#I know the type of guys I tend to go for makes it harder
dumb-doll-lips · 11 months
So I have this week off work.
I like knew I’d end up spending some of it sad.
But like I didn’t expect the sads to hit within a couple hours of waking up in the first day off.
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bobafetts-princess · 8 days
Surprise: The Sequel
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Pairings: Ghost x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2800
Warnings: PiV, we wrap shit up in this one, a little butt stuff, spit kink, biting, cursing, choking. Reader is a little subby here. This is a fic centered on the reader ovulating and being really horny. Heed warnings accordingly.
Author notes: Yes, this was written when I personally was ovulating and I needed an outlet. Please enjoy 😊
Companion piece to Surprise
“My back fucking hurts,” you grumble to yourself, not really meaning for anyone to hear. But Soap, with his fucking bat ears, does.
“Wan’ me to massage it for yah?” He drawls in his thick Scottish accent. He’s been eying you all day and you can’t figure out why. You’re not dressed any different, you didn’t do your hair any different. You didn’t flirt with him, at least anymore than normal. Soap is the type of guy you can flirt with without realizing it. He’s soft and easy-going with a big personality and the ability to make anyone feel special.
“Mind your business, Soap,” snaps Simon-Ghost-Lieutenant (you’re not really sure what to call him anymore) as he comes in the door. You’re sitting at a desk, writing reports on your latest mission and Soap is at his desk on the left of yours, writing his own.
“Aye L.T. But I do feel like her business is my business,” he chuckles and Ghost flicks him a look as he gets up.
“Why’s your back hurt, Blue?” Ghost asks, hand gripping the back of your chair.
“Not sure, L.T.,” you say but then a cramp hits your lower belly. It’s not your period, definitely not your period, that was two weeks ago. So this means- “Damnit,” you curse under your breath.
“What’s wrong?” Both men ask at the same time, Soap moving to stand by Ghost. Another cramp hits your stomach and you have to stifle a groan.
“Nothing important,” you tell them both but they don’t believe you. But Price walks in, looking for an update on the reports and the subject is dropped. He’s standing over your shoulder and you don’t miss the way he keeps looking down at you, the easy way he smiles at you.
“Looking good today, Blue. Did you do something different with your hair?” Price mentions and you know he doesn’t mean it to be creepy. He’s genuinely trying to be nice and give you a compliment, you don’t get many when your literal job is to commit crimes for the sake of queen and country. But you know the real reason he’s looking at you different.
Your ovulation cycle hits harder than your menstruation cycle, the older you get. Your cramps are worse and men tend to notice you more. They flirt with you easier, they check you out with more purpose. Your skin clears and has this tone to that makes you look perpetually flustered. It’s all very flattering but also, quite annoying. Biology is doing its work, but you don’t want it to. The thing that drives you most insane is that you preen under the attention. You like being noticed when you’re ovulating. You like the way Ghosts eyes are dragging across your hips. You like the easy smile Johnny gives you when he’s flirting. You like the way Price’s eyes struggle to stay in their rightful place.
“Nah, just brushed it this morning, that’s all Captain,” there’s a flash of something in his eyes when you call him by his rank but you can’t unpack it right now. You stand, surprising Price and mumble “I’ll be back,” before you bolt.
Ghost waits an appropriate amount of time before he follows, shoving back his chair with some lame excuse so he can follow you.
He finds you in seconds, heading down the hallway in the general direction of his quarters. As a lieutenant, he gets his own space and as he watches your hips sway he’s thankful for it.
“Blue,” he calls out and you still.
“Not now, Ghost,” you say but you don’t move. His long strides catch up to you in no time and his hand presses into your back.
“What’s the matter?” He asks, and you sigh.
“I’m ovulating,” you tell him, pressing into his hand and relishing the feel of his warmth.
“What’s that mean?” He knows that’s your fertile period and you can get pregnant but he’s not sure on the specifics.
“I’m so horny,” you whine, twisting your neck to look up at him and he wants to dip down and run his nose alone the soft skin there. It takes your words a second to click but when they do, he’s shoving you down the hallway and into his room, locking the door behind him.
Ghost has you on your knees and you’re taking him. Your pussy is slick with your orgasms and your back is slick with sweat. You’re dropped down to your chest on the bed, fingers gripping the sheets as you cry out. It’s not helping though, because every one of Simon’s powerful thrusts pushes you up the bed.
“This fuckin’ pussy,” he snarls from under his mask. Since that day in the shower you’ve had this tryst going on regularly and it’s been satisfying for the both of you. “Fuck, you take me so well,” he grunts as his hand presses into your shoulders to hold you down. “Love when you submit to me,” he says but you think you can take it a step further. You move your hands from the sheets to behind your back, gripping your forearms as your face presses into the bed. Simon groans deeply as he slides his hand down your back to press down on your forearms. “Look so pretty takin’ my cock like this, Blue,” he snarls and you know he’s getting close. You’ve already cum several times, so you’re not concerned about finishing when he does, but Simon is. His hips ratchet up a notch and you hear the distinctive sound of something in Simon’s mouth. You’re about to peek over your shoulder to see what he’s doing when his thick thumb presses up against your asshole. You gasp and still underneath him as he presses circles into the tight ring.
“I’d love to watch you take me here,” he grunts before he pushes his thumb in. Your whole body tenses but you’re pinned. His hands are still pressing your own into your lower back and his finger in your ass is up to the first knuckle. You’re going to lose your mind, you can’t even scream because your face is pressed into the mattress. He continues pressing until he’s got his whole thumb in your ass and you’re gone. You’re so full, so thoroughly worked over that you when Ghost-Simon-whatever you’re calling each other these days, picks up his thrusts you’re blind with pleasure.
He’s putting you through the mattress, his hulking body pressing yours down. You break first, your body clamping down as you cum. He’s so heavy, so thick, and you’re so overwhelmed but Ghost isn’t done yet. He’s growling deep in his throat, snarling something about what a good little slut you are for him and you know he’s right at the edge of breaking. You feel something sharp against your shoulder and it takes you a few seconds to realize he sank his teeth into the soft flesh. He’d apparently never pulled his mask down after he’d wet his thumb and you feel his tongue soothe the sharp sting his bite left. You lay like that for a second, Ghost’s body laying across yours as you both pant with the exertion. Simon’s tongue licks a hot trail across your shoulder and up your neck, stopping at your ear.
“You’re a good fuck, Blue. Y’know that?” You laugh aloud because any kind of compliment coming from Simon Riley is noteworthy.
“Thanks, you’re not so bad yourself,” you flash a grin at him as he peels off of you, moving to dispose the condom. He comes back and his mask is still pushed up to his nose and his grin would’ve knocked you over if you weren’t already laying down.
“Not so bad, eh? Do I need to split you apart on my cock again so you know how good I can be?” He chuckles, dark and dangerous as he crawls on the bed and stares down at you. His huge hand finds your throat, squeezing and reminding you just how dangerous he can be. But the only thing you feel right now is another how streak of lust through your nerve endings. Your nipples are tight and when he flicks them, a sharp gasp escapes your mouth. Ghost takes the opportunity at hand and pulls you up to him by the throat, shoving his tongue in your mouth. It’s not the first time you’ve kissed but it’s one of the only. You can feel him hardening against your thigh and you can feel how slick you are. His fingers squeeze as he trails his lips down your neck, over where his thumb is digging into the soft flesh.
You’re aching, ready to be filled again, when Ghost speaks in your ear.
“I want to taste you, Blue,” he grunts but you shake your head as best you can with his hand wrapped around your throat.
“Later. Want your cock,” you tell him and he nods, releasing you to get another condom. You desperately want to tell him not to use one, but you are smack in the middle of ovulating and the risk of pregnancy is much higher than if you weren’t. You’re not in a place where you can have a baby and you don’t think Simon is ready to be a father, he may not ever be. But god, the idea of dripping with his cum all day? It’s got you clenching between your legs.
Simon has the condom on, cock swinging between his thick thighs. He’d only managed to get his pants down to his knees the first time and the second time won’t be any different. He’s got a long sleeve shirt on bearing the British Army flag on it and even without all his tac gear he’s huge. Tall and bulky, with a menacing edge to him, you can see why people are terrified. But right now, all you are is horny. He slides between your thighs, lifting your hips and placing a pillow underneath them.
“Gonna take me?” He asks, circling a finger over your clit. You nod but he’s not content with that. “I asked you if you were going to take me, I expect an answer,” he growls from under his mask, pulled back down now.
“Yes, Lieutenant,” you breathe as he presses the head of his cock into you.
“Yes, Lieutenant, what?” He snaps, one hand on your tit, the other on the base of his cock.
“Yes, Lieutenant,-“ you gasp as he pushes into you.
“Go on,” he prompts, almost all the way in now. “Or I won’t fuck you. You can lay here and be my pretty little cock sleeve,” you clench around him, wishing he’d wrap one of those big hands around your throat again.
“Yes, Lieutenant, I’m gonna take all of your cock. Please, I want to take all of your cock.”
“Good girl,” he growls, low in your ear as his hand wraps back around your throat. His thrusts start slow but it doesn’t take long before he’s hitching one thigh up his back, the other pressing you down and pushing you to your limits. He’s more vocal this time, grunts and growls as he sits back on his heels to give himself more leverage. He’s got to be sensitive, it’s the second time in less than 30 minutes, and it shows. His fingers tighten every couple thrusts until you nearly can’t breathe but you know he wouldn’t hurt you. The other hand finds your tits, groping them and pulling at your nipples. He presses the thumb of the hand around your neck into your jaw until your mouth pops open. He pulls the mask above his mouth, leaning down, his eyes wide with question and you nod at him, sticking your tongue out in invitation. He gathers in his mouth before he leans down, spitting directly into your mouth before he closes your jaw and speaks.
“Swallow it.” You do as he asks, opening your mouth again and sticking out your tongue to show him. He groans deeply, gathering his spit again and spitting on your tongue. This time though, he keeps his thumb pressed into the hinge of your jaw so you don’t close it. “That’s my fuckin’ girl,” he snarls, his accent thicker as he pounds into you, “take everythin’ I fuckin’ give ya, don’t ya?” You nod desperately at him, mouth still open, tongue still covered in his spit. “Fuck yeah, ya do. I’m goin’ to cum, I know you’re close.” You nod at him again, pussy tightening as he spits into your mouth again, closing your jaw and telling you to swallow.
“Next time you’re gonna swallow my cum jus’ like that,” he tells you before he leans back, pressing a thumb against your clit. It only takes one, two, three swipes of his thumb before you’re over the edge, crying out his name and clinging to the hand still wrapped around your throat. He follows right along with you, slumping his heavy body against yours. “This will never get old,” he says as he rolls to the side slightly, still laying on you but not quite with his full weight.
“Yeah,” you agree, out of breath and worn down. Finally sated.
“Is it always like this when you ovulate?” He asks, picking himself up and disposing of the condom, for the second time. You nod as he comes back and picks up your underwear off the floor.
“It gets worse as I get older, like evolution is telling me to get a move on.” You stand as Simon holds your hand and helps you into your panties. “My cramps get worse and I get almost unbearably horny,” you tell him as he hunts down your tac pants and helps you into those too. He chuckles as he finds your sports bra, slipping it over your head.
“Maybe you should pop out a kid or two,” and your jaw drops.
