvious than others - some I could see immediately and some others I only understood after trying to remake the same pose properly for a while. When it comes to this specific sprite of Amami... Well, I always knew I hated it, but it was always hard to pinpoint why exactly.
Amami’s design is overall beautiful and most of his sprites manage, in spite of their flaws, to show off his bad-boy kind of beauty very well. His facing sprites, that is, because almost every other pose (3/4 or profile) he strikes looks genuinely disgusting to me. (Which is extremely disturbing to me because I may or may not have a crush on this fictional character.) This one sprite in particular is my least favourite and I was interested in understanding why, which is why I tried to edit it in a way that’d let me find out how it could look better.
Now keep in mind that writing all of this is taking me more time than I spent actually editing the sprites (because writing is fun). If I’d spent more time studying it, I would probably have changed a lot more details about it: most notably his trousers’ folds, which I think make no sense (I did think about editing them a little but I’m also a novice when it comes to folds, so it probably wouldn’t have been *that* much better in the end - I definitely don’t claim to be magically great at things a professional artist visibly struggled with) but I might also have played around the position of his arms and his hair, as they’re usually what I end up disliking about most DR sprites (that being said, I didn’t, so maybe they’re not that bad at all). On that note, you can probably see where exactly I cut some parts because I literaly edited them in a few seconds.
Now that this is all said and done, here’s what I found out:
- In terms of height, the proportions of this sprite are near perfect. Looking at his oddly small-looking legs, I assumed at first the upper-body to legs ratio would be off or something, but it’s actually really good. “Perfect” can rarely be applied to the proportions of a stylized drawing, but I can at least safely say there’s no ground for criticism regarding that part.
- My least favourite part of this sprite is the jaw. I’m judging by the amount of relief I felt when turning the “edit” layer on and off. I was very careful to use a reference of a man’s jaw and even though it’s quite the tiny edit, I find it reeeaaally satisfying. I really thought I was going to change his whole face and this sufficed to make me happy.
- I don’t know how I feel about his face. Sounds weird but okay. As I just said, I thought I would edit it a lot more, but as I tried, I found that nothing I did looked any better than the official one. I did sorta like the look of turning his eye a little bit but I’m guessing it’s subjective taste and cannot be identified as a “fix”-- but at the end of the day, I still think it looks a little off, but can’t put my finger on why or how it could be better. To be honest, profiles are hard to pull off and especially to stylize, and I can’t do it for shit, so... While I really like when my 60€ game has pretty drawings in it, I guess I can’t fault this sprite for having an awkward-looking profile?
- Legs too small lol. While I discovered they didn’t lack in length, I confirmed his legs could handle being a little t h i c k e r. It may look at first like I made his butt bigger (which is a very valid edit imo) but I actually made his pointy butt just a liiiiiittle bit thinner. The thighs are what really changed. I’m not saying Amami needs bigger thighs, but editing them this way made the whole drawing feel more stable to me, and his t-shirt look a little bit less like it was made out of solid plastic. I also think his feet could handle being a little bit bigger, assuming that he’s a cis man.
- I mean, Quasimodo is valid. But while I didn’t search for a reference that would correspond to this pose exactly, I’m pretty sure your arms... don’t... do that. In any case, I feel like my quick edit contributed to the sprite’s stability as well.
I also forgot that one of his rings isn’t closed off for whatever reason.
Anyway, that’s about it. I’m sorry about this long post and I don’t really assume anyone cares, I’m mostly writing this for myself because, again, editing this was pretty satisfying.
If anyone else is interested in the topic, though, I’d like to hear your opinions! What would you change about this sprite, or maybe another specific sprite you don’t like? What do you and don’t you like about my edit of this one? When it comes to stylized art, everyone draws the line of what’s part of the style and what’s too much in a different place. I’m always interested in hearing where that line is and what type of art someone likes!
(PS: I could most likely have edited his legs and butt a little less thick as this might give him a bit more of a feminine figure but uuuuuuuuuuuuuuh)
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frizzyanya · 4 years
The Untamed Episode 24, My Commentary!
Everything you need to know about this post is in the title!
You can only make this worse by being so disrespectful.
“[the clan leaders] are talking. How dare you interrupt them!” Lmao you obviously don’t know him, this dude has no boundaries and will say whatever, whenever.
Also I love JC, but he’s weak sauce and won’t want to stand up to the other clan leaders. He’d more likely get into hella drama with WWX, and I do NOT want to see that.
I mean…...he only did it because he was emboldened by WWX.
And JYL stood up for herself too?!
Wait…..is WWX leaving? Where is he going?
This Crowd Hunt thing that MY just publicly offered...Was it Jin Clan Leader’s idea, or MY’s?
MY throwing WWX under the bus about the YI. 
Five seconds ago I liked you.
Not so much now.
Now he’s sending a spy to follow WWX.
I do not like this.
I mean……..they’re absolutely right, of course. 
WWX IS dangerous and he IS a threat to everything and the world as they know it. 
But I’m still rooting for them. 
And MY clearly has evil motives too. 
So of the potentially-evil guys, WWX >>>>>> MY
OH YIKES, The Jiang clan members are all arriving at Lotus Pier. 
Poor things.
JC just used the magic whip to destroy the sign on the building. This is going to be a reeeaaally emotional series of scenes for him, isn’t it.
Nope, instead we move to watching LWJ calmly playing music. 
Oh, my bad. I didn’t know Lan Clan Leader was still alive. My bad. I think I referred to LXC as clan leader last episode. Sorry!
LWJ has a new assignment, just to fix the books, and he’s not allowed to go to the forbidden chamber, or go with LXC. Yikes.
“Do you know why I won’t let you go with LXC?” And then he doesn’t explain. Am I to surmise it’s because he doesn’t trust WWX? Or he thinks LWJ is corruptible? (Both are valid.)
Poor JC gotta take over in charge even though he’s still a v v v unprepared baby.
The swell of the music is so intense!!
Lmaaaoooooo LWJ reading the rules that are in a book that’s like 2 feet tall
“WWX is not in Lotus Pier.” JC’s eyes just got REAL BIG in his shock and anger.
Oh nooooo I don’t want a rift between them *sobs*
LMAO WWX “forgot” about the Lan Clan rules and asked LXC if he wanted to have a drink together DYING, you little scoundrel!
Now they’re together and it’s just like……how long til WWX asks about LWJ, I give it til 3...2...1…
“Why didn’t he come along?” (I wish you could see how well I timed typing that!)
WWX is genuinely hilarious right now, like laugh out loud funny. “I want to go and watch over him while he does his work! He watched over me in the library while I had to do work, this sounds like more fun!” Lolololol you troll.
LXC like “listen to LWJ’s music instead” and I KNOW it’s because they all want to calm him down and give him better energy, but I’m hc’ing this into LXC wingmanning like a pro like heeeyyyyyy WWX, you wanna go to LWJ’s room and listen to music all night ooorrrrr…..?
LXC: “We can help you pick up your sword art again.” WWX is like how do i tactfully say that that’s literally impossible because I sold my soul (or something) to save JC’s life, that ungrateful little brat, so I couldn’t do the sword art even if i tried, imma stick with demon flute magic byyyeeee
“Maybe I am the prodigy” (of demon magic) *sigh* WWX, you’re gonna make a mess of literally everything and everyone you touch.
JC just told him to piss off?!?!
And then pushed him to the floor?!?!!??!!??!
Couldn’t WWX at least pretend to carry a sword…?
WWX is so pretty in this scene calmly talking to JYL and looking up at her I’m just like I LOVE YOU SO MUCH BUT HOW ARE YOU THIS BEAUTIFUL
“You were born with a smiling face” I believe it. <3 
WWX: “I have a question I’ve been holding in my heart for so long…..why would one person like another person, I mean like them so much…?” JYL: “Do you have someone in your heart?” WWX: *lies through his teeth*
WWX/JZ: “Where’s the food she made for me?” “I finished it.” *punches him in the stomach.* “You better throw it up.” “You have to eat it if I threw it up.” *puts a hand out in front of JC’s mouth* “Just do it! Throw it up.”
And JYL came over to calm them down and now they’re all giggling and IT’S. JUST. TOO. MUCH.
“We can be the Twin Heroes of Yunmeng.” d’awwww. Also what a comical comparison that would be to the Twin Jades. Chaos/bickering/silliness vs. upright/formal/sternness. 
Okay I am very concerned about what LWJ’s voice will sound like. He hasn’t spoken since I started watching today. 
I know it isn’t WYB’s voice and iirc it’s deeper than his real voice, but I don’t remember it exactly. Of course it doesn’t matter at all, it’s just now that I know about this dubbing thing, it has just really thrown me for a loop. Now that I know it’s there it’s gonna be really freaking weird.
Did they just…..did they just lock LWJ in the library, such that he’s trapped there? Poor guy. But he didn’t stop them.
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Survey #259
"i went straight to heaven, but i kept on knockin’.”
What's something that makes you feel more creative? Music. What are the last three nail polish colors you wore? Wow, idk the last time I wore nail polish, but probably black or maroon. What's the last thing you binge watched? Avatar: The Last Airbender w/ Sara. Do you watch youtube videos or tv shows more? YouTube is essentially my TV. Quite literally - I don't have a television in my room because I never watch it. What's a DIY project that you don't think actually works? Oh dude, plenty. I have DIY-obsessed friends online as well as a Pinterest, I know this shit, lmao. I can name one though with total certainty because I was with a friend when she tried that disgusting "YOU CAN MAKE cuPCAkES IN A C uP!!!!!" crap. It's the most eggy shit you'll ever try. Do you collect Mason jars to use for crafts? No, but I think those crafts are generally super cute. Have you ever gotten rid of something and then regretted it? If so, what? (or what's one thing?) Oh yeah, one of my biggest being my senior prom pictures, but not for the reason you'd expect (save for two pictures of us that're just REALLY fuckin cute): I want them back because goddamn I was pretty ok and I miss that now that I hate my body every waking moment of every day. :^) What color is the zip-up hoodie you wear the most? Don't have one w/ a zipper, they're ugly. Do you live in an apartment that has inspections? No. Do you hate taking naps during the day? Nooo I love naps and usually take one a day. I tend to feel really tired all over again a few hours or so after I wake up. Who in your immediate family has the best natural hair? MEEEEEEEEEEEE. Would you ever audition for American Idol? Hell no. Do you know anyone who thinks they're more talented than they are? Lol wow, this is mean. I don't think so. Do you buy gum? Rarely, even though I like it. What's your favorite dollar store?  I don’t have a favorite, I'd say? But I think we normally go to Dollar General. How many cell phones have you had in your lifetime? Maybe like, six? Have you ever been inside a Victorian mansion? BITCH I WISH!!!!!!!!!!!! I would kill to get married in one, omfGGGGGGGGGGG. What was the most boring field trip you ever want on? I don't remember a bad one. I loved going on field trips. The last time you went, what were your favorite rides at Cedar Point? I’ve never been. Which country would you most like to visit? Eeeeek idk, but probably South Africa. What are your favorite types of videos to watch on YouTube? What I watch on YouTube has become pretty diverse, but I know my favorites are easily Mark's actual big projects w/ egos 'n shit alksjdflk;w gOOD SHIT MY FRIENDS. I still love let's plays, of course! Are you a hoarder? No. Is there a guy (or girl) that you wish things had worked out with? Yes. If you were to start a collection, what would it be? I'd loooove Shadow of the Colossus stuff, particularly the amazing figures they used to have only in Japan. And World of Warcraft stuff; all I have rn is an Illidan poster and a fae dragon plushy hanging from my ceiling that Jason got me. If you were rich, what things would you get done cosmetically? Mother of god, a lot. #1, make me skinny again for the love of fuck. Which would result in loose skin being taken off and probably a breast lift because being overweight ruined my comfort with them laskdjfw. Whiten my teeth and give me laser hair removal surgery on my legs, please. Are your parents too controlling? Not at all. Who is your favorite fictitious redhead? VOL'JIN Blizzard what the FUCK give him BACK What shows have you seen on Broadway? None. Who is the prettiest Asian YouTuber that you can think of? Bitch Mark is Korean and he's gorgeous as fuck goddamn it ain't fair. But this is a weird question. What is the best news you've heard lately? When my mom got a follow-up blood test, things looked good!! She especially needed to level out her sugar, which she did well on. She also didn't lose or gain any weight, so that's wonderful. Have you ever flown first class? Hunny I am v poor. Have you ever had food SO bad in a restaurant that you sent it back? I don't believe so, anyway. Do you talk in your sleep? Very regularly now. Have you ever locked yourself out of your house? OOF, yes. Are you the type of person who can shake insults off easily, or do they tend to stick around in your brain & bother you? They stick with me for a long, long time. At least two I remember from years upon years ago. Who was the last person you cut out of your life intentionally? My old therapist that I trusted and loved when I fucking shouldn't have. Where were you raised? By who? Eastern NC, by my parents. What were your first words? "Dada." What were some of your favorite things when you were young? DINOSAURS, Webkinz, Pokemon, and Spyro, to name a few. What did you grow up listening to? Mostly country and pop music. What games did you play in the past? Spyro was my obsession, and I also loved hunting games (ironic, as irl I would never even consider it???) as well as fishing ones, plus Crash Bandicoot. What was the best birthday party you ever had? I'm not sure. How about the best vacation? I'm unsure; I haven't really been on a lot. Do you have any secrets you never intend to tell? Yup. What memory would you like to disappear from your mind forever? A nightmare I had about my dad. If you were someone else, would you be friends with the person you are now? Yeah. Do you consider yourself a smart person? No. What friend in your life has been the greatest influence to you? I don't know. Where is the scariest place you’ve ever been? What made it so terrifying? I shared a bedroom with an EXTREMELY volatile, violent woman once in the mental hospital. As in she had to go in solitary when she had a violent episode, during which she became very destructive to her surroundings, so as you could guess, I was worried about my own wellbeing. She was eventually moved because I was that uncomfortable. Did you celebrate Easter? Are there any holidays you are more inclined to celebrate than others? If so, which? Well, Easter hasn't come yet, but we'll probably go to my sister's house for the kids. We'll celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving without fail. We don't pay much attention to others. I'd LOVE to do something for Halloween, we just never have anywhere to go/anything to do. What was the last thing you deleted? Pictures. What colors make up the majority of your wardrobe? Is there any color you like, but don’t wear often? There's black there. Oh, there's s'more black. What's that???? More bLACK????? MAN, I wish I could pull off pink. When was the last time you were in any amount of pain? I had a pretty intense headache yesterday. Who was the last person to hug you? Do you hug this person often? My niece, and yeah, every time I visit. What are you most likely to argue or debate about? The fact I almost never leave my pajamas lmao. What was the last show you watched? Have you seen it before, or is it something you’re watching for the first time? A few days back, I was reeeaaally bored and actually watched TV deliberately, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????? It was The Witcher; wasn't bad. I'd be willing to watch more. How would you describe your taste in clothing? What would a dream outfit look like to you? uuuuuggggGHHHHHHHH let me be GOTH. Give me a corsette if they weren't notoriously uncomf with plenty of chains 'n stuff. BIG, SPIKY BOOTS. SKINNY LEATHER PANTS. UUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHH. Have you ever tried snowboarding? No. What’s your favorite planet besides Earth? Saturn is dope. Would you ever be a coach for any sport? Nope. What color of eyes do you have? Blue. Do you like tacos? NOOOOOOOOO. White or red wine? Wine is gross. Do you prefer foxes or wolves? Foxes. What’s the youngest you would consider dating? No younger than 21. Do you think suits are sexy? mmmmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM Did you go to high school with your current best friend? No. What is your boss’ (or school prinicpal’s) name? N/A Were you a fan of Michael Jackson before he died? I was never really a fan. Respected him immensely as a musician, I just didn't care much about his music. Turkey or ham for Thanksgiving? Ham. Turkey is always too dry and stringy. Do you look good in hats? I wouldn't know, I haven't worn one in forever. Never with short hair. Colons or equal signs for your smiley face's eyes? Colons. Do you like architecture? If so, do you have a favourite style or structure that you’d like to make note? Yes, and I should really have an answer for this, as architecture was a big part in Art History... Ummm Etruscan stands out, and of course Roman/Greek (even after the class I don't remember their differences well...). I love Middle Eastern architecture, too. What is one of your favorite words, in any language, and why? I just love the sound of "serendipity," as well as uhhhh "sakura" in Japanese and "kanji" in Chinese. I'm trying to think of a German one, as there certainly are some, but they're evading me right now. Where is the farthest you’ve travelled on foot? JESUS FUCK probably going to get Sara's brother from school, mother of all that is holy. But it might just feel like it because it was during the peak of my muscle atrophy in my legs. Are there any songs that you perhaps like but avoid because it makes you sad when heard? A good number. Do you like the area that you live in? What do you like or dislike about the area? NO. There's not shit to do and it's not aesthetically pleasing at all. Do you have a memory of when you really thought that you have lucked out on something? If so, what was it? Uhhhhh. A handful, I guess? Oh, uh, the suicide attempt to name one and probably the biggest. I took way too many of those pills to experience almost zero symptoms of an overdose; I did look up what "too many" was, because I wanted that. I'd say I was pretty fuckin lucky. If you have apps on your mobile phone, which one do you use the most? Facebook. Which do you like better: fantasy or science fiction novels? Why? FANTASY!!! I think it allows more creativity and possibilities of something magically "making sense" because yeah, it's fantasy. Science fiction has more "realness" to it, more, obviously, scientific elements versus make-believe. Do you like opossums? Do you think it is ethically right for others to keep opossums as pets? OPOSSUMS!!!!!!!!! ARE!!!!!!!!!! FANTASTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They're my second-favorite animals kdsja;lkdjaw. BUT ANYWAY, no, unless it's for rescue reasons. When was the last time someone asked you a huge favor or advice? Do you get asked often by this person? Oh I have no idea. Probably my mom? And no, definitely not. She hates asking for help. What are your thoughts on nihilism? I definitely get it, but it's not my personal outlook. Do you like the snow? More like love. What are your thoughts and feelings towards work/jobs in general? I don't know? I've never even had a real, steady job, so it's hard to really answer... I've only had bad experiences. It's kinda weird to me how you have to work your ass off (usually) to get a job you enjoy, as well as slave for some stupid green paper until the day you die just to stay alive and healthy. But at the same time, it offers a sense of fulfilment and is as well something productive and beneficial to the masses to do. Civilization would be very, very different and unadvanced if we were without them, so I guess it is a necessary thing. Humans gotta work together to keep where we're at. Do you believe in astrology? I've never actually elaborated why I don't believe in it so there ya go: not in the slightest. All it does is offer extremely broad characteristics that, in some light, almost anyone can relate to so they feel included in something. We naturally want to "belong" within something as social creatures, and astrology is an easy one with it being so vast. It gives equally indirect advice that can be applied to a multitude of situations, so people just mold what they read to fit their world. Don't base your goddamn life choices on the random positioning of shit in space. What is something that you’ve made/created? Do you take pride in your creations? Well, way way way too many OCs that I do indeed love a hell of a lot. If you have a Tumblr account, do you have any followers that you wish would not follow you? Well I'm sure there are bots. What kind of books do you generally enjoy to read? Fantasy stuff, mostly. But I also love novels with deep meaning, particularly about life in general. A good plot is mandatory. Does the quality of a video, on YouTube or a television, matter to you? I mean of course in some situations, like if I'm watching something educational/something to gain visual knowledge from. What is one situation that may cause you to become shy (if there is any)? Don't don't don't don't don't point out that my serious interests/things I massively love are "weird" like it's been years and I can still barely explain why my biggest tattoo is a tribute to some fuckface on the Internet lmao. When one is depressed, what can a friend do about it? Do you find that there is a good method to approach people in helping them combat depression? It is SO important to, first, ask them what they want. Do they want advice, an ear to just listen, just your presence, to be alone? As for combating depression, that greatly depends on the origin (if any) of theirs. There are so many factors in answering this question, but what I mentioned should, imo, always be the start. Do you tend to listen to music that embraces your mood or does music dictate your mood? Is it a little bit of both? Definitely both. When I'm sad though, I'm almost definitely listening to somber music too. Do you find yourself to be generally a forgiving person? I'm too goddamn forgiving. Do you have an embarrassing memory that you now look back at and can laugh? If so and if you’re comfortable, could you share one here? Omg I have a Bible-length collection of those suckers. I'd prefer not to. What is one skill that you have worked hard to develop? Is there still room for improvement on that skill? Damn, anxiety-coping mechanisms and actually trusting them to help me through attacks. I used to be convinced that they were useless because it just wouldn't work and weren't immediately effective, but you've gooooooot to trust the process, friends. What do you consider to be your main passion(s) and how did they come about? Spreading awareness of the seriousness of mental health and the comfort of knowing there's hope. You can never stop pushing. My own experience with mental health struggles is definitely the deeeep roots of that. Who do you think influenced you the most in your life so far? Why? Jason changed my life in many ways. Trauma does that. He taught me a lot about the necessity of having faith in yourself to survive on your own, a shitload about love and how it's not some fairy tale, and that people change, even those you least expect to. What is something that you have overheard people talk about that really bothered you? I could name more than a few things about race stuff, living where I do. What do you normally say or how do you normally act in response to a compliment? I usually do this shy laugh and say "thank you" with too much enthusiasm. How many books do you own? Do you have more physical books than electronic books? I've no clue where a lot of my old ones are. I have no electronic ones; I strongly prefer to read a physical book. What are your thoughts on higher education? Is it really necessary? In your opinion, what changes can be made? Depending on your aspiring career, it can be necessary, but just as easily, it can be unnecessary. I know for a fucking fact it should not be NEARLY as expensive as it is. Maybe even free, but I have no idea what monetary concerns that could cause with whoever runs the place. Have you ever received a heartfelt compliment from a stranger? Probably at some point. How many people would you consider to be extremely close to you? "Extremely"... like three lmao. Maybe one more or so. When was the last time you had to speak to a crowd? How well did that go? When I was taking pictures at a wedding last. It went okay. How would you describe your general outlook towards humanity? We by no means deserve to be the apex predator and Earth would be a shitload better without us. How long do you think you could last without any contact with your significant other, best friend, or a person whom you consider would be the closest to you? I'll use my mom here, in which case idk. I don't particularly want to find out. I talk to her at LEAST by text daily. Every day now that she can't work/is always home with me. Have you ever realised that someone was lying, but it was too late to confront them? Nope. Eventually speaking up is how I lost her, but.
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gotboredwrote · 5 years
Our Painted Grass Roots // GT!DC
Pairing: DS Gavin Troy x Fem!Reader Word Count: 5.6K Style: One-Shot Warnings: Swearing, wrist injury, serious injury later on (hospitalization required), fluff, angst if you blink and then stare reeeaaally hard Summary: In a classic meet-cute fashion, awkward-around-women and king-of-being-obvious Detective Sergeant Gavin Troy is working on a case when he injures himself, and a lovely lady comes to help him out. Permanent Author’s Note: To clarify, I write because I get bored. Nothing is meant to be professional in any way, nor is meant to offend, cause anxiety, cause anger, cause sadness, or promote disagreement among readers in any sort of (semi)permanent way. A/N: @bensrhapsody​ got me hooked on Midsomer Murders and I’ve basically fallen in love with everything about Troy, with the exception of his driving (yikes.). So, this is my little love letter to him because the boy deserves some attention, dammit. To be in my mindset, picture series/season 1 Troy with those curly “bangs.” Also, thanks Lena for deliberating the title with me yet again.
Routine murder case, this was. At least, that’s what Troy told himself. This was more tedious than others, though, because he was on the hunt for something really small and up very high on a ledge. It was going to take him ages to find it, and he had no help, considering Barnaby ran off to grab a bite from a food truck nearby.
Still searching and getting more frustrated by the minute, he started moving much less carefully than he had been originally up on the ledge, about half a story off the ground. He leaned down to rummage through a messy pile of random bits and bobs, and noticed something strange.
“Huh. Why can’t I feel the ledge underneath my feet anymore?”
It was the only sentence his head could string together before his body hit the pavement with a rather large thunk.
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The abrupt falling motion across the easy-going street filled with people mulling about was pretty easy to spot. Everyone moving at a turtle’s pace and all of a sudden, a long and lanky body is moving through the sky. Not to mention the noise he made when he hit the ground made it obvious, as well. The thing was, not a single soul whose heads all turned around to see the object, or rather human being, that hit the ground went over to help, despite the painful whines and moans coming from the body. It hurt your heart knowing that no one felt an obligation to help him up, so you stepped up to the plate.
You had not seen the exact injury, but you would come to find out that the boy had lost his footing and missed the side of the ledge. Only God knows why there was not a railing for him to lean against, but there was no use questioning it now. He fell, and he needed to be attended to. He had fallen directly onto this left arm, and the pain he was in made Troy feel as though he had completely shattered the bones in his wrist. Later, he would come to find out that he almost shattered his wrist, but got away with a simple but intense sprain that only required a few pain pills, a brace, and some rest and relaxation. In that moment, though, he was sure his wrist was completely broken.
The minute you saw him fall you were by his side. You had never really been in this situation before – sure, you had a few family members who had taken some nasty spills. But those were instances of some water on the kitchen floor and it was a simple slip, no real injuries except maybe a bruise or two. This was a whole other situation, considering his wrist had clearly already started to balloon to twice its normal size. You could see that he was trying to find a position to make his wrist hurt less, but with every move was increasing the swelling, and, ergo, the pain. So, you did the only thing you could think to do.