“Yeah, sure! I’ll drop my whole life and have babies! Ruin my career, my tits, everything I’ve worked for just to give evolution the middle finger!” You exclaim, annoyed he’d even suggest it. But he’s fully laughing, searching for your shirt under the bed.
“I’s a joke, love. You don’t take those as well as you take my cock,” he husks, finding the army green tank and slipping it over your head. “Besides, it would be a shame to ruin these perfect tits,” he tells you, standing behind you and cupping said perfect tits. Fuck, you didn’t think you could go again but the way his thumbs are brushing over your nipples right now is making you question that. “Well, we better get back to writin’ our reports. Price’ll wonder why we’ve been gone so long,” he says, slapping you on the ass and striding out the door. You’re left panting and annoyed, but you follow after a reasonable amount of time and when you make it back to your desk, Soap is standing next to it looking like the cat that ate the canary.
“Aye, lass. Y’look good today. Exceptional even,” he drawls, and if you weren’t rolling your eyes you’d have noticed his own flick over to Ghost to gauge his reaction.
“Get off my desk, Johnny.”
“Will do, but would ya like t’have a drink with me tonight?” He’s leaned down, in your space, his bright eyes full of mischief.
“No.” You tell him, you’re not really annoyed with him but you are frustrated because Ghost left you horny and every bit as distracted as you were before he fucked you stupid. Your hand flashes out and connects with the inside of Soaps elbow, knocking him off his balance. Ghost chuckles from behind you at his own desk.
“Might wanna leave the girl alone, Johnny. I think she could kick your ass,”
“Ooh I might like that,” Johnny says, not fazed at all that you hit him. Ghost has to suppress a groan at the idea of watching you and Johnny wrestling for dominance. He’s pretty sure you would win and the idea of you fucking Johnny stupid the way he fucks you stupid has him hardening in his pants.
“Johnny,” you start, your voice all sugar sweet and sticky. “Can you do something for me?” Your tone is full of promise and Johnny’s eyes droop as he mutters a gentle ‘of course, lass’
“Go get me some Tylenol and coffee, Johnny,” you say, smacking him upside the head. Simon barks a laugh from behind you, and Johnny looks graciously indignant.
“Aye, lass. Whatever you want,” he’s no actually offended, but he played the part well. Off he slinks, to retrieve the items you’ve asked for and Ghost feels a rush of relief that he’s not the only person in this compound that cares for you.
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moon7jay · 7 months
i love your writing omg! the hoon non con one did things to my brain chemistry fr
can you do a mtl list of who in hyung line would have a corruption kink + elaborate if possible!
Thank u so much 🤍🤍
MTL to have corruption kink (enhypen hyung line)
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Hear me out on this, the introverted and reserved ones tend to be the freakiest. When he gets to know that you are a virgin he'd lose his damn mind, just thinking about being the first one to do dirty things to you strokes his man ego so much. And he doesn't believe in the idea of taking it slow, he'll be leaving provocative touches and talking filthy to u from the get go. Going as far as jerking off in front of u just to make u flustered, the sight of ur wide innocent eyes fixated on his dick instantly making him cum.
"You'll let me touch your princess parts won't u baby?"
Contrary to popular belief, heeseung is not as shy as he looks, especially not when it comes to the matters of pleasure. If he wants it, he takes it. He seems like someone who fucked around a bit to refine his baby making technique but when u come into life with cheeks blushing and eyes hesitant, his entire sexual energy gets directed towards u.
He'll start by asking u if u touch yourself, his dick hardening at the way u hesitate, if u say yes he's gonna go batshit crazy asking u to show him how u do it but if u say no, best believe he's teaching u with his own fingers.
He will like to take it slow with u
He's also someone who will get excited as fuck when he finds out you're a virgin. Unlike heeseung, jake teaches u how to pleasure HIM first, showing you porn, watching it with u, getting harder when he sees your thighs pressing together. Unbuckling his belt as he makes eye contact with u
"Now try doing to me what that slut was doing to that man u just saw"
Also eats u out right after, too impatient to take it slow honestly.
Not that much into corruption but he would love the fact that he's gonna be your first. Very romantic and understanding, he'd never try to push your boundaries once he finds out how inexperienced you are. Although he gets blue balled on the daily cuz of how hot you are, he'd never pressure u into doing anything. If u want him to do something to u, u will have to ask for it yourself. The type of guy who needs a CLEAR green signal before he even tries to hold your hand.
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lazyalani · 11 months
| Genshin Men
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| Waking up with them
| fluff, sickly sweet fluff, cuddler kuni is canon im hoyo, id isekai just to feel tighnaris tail, a post after 2 days of staring in the air?? i say its a development, swearing cuz its me, no dialogue
Ft. Zhongli, Childe, Wanderer, Kazuha, Tighnari
| Genshin Impact Masterlist
| Main Masterlist
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ZHONGLI - is like having a housewife
You either wake up with him or wake up to him making food. When you wake up with him, you would most likely be either in the same position as you slept or moved a little and changed how you face him and the other side. He definitely isn't a mover when asleep. And when he hugs you when you both fall asleep, you're not getting out hun. So he's probably the one keeping you from falling out of the bed or moving too much if you move too much when you sleep. When you don't wake up with him though, you wake up to the smell of tea. He's a morning person I bet, wakes up really early and prepares tea and food, whichever you like. He'd be wearing a cute apron if you decide to play with him, but he'd most likely still wear it. On most days, he'll wake you up wearing that cute apron and help you freshen up, but on some days, especially when you seem upset or something bad happened or when you had a disagreement, he'll bring you breakfast in bed. If you have work, he's never gonna let you sleep in. He's a personal alarmclock you can't turn off, those '5 more minutes' won't work on him. He might just consider it but when time's up, it's up. When he wakes up, he'd already be preparing tea and yoir clothes. Zhongli is the type to remember your schedule, too, so don't even think about telling him you don't have work just so you could sleep in. So waking up with him is definitely like a housewife, or a mom.
CHILDE - is a mission
Man, this guy is very busy, so he tends to make it up when sleeping. You cannot tell me he doesn't have certain issues regarding having a romantic partner, like safety issues or something. His grip's harder than rock, girly. He's the one to be really afraid of you getting taken away when he's sleeping so he unconciously does this while hugging you to sleep. Why am I talking about this? Cuz you aren't getting out of his arms that easy when you wake up hugged by him. When you get out of your dazing state and decide you're hungry or want to go to the toilet, you'll move and realize, oh, you have fucking iron tied to your body, oh actually, it's just Childe! And when you begin to struggle to get out, he wakes up and them boom, it just gets harder from that especially when he's on break or vacation. This man's not letting you go easily. Tell him to let go? No, he's comfortable this way. Tell him you need to go to the toilet? Oh, you can hold it for a few more minutes. Tell him you're hungry? You won't die not getting to eat for a few minutes. Tell him you're going to get sleepy again if you don't get up? Then sleep and cuddle with him again. Tell him you have work? You aren't going to get kicked out from being late for a day (it's like this everyday) (you aren't getting fired because harbinger things). Tell him he has work? Considers it but his subordinates won't die from him being a few minutes late. The best option is to either kick him in the balls and run or give up and hug him for a few minutes (hours). So yeah, waking up with him is a mission.
WANDERER - is cute
SO AAAAAAAAAAAA let's calm down. You know how he probably gets nightmares when he sleeps? YEAH THOSE ABANDONMENT ISSUES AND ALL. He'd probably be the type to unconciously hug you when he's having them. Then you'll wake up to him shaking or scared and you wake him up. I feel like others think he'd get all embarassed and shit when he notices he hugged you and get all defensive and tsundere mode, but I like to think that if he really trusts you enough, him waking up from a nightmare beside you would be an intimate moment. Hell, him even sleeping beside you is. You would have to be someone he really trust and all to get him to sleep beside you and be vulnerable. So when he wakes up you get all emotional scenes and everything and you definitely cuddle to sleep. And when you wake up it'll be sooooo cuteee. Like, you'd be waking up to him all cuddly to you and you could admire his pretty face without seeing him scowl or frown. This guy is legit gorgeous and beautiful, who wouldn't want a chance to stare at him when he doesn't want to hurt you for it. So as those kinds of nights happen, his body would probably unconciously get used to the feeling of holding someone for comfort and it turns normal. MAAAAAAN WAKING UP WITH HIM IS CUTE.
KAZUHA - is romantic
Now this man will normalize butterflies on your stomach every morning. Oh, just you opening your eyes and seeing him staring and smiling at you. AAAAAAAAA got my heart falling and falling! You'd either wake up to him like that, or you'd wake up to him probably making a poem with you as his muse. Imagine Kazuha making you his muse. Be happy bitch. He'd definitely br the type to see you wake up, say goodmorning and all those sweetly sickening shit that gets your head spinning, heart rocking, and stomach tingling. Like, he's be whispering, "Goodmorning, love." I'D FALL ASLEEP AND WAKE UP ALL OVER AGAIN TO HEAR HIM SAY IT. When he realizes you're still dozing off, he'd place his hand on your back as support and sit you down so you wouldn't fall asleep again. But when you say you still want to sleep and cuddle how could he resist. So he's there listening to your requests and brushing your hair with his fingers. A true gentleman he is. Dreamy Kazuha is everything. Waking up with him is romantic, the best kind.
TIGHNARI - is comfortable
Imagine waking up with his tail and arms around you, awwww. That tail looking very cuddly and all. Although, it would probably be hot when it's like, summer summer and all, but when the weather's fine, oh, seriously, who would want to get out of his cuddles in the morning? You'd get to admire his pretty face and feel his fluffy tail. Cuddling with tighnari is probably very sweet too, like, he'd go along with you wrapping every limb you can to him, arms, legs, and all, and he's do the same just to get back, but it ends up with the both of you sleeping that way and waking up that way. As long as it's not too hot, waking up with him would feel very comfortable. I don't think he keeps a too strict schedule like others think he does. He probably allows himself to lay down for a bit, so when he wakes up, you both don't immeduately get up and just lay down there cuddling and when your systems start waking up, you'd start talking about random things until you both decide to get up.
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danyvhell-writes · 1 year
General Ais headcanons (Touchstarved)
GN reader | The obsession with this game is real guys :') I can't get away
• Cat boyfriend like, bro will fall asleep on you (your chest, lap...) but if you dare to move just a little tiny bit the magic is over ! He will wake up instantly and go somewhere else to take a nap :')
• He's not gonna tell you but he likes when you touch his hair. Caress him, touch his horns, ruffle his hair even ! He's down for it and the moment you discover his little secret he'll give you endless opportunities to do so
• ↑ Scratch his head, please. Weak spot is right at the junction of his back horns, tug softly on his hair and the boy will melt.
• Ais is a man of few words but he really enjoys talking with you. Most of the time he'll annoy you just as an excuse to interact with you so you can start talking with him (and 99% of the time it works). He finds your little conversations entertaining and relaxing somehow.
• Btw, this guy will listen to you rambling. Talk about your latest obsession, stuff you like, things that seem unimportant : he will listen. He's curious to know more and especially if it's related to your fascinating person. Sometimes he'll just sit next to you and lean in your space just to have a better hearing of what you're saying. It might feel like you're monopolising the conversation but no no, he'll respond with snarky comments, laugh if you say something funny or ask you to keep going with your story. And also, he really likes your voice so...