You gently grabbed onto his wrist with both of your smaller hands, making the effort to encapsulate it completely so as to make him stop moving it. You could not bear to see him hurt himself more and hear his groans. It hurt your heart to see someone in this much pain. And it seems your efforts were not for nothing, in that as you continued to hold the boy’s wrists in place, you could see that his breathing was calming down. You had continued to stare at him, as well, so that when he finally looked up at you and met your eyes he could see how concerned you were for him.
After some amount of time, his eyes moved up simultaneously with his head and locked his eyes with yours. They went wide. Instantly Troy realized that someone was trying to help him, and he was getting embarrassed that he did not speak to the person or thank them, and once he got past that thought, he also realized that the someone who was trying to help him was also extremely breathtaking. He could feel his heart rate go from quick to erratic, signaling the transition from focusing on the pain to focusing on the work of art in front of him.
Either you did not notice like him, or you just did not mind, but Troy realized that he had practically been staring at you for a few solid seconds at this point, and he got even more embarrassed. Frantically, he tried to push himself away from you to stand up and walk away to find Barnaby, but stopped when he realized that he had no idea which direction Barnaby had originally run off to. After a moment of hesitation, Troy starts to walk away from you, still not having said a single thing to you, but you catch him by the crook of his arm, still with a look of concern plastered onto your face.
“Are you sure you don’t need me to take you to the hospital, sir?”
He looked at you, bewildered that you even spoke to him after how oddly he had treated you not moments before. But he did not think about that long, considering that he was looking at a work of art whose voice sounded like a symphony.
“No, I’m okay. Really.”
“I could walk you to a drug store to get some medicine and things—”
“Seriously, I’m okay. I have pain killers and a brace at home. Thanks for the offer, though, miss.”
After feeling as though the final word of the conversation had been spoken, Troy turned around and began to trudge away to find his partner. Except he realized that he basically made a complete ass of himself, so he abruptly stopped in his tracks and turned back around to face you.
“I’m… so sorry, madam. I’m just a bit out of sorts at the moment. I never caught your name, Miss…?”
“Y/N Y/L/N. Yourself?” She even said it with a smile, Troy noticed, despite how odd he was being.
“DS Gavin Troy, Causton police.”
And with that, he ran off as best he could to find Barnaby, thinking it would be the only time he saw the girl. Little did he know, though, you had a plan to see him again.
Troy never ended up finding Barnaby that day, so the look of shock and confusion adorning Barnaby’s features the next day when Troy walked in their shared office was pretty understandable.
“What happened to y—”
“It’s a long story, sir. Not worth bringing up.”
With that, Troy sat down at his desk, both thanking and cursing himself for spraining his non-dominant wrist. It was a good thing because he could still do everything that he needed to do from day to day, including his paperwork. It was a bad thing, though, because he could still do everything that he needed to do from day to day, including his paperwork.
Mindlessly chatting overtop of filling out and filing said paperwork, Troy somewhat accidentally brings you up in conversation and how you helped him out yesterday when he fell. It was in passing, and he did not plan on elaborating any further. Especially considering Barnaby asked no further questions regarding you. Except, saying your name opened the floodgates in Troy’s brain. Completely forgetting the next subject he was going to bring up, he began to talk about you – how ethereal you looked with the sun glowing down on you, coupled with the fact that he was pretty sure he hit his head pretty good in the fall, too, so things were a little swimmy. How you were by his side in an instant and did not care that he was a bumbling idiot and made himself look stupid.
He was going to continue babbling on when the office secretary quietly scuffled into the room and told Troy that he has a visitor. She walked out without another word, and Barnaby and Troy looked at each other oddly. Yes, they were investigating a murder at the moment and yes, people sometimes came down to the office to report something or give an interview when unrequested, but never did they exclaim that they were there for Troy. It was always Barnaby. Anxiously awaiting, they stared at the doorway to see what figure would walk in the door.
“Detective Troy?”
The voice – that symphonic voice. Instantly he knew exactly who was about to walk through the doorway – and his heart started beating a mile minute. Subconsciously something in his brain told his hand to tighten the brace so you knew he did what he needed to.
Like clockwork, you were standing in the doorway, with that same concerned look on your face from the day before, but this time laced with pure sweetness. The two of them also noticed that you were clutching a rather large brown paper bag that wafted a nice smell into the room.
“Oh, good, I found the right place. You had only said your name and Causton police, so I was not sure if this was right. I’m really sorry to interrupt, but I wanted to bring you lunch today. I figured you’d be really tired and probably really sore from yesterday’s events, and I brought enough for two. I could join you if you’d like, or I can leave it here for the two of you to enjoy.”
You are smiling at him, almost nervously, and Troy looks to Barnaby to see his reaction. He was simply smiling at you proudly, and then he feels Troy’s eyes on him so he turned to face him with a knowing look. One that says ‘if you decline this, I am never going to let you live down turning her away.’ Quickly, Troy’s head spins back to face you and he stutters out his response.
“Y-y-yes! I’d love to-to have lunch. With you. We can go sit somewhere nicer.”
“Lovely! Lead the way, detective, and I’ll carry the bag – I don’t need you spraining something else.”
“R-right.” He already knew this girl was going to be the death of him, he was just waiting for that fatal blow the seal the deal.
Troy walked you out to the back area of the police station where they had a nice courtyard with tables and benches. Even a fountain, which you thought was a nice touch. He chose a table for you two to sit at and pulled out your chair for you rather shakily. Clearly, he was caught off guard by your sudden appearance at the station, and suddenly you were worried that you might have overstepped a boundary. Though, Barnaby’s expression the entire time you were in the office suggested otherwise.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” You spoke as he sat down and before opening the brown paper bag, which contained a nice helping of fish and chips from a local shop for you two to share.
“Why would you be making me uncomfortable?”
“I showed up, out of the blue, no less, to your office when we had only met because I helped you get up after a fall. It’s very fast and I feel as though it’s almost creepy that I came and found you.”
“Well, I can see how you’d think that.” You gave Troy a concerned look, believing that he was about to agree with you. “But I promise you that is not the case. In fact, I forgot to pack a lunch today, so this works out twofold.”
“Alright, that makes me feel a little bit better about this.”
You pulled out the massive plate of fish and chips, and much to your joy, Troy had mentioned that you got the food from one of his favorite local shops. ‘A lucky guess,’ you thought to yourself. The two of you start to dig in, and at one point you even helped him cut up his fish because he had very limited use of his left hand. It was a little bit to his chagrin, but he clearly appreciated it through and through. At one point, you even tried to feed him a piece of his fish like an airplane, which made him laugh a little bit, and you beamed at him. Hearing his laugh warmed your body to the core – it was a beautiful sound. And much to your surprise, as he was laughing, he actually ate the piece of fish you tried to feed him. When you pulled the fork back from him, he looked at you while chewing and raised both of his eyebrows up and down quickly, as if to say ‘did you think I wouldn’t do it?’
The two of you finished your food after spending about half an hour with each other just talking and eating, and then you decided to walk him back to his office before leaving him to continue his work. You were almost visibly upset because in your heart, you fully believed this was the last time you were going to see Troy. You were not going to drop in uninvited again because it was not your place to, yet that was all your heart told you to do. You hardly knew the man and yet all you wanted to do was spend time with him.
Once back in front of the doors to the building, you start to say your goodbyes and walk away, but you feel a yank on your arm, followed by a hiss of pain. Troy had reached out with his bad hand to grab you to prevent you from walking away, instead of either his good hand or using his voice. You had come to realize the man was a tad goofy underneath the tough-guy detective persona. You lock eyes with him, and laugh at the face his making in reaction to his idiocy. He had been searching for the courage and motivation to ask what he wanted to ask the entire walk back to the door, but was unmotivated until he heard your laugh. Melodic.
“Can I take you out tomorrow night? Like, to a proper dinner, and maybe a walk…afterwards?”
Your mind felt like it had melted in that moment, because the exact thing you wanted to happen so you did not have to seem like a creep by showing up unannounced again, had happened. Clearly, you took longer than Troy would have liked for you to respond, because you could see the courage in his eyes fade to cowardliness for a moment.
“I’d actually love that, Gavin.”
Before you knew it, you were standing out front of your small cottage home waiting for Troy to pick you up. Little did you know that he made sure he drove as carefully as possible this time. Something way down the line, you would find out, he does not do for anyone. He is a horrible driver, Barnaby tells you, and it makes you laugh, because it helps you to realize why you do all the driving when you two go places together.
Troy had gotten the two of you last minute reservations at a small but posh restaurant that supposedly had delicious food for not that expensive, given the atmosphere of the place. Turns out, he was wrong, and you two ended up splitting the bill because it was so expensive. On the walk around a local lake, he tells you how horrible he felt about that, but you silenced him as best you could.
“We’re equals, Gavin. You have no reason to feel horrible.”
“But it was supposed to be my treat. The guy always pays on a first date, it’s just standard.”
“Well, maybe what you and I have is not standard, Gavin.”
You continue looking forward, not directly seeing that he was staring at you, dumbfounded and in awe. Something about you was magnetic to him, yet he could not really place what it was specifically. Maybe it was because it was all of you.
After that, the two of you walked in a comfortable silence, which remained except for the rapid beating of hearts when his hand accidentally swung against yours. In classic romantic movie fashion, slowly you could feel Troy start to turn your hand around so he could try to lace his fingers within your own. As soon as you could tell what he was doing, you met him halfway. You did say that the two of you were equals, after all.
Towards the end of the walk, as you were making it back to his car, your head was pushed gently sideways in a swift and chaste motion, and it was over before you comprehended what had happened. Troy had kissed the corner of your mouth, too confident to just kiss your forehead, but not confident enough to kiss your lips. Which now ached to feel him. The ride home was silent because of it. Not because you were angry with him or anything of the sort. It was that both of you were trying to rack up the courage to finish what had been started. Turns out, all Troy needed was some time to process, because as your body started to turn to get out of his car, you felt his hand on the side of your face and him slam his mouth down onto yours, but still with the same amount of chasteness as before. If your lips weren’t aching for him before, they were on fire now.
All that was exchanged after that was ‘goodbyes.’
No mention of a second date.
The next day, early in the morning you were at home working on some commission work that you had gotten a few weeks prior. Something you and Troy had briefly discussed at dinner was the fact that your jobs could not be more opposite. You painted with your head up in space, while he trudged on the ground looking for felons and murderers. Wildly different professions, but you both were happy with them, and happy that the other was happy where they were, too. Little did you know that some distance away from you, Troy was babbling on about you to Barnaby in their office. Eventually, he just stops, realizing that Barnaby has not said a word back, nor has he even really looked up from his desk. Troy figures he went too gossip queen on him, but after a few moments of silence, Tom speaks up.
“This girl you’ve been chattering about?”
“What about her, sir?”
“Keep her.”
When those last words stumbled from his mouth, Tom looked up to emphasize it and finally make eye contact with the lovestruck boy. Instantly, Troy goes red and looks down at his lap, smiling wider than he ever has, at least from what Barnaby could tell. Troy looked up to Barnaby like a second father, so the fact that he liked you made him so proud. It had only been two days, but both Barnaby and Troy himself knew how good you were for him.
Plus, Barnaby immensely liked the fact that he would not have to worry about calling Troy his son-in-law if him and Cully would have hit things off, instead.
A few hours after Tom and Troy’s conversation, they are called out to investigate a new lead in the murder case they had been working on. You would have had no idea his had happened if it were not for that phone call. The caller ID came up as Troy’s number, so needless to say, you were enthusiastic when you picked up the phone, practically singing ‘hi, Gavin!’ into the phone. Except, you were met with a deeper voice. Barnaby’s.
“I already phoned his parents, Y/N, but I felt like I needed to tell you as well that Troy is in the hospital.”
The wild beating of your heart from enthusiasm before had turned to panic and dread, and your heart dropped so quickly that you felt the pain in your chest and almost dropped the phone. Despite it all, pulling yourself together, you manage to tell Barnaby that you would be there as soon as you could.
Once there, you did not even realize that you might not have come dressed appropriately until the receptionist gave you a strange look. You looked back at her, not caring, until she continued to stare at you and not ask you the proper questions. You were getting angry, frankly, so you played her game to look down at your clothes. A paint covered tee shirt with some loose jeans that had paint on them as well. When you look back up to her, her eyes go wide because she sees that you are about to cry, from embarrassment, concern, and frustration. Not a good combination of emotions for anyone to feel at any time. Somehow, despite the seething rage and tears threatening to spill, you manage to tell her where you needed to go.
“Gavin Troy’s room, please.”
“Relation to the patient, ma’am?”
Then you realized something. Answering this question would be the first time you had ever said out loud what your connection to Troy was. And while it truly made you happy that you could say it, you were also frantic and worried that you would not get the chance to claim that title for long, considering you still had no idea what had happened to him. With the tears streaming down your face, you manage to say it for the very first time.
“I’m his girlfriend.”
It really only had been a few days and one official date, but both of you knew – you belonged to one another.
Once at the door, you honestly were not sure what to do. Should you just go in? Was in in surgery? Was he dead and you were about to be met with a corpse? It was all up in the air, so you decided to act as natural as possible. You knocked softly on the door four times, and quietly opened the door. The room, surprisingly, was a single hospital room – meaning, he would not have a roommate. Either this hospital has no patients, or he got extremely lucky. Your money was on the latter. Regardless, when you finally took in Troy’s figure on the bed, which was splayed out across it, it hits you that he did not acknowledge the fact you walked in. Immediately your brain was in panic mode. Yet, you retained your composure as you tiptoed over to the bed, crouching down beside it and placing your hand on his cheek. A way to see if he was awake or not.
Much to your relief, his eyes fluttered open and instantly found yours, looking completely and utterly exhausted. Yet, in that moment, seeing the dull orbs inside his head, contrary to their usual shine, triggered a sobbing fit.
“Oh God, I-I was worried we lost you, Gavin.”
“It’s gonna take a lot more than a knife wound to get me.”
“You were stabbed?”
His forwardness, given his condition, confirmed in your core that he was going to be okay. He was his usual snarky and matter-of-fact self, after all. After the both of you had settled from the previous conversation, you settled into quiet chatter, like old pals who had been catching up after some time. He wanted to hear your voice talk about anything – you could have told him about how cardboard was produced and he would have soaked up every word just to hear the silky tone of your voice. You asked him questions about the case and if the stabbing had anything to do with it, and he asked you about the commission you were working on. He called it a drawing request, so you had a lot to teach him, but in that moment, nothing mattered. He was awake, breathing, and talking to you. All surefire signs that he was living and you were not dreaming this in a haze of emotions, namely grief.
Neither of you really had an explanation as to when it happened, but both of your hands were interlocked with his resting on his thighs, slowly and softly stroking each other’s fingers and backs of hands. Mindlessly, mind you, but it was calming nonetheless. You only noticed it because the door randomly and quite violently swung open with a thud against the wall, and when you jumped back, your arms were tugged forward because he would not let go of your hands. When the figures finally focused in your field of vision, you had absolutely no idea who they were. They were looking at Troy with intense concern and then to you with extreme confusion. As if to say ‘who is this girl and why is she fondling our son’s hands?’
Clearing the air, as he has proven to do well, Troy spoke up.
“Well, this uh, isn’t exactly how I hoped you all would meet, but Y/N, meet… my parents.”
At first, the air was thick. You were trying to present yourself well, except that it was hard, considering you were still reeling from the fact that your person was in the hospital suffering and that you looked, frankly, homeless. But, once they hear you speak about yourself, your career, and their son, they start to fall in love with the idea that their son chose you, and they start to love you, too. They are thrilled that Troy has someone like you to help him through the recovery process. They informed you that it would most likely have to be you, because they do not live all that close by, so finding a place to stay for that long would be challenging. They could not stay with Troy, considering he lived in a one-bedroom flat, and they would never impose that on you. You were happy to take on the challenge of helping him heal, though. It just meant more time with your new favorite human.
After about an hour of talking with his parents and the nurses, his parents decide to leave you with him for the rest of the night. As soon as they were out of side, your personal phone rang, and it came up as your own parents. Troy watched your face as they spoke to you, completely unaware what they were saying to you, and then when you hung up, you looked at him sheepishly.
“So, that was my, uh, parents. They’re in town. Want to see me. Told them to come here.” Troy looked back at you with the same sheepish look you had given him. Playfully, you responded to the look with “don’t look at me like that, Gavin, it’s only fair that you meet my own parents in unideal circumstances, too, after what you just put me through.”
Taking what his parents requested of you to heart, Troy never even went back to his apartment when he was discharged from the hospital. You drove him straight to your cottage where you got him comfortable in your living room watching television while you set up the guest room. After that was arranged, you stole his apartment key and went and packed a bag for him, telling him you would worry about his laundry and things like that, all he had to do was be a nice houseguest.
He was discharged early the next morning so he got to spend the day lounging around at your house. At one point, you informed him that you did have some work that needed to be done in your studio, and you wanted to keep an eye on him. You helped him over to the chaise you have laying in the studio and got him comfortable. Once he was situated, you went over to your supply bench, gathered the brushes, paints, and other tools you needed to continue where you left off. You plopped down onto the floor in front of the low-to-the-ground easel and canvas. Troy was to your back, but you could feel him behind you, staring at you. It made you slightly uneasy, but more so because of butterflies in your stomach. You could feel how intensely he was watching you and what you were doing. It was a good uneasy. Plus, you did not have to keep one eye on him, you could feel he was there.
If you had to guess, an hour had passed because your arm was feeling the slightest bit of ache from reaching upward to paint each small detail above you. Your hand was still raised when you felt a pair of strong arms reach around your waist, one’s attached to the body that was supposed to be recovering from two stab wounds.
“You’re supposed be resting, you muppet.”
“I’m more comfortable here.”
You do not even try to argue with him, because he was a little bit hopped up on pain medicine and you really did not mind the warmth radiating from him. It was nice to feel enveloped by someone who really likes you. Might even eventually come to love you. You could only hope.
When he first snaked his arms around you, he held his head above yours. Now, you could feel the weight of it on your shoulder and the soft air coming from his nose on your neck. It made you smile warmly, knowing that despite the small amount of time you had been together, he felt comfortable enough around you to take that step. He may be a bumbling, clumsy detective who barely made it out of school and police training despite his ambition, but he was yours.
“I don’t get it.”
Troy spoke out of nowhere, removing you from your thoughts and almost causing you to place a giant paint streak across the painting.
“What? This painting?”
“Art in general. Or anything like it. I’m a very grass roots kind of guy, Y/N.”
“That’s not a big deal, Gavin, it doesn’t—"
“I want you to explain it to me.”
“…only if you’ll explain detective work to me while I paint, too.”
It made you extremely happy that he took interest in what you did. Past partners always felt like your head was too in the clouds and that you would never be able to support yourself. Troy seemed to think differently, and even if he did not, he clearly did not seem to mind the idea of taking care of you if you ever needed the help. He took in every word of how art makes you feel fulfilled, and it seemed to make him really happy that you enjoyed what you did for a living. He briefly talks about how he has always been a goody-two-shoes so he wanted to make use of said trait. That was really all he had to say on that subject, and then he moved on to what exactly it was he did while on a case. He even told you about the one he is investigating – the whole reason you met.
Then you started to discuss the specifics of the art world, techniques and various tools and the like, and you started to feel a new sensation on your neck. No longer just small puffs of air, but a softness. One that was moving gently across the side and down to the crook of your neck. You had to hold back a small swoon, and your eyes fell shut.
“You haven’t even kissed me properly yet”
“May I?”
“Never thought you bloody would at this rate. You may be a detective with a very high rated station, but sometimes you need help reading—”
The kiss was aggressive, but you truly did not mind. It felt good to officially seal your relationship with a kiss that was not short. It was a lovely feeling.
When you first tried to pull away, he just kept leaning back to your face. His desperation was clear, and in any other circumstance he would have been embarrassed, but he had told you how long it had been since he had a serious girlfriend, and you thought it was cute, regardless. Eventually, you managed to pry yourself away from him, and he was looking at you wistfully, like you had just rocked his world with a kiss. You practically did. He was knocked out his trance when you streaked your brush across his nose for being so forward though. And you heard his laugh for the first time since being in the hospital, and that was enough to bring an enormous smile to your face.
Troy then got up to sit back down on the chaise, but you kept him close behind you, and not soon after his pain pills really kicked in and he started to dose off on you while you continued to paint. You made sure to maneuver him so he was laying in your lap while you painted. It was not until you looked down to wash out your brush that you noticed a small amount of blood through his tee shirt where his stitches were hidden.
“How in the world did you rip your stitches, detective?” You barely whispered to yourself, and earned no response from your boy, who was fast asleep. “What are Barnaby and I going to do with you, huh?”
Permanent Taglist: @bensrhapsody @chlobo6 @gardnerlangway @xtrashmammalstefx @bohemiandeakyy
DS Gavin Troy Taglist: @denimmay
// If you want to be added to either taglist mentioned above, or the one for another character I’ve written for, send me an ask here! //
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mawritesbnha · 5 years
Hi! I just found you because of recommendations and already I love what you're doing! You're doing amazing friend! If possible could I ask for Shinsou with a crush/SO (whichever you prefer) who has a quirk that would cause them chronic pain and do more damage than good to their body on use? Yet they're still constantly putting themself through training to try and get into the Heroics course at the next sports festival.
Aaaah the first ask I got from you, dearest 💖
I keep on repeating myself like an old lady but your support really means the world to me and knowing that you’ll most likely have something to say through your tags is one of the things that motivate me to keep writing (I actually screen them so I can read through them when I’m feeling down…I’m weird sorry)!
I am living for your reactions honestly, so I reeeaaally hope these are worthy of such a devoted friend like you 💖💖 I loved writing your request but I feel like I got sidetracked a lot? This is a mess but I just get so emotional when writing about Shinso… I have it bad.
Anyway, I hope you’ll enjoy these dearie, but please give me your honest opinion!
Smoochies from Ma!
now this makes Hitoshi think
and I mean really think
because even if he doesn’t constantly wallow in it, he’s still bitter over the type of quirk that he got
people look at him as if he were a villain in the making
everything’s just so much more difficult than if he had a physical strength based ability
but at least his quirk doesn’t hurt him
it’s not the best, sure
I actually headcanon that Shinsou is in a constant state of hyper focus
whether he controls himself (makes sure not to let his quirk activate itself) or others, I think it is pretty strenuous
lots of migraines
and times where he just phases out cause it’s too much and his brain shuts down
that’s when kitty rides his bike
also I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: I think baby boy plays an instrument (I can really see him playing the cello) to both help with his focus and also clear his head (a paradox, but musicians out there hopefully know what I’m talking about)
but we’re moving off topic
what I’m saying is that, Shinsou’s quirk isn’t an easy one to deal with
but it’s nothing compared to his crush’s
they have to go through actual physical damage to use theirs
and even if it might get better with practice
well…they still have to practice, therefore suffer, to maybe one day not suffer as much
he understands this must be so frustrating: having a quirk with such a great potential in terms of strength but not being able to use it freely
I’ve said crush cause it would take a while for Shinso to get close enough to someone to have them become his s/o (I’m not even sure this could happen during highschool) and even if he liked you, if you were both hellbent on getting in the hero course, I don’t think he’d try to make a move
you both have a goal you need to focus on
but it doesn’t mean he won’t try to befriend you
don’t expect sleepy baby to let you win though, he’s gonna bring his a-game
he respects you so much for all the efforts you’re making in the hopes of achieving your dream, he’s sometimes unsure whether it’s truly love he feels towards you or simply admiration
it’s both honestly
I think having difficulties with your quirk would be a good way to get close to Shinso
I’m not saying he would never like or feel close to someone who’s always been a natural at things
but there’s just so much they wouldn’t understand about his struggles, not really at least
so yeah, having a rough time? you’re getting yourself some lavender love
again back on the subject
he would never try to stop you from using your quirk
you know, in a caring way some might, cause what’s the point really?you’re just hurting yourself
no, Shinso respects your dream and your decisions
it pains him to see you hurt, and he’ll try to help as much as he can with your pain (whether it’s bringing you to Recovery Girl, helping you with your bandages, giving you pain killers or just encouraging you to keep going when you feel like quitting)
I think this might also be one of the rare occasions where Hitoshi would agree to using his quirk on you outside of a fight/training session
ONLY IF YOU ASKED HIM though of course
like if you’re not feeling brave enough one day and you want him to act as some kind of hypnosis therapist
helping you activate your quirk without feeling so distressed about it
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sarah-carina · 4 years
Heartbreak with Sprinkles on top (Part 1)
What if MC hadn't won the ethics hearing? What would have happened if she were no longer a doctor? This story explores how MC goes down a dark path when she loses everything - and how there's only one person that can save her.
Part 1: After losing her license, Cadence decides to drink her sorrows away - and then pays her former boss a visit.
Pairing: MC (Cadence Valentine) x Ethan Ramsey Rating: Mature for language, alcohol and suicide in later chapters Disclaimer: I don't own any of the characters.