• You remember when he said "I got eyes in the back of my head." ? (something like that) Well yeah ! His eyes are on you, always. His gaze will follow you wherever you are, with or without him. I'm sure this man uses the Groupmind to spy on MC ! Like bro come on, stop crushing this hard.
• If you have pets, they're not yours anymore. He WILL adopt them. Could be any animal or magic creature really, he will offer them absolute love in just two seconds. "Oh, this is my cat ! Her name's Nori, you can pet her if you want, she's super friendly." *pets her* "Oh yes you are !" *lifts her up so he can take her in his arms like a baby*  "Look at you, you're gorgeous. Such pretty eyes, cute little face, kitty kitty~ !" 
• He loves seeing you close to his soulless but he's also a tiny bit jealous to see that you sometimes prefer Princess' company rather than his. He'd be like "Uh hello I can do tricks too if that's what you like ??"
• He likes tea. That's it. That's the headcanon. No more seriously... I feel like he could be a tea amateur and genuinely enjoys a good cup of tea. If you don't know alot about it, he'll teach you the different types, how to infuse them correctly, what dishes you can pair them up with ! Want to learn how to make a real exquisite matcha tea ? He'll show you with much pride ! 
• ↑ Chit chat with him around some tea he made and he's yours. Bonus point if you ask for more. Extra bonus point if you're able to guess which tea it is.
• Has a special cup he keeps just for you when you visit him. He remembers your favourite drink and makes sure to always have a bottle/the ingredients when you come.
• If Ais is an oni, he might be japanese, so, this man speaks japanese. Most people think that because of his appearance he'd be super rude but oh no no no, the boy is polite. People assume he'd use 'ore' but nah ah, full 'watashi' user over here. You know that thing when your voice and demeanor changes a little when you switch languages ? That's him. His voice tends to go softer when he speaks japanese, he doesn't even realize.
• We know he likes learning about new languages, teach him some stuff. Of course he'll remember the curse words & insults quickly but pet names and romantic nouns are his favourites. If you're polyglot, show off a little, he likes it. Talk in your native tongue, even if he doesn't get anything at first, he will crush even harder. "Eh t'savais que les girafes avaient le même nombre de vertèbres que nous ? C'est juste qu'elles sont plus longues. C'est ouf ça !" "You make French sound so attractive and I'm sure you're not even saying anything particularly sexy..." "Yep !" "God, I want them so bad." he thinks
• After some time, you'd both start to naturally use words or phrases you've taught each other/you've heard from each other. He'd flex on you just to show how much of a fast learner he is, he wants to see you proud of him.
• Cracks his joints. A lot. Also stretches a lot.
• That guy who asks you to pull on his arms or whatever to help him stretch as hard as possible. "More." "What do you mean more ? I'm gonna break your bones !" "I said more, I"m not fragile you know." until you hear a big 'pop' and he sighs with contentment.
• If you burp in front of him, he'll make it a competition. "You think this is a big one ? Oh sparrow... you're a little player." And then proceeds to traumatize you for the next decade. "Do you have the fucking devil in you ???" "Nope, just my friend Ocudeus. He's gross, I know >:)"
• Traces small patterns along your skin when he's bored. He's really gentle when it comes to touching you.
• That type of guy who's obsessed with your hair, especially if it has a different texture than his. You could be doing anything and this bastard (affectionate) will twirl your hair, put clips in it, try hairstyles if you let him. He'll let you do the same to him if you want ! Go on, have fun with your new doll lmao
• Give him the silliest clothes and accessories, he will wear them. The bimboest crop top ? Yeah cool. Bat hair clips ? Cute. 
• Would joke about eating you to scare you but strangely you're always the one ending up biting him ! (not that he minds)
• 100% asks you if you want to fight. Like not in a threatening way but to test you out, he wants to see if you can handle a little sparring. 
• If you're someone who enjoys working out, he proposes to train with you. It sometimes follows to some sparring which might end up with you guys kissing... weird uh
• Has a particularly good memory. He remembers things that even yourself forgot, like really he’s your second brain (and often you’re glad). Everytime you’re asking him “How do you even remember that tf ??” and he’s just “Don’t know 🤷🏻‍♂️“
• You're the type of person who calls any guy 'bro' ? No prob, he finds it funny. He's not offended in the slightest and even actually likes it, he knows it's a language tic. Would definitely send you this type of dumb shit ouezghfoez 😭
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• He can be a little chaotic sometimes but you like it. After all he’s a demon, he likes joking and pranking so even better if you join him in his mischievous activities hehe. You guys would do the silliest stuff and try not to burst out laughing. Evil ones, evil.          
• Does that cute thing where he leans in close to you when you’re watching something and follows your gaze. He’s just a curious lil guy !
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builtbykittie · 10 months
D.R.W x f!reader
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Summary: while at a bar, two questionable men approach you and won't leave you alone, that is until someone saves you
Warnings: 18+ minors cover your eyes, sorta enemies to lovers, alcohol consumption, harassment(?), SMUT, oral (m & f), thigh riding, unprotected sex, anything else I forgot
Words: roughly 4.4k
A/N: This is something that's been sitting in my drafts since April but I do have some fics I'm really excited about! (& yes I changed one word in my name but I'm still the same person I swear)
You stare at the curly-haired man, your eyes sharp like daggers and your hot gaze burning on his shoulders. "I don't see why you can't just sit down with him, try to talk it out," Sam takes a swig off the bottle of beer in his hand and rolls his eyes.
"That is the dumbest thing I think I have ever heard you say. Do you seriously think I haven't tried, Sam?" You slam your glass down on the bar harder than intended "It just won't work out. It always ends in another argument."
Danny's kindness seemed to piss you off, of course being nice was a good thing, but that's not how he truly is. He carries himself to be sweet but in reality, he's nothing but a cocky asshole. That's not the only reason you don't like him though, the two of you were best friends for years until an argument that was never quite settled.
It was a stupid thing to end such a close-knit friendship over an argument, but you're stubborn and could never seem to get past it. People always tend to see Danny as a cutie but they don't know him in the same way you do, and that's about the only thing that pissed you off more than the man himself.
When Daniel's upset, he's bitter. However, Danny didn't tend to hold grudges, you being an exception, of course. What exactly started the argument is still a mystery, it was a mixture of everything piled up after a long day and added stress of their show going wrong.
You plant your face in your hand with a sigh, averting your gaze from Daniel talking with an unknown woman to your drink. "Y/N... You can't seriously hate him," Jake taps your knee, and your cheeks start to burn up.
As much as you'd like to say you felt nothing other than mere hatred and disdain for Danny, it would never be true. You could not help the despair you felt for the man who was once your best friend "You can't tell me what my feelings are, Jake."
"Oh come on, loosen up would ya?" Josh barges into the conversation, trying to lighten up the mood however he can. "Josh it's getting late," Jake adds, gesturing toward the door of the bar, surprisingly. He's 'mysterious' and without a doubt the shyest, but never the type to leave the bar because of time.
The brothers exchange looks and whispers before throwing back their drinks and standing up. "Hey, where are you going?" You sit up, looking around and locking eyes with Danny before whipping your head back around to the boys. "We're gonna go to my place," Josh wraps his arm around Jake "You're welcome to come if you'd like."
"Maybe I'll stop by later," you sigh, giving them just what they wanted. "Suit yourself, mama. See you later," Josh pats your head with a smile before beginning to walk through the building to the exit. By the time you realized they'd 'forgotten' Danny, it was too late, the door behind them shuts and they show no sign of remorse.
"Shit," you curse under your breath as you realize you knocked over your drink watching the boys leave, snatching napkins out of the holder that was conveniently placed right next to you. The alcoholic drink trickles down the bar and onto your silk blouse and skirt, ultimately ruining them.
Just to make matters worse, two men that you wouldn't particularly call charming approach you. "You okay?" one of the men speaks. You could usually tell someone's intention by looking at them, and this guy was clearly faking concern to get in your pants... or skirt.
"I'm fine," you mumble, not paying any care to them in hopes they will lose interest and walk away, but they don't. "Here, let me help you," the other guy leans forward, pulling on your shirt.
You start to panic, you've never been good with people, let alone drunk ones. "No really, it's okay," your voice grows shaky as you try to swat away his hands while also maintaining your clothes.
"Hey, baby, we're just trying to take care of ya," the one on your right leans closer to you "Why are you here alone, anyways?"
"My friends just left," you stutter, turning your head to look at Danny who is still having a conversation with the unknown woman. You start to hesitate, unsure if you should say what you're thinking "And I have another friend in here." You gesture to Danny with the smallest wave of your arm to make sure they're the only ones that saw.
Maybe if they think you know people here, they'll leave you alone. "Then how come he's not with you babe?" One of them speaks to you, his gross, warm breath hitting your hands.
"Don't call me that," you wouldn't dare to look up at the men, hands trembling as you continue trying to dry off your clothes.
You flinch back a few inches, tears forming in your eyes as one of them claps his hands together just centimeters away from your face. "Don't be a bitch," the man says just below a shout, his eyes yellow and narrow.
Just as the man goes to open his mouth once more, you feel another presence approach. Soon enough, the men are being viciously pulled by their shoulders and away from you one by one. "Leave her the fuck alone, will you?" It's Daniel.
You cowardly turn your head, watching as he pushes them away while they both shout curses at him. Danny makes sure they get as far away as possible before he can turn back to you.
You finally let the tears that have been puddling at your waterline fall, rolling down your bright red cheeks. "Hey, are you okay?" Danny's tone is drastically different from the last time you talked to him, possibly months ago.
"I'm okay," you stutter "They just- they came up to me and kept trying to talk to me and help me and-"
"Hey hey hey," you're cut off by the voice of your 'enemy' that comforts you much more than you'd like to admit. "I can drive you home if you'd like," Danny brings his hand up and rubs your arm, calming you down and helping you stand up.
You're being held by the man you swore hated your guts just 10 minutes ago, the same man who you couldn't talk to without getting angry and storming out of the room.
"Give me your keys," he puts his arm around you, holding his other hand out in front of you. "Daniel, for fucks sake, I can drive," you avoid eye contact with him as best as you can, stumbling with every other step.
"I know," he brings his index finger to your chin, lifting your face to look at him "Just let me do this for you." All you can do is roll your eyes and gently nod, digging through your bag and fishing out your keys.
You're lucky you parked close, it started raining not long ago and the temperature had plunged, not to mention the alcohol soaking into your clothes. You hear the door unlock and you slowly climb in the passenger side, impatient to get out of the rain covering your bare legs
The drive is quiet, your leg bouncing uncontrollably as you sit uncomfortably in wet clothing. "What made that guy do that?" Danny glances at you for a fleeting moment before looking back to the road.
"They kept trying to call me 'baby' so I just told him to stop and then he just-" You cut yourself off as you realize Danny had pulled into the parking lot "He clapped at me and told me not to be a bitch."
"What a prick," he murmurs, unbuckling his seatbelt and opening the door. "How're you gonna get home?" you unbuckle as he opens your door, concerned at how well you are getting along with him. "I'll call an Uber," he responds flatly, returning to his typical behavior.
You sigh at the thought of having to be alone in your apartment with the man you've 'hated' for almost three years, but can't stand leaving him in the rain after he'd saved you and even driven you home. You cross your arms, taking your keys from his hand and rolling your eyes "Come inside, please." Danny nods, following you up the steps and into the building.
"Do you want something to drink?" You offer, not looking back at him as you unlock your door. "I'm okay," he responds, looking around your dimly lit apartment as you kick off your heels.
You hadn't changed it around much after your falling out with Danny, and he certainly noticed that.
"Why did you do that?" You cower, your head hung low as you pick at the skin around your nail. "Why did you help me?"
"Well, I wasn't gonna sit around and let those guys harass you like that," he leans against the counter.
"Thank you," you avoid his face, turning around and grabbing a glass from the cabinet before filling it with water. "But I mean I am a total bitch to you," you finally get enough courage to look at his face "I didn't deserve that."
"Those guys were assholes, who knows what they would've done if I didn't step in," he inches closer to you, your entire body becoming flushed once again.
There was no denying you had a little crush on him, even before the fight, but you'd always just pushed your feelings aside.
"I'm gonna change," you say, nearly as a whisper "If you leave I swear to god."
After closing the door, you slide off your stained blouse and wet skirt, letting them fall to the ground. You open your dresser and pull out the first bottoms and a shirt you see, not realizing how skimpy they are until you slide them onto your body. Your ass nearly poked out of the shorts and your boobs filled out the tank top to the point your nipples would've been clearly seen if you hadn't kept your bra on.
"I'm sorry," you walk out of your room, brushing your fingers through your hair. "I'm just such an ass to you all the time and you still did this for me," you watch as Danny's eyes light up and wander down your body then back up to your face.
"I haven't been the best either," he flashes you his crooked smile, god that smile. "Maybe we could make it up to each other sometime," he takes a languid step toward you, pulling his hands from his pockets.
"Daniel," you drop your head to look at your feet, searching every corner of your mind to find the words that would describe your feelings. "I could make it up to you now."
Despite your voice being so quiet you wonder if you even said it aloud, Danny heard you loud and clear. "Yeah?" His voice is flirtatious and soft as he gets closer, just inches away from you. "How're you gonna do that?"
You look dead into his eyes, growing impatient "I think you know what I mean." You feel your body become hot and your breath shaky as the room goes silent. The thick and quiet atmosphere is interrupted by his footsteps, his hands grasp your waist and your arms wrap around his body, making sure he's not going anywhere.
You don't wait for him to do anything, instantly lifting yourself slightly by your toes and smashing your lips against his. You could get used to the way his lips mold so beautifully with yours.
It doesn't take long for the kiss to become intense and hasty. You pull him as close to you as possible, your breasts pressed so hard against his chest that it starts to hurt.
Danny pushes you back until you're pressed against the counter with force. His hands are as if they have a mind of their own, wandering all over your body that he's touched before, but never in this context.
"Fuck," you whisper into his mouth as you grind against his leg for any friction, impatiently pushing him back to unbutton his shirt. "How long have you waited to do this, baby?" His thumb sneaks up the hem of your shorts.
"You don't even know," you speak through heavy breaths, quickly shedding the shirt off his shoulders and continuing your attack on his lips. You feel a smile pull at his lips as he begins to lift the hem of your top, tapping your elbow for you to raise your arms.
You silently thank yourself for not caring to put on a new pair of panties, nothing to stop him after he's taken off your shorts. He tugs the fabric off your body and unclasps your bra so effortlessly, letting the clothes fall to the ground and be forgotten until later.
"Y'know, I've always hated it when you went around flaunting these tits," Danny whispers, one of his hands pressing your hips against his bulge as he involuntarily bucks into you, the other grasping onto your breast for dear life.
"Yeah? Why is that Daniel?" you reach down, frantically searching for the button of his pants. When you finally find what you're looking for, you fumble it a few times, causing a giggle to escape his lips. Another smile grows on his lips, and he juts his hips forward "I hate that you're showing off what's supposed to be mine."
You squeeze your thighs together in reaction to his sentence, desperately trying to stop the wetness threatening to seep into your shorts. His pants drop to reveal a very obvious tent in his boxers that makes your mouth water. He's big, you could tell just by the way he's straining against his underwear.
"May I?" You smirk, cupping his bulge and slowly sinking to your knees. He nods with that hypnotizing smile and pets your hair, you waste no time pulling down his boxers and watching as his cock is set free.
You swallow thickly, your eyes opening wide as you stare at him in awe. After enough time goes by and you hear a tiny giggle from Danny's mouth, you snap back into reality and wrap your hand around him. "Fuck you're gorgeous, y'know that?" He bucks into your hand as you spit on his length, swirling and moving your arm faster.
"I am?" You almost moan before kitten licking the tip of his cock which is just enough to elicit soft rumbling groans from within his chest. "Shit," he breathes, his hand flying to the back of your head "You gonna open up for me, princess?"
"Mm, maybe," you smile, significantly speeding up your pace. Danny impatiently grabs your jaw, tugging on your bottom lip with his thumb but before he can say a word you're taking him fully in your mouth.
A loud curse falls from Danny's lips, tangling his fingers through the tresses of your hair. You begin to bob your head relatively quickly, contrasting with the slow pace you've started with your hand. The throb you felt in your core was almost unbearable, and you knew you couldn't continue this for much longer. But you'd feel bad if you left him unfinished, especially since you were supposed to be 'making it up to him'.
When you detach your lips from his length and slow your movements to a stop, he bunches your hair in his hand and pulls so that you're looking up at him. You go to open your mouth but the smile playing on his lips tells you that he already knows. "Daniel, I can-" you try to explain, but you're silenced before you can finish your sentence.
"It's okay," he pets your hair "Go ahead and touch yourself for me." You look up at him through your lashes and nod "Thank you." You begin to impatiently slide your shorts off your body, shifting your weight to your knees, you bring a hand down and drag your fingers through your unbelievably wet folds. "Shit," Danny groans as you begin to slowly pump up and down his length with the other hand, brushing your thumb along his slit with every stroke.
At the same time, you draw tight circles over your clit. "Come on baby, let me feel that pretty mouth," he grabs your hair once again and pushes your face into his throbbing erection. "Yes, sir," you moan, slipping two fingers inside your entrance and attaching your mouth back onto his cock.
You start to grind against the heel of your hand, the sight of you fucking your fingers mixed with your choice of words drives Danny mad. You moan around him as he fucks into your mouth, thrusts becoming rougher and rougher with every one of your noises. "Fuck, fuck fuck fuck," Danny lets out a visceral groan "fuck baby you're doing so good."
Tears form in your eyes as you gag on him, your fingers significantly picking up pace. "You're so filthy," Daniel growls, his breath hitching in his throat as you let out a long, drawled-out moan against his cock. All of the muscles in your stomach tighten as you feel your orgasm approach, and your legs begin to involuntarily shake.
Deep groans tumble from Danny's chest and his thrusts falter, he's right there with you. You clamp your eyes shut, letting hot tears drip down your face as he continues to fuck your mouth, and moaning against him as you relentlessly curl your fingers up into yourself. "Fuck, oh god, keep making those noises," Danny moans, his jaw slack and his head thrown back.
One more thrust and one more curl of your fingers are all it took for the both of you to come undone. You fall back on your heels as hot pleasure takes over, and you feel warm strings of cum shoot into the back of your throat. You pull away from Danny, drawing in deep breaths as soon as you get the chance.
After you've fully rode out your orgasm, you pull your fingers from yourself and grasp onto Daniel's hot body to stand. Once you're up, Danny grasps your wrist, bringing your fingers to his mouth to taste you. The throb already returns as he hums in approval around your fingers, you need him badly.
"Fuck me," you breathe, looking dead into his eyes "I need to feel you, Danny. Fuck me." A sick laugh falls from Daniel's red lips and all of a sudden you're being thrown over his shoulder and moved into the living room. He throws you down on your couch, your back hitting the arm of it and your legs sprawling out.
His eyes darken at the sight, staring intently at your heat glistening in your arousal and you catch his cock bob up & down out of the corner of your eye. He steps forward and crawls in front of you on your couch, and you find yourself holding your breath as his face gets closer to your core.
You don't know why, but you're fully expecting him to get to the point. You're hoping for him to give you what you so desperately need, but he doesn't. Instead, he hovers over you, drawing a line of kisses between your breasts down to your navel, then up to your jawline. "Daniel," what you tried to make sound as stern as possible ends up sounding like a pathetic whimper as the ache in you're core grows.
"What is it baby," he smiles against your skin as he peppers kisses to your lower belly and slides his hands up and down your thighs. You hate when you have to beg, but you seriously consider it as you don't know how much longer you can go without his touch.
"Danny, please," you moan out, bucking your hips up when his fingers ghost over your heat. You hear a faint snicker, the vibration sending a shiver down your spine "Please what? Use your words pretty."
You let out a huff and roll your eyes "Daniel I'm not going to beg fo." You gasp and cut yourself off as he attaches his lips to your clit without warning, sucking the swollen bud into his mouth. "Oh my god," you stutter, your hands flying to tangle themselves in his hair.
Danny slips a finger inside you, but it's just enough to make you squirm. "Is this what you wanted? Y'know, you shouldn't mouth off," he rasps just before continuing his attack on your clit, slipping in another finger and viciously curling them inside you. "Yeah, but it- fuck. It got me somewhere d- didn't it?"
It doesn't take long until you're sent hurdling over the edge. Strings of obscenities leave your mouth as you grind against Danny's face, a wave of electricity shooting through your entire body. Before you can even fully come down from your second orgasm, Danny grabs you by the waist, throwing you into his lap and sitting up so that you're left straddling him.
Once you're able to fully see again, you throw yourself forward and shower his neck in kisses. Danny lays a slap against your ass, eliciting a yelp from your mouth "mm, you wanna be a good girl and ride me?"
You simply just hum against his neck, sucking a dark red mark behind his ear. Now you have the reigns, and you might as well have fun with it.
You move so that you're straddling just one thigh, wrapping one arm around the back of his neck as you begin to grind against his thigh. "What the fuck," Danny mumbles, a bead of arousal dripping out the tip of his angry cock as he feels your folds drag across his thigh.
Rolling your hips, you collapse into Daniel's chest, burying your head into the crook of his neck. The hand not wrapped around his broad shoulders flying to his cock. He gets over his confusion fast, instantly grasping your hips and guiding you along his thigh while you stroke him.
You can't help but laugh, your chest bouncing as your face is tucked away in Danny's hair. "Y/N?" He loosens his grip on your hips, but they continue to roll against him. The noise that escapes from your mouth makes it apparent that you're not crying, but doing the opposite.
"What's so funny? Look at me," Danny commands, grabbing your face so that your lips pucker when you look at him. "Nothing," you giggle, but it quickly turns into loud moans as the friction gets to be all too much for you.
To your surprise, Daniel wraps both arms around your body, forcing you to stop your movements. "What the hell?" You cry, mourning the orgasm that just got ripped out of your grasp. He violently pulls you into him, your forehead hitting the top of your couch and his nose brushing against the shell of your ear "Don't think you can act like a brat and then get what you want."
"I'm sorry," you whine, positioning yourself to be straddling him once again, looking at him through your lashes and acting as innocent as possible. You take his cock in your hand, which is unbelievably hard and dripping with precum.
"Let me show you how good I can be," you sit up, dragging his tip through your unbelievably wet pussy. Your breath hitches in the back of your throat as you line him up with your entrance, sinking in just the tip.
Your eyes instinctively fall shut, unholy noises tumbling from both of your mouths as you take him all the way in, slowly stretching out around him. You sit there for a moment, basking in the feeling of him filling you completely up.