It’d been two days since my license was revoked. Two days since I was no longer a doctor. Two days with no career, no perspective, no future. I quickly learned I had forgotten what it was like to have free time. I could barely remember what I’d do on days off before med school, but I remembered I always liked getting a break. But now, I wished I could go back to being busy and stressed. I wished I could go back to having a purpose. Because all those hours of boredom and doing nothing were just a reminder of my failure. The loneliness was almost unbearable and I realized it wouldn’t take long until I was excluded from my group of friends. When they came home at night, they talked about the hospital, about cases and patients and I had nothing to contribute. And whenever they looked at me, I saw nothing but pity. As much as I felt like I needed somebody, I had to keep some distance and when I started doing just that, I got the feeling they were almost…relieved. Like they didn’t know what to do around me, what to say or not say… It’d been only two days I spent like that, but it felt like in those two days, everything changed.
That Thursday evening, I was by myself. My friends had gone for drinks after work, which I only knew because of Jackie’s Instagram story. They hadn’t texted me or invited me. So I got comfortable in front of the TV and found a bottle of wine in the fridge that became my companion for the evening. That, and a bottle of beer. I’d never been a huge drinker, but for the first time, I saw the appeal. It was as though each sip made everything seem a little less terrible. With each sip, I relaxed and lost some of my anxiety. It was almost as though the alcohol pushed that dark cloud above my head away. Almost. After a while, I didn’t pay much attention to what I was watching on TV anymore. One of my hands held the bottle of beer, the other one my phone. I scrolled through pictures of my friends and the other hospital staff. Apparently, a bunch of them had gone out together and were having a blast. I kept scrolling and looking and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I began scrolling through my contacts. I found my finger hovering over Ethan’s name. He wasn’t my boss anymore, so it wasn’t like he had an excuse any longer, right? But after staring at his name for a few minutes, I decided it was probably a bad idea. Maybe he looked down on me now, too, just like my friends. Otherwise he would have reached out to me, right? Although he did say we were going to call an ethics hearing. But I hadn’t heard anything. Sure, maybe he was busy. But maybe not. Before I did anything stupid, I went back to looking at pictures and saw that Jackie had posted a picture from the subway. So they were on their way home. My eyes looked to the two empty bottles in front of me and I decided the last thing I wanted to do was come face to face with my roommates and their pity. I’d prefer the company of the most loyal evening entertainer: alcohol. And since we were all out of that, I grabbed my keys and wallet and headed out into the night. I found a little shop that was still open and got a bottle of Whisky, then took a seat on a nearby bench and watched the cars and people passing me. I had always wandered about those weirdos sitting on a bench at night, all alone and drunk and now I was one of them. What were the people walking by thinking of me? That got me to think of them and I wondered about their lives and stories. Were any of them as miserable as me? The more sips I took, the more dramatic it seemed: seeing all these people for the fraction of a second and knowing I would then never see them again. I wished each of them a wonderful life, but even though it seemed like a nice gesture, that only earned me strange stares. That in turn made me sad and I had to cry. But then I felt so strange for crying that I had to laugh. That reminded me I really didn’t have anything to laugh about in my current situation and I went back to crying. But even those strange and absurd emotions and thoughts became less and less clear as the alcohol drained all my sorrows away.
It was almost midnight, but Ethan hadn’t gone to bed yet. He’d been at the local bar along with most of the hospital staff and the entire time, he’d been acutely aware of the fact that Cadence hadn’t been there. After coming home, he’d proceeded to go over her file, something he’d done every break he’d gotten over the past few days. He’d started coming up with a plan on how to proceed, but he wanted to be smart about this, so it took a little bit of time. As he sat there at the kitchen table, his eyes kept darting to his phone. He knew he needed to keep his distance, but the urge to call her had never been so strong. He had no idea how she was or what she was doing. Sure, if something was wrong, her friends would have probably told him, but still. He just wanted to make sure she was alright. But he convinced himself it was a bad idea. He’d call her when he needed to call her. Now that midnight was rolling around and he realized he’d only get a few hours of sleep, he closed the file and put the half-drunken bottle of wine back into the kitchen. He sighed and turned off the kitchen light, fully intending on finally making it to bed, when there was a knock on the door. His brows furrowed in confusion and he checked his watch again. Five past midnight. Who in the world would come to see him now? He thought about ignoring it, but then there was a second knock, followed by a mumbled: “Ethan!” He’d recognize that voice anywhere and he quickly opened the door, only to be greeted by Cadence, who’d apparently been leaning against his door and was now falling forward. He caught her before she hit the ground, which earned him a giggle on her part. He realized getting her to stand upright was unusually difficult, but any worry about injuries quickly vanished when he smelled the cloud of alcohol and saw the half-full Whisky bottle in her hand. “Are you drunk, Cadence?”, he sighed while keeping a hand on her shoulder to steady her. “As a skunk”, she answered, her speech slurry, and then proceeded to giggle again. He closed the door behind her and then hurried back to her because even those few seconds without him had nearly caused her to collapse again. “What are you doing here?”, he asked and helped her out of her jacket, which she’d decided she didn’t need anymore. “I came to see you! I missed you!”, she exclaimed and threw her arms around his neck. He chuckled at her enthusiasm, but freed himself from her grasp, afraid the position would make her fall. Her mood quickly went from happy to accusing and she furrowed her brows. “You said you’d call me!” “I’m sorry”, he said, though he wasn’t sure how much of his words she was actually processing, “preparing the hearing takes some time.” She rolled her eyes and let go of him before staggering to the sofa with shaky steps. He followed her closely in case she decided to take a fall onto his glass table, likely ending bad for both her and the table. She then flung herself onto his couch and let out a groan. “These guys on the street kept yelling at me! They were just so rude, you know? Like, who does that? Like, let me drink my Whisky in peace, asshole!” He furrowed his brows in concern. “You were out all by yourself?” She snorted and spread her arms to indicate how obvious it was, knocking over one of his plants with the bottle of Whisky in her hand in the process. “Duh.” He caught the plant before it fell and then sat down in the armchair next to her. “You need to be more careful. Why weren’t you with your friends?” She snorted again and then shook her head. “Because…because I didn’t want to!” Her gaze turned bewildered for a moment. “Besides, I needed to buy alc…alcohol. What was I gonna do?” The word “alcohol” proved difficult and took her a few attempts to get right. But something else was nagging at him. “What’s with your friends?” She stared at her hands for a few moments and he wasn’t sure she had heard him, but then she replied. “I preferred the company of this guy”, she said, lifting the bottle. “You know, he is a reeeaaally good listener.” That actually got him laughing. “You can always come to me.” For a moment, she stared at him, flabbergasted, before shaking her head. “Whatever.” She began fiddling with the bottle and he was watching her. It was hard to decipher her mood through the alcohol, but as he looked closer, he saw her smudged mascara, as if she had been crying. And she wasn’t smiling, not the tiniest bit, even though she was usually the embodiment of sunshine. “What’s going on, Cadence?”, he asked quietly and it took her a while to answer again. “Nothing is going on!”, she replied defensively, “I am absolutely peachy!” He shook his head. “I don’t believe you.” She stared at him with an angry look in her eyes but when he didn’t budge, she let out a groan. “I am sooo bored! There is literally nothing for me to do all day.” As she was talking, she unscrewed the bottle, but he managed to snatch it from her before she managed to take a sip. “Hey!”, she protested, but he ignored her. “Remember it’s only temporary. We will figure this out!” She just shrugged and he knew there was more to it. “You’re really not well, huh?” She scrunched her nose as she thought about it and then shook her head. “Imagine this”, she began, using her hands as she was talking, “you’re a cook.” “Okay…?” “And you’re making a steak, yeah? And you buy meat and a really good cookbook and…and you start making it. And you put in a looooot of effort, right? And when it’s finally done…you want to eat it, right? Cause you’re hungry!” She looked at him questioningly, making sure he was following her and he chuckled and nodded. “Right.” “So you start eating it. You take a few bites and it’s sooo good. But then you think hey, let me do the right thing and add some sprinkles.” “…Sprinkles?” “YES, SPRINKLES! And it tastes good! But then stupid Landry Olsen comes in and tells you it tastes like shit, even though it is NONE OF HIS BUSINESS!” He refrained from asking what Landry Olsen was doing in his kitchen and just nodded along. “So then everyone tells you your steak it shit. And you can’t finish it. And you have to throw it away. And now? You have nothing to eat! You worked for your steak aaaall your life and now you’ll never have anything to eat ever again.” She spread her arms out and looked at him with wide eyes. “Did…did you just compare your career to…a steak?” “Of fucking course I did!” “And Mrs. Martinez is…the sprinkles?” “She was kind of like sprinkles, though, wasn’t she?” She had a point there… “Just out of interest, who am I in this scenario? The…plate?” “Ethan!”, she yelled and grabbed his arm, roughly shaking him, though he wasn’t sure for what purpose. He laughed with her, but a moment later, she stopped pulling at his arm and her eyes widened. He realized what was happening just in time to rush her up and into the bathroom before she puked into his toilet. At least she’d gotten that out. He held her hair back and rubbed her back, remembering his college days and how much it sucked to be drunk. Hopefully, she wouldn’t remember this in the morning. After a few moments, she sunk back against the wall and let her head roll back. All the fun and carelessness were gone and replaced with a sadness he wasn’t sure had been there before. And he knew why. Despite the ridiculousness, her analogy had been more than clear. He saw the desperation. And when he looked at her, he noticed a tear glittering on her cheek. He put a hand under her chin to make her look at him and saw how red and shiny her eyes were. “Hey”, he said softly and crouched down in front of her, wiping her cheeks with his thumb. “We’ll figure this out, okay? We’ll prove to everyone that, uh, sprinkles on steak are a good thing!” She nodded and wiped her nose, sniffling. “And I’ll be by your side, no matter what, okay?” “Okay”, she said quietly. For a moment he watched her before she let out a big yawn. “You know, I’m just going to…lay down. Right here. Okay?” She didn’t wait for an answer, instead slipping down onto the floor and getting comfortable. He was relieved to find she was apparently relaxed enough to sleep and so he didn’t protest, instead guiding her to lay down. But before she closed her eyes, she mumbled, almost too quietly for him to hear, but just loudly enough that he did regardless: “But what if I don’t want sprinkles on my steak anymore?” A moment later, she’d already fallen asleep. He thought about her words for a while, though he wasn’t sure of the meaning. Did she mean she wasn’t sure she’d done the right thing with Mrs. Martinez? Did she mean she didn’t want to fight? Did she doubt herself? There were to many possibilities and after a while, he decided that whatever doubts Cadence had, he would simply have to make her believe in herself again. He watched her for a few more moments and enjoyed how relaxed she looked. For the first time in weeks, there was no worry or fear etched into her features. She was simply completely relaxed. He pushed a strand of her hair out of her face and then careful as to not wake her lifted her into his arms to get her to a more comfortable sleeping spot. He would have been lying if he’d said he didn’t enjoy the feel of her in his arms.
The next morning, I didn’t remember much of last night, but it was still enough to be embarrassed. When I woke up, the first thing I felt was the terrible hangover that washed over me. When I then opened my eyes, I needed a long minute to gain orientation. I’d been to Ethan’s apartment before, but it was still strange to wake up here. I met him in the kitchen and he laughed when he saw the expression on my face. “Shhh”, I answered and held up a finger, but that only made him laugh more. I frowned at him and took a seat at the table. “You are an evil man”, I murmured, though that didn’t seem to offend him in the slightest. He slipped a cup of…something…in front of me and I took a cautious sniff. “Hangover cure”, he explained, “back from my college days. Trust me, works like a charm.” I decided to trust him and gave it a try, and even though it was disgusting, it did seem to help a little. After taking a few sips, I sighed and faced the inevitable. “I’m really sorry for last night.” But Ethan didn’t seem mad or annoyed at all. “It’s fine. I’m just glad you came to me instead of sleeping out in the street.” I sighed and shook my head, regretting the motion instantly. “Still. I…did I do anything terribly embarrassing? Like…confessing my love for you, or something?” He pretended to think about this really hard, though I didn’t miss the flicker of…something in his eyes when I said the last part. “There may have something along those lines when I put you to sleep, but it was in your sleep, if that’s any consolation.” I groaned and hid my blushing face behind my hands, but when I looked up I found he didn’t seem nearly as bothered as he should. Was it…hope in his gaze? For a long moment, neither of us said anything. We just gazed into each other’s eyes and for a while, it felt as though the world around us was stopping and fading away. I don’t know how long the moment lasted, but Ethan broke it when he cleared his throat, making me look away and cough awkwardly as well. “I should probably go…”, I announced and he agreed quickly. “Yeah, I should probably get to the hospital as well.” I nodded and hurried to find the few things I had brought. “I can drive you home”, he offered, but I declined. “I can walk. I’ve got nothing if not time”, I joked, but Ethan didn’t laugh. He watched me thoughtfully and when I turned away, he reached out and grabbed my hand. “Cadence.” I turned to him in surprise. “I promise you: I’ll do everything I can to fix this.” The sincerity behind his words was touching and I managed to give him a small smile. It was nice to know I wasn’t completely alone, that there were still people that had my back. A small voice at the back of my head screamed that words were one thing, actions another and that, for all I knew, this was just him being polite when really, he’d already written me off. It kept screaming and screaming, awful thoughts I decided to ignore for now and instead trust Ethan. And before I walked out of his door, he did something completely unexpected: he kissed me on the top of my head. My heart was fluttering, my mind screaming and my knees weakening. Maybe things weren’t as terrible as I’d thought. But there was that voice at the back of my mind again that reminded me just how much that had felt like a goodbye kiss.
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allmytwistedshadows · 6 years
Pairing: Dan Howell x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes (Anon)
Request: Hey, your writing is amazing 😍 Can you do Dan Howell x reader, where Dan can't sleep, the reader comforts him and they become a couple? Thank you 😘
Summary: (Y/N) is a friend of Dan and Phil’s, spending the night after working on a collab with the pair. When his insomnia is at a high, though, he isn’t sure what to do. Of course, he isn’t the only night owl in the flat that night; and what’s a guy to do when something is troubling the one he cares about?
Word Count: 1,628
Warnings: Swearing, more than probable sardonic humor, rusty writing (Sorry it’s been a while)
AN: I’m not used to writing from Male POV so I’m sorry if it’s sucky.
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“I will never be able to look at a spatula the same thanks to you,” (Y/N) said with a laugh, rising from the edge of the bed where he had been sitting next to fellow YouTubers and friends Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Dan thought it would be funny to remake the popular Cards Against Humanity video he did with Tyler Oakley three years ago. “Honestly, I am never making pancakes again because I know I can’t without thinking of--”
“What? No!” Phil cried, cutting the (h/c) haired boy off. “The (Y/N) Specialty Pancakes are the best!”
“Sorry Philly,” he said apologetically. “They’re no more now that I’ve seen the horrors of what Dan thinks a spatula can be used for.”
“That was a card well deserved,” Dan said with an awkward grin as he held up his win cards. 
The three laughed together before making the decision to order a take-away and watch reruns of Spirited Away for the night. While Phil went to go take care of the take-away, (Y/N) decided to help clean up everything. While Dan took care of the camera and the lights, (Y/N) took care of the pile of cards on the floor.
“If I were smarter I’d be making Phil clean this up,” he mumbled as he tried to straighten the cards out. “The sore loser.”
“Yes; but, as the Phandom loves to point out, it’s one of the many qualities that makes him so endearing,” Dan returned lightly, laughing silently to himself. “Not to mention it’s so hilarious to watch when I’m editing.”
“I’ll definitely give you that one,” (Y/N) agreed with a grin. “But can you please leave me falling off the bed out? Pretty please?”
“Nope,” Dan said with a smug grin. “If the world sees my shame--not once but twice--then they get to see your shame as well.”
“I hate you.”
“I hate me too,” Dan said without missing a beat. When he didn’t respond after a moment Dan was quick to add, “Kidding! Look at me: all jokes and grins. Haha great times.”
“Y’know, one day you’re going to meet someone who doesn’t appreciate your sardonic sense of humor,” (Y/N) spoke as he started setting the cards back in their box.
“Yes, but you do get and appreciate it so I’m fine,” Dan counters, pointing at me briefly with a wink.
Stopping what he was doing, (Y/N)’s face went blank as he looked up at the dark haired boy. “Daniel.”
“Please, never do that again.”
“Pft. Okay hater.”
“Oh please. You know you’d have said the same thing.”
“Yes, but I said it internally.” The both of them laughed as (Y/N) sat on the edge of Dan’s bed. “Okay, moving on from my self detrimental mind, please tell me you weren’t serious about not making your specialty pancakes anymore.”
“I don’t even know why you guys love them so much,” he said as he brushed aside some hair that had been hanging in front of his (E/C) eyes. “They’re just my mom’s pancake recipe with carefully timed food coloring.”
“Blasphemy,” Dan spoke, placing a hand on his chest.
With a roll of his eyes, (Y/N) rose to grab the top of the box from Dan’s desk. “Well you can relax, Danny,” he assured him, purposefully using the nickname that Dan not-so-subtly dislikes for being “too American” for his taste. “I assure you that I will make the pancakes again.”
“Good because we took the liberty of buying everything you need to make them tomorrow morning.”
(Y/N) groaned as he rolled onto his side in the guest room. He stared at the window, mentally cursing himself for forgetting his melatonin when he agreed to stay the night. Having gone through this many times, (Y/N) knew better than to try and make himself sleep. So he sat up and pulled the duvet away as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. Jamming his feet into slippers, (Y/N) rose from the bed and began to walk silently to the kitchen. Two in the morning or not, he’d be damned if he didn’t get whatever juice he could find.
When he got to the kitchen he opened the fridge and looked around for orange juice, apple juice, prune juice--any juice. There was soda, ribena, milk but absolutely no juice. 
"You mean to tell me I came on the one night these two don’t have any juice?” he grumbled.
“Have you met Phil?”
(Y/N) jumped slightly, turning quickly to see Dan sitting at the small kitchen counter with the orange juice next to him. Half of Dan’s face was illuminated by moonlight, giving him an almost mysterious sense of whimsy. The sight made (Y/N)’s chest tighten as his heart beat in his throat. Of course, (Y/N) wasn’t sure if that was from the jump scare or from something that he had spent a long time denying for the sake of their friendship. “Bloody hell,” (Y/N) muttered upon settling down. “Why am I not surprised you’re lurking in the dark.”
“I suppose the feeling’s mutual you nocturnal freak,” Dan stated as he slid the juice container towards the other boy.
(Y/N) grabbed a glass from the cabinet and then moved next to Dan, taking the container and pouring himself a glass. “So why are you up?” the (h/c) boy asked before taking a sip of the juice.
Dan shrugged, swishing his juice around. “Couldn’t sleep, I guess.”
The other boy examined Dan with inquisitive (e/c) eyes, seeing the way his fingers fidgeted and how he couldn’t quite bring his dark eyes to meet him. “You’re lying,” (Y/N) concluded. 
Dan bit his lip ever so slightly, the simple motion making something unexpected flutter in (Y/N)’s chest. “Maybe,” Dan admitted quietly.
“What’s really up?” (Y/N) questioned as he set the cup down on the counter and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I just,” Dan started, his eyes searching around as if trying to figure out how to say it. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” (Y/N) frowned and looked at the curly haired boy in front of him. Dan took (Y/N)’s silence as he had intended it--as a prompt to go on. “I’ve been having nightmares.”
“About what?” (Y/N) asked softly, not wanting to push him too far.
“A lot of things,” Dan stated vaguely before he received a raised eyebrow from the (h/c) boy and sighed. “Death, okay. I’ve been dreaming about death.”
“Oh,” (Y/N) started, sounding surprised. “Could it have something to do with Spooky Week? You and Phil have been playing so many scary games that maybe it’s just you thinking you guys it’s in the games.”
“It’s not,” Dan insisted, finally meeting his eyes. (Y/N)’s heart ached upon seeing the unshed tears making the beautifully dark eyes glisten. “Because it started before Spooky Week and it’s not me and it’s not Phil.” Dan looked down again before he spoke quietly, as if trying to keep him from hearing. “It’s you, (Y/N/N). You’re the one dying.” (Y/N) was taken aback just from the pure shock of it--the idea that Dan was even dreaming about him. “Every night you’re in trouble and I can’t save you--and I can’t stand it. I-I can’t take it because-because I can’t imagine my life without you in it and the thought of you not being there anymore is--it’s just too much.”
“Dan,” the other boy started softly, moving to stand in front of him, “I promise you that nothing is going to happen to me. You’re stuck with me to annoy you for the rest of your life.” (Y/N) took Dan’s hands in his own, drawing their eyes together.
“I just--I can’t bare seeing you die every night because-because--.” Before (Y/N) could ask why Dan’s grip on his hands had tightened and, suddenly, his lips were pressed against Dan’s. Before (Y/N) could even really react Dan had pulled away suddenly and began stammering. “I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that, (Y/N/N), I’m--”
(Y/N) cut Dan off in one swift motion, pressing their lips together once again. In that moment he let go of any concern he had harbored in the past about ruining their friendship because, in that moment, he was kissing the boy he had been fantasizing about in secret for the past year or so. So, (Y/N) pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around Dan’s neck. Once the shock had worn off on Dan’s end his hands moved to the (h/c) boy’s waist. 
(Y/N) sighed as he felt Dan’s hands hold him tightly by the waist. The two stood there in the dimly lit kitchen, moving their lips against each other’s slowly. (Y/N)’s fingers curled into Dan’s dark curls, tugging gently. Dan made a small noise of pleasure against (Y/N)’s mouth. The sound made (Y/N) grin slightly against his lips before he pulled away just enough to look into Dan’s eyes--blown wide from what had just transpired between them. 
“I promise you,” (Y/N) spoke softly, “that I am not going anywhere and, as long as I’m with you, I’ll always be more than fine.”
Tears welled up in Dan’s eyes before he pulled (Y/N) into a tight embrace. The two boys stayed like that for a while, finding comfort in each others’ embrace. At some point in the night, neither could tell you exactly when, they had grabbed their juice and went into the living room to lay on the couch together and watch Spirited Away until they inevitably fallen asleep, tangled in each other’s arms. And, when Phil found them like that the next morning when he woke up, he simply smiled and moved to cover his two friends in a blanket so to not disturb what had to be their best sleep in a while.
Okay so it’s reeeaaally bad especially at the end but I really wanted to finish this. I kinda rushed it at the end and it shows but, whomever the anon is who requested it, I hope you like it.
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diyunho · 7 years
The Joker x Reader - 10 Things The Joker Randomly Does That Kind of Prove He Cares
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1.   J is in a good mood more often. It strangely happened after he met you: the first year he had two good days the whole year, the second year he had four and this year is about to have the sixth day and the year is not even over yet! A new record.
The King of Gotham calls you Insanity when he’s in a good mood; that’s the signal you can ask for pretty much whatever you want and he won’t say no.
“Hey Insanity,” J greets when you open your eyes in the morning.
You gasp. OMG, he’s gonna be in a good mood today, such a rare occurrence!
“Hi handsome,” you kiss him super-fast and don’t waste a single moment so you start your tirade:
“Can we spend the day at the beach?”
“Can we make love instead of having sex?”
“Can we hold hands more than 20 seconds?”
“Can we say lovey-dovey things to each other?” “Don’t push it, Insanity.”
But you remember your secret weapon and sweetly smile. J squirms, uncomfortable. “Ummm…maybe…no guarantees.”
“Can we make out for more than 10 minutes before you undress me?”
“Can I call you “my sexy Metal Mouth” after you undress me?”
“Don’t push it, Insanity!”
Oh no, here’s the sweet smile again and your boyfriend fusses under the covers, uneasy.
“Ummm…maybe…just once…no guarantees…”
2.   The Joker never buys you flowers but he makes sure fresh ones are delivered for each room at the penthouse every three days. He likes to break a random one from the bouquets and places it behind your ear.
You’re usually reading a book but stop when he does that.
“Thank you baby,” and you smile in such a sweet way it catches him off guard. You go back to your reading and he sits there, staring and mumbling words. “Want me to get you anything?” you offer, turning the page; can’t really tell what he said.
“No, I have stuff to do!” he sulks, slowly walking away. What J actually said was that you look very cute with that flower but got pissed at himself since you almost heard him. A very unique way to give his girl flowers but it counts; gets a solid E for Effort.
3.   He is reeeaaally straining to do something nice for you once a month.
It’s July, 95 degrees out there; scorching hot and The Joker places his jacket around your shoulders. He saw that in a movie once and figured chicks dig it.
“I’m so hot already,” you try to give it back and see he’s getting angry and then it hits: must be that one nice thing he does monthly. “On the other hand, the air conditioning in the car is going to be full blast and you know I get cold easily.” You keep his jacket and J keeps his cool.
For August he plans to outrun every single nice thing he ever did for you: since you can’t swim he’s going to push you in the river, leave you in there for a bit and save you before you drawn. My God, you will love that for sure!
4.   He takes you to casinos because you like to gamble.
His business partners own your favorite so they close out and seal a whole room just for you two to play the slots machines.
“Baby, I’m not winning!” you stump your foot, pouting.
J loses his shit.
“Why is my girl not winning, hm?” he yells at the guys.
“Well, sir, it’s just luck,” one comments and The Clown Prince of Crime is not happy with the answer.