After a few seconds pass, you lift your hips and drop them back down, feeling every inch of him. Your jaw falls open as your hips begin to move on their own, hands wandering over every inch of each other's bodies. "Oh fuck," you suck in a breath, rolling your hips and clenching around him.
"Oh don't do that," Danny growls, hands flying to your hips. Just as you go to bring your hips back down, he thrusts up into you. "Oh my god!" You wail, skin clashing together so rough you're sure you'll wake up with large bruises in the morning.
Your walls clench down even harder around him, if that was even possible. Animalistic groans bubble up from Danny's chest, his thrusts getting rougher by the second. "Fuck! Holy shit, Danny!" hot tears swell up at your waterline, the stinging of your skin crashing into each other's mixed with the feeling of his cock hitting all your sweet spots overwhelms you in the best way possible.
"I'm so," you're cut off by a moan ripping through your chest, your hips rolling on their own accord and tears falling down your cheeks. "I know baby, I know," Danny whimpers, delivering a sharp thrust into you that sends a jolt of electricity throughout your entire body.
Strings of curses and moans flow out of your mouth as fiery white pleasure takes over every one of your senses, your thighs shaking uncontrollably. "I just fuck, need you to go a little longer," Danny's hips falter as he fails to send another thrust. Despite the consequences of your orgasm still in full effect, your mind is set on making Danny cum.
Your jaw clenches and your face contorts as you squeeze around his cock. "That's it, baby, fuck me," he grabs your hips, pulling you against himself right before you feel his warm release spurt inside you.
Trying to ignore the involuntary shaking of your legs and the intense feeling of overstimulation, you continue to slowly fuck him until he comes down from his orgasm.
You slow your movements to a stop and collapse onto his chest, silently sobbing into the crook of his neck. "You okay?" He rubs your back, peppering kisses to your shoulder. "Yeah," you breathe, sitting up and wiping away tears, a smile tugging on your lips as you lean in to kiss him.
Sucking in a hiss, you slowly rise from his lap. "What happened to the girl that hates my guts?" Danny snickers, brushing hair away from your eyes. "She's probably still here somewhere," you smirk, cuddling next to him.
"Then we might just have to keep fucking until she's gone."
"Is that a challenge, Daniel?"
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drdemonprince · 5 months
I read your newsletter about "transmisandry" today. I'm a trans man and I generally agree with what you said. However, I was wondering how you would classify a particular experience of mine and other trans men I know irl or have seen online.
In short, I find that in some queer spaces, masculine and/or "binary" (meaning, not non-binary) trans men are treated as outsiders and enemies. I imagine some straight-passing queer cis men experience similar.
This prejudice against masculinity has nothing to do with us being trans, and is in no way oppressive, but it seems to me that some people have a hatred/disgust/discomfort/etc. with masculine men, especially if we are proud of our manhood. I sometimes feel excluded in queer or progressive spaces, and like I have to change myself to fit into others' idea of "acceptable" manhood.
I think this tends to emotionally affect trans men in particular because being a man is generally hard-won and joyful for us. Have you experienced prejudice in queer spaces, especially trans spaces, for being transmasculine? And while I don't believe there exists systemic misandry, is this not a form of misandry, just interpersonal?
Thanks, I really appreciate your work.
Hi there, thank you for great question. What you are describing is certainly a very real and troubling dynamic within both queer and feminist spaces, and it's put me off for a very long time. I have sometimes referred to this as "playful 'misandry' feminism", always with "misandry" in quotes because, as we've already established, it's not a real locus of systemic oppression. I have also sometimes in the past likened it to "Men's Tears Coffee Mug" feminism in its performative, self-congratulatory, typically white feminist stance.*
*in the Koa Beck sense of the term. Someone who is not white can be a white feminist.
I was always put off by performative man-hating jokes and the exclusion of men within feminist spaces because, well, I was one, and because it nearly always played out in transmisogynistic ways that were transparent to me, and because I was a major ride-or-die for men who were victims of sexual violence yet were frequently excluded from survivors' spaces (again, because I was one, even before I realized that I was).
There are a lot of troubling effects that happen when feminist women make a big performance out of finding all men to be disgusting and evil and frequently express disinterest in men's feelings or suffering (which used to be way more common in my estimation, around the early 2010's or so it seemed to peak). I was driven away from feminist spaces as a young closeted trans man because I could see such spaces were not for me or for any of the other men that I cared about and needed support. On the inverse side of things, I have spoken to many trans men who said that "playful "misandry"" feminism actively made it harder for them to realize that they were guys. Men were seen as the enemy and inherently evil and destructive and so they felt absolutely disgusting about the possibility of being a man, or feared transitioning would get them seen as a betrayer of the feminist movement.
As you rightly note, it is not just trans guys who get excluded by such dynamics. Cis men who are genuinely avowed feminists can be driven away by such forces, which is especially upsetting in the case of sexual assault survivors and queer men. Trans women and TMA enbies are excluded from feminist and women's spaces because they supposedly "look like" men to these types, and their own feelings of superficial safety rank above the actual data on who is the most at risk structurally (which is trans women). Butches are regarded in some spaces as too aggressive or unacceptably masculine because of it. And people's analysis of gender oppression just overall sucks when they buy into "playful misandry" style feminism because they go around saying shit like "femme people are oppressed by masc folks." what the hell does that mean. Does a cis, gender conforming feminine woman have less structural power than a butch lesbian? I don't think so.
It seems to me that the big problem here is that "playful misandry" feminism is rooted in a deep deep misunderstanding of the structural nature of oppression. Sexism isn't caused by patriarchy and capitalism, it's caused by "men" and so hating men and excluding them is what will fix things. Men as individuals are responsible for sexism and so women should be as detached from them and unsupportive of them as possible. This logic leads to a TERFy place really quickly, and yes, it also really really damages trans men.
My opinion is that it's best to critique this problem as the political failure that it is: a misunderstanding of sexism as individualistic rather than systemic. That's the core issue from which all the problems flow -- from rampant transmisogyny to the exclusion of cis male sexual assault survivors to the feelings of alienation of trans men. Yes sometimes naming the performative nature of "man hating" jokes and the like is helpful because people recognize instantly what that dynamic is when they hear it. But the "misandry" itself is not the core problem -- it's the shitty gender politics and white feminism.
Does that make sense? To be clear, I think it's something trans men get to talk about. I talk about it from my positionality quite a lot really. I don't think "misandry" is ultimately the helpful or clarifying way to name it, but I will sometimes throw around that term with a TON of qualifiers if I'm discussing the specific interpersonal dynamic of women saying that men are evil rapists innately or whatever. But really discussing the broader gender politics failure that leads to those little shitty comments and looks is almost always more helpful. If trans guys and cis guys are feeling excluded from a space due to these dynamics it's almost always the case that trans women, TMA enbies, butch women, and lots of women of color are too.
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odusseus-xvi · 9 months
hi!! this is kinda a weird question but ur post about characterization for french ccs is rlly helpful for writing, so i was wondering if u had any like . tips or advice about speaking patterns or like. common terms or phrases they use and stuff like that. i have a lot of issues with auditory processing and other hearing stuff that makes it like . hard for me to always understand speech patterns or just like . what people are actually saying so if u have any like . advice or info about like How They Talk that u could put in text or like specific that would be cool. no worries if u dont/cant btw i completely get it i just remembered that u were the one w the previous helpful post ::D
Yeah, no problem I could try ! :D Now keep in mind again I'm not necessarily an expert, and I'm just doing this because it's fun. I still might make some mistakes, and miss some important details, but 'Ill do my best. SO
Let's go for HOW DO THE FRENCH (and swiss) CCS TALK :
Let's start with
ETOILES : So I feel like it might be the easiest because he's the clearest to me. He tends to speak at a normal space and in english with a noticeable slighly french accent, but not an extreme one. He likes to crack jokes constantly when he speaks with other people (most of the time hyping up others, and self deprecating, you know the "You are a legend, I am dumb".) . He can drop pearls of wisdom randomly through ridiculous metaphors ("You don't need to worry, My name means stars, that means that when you look I'm here." "It's like crossing the road, you have to, and there is cars, you need to be careful, but it can't be all you focus on. Wait I'm not sure about that one...") and sometimes actually genuine and inspiring, but more often that not in the tone of discussion, it doesn't sound like he's dispensing "wisdom of the elders", he's just a humble guy talking with you and giving a random advice. He often says in french "Wow a flop" when something doesn't work. Or "c.s.c." (Contre Con Camp, a football term meaning scoring against your own team) when he comments on someone being a tryhard for example ("WOW such a tryhard (csc)"). He'll often makes the joke that nobody likes him when they don't answer in chat to himself, (or chat) and will directly tell them "You want me to die irl don't you?" ensues a myriad of "holy shit you want me to die for real" answered by the "NOO" of the other one. Two last details that came to me, he rarely actually answers by "no" or "yes", he often use "Yeh yeh yeh", or "no no no". He also uses a lot of "euuuuh..." when looking for his words when speaking.
AYPIERRE : He is fairly simple too. He has a very relaxed tone, speaks slightly slower than most people, and has slightly noticeable french accent but less so than others. His tone differenciate between three states : Focused (while building or infiltrating a base), relaxed, and humourous. Note that he's never fully serious, he has that constant gremlin energy and smile that makes him want to make jokes that will make everybody cringe (his favorite pastime.) The only time he's been serious and slightly upset was when he earned gegg died or when he learned that the federation was trying to replicate his wine (there you can see his priorities). Most of the time people are assuming the worst when it's his countless time he starts a conversation with "So, I did something..." and is the type of guy to say "*known illegal act* is a strong word, let's say it's more like *not necessarily better*". I don't follow him as much, so I currently have no other mannerism in mind.
BAGHERA : I feel like she is a bit harder to pin down. When speaking in english she has a very noticeable accent, especially when she is tired. And talks a bit fast, especially in french. Though she doesn't crack jokes constantly, she has a constant chaotic energy that makes her say random things at times. She often say "Oh Yeaaaah" when she is happy or hyped about something, mostly when she is with other people to show them she is happy too. When she is ashamed or not understanding something she likes to take a voice we call the "Antoine Croute" voice (a character she played in a Rp series on GTA V), it's high pitched and really shy. (imagine a little "wut... ?"). She can be really serious, especially when investigating. She almost nver express vocally, in tone at least, her anger. Instead she sounds incredibly cold, like she was with ElQuackity. Her voice when serious drops a bit, and she speaks a bit faster. There is probably plenty more but I'm starting to get tired.
ANTOINE : He is the hardest to me because it is even hard to pin down in french. He has most of the time a very serious tone, while he ironically constantly making either dark jokes based on irony and cynism OR a pun. Because of this, it's sometimes hard to pin what's a joke and what's serious. His accent alternates between horrible french accent OR almost ProPeR eNgliSH. Even when discussing absolutely batshit insane things he sounds serious (he is not in reality, but it's a form of humor in itself). OCCASIONALLY he'll break and cracks a smile, and sometimes, even the heartiest laugh you've ever heard, a very vocal and deep "AHAHAHAHA" that you can hear a mile away (but it happens rarely.) Though I didn't specify, most people, including the french, stutter at least a little bit, and search their words, (like I said for Etoiles' "euh".) but Antoine tends to have a very clear speech, only occasionally looking for a translation. In the same vein, he also has a very quick reaction and can answer with a pun almost instantly (very impressive, especially when it's not his native language.)