“My woman needs no luck, SHE HAS ME ! If she doesn’t win in the next 15 minutes, you’ll see what happens !!!!” and J hands you over another stack of 100 dollars bills because you like to play maximum bet and you run out of money pretty fast.
Fortunately, you win $100,000 and it makes you so excited you jump up and down, clapping and laughing. The Joker is excited too for a different reason: he keeps on glaring at your cleavage and your boobs almost bursting out of the tight fabric.
You don’t collect the money because you don’t need it: you just like to win. The blue eyed devil just KNOWS you will be this enthusiastic next month also when he will toss you in the river to let you drawn. You will certainly jump up and down after he saves you.
Probably J’s gonna have a huge surprise regarding his plan, but for now we’ll let him believe in his dream; gets a solid D for Delusional.
5.   The Joker goes insane if he only gets a hint somebody is disrespecting his Queen.
Once he shot somebody because the man said “hello” to you and J didn’t like the tone of his voice. Actually, the dude had a cold; that’s why he sounded weird. Oops!
Another time J thought a guy was giving you the evil eye and stabbed him on the spot.Actually, the dude just had corrective eye surgery and was blinking faster than normal. Oops!
Today is legit though. Both walked in at the meeting right when two smugglers were talking garbage about his Princess. They were saying you look average, not that attractive and The Joker could do better.
He absolutely lost his marbles ! Beat them to a pulp while screaming:
“My woman is not that attractive?! By whose standards you pieces of shit ?! Every time I look at her, my pants are getting tighter !! Do you understand what I’m saying?! I like her and that’s the only standard there is!” and he keeps on kicking them and punching them, completely out of control.
After he’s done and your henchmen take bodies away, you have to ice his bruised up hands; the skin is scraped too.
“Thank you,” you kiss his knuckles and emerge them back in the iced water, smitten by his actions. “Nobody did this for me before, you’re my hero,” you point out, drunk on euphoria.
“This town already has a hero; goddamned Batsy takes all the glory! The bastard is selfish, hates to share the spotlight!” J rolls his eyes.
“Who cares about him?! You’re my hero,” you kiss him and have to say: “I think your pants are getting tighter,” and he growls:
“Either I need new pants or I need to get laid.”
“We’ll go with the second option, OK?” you sweetly smile again and he’s feeling warmer even with his hands in ice.
“If you insist,” he sighs, hating the fact that he did two nice things for you this month instead of just one.
6.   The Joker can’t cook but once a week he makes breakfast in bed.  
Takes him an hour and a half to finish and you are famished. Finally shows up with toast, a boiled egg and salt.
“What took you so long? I’m starving!” you whine, seeing there is almost nothing on your plate…again.
“You can’t rush these things, Kitten ! It has to be perfect, OK?” he raises his voice and you realize you talked too much.
“It is very good,” you take a bite of your toast. “You are getting better and better at this!” you praise his aptitudes and strike his ego.
“I am basically a chef,” J concludes and you peck his cheek, mesmerized by how he has such an outstanding opinion about himself.
“And my hero,” you add and he takes a deep breath, pride making his chest go up and down faster. “Batsy can’t even compare to you.”
“Precisely, Pumpkin. He’s just a psycho out of control.”
“Indeed,” you agree, wanting to emphasize that nobody is sexier than your sexy Metal Mouth but you already used the opportunity when he was in a good mood the other day so you shut up.
7.    J is aware you love his purple coat so he custom ordered an outfit for you made of the same crock material, this way you match.
It’s a two piece ensemble: a very skimpy little bra and an equally flimsy thong, only for him to see. You were thinking you’re getting a halter top and a skirt or something? Ha! Forget about it!
8.   The Joker comforts you when you cry.
“Seriously, Kitten, you’re not ugly,” he caresses your hair while holding you in his arms.
“I am ugly!!” you continue to bawl, making a mess of his favorite silver shirt.
“Hey, look at me,” J lifts your chin up, forcing your eyes to meet, this way maybe he can save whatever is left of his shirt also. “When I wake up in the morning and I see you, I don’t get scared. If you were ugly, I would freak out. But I don’t, which means you look fine.”
“You mean it?” you sniffle, squeezing him harder.
“Absolutely. It could be much worse.”
“So now I look bad and I could look worse in the future?!” whaling restarts.
He walked right into this one unprepared.
“Nahhhh, it can’t get worse than this,” he kisses you and then adds since you cry your eyes out. “ What the hell, I’m teasing; calm down woman! Crying makes you very ugly!”
You stop instantly.
I guess he was prepared after all.
9.    He gives you massages even if you don’t ask for them.
For some reason, his hands always slip in your undies.
“That’s not my back,” you utter and J is quick to respond:
“My bad, Pumpkin.”
For some reason, his hands always get to your boobs afterwards.
“That’s not my back.”
“My bad, Princess.”
“Did you just say my Bat?” you tease and your butt gets pinched.
“Hilarious! Want him to come and give you a massage too?!”
“I wouldn’t mind,” the reply makes The Joker turn you around and you get pinned under his body.
“Watch it, you bad girl!” he snarls, smelling your freshly washed hair.
“Did you just say Bat girl?” you giggle and he grinds his teeth:
“Are you starting to get a kink for Batsy?”
“Me?! No way! I like my hero,” you stretch your neck to kiss him and he purrs, wanting to get the most out of it.
“I am your hero; remember that next month in August,OK?”
He is surely referring to that nice thing he’ll do for you when you’ll be pushed in the river to drawn and he’ll save you in the last moment. Oh, yeah, you’ll enjoy it tremendously!
10.   J learns French just for you.
Spent the whole day fussing around with the dictionary, three laptops and five books until he realized he got what he wanted out of it.
“Princess, I’m done,” your boyfriend announces, victorious.
You can’t wait to hear everything, you’re gonna lose your mind. The Joker takes a deep breath and pronounces with perfect accent:
“Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir?” (Do you want to sleep with me tonight?)
That’s all he knows.
Holy Commissar Gordon! That’s sooo hot because it’s the only French you know too. Plus the answer:
“Oui, (yes)" you wink at him and he is totally turned on.
“Oh my God, Y/N, you didn’t tell me you speak French fluently!”
“Surprise,” you grin, signaling him to come closer. “We gotta compare notes, don’t you think?”
“Definitely,” J licks his lips, ready to comply since his pants are getting tighter.
Hmmm…either he needs new pants or he needs to get laid. I suppose you’ll go with the second option one more time.
 Also read: MASTERLIST
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Jiraiya, Ibiki, and Iruka! Go!
Ooh, this is hard! Actuallyno, I just had an epiphany.
I gotta put this under a cut because it got reeeaaally long (who is still surprised?)
Slow burn with Jiraiya
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I think, one of the most/only redeeming thingsabout Jiraiya is how he loves Tsunade.  Idon’t remember if this was filler, but regardless, it was what made me like himas a character.  He gives this speechwhere he says something like, “I love Tsunade, even knowing she doesn’t loveme back.  I just want her to be happy, and soI want to do my best to make a world where she’ll be happy in.” Something likethat. I can’t remember exactly, but the thing I loved about it was that he didn’thate her/resent her for not loving him. He doesn’t think she owes him her love for being kind to her.  Even after Dan died, he didn’t think that Tsunade had to love him back, he just wanted her to be happy—even if shenever loved him, even if it was at his expense. Like, that’s actual love.  That’snone of this Nice Guy™ bullshit, that’s being a real person who really lovessomeone.  Jiraiya has his flaws, forsure, and he’s made mistakes, but how he loves is definitely one of hisredeeming characteristics.  In a strangeway, it’s what made me stop shipping JiraiTsu. Like, I love how ok he is with her never loving him back.  His ‘reward’ in this isn’t eventually earningTsunade’s love, it’s just seeing her happy. And that’s a beautiful sentiment.
Since Jiraiya’s love for Tsunade is such a huge part of him,I think that a slow burn with him would be great.  He doesn’t expect to fall in love with anyoneelse, because Tsunade is the only one for him. Plus, I can’t imagine any person knowing about his inability to respectwomen’s privacy as going “that’s the one for me.”  He’s not really a catch in that way.  I myself am a pervert (please refer to my#wowzawednesday tag lol) but people whoinfringe on other people’s privacy are not what I would consider a catch.  Like,go watch some porn, get a dirty magazine, hell, go to a live sex show.  But don’t go peeping at people who haven’tgiven you permission to peep at them.  Sowe’d both start off not really wanting to be with the other.  
Idk what would happen next. I’d probably start to see him differently once I heard the ‘I loveTsunade speech.’ He’d probably fall in love with me because I’d teach him howto perv in acceptable ways haha.  Ok,maybe not.  But we would perv it outtogether, maybe get in an unintentional competition for the Super Pervert title(I can see this accidentally happening ahaha). Honestly, we might bond over Icha Icha (because I couldn’t live in a world without smut, and without fanfiction I feel like Icha Icha would be my best bet lol).  I’d offer him pointers.  He’d ask if I wanted to give him a hands on lesson.  We’d continue to flirt until one day we’d both realise that we stopped pretending and were actually flirting.  Then, it’s only a matter of time lol.
Fake dating with Ibiki
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Do you know how hilarious it would be to fake date Ibiki?  He totally would not want to do it. “Find someone prettier,” he’d grunt. But then, it’s for the intel, Ibi-kun~ “Don’t call me that.” But Ibi-kun, I’m just getting into character. “I didn’t agree to that.” You’re so cute when you’re grumpy, Ibi-kun. “I’m not grumpy, this is my face.” And what a cute face you’ve got!  He would be so frustrated with me ahaha.  Convincing him would be the hardest part.  But once he agreed (or was forced into it) he would be the best.  Why?  Because he’d be all psychological about it.  This would be some mastermind fake dating shit.
It would start as a secret. “No one would believe I openly started dating someone.” And then it would stay a secret for a long time.  “No one would believe I would get caught secretly dating someone.” And it would be like but then why??? Are we??? Going on??? Secret??? Dates??? If??? No one??? Knows??? And it would all be for like, really intense set up. Like, he’d teach me how to bake (I can bake already, but like, Ibiki is prob next level so he’d teach me how to bake better) and like, people would slowly notice that my baking had improved, though I would of course just brush it off, oh, you know, practice makes perfect!  I listen to music all the time, and people might notice he has a radio in his office, which they can hear playing on very low volume when he’s doing his paperwork. It would be a bunch of little things, where we just purposefully and strategically slowly brushed off on each other. 
And there would be strategic gifts.  Ibiki gets me a trench coat.  (I later find out that he has this fantasy of his s/o coming over to his house in the middle of the night, wearing a trench coat and heels and nothing else…I will be very happy to act out that scenario with him). .I get him a new bandana for his hitai-ate.  It’s a deep, forest green, which almost looks black unless he’s standing in the sun.  People notice it and ask him about the change.  He just shrugs and says “the old one ripped.”
About six months into the relationship, we both very strategically put on a bit of weight (10lbs for me, 15 for him).  It is very easy, with all the baking Ibiki does.  My smile gets just a bit sharper.  People can’t exactly point their finger on what’s different, but they definitely feel the change. Ibiki is seen smiling more frequently.  It’s a pretty off-putting smile, and it coincides with the newest addition to the T&I department, so people brush it off as him being a sadist.  Anko is very slightly suspicious that something is going on.  Anko is always suspicious.  No one thinks anything of it. 
And still, no one would know we were dating.  Until like, we got legitimately engaged, because in this long, drawn out process of pretending to date (that would take like, a year, maybe longer) we’d totally fall in love (because we’d fake date so believingly that even we’d be convinced).  And by then we’d have to send out wedding invitations to a couple of people we’re close to (definitely a small wedding).  Anko would piece together all the small, subtle ways we had brushed off on each other and be like ‘it was so obvious, how could I have missed this???’ and Ibiki and I would smile secretively because of course it worked.
Enemies to lovers with Iruka
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I picked this because, out of all the choices, this is the least expected.  Like, who doesn’t likeIruka?  How horrible of a person do Ihave to be for Iruka to hate me?  I wantto make this even more hard, and say we’re not from different villages.  And nothing about knowing each other when wewere kids (that’s also too easy, kids get into stupid fights). 
So why do Irukaand I hate each other?  I’m gonna gowith, he doesn’t approve of my glib attitude towards sex/perverted things.  He’d probably catch me explaining to thepreteens about how babies are actually made, and why safe sex is important, andwhich things in Jiraiya’s books are possible and which things are just puremale fantasy.  I like to think the rookie9 would come to me with all their sex questions.  It would be hilarious.  Iruka would hate all of that (and how I critiquedNaruto and Konohamaru’s sexy jutsu instead of reprimanding them for exploring theirsexuality) and I get mad at him for being stuck up about it.  
So maybe not enemies but definitely notfriends.  I’d tell him he had a stick up his ass.  He’d call me irresponsible and a bad influence.  I’d read Icha Icha out loud in front of him.  He’d turn red and try and confiscate mybook.  I’d accuse him of being a closetpervert and taking the book so he doesn’t have to go into the store and buy onehimself.  He’d turn even more red.
Basically, our relationship would involve me trying to embarrasshim with sex.  Until he got fed up withme, and tried to act totally cool and unaffected by me.  And of course it wouldn’t work.  But maybe I’d tease him a bit too far, andcome on to him.  Actually, I wouldprobably try to make him uncomfortable by being really over-the-top seductive(ie super cheesy and cliché) and he’d just… snap.  Totally have enough of it.  I’d be leaning too close to him, and he’djust kiss me.  It would be a reallysloppy, but very hot kiss filled with frustration.  
He would be totally embarrassed about itafterwards and probably avoid me.  Thatkiss, of course, would make me realise I had feelings for him, and so I’d seekhim out and kiss him again.  Then we’dstart dating, and our relationship wouldn’t change much (Iruka seems so fun totease I wouldn’t be able to help myself) but I do feel that, once he’s morecomfortable with me (and in private) he’d be more willing to tease back.  Which I would find completely attractive (becausethat’s like, my secret weakness lol).
Thanks for sending this in! These were some really fun choices, especially since I’ve never really considered a relationship with them.  
Up next is:
Sakumo/Madara/Kakashi (now done)
Izumo/Raido/Genma (also done)
Put 3 characters in my inbox and I’ll tell you who I’d slow burn/fake date/enemies to lovers with
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seven-tenwrites · 7 years
Could I request Joshua and 83 from the "Ways to Say I Love You" list? thank you baabbbeeee 💕💕💕
Joshua : “Stay there. I’m coming to get you.”
send in a drabble prompt !
Type: Fluff
Warnings: Mild alcohol usage, nothing major (basically reader’s drunk af) and do I smell slight college + friends to lovers au ????
Words: 991
“You went to the party, didn’t you?” Your best friend sighed on the other line, and you could hear him grunt softly as he heaved himself up, probably out of bed at this hour.
A pang of guilt cut through the alcohol-induced haze in your mind, your heart dropping slightly. “I’m sorry, Joshie, I just meant to stop by to say hi…I mean, I was invited, after all, it’s only polite, but I kinda…uh…” You stumbled down the steps outside of the house, where music was still blaring, and upon hearing the faintly familiar beat, you started humming (albeit out of tune), effectively getting distracted from your train of thought.
“You kinda what?” Joshua asked, concern in his tone, as you heard more shuffling from his end.
You continued shakily down the steps, trying your best to sway to the beat of the music and simultaneously keep your balance. “I dunno, I can’t really remember…hmm…Oh! I had a few drinks, I think.”
Joshua sighed again. “Uh huh, I can tell.”  
“Everyone’s really nice. It’s great. They even have a professional bartender and everything, and it’s all really great,” you rambled on, adjusting the phone to your ear.
“I knew this was gonna happen, I should’ve just come with,” you heard him mumble, most likely to himself. You faintly registered a car door close, though you didn’t take the time to figure out whether it was coming from your end or his.
“Yeah, why didn’t you?”
“We both have very different ideas of what ‘fun’ is, babe.” His voice sounded further away than before.  
“No, I think it’s just because you’re no fun. No F. U. N.”
“Yep, maybe,” he replied, and you could hear the smile in his voice. “Now just stay there, I’m coming to get you.”
You giggled, plopping down on the last step obediently. “Okay, Joshie.” You made a soft 'wow’ sound, in awe of him. “You know, you sound really manly right now, Joshie. Why don’t you have a girlfriend?”
You heard him chuckle, that gentle sound that always warmed you. He paused before answering, his voice so soft you barely heard him. “Maybe this is why.” Even in your state, you felt the wistfulness in his tone, and you frowned.
“I can go home on my own.” You stood abruptly, fighting the sudden dizziness and holding onto the stair railing beside you.
“What?! No, just sit tight, I’m almost there!”
“But I don’t want you to come anymore, it’s more important for you to get a girlfriend.”
To your surprise, Joshua let out a louder laugh, warm and rich, and even over the phone it was beautiful. “That’s not true. You’re more important than anything else to me. So please, just stay still, I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
For some reason you weren’t aware of, your alcohol-induced blush deepened at his words, and you sat back down in a daze. “Okay.” You paused, and heard another sigh, though you could tell this one was out of relief. “That’s not good, though, you know. We need to get you a date as soon as possible.”
“Sure, babe.”
“You’re so great, really, and I’m not just saying this as a best friend who loves you no matter what – you really, really are – they’ll be really lucky.” Without knowing why, tears started welling up in your eyes, and you swiped at them with your free hand as they started to fall across your cheeks.
Before you could even sniffle, Joshua had already figured you out. “Why are you crying?”
“I don’t – I don’t know,” you hiccupped. “You’re just - the best and – and I want to be them.”
“You want to be who?”
“Your – your future date,” you admitted unwittingly.
There was a long pause, during which your tears finally ceased, and you blinked your eyes clear, though your mind still wasn’t caught up all the way on what you’d been saying.
“Do you mean that?” You heard a few moments later, just as a car – one you recognized immediately from the countless rides you’d taken in it – parked in front of you. It was dark, but the streetlamps illuminated just enough of his face, giving him a soft, lovely glow even through the car windows.
“Yes ??” You answered, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. You paused to meet his eyes. “I love you a lot, Joshie. And I like when you call me 'babe’. It sounds reeeaaally nice when you say it.”
Joshua smiled, and your heart skipped a beat. “I love you a lot, too. And I like when you call me 'Joshie’.”
“That’s a relief.” You giggled. “Can you come out now? I think I need you to help me up.”
He laughed again, warming you from the inside out. “Of course, babe.”
You hung up and stuffed your phone in your pocket, an undeniable grin plastered on your face as he made his way to you, unable to hide his own smile. “You really are the best, Joshie, and I really, really, love you..so much,” you murmured as he helped you up and walked you towards the car.
“I know, I love you, too,” he replied as he buckled you in to the passenger’s seat. He pressed his lips to your forehead before closing the door.
You smiled dreamily, watching him pass the front of the car and get in to the driver’s side.
You reached for his free hand as he started driving, lacing your fingers together. It felt familiar, something you’ve done several times in passing, yet different somehow, giving your heart a pleasant tinge.
“Does this mean you have a date now?”
His smile was wistful again, almost sad. “Maybe.” He gave your hand a squeeze, bringing your joined hands up to his lips to press a kiss to your knuckle. “I hope so.”
“Good.” You settled into your seat, feeling warm and satisfied, closing your suddenly heavy eyelids.
A/N: i still don’t know how to end things and also lov to torture people so here, you’ll never know if reader remembered once they sobered up :^)
anyway thanks for requesting this baaaabe (you’re so cute?? alkcjned
also, i’m so sorry for being inactive !! i’ll hopefully get back to writing more now, though i still can’t make promises :(( but thank you all so much for the requests so far, and all the support !! love u
P.S. i got to see the boys a few weeks ago and honestly it still doesn’t feel like it happened,,the HIGHLIGHT of my life,,no lie. hosh was sick at the time which broke my heart but i guess i’ll just have to see them AGAIN some day but with all of them smh thx for thwarting my plans of dying happy immediately after i see u all in person kwon soonyoung 
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the-vaporverse · 7 years
Starless Horizon RP File #28
(Vela’s part in italics.)
It took Dritz far longer than usual to wake up the next morning, his dreams too sweet to leave (Vela's naked body, reclining in the hologardens, her smiling face framed by flickering, transparent daisies), and his body too beautifully exhausted to muster his strength.
His eyes finally opened and he glanced around, looking for his love. "You awake, flower?" he asked softly, knowing full well what the answer would be.
As Dritz awakened, Vela glanced over just in time to catch his soft words. She was sitting with the datapad, as usual, but this time her legs were draped over his as she rested back against the bed. Her continued study of Chrysala had been very enlightening, but she was more than ready to pay attention to Dritz when he had slept enough, which seemed longer this morning.
[Yes,] she signed, even though it was obvious she would be. [How did you sleep?] She set the datapad aside and moved her legs down to crawl near him; still undressed, she dropped down a moment to kiss him, pressing her bare chest to his tightly. [I think we were planning on visiting your home again today... weren't we?] There had been some fleeting discussion of this the night before. Admittedly, they had both been so focused on their lovemaking that the topic hadn't lasted long.
Dritz let out a series of soft chirps when he became aware of her snuggling closer to him. He nuzzled against her, nearly pinning her in place.
"Mmhm. We should take our time though, and see what happens. Tvie will be so excited, and I'm not... Quite ready for her energy yet this morning," he laughed, toying with Vela's soft hair. "I slept really well. Reeeaaally well. How about you?"
He sat up, eyeing the datapad. "Whatchya been doin'?"
With Dritz's weight a bit heavy against her, Vela wriggled into a more comfortable position as she leaned over to kiss him before answering. [I slept well too.] A sort of knowing glance went between them, both seeming to understand it was due to each other's actions the night before. [Alright. None of us are busy today, like you said, so we're in no hurry. I look forward to spending time with them again.] In all honesty, she was worried over whether various members of his family would have found it in themselves to accept her more, but that was not worth fretting over for now.
[I was reading.] With Dritz's curiosity seemingly aroused, Vela couldn't help but show him more. She picked up the datapad and held it toward him. [You probably already know this, but your farms are very interesting. I have been looking at the designs and wondering if I could adapt them to use on Trelos someday. It's not the biggest planet, and if the population grows much more, it could be an option for us. Do you think so?" The image on the datapad currently showed a layout of one of the tiered farms, though she could not find anything with exact schematics.
Dritz adjusted to hold her close and be able to see the datapad properly too.
"Ah, yeah. That's a really good idea, flower," he said, glancing over the research she had found. He recognised the structure illustrated as being specifically one for multiple climates; those that needed less water were built higher with special misting machines; the water would then drip through to the lower floors, where there would be the more tropical plants that grew best in very hot, wet climates would be housed. "We'd need to see how Treols' natural climate differs from Chrysala. I mean, it was pretty humid too, wasn't it?"
He smiled softly, "It's silly, but it makes me happy that you're looking at these things. I dunno why."
[It was somewhat similar to here, yes,] Vela signed, now able to compare the two planets since she had been on both. It took her a long moment to think over the fact she had been on two planets which were not Aurctas, something which truly amazed her. [I'm sure I can figure out how to make modifications based on any differences in climate.] Her confidence in this was surprising as well, but it could be her experience with modifying the Nova and all the research she had done meant she was better suited to these tasks than anyone might believe.
She returned his smile, leaning over to him and kissing his cheek lightly. [It's not silly. I'm glad we're sharing this together. We're both in this situation, sharing it all and loving each other. I think it's natural to feel happy about it because I do, too.] It was hard to resist, so she did give in to stroking his stomach just lightly as they continued to snuggle close to each other. There was so much about Dritz that she loved, and the amount only seemed to grow by the day.
Dritz sighed softly, relaxing against Vela's soft touches. "I would love to see your modifications to the systems... It's actually really exciting to think about... I'd never considered how Aurian and Chrysalan technologies could combine. Can you imagine what our people could make together, with the help of the Trelosians, on a new world? It's incredible." The Chrysalan was wide eyed, definitely more awake by that point, and eagerly thinking aloud.
"Hey, you said the ancient Aurians were like, really technologically advanced. What sort of devices did they build? What was the first thing you learned to create?" he asked, rolling onto his side to face her properly.
Dritz's enthusiasm for the subject brought further excitement to Vela, and she nodded happily as she sat up to sign better. [I have been imagining it lately. There is so much we could achieve together, if the Chrysalans are interested in collaborating with the scientists we will have in the future, along with the Trelosians.]
His questions surprised her, making her pause a moment to think. [Most of the records were lost, though I wish it were not so. There are only hints to large and important projects. Whole cities with breathable air that could be maintained in an underwater habitat, atmosphere regulation... those are the biggest ones. They seem to have worked out a way to make weather patterns perform the way they wanted them to, which would be incredible if it worked well.] Her mind was spinning again with the ideas of her ancient people and how incredible they had been.
[Actually, I... I know it was pointless, but what I first began working on was the schematics I found for a personal underwater vehicle. So it was meant to be very small, but of course I couldn't obtain all the parts for it through trade. I knew I would have to travel off Aurctas to find the rest, but I thought that was impossible and abandoned the project quite some time ago. After all, there is no water there to test it in.] How little she had known then about the future, and how her eventual work on the Nova would transport her into the stars, to a space station and new worlds.
Even without being a scientifically minded person, Dritz could feel Vela's spark of enthusiasm, and it made him want to learn. She opened up endless possibilities to him just with her attitude. Who doesn't fall in love with that person?
"You'll make new records," he assured her with a serious, adoring expression, reaching up to stroke the side of her face. He watched her with awe. The thought of arranging the weather itself?! "That's unbelievable! You better not be fibbing, because I am completely blown away!"
He pouted in sympathy, "And it's a shame about your underwater miniship. Maybe you'll be able to build it eventually, don't ever give up on a project! We'll gather all the parts for you one day. Maybe I could even help, I wanna try being underwater!"
[I am being serious,] Vela replied, though it made her smile to have to say so, along with the sight of Dritz being so happy and in wonder at this information. [I believe they used it to influence plant growth and deter natural weather disasters. I'm not sure if we need to go so far as to replicate that system, but it is definitely interesting.]
Dritz was surprisingly optimistic that she would be able to make new records, which somehow gave her extra hope. She had spent many hours wishing she could do just that while on Aurctas, as her people had lost their vision and only worked to survive. Yet Vela couldn't blame them for that entirely.
The support for her underwater ship made her smile again. [Alright, I would like that. Maybe I could modify it to fit both of us. I would need a larger oxygen tank, of course...] For a little while she rambled about details, hardly aware that her lover was watching her with such an adoring expression as she became caught up in her ideas.
[But we should get ready to go,] she suddenly signed in concern, leaning over to kiss him again. [Didn't your family say something about a meal together? I think it must be near midday by now.]
"That's... That's awesome. Really. Wow, that's so awesome," Dritz babbled, seemingly still disbelieving the whole notion of weather control.
He was happy to watch her sign to him, her motions slightly quicker than usual, reflecting her being lost in her thoughts. He took the opportunity to sign back at her, simple confirmations that he was still listening, or agreements, encouragement, or the odd suggestion of how he could help.
"Ah, shit, yes," he rambled, hauling himself up and dressing quickly, "Ma doesn't like when anyone is late for meals, so you're right, we should get a move on."
Once the two of them were ready, Dritz took Vela's hands and gave her a more passionate kiss before he held the door open for her, ready to lead her back to his parents' home.
Vela returned Dritz's kiss, pleasantly surprised by how passionate he was. A surge of emotion ran through her, a sense of just how much she loved him returning to lighten her heart further.
She held his hand for a little while as they walked and then eventually boarded a tram, enjoying the scenery and buildings they passed by. For that day she had decided to wear her favorites: the sleeveless lavender top and beautiful necklace that Dritz had given her. It wasn't as though she wanted to show them off to his family, but wearing them was a further reminder of how much he cared for her.
[You said your mother doesn't like anyone late for meals? Why is that?] she asked absently as they were leaving the tram. Aurians never sat down for proper meals together, instead eating whatever they had available whenever they had a free moment from their work. It had been an adjustment for Vela to eat at certain times of the day in the manner that most other species seemed to.
After taking a further few moments to gush about how lovely Vela looked, and promptly being reminded that they needed to leave and gently ushered out of the door, the two of them made their way through the district towards the trams, and then further still.
"Ah, I dunno... I think food is a really important part of family life to her? It was always a social thing; you could go out and do whatever, work long hours, go and party, but she always insisted we have at least one meal together; me, dad, her, Kli and Tvie. If someone was late, I guess she saw it as not caring so much about the rest of us? I mean, you could call ahead or message if you were caught up, and she'd keep it hot and make everyone wait for you. I think it's nice, in its own way," he explained. He adjusted his shirt with a bright smile, "Saying that, I think food is important to all of us!"
He threw his arm around her as they entered the same building, but they were attacked much quicker this time around, with Tvie (wearing what appeared to be something close to an Earth-style tutu, her hair tied in messy twintails) barrelling right into Vela, leaping into her arms.
"VELA IS HERE," she yelped happily, nuzzling into the Aurian.
It took a little extra time to leave, with Dritz finding the need to compliment Vela so much, but she didn't think they would be very late even still. His explanation about their mealtimes made sense to her in some ways, but not in others. Of course food was important, as it sustained life, but she couldn't understand how actually sharing a meal at the same time as someone else made any sort of difference until she thought about eating with Dritz. There definitely was a sense of companionship about it in a way which she would find difficult to describe. She decided to leave aside any confusion that still remained for the moment, only nodding her nodding her agreement with a smile.
When they entered the home again, Vela was surprised by the sight of Tvie running straight toward her, wearing a strange garment the likes of which the Aurian had never seen before, but did find adorable on Tvie. The little girl must have been watching for their arrival. She automatically reached down to catch her and held her easily, though with her arms full she could not sign. Instead she gave Dritz a slightly bewildered but mostly amused look, squeezing Tvie against her gently in a hug.
Tvie beamed, clearly delighted to be held.
"Tvie," Dritz said, his tone firm but playful, "I'm sure Vela would like to say hi, but she can't do that with you in her arms, can she, remember?"
The little girl looked back at Dritz from her incredibly comfortable position, not moving, "I wanna hug first." She twisted awkwardly to look up at Vela, "You smell pretty and your top is a nice colour."
Dritz pursed his lips and grabbed Tvie under the arms, easily swinging her out of Vela's arms, "C'mon, you. Remember the signs you learnt last time? How about showing Vela, I bet she'd like that." He smiled at Vela as he lifted Tvie to sit on his shoulders, where she signed her name, and a rough approximation of Vela's, a goofy grin on her face.
With Tvie removed from her arms, Vela smiled at Dritz and then up at the girl perched on his shoulders to watch her signing. [That's very good,] she signed, waiting for Dritz to translate. [Thank you for the compliments. Your brother gave me this shirt as a present, actually. I would like to own more clothes in brighter colors, like yours.] She wasn't sure if she wanted them so bright, but it was something to talk about with Tvie.
After a little while Vela glanced around, realizing she could smell a faint hint of something appetizing. [Are your parents busy?] she asked Tvie. [I heard we are having a meal together today.]
Dritz cheerily translated for Tvie, bouncing his shoulders and causing her to giggle.
"Mmhm, we should go and sit down or we might get in trouble," Tvie said in an exaggerated whisper. "They made lots of food, I hope you're hungry."
As they made their way through to the home itself, Dritz assured both ladies that he was, in fact, always hungry, his tone almost gloating.
Inside what was the dining room, the places had been set nicely, though it was clear that they were not used to such a small group of people. The table was long and wide, already full of lots of small dishes piled with different fragranced rices, vegetables, edible flowers, some strips of marinated meat, and a large pot of tea, along with a jug of water.
The first face to appear from the kitchen was Vizn's. He gave Vela a wide smile and, setting down the dish in his hands, stepped forward to give her a brief hug.
"Nice to see you again, you two," he said.
Vela confessed to being hungry as well, though she had to smile at the way both Dritz and Tvie spoke. She followed them through to a room with a large table covered in small plates and bowls full of food, causing her to stop and stare in wonder for a little while. Tvie had not been exaggerating the way Vela had thought she had.
Seeing Vizn again also made her stare. She had forgotten that he was larger than Dritz, something which attracted her still, though she had to wonder why that was. The hug surprised her, but she returned it gladly, almost trying to hold on a bit longer than he did. It was definitely quite as warm and nice as she had expected.
[It is good to see you too,] she signed for Dritz to translate. [I hope you have been well. Thank you for inviting us to this meal, there is so much here already.] She glanced around the table again, realizing for the first time that there were flowers in some of the bowls. [The decorations are lovely too.]
Dritz watched Vizn with interest. It seemed his father had decided to make something more of an effort, though he wasn't completely sure as to what had changed his mind or spurred him to accept Vela more. Either way, he didn't care; the fact that he was trying was enough for now.
"Tvie, go and see if ma needs help, hm?" Vizn said with that same jolly grin that showed his relation to Dritz perfectly. As the little Chrysalan ran off, humming, he took one of Vela's hands, and one of Dritz's. "Now, listen to me. I'm old and stuck in my ways, but I see that the galaxy is changing. So I owe you an apology for the other day. You make sure you take good care of each other, and I got nothing to go complaining about, now do I?" he said firmly, almost scolding them, though he had a soft smirk teasing the corner of his lips.
"I knew you'd come around, but... I'm impressed it was so quick!" Dritz teased, squeezing Vizn's hand. "And we do. We always take care of each other. I'd never let anything hurt Vela, and she wouldn't let anything hurt me either."
After a moment more, Vizn chuckled as he recalled something Dritz had translated.
"Oh, and they're not decorations. These flowers are edible. Nisk makes them with sweet oil and bakes them crispy," he pulled a thin purple petal out of the bowl and snapped it in half, offering it to Vela, "Wanna try?"
Throughout the exchange with Vizn, Vela kept her gaze fixed on him in awe, unaware her mouth had fallen open slightly. To have him accept her, to accept her relationship with Dritz...
[Thank you, sir,] she signed once her hand was free again. [I want to make sure Dritz is happy for the rest of his life.] Realizing this was admitting a bit much, she glanced around shyly. [He's always defended me when I needed it, and I always take care of him as well. I've never known such happiness could exist before I left my planet.] Again she felt awkward, but catching the eye of her love relaxed her. [I'm so glad you are willing to accept us as partners.]
It seemed there was nothing more she could add at the moment, feeling emotionally charged from such a touching scene. Thankfully, Vizn distracted her by saying the flowers were actually edible, leaving her in awe all over again. She took the offered petal, sniffing at the sweet scent delicately before putting it in her mouth. It was crispy, but also practically melted if one waited long enough.
[It's amazing,] she signed with enthusiasm. [I didn't know you could eat flowers, although in the end I think I would rather look at them... But it's delicious. Does she prepare food the most or do you both?] It was still strange to think of anyone actually preparing food for any length of time and then sitting down to eat it together, but Vela was fast growing accustomed to a tradition which she was sure the other Aurians would embrace as well.
As Dritz translated Vela's words, his voice softer, he shared a long look with Vizn, who seemed to be listening more intensely than ever, like a silent conversation of acceptance was going on between them. After that, the larger Chrysalan seemed more content than ever before to engage Vela, watching her while Dritz translated rather than looking to his son as he would have before.
"Ah, we usually take it in turns. I'm better at making sweet treats, Nisk is better with main meals. But the rare times when there's a lot to do, we all pitch in. Tvie's a good little helper when she wants to be," he laughed, gesturing for the two of them to sit down. "What about Aurian meals? Do you share like we do, or...?" He trailed off, another similarity in his speech to Dritz.
Vela listened in fascination, already picturing Vizn and Nisk cooking together from what little she knew of the process. It left her with a happy feeling, one she would like to try replicating with Dritz someday if they ever had the opportunity to do the same.
[That sounds enjoyable,] she signed with a gentle smile, sitting down as Vizn suggested. [Aurians have no set mealtimes or process of making food. Our lives are very... different to yours. With no ability to grow our own food, everything must be traded for and saved, then eaten whenever we have the spare time to actually do so. But I prefer the way the Chrysalans are able to treat food and I hope my own people will have similar rituals someday.]
It crossed her mind that they had likely not even hinted at the biggest reason behind their visit to Chrysala yet. She glanced at Dritz, thinking it would be better saved for when they were all assembled if they were to do so. [Is your other son helping as well?] she signed politely, not having a gesture for Kli's name.
Dritz translated for Vela, seeming unintentionally sombre to Vizn, who listened politely. To hear of the Aurians not having a set mealtime, or that mealtimes would be seen as ritual (which, he supposed, was true) was odd to him. He had much to learn of Vela, and her people, but there would be time to do so. While he didn't want to appear unwelcoming, there was still much of him that couldn't accept all that was happening as easily as his primary seemed to. As Vela and Dritz had left last time, Nisk had voiced how happy she thought their son had seemed, how his usual cheeriness had seemed elevated. She had even spoken fondly of the alien. No, of Vela. Nisk thought the two of them a good fit, and she was the more intuitive of the two of them, so he trusted her judgement.
"Ah, Kli is probably going to join us soon," Dritz offered without first translating her signs. "He... better hurry up, though. He's cutting it pretty fine!"
As if he had heard, there was a slam outside and then the Chrysalan himself barged in, panting, "My tram got held up, and then I stopped to collect my datapad from the repair guy, who was totally flirting with me but he's got really short antennae and they look so weird when he has such long hair-" Kli apparently did not seem to care if anyone was even listening, rambling away until he sat at the table, apparently only spotting Dritz and Vela then.
"Oh. Hi again!"
Vela was momentarily bewildered when Kli appeared so quickly and in such loud fashion, as if to answer the question himself. She cocked her head as she listened to him, but didn't really understand the significance of anyone having "short" antennae or looking "weird" because of it.
[Hello. Did you... have a good day today?] she signed in a polite manner. There seemed to be nothing else she could come up with to say for the moment, which was troubling.
Dritz translated, with a sigh directed at Kli, who watched the two of them with something of a gormless expression.
"That's really, really shallow, Kli," Dritz added with a disapproving look, "No one can help how their antennae look, you know."
"I know," the lanky Chrysalan huffed, fussing with his hair before turning to Vela with more interest, "I did, thank you. How are you finding Chrysala so far? Did... Your... Thing go well? The counsel stuff, right?"
Vela watched the two brothers speak patiently, though she still did not understand much of what they were referring to. Of course she would side with Dritz no matter what, and it did seem like the correct thing to say, that no one could help how certain aspects of them looked. Aurians had very little difference from one to the other, so maybe that explained her slight confusion on the topic.
She sat straighter in her chair when Kli addressed her. [Chrysala is very lovely, I'm so glad I was able to see it for myself. I do hope to come back someday. Yes, the matter with the counsel was quite successful. Your leaders are very gracious and caring.] Although some of them had not been as much toward her, she was sure it was true in general. [Especially the overseer for your district. Have you ever met her before?] Vela hoped this was a good enough attempt at conversation, though Kli didn't seem the type for much serious discussion.
Once he received a translation, Kli smiled. He was still in the habit of looking at Dritz while he translated, clearly not understanding the unspoken etiquette his older brother tried to establish when speaking on his lover's behalf.
"Aw, cool, I'm glad you're enjoying it here. I've never met the overseer, no, but... I've heard she's nice. But they're all very into their own districts and their own business to do with that, I'm surprised you managed to get everyone together. Not in a bad way!" he said, twiddling idly with a strand of his hair.
After a moment, Nisk and Vizn returned with Tvie, and everyone was finally seated together, with the little girl insisting on sitting next to Vela, effectively removing Dritz from his seat (though Vizn moved from where he had intended to seat himself, to allow them to remain together).
"It's so lovely to see you again. Thank you for coming back to share a meal with us. I know you had important things to do, but it means a lot to me," Nisk chirped, gesturing for everyone to help themselves.
Vela only nodded in response to Kli, thinking it was alright if he didn't understand. Maybe if they explained further soon, the importance of it all would make more sense to everyone.
She was surprised that Tvie wanted to sit next to her, but still pleased the girl had taken to her so quickly. With a warm smile for Nisk, Vela spoke for Dritz to translate. [It's good to see you too. We have reached the main goal of our trip, so there is plenty of time. Thank you for having me, I wouldn't have missed your invitation. Everything looks so beautiful.]
Having been referring to the array of dishes spread before her across the table, Vela now found herself at a loss for where to begin. Turning to Tvie, but making sure Dritz was watching first, she signed, [It all looks delicious. What's your favorite? I will try that first.]
Nisk seemed especially delighted to have the food complimented, but Vizn also grinned. Dritz and Kli, evidently having something of a similar appetite, were the first at the table to reach out and take food. Tvie was peering carefully at everything, humming quietly to herself until Vela signed to her.
The little Chrysalan watched her signing and listened to Dritz with a smile.
"Close your eyes!" she demanded excitedly. Once Vela has complied she turned to Dritz and "whispered" (which was more of an exaggerated stage whisper), "How do you sign this one? Uh huh... And this? How do I say it's yummy?"
There was a long pause before Tvie tugged at Vela's top and, once the Aurian opened her eyes, clumsily signed something that vaguely resembled, [This. It yum fruity.]
She pointed to a plate filled with stringy shreds of pastel pink. "It's my favourite! You should eat some on top of some bread. I like it because it's sweet. Dad says it's too sweet though."
Though initially confused, Vela had closed her left eye (her right could not be closed, technically) and waited while she listened to Tvie asking Dritz how to sign various words. She tried desperately not to smile and give herself away, though it was difficult.
The small Chrysalan's signing was somewhat correct, enough to be decipherable, and Vela inspected the food pointed out to her. She had never seen such a color on anything edible before, but she found it intriguing. [You sign so well,] she told Tvie with a smile. [You must be picking up words somehow. I will try it. I don't seem to like sweet foods too much, but I think I will like this since you do.]
Reaching for a slice of bread, she carefully spread some of the pink shreds on top of it before taking a bite. While it was very sweet, the bread balanced the flavor and made it much more appealing to Vela's general taste. [It's wonderful,] she told Tvie. [I can see why it's your favorite. Thank you for showing me how to eat it.]
She glanced toward Dritz's parents. [Are these all traditional foods from your planet? I almost want to try everything.] With this said, she also began reaching for other dishes with increased enthusiasm.
Dritz smirked as he watched Vela and Tvie interact. Vela would be a great mum, wouldn't she?
Wait, no. That certainly wasn't a thought to be having over a dinner with his family. He quickly looked down at his own food, lest Kli think he didn't want it and steal it, as he was known to do.
"You like it? Yay!" Tvie helped herself to some of the same fruit. Having waited with baited breath to see Vela's verdict, it seemed she was happy to start eating herself now, and went back to humming quietly while she ate.
"Mostly, yes," Nisk explained, "But this-" she gestured to small chunks of white meat in a bright mustard coloured sauce speckled with chopped leaves and topped with shreds of white onions, "Is a new recipe I wanted to try. It's apparently an Ultrian curry? But it might not be too good, since I couldn't get the same fish. If you take some and don't like it, don't feel you have to finish it!" She laughed awkwardly, seeming quite embarrassed by the admission. "But otherwise, there is plenty, please eat as much as you would like. Maybe I could even put some away for you to take!"
Vela listened carefully to Nisk's explanation, nodding. She did take some of the newer dish, proclaiming it was good and she wouldn't know the difference between the real version, anyway. [That would be nice. Something extra would help. It's a long trip back to Hesperus Alpha.] For a little while she maintained eye contact with Dritz, thinking the length of time didn't really matter to either of them, but having some real food to break up the monotony of what he called "space food" would still make the situation better.
After this, she decided to eat quietly and listen to any other conversation around the table, letting Dritz have a rest from translating for her so much. Besides, he seemed hungry and almost in a sort of competition with Kli for who could eat the most. Despite not having nearly so much of an appetite, Vela focused on taking a small sample of each dish and enjoying them all greatly.
For a while, they ate in comfortable quiet, with the odd chitchat from Tvie as she asked for things to be passed to her, being the only one unable to reach everything that had been laid out. Kli told them about the day he had, Dritz told them about Hesperus Alpha (insisting Vela have a break from signing everything for a while while he did so), and Tvie showed them all a... well, something approaching a magic trick she had learnt which involved a 'disappearing' napkin obviously appearing on her lap.
After a little while longer, Vizn turned to Vela, having nudged his plate away from him.
"So, what brought you away from Aurctas? And why the station?"
The meal was pleasant, and Vela had enjoyed every bit of it, along with the conversations around the table and the antics of Tvie. When they all seemed finished and Vizn turned his attention to her, however, she quickly became serious.
[It's not a simple answer, unfortunately. I spent a long time working on one of our old ships in an effort to make it functional again. I would have left with others, but there was no one currently who wished to accompany me. The truth is, I left to seek out a new home for my people. Our world is not suitable for habitation much longer, and I had to do something. I can't let the Aurians just... perish.] The subject was a stark contrast from the rest of the evening, and realizing this, Vela hurriedly continued to sign.
[You must understand, there are many years left. But I didn't want to wait. I went to the station because I felt there might be someone would could help me, even though I wasn't counting on that in specific. It also seemed like a logical stop to make sure my ship could manage such a distance. There may have been others there who could assist me... but I met Dritz first. He was a good friend to me from the very start and eager to help me with anything I needed. It was awkward trying to make him understand me at first, but we sorted it out. You should be proud of him, I think, though I have no doubt you already are.] She paused to let Vizn and the others take this information in, along with smiling fondly at Dritz. It was possible he didn't know the full extent of how much he had helped her.
As Dritz translated, carefully controlling his evident distress over the situation, Vizn seemed to soften. He was watching between her and Dritz, his yellow eyes, paler than his son’s, seeming to hold sadness for the first time, though it didn't show on the rest of his face.
"I am sorry for the hardships of your people," he said softly. "And I cannot have helped you feel welcome in such an unusual place. For that I must apologise again." Vizn shared a glance with Nisk, the two of them seeming to communicate without words, as Vela and Dritz were slowly learning.
"Dritz was always a friendly boy," Nisk added, grinning, "Chit-chatting to strangers whenever we went out! I swear he knows more folk around here than the rest of us put together."
After a moment, she reached over and touched Vela's hand gently, "I hope you are able to assist your people, Vela. If there is anything we can do to help, please let us know."
Vela accepted the second apology gracefully, even though she felt Vizn needn't have done so. He could not have known what a hard life she had lived previously, and how important Dritz was to her and her mission.
She smiled, easily believing what Nisk said about her son. His friendly nature had initially drawn her in, too. [Thank you. For now, all I could ask is that you continue to support us, and perhaps speak well of our cause to anyone who might be doubtful of it in the future. We have been to the counsel and gotten their agreement to help, though it didn't go as smoothly as we would prefer. I can understand why they might be reluctant to lend my people aid, but I'm sure the decision will not cause anyone regret.]
With an encouraging smile, she turned toward Dritz in case he had any further thoughts beyond what she had said.
"Szna was a great help, but there were some overseers who weren't too pleased with the idea, of course. But even if Vela and I hadn't become involved in a deeper relationship, I feel like I would have wanted to help. The idea that any race of people could..." He trailed off. Something about the thought of using the words 'die out' made him incredibly uncomfortable. He didn't want to acknowledge the very real danger aloud. "Anyway. Uh, yeah. It's important to Vela, so it's important to me."
Tvie looked up at Vela, her wide eyes full of concern. "The Aurie-yans will be okay, right? If they're all like you, I don't want them to be in trouble..." she said, leaning her head against Vela's shoulder.
Her own eye softening with emotion, Vela reached over to briefly smooth some of Tvie's hair as the little girl's head rested against her shoulder. [They will be alright. The Chrysalans are going to help, and use their ships to bring the Aurians to a new planet where they can grow strong again. It's called Trelos, and it's much like your own planet, only a little smaller. It's very green there, and warm.]
Suddenly she thought of a question which she had never investigated yet. Still addressing Tvie to keep her engaged in the conversation, she signed, [Does it ever get cold here? Do you know what snow is?] Somehow she could not imagine them having any, and her general dislike of cold weather and snow had made her forget to learn about Chrysala's seasons.
"That sounds nice," Tvie mumbled. It was obvious she was still quite worried about the Aurians, her voice thicker than usual, but she seemed to brighten at the idea of them growing strong again, as Vela had suggested. "Maybe I can go and see Trelos sometime and help the Aurians make it nice."
Once Dritz had again translated, Kli opened his mouth to answer, but Tvie glared at him, "Don't be rude, Vela asked me." She turned back,her face the picture of innocence after such a harsh frown at her brother, "We have rainy season, and um, the dark season..."
"Dark season is the closest we really get to winter, flower," Dritz said cheerily. "It overlaps with rainy season by a week or so, and the humidity rises as the temperature drops, but we don't get snow. The cold is never harsh enough at all."
"What is snow though?" the young Chrysalan pouted.
[You could do that,] Vela signed, though she wished there was a way she could be more soothing to Tvie. [I'm sure the Aurians would welcome your help.]
She watched the interaction between the siblings with amusement. [I see, thank you. I didn't suppose it was ever so cold here. Snow is like...] It took her some time to think of a way to phrase it so that Tvie could understand. [Well, it's very cold. I know you have rain here, and snow comes from the sky just like rain. You could say it's frozen rain, but it's not the same as ice. It's soft and white, usually in flakes that pile onto the ground, but sometimes it can be harder and painful if there is a strong wind. It's horrible.] Vela had no concept of anyone thinking snow could be a good thing, hence her description of it as being unwanted.
After a moment she turned back to Dritz in curiosity. [Dark season? What does that mean? Does the planet not get much light then?] Her natural intrigue to learn was stronger now that she knew there was no snow.
"Snow sounds pretty," Tvie mused, "But if Vela doesn't like it then it must be bad." She nodded firmly to herself, as if to confirm this was the last word on the subject of snow.
Dritz beamed, recognising the curiosity in his love and wanting to do his very best to feed it. "The days during dark season only really last five hours, so everyone ends up being more tired and feeling overworked. It used to be a real problem until we started developing sunlight bulbs to ensure everyone was still working at their best. It's still a bit of a horrible time of year, but I definitely think it's less so than rainy season. I feel like you never dry off!"
Fascinated, Vela nodded. [I understand. Actually there is very little daylight on Aurctas year-round. I think Aurians are used to that, though. I wonder if their motivation for change would return if they were exposed to more natural light.] It wasn't something she had ever thought about in depth. Since leaving her home and at least experiencing an artificial light cycle on Hesperus, she had certainly noticed a change in her general mood for the better. Most days on Aurctas had been a struggle to keep herself going in more ways than one.