That's pretty much all I can think of right now, and I'm tired. Maybe it's not exactly what you asked, but it's what I can muster. Hopes that helped :D
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whotfislyla · 2 months
🪻Friends? - Itadori Y. 🪻
Note: This is absolutely not proofread, so I apologise for any mistakes 😔.
> fluff
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Yuji and you had been friends since the day he bumped into you in a flight of stairs during your first day at Jujutsu High. He was kind and patient, the type who's easy to get along with; and you were relieved to find out later that he was your seatmate in class. "It saves me the trouble of introducing myself again." You had explained with a grin.
You were both quick to share moments that led to small inside jokes shared between the two of you, as well as precious memories you like to replay in your mind when struggling to sleep at night. Your friendship grew stronger as you learned to fight by each other's side, patching each other up after a particularly rough sparring session or mission. Eventually, the two of you had such a good dynamic that people tended to associate the both of you as one, surprised when one was found without the other.
Somewhere along the line, you had caught feelings for your cheerful friend. It was hard not to when his presence brought you such comfort. It had started out as a small, insignifcant crush before turning into full-blown feelings. The more time you spent with Yuji, the harder you fell for him. However, you constantly felt the need to remind yourself that Yuji's kindness isn't something you alone had been graced by. Yuji was kind by nature, meaning he got along well with all of his friends. You were aware that your proximity with Yuji wasn't necessarily anything more than platonic, yet you couldn't help but let your mind drift a little, forcing your silly dreams away at the sight of him laughing with other female friends he had. You'd be lying if you said it didn't hurt, but the joy you felt when you were with him compensated for the latter.
"You're doing it again, aren't you." Nobara sighs, taking a seat next to you and interrupting your train of thought. "Him being a social butterfly doesn't mean you don't have your chances, you know." She reminds you, nudging you with her elbow.
"Nah, he's just being nice. I need to stop being so delusional before I get hurt..." You smile sadly as you rest your head against her shoulder.
Nobara snorts, giving you an unimpressed look before wrapping an arm around your shoulders. "I think it's a little late for that, idiot."
You frown playfully at her words, knowing her intentions weren't to offend you. "Yeah, well, what can I say? I'm just protecting my feelings."
"Nah, you're just being a chicken."
The two of you laugh, basking in each other's presece for a while. It was during times like these where you were glad to have a friend like her, despite her occasional teasing.
"I'm serious, though." Nobara continues. "Yuji's a simple guy, just talk to him about it. It's not like he's going to hate you for it."
You let out a small sigh before shrugging. "It wouldn't hurt to try, I guess..."
"Good, because he's heading this way right now."
"Wait- what??" You gape in disbelief as Nobara walks away just in time as Yuji makes his way towards you, a massive grin spread across his face.
"Hey there, you. You'll never guess what just happened. I was talking with Maki and she told me she saw Gojo-sensei walk straight into a glass door!" He snickers, taking a seat next to you and stretching his legs. "I wish I could've been there to see it myself..."
You try to speak, the suddenness of his appearance had caught you off guard. Your heart thumped in your chest as you stared at him, unsure of what to do. Your fingers trembled slightly, mirroring the buzzing of your nerves as your mind went blank.
"I like you."
Your face goes red as you realise what you had just said. "I mean- not like- whatever." Panic rushes through you, pushing you onto your legs and turning you away from Yuji who stared at you, his expression unreadable.
"... please say something." You mumble, keeping your back turned as to hide your burning face from him.
"Why didn't you tell me sooner?" He asks, his voice gentle and confused. "All that time wasted..."
Your heart drops into your feet; this was it. He regretted being friends with you. He was going to leave you. You had ruined your friendship. You had-
Yuji reaches out and takes you by the hand, pivoting you towards him. "I like you too, I have for ages." He admits with a sheepish grin. "Sorry for not telling you sooner, I figured you just saw me as a friend."
The irony almost makes you laugh as you shake your head softly. "If only you knew."
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mommyashtoreth · 2 months
what are your most hated popular aziraphale and crowley mischaracterizations
GREAT question I fucking love complaining
Not to sound contradictory right off the bat but for Az it's both like. "Aziraphale is mean" and "Aziraphale is SO cartoonishly nice that he can't even fathom of anything that could be construed by anyone as being somehow 'bad'", because I think both are really fundamental misunderstandings of Aziraphale as a dramatic character for the former and as a comedic character for the latter. "Aziraphale is mean" seems to be based entirely on the ending of s2 and I've certainly said my piece about that already, but to summarize I think it's a bad reading of that scene and I find "actually Aziraphale is manipulative and mean and Crowley is 100000% always in the right and never did anything wrong ever" to make for a much more boring story than what we've actually got. On the other hand, boomeranging right into the other direction and making Aziraphale way too nice is ALSO something I find boring, but in a more standard "fandom flanderization" type of way. Like, I'm sure you've seen something where Aziraphale is so nice and good and pure and soft and sweet and smol cinnamon roll needs protection that he passes out whenever someone says the word "penis." And I find that boring! It's a bad way to engage with his joke. Aziraphale IS nice, genuinely, and he's good to people and helps people and loves humanity, but also like, he's smug and he lies and he says guns lend weight to a moral argument and is kind of a cunt in ways people don't give him credit for. And that's good! That's awesome. He's really really really funny and I obviously really really like him. Basically I wish people knew how to balance "Aziraphale is nice" and "Aziraphale is a bitch" bc both are true and it's a fine-tuned craft managing to depict both at once
Crowley is harder to pin down... idk I just Also find a lot of fandom Crowley very boring in very similar ways, either stripping him down (God I wish) to form one half of a very basic very boring Good Guy Vs. Bad Guy dynamic, or making him this like Sexy Domineering Alpha Male Daddy Dom type that I find very boring. Not that I think Crowley can never be sexy or domineering, my url is literally, yknow, that, but I think all his "evilness" has an almost playful nature to it where like you know he's having fun with it, OR I like when it feels like he's doing it as a job. like Oh, fuck, have to make the quota today. Gotta go cause a pileup. I think people generally tend to make Crowley either too serious or too nice, and he IS nice, there's a guarded softness in like both renditions of the character that IS very important, but he's still Also kind of a bitch! And that's fun! Idk people always make "sin" out to be some huge thing like "Crowley has to literally murder a child" which makes for good conflict, but there's also little stuff that he's a) good at and b) likes doing, like causing traffic jams and moving construction poles around and just like, generally annoying people and I think that's really really funny. I read a fic once where she would order pizza for delivery to other people's houses, and I'm still workshopping mine where she, like, convinces this rich guy to invest in a bad industry so when his stocks plummet he'll be insufferable to be around (also bc greed is a sin. There are sins besides lust! Animals), and that's fun! And honestly Crowley's fun even when he's down in the dumps, he's funny when he gets annoyed with Aziraphale or when he gets angry at Gabriel or whatever. I wish people tapped into that more! Idk I also clearly like Crowley a lot I think we could hang out I could grab a beer with him and play Bowie and Brian Eno on the jukebox, and a lot of fandom Crowley does not feel like somebody I could grab a beer with. Let him loosen up! Misery is fun to write but all work and no play makes Tony a dull boy
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
i'm dying, i'm deceased, your content is so satisfying, ramen! it's like having a good meal! also, with the amount of injuries the guys are getting, i imagine they're (hopefully) seeing a medic quite often. i wonder if in the process of being patched up by them, by being seen at their most vulnerable, after having the brain cells beat out of them, they would start feeling something for their medic? all gentle touches after a brutal fight~ i imagine gun and sammy would be seeing them the most, but feel free to add others. hope you've been doing well!! 🌺
Hi! Are you my flower anon? (Sorry new laptop - emojis look a bit different). I have been feeling... wild lately. Hope you are doing well too! Thanks for sending this in and AGAIN SO SORRY FOR THE SUPER LATE RESPONSE. My bio should really read day late and a dollar short.
Medic!Reader tending to Samuel Seo, Gun Park, Johan Seong
Word had gotten round that for the right price, you would tend to anyone.
Of course that's not the only reason you're the go-to medic for many of your seedier clients. You're quick and efficient, with some even describing you as a miracle worker. Along with your zipped lips and diligence for confidentiality-
Well. It's no wonder you've paid off your med school loans in record time.
"Again?" you sigh, arriving and taking in the scene before you.
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Samuel Seo
If surveyed, nine out of ten people would describe Samuel as hot.
The last person would no doubt have a terrible sight impairment. Shame. How sad. A tragedy indeed.
So when you, time and time again, go to work on Samuel's body, cleaning his wounds, stitching him up, seeing his exposed skin and naked body with a blank face and purely professional manner.
Well. Samuel doesn't know what to do with that.
You intrigue him and he wants a reaction.
So he's the one that talks to you. Small snippets of his life, hoping to impress you. He notices you're not moved by his strength, the power he wields, the people he commands. Even his penthouse, furnished with the best money can buy and his designer clothes does nothing for you.
You usually remain neutral until today, Samuel gets what he wants. You laugh a little at his response-
"Something about my face must be punchable,"
His heart flutters when he hears your laughter ring out. He's not sure if you're laughing at him or with him, but surprisingly, his ego doesn't seem to mind.
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Gun Park
Gun remembers the first time you attended to him, courtesy of Charles Choi and a benefit of his position.
You didn't flinch at his black eyes or the bleeding wound that sat between them. Instead, cleaning him up with a startling efficiency he couldn't help but admire.
Methodical and competent, Gun was deeply impressed as he watches your hands flying over him, dipping into your med bag for something now and then.
The speed should come with roughness but your touches are gentle. Grazing over his skin and leaving goosebumps in your wake.
When you lean in close, examining if there is anymore to be done or if it would leave a mark he would just have to deal with - you make a joke that it wouldn't matter anyway, the scar would add to his handsomeness; Gun's throat dries up at the intensity of your eyes staring at him.
Huh. And it's usually Gun that has that effect on people.
From then on, Gun likes to think it was by pure coincidence that his body began becoming more and more littered with scars. It absolutely had nothing to do with your words or how much he looked forward to seeing you.
At your exasperated 'again', he smiles.
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Johan Seong
Manager Kim directs Johan over to you. You've seen this type of patient before.
Cagey and prickly, like it's a show of weakness to be tended to by someone and annoyed to not be left to lick their wounds in private.
You remain quiet and professional until you're on the receiving end of one too many agitated huffs and impatient leg bounces making your job of bandaging this brat up so much harder-
"Sit still!" you snap with force and authority. Johan does, and looks at you with wide eyes.
Something about your tone makes him gulp and he fights back the blood rushing to his cheeks.
He thinks about your voice, commanding and sharp, juxtaposing with your gentle hands checking on him. The proximity of your body is slammed into sharp focus and Johan feels a rebellious urge to make you reprimand him in that strict tone of yours again.
Why is his shirt collar so tight, why is his tie so constricting? And why the hell is he feeling so hot and bothered?
Shit, the penny drops. Have I got a thing for this?!
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eiightysixbaby · 10 months
I have 5 words: Rough sex with the boys
this is the second ask in my inbox with a request for rough sex w/the guys… so I guess that means I have to write a lil something for it.