Finally realizing she had gotten carried away with her interest again, she addressed Dritz's parents apologetically. [I'm sorry, I enjoy learning about anything I can and sometimes I get caught up in doing so. I wanted to know if there was anything else you'd like to ask me, if there's any way I could further set you at ease about Dritz and myself. I wouldn't want you to worry about him.] They would be leaving Chrysala soon, and she wanted Nisk and Vizn to know their son would be safe and loved in her company.
All of the Chrysalan family listened intently as Dritz translated, even Tvie seemed to be contemplating what was being discussed. She couldn't imagine very little natural daylight.
"Are your eyes real sensitive, then?" she asked sweetly, almost concerned.
Dritz shook his head in response to Vela's concern before he began to explain what it was she had said. He knew that his parents, though perhaps worried about the situation in general, would not worry about him in relation to his presence around Vela.
"Dritz is an adult, we do our very best not to worry about him or his choices," Vizn said, leaning back in his chair and looking at Vela more seriously. "But you know we will do. All I ask is that you take care of each other."
Dritz smiled, reaching over to take Vela's hand and squeeze, "We already do."
With a gentle smile, Vela shook her head. [No, my eyes are alright. We had light, just nothing advanced such as you have. Otherwise we would not have been able to work. That was the most important thing in our lives.] Saying this made her pause for a moment to think of how differently it was important to the lives of both the Aurians and the Chrysalans.
Vizn and Nisk's confidence in their son and what he chose to do brought some relief to Vela's worry. [He's right, we do,] she signed with a loving glance at Dritz once he had released her hand. [We will all see you together again very soon, I'm sure. Next we are heading back to the station and working as we wait for our trip to Aurctas.] The thought of this worried her more than any other journey they had made together so far, but surely it would go well. It had to.
[Thank you again for the meal, everything was delicious,] Vela continued politely, before glancing around the table. She wasn't sure what came next: if they were supposed to leave, or remain and speak further. All she could do for the moment was wait for someone to make a suggestion.
Tvie seemed much happier to know that Vela's eyes were okay, but she did pout some at the thought of work, scrunching her nose up.
Nisk and Vizn seemed to share another of their knowing glances, but there was no air of secrecy or disapproval, no malice. It seemed as though they were confirming something with one another regarding Vela, warmth in their eyes. Dritz could tell they were reassessing her, seeing how wrong they had been about their relationship. It was reassuring to him to see that look, the unspoken parent link.
Reaching over and holding Vela's hand, they lingered for a short time afterward, Tvie showing Vela a few things she had made (including giving her a flimsy fabric flower she had clumsily hand stitched and was very proud of), and chatting lightly, Dritz leading most of the conversation on Vela's behalf, concerned his love was growing tired with so much talk.
An hour or so had passed when the Chrysalan finally stood and moved to stand behind Vela, protectively putting his hand on her back, "I think Vela and I ought to go and prepare everything for when we leave. I'll keep in touch though, so we'll be back again another time. Don't worry, Tvie, I won't keep your new best friend away long!" He stuck his tongue out at Tvie, whose antennae were flicking happily as she grinned at Vela.
"I will miss you, but you'll send me messages, right? Maybe you could send vids to show me Aurie-yan language?" she asked, kicking her legs in time with the wavering of her antennae.
There was a certain way in which Dritz's parents looked at each other which brought Vela a sense of peace, and a feeling that she was being accepted along with the situation. There would be no further reason to worry about how they felt, she thought. As unfamiliar as she was with the concept of parents having a greater role in their children's lives, this visit to Chrysala had managed to teach her much about it.
Their visit after the meal was pleasant, but Vela was still glad that Dritz seemed to want to talk more for her sake. Aurians did not engage in much idle conversation, so it really was tiring to have to sign for extended periods of time. She did, however, extensively praise Tvie over her small handmade items and assured the little girl that the flower was one of the most beautiful she had seen, that she would treasure it always and might be able to send her a gift later in return.
[We will send messages,] she promised, glancing at Dritz with a smile. [And I will certainly show you more of my words. You will have to practice, and maybe someday Dritz won't have to translate for me.] An unexpected feeling of affection came over her, and when she stood she went over to give Tvie a little hug in farewell. The rest of the family gave their own goodbyes in the manner they were comfortable with, and Dritz and Vela left the house for the walk back to the station.
For a while Vela could say nothing, simply overcome with her feelings over the trip. [Your family is wonderful,] she finally managed, still with that sense of contentment over it all. [I'm so glad they could accept me. And I... I love you.] For whatever reason, she couldn't hold herself back from stopping right in the middle of the walkway to hug Dritz tightly, closing her eye as she clung to him with the most happiness she was sure she had felt in her life.
If Dritz could adore Vela in any deeper way, the moment she crouched to hug his little sister, he would have done. Tvie almost felt like a daughter to Dritz in a lot of ways; he had taken care of her very often when she was a baby, he'd helped her learn some basic life skills, he'd shown her how to make tea... Silly little things, but they were close because of them. Vela's behaviour towards her was exactly what he would have wanted from a partner, and despite her age, Tvie was a great judge of character. Seeing them interact was a delight to him.
Both Nisk and Vizn chose to hug Vela, but Kli took her hands and squeezed, not wishing anything more physical.
With Tvie delighted by Vela's promises, they were free to leave. What took Dritz by some surprise, however, was Vela's sudden embrace. He pulled her closer, nuzzling against her neck and sighing happily, "I love you, flower. I can't believe how lucky I am. How lucky we both are for this."
Vela also sighed very softly, resting her head against Dritz's. She agreed that they were both incredibly fortunate in meeting each other and in all they had accomplished so far; yet perhaps there was some element which was beyond luck as well. Whatever it was, she would not question it.
Reluctantly they had to move again, though they walked hand in hand from then on. There were several shops to visit for supplies, and Dritz had to inspect the Nova to be certain she was ready for another long trip. This was all accomplished within the day, and early the next morning, they received clearance from the dock and set their navigation course back to Hesperus Alpha.
Vela found herself watching the viewscreen for a long time as Chrysala slowly shrank into a small orb of light behind them. With the stars streaking past, she found herself contemplative of all she had done and seen, but was thinking mainly of Dritz's family.
[I hope you won't miss them too much,] she signed with a faint smile. [I think I might miss them a little already. I'm not sure I really have any sort of family on Aurctas... so I would like to join yours if we formally partner together in the future.] Realizing what she had said made her feel a little shy, but she remained reflective as she stared at the viewscreen, unaware of how closely Dritz was watching her in the meantime.
The remains of their planning, the restocking of the ship and the tinkering all seemed to pass by in a blur. The two of them knew which tasks needed doing and set about them in the wonderfully efficient way they did, and that they had seemed to settle into so easily, so quickly after they first met as well.
Dritz worked on The Nova with enthusiasm. The ship was solid, he was almost as in love with it as he was with Vela, since it was almost an extension of her. It rarely had anything to be concerned by, but he enjoyed giving it the once over every chance he got.
Their efficiency came into play once again when they came to leave Chrysala, doing their tasks about the cockpit with the ease of practice.
Once they were settled on course, Dritz stretched in his seat as he turned to Vela.
"I think they will miss you too, flower," he said softly, smiling. He eyed her for a long moment, the smile becoming a slight smirk. "Oh yeah? Well, I would love that! I know Tvie would too! What did you think of everyone?"
Being asked her opinion of Dritz's family made Vela somehow even more contemplative. She leaned back in her own chair to begin signing to him.
[Well, Tvie was very sweet. I can see why you would have enjoyed taking care of her, though she does seem to require a lot of energy to keep up with. Your brother was... well, he seemed nice for the most part. I guess we didn't get to talk as much but I'm sure I would have enjoyed doing so.] She hoped Dritz understood and didn't think she was being disrespectful, but she wasn't familiar with the sort of personality Kli had and couldn't judge it well.
[Your mother is kind and pretty. I was a little surprised at how small she is, I suppose. Your father, after he got used to the idea of us being partners... he's very nice. He reminds me of you.]
She almost left it there, but some strange purpose kept her going. [I have never seen anyone like him... and when he hugs you, it's so warm and soft...] The equivalent of trailing off for an Aurian, Vela let her hands drift back to her lap as she played over that last hug in her memory, her gaze fixed on the viewscreen but not seeing it. She preferred to hug Dritz, if she were honest, but there was just something incredibly appealing about Vizn...
Dritz laughed, "Aw, Tvie is a handful, definitely, but believe it or not, she can be surprisingly sweet and gentle. If you're sad, she'll come and hug you, ask how you are and if you want tea. She's gunna be some sort of medic or teacher or something of the like. Eh, Kli's just dumb. Harmless, but dumb. Not a great talker." He listened further, chuckling at the mention of his mother's stature. Because of his own size, he mused, they must seem like an odd family, or perhaps not appear so related as he and his dad.
Vela seemed to have... wow, a fair amount to say about Vizn. Dritz was taking it all in when something sparked in the back of his mind. The hug, her fascination with his own 'soft', 'warm' body. He smirked and looked at her closely.
"I'm glad you liked them. Especially dad," he said lightly, an edge of teasing in his tone.
The information about Tvie made Vela smile softly, thinking back on the little girl with fondness. She had somehow already made her way into the Aurian's heart. It did puzzle her, however, that Dritz referred to Kli as not being very intelligent. What did that mean, exactly? For the moment she decided not to ask, distracted again by the mention of Vizn.
[He's nice, that's all,] she quickly signed, almost defensively. She had noticed the smirk and recognized the slightest amount of teasing in her lover's voice. Really, it was not as though she was attracted to his father. Was she? Wouldn't that be... strange?
In a new attempt to distract Dritz instead, she got up from her chair and moved over to him, sitting on his lap and curling her legs up. For a while she rested against him, feeling how wonderful he was, then leaned back enough to sign. [I enjoyed their company, but I'm glad it's only us for now. I do like it when we're alone, especially on the Nova, surrounded by stars...] Her gaze was soft as she turned her head to kiss him. Returning to Hesperus Alpha would be welcome as well, but she had nearly forgotten all about who might be waiting there upon their return.
"I'm glad you think so," Dritz chuckled, reeling in an exaggerated fashion at the ever so slightly sharper gestures from Vela. She seemed awfully quick to defend her statements. He couldn't seem to tone his smirk down.
Her curling into his lap, however, very quickly pushed away any thoughts of teasing her, and he wrapped both arms around her tightly, nuzzling against her neck and breathing in deeply, enjoying her subtle scent.
"I like it this way too, flower," he whispered, taking the chance to look out of one of the ship's view ports at the vastness of space around them before leaning down to kiss her slowly, passionate but languid; they had all the time they needed. There was something so calming about the endless stars, even moreso when accompanied by Vela's tender kisses, her pale body against his, the soft sighs filling the air...
The journey to the station felt like victory. They were relaxed, focused on each other and the ship, talking about anything but their recent travel purposes, fully enjoying the respite.
Late afternoon, the alert flashed on the console and Dritz stretched, poking a few readings, "Coming up on Hesperus Alpha, cap'n!"
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ask--rhys · 7 years
Your one shot. lol angsty rhack, with Jack "supposedly" dying from a wound? (Egotistical wound or gun shot)
Oh wow, it has been quite some time since I’ve written anything angst…Actually come to thing of it, it’s been a while since I’ve written anything. :/ Oh boy. I hope I do ya well, hun. Warnings ahead of time for those whom are reading: This is a male x male fanfiction. If you do not like such thing, I honestly don’t know why you’re here and it would be best if you didn’t read any further. Strong language may occur semi-frequently. If you are fine with that, please continue and enjoy.
  Another day walking down one of the many newly furnished halls of the Helios space station. Everything had changed since Handsome Jack returned. Those who survived the Helios crash had to put in the effort to rebuild the notorious craft- the general feel of the new station is…rather different than before. More relaxed and calm, almost. The small details Rhys found interesting in the old model were now gone. The cracks in the walls followed by the faint red stains of blood. Psychos weren’t the type to have a “clean fight”. The inappropriate graffiti that always made Rhys chuckle like an immature kid. Hell, even that one light that annoyed him because it kept flickering was gone. All of it..now covered. Though the scars of the previous Helios is covered, the memories still lie within the minds of the workers.“Rhys..bro, you okay?” A familiar voice struck through the assistants’ ears.“Wha- huh?” The noises followed by the rapid blinking alerted Vaughn, Rhys’    best friend, that the taller male was not paying one bit of attention to anything he had just said. A simple jump of surprise merely confused the accountant even more. “Gah! Vaughn?!” Once the split second of panic was over, the assistant cleared his throat and spoke with a near nervous tone. “W..when did you get here?” Vaughn stared at Rhys in disbelief. “I’ve…kinda been here this entire time. I have been trying to have a conversation with you..You seem out of it.”
A wave of guilt passed through Rhys while his mechanical hand reached to rub the back of his neck. “Oh, right..sorry.”“It’s the change, isn’t it?” The accountant asked, basically reading Rhys’ mind. The slight nod of the taller male allowed Vaughn to continue. “ I can understand, I mean..within the past year, so much crap has happened. I mean..Vasquez down-grades you. We end up on Pandora, fighting for our lives, I might add. We’ve killed people. Brought down Helios. Made deals. good and bad ones.. And we even brought Helios back from the ashes.”“Don’t forget- We somehow brought Handsome Jack back from the dead with..whatever the hell that was in the Vault.” Rhys added.“Exactly! So, how about this, me, you, Yvette and possibly Handsome Jack go out and have some sort of relaxing vacation. I know you can convince Jack. It was your profession after all. And also, might I add…you two are a little..closer…eh?” The last sentence Vaughn spoke struck Rhys’ heart. Blood rush curled around Rhys’ cheeks making the embarrassment more visible.“Would you keep it down?” Rhys hissed out a whisper towards the friend.An amused chuckle passed Vaughn’s lips which brought a question to mind. “Speaking of which. How did you and “He Who Should Not Be Named” get together. One minute, you two are out on Pandora and the next minute, he has his arm around you. I know you’ve had a thing for him even before he died, so…did you tell him orrr..” The friend hoped the change in subject would relax Rhys a little more..yet the question seemed to make him more tense.The memory of the initial “confession” made the assistant groan in annoyance. “Long or short version..?” “Hmm… Medium. Not so short that I have no visualization but not so long that it would take twelve books to complete.”A sigh quickly shot past Rhys’ lips as he began. “Well..lets start from the beginning.-”                                                             —-Being on Pandora was a rather normal thing for Rhys by now- though Helios had been completely built, he still had to run errands for Jack since he had gotten “promoted” to CEO Assistant. Don’t get him wrong, he enjoys it better than his previous position as Vice Janitor. He also enjoys the fact that Jack promoted Yvette and Vaughn both- he even offered Sasha and Fiona jobs. However, Sasha is still rather ticked at Rhys after their first and only “date” and doesn’t want to be around his “smelly mug”, thus she declined. Fiona declined simply because of the memories she would be leaving behind if she had taken the offer…aannnd she still doesn’t trust Jack. At all. Basically if she had the option to eat rotten skag or be alone with Jack for only thirty minutes, she would make sure to hold her breath when she goes to take the first bite.Jack, on the other hand..it was odd just to walk again, let alone on a hot, odorous, foul-loving planet. For as many times as he has actually been in Pandora, he’s never had this much trouble getting to places. And Rhys, poor Rhys, is stuck hearing him complain as if walking is the worst thing that could ever happen to the..special flower that is Handsome Jack. ‘Why did I have to agree to this..? I could have just said “No, sir. I can handle this one on my own.” But nooooo.. I just had to say “If you don’t mind having someone tag along, I can have it done within a day.” Jesus Christ…I don’t think I have heard him whine so much in a minute.’ Rhys grumbled to himself, allowing his feet to slowly drag with each step, showing his physical and even mental exhaustion. Mainly mental.At this point, Rhys had briefly forgotten why they were even out there, but then he remembered. They needed some more spare parts for some “big ass robot that would look so freaking cool on display.” As much as he wanted to say no, he couldn’t..Jack was giving him the “puppy dog” look and Jack knows Rhys couldn’t say “no” to such a face.The more whining that came out of the CEO’s mouth made the assistant really want to just punch something or just…fall over. Just as he was about to resort to, more than likely, the second option, Rhys had spotted what seemed to be a small town in the distance. “Shut up for a minute and loo.” Rhys spoke in a tired yet relieved tone as he pointed to the building silhouettes in the distance.“Did..did uh you just tell me to ‘shut up’, cupcake?” Jack spoke in a harsh tone. “You don’t tell me what to do, Rhysie. It seems you have gotten your position mixed up in that small head of yours.”Rhys ignored the semi-threat as he looked blankly at the older male. He simply was too tired to feel regret at this point. “There is a town… maybe they have a shop or something we could rest at. If you want to stay here and complain more, go for it. I’m going to go look for a place to sit..”Jack watched Rhys walk farther ahead of him, rather surprised, proud and annoyed at the kids’ actions. With a childish grunt and a kick of the dirt beneath him, Jack swiftly caught up to the rushing male. As they passed rugged building after rugged building, one shop in particular had caught their eyes. Without hesitation, Rhys had already began to make his way to the entrance however, Jack was quick to try to stop him. He recognized this place. It was one of the old locations Moxxi had. He and Moxxi still have bad blood ad since Moxxi is rather popular, she always has people watching her back for her. Jack really was not in the mood for any confrontation, though he will kill someone in a heartbeat if need be if someone tries to create any issues. “Hey, uh..kiddo..maaaybe we should continue to look for a place. Anywhere but here is perfectly fine by me. Hell..even Hollow Point would be better than here..” Jack stated yet Rhys ignored the pleading male and walked inside. Jack had no choice but to follow. Upon entering the bar, Jack noticed that nothing has changed except for the owner. The designs are the same, the drinks were the same, even some of the people were the same. Just no Moxxi, upon Jacks’ relief. He would be even more relieved if he hadn’t recognized some of the faces. Sticking close to Rhys, he calmly whispered to Rhys. “Look, this isn’t a good place..a bunch of these people reeeaaally don’t like me. I say we get out of here before things get out of hand.”As Rhys looked around, he noticed people were staring and some had their hands near the weapons they carried. Great..the one chance he had to sit down and get something to eat, there is a risk of getting shot. Seems like another normal day at this point. As Rhys turned to walk out of the shop, a low gruff voice spoke up.“Hyperion assholes aren’t allowed…especially the leader of the Hyperion assholes…”Rhys turned to the male who spoke out and waved a reassuring hand as a nervous smile eased wearily across his lips.”Okay okay, we were just leaving, no need for violence or anything.”“You don’t get it.. yoa’ll see..you guys have already tainted this air with your Hyperion filth… You kill us out and now you’re wantin’ta take more from us? Nah nah…ya’ll aren’t gonna leave so easily. Not until ya’ll’ve spilled the blood that we have.” “This isn’t good, Rhysie..” Jack spoke quietly as he slowly reached for the gun he had strapped to his hip. At this point, guns and angry faces were pointed at the two cornered men. Looks like they’re going to have to fight their way out of this. Rhys swiftly grabbed the stun baton he had holstered on his hip as well and lunged forward toward the nearest target. The slightest touch from the baton sent the person flying across the room which triggered the other attackers. Jack began to shoot the others that were going for Rhys as the assistant whacked away. Bodies flying everywhere, screaming and yelling in either agony or joy. As the crowd died down and they thought it was over…until a Badass Marauder made a lovely appearance.  Jack grabbed Rhys’ arm and pulled him behind the bar for cover. “So here’s the plan…you jump on his back, use your baton thingy and shove it right in his eye then I’ll come up and shoot him like the badasses we are. Got it? Good..now go!” Jack ordered. Rhys was trying to piece together what the plan was but the Marauder was not giving him the time. Bullets began flying at the assistant which made him yell in panic as he was trying to reach the enemy’s back. With a grunt, Rhys jumped and wrapped his arms around the really gross neck of the badass while trying to maintain his balance. No luck considering the Badass was spinning him around like a horse on a carousel. Dizzy and nearly sick, Rhys raised the baton and jammed it into the eye, causing the body to tense and spazm. Jack took that as a cue and stood up, aiming for the head. Rhys jumped down then heard a gun shot followed by other rapid gun shots. The Marauder fell to the floor, a pool of blood surrounding him. “God damn it!” Jack shouted in pain.Rhys looked over to his boss to find him leaned against a wall, holding his bleeding shoulder. Apparently when the Badass was spazming, his fingers curled around his gun, pulling the trigger and basically rapid fired until the body fell. One of the wandering bullets hit Jack’s shoulder. Rhys panicked and rushed to Jack’s side.“See! This is why I didn’t want to come in here in the first place! Son of a taint, that hurts!” Jack exclaimed.Guilt rushed over Rhys immediately. “J..just sit down, I’ll go look for a healing pack.”“So now you’re going to leave me alone? What if more come back, huh? I can’t protect myself, cupcake.” Jack hissed.Rhys admitted Jack was right…there was basically no other choice but to “carry” Jack. The CEO looped his good arm over the younger male’s shoulders while slightly leaning on the thinner frame. The blood loss was making him rather dizzy and Rhys could see it. The assistant wrapped an arm around around the clothed waist of the male while leading him around the bar in search for any healing packs.Thirty minutes of searching, they finally come across a loot chest however…the timing may have been too late. Jack grew pale and weak. Rhys laid the older male down in a sitting position allowing the weak body to lean against a rather frail wall. “Hang in there. Hopefully there is something in here that can help.” Rhys spoke softly to the dozing male. Upon opening the chest, money and a health pack laid inside to Rhys’ relief. Snagging the pack, he turned to tend to Jack whom had passed out…Rhys panicked and injected the red serum into the wounded male. It almost immediately closed both sides of the wound and within minute, Jack’ color began to come back..but Jack still wasn’t awake..Rhys tried gently shaking him, nudging him.. speaking to him..anything he could to wake him and..nothing…Not a word or a single movement from the male.. Rhys began to tremble as he placed his forehead on Jack’s newly healed shoulder.“I’m sorry, Jack. I’m so sorry. I failed you again. I should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have been so selfish to go into the bar. If I would have just listened to you, you wouldn’t be..be here..” A stray tear eased down the cheek of Rhys, staining the dirty cloth Jack wore. “I wish I could redo it…I wish I would have listened..Jesus Christ, usually if someone is in love with someone else, you listen to them, right? Damn it.. damn it!” The kid began pouring his heart out to the still body…until the body wasn’t still anymore.. A chuckle could be heard from the wounded which Rhys immediately sat up to investigate. His cheeks and nose red from the tears and embarrassment alike. He sat there and stared at the male who was now laughing before him.“You know..I wasn’t passed out that entire time, right pumpkin?” A sly smirk found its way to Jack’s lips.“J-Jack? Wait…what? Youre okay? Wait…you heard all of that?” Rhys spoke nervously..feeling his heart drop into his stomach. “Yup- But to be completely honest with ya’, I always kinda knew~ I was stuck inside your head after all. I just wanted to play possum to see how far this would go. I gotta say, you put on quite the show.” “You’re such an asshole!” Rhys exclaimed as he stood from his spot.Jack quickly followed and grabbed Rhys by the wrist, pulling the thinner frame closer to him. With that one movement, they were inches away from each other. With a smooth purr of his voice, Jack stared into the watery eyes of Rhys and spoke. “You know you love me, sweetheart.~”
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makku-ruko · 5 years
Not so soft
Mandarin: I’ll fight ‘em! Don’t you worry. Iyanu says you need training? Hah! You only need me and my tiny fists!
Cheshire: We can use our tiny fists together though Rins.
Mandarin: Right! Who needs fighting skills!?
Cheshire: Well...you need em to fight—
Mandarin: No ya don’t! I call ANARCHY! Let’s start a riot!
Cheshire: //giggle.// ANAR-FUCKING—Oh?
Mandarin: heh?
Cheshire: Uuuuh...look. //points.//
Mandarin: hm? Oh. Uh. Yeah, it’s best not to go in there...
Cheshire: Why?
Mandarin: Well duh. It’s closed. It means he doesn’t want to see anyone.
Cheshire: O.
Mandarin: Yeah... last time I tried he—Chesh! What are you-No! //She grabbed her and pulled her back.// You don’t get it— Kinoah has his moments and when the shop is closed, it means that he reeeeally wants to be alone.
Cheshire: I’m going. ewe
Mandarin: Chesh! Don’t be an idiot. You should know what danger is like since you live with those two monsters..
Cheshire: Imma-
Mandarin: Chesh no.
Cheshire: dew it EWE.
Mandarin: Cheeesh.