When you ask Eddie to be rough, I really feel like it just flips a switch for him. He can be sweet and gentle and soft but he can turn it up to 100 easily if you ask for him to be rough. You’ve laid out some ground rules and you know to communicate if he’s being too rough. So, he doesn’t need reassurance in the moment if you spontaneously tell him you need him to give it to you harder. He’s just going to listen, a wicked grin on his face as he pulls his cock almost entirely out of you before slamming in back in. It takes your breath away, and you barely have time to catch it with the pace he’s setting. He’ll switch your positions with ease, yanking you up on all fours so he can fuck you from behind. It’s his favorite position to use when he’s being rough, he loves watching your whole body tremble with every one of his thrusts. He’s not afraid to bite you, leave hickeys, spank you or slap you if you’re into that. When you say you want it rough, he’s giving it to you so good.
Steve strikes me as the type of guy who loves to throw his girl around, I feel like I’ve said this before and I will say it again. When you tell him to give it to you rough, he’s raising an eyebrow and taunting “You sure? Think you can handle it, sweet girl?” He’s not slow and gentle like usual when he sinks himself into you, barely giving you time to adjust to his size. He’s spreading you wide open for him, taking what he wants with no mercy. And when he’s got you fully seated on his cock, he’s holding your hips firmly in place as he fucks you, your whole body lurching when he gives you a particularly rough thrust. He lifts you up with ease as he stands, those strong arms holding you as he ruins you on his cock, grunting with exertion. He’s got you pinned against a wall, fucking you so hard you feel like your insides will be bruised tomorrow.
Jonathan tends to be softer, less wild, but if you really want it rough, he’d never be able to turn you down. He loves when you beg for it, loves how whiny you get when you’re pleading with him, “please, harder, I need it.” He pins your wrists above your head, sucking bruises into the skin of your neck, hips snapping harshly against yours. He can certainly be rough, but he’s not the type to overdo it. He’s acutely aware of you the entire time, never wanting to go too hard and hurt you by mistake. He likes to choke you, have his fingers around your throat as he watches your eyes roll back, every deep thrust he gives you making your body jolt beneath his on the mattress. He loves fucking you so dumb that you’re just putty in his hands, delirious with pleasure, his name leaving your lips in strings of curses. He likes when you’re on top, too, and he can fuck himself up into you so hard and fast it has you clinging to his chest, biting down on his shoulder to hold back screams.
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ranticore · 5 days
We know the werewolves were one guys specific indentured servants. Are there any other monsters that were just one specific guy’s? Actually. Is that wizard still around and how does he (it?) feel about it? Did Revelation’s specific underlings also get hit especially hard or just it?
Anyway your Kosa setting is cool as hell and I love everyone and also Revelation. And its wife guy (guy who is a wife guy to it).
hiii i'm going to answer all your asks in this one post to make things easier, thank you so much for giving me a lot of stuff to think about
Anyway, werewolves! It's accepted that pretty much every wizard had a lot of servants, this guy (Onozar The Transcendent, the green wyrm with red markings) just happened to have a lot in the general region i do most of my worldbuilding in (the two of Kosa is here, the Ama plains, other areas etc). That means werewolves are pretty common here, and have spread elsewhere from here, but other areas and regions have their own different population densities of werewolves and other 'beastified servant' type monsters.
Onozar isn't open about it, his faces are now very different to how he looked back in the day (aka the face on the werewolf masks) and he has very purposefully put his past behind him. Yes he did terrible stuff and was essentially a magical dictator once upon a time. But that was so long ago and he was punished for it so as far as he's concerned he's done with it and the werewolves are unrelated to him (and if somebody else brings it up omg you're all so obsessed with the past, don't you know people grow and change?? it was NORMAL to have slaves back then okay it was just part of the culture and it's honestly really suspicious and hurtful that you would bring this up to attack him at a time like this, and-)
Revelation was not a big shot among wizards. It had servants yes but not so many that they became their own species of monster (many of the monsterifications were chosen as a form of dramatic irony based on the individual person's personality). I still have to design a bunch of other monster types but I'll say yes they were probably hit harder than they should have been, everybody in and around Revelation's tower were made An Example.
It's a little easier to scapegoat the guy who has no real influence and no real friends in this social circle ain't it
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He's only good at killing crawling beasts lol, that's partially why king harpies evolved after all - to fight and kill the crawlers, which are very strong but not very fast. His type eat mainly rabbits and hares, and he tends to be not quite fast enough to consistently catch them himself, the much swifter and smaller cobs and pens take care of that (he still runs far faster than a human tho, he's had some luck catching antelopes if he gets close enough before the chase). He is part of a flock, he just kinda... drifted away from living with the others, splitting his attention between Revelation and his other duties. Like many kings he's fighty and opinionated, with the added assurance of a creature that knows it's too big and strong to fall prey to... pretty much everything else. He enjoys art and beautiful things and has happily worked in alliance with the local wolfmen packs in the past in return for some of their dye products.
So his flock is a multi-type coalition between a collection of eyries (or whatever word I'll use for the small harpy settlements that form under the banner of a single flock). He's not the all-king of the flock, but he is the king of the terror bird types. The other types within the flock are all ground-nesting but not necessarily flightless harpies. His eyrie has about thirty individuals living there and he had three tiercels (not including Revelation). Revelation didn't kill all his flockmates but it did quietly disappear his other tiercels at some point. I need to do a little more work on them but yea
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These different characters actually represent different time periods in the setting (the guy, Ambrose, is from the 1600s, while Mikalai and Cuinn come from the 1800s!). I think the whole thing with Revelation is much earlier, going for a more medieval look with those guys. It means that Revelation's march is technically just a part of history for Cuinn and the rest of them :) The world didn't end. But it DID change (.... not many wyrms around these days, anymore, i wonder what happened to them...)
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tertiaryapocalypse · 9 months
egbert posting (gonna use both names and he/she, sorry)
i think a great deal of the time people really simplify johns character to a sorta happy go lucky guy and that honestly really really bothers me like. june does put on a very cheery act but its not typically depicted accurately in fanon?
june canonically, at least in the first few acts, has a very sardonic dynamic with her friends. shes MEAN!!! let her be mean. john ribs pretty much all of the people he talks to, and i rarely ever see that shown in fanon? you have to remember that while he is a generally pretty carefree person as you would expect from the heir of breath hes also a teenager and kind of a dick (really much better than the sweet christian-type i see him portrayed as)
additionally june's carefreeness ... doesnt come from a place of joy. part of the breath aspect is this detachment, and june's the HEIR of breath, so she really really exemplifies every portion of twh aspect. june is so far away from her surroundings and friends, maybe not in the literal sense but when it comes to emotionally? it's pretty evident that a lot of things that happen to him are not properly processed, just stored for later, and its really likely those things never will be processed, at least without intervention. intervention which is near impossible to attain when you're holding yourself and everyone around you at arms length. she doesnt have any irl friends, despite being pretty much the only human kid who is presently able to make any. after the retcon, he entirely loses everyone he knows, only to receive shallow replacements instead. the jade he grew up with those last three years are gone, and the only people he knows who went through the retcon are roxy, a girl he barely knows, davesprite, who vanishes nearly instantly, and nannasprite, who despite being her grandmother is practically just a riddle telling game construct.
it just... frustrates me that everyone tends to see john as relatively problemless, because she has a Lot of issues, like any other HS character. theyre just harder to see, an act of intention on his part.
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stevesbestgirl · 11 months
Grumpy - Part 1/2
Joel Miller x Reader
2514 words
Warnings: Jackson era!Joel, mutual pining, infected attack (reader gets scraped up but mostly unharmed), gun use, implied character (animal) death (spoiler alert, its me), vague references to reader’s past trauma, alcohol consumption
A/N: I’ve just really wanted to try writing my hand at writing Joel. I want to do another part eventually, but I’m trying to stop hoarding things because they aren’t finished, so please be patient  ❤
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"Would you leave that thing alone?" Joel gave a long suffering sigh as you knelt and held out a friendly hand to the grizzled-looking tabby cat. 
"He's not a thing." You shot Joel a glare in return before returning your attention to the skittish feline sniffing your fingers. It had taken months of leaving food and wearing gloves to get this close without a scratch, but now the cat shoved its weight against your hand, the deep rumble of purring starting up like an old engine. "No one else minds when I stop. It's just for a minute."
"One more minute we don't need to be outside." He was such a stubborn bastard. 
With another withering look at Joel, you stopped scratching and dug in your bag for the food you'd brought, setting it out and giving him a quick head pat as you stood, "Sorry sweet boy, I have to go. Take care of yourself, okay?"
The walk back to town was quiet until you felt like you had to defend yourself, "I just like knowing he has something to eat."
"Other animals could smell what you're bringing him-"
"Would you stop it?" It was more of a plea than anything. "I-" You swallowed the surprising lump in your throat; it was harder to talk about these things with Joel. "I know it's silly, when everyone has lost so much, but I miss my cat. And everyone deserves to have someone look after them."
Joel surprised you with a dry chuckle, making your heart flip, "Some of us are more the looking after type, darlin'."
You lowered your gaze to your feet in the snow, pretending to focus on your footing instead of answering. You knew that. That was why Joel always got you flustered. Hell, it felt like half the town must have figured out how you felt about him based on how often you tripped over your words after getting caught stealing glances. 
The rest of the walk back was spent in silence, as it often was with Joel. He left you at your door next to his own after asking if you'd be working the bar later that night. You were, and you promised to see him later before you disappeared inside. 
Shifts at the bar tended to pass quickly- a hell of a lot faster than patrol anyway. There was always work to be done around the settlement during the day, but unless you were on guard duty, most nights were spent at the Clay Pit drinking the homebrew Tommy and the other guys were so proud of. You'd still kill for a wine cooler, but it was better not to think about it too much. 
By the time you realized Joel hadn't come in, it was almost ten. Tommy had come in an hour or so ago. You knew Joel would be annoyed if he knew you were worrying about him- he always raised a fuss if you tried to look after him. But still, you hoped he was okay.
It was half past eleven when Joel finally climbed onto his usual stool and tipped his chin in a greeting. You couldn't help the smile that brightened your expression when you saw him. His mouth turned up at the corner in what you always assumed was Joel’s version of a polite smile.
You set his drink in front of him, "Late night?"
He grunted something that might have been a halfhearted laugh, "Game night with Ellie."
"Boggle again?" Ellie loved to brag about beating Joel.
"Nah, I'm teaching her poker."
"Got tired of losing, huh?"
"If I had it wouldn't matter. She's already shaping up to be a mean card player."
You smiled again, "She's a smart girl."
"That she is."
You bustled off to bus tables, leaving Joel to nurse his drink. You'd heard people- other women who thought he was handsome mostly, complain about how short Joel seemed, but you never minded. You weren't much for small talk either, although you were happier than Joel to oblige when someone wanted to chat. 
You did always wonder what he was thinking. It was no surprise Ellie could read his stony expressions, since she knew him better than anyone, except maybe Tommy. But to you, Joel was like a brick wall. 
You had thought he’d been flirting with you once- one of the bar patrons had stood up unexpectedly as you were walking by and you’d nearly gone down on your ass, if not for Joel’s palm on the small of your back. It was the soft grumble of, “Careful darlin’,  fall in my lap and I might not let you go,” only loud enough for you to hear, that had your breath catching and a tidal wave of flustered apologies tumbling from your mouth. 