Cheshire: //Her steps didn’t slow.// ewe
Mandarin: Chesh...hh. You know what? Go on. Go ahead. But don’t say I didn’t warn you. I just hope that nature of yours doesn’t get you killed with the grape twins.. //She released her and huffed.// If you do end up getting a rude awakening, you know where to find me. //With that, she waved her off and left the scene.//
Cheshire: Oke, love you bye bye~ //She trotted over to the building, the blinds shut tightly blocking out any view inside on the other side of the door. Fearlessly, she opened the door like a burglar, sneaking in and shutting the entrance with the utmost care.//
Kinoah: //He sat in his study, a book covering his eyes. Was he perhaps sleeping?//
Cheshire: //At this, a large grin spread across her face yet her heart was beating a thousand mph. She snuck further inside, searching until she’d finally found him. The air grew colder as she inched closer, almost as though she could sense his aura. He definitely was not in a good mood. Maybe she should tu—//
Kinoah: I didn’t think I’d have to put up a sign to let people know not to come inside. //He lifted his head, removing the book from his face to reveal a dead expression- face devoid of the warmth it usually carried. No smile.//
Cheshire: //This shook her to the core. Perhaps she really had messed up. To see him so empty...as opposed to his expression...it stripped her bare. She couldn’t even joke to cover it up.//...I....um...//Her gaze trailed to her feet as she stepped back.// I’m sorry...
Kinoah: //His expression didn’t change.// ....hhhh. You really are troublesome. But I suppose I should have expected nothing less from the stray..
Cheshire: //Her head remained bowed as if words weren’t enough. She felt like she’d angered him and really didn’t blame him. It was her fault for intruding. But...if he yelled at her, she’d definitely cry. Best not upset him anymore than she already has.// I...I’m sorry...I was just curious...and a little worried...
Kinoah: //Despite no real reaction, he read her body language and accepted the remorse. Ideally she didn’t ‘make’ him upset, but, this intrusion was a nuisance as far as he was concerned. However, in this state, he was never in his right mind. Thought train derailed, he tilted her chin up, forcing her to look at him.// /What am I to do with you../...I’m not in the right state of mind to deal with anybody right now...so please leave...
Cheshire: What...what if I don’t?...are you going to hurt me?..//Suddenly, the fear from before had melted.// Hoh...so this is the real you. I knew somebody with a constant smile would surely be suffering inside somewhere...Well I’m just glad I got to see it. I don’t blame you from hiding it..Qui.
Kinoah: I’d advise you not to play with me when I’m like this.
Cheshire: Weeell, you say it as if it isn’t you. Just because you hide it doesn’t mean it’s not a part of you. Especially if it is a normal recurrence...but I get it. You don’t have to hide around me. Plus, being all good is boring.
Kinoah:....you wouldn’t want to see the rest of me...but if you do...then don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Cheshire: //She grinned.// What? What are you holding back for? Whacha wanna do? Hurt me?
Kinoah: Don’t you think it’s dangerous to give me options?
Cheshire: Eh? So you wanna hurt me??? o0o
Kinoah: ...//He dropped her and turned his back.// ...
Cheshire: Remember, you helped me out, yeah? When we first met. Therapists need therapy too. So how can I help?
Kinoah: ...You need to stop talking and leave. //His tone grew a little harsher.//
Cheshire: //It did derail her slightly but she deflected it and hugged him from behind.//..
Kinoah: //He appeared to be tensing, flinching lightly as he felt her touch.//...Stop....or I’m going to do something I regret..
Cheshire: I can tell you’re holding back from being rude. Do it. I won’t hold it against you...maybe... but you can let it out..
Kinoah: ..//There was a pause before he turned, grabbing her neck and shoving her up against the wall. His gaze was cold as he looked down at her.// If you really can’t take a hint, I must wonder how stupid you really are...or how you’re even still alive.. Why? Are you looking to get yourself in trouble..? Funny how curiosity hasn’t killed the cat yet. //He managed to crack a smirk.// Or maybe she just reeeaaally likes getting into trouble. //He leaned in closer to scrutinise her.// My, Aren’t you riddled with despair. Does it please you to see who you thought was a good person switch before your eyes like this?...
Cheshire: //Her heart rate was sprinting at this point, it was a little hard to breathe. They were clashing. She could feel it. But would things ever be the same again?// ...it brings me comfort. At least now I know the other side of you that I wondered about...are you...mad at me...?
Kinoah: ....no. Did you want me to be?
Cheshire: //She swallowed hard, lightly clasping the hand that grabbed her neck. Her cheeks flushed lightly as she averted her eyes.//...I wouldn’t...blame you if you were...but if that’s what it takes for you to feel better...
Kinoah:..//That same dead expression had returned as he appeared to be fixated on something. Perplexed. His grip on her throat tightened, eyes glazing over.//...
Cheshire: gh..! //She whimpered lightly, grabbing onto his wrist now. Yet, her face just appeared to redden further.//
Kinoah: //He could feel his breathing pace shift which caught him by surprise subconsciously. That said, nothing deterred him from squeezing further. His eyes would only focus in one point— her throat.//....
Cheshire: Nn...K...Ki...o..ow..//She’d begun to squint.//
Kinoah: Heeeeh? So that’s what you like..? //A dark smirk drew itself onto his face.// I was a fool for not noticing it earlier....you’re drawn to danger...hence why you’re so taken up with that chaotic bastard that keeps terrorising the other villagers...though I don’t blame him. Some of these people...aren’t even worth salvaging...rotten.../Heh...look who’s talking../
Cheshire: ..nn...gh...ca...n’t...bre...athe...
Kinoah: Oh? You’re whimpering now? That’s odd. You didn’t seem so deterred earlier when I kept warning you...but you like being hunted...so I can see why you didn’t listen. You provoke so you can be ‘attacked’...right..?
Cheshire: //Choking sounds ensued.//
Kinoah: What...? You want me to leave a mark or let you go?...you’re not losing colour in your face— why are you whining? //“What am I saying..?”// You’re fine.
Cheshire: //With that, it was too much. She had to do something or else she’d pass out. Patting his arm profusely, she forced out a squeak.// Ki!...gh...h......k..
Kinoah: Huh?...!! //With that he snapped out of it, releasing her and stepping back, turning his head. At this point, he was so tense that anything could tip the scale. It was hard to even hold eye contact. All he could do was manage one last utterance.// ...leave. Now.
Cheshire: //A coughing fit ensued after he’d released her followed be vivid panting.// ..rh...right...well I’ll....I’ll check back in tomorrow..! ò^ó s-so...t..take care of yourself! >^< //And with that, she sprinted away, leaving him alone with his thoughts.//
Kinoah:.../I need to talk to her caretaker.../
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Survey #197
“she wraps those hands around that pole, she licks those lips and off we go, she takes it off nice and slow ‘cuz that’s porn star dancin’.”
Do you wear something on your left hand/wrist/arm without fail? I have a ring on my left thumb. What is the latest you’ve stayed up for? Why? Oh idk, if you mean staying up waiting for something in particular and not just staying up all night for the hell of it. I think WoW's Warlords of Draenor expansion launch was the latest; it was sometime at night, between midnight and 3 A.M., and. Between me, Jason, Amanda, and Jacob, I by far stayed up the latest and pretty much died that day asleep. What is an article of clothing you would never ever wear? Rompers are just a no for me. What is something you lie to yourself about? I don't really do that anymore. If I know the truth deep down, lying would do me no good. Do you enjoy solving problems? NO. All problems do is stress me out. Are you more books smart, street smart, or random trivia smart? Oh, totally trivia. GMM taught me the most pointless shit. Are you a kinesthetic, an auditory or a visual learner? Kinesthetic. Would you ever take part in a TV quiz show? If so, which one? If not, why? No; I don't want my ugly ass on TV, the stress would murder me, plus I'd be really nervous and awkward. Does it take a lot for you to cry, or does it happen easily? It is VERY easy to make me cry. Do you have two of the same pair of pants? I believe I do. Who gives the best advice? Sara. She neeeeeds to do something in the psychological field. Do you have a lot of pictures of you and your friends? Old ones. I pretty much never take any now because 1.) I hate my face and 2.) what friends? What’s the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make? Truly and entirely letting Jason go. Who do you usually see in your dreams? Sara, my parents, sisters, and my theory is the lingering effects of PTSD keep Jason as a pretty regular fixture. HA HA OH YEAH MARK IS ALSO IN THEM SOMETIMES. Generally though, I don't remember my dreams. When was the last time you cleaned out a bathtub? Literally never. Never been a chore. Would you rather read poetry or write poetry? Write. Have you ever had any really infected injuries? Not really infected, I think. That cyst was, but that's not really an "injury." Is there any band out there that you like every song by them? No. Have you ever cussed/swore in front of younger children? If so, did they eventually imitate what you said? I'm sure I have with legit babies, but even then, I would try avoiding it. Now, I'm super careful around any aged child, and no. Do you have any friends that you almost always joke around with? Alex and Chelsea. Serious moments are almost non-existent, especially with Alex. Have you learned any new words today? No. If your hair never got greasy again, would you still wash it? Well yeah, it would still get dirty. When was the last time you played jump rope? Not since being a young teen... Talk about your first love. I think everyone in my online circle knows the story. High school sweethearts, strong and steady relationship that pretty much everyone thought was permanent, but ended very abruptly. Know now that it's for the better it ended; who the hell knows, maybe I'd still be an extremely depressed and hopeless mess. What’s the most beautiful songs you’ve ever heard in your opinion? "The Two Trees" and "Dante's Prayer," both by Loreena McKennitt, are unreal. "Obstacles" by Syd Matters? Goosebumps every single time. Okay really I could go on forever. What kind of self care is your favorite to do? I get the most satisfaction out of skin care. Are you affectionate? With s/os. I'm a hugger if I know you well enough. Who do you look up to? Mark, Steve Irwin, I look up to some parts of Otep Shamaya despite her mostly being a bitch, Sara, and there's so many more, but I'm blanking atm. Do you do art? Using what (pencil, watercolor, etc)? Usually a mechanical and colored pencils. Do you dance? What style of dance? Not anymore. Favorite old film? A lot. But probably Johnny Got His Gun. What weather is the most beautiful, in your opinion? Snowy. Do you have a lucky number? No. Have you ever wished on a star? What about on a fallen eyelash? No. What’s the most beautiful thing in life, In your opinion? People coming together for good, despite any differences or grudges. What instrumental sound is your favorite? Violin, electric guitar, or piano. What’s the best song a friend has ever introduced to you? Ohhhh idk. "Wolf In Sheep's Clothing" is high on the list, thanks Sara. Favorite shoe you own? Some converse with a skull design. Do you know any German words? Yeah, but I've forgotten quite a lot. Four semesters of German have definitely faded a bit. Do you have a passport? No. Do you say any words that are pretty specific to your area? Well, "y'all' for one. There's definitely sayings, though I'm not gonna sit here trying to remember 'em considering I don't use much, if any. Do you know anyone who everyone thinks is gay, but is not out? No. Vegetables: better raw or cooked? Are there any raw veggies I like??? Have you ever smoked? No. Would you mind dating someone significantly shorter than you? I've said it before and I'll say it again: I have a significantly negative opinion of you if h e i g h t fucking matters to you. Can you quote the movie Mean Girls? All I know off the top of my head is I think "On Wednesdays, we wear pink" or something like that. Do you live in the state you were born in? Yeah. Do your parents smoke? Dad does. Do you know anyone who has a ton of real fur clothes? No; at least I fucking hope not. If Britney Spears came to your town, would you go see her concert? In the hypothetical case of it being free, sure thing. I wouldn't actually go out of my way buying tickets. Have you ever worn a pair of leather (fake or real) pants? No. If the last person you kissed asked you to marry them, what would you do? She wouldn't ask that anytime soon. I'd only be comfortable being engaged if we were settled somewhere and the relationship was in a perfectly healthy place. When you believe in the Easter Bunny, what did you think it looked like? I don't remember. What about the tooth fairy? I think I imagined something like Tinker Bell? Do you/did you have a religion class in school? No. If your best friend got cancer, would you shave your head with them? If she was truly self-conscious of it, I probably would. Name someone you know who is Buddhist. No one, I think. Does your mom wear makeup? Very little for only special occasions. Do you kiss your boyfriends/girlfriends in front of your parents? Yes. Have you ever spent Christmas alone? No, thank Christ. Have you ever spent your birthday alone? Not all day or anything. Does your favorite uncle have any children? I only know one of my uncles well enough to have a confident opinion on him, but anyway, yes. Has anyone ever kissed you when you were so not expecting it? Possibly? Was it a good surprise kiss? Or bad? See above; I'm not sure if I was ever totally taken by surprise. Name all the members (first, middle and last names) from your favorite band. Man, I used to know this shit 100%, but I only know now Ozzy himself. Do you still have any Pokemon cards? I don't believe so. What would you do if your favorite artist came to town but your parents wouldn’t let you go? i'm???????? about to be 23????????? Do you know anyone who refuses to swear? Probably. Not anybody I know well. Have you ever heard a young child swear? Yes. Have you ever heard your grandparents swear? My grandma, yeah. But she does so seldom. What do you see when you turn your head to the right? My closet. The creepiest, most disgusting insect in the world is: Hissing cockroaches omfg no. What is your opinion on sex without emotional commitment? No. Where’s the best place to eat a romantic dinner? Olive Garden is the answer to everything. What will you dress up as for Halloween? Idk, but I reeeaaally wanna do something this year. Have you ever been in a lighthouse? No. Do you ever make your own surveys? Not exactly; I only combine them and usually delete the "no shit," boring, overused, or incredibly specific questions, like, "does the # 79 mean anything to you." What color is your shower? White. When is the last time you had a serious talk with someone? Yesterday about Bentley. I think Mom finally sees we need to get rid of him. How often do you take naps? Sometimes every day, every other, or just sporadically that week. I generally function better and am in a better mood with an afternoon nap. I know you don’t wanna talk about it, but when do you go back to school? Who the fuck even knows with my piece of shit past school. I was planning to this month. Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? In like... *every* restaurant. I don't want to order something I wind up hating. Have you ever had anything stolen from you? Maybe? When was the last time the power went out at your house and how long was it out for? Not too long ago I believe thanks to the wind. Just briefly. Ever had to get any stitches? Twice. How many times a year do you go out of state? Usually not even once a year, though now with Sara, it'll probably become a regular pattern of twice or so. About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? Always, always, at least once. What kind of surveys do you wish there were more of? The deep, philosophical ones. When are you getting your next new phone? Ugh, probably not soon, though I need one desperately. Are you due for a haircut? No, got that done yesterday. Are you dealing with any health-related problems right now? Mental, we already know, but I've got some physical too currently. Do your parents like the music you listen to? Some of it, but I know Mom's not into the heavier stuff I like, and usually not the more indie stuff I'm into it. Do your parents approve of your beliefs? Dad, I don't think we agree on most, and Mom, she does some, while not others. She'd probably punch me if she learned I'm pro-choice now. Do you know anyone who’s racist? Very. What about a homophobe? Welcome to good 'ole North Carolina, my friend. What about a pedophile? They wouldn't be alive if I knew a pedophile. Who’s the most annoying person in your neighborhood? I dunno who, but there's one person on our street that has loud music playing almost constantly, even at night. You can't hear it indoors and it's not blaring outside, but I find it disrespectful to the few people who live here, especially at night. And mind you, the music sometimes isn't friendly to be playing where all of us can hear it. Name one of your psycho exes? No one. Why were they a psycho ex? N/A What’s the best revenge you ever got on someone? I don't see it as bitter "revenge" anymore, but it's chuckle-worthy every now and again to remember he broke up with me due to depression, and now I beat that shit and am working hard to stand on my own. How often do you shop at dollar stores? Only for candy for like, going to the movie theater. What’s your favorite part of a song? Usually riffs, choruses, or bridges... or guitar solos... lol idk it just depends on the song. I'd say maybe bridges the most. In school, do you/did you work better by yourself or in a group? BY MYSELF. When is the last time you ordered from a catalog? I personally never have. What’s the name of the gas station you last stopped at? Idr, it wasn't one we normally stop at 'cuz we were out of town. Is there a piece of jewelry that holds any sentimental value to you? Yeah. What was the first song you heard today? I think I listened to "Kreuzfeuer" by Powerwolf. What was the last video you watched on YouTube? Jonathan Young's cover of "Riot" by 3DG. Someone sign this man, please. Could you design an whole web page yourself? Ha, no. That stuff confuses the shit outta me. Have you ever cooked an entire dinner for your family? No. Who do you tend to get in fights with the most? My mom. Can you say today’s date in a different language? Took me a moment, but in German, yes. Does it bother you if the shower nozzle thing isn’t straight? Yes. Ours won't stay straight for anything. What is the reason you keep waking up every day? Do you have someone or something you particularly live for? Who or what is your inspiration? I want to build a future I'm proud of and enjoy each day more than ever. My history is my inspiration in the sense it's shown me what "low" truly can be and that I can climb out of that hole and to the top of the mountain one day. How would you spend your last night on earth? Would you be by yourself or with friends? Would you do something you never had the courage to do before? I'd want to be with all my loved ones that day, but just with Sara that night. I would tell her how much I love her through all words and actions I possibly could, and if that included something I hadn't had the courage for previously, yes. Do you honestly believe that your relationship (or a future relationship, if you don’t currently have one) will last until the end? How far would you be willing to go for that person? I genuinely think it will, very sincerely. I'd do a hell of a lot for her, but I'm smart enough now to know there has to be a limit. What do you think is the one thing about you that catches everyone’s attention? Are you naturally loud? Or do you make sure you have an eye-catching appearance? I'm very quiet. How would you show someone you loved them, without outright saying, “I love you?” How would you show it through actions? I mean, there's a whole lot you could do. I think the best way is just doing little things that show love. Go make that person their morning coffee, that kinda stuff. What would you do if someone cheated on you? Has that ever happened? Have you cheated on anyone? It's over; no; no. Are you outgoing or shy? I'm shy as hell. Who are you looking forward to seeing? Sara on the 4th. Are you easy to get along with? I think. What kind of people are you attracted to? The unorthodox but friendly ones. The "weirdos," so long it's not in a like, creepy way. People who are very open-minded. Do you still talk to your first crush? No. Do you like bubble baths? I don’t take baths. What are your bad habits? Procrastinating more than anything else, I peel my nails instead of trimming them oops, I weigh myself every single day, I jump to conclusions and catastrophize, I drink soda regularly, I'm very impulsive when incredibly upset, uh... HOW AM I BLANKING HERE ALREADY?????????????????? I have so many. Where would you like to travel? South Africa for the KMP, Tanzania for the Serengeti, Scotland, Japan, Germany, Canada would be cool... man, so many places. Favorite part of your daily routine? Mark video. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My stomach. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Idc. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? No, but then again I've been the one broken up with only once. What do you say during awkward silences? Feel like puking and disappearing both. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? No. Ever won a competition? For what? Yeah. 4th/5th grade D.A.R.E. report, some online one for two rare Silent Hill: Revelation pieces, my clogging class when I was in high school won some high rank at a competition, and I believe I've won in one or two other writing things? Been suspended/expelled? For what? No. Been arrested? For what? No. Craving something? What? I have a mad craving for Hardee's chicken tenders, good Lord. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? A stuffed snake from Sara named Plum. :') How many stuffed animals do you think you have? I could not even TRY to guess. I was obsessed with stuffed animals as a kid (I even got teased now and again for occasionally bringing one to elementary school), and so many I have hold deep sentimental value. They're stored in bags in the attic. They're probably gonna end up going to my nieces and nephew, or by if some miraculous change of heart, I want kids. Favorite character from Mean Girls? I couldn't name a single one. Favorite character from Finding Nemo? Dory, always. I was obsessed. OBSESSED. With Dory. I'm not kidding when I say I wanted to change my real name to Dory. Now in adulthood, Gill is high on my list too, probably #2. In a fight with someone? No. Do you tan a lot? Never. Have you ever been on a horse? Yes. I want to legitimately ride one one day, not just at a carnival and such. Are you a vegetarian? I wish, but the juncture I was is over. I had to stop for nutrition's sake as well as easier weight loss. After you truly look into the process of killing the animal... it's nauseating, even with the "humane" methods, which are not exactly so. No, I do not shame meat-eaters; we're omnivores and our diet is designed to include meat. It's just I personally wish I wasn't participating in that process by consuming what has been killed so gruesomely. What goal are you aiming for this year? Improving my mental health further is #1. I at the very least want to make considerable progress on my anxiety. Are you currently reading any books at the moment? Not really. I'm like a few pages into The Fault In Our Stars, but I'm not reading it anywhere near regularly. Would you own a Siamese cat? The cat I have now appears to have Siamese heritage! I love the breed, so obviously yes. Have you ever had an ultimate adrenaline rush? Maybe? Idk. Do you like deviled eggs? I absolutely, positively loathe them. I hate yolk. What’s the farthest you’ve walked? Hm, I dunno. Maybe through Disney World as a kid or a trip to the zoo? What is your favorite horror movie? I like both The Blair Witch Projects. Have you ever seen a rooster? Yeah. When are you likely to hide your emotions? When I'm jealous, probably. Which is scarier: Dying of thirst or of starvation? I mean I don't know how either would feel, but probably thirst? I feel like it would be quicker. When you turn on the TV, what channel do you flip to? I don't watch TV. Have you ever tried to help someone quit smoking? I've told Dad especially and Chelsea I wish they'd quit, usually indirectly to avoid feeling mean or rude. I'm 99% convinced it's gonna be lung cancer that kills my dad, and Chels does it way too much, especially with her age. What was the last comment someone made on your music taste? Mom pointed out how I can jump to heavy metal to some random indie stuff in the blink of an eye. Have you ever had to talk anyone out of suicide? I've tried. One in particular was a very close online friend, but I'm pretty sure she went through with it. Who in your family do you act like the most? Mom, I guess? What was the last topic that you ranted about? RANTS WITH SARA ARE THE FUCKING BEST. Probably her, but idr what. Is there someone that makes you feel like you’re walking on eggshells? Not anymore. Have you ever been in a physical fight on school grounds? No. Have you written anything in a bathroom stall? What, if anything? No. Was there ever a time when you wished you’d never been born? Yup. Who is the most sensitive person that you know? Uh, me. Have you ever had a tooth (or teeth) pulled? No. You can have one famous person’s wardrobe; who do you choose, and why? Suzy Hanson is an i c o n. When was the last time you wrote someone a note? Oh idk. It may have been the end of '17 when I sent Jason that final/closure letter. Do you tell your parents before you go somewhere, or just leave? I tell Mom. What was the last thing you tried to get out of doing? Hm. I dunno. If someone makes fun of you, are you able to laugh it off? NOPE. HI AVPD I SEE YOU. When was the last time that you watched the sun come up? Not since that time my sis, her best friend, and I stayed up all night. We went on like two walks and went swimming; my mother woke up very confused lmao. Have you ever (purposely or accidentally) played with someone’s heart? Not to my recollection. Has anyone ever played with yours? I don't believe he did so deliberately as some game. When was the last time someone told you to turn your music down? During a car ride with my mom at some point. I always control the music and yeah, it's a bit too loud sometimes. Are you one to spend a lot of time in the bathroom? No. How many times a day, on average, do you look at the time? I dunno, frequently? It's not as if I'm ever away from the laptop long, and a clock's right there. Do you like the smell of cinnamon? Omg yes. Do you like frogs? Yeah! Are you afraid of dying? Not really. The older I've gotten the more I've become comfortable with it just being a part of life. I sure don't want death to come prematurely, but I still don't really worry about what's after death. I'm fearful of the process, but not it itself. Do you consider yourself politically intelligent? NO. I'm clueless. Hence why I'm neutral on a lot. Do you like pixie sticks? Ye. Do you like French toast? I would die for the perfect French toast probably. Are you good at doing math in your head? No; I can't do even simple math up there. Do you know a lot about history? Definitely not. Name a TV show that you absolutely can’t stand. Rooster Teeth was the first to come to mind. Do you look like your age? I guess. The past two times I've had alcohol at a restaurant I wasn't carded... though that makes me fear I look even older. x_x Do you feel confident in a bathing suit? Fuck no. Have you ever had a concussion? Once. Sucked major dick. Do you like hot tubs? For a little bit. Do you know anyone who is battling cancer? Not currently, at least I think. Have you ever donated money to a charity? Yeah. Do you like the color lime green? Sure. Do you wish you could change something about your hair? Can I dye it already please????? Have you ever gotten a makeover? No. Do you think the minions from Despicable Me are cute? They annoy the fuck outta me. Did you have a Gameboy as a child? Yes; still have it, actually. Have you ever auditioned for a talent competition? No. Do you like the Silent Hill movies? Seeing this question made me so happy asjfjfweowq. The first is good, though I had some complaints about the altering of the plot. I warmed up to it quite a bit with time, though; I was just biased towards the game, which I still do like more. The second is... objectively trash as a plot, all the hell over the place. I think the entire fandom agrees with that. The only things I really enjoyed about it were of course Red Pyramid/Pyramid Head and the carousel scene with Dark Alessa. Tell me something you’ve been made fun of for in the past. I'm always on some type of technology. I fucking hate it. Do you support war? I'm a pacifist. Guess. Do you send messages on Facebook a lot? Nope; if I do it's only ever to Girt, really. Do you use the word “hello” daily? No. Who’s the biggest hugger you know? Idk. Where did you get your worst scar from? I can't see it, but I'm assuming the one from my surgery. Do you like Coco Pebbles the cereal? I used to find them okay, but haven't had 'em in years. Do you stick your tongue out often in pictures? No. Honestly have you ever purchased something, wore it, and then returned it? Maybe? I don't think so, though... I'd feel too bad. At least me now would. Which one of your family members are you closest to? My mom. If chocolate was an illegal drug - would you be a drug addict? I assume you mean it became illegal just the way is/with no new risks to it? In that case, I wouldn't be an addict or go out of my way to get it, but if there was a piece of chocolate easily available to me, yeah, I'd eat it. Would you rather have name brand shoes or name brand clothes? Shoes, because they're obvs. gonna be of better quality and I care about walking comfortably more that "fancy" clothes. Which is worse: onion breath or garlic breath? Oh idk, both are. Ew. When was the last time you got a shot? When I was at the dentist a few months back and they had to fill a cavity, thus I had numbing shots. They had to give me way more than usual, though, which I thought was odd. I just wasn't getting numb enough until like, 6+ in. Are you proud of your parents? I'm very proud of how Dad has developed as a person, and I have immense respect for my mom for how she works her ASS off to keep her kids safe, healthy, and well-provided for. I could never do all she does. Do you say “soda” or “pop”? "Soda." Are you shy about singing in front of people? YES. Which is better: orange or grape soda? Orange; not a fan of grape soda. Who was the last person in your house who isn’t family? Good question.
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Survey #70
“so break me down if it makes you feel right.”
if you’re a girl, do you have big hips? too big? not really. when was the last time you had alcohol? what kind? yesterday. black cherry mike's hard lemonade. girls, do you think you look good in dresses or not? some with sleeves, sure. do your parents treat you like you’re still a child? sometimes. what is the one stereotype people label you as most? i get emo a lot. i really don't care what stereotype i am. can people normally tell your mood, by your facial expression? yeah, honestly. i am SHIT at hiding my emotions. what are the initials of your last ex/ bf or gf? jar. how're you on this fine day? i'm at the tail end of a bad, bad, baaad panic attack. i went to bed crying last night and woke up a while ago; i couldn't sleep. i talked to my long-time friend jurro, who always has great advice to give me. they brought up the possibility of me having bpd (which has been brought up to me before), especially with my obvious favoritism towards jason. i read more about it, and i really think it's a liable diagnosis, and i guess that gave me some relief? i'm going to bring it up to my therapist, who i really need to see soon. describe the main problem with your last relationship? i've explained this so many times, yet i feel the need to keep fucking talking about it. the only real issue was jason not supporting me enough. by that i mean, he got tired of my depression. he didn't want to deal with it anymore. not that i blame him. i live with it and i don't want to deal with it anymore, but guess who can't leave it without destroying herself? if he truly gave a shit, it should've been the same for him. for so long, three and a half fucking years, he was there, and he did everything he could. then he just... snapped one day, i guess. so fucking sorry i'm too weak to make it on my own. what was the last thing that offended you? i'm not sure, honestly. probably something colleen said. what’s on your shower curtain? nothing. it's blank. what sounds do you hear? "alone i break" by korn is playing, and the tv's on. who was the newest addition to your family? ryder, my sister's son, is the newest, i believe. do you like muse? i like a few songs. "unnatural selection" is my SHIT. what was your first ever pet? we had a collie named trigger. she was a wonderful dog. have you ever been bit by an animal? never viciously, no. i remember once my lizard bit me when he was scared once (his light had been dead all day, so he was freezing), but it was barely even a nibble. i think i've told of the time my dog teddy bit towards me in a merely very "i'm warning you" type way. where is the person you miss the most right now? i would hope he's in bed asleep. how often do you take naps? every day, usually... typically after i'm up for an hour or less, i feel fucking exhausted and go back to sleep lol. are you planning any special outings with family or friends? not any "outings," but on saturday, the day before my birthday, mom and i are going to colleen's and i, for one, am getting drunk as fuck to forget some shit for a while. do you ever wear lipstick? what color(s) do you prefer? yes, i wear black, usually. what was the last alcoholic drink you tried for the first time? smirnoff. it was okay. what’s your favorite feature of the person you’re currently interested in? his silly smile melts my fucking heart. the last song you listened to - does it remind you of anyone? "somebody, someone" by korn. and yeah. me. who was the last person to give you a hickey? only person to ever was jason. who was your high school’s most popular girl? that's debatable. idk. would you like to learn to play the harp? omg i always did as a child. what is the most drinks you’ve had in one night? was it five... maybe six? it was VERY weak alcohol, though. when is the last time you parked in a covered parking lot? probs when colleen, bradley, and i went to the beach last may. we had to drive through a great number of parking lots to find ONE spot. has a friend ever betrayed you? oh, you mean that time someone way more than a friend tried to lift me up, but only let go half-way in the effort? yeah. been there. is teenage pregnancy common in your area? eh, no less or more than other places, i guess. do you see the new year as a fresh start? no. do your parents own their house or is it rented? the house i live in with mom is rented. i'm almost positive dad's and kim's is owned. have you ever joined in a protest? if so, what against? no. it'd be a cold day in hell before something like a protest happened here in nc. do people ever complain that you’re too quiet? always. and i don't get why it's just that: a complaint. being quiet isn't a bad thing. do you know anyone that’s ever suffered from post natal depression? i have a friend who's suffering with it now. do you like black licorice? i don't like licorice period. do you sleep in your bra? fuck that. what would you do if someone smacked your butt? well, who's doing it and where are we? if it was jason, he'd get pinned against a damn wall while i kiss him. anyone else, with the mood i'm in, i'd slap the shit out of them. dog ever licked you down there? wHAT THE FUCK do you think you’ll be a MILF? lmao no. would you immediately look for someone right after you and your bf/gf broke up? if we were in a serious relationship, obviously not. i'd need to recover. do you sleep naked, or nearly so? no. i used to sleep without a shirt when i lived in the apartment because i was cooler, but for obvious reasons, i'm not comfortable doing that with my mother and little sister in this house. will you kiss the last person you kissed again? honestly, it'd be a dream come true. do you wish someone was dead? i wish i didn't. what is your dad’s name? kenneth, or just "ken" would you ever like to meet marilyn manson? debatable. he's one of my favorite artists, but from what i know of him, he's not a person i'd agree with on almost anything. what do you look like right now? i don't fucking know, a person?? a heavily depressed son of a bitch??? how many of your friends play world of warcraft? i did. i really don't know if i'll go back to it when i get my computer fixed. my friends sam, girt, and alex also play(ed). is your dad bald? he's not. do you remember the name of the first bar you ever went to? i've never been to a bar. have no plans to go to one, really. have you ever made a sex tape? no, and i never will. have you ever drank cough syrup to get high? no. have you ever felt yourself fainting? i have. would you ever own a rat? i've owned four: tezzeret, rhoka, rhett, and link. i may get another some day, but this time, from a breeder. would you or do you ever spank your kids?  NO. do you look pretty today? no. my eyes are red and watery, i haven't brushed my hair yet... do you feel you’re capable of being loved? no. if jason couldn't, no one can. have you ever felt lifeless? i have. many times. weirdest shit, to feel like that and still be perfectly alive. do you remember the first alcoholic drink you ever had? yeah. pink lemonade mike's hard. do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? i want jason, not necessarily anyone else. do you chew on your straws? no. do you plan on moving out within the next year? no, i don't. are you a forgiving person? too much so, usually... what is your all-time favorite romance movie? "the notebook" murders me every time. have you ever purchased condoms? i haven't, but jason bought them for us once. i got really close to leaving behind my abstinence once, and because of that, he said he did it just to be safe. we never used them, but it was a smart decision. have you ever had shower sex? no. i'm honestly not that into the idea. have you ever caught someone else watching porn? no. what size shoe are you? seven and a half, i think... have you ever sent a nude snapchat? no, i don't have a snapchat. what to you would the perfect life consist of? honestly, you could wipe out everything, and just give me jason. let us have one child to cherish beyond vocalization. and i would be happy. have you ever had a sexy skype chat? ha ha no, the only times i've ever chatted on skype with webcam was with jason, and we were ever only lazy bums in our pajamas... have you ever had a sexual gay experience?  i have not. have you ever shoplifted?  i have not. is there a guy who you can go to with no make-up on in sweatpants and bedhead and he couldn’t care less? girt, probably. jason, if he was still around. do you and your family pray before eating dinner? only on thanksgiving, really. what’s something you’ll always refuse to do? i mean, lots of things. i'd never have an abortion, get a divorce unless my spouse became violent/dangerous, various other things... what’s the best thing at mcdonald’s? i seriously like their cheeseburgers. would you ever get a tattoo of your favorite band or singer’s name? no. i plan on getting MANY lyrics tattooed on me, though. what’s your iood/mp3 player like? it's a super old, pink nano-type. it's way past its life expectancy. has a few scuffs and scratches here and there. do you own any form of a gameboy? i do; my sisters and i all had/have one. they don't all work anymore, though. what’s the best part about halloween? D E C O R A T I N G!!! do you have any pets and do you want any(more)? we have three dogs, teddy (beagle/cocker spaniel), cali (boxer mix), and bentley (jack russel mix), and one cat named lexi. i'm currently only really wanting a ball python morph, but adopting a lizard again would be nice... a rat, too... what’s the best pokemon? ninetales is the best! but i also reeeaaally like espeon and umbreon. do you play any sport? no. i haven't played sports since dance. do you watch beauty pageants? absolutely not. i disagree with their entire concept. do you like nutella? i do, very much so. are you into ripped jeans? yes. makes them appear more dynamic and interesting. which band has the best name, in your opinion? i'm not sure. none come to mind immediately... do kids often knock on your door on halloween? they never do. we live in what can barely even be considered a neighborhood, just a couple houses in the middle of the woods. have you ever witnessed an extreme act of animal cruelty? thank heavens, no. have you ever actually woken up screaming because of a nightmare? yes. i was sleeping on the recliner with jason and nearly gave him a heart attack. how many people in your family have blue eyes? idk, but not many. the only ones i know of are myself, my deceased grandpa, my half-brother, and my niece. who is your favorite actor/actress? probably betty white and johnny depp if you could choose to be any mythical character, which would you choose? i'd be a dragon, far away from human civilization so people won't want to kill me for no particular reason... are you satisfied with your gender? even if i wasn't, what would i do about it? do you post to say happy birthday on other people’s walls? honestly depends on how close we are and my mood. have there ever been floods where you live? many. do you listen to k-pop? i never have. i have an acquaintance from high school that's like in love with it though. do you know (of) anyone who has committed suicide? i know of people, yes. most notably my sister's ex. there's potential that i know someone who has, too, as i knew her online, she was heavily suicidal, then she just vanished. do you eat meat every day? usually, typically at dinner. do you like your country’s president or prime minister? no, i don't. i agree with some of his policies, most notably his outlook on abortion, but overall, i cannot stand him. he has a horrid, childish attitude, and a relatively naive outlook on things. do you listen to christmas music during the holiday season? i don't. virginia, jason's mom, always did though. she loved the holidays and was always so expressive of her enjoyment of them all. i miss her... i hope she's doing well, too. she had a few health issues. do you like ginger ale? only when i'm ill. what color is your can of deodorant? it's baby blue. what is the middle name of the last person you texted? marie how far do you live from the ocean? ehhh, like three hours, probably less. are you a fan of eminem? he's the only rapper i'd consider myself a fan of. he actually sings about shit that matters on a regular basis. do you wear a ring on your finger? i have a ruby/garnet/whatever on my right ring finger, and i want to fix the ring jason gave me to wear on my left pointer finger... but it's in a box somewhere. i had it in the jewelry box he bought me, but most of our shit's been packed up from when we were threatened with eviction, and personally i don't feel like going through dozens of boxes. do you like the song ‘i kissed a girl’ by katy perry? i'll admit it's catchy and reminds me of when i was younger. the last person you kissed, is he/she single now? last i checked, no. how many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? hundreds of times. does it bother you when people smoke around you? honestly, yes. but i don't say anything. ever kissed a smoker? no, and i highly doubt i ever will. a smoker has kissed me, though. do you know anyone who has their eyebrow pierced? a former friend did when did you last talk to your brother or sister? i couldn't tell you. ashley doesn't live here and nicole doesn't say a word to me unless she needs something or if i initiate conversation. do you prefer regular bacon or turkey bacon? regular bacon would you ever buy a motorcycle? no. too dangerous. most attractive singer/s of your opposite gender? james hetfield of metallica like fuck me he could be my daddy in more than one way can insanity bring on more creativity? it does, but it's not something i'd advise pursuing. basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? maroon. where is your mom? she's currently at mrs. ricks' house, a patient she takes care of. have you slept over at a member of the opposite sex’s house in their bed? with jason, hundreds of times. how long until your next birthday?  four days!! ;v; favorite thing to do on tumblr? see what gay shit is going down in the r&l community. have you ever experienced being hysterical? it's a familiar feeling. have you ever ridden a boat? i have. has anyone ever threatened to hurt you? what did you do?   yes, by a lovely little bitch named rachel.  and when things truly escalated, i told my mother.  call me a tattle-tail for it, but i wasn't an adult at the time.  we were both teenagers.  mom was so pissed that she confronted her father about the issue (she knew where she lived because my older sister has a history with the bitch, too...), and while he spoke to rachel supposedly, he didn't seem to give a shit.  the behavior stopped, though. have you ever seen someone’s personality change completely in a manner of minutes? what was it like?   no, thankfully. do you tend to expect the best or the worst of people?   the worst.  i have no reason to behave otherwise. what color are your pants?   mostly black, but there's also a graphic of classic harley quinn with "hey, puddin'" written beneath her.  tbh i usually wore these if i wanted attention from jason lmao kill me. any turn ons?   whispering, neck kisses/bites, very gentle choking, gentle touching in general, other things i'm just not thinking of right now... what's your cover photo on facebook?   it's a picture of jason and me from our second prom.  we're smiling at each other. any turn offs?   bad hygiene, being rough, being violent, etc... most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen (in real life)?   jason's humility and him softening as a person in general. are you more of an independent person or dependent person?   i'm honestly extremely dependent. are you usually the first to forgive in a fight?   it sure seems that way. do you prefer boys to shave down there?   i don't care.  do what makes him feel more comfortable in himself. do you think it’s appropriate to keep naked pictures of an ex, or should you delete them when you break up?   it definitely does sound appropriate to have naked pictures. would you ever get a back tattoo?   i already have one planned for along my spine: "once upon a time, i ripped the wings from my spine, but when i hide inside your eyes, i still pretend that i can fly."  it's one of my favorite lyrics from otep. favorite kind of bean? kidney? black? pinto?   i absolutely hate beans. when you get married what do you think you’ll put most of your focus and money into?   keeping my husband happy, preparing for children, etc... do you have photoshop? if so, how often a day do you use it?   i had to have it for school.  i like... never use it. wonder woman or cat woman?   cat woman. would you like other people to see your survey answers?   i'm neutral.  like i guess it helps when people wanna talk/give me advice from their unique perspective, but i don't want people to bother with me? do you often feel guilty?
   i fucking always do.  about everything. have you ever had a serious mental break down?   you know, like, every week. how long was your longest relationship?   three and a half years did you ever honestly believe you were going to marry your high school boyfriend/girlfriend?   yes.  i did.  i still refuse to believe i won't.  he was my favorite person, and still is.  but what happens when you're breaking down your fp, entirely inadvertently, while they're building you up?  ka-boom.  i guess that's just what i did to him. are you a virgin? do you believe virginity is “sacred”?   i am, and yes, it is.  i refuse to just give it up to any 'ole body. what’s a song you recently discovered that you want to tell everyone about?   "breakdown" by seether.  i wonder  if it's how jason feels towards me. does the last person you kissed have freckles?   no, he doesn't. assuming you’re in love or have been in love before, how does or did it make you feel?   on top of the world.  that first realization that i was in love with him... it was like being born again.  but in a new dimension.  stick with me here.  i was in a new world where nothing could hurt me, because he was my shield, and i was also his.  we were one.  partners.  two names, one soul.  he was the reason i could rest, because his eyes were open while i slept.  i could reveal myself to him, because his heart and mind were opened.  he took all that shit and crushed it beneath his heel, though, so i guess it doesn't really matter. in school, what subjects did you achieve your highest grades in?   usually english or science. what’s the age difference between yourself and your best friend?   less than a year. has someone close to you ever told you they were going to commit suicide because of you?   oh my god, no.  i'd die. do you like opossums? do you think it is ethically right for others to keep opossums as pets?   i LOVE opossums!  they're so cute!  as for if it's ethically right to keep them as pets, i'm honestly not sure as i'm not well-educated on what they would require as a house animal.  i mean i certainly wouldn't agree with someone taking them out of their natural habitat to be a pet, but i guess i'd be fine with someone raising an abandoned opossum baby, so long they gave them the care necessary. what is your favorite unhealthy drink that you like to consume (if you have one, that is)?   mountain dew, the voltage variety being my favorite.  i know it's wiiiildly bad for you, but omg i love it. what are your thoughts on nihilism?   it's rather sad, and can also be so dangerous if you truly believe nothing has meaning/nothing matters. when and where was the last time you were or felt lost?   daily???  i haven't mentally felt like i'm "home" for a long, loooong time. has a tree ever fallen down on your house? 
  two or three times, lmao.  oh wait no, one of those times is where it fell on the propane tank beside our house (it didn't explode, it was literally inches from the top of it, though).  the only time i clearly remember a tree falling on the house is when the tree collapsed literally on top of my room, and i slept through it.  dad had to saw the tree multiple times to get it off the house, and we had to get some leaks patched. do you know anyone that actually looks good wearing bright red lip stick?   i don't think i look too bad with it. if you were poor, living on the streets, & had no family to aid you, would you take up a job offer to work in a slaughterhouse?   i... maybe.  living on the streets has to be a literal nightmare, so i doubt a slaughterhouse would be much worse... but killing animals, i would literally cry on a daily basis.  i don't know if i could do it. do you feel sorry for the people who get killed by their pets [some people own / tend to monkeys, tigers, lions, snakes, etc. & get killed by them] or do you think they had it coming?   i mean i would never not feel sorry for someone who died, but at the same time, i would agree it to be foolish to keep a dangerous animal. whose facebook password do you have?   no one's but my own. have you ever wanted to strip naked in front of someone?   and i did. how often do you go to church?   i try to go with colleen every weekend now.  she's just been really sick lately, so we haven't been going. speaking of church, are you going to heaven or hell?   ... i don't know anymore.  like, i accept jesus as my lord and savior, etc., but i feel so wicked sometimes.  like... i wish death upon someone i don't know.  i love someone more than i do god and jesus.  i've been furious with god lately.  heaven probably doesn't want me. would you date/hook up with your brother’s best friend?   no, he'd be too old for me personally. have you ever wondered what it’s like to have sex on a trampoline?   well.  hot damn.  there's another one on my bucket list lmao. what is the weirdest music video you’ve ever seen?   hmm.  not sure. what is something of which you need more in your life?   social interaction.  i'm an introvert and all, but i don't have enough company throughout my days. do you enjoy talking about music with others?   YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS I WILL TALK FOR HOURS what are the color of your walls? do you want to repaint?   boring white/beige/whatever.  i'd like to repaint, sure, but this house is rented, not owned, so we can't. do you have any siblings who neglect you?   ... i feel that way, yeah.  my older half-siblings i don't feel that way, 'cuz they live forever away and have busy, adult lives, and even ashley is very busy, but nicole, who lives with me... i feel like she doesn't care.  she's never home and acts like she lives with her good-for-nothing boyfriend, and when she is here, she doesn't talk to me.  doesn't look at me.  never says a word to me, even when she knows i need comfort.  she doesn't interact with me period unless i initiate conversation.  i just.  feel like when she/me/we move out, we'll never talk again.  i don't want to lose my little sister. what were the last three movies you watched in theaters?   "trolls," "the jungle book," and uhhh... i'm not sure. do you believe in ghosts, spirits or demons?   spirits/ghosts/whatever have you, demons, and angels. did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls?   until the news of a dirty syringe being found in a local one, yes. are you attracted to the last person that kissed you?   i am.  when i first met him, i thought he looked "odd," and he does look rather different, but i honestly believe him to be handsome. what did you do yesterday?   not much at all...  sat on the computer.  talked to a couple online friends.  talked with colleen.  cried a lot. something you really want right now?   honestly all i want is to cuddle with j right now.  underneath a big, fleecy blanket, and just watch our old, favorite shows. do you look more like your mom or your dad?   debatable.  i've heard both. describe your looks to us:   i am 5'4'', white and very pale, overweight with my weight pretty evenly distributed, i have lithe hands with long fingers and very small toes.  i have blue eyes that sometimes look more greenish or grayish.  my ears are pierced multiple times, as well as my nose.  i have three tattoos.  my hair just reaches my breasts and is ruby-red in coloration.  how i dress varies greatly. could you forgive a boyfriend or friend who physically hurt you?   no, fuck you. are you afraid of death?   i am.  i'm most concerned about how badly it'll hurt/how i'll die. do you think you’ll be one of those people that will get a divorce in the future?   no, because i'd literally refuse to leave my spouse unless he became dangerous. last person you kissed on the lips said that you were the only one they wanted, would you believe them?   if he leaves his current girlfriend, sure. are thongs sexy?   not to me... but then again, i'm not attracted to feminine garb. is penetration important to you?   considering i was fine doing purely foreplay with jason/having no penal-vaginal penetration, no, it's not very important. what is your sexuality?   i am heterosexual, but have some asexual tendencies, ex. i am not physically attracted to male genitalia. do you prefer long or short hair on the opposite sex?   long is fucking sexy. would you rather have 10 siblings or be an only?   ten.  that'd be cool. what is your opinion on legalizing drugs?   it's fucking stupid to even mildly consider it.  i know a lot of people think it will lessen crime with drugs, but ha, i HIGHLY doubt it.  besides that, why legalize something dangerous?  murder's wrong, should we legalize that shit, too?  and i mean, we already have enough controversy over things like cigarettes and alcohol, two very dangerous things, why add another to the mix? do you drink coffee on a regular basis?   no, i hate coffee. do you like country music?   no, i don't.  it's very rare that once in a while i'll hear a song i like, but it's seldom. are you afraid of black cats?   not at all. do you watch the lightning during storms?   omgggg yes what is the weirdest thing you have ever done with a crush or significant other?   i guess you could consider borderline fucking on a chaise in the open living room "weird?"  but shit was fun. do you shave your arms even though it supposedly grows back thick?   i shave my underarms, not my arms. do you ever get too lazy to clean up your pet’s pee and leave it for your parents to do it?   no, if teddy pees, i clean it up. what insects or bugs do you fear most?   rhinoceros beetles are fucking terrifying, praying mantises are kinda scary... i also just don't like beetles in general. do you think weed is just as bad as cigarettes?   it's worse.  it's been proven to have more carcinogens. who taught you to drive, and were you happy with their approach?   my driver's ed teacher was mr... cone, i think?  he was fine.  besides him, mom taught me to drive, and she was waaaay too strict/yelled a lot. do you get seasick or carsick?   carsick, no.  seasick, i'm not entirely sure.  i've only been on a boat on the ocean once, and it was my anxiety that nearly made me puke. is sex on your mind more than 3 times a day?   lately, yeah. do you like it up against the wall?   errr, i'm going to just go along with this.  i wouldn't know, never tried, but sounds fun. are you smiling?   lmao what do you think, i just sit at my computer smiling like a madman all day? what has been the most traumatic experience of your life? does it still bother you?   by far, jason leaving me.  and obviously, as i've been diagnosed with ptsd because of it. was your last kiss drunk or sober?   i've never kissed someone while drunk, so. have your lips ever gone numb from kissing?   lmao, that's possible?  i've kissed for hours on end and have never experienced that. why did you first kiss the last person you kissed?   because i really liked him.  why else? are monday mornings the hardest mornings to wake up to?   no no no, new gmm!! do you want to know the date of your death?   absolutely not. have you ever kissed an ex after you broke up?   no. do you wear hair extensions?   nah. do you wear eyeliner?   if i ever wear makeup, yes, i always do. do either of your parents have tattoos?   neither do.  mom wants one, though. your phone is ringing. it’s your ex. what do you say?   "hi, sweetheart." what is your natural hair color?   i was born dirty blonde, but it turned brown with age. is your dream job attainable?   realistically, for me, no.  i'd like to be a meerkat biologist, but i'm not moving to africa. have you ever been to a drive-in theatre?   no, but that'd be soooo fun! :( what moment in your life have you been most scared?   those first moments after jason told me it was over.  the moment i told mom, "jason broke up with me," because it was my true acknowledgment that it was over.  can you imagine how it'd feel like to be skinned alive?  to have all your flesh ripped away, leaving you bare and vulnerable?  that's what it felt like. do movies such as ‘saw’ and ‘the grudge’ scare you easily?   "the grudge" is a fucking awesome movie (think i've only seen the second, tho), but i'm not a "saw" fan.  i just... eh, they're too bloody.  to an exaggerated degree.  and i don't like seeing people so scared. do you have an ipod? how many songs are on it?   yes, and over 1,000.  i sometimes have to delete songs to make room for more. how do you get to school?   i'm not in school anymore, but when i was, mom always drove me there. would you ever consider adopting a child with a severe mental illness?   i don't really want to adopt period, but i don't know if hypothetically i would, but merely for the child's own well-being.  i am seriously mentally ill, and because of this, i don't really know if i'm capable of raising said child in a completely healthy environment. gas prices...first thought?   lower than they used to be, at least.  i remember when they were over $4.00 favorite non sexual thing to do with girl/boy?   play two-player video games together. :D
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