But as quickly as it happened, it was over. When you’d offered to make dinner for him and Ellie as thanks- the closest you’d come to asking him out on a real date- he’d waved it away. And you’d decided then that trying to decipher Joel’s feelings for you would only end up leaving you disappointed. You wanted to think he was interested and you would likely find any evidence you could to support it. But more likely than anything, the man just wanted some peace with his kid. 
Deciding that Joel deserved his peace was one thing, but getting your silly crush to go away, that was another. And it seemed like as time went on, you were assigned more and more patrols with Joel until you were going out together at least once a week. But Joel hadn’t complained again about stopping to visit your feline friend.
“Why do you call him that?” Joel’s voice surprised you; usually he leaned broodily against a tree, silent while you visited. 
You looked over your shoulder at Joel, the cat still brushing against your shins, “Sweet boy?” Joel nodded, his gaze still on the trees, ever diligent in keeping watch. “Because he is.”
That pulled a dry chuckle from him, the sound startling the cat, “Didn’t you damn-near need stitches the first time you got near him?”
“He was scared,” you defended. “But now that he knows I’m safe, he’s a total love bug.” You shot him a teasing smile, “Kind of like you with Ellie.” You knew no one at the compound would believe it if you told them, but Joel’s cheeks seemed to darken, even beneath the several days-old scruff on his cheeks.
You didn’t call attention to it, digging in your bag for the food you’d brought. Once he was happily eating, you gave him a pat and said your goodbyes, prompting Joel to speak again as you started the rest of the walk home, his voice low, “You don’t wanna give him a real name, do you?”
You thought about lying; it was even harder to be vulnerable when Joel was asking for it- it threw you off guard. “Not particularly. Makes it harder if something does happen to him.”
“Why don’t you bring him in if you worry so much?”
You didn’t bother to suppress a soft sigh, you’d gone in circles about it, “I don’t know how he would do. If he would stay. How he would be around so many people. I don’t want him to be unhappy.”
Joel let it be after that, waiting silently each time you stopped after that. Until the day you stopped and made the chirping sound like usual and your friend didn’t come trotting out from the trees. Heart stuttering, you rolled your tongue again, a bit louder, but there was no sign of him. 
"Sweet boy?" You stepped a bit deeper into the woods and clicked your tongue again, waiting. Your heart was beating in your ears, breath getting stuck in your throat. 
You were waiting for a comment from Joel- an "I told you so," or an empty reassurance, but neither came. 
You tried to call out again, but your voice broke. You squeezed your eyes shut to stifle the tears trying to well up. 
"Darlin'-" You heard the scuff of a boot on dirt and then, "Shit- move!"
Even with your eyes closed, the shadow was still discernible; you stumbled out of the way just in time for a snarl and a swipe at your coat sleeve. There was a sharp bang, then two more in quick succession. You were mid-kick, ready to fight a follow up attack that never came; the zombie crumpled to the ground as you fell backwards, your palms scraping the dirt. 
After a beat of silence, you whispered, "Fuck." Then tears spilled over into your cheeks as you stared numbly at the corpse on the ground. 
Then Joel was grabbing your arms, his face blocking your view, "Are you alright?" The way he said it made you think it wasn't the first time he'd asked. 
"I'm fine." After a beat of deciding whether to accept that, Joel hauled you up by the forearms. You wiped your cheeks with the back of your hand, mindful of the scrapes on your palms; you needed to pull yourself together until you were home. Until Joel wasn't around to see you cry. 
But Joel refused to leave you at your door like usual, "Lemme help you get cleaned up." 
You didn't have it in you to argue. So you ended up sitting on the closed toilet lid while Joel knelt in front of you, your first aid kit open on the counter. You didn't flinch when he disinfected the scrapes, drawing a raised eyebrow, but no questions.
Once you were bandaged up, he rumbled low, brown eyes boring into yours, "You sure you're alright?" He was still holding your wrist.
You nodded numbly, "Just shaken up." You broke eye contact, "'M sorry."
He tapped his thumb on your chin, urging you to look at him, "What're you sorry for?"
"You were right. I shouldn't have stopped. I probably got him killed. Almost got myself killed, if not for you." Saying it aloud made the tears spring back up.
"None of that was your fault." The way Joel's expression softened would have melted your heart on a normal day. Today it made you feel like an idiot. 
"Thanks. But I think I need to be alone for a little bit." 
If you didn't know better, you'd think you caught him by surprise. But he recovered quickly, his thumb brushing over your wrist as he stood. You followed him to the door, “Thanks for the help, Joel.” 
He nodded, but he hesitated for a moment before he left, his fingers wrapped around the open door. He glanced at you again and practically grunted, “You’re welcome.” Then he stepped through the door and hastened off the patio. You had been kind of rude; you couldn’t blame him for being annoyed. You closed the door quickly; you would feel guilty for your rudeness later, but you needed to be sad in peace.
“Surprised you’re working tonight,” Tommy commented when he came into the bar at half past nine. 
You glanced at him in the middle of bussing the bar, “Better than sitting home. Joel told you?”
“Had me out practically ‘til dark looking for that cat.” He gave a chuckle to show he held no real contempt for his brother, but your throat felt a bit tight.
Finally you mustered, “That was nice of you both. I wouldn’t have expected you to find anything, but I appreciate it.”
Tommy glanced down at the bar, clearing his throat, “We, uh, actually did find something.” Somehow your heart sank even lower. “No body, but there was some fur- a few different colors not far from where that infected was.” 
You nodded, struggling to stay dry-eyed, “Thanks for telling me.” You tipped your chin at the room, “I should do a round.”
Tommy nodded and freed you to check on the other patrons; you made sure to keep yourself busy until you locked the door behind you. You’d been dreading the end of your shift. 
Even though it was the same as always, your empty house seemed to magnify the loss inside you. If you said it out loud, it would sound so silly to be so upset over a cat- one that wasn’t even really your pet. But it really felt like the nail in the coffin of loss; your parents, your boyfriend, your sister. You’d bourne it all without a fuss. Survival had taken priority. But Jackson had made you soft- made you feel safe. Now this one little thing without even a proper name felt like the straw to break the camel’s back. 
You took your blanket out to the swing on your front porch- Joel had helped you fix it- and wrapped yourself up. You huddled up to block your cheeks against the chilly air, but it was worth it for the view of the stars. The chilly night air in your lungs and the bright sparkle of the sky with tonight’s clear sky helped to clear your head.
“What are you doing out here so late?” Joel’s voice broke you from your stupor. You must have visibly jumped because he quickly added, his voice a bit softer, “Sorry darlin’, didn’t mean to spook ya.” He walked halfway up your front sidewalk and paused.
“That’s okay, I should probably go inside anyway.” 
You didn’t make any move to get up and Joel came closer, leaning against the rail post, “You’ll get sick sittin’ out here dressed like that.”
“The cold doesn’t actually make you sick, you know.” You surprised both of you by sounding more like your normal self. 
“You sound like Ellie.”
“Like I said before, she’s a smart girl.”
That pulled a curl from the corner of his mouth that looked suspiciously like a smile in the dim light. He wasn’t going to let you joke your way out of the conversation though. “You alright? Actually?”
You nodded, “I’m okay. Just needed some air.” There was a pause, then you added, “I appreciate that you went out to look for him. You didn’t have to do that.”
“I’m still hopin’ he’ll turn up.”
You glanced away, “It’s okay. Tommy told me about what you found.”
“That jackass. I asked him to wait until I was sure.”
“I’m sure enough,” you said. “It’s too dangerous to be out there looking for him.” You offered a sad smile, “You don’t have to take care of me because you feel bad. I’m alright.”
Giving a sardonic chuckle, Joel raised an eyebrow, “I don’t look after anyone because I feel bad for them.”
“And yet, you’re here, making sure I go inside and get warm before you go home.”
He shook his head, “And you’re still here, probably freezing.” He tromped up onto the porch and offered you a hand up. You reluctantly accepted and let him steer you to the front door. He tugged the blanket up more tightly around your shoulders, “Get some sleep, alright?”
You nodded, “Good night, Joel.”
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zippidi-dooda · 4 months
Man I hate this guy
But here I go with an idea and he's the first person who comes to mind
If Rook didn't follow many self-care, health, or beauty routines, he'd probably have many calluses from all the hunting he does. And has done in the past.
Though he does seem to wear gloves most of the time so you probably wouldn't get to see them regardless.
But if he didn't, he seems like a very touchy feely person *to the point where it gets uncomfortable* so each interaction you'd get a sense of just how often he's "active."
Hands wide and large, warm, covering yours easily, griping onto yours firmly - a natural display of strength and confidence. Feeling how rough and textured his palms and fingers are, even feeling it through your clothes when he places a hand on your shoulder.
Paying attention to his hands from then on, noting the uneven bumps marking his skin, the smooth and the blistered parts, redder and paler shades blending together.
And immediately looking away after noticing his *creepy* excited, cat-like stare is on you.
He doesn't know why you're staring, but it thrills him nonetheless. He isn't too shy to lean closer, placing his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers together.
"Curious about something? Don't be scared to ask, Mon Trickster!"
Ruggie would probably have similar hands, though significantly smaller and leaner than Rook's.
His hands are probably harder to feel since he tends to get out of situations quickly. "Don't watch the mouth, watch the hands" is extremely crucial with ruggie seeing as he's always trying to sneakily snatch something while keeping you engaged in conversation.
But if you do manage to get a hold of his hands longer than ten seconds, you'd notice how much thicker his skin is. Rough, yet is somehow unnoticeable during an encounter being jacked by him.
If you grasp persists for too long though, he may hiss out a smug laugh and tell ya, "Hold on any longer and I may have to start charing you a fee for it!"
One last person I may think has rough hands is Deuce. Probably not as noticeable after years of being a aspiring honors student, but definitely has some from fights back in his delinquent days. Would definitely short-circuit if you held his hands to feel his old calluses, very sweaty.
"P-prefect? Wha-what are you doing ...?"
Would have thought Epel but he seems to be blessed with good genes so as much of a farmer boy as he is, he may never get calluses. Much to Vil's approval and his annoyance.
Similar to Silver who, despite his training, will always have perfectly nice hands.
Sebek may get more calluses, but definitely tries to make them go away so he's in peak form for Waka Sama. If you mange to get a hold of his hands, he'd quickly snap, "unhand me, human! If my liege requires my help, I will not be hindered by your carelessness!"
Jack, maybe. But not much, probably just a few small ones from lifting weights and stuff.
Trey, I don't think so. He'd be unusually strong, but I don't think baking would give him many calluses. Maybe a few cuts and burn scars, but not many.
Jamil may have more than Trey, but his case is very similar to his.
Jade and Floyd?
Doubt it. Have definitely done stuff that should give them some but don't. Probably cause their "fish genes."
Azul as well with the "fish genes", but he also probably had his tentacles do most of the heavy lifting in the past and rarely uses his hands for strenuous tasks now.
These three are probably clammy. Not ideal for Azul's business man deal handshakes, but it gets the job done.
Lilia used to have many calluses but has had a lot of time to just kick back so they're probably all gone by the time you've met him.
Leona also has the good genes (but does not care for it), so perfect hands.
The rest of the cast seems to have dainty, elegant "I shan't lift a spoon for my frail wrists may strain too much" or "I am not allowed to touch crude materials" type of hands.
I don't remember every detail mentioned from in-game if there are any mentions about the boys' hands, but this is how I imagine it.
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